#not to be like. dramatic or whatever. but
sunrizef1 · 2 days
So High School
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x Reader
Warnings: None
Authors Note: This is what the poll was for lol
📍Miami, Florida
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liked by sabrinacarpenter gracieabrams and 2,998,771 others
yourusername Miami, you absolutely rocked tonight!!! Thank you so much, ILY 🤟 💜🖤
load comments…
user1 🤟
user5 queen
user6 💜🖤
user8 it was so fun 😭
user9 my fav
user10 I was in that crowd 🤭
user11 my favourite girl
user12 💜💜💜
user13 she's so pretty 😍
user14 Miami vibes
user15 y'all see that a couple of those f1 drivers were there
user16 which ones???
user15 uhh idk their names but it was the American one and his little friend
user17 Logan and Oscar?! 😭
user18 ahhhh she's so good 🥴
user19 I didn't get to go 😢
sabrinacarpenter it was so good!! 💜
yourusername thank you sab! 🫶
user20 I had so much fun
logansargeant added to their story
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It was so cool to meet you!
Sucked to miss you guys after the show
I'll have to keep up with y'alls races from now on
think we mightve left too soon 😅
we got out fast
Assumed you wouldn't want to talk after the show 😅
I would've stayed for y'all haha
I love f1, I was really excited when I got told you guys had tickets
damn now I feel bad 😬
Its fine, really!
Let me make it up to you
I'll get you paddock passes
For whatever weekend you're free
you don't have to 😅
I'll be okay
I'd love to talk to you again
take the invite
For me 😁
Fine 😙
I'll check my schedule and text you 😊
can't wait 🤙
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yourusername added to their story
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Where'd you gooooo
They're giving me team merch lol
Oscar wants to re-meet you
I'll be back in a sec
You better be 🙄
You're so dramatic 😒
Rude 😔
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📍London, United Kingdom
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liked by oscarpiastri logansargeant and 6,001,887 others
yourusername I ❤️ London
load comments…
user21 how was the race, queen?
yourusername it was great, double Williams points 🫶💙
user22 she's so cute
user24 logie bear???
user25 I know Williams blue converse when I see them
user26 the fit ate
user27 queen 👑
user28 the Aristotle quote lmao???
user29 you know I love a London boy
user30 I don't think that's Logan
user31 delusion manifests itself in a lot of different ways
user32 💙🩵💙
user33 I <3 Logan sargeant
user34 wait who is that
user35 Logan sargeant
user34 and who tf is that
user36 an f1 driver, he went to her concert and she went to his race this weekend
user34 yeahhh I still dk what f1 is but thanks anyway 🫶
user35 I love them so much
user36 Logan crumbs
user37 how did the only two Americans find each other in the very un-american environment lmao
user38 didn't expect to see Aristotle when I swiped
user39 Logan and Oscar liked
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🎵 so high school - Y/N L/N
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liked by logansargeant landonorris and 12,008,777 others
yourusername I feel so high school every time I look at you
load comments…
user41 I love them so much
user43 lowk Logan jumpscare at the end there
user44 who tf is that blond man
user44 awwww I love him
user45 songs so cute 😭
landonorris WAIT I KNOW HIM
liked by yourusername
user46 no ones ever had me… not like you 🥹🫶
user47 my favourite couple
alexalbon thats my teammate ☝️
yourusername hi Alex. How's lily 🫶
lilymhe im great! 😊 hi y/n, I miss you!
yourusername I miss u 2 lils 💙
user48 I need more Williams x y/n content
user49 royal couple
danielricciardo 🦅🦅🦅
liked by yourusername
logansargeant marry, kiss, kill?
yourusername all three
user52 I've been so used to the European-ness of formula 1 that this, v American, relationship is so jarring
user53 I want that hat
user54 the one post dedicated to her American boy, she wears a Canada hat 🤷‍♀️
oscarpiastri good 4 u
yourusername is this a reference 🤔
oscarpiastri lmao, yes
oscarpiastri genuinely congrats, though 🫶
yourusername thank you Oscar 🫶
user55 I love the drivers in the comments
logansargeant love you 💜😁
yourusername love you too lo 🩵😊
@casperlikej @evie-119
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lovebugism · 2 days
Hiiieeeeee may I maybe recommend a fic with Stevie and maybe his ditsy/clumsy gf?
And maybe she tries a new recipe and cooks/bakes something different and gives herself a nasty burn and maybe it’s the first time Steve hears her swear and he’s so concerned over her because she’s clearly hurt and crying but she’s more upset about messing up the dish instead of how badly the burn actually is?
hope u like it angel xoxo — steve patches you up after you burn yourself making breakfast for him (hurt/comfort, established relationship, cw for mentions of minor injuries, 1k)
French toast sizzles on a hot pan. You stand in front of the stove, in nothing but a stolen t-shirt and a modest pair of underwear, and watch it cook with your features pinched in a distant concentration. Your Stevie wanted breakfast — “’s the only thing I want in the whole world,” the boy whined dramatically into his pillow — so you were gonna make him breakfast or die trying.
Steve sits quiet at the kitchen table, sipping steaming coffee from a Count Chocula mug, and hissing every time it burns his tongue. He decides to flip through the Sunday newspaper, mostly ‘cause he feels the honeyed domesticity calls for it. He only finds real interest in the cartoon page.
“Alright. Put ‘em up,” Charlie Brown threatens in the first panel, dressed head to toe in cowboy gear. Snoopy’s in the second one, with both of his black ears sitting straight in the air.
Steve chuckles to himself, a sharp exhale through his nose, and opens his mouth to call you over. “Fuck!” he hears you squeak before he can. It makes him laugh for real this time. “Hey. Watch the language, babe,” the boy teases.
“Sorry…” he hears you murmur in response. With your back still facing him, obscuring any view of the hot stove, he figures you must’ve burnt the first batch of toast. 
It wouldn’t be the most surprising thing, anyway. You’re the clumsiest person he’s ever met (more than Robin, which he didn’t think was even possible). You’re not much of a chef either, bustling around the kitchen with a floundering air of confidence.
“Such a naughty word from such a pretty girl,” Steve jokes in an attempt to make you laugh. He hears his sensitive girl sniffle to herself instead, like you’re crying — or about to. His crooked smile ebbs. “Hey… I was just kidding, babe. You can say whatever the hell you want— I don’t care.”
His chair scrapes the tile when he stands. His socked feet pad against the floor on his way to you. “I swear all the time,” Steve says and embraces you from behind. His scruffy chin bobs on your shoulder. “I mean, you’ve heard me— I basically make up new words.”
He scoffs a faint laugh before pressing a kiss to your temple.
You sniffle again. “I messed up,” you murmur, voice wet with unshed tears.
“What do you mean?”
“The french toast. I put too much egg in the mixture, and now everything’s all sticky— It’s gonna be so gross now.”
You ramble mindlessly and gesture with your hands. Steve catches a glimpse of a red and raging welt on the outside of your thumb. The sight of the fresh burn makes his chest twist.
“Holy shit, babe.”
You meet his concerned gape with a doe-eyed look. “What?”
“Your hand— Let me see.”
He takes your fingers in his gentle, softly calloused ones. You shrug off his palpable worry but let him examine your stinging skin nonetheless. “It’s fine. Doesn’t even hurt,” you lie through your teeth. “I barely even felt it.”
Steve’s peers at you beneath his lashes, bushy brows raised until his forehead wrinkles. “It’s gotta hurt, babe,” he insists in a monotone.
“My bruised pride hurts more.”
He grins before he means to. “Come on, weirdo— let’s get a bandaid on you,” the boy chuckles and turns off the burning stove-eye. You gasp when he tugs you out of the kitchen with a gentle hand around your wrist.
“But breakfast!” you whine in protest.
“I’ll drive us to the diner after, alright? I promise,” Steve assures as he leads you down the hallway. “That way neither of us has to die to put some food on the table.”
“Well, that’s just dramatic.”
He shrugs and flips on the bathroom light. “Maybe a little.”
You sit on the edge of the bathroom counter, per Stevie’s instructions, while he fishes for the first aid kit in the cabinets. He fits just perfectly between your thighs, you notice, as he rubs ointment onto your finger with an impossibly gentle touch. You quickly forget about the raised welt on your thumb — too focused on the pretty boy who holds all his love in his hands.
“There you go. Good as new,” Steve smiles once he’s stuck a plaster flush to your skin. He doesn’t notice the small pout scrunching your pretty face until he’s closed the first aid kit. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’…” you murmur, gaze averted as you pick at the fraying hem of your oversized tee. “I just… I wanted to do something nice for you, but I messed it all up, and you ended up having to do something nice for me…”
Steve scoffs. “You do nice stuff for me all the time.”
Your frown deepens.
“You tidied up the house when I was working late yesterday,” he tells you. “And you did the dishes even though you hate doing the dishes—”
“Everyone hates doing the dishes,” you insist.
“Well, you said death would be easier than doing them, so I thought it’d make it easier on you by doing it while I was off…”
“Exactly,” Steve repeats, settling between your legs once more. He smooths a pair of wide palms over the outsides of your thighs and flashes you another pretty smile. “You make everything easier on me. Even when you don’t mean to.”
You peek at him beneath your lashes, gaze glimmering with something short of hope. “Really?” you wonder in a mousy voice.
“Yeah! All the time!” the boy scoffs without thinking. 
He wraps a pair of golden arms around your shoulders and pulls you in for a smothering hug. Your hands curl into his sweatshirt as you bury your face in his neck — inhaling the sweet scent of sleep and leftover cologne lingering there. 
Steve noses at your hair, still a bit wild from your slumber. “Except for when you accidentally burn yourself and act like it’s not a big deal,” he teases with a smile curling at your temple.
Muffled against his neck, you grumble, “It wasn’t.”
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tojisun · 1 day
I’m in such a soap mood rn and that hockey!soap ask just near ruined meeeee!! What if he is dating a more alternative girl and he goes out of his way to find his tooth on the ice, making sure his team know that it’s not weird and he is not being over dramatic cuz its actually a very big deal. The next time his team sees her is at their engagement party and when they ask to see the ring she shows off a real pretty gold band with a pointy tooth replacing a stone.
this is so fucking peak im shaking like an old dog
part of this rambling teehee; f!reader // sugar, spice, everything on ice (hockey au mlist)
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“wan’ ma’ fuh-kuh’ tooh’,” johnny grumbles, throbbing mouth muffled by the towel he’s using to stop the bleeding, before turning to kyle who blinks at him.
the game hasn’t resumed yet which is honestly a drag at this point, johnny thinks, because there’s only nine seconds left and sure miracles can happen within that time—some teams seem to have abundance of those—but does johnny even care anymore? no.
he’s angry and tired and in pain, and all they gave him was a white ass face towel and pinched smiles, before handing his team a four-minute penalty too. what the hell?
he would’ve complained if it wasn’t for the burning feeling in his face, thrumming from the base of his jaw to the tender press inside his cheek where the tooth was ripped out of his gums. he’s glad he was able to throw a punch in retaliation, that and the fundamental silver lining—
his loose tooth is out there.
johnny needs it.
“you… want your tooth?” kyle asks, looking at him like he’s the oddest creature in the rink. “why—”
the face-off begins, kyle and johnny turn, watching the puck fall, lumbers smacking against each other in the final grapple and skates slashing the ice, taking speed and taking force only—
the horn blows, marking the end of the game.
“fuh’ yeah!” johnny screams, banging on the glass protector, before he curls in the open arms of his teammates, laughing, bloodied gum forgotten.
they’re kicked out of the penalty box, finally—“it’s been twenty seconds, ‘tavish.”—and johnny gargles something unintelligible to price who skated towards them for a celebratory hug because there’s something johnny needs and he needs it now before the ice girls come in to swipe the rink.
he whirls past teammates trying to pull him in, waving his glove in lieu of a response because he can’t dignify them a proper one, not with the way his eyes are trained on the ice like this is his first time skating again, hesitant and eyes all-seeing.
he skates at the scene of tragedy, nose scrunching at the faint blood but otherwise empty patch of ice. god. where the hell did that go?
johnny almost gives up, almost decides to just knock out another tooth, probably the molar this time, when his eyes finally snag something that looks like it doesn’t belong on the ice. it’s tucked there in the corner of the rink, unassuming and still pink with blood.
“oh, y’r tooth,” simon grunts beside him.
“ye’,” is what johnny manages. “‘m taki’ it home.”
“…sure, whatever,” his friend says like he hasn’t done anything weirder. remember montreal 2019? yeah.
johnny skates towards the little thing, plucking it off the ice and holding it tight within his palm. he turns, blinking in surprise at seeing both kyle and john there beside simon now. the other guys are still parading, celebrating their victory with the audience, so johnny doesn’t know why his closest circle are here.
“y’know you don’t need that for the implant, right?” john asks slowly like johnny’s some spooked thing.
“uh-huh,” is all johnny says, not understanding what price is insinuating now that the adrenaline’s wearing off, and the sharp stinging pain in his gums thrums harder from within. “leh’ go. wan’ medi-hin.”
kyle huffs, shaking his head fondly, before leading the pack out of the ice after a last lap for the audience. johnny keeps up with them, bright in his own happiness, pain be damned, because their fans deserve to see the fruits of their unwavering support.
besides, he knows someone’s out there, cheering for him louder than anyone else is.
“ah, there it is!” johnny cheers as he rummages through his locker, grinning when he meets the curious eyes of his teammates to show off his prized possession.
“your tooth?” enzo asks, face scrunched in his slight disgust. “don’t you wanna, you know, chuck it out?”
kyle murmurs something to reyes, something distinctly like, “just leave him be, mate,” but johnny bulldozes through, excited, and replies, “hmm? nae. i’m givin’ it to my girl.”
johnny doesn’t even notice the sudden silence in the room until the awkward petering laughter of gus.
“he smashed his head harder than we thought, no? probably needs more than a dentist.”
johnny rolls his eyes with a huff and flips him off, but he stops when he noticed the genuine concern in kyle’s face, the poor lad looking at him like he truly believes gus’ words and that he’s a second away from dialling for the standby medical team for johnny.
“what,” he bites out, shoulders hunching because why are they looking at him like that?
“it’s your loose tooth, johnny,” kyle answers, bug-eyed like there’s something obvious that johnny isn’t getting.
“i know.” it’s johnny’s turn to be confused. “‘s why i’m giving it to ‘er.”
“oh for fuck’s sakes— johnny, fill us in: why are you giving your girl your tooth?” price finally pipes in, looking more tired than he was on ice.
oh! johnny thought, his mind finally catching up to the situation. he breaks out into a smile, giddiness going rampant in his chest again, his stomach swooping at the thought of it—
“i’m proposin’ to her.”
a beat.
“that answers fuck all!”
he doesn’t even know who screamed that anymore, jumping in his own surprise at their explosive reaction, before yelping when a leg pad—probably price’s—was flung over his way with sharp accuracy.
you and johnny invited the boys and their plus-ones to celebrate the engagement, keeping most of it as private as one could after johnny posted a picture of you crying in his account, with the caption, “she said yes!”
(“couldn’t you have posted that selfie of us with the ring instead, baby?”
“shit, m’bad, bon. s’just that ye were too cute cryin’, almost had me panicking when you wouldn’t stop heaving.”
“…right. okay. can i post a different picture then?”
“of course, bonnie.”)
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liked by jmactavish.91, specgru_newscentral, and others
yourname a lifetime with this fool <3… (read more)
jmactavish.91 your fool
yourname my fool 🩷)
the party was vibrant, formalities thrown away at the promise that not a single photo would be posted without anyone’s permission. any news sites were explicitly banned, guests screened because you and johnny had wanted to, at least, keep one celebration for the engagement closed off to the world.
you’re chatting with simon’s girlfriend, who is so shy and sweet, bug-eyed because she said she’s only ever seen you from her phone when she watches your games, when johnny returns with his mates and instantly slots himself beside you.
simon nods at you in greeting, while john and kyle repeat their congratulations, beaming at your quiet chuckles while johnny preens at them, so boyishly charming and endearing.
you can’t help but brush a kiss on his jaw, faint as to not transfer your gloss to his skin. johnny tips his head down and looks at you like you’ve hung the moon for him.
“since y’r engaged, i just gotta say,” kyle begins after sipping from his flute. “did you know ol’ johnny wanted to propose to you with the tooth he lost last season?”
johnny snorts and you two share a fond look, even as you quirk your brows up because you are so sure he told them, at least.
“lord,” john whispers, catching on.
“oh,” kyle adds, humour leaving his face, and is replaced with incredulity. you would have giggled if it weren’t for the fact his eyes are now trained on your hand as if to gauge how it looks.
simon grunts before you can show it off to them, and when you all turn to him, he just shrugs, avoidant, until his partner pokes his side with a confused tilt of her brows.
“i mean,” he begins, almost petulantly. “it’s johnny.”
he sniffs like that explains anything, and, given than you’re the person marrying johnny, it really does. you can’t help the giggles now, and you turn, smothering them on johnny’s shoulder who is busy cussing out his friend in murmurs.
“may i?” john asks, apparently tired of dancing around the topic.
“or course!” you reply, smiling, and put your arm out to show to them the pretty ring that your boy has given you with a warm promise of an eternity shared with him. if you’ll let him.
(there were so many more you wanted to tell johnny, so many more you wanted him to hear, but they all fell short. they all felt incomplete. but right there, in that moment, you knew what it was that you had to say. what it was that would let this bring his promise to life.
“yes,” you gasped out, choking on your own tears. “a hundred times yes, johnny!”
you two were trembling as he slid the ring on your finger, hearts throbbing with all the love reserved for each other.)
they crowd around your arm, leaning, their eyes bulging at seeing johnny’s tooth nestled there, in between the gold and the little diamonds surrounding it, and—
“i saw that fall off his mouth, oh my god.”
you laugh at kyle’s words, your heart so full and so fond because everything is just so beautiful.
johnny nuzzles his nose on your cheek, ignoring his lads in favour of kissing you.
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jasmineoolongtea · 2 days
hii!! i recently just started following you and i don’t wanna overload you with anything so i stress that i urge you to take your time and if you feel like you need to tweak anything then you can since i noticed you barely opened requests :)) i was just wondering if you could write something ( whether it be headcanons or a fic ) about gojo having a jujutsu sorcerer for a girlfriend / partner and his students don’t know so they’re all shocked when they just see this badass person next to gojo and he just casually introduces them as his partner lol. just a thought!! make sure to take care of yourself 💕
a/n: thank you smmmm for the kind words <333 yes omg i love this idea and honestly, i imagine gojo pretending to be chill on the outside but on the inside he's fangirling the same way his students are over his partner cause he's just so whipped and down bad for them jdjsndnsbd
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"Shhhh! Quiet down, you two or you're gonna get us all caught." Nobara hisses through her teeth at Megumi and Yuji, trying her best to be quiet. It was quite a comical sight actually, the three students were all stacked on top of each other as they all attempted to crane their necks into the doorway as discretely as they possibly could.
"I still don't understand why we can't just ask like normal people." Megumi sighs, clearly exasperated at his friend's antics.
"You're such a buzzkill, Fushiguro." Nobara scolds him over her shoulder. It was like he didn't even understand the gravity of this situation.
This wasn't a situation where they could just waltz in and chat it up like regular unless they were intent on embarrassing themselves. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet the current rising star of the jujutsu world: the newly minted special-grade sorcerer L/N Y/N who was famed for being highly elusive, never being in one place for too long to be tied down to somewhere.
Rumours and stories were constantly swirling about you ranging from the more serious ones about your incredible feats of jujutsu and how you managed to exorcise a grade 1 curse for one of your very first missions without breaking a single sweat to more silly ones like that you only wash your face with the purest spring water that was imported from the Swiss Alps and that allegedly you and Gojo Satoru were seeing each other. She thought the last one was particularly dumb as she was sure that a person of your calibre would have better taste than to date their man-child of a teacher, even if he was the strongest. Whatever it was, Nobara was not going to let those two ruin her chances of possibly being able to talk with you face to face.
Above her, Yuji groans out in pain as he feels an elbow jam into his stomach.
"Hey! That hurts!" Yuji complains loudly, his grip tightening around the wooden door frame.
"Can't you be in pain more quietly?" Nobara asks and with that, the two of them were sent into a bickering spat as they traded harsh whispers and snappy comments. However, this would prove to be their end as Megumi eventually loses his balance from all of the commotion above him and tumbles onto the floor with the other two following suit as they land in what can only be described as a failed human pretzel.
Unfortunately, their crash was not as quiet as Nobara was hoping for as one of the office's inhabitants stood up from his seat, seemingly made aware of their presence. "Oh? It seems like we have some eavesdroppers in our midst."
You hum to yourself, your back still facing the doorway as you turn to your white-haired companion. "Is that true?"
"Yes, I think I might know who they are as well. If only they would be so brave enough to reveal themselves." Gojo sighs dramatically, even bringing a hand to his chest as if to feign sympathy. You can't help but giggle softly at his behaviour.
The three of them take that as their cue to stand up, dusting themselves off as they slowly make their way into the office in a single file line. When Nobara sees you, she can't even let herself fully fangirl because the amount of embarrassment she has at getting caught trying to eavesdrop is far outweighing it right now.
Gojo makes his way towards his students as they stand lined up, his hands rubbing together and a devious grin on his face as he puts on his best menacing voice. "Now now now, what do we have here?"
"Satoru, take it easy on them. I'm sure they meant no harm by it." You place a hand on his shoulder as you stroll up to his side. His arms immediately fall to his side as he melts under your touch.
An adorable pout graces his features, his bottom lip jutted out in an attempt to put on his best puppy dog look as he whines at you, "Awww, but you're ruining my funnn. I don't get that many opportunities to do this."
"Sensei, they know you by your first name?" Yuji questions, his head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to figure out what relationship you two could possibly have.
A sly snicker is heard from Gojo as he quirks his eyebrows towards you. "They know me in a lot more ways than just that" he quips back, his tone bordering on being an outright innuendo.
You roll your eyes affectionately at him, clearly used to his playful nature by this point, and give him a light shove on the shoulder to which he pretends to exaggeratedly nurse in pain.
"Sorry for not introducing myself properly, my name is L/N Y/N and I'm a special-grade sorcerer here on a visit to Tokyo Jujustu High." You smile warmly at your boyfriend's students, your hands clasped in front of you as you greet them.
Nobara could feel her breath hitch in her throat as a million thoughts ran through her mind. Oh my god, you, her idol, were actually right in front of her and were acknowledging her. She swears she could die happy right this instance but that would mean that she wouldn't get to take full advantage of the chance to talk to you fully. With that, she snaps out of her star-struck daze and politely inquires, "If you don't mind me asking L/N-san, what are you here for?"
"Oh, they're here to visit yours truly, me!" Gojo chimes in, a megawatt grin on his face with a sense of pride radiating off of him as he motions to himself.
A tsk sound escapes Nobara, clearly distrustful of her teacher's statement. "Yeah right, they have way more important things to be doing than that."
"But it's true though! My lovely partner is here to pay a surprise visit to me!"
"There's no way that that's true. You and them?" As if to punctuate her point, she points at you and Gojo standing side by side and firmly shakes her head. "Nuh uh. They wouldn't date the likes of you."
A soft smack is heard as Gojo theatrically clutches his chest, stumbling back from where he stands to drape himself over you. "It wounds me to hear you say that Kugisaki." He claims, his expression twisted into one of faux pain. When he turns to face you, his demeanour suddenly switches as he leans in towards your ear, a roughish smile on his face with a faintly seductive lilt to his voice. "Maybe we should kiss to prove that it's true."
"Don't be crude, Satoru, they're your students and they're right in front of us." You try to brush him off of you in an attempt to spare his students from becoming witnesses to their teacher's love for PDA but he doesn't let go of his grip, instead choosing to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck as if trying to coax you to stay with him in his embrace. Like always, you relent to his touch with your fingers carding through his snowy locks, a soft sigh of approval leaving his lips.
There's a beat of silence as Nobara and Yuji try to process what they've just learned and the fact that they've just seen a visual confirmation of it before that peace is shattered and they erupt into a thousand questions. You field all of their burning questions ranging from ones about you to about your relationship with Gojo with grace, amused and endeared by their excitement and insatiable curiosity. Secretly, it warms your heart deeply that Gojo and his students are so comfortable with each other and that he can be himself around them without the pressure of the greater Jujutsu world on his back.
You turn to look at the clock and sigh at how fast time has gone by. "Alright, I'll see you at home Satoru and Megumi." You comment, packing up your belongings as you get ready to leave to attend to some business. Gojo leans down to your height as you place a lingering kiss against his cheek and wave him and his students goodbye.
Unblinking, Yuji and Nobara turn to each other and then to Megumi before they exclaim simultaneously. "You all live together!?"
Oh boy, Megumi knows he's going to be in for an earful with that.
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thatsoraya · 3 days
pairing. ceo!satoru gojo x ceo!fem!reader warnings. non-sorcerer au, ceo au, fluff wc. 1048
divider by @saradika-graphics
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y/n slammed the manila folder onto her pristine mahogany desk, the papers scattering like startled pigeons. gojo satoru, perched on the edge of her chair with an infuriatingly nonchalant air, barely flinched.
"why me?" she demanded, her voice a steely edge that could rival his sunglasses.
gojo's grin, ever-present and perpetually annoying, only widened. "because, y/n," he drawled, "who else could pull this off?"
y/n narrowed her eyes. gojo satoru, childhood nemesis, current business rival, and the absolute last person on earth she'd willingly spend a single second with, was proposing a ludicrous plan. a fake-dating plan.
"this," she gestured at the folder overflowing with charity gala invitations, "is about fundraising for a worthy cause, satoru. not some playground game."
gojo's grin softened, a rare sight. "exactly! my family's the prime sponsor for this year's gala. my absence would be...unsightly. but yours, darling ceo, would be catastrophic."
y/n scoffed. "don't try that 'darling ceo' on me. besides, why can't your fiance attend?"
"that's the thing," gojo sighed dramatically, "there isn't one. my parents, bless their traditional hearts, are throwing a fit about my 'lack of commitment.'" he gestured vaguely at himself.
"and your solution is to drag me into this?"
gojo uncrossed his long legs and stood, towering over her. "listen, it's just for one weekend! gala night, some brunch with the oldies, that's it. think of it as payback for all those times you convinced me to eat worms in kindergarten."
y/n's lips twitched. kindergarten memories, fuelled by childish competition and a healthy dose of mischief, flooded back. "oh ya, i still owe you for that one."
"exactly! this evens the score, doesn't it?"
y/n considered it. the chance to witness gojo squirm under his parents' scrutiny was undeniably tempting. plus, the charity was one she truly cared about.
"alright, fine," she conceded. "but before we proceed with anything," her eyes gleamed, "let's set some ground rules?"
gojo's grin returned, full wattage. "rules? we can follow the rules."
"first," she began, ticking them off on her fingers, "no public displays of affection beyond hand-holding or whatever is cooking in your stupid brain. second, no impromptu 'childhood memories' stories to embarrass me.third," she paused for effect, "strictly business after the weekend. no lingering affections. lastly, you will treat me at best dessert place in town” 
gojo held up his hands in mock surrender. "deal. but," he added with a mischievous glint, "no complaining about my dazzling good looks either."
y/n rolled her eyes. satoru smirked,"just smile and hold my hand, babygirl. that's all i ask."
“and what about our parents? what do we tell them after this is over?” she looked worried. 
satoru shrugged while replying,“simple. we would say, it didn’t work. so we decided to stay off as good friends”
the weekend arrived in a whirlwind of press briefings, wardrobe changes, and gojo's relentless teasing. he wore the role of the smitten fiance with such exaggerated enthusiasm, y/n couldn't tell if she wanted to laugh or strangle him.
the gala buzzed with conversation and clinking glasses. y/n, her emerald gown shimmering under the chandelier's soft glow, found herself trapped in a polite conversation with gojo's parents, a picture-perfect couple with an air of practiced elegance.
"such a charming couple you two make," gojo's mother cooed, her gaze flickering between them. y/n offered a tight smile, feeling gojo's hand tighten around hers ever so slightly.
"indeed," his father boomed, a hearty man with a booming laugh. "we were starting to worry about satoru, always focused on work and never settling down."
y/n cast a sidelong glance at gojo, who was now sporting a playful pout. "we're taking things slow, mr. gojo," she replied smoothly. "building a strong foundation, you see."
across the room, y/n spotted her own parents, their faces etched with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. her mischievous younger brother leaned against them, a wide grin plastered across his face. he winked at her, clearly enjoying the spectacle.
suddenly, a lull fell in the conversation with gojo's parents. y/n cleared her throat, willing herself to maintain composure. this was child's play compared to navigating boardroom negotiations.
the evening stretched on, a delicate dance of maintaining appearances. y/n found herself surprisingly comfortable in the role, gojo's theatrics strangely reassuring. they waltzed together, a practiced ease settling between them despite their initial animosity.
as the night drew to a close, gojo leaned in, his voice a low murmur. "you know," he said, his eyes twinkling, "you clean up rather nicely, darling ceo."
y/n arched an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "don't get any ideas, satoru. this is all an act, remember?"
gojo chuckled, a rich, warm sound. "of course," he conceded, his eyes lingering on hers for a beat too long before he winked. "just like you used to beat me at every game in kindergarten."
the memory sparked a comfortable silence between them, a shared history unspoken yet acknowledged. as they said their goodbyes to gojo's parents, y/n couldn't help but notice a flicker of genuine warmth in their eyes, a hint of approval that surprised her.
the next morning, they found themselves at a quaint little cafe, sunlight streaming through the windows and painting dappled patterns on the table. gojo, surprisingly subdued, sipped his coffee, the silence stretching between them.
"so," y/n finally said, breaking the quiet, "what now?"
gojo looked up, a thoughtful expression on his face. "honestly," he admitted, "i hadn't thought that far ahead. maybe we could… continue staying friends? this wasn't so bad, was it?"
y/n considered it. the weekend had been a whirlwind, but beneath the masquerade, there had been a strange ease, a sense of familiarity that surprised her. "alright," she agreed, a slow smile spreading across her face. "friends. but on one condition."
gojo's eyes widened playfully. "anything. but, no more worms."
y/n declared, her smile turning mischievous. "ever."
gojo threw his head back and laughed, a genuine, carefree sound that filled the cafe. "deal," he agreed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "besides, i think i owe you a treat at the best dessert place. this time, let’s do more sweet eating challenges."
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nayziiz · 2 days
Witness | CL16
Summary: In the shadowy world of Monaco's elite, the Leclerc family reigns supreme. Charles Leclerc, the charming middle son, maintains their pristine public image—until one rainy night, during a fit of rage, Charles does the unthinkable. A young woman witnesses his actions, and her terrified eyes haunt him. Consumed by guilt and fear of exposure, Charles embarks on a desperate search to find her before she can destroy his family’s legacy. As he delves deeper into Monaco's underbelly, Charles must confront his own darkness and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x OC (name to be revealed)
Warnings: Violence, blood, angst
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The youngest Leclerc brother, Arthur, was the wildest one. Known for his insatiable appetite for adventure and thrill, he thrived in the vibrant nightlife of Monaco. He had a habit of dragging Charles to parties, clubs, and casinos when Charles would have preferred a peaceful night in with a glass of wine and a good book. Arthur’s energy was infectious, his charm undeniable, and he revelled in the attention their family name commanded.
Tonight was no exception. It was a Saturday, which meant the city was alive with the promise of excitement, and Arthur had already set his sights on the night’s itinerary. He burst into Charles’s apartment, grinning from ear to ear, a spark of mischief in his eyes.
“Come on, Charles! You can’t hide away tonight,” Arthur declared, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm. “I’ve got us on the guest list at the hottest club in town. Everyone’s going to be there!”
“Arthur, I really don’t feel like going out tonight. I had a long day, and I just want to relax,” Charles sighed, switching on his television and clicking on one of the motorsport channels.
“Relax? You can relax when you’re old and grey. We’re young, rich, and Leclercs! The world is our playground, brother,” Arthur rolled his eyes dramatically, grabbing the remote from Charles’s hands and tossing it onto the couch. 
Despite his reluctance, Charles couldn’t help but smile at Arthur’s infectious enthusiasm. It was a losing battle, as it always was when Arthur set his mind on something. Resigned, he stood up and grabbed his jacket, knowing there was no point in arguing.
“Alright, alright. But just for a few hours,” Charles conceded. “I have some business to take care of tomorrow.”
“That’s the spirit! Trust me, you’ll thank me later. There’s nothing like a night out in Monaco,” Arthur clapped him on the back, his grin widening.
Arthur kicked the night off with a rented limo, already downing shots like nobody's business. The air inside the limo was filled with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses as Arthur entertained himself, his spirits high. Charles, ever the responsible one, watched his brother with a mix of amusement and mild concern, knowing how wild Arthur’s nights out could get.
The limo took them to a restaurant, an upscale place known for its gourmet cuisine and sophisticated ambiance. The plan was to have a meal before diving into the night's festivities. As they arrived, Arthur, already a bit tipsy, made a beeline for the bar. Charles sighed, resigning himself to a quiet meal alone.
Charles found a quiet table and ordered a hearty meal, intending to line his stomach properly for whatever the night would bring. The restaurant's dim lighting and soft music provided a stark contrast to the wild energy Arthur radiated at the bar. Charles watched his brother from across the room, seeing him animatedly talking to strangers, charming everyone in his vicinity.
Charles savoured his meal, enjoying the brief moment of solitude. The rich flavours of the food helped to ground him, a small comfort amidst the chaos Arthur had undoubtedly planned for the night. He glanced occasionally towards the bar, where Arthur continued to entertain, his laughter echoing through the restaurant.
As Charles finished his meal, he reflected on how different he and Arthur were. Arthur's zest for life and adventure often pulled Charles out of his comfort zone, dragging him into nights filled with unpredictability. Yet, despite the exhaustion these nights brought, Charles couldn't deny the bond he felt with his brother, a bond that often made him go along with Arthur’s wild plans.
Once Charles was done, he walked over to the bar, where Arthur was still in high spirits, flirting with the bartender and regaling a small group with some exaggerated story. Charles placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder, giving him a look that conveyed both amusement and readiness for the next part of the night.
“Ready, big brother? The night’s just getting started!” Arthur grinned, downing another shot before clapping Charles on the back. 
“Lead the way, Arthur. Let’s see what you’ve got planned,” Charles nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. 
The night was still young, and Charles knew better than to underestimate Arthur’s knack for creating unforgettable experiences. From there, Arthur dragged Charles and his friends to his favourite casino, a lavish establishment with opulent décor and a vibrant atmosphere. As they entered, the group filtered through the other guests and diplomats to the bar, the clinking of glasses and low murmur of conversations adding to the casino’s lively ambiance. Some of Arthur's friends gravitated towards the slot machines, their excited chatter blending with the mechanical sounds of the games. Others headed for the roulette table, eager to test their luck.
Charles, however, remained withdrawn from the main group. He slowly made his way around the casino, observing the scene with a detached curiosity. He watched as some fools gambled away their trust funds, their faces a mix of hope and desperation with each spin of the wheel or roll of the dice. The flashing lights and the cacophony of sounds seemed to create a world of their own, one where fortunes could change in an instant.
Occasionally, Charles would take a seat at one of the tables, nursing a drink and simply watching the guests move about the dimly lit room. The casino was a microcosm of Monaco’s elite, a place where power and money intersected in a dance of chance and skill. Despite the bustling activity around him, Charles felt a sense of isolation, his thoughts drifting back to the incident and the woman he was desperate to find.
As he continued to observe, he felt a tug of responsibility and protectiveness towards Arthur. His younger brother thrived in this environment, effortlessly charming everyone around him, but Charles knew the dangers that lurked beneath the surface of their glamorous lifestyle. He needed to keep an eye on Arthur, ensuring that he didn’t get into too much trouble.
Arthur, meanwhile, was in his element, moving from group to group with an easy confidence. His laughter echoed across the room, drawing people to him like moths to a flame. Charles couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s antics, even as he felt a pang of worry. Arthur’s reckless nature was both his greatest asset and his biggest flaw.
She had perfected the art of the serene smile, a mask she wore to hide the turmoil churning inside her. Her hands moved deftly, expertly shuffling and dealing the cards with practised ease. The table was surrounded by a mix of regulars and tourists, their faces a blend of hopeful anticipation and steely determination.
“Place your bets, please,” she announced, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach. She swept her gaze over the players, taking in their expressions, their tells. She had learned to read people well in this job, to see beyond the surface.
The cards were dealt, and she watched as the players assessed their hands. A middle-aged man in a tailored suit tapped his fingers on the table, a subtle signal for another card. Next to him, a young woman with a wide-brimmed hat and oversized sunglasses nervously bit her lip before deciding to stand. The tension was palpable, each decision a potential turning point in their fortunes.
As she revealed the next card, a murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd. The man in the suit smiled triumphantly, his pile of chips growing with his win. She congratulated him with a nod, keeping her expression neutral. The casino's glamour masked the desperation that often lurked beneath the surface, and she was all too aware of the fine line between triumph and ruin.
Her shift progressed in this rhythm of bets and deals, wins and losses. She maintained her composure, but the memory of that fateful night lingered at the edges of her mind. Every face in the crowd was a potential threat, every moment a chance for her past to catch up with her.
A sudden shout from across the room jolted her from her thoughts. A commotion at the roulette table drew the attention of the patrons, and for a brief moment, the blackjack table was deserted. She took a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of respite. The noise of the casino faded to a distant hum, and she felt the tension in her shoulders ease slightly.
But it was a fleeting reprieve. As the players returned, she resumed her role, her eyes scanning the crowd with renewed vigilance. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down, not when the threat of being discovered loomed so large.
A new player approached the table, a tall man with a confident stride and an easy smile. She forced herself to meet his gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. For a split second, she feared it was him, the man she had seen that night. But it wasn’t. Just another stranger in a city full of them.
“Good evening,” she greeted, her voice betraying none of her inner turmoil. “Care to try your luck?”
The man nodded, taking a seat and placing his bets. As she dealt the cards, she couldn't shake the feeling that her time in Monaco was running out. The sense of being hunted, of danger lurking just out of sight, was ever-present. But for now, she had a job to do, a role to play in the glittering spectacle of the casino.
She watched as the players made their decisions, her mind drifting slightly as she mechanically performed her duties. The table was busy tonight, a mix of regulars and tourists, their expressions ranging from confident to anxious.
As the night wore on, Charles’s attention was drawn to the excitement at the blackjack table in the corner of the room. The dealer, a young woman with an air of calm professionalism, skillfully handled the cards, her movements precise and practised. Something about her seemed familiar, but Charles couldn’t quite place her. He decided to approach, drawn by a sense of curiosity and an inexplicable pull. As he got closer, the woman looked up, their eyes meeting for a brief moment.
Her heart skipped a beat, a faint sense of unease creeping in, but she dismissed it as the usual paranoia that had plagued her recently. Charles took a seat at the table, his gaze fixed on the dealer. There was something about her, a nagging feeling that tugged at his memory. He watched as she dealt the cards, her hands moving with practised grace. The way she moved, the set of her shoulders, it all seemed so familiar.
“Place your bets,” she repeated, her voice steady but her pulse quickening.
She sensed his eyes on her, a penetrating gaze that made her skin prickle. She focused on the cards, trying to shake off the feeling. Recognition flickered in her gaze, and suddenly, it all clicked in her mind.
Charles studied her face, the way she focused intently on the game. And then, like a flash of lightning, it hit him. Her face. It was her. The woman from that night. The memory of her terrified expression, her wide eyes frozen in shock, came rushing back. His breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding as recognition settled in.
“Hit or stand?” she asked, her voice wavering slightly as she met his eyes again. The look in his eyes made her stomach drop. It was a mix of shock and realisation, a look she had seen before, in a dark alley under the rain. Charles swallowed hard, struggling to maintain his composure.
“Stand,” he said, his voice rough with the weight of his discovery. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, the woman he had been searching for, now standing right in front of him.
She dealt the next card with trembling fingers, her mind racing. He recognized her. She could see it in his eyes, feel it in the tension that now crackled between them. Her carefully constructed world began to crumble, the walls of safety she had built around herself now seeming paper-thin.
The game continued, but the atmosphere at the table had shifted. The other players sensed something was off, casting curious glances at Charles and the dealer. She forced herself to focus, to complete the hand, but her mind was spinning with fear and uncertainty.
While she was frightened, he was overwhelmed. He wasn't sure how to approach the subject with her without scaring her any further. He wasn't a horrible person and he hated the fact that she caught him at such a brutal moment in his life. He kept watching her, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation. He couldn't speak to her openly about it in front of so many people, so when the game ended and she quickly rushed towards the staff rooms, he caught up with her.
“Excuse me, Miss,” he called after her.
She stopped and hesitantly turned around. Her eyes were wide with fear, and she seemed ready to bolt at any second.
“I'm not quite sure how to go about this, but I would appreciate a moment to speak with you…privately,” he tried to keep his voice as gentle and non-threatening as possible, aware of the tension in the air.
She looked around, clearly nervous about being seen talking to him. Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions—fear, curiosity, and a sliver of defiance. She had seen him at his worst, and now here he was, confronting her in a way she hadn't anticipated.
“Why should I?” She asked, her voice shaky but with an edge of determination.
“Please,” Charles said, lowering his voice even further. “I just want to explain. I need you to understand that what you saw was not who I am.”
Before she could answer, her manager strolled by and spotted Charles and her.
“Mr. Leclerc!” Her manager bellowed, interrupting the two.
She had to stop her jaw from falling to the ground when she heard his last name. Leclerc? The realisation sent a shiver down her spine, and the pieces of the puzzle began to click into place. This man, the one who had haunted her nightmares for days, was one of the notorious Leclerc brothers.
“Is there something Marie or I can assist you with?” the manager asked, his tone shifting to one of eager politeness.
“Marie?” Charles repeated, turning to look at her with a mixture of surprise and recognition.
“Yes, sir,” she nodded.
“No, thank you. I, uh, was just looking for the restroom,” he lied, his voice steady despite the tension radiating from him.
“Right this way, sir. Marie, you can return to your station.” The manager smiled, oblivious to the undercurrents in the exchange.
Charles gave her a lingering look before following the manager down the hall. She watched them go, her heart pounding in her chest. The shock of his identity and the suddenness of the encounter left her reeling. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before heading back to the blackjack table.
As she resumed dealing cards, her mind raced with the implications of what had just transpired. Charles Leclerc now knew her name, and she knew his. The stakes had just gotten infinitely higher. She had seen a side of him that no one else had, and now he was aware of her existence in a way that made her feel exposed and vulnerable.
She had to figure out what to do next. Reporting the incident seemed even more complicated now, knowing the power and influence the Leclerc family wielded. But staying silent felt like a ticking time bomb. She was caught in a dangerous game, and she had no idea how to play it.
For Charles, the encounter left him equally unsettled. As he walked towards the restroom, guided by the manager, he couldn't shake the feeling of fate's cruel irony. The girl from that night was named Marie, and now she worked in a place he and his brothers frequented. He needed to speak to her, to explain himself properly, but the opportunity had slipped away.
Once he was alone, he splashed cold water on his face, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He had to find a way to reach her again, to make her understand. The fear in her eyes haunted him, and he couldn't let things remain as they were. Not knowing how she might react, not knowing if she might go to the police, was a risk he couldn't afford to take.
He returned to the casino floor, his mind made up. He would find Marie again, and this time, he would make sure they had the conversation he so desperately needed. The game had begun, and he was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.
Taglist: @headinthecloudssblog
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slasherscream · 2 days
i would love to know which of the crazy ass boys gang would indulge a partner who watches reality tv? whose getting just as invested and angry and who is standing to the side saying it’s dumb and fake? (i know it’s kevin)
❥ who grins and bares it so they can bond with you ❥
Billy Loomis - This is just a bonding activity for Billy. It’s not awful. Nor is it the most fun thing in the world. It’s just one of those tiny moments that relationships are built off. The small bids for connection that build intimacy. You don’t bitch when he wants to watch Psycho for the sixth time in two months. He doesn’t bitch when you turn on trashy TV. He pulls you close, so that you’re sitting in his lap, or laid up against him, and pays enough attention to ask you the odd question or two to clarify what’s going on if he gets lost. What do you mean they switch couples?? When did they start doing that? Last week… oh I bet Luca was pissed. 
David Mccall - David is obnoxious because he pretends to be the type who is upset when you watch without him. He’ll come home, glance at the TV and gasp dramatically: Baby! Why are you watching our show without me?! How far along are you? You watched an entire episode? You know better than that, baby! You gotta rewind it, hold on, I’ll order us some pizza. Can’t believe you’d watch behind my back! This is a ridiculous pantomime that you may or may not pick up on. Mileage varies as always. David couldn’t care less about the reality TV shows you watch. But he likes the way you giggle as you rewind it for him. Or the way you light up when you’re discussing it with him. You used to spend way too much time talking with your friends about this stupid crap. Now you talk to him. Who gives a shit about whatever mindless little thing you’re watching. What David enjoys is your undivided attention. 
Jason Dean/JD - JD also sees this as a bonding activity and bid for connection… However, JD is a born hater. He bonds by talking shit. He’s not necessarily trying to be a bummer about the things you enjoy. He’s just a certified yapper when it comes to shit-talking. If he thinks something is stupid he just can’t sit in silence. This is his most underdeveloped life skill. He’s got ten minutes of quiet in him max. If he does manage to bite his tongue his face gives him away anyways. So what was the point? Will say something pretentious like: “Why are we watching people play out a badly scripted version of their lives through a screen when we could be out living ours, right now? Let’s hop on my bike and just ride, darling! Live a little!” Sir, I just worked an eight hour shift. I need to see someone who doesn’t deserve a rose get sent home in tears. Read the room. Get a grip. 
❥ who is pissed off/devastated when you watch it without them ❥
Sebastian Valmont - What can he say? Sebastian likes to watch people experience psychological torment. He’s trying to turn on the first seasons of “America’s Next Top Model" and watch a girl get sent home in tears after the judges convinced her to shave her head bald to look more fierce.This is the type of quality reality TV that makes Sebastian laugh. Watching people go through their darkest moments in front of a camera that highlights the creases in their cheap makeup is how he likes to spend the occasional date night. You had to put him onto reality tv shows, but now he’s hooked. He probably watches more reality TV than you do. If we’re being honest. You think this might be how he gets to still live out his glory days of being an unrepentant asshole. Sometimes he sighs a little too wistfully when someone is being a monster. 
Jordan Li - Jordan enjoys anything you do together. Even if they hate a particular activity, at least they’re spending time with you. Still, there are reality TV shows that Jordan really likes, such as: home improvement shows, “Say Yes to the Dress'', “Face Off”, “American Ninja Warrior”, and “RuPaul's Drag Race”. And then there are shows that Jordan puts on a brave face about. Things like “Love Island” and “Jersey Shore”. Jordan gets queasy just scrolling past them. There was a time before they became one of Brink’s favorites that their parents kept pushing them to try and be an entertainment Supe. No one is taking you that seriously, anyways! Maybe you’ll do better in the reality TV circuit. It’s unlikely Jordan will ever get stuck in projects like that now. They’ve proven they can be a heavy hitter. Proven that they’re strong enough to not need to sell themselves as cheap, easily-digestible, entertainment. Still, they don’t like thinking of the alternate world where they’re having to sit in front of a camera and do twenty retakes of “authentic” confessional room venting.
Stu Macher - He likes reality TV and doesn’t care who knows. Hooray! A shared interest… except watching these shows with him will piss you the fuck off. He has dog-shit opinions about everything. You will never be rooting for the same people. You will never agree on who handled a situation better. He’s always rooting for the asshole, it seems. You don’t even think he’s doing it to be contrary or to make you mad. He’s genuinely on their side (most of the time… he does enjoy making you mad.) Watching reality TV with Stu makes you want to kill him. It also makes you look at him funny. Why are you always siding with the bastards? You don’t think Ekin-Su needed to apologize? Stu, are you out of your fucking mind?
Josh Washington - You’re gonna try to tell me that the twins weren’t making him paint toenails while they pulled all nighters of “The Bachelor”? Sure, okay, if you’d like to believe that. And his inner circle consists of Emily and Jess? Please. He’s been watching trashy TV for years. He’s watched a little of everything. He is so well acquainted with the dark underbelly of reality TV that it would roll over for a tummy rub from him. It knows his scent. He can easily keep track of the names, faces, and plots. Who’s fucking who. Who hates who. Who’s forming secret alliances. You’ll probably be more lost than Josh ever gets. He’s a day one. He’s an OG. 
❥ who is pissed off to even be hearing about it second-hand ❥
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - He has better shit to do than watch reality TV show crap all day, and so do you. These are the kinds of harsh words that will be waiting for you if you try and get him to watch anything fun with you. Ask him one too many times and, like a parent who is annoyed that you are bothering him, he will begin to fill up any moment of free time the two of you have with activities. No, babe, we can’t watch “90 Day Fiance.” Why? Because we’ve got to run the marathon for kids with cancer and then we’ve got dinner with the mayor after that. You two are gonna be booked and busy. You were obviously bored. Now you won’t have time to even think!
Kevin Khatchadourian - Please don’t remind him so blatantly of his own intellectual superiority over you (he’s an asshole.) He gets the ick of the century when you try and tell him what happened during one of your little…programs. If you have the audacity to take it a step further and ask him to watch with you? He’s rendered speechless. Since when is this relationship a safe space? He doesn’t enjoy well-written, heart-stopping, incredible genre-defining movies and television. And yet, somehow, you’re so delusional you think he’s gonna sit through reality television with you? Don’t piss him off. He doesn’t even bother responding. Enjoy the view of his back as he walks away!
❥ secret fourth worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan is once again in a category of his own, which you might call: too nosy to not get into it, but doesn't want you to know he enjoys it. He made fun of you when you first started to watch reality TV. He can’t go back on his word now. If you were cuddling on the couch he’d have his face turned into your stomach and dramatically roll his eyes at your absentminded head rubbing. Could we focus on what’s important please? But then the plots started thickening and the heated exchanges started to pique his interest. He knew he was cooked when he started recognizing names, who was booed up with who… wait that disloyal prick hooked up with who this week?! He tells you to just replay the episode because you’re explaining it shitty and you obviously want him to watch it and talk to you about it. It isn’t for his benefit at all. Turn the subtitles on, god dammit.
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A/N: this was really fun! how did you know i've been watching reality TV shows lately?? if you enjoyed these headcanons consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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galacticseonghwa · 3 days
faster n harder - Lee Jeno (chapter one)
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INCLUDES: biker!jeno x fem!reader, slow burn, enemies to lovers (they don't really get along at first not so much that they're enemies), fluff, smut, angst(?), fingering, choking, degrading (slut, whore, etc.), pet names (doll, baby, etc.), cockwarming, lmk if i’ve missed anything! wc: 1.9k a/n: this chapter is fairly rushed and has some VERY cliche scenes in it, so if you have high expectations for this story, please lower the bar to the ground lol. I'm not a very strong writer and it shows here, but please if you do decide to read anyway, don't be scared to leave any feedback <3
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truth be told jeno never found himself the type of guy to fall in love with a girl who had absolutely no interest in him whatsoever, or even feel anything for anyone that wasn’t his bike. at least not until you had come around.
he has always been about the bike life, the dark aesthetic type that book girlies love. that was his hidden weapon, in his words at least. tattoos covering several inches of his skin, sharp eyes rimmed with eyeliner peeking through his open visor, all-black kawasaki he paid way too much for and can’t forget about his arms. toned, tanned with those veins that are too hard not to stare at.
but you didn’t spare him a second glance, that was new for him and he liked that. he liked that you weren’t throwing yourself at him, like all of the other girls he had come across. but once he found out you were into cars and bikes, man he may as well have just fallen in love with you right then and there. which he unintentionally did.
he would watch you from his bike as you pulled up to the university campus in either your car or bike. you knew he was watching, everyone knew. but that didn’t waver you, you had your three friends that was all you needed. having jeno’s eyes on you ultimately ended up in teases from your best friends. 
“oooh, he’s into you best friend.” mark would giggle as he watched you roll your eyes dramatically while shotaro and felip laughed along with him. “whatever” you would grumble and just push past him and to your next class.
you weren’t planning on getting involved with jeno let alone his friends until you and felip noticed one of jeno’s friends had the same bike as the both of you. felip dragged you over to the owner of the bike with the biggest smile on his face.
“you have the same bike as us!” felip says to a brown-haired haechan who was sitting on his white suzuki gsx r600. haechan raises his eyebrow in both question and confusion. felip notices how out of place haechan’s white bike is compared to all the black bikes surrounding him. 
“i’m felip by the way,” he says happily and holds his hand out for haechan. haechan smiles back and shakes felip’s hand. “oh, this is y/n” your best friend points over at you as you stand awkwardly behind him as you feel all the eyes of jeno and his friends on you.
“oh i know who she is.” haechan smirks as he looks over at you. “i’m haechan.” he says and ushers his friends to introduce themselves too. 
“chenle” a guy with pink in his hair all but spits out coldly as he turns up his face at you and felip. “calm it.” haechan snips and smacks chenle’s arm, chenle pouts angrily and rubs his arm.
“i’m lee jeno” the last one tilts his head as he watches you with a smirk on his lips. you side eye him and turn back to haechan without sparing jeno a second glance. jeno raises his eyebrows and laughs softly at this.
felip starts up a conversation with haechan about his bike asking all sorts of questions. “where are you guys parked at?” haechan asks as he turns to chenle briefly. felip points out where your bikes are just as shotaro and mark pull up next to your bikes as well.
“you got a gang already?” jeno asks, his eyes never leaving your face as you pull your phone out with a waiting call from shotaro. “yeah, but we’re always looking for more people to join.” felip shrugs and waves at mark.
mark and shotaro were now walking towards you and the guys with their helmets in their hands. “wanna join us? it’s only the three of us.” haechan offers while chenle scoffs and drops down from his bike.
snatching up his helmet, chenle stomps away but not forgetting to smack his shoulder into you as he walks past. “ouch” you mumble and rub your arm to try to ease the pain chenle left behind. “i know it’ll be hard to, but ignore him. he’s not good with new people.” haechan offers you a sympathetic smile.
“clearly” felip scoffs and turns to you with a frown. “you okay?” he asks softly. you nod up at felip. “this is mark and shotaro.” felip points at both boys he named then turns back to haechan. “and this is haechan and jeno. the one that just practically abused y/n is chenle.” felip points at haechan and jeno.
“oh that loud ass kid from your music class?” shotaro asks mark innocently. mark seems to think for a couple of seconds before nodding. “i think so.” mark mumbles. upon hearing this jeno and haechan both laugh a little at the fact that shotaro and mark know chenle as the loudmouth he usually is.
haechan stares at mark with a smile before turning back to you and felip. “us three are going on a ride after class, would you guys like to join?” haechan offers as he gets off his bike, wedging his helmet between his left arm and hip, while slinging his backpack on his right shoulder.
you notice jeno doing the same from the corner of your eye, but see that he’s already got his body cross bag on and his helmet grasped in his right hand. jeno looks down to the helmet that was gripped in both your hands in front of you, he smirks seeing as it is the same helmet as his.
“i’m down, what about you guys?” felip smiles and turns to you and the other two guys who were pretending to fight behind you. “yeah, why not?” mark shrugs, shotaro throws felip a thumbs up with the hand that wasn’t holding his helmet.
felip opens his mouth to speak only to be cut off by jeno, who steps right in front of you. “what about you y/n? will you come?” jeno leans down to look into your eyes better. you flinch at the sudden intrusion of your personal space. “the fuck?” you mumble under your breath.
“if you get the fuck outta my face i’ll consider saying yes.” you scoff earning a chuckle from jeno and a full-blown laugh from haechan. “she’s not very good with new people in her space like that.” mark says from behind you, pushing at jeno’s chest as he stands behind you.
jeno stares at you for a couple of seconds before backing up with a smirk. “weird fuck.” you mumble to mark as you turn around and head towards your first class, which unfortunately for you had only jeno, chenle and haechan in.
you and the three guys make it to class just in time for the bell. beginning your walk to your usual seat you’re thrown off when you feel someone pull you into one of the isles by your elbow. “you’re one of us now, therefore you sit with us.” haechan says in a tone you can only pin as teasing.
“what? nah she’s not one of us!” chenle almost yells, you cringe at how high his voice went. “i agree with barney, i’m not one of you.” you scoff and begin walking away again.
haechan rolls his eyes drastically as he reaches out and grabs your arm again. “fine, not one of us. but sit with us.” haechan gestures to the empty seat between himself and chenle. you roll your eyes and sit down anyways. “call me barney again, and you’ll be picking yourself and your bike up off the fucking road, you prune.” chenle spits at you and shoves your chair away from him.
the push sends you almost flying into haechan. “chenle. stop it.” haechan seethes through gritted teeth just as he catches your chair right before it smashes into his. chenle does nothing but roll his eyes. “i’m sorry, he’s not usually this mean.” haechan looks down at you almost sadly, making you raise your eyebrow.
“it’s okay, i’m just glad he’s not hitting me.” you try to joke, but haechan doesn’t take it that way as he stares at you with a straight face. “i’m sorry.” you whisper.
as the class drones on for what felt like seventeen years, you somehow got chenle talking and laughing with you. after your multiple attempts to talk to him, he finally gave in and started talking to you, only for him to somehow really like you. 
“hey, i’m sorry for how i treated you before.” chenle mumbles softly and looks up at you with a sad pout and shining eyes. you find it hard to ignore the smile pulling at your lips as you look down at him.
“it’s okay, you just left quite the impression.” you giggle. unbeknownst to you, chenle and a blissfully unaware haechan, jeno had been staring at you the whole class without any shame, a few of the girls who ogle over him noticed this and didn’t like the fact that a girl who wasn’t ‘visible’ before today had snagged a spot in the most popular friend group at this university.
jeno feels the girls stare on him and turns around to see half of them with their eyes on him and the other half glaring at you. jeno tilts his head and waits for them all to look at him before opening his mouth. “i know what you girls are about, so if you so much as breathe the wrong way in her direction you’ll have to deal with not only my group, but hers too,” jeno pauses, chenle frowns as he hears jeno speaking and turns to see what was happening.
chenle stops a laugh from escaping as he watches the scene unfold. “and i’m sure none of you wants mark and taro after you or felip speaking to you. do you?” he asks condescendingly. seeing all the girls shake their heads as fast as they could, chenle burst out into a fit of laughter.
the bell rings for the end of class, thanking the school for letting this be your only class today you begin walking to the exit where you can see shotaro jumping up and down while waving at you.
you giggle happily and run towards him, engulfing him in a hug when you see him waiting for you with open arms. the girls who were glaring at you had followed behind you to see if jeno was telling the truth about who you were friends with, only for jeno, chenle and haechan to push past them and stand behind you.
jeno looks over his shoulder at the girls and raises his eyebrow as if to challenge them to try something. while a couple of the girls were satisfied with seeing jeno telling the truth a couple of them still didn’t like the fact that you somehow got into jeno’s group before they could.
the girl who seemed to be the ‘leader’ of the group stomps her foot and stomps away. jeno rolls his eyes, to him all the girls at this uni were all the same. that was until he pinned you down a couple of months ago.
don’t get him wrong, he’d noticed your beauty from several miles away two years ago but it wasn’t until you rode to school on your old ninja h2r that he finally noticed you properly. It was almost like love at first sight despite it not being the first time he had laid eyes on you.
love at second sight, he liked to call it.
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this fic will be very generic for the first couple of chapters as i don't want to dive straight into the story so please bear with me, it'll get better.
TAGLIST: @sinisxtea @rjreins @wonwootakemyheart @vltevgrdn
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gguk-n · 1 day
Mission- Cheer up Logan
I've just had a sad dream with Logan in it and I told him how much I love him and how important he is after watching all the shit Williams and Vowles have been doing. I need this to heal myself. I hope it heals everyone rooting for Logan too
Summary- Literal Logan fluff.
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Y/N didn't dislike many people and hate would be a strong word in her dictionary but right now James Vowles and the Williams racing team made her hate them with the tirade they had going against her poor boyfriend which was pissing her off; worst of all, it was affecting Logan. Her happy puppy of a boyfriend was lost. He would either be at work or looking lost and depressed at home. They no longer had witty conversations going on or Y/N teasing Logan any and every chance she got. He would barely smile at her at times. So, Y/N took it upon herself to make her Logan happy.
It was one of those days, the weather was bright and sunny, Logan didn't have to go to work and the previous GP may have been bad but it was slightly better. It was around 9 and they were still in bed. Y/N woke up to Logan 'asleep' at least he pretended to be. She knew him like the back of her hand and every time he acted like he was sleeping his eyes would be shut tight. This habit of his made her smile. She looked up at him while resting her palms against his chest.
"Good morning, baby boy" I whispered followed by a kiss on the lip which was followed by a grunt and covering his face with the blanket. "Babe, we need to good shopping, we're out of everything." I emphasised. "You can do that alone" he said, still under the duvet. "Yes but you know I hate shopping alone and I wanna show off my super hot racer boyfriend to the world, come on." I said while pulling the covers off. His big blue eyes met mine and I pouted my lips. "I won't take long, I promise. Pinky promise." I exclaimed while holding out my pinky. "You're hurting my ribs, babe." came a strangled cry only to notice my elbow jabbing his ribs. I giggled while apologising and dragging him to the bathroom. We were dressed in 20 minutes and out the door. As Logan started the car, he looked at me and said, "The only reason you're taking me along is so that I can drive you there, right?" I was appalled at the accusation but replied with a smile, "one of the reasons, babe." I said. He laughed asking, "Couldn't you drive there yourself?" "Why would I do something when I have a pro who can do it for me." Logan shook his head. "I have the hottest formula 1 driver at my beck and call so am not even allowed to show him off; is an atrocity I say." dramatically sighing. Logan let out a big laugh, one I hadn't heard pass his lips in ages. It made my heart flutter and tears spring up in my eyes.
The car ride was filled with singing along to songs playing on the radio which we hadn't done in so long. It felt nice to be able to have my Logan back. The trip to the grocery store was uneventful. Once back, I made quick work of putting every thing away. I went back to Logan sat on the couch in the living room and made myself comfortable on his lap, "darling, what would you like for dinner?" He was pulled back from whatever thought he had as I sat on his lap, "Pizza and Pasta" He said. I looked him in the eyes and asked, "What about we go on a date?" Logan looked at me quizzically. "It could be a home date, like the good old days. We could cook together and then dress up to have dinner together. I even bought a few dresses I didn't get to show you." I elaborated.
Logan's POV
In all honesty I couldn't care what we did. I didn't really wanna go out and getting dressed just to eat at home was such a waste of time. But I couldn't say no, when her face was literally hoping for me to say yes. She kept looking at me expectantly and I didn't wanna let another person down, so I agreed. The way her face lit was better than winning any GP. She leaned in and gave me the sloppiest kiss and pulled me to the kitchen to help her cook. I would never say I could cook when Y/N did all the heavy lifting. "Baby boy, you look lost in thought. Is there another woman that is occupying your thoughts?" she said in a southern accent while placing both her arms around my shoulder and wrapping them around my neck. It made my breathe hitch; the effect this woman had on me even after so many years was shocking to say the least. I placed my hands on her waist and replied in an equally fake southern accent, "Darling, there ain't no woman worth my time when you're standing in front of me." "You better." she said while leaving multiple kissed on my face making me laugh. The cooking ended quiet quickly for two people; where one of them couldn't cook and the other kept violating ever health and safety protocol by kissing and touching the person next to them.
We were almost done with dinner and I asked Logan to go dress up. I would get dressed just before plating the food in the guest room because I didn't want Logan to see the outfit I had planed for him. About 15 minutes later, Logan was back at the table and I left to get dressed. It took me only 20 minutes which was a record. I wore a black lacy mini-dress which barely covered my ass and tits at the same time but it made me look hot and that's all that mattered. I stepped out of the room to an eagerly waiting Logan.
Logan's POV
My mouth was on the floor when I saw what she was wearing. "You don't plan on wearing this out, do you?" I said and then quickly added, "If you did, I don't mind. I can fight but I need this image burnt into my retinas." I ogled. She giggled and walked towards me, "You can take it off, once dinner is over." She whispered in my ear. Dinner was done in record time. We headed to the bedroom so that I could hold her to her words.
While cuddling, Y/N said, "You know, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I cut her off because she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Y/N shushed me, "Right now, I'm talking and you're gonna listen. I love you Logan Sargeant more than there are words that I can use to express myself. I'm so happy every day to wake up next to you and support you in achieving your dreams and aspirations. I hope you remember how good you are and deserve everything you've worked towards. A couple fuck ups don't undermine the talent and hard work that is Logan Sargeant. No matter what anyone says, you are the most handsome and talented driver that deserves to be in F1. Those assholes are blind to not be able to see your pure raw unfiltered talent. I love you baby boy." She finished her speech. There were tears in my eyes that had started flowing which Y/N wiped away with a kiss. I pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for sticking with me. I promise I won't let you down or let anyone make me feel like crap again." She smiled while drawing a heart on my back. We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.
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droserapetals · 2 days
The Death of Me
Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Synopsis: It becomes a reoccurring ritual finding Gojo drunk in your apartment. It’s kind of a game at this point, really. To your dismay, it doesn’t seem like he’ll be letting up on this any time soon.
Content: MDNI, shower sex, foreplay, overpowering, drunk sex, breeding kink, rough sex, pet names (baby/princess, etc) size difference, Gojo is kinda pathetic in this sry not sry, pressuring, friends to something more? DOM!Gojo SUB!reader, oblivious reader, bratty reader
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It’s about 1 a.m. when you make it to your apartment door. You worked overtime at your job today and the couple days prior, leaving you completely drained. The sole motivation of getting through the day has been has been the idea of collapsing into the comfort of your cozy bed. As you bring up your keys to the keyhole, you hear a muffled thud followed by a curse just beyond your door.
You freeze, heart starting to pound into your chest as you feel adrenaline beginning to course through your veins. With careful precision, you activate your cursed energy to face whatever is behind the door. Taking a deep breath, you quickly unlock the dead bolt and swing open your front door, already in a fighting stance. As you take in the sight before you, your rigid form quickly relaxes a bit as your balled fists fall loosely at your sides.
There is your best friend, Satoru Gojo. His blindfold nowhere to be found, teetering back and forth as he wears a sheepish smile, ears tinted a faint pink color.
“I- I uhhhh, I missed you,” *he slurred out, leaning on your counter. Was he… drunk?*
“So… so much,” he gave a drunken giggle “So much.”
“Gojo.” You hiss out. “Are you drunk-raiding my pantry again?!”
He just gives you the cheekiest grin, dimples on full display. He takes a moment to look you up and down slowly. Giggling again, he takes a step forward to lean on you instead of the countertop.
“Mmm… yeah. Just a littleeee bit!” He gestures with his hand, emphasizing the amount. “You won’t even let me have some of your snacks when I’m sober!”
You scoff and roll your eyes. Unimpressed with the whole situation. “Damn right I don’t. Get your own at your own apartment!” You pinch the bridge of your nose, not really feeling a headache coming on but the action more so don’t out of habit whenever your obnoxious friend is around.
“You really are a pain in my ass.” You grumble. You walk over to him to put his arm over your shoulder, supporting some of his weight.
“Let’s get you on the couch.”
He couldn’t help but smile a little at your grumpiness, amplified more by the long work day. He just chuckled, resting a little too much of his weight on you, letting you lead him to the couch. He flopped down onto the cushions, looking up at you with those pretty blue eyes, folding his arms behind his head like he belonged there.
“Y’know, you look cute when you’re mad,” he slurs out, trying not to stumble over his words.
A faint pink blush tints your cheeks, never getting used to his flirty personality even after years of knowing him. “Yeah yeah Gojo. You want to watch a movie or something?”
He seemed to perk up at that, his smirk growing wider as he saw your blush. It always amused him how easy it was for him to make you flustered. He just chuckled again, resting his head back on the couch, looking up at you, with his stupidly beautiful, drunken blue eyes.
“Mhm… wan’ watch a movie with you,” he said, with a dramatic pout, and a slightly whiney tone to his voice.
Your eyebrow twitches. “Alright. Stay put then, I’m going to shower and get changed into some pajamas first.” You get up from the couch and make your way to your bathroom just down the hall. “And don’t snoop through my room again!” You exclaim before slamming the door behind you.
A playful whine escaped his lips as his bottom lip just out more prominent pout, almost like a kid being told ‘no.’ He watched you as you walked to the bathroom and closed the door. With a pout still on his face and a look of annoyance in his drunken eyes, he muttered to himself, knowing you couldn’t hear.
“Hmph… what a cruel woman…”
You turn on the shower as the hot steam quickly fogs up the bathroom. Sighing, you make quick work to shed out of your work clothes, stepping into the shower with an exhale of content. As hot water cascades down your frame, you can’t help but have your mind drift back to the man that is on your couch. Shaking your head, you wonder what you were to do with him.
He laid on the couch for a while ( a few minutes) staring at the ceiling. He was impatiently waiting for you to finish your shower. He was just about to roll over and die of boredom when suddenly, he had a realization. You were in the shower… alone…
That thought made him shoot up to his feet, swaying a bit he clutches the back of the couch, hunched over slightly. Wasting no more time, he stumbles over to the bathroom door.
You squirt a few pumps of shampoo into your palm, then lather your scalp up with the soap, massaging the area thoroughly. You hum a little tune that’s been stuck in your head softly. As you start rinsing the soap out of your locs, the bathroom door opens the slightest bit, unbeknownst to you.
His smirk is almost feline, he carefully opens the door, just enough that he could slip past the doorframe. He was quiet as he walked over to the shower, able to see your silhouette through the curtain from where he was standing. He swallows a lump of saliva in his throat as he spoke up through the crack of the curtain, trying to maintain his composure.
“Need some help, sweetheart?”
You let out a high pitched shriek, grabbing the first thing you could get your hands on, your shampoo bottle, and throwing it at his head.
To your surprise, his infinity was down. The bottle hit him square on the forehead, which only made him laugh, not phased by the impact at all.
“You have a strong arm,” *he said, in between giggles while massaging his temple. He grabbed the curtain, slowly pulling it back to reveal more of you. Seeing you all naked and wet just made him grin more.
“Can I join you~?”
“Absolutely not!” You state bluntly. “Wait out in the living room while I finish.” You turn around to pick up the conditioner bottle.
“Can I just come in pleaseeee? I don’t wannaa wait.”
He climbs in the shower without awaiting your answer, water drenching him and his clothes almost instantly.
“Gojo what in the actual-“
You choke on your words as you feel him snake his arms around your smooth waist, resting his chin on your bare shoulder.
“Jus’ can’t be away for that long.” He mumbles out, rubbing your hips with his thumbs in tantalizing circles.
He can’t see how flustered you look from this angle, but you could feel your cheeks are on fire. You are not necessarily one to be embarrassed about your body, but having your best friend pressed against your naked frame like this was next level freaking you the fuck out.
Not only that but you felt a weird tingling sensation enveloping over your body, making you grow feverish. The feeling of his toned muscles pressed up against you was enough to make your legs turn to jelly. You didn’t know what these feelings were, but they couldn’t be good.
“Hmph.” You roll your eyes and try your best to hide your flustered expression. Feeling the friction his clothed chest press into your and lower body.
“Just… turn around so that I can wash your hair, idiot.”
He chuckled at your attitude, one of the many things he grew to love about you. Even when he had you pressed up against him like this, naked as the day you were born, you were still stubborn as ever. He rolled his eyes at you playfully.
“Fine, princess. But I think you just want an excuse to touch all up on this.” He motions to his body with a wink and then turned around so that his back was facing you.
You grumble out a “whatever” and squirt a pump of shampoo into your palm once more, lathering it up, then massaging his scalp with it. His hair so soft, you think to yourself. Knowing he most likely just uses a five-in-one head and shoulders soap. You grumble to yourself at how life isn’t fair, continuing to work at his scalp.
He closes his eyes, feeling your fingernails grazing over his head in circular strokes. This simple, innocent act, felt way better than it should’ve. His shoulders relaxed as he leaned his head back into your touch, letting a soft groan slip out of his lips. He would never admit it to you, but he loved when you showed little bursts of affection like this.
“Mmm… that feels nice…” he murmurs.
You hum in reply, getting into a trance as you massage his scalp clean. You rinse out his hair and turn over to rinse your own from the conditioner sitting at the ends.
He watched you as you rinsed out the product from your hair, feeling almost mesmerized by the way you moved. Every action you took had a simple grace to it, and even now, with just the way you rinsed out your hair, he found you simply angelic. He was pulled out of his trance as his eyes began to roam over the rest of your body. He had to admit, you looked absolutely beautiful this all wet and bare like this.
You catch his stare, piercing but also deep in thought. “S-stop looking at me like that.” You move to cover yourself.
His tight lips pull into a thoughtful smile as he chuckled at your reaction. You were adorable when you were embarrassed and trying to cover yourself up.
“Sorry princess, I just can’t help myself at this moment in time~”
He takes a step closer to you, a mischievous look in his eyes.
You’re backed up against the shower wall, the cool contact sending a shiver up your spine, causing your nipples to harden almost instantly.
He licks his lips, noting the subtle change. As you are frozen in place, he takes off his shirt, then his pants, just leaving him in his black boxer briefs. He tosses the soaked fabric on the bathroom floor outside the shower, never daring to look away.
Not being able to control your actions, you take in his toned figure. You’ve seen him little clothing like this before, at the beach or at the occasional pool party you two would get invited to, but this felt different, more intimate.
He continued to move closer until his body was mere millimeters from yours. His eyes raked up and down your body before they slowly found yours again, his expression nothing short of contained desire.
“Looks like you’re trapped… Princess~”
You swallow a lump in your throat as his unbashful stare rakes over your body.
“Satoru, you’re drunk.”
His smile only grew wider as you pointed that out. Even when he was drunk, he still could get the upper hand over you. He placed one of his arms against the wall by your head, effectively trapping you in place. He leaned closer to your face, his lips hovering a few centimeters from your ear and whispered in a low, seductive tone,
“Being drunk doesn’t change the fact that you’re so beautiful… and all this-” he said as one of his hands slid down your waist to your hip, “has to be mine.”
You let out a breathy gasp as you feel his big calloused hand dragging over your side. You furrow my brows, looking up at him bashfully. By the way he’s able to speak with minimal slurred words, it’s sounding like he is sobering up a bit, but the tips of his ears, still remained that pink hue.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” You murmur, nibbling your lip and looking away.
His cocky facade chipped a little hearing you say that. Did you really want to stay just “friends?” He had to admit, it frustrated him sometimes. How oblivious to you are about his feelings towards you, drunk or otherwise.
“Ruin our friendship? What gave you the idea that we’d ruin our friendship?” He’s back to his cocky self, not skipping a beat. He gently grabs your chin, making you look back at him. His expression almost too much for you to bear, but you force yourself to remain eye contact. He spoke in a softer tone now.
“You think I’d let one simple thing ruin our friendship? After all these years?”
Simple thing? You think so yourself. This is not just a “simple thing.” You look down, in thought, but your mind goes blank as you make eye contact with his growing member, the water clinging to his boxers hiding nothing to the naked eye. You take a sharp inhale.
He notices your look of bewilderment, as your eyes flicker down to his lower body and then back to his eyes. His smirk immediately returned as he spoke again.
“Mmm… do you see something you like, princess?” he practically purred out. “You’re staring a lot more than I’ve been, and that’s saying something.”
“I-“ You bite your lip, cursing your body for responding to him in such an instinctual way. Just the sight of him alone in here with you is making your brain all scrambled. All rational thinking flying right out the window. Like a flip is switched. “Satoru.” You whine softly. Almost like a gasp.
His eyes widen when he hears you whine out his name. Causing his member to twitch inside his confined shorts. He could almost see the walls of your self control crumbing before his eyes, landing directly at your feet. It spurred him on even more.
“Say my name again… like that… I loved the way it sounded coming out of your pretty mouth” he murmured, his face leaned in closer to yours.
You look into his deep cerulean eyes, almost completely black with how dilated his pupils have become. Your eyes flicker to his pink lips. “Satoru, please.” You don’t really know what your pleading for, but seems looks like he got the message.
A satisfied, groan made its way out of his mouth as he heard his name once more, sounded better than it ever has sounded coming out of your sweet voice. He loved the look you gave him, desperate and needy. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He pushed you back against the wall, boxing you in with both of his arms. So close now that the droplets from his hair dripped onto your cheeks.
“Please, what?” he replied, his smirk growing bigger. “You gotta use your words, sweetheart..”
You feel the air whoosh out of your lungs as his body pressing up against your own, welcoming the biting cold of the tile wall against your feverish skin this time.
“I need you.” You say lowly, not much louder than a whisper. Satoru could barely hear it over the sound of the shower water echoing in his ears, but he heard it nonetheless
A pleased hum left his lips as he heard what you said. As if to amplify his teasing, he slowly lowers his face down to your neck, kissing and nibbling on it, all while whispering in between the kisses.
“You need me… need me to do what, princess? You’ll have to be more specific..”
Growing more and more impatient by his incessant teasing you raise your voice a little,
“Jesus, Satoru, I want you to fuck me!”
Hearing you sound so wrecked, just from saying his name, made something inside him snap. He growled in satisfaction as he smashed his lips onto yours, sloppy and wet. He tastes sweet, with a hint of the peach soju he must’ve been drinking earlier. You suck on his tongue, greedy to claim his flavor all for yourself.
You squeak as you feel him make space to slide one of his hands up your torso, cupping one of your breasts. He massages the soft flesh in his palm teasingly. His other hand finds home at the back of your head, holding you firm against his lips, preventing you to lean back for air or whatever else.
After what seems like forever, he pulls away, causing you to gasp for air, the light-headedness you were feeling prior toning down a bit.
“Please tell me you’re ready for me” He almost whines out.
His hand behind your head moves down your body, using his middle and ring finger to press into your sex.
You cry out, bucking your hips to create more friction there, but he only wanted to confirm his suspicions.
He brings his hand back up to his face, spreading his fingers apart. Sure enough, coating his digits, there was an unmistakable clear stringy fluid sticking to the both of them.
“Ah. So eager to be satisfied, hm?” He quirks a brow at you.
“Mhm.” You give a quick nod, all embarrassment out the window at this point. He chuckles at your boldness.
“I pictured our first time to be a lot more paced, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to last as long as I’d like tonight. I hope you can forgive me.” He drops to his knees before you, breath fanning over your sensitive pussy.
“I do need to stretch her out first though.”
Before you could think of a reply his mouth was latched onto your core, tongue lapping at your entrance in lazy swoops.
You both roll your eyes and moan at the same time, not able to stop your hands from flying to his hair, tugging at the roots.
He pulls away with a soft wince. “Easy there, love.”
You let up just a little apologizing through shallow pants.
His eyes flicker to your pussy again, spreading your lips with his thumb and pointer to give himself a better view.
Your legs are trembling uncontrollably, the need for release being the main objective on your mind as of right now.
“Look at you, keeping this perfect pussy all to yourself. How selfish.”
You whine as you feel him insert a finger into your dripping hole, all the way to his knuckle. His finger so much longer and thicker than your own, he reaches spots you’ve never dreamed of reaching.
It’s right after the first one that he inserts a second finger, stretching out your pussy deliciously.
Your mouth is parted open now, eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure as you feel him pick up his pace.
“Oh fuck Satoru!” Is all you can say as you feel his mouth latch onto your clit, sucking in time with his thrusts.
Your high pitched whines spur him on, curling his fingers into your squishy walls as he begins to take member out of his boxers to palm himself, just sliding the waistband down enough to spring his member free.
He whimpers into your pussy when he feels your walls begin to constrict around his digits, signaling your impending release.
“Gonna cum for me princess? Gon’ let it all out for me? He uses his thumb in place of his mouth now so that he can talk you through it. Looking up at you through hooded white lashes.
“Y-yeah, fuck, don’t stop please.” Fat tears are rolling down your flushed cheeks as you feel the coil snap, causing your legs to shake and mouth falling wide open, a silent scream all you can manage.
Gojo groans at the sight before him. He can guarantee he has never been this turned on in his life. His dick feeling painfully hard and balls uncomfortably heavy.
He coaxes you through your orgasm, giving you little praises and featherlight kisses around your lower tummy. He withdraws his fingers shortly after, popping them in his mouth, sucking them clean of your essence.
You teater on shaky legs, unsure of how you were able to hold yourself up this long, your knees start to buckle.
Gojo is lighting fast. He loops his arms under the back of your legs and presses you up against the wall, handling you like you weigh nothing.
“Aw, is my girl tired already? Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll take care of you.” He leans into you and licks the tears off your cheeks.
In the state that you’re in, you can’t chastise him for how gross that action was, so you just slump into his chest instead.
Your legs are spread out, knees pressed into your sides in a vertical mating press. “You still want this, princess?”
You nod frantically, rocking your pussy into his length for an answer, causing him to suck in a sharp bit of air trough his clenched teeth.
“Fuck, okay, heard you loud and clear.” He chuckles into the crook of your neck. He doesn’t waste time to line himself up at your entrance, and slowly pushing him himself into your tight hole.
You cry out as he slowly feeds you every inch. Filling you to the brim and staying there, allowing you to take time to adjust.
“You-ah. F-feel so good,” he bites out. Clearly holding himself back from going absolutely feral on you.
The tight stretch quickly turns into that of a comfortable fullness. You start to rock your hips into his the best that you can, whining every time his pelvis grinds up against your puffy clit.
He lets out a low growl, hands moving down to fist your ass roughly, most definitely leaving bruises there.
Before you can give him the go ahead, he’s slamming up into you at a brutal pace, causing you to wrap your arms around the back of his neck, and scream into his shoulder. Feeling deliciously full.
“SatoRU AH!” His pace moves impossibly quicker, completely loosing himself in his own pleasure. You didn’t realize how much he was holding himself back before up to this point.
“Soooo good.” He slurs out. Clearly drunk off of not just the alcohol anymore.
He’s babbling incoherently into your ear, nibbling and licking at your lobe. You start to feel your second orgasm approaching, and it’s much much stronger.
Gojo can feel it too. He feels your walls begin to flutter around his length, making him adjust his thrusts to more shallow ones, not wanting you to force him out.
You squeal at the new pattern, him now being able to hit your G-spot every time at this pace.
“So good baby. Are you gonna come for me again? Come on this cock?” He whines into your mouth, teeth clashing as he babbles on, barely making coherent sense.
“Yeah you are, you perfect girl. MY girl. Fuck- let it out for me. Want to feel you squeezing me as I fill this slutty pussy up.”
All you can do is chant his name over and over and your orgasm approaches and snaps once again, clamping down on his cock in a vice, creaming all over the base and down his balls.
Your release has Gojo following close behind with his. His pelvis stills, shooting thick ropes of cum inside of you, effectively filling you up to the brim.
Your brows furrow as he keeps cumming, his orgasm seeming never ending. After a good while, your tummy swollen, he pulls out with a grunt. You can feel thick globs of his cum fall out of you messily.
“Fuck.” Is all he can manage to say. He quickly rinses you both off, turning off the water, and carrying you bridal style to your bedroom.
You can barely keep your eyes open, eyelids feeling like they have ten pound weights on the as you make your way to your destination.
He gently places you on your feet, holding up most of your weight. As he towels you off. He then slips you into your comfiest pajama set, placing you on your bed. Once he’s toweled off and finds one of his spare T-shirt’s/sweats he left in your closet, He moves you under your soft sheets, tucking you in securely.
He smiles at his handy work. Bringing a hand out to cup your cheek.
You nuzzle into it, opening your eyes slightly to give him a small smile, seconds away from drifting off into a deep sleep.
“You are going to be the death of me.” Gojo breathes, murmuring more to himself than anyone else.
It doesn’t take long for the room to be filled with your soft rhythmic breathing, having just fallen into a deep, and content sleep. Who’s to say if you caught that last confession or not.
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tumblingxelian · 3 days
Tyrian Callows - The Master of Murder, Mayhem & Multitasking!
So, I recently saw a post discussing Tyrian Callows and I wanted to go into why I find him quite interesting despite his overall demeanor seeming to be that of a nihilistic serial killer.
Off the cuff, when I first saw Tyrian I hated him, "Oh good, another cackling serial killer, I hope e only exists to die & be replaced".
Then he ambushes RNJR & suddenly, oh suddenly I'm having fun!
Because he's not just cackling & killing, he's bombastic, spewing purple prose and strutting around like he's on a stage, then flinging himself through walls for dramatic poses. He waits after receiving major surprise attacks to reveal they didn't hurt him.
He is in essence, a theater kid who happens to also be a cultist and serial killer and I think that is incredibly entertaining if nothing else.
Beyond that I find his fawning behavior on Salem intriguing. Like, even beyond his failure, when Salem is growing in fury & others like Watts & Hazel know to get the fuck out. He starts irrationally offering her acts of service in a bid to make her happy before fleeing as well.
Like, whatever is going on there is interesting if nothing else, I think.
Then there's the fact he is far more insightful than characters like him are usually written as but, its not at the expense of is manic disposition as it often ends up being with say, Joker, bleh.
What I mean is, Tyrian is very good at analyzing people, what they want, what they feel, what will hurt them the most, what above all drives them & can articulate it very easily. Ala his confrontation with Mercury only knowing violence & being too afraid to leave it.
Yet at the same time when out under pressure by Clover, Qrow & Robyn he very quickly starts losing his cool, his mannerism and behaviors become more unhinged & wild, he is legitimately not all there. & it is isn't until he's had time to cool off in the airship that he's back on his game.
Finally there is his 'rivalry' qith Qrow.
To me the fun thing is that there is zero rivalry on Tyrian's end.
Qrow is just someone who he met in V4 and knew to be a capable fighter & important enemy agent. He was excited to fight & kill him & was briefly knocked off his game when disarming Qrow did nothing to slow him down.
Most Hunters based their fighting styles on their weapons so disarming them tends to be a winning move unless they are Hazel, Tyrian or Yang style combatants.
But he was back on his game in short order and still having a great time and even managed to essentially score the win... Right until Ruby dismembered him & he did not take it gracefully.
To say the least, Tyrian is definitely arrogant, I think that much is self evident.
It makes sense, it took a cooperative operation of Mitral Hunters & Atlesian Specialists to take him down. The Queen of Grimm came to collect him herself. His Semblance lets him take Aura out of a fight. & by all accounts he definitely seems to be among the most dangerous combatants on Remnant even without said Semblance.
So yeah, not surprised that he was both knocked off his game & angry about the injuries but after that he doesn't seem to dwell on them much the way Cinder spent several volumes seething over the damage Ruby did to her.
His little foreshadowing moment to Ruby before the election massacre & enjoying Qrow's suffering during Volume 7 very much seem like things he'd have done regardless cos he's just like that.
Tyrian will however exploit the idea of a rivalry to his advantage.
What I mean is, Qrow makes it clear when ambushing him with Clover & Robyn that he holds a grudge over their last fight. Tyrian doesn't utilize that in the three on one beatdown he gets, he's barely keeping his head above water most of that fight.
But once he is back in the game he's cheerfully egging on the break down in the Atlas and Mantle alliance. He's completely ignoring Qrow until the man jumps on him & even then doesn't offer him any unique attention.
Its only once he's established that things with Qrow and Clover have degraded as far as they have that he jumps in. He avoids starting off too violently to see how things go & is well pleased by Clover's dogged commitment to his orders.
Also likely dismissing Tyrian as just a violent lunatic.
It is then and only then that he leans on the idea that he actually wants a rematch with Qrow. But even then he still patiently waits for Qrow to float the idea first. He is playing into Qrow's grudge & Qrow's belief in a Shounen style rivalry & with it the belief that Tyrian will ignore Clover themoment he is not interrupting the fight and duke it out with Qrow.
But Tyrian only plays along with that and instead uses Clover's defeat to end his fucking life and frame Qrow for it.
He certainly has fun twisting the knife but again, this is stuff he does with everyone when he gets the chance. & it serves to make things more complex for Atlas and the now rebellious heroes than it would if Clover & Qrow had died together. Especially as enemy reinforcements are coming.
After this, again, neither Qrow or Ruby warrant a mention from him.
This is his job, they were parts of his assignments and Tyrian just happens to love what he's doing. Which humorously aligns very well with the life advice he gave Emerald and Mercury. Even if that was just because he thinks it'd be fun to be given the chance to kill them.
Anyway those are my takes on Tyrian Callows, evil as fuck, but smarter & more interesting than the usual portrayals of his archetype!
Thanks for reading!
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aohisworld · 2 days
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ when things are a little too tame in Aohi’s world, she conspires to dote on her seven boyfriends. (A series!)
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ poly!ot7 x addedmember!oc , contains. cringe writing, fluff, like CAVITY SWEET fluff, some parts (excluding ri-ki) might be a LITTLE suggestive , keep in mind that this series takes place in the present, which puts Aohi at 20 years of age!
| : ̗̀➛ MINTIE’s NOTES: sorry about the no updates to either big fics guys TT school’s ending and I have to pass the diplomas before I actually get to graduate (grad ceremony was literally for show) so have this silly little series that I plan to do!
| : ̗̀➛ WARNING! How I write ENHYPEN is not meant to portray the idols irl, this is my au and I write this for fun.
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✧. ┊ “Noo-noo-ah!” Aohi softly called, her arms opening for the boy who was approaching her bed with a pep in his step. “Tokki-yah!” Sunoo replied back, gently kissing her nose as the two smiled and giggles.
“What’s up, oppa?” Aohi asked, gently rubbing her hand up and down on his back. Usually, Sunoo loved to come into Aohi’s room and lay on top of her, the boys actually shared that habit together, coming in her separate room to bother her whenever they wanted.
“Nothing, what’re you doing?..” Sunoo’s muffled voice from him tucking his head into Aohi’s neck spoke, peeking from whatever line of sight he could achieve from the intimate cuddle.
“I’m just watching whatever, you want to watch with me?” She asks, looking down slightly to try and establish eye contact with the puffy-cheeked fox.
“No, just came to check in on you.” Sunoo hummed, he sits up from his spot and grabs hold of Aohi’s own cheeks, dipping down for a sloppy kiss as her muffled giggles started to resonate within the room.
“Owp-pwa!” A muffled attempt was heard, Sunoo tried his best not to laugh, pulling away with a dramatic ‘smooch!’ Sound coming from his own lips.
Aohi’s laughs became clearer as Sunoo pulled away, and he could feel a gentle tug at his heart the way Aohi’s big smile appears in his line of sight.
“Come out for dinner soon, Jay-hyung said you haven’t eaten lunch yet.” Sunoo reminds her, getting off Aohi’s bed and walking to the door. He turns to look at Aohi one more time, making sure he’s heard.
“Eung! I’ll come soon, oppa!” Aohi spoke, turning in her bed as she wiped her cheek of any saliva that didn’t dry out.
Not that it didn’t disgust her that the boys leave sloppy kisses but, Aohi just thinks that’s how intimacy goes, kind of like how cats rub up on anything and everything to mark their territory.
Actually, Aohi has no idea why she’s comparing those two things with each other.
She continued to watch her YouTube videos a little longer, having a deep interest in hour-long documentaries that spoke about anything of the horror genre.
Aohi wasn’t a big fan of horror though, but there’s something funny about having an excuse to sleep in one of boys’ rooms, and usually Jay or Heeseung can’t bother to say no to her.
“Aohi-yah! Dinner’s ready!” Sunghoon’s voice called for her, and she sighs knowing she actually has to go this time. “Coming!” Aohi sits up from her bed and places her feet into bat slippers gifted to her by Jake.
Aohi wiggles her feet for a little bit, smiling at the fluffy feeling on her feet. She leaves her room with a hop in her step, walking into the open-plan kitchen with a sleepy smile.
“What’s for dinner, oppa?” Aohi looked over Jay’s shoulder, looking into the pot of kimchi-jjigae he made. “I felt a little lazy today, I hope you don’t mind, batsy.” Jay turned to her, and he kissed Aohi’s temple.
“Eung~” Aohi hummed understandingly, before walking off to go sit with her other boyfriends. “Hi baby, did you have a good nap earlier?” Heeseung pulled his gaze away from his phone, looking up at Aohi with his gentle Bambi gaze.
“Mhm! Speaking of which, can I sleep with one of you guys tonight?” She sat in her seat, and her legs made quick work of sitting criss cross on the seat.
“I don’t get why you do that, it’s so weird.” Sunoo mumbled jokingly beside her, obviously mentioning her instinct to sit weirdly on her chair.
“It’s a habit! Don’t you know my cousins in the Philippines do it all the time!” Aohi scrunched her nose back at Sunoo, who couldn’t help but smile at her adorable expression.
“You can sleep with me, bunny.” Sunghoon offered, placing his hand on her head affectionately, Aohi happily cherishing his attention.
“Like hell! You’ve been snuggling with her more than enough! She’s with me tonight!” Ri-ki huffed, pulling Aohi to his side.
Aohi felt her heart warm a little that her boys were so wanting to spend time with her, even if it’s just for the night. “Why don’t you guys let her decide? She’s the one who wants to sleep somewhere else for the night.” Jungwon hummed, his gaze on his phone.
“Wonnie, do you want to, tonight?” Aohi asked, looking towards him, in which he glanced up in response, and she could easily tell the way his eyes lit up that there was no way he was denying her offer.
“Yeah!” The other boys at the table groaned and complained, and Jungwon could only smile smugly. Soon enough the boys stopped messing around, Aohi sensing Jay’s presence with the smell of kimchi-jjigae filling her nostrils.
“Wah! It smells delicious, oppa.” Aohi’s eyes sparkled at the sight of Jay’s cooking, channeling her inner foodie as she was getting ready to dig in.
“Did I make you wait too long, batsy?” — “no, but the other people at the table waited too long.”
Sunoo answered smartly, looking up at Jay with a look that pulled a sheepish grin from the cook. Sunoo sat up on his seat as Jay placed the pot onto the coaster, the steam letting out a spicy aroma in the room.
“I’m going to eat well..” Aohi made a gesture before picking up her chopsticks, waiting for Heeseung to get his first bite, and then Jay.. and then Jake, and you get the rest.
Aohi took her bite soon after everyone else had, smiling as she ate, loving the domesticity of dinner tonight. She really felt like doting on her boyfriends for being so doting on her as well.
Like, maybe she should return the kindness! She looked around her for a little bit more before continuing to eat her meal silently, but happily. Aohi had a plan…
It was operation: dote on the en- boys!
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"what're you doing here, little bunny? Not up to some trouble, I hope."
mission in progress! [possible completion: June 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊Jungwon has been a lot busier promoting their new album, memorabilia. Aohi can't remember the last time she's got the time to even look at her boyfriend! Not that the whole group wasn't promoting or anything... but she really misses one of her two feline boyfriends!
This calls for a little Aohi TLC, which is exactly what she's planning to do during a surprise visit before an interview!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ yang jungwon x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a tiny bit of suggestive themes (honestly it's just kissing).
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"I'm just playing for another hour! You can wait, right, batsy?"
mission in progress! [possible completion: June 29th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ It's been a little too quiet at the apartment for Aohi's liking, understandably the boys might be recharging from doing so many promotions, but Aohi's just a girl! She needs her daily attention like her naps, and she's going to get them!
Her next victim? Lee Heeseung, Aohi knows nobody can tear the boy away from his beloved game, League of Legends. Aohi thinks she should still try though! No harm in trying!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ lee heeseung x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a tiny bit of suggestive themes, a lot of gaming vocabulary.
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“You know you're the only one I'm willing to spoil, right?”
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 9th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Aohi's taken a small break on doting on her boyfriends, her current schedule was taking her out and Jay seems to be able to tell, so.. instead of Aohi carrying out her doting missions, Jay beats her to it by taking her out for a little spoiling.
Don't fear though, it's not a mission if Aohi doesn't dote on him back! Luckily, she knows just the thing that'll do the trick!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ park jjonseong (jay) x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a lot of spoiling, erm... idk my draft doesn't really have anything to make note of LOL.
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"I wouldn't let anyone else take care of Layla, batsy.. you're her mama, and I sure as hell won't let you go!"
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ There's nothing better than a boyfriend and his cute as heck dog, named Layla! Ever since Aohi started to date Jake, she's been referred as Layla's mama, and the dog seems to agree, and what kind of mom would she be if she didn't spoil Layla and her dad?
A little hike on her's and Jake's favourite trail to relax and get some exercise in, while Layla gets to spend the whole day with her parents!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ sim jaeyun (jake) x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a lot of cringe name calling?? Idk I drafted a really dorky Jake.. Layla blocking Jake from Aohi LOL.
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"You sure do slip a lot.. is it because you're you falling for me, batsy? Ow! It was a joke, babe!"
mission in progress! [possible completion: July 29th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ The summer heat was too much for the en- group to handle! With the other boys and Xiulin going out for cold treats, Aohi and Sunghoon opt for the ice skating rink. Aohi uses this to her advantage by using this time alone with her boyfriend to dote on him!
Only... how can she dote on him when he keeps cracking the most lamest jokes?! Aohi thinks she's going to break from one more dad joke!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ park sunghoon x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, lame dad jokes, as in, googled dad jokes, a little bit of suggestive themes at the end. skating vocabulary.
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"You always dote on me, tokki.. please let me return the favour, pretty girl."
mission in progress! [possible completion: August 9th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Kim Sunoo, Aohi's favourite to dote on. Well, he knows that for sure, considering he manages to catches Aohi before she could even plan on a way to dote on him! Sunoo wants to give back all of the love she's given him, knowing that she must be tired on loving seven, such rowdy boys.
Sunoo plans his own little mission when he and Aohi are chosen as ambassadors for Vivienne Westwood, and brought to Milan for a photoshoot.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ kim sunoo x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, modelling mentions, sunoo is not an actual ambassador for viv westwood!! A little bit of suggestive themes.
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"Did you plan this whole trip back home just to spend time with me? Aren't you adorable, batsy."
mission in progress! [possible completion: August 19th].
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ ┊ Aohi was feeling a little homesick, and what's a better way to spend a little home vacation if not with her boyfriend, who probably misses Japan as much as she does? Aohi makes the smartest idea to dote on Ri-ki during their trip, equipped with her credit card and an extra piece of luggage for any souvenirs to take home.
Ri-ki acts oblivious to her plans though, after living with Aohi for so long, he's made the conclusion that an excited Aohi cannot keep anything to herself for the life of her. Therefore, Ri-ki has plans to reverse the roles on Aohi, doting on her instead.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ nishimura ri-ki x addedmember!oc , contains. mentions of poly!ot7 x oc, cringe writing, fluff, a little travel trip to Japan, tiny bit self-indulgent because they're going through my travel plans LMAO.
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dia-souls · 12 hours
📓 Rukiyui fanfic 📓
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Pairing: Ruki 📓 and Yui🌸
Author: Admin Afra
Genre: Romance, Dramatic
TW: Tragedy ending, mentally issues
Admin's Note: Returning to writing after several months is like a dream for me. This is my first fanfic after several months. I'm so glad to be back and I hope you like it.
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With Her Memories
The sunrise seemed brighter than ever. A gentle breeze was blowing and gently shaking the curtain of the room. The sound of soft laughter could be heard in the room, which was like the joy of a happy couple.
The breeze became stronger and was shaking the blonde girl's golden hair. Her face looked like a goddess with the sunlight shining through the window of the room, and her laugh was beautiful and full of life like spring flowers. She was in the arms of the man she loved more than anyone else and was smiling gently at him while holding his hand.
Yui: Wow.... my god, that was really beautiful. This was the best story I have ever read.
Ruki: It wasn't bad. It was not bad as a romance book. But there are many better books that have a higher story potential. I think I should read some better books for you to get acquainted with the real spirit and violence of the world.
Yui: .... Ummmmmm.... Ruki, this is too much. This is just a book. I think you took it very seriously.
Ruki: True, but I prefer to read better and more useful books than ordinary and weak romance stories.
Hearing Ruki's words, Yui puffed her cheeks and turned her head away from Ruki as a sign of displeasure.
Yui: Do you know what? You are not romantic at all. I thought that after reading this book, you will also be motivated to kiss me?
Ruki: What do you mean?
Yui: It doesn't matter. You can't be romantic.
Ruki smirked and put the book away. He gently placed Yui, who was still in his arms, on the bed and brought his head close to her. So close that their lips were only a few millimeters apart.
Ruki: Do you want to see a romantic man? I will be the most romantic man in the world for you, Yui.
Ruki placed his lips on Yui's soft lips and kissed her gently.
*smooch* *smooch*
Ruki: ... mmm... nn... Yui, your existence is as important to me as the whole world. I will give you whatever you want.
Yui: Ruki, we are not going to be separated again. Right?
Ruki: Never. If the world comes to an end, if my heart is separated from my body, if I have to go to hell or if I have to die, I will not let anyone take you away from me. You are mine forever, Yui.
Yui smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Ruki's neck and snuggled into his arms. She was holding Ruki tightly and smiling. It was the best feeling in the world. The feeling that Ruki once lost because of the vampire king and had to pay a heavy price to get it back. But it doesn't matter at all. He is now with his beloved Yui and that is all that matters to him.
Ruki: ... Yui always stay in my arms. Always give me this warmth and love. Please never leave me alone again.
Yui: Ruki by my side. I promise to be by your side forever.
Ruki was still hugging Yui. He did not want to separate this love and warmth from himself. It was the best feeling in the world. He never wanted to lose this feeling. Yui was the girl who lit up his dark heart. He never wants to lose this light and warmth.
After a few short minutes of them being in each other's arms, Ruki pushed Yui onto the bed and looked into her bright eyes and smirked.
Ruki: Well Yui... let's continue.
He pressed his lips to Yui's soft lips again and continued to kiss her. A deep and long kiss that left a trail of love saliva.
Ruki: You don't have to be jealous of fictional characters. I will be the most romantic man in the world for you.
Yui: Hahaha... Ruki, you are so cute when you are jealous.
Ruki: Huh? Don't you think you are the jealous one here? Hahaha, I won't let you be jealous, my angel.
Yui: Ruki... I love you.
Ruki: Me too Yui. I love you. As much as the world and even more than that. I love you more than anyone, my sweet angel.
Ruki continued to kiss Yui. The sound of their sweet laughter could be heard and the golden color of the evening made it more dreamy. It was all Ruki's world. A world that he never wanted to lose.
A beautiful morning started with a bright sunrise. The sunlight on the bright face of the blonde girl looked like a dream and it was like an angel on earth. The goddess who was sleeping peacefully in the heart of her lover.
Ruki slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight hit his eyes. He saw Yui sleeping like an angel in his arms. It was the most beautiful sight in the world and Ruki didn't want to spoil it.
He gently pushed Yui's hair away from her eyes with his finger and kissed her forehead. He caressed her cheek with his finger and called her name softly.
Ruki: Yui... my beautiful angel please wake up.
Hearing Ruki's voice, Yui slowly opened her eyes.
Yui: Mmm... Good morning Ruki.
Ruki: Good morning Yui. Come one, let me help you to put on your clothes.
Yui tried to get up but the laziness of sleep stopped her. Until Ruki heard Yui's stomach rumbling.
Ruki: Haha... Yui, are you hungry?
Yui: Hmmm... Ruki, can we have breakfast first and after that we get ready. I'm still tired.
Ruki smiled softly and kissed Yui's forehead again and caressed her.
Ruki: Of course we can. You rest here while I go to the kitchen and make you a great breakfast. You just wait for me.
Ruki kissed Yui one last time and left the room. He was going to the kitchen to make breakfast for his dear Yui. The thought that Yui was still alive and breathing kept him alive and he didn't care at all if Yui lost the ability to walk.
He was cooking with a smile and thinking about Yui. Yui's thoughts kept him calm. It kept him alive and happy.
Ruki was still cooking. He prepared a large dish full of delicious ingredients and proudly looked at his work of art until Kou entered the kitchen. Kou was very surprised to see Ruki in the kitchen. Ruki rarely came out of his room. Recently, he only stayed in his room and did not want to see his brothers.
Kou: Uh.... Ruki-kun. You finally decided to come out of your room. Hahahahaha, I haven't seen you in a long time, it seems like today is the last day of the world.
Ruki: Ahhhhh... that joke wasn't funny.
Kou: Come on, Ruki, do you know how long it is.... Oh, look at this big and delicious dish. Ruki did you make this?
Ruki: Of course. Ehat do you think?
Kou: Umm....it looks really delicious ok so let me try it. I'm very hungry.
Ruki: Don't even think about it, it's not for you.
Kou: Ohhhh.... Ruki, don't be stingy. You can't eat this alone.
Ruki: This is for Yui, not me. She is very weak. I have to give her good food to regain her health. Do you understand?
Kou: ....??? Yui...???
Ruki: Of course. Well, I have to go now. Yui is waiting for me.
Kou: Ruki.... listen.... Yuma and Azusa and I miss you two so much. It is better to come out of your room. We would like to see you two more.
Ruki: Sure... I miss you too, but Yui is more important now. You forgot? She can't walk. I will take care of her until she recovers. Now I have to go back to her faster.
After Ruki finished his sentence, he picked up a silver tray full of delicious food and went to his room.
*knock knock*
Ruki entered the room and saw that Yui was still sleeping. He turned to Yui and placed the food tray on the table. He kissed Yui's forehead to wake her up.
Ruki: Yui, wake up, I made you a delicious breakfast.
Ruki was gently smelling Yui's hair and whispering to wake her up and Yui was giggling. Yui's eyes were still closed but she was laughing. Ruki stroked her again to wake her up.
Yui: Ruki... come lie down next to me. Let's sleep together again. After we wake up, we eat breakfast.
Ruki smiled softly and lay down next to Yui. He held her in his arms and buried his head in her soft hair. He smelled her smell and fell into a dream paradise. This heat and this smell was the best feeling in the world.
Meanwhile, the Mukami brothers in the living room:
Yuma: So it happened again?
Kou: I was very happy after seeing Ruki come out of his room. But it seems that it is not yet time to be happy. And I don't think there will ever be a time to be happy.
Azusa: You mean... we... lost our... brother?
Yuma: Who cares? As long as Ruki is fine and smiling, let him stay like that. Even if he stays next to a body that is not breathing. This at least keeps him alive and that's enough.
The room was getting hotter and hotter. It was almost noon and Yui was still sleeping. She had been sleeping in her Ruki's arms for years. Her eyes were opened only for Ruki and her smile was visible only for Ruki. Maybe she would never breathe again, but Ruki could feel her breath and warmth and hear her smile, and that was enough for him.
Yui was sleeping in Ruki's arms. Ruki was embracing his life. They were sleeping next to each other and no one knew when they would wake up.
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inkblotsonmyhands · 2 days
okay im having some thoughts about the bosses/secret bosses of deltarune.
it's generally accepted that the boss and secret boss of a chapter mirror themes—re: the king has power over his subjects, despises the lightners for the control they have over him, thereby keeping him trapped, and eventually ends up imprisoned in a cage by a team consisting of 2/3 lighters, meanwhile jevil starts off trapped by the king himself in a cage, has no power whatsoever over anyone, yet wholeheartedly believes that he is free and the rest of the world is trapped, and seems to achieve a greater personal satisfaction than the king ever does through that belief. the king and jevil also display dynamics characteristic of their inspirations; the king is amongst the most powerful of playing cards, superior to almost all others except the joker, which operates outside the rules, likewise, a king reigns supreme in court, but the court jester has freedom to do whatever they please and is bound by no law.
the queen and spamton display similar parallels. queen believes she knows best, she craves control and takes it by force in a misguided attempt at actually satisfying her subjects; spamton is a salesman who hopes to sell things to others to satisfy them, through which he hopes to satisfy himself. spamton is obsessed with personal freedom; queen limits others' freedom. while this is a massive simplification of spamton's larger, deeply compelling narrative, im keeping myself from rambling about spamton and the concept of choice to try to stick to the original purpose of this post. these two characters' ends are also reflections of each other: queen ends up happy, but in a sense trapped and powerless—she becomes a resident of Castle Town. spamton gains the freedom he craves and ceases to exist. a motherboard thrives under proper maintenance and control; a spam email has no identity outside the force that propagates it.
having established all that, i want to talk about the narrative roles these bosses/secret bosses play.
jevil is a truly hidden character. you have to investigate the map thoroughly to find him; if you don't, you may not even know he exists unless you're particularly observant. you certainly won't know what he looks like, his musical themes, his attacks, his interaction with other characters, or any part at all of his story. regardless of whether or not you unlock jevil's fight, the main boss of chapter one is still the king.
spamton is different. spamton appears prominently in any playthrough of the game—you do not have to go looking for him. multiple characters talk about spamton before you see him, and once you meet him, he further elaborates on his interaction with them. spamton's main musical motifs are all heard in the main game. you battle spamton in all runs of the game, albeit lesser and more powerful versions—regardless, even a normal playthrough familiarizes you with spamton's attacks. spamton is a character in the game with as much presence as any other without any need for you to go out of your way to find him—he arguably has a larger presence than any other miniboss, because spamton's scenes and fights are striking, memorable, and dramatic right from the first, "normal" time you encounter him. he's called a secret boss because to unlock his boss fight, you have to either perform a long, long series of steps which spamton himself guides you through, or you have to manipulate the main character's childhood friend into performing some truly chilling (hah) actions which dramatically alter the course of the game. if you do this, you do not fight queen, the real boss of chapter two, at all, and instead fight spamton, the secret boss, in her position.
spamton is not a secret boss in the same capacity as jevil. jevil's existence and boss fight are both a secret, while spamton himself is not inherently a secret at all—only his boss-ness (boss-ship? boss-hood? boss-form?) is. this development between chapters one and two, between jevil and spamton, makes me wonder how bosses and secret bosses will develop in upcoming chapters.
ive started thinking about how the differences, similarities, parallels, and overlaps between the boss and secret boss could be explored in further chapters. right now spamton becomes the main boss of chapter two after making some disturbing choices—but they're still your choices, you're still the one who made them, you were too curious for your own good. what if bosses overlapped and interchanged based on softer, less damning choices? what if the choices were just as damning as they were in chapter two, but you were desensitised to their gravity? what if the game itself directs you to make these damned choices, to the extent that you never even realize that you're making them, and the "secret" boss starts rising up as an increasingly prominent antagonist, until they fully replace the normal boss?
two further elaborations:
(one) toby fox has set up the boss and the secret boss's character inspirations in a very precise thematic manner, especially the primary bosses. the main boss of a chapter based on playing cards is the king of the set; the main boss of a chapter based on a computer lab is the motherboard. the secret bosses are a little less obvious in their inspiration, but a thread i see between them is that they're based off something almost irrelevant, forgettable, yet also overwhelmingly in your face. the joker and a spam email. my purpose in pointing this out is to clarify that im not suggesting that this theming will change in future chapters; i expect a main, overt boss and a secret, covert one to be present. what im suggesting change in is how you encounter them, to what degree, and as a result of what action. the two secret bosses so far explore ideas of freedom, control, choice, and perception. i think there is great potential to explore these and further ideas through playing with the way one encounters these characters in addition to their personal character traits. after all, encountering any character at all is a result of control and choice, which are results of freedom, and perception guides the choices, the very feeling of control, and the opinion one makes of the character. perhaps these secret bosses will cease to be perceived as antagonists at all—or maybe they'll start to come off more antagonistic, in contrast to how the secret bosses so far have been characters it's almost too easy to sympathize with.
(two) the average deltarune player has already played and been deeply immersed in undertale. undertale teaches you many things, but i want to highlight two here: it teaches you to be kind, and it teaches you that a kind heart is only an entertained one. the first of these informs a lot of players' instincts in deltarune—we tend to choose the "nice" options and go for the "morally right" thing. as we have been taught, when one does that, they meet the real boss as the final antagonist, who they know is definitely a bad guy, cause they, the player, have been nothing but good. i think that deltarune wants to teach us something about morality even further than the point undertale made with its no mercy run, where we were shown how one loses their pretence of kindness to a burning urge to be entertained. i think a very interesting way to do that would be through un-teaching us the nice!nice!nice! instinct that undertale hammered in, potentially teaching a completely different, possibly chaotic instinct in its place, then manipulating the game and its bosses based on those choices we start making instinctively. a key aspect of a toby fox game is the fact that any choice, regardless of how or why you made it, is finally your own, and i fully want to be punched in the face with that fact once again through deltarune, which i think it could achieve by subverting our understanding of a "normal" play of the game. i fear i am rambling too much for my point to be clear, so to illustrate with an example, what i mean is this: we accept that the normal chapter two occurs by playing the game the normal, obvious way, while the weird route occurs by playing it the intentionally absurd way—but what if those lines between normal and absurd started blurring? what if you started feeling unsure of which was the "correct" way to move forward in the chapter? what if you started having to take morally ambiguous decisions to achieve the "normal" ending of a chapter, which conditions you to start making morally ambiguous decisions in general, until chapter six rolls around and the fandom talks about the normal route and the weird route, but somehow, the weird route is the one where everything is fine and all four friends who fall asleep in a librarby wake up?
i have never typed the word boss this many times in my life. good night, humans and monsters.
cross posted on reddit.
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winniethewife · 1 day
Missing pieces find me (Captain Howzer x F!Reader)
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Gif by @nobie
for Operation #MoreHowzerFics
Words: 791
Howzer hadn’t slept well in a long time. He wasn’t sure he’d ever gotten a full nights rest since the war ended. In the past it hadn’t seemed to bother him, but now working in the Clone underground. He wondered, if maybe something wasn’t quite right with that. He realized at some point he couldn’t focus on the Data pad in front of him, His vison was hazy and he felt off. He blinks a few times, looks up and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Howzer? You alright there?” Rex raised an eyebrow at him from across the room.
“I…I think so…it’s just a headache.” Howzer tried to brush it off. Rex wasn’t at all convinced. He walks over to him and takes the Data pad from his 
“Vod… you need some rest…go.” Howzer can tell by the tone of Rex that he isn’t asking, he’s telling. Howzer sighed dramatically before standing up.
“Whatever you say captain.” Howzer replied with an abundance of sass in his voice. Rex rolled his eyes and waved him off. Howzer made his way to the makeshift Barracks. He passed by the medbay on his way and he stopped for a minute. His immediate reaction is to search the room for her. The medic who had caught his eye the moment they had met the first time. They had formed a close friendship that developed into more but they hadn’t really put a definition on it. He found her talking to one of the other medics over a box of supplies. He waited patiently to be noticed, not wanting to take her attention from the task at hand. He wasn’t waiting long before she noticed him and made her way over to him. She gave him a kind smile.
“Captain, can I help you with something?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah I’ve been…feeling kinda off…Rex sent me off to get some rest…” He rubs the back of his neck as he looked at her. It was hard to stay professional with her.
“and why aren’t you?” she asked with a cheeky smile knowing full well why he stopped by.
“I…I wanted to see you.” He admitted shyly. She smiled knowingly.
“I could probably get away for a short time, if you need some company…” She looked over her shoulder. “I think the others can make it on their own for an hour or so.”
“I’ll take whatever I can get.” Howzer said with a laugh. They both walked to the barracks, fingers grazing each other occasionally as they walked side by side. Howzer felt, increasingly nervous, and incredibly inadequate. Once they finally arrived in the barracks, Howzer started to take off his armor, leaving him in just his blacks. As he does this she sits down on his bunk and watched with a smile on her face. He turns to look at her, his face slightly flushed as he noticed her watching.
“Like what you see?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes…But that’s not why we’re here.” She laughs. She pats the bunk beside her and he gives a shrug and a chuckle as he lays in the bunk. She lays next to him, running her fingers gently though his hair, her touch was comforting. But as much as he tried to sleep, he couldn’t. It was nearly painful. His face contorted with pain, and she gently traced her fingers over his face. “Talk to me Howzer. What’s going on?”
“I can’t sleep, and it hurts…I don’t know…” He hesitated, He definitely wasn’t used to talk about his problems. But she made him feel safe, like he could tell her anything. “I…I feel like I’m missing pieces, of myself. Of normalcy. I don’t know what I’m doing, if I’m doing anything. I’m trying to figure out what my purpose is in all this.” He says quietly. Her gaze softened, and she gently holds his face in her hands.
“It’s okay to feel like that, you have spent your whole life, with one purpose, to fight a war. The war is over, and there’s a learning process. You are, missing pieces, every one of you. You’re finding a way to feel whole again without the republic, without so many of your brothers. It will take time.” She says these things softly and lovingly as she runs her thumbs across his cheeks and gazes into his eyes.  “But I’ll be here, for every step. Alright?”
“I…thank you.” Howzer sighs. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in close, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He felt…for just a moment, that he was whole, she made him feel that way. And finally, for the first time in a long time. He fell asleep.
Taglist: @masterjedilenawrites @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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cokoweee · 2 days
Tada part two.
There was NO way she was going to use one of her own brushes on his hair. She has washed it herself a while ago, but it honestly looked like it has been washed a grand total a twice since she last had. Disgusting. She rummaged through a duffle bag for a bit before finding an old brush. It really wasn’t hers, she had always used it on her brother when he was little enough to put up with her using him as her own personal doll, but she figured he wouldn’t miss it.
There was music playing when she entered the bathroom. He was sitting in the same spot she had left him, staring blankly at the wall. She only saw bathroom tile, but if he was seeing hallucinations it really wouldn’t surprise her at this point. His music choice was top tier though, so he had that going for him.
“ m’ back” she hummed
He lifted his head in small acknowledgment before turning back to wall and staying freakishly still. It felt wrong to say anything to him when he so obviously wanted to escape the confined space, but she figured she could probably make him take a shower when she was done which was a win for her. Distantly she wondered if he was claustrophobic. That was probably the reason why he was so uncomfortable.
She carefully grabbed her old brush, wary of the chipping purple color, and got to work on the mess in front of her. Undoing the clips she brushed out the knots. She really tired to be gentle, but some of the knots were more like matts. She eyed the scissors on the edge of the counter a few times before shaking her head and slapping conditioner into his hair. His eyes slipped closed at one point which helped Kendra fall into a simple rhythm.
“ Do you even own a brush?” She complained after spending a solid ten minutes on a single knot, trying not rip half his hair out, “ It’s like it hasn’t been touched since I last washed it for you”
He said nothing. Which was rude, so she flicked him on the head.
“ Stop that Leo.” He snapped waving his hand at her general direction. A beat of silence before he managed to curl himself into half his size.
“ Sorry, sorry I- you’re not- it’s not. Sorry sorry. ” he stumbled over his words as he gestured with his hands trying to explain.
“ Ok whatever. I’m almost done anyway. Just gotta put the actual mask in. Hold still a bit longer.”
He goes still once more, curling his legs toward his chest and pressing his chin into his knees, careful to avoid smudging his face mask. It looks rather painful, but Kendra can’t really complain because the less he moves, the sooner she’s done. The only real indication he gives that he’s still alive is the anxious twitch of his tail as it flicks on the floor.
A satin wrap is nestled around his head and a gentle tap on his shoulder lets him know he can get up. He kind of doesn’t want to, he’d rather stay here curled up in shame. So he doesn’t, and he wouldn’t but a small foot kicks him in the back and it hurts more than he would care to admit.
“ Let’s go.” She draws out the last word dramatically, “ I’m gonna get started on dinner. Which you will not be missing because I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you eat.”
“ Obviously I eat.” He rolls his eyes.
It was no where near enough food to properly sustain him, but sometimes moving was chore and the thought of food was too much. He has become quite fond of a little juice Drax created with a lovely blend of all the nutrients he needed, for days like those. Which granted was almost every day, but it mixed well with cheap beer, so ya know. He follows her into the kitchen, dragging his feet and hanging his head.
He sits on a stool and flattens himself against the counter top. Maybe he can make himself invisible and she won’t make him do anything else today.
You’re already a burden. She’s practically doing all the heavy lifting around here. All you do is a whole lot of nothing.
A sigh escapes his lips and he pushes himself off the counter.
“ What do you need me to do?” He asks, twisting his fingers awkwardly.
She says nothing as her brows furrow in confusion.
“I don’t really know. I usually do it myself. Don’t like people crowding my cooking space ya know?” She says slowly, turning her attention to the pile of vegetables she had just pulled from the fridge.
He does know. Mikey was the same way. The scene feels painfully familiar and he swallows the lump in his throat before walking over to her side and grabbing some vegetables.
“ Do these need to be diced?”
It would help lower the prep time of the meal if he diced while she did what ever she needed to do. Mike was always happy to have someone help with the grunt work as long as they stayed away, so he figured the same rules applied here.
Her face was still twisted in confusion as she nodded, albeit a bit dazed.
Dice them the way I taught you! Make a good impression on her. Heaven knows you need it.
He moves to the other side of the counter and chops. Over and over and over. It’s grounding and gives him time to think. He really wishes it didn’t. His mind wanders to his brothers as he chops. The kitchen starts to smell familiar, a blend of spices tickling his nose as he looks up at Kendra. She’s stirring something in a sauce pan before looking over her shoulder.
“ You done with those?”
A nod before he picks the cutting board up and brings it to her side.
“ You know how to sauté I hope?”
Another nod.
“ Good. I’ll be back in a sec. Im gonna go wash this out of my hair before it gets stuck to my head” She says walking away.
A flash of panic grips him as he grabs at his own hair.
“ What about mine?!”
“ I put mine in before I had to spend an hour detangling your hair.” She says rolling her eyes.
“ Ah.”
She pulls off her bonnet, running her fingers through her hair and walking down the hallway before shouting,
“ Oh yeah! I just sent the recipe to your phone.”
“ Please don’t burn anything!” She adds as an after thought.
At that he smirks. As if Mikey would ever allow him to be so incompetent in the kitchen that he would burn something as simple as this.
The kitchen smells even better than she left it. He’s flitting around the room grabbing all sorts of ingredients. He stirs with a ruthless intent, tossing potatoes and carrots into a pan. It’s oddly funny to watch him work so hard on such a simple dish when all he really needed to do was let it sit.
“ I didn’t know you could cook.” She muses crossing the kitchen to the stove.
A small shrug before he turns his gaze to the floor.
“ Learned from the best.” He says, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“ Leo?” She ventures carefully.
“No.” His response is whispered, almost reverent as he turns his eyes toward her,
“ My baby brother. His name was Mikey.”
She doesn’t press any further, choosing instead to grab some flour to roll out the bread dough she had made a few hours earlier. She wants to know, but there isn’t an easy way to approach the topic. Possibilities fill her mind as she works to shape the dough into a loaf. Her thoughts are quelled when he speaks again softly.
“ He died saving my twin.” A hand goes to stir the soup, avoiding her gaze. “ He opened a portal to save him from the prison dimension. But it uh- took more than he could handle. By the time I realized what was happening it was too late to help him. He literally crumbled in my grip.”
He didn’t know why he was telling her. He’s never told anyone this before. He might have told Draxum at some point in a drunken stupor, or maybe in those weeks after the invasion when he has clung to the poor goat like a baby. But he’s never actually told anyone what happened.
Words rush out of his mouth before he can stop himself.
“ I wish I could have told him not to. His sacrifice was pointless. When we pulled my twin through the portal it was already too late. He was concussed and didn’t even know we had gotten him home.” He took in big lungful’s of air as he recounted the memory. “ He died in my arms, crying for home. I don’t think he even knew it was me holding him because he kept trying to escape my arms.”
His fingers wander to face as he feels a tear escape his eye. He turns himself away from her and stirs the soup a little faster. This is disgusting honestly.
Why would you tell her that? She doesn’t need to know! Now she’s going to know all the ways you failed! She’s going to hate you even more.
He shook his head as if it could clear the voices and continued.
“ A week after the invasion my older brother died due to my negligence. I hadn’t noticed the lingering effects of the infection until it was too late. I thought I could fix it myself, but days passed and nothing was helping him. When I showed up on Draxum’s doorstep begging him to help, there was nothing that could be done. He died because I was stupid enough to think that I could fix what was wrong.”
Draxum has assured him that even if he has gotten help for Raph immediately there was nothing that could have been done. The Krang was something Draxum had never seen before, there was no way for him to cure the infection, only a way to ease the pain. But Donnie knew he was only saying that to make him better.
He had failed his family that day. He failed a lot that day. He could have realized what Mikey was doing sooner and helped him. His hand is a constant reminder of that short coming. He could have stabilized Leo instead of just staring at his broken body. He could have made sure his father and sister were in a safe location instead of just assuming that they were fine. But no. Donatello just sat and watched his younger brother turn to dust. He watched his twin die in his arms. He sat and let his older brother whither away into nothing. He didn’t try to help his father or sister and their own and it cost them their lives. What’s worse, he never even learned his lesson.
He’s creating new failures with Kendra now. He watched her leave each night on those stupid dates. And he didn’t say a thing. He didn’t even try to help when she came back one night injured. He just sat in his room, watching it happen and doing nothing.
He’s so wrapped up in his misery that he doesn’t hear her walk to his side. She grabs the spoon from his hand, replacing it with a bottle of water and stirs the soup.
“ Go sit down,” she says pointedly, her hand on her hip. “ This will be done soon.”
He is more than happy to comply and slinks to the couch. He grabs a purple fuzzy blanket from the basket Kendra must have added to the room and wraps himself up like a child. It’s soft and feels just like the one he and Leo used to share when they had movie nights. The memory causes him to drift slightly out of focus with reality. He knows he shouldn’t dissociate, but falling into a void seems better than dealing with the mess he just created, so he lets himself fall.
Yup. That’s part two.
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