#on top of everything my. best friend wont text me after we broke up and imm really scared i did something wrong
catholicjinx · 2 years
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iwadori · 3 years
hello! I love your works so much! Can I request an angst to comfort scenario for #21 on your prompt list?
“It’s my fault for trusting you”
Feel free to use whichever character(s) you like!!
When the haikyu boys neglect you for another girl PT 3
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part four Part Five
Word Count: 2.7K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You and Akaashi were beautiful people
Probably the most attractive pair of young adults that anyone can find
You were both top tier models in the industry
You always had a little rivalry between you but you always promised each other to never let it affect your ‘relationship’
“Beautiful darling, your beautiful” praised your photographer as you finished your shoot giving you air kisses on your cheeks. You thanked him and the rest of the staff and entered your dressing room sighing.
“Rough day?” Asked a voice, startling you a bit. You looked up to see your boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji sitting in the corner of your dressing room on a love seat.  
“Gosh Keiji you scared me” clutching your chest dramatically “But yes, the day has been tiring Fabio has really been overworking me lately” you complained. Akaashi walks towards you and gave you a peck on the cheek “Aww poor baby” he cooed mockingly, “but don’t worry ‘bout it Y/N your sucess will be all be worth it eventually” he says making you smile.
“and besides, you’ve got a shoot with me soon anyways” he winks, making you chuckle. You finished removing your make-up as Akaashi tells you about his shoot today and Bokuto’s (your fellow model friend) antics.  
You and Akaashi first laid eyes on eachother when you were both up and coming models, you both are under the same company. At first, both of your agents decided to make you spend time with each other to push the narrative of you being a couple anyways. However, since you and Akaashi had great natural chemistry it made your relationship great and made for a great photo too.  
As much as the public loved your relationship and the saucy photos you tend to make together, they also thrived of the slight rivalry you guys had together or the times when you guys bother shot with other people (since it was easy for a fan to make a new ship off of two people literally standing next to each other.)
You spent the next day having what you and Akaashi called a ‘rest day,’ you both specifically clear your schedules for every 2nd and 4th saturday of each month to not do any work-related for the day and just bask in each other’s companies (as you were both busy and barely got enough time to see one another.)
You watched multiple movies, made your own homemade cookies and dinner, had pillow fights, built forts. You both were having so much fun, until you both got a call...Just then, the vibe changed you went from your free-spirited fun selfs back into work mode.
Your agent told you that two brands *Insert big fashion designer brand here* and *Insert another big fashion designer brand here* were having some form of standoff. To be honest, you didn’t really care about the context of the shoot(s) in this case, as your agents call ruined your day. They wanted you and Tsukishima Kei, to do some competing shoots and promotional videos for their brand against the other designer.
After getting all your information from your agent, you go back into the living and see Akaashi sitting down thinking deeply about something. “What was your call about?” you inquire sitting down next to him.
“Oh just some silly designer brand competition thing.” he mindlessly replies, still thinking deeply.
“Yeah same. So what’s got you thinking all deeply then?” you ask
“My fellow model is going to be Kiyoko Shimuzu” he sighed, making you blink repeatedly before immediately saying “You can’t do the shoot”
Kiyoko Shimuzu was japans beauty. Everybody loved her, she’s been a model since she was a child everyone wanting a grasp on her looks. The guys wanted her, the girls wanted to be here. Kiyoko Shimuzu was a force to be reckon with.
The real problem at hand wasn’t her stunning looks, popularity and fame. It was her connection with Akaashi. Before Akaashi went big and met you, he was Kiyoko’s boyfriend (well ex-boyfriend now) and they broke up because of long-distance or something like that.
However, to you, Kiyoko’s feelings for your boyfriend have never went away. Whenever you guys bumped into each other at red carpet events or runway shows, she always seemed to linger a bit too long around your boyfriend, which definitely wasn’t to your liking.
Akaashi lifted up his head from inside his palms and looked at you as if you had grown another head. “What do you mean, ‘I can’t do the shoot’” he asked in disbelief
“I mean, you can’t do the shoot” you reiterated not understanding why he didn’t understand.  
Akaashi sighs before putting his face back in his hands to think, “Well I know you got to the shoot aswell Y/N who’s yours with.”
“Tsukki” You said nonchalantly say as if it was nothing, making Akaashi look at you again as if you were fully crazy before he had a chance to speak you cut him off saying “Don’t even start Akaashi.”
You and Tsukishima Kei, have best friends since you were kids. You weren’t romantic in any way shape or form, well at least you weren’t. Akaashi always claimed that that Tsukishima was in love with you, that you and Tsukishima were the perfect example of every ‘childhood friends-lovers trope’ ever, which to you wasn’t true. Everything between you and Tsukishima was and still is completely platonic which you can’t say the same for Akaashi and Kiyoko.
“You’re not doing the shoot” he says firmly as if he was your father.  
“Oh so you can do your shoot with your literally EX GIRLFRIEND, but I can’t do mine with my best friend... yeah make sense” you say standing up, astounded.
“Y/N chill, If you’re so adamant about me not doing it with Shi- Kiyoko, then I wont” he says pulling your arm down making you land on him “and you better not do it with ‘Tsukki’” he mocked.
“Okay so none of us are doing the shoots?” you ask looking up at him  
“Yup” he says  
“Pinky promise,” you joked sticking out your pinky in his face.
“Pinky promise” he agreed hooking his finger around yours.
For the next month it seemed you were booked busy, you barely got to see your boyfriend as his agent had him running around all of Japan and even had him booked in some places in Europe for this month. Of course, you missed him, but you understand how busy it can be doing your line of work. You’ve been quite busy too, doing the usual shoots and runways.
Although he was busy, Akaashi basically went radio silent on you. You still expected him to reply to some of your messages or at least call once or twice when he had the chance, since he must have 10 minutes of break time and that's the bare minimum.
It’s been two weeks since you last saw Akaashi (and that was on your saturday rest day) and you were expecting him to come over today so you could have another. Since of course, Saturday ‘rest days’ were basically a tradition for you and Akaashi before you even started dating.
You had no text from Akaashi explaining his lateness/absense, so you just figured he wasn’t coming putting a damper on your day. You spent the day lounging around and shoving your face with your favourite snacks and food.
You get a text from Tsukishima which read:
Tsukishima: 1 Image Attached  
Tsukishima: Looks whose boyfriend stumbled on set...
You didn’t respond as you were shocked at the sight you saw, the image was a picture of Akaashi and Kiyoko on set doing shots for the *insert the other rich designer brand* the shoot that you both agreed you wouldn’t do, which was also a LINGERE brand.  
You felt betrayed, you both agreed to not do the shoot and it’s not like you did do yours. You made sure to turn it down the day you made your agreement. And he skipped on your traditional saturday ‘rest day’ without even giving you any word of him not planning on arriving.
You didn’t know what to do, do you confront him about it? Or do you wait for him to approach you? Since he would plan on telling you about this right? You eventually messaged Tsukishima a ‘thanks’ and you decided how you were going to handle the situation. Pop up on Akaashi and Kiyoko at the photoshoot.
You knew where it was at, since you had the address already from when your agent first offered you the idea. You drove to the place in a breakneck speed, strutting in there like a woman on a mission (which you technically were.) You decided to wait in Akaashi’s dressing room, not wanting to cause a scene at the shoot which would be bad for yours, Akaashi’s and Kiyoko’s image and would be a waste of the time of the staff and photographer there.
Akaashi finally finished the shoot and entered his room with a sigh not realising that you were sitting in the corner of his room. “Did you have a rough time?” you ask mockingly making him jump and his eyes widen as you were the last person he expected to be there. “Why so shocked, you weren’t expecting me?” you still keep the same mocking tone in your speech.
“Y/N I-” He started  
“Y/N what?” You interrupted “Y/N I’m sorry for basically ghosting you for a month? I'm sorry for doing a shoot with someone who I know is still in love with me? I’m sorry for lying to you? I’m sorry for skipping out on our rest day with no explanation on where I am?” you stare at him as he stares back speechless.
“Oh, am I missing something?” you continue “Oh yes ‘Y/n I’m sorry for doing the shoot that we both agreed that we weren’t doing’” you sit down and wait for him to reply.
Akaashi puts his head down in shame, not really knowing what to say. Because of his silence, you roll your eyes and get up fed up with his lack of explanation. Before you fully leave Akaashi blocks your way with slight tears in his eyes “I had no other choice Y/N, I had to do all those shoots and travel other places with Kiyoko because sh-”
“Wait, that’s where you were?” you shout “Gallivanting around the country with HER!” you extend your arm pointing outside the door before you turn trying to leave again.
“N-No No Y/N you’ve got to listen to me” he said putting your hands on my shoulder “She has something, on me and I-I couldn’t I can’t get out of it. It’s deeper than just a simple shoot.” You were confused but you were so upset you just didn’t want to hear it so instead of listening to your boyfriend you decided to say “you’re so full of shit Akaashi” making him gasp at your coldness and the use of his last name. “ but hey I guess thats my fault for trusting you”
You finally left the room and went to go get a breather for a second with tears sparking in your eyes. You leaned against the wall and whispered “fuck” frustrated with the whole situation. Making you jump, Tsukishima said “you should go talk to him you know.”  
“What do you know Tsukki” he cringed at the nickname
“I know more than you Y/N, just go talk to him.” he said making you squint your eyes at him wondering what information he held.
When you walked back to Akaashi’s dressing room practicing an apology in your head. But you paused your arrival hearing Akaashi talking to the one and only, Kiyoko Shimuzu in his room.
“Let’s face it Akaashi, now that I’ve got this sex tape of us, I basically own you.” she said to him making your eyes widen.  
You decided the smartest thing to do was to pull out your phone and record as much as the conversation as you possibly could. Because you could already tell Akaashi was in a bind.
“The next thing I want you to do is...” she continued acting as if she was thinking “break it with Y/N!”
“No certainly not Kiyoko, you’re going too far.” he said making you smile internally that he still defended your relationship. “Me and Y/N are definitely NOT breaking up.”
“Akaashi are you forgetting that I have something over you.” she pulls out her phone and she plays a video, which you can only assume is the sex tape. You can hear a bunch of moans and groans which made your stomache ache.
Tired of hearing this, you burst into the room and say “What the fuck are you doing Kiyoko”  
“Oh Y/N how lovely for you to join us...” she said with a smile, “I was just discussing with your ‘boyfriend’ plans for our next shoots.”
“I always knew you were a bitch.” you say shocking your head at her.
“What do you mean Y/N?” she says with a fake smile, not knowing that you were listening in on your conversation “Actually Akaashi was telling me something he had to tell you... isn’t that right Akaashi.” you both looked over at him and he was scared and speechless.
“Oh you mean how you’ve been blackmailing him for the past two weeks...” you accuse  
“You have no proof of that.” She taunted  
“Oh do I..” you rebuttal then pressing play on the recording you just took watching as both Kiyoko and Akaashi look shocked. Kiyoko scurries out the room knowing she’s been caught leaving you with a triumphant smile.
You sit down, gesturing Akaashi to sit next to you. “Akaashi, I’m so sorry for not listening to you earlier I felt so betrayed thinking that you went agaisnt out agreement, but I guess I was just being a self-obsessed bitch” you say with you now looking down in shame.
“Y/N” he says with you still not meeting his eye “Y/N look at me” he lifted your chin up so you met his eye “It’s fine, It’s completely fine you didn’t know of course you didn’t know, how would you know of sex tape I unknowingly did back when I was 16!” he exclaims “Its fine, we’re good” he pulls you into a hug and kisses you on the forehead.
After you both calm down, Akaashi explains how Kiyoko started to blackmail him and how the agency loved the idea of them two being together (not the blackmailing) as it created a jealousy storyline between you and her and how every time they met she kept proposing ridiculous demands.
“Also, how did you know I ended doing the shoot?” he asks
“Oh a little bird told me” you tease  
“You mean a 6ft2 bird with blonde hair and a shit personality.” he retorts making you laugh  
“Heyy don’t be so mean, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t of came to save the day.”
“True, I’d give him that.”
Eventually, you and Akaashi go to your agency and present all your evidence and claims that Kiyoko was blackmailing Akaashi. Although they were upset, that Akaashi did partake in a sex tape they knew that they’d be an even bigger scandal if you presented your news that Japans sweetheart Kiyoko Shimuzu was blackmailing Akaashi Keiji. So the agency thought it was in everyones best interest if they got Kiyoko to sign an NDA saying that she will never bring forth or share the Sex Tape to anyone and she’ll agree to be dropped from the agency.
Your life was great now, with Kiyoko off your back and Akaashi being back to his usual self you couldn’t wish for anything more. You ended up doing the shoot persuading the design brand person (whatever the name for it is) to agree to let you do the shoot together instead of with other people. Both brands let you, because who wouldn’t want Akaashi Keiji and L/N Y/N to do a shoot together?
AUTHORS NOTE: this is the longest work ive written for a single character and i am TIRED lol..I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my other works so I hope you enjoy this one.. to be honest I think with my works I start off strong and end shitly :// However I wanted to do something different today by making them models instead of students so I hope you like it. Now im off to read some fanfic so you guys have a good day!! <3 
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i just watched this video of chris drunk during an interview and omg he is the cutest bean ever😍 so here comes another request, chris is out, drinking with friends and he calls you because he is clingy with you more so when drunk and he is just spilling everything, how much he loves you and the whole wedding vows and promises and then he comes home but doesn’t recognize you and he is like ‘no, i don’t wike you, i have a girlfriend’😂 i know very specific but omg i’m so in love with him💕
Babes, he is the Sweetest cutest drunk man ever, if its the video where he goes on about how hes not a tap dancer, but lets lay claim to that fame, cause why the hell not. XD haha. I loved trying to picture what he would do. And absolutely he would get so gushy for his girl, needing to tell her how much he loved her. Awww. Love this one, thank you so much! 
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“God I need a break”
Chris’s arm slung over his eyes as he tipped his head back, taking a deep chest raising breath. You glanced up from your seat across the room, watching him from over your book. A frown playing on your lips at the sight of him being so tensed and stressed out. Everything about him right now was taunt and rigid. And with a sigh he moved back into a sit, leaning over his documents spread on the coffee table. Setting your book aside, you grabbed your phone and headed into the kitchen, pulling up a group chat with all of Chris’s closest friends.
‘Hey what you guys all doing tonight?’ You chewed your lip a bit waiting. They were rather quick though, sending you a quick fire replies.
‘Staying home on the couch watching trash tv’
‘Whats up Buttercup?’ Last one came from Scott, he started giving you teasing nicknames simply cause you were practically his sister in law at this point.
‘Chris desperately needs a night out with all of you, and wont ask for it himself. Help him (and me) out?’
You peeked back out of the room, to see Dodger huffing at Chris with a ball in his mouth, shoving into his lap. Chris absently with a flick of the wrist tossed it across the room. The fact he wouldnt even look up, but the crease deepened in his forehead as his eyes scanned the words, rubbing his chin let you know he needed this. He kept up like that, his beard you adored so much was gonna be rubbed off. Come on guys, you thought. It was then you heard the ping, and it popped up on your screen.
‘Say no more, we will take care of it’
They were the best. Seconds later Chris’s phone started buzzing, rattling across the coffee table, jarring him at the noise. It was persistent, as he reached to grasp it, going through the ‘Buddy, Julios, 8 pm tonight!’ messages, Scott sending a private one later ‘Picking you up tonight’ Leaving it so Chris didnt have to worry about driving.
“Y/N, the guys want to go out tonight... “ He pushed off the sofa and went in search of you, finding you standing at the kitchen counter, selecting an apple out of the fruit bowl and start slicing it up. “Hmm, whats that Chris?” You ask while coring your fruit, asting as if you didnt know what he was gonna ask.
“Guys want to go out tonight, you want to come? They are apparently not taking im to busy as an answer. Scotts driving.”
You act surprised, and give a shake of the head. “No, Im gonna stay home tonight. Working on a work project, and I want to finish it up.” You gather your fruit in a bowl and come around to reach him. “But I will leave the porch light on for you Handsome.” You lean up as if to kiss him and when he went to meet you, you stuff an apple in his mouth, grinning as you pluck up another piece and snip of the tip of it.
“Just dont forget your keys cause I will be sleeping.” You smirk, after swallowing, moving to go around him. He wasnt about to let you get away though, catching you around your hips and pulling you in close, using his beard to tickle your neck. “Oh I know you had something to do with this Baby!”
You are laughing and squealing, denying your guilt as you try to escape. “No way! It wasnt--- CHRIS!” he was relentless though and chased you into the livingroom once you broke free, already he was starting to relax more.
That night, you did as you promised and left the porch light on, making sure the door was locked and headed into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Your phone sat nearby, and right in the middle of you scrubbing for those pearly whites, Chris’s ring tone popped up, the phone lighting up the picture of the three of you. Picking it up, you had to chuckle at the message.
‘Baby, I miss you so much. What are you doing? Do you miss me yet.(sad face sad face heart)’
You typed out ‘Brushing my teeth and heading to bed. Sounds like your having a good time. (wink)’
It wasnt even seconds before you got another one, this time it was ‘But do you MISS me?’ Yea he was tipsy, he always got a bit needy once he had some liquor in him.
‘Yes, course I do. Sleeping all alone is tough without you to cuddle up with.’ You knew that would make him smile. Snapping off the light, you go into the bedroom and turn down the bed, setting about doing the rest of your nightly routine when it pings again. This time there is a video, which you move to sit up against the headboard, hitting play.
It starts out all wonky, like Chris didnt have the camera still, and then it turns to him, at an odd angle, he must not be holding it high enough, and hes shouting over the music. “Y/N, I couldnt type anymore, the keys are to small.” he lifts it higher and you can see the others in the background, goofing off and shouting at him to return to the party, he waves them off and steps away further, away from the music, so you can hear him properly now. “I just wanted to tell you how much I fucking love you. Oh so much baby.” He rubs his face quickly, you can tell what hes saying is important to him, something that hes kept for a while, but finally had to get it out. Whenever he gets emotional, he rubs and touches his face. “I just need you always in my life, and I know you will tell me not to be silly, but listen. I love you so much, I just need to tell you. When we get married, im writing my own vows, your worth so much baby, I cant wait to make you all mine. I still need to go buy that ring though. How do I open up reminders?” His finger slammed down on the phone and its here he accidentally hit send, making you laugh hard enough that tears start streaming down your face.
It was no hidden fact that Chris wanted to tie the knot, he had mentioned it several times, so you couldnt wait to show this to him to see that flush rise up his cheeks and him shrugging as if he confessed some big secret. “Dont pay attention to that, I have to do it right!” Little did he know that you didnt even need the ring. If he just asked, you would in a heartbeat agree. But as he said, he wanted to do it right, and you were fine with waiting for him to be ready.
You send a message to Scott. ‘Please bring Chris home safe, hes so liquored!’ Which Scott just sent back a laughing emoji, clearly amused with his brother. It went quiet, and you pull the blankets up, falling asleep shortly after.
It was a couple hours later when you heard Dodger shuffle out of the bedroom and give a soft bark. Chris must be home, you thought as you rolled to get up, and wearing nothing but his oversized tee, you pad out to see where he was. Ahh, the kitchen. On the counter was several bags of what looked like taco bell, and he was rummaging for something. You lean in the doorway and say his name “Chris, honey, what are you looking for?”
From in the fridge he remarks “more cheese, I need more cheese” Between his legs, Dodger also has his head stuck in the fridge, the two of them quite the pair. You open a cupboard and take out some nacho cheese, unscrewing the top for Chris. In this state of mind, you didnt want him to try for himself. “Here Handsome, I got you a jar.” He turned suddenly, half tripping over Dodger as he went for the bag of tacos, and dumping out a pile of food. “Your the best... “ drizzling cheese all over his taco and taking a big bite, he gave what could only be described as a dirty moan, his eyes rolling back. “This is the best, besides Y/N’s tacos. I miss my baby” 
“Im right here” You state, but he ignores you, going back to his taco. While hes eating, you go back to lock the door, pick up his shoes, and leave the rest of his chaos for the morning.
Getting back, you see hes left behind his meal, and with a roll of your eyes you pick that up to. He would make it up to you tomorrow. You would be sure of it. Heading towards the bedroom, you saw him collapsed on the bed, groaning. You bite your lip to keep from laughing, going to set on your side of the bed. “Chris, do you want to get undressed?”
His eyes slanted open as he looked up at you, and he groaned, turning away. “Go away, wheres Y/N?”
Well this was a first for you, your hand touches Chris’s back. “Baby, its me.”
He shifted once more to turn on his side facing away from you, muttering “I dont wike it, Stop, go away, your not Y/N”
“Chris?” You move to lean over him, your hand braced on his shoulder for leverage to glance over his half sleeping form, and he half slapped at your hand touching him, grumbling into his pillow. “Stop, I dont wike it. Wheres Y/N?” It wasnt often Chris resorted back to placing his W’s in place of the L’s.  
You pull back and study him a moment, getting your phone and texting Scott.
‘How much did you guys give Chris?’
‘Oh honey, that boy is out of commission when I dropped him off at home. He should be passed out by now.’
No shit Scott, you think. Setting your phone aside. Chris has shifted again, to his back, and gives a smile seeing you and sighing. “Y/N is so beautiful, I cant wait till we have all the babies. Little Y/N all over the place.”
You pat his chest and lay down next to him. “Yes sir, all the babies, and Chris can change all the dirty diapers, and car pool them back and forth to soccer camp.”
He loped an arm around you and cuddled you in close to him, humming. “Yup. Tell Y/N that when she comes home that I miss her.”
“Oh of course, she will be very happy to see your home safe.”
That made him smile and he buried his face in your hair. Within minutes he started snoring softly, and you moved his arm from over your chest to settle at your waist. Finally you to drift off for the night.
The next morning came to you waking up first, bleary eyed, Chris came into focus, having moved during the night. Now he was on his back, head tipped back into the pillows, and mouth wide open. You were pretty tempted to take a picture, but before you could move, he slung an arm around you and twisted to his side, muttering against your shoulder.
“What Handsome?”
“I want... to die. Ugh” He lifted his head enough to rub the sleep out of his eyes and rubbed his chin against your neck, resettling himself against you. “How bad was I?”
Your hand comes up to card your fingers through his hair, light and gentle, he started humming softly at the soothing feeling.
“Well... You insisted on eating tacos, left a whirlwind of stuff in our livingroom, and you didnt remember who I was.” That shot his head up, in confusion.
“Yea, you were convinced I was another woman and everytime I tried to like touch you to make sure you were okay, You brush me off and demand to know where I was.” You giggled softly at the memory, and he dropped his head groaning.
“Shit baby Im so sorry if I was an ass.”
“No no, you werent. It was more like you just wanted to see me, and you werent gonna accept another woman. It was kind of cute. You kept saying I dont wike it whenever i touched you. Oh and you um... sent me a video.”
He grumbled against your shoulder. “Course I did... I dont even want to know what was on it.”
You bring your hand to slide down the back of his neck, to his shoulders and rub along his upper back. “Well, it was all good stuff Chris. It was about how much you missed me, and loved me, then there was talks about a wedding ring.” Again he groaned against you, lifting his head up.
“Listen Y/N, when I said all that... “ He started and you cupped your hand over his mouth.
“Stop Babes, you were drunk. You really dont have to say anything. It was a cute video, and thats all I took it for.”
His eyes flashed in a touch of relief, another less sure woman might have been hurt at her mans relief, but you knew better. Chris was a man who ‘wanted to do it right’. You tilted your head up and nuzzled your nose against his. “How about you jump in the shower, and I will go make us a hangover cure?”
“And whats that?”
“Why more alcohol of course.”
He seemed to ponder a bit on your offer, and rolled to sit up, stretching. “Your on baby. Can you stay in my shirt though?” His blue eyes darkened in desire. “Cause your so fucken sexy in my clothes and I have plans for us later.”
You move to get off the bed, cupping his face once you stand and kiss his lips playfully. “Of course” As you turn to leave, his hand snaps playfully across your bare ass, and you smirk leaving the room.
Party is just getting started now.
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 11
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Warning!! Spoilers from Defending Jacob!!
I didn't hear from Andy again for hours, it wasn't until around 10:30 that my phone started ringing.
"Hey" i answered quickly "how bad is it?"
"The worst..... the partial finger print they found was a match for Jake.... Y/N they've arrested him!".
"Ive had the police at my house all day, they've torn the place apart..."
"Shit..... i'm so sorry...."
"I tried to tell them this doesn't prove Jake killed Ben.... they knew each other, they have the same classes.... there could be a hundred different reasons for that fingerprint!" I could tell by his tone that he was more than likely pacing as he told me what had been happening.
"So what happens now?"
"I had to hire him a lawyer, we're going down to the courthouse first thing in the morning for the arraignment, find out what the bail is gonna be set at. We went down to the station to see him earlier, it was awful having to leave him there.... it broke my heart. How can they think my son is capable of killing this kid... his a good kid"
"I wish there was something i could say to make you feel better...." i sighed picking at a loose thread on the cushion in my lap.
"I know. You don't have to say anything its nice just having someone to talk to"
"Hows Laurie handling it?"
"I don't know, shes been pretty quiet. She wont talk about it.... shes been tidying Jakes room since we got home"
"You should go check she's okay..... she's going to need you Andy"
"And what about what i need?....."
"You'll need eachother..."
"Thats not what i need....." he mumbled quietly but i still heard.
"You should go try and get some sleep, if you need me you know where i am"
"Okay.... thank you Y/N"
We said our goodbyes and ended the call, i tossed my phone on the coffee table shaking my head. Id met Jacob a couple times over the months id worked with Andy and he seemed like such a sweet kid.... how was this happening?
Around 11 i headed to bed, i wasn't tired at all but i had to try and get some sleep. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling for way too long! My head whipped towards the bedroom door when i heard a light knocking at the front door. I sat up kicking off the sheets and walking over to the window, peering out i saw Andy standing there! Looking down at myself i realised i was only wearing a tank top and my panties, i grabbed my dressing gown from the back of the door and quickly slipped it on as i made my way downstairs.
"Hey.... sorry to just stop by like this i know its late...." he said as soon as i opened the door.
"Its fine.... you okay?"
"I don't know, i went for a drive to clear my head and ended up here" he shrugged shaking his head.
"You wanna come in? I can make you a cup of tea...."
"Okay, yeah that'd be nice. You sure?...."
"Of course, come in. I couldn't sleep anyway" i smiled opening the door wide enough for him to come in. He followed me into the kitchen taking off his coat and tossing it over the back of one of my dining room chairs. I pulled a couple of mugs out the cupboard and flicked on the kettle, when i turned around Andy was walking towards me undoing his top button of his shirt and loosening his tie. He looked exhausted.
"Thanks again for this" he said quietly leaning against my kitchen sink crossing his arms as he watched me make the tea.
"Honestly Andy its fine. I don't mind at all...."
"Yeah?" i turned to face him and he held his hand out towards me, i didn't even think about it, my hand automatically reached for his and i let him pull me towards him until there was no gap between us. His arms tightened around me holding me close.
"Andy...." i started to say leaning back to get a look at him but i was cut off when he closed the gap between us again and kissed me. This kiss was different to the others we shared and nearly took my breath away, i had to push him back a little to catch my breath.
"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now...." i gasped trying to clear my head.
"Why not? I need you.... i was thinking we could pick up where we left off this morning" he said with sexy as hell grin.
"I just.... i don't think its a good idea...."
"Is this because of whats going on with Jake? You don't want me anymore?" He took a step back looking down on me like i had physically hurt him.
"What...?! No! It has nothing to do with that! You know i'm on your side!"
"So what is it? Whats changed...."
"Its just, your family needs you and your here with me.... i feel guilty"
"Well don't. I cant do anything for Jake until tomorrow anyway and Laurie and I barely speak on a good day"
"And your not just here because your lonely?"
"No! Im here because for the few minutes/hours i'm with you.... you make everything seem okay.... i cant stop thinking about you"
"And i'm not just a distraction?..... i've done the whole casual thing and that doesn't work for me...."
"I don't want this to be a casual thing. I don't want to have to share you with the likes of Frank" he pulled me close again "i'm too possessive to share you. I want to know that your mine and only mine" his hands moved down and untied the knot on my dressing gown before slowly pushing it open "look at you...." he mumbled bitting at his bottom lip as his eyes took in my half naked body "your not wearing much sweetheart"
"I wasn't expecting company..."'i replied breathlessly and he pushed the dressing gown all the way off until it pooled around my feet.
"Please tell me you still want this.....that you still want me..." he whispered as he pressed kisses under my ear, his hands running under my tank top caressing my back.
"I want you" i nodded quickly as i got lost in his touch. That was apparently all he needed to hear, Andy picked me up like i weighed nothing and carried me through to the bedroom.
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I was woken up by kisses being placed over my collarbones and up my neck before he reached my mouth.
"Mmm i could get used to that kinda wake up" i smirked as i stretched and tried to open one eye at least! It was then i noticed Andy was sat beside me fully dressed.
"Your leaving already?....."
"I don't want to believe me! I would be more than happy to just stay in bed with you..... but i have to get home and get ready for Jacob's arraignment"
"Okay" i gave him a smile as i run my fingers over his bearded jaw "call me later?"
"Of course. Im gonna tell Laurie about us.... i don't want to hide this from her"
"Is now really the time?..."
"It'll be fine" he leaned down and kissed me "go back to sleep"
"Okay, hope everything goes okay with Jake"
"Thank you" Andy smiled, quickly kissed me again and then covered me with the blanket that i must have kicked off in the night "i'll call you when i get home from the courthouse" he said as he headed to the door, he gave me one last look then he was gone.
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All the news channels were covering the Ben Rifkin murder. I sat watching as Andy and Laurie walked into the courthouse behind an older woman who must be Jacobs lawyer. The reporters swarming around them shouting questions and hoping for some kind of comment from them, but they both just carried on walking into the courthouse their faces void of any emotion. I decided i didn't want to watch anymore and headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast and a cup of coffee.
A couple hours later Andy was calling me as promised.
"Hey" i answered "how'd it go?"
"Horrible.... but his home. Pretrial is set for August 21st"
"Is Jacob okay?"
"His tired, his sleeping at the moment"
"Im guessing he didn't sleep much last night, poor kid" i shook my head at the thought of him in a cell all night.
"I told Laurie about us" he suddenly blurted out "we've got reporters camped outside the house and following us everywhere, i didn't want her to find out through them"
"Okay, how'd she take it?"
"She was fine with it, she actually asked when she was gonna meet you"
"Oh..... i don't know about that" i shook my head feeling my heart race.
"Y/N its fine, like i said its been over between us for a while now. We're like best friends.... please?"
"There's something i need to talk to you about as well"
"Fine. You coming to me or am i coming to you?"
"Could you come here.... i don't want to leave Jacob and Laurie alone with the reporters camped outside"
"Okay. Do you guys need anything? I could stop by the store on my way" i asked biting my at my nail nervously.
"That would be great actually"
"Okay text me what you need, im just gonna go get dressed and then i'll head out"
"Okay sweetheart, thank you".
After ending the call with Andy i went upstairs to get ready. I was already a nervous wreck at the thought of meeting Laurie but part of me knew i needed to do it, just so that i could put my mind at rest that she really was okay with me and Andy.... that i wasn't being a 'home wrecker'.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @ms-betsy-fangirl @supernaturalwintersoldier
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qyu-inactive · 4 years
We have been blessed with 3.5 glorious new parts to the wonderful Losty Aone/ Mountain Man Series by the wonderful, amazing, awe-inspiring @shhhlikeme and i am emotional and have many many feelings about it all.
Outtake 16 
I love that we got to see this from the reeader’s point of view, it was nice to see our losty y/n and see how their feeling. It was a nice break from feeling sad about Aone’s broken heart.
This part made me laugh ahaha
After dating and breaking up with him, Aone had females constantly approaching him. A/N: Not constantly but it felt that way for you ofc lol
the jealously😂, the Author’s note too like “it wasnt like that at all” 😂 this emotional person (y/n) is just  blowing up the situation. 
and then this:
In other words: They want what you had. 
i mean of course they would, Aone is the sweetest boy but only to someone he loves. Aone’s heart is too strong to let waver to someone knew so quick
This whole outtake all i could think about was that Y/n really needs to get back with her mountain man, first they want to break up so Aone finds someone new but then doesnt want him to find someone new. Like cleary y/n is not being honest with herself or Aone. 
When they went to the library, ahhh y/n really just imagining the worst scnenarios in their head😂
“Oh,” your stomach flipped. “He looks so cute.” You put on a 🥺 face when you noticed how utterly adorable a standing Takanobu looked
🥺🥺🥺 Aone is always such a cutie, and y/n really broke this man’s heart😭 I know it was insecurites but still. These two are so in love but just wont get back together. 
The outfit y/n is wearing😍 you always pick these really cute and sexy outfits and I appreciate y/ns confidence and style but it is not me 😂😂 but Aone thirsting over his girl tho, i would dress up like that if it meant getting looked by Aone like that 😂
I love Aone’s plan, like he is such a sweetheart and he’s making me all soft at all his effort to win his girl back🥺🥺
This outtake really gave up all the feels y/n is feeling with breaking up with Aone and I am enjoing it 😂. At the same time though I just want these to love birds to get back together ahhhhh. 
One of the things I really love about this story is how strong the friendship is and how we see the outside characters really show how much they care. A lot of stories (like shojou, oh man you dont know how much shoujo manga ive read haha) just sideline their friends after the start talking to their love interest or they dont even have friends at all in the whole story. I really enjoyed seeing Katana be a voice of reason in our losty’s life. And of course the K_nji’s being our boy Aone’s best friends. 
Outtake 17
okay we starting with the real friends the K_nji’s warning our boy Aone about the situation. I love them and how much they care 😂. They can be dumbasses but still, I appreciate their effort. 
The University—our University— sent her a uniform that’s a size or two too small.
Does this mean they’re going to the same university? or am I reading too much into it? It might have been mentioned before but I cant remember off the top of my head. Also Aone really living his best life and his worst life rn 😂😂  like he gets to see his girl in a super tight cheer leading uniform and spend one on one time with her but he cant do anything about his desires. His confidence tho haha  “I’ve seen Y/N in a cheerleading uniform before” not like this you havent😏 
Aone Takanobu can truly say—if he could speak—that he will never even question Futakuchi again.
Again I just really love their friendship, parts like this really get me 😂😂😂
When y/n took out Aone’s jacket automatically🥺🥺 my hearttttt, and how long Aone’s jacket is on them🥺🥺 this whole part made me so softtt. Like imagine wearing his jacket🥺🥺 it would be so comfy and warm. 
There are so many golden lines I loved from this part, but Aone’s spank bank is just a phrase I wasnt expectng to read but it is gold. Im sure his bank is full and loaded😂
Then some random gross guy comes up to y/n, like the audacity of this guy.
He had such a disgusting grin on his face
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 this guy can back offfff. 
I really love when Aone comes in to protect the reader🥺🥺 he’s not the iron wall for nothing too. 
Your knight has arrived. Your ex-knight. ☹️
and then you go and hurt me again😭😭
I really wanted Aone to just kick a dude in the chest, like step the fuck off 😂😂. 
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“Take one more step toward her.” Aone growled in the smoothest voice.
“I dare you.” Aone added, for good measure.
Im absolutely swooning, Aoneeeeee🥺🥺🥺. And the fact that he wanted the reader to come with him so she wouldnt get anyone bothering her😭😭 he’s such a gentlemen. No one bothers Aone’s girl whose not his girl at the moment, especially guys who arent wanted
now onto the fun part of this outtake😏 I wasn’t expecting to see texts but it was definitely a nice addtion!! Our poor Aone soo horny and sweet, I dont know if the dead squirrels worked hahaha. 
but he couldn’t help but wonder how he was going to edit all of this together in the time frame he promised he would with only one hand.
this went over my head when i read it the first time omg😂😂😂 Im sure Aone can do it, he’s a very capable man. This whole section had me laughing but also feeling slightly bad for Aone, again his poor horny heart right now is conflicted but very much fed. Im glad he was able to get a break, I dont think his length could wait (im not used to using subtle language hahaha) anyway this whole part was fun to read. 
Aone bit his juicy bottom lip,
I legit bit my lip just before reading this part😂
Outtake 18 & 18.5
Now we’re hitting the climax!! (after Aone just hit his climax and is about to hit again😗)
—who imo really should return to their own homes now but would rather not—
I mean do these two even have their own homes anymore😂, theyre basically apart of the Aone family now. Family who also understand when to leave their horny pal alone for time being. 
“Aone-senpai, do you even have snapchat?!”
“Obviously not.” Kenji answered for his friend, being snappy.
Did Kanji see Y/N and Takeru?????? I also cant believe I learnt Takeru was a third year from this series, I always thought he was a second year for some reason. I think cos he was ennoshita’s rival. not important rn lmao
“—because Aone-senpai is jacking off again. It makes you feel lighter, and happier—so that’s why,”
this boy, there are some things you just shouldnt say out loud. Some things can be left unsaid (not like im blunt with my friends sometimes haha but still) 
When Kenji had found out about why y/n dumped Aone😭😭😭😭 I’m glad he found out earlier then Aone, I wouldnt have wanted him to yell at the reader again.
Anyone that can do that, be so selfless—is good enough for his best friend.
“I can tell its her because that’s your sweater she’s wearing. Right? It says Takanobu on the back, and I remember seeing Y/N steal it out of your bag after practice once.”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺these parts really just made me soft. like the fact that y/n still had the jacket and wanted to wear it out. and the absolute coincedence that they were in the same cinema as Aone. 
“Y/N.—Sh-She-She is wearing my attire. What does that mean?”
Yeah, big guy.
Yeah, you have a chance.
Y/N still has a little….tiny bit of feelings for you
(Aone would know that face, he only saw it everyday he’s looked in the mirror for the past 3 years)
Absolutely dead. All hope—gone.
You make me happy and then just rip out my heart like 2 minutes later. I was going from crying happy tears to sad tears in like a heartbeat. 
“I’m worried about you.” She finished, looking more serious than you’ve ever seen her.
y/n really has some good friends with her🥺
uhhh then Takeru comes in, I dont really hate him but no one stands in between our losties love, they deserve each other and no one can stand between them. 
“But, tonight, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I’m just one theatre over… Okay? I have a pretty comfortable shoulder, so just text me.”
Okay this was pretty nice of Takeru, like cheesy but at least he cares and isnt staring at y/n like a peace of meat he wants to devour...
You sent it. Received a response within seconds saying he was on his way.
This boy, hes got a good heart but this isn’t your story bud, im sorry.
There! Kenji-san and Koganagewa-san, two males who were looking at you and Takeru as if you two were the villains in the movie that just popped out of the screen.
if this doesnt go well these two seem like they’re going to fight y/n outside the cinema😭😂 I couldnt imagine getting death stares from the K_njis especially after hurting Aone basically twice now.
Finding HIM was all that mattered.
white hair visible only because his head was down, forehead kissing the steering wheel, his shoulders vibrating slightly because he is crying. It’s him.
I cant take anymore sad Aone😭😭 He needs the biggest hug and his girl to be his girl again. He has gone through so much.
“Kenji-san, please leave me—““Not Justin Bieber look-alike!”
I cant with the Justin Bieber look-alike. 😂😂
Im just going to talk about my feelings for this part, but the whole confesson. I felt like crying, i feel like crying now reading it😭 it was just so beautiful. Like y/n explaing everything and saying Aone is the only man she’ll ever love. Throughout the series we really go to understand Aone’s feelings so deeply and how passionate he is but we didnt really get to see how y/n felt as much so reading this made me happy for Aone for the fact that his girl loves him as much as he loves her. They really were lost for each other, lost with out each other, but together they were 
okay maybe im tearing up now😭😭
One more marathon to go and our happy couple can live happily. The fact that this story is nearly over is a little sad but I’m happy our losties found each other. Im thinking since the next parts will be the last I’ll talk about overall themes I liked and my favourite moments as well. 
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igottoomuchwriting · 5 years
For Forever Chapter 2
Series: First Part/Previous Chapter/Next Part
Connor Murphy: i stg if this mom doesnt chill tf out i will find where she lives and fight her
It has been a month since Connor and Evan started talking. At first, it was awkward, but slowly they broke the barrier through text messages and small conversations during English. Slowly they were learning more and more about each other.
Connor loved to read. Any book that they read as a class, Connor loved, even if it was an older one that everyone else thought was boring. One day in English, Connor had overheard a kid talking about how much they hated Pride and Prejudice and Connor started whispering to Evan about how the kid didn’t no good literature, how Lizzy was a feminist icon of the time, Darcy was the best boy and the romance was correctly written and “he was just pissy because he is a fucking white boy that doesn’t understand the hardships that women of those days have had to go through!”
He also loved TLC shows, especially Say Yes To The Dress. That was a shock to Evan, but Connor was talking about different dress one day and Evan was curious on how he knew. Connor was nervous to share, but he knew that he could trust Evan.
That’s what he was texting Evan about now. Hulu had put out new episodes and Connor was watching them while live texting Evan about everything that is going on.
Connor Murphy: thats it
Connor Murphy: im flying to georiga. Ill see you later evan
Evan Hansen: I know you have that ability so please dont
Connor Murphy: like my parents would let me
Evan Hansen: Find something nice in Georgia that your mom would love to see. I’m sure that will get her going
Connor Murphy: well which is it hansen
Connor Murphy: should i go punch this lady in the face or no
Evan Hansen: Definite no
Evan never really was interested in those shows, but he did watch one episode to see what he loved so much about it. It was a good show, and he really did love Randy and most of the brides that came through the shop. His mom had walked in when he had it on the TV, which sparked a conversation of how they were and who Evan liked.
“You know this is a safe place, honey!” Heidi had cooed.
“I know,” Evan mumbled, looking down at the ground awkwardly.
Since then, he’s been trying to pointedly show that he likes girls, and only girls.
Connor Murphy: oh good the bride won
Evan Hansen: With Randy on her side, how could she not
Connor Murphy: true
Connor Murphy: shit
Connor Murphy: my mom is home
Connor Murphy: i have to go to my bed and pretend to get some sleep
Connor Murphy: night
Evan Hansen: Goodnight
Evan decided that he should probably go to bed too. He had a test tomorrow, and he needed to sleep so he wouldn’t freak out as much when the time came.
He quickly turned off the TV and headed back up to his room.
Evan did not get any sleep. Right as he was about to fall asleep, his mom came home. Since he was still delirious, he thought it was a burglar. Suddenly he was awake and on alert, ready to do what he needed to.
Without getting out of bed and drawing attention to himself, of course.
He stumbled off of the bus, shoulders slouched over and tired look in his eyes. His classmates shoved past him in a hurry to get to the cafeteria for breakfast, but Evan just slowly made his way to his locker.
“Acorn!” he heard Jared call. Evan turned around to see Jared walking towards him, same amount of confidence in his walk as he always had. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, so Evan assumed that his first period teacher is either late or has a sub who is late.
“Please don’t call me that,” Evan mumbled.
“Aw, come on! It’s a term of endearment. All fun and games, ya know?” He threw his arm over Evan’s shoulder and they continued the walk to their locker. “It’s a playful jab at a silly mistake you made.”
Evan’s hand shot to his cast, holding onto it gently.
Yeah. A silly mistake.
“I’m gonna come over today after school. My mom’s been wondering why we haven’t been hanging out lately.”
“Oh. Uh, okay.”
“You still got Mario Kart, right?” Evan nodded his head. It was the last gift his dad had gotten him before he left, and even though Evan is not fond of his dad, he still tries to hang on to when life was good.
“Cool! Then we can play that today!” Evan just nodded his head again and opened up his locker. Jared continued to talk about a girl--or the same girl that he met over the summer, he doesn’t know anymore--and Evan turned his head to the side to see Connor at his locker. He was slouched over and seemed to be angrily putting stuff into his backpack.
“Sorry, uh,” Evan spoke, interrupting Jared’s sentence, “I’m gonna go talk to Connor.”
“Really?” Jared turned to look at Connor as threw a book into his locker. He flinched. “I don’t think you wanna talk to that dude right now. He seems like he is in a bad mood.”
“That’s why I wanna, um, talk to him.” He started playing with the bottom of his t-shirt. “I want to see if he’s okay.”
“Your funeral, man,” he said with a shrug. He gave Evan one last violent pat on his shoulder before walking away.
Evan closed his locker and took a deep breath. Connor hasn’t been in a super bad mood since they started talking, so Evan was worried if Connor would even want to talk to him or not.
“Hey Connor,” he mumbled. Connor whipped his head around and shot a glare at Evan.
“What?” he snapped. Evan took a step back and looked down at the ground.
“Well you seem like you’re in a bad mood so I wanted to come over and see if you’re okay but you barely know me so I don’t know why you would even want to talk to me about it. I’m sorry I should’ve have even come over, I’ll leave, I’m sorry,” Evan stuttered out. All his words started blending together and he was stumbling over his words.
Connor sighed and hit his head against the top of the locker.
“No, I didn’t mean to snap at you. You did nothing wrong.” Evan glanced up at him before looking back down.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he mumbled. Connor was silent for a moment. Evan was just about to turn around and leave him alone when he started talking.
“My parents took my fucking phone last night because they didn’t believe that I was texting someone other than a fucking drug dealer. I told them that no goddamn drug dealer would be answering fucking calls at that hour because they were trying to act like normal fucking people but they took my phone anyway!” He slammed his locker closed and Evan jumped. “They don’t believe a fucking thing I say and it pisses me off because I was actually telling the truth this time!”
Evan looked around the hallway and saw people giving Connor both confused and dirty looks. He didn't know what to do. Jared never came to him for emotional things, and since Jared has been his only friend growing up, he never had anyone else come to him for anything. The closest that he has come to comforting someone was when he walked in on his mom having a breakdown, but even then she turned it around and made sure that he was okay.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “That’s--That, um, sucks.”
“Understatement of the fucking century,” Connor grumbled.
The first bell rang, signaling that students have five minutes to get to class. Connor turned towards the doors at the end of the hallway.
“Wait, where are you going?” Evan anxiously called.
“Anywhere but fucking here.” With that, he was gone.
Evan watched Connor’s dark figure disappear around the corner outside, wondering if he should tell someone. What was Connor going to do? Would he hurt someone?
Would he hurt himself?
“Get to class, Mr. Hansen!” Evan heard a teacher call. Evan looked behind him to see Ms. Asher--the English teacher that no one liked--raising an eyebrow at him. Saying nothing, Evan moved on to his first class.
Evan hasn’t seen Connor all day. It was lunch time now and the boy still wasn’t here. Since they started talking more, he and Connor started sitting together at lunch. Connor never ate anything, and Evan did try, but sometimes his anxiety became too much and he just couldn’t stomach what the school was giving him. During those days, Connor tried his best to calm Evan down enough to where he would get Evan to each at least some bland tater tots.
That wasn’t the case today. He sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria, untouched food in front of him.
It’s not like he wasn’t used to this. Jared would never sit by him, always opting to work on programming by himself and not be seen with Evan, and since he had no other friends, he was pushed to the corner of the room.
Evan was deep in thought when he heard a voice.
“Evan Hansen?” Evan snapped his head up, only to freeze when he saw Zoe Murphy standing there, kind smile on her face.
“Oh, uh, yeah. That’s me,” he stuttered out. How long has she been standing there? Was she just waiting for Evan to notice her?
“Sorry to bother you, but can I ask you a question?” Oh okay, straight to the point. Evan wiped his palms on his jeans.
“Yeah! Yeah, of course.”
“Are you and my brother friends?” That’s not what he was expecting.
Are they friends? He doesn’t know if Connor considers Evan a friend, but does Evan?
“Uh, yeah,” he drew out. “Yeah, I guess.”
Zoe raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She looked around the lunch room before sitting down across from Evan.
Oh God.
“Do you guys text?”
“Yeah, why?” Did something happen? Why would she need to know if they texted?
“Were you guys texting last night?”
“Yes?” Evan was about to have an anxiety attack. Did Connor tell her? Did Connor spill everything that Evan told him? Is Zoe making sure that this is the Evan Hansen that he is talking to so that she can go around and tell everyone?
“Okay,” she mumbled. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry for asking these questions, but Connor got his phone taken away yesterday and my parents wanted to see if who he was texting went to our school.”
“Oh.” Great, so Connor’s parents read their text messages? There was private stuff in there. He hasn’t even met these people and they already know his fears? Did Connor delete the texts he sent when he was having a mental breakdown?
“I haven’t seen the messages!” she quickly added. “My parents only asked if I knew the name ‘Evan Hansen’ and so I wanted to make sure it was you.”
“Okay,” he mumbled. They sat in a silence for a moment, neither knowing what to say.
Zoe broke the silence.
“When did you two start talking?” The questions continue.
“About a month ago?”
“Why?” Well that’s not going to be shared. How would Evan even say that? Yeah, you’re brother stole something of mine and flipped out on me but I was able to calm him down and get it back and now we are basically becoming best buds!
“He, uh, wanted to apologize for getting mad at me in the hallway on the first day of school.” That was kind of the truth.
“And you guys kept talking because…?”
“He was nice.” Zoe immediately rolled her eyes. Oh no. Did he say something wrong?
“He’s not nice, Evan.”
“He’s a druggie who will turn on you when you make one little mistake.” Evan stared at Zoe in disbelief. Here is Connor’s sister, who is known for being happy and helping others, staring at Evan with an angry look in her eye. She’s spending her time, giving Evan a warning.
“He--I don’t think--would he really?”
“He’s done it to me countless times.” Before Evan could say anything else, she stood up. “I’m not telling you what you should do. I’m just warning you that my brother is a loose canon.” With that, she left.
Evan stared at the spot she had just occupied. Zoe has obviously been with Connor her whole life and she knows more than Evan. If she is giving him a warning, he should listen.
Shouldn’t he?
When it was sixth period, Evan didn’t know what to do. Surprisingly, he didn’t have any homework to do for that day. He didn’t want to write a letter to his therapist either, as the only thing that happened today was talking to Zoe.
He decided to walk home. It was the last period of the day, and no one was going to be waiting for him. He also wanted to make sure his house was clean before Jared came over.
Evan didn’t get far off of campus before a truck pulled up next to him. With his headphones in, he didn’t hear the driver call out to him. He did hear the car horn, however.
He whipped his head to see Connor sitting in the truck, looking at him threw the passenger window. He quickly pulled out his headphones.
“Connor?” he asked.
“Get in, Hansen.” Evan didn’t question, he just walked across the grass dividing the street and the sidewalk and into Connor’s car.
Connor pulled out into the road before Evan could buckle his seatbelt fully.
It was silent between the two. Evan wanted to know where Connor went in the beginning of the day, if he was doing better, if he was okay in general.
“I didn’t mean to flip out on you earlier,” Connor stated.
“I know,” Evan mumbled. It was silent again. You would think after talking for a month, they would be a little better at talking to each other.
Evan watched all the trees go by. The radio was playing in the background, and the sky was blue with only a few clouds. Always a little strange for October weather.
“Have you ever been to the orchard?” Connor asked. Evan shot him a confused look.
“What orchard?”
“So I’ll take that as a no.”
“Where is it?” Evan asked.
“Well, it’s closed now, but it was almost like a forest reserve for people to go to. You could have picnics, there was a creek, all that fun stuff.” Evan hummed.
The rest of the car ride was filled with small talk. At some point, they had gotten onto the topic of bands they liked, and it blew up from there.
“You’ve never heard of Hollywood Undead?” Connor laughed. “How the fuck have you not?”
“They’re not a very popular band, obviously,” Evan shot back. Connor turned to him with a look as if he had personally attacked Connor’s work himself.
“They are popular!”
“Sure, Connor.”
“You shut the fuck up, Mr. ‘Taylor Swift is a better country singer than pop’.”
“Well, she is--”
“You have no taste.”
It wasn’t long before they reached where Connor was taking them. Evan looked around as Connor turned off the car and saw trees everywhere, as well as a gate with a sign that said “NO TRESPASSING”.
“Uh, what are we, uh, doing here?” Evan asked.
“We’re gonna walk around.”
“W-Wait, what?”
“Come on, Hansen,” Connor called, ignoring the panic rising in the boy. He hopped out of the car and Evan quickly followed, leaving his backpack in the car.
“We can’t go in!” he called out. Connor rolled his eyes.
“Trust me, it’s fine.”
“What if someone finds us? What if they see your car and come searching and then we get in trouble? What if we get arrested? I can’t have my mom bail me out of jail, and your parents won’t--”
“Evan!” Connor yelled. Evan immediately stopped talking. “It’s fine. I come here all the time. I was just here earlier, and no one found me. No one even thinks about this place anymore.”
Evan nodded his head in understanding and looked down at the ground. He heard Connor take a deep breath.
“Just… Come on. You can trust me.”
Evan followed Connor to the fence. Right under the trespassing sign was a cut part of the fence that looked like it was able to be pushed back. Connor pushed the fence piece back and held it open, motioning for Evan to make his way through.
Evan made it on the other side, careful with his cast, and Connor followed suit. Evan looked around in amazement. How come this place was abandoned?
“This place got closed down after they opened up the park as a national park,” Connor answered his unasked question. “Apparently people feel like going to a national park would be more fun than an orchard, even though it’s the same fucking thing.”
Connor stared walking into the trees and Evan was quick to follow.
It was gorgeous. It was a surprise that he has never seen this place. His mom and dad would always love to take them out and show him the nature, the flowers, the birds. It was a big part of his life, and a big reason why he loved trees. Participating in the Junior Ranger program was a way for him to try and go back to those times.
Happier times.
“So homecoming’s coming up,” Connor stated. “You going?”
“Well, uh, probably not?” Those kind of things were never Evan’s thing.
“Even if a cute girl asked you out?” Connor laughed as Evan blushed. The only girl Evan would even want to ask him out is Zoe, but after their conversation, he has been questioning his relationship with her.
“If someone asked me out, that’d be a shock in itself.”
Connor laughed. “Fair enough.”
“What about you?” Evan asked. “You going?”
“No. No way.”
“Not even if a girl asks you?”
“There’s no girl that could make me go to any dance.” Evan hummed.
“What if your crush asked you? There is a girl you like, right?” Connor gave him a side look and coughed.
“Yeah. A girl…” He didn’t say anything after, and Evan didn’t want to push it, so they fell back into silence.
“We’re here.” Evan gave him a confused look.
“Wait, where?”
“Look.” Evan looked anxiously at the space past the trees Connor motioned to before walking forward.
Past the trees was a big open grass field, surrounded by trees. The wind was blowing the long grass gently and the sun was peeking out from behind the threes, just getting ready to set for the night.
Evan was in shock. This place was gorgeous.
“I assume you like it?” he heard Connor call.
Evan shook his head. “Connor, this--this is amazing! How did you find it?”
“I was just walking around one day and stumbled upon it.”
Evan stared at the whole place. Connor watched him with a smile.
“You said you like to climb trees, right?” Connor asked. Evan stiffened up.
“Um, yeah,” he stuttered out.
“Come on. There’s a tree with really low branches.” Connor started walking away towards a tree that Evan saw stuck out from the rest. It was slightly out of the circle of trees, and Evan understood why Connor chose that one. The branches are definitely lower than the others, and easier for the boys to reach.
“I--I don’t think I can climb right now,” Evan called towards him. Connor turned and gave him a confused look.
“Why not?” Evan just held up his cast. Connor looked at for a second before realization hit. “Fuck, that’s right. I’m a fucking moron.”
“Sorry,” Evan shrugged.
“Why are you sorry?”
“You wanted to climb the tree, and I can’t.” Connor sighed and shook his head.
“That’s not your fault, man.” Evan nodded his head and decided not to say anything else.
His phones started buzzing in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out to see who is was.
It was Jared.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. Connor was next to him now, looking down at his phone.
“Kleinman? What does that fucker want?” Evan opted to not comment on Connor’s obvious hatred of Jared.
“I forgot I was supposed to hang out with him today.” He hit answer and turned away.
“Evan! Where are you?”
“I’m sorry, I was walking home but Connor wanted to hang out--”
“Connor? Connor Murphy? You’re with him right now?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, I am headed back right now--”
“Did he kidnap you or something, dude? You guys never hang out outside of school. I never even thought the guy was stable enough to do something.”
Evan anxiously shot a look at Connor, but he was picking at his nail polish, so Evan was sure he didn’t hear Jared.
“He can. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I’m heading back now. Just go inside, I’ll be home soon, ignore the mess.”
“Whatever you say dude. Bye.”
With that, Jared hung up. Evan turned back to Connor, fiddling with his phone.
“I’m sorry Connor, can we--”
“Yeah, we can go back.” Connor clipped. Evan flinched. He looked down at the ground anxiously.
“Sorry, this was fun, but--”
“I know,” Connor forced a smile across his face. “You and Jared had plans. Nothing wrong with that.”
Connor started walking away, and Evan couldn’t help but get the feeling that Connor was truly upset.
He quickly followed Connor back to his car and tired to calm down his anxiety.
“Thank you for taking me here,” Evan said when they got back into Connor’s truck.
“Yeah. We can come back.” Evan looked down to hide a smile.
Connor actually wanted to hang out with him again. Hang out, in public, for no reason other than to hang out with Evan.
Is this was real friendship is like?
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nctrenjunie · 5 years
and about your friends,, even if it’s a long story, i’m here to hear you always 💕✨ —🍩
Okeyy this is very long but hear is the story:
So I had this friend/Best friend I will call her Sunny okey. So Sunny & I know each other 6 years now. In primary school I was more of a loner and she was one of the more popular kids but every time her “Best friends” hurt her I comforted her. So then after both of us entered the 7th grade we weren´t in the same class but we became really good friends/ Best friends since we had the same interest (Except Kpop - she hated it) & same humor. So the last years we were the best of the best friends & it was all perfect despite some normal problems but we never fought. It started last year in September when both of us didn´t really have enough time to meet up that we drifted a little apart but everything was still okey. 
Okey so my school is a bilingual school, means that we have groups/classes that have all lessons only in our mother tongue (German) but their is also the bilingual part were the classes have half of their lessons in spanish. Me & Sunny are on the bilingual parte so when we end the High school we will have two diplomas the german and the spanish one.
So Sunny started to hang out more with some people from the non bilingual part & there wasn´t any problems I also have some friends that are in other classes but at some point Sunny started to ignore me. So we just started to ignore each other & that´s why I wrote a letter for her birthday that we should start to talk again. It ended up in her ignoring it. So the atmosphere was really tense & some other friends talked to her. Then she came to me one day and told me she thought I didn´t like her anymore since we didn´t talk. We both apologized to each other without any sense & everything was “Okey” but it wasn´t. 
It started to get really hard for me. I´m one of the top students so I had a lot of stress with school & we didn´t really talk even though we apologized to each other. So I started to ask her if she has time, if we can do something together, how she´s doing and if everything is alright. She told me we can do something in the vacations since she is busy and I totally understood. Then she told me in the vacations her grandma from Mexico is here & she can´t meet up. I know her parents so I understood the situation. But it´s really hard to ask her if she has time, than she says now bcs of her grandma but on her Instagram story I see how she´s ice skating with other Friends. I felt so dumb from feeling hurt by this since this is so inmature but it feels so bad. We started to ignore each other again and again and I always forced myself to try to save this friendship but it was so hard since literally nothing came from her. UHHHH fuck I´m literally crying right now.
It´s just so hard beside of school. It just really hurts that I tried so hard to stay friends with her & to see that she didn´t even give a fuck about it. And I couldn´t even say how bad I felt. I´m always the happy one, the funny one who hypes everyone. But I´m so shy in reallife and it was just so not me to cry so I just acted like everything was alright and that it didn´t bother me.
I just got so tired of always being the one who gives her best to make everything work out but nobody else cares. Until a friend of mine told her she should talk to me. Obviously she came after some time, telling me that it was hard for her and she tried to distant herself from everyone obviously not everyone. So we talked and talked and then everything was okey again, besides no it wasn´t. We met up the weekend after this and it seemed so nice to talk again to her, we catched up I told her everything and wtf now she likes kpop, I thought wtf. After years of making fun of it she is the biggest kpop fan. Obviously only BTS is Kpop for her. 
Okey now it´s getting fucked up. I have a girl in my class, lets call her Maddy. So Maddy didn´t really feel well since start of the new year and the Monday after I talked to Sunny she told me she wanted to talk to me. Maddy told me she´s pregnant. Fuck yeah more problems! The good thing is her parents support her & she thought about abortion but she looked at the pros and cons and now she´s going to keep it. So the father, lest call him Mike is super duper dumb. He started to ignore her and whilst they were still together he started to fuck with an 8th grader. A FUCKING 8TH GRADER. Also his parents told Maddy if she doesn´t abort they won´t support her. So Maddy was really hurt she wanted to stay together with him but it obviously didn´t work out so at some point she finally put everything together and broke up with him. There is much more drama of this but I wont explain all of this it´s just too much. 
OKEY. So me & Sunny and some other friends knew about Maddys pregnancy. Maddy told us that she still needs some time before she tells it to our class and that´s obvious. One day two boys from my class, only I & Sunny have contact to them from those who knew about Maddys pregnancy came to me and told me that they know that Maddy is pregnant.
UHHH THIS IS SO DUMB. Literally the only person who was able to tell them was Sunny. It´s not only the fact that she told them about it, its also that she took Maddy the chance away to prepare for the whole class and school to know that she´s pregnant. Sunny took Maddy the chance away to tell everyone what´s happening when she´s ready.
So I went to her. And I tried so hard not to cry. I told Sunny. Please. Please just to save our friendship don´t lie to me. Don´t lie to me and tell me if you told them or if you didn´t. I won´t be angry but just please be honest.
She said she didn´t. Obviously. She asked me why I´m thinking this and I just told her I don´t know but I just wanted to ask her why she´s lying right into my face. Sunny told me she´s gonna talk to them so they won´t tell anyone else and a friend of mine heard her talking to one of them in the corridors. She yelled at him, asked him why he told me that he knew. It was so horrible, I started to cry silently in art class as she came back into class and she told me its okey. It wasn´t her and I can think what I want to. 
I felt so fucking weak for not telling her that its her fault. So I just nodded and told her it´s okey. The next day a friend from the non bilingual part told me that a friend of Sunny told her that Maddy is pregnant. I just couldn´t understand. She is the only one who could have told her since nobody else except of her talks to this girl and why do you tell this someone who didn´t even talk once to Maddy. We went out in the last class, making photos in special art class and since I had the class with her I asked her if we could talk for a short moment. 
I was so sick of everything. I´m always so good with friends but I can be very cold so I just asked her why she told it this one girl. She looked at me confused and I told her I´m tired of her lying to me. She started to cry asking me why I thought so about her. At some point she just walked away, crying. AND OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT. Everyone asked her, omg why are you crying, Sera about what did you talk. I´m always the bad one at the end just because once in my life I tell her how I fucking feel about her. THATS SO HILARIOUS. I try to solve this, I have so much stress and then I do even more jut to save our memories. And she did nothing, like I wouldn´t get hurt by this just because I don´t like to cry in front of everyone. 
So, we started to ignore each other again. And the last week before our vacations I told her I want to talk to her after the class. I always think everything through but this was so spontaneously, I was shocked at myself for asking her. So after class we stood in the school corridor. School already ended for me but she still had one hour. 
I have this habit to bite on my lip when I´m nervous and I started to bleed a little because I tried so hard not to cry. I finally started to talk. I asked her if it still makes sense to her. Our friendship. Because I feel so hurt fighting for this. I´m the only one trying, the only one who´s really hurt and I just can´t anymore. I started to cry so hard. Some other friends were there and they got really shocked since they´ve never seen me cry. Well, I told her that its just really hard and that literally nothing comes from her and that it´s okey. People drift apart I just never thought it would happen to each other. I told her that I don´t even know anymore if I´m fighting for her and our friendship or just because of our memories since we´ve been together through so much. At some point it was so hard to talk. I just cried so hard, and my under lip bled so much. I asked her if it wouldn´t be better if we stop being friends because its only hurting me and I don´t want to be selfish but I just can´t anymore. I don´t know why I thought she would say something like no. Im so naive. She just apologized silently. And I stopped talking. I wanted to scream at her, telling her that it´s all her fault and that she hurt me so bad. I wanted her to feel as bad as I did. But I didn´t. I felt so bad for thinking about hurting her. She just told me she has to go to her last class and I told her yeah I have to get going too. I just felt horrible but good because I finally didn´t have to worry about it. I got fast out of school, crying. A friend called me, asking me if everything is okey. I told her that I´m feeling better, I really did. She told me Sunny ran up to the bathroom and locked herself up crying. Well, I don´t even know what to do know. 
I think its so funny that I´m so strong but then I´m so weak crying over something like this. I feel better now. It´s just hard. I met up with some friends in the park in the vacations and she was also there but just for a short minute before going away with some friends of her “because she didn´t feel well”. Turns out they just sat away just to not sit with us but texted one of my good friends she should come to them. THIS IS SO INMATURE. I extra told my friend no I don´t care if she´s with us. I´m okey now and it´s not like I hate her or anything. But then she acts like she doesn´t feel good just to go. UHHH THIS IS SO STUPID. I shouldn´t even care about this.
Well I´m doing good now. It´s just a lot but I´m feeling way better now.  I forgot to ask you how your exam went
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onlyjihoons · 6 years
collegebf! daniel
a/n; happy birthday to kang choding hehe,, dedicated for my dearest mother @mongniel aurora until she disowned me so im trying to validate myself and also the loyal mom, ariane @deepdickdaniel
(repost bc the tags werent working)moodboard will be uploaded in a seperate post soon!
major: vetinary
minor: sports science
honestly took up vetinary bc of peter and rooney
so he could save on the fees to the vet
though he puts up a strong front he is often a kultz and actually really soft??
likes kids too and often swings by the early childhood department to visit minhyun
but let’s face it, animals like him better than the babies do
has a phobia of insects, especially flying ones
hence cant join practical lessons that involves specimen or live insects
his classmates would be kind enough to share with him the notes they took in class, but he would rather fail the topic than look at notes of insects
there was once his friend, ong threw a fake spider whilst daniel was studying and he screamed, pushing off the seemingly 1 ton table and chair away from him
ong was like,,, “are you sure he wants to be a vet next time”
despite his phobia of insects, he will actually grin and bear it when he needs to remove lice from animals
red bull and gummy addict, but more likely to die of shock from insects than diabetes
you will always spot a can of red bull on his lecture desk, and bet 10 bucks it has a love note attached to it from his admirers
fairly popular in school, because a soft, tall and cute guy doing vetinary?? he just screams boyfriend material in that white lab coat
and glasses slipping down his nosebridge just makes him look even more cuter
loves dancing as a hobby so he took it up as his minor
does b-boying and modern dance, looks equally hot in both
when the school hall is filled with girls, it is either some kpop boy band is performing, or daniel and his dance group, wanna one are performing
has so much charisma in his dancing, the idea of “cute daniel” gets thrown away
but a cute bunny most of the time who is addicted to gummies
surprisingly, hasn’t dated a lot as contrast to rumours that he’s a fuckboy
he really hates fucking around with others’ feelings… despite being choding(childish) around his hyungs of wanna one
meanwhile you,, a medicine student trying to keep up with the expectations of society
to be honest, you’re doing well
but not well enough to enter the top hospitals of seoul
and you’re here on scholarship anyway, might as well make use of it to make your parents proud
you’re your parents’ only child too, the pressure to do well is also quite high
you barely dated, the only time was in high school where you were a foolish teenager dating your best friend
you did have classmates confessing to you though, but everything stayed platonic
they weren’t upset surprisingly, they were more than willing to be friends with you too
eventually they found their other halves, but are still good friends with you
you were glad guys in your faculty were understanding,, unlike some that disliked you after that
you were friends with jaehwan, your old friend since the both of you were in diapers
he took up music, and ended up having lots of college scholarship offers
he eventually went to your college, despite it not one of his first few choices
“my friend would die a lonely virgin if i didnt help her with her love life”
“shut up jaehwan, 80% of your girlfriends broke up with you because your laugh is annoying”
“i dId NOT aSk for this sLaNdEr”
anyway, you had no idea how jaehwan ended up in wanna one(and daniel’s roomate), depite his “boom boom-bastic” dance skills
but that boy’s vocals can reach to the gods in heaven and appease them
he tried to matchmake you with all of the members of wanna one(excluding the minors of course) but it all failed because your friend was the worst at being discreet
the lords of venus eventually shined upon you when daniel was sent to your faculty for “emergency” treatment
“y/n,,, we need you to fix daniel, quick.” jaehwan said breathlessly over the phone
“if he needs a one night stand, im not an option, you know that, kim jaehwan.”
“no, that stupid boy accidentally cut himself while trying to disect a frog… and he’s bleeding a lot.”
“oh the flower boy from vetinary?” you nodded as you took your first aid kit, “but you aren’t even majoring in vetinary, jaehwan, what are you doing with daniel?”
“he called me to call you– ok nevermind, i’ll explain to you later, we’re on our way to your faculty. wait for us outside the medicine labs.”
“uh okay.”
so there you were, waiting outside the medicine labs with your first aid kit
seconds later, you saw 3 boys running towards you, one visibly taller than the other 2
you could finally make out their faces, it was jaehwan, daniel and another boy, wonwoo whom you were friends with due to jaehwan’s failed matchmaking
“y/n,, i think daniel is gonna suffer from anaemia…”
you tried to stifle your laughter as you examined the cardigan wrapped around daniel’s hand
“he won’t. don’t worry.” you assured them as you unraveled the cardigan, “let’s just hope it’s nothing too deep…”
when you revealed the wound, it was just a minor cut, though not as minor as a paper cut but definitely bleeding
you glared at jaehwan, who smiled sheepishly and resigned to his death after you treated daniel
you dressed the wound quickly, lips pursed in concentration
what you didnt notice was daniel’s gaze, which was on you the whole time
he had a weird feeling in his stomach, he wanted to use his other hand to run it through your hair
he tried to shake it off, but he got more and more attracted to you when he saw your eyes meeting his to make sure he isnt uncomfortable
this wasnt the first time daniel saw you though, he often saw you on jaehwan’s lockscreen, as your friend had set the selca both of you took as his lockscreen
as much as daniel wanted to meet you, he didn’t want to give you the wrong impression because of his rumours
and now he finally did, but he was pretty sure you’re gonna hate him for being over-reacting
“done,” you patted his dressing and pushed his hand towards him, “it’s nothing too deep, don’t worry. but make sure to take it off when you’re showering, if you need any help just give me a call.”
daniel shot you one of his signature eyesmiles, “thank you so much, i’m sorry i had to make you rush down for me…”
“no its fine! just call me whenever. i hope you get well soon.” you smiled, then tiptoed to daniel’s ear, “just don’t tell jaehwan though, he can be a little, nosey.”
you were lying if you said daniel wasn’t attractive and totally did not win you over with his eyesmile in the span of 3 seconds
“and kim jaehwan, you owe me a meal. for helping your friend and putting up with your drama.”
at this point, daniel was totally smitten
everyone could see it, even the members of wanna one started teasing him about it
“i can set you up with a date with y/n if you want–”
“no i dont like her peter and rooney are my girlfriends”
daniel totally did not ask almost everyone in his faculty for your number
when he finally had the guts to text you, he was all giddy when you replied, jumping up whenever he heard the personalized notification just for your contact
meanwhile, while you were talking to daniel, you really loved it when he talks about animals, it seemed like all time has stopped in the world and his passion for taking care of animals is just so attractive
and he didnt seem like the usual fuckboy everyone perceived him to be
one day, daniel asked you out for a pizza date, and you immediately agreed
because free pizza and a cute date, why not
the both of you ended up going to laundry pizza, just bc daniel said ioi went there to take their album jacket photos there LOL
but the pizza there was good so you weren’t complaining
daniel ended up paying for the both of you, after 15 minutes of rentless argument over who should pay
the both of you also went to the arcade, wasting your money on those claw machines
you didn’t get anything, but you had fun throwing airballs at the basketball machine thingy
daniel walked you back pretty early, because he knew you had a morning lecture the next morning
not gonna lie, you wanted to stay longer but daniel was not gonna have any of it
daniel walked you till your doorstep, and your hands were fumbling through your purse for your keys
looks like someone forgot their keys,,,
you laughed humourlessly as you tried to open the locked door, but only for daniel to giggle along with you
your roomate was out too, and she wouldn’t be back till the next morning
“i dont think its safe for you to be sleeping outside, why dont you stay over at my place?”
“ok let’s go”
you didnt even say anything and here you are, at daniel’s dorm, unsure of what to do
just watching daniel hastily clean up his dorm is quite amusing
“jaehwan wont be back till really late, he has an event to attend to.” daniel smiled as he proceeeds to kick the sweet wrappers under the sofa, “i’m sorry you have to put up with this, y/n.”
“no, no, thank you for letting me stay here, or i’ll be freezing in the cold right now.” you shook your head, yawning
“do you want a change of clothes? i have a hoodie you can wear…hopefully”
you never knew you would be staying in daniel’s dorm, on his bed, in his hoodie
until today
you slept fairly well, with daniel’s scent invading all your senses
until you felt something on your foot
you woke up, scared
the thing kept probing at your feet, and soon it was licking it
you screamed, and soon enough daniel ran into his room to see what happned
“y-y/n?” he rubbed his eyes as he turned on the lights, “what happened?”
“s-something was at my foot”
daniel moved the sheets, and he found rooney peacefully sleeping on the foot of the bed
“i’m sorry, rooney always likes to invade the bed in the middle of the night,,, i should’ve told you earlier”
“it’s fine, i was just too shocked hahaha”
“maybe i’ll sleep with you, so peter and rooney wont disturb us”
you stared at daniel, as he quickly waved his hands, “no, no, i wont do anything, i swear, you can end me if i do.”
neither of you could sleep, so daniel nudged you
“y/n… i know its weird to say this but,, i like you”
well that was really weird
“i don’t expect you to accept me and all but i just wanna let you know that i–”
you cut daniel off with a kiss, as he sneakily snaked his arms around your waist to bring you closer
after a good like, 20 seconds, you pulled away, “me, rejecting kang daniel?? no way.”
ever since the both of you started dating, jaehwan started to brag about himself, saying that the both of you were a couple thanks to him,,,
but would shut up immediately after he sees you in the vicinity because he would be running away from you
a very cute relationship, daniel would always wrap his arms around your shoulders and snuggle you close to him
instant ramen dates are a big thing and you always have to clean up after daniel
but he helps of course, after hearing you nag at him for the nth time
he would always make you a bento before your papers, with a note that says, “with this bento, you will do well! fighting! love, daniel”
and vice versa, you would bake him muffins too
sweetest boyfriend, but the type to say pick up lines to annoy the heck out of you
they arent even smooth, theyre hella bad
and yes, kang choding still exists
you have to physically stop him from buying/eating more gummies or his teeth would rot
since daniel is relatively bigger in size, you would always steal his clothes and he would always wonder how his clothes would mysteriously go missing
he would know the answer when he sees you the next morning
the whole campus ships the both of you sm
please love kang daniel
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Today has been a very rough day.
My day actually started at 11:30pm last night when i broke out in hives for the first time ever. at first i freaked out because i had no clue what they were so i ran into the bathroom where i took pictures of both my upper arms (thats where the hives were). i sent the pictures to my friend lucas because he's always up late and is educated in just about everything and his response was "oh gosh" and then nothing so you could just imagine my horror at this. i ask "oh gosh??? that doesn't sound good lucas! what does oh gosh mean?!" quickly he respons back "It's hives. take a cold shower and wash it off and then if you can, put benodryl on it." so i do this and i go to message him back and i see that in the group chat he told everyone he was going to bed so im sitting here 12am hives covering my upper arms and the person that was walking me through this is now asleep, along with my eniter family and all the other smart people i know. i stay up till 1am the hives on my left are no longer burning however the ones on my right burn more and seem to be growing. around 1:30 my best friend shawn texts me and not even paying attention to what he said i immediatly tell him what's happened and him being the good friend he is he goes and looks stuff up and is trying to calm me down. 5 minutes later he text me "so, the benodryl didnt work? have you tried ALoe?" "no, will Aloe help?" "idk let me check before you do anything." 2 minutes later i recieve a screen shot saying that Aloe can cool the hives while also relieving the burning and even help get rid of them quicker so i go and put Aloe on and it instandly stops the burning and by this time its around 2am so i sit there talking to shawn and i thank him for his help and such and then we go off in a deep ass conversation bc its 2 in the morning what else are ya gonna do right? well i end up telling him something i've never told anyone before because he's been through something similar. By 3am the hives are gone, BUT the world ain't done tourchering me yet. SO naturally mother nature is like "nah she isn't getting any sleep tonight" evil laugh i start my period and its not regualr cramping, no, its much worse. it felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me with a knife and then twisting it all up inside my guts. This went on till 4 oclock in the morning... 4 am... im in highschool. i get up at 6 am and its fucking monday. i sleep for two hours and 30 minutes... 6:30.. i had to leave at 6:36.. i had no clean clothes either becuase i forgot to put my clothes in the dryer.. i wore sweatpants with a plain black crop top and my frizzy, curly ass hair up in a bun. i looked like a bum. I leave around 6:50 and get to school at 7:20 which gives me 10 minutes to go to my locker and then go up 3 flights of stairs and then all the way across the 5th building. i get there as the late bell rings at 7:30 phew i think to myself im sitting in my first period and half way through i can slowley feel the migraine i had for 6 days that went away just the day before returning. I couldn't take the medicine i had been before because it might've caused me to have an allergic reaction so i just have to deal with it. fast forward to 3rd period the migrine has grown painfully and in my arms where the hives where is becoming very sore and it's getting hard to focus. 4th period i decide to go home so when class changes and im supposed to go to 5th lunch i go to the clinic. they give me ice and have me sit in a chair while i wait for my grandmother to pick me up. I wait an hour because of traffic. on the way home a guy that has messaged me before hits me up. i should note that he is friends with my receant ex and he dated one of my best friends. We talk a bit and he apologizes for radomly texting me and tells me im cute. I dont want to hurt his feelings or anything so i accept the complement and then ask about him dating my friend, which he denies ever happened. i show this conversaton to shawn being a little creeped out and wondering what i should do. shawn being shawn offers to take care of the kid for me but i turn the offer down. I tell the kid im not looking for anything and would perfer if he stopped calling me cute. he says okay and coninues texting me but in a more friend like way and wanting to know more about me. i found out he is 19 and immediatly tell him that i am only 15 but he doesn't seem bothered by that. After a while the conversation between me and the kid stop and i start to focus on the converstation i am having with shawn, it seems that he feels he should have a say in the people that i date because he's overly protective and doesn't want to see me hurt. i tell him that he can have an opinnion about it of course but more than likely it wont stop me from dating someone. this angers him a lot and he ends up saying he thinks we should stop talking for a bit and that talking everyday like we have been since january is unhealth and not normal. so i've lost my guy bestfriend for a while and immediatly go to my bestfriend sarah for comfort and tell her everything, she's always one of the better parts of my day. After i talk to her eveythings pretty okay... untill i eat left over lasagna from the night before. only after about 30 minutes i spot two little spots of hives on my arm so i put Aloe on it and can pretty much assume the alleric reaction is to the lasagna. lasagna is my all time favorite food so rip me.
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b--zus-blog · 6 years
  Alright so where were we? 
   After my friend Yessy took me in that night, the next morning we went back to my place. I was so happy she was down to come, knowing I could not interact with B. Yessy actually called her friend D to join us and she came right away, We were in my room, laughing talking chilling, and I think planning something. Oh by the way,  they actually skipped class to make sure I was safe. ( I was really grateful ). B then knocks on my door, we all go silent. I looked at them and told them I can’t , and wont open the door. D noticed my shaking, if you ever heard CheddaTheConnects - Flick of the Wrist - that was my right wrist. I honestly wish I could have controlled my shaking at the moment, it was making me so vulnerable. Yessy and D read my vibe and called their boyfriends to come through. Both of them came within minutes . .  . I admired, and envied that so much. If there was anything I wanted so bad from my ex who we will refer to as Lucifer , was protection. Those men came after hearing their girls worried, and I knew I wanted that some day. So since they were all here B actually stayed in her room. D who was held at knife point one time at the club has always carried pepper spray on her since then. She gave me a cute little pink pepper spray keychain. (Listen at this time I either forgot , or assumed pepper sprays were legal if there was a certain amount of peppa in the spray. I know mace, especially military grade mace is illegal. This fucking pink keychain in no way shape or form did I think was illegal).  I took it. Fuck it. I’m sorry I knew my roommate wanted to beat the shit out me because I called the cops on her boyfriend. I will fight for my life, I don’t give a fuck. 
  After everyone was in the room, we were getting hungry. D & her boyfriend left. So I became third wheel with Yessy and her boyfriend. After we ate, I went home alone, but I was on the phone with a friend because I still felt uneasy about shit. 
  I  was sitting on my couch, when B knocked on my door again. I didn’t answer. She kept on knocking and then says “Yo, I’m missing $400 and my card”. I said “No B, sorry I am not opening the door and I have no idea what you are talking about.” I kept the door close. She kept knocking for me to answer, and I continued to ignore her and the last thing she said was “Iight don’t open the fucking door.” 
Literally 2 minutes after she said that. My main entrance opens , and I got up so fast and gasped for air, like what the fuck, because all I saw was a hat and man, so I thought it was honestly Bobby. No, it was Lucifer. You see, to rewind time for a bit Lucifer semi moved out a month prior to all this mess. He moved back to his mothers house, but heres the catch with the apartment. His grandmother owns the whole building. So he was able to come in and out as he pleased. 
You know what I actually said? I actually said “Thank God.” But for a second I was allowed to feel safe, before Lucifer screamed at me with every amount of hate he had in his body; “WHO EVER YOU ARE ON THE PHONE WITH, HANG UP AND PACK UP YOUR SHIT BECAUSE YOU ARE OUT OF HERE! - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO CALL THE COPS!?” 
Lucifer: “THEY COULD KILL EACH OTHER FOR ALL I CARE, THEY ARE PAYING THE RENT YOU AREN’T” ( Which was a fucking lie I actually did have the rent already, fucking asshole, but yes he’s helped me out at times. People do like to throw shit in your face after they help you.) 
 After he stormed out of the room, my body was reacting to past trauma , and abuse. Lucifer, has dragged me out of rooms before, and for some reason all I saw in my head was him dragging me out of the room by my hair or something, especially in front of B. Maybe to prove a point. So I locked him out. And he banged on the door so hard, I was just so fucking scared. I unlocked the door because he was slamming it so hard asking me who the fuck I was. He then stormed in the room then chased me out the main entrance. Then I went on FB live. I never felt so fucking mentally ill in my life. Lucifer. Who I spent 5 years with, spent an endless amount verbal, mental, emotional abuse. Secrets that I kept, holding it down, to just  for him not give a fuck. He did not ask me anything about the situation. He did not care. He never did, if anything if he couldn’t accomplish killing me to hide his secrets,using these crackheads to get me the fuck out of the apartment was the next best move. It worked. It broke me down so bad. My friend Xtina saw my FB Live and ordered me a Lyft right away. I left with the clothes on my back and my purse with my lap top.
In the cab, I was crying like a blubbering idiot. Trying to let it all out before getting to Xtinas. With my head leaning against the window, the sun was out and all I kept thinking about was California. I was trying before all this to book a flight and I was going to, didn’t know when , and did not know how. But I kept saying in my head “California, California, California.” I finally got to Xtinas, and she embraced me with a huge hug and place to stay on the couch, She has been there for me before through all of Lucifers, bullshit. She’s never wanted me to go back to him, and I am so glad she never gave up on me for doing so. I just remember feeling super low. Writing this out I can feel where I was, and it was broken. Thats all I could describe it as. Fucking broken.
Since I already had my mind set going to California, my cousins ex girlfriend JonQuiii actually was the one to reach out to me and was like “Dude please contact your cousin, we are here for you and will help you”  I finally worked up the courage to contact my cousin. I remember walking in the night chilly as fuck, walking in Long Island City, to the Roosevelt Island waterfront and called her. I told her “Listen, this is going to be hard for me to ask, because I am going to tell you things my best friends don’t even know.” I let out everything. I told her EVERYTHING Lucifer has done to me, and I wish I could go into it at the moment but I am honestly not ready to write it out without the right therapy. so we will just leave it at that. She was like “You need to get out of that negative environment, and those negative people.” and for once, in a really long time I was able to sigh in relief. I told her I would let her know when I book a flight. Then hung up. 
I returned to Xtinas, we smoked, chilled out and she kept talking to me, reassuring me I will be ok. She has been through this before in different circumstances, and that I will be ok. It was like I’ll disappear in a daze and she would be able to bring me back to this dimension. She wouldn’t judge me for crying, she hugged me when I needed it, and would put on Love and Hip Hop to make sure I am still comfortable and in my element. I just felt, numb, and she was there to make sure I knew I was still existing and that my “feelings aren’t real”. We were in the middle of a show, while I was texting another friend who I will call, JC. JC lives in California too, we had a past, a good one I would think, we were both in the ARMY and from the same town, and we reconnected through this as he was concerned watching my live videos. Before I proceed with this story JC is married, and has children. Our convos have always been nothing but platonic and respectful. He came across asking me about California and how the conversation went with my cousin. 
He asked me whats stopping me from just booking my flight to LA. I told him I knew someone in the airlines who could probably hook it up, and if not I was going to start a go - fund - me account I swear. He then sends me a text. 
“I will pay that for you right now, just to get out of that shit hole and recuperate. It leaves April 17th.” 
I look at Xtina like this. 
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I’m like what do I say!? She was like “SAY YES!” 
He booked me the flight, and sent all the info. Without wanting anything in return. Just for me not to miss the flight. 
So I did. I told my cousin,  and all she said was “Shit that was fast.” 
As amazing as that blessing was. This story is still not fucking over.  Stay tuned for part 3. 
Getting my shit, getting arrested and how the next two weeks of hell were. Stay tuned . 
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shoeshoesho · 6 years
april 23, 2017
Yesterday i broke a little. i was looking out of his window so frustrated. And for what? i have no idea. The night before I did the same thing. I was so upset, so “fed up” with going out with him and doing all these fun things. For what? I asked. i have no idea why i am so upset right now. It is a deep frustration that i cant put my finger on. I broke out angerly at him and he said, “ i have no idea where this is comming from” and i said “me neither.” He thinks i am just being emotional. And to be honest, i couldn’t believe that is all he thought it to be. I was almost angry he was naive enough to believe it to be so simple. To believe that i was so simple..so easily curved by emotions, like some little child. I thought maybe he knew it was not so simple but chose to believe so to spare his own feelings. To blockade himself from the issue and to repeat. “everything is alright.” I believe him to be more intelligent than most and to be guarded rather than stupid. Whatever it is i believe.. He simply said i would not have to deal with this again cause we would move in a month. That also pissed me off. Dont you see that this is more intrinsic in the machine than you believe it to be?This will only continue to occur if i dont understand the feeling. Why do i feel this way? 
Am i sick of being with him? Am i sick of his friends? ( i think so). Am i sick of being in the lovely santa cruz on a sunny hot day? Is it from being too happy all too quick? I know i enjoy pain, and pleasure is only as good as the pain you feel. And i agree that it is a trade that occurs every day. Am i eating all these sweets at once? Is that why i am so “fed up.” I am very confused indeed. 
Maybe because i was catapulted into his life and it was as if i lost a sense of identity. But at the same time, i cannot bare a weekend without him. Is my life so dull and drab, his color paints all my beige walls bright? My life was/is a simple one. Simply alone. I often begged for someone to come here and share it with me, but my style was always a lonely one. As i have said in previous notes- alone but never feeling alone. Looking back now, i have dropped off 75% of the few friends i had after this relationship. But if i had the choice, its weird, i would not say i would want to text them frivolously right now and decide to take a week hiatus from our relationship. I still want him and i still need him. Even the slightest thought of being without him in my life makes me cry a little. He is always who i want to love and be with. But i am suffocating in a life that i want. I dont know how to make this life more me. He welcomes me to do so but i cant seem to figure out how to do it. Maybe it is from the shortcommings of being a partner? Maybe i am not used to such closeness. I tend to cave because i generally care too much about how hes going to feel. Just making up all this shit about how hes going to feel abou tit. 
I originally got upset becasue i didnt want to eat at his friends house. Why? Because honestly, i am not entirely comfortable at his fieinds place, and around his friends sitll. I am introverted and i would like to just not socialize forever. Maybe i am sick of socializing. And socializing with people that arent even my friends. I always give a modest day or few hrs to my freinds in the past (friday night to saturday) and that pretty much emptys my tank. In my head were talking about shit that honestly i know NOTHING about, CONSTANTLY. so therefore.. at the moment, i have NO INTEREST. constantly worried about WHAT to talk about. Constantly worried about making good impressions. You know i have no problem being myself.. but this IS myself. I dont crank it open in one go, i dont shoot the shit very well and you wont know me until you really know me. Its going to take more than 30 tires and its not easy. I can fake it for about 45 min and then Im going to start making an escape route. So why punish myself for being me? I guess i am not. I am not apologetic to him or his friends. I was previously but at this point.. i will not apologize, but i will be sorry for having to be absent from all the things he wants me to be a part of. And i will continue throughout our relationship to be sorry. I will be sorry for skipping out on those things, cause honstly babe, i dont wanna go. Your going to light up that room and im going to disappear. Im going to disappear into the wallpaper and the touching shoulders. Im going to disappear into the bathroom or out back. Im going to be absent more often than you think.  he is my only connection in this world. He is the only outlet, and the only one that knows my true color. No one here knows my true color. No one here knows what im about or who i am. And when you take one hour or two away from me, I am disappering into the walls. Making smiles and laughs that are find after a drink or four. But when you add them up, i am drowning in it. I am drowning in a life i want. I am drowning from constantly feeling inadequate or like an accessory to your life. I am drowning from not feeling and knowing the worth that i am in this world. To feel my imprint on this world. I can mirror this image to exactly what it feels to stand on top of a mountain alone. 
To be strong, on your own- and i have never felt prouder of myself in any situation. To feel capable and independent. To feel like a force of nature. To feel your existance in this world to be insignificant because you are reminded that indeed, this world is incredible and unforgiving. 
That is what is me at my best. 
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madelinecoffee · 7 years
The Right People Ch.3
Summary: Its Junior Year of college and after the break-up with her ex-girlfriend Riley Matthews wants to focus on school and her friends, most especially her new friendship with Lucas. She’s hoping that with the right people this year will be a great one. Fancast: x A/N: In this Riley is bisexual, and this fic does deal with emotional abuse. If you’re sensitive to that proceed reading this fic with caution. There is also drinking in this chapter. Next time: Lucas and Maya talk, things happen. Words: 2,926 Tagging: @iwantyoutochooseme (if you would like to be tagged let me know) Ch. 1  Ch.2
It was finally Friday night and Riley had felt like this week had been going on forever.  Her classes had started piling on assignments and she had the nagging feeling all week that something was going to go wrong. But so far nothing had and she was getting ready to enjoy a night in with just the girls. Although she had to admit to herself that a part of her wished Lucas was here too. She really liked talking to him, and his presence always seemed to make everything better. And his eyes don’t even get her started on his eyes.
She was pulled out of her thoughts when Maya asked her a question.
“I’m sorry Peaches? What did you ask?” Riley asked giving her a smile
“I asked if you were drinking tonight, Smackle wants to know which bottle she should open.”
After a moment of thought Riley responded, “Sure pour me a glass. Its girls night in and I’m ready for wine, face masks, movies, pizza and talking!”
The girls settled in around their living room in a triangle-ish shape with the pizza in the middle of them and each with their own large glass of rosé.
“So Smackle? How are things with you and Farkle? I feel like we haven’t talked about ‘girl stuff’ in forever.” Riley asked as she took a sip of her wine.
“Me and my beloved are doing quiet well. Yesterday we spent three hours just talking about theories on space. It was quiet a nice date. And how about you  Maya? Hmmm? How’s that Lindsay girl doing in your art class? I know you have a crush on her.” Smackle gave Maya a friendly look as Maya’s mouth hung open ever so slightly.
“Whaattt” She tried to play it off but neither Riley nor Smackle was believing her, “Ugh. Fine. She’s so nice and cute and she has the nicest laugh. And like I want to ask her out but I don’t know if she’s into girls.  Literally the worst part about being bi because I don’t give off lesbian vibes but I think I give off straight vibes and ugh!” Maya threw a pillow over her face as she groaned.
“Re-fucking tweet.” Riley raised her glass in Maya’s direction. “That’s always the hardest part. With things like that you just have to like ask her out and like if she says no, if you like her you could still be friends.” Riley shrugged as her phone dinged, seeing a snap from Lucas with a picture of Farkle and Zay captioned “I wish you were here, you’re more fun than these guys” She giggled as she sent him a funny face back.
Maya and Smackle shared a look as they watched Riley giggle at her phone
“And how about you Riley?” Maya asked with a raised brow and a smirk. She knew Lucas was into her best friend, and she had a feeling that Riley was developing feelings for him as well. She just wanted them together already.
“What about me?” Riley asked suddenly feeling nervous at the direction their conversation was going, she chugged some more wine to calm her nerves.
“What about you? You and Lucas make quiet the pair.” Maya responded watching her friends face heat up and not just from the wine she was drinking.
“What are you talking about? He’s like my best friend, besides you two of course.” Riley rolled her eyes, but her stomach fluttered at the idea of being something more with Lucas
“Oh please. There is some serious romantic chemistry between you too. I saw the picture Zay took of you two sleeping on their couch. The two of you looked very comfortable” Izzy gave Riley a look
“Its so obvious the cowboy likes you Riles and I think you like him to. He’s perfect for you! And unlike the bitch of the underworld he treats you right.” Maya encouraged Riley, “Come on. He’s smitten. Come on girl power ask him out!” Maya and Smackle cheered at the idea while Riley quickly drank the rest of her wine before pouring more. Trying to ease the anxiety she felt at the thought of asking out Lucas.
“Maya I told you in the beginning of the year I’m not doing that. If someone wants to ask me out and I have feelings for him or her I’ll say yes. But. I’m not making the first mood. Not what after it lead to last time.”
“Riles…” Maya sighed and tried a new tactic she had to know if Riley did have feelings for Lucas, “So if Lucas asked you out on a date you’d say yes?”
Riley thought for a long moment while both Smackle and Maya held their breaths, “Yes. If Lucas were to ask me out I’d probably say yes…” Riley couldn’t help but grin at the thought “He’s just so nice and he smells really good and he has nice hair.” Riley giggled and they could tell the wine had started to get to their friend. Riley frowned, “I miss him. I love you two but you two don’t snuggle with me like he does. He also lets me hold his hand a lot. He’s so nice.” Both girls couldn’t help but smile and giggle as Riley rambled on about Lucas.  
They shared some more laughs and did a mask and while Riley was in the bathroom Maya turned to Izzy. “We should get the boys up here. See if we can’t push little miss giggles over there and Ranger Rick together.”
Smackle grinned, “It would be nice to see my beloved.” Smackle quickly took out her phone and texted the boys. Farkle responded they would be over in ten minuets tops. The girls high fived and laughed together as they waited for the boys, but were quickly overcome with concern when Riley came out of the bathroom with a pale face. Before they had time to react the boys came in
Lucas was thrilled, he had wanted to spend more time with Riley but he didn’t want to interrupt their girls’ night. But apparently Smackle and Maya wanted them to all hang out together, and he wasn’t complaining. It meant more time with Riley and before he knew it they were at their apartment. He quickly burst through their door excited to see Riley but he immediately noticed that something was wrong. She was ghost pale and clutching her phone and looked like she was about to start sobbing. Before anyone could react he pulled her into a bear hug hoping to comfort her. She started to cry as he stroked her hair and whispered words of comfort in her ear.
Their friends where shocked at how fast Lucas had reacted, he just came in the door and within seconds he was comforting Riley. And it definitely seemed to be working. None of the friends could remember a time when they had calmed Riley down that fast. She was a sensitive soul and Paula had often resulted in her crying but it usually took a good twenty minuets to get her to calm down. And within minuets she had calmed down and was hugging Lucas back with a tight grip.
Once Riley had been able to calm down she pulled away from Lucas but quickly grabbed his hand, she knew she needed to explain but she was still shaken up and needed a physical reminder that he was there. She took a deep breath and exclaimed, “So um…lets sit down so I can explain.” Everyone found their seats; Lucas was sitting so close to Riley on the ground their legs were touching, not that she was complaining.
“Paula texted me…” Riley stopped talking for a second as a choras of “That bitch!” and “The devil.” And “fuck her” were heard from her friends and they didn’t even know what she said, Izzy noticed that.
“What exactly did she say Bubbles?” Izzy asked with an encouraging look
Riley took a deep breath and pulled out the phone and read, “You’re just an insecure bitch. I treated you the way you deserved, so I don’t know why you broke up with me. Whatever its not like you could do better than me. No one likes you anyway you hoar.” Riley’s voice quivered as she finished reading it.
“That’s not true!” Lucas shouted, “Sorry that was loud. But Ri you have to know that isn’t true right? Anyone would be lucky to have you. You deserve more than her.” Lucas pulled her back into his chest as more tears came down her face. Zay plopped down next to her, rubbing her arm.
“Yeah Sugar, any one of us would be lucky to date you. And we’re blessed to have you in our lives. Don’t cry.” Riley nodded from her place in my Lucas chest trying her best to dry up her tears. Once she had finished crying she turned towards the group,
“Sorry if I ruined the night…I know it was supposed to be fun” Maya cut her off,
“Riles you didn’t ruin the night, Paula did. And if she texts again don’t open it okay? Just give it to one of us and we’ll delete it. Right guys?” Maya gave everyone a look as she glanced around, they all nodded eagerly.
“Of course, Riley we’re here to help you in anyway we can. We love you, you’re our friend.” Farkle told her giving her a big smile.
Riley simply nodded, she had curled herself up in Lucas’ lap with her cheek resting comfortably on his chest.
“Why don’t we watch a movie?” Zay suggested, since it was going to Halloween next they decided on watching Halloweentown. They had a nice time watching it and when it was over they put another movie in and another. After the third movie Smackle went off to bed with Farkle following along proclaiming he was to tired to go back to his room. Zay called the couch not wanting to leave either and Lucas figured he’d sleep on the floor. But first he had to find a way to get Riley to bed without waking her up, during the last movie her crying and drinking had gotten to her and she had fallen asleep in her place on Lucas’ lap. Not that he was complaining at all, he loved being able to hold the brunette close to him.
What he didn’t enjoy was the smirk Maya was giving him.
“Well Ranger Rick, what are you going to do about the sleeping princess there? She wont move unless you make her.”
“Well short-stack what do you suggest I do?” Lucas asked back with a smirk of his own, he liked the playful teasing with Maya. It reminded him of his younger sister and him.
“You can just put her in bed, she’s already in pjs and her door is open. Either way I’m going to bed. Goodnight losers.” Mays gave them a peace sign as she retreated to her own room. Lucas weighed his options and ultimately decided on picking her up bridal style, it was easiest with how she was placed in his lap and the way she was griping his shirt in her sleep.
He thought he had done a pretty good job of putting her in bed, until he started to pull the covers over her. And she shot up almost hitting him in the head with her own.
“Lucas? What’s going on?” She asked rubbing her eyes, he tried not to get lost in her sleep filled voice as he answered her.
“You fell asleep watching the movie, I was just putting you in bed. Zay’s sleeping on the couch and Farkle is with Smackle.” He filled her in just in case she went to the bathroom at night and was freaked out seeing some guys asleep in her living room.
“What about you?” Riley asked concern evident in her voice
“I was going to sleep on the floor, you girls have tons of blankets.” Lucas shrugged
“No. That’s dumb. You stay here with me. My bed’s big enough for two. And I don’t want you sleeping on the floor.” Lucas was tried to shake off the shock of getting to share a bed with Riley. He knew his feelings were growing for her and this was about to put him over the edge. He wanted to ask her on a date but he was so unsure if she had feelings for him. He decided he had to talk to Maya.
“Lucas are you coming in or not? I’m cold” Riley’s voice shook him out of his thoughts
He quickly slipped into the bed with her, and as soon as he was under the covers he felt her cozy up to him. He had worn basketball shorts over and he almost jumped a mile in the air when he felt Riley’s cold fit touch his leg.
“Holy shit Ri, your feet are cold.”
“I told you I was cold, but its better now because you’re here and you’re warm.” Riley sleepily mumbled as she drifted off.
The next morning when Riley woke up she moved to stretch but couldn’t when she felt an arm around her torso. She opened her eyes and realized that she did in fact invite Lucas to sleep in her bed with her last night and somehow throughout the night she had ended up on top of him. Not that she was going to complain, being with Lucas always gave her a sense of calm and after last night she desperately needed it. She took a deep breath and tried to clear her head. But it was hard, she’d been with Paula for almost a year and most days she struggled not to hear the words thrown at her in anger or because Paula felt like she looked too happy. She’d been doing so well, but once again Paula had to ruin it. A few silent tears fell down her face and she tried to wipe them away but Lucas beat her to it. He had woken up when she had attempted to stretch but Riley had been lost in her head to notice.
“Hey beautiful girl, don’t cry.” Riley let out a forced laugh and when Lucas gave her a questioning look
“Its just…you’re so nice to me and say things like that. And I was thinking about Paula and her words, and how even though we dated for almost a year she was never as nice to me as you are. And we’re not even dating.” Riley stated with a sad shrug before he could respond Riley rolled off him and into a standing position.
“Come on sleepyhead lets get some breakfast. If the others are up they can come too” Riley pulled him out of the bed and into the kitchen. Lucas was still a little shocked that he had spent the night sleeping next to her. They found their friends all mulling around waiting for the pair, no one said anything expect Maya gave both of them a look that made Riley’s face flush. The gang headed to a cheap nearby diner for some breakfast. Just as they sat down Riley’s phone dinged and without thinking Riley grabbed it and oh how she wished she hadn’t.
It was another text from Paula that read, “You’re nothing without me Riley. You just stay in Rileytown all day well your friends put up with your silliness. Grow up bitch.” Lucas quickly noticed Riley stiffen next to him and when he saw the look she was giving her phone he gently took it out of her hand.
“Riley, whatever Paula is telling you is a lie. And we’re you going to give us your phone to delete the texts?” Lucas asked with a slight reprimanding tone.
“I was going to! But it just dinged and I look at it and there it was” Riley stated with a sad tone. Lucas noticed that the light that shone from her was dimming he wanted to help, and an idea came to mind.
“Farkle can you like make it so that it doesn’t show what Paula has texted Riley until you open the phone?” Farkle gave Lucas a smirk,
“Yeah it’ll take me like two minuets” He held out his and hand for the phone and after a few moments he gave it back to Riley
The group had a good time at the diner joking around and Riley seemed to get lighter with each moment. As they were walking back to campus Riley’s phone dinged once again with a notification. She glanced at and wordlessly handed it to Lucas.
He opened the text and tried not to look at it but that was easier said then done. The text, “You’re a greedy cheater. Just like all bi people. That’s why we didn’t work out.” Lucas thought it sounded eerily familiar but he couldn’t place it as he handed Riley back her phone, she returned it to her pocket and grabbed his hand as they walked.
She wouldn’t tell anyone if they asked but she was still shaken by the message she had read at breakfast and she was hoping Lucas could help her push those feelings away. Lucas gave her hand a squeeze and a dazzling smile that she returned.  He was happy she seemed to be feeling better, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling about the text. Why did the wording sound so familiar?
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July 10,2020
Sorry I never finished elaborating on my ex boyfriend, but now I;m forced to give a bit of a summary because this story pertains to him. 
     We met at a party but didn’t start talking until months later when me and my then husband decided to go our separate ways. First two months were awesome, even took me to six flags and booked a pretty luxurious hotel for us during fourth of July weekend and it basically was the best time ever. A week after that weekend, we went out of a friend’s birthday and since no one knew we were dating, he got extremely upset that I was going around our group of friends and talking to everyone as to not show favoritism. This led to him having a meltdown where he tried to drag me out of the club to go home. Later he called stating he got out of an uber and was thinking of jumping off the highway bridge. Fast forward a bit into that night where he ended up hospitalized and when I went in to see him, he said he had zero respect for me and that everything that happened was my fault and topped it off by spitting on me. Later on throughout the relationship (yes I stayed, I know) things were pretty chill except I would get the occasional comment about why don’t I dress differently or “If you don’t do this for me, then I’ll call my other girlfriend to do it” type of comments. Those always left me feeling terrible about myself to the point that I contemplated suicide one day because I felt as I can never make a relationship work. One day after about six months in, I found out that he was snooping through my phone to see if I was texting anyone or looking for a way out of the relationship. This prompted me to snoop and I found out he was talking to some girl for about three months. This led to a huge argument and I was trying to kick him out of the house but somehow he talked me into not breaking up. This phase didn’t last long because he started making more and more comments about my appearance or my actions, specially calling me a terrible mother. One day back in March, he started to openly speak ill in regards to the father of my child and I fought back because NOBODY speaks ill about the father of my child. SPECIALLY after her dad was soo accommodating when it came to shifting our visitation schedules due to emergencies or trips he always suggested. That night ended with him putting a loaded gun to his head in my closet and me having to talk him out of doing anything, then me taking apart the gun and hiding pieces around my house. All of this happened while my then 2 year old was asleep in her room. Safe to say, a restraining order came into play and well I thought that was it.
   My dumbass texted him a month into the restraining order because I was having an issue with my car tires and I wanted to see if he remembered which ones I recently bought. One thing led to another and we were hanging out in secret. A ton of emotions flooded me because I was feeling so good while we were separated and I though I was grown enough to handle bullshit and help him out. The arguing started up again, this time it was more like on a weekly basis and I do have to take responsibility because most of the shit started because I though I still cared for him romantically but I actually didn’t so I kept kinda breaking his heart until he legit broke. After me explaining and apologizing time and time again and stating that I think it’s better if we just never talk to each other, the switch in his brain got set to revenge. He wanted me to feel as shitty as he did so he would threaten me saying that he would tell m kid’s dad that him and I are talking so that way my ex could take full custody. He would force me to hang out when I really didn’t want to and would throw a huge fit when I said I didn’t want to be intimate.  
      Point is, we kept going back and forth being nice and cordial to him throwing a tantrum because I wouldn’t act as I was in love with him. But July 10th....went to a different level...
      The plan for that day was that I was to go to his place to eat, play the switch, shave some body hair in prep for our massages the next day, and just take it easy. I knew something bad was going to happen the minute I walked in because he forcefully grabbed me and kissed me. After that awkward entrance, I pretended to act as if it didn’t bother me and we talked about our work life. We ordered food and were about to go and pick it up when he said he heard a rumor that I was sleeping around with my coworkers and said “you can say whatever you want about what I heard, I wont believe you.” So please, anyone tell me, how would you react if you hear such accusations and then are told that whatever you say it’s a lie. So I got upset and said that those rumors are false and I can’t believe he would say that out of nowhere and assume it was true. So in true me fashion I tried to keep quiet as to not make matters worse. We got n the car to go pick up food and he was purposefully driving like a maniac to scare me. He wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say and while he was getting angrier he kept saying it was all MY fault. I didn’t want to stay quiet after hearing that and that was when he lost complete control.
      We were five minutes away from his apartment and he’s still yelling at me and out of nowhere, he punched me straight on my jaw. Immediately I froze and started to tear up. I never thought I could break someone to this point. All I could think of was of him saying how much he loved me but yet he straight up punched me in the face. Keep in mind, I’m 5′1 and 130 pounds, hes 5′10 and about 185 who lifts a decent amount so that punch was rough. We pulled up to the parking lot and he kept yelling and I didn’t want to cause a scene so I said lets just go inside and started to get out of the car when he grabbed my arm and dragged me back into the car, hitting my head on the car on the way in. I was scared at this point. I had to make a choice, either I stay quiet and not do anything and just see what happens, or do I try and fight back in some way shape or form the next time he goes for a hit just in case it escalates to the point where a coroner is in there determining time of death, they can at least say I died fighting for my life. So we’re inside eating and I’m not eating as much because my face hurts from getting punched and it hurt to chew. To be 100% honest, I don’t remember exactly what our exchange of words were. It might have been something along the lines of me saying that I don’t ever want to be in a relationship with him and that I do not love him , but that was enough for him to slap me..repeatedly. Then I kept saying how I wanted to just leave before things got worse, so he hid my car keys and my phone. This made me mad so I repeated my statement on how I don’t love him and I would rather be at home. That is when he first started to choke me....
     I always knew that strangling someone takes a ton of time and effort so its usually committed by a very passionate person. He was feeling extremely passionate that day because I have never feared for my life before. I can still remember the feeling of him grabbing my throat and squeezing until I could barely move. Obviously, I freaked and started asking why tf would he do this if he claims to love me. His reason is because I’ve hurt him so many times and he couldn’t contain his anger anymore so he wanted to take it out. After that answer, I knew I needed to leave so I walked out and tried to get away as fast as possible but I wasn’t successful and he got me back. I was so scared and mentally prepared to fight back that at one point I said I started feeling repulsed by him after the last time I stayed the night and I said I didn’t want to have ex, yet as I was falling asleep, he grabbed me and decided he would take care of his business anyways. Yup....so because I called him out on it, ie called him a rapist, that led to another, longer rampage. This time started by him cutting up my sweatshirt, then he pushed me on the bed and was commanding me to get him ready for sex. Since I refused, he grabbed me, pushed and pulled me against the walls and when I eventually landed on the floor, he climbed on me and started choking me again. This time harder and longer. and when he let me go, the first thing I said was “now your a rapist and a woman beater, good job expanding your resume”. He then grabbed some scissors, cut up my shirt, then stepped on my abdomen instead of stepping around me, oh yeah then he wanted to show me what a “real rapist” would do. We wrestled and he managed to pull my pants down to my ankles, he then grabbed by underwear and ripped it off of me. He was clearly doing everything as a power move so I knew he wasn’t going to try and penetrate me, but I was wrong. Instead he let his hands do the work. I was mortified. 
      He then tossed me back on his bed and I desperately tried to cover myself so I didn’t feel so exposed. Instead he pinned me down, spread my shirt wide open and talked about how disgusting I am. Again, this is coming from someone who “loves me”. He kinda calmed down after that but I kept demanding for my stuff so I could just leave and so things wouldn’t continue to escalate. But that wasn’t the case. I noticed that he choked me so hard that I was bruising. All  could say to myself at that moment was that I need to fight, I need to yell, I need to run or else next time it just won’t be a bruise. I tried to manged to thread a lil lighter, but still demand that I would be let out because this was excessive. He then would push me into the bath tub and turn the water on and demanded I’d shower under his supervision. I stood my ground and said no until he left me alone for a few seconds. I could tell he was exhausted but was still upset and all I wanted was to find my car keys and go home. Point it, similar events repeated, mostly it was more grabbing and throwing and slapping. At one point he was begging me to hit him, and I refused. After a couple of attempts to grab a phone and lock myself in a bathroom failed, he choked me again and said next time, he would grab a knife. After some negotiation, he let me go into a bathroom to pee and i locked the doors against his wishes. He broke into one of the doors with a knife in his hand. I was petrified and told myself that I had to make a run for it. He was sitting there and I said I would take a shower in that bathroom, but i needed my toiletry bag. He didn’t follow me out so I casually grabbed my wallet (since its all I could find) and ran out the door as fast as I could. I didn’t go too far because I figured he would find me if I was walking the streets, so i hid behind a stairwell. After I stood there for about 10 minutes, I knew I had to find a way to contact someone. I was too afraid to go knocking on random people’s doors because we’ve all heard stories about people who pretend theyre hurt and then rob you. Instead I sat on the stairs on the second floor until a female tenant walked out and asked if I was okay. I told her I was hiding from someone and she kindly let me in and helped me calm down and bandaged a couple of wounds I didn’t know I had. We talked for a good 30 minutes or so until I decided to call my own phone to be able to get my stuff back. She said I could go,and gave me a taser on my way out.
     Once I went back to his place, he was completely enraged because he had been looking everywhere for me and I just demanded to get my stuff back. He refused and I was so sick of everything that the minute he turned his back to me, i tased him and he barely reacted....that scared me soo much because I knew he could easily over power me and take it. Which he did. He tased my arm and my neck....
I think that was the last of the physical abuse. We calmed down enough to where he gave my stuff back and I went home to try and feel safer. 
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tillthelandslide · 7 years
Hi guys here is another Harry Styles imagine, thanks for all the support so far and I hope you continue to like them. Feel free to give any feedback and request anything you wish to see. Quick side note I use my real name in the imagines hope thats okay. Please follow if you'd like to see more of my stuff and I'm also creating a masterlist as I post the imagines. WARNING: mentions of depression and anxiety so if you're not comfortable with the topics please do not read because it may be alarming. Also if any of you have depression and anxiety feel free to message me if you want to talk xx
You were currently in Holmes Chapel, sitting at the counter in Anne’s kitchen with a cup of tea untouched on the surface, your cold hands wrapped tightly around the bottom, warming them up slightly. You were in black leggings and an old Fleetwood Mac t-shirt hidden under an old jumper of Harry’s which was lying around the house. Anne had given it to you when you had arrived, you hadn’t planned the visit you see, so you hadn’t brought anything with you. Your phone was buzzing next to your tea cup. Glancing down at it, Harry’s name and cute picture of him you had taken lighting up your screen, leaving it to go to voicemail and seeing 7 missed calls from him. Anne walked in, glancing at your phone and frowning.
 “Feeling better my love?” she said wrapping her arm around your shoulder and giving you a big squeeze. You sighed, a tear rolling down your cheek as you phone began to buzz again.
 “I can’t face him Anne” you said, beginning to sob again.
 “Now now love. Everything’s going to be alright, yeah? When has he been any less than supportive of ya?” she asked, making you nod your head. You phone buzzed again this time your mum’s number flashing across the screen, you quickly picked it up and answered.
 “Hi mum” you said softly.
 “I’m so sorry baby. I wish I could be with you right now. I’m so sorry” she said, you could hear she was trying not to cry.
 “Mum, it’s fine. It must be so late there mum” you said smiling at her voice.
 “It’s fine lovely. You’re with Anne yeah?” she said.
 “yeah mum, m’with Anne” you replied, making Anne look up and smile at you. Your mum was currently on holiday and your Dad was on a business trip with his best friend and colleague hence why you had wound up at Anne’s house.
 Recently, you and Harry had been arguing a lot, the both of you stressed about upcoming tours and events, the both of you taking it out on each other. You had been more moody and stressed than ever, constantly feeling alone and worthless. Your brother had suggested seeing a doctor, after facing depression and anxiety when you were younger, you thought it was best. You went to the doctor two days ago and they did various tests and assessments and this morning had your results. They had re-diagnosed you with depression and anxiety, thus here you were, ignoring Harry’s phone calls and sitting in the kitchen of his mum’s house.
 “I’ll let you enjoy your holiday and we’ll speak when we get back” you said, interrupted by the doorbell ringing and a loud knock at the door. Your mum hung up after saying goodbye. You heard Anne talking to someone at the door, Gemma running down the stairs as you heard Anne say “she doesn’t want to see you H, I’m sorry baby”. It was then that Gemma ran in the kitchen, a guilty look on her face.
 “I’m sorry, I text him, I didn’t think he’d come” she said but you simply smiled and nodded your head.
 “C’mon mum! You can’t stop me from seeing my own girlfriend! not in my old house!” you heard Harry shout, before he came barging through the kitchen door. You had never heard Harry shout at his mum, you never ever thought he would and you sure didn’t want to hear it again. You were sure as hell that he’d shout at you too when he saw you but instead he walked to you and gave you a huge hug.
 “I was so worried about ya love” Harry said breathing you in.
 “Let’s leave them too it Gem” Anne said making Harry let go of you and turn.
 “Sorry for shouting at you Mum” he said, moving to give her a massive hug.
 You sat back down at the counter, starring at the marble. Harry looked good as always, more casual than the past few times you had seen him. Just an old pair of black skinnies and a plain white tee, your head band around his neck and his sunglasses atop of his head.
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 “C’mon love, you’ve gotta tell me what’s up?” Harry said placing his hand on top of yours gently, almost as if you’d cower away if he moved to quickly.
 “I can’t Harry… I can’t do this” you said, tears falling down your cheeks quickly, leaving you no time to even try to stop them. Harry took your small chin in his rather large hands, moving your face so you were looking at him, both his hands came up to cup your cheeks. You shutting your eyes tightly as if it pained you, which wasn’t too far from the truth.
 “What do you mean you can’t do this? Can’t do what love?” he said worriedly, kissing at your cheek and catching a tear.
 “I can’t- can’t” you tried saying, your voice catching in your throat.
 “Look at me love, look at me” he said placing delicate kisses at your eyelids making them flutter open.
 “I can’t have this conversation H. It will hurt me too much. Hurt me even more” you said sobbing, leaning forward and resting your head on his shirt, dampening it slightly. Harry’s hands ran through your hair, his lips pressing to the crown of your head.
 “Love… you can tell me anything” he said, sighing , it truly broke him hearing your sobs and feeling so helpless.
 “C’mon love, yer killing me here. Stop ya crying baby, c’mon, everything is gunna be alright. I’m here to help you” he said making you shake your head, looking back at him.
 “Yeh not gunna love me H. Once I tell ya, yer not gunna love me” you said sobbing harder now.
 “C’mon love, don’t be ridiculous, ‘m always gunna love ya. The love my life you are. should know that” Harry said meaningfully.
 “They re-diagnosed me H” you said, making him gasp slightly and pull you tightly into his embrace, you now sitting on his lap. Of course he instantly knew what you meant, him being the sole reason you overcome the first diagnosis, attending therapy with you when you could, helping you relax and helping you doing things outside of your comfort-zone, even making you love music all over again.
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 “Baby, I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I’m gunna get you through this, I promise” Harry said, his own tears falling down his cheeks.
 “We can’t get through this H. Nearly tore us apart last time, nearly tore you apart. I can’t put you through that again” you said knowing you have to let him go.
 “No love. Don’t be saying things like that. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here with ya” Harry said, his fingers pushing your chin up to catch your lips with his in a very passionate and emotional kiss.
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 You pulled away after, tears still falling but coming to a stop.
 “H. I don’t want to break you again” you said, kissing his hand.
 “You wont Laura. Only made us stronger in the end, remember?” he said making you nod.
It was now a while later, you were on the sofa, eyes still closed but you had just woken up from a nap, your head against Harry’s chest as his hand played with your hair. You sighed and nuzzled your head further into Harry’s chest.
 “You up love?” Harry said placing a kiss against your head. You mumbled a mhmm making Harry giggle resulting in your smiling.
“There’s that beautiful smile” Harry said as you opened your eyes. You placed a soft kiss to his lips before mumbling a thank you.
“Imma make my girl a hot chocolate yeah?” Harry said making you nod and close your eyes again, feeling cold when he got up. You following after him only moments later and standing behind him in the kitchen and wrapping your arms around him.
“You’re supposed to be relaxing” Harry said as you nuzzled into his warm body.
“You were my radiator and now I’m cold” you said making Harry turn around and hug you tightly.
“Only just realised you’re wearing my jumper, looks cute on you” Harry said making you smile up at him.
“Feeling a bit better yeah?” he said making you nod as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Doctor said there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs” you said leaning up and kissing him.
“Think we can handle it though” Harry said making you nod. Anne peeked her head around the door, smiling as she saw the two of you.
“Laura. Your dad called when you were asleep, he’s coming home early so he can see you.” Anne said sweetly.
“Thank you for everything Anne” you said walking over and giving a big hug, Gemma joining in.
“You too Gem. Means so much” you said, then hearing a shutter behind you, making all three of you turn to see Harry with his phone in his hand.
“What? Looked cute” Harry said making you all laugh. You looked around at everyone before Harry pulled you into a massive hug. It may take a while but you knew eventually you would be fine. After all, you had the best family and the best boyfriend in the world.
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Ask Game
nobody asked me any of these questions because u all h8 me but I wanted to answer them anyway so here we are (^:
1: Name: Mia (: 2: Age: 19 3: 3 Fears: spiders, people crawling and being chased in horror movies, my dog dying someday 4: 3 things I love: my dog, park jimin, Speezy Freezes 5: 4 turns on: boys listening, empathizing, learning from their ignorance, and advocating for important causes. K I N K. get u a freak like that ^^^ 6: 4 turns off: being talked over, mansplaining, greasy hair, bad smell 7: My best irl friend(s): @jaemamba, @namjoons-broken-toe, @mark-biased 8: Sexual orientation: bisexual 9: My best first date: going to my university’s football field at 1:00 in the morning with my dog, running around with him, and then driving to Speedway to get Speedy Freezes 10: How tall am I: 5′4 11: What do I miss: my best friend 12: What time was I born: i was born at 5:18 on 6/18 13: Favorite color: red 14: Do I have a crush: i fell in love with my eye doctor yesterday. does that count? 15: Favorite quote: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 16: Favorite place: this is hard. mt favorite destination type place is antigua, guatemala, but my favorite place to be is anywhere with my dog (: 17: Favorite food: scalloped potatoes 18: Do I use sarcasm: me??? noooo, never. 19: What am I listening to right now: dope - BTS 20: First thing I notice in new person: teeth and hair 21: Shoe size: 7 1/2 US size 22: Eye color: green 23: Hair color: brown 24: Favorite style of clothing: sweaters 25: Ever done a prank call?: when i was in, like, middle school. OH! also american airlines when they were being unhelpful little douche-dicks this summer when they lost my luggage in france ((((: 27: Meaning behind my URL: um i’m in love with jimin’s crooked tooth 28: Favorite movie: monster’s inc. 29: Favorite song: leave me lonely - ariana grande 30: Favorite band: BTS 31: How I feel right now: tired and hungry 32: Someone I love: park jimin 33: My current relationship status: i’m in an exclusive relationship with food 34: My relationship with my parents: eh 35: Favorite holiday: christmas and thanksgiving 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i have a tattoo of mine and my brother’s hands in a pinky swear on my right side, a tattoo that says “i belong deeply to myself” on my left side, a big tattoo of athena on my left thigh, and my dog’s paw print on my right foot.  i have my ears double pierced and my nose pierced. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i’d love to have nipple piercings but my boobs are reeeeally big and that increases my risk of infection and irritation, so i probably wont get it done. and the next tattoo i want is a bow behind my ear 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: fandoms 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: i don’t think so, we just don’t talk 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: lololololololol no 41: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? i would hope not 42: When did I last hold hands?: like a week ago with my best friend 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: it depends on if i put on makeup or not.  no makeup = 15-20 minutes, makeup = 30-40 minutes 44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: i think so. i’m losing track of time so it’s hard for me to remember hahahaha. 45: Where am I right now?: at my apartment. 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: i don’t drink so quite honestly, i don’t know who it would be helping me 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: loud 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no 49: Am I excited for anything?: i’m excited for to make a new character for d&d 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yes(: my best friend Martin, but he lives thousands of miles away in normandy, france 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: more often than you’d think. i’m very good at it. 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: two days ago i hugged some family members after visiting 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would not care in the slightest lol 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: i don’t think so.  i usually keep trustworthy people close to me and untrustworthy people away from me. 55: What is something I disliked about today?: i accidentally slept in waaaaaaaay too late. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: park jimin 57: What do I think about most?: my dog 58: What’s my strangest talent?: i have a few. i memorize license plates, i can name every color in a 64 pack of crayola crayons, and i can look good in any pair of sunglasses 59: Do I have any strange phobias?: yes. people crawling and being chased in horror movies. also, people touching and grabbing my wrists/being restrained 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front of it. 61: What was the last lie I told?: “my dog locked the door, not me.” 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: i’m just gonna say facetimeing because it’s kind of a mix of the two 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: yes and yes 64: Do I believe in magic?: no 65: Do I believe in luck?: yes 66: What's the weather like right now?: snowy snowy snowy 67: What was the last book I've read?: everything, everything 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: yes 69: Do I have any nicknames?: mi and higgie smalls 70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: when i broke my arm in 7th grade.  i was playing soccer and i was the goal keeper and somebody from the opposite team kicked the ball and snapped my arm in half. 71: Do I spend money or save it?: a mix of both 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: yes, a pencil 74: Favorite animal?: giraffe and puffins 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: watching mulan 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name?: i asked my roommate and he said “faust” so i’m gonna go with that lol 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: serendipity and lie 78: How can you win my heart?: food and dogs 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: sneezed on the beat, and the beat got sicka 80: What is my favorite word?: serendipity 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @got7-markjinson, @yeoldalayhehoo 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: “fuck donald trump” 83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: not that i know of 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleportation so i could go anywhere in the world for free! 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? “are you happy?”  86: What is my current desktop picture? sehun lookin’ all perfect, as always (’: 87: Had sex? no 88: Bought condoms? no 89: Gotten pregnant? no 90: Failed a class? no  91: Kissed a boy? yes 92: Kissed a girl? no)))): 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no omg too cheesy 94: Had a job? i’ve had 4 95: Left the house without my wallet? yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet? i more-so fight with people on the internet, not bully. 97: Had sex in public? never had sex, so obviously not hahaha 98: Played on a sports team? yes! growing up, i played soccer for 7 years 99: Smoked weed? nope 100: Did drugs? nope 101: Smoked cigarettes? nope 102: Drank alcohol? i hate alcohol 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no 104: Been overweight? yep 105: Been underweight? nope 106: Been to a wedding? yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 5 hours? i think you mean 5 TIMES 5 hours lmaoooo 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? YES. WHO HASN’T???? 109: Been outside my home country? yes! 3 times(: i’ve been to guatemala, mexico, and frace 110: Gotten my heart broken? eh, not really 111: Been to a professional sports game? yes 112: Broken a bone? yes! 2 113: Cut myself? no 114: Been to prom? yes, twice 115: Been in airplane? yes, soooo many times 116: Fly by helicopter? no, but i would love to do it sometime! 117: What concerts have I been to? omg there are so many. in order: taylor swift, kelly clarkson, one direction, demi lovato, bastille, lana del rey, marina and the diamonds, one direction (again), ed sheeran, the 1975, ariana grande, and then i’m going to see harry styles and niall horan this summer! 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes because i’m fckin GAY 119: Learned another language? i’m studying spanish and korean 120: Wore make up? all the time lol 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? NO BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER HAD SEX. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SEX 122: Had oral sex? NO 123: Dyed my hair? nope 124: Voted in a presidential election? yes, just 1 125: Rode in an ambulance? no 126: Had a surgery? yes 127: Met someone famous? yes, i met lea delaria fro oitnb 128: Stalked someone on a social network? UM ALWAYS??? 129: Peed outside? yep 130: Been fishing? yep but it’s soooo borning 131: Helped with charity? yes 132: Been rejected by a crush? all the fucking time (^: 133: Broken a mirror? i dont think so 134: What do I want for birthday? for park jimin to acknowledge my existence ((((((((((((((((((((((((:
why am i such a noob????
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myangrybouquet-blog · 6 years
A Dog in pups clothes
I worked with this guy ( we will call him John for this story)  for almost 10 years.  Seven of those years I was married, but when I divorced I started to notice him a bit.  He was in the army and got deployed for a year at a time twice during the ten years I've known him.  I thought he was a nice guy and he always joked around with me.  He was a bit shy, socially awkward; maybe even a bit twitchy.  But I thought that was just a result of having people try to kill him over seas and I am a sucker for the damaged and sad.  I am a nurturer by trait so when he showed some interest in me I thought I would give it a go. We started by talking on text, and I invited him on hikes which by the way is a whole day spent together.  The ride up to the mountains is two hours plus then 4-5 hours climbing.  We did this a few times.  The chatting continued and of course turned sexual.  He was an average looking guy: tall, kinda lanky, brown hair, lots of tattoos.  His brown eyes always looks down, appearing very submissive, which for some reason I found very attractive.  Maybe I just wanted to dominate him, wrap him up in my love blanket and rock him to sleep at night.  When you  find a stray dog on the side of the road you just want to take him home. In his defense he did have a decent job, a condo, and a car so he was doing well and I thought he did have a lot to offer a woman but he needed to me to show him that because his demeanor was screaming, "Mommy love me"... so here I am.
John and I flirted and hung out without sex for a ridiculous long amount of time.  I would say a year or so, on and off.  At this point I realize he isn't going to make a move.  Most woman would see that this man isn't that interested in her but not me. I was happy to just chat and hang out.  He did little things to keep be strung along like initiate text here and there.  He did seem to be interested in my life and behind the safety of his phone he certainly told me he wanted to have sex with me, but in person he would never try.  I tried to get to the bottom of this conundrum.  I asked if he was just wanted to be friends and since we had been friends for so long wasn't interested in me in that way, but he denied, said he very much wanted our relationship to turn sexual.  I asked why he was so hesitant.  He proceeded to tell me how he is hesitant about sex; not with me but with everyone, and how he gets nervous about these things.   So now I'm even more turned on, "what a sweet guy!"   At least that is what I thought.  So now I'm kicking things into high gear.  I ask him to come over the next night where I am going to seduce him: hardcore.  He says he has plans to see his mom. Of course he does: he is such a nice guy!  I continue to try to get together with him and try to find a way to get him to my house because at this point I can't take it any more.  All this time and effort I was going to make this happen.  I was thinking and thinking: then it came to me.  I texted him, "when are we going to cuddle?"  To my surprise he said "when do you want to?"  I was so excited I literally felt like I won the lottery.  "Tomorrow", I say.  There is a long pause where I know he is sweating this so I say, "Just cuddles John I promise".  He says "Ok I'll be there".  Is this really happening?  What have I done?  I feel like I set up all the elements for a rape to go down and I am the rapist.  I tell myself he is a guy after all; once I get him going it will be fine.   The next night he does come over as planned and we watch TV  for a bit.  No touching has happened, nothing.  So I snuggle up next to him saying "Ok time for snuggles".  I can hear myself and I cringe but I just keep going.  I'm not giving up.  He responded with an arm around me slowly stroking my elbow.  Ok he needs help.  After a bit I suggest we go into the bedroom and do some real cuddling.  And that is exactly what we did.  We lay on my bed spooning and talking for a really long time while I did everything possible  to try and get him to make a move.  Like a cat in heat I pressed my butt against his crotch in a desperate attempt to initiate something and to my surprise he is hard.  This is good I tell myself, so I continue talking about all kinds of sexual things to entice him to do something.  Kiss me, anything!  I try to kiss his neck and he kind of just laid there still.  I finally ask what he wants to do.  He says he wants to stay but “its getting late”.  He hems and haws for a bit and I say "Do I need to tell you what to do?"  He says "no, but I don't know what I want"  Jesus, is he a virgin? He is acting like one even though he has told me he is not. In addition to telling me about previous sexual relationships.   I am trying to have sex with a teenage girl right now!  So I say sweetly "Ok go home".  He gets up with a full erection he tries to tuck into his jeans.  Who does this?  As he stands in my doorway to say goodnight I grab is hard package and say "Adios". He then turns and leaves.  I thought that was it, I won't here from him again, but nope he continues to text me.  He is dangling his dick here for me but wont put it in my mouth.  I don't understand so I reflect and I hear my dads voice say "never give up".  I realize now that that advise was probably for other situations but que sera sera.  A week goes by I ask him to come over again.  He just replies "Ok".  So the night comes around that he is supposed to come over and I don't here from him, so I kinda chase him down.  I finally get him to come over, but I ask why do you make me chase you?  He says, "because its fun".  That was curious, because this wasn't fun to me.  Anyways he comes over and I pull out the seductress routine which by the way I am very good at and never had any complaints or rejections from.  I take him to the bedroom thinking still once I get him into the moment he will be Ok.  I do all the work, undressing him, myself, and kissing him etc.  He seems to enjoy this but it was hard to tell as he was very quiet.  I end up being like an air traffic controller signally actions, directing hands places, making commands.  Most men like this in my experience, but as I sit on top of him and look in John's eye there was a hint of a wince and I think he was holding back a tear.  At this point I know I am not going to orgasm and I quickly try to decide if I'm going to fake it for this poor man.  I just don't have it in me any more so I get off and do the thing I know how to do best: give.  I give him oral until he orgasms practically falling off the bed and saying, "I can't feel my legs".  Ok this is a good thing I think.  He says, "wow I haven't felt that good in a long time".  Again I think this is a good thing, but then he randomly gets up and puts his clothes on standing by the bed putting his hand on the wall, saying "well this is always the awkward part."  I try to tell him to come lay down and cuddle, as "it is customary to cuddle after sex".  I blurt out  "I'll have an orgasm next time, its just hard with a new person" ,trying to give him reassurance because in my mind I thought that was why he was leaving so suddenly.  That was the wrong thing to say apparently because he replied, "oh,your so sure there will be a next time?  What is happening?  He seems angry.  He leaves awkwardly, and I don't here from him for a few days which is abnormal for him as we were talking every other day. At this point I  am pretty sure he went home and cried in the shower.   What is going on?  I thought we were starting a relationship?  I try texting him days later and talk to him to establish where we stand and find out his intentions what ever they may be good or bad.  He literally disappears mid- conversation leaving me hanging.  Twelve hours go by and I am starting to get angry.  That cute little puppy that I saw on the side of the road who needed love just pissed on my boots.  Bad puppy!   So as I am driving with my girlfriends I describe this bizarre situation to them.  I don't use my blinker to change lanes because not only am I bad at dating I am also a terrible driver.   One of my friends says "Christine you know its the law to signal your intentions".  Shocked I say, "really?"  One of my friends says "Yes you can get a ticket for not signally your intentions", and it occurred to me why cant people do this in the dating world.  Life would be so much simpler.  At that moment I tell my friend Laura "get my phone you are going to type a message to John".  It said "Dear John, did you know when your driving you can get a ticket for not signally your intentions?  So signal your intentions mother fucker!"  Well as you might suspect he didn't like that and said I was being an asshole and that  "I thought we made intentions clear: we are just hanging out", and "can we "pick this up tomorrow".  I don't know what "hanging out" means in today's dating culture but from what I've read and asking around it means basically "we had sex and I had no obligation to be nice to you or call you anymore unless I want more sex".  So I told him "no need to pick anything up I'm all set now". And I have never heard from him again. 
 This is what I get for trying to have a relationship with people who don't deserve it.  This is what I get for trying to have a relationship with people in this hook-up culture we live in.  It gets harder and harder to find good sincere honest people.  I like to give people chances, I like to find the good in everything.  I want to give that sad dog on the side of the road a home but honestly there is a reason he is there.  Sometimes things are broke as fuck and there isn't any fixing them.  I think its also strange in such an instant gratification society that things seems to move very slow in the dating world.  I realized I'm kinda like a speeding train flying threw your town.  If you decide to jump on you better make sure your jump is bold.  You better make sure you are strong enough to hold on because if you aren't and you are just flapping there in the breeze you are dead weight to me and I need to let you go.  Mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically....you better keep up. And I will never apologize for that. So even though I have a lot of love to give, I need to drive on by when I see that dog on the side of the road struggling to keep up.  Yes he is barking and whimpering but just let him go.  Dating isn't like a Disney movie: you don't kiss a frog and they turn into a prince.  They just stay frogs.  You don't take a stray dog home and think they will behave.  So what does one do when they find a dog with a home who is house and leash trained but wants you to feed them?  Well, that's called  dating a married man and that is a whole other story.  
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