#otherwise I’d loose a bet
randomshit657 · 4 months
Luke - You know you’ve made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Alex - Those are missing posters.
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shivvroys · 9 months
lord, don't let me break this
shivlina oneshot
shiv and karolina, at the RECNY ball
you can also read it on ao3
a/n: surprise bitch, i bet u thought you'd have to wait another month for more shivlina crumbs!! This was initially meant to be a part of my other shivlina fic (you don't have to read that one first, but it would be cool if u did) as a reunion of sorts after Shiv's return from Sweden, but I decided to take that fic in another direction, so I'm just posting this as a oneshot.
Enjoy, muahhh! :XX
lord, don’t let me break this, let me hold it lightly
give me arms to pray with, instead of ones that hold too tightly
“I read the statement. Good one, plausible everything.” Karolina smirks.
“Yeah, Tom’s publicist tried to get us to do a sit down interview, but I told her I’d blow my brains out on live television if I had to smile holding an ATN branded onesie.” she pauses, narrowing her eyes. “That wasn’t you, by the way, was it?” 
She smiles at Karolina’s scoff of indignation. On stage, some bottle blonde with long, glistening legs is droning on about the importance of nurturing freedom of self-expression in our youth, while the group of kids dressed in beige rags waiting just in the shadow of the backstage area are sniggering and elbowing each other. She can see them expressing themselves just fine.
“God, no. Fluff pieces are probably the worst part of this job, if I’m being honest.” she replies.
Not the white-collar crime cover-ups? Shiv doesn’t say it out loud. She doesn’t want to put a damper on an otherwise enjoyable night. A surprisingly fun night. The onstage entertainment is typical RECNY bullshit, the same recycled speeches lapped up by uppity cunts patting themselves on the back for throwing crumbs to the poor pathetic art-school students and their future careers. God knows, there are only so many cafés looking for baristas in New York. The world needs improv groups, too! Shiv isn’t paying much attention to the stage, anyway. The lights are just dim enough to feel like she’s getting away with something, and Karolina is warm and loose at her side. Karolina’s only on her second glass of prosecco, but her face is slowly losing its reserved detachment, and her arm brushes firmly against Shiv’s whenever she laughs at one of Shiv’s inappropriate comments.
Turning to the other woman, Shiv finds her quietly contemplating. She looks like she’s deciding whether she can make some bad news go away by not speaking it into existence. Shiv nudges her. Spit it out. Karolina takes a deep breath, rolling her eyes slightly.
“I was just going to say-. Well, just that it wouldn’t have been the smartest option, anyway. Doing the interview.” Shiv frowns. Karolina’s suddenly grown quiet, like she’s steeling herself to get yelled at.
“And why is that?” Shiv asks.
The crowd erupts in applause, and the lights grow dimmer. Some bland electronic instrumental starts playing, as the kids make their way to the stage, all blank faces and languid steps. Shiv doesn’t pretend to be interested in whatever abstract emotion they’re trying to portray as they start flailing their bodies awkwardly. Kendall would eat it up. She focuses her attention back on Karolina, the other woman’s expression now harder to make out in the dark. 
“It’s nothing, sorry. I’m crossing the line, forget I said anything.” she watches Karolina take a sip of wine and pretend to immerse herself in the performance on the stage. A scrawny kid with a shitty fade and ear gauges is staring up at the light projectors and flapping his arms. Riveting. Shiv’s not letting her get out of this one.
“I wasn’t aware there was a line. Come on, Novotney, say it with your entire chest.” Shiv doesn’t realize she’d raised her voice until a couple of people turn back to look at them in condescending disapproval. She’d flip them off, but the silent scolding gives her an excuse to huddle closer to Karolina, so she lets it slide, and angles her body towards the other woman. They share a soft chuckle, like school girls caught trading notes during class. Shiv raises a pointed eyebrow, reminding Karolina she was very much still on the hook. 
“Well-.” she pauses. Shiv can’t remember the last time she’d seen her struggle so hard to find her words. “Well, purely from a PR perspective, a general representative statement is less…” she trails off. “Binding. Compared to a direct quote.” Karolina turns her head swiftly away from Shiv, a trail of perfume punctuating the end of her sentence. It’s something dark and ambery that briefly sends Shiv’s head spinning. It takes her a minute to process what Karolina’s actually said.
“Uh huh. So what you’re saying is, it would make us look stupid when we have to announce the divorce?”
Karolina had grown accustomed to Shiv’s particular knack for feather ruffling, but she still looks very uncomfortable to be broaching this particular topic. The Tom of it all. They hadn’t done anything, and whatever this was between them, this weird codependent clinging of each other, had been nothing but Christian. The longest Shiv’s held something between her hands without the urge to see it shatter. But still, they had an unspoken agreement that whatever it was, it would remain theirs. Nothing in, nothing out. They could make fun of Frank’s heavy breathing, and Matsson’s latest attempt at rebranding himself by trying to grow out a goatee, they could even share a silent laugh during meetings at Tom’s uncomfortable pep talks. But her marriage remained firmly outside of their thing. This rip in reality, their tiny cave at the edge of the world. And if Karolina was seeing someone, or seeking out someone to see, that stayed out too. Schrödinger's commitments.
If she said i love you in the middle of the night, but there was no one there to hear it, was she breaking a promise?
“I apologize, that was very inappropriate. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
The performance is done, and the lights get turned up a bit. A man with broad shoulders and an arrogant gait makes his way across the stage, the projector lights following him like prey animals. By the look of her, however, the lights might as well have been pointed right at Karolina. She’s gripping the wine flute, and pointedly refusing to look Shiv in the eyes. The dig at her sham of a marriage hadn’t hurt Shiv. If anything, she’s glad to have a chance to drag that elephant out of its corner and pelt it with rocks for a change. No, it’s not the reminder of its failure that bothers Shiv, but the reminder of its existence. That fact that the moment she is in right now is the temporary one out of the two.
She’s holding the thing, like a big shiny marble, and she can feel it slipping away from her grasp, can hear it shattering against the cold floor. Say something.
The man at the podium has a ridiculously wide tie and his teeth shine fluorescent as he laughs at the jokes that have been written for him. Shiv pins him down with her stare, urging him to finish speaking, urging the lights to dim yet again and Karolina to brush her arm against hers again.
 “You know, it’s fine.” Karolina’s still refusing to look her way. Shiv leans closer. She can see the tension gathered along the column of Karolina’s throat. “Besides, you’ve got a point.” She watches Karolina swallow. “I appreciate you trying to keep me an honest woman, Novotney. Rotten work, though.” 
Karolina finally turns to look at her. She opens her mouth, but doesn’t dare let any thought pass through. Shiv is frozen in her spot, trapped under Karolina’s gaze and hollowed out by the other woman’s perfume. If she moves, she’ll do something they’d both regret. The lights are too fucking bright. Suddenly, Shiv can hear every fucking person in the room breathing. Can hear them shifting in their seats, scraping their forks against their plates, dragging their chairs across the carpeted floor. Can feel her mouth dry out, and the underwire of her bra digging into her chest. She wills it to break skin. The world comes back into view with violent clarity. The thing sits cradled between her palms like a cool, shiny marble, and Shiv’s fingers are twitching.
If she kissed Karolina in a room full of strangers, but she didn’t say i love you, would the fire be worth the burn?
But she can’t do that. Not to Karolina. An honest woman.
So, she pulls back. Grabs her own glass and sips it like communion wine. Sins all cleansed and mortal flesh left unindulged in, she turns to the other woman like she’s suddenly remembered something she’d been meaning to say.
“Hey, you know that on the day of the wedding my mother was going around asking people how long they’d give it? The fucking nerve!” her voice rings hollow, but Karolina gracefully accepts the distraction.
“God, that’s awful.” Karolina laughs. Her arms doesn’t brush Shiv’s this time, but she shakes her head, sending another waft of her perfume to tickle Shiv’s nose.
“Yeah, she is” she says fondly. Then, she leans in conspiratorially. “How would you have answered?”
“Hmm.” Karolina mulls it over for a bit. Once she seems satisfied with the wording, she says: “For as long as you’re both happy.” She doesn’t avert her gaze this time.
Up on the stage, a new presenter is giving the same speech.
Shiv looks down at the marble in her hands, turns it round and round, watches the way the light bounces off of it. She watches Karolina roll her eyes at the presenter’s speech, and feels her grip tighten around the marble.
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amazingmsme · 9 months
If you are still willing to do the alphabet thing, Spock for A, C, D, F, G, H, I, L, Q, V, and W please? I'm sorry, I know that's a lot...
You bet I am! This gave me something to do when I had no service & had to wait for sunscreen to soak in after reapplying, so don’t apologize! Honestly you could send the entire alphabet for a character & I’d still answer every one nxbakshd
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
Spock is big on verbal affirmations in this situation. Tells them that they’re okay & that he’s done & how “fond” he is of their laughter all while sporting a green blush
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
Has mastered the slasher villain slow walk. He won’t run- he doesn’t need to. Even when his lee runs at full speed & is positive they’ve escaped, he’s right there in front of them somehow. But as the lee he’s so easy to corner cause he won’t stoop down to their level to give chase
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
EARS EARS EARS EARS! One of the only ways to make Spock shriek & completely lose composure. I’m sorry but it’s the LAW that anyone with pointy ears is devastatingly ticklish there. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Still pretty cool & collected. He prefers to stay out of them, but tends to get dragged in fairly quickly cause everyone wants to see him cut loose & laugh for once
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
Grins like a fool & has these really adorable soft snickers & giggles. Squirms a lot but thinks it feels nice
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
He loves nothing more than pointing out all the ways the lee was asking for it. He never fails to rat someone out if he can tell that’s what they want. & when they obviously get flustered about it & tell him to shut up he’s like “what? That’s what you want, so it’s only logical to let others know. Otherwise you’ll just be suffering in silence.“ it never fails to fluster & piss them off lol
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
He could hold out for a bit, he’s stubborn as a mule. But he’d cave eventually
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
He has a very smooth, calm sounding laugh, it’s such a nice sound. A bit on the higher pitched side but still has a nice tenor to it
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
“It would be most illogical to lie, seeing as you’d just prove me wrong. So yes. Was that the answer you were looking for?” (Sassy Spock supremacy)
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
Kirk, hands down. He knows he loves it & he likes making him happy. He’d never admit it but he thinks it’s fun too. He also likes to wreck Bones from time to time because the doctor is so grouchy & he likes to push his buttons.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He can say it, though he doesn’t necessarily like to lol. But if you squint you can see a hint of a blush on his cheeks. He gets just a tiny bit embarrassed. He’ll deny it as much as he can tho lol
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The Art of Eros
Summary: Jack called him an image of Thor once. Considering recent events, Art finds he has more in common with another god.
Quincey is always described as the laconic one.
It’s the trick of an American’s lilt. His Texan tongue is blunt and stunted compared to the thousand prosy offshoots that an Englishman seems dutybound to recite in order to arrive at a completed thought. Van Helsing’s monologues suggest that there are even heavier verbal afflictions a nation might curse its children with.
“For my part, I think I can only pass as the concise one because I don’t see fit to consult a dictionary whenever I open mouth,” Quincey went on over his glass. “I’m hardly a fool, but my jaw’s too lazy for the work our friends put into it.”
“What are you getting at?” Art says over his own crystal. He’s emptied two tumblers so far. Quincey seems to have forgotten his is there. The black chips of his eyes have not moved from him since they sat. Since Jack and the Professor finally resigned themselves to sleep, leaving them to the watch.
“I’m getting at you, Art. You can spin out the same rambles as the rest when the mood takes you. But it rarely does. You know I almost took you for mute the first week I knew you? It’s true. Gave me a hell of a shock the first time you saw my cousin’s terrier litter. A whole encyclopedia fell out of your mouth, all to do with those pups.” The tumbler turns back and forth under his hand. Amber liquid swirls in a gentle whirlpool, the glass sweating against the table’s fine varnish. “You keep your words in reserve, Art. I’d bet money that gave you an extra hand when it came to winning over—,”
Art watches his friend’s throat work. The leap and twitch of the Adam’s apple that is fast becoming a tell he never thought the man capable of. Same as tears.
“Lucy,” he confirms. “I flatter myself to think I held her ear pretty well, and not unhappily, playing around with…” His free hand gestures to the whole of himself. To the broad sun-bleached hat that now rests on the corner of the chair’s back. “I got her to laugh with it. I’ll always treasure that. But you, Art? You got her to talk. You got her to spill herself out beyond all the practiced patter girls in her circles are strangled down into. I believe 'Miss Lucille Westenra' got to be just Lucy with you because you listened. Because you held your words back to hear more of hers. That was my impression. Always has been.”
“I know.”
“I only bring it up again because it’s got me thinking of recent events. How, in all the pandemonium—see, there’s my one dictionary word of the night—it’s been so easy for you to slip sideways out of all the chatterers’ perspective. The Dutchman, Jack, me…”
Art tries to drink again from his glass. Empty. He speaks with a dry throat:
“The Harkers.”
Quincey hasn’t blinked in over a minute, he thinks.
“…The Harkers. Right. All of us running our mouths. Us the only two not playing secretary to each day’s mess and adventure. And me still saying more in an hour than I think you say in a day. Is that an unfair estimate, do you think?”
“I couldn’t say.”
“Wouldn’t say.”
“The word is wouldn’t, Art. You wouldn’t say. Lord knows that’s been a gift too. You can always be trusted to keep your lip buttoned when it would do harm otherwise. You wouldn’t say we’re all a bunch of prattling magpies compared to you sinking silently into the wallpaper. Just like you wouldn’t loose a secret that would take the rug out from someone. You’ve been a man of honour since well before you became a lord. Even when no one is looking.” Finally, a blink. Slow. “Or when you think no one’s looking.”
A hot coal has lodged itself in Art’s throat. If he tries to swallow it, he thinks it might eat a hole through his neck. Certainly a worse puncture than the pinholes he had seen on Lucy.
Or on—
He swallows the coal anyway.
“I ask again. What are you getting at?”
“Not sure, Art. Not really. Just talking to keep awake, I guess. The worst of our troubles seem to come when we’re asleep on the job. Heads down, backs turned.” Art sees him pick up the tumbler and take his first sip. From his face, he may as well be drinking water. “But then, even when we have our eyes open, some things still slip by without us noticing.” Another sip empties the bourbon by half. “Like the Harkers.”
Art feigns interest in the table. In the chairs’ button-tufting. In how the fireplace paints the room in all its dancing reds.
“Hard to think how we could have missed all the signs with those two. So long and so completely. We should have known better. But no. Now they are what they are and that is in the wind. All under our watch.”
Art counts his heartbeats and he is—
Watching, watching, watching, in the hall and through the cracked door, the tears run and the blood flows and the words rush, Mina, Mina, I cannot, I will not, if you die then I am dead, I cannot raise my hand to you in any form, and if you are unmade I will unmake myself, for life is gone is over is tainted, and our love is holier than any God who would betray it, betray you, sorry, so sorry, I am selfish, I give myself where you were stolen, but it is the only way I can be, the only way to remain with you, on Earth or in Hell, amen.
“Yes. A miracle in reverse.”
“That's a pretty way to put it. More poetry to it. Takes more pain off if it sounds like Spenser.”
“Poetry has not helped me much of late. Not with my father. Nor with Lucy.”
Even in the throes of relief at seeing the Bloofer Lady removed and dead Lucy returned, even with the meaty crack and split of her ribs still trembling up into his hands as if he were still hammering down, even grasping at the Professor in his grateful grief and delirium, there had not been one ounce of the majestic or the holy that Jack, with his secret bard’s heart, had glazed the act with in his diary. Jack had seen a blessed return to rightful nature and purity in the tomb. Perhaps Quincey had too. Van Helsing certainly.
Art had only seen the corpse of his fiancée. Dead twice. Once by another, again by him. Yes, the monster had needed ending—there were more to think of than her. The children. The living population at large. A nascent Un-Dead wearing Lucy’s form should have been a small price to pay. And it was. Is. Surely.
Yet now, with the burden of knowledge, he wonders what she might have been if she had actually been taught anything rather than getting left behind by the horror that conscripted her. What did she know but her appetite? What evil did she think she committed beyond taking a small sip from many rather than murdering one, as Harker had seen the Weird Sisters do? What callousness was there in her but dropping a child at the sight of them?
Of him?
She had known him. Still, even as she was, she had known him.
Was that a demon or, like the poor wretch that had been Renfield, merely a soul dented by inflicted appetites and the influence of a Master? How much of the Thing was a Thing and not..?
“I imagine not,” Quincey hummed. “I heard someone warbling a love song outside a pub the other day and felt sick. Can’t see you indulging in anything so flimsy as a few verses to get you through everything of late.”
“I haven’t.”
In the hall, through the door.
I know, Jonathan. I knew, for I was willed to read, to spy. I saw the shorthand. The Count was still baffled by it, but I had strength enough not to write the translation. Not to breathe a word. For as long as I still have to breathe. It is coming on, now, soon. And I cannot call to the others. Cannot stall. Cannot send you away. Cannot beg an ending from you. My love, my darling, what if I rise and do the unthinkable? If I merely kill you and leave you to bleed? What if I make you the monster’s promised jackal? What if..?
I have been prepared to die by your hand or mine since that night, Mina. Whether I am slain, whether I am turned, whether I begin knotting a rope, I am dead. More, I am damned for all I have enabled the Count in, and all I am prepared to do for you. All the sins I have committed in my heart, I would commit in full if only it meant you went on, never abandoned. Yet I would rather commit only one sin as a living man. If they ever find you in your box, they will find double their quarry—they can spare two stakes. And wherever God sends our like, wherever He sends you, Mina, you who He would scar for your flesh’s sake rather than pardon you for your soul, I will go there too.
Art feels the hammer and stake in his hands again. The tremble and pound in his palms. He sees the screaming, champing face. Red eyes on his, hating and hurting and wondering at him as blood ran in place of tears.
Then the red eyes are dead eyes. They shut.
Forever and ever.
“I haven’t found time to indulge in much of anything of late, Quincey, poetic or otherwise. You know that.”
In the hall, breath held. Through the door, eyes wide.
Sleep falls into death. An opened wrist, blood falling into rosy lips. The lips sigh, the dead eyes open. A kiss full of ivory rises up to find the bared neck.
An open window. A cloud of mist carrying the prone shape of a man out into the night, their silhouette branded black against the moon. Then they are gone. Eloped.
Down the hall, into the parlor. A drink. Another drink. A counting of heartbeats. Then, upstairs, Jack begins to call out. Quick! Come quick! All that is left of the newlyweds are fluttering drapes and a drop of blood upon the pillow.
Across from him, Quincey empties his glass in full.
“I know, Art. I’m not really one for poetry as a rule. Not even Jack’s prose, kind as it might paint certain scenes. Sometimes a thing is only what it is, no matter what words we frame it in. Horror can just be horror. Regret can just be regret.”
“The same applies to love.”
“That’s right,” Quincey nods. He refills their glasses. “Love too.”
Crystal rings against crystal.
Somewhere in the night, two lovers laugh, and the sound is just the same.
Ao3 link
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zacksfairest · 1 year
Who’s your Unsounded oc from that post you reblogged a while back, if you don’t mind my asking? (In case you don’t remember, it’s originally from unsoundedcomic and starts with “Do you ever see any OCs for your comic?”)
I think it’s you at least. It’s described as “ Cassie’s OC,” you have “Cassie” on your profile thing, and the oc mostly “exists to be smooched on by Lemuel,” so it’s a pretty safe bet I’d say.
Bless you, anon, for assuming that I am ever forgetting that ask. Also for giving me the benefit of the doubt and thinking that there is more than one Lemuel obsessed Cassie with an OC to smooch Lem. You're a gem.
The fic that Ashley referenced in that ask that she answered is this one, which I entered in the Unsounded fanfic contest back in 2018. It is not even remotely my best work, and I really just threw my hat in the ring because, after reading the comic for so long and loving it so much, I just wanted to contribute.
There are other fics I've written, too, which can be found here. Ironically, my favorite fic that I wrote is A'den, which is a Star Wars crossover.
Oh!  And my friend @hermdoggydog actually wrote a fic for the 2021 Unsounded fanfic contest using Addilyn!  That can be found here.
But, anyway, yeah that's me lmao. And I'm about to bore you to tears.
Her name is Addilyn Theron—Addie for short. She's a semon woman in the Lions of Mercy under Lemuel's command.
Here, please see this dollmaker rendition I made of her some months ago:
Tumblr media
Please know that I play fast and loose with the rules of the Unsounded world (especially Alderode) in order to have my fun.
So, as a semon, Addilyn is a part of the lowest caste, as well as the most numerous one. She came from a shitty family of thieves and ne'er-do-wells, and she didn't really have many options open to her. She knew that she was doomed to a life of crime or a destitute existence in a whore house (or perhaps even an early grave) if she didn't find a way to claw her way out of there.
So, she turned to the Council Army.
Now, I am very aware that Alderode is a highly patriarchal society and deeply misogynistic. Please do not judge me.
But anyway, my reasoning for making this work is that she probably lived in some town close to the border with Cresce, so the Council Army would be less inclined to be picky when recruiting from those towns. Especially where the semon caste was concerned. Yeah, she's a woman, but whatever. She'll probably be dead in a week anyway. And the semon breed like rats, right? She'll hardly be missed. At least it's one more body to throw at Cresce.
So they turned their heads and allowed her to sign up.
Well, it turned out that she was actually rather good at soldiering. She grew up rough and had rudimentary fighting abilities, and she had good instincts when it came to carrying out orders most effectively (and also how best not to die).
Addilyn lasted far longer than she should have, but managed to skirt under the radar for the most part. She didn't advertise her gender, but it was a mostly open secret. She'd kept enough of the men she fought with alive to keep them from giving her too much trouble.
But one day she wound up saving the son of some Copper politician whose vliegeng ride was shot down by Crescian forces. The lad lost a leg, but was otherwise alive. His father was incredibly grateful, and offered Addilyn any favor she wished.
And so she asked for the impossible: to join the Lions of Mercy.
Her Copper benefactor made it happen, but no one was happy about it. The brass knew they couldn't exactly tell him no, but they were determined to make this blow up in Addilyn's face. Who could they give her to? How best to either get her killed within a few months, or have her desert and put her head on a pike?
Give her to that new soud captain, they decided. He'll either get her killed (because soud always fuck up in the end, just like the semon), or he'll drive her to abandon her post and they can string her up for desertion.
Well, long story short, that doesn't happen. Lem hates this at first, and hates being saddled with this obvious attempt to oust him in some capacity. But Addilyn is good at this, and turns out to be not only a good soldier, but a good friend.
And, of course, that leads to Feelings. Because I'm disgusting.
This obviously sucks for Lem, because it was never part of his fratricidal plans to actually have feelings for someone. And boy does he feel the agony in his folly.
Aaaaaand, that's her! I've never actually had to publicly talk about her, only my closest friends have dealt with my self-indulgent ramblings, so boy do I feel exposed! But, yeah, there she is, in all of her cringe glory.
Thank you for asking!
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ejzah · 2 years
In Miss Blye’s Class, Part 10
Dinner turned out surprisingly well. Despite Deeks’ worries, the food was delicious, and Caleb kept them entertained with a series of loosely connected stories. Every so often, he would glance over at Kensi with a little smile.
When his plate was about two-thirds empty, Caleb pushed it back with a long sigh, leaning back as he rubbed his stomach.
“Daddy, I can’t eat anymore,” he said pitifully.
“Oh, then I bet you’re way too full for dessert,” Deeks teased, and Caleb immediately straightened up, fully alert and without a hint of discomfort.
“I’m not that full.” He gave his dad a worried look as Deeks unsuccessfully smothered a laugh. “And look, I ate all my green beans.”
“Ok, give me a second you little fiend.” He ruffled Caleb’s hair before heading back into the kitchen and returned with a small store bought chocolate cake. Caleb ate his slice enthusiastically, much to their amusement, completely silent for the first time this evening.
“Daddy, can I go play?” he asked when he’d scraped up every last crumb.
“Yeah, go ahead, but clear your place first.”
Grabbing everything from his spot, Caleb quickly rinsed his plate and glass at the sink and then put them to the side. Normally, Kensi might have been suspicious that Deeks was trying to show off or give a false representation of their home life, but it was obvious this was a normal routine for them. Plus, aside from Deeks’ worries about the meal, he’d been refreshingly open about his faults.
“You wanna play with legos with me, Miss Blye?” Caleb offered on his way out of the room. “I got a new set that makes a farmhouse.”
“I’d love to play legos with you, but first I have to help your dad clean up from dinner.”
His head dipped a little at her response and he sighed heavily.
“Ok, but don’t take too long, alright? Because It’s super cool. There’s a tiny cow, sheep, and even a tractor that you get to construct.”
“Alright, we’ll be out in a little bit,” Deeks told him, bending to give him a quick kiss on the very top of his head. “Remember, it’s a school night so don’t make a big mess.”
While Deeks started clearing the rest of the table, Kensi went in search of storage containers.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” he said after she opened the the third cabinet and found a collection of plastic and glass Tupperware.
“I don’t mind helping,” Kensi said. Which is how she found herself standing side-by-side with Deeks, drying dishes as he washed them. There was something oddly comfortable about doing the simple task together.
“So, what does your mom do that she was called in so last minute? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“She runs a catering business,” Deeks answered easily. “Someone called off so mom had to step in for a 200 guest wedding. It’s a crazy life, but she loves it.”
“I assumed you didn’t have anyone close by because otherwise you seem very family oriented,” Kensi observed, realizing a second too late that it sounded extremely judgmental. Fortunately, Deeks didn’t seem offended; he nodded in apparent agreement.
“I love my mother deeply and she is a wonderful people, but we tend to drive each other crazy when we spend too much time together. It’s better for everyone if we’re not in easy driving distance of each other which is why I purposely chose a house two hours away.”
“I’ll bet she wasn’t a fan of that.”
“She wasn’t at first. But I reminded her what happened when we stayed with her for a week after the divorce.” Deeks chuckled softly, pausing with a sponge in his hand. “We nearly annoyed each other to death within the first two days. And that was while mom was working part of the time.”
“Well, those kinds of situations are hard on everyone,” Kensi offered diplomatically.
“Yes, they are. It doesn’t help that Mama tends to be brutally honest. Which can be a beautiful thing, just not when you’re trying to keep a mildly civil relationship with your ex,” he said.
Deeks handed her a baking dish, and rubbed beneath his nose, leaving behind a streak of soap.
“And your dad?” she asked as she dried the dish and set it to the side.
“Out of the picture. He was, to put it nicely, a grade A ass,” he answered, smiling sarcastically. “My mom eventually got tired of his crap and filed for divorce when I was about 11. Best decision she ever made in my opinion.” It was the most negatively Kensi ever heard him speak about anyone so far, including his ex.
It explained a lot thought. While some adults mirrored their parents behavior, it was obvious that Deeks had done the opposite. His relationship with Caleb was proof enough of that.
Although he hadn’t said anything specific, she would bet Deeks’ gentle form of parenting was in direct reaction to his father’s methods.
“What about you? I feel like all we do is talk about me and you’re still kind of a mystery. What deep dark secrets are in Kensi Blye’s closet?” He said it jokingly enough that Kensi knew he wouldn’t push for any information, but she heard the curiosity in his voice.
“Well, my mom is a realtor and dad’s a colonel in the Marines. They’re divorced too. Fortunately, very amicably.” In the beginning when their relationship started to wane, they’d fought some, but it was never violent. Mostly, they’d drifted apart and didn’t have the resources to fix it. “I was old enough during the divorce to choose who I spent most of my time with and I picked my dad.”
“Wow, and he was still in the military all that time?” Deeks asked, resting his forearms on the edge of the sink basin. There were a few more plates and piece of silverware left but he didn’t seem in a hurry to finish.
“Yeah. Traveling and moving across country pretty frequently was rough sometimes, especially as a teenager. We got through it though and sometimes I stayed with mom if I needed a break,” Kensi said. “I guess that might seem like a horrible situation and crappy parenting.” Despite her best efforts, she knew she sounded defensive. Over the years, teachers, friends, and colleagues had expressed everything from sympathy to outright disapproval. “But it’s all I ever knew and most of the time I loved it. I got to experience things that no one else would.”
Deeks shrugged, bracing his arms so he was half-bent over the sink. There was a soft look in his eyes as he faced her.
“I don’t think that at all. It sounds like you had two loving parents who
listened to you and tried to do what was best in difficult circumstances,” he murmured. A touch of wistfulness crossed his face. “It’s commendable.”
“A lot of people would disagree with you.”
“Well, then they’re idiots,” Deeks said bluntly enough to make Kensi snort in surprise. It was a simple statement, but Kensi appreciated it more than Deeks could ever know. After so many years of defending her parents, her lifestyle as a child, she expected judgment and derision. It was a welcome relief to have someone who accepted her as is.
Her appreciation must have been apparent as she stared at Deeks for far too long because he dipped his head, cheeks reddening beneath his beard. Now that was an interesting reaction. She’d noticed he didn’t handle compliments very well a couple other times.
“So, uh, what are your parents doing these days?” he asked, focusing his attention on washing a steak with extreme thoroughness. Kensi hid a smile, though she continued to stare intently at the side of his face.
“My mon moved to Nevada a few years ago when she remarried and my dad still travels a lot with the military,” she explained. “Mom keeps trying to convince me to move closer, but, I don’t know. I think I’d like to settle for a little while. I’ve got friends and a good job that I don’t want to lose.”
“I don’t blame you.” Deeks sighed heavily. “As nice as it was to have a clean break, it was hard to leave everything I knew behind.”
“Well, you have new friends now,” Kensi reassured him. “LA is a big place, but the St. Bridget’s community is close knit, in case you haven’t noticed. Admittedly, a little too much sometimes,” she allowed, thinking of Nell and Candace’s ability to spread gossip faster than any form of social media. “If you ever need anything, there’s usually someone to help.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it. And everything you’ve done for me and Caleb.”
“You’re welcome.” She accepted the final plate from Deeks and quickly dried it in a few swipes of her towel before adding, “Just don’t spread it around too much, cause not everyone gets the Kensi Blye special treatment.”
“Deal,” Deeks agreed with a chuckle. “Alright, well I think that’s about it.” He pulled the plug from the drain and wiped any stray water from the counters.
“Just one more thing,” Kensi said, taking his shoulder to turn him towards her. “You have a little bit of—” she gestured to her own face before running her thumb across his upper lip to wipe away the bit of soap suds. Deeks inhaled sharply at her touch and suddenly it wasn’t quite so innocent.
She should have pulled away, but instead she lingered, enjoying the feeling of soft hair against her skin. Shifting her hand, she trailed her fingers down his cheek and saw his eyes dip to the slight V of her shirt before he caught himself and hastily pulled his gaze back up.
Kensi swayed towards him, heart beating impossibly fast as she rested her other hand on Deeks’ chest. He licked his lips, tongue darting out for a second and drawing her eyes while the tension grew between them. Kensi rose up on her toes towards him—
Deeks jerked back instantly, turning to face the sink again, and settled a hand on his hip, running his hands through his hair. He let out a sigh of frustration.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered.
“No, it’s ok,” Kensi assured him. “Let’s go see what he needs. Nodding, Deeks offered her a wry smile and made a quick retreat towards the living room.
As she followed him, Kensi couldn’t decide if she was relieved or disappointed that they’d been interrupted. For one thing, it certainly made things more complicated.
A/N: My apologies for the lateness. Today was my nephew’s fourth birthday party, so I spent a good part of the day there. Hope you enjoy the chapter as always and that for all your support!
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Bask - MadeToWere
Size: Small
Firmness: Medium
Bask - Harness - Review rules - FAQ
Packer review list - Twitter mirror for this review of Bask
Shares appreciated! Review under the cut
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For reference: here’s an image of three pants types without a packer worn (and also, a reminder to always tuck your shirt when packing with dress pants!)
(Thick -> Joggers -> Dress pants)
Bask worn, stood
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Bask worn, sat cross legged
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Bask worn, seated
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Bask worn, leg up on stool (had to up the contrast for the first set of pants due to poor lighting)
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Bask worn, crouching
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Bask visually provides a subtle but present (and in my opinion, pleasant) bulge. No pants have an awkward boner, and the crotch lay over Bask as one would expect. He picked a side when packing in joggers, but with the seam being right there, that's fine/normal.
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I packed with Bask sat here on my body, which provided the nicest shape, as well as strong stability over the course of wearing.
Size comparison:
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I only worried about his size in my harness prior to this review, but that posed little issue.
With Bask being a little smaller than most of my other packers, I had worried my pouch harness may be too loose/baggy, however that didn't seem to have much effect.
I had to adjust Bask three times throughout the day I wore him, which is a reasonable amount - remember, if folks with natal cocks can do it 50 times a day, you can absolutely adjust your packer a couple times. He hadn't slipped a major amount, and would have likely been fine left unattended, I just preferred to adjust him.
He's extremely light, so I had a very easy time putting him to the back of my mind as I got on with my day.
Another one I wouldn't be confident recommending for a slingshot harness, otherwise the only drawback for Bask that comes to mind would be down to personal preference - if you prefer packers with more heft, his light weight may not be your jam.
If you're looking for a lighter/"smaller" feeling while still having a subtle shape, Bask is ideal.
I’d recommend Bask to folks with any level of packing experience.
Prefer the featherweight experience? I'd bet there's a few Basks waiting for homes!
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madelynhimegami · 2 years
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In 1989, two seperate comedic fantasy series starring a headstrong teenaged sorceress began (Well, "began in 1989" is a fairly loose technicality for one of the series, and the original series is significantly outlived by its spinoff, but y'know. details). Thirty-plus years later and these two girls are still around. Despite that, there's surprisingly little common ground between Puyo Puyo and Slayers otherwise. Among other things, Arle Nadja and Lina Inverse are very different characters. The former is much more of a straight-laced hero compared to the short-tempered, greedy, and selfish latter (affectionate, to both). Could Arle cast Dragon Slave on her own? Yeah, I'd bet on it. Would she? Absolutely not. Synchronicity is fun, is what I'm getting at.
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B, F for Waking Nightmares. And R!
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Yes indeedy! Like I’ve said before, Blood, Bite Marks, and Bruises was inspired by a Freddy dream I had. I think that counts, right? Also, certain aspects of Roxy’s background are… loosely inspired by some personal experiences and emotions.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
God, so many. For a non-fanfic one, Sara J. Maas has been a huge influence in terms of writing style. I’d always wanted to be a “good writer”, but she was the first author where I was able to definitively point at her books and say, “That. That is what I want my writing to be like.” Our styles definitely aren’t one to one, but I’ve picked up a few things from her.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Damn, scanning through Waking Nightmares made me realize just how dialogue-light this fic is so far. But anyway, here, have this longass snippet under the cut from Chapter 5:
“Well… you’ve been really stressed lately. Between not getting your book accepted and then finding out that Aaron… passed… you’ve been stressed. Have you had anything else stressing you?” She paused, then said cautiously, “Have you talked to your sister lately?”
“Ami? No.” I’d been so absorbed in my own shit, it hadn't even occurred to me to check in. And she never called me herself. “I assume she’s been busy with college.”
“Yeah, but you always get a little nervous when she hasn’t called for a while. So… maybe that’s adding to it. You can be a little, uh, protective of her.”
Overprotective. That’s the word she wanted to use. She didn’t have to say it for me to know it.
She’d already said it in the past.
“So that’s probably contributing to it. And if you’ve been working on your story so much, then I bet that’s influencing your dreams. That can happen! And the weird stuff around the house is probably just – you know – random stuff. And because you’re so tired, you’re forgetting that you’ve moved stuff.” She nodded to herself. “I'm sure your just overblowing it.”
Overblowing it. The words grated on my nerves, but I swallowed my irritation. I'd already been a massive bitch. I didn't want to make things even worse.
“I don’t think you’re crazy, for the record.” I gave Mel a doubtful look. “Really! I think you’re just stressed and not getting enough sleep.”
It was the answer I wanted. The unbiased, non-sleep-deprived second opinion I'd come for.
And yet.
It felt like the wrong answer.
This whole scene is one of my favorites. It’s an important one – it’s a big contributor to Roxy feeling isolated and like she has to deal with what’s happened by herself. It helps to further erode the trust between her and Mel. And that isolation and lack of trust is necessary for the rest of the story to happen. (Specifically, it’s necessary for Freddy to get his claws in her.) But I also needed to make sure Mel didn’t look unreasonable or heartless, because to her, Roxy is acting really weird and erratic. I think I achieved that balance, and for that reason, I’m quite proud of it!
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sheepwithspecs · 1 year
A Curious Attraction: Chapter 3
|| Hellsing || Rated M || (3 / ??)
Ao3 Link
Unconventional relationships can take many forms: some are founded by whimsy, others necessity and convenience. They fade like embers in the night or, fueled by loyalty and emotion, grow into an all-encompassing inferno. When those aren’t enough, the most obstinate can still find something to cling to in the ashes.
Friday, 29 September 2000
“And then I said, “That makes two of us!” which—in all fairness—I don’t think he particularly enjoyed hearing.” Seras lifted the clasps on the case that housed her Harkonnen canon, hissing under her breath when her nail caught the edge of the metal. “Damn,” she whispered, biting at the jagged edge with a grimace.
“Dunno why you’re surprised.” Captain Corey Barkley, her second-in-command, knelt beside her as he affixed the scope to his own firearm. Seras enjoyed his company, and ultimately preferred it to most of the soldiers in the Organization’s employ. He had been transferred from the Johannesburg auxiliary following the Valentine Incident, and the two of them had grown close while bringing the new recruits up to speed. Barkley was one of the rare few who didn’t seem to mind that Seras was a vampire, nor did he resent being in the command of someone at least ten years his junior.
“From the way you talk about him, the man’s one loose screw away from going completely mental.” Barkley scratched the day-old stubble on his jaw, lifting the rifle to his shoulder and adjusting the focus with a pensive hum. “You’re probably better off avoiding him.”
“You say that like it’s easy.” Seras rolled her eyes, lifting the cannon to her shoulder. “I just don’t see—” She paused as, with a deafening roar, the first volley burst through the target at the other end of the firing range. “—what the bloody problem is!” Barkley watched in silence as she reloaded her next round. Her hands worked on autopilot as she continued her tirade.
“He complains that I don’t drink enough blood, that refraining makes me less of a vampire or something. Fine: I drink the damn blood. But that’s not good enough either! Now he’s complaining that I don’t drink his blood specifically. And then, when I finally stand my ground and argue my point—a very logical point, mind you—he gives me this… this look and vanishes without another word!”
“Like I said: one loose screw away.” Barkley fired his own round, growling under his breath when the bullet missed the center of the target. “Maybe he needs a good wank.”
“Oh, grow up.” She glared at him over her shoulder. “That’s disgusting.”
“Yeah? And?” He adjusted his scope before trying again, only to curse aloud when the bullet neatly severed the line between the first and middle rings. “I bet he hasn’t had a good stroke in over a century. Go ask him, I bet he’d tell you.”
“You go ask, if you’re so curious.”
“What, and get a bullet in my head for the trouble? No thank you! Besides, I’m not the one he’s jealous over.”
“Alucard is not jealous.” Seras sat the butt of the canon on the ground, one hand on her hip.
“Isn’t he, though?”
“Definitely not.” She stretched her neck, looking up to where the clouds floated lazily overhead. It was almost too nice of a night to be stuck with target practice. She wanted nothing more than to take a long walk in the moonlight, counting the fluffy clouds as they sailed towards the distant horizon. “And anyway, he’s not trying to get me into a new relationship. He’s too busy ruining the ones I already have.”
“All the more reason for me to avoid him like the plague. Otherwise it’ll be my head on the chopping block next.” Barkley looked over at her, wagging his brows with an ostentatious flair. “Then who would you wile away the midnight hours with?” He let out a sigh when she didn’t respond. “You’re really taking this to heart, aren’t you?” Scratching the back of his head, he looked around the firing range as if searching for inspiration. “Listen, if he didn’t make me want to go n’ piss myself, I’d march right down to the basement and give him what-for. I mean, why invite you down there just to turn around and assault you?”
“That wasn’t an assault.”
“So putting his hands on you without your consent no longer qualifies?”
“That’s—! Okay, maybe it was assault.” Seras frowned. “I just wish I knew what his deal was. It’s like he’s never heard of communication.”
“Has anyone in this place heard of a healthy relationship dynamic?” he chuckled. “Besides you and me, of course.”
“Walter… maybe.”
“Maybe.” Barkley mirrored her stance, loosely gripping the rifle as he turned to face her. “Here, why don’t you tell me again what you said before he went all berserk? I’m sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with something.”
“Well…” Seras closed her eyes, letting the memory of the night play out in the forefront of her mind. “He was asking about Walter, mostly. If I spent a lot of time with him, I think? And I do, to be quite honest. It’s just that he was injured after the whole Tower thing, and I felt bad for him, so I offered to do whatever I could to help. After that, things just sort of… transpired, I guess. Is it so wrong of me to enjoy spending time with an old man?” 
“Not necessarily, but do you remember how you said it? Ignore my saying so, ma’am, but you’re not exactly glib.” He averted his eyes as she leveled him with a death glare. “Even you have to admit that sometimes you say things in a way that’s rather… easy to misinterpret.”
“I said—” Her nose wrinkled as she screwed her face in thought, ruffling her fluffy bangs with her fingertips. “I said that I only spent one night a week with Walter, since I didn’t think he could handle more than that. And then he made this off-color joke about testing Walter’s stamina, and I said that I—”
“Tch… hahaha!” Her frown became more pronounced as Barkley burst into peals of helpless laughter. “You did not!”
“What!? I don’t see what’s so funny! It wasn’t even that good a joke,” she added sullenly. “You’re not taking his side now, are you?” Barkley saw the flash in her eyes and immediately sobered, jaw shutting with an audible snap of teeth. He swallowed heavily, looking away as his innate human senses went into high alert mode. Seras took a deep breath, willing herself to calm as her undead heart began to ache with the urge to race in anger.
“It’s just that, well: when you put it that way, it seems like you and Walter are, erm…”
“What is it?”
“No offense, but you act so damn innocent! No, you are innocent,” he amended. “Do you not even realize what it sounds like you’re implying?”
“No? Clearly not. Why don’t you spell it out for me?” she ground out between clenched teeth. “Since you’re so worldly and wise.”
“If you insist.” Barkley heaved a breath. “Frankly, when you say it like that, it sounds like you and Walter are fucking.”
“One another?” He shrugged. “He’s old, but he’s not that old. He can probably still get it up, and no one would bat their eyes at the idea of a friends with benefits—”
“Come off it!” Seras fumbled the canon, her cheeks stained a deep red. “That’s disgusting! Walter is like a grandfather to me!”
“Hey, hey! Don’t bite my head off! You’re the one who told me to set it straight for you! Besides, shouldn’t you be more worried about that weird master of yours? He’s the one that decided that’s what you meant.”
“Oh… fucking hell!” Seras wasn’t often one to swear, but it seemed to be happening more and more the longer she stayed in the manor. “That annoying, infuriating old… bat!” She turned on her heel, sprinting towards the manor with a speed that nearly blew Barkley sideways. He staggered, regaining his balance and still somehow managing to keep a tight hold on the loaded rifle in his hands.
“You really are something else, ma’am.” He watched her leave, a pained smile on his face as he shook his head. Turning back to the firing range, he blanched at the sight of the Harkonnen and its equally heavy ammunition lying where she had dropped it. Both would need to be back inside the armory before the dew fell. “Oh, fuck it all.”
 “Master Alucard!”
If Alucard had been the sort of man to startle easily, he would have jolted at the sound of his chamber door crashing against the stone wall in an echoing symphony of rotting wood and hammered metal. Somehow it miraculously held, wobbling precariously on rusted hinges before being blown back once more as Seras charged in with the righteous fury of a Valkyrie and the unparalleled bloodlust of—well, of a vampire.
“Wake up, you miserable, motheaten pile of—!” Any further insults to his person were left smothered in her throat, drowned by the grinding of her jaw and forgotten entirely when he caught sight of the hellfire blazing in her eyes. The presentation did not alarm him; it was not the first time a fuming blonde had roused him from dozing dreams of days long gone, and it was certainly not the last. Intrigued, he straightened up in his chair to face this would-be adversary head on.
“Is there something you need, Police Girl?” he inquired with all the blithe disregard he could muster, looking his little protégé up and down with a sneer. Seras was practically frothing at the mouth, hands fisted and ample bosom heaving with each unnecessary breath. She let out a new barrage of muttered curses at his smug dismissal, nostrils flaring as she advanced even closer to where he sat.
“Let’s get one thing straight right now,” she hissed, leaning in so that they were nearly nose-to-nose. “I. Am. Not. Fucking. Walter.”  
“Is that so?” How… interesting. Only a week or so prior, Seras had been nervous at the thought of entering his room, much less remaining there for any amount of time. At the time, she’d managed to hide her emotions well. But now it seemed that anger was more than enough of a catalyst to push aside her wariness, and belay any qualms she had about not only entering into his space uninvited, but facing him on her own terms.
A part of him did wonder if he ought to be more incensed that she’d given up the subservient attitude. On the whole, however, he found himself rather… pleased.
“Is there any particular reason for this little outburst?” he asked, further drawing out the amusing diversion. “Or should I brace myself for more mundane facts about your night?”    
“What—that—you know bloody well the reason why!” she screeched, throwing up her hands. “Ugh! Honestly, I don’t even know why you’d come to that sort of conclusion in the first place! Walter is probably five times my age, and that’s including the vampire bits! He’s certainly old enough to be my grandfather at best, and anything we have is strictly platonic! Furthermore:  and I don’t say this lightly, mind you—”
Alucard watched as she paced the length of his chamber, boots echoing off the stone tile and hands gesticulating wildly to punctuate her breathless tirade. Her cheeks were flushed, rosy with agitation, her brows wrinkled thin lips twisted in a grimace. It was a far cry from his master’s lectures, which were often rife with threats of punishment and calls to action in the face of backlash from her own superiors. Seras had a certain energy in her anger that directly mirrored her usual cheer. It lent a spark of honesty to her emotions that was… striking, though he felt that humans might have called it endearing.
“Earth to Alucard? Are you even listening?”
“Believe me, my dear: the sound of your voice could wake the dead.”
“That’s not an answer!” She was standing before him again, vexation melting into a wounded expression. Her brows furrowed so that a small wrinkle appeared above the bridge of her nose, chin ducking into the collar of her uniform as the corners of her mouth dropped in her distress. “Master Alucard, do… do you hate me?”
“What?” He was not quick enough to hide his surprise, eyes widening behind the round lenses. Nor was he able to completely mask his displeasure at such a question, lips pursed in a small frown that was somewhat different from his normal scowl.
“I meant what I said, you know. I don’t regret choosing any of this.” Seras waved her hand at the room, as though the shadowy corners and dusty furniture could somehow encapsulate her experience as a vampire. “It’s just that sometimes I think maybe you regret choosing me. And maybe… maybe that’s why you’re in such a hurry to be rid of me.”  The same hand fell to her side, fingers flexing nervously against her stockings.
“And how, pray tell, did you manage to arrive at such a ridiculous conclusion?”
“Ridiculous!?” Her mouth dropped open, shoulders sagging. “What’s so ridiculous about it? According to you, I’m a terrible vampire. I don’t make you proud; I don’t give you anything to boast about. I don’t even make decent company.” Her eyes darted to the chest nearby his chair, where it had remained following her impromptu escape.
“You’ve taught me so much already, and in such a short amount of time,” she admitted. “But you also seem to think that it’s improper to want any sort of companionship at all. Don’t you get lonely sometimes?” Seras tilted her head, gazing imploringly at him through her bangs. “I know I do.”
Why should I be lonely? The thought occurred to him before he had time to process her question. I have you. His frown deepened as he met her gaze, bitterness eating a hole in the place where his heart used to beat. How on earth had she managed to convince herself of such a bizarre, human notion? Seras was a fast learner, true, and in her time at the organization she had already learned a great deal. But there was so much more still to cover; they had barely scratched the surface of what it meant to be a vampire! Did the teacher naturally resent the pupil for their ignorance?
“Suffice to say, you’re once again wrong on all accounts.” He shifted in his chair, lacing his fingers and squeezing until he felt his knuckles start to buckle beneath the pressure. It served to regulate his temper, keeping his voice calm as he spoke. “The act of turning you into a vampire is one of the few choices I have no reason to regret.” A strange lump arose in the base of his throat at the admission, the familiar echo of some past emotion. It was not regret, not anger. Soft, poignant… fondness, perhaps? Affection? He brushed the thought away for another time.
“You are more than my student. You are an apprentice, a disciple that I have chosen to take under my wing. You may live in my master’s home and work beneath her watchful eye, but until you partake of my blood, you remain under my jurisdiction. As for your failings, many as they are… why should I resent you for them? They are steppingstones, a broken path that can only lead you to your true calling as a sovereign of the night.”
“Stumble though you will, you only fail me the moment you cease to try, Seras Victoria. Thankfully for us both, you are obstinate to a fault.”
“Master, I don’t know whether I should be insulted or not.” Her brow wrinkled again, this time in mirth. “I think that’s actually the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. It’s honest, at least.”
“A simple observation, nothing more. Make of it what you will.”
“Well… maybe I am obstinate. Because I’m not going to avoid Walter,” she declared with an expression that dared him to protest. “We listen to the radio together, he and I, and it’s the most entertainment I have around this dusty old manor. You can spare me that much.”
“Is that so?”
“It’s so. What’s more: the next time you get the bright idea that I’m fooling around with someone behind the scenes, just ask me.” She winked. “Unless you want to try changing my mind.” Something in his expression must have spooked her; she took a step back, laughing nervously.
“It’s just a joke! You don’t have to glare at me like that…. L-Look, I’ll just see myself out. Sorry about your door, by the way. I can fix it.” She awkwardly tried to bend the hammered metal frame back into place, blanching when it broke apart in her hand. “Erm… okay, I’ll get Walter to fix it,” she muttered, tossing the ancient chunk of splintered wood aside. “Either way, it’ll be fixed by morning, I promise!”
“Police Girl….”
“Right! Sorry! I’m going, bye!” He listened to her scurrying footfalls, mapping her course through the manor as she went in search of the man he’d told her to avoid. Insubordinate… churlish, defiant little thing, isn’t she? He tipped his head, eyeing the partially full bottle of wine at his side.
Still, it’s more entertaining that way.
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bloopykxg · 11 months
So I own this figurine now
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Showing her off once I’m home 🎉
Found her at the con today for only 160€ (using only very loosely, but otherwise she’d cost me maybe 200-400€ so I’d say it’s a decent deal). They also had the Hatsune Miku bishoujo figurine, but someone got to her before I did </3
The storekeeper that this was at said she and the other employees we’re betting on which day (sat or sun.) this would be sold and she won btw haha
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livingdiarrhea · 1 year
Rating my habits:
Chewing pencils (the metal eraser part): 2/10: I thought this habit is gone, although I’ll sometimes put part of my pencil in my mouth. unsanitary, ruined my pencils, made borrowing pencils awkward because gut instinct
Trying to take off the little fake gems on my shirts with my mouth: 1/10, very very gross, probably accidentally swallowed some of those, my shirt is kind of ruined
Teeth grinding: 5/10, probably looks weird, hurts my teeth, only do this on one side, only when awake,
Knee shaking: 7/10 helps me concentrate but probably annoying, I remember being seven and actually practicing this after seeing my mom do it, and I can’t get rid of it
Braiding/messing with strings attached to clothing: 8/10 makes me comfortable, only slightly weird
Sucking my hair/string attached to clothing: 2/10 this habit is gone, gross, not sanitary, pretty weird to look at
Rolling/folding paper: 5/10 sometimes I do this with important papers on accident, I do this a lot when I read, doesn’t really help me concentrate all that much, but sometimes it does
Humming: 3/10 this habit is mostly gone, and I had it mostly when I was in elementary , but I bet it was annoying for everyone. I still hum on impulse when I’m not in a learning setting, to the annoyance of my sister.
Nail biting: 2/10 this was gross. I would like bite my nails short (in one piece) and spit it out. Nasty. Partially the reason I started cutting my nails more often
Talking to myself: 4/10, mostly gone/a lot quieter, sometimes helps, sometimes makes me feel bad, looks weird
Hand flapping: 6/10 most of the time happened when I was younger and excited (to be playing with my dog, usually). I’d usually tense up when doing so, because I was happy. now I consciously do occasionally hand flap to loosen my nerves. This one isn’t very common anymore.
Impulse thoughts: 1/10, this is stuff like having a repeating reaction to something happening (but it’s just my thoughts). Example: something embarrassing happens
My head: oh no!
That’s not the actual reaction, I just didn’t feel like sharing it. I only have one repetitive reaction like that I’ve been noticing, and I don’t like it.
Eating when bored: 2/10 didn’t help, made me even more unhealthy, it’s still an impulse I have, though
Grabbing phone when upset: 2/10, doesn’t fix anything
Doodling: 6/10, doesn’t do much and sometimes causes me to lose focus, but hasn’t really harmed me. Plus, I think im getting better (although the art I post on here says otherwise).
Replacing swears with fake/silly swears: 8/10 funny, puts me in better light with adults, I wish I did this one more frequently, I still use regular swears along side cursing sometimes
Tapping my pencil: 5/10, this habit is gone for the most part. It didn’t really help, I also wasn’t really good at it, so it wasn’t satisfying
Resting my head on desk: 5/10, mostly gone unless I’m tired, it was comfortable, but people thought I was upset or tired even though I usually wasn’t.
Touching halls/walls as I walk: 5/10, it’s very satisfying, but also kind of unsanitary. I probably should stop this one, but it’s so iconic.
Picking/wiggling/getting rid of/messing with “imperfections”: 4/10 if I have a skin thing on my fingers, I pick at it non stop, if I have a tooth that’s slightly loose, I wiggle it non stop, pimples? Also pick at them (although less often). If something hurts, I’ll keep messing with it and it’ll hurt more. It’s not so bad, but it never really helped.
Leaning my mouth on forks: 3/10, basically I’ll lean my mouth on the back of a spoon or fork, and then I’ll usually fall and it’ll hit the back of my mouth. It hurts. It’s mostly gone.
I wish my parents did a little more to correct some of these, because eww.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: How did you and Nikolai handle the Twins becoming little ladies? That change in hormones must have been a little rough on you both though I would bet high dollar on both of you making damn sure the girls knew what was going to happen them (no sudden shocks or thinking they hurt themselves) and that there was nothing shameful in it.
It was challenging for Brian to accept the changes that were slowly happening to his beloved daughters. Little girls no more, where conversations used to be dedicated to plotting devilish schemes, side hustles that would bring them easy cash on the schoolyard, they were then filled with gossip and makeup and boys. Sometimes girls - Eva and Ena were still just babies in his eyes - the Loose Cannon nearly sent into shock, close enough to descend into a true fit. It didn’t seem possible that such a thing could’ve occurred within his own family. Certainly to others but not his own, every day that they grew older, came more and more time that he and Nikolai spent teaching their children about such bodily, emotional, transformations. What they knew from experience in the matter, their close friends and family, what could be gathered from books, internet article pages. It was difficult, and yet, they all were prepared. And Brian found himself biting his tongue more often than ever before. Sparing Eva’s feelings on whatever it was that made her become so upset and wounded, withholding from Ena an opinion that, otherwise, would’ve seemed a touch too harsh, Daddy’s mouth an honest, if not also, foul one. 
Such changes had taken a toll on the girls, too. Bodies always becoming something far better than it was before, older and wiser and cuter still, prone to do what it was meant to, even if it made Eva and Ena uncomfortable. Aches and pains the worst of it all - their discomfort a knife straight to Brian’s heart - cramps unable to be soothed so quickly from many heating pads, warm cups of hot chocolate and fuzzy blankets wrapped around tight. Even their papa couldn’t relieve the hurt, no matter how much he tried, his smarts working overtime to figure out a cure, Nikolai looking just as tired as his daughters. But it was out of reach for both fathers alike. Only able to do so much, for what they couldn’t, they made up for in constant affection, gentle embraces, kisses to the heated skin of their Eva and Ena. Still, it was the most awful form of torture that Brian had ever come to know. Worse than having his ankle shattered by a psycho Texan, worse than almost having his very life taken several times over. An agony unlike the rest. 
“We handled it as best as we could.” Brian replied. “But it wasn’t easy. I don’t care what anybody says, because, truthfully, it’s hard to go through as a dad when your kids are girls. Guys and chicks, we’re built different. There’s things that my daughters were going through that I had no damn clue about. Sure, I’ve been around women, dated them, was raised by one, but I’ve never actually seen the changes up close before, not on such a personal level. I didn’t know what to do or how to even start talking about that stuff with them. Nikolai and me, we read probably over 20 books about the topic. It felt like I was back in fucking sex ed, but this time around, I was trying to make sure that I really understood enough about puberty and adolescent hormones for the sake of my Ena and Eva, rather than trying to shove my tongue down Macy Duncan’s throat. Maybe if I spent more time paying attention to what my teacher said back then, less time goo-goo eyeing my classmate, I might’ve been able to help my girls out sooner now. But thanks to my hero of a husband, I wasn’t too lost on the required reading. It was actually pretty interesting. I’d like to think it helped out the girls, least in some way, a little, too.”
“I had a harder time than either Ena or Eva did, though. Seeing my baby girls turn into women, it was a lot. It was damn weird. One minute, I was playing dolls with Eva, and within a blink of an eye, I’m acting like Archie Bunker to her, telling her to get changed because her skirt was a touch too short, that she couldn’t go to a friend’s birthday party in it. That’s Nik’s job to be the hard-ass parent, not mine! And do you know what she did? My 14-year-old daughter pulled the ‘daddy, please’ trick on me. She pouted, fluttered her lashes at me, and said, ‘but, Daddy, all my friends are wearing it. Please, Daddy.’ I couldn’t believe it! My little princess, who never, ever pulled a stunt like that before, just whipped that one right out of her back pocket. She tried to play me like putty. I almost did, too. I almost caved. But damn it, I couldn’t. She can be cutesy around me with certain things, but miniskirts at 14, hell no. I could only imagine what kind of mutts were going to be at this party. Just trying to sniff up my baby like she was a piece of prime beef. I was one of those dirty bastards when I was her age! And with her being as pretty as her papa - she looks just like him - anybody with brains would’ve tried to paw at her. I wasn’t going to entertain such a thought. Fuck, no.”
Brian smiled, laughing a bit as he continued sharing his story. “Eva liked to try and win me over most of the time, but it was always Ena who went after Nik. They have a special bond. Whereas her sister holds more similarities facially, Ena acts just like my husband, her father. They’re both science geeks. So, when the girls both hit that age of no return, Eva targeted me with her boo-boo lips, and Ena went to win her dad over with some chemistry, physics stuff. Whatever they were discussing in recent. Just like Nikolai, too, our daughter’s damn smart. She could outmatch me in anything academic. Admittedly, I was never a good student. I played sports. I read books. Did I ever study, really give it my all? Eh, that’s up for debate. But, anyway, that was Ena’s gameplan. She’d nearly get my husband, too. She’d have him get so lost in their conversation, that he’d almost forget about whatever request she was asking for. My favorite was when she tried to get out of the house past curfew in order to see her best friend. A best friend who lived 15 minutes away. See, I know that trick. I tried to play it on my own mom once. 15 minutes turns into 2 hours, and I don’t know how the hell it got so late.”
“Nikolai saw right through her. Told her no, flat out, she had to obey her fathers’ rules and curfew hours, but he still answered her research question. You could understand now why my mother likes him so much. I think she likes him over me. Look, I do too. But it was then that our daughter discovered as much for herself. Nobody can beat Papa. He’s too intelligent for that. He loves Ena too much to risk her safety. Just as I love her and her sister. Sure, seeing them grow has been a pain-in-the-backside at times. Sometimes, I just wanna lock them in their rooms forever and never let them go. But it hasn’t all been terrible and getting to know them for who they are is pretty great. Seeing their personalities shine through - I can actually talk to our daughters and they can talk to me. They’re their own people now. It’s strange, makes me want to curl up into a ball and pretend that they’re still small and needy for me, that I’m not an old man, but I do like it. Ena and Eva, they’re not just my kids, but they’re also my best pals. I love seeing them grow more and more each day.”
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pridesthings · 2 years
love makes us blind part 3
pairing: tommy shelby x reader
warnings: angst, curse words, alcohol
summary: you gave in into ada‘s beggings to come with her to the garrison new opening, also if that means, that you‘ll see tommy again. tommy gets really jealous, when he sees you talking to a man all night and thinks of a way to finally prove his love for you.
part 1 part 2
authors note: i’m sorry you had to wait this long, it took me a while, but my heart can rest now and tommy is forgiven. it was so much fun writing this and have to thank y’all once again for your support, it really means the world to me <3 i also thought about writing for alex turner, since the arctic monkeys are my favorite band or maybe marvel? of course i’d still write for the peaky blinders but i’d love to hear your opinion on that anyway <3
also to be added to my taglist you can comment or write in my text box on my profile. you can also request imagines there if you want 💌
taglist: @itscheybaby @lenaskyler02 @dopeqff @bloomskater @50svibes
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„ugh, ada i‘m not sure about this“ you said while standing in front of your body heigh mirror, worrying about this evening for the fifth time today, put differently: complaining to ada the fifth time today.
ada had begged you to attend with her to the garrison new opening for weeks now. you always said no, but she wouldn’t stop bringing the topic up in every conversation you two would have, until you eventually gave in and agreed to go with her. you wouldn’t have had a problem visiting the garrison with her, if there wasn’t this thing with tommy. you hadn’t seen him since he showed up on your doorstep, asking for your forgiveness. ever since then your thoughts wouldn’t leave you alone, always swirling about his surprising visit. seeing his face again reminded you how much you suppressed your feelings for him in the last years. you cursed yourself for feeling butterflies in your stomach, while thinking about him. if you could, you would not hesitate to grab a swatter and kill each of them. the flowers and letters he send to you regularly wouldn’t help keeping your mind off of him.
ada stood behind you, powdering her nose. she rolled her eyes at you. “y/n i know it’s hard for you to see tommy again, but you can’t avoid him forever. sooner or later you would see him anyway, so soon it is.” she said while putting the powdering sponge down on the table next to her. she came closer to you and fixed some loose hair from your bun. “tommy is a real idiot, i will not contradict, but don’t you think you could try to give him a chance? i know for sure that he is really sorry. ever since he found you i haven’t seen him eating or sleeping. he even neglected his work and you know his distinctive desire to work himself to death.” he paused for a second, now stroking over your shoulder with her hands, while looking at you in the mirror. “you have to talk to him.”
you returned ada’s deep gaze. you closed your eyes, thinking about what she said. you hated that she was right. you could not always avoid him and you started questioning yourself if that even was what you wanted. the pictures of tommy and you laughing together, running through the betting shop in the morning although polly forbad it, when you were little kids or the day you were sitting on the couch, crying with tissues in your hand, because some dumb boy messed around with your feelings, swirled in your head. tommy returned home with blood on his hands, one hour after he comforted and hugged you, until the anger on this boy took the best of him and he stormed outside to find this fucker.
you opened your eyes again, looking right into ada‘s and admitting quietly „you‘re right. i gue-“ you were interrupted with a relieved sigh from ada. „i‘m really glad you‘re saying this, because otherwise you‘d probably cancel our visit at the garrison“ she said, sounding very happy about your previous words. you turned around to face her, confusion written all over your face. “what do you mean?” you asked.
ada looked at you, then to the floor, trying to find words to explain herself. after a moment of silence she startet. „you know i only have a one passenger seat car and as i have a driver i organized a second car to pick you up.” ada said, now looking up to your face again. your expression went expecting, not believing she told you everything. “well it’s someone your not on good terms with right now” she confessed. you froze. you had a dark foreboding. no she didn’t, right? “ada no” you slowly said. already trying hard to think of a plan to get out of here. maybe through the back door?
ada grabbed her clock to check the time and looked at you prior to grabbing your shoulders and saying: “yes y/n and you can’t back up now, he is going to be here any second.” as if it was staged, the silence was broken with a knock on the door. “perfect” she said, while turning around hurriedly to grab her coat from the wardrobe and answering the door. “don’t mess up” were the words ada greeted tommy with. there he was. he wore a red tie with his usual white shirt and a dark suit. topped with a black coat, wich had a red velvet inside. on his head the typical peaked flatcap. it was like everything went by slower, like you saw him for the first time and you fell for him as soon as you locked your eyes with his’
ada looked back and forth between the two of you. she put on her coat and went outside through the door, while she said, that you’ll meet her at the garrison. although you knew you had to talk to tommy you were mad at ada for forcing you into the cold water without giving you a proper warning before. you made your way towards him until you stood in front of him. you didn’t know what to say, so you were glad that he spoke up first. “hello y/n”
you couldn’t move, still weren’t able to say a word. he took a step forward to close the distance between you and him. he took your coat off of the wardrobe next to the door and held it out, gesturing for you to turn around, so he could help you to put your coat on. you still couldn’t tear your gaze away from his icy blue eyes, but comply his offer after a moment. after he put on your coat you went to face the little highboy in your hallway to grab your purse to look in the little mirror above it, for the last time.
“you look wonderful” he assured you and held out his leather glove covered hand for you to take. you couldn’t help but smile at his comment. it was like all the anger, the urge to slap him across his perfect face and yell at him to let out all your frustration puffed up to smoke. your thoughts betrayed you, again. still you could not kill the butterflies, that were now tingling inside your stomach. “thank you” you said softly, not having the guts to look him in the eyes. you blew out the candle on the hightop and then took his hand into yours, to let him lead you outside.
you closed the door behind you and were faced with the gloominess of the night. your eyes weren’t adjusted to the dark yet, but you could make out the purple tulips, you had planted in your front yard a few days ago and tommy’s black bentley, wich was parked in front of it. you walked to his car and he held the door open for you. you sat on the passenger seat, while tommy walked around the car and sat beside you. a thick silence laid between the two of you, until he broke it by starting the engine. after a few minutes went by he decided to start the conversation.
“so i guess ada didn’t tell you about my visit?” he said with his deep voice. you looked out of the window, trying to see something of the landscape in the dark. “no not really, she mentioned it just a second before you knocked on the door” you answered, still looking out the window. you played with the thought of telling him, that you missed him and weren’t mad anymore. before you reflected the thought in your head a second time the words left your mouth. quietly, but he still understood them clearly. “i miss you”
his eyes went wide, not believing to heard you right. he missed you too, a lot, but didn’t ever think you’d return this feelings, thinking you’d hate hin for a lifetime now. he cleared his throat, before stumbling nervously. “i miss you too” tommy waited for you to answer, but as you didn’t say anything after a few moments, he continued the dialogue. “we all miss you, didn’t you think about coming back?” you squirmed a little bit in your seat after he said that.
of course you has thought about coming back, but as beautiful as it was, it was as scary. you didn’t know if you could just go back to your old life, acting like nothing ever happened. of course you’d love to just have to go to the next house to see polly or ada or finn, oh god you haven’t seen finn in ages, he’s probably all grown up now. you really were looking forward to see him today.
“yeah, actually i have been thinking about it” you answered and now moved your gaze away to look at tommy. he looked so calm. as he noticed, that you were staring at him, he turned his head to lock his eyes with you. you both got lost for a moment, but you lead the two of you in the reality again, by saying tommy he had to look on the road. his eyes were back on the road and cleared his throat, and he muttered a quiet “right” under his breath.
“i mean i’d be lovely to see you all again, but i don’t know if i could manage to move alone” you continued, your eyes were on the road now too. his head shot in your direction. “i could help you, my men will carry everything, you wouldn’t have to move a finger. you can move to the arrow hohse.” he said immediately. “tommy, the road” you warned, looking in his eyes. when he reluctantly turned his eyes back on the road, a smile creeped onto your lips, because of his eager for you to move back to birmingham.
you let out a deep breath. “i don’t know if it is a good idea i move in with you tommy” you said after a while. “you know about my feelings for you and i know about yours, but i think that’d be really hasty, don’t you think?“ you continued. he stayed silence for a moment. the car stopped. you stood in front of the garrison. you didn’t realize how fast the ride went by. tommy turned the engine off and looked at you.
“yes, i understand that. so what is your plan then?” he asked. you turned your head to him and met his deep gaze. you took a moment before answering with a counter question “friends?” his eyes still locked with yours. he nodded “friends.” he confirmed. your lips curled into a smile.
you got out of the car, he opened the door for you again and took your hand to lead you inside. you were greeted with people laughing, chattering and dancing. loud music was playing, when tommy and you went inside. you saw john sitting at a table with a woman next to his side, wich you guessed was esme, his wife. he told you about her when he visited you in your little house. opposite them was sitting a boy, looking a few years younger than john. he had blonde hair and the sides of his head were shaved down. he looked skinny and tall, you couldn’t exactly tell though, because they were sitting.
tommy lead you to them and as soon as john saw you he stood up and ripped you out of tommy’s grip to involve you into a deep hug. you couldn’t help but smile at the familiar scent. “y/n i’m so glad you came” he said while pulling back from the hug. “i’m really glad i’m here too” you smiled. “i missed you johnny boy” you said while pinching his cheek a little to tease him. he playfully rolled his eyes at you and turned around.
“y/n this is my wife, esme” john introduced you proudly. you smiled at her and she pulled you into a loving hug, telling you how much she’ve heard about you. after you let go of each other, your eyes went to the blonde boy, who got up now. “and this young man is mr. finn shelby” john said. your eyes went wide. you stormed toward him to hug him, he was surprised but returned the hug after a moment. you pulled back and had your hands laid on his shoulders. you gazed him from head to toe. “look at you, your all grown up now. it’s crazy how long i was gone” you said fascinated. he let out a little chuckle. “i’m glad you’re back” he told you, giving you a sweet smile.
tommy cleared his throat in the background to lead the attention to him. “i think we should get a drink, don’t you think y/n” he asked you. “oh, can you get me a whiskey?” finn asked, before you could answer. you turned your head to his and slapped his arm. you were shocked. he was 16! “no whiskey! you’re way too young. my god what did you do to him” the last part was very much dedicated to tommy and john. “we’ll get you water” you said to finn, while walking back to tommy.
you went to the bar, where tommy pulled out his pack of cigarettes. you declined the cigarette, he offered you, saying you’d only want to have one or two drags from his smoke. as you laid your eyes on the bar, you saw a familiar face. “arthur!” you yelled. his head shot up and a. big smile plastered his face as he saw you. “y/n! you’re here” you went behind the bar to hug him tightly. when you two pulled apart, you noticed that tommy sat on one of the golden bar chairs, lightning his cigarette. you took a look at all the bottles behind you and turned around again to face tonmy.
“what do you want to drink, mr. shelby” you asked him playfully. he raised his eyebrows, looking at you. his look shifted to arthur before he said “we’ve got a new barmaid, eh?” arthur laughed in response. you didn’t bother to answer and just looked at his expectingly, gesturing for him to tell you want you want. “whiskey, irish” he said, taking a drag from his cigarette. you turned around and grabbed three glasses from the shelf behind you and the bottle of whiskey tommy ordered. you poured some of the liquid into the glasses as tommy blew out the smoke.
the three of you took your glasses in your hand and arthur was the first to raise it. “to the garrison” he said and gave you the signal to drink. you drowned your drink, because of the thought that your optimism for the evening might fade soon. after you set your glass down, you took tommy’s cigarette from his hands and took a long drag. you closed your eyes, inhaling the smoke. the calming feeling the cigarette gave you was soon to be taken away as ada joined the three of you. “y/n! there you are. i thought you two had an accident” she said relieved.
you gave tommy the cigarette back as you blew out the smoke. “oh no, we were just talking to john, finn and esme.” you explained, your hand gesturing towards their table. ada nodded to you knowingly. you went to grab ada a glass as well, pouring the whiskey inside of it. she drowned it as well and when she sat it down, she held out her hand for you to take it and yelled “common y/n, let’s have some fun, that’s what were here for” you laughed a little bit at her tipsy behavior, but feeling your body reacting to the alcohol lightly too. you excused yourself to tommy and arthur and then went with ada to plunge yourselves in the crowd.
a while later you went back to the bar, to get yourself a drink. you didn’t see tommy or arthur anymore so you turned to harry and ordered a glass of whiskey. as you took the glass harry gave you, a man neared you from behind and said to harry. “her drink is on me” he yelled through the loud noises of the croud, so harry could understand him. you tapped his arm and made him look at you. “actually my drinks are on the house but thats very kind of you, thanks” you set to him. he raised his eyebrows at you, looking surprised. “oh, are you related with the shelbys? i didn’t know they had another sister” he said. “no, not exactly related i’m just very close with them” you answered smiling shyly. “thank god, i was a bit scared when i saw you walking in with mr. shelby but i thought why not try my luck” he chuckled. “i’m sorry i’m being rude, my name is aldwyn.” the man introduced while holding his hand out. you shook it while looking into his eyes and said “y/n”
after you let go, aldwyn collected all his courage and asked “well y/n do you maybe want to-“ “no she doesn’t” someone interrupted him. “what?” you and aldwyn asked at the same time. you turned around confused, just to look into tommy’s icy blue eyes. “tommy what-“ you tried to say, but were cut off by tommy again. “she is busy right now” tommy said not taking his strict eyes off of aldwyn. “i don’t see her doing anything right now” aldwyn answered boldly. you were surprised he’d talk back to tommy shelby, but before you could say anything tommy had grabbed your hand pulled you to the side.
“tommy what the fuck?” you said winding of his grip. “why did you talk to this arse?” he asked you angrily. “why did i talk to-“ you interrupted yourself, shocked, because he even had the audacity to ask that as if it wasn’t obvious. “well, i talked to him because he was kind and nice to me. he even wanted to pay for my drink” you answered him just as mad. “wow, bravo your drinks are on the house, i always pay for your drinks.” he said. you rolled your eyes at him and said “whatever i’m gonna find-“ you were interrupted once again, by tommy pulling you back to him and mumbling “no you’re not”
you were annoyed by tommy’s behavior now and squirmed in his grip “tommy stop” he looked down at you, before he muttered under his breath “alright that’s it” you looked at him confused, not understanding what he meant. “OUT!” he shouted. the pub fell in silence and all eyes were on tommy. “EVERYONE GET THE OUT!” he yelled again to clear his sudden shout. the people still looked at him confused. “tommy what?” arthur asked standing up from a table. “everyone get the fuck out of here, i don’t wanna repeat myself” tommy spat. after a few seconds the people started mumbling quietly, before everyone slowly made their way out of the pub.
you looked at him, still not understanding what he was doing. as everyone left the pub and it was only you and him left. “y/n i love you so fucking much i can’t even put it into words and seeing you talking to this bastard. it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest” the worlds left his mouth before he could stop them. your eyes softened. of course you knew that, since he already told you but seeing him frighten off all the people out of the garrison just to tell you probably that he loved you made your heart melt. a small smile creeped onto your lips. “y/n please i know it’s really really fast, but i- i can’t stand seeing you talking other man, knowing i can’t do anything about it. since you left i could not take my mind of you for a second and i-“ you shut him up by pressing your lips onto his. he was surprised, but as soon as he realized what was happened he kisses you back. it was the most loving and passionate kiss you’ve ever shared with someone and you couldn’t help but smile widely when you pulled back.
“that means you stay?” he answered, out of breath, resting his forehead against yours. you couldn’t build any sentence right now, so you just nodded lightly. “forever?” he asked.
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sukirichi · 3 years
not shy
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megumi was not shy around his crush — and that’s a fucking lie.
request: shy megumi who is really flustered around his crush + his friends and gojo-sensei helping him confess
note: this is fluff and a semi crack fic too LOL i hope you guys enjoy this, i had a lot of fun with this one! unedited too, as usual!
word count: 4.5k
masterlist !
playlist made by the lovely @savantsoulfinder​ thank you so much! 
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“Yo, Megumi-kun, can you take—” Satoru halted in his steps, following the trail of sight that his dark-haired student seemed to be so enamoured in to not even notice his teacher walk his way. “What are you staring at?” when his gaze landed on you, head thrown back in laughter and slapping Panda’s arm over Yuuji’s joke, Satoru’s eyes beamed even under the blindfold. “Oh? You like Y/N?”
Upon hearing your name, Megumi immediately snapped back to life. He scoffed and turned away from you, scowling to himself with his arms crossed against his chest. “No, I don’t. I don’t like anyone.” So defensive.
“Is that so?” Satoru teased while biting back his laughter, “Guess you won’t mind if I call her then. Hey, Y/N!”
“Gojo-sensei, what’re you doing?!” Megumi grabbed his teacher’s sleeve, whisper-hissing and cursing under his breath when Satoru caught your attention. You waved at them both, skipping until you were getting impossibly closer and closer and closer.
“Well, I don’t want you to carry these all alone. You’re gonna need some help.”
“I’m perfectly fine – h-hi.”
Shit, you were now here. You smiled up at him, hands folded below your bottom before tipping your head to the side, looking under Megumi’s ducked head to see his face. “Hey there, Megumi! Looking cute today,” you winked, causing the poor boy to blush madly. You never noticed, though, your attention now taken by your teacher turning red as he stopped his laughter. “Gojo-sensei! You called me?”
“Oh yeah, you’re just right on time. I was going to ask Megumi here to bring these books all back to my office but it’s probably too heavy for him so I asked—”
“It’s not heavy,” Megumi took the books that Satoru placed in your welcoming arms, the slightest touch sending jolts of electricity down his spine. He pulled away and clutched the books closer to himself at the sudden buzz, narrowing his eyes at his teacher who obviously couldn’t mind his own business. “I can carry it by myself.”
“I still wanna help, and I really don’t mind. Plus, I haven’t talked to you in a long time. I actually kind of feel like you’re avoiding me,” you pouted, and that simple gesture had Megumi feeling like he was sinking deeper into the ground.
He was ready for the whole world to swallow him up.
Satoru took pleasure in Megumi’s reddish ears and clenched jaw, cupping his own jaw with his hands as if to mock. “Aw, Megumi, why would you avoid precious Y/N? Did she do something wrong to you?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Well, if there’s nothing wrong, you two better scoot before you get late to your other class!”
“Alright, see you around, Gojo-sensei!” Shit, why were you such a good girl? Now he was stuck with you, and Megumi huffed while hesitantly sharing the books with him. You walked close enough to him that he caught a slight whiff of your shampoo, the scent clouding over his usually sharp mind. Now, though, Megumi could barely recognize the hallways he walked on, relying only on you to lead the way. “So...how’ve you been?”
“How about your studies? We have an exam next week – maybe you want to study together? Inumaki-senpai and I were supposed to have a study group with the others but everyone just wants to study by themselves,” you turned to him with a small smile, “I do better when I’m with someone though.”
Megumi managed to give you a split second glance before he darted his eyes back in front of him again, swallowing audibly because he couldn’t understand why you had to look so pretty smiling like that.
His palms grew sweaty with each passing second, and he grimaced at the uncomfortably feeling of his collar getting sticky. “Uh, wh-where would we study? We don’t have a library or anything.”
“The training grounds is refreshing, but I’d like it to do it better in my room.”
“Do what?” Megumi halted in his steps, his eyes blown wide at your words.
“Study, of course. What else?”
He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or be worried that you frowned in confusion, almost as if you didn’t understand the weight of your words. But then again, you’d always been so damn oblivious that it made sense. Megumi shook his head, continuing on to the teacher’s office before remembering he still lost his sense of direction, so he bit his lip, obediently following you around like a puppy.
“You shouldn’t just invite anyone to your room, you know.”
Once you both made it to the empty room, you carefully placed the books down on Satoru’s desk. He raised a brow at the extra detail you put into, tongue peeking out from the edges of your lips as you made sure all of them were placed together neatly.
Satisfied with your work, you clapped your hands and turned to him.
“I’m not. You’re not just anyone to me, Megumi,” Suddenly, you leaned over him, his mind screaming at him when your lips lowered down to his neck. Megumi’s spine stiffened so quick he might as well be a flat board, his chin pressed to his neck when he felt your teeth graze his exposed skin for a moment. “There’s a loose thread,” you showed him a small thread with a small smile, which fell as fast when you saw Megumi standing uncomfortably straight. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to invade your personal space like that!” “I’m a little weird, aren’t I? That would explain why you’ve been avoiding me. Do I make you feel uncomfortable?”
“No, it’s not that...it’s just...”
“Just what?”
His mind blanked. Ask him anything about curses or their history and pretty much anything – he’d be able to answer – but not this. They didn’t teach this in the books and out of frantic nervousness, Megumi ended up spewing the first thing he could think of, his brows drawn together that only added to his intimidating look.
“I’m just annoyed that you scored higher than me on the previous exam.”
“Oh,” you fell for it, snapping your fingers together as you laughed. Somehow, the sound of your melodious laughter had his shoulders easing from the tension, the smallest of smiles hinting at the edge of his lips. Gosh, he was so whipped for you. “Was that really it? I thought you were avoiding me for something serious! Well, how about this, let’s study together and let’s see who’s the smarter one. The loser will get tickled to death!”
“I haven’t even agreed to that condition yet.”
“Okay, what do you want if you win?”
Megumi blushed as he blurted out, “You.”
Before he could regret what he just said, you scrunched your nose and pointed to yourself. “Me what? You want me to do something? You want me to buy you ice cream or—”
“Never mind,” he mumbled behind his palm that was now covering his mouth, refusing to show you that he actually wanted to laugh at how naive you could be. Not that he was complaining; it saved him great pain that you could never know his feelings for you. “I’ll ask for it when I’m sure I’ll win.”
“Ah, not a man of uncalculated risks, I see,” you ruffled his hair, the poor boy stiffening up again under your touch. “This is why I like you so much. You’re so thoughtful.”
“Please don’t touch my hair.”
Megumi was complaining, his shoulders raised beside his ears while he scowled at you, but the way a small, almost inaudible purr left his lips said otherwise. He didn’t want you touching his hair – only because he was shy and it would be the death of him if you saw how easily flustered he was around you.
Thankfully, you showered mercy upon him, raising your hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, we should go back to class now.”
Megumi sighed in relief, content for now to walk you all the way back to class as you talked about your day. He wasn’t actually listening, but a stupid smile was there on his face, anyway. He likened the sound of your voice to those of birds chirping and sunshine waking – and he felt like he was the fresh earth you always kissed.
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“You’re going to burn a hole in her if you keep staring at her like that.”
“Shut up,” Megumi averted his eyes away from you, stabbing his yogurt with his plastic fork. A part of him felt annoyed that you just had to look so pretty today, your bright voice filling in the cafeteria that put his constant sour mood to shame. The stark difference between you two made Megumi sigh in his seat, abandoning his fork as he leaned back. There was no way you’d like him back. “I wasn’t looking at anyone.”
“Ugh, why are boys so creepy? Staring at Y/N like that, ew.”
Yuuji ignored Nobara’s comment, and for once, Megumi let it slide when Nobara stealed his untouched yogurt. “Why don’t you just tell her you like her? She’s literally the sweetest person ever – the chances of her turning you down are low!”
Nobara snorted, “Yeah, but if the sweetest girl in school rejects you, that’s really humiliating. That would mean she likes everyone but you.”
Satoru popped out of nowhere – that stupid blindfolded bastard who started all this – his arms looped around Yuuji’s neck whose entire face illuminated at having his favourite teacher around. “I think the scary-looking Megumi-chan is actually just too shy to be confess,” he wiggled his eyebrows, pointing a finger fun to Megumi’s deadly narrowed gaze. “Can you believe it? My dark, brooding student is hopelessly in love with the cute, sunshine girl next door that he’s so scared around her? Isn’t that so adorable—”
“Everyone shut up!” he hissed through gritted teeth, “I’m not scared of anyone or anything.”
“Then tell her you like her.”
“Fine, I will.”
“I bet you ten dollars he won’t do it,” Satoru whispered, the two students who shared one brain cell beside him nodding eagerly.
“I said I will!”
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“Good morning, Megumi! Come in, come in,” you ushered him in once he stood frozen at your door, his hands now awkwardly clutching his own notes. “You can take a seat on the bed.”
Megumi wasn’t nervous of the fact this was his first time visiting a girl’s room, but rather because it was yours, and each part of your room resembled you greatly. From the organized and clean space, but the noticeable adorable little trinkets and polaroids of you with everyone sticking on the wall, he could feel your entire soul living in that room. When his eyes landed on an old photo of you holding up the peace sign and noticed for the first time he was standing in the background, unaware he was captured in the frame, Megumi inhaled sharply.
Had you pretended to take a selfie just to see him there?
No, he shook his head, there was just no way. He really couldn’t ponder about it long enough because you’d dragged him by the sleeve until he was sitting right next to you, the fresh scent of your body wash making him feel stunningly warm inside his clothes even when the windows were open.
The whole time, Megumi couldn’t absorb a single thing you were saying.
He was just too distracted by everything about you – the way your lips moved when you spoke, how you’d tuck back a stray hair behind your ear, even to the way your mouth would form an ‘o’ shape as you learned something new. No, he couldn’t focus at all.
Megumi has lost count of the times he’d wiped his shaky, sweaty palms on the pads of his sweatpants, hitching his breath every time you leaned close to him to glance at his notes.
At this rate, he’d be the loser in your little competition. It was just impossible for him to focus on anything else.
“Megumi?” you waved your hands in front of him. When it wasn’t enough to get his attention, you resorted to flicking his forehead and he yelped, rubbing at the sore spot. He faced you, a complaint ready to be spoken when his eyes widened at the sudden lack of proximity, your nose booping against his. “Hello, Megumi? I’ve asked you the same question twice now and you haven’t answered yet.”
As nicely as he could, he pushed your face away, his heart thumping loudly when you laughed as you went back to your own space. “Sorry, could you repeat that? I wasn’t really listening.”
“Yeah, I can tell, you were just staring at me the whole time,” you held your phone up in front of your face, checking your reflection on the screen on different angles. He watched, enchanted by how gorgeous you looked no matter what side. “Is there something on my face...? I’ve been checking non-stop and I don’t see anything weird.”
Megumi swallowed nervously, “There’s nothing wrong with your face. I just can’t focus. You’re too close and I-I can smell you.”
“Do I smell bad?!”
“No, you don’t! You smell really sweet!”
“Aw, thanks! You smell sexy too,” you winked at him, wiggling your shoulders as if to share your scent with him. Megumi’s eyes widened when your shoulder rubbed against his, and he recoiled, arm placed over his nose to hide his emotions that were a train wreck right now.
“Sexy?” he spluttered, “Why would you say – me – sexy? You’re so weird, Y/N. You shouldn’t say stuff like that.”
You patted his thigh in a manner that should be comforting, but the teasing smile on your face only had him wanting to jump out the window even more. Then, you stood up and stretched the material of your shirt riding up until he caught sight of your navel. Megumi turned away and closed his eyes, cheeks trapped between his teeth. “We should take a break. Treat’s on me – where do you want to go?”
“Err,” he scratched the back of his head.
“Oh, don’t look too worried, it’s a weekend. Plus, Gojo-Sensei isn’t around to bother us or something.”
“You...you want to go out...” he drawled out slowly, tentatively, surely – just to make sure that he was hearing it right. “...with me?”
“Yeah, I did just ask where you want to go.”
“Oh,” Megumi nodded with a blank face. Then, your words sank in, and he folded his knees to his chest to hide his face and his sickly sweet smile, the butterflies in his stomach progressing into a fucking zoo. “Oh.”
“Are you sick? You’re so red,” your palm connected with his heated forehead, “Megumi, you’re burning! Should I take you to Ieri-san?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” he pushed your hand away, still repudiating to look you in the eye. He just couldn’t, not when you were too inquisitive and he could easily give a dead clue before he got the chance to properly confess. “I mean, I don’t really have a certain place in mind. I’ll go wherever you want to go.”
He should’ve noticed it then – the mischievous glint in your eye that told him you weren’t up to no good. But because his knees always weakened around you, Megumi agreed way too eagerly than he’d like. “Just make sure you don’t regret it, okay? There’s something I’ve always been wanting to try but I never got the chance to and no one wanted to go with me, so you’ll be my willing victim!” And so, half an hour later, Megumi’s jaw dropped as the chill of the arena nipped at his skin. You didn’t even tell him to bring a jacket. “Ta-da!”
“Ice skating?”
You nodded happily, dragging him all the way to the shoe fittings. “It’s going to be fun, come on!”
“But I don’t know how to.”
“Neither do I!” Megumi wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t know how to. No matter how much he tried so hard to learn, he just couldn’t balance himself. The sound of your laughter that let him know you enjoyed this way too much reached his ears as he glared at the ice, his ears red either from the cold or the humiliation of being an utter failure in front of you, of all people! “Need some help there, buddy?”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking. And no, I can do this by myself.”
You masked your chuckle with a snicker, squatting to watch as he struggled to heave himself up back to his feet. “Really? You’ve fallen like, a hundred times now.”
“Shut up. Humans aren’t naturally supposed to do this anyway. We don’t have a human instinct to be upright – whoa!” Megumi slipped again from the ice, this time knocking you down with him. Instead of it being romantic where you two ended up gazing at each other with love in your eyes, your eyes widened into saucers as his elbow landed into your belly, crushing the wind out of your body.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to – ugh, this is why I said it was a bad idea!”
All the way back home, Megumi was still entirely convinced it was a bad idea. You were limping beside him, having to use his bicep as a crutch with your head resting on his shoulder. You and your stupid ideas, really, now you were injured and sprained your ankle from the fall. Instead of worrying about your own safety, you only slapped your knee in laughter as the medics fixed you up, still in disbelief that Megumi had fallen a lot of times yet came out unscathed.
“Megumi~ are you still mad at me? Why won’t you talk to me?” you pouted, squeezing his bicep to get his attention.
“It’s because I told you it was dangerous. Look at you – your knees are all scraped and your legs are all wobbly. We’ve still got a long way back home.”
“Maybe you should carry me then.”
“C-carry you?”
“Yeah, so I don’t fall,” you snorted, pointing to your shoeless ankle covered in bandages. “I mean, it was your fault I’m injured. If you hadn’t fallen for me, then this wouldn’t have happened.”
Fallen for you? Did you know that he – ? Megumi’s head snapped to yours so hard he nearly had whiplash, but the only thing he could focus on was the pounding of drums within his chest. “F-fall? How did you know?”
“Megumi, you literally fell on top of me. Don’t think I’ve forgotten already.”
That had him blinking back, his face flattening into a blank expression. Then, he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stopped in his tracks. “Sometimes I forget you’re terribly naive.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Now get on,” With burning cheeks and a heart that fluttered way too much than what was considered healthy, Megumi squatted down to the ground, patting his back with a groan. You less than jumped into his arms, a little too excited to get a piggyback ride and Megumi expressed his faux distress with a groan. You only pinched his ear and told him to pay you back for your injuries, which made him complain again.
In the end, he was just happy you couldn’t see how much he struggled to hide his smile then, for if you saw it, you’d surely believe he was crazy.
Or so he thought. By the time you’d gotten back to the dorms, you were long passed out on his back. There was a small patch of drool on the back of his shirt and he shuddered, then wiped it away by whispering to himself, it’s okay – as long as it’s you.
Padding back to the dorms wasn’t as difficult as he thought it would be, considering everyone was almost asleep or out to the city as well.
Megumi gently laid you down on the bed, wrapping the blanket around you and making sure your head was comfortable on the pillow. He stayed there for a solid minute, just staring and memorizing your pretty features until he felt confident he could draw it upon memory. Not wanting to be creepy though, he cleared his throat, about to leave the room when your fingers tugged at his wrist.
“Megumi,” you moaned sleepily, “Don’t go. It’s too cold.”
“I’ll get you another blanket.”
“No, stay,” you whined, patting the space next to you. “Please?”
“To sleep here with you?” he asked, baffled and at the same time elated. The last thing he wanted to be was a pervert and he’d never outright admit that his thoughts of you hadn’t always been giggles and rainbows, but he pushed those down, reminding himself that this is you – he respected you above all else. His self restraint slowly thinned though, whatnot with you pouting up at him like that.
Megumi groaned and took off his shoes anyway, planting himself beside you. “This is insane. I think I’m losing my mind,” he muttered to himself. “Move over and make space for me,” you obediently followed his command, using his bicep as a pillow while your cheek squished against his chest. He wondered how you weren’t bothered by his heart’s beating, or maybe it soothed you to sleep because you were falling deeper and deeper asleep, burying yourself in his arms. “God, this is so uncomfortable. I feel like I’m crushing you—”
“So warm,” you cut him off, his mind turning completely mental as he felt your lips pad over his chin. “Goodnight, Megumi.”
How did you expect him to sleep now?
But as soon as you’d settled and only your stabled breathing could be heard from the room, Megumi’s eyes began to droop as well, and it didn’t take long before his arms relaxed around you, lazily pulling the covers up to cover the both of you.
He’ll tell you another time.
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“MEGUMI!” you pushed through everyone and showed him your paper, the bold red mark of 100 glaring back at him. Before he could respond, you stole his test paper from him, laughing at the sad 98 that showed. “Ah, I won!” In the blink of an eye, you’d tackled him to the ground, your knees keeping his legs locked underneath you, test papers flying around the field. Your hands were relentless and brutal as it ran and poked up his sides, eliciting squeaky little gasps from him.
“Stop, stop!” Megumi doubled over in laughter, keeping his feet flat on the ground to prevent himself from accidentally kneeing you. He’d hurt you enough during the ice skating dilemma – he didn’t want to cause you anymore injuries. “No, stop!”
“I won, Megumi, I won! Face the tickle monster!”
“I said stop or else!” he warned, completely aware that he wasn’t as threatening or serious as he wanted to be when tears leaked from his eyes, his laughter embarrassingly giggly and high pitched.
“Or what, loser?”
“I’ll kiss you until you shut up!”
“That’s adorable, but let’s see you try!” you kept tickling his sides, the both of you completely oblivious that the rest of your classmates – your teacher who was more than supportive of this pairing included – were hiding behind a bush, their phones whipped out to capture each second of this moment. “Loser!”
As you mocked him one more time that you wouldn’t stop tickling “losers,” Megumi had to draw the line. Using all his strength, he flipped you over until you were underneath him, the sheer force of the impact keeping you nestled between his arms.
Both of you were panting, but this time his breath was taken away from how beautiful you looked under him like that. Such innocent eyes staring back up at him, but don’t think for a moment he didn’t notice how your eyes trailed over his lips. He knew – because he was doing the same, his grip subconsciously gripping harder at your wrists. If he leaned down...
“This is taking too long!” someone whined from behind the bushes, tips of white hair peaking from the plant. “Just kiss her already!”
Both of you turned at the source of the voice, simultaneously shouting, “Gojo-sensei?!”
“Don’t be shy, Megumi-kun! Just tell her already or I’ll tell her myself.”
“Tell me what?”
Now that your face was peering up at him, he knew he was trapped. Cornered. Megumi closed his eyes, hands trembling and losing their grip around you as he was confronted by the situation. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner,” he fumbled over his words, “But I...I actually—”
“Boring! What kind of confession is this? Say it louder and clearer or she won’t be impressed! Is that how a man does it, Megumi-kun? You can do better—”
“All of you, shut the fuck up!” he roared to his peers who only cackled around the bushes, Yuuji and Gojo-sensei doubling over in laughter while Toge bit his collar to stop the gleeful sounds leaving his mouth. Irritation and humiliation bubbling up in his chest, Megumi finally found the courage to confess. “I like you, okay? I’ve always had a crush—”
You sat up to wrap your arms around his neck, silencing him with a sloppy kiss. At first, your lips kissed the edges of his mouth before Megumi groaned, his large hand clasping the back of your neck to guide you to where he wanted you to be. Smiling through the kiss, you pulled away, rubbing your nose on him affectionately. “Me too, Megumi,” you giggled, “I like you too. Actually, no, I fell in love the moment you almost broke your nose on the ice—” he cut you off by kissing you again, his grip on your waist threatening, “Hey, no fair, I was still confessing!”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll kiss you to make you shut up,” his confidence had now risen up, all traces of the shy Megumi now gone. “Now tell me that again. Tell me you like me.”
“Okay, but can I get another kiss?”
“You’ll be spoiled rotten.”
“I think I deserve it, don’t you think? I’m pretty cute – you’re lucky you get to kiss—” Megumi tugged you by your collar to slam your lips on his, his teeth nibbling at your lower lip. You tugged at his hair playfully and laughed, slapping his shoulder gently to tap out. “Fine, fine. I like you too!”
“Say it again. Please.”
“Not so shy now, eh, Megumi?” Satoru teased for the final time, and Megumi was so close to bursting a vein in his neck when his teacher showed up from the bushes, sexily posing on the grass as he winked at the both of you.
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tastyykpop · 3 years
jeno extra filthy degradation please 😭
ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ
Pairings: jeno x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: dom/sub themes, degradation, brat!reader, brat tamer!jeno, spanking, fingering, eating out, overstimulation
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you were annoying
that was as simple as jeno could make it. he found you absolutely insufferable. and the countless of times you've opened your mouth to make a stupid comment was like nails on a chalkboard.
sure you were pretty and kind to others but not very much to him. you were rude, cocky, and persistent, it was your way of getting his attention. and to say it worked was an understatement, you were on jenos mind 24/7. no matter where, when, or who he was with, he could only think about you. of course, you were the same, but that's because you've had a crush on him since trainee days and almost everyone in SM knew.
jeno knew.
since you worked at SM as a stylist, it was easy to get closer to jeno and work your magic everyday. you were blatant with every touch, every shameless sentence that entailed more then it should, he couldn't quite ignore it either or tell you to shut up. seriously, it doesn't work.
you're a brat, he would say to himself, nothing more than a brat that doesn't know her place.
which in this case, he was correct.
but to him, your behavior was easy to change. he's noticed how you've drawn blanks when he interrogates you on your behavior, how you downplay your wrongs to see him try and hold back his longing to make you submit. it was a game to you clearly, but jeno wanted to beat it.
so how did you end up under jeno so soon in the practice room?
well, the group had been preparing for a dance practice video and you and a few other stylists were called in to help get them prepare for the camera. jeno was trying his best to stay low and out of your sight. it didn't work, but it was worth a shot.
"happy to see me?"
jenos eyes rolled, "I'd be happy if I saw death staring at me in the eyes." he began walking away until you grabbed his arm, making him put his hands over his face.
"dont be like that." you push his hands away now seeing jenos annoyed face. "be lucky you're not stuck with someone else. at least I make your life more interesting.
"interesting or frustrating? I think you've got your words mixed up."
you began applying a light foundation on jenos skin, taking in his angelic features before realizing what he said, "impactful I must say. I know you love me, jeno."
jeno makes a face in disgust pushing your hand away from his face, "youre not my type."
"I dont know. chenle told me otherwise...."
"youre a brat."
"and you're close-minded."
"close- you-"
"done. now go dance and make some fangirls or boys scream." you don't bother turning around as you walk towards the back of the dance practice out of the cameras view.
jeno, somewhat red in the face, stood in his starting position for the choreography, you couldnt help but stare at him in awe. hes gorgeous, you can't lie about that. and the way he moved once the music started playing made you feel different. maybe it was your crush on him, but you heated up very quickly while watching him. other staff members weren't paying as close attention on the boys as you were, only their phones caught their mind. you didn't mind, but damn did they not see how hot jeno was when dancing?
sweaty and out of breath, the boys took a break to get a drink of water.
"you did well- you all did actually." handing jeno a bottle of water, he stared between the thing in your hand and you before taking it and chugging the whole bottle. "but I think mark was the one who stood out to me the most."
"mhm. mark was very fluid in his footsteps and his movements were clean and precise. a good dancer I must say."
there's something up. you were staring at him the whole time and he knew it, he danced harder just because you were watching. how could you have seen mark when all you did was stare at jeno?
"and hes cute too. surely he's got a bunch of girls and boys ready to throw themselves at him. I would too, he's absolutely perfect."
jeno balled his fist. what game are you trying to play? "you're testing me." he may not like you, or maybe he did, but something about you talking about someone else like that sparked jealousy in him.
"good. maybe you'll do something about it." you put a hand on his chest, jenos heart pounding fast as you came closer and whispered, "I bet you won't. all bark no bite. pathetic if you ask me."
"youre gonna regret your words if you keep speaking."
"oh really," you leaned back, his eyes pierced your curious ones with a sense of fury and annoyance, "and what are you gonna do? spank me?"
just like that jeno pulled you out of the room and into another practice room. he pulled a chair out from the corner and pulled you over his knee.
"jeno, I was just kid-"
he spanked you hard over and over and over again as you wailed and wrapped a tight hand around jenos ankle for support. each spank was painful and to the point unbearable, yet jeno didn't back down. not after he felt he could break you now.
each time his hand made contact with your ass, felt like he was letting loose all the pent up anger you caused him over the past months you've been working here. for him, it was hell. no matter what people would say to you about him did not dictate his feelings about you. right now, he hated you and needed to let that burning passion out by spanking you. jeno wanted you to feel the hell he endured when around you. sure enough, you were feeling it, crying and sobbing on his thigh like an idiot.
you didn't fight back even though you proposed that you hated it. your body seemed to like it more then you thought.
"youre a pest!" he landed another hard hit, "an annoying pest who needs to learn when to shut the fuck up. now apologize."
"no!" you winced at another hit, squirming- no more like trying to grind on his lap because of how painfully wet you've become in just minutes.
"apologize." he repeated.
"you're- you're an idiot if you think I'll give up!"
jeno stripped you of your pants and panties, "its cute listening to little sluts like you thinking they have power over someone much stronger then them. it must be tiring thinking youre charge." he taunted before spanking you again, this time the impact was far greater and almost caused you to scream before jeno clasped a hand over your mouth. with the same hand, he pushed you off his lap and on the floor, leaving your lower half bare for him to see.
you were a pretty sight, a mess to say the least, but jeno loved that. finally seeing you disheveled with tears leaking down your cheeks, he thought of you as his little crybaby. he tried his hardest not to take a picture.
"don't think I didnt notice how your wet cunt leaked all over my thigh" he began, "do you really get off to being put in your place, slut? is that why we're here right now?"
"d-dont be so full of y-yourself."
"oh? but your dripping all over the practice floor, how could i not." jenos lips were close to your heat, teasing you with his eyes and tongue as he glided it just above where you wanted him.
you had nothing to say, yet your eyes told him everything. told him just how you'd defy him any chance youd get only to make him more upset. it wouldn't be fun if your goal wasn't to piss him off.
jeno kept his tongue away from your most needed area, his lips kissing anything but your dripping heat as you bucked your hips into his face. jenos hands would push your hips down and back his face away frowning at your behavior and returning to what he was previously doing. you weren't done though, since he was holding your hips, you grabbed his hair and forced his head where you needed him. his tongue inside you was far from good, it was amazing. and though you realized jeno wasn't pushing your hand away, you pushed and pulled his hair as you kept his head in place so he couldn't stop.
the long strides and the smooth rhythm he had was enough to make you arch against the floor, gasping and calling out his name far to loudly for his liking. but with watchful eyes and a steady tongue, he shamelessly enjoyed it yet he had to be aware of the people in the building. one loud moan and someone would sure walk in to see what's up.
so jeno swatted your hand away from his head and lifted up with a frown. he liked the frightened look on your face as he leaned closer and closer, "if you're this much of a slut for people to hear us, we might as well have just stayed where everyone else was."
"thats hot." you stated blankly, jenos eyebrow raised before realizing how far gone you practically were, with how big and dilated your eyes are. "w-wait no! I'll stay quiet I promise."
"No you wont." jeno got up and grabbed your underwear that layed on the floor, then shoved it in your mouth allowing you to taste yourself. "stay quiet, fucktoy."
"fucktoy?- oh fuck!" you mumbled into your panties as his fingers protruded inside you. at least you were quieter this time.
"tell me when youre about to cum." he said just above a whisper as he watched you slip further and further into bliss. the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each skillful thrust from jenos fingers made his cock grow harder each second. you were so hot, so damn beautiful as you moaned into the panties like a little bitch. jeno loved it too much to say he hated you.
"feels good- f-feels so good, j-jeno." you said quietly into the panties. it was getting harder and harder for you to keep silent as he began rubbing your clit like a desperate man, hungry for your cum. but you did your best keeping low.
you grinded against on his hand, inching closer and closer to what you believed to be your orgasm. clentching tightly around jenos fingers you gasped and spat your panties out, "jeno! i-im gonna-
"cum, fucktoy." he insisted, never removing his fingers from your wet hole as a white substance spilled out. he kept going, in and out, in and out as you clamped a hand over your mouth. so much sensitivity and his fingers were still going.
"stop i-i can't take it!" you found his wrist and tightly held it as you attempted to pull him out.
"youre gonna take this like a good bitch until I want to stop." he said right as your second orgasm washed through you.
too much. you could barely think straight and even tried pulling your hips back but his fingers followed.
too sensitive. you could barely breathe because of the overwhelming sensitivity. yet in a twisted way, it felt good in a strange way. maybe it was the pain of cumming over and over or how jeno worked his fingers. either way, you could feel another one building up.
"please, please, please." you cried hoping for the end, but there was no way jeno was stopping.
"apologize and this will be your last one." He stuck his fingers deeper, if that were possible, and watched you squirm trying to find words to say, but all that came out was drool. "disgusting whore." you slapped him in the face for that.
"I-i am not sor-sorry!"
"im not playing these games anymore. say you're sorry."
jeno growled, deeper and deeper he went and faster and faster he goes before your third orgasm of the day came. your legs shook and your grip got tighter but still to no avail did he stop.
you were very persistent on making jeno angry before, but now you seemed to have started rethinking that apology. "im sorry."
"for being rude to you!" you legs shook again and that feeling in your stomach was back, "i-im sorry jeno, but p-please I can't take it!"
he did it. he broke you. and with that he finally pulled his fingers away letting all your cum out.
you cried softly, still a shaking mess from the orgasms and jeno, well he didn't care all too much but he knew he probably shouldn't be too harsh with you about now. so he gently took you in his arms, sitting your bare bottom right on his lap as he rocked you slowly.
"im never leaving after this." you say slowly, "and I know you don't hate me either, I can feel your boner against my ass."
jeno pinches your arm and shushes you. god, you were a pest and maybe youre right. maybe he doesn't hate you like he proclaimed he did. maybe he did enjoy this session in the practice room, but he won't ever say it. not because he's afraid to admit it, but because he doesn't want you to rub it in his face.
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