#obey me lesson 28
momokotuharumaki · 2 years
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If it isn't the consequence of my actions...
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pseudonymphomania · 7 months
I can't believe I grinded from 20 to 28 normal and 18 to 28 hard just to see this damn scene. One of my Fandom friends that knew I played for nuggets of DiaLuci - even though they didn't personally care for the ship - said they thought of me as they read it and it piqued my interest. And THEN they said, "huh, this is how some smut starts." And then I was like "????????? HOW." Friend, you cannot just say that.
Anyway, I sped-ran it and suffered just to see.
1) The usual Diavolo with his intuition about how Lucifer cares for his brothers even though Lucifer always says "You're reading too much into that". No Lucifer, Diavolo just knows you. So. Well. And how Diavolo notices that Lucifer didn't order his usual and cares to mention it.
2) The 3 music change from casual, to plotty, to... music box instrumental. Date. They are on a date.
3) The thing that my friend eyeballed for me. Dia eating his food and teasing Luci, but with (imo) arguably viable innuendo.
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Tease him harder, Dia, and he's going to whip you.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
Okay, just real quick about Lesson 28...
Spoilers below cut...
I love where they're going with Beel. I always characterize him by focusing mostly on his sweet nature and how nice he is to everyone. So to have that be the reason that he's suppressing his demonic urges... just makes me go yes, thank you.
I'm really curious to see how it gets resolved.
ALSO 28-A???
Mammon tricks both Mephisto and Diavolo into eating candy that has a potion that reveals your secrets. Was this meant to be a prank? Possibly.
But I read it as Mammon being like, Mephisto needs to be honest about his feelings, I'm gonna force him and Diavolo to be in the same place then give him that potion...
The potion they learned about in a class he was supposedly sleeping through...
That boy I swear.
ALSO ALSO the WW with Solomon?!
Hang on, here are some screenshots because I just can't with this man.
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Listen. I am no fan of these 3D models, but this call nearly killed me.
Didn't I write something similar about how he doesn't like waiting for you?
Okay, okay, I'm sorry I just got in my feels about it. What a surprise lol.
(Also having feelings about Professor Barbatos... like I wanna write something about that...)
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I have a game theory the Gluttony Little D probably ate something really poisonous that it affected both him and Beel which causes them both to lose their appetite
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kannra21 · 4 months
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Mammon and Satan being on the same page cracks me up bc it's rare but wholesome 😂😂
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vvmorningstar · 9 months
WAIT so canonically Mammon enjoys us telling him what we want while doing the do??
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bansept · 1 year
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Yes yes yes, anything for you my sweet Mammon
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chaoffee · 10 months
Genuine question: how do you get further in the story with obey me (both games)?? My cards are always to weak and I level them up every day. Been playing for about a year for the og game and I still don’t exactly know what I’m doing 💀
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impish-ivy · 7 months
I have no many thoughts about Lesson 28 and all of them are good!
Wooo \(^0^)/
Further thoughts coming soon!
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
💫Whump ask game!💫
🔸Most suitable for non-BBU pet whump but can be used for whatever
🔸Anyone can use and reblog, nsfwhumpers included :)
🔸We're bringing tumblr ask culture back and ensuring no one is left excluded - sending an ask to the blog y'all reblogged it from is highly encouraged! I'll send an ask too! :)
🔸A little inspired by a wonderful ask post I wasn't able to reblog or visit that person's tumblr. Y'all hear me out. No block can stop me from playing whump ask games.
🔥For Whumper🔥
1) How did you acquire your whumpee? How hard it was?
2) From all the possibilities, why did you pick your whumpee rather than anyone else?
3) Why do you keep your whumpee captive? Why won't you let them go?
4) Is everything you do to your whumpee legal? Do you have to hide it from the authorities?
5) How open are you about keeping your whumpee?
6) Where does your whumpee live?
7) Do you bring your whumpee to your workplace? How about bringing them to your social activities?
8) How would you describe your whumpee?
9) Tell me about your whumpee's prettiest features!
10) How does your whumpee behave around you? How much did it change from the moment of capture?
11) What rules do you have for your whumpee?
12) What do you do if your whumpee misbehaves?
13) Have you ever tortured anyone aside from your whumpee? If so, what's the difference between your torture techniques for your whumpee and for others?
14) Your favorite torture method?
15) Do you give your whumpee any gifts, rewards or treats? If so, what are they? If you don't, why?
16) How possessive you are about your whumpee?
17) Has your whumpee ever tried to run away from you? What would you do/have done in that case?
18) Did you finally break your whumpee? How hard it is/was?
19) Does your whumpee fully belong to you? If not, why?
20) Is your whumpee allowed to move freely? How much?
21) Do you believe you're doing the right thing? Have you ever felt guilty about what you do to your whumpee?
22) What would you do if someone tried to take your whumpee from you?
23) Does your whumpee receive any medical care or health checks? If so, where?
24) Any advice on brainwashing or conditioning?
25) Have you made your whumpee learn something aside from rules and behavior lessons?
26) Do your friends/teammates/coworkers help you to tame your whumpee? Do you allow anyone to handle them?
27) Do you allow anyone else to talk to your whumpee?
28) Do you respect your whumpee's boundaries?
29) Did you know your whumpee before capturing them?
30) How often do you feed your whumpee? Have you ever used food as punishment?
31) What do you use your whumpee for?
32) Does your ownership of whumpee mean anything symbolic for you? Do you make any sort of statement by keeping them?
33) How would you describe the feelings you ger from owning/hurting your whumpee?
34) Have you trained your whumpee to obey your commands? How so?
35) Do you need to restrain your whumpee often? How and why so?
36) What do you dislike about your whumpee?
37) Do you decide on your whumpee's clothes? If so, what do you usually make them wear?
38) Do you ever believe you could be punished for your deeds, whether in your lifetime or after?
39) Could you tell me a bit about your values? How would you describe what you believe in?
40) What do other people usually say about your whumpee?
41) Do you use a collar or a leash on your whumpee? Do they have to wear it everyday, or only on special occasions?
42) Is your whumpee marked as your captive/possession in any way? How so?
43) Have you ever considered returning or releasing your whumpee?
44) Do you ever appear with your whumpee in public? If so, how do you make sure they won't run away?
45) Have you ever drugged or sedated your whumpee? Why?
46) Has anyone ever tried to search for your whumpee or rescue them? How do you prevent them from succeeding?
47) Which aspects of comfort do you allow your whumpee to have, if you do so?
48) Do you ever discipline/torture your whumpee when they didn't do anything wrong? For maintenance, for showing off, just because you felt like it?
49) Would you mind me to see your whumpee? Could you bring or call them to come here?
50) Your whumpee is so pretty! Can i pet them? Please :)
🌼For Whumpee🌼
1) When did you meet your whumper for the first time? How was it like?
2) What were you doing before capture? What could you tell about your life back then?
3) How were you captured?
4) Were you taken specifically for whumper from the start, or there was another reason at first?
5) Have you ever been interrogated? For what reason? Were you tortured there?
6) Do your friends or family know you're here? Do you think they miss you?
7) Have you ever planned your escape? If so, do you think it's gonna work? (We won't tell anyone)
8) How would you describe your whumper?
9) How strict your whumper has been with you?
10) At which points are you most scared of your whumper?
11) What are your thoughts on why is your whumper keeping you there?
12) Which of your whumper's rules you find harder to obey?
13) How much time are you forced to spend by your whumper's side?
14) Do you think anyone would be able to find or rescue you?
15) Have you ever tried asking anyone for help? If so, how did they react?
16) Do you hide from your whumper? Does it help? How long it takes for them to find you?
17) How often do you fight or resist your whumper? How do they react?
18) Does your whumper make you sleep in their bed?
19) Does your whumper take you outside? For walks, for any interesting places, for visiting their friends?
20) Do you have a comfort thing to feel better/safer? Does your whumper know about it?
21) Does your whumper provide you with any things of entertainment to do in your spare time?
22) Does your whumper try to brainwash you?
23) Do you have anyone to talk to aside from your whumper?
24) How often does your whumper punish you? Why?
25) Which punishment method do you hate the most?
26) Do you like it when your whumper holds or touches you? How often would they do that?
27) Has your whumper ever made you wear something you hate?
28) What do you prefer to do to comfort yourself when you've been hurt or feeling sad?
29) Do you remember how long you've been captive?
30) Does your whumper use any pet names for you? What are their favorite? Do you like them as well?
31) How much privacy do you have?
32) Where do you feel safer - with lots of people in the room or with your whumper alone?
33) How do your whumper's friends/coworkers treat you? Do they pay attention to you?
34) Did your whumper ever threaten to hurt your family or friends? Have they actually done that?
35) If you were given an opportunity to escape, what would you do? Where would you run to?
36) What does your whumper usually force you to do? Which of these things do you hate the most?
37) How often do you get sick? Do you get someone to take care of you in that case?
38) Have you ever been afraid to fall asleep? Why so?
39) What does your whumper usually say to you? Does he give more threats or compliments?
40) Does your whumper listen to your pleads, complaints or requests? What would you never ask them for even if you absolutely needed?
41) How does your whumper usually act around his friends or coworkers? Does he try to be a good person for them?
42) How much do you miss your past life, if you do so? Which aspects of it do you miss the most?
43) Are you afraid to die?
44) If you knew you'd end up like that, what would you do differently in your life?
45) Is there anything you said or did that could've led to your capture? If so, do you regret it?
46) If you could become an animal, which one would you choose? Why?
47) How much have you changed since the first day in captivity?
48) Do you have any plans or hopes for the future now?
49) Tell everything you've ever wanted to say to your whumper (we won't tell anyone!)
50) Share one of your happiest moment of freedom for us!
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sussysatann · 2 years
Obey Me! fans, we need to talk.
First, the cards.
Lucifer = 33 UR/UR+
Mammon = 28 UR/UR+
Leviathan = 25 UR/UR+
Satan = 20 UR/UR+
Asmodeus = 20 UR/UR+
Beelzebub = 22 UR?UR+
Belphegor = 21 UR/UR+
The devs clearly have favoritism for Lucifer. So many Lucifer cards keep rolling out and not only is it happening so often, but it's incredibly unfair for all fans of the game. He has the biggest fanbase and they've been taking advantage of that for more money. It's annoying for the fans waiting for other characters and for Lucifer stans who want these cards but can't keep up. Lucifer has had 4 URs in the last 2 months. FOUR.
Which brings me to my next point:
Not only have the events become repetitive and boring following the same formula over and over, but the devs are constantly pushing out events back to back. It's exhausting and time consuming. Fans have very little time in between events to prepare and even with all the preparation in the world before and during the event, they still might not get the rewards they want.
I know that you don't need to spend money on this game, but I'd like to touch upon this topic nonetheless. Obey Me has become incredibly reliant on gambling more than ever. From the Celestial Blessing loot boxes with no summoning odds listed, to expensive Charge Missions, to some players having to do over £200+ worth of Nightmare summons just to get that one card they want and VIP monthly membership. At the end of the day I understand that this is a company, but when the previous enjoyment starts to dissipate and corporate greed takes over players will want to quit.
The game itself.
It's becoming repetitive. As mentioned earlier, events are no longer as fun with them using the same formula over and over again and being ran back to back has many players getting burnout. I've only just started lesson 22 because I feel pressured to play events more than the main storyline so I can't say for sure, but I've heard that the story drastically changes. Characters not getting any more development or previous development being thrown out of the window, not focusing on the lore as much and becoming boring in general. Once again, I cannot say for sure and these are only things I've heard. If this is true, that's incredibly disappointing. We need more lore and darker storylines. This may be an otome, but it's a game about demons. There is so much potential, and I feel like the dev's aren't using it to their advantage as much as they should be. Personally, I think the masked event from 2021 was so close to perfection and really showed what we could have. It's still my favourite event and I think we need more plotlines that follow a similar tone.
This was not made in hopes of cancelling the game, but to bring attention to these issues and hope the devs will listen to fans.
DO NOT SEND HATE, SPAM OR HARASSMENT TO THE SOLMARE TEAM OR THE VA's. Do not get the VA's involved in this, they are not in charge of the game.
We need to be civil, respectful and mature about this if we want to get our points across and be heard.
@/lotuslucifer on instagram has a more detailed explanation here.
They are also making an email template with @/barbatossilverspoon on instagram for anyone wanting to contact the team to let them know how we feel about this and why it needs to change.
If I missed anything out, feel free to add to this.
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lunaslemons · 6 months
[Obey me Nightbringer spoilers]
Okay I wasn’t feeling lesson 28/29 it was okay but…eh Satan’s chapter was good I liked his. I had a lot to say but I got busy and now that moments gone so whatever. I related to most it and hit close to home for me.
Lesson 30…
I was a bit confused that we didn’t make a pact with beel in lesson 29. Now I know why, we need a Belphie‘s blessing (ironic) in order to marry make a pact with beel which, honestly I like that. I know a lot of people don’t like it think that belphie's being too possessive or whatever, but it makes sense I mean he lost his little sister because she fell in love with a human, now his twin who is his whole world practically wants to get closer with you a human. Yeah he’s gonna be a bit skeptical even though he’s chill with you now that fear/uncertainty is still going to linger within him, which I’m glad that they at least made him not 100% okay with it. even though he was set In killing you in the first game and fine with you now...
Now the Angels trial thing…I was so pissed for the reason most are sad about
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This fucking bitch you better sleep with one eye open because when I catch you...
other note I love his pettiness and asswholeness it's what I've been expecting and I'm loving it but fuck you dude for making my fictional fail wife sad
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Then we just say fuck it Luke’s carrying around a damn boiled egg than his magic egg like??
I know it’s supposed to be like “ohh you passed because you told a good lie yay” but wouldn’t not crushing Solomons hopes and dreams be a good lie? Or is it like the sake of everyone else's life vs his feelings? Idk I was like “mc keep your damn mouth shut and you’ll be fine”
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I’m not actually mad I was having fun with this lesson
Oh yeah...
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It was going to happen eventually but in the middle of our pact making...i smell.... ✨Drama✨
I've been wanting more drama and angst because how else and I going to feel emotions. Anyways I hope we almost die again and I can only imagine the shit show of Mc and solomon explaining how their going through the plot of Back to the future
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gnomishcunning · 3 months
5/28 + 6/28: First time seeing companions fight & teaching each other how to do something
(day 4 & 5 prompt from @mishtress and @writ3rstears's BG3FicFeb. pretend this isn't a day late, i got sick over the weekend so I just shoved em together)
In the distant part of Marrow’s mind that’s always on  —  the part that’s always nitpicking over little details, musing over the idle things, providing a running commentary that only makes it to Marrow’s mouth about a third of the time —  the gnome is insanely grateful they landed near their only companion from aboard the nautiloid that’s capable of healing magic. 
Because somehow, someway, some more of those gods-damn leggy bastard brains survived the crash. 
And they’re standing between Marrow and Shadowheart’s ascension to safety.
Or more specifically, circling the two. 
“Intellect devourers! They’re called intellect devourers!” The cleric calls, slamming her shield into the small body throwing itself at her. 
“Leggy bastard brains,”  Marrow shoots, the words lacerating the bloodiest of the three, “Does the job just fine!” 
The bard darts off the cleric’s six, shooting forward to drive the steal of their stolen rapier into the small squishy body. It collapses into a pile of jelly with a feeble moan. Their arm burns with unfamiliar exertion, shoulder aching, the blisters of new calluses boiling on the palm of their hand, and they barely have time to take a breath. They spin on one heel, trying to close back in — 
But one’s already leapt at Shadowheart’s exposed back. 
The thought surges down the tenuous connection of tadpoles. Marrow can see Shadowheart’s eyes widen, recognizing a thought that isn’t her own, but she still spins around. Her mace swings to meet the little body. It hits the ground with a brutal splat. 
It doesn’t rise. 
Marrow doesn’t stop to breathe. They learned that lesson. The gnome shoots forwards, ducking between the cleric’s legs to bodily charge the final intellect devourer. 
“Eat shit, skull-for-brains!” They spit, wildly slashing. Not their most sensible insult, but it does the job — it stumbles backwards, trying and failing to avoid blade and cantrip alike. 
Shadowheart’s voice rings in Marrow’s skull. They obey without question. 
“Ignis-!” rips through the air, right on-target. The final brain burns alive with a scream like a dying kettle. 
Marrow heaves a sigh of relief as it collapses, letting the tip of their rapier fall into the sand. They turn back to look at Shadowheart, who still has ash falling from her fingertips as she stores her mace. They’re both breathing heavily, the bard moreso than the cleric. 
“...Thanks.” The gnome manages between breaths, breaking the awkward silence. “...You’re, uh. Good with that,” They offer, nodding towards the weapon at her hip. “Better than me.” 
Her lips purse, like she’s repressing a smile. “You… have a unique approach to combat.” She tries. “But it worked out, regardless.” 
“My mouth works faster than my fists,” Marrow offers. Shadowheart smirks. The gnome glances down at the weapon still in-hand. The unfamiliar steel glints in the light of the noonday sun, and they flick a bit of gore off the tip before attempting to stuff it through their belt. 
Shadowheart glances between the eviscerated intellect devourers, and the gnome’s ungraceful attempt to manage a sword nearly as long as their body. They can see her thinking, and the gnome just sighs as they finally slide the steel between their tunic and the leather of their belt without stabbing themselves. 
“Just ask, Shadowheart.”
They can see the lightest bit of blush on her pale cheeks. “Are you… unfamiliar with wielding a rapier?”
It’s Marrow’s turn to blush. “Yes, I’m afraid. I picked up the first weapon I could find aboard the nautiloid.”
“Is there a weapon you’d be more comfortable wielding? We’re sure to find something among the wreckage.” 
The bard sucks in an uncomfortable breath through their teeth. “I’m afraid not. You’ve essentially witnessed the extent of my skill with a blade already.”
“...Really? Not even a dagger, something smaller and more manageable…?”
Marrow glances up at Shadowheart’s concerned expression, knowing it isn’t directed at them. They wouldn’t be thrilled to find their only other companion was incapable of any degree of organized fighting, either.
“I was a guild artisan, alright?” They sigh, gesturing to the flute on their back. 
Shadowheart, for a lack of a better response, nods. 
“More specifically, I’m a bard. I can insult a man so viciously it gives him a concussion. I can manage a handful of magic spells. I can play more instruments than you can name.” 
Shadowheart looks slightly insulted, but Marrow can’t stop. 
“None of my training drove me to learn sword training. I’m the type adventurers are supposed to get paid a pretty penny to rescue!  Nothing could’ve prepared me for alien abduction. I’m just lucky I kept a hold of my instrument, and I picked up the first pointy thing I could find that could maintain some degree of distance between me and the creatures who’re historically notable for eating brains, alright?”
Shadowheart’s expression — it doesn’t melt into sympathy, but it shifts like in the same way that half-heated wax moves when poked. “Ah.” She offers. 
“Ah, indeed.” They finish, kicking at the sand — a gesture that makes Shadowheart breath a passing imitation of a laugh. “So, forgive me ahead of time for needing your healing talents when I inevitably stab myself with my own sword?” 
That seems to push the cleric to forgiveness. She offers Marrow a small smile. “I’ll keep that in mind,” She says, looking up and off into the distance. She seems to be thinking, and Marrow politely diverts their gaze — trying to mentally pick out a route through the wreckage esclipsing the beach.
“...Additionally, thank you for that… mental warning,” Shadowheart tries after a moment. “I wouldn’t have seen that particular intellect devourer otherwise.” 
“It’s reassuring to know the tadpoles have some practical use.” They cheerfully state, trying for a smile that seems particularly forced, even for them. “Now, howsabout we find a way off this beach?”
“Yes, let’s.” 
Fortunately, Shadowheart’s concerns about their team’s combat capability would be rectified within the next fifteen minutes. 
Unfortunately, it would nearly be at the expense of Marrow’s life. 
There was another figure standing on two of their feet at the edge of the wreckage.  A sight to be grateful for; Marrow was starting to wonder if the nautiloid’s crash had killed every innocent in the vicinity. The newcomer — an elf, based on those ears — glanced once at the duo, before beckoning them forth. 
“Hurry,” He half-whispers, pointing off the edge of the cliff. “I’ve got one of those…. Brain-things, cornered.” 
Marrow and Shadowheart exchange a glance. She raises one eyebrow. It is suspicious, they’ll give her that. But the gnome only offers half a shrug, and pulls the rapier from their belt. 
Offering help was the only reason either of them made it off the nautiloid. Why stop now?
Shadowheart gives a silent sigh and reaches for her mace as Marrow toes their way towards the stranger
“There, in the grass!” He points off the edge of the cliff, towards a tall tuft of grass.  “You can kill it like you killed the others, right?”
Marrow glances up at the stranger, eyes wide. He’d been watching them fight for their lives, and hadn’t had a hand to lend? 
“There, can you see it?” He hisses, pointing more fervently. The gnome slips to the edge to the left of the stranger, peering carefully down the slope. Maybe if they were lucky, it’d be Us. 
Something shifts in the grass. 
Marrow tenses. Magic pools like spit in the back of their throat, preparing to sling insults. 
A boar takes off down the cliff, instead. 
(A trap!)
Their psychic plea has Shadowheart surging forwards. Adrenaline surges as blood rushes to their ears as they start trying to backpedal.
 It’s still too late. 
The elf throws an arm around Marrow’s throat. They clutch at his forearm, but the rogue throws them both backwards — ending all chances at a burning retort as the air rushes from their lungs. The cool line of a dagger is pressed to their windpipe, and it’s all Marrow can do to clutch at the blade. Panic burbles in the back of their throat as they freeze — they don’t even have the room to breathe.
“Not a sound,” He mutters. “Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.”
Marrow’s head jerks to the right. This is the worst possible position for a bard, trapped by someone with enough common sense to silence them. They have nowhere left to look but their assailant’s face, wide eyes desperately searching for some reason behind the attack.
(White hair in disarray from the crash. Obnoxiously fine clothes. Burning red eyes. Baldurian accent, upper city. The rasp to his voice is practiced, almost seductive — what is he? A consort? Nobleman?)
“And you!” He’s barking at Shadowheart now, eyes turned away. “Keep your distance! There’s no reason for this to get messy.” 
A tiny detail makes their mine hone in. 
The elf loosens his grip with his eyes elsewhere. The blade’s starting to slip, sliding down the meat of their throat. Marrow looks up, anywhere other than the dagger at their jugular. Their gaze lands on Shadowheart. 
Her mace is the air, but her arm is trembling. She’s frozen in indecision. 
They both know she can’t move faster than a knife at the throat
“I need them alive! Stow that blade, or I’ll show you just how messy things can get.” She calls. 
The elf has the gale to laugh, a deep and throaty thing. “I saw you both on the ship,” He responds, ignoring the cleric’s bravado. “Yes or no, darlings?”
Marrow gives the tiniest of nods. The blade skitters another centimeter. He glances from them up to the Shadowheart.
“...Yes,” She reluctantly confirms.
“Splendid!” He replies, all smiles. 
(Definitely fangs) 
The dagger slips further, shifting from the jugular vein to the tip-top of their collarbone. “One of you is going to tell me exactly what those tentacled freaks did to me, or I’ll pry it out of the short one myself.” 
They can work with that. 
The gnome surges forwards, smacking their forehead directly into the elf’s with as much force as they can muster. He reels back with a squawk, dagger flailing away wildly. Marrow scrambles away, and Shadowheart clutches their arms — dragging the gnome back to their feet as the rogue stumbles to his feet. “You- you wretched little ingrate!”
An insult rises to their tongue that would do much more damage than the rogue’s. 
The tadpole squirms. 
(The memories hit as a series of flashes. Hiding in alleyways. Prowling dark, busy streets. Skulking in seedy bars or navigating high-society parties. Always on the lookout. 
Always afraid.)
When the world swims back into place, Marrow’s on their knees again. There’s a distant moan of pain, the clatter of metal-on-rock of a dropped weapon — the vision got Shadowheart. The elf himself is nearly bent double, clutching his head, dagger dangling dangerously.
“What was — what sort of — what’d you do to me!?” He gapes, fury offset by pain. One eye fixates on Marrow through a gap in his fingers. 
Wide, with that same familiar fear as the memories.
“It’s the gods-damned worm,” They spit, gritting their teeth. The tadpole is still squirming, and they wildly shake their head — trying to rid themselves of the sensation. “The one the mind flayer implanted behind your eye, they’ve got… some sort of bizarre psychic connection.”
“Why’s this happen every time we meet someone new?” Shadowheart moans. 
“The… the worm?” The elf heaves, pulling his hands from his face. He’s slowly unfolding, and Marrow gives a miserable little moan, trying to find purchase on their own two feet. 
“My worm, your worm, her worm…” Marrow lists, standing after a long, wobbly moment. 
The elf is starring like he’s been slightly concussed. Marrow gives him a moment. As the silence stretches on, the gnome crosses their arms. 
“That… explains... Some things.” He tries, lamely. 
“Some.” Marrow parrots. The elf blinks, mouth moving as he grapples for words. If they squint, they see him pulling the pieces of his persona back together. 
“And to think… I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. Apologies, first impressions may’ve been a tad hasty.” He shoots, smirking.
Marrow rolls their eyes. “No hard feelings,” They shoot, voice flat. “If the roles were reversed, I would’ve done the same.” 
“A kindred spirit then,” He replies, smiling. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m Astarion, I was —”
“In Baldur’s Gate when you got abducted, right?” 
His eyes widen. “How’d you —” 
“Upper-city accent. I was, too. I think we all were.” They offer. 
“...Clearly, we run in different circles.” 
Another moment of silence. 
“So… these worms,” He tries. “You wouldn’t happen to know why we all underwent an involuntary eye exam?” 
Marrow glances to Shadowheart. She visibly cringes and shakes her head. Looks like they’re breaking the bad news. “They’re the precursory stage to mindflayer transformation. We’re essentially seedbeds.” 
It’s like he’s taken another hit to the back of the skull. “Turn us into…” 
Astarion’s silent for a secondt, before chuckling — bursting into outright rancorous laughter. It’s bizarre enough that Marrow can’t help themselves. A snicker sneaks their way out of their throat, before the gnome’s full-on giggling. Shadowheart simply stares, eyes darting between the two, stooping to pick up her mace. Marrow wouldn’t blame her. It probably seems like the tadpole’s finally taken hold. 
“Of course, of course — it’ll turn me into a monster, what else can I expect?” Astarion spits, his hysterical laughter dying right as the reality of the situation hits. Marrow snorts, slapping a hand over their mouth. Astarion either doesn’t notice or doesn’t mind. His gaze has shifted skyward, achingly nostalgic. 
Marrow keeps giggling for a moment, heart aching. Gods, they can’t blame him. This entire situation is so far past the worse-case scenario it’s a miracle they’re still in one piece, physically and mentally. If it weren’t for Shadowheart, if it weren’t for the intellect devourers, if it weren’t for distraction after distraction — they’d probably be curled into a ball back on the beach, crying hysterically.
More importantly,  Astarion wasn’t. Nothing about him spoke of mental instability in the face of grappling with ceremorphosis. 
His first instinct straight out the ruins of the ship was to find his footing and learn more about his situation. He’d skipped straight over Marrow’s instincts by manipulating their good graces, and easily landed an ambush on an unprepared victim. If it weren’t for a shaky grip, he would’ve succeeded in his mission. 
If Shadowheart and Marrow where to get anywhere, they needed that type of skill on their side. 
“Well, you wouldn’t be the only one. Kindred spirits, like you said.” Marrow shoots, dragging a hand down their face, trying to banish their inappropriate smile. It’s time to negotiate.
That gets a pained smile out of him, looking back down at the gnome. “You suppose?”
Astarion blinks, eyes slowly widening. Marrow can see the gears turning in his head. “...It hasn’t happened yet, has it?”
Marrow shakes their head. 
“If we can find an expert, someone who could control these things…” 
“There might still be time.” Marrow finishes. 
Astarion grins in full this time. 
“You’re good with that knife, I’m good with my words, and Shadowheart’s got enough magic to suckerpunch any issue we come into contact with.” Marrow states, laying it all out. “I’m guessing it’s your first instinct to go this alone, but if it’s the three of us  — we’d have a better chance than managing any of this, solo.” 
Shadowheart shuffles, stepping forward. “I second that. Rough introductions regardless, we’re all suffering from the same affliction.” 
Astarion crosses his arms, giving a little nod. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” He offers. “And you two seem like the useful sort to know, so. Lead the way, darling.” 
Marrow grins, gesturing up the path with a tilt of their head. After a moment, two sets of footsteps follow. 
As soon as they hear Astarion drawl “So, your name is Shadowheart?”, they let the mask fall, taking a breath. 
With someone like Astarion on their team, Maybe Shadowheart won’t end up inevitably going it alone when Marrow falls on their own sword. 
In retrospect, it’s pretty lucky the third survivor of the nautiloid that Marrow’s little crew encounters is Wyll — the so-called Blade of the Frontiers, as capable with a sword as he was with magic. The little bard knew enough ballads that spoke of his prowess that they were willing to trust in his reputation, and he’d proved every word ever sung in his name as he sliced and stabbed his way through the goblin ambush they’d been lucky enough to interrupt. 
Marrow carefully approaches Wyll’s high-sided tent the first night they set up camp among the bluffs some ways outside the Emerald Grove. He doesn’t seem to notice their approach. 
The bard takes a moment to observe. 
The man himself is carefully polishing his own weapon, a near-copy to the one tucked through their own belt, only with signs of… significantly greater care. He’s got the calluses of a man long-suited to combat, a strict contradiction to his surprisingly boyish face; yet completely in-line with the set of his spine - one that betrays how many burdens he seems to shoulder. First the tadpole, then the safety of the grove’s refugees; and finally the burden of new allies among Marrow’s little group. The group that carries the threat of spontaneous ceremorphosis at any given second. 
The bard can only hope he’s amenable to one more. 
Their voice seems to startle the man. “Ah, Marrow!” He moves to shift to his feet, but pauses as the gnome gestures.
“Oh! Please, stay where you are. I don’t wish to talk of anything too great an importance, and it’s nice having a conversation at my eye-level.”
The joke puts him at ease, and he settles back onto his knees. “Very well. What can I do for you, my musically-inclined fellow?”
The gnome crosses their arms, ignoring the set of the rapier at their hip for the moment, its point awkwardly digging into the dirt. “I wanted to check in, as the night wound to a close. You’re our latest addition, and I understand our group has,” They deliberately pause, if chasing a word they already know. “Quite a few characters.” 
He looks over Marrow’s shoulder to the other tents. “Yes, well. Astarion’s proven himself to be quite handy, regardless of his rather….” 
“Ignoble inclinations?” They offer
“That’s one way to phrase it, I suppose.”
“He’s good with both dagger and bow, and that’s more than I can say for myself. And he has the wit to sling insults on-par with my own. I can appreciate that in a fellow.” They admit, shifting closer, finding a seat on the short table to his right. 
Wyll shifts to face them, seemingly musing on their words. ”Vicious mockery’s your go-to, isn’t it?” 
Marrow offers a little shrug and half a smile. “Guilty as charged. The effect is admittedly variable, but I can yell insults across an entire battlefield, and the effect is usually disorienting enough that it can turn the tides of a scuffle.”
“I’ll admit, I’ve never seen someone curse a goblin to death.” He smirks
Marrow groans, burying their face in their hands. “Oh gods, the ambush? Please, don’t give me too much credit. We both know I spent most of that fight flailing around in a puddle of grease, and I’m still trying to get it out of my jerkin.” They complain, glancing towards their laundry off on the shoreside. 
This makes Wyll snort. “Well, you… certainly tried!” He offers, smiling awkwardly regardless of Marrow’s shame. “And that’s more effort than most.”
The bard can’t help their own self-deprecating chuckle, carefully shaking their head. “Oh, please. My magic has its uses, but I’m barely half the caster Shadowheart is.” They complain, nodding towards the cleric’s tent. 
“Her magic’s truly quite impressive.” 
“She’s the entire reason I was able to stand on my own two feet after aboard the nautiloid,” They admit. “We’re lucky to have her.” 
The conversation falls into a natural moment of silence. Marrow left considering how to go about managing their request, the reason they came over. 
Wyll inconspicuously clears his throat. “Marrow, why’d you —”
“How about you, Wyll?”
Marrow cuts in without regard for his addressment, and Wyll’s left blinking. “Huh?”
“You’re handy with a blade, and moreso with your own magic.” Marrow states, drawing their legs up onto the table. “Where’d the Blade of Frontiers learn the arts of his title?” 
Wyll blinks again. “I’ve trained with a rapier since a young age.” He tries. 
Marrow nods, gesturing for him to continue 
“...My father started teaching me when I was eleven. The rapier’s the deadliest sword out there, you know. On the battlefield, more people die from stab wounds than anything else.” He offers, glancing down at the sword he’d laid in his lap. 
“Really now?” They inquire, glancing at their own, awkwardly leaning against the table. 
“Surely, you know that? You wield one too, even if your fighting style has proven to be…” Wyl pauses, brow furrowing, visibly searching for a polite phrase.
“ Mostly composed of vigorous flailing?” Marrows admits, grinning. 
“...Yes.” He finishes lamely.
Marrow takes a breath, leaning back with a sigh. 
“That’s actually why I came over, Wyll. I need to make a request.” 
“...I had an inkling,” He admits. 
“I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with this thing,” Marrow confirms, nodding towards their sword. “I sing, not slice. I have absolutely no familiarity with a blade.” 
“You’ve held your own, so far.” He tries.
“So far, mostly against goblins, who everyone else has already sliced halfway to pieces. I’m quickly proving to be the weakpoint in this fellowship. If this journey to getting the tadpoles removed is even half as dangerous as it seems, I’m going to need to know how to wield a sword.” They state. 
At the word fellowship, Wyll smiles. He smiles easily — he’s not one to hold back his feelings, and Marrow appreciates that — but this is the first one Marrow’s seen where he’s not smiling in spite of something. 
“So, would the Blade of the Frontiers do me the honor of teaching me to do something other than flail about in a fight?”
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lancermylove · 1 year
Teen MC 31: Rebellious (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon brothers x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Headcanons for the brothers with a teen Mac that doesn't act their age, and generally breaks rules. Like maybe they go to parties they shouldn't be going to, or get drunk, or vape and smoke? Maybe their just involved in things they shouldn't be?
Series: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]
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Wants to slam his head on his desk.
He's raising 6 children already, so why does he have to take care of another one? Will he ever get away from this stress?
Every time MC comes home late from a party, smokes, or gets drunk, Lucifer goes into complete dad mode.
He wants to lock MC in their room until they learn to behave but knows that's not an option.
Patience. He just needs to be patient. What else can he do?
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Did someone say party and having fun?
Mammon is a bad influence on MC, compared to his brothers. He doesn't see why MC needs to live a strict life or stop having fun. So what if they get drunk, smoke, or vape?
As long as they don't commit any crimes, he will help MC, whether to sneak out to a party or get a pack of smokes.
Once in a while, Mammon does lecture them if they go overboard, but in the end he hugs them and tells them to enjoy their life.
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MC is too social!
Levi doesn't understand how MC likes to party every night. There's something called being too social...
Also, the amount of daily drama that happens thanks to MC's rebel lifestyle is too much for Levi. He's glad he carries around headphones.
Overall, he maintains his distance from them and prefers not to talk to them unless they want to talk about anime or video games.
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Dad number 2.
After Lucifer, Satan gives the most lectures to MC. Don't get him wrong, he enjoys seeing Lucifer suffering while handling MC, but at the same time, he worries about their health.
Satan sometimes wonders if his rebellious phase was as bad. Did he give this much trouble to his brothers? He would say sorry except they don't deserve it.
Regardless, he won't stop until MC changes their lifestyle. For once, he agrees with the way Lucifer is handling this.
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Eek. Drinking, smoking, vaping, and excessive partying will ruin your skin and health.
Asmo doesn't like MC's style of living and wants to help them change it for the better but is scared.
Why? MC insulted Asmo for trying to "lecture" them to take care of their health.
He wants to help them but getting insulted isn't worthwhile. If they continuously reject his help, Asmo will stop altogether. MC's life is their own, so they can do whatever they want with it.
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Beel doesn't think of MC's rebellious phase at first but hearing his brothers lecturing them slowly opens his eyes.
What if they drink more than their body can handle? What if they smoke too much and get hospitalized? What if they go to a party and never come back? Beel stays up some nights and thinks about these questions while munching down.
There are times when Beel goes to the parties MC attends, throws them over his shoulder, and carries them back home. He doesn't know how to lecture MC or give them a lesson on how alcohol damages the body, but he can carry them home whenever needed.
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Whatever makes MC happy.
Belphie finds MC's lifestyle too tiring. How does anyone have the energy to party so much? Asmo and Mammon combined, don't party this much.
Even more exhausting is the thought of helping MC improve their lifestyle.
So, Belphie is going to sleep sit on the bleachers and let his brothers take care of it.
➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
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otakusheep15 · 6 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 28
Prompt: Tutor
Pairing: Thirteen x reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 416
A/n: Second time writing for Thirteen! I'm still a little unsure on how to write her, but hopefully I'll get better the more I do it.
School was much harder for Thirteen than she thought it'd be. It's not like she's ever had to attend school before, but she thought that if Solomon could do it, it should've been easy. She was so, so very wrong.
Thirteen was smart for sure, but school was a whole new level. The amount of lectures and work she had to keep up with was insane, not to mention her job as the Reaper. It was absolutely miserable for her, but she persisted.
However, she knew she would need help, so she came to you. You've been attending R.A.D. for a while now, so she figured you'd be able to help her. You were, naturally, more than happy to help her out, so you became her tutor.
Now, you weren't the best student in any capacity, but you were surprisingly good at tutoring. It definitely helped that Thirteen was genuinely willing to learn, and she was just good company.
It was tough at first because you first had to catch her up on the most recent lessons, but it went by quickly enough. Before either of you knew it, you had spent hours together studying. It was already dark when you decided to take a break.
You were glad Thirteen was having fun. You saw how much she was struggling in class, so it's nice to see that she's enjoying herself now. She was actually very good at history, which made sense. She was less good at other subjects, but throughout the night, she slowly began improving. You never thought you'd be the one to tutor someone at a demon school, but you're glad you were able to. Plus, it helped you learn a bit as well.
The next day after school, she runs up to you in excitement and presents you with a test she just took. When she holds it up, you see that she received a passing grade, and you were so happy for her. Thirteen then asks if you'd want to have another tutoring session sometime this week, to which you gladly agree.
While these are for her, you are also elated to have another study session with her. You hope she feels the same way you do, although you're already suspecting as much. You like spending time with her like this, and the joy on her face when she handed to that test made it even better. Hopefully she'd still want to continue this even after she gets better at school.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
Obey Me, 666writingcafe Version (Lessons 20.5-28)
Lesson 20.5
Lesson 21: Secrets
Lesson 22: Lust
Lesson 23: Changes
Lesson 24: Plans
Lesson 25: Tension
Lesson 26: Explosion
Lesson 27: Peace
Lesson 28: Spark
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