#in 2013 i was very rainbow
shopwitchvamp · 6 months
What I looked like when GTAV came out vs now, AKA 2013 vs 2023:
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plus an alternative long-haired version:
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la-pheacienne · 7 days
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George Martin, 2013: "In a very basic level winter is coming for all of us. I think that’s one of the things that art is concerned with: the awareness of our own mortality. “Valar morghulis” – “All men must die”. That shadow lies over our world and will until medical science gives us all immortality… but I don’t think it makes it necessarily a pessimistic world. Not any more pessimistic than the real world we live in. We’re here for a short time and we should be conscious of our own mortality, but the important thing is that love, compassion and empathy with other human beings is still possible. Laughter is still possible! Even laughter in the face of death… The struggle to make the world a better place… We have things like war, murder and rape… horrible things that still exist, but we don’t have to accept them, we can fight the good fight. The fight to eliminate those things.There is darkness in the world, but I don’t think we necessarily need to give way to despair. One of the great things that Tolkien says in Lord of The Rings is “despair is the ultimate crime”. That’s the ultimate failing of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, that he despairs of ever being able to defeat Sauron. We should not despair. We should not go gentle into that good night".
JRR Tolkien, 1962 : "One reviewer once said, this is a jolly jolly book, all the right boys come home [...]- this isn't true of course, he can't have read the story. [...] Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death. . . . . . (He quotes Simone de Beauvoir) 'There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence calls the whole world into question. All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.' Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings".
"Lotr is all rainbows and unicorns and Asoiaf is nihilistic and grimdark". Wrong, and wrong. In all its hope and radiance, lotr often gets very dark, and despite all the death and suffering, the hopeful moments in asoiaf shine bright. The meeting point of these two is this: having hope while in despair, and even better, refusing to give up because you have to go on despite not having any hope left.
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scampthecorgi · 6 months
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Thursday night we had to say goodbye to our boy Scamp. He lived a very full and happy life for nearly 13 years, but it will never feel like enough time.
Scamp’s life with us began when my brother chose the breed for our next family dog: a corgi. This pup was Mr. Personality! So I thought I’d make a blog for him as corgis gained popularity online. What started as this fun tumblr blog in 2013 exploded into Scamp popping up all over the internet. He got reblogged by Doctor Who, retweeted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and his pictures-turned-uncredited-meme made Buzzfeed’s list of 40 most important corgis one year! His pictures and gifs still show up on various sites.
Scamp even helped my brother become a certified dog trainer! He was by his side quickly learning the commands and creating routines to pass tests. I illustrated 7 coloring books about Scamp which helped me pay off my student loans, so he was my business partner too!
He had many health issues through his life, but he would work miracles and bounce back time after time. The poor guy had seizures when he was younger, a blockage, a ruptured disc, cancer, chemo for a year, low blood platelets, kidney failure (which he miraculously reversed??), and vasculitis. This past summer he got very sick and we really thought he would go soon. But again Scamp worked his magic, recovered, and we got four more months with him that we didn’t expect.
He brought so much happiness to our family, and I thank you all for being part of our lives too. I will still use this blog to post old pictures of him now and then, but I will miss our photo shoots. His brother Rufus will carry on some of his traditions on Instagram if anyone would like to follow him @goldenpuprufus . And if anyone has one of Scamp’s coloring books and posts a picture of their work, please tag me or send it to my inbox- I would love to see it!
I will miss seeing him relax at the fishpond, hearing him woof for a boost into the kitchen, and waddle through the back door with that smile persuading me to give him treats. He was the best pal we could have asked for.
I know you’re looking dapper over the rainbow bridge in your bow tie. Love you, buddy.
🐶🌈 12/1/2010-11/2/2023
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gloomy-prince · 2 months
SUPER OLD RAINBOW! ART THREAD!!! Open only if you are brave enough to face teen me's cringe art...
(mostly joking but fr white Mimi and skinny Boo jumpscare below)
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Very first digital piece of Boo and Mimi circa 2011!! I was 14 when I drew this. Usually I'm able to look back fondly at super old art of mine but this one does make me cringe a liiiiittle bit. Mimi girl what are you wearing, why are you white. Boo also had pink eyes in the beginning, which she would continue to have for several years to come (even in the current iteration of RAINBOW! they were pink at first, I later recolored those pages) but it was only later that it was due to the color scheme of the comic and not because they were literally pink. I'm pretty sure they were meant to be contacts, because their hair is and always have been dyed rather than anime-esque natural colorful hair, so that was some crazy dedication from Boo back in the day.
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More 2011 art showing off Mimi's goth/scene-ish style and green eyes. They were initially meant to have pastel and neon fashion senses, respectively. The story was already named at this point, only a few days or maybe weeks into its inception, which is impressive considering it has taken us literal years to name other stories (I'm looking at you, Phantom Pains)
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this one is from super early 2012! Interesting to think that this was less than 9 months later since it feels completely different to me. The first version of the comic had started at this point, and the pink and green color scheme was just starting to develop. This lineup features some characters that would later be cut. Lucian and Lily were friends of Boo, and Cecilia was Mimi's ex girlfriend. Notably Clarice is not on this lineup, and frankly I'm not sure why.
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A picture I drew to commemorate 50 fans on RAINBOW!'s smackjeeves page, mid 2012. Boo's outfit resembled a recolored version of her 2011 outfit, but I have no idea what Mimi is wearing. What. are. you. wearing.
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Chibi-ish drawings of Boo and Mimi cosplaying various characters, from early 2013. Homura Mimi is very funny to me, I really don't know why I didn't draw her as Kyoko. I assume I was trying to keep them as paired characters, but I didn't do that with the Sailor Moon or Disney ones, so I who knows why I did it with PMMM. Mimi's hairstyle changes to a shaved cut somewhere around this time, but it is much more dramatic than her current undercut, and her hair is still pretty long. Boo is wearing a closet cosplay of Fluttershy that I myself wore once. These also resemble the chibi-ish drawings on the chapter intermission pages of RAINBOW! Vol 1.
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A character study I did in late 2013, which would be shortly after I made a major style shift into the art style that would eventually develop into the one I currently have. At this point, Boo was meant to be fatter than Mimi, but the execution wasn't really there at all. There is also a doodle at the bottom of me and Sunny at the time (I am the one with long hair), expressing thanks for 300 fans on smackjeeves. Considering it had 50 in mid 2012, the readership was pretty slow growing back then.
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outfit exploration for Mimi, circa 2014. At this point I started to expand the color scheme a little bit more so that not every character would be paper-white, though she is still very pale even though she is no longer meant to be white anymore. None of these outfits really resemble her current style, and I don't particularly like any of them either. It took me a very long time to settle on a fashion sense for her.
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an Adventure Time-eqsue drawing of Mimi and Boo that I actually drew less than two weeks after the previous image despite the difference in things such as the way the hair was drawn. I had to include this one because it blew up overnight, which was a huge deal for highschool me, I remember checking my phone at school a lot because it was just getting hundreds or even thousands of notes over the span of the day. I think it has something like 16,000 notes. Still the post with the highest number of notes I have by far, so I guess I peaked in high school, whomp whomp
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More fashion exploration, this time of Mimi and Boo, from early 2015. The color scheme is starting to approach what it currently is, but much more dull since I used to be afraid of bright colors. Mimi's fashion sense is starting to get closer to what it currently is, but the pastel goth influence that was popular in early-mid 2010s tumblr is apparent. In chapter 1, Boo wears an outfit that is extremely similar to the one with the bear shirt, except it's a rabbit instead. The dress that Mimi gives to Boo is also almost identical to the depiction of it here. This drawing implies that Mimi was originally going to be present in the film noir scene where Boo finds her mom, which is interesting...
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Another cast lineup! This one is from late 2015-early 2016. Mimi is wearing an outfit pretty similar to what she wears in chapter 1 but with the colors altered. The execution of Boo's body type is starting to improve but she's still kind of pear-shaped. Mimi is also a little more square, and her hair finally looks like the style she has now. Clarice gets to be in the lineup this time and she is SUPER tall. I think she is still taller than Milo. And Mimi is around 5'7"-5'8", so Clarice must be around 6 foot by that logic.
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The original version of chibi-ish Boo riding a bike in her Kiki outfit, from 2016. I think it was meant to be a banner of some kind, possibly for tapas or tumblr. A newer version of this drawing features as a chapter intermission drawing in the physical book.
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The original cover for RAINBOW! from 2017. The color scheme is finally starting to get a little brighter! This is actually a redraw of an older drawing from 2014, I want to draw it again someday. Also, I was going by Rain at the time.
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A drawing I did in late 2017 for a class in which we were meant to try digital painting and I went for a very simple approach. I like that Mimi's legs are a little noodle-y. This is also the first drawing where Mimi's eyes are no longer green, but dark pink instead. By the language of RAINBOW!'s color scheme, that means they are brown. Boo's eyes are still pink, however.
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Another drawing for a class, this time from 2018. I can't remember the specifics of the assignment, but I used the opportunity to draw the playground and Max, the dog, for the first time. I like the way the trees look in this. That little snip of hair by Mimi's ear also made a reappearance here for some reason.
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The original version of the drawing that would become the cover of RAINBOW! Vol 1, from mid 2019! I believe I drew it to be a banner on Tapas, but I used it for tumblr as well.
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And lastly, Boo and Mimi outfit sheets from 2019-2020. I messed with them for a while, hence the timeframe. Boo's eyes are finally green, which I changed since I liked the idea of Mimi having green hair and pink eyes, and Boo having pink hair and green eyes, as if they are reflected a bit in each other. Outside of RAINBOW!'s color scheme, Boo's eyes are actually blue though. It took about a decade, but I finally settled on a fashion sense for Mimi.
BONUS ART!!! 💖💖✨✨ I thought these would be better grouped together rather than chronologically with the rest.
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RAINBOW!'s banners from its era on smackjeeves! Smackjeeves didn't have square/circular icons but rather these thin long banners which could also be animated. I thought that was so fun, so I always animated them at least a little, even though one doesn't seem to work. It was customary to write girls love/boys love on the banner of mlm/wlw romance stories then, so almost all of them say that. I still see that trend on some comics on webtoon and tapas nowadays. They are from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2017. I don't believe the 2017 one was ever used.
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And RAINBOW!'s icon throughout the years! I always refused to change it, only update it, because I thought it was really cute. They are from (approximately) 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2021.
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And finally, art from 2021 of Mimi with her cousin August, who will be the protagonist of our next comic, Phantom Pains. Weird to think that we'll be on that comic in foreseeable future, since it is also over 10 years old now. Bit of a passing the torch type drawing to end on. 💕 If you made it all the way here, thanks for reading! Hopefully it was fun and didn't hurt your eyes.
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annieqattheperipheral · 7 months
Players & team front office responses
The Florida Panthers hosted the league’s first Pride Night in 2013, and the promotion gradually spread across the league until all teams were wearing rainbow-colored jerseys and using Pride Tape during the 2021-22 season without issue. (x)
Oct 2023:
An NHL spokesperson told ESPN that Pride tape had been allowed for years as an exception to its stick tape restrictions, which otherwise would allow players to use only black or white tape. The league said the current ban on Pride tape was to prevent teams and players from using it as an "end around" to violate the new uniform policy.
Stickers and ribbons are also banned from player uniforms, although coaches are allowed to wear ribbons.
Commissioner Gary Bettman: "What happened last year was that the issue of who wanted to wear a particular uniform on a particular night overshadowed everything that our clubs were doing. So what we said, instead of having that distraction and having our players have to decide whether or not they wanted to do something or not do something and be singled out, we said, 'Let's not touch that,'"
Deputy commissioner Bill Daly: “I think the primary point is that nothing’s really going to change in the sense that our clubs will continue to celebrate these special initiatives and these causes and do a lot of cause messaging around those events,” he said. “The only difference this year is we’re asking the clubs not to employ use of the players on the ice during the game. As you know, probably, we had some issues last year with players feeling uncomfortable in supporting certain causes and we didn’t want our players to be put in those situations going forward.”
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"Game/practice restrictions don't interfere with players' ability to support in other settings. In fact, we encourage them to. (We) just don't want to put other player(s) in a tough spot simply because they don't choose to join."
Toronto Maple Leafs
Morgan Rielly - A
“It’s unfortunate. But I think as players and as people,” Rielly said Tuesday. “We’re going to continue to support those people and those causes that we think need it or are worthy and very deserving of it. Whatever statement was made is fine, but as players, we’re going to continue to offer support and be allies. We want to be a part of this community.”
Rielly, for one, won’t be deterred from speaking in support of marginalized groups.
“I wish players had the right to kinda do more and be more involved,” Rielly said.
“I’m going to continue to be involved in the community and offer support to those communities and those groups that want that and need that. As players, we’re going to continue to be involved, pretty much no matter what the league says.”
Brad Treliving - GM
Maple Leafs GM Brad Treliving said that both he personally and the Leafs as an organization have always been supporters of the 2SLGPTQ+ community. Memo or no memo.
“Nothing’s gonna change that,” Treliving said. “We’ll figure out our ways that we make sure that we do the right things and support as we always have and stay true to what we believe in. There’s always challenges in in the world, but that doesn’t affect how we support.”
Mitch Marner - A
“That’s something that I think a lot of people in our organization take pride in and have supported that community for a long time,” Marner said on the Jeff Marek Show Tuesday. “I know I have a lot of friends, I’ve got family, so that’s something close to my heart. I think I’ve said before, but everyone in this world should be able to express themselves as best as possible, and love who they love. They shouldn’t be looked at any differently… It’s unfortunate, but it is what it is. We’re still obviously going to support those communities, and still got a lot of love for them.”
Edmonton Oilers
Connor McDavid - C
"I've expressed disappointment in not being able to wear the various jersey or the tapes ... whether that's Pride tape or pink tape," McDavid said Tuesday.
"Is it something that I'd like to see back into place one day? Certainly," McDavid added.
"In terms of a league standpoint, is it something that I'd like to see put back into place one day? Certainly. You know, but that's not the way it is right now," he told reporters at Rogers Place.
"I've commented on this before. I think everyone knows how I feel," said McDavid, a three-time MVP of the NHL.
"I've enjoyed all the nights that we've celebrated here in Edmonton, whether that's Pride night or military night or Indigenous night, all the various nights that we've had and had a chance to celebrate. I've always enjoyed them. I can't speak for anyone else or the league."
Zach Hyman
McDavid's teammate, Zach Hyman, also used the word disappointing when asked about the ban on Pride tape but suggested he won't stop supporting the LGBTQ2S+ community.
"We'll be able to support them individually, but collectively that's out of the players control. Disappointing, but out of our control," Hyman told reporters.
"It's out of our hands. I know personally I enjoyed wearing the Pride jersey, the Pride tape, the military jersey, we had Willie O'Ree night, Indigenous night, all those great things that we support."
CTV News Edmonton
Nashville Predators
Ryan McDonagh - A
"It's a fine line in today's world and today's sports culture," McDonagh said before the Predators faced the Tampa Bay Lightning in their 2023-24 season opener at Amalie Arena. "You want to be your own self, be your own individual, represent yourself. But you also represent your company, your brand and your employer —everybody that you're working for.
"I think it's a work in progress as far as what's right and what's not. Ultimately the individual has the final say. I think that's what you found out last year with guys that made certain stances on things. That has to be continually discussed ... letting people make their own choices."
McDonagh said there are other ways players can show support for causes, though. For example, the rule doesn't prohibit players from wearing supportive shirts in arenas.
"Just because I'm not given the opportunity to wear a jersey doesn't mean I can't speak out for something I believe in," he said. "One opportunity closes, another opportunity opens.
"If you feel strongly for something, there's a will and a way to support anything you want in this world."
The Tennessean
Calgary Flames
Mikael Backlund - A
"I mean, it's their decision," said Flames captain Mikael Backlund.
"We're going to support Pride any way we can, other than the tape, and we're going to follow the rules and do what we're told."
Rasmus Andersson
"I mean, it sucks," said Flames defenceman Rasmus Andersson.
"It's something that's close to my heart and something I would love to support but, you know, it is what it is and we've got to find other ways to support it."
CTV News Calgary
Jonathan Huberdeau - A
“I fully supported it, and still support it,” Huberdeau said. “For me personally I still support it, and if I get the chance to do it, I’ll do it.”
Vancouver Canucks
Patrik Allvin - GM
"Decisions like that, that’s something we follow the NHL, what they recommend,” said Allvin. “I think this organization has done a lot of good things in the community…we will continue to do that. But we definitely follow the league rules and what they’re telling us to do.”
Quinn Hughes - C
"I preached it before, last year in this locker room, this organization, with Pride, will always support that,” said Hughes. “It starts at the top of the organization with the Aquilinis on down. Whether we’re wearing the tape or the jerseys, it’s something that we’ll always support. We may not be doing anything on the ice but we’ll still be doing things off the ice to support it.”
Ian Cole - Canucks’ NHLPA union rep [fr??!]
"I know the reputation that this organization has,” said Cole. “When I came here, it was a really great selling point of this organization — how they approach these things…I think it is very important.”
“I think that the NHL wants zero controversy, which inevitably gave them controversy,” said Cole. “Unfortunately, they are the iron fist there and what they say goes…They’re the ones that make the rules. Unfortunately, as employees, we don’t get a ton of say in it. But I really respect and like what the Vancouver Canucks have done.”
[sidenote: this dude's got his own horrendous serious issues (tw: sa) so consider this the worst person you know said something passable. Also he had the NHLPA's support when he was suspended for the allegations so it makes me wonder if he gets at all that they need to take a stand here.]
Vancouver Is Awesome
Winnipeg Jets
Josh Morrissey - A
"It's always been something that I've tried to embrace, the different theme nights and, obviously, the inclusivity around the game of hockey," Morrissey said. "Try and have everyone feel comfortable to either play or watch or be a part of what I think is the greatest game on earth. So that won't change, I guess, as a goal personally to try to grow the game, regardless of what the memo says."
Kevin Cheveldayoff - GM
"I do know that this organization takes great care in wanting to be inclusive and the theme nights," Cheveldayoff told reporters in Winnipeg. "What the specifics of the memos are, I really can't speak to. I don't really have that yet.
"I'll have to obviously get briefed on that a little bit more. But I do know that the commitment from an organization standpoint is we'll do everything we possibly can."
San Jose Sharks
Anthony Duclair
"I know a lot of guys are supportive of that. I have no problem in the past to do it. It sucks that’s not going to be part of the league moving forward,” Duclair, who has worn both Pride jerseys and used Pride tape on his sticks in previous years, told San Jose Hockey Now. “It’s a little weird to me, a little puzzling to me.”
“For me, you’re also banning Black History Month,” the San Jose Sharks winger, of Haitian descent and also an outspoken member of the Hockey Diversity Alliance, opined. “I think we’re taking a step backwards, to be honest.”
All these guidelines might affect Duclair, who famously, before Martin Luther King Day during the 2020-21 season, wore skates that featured, per The Athletic, “the letters ‘BLM’ to support the Black Lives Matter movement, a raised fist logo and the phrase ‘Change Hockey Culture.’ The left skate also [featured] the logo of the Hockey Diversity Alliance.”
Duclair isn’t sure if such on-ice statements are now banned during Black History Night.
"That’s something I’ll have to ask,” he said. It sure looks like it though.
But one thing that Duclair knows, the NHL, is once again, falling behind other leagues, by not opening the door for new fans to feel welcome.
“That’s why the NBA, NFL, leagues like that, they’re always growing year after year, always getting new fans, new viewership,” he said.
San Jose Hockey Now
Pride Tape
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The Pride Tape team is extremely disappointed by the NHL's decision to eliminate Pride Tape from any league on-ice activities.
The league has used language in recent days which would prohibit the tape from any proximity to NHL Hockey. We hope the league - and teams - will again show commitment to this important symbol of combating homophobia. Many of the players themselves have been exceptional advocates for the tape.
For the last six years we are grateful for the clubs and their players' support and visibility for inclusion in hockey. The NHL's amplification and global influence has been integral to Pride Tape connecting with players, parents, coaches, officials, fans at all levels in over 40 countries.
Seven years ago, Pride Tape was born out of adversity as a grassroots hockey initiative that remains resilient, and optimistic about our plans with hockey clubs, organizations and their partners at every level.
Thank you to everyone around the world who has had the courage to speak up for inclusion and stand up to the idea that Hockey is For Everyone. Despite this setback, we are encouraged for what lies ahead based on our recent conversations from every corner of the sport.
You Can Play
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If Hockey is for Everyone, this is not the way forward.
It is now clear that the NHL is stepping back from its longstanding commitment to inclusion, and continuing to unravel all of its one-time industry-leading work on 2SLGBTQ+ belonging. We are now at a point where all the progress made, and relationships established with our community, is in jeopardy. Making decisions to eradicate our visibility in hockey- by eliminating symbols like jerseys and now Pride Tape immediately stunts the impact of bringing in more diverse fans and players into the sport.
We continue to be encouraged by our ongoing work and conversations with individual clubs, where we are working collaboratively to ensure Pride Nights remain vibrant events, providing visibility and a message of inclusion to the entire hockey community all year-round. We know this issue is not within the hundreds of dedicated staff within individual clubs who go to work daily to create a culture of belonging for everyone, everywhere in the hockey ecosystem.
We call on all allies, players, fans, and coaches at every level in hockey to amplify their voices and join us in this important conversation and to remind the NHL #WhyThisMatters. This includes the NHLPA and the NHLCA. Hockey is safer and better when more of us belong.
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bengiyo · 2 months
23.5 Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we started our first big GL from GMMTV and were introduced to so many fantastic characters, including but not limited to: Disaster Lesbian Ongsa, Sunshine Girl Sun, Obsessed With Aliens Aylin, Eldest Daughter Alpha, and the Boy Who Means Well Mawin. Ongsa is so gay that she passed out in school because Sun touched her. She’s so gay that she forgot that women sometimes date men. Two teachers are trans. They’re reading Ender’s Game, a story about destroying those you believe to be your enemies and only through trying to destroy them does a boy bred and trained to kill the other does he come to love them. I’m having a great time.
Sometimes I forget that AJ/JJ are only 23. I’ve been watching these boys play high schoolers for six years now, and I’m sure I will for six more.
Mawin is Mawin. How dare you?? Euro continues to be great at comedy.
I appreciate the rainbow at the end of the intro. Make sure people know this is about gay people.
Episode 2: Universe Club
Very much enjoying Ford and Earn as the nosy friends.
Sun is so confident in her flirting in these DMs.
What’s with the trans color pattern around the floral club? I hope this is a teaser for later!
Wait! Is Mawin interested in Tinh?
Is this going to be like Geography Club (2013) where the club is secretly just for the gays?
Now why would she throw her phone away and not just close the account? That makes no damn sense.
Why are we blaming a curse when she threw her own damn phone away?
Yes, Charoen, call her ass out.
When I was a kid, I watched bird shit land on a senior who was wearing a cast at the time. She was horrified.
Accidentally ghosted Sun and now she thinks she’s cursed! Ladies, please!
I am invested in the dynamic between Teachers Bambam and Nida.
Latte is always panting. I feel so bad for this dog. They probably have the A/C off to cut down on ambient noise.
I respect Sun for not being petty and leaving Earth on read.
Ton is feeling like he might be family. I’m feeling good about this since he played Ta and Non before so we know he’s down to clown as a queer character.
I’m still with this show. I like seeing Milk play a character with a lot of energy after UMG, and I like that they’re continuing to let Love play self-assured characters. I’m also enjoying the rest of the cast in this. It’s been a fun two weeks so far.
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zaptrap · 4 months
Seeing that you've been here since 2012 is INSANE like you've witnessed it all huh. You've seen probably SO many weird and crazy things in this fandom like man that's so cool for you I feel...
ive def seen and participated in a lot of dumbass bullshit over the years LMAO. although notsomuch during the skybound-to-seabound era cuz i'd lost interest for a bit
Random shit I remember off the top of my head (plz feel free to fact-check):
deviantart era: (2012-2013)
that bright green ninjago ask meme
like, literally everybody making self-insert purple ninjas (sometimes orange, teal, or rainbow) and shipping them with their fav ninja
everyone making their own genderbends of the ninja. cole was almost always called nicole or colette lmao
people also naming their accounts (name)-the-ninja (or "teh-ninja", since this was 2012)
there's a non-zero probability that if you were in the fandom during the season 1 era, you're a furry now
naruto crossovers
half-snake ninja aus.........wonder who uh......who could've done that.....heheh (me) (that was my whole deal pre-nindroid!jay lmfao)
everyone posting like, doll-maker things they made of ninjago? especially dragon ones
(me) posting leaked screenshots of season 2 eps that i found on the lego wiki or smth lmao. this is also how i found out zane was a robot. i think i kept posting leaks when i moved to tumblr
legends of chima releasing and i thiiink it was supposed to be a ninjago replacement? like, legitimately? though a lot of people weren't happy about it. "furry gang drug wars" was a phrase used a lot lmfao.
tumblr era (2013-2016 for me) (may overlap with dA era)
everyone losing their minds over the shirtless ninja in ns2 lmfao
that one video of kirby marrow (rest in peace) saying cole was 14
that other vid of like, behind the scenes and it was the ninja's actors but like in-universe? it's where "cole bucket" comes from
also some behind the scenes vid with the actual voice actors lol
thinking back on this, im like 100% sure it was bullshit but when the end of rebooted aired, there was a rumor going around about fans being so upset over zane's death that they carved a snowflake on their stomachs. lots of people were freaking out lmfao
the rise and fall of "fucknoshittyninjagoOCs" (ashamed to say i heavily participated in harassing this blog even if i rlly didnt like the premise.........)
lots of tension with instagram cuz of all the art reposts. like. tons of reposts. i remember someone blocked me when i said to take something down but then unblocked me the same evening and apologized LOL so
roleplay twitter accounts (twitter was kinda not-as-a lot at the time)
nindroid!jay of course. its so old there was an update that was made in flash lmfao...
absolute fucking shitloads of AUs and headcanons. i dont think this has changed much but like. there were so many lmfao. entire threads
actually there's too many fucking AUs. im scrolling through my main blog and i cant fuckin find anything cuz ITS ALL THESE STUPID AU THREADS THEY AREN'T EVEN LIKE DEEP LMAO
the absurd screenshot redraws i did. like they were super stupid lmfao. icr which blog they're on but they're on my comp still at least
ninjagians just. being a term used at all lmao
the ninjago fan-tournament during ns4. people would draw/write about their ocs doing whatever prompt was posted and then everyone came together to defeat a big bad snake man
tbh i started naturally losing interest during ns5, and then VERY QUICKLY dropped the show (and therefore fandom) when skybound came out lmao............... so i dont really remember a lot from this era and everything after
and now im back :D
i hope this is insightful! xD
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cellarspider · 2 months
21/?? Tales from the Crypt
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We return to that movie that the crabs shall dance for when it is done, Prometheus.
This time, the movie decided it needed a zombie mutant in it for some reason. Content warning for half-hearted body horror and gore.
I’m sure maybe half of a person out there was wondering “Hey, what happened to Fifield the geologist?” Well, the crew certainly wasn’t wondering that. They’re quite surprised when his suit camera feed shows up right outside the ship. Janek says it “just popped up” but why the hell would it. Fifield didn’t turn it back on, that much is obvious. Did the plot flip the switch or something?
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In any case, Fifield has taken up a new career since we last saw him. He is now a contortionist.
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This confuses the nameless crew guy. This is a very weird way to announce your new hobby to your coworkers.
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Seriously, like. This is just an extreme backbend. It was probably done with prosthetics since they needed a body for this guy later anyway, but there are people who can just do this. Look, here’s a woman named Anna McNulty, doing this exact pose. It’s way weirder-looking when the person’s in motion! Again: not scary, just weird!
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Contortionists are a thing in horror movies and shows. The explanation given always boils down to “they look uncanny and inhuman when they pretzel themselves, thus they are scary.” That isn’t really the case.
It still takes acting ability to make contortionism scary. Combine that with unsettling effects and you can get something memorably spooky, even when the rest of the movie isn’t that great. Javier Botet’s performance in Mama (2013), for example, was enhanced by his own acting decisions, the costuming, CG, and also practical puppetry of his body so that he could be supported in positions that felt unnaturally weightless.
Even if you’re lacking good direction or acting skills, makeup can still put in a lot of work to get you something freaky. And this makeup is… not their best.
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Not in terms of quality of workmanship, but in terms of the concept itself. The creature department made a whole bunch of draft sculpts that looked way more xeno-y. Those were rejected. Instead, he’s got a big lumpy head. He looks like he wandered out of The Hills Have Eyes: Part II.
[Video description: A trailer for The Hills Have Eyes: Part II (1984). It’s complete schlock, and it’s got a big guy with a big prosthetic forehead in it, and he smashes people. There’s an off-brand Darth Vader breathing noise for some reason.]
Really, this design is straight out of a few sub-genres of horror I could mention: The Hills Have Eyes comes from cannibal and/or hillbilly horror (also called hixploitation), which often features deformed or mutated antagonists. Nuclear, infection, and chemical-scarred mutants are common lumpy monsters in horror, from 50s B-movies to Troma splatter films to modern “torture porn”. Video games tend to follow Resident Evil’s lead and make the lumpiest creatures zombies, while also making them WMD mutants and/or backwoods types, hello Marguerite and Jack Baker.
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Obviously, Fifield’s been mutated by the black goo, adding to the list of things it’s capable of that the movie failed to set up before now. I will attempt to follow the ideas this may be attempting to throw at us, but I want it noted, this takes work.
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This man has been exposed to a biochemical weapon, created by the Engineers. They were stockpiling that weapon here with the intent to use it on Earth. God decided rainbows aren’t a covenant anymore, time for Noah Part 2: Even Drownier.
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But the Engineers are not gods in the christian sense, they aren’t all-powerful, and they are not beings that anyone would assert are omnibenevolent. They are another intelligent, social humanoid species with their own culture and morality. What moral standards do they have that produce a situation where an Engineer will look unsettled by a display of inter-human violence, but also intend to kill every human? Humans are in some ways their descendants. What would be the right thing to do if your children became murderers? 
The movie doesn’t have to answer that, because there is no objectively right answer, but it also doesn’t present the issue very competently when it's having a mutant geologist pull wrestling moves.
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[Video description: A short compilation of Macho Man Randy Savage doing the double axe handle.]
The questions that FIfield’s current state actually brought to me were more like this:
What horror sub-genre are we in? Is this a pastiche? Is it being done on purpose?
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The answers, as far as I can tell, are “all of them,” “yes,” and “I have no idea.” I still don’t know. This is too bizarre a series of decisions to feel unintentional, and yet it’s pulled off with so little grace that it also feels like it can’t be intentional. It is Schrodinger’s Script, suspended in a state of both “hack job” and “competent hack job” until someone observes the movie and forms an opinion.
Speaking of being observed: these crew members. Boy. They sure are here, aren’t they.
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There’s seventeen crew on the Prometheus, and a movie with strong characterization will make it so you can remember that many people, even if their roles are small and unnamed. Fellowship of the Ring (2001) manages to outdo that, for example. Before I started writing this, I could remember less than half the people onboard Prometheus.
So, obviously these guys exist to get destroyed before the miniboss fight is over.
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It isn’t even that much of a scene. Mutated Fifield jumps around and wails on guys, the guys freak out and accidentally kill at least one other guy, and then FIfield gets run over by the transport. When this was originally filmed, it was going to be placed slightly later and Shaw would be the one driving it, but that wouldn’t have improved this any, to be honest.
So, great. We have killed a few more cast members for some reason. It fails as horror, and it fails as bloodsport. Good job everyone.
Next time, the horror anthology continues with our host, the Crypt Keeper.
Oh, sorry, that’s not what happens–I meant to say: “Next time, Peter Weyland wakes up”.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 10 months
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after drawing the sparkly bider-man i wanted to make one for my AU... purely self-indulgent...
I doubt Peter would really take the time and expense to make a special pride suit he would only wear once or twice unless Johnny convinced him or smth so it's mostly hypothetical but still fun —
I was looking through my timeline trying to figure out when would make the most sense for this (which also included: has Johnny outed himself yet) and I ended up deciding 2014 makes the most sense because well, in 2012 he will be locked in a basement during June, and in 2013 he would be busy with Electro and finishing grad school, but 2014 is like... right after he and Flash get married so I can easily imagine Johnny being like "cmoooon let's dress up together, you just got gay-married" etc. and, well, peter does like to dress up... (otherwise he wouldn't be in spandex all the time 😂)
normally I avoid metallic or shiny spandex like the plague for suit designs cause I think it looks cheap but I made an exception for this 😂 it probably IS cheap...
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posing for pictures... johnny's idea, naturally. in my timeline i think johnny outs himself in like 2011 or so after a very messy divorce (from lyja) but I'm not spending too much time on the F4 stuff in this aside from just having a general idea so if they appear in a fic I know what's going on 😅 anyway by 2014 johnny is def way more comfortable with being publicly gay, since the cat's long out of the bag, though he's still got a lot of issues... but he's good at pretending to be okay :)
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but also he still has a crush on peter 😂 tfw you have the hots for your superhero friend who just got married
peter actually already knows how johnny feels about him by the time he gets married, i just thought the dialogue was funny
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I thought it would be fun if the lens frames were sparkly... normally I have his frames out of vulcanized black rubber (like car tire rubber) (...like might actually be carved from old tires) just cause I prefer the matte and slightly soft look compared to plastic... I figure something like sparkly firm silicone or sparkly plastic is probably pretty achievable for Peter to make. And the lenses would just be his normal bulletproof lenses but with an iridescent film on the outside to make them a little rainbowy...
and I think in 2014 irl holographic glitter spandex was like... something that existed that you could buy lol so i figure he can very carefully sew a holographic spider on.... so the spiders are like, that silvery white rainbow glitter kind of look
no webbing because there's a limit to how much labor and time peter would be willing to put into a flashy, kind of useless costume that he wouldn't be able to/want to wear very often... (and i wasn't a fan of how it looked)
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bisexual fingers. there's a dirty joke in there somewhere.
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it's difficult to come up with body-covering outfits that are suitable for summer weather as-is but the fact that he's wearing polyester spandex underneath really adds a layer of "i'm going to get heatstroke and die" to this outfit. lots of linen though. at least the armpits are athletic mesh.
also yeah the spidey shirt is a leotard with a snap crotch so. he's really just hoping that doesn't unroll under his clothes cause it would absolutely hang down very visibly from under his shirt if it were to fall. (maybe he can use his electrostatic sticking powers to just. hold it in place...)
he also can't roll down the waistband of his tights because it's more rigid than the rest of his costume on account of that's where he keeps all his spare web cartridges and it would suck if they all fell out LOL
hm i just noticed i accidentally gave peter a purple happy trail oops just pretend that's black
that's AU bider-man
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i also drew this which is much more corny/embarrassing but i thought it was a cute idea — by necessity has to be after flash is public and transitioning etc… so 2016 at the earliest but i drew this more like 2017 or 2018, after she's been on hrt and stuff and is probably more confident
i don't think there's a worry of accidentally spotlighting her/outing her because, well, she probably doesn't pass in a lot of people's eyes… broad shoulders, sideburns, etc. but… peter thinks she's pretty ❤️
i was gonna draw more of the gang but then the list kept expanding like, oh should i include X, what about Y? and it was. too many people. so then i just decided to only draw flash and peter 😂
they should have stickers on their shirts though... like a polyamory sticker... or pins...
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fainthedcherry · 12 hours
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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artyfartyliz · 3 months
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februpony 2024 day 6: merch
i love the fluttershy blind bag figures before they gave her her own mould and she was just Pink & Yellow Rainbow Dash they're very funny to me (they were still doing this until wave 9 in 2013. it lasted 3 whole years from g4's launch. every other mane six had their own mould from wave 1. why did they do this to her)
(day 5) | (day 7)
(day 6 2020) | (day 6 2023)
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freddieraimbow74 · 1 month
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31 March 1974 - Queen’s first headlining gig at London’s historic Rainbow Theatre. This concert will forever remain an epic moment in the band’s incredible, five-decade-long rich history!
The show was properly recorded and was later proposed to be the band's first live album, but ultimately shelved. It was eventually released officially in 2014.
Queen quickly sold-out the 3000-seat Rainbow (which cost just £1.20 per ticket) marked a turning point in the young band’s career – and secured Queen as one of the era’s most exciting new acts.
Freddie is seen in an elegant new white outfit at the beginning of the show, created by designer Zandra Rhodes. Rhodes explained in 2013, "I hadn't designed any menswear before then, but I realised he'd need a flamboyant look. It was a very exotic time for me, I remember Queen gave me tickets to their show in London shortly after I’d made the first pieces for them. You could imagine that white top onstage and it was just absolutely amazing. It’s always wonderful when someone puts on your clothes and just feels lovely.”
Rhodes also said, “Freddie was a hidden revolutionary in the fact that he dressed exotically and wore make-up. I think he was probably one of the founders of the androgynous movement in fashion.... The thing that’s so fabulous, is that Freddie in my white pleated top went on to become one of the iconic images of him. It’s incredible to be part of that history!”
“We’d done our support tour and then promoter Mel Bush came to us – he was a pretty top promoter at the time – and he said ‘I think you guys can headline the next tour’, and we were surprised,” recalls Brian May in the mini-doc.
“I remember thinking ‘Wow, that’s very quick,’ because normally you would support a few acts and build a following, and then you would go on your headline tour. But he said ‘No, I feel you can do it, you can sell out all these places’ and he gave us a big list – Newcastle City Hall, Manchester’s Free Trade Hall or whatever, you know all the sort of classic gigs that rock bands do, and he said ‘you can fill all these and at the end, we’re going to do the Rainbow.’”
The adoring fans who turned up for this iconic performance could have predicted that Queen would go on to become arguably the world's best and most successful rock group, although many more may have suspected it after this stunning show.
Here is a review by Rosemary Horide, a major force behind Queen's early popularity:
"What a night! It was a finale of the big Queen tour throughout the whole country. It was the conclusive evening for their reputation. Their lift was meteorical. So many people had challenged if Queen had the authority to play in such a prestigious place as the Rainbow. Freddie appeared in his new specially eccentric white "eagle's" costume, bouncing and miming with even bigger ecstasy than ever and sang even better than any time before. One couldn't believe it's the first time of Queen appearing themselves in such an important place. After a while they got used to taking advantage of the big stage. After two encores they left the stage during a big applause of the audience."
This phenomenal performance showcases Queen at their loudest, Rawest and heaviest. Roger Taylor is downright frenetic at times, his fills rolling like boulders. John Deacon is predominately a fingerstyle player With his solid and inspirational playing that helped them all to shine. And of course Brian May’s musicianship is precise and masterly, and the harmonious, melodic chemistry between himself and Freddie is undeniable. There’s no one quite like Freddie as his voice was electrifying and soothing like fine silk. A must watch concert for everyone.
In a 1975 interview Roger Taylor explained their choice of attire: "It provides a good contrast, I think, on stage. We like most of the actual colour, apart from the extremes of black and white, to come from the lights on stage" (in a mid-80s interview John Deacon reminisced about how Freddie and Brian dominated the songwriting in the early days but that Roger was very involved "on behalf of the overall image of the band and how to actually be a successful rock band").
After the show, a teenaged Simon Townshend, younger brother of The Who's Pete Townshend, told Freddie Mercury backstage that Queen were "much better than my brother's band." Freddie was thrilled with the compliment, even coming from a 13 year old. Interestingly enough, in a 2005 Uncut interview, Brian May declared his belief that The Who were the better of the two bands.
Many years later, Brian May reflected on playing the Rainbow: "We had a dim, distant vision of what Madison Square Garden might be like in America, but really no idea of what it was." He added, "After that, everything was a bonus. Everything was something which I had never even dreamed about."
The next time Queen would perform at The Rainbow was in November during their ‘Sheer Heart Attack’ tour and due to popular demand, a second sold-out night was added.
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kate-m-art · 1 month
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This is silly but finally found one of my dream dolls, Aine from Barbie's 2008 Legends of Ireland collectors line and like I love her so much and wanted to show her off 😅💕
But then like lowkey just really love the little collection I have, still growing slowly but don't get to show people v much so like akdkf other dolls under the cut cause I just think they're pretty TvT
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Harpist Angel (1997) and Fairy of the Garden (2001) still looking for Fairy of the Forest
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Then Legends of Ireland Aine (2008) and Princess of Ireland (2001)
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Princes and the Pauper's Anneliese and Erika (2004) and Sugarplum Princess Clara from Barbie's Nutcracker (2001)
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Liana and Alexa from Barbie & the Diamond Castle (2008)
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Margot Robbie in the Return to Barbieland outfit from Barbie (2023.) (Preordered "I am Kenough" Ken too because he made me laugh so much, he'll get here sometime this year lol)
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Mostly collect Barbie and a few Disney dolls but these two girlies are my exceptions. On the left is ICY Fortune Days Virgo doll from their twelve constellations line (want to get the Cancer doll too eventually) and on the right is Rainbow High's Victoria Whitman (2023.) I love her freckles so freaking much
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Maggie beloved is my ooak doll, I think I've shared her with you guys before
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Rosella from Barbie as the Island Princess (2007.) She was my favorite doll to play with growing up and couldn't believe I found another in box.
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Then Rapunzel is from the 2001 movie and Elina is from Mermaidia (2006.) You can see Serafina peeking out there too, forgot to move her next to Anneliese.
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Snowflake Ballerina (2000) and the Swan Queen from Swan Lake (1998)
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The first version of Peter Rabbit Barbie (1997). I'm still looking for the second one in the blue dress.
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Austrian Barbie (1999) and Prominade in the Park Barbie (1997)
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Then the 2000 Celebration Holiday doll and a Flynn and Rapunzel wedding set from the Disney store that I bought a long time ago, but looks like they're selling this set again so akdkf nice! (Plus a 17" Rapunzel I want to repaint someday and a little Miraculous movie Marinette from last year.)
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And then the 2022 Holiday Barbie with red hair (she was a Walmart exclusive and hard to find because very unique face, I lucked out and found one at a TJ Maxx for cheap 😅) and 2013 Holiday Barbie (she, 2000 holiday doll and one other i have in a drawer somewhere were my first display and not play dolls actually)
Think that's about it, I've been rambling for a while now but if you made it this far thanks for letting me show and tell ♡
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winxwiki · 8 months
Ever since Winx Club came out, there's been quite a few suspiciously fairy-like magical girls in Italy alone. We all know Angel's Friends comic design was changed in the cartoon to compete with Winx, for example.
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But what about lesser known italian fairies and copycats? Like the Nancy Fly book series, outright tracing art?
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Or these My Little pony copycats with fairy wings, going to a magic academy as a group of 5. Yes these are italian
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A shit ton of Tea Stilton (Geronimo Stilton for Girls) spin offs about an ensemble cast of fairies, with the earliest date I could fine being 2015 for the Ocean fairies one...
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Milla and Sugar, a book series about a Fairy and a Witch that ran from 2005 to 2013
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Fairy Oak, first coming out on 27th october 2005, from one of the W.i.t.c.h writers Elisabetta Gnone. Winx first aired in Italy from January 28th to March 3rd in 2004.
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Even W.i.t.c.h. fell to this, making the New Power with bigger wings and longer hair, Enchantix style, coming out in July 2007. Note that Season 3 of Winx aired from January 29th to March 28th in 2007 and we know that W.i.t.c.h. and Rainbow share some staff around... right Artibani?
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Special mention to Girls of Olympus, which came out in 2008. Not fairies but reincarnated goddesses, more akin to Sailor Moon's style in story, but the early 2000s fashion is very Winx adiacent
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Fascinating phenomenon, the italian magical girl.
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lavellenchanted · 5 months
Hi! Do you have any comforting book/movie recs? Maybe with a sweet love story or friendship?
Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn. This is a really charming romance about Meg, who does custom calligraphy, including wedding invitations, like the invites she did for Reid Sutherland a year ago. But now he's back, having spotted a hidden message she wove into his invitations warning him that his marriage was doomed. He wants to know how she knew, but Meg's got her own problems - but despite herself she feels a connection with Reid that's only growing deeper . . .
Everything Eva Ibbotson has ever written, especially her historical romances. My personal favourite is The Secret Countess, set in 1919, in which Anna, a Russian Countess, after fleeing from the Bolsheviks, takes a job as a maid in a young English Earl's household.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows - told in letters and the inspiration for the film, it's quite different from the movie in some respects but is just warm, gentle and a really cosy read.
Crosstalk by Connie Willis - this is a romcom with a slight sci-fi vibe; in the not too distance future Briddey Flannigan gets an implant to allow telepathic communication with her boyfriend so they can have a more open relationship, but instead finds herself connected to someone else entirely . . .
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - this is such a gentle romance, set in the 90s, Lincoln works for a paper in their IT department and has been assigned to check emails that get flagged by their new system. One particular coworker, Beth, keeps getting her emails flagged and as he reads them, he finds himself falling in love with her . . . the only problem is he's never actually met her.
Anne of Green Gables (and sequels) by L. M. Montgomery - a true classic, that is just so joyful to read, and the love story between Anne and Gilbert is one of my very favourites.
The Boy trilogy by Meg Cabot - these are three of Meg Cabot's adult books, all loosely connected but they can be read as standlones, and are just fun, easy reads with nice romances that are really feel good.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - since I've plugged the book let's also plug the movie. It's gentle, it's warm, it's comforting, it's lovely and it's two hours of Michiel Huisman being charming.
The Shop Around the Corner - the original that inspired You've Got Mail, with James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan. It's lower stakes that YGM but still fun, romantic and really feel good.
When In Rome - this film is ridiculous but I love it, a romcom with Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel where she takes coins out of a fountain in Rome causing four men to fall hopelessly in love with her.
The Longest Ride - this is based on a Nicholas Sparks novel and one of my comfort films. There's two love stories, one in the present day and one historical being told to the heroine by Alan Alda, and they're both really sweet.
Your Name - an anime film, I watched this a few years ago and it instantly became one of my all time favourites. It's so beautifully animated, and the romance in it is top tier.
When Fools Rush In - Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek have a one night stand in Las Vegas, but when she gets pregnant he proposes marriage on a whim and they try to build a life together. A stellar romcom and Matthew Perry said it was his favourite of all his films.
Belle (2013) - absolute peak period drama romance, and a truly underrated gem of a film.
Take the Lead - inspired by a true story, Antonia Banderas stars as a ballroom dancer who teaches a class of inner-city kids to dance. Beautiful, charming, romantic.
The Jane Austen Book Club - a group of women form a book club to read all the Jane Austen books, and find they help with their own problems. Lots of friendship and a bit of romance on the side.
And since it is December some special Christmas comfort movie plugs . . .
While You Were Sleeping - Sandra Bullock saves a man from an oncoming train, but gets mistaken by his family for his financee and then starts falling for his brother. A+++ rom com.
Christmas in Boston - two penpals finally agree to meet after writing for 13 years. The catch? They both sent each other pictures of their best friends and pretended it was them.
Dash & Lily - a series rather than a movie but super cute. Lily leaves a notebook with some challenges in a bookstore, Dash finds it and does them, and leaves her some of his own in return, and thus an unlikely friendship is born.
Midnight at the Magnolia - radio hosts and childhood friends Maggie and Jack fake being a couple to drive up the ratings on their show.
Miracle on 34th Street - both the original 1940s version and the 90s remark are great, in which a lawyer and a little girl have to prove that a man claiming to be Santa is the real thing when he's put on trial.
The 12 Dates of Christmas - woman set up on a blind date on Christmas Eve has to relive the night over and over until she gets it right.
I hope those will do you for a while and that you enjoy them!!! Shout if you need any more :)
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absolutebl · 9 months
Do you know any thai BL dramas with sad ending?
Sure thing:
36 Thai BLs With Sad Endings
The Miracle of Teddy Bear 2022
Till the World Ends 2023
Hidden Love 2021
SELF the series 2022
Country Boy 2021
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us 2022
Restarted 2022
Love Area 2021
The Best Story (YinWar) 2021
The Love of Winter 2022
Loveless Society 2021
Timeline 2013
I Am Your King 1 2017
Waterboyy the series (remake) 2017
My Bromance the series (remake) 2016
Something In My Room 2022
My Dream 2018
The Tuxedo 2022
Grey Rainbow: Views of Love (KarnNat) 2016
Love Machine 2021
Red Wine in the Dark Night 2015
Dew the Movie 2019
Love of Siam 2007
Love Next Door 1 2013
Feel Good to Say Goodbye 2015
Water Boyy the movie 2015
Gray 2016
Present Perfect 2017
What the Duck 2018
The Best Twins 2019
Secret Love: Love Behind One's Back 2014
My Bromance the movie 2014 & My Bromance 2: 5 Years Later 2021
My Blessing 2023
I Love You 2017
Sweet Student Boy AKA Sweet Boy 2016
The Effect 2019
Sad end = by romance standards AKA the main couple does not end up together.
It's the BL bit that's a bit shaky on some of these early ones in particular. Wild times before 2019 in particular.
The bold ones are the ones that really messed with my head in a bad way.
I VERY MUCH recommend against The Effect, My Bromance 2014, and Grey Rainbow in particular. If you watch them, you can't say I didn't warn you.
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Love of Siam's lead actors 15 years after the original movie. It still hurts.
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