#mark lee sad hours
jenniejjun · 11 months
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PAR: mark lee x leitora!fem
GÊNERO: angst
avisos: mark e a leitora tão terminando 😭, muito chororo e dor, essa história é super baseada na música nova da tay “you’re losing me” então tem alguns trechos que foram literalmente adaptados e traduzidos pra encaixar a fic,
isso foi resultado de um surto que eu tive, pois tô ouvindo essa música o dia todo e pra mim super encaixa com o mark. ele tem muito a carinha de que passaria por uma situação dessas com um parceiro kkkkkk (tadinho do nosso empregado do mês), mas isso de forma alguma é pra condenar nenhuma das partes. às vezes, acontece de a gente não dar certo com alguém que a gente ama muito e quis ser melancólica e captar isso
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Mark Lee é uma superestrela. E você já sabia de tudo isso quando começaram a namorar há seis anos atrás. Seus amigos te acharam maluca, mas você nunca os deu ouvidos. Era o apropriado em sua mente. Seu pai trabalhava na SM Entertaintment e você vivia lá, topava com Mark o tempo todo. Foi inevitável não pegar apreço pelo garoto com o tempo e quando menos esperavam, vocês estavam saindo juntos. Somente os dois, em pequenos encontros às escondidas.
O namoro fluía bem fácil pra vocês desde o início, não tinham obrigações e muito menos faziam com que o tempo passado juntos pesasse nos momentos em que precisavam ficar separados. Mark tinha shows, apresentações em televisão, fãs que precisavam dele e você tinha seus estudos. Era um acordo silencioso entre vocês e, talvez, fosse por isso que desse tão certo no começo.
Ele entendia que não podiam estar juntos o tempo todo e você também.
Não fazia ideia de quando as coisas começaram a mudar, nem deveriam mudar, pela sua perspectiva. Você estava na faculdade, continha milhares de matérias para estudar e se estressar, seu namoro deveria ser a última coisa pesando em sua cabeça. Entretanto, não era o curso que escolhera que fazia com que quisesse gritar no travesseiro a noite, mas seu relacionamento com Mark Lee.
A distância parecia gritar mais que nunca e você se sentia mais mal de vê-lo chegar do que de vê-lo ir porque sabia que em algum momento, iam ter de se separar de novo. As turnês constantes eram exaustivas tanto nele quanto em você, o que consistia no fator de que Mark não estava sempre disponível pra você e seria cruel da sua parte não entender isso. Mas, em pequenos momentos irracionais, você não entendia.
Não se viam há tanto tempo e ainda assim, não conseguiam se ver pelo cansaço.
Não demorou muito para que as brigas, a frustração acumulada em ambos os lados tornava tudo mais difícil. Era incompreensível para o Lee que você, sua chama gêmea, não entendesse o peso que a vida que ele levava trazia. Você rezou para que alguma cura milagrosa recaísse sobre seu relacionamento, mas agora temia que isso não fosse mais possível.
Mark tinha uma carreira e você não parecia gostar mais disso.
Estavam sentados em seu cômodo favorito, costumavam passar horas e horas divagando sobre como as luzes naquele cubículo específico em seu apartamento dividido pareciam divinas em certo modo. O brilho sutil e angelical que elas traziam sob suas feições, presentemente a única coisa que ela fazia era iluminar os semblantes cansados de vocês.
"Eu não entendo", você especificou sentindo que não precisava explicar mais do que devia. Era irônico como ainda conseguiam entender o outro perfeitamente, assim, no meio de uma crise. Era triste que não se entendiam pelas coisas nas quais importavam.
"Eu sei", foi a única coisa que ele respondeu. Não queria estar tendo aquela conversa, claramente, pelos olhos tristes que carregava. Mas os dois sabiam que a hora já havia chegado.
Pensou em tudo que construíram juntos. Se guardaria ou jogaria fora. O primeiro aniversário de namoro, a primeira vez, quando adotaram um gatinho juntos. As inúmeras vezes em que foi nos concertos do Dream e 127, todos os comebacks pelo qual ele sempre ficava animado e você sempre dava um jeito de passar pela empresa e parabenizá-lo junto dos meninos.
Estavam tão perdidinhos agora.
Você levou seus olhos tempestuosos até a expressão dele, mal percebeu quando os teve cheios d'água como agora mas alegadamente era o que tinha de lidar.
"Eu tentei, Mark, de verdade. Juro que tentei mas não tá dando mais", chorou lamentosa. Não era justo com ele e nem com você, mas como podia mentir para si mesma quando sentia que estava morrendo por dentro?
Mark parecia quebrar a qualquer momento, não se manteve forte por você. A voz estava rouquinha quando perguntou: "Sabe me dizer quando isso começou?"
Negando, você secou umas lágrimas copiosas.
"Aí é que tá, não existe um grande momento que virou alguma chave na minha cabeça pra tudo isso. É só... Um compilado de acontecimentos que começaram a me incomodar, mas nunca incomodaram antes", você começou a morder as unhas bem feitas mas sentiu a mão quente dele na sua.
Parando o movimento autodestrutivo.
"Ei, tá tudo bem", não estava. "Acho que venho negando isso há um tempo mas a gente... Não tá funcionando mesmo."
O ar começou a ficar mais pesado, a sensação de perdição e indecisão entre vocês quase te sufocava como uma nuvem. Não aguentava mais quando escondeu o rosto entre as mãos e começou a chorar de novo, extensivamente. Eram seis longos anos com uma pessoa que você jurava que se casaria, com quem compartilhou todas as suas manias e acordou ao lado todas as manhãs. O seu para sempre que ia embora, lentamente.
Você escutou o som dos pés de uma cadeira se arrastando pelo chão e logo, os braços de Mark estavam ao seu redor. Sua cabeça ficou apoiada no ombro dele ao mesmo tempo em que passava os braços por seu pescoço, relutantemente deixou com que o peso de seu corpo caísse uma última vez sobre ele se debulhando em lágrimas.
"Princesa", ele murmurou depositando beijinhos no topo de sua cabeça.
Realmente era como o ditado dizia. Você não sabe o que tem até perder.
Chorando copiosamente em seu colinho, você acariciou levemente os fiozinhos pequenos e loiros na nuca de Mark como habituava de fazer quando ele estava nervoso ou triste com alguma coisa e não demorou muito para que sentisse os ombrinhos do Lee balançando e algumas gotinhas de água manchando sua blusa de frio.
"Eu sinto muito, amor. Sinto muito mesmo que não tenha dado certo, me perdoa", ele suplicou fungando. Te agarrando pela cintura da forma mais forte que achou, Mark balançou vocês levemente em uma maneira de acalmar ambas as partes ali. Certamente, você nunca chorou tanto em sua vida. Agarrada a ele como um bebê, sabia que era o necessário.
Não se tem como trazer de volta a vida um relacionamento que não existe mais, sabendo que o amor não era a única coisa suficiente para mantê-los ali.
Ainda assim, uma parte egoísta de si queria que ele fizesse alguma coisa que a impedisse de sair dali. Que dissesse, arriscasse ou até mesmo perdesse algo para ficar com você mas era abusivo demais. Jamais poderia pedir isso dele, assim como ele não pediria de você.
"Eu te amo demais e uma partezinha de mim sempre vai te amar, tá? Não quero que pense nem por um segundo que você não é amada", ele continuou choroso. Depositava beijos por toda a extensão de sua têmpora e bochecha. Você apenas assentiu forçando os olhinhos a ficarem fechados, temendo que se os abrisse e visse o estado em que seu futuro ex-namorado se encontrava, talvez, não fosse capaz de terminar tudo.
Porque, droga, você se sentia amada. Nunca duvidaria de que Mark Lee te amava com cada fibra de seu ser, chegava a blasfêmia pensar isso. Todavia, amá-lo era como uma batalha nos últimos tempos. E lutar na linha de frente enquanto encarava o vento frio da solidão em alguns momentos parecia afetá-la mais do que gostava de admitir.
No fim de tudo, doía lembrar da memória dos anéizinhos de papel que Mark tinha feito para vocês no dia em que se mudaram juntos e como haviam se molhado com o tempo. Com o teor de suas próprias lágrimas.
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ohsoinvisible · 1 year
“i’ve done so much, but i feel empty inside. and i don’t feel like i have anything that lasts for me to treasure on my own” -Mark Lee
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hannieehaee · 1 month
Can you write something, anything, about woozi and his ass cuz that one clip of 96z shaking their ass has made me into a whole new person. Literally just Lee jihoon ass appreciation.
18+ / mdi
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content: sub!woozi, afab reader, smut, reader is extremely horny and depraved, the word pretty is overused, body worship, woozi is thoroughly felt up (oops), dry humping, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 1139
"w-wait slow down."
these were a few of the last coherent words jihoon would let out that night.
or at least that was the plan. especially considering his egregious behavior mere hours ago.
you see, you knew your boyfriend's body like the back of your hand. you had kissed and worshiped every inch of his skin, leaving no part untouched at some point or other.
however, this past month, you had been unable to relish in the privilege that was to have lee jihoon's body at your utmost disposition. work had kept you away from him, leaving you sad and lonely and without his pretty body to gawk at for an entire month.
finally being back, you were slightly peeved off at knowing he'd have back to back concerts for a few days just on the week of your arrival, but it was fine! as long as you got to keep him to yourself afterwards, it was okay.
it was okay until it wasn't. until the moment you saw him step out on stage, tight button up on, blonde hair up in a bun, and the worst of all, the most fitting brown slacks you had ever seen on your boyfriend. the sight made you feel like a caveman, no coherent word leaving your mouth as you gawked at him like a piece of meat.
you watched as he swayed his hips, showing off every delicious curve of his body, taunting you without so much as realizing.
it had been an extraneous three hours (damn you, never ending aju nice) until you were able to get him in a car and back home.
the moment you stepped foot into your shared apartment was when you began your attack, pushing him up against the wall and shutting up any question leaving his mouth with your tongue down his throat.
your hands were frantic, feeling him up like you were starved for his touch – and you very much were. your wandering hands groped at every curve, swallowing every gasp of delight let out against your lips.
when you finally disconnected for some air, trailing your lips down to his neck, he gasped out his request to slow down, but you simply couldnt. you needed every inch of his body marked by your kiss, touched by your hand, licked by your tongue.
finally pulling away completely, you dragged him over to the couch, sitting him down and crawling your way on top of him after having carelessly discarded your clothes. he followed without instruction, throwing off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants, unable to get them all the way off as you sat on him.
your lips went back to his, hands still frantically feeling him up, scratching at the milky skin of his toned chest.
"so pretty, hoonie. fuck ... do you even know how gorgeous you are?", your lips trailed down to his chest, careless splotches of red left behind by your teeth as you marked your territory.
"prettiest thing ... looked so good on stage ... wanted to fuck you so bad," you groaned against his nipple, licking at it as he cried out above you.
"s-stop it," he complained, too shy to take your shameless praise.
"wanna see you, pretty. wanna see your gorgeous body, yeah? so fucking sexy ... make me feel like im losing my mind ..."
without even realizing it, your hips had begun grinding against his crotch, hands digging into his shoulders for support. his strong arms held your waist, helping you maintain your pace.
fuck, he was so meaty and strong. the thought alone made your eyes roll back.
despite the pleasure of his delicious cock dragging against your cunt, you needed to change positions. you couldnt ride him tonight. you needed to feel him up so more, up until getting your fill of him.
flipping him around (with his help ..), you laid on the couch, with him now above you. you bit your lip at the sight. his pretty hair was covering the sides of his face, making him look like an angel from above you. you voiced this compliment to him, making him scoff and scrunch up his nose in embarrassment.
"hoonie ... fuck, so fucking pretty and sexy. so obsessed with you ...", you groaned, hands reaching back to squeeze at his ass and drag him against you.
"no, i- fuck. you .. you're the pretty one, i-", he hiccuped opting to bury his face in your neck before you could see his reddened cheeks.
as embarrassed as he was at your blatant comments, he also relished in it, allowing you to touch him in such ways and even following the guidance of your movements as he ground against you, your hands still grasping harshly at his ass.
your hands went up and down the delicious arch of his back, groaning at the thought of how pretty he'd look on all fours for you, gorgeous body ready for you to do whatever you wanted to it.
but that would come some other day. right now you needed him to get his dick in you and make you lose all ability to think.
slipping inside you, he groaned against your ear, humping against you thoughtlessly. the contrast between the controlled movement of his hips on stage made you chuckle, enjoying how his desire would make him lose control so easily.
"feel so good, shit- you- love you," he murmured against you, "d-don't stop touching me ... love when you touch me ... when you love me like this."
your hands went even crazier at his admission, digging your nails into every bit of skin you could reach and dragging his hips towards you.
"my pretty boy ... body's so fucking gorgeous. and you're all mine? fuck ... prettiest little thing all mine ...", you gasped against his ear, making his pace go even faster at your endless praise. your hands never stopped feeling him up, dragging his toned body against your own as he showed the telltale signs of his orgasm.
with a high pitched whine, he came inside you, with you joining him right after. the sight of him alone had you pent up for hours, so cumming with him was an effortless task.
falling halfway on top of you, he cuddled against you, kissing at your neck before nuzzling into your hair.
"love you," he whispered.
"love you too, pretty," you whispered back, "but i'm not done with you yet ..."
the rest of the night was spent productively. your lips found every inch of skin on his body, leaving love bites on all your favorite parts. by the end of the night, his hips were unrecognizable with pretty red marks left by your lips. his chest and back were red due to all the grabbing your hands couldnt help themselves with. and jihoon? he was sleeping with a satisfied smile on his face.
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suengmi · 1 year
- stray kids realizing they fell in love with you
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genre: fluff/romance, gn!reader, established!relationships warnings/other: none just... GROSS FLUFF, kissing, play fighting
anyways... some more soft hours lesgooo
♡ masterlist / pls reblog if you liked! it helps a lot ♡
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ bang chan
it's probably a sunny early morning on no particular day, he's just admiring you in your sleep. he's appreciating some of the acne scars on your cheek and how sometimes it makes him sad when you say you hate them because he thinks they're pretty, and that it tells a story. that's the thing about chan is that he notices things, small lil things that you might not. maybe its the scar on your leg or the bite mark from that dog that bit you on the nose. or maybe it's just the way you cover yourself when he's on top of you telling you how glad he is you mustered up the courage to confess to him when he knew you'd liked him for months. really, he always was in love with you, he just didn't know how to say it or wrap his head around it. but with you next to him, hair splayed in a mess as you sleep he realizes. it finally clicks that he does and he always had.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ lee know
with lee know, when he knows, he knows. lee know kind of realizes it when he sees you on the floor of the kitchen, tears streaming from your eyes to your cheeks about the burnt dinner you wanted to cook him. so he'd pick up the burnt potato from the baking tray and put it in his mouth. he'd finish the whole mouthful and tell you (with a scrunched face) that it was 100% fine. you'd probably cry again, but him seeing how upset you were over a simple gesture to make dinner for him made his heart swell and burst. you'd be pissed and ask why he was smiling, but he'd simply shake his head. no hesitation or wavering in his voice as comforted you, telling you he'd happily order take out.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ changbin
you're just in your pyjamas, cleaning your teeth at his house. hair flicking in all directions and bare face showing with pride. he's just standing in the doorway, admiring the way you brush angrily, while you're being annoyed that it's taking two minutes of your life every night. "like... if no animals have to brush their teeth, why do we?" you'd complain spitting out the toothpaste. he kinda of loves how you think of these things, such random observations and thoughts you feel safe enough speaking and sharing with him. he'd listen to your rant about dental hygiene. but in the end, when you were done, he'd simply smile at you. it kind of clicks, all of the moments in your relationship til now. he just has a gentle smile on his face as he adores every part of you. no 'ifs' 'ands' or 'buts' going through his mind. just love.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ hyunjin
it's a multitude of things. hyunjin always notices the small changes in your voice. he notices how you feel just by your posture or the way you message him, but one thing he particularly loves is the way you like to line up the cups a certain way after cleaning the kitchen. it's on this one night, just any night, where it finally clicks for the first time. you're just talking about your day, how you need him to remind you to take your cat to the vet. it's when he bends down to give you a kiss mid sentence that he finally realizes it. the kiss is sweet and long, almost innocent with how he pulls back before pressing another small kiss on your nose. he'd feel a bit nervous, averting his eyes and speaking in a mumbled tone as he helped dry the plates you had washed. "what did you say babe?" you'd ask but he'd shake his head just continuing to help you clean. "oh, uh nothing."
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ seungmin
with seungmin, it's simple. he's always been one to be sure of his feelings. when he knows it, it just seems to fall in place. he doesn't feel the need to blurt it out at first, but he seems to show it in his actions. in all honesty, he knew early on. he liked your spice, he liked your willingness to learn and admit you were wrong. he especially loved how you called people on their bullshit, including him. no one had ever put him in his place, and he loved that you did that for him. you didn't pander to him and your honesty was refreshing. it's in a moment that he feels the need to say it, suddenly feeling nervous for the first time in your relationship. the thumps in his chest would worry him a bit, the urge to tell you, but he doesn't. he wants to save it for another time when he feels it'll be more special. because you deserved that.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ felix
it's probably a big 'aha!' moment with felix. he's never really questioned himself or his feelings for you, but it kind of waves over him like a numbing breeze under his skin. you've fallen asleep on your video chat, your cheek scrunched up against the pillow you're hugging and mouth a little open as you breathe. it's cold, so you're all rugged up with your doona up against your chin. he just watches you. he enjoys seeing you sleep so soundly and he loves that you feel comfortable enough to let yourself fall asleep while video chatting. you were just talking about something related to his game, but he knew you were tired. so he let you sleep, not ending the call or saying anything to wake you. he ends up laying down himself, just admiring you as you are. though, he does tell you he loves you but you're not awake to hear it. he'll tell you in the morning.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ jisung
it's almost like a tree trunk fell on his head. you're just laying across the couch from him, legs entwined into his own. you're in his trackie pants, the ones that are probably a bit too tight for you and too loose for him. buuuuut he loves how it looks tight across your ass. it's when you say it to him for the first time. you're kind of debating about something and you'd chime in with a a simple 'well, that's because i love you so that doesn't count.' and he freezes. your confession made him realize that he felt just the same, but you were the one to take the lead just laying it out in front of him on a silver platter. you're totally fine as you continue talking to him about whatever it was you were prior, and he ends up excusing himself to get a drink. his head would be spinning with all the emotion he's feeling, finally realizing that he'd felt like this for a while.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ jeongin
jeongin knows it when you're both having a play fight (not that this isn't a regular thing lmao) he jokes about how you're easy to flip over, regardless of your size because he has the 'man strength' as he coined it. you'd argue back, telling him that his masculinity has nothing to do with it as you pinched at both of his ears and pulled. he'd just karate chop at your arms, pulling you over himself to throw you into the snow. once he had you on the ground he'd eventually get your hands above your head, pinning you there gloating that he was stronger. you'd just make a fart noise with your mouth, wriggling beneath him. this is the exact moment he knows. his strength lessens, and his face would probably turn into a smile before giving you a quick kiss. "that's cheating!!!!" you'd protest face all >:( when he just grinned bigger letting his feelings wash over him.
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♡ taglist: @blankdyean @l3visbby @daddyjoonchua @abcdefgiwsmcty @moon0fthenight ♡
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ooshu · 1 year
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sequel pt. 2
“why were you ignoring my calls?”
after two weeks of purposely dodging haechan’s presence, he had finally cornered you by ringing your doorbell on a friday night; a night when he knows you would be wide awake until god knows when.
haechan peeks at the television at your back, “and watching a film without me, too?”
good for you, though. you are good at making excuses.
realizing you were in love with your best friend haechan made it seem difficult to get by. ever since mark pointed out you would literally do anything for him in a heartbeat, you became extremely conscious. sure, there was a distinct line between liking and loving. you were aware you liked him, but loving sure is a big word.
and everyone saw it except you.
and the worst thing that could probably happen is haechan seeing it, too.
usually, haechan would walk directly toward your living room, but you’re still holding the door. haechan attempts to put one foot forward, but you are doing all your might to block his way.
“i was busy.”
“i can’t be busy now?”
“it’s 11 pm.”
“i can’t go beyond that?”
“you never work at this hour.”
“i have a lot of…”, you turned your head at the back, attempting to look at your surrounding to salvage your excuses but miserably failed. fuck, a deer caught in the headlights. "stuff.”
“holy shit.”, haechan exclaimed. “you’re really bad at this.”
“jesus, fuck! what do you want?”
“i wanna be with you.”
maybe if you were really not into your best friend who has a way with his words, you would completely laugh it off. but no, you were dumbfounded, hopeful, and taken aback.
“said i wanna be with you.”
you just stared at haechan. could he possibly be…?
“who’s gonna take care of you, huh? who’s gonna be there when you trip on the sidewalk when you’re shitfaced? who’s gonna buy you dinner when you refuse to move until you finish your work?”
you tilted your head and leaned against the doorframe. your faces are just inches away from each other. haechan cupped your cheeks until he reached down your chin. “who’s gonna wipe your tears away when you’re sad, hmm?”
your lips ajar, trying to comprehend what he had just said. haechan lee just might have listed down the things he would willingly want to continue doing with and for you. and your heart might just have liked every bit of the sound he uttered.
“so… are you gonna let me in or what?”, haechan stared intently at your eyes. you just wanted this moment to last longer. this close, this proximity, you hope it gets a little closer. your gaze grazes on his plump lips, and it takes a lot of your courage right now to not kiss him.
“oh, yeah.”, you opened the door wider and haechan took a few steps forward, almost reaching the center of your living room.
but his steps faltered when his phone rang.
haechan stood just there and answered.
“yeah, yeah, yeah. just stay there. i’m coming.” — these were the words you heard, and in a heartbeat, he was on his way to finding the exit.
“but you just dropped by, haech…?”
“sorry. she needs me.”
“oh, yeah. i’ll introduce you to her.”, haechan did not even spare looking at you. he was just texting on his phone, a bit in a hurry. “she’s a keeper. you’re gonna love her.”
you felt your heart sink but your feet did you no justice; you followed him like a little kid full of wonder and questions. and when your stop reaches back to your door, he slowly turned around and said:
“please don’t… don’t leave me ever again.”, haechan bit his lip. you can see how his eyes glisten, almost teary-eyed. “you’re my everything and more.”
there you saw haechan go. slipping through your fingers, just when you thought you had wrapped him around your finger just like what you are for him.
and you might just have another excuse to continue distancing yourself from the things he made you feel special and needed, and everything and more. no more trouble because the answer was plain and simple all along:
it’s because i love you, haechan lee.
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rockstarhaechan · 4 months
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text format: t fics/reactions: f
nct dream:
nct dream reacting to you saying i love you first! (f)
asking nct dream to decorate the christmas tree! (t)
“you wanna bang on new year’s eve?” (t)
nct dream reacting to your performance! (t)
“guess who i pulled” (t)
“spit in my mouth” (t)
dreamies reaction to you sitting on their lap! (f)
asking dreamies to spit in their mouth! (t)
dreamies asking you to sit on their face! (t)
asking dreamies to do aegyo! (t)
calling them daddy over text! (t)
putting dreamies on a sex ban! (t)
nct dream getting caught making out! (f)
nct dream boyfriend texts (t)
nct dream reacting to you getting ur nips pierced (f)
right person wrong time (t)
being seen in dreamies vlog (t)
nct dream cheating on you (t)
asking dreamies to shout at you (t)
dreamies finding out you have a crush on them (t)
nct dream members as my fav songs (f)
haechan taking care of you! (f)
random texts with haechan! (t)
horny haechan texts! (t)
clubbing with haechan! (f)
lee donghyuck texts (strangers to lovers) (t)
clingy haechan texts! (t)
haechan boyfriend texts (t)
haechan boyfriend texts part.2
sleepless (f)
after hours part 1. (f)
after hours part 2. (f)
rockstar hyuck (f)
enemies to lovers (t)
high for this (f)
horny haechan texts part 2. (t)
sad haechan texts (t)
haechan drabble (f)
haechan drabble 2 (f)
get high with me (f)
random haechan texts (t)
random texts with jisung! (t)
smutty/fluffy jisung headcanons (f)
random texts with mark! (t)
mark drabble (f)
clingy chenle texts! (t)
heartless part 1. (f) coming soon
cute jaemin texts! (t)
jaemin drabble (f)
horny jeno texts (t)
high for this (f)
random jeno bf texts (t)
come closer (f)
renjun one shot (f)
you let renjun take control over you once (f)
nct 127:
texting them you’re horny for them! (t)
being in a relationship with you! (f)
127 texts (t)
vanilla baby (f) coming soon
taeyong smutty/fluffy headcanons (f)
rave (f)
doyoung boyfriend bp (f)
doyoung birthday texts (t)
jaehyun thinking he’s handy dandy! (f)
you made me question everything i thought i knew about love ! (f)
boyfriend texts! (t)
wayv on sex ban (t)
“are you busy tonight?” (t)
horny wayv texts (t)
when he realized he loved you! (f)
winwin bf headcanons (f)
conversations (f)
when he realized he loved you (f)
boyfriend texts (t)
378 notes · View notes
ghostofhyuck · 4 days
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His Car isn't Yours
He’s Mark Lee. He’s smart, handsome, a gentleman — everyone’s ideal boyfriend. He’s everything. Oh my god, girls would die to be in your spot. And yet, you felt uneasy as he took you on a date. 
Oh right. You remember. Mark Lee is not him. 
Word count: 2.5k 
Tags: Fluff, angst. Mentions of NCT Dream Members. Mentions of sexual innuendo (just a few!)
Song Inspiration: His Car isn’t Yours by Wendy
“How about this?” you asked over the video call. It’s almost seven in the evening and you’re still in your bathrobe, raiding your closet while showing it to your best friend. You couldn’t help it. You’re sweating and nervous. 
“Did he mention where he’ll take you?” your best friend Donghyuck said over the phone. 
“It’s a surprise he said, he just said dress pretty — what does he mean by that!?” 
You heard Donghyuck’s hum for a minute. “Okay, ditch the pants and wear a nice dress and sandals.” 
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver Hyuck,” you said to him before proceeding to find the baby blue summer dress that you rarely wear. It was adorned with white flowers, the skirt being just above your knee and hugging your figure perfectly. 
“Well of course! I couldn’t believe it!” Donghyuck squeals, you can see him jumping in his bed excitingly. “You’re going on a date with Mark, everyone wants him, you know that?”
Your smile faded when you heard your best friend’s comment. As the dress fit onto yours, you couldn’t help but to stare at the mirror. Suddenly, this idea was bad. 
“Yn, don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts,” Donghyuck asked. 
“What?” you only laughed, trying to brush off Donghyuck’s words. “No, of course not! You’re crazy.” 
“Great, because this is the perfect opportunity for you to get over that jerk.”
Right. Donghyuck’s right. It’s time for you to get over him. It’s been a few months since you two broke up. It was a disaster and you remember crying in your best friend’s arms for a few hours until you passed out because you were too dehydrated. Donghyuck cursed him and you swore that that night Donghyuck swore all the curses that he could think of because of your ex-boyfriend.
It took you a while to pick up yourselves. Slumping yourself on your academics and studies just to get over him. But no matter how much you tried, there were nights that you cried and wondered, what went wrong with the two of you? You never attempted to move on from him. You’re still holding onto that small hope that maybe. Maybe. He’ll show up in your footsteps and ask for another chance. 
But he didn’t and instead, Mark Lee somehow waited for you outside the hallways of your building, asking you if you two can go out for some coffee. Schemingly, Donghyuck agreed on your behalf, convincing you that you should just try it. 
It was the first time you smiled in months. Mark was nice. He was easy to converse with, and he’s also good-looking to start with. You two enjoyed the cup of coffee, and it ended up with you asking what was his intention. 
“I thought I was being obvious,” he laughs. A shy smile formed on his lips. “I’ve liked you ever since yn.” 
You remember being caught off-guard with his sudden confession, you don’t know why but you feel your cheeks heating up because of it. Maybe, you were flustered by his sudden confession. You watch as Mark shyly looks away, and you don’t know why but a part of you wants to know where this will end. 
That’s where you are right now. Wearing your baby blue dress, doing some finishing touches on your makeup while you’re waiting for Mark to pick you up. You agreed to have a date with him, and for once, you wanted to not mop around because of your ex-boyfriend. 
“Oh wow, you look gorgeous,” Donghyuck compliments. “Hope you get dicked tonight.”
You laughed as you sprayed your perfume on you, “I’m not planning to.”
“That’s sad of you boo,” Donghyuck sticks out his tongue and as you put on your shoes, you hear Mark’s car parking in front of your place. 
“Fuck, okay I got to go,” you said, grabbing your phone to say goodbye to your friend. 
“Goodluck on your date! Tell me the deets tomorrow!” your best friend said one last time before hanging up. You only smile as you grab some few things and place them in your bag. As you went out of your place, you saw Mark leaning against his car, scrolling through his phone. 
You stop midway, remembering that it was Mark who’s picking you up, and not him. It’s Mark, who’s hair is dyed blonde, leaning against his Honda Civic which is a different model that your ex-boyfriend drives. 
You watch as Mark glances at you and does a double take, he puts his phone on his jean’s pocket as he approaches you with a smile. 
“Wow,” he breathes. “You look so beautiful.”
Right. You remembered. That tonight isn’t about him, it’s about you and Mark and the hopes that you may find someone better than your ex.
“Thank you,” you only said. “You look handsome too.” 
Mark lets out a chuckle, “should we get going?”
You only nod as Mark guides you towards his car, opening the car door for you which makes your heart flutter. The seat was comfortable and the interiors of the car looked interesting. Your eyes scanned the inside and noticed how it’s polished clean. Even the smell is nice and not those heavy air purifiers that pierces through your nostrils. 
Mark enters the car, and his hands trail towards the seat belt, placing yours first before his. 
“I’ll just put the music on shuffle, but if you want, you can connect your phone if you want to play any songs that you want,” he said, pressing play on the car’s stereo. 
“I love this song!” you said, humming along the song. 
Mark only smiles as he watches you dance lightly to the song, he revved the engine and started driving. He taps on the steering wheel as you continue to sing. He finds you cute, enticed by the lyrics of the song and even attempting to hit the high note. 
“Oh by the way, where are we going?” you asked.
“It’s a surprise,” he teased. 
“Any hint at least?” 
Mark hums for a moment, “it's outskirts of the town.”
You became quiet, wondering what he means by outskirts. It’s either on the hills where the grassfield is clean and a perfect place for a picnic. Donghyuck gossips to you that it's supposedly a perfect hideaway for hookups and sex. 
You glanced at Mark for a second and your heart started beating. There’s no way he’s going to bring you there. It’s too early! But a part of you thinks that Mark isn’t that type of guy who wants you for sex, so maybe it’ll be a wholesome picnic. 
But as your mind starts to panic, he turns left which is the complete opposite towards the side, your eyes widen. You know where this is going. 
“We’re here!” he said, parking his car in front of the restaurant. As you step outside, you can feel the wind gently sweeping your skirt. You glanced at the sign. It was neon green, blinking due to its weariness. It’s been years since you went here and a sense of nostalgia hit on you. 
“I can’t believe you brought me here,” you said with an amused tone. “I loved this place when I was a kid! I hope they still have their karaoke here.”
“I’m sure it’s still here,” Mark said. “Should we get inside?”
The interiors are still the same as when you were kids. The smell and the vibe, it’s all there! You see the karaoke on the diner’s corner and you can see that it’s still working, just waiting for a patron to drop a coin and pick a song number. 
You and Mark chose the seat on the corner of the restaurant. It has a couch instead of the usual chairs, that’s why it’s more comfortable for both of you. The restaurant wasn’t that crowded with people, but it was still bustling with noises. 
After the waitress wrote down your orders, your eyes couldn’t stop scanning the place. It is a memorable place for you. Your parents always bring you there on your birthdays or whenever you get good grades. You weren’t able to return to the restaurant ever since your parents moved to another country for work. You long forgotten about the restaurant too, that’s why it was a surprise that Mark brought you there. 
“How did you know about this place?” you asked. 
“This has been a popular restaurant ever since I was kid,” Mark explained. “I was craving their chicken and fries that’s why I brought you here.”
You laughed at his explanation but you saw his genuine side about it, “thanks. It’s been a long time since I went here.” 
Mark only smiles. “Well, I’m happy that you loved it.”
As your order arrived, you and Mark downed on the food while at the same time continued your conversation. You two recalled the memories you two had when you were kids. Even listing down the songs you used to sing at the karaoke. Mark was convinced that at some point, when you two were kids, you two met at the restaurant. 
Halfway through the slice of strawberry shortcake that you two ordered. You decided to be bold, standing up and approaching the karaoke. 
“Are you going to sing dear? The songbook is on the side,” the waitress said with a bright smile. 
You gave her a smile, “I hope my favourite song is still here.”
As you pressed the number, you were surprised that Madonna’s Crazy for You is still listed. You placed down the coin and the familiar tune began to fill the air. Applause from the customer began as you sang the lyrics.
You swayed along the song. You watch as the customers stood up and danced along with you. You turned around and saw Mark, smiling at you and even mouthing “wow” making you smirk as you winked at him. You continued to sing, feeling the rhythm, and then a bright idea popped into your mind. 
Slowly, you approached Mark, who at first was embarrassed, but after much convincing from the crowd, he stood up and danced along with you, earning cheers from everyone. As the song ends, you let out a small bow and were about to return to your seat when Mark pulled you. 
“Hey, sing with me on this one?” Mark said. You watch as he pressed some number and as soon as he dropped the coin, your heart shrunk.
You know this song. You know damn well this song. Because this is your song with him. The upbeat song of Starship’s Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now filled the room and you watched as Mark sang the first line. Fuck. He used to sing it with you, because he likes the song so much.
It quickly grasped into your mind that it was Mark who’s you’re singing with, you plastered a smile as you sang along the lyrics. In the eyes of the crowd, you two look like a couple. Two teenagers in love and having the best moment of their life, especially when Mark grabs your hand and twirls you before singing the bridge of the song. 
You managed to finish the song, and the crowd cheered, even shouting “Kiss!” from them. Mark tried to brush it off, and you only let out a bitter chuckle because of the awkward situation. 
After that whole singing session, you and Mark have called it a night. You were in a daze as you two exited the restaurant. You only snapped out of it when Mark held your hand and intertwined his fingers around it. 
“Did I startle you? Sorry,” he was about to let go when you squeezed it lightly.
“No, it’s okay, my energy was just low because of the karaoke,” you explained, smiling at him.
“I had fun,” Mark said with a sincere tone. “I’m really glad that we went there.”
“Well, thank your chicken cravings then,” you teased, making him laugh. 
As you two drive to your place. You two fell into a peaceful silence. You only watched as you passed by around the town. You couldn’t help but to lean on to the car window. 
Tonight was fun. Being with Mark was fun. But as you sit there in silence your heart couldn’t help but to yearn for him. It’s hard. You wanted to cry and to let out all of your emotions. You wanted to blame him, because right now, he’s occupying your mind when it should be Mark who’s sitting next to you. 
And as soon as Mark parks his car in front of your place, you couldn’t help but to stare at your apartment. 
“You okay?” Mark asked. 
That made you glance at him, “me? Of course, why?”
“You seem to be in very deep thoughts earlier,” Mark explained. “Wouldn’t mind telling me what it is?”
Mark is sweet. He was a gentleman, not to mention, a really popular guy in your university. Everyone wants him. Girls are lining up for him and would die to be in your place. And yet, you couldn’t find yourself lucky that he likes you. 
Because Mark is not him. No matter how nice, sweet, and good-looking Mark Lee is. He is not the one you love. And you hoped that this night may change it, but no. He’s still occupying your heart. 
“Listen Mark,” you breathe out. “You're sweet and caring, I had fun tonight but…” 
You don’t know what to say. You don’t want to hurt him, you couldn’t bear to hurt Mark after you two just went out. It felt like a jerk move to do so. 
But a part of you wants to be frank with him too. 
“I just, I don’t think I’m not ready to be in a relationship,” you confessed. “If ever we’ll be together, I wanted to make sure that I can give myself to you but right now —”
“You haven’t moved on from Jeno, haven’t you?”
There it is. Mark mentioned his name and you can feel your heart beating nonstop. God, your ex-boyfriend had you wrapped around his fingers
“I’m sorry,” it was the only thing that you could say. 
“No, it’s okay yn,” Mark chuckles. “It’s my fault too, I pursued you too early.” 
“No, oh my god. It’s just —-” 
“It’s fine yn no worries,” Mark gives you a smile, making you feel more guilty. “But that doesn’t stop me from pursuing you, you know that? I’ll be waiting until you’re ready.” 
You could only let out a small smile, but in a split second you leaned onto him to give him a quick kiss on his cheeks. “Thank you Mark, I enjoyed our date tonight.” 
“I’m glad you did.”
You bid goodnight to Mark. you gave him a smile one last time before going inside your apartment, as soon as you close the door, you couldn’t help but to lean against the door as you hear his car’s engine slowly fade into the background. You can still feel the coldness of the ac, and the scent of the lavender purifier of Mark’s car lingered on you. 
But it felt different. Weird. Unfamiliar because you know that Mark’s car isn’t his. 
Pt. 2 Jeno’s POV see here.
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lvlyhao · 6 months
『when he's on tour / MARK LEE』
A/N: thoughts on how mark would be as bf when he's away on tour :(
gifs used in this are not mine and they will be removed if requested!!
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), comedy (☼)
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: i swear a bit maybe???
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © lvlyhao 2023.
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mark is usually pretty clingy with you already, but he turns it up to the max before a tour
being away from you like that is one of the parts about his job he hates the most, and yeah, he knew what he was signing up for since the beginning
but he can’t help but be heartbroken about it every. single. time
the other members know him well enough to give like a 2 weeks notice for him to get his shit together and spend as much time with you as humanly possible??
cus otherwise, he’ll get caught up in rehearsals, schedules and whatever else and then the day before they leave be like
“oh shit”
and if that’s the case we all know mark is gonna be miserable during the whole thing right lmao
yeah mom taeyong isn’t letting that happen
mark normally sees the time before a tour as an opportunity to check off a LOT of things from your couples bucket list
like, do you have any tv shows you’ve been meaning to watch together? you’re binging it today
you wanted to visit that coffee shop right? get your coat, you’re going rn
you wanted to buy matching bracelets yeah? he’s already got them
and it’s just a very fun, loving time for the both of you
it keeps you busy enough not to spiral about what it’s gonna be like not seeing each other for months
of course, it doesn’t work 100% of the time
especially at night, when mark’s about to fall asleep, the loneliness of not having you around starts to seep in
and it’s like he says goodbye to you in his head before it happens irl
which is 1. sad as heck??? and 2. kinda suffering through it twice, cus he always thinks he’s gonna be more “well prepared” for it this time, and that’s never true
by now it’s probably pretty obvious touring is a very dramatic experience for him right lmao
johnny’s always like “bro it’s just a couple months you’re gonna be f i n e” but for mark it’s,,, not that simple
he’d rather say bye when it’s just the two of you, maybe at your place or somewhere nice
it feels a lot calmer when it’s like that, cus then it’s tight hugs, some kisses and mark saying he promises he’ll text you every day and call you as much as he can
and yeah maybe one of you lets a tear or two fall down but it’s fine
if you go with them to the airport
it’s gonna be so much more chaotic like holy crap, trust me, not going is the better option
if for some unknown reason you’re like “no i’ll go with you to catch the plane and we’ll say bye there”
there’s gonna be a lot more crying involved
cus it’s one thing hugging you bye when his flight’s in 6 hours or so, but it’s a whole other thing when everyone’s already boarding and some other member is trying very hard to be gentle but he has to go NOW
it’s all so rushed he can barely even tell you he loves you :(
mainly bc he wanted to keep hugging you until he absolutely had to let you go
oh well
mark is 10000% the type to ask you to put together a playlist for him to listen to during the trip
he can be a bit of an airhead at times but he does his best to keep you updated on how he’s doing, where he is right now, things of the sort
so he tries to text you the moment the plane lands, when they get to the hotel, when he’s eaten
and it’s not even just texts
it’s a cute candid selfie AND a text
mark is definitely not the best photographer in nct
but he will try so hard to take good pictures for you
cus all he wants is for you to feel like you’re there with him, seeing all those cool places
having said that, most pictures do turn out to be crappy
but he’s willing to ask for help from another member so it’s all good lmao
(i’m looking at johnny, jaemin or tyong tbh)
sends you a picture of every single dog or cat he sees
absolutely every single one
keeps a clock in your timezone in his phone so he knows the best times to text/call
speaking of calling
i’m sorry to tell you you’re not getting a one on one facetime session with him
it’s just not happening
like it may last 5 minutes tops, but that’s the time it takes for someone to hear your voice/barge into his room and immediately ask to talk to you
haechan, johnny, yukhei and baek do that a lot
but normally the other members follow lmao
it’s 50% to annoy him but 50% bc they genuinely wanna see you
it doesn’t bother you too much cus you know
they’re cute or whatever
he’s not really the type to get small trinkets from every place he goes to bc that’s just ??so much??
instead, he’ll probably get you one really nice gift
like this huge plushie he had to carry around himself on their way back home bc no one had enough space in their bags for it
or a new perfume he thinks you’ll like
i love him your honour
one last thing bc this is already way too long
mark is the KING of backstage pictures and TMI's about the other members
like at this point you have enough blackmail material to torture them for 6 months minimum
and tbh it’s mainly haechan when he’s with dream/127 and jongin with superm lol
but he keeps it varied
you end up with even some derpy jaehyun pics, best case scenario
he’s already making plans on how you are gonna celebrate him being back home
…and it most likely includes building a pillow fort and watching marvel movies but i didn’t tell you that
221 notes · View notes
juyeonszn · 5 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒angst ﹒fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, strangers to fwb to lovers, a few timeskips here and there, hyunjae is a manwhore but what else is new, he’s also a criminal justice major so, mentions of alcohol, mentions of roblox? idk, reader is lowkey horny as hell 😭, handjob, oral (m!receiving), mentions of sex in various places, hyunjae is an emotionally constipated idiot, juyeon appearance crowd cheered, also cha eunwoo appearance but crowd did not cheer, hyunjae goes through the five stages of grief, no foreplay but what can u do about it, marking, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap u know the drill), cowgirl position yeehaw, creampie yeehaw, little bit of cockwarming st the end ngl
SUMMARY becoming friends with lee hyunjae after his valiant attempt to save your life (stopping you from drunk driving) was certainly not on your year’s bingo card. also not on your bingo card? waking up in his bed every other night following, but it’s not like you’re really complaining.
MORE bruh. first of all. i’m so sorry this is so late. 😭 second of all, NOT ONLY IS IT A DAY LATE, BUT ITS ALSO LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF LATE 😭 my time management was not all there this past weekend, and also due to some unfortunate decisions on my part, this fic was delayed a bunch but WE ARE SO BACK pls. i hope u all enjoy this bc i kinda hate it and im sad bc i was so excited for it and its nothing like how i wanted it to be… pls rb if u liked it 😿 also this is lowkey for izzy bc we’re both going through insane hyunjae brainrot rn..
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr
TAGLIST @millksea @from-izzy
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In Hyunjae’s defense, he didn’t mean for any of this to happen.
When the two of you first met, he really was just trying to be a gentleman. He’d always been raised as someone who should do the right thing without expecting anything in return. He prided himself on sticking by his mother’s lifelong wisdom.
Okay sure, he might’ve had a few slip ups here and there in the form of random girls he’s hooked up with, but could you blame him? He was a university criminal justice major after all. There’s no harm in a little one-night-stand fun. Learning the ins and outs of the world of law and order was soul-draining enough without the freedom to stress-relieve whenever he felt fit.
Right. Back to you.
Your first encounter took place at the Tau Beta Zeta end of semester party. The fraternity had been working towards securing their victory against the KAT sorority just so they could host the damn thing. Hyunjae had yet to find a girl to entice him for the night, instead bothering some of his frat brothers. For example, Jacob Bae, who had just won the IST University boys’ volleyball team a championship title.
He could’ve gone after Lee Haeun, Jacob’s ex, but he had higher standards than that. There was also the incident earlier that day, while setting up for the party. He tried making a move on the KAT president to piss off Sangyeon, but that ended up failing. Honestly, he didn’t even care much about sleeping with anyone at these things anyways. Usually pretty girls came up to him first, but then ghosted him once they realized he wasn’t looking for anything serious. That was the only reason why his rap sheet was so long. He’d never intended on being the resident fuckboy.
Hyunjae remembers spotting you across the room during one of the numerous rounds of beer pong that night. Rather than Juyeon refereeing with Younghoon like they normally did, he stepped in to let the younger male enjoy the party with his girlfriend. The current match-up was Sunwoo versus Changmin with their respective partners. He had glanced up after witnessing the soccer prodigy miss a cup, making eye contact with you accidentally.
You tucked some hair behind your ear, bringing your drink to your lips and taking a sip before looking away. Your friends had sucked you back into the conversation you were having, effectively blocking Hyunjae’s chance to shoot any shots. He quickly got over it upon witnessing Changmin and Sunwoo arguing over the game, egging them on like the instigator he was.
Most people would’ve thought that was the end of it. Just a fleeting glance at each other, dozens of people standing between you. In hindsight, Hyunjae partially wishes that was where your story ended. You would’ve just been another girl to him, a stranger he saw once and never ran into again.
It’s funny how the universe works in strange ways.
By two in the morning, when over half of the partygoers had left the TBZ house, Hyunjae felt his social battery reach empty. He woke up earlier that morning to study for his Victimology final and felt drained by the time he walked out of the lecture hall. (He knew he aced it, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t mentally taxing.) He was just about ready to call it a night when he saw you sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, blubbering into your phone about something.
“What do you mean you left?” You wail, cheeks stained with mascara streaks. “I don’t care about your boyfriend! I’m too drunk to drive home and you were supposed to be my D.D.”
Your words are slightly slurred, a hiccup following your last sentence. Damn, you were cute even when you were crying like a baby. Hyunjae observed as you argued with who he assumed to be your friend over the phone, exasperated by the end of it. Despite not knowing a single thing about you, not even your name, he decided to step in and offer aid.
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you saying you’re too drunk to drive yourself, and as a TBZ member I just can’t let that happen,” he extended a hand to you. “I’d be more than willing to let you stay here until the morning, if you’d like. You can have my room and I’ll just crash in one of the others.”
Your lower lip quivered, as if you were on the verge of even more tears. You sniffle when you respond, eyes doe-like and glassy. “R-Really? You would do that f-for me?”
“It’s a better alternative than taking a rideshare home alone while drunk,” he nods. “And I’m definitely not letting you drive anywhere yourself.”
Hyunjae doesn’t know why he felt so protective over you. The thought of some potentially creepy man taking advantage of you because you were under the influence didn’t sit right with him. He poked his cheek with his tongue, hand still outstretched to you. You took it gently, allowing him to guide you to his bedroom. He grabbed some of his clothes so you could be comfier and gave you a washcloth so you wouldn’t go to be with your makeup on. He felt better knowing you were in the safety of his fraternity house rather than anywhere else. It kind of pissed him off that your friends would leave you to fend for yourself like that.
The next morning, you came down the stairs drowning in Hyunjae’s clothes, rubbing at your eyes sleepily. You held the heel of your palm to your temple, wincing from the headache no doubtedly caused by your hangover. It was around 11 AM when you woke up and most, if not all, of his frat brothers had already left to head home for the holidays.
You found your knight in shining armor sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, a mug with the default male Roblox face in his grasp. He was scrolling through his phone mindlessly, taking sips of his coffee every now and then until he heard you. He spins around in his chair, offering you a warm smile.
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you rest okay?” He asks, getting up to grab you your own mug.
Your cheeks burn up at the nickname. The whole situation is still a bit odd to you. You knew of Lee Hyunjae through the grapevine (every other girl at your school), yes, but you’ve never held an actual conversation with him before. And now here you are, taking shelter in his home and sleeping in his bed. It was sweet of him to be so hospitable, though. He could’ve kicked you out and pretended you didn’t exist.
“That’s probably the best I’ve ever slept in my life,” you laugh to cut through the tension. “Thank you for keeping me alive last night. I feel indebted to you forever.”
“It was no problem, at all. My pleasure, actually,” he grins, passing you a mug filled with fresh coffee. “By the way, I never got your name.”
“It’s Y/N,” you tell him, mouth pulling into a smile at the cup he just gave you, which happened to be the female adjacent to his. “Hyunjae, right?”
He doesn’t know if he should be embarrassed by the fact that you already knew his name or not, but given his previous reputation, he thinks it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. He clears his throat and nods as he drinks more of his coffee. He tries to distract himself from the weird feeling bubbling in his chest with how cute you looked in his clothes.
“Do you not have any plans for the break?” You switch the subject, noticing that the house was empty for the most part.
“Nah,” he shakes his head. “I’m from here, so it isn’t really much of a drive to visit home. I’ll go over on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years but that’s about it. Other than that, I like to enjoy having the whole house to myself.”
“Woah, me too! My friends are all from out of town though, so I’m usually really lonely. It’s always so odd thinking about how this is just a stepping stone for people’s lives and I’ve been here all of mine.” You stir some cream and sugar into your coffee, pursing your lips. “So, I take it you’re not doing anything today?”
“Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada,” Hyunjae leans back in his chair. “I’ll probably just watch some movies and call it a day. What about you? Any plans for the break since all of your friends are gone?”
“I have just as many as you.” You sip on your beverage.
“Well, the couch space next to me will be unoccupied if you’d like to join me.”
“I think I might take you up on that offer.”
You feel like maybe this was some sort of elaborate scheme to trap you. Your eyes kept flickering from the TV to his profile, entranced by the blue light illuminating his features. You wanted nothing more than to claim your seat on his lap and ride him into the sunset like a gallant steed, which was ironic considering the way the two of you met.
It’s in the middle of the third movie that you finally feel yourself grow restless. No way could you sit beside Lee Hyunjae, spend the whole day with him, and not jump his bones. It was, like, the most obvious thing to do. It was Lee Hyunjae. Did he expect you not to?
He feels you squirming next to him, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. In all honesty, he’s surprised he’s abstained from touching you this long. From the moment he saw you in his clothes this morning, he wanted you underneath him. He doesn’t know how to initiate anything without seeming too forward though.
Luckily, he doesn’t have to make much effort on his part.
You place one of your hands on his thigh, dragging your nail along the seam of his sweatpants. He turns to you with a raised eyebrow. All you can do is bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
“You know, Hyunjae, I never got to properly thank you for your act of nobility last night,” you start, fingers creeping up higher. “And I just thought of something that I think we’ll both like.”
He doesn’t have the strength in him to restrain himself after that, pulling you into a heated kiss. He nips at your lower lip and tangles his tongue with your own, getting easily lost in the spellbinding of your touch. Your lips trail along his jaw and down his neck, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his pants. You suck deep marks into the skin of his pulse point while simultaneously palming him through his underwear.
You’re moving fast, but you’re on a mission. You’ve been waiting for this all day, you can’t imagine slowing down now. It doesn’t appear that he plans on stopping you either.
Hyunjae throws his head back, hissing when you discard his boxers. The cool air of the house hits his cock at the same time you bite down on the divot where his neck meets his shoulder. Your hand gently wraps around his length, thumb running over the slit to collect the precum that’s formed there. He watches in a trance as you go on your knees between his legs.
You press a sweet kiss to his tip before taking him into your mouth. He groans, twisting your hair around his wrist so he can control your movements. Hyunjae doesn’t think he’s ever wanted head this badly in his life. He’s always been a giving person, always providing the pleasure for the girl he was with. There were only a handful of times that he’s ever been on the receiving end and none of them were memorable. But this time is different.
For some reason, you’re the only one who’s ever been able to get him this riled up this quickly. You’re still relatively a stranger to him, and even though he’s had plenty of one night stands, it’s unlike any of the others.
Your throat relaxes so you can swallow more of him, tongue swirling around the tip. He’s the biggest guy you’ve ever been with, making things a little harder for you, but you were never one to back down from a challenge. And getting Lee Hyunjae to cum from the work of your mouth alone was the ultimate reward.
Hyunjae moans when your attention focuses on his sensitive slit. The sound is music to your ears, goading you into continuing your task. You gag around his dick and tears prick at your eyes when he pushes your face down further, your nose brushing the lower part of his abdomen. One of your hands wanders, tracing and scratching his abs as the other jerks him off.
He swipes away some stray tears with his thumb, bucking into your mouth and hand. “Fucking look at you, taking me like a good girl. You’re so filthy.”
You whine, squeezing your thighs together for your own friction. You can wait, though, entirely too focused on getting him to finish. You’re thankful it isn’t that much longer until he does, painting your lips and cheeks with his release when you pull off of him to press a cute kiss on the same spot. He knows he finished too fast for someone of his caliber, but he doesn’t have it in him to care.
“You’re so hot,” he brings you up to connect your lips once again.
It was very easy to fall into a habit after that.
Throughout the entirety of the break, Hyunjae would call you over or vice versa and you’d rock each other’s world’s. It was practically an entire month of fucking nonstop. You’d done it in the TBZ house living room, in his bed, in the kitchen, in the shower and every other surface you could think of. Your own apartment had been christened plenty with your sexcapades also. Both of your cars had seen you naked too. But the most memorable place had to be his childhood bedroom the night of Christmas. He went to his parents’ for a couple days and hit you with that 3 AM “You up?” text when his libido couldn’t quell. That was probably the quietest you’d ever have to be.
Hyunjae had to explain to his mom that no, he hadn’t gotten mauled by a wild animal in his sleep. It was harder coming up with another plausible lie to cover the source of the hickeys on his neck, but he’d rather tell his mother something stupid than the fact that he was an insatiable freak.
When it came time for everyone to return to school for the spring semester, you’d deluded yourself into thinking there could be something real between you and Hyunjae. I mean, what else were you supposed to do? This gorgeous man had spent almost every single day of winter break with you, even if it was mostly for the sex. That wasn’t all you did though. You shared meals together and talked about your life goals. You truly got to know him better than just the hot frat guy who’s made his rounds with girls on campus.
However, Hyunjae did not think he was ready for that level of commitment.
After spending a month with you and learning all of your little quirks, he thought he was going insane. He’d been in situationships in the past and none of them ever ended well, especially because they always caught feelings. He didn’t want the two of you to fall down the same path. But he noticed the linger of your touches and kisses and the way your eyes sparkled when he spoke. He didn’t want to be the one to break your heart.
He just couldn’t see himself getting into a serious relationship. He was preparing to apply for law schools and get his shit together. He didn’t think he couldn’t handle throwing a girlfriend into the mix. Even if it was you. Bold, pretty little you, who had Lee Hyunjae wrapped around her finger without trying.
Things come to a speeding halt for both of you halfway into the second week back.
Hyunjae was walking out of his Crime Mapping II lecture when he saw you chatting up Cha Eunwoo outside of the building, giggling and being all touchy with him. He doesn’t know why he feels so… stuffy… when he sees that. He doesn’t know why it makes him mad. He doesn’t know why it feels like his heart has just been stomped on a handful of times.
He walks over to you and clears his throat, hands shoving into his jacket pockets. He tries to ignore how cute you look in your puffer coat, nose rosy from the cold. You pause in your conversation to say hi to him before resuming whatever you were saying before. It was like he was invisible.
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you in class tomorrow?” You tuck some hair behind your ear, smiling at the male.
“For sure. Talk to you later, Y/N.” He says, waving as he takes off.
Hyunjae starts in the opposite direction wordlessly, leaving you to stumble behind him like a newborn deer. He looks upset about something, but you’re not sure if you should ask. When you finally match his pace, you frown, tapping his shoulder.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Since when were you friends with Cha Eunwoo?” Hyunjae blurts, tone catching you off guard. You blink at his outburst.
“For a while, I guess? We’re in the same department and we’ve had a few classes together. Why? Is that a problem?” You stop your steps, forcing him to do the same.
“No, why would it be? I’m not your boyfriend. You can talk to whoever you want.” He backtracks, realizing the connotation behind his question. Shit, why does he not think before he speaks?
“You could be,” you shrug, gaze casted downward to avoid his stare. “You could be my boyfriend.”
Again, because he’s a stupid boy, he chooses not to use his brain in such a critical situation. “I don’t want to be. You can date him for all I care.”
Hyunjae didn’t want to be the one to break your heart, but he knows he did when he sees the flame in your eyes die out. He thinks he broke his own too, chest constricting when tears well up in the corners. You wipe your runny nose with your gloved hand, sniffling with a scoff.
“Fuck you, Hyunjae,” your voice is surprisingly calm, and that scares him more. “Fuck you and your stupid fucking commitment issues and your lack of empathy. Stay away from me.”
He can’t even think of something quick enough to stop you. Of course, his mind runs at a million miles a minute when it’s the worst time. But when he needs it to work most, it fails on him. That’s exactly his luck.
He just stares as your figure gets smaller and smaller, getting further and further away from his reach. His stomach feels ugly, twisted in a way it shouldn’t be. Maybe it’s because he’d considered you a close friend at this point, and now there’s no way you didn’t hate him. He told you things that he hadn’t even told his brothers, things that he hoped would never see the light of day. He’d spoken his insecurities out into the world and you were the one he let see that vulnerable side of him. He had something good going for him finally, and he went and ruined it.
Who could he be mad at but himself?
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When Hyunjae sees you again, it’s been at least a week since your argument in the middle of campus.
He’d been beating himself up over the fight the entire time. Numerous what-if scenarios ran through his mind when he should’ve been sleeping. He wonders what he could’ve said to make everything turn out differently. Had he just told you what was bothering him, told you about that icky sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, perhaps you wouldn’t have walked away.
He’s pretty sure you’re doing it on purpose. You avoided him until you knew you’d definitely see him, and then you’d flaunt yourself to purposefully piss him off. Despite only knowing each other for a little over a month, you had Hyunjae read like the back of your hand. You knew he was stubborn and had to be pushed into admitting he was wrong. He’d never outright confess to his mistakes unless you backed him into a corner and forced him to.
So you can imagine his reaction when he saw you walk into that week’s TBZ party with Cha Eunwoo around your shoulders.
If Lee Hyunjae had any faults, it was that he was too prideful. He realizes this when you stroll right past him, ignoring his presence. You giggle at something Eunwoo said as you grab some drinks. There’s no way you aren’t doing this to get on his nerves. Especially not in that outfit.
His grip on his cup is not normal, he knows that. But it’s not subtle if anyone notices and when Juyeon of all people points it out, he knows it even more.
“Yo, dude. Are you good? You look like you might kill somebody if we’d let you.” The younger male pats his back.
“Honestly, no, not really. But there isn’t really anything I can do about it.” Hyunjae huffs, welcoming his defeat with open arms.
“You can talk to me about things. It’s kinda weird but I always feel like getting out your thoughts is better than internalizing and blowing up randomly.” He says after a moment.
“I guess I’m just confused why I’m so jealous of something that isn’t mine.” The heart to heart with his frat brother follows the entire five stages of grief, starting with step one; Denial. He’ll keep denying the real reason he feels the way he does.
“Are you talking about that girl you were messing around with during break?” Juyeon asks, bringing his cup to his mouth. “And the fact that she’s here with Cha Eunwoo?”
Step two; Anger. His cup snaps and the sharp edge of the plastic scratches the inside of his palm. “Why would I be jealous of her being here with him? I could give less of a fuck about that. She’s not my girlfriend, she can do whatever she wants.”
He raises an eyebrow at how defensive his senior gets, lips quirking up. “Sure, Hyunjae. You’re not jealous. But you’re acting like it and you know you are.”
“Well,” step three; bargaining. “I’m not not jealous, I just— I don’t know. I’ve never been on this side of the situation before. Am I even allowed to be mad about it?”
“I mean, it’s a little unconventional, but yeah, I think you are. You spent the better part of a month getting to know this girl. You’ve seen her in ways other people haven’t. Even if you weren’t going into it with the intention to start something, I think it’s hard not to want anything after. Unless you’re completely heartless. But you’re not exactly The Grinch, so.” Juyeon sounds too wise for standing in the middle of a frat party.
“Nothing’s gonna happen now, though. She hates me and wants nothing to do with me because I screwed up.” Step four; Depression.
“You don’t know that unless you make an attempt to fix it,” his junior sighs. “Look, she’s gonna keep projecting how upset you made her if you aren’t gonna do something about it. But there’s a high chance that she’ll forgive you if you’re just real with her.”
And last, but not least, step five. Acceptance. Lee Hyunjae has finally accepted that he’s not an emotionless robot incapable of producing feelings for someone. He takes Juyeon’s advice right then and there, deciding that this is something he has to do immediately. (He also knows how much you can drink at these things and he preferred that you were sober when he spoke to you.)
He thanks his friend and sets off to search for you in the sea of already drunk university students. He’s anxious. He’s never been the type to have serious discussions about anything, really. He assumes that it stems from never seeing that in his own parents. They loved each other, yeah, but they never really talked about difficult topics with each other. Or, in front of him they didn’t.
Hyunjae thinks he might throw up when he finds you in the other room. Cha Eunwoo is still glued to your side, but he’s hardly paying attention to you, talking to his friends. You look bored, like you were waiting for something— or someone— to save you. This was his opportunity.
Your eyes widen when you see him heading straight for you, swallowing thickly. There wasn’t any route of escape so you were stuck having to deal with him. In all honesty, the hurt was still very fresh for you, and you weren’t sure you could handle talking to him yet.
“Can we please talk? I need to tell you something,” he yells over the loud music.
“Why should I listen to what you have to say?” Your tone is shaky, wavering slightly, but you’re grateful that he can’t hear it with how voluminous this party is.
“Y/N,” he pleads almost, eyes communicating what you needed to hear. “This is important.”
You concede, sneaking from Eunwoo and following Hyunjae blindly. You could be getting whisked away to your demise, but the former hardly even notices, too engrossed in whatever he was saying to his friends. You’re a bit apprehensive when Hyunjae takes you into his bedroom, biting your cheek when the memories of what you’ve done in here come flooding back to you.
“Okay, I don’t know how to put this into a coherent thought,” he turns his back to you.
“Can we just get this over with? You don’t want me, remember? I don’t even know why I’m giving you the time of day—“
“Of course I want you,” he exclaims, spinning around and pinching the bridge of his nose. “God, are you blind? It’s so obvious that I’ve wanted you for so long, Y/N. I’m just stupid and I fucked everything up, because I was scared that things would change and I’m afraid of change. That’s the reason why I have commitment problems. I don’t want to commit myself to something just for everything to change in the blink of an eye.”
You shut up after that, your heart skipping in your chest. This was what you wanted. You wanted a messy confession. Something that told you it wasn’t all in your head. That you weren’t making things up. That he felt the same way you did.
Your lips collide in a rough, desperate manner. Hyunjae’s never had a way with words, so kissing you with every ounce of longing in his being and holding you like you’d disappear any second was his outlet. This was how he could show you his true feelings. Your heart rate transitions from your pulse point to your ears, amplifying with each suck of your bottom lip between his teeth
You’ve done this so many times before, but it will never be the same as this one. No one could ever make you feel the way Lee Hyunjae does. It might be crazy, but it only took a month for you to realize that there will never be another for you. The conversations that trickled into early hours of the morning following going at it like jackrabbits were perfect to you. They weren’t ideal, but they were enough.
The two of you walk backwards until he’s sitting on the edge of his bed, your knees on either side of his lap. You cup his jaw in your hands, grinding down on him every time your lips move together. Hyunjae’s fingers dig into your sides and push up the material of your dress. He’s moving fast, rushed like you might decide you don’t want this and walk out of his room.
You can’t really blame him, your pace disorganized with only one goal in mind. Neither of you could be bothered with the foreplay, too needy and craving the touch of one another as quickly as possible. You part from him to pull off your dress, eyes fluttering shut when he starts leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. He doesn’t want to waste time commenting on the fact that you were braless underneath so he busies himself with pecking the tops of your tits. Your fingers card through his hair with an extended sigh, noticing how long it’s gotten since you first met.
Hyunjae pushes his pants down his legs as you yank his shirt over his head, reconnecting your lips. He uses his ring and middle fingers to shove aside your underwear, discarding his own shortly after. Your mouth nips and bites your favorite places on his neck, ensuring you mark the surface so everyone knows who he belongs to. You were the one who acquired the key to Lee Hyunjae’s heart.
Your teeth sink into his skin the moment he slips inside of you, both of you moaning when he slides right into your cunt like he was meant to be there. You whine when he bottoms out, your sensitive clit bumping into his pelvic bone. You’re so warm and inviting, Hyunjae feels like he’s falling under a spell. Just being inside of you feels like a form of hypnosis. If it was up to him, he’d stay here forever, content to sit with his cock stuffed in you without interruption. But you both yearn for more than that.
He tightens his grip on your hips, bucking upwards into you and watching with heavy eyes as a whine spills from your lips. You look so fucked out despite him doing absolutely nothing to you yet. He thrusts up again experimentally, grinning when your upper half knocks into his.
“Feel good, baby?” He coos into your ear, nipping at the lobe and the area surrounding.
You nod with a whimper when his cock brushes that sweet spot deep inside your pussy. “Mhm, feels so— fuck, Jae, want it harder.”
“Anything for my pretty girl,” he smiles into your skin.
He increases the speed that he fucks into you, pinning down your hips so you can’t move and all you can do is take it. It’s like you can feel him in your abdomen, his cock plunging in you so far. You’d think after a month of fucking practically every day, you’d be used to his size by now. However, that was just not attainable. You don’t think you could ever get used to how big he was, how thick he was.
The force that he drives into you with is unmatched, miles apart from what he’s given you before. It’s like he wants to burn the shape of himself inside you, so you never forget that he’s the one making you feel like this. Nobody but Hyunjae can fuck you this well.
He moves you further up the bed, flattening his feet on the mattress and laying down so he can press deeper, a new angle that has your vision going blank. You don’t think twice about the volume of your cries, letting him know how good he’s giving it to you. You’re encouraging him, wanting him to get cockier so he can keep fucking you into oblivion. Your fingers grasp at the sheets beside his head for support.
Hyunjae’s nails impress crescent shapes into your waist, his mouth returning to your tits so he can leave his own marks all over your chest. It’s when your clit rubs against his lower stomach again that you let go, your orgasm crashing into like a train. It winds you, ripping your breath from your throat and stealing your oxygen. He’s close behind, the feeling of your walls clenching around him in rapid intervals triggering his own.
He fills you up nicely, both of you releasing guttural groans at the sight of his cum dripping out of you. You’re too exhausted to get up, collapsing on top of him. He doesn’t mind, more than happy to stay buried inside of you even if you didn’t do anything.
“So…” You start after a bit of silence, drawing unrecognizable shapes on his chest. “You’ve wanted me for so long, huh?”
“Shut up,” he laughs, eyes closed while he recuperates from using all of his energy on you. “This is still new for me.”
“I know, Mr. Emotionally Constipated And I Don’t Date ‘Cause I’m Going To Be A Big Fancy Hotshot Lawyer,” you tease, pecking his lips and then his nose. “I must be extremely special to be the one who changed your mind.”
“You’ll be the death of me, you know that right?” He shakes his head, brushing some of your hair from your face. You smile down at him with an unfamiliar fondness in your eyes.
“Why else do you think we’ve gotten this far?”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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panelshowsource · 5 months
i’d love to know, what are some panel show moments you think about a lot?
omg like just off the top of my head?
just the whole episode of cats after jimmy's tax avoidance scandal
"good evening your majesty you tax-dodging bitch"
david mumbling "chancellor of the exchequer" in small font
when the horne section was doing macarena on catsdown and the rose was so limp WHY WAS IT SO LIMP
the greatest breath smeller game
"this makes me so angry because they wouldn't show the clip of me attacking my mother with a taser! i thought it was really funny!"
josh groban being an absolute wizard at singing intros followed by martin freeman being an absolute wizard at guessing them to the point production asked him to slow down giving the answer because he was too good
when stacey solomon said she likes teresa may and jimmy carr, gino d'acampo, and carol vorderman were absolutely speechless
alex’s reaction after joe says he has pineapple in his ass
when jimmy used the 30 seconds to wax his leg??
the way the queen’s pussy being haunted was like genuine headline news
mark sending greg 148 texts and getting 0 points ("what a terrible waste of time")
when that nude model came on for jimmy to (pretend) to live draw and lee mack was so gobsmacked at that man's penis he violently elbowed david o'doherty going "look at that!"
"you wouldn't do that during shakespeare, would you?"
on outsiders when joe wilkinson couldn't believe david mitchell is only 47 and literally said "do you live outside"
phil wang roasting ed gamble and saying "ed's girlfriend is such a dog i tried to eat her"
"you cannot imply that only gay people eat vegetables"
♪ but bin men get sad ♪
when those podcasters were reading joe wilkinson his own tweets and he was sweating so much and then just covered his eyes and went "what's wrong with me..."
"stephen fry wouldn't read 'pussy-friendly finger'"
when johnny vegas was literally eating a tin of fucking dog food and kathy burke was like "what's happening??" and jimmy so nonchalantly went "we're just eating dog food :)"
when noel ate some of alex's beard and greg said "you are aware that when we're at home alex is only allowed to move around like a snake?"
every joe & rachel hug ever here's a cute one :')
claudia completely bodying this lie and everyone's animals being so cute and funny and rob and lee complaining just the whole thing
on rhlstp when richard was Being Richard for the last hour and louis theroux was Over It and richard went "have you ever tried to suck your own cock?" and louis just died and then muttered "...do we have to..."
"i don't really eat potatoes it feels a bit irish :/"
johnny vegas pulling something out of rhod gilbert's pants, sniffing it, and then scandalising the entire room by saying "i've been told i smell better from behind than i do from the front, lovers have told me"
gosh my rotted brain is always rattling around panel show moments ..i wish to be cured
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lixxpix · 3 months
happiness looks good on you- lee felix
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summary: you love felix, but he doesn't love you back.
warnings: sad ending, angst!
author's notes: hi everyone<3 this is my first fic, kinda wrote this at like 3am on a whim instead of sleeping but like😭 idk why i made this so sad (is this a sign im depressed or something) but hope u enjoy!! please to comment ur user if u want to be tagged in this or my future posts<3
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"happiness looks good on you."
raging storms and unshed tears.
"happiness looks good on you."
heartbreak and rainy days.
"hurry up lix, we're going to be late," you complained, brow furrowed as you stuck your bottom lip out in a pout.
"if you really want to go to school that early just walk there yourself." felix taunted, knowing you were scared to walk alone. he was your long-term best friend, inseparable since kindergarten 'til today.
the two of you argued and bickered on the way to school, throwing insults at each other. by the time the both of you had gotten to school, you were both given a scolding and told to sit down. you glared at him as you were being scolded while he just snickered.
the audacity of this man, honestly . 
by the time class had finished, you had cooled down, just like felix knew you would. otherwise, he could just stick out his bottom lip while you huffed and pretended to be mad. 
"y/n!" he gasped, clutching at your arm, "areum just looked at me!"
he squealed, like a little kid at the toy shop, over his long time crush.
if only you looked at me in that way.
because i do.
"nah, she probably was just looking at someone else." you lied through your teeth, feeling your heart sink.
"hey, stop being mean!! she clearly looked at me," he pouted.
you sighed.
i've loved you for years and you've never noticed.
"well just confess to her already then."
it was painful watching your own crush and best friend fall for someone else, someone that wasn't you. 
you wished, rather selfishly, that areum would reject him. then you could be the shoulder he would cry on. not her. but honestly, you couldn't bring yourself to hate her. what was to hate? she was pretty, got good marks, and was friendly and easygoing. not to say you yourself weren't pretty, but you just weren't as pretty and hardworking as her. 
and you weren't the one he wanted. 
maybe the pain would end if they just ended up together and you were out of the picture. it was obvious she liked him too. 
"you really think i should? but what if i get rejected..."
you're so blind but i still love you.
"yes, how many times do i have to say this, she likes you. it's obvious." you rolled your eyes.
"should i just confess tomorrow? better late than never..." he trailed off, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth.
gods you look so cute when you do that.
"yeah. get her some flowers and write her a note."
why were you breaking your own heart? you didn't know why. maybe you just wanted to end your own heartbreak. 
"good luck with that, anyways i need to go to s house for a project." you actually didn't, but you would do anything to just escape from this.
"why~~are you really just going to leave me alone to plan my big confession by myself," he whined.
"sorry lix, but you'll figure it out." ruffling his hair, you walked out the classroom.
you did, in fact, go home. then sat on your bed and cried until you couldn't  physically squeeze any more tears out of you.  so this was what heartbreak felt like. you had known him since the both of you were ten. you had have multiple crushes here and there, but they were just passing, fleeting moments, nothing of importance. until him.
you didn't know when you had first started to like him. maybe it was that time in the library where he was helping the librarian stack books. maybe it was that time in the rain where he danced in it for hours. 
maybe it was one summer day where your world just exploded in colours. 
and now it felt like it was fading back to grey.
the next day, felix came bouncing up to you.
"i got her peonies, do you think she'll like it? i told her to meet me in the garden."
"yeah, she'll definitely like it. i would've too... " you muttered the last part all to yourself, turning away and blinking rapidly as tears threatened to prick your eyes. you offered him a smile of encouragement. 
"good luck."
when lunch came, you watched as the nervous australian carried the peonies and went to the garden.
then you watched as they walked in ten minutes later, smiling bashfully and holding hands like schoolchildren in love. 
because they were.
you went home, not even bothering to call in sick. you just grabbed your bag and went home. you would deal with the consequences later. 
your heart hurt.
you were numb.
you were hollow.
you were crying.
you hated everything.
the next few days were spent at home. you called in sick. felix texted you countless times but you ignored him.
where r u?
she accepted!!!
im so happy>.<
read at 2:03 a.m.
yeah, right. good for you. but what about me?
can u please respond...
im worried...
what happened???
why didn't you come to school today??
read at 3:46 p.m.
you turned off your phone then turned over and cried again. you hated this. why did you have to fall for him in the first place?
finally, after four days of missed calls, texts, and school, you had to go back. its not like you had a choice anyways. you missed your parents. they lived overseas though, so you lived alone. but you really couldn't continue living like this for the rest of your life, even if you wanted to.
"y/nie!!!" felix exclaimed, running up to you. "why didn't you respond to my texts? are you okay? it's unlike you..."
"im sorry lix, i was just under the weather. im ok." you offered him a tight lipped smile. "congrats by the way." you closed your locker door and rushed off before he could ask you anything more.
"huh? thats unlike her... why is she acting so weird lately?" 
and so you avoided him, as much as you could. you kept your conversations short and brief, not talking to him as much as possible, and even switching seats to sit far away from him. you watched his hurt face the day he walked in and saw you sitting somewhere else, but then cheering up as areum sat next to him. you watched as he laughed and held hands, ate tteokbokki and ramen with her in the cafeteria. that should've been me.
but honestly, it did nothing to fill the felix-sized hole in your heart.
you drifted apart. he barely texted you now, barely said hi to you, barely even saw you in the hallways anymore. 
then exams were finished, and graduation started to roll around. 
you watched as they attended prom and twirled around on the dance floor giggling.
you watched as they broke up on the doorstep of his dorms, watching as felix's face fell when she dumped him for another guy.
you didn't have the heart to tell him i told you so.
so you busied yourself in your exams, earning a scholarship to your dream university. felix tried reaching out to you several times to rekindle your old friendship, but you would always politely decline, preferring to be detached instead of going through more heartbreak.
you still loved him, but the once burning passion had now been reduced to a soft flicker every now and then, sparking ever so slightly whenever you saw him in the corridors. your own felix-shaped hole in your heart hadn't decreased over the years, but your heart became bigger, expanding so that other people could fit in it. the hole would always be there, but at least there was space for healing.
you turned around in the backseat of your friends' car to see the campus you had once called home fading away into the distance and felix along with it.
goodbye, the wind whispered.
"happiness looks good on you, lix. i hope you make the best of it."
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suhnflowerstay · 15 days
game night
mark lee x afab!reader
a/n: this is based on a real life situation so it might not be super relatable (no description of what reader looks like besides the fact that they’re afraid of sitting on his lap)
and it is not representative of any characteristics the idols have or anything lol it does require the knowledge of Jackbox Games. quiplash is a game where you get a prompt and you anonymously write down what you think is the funniest answer and everyone votes for the funniest one. i'm posting this twice because i originally wrote it for mark but my sister thought it was well suited for chan as well soooo yeah!
wc: 2.9k
tags: toxic situationship vibes (like really toxic), smoking (barely mentioned, high emotions, angst, smut, sad ending
You and Mark had known each other for a few years. You had initially met on vacation and got each other's contact information to keep in touch. You were talking all the time and FaceTiming nearly every day. You were friends, such close friends that you decided to go to the same university. Once you moved to his area for college, you were spending all your time with each other. Eventually, the sexual tension between you began to build and before you knew it, your situationship began.
A few months before your friends with benefits relationship with Mark began, he had been sharing with you how messy his previous arrangement went. You had seen other girls come and go because they could never handle him sticking by his word and refusing to commit to them. You were also not interested in commitment, so you felt comfortable going into it. You knew exactly who you were friends with, so you assumed you would be fine. You were just friends who had a sexual attraction to each other. There was no reason that having sex would have to complicate things, right? Wrong.
Yes, there are people who can have a healthy friends with benefits style relationship. Sex is easy to detach from for some more than others. Your relationship with Mark was anything but detached. You were best friends who had sex, and the gray area was extremely gray. You were practically dating without the label, and that brought a lot of negative feelings bubbling up. But you both didn't want commitment. You were terrified of being vulnerable in that way and he, well… he just loved the attention.
Mark's cousin Haechan was hosting a game night with some friends, and Mark wanted you to come along and meet everyone. When you two arrived at Haechan’s house, you introduced yourself, and the first words out of Haechan's mouth were:
“Are you the one that called on Christmas?”
Immediately, Mark jumped into action to try to shut Haechan up. He stood in front of you and blocked Haechan from view, mumbling, “No, that was someone else.” You knew he had a previous situationship leading up to your situationship with him; this was no secret. You knew this because you were the one to talk him through the end of that relationship. You just hadn't realized how intense it must've been if Mark was bringing that "friend with benefits" to meet the family.
You had small talk with Haechan, asking him what his major was, and he asked yours. He offered you drinks and snacks, and you took a seat on the sectional with Mark taking the seat right next to you. You two were in your own little world, giggling about god knows what while he had his arm around you, when all of a sudden the door behind you swings open.
“MARK PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE DONE THE ENGINEERING HOMEWORK!” the disheveled boy yelled. You giggled because of how insane this random man appeared with his backpack barely slung over his shoulder, hair a mess, running up to take a seat on the couch diagonal to you two.
“Y/N, this is Jaemin. Jaemin, this is Y/N.”
Jaemin’s brain is going a million miles an hour, and the first thing he thinks to ask is:
“Are you two dating?”
You and Mark look at each other, and he says, “No, we’re just friends.”
“Oh," Jaemin says, "Well, it looks like you two are dating.”
Jaemin proceeds to talk to Mark about whatever homework they had, and his whole demeanor has you nearly falling off the couch with how hard he has you laughing. He has major himbo energy and says everything with so much passion. At one point, he ends a story he's telling with, “WHATEVER FUCKOOO!”
Soon, more of Haechan and (kind of) Mark's friends start showing up. A tall guy who catches your eye greets you. He says his name is Johnny and makes light conversation with you, asking how you know Mark and Haechan and asking how long you've lived in the city. Two guys walk in who are semi-shy and kind of just talking to each other. Mark tells you they're younger and more on the shy side, especially with people they don't know. They are, however, ready to play games and are super impatient, not willing to wait for the rest of the group. There are also three guys in the corner smoking, waiting for more people to show up. One of them catches your eye as his dimples are on display while giggling with his friends. Eventually, the rest of the group shows up, and the party can begin.
Haechan loads up Jackbox Games, and your group plays Trivia Murder Party for a few rounds, and then, a guy named Yuta says he thinks the group should play Quiplash. There are a few rounds where you make some pretty good jokes, and all of the guys hype you up, telling Mark he brought someone super funny to game night. You even make a quip at Mark's expense, and Jaemin high-fives you. At this point, you've had a few drinks, and you aren't drunk, just tipsy. But you absolutely need to pee. You ask Mark where the bathroom is, since this is his cousin's house, and Mark leads you to the bathroom, waiting for you outside the door. Once you’re done, he drags you to the empty bedroom across from the bathroom and lays back on the bed, pulling you down you on top of him.
“Are you having fun?” he looks up at you.
“Mhm," you hum, "are you?”
"Your friends are nice. Jaemin's super funny. I can't believe he's real,” you giggle.
"Yeah, he is... ok, c'mon. Let’s go back before they think we’re having sex or something," he says abruptly. You thought his response was weird, but you didn't think too much about it.
Upon returning to the living room, you see your seat on the couch was stolen by a few of the guys, and you are now forced to sit on a recliner in the corner to watch the game from there. There’s only one seat though, so you just stand while Mark takes the seat.
“What are you doing?" he questions, "Come on. Sit down.”
You pause. “I-I'm okay. I don’t want to like hurt your legs or anyth-”
Mark pulls you down on his lap, so you’re forced to sit down on him. He asks if you want to smoke, and you take a singular hit, not really interested in doing that, and watch the game from afar. Jaemin has his eyes trained on you two, and you feel his stare. You turn to look at him, and he yells from across the room, “Are you sure you guys aren’t dating?”
You giggle saying, "Yes, we’re sure we aren’t dating."
He tilts his head to the side like a confused puppy and proceeds to ask “So, are you guys cousins?” and you cannot stop yourself from keeling over because what does he MEAN?? What kind of line of questioning is that? Why would his brain jump from dating to cousins? You look at Mark incredulously as you both laugh and confirm once again that you are just friends.
You two keep watching the game, rather than participate, and go back to your own little world until Mark decides he’s ready to go home. You follow him out, saying a single goodbye to everyone in the room. Everyone bids you goodbye in their own way with many of the guys saying how nice it was to meet you and how you should definitely come to game night again. You two walk out and Mark unlocks the car before remembering he has to go back in to get something from Haechan. You sit and wait in the car, smiling to yourself, and text your best friend about game night. You make sure to mention the beautiful man you met and how funny it was that he asked if you and Mark were cousins.
Once he enters the car, he slides his hand onto your thigh.
“Did you have fun?” he asks, leaning in to give you a kiss.
“Yes, actually. I really didn't think I would, but that was so nice and all of your friends seem so cool! Jaemin is such a himbo it’s so funny... I can’t believe you guys are taking the same classes.” you add.
You don't notice, but Mark's hand clenches the steering wheel. He doesn’t say anything and begins the drive home. You stop by the grocery store on your way home to pick up some snacks, and everything between you and Mark seems pretty light hearted.
You get back to Mark’s place, shower, and change into pajamas. You two sit on the couch for a bit longer watching shows and just snacking, cuddled up together. You get up to go to the restroom, leaving your phone behind on the coffee table, and when you come back, Mark is in a noticeably different mood. His body language is tense, and he’s moved away from your original spot.
“Markie… what’s wrong?” you ask, still standing.
“Nothing. What are you talking about?”
“It just seems like... like there’s something bothering you,” you insisted.
“Why would anything be bothering me? You’re literally making something out of nothing!” he snapped.
Now, you're officially in a bad mood.
“Fine then! Forget I even asked,” you huffed, collapsing onto the opposite side of the couch to go through your phone.
Half an hour later, your anger has subsided, and you're back to being invested in the show you’re watching. Then, the leading man betrays his love interest.
“Ughhhhhh," you drone, "Why does every man suck? Like even him? You have to be joking.”
“I bet Jaemin would never do that…” Mark mumbled mockingly from his side of the couch.
“What the actual fuck did you just say?” you snarled.
“Please do not fucking tell me that you’re upset over Jaemin, a man I only just met a few hours ago,” you scoffed.
“Oh, so you’re counting the hours,” Mark said, not even looking at you.
“Mark, shut the fuck up! What are you saying right now? What is your deal? I don’t even know or care about Jaemin!”
“You sure seemed to care when you texted your friend about how hot and funny you thought he was,” he said, finally looking up at you to see your reaction.
“Motherfucker, you went through my phone? Again? Are you fucking joking? Why would you do that?”
“I didn’t! I saw you texting it,” he tried to say, but you knew that was a lie because you had texted your friend right when you got into the car. He absolutely went through your phone, but this was not the first time.
“You’re a fucking liar, Mark. I know you didn’t see me texting it. And either way, what does it matter to you? Newsflash! In case you weren't aware, I’m not your girlfriend! You made sure of it, and you also made sure everyone knew that tonight!”
Mark scoffed, “What did you want me to say to them? 'Oh yeah we’re fucking’?”
“it doesn’t matter what you say to them because we aren’t anything. And that means you don’t get to be upset over me texting my friend that i thought your friend was attractive," you emphasize, "You’ve done far worse or would you like me to remind you about your sexting with Winter or sending good morning and goodnight texts to Arin when you couldn’t even find two seconds to text me back even if it was just to let me know you were busy?"
Mark sits there knowing he can't say anything to that.
"You have even less of a right to be upset because of all the shit you pull all of the time, so I’m not going to apologize for sending my friend one text about a cute boy I will probably never see again." you finish.
“So you would want to see him again?” he tries to say steadily, but his voice cracks.
You look up and see that Mark is looking at the ground now and has tears in his eyes.
“Mark…” you put your arm around him and embrace him.
“I get it, though, like he’s so much more than I could ever be," he sniffles, "He’s so funny without even trying, and he’s just so cute and attractive and everything about him screams 'y/n's type.' I don’t blame you for being interested.”
He pushes himself up to lock eyes with you. “It’s only you, you know? I know you saw the texts or whatever with other girls, but I only care about you. No one else could ever be you. I promise that at the end of the day, no matter what, I only want you.”
He looks down at your lips and hesitates before he kisses you. The kiss starts off slow and slowly progresses into a more passionate, needy one. Mark is grabbing at your hips, your stomach, your arms, whatever he can get a grip on. He starts whining and pulls away, “Please take off your clothes, sweetheart. I need you.”
You both strip down in his living room. Mark carefully lays you down on the couch and lines himself up with your pussy before slowly pushing himself in all the way without any issue. You guess high intensity and emotional situations just make you wet now after all the arguments you've had with this man.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight," he praises, "You always make me feel so big. it always feels like the first time.”
You moan and beg Mark to move, and slowly, he does. While there’s still a desperate neediness in the air, Mark is moving slowly and intentionally. He keeps his eyes fixed on yours while caressing your body. He praises every inch of you that he touches, littering you with compliments. He traces a finger along every curve and focuses on tracing circles on your tits, teasing your nipple ever so slightly before finally taking the buds between his fingers. He squeezes them, eliciting moans from your "pretty little mouth" as he calls it. He keeps one hand focused on your breast while he uses the other arm to hold himself up as he leans down to kiss you, maintaining the slow but steady rhythm. You wrap your legs and arms around him, pinning him to your chest. This position makes it so much more intimate, and you swear that he's hitting even deeper. The combination is pushing you right up to the edge. By the way Mark starts moaning, you can tell he feels the same.
“Fuck baby, I'm so close,” he groans
“Please cum inside me, Mark. I need it so bad.”
“Ugh, f-fuck, beautiful, I can’t until you do. Please cum with me baby and- fuck- and I’ll fill you up as much as you want.”
His words send you over the edge, catapulting you into a strong radiating orgasm. Your hands are grasping at his arms and back, leaving scratches in their wake, you're sure. It’s very different from what you’ve previously experienced, muted but long lasting, and you can feel it all over. Your orgasm triggers his, and he continues to fuck you through it until the overstimulation becomes too much. He pulls out of you and grabs some wipes to wipe you and himself down. He lays you down in bed and makes his way to lay down right alongside you. He sits up and places his hand on your cheek, turning your head to make you look at him.
“I-" he hesitated, "I’m sorry I went through your phone again,” he says, rubbing his thumb back and forth along your cheekbone.
“It’s okay, Mark,” you reassure him.
“I just- I knew you’d like him. I could tell from the way you were looking at him and how he was looking at you. That kid is never interested in other people’s relationships. I knew he was asking if we were dating, so he could ask you out, and it made me freak out," he sighs.
“You have no way of knowing that, Markie,” you reason.
“Regardless, I meant what I said. I know we aren’t official, but I'm only loyal to you.”
He lays back down, and you say nothing.
You say nothing because this is a conversation you have often.
You say nothing because as much as you want to commit to Mark, you probably also aren’t ready.
You say nothing because the previous statement is probably a lie you tell yourself to make yourself feel better in this relationship you have with him.
You say nothing because you know there will be more instances of you finding text messages with other girls in which he gives them more compliments/attention/time than he gives you.
You say nothing because you know he isn’t loyal to you at all, and you’d rather not start another fight tonight.
You say nothing because there is nothing here to fight for.
You say nothing as he falls asleep in your arms, and you see his phone light up with a text.
jaemin: yo so is your friend single
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antoncyng · 2 days
౨ৎ. save my heart — l.mk
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synopsis - while your bestfriend saved the city as the friendly neighborhood “spider-man”, he also gets caught up in saving your heart from a lost love.
warning(s) - fluff, slightly angst..? happy ending tho, kissing, spiderman!mark x fem!reader, slightly suggestive towards the end?, mentions of injuries and blood, bestfriends to lovers.
word count - 0.7k (731)
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another night studying, calming music from your favorite group currently, TWS. the studying was seriously starting to get to your head, you felt it pounding as your rubbed your forehead, finally putting down your pencil for a break after hours and hours, then you heard it.
knock, knock, knock
you knew who and what it was just by the rhythm of knocks, it was your bestfriend, mark lee. other than your bestfriend, mark was also a well known superhero in your city, as well as around the world. his story about being bitten by a radioactive spider went viral, turning him into the friendly neighborhood spiderman.
you've made a realization over the years that you had gained feelings for your bestfriend, but having to push away your feelings for the sake of friendship and trust wasn't easy. ever since you made realization of these feelings, it hurt and left you with a heavy heart every time he talked about his past and previous crushes.
"yn she's so pretty, what am I gonna do?!"
“i asked her to eat lunch with me today! i might confess soon..”
“from a girl’s perspective, do you think gwen likes me?”
gwen this, gwen that.
"I don't think gwen likes me back.. she said I was like a brother to her when she was talking to hyuck.." was all he could choke out before leaning in and crying into your shoulder, feeling the fabric of your shirt get heavy from his tears over another girl, that wasn't you.
you heard muffled grunts and groans coming from mark outside your window, rushing to it to open it for him and help him inside, noticing how he stumbles and limps into your room. pulling his mask off his face as he sits on the floor with his back against your mattress and bed frame, laying his head back while sweats drips from his forehead and he’s hissing in pain with every contact that’s made with the fresh wounds on his body.
observing his body in his suit, you noticed scratches that went through his suit, they seemed deep but not enough to have any serious injuries. shocked, you sat there, too scared to touch him in such a vulnerable state, you’ve dealt with marks small scratches and bruises a few days after his “villain” fights, but you’ve never had to deal with fresh wounds like these.
“are you gonna sit and stare or help me out here?” he said with a sarcastic tone and a slight laugh, only to be cut off by a hiss and groan of pain. that was your signal to jog towards the kitchen and get your emergency medkit, bringing it back to mark and taking out everything you would need to help him heal his open wounds.
“u-uh.. mark..?” you said quietly after making a realization, and what you got was a curious hum in response, knowing he was in too much pain to respond to your sudden concern. "you're gonna have to.. take your shirt off.. only for me to help you!" darkness was all you could see when you squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment after rushing out your sentence, only to hear a chuckle with a hint of pain coming from mark.
“you can open your eyes, you know.” you heard before peaking one eye open, only to be met with a shirtless mark and a heated blushing face. you hesitated, but started to help the boy with his cuts and bruises, blushing harder everytime you looked up and made eye contact, not knowing he was staring at you and only you the whole time you were healing him.
after many whines and hisses of pain, all bandaids and ointments were over. “thank you yn.. sometimes i think, i genuinely don’t know what i would do without you, you know? you’ve been there for me forever and for everything, even when i was sad because my mom couldn’t buy me ice cream when we were like.. 6, you shared yours with me! i feel like i would be so hopel-“ but he was cut off by your lips on his, you don’t know what got into you, but hearing him ramble on and on just pulled you in. but what you didn’t expect, was for him to kiss back so quickly.
the butterfly feeling in your stomach increased when you felt his fabric covered fingers make contact with the skin of your hips, closing the gap between your bodies. the two of you pulled away after realizing you both needed to breathe, looking at each other like you’ve been waiting a whole lifetime for this moment. snapping back into reality, you started blushing and attempted to look away, only to be brought back by mark’s index and thumb gently gripping your chin.
“don’t look away now, you meant that kiss right? because i know i did.” he said, looking for any sign of uncomfort or sarcasm in your eyes, but all he found was adoration. “of course i did..” was all you could mumble back, mark felt a weight lift off his shoulders before leaning in and resting his forehead against yours.
“you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting for you to save my heart, just like you save the city.
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antoncyng ‘24 — PLEASE DO NOT STEAL OR COPY!
nini’s note — sorry the ending might be kinda rough.. i’ve had this in my drafts for a little while and have been dreading to finish it until today.. 🥲🥲
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scarletwinterxx · 7 months
loving you is easy - mark lee imagine
hiiiii, 127 cb i have been summoned😅 for the past few weeks i've been inactive on all socmeds, sorry for the very few and slow posts. anyways, let's talk Fact Check haha what's your fave track? i think mine's Parade. the vocals in that one is soooo good.
So yeah i hope you like this one, i'll be back when I can💛🌻
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ��scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"It's one plane ride away, I'll be there in 3 months"
"That's 3 months too long" he grumbles, still pouting as he zips the last of his luggage. Mark hated being away for you, too many days and nights your time zone's don't line up. By the time it's morning for you, he'll be saying goodnight.
But now, things are about to change. This will be the last time you're saying goodbye to him for a long time but he doesn't know that. For now it's your little secret.
"It'll fly by fast, just like every other time. Now come here and give me cuddles, stop pouting like a kid" you tease him, opening your arms to welcome him.
Feeling his arms go around you, you further confirmed a fact you've known for years. The two of you can be continents away from each other, but your heart will always stay with one another. Mark really has become your home and in his arms are where you feel the safest and most loved.
"If you're sad then it's gonna make me sad, I don't want the last night to be all tears" you tell him, feeling his embrace tighten against you. He kisses the top of your head a few times before letting you go.
"You're right, sorry. No more sulking, it's just 3 months then you'll come to me" he smiles at you, the cute little dimple you love so much appearing on his cheek. You stand on your tiptoe to kiss it, savoring the warmth of him against your lips.
And you were right, the 3 months did fly by fast. Mainly because you were busy packing your apartment to move to another continent. You didn't keep much apart from your stuff and some of Mark's. It's kind of hard to travel with everything so you got rid of what you can.
The only person who knew you were coming was Johnny, who is currently waiting for you at the airport. Easily spotting the 6 foot Chicago guy from a distance.
"There she is! About time you got here, I don't think I can take another day of Mark whining about how much he misses you" he jokes, giving you a quick hug and taking your stuff to carry it himself.
"He doesn't know I'm coming, I'm suppose to fly out this weekend" you tell him while following behind
"Oh believe me I know, he won't let us forget"
You chuckle at his story, just thinking about surprising Mark makes you grin.
He dropped you off at Mark's apartment, you're familiar with the place since you've stayed here every time you fly over. What he doesn't know is you're here to stay with him for good.
It did took a lot of courage to make this decision but you didn't doubt it for a second. You know there's no other place you'd rather call home than where he is.
For a couple of hours you rested, cleaned the few dishes on the sink and picked up the towel he threw on the floor. A habit you knew he had, you've had that talk with him more than a few times and he always promises he won't do it again. You let him off the hook, for now.
You were in the bedroom when you hear someone by the door. Mark entered his place, tired from the whole day of work to notice the other pair of shoes by the door.
He threw his bag by the couch, along with his coat. He then walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, resting against the counter while he drinks and take a moment to look around.
This time he notices the dishes he was suppose to do this morning was gone. He brushed it off thinking he must've just forgotten he already did it. He then walked to the bedroom, the first thing he noticed was the towel that he definitely threw by the bed this morning. He remembers it because he's been thinking about it all day and how you'll be mad if you found out he threw it on the floor yet again.
He looks around, checking to see anything missing or different just in case someone broke in. But who would clean up if they're here to steal, he thoughts.
Mark then walks towards the bathroom to check, nothing there too so he walks back the bedroom. Just when he was about to go outside, you jumped out of your hiding spot to surprise him
"WHAT THE F- OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" you didn't even get the chance to walk towards him because he's already running to you. Picking you up in an embrace.
"Is this for real or am I dreaming?" you hear him mumble
You giggle, patting him on the back so he could put you down. "This is real silly. I'm really here" you tell him.
He grabs you by the face and kisses you. As his lips lands on yours, he knew this was really real. You're actually here with him.
You can feel him smile against your lips, tilting your head to the side to kiss him deeper. Too many days wish he was with you, now he's here and you're not going to let go that easily.
He walks backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. Landing on it gently with you still in his arms. You straddle his legs while the two of you get lost in each others kisses.
"Okay okay wait a sec" you giggle, pushing your lover away gently. Mark follows your lips though, kissing you a few more times before he lets you go but not too far.
"When did you get here?" he asks you
"Today, Johnny picked me up at the airport so I could surprise you" you tell him, your hands intertwine around his shoulders.
"I could've come and pick you up" he pouts.
Oh your sweet sweet boy.
You smile at him, rubbing your nose against his. Feeling like you're on cloud nine now that you're back together.
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" you tell him, speaking of surprise you can't wait to see his reaction once you tell him your news.
"How long are you staying? I can take a few days off so we can go out" he tells you excitedly.
For you he would do just about anything. He can put his world on pause, stop everything for you.
"About that..."
"What? You can't stay that long?" he asks, already feeling sad but he tries not to let you see it.
"Actually, I'm not gonna go back" you tell him, not sure how to break the news to him either
"Surprise number 2 I guess, I wanted to tell you for months now but I waited until everything is settled. So yeah. I'm here to stay, that is if you're looking for a roommate?" you ask
Mark didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, your words still processing in his mind.
"You mean you're staying here, with me ? Here? and you're not going to fly back? You're staying with me?"
You can't help but laugh lightly at him, pulling him closer once again to kiss him
"I'm gonna stay right here" you whisper, looking straight into his eyes.
"But what about your work? your friends? I can't ask you to leave your life there"
"Baby you're not asking me, I want to. I have friends here too, I can call my friends there and we can visit them. Plus you're my bestfriend. As for work, it just so happened they were looking for someone to relocate here to Korea. It was like fate wanted me to be here"
"Are you sure? I don't want you to give up everything, I don't mind the flights-"
"You do, I do. We both do. We just never said it outloud because we didn't want to be sad, but all I can think of when you're not around is how much I want to be with you. To be honest it's harder for me to be there than moving here where I know I could be with you"
He looks at you, trying to find the words to say
"Are you really really sure?" he asks again
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. So you're stuck with me, for good" you tease a smile out of him
"It's hard for me too. It's the hardest when I'm so tired and I come back here and all I can think of is how much I want to come home to you. Every flight away from you was never easy"
"I know"
"So I guess this is your anniversary present?" he jokingly asks, you get off of his lap to stand up.
"It'll be hard to top this one" you joke
"I can just ask you to marry me" he says ever so casually, not missing how your cheeks reddened. You hit him lightly making your boyfriend laugh
"Hey, that's not fair"
"You're the one who's stuck me, you know I'm never letting you go now?"
"Good, cause I'm not going anywhere. Here's to 7 more years"
He smile at you before standing up to hug you again,
As you stare at each other eyes you can't help but feel this warm sensation in your chest. You really are home.
"I read somewhere that our cells change every 7 years or so" you mumble, he hums waiting for you to continue
"It's been 7 years since we first met, and until now I still feel the same way about you. I want every cell in my body to know what it feels like to love you, I want it to never forget how warm and lovely it feels it be in love with you. 7 years from now, 14 years and until the last cycle of this life, I want all of me to love all of you"
He stares at you, soaking each word coming out of your lips like a spell enchanting him. Making him fall even deeper in love with you.
"You know they say love isn't easy, but loving you is easy. It's like it's the only thing my heart and soul was made for. Every thought in my head, awake or even in my dreams, is always you" he tells you.
You can feel the tears starting to build up from too much happiness you're feeling right now.
"Wanna hear something crazy?" you mumble
"Do tell" he chuckles
"If you ask me to marry you right now, I'd say yes"
He smiles at you before closing the distance once again, like he just sealed a promise. Speaking a silent vow to make that come true, maybe tonight or tomorrow or 7 days/months from now. All he knows is he will live this life with you.
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nanaloco · 1 year
hi sorry to bother you. I just wanted to request an nct dream scenario for when their s/o scratches their back? Preferably with extra fluff 😅
How Nct Dream react when their s/o scratches their back
Oh my god anon that's so cute 😭😭😭 I had to write one for each member when I saw this!
I tried to make each members story unique and different so you might not like some of them but I hope it's still a good read ♡
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Warnings : tooth rotting fluff, sad mark, minor injury? (Jeno fell off his bike), I didn't proofread this!! I wanted to write this for this anon but I've got exams soon
Genre : Nct Dream x gn!reader
It was when he was half asleep, he had a really bad day today and all he could think about after a bad day was being clung to your side with his head on your chest, enjoying your soft touch which sends his stomach spinning. You've got your arms around him as he starts to quietly sob, you slowly run your fingers along his back, grazing your fingernails gently on the thin fabric of his loose black tee. 'I'm not too sure what happened today to make you feel like this, but just know I'm always here for you when you need me ok?' A muffled 'ok' is all you get out of the stuffy nosed mark as you wipe his tears and kiss his forehead. He lowers his head as your hands make their way to his back, 'want to talk about what happened today?' You feel the vibration of his throat as he humms. 'Well, everyone and everything is just reminding me how uncapable I am, of a lot of things really. I just keep messing everything up. I feel like I'm not good enough and I just want to give up'.
'Well I'm not too sure what Mark you know, but my boyfriend, the Mark lee I know is amazing in every possible way.' You say with a warm smile on your face as your fingers start rubbing his back, slowly turning into a soft scratching motion which Mark loved the feeling of; he appreciated you so much. 'He's also very talented, and very very smart.' You scratched his chin and with that his eyelids slowly start to become heavy. Hearing your sweet affirming words had him feeling much better, the light scratch was a new feeling and he loved every second of it.
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You were just chilling on the bathroom stool while he was bathing carrying out your usual stalking behaviours of following your boyfriend who you so much adored absolutely everywhere. You had been showing him funny tiktok videos you've found while scrolling along your for you page for the past hour. 'Since you forced the door open, you might aswell be useful' you raise your hand to your chest as you acted shocked and hurt. 'Since your here, please could you wash my back for me? I can't reach too easily since I have suuuch broad shoulders' you roll your eyes but are totally loving the idea. You grab his pink loofa and squirt some of your expensive bubble bath formula onto it and begin to clean his ' broad' shoulders and back, covering every inch with the velvety pearly white bubbles. Ditching the loofa, you carress and lather the soap into his back in circular motions, you begin doing the same circular movement on his back with your nails gaving him a mini nail massage. He moves closer to the edge of the tub so you have better access, 'that feels really nice' he says with s smile on his face, slowly closing his eyes; you then gently wipe away the bubbles from the hairline on the back of his head and tell him to move to the middle so you can wash all the bubbles off. You scoop up water and drench his back with water from his shoulders down, bringing your hands down in carressing scratches along with the water. You give a chaste kiss to his nape while scooping up some bubbles into your hand secretly, he turns around confused at the sudden kiss and to his surprise, you bring out your secret weapon, spreading them onto his chin like santa; lauging like a maniac at the ridiculously serious expression spread across his face for someone rocking a bubble beard. 'Oh it's on' he declared while grabbing a handful of bubbles and slapping them onto you face, laughing hysterically at how fast your smile faded. 'HEY!' You exclaim almost falling into the tub trying to grab him 'I promise you I'll remember this, so don't forget what you did today.' You grimace as you wipe yout face with his face towel and throw it at him, walking out leaving the door open so all the warm air can escape before he can make it out the tub. 'Baby- I'm-I'm sorry!' He yells between his uncontrollable laughter, you're just too sickeningly cute.
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He had a bike accident (consisting of driving his bike down a ramp and forgetting to break, crashing into the wall and some how landing ontop of his bike on his back) which he insists hurts way more than it sounds. He claims he doesn't need to go to hospital and communicates to you the importance of you giving him a massage and that that's all he needs. So today, Prior to your scheduled 'make Jeno feel better-cuddle-sesh' (named by him) you planned to give him a nice muscle relaxing massage following the tutorial you watched on youtube shortly after you recieved his phonecall sharing the 'horrible news' and making plans on how you're gonna make him feel better.  You had prepared some candles for him and when he came through the door, you gave him a tight hug around the waist and grabbed his hand dragging him to the sofa, he follows along scraping his feet along the floor pouting his lips. You lead him to the couch where you took off his coat and felt around his back as he winced in pain.  'My baby's really hurt hmmm' you frown. You practice what you learnt from youtube, losely following the circular hand movements from the tutorial, he groaned in approval, he made it seem like a joke but he really was injured. You instruct him to take off his shirt as you hurry to your feet to grab an an ice pack from the freezer. You sit down next to him and he rests his chin on your thigh, you smoothed the pack of frozen peas along his bruised back. You then start to skim your nails lightly along to soothe the pins and needles from the contact with the cold pack. You could feel his tense muscles start to relax. 'You always know what to do to make me feel better'
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Jaemin walks through the door with a grin on his face happy to see you,he rushes to the couch you're lying on, gently sitting next to you and he softly peppers kisses all over your face 'aaa! You're so cute, let me take care of you' he says, lifting your head onto his lap and carressing your hair. You block his hands and sit up, to stare at him with a serious expression 'no, today, I'm gonna take care of you.' You say straddling his lap and cupping his face, squishing his cheeks to the point where his eyes close and pressing a short sweet  peck on his stretched out lips. 'What are you going to do' he barely makes out as you're still squeezing the life out of him, lowering his hands to rest on your hips. You swing your legs around his waist to hug him on his side with your back facing the longer side of the couch, wraping your arms around his neck and pulling backwards causing him to topple over and land on top of you. 'Move down u idiot' he obeys squirming down the couch and his legs are sticking up into the air from the knees down due to the couch's arm rest. The couch obviously isn't big enough for the two of you but he's not going to ruin your moment. 'I'm gonna take care of you' you kiss his temple and start carresing his back leaving small scratches as he took in your sweet addictive natural scent 'I love you' he mumbles against your arm, you leave sweet trails of soft scratches down his back. In your mind you were totally wooing him with your romantic tactics but in reality, this couch was way too small for the two of you and his butt was hanging in the air. But for Jaemin, he wouldn't rather be anywhere else but in your arms. Because this is so perfect and just so you. You decided you're going to take care of him today and he just loves The idea of that
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He enters your bedroom in your shared appartment where you were sitting up against the headboard, peacefully playing silly little games on your phone when he comes leaping at you; 'babbyy' practically throwing himself onto your still figure, head in your lap, snaking his arms around your waste with his cheek pressed against your stomach. 'Look at meee' your eyes were still glued to your phone as you've almost completed level 30 of doors on roblox. He gives you grabby hands so you put your elbow on his head to move him out of the way so you can focus. He lets you stay like that sighing as you get through door 30 and just win your mini goal 'YES!!' you exclaim happily as you'd been stuck on that level for a while. 'Sorry what were u saying?' He turns over onto his back, 'Give me attention' he says bringing your hand to his lips 'anything for my patient boyfriend' you say cupping his cheeks 'what can I do for you?' 'Can you scratch my back I need your touch right now' you tickle his stomach as if to answer 'of course' and he starts to whine and squirm, then you trace your hands to his hair. He turns back to his previous position with his arms around your waist. 'I want to eat you' as he makes a threatening facial expression pretenting to eat your stomach, you feign a gasp and make a soft scratching motion from his scalp to his lower back. Melting into your touch, his eyes slowly flutter close. In love with the sensation of your touch, he grabs your hand and puts it through the neckhole of his sweater leading you to his bare skin. 'Ah.. I'm seriously in love with you'
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You two were just coming from the grocery store he dragged you out of bed to 'chenlee I'm so tired of walking I hate you'
'Welllll I can get you a ride?' He replies smugly 'PLEASE THANK YOU MY LEGS ARE ABOUT TO GIVING IN' you say thanking god that you don't have to walk another step. He puts the groceries in his hands onto the floor and kneels down infront of you 'Chuber at your service, the boyfriend uber service' you deadpan at him, walking straight past his ridiculous antics; he giggles as he follows, still on his knees infront of you with that pisstaking grin on his face. You sigh in defeat and wrap your arms around his neck, he retaliates by quickly standing up and sticking his butt out causing you to fling your legs out 'CHENLE'. You can practically hear his cocky smirk as he stands up straight and goes back to collect your groceries 'Chenle I'm far too old to be getting piggy back rides' 'It's keeping the romance aliiive!' You can only roll your eyes. You've got quite a bit to walk until you two can get to your appartment, he's staying over tonight so you went to get his snacks because 'you don't know how to get good snacks' 'Y/n my head itches, can you scratch the left side, my hands are obviously full' you can tell he rolled his eyes. 'It's because your head is covered with dandruff' you retaliate and stick your tongue out. You lightly separate his bone straight dark brown hair and scratch exactly where he needed it, slowly making your way to his nape, reverting to wrapping your arms around his front and scratching his sides which he responds to with laughter and slightly starts to sway 'that tickles' he says between breaths of laughter. You start scratching his upper back and he can feel the soft stroaks through his fabric winter coat, It was soothing. 'That feels really nice.' He almost wanted to close his eyes but he'll have to save that for when he's at your house cozy in your blankets with you in his arms.
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This baby managed to get sun burnt because he forgot sunscreen yesterday on your vacation with his and your group of friends. Him and his friends had been playing volleyball while your group hit the pool. He got lightly sunburnt so now hes sat imbetween your outstretched legs as you applying some remedy oil to his skin, along with some sunscreen. 'You seriously need to be more careful jisung, you're not a little kid anymore, seriously' he lowers his head and starts tracing shapes on your shin, you lightly copy those shapes into his sunscreen covered back with your nails. 'Ah!' He whined, you give a worried expression as you ask 'am I hurting you?' One hand brought to your mouth for dramatic effect, retracting your hands to rest them on his hips 'no it feels nice, don't stop, I'm just really ticklish on my back' he confessed shyly laughing. 'actually, this feels kind of nice'. Well! You say quickly rising to your feet as a sheepish smile follows, you look ridiculous, time to capture my amazing artwork you say as you make that picture frame motion; closing one eye to look at your masterpiece through your lense, you see jisung has turned around and is staring at you with those googly eyes. You turned quickly to find your phone ignoring the heat rising to your cheeks.
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Tysm for reading and thank you anon for giving me such a cute theme to work with!
Asks don't bother me at all I love replying to these so flood ky ask box guys!!
I love you all SOOOOO MUCH mwah!
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sundaysunny · 2 years
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pairings: donghyuck x you
genre: enemies to lovers, older brothers best friend, angst, (fluff at end)
tw: shitty parents, drinking, arguing
word count: 5.2k
synopsis: you’d grown up with lee donghyuck, him being your older brother mark’s best friend. but this didn’t that mean you automatically liked him, in fact, you felt quite the opposite. as did he. he was everything you hated about a person, he was loud, obnoxious, selfish and quite frankly, really fucking rude. you were absolutely sick of him. that was until your eighteenth birthday.
You were fifteen when you’d finally decided that you hated Lee Donghyuck. Before that, you’d have just said the two of you didn’t really get a long but could tolerate each other in small doses. Sometimes you could even share a laugh with him when your brother did something stupid, or he’d make a joke that actually made you giggle. But the long car journey to your lake cabin had destroyed any part of you that had been able to tolerate him in the slightest. Four hours, you’d been stuck in a car with him, your parents and Mark. Your parents had been kind enough to allow both you and your brother to bring a long a friend to your lake cabin that summer. Mark had obviously invited Donghyuck, whilst you’d invited one of your friends who couldn’t make it at the last minute. You felt desperately alone despite being cramped in the back next to your brother, and Donghyuck who insisted that you sit in the middle because you were the smallest, but you knew it was because he could annoy you as much as he could.
Twenty minutes into the journey was where you could feel your patience begin to wear down. Donghyuck had been talking the whole time, about how he’d gotten gotten a summer job and how he’d gotten into a good college and his scholarship for the baseball team and how amazing his grades were and how amazing he was and how amazing everything he did was. You rolled your eyes at every word that came out of his mouth. Your parents didn’t seem to see it though, they really did think he was amazing. You interrupted your mothers next question to Donghyuck by asking your dad how long left of the journey there was. Your mother turned and scowled at you.
“Still a while honey, it’ll go quick though.” Your dad made everything better. He was your rock. Even his voice made you feel better. Mark shuffled next to you, pushing you into Donghyuck’s side. “Aww did you want to be closer to me? That’s cute.” Donghyuck teased you, “In your dreams.” You said as you pushed away from him, subsequently pushing Mark closer into the door. Mark knew how much Donghyuck annoyed you and was sad that his little sister and best friend didn’t get along. He loved you both and found it difficult when you’d bicker and fight, especially when you dragged him into it. He remembered a time where Donghyuck had made you so mad that you’d cried. Hyuck had been winding you up about a bad grade you’d gotten despite knowing how much you struggled at school. He knew that Donghyuck wouldn’t have said it maliciously but he could see that you were at your limit with his constant teasing. “Are you just going to stand there and let him talk to your sister like that?” You’d yelled at him, making Mark immediately uncomfortable. “You know he’s only kidding. Don’t get yourself wound up about it.” You stormed upstairs, slamming your door behind you. Mark walked over to Donghyuck and lightly shoved him, “Give her a break man, she’s stressed with school.” Donghyuck rolled his eyes at Mark’s comment, “She’s fifteen, she has nothing to be stressed about. Plus she’s super smart and works hard.” If only you’d heard Donghyuck compliment you. If only Donghyuck had complimented you five minutes before when you were downstairs. There were many other times like that. Mark knee Donghyuck thought the world of you and was extremely frustrated that he wouldn’t just show it instead of constantly teasing you.
A few hours went by in the car and you were very nearly at the lake house. You’d spent the last hour asleep, not realising you’d been resting your head on Donghyuck’s shoulder. He’d obviously taken a picture of it to use as blackmail for a later date. He secretly wanted to set it as his lock screen because you just looked so sweet and innocent when you were asleep and not running your mouth. Donghyuck sniggered to himself as he looked at the picture, showing it to Mark for him to roll his eyes and smile at your sleeping self. Mark savoured the moment, this would probably be the only time for the next week that you would tolerate being near him, even if you were fast asleep.
Mark was right. It was the final day of the trip and even though himself, your parents and Hyuck had had a good time, he wasn’t sure about you. Donghyuck had teased you relentlessly. It wasn’t like you didn’t give as good as you got though. Mark was pretty sure you’d hurt Hyuck’s feelings a couple of times with your snarky comments. If a comment was good enough to make him shut his loud moth for two seconds, it was likely it had gotten to him more than it should have. Especially when you bought up his parents. “Why can’t you go on vacation with your own family?” You snapped back at Donghyuck who had made a stupid comment about the bikini you were wearing whilst the three of you were on your way to the lake. Mark knew that you knew that Hyuck didn’t have a good relationship with his parents so he was surprised that you’d bought them up. Donghyuck shut up for a while after that. You almost felt bad but remembered what he’d said earlier about how the bikini you were wearing made you look like a hooker. You couldn’t really believe he’d said that in front of Mark, actually you could, it wasn’t the most outrageous thing he’d said about you in front of Mark. You needed a way to hurt him back quickly and for him to shut his mouth before he said anything else wildly inappropriate about you in front of your brother. So his parents were a no brainier. The hurt look on his face after you said it though, it stung. You didn’t really want to hurt him that badly. The hooker comment wasn’t that bad and the comment about his parents didn’t really equate, Donghyuck felt. You brushed it off quickly though when Donghyuck pushed you off the jetty into the lake. Oh you definitely hated him.
Your parents had very kindly allowed you to have some friends over for a sleepover in your back yard for your sixteenth birthday. You ordered pizzas and built a huge bed out of pillows blankets and duvets on your trampoline with your friends, adding fairy lights to the top for the final touch. You were so excited. The end of the school year just happened to match up with the weekend of your birthday so you and all your friends were buzzing. You didn’t think anything could bring you down at that moment. Until Lee Donghyuck showed up. He and Mark had come home from seeing their friends and he of course had so come over after, wanting to wish you a happy birthday. And to tease you of course.
“Birthday girl! Come and give me a hug!” Donghyuck yelled as he stepped out the door into your back yard. “Ew never.” You yelled back, going back to talking with your friends. Your friend Yuna shoved you, “Don’t be so rude!” She joked. She knew of your not so relationship with Donghyuck and found it funny every time you’d interact. “Really? No hug from the birthday girl? That’s a shame! I bought her a present and everything!” Your eyes shifted back to Donghyuck as he held up a bag for you to see. You rolled your eyes and shuffled off the trampoline and made your way towards him. You grabbed the present from him and turned on your heels, heading back towards your friends. “No thank you? How rude!” He yelled after you, running up behind you. Donghyuck stood at the side of the trampoline, his arms resting on it as you sat back down with your friends. “Go on, open it.” He pushed. You reluctantly put your hand into the bag and pulled out your gift. A small mirror. “Because you’re so vain!” He grinned. “God you’re such a loser.” You rolled your eyes and put the mirror back into the bag. At least he’d thought of you. He chuckled and walked away, heading back into the house. You chucked the bag to the side and tried to continue your previous conversations with your friends but all they could discuss was how cute Donghyuck was and how they wished he was friends with their brothers instead. “Seriously guys? He’s so annoying!” You exclaimed. “What? He literally bought you a gift!” Yuna swatted you, “And he called me vain! What’s cute about that? And quit hitting me!” You swatted Yuna back. “He probably likes you”, another one of your friends, Yeji said, wiggling her brows. “Oh my god ew, that makes me physically sick.”
They dropped the conversation as the the topic of cute guys at your school came up and none of you would ever miss an opportunity to talk about that. “Park Jisung is so cute, we’ve been talking loads since we became seat mates in Biology.” You gushed as your friends quickly agreed. “Oh my gosh please ask him out! That would be so cute,” Yuna squealed, grabbing your arm. “Every time he sees you he totally flirts with you it’s so obvious he liked you.” You weren’t so sure. You had zero experience with guys and the idea of asking a guy out scared the hell out of you, being rejected is probably your worst nightmare.
You did ponder over the idea however, because that morning Park Jisung had in fact texted you, wishing you a happy birthday. You’d thanked him and he’d replied saying that you guys should hang out over the summer. It didn’t seem too unrealistic. You made a mental note to text him in the morning to make plans to see each other.
Donghyuck was upstairs in Mark’s bedroom with him. The two were lying on his bed, some music playing softly on Mark’s speakers. Donghyuck could hear you giggling with your friends about this Park Jisung. The pang of jealousy he felt was definitely a new feeling and he wasn’t sure just what to do about it. It scared him. Donghyuck slept over that night, tossing and turning at the idea that you might have a boyfriend at some point. He wasn’t sure why it was making him so goddamn uncomfortable. You’d all fallen asleep outside, and Donghyuck felt it was his brotherly duty to check on you all to make sure you were okay. He crept quietly downstairs but jumped when he entered the kitchen, surprised to see you awake and leaning on the edge of the counter on your phone.
“Why are you awake?” He whispered to you, making your head whip up from your phone. “Jesus, you scared me. I could ask you the same thing.” You whisper yelled back. “I couldn’t sleep.” He mumbled, shuffling towards the cupboards, grabbing two glasses from one. He filled them up at the sink and then walked towards you, placing one in front of you. “Thanks.” You mumbled, going back to typing on your phone. Donghyuck winked at you before turning around and heading back upstairs. Once his head hit the pillow, he practically fell asleep immediately, he put down his previous worry about you to the fact that you and your friends were sleeping outside and he was worried about you. He wasn’t really sure that was why but it made him feel better about his feelings.
“Who the hell drank all my diet coke?” You stormed into the living room from the kitchen where Mark and Donghyuck sat playing video games. “Not me.” Mark mumbled as he concentrated on the TV in front of him. “Was it you?” You could feel your blood boiling because you knew exactly who it was. Donghyuck quickly snapped his head round to look at you. You looked really angry. “Me? I would never do that to you!” He said in a sarcastic manner, making your blood boil to an even higher temperature. “Don’t lie to me! I know it was you! You always do! It’s so fucking annoying Donghyuck! You don’t even live here, stop drinking all my fucking favourite drinks!” You practically screamed, storming upstairs. It may have come across as dramatic but a coke diet coke straight from the fridge was one of your only little pleasures in life. And Donghyuck knew this, that’s the only reason he drank them. He liked to get under your skin, he didn’t even like diet coke that much.
You walked into Mark’s bedroom, grabbing the 3 empty cans of diet coke and quickly ran back downstairs. You stood behind the couch and launched the cans at the back of Donghyuck’s head, shocking him. He gasped, “What the hell?” He turned around, annoyance spread across his pretty face. “Don’t drink my diet coke!” You laughed, spinning around on your heels and heading back upstairs. “I just died thanks to you!” He yelled, referring to his game.
You slumped on your bed, still laughing at your interaction with Donghyuck. Grabbing your phone, you pull open your texts with Jisung. You quickly texted him what happened and he replied seconds later with various laughing emojis. Your relationship with Jisung was going well, you’d only been together a month but things were moving fast. You really liked him and couldn’t wait to introduce him to your family. Your parents were really excited to meet him, always asking you to invite him around for dinner. You’d finally asked him after a couple of weeks and you’d agreed on tonight. You couldn’t wait for your parents and brother to meet him. You were slightly nervous about Donghyuck meeting Jisung, worried for what the older boy would do. You thought he’d probably tease him relentlessly, making him nervous which made you worried for the poor boy. You felt tempted to warn him not to be mean, but you knew that would probably backfire at some point. You knew Donghyuck too well and you’d definitely be setting yourself and Jisung up for extreme teasing.
Later on that evening, you opened the fridge whilst helping your mom set the table. Inside was a case of diet coke with a note attached. ‘Sorry :)’ it read. You face broke into a smile as you grabbed your drink and went back to setting the table. “Is Donghyuck staying for dinner tonight?” You asked your mom, placing a plate onto the table, wanting to know whether to set six places. “No sweetie, he had to rush off.” Your lips turned into a pout as you put the sixth plate away and continued on. “Never thought I’d see the day you’d be upset that Hyuck wasn’t coming over.” You rolled your eyes at your moms comment. Neither did you. You were’t really sure why you felt upset that Donghyuck wasn’t going to be there. You did hate him after all. Maybe you would text Donghyuck, asking him why he didn’t want to meet your boyfriend. You came up with a good idea. ‘What’s wrong? Are you jealous that I’ve got a boyfriend that’s not you?’ You typed out, pressing send. Your phone pinged almost immediately, ‘My mom wanted me home. Not everything is about you.’ Ouch. That did hurt a little bit, it felt more serious than the other times he’d said that. He usually used emojis too, to show lightheartedness, but it was pretty blunt and cold. You scowled, wondering if something was up with his parents. You knew he didn’t get along with them which was why he was always with your family. You locked your phone and went back to helping your mom, pushing your worries to the back of your head.
The dinner went really well. Your family loved Jisung, he even got on really well with Mark despite their shared awkwardness for these type of situations. It kind of went too well. You couldn’t help but miss Donghyuck’s presence at the table. You hated having these feelings, they felt so strange. You should have felt so happy that your family loved your boyfriend but all you could think about was Hyuck.
“Why would you say that?” You scowl at Donghyuck who’s too busy putting away dishes to notice your disgust with him. “Say what?” He pretends like he doesn’t realise the impact of what just came out of his mouth. You stop washing up for a second to turn around to face him. “That my boyfriend is pathetic. What does that even mean?” You question him, wanting to know what he’s going to come up with. “He has no back bone, he’s weak, how is he ever going to protect you?” His words feel like swords going through your spine. You’re not sure why it hurt like hell to hear him disapprove of your boyfriend. “Plus, he seems like the kind of guy who would cheat.” He finishes. You’re lost for words, it doesn’t even make sense. You can feel your eyes prick with tears as you ready yourself to yell at him. If Mark didn’t have stupid soccer practice he’d probably be trying to summer things down right now. But he’s not. So Donghyuck is about to get obliterated. “How dare you? You’ve met him once and you feel like you already know him! That’s how goddamn entitled you are, you think you know everything. And I don’t even need protecting! That’s so dated, what even the fuck? I can’t even believe you would say that he would cheat on me? Do you know how awful that makes me feel?” At this point tears have begun streaming down your face. Donghyuck doesn’t know what to say but he wishes he never said any of that. Now he’s made you cry. He feels awful. “Wait I’m sorry I didn’t mean any of that.” He tries to grab your arm as you leave the kitchen, distraught with what has just happened. Your parents are sitting on the couch, unaware of any of the argument. Your dad notices the tears on your face and quickly gets up to follow you upstairs. You begin to sob as you reach the top of the staircase. Donghyuck had really hurt you this time, it wasn’t a joke. It wasn’t funny, it hurt you, badly. It hurt that his disapproved of someone you loved and it hurt that you cared about what he thought.
Your dad followed behind you as you crawled onto your bed, covering your face with your hands. Your dad sits on the bed, grabbing one of your hands. “What happened honey?” He coos. “Donghyuck doesn’t like Jisung.” It just came out, you didn’t mean for it to come out that way. You didn’t want anyone to know that you did in fact care if Donghyuck liked Jisung or not. You begin to sob again. Your dad wraps his arms around you, stroking your hair. “Is that it? Or is there more?” You sniffle and pause before you start again, “He said that Jisung is pathetic and he seems like the type of guy to cheat.” The idea of Jisung cheating on you stings. You cry even harder as your dad tries to calm you. “He doesn’t mean it baby, he just wants to protect you. He’s like your older brother.” Your dad tries to make sense of Donghyuck’s comments because they seemed quite out of character. He knew you and Donghyuck liked to tease each other but this felt different. He’d never seen you cry like this over Donghyuck before. “He’s not my older brother. Mark is, and he would never say anything like that. It was just mean, and what truth is it based on? Now I just feel worried.” You grip on to your dads hand, “I know, but it’s not based on any truth so you have nothing to worry about. Jisung is a great guy and I can tell how much you like each other. Donghyuck just went a bit far I think.” He places a kiss on your forehead before there’s a knock at the door. “Come in,” your dad says before Donghyuck enters the room, a very sorry look on his face. Your dad gets up and leaves you and Donghyuck in your room together. Donghyuck sits on your bed, very awkwardly, not sure what to say. “I’m sorry,” he starts with, it’s probably a pretty good start, he thinks, “I didn’t mean any of that. I just want to protect you. I’m not sure why. I just do. It feels strange because I hate you so much.” You mumble out an “it’s fine,” and giggle softly. “I hate you too and I accept your apology. Now leave me alone weirdo.” You push him off your bed. “Before I go, I just wanted to say that I really am sorry, I know you may not think I am but I am.” He closes the door behind him as he walks out.
When Mark comes home he jokingly reassures you it’s just because Hyuck is jealous because he’s in love with you. You giggle and decide to go downstairs and to watch TV with your family and you notice Donghyuck is still there. You thought he might have gone home after your argument but he’s still lounging in your living room with your parents. Wow they must really love him, you think, he’s just made their daughter cry and he’s still sitting on their couches watching TV with them. You decide to sit on the same couch as Donghyuck, to let him know that you have actually forgiven him. He feels a lot better now.
“Happy birthday babe!” Yuna attacks you in a hug as she walks through your door. Your friends had decided to throw you a huge party for your eighteenth, considering you had just broken up with Jisung and you needed cheering up. You had ended things with Jisung because you both wanted different things. Plus you were off to different colleges in the fall and you didn’t want to do long distance. Jisung was really upset but understood, you also understood when he declined your offer to come to your party, which felt a bit awkward because you still agreed to be friends.
The past year, things have changed a lot. There was a shift in your relationship with Hyuck. You’d almost become friends (emphasis on almost), but that didn’t stop you annoying each other and throwing hurtful comments each other’s way. You could confirm you still hated him, but maybe a little bit less. You still argued like crazy, you even made him cry once. But it just felt different. You’d always forgive each other and start fresh again the next day which was unheard of a couple of years ago. Of course he’d invited himself to your party, along with a few of him and Mark’s other friends, Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun. You’d met them countless times before and had a decent relationship so it didn’t feel weird having them at your party. Yuna had mentioned several times that she was seriously crushing on Jaemin and decided tonight was her night to make a move which you of course supported her on, they were both amazingly sweet people.
Donghyuck had bought you a real gift this year. Well, not really but it kind of made sense. He’d bought you a case of diet coke of course, but he’d also printed the photo of you and him in the car on the way to the lake all those years ago and framed it. You almost cried at the gesture before you noticed the drawings of the stink lines and the devil horns he’d drawn on you. You rolled your eyes and placed the photo on the fireplace mantel.
It wasn’t long before you began to feel tipsy, and with tipsiness came confidence, and sometimes, for you, a more argumentative side came to the surface. When Donghyuck had given you your gift you were sober so your reaction was minor. However, when you saw it hours later when drunk, your feelings on it had changed. You felt angry. Why did he have to do that? You picked up the picture from the mantelpiece and headed towards Donghyuck who was chatting to his friends. You shoved the picture into his chest. “Why would you do this? Why do you hate me so much?” You drunkenly slurred. It was hard to hear over the music so Donghyuck pulled you aside away from his friends. “What do you mean? I thought you liked it?” He smirked. That made you even angrier. “Why would I like this? I smell lovely and I’m an angel? You’re the devil! God I hate you!” You stumbled and grabbed onto the kitchen counter to stable yourself. “Careful.” Donghyuck muttered. “Careful? Why do you care?” You jabbed a finger into his chest. “You’re drunk. Let me help you.” He tried to put an arm around you to support you but you shoved him off. “Don’t try to help me. I thought you hated me? Why are you trying to help me?” You shoved his chest again. Quite hard this time pushing him back. His friends had began to notice the interaction and had called Mark over who was watching from the sidelines. When you pushed Donghyuck, Mark approached you both. “Hey don’t fight today guys. It’s supposed to be a fun day! You’re eighteen!” Mark exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. “Shut up, I’m so annoyed at Hyuck right now.” Mark gave Donghyuck a confused look to which Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders. “Come on let’s get you sat down.” Mark tried to help you too but you shoved him off. “No I wanna fight!” You tried to get Mark off again but failed when he grabbed you hard. “Get off!”
“You’re really drunk you need to sober up.” Mark tried to explain but you were too drunk to listen. You just wanted to fight with Donghyuck. “I need to have it out with Hyuck!” Mark helped you up the stairs. Donghyuck was in tow with a glass of water. “You’re going to regret it, you’re not thinking straight.” Mark laid you down on your bed then tried to sit you up so you could drink some water. It was then that you felt very emotional. Tears began streaming down your face, Mark quickly wiped them away and comforted you. He knew it was just because you were drunk and your emotions were all over the place. “Hey, stay with her a minute I’m going to get some more water.” Mark muttered to Donghyuck as you began to relax again, sitting up again the headboard of your bed. Donghyuck sat down on your bed as Mark exited the room, shutting the door behind him. You then both heard a click, it sounded like he’d locked the door behind him. Donghyuck then got up and tried to open the door, but couldn’t. “He’s trapped us in here, why has he done that?” Donghyuck was really confused, he tried to bang on the door for help but no one could hear over the music. Mark then came back a few seconds later. But not unlocking the door. “You guys need to talk. This is getting ridiculous. Just, just talk.” He sounded so defeated. “
“What’s he talking about Hyuck?” Your eyes were still glassy and they looked confused. “Why are you calling me Hyuck now? It’s always been Donghyuck.” He questioned you. “I don’t know I’m drunk.” You shrugged. “Okay.” He sat down again. “I don’t think Mark is going to let us out anytime soon. So let’s talk.” He turned his head towards you, looking you in the eye. “What about?” You said softly. “I think Mark might know something. Actually yeah he does because I told him so I think it’s about that.” Donghyuck looks down at his fingers as he plays with them. “What did you tell him?” Your voice cracks but still sounds so soft. Donghyuck falls silent but even in your drunk state you sort of know what’s coming. You stay silent for a while.
“I think I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a while now.” He mumbles. You’re not really sure what to say. “I think you breaking up with Jisung really solidified it for me. I felt so relieved and almost happy again. Sorry I know that’s insensitive.” He mumbles towards the end again. “I know it’s super confusing. I’m sorry.” He gets up again to sit on your floor, his head low and his hands clasped together. You stay silent and he continues, “You’re just really frustrating. You’re so beautiful and so smart and you’re everything I want. I don’t know why we started being mean to each other but I so badly wanted it to stop but I was so scared of my feelings I just carried on.”
“I don’t know what to say.” You finally break your silence. “It’s okay you don’t have to say anything.” He says. “No, I should. I want to. I had, have, feelings for you too. For a long time. They confused me too, I didn’t know what to do with them so I just continued being mean.” You played with your blanket, looking down too. “What do we do now?” You ask, looking up at him. He looks at you too. “I don’t know.” He gets up to sit next to you, and grabs your hand. “This is a start I guess.” You gently smile at him, squeezing his hand. “Yeah, I think so.”
“I still can’t believe Mark trapped us in here while I’m drunk.” You say leaning your head back in a pillow. “I think he knew that was the only way I’d be confident enough to speak to you, about this. He planned it all.” You mumbled, your eyes beginning to shut. Donghyuck stands up and his hand leaves yours. “No, stay with me.” Your voice desperate. He slowly slips into bed next to you. You lean your head on his shoulder and begin to fall asleep.
“Stop touching my leg I’m too hot.” You push Hyuck away, but he doesn’t move, he instead presses a wet sloppy kiss to your cheek. You roll your eyes and just give in, resting your head on his shoulder. He pulled his phone out, snapping a picture and quickly sets it as his lock screen. You can see your mom smiling at you both in the rear view mirror. Mark is next to you, he feels pretty happy that his little sister gets on so well with his best friend. Maybe a little too well, he feels. But he knew that the ‘hatred’ you felt for each other was just confusion. He saw the way you looked at each other all these years. He saw the little confused scrunched up faces you’d make when Hyuck gave you a compliment to annoy you. Or after a fight, the heartbreak he could see in Donghyuck’s eyes. They’re just so stupid.
“Put me down!” You squeak as Donghyuck slings you over his shoulder, walking towards the lake. “Never! This is our first lake trip as lovers, we’re gonna go make out in the lake!” You slap his back, “What is wrong with you? And lovers? Gross! I’m not making out with you in the lake!” But you did, and it was awesome.
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