#my own personal demon sent to RUIN me
elysiancloudii · 27 days
Pretty sure this girl was sent from the depths of hell to challenge every one of my blockages with vulnerability
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theemissuniverse · 7 months
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SUMMARY : You are Quan Chi’s daughter. A powerful Cambion (half human/half demon) sorcerer. After you find out your father killed your mother, you join Earthrealm’s side. Liu Kang wins the Mortal Kombat tournament. This is two weeks after the tournament
A/N : “havent I seen this before???” Yes. This was originally with my OC Mal but I’m making it to a reader now because well, it’s gonna do better if I make it into a reader
A/N : THIS WAS SO ANNOYING TO WRITE IN SECOND PERSON. Y’ALL BETTER LIKE THIS UP (there may be mistakes bc I literally had to rewrite this)
WARNINGS : (MDNI), praise, f receiving oral, fingering, probably some other stuff I forgot
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A lot of people questioned why Liu Kang was in love with you. A lot. You were polar opposites. Liu Kang was humble while you were cocky. Liu Kang was nice while you were cold. Liu Kang didn’t exactly have a sense of humor and you were one of the funniest people anyone could ever know.
Liu Kang couldn’t describe the connection he had with you. It was like everything with you made sense. It was also very obvious because Liu Kang always treated you with love and care (even though you didn’t need it.) All felt right in the world when he was surrounded by you.
Not only were you polar opposites, you came from different worlds. You were Quan Chi’s daughter. A Cambion (half human and half demon) who was a powerful sorcerer. You first met when you were sent on a mission to kill Liu Kang.
Kung Lao could see the puppy dog eyes on his friend’s face and couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He was annoyed that Liu Kang hadn’t made a proper move on you yet. “She’s literally standing right over there.”
You were at the temple, helping train someone. You had been on Earthrealm’s side since the tournament and you finding out that Quan Chi killed your mother. You typically helped trained people since you were the most skilled fighter.
You were also injured from the fight you had with your own father. You were weaker than you once were so you had to be careful with fighting.
Now that you were here Liu Kang had the perfect opportunity and he was blowing it which made Kung Lao irritated to no end. “You guys haven’t had a normal conversation since the tournament ended.”
Liu Kang thought it was best to keep his distance. It wasn’t because he was ashamed of his feelings. He more so just thought that you wouldn’t feel the same way and he didn’t want to go through that heartbreak. “What do you want me to do Kung Lao?”
“I don’t know? Do something about it! I’m sick of you moping around here.”
Liu Kang just sighed. “I don’t want to ruin what friendship we have.”
That’s when an idea popped in Kung Lao’s mind. He smirked at the thought of it. “You’re right.” He tapped Liu Kang’s chest. “It probably wouldn’t work out between the two of you anyway.”
Liu Kang did not expect this. In fact, he was confused. Kung Lao was just begging for Liu Kang to “make a move” and all the sudden the idea was shot down like that. “What do you…”
He couldn’t even finish his sentence because Kung Lao was already walking towards you. You had finished training with the woman. “Not better than me but you know - you still kicked ass.”
The woman who was used to your comments rolled her eyes. “Thanks, (Y/N).”
She walked away. You dapped your forehead with the towel looking for sweat when you had seen Kung Lao walk over to you. “If you’re coming over to train - I will kick your ass.”
Kung Lao chuckled. After the tournament, the two of you had became really good friends so it was normal for you to joke around like this. “Please. You could not beat me if you tried.”
“Watch out, Lao. That pride will get you in trouble.”
Liu Kang watched as the two of you shared a laugh. He raised a brow. He didn’t understand what Kung Lao’s intentions were but he was going to find out. He made sure to come closer to them but not too close where he could be detected.
“Pride is my biggest strength.” Kung Lao looked you up and down, making it very obvious he was checking you out. “I feel that it is yours too.”
You noticed but did not say anything. If it was anybody that you had liked - for example - Liu Kang - you would have instantly flirted but you did not view Kung Lao romantically. Sure, he was an attractive man. A very attractive man but he was not the man for you. “You felt right.” You started to walk towards the bench so you could get a sip of your water. “As much joy your company brings me…” You spoke with sarcasm. “You did not come here to talk about Kombat.”
Kung Lao pulled off his smirk. “I like direct women. All right. I feel as though we have not gotten a chance to catch up since the end of the tournament.”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued by this statement. Kung Lao had confidence, yes but he was never really the type to out right flirt with a woman. Not unless Johnny Cage was possessing him. “Oh? And why would you like to catch up?”
“Isn’t it obvious what I’m asking?”
“I like direct men.” You threw back in his face. You were interested. Not in him but the way Kung Lao was going about this. Something had just felt off. “So spit it out.”
“I like you. You’re one of the most powerful women I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful, smart and are the only one that can match my wit. Friends doesn’t feel enough with you.”
Liu Kang gritted his teeth. He knew what Kung Lao was doing. Liu Kang was a patient man. A very patient man. Not only that but it was very hard to invoke jealousy within him. Very hard.
Not with you though. Maybe it was because he thought deep down with his flirtatious nature that you would want Kung Lao.
It just made him mad because Kung Lao was like a brother to him.
You tilted your head. A quick scoff left your mouth. Not only were you uninterested - you were also upset. From the very moment you had met Liu Kang, all you had done was flirt with the man. All that effort you put into him and his best friend decides to make a move on you?
“You? Kung Lao? Want me? The woman you haven’t even showed the slightest bit of interest to until recently? Me?” You took a couple step towards him. “Scratch that. You believe that you - Kung Lao - are worthy enough to even get with someone like me?” A laugh erupted from you. “You are even lucky you are breathing the same air as me.”
Kung Lao wasn’t going to back down though. Not until Liu Kang manned up and stopped him. “Fight for it.”
You raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. “Fight for it?”
“You win, I’ll leave you alone about it. I win, you have to let me take you on a date.”
The proposition made Liu Kang’s eyes light up. No. You were already weak. Yes, you were in shape to train with people that did not know Kombat. Kung Lao was skilled in Kombat meaning he could actually injure you.
It wasn’t even about Kung Lao flirting with you anymore. It was about your safety. Liu Kang quickly stepped in.
“Fight? Absolutely not.”
You turned to the new voice in the conversation. Liu Kang. He had been avoiding you for some time now which made you completely annoyed. You had no interest to deal with him right now. “Were you listening in on our conversation?”
Kung Lao started to chime and when he turned to his friend. “Yes, Liu Kang. Were you?”
Liu Kang rolled his eyes slightly before responding, ignoring it. “Your father weakened you. The fight is not on the same playing field. You could get hurt.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Relax Liu-Liu. I’m a powerful sorcerer. I got this.” You turned back to Kung Lao. “Let’s do this.”
Kung Lao smirked. The two of you got into your fighting positions. Liu Kang shook his head, knowing this was a dumb idea.
You threw the first punch. Kung Lao blocked it with ease. Kung Lao threw the second but you had also blocked it with ease. The pattern continues until you did a spin kick, kicking him in the stomach. He doesn’t knock down to the ground.
You motion your hands for Kung Lao to come at you. Kung Lao jumps when you tried to leg sweep him. He goes to kick you but you do a backflip to dodge it. You hit Kung Lao in the chest but he hits you back, knocking you on your back.
You hissed in pain. Liu Kang shook his head. “Alright. You two made your point.”
“I didn’t concede.” You got back up quickly. This time Kung Lao makes it a point to motion for you to come at him.
You try to kick him. He quickly catches your leg and throws you. You do a flip in the air and lands on your feet. The two of you go punch for punch, blocking. That was until you smacked Kung Lao across the face, so hard that his nose started to bleed.
Kung Lao felt his nose. You smirked at him. He then took his hat off. You knew that now he would use the hat as his weapon. “Kung Lao…” Liu Kang warns.
He doesn’t listen. He tried to jab you with it. You dodged it. He did it again and you quickly dodged. He tried to sweep your feet with it but you jumped over it. That’s when he went for your stomach. He slightly sliced your chest and pushed you to the ground.
“Stop!” Liu Kang yelled.
Kung Lao held the hat to her chin and made you look at him. “Say it.”
You hated that he had won but you didn’t have anymore fight in you. Liu Kang was right. You were weak. “I concede.”
Kung Lao lowered the hat. “By the Elder Gods.” Liu Kang mumbled and went to your side. “Are you alright?”
You cracked your neck as if you didn’t receive a scratch on you. “I’m fine, Liu Kang.”
“Let me see.” Liu Kang lifted your shirt slightly. A big slash was on your chest. He angrily turned to Kung Lao. “I told you to stop.”
Kung Lao rolled his eyes at Liu Kang’s reaction (even though this is what he wanted.) “She’s the most powerful sorcerer. She’ll be fine.” He turned to you. “And looks like you owe me a date.”
“I guess so…” You mumbled before standing up from the ground.
Liu Kang was beyond mad. Was he annoyed about Kung Lao flirting with you? Very much. All that flew out the window when you got hurt. Not only that but Kung Lao had zero feelings for you so he was just toying with you. For what? For Liu Kang to admit his feelings for you?
“Are you out your mind?” Liu Kang questioned him. “She is not fully healed yet. Now, you delayed her to heal more. For what? To go on a date with a woman you don’t even want to have?”
You raised an eyebrow at what Liu Kang said. You were confused. What was he exactly talking about?
Kung also wasn’t mad. This was all part of his plan. He had to play like he was though. “Oh, because you seem to care about her. Haven’t you been ignoring her for weeks?”
“That is not the point.”
“It is, Liu Kang. I don’t understand why you care so much. Explain to me - no - explain to the both of us why you care so much.”
Liu Kang took in a deep breath. He was usually a patient man. A man that didn’t get so easily bothered but the overwhelming feeling of love was suffocating his heart. He loved you. This was more than being the persona of the “humble easy going monk.” “I won’t let you mess with her feelings.”
“I won’t if you say it.”
You waved your hand as if you were in a classroom. “Um! Hello! Standing right here!”
Liu Kang glared at him Kung Lao. How dare he try to get him to admit his feelings on his time? “No.”
“Say it.” Kung Lao demanded.
Liu Kang looked at Kung Lao then at you. You looked beyond confused and you were about to be even more confused. Instead of saying anything, Liu Kang cupped your face and kissed you.
You stood there in absolute shock. Kung Lao’s eyes had widen. He definitely wasn’t expecting that. Liu Kang quickly pulled away. Kung Lao smirked before crossing his arms. “Or you can do that.”
You looked between the two men. “Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on.”
No turning back now. “Kung Lao asked you on a date to get me to confess my feelings for you.”
“Annnd it worked. I am a genius. Sorry about the scratch (Y/N). I’ll leave you two to it.” Kung Lao started to walk away. He turned around like he remembered something. “Oh and (Y/N). I wouldn’t date you if you were the last woman on Earth.”
You flipped him off and he laughed. Kung Lao finally walked away and Liu Kang signed. “Come here.” He took your hand and led you all the way to his room. He helped you sit on the bed.
Liu Kang got his medic supplies and walked back over to you. “Lift up your shirt.”
“Do I have to lift it up or is Kung Lao going to come up with a ridiculous plan to convince me to take off the shirt?”
Liu Kang felt guilt in his bones. He did not want you to find out his feelings for you the way you did. Not at all. You deserved better than that. Liu Kang sat on the bed. “I’m sorry about all this…Kung Lao had no right to manipulate your feelings.”
It was at that moment you let out a laugh. “Me? Feelings for Kung Lao? Not even in an alternate timeline. I’m so glad I don’t have to go on a date with him.”
Liu Kang did feel relieved that you had no feelings for Kung Lao. You just took off her shirt instead of lifting it up. You were the most attractive woman he had ever met.
He started to treat your wound. Silence filled the air. Even though you were relieved the date with Kung Lao wasn’t real, she was still pissed off about one thing. “Why didn’t you man up and tell me you had feelings for me before?”
Here the conversation was going. The talk Liu Kang was dreading about. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I thought if I confessed my feelings for you…you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
You understood. You too, despite your sarcastic quips, appreciated the friendship you had with Liu Kang and you didn’t want to take it away. “I come with a lot of baggage, Liu. Daughter of Quan Chi. Half demon and half human. Mad all the time. I mean in Kitana’s words I’m Earthrealms biggest problem.”
It was no secret that Kitana and you didn’t get along. Nobody really understood why but it was clear that the two of you didn’t like each other’s character.
The mention of Kitana made Liu Kang sigh. “Kitana does not know you like I know you. I love everything about you. All parts. Even the dark ones.” He cups your face, wanting you to take in everything he was saying. “There is not a line in the world that I wouldn’t cross for you. Not a time in your life I would not be there for you. Not a thing in this universe that can pull me away from you. You have been there for me when I could not be there for myself and I cherish that. I cherish all parts about you.”
Growing up in the Netherrealm and Earthrealm switching between both worlds, you hadn’t got much love. Ever. You were so scared of love. That it would ruin you. The way Liu Kang spoke sounded like he had all the love for you in the world. And that made up for everything.
It took a lot for you to cry. A lot. Somehow tears were falling down your face. “Are you trying to get me to fall in love with you? Because it’s working.”
Liu Kang chuckled a little. He gently wiped away your tears. “Love is kind, love is not selfish. It is beautiful. Love is not cowardice or cruel. Love is the very thing in the universe that binds you to that person. I want to be your person.”
Anything that came out of Liu Kang’s mouth, he made it sound good. “I want you to be my person too.”
Liu Kang’s eyes darted down to your lips. He licked his lips. He wanted nothing more than to taste your lips. Give in to it.
You decided to make the first move. You cupped the left side of Liu Kang’s face and kissed him. Liu Kang didn’t hesitate to kiss you back. It was like paradise. True and utter paradise.
You moved your lips in sync with each other. The kiss easily started to turn more sloppy but the passion was still there. You pushed Liu Kang lightly on the bed which he accepted. You got on top of him and began kissing all over his neck. Liu Kang moaned slightly at this. He shouldn’t have been shocked at how fast things were heating up. This was you.
He wanted to continue. He truly did but you were injured. “(Y/N), you’re still injured.”
Tou pulled away from his neck and looked at him directly in his eyes. “Which is precisely why I need a reward for all the bullshit I’ve been dealing with.” Your hands started to travel down to his black sweats. You started to rub him through the pants. “And I like this reward.”
Liu Kang didn’t think he would get used to her straightforwardness. You quickly leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Then at least lay back and let me do all the work.”
“Fine. Take the fun out of it.” You flopped on his bed dramatically causing Liu Kang to let out a chuckle.
It wasn’t just because of your injury. He just wanted to please you. He got on top of you and unbuttoned your pants before pulling them down. Next to go was your underwear.
You were not expecting for Liu Kang to go in between your legs and start sucking your clit. You gasped at the the sudden pressure and tilted your head back.
Unfortunately, because you were so dominant you had never gotten the pleasure of getting eaten out. Not in your 2,000 years of living. So, this was a new experience with you. It also put you into a different position. A submissive one.
Liu Kang held your thighs tightly in place so you wouldn’t run away. He continued to devour your pussy like it was his favorite desert. Like it was made for him.
“Oh my fucking god. Yes. Yes. Oh god. Liu.”
It only made him work harder knowing he was pleasing you. He continued to suck your sensitive bud until you started to pull on his hair. He liked it but he took it as a sign that you needed a break from him sucking so he pulled away for a moment. He used his two fingers to start rolling your clit in circles in a certain speed.
“Oh shit. Oh my fucking god.”
Liu Kang gently kissed your breasts that fitted tightly in your bra. “You look so good like this, my love.” You were actually embarrassed by how submissive you felt. You started to cover your face. He quickly pushed your hands away with the hand that was free. “Don’t cover yourself. I want to see the most beautiful woman in the world cum on my fingers.”
Oh. My. God. Where the hell did this Liu Kang come from? You moaned at his words and cupped your breasts out of instinct. “Fuck, yes.”
Liu Kang rubbed in harsher and harsher circles knowing you could take it. He watched her as she fell apart on his bed. He felt his dick grow in his sweat pants and he practically thanked himself for wearing sweats instead of pants.
You felt yourself about to come undone. How the hell were you already about to cum? Usually it took you thirty minutes. An hour tops. “Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m about to cum.”
Liu Kang didn’t dare change his pace. “That’s it. You’re almost there.”
You tried to pull Liu Kang’s away. “I want to cum with you inside of me.”
Liu Kang couldn’t help but chuckle as he kissed you neck. He didn’t move his fingers from playing with her your. “Darling, you act like we can’t keep going after you cum right now.”
Because you stopped it slightly, your high had slowed up. “Oh my god. I’m so close.” You gripped Liu Kang’s arm for support.
“Breathe in and out.” He told you. “I got you.” He felt you dig into his arms with your nails. He loved the pain.
You listened to Liu Kang and breathed in and out. Your pleasure was overwhelming. You had never felt like this before and especially never this fast. “Fuck. Please. Please. Don’t stop.”
“You can do it. I know you can. Give it to me, my love.”
Liu Kang’s words edged you to the point of no return. “Oh yes. Liu Kang. Liu. Yes. I’m cumming. Fuck.”
Liu Kang felt your clit move and more juices flowed on fingers. He rode your orgasm out until you couldn’t anymore. Then he placed the fingers in his mouth and tasted you. “I did not know you were so nasty.” You told him.
He laughed a little at her words. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Enjoy it? Oh my god. No one has ever got me to cum that fast.”
Liu Kang smiled at you. “I’m glad.” He leans over you and places a small kiss on your lips. “All I want is to make you feel good.”
“You know I never had anyone go down on me.”
“They were not real men then.”
You laughed. You started reaching to his pants. “It’s your turn.”
He shook his head. “Another time. I just want to lay down with you right now.” Liu Kang covered you with the blanket and kissed you softly on the lips.
You were about to kiss him back but a quick knock came at the door and then the door opened.
“Hey, Liu Kang, Raiden wants us to-“ When Kung Lao walked in and seen the scene before him all he could do is laugh. “Wait a minute-“
You weren’t easily embarrassed but Liu Kang was. He face palmed himself as he knew he would not hear the end of it. “Oh no…”
“We’re you two…” Kung Lao trailed off.
“Technically he was having a meal-“ You spoke but was quickly cut of by Liu Kang.
“What? He asked.”
Kung Lao had laughed again. “Oh my god. And who’s to say I am not the greatest match maker of all time?”
Liu Kang motioned for him to get out. “Yes, yes, yes. Now go.”
“Alright, alright. I’m going. Just don’t let the monks find out.”
You raised a brow confused. “Why?”
With that, Kung Lao turns over to Liu Kang. “She doesn’t know?”
Liu Kang scratched the back of neck before explaining. “You swear to chastity when you become one.”
Your eyes widen at this statement. “Like no sex at all? That sounds like literal hell.”
“Well, you two have fun. And next time just lock the door.” Kung Lao says before leaving the room, shutting the door.
Liu Kang flops on his back. You looked down at him. “Did I make you become a bad monk?”
“The thoughts were in my head before it was done.” Liu Kang simply told you before bringing you closer to his chest.
He finally did it. He finally got the girl.
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candyskiez · 5 months
Fuck it. I've been sitting on this one for a while.
Lemme talk about Luz as a trans allegory. Is this the only way to interpret her character? Fuck no! Is it one of my favorite ways to interpret her? Fuck yes! Strap in, I am very normal about her story.
Luz's story literally begins with being sent to a camp to make her more "Normal." It is later revealed that one of the people sent to that camp is nonbinary. And they say that the camp was like a prison. Sound familiar?
It's also very noteworthy that throughout the story, it seems like Luz has to choose between being herself and her family. Either have your mom or be happy. Either find yourself or be with someone you love but who you feel like you can't let know you, because you feel like you're too weird for them to handle. It's also very interesting how she interprets Camila's actions, and also completely understandable considering everything. She interprets it as she just became Too Much. Her issues are too much, she's too much effort, she's a burden to her, and she can't justify it anymore. There's something Wrong with her. And she's desperate to make it up to her. She feels like she can only show Camilia a part of herself, because maybe that other part of her isn't what she's supposed to be. Maybe she's just a mess. Maybe she's a horrible daughter. She's weighing her down. (Once again, sound familiar?)
Camilia in grom fright walking in through a door makes me really think of being Outed. Being caught in the act, being realized as Other and just the whole "have you been LYING to me?!" Which. I'm sure many trans people relate to. Hiding this part of yourself from someone you love because you're scared that it's too late to tell them. If they find out, will they take it personally? Will they be angry? Will they need to know every little detail before they're satisfied? Luz doesn't know how Camilia will react after she sent her to that camp, because that felt so out of character for her mom to do and now she's left reeling. She got Too Much for even her mom to deal with. Now she feels like she needs to hide this part of her even more. Her texts to Camilia are also very notable. It just...it sounds so much like sounding scared to come out. Wanting, so bad, for her to know who she really is. She's just...scared. And she isn't ready.
Also the fact that everyone, at every turn, is constantly telling Luz she'll never be a witch. She wasn't born with a bile sack. She wasn't born one. She wasn't born here. She can't be a witch. Humans can't do magic. Humans aren't built like that. She wasn't born a witch. And her dejection in covention is just...
Is she really a witch if she wasn't born one? If she has to make herself one?
And Eda says, what makes a real witch? Someone who conforms and acts exactly like a witch "should?" Thats bullshit, then they'd be miserable. Do whatever , be your own witch. Do you see what I'm getting at.
Also the fact Luz is constantly made to choose between worlds. Human realm and demon realm. Everyone telling her where she's allowed to be. What she's allowed to be. You can't have both. You can't be both. You do not get both. Luz calling herself a bad boy. Luz being referred to as a girl as well. Her being both. Her being told she cannot be both. Do you get what I'm saying. Do you hear me.
And just. God. Thanks to them. None of her old clothing that was so much like her. Covering up her body so much. No more non conforming, none. She has the dysphoria stereotype fit, bit for bit. She's hiding her own body. Trying to look normal. Depressed and she hates herself because she thinks she ruined everything by chasing that happiness.
And what saves her is Camilia telling her, I never EVER meant to make you feel like this. My biggest mistake is not supporting you when you needed it. My biggest mistake is letting other people push you around. I was terrified that they would hurt you for being different, so I tried to make you hide it. I should've stood with you and fought the people who I thought would hurt you. You needed me. And I wasnt there. But I'm here now. Please, don't hate yourself. Please don't think this is your fault. You're beautiful. And just. God! God! Her not using any gendered terms , no my daughter, no mija, NONE. Just. This beautiful, good witch. The thing she always wanted to be allowed to be. Do you see me. Do you see what I'm saying.
And her palismen is a shape shifter. Who can be ALL. Who can be BOTH AND MORE. Luz choosing every track in hexside, having every animal as a palismen, being called a girl and a boy, she is BOTH and ALL and NEITHER and MORE. And it's fucking beautiful.
And onto my favorite part of the allegory. Titan Luz.
Luz is killed by the extremist who thinks anything different is bad and corrupt and evil. She's brought back by an elder who openly says he's the best of both things. Who's lived through years of hatred. And he tells her she has the right to fight back against her oppressor. So get out there and LIVE.
And she transforms. She gets a new body. A new body that's the combination of everything shed ever been. It has calls to her family, Kings fur and Eda's eyes and Camilias hair and Hunters teleporting. But it's so LUZ. It has the light symbol it has her hat and the azura outfit and she looks like HERSELF. She comes back from the brink with a body all her own. That she made for herself. That she CHOSE for herself. She chooses herself and she becomes the best of both things: human and creature of the isles. She's both. She's all. Shes neither. She's something different entirely. She's Luz.
And her speech to Belos. She declares herself as belonging to both realms, as being BOTH. She isn't going to give up one thing for the other. She can have whatever the fuck she wants. She's Luz motherfucking Noceda, she's all of the above, and you can't do anything about it. She's a human, she's a witch, she's a titan, she was born in a world that made her miserable so she found one that didn't and worked on the relationships that weren't working out for her until they worked. She's still weird and different and she doesn't fit into any of your boxes and she's the happiest she's ever been up to this point in the series. She has a body all of her own making. And she's overjoyed. THIS is who she is. She's so comfortable in her own skin in the epilogue it makes me emotional. God. Luz. I love her.
Is some of this reaching? Probably, yes. But I love hitting my favorites with the trans stick, so! I do not care. Love ya Luz, you're the protagonist we did NOT deserve.
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obae-me · 4 months
I am so sad that I'm not a Solomon fucker, because if I was, I would have actually cared about the Bon Voyage event. It's kind of cute, but I am very apathetic towards good old Sol. What are your thoughts on it?
Sorry for getting to this late! I wanted to actually complete the event before I responded, and I got to it very last minute! (Since I have low-key kind of hated the events lately. I hate spending 2-6 minutes doing the songs only for five lines of text as a reward, it's almost painful, but anyways...)
Now, Solomon as a character, I love. I was very meh towards him in the original Shall We Date, but they really started working on his character towards the end, and in Nightbringer they really pulled it home! Now I love Solomon! Before, he was just kind of some sketchy little sorcerer that they usually brought in to help solve plot devices- and don't get me wrong, he's still like that, but we definitely get a deeper look into *why*.
He's an immortal human whose desire for power and knowledge was so great, he somehow went head on with nearly the entire Devildom, convinced Barbatos to make a pact with him, and then made Barbatos show him every experience he could, at least, that's what I remember from the lore dropped thus far. And what do you usually get when you get a human that knows and sees too much? A broken human. A human who feels like there is no purpose left. A human with mixed morals and a shattered ego.
Now, this part is just my own personal thoughts and theories, but Thirteen talks about how Solomon's soul used to be beautiful like MC's, but then it became ruined. I imagine it's because he 'flew to close to the sun' and it nearly broke him. MC has hope, has love, has so much to learn still, so much to give. I imagine when Solomon learned and saw everything he could, he had hardly any hope left. Nothing was new to him anymore. He spent so much of his life seeking knowledge, and once he finally got it all...what was left? It corrupted him, surely. But then, clearly, somewhere along the line, his new purpose was to protect and stand for the human realm. Then his dealings with demons began.
The game always talks about how Solomon is now closer to a demon than a human. But I think that's because he *had* to "become" a demon. He has so many pacts, had so many exchanges with the Devildom, he had to learn how to survive amongst them. The way he withholds key information until the crucial moments. The way his "accidents" always seem to line up in his favor. The way his generous actions typically end up satisfying something of his as well. Exactly what a demon does. Exactly what someone would learn spending so much time around demons. I mean, that's exactly what MC learns how to do throughout the entire game! Play it smart, do whatever you can to earn the Brother's favors, and get their pacts. And then when MC throws that concept out the window and does things just to be selfless and then gets their pacts anyway? It almost breaks the "law" of the world that Solomon has come to know.
I'd like to think that maybe that's the reason why Solomon was sent to live with Simeon and Luke in Shall We Date. He needed to learn how to be around other beings, and maybe being around angels could correct some of that.
Now, about the event, the event was actually pretty cute. And while I have my general complaints about the events being very short and shallow, this one wasn't the worst of the bunch. Solomon getting some of the demon brothers together to give you a really nice dream is such a cute thing to do (even if he went behind your back to cast a spell on you). And also I'm not sure if it was stated specifically, but I'm like 98% sure MC and Solomon shared a bed at the end there, which is really adorable. I love sleepy bed cuddles.
This kind of ties back to my insights into his character, where he's spent so long being around demons that he's not really sure how to be a normal human anymore. He spends so much of his time planning and prepping how to do something for you when all he really needed to do was ask. All he wanted was a cute little date and to watch the sunset with MC and went through like a 100 step plan just to get it. And MC's little options to scold him for his schemes is really adorable in my opinion. Essentially it boiled down to them just saying "just ask next time, you idiot!". And Solomon being one of the smartest characters in the game being so lost and confused in terms of relationships and romance is really...very cute, which is why I think I like the concept of his character so much. I love when super overpowered characters have weaknesses like this, or learning new lessons.
I also loved the concept of just Lucifer, Asmo, Luke, Belphie, and Satan all just really hamming it up for MC. They preformed for them all just as a little thank you, and when they clarified, it wasn't really for anything huge. Shopping, helping them with decisions, just spending time with them, that was enough to fully convince them to pick up this dream-world-improv. Which...is really sweet.
Man I love these boys.
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elizabethemerald · 7 months
The Child of Lazarus
Master Post
Talia often found herself admiring her Beloved’s dedication. While she personally considered Gotham a foul city that should be burned to the ground and the earth salted, she admired Bruce’s unending battle against the criminal elements of the city. He put his crusade in front of everything in his life, even his own life and health, and sometimes even his own children. Normally she would even admire his dedication to chasing after her, and considered it their own private romance as they danced among the rooftops. 
Now she found Bruce’s dedication to chasing her all the more annoying. He would follow her no matter where she was as long as she was in his city, and she absolutely could not risk him following her back to the Child of Lazarus she had found. He would be all too willing to adopt the boy and take him in, permanently taking another child from her. And no doubt ruin what could be the perfect killer if she understood the boy’s skills properly. 
It had taken her several weeks to lay a trail out of Gotham and away, to convince her Beloved that she had fulfilled her interest in her city and would not return until the next time she decided to check in on him and her son. Then she had to disappear. She utilized every ounce of her training with the League to vanish as thoroughly as possible and then sneak back into the city. Usually she allowed herself to be seen, to lure Bruce out for their usual confrontation and rooftop liaison, but this time she was all but invisible. 
Talia finally made it back to the burned out apartment building where she had first met the Child of Lazarus, Danny. She carefully snuck her way through the building, her approach made all the more difficult by the structural damage. She could barely hear the sound of someone playing on the floor above her as she crept forward. 
She had to use some creative climbing skills to get up to that floor, the stairs were completely destroyed. She could only imagine how her child got up and down regularly. Now that she’s closer, Talia could hear what sounds like the child explaining something, and for a second her heart grew colder, that someone had found her boy while she was gone, but she strained her ears and it sounded like he was explaining something to a doll in the way children are want to do. 
Talia crept into the room almost completely silently, yet the boy still looked up at her as she entered, his eyes shining with a familiar green light and a wide smile on his face. He waved at her, an old and slightly dirty teddy in his hands. She was about to greet him in turn when something cold and metallic pressed to the back of her head and she heard the whining hum of an energy weapon. 
How had another person managed to sneak up on her? She was the daughter of the Demon’s Head! The only small relief was seeing that her boy was unafraid and thus likely knew the mysterious person. 
“Jazzy! This is the woman I told you about! She wants to give me a sword!” Danny said, a wide smile on his face as he looked over Talia’s shoulder. 
“Who are you and what do you want with my brother?” A harsh, yet young voice said. Talia could read into the voice well enough. The voice belonged to a young woman, scared, and tired, but steady. If Talia had any interest in harming the boy she had no doubt she would not leave the room alive. 
“My name is Talia al Ghoul. I found Danny alone on a rooftop some weeks ago, and I was impressed by his skill with stealth. A skill you seem to share. I merely wished to cultivate this talent, to provide for him a safe place, and to prevent those with less savory intentions from harming him.” 
Talia didn’t take her eyes off the boy, and saw him watching her just as closely with his head tilted to the side. Once she was finished speaking he glanced to his sister and sent her a small nod. Interesting. Perhaps his hearing was superior to that of a regular human’s and he was listening to her heart beat. A skill that was useless against someone trained by the League of Assassins and had perfect control of her own body, but very useful in the fields she wished to train him in. 
She felt more than heard the young woman step back as the pressure from the gun left her head. She also took a few slow steps, keeping her movements clear and controlled. The woman before could easily be called beautiful, red hair that flowed down her back, taller than most men even and built like a fighter. If Talia didn’t know better she would assume the woman was an Amazon. The most important detail Talia can now see is the dedication in this woman’s eyes. More than even her Beloved, this woman is dedicated to her brother. She can see in an instant that she would do anything, even kill for him, and maybe already has. 
“I’m sure you want all that just out of the goodness of your heart.” She said derisively. 
Now, Talia could lie, with her training from the league she could lie and even the Supers wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. However, this wasn’t like her assassins who had been raised from birth to believe her word to be law, or with young Jason, whose mind was heavily altered from his experience in the Lazarus Pits. She would have to tread carefully at all times with this woman, so it was easier to tell her at least some truths. 
“By no means.” Talia allowed her body to relax as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “There is very little goodness left in my heart, long years and a hard world have taken much from me. Perhaps I merely consider the skills two of you already possess, that I wish to cultivate and grow, to be something of a retirement policy. There is no end to the value in training two such capable individuals as yourselves.” 
The woman watched her closely, her head tilting slightly to the side, just like her brother, though Talia wasn’t under the impression that she was listening for her heartbeat. However whatever she saw led her to relaxing her shoulders somewhat, though her aim still didn’t waver. 
“You are very hard to read. It's like everything about you is focused toward hiding.” She finally said, with a slightly confused tone to her voice. 
“Right?” Talia couldn’t stop her eyebrows rising in surprise as Danny floated into the air and darted to his sister’s shoulders, as if gravity were a mere suggestion, one he could simply ignore. “She’s unlike any of the others in the city. I mean, Red Hood is practically screaming how angry, scared and sad he is.” 
Talia did her best to retake control over her expression as she took in the information given her. Perhaps Danny and his sister shared some kind of empathic ability? She had no doubts about the veracity of his claims, she knew Jason had always been emotional, and his anger and fear from his death were written into every line of his body. Yet, for some reason, her own emotions were hidden. How fascinating. 
“I believe you’re telling me the truth, or at least as much of the truth as I’m going to get without beating it out of you.” Danny’s sister said, finally lowering her weapon, though she didn’t fully relax. “I’m Jasmine. Why would we want any of that? We could stay perfectly happy right here.” 
Talia glanced around at the burnt out wreck of a building Danny had been squatting in. 
“I could take you away from this… house. I could provide food, clothing, other supplies and just about any training you could wish for. We could leave this city and-”
“NO!” Jasmine said immediately. “Whatever else happens, we can’t leave Gotham.” 
Danny had landed next to her and hid partially behind her, his face marred by fear just like hers. Talia narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked quickly between the two? Why? What was so special about Gotham that they were not just defensive, but terrified to leave? Very curious. 
“Of course, if you want to stay in the city, then your stealth work would have to be flawless.” Talia said. “The Bat of Gotham keeps a close eye on his city. He doesn’t take kindly to interlopers. Or metas.” 
Danny started nodding happily at how defensive Talia’s Beloved was of his city, yet didn’t seem to take into account that he might be excluded because he is a meta, despite flying around his sister’s shoulders. Is there perhaps someone they are running from that they think Bruce will keep from them? These two were just filled with mysteries, she’ll have to send some of her agents out to see what they can discover. 
“More important than all of that! When are you going to teach me how to learn a sword?” Danny asked, once again hovering slightly into the air. Jasmine looked at him with fond exasperation. 
“Before any sword lessons we need to find some place cleaner to live.” She said, rubbing her brother's head and pulling him in with a one armed hug, though he still hovered a little off the ground. 
“I have several safe houses in the city, I’m certain one will be suitable for your needs, if you would like to follow me?” Talia offered, gesturing toward the door she had entered through. The siblings looked to each other for a moment, having a silent conversation that even with her perceptiveness she couldn’t catch, possibly linked to their shared empathic abilities? Then they finally turned to follow her out of the burned apartment building. 
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d10nyx · 14 days
resident evil works
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☆ slice of heaven
ft. leon kennedy x reader
“Are you sure you want this?” The words are whispered breathlessly against the skin of your neck, Leon's lips brushing you lightly, his grip strong on your waist. What he means to say is, are you sure you want me? But the words get caught in his throat. He can't ruin this moment. He doesn't want to scare you off.
☆ silver lining
ft. leon kennedy x puppy!reader
You're the cutest little puppy girl he's ever seen. Fluffy ears atop your head, your tail wagging so fast behind you it's practically a blur. He doesn't even think about it when he calls a worker over, paying for you then and there. He doesn't even blink at the amount of money you cost him. He'd sell a kidney to be able to afford you if he needed it. At least the government pays well.
☆ can't speak
ft. leon kennedy x bratty!reader
Leon's jaw clenches when you worm your way into his office for the hundredth time that day. It's like you've made it your personal goal to test his limits. Sometimes, he thinks it's his own fault. Dating a girl half his age was always going to come with its challenges… He just hadn't expected you to be such a brat.
☆ sneaking out of heaven ▪︎ part one ▪︎ part two ▪︎ finale
ft. leon kennedy x pastor's daughter!reader
If God created everyone in His image, he must have put a little extra of Himself in Leon Kennedy. You're not entirely convinced you're not in the presence of an angel. Or perhaps a demon sent by the devil to lure you into a life of sin.
☆ addicted to hurting
ft. mean coworker!leon x reader
You don't mean to keep moving, but there's something uncomfortable about Leon of all people holding you so close. You try to put some distance between the two of you while staying close enough to feel his body heat. “For fuck-” He lets out a deep breath from his nose, and then he's gripping you tighter, pulling you back against him. “Didn't I tell you to stop moving?”
☆ hey now, you're an all-star (commission)
ft. leon kennedy x reader
“Damn. You're looking shreksy, babe.” “No.” You reply quickly, making your way over to the bed. “Shrektacular?” “Absolutely not.” “Work with me here, angel. I only have so many Shrek puns at my disposal, y'know?” He says cheekily, patting his lap. Another deep, irritated exhale leaves you as you settle, placing your palms firmly on his chest.
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☆ nothing's complicated if we pretend
ft. dbf!chris redfield x reader
Chris' face manages to keep it's usual, stoic expression, but you can hear the audible gulp he makes as he processes your words, the crease between his brows deepening slightly. You can tell he's thinking about the fact that your dad is only one room over - that he could come back into the living room at any moment. “Your dad would have a meltdown of epic proportions, and I'd definitely get my ass kicked.” He responds, his gaze flicking down to your lips. “Lucky for you, I happen to be great at covert operations.”
☆ sweet girl / sunflower
ft. dd!chris x lg!reader
“You were also being a bad girl. You know I have to get this work done, and you kept distracting me.” He replies as he spins his chair so he's facing your direction. A crease forms between his brow as he notices you worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. “What have I told you about that?” He sighs, tugging you closer with his hands on your waist before he's reaching a hand up and freeing your lip with his thumb, swiping the pad gently back and forth along it. His expression is already soft. He's a pushover when it comes to you. Always has been.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Saying Something Stupid Like "I Love You"
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Simeon decides to send his beloved a long-awaited confession of his feelings. Unfortunately, he's never been good with technology.
SIMEON x gn!Reader 2.6k Words | SFW | Angst with a Happy Ending | Misunderstandings Content Warnings: Mentions of drinking/getting drunk. A/N: This was my contribution to the Simeon 2023 Birthday Collab (original submission post and AO3 link).
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Simeon groaned in frustration and tossed another crumpled paper into the waste basket under his desk. Despite being a famous writer, he spent the past hour struggling to write a simple, coherent letter confessing his feelings to you.
There was a special event taking place in the Devildom soon, and he was struck by inspiration to confess his feelings - finally, after admiring them in silence for so long - and hope they would accept his offer to be his date. The eager anticipation resulted in dozens of abandoned letters in his trash filled with mistakes: numerous instances of misspelling your name or his own; shaky penmanship that left parts of the letter completely illegible; and at times he pressed so hard on the paper that the pen tip poked through.
Simeon glanced warily at the computer pushed back against the edge of his desk. He was horrible with those contraptions, but spellchecker was such a handy tool that it made it worthwhile to type up drafts of his TSL work. He wanted a more personal touch for his invitation to you and chose a handwritten letter instead. Unfortunately, he was spiraling into frustration and wanted the weight of his confession off his shoulders.
With some reluctance, he reached across the desk and pulled the keyboard closer. His fingers flew across the keys, and before he knew it, he had typed his invitation to you - complete with his confession of his feelings for you too - and read it over twice for spelling errors.
Satisfied, he opened up the Dmail app and attached his letter to a blank email. He tapped quickly on his contacts and added your email address. The screen froze for a moment while the attachment finished uploading. When he hit “Send,” he smiled in satisfaction. He decided he would cook for Luke and Solomon tonight; he was in the mood to celebrate. He shut off his computer (with only minor difficulty) and walked to the kitchen with a spring in his step.
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CHAT: The Demon Brothers (7)
Levi: WTF is this?
Satan: What’s wrong?
Levi: Have you checked your Dmail lately? Simeon sent something sooo cringey to all of us!
Satan: Let me take a look.
Beelzebub: I get the feeling this wasn’t meant for me, but I’ll go to the festival with him if he wants. The food is going to be amazing.
Belphegor: I have a feeling this email definitely wasn’t meant for you.
Satan: I agree. Did he send this to all of us by accident?
Levi: LMAO!!!! He’s such a noob with technology!
Asmo: Aw, I never knew Simeon had such a sweet side. I’m totally jealous, I would swoon if one of my admirers sent me a love letter like this!
Mammon: Wanna bet who this was meant for? Oh, I bet he’d pay us whatever we want to keep it secret!
Asmo: Ugh! Way to ruin the romance!
Lucifer: Enough. I will call Simeon and speak to him about this. In the meantime, DO NOT mention this to anyone.
Belphegor: Any ideas who this was really meant for? 
Asmo: I’m really curious about that too!
Mammon: Who cares! This is perfect blackmail material!
Satan: I think I know who it’s for.
Levi: Huh? How’d you figure that out?
Satan: We know who he sent it to and it was obviously a mistake. That’s all I’ll say.
Beelzebub: It’s their turn to cook dinner tonight. I’m on my way to the kitchen to see if it’s ready. Should I ask if they got it too?
Mammon: Huh? What about them?
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Simeon drummed his finger tips against his knee while he read the same page of his book for the sixth time. He made a light lunch for him and Luke - Solomon was busy elsewhere today - and sat in his favorite chair to distract himself. The weight of the DDD in his pocket burned heavily against his leg and the Devildom’s newest bestselling novel couldn’t keep his mind off his confession to you.
An hour ago he felt elated that the feelings he tried to suppress were finally out in the open, but now a new type of worry plagued him: uncertainty. Any angel of his age and status would be familiar with regret - arguably, he’d had more than his fair share compared to most - but exploring these new and wonderful feelings made him feel vulnerable in a way he hadn’t felt in a very long time. 
He jumped in his seat when the DDD started to chime with an incoming phone call. He scrambled to keep the book in his lap from tumbling to the floor. He reached into his pocket, barely conscious that he was holding his breath. Simeon’s eyebrows shot up curiously when he saw Lucifer’s name flash across the screen. It wasn’t the phone call he expected, but he always felt a warm feeling when Lucifer took the initiative and reached out to talk to him first despite their rocky past together.
Simeon tapped the screen and held the phone to his ear. “Good afternoon, Lucifer,” he said with a smile. “I hope you’re doing well.” 
There was a pause, the sound of shuffling on the other end of the call. “Yes, good afternoon, Simeon,” Lucifer replied. Another pause. “Have any of my brothers contacted you?”
Simeon ran his finger along the spine of his book. “No, although now that you mention it, some of them sent me some random emoji messages. I assumed they were sent by accident, I know I’ve done the same in the past. Why do you ask?”
Lucifer cleared his throat. “I’ll be blunt. I know about the email you sent earlier today. More accurately, we all do.”
Simeon’s throat suddenly ran dry and he coughed. Clearly he had misheard. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re—“
“The email you attempted to send earlier to a specific individual,” Lucifer interrupted, “was sent to me and my brothers which I assume was a technical error on your part.” He chuckled dryly. “While your letter was very flattering, I realized quickly it wasn’t meant for my eyes and I wanted to make sure you were aware.”
It was difficult for Simeon to think clearly with the muffled roar in his ears. His face burned with embarrassment and his hands felt clammy. He glared at the computer on the table across the room as though it had done this terrible misdeed to him on purpose.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered dejectedly. He wanted to be angry, but all Simeon really felt was defeat. How had his simple plan gone so wrong? “I appreciate you telling me, and if you and the others could keep this to yourselves, that would be for the best. I’ll have to…figure this out,” he said slowly. He needed time to process this unexpected turn of events.
“I can’t guarantee that they won’t attempt to tease you about this, but I have already warned them about the consequences should they do anything beyond that. But Simeon, I think—“ Lucifer paused, and then sighed. “Nevermind. Take care, and please let me know if any of my idiot brothers bother you.”
When the call disconnected, Simeon let the phone slip between his fingers and fall to the plush carpet at his feet. He buried his face in his hands and shook his head. Time seemed to freeze and Simeon couldn’t focus on anything but the burning waves of embarrassment that rippled through him every time he thought about his letter to you. The intimate praise and heartfelt declarations he made felt almost scandalous now that he knew Lucifer and his brothers were aware of the contents.
Despite his awkward handling of technology, his fingers flowed freely against the keys of the keyboard as easily as if they were those of a piano, the deepest wishes of his heart spilling into a digital void and he hoped his words echoed true once they reached their destination. It was difficult not to succumb to regret and doubt now that his plea for your affections had failed; his trials as an angel seemed to pale in comparison to the despair he felt now, as though once again fate had tempted him with something just beyond his reach.
The sound of a door opening nearby jolted Simeon out of his daze. He wiped the dampness from his eyes and stood up hastily, wiping his hands on his slacks and looking around his dimly lit room to make sure nothing was out of place. He bent over and picked up the forgotten DDD on the floor by his feet, and he grimaced when he saw missed notifications flash on the screen. He stuffed the device into his pocket with more force than necessary when a familiar knock rattled his bedroom door.
“We’re back!” Luke beamed at him when he opened his door and poked his head inside. “I picked up ingredients for devil-spiced chili tonight, but you might want to hurry because—“ Luke visibly flinched at the sound of pots and pans rattling in the kitchen. “Solomon said he always wanted to try making it.”
Simeon gave Luke a reassuring ruffle of his hair and followed the younger angel to the kitchen, his personal angst temporarily forgotten as he rushed to salvage their dinner.
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Sun peeked through the gap of his curtains and Simeon woke with a groan. He buried his head into his pillow and tried to go back to sleep, but the faint throbbing in his temples promised a lingering headache he would regret later on.
He stayed up later than usual the night before, staring into the fireplace with a frown while he sipped Demonus and prayed the fiery sweet taste would help dull the pain in his heart. After he finished his first glass, he got up with a sigh and went into the sitting room to retrieve the bottle. Solomon was reading on the sofa and raised his eyebrow when he saw Simeon’s stormy expression.
“Rough night?” the sorcerer asked with a teasing smile.
“You have no idea,” Simeon grumbled under his breath when he retreated back to the dark solace of his bedroom. He poured more dark amber liquid in his glass and embraced the drunken haze that fell over him like a veil.
Simeon sat up and winced at the stiffness in his neck and shoulders. At some point during the night he tried to undress himself for bed but failed miserably; his shirt was half-unbuttoned and wrinkled, and one of his socks was missing. He was still wearing his slacks but the belt was unbuckled and loose around his waist.
Simeon swung his legs over the side of his bed and rubbed the remnants of sleep from his eyes. The shameful events from the day before came crashing down on him when he heard the familiar ping of his DDD. The sound was muffled, and Simeon started patting his bed trying to find it. He stood up on unsteady legs and glared at the tangled mess of blankets. He grabbed his duvet and threw it behind him, but the device was nowhere to be seen.
“Technology is overrated,” he grumbled to himself. He picked up each of his pillows and tossed them aside. Still no DDD. “It’s probably one of Lucifer’s brothers teasing me,” he guessed bitterly. He grabbed hold of his sheets and raised them with a sharp snap. “I should just get rid of the cursed thing.”
He finally heard a dull thud on the carpet. He glanced down and saw the familiar shape of his DDD hit the floor and bounce underneath the bed. It had stopped pinging with new notifications but morbid curiosity and sheer defiance motivated Simeon to kneel down and reach for it anyway; perhaps destroying it later would make him feel better.
It had rolled just out of reach and he flattened himself against the carpet while he stretched his hand towards it. His fingers brushed the smooth surface but he swore when a loud knock on his bedroom startled him and caused him to jerk suddenly. His head hit the bed frame and he accidentally knocked the DDD further out of reach.
Simeon was frustrated and muttering angrily by the time he pulled himself out from under the bed and stalked across the room. He practically ripped the door open, but the curse on the tip of his tongue died in his throat when he saw your concerned face staring back at him.
You glanced at him nervously, eyes darting between his rumpled clothing and the room behind him where his bedding was scattered all over the floor. “Is this a bad time? I wanted to talk to you but I can come back later.”
Simeon acknowledged your generous opportunity to escape for what it was, but he supposed he had to face his faults sooner or later. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You walked past him when he moved aside, and he closed the door so he could suffer his continued humiliation in private.
“I tried to call you but you didn’t answer,” you said apologetically.
“I dropped my phone,” was his response, and he realized how silly it sounded a moment too late. “I’m not the best company today,” he admitted while he tried to smooth down the wrinkles of his shirt. He was suddenly very aware of his poor appearance and he could only imagine what you must think of him, seeing him in such a haphazard state.
Simeon froze when he felt your fingers brush against his face. When had he started crying? He couldn’t make out the expression on your tear-blurred face.
“Is this about your letter?” you asked quietly. You cupped his cheeks in your hands and he knew they must’ve felt his skin grow hot when he blushed.
Simeon bit his lip bashfully. He covered your hands beneath his own, enjoying the feeling of your fingers nearly entwined with his. “Who told you?” he whispered thickly around the lump in his throat.
“Lucifer sent it to me last night,” you admitted, “but I wanted to give you my response in person.”
Simeon felt the warmth of your body against his own when you leaned against him, a comforting presence that helped keep him steady on his feet. He braced himself for the worst and nodded that he was listening.
You couldn’t help but smile sadly at the look of anxious anticipation on Simeon’s face. “I don’t like the feeling that I make you nervous,” you said. You pulled their hands away from Simeon’s tear-stained cheeks and wrapped your arms around his waist instead.
Simeon leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours. “I find myself lost, wandering in unfamiliar territory when it comes to my feelings for you,” he sighed, lips grazing your skin. He answered your hug with his own, his limbs growing heavy with exhaustion as he gave up trying to wear a mask of brave indifference. 
You pulled back enough to catch his gaze with your own. “I love you,” you said with a smile that started shy and soft, but grew wide and radiant when Simeon blinked at you in surprise. Simeon’s only response was a sob that quickly morphed into relieved and delighted laughter. His hold on you tightened and you held each other in his warm, sunlit room.
In a moment of clarity, Simeon pondered that perhaps technology wasn’t so bad after all.
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spacehero-23 · 1 year
I liked this book. i really did. but i’m not gonna pretned it didn’t have some major problems.
So here’s some of my suggestions on how to fix some of them. feel free to add your own!
1) drop the love triangle. no one asked for it. this series did not need a love triangle. and the fact that it dragged for over 300 pages? and for what?
maybe have james tell matthew and cordelia about the bracelet IN PARIS, but ask them not to tell anyone else because he’s not ready for that yet.
and things can still be awkward between them when they come back because james will feel guilty for ruining their trip, cordelia will feel guilty for thinking james would ever cheat and matthew would feel guilty because he saw that something was wrong but never said anything.
have the herondaisy confession happen before the christmas party so matthew would still be pushed to drink (because he sees how happy they are but he’s still in love with cordelia) and boom! so many annoying scenes are gone.
2) write the scene where herondaisy give each other the second runes. It feels wrong that we didn't get that since cassie made such a big deal about it in ChoI.
and then when tatiana crashes the party she could say that their marriage was a sham and cordelia could ask the people who believe tatiana if they want to see her marriage runes or are they done listening to the lady with a knife to a child’s throat. 
3) split the second part of the book between London, Edom and Idris. The fact that we didn’t get to see the parents' reaction to their kids being dead, kidnapped by a prince of hell and trapped with vicious killing machines is beyond me. and the trial? charles finally stepping up and defending his family? bridgestock being fired? I think we deserve to see those moments, not just hear that they happened. 
4) that secrets scene with lucie and cordelia…why? I mean why this late in the book? It was so unnecessary. If she really wanted to test their friendship she could’ve sent them to Edon BEFORE they made up.
Imagine, they have this huge fight about keeping secrets, they don’t talk to each other for a while, but then they have to work together to save james and matthew and just when they think their friendship is going to be ok, the secret demon shows up. but this time cordelia’s secret is that she knew about the bracelet before james told everyone else (because her actual secret was stupid)
5) have one more chapter before the epilogue!!! where we see the character finally grief. sure they didn’t really have time to do that before because of Belial and the Watchers, but once the dust settles they have this moment of “oh, Christopher is dead” and give him a FUNERAL!!!
(the fact that he didn’t get one feels so wrong)
and end the chapter on a solemn note and THEN give us six months later when we see them finally moving on. And you know…give us Will and Tessa finding out about the bracelet!!! (that one is personal)
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aeolia18 · 9 months
*begging for more nswf*
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Bursting Lights in the Night
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Note: LMAO I CHOKED WHEN I RECEIVED THIS ASK 🤣🤣 I'm publishing a Muichiro Tokito SMUT this time. This one is with my OC, Akemi Higurashi (the one on my profile photo hehe) although she's just a civilian and not a demon slayer. Feel free to take this as Y/N female reader if you want to! To be honest, I wanted to write at least their story first before posting a smut but here we are BWAHAHAHA I have a couple more Muichiro nsfw buuut I'm choosing this one since Mui is not a red flag person here and @snowmist-hashira knows that omfg 😆 Enjoyy 🫶✨
Please DO NOT PROCEED if you are uncomfortable with the following themes below. MDNI OR I WILL BLOCK YOU.
NSFW || Aged Up Characters! (Muichiro is 18, while Akemi is 19), Alcohol Involvement, Outdoor Sexual Activities, Fingering, Foreplay
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Muichiro just turned 18 years old today, so he and his fiancee, Akemi, decided to do stargazing tonight for a change. They’ve been on many dates together including seeing festival dances, watching sumo wrestlers, or just simply dining outside a fancy but quiet restaurant. But now that Muichiro will be having his own coming of age, he wanted to spend more time alone with his lover. 
The field they were staying in was peaceful. As fireflies twinkled in the air, the gentle breeze flowed by rustling not only their yukata and kimono but the branches of the trees that hung around them. 
Thankfully, the sky was cloudless, and the moon shone its brightest, signifying that today was exactly a full moon – what perfect weather for a perfect celebration together. 
“Happy birthday, Mui!” Akemi chirped softly before pouring him a cup of sake, since he was finally allowed to drink. 
“Thank you, Akemi.” He gulped again in one go, after having what seemed to be like his 8th glass already. His lover happily chuckled, contentment filling in her heart seeing how Muichiro was enjoying himself. 
“I'm so happy you're enjoying your day to the fullest." She smiled sweetly. 
"Well, aside from the fact that I'm here with you at this very moment, the idea of stargazing as a celebration is a refreshing one. You're just so creative." As he kissed her cheek which earned a giggle from her, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered. "Besides, it won't be the fullest if I can't touch you, Akemi." 
The way Muichiro's voice got a little deeper and more seductive sent shivers down Akemi's spine. 
“May I?” His fingers delicately touched her back, teasing her further to give in to his primal desires. 
It was only for less than a handful of fingers counting but time appeared to stretch into endlessness. The rest of the world around them faded away, leaving him in a moment of anticipation. He noticed a flicker in her eyes in that pause - a delicate blend of astonishment, curiosity, and a hint of vulnerability. Her lips curved into a faint, almost unnoticeable smile, but it was enough to fuel his embers.
Akemi, on the other hand, was obviously flattered that he wanted to touch her in that manner. Although this will serve as their first time, she didn’t want to ruin the moment, and she might as well allow her fiancee to embrace her body that seems so needy of his touch. He may not know – or he might have known of this by now, given that he was a Hashira so his keen senses exceed that to the skills of a normal human being. Whether she denies it or not, her heart that echoed deep in her soul screamed a message that resonated to the both of them. She wanted this just as much as he does.
“P-please take care of me..” There was a hint of boldness in her eyes as she met his gaze. As breathless as they both are while they inched closer and closer, Muichiro continues to find her absolutely stunning. “Of course. You can count on me.” He cooed, before scooping her in his arms to his lap, before they melted into a passionate kiss. The universe appeared to stir from its quiet standstill as time once again found its pulse in that shared tender moment.
She felt him pulling her obi that loosened her kimono which she didn’t care about.
He felt her long delicate fingers run through his hair and tugged him hard which he didn’t mind at all.
She found how he slid his tongue in her mouth and played with hers which made her moan in delight as she tasted the bitterness of sake.
And he noticed how her hips bucked softly against his which made his heart beat louder. 
“I’m having you tonight.” Muichiro growled as he glided his fingers against her skin to loosen her kimono which revealed her entire torso, Akemi shivered at the contact of the cold breeze to her skin.
Swiftly, he faced her back to his front and trailed kisses down her spine. She loved the way he clung his arm on her stomach while the other gripped her shoulder as he kept pressing his lips on her back with more fervor this time. Flutters of adoration blossomed in her stomach to his thoughtfulness of keeping her warm despite they’re outdoors.
Muichiro bit and licked the red spots he left on her skin, inhaling the alluring scent she wore everyday; his favorite perfume. The booze he had earlier added to the heat that was increasing and he felt them rising on his cheeks. 
Akemi was losing herself to the feeling of his passionate touches when all of the sudden, he dipped her back to his side which displayed her vulnerable breasts at him. 
“Hmm.” The intensity of his gaze carried the weight of his desire, a burning longing that resonated within her. The way the moon outlined his face made him absolutely more handsome, not only that she had found herself falling in love with him all over again, but the sight of his hunger for her body ached her down below. She wanted him to burn for her.
His other free hand went to grab the bottle of sake that still had contents in it. A look of subtle distaste was evident on his face, before his eyes landed on hers. “It would be a waste if I don’t finish this expensive drink you bought for me.” 
Without warning, he poured the rest of the liquor on her that splashed on her chest, which completely shocked Akemi. “Mui?! What do you think you’re doing – aah!!” Before she could even finish her sentence, Muichiro savored her sake-spilled breasts, lapping and slurping soundly that sounded so lewd to both their ears. Her sighs that heightened in delight and surprise turned him on even more that he harshly pressed his thumb on her sensitive button while his fingers gently made their way under her panties to her glistening folds. 
“H-haa.. Mhhmm..!!” Akemi gripped the picnic blanket below them tightly while her other arm tightened its hold around the back of his neck as Muichiro aggressively licked and swirled his tongue on her boobs and nipples, making sure that not even a single drop of sake fell on the ground. It felt like her body floated in the air in a euphoric state while being at her lover’s mercy. She didn’t care anymore if there were any passersby who might witness their activity. 
As his fingers entered her folds, she arched her back which pushed her breasts closer at his face, Muichiro moaning against her skin in great satisfaction. The scent of her and the sake he drank mixed so wonderfully it filled his entire senses. He fell into this tantalizing addiction, his mind suddenly wondering why they call the place above them as heaven when this right here felt so much like that. 
“Aghh, Mui.. hahh.. hnghh” Due to the beautiful sensations that bursted like fireworks in her mind than they should be displayed above them right now, she became unaware of how her hips bucked passionately while he played with her core that continued to get wetter. 
There was something warm but delirious that seemed to coil in her abdomen, she knew Akemi was about to unravel. 
“M-Mui, I’m about to–!” “Hold your cum for me, my love. Just a little more.” As he gasped, he bit and basked into more of her chest, he left laces of bite marks around her collarbone, earning more pleasured moans from her that seemed to play louder in the entire field. He loved how her walls would tighten and throb as he continued to bury his fingers deeper in her warmth, Muichiro lost his senses whenever he sucked on her nipple and tasted the remnants of sake. The euphoria and intoxication he was experiencing, provided by his one and only love of his life, are something he would never dare to share with the world.
Once Muichiro knew he licked every sake that lingered on her skin, he lifted his face to see Akemi who was lost in bliss and lust, her mouth hung open as her sweet voice continued to play in the air. 
“Alright Akemi, cum for me.” Just as his endearing voice told her the signal, she moaned loudly and writhed before him as she released her warmth on his fingers, causing her vision to add more shimmering stars that complimented the night sky. 
As he relished at the sight of his fiancee’s beautiful messy state, Muichiro took his time licking her cum on his fingers, eyes never blinking or leaving her vulnerable form. 
From that moment, Akemi felt exhausted, her pants grew a little heavier from his touch. As she witnessed Muichiro with his act earlier which made him ravishingly more handsome with his saliva mixing with her juices on his fingers, her heart fluttered when he landed a kiss on her cheek.  “As much as I wanted to continue even if it’s my birthday, I do not want to give you anything unwanted right now, even if I know how much you adore babies–”
“On my birthday.”
His eyes grew wide as he was suddenly cut off. “What?” 
Akemi’s eyes shone the brightest despite that her afterglow made her appear to have glitter for skin under the moonlight. “3 months from now, I’ll be celebrating mine.” Her pants grew lighter now and it seemed she was composing herself better now after their loving activity. “You could do the honor. I’m sure, they’ll be the loveliest gifts you’ll ever give me.”
If there was anything Akemi had told him anything that swelled his heart in adoration and love, this one was the sweetest. “I’ll do anything in my power to make you happy for the rest of your life.” With a loving gaze, he took her hand and landed a kiss on her fingers.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hi so wednesday x reader who is basically itadori who has sukuna inside of them and has already eaten 2 fingers hope its not too complicated
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This was a whole lot of words and none of them were probably even what you wanted.
Your an absolute sweetheart who could do no wrong nor harm a fly. Sure you could seemingly outrun a fucking cheetah but other then that there wasn’t anything unusual about that anyone could make by staring at you.
Only until you point out the two occasions where you had swallowed two of the twenty fingers of an all powerful king of curses. That earned you a few unconvinced stares until a sharp tongued mouth and a demonic eye appeared in tandem just under your cheekbone, spouting curses and death threats towards each and every one of your friends. Fun.
The demonic bastard ruined your perfectly normal life and made you an outcast in your old school, which you were then bullied out of the entrance doors by the kids you went out of your way to save and then sent away to Nevermore by your parents who had grown deathly scared of the monster within you that threaten to re decorate the walls of your home with their blood, use their internal organs for decorations and finally utilise their hollowed out heads as lamp shades/candle holders.
Weems was notified by the most notable names of the potential danger you could unintentionally bring upon the school should the king of curses continue to use you in his hunt for the remainder of his fingers and retaining every ounce of his long forgone and mythologised power.
So with two of the twenty fingers haven been swallowed, you were already too much of a problem for Weems and Nevermore but she knew that if she left you out into the streets of Jericho and the king of curses happens to greet everyone with his own eyes, Nevermore would be finished indefinitely when word got out that she sent you away because you were too much a danger to human life to be allowed in. So much so the entire town of Jericho was slaughtered because it.
So in order to satiate her growing fear, Weems tasked the nightshades to keep tabs on you and make sure that your…demonic friends didn’t come out to play. However after the first week of no evidence of you being a massive danger to the school. The nightshades -minus Xavier and Ajax because they went out of their way to befriend you during this time- didn’t see what Weems was so worried about and left you be to do their own thing that they would’ve liked to have been doing in the first place.
So when the one time that you did loose control to the king, Ho boy he was no at all entertained by the so called secrete society that was meant to keep tabs on him. That when Ajax and Xavier were about to head down to the library the saw you or what they thought was you standing near the Poe statue; almost as though you heard them breathing you moved to look them in they eye and that’s when they begun to know why Weems was so afraid. The person staring back at them wasn’t you but the king of cursed himself.
“Shouldn’t have let your guard down Nightshades,” he spat venomously as he threw Kent at their feet to see that his pendant had been obliterated to pieces much like his face was, “this is your line of defence against threats? How pathetic, I shouldn’t have to be trying this hard to maintain my presence within this body but this punk is stronger then I originally thought them out to be.” The king spat as he felt your tugging at him getting stronger by the second as he felt his time quickly slip away.
So before he could allow you to take this moment away from him, the curse stared at the two frightened boys and heeded a them a grave warning. “I shall come back for blood, for this puny moron couldn’t ever hold me back like this forever because one day, oh-ho one day, I shall slaughter every man, woman, child and how many others in this school and in Jericho.”
Once you had regained control, Ajax and Xavier were quick to realises that the black tattoos on your body also faded away. Weems told them that you had only swallowed two fingers and they were already shitting themselves at what you/the king of curses could do if you swallowed just one more if you/him were already able to hand Kent his ass on a silver plater at just two fingers. Ajax dragged Kent to the nurses office whilst Xavier carried you back to your dorm which you didn’t have a roommate as for their safety more so then yours and camped outside your dorm until the next morning.
Ever since Ajax and Xavier have been the only two nightshades to keep an eye on you 24/7. So when Wednesday came to school. She noted that there was something odd about you that she just couldn’t put her finger on. At the comment a mouth and an eye appeared just under your cheek bone, glaring/snarling angrily at her. “What did you just say about me you freaky little meat bag?!” You slapped a hand on the mouth to shut the curse up and looked at the addams apologetically. “I’m so sorry it’s just that I ugh, it’s a stupid story really so I’ll cut you the embarrassing part and tell you that I’m now the host of a potentially powerful curse king.”
“Potentially?! You piece of shit, I AM POWERFUL! I am the fucking King of curses!” The mouth then reappeared on the back of your hand as it boldly shouts to the heavens of it’s title. “Shut the fuck up!” You hissed at the mouth as you threateningly brought out a some sour candy juice spray from your back pocket. “Don’t make me fucking use this on you again!” The curse hissed in distain like a cat but disappeared back into your skin.
“He really hates this stuff, one time I missed my mouth by a long shot and it sprayed into his eye and he wouldn’t stop screaming for hours on end.” You laughed at the memory of the powerful king of curses howling in pain over a misjudged projectile of sour candy spray. You secretly hoped you didn’t ruin anything but were already preparing to move away if you had, however once you had prepared to move elsewhere Wednesday asked, “where are you going?”
“I’m…leaving you be as I don’t want him to hurt you or anyone else in this school and I don’t if you’ve heard but, I’ve already lost control once and almost killed Kent during my blackout.” You told her truthfully but she still looked unfazed by all that you’ve just said. “And?” She asks and that was when you were beginning to worry about her mental state. “And I don’t want you to be nearby incase I do black out and he does come out again.”
Wednesday looked you over before saying with confidence, “you look in control to me, so I have nothing to fear until later events and even then I wouldn’t run away as I would merely find some way to detain you until you regain consciousness.”
“She’s most certainly an interesting one, worm. Then again it must be a trait that every Addams descendant must’ve acquired at birth or something.” The curse told you that night as you were brushing your teeth, “one of ‘em got this close to actually ending me.” “How close again was it?” You asked, the curse groaned “I said this close.” The eye under your cheek bone then began to bring it’s lid down until you could just barely make out the eyelashes that were tickling your skin before it burst back open again.
“Did you catch it this time you twerp?” The curse asked you through the mirror. “Yes I did the first time actually but you were stupid enough to believe me and do it again for a second time.” You snarked back as the curse groaned at how he got duped but you told him to have it in the morning as you were already tired enough as it was and went immediately to bed and fast asleep the moment your head hit the pillow.
The closer you got with Wednesday the more it seemed that the curse also noticing the attachment you were forming with her. So on the occasion the curse would threaten to take over and kill her last so that when you woke up, you’d see her dead body in your bloody arms. Yet you’d always bite back that he had every opportunity to make that moment a reality for you but never did, you went as far as to call him chicken shit but the curse would just offhandedly told you that it unfortunately wasn’t time yet for that.
So whilst you waited for ‘that time’ you and Wednesday began having dates in cemeteries, crypts could abandoned house and so on with the king of curses being a nuisance now and then by popping up now and then in hopes of ruining your moment but to his dismay you had the sour candy spray on hand and would always spray it into his big mouth, where it hit him in the back of his throat and for the rest of your date you were forced to listen to him scream and cough overtly loud in reverb within your consciousness all the while you tried to remain outwardly unaffected.
Wednesday knew that you/the king of curses were a dangerous game but she was always drawn to those types of games but she would always make sure that you wouldn’t be taken over so easily like before. She also knew that the while you were conscious, the king was also conscious but to a lesser extent. His power flowed through you at a weaker rate then it did within himself which meant that when you were fighting to regain control, not only were you reliant on your own willpower but you were also somewhat reliant on a small portion of him that didn’t seek to fight those he was obviously on a whole other level then.
The curse was growing ever more intrigued by Wednesday and sooner or later abstained from his usual barbs with her in favour of doing to towards the likes of Ajax or Xavier who, in his opinion, were more fun to to scare shitless then you or Wednesday seeing as you’ve grown numb to his threats or too cocky in your ability to pull yourself back into consciousness. So he merely watched from within you, make his barbs before leaving to scheme for the day where he would finally obtain full control without your pretty interferences. One day, you, Weems, the nightshades, Nevermore and Jericho will rue the day that you dared crossed paths with the king of curses for it shall be your last.
Thornhill was already planning ahead in helping the king curse within you by tracking down the remaining fingers, then soon she’ll be on to her second phase which is to giving you the fingers then thirdly, allowing the king of curses to be able to create pure unadulterated chaos.
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magicisinbooks · 8 months
Gluttony x the reporter
Kingdom of the Cursed
Whatever levity Gluttony had been feeling was gone in an instant, replaced by an icy glare. I followed the direction of his gaze, surprised to find the object of his loathing was a beautiful, prim noblewoman. Her pale blue hair was coiffed in the style of proper English ladies and her elegant dress buttoned up to her neck. She wore kidskin gloves that ended past her elbows and an expression of revulsion as she spied the host, her gaze cutting from across the room. She leaned next to her companion and whispered something that sent the other noblewoman tittering.
"If you'll excuse me." Gluttony's mood darkened further. "There's a party crasher in our midst." Without uttering another word, Gluttony strode off toward the giggling ladies.
"She's a journalist from the Shifting Isles. And she rarely has anything flattering to say about the royals in this realm. She's been particularly vicious with Gluttony." [...] She called his last gathering 'perfectly ordinary and utterly contrived. A predictable, uninspired evening.' " [...] My brother quoted it so often, it stuck. Gluttony was furious. He has since thrown the most lavish, over-the-top, debauched parties he can." "He wants her to eat her words." "Amongst other things, no doubt." I couldn't help but smile. "Hate is a powerful aphrodisiac for some."
Kingdom of the Feared
"Prince Gluttony is correct about one thing-his feast will make guests wish he'd end them all." Gluttony's easygoing smile vanished. "My dear, if my parties had the ability to kill, I'd personally deliver your invite." "That was as clever as your idea to lace wine with slumber root, promptly knocking all your guests out. At least that time it wasn't sheer boredom that put them to sleep." She gave him a cutting smile before dropping into a curtsy.
"Trust me, demons are not just asking about the curse's return. They live in fear some superior reporter with a penchant for snobbery will ruin their good time." Gluttony shooed her away, promptly earning a fierce glare.
Gluttony robbed his hands together, a devious expression falling into place. "You know? That viper gave me a great idea I think I'll offer her a glass of wine laced with slumber root and kick her and her assistant out. Then we'll see who thinks I'm unclever. At least we won't have to worry about your coronation party hitting the gossip columns."
He glanced around a crowded room, pausing on where Gluttony and the columnist stood a foot apart, not speaking.
Throne of the Fallen
Gluttony at the very least ought to know better-he was currently involved in a war with his own reporter in the Seven Circles.
Gluttony's reporter printed this just today.
Before this article was submitted to print, the ever-lacking Prince Gluttony was questioned about a guest he'd hosted the previous night, but he refuse to comment or confirm any part in the game. [...] Gluttony remained mum, hinting only that it was likely a lover sneaking out after overindulging in sin. [...] That the prince would attempt to play coy and fail spectacularly is unsurprising. Gluttony is the least clever of his brothers.
The reporter he was feuding with hadn't responded to the invitation Envy had sent, and he was sure Gluttony's foul mood had nothing to do with that.
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they-planet404 · 10 months
hozier quotes that perfectly suit the ineffable husbands because combining both of my hyperfixations makes my brain go brrrr
“Heaven and Hell were words to me.” - Work Song
Crowley’s insistence that they’re not on Heaven or Hell’s side, they’re on their own side.
Aziraphale’s “I’ll make heaven worthy of Crowley again”, positive he can have both
“The only Heaven I’ll be sent to, is when I’m alone with you.” - Take Me To Church
Crowley’s same as above, Azi isn’t quite there yet, but there’s hope
“If the Heavens ever did speak, she’s the last true mouthpiece.” - Take Me To Church
Crowley’s vendetta against Heaven, that they’re not Good as they claim, but never against Aziraphale, he is the good in the crevice of the world
Aziraphale knowing that Crowley is good, deep down, and it doesn’t matter if they’re an Angel or a Demon because no Bad Person would do the things he does.
“There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin, in the madness and soil of that sad earthy scene, only then I am human, only then I am clean.” - Take Me To Church
They’re a demon and an angel, they’re not supposed to love, consorting with the other side is the fastest way to be punished, and yet their love is holy, their love is the closest thing to humanity that celestial beings are capable of, and their love will cleanse.
“Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we can just kiss like real people do.” - Like Real People Do
They are not people, and yet (hopefully), they love just like humans, in every way they are not meant to
“Each day you’d rise with me, know that i would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty… strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily, with melted wax I’d meet the sea under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.” - Sunlight
They would destroy themselves for each other, would willingly go to their deaths for a taste of the sunlight that is each other.
Bonus point for Azi “You rise with me” to Crowley
“Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I.” - Francesca
The Final Fifteen, S2 Ep6. Do I need to continue?
“It ain’t the being alone, it ain’t the empty home baby, you know I’m good on my own, it’s more the being unknown.” - Unknown/Nth
Crowley Isn’t Lonely, until he’s Unknown by Azi, that moment in the finale when he puts his glasses back on, the realisation Aziraphale would give up everything they had built together for Heaven (even if it’s not true), and the misunderstanding trapped between them.
“So I thought you were like an angel to me.”
“Where you were held frozen like an angel to me.”
“Going unknown as any angel to me.” - Unknown/Nth
Their storyline, written in smudged ink on the page. It feels so heartbreakingly obvious that any attempt I made to put it in words would ruin it.
“Do you know I could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, I still carry for you.” - Unknown/Nth
Crowley’s thoughts as he watched Azi enter the lift, making the decision final. He hurt, he aches, and yet the overwhelming love that has only just been realised beats in his chest like a second heart, keeping him alive. The love, and all the heartbreak it brings, may break him.
“That I’d walk so far just to take, the injury of finally knowing you.” - Unknown/Nth
I am under the firm belief that Azi isn’t going to Heaven because he wants to, but so he can protect the earth that birthed his and Crowley’s love. He is walking away from Crowley in London, with the hopes that he can make a Heaven worthy of the Angel he knows Crowley is.
Anyway, that’s my heart breaking.
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2af-afterdark · 4 months
Hello, amazing person.
I am asking for yet again another WHB headcanon from you because I cannot sleep and would like to know; How would our dear demons sleep ? If they sleep at all.
We know for a fact that at least Hades' demons share a room, Barbatos talks in his sleep (from Foras' daily chat), that Stolas needs his pillow... (Stolas' daily chat) but how do you picture the rest of them ?
Do they wear fancy pajamas or stay naked ? Do some of them require a plushie or a special pillow, even drag someone to cuddle with ? Do they even have actual beds or sleep on a couch instead ? Do they sleep on the side of the mattress or with splayed limbs like a starfish ? Tell me everything.
- 🪰
🪰anon sent me a request. I cannot ignore it. Even though they are also making me take a (terrible) test to figure out my second gender. They just keep distracting me from my important task of finishing my OC splash pages. My brain is fried, but I shall respond 😤
Is it bad if I think Andrealphus sleeps with his eyes open? Like, maybe not fully, but at least partly. Like, they were so badly injured when he was young that I feel there was a period of time where he couldn't properly close them, so he learned to sleep with them open to some capacity. Also don't think he can sleep in the same room as other people because he never knows who may stab him in the back/unsure he will wake up to them still alive. He has trauma, man... Also, he sleeps in the clothes he wore all day.
Bathin sleeps perfectly still and can sleep anywhere. In his travels, he has had to sleep in some strange, small, and/or questionable places so he's learned to roll with the punches.
Gusion counts sheep for fun. Except he counts in weird paterns. Think... He'll count by primes (2,3,5,7,11,13,etc) or squares (1,4,9,16,25,etc).
Naberius sometimes sleeps in puppy form. He also sleeps naked.
Bael hasn't used his own bed in so long that it has gathered dust.
Valefor somehow goes weight training in his sleep. I'm not sure how that's possible, but he has.
Eligos bed is filled will stuffed animals of only the highest quality. They each have a name and a backstory. They are absolutely perfect, not a stitch out of place. There are so many that they are used in place of pillows. Also, he has an absolutely insane bedtime skin/hair routine to make sure he wakes up as cute as always. He, of course, has the most adorable sheer pajamas.
Bimet sleeps cuddling an old school piggy bank.
Marbas sleeps tied to his bed. It's his thing. He enjoys it very much.
Dantalian sleeps in an Ebenezer Scrooge outside. I cannot explain this one. It's just a vibe.
Phenix wakes up to ruined sheets every morning because he can't escape endless orgasms even in his sleep. Yes, he sleeps naked. He also has super soft sheets. Like, the softest.
Astaroth's snake is free roam at night, but he always wakes up to it already cuddled around him because it's looking for warmth (and love).
Paimon will never allow anyone to know it, but he wakes up a hot mess every morning and spends hours getting himself put together.
Getting near Leraye while he sleeps? You will be cuddled and he won't let go.
I feel like Glasyalabolas sleeps sitting up? I don't know why, but I can picture him in a chair, arms crossed, and very stoic in his sleep. He wakes up the second someone enters the room and will wake up. Light sleeper things.
Bonus: Solomon never slept alone. I don't think anyone would let him. lol
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goinsaneposts-blog · 1 year
Injured in Battle
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The first time you and Alastor shared a bed together was defiantly not by choice of either parties.
Some foolish demon was attempting to attack and bulldoze the hotel, and you had sprung into action before anyone or Alastor could warn you otherwise.
The other demons in the hotel stood by and watched as you focused on the enemy at hand while the Radio Demon more focused on the defense of the hotel, making sure nothing important got damaged. He did, however, blissfully turn a blind eye to the boulder heading towards Angel Dust, who was able to just barely avoid it.
"Hey! Careful w'ere ya' thrown' thangs!" Angel cursed at Al, "I gotta go to work later! Val would kill me if the goods were ruined!"
"Apologies, my eight-legged friend, I simply didn't see you there!" Alastor let out a hearty chuckle before turning his full attention back to the fight at hand. Angel crossed his arms and let out a huff, muttering curses under his breath. Charlie put a comforting hand on his shoulder while Vaggie only seemed to be more enraged by the Radio Demons antics.
While making your way up and around obstacles, you slipped on a stray piece of metal and slid off the side of whatever contraption this sinner had. You tumbled off the side and down towards the rough pavement. As prepared as always, Al had one of his black tendrils catch you and help break your fall.
"Careful, darling," He called out, though he didn't seem very bothered by you near death. He still kept a tight smile on his face, clearly enjoying watching you fight and cause mayhem during the fight.
"Yeah, thanks Al!" You called back before jumping straight back into the action.
It had been a long fight, with Alastor hardly breaking a sweat over the foolish demon brave enough to attempt to attack the Hazbin Hotel. You, however, were barely clinging on at all, putting your all into the fight and diving head first into the enemy. You paid no mind to who, or what you were hitting at that point.
While Alastor could have ended the fight in the matter of minutes, he let you play around for a bit. Watching you fight brought warm memories back to the Radio Demon.
He looked back on your first meeting, you were an aggressive thorn in his side that somehow infested his life.
Some would say the Radio Demon favored you above all the other sinners in Hell. You were able to get away with things most other demons would be erased for. Alastor allowed you within his own personal bubble that not even his closes 'friends' were allowed in. You teased him and got to live to tell the tale.
You had him wrapped around your finger without even knowing how dangerous it really was.
A pained yelp pulled him from his thoughts with a sharp pop of static. Somehow, the lonesome sinner had managed a decent blow to your chest. Nothing fatal, but enough to put you out of commission from the fight.
With a snap of his fingers, his shadows were able to distract the demon long enough for his tendrils to retrieve you and place your bleeding body tenderly in his arms. Deciding to end it, he snapped his fingers once more and with a loud hum of static, the demon and his contraption were sent back to wherever they had decided to come from.
He looked down at your pained face with a mix of emotions swelling inside of him. He felt angry that you lacked the attention to detail and allowed such a blow.
The sadist in him also enjoying the pain.
However, a small part he dared not pay attention to also hated the idea of you being in any kind of pain.
Charlie was the first to appear next to the two of you, spewing questions from and remarks about you being injured. Alastor watched with amusement as you waved her worries off through gritted teeth.
She opened her mouth to say something but ended up closing it again and stepping out of the way and allowing Al to take you up to your room to rest, with Nifty following close behind with a medkit.
Nifty worked her way quickly, sewing up any wounds and bandaging anything she needed too. All the while you laid there in terrible pain, your head resting on Al's lap while he ran his fingers through your hair trying to provide any comfort he could.
His smile was strained as he watched Nifty work, the silence being filled by her constant talking.
After Nifty left, and you had fallen asleep, a tense silence fell in the room. The only noise being was the small hum of static coming from the Radio Demon as he placed himself on one of the chairs by the bookcase in your room.
With a wave of his hand, a book he had been reading on appeared. He sat there with a small glass of Old Fashion on the side table, occasionally taking small sips from the glass.
He was still in that same position when you had finally woken up.
A small groan fell from your lips as you slowly sat up in bed, grabbing your abdomen. A glass of water and a pain-killer appeared on your bedside table to which you swiftly took. You chugged as much water as you could and popped the pill into your mouth, swallowing it.
"Glad to see you awake, Darling! How do you feel?" Al moved to stand at the foot of your bed, looking over your ratted hair. You noticed you had your pajamas on instead of the torn clothes you had fought in. Alastor or Nifty probably changed you while you were knocked out.
"Like a million bucks…" You muttered back, earning a laugh track to play. You fell backwards onto the bed, hissing at the pain that shot through your chest and back.
"Well, you since you seem to be feeling better, I'll be off then!" He chirped up. Both the book in his hand and the empty glasses disappeared before he grabbed his red cane out of thin air. He walked confidently towards the door, a small smile still on his lips.
You wondered how he was able to smile all the time. A sense of dread and loneliness filled your stomach. You didn't want to be alone after your possible near death experience. Without even thinking through your actions fully;
A small tug on his freehand caused a shrill static pop and him to stop dead in his tracks. He glanced down at you, his smile wider and a small twitch at the edge of it.
"Please… Just- just stay a little longer.. Until I can fall back asleep…" You muttered softly, heat flushing your face at the vulnerability.
You had no idea where your relationship with Alastor stood at that point. You clearly had his favor, but whether or not it was romantic or not was up in the air. You had grown to like the sadist himself, finding he was always on your mind and easily could fluster you with a simple glance.
You peeked up at him to find him not even looking at you. Instead, he was looking at a spot on the wall, deep within his own thoughts.
"I suppose I can stay for a little longer.." He smiled down at you. His smile was forced and clearly uncomfortable with the idea of being touched.
You moved to make room for him in the bed as he slowly sat down and made himself comfortable. He sat almost pin-straight against the headboard with his hands folded tightly across his lap. After a few moments, you turned to the opposite wall, curled tightly into a ball.
The space between the two of you was huge, and neither one of you said a thing. You were tense, and without even having to look you knew he was as well. Eventually, you fell asleep.
He wasn't there when you woke up that morning, however another glass of water and another pain-killer rested on your bedside table.
A couple of years have passed since that day and you and Alastor had officially defined the relationship you guys had. Officially, you guys shared a romantic interest in each other and were a couple, though both of you were very uncomfortable calling it 'dating'.
He'd have little pet names for you, and often showered you with gifts after his daily strolls. The Radio Demon didn't love the idea of touching, in any form what-so-ever, he still made some effort to provide you with physical touch as you needed.
Though, Alastor hardly ever slept, he still chose to share a bed with you. It was awkward at first, with both of you basically hanging off each side of the bed with a wall of pillows in between. However, over the years the two of you got more comfortable with each other's company.
Now, he would simply sit in his red and black striped, silk pajamas, reading a book under the dim light of the red moon. You were a restless sleeper, always tossing in turning and finding some unconscious way to be touching him.
You would throw your leg over his, or throw your arm across his lap. He was very annoyed with this contact at first, your sleepy need to be touching getting on his nerve. He would pick up your wrist between his two claws, almost disgusted at the contact. He would drop your hand back next to you, only for you to move it back once more after a few hours.
This would only provide more irritation and then he would use his powers to tightly tuck your hands back under the plush comforter. Somehow, you still always find a way to place it back across his lap. After a while of playing these games, he gave up and allowed you to sleep however you wanted.
If you asked very polity on a good day, he would hold you close for the rest of the night, reading you to sleep.
You became the only demon, in all of the nine circles, to be able to touch the Radio Demon and keep all your limps intact afterwards.
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boliv-jenta · 5 months
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Merry Christmas @movievillainess721
Joel Miller x f!reader
Warning: Christmas themed flights underneath the cut
You often wonder what Joel has to trade for want he gets his hands on. A real Christmas tree in the QZ, who would have thought? The twinkling lights of the small tree blur in the corner of your vision as the shine on the tears gathered there. Tears that have come with you being overwhelmed. Joel had promised with his first sip of brandy that he was going to ruin you. Hours later his goal was almost complete.
Every muscle in your body ached either from tensing in pleasure or from holding on for dear life. He'd started off gentle enough. Once he'd ordered you to strip for him, he'd tensingly made his way between your legs. Stroking and kissing his way along your flesh. It was a rare showing of softness from a man who usual fucked you raw and sent you home on shaking legs but as he said when you knocked on his door ‘It's Christmas.’
Just the thought of Joel's tongue on you for the first time had you dripping. Your toes curled with anticipation as his warm breath preceded his tongue to lick at your waiting cunt. When Joel's tongue finally swiped through your folds it was as if the clouds had parted and you caught a glimpse of heaven. You had a taste of it shortly after when his talented tongue made you come hard against his moustache.
“Did you like that, Baby?” His tone was teasing. He usually mocked how fucked out he could get you. ‘Cock drunk slut’ ‘Look at you coming from just the tip of my finger.’ ‘Look how easy you take my fat cock.’
The heaven soon turned to a special type of hell. Joel didn't let up on eating you out. He licked, sucked and even nibbled on your clit. His strong tongue fucked your warm channel. He added his fingers, to your pussy, to your tight hole, teasing the rim before pushing in knuckle deep. Nothing else existed. The shitty world outside melted away with each orgasm, with each clench, with every sigh and moan. Until it was just you at the mercy of Joel in your own personal purgatory. Caught between pleasure and pain. Having taken too much and still not getting enough.
Finally, when you lay boneless, Joel stood. He wiped the lower half of his face on the sleeve of his denim shirt. Blinking the tears away you got a good look at him as he stripped, his broad back, his thick arms and tight ass all came into view. When he turned around it was with a baggie in one hand and his huge, hard cock in the other.
He shook the baggie which appeared to have some pills in. “Merry Christmas.” He threw the baggie and it bounced off your bare tit before hitting the blanket spread on the floor beneath you. You couldn't care what was in it as you were too mesmerised by the bob of Joel's dick as he walked towards you, a sway in those narrow hips. Part of you tried to roll over to let Joel take you in his favourite position, your body had no energy to follow through. To your surprise, Joel sank between your spread legs.
“Fuck. These tits are pretty.” As if to emphasise his point he took one nipple into his mouth to suck on harshly. “Gonna watch ‘em bounce while I fill you.”
The air left your lungs as he slowly split you open on his cock. A long moan from him made you shiver. Two strong hands palmed your tits as Joel braced himself to fuck you impossibly deep. When he felt you getting close again he pulled out almost completely with each thrust before slamming back in, teasing the spot he'd been pressed up against before. As you found your voice again, your moans got louder. You steal a glance up at Joel now that you have the strength to keep your eyes open. He looks like a god above you. All taught muscle straining, his long neck thrown back and his chiselled profile back-lit by the glow of the tree. More like a demon masquerading as a god as he picks up his pace and begins to mutter to himself. “Fuck. Such a good little whore. Let me take this cunt however I want. Feels so fucking good.”
Your nails dig into his biceps as he continues to pound into you while gripping your tits. Telltale signs of your approach orgasm egg him on. “Oh, that's it. Come on my cock. Fucking milk it, Honey. Gonna leave my cock in and feel you.”
After coming so many times the two of you are surprised that your pussy is still able to clamp down on him so violently. “Oh, shit. That's it. Fuck. Take it. Take it.” To your surprise Joel doesn't pull out. He fucks his cock deeper between your spasming walls. He moans get deeper. They are almost animal-like as he growls. “Fuck. Take my cum. Take it. Fucking take it all.”
A new way of pleasure has you drawing every drop from his twitching cock as he fills you. The fear of the risk you are taking is pushed to the back of your mind by the thrill of being claimed so intimately by Joel. His hips slow to a grind before he lays down on top of you, doing something that surprises you both, placing a single chaste kiss to your lips.
In the dark between the flashes of Christmas lights Joel mutters something about you staying the rest of the night. Before you can ask if you've misheard him. He picks up the baggie he'd tossed at you earlier. “You need to open your present. The ‘morning after pill’ right?”
A softer Joel helps you up and with a hand on your lower back guides you to the bathroom. When you return the blanket from the floor is on his bed, he's waiting, still naked, for you under it. With a moment's hesitation as you climb on the bed you lay your head on his broad, bare chest.
“Merry Christmas, Joel.” You yawn as the twinkling lights fade from your view along with the waking world.
Joel cradles your sleeping form, his heart cracking at the realisation that he would trade anything to keep you safe. “Merry Christmas.”
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sweetmage · 2 months
SweetMage's DA Writing Prompt List
Hi! I am making this little prompt list in anticipation of joining the Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle. Below the cut you'll find all of my OCs/Ships (platonic, romantic, and familial), some TWs and disclaimers, and some sample writing prompts but feel free to come up with some of your own prompts or ask me for more info! :) WARNING: There are some 18+ prompts!
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Things with ❤ are preferred this week! Characters:
Edan Cousland | Inquisitor!Edan Cousland Garrett Hawke (purple mage) | Inquisitor!Garrett Hawke Anders (and Justice) Sebastian Vael Ser Roderick Gilmore (loosely based on the NPC companion mod but with my own characterization/HCs) Niall (from the Circle Mage Origin/Fade Quest. Will write him post-DA2 in an AU where he survived mostly!) Meeran (DA2 mercenary leader. Will probably write him in my dystopian/cyberpunk AU version of DA2)
Romantic Ships (SFW or NSFW is okay!):
❤Purple Mage M!Hawke/Anders ❤Edan Cousland/Ser Roderick Gilmore Celestine (non-Hawke OC)/Sebastian Purple Mage M!Hawke/Anders/Justice ❤Niall/Orsino (Post-DA2, both alive OR during DA2 where Niall is sent on an assignment from the Kinloch hold)
Platonic/Familial Ships (SFW Only):
❤Anders & Edan Cousland ❤Purple Mage M!Hawke & Any of the DA2 cast ❤Anders & Varric (DA2 or DAI time period) ❤Garrett & Marian Hawke (twin!Hawke AU) ❤Garrett and/or Anders & their son Victor (AU where trans!Garrett/Anders had a biological son during DA2 act 2) Edan & Any of the DAO or DAA cast Inquisitor Edan & any of the DAI, DAO, or DAA cast Inquisitor Hawke & any of the DAI or DA2 cast Orsino & Anders
Sample Prompt Lists: Please do not request: Not used to freedom, preventative measures not taken, reopening an old wound. I have gotten many of these!
*Starred prompts may contain triggering angst content ❤ * Bad Things Happen Bingo Card [SFW Angst] * Old Whumptober Prompt List [SFW Angst] ❤Domesticity/Intimacy [SFW/NSFW Ship] Old Sicktember Prompt List [SFW Hurt/Comfort] Old Platonic Flufftober Prompt List [SFW Fluff] Old Flufftober Prompt List [SFW Fluff or Angst] ❤Multi Category Smut Prompts (Vanilla, kinky, goofy, etc.) [NSFW Smut] ---
TWs and Disclaimers:
- Fics about Edan may contain references or depictions of his lyrium addiction and resulting cognitive decline (memory issues, hallucinations, confusion, etc.) as that's a big part of his character. - Fics about Roderick may contain mention of PTSD and past torture (mental/emotional/SA) at the hands of Rendon Howe as that is a part of his story. - Fics about Anders might contain mention of self-harm, past abuse, and suicidal ideation
Like To Write:
- Trauma and/or Healing ❤ - Mental Illness Related Hurt/Comfort ❤ - Sappy Smut - Silly/Awkward Smut ❤ - Hurt/Comfort Smut ❤ - Sweet/Romantic Scenes - Domestic Life in Tough Situations (long distance like Edan/Ser Gilmore, Fugitives like Anders/Garrett, etc.) - Hurt/Comfort
Prefer Not To Write/Won't Write:
- Anders Demonizing/Anti-Anders sentiments such as rivalmance, abuse from Hawke, death ending, him 'ruining' Justice, etc. (him facing opposition from characters like Fenris, Sebastian, various NPCs, etc. is 100% okay though!) - Non-Canon Major Character Death (near death, Hawke/Warden in the Fade, or non-companion canon deaths like Leandra or the Cousland family are okay though!) - Gratuitous Physical Torture - Second Person/Character x Reader - Modern AU/Coffee Shop AU/College AU or anything similar
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