#like my cousin needs a new phone. i ask what kind of phone. he wont tell me.
so we each got $100 for chrimmus (kind of. she hasnt given us anything bcuz of her episode). i spent over $80 ahead of time on a hoodie, and over spent with my new switch joycons for $78.
im tired of being spoiled and then listening to my family get mad at me bcuz im the second favourite grandchild and nana hasnt given conner a gift in over 5 years and wont pay anyone else when they do work, so when my nana tried to give me $100 for chrimmus, i corrected her saying i spent it all.
however, theres disagreement to whether i actually spent it all. bcuz i bought those joycons so all of us could play switch together when my cousin was visiting. so some of my family says, since i bought it for the family, i still have ~$10 left. me and my mum disagree with this sentiment, bcuz its for my switch. not a family switch, mine.
theyre like 'but its so you could play w ur cousins and brother' but i needed to replace my joycons anyway bcuz my left one was literally unusable. playing w them just meant i needed to replace them right then, bcuz u cant play mario party with a pro controller.
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hansolmates · 4 years
here comes the bride, all dressed in pride
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summary; You and your cousin Doyeon have had beef with each other since the sandbox. When she plucks the last straw, you decide to end your long-simmering fight by claiming that you and her ex—Jeon Jungkook, are now boyfriend and girlfriend pairing; jungkook x reader (f) genre/warnings; fake dating!au, fluff, crack, mentions of cheating, lang, alcohol, mc eats meat, tw sexual harassment, toxic family, dick talk, making out, if u have that one family member that pulls bs on you constantly this is it, this fic is for all the people who have a huge ass family who wont leave them alone w.c; 17.3k  a/n: my second fic for gcn’s 23 birthday project! the fact that wedding szn zoomed by us like that... and so bc im sad that so many weddings had to be postponed this fic was born! a huge thank u to vivi @eerieedits​ / @chillingtae​​ for creating this BEAUTIFUL fic banner and separator pls check vivi out to make your fics all purty
prompts used: “You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?” and “I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.”
if you enjoyed this pls consider giving a like and a share💕💕
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Doyeon likes to call Jungkook, “the one who got away.” 
You like to call Doyeon, “the one who drove him away.” 
In secret, of course. In fact, the only person who knows how much you loathe Doyeon and her behavior is your father. And all your co-workers. And your boss. And your boss’ ex-husband. 
And Jeon Jungkook, but of course you haven’t seen the man in two years and back then he was far too polite to address his concerns of your hatred of his then-girlfriend. 
Okay, so everyone and their mother knows how much you don’t like your cousin. Kim Doyeon and you have had beef since the sandbox, and for whatever reason is always out to one-up you. A strange competitive nature in everything, academics, family, and even boys. The sick, twisted part of you has come to enjoy it. While you’re not a fighter as devout as Doyeon is, you have your own callous tendencies farmed from the seeds Doyeon has planted in your brain. She gives you a comment? You can’t help but throw one back. Since you’re a painfully mature soul you don’t have any mortal enemies as far as you know, Doyeon is the perfect amount of hot water to keep you on your toes. 
“I’m really sorry that you couldn’t be a bridesmaid,” Doyeon cooes next to you, swirling her champagne glass with a too-jutted pout, “but if I did there’d be an odd number of pairings and you’re a little too old to be walking as a bridesmaid, am I right?” 
Your nails. Are digging. Through your dress. Alas, you’re in public and you have class. Doyeon smiles at you with all teeth, reminding you of the Beldam from Coraline. Aside from that she looks absolutely stunning in that Lirika Matoshi strawberry dress that has her Instagram aching with likes and love from her baseless followers. 
“I don’t know,” you reply lightly, leaning back in your seat, “I mean, if Yoojung and Rena can be bridesmaids and they’re three years older than me, wouldn’t I make the cut? It’s okay to be honest and say you just didn’t want me in the bridal party.” 
Doyeon laughs, slaps your thigh like you told her the most hilarious joke in the world. Anyone passing by would think you’re best friends. You laugh too, incredulous at the amount of power she thinks she holds. 
“Nice party,” you tack on, surveying the room. It’s filled with pastels and beiges, bright and airy.  It’s Parisian themed, and while you’re not a fan of theming cultures, you can’t deny that you’re loving the infinite supply of macarons. 
“Oh, yes. This is just a taste of the real wedding,” she laces her fingers together, as if she thinks she’s living an Elizibethean love story, “speaking of, you put on your RSVP that you’re bringing a plus one. Am I allowed to know who’s the unlucky date?” 
“As if you care.” 
“I care if you’re bringing Jimin. That tiny thing nearly gave Aunt Lillian a heart attack when he gave a striptease at Yoongi’s graduation party.” 
You smirk softly at the bold memory. That was the plan. 
Doyeon sighs dramatically, crossing her legs and popping out a cherry red heel. She plays with the back on the balls of her feet, letting the little pearly rhinestones glisten in the candlelight, “I should really commend you, cousin,” she drawls, “I mean, how kind of you to be so charitable and give your dopey friends a chance to have fun. After all, I’m sure it is difficult for someone like you to find a date.” 
It’s no surprise as to how you end up with a date at any family formal gathering. You say you bring a plus one, and then between Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok. The three of them draw straws as to who gets to gorge on free alcohol and food for that night. 
“Difficult?” you arch a brow, “I get plenty of dates.” 
Doyeon giggles. She must be feeling extra vindictive today, high on her impending marriage and the taste of bubbly champagne. “By taking turns with those three? You gotta be kidding me,” she snorts, tipping back her crystal, “please y/n. Don’t get so defensive because I’m getting married first. Your time will come. That is, if you stop dicking around with your friends.” 
Normally you’d smother any attempt at Doyeon to call out your friends, but now she’s just done that and insulted your ability to get some, and you are livid. 
“Actually,” you quip sharply, “I’ve been dating someone. It’s been a couple months, actually.” 
“Oh?” Doyeon’s genuinely interested, face falling slightly, “you’ve never mentioned anyone, I don’t see anyone on your social media.” 
“Yeah well,” you feign sympathy, pressing your lips together and tilting your head accordingly, “I’ve had to keep it private for a couple of reasons.” 
“What, is he ugly or something?” she chuckles, “but really, who’s the person who has the misfortune of being in a committed relationship with you?” 
Maybe it’s because Doyeon’s right, the both of you are too old. The two of you have been running around each other for years, with no end in sight. Maybe, the words that linger on the tip of your tongue will be the final nail in the coffin. 
“Jeon Jungkook,” you state proudly, clear as day. “Jungkook and I have been dating for three months.” 
And you pick up the vanilla macaron that sits innocently on your plate, ravishing it up like it contained all the tension in your table. Between you and Doyeon’s bubble, you could hear a pin drop. 
“Jungkook?” her smile is concrete-solid, “my Jungkook?” 
“My Jungkook,” you correct, giving her a puppy-eyed look, “I’m really sorry I never told you. I mean, is there ever a right time to tell your cousin they’re dating their ex-boyfriend?” you laugh, either to lighten the mood or because you love the way Doyeon pinches her face, you don’t know.
“How did you two even meet?” 
“We reconnected through Seokjin. You know how the two of them play Starcraft together, I just ended up joining the call and he was so funny and nice. We just sorta… felt it.” Doyeon nods like a slow bobblehead, still comprehending in her pea-sized brain, “I just hope it isn’t too awkward. I know it’s been awhile but, if you really don’t want Jungkook to come I can always take Hoseok or something.” 
“No, it’s fine,” Doyeon says a little too quickly, masking on her picture-perfect smile. “I’m with Namjoon now, and I’m totally happy. Water under the bridge, it’ll be totally fine.” 
“Really?” your eyes practically sparkle, thankful for the amount of glitter and highlighter you’ve dumped on your face today, “I really appreciate it, Yeonie.” 
And she quickly downs her champagne glass, and gets up from her seat. It’s haunting, the way she gets up, pink tulle billowing around her ankles. “I have to attend to the other guests,” she says. 
“Of course,” you raise your glass.
“But, be careful,” she gives you a little smile, one filled with a last-ditch attempt at a jab, “Jungkook, he’s a little hard to deal with.” 
“Oh don’t worry. I know how to deal with Jungkook’s hardness,” you wink, and Doyeon’s face falls like a ton of bricks. 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
“I know,” you shrug loftily, “that’s what I meant, though.” 
And you don’t bother watching Doyeon stomp off the metaphorical stage, double fisting two new glasses of champagne from an awaiting butler as she finds some other poor guest to pick on. Now, the matter of securing your date. Conveniently so, the most important man in the room is walking your way, and you manage to snag his tie just as he passes your table. 
“Ow—ow! I’m choking!” Seokjin grabs, nearly throwing his tall body onto your lap, hands grappling to release the tension on his neck. “Leave me alone, woman! I just wanted to get some chicken tenders!” 
“Jin,” you say sweetly, opening his blazer to retrieve his phone, “I need Jeon’s number, now.” 
“Jungkook?” your favorite cousin pales, eyes widening as you take out your phone of your own, copying down the digits, “what did you do?” 
“Don’t ask questions.” 
Seokjin says your name again, firmer. “You’re playing with fire.” 
“It’ll be fine, it’s the last time,” you quell, already knowing how much Seokjin hates being in the middle of your fights. Once you’ve secured the phone number, you place Seokjin’s phone back into his pocket, patting his breast. “Thank you. You know you’re my favorite cousin, you know that?” 
He grumbles a “damn right I am” before stomping away, resuming his race for his chicken tenders. 
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You: hey jeon it’s y/n. I see you’re doing great, i saw on instagram that you released your first app w/yoongi! Totally amazing, been playing for weeks, really upset that i can’t get past the flaming frog boss :((
You: Feel free to ignore this, i won’t blame you if you do. Im at doyeon’s rehearsal dinner, and she basically snubbed my friends and said i couldn’t get some prime dick even though im?? Me??? Anyway, im tired of her shit so im gonna throw it back at her, one last time before she ties the knot. I told her you and i have been dating, and im bringing you as my date to her wedding. Really sorry, the demons took over my brain and made the worst and best comeback of my life. So… if you’re up for being the hottest couple on the floor in three weeks and showing how madly in love we are, please text me back? Or not. You might think this family is crazy and i accept partial responsibility. 
You: I’ll buy u every meal for every practice date we have if u agree.💕💕💕
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: thanks, i appreciate that. To defeat the frog boss, go back to the coconut cave and find the garnet garter. It absorbs his fire and u can easily defeat froggo w any level 15 weapon
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: and as for the real reason u texted me. Im in. let’s get pork belly tomorrow. 
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Two years ago, you were surprised that Doyeon could manage to snag a man as fine as Jeon Jungkook. Also unsurprised, because Doyeon is gorgeous and could snag any man she wanted, and has snagged every man she wanted. 
Jungkook was different though. He had an air of innocence to him. He loved her, a little too much to be safe. Your heart would betray you every time you would find him at a family gathering, making her plate and counting the calories she so meticulously measured. How can someone so sweet be with someone like Doyeon? 
Your heart ached for Jungkook when they broke up a year later. From what you heard, Doyeon was Jungkook’s first serious girlfriend. And then you wanted to rip your heart out a week later when you caught Doyeon smooching with her favorite graduate professor Kim Namjoon, wanting to erase any possibility you’d have at love. At that time, you never wanted to feel the pain you imagined Jungkook was going through. 
“Y/n! Over here!” you’re a little taken aback at how much has not changed in Jungkook. His eyes still sparkle like fresh dew, his smile is still pearly white and infectious. He’s even early, snagging a table at his favorite barbeque place and waiting for you as if he is the one organizing your first date. 
At the same time, there’s so much that’s changed about him. He’s confident, even going so far as to walk over to you and slip your jacket and purse in his grasp like a gentleman. He leads you by putting a hand lightly at the small of your back, making you feel impossibly small in comparison to his Dorito-shaped body, broad shoulders and a deliciously trim waist. 
“How was the walk over?” 
“Not too bad,” the conversation is casual, easy. You wipe the sweat off your forehead with a napkin. “Could use a little exercise now and again. I did eat a whole tray of macarons at that rehearsal dinner.” 
Jungkook laughs from his belly, causing you to smile. “Nonsense. You look great, by the way,” you don’t mind it, actually, you enjoy it when his eyes rake over your body. After all, he’s now your boyfriend and he needs to get familiar with all the important bits. He leans his arms forward, bracing him against the wooden table so his face is closer to yours. 
“You’re not doing too bad yourself,” your eyes gloss over the veins and intricate tattoos that paint his muscled upper half. Your smile morphs into a smirk, letting him know you’re enjoying the view just as well as he is. 
And as soon as the tension sparks, it ends just as fast when your waiter comes up to light your grill. 
“So,” Jungkook wastes no time in decorating your stove, making sure to add all the appropriate aromatics and infusions to season your lunch, “do you know why Doyeon and I broke up?” 
“Cheated on you with Namjoon, I assume,” you keep your eyes trained on the darkening meat. 
Jungkook slips a piece of meat in his mouth. Any expression of pain (whether it be from Doyeon or the barely cooked meat) doesn’t reveal itself as he stops to take a sip of water. “Who else knows?” 
“Just me and Seokjin. The family loved you too much and Doyeon made up some sob story about how you two were going different life paths.” 
He chuckles to himself, taking great care in flipping the meat. “I really was a fool in love, wasn’t I?” 
“It… was mildly cute.” 
“Tell me the truth, you have no reason not to.” 
“Okay, you made me want to vomit rainbows and glitter every time I saw you.”
The two of you laugh, faces crinkling shamelessly as the two of you busy yourselves with setting up the table. Most of the food is done and the aroma of fresh onions wafts around your grill. As you place chopsticks on his side of the table, you think about all the times Jungkook made it abundantly clear how much he loved Doyeon: the love letters tucked into her purse, 100 day anniversaries, even just a simple Americano for her in the morning. 
“Is that why you never hung out with us?” 
“No,” you reply lightly, “Doyeon made it clear that I shouldn’t talk to you.” 
Jungkook frowns, “You really don’t like each other, do you.” 
You shrug, “Just always been like that,” you quirk a smile when Jungkook places the freshly cooked meat on top of your rice before serving himself. 
“So what’s the plan?” 
“We go to the wedding, make out a little, get Doyeon boiling. Even if she’s not interested in you, she’d still be upset knowing we are together.” 
“And why is that?” 
“Because it’s me,” you grin into your glass, staring at a water-stained Jungkook through the blue tinted glass. “And all you have to do, is enjoy your night and look pretty.” 
His eyes crinkle, chopsticks pressing between his lips. “You think I look pretty?” 
With a roll of eyes you don’t respond, preferring to dig your chopsticks in your rice. No need to inflate Jungkook’s ego too soon. 
Pinning the main theme of your hangout to the side, the both of you dig into your meal. You throw conversation back and forth like pebbles, grains of sand that build and build until you’re caught up with each other’s lives. It feels so strange to admit it’s been two years since you’ve spoken to the man, and all of a sudden the once luscious meat feels dry in your mouth. 
“Jeon,” you put your chopsticks down, “are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean, I know it’s all my fault and I dragged you into it. Don’t feel obligated to agree to this.” 
“I’m a hundred-percent sure,” he doesn’t stop eating, shoving two spoonfuls of rice in his mouth. His cheeks puff up considerably, and your eyes trail down to his neck as he swallows, “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna.” 
“Right,” you don’t need a big explanation or a personal confession from Jungkook, just his consent. “Partners, Jeon?” you hold up your glass. 
“Partners,” he agrees easily. The smile on his face disarms you, a full-fledged grin decked with pearly whites. Clicking his glass to yours he adds, “And it’s Jungkook, babe.” 
Oh, this is going to be interesting. 
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Seokjin thinks the two of you are the most boring fake-couple. 
His eyes dart back and forth between your spot on the couch and his desk, where Jungkook is currently seated. Seokjin is hovered over Jungkook, who’s typing and clicking furiously over his PC game. You’re on your phone, feet pulled up to the coffee table while some old Netflix movie plays in the background. To top it all off both of you didn’t even try to dress like it’s daytime, nearly matching in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. It doesn’t look like a couple coming to visit Seokin, it looks like Jungkook is playing video games with Seokjin while his cousin hangs around like she owns the place. 
“Shouldn’t you guys like, I don’t know, go on dates or something?” Seokjin feels like he’s talking to the air. “Maybe get to know each other before the big day?” 
Pulling your phone down to your lap and Jungkook taking off his headphones, the two of you shrug at each other, “No, we’re good.” Jungkook says. 
“We know enough,” you agree cooly, “Jungkook likes Valorant.” 
“I do like Valorant.” 
“He likes pork belly.”
“I do like pork belly.” 
“He’s ripped as hell.” 
“I am ripped as hell.” 
“Okay but have you guys kissed yet?” Seokjin interjects, probably compensating for the nonchalance in the room with his own brand of freaking out. You two only see each other when you’re hanging out at Seokjin’s apartment, and while he’s happy that you two aren’t doing the whole 9-yards and creating an elaborate scheme, the both of you are almost too relaxed. His anxiety is spiking.
“Yes,” Jungkook answers, “at the barbeque place we went to.” 
“It was nice," you tack on, "Jin, we got this. Don't worry." 
"How can I not worry when you're trying to upset our cousin on her wedding day?" he's sweating in his fully air-conditioned apartment. “I get that she’s the devil’s spawn and everything, but she’s still a human being.” 
“In second grade she pushed me on the treadmill because I was going too slow. I got caught on the roller and got a bald spot for two months.” 
“Okay yes one bad example—” 
“And in senior year she accused me of plagiarizing her essay just because we chose the same topic. I almost didn’t get into college!” Seokjin sighs, crossing his arms. All valid points, and arguing with you isn’t a route he wants to take. “Jin, the point is that she’s constantly pushing my buttons. I’ve always been the bigger person and now that I’m old and confident I just want one jab.”
“That’s valid,” Jungkook pipes up, pressing the spacebar a few times, “I want a jab too, she cheated on me.” 
“See? It’s a mutual decision.” 
Seokjin asks, “Why aren’t you more worried about this?”
"Because Doyeon isn't going to chew me out on her wedding day," you checked your aunt's seating chart last week and you are far, far away from the bridal table. "We're just going to show off a little bit. Get drunk, eat some bomb steak. Break up in three months or less.”
"You don't have to just convince Doyeon, it's your entire family! Not to mention you also have to go to the bachelor party!" 
"Oh I almost forgot," you reach under the couch for your laptop, "Jungkook, in two weekends from now we're flying to Las Vegas for the bachelor party and wedding. I'll buy your ticket now." 
"Thanks, babe!” Jungkook sends a cheeky grin to Seokjin, who is unimpressed. “See? I remember to call her babe.” 
“Alright, get out of my house,” Seokjin tugs Jungkook away from his computer, causing the younger man to swivel around in his plush gaming chair. 
Jungkook frowns at the monitor, “But I’m still bronze one. I’m aiming for silver one by this weekend.” 
“Don’t care. As much as I don’t like this plan, I’m not letting you two slip-up.” Seokjin pulls out his phone, revealing Doyeon’s Instagram story, “Doyeon and Namjoon are at the mall buying swimsuits for Vegas. Go to the mall and ‘accidentally’ run into them.”
You sit up straight, tilting your head to the side. “That’s not a bad idea, actually,” you bound over to grab your jacket, giving Seokjin a big fat kiss on his cheek, “Thanks Jinnie, do you know you’re—”
“I’m your favorite cousin. Yeah whatever, bye.” He waves you off, plopping in his own chair so he can enjoy his games in peace. 
“I’m driving,” Jungkook declares, swiping your keys from Seokjin’s opal dish. 
“Oh, hell no,” you jump on your tippy toes to reach Jungkook’s grasp on your keys, but he’s so freakishly tall there’s no way you can reach. “I drive my car!” 
“I’ve always wanted to drive your car back then,” Jungkook cooes, leaning in so your noses touch. “C’mon, you can trust me.” 
“You two are gross already,” Seokjin admonishes from the other side of the room, “see, it’s working!” 
Poking his cheek so he gives you some space, you whip your head to hide the flush that burns on your cheeks. “Fine, but if you crash you’re buying me a new one.” 
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“They’re over there,” you hiss between the racks, shuffling between the plastic hangers to point to Doyeon and Namjoon at the women’s section of the store. They look disgustingly adorable together, with Doyeon pointedly telling Namjoon which swimsuit suits his stature better while Namjoon nods along and goes with whatever she says. You crouch down lower, fearing Namjoon’s tall frame would catch you. “Now we just gotta act all couple-y and they’ll notice us. Or maybe we can walk over to them? What do you wanna do?” 
“Do you think we should get matching swimsuits?” Jungkook pays no mind to your sleuthing, holding up a red pair of swim trunks to his thighs, “we could pretend to be sexy lifeguards.” 
You tilt your head away from the pair, only because Jungkook has been genuinely interested in this store since you’ve arrived. Putting a hand under your chin, you scrutinize the dark red cutoff shorts. “They’re cute,” you nod appreciatively, “It’ll make your thighs look thick.” 
Jungkook’s grip on his hanger lowers, and he regards you with dark eyes. “You think my thighs look thick?” he asks, leaning in and putting one hand on the curve of your waist. His fingers dance on the surface of bare skin between your top and jeans, and while you’ve agreed beforehand that you two could touch each other wherever in public, it still surprises you when gooseflesh rises to the surface.
“Easy there, tiger,” you chuckle, putting a hand on his chest to stop his sudden bout of flirting. “I’m just stating the facts, we get it. You lift.” 
“You’re so cute when you try to put your guard up,” he’s brushing noses with you now, and you feel the plastic of the hanger crumple pathetically between you two as the gap closes further. “But you can’t hide from me.”
And just as his lips move to press against yours, a shrill “Jungkook!” echoes throughout the large store.
You nearly flop over the boardshorts rack if not for Jungkook’s arms secured around your waist. Oh right, you think dumbly, this is all for show. Doyeon and Namjoon are right in front of you, purchases already made and looking at you two in curiosity. Well, Namjoon is definitely curious, because you know for a fact that Doyeon speaks very little of you to him and you’ve only conversed with him a handful of times. Doyeon on the other hand, looks a little stiff in the grin. 
“Hello to you too,” you remark to Doyeon, who’s barely acknowledged you. You reach over to squeeze Namjoon’s arm, “Hi Joonie,” you crinkle your eyes, and you fight back a squeal when he smiles back with dimples. Doyeon has such a cute fiancé, and if you’re keeping score he’s way too good for her. 
Doyeon’s eyes glaze over to where you’ve touched Namjoon, and she links her arms with his. “What a coincidence, you two are buying swimsuits where we’re buying swimsuits.” 
“Well, there’s only one mall in this town and we’re going on the same trip in two weeks,” you reply blandly, and you feel Jungkook pinch your side. “Oh, Namjoon. Have you met my boyfriend Jungkook?”
“Can’t say that I have,” Namjoon reaches over to clasp Jungkook’s hand, “nice to meet you, man.” 
While Namjoon and Jungkook exchange small talk, you pointedly ignore the waves of negativity Doyeon sends your way in favor of observing the two large men. Namjoon just said it was nice to meet him, therefore he has no clue who Jungkook is. Interesting, considering Doyeon two-timed in favor of Namjoon. It gets you a little antsy, and you wonder if Namjoon is faking this whole interaction or if Doyeon is hiding something. 
“Baby,” Jungkook rests a hand on your shoulder, regarding you with concern, “you spaced out there, are you okay?” 
“She’s like that, Jungkookie,” Jungkook gently presses your shoulders down, blocking your view of Doyeon as she regards your not-boyfriend as Jungkookie. “My cousin’s a bit of an airhead,” her tone is sweet and jesting, the backhanded jab going right above Namjoon’s head. 
“I’m just hungry,” you say, forcing a tight-lipped smile. 
“Well, that’s perfect,” Namjoon clasps his hands together, “Yeonie and I were just about to go grab some dinner. Why don’t you join us?”
Doyeon and you both reply immediately, “That really isn’t necessary—” 
“Nonsense,” you don’t even have the heart to be upset at Namjoon because he looks so damn genuine, “It’s been two years and I haven’t even bought you a meal, y/n. After all, we’re going to be family at the end of the month.” 
“Right,” you answer reluctantly. 
“We’re gonna make reservations at the Cheesecake Factory,” he pulls out his phone, ready to make a call, “but you and Jungkook can finish shopping, okay? The wait will be a little long but by the time you’re done our table should be ready.” 
You and Jungkook wave off Doyeon and Namjoon as they make their way to the restaurant. Your hand is caught in the air by Jungkook, who regards you with worry in his eyes. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you looked spaced out,” he says, “tell me what you were really thinking.” 
Subconsciously, you squeeze his palm for comfort. “I don’t know, it just feels weird knowing Namjoon doesn’t seem to know you at all. Normally Doyeon loves to talk shit about her exes.” 
Jungkook scoffs easily, “I mean, if she’s marrying the guy I’m sure she doesn’t want to let him know the details of how they ended up together.” 
“True,” you decide to let it go, and follow Jungkook to the register to pay for his swim trunks. 
“So,” the little ‘ding’ of the register opens up the money box, and Jungkook quickly hands the clerk his cash, “we’re having dinner with them after this?” 
“Only if you want to.”
“We need to, right?” Jungkook thanks the clerk, holding the bag in one hand and threading his fingers through yours as you head out the store. 
“Well, do you want to?” you ask again. Jungkook stops the two of you on the sidewalk. It isn’t a fast stop, but a slow down that makes his walk a little more thicker, more deliberate as he trudges you down the lane. You move in front of him, clutching your hands between his. “Are you okay? You barely even acknowledged Doyeon.” 
“I’m fine,” you flinch at his harsh tone, and he immediately moves to remedy it by squeezing your hand back. “I’m sorry. It’s just been awhile and I’m definitely over her but,” he bows his head, feeling embarrassed, “she hurt me, you know?” 
Going into this is definitely one of the more selfish plans you’ve put your mind to. Your heart pangs thinking about what must be going through everytime he sees her. If he’s reminded about all the good times they shared, or how much he’s over thought every single conversation he’s had with her up until this point.
“Of course,” you completely understand, knowing from the beginning that this whole mess would end up with some dicey feelings someway or another. “I’m just thankful you chose to stick by me. And we can talk about it if you’re comfortable,” both of you being victims of Doyeon’s brand of torture, you hope the two of you can at least be friends after all of this is over, “we don’t have to go have dinner with them.” 
“But, Namjoon got us a table—” 
“Namjoon will be fine. We can always have dinner with him another time,” you smile softly, “what matters is that you’re okay.” 
His gaze melts, and you feel his grip loosen in your hold. He regards you with weak eyes, betraying the confidence he held himself to moments before. “Thanks, y/n,” he says, “I really appreciate that.” 
“Anytime,” you reply honestly. “We can go to Cheesecake and order to-go. I can make some excuse about how my stomach hurts and that we should do a raincheck.” 
“Sounds good.” 
“Do you wanna eat at one of our places or eat at the park or something?” you’re already pulling up your phone, checking out the menu. “We could invite Jin too.” 
“The park sounds nice,” neither of you acknowledge the fact that you’re not inviting Seokjin, and for some reason that’s okay.
“Yeah,” you agree simply, “the weather’s beautiful.” 
Under any normal circumstances, you would’ve been friends with someone like Jeon Jungkook, easily. A little part of you wishes that you could’ve met Jungkook first, but Doyeon has better connections than you and always had a good crowd around despite her inner motivations. No awkward exchange happens when you suggest to Jungkook to eat together. Even though you’re not technically dating, the two of you know that eating together is better than eating alone.
And you have to admit Jungkook’s great company. The two of you drive to a reserve nearby, overlooking a tiny lake. Instead of a fancy Italian tablecloth the two of you move your car seats down and set a spare picnic blanket in the trunk. Instead of a candlelit dinner the two of you find some emergency electric tealights in the glove compartment, lighting it up between you two as you dig into your to-go boxes. 
You’re a little envious that so much time has passed by. You could’ve been a little sneakier and made a better effort to communicate with Jungkook when you saw him regularly at family parties, and maybe you two would have a better friendship today. Nevertheless, the two of you mesh like peanut butter and jelly, exchanging conversation that has your cheeks sore from smiling too hard. 
By the time you get to dessert, the moon is out and the stars are floating above your heads. The two of you are at war, fighting with your forks over the last strawberry in your cheesecake slice. After some careful stabbing Jungkook manages to nab it with his fork. 
He almost puts it in his mouth, but instead swipes up some whipped cream to press the last strawberry to your lips. 
“I think it’s working,” Jungkook says randomly as you chew the sweet fruit, “you could see it on Doyeon’s face today. She’s unsettled.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, lying down on the lavender gingham picnic blanket. 
“Do you know why she fights with you all the time?” 
“That’s a question I’ve been asking myself since the dawn of time.”
“I think I know why.” Jungkook looks down at you with his large doe eyes, licking innocently on a spoon of whipped cream. 
“Pray tell.” 
“She’s jealous of you.” 
“No,” you disagree easily, “she’s jealous that I have you.” 
“Bzzt! Wrong,” Jungkook puts his empty container in your makeshift trash can, falling beside you and knitting his hands under his head. You have a little window on the roof of your car, so both of you are able to stare at the navy sky, “she’s always been jealous of you. Think about it. The two of you have similar lifestyles: same career path, confidence, taste, education. But even after all of that? People still like you more.” 
You scoff, hands immediately reaching to fiddle with the frayed corner of fabric next to your fingers. “I don’t think so.” 
“I’ve met all of Doyeon’s friends,” he informs you, “they’re weird. Like yeah, they care about each other on the surface level. But they’re nothing of substance. They’re not like your friends.” 
“Please, Doyeon has everything she could ever want,” you don’t know what kind of complex you have supporting Doyeon’s life, but something deep and insecure wants to separate you two as far away from each other as possible. “Like… she’s Malibu Barbie and I’m Polly Pocket.” 
Jungkook turns to face you, resting his head between his palm and leaning on his elbow. “Do you not think you’re beautiful?” 
“Yeah, but compared to Doyeon—” 
“You’ve always been beautiful to me, don’t you know that?”
You choke on your saliva, feeling small and skittish at the implication behind his words. It’s been two years. You’ve only been friends for two weeks. How can he possibly say that? 
“I uh, saw you once,” Jungkook coughs, and you watch the way his pale cheeks unmatch the moon and instead flit to a crimson hue, “we were at some party and you were wearing this really cute black dress with a white bow in the middle. Doesn’t even matter what party because it was random, y’know? I was gonna go talk to you but Doyeon got to me first and well, the rest is history.” He breaks eye contact with you, unable to handle it. 
You remember that party, vaguely. It was random, some sort of poetry slam in a shady part of town. Doyeon and you didn’t even go with each other, you were with Taehyung and she just happened to stumble in there from another nearby party. You didn’t even know Jungkook was there that night, or how you were a hair's breadth away from meeting him before Doyeon. 
“Don’t ever think you’re lesser than her just because out of all the people she chose to pick on, she chose you. It’s why she never lets you get to know her boyfriends. She’s threatened by you because you’re just as special,” something low sparks in your chest at his words,  “and now that you’ve finally decided to stoop to her level and fight back with a taste of her own medicine, she doesn’t know what to do.” 
Feeling like your body is on a beach and you’re sinking in sand, you soften over your picnic blanket, mulling it over. “Did I make the right choice? Stooping down to her level.” Your voice is quiet, comparable to the chirping birds and buzzing gnats outside. 
“We won’t know until after the wedding,” Jungkook answers honestly, “but I do know I’m sticking with you until the end. We’re friends now, got that? You have no excuse to ignore me anymore.” 
You don’t want to ignore Jungkook, never in a million years. Now you know that you are envious of Doyeon, for having an opportunity to love and care for an amazing person like him. So in a sudden bout of emotion, you roll over to straddle Jungkook’s waist. 
He’s shocked, hands flying to your waist to make sure you don’t wobble off. But you’re determined, and lean down to press your lips against his. He tastes like cheesecake and strawberries, the taste melding with your own as you relish in the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You melt a little when he squeaks, breaking into a soft moan as he reciprocates the gesture. He’s warm and large and he makes you feel safe. Once your brain returns to your body, you break for air. You only pull back a few centimeters, and there’s no way for you to get off because Jungkook has locked you in place. 
“What was that for?” he asks breathlessly. 
“Don’t know,” you’re whispering against his lips, unable to pull away, “just felt like we needed a little more practice.” 
He blinks, before relaxing in a silly smile. “I agree,” he says simply, dipping you on your back so he can be on top the second time around. 
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“We’re in Vegas, baby!” 
Every single terrible comedy movie set in Las Vegas has brought you to this very moment. You’ve always wanted to say that line. Dumping your luggage next to Jungkook’s, you flop on the nearest mattress. Thank goodness you only wore leggings and a t-shirt on the flight, it’s the optimal sleeping outfit after a long day. Feeling something hard and plastic dig into your brain, you hold up the culprit and squeal excitedly. “Look, Kook!” you wave the crinkly confection in your hands, “they put mints on the pillows!” 
Despite your room being a square with two queen beds, the hotel does not skimp on quality. The decor is ornate, the white and gold trim on the doorknobs and metal appliances shimmering beautifully. The beds feel like clouds, as you try to imagine what a cloud could possibly feel like, this is it. 
Jungkook immediately follows suit, ripping off his outer clothes until he’s left in his undershirt and boxers, flopping next to you on the mattress. He immediately opens his mouth when you shoot a mint, catching it easily. “I feel like we’re in a deleted scene of Crazy Rich Asians,” he says, letting the hard mint clink around his teeth, “is this the part where you tell me your family comes from old money and I’m gonna be your sugar baby?” 
“Don’t be so hopeful,” you narrow your eyes, booping his button nose with your finger. 
“I’m just saying, the first class flight threw me off.” 
You giggle, slapping his chest, “No. If that was true, we wouldn’t be sharing a room with my cousin. Sorry you have to share the bed with me, I got the hotel with Jin and he doesn’t want to sleep with you.”
“S’okay,” Jungkook replies softly, leaning closer to make grabby hands at you, “you’re softer.” 
Tentatively, you scooch over so you can lean on Jungkook’s chest. You two have a little time before Doyeon and Namjoon’s combined bachelor and bachelorette party. The past two weeks have been nice—scratch that, the past two weeks with Jungkook have been wonderful. You never cared to measure how much time passed before meeting him, but now that you’ve begun fake-dating, time is the only thing you regard. You’re already beginning to miss him, knowing that in a week, this whole arrangement will be over.
Well, not exactly over. Jungkook says you’ll remain friends after this, but you don’t really want that. You want more, and it scares you to think he may not feel the same. 
But right now you’re snuggling like an old couple, sleeping comfortably between pillow-like sheets and minty breath. Your pretend boyfriend, now your pretend boyfriend with benefits, looks soft and huggable and you want to bottle up this moment forever. You say benefits because, well, the cuddling is an added bonus. Practice practice practice, Jungkook sing songs the words you used that one night under the stars, excuses to seal his lips to your lips. You’ll never argue with that. So when Jungkook’s hand tightens around your waist and pulls you closer, you relent. 
One second, you’re closing your eyes and the next, you’re waking up to Seokin’s wide eyes staring back at you. 
“Eep, you creepo!” you shriek, scrambling away from him. That’s when you realize Jungkook’s missing from bed, the scent of his laundry detergent lingering between the eggshell Egyptian cotton. 
“Jungkook’s in the shower,” Seokjin immediately reads your mind, pulling away so he can unpack his luggage. “My flight just got in two hours ago, you both were out like a light when I arrived.”
“Ugh, I’m really not ready to party.” 
“Doyeon just texted the family group chat. She reserved the rooftop, the party starts in an hour,” he talks mindlessly, rifling through his stuff. Seokjin is fiddling with his clothes, despite the fact that you know Seokjin prepares his outfits days in advance so he doesn’t have to choose. He looks concerned, pulling out a flamingo pink boardshort and setting it down on his mattress. Finally he says, “I’m worried about you.” 
“Because. It’s clear that you’re starting to fall for Jungkook.” 
The words strike you straight in the place you’re trying to avoid. You’ve been living in a fantasy these past two weeks, thinly veiled by the whole reason you two are together in the first place. Doyeon’s wedding is just around the corner, and what then? 
“I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel anything for you either,” that gets your heart skipping a beat, and you secretly hold a hand to your chest under the blankets, “but do you really want to start off a relationship like this? A relationship all messy and morally objective because it’s built on revenge?” 
“Don’t worry about me,” the words easily fall from your lips, “I can take care of this.” 
“I hate it when you say that,” the words are curt and harsh against Seokjin’s plush lips, “I’m allowed to worry about you, y/n. You know why? Because, because you’re my favorite cousin too,” he bites his lip, walking over so he sits on your side of the bed. “So don’t tell me what I can and can’t worry about. I want you to be happy, I want you to stop holding in this anger you have for Doyeon and move on.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, leaning over to press your cheek against Seokjin’s shoulder. “You’re right.” 
“For the first time in a long time, you’ve finally decided to lean on someone,” and both of you know who that someone is. “I don’t want you to lose him over some petty family issue. You should tell him how you feel.” 
“I will,” you wrap your arms around your cousin’s slim waist in a silent thanks. 
“Am I interrupting a tender family moment?” 
The two of you pull away to stare at Jungkook, leaning against the doorframe that leads to the bathroom. He’s in a plain white t-shirt and the red board shorts that you bought at the mall, cutting off mid-thigh and revealing the bulky muscle underneath. You were right, the shorts do make his thighs look thick. 
Seokjin groans exaggeratedly. “Yes, yes you did.” 
Jungkook immediately goes to replace Seokjin’s spot, and some stray droplets fall fresh from the shower due to his slicked-back hair. “Do you wanna get ready? First party’s soon.” 
“Not really,” you admit, “you’re gonna meet the family all over again.” 
“Second time’s the charm,” he winked, “I’ve already met your parents and everything. Not feeling nervous at all.” 
“Oh, really?” 
“Really,” and the facade cools down a little, “well, maybe a little nervous for your Aunt Lillian. Her stares give me the heebie-jeebies.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from Aunt Lillian.” 
“God the two of you get worse every day,” Seokjin has magically changed into his shorts, tucking himself into the bed, “don’t wake me up until we pre-game.” 
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Doyeon and Namjoon don’t skimp on the festivities, although in taste the ideas are Doyeon’s in its entirety. It’s lavish and colorful, with a beautiful infinity pool in the middle decorated with lavender and pink headlights. There’s a buffet table overflowing with tasty food. There’s petal pink champagne overflowing from fountains, decorated with fresh strawberries bobbing around the fizzy drink. 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon and Jungkook have been talking for well over an hour, and it’s clear how well they mesh together. Heck, you’ve accepted that Jungkook may like Namjoon more than he likes you. Jungkook’s eyes sparkle as Namjoon discusses the various genres of rap and hip-hop music, explaining the potency of mature themes in a young community, “but I will say music is like another language, knows no boundaries when it comes to sending their messages to others.” 
You fight the urge to chuckle when Jungkook sighs dreamily at the music theory professor. “Wow, that’s so deep.” 
Getting up from your cabana, you nudge Seokjin, who’s currently flirting it up with one of Doyeon’s bridesmaids. “Hey, wanna get a drink?” you ask, throwing your wrap on the cushions to reveal your strappy red bikini. 
“And chicken tenders,” Seokjin presses a kiss to the bridesmaid’s cheek, bidding her goodbye as he follows you out of the shaded area. 
“Do you two lovebirds want anything?” you stare pointedly at Namjoon and Jungkook. While Namjoon’s eyes stay in contact with you, you can’t help but smile a little more when Jungkook has a hard time keeping his gaze in one place. 
“I think we’re fine,” Namjoon answers for both of them, swirling his beer bottle. “I’ll meet you two at the bar once I’m done.” 
“Sure thing,” Seokjin puts a hand on your back to lead you to one of the open bars. As much as you like being in a handsome hotel with money to burn, nothing beats the fact that your entire family is here to celebrate. The elders have corroborated two cabanas for poker and other games, while your younger cousins are playing ping pong and air hockey on the other side. 
“Namjoon sure is a dreamboat,” Seokjin bemoans, handing you an electric orange drink. You take a sip of it, and bug out when you realize it tastes nothing like alcohol. You’re definitely in for a night. “Like I can hear him wax music thingamajib any day.” 
“I thought you were into that bridesmaid.” 
“A mere diversion,” he sighs, leaning his tanned arms against the bar, “can’t ignore the deep voice Namjoon has, it’s intoxicating.” 
“I’m sure Jungkook would agree,” you egg on. 
“What are you two talking about?” you straighten up when the man of the hour shows up at the bar, absolutely glowing under the sunset. He orders a round for the three of you, and you immediately chug your own drink to get to the next one. 
“Talking about how you’re stealing Jungkook away from me,” you joke, accepting another fruity drink from Namjoon. Damn, this stuff tastes like candy. 
“Oh, never,” Namjoon replies brightly, waving the thought away, “do you see the way he looks at you? Hopelessly in love.” 
Maybe it’s the copious amounts of alcohol, but you feel your stomach flip-flop at the thought of love. You’ve always known what love felt like, the warmth of Namjoon’s cheeks whenever he sees Doyeon, when your mom takes care of you when you’re sick, when Seokjin makes sure you’re not emotionally constipated 24/7. But the thought of Jungkook and you in love? It’s a feeling you secretly yearn for. 
“Right? It’s disgusting,” Seokjin groans with an eye roll, “like, Jungkook wasn’t like that with Doyeon at all when they were together.” 
The slip up has the three of you choking on your own thoughts, staring at each other like the three have just been told you’re on a prank show. But it is no prank, and you look at Seokjin who’s absolutely horrified. 
“Oh shit,” he squeaks, looking at Namjoon guiltily, “did I say something I shouldn’t have said?” 
“I don’t know,” Namjoon replies coolly, “did you?” 
The ominous response gets you going, and you quickly place a hand on Namjoon’s arm, placating him. “They dated, yes. But it was only for a short time and we’ve sorted everything out. Nothing for you to worry about.” 
“Oh,” Namjoon quirks his head, and regards you two with pursed lips. “I’m not one of those guys who freak out over other people’s exes. I’m just surprised that I’ve only heard this now,” Namjoon takes a slow sip of his drink, and despite your drink also being cold and refreshing, you’re absolutely sweating. 
“Well, I’m sure Doyeon didn’t want to worry you.”
At the mention of his future wife, he beams. “You’re right, she’s considerate like that,” and the conversation ends just like that. He holds up his drink to the two of you, and you and Seokjin do the same. With a sharp clink he leaves you two to mull, happily conversing with the next round of guests he needs to entertain for the week. 
“That guy is too nice for his own good,” you shake your head, asking the bartender for your third drink within ten minutes. 
Seokjin leans over you and warbles, “So you’re telling me that Namjoon has no idea that Doyeon cheated on Jungkook in order to date him?” he’s sweating just like you are, following suit to your actions and asking to make his drink a double. 
“I don’t know,” you bite your lip, your teeth worrying the dark skin, “I’ve been thinking about it for a while though. I just don’t want to get involved, you know?” 
“But this is different!” 
“But Doyeon’s family!” 
“And all of a sudden you care about Doyeon’s feelings?” Seokjin gripes back, “it’s not about Doyeon, it’s about the both of them. And if we know something that Namjoon doesn’t, wouldn’t it be in our best interests to warn him before he seals a marriage deal that costs him over a zillion dollars?” he gestures to the extravagant wedding party. 
“But we don’t even have any proof that’s the case,” you frown, “Doyeon could have changed—a little, not a lot—since meeting Namjoon, maybe she thinks it’s best to reveal as little as possible.” 
Seokjin wonders what kind of family he has. One as chaotic as his takes a lot to stomach, and Seokjin likes to pride himself in his strong appetite. “Fine, let’s just keep a close eye on both of them this week. And if anything remotely fishy happens, we strike.” 
You return to the cabana alone, with a plate of fries for both you and Jungkook. Jungkook is also alone, laying on the lounge chair with his eyes closed. It gives you a chance to ogle your fake-boyfriend a little bit, reveling in the sight of his toned body. 
Setting down your plate with a sharp rap of the glass, Jungkook opens one eye. “Hey,” he smiles, drinking in your muted expression, “you okay?”
Damn Jungkook for being able to read you so well. “I think so. It’s nothing, really.” 
“Well, will you tell me if it’s something?” 
“Yeah, I will.” 
“So, I do have something to tell you though.” Jungkook sits up, regarding you wearily. “Can you… stand in front of me?” Confused, you shove a fry in your mouth and walk up to him as directed, your back blocking the entrance as you stand in front of him. “Okay, come closer. Now bend down,” you bend your back 90 degrees, and he presses a hand to your shoulder to stop you, “no, no. With your breasts out, just a little—there! Arch your back. Like you’re doing the Sorority Squat.” 
“Excuse me—” 
“The music isn’t even that loud,” he mutters to himself, “no one would need to push their boobs in my face to hear me.” 
“Jungkook, is someone pressing boobs to your face?” 
“Why,” he breaks into a playful grin, “jealous?”
“Not if it’s Aunt Lillian.” 
“Unfortunately it wasn’t,” he twiddles with the drawstrings of his shorts. “It was Doyeon.” 
Doyeon? She didn’t walk by your cabana all day. Heck, she barely greeted you when you arrived with Jungkook. But when Jungkook’s alone is when she decides to pounce? And with what motive? 
“I don’t know,” he’s rambling to himself, “maybe I’m overthinking it. It was only half a second.” 
“Jungkook, I have something to tell you,” you say instead, panic in your features. 
“Is it something urgent?” 
“Well, no but—” 
“Then tell me when we get back to the room,” Jungkook easily pulls you onto his lap, and you instantly heat up when you feel your bare butt press against Jungkook’s golden thighs. “Like you said, we’re in Vegas. Let’s have fun while we can.” 
“Okay,” you tuck your head between his neck and collarbone, reaching to press a kiss to his smooth jawline. 
Relaxing against the plush lounge chair Jungkook feeds you fries while talking about the things he wants to do this week. It’s his first time in Vegas and he wants to make the most of it. He wants to visit all the buffets he sees on Buzzfeed compilations, relax at the pool, maybe catch a show. The thought of spending all week with him and your family is nice, and suddenly you don’t feel so awkward sitting on his lap, and eventually he pulls you between his thighs so you can lay on his chest. 
“And between you and me,” he fake whispers against the shell of your ear, as if he’s telling you the biggest secret, “we’re the hottest couple here.” 
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The next three days leading up to the wedding are relatively uninteresting. 
Uninteresting in the best way possible. On Monday you and Jungkook spend time with your little cousins, taking them to The Adventuredome, one of the resort's indoor theme parks. On Tuesday you and Jungkook go shopping at the outlet malls with your parents, blowing hundreds of dollars on cheap Levis that have your luggage bursting with a new wardrobe. In between all of that Seokjin and occasionally Namjoon joins you two in your buffet journey, hitting up the top spots and filling your tummies to the brim with delicious food. 
On Wednesday, Jungkook brandishes two gold-foiled tickets in front of you, waving them around like a fan. With one finger, he pushes away your Pokémon battle, “I got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” he announces proudly, “waited in line for an hour.”
You gape, scrambling off of your bed and throwing your Nintendo Switch to the side. “Jungkook,” you marvel, “these are so expensive. How’d you manage to get a show for tonight?” 
He shrugs, “Looked around.” 
“You’ve been impulse buying a lot this week,” you tease, “like really, you don’t need three pairs of the same ripped jeans.”
“This wasn’t an impulse buy,” he says, “I’ve been looking around for shows. Just managed to pick them up today, so go get dressed for our date.”
Did Jungkook just call it a date? Giddy with excitement you throw the covers off, running into the bathroom to get ready. What a surprise, you didn’t think Jungkook would be into spontaneous things like this. 
Seokjin left the bathroom open, so when you walk in the room it is steamy and warm. Your dear cousin is still in the shower, probably waiting for his conditioner to pass three minutes of set-in time. 
“What are you getting ready for?” Seokjin asks over the rain shower.
“Kook got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil,” you chirp happily, looking through your skin care products. 
“I wanna come!” 
“Nope! Jungkook called it a date.” 
“Oh, a date,” Seokjin drawls, putting his head under the water to rinse his hair clean. “Well then, should I vacate the room for tonight?” 
“What, no!” you’ve closed the door, so thankfully Jungkook can’t hear you talking about him. “We’re not doing anything. We’re just two friends who are fake-dating going on a date.” 
“Sounds like a real date, though,” Seokjin wraps a towel around himself to cover all his important bits before getting out of the shower, bumping elbows with you so he can brush his teeth. “Either way, I’ll be gone tonight. It’s my turn to watch the baby cousins. Don’t have too much fun while I'm in their room watching Despicable Me for the millionth time.” 
“We’ll be sure to stop by with some pizza or something,” you tease, a little wiggle in your hips when you vacate the bathroom. 
By the time you and Jungkook are ready, you two are dressed impeccably. Jungkook is wearing one of the ripped black jeans he bought on Tuesday, combined with a white button up and black blazer. A classic outfit with a little bit of Jungkook-themed flair. And to Jungkook’s surprise, you’re wearing the dress that he first saw you in, all those years ago. You’ve gained a little weight since college, but you still fill out the little black dress beautifully, the little white bow in the middle adding a simple yet adorable touch. It took a little sleuthing and searching through your old college clothes, but you were determined to find it when Jungkook reminded you how much you love the design. 
Clearly from the way Jungkook is currently gaping at you like a bloated fish, he loves it too. 
The show is beautiful and colorful, leaving you speechless and in tears by the end of it. Jungkook lets you hold his hand the entire time, feeling a bout of anxiety anytime the acrobats fall gracefully despite the large height. 
Overall, it was a wonderful show, paired with your equally enamouring date. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish what’s fake and what’s real in your heart, and throughout the night you’re sorely reminded that you should tell Jungkook how you feel. 
But by the time you get to the room your parents are calling you, asking to get their suit and dresses out of the car so hotel service can do a last minute press and dry clean. 
“I’ll be back,” you say to Jungkook, “I need to go get their clothes out of the car. They’re always so forgetful.” 
“Want me to come?” he offers, hand shying away from inserting the keycard in. 
“No, I’ll only be fifteen minutes, tops.”
“So I guess this is this the part where I get a goodnight kiss?” he asks cheekily, leaning on his heels so his tall frame reaches yours. You don’t hesitate to give a short peck to his pretty pink lips. He pouts at the brevity, “that was too quick.” 
“Go inside,” you insist, “the sooner you get ready for bed the sooner I can get ready for bed.” 
“Then more kisses?” 
“Then more kisses.” 
Jungkook breaks into an all-teeth smile, unable to control himself when he dips down and steals a longer, more lingering kiss to your lips. “I had a great time tonight,” he says, mimicking every single teenage rom-com protagonist who’s deeply in love with the popular jock. “Don’t take too long, okay?” 
You nod, pushing him inside, “C’mon, if you stopped talking I’d be back by now!” 
Once the door closes shut, you let yourself do a little dance in the hallway, wiggling your butt and giving yourself a mini-celebration. You quickly text your group chat that you just came back from the Cirque show.
Jimin: what, a date with your fake date?
Hobi: jeon jungcock? 👀👀
Jimin: whaaaaaattttt. U’ve gotta have sat in his lap at least. 3 times since you’ve started this ting
Hobi: i’ve heard things in college… 
Taehyung: u are all gross and i hate u 
Taehyung: but so am i bc im very curious 
Just as you’re about to send a heated reply, the elevator dings, revealing a pissed off Doyeon. She’s bare-faced, in a fluffy lilac bath robe and matching puff ball slippers. You slip in right beside her, making sure there’s a comfortable amount of space between you two. 
“You’re going to the parking garage too?” you ask, eyes lingering on the lit button. 
“Yeah,” she’s looking at her phone, a few stray hairs from her mahogany bun falling onto her forehead, “Aunt Lillian left her medication in the car. I don’t know why she has to send me, I’m busy getting married.” 
“My parents left their formal clothes in the car,” you shrug, “you know, my parents and Aunt Lillian share the same brain cell. Gotta help them out once in a while.”  
The icy silence in the elevator is probably the calmest you and Doyeon have been since you’ve announced your relationship status with Jungkook. You fight the sigh, opting to take out your phone and open some unread messages. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: hurry up, the bed’s cold without u 
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You: lool, why do u look constipated 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: because i am, hurry up. Im bringing ur switch to the toilet and playing on your profile 
You tilt your head a centimeter, feeling Doyeon breathing down your neck like Puff the Magic Dragon. You look at her with wide eyes. Her long, slender neck manages to snake its way next to your head, “Can I help you?” you ask amusedly, clutching your phone to your chest. 
“Are you two really together?” she asks, batting her lashes. All this week she’s left you alone, and you’ve been wondering when she’s going to make herself known. It’s a little self-absorbed you have to admit, but ever since Namjoon’s ignorance to Doyeon’s previous relationship, you’ve been on edge. 
“Of course we are,” you spit back, “I love him.” 
And you must be very convincing, because Doyeon’s gaze falters just a fraction. You glare at her, staking your claim. Ever since Jungkook told you the reason Doyeon hates you is because she’s jealous, you’ve started to feel a bit of sympathy for her. Doyeon is beautiful and smart, she has no reason to feel this way. But the brain holds fickle thoughts sometimes, bringing darkness to the mind. 
“He loved me first,” she bites back, lifting her chin. 
“And why do you care?” you laugh tonelessly. The elevator dings open, and you’re met with the open air and concrete of the parking garage. “He may have loved you first, but he’ll love me last.” 
You leave the elevator first, a little pep in your step as you make your way to the rental car to gather your parent’s things. While the words you uttered are white in nature and may not hold any sort of weight to them, it manages to bring Doyeon to her knees, absolutely quaking in the elevator. 
You’re tasting revenge, and it’s sweet. 
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“Okay, you need to leave,” Seokjin pulls away the shot glass from your lips, “I didn’t spend days planning the itinerary for you to mess it up. Bridal party in Doyeon’s suite and the groom’s party in Namjoon’s parents suite.” 
“That’s dumb,” you chastise, crossing your arms, “we’re all meeting at the same club at 10. Why can’t we pre-party together?” 
“Because it’s tradition!” 
“Screw tradition,” you stumble on your heels as you purse your lips at Jungkook, “Kook, when we get married I don’t wanna do a whole boy-and-girl party. We’re equals, right?” 
“Of course, baby,” he cooes, being careful not to smudge your makeup when he presses his lips to the crown of your head. “But for the sake of Seokjin’s sanity, you should probably go to Doyeon’s. It’ll only be an hour or two.” 
You gasp exaggeratedly at the blatant betrayal. He only grins cheekily in response, dipping down to press a wet kiss to your cheek. “Fine,” you cross your arms, snatching back your drink from Seokjin’s grasp to knock it down. 
Leaving the bachelor pre-party pains you considerably. They’re having such a good time joking around the suite, telling each other fun stories and relaxing in chairs as they watch TV. This is your kind of crowd, not to mention that you can peacefully check out Jungkook’s ass in those tight dress pants without any crazy club lights distorting your vision.
From past family party experience you already have a feeling what’s coming for you in the ladies’ suite. 
Loud music pours from Doyeon’s suite, and it’s completely unlocked. The bridal party is raving, ten seconds away from being completely drunk and immobile. The lights are being manually shut on and off like some sort of cheap rager, and you have to tell Yoojung to tone it down before you get a seizure. 
The stench of acidic drinks and the tang of alcoholic air is palpable, and instead of a shot you opt for a glass of peach champagne to slow you down. 
As you walk deeper into the suite, you notice a crowd forming by the balcony. Tapping your cousin Nari on the shoulder, you regard her with a hug and kiss. “What’s going on over there?” you ask, heels not helping you see any better. 
Nari’s all blushy and pink, hiccuping as she gestures to the balcony. “Her maid of honor got Doyeon a very special gift!” 
Managing to weave through the women blocking your view, you fight the urge to gag when you have a clear view of the scene in front of you.
You really don’t understand the purpose of bachelor and bachelorette parties. “One night to be single all over again!” they all say, even though they’re not actually single? Like why does the couple suddenly get one night of forgiveness when you’ve already spent years being in a committed relationship? 
Why is it okay that Doyeon’s dry humping a stripper on the balcony? Her white silk dress is ruched dangerously high, soon close to flashing her family. Aunties and friends and the like are cheering her on, and she flips her head perfectly to all the phones shoved in their faces, making sure to get the perfect angle. 
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you turn back in the hopes that your other family members would be willing to have a good old-fashioned tip back with you. 
You squeal when your hands accidentally land on a bare, oiled chest. You look up, mortified at the large man covered in black harnesses. “Hey babe, I’m Wonho,” he says, faking a sultry gaze as he looks at you up and down, “you’re part of the bridal party too? Wanna dance?” 
Feeling naked, you push past him, careful not to get anything on your dress. Wonho? Wonno.
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Jungkook loves your family. 
(Except Doyeon.)
As much as he told you not to worry about him, and he’ll be completely fine when he meets your family, he couldn’t help be a little wary on the flight over. After all, it’s been two years and he didn’t know how things would be different. 
Chaoticism and all, your family is a thing to be cherished. Even though Yoongi has been on mood swings that make Jungkook question his sanity from time to time, and Seokjin is secretly breathing down Jungkook’s back every time he so glances at you, he thinks things are right where they should be.  
But despite all that they regarded him with familiarity, hugged and kissed him like old friends, something is different. They’ve turned over a new page for him. They don’t bring up Doyeon. They ask about his family, his job, his life in the city. They ask about how you and Jungkook met, and how happy they are for you. How happy they are for him.
Oh, how he wishes everything could be different. In another world, you two would already be together. 
He wasn’t lying back at the cabana when he said you two are the hottest couple at the resort, including the bridal party (but don’t tell Namjoon). You look absolutely stunning in your sparkly red dress, accentuating all the right parts and lighting up the whole room. 
When he finds you in the club you’re sitting down with your Aunties, keeping the elders company while the younger ones are flagging down the bartenders. He thinks it’s cute, how well you fit in between them, coddling you like you’re still a child in their eyes. 
“Dear, your boyfriend is here!” your one Aunt yells over the loud EDM.
You lift your head up quickly, giving him the prettiest smile. Your teeth glow purple under the neon lights, and he fights the urge to laugh when he holds out a hand. “Mind if I steal her from you?” 
“Of course, she’s gotta live a little!” 
You pout, a little wobbly but nevertheless still in the right mind as you shuffle out of the booth to meet his awaiting arms. “Hey handsome,” your voice is thick and sweet-smelling, “come here often?” 
“Only when my girlfriend does,” he replies cheekily, hands immediately coming to your butt to smooth out your dress. He shys a bit when your Aunties hoot and holler at his public display of affection, but all he wants to do was pull the hem down a little bit. No way is he going to let anyone get a flash of your goods. 
“Let’s dance!” you take your hand in his, leading him to a comfortable corner of the dance floor. 
Clubs aren’t really your scene, aligning with Jungkook’s sentiments towards the loud generic music and terrible smell. But you’re in Vegas, and he feels that it’s all part of the package to experience the nightlife at least once. He puts his hands on your waist and you giggle like you’re in prom, hands coming to rest on the collar of his button down. 
“Hey,” he says with a lopsided smirk, “wanna make out?” 
 “Sure,” he notices that you don’t even check if anyone’s seeing, and it makes his heart flutter when you don’t hesitate to get on your tiptoes to meet him halfway. 
He’s always hoped for a moment like this, a moment where the room stops spinning and both your minds click into place. It’s almost comical, how he distinctly notes that the music fades once his lips touch yours. The kiss is hot, yet intimate. Even though he makes excuses to kiss you all the time because of practice, it goes to show that you two definitely never needed it. Your tiny hands grip the collar of his button down, bringing you two impossibly close despite the hot air. His larger hands grip at the strings that hold your measly dress together, grappling at any excuse to get to your soft skin. The two of you are a natural when it comes to each other’s intimacy. 
The two of you pull away, mesmerized. You haven’t kissed like that before. He melts under your stare, his thumb reaching to nick off any lip gloss that’s moved in the process. 
Seokjin comes down the floor to haul you both by the shoulders, “C’mon lovebirds, they’re taking wedding shots!” 
The two of you follow your cousin to the crowd of people that is your family, already with their own drinks in hand. Doyeon and Namjoon are sitting atop the bar, making a very loud toast that consisted of a quick “thank you!” and “we love you!” before downing their drinks with their arms linked together. The room is thrumming with excitement for tomorrow’s festivities, and surprisingly, you and Jungkook included. He tucks himself in your body like a puzzle piece, hugging you from behind while he watches Namjoon’s eyes sparkle with love under the neons. 
The nightclub gets a little blurry after that, with the copious amounts of alcohol and shameless actions from your family and friends. By the time it’s twelve Jungkook notices you swaying at a rate that you can’t handle. He knows your limits and knows when you have to urge to pee every five minutes, it’s time to go. With a chaste kiss you leave him at the bar, deciding to make a pitstop to the bathroom before telling Jungkook you want to head up.
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You’re locked in a stall when you hear Yoojung’s voice. 
“Ugh,” she groans, voice echoing through the tiny room. “Jungkook is so sexy. Do you see the way he’s dancing out there? He’s a literal babe magnet, I can’t believe he ended up with someone like y/n.” 
You don’t move a muscle, pressing your ear against the door that hides you. The silly slander isn’t news to you, Doyeon has been feeding her friends all sorts of bullcrap so they wouldn’t bother talking to you. 
“Yeah, Jungkook’s a real treat but he dated Doyeon first. Sounds like she’s into sloppy seconds,” Elly replies, another bridesmaid you’ve met in passing. “But I don’t know, they do look happy together.”
“Please, I’m sure Jungkook’s just using her so he can get one more chance at Doyeon before she ties the knot,” you bristle, the thought of Jungkook still having feelings for Doyeon makes your heart thud painfully against your chest, “like, what a downgrade. Namjoon and Doyeon do not deserve this drama. If Jungkook ever liked Doyeon at all, he wouldn’t have come. Period.” 
You slam the door open, causing Elly to squeal and Yoojung’s YSL lipstick to fall onto the sink. You’re the epitome of relaxation, walking towards the sink to wash your hands. The bridesmaids simply stare at you, unable to formulate a comeback. When you finally dry your hands, you say your next words. 
“Jungkook is here because he loves me,” an act act act. This is all an act. You shouldn’t be this offended because you know it’s all false. “And you’re wrong. It’s not Jungkook that doesn’t deserve Doyeon. Jungkook was too good for Doyeon.” 
And you slam your heels against the tile, stilettos pounding to the beat of the music. Your exit is full of anger and frustration as you ignore the burn in your step and the ache in your heart, flagging the first bartender you see to get you a double. 
Shot for shot, that anger soon melts into guilt as Yoojung’s words sink in. The thought of Jungkook using you to get to Doyeon is terrible, you can barely stomach the thought. But that’s exactly what you’re doing, right? You’re using Jungkook to get back at Doyeon. 
Why did you even want to get back at Doyeon anymore? Why do you have to prove anything to her? If she just continues to push you around, isn’t that more on her than it is on you? 
Jungkook soon finds you after you’ve nursed a few drinks, leaning unceremoniously against a barstool. His eyes widen at your state, and he immediately sheds his jacket to wrap it around your waist. 
“Why did you drink so much?” he chastises, “it’s the night before the wedding.” 
“Jungkookie,” you warble, clutching your stomach, “I don’t feel so good.” 
He sighs, bending down. “Get on my back. Make sure the jacket covers you up, okay?” 
He doesn’t even grunt when you put all your weight on him, feeling like a ragdoll as he hoists you up. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting him carry you to your room. Most of the older family already went upstairs to sleep, so none of your cousins could care less when they see you get hauled away by Jungkook. 
You inhale, he smells like sweat and cologne. “I like putting my head between your neck,” you babble, and you feel Jungkook chuckle through his chest, “you smell so nice there. It’s the bestset! Comfiest place ever, ‘specially when m’sleepy.” 
“Are you sleepy now, baby?” You love how smooth the petname falls from his lips. 
“I will be when we get upstairs,” you reply, happy to see the elevator is empty. “I’m just all up in my head.” 
“Is that why you were drinking so much? You said you were gonna stop earlier.” 
“Yeah, but,” you shamefully tuck your head in his shoulder, “I was frustrated.” 
“Frustrated? At who?” concern laces his tone as he struggles to hold you with one hand and fumble for his key in the other. You tighten your legs around his slim waist until the door clicks open, and he immediately walks over to your bed to plop you down. “Babe, are you crying?” he finally has a good look at your face, horrified to see the streaks of tears mixed with mascara running down your face. 
“I wa-was jealous,” you confess tearily, clutching your face in your hands,  “some girls in the bathroom were calling you sexy and that you were only here so you could try to win over Doyeon. I know it sounds ridiculous and you would never do that but. The thought of you getting back with her makes me so jealous and I hate it! I’m starting to feel so guilty about this, all of this. I put all of this on ourselves and I’m ruining it.” 
“Ruining what? You’re not making any sense.” Jungkook places a hand on your knee, crouching down so he can look up at you. 
“I’m ruining us,” you gush despondently, “I’m ruining any potential of us before we even start.” 
Jungkook freezes, hand clutching your knee like a lifeline. The potential of you two together? You’ve thought of that? Jungkook didn’t drink much tonight, so his mind is definitely running on all cogs. 
Coming to a conclusion, he rubs slow, soothing circles on your knee, his other hand reaching up to wipe the tears from your face. “You’re not ruining anything,” he declares firmly, “that’s impossible. I may have agreed to fake-date you because of Doyeon, but I stayed because of you.” 
His heart aches seeing you so upset, and he decides to take initiative to get you out of your clothing and ready for bed. You don’t have any words, opting to let Jungkook take care of you as you try to calm yourself down. He finds a spare t-shirt,  a long one so you’ll be comfortable. He doesn’t bat an eye when he unzips your dress, in favor of balling up the shirt and getting you clothed as fast as possible. He rifles through the bathroom to find your makeup wipes, and he’s gentle when he scrubs up the once pretty makeup you spent half an hour doing. Barefaced and fresh, you look sleepy and ready to crash. 
But before Jungkook can tuck you in, you clutch his arm.
“Jungkook,” you murmur sleepily, “I think I lo—” 
“I know, baby,” he doesn’t want a confession like this, and he’s sure you wouldn’t want it either. You still look a little green and you’re not sober, so he makes the executive decision to pin these feelings for later. “I’m not trying to invalidate you, I promise. I want you to tell me this, all of this in the morning. We’ll talk then.”
“Okay,” you melt in the sheets, pulling the blankets up to your chest. When you see Jungkook move away from the bed, you jolt, “Where are you going?” 
Jungkook smiles, reaching over to tuck you back in, “I left my blazer in Namjoon’s room. I’ll be right back, okay?” 
He walks out of your room as quietly as he can, making sure to close the door slowly. Once it’s sealed shut, he leaps up, giving himself a silent cheer as he bounds down the hall. You like him back! 
The smile on his face is tired but full of fervor as he makes his way to Namjoon and Doyeon’s suite. He doesn’t even care that he probably has to talk to Doyeon to get his jacket back, thoughts filled with the excitement of his requited feelings and going back to his room to cuddle up with you. 
He doesn’t even have to knock when the large double doors swing open. Dumbfounded, he looks down at Doyeon, wearing a tiny black nightie and dangling his jacket with one finger. It’s an outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination, and he feels his neck heat up at the feeling he’s encroaching on an intimate moment. 
“You left this,” she says slowly, a tiny smirk on her lips. 
“Uh, thanks,” he says, making sure not to touch her when he grabs his blazer. 
In her other hand she holds up her room’s designated ice bucket. “Could you also get me some ice, please? Namjoon’s fast asleep and I really don’t want to walk out all… exposed.” 
He swallows his sigh, knowing it’s going to take significantly longer to get back to you when Doyeon drawls like this. “Of course,” he replies tersely, “after all, you are the bride.” 
“Thanks, Jungkookie.” 
He makes quick work of getting Doyeon the ice, pumping his long legs down the hall. The ice room is cold and cramped, barely enough for his tall frame to fit in. He jabs the container in the holder, pressing the button ten times per second to get as much ice out as possible. 
As soon as he turns around with the ice, he drops the whole bucket. 
Like glass, it shatters onto the ground, hundreds of little clear pebbles skimming across the floor like marbles. Doyeon’s pushing Jungkook against the ice machine, freshly manicured hands splayed across his chest. Her body is flush against his, making sure that he feels all of her with her thin silk gown. 
“What the fuck, Doyeon get off of me!” a little part of him hopes she’ll come to her senses on her own so he doesn’t have to put his hands on her. 
“C’mon, Kookie,” her voice is a sickly candy sweet, her eyes wide with hunger as she takes in his form, “just one more night, you and me. Like old times. One more night before I tie the knot.” 
“You’re crazy,” he balks, running his hand through his hair, “this is sexual harassment, do you know that?” 
“You don’t mean that, Kookie,” Doyeon dips a red-tipped nail down his chest, “why settle for someone like y/n when I’m right here?” 
He grabs her wrists, firm. She winces at the contact, but doesn’t say anything when Jungkook delivers her a scary glare. It gets her quiet, fearful of this version of Jungkook. Doyeon’s never seen Jungkook like this before, so unwilling to bend at her whim and emanating all his power against her. 
“Why settle for your cousin?” he whispers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “because, I love her.” 
Her lip curls in disgust, nails digging into the palm of his hand. “But you loved me first.”
“And I’ll love her last,” he spits pack, letting go of her. His anger splits for a brief second, regarding Doyeon with sorrow, “this is low, even for you.”
Jungkook pushes past the ice, wobbling out of the ice room. He doesn’t look back, he just knows that he needs you right now. He needs to tell you everything, figure out a plan to cancel the wedding or something. 
But when he crashes inside the room, you’re dead asleep. He can’t find the courage to wake up Seokjin as well, who returned and is sleeping in his club outfit. He groans, feeling useless as he stares at the two of you, ignorant of what just conspired ten minutes ago. 
And Namjoon, what is he going to tell Namjoon? Poor guy doesn’t deserve any of this. 
Walking up to your side of the bed, he tucks your loose hair behind your ear. You look so peaceful now, so beautiful. 
It’s just going to have to wait until the morning. 
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The morning of the wedding, you wake up alone. 
The first thought that runs through your head is that Jungkook has rejected you. The little, insecure bug that will never go away in your brain fills you with rash thoughts. He’s on a flight half way back home and he regrets this whole week. 
But after that exaggeration, you notice two aspirin and a bottle of water on your nightstand, along with your phone that’s fully charged. 
You pull up the screen to check the dozens of messages that flood your app. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: morning babe, im sorry i had to leave early. Namjoon showed up at our door freaking out that his suit is the wrong fit and shade. Now im running around vegas trying to find a replacement that doesn’t look like an elvis presley extra
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: but i didn’t forget what you said last night, i promise! Just go get ready and i’ll meet u at the chapel outside the resort. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: i also have something to say to you
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: wow i didn’t realize how ominous that sounds. Dw, everything will be fine
When someone tells you something will be fine, it’s a universal agreement that no, things will not be fine. 
So you get dressed, and put on your makeup mindlessly. You don’t really know what to make of Jungkook’s cryptic message, but you decide to leave those thoughts in the back of your mind as you go to the other rooms to help your family get ready. 
Seokjin is busy tying the ring bearer’s tie, looking handsome with his slicked back hair and polished grey suit. “Morning, cousin,” he sing-songs, “you look beautiful today!”
You smooth out your dress, a cascading silver number with starry sparkles. You feel like you’re living out your magical girl fantasies, wrapped up in layers of tulle and a sparkly sweetheart bodice.
“Right back at you. Say, you didn’t see Jungkook this morning, did you?” 
“No, but I heard he’s with Namjoon hunting for a new suit. Why?” 
“Nothing,” you lean against the guest table, “he just said something really ominous over text.” 
“I will never get a peaceful day so long as I’m in this family,” he says this directly to the ring bearer, a toddler who’s obviously confused at his uncle’s weird sayings. 
Your phone beeps conveniently, displaying Jungkook’s name. 
Jeon Jung-boo-thang: just got his suit. We’ll be there in fifteen. Meet me at the garden behind the chapel, please. It’s urgent 
Now you’re just worried. So you tell Seokjin your sentiments, and that he should have his phone on hand in case you needed him. With a confused nod, you leave him to go down to the garden.  
The groomsmen and bridesmaids are already at the chapel taking pictures. Only the wedding party is really allowed at this time, but you manage your way through the gardens virtually undetected. Jungkook’s already waiting for you, hiding under a white gazebo overlooking the hotel’s fountain. 
He looks gorgeous in his all black pinstripe suit, hair pushed back and pants fitted perfectly around his waist and thighs. When he sees you he gets up, full of skittish energy. You note that his hair isn’t even styled, only washed and curling slightly at the ends, as if he’s in a rush.
“W-wow,” he marvels when you rush up to him, “you look gorgeous.” 
You drop the handful of silver tulle, letting it fall to the floor. “Jungkook,” you clasp his hand in both of his, guilt flooding your eyes. You’ve been thinking about this all morning, and you need to cut to the chase. Jungkook tries to open his mouth but you silence him with a finger on his lips. “I can’t—I can’t do this. I know this sounds really stupid and you probably don’t want anything to do with me after this, but I shouldn’t have made this elaborate scheme,” you bite your lip, feeling even more antsy as Jungkook squirms in his grip. He however, is trying very hard to focus with his eyes, confused at your sudden confession. “I like you, Jungkook. I don’t want to parade you around like a revenge plot anymore, it isn’t fair and it’s wrong in so many ways—” 
“That’s great,” he says simply, brown eyes swirling with thoughts, “um, ditto. But—”
“Wow,” you frown, “I pour my heart out to you and this is what I get?” 
“It’s great that you want to be selfless right now,” Jungkook takes your hand, firm and tight, “but without this elaborate scheme, we wouldn’t be saving asses like we are right now.”
“What are you talking about?” You thought Jungkook rushed you down here so you could talk about each other’s feelings before the wedding. 
“Doyeon just threw herself on me last night. I got her ice and she took that as an invitation to seduce me like an episode of Sex and the City. Namjoon needs to divorce her, like yesterday.” 
Your face then morphs into something dark and ugly, and you fling your whole confession out the window. The thought of Doyeon going as far as throwing herself on Jungkook as a last ditch attempt to get back at you, has you seeing blood red. “What? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!”
“You were asleep!” he shoots back, putting his hands on your shoulders. He rubs warm strokes up and down your bare arms, “please relax. You’re shaking.” 
“And why didn’t you tell Namjoon when you were driving around all morning?”
“I tried to!” he retorts, hands swinging in the air. You huff when his hands land back on your shoulders, preventing you from running to the chapel to extract Doyeon out yourself, “but he just kept talking shit about how much he loves Doyeon and he can’t imagine being together with anyone but her and I felt so bad! I’m sorry I chickened out. I really don’t wanna be the one to break Namjoon’s heart. I’m just the plus one!” 
You pinch your brows, mulling it over. “Fuck it, let’s crash a wedding,” you declare, “where’s Namjoon and how can we get him alone?” 
Jungkook exhales, a hand carding up to loosen his thin silver tie. “He’s taking pictures with the groomsmen right now. It’s gonna be awhile before we get a chance to talk.” 
“Fuck,” you curse, sitting down on the white bench. Jungkook presses soothing circles on your back. “We have no choice, we have to get to him before the ceremony starts.” 
“You’ll have to get through me, first.” 
Doyeon’s not even in her wedding dress when she strides up to the two of you. She’s in ballet flats with her hair and makeup done, but the only thing she’s wearing is the thin underdress of her actual ball gown, a simple silk negligee that reaches her ankles. You don’t even know how she’s managed to escape the bridal party, especially without her dress. 
Feeling protective, you step in front of Jungkook. “Before you say anything,” you murmur, “I’m not ruining your wedding, and I never wanted to. You’re ruining it because of your mistakes.” 
“Oh, boo-hoo,” Doyeon rolls her eyes, playing with her nails, “I didn’t even do anything wrong, everyone knows that on the bachelorette’s night she can do whatever she wants. Namjoon could’ve fucked whoever too if he wasn’t so faithful.” 
“Namjoon is ten times the partner you are and would never do that,” You’re seeing red, unable to comprehend the complete garbage spilling from Doyeon’s lips. “You touched my boyfriend without his consent, and I will never forgive you for that,” your voice is scarlet, angry and thin. 
“It’s not like he isn’t used to it, I—”
“NO!” the sound that comes out of your mouth has all three of you flinching, and you’re thankful the gazebo is far enough so that the rest of the wedding party is oblivious to your actions. “You’re not allowed to justify yourself anymore, Doyeon. What you did was fucked up, what you’ve done to all of us is fucked up!” You realize now that you didn’t need to get back at Doyeon with a fake date, what you needed was this. You needed a reprieve, a chance to lay down your law. “Jungkook was right all along. You are jealous. You’re jealous and selfish and have no shame. You think you own whatever you set your eyes on, but you’re wrong. We’re not objects, we’re people.” 
You walk up to Doyeon, eye to eye. You jab a hand at her chest, pushing her back slightly. You soak up your cousin’s expression, and you watch as Doyeon’s eyes pop out in surprise at your act of boldness. “So you have a choice here. You can either swallow your pride and leave Namjoon at the aisle quietly and save whatever dignity you have left. Take your pathetic ass on the next flight back home and pack up your apartment. Or, we can start a big scene at your ceremony,” you probably look manic, filled with freshly injected power, “I know Seokin’s always wanted to yell ‘I object!’ at a wedding.” 
“You have no proof,” Doyeon glares right back, taking a step closer to you. Your noses are practically touching, but you dig your heels in the white-stained wood, puffing up your chest and standing your ground. 
“Doesn’t matter,” you bite back, “what matters is that Namjoon will doubt you. Namjoon knows we’d never do anything to sabotage a wedding without a valid reason. Even if you do get married tonight, we have Jungkook’s word and proof of a relationship that overlaps with his. I find this option to be far worse because it’s prolonging the inevitable,” you shrug, “I hope you two didn’t sign a prenup.”  
Hot, angry tears mess up her meticulously done makeup. Black rivers carve through her porcelain skin, showing the feelings that have been dormant since been hidden under a facade. Doyeon’s eyes dart back and forth between the two of you. She’s practically vibrating in combined fear and rage, seeing blurry images and memories and regrets of what could’ve been if not for her self-absorption. And finally, your cousin comes to a decision. 
“I hate you,” she emphasizes each word with the most concentrated of venoms in her tone. WIth one last look at the two of you, she stomps away. Instead of going to the direction of the chapel however, she takes the shortcut back to the hotel. 
Her grave words are unsurprising, but nevertheless disappointing. A thinly veiled smile grazes your lips, sadder than ever as you watch your cousin go. “And I pity you.” 
As soon as she’s gone Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to scoop you up, hugging you tightly as you fight the urge to cry again. “Oh babe, that was really hot. The way you stood your ground? That was amazing!” Jungkook takes out his silver pocket square to wipe the stray tears that threaten to ruin your makeup. “You’re so strong, don’t you know that? You did it and I’m so proud of you.” 
As much as you want to revel in the affection, go back and bed and fall asleep until noon, you can’t.  Grasping Jungkook by the hand, you tug him to the chapel. “C’mon,” you say, “we have to corner Namjoon.”
The groomsmen photos are done by the time you get there. Thankfully, the to-be-groom doesn’t look too occupied. His eyes widen upon seeing you two stumble from the garden of all places.
“Oh, y/n. Jungkook,” Namjoon tilts his head curiously at how winded you two look, equally flushed and out of breath. From your state, Namjoon muses that it must've taken a lot of effort to finally get to the groom unattended, save for a few random family members he’s making small talk with, “The wedding isn’t for another hour but I must say, you two look radiant together. Doyeon always thought you’d end up an old spinster-catlady, but I always told her that you’re too beautiful to be single for long,” he pauses to send the aforementioned man a wink, “Jungkook’s a lucky guy. What were you two doing back there?”
“Uh, things?” Jungkook scratches the back of his head, not wanting to reiterate the fiasco between Doyeon moments before.
Namjoon smirks at the ebony-haired man, “Couple things?”  
You can’t take this needless small talk anymore. With a teary groan, you throw yourself at Namjoon. You hug him tight, and you don’t even care when you feel a slosh of his water bottle sprinkle your hairstyle. 
“Joonie,” you bemoan, “please, please don’t leave me. You’re the best not-cousin ever. I know it’ll be a pain to face Doyeon after today but you’re a strong independent man and when you’re ready Jin is single and ready to mingle—ow! Jungkook! Did you just pinch my ass?” 
“Do you really think setting him up with the next cousin is the best idea right now?”
“I figured a little humor would lighten the blow,” you sulk.
“I’m sorry what—what blow?” Namjoon frowns, pushing you away from him. “Y/n, have you been crying?” 
The tears resurface at that moment, like a kettle on overboil. Namjoon’s face is knitted together, unable to grasp at any conclusion. Namjoon feels something grave is upon the sky as he tenderly brushes away your tears with his thumbs before releasing you. Instantly Jungkook pulls you to his chest, patting you soothingly. As much as you two do not want to be the bearer of bad news, the time is now. 
“Namjoon,” Jungkook says, finding the strength that was previously stuck in his throat, “we have to tell you something.” 
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Needless to say, Las Vegas is very forgiving when it comes to last minute wedding cancellations. 
The whole wedding party, both Namjoon and yours, collectively feels like a whole ice bucket has been dumped upon your families. You would like to say that the whole issue was handled mess free, but that would be a bald-faced lie. 
There was screaming, crying, hysterical laughter from all sides. Doyeon’s parents were of course furious, embarrassed, unable to calm down a hysterical Doyeon as they haul her on the next flight home. You have a feeling they won’t be showing up to family events anytime soon. 
Namjoon’s family leaves quietly, frustrated, but classy. After all, they know at the back of their heads they dodged a bullet. Everyone leaves except Namjoon however, who isn’t quite ready to go back to his and Doyeon’s apartment. Namjoon invites Seokjin and some other close cousins to stay in his suite until their flight tomorrow afternoon, wanting to be surrounded by close friends and (almost) family. 
As for your family, they decide to find the silver lining. While the chapel was able to cancel the wedding, the reception wasn’t as easy to sway. At the very last second, your grandparents decided to make use of the reception and renew their Golden Anniversary vows instead. The ceremony will be a quick, sweet affair. At this very moment, your cousin Yoongi is getting officiated online. 
And for you? You’re in the place where you’ve wanted to remain all week. A fluffy hotel bed wrapped up with your not-boyfriend. 
Would a not-boyfriend be snuggling against your chest like you’re the softest teddy bear in the toy shop? Would a not-boyfriend be hooking your leg atop his lap, forcing you to latch onto him so his hands can roam freely against your soft thighs? 
“We have to get ready for the wedding,” you whine against his hold, to no avail when he only holds you tighter. 
“But your grandparents are already married,” Jungkook whines right back, nuzzling his nose in your head. “This is like an afterparty fifty years later.” 
“I wanna get dressed,” you insist, pushing yourself up, “and we still need to talk.” 
Without Seokjin staying with you, the hotel room feels much bigger and freer for the two of you. Your clothes are scattered on the floor, uncaring of any wrinkles or smears that would get on the delicate fabric. 
All that matters is that Jungkook is still here with you. Doyeon’s wedding is called off, but he’s still lying in bed with you. You want to burn this image to memory, and keep it forever. Jungkook laying in only his white undershirt and boxers, looking at you dreamily as if he’s still in nap-mode. Hair that was previously windswept and exposing his forehead is now out of place, fluffy and sticking out in all directions. His cheeks are flushed with coral-colored warmth, and a little puffy because you two have been sleeping most of the afternoon. 
“Right, talk,” he repeats, letting you hand him his black button up so he can clothe himself. 
You throw off your shirt somewhere behind you, not wanting to face him as you walk to the full-length mirror. “So, I think my feelings for you are pretty clear and out in the open…” 
“Same, I think I made it pretty clear as well.” 
“What? You turn around, looking at where he’s still half-covered in bed. “You did not. I distinctly remember almost confessing my love to you last night. And then this morning, only for you to cut me off and say ‘that’s great’.” 
“Oh,” he stares at the white sheets that cover his lower half. “I guess I didn’t then.” 
You smile wryly, turning back to face the mirror so you can slip into your dress that’s been pooled around your ankles like a silver halo. “Maybe you thought it in your mind and forgot to tell me.” 
That seems about right. Jungkook has a tendency to be a little too passionate for his own good, windswept in thoughts and feelings until they consume him. He hops out of bed, walking only in his dress shirt and socks as he makes his way to the mirror. “Then let me do all the talking,” he says softly against your neck, hands on your hips. 
You shiver when you feel the cold silver of the zipper whirr up your body, Jungkook’s large hands splaying across your back to smooth out the waistline. 
“You of all people would know that being with Doyeon is a trip,” he chuckles into the crook of your neck, “I thought that was what love felt like. Being codependent, jumping through hurdles, trying so hard to please someone who can’t be pleased.” 
Jungkook’s hands wrap around your waist, hugging you tightly. He squeezes you and holds you like the most precious thing in the entire world. Through the mirror, you two are quite a pair. 
“But with you, I never knew love could be like this, feel like this.” 
“So… are you saying you love me?” you fight the urge to bounce around in his grip, the biggest smile on your face.  
“You really just want me to say ‘I love you’ and be done with it, huh?” 
Within seconds he’s pulling you from behind, whirling you around to the edge of the bed. He manages to flouce up your skirts to billow around his lap, sitting you down on his bare thighs. 
“You look like a cupcake, all sprawled up like this,” Jungkook says cutely, peppering kisses in a trail from your chest all the way to your lips. “You look like a huge, silvery cupcake and I love you. It’s so easy to love you.” 
Maybe it was kismet that Jungkook didn’t get to you first all those years ago. Maybe the right time is right here, right now. 
“I love you, too,” you say happily, dipping down to press a long, passionate kiss to his lips. He tastes like love and a happy future. When you pull away, you encapsulate his face in both your palms, regarding him like the sun and stars. “But you know, if we date you’ll never get away from my crazy family.” 
Jungkook snorts, pressing his forehead to yours, “And miss Yoongi re-marrying off your grandparents tonight, the next year of Seokjin and Namjoon running circles around each other, and a lifetime of happiness?” his hands snake under your dress, finding purchase in your soft skin, “not a chance.” 
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marigold-doms · 3 years
Hii! Love your stories, really good job🥺💕
I'd really like to request an Ateez oneshot based on the music video of the "Treat You Better" song of Shawn Mendes (if you have ever seen it). I actually am new to tumblr, so idk how this request thing works, I'm really sorry....Soo you can choose just one of the members, otherwise I would like to ask each of them🥺. If I have to be detailed: the plot is like, Y/N is in a really toxic relationship with a bad guy, n the boy/s are Y/N's best friend (or just friend), possibly in love with her, helps her out, with a good ending. Hope this is not too much 😖
Thank u in advance 💕💕🙏🏾
Mika🌻: ahhh hi hi!! thank sm for requesting queen!!! 😘So sorry that I’m getting this out soo late but I hope you like what I did with your request💕It would take me ages to do a one shot for each member so I decided to do a headcannon/reaction to how each member would get you out of this toxic relationship. I hope that’s okay🥺
(the gifs that I used here are so irrelevant to the reaction... oh well😂)
|| Ateez Reacts || to your toxic boyfriend
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He’s the first to say that he hates him.
Hongjoong right off the bat knows that he doesn’t vibe with him because this man has a really good sense of people and especially knowing that you’re getting involved with that man makes him uneasy.
You could say that his love for you was nothing short of intense and sometimes overbearing.
Of course, you had already decided to date the man so he couldn’t stop you from your inevitable heartbreak.
“You hurt her I swear you won’t be hearing from her anymore because you’ll have to answer to me.”
When he figures out that your boyfriend verbally abuses you, from hearing it across the hall, he’s so quick to find you and snatch you away.
“You have no right in talking to her like that. She deserves more than you.”
You’re crying in his arms with the studio door locked. You wanted out of the relationship and you finally felt confident with hongjoong’s support that you could escape.
He has always been there for you and in a way you’ve always known that he’s been in love with you.
“I need a new start, joongie.” You sniffle into his chest before looking up at him. “You think you could be here for me?”
Hongjoong brushes the hair from your sticky face. “Of course, angel.”
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Your best friend does not tell you what he really feels about your bf.
His answer to your problems have always been. “if you’re happy with him, it’s your choice to stay or not.”
Seonghwa hated being the one to figure out that your man has been play you this entire time. He regrets telling you to stay if you’re happy—your bf seemed happier in the arms of another.
And his heart completely shatters for you. He wants no part in causing your heart break.
So being the calm and composed man that he is, he confronts your boyfriend.
The man is caught red handed and he has no explanation for himself.
“you better tell y/n,” Seonghwa says, shoving his hands in his pockets to pull out his phone. “Or I might have to give my best friend a little proof photo before she has reason to break up with you.”
“She’s my cousin.”
“I’m sure you don’t grasp your cousin’s ass while making out with her in front of your car.” Seonghwa reveals the picture before shoving it back in his pocket. “You have 5 hours.”
A true king. He finds justice for you.
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Yunho’s actually stunned when you tell him who you’re dating. It breaks his heart because he knows the kind of man that your boyfriend is. And it pains him to warn you.
“You don’t know him, Yunho. He’s not like that.”
This makes things rocky between the two of you and a couple months later you’re hit with the realization that he was entirely right. Your man didn’t change and you were completely cornered. You’ve had enough of his hot and cold. Breaking up 5 times in the past few months. Who knows how many girl’s he’s been with during those breaks. You were through being thrown down after being lifted up.
Yunho catches you on accident when you’re crying in the stairwell of the library at night.
‘Y/n!” He rushes to you and automatically hugs you. “What happened?”
Tears are spilling out of your eyes while your mouth is struggling to put out the words. “I was wrong Yunho! I’m so sorry! Im sorry I pushed you away! I’m so sorry!!”
Yunho shhh’s you and he calms you by petting slow strokes over your back like he used to do when you were in high school. “It’ll be okay. You have a choice and I can help you with what ever you decide. Okay love? It’s okay to leave him.”
You nod, already knowing that he’s gonna be there through it all and you couldn’t be more grateful for having Yunho in your life.
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Yeosang is too private to tell you his true feelings and most of the things he says to your are mild roasts, like the savage person he is.
But when it comes to seeing how you’re completely in love with another man, it breaks his heart to even call that guy your boyfriend.
“Is your thing coming today?”
“You talk about him like he’s a disease.” You narrow your eyes at him as you share your ice cream bowl.
“Because he is. Coming when he wants and leaving like he didn’t do any damage.”
You start to feel sad and Yeosang knows he’s said too much.
“Y/n... I’m sorry I—“
“No it’s okay. You aren’t wrong.” You look at your hands but the night begins when your boyfriend walks through the door.
That night you’d had enough. Yeosang wakes up to banging on his door and when he opens it, he’s shocked to see you in front of him with a sad smile on your face.
There are tears in your eyes when you say it to him. “I did it. I broke up with him.”
Yeosang mirrors your smile before letting you into his apartment. “About time, dummy.”
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He’s the most emotional one about this. Super pouty when you are around and you;re so used to him joking about being your boyfriend instead that somehow it’s like water off a ducks back and you kind of disregard his sincerity.
When you get a boyfriend and he realizes that he’s not the man that he’s portraying himself to be to you, he looses his mind seeing him with you.
“Are you sure he makes you happy?” San asks you for the hundredth time.
“Yes San, I’m fine.” You aren’t fine. You thought that the man of your dreams was supposed to put you first not to only call you when he’s horny.
San notices everything and he hates that he sees right through your lies.
One night he’ll just come to your apartment in hopes to talk to you about it but he’s shocked to find you crying on the floor because your toxic boyfriend has yet again left you alone to deal with the aftermath of an unsettled argument.
“That’s it, I’m tired of seeing you do this to yourself!”
San collects you from the ground and helps you into your bed. “I’m calling him.”
You don’t stop him this time because you know that he’s truly there to help you out.
In your time of need, San is there to help you mend yourself and he does his best to make sure that you are happy.
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There’s no aggression in this man when he talks to you but with your boyfriend. All offense should be taken.
Mingi wants your toxic boyfriend to know that he doesn’t like him. HE wont reflect that onto you though because mingi thinks that its only fair to treat you like a queen.
Throws him hella attitude when he is alone with him and even flat out asks you why you haven’t just broken up with him yet.
when he catches your bf bring his hand up to hit you, he sees your reaction of flinching and he instantly grabs his wrist.
”You’re out of your goddamn mind to think that I wont do anything about you even thinking that you could lay a finger on her. I never want you around her, ever.”
Mingi is just a loud teddy bear but he will not hesitate to knock out your abusive boyfriend.
“Come on y/n. Let’s find someone who’ll treat you better.”
“You think that you’ll be better?” Your ex questions.
“Better than you could ever try. At least he cares.” You defend mingi.
Mingi’s heart almost melts as he takes you into his car to drive back to his apartment.
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Is the first to challenge your bf
He always tries to show how superior he is to him.
one because he has the fattest crush on you and he would hate to feel like the guy you fell in love with is better than him.
You might‘ve just over looked a flaw and wooyoung was going to make sure that he figured out what it was
Terribly for you, it was that your bf was sleeping with your roommate when you were out of town.
He didn’t want to just tell you what was going on, he wanted to get revenge for you. Make the guy have a taste of his own medicine.
“You know I told her that you were sleeping around.” Wooyoung leans against the door of your apartment, right in front of your roommate as soon as your bf is about to leave. “That both of you are sleeping together.”
Ofc he hasn’t told you yet... but he wants to see the fear and regret in their eyes.
“Looks like you have a lot of explaining to do later.” He’ll then leave and quickly drive to where you are. Wanting to be there for you when he tells you the truth about your toxic partner.
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Jongho is definitely the type to keep his crush on you a huge secret.
its less of a secret when your toxic boyfriend confronts jongho about how he knows about his crush.
To intimidate him—but unfortunately for Your bf—jongho is not easily wavered.
“And what Are you gonna do about it if I am?”
“I’ll just tell her not to talk to you—afterall, she’s in love with me.”
This was when jongho realized that your bf was a manipulative/possessive person. And he wasn’t about to allow this person further into your life.
His plan? Easy. Make your bf so jealous that he ends up getting his poor little heart broken because you couldn’t take that he was being too suffocating.
And who’s there to do damage control and show you how much better of a boyfriend he is when your ex finally leaves your life???
EXACTLY. Plan well thought out and jongho is finna show you what it’s like for a real man to treat you right.
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itspdameronthings · 2 years
Going Home ch 7
Summary: I has been a long time since i have posted something new. It has been one year ago since i wrote this series. Would not have done it without the incouragement from @autumnleaves1991-blog,and @aellynera. thank you for believing in me.
In this chapter .Benny meets someone new. Also there is an announcement to be made.
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Santi’s phone rings. Picked it up. Noticed who it was,” Nice of you to call. Was so Worried about you. So what’s on your mind, Faith.” Santi goes into the kitchen so he could talk to her. She told him what has been going on since the Columbia mission from hell. He listened to her on what she has been up to since she left her old job,and for the reason for the call. Telling him that she is coming to live with him and apple. He knows it has been ages since her and apple were together.
Benny walked into the kitchen via the french doors. Noticed Santi was on the phone. Heard him mentioning a female’s name. Didnt set well with him. Fearing the worst he thumps Santi on the head. Caused him to end the call,” What was that for man! “ Benny leans against the counter fuming,” what is that call about? Are you cheating with that women that you are the phone!?” santi chuckles as he stands next to him,” no im not! She is Apple’s cousin, Faith. Used to work together while i was in columbia. Called to tell me that she is moving down here. Because she got a new job.” benny moans,” sorry man. My imagination ran away with me. Since my break up . My mind is not in a good place. So glad i moved here with my brother to get away from my past break ups. Santi looks at his friend,and thought about something,” Wanna go with me tomorrow to the airport? To pick up her cousin? So i wont be in Apple’s way while she cooks for the gathering tomorrow.” Benny agrees.
Things are buzzing around the house. Tonight is the party,and today is the day when Apple’s baby cousin is coming to live with them. Until she can get her own place. She is so excited to see her. Has been a very long time since they have seen each other.Since Faith was coming back to take the detective job in town. She is tough as nails with a heart of gold. Santi thinks she would be a perfect girl for his buddy Benny.Santi knows deep down that Benny is in need of some kind of female interaction. Been months since his last date. That is why he is coming over so he could tag along with him to pick up Faith at the airport. Will and Frankie do not know what Santi is up to. Right on cue.Benny shows up, in his normal attire tee , faded jeans and his baseball cap. Entered the open kitchen door. Making himself at home. Grab a bottle of juice. Sees Santi coming down the stairs. Checking his phone when he says,” you should check that kitchen door man. Someone can walk in here and murder yall in your sleep.” Santi punches his arm,” Ha ha! Very funny. Let me get my shit together ,and so we can get to the airport. Her flight would be arriving in the next two hours. Traffic is a bitch right now.” Apple sees them about to leave. Gives Santi a kiss goodbye.Benny pouts,” Hay no kiss for me? I'm practically a brother to you.” she giggles and kisses his cheek. Rubs his head before putting on his cap.
Traffic was a nightmare alright. All because of a pile up. Santi asked Benny to check on the flight while he was trying to find an alternative route. Benny says,” the flight is delayed as well. Something about fog. So pope, tell me about Apple’s cousin. What is she like, man?” Santi smiles as he maneuvers through the jam. Finally find the turn off,” She is a detective. Hard as nails. Although much like my baby. “ Benny smiles at that thought. He could imagine what she looked like. Hair that shines in the sunlight. Smile that lights up the room. Santi added,” She too is the baby of her family. Like apple , an only child. That's why they are so close. Fair warning. She knows some fighting moves. If I were you. Don't challenge her to a fight. .”Benny sighs, “ Want to say that I envy you and Apple. So glad you found the one. Hoping I can. You know? Have that special someone to be there for me.” Santi took to heart what he was talking about. So glad that he has his soulmate. As they finally get to the airport. Took a few minutes to find a parking spot.
Faith tried to relax. Hard to do when you have kids screaming, passengers snoring. She pulls on her headphones to zone out for a while. Soon she would head to her new life, job and who knows what else. All she needs is a fresh start. What a good place to do that is where her cousin . Whom she missed so much. Then she finally gets to see Santiago.Has been so long since she has seen him last.Noticed the plane just landed. She took a deep breath. Telling herself,” okay,Faith don’t panic. You are finally here. Starting a new life. No turning back. No one knows my story. Don’t want to dwell on the past. Press on. “ took her backpack,and headed towards baggage claim. As soon as she picked up her other bags, noticed a tanned man with green tee boots, and a baseball cap. Yep!That is Santiago alright. Thought it was fun to toy with him. Walked slowly behind him. Not till she sees another man talking to Santiago. Blonde hair , sweet blue eyes. Smiles at him mouthed, “ don’t tell him that I’m behind him. She taps Santiago on the shoulder. Caused him to move to the left. She moved to the right . Sees faith laughing at him. Benny just stood there staring at this vision. Long hair in a clip. Tee paired with a sweater jacket. Santiago moans,” you are so like your cousin. It’s freaking scary”He hugs her, and turns around, “ Faith, this my my friend Benny.whom you might get to see a lot of since he just moved into town a month ago. “ Benny was scared to speak when he shook her hand. He was never like this around a girl before. Santi clears his throat, “ Benny boy, go get her bags while I go and get the car. Soon we leave and soon we can eat! “ faith giggles. Now she can’t talk. Wanted to say something to him, but she couldn’t say anything. Awkward! His hat fell off his head when he picked up the other bag, so she placed it on her head. He looked up. Damn’ she looks so sexy!
Soon as Benny loads the bags into the truck. Santiago helps him to shut the back. Placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “ why are you so fucking nervous man? Yes, she is almost a carbon copy of Apple. Let me tell you something man. She is like you in some ways. You might not see that now. Just ease up. Put on that Miller charm. “ Benny sighs,” I’ll try, but I don’t want to make a fool of myself.” Santiago laughs as he gets in the truck, Benny gets in the backseat. Sees Faith texting. Looks so cute in glasses. Pretty shade of pink. Sant asked Faith,” hope you texted your cousin that we are on the way. That her man is starving.” She rolled her eyes,” yes, to the coming home part. As for you being hungry? Why the fuck would I tell her that? That is something you should tell her yourself.” Santiago sighs,” I ment I’m hungry for food not for..” Faith reached over to smack him on the back of the head,” I know that ! Just yanking your chain sheesh! “ Benny could not help but laugh at this exchange.
The traffic is not letting up. Faith texted Apple about them being late. On account of another crash. Santi is getting into one of those moods. To set his mind at ease. Puts on his playlist of hard rock and Metallica. Benny rolls his eyes. As much as he likes to listen to some good rock all he wants to do is try to ease up on Faith. Notice she slowly moves closer to him. He tries not to get nervous. He takes a breath, focused on what Santi said. After taking a deep breath, Faith lays her head on his shoulder. Heard her mumbling,” don’t be afraid of me Benny . I don’t bite. Yet” He lets out a sigh, whispers to her,”don’t worry your pretty little head darlin. Not gonna let anything happen to you.” Santiago sees that and gives him the thumbs up. Benny smiles. Now he is thinking why he was so nervous anyway. Now that issue is over. He yawns and lays against her. Santiago sees this, and smiles.
Santiago’s loud singing woke Faith up. Opens her eyes to see Benny laying on her shoulder. Noticed a few strands of hair covering his left eye. All she could do was stare at him. Looks like a baby.
Caused her heart to flutter. Never in her life she ever felt like that. Sure she had few relationships. None of them made her feel what she is feeling right now. Boy, she needs some girl advice about this. Apple is the person to ask about this.
Santiago sighs as they reach the house. Let out a loud sigh. Long drive took a toll on him. All he wants to do is get out of the truck to enjoy the party that is going on inside. Will comes out to help to unload the truck. Sees his brother and Faith. He smiled, asked Santi, “ so.. what happened? Did he get nervous being around her?” Santiago rubs the back of his neck,” at first he did, and then he started to warm up to her. Then he just fell asleep. Poor guy worried for nothing. “ Faith woke up. Noticed that they were at the house. Gently wakes Benny up,” hay blondie ! Wake up we are here! “ he moaned. Sees both will and Santiago smiling. Caused him to beat his head on the seat. Let the teasing begin.
Benny let’s her out first. She smiles at him. Closes the door and walks over to his brother,” what? Gonna tease me about what you saw? Nothing happened Willy boy. So get your fucking mind out of the gutter. If y’all excuse me. I’m in need of a beer.” Will watches him as he goes inside, Faith walks up to the group. Arms crossed. Clears her throat” y’all are a couple of jackasses. Y’all never been in Benny's situation? Oh wait! Santiago has! The very first time you met my cousin. For the record? Nothing happened. He is a perfect gentleman to me. So if y’all excuse me..” Will’s mouth drops,” damn! She tore us up! I feel bad you have to be in the same house with two strong willed women.”
Apple saw what happened outside. Sighs deeply. Wished Faith didn’t do that to Will and Pope. She knew that they were kidding around. Turns around to see her cousin bursting through the kitchen. Apple rushed to hug her cousin. Then bops her on the back of the head,” was that necessary to tell Benny’s brother and Santi off like that ? Yes, Benny was embarrassed about that. There is something Will doesn’t know. Benny has been suffering from a bad break up. Caused him to be uneasy about being with anyone new. He is trying to shake that feeling. Santi is trying to help him to get his groove back.” Faith sighs and sits on the stool, “ I didn’t know! I’m sorry about what I did. Thought he was being bullied. As for Benny? I think he is a cute Apple. I felt something in my stomach when I saw him. Something I have never felt before. You know what I'm talking about?” Apple leans over the bar,” I do. Same feeling I had when I saw Santi for the first time in years. Fought hard to admit to it. Don’t tell him that I told this. He felt the same way.” Both of them giggled till Benny came in from the patio. Sits next to Faith. Look at her. See, something is not right. Asked her,” darling, what is wrong?" She sighs,” thought you were being bullied by Will. I let him have it. Not until Apple told me what you went through. Wanted to come to your aid. Now I feel bad.” Benny leans over to her," that was sweet of you for doing that." Faith smiles, and both of them help Apple with prep work.
Faith went outside to hand Will and the boys the meat for the grill. She takes a deep breath, stands next to Will while he is about to put the burgers on the grill," I’m sorry for blowing my top back there. If I knew you were Benny's brother. I wouldn’t have done that. I was teased a lot for being the only woman on a Swat team where I used to work a few years ago. It didn’t go well with me.” Will stops what he was doing to hug her," Apology accepted. Benny told me what happened so we are cool. So relax and enjoy yourself. Like it or not . You are one of us. Welcome to this insane family.” Benny takes her hand, "looks like you are stuck with us Faith my dear.”
Right on cue. Santi, Applejacks, Along with Frankie’s family show up. His wife went to put the sleeping little one in her crib where apple was set up in the living room. Santiago whispers to his darling,"everyone is present. Time to make our announcement. Are you ready?” Apple takes a breath,
"Okay let’s do this." Santi stands behind Apple, rubs her shoulders," I need to tell y’all something before we eat. There is a surprise I have or should say Apple and I wanted to tell y’all -" apple moans," or for Pete’s sake santi! Just tell them that you are gonna be a daddy! Oye!" Everyone jumps up and hugs the couple! Benny yells" I’m gonna be an uncle again! Oh yeah!”
After everyone ate too much.party is still going on even though Cat had to leave early due to having a flying lesson the next morning. Will stays to help Santi and apple clean up. Good opportunity for Benny and Faith to take a walk. Didn’t tell anyone. Walking hand in hand to a nice part of the property. Nice clearing that overlooks the mountains and the lake. That’s the reason why he moved. To enjoy this kind of view. Also the peace and quiet. Another reason is to be with his brother at arms. He looks over at Faith. Looks so beautiful to him. The breeze was blowing her hair. Both of them find a huge rock to sit on to watch the sunset. Clearing his throat," enjoying the view baby? "Faith turns to look at him. Shyly smiles,"as a matter of fact. I Am. Where did you find this place? Have I been here since I was a kid?"pulls her close to him," I came across it not too long ago. According to Apple, This place had lots of trees around where they had to cut back. Since I don’t live far from here. I come out here to think." Faith looks at him.then laying her head on his arm,"what do you think about? Don’t want to pry or anything.just curious you know?” Benny looks out to view the lake again,"about stuff I have been through the last few years. I Wish I could find someone . To take care of me. Thought I found that, but she was not the one. Can’t go through that again.” She rubs her hand on his cheek so he could look at her," I know what you mean Benny. So to let you know. I Am here for you. Even though we just met today. Feels like I know you.” Benny leans over to kiss her. Foreheads touched. He whispers, “ I would like to get to know you better."Faith smiles as she kissed him again," would like that.``
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kkaebsongtypo · 3 years
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why wont you love me // hrj [02]
pairing: renjun x reader
genre: friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, slight angst
wanings/notes: alcohol consumption (all parties are of legal age, drink responsibly!), mentions/symptoms of anxiety, mentions/signs of abandonment issues, jealousy, inspired by the song Why Won't You Love Me by 5sos
(warnings/notes are subject to change and updates if needed.)
word count: 2.1k
Renjun and y/n are an inseparable pair; they know each other like the back of their own hands. For the most part. Renjun keeps his true feelings hidden; y/n refuses to acknowledge their own. Both hold the fear of losing each other. But will one night out and a little too much to drink change everything?
a/n: hello part two is f i n a l l y here- sorry for the super long wait ;-; lmk if you want to be in a taglist ^-^
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A week without Renjun and the boys proved to be a lot more difficult than you expected. On any other day, a normal day, you would have Renjun or Jisung on video call to keep you company whilst doing your work, cleaning the house, or just any other task. On any other day, you’d have a few of the boys lounging around your apartment, studying, doing project work, playing video games, spending their time in the comfort of your tidy home if they needed to get away from their own. Most of the time, it didn’t even feel like you lived alone.
Needless to say, with your main group of friends away on their trip, you were bored. With the boys doing their own trip activities, it was hard to get a normal, lengthy video call in. Procrastination was one of your biggest enemies in the deafening silence of your empty apartment. Without the company of your friends occupying your phone, and your current lack of self control, you were sprawled out on your bed scrolling through Instagram, your essay long forgotten.
You sat up abruptly when you opened Renjun’s story and were greeted with a photo of him and a shorter girl wrapped in his arms. Your chest tightened and at their bright smiles. You chewed on your bottom lip as you stared at the photo, the strange sensation in your chest growing. After a few seconds, you decided to close the app, the feeling (which, you concluded to be anxiety) building inside of you became overwhelming very quickly. You placed your phone face down on your bed and slowly laid back against the covers. You stared blankly at your ceiling and drummed your fingers on your bedsheets and chest.
A ding sounded from your phone and your hand flew to grab it. You hesitated to look at the screen though, unsure if you were hoping it was from Renjun or not. Ten seconds passed, and after a deep breath, you look at the message. A sigh fell from your lips when you read the contact name. It was from Jisung. You couldn’t tell if you were relieved or disappointed that it wasn’t Renjun as the anxiety in your chest continued to swirl.
bby chick <3: Are you busy rn bby chick <3: Can u vc bby chick <3: I miss you :(
You felt a pang of guilt for feeling slightly disappointed as you read the younger boys messages. You truly did miss him as well. The situation prior to his messages simply threw you off and into a frenzy of other feelings. Your fingers typed a response quickly.
: I miss you too :( : and no I am not busy, call me <3
It took no longer than 5 seconds for a video call from Jisung to pop up. After a deep breath to push down the previous discomfort within you, you put on a small smile and answered the call. The sight of Jisung’s face lighting up instantly when you appeared on his screen made your smile become more real, the photo of Renjun and that girl being pushed aside for the time being.
“Hii y/n!!” Jisungs voice was lively and excited. The setting sun shone a warm glow on him and the hotel wall. He waved to you, and you waved back.
“Hey Sunggie, how are you doing?” You asked. He didn’t hesitate to respond.
“I’m good, the guys and I miss you tons though! How are you?” Your chest tightened when he returned the question. It always broke your facade at times like this.
“I’m- I’m uh… yeah, I’m good.” Your feeble attempt at seeming okay was unconvincing as hot tears rolled down your cheeks with each blink. The uncomfortable feeling in your chest returned and your breathing quickened. Though your vision was blurred, you noticed Jisung’s expression fall into one of shock and panic.
“Wha- what’s wrong? Are you okay? Why are you crying?” He stuttered, reaching towards the camera as if trying to reach directly to you. You wiped your cheeks frantically with your sleeves and sniffled, a pathetic laugh falling from your lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine! Nothing is wrong, Ji, don’t worry-” Jisung cut you off gently. Tears continued to fall from your eyes involuntarily.
“Y/n… please don’t lie to me… you’re clearly not fine…” Your chest tightened more at the sadness in his voice. He didn’t like seeing you upset, it made him sad seeing his friend in distress. You tried to dry your tears again, but it was no use. With a quiet sigh of frustration, you ran your hand through your hair. There was no use in trying to lie again, your feelings were impossible to hide at this point.
“I- ugh. Yeah, you’re right. I’m not really okay- I’m sorry.” You looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. Jisung furrowed his eyebrows at your apology.
“No!! Don’t be sorry!” He exclaimed. You glanced up at him and slouched further into yourself. Silence filled both of your rooms. You didn’t know what to say. You were embarrassed; your fear of being abandoned was consuming every bit of you with each passing second the longer you stayed in your head. Abandonment issues weren’t something you’ve ever talked about with any of your friends, there was never a reason to. Not until you saw that photo of Renjun.
The silence stayed for what felt like an eternity of being stuck in your own thoughts on a loop. No matter how many times you tried to tell yourself that Renjun would never just drop you out of the blue, the anxiety just pushed back. Part of you says “he wouldn’t.” but the other part of you fights back with “but he could.” It was a never ending loop; spiraling into yourself with no end in sight. Jisung snapped you out of your thoughts with a question that caused your cheeks to burn with anxiety.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You chewed on your bottom lip and tried to sort your thoughts before speaking. Tears began forming in the corners of your eyes again and they fell down your still damp cheeks when you blinked.
“It’s- ahh. It’s just- that photo of Renjun and that girl. It’s like, stupid but I think it was just anxiety saying like ‘oh Renjun found someone new he doesn’t love me anymore’ kind of-” The string of words fell from you lips quickly and in a mess, your insecurities growing and getting the best of you. Your voice cracked and you sniffled before taking a shaky breath and rubbing your eyes, giving Jisung the opportunity to speak. He was hesitant at first, his voice wavering slightly; he wasn’t exactly sure what to do.
“Hey- um- breathe for a second. Can you, uhm, can you show me the photo?” You nodded and picked up your phone to open Instagram. A feeling of dread grew in your chest and stomach as your finger hovered over Renjun’s story. With a deep sigh, you opened the story, the photo popping up on your screen. You stared at Renjun’s smile for a second before tapping on the small paper airplane icon and sending it to Jisung. You waited quietly as Jisung opened Instagram to see the image. You laid on your back and positioned your phone next to you so the boy could still see you when he returned to the call.
While you were swimming in your own variety of conclusions, Jisung stared at the photo you had just sent, unsure of his next words. He ran his hands over his face and through his hair, knowing that he could potentially make you feel even worse in one way or another.
“Y/n- oh my goodness. Okay- that’s not- that’s like Renjun’s second cousin. We just met her today!” You stared at your ceiling as Jisung returned to the video call.
“I… are you serious? Oh my gosh.” You groaned, tears beginning to fall faster again. Jisung frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, still hating to see you so upset.
“Yeah! Please don’t cry.” Jisung tried to comfort you as best as he could through a tiny screen. You sniffled and whipped the tears from your face, only for more to fall. He sighed softly, feeling slightly helpless.
“Look, even if that wasn’t his relative, I can assure you that all of us love you and we would never just up and leave you for anyone else. Renjun especially. y/n he…” He paused for a second, trying to pick his words cautiously to avoid exposing any secrets that weren’t his.
“You’re his best friend. He, of all people, would never, ever do that to you.” Your tears began to slow as you listened to Jisung, taking in everything he said. The external rationalization was reassuring, but the ache from the idea of losing Renjun continued to loom deep in your chest.
“I know that your anxiety clouds your judgement sometimes but if I can do anything to help at any time, please let me know.” He paused for a second, quickly realizing that you were keeping quiet.
“But if you can’t talk to me for whatever reason, try to remember what I just said.” You sighed softly. Jisung was really trying, and even though your thoughts continued to run wild, you were grateful for his efforts.
“Thank you, Ji. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry for all that; it was just a huge scare about my best friend leaving me over what turned out to be nothing.” You rolled your eyes at yourself. You jumped to conclusions and got upset over a misunderstanding; you felt foolish. Jisung perked up and was quick to validate your feelings.
“Oh! No, please don’t feel like you need to say sorry for feeling.” He frowned at you and played with his fingers. You pursed your lips and looked down at your lap. Silence lingered for a couple seconds before Jisung spoke up again.
“Um, okay. I’m sorry of this is a dumb question, but like- are you sure that was the only reason for your reaction..?” The question made you tilt your head and bring your eyebrows together in slight confusion.
“Uh? Yes? What do you mean?” Jisung turned away and scratched the back of his neck.
“Ah like, I dunno. The use of best friend- I mean like, are you sure you aren’t like, jealous?” Jisung turned his head down slightly, looking up at you with a careful gaze, nibbling the inside of his lip. Your eyes widened and you blinked a few times. Your lips parted to speak and you raised your eyebrows, but the words got caught in your throat. Why is this so hard to answer? You furrowed your brows for a second, regaining your composure enough to form some sort of coherent sentence.
“Oh- well I mean I guess maybe?? But no. What?? He’s my best friend and he’ll always be my best friend.” You tripped over your words as they came out in a mess. Your heart sped up and your cheeks warmed slightly. What is happening?? Jisung furrowed his eyebrows and tugged at his fingers as words began falling from his lips.
“Right- I’m sorry-” He started to panic, but you cut him off softly before he could ramble an apology.
“It’s fine Jisung, don’t worry about it.” You sent him a small, half smile. He chewed on his bottom lip and averted his gaze. Without letting the guilt-filled silence linger, you sighed and clapped your hands together.
“Enough about this stuff. Tell me more about the trip, what have you been up to?” You smiled softly. Jisung looked at you hesitantly and you nodded; an attempt at reassuring him. He took a second and raised his eyebrows before breaking into a smile.
“Well, the day after we arrived we just sort of slept in, but in the afternoon we went into the city...” You smiled as enthusiasm filled his eyes again, but his voice became mere background noise as you got lost in your thoughts once more. Jisung’s previous question coming back and lingering in your mind; “are you sure that was the only reason for your reaction?”
Renjun is my best friend. I don’t want anything more.
You did your best to shake it from consuming you, wanting to focus on Jisung instead. But the tiniest voice in the back of your mind repeated in a loop, Renjun is my best friend. I don’t want anything more. Right?
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Taglist: @lolibaaae @currentlyraisinghell
a/n: let me know if you want to be part of a tag list ^-^
disclaimer: updates will be stagnant. thank you for understanding :)
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aliendes · 4 years
Natural Borns - Chapter One
dystopian!au / futuristic!au
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AUTHOR NOTE: here it is! Chapter one of Natural Borns. If you haven’t already, please read the prologue, or else this wont make the most sense. The prologue gives some backstory about the universe that you need to fully enjoy the story. Thank you for all the love on the prologue, it pushed me to want to put this out early. If you enjoy this series, please follow and reblog so it can reach more eyes. Feel free to send me an ask! I would love to answer any questions, because I’m sure I’m inevitably going to leave some things unanswered (this is my first time writing a series, after all). Enjoy! xx Des
Series info/genre: Angst, fluff, (possible) smut NSFW due to darker themes Pairings: ot7 x fem reader (eventual) Warnings: this series will have different trigger warnings listed for each chapter (if there are any), but as a whole, this series will include violence, mentions of depression & other mental illnesses, cursing, abuse, drugs/alcohol, some shitty medical descriptions because i am NOT a doctor, self-esteem issues, fluff, and possible smut in future chapters (but that’s undecided). i will add more warnings/tags in the future if there are any. Description: In the year 2613, over half of the world’s population are what scientists consider ‘designer babies’. YN is a small town girl who is a true natural born, someone born naturally without he help of a lab or gene splicing. Her DNA is greatly sought after, but what is she willing to do to protect it? Word count: 3.6k 
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It was early. Too early for you to be awake. As you rolled over in your bed, taking your poofy duvet cover with you, you noticed that it was barely dawn. Your curtains were drawn, how you always left them - liking to wake up with the sun, and you couldn’t even see said sun on the horizon yet. You could make out a pink line that melted perfectly with the purple and blues of the night sky. After admiring the beauty of it for a moment, you rolled back over with a huff.
You’re already awake, might as well get out of bed.
You lived on a peach farm, or orchard, that your family owned and had chores and duties to fulfill around the house and land. The orchard was on about ten acres, small for a farm, but big enough to get the job done. Your father sells the peaches you harvest to local grocers and restaurants and sells the rest at your mother’s stall at the farmer’s market in town. Your mom grows flowers in her garden on the property and makes beautiful arrangements for locals. She just recently made the arrangements for the wedding of one of your old classmates. You helped out where you could with harvests, taking care of the animals your family cared for, and working the market on weekends. It wasn’t a luxurious life by any means, but you were happy. You definitely couldn’t complain, not when most natural borns had way less than you. You were fortunate, really, and content living this small town life.
You swung your legs over the edge of your bed and stretched your arms up high, letting out a big yawn. Your pajamas were all bunched up and uncomfortable on your legs as you scooted closer to the edge of your bed, expecting your toes to meet the cool wood of the floor. Instead, you were met with something warm and fuzzy and a loud meow that sounded through your room, making you jump.
“Ai- sorry Mochi,” you grumbled, watching the cat scurry across the floor. You smiled and shook your head at the cat, who was now giving you a death glare from next to your bedroom door. You slowly stood up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and opened the door to let the devil cat out. He quickly took advantage of the open door and ran down the stairs as fast as he could. You watched him for a moment before making your way to your bathroom down the hall. 
Closing and locking the door behind you, you started your morning routine of brushing your teeth and hair and washing your face. Once you turned the faucet off, you rubbed a clean white towel over your face, pulling it down slowly as you peeked over it at the mirror. You looked tired, small bags beginning to form under your eyes, skin darkening slightly from being out in the sun, maybe even a little sunburnt from working at the market yesterday. Still starting at your reflection, you hang your towel up on the rack with a sigh, turning to get dressed for the day.
Your normal work day attire consists of jeans and a t-shirt. It was June, just starting to get unbearably hot in Korea, so you opted for some looser linen pants and a light shirt. You didn’t have a whole lot to do today other than feed animals, clean the chicken coop, and help mom out with some arrangements. You wouldn’t be harvesting the peach trees until late July or early August at the rate they were growing currently, though you did still need to monitor them and make sure they remained healthy before harvest season. 
By the time you were ready for the day, the sun was just barely coming up and the smell of coffee beans entered your nose. Mom must be up, you thought to yourself. You smiled and made your way down the stairs, grabbing onto the bottom of the banister and swinging yourself around it, an old habit of yours from all the way back in elementary school. You were still a kid at heart, even at the age of 23. 
“Good morning Pearl!” your mother called from the kitchen. Pearl was the nickname your parents have called you since you could walk. Natural pearls are extremely rare, almost never occurring in nature. You were also a rare breed, a true natural born, hard to find like a pearl, hence the nickname.
“Morning mama,” you said, walking up to her and giving her a side hug, “watcha makin’?” You asked with a teasing lilt to your voice. Your mom was a tad shorter than you and you liked to take advantage of that, leaning your elbow on her shoulder as you watched her stir the pan in front of her.
“Steamed eggs and rice, now go get your father, would you? We have to start on these arrangements soon, Mrs. Lee needs 25 of them by tomorrow afternoon.”
You gave your mom a nod and made your way back up the stairs, hopping over Mochi who was now taking up residence on the second step. “You’re gonna get stepped on your curious cat,” you said under your breath. Mochi just watched on as you took two stairs at a time. 
Before you could reach the top of the stairs, you nearly stumbled straight into your father who had just come around the corner. “Who-whoa,” he laughed out as you grabbed onto the railing to stop yourself from smacking into him. 
“Mom needs you!” You yelped out, passing your dad on the stairs and running into your room to grab your phone from your nightstand. You could hear your dad chuckling as he walked down the stairs. As you picked up your phone, you noticed you had a new message in your group chat you had with your two best friends, well, your only friends, you supposed.
From Mina [11:13 pm]: pearl!!!
From Mina [11:13 pm]: pearl are u awake?
From Woo [11:15 pm]: why are you awake min?
From Mina [11:17 pm]: cant sleep, pearl, u up!?
From Woo [11:23 pm]: I’m gonna guess not
From Mina [11:25 pm]: ugh dfghjk 
You giggled at your screen for a moment before typing back a response.
You [6:37 am]: sorry guys, i went to bed early last night what’s up min?
You pocketed your phone, definitely not expecting a response at this ungodly hour, and headed back downstairs. On your short walk, you thought to your two friends, Mina and Wooyoung, who you befriended in middle school. Well, actually Mina befriended you and Wooyoung in seventh grade because you were both outcasts that didn’t talk to anyone. Ever the martyr, she brought your little group together and you’ve been thick as thieves ever since. You don’t see them as much as you’d like nowadays, as they both attended the small community college in your town. You never really liked school, never excelled at anything, and were always a homebody. College just didn’t sound fun to you, especially if people there were anything like at your highschool. Highschool hadn’t been kind to you. You were labeled ‘half-breed’ and ‘mutant’ by a group of girls who wanted nothing more than to see you suffer because of your looks. Boys would flirt with you, leave you love notes, and even try to harass you in the halls, but never because they actually took an interest in you. The one time you went to a party with Mina, you had been cornered in some guy's barn by one of the popular boys who was trying to get in your pants. This just made the popular girls even more angry with you and would jump through hoops to make your life hell while at school. All of those experiences taught you one thing: most people can’t be trusted. Some might say you have trust issues (Mina) while others will try to get you to come out of your shell a bit more (Woo and your mom), but in the end, you’re comfortable with your two best friends and your parents. You never asked for more because you simply didn’t need it.
Most, if not all, families these days only had one child, so you nor your friends ever knew what it was like to have siblings. Even your parents were only children, so no aunts, uncles, or cousins to call an extended family. This was normal, though, because a law was put in place in 2505 banning families from having more than one child to help with population control. If a family broke this law, they were fined excessive amounts of money. The law was easy to enforce with parents of lab born children, since their child had to be entered into a national database, meaning no company would work with them again to avoid hefty fines, or possibly being put out of business. It was a little harder to enforce with natural born families. The law was definitely one sided, aimed to force more and more natural borns into poverty. 
You were snapped out of your daydream as you entered your kitchen, taking in the sight of your dad sitting at the dining table reading something on his tablet and your mom making a grocery list. You smiled softly, rounding the table and taking your usual seat next to your mother. “Thanks for breakfast, mom,” you said kindly, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Of course, Pearl. Now eat up, we need to get going soon if-” your mother was cut off by the sudden shriek of the doorbell, which caused you to jump what had to be 5 feet in the air. Who was ringing your doorbell at - you took your phone out - 6:44 in the morning?
Your father had the same perplexed look that you must’ve worn, getting up out of his chair and heading towards the front room of the house. You shared a puzzled look with your mom who just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her list, blowing on a piece of hot egg in her spoon. 
As you started to fiddle with your own spoon, you tried to strain to hear the conversation happening in the other room. You could hear hushed murmurs that sounded rushed, almost angry. You squint your eyes in confusion. It sounded like your dad was mad. He never gets mad. Who could be at the front door? Slowly, you rise from your seat to go investigate, your mother paying you no mind.
As you round the corner of the kitchen, your father comes into view holding the front door at a 90 degree angle from the wall, effectively blocking your vision of the man on the other side. Your dad’s profile told you what you needed to know, though. He was visibly angry, apples of his cheeks reddening. He was still speaking in a hushed tone, though you could tell it was tense.
Slowly, you walked over to your father, peeking around the front door. If your dad noticed your presence, he didn’t mention it. Standing on your front porch was a man, shorter than your father, with dark hair and round glasses perched on his nose. He was obviously a natural born, as he didn’t have any of the perfect or striking features you were used to seeing on business men such as himself. He didn’t look intimidating in the least, but you could almost see the steam rolling out of your dad’s ears. As soon as the man caught sight of you, a bright grin took over his face.
“Ah, you must be YN,” he starts, taking a step forward and reaching out his hand, “it’s so nice to finally meet you.”
You were confused by his words, taking a step back to match his. You didn’t know this man and you definitely didn’t want to shake his hand. Did he say finally meet you? What is that supposed to mean?
“You need to leave,” your father started, causing the shorter man’s attention to fall back on him, “now.” Your dad left no room for discussion, effectively ending the conversation. 
The mysterious man nodded once, looking back at you. “We’ll be in touch,” were his final words before turning on his heel and walking back towards a sleek, black car at the end of your drive. Before you could take in any more details of the car, your father was closing the front door. He breathed out a heavy sigh and placed a hand on your bicep, gently leading you back to the kitchen.
Your mom looked up from her, now nearly finished, breakfast. “Who was it, sweetie?”
Your dad sat back in his chair, leaving you standing, confused, in the middle of your kitchen. “Yeah, dad. Who was that?” You asked, genuinely concerned about the stranger.
Your dad let out another sigh before turning to look up at you, “Just another company. You know how they are, Pearl. Persistent, but they’ll back off eventually once they realize we aren’t interested.”
You slowly nodded in understanding. These designer baby companies have been coming to ‘scout’ you since you were in elementary school. They would come to your home, or even your school, and try to talk to you about selling your DNA and how it would be beneficial to your family, maybe even bring them out of poverty, make them rich. When you were a child, the offer was enticing, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little curious even now. But you knew where you stood on the subject. You didn’t want to sell your DNA. You didn’t want anything to do with these big companies that were making natural borns poor while getting rich in the process. But you remembered something, “Dad, what did he mean by finally meeting me?”
Your dad has his back turned to you again, starting to eat his breakfast. You could see him visibly stiffen at your question before quickly relaxing again. Your mother seemed to notice this too, sending a worried glance at him, to which you couldn’t see his response. Without turning to look at you, he mumbled, “That was Hyunwoo, a former classmate of mine.”
So you were right in your assumption about Hyunwoo being a natural born. You know your dad hadn’t gone to college, and his family lived in this very house while he was growing up. That means Hyunwoo must be from the same town as you. Most people living here were living in poverty, so why did he look like a million bucks? No one from this town could afford a car like that either. Before you could get too lost in your thoughts, your father was speaking again, “He works for a pretty well known company in Seoul. He’s been interested in you since you were a little kid.” The thought alone was enough to make you feel nauseous. You didn’t even know this man, yet he’s known about you practically all your life. Apparently he’s been seeking you out for a while too, if your assumptions are correct.  
“Why was he here?” You voiced your thoughts aloud.
Your father set his spoon down on his dish before turning his entire body in his chair to face you. “It’s nothing Pearl,” he started, firm but gentle, “You know these companies never leave us alone. His is no different. They’ll get the message sooner or later.” There was a finality in his tone, making it known there was no room for discussion on the matter. With a nod of his head he stood up from his seat, gathering his dishes, and deposited them into the sink. “I’ll be out in the orchards if you need me.” 
You nodded before sitting down at the table and picking at your food. 
“Don’t worry, dear,” your mother said as she, too, stood up with her dishes, “this type of thing happens all the time.” 
Even though you trusted your parents, and they were right - it did happen fairly often, something about Hyunwoo seemed different. The way he looked at you and spoke the words ‘finally meet you’, made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Even your mom and dad seemed nervous when his name was spoken at the kitchen table. But you trusted your parents. Right?
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In the early afternoon, you had just finished your chores of feeding the chickens and cats, and you were wandering around the orchard. Your dad had retired to the shed on the far north corner of the property. He liked to spend a lot of time in there, tinkering with old appliances. You and your mother had finished the arrangements for Mrs. Lee earlier and now she was at the market fulfilling the list she made earlier. 
You didn’t really have anything that needed to get done right away. You know you should probably go check on the flowers in your mom’s garden, make sure they don’t need to be watered again, but it’s been a while since you’ve walked through the orchard without the responsibility of the trees looming over you. Your father cleaned up the trees earlier, made sure drip lines were intact and checked over the farm, so you decided to indulge in your favorite pass time. 
You walked away from the chicken coop towards the edge of the orchard. It was truly one of your favorite places in the whole world - not that you’ve seen much of it, but still - and you could spend hours getting lost among the beautifully colored canopy of peach blossoms. 
When you reached the edge of the orchard, you leaned your hand against the cool oak colored bark of one of the trees, and toed off your shoes, leaving them in the dirt. The trees were just starting to blossom with pretty pink and white flowers among the green and almost yellowish leaves. Only about another month before harvest, you thought idly to yourself. 
As you walked through the trees, you relished in the feeling of the cool dirt beneath your feet, squishing between your toes with each step. The air outside was hot and humid, but the earth was cool under the shade of the trees. With each trunk you passed, you let your hand ghost over the rough bark, memorizing the feeling of it. You looked up at the leaves, slowly moving in the slight breeze today. Your family's farm was small, only about 10 acres, so the trees weren’t so dense you couldn’t see the sky above or would be completely hidden from view while walking through them. If your dad were to come out of his shed, you probably would’ve been able to see him from here, though it was a good distance away. 
As you got closer to the center of the trees you found a nice trunk to sit down against and pulled your phone from your pocket, checking your group chat with your friends. 
From Mina [2:05 pm]: pearl pearl pearl
From Mina [2:06 pm]: where are u
You rolled your eyes at your best friend's antics before typing out your reply.
From you [2:36 pm]: walking through the trees, what’s up?
Almost immediately you were looking at a response.
From Mina [2:37 pm]: there was some guy here on campus today
From Mina [2:38 pm]: a girl from my econ class said he was looking for you
From Mina [2:39 pm]: said he looked like he didn’t belong here, i’m assuming it’s some company but i wanted to let u know
Your heart dropped into your stomach at this new knowledge. It wasn’t incredibly strange for someone to be looking for you at the college. Most residents of the town attended the college at some point or another, what with it being free to attend because of a bill passed decades ago by natural born activists fighting for education for those living in poverty. But something about this felt wrong. 
Before you could respond to Mina to ease the worries you were sure she felt, you heard what sounded like a twig snapping somewhere behind you. Already on edge from the text messages, you quickly stood up, turning almost completely around in your spot. Your eyes focused on the spot where you thought you heard the noise come from, only to be met with nothing. Despite knowing you heard something, part of you wondered if it was all in your head, the events of the day messing with you. 
In the distance, you could see that your family’s truck was still missing from the drive, meaning your mom was still out shopping. Quickly, you glanced at your father’s shed - the doors were still shut tightly. Momentarily you wondered if he would be able to hear you if you screamed. Shaking the thought from your mind, you turned back around to face the tree. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught movement from behind a trunk a few yards in front of where you stood. 
“Who’s there?!” you half yelled, fear starting to creep up your spine. You definitely weren’t one to fight, much more comfortable running from your problems and confrontation. You wished Mina was here, she would be brave enough to move forward, to protect herself from danger. You slowly started walking backwards, not taking your eyes off the trunk where you believed someone to be hiding. You wanted to turn and run, but didn’t want to risk whoever it was behind that tree attacking you from the back. As you continued to take cautious steps, your back collided with something firm, yet not hard enough to be a tree trunk. This was softer, warmer. Human. 
To be continued....
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AUTHOR NOTE: Sooooo, who do you think YN ran into?! Who do you think will make an appearance next chapter? ;)
copyright aliendes 2020
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays in Existentialism: Ages
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Hey there, in case you're taking prompts right now I would love to see you write something about Clarke & Lexa at different stages in life/ages, from like little kids (first meeting) to adults. Thank you for your time and love your writing!
The classroom was colorful and happy, brimming with numbers and letters and pictures of animals on the walls. An entire side had windows that looked out toward the yard and playground for recess and there were tiny desks arranged in little squares, while the back corner had a very nice looking story time circle. 
Nervously, a tiny girl with messy brown hair stood behind her father’s legs and peered out at her new classroom. She could hear the kids screaming and having fun outside, and she wanted to sneak toward the window and see what they were doing, but she had to put her things in a cubby first, and her teacher had to tell her how to get there and where to sit. 
It was all very new, and Lexa wasn’t sure how to handle it all, so she held onto the leg of her father’s uniform. She missed her old house, and her old park, and her old friends and her old city. She didn’t like the moving part, or that her new house had a scary  basement. 
“We are very excited to have Lexa here, and we appreciate you keeping us up to date on your deployment schedule,” the smiling teacher nodded before squatting down lower to Lexa’s level. “I know kindergarten can be kind of scary at first, but soon you’ll look back and say ‘wow, I didn’t have to be scared. I love it here’.” 
Lexa dug into her father’s leg a little more, shying back slightly. He patted her hair before kneeling down as well. 
“Hey, kid, come on. You’re not usually this shy,” he furrowed and held her tiny hands in his large ones. “What’s wrong?” 
At first, Lexa looked around and shifted back and forth in her new sneakers. They lit up. But he waited patiently for a response. 
“I don’t know nobody,” she mumbled. 
“You’re going to meat the class soon,” he promised. “And you’ll make all kinds of great friends.” 
“And now you know me,” Mrs. Gates offered. “Your dad told me you like superheroes.” 
Lexa nodded after looking at her father for confirmation. 
“I put you in a seat next to someone who also likes superheroes. Do you want to see your desk?” 
When she didn’t move, her father decided it was time to do a bit more. 
“I want to see your desk. That’s really cool. You can practice your letters and numbers and reading at your desk, isn’t that right, Mrs. Gates?” 
“We’re going to learn so many things. We even get to do science experiments.” 
“One time, we made a tornado in a bottle,” Lexa offered quickly. “I got to pick the color and I picked blue because I like blue.” 
Slowly, Lexa came out of her shell as she walked toward her desk, her father holding her hand and showing her the name tag on it. She sat there and smiled slightly before looking at her cubby and moving to put her bag there herself. 
The noise outside calmed and moved to the hall a few moments later. 
“I’m going to go back to work now, Lex. But you’re going to stay here and Mom will pick you up after school, okay?” 
“Do you have to?” 
“I do, kid,” he smiled. “What are we?”
“That’s right,” he nodded and kissed her forehead. “I’m so proud of you, and I will want to hear all about your day at dinner okay? So have a good time.” 
Lexa nodded and sat at her desk quietly going back into her shell when her father waved at the door and disappeared. 
At nearly the same moment, the class filtered back in, noticing a new person and not knowing what to do with the news. 
“Good afternoon, scientists,” the teacher greeted them. “We have a new friend who is joining us today. Her name is Lexa. Can everyone say hello to Lexa?” 
The chorus rang out, some more energetic than others. 
“Lexa is coming to us from Virginia. Does anyone know anything about Virginia?” 
There was a rumble of no’s. 
“Would you like to tell us something, Lexa?” 
“Um,” she swallowed. “I used to live close to the beach and I got to see a hurricane once.” 
The series of ooh’s and ahh’s made her feel a little braver than the fake level of confidence her father had instilled her with. She pushed at the haphazard hair that fell into her eyes. 
“Wow, that must have been scary.” 
“It was. There was purple lightning.” 
Again the crowd was fascinated. 
“Now I want each of you to take turns meeting Lexa over the next few days and telling her your names and being helpful. Wouldn’t we all want some nice friends if we moved somewhere new?” 
The group nodded along, still eyeing her, but less brutally than before. 
“Okay, loves. To your seats and let’s show Lexa how we behave after recess, okay?” 
With more than enough confidence to spare, a tiny blonde girl marched toward Lexa and sat down beside her. 
“Hi. My name is Clarke Griffin. I am going to show you around. It’s my job.” 
“We can be friends if you want.” 
Lexa just nodded and stared at her blue eyes. 
“I like your hair. It reminds me of Tarzan’s or Wonder Woman.” 
Still confused about the little person who sat beside her and said things with such clarity and confidence, Lexa pushed her hair away from her face again and nodded. 
“I like your… eyes. They are like the sky, and the sky is my favorite thing ever.” 
“Ever?” Clarke asked incredulously. 
“Mhm. Did you know there are like a million stars? And clouds are cool.” 
“Yeah, they are,” she nodded and dug into her desk for a notebook. “Have you seen Frozen yet?” Lexa shook her head sadly. “I just got it. You should come watch it. We can build a fort.” 
“I am really good at that.” 
“Me too! Ours will be awesome!” 
From the front of the classroom the teacher smiled to herself, allowing the group extra time to settle as the two new friends talked a little bit. She saw Lexa cover her mouth from laughing and Clarke made some kind of face and shared a pencil. 
By the end of the day, Lexa was certain Clarke was the best person on the planet. She was very nice and she liked good movies and they had the same favorite food of pizza and ice cream and candy. She couldn’t keep quiet when her mom picked her up, and she nervously paced near the front door, looking out the window for her father to come home so she could tell him everything, sparing no detail. 
“Daddy!” Lexa pounces on him from the steps as soon as he makes it into the still packed house in need of organization. 
“Hey kid, I missed you so much,” he hugged her tightly. “How was school?” 
“I made a friend! And it was very fun. We saw pictures of bugs!” 
“Wow, what a day. Do you want to go back tomorrow?” 
“Good. Now tell me everything.” 
“You’re still my best friend.” 
The statement came out angry and informative. It was declarative and exact, a fact that could not be argued. It was a law of nature. It was absolute. 
Lexa nodded, agreeing eagerly and quickly. 
“We can talk on the phone and write letters,” Clarke decided. “We can watch movies together, too sometimes. I can ask my mom to use her iPad.”
Again, Lexa nodded. 
“This is stupid and I hate the military and I hate that you have to leave.” 
Clarke had a temper. She liked to yell when she was frustrated, and she’d stomp her foot and clench her fists at her sides, arms straight and her face would get red with a distinct type of rage that Lexa learned to avoid and how to calm her down when needed. Sometimes it was impossible. Clarke said it felt like she was trapped in one of those balls of snow that roll down a hill and get bitter and bigger, and the anger was just rolling around her and she couldn’t escape it. And Lexa could get that, even if she didn’t show it. 
“You’re my best friend,” Clarke finally sighed. “And I don’t want to lose you.” 
Lexa shook her head and hugged her friend quickly, tightly, eagerly. 
“You’re my best friend, too. I don’t care where my dad gets stationed. I wont’ be anyone else’s best friend ever.” 
The pair stood there, clinging to each other, uninterested in separating, even by a few inches. There were not many things more powerful than a friendship of two people who worked well together, already seamlessly filling in each other’s personality points and understanding the other’s moods. There was an innate ease between them that always existed, and even now, when clearly stuck in the midst of intense turmoil, they just hugged each other and tried to be better for the other. 
“When do you have to leave to move?” 
“Next month, right after school ends,” Lexa sighed. 
“So we still have time to do all kinds of hings,” Clarke decided. “Maybe my mom will let you come visit for the summer or for breaks. Or I can come visit you.”
“Yeah,” her friend agreed eagerly. “My grandma and grandpa still live near here, so we will have to come close to see them.” 
“And then we can go away to college together, and live together, like my cousin Chris.” 
“We can?” 
“Oh yeah. In the dorms. We get our own beds and sometimes they can be bunk beds.” 
“Wow,” Lexa mouthed, her eyes wide. 
Even so young, she just enjoyed listening to Clarke talk and tell stories. She bit every single time, and she didn’t care if it was true or not. The only thing that matter was the Clarke knew a lot and Clarke liked to share. 
“You won’t forget about me?” Clarke asked after a moment of looking at her shoes. She looked up at her friend, her bet friend, and she waited nervously. 
“No way,” Lexa swore. “I could never.” 
Clarke held out her little finger and waited for Lexa to shake, completing the promise. 
“And I won’t forget about you, never ever,” Clarke swore. 
The solemn vow complete, neither knew what came next, only that they were already aware of how little time a month was, and now had to fill up every second. 
The gymnasium was packed to the brim with people as the tournament drew to a close during the finals match. Cheers and the echo of shouts and coaching practically vibrated the entire arena. Though she wasn’t much of a fan of sports, Clarke Griffin was, in fact, a fan of one basketball player who travelled across the country to play in the girl’s high school national championships. 
Even though Lexa moved nearly five years prior, their solemn vow, that between elementary school chums who were young enough to believe in such things, held strong with them talking every day, and gradually moving up to emails and FaceTime and text. Periodically, over that half decade, they’d even been grated time to see each other, whether it was family trips or one going to stay with the other’s family for a school break. Whenever they were asked where they wanted to go, the answer was always to each other. 
When Lexa texted after they won state, she was over the moon, and Clarke immediately made sure to get tickets so she could see her best friend play, even though she still didn’t particularly understand the rules, no matter how often Lexa explained them. 
“I can’t believe you guys have stayed in touch so long,” Abby smiled as Clarke sat down from cheering and yelling Lexa’s name after she scored. “It seems like just yesterday you were coming home from kindergarten to tell me about your new best friend, Lexa.” 
“It just kind of works,” Clarke shrugged, unable to pinpoint why it did. There wasn’t an easy answer or any real logic to it. Perhaps it was mostly dumb luck. 
“Hard to believe that little girl is playing in a national championship,” Jake agreed. “I’ve been following her stats online. She’s ranked and is set to go to a Division I school.” 
“Lexa’s going to the University of Oregon, just like me.” 
“You’ve changed your mind a hundred times and you’re halfway through your sophomore year.”
“That’s where she wants to go, and it’s where I want to go.” 
“We’ll add it to the list, but don’t think about it too much just yet,” Jake shared a look with his wife. “A lot can happen in a year.” 
Clarke didn’t want to argue. Instead, she clapped and cheered as Lexa was subbed out in the third. She wasn’t particularly invested in the rest of the game without Lexa out there, but Clarke did her best to watch the entire thing and stay involved with what was happening. In the end, Lexa’s team won, and she cheered the loudest of all. She was wearing Lexa’s old jersey. She was a true fan. 
“You did so well, honey,” Jake promised as he hugged Lexa after they cleaned and gotten ready in the lock room. 
It was a long ceremony, to lift the trophy and answer questions, and listen to coaches. Clarke just grew more and more anxious. She hadn’t been able to see much of Lexa because of the game for the past two days, and she only had 2 more to see her. They always knew they had to make the most of it. 
“Congrats!” Clarke cheered as she launched herself at her best friend, hugging her tightly as they met in the lobby of the convention center. “That was amazing. You’re the best basketball player in the nation.” 
“I don’t know about that,” Lexa chuckled and hugged her back, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “Thanks for sticking through it though. I’m sure it wasn’t very fun to watch.” 
“Yeah, well. Best friends, biggest fan and such.” 
They hang on each other, never far apart as the family made their way to a celebratory dinner, facetiming with Lexa’s family to share the good news since they couldn’t make the trip. It was exceedingly normal for Lexa to be taken in my the Griffins; it happened nearly every year in some way, same for Clarke with the Woods. Jake spent dinner going over all of the plays and applauding Lexa’s efforts, amazed that she could do such things. He only took credit for her layup, as they’d spent a good portion of her last visit the previous summer working on it in the driveway after diner. Lexa let him have it. It wasn’t lost on her that he put up a basketball hoop for her and her alone, even though she spent collectively less than three months over the past five years at their house. 
Ice cream was a given. The rest of the team would be back at the hotel, probably drinking their water bottles of vodka. Lexa was the youngest on the team, the only underclassman on varsity, and she was oddly grateful to miss it. Nothing could beat ice cream with Clarke and her parents. Only there, sitting outside in the chilly autumn evening, did she swap cones with Clarke as they had since they were five. Only there, did she let Clarke wear her jacket because she was cold. 
The Griffins had a guest room. They had two, in fact. But after the festivities and still a little giddy from the evening, the two friends climbed to Clarke’s room and tried to settle in for a movie.
Freshly showered, Lexa fiddled with the menu, trying to find something to watch while Clarke took her turn showering and washing the excitement off. She played with her phone, texting back friends home and the team lazily, stretched out in Clarke’s bed. 
It shouldn’t have been as big of a deal when Clarke walked out in her towel, asking about what movie they were going to watch. But it somehow was a big deal and Lexa found herself sitting up slightly against the headboard. She looked at Clarke’s bare shoulders as she slipped underwear on. She stared, wide-eyed and dry-mouthed as the towel dropped, and Clarke slipped on shorts and then an old shirt before toweling her hair. 
“You used all the hot water, and I will not be allowing you to shower first, no matter how many championships you win,” Clarke decided, as she joined her in the bed. 
“That’s fair.” 
Suddenly, Lexa was aware of how close they laid together in bed, and how they shared the blankets, and how they watched part of the movie before falling into their normal quiet talking in the middle of the night. She wasn’t sure how or why or what except she was very comfortable and uncomfortable with how comfortable she was. 
“My dad thinks it’s ridiculous I plan on going to the same school as you.” 
“I haven’t gotten in anywhere,” Lexa reminded her. “Or any actual offers.”
“You will,” Clarke promised. “I’m just keeping my options open. It’d be nice to be near you.”
Lexa smiled to herself in the dark and felt Clarke scoot closer so they were facing each other, their knees touching. 
“We haven’t gotten much time alone this visit,” Lexa sighed. 
“Kind of rude of you to interrupt it with basketball.” 
“But at least I got to visit.” 
“True. I needed this,” Clarke yawned. “It’s been a rough semester.” 
“Because you’re dating a real dumb guy.” 
“But he’s so cute.” 
Lexa couldn’t help groaning and wiggling around in bed. She made a show of rolling over before she felt Clarke pull her back with a chuckle. 
“He’s a moron and you can do a billion times better than Finn.” 
“I know, he’s just… nice. He’s steady and doesn’t take much effort.” 
“Shouldn’t it take some effort?” Lexa ventured, not at all sure about any philosophies about love or relationships. 
“Probably a combination of effortlessness and effort,” Clarke nodded. “How’s your crush? Did she text you after you won?” 
“It’s going good,” she shrugged in the dark. “I don’t know if she knows it’s a crush or not.”
“You have to be daring and bold. You’re already charming and funny and adorable. She has to have a crush on you. Just ask her out when you get back. Or text her right now.” 
“Let me think about it a little more.” 
“Fine,” Clarke finally relents and yawns again. “Do you think being in love with someone is talking in the middle of the night, but like forever?” 
There’s a quiet in the bedroom in the middle of the night as Lexa mulls over the words. Since they were five, Clarke was the sure one, the loud one, the persistent and confident and sure one. 
“I hope love is comfortable. I hope it’s talking all night. I hope it also makes you nervous and excited to see the other person. I hope it’s being someone’s one person that they count on no matter what. I hope being in love is all of those things. It has to be, right?”
“You make it sound like we’re in love. I think you just described our entire friendship.” 
Lexa blushed and cleared her throat.
“But we’re best friends. We can’t be in love.” 
The quiet settled there again until Clarke readjusted and sighed. 
“It’d be nice though,” Lexa sighed as well. “To be in love with my favorite person on the planet.” 
“It would.” 
“Unfortunately, my best friend is painfully straight. Oh darn.” She tried to make her voice sound lighter, like this wasn’t a very confusing hole she’d somehow dug herself into. 
“God, I have to dump Finn.” 
They both chuckled at that, breaking the fog of the layered conversation they found themselves stuck in. And with that it was easy to fall back into talking about everything else until neither could keep their eyes open. 
The sorority house on Sorority Row was spilling out onto the yard and into the street with people celebrating the start of spring semester. For a moment, Lexa stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the brightly lit building and took a deep breath. She’d spent most of her free time not practicing or with the team here, in Clarke’s room, or doing something with Clarke. 
It was almost an accident that they ended up at the same school, with Lexa accepting the offer late in the year, well after Clarke had been accepted and decided. And it was the best decision of her life because she got to spend so much time with her best friend, and her best friend was at every home game. And for two years, Lexa watched her best friend date her way through a handful of steadies that all bugged her to no-end. And she knew why. She knew exactly why and yet she could never say. That would ruin everything. 
So Lexa stood there for a moment and prepared herself to survive another night of being in love with her best friend and watching her flirt with someone else. 
Lexa had a fairly good reputation all over campus due to her breakout season on the court and a Division Championship under her belt. She was active in a few clubs, volunteer organizations, and mostly, she was Clarke’s friend. 
“Lexa!” Clarke cheered, hugging her tightly as soon as she found her. “I was wondering when I’d get to see you.” 
“I came as soon as I could, darling. I know you miss me too much if I leave you waiting.” 
“I’m a demanding broad, and you know me well, skipper.” 
“You two are disgusting,” Raven observed. 
Lexa just looked down at Clarke who still clung to her, arms wrapped around her middle and grinning back. They were a rather disgusting pair, especially when they did their loving rendition of a polite couple. 
“You are looking rather cute tonight,” Lexa observed. 
“I’ve been known to look cute from time to time. Shouldn’t be too surprising.” 
Lexa just rolled her eyes and waited for Clarke to tug her hand toward the bar. They were practically a packaged deal, and not many believed they’d been friends since they were children because that just didn’t happen anymore, especially across time and space to such stretched degrees. 
But the night went on as it usually did, with music and dancing, though neither were extremely heavy drinkers that often, they retained a mild buzz that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Rarely where they far away from the other. Often, Lexa would find herself looking across the room and finding her friend. 
But the party waned, and Lexa let herself be invited to stay instead of trying to traverse her way home across campus. There were enough of her old shirts and workout shorts as part of Clarke’s wardrobe that she always had clothes around anyway. 
Lazily, Lexa lounged on the bed as Clarke finished getting ready for bed. She scrolled on her phone for a little bit and yawned, exhausted by the day and drinks. 
When Clarke walked out of the bathroom, Lexa stared more intently at her phone because her friend was in a bath towel, and that was too much to handle anymore. She didn’t look. For a solid ten seconds. But then the towel disappeared, and she saw the curly hairs at the base of Clarke’s neck, her hair pulled up in a sloppy bun as she slid on a shirt. Lexa watched all of it happen and she couldn’t pretend otherwise. 
“That was a good night, darling. We should have the gang over more often,” Clarke decided with a smile as she turned back toward the bed. 
“That was a small showing. I expected better.”
“I’ll russell up a better gang, I swear.” 
With a chuckle, Clarke flipped off the light and got into bed, careful to crawl over Lexa and find her spot against the wall. Lexa felt all of that and she remained stoic, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the queen and such. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been having sleep overs since we were five,” Clarke whispered. 
“You kind of made me be your friend. Mrs. Gates sat me beside you and that was it.” 
“Do you think she knows what she started?” 
“We should let her know.” 
An arm moved around Lexa’s middle. It grabbed her arm and pulled it around her body so that Clarke was the little spoon. Over the past few months, Clarke had been more affectionate, physically. She’d taken the time to touch Lexa and hug her, though Lexa chalked it up to her own wavering brain looking for something that wasn’t there, and resoling herself to being the best friend anyone could ask for. Best friends were the big spoon sometimes. 
Stuck smelling Clarke’s hair, Lexa closed her eyes and let her arms squeeze her friend, eclipsed by her taller frame. She held her breath for as long as she could. 
“I sleep best when you’re in bed. I’m getting spoiled,” Clarke yawned, wiggling slightly as she found a comfortable spot. 
“I’ll have to train your future husband in how to do it.” 
“I don’t think I want anyone else.” 
“You have your pick of the litter. We’ll find you a squire to court you.” 
“Nah,” she sighed, smiling. “I only want you.” 
“I, um,” Lexa gulped and felt Clarke’s thumb on her wrist, rubbing soothingly as she was known to do. “I only want you, too.” 
It’d been a long day. The world’s longest day. The worst, longest, most exhausting day, and all Lexa wanted to do was sleep. Sleep would wash away the entire week that beat her up, and sleep would save her from dinner with her parents. Sleep was a welcomed reward she was hoping to cash in on so she could escape the stress of breathing. 
Cranky and sore, Lexa tossed her keys on the table by the door and chucked her bag on the chair in the living room, kicking off her shoes as she made her way down the hall toward the kitchen. The house was quiet and empty for a Friday night, and she appreciate that for the time being. 
From the fridge, she dug out a bottle of beer and tossed the cap on the counter before shrugging off her jacket between eager swigs. With heavy feet, she padded upstairs and collapsed into the bed with a grunt, hoping a nap would help her escape the headache that’d been brewing since before lunch. Still with her work clothes on, Lexa fell asleep quickly and without any resistance. 
It wasn’t until she felt the bed dip that Lexa smiled into the bed, a familiar weight settled atop her, squishing her slightly with affection. 
“Long day?” Clarke whispered, kissing her fiancé’s shoulder though her shirt. 
“Long week,” Lexa complained and stretched, enjoying the feeling. 
“Want to order pizza and take a bath?” 
“Very much.” 
“I’ll open the wine.” 
Though she tried to move, Lexa flipped, holding Clarke to her, finally kissing her softly, and then eagerly, and then happily. 
“How was your day, darling?” 
“Not nearly as bad as yours.” 
Clarke sat up slightly and pushed her messy hair away from her face as it fell in front of her eyes as she tried to kiss her best friend and make her smile. 
“I think being in love might be wine and pizza and a bath,” she grinned, running her thumb along Lexa’s cheek and jaw and then neck before kissing her again. 
“Let’s find out.”
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leelee10898 · 4 years
The 13th Duchess..
This is my submission for the creepy campfire tales, hosted by @speedyoperarascalparty.
Books: A very Scandalous proposal and Unexpected Heiress. (Vip books)
Pairing: Ridley(mc) x Simon Montjoy
"Everything is all set, Darling." Simon sauntered into the room, a bright smile on his face. "I must say, I am rather excited for this party. The first Halloween bash Barrington has seen." 
"Have I told you lately how much of a god send you are, hubby?" Ridley smirked, turning her back to him. "Zip me?" 
"Anything for you, my love. Simon's let out a low chuckle, his fingers slowly pulled the zipper of her dress. "Shall we?" He extended his arm and the two made their way to the ballroom. 
"Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting Simon and Ridley Montjoy, Duke and Duchess of wessex." The herald announced as the two entered the festively decorated ball room.  The pair had been married just over a year, Ridley and Simon taking over the Barrington estate full time and loving every minute of it, well, maybe not every minute.  
An estate as old as Barrington came with some interesting phenomenons, which Ridley would often freak out over.   Simon on the other hand never seemed to notice when things would groan, or randomly appear. They decided to throw a Halloween party on the spookiest of nights, All Hallows eve. 
Ridley wore a beautiful crimson flapper dress, simon wearing a matching suit to really give them the roaring 20s feel. The pair split the room, speaking with their guest. Ridley's head was spinning, she needed a breather.  She found a quiet corner and pressed against the wall, eyes closed for just a moment. 
"I'd love to say it gets easier but, I can not tell a lie." A voice pulled her from her rest. Her eyes landing on a petite woman with dark hair who looked exactly like someone she would have loved to go back in time to meet. 
"I just love your costume, the details are flawless. If I didn't know any better, I would think you were the 13th duchess herself." Ridley grinned ear to ear, the woman smile matching hers. 
"Gemma Montjoy at your service." She winked, extending her hand, Ridley taking it giving a firm shake. "How wonderful to meet you, Gemma. I'm," 
"Oh darling, everyone knows who you are." The woman gave her a brilliant smile.  "Ridley Duchannes Or, shall I say Montjoy now. You and Simon have done a wonderful job leading Barrington into a new age, such a wonderful job." 
"Why thank you. I have to ask, why the 13th duchess? I mean, I am partial to her myself." Ridley began, "Her memoirs are what led me here in the first place." 
"Lets just say Gemma and I are kindred spirits. Besides, the montjoys are family."  The lady gave a playful smirk. "Say, it's been quite a while since I have wandered these old halls, shall we see what kind of trouble we can get into tonight, being its Hallows eve?" 
Ridley hesitated, she did not know this woman but the American in her screamed and got into trouble, she did say she was family. Her lips twisted into a rebellious grin. "What the hell, let's do it." 
The two wandered into the study just off the ball room, Gemma's hand roamed down the wall "should be right… here." She grinned as the wall swung open, Gemma lit an old lantern and the pair disappeared into the passage ways. 
"So you've been researching the Montjoy family's history I hear. I have yet to read your book but, I can't imagine the scandal you unearthed." The woman spoke as the two made their way down the dimly lit halls. 
"I have. Did you know that Thomas Montjoy, the husband of the 13th Duchess fathered a child out of wedlock? He sadly passed a year after he and Gemma took the boy in." 
"Andrew." The woman's voice turned soft, a slight pain behind it. 
"Yes,  Andrew Olivier Montjoy. He went by Ollie as I understand it. I can't imagine how Gemma handled such a situation with as much grace as she did.  I do not know how I would handle that, it would completely crush me if Simon ever did that." 
"I assure you darling, she struggled to connect with the boy. Her attempts thwarted at every turn,  ollie just would not warm up to her. It broke her heart. Never having children of her own, he was as close as she ever got." 
"How do you know all of this? I have never been able to find any diaries or letters from the 13th Duchess." 
The woman opened her mouth to speak but abruptly shut it as a set of raised voices grew louder. 
"Damnit Genevive, I said I wanted to go as a naval captain,  I look like bloody captain crunch." Hugos voice rang out. Gemma motion towards a small hole in the wall, peaking in they could see Hugo and his wife Genevive.  "Now settle down Hugo. I am trying to adjust this griddle but it wont. Go. Down." Genevive huffed struggling against her husband. "Oh dear, he looks like a busted can of biscuits." Gemma giggled. "Pillsbury should hire him as a spokesperson." Ridley cackled. 
"What was that? Who's there?" Hugo shouted. "Careful Hugo it'll," Genevive gasped as the girdle snapped, flinging across the room,  Hugo flew back, flipping over the chaise and landed on his back, feet up in the air. 
The pair let out a roarous laughter and took off running down the hall. They settled against the wall, catching their breath. 
"Well that was certainly one for the books. " Ridley laughed. "I'd say so." Gemma agreed looking around. 
 "ah. Here we are." She ran her hand along the wall pressing a button.  The door slid open, revealing a room that had clearly not seen the light of day in quite some time. 
"What the hell? I have never been in this room." 
"That is because nobody knows about this place, not anyone living that is." She chuckled.  Ridley gave her a confused look. 
"Well. Have at it darling." The woman motioned around the room. 
Ridley waived her hand, clearing the cobwebs from her path.  The room had gone untouched for quite some time.  The vanity still loaded with a pewter brush and mirror, a compact and various bottles of perfume littered the top. Ridley  walked over to the bedside table picking up a black leatherbound book. She blew the thick dust from the cover and opened up to the first page. 
This is the diary of Gemma Montjoy, Duchess of wessex. 
Ridley's eyes boggled out of her head. "This? This is hers? The 13th duchess, THE Gemma Montjoy!" 
The woman smiled, her hand ran softly against the tattered bed spread. 
"The room was sealed off shortly before her death, only a select few knew of it. Her dear friend Lillian Hayes saw to it. Such a pity what happened to  Amelia, her dear sister. Never did fully get over that one but, Lilian gave everyone hope again. " A shadow cast on her face, she quickly shook it off. " You want some more Montjoy family information,  look to the somerset family. Cousins of the Montjoys loads of scandal there." 
"Lillian? Amelia? Who are they? And what happened to Amelia." 
"Why, Amelia was murdered of course. Amelia was set to wed Francis Somerset but, her untimely demise ended that and her sister Lillian stepped in to take her place." She gave a sad smile.  
Ridley sat on the bed flipping through the diary, her eyes widening. "She solved the murder? And who is John?" 
" She sure did. And John was Francis's brother. Lilian made a marriage pact quite like you and your simon did. She would have never gone through with the marriage, it was all a farce. John had her heart." 
Ridley's head was spinning at all of the new information. How did this woman who looked identical to the 13th duchess know all of this. If it weren't for the dusty old journal in her hands, she would have thought it fake. Was it a dream? She tried to pinch herself awake but her attempts were futile, Ridley was very much awake. 
The phone strapped to her thigh began to vibrate, a slew of text from Simon appearing on the screen. 
"Everything ok?" Gemma questioned. 
"Yes, my husband is worried about me." She looked at the time, "has it been an hour already?" 
"Perhaps we should be heading back?" The woman questioned, Ridley nooded her head. "Yes but, I don't want to leave.  This is the 13th dutchess private room. Nobody has ever seen it and here we are."
"Of course, it is like a missing piece to a puzzle. Perhaps you could come back again, but for now your husband worries. Come now Ridley, we haven't much time." 
Ridley stood nodding her head. "Ok. But I am taking this." She held up the book. 
"Have at it." 
The two women ventured through the passages back to the study. The wall slid open and Ridley stepped out, Simon standing there waiting for her. 
"Ridley,  Darling. You gave me a fright. I thought I would have to send a search party after you." She wrapped his arms around her. "You know that saint Bernard is just a call away." He chuckled, releasing her. "Where the bloody hell did you get off to?" 
"I'm fine Simon, my friend and I found Gemma Montjoys hidden room." She smirked. 
"Your friend, Darling?" Simon quirked his brow giving her a confused look. "Ridley, how much have you had to drink?  Are you snozzled?" 
"I am not drunk, Simon! She's right here.." Ridley turned pointing towards the wall,  only to find her new friend was gone. "Where..Where'd she go?" 
"Ooookay.. Darling, perhaps you've inhaled too much dust in the passage ways. Come now,  let's get you a glass of water and some fresh air." Simon led a confused Ridley away. She kept peaking back waiting for the woman to jump out of her hiding spot, could she have imagined it all? 
Later that evening Ridley sat in bed, the journal firmly grasped in her hands. "I can not believe I found this Simon." She sighed contently. "There is so much personal information in here. Much more than her memoirs." 
Simom smiled fondly,  climbing into bed next to his wife.  "Brilliant Darling, you should add this into your next book." He leaned over kissing her good night.  She turned the to a blank page in between another entry. Ridley's mind wandered back on the night, something odd was going on but she couldn't quite figure it out. Had she dreamed it? But then how did she come by the book? She shook her head in frustration looking back down on the page only this time it wasnt blank. 
Ridley darling, I had a blast tonight. Enjoy the journal. 
 Until next year,
Ridley's eyes went wide, she didn't just meet a woman dressed as Gemma Montjoy,  she met her Ghost. 
@speedyoperarascalparty @walkerswhiskeygirl @kat-tia801 @riseandshinelittleblossom @cordonianroyalty @katedrakeohd @texaskitten30 @burnsoslow @twinkleallnight @queenrileyrose @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @cordonian-literature @leelee10898
Readers: @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @drakexwillow @liamxs-world @tinkie1973
@hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101 @choicesgremlin @desireepow-1986 @mskaneko  
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silverwhiteraven · 4 years
Borne of the Stars - Chapter 10 - An MLB Kryptonian AU
Tag List:  @eve-valution @weird-pale-blonde-person @kris-pines04 @soulmate-game @abrx2002 @amayakans @vixen-uchiha @heldtogetherbysafetypins @raisuke06 @dorkus-minimus @captainartsypants @mopester-is-here @moonlightstar64 @annabellabrookes @maribat-is-lifeblood @toodaloo-kangaroo @the-navistar-carol @elspethshadow @chocolatecatstheron​ @ivymala07
[ Summary:  The day isn't over yet, and it's time for everyone to navigate a whole new experience. Is this a Supervillain on the Paris’ hands? ]
[ Posted on Ao3 ] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 9 ] [ Chapter 11 ]
The rest of the school day had gone by in a blur, full or more reviews, more introductions of all new teachers, and more less than subtle energetic dares. Almost as soon as the last bell rang, the first day finally over, the courtyard outside the school was flooded with students. The majority of them were having their post-summer reunions with their friends. 
Marinette, Nino, Alya, Adrien, and Lila had fallen right into their usual grouping as they left the classroom, Kara tagging along behind the first two. The Parisian duo were excited to have their shared secret friend officially join their main circle, suspecting she would make quick friends out of not just them, but the rest of the class as well.
Lila started up a retelling of one of her summer travels, but only got a few sentences in before the building around them began to tremble, and the street beyond the courtyard sounded like it was starting to split apart. 
“Woah, I didn’t know Paris was due for an earthquake,” Alya mused as their group and others instinctively huddled a bit closer. Kara’s arms were instinctively on Nino and Marinete’s shoulders to keep them steady. 
“I don't think that's an earthquake,” Adrien replies breathlessly as he looks out towards the road. Kara’s grip tightens and the two can feel her tense as they all take in the white, red and blue glows emanating from the ground.
Alya rushes forward to a clearer view beyond the other students, steady on her feet despite the shaking ground. The rest of the group follows, and they hear her sucks in a breath, watching as she tenses. Those who know her see it for the excitement it is before words start pouring out. 
“Guys, I think it’s a supervillain,” she gasps out as she turns back to them, her eyes wide and full of newfound energy. Even Kara, who didn't know Alya as well as the others, could recognize the flame of a reporter ready to get out on the field. 
Her phone was out before anyone could respond. “I need to get footage, this is so awesome!” Then she was turning on her heel and dashing towards the road. 
“Alya, wait!” Adrien cried out in alarm, tripping as the ground trembled harder for a moment before Nino caught him. 
“Dude, we need to get somewhere safe, this could be dangerous.” The worry was clear in the musician's voice as he helped Adrien to his feet, staring off after Alya.
“But Nino, Alya could be in danger!”
“I know, I’ll go-”
He was cut off by Kara. “No, you guys stay put, I’ll go after Little Miss Camera over there; I’m used to this kind of thing, I’ll make sure she’s safe.”
“But Kara,” Marinette protested, equally worried for the grounded superhero as the reporter.
“I got this, Buttercup, trust me; I wont do anything to make my cousin mad and I’ll just make sure we both stay out of trouble. And you guys? Stay safe. I’ll text Karen and Babs make sure you're in a good place before they, uh, do anything else.” Nino and Marinette both knew what she meant by anything else, but they still couldn't help but want to stop Kara as she turned on her heel and ran after Alya faster than the first girl had taken off. 
The two shared a thought about going grain in the hair from having heroes for friends as they glanced at each other in distress. 
“She’s right you know,” Lila speaks up meekly, the concern and fright clear in her voice. “We should really get somewhere safe. I don't think any of our parents would be happy if we got hurt…” Adrien winced at that, him and the others already picturing how angered his father would be at Adrien’s friends if something really did happen. Not to mention how he would punish Adrien for it, even if it was purely an accident.
Marinette then gasped and looked back towards the road. “My parents! The bakery! I should get home to make sure they're okay!”
“Shoot, Chris, I was supposed to pick him up from school, the lil’ dude must be terrified right now!”
“You two should really go check on your families then!” Lila looks at them both, mirroring their concern for their loved ones before turning it to Adrien. “We can go find somewhere to hide, I trust Nino and Marinette to be safe. We don’t want your father getting mad if you’re caught up in all this.”
Adrien’s hand was fiddling with the pin on his shirt as he looked at his friends with equal concern and worry. “I- Alright,” he concedes with a sigh. “But maybe we should split up first, more likely to find a good place separately. We can text each other if we find a good spot?”
Lila seems to pout, but nods quickly as the ground shakes in another hard burst, already looking ready to sprint for safety, Adrien in tow or not. 
The small group of four looks at one another, gaining confidence and determination from each other, ready for their tasks ahead. A second passes before they each turn away and head off, their paces varying from smooth runs to staggered jogs over the unsteady ground. 
Marinette was one of the unsteady ones, bumping into other panicked students and pedestrians as she made her way back home. It felt like an excruciatingly long time to get back to the bakery.
As she went, her eyes kept drifting to the glow on the streets. Oddly enough, she realized that they followed directly down the middle of the roads, and the cracks in the streets were those glowing sections rising up out of the ground. The main color she saw was white, but as she passed one of the major roads, the glows going down the emerging lines were blue. In the distance, she saw one of the highways glowing red. She also realized that the roofs of many of the buildings glowed with their own unique colors, too, her mind working as it picked out a pattern.
As her thoughts mulled over themselves, Marinette’s foot slid off the corner of the curb as she went too close, and she fell into one of the parked cars. The chain of her necklace caught on the side view mirror, pulling taunt as she went down sideways, failing to brace herself against the car. The chain snapped, and her shoulder hit the asphalt hard, her back glancing off the curb. 
She hisses in pain, but gasped as she watched the large locket hit the ground, snap open, and bounce under the car with a clatter. Sitting up quickly, ignoring her new scrapes, bruises, and likely ruined shirt, she reached under the car, pulling the open locket out from under it. 
It had opened diagonally along the main seam, and she realized it had been lined on the inside with the same velvet from her Kryptonite box to protect whatever had been inside. 
She glanced under the car once more, spotting a gleam of silver from behind one of the tires and reached for it. It felt like a smoothed, uneven stone, though it gave her the slightest shock of static as her fingers wrapped around it. It quickly warmed in her hand as she pulled it out, but she didn't spare it a glance as she slipped it back into the locket’s hold and shut it with a snap. She sighed in relief as it stayed closed, showing the lock had remained undamaged. 
She stood back up, making note to tell Kara about the locket and chain being damaged as she tucked them away in her pocket, and resumed her sprint back home. Though much more careful of the curbs this time. 
She finally made it back to the bakery, bursting in through the front door. “Papa, Maman!!” 
She found patrons and shelter seekers alike huddled inside. Her parents were making rounds to make sure everyone was alright, and securing anything loose from being shaken from their places, though the shaking had died down into only the slightest of tremors. Her parents turned to her in surprise as she came in and made her way to them, where they enveloped her in a hug. 
“Marinette!” They exclaimed together in relief, letting her go after a few moments. 
“I’m alright!” She reassured them before they could ask, smiling to them both. “I just came to make sure you both were okay in the bakery. I’ll go upstairs and make sure nothing has broken, you two can stay down here. I’ll come right back if the quakes get worse again.”
The two glance at each other before looking back to her, pride filled smiles overtaking their worried looks. No sooner than their shared nods did Marinette dash through the bakery and up into the housing of the building.
She was relieved to see most everything still in their general places. The home had been ‘Marinette-proofed’ for years enough, and a bit more recently ‘Supergirl-proofed’; it would take a lot more than a strange, glowing earthquake to knock everything over. She headed up to her room, flipping on her computer to the news as she went around righting the few things out of place. She took a moment to go up to the balcony, noticing the new perspective it gave her on what was happening.
The glows from atop buildings revealed themselves to be symbols, even her own balcony had a risen symbol glowing in it’s center. 
The pattern to the colors she saw finally clicked.
“A map,” she breathed out in awe, looking out over her city. Churches, shops, restaurants, schools; everything was marked with symbols and color indicators. The roads were all lined, the colors indicating the type of road, from major highways to minor backroads. 
She went back down into her room, glancing at the news on her screen as she pulled out her phone. Félix may have had an accurate feeling about today, and his mentioning of Clark was something to consider. 
Marinette paused as she opened her contacts, seeing for the first time a small black box painted with red sitting squarely on her desk.
Picking it up, certain that it hadn't been there earlier during lunch, she flipped it open, only to be greeted by a burst of red and white light.
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jemej3m · 5 years
radio silence (chapter 2: andrew and aaron)
andrew starts taking his medication and aaron hates it just as much as his brother does, especially seeing as the pills wont even let him say it 
(heavy tw for mentions of matricide, canon-typical violence, sexual assault (thanks giving, andrew’s perspective), medication and drake’s murder) 
Andrew supposed he’d deserved it when Aaron went silent on him after Tilda died and Andrew forcefully shut Aaron into the bathroom of their new place to get clean, but it was still never silent.
There was always someone there at the other end of the line. Someone breathing down the phone, waiting to hear whatever you said. It was comforting only because it was all Andrew had ever known, unable to fathom what it was like to be completely alone.
When Andrew had been forced onto his medication after his perhaps over-enthusiastic response to Nicky being pushed around by a bunch of assholes outside Eden’s, a new kind of buzzing filled his head. 
Static. Grainy, grainy static. An external pressure, squeezing around his temples like his head was stuck in the clouds, thousands of miles above normal altitude. He hated the way it felt but there was nothing he could do about it, the grin curling on his lips without consent.
The first time Aaron had spoken to him in months was in the quiet of a dark kitchen. Nicky was asleep in his room. Andrew was making hot cocoa and unable to sleep because he’d taken his dosage too late. He’d noticed Aaron lingering by the kitchen’s entrance and refused to say anything, letting the false cheer dangle off the tip of his spoon as he watched droplets of hot cocoa slip off the aluminium surface, back into his mug. It’d long gone cold.
“I can’t hear you,” Aaron said, finally finding his spine to talk to his loony twin. “I can’t—reach out to you. It’s silent.”
“Well,” Andrew drawled, tempted to laugh. “Isn’t that a shame?”
“I hate it,” Aaron hissed, contradictory in every way. “We’ve never—we’ve never been apart before. I hate it. Can’t we—can’t you appeal?”
“Oh, Aaron,” Andrew lamented, hand over his heart. His brother’s vulnerabilities were cute, but there was no way Andrew would share his own. Not out loud. “You should go cry to someone who’s capable of caring. Because that person is definitely not me.” He grinned, arching an eyebrow.
“This isn’t you,” Aaron said, resolutely. As he paced back into the hallway, he repeated himself. “This isn’t you.”
Andrew simply laughed.
“On one condition,” Andrew said, pointing at Wymack and almost poking the old man in the chest. “My brother and cousin come on the team, too. And I get to come off my meds for games.”
Aaron startled. It was the first time Andrew had ever hinted that he, too, hated the loneliness.
When Kevin stumbled into Wymack’s apartment with a shattered hand, Andrew had laughed, pointing at him with a bottle of booze in his hand.
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen!” He crowed. Kevin glared and did not laugh.
Pity. Aaron probably would’ve appreciated that.
Andrew, Aaron had whispered, sickeningly relieved as the curtain between them parted, their minds severed no more.
It would only be for another half hour or so, before Andrew had to take his dose at half time. He looked at his brother, watching the way relief wormed down Aaron’s spine and had him grip his racket harder.
It was their first game on the line. Most of the team hated Andrew and his merry band of monsters, of which had grown from three to four when Kevin promised Andrew that he would find him something to live for after his medicated euphoria eventually wore off. It was a lousy promise at best: Andrew had no disillusions about finding satisfaction in his life, and no desire to lie to himself either. Kevin’s miserable obsession with Exy couldn’t fill the gaping wound that’d been carved into Andrew’s chest the minute that Tilda left him in the plastic bucket of baby rejects.
The connection with Aaron strengthened as the withdrawal kicked up, sped up by the gruelling game. The Foxes lost, because of course they did, and Andrew faked a laugh to convince everyone in the arena that he wasn’t deviating from his parole.
Until next game, Aaron said, as Andrew swallowed the pills. He was too physically wretched to stifle the weak nod. Kevin looked between them, eyes narrowed. He’d probably figure it out, just like Nicky had a long while ago, but neither of them would say anything. It was best to just pretend that the twins hated each other, just like everyone else assumed.
Andrew was comfortable in the shadows of those assumptions. The four of them settled into the strange routine, dodging Riko and his Ravens and spending nights under the haze of cracker dust and alcohol.
Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, he knew Aaron was counting down the days till Andrew could come off the medications.
He, admittedly, was too.
Andrew was suddenly glad that Aaron could not hear his loudest thoughts most of the time, when Neil Josten rocked up, a bundle of lies and a bigger bundle of threats.
He was brown haired and brown eyed and barely tall enough to fit all his too-intricate stories within, and yet there he was, able to tell the difference between him and Aaron immediately, running away from Columbia in a feverish demand for freedom, stood in Wymack’s living room with half-truths tolerable enough for Andrew to swallow.
If Aaron could hear the way Andrew’s mind twisted and turned over Neil Fucking Josten, he’d be mighty suspicious.
Worse was when Neil began asking. And Andrew let himself answer. Worse was the way Neil practised honesty enough to keep Andrew intrigued but continually lied like an animal licking a wound it should just leave alone.
Thanksgiving came and went.
The real nightmare was the weekend after.
Andrew had never grown used to the static, not in the four years he’d been medicated, especially not when he let his shield against the world drop occasionally, for games or for nights at Eden’s. It was enough that neither him, nor Aaron, really got used to the absence. The absess.
He walked up the stairs to where Luther had promised him liquor, opening the door to Nicky’s old bedroom. It was dark, curtains drawn and the rust on the lock suspiciously etched, like it’d been tested recently. If Andrew was capable of conjuring warning bells through the cloud that surrounded him, he’d be hearing them ringing like they did in a bad man’s chapel on a Sunday morning.
One moment, he was staring a fully-fledged nightmare, dead between the eyes. The next his bottle of Blue came careening through the air, and the trickle of liquid down Andrew’s scalp was a strange concoction of hot blood and iced spirits, glass shards just to make it interesting.
It was like a waltz. One, two, three. One, two, three. One: Hand around Andrew’s neck. Two: Whispered words in his ear. Three: Seconds Andrew had to contemplate why him, like he was thirteen again. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two—
“Andrew,” Aaron snarled, more terrified for Andrew than he was of himself. He’d always known exactly who Drake was, who the Spears were: He’d almost been there. He’d certainly heard every one of Andrew’s broken cadences, desperately searching for an out.
And yet there he stood, bloodied, with Neil’s racket in his hands and blood across his face. Andrew couldn't hear himself, not when he laughed, not when he demanded if the blood was Aaron’s, not when Luther appeared in the doorway clutching the silver cross that dangled across his throat.
Remember? Andrew laughed. Cackled. Remember when you insisted it was just a misunderstanding?
“He told you, and you still brought him here?” Aaron said, cold, furious. They were closer and more intricately woven than anyone knew, Andrew clutching onto Aaron’s bloodied shirt as Neil covered him up with a sheet, laughter still wracking his body like a bloody cough. “Get out. Get out!”
Wasn’t it just niche, the way everything worked out. Aaron was lugged off in police custody whilst Andrew was strapped to a stretcher, paramedics shining light into his eyes. He was still buzzing too high off the ground to reach out to Aaron and see if he was alright, because even if Andrew cared about nothing, Aaron’s survival was still imperative. He’d fought so long for it, after all.
Neil offered himself up as Kevin’s leash, like he wasn’t fulfilling that role already. He shoved Andrew’s hand under his shirt and gave him his true name and Andrew was spinning. He was dancing so close to the edge. He’d laugh if he wasn’t so fucking terrified of losing control all over again.
“You’re not going to say goodbye to Aaron?” Abby asked, when Betsy had filched him from the comfort of his room to take him to Easthaven.
“Can’t say goodbye if you never said hello in the first place,” Andrew said, cheerfully as he skipped his way to the front door. None of them would truly understand the significance of that statement, that Andrew and Aaron had never said hello, nor goodbye. There was no need if they never left you alone.
He ignored the way Neil watched him as he left, ignored the idle chatter Betsy filled the car with, ignored the introduction of his psychiatric team.
In hindsight, perhaps he should have taken more care. It was too late now.
Andrew, Aaron breathed, when the fogginess lifted perhaps two weeks later. He had no way of telling, really. Andrew had his head in a bucket, the smooth plastic his constant view. Aaron’s voice was—admittedly—a comfort. Andrew, are you alright?  
You still behind bars? Andrew asked, craning his neck as he settled back into his stiff, unforgiving bed and its cold, unyielding sheets.
Matt’s mom paid my bail. We’re heading up to New York for Christmas as thanks.
You’re not telling me something.
Aaron made a derisive noise. Andrew was always the more perceptive one. Neil knows.
He figured it out. I don’t know how. He told me to tell you not to let Proust near you before he left yesterday.
Left where?
Uncle was in town apparently. Wouldn’t look anyone in the eye.
Liar, through and through.
Be careful, Andrew. I have a hunch that Neil’s got privy information. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, but it seemed valid.
Thanks for the input, Andrew thought, sourly. Aaron snorted. Now, fuck off.
I hated the silence, Aaron offered.
Andrew stared silently out of the metal grate that covered his window, the bleak clouds and wind-swept trees.
As a form of peace offering with the only person who’d always been there for him, he said: Me too.
I’ve met a girl. Promise me you won’t hurt her.
I won’t if she gives me no reason to.
Her name is Katelyn. She makes me happy. Scare her off when you get back and I will tell everyone that you waited for months after our 11th birthday for your letter to Hogwarts.
Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t kill you first.
Andrew walked out of his room and down the familiar corridors of his ward, beady eyes peering out at someone who was walking free. He was directed by Dr. Whoeverthefuck, clipboard under his arm and a haughty expression scrawled across his narrow features.
There was a bit of talking. Nicky called out his name, concern obvious and sickening and too much. Kevin was evaluating, Neil was curious and Aaron just looked at him blankly, like he always did. They didn’t need expressions or emotions or even spoken words to communicate. It was just enough to be. So when Andrew marched straight for the exit and threw his ward-stay clothes in the bin, Aaron wasn’t phased, following along closely behind.
Andrew held out the keys for Neil, who passed them over without a qualm. Good. He didn’t feel like arguing with Neil now, when he felt scraped out and broken down into tiny little fragments. Neil said nothing, his garishly blue eyes darting between Aaron and Andrew, perhaps a little too obviously for Neil’s liking. He had a bandage under his eye and bruises littering what little exposed skin Andrew could see, the red curls falling in tresses over his ears.
Why are you looking at him like that? Aaron muttered, climbing into the car. Andrew turned away from Neil sharply, clambering into the driver’s seat and slamming it behind him.
He kept the music loud enough to drown out Aaron’s curious prodding, refusing to look in the rear-view where Neil was sat, looking wistfully out of the window. Even Nicky was quiet, unsure of how to approach Andrew when he hadn’t really spoken to the man sober in four and a half years.
The drive was too fast. Aaron shuffled Nicky and Kevin inside the tower with little more than a brief you should take a nap, or at least have some coffee, before you face the others, like Andrew was still a prickly toddler.
Neil wasn’t as easily swayed. He reached under the driver’s seat to grab his stalker binder, bound in a plastic bag, before Andrew even had the chance to move out of the way. He couldn’t say he minded the proximity, even when the way Neil looked at him when Andrew accused him of breaking his promise made his heart skip.
“I hope Aaron warned you off Proust,” Neil murmured. “Riko said if I didn’t go, he would—“
His hand covered Neil’s mouth before he could let another treacherous word past his lips. Andrew fucking hated him. He fucking hated him.
Proust had entered his room in the early hours of an average morning, smiling beseechingly. Andrew refused to talk to him, instead threatening the nurse that came in after Proust’s session that if he ever caught Proust in his vicinity again, he would break the man’s neck.
The doctor was kept well away from Andrew after that.
“I don’t need your protection, or your condolences.” He snapped.
“No, I suppose not.” He echoed. “Have you and Aaron always been able to hear one another? I thought it was an urban myth.”
“Shut up.” Andrew said, voice more of a snarl than he intended it to be. Neil was making his control slip and he hadn’t even been back for a half hour yet. “I hate you.”
“I know.” Neil said, easily.
i know theres a lot of lacking scenes from canon but its not about andrew and neil srry lmao its twinyards week for a reason (andreil worms its way in anyway, but i tried my best)
stay tuned for tomorroww!! 
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salembride · 4 years
A Dark Stranger pt.2
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Summary: Rose makes a new friend and tries to comfort Jack with his loss of Lucy and Zoe.
Warnings: a little language
Jackie held the door open for me then followed me into the lobby of the Jonathan Harker Foundation. He brought a small file folder that Zoe had given him and took it to the receptionist at the front desk. Another woman in a white lab coat came out to meet him and motioned for him to follow her into the other room. Jackie turned to me with a pressed on smile and held up a finger to signal that he would only be a minute to which a gave a small nod of agreement. A picture of the late Jonathan Harker on the far wall catches my attention, so I start to make my way toward it when I hear the receptionist call out, “Miss, um.. Seward?” Assuming she was referring to me, I looked in her direction and found I was correct. 
“Blayr, actually.” I laugh now stepping in her direction.
“Oh! My apologise. I just knew that Dr. Seward had said you were his cousin.” Her face had turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment, but I waved it off and smile.
“No, no. It is a simple mistake. Our mother are sisters. Half-sisters to be exact. I’m Rose.” I reach my hand over the desk and she takes it in a quick, gentle handshake.
“Kelly Anderson. So, how long are you here in London.” 
“Well, I’m actually looking for a place here, but Jac- John doesn’t know that yet. I was planning on telling him the other night, but he’s hard a rather rough week.” My smile fades a little as does hers. “Now I’m thinking I should wait and find a place before I tell him. Maybe the surprise will cheer him up.” Then she gets a bright smile.
“Hey! If your moving here, your going to need some friends outside of just Dr. Seward, especially if your planning on surprising him! I’d be glad to help you look around if you want.” 
I’m to not let my nervousness show. I’ve never really been a big people person, and I never know how to behave around strangers, but Kelley seems nice enough. “That would be great. Thank you Kelly.”
“You’re welcome! Here’s my number! Oh, and here comes Dr. Seward.” I take the little piece of paper and put it into my purse. Maybe i just wont call, and if I see her again, I’ll just explain that I lost it. Is that bad? Yeah... probably. I don’t know; I’ll figure it out later. Right now it’s time to take care of Jackie. 
“Ready?” Jackie offers his arm to me, and I wave ‘goodbye’ to Kelly. Once we get outside, Jackie asks, “So, you dating women now?” Then he chuckles at my confused expression. “Kelly is a lesbian,” he smirks.
“What? Oh no! I hope I didn’t give her the wrong idea. I don’t want to hurt her feelings! She just said that she thought I may want some friends here.” Jackie faces me and grabs both of my shoulders.
“Relax! I’m only giving you a hard time. I promise that Kelly will not be offended. Even if she is interested in you, she’ll understand. She’s really sweet.” I still feel really bad but decide to let it go. Jack and I continue our walk to a little bakery where we grab our breakfast and some hot coffee before heading to the park. We find a nice bench and watch some ducklings play in the lake, laughing when one puts its head underwater and the others swim around him in concern before he lifts his head dramatically causing water to splash the unsuspecting siblings. Mother duck swims closeby, looking for a small snack floating near the top of the water, but she is constantly checking up on her young ones. I can’t help but smile at the sight, and it’s good to hear Jack laugh quietly. I look at him and see a small, pained smile on his face with a hint of red near the corner of his mouth. I chuckle to myself again, grabbing my napkin and wiping it away.
“Jam.” I say showing him the napkin with the small red stain. 
“Oh. Haha.” He rubbed his lips and chin as if he has thought of something and then tries to scrub something off his face... and I don’t think it’s jam. Then I realize.
“Are you thinking about Lucy?”
“Yes. I kissed her. Right before she died. I wanted to. I loved her, but I shouldn’t have.” He bowed his head defeated.
“Shouldn’t have loved her? Or shouldn’t have kissed her?” I question.
“Both.” I’m pretty sure it was more of a sigh then an actual word. “I’m sorry, Rose. I just- I don’t know.”
“No, it’s okay. I get it. I mean, I don’t understand how you feel because I’ve never lost a guy that I was in love with. You’re allowed to be confused and distressed. There would be something terribly wrong with you if you weren’t feeling these things. I just wish that there was something that I could say or do to help, but I know there isn’t. So, I feel pretty useless.”
“You’re not. You’re not useless. There is just so much about this whole situation that I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. There are so many secrets that would destroy so much. And you, oh you’d think I was crazy if I tried to tell you everything.” He put his head in his hands and shook it back and forth. “Ugh, it’s just so hard to keep all of this in. I had no idea what I was signing up for when I agreed to help the Foundation. I thought I knew, but I was clueless. For them, there is no feeling or emotion in any of this. It’s just study. Research. Zoe, she was the one who cared. I don’t know why, but she did. Her approach to it was different and unconventional, but she knew what she wanted out of this. She knew her goal and how much time she had to attain it. But, now, it’s worthless, and she and Lucy are both gone. It’s hard. It’s so fucking hard! I feel like it’s my fault. Like I should have stopped it, somehow.” 
I sat quietly for a long time. I don’t really know what to say. I don’t even know what this “It” is. I know nothing about this classified research that Jackie was helping conducted. Nobody outside of JHF does. I wish I did. It might help me know what to say now. “Jack, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” We sat there for another long while in silence before deciding to head back. Jack walked me to the hotel and promised to call if he needed anything. 
I ran upstairs to my room and when I pulled out my keys to unlock the door, a piece of paper fell out: Kelly’s number. I picked it up and walked inside; I sat my purse down and paced around the room. “Why not? Step outside of your comfort zone and make some friends. Maybe Jack was wrong, and Kelly wasn’t hitting on you. Maybe she really does just want to be your friend. Why are you talking to yourself? You know what? If you had friends you wouldn’t have to talk to yourself. God, what am I, schizophrenic? That’s it. I’m doing it!” I Picked up my phone and put her number into my contacts. I know she’s at work, but I’m sure she’ll answer when she can.
*Hey, Kelly! This is Rose, Jack’s cousin.* Okay, now i just have to wait for her to- nope there it is. That was fast.
*Rose! Hi! I wasn’t sure if you would actually contact me. I’, glad you did.*
*Haha, yeah. I wasn’t sure either, honestly. I guess I’m rather timid when it comes to people I don’t know. I don’t make friends very easy.*
*Girl, that’s okay. I understand. I’ll just make it my job to get you comfortable with people! Take you to a few parties. Introduce you to some nice boys. Really get you into the London scene.*
*Well, yeah.... let me guess. Jack informed you that I’m a lesbian? Don’t worry. It was pretty obvious that you aren’t. But if you ever want to try anything, I’ll be glad to help you with your experiments. After all, I do work at a place that’s pretty devoted to science. ;)* 
*Haha, oh wow. I’ll remember that for the future. Thank you.*
*Oh, god. I haven’t made you uncomfortable, have I?”
*No, Kelly. You’re fine. I think I’m going to like being your friend.*
*GOOD! In that case, you should meet me for drinks tonight at the club. I may know of a place for you to live too, if you’re interested.*
*That sounds good. Yes!*
*Great! I’ll send you the address to the club later. And, Love, wear something stunning. XO*
*I’ll do my best. :)*
Oh no... I just agreed to meet her at a club. What does a girl wear to a club? Because “stunning” isn’t very detailed. I open my phone and google “What do women wear to the club in London.” YIKES! I definitely don’t own anything quite like that. I wouldn’t say that I’m an overtly modest dresser, but I’m very self conscious. I know I’m not ugly, but I’m not a jaw dropper/showstopper kind of girl either. I’ve still got a few hours but decide to go ahead and find a dress in my closet. I finally choose a little green dress with a black, lacy back. It’s not really a club kind of dress, but it’s probably the most stunning thing I brought with me. When I came to London, I wasn’t exactly expecting to go to a club. I’ll just wear my black heals and maybe that will bring it up to par. 
Several hours pass and the sun is going down. I’ve donned my “club wear” though I feel kelly will disagree, and decided to leave my natural, curly, blonde hair alone. It actually looks decent for right now, and I’ve learned the hard way that on the rare occasion that your curly hair is nice to you, you should be nice to it in return or it will enact its revenge by frizzing so bad that I look like one of those red-seeded dandelions before the wind blows. That’s always a disaster. I jump into the cab waiting for me outside and give him the address of the club. When we arrive, Kelly is outside waiting for me, and I can tell she is amused when I step out.
“Honey, we are going shopping tomorrow to get you some more clothes.” She states rather matter-of-factly.
“Hey! I have better clothes back in the States, I just didn’t bring them because I didn’t know I’d be coming to a club.” 
“Well, they aren’t doing you any good there. Besides you’re moving here, and it’ll will be a while before you get all of your stuff.” She laughs linking our arms as we enter the club.
“Wow! It’s really loud in here!” I feel like I’m screaming.
“Yeah! Welcome to a club! There’s some cute boys! Let’s get you some free drinks!”
And I’m not gonna lie, I don’t remember much else about last night. The next thing I remember is waking up, here in a bed that is certainly not mine from the hotel. Oh shit! I didn’t! No, I’ve still got my dress and everything else on from last night. Whew. Suddenly, the overhead light turns on, and I cower under the blankets as my head starts to throb. I’m going to be sick, I can feel it.
“Good morning, lightweight.” I hear Kelly’s voice say with a bit of laughter laced through it. “I’ve brought you to medication for your head. I can imagine you need it. The door off to your right is a bathroom. You’ll probably feel better if you take a nice shower.” I nod in agreement and an hour later emerge from the bedroom with my damp hair and eyes still squinting against the sun. “Ah! She survived! How’s your head?”
“Well, it was doing better before you announced my survival to all of England.” I rub my temples and close my eyes.
“Oh, sorry about that, love.” She says in hushed tones now. “I’m just very excited to talk to you about where you should live.”
“Yeah, I’m excited to her what you’ve got for me.” 
“Well, I was thinking that maybe you could live here with me. The room you stayed in last night was my old roommate lived, but since she moved out it’s been a guest room, and rent is kind of high by myself. If you want it, it’s yours.”
“Really?” I ask with a smile and Kelly nods, her smile matching mine. “Then, yes! Thank you!” We hugged each other and she looked down at me.
“We are definitely buying you some new clothes though!” We spent the next thirty minutes laughing like teenagers; I even forgot that my headache when Kelly got a text message. Her eyes went wide. “I’ve got to change and got into work. Something has come up. Feel free to do what you want in the house; it’s yours now too. I’ve already pulled the spare key for you, so you won’t be stuck her all day. It’s just there on the table. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but it’s an emergency.” She said while running around like a mad woman gathering her things.
“That’s alright. Thank you!” I just decided I would text Jackie to see if he could help me move out of the hotel room, but I quickly responded that he couldn’t because of an emergency at JHF. Probably the same emergency Kelly was running in for. What could possibly have them in such a frenzy? That’s when I noticed Kelly had left her phone open. It was a message from the Foundation. How could three simple words spark so much panic in both her and Jackie. All the message said was.
*He’s here. Alive.*
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 18
The next few days Sarutobi teaches Mariana to cook, its the day of the gathering and Sarutobi is at Mariana's house overseeing her cooking skills
Sarutobi(tasting her dishes): wow...im impressed...you did very well Mariana...so how are the desserts coming along?
Mariana: i have a cake in the oven and one already finished...do you want to help me decorate it?
Sarutobi: sure let me lend a hand
They finish decorating the cake, suddenly Ms Angelo comes in, she sees Mariana in the kitchen
Sabrina: you know how i feel about....
Sarutobi(greeting her): hi I'm Sarutobi Akamaris....
Sabrina(irritated): I know who you are....mr playboy....your Akamaris lover aren't you?
Sarutobi(irrtiated and calm): no ms Angelo...I'm Akamari's younger brother
Sabrina(scoffs): you two look nothing alike...
Sarutobi(taking out his phone): here let me show you (shows her a picture) this is me Akamari and my father at a picnic four years ago....we are half siblings from different mothers
Sabrina: I knew she was adopted...but i never knew her father was Kawaki Madra....the famous villan of terror who almost destroyed the village twenty years ago
Sarutobi(confused): the famous villan?
Sabrina: oh you must not of known....see I have a cousin living there where your family resides....she had came from there when the fight started and came to stay with us here along with many refugees who fled from the terror of the famous villan....the only one who stopped him was a man named Boruto Uzumaki.....it was said many lost thier lives so thats why your father is in debted to the ninth hokage....he will spend his life helping repair what he destroyed....until he dies....its also to make sure he wont turn on the village ever again
Sarutobi: why didnt he tell me this...why hide it...and from me of all people?
Sabrina: some parents just want to protect thier kids from ever finding out the truth....but its best to come clean and not hide a lie that serious
Mariana: I'm sorry Sarutobi....my mother is a straight forward person....(glaring at her mother) sometimes too honest
Sarutobi: its ok...should we continue to decorate the second cake
Mariana: sure let me help you ok
They finish decorating the second cake....he helps her set up the table and sets up the appatizers and desserts along with the tea and cookies...her mother's guests arrive and are amazed at how beautiful the decorated table along with the food looks
Amara: omg this looks amazing
Evany: its wonderful like a fairy tale
Mara: its different from your other gatherings...who did all this?
Sabrina: my beloved daughter and her new friend Sarutobi
They look in Mariana's and Sarutobi's direction....they wave and exuse themselves.
Sarutobi: well im heading home...
Mariana(gently grabbing his arm): would you like to go with me to the Art Museum Sarutobi?
Sarutobi(smiling): sure...but is it close by?
Mariana: dont worry well be there and back in no time....I promise you'll have fun
Sarutobi: I would love to go....but how would we get there?
Mariana(holding some keys): we'll take my moms car...dont worry I know how to drive
They head into the city, they stop at a big two story building, they get out of the car and head inside
Sarutobi: its bigger than the art gallery we have back home...and looks more artistic
Mariana: yeah my mom owns this place....she's the art director here...I come by when it's moms day off....come on theres a piece I want to show you
They go to the second floor of the Art Gallery, Sarutobi stops in his tracks, he is shocked when he sees the the piece
Sarutobi: is that love...
Mariana(finishing his sentence): love in a moment....its one I cherish most....since my dad dedicated it to my mom....but they are divorced...because my dad cheated on her
Sarutobi: wait....are you saying your dad is the famous Michale Angelo....your his daughter?
Mariana: yeah....but i dont see him anymore...he left us when my mom got the guts to tell him to go to hell....I kind of get it though she felt like she was a stranger to her husband.....while Souske made her feel whole
Sarutobi(shocked): wait...Akamari's dad had an affair.....with your mom?
Mariana(feeling guilty): oh shit....please dont say anything to her....I thought you knew....dont mention the affair to Akamari....please Sarutobi dont say a word to this....I'm no gossip girl....but keep it between me and you!
Sarutobi: ok I get it....but one question....is Samari the product of that affair....because Akamari's sister looks just like her
Mariana: yes she is....but Samari doesn't know because Souske never told her....when my mom found out she was terrified of what my dad would do....when my dad found out he told her to give that child to her father and to act like it never happened....she objected until my father said he will get rid of her and make sure my mother never saw Samari again....so she had no choice but to tell Souske to get lost and that he'll be able to keep his daughter but that this was the last time they would see eachother....Souske was devastated....and so was my mother....they really loved eachother....but at the time my dad owned everything of my mothers.....and she had no one to help her....so she stopped seeing Souske and got enough evidence on my dad to finally divorce him and keep the gallery that was originally my grandparents
Sarutobi: wow....what a rollercoaster...is that why Akamari was put in her grandparents care for two years?
Mariana: yeah...Souske needed to get it together....and Akamari was showing signs of resentment toward her sister and father...so he thought it would be best for her to be close to the Uzumakis and Uchihas so Akamari wouldnt feel left out....I still remember when she came back two years ago....she looked happier and more calmer than before....she even told me she liked this purple eyed boy with purple hair and that this boy was important to her because it reminded her how she was....and made sure he was feeling loved and accepted by those around him....that she thought it was admirable that he actually loved her eventhough they couldn't be together......
Sarutobi(hugging her): thank you Mariana....you just comfirmed what i wanted to hear from her...thank you (asking) do you think i can get a ride home now?
Mariana: sure Sarutobi....lets go back before i get in trouble for delaying too long with my moms car
Sarutobi: you didnt ask did you?
Mariana: No I did not
Mariana takes Sarutobi home, he heads inside the house where Izuke was waiting for him
Izuke(noticing): someone is in a good mood...had fun wherever you were I presume
Sarutobi(smiling): yeah i did....does Akamari come home tommorrow?
Izuke: yes why do you ask?
Sarutobi (smiling): theres a present I've been meaning to give her since her birthday and i know she's gonna love it
Izuke: ok then...wash up im cooking dinner tonight....oh I amlost forgot Omari my younger brother is...
By the time he looked up Sarutobi was already in his room, the next day Sarutobi was awake and downstairs, but to his surprise Akamari was not alone but with a man taller than Sarutobi with red hair and green eyes patiently waiting for his breakfast
Omari: you done yet kitten wiskers...i cant wait to try that omlet you prepared for me
Akamari(cooking): almost (grabs a plate and hands it to Omari) here omlet and baccon strips just how you like it
Omari: thanks I knew I can count on you (notices Sarutobi) hey babe who's the kid with the purple hair?
Akamari (turning around): oh Sarutobi your up...this is Jerico's younger son Omari Myzuki
Sarutobi (irritated as he shakes his hand): hi Sarutobi Madra Akamari's half brother
Omari(smiling): hi Omari Myzuki.....Akamari's love interest....
Akamari (smaking his head): you better cut it out...I would never date an arrogant brat like you...its bad enough you act like we are a couple and I puch you in public.... so should I tell Mariana that you like her....everytime you see her you mumble like an idiot?
Omari (blushing and angry): you better not threaten me I'm more capable of telling her myself
Sarutobi(laughing): you two act more like siblings....it's funny to watch
Suddely theres a knock at the door Sarutobi opens it's Mariana
Sarutobi(smiling): hey Mariana how your morning...mines a bit interesting at the moment
Mariana: can i come in?
Sarutobi(letting her inside): sure you are more than welcome to
She comes inside, when she reaches the kitchen she says her greetings, as soon as Omari sees her he turns red
Omari(having touble speaking): hi....Mariana....you look cute....I mean hello...I mean hello Mariana
Mariana(blushing): hi Omari....good morning...you look well dressed today
Omari: you look beautiful....I mean you look well dressed too....I'm sorry I'm just nervous
Mariana: its ok if you are i get nervous too (to Sarutobi) do you want to go with me to a poetry slam downtown?
Sarutobi: I would like to but...
Mariana: its ok I'll go on my own
Sarutobi(grabbing Omari's arm): but he would love to accompany you
Omari(blushing red and confused): I would...I mean I really would love to be with you....I mean sure I'll accompany you
Mariana(grabbing his hand): ok then lets go Omari...
Omari(red as a tomato): ok...i guess I would love you.....I mean would love to
Suddenly Omari passes out on the floor
Mariana(shocked): Omari.....Omari are you ok...Omari....Omari!
Akamari(suggesting): would you like to stay over today and spend time with Omari Mariana?
Mariana(blushing): ok yeah...i can go to the poetry slam some other time anyway....I really wanted to ask Omari to go with me...because I like him....he has a sense of humor
Akamari: im glad you said that...because he likes you too
Mariana(excited): really....he does....I thought he just got nervous because he wasnt use to talking to girls
Akamari: trust me he talks to girls....but they are not someone special that he likes...and you just witnessed him mumble like an idiot right in front of you
Sarutobi(carrying Omari from the kitchen to the living room): well let me lay him down at the couch (he places him down) so how about breakfast
Mariana: ok that would be great
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shametheshadow · 6 years
I am done. So done. So fucking done!
I am sick and tired of being totally fucked over by my job.
My assistant gm left a note on the front page of the crew schedule for today saying I needed a ride at or before 10:30 for my shift. We tried to find someone yesterday but there was no obvious options so we decided to leave it up to the morning manager on when and who she could send.
So at 10:25 I’m waiting outside at the entrance to the trailer park I live in for someone to show up.
10:35 I call them. I ask the manager if she saw the note. She says, “What note?” So I tell her that I needed a ride to work today. She says she’ll see who she can send and I tell her to let me know and I’ll see her soon.
Now my work is about a five to ten minute drive because it’s right off the highway. Not really a walkable distance, especially in the heat, but I figure I’ll just stay where I am and wait because they shouldnt take too long... right?
11 am... stiiiilll waiting. I consider recalling, but I tell myself they’re probably just busy. I get it, I’m not upset. I’m sure someone will show up and I dont want to walk back home because most of my coworkers dont know which trailer is mine and I dont really want them knowing tbh.
11:15 am Now I’m getting annoyed. Ten more minutes. Ten more minutes and I’ll call again.
11:25. Officially a whole hour of standing outside in humid Michigan 90 degree sun with no shade or breeze. I can feel sweat on my back, making my uniform uncomfortably stick to my skin. I’m leaning against an electric pole awkwardly because it has nails sticking out every which way but it’s the only reprieve from standing in one spot for an hour. I’m staring between my phone and the bridge people cross after exiting the highway, willing someone to just show up.
11:35 A whole hour after the first call. I finally call again.
The manager says she cant find anyone and labor is high so unless the closing manager needs me when she gets in at 4, then I shouldn’t come in. In the nicest voice I can manage I just go, “Okay then... I’ll... go home I guess.” Even though what I want to say is, “You’re fucking kidding me right?! You couldnt have told me this a fucking HOUR AGO!? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN STANDING IN THE DAMN SUN!?”
But I dont... I go home. Go back to bed. Wake up three hours later and give my cousin a heart attack because she thought I was supposed to be at work. I bitterly rant about my latest annoyance before sitting down and texting the closing manager to definitely let me know if she needs me because I’m tired of my time being wasted and the last thing I want is to be left waiting.
She calls me about twenty to 4 to say she’s on her way to get me. Then she asks when I’m out. The answer being 6:30... only two and a half hours later. She stops and is just like, “wtf??? that seems like a waste of time.” It is. I tell her I can stay till 8 if I’m needed but let me know if I should even show up because by then I can get myself to work.
A little after 4 she tells me to come on in.
And guess what? That note that the morning manager says she never saw... that I assumed the assistant gm just forgot to write was written in the neatest goddamn handwriting right where she said she wrote it... and I can see where the morning manager crossed people off and wrote on it so how could she not fucking see the damn note!? So not only did she make me wait an HOUR to tell me she couldnt find anyone but she knew WELL BEFOREHAND THAT SHE WASNT GETTING ME ANYWAY! So when I called the very first time she had already made up her fucking mind that I was SoL. ANd I know this is true because one of the guys that was still working who had been there said she even told them this out loud that it wasnt her job to come pick me up.
And I wish my day ended at that but of fucking course it didnt.
We had next to no people after 7. Me, the manager, and the two closers. I was technically out at 6:30 but I did say I would stay. Well it’s 7 now and the manager decides that people need breaks. Which would be fine if we werent busy, had people to cover these breaks, and didnt have a ton of stuff to get done before 8. But no... she wants to send them on breaks so she can take one. Then she asks me if I can stay even later so she can take her break. The answer I wanted to say was no because I wanted to get stuff done at home before tomorrow, but whatever I’m a sucker. Fifteen more minutes.
She goes on break and BAM. We get fucking slammed. For about fifteen minutes I do my best to juggle literally every position in the store and keep things moving. And then this couple come into the lobby and the lady jokes about having a huge order. The order isnt that big... but then I realize it’s because her HUGE. FUCKING. REDNECK. FAMILY. IS. FILLING. UP. MY. LOBBY! Well over twenty adults are now in my store and my drive thru is filling up. The two closers are slow as hell.
I literally lose my mind trying to keep up before the manager gets back. And then EVERYTHING GOES WRONG. We cant make this sandwich because we dont have that ingredient. We run out of reg meat because the grill isnt cooking them properly for some reason. We cant do ice cream. We cant do slushies. We cant do the new huge sandwich. We’re waiting on this and waiting on that. The huge group of people crowd the screen so drive thru comes to a complete standstill for long periods of time because the guy in the kitchen is busy with their orders and he’s already slow as fuck. 
At one point I start giving out the closing manager’s name and telling people they can get a free meal because I’m not going to get screamed at. 
It takes us two hours to finally get everything as clear as we can and I am DONE. I tell my manager I’ll do one more task and then I’m leaving. 
Swept the floor, clocked out, and proceeded to punch the steering wheel for a good five minutes before I feel safe enough about driving home.
I hate my job. I hate this day.
And I���m sure this wont be the last time because I grew up in an abusive household and if there’s anything I’m bad at, it’s realizing I can just fucking leave and that I dont have to deal with this kind of bullshit.
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It's long, but worth the read. If need be, skip to the end. 10/27/15 4:13 PM Well, we made it out alive. We survived. I survived. I am a stronger person today than I was a year and a half ago. I am a stronger person today than I have ever been, and more kind. I was humbled by my experience last year. Things were tough. Shortly after I wrote the note above She went to see Ari. I left. I left her. By the time I came back she was ready to be with me. We did our normal crap, back and forth, should we be together, should we not... and around September 2014 we found our common ground. The manic had finally subsided and she were able to see clearly. She was medicated and it worked almost immediately. I wish I could have talked her into it sooner. On October 21st 2014 I lost my cousin... he was like a brother to me and I was devastated. For the first time in our relationship she didn't run. She didn't leave me there to pick up my pieces and take care of myself. She actually helped me get back up. She asked me everyday for almost a year to marry her; really marry her. I politely said "not today, love." every day. From August 18th - about Christmas of last year she asked me to be with her. I would not take her back until she had proven to me that she was going to be a committed adult and eventually she proved that. On June 28th 2015 I agreed to marry her; our 7th year anniversary. She took me on an amazing date, we watched the sun set and the stars come out. We listened to the beautiful serenade of the spanish family across the way and sat by the fire. When she asked me, She were so scared that she almost cried. She was convinced I would say no. She had told her family and mine that sheu was going to ask. I'm not going to lie... that put a lot of pressure on me, but I still said yes. I knew I wanted to marry her, even if it wasn't right then. A few months went by and the guilt of what happened last year started to really eat at her. She could barely look at herself. She could barely listen to the stories of what happened while she was in the mania. She could barely remember any of it. Sometime in the beginning of October she told me that she was still in love with Ari, I was so angry with myself for giving her another chance. I was so angry with myself for being so foolish and naive. I can not adequately describe how I felt because there were no words.... All the same, she had been faithful and honest. She had not acted on anything, although she could have easily done so. She had asked Ari to leave her alone several times up until this point. I could barely look at her. There was a fire in me that I didn't know how to control, so I left and I painted. I understood though... that's my problem. I always understand. I am always sympathetic; although she may not think so. We moved forward for a week; until I had my next counseling session. I've been going to counseling for a while now and it seems to be helping. I'm finding my footing and the strong, independent woman that I once was. I told her that I could not do that again. I was simply trying to say, if after all of this time you don't know if you want to be with me, then there is no choice to be made. If she loved me, she wouldn't be struggling with this and that I really wished her the best and that I hope along her journey that she was able to find her way. I was trying to be supportive. Now if you're reading this now, you will probably agree with her and feel that I was leaving. I get that. I come off very aggressive often. I just prefer to be forward and say what needs to be said. She left work early because she was so distraught (which I felt HORRIBLE about) and when she came home she wouldn't talk to me. I was very confused at the time because I didn't know what was going on and I wanted to talk more. She refused to talk to me and decided to go for a drive. I left. I took my computer, projector, makeup, hair products, the works, and I left. She was very cold with me, for good reason, and gave me the impression that she did not want to move forward at this time. I let it lay. I turned my phone on silent, grabbed my huge bottle of wine and drank my sorrows away. My god children were there that night and I tried to keep it together. They didn't need to see me like that or be exposed to that. Of course, they knew that sometime was wrong. Aunt AJ wasn't being Aunt AJ, so the littlest one sat on my lap and just hugged me as tight as she could. Later the oldest jumped up on me and we hugged for a long time too. I needed that. I needed to feel supported and safe. I needed a safe place to go this time, and I had found it. So I stayed. I turned my phone on silent and I stayed. Around 8PM she was starting to figure out that I was not coming home and began to call me repeatedly. I took a sleep-aid and curled up on the couch and saw this around 10. I couldn't leave her there... I couldn't let her face that alone. She is not as strong as I am. She would not survive. So I called her and talked to her and we ended up staying on the phone all night, asleep. Some patterns never die. We never could fully separate. We decided it was best for her to not be with me while she worked this out. Now, before you start judging, you need to know how much progress she had made. She was not manic this time. She had not intentions to start seeing other people, or to even see Ari. The guilt was just eating her alive and she needed closure. She needed to tell Ari just how fucked up she had made her. Just how much damage that she had done, and she needed to give that guilt to her, because not only was she carrying her own, but she was also carrying Ari's. She created a fake facebook account and wrote her on there. She told her exactly how she felt, how angry, disgusted, hurt, etc. that she was with Ari. She waited to make sure that Ari read it, Ari then started to respond. At this point she blocked her, and delete the account. She had all of the closure she needed. That was about a month ago. There has been no gut wrenching guilt, no second thoughts, nothing. I feel as though we may finally be free of this whole thing and be able to move forward successfully. I hope so, but I will not be weak again. I will not allow the tresspasses I did last summer, and she knows that.   1/24/18 May 25th 2016 I left. Nothing changed. I started a new life. I became a peer support specilist. I packed my bags and left. I got a house. I fell in love, and while it didn't end how I wanted, I fell in love again. It is possilbe. It is possible to move on from the person you thought you could never get over. Her and I talked for a year. Then we stopped. Now if I see her in public she wont look at me. She will run acctually. I dont know what to do with the situation I am in now. I found myself in the same situation. I think I need to go to counseling again. But I started school. I have two jobs. At one point I had three. I AM capable. I AM worthy. So are YOU. You dont have to settle. You are worth more than that. You are loved; if not by yourself, but at least by someone else. You are WORTHY of love.
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fanfiction-for-me · 5 years
James’ Girlfriend
The motherfucking paparazzi left after five days. Five days. Five days without being able to see James or talk to him because I couldn't speak or sing for the next two weeks. Do you know how boring it is to be sitting on your supermansion without being able to chat or see your potential boyfriend? Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, our humble house did had some things that kept us pretty entertained, but still- I'm in love and I can only think about James! We texted, but it wasn't the same; I needed to listen to his voice (and hearing his albums only made me more nostalgic).
That Friday was a really peaceful day though. Lila went with Davie to get his stitches off and Sass and I stayed home video chatting with My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars, but of course, Sass was doing all the speaking.
"Hello?" Sass tried when the MCR guys appeared on the screen.
"Hey, what's up Sass? Hi there Michelle" they greeted, and I saluted them weakly.
"What is wrong with your friend?" Frank asked Sass.
"She rasped one of her vocal strings screaming"
"Ooh, that hurts. Happened to me once. Drink some hot lavender tea; it will help you heal faster. It hurts like a bitch at the beginning but after a few mugs you will feel better, I promise" Gerard advised me. I gave him the thumbs up and immediately went down to the kitchen to make some tea. Sass stayed in her room talking with the guys.
I took my phone out of my pocket only to see I had a new message. It was James.
"Hey love, how r u feelin? I rly dont want to do this, but I have bad news for u :/."
I sighed and typed. What could it be? "Feelin the same :S what is it?"
My phone buzzed. "Production just told us we'll be shootin the first half of season 3 this week. That means I will probably wont see u until the next week "
"Damn, that's a lot of work :S I'll be fine Jamesy; just bored, but we will see each other someday, right?"
"Yeah, I'll make it up to you ;)"
That sounds interesting. "Make it up to me? How? ;)"
"I can't tell you now because I still don't know, but you'll see ;) g2g now, love you Chelley"
"Bye, luv u too "
I sighed heavily. One more week? God, give me strength. At least James was going to probably take me on my first date with him after it is over.
I heard Sass calling me from upstairs then. "Chellita! 30 Seconds to Mars want to speak with you!"
I ran up the stair as fast as I could run with a cup of hot tea on my hand. Sure, I wasn't going to be able to talk, but I could at least see them. I got to Sass' room and Jared, Shannon and Tomo were already on the camera. I smiled at them and waved hi. Seeing them always cheers me up.
"I heard the baby screwed her throat" Jared started.
"Yeah, and in a very stupid way -.-" I typed on the type box. "Gerard prescribed me some tea."
"That works" Jared agreed.
"So, how are you guys?"
"We're perfectly fine, thank you. About to start touring the UK in a week" Tomo said.
"How about you?" Shannon interrupted, "How's your boyfriend?" he questioned. Of course he had to ask.
I rolled my eyes. "He is not my boyfriend :P"
"Oh really, because we saw you dance with him that night and it was a pretty good show you put on" Shannon smirked.
"You saw? :$"
"Yeah, and no friends do that!" Tomo cackled.
":$ :$ :$ :$ :$"
Jared looked at me apologetically. "Guys... Let's not bother her because then she won't want to tell us how pretty boy asked her out" and he winked.
I smiled at him for that. Afterwards they finally let go the topic of James and we conversed about other things until Lila and Davie came back from the hospital a couple of hours after.
That weekend went kind of slow. We had nothing to do and we were still stuck in our house even if the paparazzi had already left. Everyone on the house was doing their thing. We sometimes talked with Davie's cousin Natalie, but I still think she is weird. Lila has told me she definitely doesn't like her that much; she thinks that Natalie wants to steal Kendall from her or something like that, I don't know. All I know is I can't wait to hear how James is going to make it up to me.
Next week started with another boring Monday. I got ahead on some new sketches for my stage outfits and went to bed super early. Tuesday was okay, Davie and I baked an apple cheesecake from scratch and it turned out pretty good, we even made up a song as we cooked. I didn't sleep that night because I had already slept a lot the night before, so I never really woke up Wednesday, which was the laziest day of my life probably. I spent the whole day in my pajamas, eating cheesecake and drinking tea on the bed while watching the whole two seasons of Big Time Rush, plus Big Time Movie. I think I fell asleep around 6 am, only to be awakened by a text at 7 pm (and yes, I did overslept).
It was James. He had been too busy the past five days, so much that one day he didn't text me at all. I never texted him first that week (even though I was dying to do so), only because I didn't knew if I would be disturbing his work, and I really didn't wanted to seem like the needy type before we even dated.
I tiredly opened my phone and read. "How's it going Chelley? IMU loads! But guess what? I'm taking u out tomorrow to make up for torturing u haha... It's a very special date though; I'll give you a clue: I'll be wearing a tux. I trust u know what to do ;) Xoxo, JM"
Oh my heavens! James is going to take me on a fancy dinner with him tomorrow and I am so fucked because I slept way too much! I'll probably won't sleep today either and look horrible tomorrow! But wait, he invited me to a fancy dinner... That is so romantic! Oh no, I'm not good with romantic. I don't know what to do; I'm excited and terrified at the same time! This is my first formal date ever and I really love this guy with all of my heart, so I don't want to screw it up being sleepy or not romantic enough. I definitely need some help, or advice.
Just as I was sitting with my legs crossed on the middle of my bed, thoughts lost in panic, the door of my room opened.
"Knock knock Sleeping Beauty... You up?"
"Mhm... Davie? Come here please" I tried to speak up, but I barely whispered loudly. The sudden nerves plus the grogginess were affecting my voice, which was recovering thanks to the  tea that Gerard advised me to drink. I could talk already, but I wasn't that improved to sing like I normally do when I'm healthy.
"I know it's like, nighttime, but...! I brought you some brekkie!" Davie sing-songed as he moved near the bed "... Are you okay?" he asked quietly as he placed the tray on my lap, probably because he saw my worried face.
I nodded. "Tell me that you love me, please"
"What? What is wrong with you? Are you catching some fever or something?"
I slapped Davie's inspecting hands off my face; I wasn't sick, just pissed at myself that I'm frozen nervous about a date with James. I've known him for almost seven months now; I shouldn't be reacting like this! "Just tell me!" I insisted, my voice breaking.
"Okay, but don't hurt yourself, God... and you probably already know this, but: I love you. There" Davie spoke dryly.
"Davie... Say it like you mean it"
His eyes were questioning, but he looked at me with a serious expression and murmured sweetly "I love you".
I blinked for two seconds and then I looked into his eyes "I love you too". After that I put my tray aside and cuddled on Davie.
"Oookaaay... That was weird-" I shushed him. Davie just patted my hair and wrapped his long arms around me.
I was trying to see how I would react just in case James told me that sort of thing tomorrow. Sure, Davie was a friend and I have no romantic feelings towards him, but I tried to visualize James. For some reason, being able to answer Davie made me calm, even though I knew it wasn't going to be the same if James did it.
I pushed Davie aside to eat my food- I was starving. He left with the plates after I finished my meal and thankfully he didn't question the reason why I had asked him to do that. He must've thought I was still half asleep or something. With that, I went back to bed because, surprisingly, I felt drained (of sleeping too much?) and in two hours or so, I fell asleep again.
My cell phone buzzed and lit up my dark room. I picked it up to see what time was it and almost gasped out loud. 1:00 pm? How come I'm sleeping so much? Am I turning into a bat? Well, I have no time to deal with that right now; I had to get ready for my date with James, which was in four hours or so.
I saw none of my bandmates on my way out of the house, so I guess they had all left with Sass to get her cast off. I grabbed my car keys and drove to the beauty salon. I got my legs waxed; my hair washed and blow dried, my face exfoliated, plus a manicure and a pedicure. After the salon I took off to my favorite dress boutique to find a perfect outfit for my date. An hour and a half of trying on over twenty dresses later, I found the perfect one. It was a sexy red with black lace, fitted on the top and loose from my hips down. The best part was I already had matching shoes home. Now I just had to get there because I had only less than an hour left to get ready. Note to self: get several assistants ASAP.
When I got home, I assumed the guys had arrived because Davie's car was parked on the garage, but I didn't saw them on the way up to my room; I don't care really, I am in a rush to get ready.
Thirty minutes later, I was ready just in time. I stared at myself on my huge closet mirror. I looked totally gorgeous! I really hope James likes it and doesn't think I exaggerated because I was feeling like I overdid myself a little. It was worth it though, because I sure looked striking.
A minute later, the doorbell rang and Lila screamed up to me (she must've opened). My stomach filled up with butterflies and I took a deep breath to calm myself up; with that, I went down the royal staircase only to see James standing there. He was wearing a tux just as he said he would, looking dashing and sexy with it, and was carrying a small bouquet of bright red roses on his hands.
James took a long breath as he assessed me with sparkling eyes "You are so- wow- stunning..."
"You too Jamesy" I smiled shyly at him and went over to hug him. He then kissed my cheek and gave me the bouquet, smiling brightly. God... He was too perfect, ugh!
My moment got interrupted by a slight cough. "Long time no see" Lila said, looking a little taken aback at James and I. I had forgotten I hadn't told anyone, and I didn't notice Lila standing there the whole time.
"Oh, yeah, hi... Sup?"
"What's up with me? What's up with you! You know what? Explain later because if Davie sees you guys likes this he'll probably freak out and we don't want anyone throwing punches again, right?" Lila chuckled as she looked at James. He put his hands up defensively.
"Okay, okay, bye Delilah" said James, and then he offered me his arm "Shall we go, my dear?"
"Of course" I answered as I put my arm over his. We walked to his car and James started the engine. He had been driving for five minutes when I started to really grasp what was happening "So..." I started "where are you taking me?"
"It's a secret, because I'm kidnapping you. No one will ever see you again... only me" James threatened with a playful naughty smile.
"That doesn't sound that bad actually; but seriously, where are we going?" I was curious. We were driving to the direction of the beach, and with the shoes I was wearing I don't think I'd be able to walk over sand.
"You'll see. Just relax... and listen to Big Time Rush" he turned on his car stereo and Boyfriend started playing. How convenient. "Common, join me" James said.
"I can't, as much as I want to, my throat is fucked, remember?" what a bummer.
"Damn, you're right. Guess I'll have to serenade you then" James started singing, his loud smooth voice filling the small space of the car. I was getting pretty comfortable, lulling myself with the sound of James' voice (was I seriously getting sleepy again?), when I heard the engine cut off. We had arrived to wherever James was going to keep me hostage.
I got out of the car and when I saw what was in front of me my mouth almost fell slack. Day had suddenly turned into afternoon, and in front of me I had a flaming pink and orange sunset, with tints of purple and deep blue higher up in the sky. James -still silent- took my hand and led me into a pier-looking structure, built probably a few meters into the sea. It was decorated with lots of white candles on the floor, and right at the center there was a table for two.
I sat down on the very fancy chair, facing James, but I could only see the beauty of the scene around us. "Whoa" I finally gasped.
"I know right? It's pretty breathtaking. But I'd rather look at you". I turned my head to look at James, snapping back into reality.
"Oh really? Why?" like I didn't knew...
"You know why; you look amazing"
"Thanks, you look really good as well" I smiled and sipped a little out of the wine that was served. How did James set this all up? I bet the other guys helped him or something because it looked a detailed, especially the candles; there were probably more than 200 candles.
"Lila looked surprised to see me when she opened the door" James spoke up.
"Oh, that. I kind of hadn't seen her or the rest of the guys in two days"
James' eyes widened a little "What? That's what happens when your house is that big!" he laughed.
"Other than the fact that I stayed in my room those two days" I explained.
"I don't know; Wednesday I watched BTR all day long, fell asleep and then woke up at seven PM next day!"
James snickered "Were you trying to be Sleeping Beauty?" I shrugged. "What about the food though? Did you just stay there in a hibernation state?"
"No, I had some tea and cheesecake the day before, and then the next day Davie cooked me some breakfast" I made air quotes around the last word and sipped from my cup again. I'm no wine drinker, but this one was pretty good.
James looked at me pensively "Davie cooks?"
"Really good" It was true. I don't know how but that boy was better than us three girls combined in the kitchen!
"Interesting" James responded, and drank half of his wine in two chugs. A random guy appeared out of nowhere then, with two trays of food. That's when I realized I was hungry; I hadn't eaten something since Davie came in my room yesterday night.
"Fancy much?" I asked James with a smirk. He smirked back.
"I told you it was going to be formal"
I ate a mouthful of the Alfredo sauced fettuccines before speaking again "James, do you dislike Davie?"
He stared at me through narrowed eyes, and for a moment I regretted bringing up the topic; I don't know why did I even asked him that. After a long pause he answered "Of course not Chelle; why would you ask that?"
"Because you kind of punched him."
"Well, he messed with my hair; you know that my hair is a sensitive spot for me!" I rolled my eyes and laughed. It was ridiculous because hair doesn't even have nervous terminations... "Also, I think I'm jealous of him"
Okay, what? "Jealous? How come? You do know he is the one that's jealous."
"Yeah, but if you think about it well, he spends most of his time with you. And the other girls, of course."
"You're right... But we will work it out somehow."
"We will" James brought his cup up and clanked it with mine. We ate and chat between bites, letting off the awkward topics such as Davie forgotten, cherishing the beautiful moment we had for us both alone, at the beach, having a great meal under the night sky.
James and I went to stand by the corner of the small pier after we finished eating, his head over my shoulder and arms around my waist. He quietly hummed Boyfriend, rocking softly as he shifted to the rhythm of his hums.
"We might as well dance" I suggested with a light smile, still looking at the numerous bright stars.
"You wouldn't think I forgot the music..." James moved over to another corner and held up a CD case. "Exclusive BTR acoustic performances" he winked. "And the first one" James closed the lid of the small stereo with a click, "is our song".
Boyfriend started playing for the second time that evening, only this time, it was acoustic.
"That's a really good version of that-"
"Shhh.." James pressed his finger softly against my lips. "Come here"
He pulled my arm and held me close to him. His hands were cold and I could practically feel his heartbeat. Must be nervous; the poor thing, but that made me feel better in some way; knowing that I wasn't the only one.
This time we danced without speaking a word (or kissing). James and I looked at each other boldly, saying more words with our eyes than we could say with our voices. I love him, I realized. Love him a lot. There was another part that was going so this is what it feels like..., but most of my brain and body was just overwhelmed with happiness, because even though he hadn't said anything, I knew he loved me too; it was written all over his eyes.
We were so caught up in our "dancing", that we didn't realize the CD had started repeating, and it had reached the third song.
I think we noticed at the same time.
"Are you gonna-" "Just let me go and-" we stared at each other and laughed as we tried to talk at the same time. "I'll go get that"
James took his hands off my hips and moved towards the direction of the CD player, only that he was still standing in front of me. "What's wrong?" I asked him.
He looked up at me with an anxious expression "I think I'm stuck".
I looked down and saw the front of his pants was stuck in the lace of my dress, in a pretty awkward way, if I'm allowed to say so. "Okay James, don't move, I'll get us untangled". I started to fumble with my dress and his jammed zipper, but it wouldn't give in, in fact, I was just making James more uncomfortable. He was starting to squirm and that made it even more difficult and even worse when his phone buzzed once. He tried to move to get to it, but lost his balance by pulling me in a little too rough.
"Shit!" James cussed as he hit the ground with the back of his head, me falling on top of him instantly, cus we were still glued together.
"Oh lord, are you okay? That sounded like it hurt!"
"Don't worry I'm... fine" He looked up at me, just inches away from his face. There was no space between us, my own chest rose and lowered to the rhythm of his breaths.
"... James-" I was at a loss for words. He was so gorgeous on the candle light; on any light.
James kept staring at me mesmerized, his facial features gentle and passionate; with just a whisper, he melted my heart. "Be my girlfriend Michelle... Please."
Sweet baby Jesus, is this happening? Oh god, where's my voice so I can tell him yes? Heck, I wasn't going to be able to speak, so I might as well demonstrate him that I want to be his girl. I grabbed James by the sides of his face and kissed him hard. Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend!
When I pulled off to see his reaction, James lay with his hair blown back from his face, expression shocked with his mouth hanging open in awe, looking like he was about to drool. I giggled at his face; his cheeks were even redder than before, he looked so adorable.
"Is that a yes?" James muttered, just an inch from my mouth. I nodded enthusiastically; he grinned brightly and without any warning, crashed my lips against his again.
So, there I was: lying on top of James on the floor making out with him. Wearing a new dress, which was stuck on his pant's zipper, and probably ruined? Yeah, I pretty much didn't care. Breathing was getting harder by the second too, but I wanted to kiss him forever. He held me tight, brushing my back with his hands now and so, and I knotted my fingers gently round his soft hair. It was heaven. I was making out romantically with the sweetest most handsome man ever, and he was mine.
I don't know how much time did we lay there, just kissing, but the sound of footsteps made us stop. I looked up to see it was the waiter that has brought us the food, removing the empty plates and wine cups. "I-I-I'm sorry; I'm just cleaning up" the guy muttered nervously, as James and I both stared from the floor. "Excuse me, Mr. Maslow" he uttered quietly and started to go.
"No, wait! Would you mind helping us? My zipper is stuck in her dress and we can't move apart without ruining it"
"S-sure sir" the guy moved quickly but awkwardly between us. Poor him. Poor James and I. It was embarrassing not knowing how to explain to ourselves how the hell did his zipper got stuck in my dress, but in a way, I thank that zipper.
At the end of the night, we saved my dress and James' zipper, and soon it was time to get home. I had been too stuck in spending a nice time with my new boyfriend, that I couldn't believe it when James' clock read midnight.
"Jamie, take me home please?"
"Aw, don't tell me you've still got curfews... another drink?" James offered, already pouring more champagne into my glass.
"No, thanks, I think I've had enough of those tonight. If I didn't know better I'd think you want to get me drunk" I laughed. "Just take me home, please, before Davie acknowledges my un-presence. The girls can't keep him distracted that long"
I could tell that bothered him "Fine... Whatever you want, love" James said gallantly. I loved it when he called me sweet things.
The ride home was short because there was no traffic, so we got home in no time. I opened the door and the lights were on, but there was no one in sight.
"Want to come in for a while?" I asked James with a smirk. He just looked at me with pursed lips and in a rush he picked me up and carried me. I giggled in surprise, but then panicked when he started to run up the stairs.
"James! Stop! We're gonna fall again!" I warned between laughs. He soon stopped and landed me carefully on my heels, taking my hands on his and kissing me again, only this time we weren't thrown on the floor, but standing at the top of the royal staircase. I was pressed tight against him, wrapping my arms around his neck. For some reason, I knew kissing James would be a problem, because once we started, it was hard to stop; it just got better by the minute.
Ah, Davie! We stopped but James still had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. Lila and Sass were standing behind Davie, who was practically blowing sparks from his hair. Damn.
"Davie... chill and-"
"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend now!" James said cockily.
"James!" Lila, Sass and I yelled at him in dread.
Almost simultaneously, Davie did a double take. "What?"
I stared at James with crossed arms. He shrugged and offered a lame "oops?"
"Run." I told him, Davie was already going up the stairs two at a time and I didn't want a beaten-up boyfriend. Sass and Lila ran behind him, probably to stop him; he tends to exaggerate a lot.
James and I got to the second floor; we were running across the hall, searching for a place to hide. I looked ahead and found it: my room. I was the only one that had the access to that place.
"Here!" I pulled James inside and locked the door. Phew, finally safe.
"Damn, he sure looked pissed" James breathed. We were standing against the door, as if we could hold it up in case Davie tried to break through it.
"Yeah... You shouldn't have said you are my boyfriend."
"Then when were you planning on telling him?"
"I don't know; when it got more obvious?" I shrugged
James rolled his eyes. "It couldn't have been more obvious, don't you think?"
I pursed my lips. "You're right. We screwed it." James laughed softly, moving to face me. He placed both his hands against the door, keeping me trapped between his arms.
"I believe we were not done yet..." James whispered in my ear. He started pecking my jaw lightly, traveling to my cheeks and finally to my lips. I stood paralyzed, surprised at how different this kiss was from the others. It was deeper; I could taste the champagne we had drank on his mouth. I leaned back on the door, and James moved closer to me, his hands still trapping me. They were so amazing, his lips. I know nothing about kisses because James is the only guy I've ever kissed (believe it or not), but he sure was really good at it, it made you want to keep going forever, and believe me, I would've stayed there if the door hadn't opened.
"Ouch!" Together, we fell to the floor again, only this time James fell on top of me, and damn, he is pretty heavy! Also, I think I was bleeding.
I have no idea how the door opened, but there was a furious Davie and a very amused Lila staring down at us. "Get. Off. Her. NOW." Davie growled.
James carefully lifted himself, taking me up with him. He turned to apologize but gasped when he saw my face. "Oh my goodness, I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"Huh...?" I had no idea. The kiss left me a little dumb.
"Mate" Lila snickered, "your lip is bleeding!".
"BLEEDING?" God, I hate blood!
James looked at me with concerned eyes, regret all over his face. "I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have-"
"I know! I know James! Don't worry, I think I'll be fine" I tried to calm him down by acting relaxed, but truth is I feared I might puke anytime soon.
"You!" Davie pointed at me. I rolled my eyes. "Come with me if you don't want me to kill your boyfriend" he sneered. I sighed and moved over to Davie, but to my surprise, the lace of my dress was ripped off because part of it was stuck on James' zipper. Again.
Lila started laughing like crazy when she saw that and Davie's face grew redder. James was blushing just like me, trying to un-stuck the dress. Thankfully, it was easier to unlatch this time. I hurried and grabbed Davie from his shirt so that he couldn't kill James.
"Guess I have to go now" James spoke.
"Yes!" Davie yelled, but we ignored that.
"Tonight was amazing. See you some other time?" I tried to smile without getting blood in mouth.
James took my hand and kissed it "Yes. Goodbye love". He said goodbye to Lila and Davie (tried to, at least) and then left, still looking guilty for my split lip.
After I cleaned up my wound, I couldn't really care less about it, or even about my ripped up dress. James was my boyfriend. Mine! Just in my wild fangirl dreams I dreamt about it and now it was my reality. I must be the luckiest girl on the planet, I thought. I was member of the rock band of the moment, doing what I love to do the most which is singing, with Davie, Sass and Lila, whom I love. I met my idols and my celebrity crush, who turned out to have a crush on me too, and now he is my precious boyfriend.
I spent over one hour talking with Sass and Lila that night, telling them how imperfectly romantic James had asked me out. Finally I slumped over my bed and prepared myself to sleep, when my phone buzzed.
"I forgot to tell you something: I love you. I'm so glad you're my girlfriend, beautiful; JM"
I smiled to myself and texted him back. "I'm really glad too. I love you, my boyfriend; Chelle"
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lunarmoonacnh · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @unhugme
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: diet coke
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: my best friend telling him goodnight 
4. Song you listened to: Michael Jackson - Pretty Young Thing bc it was on the radio 
5. Time you cried: like last night or the night before coz it was 2am and life
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: ive barely even dated someone once lmao
7. Been cheated on: yup...
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: no i dont think so
9. Lost someone special: yes, my great grandpa
10. Been depressed: yes, im currently seeing a therapist 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes! every time i drink unless its wine, for some reason wine doesnt make me sick. i think its because i once totally over did it on spirits and cider so not they just taste like the time i almost died and my body cant take it
12. grey
13. mint green
14. blush pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yes, i started college so i made new irl friends because of that and i have also mad new internet friends through this blog 
16. Fallen out of love: kinda, depends how you look at it. i didnt know i had fallen out of love until the relationship had ended and i didnt feel as sad as i thought i would
17. Laughed until you cried: always, when i’m with my friends all i do is cry laugh 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes, it happens a lot, sometimes negative and sometimes positive 
19. Met someone who changed you: yes, for good and bad. 
20. Found out who your true friends are: yes, once i left school i knew who my real friends are because they are the ones who kept in touch and the ones who didnt do other things that they knew would hurt me
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yess
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most, i dont know them all personally but i know of them all, no strangers for me
23. Do you have any pets: not at my house but we are getting our little puppy Sully in 14 days. i do have a cat and a dog at my dads house but i very rarely go visit 
24. Do you want to change your name: no, i used to want to when i was a kid because i used to get bullied because i had a ‘boys’ name (Billie) but now i like it because its unique  
25. What did you do for your last birthday: met my friends that i met on the internet that are now irl friends for a meal and to go shopping. we went for pizza and bowling and then shopping before they had to leave again:(
26. What time did you wake up: usually between 8am and 9am without an alarm 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was actually sleeping for once if not i was watching youtube videos
28. Name something you cannot wait for: to get my puppy and to meet up with and have a party with my internet/irl friends again in summer
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: like 15 minuets ago befroe i came upstairs to do this
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could control my anxiety and depression or even not have it at all. i also wish my dad would pay me more attention and want to see me more because i miss him and its almost like he forgets i was his first kind before he mt his new wife
31. What are you listening to right now: the 1975
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i mean i have a cousin name Thomas? but never someone just called Tom without it being shortened 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: life? no but like the fact that im not allowing myself to do the things i want to do out of pure fear
34. Most visited website: Tumblr of course... it is never off my browser 
35. Elementary: ive honestly never wanted to go back to a time in my life more than i want to go back to elementary/primary school 
36. High School: no thanks to that. i wish i could have been one of the people that called it the best years of their lives not 5 years of asshole bullying me 
37. College/university: im commenting on this as England college (16-18 year olds) and ive just dropped out of one part (sixth from) where i was taking 3 subjects Media studies and Film studies which i loved and will miss and Psychology wich i did love but wont miss because i couldnt do it and it made my anxiety sky rocket. in september i start a makeup course and i am so excieted to be a qualified makeup artist this time next year
38. Hair colour: mousy brown
39. Long or short hair: long, like almost to my butt long (yes its natural)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, but i could never pursue it bc he is my friend and i wouldnt want to ruin that. ive made that mistake with my ex.
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes. they are grey and kinda ombre like they hae a really dark ring on the outside and they get lighter closer to my pupil
42. Piercings: yes, my first and second lobes on both ears, my helix and forward helix on my left ear. half way up my ear and my rook on my right ear and then my nose 
43. Blood type: i have no idea, do people actually know this?
44. Nickname: Bil and B although i dont like B (pronounced like Bee) but its what my cousins have called my since i was really small so it doesnt bother me that much with them 
45. Relationship status: extremely single
46. Zodiac sign: Aquarius 
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: pretty little liars, it has just finished and now i am re watching it to find clues about A that i missed 
49. Tattoos: no, but i have a couple planned 
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: teeth removed they are the only ops ive ever had and will ever have to have touch wood
52. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i danced as a majorette does that count?
55. Vacation: i honestly have no idea, i think i went to Devon though (its a place in the UK) all i know is my first holiday was during 9/11 
56. Pair of trainers: probably like Nike Airs or something Adidas i have no idea 
57. Eating: i actually know this bc my older cousin fed me a wham bar (a british, i think, chewy candy thing) when i was 3 week old, so i could have died the ifrst time i hate lmao
58. Drinking: i was 14, i know i shouldnt have been drinking because my mum made me promise her i wouldnt, but i remember being so drunk (idk if it was real or faked tbh) on alcopop thats right 4% alcohol and i probs had like 3 
59. I’m about to: go get my cousins baby off his Nan so she can get his older brother from nursery
60. Listening to: idk if this is like asking the same as earlier? coz if so t]still the 1975
61. Waiting for: my friend to reply to me an tell me when he is taking me for coffee 
62. Want: my dog
63. Get married: probs idk
64. Career: i dont have one rn but hopefully a makeup artist
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: rn hugs i need to hug someone while i fall to sleep so bad its been so long 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller bc im also tall so i need someone taller than me (i dont need but i like a partner to be tall)
68. Older or younger: older, people y age are immature so any younger and i may as well spend my time with a 10 year old
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont mind tbh
71. Sensitive or loud: both? not too loud though ya girl has sensitive ears 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, im demisexual (it took me 17 years to figure that out) so hook ups aren’t my thing
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: it depends because i tend to be the cause of arguments and things because im honest but im not out there to cause trouble i just dont like to lie
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: no
75. Drank hard liquor?: yes, dont do it, its bad kids
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: yes, i lose my glasses all the goddamn time
77. Turned someone down: yes, i always feel bad but you cant force feelings
78. Sex on first date: nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: not that i know of, i doubt it though
80. Had your heart broken: yes, again not fun
81. Been arrested: nooo
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: not always
85. Miracles: yes, the baby i spoke about earlier? yeah hes my miracle, he was born with a new strain of meningitis, he has had 3 lots of brain surgery (at a week old) and the doctors said it was a very low chance he would survive. he did 3 times. his heart also stopped 3 times, again he is here. he also had multiple surgeries on his joints, we got told he wouldnt walk but here he is at 16 months running around like a crazy person and loving life with his older brother  
86. Love at first sight: i mean no, how can you fall in love with someone based off their face (no matter how many cute people you see on the street that you think you love, you probably dont)
87. Santa Claus: hes real in my house
88. Kiss on the first date: ive never been on a proper date so
89. Angels: yeah, i really love t believe in thse things because its cute
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: im not saying their name coz idk if thats a good idea tbh
91. Eye colour: greyyy
92. Favourite movie: Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland i just love his aesthetic and the story of Alice so put them together and you have a winner
ok i dont have 25 people to tag but i do tag @theflowerkingdom @kinkylildanny @creepyphantasia @imjustacanforallthephantrash and @dead-nightingale 
if you are reading this and you want to do it, go for it and just say i tagged you!
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