andiais1 · 1 year
Harry Potter next generation fic. SFW. Horror short Drabble. Mentions of sex, not graphic.
Darkness Creeping
The end of the world had come creeping in insidiously from the shadows.
It had begun with muggles disappearing. Whole families vanishing from their homes at night, with no evidence left behind to say why. No blood splattered across the walls, belongings left exactly where they had always been. Pan were left simmering on stoves, music playing repeatedly from stereos, showers left running.
The muggle authorities had at first merely put the disappearances down to unknown factors, not too worried about it until they realised that it was happening all over the globe, with alarming regularity. Within three months, whole towns were disappearing over night. Within six, the muggle population had been decimated, mere thousands left.
The wizarding world had taken note of the disappearances, but had not worried. What did they care if a few muggles disappeared? There were so many of them after all. No, they had not cared, until it happened in their community.
Suddenly, the wizards had found that they were not immune to whatever was happening to the muggles. Their magic did not protect them from the horror that slithered in when the night fell. They were merely able to see what was taking them. Strange, misty malformed beasts pouring out of the dark corners and shadowed crevices. Men with eyes like dinner plates and hands like claws. Dogs with too many legs, too wide jaws and teeth dripping with foul smelling saliva. That they made no sound as they came merely added to their horror. The would grin and laugh, they would speak, but no sound would reach the ears of the victims.
Sometimes, there would be a survivor. A child, or an adult, there was no rhyme or reason as to why an individual was left behind. They almost always ended up in St. Mungo's; sometimes merely sitting and staring at the wall, sometimes gibbering nonsensical words. The one thing they all had in common was that, when night fell, they would scream. They would scream and beg and cry. They would scratch and tear at the skin, their eyes and pull at their hair.
Teddy Lupin knew why they screamed. He had been left behind when the Shadow Horde, as they were being called, had come for his Grandmother. He had watched as a man with one eye hanging against his cheek, pointed teeth shining with a sinister half light in a rictus grin had sunk his claws into his Grandmother. He had felt the warm, rancid breath of a wolf with many eyes and rotting flesh as it breathed in his scent; waiting for it to bite into him and drag him into the dark pantry that had been left open.
But the creature had just turned and padded silently back into the creeping dark, leaving him shaking and crying and sitting in a puddle of urine. He had gone to Hogwarts immediately, following several other wizards and witches who believed that Hogwarts was still safe.
Teddy was one of the few left, even the survivors of previous attacks had been taken when St. Mungo's was emptied. The Weasleys were all gone, they were taken when Godric's Hollow was attacked on Christmas eve, the entire village gone, no survivors other than James Potter, who was no longer the carefree boy that had loved life with a passion that others envied.
Now, James only came alive when Teddy was fucking him, whispering filth in his ear and biting until blood flowed from broken skin under his teeth. He only smiled when Teddy was sucking his cock; a grim, brittle smile that matched the rough hands that gripped multi-coloured, ever changing hair.
Now, night was drawing in, and James turned dead eyes to Teddy and said “They're coming. It's tonight. We're the last ones, and they're hungry.”
Teddy looked out of the window, over the darkened grounds of Hogwarts. He saw them walking towards the castle, gliding with an unholy grace that was just wrong when set against their appearance. They were horrifying, and yet Teddy was not afraid.
James took hold of his hand and pulled him towards the Entrance Hall. As the great door of Hogwarts opened, and darkness crept in, Teddy looked at the grotesque, butchered form of his Grandmother and smiled. James' whisper of “Dad.”accompanied the dimming of the final light, and Teddy squeezed his hand and stepped forward into the unending darkness.
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moonytoastx · 5 months
Teddy, trying to open a pickle jar: "FUCKING SHIT LID!"
Sirius: "I wonder where he got that from."
Remus: "The fucking fridge."
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#When Your Future Husband Fixes Things For You Cause He's Tall
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dreamduality · 2 months
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edzephyr · 1 year
I was walking to the gym one day and saw a bear with some trash on the street. He was on a small sun-faded plastic child's chair.
On the way back, the bear was gone, but I noticed a trail of white fluff down the street. As I walked, I realised it was the bear's innards, and I found the bear's skin torn up in an abandoned trolley.
The rest is as follows:
A wash (it took about half an hour to collect all his stuffing)
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2. Reassembly and pet brush to de-matt
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3. Eyes polished. (they were all scratched up)
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4. Eyebrows
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5. Nose (science blue)
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6. Boots
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7. Pants
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8. Tunic (with a hand-embroidered emblem and some spare braid)
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9. Spock
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10. Spirk
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BONUS: I also found this guy recently. Another project!
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Now who on earth could that remind me of
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Anyway happy valentines day!
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leavemeqlone · 3 months
Sirius: so as I was saying-
Remus: it’s too quiet in here..
James: weird
Teddy and Harry run down the stairs giggling.
James: what did you do?
Sirius: uh oh
James: What did you do?!
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y0url0verb0y · 11 months
Regulus: James...where's Harry?!
James: ...
Sirius: ...
Regulus: JAMES!?
Sirius *whispering:* play dumb
James: Who's James?
Sirius *whisper yelling*: not that dumb!
James: if it makes you feel any better Sirius doesn't have Teddy either...
Regulus: Why would that make me feel any better?!?!
-meanwhile, Harry and Teddy jumping on the neighbor's trampoline while they're out of town-
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functionalbidisaster · 10 months
the scariest thing a mauraders fan can see…..
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a mother with her child 😱😱😱🤯🤯
no but seriously you guys need to stop acting like harry and teddy don’t have mothers who they miss dearly and would do anything to be able to meet
also, lily and tonks would 100% be involved in raising them even if wolfstar and jegulus were a thing so PLEASE stop acting like they don’t exist and only using them to give your mlm ship a kid
so you can write fics where wolfstar raises teddy or jegulus raises harry, i don’t care, have fun, go crazy. just stop erasing lily and tonks completely because they WOULD be in their children’s life
also also, because i’m feeling extra petty here’s more mothers and their children for the drarry fans who do the same thing
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😱😱 frightening i know
it’s like everyone forgets that mothers exist
(also i don’t support jkr or am really in the hp fandom, i just decided to scroll through some of the tags because i was bored) (also be thankful because i could of been a lot more petty if i wanted to be)(i also know not all fans do this but a lot do)
art credits:
tonks and teddy - rielles96 on instagram and tumblr
lily and harry - cableknit_remus on instagram and tumblr
ginny, lily luna, james sirius, and albus - beeyoungkah on instagram and tumblr
astoria and scorpius - upthehillart on instagram and tumblr
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andiais1 · 1 year
Harry Potter next gen fic. SFW. Read tags!
Planning, Lily had found, was easy when you had competent minions. Anyone other than ALbus and Hugo really.
Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, suggested Lily Luna Potter/Hugo Weasley/Albus Severus Potter.
Planning, Lily had found, was easy when you had competent minions, who were able to see towards the end result and see the logical steps in between. Planning with Hugo Weasley and Albus Potter was about as easy as stopping a greased up, frothing mouth angry pig in a passageway with only a two inch long stick and some tangled up string.
It wasn't that they were thick. Hugo for instance had inherited the best of his mother and father. His mother's ability to remember verbatim anything she read and heard was strong in Hugo, and his father's ability to see right to the heart of the matter and strike with unflinching aim (admittedly a trait Uncle Ron had only developed once past the ravages of puberty) was one of her favourite things about Hugo. He had also, Lily believed, risen to such intellectual heights, that he frequently found hitherto unknown pockets of condensed stupidity.
Albus was as cunning and as sly as any Slytherin could be, but with a temper that, when things went wrong (which they usually did, re: Hugo and pockets of stupidity) could be relied upon to inform the surrounding area of everything that was planned, that was about to happen and what had gone wrong, to a distance of at least 50 miles. His mother's temper had been joined by, and often egged on by, their Grandmother's. That both women were rumoured to be spawn of a disgusting union between Banshee and mortal was no surprise.
Putting two such people together never goes well, even when they're relegated to status of minion. That Lily had no choice but to use the two was annoying. Annoying enough that if Lily had to listen to one more minute of their discussion (read – argument) on whether tea would taste different if it was coloured pink, she would no doubt end up in Azkaban for killing them, preferably by shoving their wands up both of their arse and setting of a timed Reducto.
Although Al would probably enjoy that....
Her first choices for any plotting of nefarious schemes would usually be Rose, Teddy, Lorcan and Lysander, but all of those were out. Rose was so utterly caught up in her budding romance with Fenella Finnegan that Lily suspected those pockets of stupidity were, in fact parasitic, with a taste for Weasley brain matter. Although that tentacle curse they had perfected made Lily wonder just how kinky those girls were.
Lorcan and Lysander were off Snorcack Hunting, but everyone knew that “Snorcack Hunting” was merely a front for the fact they were attempting to shag each other in every major city on the globe. They had so far managed London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Tokyo. Lily was impressed, and thought that the Scamander Circuit could become just as popular as the Hogwarts Circuit. The postcards she had received, and in one case a copy of the Notice of Official Pardon from the French government told her that they were having the time of their lives. Or at least the most scandalous time of their lives.
And Teddy. Well, Teddy was out due to the fact that he was one of the targets of “The Plan.”
At last, “The Plan” was ready for implementation. Lily had always known that James, who just so happened to be her favourite brother, was closer to Teddy than anyone else. When they were younger, he had idolised Teddy, and had been utterly distraught to realise that Teddy's abilities were not learn-able.
When James had been given the Quidditch Captaincy, Teddy received the first letter. When James was made prefect, Teddy knew first. When James decided to come out, it was to Teddy. When Teddy had split up with Victoire (and wasn't that a fine old time in the extended Weasley-Potter family) James had smirked and his eyes shone with a happiness that Lily had not seen for a long time.
Yes, Lily knew that James and Teddy were close. She also knew that they both wanted to be closer, but for some reason were afraid to take that final step. Bloody cowards, making her do all the work for them. Still, Lily mused, they'll owe me for this. Owe me big.
The plan was perfect in it's simplicity, which was lucky, as simple was the best she'd managed with Al and Hugo. Tonight was Family Dinner Night, as always on Christmas Eve. The Potter's dining room had been extended to fit everyone in. There would be eating, shouting, laughing. There would be dancing and drinking after, as other guests arrived. The Finnegans, the Macmillans, the Thomases and more. Once everyone was liberally oiled, it would be time.
Target Anal Retentive (Teddy) was to be lured into the garden shed by Hugo, using a ruse as yet to be decided. Target Filthy Slob (James) was also to be lured to the shed by Al, using the simple sibling attack and run away ruse. Once both Targets were in place, the shed would be locked and sealed by Lily's personal, self created locking charm. They had already made the shed ready, transfiguring an old sack into a soft, comfy bed, soft lighting and a timed howler ready to go off and gently scream at the Targets to get over themselves and shag before they become so miserable that it begins to affect everyone else. The carefully concealed mirrors would them relay everything that happened to a large mirror in Lily's bedroom.
Victoire was watching Teddy. Victoire enjoyed watching Teddy, as everything he did ended up in The Dossier. The Dossier was full of interesting observations, such as the the fact that Teddy chewed food on the right side of mouth, and that his eye twitched slightly when Aunt Ginny spoke of Mr. Lupin (Senior and Deceased. Victoire understood this, as dead people were both boring and slightly gross.)
Victoire had a plan. Victoire had decided that it was time for Teddy to stop being so stupid, and to come back to her. She had purchased the most beautiful underwear she could find; a corset, knickers and garter set in a pale pink coral silk. She had arranged her bedroom to be conducive to seduction, and had gotten an illegal, untraceable portkey from Uncle George. All she had to do was get Teddy alone and set the portkey off. Once he saw her, nearly naked, he would crumble, he would take her and he would be hers. The magic inhibiting handcuffs she'd liberated from Auror Headquarters when she visited Uncle Harry last week were just there for fun. Really.
A small giggle slipped past her lips as she thought about the coming evening's delights, unaware that she was being observed.
James knew Victoire was up to something, and whenever she was attempting to think, Teddy was involved somehow. The last time she'd had that slightly constipated look on her face, she had been concocting an unbelievably bizarre attempt to win back Teddy's affections.
From what he could remember, as he'd tried to obliviate himself and managed to only remove tiny parts of the memory (and strangely, most of his third year at Hogwarts), she had, for some reason sent Teddy a real, living baby; upon which she had charmed wings and sparkles, with a note saying that their child needed his father. The fact that child was a. female, b. “borrowed” from a muggle maternity ward, and c. black, didn't seem to make any difference to Victoire.
The ensuing chaos had been hilarious though. Uncle Bill had panicked and sprouted fur in the middle of the lunar month, Aunt Fleur had thrown fireballs at Uncle Bill, saying that Victoire's “unreasoning belief that she can do whatever she wants without reason or necessary sanity” was all his fault. Grandma Molly had cried and cooed over the baby, saying that Teddy and Victoire had created an actual angel, and Dad had locked himself in his study and refused to come out until Uncle Bill had sorted the whole mess out.
Teddy's response was swift and peacefully brutal. He'd had Victoire arrested for stalking, had a restraining order taken out on her and hired Aunt Hermione to try to have Victoire admitted to an asylum. They failed in their committal attempt, but only just.
Yes, James needed to keep an eye on Victoire tonight. Bloody family dinners. The Gods were truly cruel to have invented them.
It was all going wrong. Lily was running, along with Hugo and Al towards the high pitched scream that was coming from, she guessed, Teddy's mouth. James' voice joined Teddy's, loudly declaring that if Victoire (it could only be Victoire) didn't get her hands off Teddy right now he would “rip your tits off and make you eat them raw, you depraved, bony kneed freak show from the deepest depths of Hell!”
Off to the left, Al sniggered at the somewhat inventive threat. Hugo repeated it under his breath, trying to memorise it for the next time Scorpius Malfoy tried to curse him.
When the three rounded the corner into James' bedroom, the tableau they were confronted with was nothing short of hilarious. Teddy was backed up into a corner of the room, eyes and hair white and skin a pale green. Victoire was lay spread eagled across the bed, wearing the most frilly piece of lingerie Lily had ever seen, in a colour only a simpering Regency virgin would wear. James was towering over her, face red, eyes wide and spittle flying from his mouth as he elaborated on the tit ripping torture he was about to rain down upon her. In one of his wildly waving hands was a silver comb, which Lily guessed was charmed for some reason.
Taking control, Lily sent Al down to their Dad's study to get his secret, and therefore known by everyone, pair of Auror handcuffs. She told Hugo to go to Teddy and try to bring him round, without laughing at the terror struck look of horror on his face. She moved towards the bed, grabbed James and dragged him away from Victoire and sitting him on the desk chair, pinning him there with a look that promised pain and torment should he move.
When Al returned, out of breath and still laughing, Lily quickly placed the handcuffs on Victoire and, just to be safe, tied her to the bed post with two of James' belts. Victoire's shouting was silenced quickly, the silencing spell coming from a revived Teddy.
Thinking quickly, Lily grabbed Teddy's and James' hands, dragging them from the room and declaring that they needed to calm down and that there was some booze in the shed that she, Al and Hugo were planning to keep to themselves. Hugo agreed quickly, while Al was still busy laughing at Victoire.
Finally at the shed, Lily, was nearly out of patience. She shoved them roughly in, cast the locking charm and walked swiftly back towards the house, Al and Hugo trailing in her wake. Right now, she was past caring if Teddy and James got it sorted or not; the plan had been ruined and Victoire's exploits were going to cause hell on in the family, yet again.
Hugo's hand slipped into hers as they walked into her bedroom, Al locking the door as he entered last. Sitting on the bed, she activated the mirror and was confronted by the image of a half naked Teddy kissing James as though the world was about to end. Her smug smile slipped slightly as she felt soft lips on the back of her neck and a gentle hand moving slowly up her leg. Looking down at Al's messy hair resting against her thigh, dark and bold against her pale skin, she smiled again, tender and accepting.
She supposed they had earned this reward, all of them. Idiots they may be, but she really did love them.
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i need to write a fic where albus and scorpius start dating but albus hasn’t told his family yet and they end up spending some of summer together and james proposes a scheme to do together because he feels guilty about not being a better brother to albus.
and james, being slightly oblivious, thinks albus sees scorpius as a brother and out of guilt and his desire to prove that he really does care about his little brother he keeps pushing to spend more time with him but it just comes across like he doesn’t like scorpius.
and albus, thinking that james hates scorpius, is super nervous to tell his family about them dating because he thinks james will be mad.
rose and lily know exactly what’s going on on both sides but neither with intervene because; rose doesn’t think it’s right to meddle in their relationships and thinks they should sort it out and; lily sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos.
hugo’s vaguely aware of what’s going on but is mostly interested in helping lily cause problems.
teddy is the only one who knows about albus and scorpius dating and james’ fears from the people themselves and is the person they defer to for advice. unfortunately for them, teddy has decided to play the role of “older sibling that encourages your worse impulses”
harry: the children are getting along really well actually :)
teddy, staring out the window at the children recreating lord of the flies in real time: yeah they’re getting along so well :)
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Gregory Denying His Feelings vs. Admitting His Feelings For Janine
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breadcat-xx · 5 months
17.01.2024 - dream - 403 words
Sometimes, James is afraid all of this might be a dream.
He’s always lived a pretty happy life. He grew up in a warm, loving home with parents who were well-off. He had the best of friends back at Hogwarts and keeps in touch with many of them even now. He likes his job, married the love of his life and they moved into the cosiest of homes a few years ago.
He truly hadn’t believed he could become any happier. And then Harry was born.
James can’t put into words how overwhelmed he feels with love and affection as he watches Regulus feed their boy spoonfuls of the baby food he prepared earlier.
Harry’s chubby cheeks are covered in the green sludge, and his husband has seemingly given up on cleaning them in between bites. James can’t blame him. It’s a rather useless undertaking.
Regulus hums interestedly as Harry babbles nonsensically, and all James can do is watch him in silence. His lover is tired, he can tell, but being the amazing father he is, he puts in unshakable effort when it comes to caring for their son.
It’s inspiring. James finds himself falling in love all over again as he watches him flourish in his role as a parent.
Once the bowl of food has been emptied, Regulus wipes a satisfied Harry’s cheeks one last time and then lifts him out of his seat.
“Let’s go pick out an outfit for Teddy’s birthday party, huh?” He says, smiling at their son as he leans against his chest. “Oh, Jamie, let’s put him in those little overalls we got him, Sirius is going to lose his mi— Are you crying?”
James blinks rapidly in an attempt to get rid of the tears that have started to form in the corners of his eyes. He knows it’s silly, but it’s almost like becoming a dad has made him so much more emotional.
Regulus walks up to him, and when he comes to a stop next to his chair, James wraps an arm around him and allows Harry to reach for his glasses.
“I’m just really happy…” He whispers.
Regulus huffs and looks rather amused by his explanation. “You’re a huge sap, Potter.” He says, but he does lean in to press a comforting kiss to his forehead.
This time around, James is one hundred percent certain; this is what peak happiness feels like.
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amsmuch · 6 months
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if i dont become his girl by the end of the year im packing my bags and leaving to another planet where he will be my man.
because why dose he have to be so adorable and cute? hes like a big cuddly lion teddy bear that i wanna cuddle all the time. 80s james will always and forever be my favourite. he has my heart <3
Early 80s James is literally asking for cuddles. And the lion teddy thing... god, that is so true
You and him are sitting on a couch, watching some movie on TV while the rest of the band went to sleep already.
You're fighting your eyelids and your head lulls a little to the side a when you let your eyes close just a bit too long.
James, that's pretty much equally tired, notices you falling asleep while sitting next to him.
"Hey..." He murmurs and pokes your arm.
You shake your head and look at him while rubbing your tired eye.
James puts his hands on your waist, "c'mere..." he softly groans as he pulls you close to him and wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to him.
You put your head on his shoulder and slowly wrap your arms around him the best you can.
He leans his head against yours and gently rubs your back.
"You comfy?" James asks you in a sleepy tone.
"mhm.." you hum out and nuzzle your cheek on his shoulder as if trying to get closer to him.
You relax in his warm embrace and slowly fall asleep in his arms. He places a little kiss on your head and shortly after falls asleep too.
i hope this is okay, i'm so rusty if it comes to writing,,
Is 80s james too much to ask for 🙁
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James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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norakelly · 1 year
Harry potter never grasped what he truly missed, until he had his own family.
The adorable giggles of his daughter as she tip toes across the wooden floor to jump in her parent's bed. Ginny in her towel wrapped hair, who reads Teddy’s letter from Hogwarts out loud, making Harry miss his godson more. The Loud and enthusiastic laugh of James' in the morning table as he tries to convince them to get a pet dragon. (A big fan of Charlie he was:)) Quiet and rare remarks of Al. Mostly over his favorite books, and maybe even about the Daily Prophet, (A habit he started very recently, which was not a shock to the family although he was five) where he’d read his mother’s name out loud whenever it appeared. Harry couldn’t quite yet comprehend how he, who woke up to the war being his concern, is now being awakened by tiny little hands who simply wants a breakfast. He beams proudly at them, and with a sense of gratitude for making those million thoughts that used to invade his mind fade away.
He was finally, home.
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regheart · 8 months
cursed child was the worst thing that happened to fans of the next gen we were thriving in clueless headcanons and random pairings and friendships but now we have to deal with this mess of a play that feels like an ai mash up of early hp fanfiction from people who hadn't opened the books in over five years and don't remember any details please i just want to get one good characterization of these kids what happened to good fanfiction and why did they get so unpopular after cc they used to be all i ever read and now i need like three hours and expert tag manipulation on ao3 to find something that is barely decent
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