#need to watch the last two eps and then i’m cracking down on this
astrobei · 6 months
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for my maybe four (?) followers who read lokius: here you go
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thegirl20 · 10 months
Yennaia ficlet (set during 3.06)
So, I watched the early release of ep 3.06, half asleep in the middle of the night. And then this came out during my lunchbreak today. I don’t know how close the description of the scene is to what actually happened (as mentioned I was half asleep) but I thought I might as well shove it out into the world and adjust it later if I’m so inclined after seeing the other two eps.
ETA: Now on AO3 if you prefer
***Spoilers for episode 3.06 - this takes place in between two scenes in the episode***
Her lungs are burning as she runs along interminable corridors, throwing soldiers aside with barely a second glance. She sprints for the stairs, unsure of what she’ll find when she gets there. Alzur’s Thunder is not a spell to be cast lightly and she’s terrified that Tissaia will have paid too high a price for using it. 
When she reaches the upper level, she can see through to the balcony. Tissaia is still there. Still standing. But weak. Even from a distance, Yennefer can see the stoop of her shoulders, the tremors in her hands as the last surges of chaos make their way out of her body.
Her hair is pure white and, for the first time, she looks like an old, frail woman. 
Her legs give way just as Yennefer reaches her, and she grabs her around the waist to stop her from falling. She hoists her upright, taking all of her weight, even as Tissaia twists, trying to move back to her previous position. 
“It’s over,” Yennefer tells her. “We have to go.”
Tissaia makes a noise that cuts through Yennefer’s heart. A low keening, a noise from a distressed animal. 
Yennefer grits her teeth, wrapping Tissaia’s arm over her shoulder and half dragging, half carrying her away from the balcony, grateful when she feels the body in her arms stop fighting and acquiesce. 
They shuffle onward, through smoke and past rubble. Tissaia is whimpering and Yennefer can’t help the tears that fall from her own eyes, more for Tissaia than for Aretuza or herself. They’re nearing what’s left of the staircase when Tissaia stops moving, causing Yennefer to stumble into the wall to keep them both upright. 
“Leave me here,” Tissaia whispers. 
“What? No!” Yennefer urges her to start moving again. “The place is on fire. We need to get-”
“You need to get out,” Tissaia says, her voice a little firmer. She looks up at Yennefer, lifting a trembling hand to brush over her cheek. “Leave me here.”
“What are you talking about?” Yennefer says, growing frantic. “Stop being obstinate and just work with me.” Again she tries to get them moving, but Tissaia stays where she is, still as a rock. 
“Aretuza is destroyed,” Tissaia says, her eyes flicking around the ruin their home is being reduced to around them. “Everything I have worked to build, to preserve, to protect…is gone.” She shakes her head. “I have been a fool. It’s only right that I should die here.”
“No it fucking isn’t!” Yennefer almost screams. “I didn’t keep you alive at Sodden only to walk away now. I didn’t leave Ciri to let you die here.”
“I’m done, Yennefer,” Tissaia says, fresh tears making tracks through the dirt and blood on her face. “Aretuza is gone. I have no place in the world. I allowed this-” She flings a hand out towards the destruction. “-to happen.” Her eyes close. “I have nothing left. Leave me here.”
“Aretuza is a building,” Yennefer spits. “You have flesh and blood people who fought and died for you today. For you, not the building. You have them.” Her throat tightens. “And you have me.” She jerks Tissaia’s chin up, forcing her to meet her eyes. “Am I nothing to you?”
“Oh, Yennefer,” Tissaia slumps further against her, using the little strength she has left to grasp Yennefer’s arms. “Don’t you know? You’re everything to me. You are my legacy. And you will set the world back on its axis. You are the future.” She wets cracked lips with her tongue, more tears spilling down her dirty face. “I have no part to play in it.”
“Yes, you do.” Yennefer is desperate now. She’s seen Tissaia prepared to die before. She looked down upon her from that hill at Sodden, standing straight and proud, looking death in the eye as she expected to perish. BUt she’s never seen her like this. Despondent, dejected, ruined. “We need you. I need you.” 
Tissaia laughs, and it’s a tiny sign of the life left in her. “I’m not sure that’s ever been true.”
“It has always been true and remains so,” Yennefer says, jerking as a piece of ceiling falls and smashes into the courtyard below. “You have saved me more times than I can count. You’ve kept wolves from my door for most of my life, even when I didn’t know it, you were always there, protecting me.” She leans in, pressing her forehead to Tissaia’s. “I can’t lose you. I don’t know how to live in a world without you.”
“Yes, you do” Tissaia says, her nose brushing Yennefer’s as she speaks. “You are a powerful sorceress. You are a mother.” Her ragged voice warms with affection. “You’ve even managed to develop a skill for politics and diplomacy of late.” She inhales, the breath rattling into her chest. “But above all of that, you have retained your kind heart. You care about people, you care about the world. And you will do what must be done to set it right.”
“And I will do all of that with you by my side,” Yennefer says, her own tears flowing freely by now. “I will do it better with you by my side. The Tissaia I know would want to be there. She would fight.”
“I have fought,” Tissaia counters, her forehead dropping to Yennefer’s shoulder. “And I have lost.”
A piece of masonry lands a few feet away and Yennefer turns them both away from the dust it throws up. 
“If we stay here much longer we’re both going to die,” she says, coughing into Tissaia’s unsettlingly white hair.
“Go,” Tissaia says, attempting to push her away, but lacking the strength. “Ciri needs you. The world needs you. I will not allow you to perish here.”
“Then come fucking with me!” Yennefer screams, she has one card left to play. “I’m as stubborn as you are, you wretched old witch. And I’m not leaving here without you. So if you don’t want Ciri to be left motherless, again, you will get moving and walk out of this building with me.”
Tissaia looks at her for a long moment. Then she sighs. “You are stubborn enough to die here to prove a point.”
“Yes, but you’re not going to allow that, are you?” Yennefer holds her breath, but to her immense gratitude, she feels Tissaia move, even if her legs give way almost immediately and she clings to Yennefer to keep herself upright. Yennefer wraps her arms around her, bearing her weight as they navigate the stairs, moving as quickly as Tissaia can manage. 
“You know I have to die sometime, Yennefer,” Tissaia says, when they finally make it outside.  
“I know,” Yennefer says, almost blind from tears that refuse to stop. “But not today.” She draws them to a stop and waits for Tissaia to look at her. “Stay with me today.”
It takes longer than it should, but Tissaia nods, lifting a hand to Yennefer’s cheek and pulling her close, pressing a brief kiss to her lips. Whispered words follow, breath warm against Yennefer’s skin. “I’ll try.”
That’s all she can ask for right now, as Aretuza burns in the distance, and Tor Lara crumbles into the sea. She has Tissaia in her arms, solid and whole, and she has to appreciate that for as long as she can. 
Together they turn and make their way to the group of mages watching their home fall apart. Yennefer never loosens her grip.  If she can keep hold of Tissaia, if doesn’t let her go, she’ll stay. 
She has to stay. 
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bronx-bomber87 · 11 months
Happy Weekend all :) Watched this ep last night wrote down my thoughts and thought kick off Saturday with a review. Another really good ep ahead. S2 adds onto the base built in S1 in the best way. Off we go.
2x02 The Night General
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We catch our first glimpse of our fine duo at the end of roll call. Grey has a new book for Tim to read for his Sergeant's exam. Tim doesn’t look excited in the least. Lucy calls out the book for its dated title. Grey explains to Lucy it's from the 60s. Lovely. Tim asks how this book is relevant with 21st century policing? Grey tells him 'Ours is not to reason why' LOL Basically saying he has to read it whether he wants to or not Poor Tim.
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They're not in the shop two seconds before Tim hands her the book to read to him. Of course Lucy is going to give him some push back. She wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. Would you love her Timothy if she was anything but who she is? haha This is how they're going to spend their shift whether Lucy wants to or not.
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Lucy suggests just to let her drive so he can read it while they work. That doesn’t fly with Tim baha Lucy doesn’t understand (yet) why he can’t just read it himself. Thinks Tim is just making her do it for him just cause he can. You'll find out soon enough my dear. Lucy knows when to pick her battles at this point. So she decides not to fight Tim on this one. Gives in and cracks this old fossil open and begins to read to him.
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Mini marriage scene going on right here. It's their back and forth that I love so much about them. A comfortability has settled between the two of them and it shows. Instantly Lucy is being smug and sassy about the material. One of my fav things she does with him. Pushes his buttons like only she can. Instead of being immediately grumpy he dishes it right back. Oh how they’ve grown. Giving him crap with the book saying he shouldn’t generate fear but respect.
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Tim is snarky as well firing back of course she would like this book...We all know she has thrived under his leadership. She's not really taking shots at him so much as using it to mess with him. She can't help herself. Lucy is taking full advantage of this scenario. Tim is painfully aware she is using reading this book to punish him. I mean it's only fair since he's forcing her to read it between calls.
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I love her face in the gif above. She’s enjoying herself far too much for Tim’s liking haha He tells her to just keep reading LOL Like Lucy wasn't going to read this book without running commentary. Come on Timothy you know better than that hehe Lucy continues on and you can see him trying so hard to absorb it as she speaks.
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Lucy ends up on another quote she likes. Of course its about patrol officers having value. So she chooses this one to have him parrot back to her. She is agitating the crap out of him and knows it. Telling him he needs to repeat it in order to memorize it. Using her psych degree to justify it. He begrudgingly does it and she asks him to do it again lmao Lucy is pushing her boundaries today and is fine with it haha
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They get a call interrupting her and Tim is so relieved. Lucy responds to dispatch then says 'Ok 3 min out more reading.' LMAO She is relentless and begins up again. Tim's face above I’m dying. LOL He looks like he’s being endlessly tortured by her studying methods. This episode is absolute gold start to finish. He is at her mercy with this and knows it.
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We rejoin them in the shop after their call. Lucy has moved onto chapter 3. ‘The Healthy Habits Of Command’ She goes on to read out loud ‘Delegation is the key to leading men in times of stress.’ Which leads to the line above. She follows it up with That’s so true don’t you think? Tim snaps back it’s hard enough to listen to this stuff without her editorializing haha Honestly Tim what did you expect from her? She tells him she’s happy to stop anytime and get back to her paper work.
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Lucy goes on to tell him that he’s going to have to re-read all this again anyways to memorize it. You see the panic in Tim’s face. It’s here Lucy finds out he learns best when he’s hears it. That response immediately gets the wheels in Lucy’s head churning with her response of Really? He then asks what? Why? She tells him nothing…. Doesn’t take Tim long to figure out she’s holding something back from him. He says ‘Boot...’
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Lucy tries to mumble her reply at first. Telling him he has a learning difference under her breath. It’s kinda funny how she tries to hide her answer. She knows he’s going to take it the wrong way. Tim makes her speak up and Lucy bites the bullet. Then try’s to soften the blow by saying he’s just wired differently. That he just processes information differently than others. She is digging herself a hole and knows it. Tim is bristly af as she tries explain this to him. He tells her he doesn’t have a learning disability. Flat out refuses to accept it.
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Lucy digs her hole even further when she brings up Isabel. Tim has grown but that continues to be a sore subject for him. Lucy is trying so hard for him not to take this as a bad thing. Minute she brings Isabel up and their time at the academy he shuts down. Tells her they’re not talking about this. Lucy looks crushed she’s offended him. That comfortability and banter from earlier gone. You can see how much she wants to fix it. Unfortunately they get a call before she can rectify the situation. It's about a suspicious mini van casing a house. She tries to fix it as they drive to the call but he is shut off completely. Lucy is defeated and says never mind….
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They pull up and its an old colleague of Tim's. He is a bounty hunter now. Lucy is assertive right off the bat saying they've received multiple 911 calls about him. Rex bites back calling her boot and to watch her tone. Tim steps in right away. No one calls her ‘boot’ but Tim good sir. So sexy when he tells Rex she’s the police now. Even though he’s grumpy about the studying he still has her back on this 100%. Such growth Tim. I love me some protective/supportive Tim. Lucy doesn't let Rex's behavior shake her. Lets this surly grump of a man know that. It’s like she has experience with them or something heh
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Tim's face when Rex says 'You let her talk to you like that?' It’s a 'Watch it...' We all know Tim likes it when Lucy talks to him like that. It’s that assertive confidence that attracts him to her. One of many reasons But It’s far too early to delve into that fully haha We all know it’s true though. Lucy tells him his bounty Nico is a very dangerous person. Rex tries to rattle her one more time. Saying how he’s been dealing with dangerous men since she was in diapers. Lucy tells him these days you have to call law enforcement for this stuff. She cracks me up and says maybe he should read Tim’s book LMAO
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Lucy tries the next day to mend fences with Tim. Asking him if he'd like her to read to him? Trying to offer up a olive branch. He instantly shuts her down. Says no. Lucy tries to implore him to let her. That he needs to learn it. He grumpily replies ‘I can do that on my own.' Oof she really hit a nerve with this one. Before Lucy can fight him some more they pull back up to Rex’s van. Tim is wanting to do a welfare check on him. He didn't report his bounty last night. Lucy calls him out for it and Tim says he wouldn’t put it that way to Rex though. But he's being a softie and she knows it.
They find blood and broken glass and call it in. Rex has been assaulted and Tim sees red. He takes off once Rex says Nico is headed to his aunt's. Lucy calls after him saying they need a warrant. Tim doesn’t listen as he takes off and Rex tells Lucy go with Tim.
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Tim busts in raging says blood on the door enough reason for them to search. Lucy takes control of the situation quickly. Makes the aunt call Nico. Says they’ll arrest for aiding and abetting if she doesn’t. Does this to calm Tim down a bit. She’s so good at that. Not the first time she's taken charge to rein him a bit. The aunt calls it doesn't take long to find him in the house Then comes this bad ass fight scene. Last episode I said they’re like poetry in motion in the field. This gif is the definition of that. Look how well they work together to take Niko down. It’s a thing of beauty really.
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First off let’s enjoy the fact we’re getting Tim all sweaty and guns out to play shall we? Ovary explosion for me. It's a very nice visual for me to start this scene. *fans self* Never get over how fine this man is honestly. Now let’s move onto the beautiful moment that’s about to commence. Lucy finds Tim working out. Ask's if he's training for his next re-match with Nico haha She hands him the little Audio book he looks so confused as to what this might be. His confusion continues after she explain its the audiobook version of his book.
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Lucy looks so proud of herself when she explains she recorded it for him. She should be. You know she spent whatever free time she had off shift doing that for him. That is no small feat. Also the fact that she reached out to Isabel for him. I can’t imagine that conversation wasn’t a little awkward for her. But guess what? She did it anyways to help him. Even when he’s obstinate af with her she is driven to help him no matter what.
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That psych degree comes in handy when she’s deciphering Tim. Why he acts the way he does. He lashed out cause he was embarrassed by the fact that he learns through listening. This is why Lucy does this for him. So he feels better about the way he learns. Doesn’t feel shame about it. He is much more receptive to her explanation this time around. You can see it in his face in that second gif above. She is so kind and gentle while she does it. Letting him know hey it's ok you learn this way. Nothing is wrong with it or you.
I can totally relate to Tim too btw. I am a Kinesthetic learner as well. I absorb audio books far more than sitting down and reading. I have to be moving while I listen or I’m instantly bored and disengage. If it’s a fic I’m fine for most part if it’s a one shot. But anything I have to read at massive length? I gotta be moving. So I get it Tim I’m same way my love.
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She ends her explanation by complimenting him in the best way she can. By letting him know that the way he learns is why he’s such an excellent cop. Building him up and letting him know its why he excels the way he does at his job. Reinforcing his way of learning isn’t a bad thing at all but a strength for him. You can see it in his face he finally accepts this about himself. He replies 'Yeah.' with a small smile of gratitude. Like she's just taught him something about himself and he's not mad about it. Tim can't help but let that Lucy light of hers in.
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Lucy says she will see him tomorrow. Wants to let him get back to his work out. You can tell Tim wants to say something before she goes. He builds up the courage to say 'Thanks' as she’s leaving ❤️ It's such a loaded Thanks for him. The absolute gratitude he has for her in this moment. I’ve said it many times and I’ll continue to say it. Eric says so damn much with just a look. If her recording an audio book isn’t an act of service and love to him I don’t know what is. The look on this man’s face as he says 'Thanks.' He is blown away she took the time to do this for him. Has to make sure Lucy knows how grateful he is before she leaves. Because she saw he had a need and fulfilled it for him. Put him first and took care of him in best way she could think of.
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Lucy’s smile Is everything after he says this. It's the most honest and genuine 'Thanks ' she's ever received from him. She almost can't handle it. Why she nervously smiles back instead of replying. She is adorable. Gah no one gets through like Lucy does for him. Makes me wanna cry honestly. They’re written so damn well it makes me happy. Truly just make one another better in the best way.
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That little smile of his when he hears Lucy’s intro. My damn heart. She truly is the best rookie he’s ever trained. Damn straight. If you weren’t shipping them before, this scene has to get you hook, line and sinker. She recorded an old outdated book for him in her personal time, built him up, made him feel better about how he learns, and reached out to his ex for clarification in order to help him better.
Actions speak louder than words they say for a reason. Her actions are screaming right now. Makes you wonder if he listened at night at all? Did he ever fall asleep to her voice during his studying? Maybe he did maybe he didn't. A girl can dream though haha Such a good ep for them start to finish.
Side notes non-chenford
Mmm Tim laying into Jackson about the hole he’s in. Yes please. Defending Angela when Jackson makes a joke if he’s late his dad is gonna light up Lopez. Tim goes on to tell him she’s going to pay the price if he doesn’t get his shit together. That she will be the target of his fathers aggression if he goes belly up halfway through training. That Jackson owes her his career. Whew lord I love me some protective Tim.
Also Lucy and Jackson living together ❤️ such a good friend to take him in like that I love it. First thing he needed to her back on track.
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 5: Unmortricken
(Revenge is a dish best served a la mode—or something like that)
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Here there be spoilers…
My Favs
The Rick Prime saga has been resolved.
I am overall happy that Harmon and Co. decided to resolve this story now rather than have it milked for another season or two. On top of that, the story was given a somewhat satisfying conclusion or as satisfying a conclusion as a revenge story possibly can be.
Evil Morty
Evil Morty being pulled in as a reluctant ally was not on my season 7 bingo card nor was a glimpse of his origin story but here we are. It was great seeing Morty on the same level intellectually as a Rick and our Rick treats him as an equal. I don’t think we’ll see the last of him since Rick owes him for saving his life and Evil Morty has the schematics to the Omega Device.
Uncle Slo Mobius
I cracked up at both Rick and Rick Prime getting very emotional at the wiping out of Slo Mobius over infinite dimensions. RIP Slo Mobius, gone in all realities but lives on in our hearts.
“You suck at eating pussy!”
And Rick totally owns it, but to be fair, he was young. Satisfying your partner is something you have to learn, even if you’re the smartest man in the universe.
Rick beat down of Rick Prime
When I say this is one of my favorite parts of the episode I mean that I appreciate that I found it gut-churning and difficult to watch. It’s brutal and the animation of Rick Prime’s face as it becomes less and less recognizable as human coupled with a blood-soaked Rick coming out of the room with the light completely gone from his eyes. It’s effective visual storytelling. This was the only possible outcome to Rick’s lifelong quest for vengeance. It did not end triumphantly with a hero’s welcome but, instead, a whimper.
My Not Favs
The Rick Prime saga has been resolved.
So I put this down as a not favorite because there is a part of me that wishes we had the cat-and-mouse game go on a little while longer. Ultimately, the show isn’t really about him or the revenge quest but I wish we had some more time with the character. I say this knowing the season is not over yet and anything could happen but, also, there seems to be a sort of finality to the whole thing that makes me suspect that we are done with him.
My Thoughts
The end of an era.
I had read on an animation news blog that this episode marks the midpoint of the 70 episode order that was created back in 2018 and that, if all goes according to plan, the contract will be completed in three years. I don’t know if it was intentional to have this episode air in the order that it did but I can’t help but notice that it feels like the story is transitioning into a new era. There is a feel that they are starting to wind down and get ready for a potential end to the series ( I know Dan Harmon has expressed continuing to create new seasons indefinitely, but nothing has been confirmed and they are getting close to finishing the writing portion of the order so…).
It makes sense that Rick Prime would be solved as soon as it did and, honestly, I kinda expected them to resolve that thread this season or next. The reason being is that the story of Rick and Morty is not about villains and revenge quests, but about a man who is too smart and too worldly and so ground down by life, trying to find family and connections even when he claims it’s meaningless and that he’s above it all. Rick has sort of been released from this burden and now can forge a new purpose and a new pathway with the rest of his family by his side even if, mentally and emotionally, he is not ready to do that just yet. Also, this episode has opened the door to some new lore that could carry us to the series finale ( if it does end in season 10). I’m specifically thinking about the Omega Device.
Evil Morty has the schematics that he plans on keeping on hand to buy himself some much needed peace and Rick owes him for resurrecting him and neutralizing Rick Prime for the final beat down. Also, if a device could be created to wipe out someone in every timeline then maybe it could be used to create an anti-Omega Device that could bring back those who have been wiped out. Which means we are clearly going to resurrect Uncle Slo Mobius so the two of them can go get some of that elusive McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce!
Or Rick might try to resurrect Diane as an attempt to “complete” his family. Obviously, this is just speculation, but at the same time, with the information we have this feels like a natural next step in Rick’s very slow progression to finally healing from the past and accepting the family that is with him in the present. Healing is rarely linear and I could see Rick falling into another self-destructive hole that he has fooled himself into thinking we solve all his woes. Past family and present family together. Having his cake and eating it too! What could go wrong?
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iguessitsjustme · 21 days
Deep Night Ep 7 Thoughts
Just gonna blow on through these last two episodes. I don’t have anything fun to say right now. My boss texted me saying he hopes I feel better tomorrow because [redacted] is buying us Chipotle for lunch. So there’s that. Anyway. On to Deep Night 7: Let’s Send This Cop Calling Bitch to Heaven:
I’m gonna be real honest. I haven’t posted my episode 6 thoughts yet. They’re so sparse I thought I’d just finish out the show and post all of my thoughts for the last three episodes at once.
This bitch is back? Girl in your sob story be sure to mention that you blackmailed a host into getting blackout drunk and also that you were reimbursed for your phone. Literally all you lost was your blackmail footage. I hope all of your straps on your strappy heels break. I hope all of your hems fray. I hope all of your mascara runs. You seem like the kind of person that would care about all of that. *y’all catch me in the bathroom holding her shampoo bottle and a suspicious looking liquid* don’t look at me I SWEAR it’s not permanent. Her hair will only be purple for like a day. I swear.
Oh no poor Wela. This bitch just outed him. There’s a reason she was told to stop filming. Also you wanted to stay with him all night? Girl he almost needed his stomach pumped. He would barely last five more minutes with you let alone the whole damn night. I think I’m actually gonna kill her what the fuck. I hope they all get their sweet, sweet revenge because I need to see it. I need to see it.
Not the lost scholarship! Listen. Listen here. I do not trust any scholarship that does not include the ability to work as one of the terms for disbursement. He’s getting paid to study? Great! How about his living expenses? He needs to eat. Does the scholarship help pay off debts? No because I’m betting there are strict rules surrounding what it can be disbursed for and I’m guessing all of them have to do with the pursuit of education in some way. Not paying off debts. (oh look this is kind of what I do for a living myself I have a lot of thoughts about scholarships okay)
Mr. DJ Man is named James! It has been almost the whole show but I finally learned his name.
Awwww Dai. I love you.
It actually hurt Seiji to tell Ken that Pan is his boyfriend. I think there is a solution here. It’s very simple. Trust me on this. Just trust me. Date…both of them. Two boyfriends! Everyone is happy! Including me! Yay poly! *serious and stern voice while I stare directly into your soul* give. me. poly. 
This is such a good moment. Such a small hope. Even when everything feels lost. Even when everything is crashing down. Even when it feels like your life is over in every conceivable way just one person saying “we can do it.”
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Just one person still believing there is hope in the world. Just one person having faith is enough. They do not win as long as just one person believes they can do it. Just one person holding on to hope so fiercely can bring so many people up. “We can do it. You can do it. You are not alone.” Anyway I love Khem. Remember in the first episode when I was like “ehhh I don’t know about this guy and now I’m like Khem’s third biggest fan (right after Wela and his mom of course).
Okay *cracks knuckles* I will be watching how the school administration handles this very closely. I have a bunch of colleges on the shit list in my head. I don’t mind adding a fictional one. Why is the teacher the one in charge of this? Why is he talking about one student’s scholarship to another student? I know I know it’s fiction and I know the why but this is driving me crazy. Do you know how many times I have told people recently “I cannot discuss a student’s personal financial information with a third party” because it has been numerous times. And that’s less information than what Khem is getting! And I know they’re boyfriends and I know the point they’re making and I know all of that. It’s just…like I said. I do this for a living. My eye is twitching. If anyone familiar with the inner workings of Thai scholarships wants to tell me how realistic this is, I would appreciate it. I only got my US American perspective and it is causing me so much stress right now.
So Ken is in his sad, kicked puppy era. It makes me like him more? He just needed to soften up a bit and stop being such an ass. And honestly he did stop when he saw that Pan also genuinely cared for Seiji and he apologized for being an ass. Now the three of them kiss?
Khem suggesting poly. My man. I love him. I can’t believe there was ever a time I didn’t love him….wait it’s because he didn’t take the free cookies. I still can’t believe he would do that. But I guess he really just likes durian fries and red soda.
Pan is so funny. Like he just realized that couples have sex lives last episode when seeing Khem and Wela going at it in the pool and now he’s having a fantasy threesome with Seiji and Ken and I love this man. I would like to order a full series of Pan. I don’t even care what it’s about. Just more of him.
Freya, I love you. But love has no age. Also lesbianism has no age. Be out and be proud girl! Imagine how happy everyone will be for you! Including Meiji (look at me learning a name. Aren’t y’all proud of me?)
I think it’s actually really important that Pan started considering poly on his own, outside of Seiji and Ken. Because if either of them introduce it to him then he will start to feel insecure about his role in the relationship. But if he feels like there’s something there before either of them have the chance to mention it, then he will see what they have has real and not as a way for the two of them to get together while he is also involved but on the sidelines. I am probably not explaining this well but I still think it’s important that Pan is thinking about this on his own.
Ope looks like it’s time for me to watch episode 8. I like the hopeful note that episode 7 ended on. Not a lot of penultimate episodes end on a hopeful note. Most of them go full drama. I like this this show is weaving the drama with hope and wholesomeness. This is how relationships should work. I am very excited and sad to almost be done with this show.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
Carrie watches Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 15-20 aka “Let’s go down the line, what’s everyone afraid of?”
back with part two of my chaotic list of personal highlights that i wrote down pretty much for myself exclusively. Full of SO many spoilers, you’ve been warned
Blast from the Passed
Murph’s godawful luck with the dice is peak comedy in this episode, first he immediately volunteers to roll for the whole table?? why would you do that?? and then Riz says a cringey line, shoots at someone right in front of him, misses, rolls a nat 20 to hide, and sits in his hiding place agonising over how embarrassing that was
Johnny Spells making a two second entry onto the playing field
“one D4 for gay spit” “Aaaagh! Love wins! It’s fear, it’s out of fear, it’s a horrifying realisation for him.”
Adaine getting caught in the jocks’ weird group huddle and Riz acting like she’s in mortal danger from it
“Where in this city is your father, boy?” “In a room, with a bunch of goblins!”
Brennan’s face when he goes for his coffee forgetting he spit a candy die into it like twenty minutes earlier
“Remember me, Daybreak? I shoot him.”
the entire chaos surrounding Riz getting stuffed into a cannon but especially Fig (or Emily?) yelling “no, take me with him, he can’t go alone!” and “Can I roll to see if he’s having a good time?” “Who, Bill Seacaster? Yeah, he’s having a blast!”
“Tracker jumps, 69!” Gorgug, with audible desperation: “I’m in the same square!”
Murph now being the default roller for the lair check and the entire table cheering for him
he rolls a nat one, gets to re-roll with Fig’s last luck point, and rolls a nat two
My Green Heaven
“Well, The Ball is a lil’ angel so...”
Ally’s complete incapability to remember the elven names and Brennan’s slowly mounting annoyance with it
Riz waking up in his father’s arms and instantly panicking that he might get dropped my heart
also the first full sentence he says to his long-lost father is “I got a bunch of tattoos mum is going to be so mad at me”
honestly in all of these emotional scenes I am Lou and Lou is me
“We’re in heaven! Is this what not having anxiety is like? This is crazy, my heart... is just beating like what I assume a normal person’s heart would!”
his dad told all his colleagues about Riz’s freshman year adventures :(
“On behalf of the Association for Divine Wrath please accept this memorial that your death at the hand of Emperor of the Red Waste was avenged by Your son, Riz Gukgak” “Don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my death avenged”!!!
“People got it sexually from having sex, dad!!” *voice cracks* *sweating profusely* “I thought heaven fixed this stuff!”
“I met your mum when I was 27 years old. You get what I’m saying?” “...I’m like fifteen, I don’t know how old you are, I just know that you’re old.”
I love how Murph is the one who has to singlehandedly shoulder the lore-heavy plot parts because he’s the best at keeping it all straight in his head, but also the one who will suddenly make the least sensible leaps in logic and then not. budge. no matter how many times Brennan gently tries to shoo him away from that path. He is so stuck on this angle that Riz’s father slept with Kalina which... just the logistics of that would be so many hoops to jump through
that said, a fifteen year-old with some complex feelings about his own sexuality fully fixating on this STD angle is probably the most accurate thing that could have happened
“It’s just not... happening yet. Not just the act is not happening, but the wanting it is not... And my friends are all super horny.” “Kiddo, if it never happens, that’s also okay. There’s a lot to life to enjoy and you already matter a lot to your friends and a lot to your family.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the 847th time this week I am so upset mainstream media isn’t like this
“Work is an act of love” yeah cool can we pump the breaks on this rollercoaster I’m gonna need a lot of lore or a lot of Hilda Hilda-type shenanigans to recover from all that
let me use this moment to say how brilliantly paced this campaign is because Brennan launches into a lore dump immediately after this
“He’s dating mum. But he’s like... he‘s always getting trapped in gems, it’s kinda pathetic.”
Emily and Siobhan silently figuring out a plot point by gesturing across the table
“Well, I’ve got some pretty powerful friends, so...” Riz is so precious
Adaine wanting to save the wrapping paper :(
“TO WAR! Or, to market, but then TO WAR!”
“I’m so happy you have chosen to spend time with my daughter. It’s an incredible improvement over previous partners, if you were to chart it on a graph, a truly incredible spike...”
Siobhan’s face when Fig asks why everyone knows about her and Ayda!
Just. Ayda.
“How did Gilear take it?” “I don’t know, he was very adult about it, but he also is an adult so...” “I’m sorry, I came in way too hot with the little gift card.”
“Tell me all the least important stuff.” I’m *crying*
Zac is deeply underrated as a player, he pulls the most incredible conclusions or minute details out of the hat and never gets any credit for it because he plays loveable dumbasses
Ally’s plan to defeat the big bad by going viral with another seafood party
thrilling online banking content
The Forest of the Nightmare King
“Just upload it as like, ASMR: Puddle” “Like a Laurel/Yanny type thing”
ahhh fuck this is so creepy? The unicorn? nopenopenope no thank you
Fearful Symmetry
“Oh no, he’s making a face. Which one of Brennan’s faces is that?” hard same, Lou.
Zac is such a treasure: “I don’t want to take these stones! I don’t want any of this!” Also once again he’s making by far the smartest choices
“If we take these drugs and cast fear to push us into a bad trip?” Well this all sounds like a great idea
“Riz’s greatest fear is to not have a plan so I’m just gonna run into the woods. Not even gonna take the drugs, because that would be a plan.”
Adaine abandoning her support animal AND her anxiety meds is physically painful. stop I’m so attached to these kids
oh boy, the Baron scene. Yikes yikes yikes
the incredibly cooky accent is such a weird effect, it’s so dumb and so funny but laughing at it feels like a hysterical terror kind of laugh it is SO fucked up
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Brennan accidentally hits the absolute rawest deepest fear I’ve ever experienced as I’m working through my own shit and it is physically nauseating to watch this moment even though I know every word of it, “the years will go by and everyone will find someone that matters more to them than you” because. that’s it right. it’s not even that they’ll abandon you. it’s just that you’ll end up caring more about them than they care about you. you have all this love and only your friends to give it to but they all find partners who are now receiving most of theirs. and you can’t even blame them because they’re doing nothing wrong.
I do love that they’ve gone for this because this is such a particular fear. It’s not a crushing thing, it’s a creeping thing. It’s more a despair than a fear? Like it’s more an absence of hope than a presence of fear and I think that is really interesting to put as like a deeper layer of fear
Riz trying to get out of this specifically by pulling apart the logic of the mirages he’s seeing is on brand (but also this is the one moment where you can tell this probably isn’t a thing Murph or Brennan had to work through themselves, because that wouldn’t fucking help. It’s the concept that’s terrifying, the individual hypothetical partners are completely interchangeable. The correct [worse] response from Baron to this argument would have been just a shrug and a “yes, maybe your friends don’t want these people. But they want someone. Your ideal world where you’re all just together will never be enough for them.”).
“Okay, let’s go down the line, what’s everyone afraid of?” “That’s the most Brennan thing I’ve ever heard.”
Oh good Zac is going for Imposter Syndrome yeah this whole episode is just going to go great for me mentally
Adaine :( nonono this is painful
Fantastic, so I’m just gonna be deeply personally attacked by everyone’s fears except for Fabian and Kristen then. Good good
Gorgug is truly just. the best of the good beans. “Well, I think I’m gonna give it a try” what a champ
oh GOD the sexy rat is back this is a trip
“I take comfort in seeing all my friends there, making out. Not in a weird way.” “Like what amount of comfort?” “A normal amount!”
“.......Is my greatest fear sleeping on the job? I’m so lame!” and the look of complete disgust on Murph’s face
Fig stumbling onto this horrific village full of weird trapped bodies and finding one alive and immediately just going “Hi hello do you need help?” is so pure
the sheer JOY on Brennan’s face when he finally gets to get back at Emily for the Hilda Hilda from 22 Hilda Street and 22 Hilda Boulevard bullshit
Fig and Ayda :( but also “I sit down to write the song She Likes Me For Me, which doesn’t exist in this universe yet.”
"I do not know why I was so easy to discard” holy SHIT Ms Thompson
Spring Break! I Believe In You! Part 1
gotta love the title
Ally’s terrible metaphors
Kristen punches a god
the Abernant sisters :( Siobhan is incredible in these scenes
“Wizards don’t have goddamn cures. We don’t care about other people!”
“Adaine, your father is dead as he leaves the ground” GOOD. We love to see that.
Adaine offering her sister a bunk bed in her tower room :(
“I’m a D8, babe”
oh god is this all riding on a Murph attack roll they are doomed
“I HAVE NO PRIDE” oh this is brilliant I am wheezing
“You have fully James Bond-ed yourself out of these bonds”
the worst two people fail the roll to not look at Gilear’s junk. poetic cinema.
“Your grandfather made this sword, Fabian! He’s... really good at swords! Slow, but good!”
“I think death is the ultimate mystery! I think it’s fine that she’s dead!”
“Gorgug, you are not related to Ayda in any way. Not your mum, not your dad. Not even a cousin, probably.”
Spring Break! I Believe In You! Part 2
“Every time Kristen and I are together something terrible happens. Team Rizten is 0 for 3.”
more riveting online banking content
Emily weaponising Brennan’s worldbuilding against him
“I feel deep down in my heart that I, too, am a low-quality child.”
the dig at that weird Legolas cgi move in Two Towers
every time Brennan calls the guys “baby” is an absolute delight
Adaine and Fabian thirsting over Riz without his newsboy cap
Murph stealing Emily’s incredibly cool move (with a double disclaimer)
“If you want to use a bonus action to disengage, you could.” “I... I need the bonus action to live.”
paramour/succubus, “Mr. The Insatiable”
hall of fame of worrying lines from Brennan: “Okay, first (!!) let me know when you drop, ‘cause you’re gonna drop.”
The PapaRizzi, when you throw a mirror at someone and shoot them (and livestream it)
“Mission accomplished, dad” Riz is so cringe I love him
“Adaine, how would you feel if I potentially killed your mum?” “I would be HONOURED”
Ally’s clutch nat 20 and Brennan’s “what the fuuuck EVERY SEASON!”
“I think you should start planning for this.” “Brennan, just cry now. Just get it out.” “I actually, I... I don’t know what to do.” “I wish we were all in one room so we could be like running around!”
“Are my bones six hundred years old for real?”
Ally’s character walking up to a god and asking if the god is okay
“I would follow you... is it too early for that? This feels like a weird first date.”
Brennan is forcing Ally to make up deities on the spot again
“I love them all, Riz the most, we already know this, Adaine has my finger in her pocket, these are all my closest friends.”
“Wait, we still need the crown for our grade!”
“If I dream it, would it be real?” Brennan, dead-eyed with a forced serene smile: “Yes, in your heart. Let’s move on.” 
Adaine’s mum being chased through the forest by the Vands
“I’m broke.” “We might be making ad revenue at this point!”
None of them get Brennan’s insinuation that Chungledown Bim followed them into the fucking forest
“Hey Aguefort, remember I ordered the most magnificient thing you could ever make? Turns out you already made it, so I take that back.” 
A final shout-out to Garthy O’Brien’s accent, and their whole deal
Oh, the reveal, the reveal! 
“My sister is sort of wanted for quite a lot of crimes in Solace...”
Jawbone and Adaine :(
Riz gives a slide show for his mother
“In return for the spell that I killed my father with, I wrote you Ayda’s comprehend subtext.”
Adaine being bad at knowing when people are flirting and Fig being bad at flirting because she’s imitating Kristen who is an aggressive desaster flirter
oh no the tattoos
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beldaroot · 1 year
ANITA !!!! aaahhh ok so i’ve been super busy these past few weeks so i’m just catching up on buddy daddies ep 9&10 now and!!!! I NEED TO SCREAM ABOUT IT TO SOMEONE!!!
ok first of all, any kind of sports day/festival episode in an anime is my absolute favourite and this one did not disappoint !!! i was literally smiling like an idiot the entire episode because of how into it kazuki and rei were, like rei sneaking into the school the night before so he could get the best seats in the front???? the cutest thing i’ve ever seen HELP OTL and rei getting all depressed because he tried to cheer on miri and accidentally made her trip ??? you’re telling me this man is an cold blooded assassin?? gsbshagsjshsk except i have to admit i fully sobbed at the end when miri had to find “family” for the scavenger hunt and she got her papas!!! i was crying just like kazuki in that scene T^T
but ohhh my god episode 10….. this one hurt so bad!!! of course at this point we know that kazuki and rei love miri and that they’ve grown used to this little family of theirs, but in this episode it really hit them of HOW MUCH of a family they really are and it’s really shattering my heart to see this family break up just when they’re all starting to be happy together T^T i loved kazuki taking miri and rei out for one last fun day together it was so sweet but the entire time i was only thinking about how they’ll have to say goodbye to their little miri soon…. i’m so anxious about what’s gonna happen next i just hope that these 3 will have a happy ending…. but i have a feeling we’re in for a bit more hurt :’[ do you have any theories for this show?? i’d be interested in hearing them if you do!!!
anyways sorry for this super long ask!! but you’re the only person i know who watches bd and i need to let all of my emotions out haha!! have a lovely day/night <3
ahhhhhh sunny i'm so glad you've caught up with the episodes!! i should've warned you how emotional these last two episodes were, i'm sorry!! but i'm so glad you enjoyed them :')
ep 9 was soooo silly and fun! i also love festival/sports day episodes and i knew kazuki was gonna be competitive as hell but it was so nice seeing rei be just as supportive and protective! i cracked up when he also wanted to kill that lil boy for getting to close to miri lol but i was also crying at his face when he made miri fall and when he realized miri gave him the "family" paper! rei's just stepped up so much (like the cereal onigiri OTL) and is really allowing himself to be emotional and i'm glad kazuki doesn't pressure him to change, that it's coming naturally bc rei genuinely cares for this lil family he has :')
and ep 10..... oh you don't understand how much i was BAWLING my eyes out over it!!! right when we see rei and kazuki open up to be a family and start anew, it all has to come crashing down OTL kazuki trying to lighten the mood by having one last fun day was precious, but then it got to the ferris wheel ride and i couldn't see past my tears bc it was so bittersweet! and then realizing that kazuki wrapping the scarf is a direct parallel to the cat in the first episode?!? i honestly don't want to make many theories bc i don't want to get my hopes up.... but i wish that it all ends with a happy ending. i think this show has been v successful so i wouldn't be surprised if they had an ova/movie in the works? if they do, then i can see it ending bittersweetly, like miri stays with her mom but comes visit kazuki and rei still, but then the ova goes into eliminating rei's family so there isn't any threat to miri anymore and then they can all live together? i'm not sure what's gonna happen with miri's mom though... like i don't want her dead lol but if she leaves again i feel like that would hurt miri a lot :( UGH it's all so sad to think about! but no matter what, they've all changed bc they've met each other and their one year together will always make them a family! <3 if you have any theories let me know!!!
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notesonartistry · 1 year
Taylor Swift's road to fame
Behind the scenes of the teen sensation's career, from guitar lessons to sold-out shows
By Chris Willman
Updated February 05, 2008 at 05:00 AM EST
”I love turning on pop radio and hearing my song,” allows Taylor Swift, the 18-year-old country music sensation. ”But,” she adds, mindful of her base, ”I don’t look at it as crossover as much as spillover.”
Her cup definitely runneth over. In 2007, Swift’s debut album was one of the top 10 all-genre SoundScan sellers. And all those sales came in while a lot of non-country-lovers had yet to hear of her…or, if they had, were still asking, ”Taylor Swift? Who’s he?” She’s harder to escape now: Besides several smash hits at country radio, she’s moved into the upper levels of the Top 40 format with a remix of her heartbreak ballad ”Teardrops on My Guitar.” (In recent years, only Carrie Underwood, with ”Before He Cheats,” has successfully managed that leap.) MTV is even playing it. And since the album has such legs, it’s a good bet to cross the triple-platinum mark, almost unheard of in this era of plunging record sales. She’s got to be the most popular high school senior in America right now. So: teardrops, schmeardrops… Did being 18 ever suck any less?
But she wasn’t always the belle of the ball, personally or professionally; those rejection anthems she’s so adept at writing weren’t penned purely as fiction. We profiled the rising siren in this week’s issue of EW. But for this exclusive EW.com bonus feature, we also talked with some of the people who were with her on the way up, including her mother, manager, and label president, to find out some of the strategizing that went into achieving one of the last year’s few true musical success stories.
NEXT PAGE: From karaoke to Nashville
The chipmunk years. ”When I was 10, or younger than that, even, I would watch these biographies on Faith Hill or the Dixie Chicks or Shania Twain or LeAnn Rimes, and the thing I kept hearing was that they had to go to Nashville,” Swift remembers. She talked her parents into letting her fly out for a visit. ”I took my demo CDs of karaoke songs, where I sound like a chipmunk — it’s pretty awesome — and my mom waited in the car with my little brother while I knocked on doors up and down Music Row. I would say, ‘Hi, I’m Taylor. I’m 11; I want a record deal. Call me.”’ They didn’t. (But you have to wonder how many of the folks who answered those doors suddenly flashed back to that moment when they saw a grown-up Swift screaming over her Best New Artist nod at the Grammy nominations press conference.)
Rather than discouraging her, that rejection was like rocket fuel. It dawned on her that karaoke-style singing wasn’t going to cut it at any age; she needed to become a full-fledged guitar-picking singer/songwriter. ”She came back from that trip to Nashville and realized she needed to be different, and part of that would be to learn the guitar,” says her mother, Andrea Swift. Earlier, she had tried picking up an acoustic guitar and had no interest in it, but things had changed. ”Now, at 12, she saw a 12-string guitar and thought it was the coolest thing. And of course we immediately said, ‘Oh no, absolutely not, your fingers are too small — not till you’re much older will you be able to play the 12-string guitar.’ Well, that was all it took. Don’t ever say never or can’t do to Taylor. She started playing it four hours a day — six on the weekends. She would get calluses on her fingers and they would crack and bleed, and we would tape them up and she’d just keep on playing. That’s all she played, till a couple of years later, which was the first time she ever picked up a six-string guitar. And when she did, it was like, wow, this is really easy!”
She started writing, too. Two of the songs she’d recorded (”The Outside,” on her debut album, and ”Christmas Must Mean Something More,” from a Target-exclusive Christmas EP she released) were written when she was 12. When she went back to Nashville with her own songs in tow, people took notice: At 13, she signed a development deal with RCA Records, working with that label’s Joe Galante and Renee Bell, a couple of legendary figures in town. But when the deal came up for renewal after a year, she opted out, because she felt she’d have to record outside material if she got to the point of cutting her debut — and at 14, she was already married to the idea of only recording material she had a hand in writing. Not coincidentally, at 14, she became the youngest person ever signed to the major songwriting company in Nashville, Sony/ATV Publishing.
NEXT PAGE: Taking chances
Nashville acceptance, hometown alienation. Swift started to feel cut off from some of her friends, since she was writing songs while they were either playing soccer or partying. ”A lot of people ask me, how did you have the courage to walk up to record labels when you were 12 or 13 and jump right into the music industry? It’s because I knew I could never feel the kind of rejection that I felt in middle school. Because in the music industry, if they’re gonna say no to you, at least they’re gonna be polite about it.” (Being unusually tall for her age, or any age — she’s now 5’11”, without her cowboy boot heels — may have made her more of a junior high outcast.)
Now that she had publishing and recording deals in hand, she convinced her parents, when she was in the eighth grade, that it was time to move where the action is. ”I was from a small town, and nobody really expects you to leave, especially before you graduate. That doesn’t happen. I actually went back a couple months ago and played a sold-out show in my hometown, and it was amazing; ever since all this stuff started happening, the people in Pennsylvania have been the most supportive people I’ve ever known. But I wouldn’t change a thing about growing up and not exactly fitting in. If I had been popular, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to leave.”
The Swifts never pushed their daughter toward a music career, and the family uprooted itself from the Christmas-tree farm where they lived only after it was clear that her stockbroker dad could do his job just as effectively down South. ”I never wanted to make that move about her ‘making it,”’ says her mom, Andrea. ”Because what a horrible thing if it hadn’t happened, for her to carry that kind of guilt or pressure around. And we moved far enough outside Nashville [to nearby Hendersonville] to where she didn’t have to be going to school with producers’ kids and label presidents’ kids and be reminded constantly that she was struggling to make it. We’ve always told her that this is not about putting food on our table or making our dreams come true. There would always be an escape hatch into normal life if she decided this wasn’t something she had to pursue. And of course that’s like saying to her, ‘If you want to stop breathing, that’s cool.”’
After getting out of her RCA deal, Swift found a believer in Scott Borchetta, who was then a big cheese at the Universal label group. ”I thought, ‘Oh, awesome, I’m gonna get to deal with Universal!’ I get this call a couple of weeks later, after I do this showcase and Scott’s on board and everything’s rocking. He goes, ‘I have good news and bad news. The good news is I want to sign you, and the bad news is I’m not gonna be with Universal Records anymore.’ Because he was leaving to start up this whole new record label.” She took a chance and went with what would become a new powerhouse indie label, Big Machine, figuring that at least she’d get more individual attention there. ”They only had 10 employees at the record label to start out with, so when they were releasing my first single, my mom and I came in to help stuff the CD singles into envelopes to send to radio. We sat out on the floor and did it because there wasn’t furniture at the label yet.”
NEXT PAGE: The viral marketing plan
The MySpace triumph. Swift’s album wasn’t Big Machine’s first release, or even its first relative success. Another early signing, Texas rocker Jack Ingram, had a song go to No. 1 on the country chart — but he still didn’t sell boatloads of albums. That would be up to Swift, and her success would help little Big Machine go on to become Garth Brooks’ new label, not to mention giving Borchetta the heft to sign Jewel (one of Swift’s childhood influences) to a country deal.
”The story that everyone is gonna tell with Taylor is her use of technology and viral marketing techniques — MySpace and texting — that are non-traditional for the country format,” says RJ Curtis, country editor for the weekly trade magazine Radio & Records. ”This kind of flies in the face of how to market a new artist from Nashville. It’s partly her being in that life group and using the things teens use to communicate and spread music around, but her label had a lot of savvy in that area too.”
But Swift’s manager, Rick Barker, gives the singer and her family most of the credit for working the Web. ”The parents already had her MySpace and her website up and running,” he says. ”The mom and dad both have great marketing minds. I don’t want to say fake it until you make it, but when you looked at her stuff, it was very professional even before she got her deal. And we put her music up there on MySpace before it was out, to help decide what was gonna be on the record. ‘Our Song’ made it to the record because of MySpace.” That song has been her biggest radio hit to date — written about her first real romance, premiered at her ninth-grade talent show, and nearly lost to the cutting room floor. ”If you notice the running order on the record, ‘Our Song’ is No. 11,” the manager points out. ”It was the last song added to the album, and a lot of that had to do with buzz that was being created on MySpace.”
Once the album was actually finished and ready for promotion, MySpace came in even handier. ”People laughed at me,” says Big Machine founder-president Borchetta. ”They said, ‘You’re starting a new record label and you signed a 15-year-old female country singer — good for you! You have a teenager — there’s a lot of those on country radio. You have a new female artist — there’s a lot of those on country radio.’ They were looking at me like I had two strikes. But I knew we didn’t want to count on country radio out of the box. So we went heavy on TV, putting the video out before the single, and doing a special with [cable channel] GAC, and we went heavy on her MySpace and online stuff. By the time we got to country radio, we said: We have you surrounded and you don’t even know it.”
It still wasn’t an easy sell. ”Her records are not records that researched fantastically,” says R&R‘s Curtis — and he ought to know, because when Swift’s single ”Tim McGraw” was first coming out in late 2006, he was then the program director of L.A.’s KZLA, and one of the guys balking at putting her on the air. ”But the radio guys hung in there because anybody who’s programming a station wants to get some younger listeners. Country does a good job of naturally getting 35-plus listeners, so getting someone who fits the image of the 18-to-34-year-old, that’s an asset. There’s a need for [youthfulness] in the format. When Gretchen Wilson and Big & Rich and the whole Muzik Mafia thing came along a few years ago, I said that, for the first time since the Garth phenomenon in the early ’90s, there seems to be a real movement happening here. It didn’t last long, because it was more of a fad than a trend; Gretchen really only had that one huge hit, and while Big & Rich have continued to have big songs, it’s been with their more traditional-sounding ballads. But there is definitely a need for a younger artist, younger feel.” Curtis thinks Swift’s adolescent-themed songs have a dual appeal to older and more youthful listeners: ”A lot of the theme of the album is first love, and those are things everybody can get sentimental about, no matter the demo. With things like ‘Our Song,’ a lot of people can relate because it takes them back to their innocent years — and in her case, she just happens to be living her innocent years right now.”
Barker, her manager, offers up some specifics about how they used MySpace to make the Taylor Case to radio. ”Radio does research, and we have no idea who they’re researching, but it was saying people weren’t digging ‘Tim McGraw.’ So we had to go out and create our own research — and that’s what we did with MySpace. What she did was put up a blog on her MySpace that said, ‘Guys, I would like to thank whatever station you’re hearing my song on.’ And people started telling us” — even with stations that were only tentatively programming the song in the middle of the night. ”We were able to take those comments back to radio in individual markets and say, ‘You’re saying researching is telling you it’s not doing that great, but here are 85 people who are telling us they love your station because you played ‘Tim McGraw.’ What MySpace and online told radio stations was: She’s already familiar to your audience. And radio loves familiarity.
”MySpace allowed us to tell the story about Taylor. And it really is her space,” adds Barker. ”She wrote her bio, writes her blogs, and if someone gets commented back to, it’s from Taylor. A lot of times, you can tell it’s somebody else hired to sit there at a computer. Taylor’s space is her space — that’s our secret.”
NEXT PAGE: Embracing the fame
Taylormania. On a brisk night in late January of 2008, the nexus for all this popularity is the Rabobank Theatre, a sold-out 3,000-seater in inland California where Swift is doing a headlining show. About a third of the way back, one delusionally hopeful suitor holds up a sign with his plea: ”PROM? 343-7547.” In the front row, a college-aged dude in a cowboy hat patiently waits for a break in the shrieking before finally blurting out, with half-shy boisterousness, ”Taylor, you’re hot!” But it’s hard for a male fan to get a word in edgewise when the young women in the house spend the entire show standing and screaming, much as their little sisters would for Hannah Montana. There are enough kids and parents on hand that it’s clear she has some appeal to the Disney Channel demographic, as well as to the 17- to 25-year-olds who make up most of the audience, though she writes about adolescent romance not as an aspirant but a fellow survivor. Swift represents the countrified missing link between Miley Cyrus and Alanis Morissette.
She is introducing her soon-to-be-released fourth single, the gleefully vengeful ”Picture to Burn,” which, like many of her songs, was inspired by an old school flame she refers to as ”Bad Cheater Guy.” Swift’s so impressed by the screaming, while going into her nightly spiel about getting back at the boys who spurned her, she adds a nod to tonight’s host city. ”Please know that I try to be a really nice person, in general,” she says as her band vamps through the intro. ”But, if you break my heart, or if you hurt my feelings — or ANY OF MY FRIENDS FROM BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA — well, I will have to write a song about you!” Total eruption, as she marches across the stage in her spangly sun dress and cowboy boots, strumming on her six-string and singing: ”I hate that stupid old pickup truck you never let me drive/ You’re a redneck heartbreak who’s really bad at lying…”
Before the show, we watched her pose for photos for an hour at a meet-and-greet full of fan-club and radio-contest winners. (That’s nothing, for her; at most of the hundreds of shows she’s played so far, she stayed afterward to sign autographs till the last fan was gone, which might last anywhere from two-and-a-half to four hours. But as the crowds grow, those late-night signings are becoming increasingly more difficult to work in.) It’s clear that Swift doesn’t have the steeliness of a lot of starlets her age who were groomed for that by their parents almost from birth. Maybe because this whole massive career thing was her idea, she’s still digging it. When a little kid approaches, she gets down on her nyloned knees and cranes her neck in so that it is pressed against the tot’s. In pretty much every picture, she will look like that person’s conjoined twin. Every so often, with someone closer to her own age, she’ll say, ”Let’s do a funny one,” and urge the fan to screw up his or her face with her.
”She can’t go now to a store without having people come up to her — which she loves,” says her mom, Andrea. ”It makes her day when she’s gone somewhere and people have come up to her and said, ‘I love your music — can I take a picture?’ She’s always grabbing the camera and going, ‘Come here’ and getting the MySpace shot, holding the camera and posing together. She likes that attention. I think where she differs from some people who get to that spot and realize that they don’t really like their privacy sort of being restricted — well, for her that’s not an issue.
”But she never in her life ever said, ‘I want to be famous’ or ‘I want to be rich’ or ‘I want to be a star.’ Those words absolutely never came out of her mouth. If they had, I would have said, ‘Honey, maybe you’re doing it kind of for the wrong reasons.’ For her, the happiest I ever see her is just after she’s written a killer song. As a parent, I felt really good about that. If that’s where she draws happiness from, she’ll have that the rest of her life. She’s not always gonna have the awards, or the attention, or the celebrity, but she will always have the ability to write a song.”
”She has the combination of that 30-year-old business mentality with a real innocence,” says R&R‘s Curtis. But can country fans and programmers — who tend to be a little bit territorial — expect to keep Swift to themselves? Will the pop crossover success get to her? ”We’re talking about an 18-year-old, so it’s hard to know for sure what she’ll be doing five years from now,” Curtis says. ”But just from talking with her, I would say that her value system is a really good fit for country.” And though MTV recently did its first airing of her ”Teardrops on My Guitar” video on TRL, it did look a little bit uncharacteristically wholesome, programmed between Britney and Pitbull, so it’ll be interesting to see how things play out.
In the meantime, there’s still high school to finish up — home-schooled version, while her mom accompanies her on some dates this spring, when she’ll be opening an arena tour for Rascal Flatts. Says Swift, ”I already finished most of my course work, so I just have two electives left.” Which are? ”Public speaking and vocal performance. I guess I’m kind of coasting.”
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storytellingdreamer · 2 years
Granada Holmes thoughts as I watch
I’ve started watching Granada Holmes. For the uninitiated, this is “a TV series of Sherlock Holmes adaptations produced by the British television company Granada Television, between 1984 and 1994″ (more here). I’m two episodes in and I love it so much already. 
If you want to join me, check out the following links! Link one. Link two. 
I figured I might as well put some thoughts down as I go through the episodes, partly as a way of tracking my progress. There are a LOT of episodes after all. These won’t be big reviews - other people have done that. (For example, check out Plaid Adder’s metafic on ao3 here.) No, I’m just doing to do some bits and pieces... starting with A Scandal in Bohemia and The Dancing Men. 
Note: This is my first true exposure to a Sherlock Holmes story or adaptation, though due to what I call “fandom osmosis” I know bits and pieces about some of the narratives. 
Spoilers ahead! 
A Scandal In Bohemia: 
The set up is intriguing
I LOVE Jeremy Brett’s Holmes. 
David Burke as Watson is fun too. 
The King of Bohemia is an annoying prick and I love how they show that, and the different responses of the characters. 
The whole show felt like a bit of a fun romp with all the disguises and performance stuff
Though I did feel sorry for Irene Adler and glad when she got to have her moment. 
The Dancing Men
I love the scene at the start with the deductions and banter; the way they play off each other... credit to the actors because it really feels like (as said in the first ep) they have been living together for some years. 
Holmes and Watson are the best parts of this episode. 
Another example: the part where Holmes shows Watson how to work the code out by giving two clues - using his own silhouette to demonstrate. (Thank you Brett.) 
And then the part where they crack the code on the last message! The synergy of Holmes writing/ Watson watching then the sudden glance of ‘oh hell’ and then skedaddle!
I enjoyed the set up of The Case, but it became tense very fast and that was hard to watch. 
So much could have been prevented if the Cubitts had just bloody talked to each other drat it! 
So much also depended on timing - if Cubitt’s last letter had made the last post, if Holmes had been able to follow through on his thought to get to Derbyshire that night (instead of the morning). 
Again, thank you Brett for Holmes’s quiet & heartfelt shock/sadness combo... I noticed that sheen of almost tears and the “that can’t be right!” look. 
Anyway I need fix-it fic now. 
I will reblog this post with an addition after watching the next episode in my list. 
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period-dramallama · 2 years
episode 7 of becoming elizabeth review: live laugh lie
This episode felt so long. Easily my least favourite. Everyone was stupid or an asshole or a stupid asshole.
+ mention of archbishop... don’t even say his name?? How are we going to have Cranmer in season 2?? it’s going to be very Remember the New Guy
+ the Ambiguous Religion Preacher man is going to be burned in his clothes, that’s quite unusual. Usually it was in the shift. Y’know, cloth being expensive, it would a terrible waste to burn a whole doublet
+ My pyrophobia breathed a sigh of relief when it cut away from the burning... until they CUT RIGHT BACK TO IT. at least the fire looks fake.
+ they just call him ‘a dissenter’?? I assume they mean Anabaptist? Why not just say Anabaptist? 
+ Ed flipping through a book... gifted kid burnout
+ good to acknowledge Mary wasn’t the only monarch burning people. Anabaptists were burned during Edward’s reign, and 4 were burned in London in 1570 something. 
+ “I always liked your father” did you??
+ Stephen Gardiner worrying about ‘balance’ on the council and burning dissenters... Stephen Gardiner would not give a flying fuck if Protestants burn more radical Protestants. He’d be there with popcorn.
+ “we are going to make England great” I said “again” sarcastically and then Dudley said “...again” and I burst out laughing. Real subtle Anya. Love the nuanced commentary. Not since The Spanish Princess has a show been so subtle.
+ “a girl not yet 16 made fools out of all of us” did she though?? In history, yes. This show, not so much.
+ Another extra with no hood! Just stick a hood on her! This isn’t a crowd scene where everyone needs a hood so you crack out the crappy ones for the extras at the back.  
+ “he is the fucking king” love that that’s an in-universe meme.
+ This Elizabeth is not very good at reading between the lines. Why does she need everything spelled out for her?
+ Oliver’s facial expressions are the best. He can bring comedy to the most mundane lines. 
+ “I can’t do the crazy thing... Ok for you i will do the crazy thing” is an A+ dynamic.
+ “England’s not done with you yet” and now that’s some neat foreshadowing
+ “They burned a man in Whitehall” why does Gardiner care?? There’s nothing to imply he was Catholic. If he’s not Catholic, Gardiner wouldn’t give two shits. This is the guy who tried to bring down Katherine Parr for crying out loud!
+ “thought you’d seen enough of the Tower by now Stephen” hehehehehehe
+ then Girlboss Dudley throws Gardiner down the stairs!!
+ “do you need carrying” i wish the whole ep was just Dudley being mean to Gardiner. 
+ Henry Grey LITERALLY tells Jane to watch what she says around powerful people and then she just... doesn’t. babe.
+ the whole scene with Elizabeth and Jane....i hate it with a fiery fiery passion. It’s just a nasty scene of two people being horrible to each other for no fuckign reason.
+ Elizabeth plays a few notes that sound like the show’s theme... the show hasn’t earned that.
+ “spurred to treason to acquiesce to your desires” “oh I’m schooled on men by my sister, i wonder how she got so wise”. Can Mary let ANYTHING go? I understand her resentments regarding her past but why she can’t she just drop the subject of Tommy S? WHO SHE DIDN’T EVEN LIKE? Why must she KEEP being like ‘i told you so’? That ain’t how you get friends.
+ Mary did not earn that hug. She didn’t even apologise!
+ Aaaand then Mary is horrible again in like 2 seconds.
+ Illiterate doesn’t necessarily mean uncultured. Early medieval kings like Alfred and Charlemagne were illiterate because it wasn’t a skill they needed. They had scribes to dictate to, and servants to read aloud to them.
+ “don’t hide in places I’ve shown you are good for hiding in” made me laff. I’ll miss Girlboss when he is executed.
+ the iconic red dress... they haven’t earned it.
+ Elizabeth defending herself... should have been last episode. 
+ Bloody handkerchief of doom!
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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alphabet-mafietta · 2 years
A little rant about the DW season 13 finale…
Not being funny but it’s taken to Jodie’s last episode of her last full season for Chibnall to actually watch Who and write her as the doctor we all knew and loved (and clearly, we could see from that episode, Jodie could play, perfectly).
Jodie is a cracking actress and I love that she’s the doctor and when she gets to shine, boy does she shine!
I think she’s got exactly the same qualities Tennant brought to the role, equally able to play the dramatic as the comedic (and she’s genuinely really funny - we caught a glimpse of cheeky Ten in that final ep which was brilliant!) BUT the writing post her first ever episode has just been a bit crap and that’s on Chibnall. Chibnall insisting on having different writers with no Who experience write each episode to diversify the writing room made the previous 2 seasons really clunky with little in the way of stand out episodes and minimal character development. It’s like the writers sat down, read a brief synopsis of the characters and were then allowed to write an episode and it really didn’t work.
I haven’t recognised this doctor for the past 2 seasons I didn’t recognise the dynamic between the companions and the doctor (why did we need Yaz AND Graham AND Ryan?!) - I just couldn’t stomach the doctor needing her “fam” to get things done/save the universe etc when 9, 10, 11 and 12 were able to do this, in the most part, single handed.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Yaz, she’s a good companion (she’s obvs not up there with Donna or Clara but hey) but they gave that character far too much of the hero action when she should have been there supporting the doctor and keeping her morals in check not piloting the Tardis and coming up with clever solutions to mind bending problems only a Time Lord would know. Let’s not forget, Yaz is a human ex-police officer, not an alien with experience of the universe, space travel or Time Lords for that matter! this didn’t work either.
What did work was separating the doctor from her “fam” and letting her get on with saving the universe in her own clever way and it was brilliant! this is the doctor I was waiting for! honestly, if Murray Gold’s score came in at the end too I genuinely would’ve cried!
Anyway, this is only a mini rant, I’m not dissing 13 or Yaz so don’t come at me, I’m just pissed off Jodie’s on her exit arc and it’s only now Chibnall’s got his head around the character and how to write her/a good episode of Doctor Who!
Jodie was the perfect choice for the doctor but Chibnall was not the right choice for show runner, it’s very telling that they’ve asked RTD back…
Side note, I really liked Dan, probably because he reminded me of Donna…anyway…
Also, before I sign off, why bring Kate Stewart back only for her to have naff all screen time and actually do bugger all in the episode? did I miss something? what did Unit/Kate actually do? I love me some Kate Stewart/New Unit too but that was a slap in the face!
What? they couldn’t give Osgood/Ingrid Oliver a bit of screen time? no, let’s give a load of screen time to two new random, 1 season characters instead! I’m looking at you Vinder and Bel - I don’t really care for your race across the universe to find each other, naff off I want to see what Unit were up to when Kate went dark!
Also, just lastly, is Thasmin real?! It felt like they were going to go there but I’ve been so confused with the previous writing, I’m not quite sure what they’re trying to say about Yaz or the doctor… or their relationship?…perhaps we’ll see in the last 4 specials of Jodie’s doctor, although I wouldn’t put money on it…
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kikilefangirl · 3 years
Long Time Coming
Bucky Barnes x Reader
(Word Count: 2.1k)
(Note: Present Day is set around TFATWS ep. 2, when Bucky gets arrested after meeting Isaiah Bradley)
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Washington D.C.––2014
You had been sleeping peacefully in your bed, when a heavy thud shook your apartment. The sound reverberated through the whole building and then harsh, labored breaths followed.
You stilled in your bed, afraid to move a muscle. You heard the floorboards creak under the intruders’ weight, moving closer and closer.
It was a man, big and imposing. You saw his face—his strong jaw and shaggy brown hair that stuck to his sweaty neck. Your eyes met his, paralyzed with fear.
“Please. No cops.”
His voice cracked as his chest heaved from effort.
The fear was compounded when the man’s dazed eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell face first onto your carpet, out cold.
His harsh, labored breathing filled the room almost immediately. You inched towards his large frame, stifling a horrified gasp at the sight of the metal arm.
The man was lying on his side, his chest rising and falling erratically. Even in his sleep, he couldn’t reach the pitch black stillness.
You could see the exhaustion rack his sleeping body, and the frayed ends of damp clothes. He had to be homeless— he looked like he had been through the ringer.
Even if he had broken in, he hadn’t hurt you or taken anything. Still you grabbed the baseball bat in the corner, watching the stranger’s every move. He looked like he was on his last leg; you didn’t want to be the nail in his coffin.
You took the largest blanket off your bed and laid it over him. The man barely moved, but it made you feel better at least. If he woke up out of his mind, at least he’d be tangled up in the blanket long enough for you to run.
The strange metal armed man was asleep for a day and a half. When he finally awoke around midday, his eyes flew open as he glanced down at the cover laid across his chest.
You gripped your bat tighter as you stood completely still on the other side of the room.
“Blink twice if you ain’t some kind of axe murderer. No offense, but you kinda look like the type.” you breathed out, nervousness raising the pitch in your voice the longer you talked.
The stranger sat up, dazed, but put his hands in the air.
“I got hurt. They’re looking for me.”
“I’m guessing you don’t wanna be found.” you quipped, never lowering the bat. That wicked looking metal arm looked like it did more than a little damage, and you didn’t plan on finding out exactly how much.
He shook his head no, and it was almost childlike. He heard you and responded, but something about it still felt like he wasn’t used to doing that. He was confused more than anything else.
He stared blankly at your broken window, where he had ripped the handle clean off after he shoved it open.
The man glanced down at his hands—the flesh one was shaking.
“(Y/N). Remember that if you decide to go on a bender and need another one of these little naps.” you replied.
“(Y/N),” He said, testing out your name on his tongue and nodded, blue eyes on you.
Without another word, he crept out the way he’d come, disappearing into the busy afternoon without a trace.
Baltimore––Present Day
You never expected to see James again.
And for a long while, you didn’t. He was still out there somewhere, hiding. Surviving.
Seeing him after seven years as you were walking back from your cousin’s house was a shock, to put it mildly.
Another man was with him this time, but you were sure it was him. A heavy awareness filled his serious gaze, sharper and more definite than before.
Your heart thudded in your chest, and everything seemed to stop. Your feet were like lead as you dragged them across the asphalt. You crossed the street without abandon. The two men were arguing, but you took up a little jog so you wouldn’t miss him.
“Hey!” you shouted, finally.
He cut his hair short, and a little spikey. He looked older, face rounder, and small lines were etched into his features here and there. But his eyes were lively, and full of awe as he stood in the street slack jawed.
The history between you two was an unresolved chasm lurking in every look, gesture, and word.
“(Y/N).” he said at last.
Washington D.C.–– 2016
It had been two years since you saw him last, and there he was, at your doorstep.
“James Buchanan Barnes is my name. I learned it.” he says in a quiet, raspy voice.
You raised your brow at the practiced phrase. Almost like a song.
“Well, James, I’m (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), thanks for using the door this time.”
He winced at your jab, but at least took a step forward.
“I knew you, here.”
He was staring straight at you.
“And you’re hard as hell to forget.” you muttered. You couldn’t keep the awe at the man before you. Dark hair, muscled body, bigger than the last time you’d seen him almost two years prior.
He was wearing two jackets and gloves, but you knew that metal arm lurked underneath them.
“I didn’t do those things on the news.” he let out, eyes on some random spot on the floor.
You reached a tentative hand towards his gloved one. Your fingers were met with hard metal and then a cold hand on top of yours. He switched hands, sheepishly guiding you towards the flesh one instead.
“You’ve done a lot of terrible shit. A lot of people wouldn’t blink at a U.N. bombing.”
“Why don’t you?”
“Assassins are for the powers that be, bombings are for crazy people with nothing to lose,” you started, staring up at him. His lip was twitching as he held his breath. Waiting, watching.
“You’re James Buchanan Barnes, now. You don’t want to lose him anymore than you already have.”
You saw his chest sag with relief and you smiled.
“You should let me make you something before you go,” you said, turning on your heel towards the kitchen.
James protested, but you didn’t falter, making your way to the sink without issue.
“I just came—I came to say thank you to someone who might believe me.” he let out, standing on the other side of the countertop, just behind the stools.
You had already gathered the ingredients.
“I’m eating dinner, you are welcome to join and take some with you. You deserve at least one home cooked meal in between all the running and the fighting.”
A genuine crack of a smile as James slid into the bar seat across from you.
“Think you could tell me a story, James? It doesn’t have real, you can mess it up a little.” you offered.
James blinked, but slowly the words began to form. You smiled to yourself as you cooked, chiming in when he’d trail off. You wondered when was the last time he'd even spoken aloud to someone, or had decent conversation.
When dinner was done, and he’d come back from the bathroom, James looked more at ease. He had shirked off both coats and one glove.
As you swung around with your plate, your gaze drifted to his still hidden metal hand for a heartbeat, before meeting his eyes.
“Thank you, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N).” he said, his blue eyes gleaming.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you cleared your throat, scooting inward. James sat down next to you, savoring the smell wafting through your apartment.
As you ate, James didn’t speak much, and pretty soon his plate was clean. Out of the corner of your eye you thought you saw him sneaking glances.
And as he was finished eating, he no longer had a reason for staying. He stood up to go, but he just stood there, looking everywhere but you. A blush bloomed down his neck.
His right hand sat on the counter, fingers slowly inching towards your own.
You sat there, frozen on the spot. You didn’t know whether to run towards him or away. The rough pads of his fingertips gently grazed yours, stopping just before your knuckle.
You couldn’t speak, your mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out. His hand settled near yours, the warmth of it was electrifying. You surged to your feet, propelling you towards him. Your chest heaved at the closeness, at the feel of his body brushing up against yours.
“(Y/N)…” James breathed, still as a statue. You snaked a hand behind his neck.
“Are you—are you sure?” you stammered out, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He nodded his head yes, letting it drop forward until it rested on your forehead. James was even more real this time.
You closed the gap, gently pressing your lips on his, falling into him as his metal had pressed you tighter to him, refusing to focus on anything else but you.
He was gone before dawn that time.
Baltimore––Present Day
“Long time no see,” you said, glancing at the Falcon, who was watching from afar with a gleeful grin.
“You have no idea,” James started, pausing in the middle of the street.
“You could’ve called or something. Hey gotta go fight the giant alien asshole, don’t wait up.” You said in an airy voice, drinking in the sight of him.
“I’m sorry. I—had to work on myself, make…amends…I, uh, got a new arm? Fought Thanos?”
He sheepishly looks away, grimacing at his himself.
“That’s nice. Um, well, we started off with you half dead busting through my damn window. Only goes up from there, right?”
You eagerly held his flesh hand, squeezing hard. He had gotten better. He was clearer, more grounded than he’d ever been.
“And you think I didn’t do some research before letting your ass back into my house the second time.” you added.
And other places, too, you thought to yourself.
James smiled broadly, slightly shaking his head in disbelief.
“I remember everything.” he admitted, rubbing a hand on the nape of his neck.
“You broke into my house to take a nap. Twice. You had better remember me, James Buchanan Barnes.”
“I am so sorry.” He said dryly, giving you an awkward smile.
His friend coolly interjected with a low whistle.
“Hi. Sam. Y’all already know each other. Look, between you and me I still think he’s coo coo for cocoa puffs, but he’s gotten a lot better. The staring needs some work, though.” Sam joked.
You barked out a laugh as James glared at him.
“You go by Bucky, now, huh?” you asked, stepping closer.
“You can still call me James, doll.” he replied, a smirk forming as looked you up and down.
You perked up at that. The flirting was new, but you weren’t complaining. Using your intertwined hands as leverage you went right up to him, pecking him on the cheek.
A full blush turned his pale skin a deep scarlet, as he smiled at you.
“There were others here and there, but none that lasted. Don’t be a stranger, James, you know where to find me.”
Before you could say more, blue and red lights flashed down the street. Your heart sunk in your chest.
“I’ll be back.” He said firmly, searching your eyes for an answer. You nodded, inhaling the scent of him before he was gone again.
James bent down, kissing you full on, in a firm, passionate embrace. This was a promise. You pulled away as the cops parked and stepped out of their cars.
You put your hands high in the air, not moving a muscle. James just stood there with his hand on his hips, watching them warily.
“Are these two bothering you, sir?” One cop asked, adjusting his belt.
Anger sparked through you. James probably killed JFK for all you knew, and they were worried about you and Sam? Bullshit.
“No, no. Seriously––” James started, but he was interrupted by a second cop.
“You two got ID?” He asked, glancing between you and Sam.
You sighed, still not moving. Not wanting to put your hands down to reach anywhere, you watched as Sam grew more and more agitated by their probing. He didn’t have his ID with him, but he didn’t need one.
The cop from before leaned down to his partner, and the look of realization washed over him. Sam was an Avenger, but he was black first and so were you. Slowly you lowered your hands to the side as neighbors had come out to see the commotion. Your cousin gasped when she saw you, making her way over.
“Mr. Barnes, you missed your court mandated therapy, sorry you’re under arrest.”
James pulled back the corners of his lips into a mock smile, his tongue swiping across his teeth in annoyance. That’s what an arrest was to him, an annoyance. Must be nice.
“Let’s try the monthly thing, this time?” You called out.
James nodded as the cops pushed his head into the backseat, "Deal!"
“I’ll go with him,” Sam offered, and you smiled tentatively, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. His face was hard as he watched the cops drive off with James. But at least he wasn’t alone.
“(Y/N)!” Your cousin cried, tackling you in a hug. Sam left after your cousin looked the both of you over.
James would find his way back to you. He’d better. You’d waited long enough and so had he.
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Needed You
Word Count: 1,551
Characters: Isaac Lahey, Reader, mentions of OC Characters
Pairings: Isaac Lahey x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of abuse, mentions of death, possible cliffhanger idk?
A/N: pls send requests for isaac i missed writing for him
A/N 2: bro wtf was this ep of TFAWS idek what I have to say abt it-
A/N 3: part two?
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You leaned against your locker, watching as Isaac ran down the hallway with his new friends, passing by you once again, without even noticing. He had a big smile on his face, which was never unusual, even through all his pain and hardships he always managed to stay happy. But this smile was different. It was more of an evil smile, something that made you uncomfortable.
That was only a small change of what happened with Isaac. New friends, new clothes, new attitude. If it wasn't for his hair, you wouldn’t be able to recognize the boy in front of you. Someone who used to be your best friend, who you’d rely on for everything, someone that you were there for.
As time went on, you had only assumed you would never lose Isaac. The bond the two of you had was unbreakable. Or so you thought. Your mother used to crack jokes about you marrying Isaac, due to the bond you had with him. You’d never felt that way about anyone else.
Your mind ran past the thought of your mom as you clenched your jaw, taking a deep breath. Your mother was gone, had been for a while. But not that anyone knew.
You sniffled softly, before hearing the bell ringing, while you entered the classroom.
“Partner up,” you heard your teacher say.
You kept your head down, before seeing the shadow of someone sitting next to you.
“Partners?” you heard Isaac's voice as you sighed softly.
“Actually…” you started.
“Oh, c’mon we both know that you don't like anyone else,” he instantly began to tease you as you rolled your eyes, annoyed.
He was trying to act as nothing happened, and that he didn't spend all those past months ignoring you completely.
“Fine,” you replied softly.
You rested your head on your hand before looking at the board, doing the assignment.
“Are you scared?” Isaac's voice was small as the two of you stood in front of Beacon Hills High.
“No, are you?” you lied, looking up at the building.
“No,” he replied.
“Are you lying?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he sighed.
You reached for his hand, before taking a big breath.
“It’s okay, Isaac. Remember, we’ll always have each other, right?” you asked softly.
He nodded his head, before the two of you gave a small smile to each other, before opening the door, entering your new school for the first time.
“(Y/N)!” Isaac ran down the hall, making his way to you as you scratched your forehead, before turning around to face him.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“I went by your house last night? You didn't tell me you moved?” he asked, frowning slightly.
You dug your nails into your palms before nodding your head.
“I live with my uncle now,” you replied.
“Your uncle? I thought you hated your uncle,” he replied.
“He’s not that bad,” you muttered, opening your locker.
“Well, you told me that he has a drinking problem. And he gets scary and mean,” your eyes watered slightly before you rubbed them away.
“I don’t really have a choice,” you said.
“Why not? What about your mom?” he asked.
“I have to go to class, Isaac,” you closed your locker, taking a deep breath before you walked away from him.
“Isaac?” you knocked at his door, walking in slowly as he wrapped his arms around himself, rocking slightly.
The lights were off, you could barely make out his figure.
“Isaac,” you walked further into his room, turning on a lamp next to his bed while he flinched.
“Sorry,” you walked to him, putting your hand on his shoulder.
“My mom-” his voice broke as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I know, I know,” you pressed a kiss to his forehead, rocking with him slightly before he buried his head in your arms.
“I want her back,” he cried softly.
You buried your face in his hair, resting your head on top of his as he cried softly, clinging onto you tightly.
“Please don’t leave me,” he whispered.
“I’m not gonna leave you, Isaac. I’m right here,” you continued to caress his back, before the two of you laid down onto his bed, continuing to hold each other before slowly drifting off to sleep.
“(Y/N)!” you poked your head up, hearing someone calling your name from outside your house as you frowned.
You walked towards your window, seeing Isaac standing in the backyard.
“Isaac, what the hell are you-” you started.
“Open the window!” he yelled.
You raised an eyebrow, slightly confused as you opened the window, waiting a minute before he climbed in.
You immediately took notice to his bruises and cuts as you gasped, leading him to your bed.
“What the hell happened to you?!” you yelled.
“Keep it down! I don't want your mom to hear!” he whispered loudly.
You looked out the door, before closing it.
“D-Did you get into a-a fight or something? Oh my god,” you ran to your bathroom, grabbing your first aid kit.
His eyes instantly watered.
“This is gonna sting,” you pressed the alcohol wipe to his wound, hearing him wince.
“What happened to you?” your eyes began to water as you looked at his broken figure.
“M-My… My dad. H-He just got s-so mad, and…” he couldn't finish his words before he bit his lip, taking a shaky breath.
You felt your heart drop as you continued cleaning his wounds.
“Isaac…” your voice broke.
“I messed up, really, really badly,” he cried softly.
“No, i-it’s not your fault. God, we need to tell my mom, she can help,” you started, reaching for your door.
“No!” he ran to you, pulling you back.
“Isaac!” you started.
“No! You can’t tell anyone,” he shook his head.
“What? Isaac…” 
“No! (Y/N), please. I’m begging you just please don't say a word to anyone,” he cried softly, holding your hands.
“H-How am I supposed to help you?”
“I don't need you to help me. I just need my best friend to be here for me,” his eyes were bloodshot as you cried softly.
You nodded your head, before wrapping your arms around his shaking figure.
“Can I spend the night?” he asked.
“Of course you can,” you sniffled.
He nodded softly, as you led him to your bed, laying down with him.
“Why do you keep running away from me? (Y/N),” you wiped the tears from your eyes as you continued walking, hearing Isaac calling behind you.
“I had a really long day. I just want to go home, Isaac,” you replied, trying to hide your feelings.
“Why do you keep ignoring me?” you clenched your jaw, exhaling harshly as you continued walking.
“(Y/N)!” he yelled.
You froze, before letting out a frustrated sigh, turning to face him as his face dropped slightly.
“Why are you crying?” he asked softly.
“I just need you to leave me alone,” you shook your head.
“Stop, Isaac! Stop acting like we’re friends again! Stop acting like everything can go back to normal and we’re friends after you spend months avoiding me!” you yelled, taking him by surprise as he jumped slightly.
“I know, but-”
“There’s no but! All I want is for you to leave me alone, so why can’t you just do that?” your tears were falling freely as he kept quiet, unsure of what to say.
“I just wanted things to go back to before. I thought if I acted like nothing happened, we would be okay,” he said softly.
“It’s too late to pretend nothing happened,” your voice broke as you ran your fingers through your hair.
“Isaac, I've been by your side for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been there for you whenever you needed me. B-But…” you could barely make it through your sentence before your voice wavered.
“I needed you when my mom died but you just avoided me. And you kept avoiding me a-and ignoring me. You made me feel like I didn't matter to you, that our friendship meant nothing. That hurt. I don’t need you coming back here and making all that pain come back,” you cried softly.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N). You have to believe me, I-I wanted to be with you, I wanted to be by your side but I couldn't. I can’t explain and I know it sounds so shitty and I know what I did to you was terrible,” he stroked your cheek softly, looking down at you.
“I can’t explain how sorry I am or how much you mean to me. I-I need you as much as you need me. Please, just-” you moved away from him as he paused.
“I need you to leave me alone. I don’t need you in my life,” you saw his tears falling from his eyes as your heart began to ache more and more.
“I have to get home, I’m running late,” you sniffled, before you wiped your eyes.
“Goodbye, Isaac,” you walked away from him as he stood frozen, holding back his cries.
Your heart felt like it could leap out of your chest as you ran down the street, holding in your cries.
You knew you needed him, but you couldn't go through that pain, not again.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Final Exam- Teen Titans x Aquagirl! Reader
Request: Helloooooo! I have an Episode request “Final exam” (Season 1 ep 3) with Aquagirl!reader please and thank you very much!
Summary: It's a good thing you have junior life guard training as you face a new force of evil. Will you and your teammates defeat these foes or will you drown in the pressure?
Pairings: Robin x Reader (nothing serious, just some blushing lol)
Word count: 3192
A/N: hey!!! sorry this took a while I was just doing other things lul. Reminder that I'm now on AO3 (username is butterknifee) and that requests are always open! Hope you enjoy!!!
It was an uneventful day in the tower. Cyborg and Beast Boy were rummaging around the living room looking for the TV remote, Raven was reading silently and you were practicing your water skills, balancing an orb of water in mid air.
"It's gotta be around here somewhere!" Cyborg says, rummaging through the whole room. He lifts up the whole couch as Beast Boy sniffs around in dog form.
“How could you lose the remote?” Cyborg glares at Beast Boy.
“What makes you so sure I lost it?” Beast Boy asks, turning back into a human.
“Uh...'cause you're you.”
“Hey! Just because I lost that video game--”
“--And the toothpaste, and my football, and the waffle iron--”
“Things disappear. How am I supposed to know where they go?”
You continued to focus on your bubble, but couldn’t help but notice Raven lowering her book. You peeked over to see her annoyed expression, obviously caused by the two boys.
Cyborg huffs. “Well how am I supposed to watch TV without a remote?” Suddenly, Raven slammed her book, breaking you out of your focus and causing the water you were balancing to drop into a puddle. You stared wide-eyed at Raven as she stood up.
“Simple. You can just get up and change the channel.” she says with a stone cold expression.
“Don’t even joke like that.” Cyborg says. You hover your hands over the puddle, trying to pick it up with your hydrokinesis.
“Do you think you guys could argue in like, the bathroom or something? Cause-” you start, but Raven interrupts you.
“I wasn’t joking”
“Good, 'cause it wasn't funny!” Cyborg says. “Now either help us look for the remote or go back to your nasty old book and--”
“This is a pointless argument over a useless device.” she snaps, her face red from frustration.
“You know what, I'm just gonna get a mop or something,” you mumble. You consider actually getting up to get a mop as they continue to argue.
Robin and Starfire walks in to the three teens arguing and you sitting to the side. You make a pained expression at the two, your way of saying go back, before it's too late.
But Robin steps towards the bickering Titans. “Whoa! Take it easy, Titans! Combat practice is this afternoon!”
“We must mend your dispute by the sharing of unhealthy junk foods. I shall fetch them.” Starfire adds, happily flying towards the kitchen.
Cyborg continues to argue. “I don't need food, what I need is a time machine, I didn't--”
Beast Boy cuts him off. “Back me up here, Robin!! Have I ever lost any--?”
“Ok, ok!” Robin puts up his hands to stop them.
“To stop him from taking the REMOTE!!!” Cyborg yells.
“Hey! Come on!! Settle down! ENOUGH!!!” Robin starts yelling too. You start to cover your ears when a loud noise causes all of you to look up. You see Starfire staring wide-eyed at the fridge, her hands glowing green. Blue mold had exploded from her starbolt, causing it to land all over the kitchen. You made a mental note to start cleaning the kitchen more often.
“Maybe we should go out for pizza,” Robin decides.
The arguing does not stop at the pizza place.
“Can we please just order something?” Raven groans.
“As long as its vegetarian.” Beast Boy says.
“Come on, man, how can you deny me the all-meat experience?” Cyborg whines.
“Dude, I've been most of those animals!”
“Just no anchovies for me,” You say.
“I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting.” Starfire says with a smile. You shudder at the thought of eating something like that. Robin leans over.
“Uh, Starfire? Not everything on the menu is a pizza topping.” She blushes at her mistake, Beast Boy and Cyborg going at each other again.
“Double pepperoni!!”
“I'm not eating meat!!”
“There's no meat in pepperoni!!”
The sound of a vehicle horn finally ended their argument. You all look up to see a bus barreling straight towards a baby carriage, a baby screaming from inside.
“Titans go!” Robin yells. You, Cyborg and Raven ran to stop the bus while Robin, Starfire, and Beast Boy ran to save the baby carriage. You summon a jet of water from a fire hydrant and shoot it at the bus, slowing it down. Cyborg planted himself in front of the bus, his bulky arms holding it back. Raven uses her magic, pulling the gearshift inside the bus to “park”. When the bus finally skidded to a stop, you three looked inside. No one was there.
“Um… don’t buses normally have drivers?” Cyborg asks.
“And don’t carriages normally have babies?” Robin says nearby. He, Starfire, and Beast Boy were staring at a teddy bear that was inside the carriage. A voice suddenly projected from the stuffed animal.
“Are you pit-sniffers normally this stupid?”
Suddenly, the teddy bear shot lasers out of its eyes, sending the three teens flying into an alleyway. You turned to see the bus next to you be lifted up by a large, hairy man in black and yellow. He smiled and threw the bus on top from the three of you, trapping you under it. You grunt as the weight of the bus begins to press down on your chest. You hear a voice from outside the bus.
“That was too easy. What a buncha cludge-heads. You guys want to get pizza?” The voice matched the one from the teddy bear. You gritted your teeth as you heard Cyborg’s sonic cannon warm up.
“This isn't over!” you hear Robin yells. Cyborg blasts his cannon, sending the bus in the air. You got up with the other two titans.
“We’re just getting started!” Cyborg yells.
“Who are these guys?” Beast Boy asks, stuck in a trash can. “And what’s a cludge-head?”
“We are the HIVE!” the villain who called you ‘cludge-heads’ said. He was a short kid, wearing a green jumpsuit and goggles. He basically looked like an evil Caillou.
“Your worst nightmare!” said the guy who crushed you with a bus. You noticed that he had a large amount of hair on his whole body.
“And this is attack pattern Alpha!” said the last villain, a goth looking girl with pink, hornlike hair. They jumped out of their poses, and towards you. The small guy in green flew forward in a jetpack, shooting lasers at Robin, Starfire and Beast Boy. The lasers hit the alleyway around them, causing a pile of rubble to fall on them.
Cyborg immediately started brawling with the large guy, Raven and the pink-haired girl attacking each other with their magic, and the smaller kid flying around your head. You tried to shoot him down with your blasts of water, but he wove through your shots. He then flew towards Cyborg, holding something metal.
“Cyborg watch out!” you scream, but it was too late. The green kid attached the metal object to Cyborg's back, and at that moment you realized it was a rocket. Starfire recovered from being crushed by rubble just to see him flying through the air.
"Cyborg!" She yelled, flying after him and out of sight. The two leaving so abruptly caught you off guard, so off guard that you didn't notice the burly guy sneaking up behind you. You turned just as he went to kick you, kicking your stomach and causing you to go flying. You hold your stomach in pain and try to run back towards him, but Raven being thrown towards you sends you crashing back towards the ground. You groan in pain as you hear Robin and Beast Boy meet a similar fate. You see them laying next to you.
"Is it just me or are we getting our butts kicked?" Beast Boy asked, the rest of you standing up.
"It's just you," the three of you say at the same time.
"Listen up team, I have a plan," Robin begins, but is cut off by 3 blasts from the short boy's jetpack. Those 3 blasts ended up hitting you, Beast Boy and Raven. You landed behind the Boy Wonder, leaving him to face the HIVE alone.
“Gee, scrum-buffer.” the jetpack boy jeered, lowering himself to the ground. “Sure hope your fancy plan includes getting fried!”
“You’ll just have to find out the hard way.” you hear him say. You watch him stand in a fighting position, beckoning them to fight. However instead of fighting, the three villains stood with a smile on their face. Then, one by one, they hit the ground between them and Robin. You were confused at first, but then realized in horror that they had created a crack in the asphalt, it getting bigger with each hit. The crack traveled up towards Robin and the area around him crumbled. A look of fear set in his face as he fell with the asphalt into the ground.
“Robin!” you yelled, running up towards the hole with Beast Boy and Raven. Through the crumbling hole you saw a stream of dark, murky sewer water. Water, you realized. You turned to the other two Titans.
“There’s water down there. I’ll go get Robin, you two go back to the Tower.” Before they could reply, you dove into the hole, landing into the water.
“Aquagirl!” Beast Boy yelled, but you were gone.
The cold water shocked your body, but you forced yourself to shake it off. You floated on the surface of the water, looking for any signs of Robin. When you didn’t see anyone, you dove back underwater and took a deep breath (yes, you can breathe underwater). You shoot through the water, swimming as fast as you can. Up ahead, you saw blurs of red, yellow, and green. It was Robin. You swam up to him and grabbed onto his unconscious body. Then with all your strength, you pulled him out of the water and onto the concrete surface of the sewer.
You laid Robin on his back and started to inspect him. You check for his heart rate by pressing two fingers against the area under his jaw. It was beating, but very slowly. You placed your hands on his chest and started pumping. After 30 seconds, nothing was happening. Tilting his head back, you pinched his nose and took a deep breath. You gave mouth to mouth once, then twice, then-
Robin’s eyes opened while you were giving the third. He jerked his head up and crashed his forehead into yours.
“Owwww” you whine, rubbing your hand on your forehead. Robin backed up from you, holding his lips.
“Hey! why did you-” He was about to finish his sentence but started coughing up water. You roll your eyes.
“Woah, calm down Robin, I’m not trying to make a move on you. The only move I made was saving you from drowning.”
“Oh- I’m sorry,” he says, his masked eyes staring at you apologetically.
You waved your hand. “Don’t worry about it, you had a pretty bad fall.”
“What happened to the others? Where are they? Where are we?” He asked, frantically reaching for his T-communicator, only to realize that his whole belt was missing.
“Oh man, your belt must’ve fallen off when you fell. Last time I checked, Raven and Beast Boy were injured, but fine. We’re currently in a sewer, I’m not sure if Starfire and Cyborg are ok, but maybe we can check.” you pulled out your own T-communicator and flipped it open. Water gushed out and formed a puddle under your hand. You both stared at it as you flipped the communicator closed and slid it back into your belt.
“We need to get back to the others, before the HIVE strikes again,” Robin says, standing up. He doubles over, falling to his knees, clutching his abdomen.
“You’re hurt. You need to rest before we find the other Titans,” you say, sitting next to him. “Here, I can help.” You beckon him to let go of his chest and you sit down with you, which he reluctantly does. You summon a bubble of the murky water and allow it to soak into his shirt. You concentrated, and the water began to glow blue.
“Hmmm… I only feel a rib fracture… this may take a while…” you mutter, hovering your hands over his chest. You were focusing so much on healing Robin’s wound, you didn’t notice the frown on his face, more stern than usual.
“Something on your mind, Robin?” you asked, looking up from your work. He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the ground.
“It’s just that…” he began. “I really thought that I could take on the HIVE, you know? But they took me out so easily; they took all of us out so easily. How am I supposed to be a leader if I get hurt so easily, if I let all my teammates get hurt-” his rant is cut off by your finger being shoved in front of his mouth. You both stare at each other in awkward silence.
“When I was a kid, I knew all about you and your adventures,” you began, staring at the stream of water flowing next to you. “You were the boy wonder. The Hero of Gotham. The Sidekick. But now look at you; you’re the leader of a whole team of superheroes, who trust you and are here for you, Robin. We know the dangers, and hey, if I would be a superhero on any team, I’m glad I’m on yours.”
He gave you a small smile. “Thank you Aquagirl,” he said.
You nodded and smiled back. “Anytime, Robin.” You looked at his chest again. “How do you feel?”
“I feel great, both inside and out.” he said, standing up with ease. “I think it's time to find the other titans.”
“Great idea, and I know just how to get out of here.” You stretch out your arm and the ground starts to rumble. A giant geyser shoots up from the stream and punches a hole in the roof of the sewer, allowing the setting sun to peek through. You grabbed Robin’s waist and jumped into the water, another smaller geyser pushing you up and out of the sewer.
“Ugh, gross! I’m definitely taking a shower after this,” you say, looking back at the sewer you jumped out of.
“Ok, let’s go find the others,” Robin says, heading in the direction of the Tower, which was peaking out in the distance. “And, I think it’s time to come up with a plan.”
You finally get closer to the Tower when you notice something.
“Ummm Robin?” you say. “Doesn’t the tower usually look like a T?” You both stare at the tower, its original shape now being built upon to look like a ‘H’. The HIVE… you thought. You and Robin eventually find the rest of your friends, who were all arguing on the beach. You were about to announce your presence but Robin stopped you, putting his arm in front of you.
“We need to control our emotions,” you hear Raven say.
“Or What?!” Cyborg yells. “Our bad vibes will keep you from meditating??”
“I wish Robin were here..” Starfire mumbles. You see the slightest tinge of pink dust across Robin’s cheeks.
“Well he’s NOT! And neither is Aquagirl!” Cyborg continues to yell. “Don't you guys get it?! They won, we lost! IT'S OVER!!”
Beast Boy looked at him. “Then are the Teen Titan’s finished?” Robin looks at you and nods, you nod back. The two of you step forwards.
“We’re not,” Robin says. The other four Titans turn in shock to see you and Robin, both seemingly fine, standing before them.
“Not if I can help it,” he said, arms crossed.
“Told’ya I’d get him back.” you said. “Now who wants to hear our plan?”
You waited on the roof as Cyborg, Raven, and Starfire infiltrated the Tower. You sat on a ledge of the (hideous) HIVE add-ons, swinging your legs as Robin stood next to you, staring out into the distance.
“You ready, bird boy?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He smirked. “With you here, I’m more than ready.” He jumped down from the ledge, leaving you flustered above him.
Suddenly, The three villains come tumbling onto the roof and crash into each other, much more uncoordinated than they had seemed earlier today. The belt the pink haired girl had most likely stolen from Robin’s wardrobe goes flying, and Robin catches it midair.
“Sorry to interrupt your victory celebration,” Robin says, clicking his belt back on around his waist. “But like I said, this isn’t over.” The five of you join him, looming above the HIVE.
“It’s just getting started,” Cyborg said.
The trio of villains quickly recovered.
“Attack pattern alpha!” The pink haired girl yelled, sending waves of magic in your direction. You all jumped out of the way, splitting up.
You saw the large guy swing at Beast Boy, so you rushed in to help him. You summoned a long tendril of water from the ocean and used it like a third arm, with whipping the villain in the face. He turns towards you and grabs your wrist, but with a swift kick in the stomach he goes flying across the roof. You see Raven approach him, so you go to assist in taking down the other two.
Soon, the HIVE laid defeated at your feet. The smaller boy was holding a transmitter device.
"Cram it. I'm calling Slade." He groaned. Slade? You thought. Robin lifted the boy by his green jumpsuit.
"Who is Slade?" Robin asked quite aggressively. The boy scoffed.
"Wouldn't you like to know barf-brain?"
After you dealt with the villains, you finally came in the Tower after a long day. You flopped on the couch as the other Titans inspected the damage the HIVE had caused in the tower, which apparently, wasn't much. Beast Boy crouched at his music collection, head in his hands.
"My tunes! They've been… alphabetized!" He whined. "How am I ever going to find anything?"
Raven came out of her room holding one of her cloaks. "They went into my room. No one should ever go into my room," she said coldly.
"Someone has disposed of all of our blue furry food!" Starfire gasped. Cyborg lifted the whole couch like he did earlier today.
"You gotta be kidding me! The whole place gets cleaned and I still can't find the-" his rant is stopped by Robin, who points at the coffee table. There, the remote lay in plain sight.
"Ha!" He cheered, flopping down on the couch next to you and flipping through channels.
"Maybe we should let the HIVE take over the tower every once in a while, I think this place needed a good clean," you joke, still strewn across the couch.
"I guess we really oughta be training for battles, tracking down clues, and trying to figure out who Slade is, huh?" Cyborg said, looking at Robin.
"We will. But right now, I'm just happy to be part of the team." He looks at you while saying that and you smile.
"Me too"
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vanillann · 3 years
unsolved (spencer reid x reader)
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a/n: i was watching buzzfeed unsolved when i came up with this idea so enjoy. also i know it’s not exactly right but i didn’t feel like going back and watching the ep so.
warning: swearing, talk of cases, and sexual innuendos
word count: 3.3k
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“Hi, Welcome to Buzzfeed Unsolved! We’re your host Ryan and Shane.”
I sat in a spin by chair between the two, my legs crisscrossed as I spun as fast as I could with Shane picking at arm.
“This is (Y/N)-“ when I heard my name I dramatically grabbed Ryan’s arm chair, smiling at the camera “a good friend of ours.”
“I had never spoken to either of them before today,” I spoke directly into the camera, the widest smile on my face when Shane gasped.
“She exposed us!” He pointed an accusing finger at me, Ryan slowly reaching out and grabbing his hand.
“We need her for this case,” Ryan spoke mysteriously, as if he was in a mob of some sort.
“Yeah why is that?” I rested my elbow on the chair, placing my chin in my open hand as I looked between the two.
I would normally be shoved in the corner of my desk trying to avoid another weird product video. I didn’t want to wear another weight blanket that made me almost fall to the floor.
“We are doing a case today and from the gossip around the office, you’d be pretty familiar with it,” Ryan said nothing more as he held a picture up to the camera.
I looked to the viewfinder, my eyes going wide as I recognized the mugshot immediately.
“That’s the Reaper!” I pointed at the picture, grabbing Ryan’s wrist so I could get a better look.
“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Shane added, looking over my shoulder at the picture in my hand.
“No, the BAU worked in this case!”
I didn’t know my intense knowledge of BAU cases would make it around the office, but I suppose when you have a printed article of you standing with Agent Gideon and Hotchner word moves fast.
“You actually know a lot about BAU cases from what I hear,” Ryan almost smirked at me and I was close to attacking him.
“Yeah-“ I turned to the camera, thinking I should explain myself before people thought I was crazy “so when I was young my mother had a stalker.”
The room suddenly went from light and breezy to scary and stuffy, something I hated.
“Anyways, when my mother died he disappeared into thin air. I then got an internship here at Buzzfeed and suddenly I was being mailed pictures of myself.”
I felt Shane give a knee a quick squeeze, which made me smile but I said nothing about it.
“It is really bad, I’m not going into detail, that the FBI got involved. Gideon was my savior that day, Hotchner too. Since then I’ve kept up with their cases and Gideon still sends me letters even after he left,” I finished my story, smiling down at the case file Ryan held between his fingers.
“Enough sad story, let’s talk about murder!” I clapped my hand, Shane laughing at my excitement.
“Okay, before we get started with this video I would like to clarify this isn’t a normal unsolved case. While the case was pinned to a murderer, the real unsolved piece is what happened to him,” Ryan got into character, slowly opening the folder and reading off the first words.
“On June 5th, 1996, Tom Shaunessy was called to investigate a murder in Boston. It was a couple, laided into their chair with multiple gun shots to their head and torso-“
“Wait, in the car in Boston?” Shane asked.
“That’s what I just read,” Ryan replied.
I smiled to myself, already knowing the editing that would take place with the black screen and the blue and yellow words floating across.
“Isn't Boston super busy?”
“It has like 700 thousand people,” I spoke up, wondering what color my words would be in.
“How do you just know that?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows raised.
“If you saw the article I was currently writing you would understand,” I shrugged, moving in the chair so I could get a better look at the case file.
Ryan coughed, looking back down at the file to continue.
“When another set of murders came in, this time an older couple, Shaunessy, panicked as he found the first victim, Harry Goodwill, watching at the scene.”
“That was his signature,” I held a hand up like a child in class, smiling as I already knew what came next.
“Bingo!” Ryan pointed to me, smiling at my excitement.
“When this happened again, this time alone woman, Shaunessy called in the BAU-“
“You mean the love of (Y/N) life,” Shane cut in, smiling when I hit his shoulder.
“If you saw a picture of them you’d be in love too,” I shrugged, not thinking much about my words.
“Agent Aaron Hotchner joined the team and worked closely on this case with Shaunessy.”
“So this man just texted the FBI,” Shane started laughing before he could get his words out.
“I’m pretty sure there are rules,” Ryan looked over at Shane, looking at me when we tried to understand why he was laughing.
“I’m sorry, death shouldn’t be this funny,” Shane took a breath, making a hand motion for Ryan to continue. I started laughing at that, keeping it low so Ryan could continue.
“After 18 murders, there were no leads. The only consistent thing was he mostly killed couples and he left an item from his last victim at the crime scene. The BAU conducted that he was most likely killing the couple because of his own failed marriage or possibly one close to him.”
“So he started killing because he hated to love? I bet he hates Valentine’s Day,” Shane shrugged, his smile breaking across his face when I spoke up.
“Nah, he seems more like a Halloween type guy,” I shrugged, laughing when Ryan hit his elbow on the table.
“Okay okay, back to the good stuff,” I pointed at the file, laughing when Ryan rolled his eyes.
“Now victims 19 and 20 is where the story starts to twist. Amanda Bertram and George Foyet-“ I shivered at the name “we attacked by the Reaper.”
“Did you say attacked?”
“Yes, while Amanda Bertram was killed in the struggle Foyet manages to survive with serious injuries.”
“So this dude just accidentally forgets to kill him?” Shane almost yelled, reaching for the file to read himself but Ryan moved it back.
“He saw the ghost of Valentine and just ran,” I played on the joke earlier, which made the two laugh.
“The heart-shaped boxes of chocolate really made him shit himself,” Ryan barely got the words out, his laugh slowly turning into a cough.
“We shouldn’t joke about a murderer when we don’t know his whereabouts,” I laughed along.
“Wait, you’re telling me they lost him!”
“Yep,” I popped the “p”, smiling when Shane looked to Ryan who only shrugged,
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Was all he said before he continued the case.
“After this no new leads were found, it was later discovered that The Boston Reaper sent Shaunessy a note that if the investigation was shut now he would stop killing,” Ryan read the words off.
“I bet he ended the letter with “xoxo from your worst nightmare” with a lipstick stain,” I spoke without thinking, covering my mouth when I realized what I said.
“Oh he’d definitely come at you now,” Shane pointed at me, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.
“No way! The BAU will save me,” I shrugged, smiling as I imagined the team busting in the door at the last minute like they always did.
“Oh yeah the one dude, what’s his name,” Ryan started snapping his fingers as he thought over his words “Sp-“
“Spencer Reid!” I practically yelled the name, my smile only growing large at the mention of the handsome Doctor from the BAU team. While he didn’t work my case, I heard a little about him and he called my house phone trying to reach Hotch.
To say I was infatuated would be a small understatement.
“Him?” Ryan pointed at him, smiling wider at me.
“Who is this Reid boy and what are his intentions?” Shane folded his arms on the table like a father, looking between Ryan and I.
“I hope it's dirty,” I blurted out, covering my mouth again as I looked at the camera.
“Cut that out,” I started laughing when I heard Shane wheezing beside me.
“No we’re keeping that, that was quality content,” Ryan was laughing, pushing my chair slightly as I slowly joined in.
“I’m so grateful he works a busy job and will never see this,” I started coughing, which made Shane pat my back.
“Please take the obsession back to murder, please and thank you,” I nodded to the case file once everyone has calmed down.
“Okay okay, the cast went cold after that. No new murders ever appeared and the BAU left the case.”
“Spencer went to (Y/N)’s house,” Shane commented quickly.
“Until 2009 when a murder took place right outside of Boston, a couple killed on a hill. While this seemed like nothing at first, an eye was painted on the side of the door and glasses were found on the victim’s face. The glasses belong to Foyet,” Ryan read in his special voice.
“So the dude got bored and was like “Fuck my promise”?” Shane looked between both of us.
“Let him finish,” I patted Shane shoulder, looking at the file again.
“It was later announced to the public that Shaunessy was dead,” Ryan read, looking at Shane with raised eyebrows.
“Ohh, you should have led with that!”
Ryan rolled his eyes, going back to the file in front of him.
“Hotchner took up the case with his BAU team-”
“Spencer had to leave (Y/N)’s house early to get there in time,' ' Shane pushed my shoulder, my finger slowly starting to play with the little ring on my finger.
“I wish,” I spoke up, smiling at Shane when he shook his head.
“The team quickly gathered all the information possible, slowly putting the eye signature on the car with the sign off on the letter.”
“He didn’t sign it xoxo?” Shane asked, I shook my head sadly.
“Sorry to get your hopes up,” I spoke gravely, my mask cracking when Shane started smiling.
“I was readying for him to sign A like that show!”
I started laughing, my hand covering my mouth as Ryan tried to explain the show he was talking about.
“Why do they have to be pretty liars, am I pretty when I lie?”
“No,” I said the words so seriously I was shocked with myself. We all three started laughing suddenly.
I hadn’t been at Buzzfeed long, I had only made a few friends and I pretty much got dragged into the video when they needed a test dummy. This was my first video that didn’t make me want to rip my eyes out, I actually was having a great time with Ryan and Shane with the jokes and all.
“Okay,” Ryan coughed, finally reading the file again,” Many tried to brush it off as a copycat but Agent Hotchner refused to drop the case.”
“That’s my bestie,” I smiled, remembering the photo I had with him when the local news decided to take pictures of us standing outside the station. The photo was awkward and I doubt he even remembered my case but I didn’t really care.
“Then a few hours later an older couple, Arthur and Diane Lanessa, were found stabbed and shot. When the earlier victim, Nina Hale, was found on Diane's wrist, people started to worry.”
“Wait I thought he left the one dude glasses, who is still weird to me,” Shane spoke up again.
“That’s what I’m saying! He had his glasses yet he’s a copycat? Cops can be so stupid,” I rambled, still pissed about that to this day.
“The BAU split up to find Foyet, who went into hiding after his attack, to get more details. Agent Hotchner and Agent David Rossi found him staying in a house in Boston.”
“Why would you stay in Boston?” Ryan was the one to speak this time, his nose scrunched up as he thought it over.
“Right, like yes I almost died here let me stay,” Shane mocked Foyet, which made me laugh.
“Later that night The Reaper boarded a busy bus and killed the occupants of it. Many had theories on why he changed his MO but nobody will confirm or deny.”
“I think he was made at Hotch,” I spoke up. I had thought about this alot.
“Why do you think that?”
“He didn’t quite like Shaunessy, I don’t blame Shaunessy, but still. He stuck around even when he could have walked away,” I crossed my arms, slightly proud of my theory.
“You think he gave the same deal?”
“You don’t?” I looked at Ryan, his arms shrugging before he went back to the case.
“There was a cryptic message left on the side the bus along with the Reaper eye,”
“Cryptic message? Is this real?”
“Unfortunately,” I nodded, looking back to Ryan as he spoke.
“The BAU managed to decipher the code into a line of Foyet addresses-”
“Spender did it!”
“And how would you know?” Shane looked to me, raising his eyebrow at me with a little smirk.
“Because he had an eidetic memory and has an IQ of 187,” I spoke proudly, as if I actually knew the person I was talking about. Okay maybe I searched them on the internet one too many times.
“How do you know that?” Ryan asked, laughing at me now.
“Google,” I shrugged, laughing when Shane looked up from his hands.
“What does he even look like?” I held up my finger, fishing my phone out of my back pocket. I quickly unlocked it, placing my thumb print and moving on, and tapped the searched bar. I quickly typed in his name, thankful it didn’t pop up in purple because I couldn’t handle that much teasing.
“Here,” I placed the phone on the table, laughing when Shane moved closer.
“He has a Wikipedia,” Shane looked over his shoulder at Ryan and I, speaking like a kid on Christmas.
“You both have Wikipedia,” I shrugged, not seeing the appeal of the whole life on display.
“You don’t,” Shane pointed out. I jokily pouted, acting all sad as I looked up to the ceiling.
“We can make you one,” Ryan patted my shoulder laughing when I smiled.
“Can we say I’m married to Doctor Spencer Reid?”
Both nodded at the same time, my hand going over my hand and I laugh at their telekinesis response.
“Okay finished this case so (Y/N) and I can stalk Mr. Reid,” Shane patted Ryan shoulder and I lightly smiled to myself.
He seemed like nothing but I finally made some friends, I mean friends I could talk to outside of work.
“Once they arrived at Foyet house they found gallons of blood pulled from the back of the house.”
“So they killed him?”
“Just wait,” I held my finger up, smiling when Shane deflated slightly.
“Multiple police were attacked, even Derek Morgan with the BAU. The specific are not out to the public but a nurse claimed that The Reaper stole Morgan credentials,” Ryan read off the paper, smiling when Shane gasped.
“That’s insane, this case is insane!”
I laughed along with Ryan, all of ours eye scanning over the paper now and we waited for the next bit of information.
“After looking over past cases filed, the BAU were confused on why The Reaper would kill Foyet. Their tech analysis did research to induce that Foyet had multiple aliases, claimed he had them to feel safe from The Reaper, actually had multiple assault charges, and his parents were killed when he was six.”
“Oh my, he killed them didn’t he!” Ryan and I both nodded, Shane’s hands flying up to his hair as he looked between us.
“It was him the whole time! No way!”
“That’s what I said,'' I looked into the camera for the first time in awhile, it felt nice and easy with them. The video was coming easy unlike trying to do awkward yoga poses with strangers.
“They managed to trace everything back to Foyet, concluding he was The Reaper. After more research, Foyet’s phone was tracked to Roy Colson's house. A journalist would recently wrote an article on The Reaper.``
“This feels like a Scooby-Doo mission at this point,” Shane sounded out of breath, looking to the camera with wide eyes.
“We got some work to do now!” I jokily sang the theme song, making the two laugh lightly before moving on to the end of the case.
“The local police arrest Foyet at the house, Colson thankful survived. Foyet was taken to prison immediately after arrest.”
“I thought they lost him?”
“If you don’t let him finish,” I joked, Shane laughed as we finally let Ryan finish.
“Foyet was found in his cell later throwing up blood and convulsions. As being rushed to the hospital, the ambulance was ambushed and Foyet escaped. No more information has been released on the whereabouts of Foyet.”
“They really lost him!”
Shane was in shock at the discovery, my hand covering my mouth quickly before I answered.
“I bet he’s working for the FBI, they hire people when they’re too dangerous.” I tried my best to be serious about the theory but I knew my smile was peaking thought.
“He’s probably the BAU’s personal hitman!”
I laughed with Ryan, my chair had slowly moved closer to his as I kept leaning to see the case file.
“Where do you think Foyet it?”Ryan spoke into the camera, talking to the people that would watch this in a few weeks.
“I think (Y/N) should call her smarty-pants husband and ask,” Shane spit out his last joke before the video ended.
“Yeah, Doctor Spencer Reid please call me with information about the case.” I pointed into the camera like Uncle Sam and winked dramatically.
“He doesn’t have your number,” Ryan reminded me. I let my finger fall, thinking over my words before I pointed back at the camera.
“Email my business email,” I nodded. Shane and Ryan both hit my shoulder. both hands going to my arm to cover them.
“Say bye to our favorite guest ever,” Ryan waved in my face.
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I laughed as the video played on my laptop, laughing when my voice was replaced with light green words floating on the screen. I scrolled down lightly, reading a bunch of comments. I smiled when most were asking if I would ever be on another Unsolved.
My phone went off beside me, my hand reaching for it as I paused the video and moved to my email. I was waiting for an email about an article I was writing and I couldn’t stop hitting refresh.
Shane: i’ve seen two ship edits of (y/n) and spencer reid on my instagram already
Ryan: i saw an edit of shane fall out a chair
I laughed at the messages, the group chat the three of us had formed titled “The Reapers Bitches” never stopped as we had grown a close bond.
I heard the little ding from my laptop, also most screaming when I slammed the refresh button and screamed when I saw an email with a little unread dot beside it.
I didn’t think twice, pushing the email and reading over it quickly.
Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I recently saw a video of you mentioning me and my team about a case we worked on a few years back. While I legally can’t share any details with you in this case, I would be open to speaking with others. Please email me back!
I was going to scream, maybe cry, maybe both at this point. I read the email two or three more times, trying to comprehend what I just read.
He did see, shit he did see it. I heard my phone going off beside me, my hand picking it up and typing without reading what they were saying before.
Me: Spencer Fucking Reid just emailed me
I let my phone fall to my lap, reading the email one more time.
“Thank you Buzzfeed Unsolved,” I whispered under my breath.
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