#not that i have any clue about that and it's been ten years so today i would probably feel very different
dummerjan · 2 years
been getting a celebratory pop up on tumblr recently when i make an original post as if i haven't been on this hellsite for 10 years
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jcoleemic · 4 months
am i making you feel sick? - L. Castellan
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summary: when percy arrives in the infirmary in critical condition from a scorpion sting, you find out who was behind it all
warnings: book spoilers, betrayal, angst, that's literally it
side note: kinda got the inspo from the song, bc the whole betrayal of it all "am i making you feel sick?" kinda gagged me tbh and this idea was then conjured up so... i hope this isn't trash lol
you sat in the hermes cabin for close to an hour now, having no clue where your boyfriend was. he'd been m.i.a. the whole day, and even when you had asked chris about his whereabouts, you'd come up empty handed.
the soft blue plaid of his sheets brought you comfort as you traced the yellow lines that ran vertically down the expanse of his comforter. they smelled of luke's cologne, warm and soft yet masculine, it matched his personality perfectly.
an hour bled into another thirty minutes, and by then, you were dozing off. without worrying about being bothered by any of the other kids in the cabin, you snuggled up into his comforter, letting your eyes fall closed. he's just busy today, you told yourself as your breathing fell even. the hermes cabin was a lovely environment to fall asleep in, despite its constant chaos. the warm environment reminded you of your grandparents house, one that you probably wouldn't visit again.
but, just before you could fully drift off, heavy and fast footsteps boomed on the oak floors, startling you up into a seated position. you originally thought that it had finally been luke, but you were wrong. it was chris, instead. "we need you in the infirmary," he spoke breathlessly, yet you could hear the subtle break in his voice. the urgency made your heart jump into your throat, and no words were exchanged as you jumped out of the comfort of luke's bed, following chris.
upon arriving at the infirmary, most of your siblings stood outside. it seemed as though you were the last one there, and you really wondered just how bad it was. your brother marcus was head counselor for your cabin, a year older than you. he was the first person you saw when you barged through the doors, barely holding it for poor chris behind you. "what happened?"
"a scorpion stung percy. annabeth brought him in just ten minutes ago," he said, hanging his head down low. your heart sank at the news of the young demigod being in such imminent danger. "what- how? is he okay?" you felt the bile in your stomach reach your throat. something felt off about this, and you didn't know what but it made goosebumps rise on your skin, yet your hands grew clammy.
marcus nodded, but his eyes grew teary and cloudy before dropping eye contact with you. that didn't help the growing uneasiness in your core. if he wasn't going to give you a straight answer, you pushed past him to go see percy or annabeth, two kids you knew would be straight up with you.
you saw the pale boy laying on a cot, with chiron and annabeth at his side. no other campers, except for a few of your siblings were in the room, so you rushed to percy's side. because he had grown close with luke, he had grown close with you too. he was your unofficial little brother, and the sight of him so sickly made your heart clench.
"hey, perce. how are you feeling?" you asked, bending down to push some of his curls out of his face. his forehead felt hot and sweaty. he just shrugged, not wanting to give much of an answer. "better, but tired."
you nodded, pushing a few more curls away from his face before deciding to let the poor boy rest. looking away from him, you looked at the worrisome faces of annabeth, chiron, and mr. d. everyone was here, but luke. where was luke.
before the question could even leave your mind and out of your lips, chiron put a hand on your shoulder. "come, child. i need to speak with you." he held something of sorrow in his eyes while looking into yours. he shifted his gaze to chris, an unspoken sentence shared between the two of them, that immediately had the boy following you out alongside chiron.
they led you outside of the infirmary and to your cabin, which was a little less than five feet away. their silence was making the pit in your stomach grow larger by the second. you decided then that you couldn't take it any longer, so you spoke up. "what's going on?" your voice wavered more than you would've liked it to, but it got the point across.
you looked from chris to chiron, and noticed tears were falling from chris' face. he looked down at his shoes pitifully, his hands coming up to wipe away the stray tears. that only made some of your own well up in your eyes. "chiron, please."
"the scorpion that attacked percy..." he trailed, "it was luke's. he tried to kill him, and he is the one that stole the masterbolt. he's been working with kronos this whole time."
his words pierced your skin, yet bounced off all at the same time. your immediate reaction was to laugh in disbelief, but your eyes betrayed you as silent tears started to fall. "no, he wouldn't do that, i know him," you argued, watching the way chiron sighed deeply and hung his head low. chris' eyes met yours and you could see the glossy distance in them, making your heart shatter. he pulled you into a hug, much like luke would, and initially you tried to fight him off.
"you're lying," you spewed at chiron, like hot venom coming out of your mouth. "chris, stop crying, get off of me! he's lying, he's lyi-"
it was then that your words caught up in your throat, your limbs going numb at your poor attempt to pry chris' arms off of your body. the sobs that left your throat were those that only happened when you lost a loved one, and in a way you did. "i truly, am, so sorry," chiron whispered, pursing his lips as he watched you cry in chris' arms.
maybe you should've seen this coming. after all, he hated the gods for what they did to their children; sending them off on dangerous quests, never seeing or talking to them. just the pure fact that they ever conceived of their many children that they would just neglect made luke angry.
but out of all this hatred, no matter how much he despised the gods, he was still luke. your ever-loving, sweet boyfriend that wouldn't ever hurt you. so when the realization hit, it hit hard. not your luke, anyone but him. the golden child, the best swordsman at camp.
am i making you feel sick?
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
I wish to request something a little strange- So you have experimented with the idea of Cookie Cannibalism so maybe I was hoping you could just build on the idea. No morbid curiosity tho
(This ask was super weird, so you can ignore it if you want)
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Bake It Till You Make It: Tasty Delights
It never hurts anyone to have a treat every now and then..also I updated the first part to my current format of posts
WARNINGS: Cookie Cannibalism
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Running the shop doesn’t always have to be around the holidays. The Sugar Gnomes were generous enough to have you run the shop all winter long! If that was what made you and the cookies in the kingdom happy!
It had surely made the cookies happy alright! All day, every day has cookies coming in the high tens into your shop! They can never seem to get enough of the cakes and sweets offered here, you being the manager also had a hand in the amount of visits too.
But that was only half of the whole thing. The other half was the cookies being thankful enough to gift you their own sweets.
You never questioned their generosity, accepting the gifts with a smile. What was odd would be the cookies acting a little suspicious in terms of behavior or style of clothing, something that was a bit out of character for them.
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Cookies like Crunchy Chip Cookie that are usually pretty tough are left trying to come up with an explanation for their insistence on you accepting their sweets, Crunchy especially since you recalled that sweets weren’t his thing. He practically pleaded for you to take it and eat it, he wanted to know if you liked his sweets. He wanted to know if you liked how it tasted…
And, in his head, if you liked how he tasted…
Crunchy Chip yelled out as he cracked off a piece of his arm, a brief moment of pain that had take deep breath.
But in his mind, it would be worth it. To see you savor the taste of what he made despite the end result. To see you savor how he’d taste like.
It would be worth it…
You thanked him as he left with his cake, sitting down at one of the tables as you started to eat his sweets. For someone who didn’t like them, Crunchy’s delights were pretty good! You continue taking a bite, and then another one, and then another…until it was all gone.
That really hit the spot as you sigh contently, leaning back in your chair…with the window behind you having a fixated Crunchy Chip watching intently before he hurried away.
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Mozzarella Cookie thought it would be pretty interesting of her to give you a mozzarella cheesecake. A very odd choice of ingredients, you even joked if she had placed a piece of her own mozzarella in it, something she giggled at.
What a silly thing to say!
She wasted no time in gently removing pieces of her mozzarella hair to smoothly texture her cheesecake.
She’d know that you’ll like it, she’d kick herself if you didn’t. After all…
…an intriguing cookie like you only deserves an intriguing dessert~
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The amount of cookies coming in for some of his healings have been noticeably higher during this time of the year for Pure Vanilla Cookie. They’d come him, almost impatiently ask that he give them some healings to make them feel better before they’d hurried off for the day.
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The changes in their outfits did not go unnoticed by the Ancient Cookie. Raspberry Cookie’s hair covering a portion of her face, Pastry Cookie wearing a sort of cloak to conceal her form, Clover Cookie missing tufts of hair…
They’d never want to answer any of his questions and just move along hastily…
He decided to come to you to see if you had any clue about this. He catches you just as you’re about to close up shop for today, a box that contained coral cake in your hands.
“Y/N Cookie! How are you, my friend?”
You greeted Pure Vanilla warmly as you two shared a hug. You asked him what brought him you.
“I was just worried about the number of cookies coming to see me to heal them. Do you know anything by any chance?”
Injured cookies? This was the first time you were hearing of this…
“It’s just that they never wish to tell me what was wrong with them. They’re always in a hurry to leave…”
This was pretty odd behavior…but you’d look into it whenever you can. You had to head back your place for today.
“Thank you, Y/N Cookie. I’ll help you in any way I can.”
You bid each other farewell as you head home, opening the box to take a bite of the cake, humming delightly as you savored the flavor.
As you reach home, you head to the fridge to put it away for later. You had to make room though, with a number of different sweets and foods already crowding your fridge, gifted by your Cookies.
The utensils and ingredients were set, with instructions to make a cobbler.
The cookie was all to ready to get started…if not for one more ingredient to really make this cobbler special..
She can already picture it now. Seeing cookies crowding the shop, wanting their order to be taken first. She was stepping past the crowd to meet you at the counter
She presented her cobbler to you, wishing for you to have a taste!
You took a bite and you’d immediately be downing the whole dessert right there and then, excitement bubbling within herself at how much you liked it.
You’d tell her that you loved her cobbler with all of your being, you’d ask her…if she’d make more for you. She’d be all too eager to say yes! She will make more!
It would feel as if she had a connection with you more than the rest…
With these thoughts, the cookies giggled a little manically as she gets ready to crack off her lower arm…
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White Lily is sure of herself that you’ll enjoy her dessert!
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omgrachwrites · 11 months
The Night We Met (Chapter Three)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Summary: Over the summer you connected with the boy who is quite literally your twin’s mortal enemy. Things start to fall apart in the darkness of the autumn.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, everyone lives au, takes place in 6th year
A/N: Soooo, this is up a lot later than intended so I have made it a lil longer to thank you guys for your patience. Alsoooo thank you so much for all your support on this series, it truly means the world to me! Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know if you would like to be tagged. I love you all very much! xxx
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Chapter Three
The Great Hall was especially rowdy one blustery Thursday morning as you went to meet your friends for breakfast, opting to sleep in for an extra ten minutes. The cause of the noise was coming from the first years panicking about their timetables and the older students who were practising their spells for class. Hermione grinned at you when she noticed you, her curly hair in a braid down her back.
“You look especially lovely this morning, Y/N,” she smiled as you sat down.
You flushed at her words, “why, thank you. My mum would say it’s the fresh air, does wonders for the complexion she says.”
Ron, who had been listening to the conversation looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “and, what would you say?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I would say it’s a happy accident.”
Ron snorted into his breakfast at your reply while Hermione shook her head fondly as she poured some milk into your tea, “you are completely ridiculous.”
You laughed, taking the milk from her and pouring it into your bowl of cereal as you looked up at your twin who looked as though he was trying not to fall asleep in his cornflakes.
“What’s up with Harry?” you asked.
Hermione rolled her eyes, “probably too busy poring over that stupid potions book all night instead of sleeping.”
It was in the first potions lesson of the year that Harry had found the mysterious book that had transformed him into a potions expert. Hermione regarded the book as a form of cheating and you weren’t inclined to agree with her until he won the tiny bottle of liquid luck. The former owner of the book called themselves the Half-Blood Prince, and none of you had any clue who it was. Though, you were sure that you had heard the name somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
Harry seemed to wake up halfway through breakfast, “what have we got first?” he asked, concealing a yawn behind his hand.
“It’s Thursday so it’s Defence Against the Dark Arts,” you replied and Harry’s face fell.
Defence Against the Dark Arts used to be Harry’s favourite lesson but now with Snape teaching the class it was quickly becoming his idea of hell, “great,” he mumbled, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, “I wonder what fun we’ll have today,” you rolled your eyes, he was so dramatic.
“Just don’t piss him off,” Ron laughed but that was almost impossible because Harry’s mere presence seemed to piss Snape off.
Finally, the bell went and you all traipsed to your lesson, it was pitch black in the classroom, as usual. Snape preferred to teach with all the blinds down on the windows, once again fuelling the rumour that he was a vampire.
“Everyone get in and sit down,” he hissed, there was no time or room for any pleasantries in Snape’s lessons.
When everyone had found their seats in silence Snape started the lesson and you quickly learned it wasn’t exactly a cheery topic that he would be teaching today, “we’ll be covering the cruciatus curse today. You will be required to explain each unforgivable curse in detail along with their characteristics for your NEWT exams next year.”
Your NEWT exams was the focus of all professors this year it seemed. You fidgeted nervously as you tried not to look at the very graphic photograph of a wizard being tortured that was hung on the wall. You missed Remus. Everyone had tried to convince Remus to come back to Hogwarts but he didn’t seem to be interested.
“Now,” Snape continued in a dangerously quiet voice, “what are the characteristics of the cruciatus curse and what is it used for?”
The room was silent, even Hermione didn’t raise her hand although you knew that she knew the answer. She was staring very hard at the blackboard, hardly blinking. A soft voice made everyone jump and you were surprised at who it was that spoke.
“The curse is used to inflict excruciating pain on the victim, though it leaves no physical mark and you have to mean it for the curse to work. It’s like your nerve endings are on fire,” Mattheo stared at his piece of parchment as he spoke before he finally looked up and cleared his throat, “or, that’s what I’ve read anyway.”
Snape nodded at him before turning to write it up on the blackboard, “5 points to Slytherin, Riddle.”
You looked at Mattheo, horror rising in your chest. What he had said didn’t seem to come from someone who had merely read about the curse. Snape lectured for about twenty more minutes before he made you all start an essay on the cruciatus curse in silence. It made for a very depressing lesson.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling the next lesson, Mattheo practically flew from the room without waiting for his friends, and you followed behind him. The hallway was practically empty due to how quick you both left the classroom and you called his name. You had expected him to keep walking but he didn’t. He turned to look at you.
“How did you know all that stuff about the cruciatus curse?”
He laughed humourlessly as he walked closer to you with an anguished look on his handsome face, “how do you think I know it?” the look on his face wasn’t the look of someone who had cast it, but someone who had been on the receiving end of it.
You forced back the gasp that threatened to spill from your mouth, you knew that he wouldn’t exactly appreciate that form of sympathy, “I’m sorry.”
He shrugged, “why the hell do you even care? We agreed to carry on like we don’t know each other.”
“I know that’s what we agreed but Theo, I can’t pretend like I don’t know you. It’s not like I can turn my feelings for you off just like that. Can you?”
Mattheo swallowed as he looked at the floor before he looked back at your face, “it was never that deep for me, Y/N.”
His words hurt you, they were so cold and calculating but before you could muster a reply, you felt someone wrap an arm around your shoulders, “is he bothering you, Y/N?” Harry asked.
Mattheo never took his eyes from yours as he raised an eyebrow. You tore your eyes away from his as you looked at your brother, “no, he’s not. C’mon, Harry, let’s get to potions.”
Harry glared at Theo as he shoved past him, hissing beneath his breath, “stay the fuck away from my sister, Riddle.”
As you joined Ron and Hermione outside the dungeons, Ron narrowed his eyes, “and where were you two?”
“Nowhere, doesn’t matter,” you said quickly before Harry could say anything.
As far as you were concerned your dad was the only one who knew about you and Mattheo, and you weren’t going to start broadcasting it now. Thankfully, Slughorn came out and greeted the class, letting them inside before Harry could contradict your words.
When you walked into the dungeons, you were immediately hit with the smell of fancy French cologne. You knew it was coming from the steaming cauldron on Slughorn’s desk. For the past couple of lessons, you had been learning the theory of Amortentia – the world’s strongest love potion – you didn’t pay too much attention to the scent of the cologne.
Your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Mattheo, you really wished you could just get over him. Maybe you should start dating, though unfortunately you knew that most of the male population at Hogwarts were complete idiots.
Slughorn grinned at everyone as he ushered them all inside, “welcome, welcome. Please take your seats,” it was a vast difference from Snape.
Slughorn started the lesson about five minutes late as he waited for everyone to make it down to the dungeons from their previous lessons. When everyone had taken their seats, Slughorn clapped his pudgy hands together, “right, as you all know for the past couple of days we have been learning about Amortentia. Some of you may have realised that this,” he tapped the cauldron with his wand, “is full of Amortentia. Now, who would like to tell the class what they smell?”
When nobody volunteered, Slughorn looked at you with a smile on his face, “how about you, Miss Potter?”
A couple of your classmates snickered while Mattheo looked at you, the expression on his face was very guarded. You bit your lip as you looked back at Slughorn, shaking your head, “I’d rather not if that’s okay, Professor.”
“Of course, I know it’s no small thing that I ask,” he said kindly and your body flooded with relief. Slughorn turned his attention to Mattheo, “how about you, Mr Riddle?”
To your surprise, Mattheo nodded, “yes, Sir,” he walked to the front of the classroom and took a deep breath as he drank in the scent of the steaming potion. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he did so, “I don’t smell anything, Sir.”
Slughorn looked hugely disappointed, “nothing at all?”
“No, Sir.”
Although Slughorn looked disappointed he didn’t look surprised, “very well, please take your seat, Mr Riddle.”
Mattheo found his seat and he looked up, his eyes meeting yours. There was nothing in his eyes, they were stone cold and the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. He wasn’t lying, he really couldn’t smell anything. But what did that mean? The lesson passed in a blur and you didn’t exactly listen as your mind was elsewhere, you did feel bad but you knew that you could easily catch up with the notes at a later date.
At dinner that evening the thought was still bothering you so you decided to ask Hermione, “why couldn’t Riddle smell anything in the Amortentia?”
Hermione looked at you in surprise, “have you not heard the rumour?”
“What rumour?”
“There’s a rumour that Voldemort was conceived because of a love potion,” Harry replied, butting into the conversation.
“So?” you asked wondering what his point was.
“People who are conceived because of love potions are incapable of feeling love, and if it runs through Voldemort’s veins then it runs in Riddle’s too,” Hermione explained.
You looked up at the handsome boy who was laughing with his friends on the other side of The Great Hall. You didn’t know who his mother was but you knew that he wasn’t conceived from love, presumably Voldemort was desperate from an heir.
“So, he can’t love either,” you said to yourself.
It was like some sort of Greek tragedy, having feelings for someone who was incapable of returning them.
“Why are you so bothered?” Ron asked.
“I’m not,” you lied, missing the way Hermione looked at you with suspicion.
A couple of days later, Hermione cornered you in the changing rooms when you had showered after Quidditch practice. She was slightly breathless and her cheeks were pink, it looked as though she had practically ran to get to you.
“What are you doing here?”
She shook her head, “I was racking my brain, trying to figure out why you were so bothered that Riddle couldn’t smell anything in potions. Then it came to me, he’s the boy you met over the summer isn’t he? Please don’t lie to me.”
You sighed, “yes,” you whispered, waiting for the judgemental look or the burst of outrage but she simply took your hand and waited for you to continue, “we got to know each other over the summer and I thought he was a dick at first, but when I really got to know him, I realised he’s different than the front he puts up at school.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered, looking hurt.
“I didn’t want you judging me.”
“Y/N! I wouldn’t have judged you, I would have been there for you through it all, through the break-up. In fact, I will be there for you, it’s clear that you still have feelings for him.”
“Why would you do that for me?” Theo’s dad was the cruellest wizard that had ever lived, he’d been especially cruel to people like Hermione. She should hate you, but she didn’t.
“Because you’re my best friend, silly girl,” she laughed as she pulled you into a hug.
You hugged her back tightly, “please don’t tell anyone, especially not Harry.”
Hermione laughed into your hair, “I don’t want you to get murdered, of course I won’t tell Harry,” you smiled at her response, relieved that at least someone knew your secret.
Taglist: @primscat @thelifeofsecretpenguins @ehwhatever26 @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @nevillescomslut @hannahnikohl @5-seconds-of-animals @sanjanapm @abbiesxox @kaverichauhan @cat-loves-music @elijahslover @torresbarnes @ikyourwonderingwhyinameditthis @scream4melove @kingofsante01 @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @manyafandom-fangirl @onlyangel-444 @itsamusical4lifee @team-flashh @its-astraea @iamkaku @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @reeseeverhart @themiya55 @skyslowalking @shyartisanvoidwagon
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prime-adeptus · 3 months
the lucio nation army has decided to back off (same anon as before- hiya~) and now we feast. how about some cassidy cuddles?
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Soft is the very last word he’d use to describe himself, but you know it for sure: your Cole Cassidy is a total softie. 
CONTENT.⠀gender-neutral reader. just fluff. Cass calls you 'sweetheart' and refers to you as his partner. ~0,6k words
NOTES.⠀I'm so sorry for this horrendously late response LOL it's been a busy week. Here's a sleepy, clingy Cassidy for the soul <3
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You don’t think Cole realises just how affectionate he is.
A pat on the back, a gentle clasp on the shoulder after a job well done, a noogie if he’s feeling playful. He’s changed a lot over the years, but he’s still the same man you love. He’s carefree, keeping tension off the air with his chatter. He’s close to the rookies, putting up with Hana’s teasing jabs or going through one of Zarya’s ‘easier’ regimens. He trains at the shooting range with Fareeha every Thursday. He tries to help Baptiste with whatever he can, even if he’s more distracting than helpful.
He’s not shy with physical affection—that much is obvious. He’s more careful with his superiors (as he should be, you think bemusedly) but with you?
Total free rein.
He kisses your cheek every morning, greeting you with a good morning, sugar that never fails to elicit a reaction from you. He kisses your forehead every night, holds you close against his chest as his fingers dance across your skin until you both fall asleep. He likes having his arm around your waist, loves letting your hands brush together when you walk side by side.
Soft is the very last word he’d use to describe himself, but you know it for sure: your Cole Cassidy is a total softie. 
If it were any other time, you’d tease him for it, but your love for him consumes your being entirely. You let the innate desire for him to be yours, heart, mind and soul, grow stronger every time he glances your way. You want to be the only one who gets to see him like this—asleep, at peace, at home. He’ll call you a sap if you ever say these things out loud, but the redness at the tips of his ears will betray him. Much like the smile on his face will.
The morning sun shines and peeks through the gap between the curtains as the day begins its course. Cole grumbles something in his sleep, not quite ready to start the day just yet, and languidly pulls himself closer to your body. You can feel his chest against your back, rising and falling with each breath he takes. It falls into a rhythm that lulls you into a state of tranquillity, but as much as you’d like to stay here, there’s a lot of work to catch up with today.
Begrudgingly, you push yourself into a sitting position. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can rest, right?
“Cass,” you whisper, gently shaking him awake. “Get up.”
He blinks one eye open, his brows furrowed until his gaze lands on you. Relaxing and sinking deeper into the sheets, he wraps his hand around your wrist and pulls you back down. An endearing chuckle rumbles in his chest at the surprised yelp you let out.
“It’s our day off, sweetheart.” Sleep is still evident in his voice as he speaks. He leans forward to press a gentle kiss to the back of your neck. “Work can wait.”
You sigh in mock exasperation, though you don’t make an effort to pry his arm off your waist. “You promised to help out Torbjörn and Baptiste today, remember?”
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about.”
You bite back a smile. “You’re gonna prove Hana right, y’know. About you being a lazy bum.”
“Can’t I just spend the morning in bed with my partner?” His complaint is more playful than it is of genuine upset. With how close you are to him, figuratively and literally, you can just tell that he’s in a good mood. “Come on, sweetheart. Five more minutes.”
And his five more minutes will turn into ten more, fifteen more until someone inevitably comes to look for one of you and rings the buzzer at the door. It’s never five more minutes with him, but as he peppers soft kisses from your neck to the curve of your shoulder, you think you don’t mind spending the entire morning like this.
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malfoyswand · 1 year
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
summary: draco malfoy offers to help you study for an upcoming exam in potions class. a turn of events leads to both of you opening up to each other in unexpected ways.
word count: 2.3k
genre: fluff, a little bit of angst
warnings: n/a
author's note: my first fic here, i'm so excited! please let me know if there's anything you think i could have done better and of course, my writing requests are open :)
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You sigh softly as you look down at the textbook in your hands, putting it into your bag as an act of defeat. You weren't sure exactly why you felt so embarrassed when, really, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. The logical side of your brain knew that.
Potions was never your strong suit. Sure, other classes were just as hard but you've always managed to work through it. But Potions? No matter how many hours you put into studying, you are barely passing.
Today's class was a monstrosity. Professor Snape called you in front of the entire class about a question you had no clue what the answer was. Truthfully, it was as if the question was in a foreign language, that's how difficult his class was. You tried to think of a good guess, but all that could come out were the words, "I'm sorry, Professor. I don't know."
Professor Snape wasn't impressed. He knew that you were smarter than this, and he found it lazy when students would say "I don't know" to any question. Your lack of knowledge had the consequence of him deducting 5 points from your house. You're convinced the entire house now hates you.
You shake your head slightly, trying to get out of your own thoughts. You know you're overacting, it's just 5 points. If anything, the only real damage done was to your pride. Everyone else made their way to the door, but as you stood and followed them, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"(Y/N), wait."
Draco Malfoy. You would know that voice anywhere, the whole school would. His reputation certainly precedes him, without any further explanation needed.
What surprised you was that he was even talking directly to you. You didn't hate him, but you didn't necessarily like him either. You both arrived at Hogwarts at the same time, yet barely spoke more than ten words to each other all these years. 
You turned around to face him, your eyes scanning his face. His eyes were widened, as if he was trying to focus intently on something.
"Yes?" You hear yourself speak softly.
"I noticed that Professor Snape was a bit hard on you today. He's a good professor, but all of this year he's been very harsh." He chuckled slightly at his own joke.
What exactly was Malfoy trying to say? Did he come up to you just to tell a joke?
The look of confusion must have been apparent on your face. "Anyway, Professor Snape noticed that you were upset after he deducted those points. Like I said, he's harsh, but he wants his students to succeed. He's asked me to help you. How about we study together for the exam next week?"
Ah, that's why he's talking to you. Professor Snape asked him. Why would someone like Malfoy want to talk to someone like you, if he wasn't forced to?
"Oh," you nodded. "Yeah, alright. Thank you. How about we meet after dinner in the library?"
The thought of studying with Draco Malfoy was something you didn't know excited you or filled you with dread. But whether you liked it or not, he was arguably the smartest Slytherin student, especially in Potions. You knew you needed to pass this class.
"No, that won't work." Draco shook his head. "I do my best studying somewhere quiet, and the library is a bit crowded after dinner. It wouldn't be very effective. How about we go now? I know you're in my Herbology class next period and, no offense, I'd rather skip it anyway."
Of course, he demanded to study now. You peek your head out of the small window in the door, seeing how the corridor was completely empty. By now, it's likely Herbology has already started. There was no point in attending class now.
You turned back to look at him, nodding. He led the way out of the classroom and to the library. You were surprised he even went into the library, with the reputation he had.
Let's just say that Malfoy was popular with the ladies. He was known to have had a few girlfriends by now. Every time he and his girlfriend would break up, he would soothe his heartache by starting an intimate relationship with another girl. But as far as you know, those were just rumors. If they were true, he was smart in not getting caught in the act by a professor.
He led you through endless aisles of bookshelves, until the very last one. He set his bag and books on one of the tables, sitting down and opening his Potions textbook.
With a moment to breathe, you had the opportunity to take a proper look at him. You could see now why it seemed like every girl was in love with him. His blond hair was smoothly laid back, his eyes seemed to be able to stare into the depths of your soul without any effort. Not to mention, he had a charm about him. 
"(Y/N)." You were taken out of the trance by his voice calling your name. "You like what you see then?" His lips were turned upwards into a slight smirk. Your eyes stared at them for a moment, before looking down in embarrassment.
Of course, he thought you were staring out of adoration. He acts like he's some sort of Greek god or something! Sure, he's attractive, but was that his only redeeming quality? You could feel your cheeks glowing red. 
Alright, fine, you were admiring him. In your defense, you were trying to remember the moment. It's not often that a girl at Hogwarts can say they had a private study session with Draco Malfoy.
"Wait, no, I'm sorry." He adjusted his chair to sit closer to yours. He looked at you until your eyes met his, the blush still burning on your cheeks. "I didn't mean to say that."
"Why are you apologizing to me?" Your voice spoke out, your eyebrow raised. He truly didn't offend you. If anything, you were sorry that you were caught staring at him openly.
"Because I'm trying to become better." That was all Malfoy said before he broke eye contact to stare at the pages of his textbook, telling you to turn to the correct page to begin studying. You got the sense that he didn't want to explain any further what he meant. 
While the blond haired Slytherin tried to attempt explaining the foundations of Potions to you, all you could think about was what he said. What did he mean by trying to become better? You assume he meant to become a better person.
As far as you knew, he wasn't a bad person. Yes, he was known to pick on the first-years, especially the Gryffindor house. But most Slytherins did the same, especially the ones that come from wealthy families like he does. If anything, his behavior was more than expected. That doesn't mean it was right, but you always thought he just didn't know any other way to behave. You had always assumed his parents taught him he was better than anyone else in the school.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his voice asking you questions about the material. It was strange, but Malfoy was quite a good teacher. You could understand the material in a way you couldn't if you were only taught by Professor Snape. Malfoy explained Potions with passion, as if he couldn't stop talking about how fascinated he was about it.
This wasn't the Draco Malfoy you thought he was. You expected him to be an arrogant prick who would tease you if you got a question wrong. Instead, looking at him now, you saw just a boy who wanted someone to listen to him, even just about Potions.
"Draco." Before you could process what you were going to say, it was already coming out. "What did you mean by trying to become better? You said that earlier."
Your question must have shocked him, as he stopped reading and looked up at you. He bit down on his bottom lip, he must have been thinking what the appropriate response was. With a sigh, he leaned back on his chair and looked down at his hands that were folded before him.
"Well, you've caught me. Professor Snape didn't ask me to help tutor you, it was my idea. What I meant was I'm trying to be a better person. I know I've been a prick to most of this school, but this summer was a real eye opener. I thought I would start by doing an act of kindness, like tutoring someone." Before he could stop, his chest was rising and falling as he spoke quickly. "It's my family. They are a part of something that I'm not sure is right, and they want me to join soon. I don't think I have a choice, (Y/N). And I want-"
By this point, the words were spilling out of him. Truthfully, he looked a little insane. Here was this boy who, moments ago, was worried about explaining Potions to you. Now, he was opening up about something you did not expect. Malfoy was always the calm, collected one in your year.
How long has he been holding this in? So long that he was willing to say this to a practical stranger?
"Woah, Malfoy." You took a breath and placed your hand on his. You were positive he would make fun of you for that later, but his hands were shaking. "I don't know what's going on, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Do you want to stop studying for now? We can pick up another time."
All he could do was nod, beginning to pack up his bag. You took another good look at him, before taking your hand away and packing your own bag. This was the strangest study session you've ever been involved with.
"I-I'm sorry." He suddenly blurted out before you stood from your chair. His hand was in yours again, stopping you in your tracks. "I'm sorry if I scared you off like that. I didn't mean to say all of that stuff, about my family. That's too much to expect you to listen to."
"No, it's okay." It was a little weird, but you sensed he needed someone to talk to. If you were going to spend all this time together studying, you might as well become friendly. "You can talk to me about it whenever."
Malfoy stared at you for a moment, his eyes going from your lips back to your eyes. Without any warning, his hand left yours and he leaned in towards you. His lips gently touched yours. 
What the hell?
Now that you were this close to him, you could feel how soft his lips were. His cologne even smelled extravagant, something you knew you couldn't afford in your wildest dreams. This was going to be something to tell your friends about later. You're sure none of your friends will believe you when you tell them that the Draco Malfoy kissed you.
He pulled away all too soon, looking down nervously. You failed to notice, but one of his hands was cupping your cheek. You could feel the rings on his fingers gently graze your skin. You both were breathless, but you managed to say one thing to him.
"I don't know what just happened. But I want to make one thing clear, I don't want to be another one of your girls."
"One of my girls?" His eyebrow raised, a look of confusion painted on that face of his. Oh Merlin, did you mess it up badly now? It was too late, you had to explain yourself.
"There are rumors that you've.. messed around with girls before. I just want to make myself clear that I refuse to be one of them. I won't let myself be something you can just play with when you're bored. I really appreciate all the help you've given me, but if you think that something else is going to happen, you're wrong!"
You didn't mean to sound so harsh, but you knew then that you were. But it was true. Malfoy was incredibly handsome and the kiss took your breath away, but you wouldn't let yourself be used like that. You stood from your seat, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"No, no, no! (Y/N), that's not it." Draco Malfoy stood, standing in front of you. "Alright, there's some truth to that. I've made mistakes and probably been with girls I shouldn't have, but this year is different. Like I said, I'm trying to be better. Just listen to me."
You sighed softly and crossed your arms, but stood there and listened. You weren't angry per se, but confused. Did Malfoy ask you to study just to mess with you? Did all that stuff he said before was made up to manipulate you?
"Thank you." He sighed slightly, relaxed that you were now listening. "I know what you're thinking, that I offered to help you to get in your pants or something. That's something I would've done last year, but not now. The truth is.." He stopped, looking down at his feet.
"I like you, (Y/N). Since the school year started. I don't mean in a perverted way, I mean in a delicate way. I offered to help you to get to know you better. I stopped messing around when I started to like you, I knew it wasn’t worth it.”
A part of you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Were you dreaming of this? Why would Draco Malfoy like you, when you had nothing to offer him? Your feet were planted firmly on the hardwood floor, with your mouth slightly open. After a few moments, you felt your eyes blink as you came back to reality. 
Draco Malfoy likes you. You weren't sure if you felt the exact same, but the gut in your stomach was telling you this was right. The world seemed to have stopped when he kissed you, a feeling you have never felt before. This feeling couldn't be wrong.
Without another word, you stepped forward to break the space between you and kissed his lips. You couldn't help but feel a laugh escape as he pulled you closer.
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lovebotmo · 4 months
like the movies
chapter five - late library nights
series masterlist
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
wc: 1337
author's note: hello friends!!! it has almost been a month and i would like to offer my sincerest apologies!!!! i have entered my final semester of university so things have been rather hectic. i appreciate all the love you guys have given this series this far <3 thanks for being the absolute best. kiss kiss
also if i missed you for the taglist plz let me know!!! its been a min hehe
song inspiration: bewitched by laufey
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Thanks to Lavender’s rather loose lips, the entire student body of Hogwarts seemed to be buzzing about your secret, not-so-secret admirer. Three days later and you could still hear the giggles of second-year girls as they discussed just who your mystery man could be steps behind you and your friends. You even had to endure a public love confession from both Fred and George, the red-headed twins bickering and quarreling over who loved you more in their newest prank. They both claimed to have been your secret admirer and demanded that you choose the twin you cared for more. It quickly devolved into a passionate, highly embarrassing competition that had the crowd which had slowly grown howling in laughter. George had even torn his shirt open, claiming that ‘the fires of love were burning within him and that clothes could not contain his ardent affection any longer.’ The whole affair might have been more comical had you not been its victim. Suffice to say you were adequately embarrassed, as if the burning blush on your face had not been enough evidence to that fact.
However, even with all the attention now placed on you and your secret admirer, no one had sincerely come forward to claim responsibility. You could hardly blame them, given the reactions of your fellow students. Still, you couldn’t help yourself grow more and more curious as days continued to pass without any additional clues.
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“So…I hear you’ve got yourself a bit of an admirer, huh?”
Rolling your eyes, you turned towards Theo to find a smirk resting smugly on his face. “Merlin, not you too, Theo. I swear it’s impossible to go ten minutes without someone mentioning it.”
Theo laughed at your response and the obvious annoyance in your expression. “Bit of a touchy subject?”
You sighed. “Sorry. It’s just—bloody hell, I’ve got loads of people coming up to me trying to chat about it and well, it’s a bit much.”
The tall Slytherin nodded as he scanned his Potions textbook, looking for the next set of directions for the Wolfsbane potion you were currently brewing. “I didn’t mean to pry, really—”
“No, no it’s all right. I’m just a bit on edge recently.” You and Theo both reached for the crushed moonstone, hands bumping clumsily into each other. “Sorry, ‘m all over the place today.”
Theo gave you a gentle smile before grasping the vial, gingerly adding it before meeting your eyes with his own. “S’all right. Besides, we both know it’s better if I handle things, considering I’m the better Potions student any—ow!” Theo rubbed his arm where you had lightly smacked him.
“Just because you beat me by one whole point on the last test doesn’t mean—”
“It means I am better than—Salazar, woman!” This time Theo rubbed his other arm which you may or may not have hit. “You’ve got to come up with a better comeback than physical assault. I could report you to Slughorn, you know.”
“Oh please, you’d never snitch on me, Theo. We’re potions partners after all—you’re stuck with me.”
A wide grin made its way onto Theo’s face, along with the faintest blush that he desperately hoped you couldn’t see in the dim lighting of the classroom. “Yeah, ‘spose I am.” Realizing he was looking at you in a bit of a daze, he cleared his throat. “I forgot to mention, Pucey’s set a last-minute quidditch practice for this afternoon. I know we’re meant to work on the project for anti-venoms, but is there any chance we could push it until later?”
“Tsk, tsk, Theodore. Choosing quidditch over Potions, eh? And you call yourself the best Potions student?” you teased. Theo let out a sharp laugh, dropping three murtlap tentacles into the cauldron bubbling before you. “That works for me, actually. Where did you want to meet?”
“I can catch up with you on the quidditch pitch. We can head over to the library from there.” Stirring the concoction clockwise, Theo looked at you from the corner of his eye, “Thanks for being flexible.”
“’Course. It’s what you would expect from the best Potions student, right?”
“Alright, pipe down.”
“You’re no fun, Theo.”
“Yeah, yeah. Now hand me the wolfsbane leaves.”
“Only if you admit I’m the better Potions student.”
“…Here you go.”
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Tugging at the sleeves of your sweater, you made your way towards the quidditch pitch, just as the sun was starting to set over the mountains surrounding Hogwarts. The practice had evidently just ended as players began to descend from the sky at the sound of Captain Adrian Pucey’s dismissal. Walking over, you saw Theo dismounting from his broom alongside Enzo. Upon spotting you, the pair walked over to greet you.
“Rough practice, huh?” The boys before you were out of breath, chests heaving with obvious exhaustion.
Enzo gave you a look, “You’ve no idea.” Beside him, Theo nodded in agreement.
“Pucey’s got his tail in a twist about the game this weekend against Gryffindor,” Theo said. “We can’t catch a break.” Theo grabbed the end of his practice jersey to wipe at the sweat on his brow, revealing a lean, toned abdomen. His tongue swiped quickly at his pink lips as he continued to breathe heavily. As he let go of his jersey, one of his hands went to run through his unruly curls and you couldn’t help but stare at the more than pleasant image before you.
Fucking hell…Godric save me.
As if sensing your train of thought, Enzo smirked, mirth dancing in his eyes.
The sound of Theo’s Italian accent broke your reverie. “I’ve got to hit the showers, so I’ll be ten minutes or so. You alright with waiting?”
Clutching your Potions textbook to your chest, you nodded, giving Enzo’s look of obvious amusement a glare. “’M fine. Go ahead.”
Theo flashed that wide grin of his that you were becoming fond of before trotting off to join the other players in the locker rooms. By now, Enzo’s grin had become a full-on beam.
“Whatever you’re thinking, Enzo—well, don’t think it.”
The Slytherin raised his hands in mock confusion. “What could you possibly mean, Y/n? I was just wondering—”
“Enzo, don’t make me hit you with this book.”
“Jeez, I guess Theo wasn’t lying when he said you were violent.”
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Hours later in the library, you swore words were beginning to dance off the pages of the endless tomes you and Theo had been rummaging through for your upcoming project. Beside you, Theo seemed to feel the same exhaustion, groaning as his forehead dropped onto one of the thick volumes.
Grasping your quill, you gently brushed the feather by Theo’s ear to grasp his attention. Still faceplanted in a book, the tired boy simply turned his head towards you rather than sitting upright.
“I reckon we call it a night, yeah?” Theo’s curls shook as he nodded his head, eyes beginning to droop in exhaustion. “You’ve probably got to be up early for the game tomorrow too.” Your Potions partner glared at you for the reminder before finally sitting up.
You began to tidy up the sprawled-out texts before Theo broke the quiet resting over the library. “You going?”
Turning to look at him, you paused, “Going to what?”
Theo laughed softly, “The game, Y/n.”
“Oh.” You grinned sheepishly, “I don’t know. Hadn’t decided yet.”
Theo hummed at your response. Moving sluggishly, he began to help you pack up.
“Well…you should go. It’s supposed to be a good one.” You met Theo’s eyes that were already peering into yours.  
“You want me to go, huh? To show off or something?”
Theo laughed at you, gently flicking one of your hands reaching for a stray quill. “Or something.”
You smiled, “Well, if you want me there, I’m there.”
Having finished packing up, Theo stood in front of you and mirrored your grin. “Well, I do…want you there, that is.”
Walking out of the library together, you gently bumped the taller boy’s shoulder. “Then, I’m there.”
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taglist: @melllinaa, @randomgurl2326, @lovelyygirl8, @abaker74, @mypolicemanharryyy, @vanevafu, @laceandsuch, @agent-tempest, @themarauderswife7, @adoraspace, @spencerreidsthings, @crimsntwlip, @readingthingsonhere, @sbrn0905, @violet2022, @aemiliazzz, & @hoeforvinniehackerrr
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danieyells · 13 days
Thank you for sharing the tdb affinity lines! I know I won't be naturally getting any of these for ten years (if the games even still around by then) lol.
I was wondering if you could share any interesting lines of Taiga's? No pressure tho! It's just after seeing some of his lines from other people, he seems to have a bigger role in the story and I'm curious if any of his lines give any more clues to the situation on hand. Also would be interesting to see if he genuinely starts caring for mc besides wanting to like. Eat her for lunch lol.
It's no problem! And yeah that's part of why I wanna share them--getting the units to high enough affinity is a pain and to even see any of the home screen dialogues you need an SR or SSR, which means good luck with the gacha buckaroo.
YES TAIGA MY BELOVED. he's my favorite behind maybe Towa. Chances are if you've seen the one line you've seen the only one referring to that, although there is one more that may be related? But it might be general. As for caring for the PC, this is a joseimuke so. The characters will always love you more and more with time. And Taiga most certainly does haha doesn't prevent the hunger from rising up though. friendly reminder to feed your Taiga!
No affinity required:
"...Who're you? Don't pop up out of nowhere like that. Wouldn't want me to shoot you by mistake, would you?"
"What are you again? A middle school student? A transfer student? Got it, an honor student! Gyahaha! I'm never gonna remember that!"
"Playing with these morons is exhausting... Lulu gets all mad if I win too much..."
"That smells amazing... Shit, where's it coming from?"
please feed your taiga.
if you have messages:
"Huh? You got a letter. If it's for me just reply for me, yeah?"
Affinity 1:
"It's too early for your bleating. Shut your trap unless you wanna get abducted."
once again, welcome to sinostra's house of human trafficking--
Affinity 2:
"That dealer sucks. He's been here the longest? Why should I give a shit? Fire him."
Affinity 3:
"You wanna know what kinda meat this is? Anomaly meat. What else would it be? ...Who the fuck're you again?"
he recognizes you enough to ask 'again'! progress! also I guess he almost exclusively eats anomaly meat.
Affinity 4:
"Oops. I lost all the money Lulu gave me. Better make a run for it before he notices."
Affinity 5:
"I'm bored... Hey, you over there. Come play five finger filet with me. Gimme your left hand."
five finger fillet also called the knife game is when you put your hand on a table and stab the gaps between your fingers with a knife in a sequence! Obviously stabbing the hand being played with means you lose. Taiga's chibi plays it when he's idle!
Affinity 6:
"They nabbed one of ours? You guys aren't toddlers. Deal with it yourselves."
it's fascinating that there's such a faction divide within Sinostra that members of Taiga's side get abducted by Romeo's, and probably vice versa. And I bet Taiga doesn't care about any of this. Or at the very least it's not that serious to him.
Affinity 7:
"Gambling and shoot-outs are pretty much the same thing. Morons who panic mess up and get dead. Gyahaha!"
Affinity 8:
"None of you morons have any flair for the table. Lulu needs to raise the minimum bet already."
isn't it your casino too. . .can't
Affinity 9:
"You're a real smooth talker, huh? Don't remember anything you said though. Ciao!"
your seduction attempt didn't fail because of a bad roll, it failed because taiga failed a perception check lmao. . . .
Affinity 10:
"Can't sleep? Sit over there. I'll deal the cards."
He'll play with you until you fall asleep. . .or maybe he'll sit around making ASMR card shuffling noises until you doze off.
Affinity 11:
"...I'm not gonna play today. I'm sleeping. I don't care if the place is burning down— don't wake me up."
fun fact, he's making this face when he says this lol
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Affinity 12:
"What's that guy's name again? You know, the one who's gonna become a judge or a cop or something. ...Whatever, I'll just forget it again."
at least he was interested in knowing for a second! maybe he'll give him a nickname.
Affinity 13:
"I spy, with my little eye, a tasty-looking kitty-cat.... Come over here so I can pat you. ...Nah, changed my mind. Scram."
maybe it's just my interpretation but I like to think he's hungry and he saw you and he mindlessly tried to lure you closer because he wanted to eat you, then came to his senses and told you to go away so he wouldn't do something stupid like trying to eat a human. . . .
Affinity 14:
"I'm starving... You, get my usual. It's breakfast time."
i wonder what his usual is.
Affinity 15:
"How does Lulu always have so much energy this early in the morning? It it 'cause of all that expensive water he drinks?"
Affinity 16:
"Stop talking. I don't care."
Affinity 17:
"You going to bed already? Aren't you a good little kitty-cat. Whatever, do what you want."
he'd rather you stay up with him but he's not attached enough to try and make you stay up. . .yet.
Affinity 18:
"You want a surefire way to win at the table? Doesn't exist. You just gotta keep playing."
Affinity 19:
"Hey, go warm up my bed for me. What do you mean how? Get in there, dumbass."
either you're gonna get fucked or you're gonna get disappointed when he really just wanted a warm spot that smells nice to lie in and he makes you leave after he gets in bed. Or maybe he'll let you sleep in the bed with him and use you as a little body pillow!
I'd also like to add that the expression he's using is called "using the "adult" face "adult" so uh. leaning more towards you're gonna get fucked here.
Affinity 20:
"Where you going, kitty-cat? Class? You don't need to go there. I got something more fun in mind for us."
the expression used here is once again simply labelled "adult" so. . . . No going to class and no going to sleep.
Affinity 21:
"That's it, kitty-cat. I feel like my luck'll change if you're around."
Affinity 22:
"I'm starving... This isn't enough... I want more... More..."
they've gotta stop letting him go so long without eating because he clearly loses his mind if he doesn't eat enough meat.
Affinity 23:
"I'm the only one who sees how fucked we are. But he won't believe me. So just let it all burn down—I don't give a shit anymore."
if Taiga sees the future or knows the future because of timeline/loop shit, then that Taiga doesn't seem to actively care much about being Captain or doing his job makes sense. He knows that if nothing changes everything's going to fall apart anyway so there's no point in trying. We don't really know what his stigma does either--in fact, his "good luck" could be that he can see and react to future events, so he knows things like what cards will be drawn and such. But he's getting tired of everything always going so bad no mater what he does in response to what he sees. And Romeo(? it doesn't say who he's telling about how bad things are getting) isn't helping to make changes. . .so he's just giving up. But now you're here, maybe you're different somehow. Maybe somehow you're an outlier in this timeline. Maybe injuring you was on purpose to change something in the future he saw. Maybe that's why he's telling you about the spy. . . .of course this is all speculation. Until we learn what his stigma does or what he means by 'ditch this future' then. . .all speculation. But there is a wickhive post that someone can see the future. And the more I think about it the more I wonder if it's Taiga. (also because i'm sure someone will point this out, the wording 'let it all burn down' is specific to the English dialogue, so it's not a callback to the pre-prequel sequence where the school is on fire.)
Affinity 24:
"If you don't like pain then quit flailing around. I'm getting a taste of you, so close your eyes and shut up."
welcome back to the torture chair! You're probably getting cut like a piece of good meat before he just sinks his teeth into you! Your hands and legs are bound and he's not going to let you get away without eating at least a little of your flesh, so suck it up. That or scream and hope somebody comes to rescue you. . .but the desire to eat the pc never goes away. Most likely because he just wants to eat fresh meat in general and the more he likes someone and the more they hang around him the more he wants to eat them. . .although I assume he unlearned it and now you're here and he just can't help himself. . .if they did consume demons to become ghouls, I bet you're the only thing short of maybe Romeo that'll taste anywhere near as good as that demon did.
Affinity 25(max):
"You're not getting away from me, kitten. You're here till death do us part, whether you like it or not."
oh and also you're married. y'know in case you wanted to do that. or even if you didn't. you don't have a choice in the matter.
"(Yawn) Man, why am I so tired today... Someone spike my food?"
"What? Cherry blossoms? Is it that time of year already? Man, that snuck up on me."
"Fuck it, I'm taking a nap. Come over here and be my pillow."
"What's with that vacant look on your face? You need more excitement in your life? Come over here, I'll play with you."
"Too hot... Hey, I want my breakfast on ice. They got tons of it over on Jin's turf, go nab some."
hey uh why do you remember Jin by name. like i know Jin's short enough of a name to not need a nickname but also you remember not only Jin but where he lives and how cold it is? Then again you started in the same year, maybe Taiga remembers all the third years since he's known them for two years?
"Why don't we make a giant pool in Sinostra? It's so hot here. I'll put up the cash... Wait no, I used it all yesterday."
"Quiz time—where's Lulu going all dolled up on a stinking hot day like this? Answer— he's cheating on me! Gyahaha!"
THEY ARE FEEDING MY SHIP WHAT DO YOU MEAN TAIGA JOKES THAT THEY'RE DATING. they have such awful married couple who hate each other but also love each other energy.
"Shower? I don't wanna... Shut up and strip me already then."
man he has no fucks to give that you'd be taking his clothes off and seeing him naked huh. . . .
"Good weather for sports? You get a lot more exercise fighting to the death. Gyahaha!"
how frequently do you think he fights to the death. . .probably a lot less than he used to. poor baby needs his deadly enrichment. Also the fact that he finds the idea of fighting to the death fun explains why he smiles when he takes damage in combat lol
"That looks tasty. Gimme a bite."
so given one of the most common autumn foods in japan is like sweet potatoes(and also the pc probably doesn't eat raw anomaly meat) I assume this means he does eat normal food, just prefers to eat raw meat especially from anomalies? Either way, i am once again remind you to feed your Taiga.
"We're going out. I've been eating more lately and these guys are too slow. Gonna go stock up."
you've been eating more lately? because it's autumn? what are you, a bear about to go into hibernation?? also he's taking you grocery shopping i guess. or anomaly hunting. . . .
"Watch your back. Way easier to jump people when it gets dark so early. Gyahaha!"
i'd like to think he stuck his gun under your chin and snuck up behind you from in the dark here lol
"You trying to pull my covers off? Wanna die?"
my boy does NOT like being cold. Or getting up in the morning. So winter mornings? just leave him in bed.
"I wanna go nab some food from Harry's place, but it's too cold for that shit..."
"Oh, I got an idea. I just gotta use someone as a punching bag to warm up. Hey you guys, stand over there."
Taiga beating the shit out of his own men because the exercise will keep him warm. . .why do people side with you again?
"I don't like the cold... Come on, come be my hot water bottle! Let me cuddle up to you!"
Getting all tangled up with Taiga under his blankets while he shivers because Sinostra is in a desert and deserts in the winter can be FUCKING COLD especially at night. It gets cold and he's just the whiniest little meow-meow. Until he gets hungry.
His birthday:
"Huh? Whose birthday? Mine? Gyahaha! Totally forgot about it! Grazie!"
it's okay Taiga, I forget my birthday too most of the time.
Your birthday:
"Is it your birthday today? That little twerp told me. Okay, you can take one thing from my room."
Ritsu fuckin doxed you? is that legal? Doesn't Taiga's room have like a pile of coins in it. . .is one coin 'one thing' or is 'the pile of coins' one thing. . .then again the background is AI generated so. not really sensible and doesn't say much about him sadly. considering taiga's described as spending his money wastefully I assume he buys a lot of random things he doesn't need or use--then again he probably spends most of it on gambling. But considering he's offering you anything out of his room, I assume there's a lot of nice stuff in there.
New Years:
"You gonna go skipping off to a shrine together just to get your fortune told? That's dumb. Here, let me guess what it'll say—you'll have an okay year."
Valentine's Day:
"Is that for me? Sure I'll take it, but it better be edible."
i was gonna say 'has he never gotten valentine's day chocolates before?' but i remembered that he probably doesn't really remember if he has so. this is probably his general reaction to gifts lol 'is it money and if not can i eat it'
White Day:
"What's that expectant look on your face? Lulu was harping on about mimosas or something before. That what you want?"
of course he doesn't know what white day is lol but he does remember that Romeo had something tasty!
April Fool's Day:
"I'm gonna die soon, you know? And I'm taking Lulu with me. ...Gotcha! Gyahaha!"
wait you didn't remember white day but you remembered april fool's day? maybe someone tried to prank him first lol remember guys, suicide is not an appropriate april fool's prank!
"Trick or treat. Where you gonna put your chips, kitty-cat?"
I think if you're trick or treating then they're supposed to decide if you get the trick or the treat. . .but it seems more like Taiga to give you something that could be a trick or a treat lolol russian roulette is a totally acceptable halloween party game right? of course!
"Come on Santa kitty, tie a ribbon 'round yourself and get over here. Gyahaha!"
at least he knows what gift he wants! unfortunately you don't know what for but based on his expression you may not get eaten. . .depending on your definition--
"...This is boring. I'm outta here."
"Are you done yet? I'm hungry over here."
"Long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet."
AND HERE"S THE LINE THAT'S CAUSING SO MUCH SPECULATION. . .what does that even mean Taiga. . .what do you know, what have you seen. . .and can we fix this future instead of leaving it to rot--
UH. YEAH. I THINK I'VE SAID ENOUGH HAHA. . .everything Taiga says is so. . . ./gestures weakly) IT REALLY DOES SEEM LIKE MORE IS HAPPENING THAN YOU REALIZE RIGHT??? The game's still so early on we probably won't learn for a very long time lol. . . . But, yeah. Taiga definitely loves you--and lusts after you. As his affinity goes up, he asks "who are you" a lot less, did you notice? He starts to remember and just say "kitty cat" and "kitten", because that's who you are and he can remember that. So far the only people he remembers are Romeo, Hyde, and Jin it seems. And you.
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5ueckers · 4 months
you belong with me — teaser
a/n : i wanted to have this finished by today but 😢 here's a lil snippet instead! for context, this specific part takes place in july of 2019, before the start of p's senior year of high school, and reader is her best friend and teammate. happy valentine's! 💕
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paige doesn’t get what you see in him.
for one, he’s really not that cute, contrary to what all your other friends believe— there are a million five–foot–ten boys with curly blond hair and green eyes in the world, and you’re pretty enough to have any one of them that you want. for two, he’s so boring. he’s always got you holed up at his ridiculously large house doing something lame, when you could be with her, actually having fun. and lastly, he’s not even that good of a boyfriend. sure, he takes you out on dates and drives you around in his stupid car and surprises you with flowers and gifts, but those are all things she’s done for you and she’s only your friend. it’s the bare minimum, and you deserve a lot better than that; you deserve the world.
she thinks she might actually be sick, watching him tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear and smile at you, leaning in for a kiss. his face is actually so gross, she gags.
“stop, leave her be,” azzi’s voice comes with a little laugh as her hand closes around paige’s forearm, tugging playfully, but the blonde still struggles to tear her eyes away. “paige.”
“they’re disgusting,” paige gripes as she finally looks away, taking a sip of her dr. pepper, not even bothering with her burger and fries anymore. witnessing that interaction ruined her appetite.
“they’re in love,” azzi teases, dragging out the ‘o’, and paige grumbles around her straw, eyes rolling dismissively.
you aren’t in love with him. yeah, it’s been three months since you officially started dating, but paige actually knows you; you’ve liked plenty of guys since she met you in seventh grade, and none of them have ever really meant anything. soon enough, you’ll get bored of him, just like all the others, and it’ll go back to just being you and her again, like it should be.
hopefully, that’s before the season starts in november. she doesn’t want to have to see you with him at homecoming, or even worse, at one of your games— she’d really be revolted, then.
“no, i agree with p,” kayhla chimes in on the conversation. “get a room!” she shouts, hands cupped around her mouth to accentuate the sound, earning the attention of you, him, and everyone else in the wendy’s.
your eyes get all wide and your cheeks tinge red, and the table erupts into giggles at your embarrassed reaction. you step away from him, finally, and turn back to the counter, smiling politely at the cashier as she slides a tray of chocolate and vanilla frosties toward you, and another toward him. paige can’t help but feel a bit smug when you return to the table and reclaim your seat next to her— it’s an end–seat, so he has to sit across from you both. she casually stretches her arm out over your shoulders, and shoves a spoonful of chocolate frosty into her mouth with her free hand.
“you guys are mean,” you say, reaching out for one of her abandoned fries. you don’t do anything about her arm.
“don’t be a freak, then,” paige replies, and you jab her in the side with your elbow, which only makes her laugh harder.
“oh, you have no right to be calling anyone a freak,” you retort playfully. “don’t make me bring up last summer—”
“woah, nah, okay! okay, you win!”
paige throws up her hands in surrender, and everyone at the table laughs again— everyone, except for him. you, on the other hand, laugh especially hard. she can’t lie, it’s vindicating knowing there are parts of you that he hasn’t yet breached, that she can make you laugh this hard and he has no clue why.
that she actually knows you. unlike him, paige isn’t temporary. you’ll get bored of him, and things will go back to being the way they’re supposed to be.
just you and her.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff and cheesy moments to the max
➪First things first; you guys started out as best friends.
➪You met in your preteen years and a friendship quickly blossomed, the two of you becoming inseparable. 
➪As you grew up and entered your late teens, that was when the romantic tension between you reached an all time high and he asked you out.
➪If you thought you were inseparable as friends? Oh boy. 
➪For starters, you’re a constant on his Instagram; his captions on his photos with you as cheesy as he could make them. 
➪Things like ‘Loml’, ‘The prettiest ever’, ‘Look how beautiful my girlfriend is’ and ‘Y/n/n looked so pretty today, I just had to share it with you all’ are just a few he’s already used.
➪He posts even more stories with you, whether that be the two of you out for lunch, a cute selfie or even just a picture he took of you with your knowledge.
➪You better believe he has your post notifications on and will be one of the first ten people to like your posts within seconds after you posted it.
➪And he’s the top commenter.
➪You two work out very often together, and it’s made known to the world as he would post a mirror selfie to his Instagram story; usually one where he’s flexing and looking damn near perfect, and you’re in the background completely caught off guard. 
➪He’s sweet like that.
➪His camera roll is full of random pictures and videos of you; many of which were taken without you having any clue of him doing so.
➪Any tiktok trend that floats around the internet, you better believe he’s making you film it with him.
➪Pet names are very much present in your relationship.
➪Baby, babe, pretty girl, sweetheart…..yes, he calls you ‘sweetheart’ sometimes, whether it be in a teasing tone or a casual one. 
➪“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” jokingly, “Hey, Jack, can you grab my bag for me?” “Of course, sweetheart,” casual. 
➪You often call him ‘bae’ and that’s proven whenever you post a picture or story of him, the caption simply reading ‘the bae’.
➪While it’s quite obvious that you two are obsessed with each other, you keep it pretty lowkey.
➪Dance parties occur often, the two of you singing together in very off key duets.
➪You spend more time outside the house than inside it, just because you like showing each other off.
➪Since this man is six fucking feet tall, he often stands behind you and pulls your hair into messy ponytails, just because he can.
➪His room is home to about ten scrunchies that have been scattered all over, your obsession with the hair accessory making him have a certain fondness for them.
➪Plus, he secretly loves when you leave your things at his house, and more importantly, in his room.
➪Friday night movie nights. Enough said.
➪Cuddling during said movie night.
➪Late night drives to fast food places; eating said fast food in the parking lot while blaring music, your seatbelts off and your legs resting over his thighs.
➪This man will buy you anything and everything you wanted; despite your constant pleas of asking him not to. He just can’t help it.
➪He loves to spoil you, clearly. 
➪Temple kisses are your love language. 
➪You often steal his shirts, but he has so many that he wouldn’t have even been able to notice the missing ones had you not put them on in front of him.
➪Safe to say he loves how you look in his clothing.
➪You’re his number one supporter and had been since day one. 
➪He’ll often ask you to be his ‘co-star’ and have you go over lines with him, asking if he nailed it or if he needs more practice. 
➪He never did as he’s a natural born performer.
➪Getting older resulted in him proposing to you at the young age of twenty two.
➪You, of course, say yes.
➪You were one of those couples who were satisfied with just being engaged, the rush of getting married right after not interesting either of you.
➪The engagement lasted about three and a half years before you finally tied the knot.
➪As soon as the honeymoon was over and you both turned your phones back on, he immediately edited his Instagram bio to ‘Proud husband of @ yourinstagram’
➪And you thought he couldn’t get any more cheesy.
➪Nonetheless, you edited your name and proudly displayed Y/n Y/l/n Champion.
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satanprotectsme · 1 year
Baby's First Heat
Alpha!Eddie Munson x Omega!Reader - Smut
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A/N This is the first smut I'm posting onto here so I really hope it's okay!! There isn't much plot... but who cares!
Summary: With Eddie being a couple years older than you, he presented as an alpha a while ago. Along with your presentation as an omega, came your first heat. Eddie's there to coach you through it.
Warnings: A/B/O, pain kink, biting kink, piv sex, oral f!receiving, breeding kink, established relationship,
wc: 1.5k
I wasn’t been able to lull myself to sleep at all last night, my body incalescent. I tore my nightgown off, assuming it was just another torrid, Indiana night, until it got worse. There was hot, sultry, slick pouring out of my pussy. I reach my hand between my legs. I had no clue what was going on with me, but it was 2 in the morning, and that was the solution.
But now it's about 10 am, and I've been rubbing my dripping folds for hours. Mewls wrestling their way past my lips, racking my whole body along with them. I shove my face into Eddie's worn out Metallica t-shirt, tightly clamping my thighs together.
He only goes to school like, once a week, and it had to be today? My phone ringing startles me, making me hurtle myself out of bed. Pulling it to my ear, the voice on the other side makes even more slick pour between my legs.
"Sweetheart? You told me you'd be at school today, where are you? I only came to see-"
"Eds," I breathe. "Please come over, need you s' bad."
"Being horny is not an excuse to not come to-"
"I think I-I presented Eddie, please, it- it hurts so fucking bad," I sob, my biceps quivering at my feeble attempt to hold myself up.
"Oh shit, I knew something was up last night. Give me ten minutes, tops," the phone buzzed as he hung up. I couldn't hold myself upright long enough to place it on the reciever, the coil keeping it from slamming against the floor.
God, how could ten minutes feel like years? My humility dead and buried six feet under, I start to rut my weeping cunt on the duvet. My clit's red and raw, the knit fabric creating a throbbing feeling on my heat . Clamping the ear of my big teddy between my teeth, I try to hold back the pathetic noises from leaving my lips.
When I hear a tap on my window, I squeak. I reach over and unlock it, my body not having enough power to push it open for him. He crawls through, hurridly kicking his boots off.
"Fuck, your slick smells so sweet, nectarous, sweetheart " Eddie sighs, pulling me close. With one hand tangled in my hair, and one on my mound, he pushes me to the bed. “Shoulda’ called me earlier Omega, what if another Alpha smelt you from outside?”
“S-sorry Eddie,” I whine softly into his ear, he laughs softly.
“I bet you’d let any Alpha in here to satiate you, to imprint you with his scent, yeah?” He caresses my thighs, awaiting my response.
“No Alpha! Only wan’ you Eds, you‘re the only Alpha I want please!” I wail, grabbing his head and pulling him into me.
Our lips slam together, our teeth clashing in the process, but care and inhibition were thrown out the window. My heads fuzzy. Eddie’s musky, forest scent coalesces beautifully with my sweet, vanilla aroma, emobodying our dynamic. Unravelling our lips, they drift down to my neck, not hesitating to sink his canines into the flesh. His tongue traces the marks buried in my flesh. Deep, chocolate eyes, hazy with lascivousness, gaze up at me. "Can I taste you, baby?"
"Please Alpha! 'S all I want, please!" I whine, wrapping my fingers into his hair. Eddie pulls his jacket off and brings himself face level to my folds. As slick pours out of me, Eddie presses his face against my thigh, inhaling my aroma. He sucks a small, violet mark into my inner thighs, running his tongue higher and higher until he reaches my heat. When he flattens his tongue against my pussy, I can't help but to squeal, pushing Eddie's head closer to my cunt. A single tear rolling down my face, I wrap my legs around his head.
"You taste so fucking good, my Omega, taste even sweeter than you smell," He sighs before sucking my clit between his lips. His saccharine words make more slick release from my cunt, my body behaving without input. Pushing two fingers between my folds, his tongue flicks my clit back and forth in a hypnotic pattern. A moan gets caught in my throat when I feel his fingers bruise my g-spot.
I couldn’t tell if it was because of my desperate frenzy, but this was the best head he’s ever given me. With my hands tangled in his curls, I tug on his hair. He growls and bites down on my clit. I whimper and wrap my legs around his head.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum my alpha! Can I? Please?"
"Of course my Omega, cum all over my face," The second I process his permission, slick pours from my folds as I howl, grinding my cunt on his lips. My cum squirts from between my folds, spattering all over Eddie's face. He moans, eyes rolled back into his skull. "Good girl, my sweet and perfect omega."
"Thank you Alpha!" I pull him by his hair so I can press a hot kiss on his lips, something that had been overlooked until now. When my tongue tangles with his, I can taste my own cum. I whine into his mouth. He pulls away from me, unbuckling his belt. The second his clothes are off, I'm pulling him back into my embrace, yearning for the feeling of my alpha's skin against mine. He grinds his cock against my soaked thighs. I hold his shoulders, pushing my hips into his.
"You want this cock, Omega?" He growls into my ear. I whimper, hastily nodding my head. “Use your words, gorgeous.”
"Please Alpha! It hurts so bad! I need ur big cock stuffed inside of me! Need you to knot me and fill me with your babies! Please!” I beg and plead. Eddie just chuckles and starts pushing the tip in, finally mounting me. The insert definitely burns, his dick stretching my cunt to its limits, but the slick helped him slip in. When his sack pressed against me, he stills, licking away the tears that are streaming along my hot, roseate complexion. The hormones blurring his judgement, Eddie immediately starts thrusting his cock in and out of my cunt. The pornographic squelching sounds are almost as loud as my moans.
Enfolding me in his embrace, I scratch my nails down Eddie’s spine, he growls in my ear. My face buried in his neck, his musk deluging my senses, a thick fog clouding my senses. Barely holding my eyes open, I pull myself back, wanting to stare into Eddie’s eyes. His salacious gaze keeping me still, a smirk drawn perfectly on his lips. A primal growl leaves his lips as he reaches down to rub my clit.
"You're doing so good my little Omega, being such a good girl for her first heat," Eddie praises me. I nod, wanting to thank him, but all I can do is babble with each thrust of his hips. "Want me to mark you up? Imprint you so no other alpha will ever come near you? Want everyone to know you belong to me?"
"Please Alpha! C-claim me! Mark me with your scent!" I wail. A carnal, animalistic howl rips through Eddie's chest as he grips my waist, pulling me down onto his cock. I replace his finger, that was once on my clit with my own. "Fuck, Alpha! Can I cum? W-wanna cum all over your dick. Want you to fill me with your knot, please!"
"Cum for me, omega, gonna fill you up. My scent is going to be leaking off of you for days," With his permission, the speed on my clit is hurried, trying to rush myself to the edge.
"Thank you Alpha!" I moan, holding him close as I convulse. Wrapping my legs around him, I enclose him between my thighs, clasping him as his knot expands inside of me. Gasping for air, but it's all thick with aphrodesia, syrupy and saccharine with our mixing scents. A goofy smile takes over Eddie's lips, a stark contrast to the pointed smirk he's been wearing since he got here.
"We- uh- might be stuck here for a while," He chuckles, petting my hair. I look down, his knot bulging in my stomach. Eddie presses down on it, making me whimper and turn my head away from him. He leans down, whispering in my ear. "You're all mine now, my sweet, little omega."
"Just wan- be yours," I babble, my brain still incoherent, just happy to be claimed. "Thank you Eds," I whimper, a little smile matching my cloudy eyes.
"Of course sweetheart, but you'll have plenty of time to thank me, I don't think I'm leaving for the next few days."
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Baby, You’re Not Alone
WandaNat x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Loss of mom young—Grief, Numbness.
18+ | Minors DNI | Nudity/No smut
Requested: @mutlifandomloverblog | 4,450 Words
Chrysanthemum’s are “funeral flowers”
White: Purity / Grief ; Yellow: Sorrow/Neglected Love
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Wanda frowned when she woke up to empty, frigid sheets telling her you'd been gone for at least an hour if not longer. Natasha being gone was expected since she starts her training at four in the morning but you, their little grump, never gets up before ten unless it's necessary.
"Friday?," the witch murmured over a yawn., "Yes Miss Maximoff?," she tiredly sat up, her arms stretching above her head as she slowly became more conscious of her surroundings., "Where's Y/N?," her lip caught between her teeth while she anxiously awaits an answer.
"It appears Miss Stark left the compound at six in the morning, and their phone is off so I'm unable to pinpoint any location at this time. The last ping was near Central Park at 9am."
"Thanks Fri.," she jumped out of the bed before the AI could even reply, racing to the gym in hopes that maybe Natasha caught you leaving., "Nat?! Have you seen Y/N/N?," the redhead nearly dropped the weight in her hand as the frazzled witch actually managed to startle her.
"What do you mean? Isn't she in bed?," she looked at her watch., "It is only eight honey.," her amused response was met with a glare., "Natasha, if she was in bed I wouldn't have woken up to cold, empty sheets just now."
"Oh.," the redhead felt her heart skip in her chest, her mind now running wild with all the potential scenarios, but before she could spiral too bad she thought of your brother as a good place to check in., "Have you asked Tony?"
The couple left the gym in a rush, heading off to the lab to find Tony laying on the couch with a scrapbook of sorts over his head, and tiny snores gave way to his vulnerable state. Wanda removed the book from his face, the both of them noticed his eyes were rimmed red, and they looked to the book to clue them in on why.
They aww'd at the sight of you, you couldn't have been more than three in the shot, you were wearing a frilly pink dress with the bow to match, you were holding hold a tiny baby doll while sat in Tony's lap next to your mom. You looked so excited as you showed her your baby in the next shot, while she fondly smiled. It wasn't hard to deduce why Tony was crying, and Natasha knew all too well why when she looked at her phone and saw today's date.
"Oh.," the realization hit her hard., "I know where she is Wands, let's go—she's going to need us even if she thinks she doesn't."
Chrysanthemum—they were a gorgeous flower really, they bloomed in various shades, and each one of them meant something beautiful. This morning you stopped by the local florists shop to find your arrangement already filled. Miss Stacy gave you a comforting smile, then handed you the bouquet of yellow and white. You bid her a friendly farewell, then continued on your journey throughout the frigid city.
The numbness of your limbs was comforting, it gave you something else to focus on while the warm mug in your hands slowly brought back the feeling with a pained tingle that followed. Part of you wished it was just as easy to bring yourself back from the void; you woke up this morning with nothing inside to offer the world. Wanda's warm embrace did nothing to combat the feeling, or more so the lack thereof, so you slipped on out of the compound around six.
It perplexed you how this day was always a different experience every year for you. There were many years where all you wanted was to celebrate the life of your mother. There were the last few where you left flowers on her grave, then went about your day like normal. Then there were ones like this one where you wanted to curse the very ground she once walked on for leaving you to face this cruel world alone.
Tony was an amazing big brother—really, he took you in without a shred of doubt when you were orphaned at the age of six, and he was freshly twenty-one. He did his very best, and you were always grateful for that, but he just wasn't a suitable replacement for a mom.
When you started your period at thirteen it was his fling of the month that coached you on the process of entering womanhood. The first time you had your heartbroken at the age of sixteen you cried yourself to sleep because he was out. Then there was now, you finally found your shred of happiness in the arms of your lovers, and she wasn't going to be here for any of it.
The wedding was fast approaching after three magical years together, and you were thrilled, but the marking of today left you wondering.
Who was going to help you shop for your fit? Who would throw the engagement party? Who would do your hair and make up? Who'd work through the anticipated cold feet with you? Who'd then tell you how beautiful you looked with tears in their eyes and a warm embrace before sending you off to marry your brides?
The more you pondered it, the more you realize you were not through the grief of it all, and you were perplexed by such a notion. It'd been sixteen years since the tragedy, you've gone to counseling, you found your happy niche in life, but no matter what it wouldn't be enough when you were reminded of all that you lost with her.
A confidant, a best friend, a safe place to go when your prospective kids are bothering you, or just when you're feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Numb was what you were when you entered the diner from your childhood, but as you imagined your wives holding your baby a flip switched and now you were crying into the untouched slice of pie on the table, the pie here was always your mother’s guilty pleasure.
Natasha ushered into the diner first, turning to Wanda she put a finger to her lips, and after knowing she got the message she turned back to face you. There you were sat in the corner, a distant look in your glossy eyes, and she hated that she had overlooked the calendar today.
In her defense though it had been years since you were last in such a headspace, nonetheless she felt bad. Though she'd only been able to call you hers for three years now, you'd held her heart for so much longer than she'd ever admitted to. Wanda wasn't in the picture when she used to help you through days like today, where you were simply a shell of yourself, so this was a moment of necessary adjustment.
"Tasha, why's she crying?," the redhead turned to your other lover with a sad smile., "It's the anniversary of her parents death, she has a hard time with the loss of her mom some years.,” Wanda nodded in understanding, you shared a common ground here, and she's just a bit disheartened to only be finding out now.
"Don't take it personally malysh, I only ever knew because of the gruesome Shield files I had given to Steve many years back."
"Aren't I meant to be the mind reader here?"
Natasha smirked at her lover, she gave her a sweet peck to her lips before she quietly pulled her in the direction of you., "No thank you.," you croaked out your dismissal thinking it was the waitress., "Detka.," you whimpered at the familiar voice of one of your comfort people., "We've already paid the tab lyubov', care to go for a drive?," you looked up when finding the other voice a bit shocking to hear, your lip trembled when you saw both of them, and Wanda swiftly pulled you up and into her.
"Shh, we've got you moya lyubov'.," Wanda coo'd, she tapped your thighs and you jumped to wrap around her., "You're not alone detka.," Nat added as she placed a soft kiss to your temple, then with a hand on Wanda's lower back, and the other on yours she guided the both of you back out to her corvette stingray.
Natasha drove in the direction of the place you had yet to reach today while Wanda held your lightly sobbing form close in the backseat. The drive was long as your parents were buried in a military cemetery on the outskirts of town, so it didn't shock them one bit when your quiet sobs eventually faded into light snores., "I don't want to wake her up, she looks so peaceful."
The redhead gently stroked her fingers over your face in lieu of Wanda's words, you needed this., "Detka—we're here.," you stirred a bit, burying your face into Wanda's shoulder and whined. Both of them chuckled, this grumpy expression is to be expected when you woke up so early., "Lyubov', we’ll be with you the whole time, then after we can go home and snuggle."
Natasha helped you out of the car, in one arm she held your bouquet, and with the other she held you against her while you woke up more. Gently swaying you while humming in a low tone to keep your anxieties at bay until you pulled away from her to get going to her plot.
'Maria Stark. Beloved: Mother. Wife. Daughter. Friend. A precious life gone far too soon, you shall be missed.', you stared blankly at the dirty gravel stone while you settled the flowers into their designated spot, and then you delicately trailed your fingers over the words.
'Beloved Mother.,' rings out in your head, you remember the core things, like the diner, and family movie nights that she'd put together every Friday without fail for you, Tony and her. But beyond that you've lost the rest, the stories Tony would tell you of her immense comfort never resonated with you beyond the wording. The photos show the affections, but your mind yearns aimlessly for a memory of the feeling, desperate to understand that voided love.
Without the love of a mother you start to worry you'll never be enough for your own children. Deep down you know that's ridiculous, neither of your partners had their mother either, but here they were a pair of the most nurturing women you'd ever had the pleasure of meeting.
They loved you for all you were, you knew and felt that, but you still wondered, what if you don't live up to the expectations they have?
Wanda wanted so desperately to hold you, but Nat held her back to give you a solo moment. Your thoughts of inadequacy on your end were so incredibly loud and more so unwarranted. You're doubting your ability to offer the basics of comfort, but you were their safest space. Nothing ever made them happier than being able to come home to you after a long day.
Not to mention you're always the go to person of comfort for Clint's brood, and your niece. Morgan always sought you out when she came to the compound, and she was always reluctant to leave your side come the time to go home. There were even nights where she slept in your shared bed on your chest simply because you just couldn't say no to her sweet little pout.
Morgan honestly went to you for everything from a new scrape on her knee for you to fix, to a drawing she made and was proud of, or to cuddle you after a 'long' day. The little girl worshipped the ground you walked upon, it was relatively obvious, just not to you. When Lila came to the compound she'd ask you for advice, and you'd give it while holding a tiny Nathaniel in your embrace until he fell asleep. Then after all that you'd still agree to an hour or two of Mario Kart against Cooper and Peter.
Sure you were an asshole from time to time, you were a Stark after all, but at the end of the day you were a softie, and endlessly full of love to share. Wanda knows for a fact that you'd be a great mother, Natasha would tell you the same thing too but she's blissful unaware of the current dilemma, but this time when Wanda desperately tried to get to you she let her go.
The brunette squatted down besides you., "Why'd she have to go?," your lip wobbled as you asked your lover an impossible question., "I'm not sure lyubov'.," Wanda gently wiped the fresh falling tears off of your cheeks, then she carefully guided your face into her neck., "It's not fair Y/N/N, but it's the natural cycle."
"I want my mommy.," you sob unabashedly, your hands now clinging to her shoulders for dear life, and she looks up to Natasha shocked., "I-I can't do all of this without her, she should be here!," you shrieked., "I-I, she should have been here to meet you, and to help me navigate through these fucked up sequences of life."
Both of your lovers were at a loss for words, they understood you to some degree, but they'd never be able to understand your feelings here. Grief is obviously different for everyone, Nat and Wanda had no choice but to move right on without the time to dwell, so they're more well adjusted to their motherless circumstances. They still mourn from time to time, but the grief isn't as debilitating as yours seems to be.
"Hi Mrs. Stark.," Natasha softly spoke, and your red rimmed eyes suddenly shot over to hers, your heart stuttered when you saw her crying too., "My name's Natasha Romanoff, but you can just call me Nat, I‘m so happy to finally be meeting you ma’am. Your daughter here is one beautiful half of my heart, and I think it was about time I finally introduced myself."
Wanda was next to speak, taking after Nat., "Hey there ma'am, my names's Wanda, your daughter here calls me 'Wiggly Woo' though.," she teased, eliciting a sad giggle from you, and both of their hearts beamed at the sound., "I'm eternally grateful to you for giving Y/N to the world, I think you'll be happy to know she's grown into a fine woman with a heart of gold."
Wanda met your trembling lips with a delicate kiss, you sighed against her, and she smiled., "You've got nothing to worry about lyubov'.," Wanda watched you in amusement as you quirked your brows., "You're going to be a great mom despite these circumstances.," you looked to her a bit shocked., "I-I'm sorry Wands, were my thoughts too loud again?"
"No, I don't mind it honey, I appreciate it.," her lips pressed to your forehead., "When your mind is being unfairly cruel I want to know.," she reassured you, then you felt another hand grip you softly by your chin., "I do too detka.," you pouted, their show of care overwhelming you slightly, and so Natasha kissed you just the same as Wanda did to offer you reassurance.
"You're not alone here detka, marriage and starting a family are our next steps, but trust me we're just as terrified.," she admitted, and Wanda murmured in agreement., "However, whenever I start to freak out over the unknown I just remember all that I've gained by opening up my heart to the both of you.," her tone was so soft, softer than it had ever been, and that alone helped you to truly feel her sincerity.
"We're learning how to get through these 'fucked up sequences of life' together detka.," she teased while wearing her signature smirk., "That brings me comfort.," you sighed with a genuine smile soon following., "We're glad."
Natasha lifted you off of Wanda and got you settled onto her back, then she helped your other lover off the ground, and helped her to wipe the dirt from her pants., "You ready?," you nodded against her shoulder., "Yeah, take me home please Natty, I crave some cuddles."
Once you made it to your room Natasha was whisking you off to the bathroom, but before she could get too far you whined., "Wands.," the witch nearly melted when you reached for her so desperately., "I'll be back lyubov, enjoy your bath while I go make us some cookies.," she winked at your suddenly calmed form., "That's what I thought.," she smiled against your lips as you giggled, then she kissed you just before taking her aforementioned leave.
Natasha was gentle with you, as she always was, but there was something different about her display of tenderness. Her eyes had an unplaceable sheen, there was so much she needed to say, but you could tell she was holding back., "Natty, are you okay?," she sniffed, doing her best to cover up the influx of emotions., "Yes my darling, I'm perfectly fine."
Your hand gently wrapped around her wrist as she was in the middle of washing your body with the loofah., "You can't lie to me Natalia.," she raised her brows., "But cant I though?," her challenge only received an eye roll before you were pulling her hand to your lips., "Okay, how about you shouldn't lie to me.," you placed a kiss to each of her fingertips, then you linked you hands and looked up at her., "I can help."
Natasha squeezed your hand, then she pulled away to finish cleaning your body., "I know, and you do help by just existing before me.," she relayed honestly., "I'm not upset if that's what you think detka, I'm actually so happy."
"Everything I ever wanted is right here.," she paused to help you out of the tub, wrapping a plush robe around your shivering body, then settling her arms around the fabric over your hips, and nuzzled her nose against your own., "You gave me the first chance at love that ever mattered to me Y/N/N, and I can't believe it led us here.," her lips suddenly pecked yours, she just needed to break the gap; to feel you.
"Soon we'll be married, living a picture perfect life with our little witch, and miniature you's.," her finger traced over the entirety of your face, as if her fingertip was scanning your features., "Precious little Y/N's.," she booped your nose, cackling as your face scrunched., "Wanda's?," she nodded., "Yes, eventually Wanda's too."
"Natty?," she hummed, too focused on laying you down on the bed to respond., "Can we name our first daughter after my mom?," she caressed your cheek and smiled down at you., "I don't see why not detka, but we'll wanna talk to Wanda first before I can confirm."
"Talk to me about what?," the witch cheerily squealed as she entered the bedroom., "Our lovely lady here wants to name our daughter after her mother, Maria.," Wanda kissed the redhead, then she joined her in hovering above you., "Maria Romanoff?," she questioned, and you smirked mischievously., "Stark-anoff."
The couple grimaced above you, "Absolutely not.," the two of them shouting in sync caused you to cackle without stop., "Come on guys! It's like the perfect blend of our surnames! Get it?"
"Oh, we got it lyubov'," Wanda chuckled out., "We just didn't want to.," Natasha deadpanned, and you pouted., "Boo, you're both so boring."
"Boring? Or just concerned future parents?," Natasha mused as she began to apply a thin layer of lotion to your legs while Wanda was hovering over your face., "Then what, hm? Maria Alice Stark-Maximoff-Romanoff?"
Wanda placed a hydrating mask over your face, and conveniently for your lovers it layered over you lips as well., "Lyubov', I'm thinking we are better off giving the baby Nat's last name.," you felt the redheads hands freeze., "That way it matches all three of us.," Nat choked., "What?"
"Surprise.," you cheered through the mask, you watched as Nat fully processed what you'd just said through the eye flaps of your mask., "Y-you guys want to take my name?," her normally cool voice wavered, and you noticed her hands were trembling., "Why? I don't understand."
"Natty.," you sat up, leaning into Wanda on the mattress to keep your mask secure, and then you reached out for your vulnerable fiancé., "You take such good care of us Natalia, and we realized there's no one more deserving than you to be the prospective breadwinner here."
"Y/N, you're a millionaire.," she chuckled, you could see her attempts to deflect coming from a mile away., "Yeah, but that's just the dough. It's you that molds it, and then bakes it Natty.,” you say seriously, but with an exaggerated wink, your lovers giggle softly, and you go on., “You keep all of us above water Natasha, you knew exactly where to find me today, and that's because you took the time to learn everything there is to know about us, even the little things that normally wouldn’t matter to a partner.”
“Yeah, like my preference for Pine Sol over Fabuloso.,” Wanda teases., “You berated Tony for a week when he got the wrong product.,” the three of you shared in a bit of laughter, but soon a comfortable silence reclaimed the space.
"This wasn't a hard decision to make Tasha.,” you conveyed genuinely as she fumbled with your hand nervously., “We love you with all of our beings honey, and we take great pride in knowing we'll soon be Romanoff's.”
“The Romanoff’s.,” she whispers, and your heart warms exponentially at her soft tone., “One big, happy family we will be.,” Wanda chimes in, her hands gently remove the mask from your face, and while you hold Nat against your chest she rubs the product into your skin.
“The three of us against the world.,” Natasha utters while pulling back from your hold, her hands move up to cup both of your cheeks., “Our little witch.,” she strokes the apple of her cheek and pulls her forward for a kiss., “Our little grump.,” she snickers, then moves to pull you into her for a kiss that was too short lived judging by the way you whined at the loss.
“What about me?!,” your heads panned over to the locked bedroom door, the softest of knocks follows the little girls voice, and your lovers watched as your once dulled eyes lit up., “Of course Mo, you can be in our posse! Now, what are you doing outside our door little love?”
“Daddy said I needed to give Auntie Y/N/N my magical cuddles today.,” she sings through the oak and you audibly aww’d., “Look at that Mo, your daddy was right for once.,” you shouted, and she giggled., “Pepper must be so proud.,” Natasha whispered, and the lot of you snorted.
“Morgan, baby, how about you come with me so we can get the dinner from the front door?,” Wanda slipped out of the door, preserving your dignity as best she could before disappearing downing the hall to collect the Chinese.
Natasha then returned to finishing up your skincare, she lathered the lotion over every last bit of you, placing kisses whenever she deemed fit, she happily hummed along to her own tune, while her eyes lovingly observed you relaxing., “All done detka.,” she coo’d, your eyes fluttered open and you were met with her hovering face.
“Nuh-uh.,” she looked to you amused., “Oh? Please do tell me what it is I missed then.,” your lips pouted, and the redhead gasped., “Oh yes! A true lovers kiss? How could I forget?!”
Natasha tenderly placed kisses all over your face, she was taking her time getting to your lips and that only made you whine., “Natty.,” she placed her lips over yours, and you were instantly melting into the mattress., “There you go princess, the curse has been broken.”
You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless., “I’m cold Natty.,” she frowned at the info, then she slid a pair of panties on you, then she got you into your favorite fluffy bear onesie, she smirked at you, and you gasped when she held up a tiny version for Morgan to change into.
Natasha was quick to get the little girl cleaned up and into her pajamas for the night after they returned while Wanda set up the food, and you picked out the movie., “Brother Bear.,” you couldn’t help it really, the movie was a perfect fit for the day’s emotional roller coaster ride. Plus, the film was cute, and you could both roar right along with the film in your bear onesies.
“You’re so adorable.,” Wanda groaned, then without Nat present she slipped a cookie into your mouth., “Shh, don’t tell the ‘dinner first’ police.,” you giggled before kissing her deeply in appreciation., “Mm.. Sweet.,” she teased as her tongue slid over yours, and had it not been for the door opening you wonder where this would’ve gone with that twinkle in her eyes.
The three of you settled into the mattress with the little girl snuggled in between you and Nat with loads of takeout, and cookies on the tray over Wanda’s lap for all your hunger needs. After Brother Bear ended Natasha chose to put on Tangled, she said it was for Morgan, but you both knew just how much she loved this film. Wanda’s turn came, and when she put on a documentary about penguins suddenly you all found yourself yawning, and snuggling close.
“I love you Auntie.,” Morgan whispered., “I’m sorry your sad.,” you instantly held her tighter., “I could never be sad with all my girls here.,” you placed a kiss to her cheek., “I love you too.”
Natasha shared a hopeful look with Wanda as they watched the two of you interact, and then slip off into a calm sleep only seconds later., “How did we get so lucky?,” Wanda questions, and Natasha hums with a hand on your face., “I’ve learned it’s best not to question the good that comes ones way Wands, instead you should focus on fostering the happy feeling.”
“So wise you are.,” she snorts, leaning over your bodies she places a kiss to Natasha’s lips. Then she turns the lights of with the flick of her wrist, and the both of them settle down, their arms brushing as they both wrap around you., “Goodnight my loves.,” the little witch yawned., “Goodnight malysh… Goodnight lil bears.,” Nat whispered, then only after hearing all of your even breaths she finally slipped off herself.
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Dayquil, Curses, and Soulmates
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Paring: Toge inumaki x gn! reader
Summary: In a world where soulmates are real, you get a bond that is quite annoying per say, you feel each other's pain, and your soulmate happens to be the one guy in the world that has a lifetime supply of throat medicine.
Word count: 1698 
Warnings: talk of explosion, talk of medicine, talk of pain, putting these just in case cause you never know
A/n: thought this was a fun idea, let me know how you like it, and big thanks to @just-jordie-things​ for the bit about bumping into each other buying cough medicine. Also if you catch my reference you get a cookie. please ignore any typos, i might come back and fix it later. If I mention school I mean college.  MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
 For as long as i could remember i have always got random pain in my throat. I couldn’t explain it but I would describe it as if I swallowed sandpaper. When I was younger it used to happen all of the time. One moment I was fine and being a happy kid and the next I was coughing like I hadn't had water in days. Around the age of five though my parents took me to the doctor to see if they could figure it out. Turns out that out of all the soulmate connections I could have, I’m stuck sharing pain with my soulmate. I couldn’t help but wonder what my soulmate was doing at such a young age to cause such pain so often.
 At around the age of ten or so it stopped happening as often, but when it happened it sucked. I got used to always carrying around a bottle of cough medicine for when it happened so I could at least talk with less pain. I still have no clue as to what my soulmate does to give us such terrible sore throats but I'm at least glad they slowed down a bit. 
  Today was a normal Saturday which means going out to check the shops for any cool trinkets I might want and get some snacks. Even though I was going out to get fun things, my first stop was the corner store to pick up some more cough medicine as I ran out last week and forgot to get more. 
  I swear when I meet my soulmate they are paying me back for all this cough medicine I have to buy. I thought to myself as I entered the store I have been a regular at for the past two years since starting school. I waved at the shop keeper as I walked off to the medicine aisle to grab my usual travel bottle of cough syrup and an extra just in case. As I reached for the medicine my hand bumped into someone else who seemed to be reaching for the same thing as me. 
  “Oh, I’m sorry you were here first; you can go ahead.” I said looking up at the stranger. Looking at them I would guess that they were a boy about my age with fluffy white hair and beautiful purple eyes. I also noticed he was wearing a school uniform with what looked like an extra-long collar covering the lower half of his face. Even though I was confused by it, I tried not to stare at the handsome stranger in front of me.
  He looked almost shocked when I spoke to him. He gave me a small nod, grabbed the medicine and walked away. I couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t said anything but brushed it off as him being shy. After he reached the register, I finally snapped out of my trance and grabbed my own bottles of cough medicine and headed to the front.
   “Hey, there Y/n. Soulmate causing trouble again?” asked Ukai, the owner of the small business who is used to me coming in every couple week.
   “Yeah, I wonder what they keep doing to cause this cause it's so annoying not being able to talk for an hour because of the pain.” I responded not noticing the stranger from earlier freezing up for a second before leaving the store.
  “Well kiddo, I hope you find them soon so you get some answers.” He responded as he handed me my bag. “Have a good day and good luck with the soulmate.”
     After waving goodbye to the man behind the counter who was always kind to me I made my way towards the shops for the day. I was ready to just enjoy my time alone with my thoughts, mostly plotting revenge on my soulmate for this pain, but also just enjoying the fresh air.
  After a few hours I noticed it starting to get dark and decided it was probably best to head home before my parents get concerned. I also don’t really enjoy being out when it gets dark. I don't know how to explain it but other than the annoying soulmate connection, ever since I was kid I could see these weird creatures. As I got older I started ignoring them but whenever I go out at night it seems like there's a lot more, and they give me the creeps.
  As I was passing an alleyway I heard rustling and paused to look and see if it was an animal or something, boy was I wrong. As I looked down the alleyway towards the sound one of the creatures, that I feel like only I can see, lunged towards me. Long dark claws stretched out towards me, right as it was about to sink its claws into my arm I heard what sounded like someone running up from the side, and a voice yelling to move. I’m not sure what came over me, it was like my feet had a mind of their own and I jumped out of the way.
 “EXPLODE” was the next thing I heard the voice say before the creature did just that. It exploded in a large cloud of smoke. Almost immediately after that thing exploded, I was thrown into my own terrible coughing fits, but what was even weirder was I could make out the sound of someone else coughing as well. I reached for the cough medicine I bought earlier and drank half of the first bottle, as large amounts were the only thing that helped.
  “What the hell was that?” I rasped out as best I could waiting for the medicine to start working. The person who had saved me looked up at me with a look of shock on his face. It was at that moment I recognized that it was the same guy from earlier. I could tell it was him from his white hair and uniform jacket that now had the collar unzipped, with the collar no longer hiding the lower half of his face. I could make out what looked like strange tattoos on either side of his mouth. 
  I probably also had a look of shock on my face as I pieced everything together. One this guy could see the weird creatures as well, two he somehow made me move and that thing explode with just words. Last and most important, this guy is my soulmate, it just makes sense it can’t be a coincidence that my soulmate would get a throat pain right as this guy saves me, causing his own coughing fit. I was sure of it and judging by the look on his face he figured it out as well.
  I waited for a moment as I watched him scramble for something in his pocket, and he let out a sound of triumph as he pulled out his phone and walked closer to me while typing out a message. He motioned for me to look at the screen. Sorry for making you spend so much on cough medicine, It's part of my job kinda. I looked at him slightly confused as he started typing again.
  “Why do you keep typing, why not voice what's up instead?” I asked, not understanding fully why this guy who just made something explode with his voice is now refusing to talk. I watched as he shook his head at me and pointed to his phone again. My throat is still messed up, but I also can’t talk like you do. I could explain more over dinner tomorrow if that's ok with you? He asked me using his phone's note app. I looked at him skeptically for a second, but the agreed and gave him my phone number to text me the details.
  “I’m Y/n, by the way, if we’re soulmates I figure we should probably know each other's names” I said as he started typing again. It's nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Toge Inumaki, but you can just call me Toge. After I finished reading the message on his phone I looked up into his kind purple eyes and knew that this was the start of something great. “I can’t wait to go out tomorrow, and also find out whats up with that thing that you blew up.” I said with a chuckle 
  “Salmon” I heard the boy next to me rasp out, his voice sounding more messed up than mine did when I first spoke a minute ago. I looked at him confused for a second before I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a message from an unknown number. Hey, it's me, your soulmate, what I mean by salmon is I can't wait for tomorrow either. I also promise to explain everything, I bet this is all kinda weird :)  I read the message and smiled back at him as his face lit up with one of the brightest smiles I had ever seen. 
  “Well it's getting late, I should be getting home. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Toge.” I said waving to him as I walked off hearing a small “salmon” and catching him waving before zipping his collar and walking the opposite direction.
   I was a few blocks away and almost home when my phone went off again: get homesafe, if you need me text please. Have a goodnight.  I smiled at the message and responded with an ok, you too. After the small text exchange I finally made it home, I went up stairs and went to bed happy with how the day went. I may have been almost attacked by a weird creature that most people apparently can’t see, but I finally met my soulmate. I can’t wait to get to know him and maybe find out why i was saying salmon so much but hey that's a problem for tomorrow.
  I drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of my soulmate and some slight planning on how to get revenge for the non stop sore throats without causing pain, cause that would be counterproductive.
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nevernonline · 28 days
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #20 lost and found.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 3.3k (texts under the passage <3)
masterlist ▸ 019 anywhere you go. ▸ 021 we're so back.
Minghao wasn’t sure his tactic to get y/n alone was going to work, but it was his only sure chance to try. All night up in his hotel room he thought of different things to say to her, questions that had been brewing in his mind for the past two weeks since her failure of a birthday party and her somewhat of a disappearance. 
Wonwoo was still sleeping in the bed adjacent to his, he knew he’d have to be up early to get a chance to watch Joshua exit y/n’s home so he woke up before the sun and tiptoed into the bathroom trying not to wake his friend who might try to talk him out of his plan. 
The bathroom light woke his tired body up even more. Was it silly to even try to look good for her? What if Wonwoo was telling the truth? Y/n maybe really did ask to not see them and only trusted her true feelings with his friend over him. 
Something about Wonwoo even sticking his neck out so Minghao could go talk to her in private was enough of a clue that he was lying to her. 
Minghao grabbed the keys from Wonwoo’s car, temporarily abandoning his four friends at the motel. After all, he knew they would understand. He drove down the clean old streets of y/n's hometown and smiled, imagining her when she was younger walking around, grabbing ice cream, doing her school shopping, someday maybe he’d get the chance to experience it with her, but today wasn’t that day. 
Pulling up to the corner, behind another black car he checked the time on his phone and waited nearly a block away from her big front door until he saw Joshua pull out of her driveway. 
After sitting in the car for what felt like a decade, Minghao caught a glimpse of Josh running around the side of the house to his car and starting the engine. For some reason he didn’t pull out of the driveway immediately which made the pit in Hao’s stomach fall deeper. Was he waiting for y/n? Was his plan going to fail him? 
But, the universe worked in his favor as Joshua pulled out of the driveway all by his lonesome and headed the opposite way down the block. When his car was finally out of sight, Minghao stepped outside into the fresh air and walked up the front walkway to her house. 
Unsure if he should knock or ring the doorbell to insure she heard that someone was waiting on the front porch, he saw y/n through the large glass window and stared for a moment at the back of her head. 
Taking a deep breath in he decided on a light knock, waiting patiently for her to come answer the door. 
“Josh, Seriously you have a key why are you kno-” 
As the door split open to reveal the girl he hadn’t seen in too long, she gasped and stood to look at him with a blank face. 
“That’s all you can say?” 
“I’m not really sure what to say, why are you here?” 
“I didn’t believe anything Wonwoo had told me yesterday, can we talk?” 
“Uh, yeah. Come in.” 
Minghao stepped through the door into y/n’s world and followed her through the house to the kitchen. 
“Want any coffee, matcha, water, alcohol?” 
 “Waters good.” 
Grabbing two glasses one for water and one for a glass of wine y/n felt like she so desperately needed to ease her stress, she sat down across from him at the table. Her eyes puffy, her face dull and dry, almost like she hadn’t been sleeping and probably crying. 
“Well first of all, it’s good to see you. I don’t really know how to start off asking you anything, but I guess I really need to know why you lied about writing the letter?” 
“Oh. Well I didn-” 
“Y/n come on. We both know you didn’t write it. I can read Wonwoo like a book, he was insisting a little too much that you didn’t want to see us. I won’t entertain it for even a second.” 
“Damn, Wonwoo. Well, the night of the party after Mingyu left his office to go and help Minnie, uh, Mimi came in after the lights went out and she threatened me. She gave me the letter to sign and told me to block you guys and go somewhere else.” 
“Threatened you how?” 
“Just that if she didn’t force me out, she would never get what she wanted.” 
“Which is?” 
“She didn’t say. She just handed me car keys and a zip drive.” 
“Did you look to see what was on it?” 
“No. I don’t care.” 
“But, it could be something good.” 
“It might be and it also might be nothing, but I want to be done with her. I want no stress. I was so happy before she came back into my life again and for a moment I thought she really wanted to move passed whatever fucking issue she has with me and be friends. I really just don't understand the issue.” 
“She’s jealous.” 
“But, why? She’s successful, her parents have money, she’s not unfortunate looking at all. She has nothing to be jealous of me for.” 
“Joshua? Mingyu? Minnie? The list goes on and on, she never could make friends who liked her more than they liked you.” 
“They did like her. I thought once she got with Joshua it was over the first time, then all hell broke loose. It’s like whenever she’s around everything in my life that was starting to be good goes to shit.” 
“You have to stop letting her get away with it.” 
“I just don’t want to deal with it anymore, Hao I’m so fucking tired.” 
“You have to deal with it. I know it’s eating away at you, but if you let it continue, you let her take over your life. I know you would never forgive yourself for that. Plus, you have some dumbass friends helping you and one smart one. Seokmin, Jun, Vernon, and Wonwoo need you, your the glue. They’ve been so sad thinking you just left for no reason other than you didn’t want to see them anymore.” 
“And you?” 
“Yeah. Of course. Why do you think I'm here convincing you to come back and be with us? I’d even offer to get on my hands and knees and beg but I don’t want it to come to that.” 
“I mean you could.” 
Minghao laughed at y/n’s small bit of sarcasm coming back to her, when he heard someone opening the front door, thinking it was Joshua he got up to leave when y/n stopped him and got up herself. 
“Dad? Where do you think you’re going, I said if you need something to let me know.” 
“Ah, honey. Just wanted to sit in the sun for a few minutes, and didn't want to bother you and your friend.” 
y/n looked over at Minghao, putting her finger up to gesture one minute, wrapped her arm around her fathers and led him towards the back of their house. 
Minghao just smiled back, watching her walk away out the patio door, helping her dad with his cane as she opened the door up and sat him in a chair under the sun. 
Before she came back in he studied how well she took care of him, placing a pillow behind his back slowly and comfortably, pointing at a tree to show him a bird, and a gesture which made Minghao think she was asking him a question. 
When she came back in she headed straight to the fridge and grabbed three cans of beer, walking back to Minghao cuddling with her dog on her childhood couch. 
“Come on.” 
“You’re going to have a beer with my dad, come on. His request. Bring Lucy with you.” 
She smiled gesturing to her small dog sitting on Minghaos lap, he gracefully picked her up, getting nervous to meet the man y/n had amazing things to tell him before. 
“Don’t be scared, kiddo. I don’t bite.” 
“Nice to meet you sir, I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
Minghao opened a can of beer, placing it in the older man’s slightly shaking fingers, making sure he had his grip just right before opening the two following cans. 
“So, you’re the boy my daughter told me about huh? The artist.” 
“Talking to your dad about me, y/n? Wow.” 
“Na, once or twice.” 
“She doesn’t shut up about you, you might out rank Seokmin.” 
“Dad no-“ 
“No, let the gentleman talk, y/n. I want to hear it.” 
Y/n just shook her head, sitting back in her chair, blushing slightly. 
“Nothing but good things of course, I kept begging her to bring you over. But, she never did. Keep bringing that Joshua instead. He was never my favorite kid, nice, but a little bit of a follower.” 
“Well I'm glad she finally let us meet even though she didn’t have much of a choice.” 
“Me too. I heard you used to be a little bit of an artist yourself, in the kitchen.” 
“Oh, definitely. Those were my glory days, now all I have to show for it is a little bit of a messed up leg and some grease burns, but the memories of it is all that matters. My restaurant is going well even without me, maybe it hurts my pride slightly as a perfectionist, but my wife knows her way around a kitchen better than me at this point.” 
“Ah, so y/n’s mom took over for you when you left?” 
“She always was in the kitchen with me, sous chef, that’s how we met. Many, many years ago. I was pretty new in the restaurant industry, we met at a cooking class. Been going strong ever since.” 
Minghao smiled watching y/n hear her father relive his life with such pride. He knew how much her parents meant to her, but now he understood why she loved to be loved, it was what she was used to, what she needed. He was the same. 
“A shame I didn’t get to meet her then.” 
“Well, she’ll be home-“ y/n’s father looked down at his watch, “An hour probably, you can stay for dinner if you like. Maybe y/n can show you how we are in the kitchen.” 
“I don’t think he can stay, dad. His friends are waiting for him at the hotel.” 
“Nonsense, call them a car, I’ll give you money.” 
“Y/n, no. I insist. I have lots to talk to my new friend Minghao about. Get them here.” 
Minghao pulled his phone out, texting Wonwoo to get ready to come over to your house with the rest of the guys. Saying sorry he took so long to let him know how it was going. 
“Alright, sir. I let them know and called them over.” 
“Sir? I’m far too young for that, call me Wynn.” 
Y/n stood up from the table, excusing herself to go and take a shower, giving a slight look to her dad, almost begging for him not to embarrass her before waltzing inside followed by her small curly haired dog. 
Minghao sat and listened to many stories about her parents' lives, everything that went down with y/n before he had met her, he almost felt her father let him in even further to her life than she had on her own. 
A woman Minghao had assumed was y/n’s mom, considering her good looks and similar bone structure walked onto the patio, beaming a smile at her husband and coming over to kiss his cheek, took one look at Minghao and he already knew she was aware of who he was. Which was a confident point to him, y/n really did talk to her parents about him. Maybe he’d probe her later about the types of things she may have said. 
“Who’s this striking young man, honey? Where’d you find him?” 
“Well, he came over pleading to me to buy some candy for his fundraiser, and figured I’d give him some beers in exchange for candy.” 
“Ah, smart.” 
Y/n’s mom came over to Minghao as he stood out of his chair to greet her with a hand outstretched as she pulled on it and gave him a big hug. 
“I’m only kidding, I know who you are. I’m sure my husband told you our silly daughter doesn’t shut up about you.” 
“Good things?” 
“Oh, of course. Don’t tell her I told you this but, I think she may have a bit of a crush. I see why.” 
Minghao blushed, still holding onto her moms hand. 
“She must have forgotten to tell me how beautiful you are, I see where she gets it from.” 
“Oh, wow. A charmer. I love that. You’re staying for dinner?” 
“Yes, if that’s okay.” 
“I insist, if my husband hasn’t already. What would you like?” 
“Y/n actually made me that chicken recipe of yours… if it’s not too hard.” 
“Oh, she definitely likes you. Not hard at all.” 
“Honey, y/n has some more friends coming. How many did you say, Minghao?” 
“Four more. If that’s okay?” 
“The more the merrier. I’ll go get started. Where is that girl anyway?” 
“Okay, don’t hesitate to make yourself at home. I’ll go get started, gentlemen.” 
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Y/n sat on the floor of her shower, letting the hot water rush down her skin. Wanting to feel it burning into her as she contemplated how dumb she’s been. 
She felt awful for letting her friends think she didn’t like them, that she was doing horrible things to make them hate the girl who was actually doing them to her. 
Was she excited to see her friends? Of course. But, she knew it came with a bunch of unanswered questions they couldn’t get to until later considering she never told her parents the new chapter in the Mimi saga, they already hated her for the past, but they would hate her more for this recent fuck up. 
She was looking down at her wrinkling hands as the door opened to the bathroom, a cold rush of air hitting her skin under the warm water. 
“Honey? Everything okay?” 
“Oh. Hi, mom. I’m good, just shaving.” 
“Alright, sweetie. When you’re finished would you mind helping me in the kitchen? If not, that's alright.” 
“Of course. I’ll be down in a second.” 
Seconds after her mom shut the door, y/n shut the hot water off, basking in her last moments of solitude and got ready to head back downstairs. 
As she was walking around the corner of the staircase, she heard a familiar voice at the door, Seokmin. 
Her best friend. The one person she felt the most guilty not talking to. 
Her mom was basically yelling with joy seeing him and Jun walk into her house again, as well as greeting two more new faces with her infectious cheerful nature. 
She told her to grab the cooler of drinks from the kitchen and head outside to meet her husband and Minghao. 
Y/n wasn’t sure how to make her entrance. 
As she reached the kitchen, her mom just gave her a small smile as she was cutting into the various fresh veggies from her garden, nodding her head to the door, forcing her to go greet them. 
She took a deep breath in, taking a sip of her moms wine sitting on her marble countertop and headed outside. 
All four of her friends greeted her loudly, the two of them who’ve known her the longest nearly having tears welling up in their eyes. 
“Hi. You guys look so nice? I’m in pajamas. What the hell.” 
“Go change, come on. We were telling your dad we’re having a small birthday party for you tonight.” 
“Jun, you don’t have to-“ 
“Shut up, yes we do. Now go. Minghao help her, she will need it.” 
“Guys no.” 
“Go, go, go.” 
“But my mom-“ 
“Honey, mom will be fine. Go on.” 
Y/n let Minghao back up the same staircase she had just come down, he took in the walls full of family photos and young pictures of y/n as she led him to the pastel blue colored walls of her childhood room. Full of posters and moments of her life. 
“The closet is slim pickings here and don’t mind the bedsheets, butterflies were super cool okay.” 
“Butterflies are still cool.” 
“Sorry we didn’t get to finish talking before and for my parents, they love company.” 
“No. They’re amazing. I see where you get it from.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Can I ask an innocent question?” 
“Is this the room that, you know.” 
“Mimi filmed me in? Yes.” 
“Oh, sorry.” 
“Don’t worry. So, my closet is obviously here. Overflowing. Uh, yeah, have at it, Hao.” 
“Also can I just say right here right now, your dad is fucking cool.” 
“Really? He’s not embarrassing you?” 
“No. He’s fun.” 
Y/n just laughed, sitting crossed legged on the edge of her twin sized bed. Waving him along to do his work. 
“What about… maybe this?” 
Minghao pulled out a long sleeved black dress, something y/n only bought to have in case the boy she thought she would love forever asked her on a date. It’s never been worn even though it’s been in her closet for years. She almost hesitated and said no, but the butterflies in her stomach watching Minghao pull it from the closet changed her mind. 
She got up and grabbed it from his hands, staring at it admirably as he watched her eyes light up. 
“Cover your eyes, please.” 
“Sorry. Okay.” 
Minghao didn’t even question her, he took his hands over his eyes as he closed them and listened to the signs as she was getting undressed. He never looked, even though he’s seen her less than clothed before. 
She tapped his forehead to let him know she was done, giggling as he jumped a little not knowing their proximity. 
He opened his eyes, staring at her. Unaware his jaw had dropped to the floor as he looked at her up and down, pulling his hands from his face and running them down the sleeves covering her arms. 
“Wow. That’s so..” 
“So? Bad? Good? What?” 
“Beautiful, yeah good obviously. It’s nice. Why have you never worn it?” 
“Oh, I was saving it for something special.” 
Minghaos hands still rested on her arms, staring into her eyes. Feeling the urge to kiss her, but didn’t know how to move. 
She just looked back at him, smiling, almost wondering why he wasn’t making a move, before a knock came onto her latched door. 
“Guys? Dinners are almost ready, come on.” 
They broke apart at the knock, leaving the lingering tension in the air around them. 
“Have we really been up here that long? Your dad will hate me.” 
“No, they know I would never do any funny business. Probably just assumed we were busy talking or something.” 
“Okay? Good.” 
“Can we finish this later?” 
“Y/n are you flirting with me?” 
“I think so?” 
“Good enough for me.” 
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As they ate dinner, drank, and laughed y/n realized what she had been missing. 
Her friends, no matter the situation, were always here for her. 
The decorations, the flowers, the small cake they had picked up on their way over was all an effort to prove to her they would always have her back. 
When they all finally snuggled up into bed, her last thought was she would do anything to have it back, without all the complications. 
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note: hi, omg? I have been so busy, but like literally am finally able to be here and post my last (2?/3?) chapters of this wild ride. sorry it took me like... forever?? but pls enjoy. I missed u, sorry it's sort of short also?and chaotic? yes. am I just apologizing.. uh, yes, but ok anyway, lolol? also my friend surprised me w/ txt tickets for my upcoming b-day so uh... cunty. ily ily. (also did not edit excuse me ok lol, bye)
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taglist:@sun-daddy-yoriichi@hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee @bee-the-loser @mxnhoeuwu
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sariahsue · 5 months
Wherefore Art Thou My(stery) Lady
When a failed attempt to let Chat Noir down easy ends with Ladybug learning his name, she does what any lovesick teenager would do: teases him mercilessly. Ch 1 Ch 2
Chapter Three
Adrien didn't remember falling asleep, but he jumped awake with a jolt, diving for his phone, before realizing with dismay that he'd forgotten to plug it in and it had died overnight. Had he imagined the whole thing? Had Ladybug really texted him and told him she loved him, or had he made that all up?
He fumbled for the plug, begged the startup screen to load faster, and frantically plunged into his messages. There was the final message she sent, as real in the morning as it had been the night before.
My Lady – And for the record, I love you too.
He read it over and over again. She loved him. She'd said so. He hadn't made it up! Ladybug LOVED him! LADYBUG loved him! Ladybug loved HIM! 
And she knew who he was! And she'd actually said yes to him when he asked her out! 
“I can tell from your face that you're not done being lovesick yet.”
“Nope,” Adrien said, staring at the message. He was stretched out on his stomach across the bed, chin propped up in one hand, dopey smile on his face. “This is my permanent state of being now. Get used to it.”
“Are you going to get me some breakfast?”
Plagg left him, making gagging sounds the whole way to the cheese stash. 
Nathalie came in to get him for school a short time later, only to find Adrien still fully dressed in yesterday's clothes (not that she realized it) and looking happier than he’d ever been before. In his entire life. 
“Did something good happen?” she asked, hand resting on the doorknob. Her body and her attention were both already halfway out the door.
“Just got a really nice text,” he said, jumping off the bed. “I'll be ready in a moment.”
Adrien texted Ladybug several times while he was getting ready and riding to school. No responses. At first, he wondered if she was sleeping in. She had obviously been up just as late as he had, or even later. But when there were only ten minutes left before class started, he began to worry. Had she thought about what she'd said and decided to take it back? Was the prospect of dating her partner just too weird?
“Maybe her phone died,” he muttered to himself as he walked into the building. That was entirely plausible, considering what had happened to his phone. It was cool against his palm compared to the otherwise warm morning. It vibrated suddenly. A new text message.
My Lady – Urrgh. Why do mornings have to happen so early? Adrien – Have you been sleeping this whole time? You're going to be late! My Lady – Why are you so happy in the morning? It's terrible. Mornings are terrible. Why do I stay up so late? Adrien – Because you love spending time with me. Adrien – And thanks for the clue! My Lady – What? Adrien – Not a morning person. I should have guessed that already. I’m going to check the list of tardy students today. My Lady – I’m not going to be on it. So ha.
Who did he know that liked to sleep in? A plan to skip first period to watch the front doors for the late students popped into his mind, but he knew he'd get a call home and quickly scratched it out. 
She was someone from school, who he was probably friends with since she’d had his number, and hated mornings. What else could he piece together about her? He knew her physical description, and that she couldn't be in his class. He had the numbers of all of his classmates, and most of them had already been akumatized anyway. 
The most likely candidates were the other classes in his year, since Ladybug looked to be around his age. He'd start his search there, and then move to the other grades. It shouldn't be too difficult.
He walked all the way to his first class without another text from her. Nino was there, smiling at him smugly. 
“What happened?” Adrien asked him. 
“I got a text from a mutual friend of ours,” he said. “Just a few minutes ago.”
“I'm not allowed to say.” 
Adrien's stomach flipped. Ladybug had talked to Nino? What had she told him?
“She said she'd finally confessed to you. Anonymously.” He put extra emphasis on the last word, and shook his head, like he couldn’t believe she’d do something so crazy.
“Yeah, I got a text like that,” Adrien said, sliding into his seat and trying not to act too excited about it. It had been anonymous, after all. There was no easy way to explain to Nino he already knew it was from the love of his life. “Did she say anything else?”
“Just that I'm not allowed to give you hints. Is she really making you guess who she is?”
“Yeah. I have an idea of where to look.” The yearbook. Easy. If she had last year’s, he knew she would have to be in it.
Nino shot a look up at the table in front of them and looked quickly back. Alya smiled at him and turned around to the front. 
Ms. Bustier pulled open the classroom door just then. “Good morning!” she said, ever cheerful. The class collectively huffed out a quiet “hello” except for Adrien, who instead smiled broadly and waved. Sometimes he felt like the only awake one in their first period classes. Maybe not being a morning person wasn't such a good hint after all. Most of the class was trying to cover their yawns.
“Where's Marinette?” Ms. Bustier asked, counting her students. “Is she late again?”
“I'm here!” Marinette said as she dove through the door. “Sorry. Slept in.”
“Oh yeah? Why?” Alya called, in a tone that clearly said she already knew the answer. Marinette went pink but didn't duck her head. Instead she marched up to her seat, and said, “Good morning, Adrien” without a single stutter as she sat down. He waved to her too, then pretended to focus on the lesson. He was really just staring at the stack of books on the teacher’s desk, not taking in any of the words. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket. When Ms. Bustier turned her back on them to write on the board, he pulled his phone out to read the message. 
My Lady – Figure me out yet? Adrien – No, but I know where to start.
He felt bad. He didn't usually text in class, but this morning, he wasn't the only one. No sooner had he pocketed his phone than Marinette's notification alert went off, informing the whole class that someone had sent her a message. Ms. Bustier whipped around.
“Sorry!” Marinette said. “Sorry! I forgot to put it on silent.”
“Don't let me see it out again.”
“Good thing Bustier is so nice, girl,” he overheard Alya whispering to Marinette a few seconds later. Mendeleiev would have made you read that message out loud. Wouldn't that have been terrible?”
Marinette squeaked, and Alya laughed. 
Adrien barely heard them.
It was Wednesday night, and there wasn’t a patrol scheduled, but Adrien was willing to risk wasting his free time for a chance to see his Lady. Even if he didn’t run into her - and there was no reason why he would - it was nice to be out and seen by people. It gave the citizens of Paris a sense of security, a feeling that they were being watched over. (That was what he told Plagg when the kwami had griped at him for waking him up from his nap - oh, and also for using his powers for selfish reasons. Plagg had quit complaining when Adrien offered him double cheese for dinner.)
Chat Noir stopped at the Montparnasse Tower and looked over the city. It was just after dusk. Lights were twinkling on all around him, and from where he was, he could see the sun slipping over the distant horizon.
His cat ears twitched. Soft footsteps landed behind him, about 10 meters away. They crept forward three steps, stopped for a few seconds, then started up again, and he smiled. Ladybug was trying to sneak up again. His heart beat faster, but he pretended he hadn't noticed. 
He debated as she tiptoed closer, trying to decide if he'd turn around unexpectedly and scare her, but he held himself back. She knew who he was this time. There was no telling what she would do. 
Gentle hands reached around his head and covered his eyes. “Guess who,” she said, her breath so close it tickled his ear. Involuntarily, he leaned backward into her. 
“Probably Ladybug,” he said. She was warm and solid, able to hold him up even though he was putting what felt like more than half of his weight on her. She still had his eyes covered.
“I didn't surprise you at all, did I?”
She lifted one hand away to tug on his cat ear, then slipped both hands around his waist, before she suddenly pulled away, leaving him unbalanced, literally and figuratively. 
“I forgot! I should probably explain,” she said quickly. “So last night, I figured out who you are, and I... like you. But I can't tell you who I am. We should probably not date as superheroes either. That's what I should have said first.” She wrung her hands in front of her. The light from the sunset reflected off of her face and made it glow slightly orange, clashing with her suit. 
“What about what you said in the text messages?” he asked, confused and more than a little hurt. From the sound of it, she was reconsidering everything.
“What text message?” She said it so sincerely, eyes wide with innocence, mouth set in a neutral line. She was perfectly non-responsive. Too perfectly. 
“The– the messages you sent me last night and this morning.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked. “I know who you are, but that doesn't mean that I automatically know your phone number.”
The corner of her mouth twitched. And that’s when it clicked. She was doing this on purpose. 
“Oh.” He fixed a frown over his face, which was difficult through the relief that he felt. “I just started talking to someone over text last night. I thought she was you.”
“That's unfortunate. I hope you didn't give away anything important.”
“I... I maybe mentioned that I'm Chat Noir.”
Her surprised reaction was too rehearsed to have been believable, even if he hadn't been expecting it. “You did?! Oh no! What if she tells someone!”
“It's okay, it's okay! Really! I can fix it!”
“How on earth are you going to fix this, Chat? You just admitted it to a complete stranger, and now they could tell anyone!”
“I'll just tell her tomorrow that I'm really Hawk Moth, and then she'll just think I'm crazy.” 
Her actual surprised reaction was very different from the fake one. She didn't shout, and her eyes didn't go wide. Instead, her face scrunched together as she thought about the new information. 
“You're not buying this at all, are you?” she asked.
“You looove me!” he said, drawing toward her. 
“I thought I was giving you a heart attack, and you were just playing along.”
“You’re in looove with me! Say it!” He wrapped his arms around her, and she didn't pull away. SHE DIDN'T PULL AWAY.
“I’m in love with you,” she replied, and the force of hearing her say it in person punched through him. Her slender arms wrapped around his waist again, hugging him back just as fiercely. 
He'd been so lucky lately that he decided to push it just a little further and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. She only hugged him tighter. 
“Once I figured out that you were, well, you, I couldn't believe how obvious it was. You two look so much alike!”
“I thought you said we'd been in the same place at the same time before.” 
“Volpina, but that had been an illusion,” she listed. “Simon Says, though I realized I hadn't actually seen you two together that day after all. The only one I'm still confused about is Gorizilla. How did you pull that off?”
“I had a helmet on hand that Marinette had given me,” he said. “I just gave it to someone who was dressed similarly. That's all.”
“So you could come and help me,” she said. “Smart.”
They stayed wrapped around each other until the sun was almost completely gone. Lights illuminated the darkening streets below them. 
Chat Noir was first to break the silence. “So you know Nino.”
“Here's another hint,” she mumbled into his shoulder. Even through his tough leather suit, he could feel the soft kiss that she placed there. His head started to spin. “I've known Nino for longer than you have.”
“No offense, but that's a terrible hint.” She kissed along his collarbone and he completely lost his train of thought. 
“That hint is terrible because?” she prompted.
“Uh.” There’d been a very good reason. He was sure of it. It was only when she’d rested her chin on his shoulder that he was able to have a coherent thought again and figure it out. “Almost everyone in school has known Nino longer than me.”
“I know him well, not just know about him.” She pulled away so she could frown at him properly. “Don't insult a perfectly good hint.”
“You'll need to give me a better one then.”
“Maybe later.”
“Come on!”
“Why don't you try asking me things?” She put her face back into his shoulder, her hands wandering up and down his back. 
The feeling of holding her was nice, but the feeling of being held by her was exquisite. 
“What did you tell him? He said you texted him this morning.”
“That's not much of a clue,” she said. “I don't know how that's going to help you.”
Truthfully, he was just curious. Nino hadn't given him much of an answer. 
“I told him, and my bestie, as close to the truth as I could. That I'd texted a confession to you, then remembered afterward that we hadn't actually exchanged numbers. I got it from one of our mutual friends.”
“When? Why?” 
“Oh, one of many failed attempts to ask you out ages ago. Super embarrassing.”
One of many? How many? “Do I get to hear that story?”
“Not today!”
“Why tell our friends, though? Nino taunted me about it all day.”
“Oh, good.” She peeked up at him and smiled. “I just thought it would be an easy way to explain later.”
“Explain what?”
She pecked his jaw. “Why I'm suddenly kissing you in public.”
The combined force of her words and her lips against his skin left him dizzy and clinging to her for support. Kissing, and kissing in public, were part of a reality that he fully supported living in. 
“Can I have another hint now, please?” His voice sounded raspy, and he tried to clear his throat.
“Hmm... I live close to you.”
“That's another terrible one.”
“No, it's not! These are all good hints!”
“We're in the same school district,” he said. “Of course we live close to each other. I deserve a better hint.”
Ladybug pulled back and pouted at him, then she stepped away. The vacuum she left behind was cold. “Civilian me has blue eyes.”
“Really? That's it?”
“There's less than eighty years' difference in our ages.”
“Now you're just being mean.”
“I eat food at least once this week.”
“Fine! I'll figure it out without any more hints!” 
“Okay, here's one that probably won't help you either.”
Chat Noir sighed, and she stepped up close to him again, though not as closely as he would have liked. There was still a few inches of space in between them. 
“I've had a gigantic crush on you for a long, long time. I probably wasn't subtle about it, but I don't think you noticed.” Her emphasis on “probably” made it sound more like “definitely.” He was a celebrity, though. He filtered out those types of signals from people daily to keep his sanity.
“If I didn't notice,” he said, “how is that a good hint? I think you should give me one last hint to make up for my shameful inattention to you.” 
Their faces were drifting closer together. He was acutely aware of when it started. She took another step toward him, looking like she wanted to say something more, but when her mouth opened to speak, he glanced away from her eyes and down at her lips. She took the hint and moved in even closer. He hesitated for only a second before lowering his face down to hers, slowly, slowly, until...
“Nope,” Ladybug said, bopping a finger on his nose and breaking the spell. “There's no way you're tricking me into kissing you before you figure it out.”
“You never said that was part of the deal!”
“I'm saying it now. Haha!”
“I was right. You are just being mean.”
“It's for your own good. It'll motivate you to find me faster.”
“Oh,” he said. “I'm very motivated.”
She giggled, then stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Actually, I’ve changed my mind already.” 
“I wouldn’t expect anything else from a true temptress like you.” He tilted his head, ready to kiss her back this time.
She put a finger on his lips to stop him. “You can't kiss me,” a kiss on his other cheek, “but I can kiss you,” and another on his nose. 
His lips felt hot where she pressed on them, and when he tried to kiss her fingertip, she pulled away fast, like she’d been burned. 
“Not allowed, Kitten.”
“That shouldn’t count. It was barely a kiss.”
“Do you want to try again?” she asked, smiling widely. “Or should I just go home?” 
“You’re having too much fun with this.” He held his arms stiffly at his sides to signal that he was willing to behave himself. (He had no intention of keeping his hands to himself, though.)
She reached up, lifting herself on her tiptoes to reach his forehead and left a small peck there. “And having fun while kissing you is bad because…?”
“Teasing me is.”
“My poor Chaton,” she crooned. She left the lightest hint of a kiss on his neck, right above the collar of his suit, before dropping back to his shoulder. “Maybe I should just stop?” 
His response was a garbled choke. No, he wanted to say. Never. But he couldn’t force the words out. Not when she was standing so close to him, mouth level with his, mischievous eyes pinning him in place. 
She reached for his hand - he hadn’t even thought to move it yet, he realized vaguely - and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. “See you around?”
Chat Noir collapsed into a puddle as soon as she was gone.
Ch 4
Author note: I forgot to update last week, sorry! But you’re getting two this weekend to make up for it!
Tag list: @eclipsesmoonshine14, @alittlewolf2
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
@flowercrowngods got me thinking about the Munsons keeping an eye on Max when she moves to the trailer park and Wayne basically adopting her, and it wouldn’t leave my mind so this happened
Wayne had been sitting in the chair for so long that his butt felt like it was becoming one with the metal of the seat. He stood up again to pace back and forth, but it was still way too crowded so it only took him a couple of steps before he resigned himself back to his chair.
It had been hours, but the chaos in the hospital still hadn't decreased one bit and he continued to be surrounded by all kinds of people in various stages of distress: crying on each other's shoulders, quietly staring at their own hands, sleeping with one eye open in a corner... There were probably more gnawed off nails and bouncing legs in one space than Wayne had ever seen before in his life.
'Is this seat taken?'
He looked up to find a tall man towering over him, gesturing with a pale hand towards the empty chair right next to Wayne's. Wayne couldn't quite place where he had seen him before, but there was something vaguely familiar about him: big mustache, neatly combed dark hair, a sharp nose and a mole on his right cheek. The look in his brown eyes was uncommonly kind, making Wayne suspect that the man had no idea who he was talking to.
But he nodded and gestured for him to take the seat.
'Who are you here for?' the man asked.
And that was all the confirmation Wayne needed that this man indeed did not recognize him as the infamous serial killer's uncle.
'Some family members,' he answered vaguely.
'How are they doing?'
Wayne tried to suppress a frustrated sigh; not because of this random man who showed him nothing but genuine kindness, but because of the situation – because of the fact that he had been sitting in this waiting room for hours on end and still hadn't been able to see Eddie or Max, no clue how they were doing beyond the information that both of them had been badly injured in the earthquake that tore apart his home.
'I dunno,' he said. 'They won’t let me see them.'
The frown that appeared on the man's face made him feel like he should explain himself. 'One of 'em is in custody and the other's not officially family.'
'I'm sorry.' The man looked like that explanation had sparked about a million questions.
'What about you?' Wayne asked quickly in order to avoid having to answer any of them.
'I've been lucky; I'm not here on any personal business,' the man answered. 'But I'm a teacher at Hawkins Middle School so I’m here for my students. I just wanted to help in whatever way possible. I talked to a lot of them, just needed a quick break to get my own head right again. Some of them have suffered truly terrible losses today.'
And Wayne finally realized why this man had looked so familiar to him: he had crossed paths with him almost ten years ago, back when Eddie was still in middle school; when the teacher didn't have that frown line between his eyebrows yet and before his own hair had turned gray.
'You're the science teacher, aren't ya?'
'Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't even introduced myself properly,' the man answered while holding out his hand. 'Scott Clarke. Indeed the science teacher.'
Somewhat reluctant, Wayne shook his hand; it felt so soft against Wayne's own rough calloused palm that he felt an odd sense of embarrassment wash over him.
'Wayne Munson.'
And exactly as suspected, Mr. Clarke's face dropped at hearing that name.
'You're Eddie's uncle,' he stated flatly.
Wayne merely nodded.
'They have him in custody?'
'He didn't do it.' The words almost reflexively fell out of his mouth.
'I know.'
And, well, that was pretty much the last thing Wayne had expected Mr. Clarke to say to him.
'I know,' he simply repeated. 'I remember him crying when he had to dissect a frog in one of my lessons. And if I recall correctly, he got in trouble multiple times for violating the school health codes by taking sick birds inside the building.'
Wayne couldn't help but chuckle at that memory; he could still clearly picture a much younger Eddie, with shorter hair and chubbier cheeks, giving him a teary-eyed rant about how mean the school nurse was for refusing to patch up the near-dead pigeon he had carried to her office in his bare hands.
'I'm really sorry, Mr. Munson, for how this town has been treating your nephew.'
It sounded a little bit too genuine and all of a sudden Wayne found it difficult to keep looking into those brown eyes that were gazing at him so intensely.
He released a breath of relief when the nurse he had spoken to earlier walked up to him at the exact right moment.
'Mr. Munson, we finally managed to get a hold of Mrs. Mayfield. She's been stuck by the road collapse on the other side of the center, but she confirmed that you're family so you can go see your niece now.'
The words “family” and “niece” had Wayne stunned for a moment. He never quite knew whether Max's mother was okay with him and Eddie basically forcing themselves into their lives, couldn't get a feeling about whether the meals he delivered at her doorstep made her grateful or uncomfortable, whether she thought the Munsons to be meddlesome or appreciated their help. This was more of a confirmation than anything that he had been doing the right thing: this woman trusted him to look after her injured daughter when she couldn't. They were family.
'Are you alright, Mr. Munson?' A gentle tap on his shoulder made him realize that Scott Clarke was still sitting right beside him; he looked up to meet an inquisitive brown-eyed gaze.
'Yeah, of course, I'm – 'm fine,' he stammered, shaking off the emotions that had caught him off-guard and hastily standing up. 'I um, I'll see ya around.'
Wayne didn't know Scott Clarke very well, but he could swear there was something resembling nervousness in his tight smile.
'I know someone who works here. I could try and ask if they're willing to help you get permission to see Eddie?'
Wayne grimaced. 'I don't think that's gonna work. They think him responsible for triple homicide. I saw they got two armed guards stationed at his door.'
'Well, we can always try; nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?'
And Wayne realized that Scott Clarke had something that he himself had unlearned many years ago: optimism.
He nodded. 'Thank you, Mr. Clarke.'
'Please, call me Scott.'
'Alright. Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it.'
'It's the least I can do.'
And while Wayne walked through the sterile gray hospital hallways, torn between hope and dread for both Max and Eddie, that nervous smile kept lingering in his mind, nudging him to shake the dread and for once choose hope instead. He needed it now more than ever.
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