#my poor little heart is combusting from the love
justporo · 3 months
Hey you :D
Here’s a request just to add your huge list for after vacation muahaha 💖
How do you think a slow, bickering romance with Astarion (kinda like Howl and Sophie) would go down.
Hey darling ❤️ You might’ve forgotten about this ask but I have not! I'm combining this with another one asking about where Astarion rejected Tav at first but then slowly fell for them.
Also haven't done one of this headcanon posts for a whole haven't we? Here we go:
Headcanons about Astarion slowly but surely falling in love with you (and how he pursues you)
Oh, it's all just a game for him, isn't it? At least at first. But this silly little jester didn't realise he was playing himself.
He might have rejected you at first (because he's a prick who has looked at the sun a little too long, let's be honest) but he quickly realises he can't take his mind off of you
You keep stirring the vampire's undead little heart and it scares him at first - and of course you had given up on it after that first hurtful rejection
But his crimson eyes start to never stray far from you, no matter if in battle or at camp: he can't tear his gaze from you - gods dammit, you're lovely!
It's in the way you always put others first, always have a kind word to spare, always a warm smile. How you laugh and how brave you are, how you bite your lip when you're lost deep in thought.
Quite frankly: a stake to his heart couldn't have been more effective.
But he realises another thing: he wants to be real with you, he wants to fall slowly with you - not a vicious thunderstorm but a soft, warm summer rain
And so Astarion begins to yearn in silence as you too can't keep your thoughts from turning around him often
It's painfully obvious to everyone around you how much the two of you are in love with each other; so much so that bets are being made in camp if you're gonna make it before you all reach the Gate
You notice that Astarion keeps sneaking around you like an adoring cat would: always a playful quip on the tip of his sharp tongue that you never take serious because... this Astarion we're talking about. "Oh my heart, aren't you even more blinding than the sun today" "Look who's blessing us with their grace and insight." "A copper for the thoughts in your pretty little head, darling."
Astarion doesn't know how to live the teasing out of his tone, maybe out of fear you might actually start taking him seriously; but if you would peel back the generous layer of faked sarcasm you'd find he's actually being serious
This man is downright smitten by you and you don't realise it as he achingly yearns for you - so much the others can barely take it
Sometimes you find little gifts on your pillow when you wake up: a sweet treat, snuck away from the others, a single blossom, a mysterious line of poetry - you are at a loss at where this comes from or if someone is playing with you
Meanwhile Astarion swallows his pride to regularly go to Wyll and ask his advice who... does help him but not without a haughty grin whenever he sees the lovesick vampire stroll over in his seemingly hopeless endeavour
Meanwhile you keep doing your utmost best to be at Astarion's side because you truly only want to help him and be happy and safe
Again: have mercy with the poor tortured soul, sometimes Astarion almost feels like he could combust on the spot if you give him one of your adorable lopsided smiles
When Moonrise and unpleasant people happen something in Astarion breaks, it all bursts out of him at once, overpowering even his terrible fear of rejection
The hug and tender first kiss you share that night tears both if your walls down.
You have not defeated the big bad enemy but something in your heart lightens knowing you have someone who will travel the road to whatever end with you
From there on out the two of you become even more unbearable in your pining for each other - meanwhile not trivial amounts of gold are passed between the other companions with quite some grumbling - but be assured: all of your friends are rooting for the two of you.
There we go, I love idiots in love with each other, hope you enjoyed!
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ellecdc · 4 months
What about the kids (mid Hogwarts) in like 3rd or younger (2nd?) Year and they invite hermione and ron and the Weasley family for Christmas and it's amazing and we see draco getting along w them 😭😭😭 and Hermione is the 'mom' friend so she loves hanging out w the other blacks and potters? and we see how nice harry and draco's friends are and it's just a heartfelt moment 😭😭😭
I'm a whore for Christmas and also fluff so YES HERE YOU GO I don’t even know if this is any good so I apologize if this isn’t really what you were looking for. I realize now there isn’t much interaction between the golden trio + Draco but this is my take on it 🫶 CBBH Holiday Special - Weasley, Potter, Black families
CW: mentions of past (parental) abuse
What's One More?
You and Sirius were pretty chill parents – at least you liked to think so. You never really spoke to your children like they were children, but rather like little people who had important thoughts and ideas. You let them express themselves creatively, which sometimes led to paint and marker prints lining the walls, or photo albums being plundered and cut up to create scrap books, or even the odd redesign of an old family heirloom portrait in the hall.
None of that wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed with a little magic.
What you guys could not budge on? 
Christmas at home with the family.
This was why when Draco sent a letter home during his 3rd year suggesting he may stay at Hogwarts for the holidays, Sirius thought your head might actually combust.
“What on earth is he thinking? He’s never spent a holiday away from us – why wouldn’t he want to come home?” You were yelling at Sirius as if it was him who suggested Draco stay at Hogwarts this Christmas. 
“I’m not sure love, maybe there’s a reason.” He tried to reason with you. He should have tried to keep his mouth shut.
“There is no reason good enough to break his mother’s heart.” You pouted, sounding disturbingly close to tears. 
And you all called Sirius the dramatic one.
“I’ll talk to him.” Sirius promised with a placating kiss to your temple.
So, Sirius sent him an owl basically along the lines of “hey mate, you’re tearing your mother apart here. It’d be sort of shady of me to let another guy break my girl’s heart so what the hell?”, to which Draco replied, basically speaking straight to Sirius’ soul. 
“I’m sorry, dad, it’s just that Theo doesn’t really want to go home this winter, and I don’t want him to be alone for the holidays.” 
My stupid lovely caring son, who raised him? Sirius wondered to himself. The answer was obvious. It was you.
Theodore Nott, son of Thoros Nott and the late Camelia Nott nee Rosier. His mother died under suspicious circumstances (which Sirius felt translated directly to “shitty ass husband”) when the boy was four, and Thoros Nott was able to avoid prosecution for his roles in the Wizarding War by offering intel on other prominent Death Eaters.
Azkaban or not, the man was an ass. Rumoured to have killed his own wife, Sirius couldn’t imagine he was much nicer to his only son.
The heir. 
Sirius felt sick...it was nearly painful how much he could relate to poor Theodore Nott.
“Did you find out why your son hates us?” You asked Sirius a few days later. You were obviously teasing, but Sirius didn’t miss the genuine concern in your voice.
“Yes, and actually, the reasoning for his absence this holiday is a direct result of him being your child.”
You placed the mug you’d been holding a little too roughly onto the table as you leveled a look at Sirius. “What are you on about?”
“He doesn’t want to leave his friend behind.” Sirius smiled kindly at you. He watched the contempt drain from your face.
“The sod!”
Sirius barked a surprised laugh. “What!?”
“That’s such an easy fix!” you exclaimed like everyone around you was sort of stupid (they kind of were). “His friend can come here! We’re already hosting the Weasley’s; Lily told Harry to invite Hermione too. What’s one more?”
What’s one more, indeed.
So that’s how Sirius, James, Lily, you, Arthur & Molly Weasley ended up on platform 9 ¾ to retrieve exactly eleven (11) children while Bill and Charlie waited back at the house with Remus, Regulus and the youngest four of the Potter/Black children.
“Hermione, I hope your parents weren’t too disappointed we stole you away for the holidays. They already have to part with you for ten months of the year.” You said as you served Lyra a portion of roast potato’s before passing the dish to your left. 
“They were a little sad, but they said they understood my excitement at getting the chance to spend more time with wizarding families.” The fourteen-year-old stated matter-of-factly.
“Well, perhaps the next time they’d like to join you. The more the merrier.” James interjected.
“You sure about that Prongsie? This table can’t take much more transfiguring to make it any longer!” Remus called dramatically from the opposite end of the table, as if they were in completely different rooms.
“Bugger the table!” James called back just as dramatically, “we’ll just get a new one!”
Sirius didn’t miss the nervous glance Theo shot towards Draco. Sirius remembered how nervous James’ boisterous behaviour with his parents made him – concerned that a lashing or crucio was just around the corner.
“Don’t mind them, Theo,” you offered quietly to the boy. Sirius took a moment to marvel the fact that you’d noticed too, and your mama-bear protection came out at the perfect time. “They’re idiots with zero volume control.”
“I HAVE PERFECT VOLUME CONTROL, VIX.” James screamed, causing the younger kids to squeal in laughter and bring their hands up to cover their ears. Hermione, Ron, and the rest of the Weasley’s all chuckled at the outburst as well – accustomed to James’ brand of goofiness.
“You get used to it, trust me.” Sirius offered quietly with a wink. Theo smiled gratefully at the two of you and seemed to relax somewhat in his chair.  
“I agree that the production needs to be tightly structured and coordinated Percy, but it also has to be fun or you’re going to lose your actors.” Hermione could be heard arguing with the older boy from down the hall.
"I cannot work under these conditions." Percy could be heard responding.
“You’d think this was a Broadway production of Sweeny Todd.” Lily muttered quietly to Sirius sat beside her.
“What’s a Sweeny Todd?” Sirius muttered back.
“What’s a Broadway?” James muttered from her other side.
“Purebloods.” Remus muttered from across the room with an eyeroll.
The kids wanted to make their own play for the adults - it was mostly the youngest ones, though Fred & George never could help themselves but partake in any potential mischief, Hermione was very excited to help direct the production, and Percy never could leave very much alone. The second Hermione was involved, Harry and Ron shoved their noses into it too, while Draco and Theo sat in the audience with the adults and far too many stuffed animals.
“I mean, were the teddy bears really necessary? There’s already a theatre worth of people here.” Theo commented what he thought was quietly to Draco, but he had one werewolf and four animagi with animal-like hearing, as well as Molly & Lily with tried and true mother-hearing in the room, so his comment was met with a round of laughter.
“Oh my gods, Draco, can we keep him?” Remus commented as he pretended to wipe a tear from under his eye.
Pink dusted the tops of Theo’s cheek bones, but he offered the room a shy smile.
Sirius thought it was like looking in a mirror: he imagined this is what Effie and Fleamont saw when Sirius spent holidays in this very home some nearly twenty years ago. A boy who was likely fun and eccentric around his friends where he felt safe, but reverting to the proper pureblood heir you were beaten into becoming around adults. 
Sirius sort of hated it.
As the little kids and the rest of the production made their way to the room, Sirius noticed James’ eyes on him. James offered him a kind smile that brought tears to his eyes, almost as if he was saying ‘I know, right?’ 
By the end of the holiday, the adults had almost managed to get Theo to shed his aristocratic persona with them.
“And how’s Minnie? Are you guys being nice to her? Make sure to set up some good pranks this year; gotta keep the old gal on her toes, it’s good for her health.” James said to the Hogwarts students solemnly at breakfast. 
“You did not just call Minnie an ‘old gal’, Prongs.” Remus chided from his place at the table.
“You both did not just refer to Professor McGonagall as Minnie.” Regulus added incredulously. 
“That’s her name, Reggie.” James answered no nonsense. “We earned that right when we graduated.”
“No, we earned that right when we graduated.” Lily corrected as she motioned to herself, you, and Regulus. “You lot should still be in detention for the crap you pulled.”
Remus, James, and Sirius all adorned their faces with a blissful sort of reverence as they thought back to their school days.
“We were awesome.” James said dreamily.
“You were awful.” You corrected.
“You’re our hero’s.” The Twins added in unison. 
“What in Godric’s name are you doing to them, Hermione?” Ron asked through a large serving of sausage in his mouth. 
Hermione, who was replacing small pompom’s into two kitchen whisks to hand back to three-year-old Stella and Leo, didn’t even spare Ron a glance as she answered sharply, “It’s good for their fine motor skills, Ronald.”
“Wha’s a fine motor skill?” He asked incredulously, somehow still with food in his mouth.
“Oh, read a book, Ronald.” Hermione huffed before her face turned sickly sweet as she cooed at Stella. “Good job, Stell!”
“Blimey.” Ron muttered as he turned to Harry.
“I can’t believe you’re all going to be leaving us again so soon!” Molly said tearfully as she looked around the room. “I like our having our table so full- FRED WEASLEY YOU GET THAT FURNITURE OFF THE CEILING THIS ISNTANT.” 
“I’m George, mum.” The twin said from his chair suspended on the ceiling. Sirius had to give him credit for looking as casual as he did whilst all the blood in his body was no doubt making its way to his head. 
At the beginning of the week – the shouting, the threats, the energy, and the talking back that George (or Fred, Sirius still wasn’t entirely sure) just displayed would have had Theo pale in the face. Today, he just looked around the room quickly to ensure everyone else was in good spirits before joining in on the laughter.
Back on platform 9 ¾, you and Sirius decided to pull Draco aside. 
“Hey love, listen. I don’t want to embarrass Theo, but would you let him know we really enjoyed his company over the holiday, and he is welcome at the Manor anytime.” You spoke softly to your son.
“We mean it, Draco. The Potter Manor has, and always will be, a safe place for people to run to. If he needs somewhere better, somewhere safer to go, he’s more than welcome to come live with us.” Sirius added earnestly. 
Draco looked like he might cry before he threw himself into his parents’ arms, causing each of them to let out a surprised ‘oof’.
“I love you guys. I’m so lucky to have you – we all are.” Draco said, though his words were muffled from his place in the crook of Sirius’ arm.
“We’re the lucky ones, Draco.” You insisted as you stamped a kiss to his head.
The parents and youngest kids stood on the platform and waved as they watched the train disappear.
“It’s so odd.” James commented quietly.
“What is?” Sirius asked.
“How life works.”
Sirius looked at his mate who was still watching after the long-gone train hoping he would clarify. When it became obvious that he wouldn’t, Sirius elbowed him.
“How’s that?”
James finally turned to Sirius and offered him a smile that seemed to portray a mixture of grief, pride, and love.
“Draco is Theo’s James.”
Sirius watched as you dried your face and went about applying your skincare. 
“I can hear your mind turning from here, babe. What’re you thinking about?” You finally said, causing Sirius to look at your reflection only to find your eyes already on him.
“You’re sure you are okay? If Theo needs to move in with us, I mean.” Sirius asks. 
Your movements paused as your eyebrows migrated to meet in the middle – bemusement painting your features.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“We sort of decided we weren’t going to have any more kids.” Sirius explained. You snorted in response as your turned to face him, leaning back against the bathroom counter.
“Sirius, as long as I don’t have to push anymore out, you can have as many kids as you want.”
Sirius smiled immediately at you. “You sure we don’t already have enough?” He asked
Your smile grew to match his. “What’s one more?”
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Imagine if instead of a strength enhancer, One for All was a Charisma enhancer.
There are so many ways to play off this (terrible) idea, considering the versatility of charisma.
Maybe Izuku is just really intimidating, and everyone backs down without much of a fight.
Maybe it makes him persuasive, and he can just argue people out of fighting through logic and words.
Maybe it makes people pay attention to him. It’s not useful on its own, but it could be used as a distraction.
Or maybe for Izuku, who seems cute and small, it makes people protective of him. (Turns every character Platonic Yandere by accident)
I don’t know what to do with this au, so I’m just throwing it at you for fun. Have a nice day.
Oh my, I can't decide which one of these is the best. So why not combine all of them?
One for All is a charisma enhancer, but how it manifests varies for each holder. Yoichi got the version that made everyone fall in love with him at first sight. Second and Third took one look at this starving dirty man in a vault, and boom, their hearts were gone.
Second got a charisma that made everyone look up to him as a leader. People instinctively trusted Third. Poor Hikage got the version that made everyone pay attention to him to the point where they forget everything else they were doing. He hated it so much that he ran off to live in the forest. Banjo found that everyone around him treated him as an aniki/big brother. En was so cute that everyone treated him as a little brother. Nana got the ability to argue people out of fighting with logic and words.
The ability kept growing stronger over time. All Might obtained an intense power of intimidation so strong that all his enemies surrendered at the sight of him. All Might's skinny form is his real form. He isn't strong at all, people just think he is. This All Might is like King from One Punch Man--he's never actually won a fight, all his enemies just give in to his intimidation. He beat All for One out of sheer luck when All for One slipped and fell onto one of his own quirk attacks.
Since the ability increases over time, Izuku gets the strongest version of all. Unfortunately for Izuku, he got the yandere variation. It could be platonic yandere or romantic yandere, depending on if the recipient finds Izuku attractive.
Every member of Izuku's class who is attracted to the male gender is in love with Izuku. The rest have intense platonic admiration. Katsuki constantly combusts around Izuku because he does not know how to handle the quirk forcing him to feel so much differently from his normal feelings and he hates it.
Luckily other holders of One for All are not affected. All Might thinks that Izuku's intimidating aura is just taking a little while to come in.
In this AU, Sir Nighteye objects to Izuku not out of dislike but because someone so adorable can't be allowed to fight! He might get hurt!
The ability doesn't affect Inko because it doesn't affect anyone who already loves Izuku. (For the same reason, the power wore off on Second and Third after they fell in love with Yoichi for real.)
This AU is not Dad for One. However, All for One takes one look at Izuku and decides that he is the perfect replacement Yoichi. Unfortunately for All for One, he has a lot of competition, because every single villain who meets Izuku wants to vault him. Frankly quite a few heroes have been thinking about it too. Sir Nighteye already has a vault full of All Might merch to lure Izuku in.
Izuku figures out he can weaponize this to make villains underestimate him, then defeat them.
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armysantiny · 1 year
-[renjun; soft bf headcanon
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P: Renjun x gender neutral reader | G: fluff, headcanon | Inc: soft bf!renjun, meeting on sns, handholding, teasing, friends to lovers, getting smothered by your friends, café dates | Wc: 451 | W: food cw | R: G
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Nct’s resident artist boyfriend everyone!!
You and Renjun initially met at an art workshop
He was looking for help with a brush technique and there you were, having just learnt it from the art professor
Bless you for offering to help him because he’s certain he wouldn’t have asked himself
Somewhere during the workshop, social media handles are shared
You two are the creative friends to lovers fr
Sending aesthetic pictures to each other and saying what do we think?
Renjun’s the one who takes the initial leap to give you his number
And the rest was history <3
Renjun is 100% the teases you out of love boyfriend
It’s his love language <33
Very much a fan of buying little trinkets he finds that remind him of you
Presents them to you when he gets home by quite literally dumping the paper gift bag in your lap
Immensely satisfied by the reaction on your face
Takes you to craft stores and small privately-owned cafés on dates
Saves your favourite new cafés and restaurant on his phone so can grab desserts and take-out from there on his way home for you
This man makes such a good impression on your friends
I’m convinced they smother him in affection whenever he joins you on an outing
Low-key pleading for help with his eyes while he’s having his poor soul squeezed out of him
And you’re over there watching him suffer with an unassuming grin on your face
What did he really expect from you, huh?
You little traitor – his words, trust me
But it’s fine, he loves you anyway
Even if he’s wheezing to get his breath back
Isn’t the biggest fan of PDA but peppers you with kisses all over the second you two are alone
Expect forehead kisses and the occasional peck on the lips when you two are outside
Hand holding with Renjun >>>
Makes up for his lack of PDA by having your hand in his almost always
He stuffs your hand in his pocket when it’s cold and puts a hand warmer in the hand he is (unfortunately) not holding
Pretends not to absolutely combust when you put your head on his shoulder as you’re walking home from a date
He feels absolutely normal about this. Yes :D
Takes candid pictures of you and uses them in a collage that he surprises you with on your birthday
I swear down he has the softest of smiles as you process the gift in your hands
Has the sweetest of heart eyes fr
“This…you made this for me?”
“Of course I did, my love~”
You better keep this man
Renjun best boyfriend
I’m rooting for you two <3
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2023-2024
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @ultkpopnetwork, @whipped-kpop-creators, @k-library, @knet-bakery, @kpclub, @nct-writers, @neoturtles
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! Consider reblogging, leaving some feedback or donating to my kofi!
Taglist: @teeztheflag, @jeonqquk, @mikailo666, @babyboobean, @taemin-jaemin, @iiindigocheesecake, @xavi-in-kpopland, @flowerjun, @marxenash | Taglist form
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epiclamer · 1 year
I love touched starved flustered heroes and a steamy spicy Villain... but what about the roles reverse?
Here's a cupcake 🧁
Awww thank you (this ask is so old im sorry—)
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Nastily Disrespectful
“So the rumours are true?”
Villain stuttered to a stop in their villainous monologue. Admittedly, they did not care for the rude who couldn’t stop themselves from interrupting, but if it was a trap then they were already caught.
Dragging a palm across their face to pinch the bridge of their nose in annoyance, Villain sighed. “What rumours.”
Hero blinked at them, like they expected Villain to already know what secrets were being thrown behind their back. Then, they grinned, a stupidly attractive sly smirk coming across their lips.
“About how you do this for attention?” The hand pinching their nose became an incredibly helpful shield for the blush that slapped the villain straight in the face. “How you do this for my attention…”
Spluttering, the tomato red villain found themselves interrupting for the first time. “I-I do not.”
The hero only hummed, their previously on-guard stance dropping to a more casual one. “Mmm, all these speeches? The close proximity fighting? Late night heists with barely any preparation?” Hero’s grin only grew larger as with every word the villain grew redder.
Of course, it was the truth. Villain was just ashamed of it.
Ashamed of how they would spend hours writing speeches just to be able to talk to the hero. Ashamed about their up-close and personal fighting techniques that they had learned just to feel the hero’s touch. Ashamed with their constant baiting and bantering just to lure the hero into flirting with them. And most of all, ashamed of the midnight crimes they conjured on little to zero notice, because they couldn’t sleep when they hadn’t talked to the hero at least once.
But everywhere the hero touched felt like fire on the villain’s skin. It was perfect. It was addictive.
In the blink of an eye, the crime-stopper was in front of the criminal. Wrapping their arms around the other’s shoulders and pulling them close in something that almost resembled an embrace. Breath hot, yet their lips never touched.
Villain felt like they were going to combust on the spot. If the burning blush didn’t give them a heart attack first, they were sure that any closer and the hero would be delivering it themselves.
“Why’s that, hm? Do you need me, Villain?”
The rooftop felt much too public for this level of intimacy. Especially between enemies.
The cold wind creating a powerful contrast against the heat of Villains skin. It never seemed to actually cool them down, though, only Hero had control over their temperature at the moment. Their lips leaning in as they made their way to the villain’s neck, did not help the poor criminal’s case.
Hero didn’t seem to mind.
They also didn’t seem even slightly affected by the fact that they were kissing their enemy’s neck. Whereas the villain was a complete wreck. Mind running at 100 miles per hour and body redder than a beet, they wished they could say something, they willed their mouth to move, but in the moment of it all, they couldn’t. Their brain simply pulled a complete blank.
The pause to kiss the villain’s neck was meant for them to answer and Hero couldn’t help but chuckle at their inability. “I know you think about this, I know you wish for it on every shooting star and birthday candle…”
Hero bit down warningly just above their collarbone. “You’re not slick.”
Villain gasped hands coming up to the hero’s back as they grabbed for a hold. Still not having come down from the pure euphoria invading their mind. Their fingers twisting in the fabric of their enemy’s suit as they tried to stay focused on the words sitting upon their limp tongue.
“Is that all you’ve got?”
Removing themselves from the villain’s neck to make eye contact with their prey. Their eyes were foggy with lust and half-lidded in ecstasy, while Villains were blown to saucers in frantic need.
So different, yet right now they were together and they were one.
The hero—if at all possible—tugged the villain even closer, murmuring while their lips were grazing with every word. “Don’t worry, sweet. I have all night to drag those pretty noises out of you~”
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The Arcana M6 When The Bed Is Covered In Plushies
The bed has disappeared. Not from magic or anything like that, it's just no longer visible beneath the absolute mound of plushies you own
Oh, how does Asra feel about it?
Who do you think was supplying you with all these stuffed animals?
He thrives in this environment
They immediately crawl beneath all of them and become one with the plushie pile
He makes expectant grabbing motions to lure you into the pile of snugness, where he will trap you for all eternity
Faust also thrives in this environment and often is found squeezing the life out of a plushie
Speaking of Faust, she gets lost in the plushie pile so often you will have to check for her before diving in
Do not dive on top of her
Asra will accidentally kick half of the plushies off the bed in his sleep
Her poor heart
The first time she walks in on you sitting in your mound of soft little friends she completely freezes. There's this dewy glittery haze in her eyes that makes you feel as if she's about to keel over
I hope your bed is big enough to accommodate all the plushies you're about to receive
She doesn't care that it's impractical, it makes you happy and that makes her happy
Although if she's being completely honest, this might be healing something for her
Not that she'll tell you that, you'll find out through her having a bit of a snuggle session with your plushies while she thinks you're gone
If anyone tries to make fun of you she just purchases you more (there's nothing quite like retail therapy, I guess??)
He doesn't register the plushies on the bed at night, he just crashed there immediately due to working for 4 days straight
In the morning (late afternoon), he notices. He lets out a frightened "GAH!" and asks you where all of them came from (they've been there for a week)
You explain to him why you own so many and he turns away, smiling a little at the sight of them
Julian's started to have some weird behavioral changes since this discovery. He's started to come to bed a little earlier, and when he doesn't, you end up noticing your plushies missing and later finding them on top of his papers or sitting on the dining table
When you leave to go run errands you'll often come home to him clutching one of your plushies (he's pretending he wasn't just snuggling the shit out of one while sobbing into his pant leg out of depression and loneliness)
Oh. Oh my.
The first time she sees you cuddled up with a soft toy she physically can not handle it. It's just too cute for her
It doesn't help that you're in a big pile of cute soft fluffy things either
She needs an outlet or else she's going to combust, so she ends up punting one of the plushies off the bed and into the hallway (this was followed by a disgruntled yowl)
You look at her in complete owl-eyed shock and she seems to realize what she's done with a surprised laugh
Portia giggles out a series of breathy apologies before going to put the plushie back in the room
Sticks a band aid on the injured one
Bless her soul, she loves you too much for her body to physically be able to handle
One day you came home to a little crocheted Pepi and an apology note from Portia
He saw you with a couple on your trip with Morga
In all honesty his first thought was... well. There wasn't really one. It was like you had scrambled, deep fried, and microwaved his brain, all at the same time
When you moved into the hut he wasn't quite expecting you to move in with all of those
He finds it oddly endearing
But... how are you all going to fit on the bed
Genuinely considers going back to sleeping on the ground
After you frantically convince him that this won't be necessary, he huffs a tiny little sigh of relief before you both wonder what to do next
You decide to build a shelf to keep the majority of the stuffies on, while a select few go in the bed with you
Inanna loves them very much and will adore and protect them like her own pups
She loves them so much that she pulls them off the shelf and into bed with you, her, and Muriel, putting you back to square one
Complained so much about your bed of plushies that you were considering running off into the woods to never be seen again
Okay well you wouldn't really do that, and seeing as you don't really live in a house your bedroll is covered in plushies
"MC, why are you holding a plushie when you could be holding me?" Becomes a nightly conversation
This problem is mostly solved when you get a plushie of him commissioned
What helps the most is when you buy him some of his own
Cue sniffling and eyeliner stained fluids running down his face
Much like Nadia, you're pretty sure this is actually very healing for him so you indulge him
Sometimes you'll hear him ranting to the plushies with his face all squished into them, which you always stop to listen to. Especially when the conversation turns to you
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Catch A Falling Star
Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x fallen star!reader Summary: This is a Stardust/Sandman crossover. When a fallen star arrives in the Dreaming, Morpheus takes it upon himself to protect her but it quickly becomes something more. Warnings: fluff, love at first sight-ish/quick to fall in love, witch attack, reader hurt, smiting. WC: 4.46k
The Sandman Masterlist
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“Careful you don’t burn too bright, little sister,” Andromache warned, sending her consciousness across the cosmos and into your orbit. “It would break my heart to watch you burn out and fall.”
You were young and reckless, barely 5000 years old, flaunting your light so it could reach the farthest forms of life hurtling through the universe. “You worry too much. I will live for a million years, you’ll see.”
Countless sisters sparkled with you, dancing and skipping around the asteroids and shivering in the wake of icy comets, watching the worlds pass by. Like you, they were born of the Galaxias Kuklos - the Milky Way - keeping each other company through the eternal revolutions of the Centre. There was beauty in your endless travels, bringing hope to those who saw your light and wished upon it. It was also deadly. 
When a star burned too bright she could lose control and explode into a supernova, the light flickering out and the fall began. Or, if one were like poor Yvaine, an object crashed into her - throwing her from the burning core to fall like a supernova without the big bang. 
You had seen it twice during your life and your sisters had wept along with you, the tears falling with her so that she didn’t fall alone. The tears were like diamonds raining upon the galaxy, turning to dust as they burned through the atmosphere - becoming stardust.
A darkness spread across the universe in a way that you had never experienced, not even Andromache could explain the change. It was as if hope had faded and the wishes upon your shimmering light came few and far between. Whispers came from other galaxies, tales of a blight that consumed the consciousness and left trillions sedated and slumbering. You couldn’t let the darkness consume your sisters. 
Your heart burned brighter until all worlds were bathed in the silvery glow of your light. You pushed yourself harder, hotter, combusting at a pace you were not meant to burn with. With each rotation of the Centre you felt your control slipping but you kept your heart burning still, a glimmer of hope in the endless dark. 
Even during the day while your sisters slept, you kept your light glowing.
You felt the moment, a shift within your molecules, and a light flared from inside your core. It whipped out, streaking across the void of space before another escaped, then another. Pure white light dispersed in all directions until you were no longer a compressed being of energy but an explosion. 
“Thank you, little sister,” Andromache whispered softly. “Your light gave us hope.”
You wanted to call out to her, to all your sisters, but you were already falling. No energy, no mass, you had no path of orbit remaining and began to tumble down and down towards the pull of the closest planet.  
A billion tears fell with you, their shimmering light comforting you in the final descent, and you reached out for Andromache’s. You cradled the precious drop to your chest, as your sisters faded to pinpricks of light on a black canvas, and let your own wish be heard.
“Did you say something, boss?” Matthew asked, his head tipping inquisitively. 
“No, Matthew, I did not,” Dream uttered, peering around the throne room as he tried to decipher where the voice had come from. 
The fabric of Dream’s cloak rustled and the raven took to the air with a squawk, something about finding Lucienne. Dream was too stunned to deny the order as he heard your voice, gentle and warm, pleading in a language he did not recognise. He was Endless, there should have been no language that he couldn’t understand. 
“My lord-” Lucienne lost her words as she stepped into the throne room and saw Dream lift the long tail of his cloak and your body tumbled out. 
Matthew hopped across the stone and flapped his wings against your kin “Tell me she hasn’t been trapped in your cloak this entire time.”
“I, I don’t know,” Dream admitted as he took the cloak off entirely and draped it over your naked body. “I don’t know where she has come from.”
“Yeesh.” Matthew shivered. “Wonder what else is hiding in there.”
“My lord,” Lucienne interrupted quietly as he stood contemplatively over you. “I think I may know what she is.”
His head turned halfway to Lucienne, one eye kept on your unconscious form. “And what might that be?”
“She fell from your cloak, sir, could she not be a fallen star?”
Dream’s lips parted as he turned his attention back to you, your eyelashes splayed across your cheeks in what he would have thought would be sleep but your mind was not in the Dreaming. 
A glimmer of something iridescent caught his sight and he knelt at your side, gently opening your fist to see the large teardrop diamond you had protected from the destructive descent. His voice was sombre at the truth and he placed it back into your hand, “You are correct, Lucienne, she is a fallen star.”
Lucienne bowed her head in sadness. “She looks young, too young from what the old tomes have mentioned of their kind.” 
“Return to your library,” Dream said as he lifted you from the cold stone. “Bring everything we have on the Astral beings to my chambers.”
“Of course, my lord, but are you sure you are ready for this responsibility?” Lucienne asked after a moment's hesitation. “We have only just got you back and many beings have gone to war to win her sister’s hearts. I fear this will be no different.”
“What choice do I have, Lucienne?” Dream said as he stared at you in his arms. “I will not cast her beyond the gates to have her heart carved out.” 
The Head Librarian kept her thoughts to herself as she bowed her head and made her exit to begin her task. The Dream that she knew before he was captured would have tossed the young star out without a second thought but he was no longer cold and removed from his feelings. It was the first time she thought that it might be a bad thing. 
Irritation woke you, the scratch of something across your surface. Skin. That was what coated you, what remained when your blinding light had peeled away and turned to vapour. You opened your eyes and slammed them shut from the harsh light that burned them, a painful sound clawing from your dry throat as you turned away.
“It will take a moment to adjust,” a quiet voice soothed. “Open them slowly.”
You followed the instructions blinking slowly until the burn faded and the room came into focus. You didn’t recognise your voice as you used the tongue of man and not the song of your sisters, “Who are you? Why is everything so loud?”
The fire crackled and popped, a heavy repetitive thud echoed in your chest and even your voice hurt to hear.
“I am Dream of the Endless, but you may call me Morpheus,“ he said as he rose from the chair in the corner of the room. “You are no longer in the void of space, sound travels differently here. It will take some getting used to.”
You looked at your empty hands and sobbed as you remembered holding onto your dearest sister's tear, the last piece of home you had. Morpheus crossed the room, his robe swishing with each step, and placed the precious gem into your palm.
“Thank you,” you whispered gratefully. “I don’t know what I would do if I were to lose this.”
He waved his hand over yours without a word and a thin silver chain wrapped around the diamond in delicate swirls. His fingers were cool against yours as he lifted the chain and draped it over your head, the gem coming to rest against your heart. 
“You do not have to thank me, Astra.” Morpheus stepped back and reached for his own chest but caught himself before it could touch the empty space, where his own precious gem used to hang. “It is I who should thank you.”
He gestured to the mountains of books that filled the corner of the room where he had sat while you rested. “You appeared a surprising amount of times in the Library of Dreams. Your light brought hope to many during my imprisonment - brought them comfort when the darkness no longer embraced them in welcome.”
“You…” you gasped and shifted further away from him, “you were the darkness that threatened to consume my sister stars!”
“No,” Dream denied firmly, draping himself back into the chair and pressing his hand to his forehead as if there was an ache forming. “My absence caused the darkness you speak of, I have been trying to repair the damage of that darkness since I returned.”
You relaxed slightly at the admission and sighed with relief that your sisters would be safe. It didn’t make the pain of losing them any less but you knew your burnout had not been in vain. 
“There is something I want to show you, Astra,” Morpheus said after watching your emotions play across your face. Another wave of his hand created a beautiful gown that looked as if it were made from starlight, and it drifted along an invisible current to drape across the foot of the bed.
You rose from the bed, feeling his eyes on your body that you had yet to see for yourself. “My name is y/n.”
You stepped into the gown and immediately enjoyed the silken texture across your skin, much softer than what lined the bedding. Turning your back to Morpheus, you looked over your shoulder and silently requested help with the pearl buttons that traced your spine. 
It took him a moment to move from the stupor he found himself in, but then he closed the distance with two long strides. A knuckle teased the curve of your spine with each button he closed until he reached your nape and he smoothed his thumb over your bare shoulder.
“How do I look?” you asked, nervously running your palms over the material.
A low glow shimmered beneath your skin when you smiled and he swallowed at the sight, something akin to fear making him step away. “It’s only light, it won’t hurt you.”
“It is not me I am worried about,” Dream said as he saw the hurt on your face. “I fear someone will try to take that light away from you.”
He began to lead the way from the room and through the palace explaining why your light was so coveted. 
“So there are creatures out there that mean to cut out my heart and eat it?” You shivered at the thought and unconsciously stepped closer to his side. His billowing cloak rubbed against the sway of your silken dress and you realised you were quite the opposite to him. Where his cloak was black as a starless night, your dress shimmered with the ethereal glow of a thousand twinkling stars. 
“I would not let that happen,” Morpheus swore as he looked across at you. “You are under my protection here.”
You smiled at his kindness before taking in the sight of his land that spread under the night sky. It was peaceful. “Why? Why protect me? You don’t know me.” 
He chewed on the question as you followed the stone path beyond the palace gates and the giant winged creatures that perched above them. “You fell from the skies after giving your all, your burning core, so that others may have hope during my imprisonment. You fell out of the galaxy within my robes. I cannot believe it was mere coincidence. I suppose I should contact my eldest sister, Destiny of the Endless, to see if it is her I should thank.”
“I have seen your kind before, two of them actually,” you admitted, seeing his interest pique at the quiet words. “The Endless.”
“Oh?” he prompted when you fell silent. 
“There was one who travelled through our space, destroying our playground - leaving inhabitable planets in his wake.”
“The Prodigal,” Dream said surprised. “My younger brother hasn’t been seen in centuries.”
“The stars see all, hear all. He was hurt.”
Dream’s large hand wrapped around your wrist, a shock passing through you at the touch, and he pulled you to a stop. “You know where he is. Wait, you said he was hurt? How could he be hurt, he is invulnerable.”
You shook your head. “No being is invulnerable if they can love. Unfortunately, his lover was lost to the other Endless’ embrace. He does not wish to be disturbed and we promised to keep his sanctuary a secret.”
“Desire?” Dream asked with a deep frown. “They have crossed a line taking another sibling's lover as their own.”
“Not Desire, whoever that may be, it was Death,” you said, placing your hand over his and uncurling the grip that had grown tighter. “Why do you people love so freely when it so often ends poorly?”
The terrain shifted beneath your feet and it was only the hold you had on Dream that kept you upright. Suddenly the flat path had risen and you found yourself at the top of a mountain peak. The air was thinner and the drop in temperature had your breath misting in front of your face but you were too stunned to complain. 
“Andromache,” you choked as you looked up and found the brightest star in the sky that sparkled with a wave. The urge to reach out and see if she were as close as she looked almost had you let go of Dream’s hand, but you knew she was still lightyears away. 
You broke away from her light to look at Morpheus, who was once again watching you, and you lost yourself to the stars that danced in his own eyes. “Thank you.”
“We are lonely,” Dream said when he looked back at your sister stars. “We have a function that will endure for all of time. If we were to grow cold and neglect our roles then all worlds would suffer for it. Love keeps us…compassionate, and the loneliness from destroying us.”
“That is a poor reason to love,” you gasped, clutching your chest in surprise, while the cool air seeped through the thin dress and sent a shiver rolling down your spine. “Love should bring you joy and it should be irrational and unreasonable.”
Morpheus quietly contemplated your impassioned outburst before waving his hand and a fur lined cloak fell over your shoulders. “The love you speak of seems to only exist in dreams these days.”
You looked around the cold mountainside, void of life except for the two of you. The cloak had chased away the chill and you curled it tighter around you as a breeze blew across the peak. “Where?”
“Where?” he repeated back in confusion.
“Where is this love? I would like to see it.”
Dream offered his hand and you were once again shocked by his touch as you placed yours in his. In a flicker of star the scenery changed and you found yourself spinning in awe at the setting around you. Joy and colour saturated every molecule of the carnival and a laugh bubbled from your chest as your skin began to glow. 
“This is wonderful!” You gripped Dream’s hand tighter and towed him towards the big top tent where music and cheers were erupting from, your smile so wide it hurt your cheeks. Dancers with ribbons spun their way across the grass path and you felt the silken strands tease through your fingers when you reached out.
“Close your eyes,” Morpheus said as he stopped you and held something hidden behind his back. You trembled with excitement as you slammed your eyes shut. “Now, open your mouth.”
You froze at the gentle command but took a deep breath and trusted him as you parted your lips. Sweetness filled your mouth, the odd texture turning to liquid on your tongue, and you opened your eyes in surprise. “What is that?”
A small smile twitched at his lips as he revealed the fluffy pink cloud on a stick. “Cotton candy.” He plucked a piece off and popped it into his mouth, the colour leaving a trace of brighter pink on his lips. 
You giggled as you stole some for yourself and marvelled at how it disappeared on your tongue again. “You should smile more.”
“Should I? And why is that?” he asked as he leant forward and brushed your ear with his warm breath, his voice full of cool amusement. “Does it bring you joy?”
You tilted your head with a teasing smile of your own. “It does, and you are quite handsome when the morose masquerade is removed.”
“It is no masquerade,” he chuckled, taking your hand and leading you closer to the tent. “Lucienne often reminds me how sullen I am.”
“You should share this side of you with her too.”
“I don’t think she cares for how handsome I am.”
You nudged him in the ribs with your elbow and he huffed a laugh. “I meant smiling, silly! You are denser than my sister Calvera.”
“I’m not sure who should be more insulted, your sister or I.”
You leaned into his side and placed your head on his shoulder as you tried not to laugh. “She is a Neutron star.”
A deep laugh rumbled from his chest before yours joined him. “Are all of your sisters as amusing as you?”
You shook your head and looked up at the stars that filled the sky, the bright point of Andromache barely visible in this place. “No, most of them are very serious. Andromache was constantly telling me to grow up but I think she gave up after I completed my 2nd millenia. I was supposedly mature by then.”
Another smile grew freely on his face before he caught sight of another food vendor. “You have to try a Toffee Apple.”
He slipped from your fingers as he crossed the path and you were distracted by a kind face waving you towards her tent. “Dare to see what your future holds, my dear?”
“You can see the future?” you asked in wonder, stepping closer to the curtains she held aside. 
“I can,” she said with a wink. “I see a very bright future indeed.” You turned to look for Dream but the woman grabbed your hand with a smile and pulled you behind the curtains. “You can find your boyfriend again soon.”
The tent glowed at the term before you felt your face heat and looked away with a nervous laugh. “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend…”
She waved her hand towards the velvet stool and you took a seat as she shuffled around the low table to sit across a crystal ball. “From the glow about you, I’m sure that won’t last for much longer. You have snared him with your light, little star.”
Your stomach lurched and you tried to stand up but found a silver chain had silently threaded around your ankle and leashed you to the table leg. 
“Tut-tut-tut, no need to be afraid.” The witch rose from her seat to reveal an obsidian blade in the folds of the table cloth. “You’ll waste all that precious light.”
“Morpheus!” you screamed, the strength of the sound piercing your slowly adjusting hearing. “Help!”
“Shut it, impudent wretch,” the witch hissed as she raised her hand to your face, a harsh sound snapping the air before your cheek began to burn from the slap. “You dare call on the King of Dreams for help. The Dream Lord would not meddle in our affairs I assure you, there is no helping you.”
Tears were quickly filling your eyes as she spoke with such certainty that you almost believed her. You had never felt such physical pain before, it was still dull compared to the pain of falling from the stars but it ached in a vastly different way. The pain consumed you as she pushed you off the stool and onto the cold woven mat that covered the floor, dirt and muck from the shoes of patrons smearing across your beautiful dress. 
“You cannot have my heart,” you whimpered as you clutched your hands protectively over your chest. 
A wind whipped through the tent, the curtain flapping open sharply before a larger gust tore the fabric away - hefting it up into the sky and baring the stars to witness your pain. There, in the absent entrance stood Morpheus.
You light flared brightly as he stalked across the floor, his face a hard mask of fury as he approached the witch. “This star is under my protection, Tabitha Three-Eyes, and by attacking her you challenge me, your King.”
“I’m sorry, your Majesty,” she stammered as she bowed her head. “I didn’t know she belonged to you.”
Morpheus curled his fingers and the chain unravelled and slithered away from your legs. You scrambled to your feet and scuttled away from the witch whose face had changed since he had arrived, as if the spell that made her kind and welcoming dissolved in the acid of her personality. The perfect image withered to a crone with gnarled fingers and blackened teeth bared in a snarl.
“Don’t try me, spellcaster,” Morpheus warned as he noticed the gleam in her eyes. 
Like a woman possessed, she lurched forward with claws and screamed as black tendrils exploded from her hands. Morpheus threw his hand up and the wave of power shot back tenfold, hurling her back to shatter the table and the crystal ball too. He reached blindly behind his back, a soft sigh slipping from his lips when he felt you safely tucked away. 
“Are you alright?” 
You weren’t quite sure how to answer that as you trembled at his back. “She tried to kill me.” 
“A fatal mistake of hers,” he growled as he eyes the smouldering outline where the witch had landed before turning around. His face was full of concern as he gently cradled your cheek that was swollen from her slap. “She got off too lightly.”
“She is dead.”
“She hurt you.” Dropping his forehead to yours he closed his eyes and exhaled, his breath mingling with yours. “She deserved something far worse than death.”
He opened his eyes again and winced when he looked at your cheek. You gingerly touched the spot and asked, “How do I look?”
“Still radiant,” he smiled sweetly as he leaned, those mesmerising eyes that reminded you of home holding you captive, “still beautiful.”
Your breath caught in your lungs as his lips brushed yours, that familiar spark shocking you back to life. You pressed yourself closer, opening yourself to his exploration and moaning when his tongue took the opportunity. Hands reached for each other, yours lacing into his silky hair while his snaked beneath your cloak to splay across your lower back.
Shimmering dust drifted from the skies above as your glow illuminated the night. You pulled apart gasping at both the intensity of your first kiss and at the sight of the stardust. They were like bright bursts of fireworks casting a myriad of colour around the empty field that had held the carnival, not the dull grey dusting of sorrowful tears. 
“My sisters’ blessings,” you whispered with a smile as you found their tears of joy catching in Morpheus’ hair, the colours stark against the jet black strands. Taking his hands, you placed them on your chest, over the diamond teardrop that hung from your neck. “Having a heart is dangerous.”
Dream wanted to deny it but it was the truth so he settled for the next best thing. “I will protect it.”
“I know you will.” You closed your eyes against the bright glow that radiated from your entire body. Slowly that light shifted until it was concentrated beneath your palms and you released the hold you had on the diamond. The gemstone had changed, taking on a dark red hue that pulsed with a steady beat. You stared at the stone in wonder for a moment longer before slipping the chain over your head and lifting it towards Morpheus. “It is yours if you will have it.”
He bowed his head so you could drape it over his neck, the blood red gem pulsing over his own heart. He felt its warmth as he picked up the stone hanging from the chain, raising it to his lips to place a tender kiss on its surface. You swore you could feel the softness of his lips on your skin before he tucked it beneath his shirt to rest against his skin. 
“I shall cherish your gift until the end of time,” Morpheus promised as he brushed his thumb across your kiss-swollen lips and pouted. “But I have no gift for you.”
You nipped at his thumb and it brought a smile to his forlorn face. “You have given me hope, Morpheus. I thought it was lost when I fell. And you saved my life. I think that is more than enough.”
Dream shook his head and the walls of the palace rose around you, the high stained glass windows behind his throne telling you exactly where you were. “I have offered you protection and sanctuary within my realm…but how about a home?”
“A home…” you mused as you circled the cavernous room and the stairs that lead to a single throne, “with you?”
His lips twitched at your teasing tone and he nodded. “Yes, with me.”
“You would have to smile more,” you warned as you climbed the first step and rose to eye level with him. 
He lost the internal battle to remain impartial and a smile parted his lips. “I’m sure I would have more reason to smile with you here.”
You took another step higher and looked down at Dream, his pretty eyes following your every move as you shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ll have to think about it.”
Those eyes narrowed as you failed to hold your giggle and you couldn’t remain apart any longer, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning down to taste those pouting lips. “Yes, Morpheus.” 
“Really?” he asked half excited, half uncertain he heard you correctly as he closed those two steps and pulled you flush with his body. 
You kissed his chest, where the rapidly pulsing gem rested, and looked into his starry eyes. “I already gave you my heart because that is where home is.”
Taglist: @endlessly-entertaining @damndonner @remusismyhousewife @juxtaposeddreamer @hedwigprewett12 @depressooexxpressoo @jesllianaquilesrolon Tagging from interest in my stardust/sandman crossover post: @ahsxkatano @lorosette @pinksirensong @lostinthedreaming @intothesoul
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bro-atz · 4 months
xikers reacting to you flirting
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pair: xikers/gn!reader
word count: 1k
content: fluff, some established relationships (labeled accordingly!), some lines may be cheesy, most of it is just teasing more than anything, some nicknames (ex. baby, babe, etc)
author's note: inspired by this tiktok of seeun live
taglist: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols apply for the permanent taglist here!
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minjae — established
minjae wants to act suave
but honestly he's super embarrassed
like he's doing his best to flirt back
but his face is beet red in the process
"h-how about you and i go somewhere nice"
"min, babe, your face is super red"
"t-that's bc y-y-you just got me all hot and bothered, baby"
"you're going to turn into a fire alarm at this rate"
but usually he's only like that if you catch him off guard
if he's the one that starts the flirt off
then you're the one that's all shy
but he also suffers from Chronic Dad Jokes™
so some of his lines fall through
"baby, are you from tennessee? bc you're the only ten i see"
"minmin, baby, go to sleep."
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junmin — established
junmin is so embarrassed
you lay one line on him
and he's all sorts of shy
like he can't even respond
he's covering his face with his sweater paws
and he's doing his best to remain calm
but anytime you give him the tiniest compliment
he's squealing
"you're so handsome"
"so gorgeous so sexy"
"who let you go on stage and body roll like that you were too sexy for your own good"
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sumin — first encounter
honestly this guy would start flirting with you first
like jinsik and hyunwoo bet that he wouldn't especially after pointing out how cute you are
so he starts flirting first
"hey there can you do me a favor and stick your finger in my coffee?"
"i need something to make it warmer, hot stuff"
but then he loses his composure when you flirt back
"i think your finger would be better since you're hotter"
he shakes his head and tries to stop blushing
"why don't i take you for ice cream—"
"as long as you promise to not melt my cone, you got yourself a deal"
he holds his hand out for your phone, and he puts his number in
"here's my number. text me, and we'll plan something"
"alright, hot stuff"
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jinsik — first encounter
nah jinsik's poor heart can't take it
like how on earth is he supposed to react
you're so freaking attractive
and then you just casually walk up to him
and tell him you must be dead because you saw an angel???
and that angel his HIM?!?!!?!???!
"your birthday is oct 4th it has to be"
"n-no it's july 30th"
"i thought angels were born oct 04— 1004"
it's such a surprise that he didn't burst into flames honestly
it's even more of a surprise that he didn't collapse and curl into a little ball
how can you flirt so openly omg omg and he's not that cute???
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hyunwoo — established
"babe, on a scale of 1 to 10, you're 3000"
"why is that?"
"because i love you 3000"
hyunwoo has the biggest smirk on his face
"what else?"
"lay it on me baby tell me"
and he's just pressuring you to put more lines on him
but you only had the one arrow in your quiver
so he tries his hand
"you're stellar, babe"
"hold on—"
"i'm going to pick you up at 8. show you a night you'll never forget"
"call me peter pan bc imma take you on a trip to neverland"
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junghoon — established
junghoon doesn't even realize that you're flirting
honestly he's so oblivious
"hey, i think you dropped something"
"what what'd i drop?"
"my heart"
"what? where? why would i have your heart?"
"n-no, hoonie, i'm flirting"
and he has the most blank look on his face
as if he's never heard the word before
"yeah, flirting"
"...oh, i see"
and that's the last time you try to pull lines on him
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seeun — first encounter
seeun can't handle it
like his mind is scrambled
your lines with him are way too subtle
and he's having an existential crisis
like are you???
are you flirting with him???
mans is O.O
"wait wait wait..."
first of all
you mustered all the courage to lay the line
and now he's telling you to wait???
"y es?"
"are you flirting with me?"
"...okay say it again i got a good response"
and then he flirts back
thank god he flirts back bc otherwise you woulda fully fallen over
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yujun — first encounter
yujun freezes
and he's just
are you actually flirting with him?
you like him?
he spotted you like minutes earlier and thought you were super cute
but you??? like him too???
"i'm... i... than k y o u"
he's just so taken aback that he doesn't know how to function
yujun.exe stopped operating
"you're really cute"
he's already not functioning??? and you're making it WORSE???
"y-you too— i mean, you are too— i mean i like you too— I MEAN"
just call him eggs bc he is scrambling
like there is steam coming out of his ears
"y-you're really cute too"
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hunter — established
you can't flirt with hunter
he already knows all the lines in the goddamn book
"hunter, you're 4—"
"yes, i know. i ate. i get it"
"you're no fun"
"come up with something more original then"
but he's grinning ear to ear
in a flirt off
you're fna lose
hunter is the flirting king
so even if you start with him
he'll finish it
and you'll be the one begging him to stop
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yechan — first encounter
first thing: he screams and runs away
but honestly it's kinda your fault for just laying it on so thick so fast
"your hand looks heavy. can i hold it for you?"
and he runs away
but then someone catches him
(most likely minjae)
and steers him back to you
but before he can even take a second to fix his brain
"i think i saw you on spotify— you were listed as the hottest single"
and he runs away screaming again
and someone brings him back again
this goes on for a while until he finally is able to respond appropriately
"g-give me your number and i promise i won't run away again"
44 notes · View notes
hanayori89 · 7 months
✨🐺 Sparks Between Fang Marks: Bite from the Beast 3✨🐺
"Are you sure about this?"
Link stood; a majestic vision enrobed in his signature hero's tunic. You grabbed a wooden comb from his bureau and ran it through his unruly bangs.
"What's wrong with my normal clothes? I'm not going into battle."
You stopped combing, rolling your eyes. "For a hero, you sure do whine a lot. Haven't you ever heard love is a battlefield?"
"I just think falling in love shouldn't involve this much effort."
"Effort?" You countered. "Link, you're going on a measly date."
With a surrendering sigh, he stood still as you brushed his tunic, making sure to iron out any wrinkles in its cotton with your fingertips. You ignored the feel of brawn beneath his clothes as you continued to smooth his collar down. The past few weeks, you and 'wolf boy' have grown quite close... as friends.
Sure, there were lingering looks laced with sharp-witted chatter that seemed to hang between you both. The more you seemed to torture Link, the bolder he became. The chemistry between you both had become combustible.
At least on your end.
But your job was to groom him and give him away to the 'one' who would inflame his heart with love and set him free of his curse.
But you found it becoming harder and harder to ignore the little whisper in the back of your mind. This minute, taunting voice seemed to ask you, why couldn't you be the one?
"Y/N?" You looked up at Link to see him observing you in concern. "You, okay? You look like you floated into the mirror of Twilight, never to be seen again."
You give his collar a final smooth down before playfully swatting him away. "Come on, you don't want to be late for a date; it's a poor look."
You both made your way over to Link's horse, Epona. "We must head to Castle Town."
Link hopped onto Epona. The image of him clad in his green tunic atop his horse was sure to make any person's pulse race. Who didn't love a dashing knight?
"Y/N? Are you coming up?"
You looked at him, puzzled. "Huh? You mean ride with you? You don't have a horse for me?"
"What's the point? We can both fit on Epona." He jumped off of Epona and stood before you, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "You're awfully weird today. I'm the one getting tortured with blind dates." He grabbed your waist and began to lift you off of the ground.
"What are you-"
"You just told me we can't be late." Link hoisted you upward, helping you wrap your legs onto Epona and get your feet securely into the stirrups of her saddle. He jumped up behind you. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" His whisper sent a chill down your spine.
Another trickle of his breath hits your ear. "Let's go; I don't want to be out with you when the moon rises."
"I agree; I would like to not be attacked by 'wolf' you again."
A cocky laugh erupted from his throat. "Who said anything about the wolf?"
You both made your way to Castle Town, where the interview for Link's heart was waiting to commence.
You walked into Telma's tavern; the dim lights and blithe atmosphere would be perfect for Link's first date. You made your way to the bar and hid your face behind an oversized menu. You surreptitiously watched as he sat alone at a table.
Wishing you were the one sitting with him.
He looked over at you, and you gave him a supportive thumbs up. You could see the tension melt from his shoulders at the sight of you. He gave you a resolute nod.
A buxom figure strolled toward his table. Her wide hips sashayed purposefully, reminding all of the men in the bar of her spell-binding femininity. A white cat jumped onto Link's lap, startling him.
"Louise! What did I say?"
Telma pulled a chair out, sitting down in front of Link.
"Hey Telma."
"Hey there, sugar. Louise figured she would be your emotional support cat." Link gazed down at the long-haired feline with fur colored like a marshmallow. He massaged her temples, causing her to vibrate with approval.
"Oh, you know I'm waiting for a date?"
Telma bent toward Link, a tidal wave of her cleavage spilling onto the table. He looked away.
"It's a shame you and Ilia didn't work out, but it's not a shame for me..." Her hand snuck beneath the table and landed on his knee, causing him to jolt upright.
"T-Telma, what are you-"
She winked at him. "You need a woman, Link. That's your problem. A man with a body like yours should be praised by the warm, curvaceous body of a woman like me." Her fingers danced up his leg, rattling him.
"Telma, don't tell me you're..."
"Your date? I'm glad you figured it out, honey.
Link shot you a glowering stare, and you shrugged your shoulders. You ignored Telma's hands all over him. You ordered a shot from the bar to bury your jealousy.
"W-what about Renado?" Link asked.
Telma took her hand off of his leg and slammed the table. Louise slowly opened and closed her eyes, oblivious to anything but the attention his fingers were feeding her. "I'm done chasing him! I don't chase men; they chase me!"
Link sighed. "Telma, I don't know what Y/N told you, but I'm looking for love."
"Sure, honey, I can give you lovin' "
"No!" Link put his hand on his forehead and rubbed it in vexation. "I mean, love. Not sex."
"Well, if you change your mind, you're in my bar after all." She got up, her black leather cloak swinging behind her. Louise looked up at him and hissed. She hopped off of his lap and followed behind her scorned mother.
Link looked your way, slowly beckoning you with a few flicks of his finger. You quickly hid your face, ignoring him.
You had a feeling Telma would be too forward for someone like Link, who needed to think he was in control. Link liked to be the aggressor. At least he seemed that way with you.
That's why you enlisted a few other choices.
You buried your face in the menu once again when you saw another contender approach Link's table.
"Hi Link!" She sat on the empty chair across from him.
"What are you doing here? The bar is no place for children."
Her legs dangled off of the chair. She stood up so she could stamp her foot and demonstrate her displeasure. "Link, I am 19 now!"
"Oh, has it been that long?" Link gave her an amicable smile. "You have grown into a fine young lady and princess."
"Well, duh, that's why I'm here."
"Oh no," Link swore beneath his breath.
"Every princess needs a prince, and well, you always helped collect bugs for me." Agitha placed a box on the table. Link didn't need to ask to know what was inside of it.
Agitha giggled, a sound reminiscent of when she was the ten-year-old he first encountered. Her blonde pigtails bobbed as she whispered, "Here is the deal; in this box are a bunch of cockroaches. You help me play a prank on Telma, and I'll agree to date you."
Link fell backward, scrambling to get away from the box of eager roaches on the table. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous look on his face. Link caught sight of you laughing and growled.
You had to say that growling suited him, even as a human.
"Agitha," Link stood and brushed off his clothing. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm afraid I just need someone a little older."
"HMPH! With that attitude, you'll always be single!" She grabbed her box, storming off, but not before thrusting it in Link's direction and threatening to take the lid off, giving him a jump scare.
You once again pretended to look at the menu until you felt hands rip it from your grasp. "Is this your idea of a joke?" Link got in your face and hissed.
"Telma's boobs and Agitha's bugs? That's what you think is going to make me fall in love?"
"What's not to love about Telma's boobs?"
"Oh, alright. Such a crabby wolf boy! Listen Link," you set your hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "You have to understand love comes in all sorts of packages and sometimes in someone you least expect."
The crowded bar offered little distraction from how close he was looming to your lips. You couldn't help yourself, thanks to the magic of the shots you indulged in, you awarded yourself with a quick glance at his. You couldn't help but think about how lucky the winning candidate would be to taste them. "There's a few more applicants. Please, just trust me, okay?"
Link groaned. "Oh, fine! But if none of them work, then I expect you to have a backup plan."
You opened your lips, snapping them shut. You wanted to tell him you had a backup plan.
And actually, the backup plan had been your first plan all along.
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*claps hands in delight*
OkAY SKylor is actually pretty kind in her own way, but her asking Kai to run with her kinda broke my heart ( my heart has been broken many times during this-) . Dude was being pretty rude tho >:[. I mean i get where Kai is coming from but.. rlly, bro?
Secondly...Jay's POV (!!!!) i was hoping to get a smidge of him soon. He rlly does need to talk to Zane- Pix is pretty blunt but what she's said is true. We need a reunion chapterrrrr (wink wink nudge nudge) or i will combust..!
Lastly *GASP* we found Fingerprints?????? OOooOoh the Chen's are in trouble~. Cole is trying to stand tall but I see it's all caving in on him.. sad :(..... Well! Off to read some less-depressing fics and hope for the future of these sad ninja
TYTYTYTY <3 love this ficcc see ya next Wed for more rantingggg
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Funny thing about Kai when he's not terrified of what the people he cares about think about him is he can be really snarky, just as snarky as Skylor and a little mean too :(
More Jay POV to come because I feel like I've neglected the poor dude and my goodness does he feel neglected! A little...
If you thought this chapter was depressing just wait till the next one I'm inserting a Cole breakdown as we speak--
See you next Wednesday!! Thank you for the delightful rambles <3 I hope you found some fluffy fics to heal your soul o7
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busy-baker · 1 month
Another part of Darling Dhampir is now available
✨Pixie Dust…Read on Ao3 ✨
Juniper becomes ill and Astarion takes to caring for her. He comes across a way that may be able to help her but he is wary of the consequences.
Word Count: 1.9k
After several days of various types of torture, the pixies seemed to have settled their antics, although Astarion was still watching his back at every turn.
He would rather risk his neck warding off every vicious beast they encountered with his bare hands than deal with the bothersome pests that inhabited the forest around them. They were nasty, little creatures and he was sure they were aware of how he felt with his constant grumbling.
The vampire placed down the book he had found lying around that dreadful castle. It was terribly cliché in its tale. A beautiful heroine saves the day all while failing to not fall in love with the man already so desperately in love with her.
Astarion lifted his head to glance in the direction of where his wife stood chatting with Shadowheart, holding their precious daughter in her arms. A loving smile pulled at his lips as he watched her.
Terribly cliché, he thought, knowing the book would find its way back with him to be placed on one of their bookshelves, only to be read when he needed to be reminded of his own love story.
Pushing off the ground and to his feet, he walked over to join Tav. His hand ran through his hair absentmindedly and he shuddered at the touch of his flattened mane. He disposed of his products that the pixies had tampered with but his once beautiful locks were still showing no sign of returning to their once former glory.
As he reached his wife and the cleric, he saw the both wore expressions of worry on their faces as they huddled over a resting Juniper. Astarion was filled with anxiety, stepping closer to inspect his daughter.
“What are you discussing? What’s wrong?” he asked. His didn’t mean for his voice to be unsteady but he didn’t like to be on the outskirts when it came to his child.
Tav turned to her husband and her worry instantly softened. He knew she was trying to calm her features to not stir his emotions further but it only made him more impatient for an answer.
“Juniper has a slight fever,” she answered, touching his arm to stop him before he could interrupt, “But she’s resting and it’s most likely from teething so no need to lose your head yet, my love.”
Astarion leaned in closer, peering down to examine the dhampir. Her cheeks were flushed with bright red patches but she was otherwise peaceful. Her dark lashes rested gently against her skin as she was in a deeper reverie than usual.
His wife’s words were supposed to reassure him but the spawn’s nerves would never rest until his daughter was back to being perfectly healthy and until that moment, she would be spending it in his arms, where he could watch over her in case she succumbed to any other ailments.
“Allow me to take her. Maybe my…condition will help soothe her fever,” he offered. On the outside, he plastered on an easy grin, every bit the confident father he wanted to display in front of his lover and their friend. On the inside, he was a deteriorating mess.
She’s sick. Sick! And I’m to remain calm?
“A little father daughter time may do just the trick,” Tav said, bringing the baby up closer to her face and rubbing the tip of her nose lightly against her daughter’s. Her lips pressed to Juniper’s forehead and then the tiny bundle was placed into Astarion’s arms.
His hand came up to stroke her rosy cheek and his still heart sank at first contact. The vampire had grown used to the unusual warmth of others near his glacial skin, like the sun’s rays hitting you at dawn but this, this was almost extreme on his undead hand. His poor girl felt like a blazing inferno. His head snapped up, no longer hiding his concern.
“She feels as if she’s going to combust!” He exclaimed, “Do something about it, cleric!”
“As much as I would love to, I can’t, Astarion.” Shadowheart told him. She appeared sympathetic but that did nothing for the spawn’s mood.
A soft touch on his arm made him turn from the Selunite to his wife. She raised on her toes to kiss the corner of his mouth and then brushed a strand of that increasingly annoying hair back.
“She only feels warmer to you because you’ve never felt it before. Until her teeth break through, this may happen from time to time,” she told him, “If her condition worsens, we will settle somewhere indoors for the night with proper care.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, accepting the deal, “We’ll stroll around awhile. It seems the fey have taken a liking to our little one and I could use the protection.”
“You’re just going to leave us here without our best defense?” Tav called to him as he sauntered away.
“Good luck, darling!” He tossed a lazy wave in the air with a devious grin on his face.
Astarion continued on with Juniper until he found himself standing at the small pond where he had bathed earlier in the day. The moonlight rippled across the tiny waves as they lapped where the water met the land.
He glanced down at his little one, hoping to see her bright eyes staring back at him but the fever was still overtaking her small body. She needed to rest but it was hurting him every second that she wasn’t well.
He began to hum to her, hoping the melody would somehow ease the pain. He would stand in that spot all night, crooning every song he had memorized for her, if it would wake his darling daughter.
“What a beautiful song,” a lilted voice said from behind Astarion.
His tune stopped as he observed a trail of gold dust leading up to a pixie that now floated only arm’s length away. He took a step back, clutching Juniper closer to his chest. He didn’t care how much these nitwits cared for the dhampir, he didn’t trust them to even fly in the air she breathed.
“I mean no harm, vampire.” She held up her minuscule hands, one clutching a small bottle. “The child, I overheard she has a fever.” Slowly, she came closer, but the spawn’s grip did not loosen.
“Y-yes,” Astarion answered, clearing his throat, “It’s none of your concern though. She’s feeling much better already.” A lie.
“Ah, I wanted to offer my thanks for allowing my children to look over your little one, as you call her,” she said, before turning away, “But if you say she’s on the mend…”
The vampire noticed the resemblance between the more mature, if you could say that considering pixies only aged to twenty, fey and the younger ones that had stuck around for an obscene amount of time earlier in the day fawning over his child.
He wanted to tell her to piss off, to fly off into the abyss of the forest and never return. He was so completely and utterly tired of being around these horrid creatures, but a cry from Juniper’s lips, if you could even call it that, made him reconsider the tiny woman’s offer.
“Wait!” Astarion yelled, watching the gossamer wings hesitate, “I think her fever may be coming back.”
The pixie spun with a smile, approaching once again. Her periwinkle hand caressed over the downy curls of the babe’s head and flecks of gold dust glimmered in the light of the moon.
“So suddenly too!” The fey looked at him feigning surprise.
“These things seem to come and go,” he said, flitting his hand back and forth, “But you mentioned offering your thanks and I couldn’t help but notice that bottle you are holding.”
The pixie held up the almost translucent bottle in her hand. It had a faint glow to it and it’s contents swirled around as if it were sand but at a slower pace. It was almost hypnotizing.
She popped off the cork and dumped the slightest bit onto her hand. She held it out for Astarion to observe and he saw it was glowing just like the trail that followed behind her when she flew.
“My dust. Just a pinch. Combine it with some healing potion and she’ll be right as rain.” She nudged his hand until he opened it and sprinkled the dust onto his palm, taking both of her hands and closing his larger one into a fist.
“How do I know this isn’t another trick?” he asked. His tone wasn’t suspicious anymore. He was genuinely curious and worried for the wellbeing of his daughter. He couldn’t risk something happening to her.
“We have nothing against any of you, especially this one.” She pointed to Juniper. “You, though, make it too easy. Try to not be such an open target.”
Astarion made a dissatisfied noise, looking off to the pond, but decided against a snarky comment. She had provided him with a gift. Now was not the time to argue.
“I suppose I should thank-” His eyes glanced back but the pixie was now gone, her dust fading into the night.
The vampire was back at camp after only being gone for less than an hour. He could see his wife’s silhouette in Shadowheart’s tent. They were probably sharing a bottle of wine while gossiping about him.
He quickly snuck into their own tent, placing a still blushing Juniper in her bassinet and dug through his bag until he came across a healing potion. With extreme care, he used his hand to funnel in every last drop of the shimmering dust into the flask before swirling it around.
He popped the cork off the mixture, watching a small cloud poof from the top, and poured a small amount in a bottle. He closed his eyes and took in a long, deep breath and then let it out as he picked up Juniper.
“If you turn into a frog, your mother will murder me,” he told the dhampir.
He nudged the bottle to her lips several times before she opened. Her little lips pulled at the nipple, sucking down the contents. Her mouth smacked together loudly when she finished, eyes squeezing together and nose wrinkling at the taste.
Astarion watched, within seconds of drinking the potion, Juniper’s cheeks began to return to their normal shade. Her eyes fluttered opened and albeit a bit dazed, wandered over her father’s face.
Astarion broke out into a glorious smile. He kissed his daughter’s head over and over, overjoyed with how she felt her usual temperature.
“It worked!” He shouted, almost too loud.
The flaps of the tent opened and in came Tav, a curious look on her face.
“What worked?” She asked, taking a seat next to her husband.
Astarion wrapped one arm around her waist, snuggling his family as close as possible. He felt himself relax even more as her head rested on his shoulder and she gazed down at their no longer ill child.
“Oh, that whole ‘father daughter’ time. Her fever seems to have went away,” he answered. He shifted just enough to hide the potion bottle under his thigh. There was no way he was letting her know he let their daughter ingest some strange magic.
“See? No need to worry so much,” she said, stroking a finger over a silver brow.
“When you’re right, you’re right, my sweet,” he told her, leaning to kiss her but just as he did, Juniper let out a hiccup.
Astarion and Tav both looked at their daughter. They chuckled at the funny noise but then another one came and a gold puff came exhaling out of the baby’s mouth.
Astarion froze and his wife turned to him.
“Would you mind telling me all about this ‘father daughter’ time?” Tav asked, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
Fucking pixies, he thought.
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spookyserenades · 8 months
Soo I hope you're ready for this, because it's gonna be a doozy. I have so many emotions over this story, I cannot tell you. Thank you so much for writing Trouvaille, I feel like it's been something I've been missing all my life. From the very first chapter, you've been able to create a world where anything and everything is possible with our favourite boys. My heart cannot handle it.   I do have a few questions though. Let's go by each member. 
For Joonie: how could you do this to me? This is my favourite depiction of Namjoon. Especially wolfie Namjoon. Everything is right, it just fits.  From the attitude, how he was trying to flex on everyone from the first day, to him loving sweets and being a complete bookworm, it's all so good. I can definitely see this version of Namjoon living in a trailer in the middle of a national park and being obsessed with Bigfoot lol. I also enjoyed how you were able to show how he can be uncomfortable with his emotions. After the incident, when he was trying to apologize to Y/N and he seemed lost and awkward, I really felt that. He's been a lone wolf for so long, it's really not surprising he may be a tad bit emotionally constipated. I definitely know the feeling lol. 
Taehyung: I can't. I cannot with this version of Tae. I love how he is, and his backstory. It's so interesting! How did you come up with it? I've read quite a few hybrid stories, and I can honestly say I've never read a backstory like his before. Poor Tae Bear. I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and cuddle him. He is too good for this world. I love how he was so quick to warm up to Y/N, it's so cute. How he came running when he heard her scream from her bathroom, and went all inspector mode to see if anyone was in there attempting any harm. Ahh.. my heart.
Seokjin: What a backstory for Jin. I was at the edge of my seat reading the last chapter. Why am I not surprised his previous owners would dump him at a shelter when they have no more use for him. He put his heart and soul into performing, and they just discarded him like he was nothing. I would definitely have a few choice words for them, I'd start throwing hands. >:(  The last chapter was amazing. How he felt safe enough to tell Y/N his backstory, his fears, and talk about Hannah. Please tell me we will get a chance to meet Hannah. Please tell me she didn't perish in the accident. Pretty please 
Yoongi: My favourite relationship in this story so far is between Y/N and Yoongi. From the very beginning, it's like they had an understanding. They definitely knew each other in another life, I love how you added that to the story! How he looks after her, doesn't mind cooking and even lets her get away with all that she does, she has him wrapped around her little finger. And he lets her!! Yes. Yes to everything.  I love how protective he is over her- I almost combusted reading the drabble for my boys - yes Yoongi, feel jealous and overprotective of your girl! He gave her the biggest cinnamon roll with the most icing... I squealed. Also, that scenting scene was hot. I hope they have more scenes together in the future.
Hoseok: Ahh Hobi.. the sunshine of the group. Yes to being a cheeky boy. It's like he's been on Y/N's side from the very beginning. He is the one that I've been wondering about the most in this story. Is he going to be able to get over his fear of wolves? Is he ever going to get Y/N to do yoga with him? Are we ever going to meet Keaon, and if so, will a certain foxy be jealous?  So many questions! Also, in the last chapter, when he was whistling his tune and she asked him about it, was that a sort of mating call? I tried looking it up, but I didn't get anywhere with it lol.
Jimin: Ahh Jiminie.. yes. His whole aesthetic - hair slicked back, jean wearing cowboy with the Clark Kent hairstyle. Yes. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I went back to read the chapter where everyone got their hair cut. Out of all the cuts, this one is top notch. I must admit, I did not expect Jimin's backstory in this. Are we going to find out more about why he left home? Does it have anything to do with his family? He has a sister, are we going to meet her as well? Will she like Y/N? So many questions!! 
Jeongguk: Last but cerainly not least, Kookie. My spooky gothic angel. I love his aesthetic in this as well. When you said you were going for a Constantine vibe with him.. I can assure you, you did it. Very very well lol. His attitude with the other guys and with Y/N has me feeling a certain type of way. Poor guy seems like he's been through quite a bit. But I like how he's had his troubles and tribulations with everyone, and he's slowly opening up. His birthday chapter was so cute, he seemed so distrusting of Y/N at the beginning, but he came through at the end. Can we get a drabble of the party as well? I'd love to see how he felt.  Anyways, this post is too long so this is the end of it lol. I cannot wait for October 7th. It cannot come fast enough. Thank you for all you do Dana! 
Hi hello how are you my love!!! 🥰 Thank you so so much for sending me in this lovely feedback! I hope you don't mind a late response, I wanted to answer each of your questions to the best of my ability since you have sent me so much love. Thank you for loving and supporting Trouvaille so much, I'm so grateful and happy that I get to share the story and these boys with you! You're too kind, and I really appreciate you and your love! So I, too, will go member by member for you as well;
Joon: HEHE AHHH It makes me super happy and excited that you love this version of Joonie!! He is my main bias in BTS (I'm hyung line biased, I wonder if it's obvious...) But I loved giving him a little attitude and edge. I feel like it fits his Virgo energy, as well as going hand in hand with being a wolf hybrid. Still though, him being bookish and very into eating sweets are some qualities IRL Namjoon has, and I definitely wanted to keep some of their real personality traits in this story as well. I love Namjoon's past in Trouvaille, it will be revealed piece by piece as the story goes on since he's pretty private (and we'll see even more of it in the eventual release of his prequel!) Namjoon is based loosely off of Fox Mulder from the X-Files, so that's where the Bigfoot/cryptid/paranormal interest comes from. Namjoon has a "lone wolf" complex that we'll see him struggle with throughout the plot, so a lot of human emotions are difficult for him to process and express. I love the term you used-- "emotionally constipated" 💀, that's TOTALLY what he is... I doubt he has ever had to apologize to someone like that. It was definitely new to him!
Taehyung: Kodiak Tae is my baby, my boyfriend... He's a sweet boy!! I'm glad that you like his backstory and find it interesting. It was kind of a risk to incorporate something like a murder within a backstory of one of the boys, but I think that it's added some interest and mystery to his character-- he's not all rainbows and sunshine, he's got darker origins. Most of the boys I have based off of characters from my favorite books/films/shows. As for Tae, I based his backstory off of the TV show Twin Peaks, and a slew of characters from that show, primarily Josie Packard, Big Ed and Audrey Horne. There is a large part of that show that takes place in a logging plant (that's where Tae was working prior to his adoption), so that's where that part of his backstory came from. Other than that, I wanted him to have a sort of Seattle grunge rock vibe, and some skeletons in his closet to counteract his shy and sweet nature. He is such a love though, he really warmed up to Y/N and her personality. And that scene where he ran into the bathroom... he was checking for intruders, ready to beat them up if they dared to break into Y/N's bathroom!! 👹
Seokjin: I love a good dark circus aesthetic! I think that it fits Seokjin in Trouvaille well. He has that pretty face, athletic build, and such a stage presence. It is horrible that in the Trouvaille universe, many companies and people discard hybrids once deemed "damaged" or "useless". Seokjin likely put his all into performing, and was easily damaged-- no wonder he, too, is clingy like Tae. Y/N, like you, is ready to burn the whole circus down for him!!! I'm so happy you liked the last chapter and the focus on some of Seokjin's backstory. It was really fun to finally reveal some of his past to the readers. He definitely feels safe with Y/N, especially because she treats him so gently and doesn't have outrageous expectations for him. As for Hannah- we'll find out a little more about her in the next chapter, and in the future as well! She will definitely be touched upon again, so don't worry! 😉
Yoongi: I could cry!!! 🥺 Yoongi and Y/N's relationship is my favorite so far, as well. I love nothing more than Yoongi's gentle, doting, and selfless personality, and it totally reflects in his character in Trouvaille. The two of them have this almost unspoken connection, and it is very mysterious. I am such a fan of past-life lover stories, so I had to incorporate it at least a little bit in Trouvaille. I classify Yoongi as a househusband in this story, which is a dream of many. Whether Y/N knows it or not, she has Yoongi eating out of the palm of her hand (she's too enamored with him to notice). His love language seems to be acts of service. Anything he can do to make her life easier, he does-- and he definitely gets affection in return. Their piano lessons together... UGH! I'm so jealous, I want that relationship LOL. He is certainly one of the more possessive and jealous ones (Joon and Tae, too) but it's almost like he wants to steal her away for himself! He indulges her so much.. the cinnamon roll AH all she had to do was flirt with him a little! And his scenting scene was my FAVORITE too, so I'm happy you liked it as well. There is certainly more of that coming.
Hoseok: Hobi is just so! I love him so so much. Like Y/N, foxes are my favorite animal. I think the cleverness and quickness of a fox fits Hoseok's personality and vibe well. He is one of the hybrids more shrouded in mystery, and has a tough time opening up, perhaps because he had been waiting so long to be adopted and many of his previous adoptions had fell through. He and Y/N have like a bestie connection, and she feels totally at ease with him. Often, he's the one to break up tension, and he is most similar to Y/N, personality wise (extroverted, optimistic). Y/N is going to try her best to help him get over his wolf phobia, but he likely has a long road ahead of him to sort that out-- I don't see him becoming super chummy with Namjoon right away. Keon may make a comeback in the future, I'm excited that you remembered him! I think not only will Hoseok be jealous, but the rest of them as well... A hybrid from her past? Drama! The whistle: like the others, Hoseok is based off of a film character, his being Mr. Fox from Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox. In the film, Mr. Fox has a "signature" or "trademark" whistle/click noise he makes, and that is what Hoseok does.
Jimin: Hnnnnggg I adore blonde Jimin, it's one of his best looks. I have such a clear image in my mind of his really classic looking haircut (suitable for a cowboy, LOL) with the piece of hair in his face... woof. I loved the haircut chapter, it was self indulgent and gave me the opportunity to give them all my favorite looks on them LMAO. His backstory is one of the more "out there" ones, but it's different than the others and I hope you'll find it interesting when we hear more about it in the future! We'll find out why he wanted to leave home, especially when it seems like it is one of the more comfortable ways for a hybrid to live. I will say, it has more to do with Jimin's dreams and ambitions, rather than any quarrels with his family. There is a definite possibility that we'll meet his sister in the future, as well--Y/N will likely want to reunite them even for a few days, if she can. Y/N seems to be pretty happy go lucky and likable, so I'm sure Jimin's sister would approve, especially when she sees how much Y/N cares for her brother.
Jeongguk: The Constantine movie with Keanu Reeves has to be one of my favorite movies, like ever. I'm stoked that you think I've accomplished the aesthetic with Jeongguk! He happens to be one of the more self indulgent characters that I wrote into Trouvaille. I love a gothic sort of bad boy, and the paranormal investigator vibe fits him super well. Even IRL, Jeongguk has expressed interest in paranormal topics before, so I think it is true to him. He has quite an abrasive and temperamental personality in Trouvaille, which I think is refreshing for Jeongguk in fics. There is a reason for the way he acts and his prickliness, and when he feels like he can open up more and doesn't have to be so distrustful and defensive, he will. He is slowly becoming more comfortable in his environment, sharing it with the other hybrids, and with Y/N's presence, as well. I think he realizes now that she isn't there to betray him. His birthday was so so so fun to write, and allowed us to not only see a softer side of him, but get some of his backstory as well. I will jot down that drabble idea, I really think that would be a blast to write!
Thank you a million times for sending in all of your thoughts, I really enjoyed hearing them all 🥺, and I hope I could provide you with new insights! I can't wait to share Chapter Ten with you on the 7th, and I'm sending you so much love! Thank you for reading and supporting Trouvaille! 🩷😘
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Mothers of the Moon
Chapter 8 - Euphoria
This is very, very wolfstar centric but can you really blame me?
It’s the teenage awkwardness it’s so funny to me lmao
Short chapter today :)
“What do I do if someone keeps sending me… mixed signals?” Remus asked Poppy, the two of them sat in her office at the hospital wing.
“If?” She asked back, arching an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, uh… I like this guy, and he- I don’t know, every time I start to think he might feel the same, he just pulls away again.”
She knew full well he was talking about Sirius, even if he was keeping it a secret. Still, she respected his wishes and played dumb.
“Are you sure he’s pulling away?”
“…yeah. There was one time when he- well, we had a conversation, and then I looked down and he had grabbed my hand, and I was so sure that- still, the door opened and he moved away and… I think he’s been avoiding me since.”
That was new.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’d just rather know if he doesn’t feel the same way, instead of all of this, y’know?”
“Have you tried talking to him about it?” She asked.
“No!” He answered quickly. “No, uh… we’re… close friends. I don’t want to risk screwing everything up.”
“If you’re really friends, he won’t let anything get in the way of your friendship if you tell him.” Remus was silent for a few moments, playing with his hands, eyes fixed on the table.
“It’s Sirius.” He confessed quietly, Poppy biting back a small, knowing smile. “D’you really think I should tell him?”
“Remus, dear, I have a feeling Sirius fell for you a while ago.”
“You do?” The hope in his voice was enough to make Poppy stop holding back her smile, looking at Remus with a small, reassuring nod. She went to speak, when there was a knock at the office door.
“Come in!” She called, Remus turning to face the door that creaked open gently. James smiled at the two of them.
“Hey, sorry. Moony, charms starts in a few minutes.”
“Oh, right, yeah. Bye mum.” Remus said hurriedly, grabbing his bag and leaving with a wave.
It was decided, Remus was going to talk to him.
He was finally going to do it. Open his heart, risk getting rejected, and just…
Right after he tried talking to James.
Alright, he was a little scared to talk to Sirius, but who could blame him?
They had been set an essay in transfiguration, and as they worked at a comfortable noise level, Remus turned to James.
“Is Sirius… I don’t know, angry at me, or something?” He asked, hushed. James’ head snapped up then, eyes meeting Remus’, before turning to Sirius, a few seats across.
“How come?” James turned back to his essay, Remus trying to ignore his own nerves.
“He’s just been… avoiding me, lately.” Remus answered back. “Only the past few days. He tells you an obscene amount about his life, did I do something?” James shrugged, eyes flicking over to Sirius.
“You’ll have to ask him, mate. It’s not really my place to say anything.” Remus nodded, a little dejected, turning back to his work. “Unless you want my opinion, because I’m not actually telling you anything then.”
“I- yeah, sure, okay.”
“I’d say there’s a 0% chance he’s mad at you.” James answered plainly, shooting Remus a very specific glance. Remus frowned, confused.
“Alright, good. Then what’s going on with him?”
“Moony, I love you and all, but I’m begging you to talk to Sirius about this. Begging.”
“Oh, uh… alright?” He tried to turn back to his work, but if anything, James had confused him more. “I-“
“I will drag Pete out of the dorm just so you two can talk this evening.” James sounded a little desperate at this point, dropping his quill. “Just put an end to all of this, please.”
Okay, so he had a few hours to prepare himself.
Also known as a few hours for his anxiety to heighten. A lot.
Still, there was no escape from it that evening, when James said he was going to the kitchens, dragging poor Peter out with him. James looked like he was going to combust if Remus didn’t follow through, so he was stuck. Stuck forcing himself to take a deep breath and walk to Sirius’ bed, who was sat flicking through a Quidditch book.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Sirius jumped slightly, but still shut the book and shoved it aside.
“Sure.” Remus sat on the bed in front of Sirius, watching him for a few moments.
“Why are you avoiding me?” Sirius’ eyes widened.
“What? I- I haven’t been…”
“Sirius, don’t lie to me, please.” He didn’t realise that there was an element of pleading in his voice until he spoke, slightly surprised at how much he had missed talking to Sirius the way they had been. “The only time you’ve been talking to me is if we’re in a group, Padfoot. Have I- I don’t know, have I upset you?”
“No! No, of course you haven’t!” Sirius rushed to reassure Remus, but honestly? It didn’t change anything.
“Then what’s going on?” Sirius looked at him rather sadly, then, taking Remus off guard, but he kept pushing anyway, just wanting it to be over and done with. “It started after that- that conversation about my birth parents.” He added quietly. “And I know you wouldn’t judge me for that, so I- was it about you grabbing my hand? Were you worried about, I don’t know, giving me the wrong idea, or something? Because yeah, I’d started to wonder if that meant what I thought it meant, but if you’re that adamant that you don’t feel that way about me, just tell me, alright?”
“Feel…?” Sirius prompted, making Remus wonder how the hell he had fallen so hard for someone so oblivious.
“Listen, if I’m crazy for noticing anything, just tell me, but… recently, I thought that we- that something might have been happening, between us. That maybe you- you felt the same way, that you liked me… romantically. I can see now that was stupid, and we can just forget this conversation ever happened-“ Remus had started to get up and off the bed when Sirius practically launched himself across the space between them, falling over himself in an attempt to stop Remus from leaving.
It was so fucking endearing.
“Wait!” Remus turned, Sirius looking completely and utterly shocked. “Did you mean that?”
“Forgetting we had this conversation? I mean, yeah, if you want-“
“No, not that. That you like me. Romantically.”
“Oh.” Remus’ heart was thudding in his chest, every hair standing on edge. “…yeah. I thought it was kind of obvious, at this point. I’d just figured that you didn’t want to talk about it, so I dropped it.”
“I definitely didn’t know!” Sirius exclaimed, shaking his head. “Half the school see me falling over my feet for you! I thought you knew and didn’t feel the same way! I was just trying to make it easier for you!” Remus’ head was spinning. That was a lot of information to take in.
“So you- are you saying that you…?” Sirius finally seemed to take a pause, a genuine breath, deflating slightly as he scrubbed his hands over his face.
“This is… not how I wanted to do it.” He said with a groan. “I just kept panicking and not telling you! Remus, I- of course I like you. How couldn’t I? I mean, if you- if you want, we could go to Hogsmeade on Saturday? On a date? Just us? Well, I mean, obviously just us if it’s a date, I wouldn’t want to invite someone else on our date. If you actually want to go on a date, anyway.” Sirius was a stuttering, blushing mess.
Remus loved him so fucking much.
He was honestly surprised at how together he appeared on the outside when every inch of him was screaming to grab Sirius by the jacket and snog him senseless.
So, he did.
Well, it could hardly be called a snog. He just grabbed Sirius’ leather jacket, pulled him in and kissed him. A wave of uncontrollable euphoria washed over him gently, unable to hold back a smile against Sirius’ lips. After a moment, he pulled away and smiled at Sirius, a little breathless.
“I’d love to go to Hogsmeade.” He answered quietly, lips inches from Sirius’.
“Finally!” James’ voice rang out, the two of them turning to see him and Peter stood in the doorway, watching with amused smiles.
“Honestly, I thought you two would never stop dancing around your feelings.” Peter added, dropping down onto his bed, relieved.
Neither did Remus, and, from the look on Sirius face, he didn’t either. Their eyes met, Sirius smiling, hands tangled together, only one thought in Remus’ mind.
Fuck, he was lucky.
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(Tbb s2 e9 spoilers)
Love the music already!
Cid bought a mine?
Tech: the mineral (ipsium) is highly combustible. Like a primed thermal detonator.
Well...we already know where this is headed lol 😆
Wrecker: I like it already!😃
Hunter’s powers at work again! I love it. He said the storm is moving away from them and they should be fine....right.
Tech: Without echo we're one man down
Omega: 😞
Poachers looking at the Marauder...they better not take it!😡
Wrecker: hey, what's with you?
Omega: I was thinking about Echo. It's weird without him here.😔
Awww poor baby 😭😭😭 you can really feel how sad she is. Even her little walk is different.
Hunter: my spidey senses are tingling!
Omega: that's the ship!
Bruh! They just got robbed! Not the Marauder☹️ I kinda always had a fear of this happening.
Oh man Omega looks broken 😢 first Echo now the place she calls home🥺
Omega: dad's are fighting 😥
Omega trying to contact Echo. Unfortunately Echo cut off his communication device. According to Tech, he's most likely on a sensitive mission.....hopefully we'll get an episode of that mission maybe? 👀
We get the wildebeest scene from lion King lol
Electrical storm caught up with them. They ran to a mine for shelter...well the ipsium exploded and now they're trapped...and Tech and Wrecker are fighting again.
Omega: The Marauders signal is gone. How are we going to track it!
Tech: We probably won't. It was just a means of transportation we can get another.
Wow Omega is having a breakdown. The stress is catching up. Echo is suppose to be with them! They're a squad!
Tech: this squad existed before Echo was apart of it and it will continue to exists after. What is your issue!?
Wow Tech😥..but that's Tech for you. Hopefully Omega can help him understand by the end of the episode.
Omega: I want to be alone.
Tech: I was only stating the truth
Hunter: she already knows the truth..
Wrecker: disappointed head shake
Omega found a ipsium jackpot 😲
Hunter and Wrecker: shes not adjusting well to Echos absence. Go find Omega and talk to her.
Tech: she said she wanted to be alone but very well.
Sassy Omega
Falling Omega!😬
Also, can I just say I love the fear and concern in Techs voice!
Man does not hesitate to jump down after her!
I love Omega’s wet hair lol
Omega: everything's changing! Echo left! Why doesn't that bother you?
Tech: idk how I should care about change. We adapt and move on. That is what soilders do.
Omega: But we're more than that. We're a family aren't we?
Tech: well uh...yes! Yes of course we are.
Omega: then why don't you act like it?
Tech :Echo chose a different path..as did Crosshair( love that Crosshair is being acknowledged and his absence is having an affect)..I have to respect their decision even if it's difficult to move on we have too. I process things differently but that doesn't mean I feel less than you.
Crying!!!! I love this!! I'm so glad Tech is having this heart to heart dad moment with Omega and that they're trying to understand each other more🥰🥰🥰 Also this episode has me convinced that the writers read tbb fanfics lmao 🤣 😬
They got out the cave
Cid: sorry I can't help you. I didn't tell you to get your ship stolen.
Tech: bih you owe us
Cid:😠 fine give me a few days
Episode ends with Tech and Omega having a better understanding of each other and growing closer. Unfortunately, it also ends with the squad being trapped on the planet at an abandoned port with not enough food and an electrical storm approaching...well. waiting on part 2 because they have to get off the planet and get the Marauder back. Whether that's next episode or not idk. Hopefully, probably.
I absolutely loved this episode! I loved how they expressed Omega’s confusion, hurt, and stress. As well as Tech's interactions with her and his explanation on how he handles change differently.
Earlier I said I hope Omega helps Tech understands how she feels and she did! But I'm happy Tech helped Omega understand him and his feelings as well. He absolutely feels Echo and Crosshair’s absence but like he said " I may process things differently but that doesn't mean I feel less than you." We already knew that but its nice to have it confirmed 😊 I'm so happy Tech and Omega had this heart to heart they really needed it🥰 I hope we have more moments like this.🥰
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antlerx-art · 11 months
is that the bentley thing he’s using????
“there you go, lovely”😭😭😭
“i’m Aziraphale” / “nice meeting you” AND YOU WON’T TELL US YOUR NAME? MH??
“LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS.” and aziraphale looking at him oh lord
nah crowley has a point shut up aziraphale
london present day hiiiii HI AZIRAPHALE
this is so cute i’m going to combust
OHH CROWLEY AND SHAX SCENE i know this by heart
so i guess the something going down in the up is gabriel
“you’ll tell me what i need”???? which is?
frozen peas💀
HERE WE GO another scene i know by heart
“i have no idea what that feels like”sure👍🏻 stay in denial
“I think it’s my brain but i’m not sure” oh i know he’s gonna be the funniest
“his royal smugness is in trouble that’s so sad” why is this so???? i love crowley
the box is empty well I should’ve expected it
“you’re funny, i love you” okay so gabriel confessed before crowley 😍
“jaaaames long for jim short for gabriel”
aziraphale has A LOT of patience i could never
hi muriel!
TONE OF VOICE? i love them
“ASK HIM PROPERLY.” bye i thought it was gonna be some sort of miracle but it’s actually just crowley shouting at jim
“YOURE ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS ONE”? like crowley is right i also wouldn’t trust him BUT COME ONNNNN
OHH THATS WHEN HE SMOKES AND EXPLODES but the scream is different from the trailer
and nina and maggie are locked in 🫢
michael acts like my maths teacher
THEYRE IN HELL what the. hell?
I KNEW IT i knew they were gonna offer him to become duke of hell
“EXTREME SANCTIONS” again the marketing for this show is great
okay so anyone involved with gabriel’s disappearance will be deleted from existence and crowley is worried about aziraphale
nina and maggie are literally crowley and aziraphale i love them
so what they’re saying is that *aziraphale* is the one who knew maggie’s great grandmother lol
WAIT all those theories about crowley ringing the bell and then saying “i’m back” being two different scenes because of his position in the room when he was actually just being dramatic and took 20 steps away
apology in 1941? HMM????
aziraphale and crowley will dance in season two! the actual dance: 🧚🏻‍♂️💃🏻
I want to see every single wrong take of this scene every single blooper
oohhh so that’s why muriel won’t recognize him that’s smart i should’ve considered it
no rapunzel you have to stay here fathers know best ‼️
I was about to say that even though episodes are shorter than season one you don’t actually notice the difference but maybe I just paused it too many times and it became half an hour longer
tagging @neil-gaiman since he said he was interested in reading live reactions
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
A set up I keep thinking about in poly piarles au is Pierre tied down with a cockring on while Charles sucks his cock, wanting to impress you and make Pierre feel good. Charles would love having his head pressed down by you, nuzzling his face into Pierre’s crotch and seeing how long you can hold him there until he really splutters and struggles. It’d be such a perfect way to play with the two of them, making a mess out of Charles and teasing him about how much he loves taking cock while Pierre gets to thrive on the denial and helplessness.
During this Charles gets to come as much as he wants, you give him a handjob, eat him out, whatever he likes, but he never takes his mouth off of Pierre unless you pull him off. I wonder how long Bunny would go after you take a break from pleasing him and tell him to keep sucking till his hearts content. Just a mindless happy bunny with his mouth full.
And to be extra cruel, when Pierre’s cockring is finally removed, you’d use Charles to bring him right to the edge, then pull him off at the last minute. Charles’ whines at being empty mixed with Pierre’s cries from denial would be the most perfect thing <<3
I… oh my god. I know I asked for soft asks tonight but I saw this in my askbox and oh Jesus fucking Christ I have to answer this now.
Firstly, Charles LOVES having his mouth full. Maybe even more than being fucked. Because eventually he’ll get oversensitive from being fucked and start to beg for it to be over. But that doesn’t happen with his mouth full. He’ll never get sick of that he just LOVES suckling on something so much.
I think it would take quite a while to work up to a scene like this with the both of them? Pierre loves stuff like this and you do that with him all the time. But Charles is a sensitive little bunny who doesn’t like seeing Pierre seem upset so at first he wouldn’t have anything tk do with scenes like this.
But slowly but surely he begins to accept that Pierre loves being used like that. Helping you look after Pierre after scenes really helps Charles with that, because he sees how happy and satiated Pierre is.
So eventually, Charles wants to be included in scenes like this and then those scenes are mostly Pierre being used and Charles being a good little bunny.
So when you tell Charles that he gets to suckle on Pierre’s cock for as long as he wants to? He’s so happy.
The rule is, Charles can enjoy himself suckling on Pierre but then it’s only fair that you have some fun too, right? Charles gets Pierre’s cock, it’s only fair that you get to play with your sweet bunny.
Charles has to keep Pierre in his mouth the entire time, he can pull away so that only the tip of Pierre’s cock is in his mouth if he needs to. But he can’t completely pull away.
Charles loves it so much. And poor Pierre is going insane because Charles is literally moaning and whimpering around his cock as you play with Charles.
You have Pierre sitting up against the headboard, Charles on his hands and knees between Pierre’s legs. Originally you weren’t going to use a toy and fuck Charles’s ass. Really, you weren’t.
But then he was face down ass up and he just looked so good. He’s been such a good bunny, he deserves to have both his holes filled.
And spare a thought for Pierre, who has the perfect view to see you fucking Charles’s ass with a toy while Charles sucks his cock and he can’t cum.
Honestly i don’t think you’d end the scene without letting Pierre cum? Not just because Pierre looks like he might just spontaneously combust if he doesn’t cum, but also because Charles is actually crying from how much he wants Pierre’s cum. He’s been a good bunny! He sucked Pierre cock and he let you play with his ass and he deserves Pierre’s cum!!! Please!! He does!!!
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