#previous construction coven head
sound-under-the-sea · 2 years
Mason was best friends with previous Coven Head of the Construction Coven, as they both went in together but he let him take Coven Head job. After his friend retired, he offered him the position as he saw no one else better for the job.
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numericalbridge · 18 days
another wip
Terra’s face reddens. The other Coven Heads whisper among themselves. Someone giggles.
The plants coil around Terra. The spikes seem to grow and curve. “Oh, are you really sure, Head Witch?" Terra crows. "There are four of them. You can understand numbers, right?”
“Terra, Eber, you don’t need to…” Galatea Vault tries to interfere. “Terra, we can all see that they are quite impressive...”
“Fight Eber,” Eberwolf repeats.
“Gladly, you little…”
“Ugh, should we really do this?” Darius Deamonne’s voice interrupts her. From the corner of their eye Eber can see that he is looking into one of those new ‘scroll’ things. “Some of us have work to do," Darius reminds them. "And – what’s equally important – a manicure appointment,” he adds.
“Yes, yes, that’s right,” Galatea hastily agrees. “We can’t just waste our Emperor’s precious time with something so insignificant.”
“No,” the Emperor waves his hand. “I think this might become a good lesson for all of us. Proceed.”
“Of course, My Emperor,” Terra bows.
Eber hides the baby worm in his mane.
“Someone definitely needs to be taught a lesson,” Terra says. Her plants coil up like springs.
“Agreed,” Eber growls.
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space-mermaid-writing · 3 months
The Vamp and the Were [IronStrange]
Summary: Tony would mark the day he met a vampire that did not immediately jump at his throat. Just for once – that would be a nice change.
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: IronStrange, Vampire Stephen Strange, Werewolf Tony Stark, hurt/comfort, idiots in love, angst, urban fantasy au
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Chapter 2: Two
Getting into a vampire nest wasn't the problem. If you knew what you were looking for, the entrance was easy to find – in this case the nest was the abandoned basement of a building that had been waiting for demolition for several years. It was cordoned off with a construction fence, and signs indicated that this was private property – no trespassing.
Still, the upper floors were often used by homeless people or runaway teenagers. The kinds of people who were a perfect snack source for the basement dwellers.
Of course they had some security measures in the form of modern technology, but those posed no challenge to the sorcerer.
As said, getting in wasn't the problem.
But it was like hitting a hornet's nest with a baseball bat; once you opened it, there was no escape. There were only two options: hunt, or be hunted.
The sorcerer of the Mystic Arts consisted of both humans and vampires. But those Vamps couldn't be more different than the vampires they were fighting. They were like two different species.
Stephen used one of his red magic whips to yank a vampire off his feet and hurled her against the wall. He knew it would hurt his opponent, but it wouldn’t be fatal. Only fire or beheading was effective. Or sunlight, if you had enough time.
Tearing a vampire into tiny little pieces so they couldn't regenerate was also an option, but one that took a lot of effort.
Another sorcerer threw a golden spell disc at the vampire Stephen had just thrown against the wall, separating her head from the body.
Although they were no longer human, it hurt Stephen to take their lives. Not because he was of the same species – he felt little affiliation to these beings – but because they, like him, had once been human. But now they were a danger to the world. 
And Stephen had sworn to protect the world. He didn’t differentiate between humans and vampires or any other species that was.
The individuals here had lost almost everything that had once made them human. Unfortunately, that happened a lot of times when they got turned, and nobody took care of them or taught them to be something else than angry and hungry beings."
Stephen had been lucky – if you could call it that – that the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj had found him when he had been at that point.
The sorcerers fought as a team, covered for each other, taking advantage of their years of training together.
The unfriendly vampires moved on instinct. Survival was the only drive they knew. The sorcerers fought as a unit and with tactics, and thus were superior to their opponents. They only had to be careful not to get too close to the pointy teeth.
Stephen used another red whip to pull a vampire away from Wong’s neck.
Suddenly there was a loud crash when part of the wall to their right collapsed. Surprised by this unexpected destruction, the human sorcerers coughed in the dust cloud.
Loud footsteps stepped over the rubble and the outline of the Iron Man suit could be made out in the semi-darkness, along with several other members of the Avengers.
Stark raised a hand and used a repulsor blast to knock one of the enemy vampires, who was trying to use the chaos to pounce on one of the sorcerers, off his feet.
Stephen only allowed himself to be distracted for a moment. He still had his hands full with the vampire on the other end of his whip. At least, until that one too was hit by a blast.
Stark appeared next to him, his faceplate open. "Thanks for the tip with the coven. It wasn't difficult to find after a little bit of research."
Stephen could have slapped himself for telling Stark about it. That meant this little incident here was his fault.
"We had everything under control," he replied through clenched teeth.
“Well, can’t sue me for wanting insurance, doc.” There was a press smile plastered on the hunter’s face.
Tony Stark was unarguably the most famous werewolf in the world. Just as his father had been before him. Tony was probably even more famous, because he had the advantage of social media and globalization.
He used to be seen as the specimen of a Were in a suit – a popular term for a tough businessman.
Stark’s world got turned around after he had been captured by vampires in Afghanistan.
How he survived that without even being turned… It was a miracle. Iron Man was born, who later became a member of the Avengers; a bunch of people of different species with various skills, who hunted undead and protected people from them.
Like they did right now, interfering with the work of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Stephen was just glad that they always took precautionary security measures so that those who were not human beings still appeared as such. He just hoped those measures were enough. 
Well, no time like the present to find out.
The last of the hostile vampires had been killed and Steve Rogers approached him. Probably to speak to Stark, who was still standing next to him, eyeing him curiously, as if he was a riddle to solve.
Ironically, Steve Rogers was one of the projects Howard Stark was most known for. An experiment. He had taken his own werewolf DNA, made a serum and injected it into a human.
The result was surprisingly good looking. Rogers became strong like a Were, having the muscles while his physiology remained mostly human.
Not quite all of it. His hair was a bit too shaggy whenever he didn’t tame it with styling products. His teeth were a bit too sharp, and his voice was commanding in a way that made him sound as if he was barking when giving orders.
Still, America loved him.
“We cleared the basement," Rogers informed Stark before he turned to Stephen, clearly taking the opportunity to seize him up.
Stephen made a subtle gesture to Wong that he and the other sorcerers should leave. There was no need to expose them longer to the Avengers than necessary.
He met the Captain’s eyes and saw the exact moment he flared his nostrils and failed to get any scent from Strange. Good.
Rogers covered his irritation professionally. “Are you the wizard that gave Tony the tip about this nest?” he asked. “Doctor Strange?”
Stephen nodded. “I prefer the term ‘sorcerer’. And yes, I did. Even though it hadn’t been meant as an invitation.” He turned his head to Stark for that last part.
The Were looked back amused, almost challenging. But he was actively following the conversation as if he was still trying to analyze the sorcerer. If he was in his wolf form he would probably have his ears up and his tail at attention.
Then Rogers spoke up again and demanded Stephen’s focus. “Well, the job is done. It’s what we do.”
“And since that is the case, there is no further need for me to stay here.” Stephen raised his hand to create a portal but the Captain was faster.
“Wait,” he commanded, his voice shifting into something more serious. “We’ve got some questions for you.”
The sorcerer considered it for a moment. “Make it brief.”
“Do you fight vampires on a regular basis, doctor? Tony mentioned you two met over that last time.”
Stephen wondered if Stark also told his teammates that he had saved his ass. Probably not by the looks of his face right now.
“If they act as a threat, we do.”
“Who is ‘we’?” It was Stark who raised that question. “How many of you wizards are there?”
“I’m afraid that’s classified.” Stephen moved his hand in a circle and created a portal above him. “And to answer your next question: no. We don’t want to join your hunting club.”
“But what about–…”
Stephen didn’t hear the rest of Roger’s sentence. The cloak had already carried him upwards and the portal closed under his feet before anyone could follow him.
Tag list: @jekyllhydetrash @goopierthenyou Tell me if you wanna be added/removed
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freakystrashdump · 11 months
🔮The Oracle Bakery🔮
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Emperor Belos|Phillip Wittebane/OC
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, Belos is a content warning by himself
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Chapter 15: Daily Potions
Something was amiss.
Belos stirred in his sleep, groaning at the way his back cracked. The sofa in his sitting room, as comfortable as it was, was not made for spending the night on. And he was far too old not to feel the consequences of being cramped in one position on a sofa, caught in some form of half-sleep as he stayed on high alert if his guest needed him in any way.
Magic could only do so much in chasing away the side effects of age.
He sat up, arching his back and feeling (and hearing) it pop back into place, which in return brought a groan to his lips. He rubbed his neck and shoulders, trying to alleviate the tension in his muscles, ice blue eyes squinting as they struggled to adjust to the darkness of the room. He found the longcase clock in the darkness and could just make out the time - twenty minutes to five in the morning.
Something woke him up.
Belos ran a hand through his hair and leaned back, looking and listening. What was it? He thought through the haze of his sleep-ridden brain. His eyes were glazed over as he stared out the window, catching a glimpse of the moon's light from behind the clouds. He exhaled a deep, long sigh as a feeling of fondness washed over him.
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The moon brought comfort, even if it wasn’t his moon. It wasn’t the moon he knew. And yet still…
He wondered briefly if Magnus was still waiting outside the doors. He managed to talk Hunter out of pacing a hole in the carpet outside with how he nervously walked in circles, waiting for any news about the Oracle - the teen looked absolutely stricken with guilt and it made his worry all the more intense. 
But the older Fortuna was not that easy to chase off.
  “I can assure you, Fortuna, your niece is receiving the best care in the Boiling Isles.” Belos asserted, patience slowly wearing thin as he felt like he was speaking to a wall at this point. 
He came out to greet Magnus, the Fortuna prodigy and next in line for Coven Head of the Oracle Coven, assure him that Selena was doing alright and was on her way to recovery, and hopefully get him to leave . Belos didn’t like  knowing that someone was waiting in front of his chambers, alert and on guard and probably holding a grudge towards him at the moment, the thought filling him with unease.
Magnus, however, didn’t move from his place as he listened to the Emperor. A purple magic construct serving as a place to sit, he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, a scowl ever present on his face. 
And you didn’t have to be an Oracle to feel the grim, oppressing aura emanating from him. It made Belos’ hair stand on end.
The oracle prodigy rolled his shoulders, the scowl never leaving him “I have no doubts she is, Emperor Belos.” he proceeded in an even, cold tone “There is no safer place than the palace - even if it is where she got hurt.” Belos clenched his teeth at that remark “But I’ll leave after I personally have made sure she is safe.”
Damned be the stubbornness of the Fortunas…
“I can’t let you see her, Selena is resting. And it is of critical importance that she is not disturbed.” Belos tried not to let his irritation show “Her recovery depends on it. I’m sure you understand.”
“Then I’ll wait.” Magnus shot back, the bark in his voice letting the Emperor know this conversation was over and that he wasn’t moving on his own free will no matter how many sweet words and reassurance he had to offer him.
Belos clenched his fists, eyes narrowing behind the mask “ Fine . Wait, then.”
Damned be the stubbornness of the Fortunas indeed. Like a pack of wild cats, never letting themselves be tamed, always hissing and spitting at anyone trying to control them. He spent years herding them in, keeping them in check, earning their trust, and still they barred their teeth. They were too influential, too annoyingly powerful to be left unleashed.
Selena was much tamer than the rest of her kin, but the teeth were still there, still sharp. She still bristled like a feral kitten away from its mother at his hands as he tried to capture her, spitting as he got closer.
A foolish endeavour from her part. She’ll appreciate him caging her in the end.
Lost in thought - that's when he finally heard it. 
The thing that woke him up.
He left the door to his bedchamber ajar, so he could hear if the girl inside needed anything throughout the night. And while he had no real intention of sleeping, he had turned the lights off, not wanting them to seep through the door and disturb her rest. At some point he had lied down for a second, just to rest his body, and the next thing he knew, he was out like a light. And now, through the door, he heard a faint whimper. 
Belos was on his feet in seconds, grabbing at the mask he left on the tea table before lying down hours before, and put it on in a haste, letting out a low hiss when he accidentally put it on too fast and too hard, the action giving his nose a knock with the metal. Despite that, he rushed to his bedchambers.
"Selena?" He called out as soon as he opened the door. She was there, sitting on the bed and hugging her knees. Her head snapped to face him as soon as she heard him intrude, a gasp escaping her lips.
Crying. She was crying.
"I…I'm sorry, I just…" she immediately started apologising, wiping her face to hide any evidence of her tears.
Belos was immediately at her side "Hush, hush now." He whispered, trying to soothe her.
"I- I woke you up, I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry, it's okay." Belos whispered "Are you alright?" She lowered her head, not wanting to look at him, but he was having none of it. He bent over slightly, trying to catch her eyes "Hmm?" He coaxed further.
"I just…" Selena let out a little sniffle "It's a lot."
"It is, isn't it?" Belos sighed, leaning back on his arms.
"I do nothing but cause trouble." He heard her mutter into her knees.
"No, you don't."
"Yes I do!" Selena snapped around to face him, hair flying around her face with a life of its own "This whole fia sco would have never happened if I wasn't so… so careless!" She frowned in frustration and continued "And even then, maybe if we never fought, I wouldn't have been so absentminded to the point of carelessness!" Her clenched fist hit the mattress, the bubbling anger more than apparent "And that never would have happened in the first place if I hadn't attempted to bond with your nephew - all that accomplished was you being angry at me and your nephew now hates me, too!" She buried her head once again in her knees.
Belos watched her, unsure of which part of her breakdown to address first. He hesitated, lips opening and closing as he did, before settling on one "Hunter doesn't hate you."
Probably the wrong thing to say, he thought, as Selena's head whipped to him, fury etched on her face “Do not try and spare my feelings.” she hissed through sobs “You were right, my token of kindness was unneeded and a burden. He hates it!” she had to laugh at herself as the annoyance came back full swing, and she furiously blinked back the tears “He…hates it.” she shook her head and looked away as her anger once more subsided into desperation, hiding her face from him again. She covered her head with her arms as she did, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a tiny, inconspicuous ball.
This was not what he had anticipated.
At least, not in such abundance. Belos knew she would react badly as he let the inevitable blow-up from Hunter play out. The boy was primed to be untrustworthy of her from the start, and him reacting in anger was not something he had to influence him to do. So he let it play out, keeping her on ice until it did, just to make sure it hits her hard, as penance for going behind his back. But this much guilt and anger which choked up in her throat, it wasn’t in his plan.  Her face flushed with embarrassment, eyes reddened with tears as she continued to curse herself, it was as heart wrenching of a sight as it was intoxicating.
Perhaps the near death experience amplified her emotions.
Her reacting so strongly was not part of his plan. Admittedly, her starting this entire little endeavour behind his back wasn’t what he had expected in the first place , either, but she had started making it a habit of taking him by surprise.
Selena doing something secretive, and with Hunter - it was like a trigger being pulled, left over sensitive and raw by having to watch way too many grimwalkers, sooner or later, go behind his back over one thing or another. A betrayal, after betrayal, after betrayal , just like-
And Hunter… Hunter was so much like him . Despite everything, he didn't want to replace him, not so soon. Not ever , if he could help it.
Lord, give him just this one
So his temper flared - he wished it hadn’t. Not in front of her. Not when she was opening up to him. It was a miscalculation, a misstep, a pesky emotional reaction he never should have let surface. But it had, and now the spiralling consequences caught up, always spiralling consequences, which he struggled so hard to control. He had to have control, if he didn’t, then he loses , and he can’t bare to lose-
Belos could feel himself spiralling, slowly but surely, the stress from the day prior creeping up in the dead of the night, making his throat clench and breathing pick up. The woman next to him continuing her rant, however, was more than enough to drag him back before his thoughts ventured further.
"And I missed the stupid… Blight sale, too!" Her temper flared, open palm hitting the mattress out of frustration "I promised to be there, and I wasn't!" She pressed her knuckles to her forehead as she pouted "And I didn't get to see Odalia's face turn red with anger at that letter I was gonna give her, either!"
It served well enough. Dragging him back from the edge. The childishly petty comment Selena made at the end was more than enough to lift his spirits.
"I'm sure Hunter would be more than happy to tell you all about how madam Blight reacted to the letter you intended for her." Belos said coolly, satisfied when he got the dumbfounded reaction he wanted to see. Feeling smug, he further elaborated "Hunter volunteered to go in your stead. With how worried he seemed for your wellbeing, I couldn't refuse such a request."
He saw how the cogs turned in her head, trying to make sense of things "He was…worried?" She asked softly, bewildered.
Belos nodded "He seemed very eager, as well." He raised his hand and placed it on top of her head. "I do not know what transpired between you two, but I can tell you with certainty that Hunter felt incredibly guilty because of it." He chuckled as he continued "He had been patrolling outside my chambers ever since you were brought here, hoping I'd invite him in to see you. It took quite a bit of convincing on my part before he left to get some rest."
Hearing this seemed to have finally placated the oracle. Not fully, mind you, but enough that her chest stopped shaking with sobs and her eyes became a little less dull. Still, Selena stayed silent and withdrawn, her mind running a thousand miles an hour. Knowing it would take a little more coaxing before she let him charm her back to sleep, Belos stretched his arm out towards the door, the red glow of his magic more than noticeable in the darkness of the night.
"How about some warm soup?" He offered as a full bowl floated into the room, into his awaiting hand. "There was still some mist coming from your lips when you were sobbing, Hettie said it would help."
Selena peeked from where she sat as he offered it to her "That doesn't look very warm to me."
Belos raised an eyebrow behind his mask. With his other hand, he spun his finger above the soup, once, twice, and in seconds hot steam rose above the bowl, which he then offered once more to the girl. She gave it a distrusting look, eyes fleeting up to him for a second (forgetting in her exhausted state that she could not get a read on his expression, as he was still very much hidden behind a mask), before gingerly reaching out and accepting the bowl into her hold. Selena readjusted herself on the bed, sitting with her back propped up against the numerous pillows and headboard, she cradled the soup between her chest and her knees.
Abandoning the spoon completely, she brought the bowl to her lips, taking a tentative gulp "It's…very nice." Selena muttered, the edge of the bowl resting on her bottom lip. "Thank you, Emperor."
"You're welcome." Belos returned just as politely "Now make sure to finish the entire thing, the warmth should help chase the frostmist clear out of your lungs."
Selena noded, taking another sip. It was easy to eat it that way, as it was a clear soup, no noodles and just the occasional chopped veggie. She definitely could feel the warmth spreading from the inside with every single gulp, reminding her of the way hot cocoa felt so amazing after coming inside the winter cabin they would rent at the Knee. It felt nostalgic, somehow.
The two settled into a somewhat comfortable silence, or the closest thing to it. The emperor was even being polite enough not to stare insistently, as he so usually did, instead his gaze transfixed on to the window across the room from them.
"Have you calmed down a little?"
Selena didn't look at him, opting to stare ahead as well "...a little."
There was a deep hum from Belos, acknowledging her answer. They stayed like that for a moment or two longer. Both choosing to remain silent on the dark thoughts that loomed over their heads, like a gloom cloud threatening to brim over with boiling rain, leaving burn marks everywhere in its wake.
"Perhaps-" Belos started slowly "-we should try bringing your thoughts away from…such a dark place." His head tilted slightly towards her "How about you tell me all about when you started being so interested in humans?"
There was a loud sigh which could have passed as a groan coming from the Oracle "Oh Titan…I don't think I can say it." She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes "It's embarrassing. You'll just laugh at me."
"I promise I won't."
Selena now let out an actual groan "No, you totally will! Believe me!" When he chuckled, she pointed at him accusingly "There, you already started!"
"Selena." The man pleaded, and Selena could imagine the puppy dog eyes he must have been pulling behind the mask "I promise. Please?"
Hearing him say please so sweetly (well, hearing him say please at all), it gave her goosebumps and made her head feel light. And it definitely cracked her resolve like a griffin egg, all the way through.
Well, it couldn't hurt, she reasoned with herself. It was just a super embarrassing story from her youth she was about to tell to the Emperor of the Isles, no big deal.
Sighing really, really deeply, she started her story "When I was younger. And dumber ." She handed him the almost finished bowl of soup, and Belos placed it on the night table "I already heard stories about humans, right? How they come from another realm, weird, with no magic, kind of high-strung. It’s rumoured that, sometimes… they're witch hunters, too." She grimaced at that, not noticing how Belos turned his head away at that statement. "Well, when I was about… maybe eleven? Or was it twelve? It was a while ago, I can't remember precisely. Either way, we were supposed to write an essay for school. It was all about how well we could do research, so we were free to choose any subject, and I decided that the human realm should be an easy thing to write about."
Still staring into the distance, Belos interjected "And was it? Easy to write about?"
Selena let out a little huff through her nose instead of laughing fully "Surprisingly, it really wasn't." She responded with a small smile as she sank further into the many pillows behind her "The available literature was limited, and it seemed…very badly researched." She scrunched up her nose disapprovingly "If I could notice that at my age, you could only imagine what it was like." Belos let out a small laugh under his breath at that assessment, and she joined him as she remembered further "I was so upset, you wouldn't believe it." Selena snickered "Here was an assignment I thought would be effortless on my part, and it was giving me such a headache. I complained loudly to my parents about it, how all the literature was trash, and how was it possible the library didn't have better books on humans? And they, in return, told my grandparents and uncle about how cute I was, all outraged and stomping my feet over unprofessional scientific papers at the age of, like, twelve."
"I don't blame them." Belos added, mirth obvious in his voice "You probably were very cute."
Thank the Titan for the shroud of the night, because Selena felt her cheeks flushing at that comment.
"A-anyway-" she stuttered slightly "-it was my uncle who came to the rescue. He persuaded master librarian Malphas to let us into the Forbidden Stacks. It wasn't that hard - apparently he was indebted to my grandmother after she predicted a devastating fire in the library, that they were then able to stop before it destroyed everything. So, Magnus took me to the off-limits wing, where there were more obscure books about humans and their realm. I think running through the Forbidden Stacks and climbing the bookshelves as high as the ceiling has to be one of my fondest memories." She smiled softly to herself as she remembered "But none of the books there came close to this one journal I found, hidden away."
She failed to hear how Belos' breath hitched in his lungs "A journal, you say?"
"The personal journal of a human called Philip Wittebane.” she smiled fondly ”A long time ago, he explored the Demon Realm. Humans used to come here, can you believe it?" Selena sighed dreamily, and then hid her face behind her hands "Goodness, it's so embarrassing just thinking about it!" She giggled nervously behind her hands "But the way he wrote, oh! It captivated me, every part of me! I read the journal over and over, cover to cover, like such a little lovestruck weirdo. I started imagining what it would be like, meeting this human from centuries ago. Then I started writing about it in my own journal, too - Make believe stories where we meet and he whisks me away to the human realm."
It was all too much - Belos couldn't stop himself. His shoulders were shaking as he did his best to stifle the laugh, his hand flying under the mask to cover his mouth and muffle any sound threatening to escape. Seeing this, the oracle gasped in outrage.
"Emperor!" Selena whined, hiding behind her fingers once more "You promised!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" As soon as he opened his mouth to apologise, a louder laugh escaped him "I simply couldn't help myself!"
The oracle groaned, sliding down on the bed till she was barely visible from the cushions and covers surrounding her "I knew it, I told you so!" She despaired loudly, which only served to fuel the fire behind Belos' laugh more.
"Come on now, don't be like that, it's sweet!" Belos tried reassuring her "It's very sweet, really it is!"
"You can't even say that with a straight face!"
With lungs still filled with laughter, Belos reached for her, taking the wrist closest to him and pulling that hand away from her face, exposing her while she tried to hide. "I mean it - it's a type of innocent wonder only a child could hold. Thank you for sharing that story with me, I very much enjoyed it." he tilted his head to the side “A little crush on a human, how quaint .”
Selena struggled to hide her entire face with only one hand, so unfortunately one eye was peeking out through her fanned out fingers, forced to face Belos "I'm glad someone at least enjoyed it, because I for one am mortified." Her complaining only made him snicker again, very obviously enjoying the torment she was being put through "You should have let the black ice take me."
This earned her a laugh from the emperor "Unfortunately -" he started cheekily, releasing her wrist from his grip "- it would seem that Lady Luck decided not to let the ice take you. Or, in layman's terms: You're stuck with me, my dear."
"It would seem so." Selena muttered, unconsciously placing the hand that he let her take back gingerly against her cheek. Thanks to the frostmist that still lingered in her body, It felt noticeably warmer from his touch. "Well, for better or for worse it is, then, that we're stuck together." She half-joked, a dry chuckle escaping her.
"For better or for worse." Belos echoed, decidedly, as if putting a dot at the end of that conversation "I do wonder, though, whatever happened to the journal?" He changed the subject, catching her by surprise.
"Oh, hmm." Selena thought about it "I tried sneaking it back home, but I was caught and forced to return it. It's probably still in the forbidden stacks." Selena moved around, pushing the pillows around and getting more comfy on the bed. "Probably for the worse, the stacks were not in the best of shape when I was last there, there were way too many echo mice in there for comfort." Crossing her arms, her brows knitted together in thought "I remember copying parts of it by hand to bring home, not much of it because I was still writing an essay but… I wonder if any of that survived the last move, it was stacked in a box somewhere in the old house's attic I think…"
Letting out a deep, forlorn sigh, Selena finally seemed to have nestled fully in the bed. "I don't know… call it a weird oracle sixth sense or whatever you wish, but I feel like the journal probably got damaged beyond repair through the years." The way she pursued her lips and her eyes squinted, it was obvious she believed that truly and that it made her heart ache. 
“That is very defeatist of you.”
“Unfortunately, I’m rarely wrong on such matters.” she said, more decidedly, a certainty in her voice as she defended her forementioned sixth sense she spoke of earlier. "It breaks my heart to think about it, but the Stacks really are a place books go to die.” She turned to lie on her side, pulling the covers tightly under her arms, eyes at half-mast as they gazed sleepily up at the man sitting at the edge of the bed “Some of it still remains, though, up here.” her fingers gently rapped against her forehead to further illustrate her point “Shame that memories tend to be so fickle, though.”
Belos scooched slightly closer, leaning over the girl's form as he watched her let out a tiny yawn “Memories are all we have sometimes, and are more precious than any books lost to time.” he said as his hand slowly raised, pressing the tips of his middle and index finger to her forehead "Now, get some rest, Lena."
With a soft exhale, the magic washed over her and Selena was out like a light.
The next time Selena awoke, the room was bright, washed in the warm rays of the sun. She hailed the morning, after a night that seemed to have lasted far too long. It almost felt like a dream, a hallucination, as bits and pieces came together the more her brain awoke, forming into one coherent story.
Her thoughts wandered back, as she puzzled together the pieces of the dream that plagued her after her waltz with death, but it felt useless as her mind would default back again and again to the late night conversations with the Emperor. To how he made sure she was taken care of, and that she would recover no matter the cost.
To how she was in the Emperor's most private chambers, occupying his bed, wearing a man's button up blouse that hung loosely over her hands and down to her thighs. It didn't take a genius to connect whose blouse it was.
Who changed her, anyway?!
So the dream (if she could even really call it one because there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head that it may have been a bit too real to be either a dream or a premonition or omen), while she could recall it perfectly, lay forgotten in lieu of more…pressing issues.
However, she didn't get much time to herself (or her thoughts) - mere minutes after she opened her eyes, the room was crowded by Emperor Belos and coven head Hettie.
"Perfect!" Hettie cooed as she checked her vitals "You are recovering just perfectly, my Lady! At this rate, I feel confident in dismissing you by this afternoon!" She turned to Selena, who was trying not to stare too long at either her or Belos (who loomed behind the healer, watching her work), feeling too self-conscious now when she wasn’t hidden away by the shroud of night "Alright, my Lady, head and back straight, look directly up and take in the deepest breath you can-" Selena did exactly as she ordered, lying on her back straight as a plank "-aaaand exhale all the way out, let all the air out of your lungs…there we go! Good, good " she muttered to herself, taking out a little vial from her belt "There is barely any frostmyst left, just some bubbling over your lips before it completely dissipates. Here, you should take one last dose of Vitimir's potion, just as a safety precaution."
Belos reached over and took the vial from her before she could offer it to Selena "I'll make sure she drinks it, thank you Hettie."
If she found it weird, Hettie didn't show it. Just lifted the edge of her lips slightly, a hint of a smirk "Of course, Emperor. I trust you will." She replied and stood up from where she sat on the edge of the bed 
"...I can drink it by myself…" Selena let out childishly, but her objection was received to deaf ears.
"Now my lady, I trust you to be a good girl and listen to our Emperor. He only has your best interest in mind - you won't get better care anywhere else on the Isles!" Hettie chastised cheerfully "And make sure to finish your soup, too!" She added at the end, pleased as pudding when she got an obedient "Yes, ma'am" from her patient. She made her way to the door, more than happy to entrust her care into the Emperor's capable (and awaiting) hands.
Following her to the door, Belos addressed her in a hushed tone "Is Magnus still outside?"
"I don't think he ever left, my Lord." Hettie answered "Should I let him in?"
Belos shook his head “No, I’ll call for him myself. Just tell him she's doing alright.” He put a hand to her shoulder, leaning in slightly  "If it is not too much trouble, can you send for the Golden Guard? The boy was very troubled last night, I'd like to ease his worries as well."
"Of course, Emperor Belos. It will pose no trouble at all."
And just like that, with a bow and a smile, Hettie was gone. Leaving only Belos and Selena in his royal bedchambers once more. He stood by the door, looking out and waiting for Hettie to leave his sitting room, then quietly closing the door.
"Busy, busy." Selena heard him sigh, his back still turned to her "At least you are well on the road to recovery." He looked at her over his shoulder "But how are you feeling, Selena?"
“As well as I could, Emperor.” The woman sat up in bed, making sure to keep the (now substantially less of them) covers up to her waist. The mens button-up she wore covered down to the middle of her thighs, but she wasn’t taking any chances. With a dry chuckle, she added “All things considered”
“All things considered indeed .” he repeated as he made his way back to her, taking up the spot on the edge of the bed once more as he had numerous times before. “Perhaps this could be a learning moment for you, then, about the dangers of fraternising with wild witches.” Selena groaned, throwing her head back and sinking back into the pillows “Don’t groan at me." He chastised her, in a very parental manner "I did warn you, but I suppose you just have too soft of a heart." He did sound earnest, but the oracle could hear his words as nothing more than mocking.
“Oh come now, Emperor Belos, and we were having such a wonderful time together.” she snapped back “Don’t ruin it.”
“These wild witches, these untrustworthy hexen , they are dangerous-”
“No more dangerous than any witch in a coven!”
“I was terrified!” he raised his voice, the tone making Selena flinch, the worry in his words coiling tightly around her heart “Your skin was blue, it was cold as ice to the touch, I was convinced you met your death!” he turned away from her, focusing instead on his open palm. “I held you in my arms and could not feel your heartbeat, could not hear you breathing-” his voice cut off, trembling, like it could not go further as the memories swarmed him.
He… was the one who held her? 
All the anger she held when he started to push his crusader agenda dissipated in seconds, replaced instead by guilt. Guilt that she made him worry this much. The hurt in his voice was like a vice in her chest, constricting and painful. Without thinking, she reached for him, wanting nothing more than to offer comfort. Against her better judgement, shaking hands found his arm, resting on his back and bicep, tugging him just a sliver closer to her as she leaned towards him, letting her forehead press against his shoulder.
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“I’m sorry.” Selena let out, just above a whisper “I’m sorry to have made you worry.”
She knew she crossed boundaries that never should be crossed, coming so close to the ruler of the Isles; her heart fluttered in fear at the thought. But as she heard his erratic breathing hitch in his throat, as if he forgot how to breathe for a moment, before he let out a long, shaky breath, one she felt under her skin, feeling how he calmed down at her touch, she let those worries go to the back of her mind. If he minded it, he didn’t word it out loud.
Perhaps the Emperor was right. Perhaps she did have too soft of a heart.
Afterall, here she was, comforting the man she considered her enemy. If that wasn’t a sign of weakness, too caring, too soft and easily manipulated, then nothing was. So much of a bleeding heart that all the disgust and fear she would feel at his touch was long forgotten. All it took was him showing a glimmer of genuine emotion. She didn’t even flinch when his hand covered the one she had placed on his arm, letting him do so and find comfort.
“I’m fine now.” she reassured him “So you don’t need to worry anymore.” she gave his arm a squeeze, one last offer of comfort, and pulled away. His hand lingered where it was, where it held hers, for a moment longer. As if savouring the touch.
Belos let out a long, heavy sigh “You’re fine now.” he muttered low and under his breath, the only reason Selena heard him was because it was the only sound in the tranquillity of the bedchambers. And, despite it only lasting seconds, to Selena it felt like they hadn’t moved for painstakingly long minutes. She memorised every single speckle on the back of her hands as she held them in her lap where she sat, feeling too awkward to look anywhere else.
Finally, finally , she heard the Emperor clear his throat and straightened his back, gathering up the last of his dignity that he let crumble for a moment, putting back the facade. Just the little change in his posture felt like it changed his entire demeanour, like it erased completely what transpired just moments before.
The way he controlled the room was nothing short of both astounding and terrifying.
He turned back around, facing her once more and beckoning her closer “Come, I need to administer the last potion to you.”
Vaguely, Selena remembered mentions of a potion, one that Hettie wanted to give her but that Belos snatched away before she could “I can drink it by myself.” The protest was weak on her lips and they both knew it.
“Now now.” he tutted and examined the vial he held up in the air. It was gold in colour, warm and glowing (which made sense as it was meant to chase away the cold) “What did dear Hettie say to you before she left?”
It took a second for Selena to snap her attention away from the glowing gold in the vial, images of golden moths dancing in the back of her mind “Uhh… to be good and listen to the Emperor?”
“That’s right, good job.” Selena felt her entire body bristle at the dripping condescension “To be a good girl and listen to your Emperor, if we want to be more precise.” he turned to her, and this time, his eyes were glowing behind the mask “Now, be a good girl for me and come here.”
Whatever sympathy, whatever grace there was, it burned up, eaten by the blue blaze that lay dormant in her chest where Belos had lit it the first time he dared call her that. It overpowered everything else in an instant, swallowed it whole, until she felt nothing but the fire and the smoke, burning up from the inside. She told herself it was anger, even though anger ran red, not ice blue (just like his eyes). And now after she had felt the biting cold of the black ice, feeling this again made her head spin .
Every time he called her that she made a mental note to beat up and traumatise more of his precious little scouts.
"Come, Selena, I don't have all day." Belos gripped her wrist, giving an insistent tug. Which, taken aback and overwhelmed as she was, didn't register fully with her, so her body instinctively scooched over.
Way too close.
"Your uncle has been waiting outside, by the way." Belos mentioned offhandedly, letting go of her wrist once he was satisfied with how close she was. "As soon as we are done with your medicine, I'll let him in to see you."
"My- Magnus?" His spell on her seemed to break on her momentarily "How- how long has he been waiting?"
Belos didn't answer right away, instead turning the vial in his hand, then removing the cork at the top with a surprisingly loud 'pop' "Oh, I'd say he had been patrolling outside my room the entire night, like a caged animal." His hand, surprisingly casually as if he's done this a hundred times before, loosely gripped her jaw "Now, the potion is apparently hot going down, so try not to jerk away until you've drunk it all."
"I, uh, I guess I'll try?" Selena let out nervously, eyes bouncing between the potion in his other hand and his mask, not quite sure where to even look and not feel like dying of embarrassment.
She heard him let out a loud breath through his nose, a hint of a chuckle "Good girl."
Titan damn him, why does he have to do that-
Belos pressed the vial to her parted lips, the fingers gripping her jaw tilting her head back as he did. The liquid hit her tongue, and it tasted… sparkly. Is that even a taste? Either way, it was the closest word she could use to describe it. Selena quickly swallowed, and it felt swelteringly hot as it went down her throat. A jarring opposite to how the frostmist felt when it started taking over her lungs. Selena shuddered as her entire body flushed with heat. It was as if she took a full gulp from the boiling sea itself.
It didn't hurt, at least not in the way one would expect burning to hurt, but Titan it felt bad .
Selena jerked away fast, despite the emperor's prior warnings, but the hand on her jaw kept her static as the last of the potion drained from the vial. Belos tsk'd loudly, removing the vial away from her lips and tugging her closer to him, his mask uncomfortably close "Selena, I told you Not. To. Move." He warned, enunciating his point by jolting her head to the beat of his last three words.
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He watched as the witches entire face scrunched up and turned red - he could feel it grow hot where he held her - eyes closed and lips pursed shut as she tried to shake his hold off of her "Did you swallow all of it?" Feverishly, she nodded, and he let go of her jaw "Good."
Selena instantly jumped back, decorum and modesty be damned as she landed on her bum, covers gone and forgotten. She clutched at her chest as the heat burned all the way down, spreading through her veins like liquid metal. It felt horrid, absolutely horrid (especially for her, who never was a fan of the sweltering weather of the Isles, this was torture) . Selena doubled over, feeling something bubble in her chest and rise up the same path that the accursed potion just went down through.
A gentle hand landed on top of her head, running through her hair "Breathe, Selena."
Such a strong sense of deja vu.
The oracle exhaled deeply, letting out the air that was trapped in her lungs before she started convulsing. And while she couldn't see it, on account of her eyes being screwed shut, she could feel it - feel it move up her windpipe, push up her throat, and bubble at her mouth, leaving her lips and caressing her cheeks as it spiralled up and above into the air.
"There we go." She heard Belos hum above her.
His fingers detangling her hair felt strangely soothing.
When it (she assumed it was a lingering bubble of frostmist still lodged in her lungs) was out, the sweltering heat started to subside. She had to concentrate on her breathing, feeling like she ran a mile, having to manually force herself not to gulp it down greedily like she just came up for air. And, worst of all, Selena felt super gross. Now that the overwhelming feeling of flames had been snuffed out just as fast as it came, she realised just how clammy and sweaty her skin had become. 
"That was…" a pathetic whine left her, which she tried her best to mask as annoyance "...that was the absolute worst."
She heard Belos chuckle above her, giving her a little pat. "You're far too old to act like a baby about taking your medicine."
The oracle scoffed loudly. Becoming aware that the sheets - that were so pleasantly cold before - had become disgustingly warm, she straightened up, doing her best to push down the button up blouse down her thighs as she did. "Yeah, I'd like to see how you'd handle that." She ran her hand through her hair and grimaced - her scalp was uncomfortably hot, and the base of her hair was covered in sweat. 
"I wasn't the one who almost died."
"No, but if it weren't for me, you would have been dead."
She saw his glowing eyes narrow in annoyance "Touche."
Gods, she hated feeling this warm. She was actually yearning for the cold that rattled her bones whilst she was buried under piles of blankets. Forming a spell circle, Selena lifted it up to her face, the glowing ring blowing air into her face like a fan. She let out a content sigh. It felt like heaven on her flushed skin.
"That should have been the last of the frostmist, according to Hettie." Belos explained, slowly getting to his feet "So you should be clear to leave later today."
Selena was in too much bliss to look at him, eyelids fluttering shut at the pleasant breeze "What time is it?"
"Seven forty five in the morning." Belos quickly answered, heading for the door "I'll call for Magnus, but before I do-" he paused once he reached the door, opening it and looking back at her. Hearing him trail off like that, Selena cracked one eye open, and saw his glowing eyes move over her, starting from her face and slowly (uncomfortably so) moving all the way down "-perhaps you should make yourself more… presentable?"
Her eyebrows arched up in confusion, craning her neck down to follow his gaze -
The magic fan ring was all in vain as her face flushed hot once again. To her absolute horror, most of the buttons on the blouse had come undone without her noticing, revealing way too much of her thighs than any self respecting lady of her stature would be comfortable showing a man. With a loud squeak, she scrambled for one of the covers, struggling to untangle it from under her. 
She heard doors open and close, but not before the now unmistakable sound of the Emperor's deep, satisfied chuckle.
She cursed him internally just as she accidentally fell over unceremoniously after she pulled on the cover under her too hard.
Oh, Midnight was gonna have a blast taking out all these anger issues stacking on top of each other like a game of jenga as soon as she was out of the palace.
Just like he promised, Emperor Belos had let her uncle come into his private abode, to visit her and make sure she was safe. Magnus, ever the stoic, intimidating figure, walked in with a familiar scowl on his face, an aura of doom and gloom entering before even he did.
The oppressive aura lifted the moment he saw her.
Before she could even greet him properly, he power walked to her and enveloped her in a spine-breaking embrace, almost knocking her completely over.
"Thank the Titan you're okay." Magnus muttered into her hair, hanging on to her even tighter, her much smaller frame completely engulfed and hidden from sight by him.
"I'm fine, uncle, I'm fine." Selena managed to wheeze out, patting his back in an attempt to get him to lessen his grip "Don't worry, I'm fine."
"I was worried sick!" Magnus gave one last squeeze, making Selena let out a breathless squeak of pain, and released her. Holding her by the shoulders, his eyes moved erratically over her face, checking to see if anything was amiss. "The moment I heard the news spread through the palace, that someone was hurt, I knew it was you."
Yeah, the Oracle senses sometimes really sucked. The feeling of dread in one's gut that something bad happened tends to be correct nine times out of ten.
Magnus' eyes softened when he saw no injury on her, and he took her face into his hands, sighing as he felt his heart fill with ease. She was there. She wasn't dead. Selena, seeing his worry, put her hands over his.
"I was careless." She said quietly "And I got hurt trying to fix it. But I'm alright now." She looked behind Magnus at Belos, who stood by the door with his arms crossed while he observed them, like a fly on the wall. "Emperor Belos, in all his grace, made sure I was given the best of care."
"It was the least I could do to thank you for saving my life." At the sound of Belos' voice, she saw Magnus' scowl deepen.
Magnus was, according to her mom and gran, a tightly woven bundle of anger,  bubbling under the very thin surface. Not that Selena ever saw that anger come out except for a specifically scathing remark, or in the constant scowl he wore. Not to say Ursula and Isabella weren't known for being spitfires themselves. However, the two of them didn’t try to hide it or internalise it, like Magnus did. It’s… hereditary , to say the least.
Magnus, however, never let it show, at least not in front of her nor her siblings. Which didn’t mean she didn’t know it was there, oh no. She knew, and right now, she saw it in that scowl and the ugly downturn of his lips. And knowing the possibility of his horrid temper rearing its ugly head, already showing in how his lips snarled, and knowing how absolutely unhinged Emperor Belos could be, Selena panicked internally once the realisation hit that if there was a clash, it would leave no prisoners. In this room - nor in the Palace for that matter.
Titan, how could he torture her like this, forcing her in to the position where she was forced to walk the tightrope as she was thrust in to the position of peacemaker to these two fully grown men.
Selena gripped her uncle's hands harshly, nails digging in, forcing his attention back to her. She frowned at him, giving a decisive glare from under her brows, and gave him a very miniscule shake of her head.
“The Emperor has been very kind to me, staying by my bedside vigilantly.” she asserted, glowering daggers into his eyes “I could not have asked for better company.”
“Don’t start anything, damn you.” She forced her way into his mind, opening a telepathic connection just to deliver the warning, cutting it off cold turkey as soon as she had her say. The message was simple - she wasn’t taking any objections.
Magnus, taken aback by how quickly her presence came and left his mind, seemed dumbfounded for a second, eyes widening and eyebrows arching up. But he quickly shook it off, his trademark glare returning along with a grimace as he bared his teeth in annoyance. He rolled his eyes dramatically and pulled his hands away from her face, the irritated expression clearly saying “Fine. But I do not have to like it.”
The older Fortuna decided to stop crowding her and moved to the edge of the bed, opting to just pretend Belos wasn’t there. “When will you be let out?” 
“Later today.” Selena smiled when she saw him relax his face, forcing himself to calm down “I was given potions by coven head Vitimir that helped remove the curse, and they worked so well that coven head Hettie cleared me earlier this morning.”
“I’ll be there to take you.” Magnus quickly answered, not leaving her room for arguments as he cast a spell circle, summoning his personal crystal ball to him. It landed heavily in his hand. “Now, Ursula said to contact her as soon as I got to you-” he saw Selena’s eyes widen in horror as soon as he said that “-don’t give me that look, of course I told her! She’s your mother!”
“B-b-but do you have to call her?!” she glanced nervously at Belos “Now?!”
“She needs to know you’re okay.” Magnus stated matter-of-factly “Everyone in the family has been worried since last night!”
Selena whined in despair and ran her hands down her face. Peeking from behind her uncle, she addressed the Emperor, who was leaning against the wall near the door and waiting patiently “Ah… Emperor Belos, I know it’s incredibly rude of me to ask you this, but -”
Belos raised his hand, a gesture that silenced her in an instant “I’ll give you privacy, do not worry.” he replied coolly and pushed himself off the wall “I’d hate to intrude on a touching family moment like this.”
“Thank you.” Selena smiled at him, a weight taken off of her chest as he left the room and closed the door behind him.
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crimeronan · 9 months
I love political and tactical fantasy shenanigans so I'm very 👀 over that appearing in the princess luz au in some way. There's so much you can play around with, like the public opinion, who gets supplies for not just the castle but the civilians, or runs this or that, and how the different coven's are run (i read a v neat theory that the abomination coven has more opportunities because of Darius, for example), any new covenhead will have to untangle the mess and horrors of their predecessor, and bringing in new people to run a section or help support a coven that's surprise surprise being held together by string and luck because the previous head was incompetent or didn't care enough. Or both.
Like the plant coven's plantations that are mentioned once in Hunting Palismen that guard the remaining palistrom trees. That'll need to be dealt with so more witches can recieve palismen, and then they'll need someone to carve them(possible lead in to Hunter getting intrested in palisman carving? ovo CLAWTHORNE CLAN APPEARANCE MAYBE??). Not to mention the overhaul of the education system, of which TERRA is apparently in charge of, which explains a lot, actually. How many buildings on TBI aren't built to sustain the boiling rain and rely on magic or pure luck to stay standing because the construction coven either didn't bother to do their jobs or they simply couldn't because they didn't have the resources and time, so those who have the most money get priority?
Not to mention taking care of monsters! The empress coven can't be too different from the emperor's coven yet, so they're not very efficient(because they're a cult and that's how they function) and someone has to address that and Lilith is too used to the system to recognise the problems by herself. Maybe Luz makes it law that all coven's now must have a head coven and a vice head of sort, so all the power and decision making doesn't rest with only one person?
Sorry, I'm rambling, I just love this kind of stuff, I go a little insane over it. Adding on all the characters being very stupid or very crazy or both makes for a funny time.
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!! THIS IS ALL SO GOOOOD these thoughts are all so good. at first i didn't want to plot a big long story about what exactly luz does to solve some of these issues, bc watching and dreaming addressed everything so well... but the circumstances of this AU have changed enough that i'm getting invested anyway. like. how DO you dismantle an empire when you also have to pretend that that empire is normal and fine and that your fragile allyships with power-hungry coven heads are fine and that your so-called "divinity" isn't based on the bullshit lie of a genocidal colonizer. HOO BOY.
i love love love political worldbuilding fic that explores things like infrastructure and different political dynamics and schisms in fantasy worlds, that was ALSO one of my fave things when i would write homestuck ancestor fic. plotting out what a galactic war might look like and how resources were distributed and how empire weaponry could be commandeered and how propaganda on both sides would function.... MMM. my bread and butter
i think the thing i've put the Most thought into toh-wise is the abomination coven, simply because i am a darius girlie and think about darius All The Time. like i think that the abomination coven has opportunities because there's a lot of capitalist stuff going on, because darius has taken a very libertarian-seeming hands-off approach to running his coven. but you can't apply 1-to-1 real world politics to it because actually, darius """small government""" deamonne is letting people get away with having fake abomination coven sigils and repeatedly break the law and game the empire's systems... all under the guise of "i don't know anything about that. i'm just lazy"
i had Extensive palistrom tree lore (and tragedy) planned in the darius & prev gg fic i outlined, i don't know if i'll ever write it in full but MMM the palistrom trees and the bat queen are on my mind Constantly. also tucking these construction coven thoughts into my back pocket for later use because i hadn't thought much about the infrastructure of the isles' buildings but you're RIGHT. living in portland oregon there's CONSTANT vicious local debate about rebuilding our bridges and older buildings and coastal evacuation plans for when cascadia ruptures, bc most of that wasn't built with a 9.0 earthquake in mind. could definitely pull from. All Of That. LOL
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pincushionx · 29 days
AU where the coven heads actually get along…sort of.
They’re all still awful people but they realize they get more out of working together rather than against. They don’t quite like each other but theirs no bad blood. They all hang out and be lil bitches together.
They even let Hunter hang out with them due to the fact that he’s so good at acting like an adult (as sad as that is), a ‘bratty’ one but he does know a lot.
Rather then just brushing Hunter off as some brat like in canon, they see the potential in him and think ‘yeah we can make this kid into an absolute beast’
It’s mainly to have him do their dirty or difficult work for them but they also grow fond of him.
Idk I just want to give Hunter a dysfunctional family out of the Coven heads
Hettie teaches Hunter anatomy so he knows where to hit his enemies and healing spells to heal himself and scouts he works with.
Darius teaches Hunter how to sew like in canon but sooner and teaches him all sorts of abomination magic like the translocation.
Vitimir teaches him all sorts of potions and how to incorporate them in fighting. He also teaches Hunter potion tolerance and how to resist certain ones and mithridatism
Adrian teaches him some illusions and even acting skills so Hunter becomes a better liar.
Eberwolf brings him out to catch and train with beasts. They bring him all sorts of bugs and little critters. Hunter often goes on retrieval missions to bring Eber stuff for the beasts he keeps.
Terra let’s him hang out at the garden and green house and teaches him all sorts of Botany and plant magic. She likes info dumping on him.
The previous Bard and Riane teach him Bard magic. Hunter summons his own violin.
Orsan teaches oracle magic to him but mainly likes to teach Hunter mind games
Mason teaches Hunter construction magic and how to use to use it to fight and fix damage done after a fight.
Lilith though jealous and annoyed, still recommends him all sorts of book and in good moments they info dump on each other
A lot of theses skills I think Hunter would have in canon like the anatomy and potion thing but he had to learn those on his own. In this Au the Coven heads are actually bothered to teach him.
Due to these changes Hunter is more comfortable with doing all sorts of combo magic like how we see Lilith does in the shows. He also carries a belt of potions with him. Certain stuff in the show goes different as well since he does form a bond sooner with Darius and Adrian.
The coven heads aren’t aware he doesn’t have a bile sac they just think he has a weak one. They help him learn how to translate their spells into his staff spells.
They all still can be cruel to Hunter like Adrain’s and Darius cruel jabs at him or Terra giving him plants that can harm him (like tea that makes him hallucinate ). They still do some back stabbing but overall they are less worse then in canon.
Though any signs abuse from Belos they chalk up to being from missions or reckless.
I think this gives them some fun depth. Like yeah they are all messed up but they are messed up together.
(Sorry if any grammar issues )
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gracefireheart · 5 months
Thinking about that QSMP x tOH [the Owl House] AU I posted once about a while ago but got more thoughts about now aaaaaaaa--
Basically, some of my thoughts are still the same as my previous post about it (Phil being a Wild witch and being cursed with the same thing Eda and Lilith has, and Wilbur being a Bard witch). But some of my thoughts (most notably whether the eggs would be Titan kids or orphaned witches, and what coven Missa would be in) I feel like I've finally been able to choose what would fit for this AU.
First off; I can't help but see the eggs as Titan kids in this AU now. All of them with different looking skulls, different fur colors and eye colors that match them, different accessories their [adoptive] parents made for them, etc. etc. As for what happened to their Titan parent, uhhhhh--
Second off; I decided it would be very fun if Missa was a Bard witch that's [secretly] a Potions witch as well. Like I mentioned in the previous post, it would just be so cute that- after a while of Missa and Phil taking care of Chayanne (and later on Tallulah) together- Phil tells Missa at some point about his curse, which leads to Missa making it his mission to create as many elixirs for Phil as he can (which could lead to him running out of certain ingredients to make said elixir, so he would go and search for those ingredients he's missing). And ofc, he's a Bard witch 'cause he do be playing that music 💃
Now onto some new things I wanted to add, which was what the other islanders' coven(s)- and maybe Palisman- are!
For Fit, I can't help but see him as a Construction witch that could secretly be a Wild witch.
Tubbo's definitely an Abomination witch, trying to create all sorts of shit with his magic.
Pierre I can also see as an Abomination witch, but I could also see him trying either some Construction, Beast Keeping, or maybe even Potions magic.
Foolish is both a Healing witch and a Construction witch, but hides his Healing magic whenever he's around the Federation. (Palisman is some sort of [golden] shark creature)
Etoiles would either be a Plant witch or a Wild witch. Or just a Wild witch that prioritizes Plant magic.
Antione could be an Oracle witch that was secretly a Wild witch, or maybe he could be something like the Collector that just pretends to be an Oracle/Wild witch.
To me, Jaiden feels like an Illusion witch 'cause of her gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss ways B) (Ofc her Palisman would be Ari (or some sort of bird version of a cerberus, but it's two heads instead of three, and it's both Ari and Tofu))
I can't explain it, but my mind can't help but see Cellbit and Bagi as Abomination witches.
Bad is definitely an Oracle witch and no one can convince me otherwise.
Charlie [Slimecicle] definitely mains Abomination magic, but also uses Bard magic here and there. (Palisman is obviously some sort of slime creature)
Baghera I'm a little unsure about, but I could see her as both a Bard witch, and either a Beast Keeping or a Plant witch. (Palisman is a mix of a duck and a goldfish)
IronMouse would be a Bard witch that is also either an Oracle witch or [secretly] a Wild witch. (Palisman is some sort of demonic bat creature that's maybe mixed with a mouse)
Tina being a Plant witch that also is secretly an Oracle witch, yes yes :]
Pac I'm also a lil' unsure about, but I could see him as either a Potions witch, a Healing witch, or maybe even a Plant witch.
Pol being an Illusion witch that uses his magnificent Illusion magic for his movies/videos <3
Roier as a Beast Keeping witch with a giant spider as his pet, or as a Plant witch that uses his Plant magic vines to swing around from place to place. (Palisman either some sort of spider, or rat, or a mix of both)
Quackity- again- I'm a bit unsure about, but I could see him as either a Bard witch or an Illusion witch. (Palisman is some sort of duck creature)
Mike I'm- once again- unsure about, but I could see him as a Potions witch, a Construction witch, or maybe an Abomination witch.
And that's about it for the islanders I have at least somewhat of an idea for what Witch coven they would be in (+ their Palisman). Though I'm open to hear y'all's opinions on most of these character's coven(s) and/or palisman- especially those I wasn't able to give a coven/palisman to- considering idk every QSMP streamer's character to heart óvò
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fr3sh-tragedies · 9 months
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[The Owl House] Amity Blight x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.05k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Mentions of overworking, but that's pretty much it.
[A/N]: Story 3/3 for Amity! I'll be writing for Boscha next.
At the time I’ve finished this and proofread it before scheduling, we’re at 110 followers, so I just wanted to quickly say thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy my content as much as I enjoy creating it.
 An occasional strained grunt filled the small space in between the idle chatter of citizens and workers. Lilith turned from her conversation with Steve, her gaze landing over to the source of the grunting. Amity, just a few feet away, was tugging at a rope in an attempt to lift a large wall skillfully tied to the other end. She seemed to struggle too much for a moment, but before anyone could step in to help her, her hand lifted enough for her to cast a spell circle and summon an Abomination. Two much larger hands joined hers on the rope and gave a hefty tug, finally allowing the wall to lift with ease. Once it was set in place, Amity sighed in relief, shrugging and rolling her shoulders back to ease the already growing tension.
She stared up at the work that had been done so far: three of four walls had been lifted, two of which were set in place against their designated pillars. Just one more left to go, then the Construction Coven would finish it off by tidying the design for the roof and building it on their shift. Hands on her hips, Amity smiled. They certainly had made a good amount of progress on the newest sets of households for those who’d had their previous home destroyed during the Collector’s reign of terror and Belos’s eventual defeat.
Thinking of all of the citizens who would once again be able to call somewhere home brought an even wider grin to her lips. Her mind wandered back to her own home–which she shared with her girlfriend [Y/N]. The mere thought of the girl made Amity feel warm and relaxed. She wished she was home with her in that moment. She knew, however, that she had to play her part in the reconstruction of the Isles. It had been months since she had been able to convince herself to take a day off. She was upset by it, but her guilt for not helping the others certainly combatted those feelings. It was a battle everyday about whether or not she should just stay home.
A quick yelp unwillingly slipped past her lips as a hand dropped onto her shoulder and squeezed. She turned, startled, but settled again when she saw her former mentor Lilith standing there. Her eyebrows were creased in concern. “Amity, you look exhausted. Why don’t you take a break for today? We’ve got it from here.” Amity smiled softly up at her and waved it off, gently lifting Lilith’s hand from her shoulder and letting it drop back down to her side. “No, it’s alright. I can keep working.” A frown crossed the Clawthorne’s features.
“I understand that you feel as though you have to help out all day everyday, but I can assure you it’s alright to take breaks here and there. I haven’t seen this many bags under your eyes since your mother had you competing for grades and status in school.” Again, Amity waved, this time shaking her head. “I promise I’m good to work like this. I feel guilty anytime I take a break anyway. I’d much rather be here.”
“You’d rather be here than at home with [Y/N]?”
Now silent, Amity glanced down at her feet and let her gloved fingertips scratch lightly at the back of her neck. “Well, no, but–” “Then go spend time with her. I’m sure she misses you. I mean, you’re gone so much. Please just take the rest of the week off, alright? No one will be upset with you for it. They’ll understand. And besides, you’ve done plenty already. It’s not as if you haven’t been efficient in your work.” The younger woman seemed unsure at the mention of taking the week off. It had been so long since she had taken even half of a day as a break–and that alone had her guilt eating away at her conscience–how would she survive an entire week?
“I couldn’t,” came her reply after a moment.
“Amity, at this point, it’s not a question anymore. It’s a request–an order. Not only am I worried about how little time you spend at home, I’m also worried about your health. When’s the last time you sat down to eat a proper meal and just relax?”
Amity wracked her brain to find the example, though she couldn’t, and ultimately sighed. “I guess you’re right. I’ll take tomorrow off, but could I at least finish up my work here for the day?” Lilith’s glare sharpened. “Only if you take the rest of the week off. Not just tomorrow. Deal?” Another sigh of defeat. She truly didn’t want to feel as though she was letting these people down. “Deal.”
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The rest of the day had gone by rather quickly, much to Amity’s dismay. She wasn’t looking forward to the rest of the week. She felt as though she constantly had to be helping out in some way, always searching for approval and praise. After all that had happened, she thought she had moved past feeling like she needed to prove herself for merely existing, but it was hard to break a habit she had been in her entire life. It seemed to be getting better though–at least, when it didn’t come to reconstruction.
As everyone wrapped up for the night and began to disperse towards their own homes, Amity found herself fastening her tool belt more sluggishly than normal. Her eyebrow raised at this, though her silent question of, “why is it so hard to move?” was answered as she yawned. After wiping her watery eyes from the yawn, she grumbled under her breath about feeling horrible. Just as she turned to head home with her staff underneath her, Lilith called out to her. “Amity, remember to take the rest of the week off! If I find you working somewhere aside from home, I’ll be sure to tell [Y/N], and you know she won’t let you leave until you rest.”
Amity nodded and waved in acknowledgment before signaling for Ghost to float up and head home.
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By the time she made it home, Amity was almost too fatigued to even make it up to the doorstep. She managed to force herself to push the door open and shut before trudging to her shared bedroom. The moment she stepped into the room, she smiled at the sight of [Y/N] curled up against the headboard, huddled in between pillows and under blankets as she silently read her book.
She looked up at Amity once she heard the doorknob twist, a wide smirk gracing her lips. “You’re home. How was work?” At the mention of what had made her so tired, Amity groaned and walked forward, collapsing onto the bed and murmuring something unintelligible into the pillow. A small chuckle made her turn her head. “What’d you say?” “I said good but tiring. Lilith–you remember her, right? My old mentor? She’s pretty much my boss for our projects, and she told me I had to take the rest of the week off.”
“Why do you seem upset about that? I mean, we’d be able to spend more time together.” “Yeah, I know. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to spend time with you, you know I do. I just feel guilty for not being able to help them out at the same time, you know?” [Y/N] nodded softly before letting out a small sigh. She shuffled in her spot on the bed, and when Amity looked up to see what she was doing, she found her huddled up further in the blankets, already reading to distract herself again.
With a bit more effort than she thought she’d need, Amity picked herself up into a sitting position. She then shifted over to lean against [Y/N]’s shoulder and rest her head against it. “What’s wrong?” She questioned gently as she peered up at her. “Nothing’s wrong,” was the only response. Amity wouldn’t accept that, however. She nudged at her shoulder until they made eye contact again. “C’mon, you can tell me. Is it because of me? I won’t be upset.”
It took a few moments before [Y/N] finally answered, visibly hesitating. “It’s not necessarily because of you. I know you, Amity, and you know me. We’re both the same when it comes to wanting to help people. I just wish you would spend more time with me here instead–I want to help them out as much as possible too, don’t get me wrong, but it’s better to take breaks. If you’re exhausted all the time, then you won’t have the energy to keep working everyday. I’m really starting to worry that one day I’ll be called to one of the sites because you’ve collapsed.”
Amity’s heart ached at the thought of [Y/N] being so concerned for her. She knew she was likely overworking herself the same way she used to during school, but she had never really paid attention to how long she was away from the house for that work. [Y/N] had offered to help out more often as well a while back so she and Amity could alternate during shifts and not work for too long. She had denied the suggestion, but now, as she looked at the way her girlfriend’s eyebrows furrowed upward together while her eyes glinted with an accompanying distress, she regretted it.
Maybe Lilith was right–maybe spending so much time at work was doing more harm than good. Surely, after spending over ten to twelve hours a day doing near-constant labor, she was too fatigued to actually be helping out all that much. She thought she was doing most of the work, but looking back on it, the others did come in after her shift to correct some of the things she had messed up. And those errors were growing more and more frequent.
With a small sigh, she nodded and shifted up further to let her face burrow into the crook of [Y/N]’s neck. “I know. I’m really sorry. I had no idea I was concerning you that much. I’ll listen to Lilith and take the rest of the week off, but I’ll also start reminding myself to take more breaks and spend more time here at home with you, okay?”
At this, [Y/N] looked up at her again, having turned away to stare mindlessly at the thin pages of her book to avoid eye contact. “You promise?” Amity smiled and nodded reassuringly. She lifted her arm and let it wrap around the smaller girl’s shoulders, allowing her to pull her closer for a hug. “I promise.”
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A few hours had passed since Amity made her promise, and she was finding it harder and harder to stay awake with each passing second. She had slumped down further into the sheets, eventually letting her head fall to rest partially against [Y/N]’s hip and thigh as she continued to sit up and read her book. She glanced up, occasionally managing to read a few words off of the pages of the story. The feeling of [Y/N]’s fingertips lightly scratching at her scalp in a soothing manner, combined with the comforting motion of those same fingers raking through her lavender locks, finally lulled her into a deep sleep after a while.
Moments later, at the sound of soft snoring, [Y/N] pulled her attention away from her book and glanced down at Amity. She beamed warmly at the sight and sighed. Her free hand left the book long enough to slip her bookmark from its place on her nightstand and tuck it in between the pages before letting the cover fall shut. As silently as she could, [Y/N] placed her book to the side–essentially replacing where the bookmark was just a moment ago–tugged the small cord on the lamp to turn it off, then wriggled her way beneath the sheets. She turned over onto her side and pulled Amity into her chest.
Her lips made contact with the top of Amity’s head in the form of a gentle kiss. “Night, Amity,” she slurred out softly as her eyes fluttered shut. She was dragged into slumber as well shortly after.
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The sun’s morning light poked its way through the partially shut blinds and gently blanketed the room in a comforting glow. [Y/N] stirred once it reached her eyes, squinting and murmuring to herself as she managed to pry her eyes open and look around. With a yawn, she looked down to find Amity still tucked away against her chest. She smiled, getting caught in a daze at how she looked in the lighting. After the long hours of the week, the bags under the youngest Blight’s eyes were very visible, though she still looked managed to look so beautiful in her peaceful slumber.
[Y/N] leaned down far enough to press a small kiss to her forehead before she slipped her arms out from around her and snuck out of the bed and into the kitchen. There, she quickly prepared Amity’s favorite breakfast and placed it on one of the table trays they had gotten recently so they could eat in bed without worrying about crumbs. She crept back into the bedroom, set the tray down on Amity’s nightstand, got dressed for the day, and headed out, sending a message to Lilith in the process.
By the time Amity finally woke back up, mainly due to the lack of warmth and the smell of her favorite dish, [Y/N] had been gone for a while. She sat up in bed and looked around, confused. Quickly, she pulled out her scroll and messaged [Y/N], asking where she was. Soon enough, she got a reply, which explained she was taking care of a few of Amity’s daily chores so she didn’t have to worry about them that day, as well as letting Lilith and the crew know she would get a few things done throughout the week so they both didn’t completely disappear in the meantime.
Amity couldn’t help but smile widely at the message. [Y/N] knew she was feeling guilty for not being able to constantly help out, and that she also felt guilty for not spending more time together, so she was trying to find a way to compromise and make both of them work.
She turned over to the tray and lifted it. She set it on the mattress to rest over her lap and dug in, clicking over on her scroll for a bit to find a good video or movie to watch at the same time. Working for so long the previous day had built up her appetite, and she hadn’t eaten before she practically passed out the night before, meaning her stomach was roaring from hunger. She scarfed down the dish quicker than she meant to and slipped out from under the covers after picking the tray up. She brought it out to the kitchen, and while headed there, she noticed that the entire house–save for the bedroom, which hadn’t been cleaned in order to not wake Amity up–was spotless.
A sigh passed from her lips as she grinned. She rinsed her plate and glass and placed them in the sink, as well as her fork, and wiped off the bedside tray before folding it and tucking it away again in the pantry. “I’ll have to find a good way to thank her. Maybe I could make some kind of bot that could take care of the cleaning for her,” she mumbled to herself out loud. At the thought of this, she headed out to her laboratory and clicked on the light.
Her molten golden eyes shimmered as she noticed that her entire workspace had also been polished and reorganized. All of the discarded bolts and mixed puddles of Abomination slime had been wiped from the floor, every tool was in its designated spot, and every countertop was completely spotless. How long had it taken [Y/N] to do all of this? She thought back to her food, and within a few moments of reflection, realized that she had been asleep far longer than she thought. Her food had been cold when she ate it, but she must’ve been too hungry to notice.
Her hand moved back and slipped her scroll from her pocket once more. She sent another message off to [Y/N], asking what time she had left the room that morning. She made a mental note of the current time after her eyes flickered up to the digital clock at the top of her screen. Her response was quick. “I think I left around 4:30 AM. Why?” It was nearly 2:00 PM when the message was sent. Amity sighed and smiled again. “Just wondering. Thank you for cleaning everything.”
She sauntered over to her chair in front of the desk space she usually used to sketch out blueprints and got to work once she was seated. She’d find a way to repay [Y/N] for helping her out so much. If her idea worked out, she realized she could also design one similar to help clean the construction sites when she was back to work later on.
Picking up a pencil from its original spot in a small cup on the corner of the desk, she pulled out a sheet of sketching paper and began scribbling down different designs and the pieces that would be required for each part. It didn’t take long for her to get lost in her work.
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“Thanks so much, Matt! I’ll make sure Amity gets them,” [Y/N] called out with a smile and a wave, a basket full of baked goods tucked away in her arm. Matt waved back. “No problem! It’s from the whole crew, as a way to thank the two of you for all you’ve done!”
[Y/N]’s smile grew wider at this, and she nodded as she headed back to the house. She yawned, exhausted from both the work throughout the day and the early hour she had chosen to wake up at. On the way, she ran into Lilith, who recognized her immediately and turned from the conversation she was having with her sister. Eda turned as well, grinning. “Ah, if it isn’t Miss Bossy Boots’s girlfriend! Lily told me about what happened yesterday. Is she finally resting up?”
A nod and a chuckle was her response. “Yeah, she’s at home. She’s awake and she’s eaten, but there isn’t much to do at the house except–” She froze, her realization kicking in. A groan erupted from her before she could realize it, and she ran her free hand down her face. “What’s wrong, kiddo?” “Well, I completely forgot to lock up her lab, so she’s probably still working, just not out here. I gotta get back and make sure she’s resting.”
Lilith stepped forward and squeezed [Y/N]’s shoulder with a smile. “Thank you for looking after her. I’ve been worried for a while now.” Her eyes flickered down to the basket, and her grin widened. “I see Matt gave you our appreciation basket. Make sure to eat them fairly soon. They don’t spoil quickly, but they’re best when they’re fresh. I’m sure Amity will appreciate it as much as you because, well, it is for both of you, after all.”
[Y/N] nodded again. “Thank you for everything, Lilith. Could you let the crew know that Amity and I want to thank them as well?” “Of course.” Eda grinned and stepped forward. “Why don’t you get home now and make sure she isn’t wasting away like her pops in that lab?” She cackled as Lilith elbowed her gently in the arm. “Edalyn, please.”
“Ah, I’m just messing with her. Seriously though, make sure she actually rests. "Working hard is important, but feeling good is important too," to quote a show Hunter got Hooty hooked on.” [Y/N] smiled and nodded once again before turning on her heel to continue heading home. She waved to the Clawthorne sisters.
Once she finally made it, she unlocked the door with a bit of a struggle, and headed inside. “Amity?” She called out, placing the basket of goods on the kitchen table as she wandered to her shared bedroom. She peeked in, but it wasn’t necessarily a surprise to find that Amity wasn’t in there. She sighed, then headed to the entrance of the lab, where she finally spotted the lavender-headed woman already crafting something new on her experiment table.
Even behind the dark purple-shaded lenses of her goggles, Amity could see the door swing open to reveal her girlfriend standing there, completely exasperated. She lifted her goggles and planted them up on her head to see her clearly. With a smile and a wave, she greeted her. “Hey, welcome home. How was your day?” [Y/N] stepped in once being acknowledged. “It was good, but why are you in here working? You’re supposed to be relaxing.”
“Well, inventing stuff helps me relax. And besides, this machine I’m making will actually help both of us relax more often–if it works properly, that is.” Now curious, [Y/N] stepped closer, peering over at what was being built. “What is it supposed to do?”
Amity smiled, happy to talk about her current work in progress. “It’s a cleaning bot. It’ll help us clean up around the house and the lab. If it works the way I want it to, then I was thinking I could help cut down the amount of time we spend at the worksites by making one specifically for construction cleanup.” [Y/N] cringed at a memory that she triggered. “Amity, I don’t know…don’t you remember what happened last time you tried to do something like this?” “Oh, believe me, I remember that. I remember the broken plates and frames–""--and chairs.” “And chairs, yes, but that’s why I’m going to set up a small practice area to test it out in. And I won’t use anything fragile.
“I promise I won’t try it out in the house until it’s perfected.” [Y/N] sighed, already anxious, but she smiled at how enthusiastic Amity was at her newest idea. She stepped closer again and pulled the taller woman into a tight hug, which was returned just as eagerly. “I’m proud of you, Amity.” At this, Amity couldn’t help but tear up just a little bit as she pressed a small kiss to the top of [Y/N]’s head.
“I’m proud of you too.”
After leaning away from the hug, [Y/N] grabbed Amity’s hand and led her out of the lab and into the kitchen, receiving very little resistance. She revealed the basket still resting on the table, pulling the small cloth on the top off to reveal the rest of the baked goods.
Amity tilted her head, confused. “What’s all of this for?” [Y/N] beamed up at her and picked a random treat out. “The construction crew, including Lilith, wanted to thank you and I both for all the work we’ve done recently–especially you.”
She grew warm at the thought of all of her work being appreciated, grinning uncontrollably as she plucked one of her favorites from the small woven basket. She unwrapped it and turned it in her hold before biting down into it, humming at the flavor. “It’s amazing. Hopefully my bot will be a good enough way to thank them for it.” [Y/N] nodded and bit into her own snack. “Maybe, but remember: this is to thank you for everything you’ve already done.”
“I know,” Amity started. “I’m excited to see them all again next week, even though I plan to spend less than half of the amount of time there.” At the sound of this statement, [Y/N]’s head perked up, her glee evident on her features. “Well, I’m excited to spend that time with you.” Amity smiled down at her and pulled her closer. “You know what else I’m excited for?”
“I’m excited to eat all of these treats.” [Y/N] laughed at that, prompting Amity’s smirk to grow. The smaller woman stood on her toes to press a small kiss to Amity's cheek, already thinking of ways to spend time together during the next several days.
“So am I.”
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celestialsandtitans · 6 months
Covens of Keandra
Here some info on the covens of Keandra.
( Note: Different kinds of magic is named differently in Keandra. teach ing healing magic is share among the covens. )
The light Coven
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The witches of the light coven lived in subterranean caverns on the southern titan of Keandra, Andra. Those who lived long enough, gain adaptations from magic energy from that region. Those who gained theses adaptations will able to see in darkness, parts of their body be luminescent, darker skin pigmentation and have black scleras.
Besides specializing in abomination and mystic (Oracle) magic, the coven is wisely known for their conjurings, power stones, incenses, tarot cards reading and important of all, shadow magic. With shadow magic, one can travel and manipulate shadows to their will. This allow witches to travel throughout Perim to spied on the tribes or escape dangerous situations.
Rumor has it, the coven head has the ability to summon black holes to consume everything including light and gravity.
The Ice Coven
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The witches of the ice coven lived on the snowy cirque landscape on northern titan of Keandra, Andra. Those who lived long enough there, gained adaptations from magic energy from that region. Those who gained theses adaptations, has resistance to the cold, whistle to alter the change the chemistry of liquids, the ability to manipulate the hair color of oneself or others and mimic voices and sounds.
Other than specializing in musician (Bard) and illusion magic, the ice coven is well known for carving the cirque landscape to create outdoors anthem theatres for musical performances. They also known famously for creating the cloaking stone, which allow young trial goers to disguise themselves as creatures of Perim to live among one of four tribes.
Rumor has it, the coven head appeared in the coven only a few years. Beyond that, there’s no other information about her.
The Fire Coven
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The witches of the fire coven lived on the  rocky terrain on southern titan of Keandra, Keith. Those who lived long enough there, gained adaptations from magic energy from that region. Those who gained these adaptations, gained great durability, strength, enhanced senses and their body forms into a mesomorph body type.
Apart from specializing in Forge (Construction) and Beast Calling (Beast Keepin) magic, the fire coven is known for their architectural work, weapon forging, revolutionary invention and their artistry of culinary. Witches and demons have share their culinary knowledge to Perim during their trial, which have the tribes go through culinary revolutionary.
Rumor as it, the coven head was convinced by his friend to challenge the previous coven head so he could help him with an important vote.
The Plant Coven
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The witches of the planet coven lived on the forest on northern titan of Keandra, Keith. Those who lived long enough there, gained adaptations from magic energy from that region. Those who gained these adaptations, will gained animalistic abilities such as night vision, strong sense of smell or plant - like abilities such as a plant growth on their bodies or smell like a flower.
Apart from specializing in Plant and Beast Calling (Beast Keepin) magic, they’re well known for advanced modern agriculture, the palistrom forest reserve, food competitions and spirit animal conjuring. Spirit animal conjuring is when a group of three witches or demons use mystic and beast calling magic and the calling the essences of the titans gifts (plant, fire, ice and light glyphs), to create creatures of ancient beasts of the past. However, this power was taught to a group of Mipedians by a witch, which led to the creation of the first conjurers and later the warbeasts.
Rumor has it, the coven head created an alliance with one of leaders the tribes.
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sora-sunshne · 1 year
Chapter(s): 2/?
Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categorie(s): Gen
Relationship(s): King Clawthorne & Original The Owl House Character(s), Eda Clawthorne & Original The Owl House Character(s), Eda Clawthorne & King Clawthorne, Original The Owl House Character(s) & Original The Owl House Character(s), Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne & Lilith Clawthorne, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda
Character(s): Original The Owl House Character(s), Eda Clawthorne, King Clawthorne (The Owl House), Raine Whispers, Adegast (The Owl House), Boscha (The Owl House), Previous Golden Guard I Darius Deamonne's Mentor (The Owl House), Amity Blight, Jerbo (The Owl House), Kikimora (The Owl House), Barcus (The Owl House), Bat Queen (The Owl House), Mason | Construction Coven Head (The Owl House), Darius Deamonne, Moon Girl (The Owl House), Owlbert (The Owl House), Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Willow Park, Gus Porter, Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Principal Bump (The Owl House), Skara (The Owl House), Steve (The Owl House), Tibbles (The Owl House), Tinella Nosa | Tiny Nose (The Owl House), Hooty (The Owl House), Viney (The Owl House), Mattholomule (The Owl House), Eberwolf (The Owl House), Hettie Cutburn I Healing Coven Head, Adrian Graye Vernworth, Oran | Oracle Coven Head (The Owl House), Terra Snapdragon, Vitimir | Potions Coven Head (The Owl House)
Additional Tag(s): Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Relationships, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/ Referenced Self-Harm, Child Neglect, Possessive Behavior, Unrequited Love, Love/Hate, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Injury, Emotional Manipulation, Mentioned Camila Noceda, Mentioned Luz Noceda, Mentioned Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Mentioned Willow Park, Mentioned Philip Wittebane I Emperor Belos, Mentioned Vee (The Owl House), Mentioned Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman (The Owl House)
"All of Protector must-have a journal that they will write every day or month that rule must be. Because when you died, people will see and remember your journey.." Said, The Golden Guard of Emperor Covan.
Yes, just like before, the Episodes in different parts, it is easier for me. Also every start you will have an entry about each Protector.
It will give you some hints about each one's past. Yes, soon I will write a story about each of the protectors. And if you want I can put a poll on Tumblr. On which Entry do you want to hear more?
Also big news, I have to said right now, is that I need beta reader or someone help with Grammarly and spelling. Just let me if you want me.
I will probably need both beta and reader, since next chapter will take a while since I wanted to write all the parts first. So ever want to help me will have to do a lot of work.
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angxliquel · 1 year
Quints a human who magically ends up in the Boiling Isles (to be determined exactly how he gets there) and wants to learn magic because. of course he does. He's overall fascinated by the coven system but also just how magic in general works. He falls into the care of (you'll never believe it) Yursl!! I don't know if she'd be something different than the owl lady, but the owl lady would be cool because imagine Johnny Steve as Hooty or something 😭
I don't know if there'd be a "King" in this au since it's technically just if the tlkoe kids were inside the TOH universe, and it's not necessarily a "Quint is Luz" or "___ is King" AU. Quint IS kind of like Luz but their motives for learning magic are slightly different, and besides Yursl being a bit of an insert of Eda, that's kinda where it ends. (watch me contradict this in like two seconds) Mainly what I'm trying to say is that this storyline doesn't follow either the toh or tlkoe cannon ones to a tee, but still has elements of both
Jack is in the Illusion Track, but I feel like later on he would start to dabble in Abomination (since it's the closest thing to his zombie powers). He's still an orphan lmao, and lives at the Boiling Isles Orphanage. He transfers to Hexide from another school about a year previous to Quint's arrival. He comes across a poorly disguised Quint who was on a supply run for Yursl, and is absolutely AMAZED by him. The boys get along immediately and begin to hang out. Jack then tries to convince Quint to enroll in Hexide, which Quint finally does later in the future. Jacks Palisman would def be Rover, who, when not in palisman form, can (maybe,idk) switch between the normal palisman size and normal Rover Size.
For June, I'd say she'd be In Abomination or Beast Keeping. I say Abomination because 1: it's cool, and 2: Blasty could be like the spiky abomination glove Amity does in Eclipse Lake when fighting against Hunter. June wouldn't keep it on as near often as she does with Blasty in the books, but she would bring it out for fights. And if she WAS in Abomination, she'd be able to help out Jack when he starts to get into it (again, doesn't follow the tlkoe canon). She's still head of the Newspaper Club, and her Palisman would be Neon
Dirk is easily the Plant Track. He COULD be Construction, but idk I just see Plant more. Imagine him doing the Plant/Whip thing Willow does in the beginning of "Any Sport in a Storm." Almost like how he was into lassoing and cowboy stuff in Book Three (I wanna say three) His palisman is Drooler!!
So basically, how everyone would meet:
Quint arrives at Hexide under the disguise of a regular witch with Jack's help. (Quint pretends to be a witch during the entrance exam, in which he barely scrapes by. Obviously this only makes him more determined) Jack brings Quint to the newspaper room (since jack is still in the newspaper) and introduces him to the club. Quint catches Junes attention cause Quint sucks at lying and she can tell somethings up. She doesn't pry into it then and there, but still keeps it in her mind. At Lunch, June talks to Dirk. Dirk and June are friends; they have sort of a sibling dynamic and confine in each other. Dirks not really a bully per say, but he still gets into trouble and June's always there to get him out of it. (As she'll do with the rest of the group, until later when she unmasks a bit and gets a lil silly too) June proposes her theory to Dirk, and of course, she's right. At first, Dirk's like "You're ridiculous", but then he REALLY starts to look at Quint and thinks it may be possible. They both decide to look into it and go full sleuth mode- or rather June does and Dirk enables it- and find out that Quint is, in fact, a human. Chaos ensues.
"You're HUMAN??"
"Uh- yes."
"I knew it!! Dirk, see, I told you-"
"June. Not the time. "
"Right, sorry."
More Chaos- June and Dirk both swear not to tattle, but uh oh! Someone else overhears the conversation and gives the principle (tbd) the headsup. All four of them are called to the office and interrogated, before Quint's disguise falls apart and they make a run for it. Like in "I was a teenage abomination", the school goes on lock down and the gang has to use their magic to get them through the school and out the exit. After all is said and done, they don't really go like "we should be friends!" but rather they start hanging out with one another more, and soon they're thick as thieves and getting themselves into all sorts of shenanigans.
(Quint is still allowed to stay at Hexide, but he tries to stall getting assigned into a coven for as long as he can. This half-works because since there's no inspector like there was in "The First Day", there's not really a need for him to pick a track immediately.)
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
Anyways, let’s break it down…
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So the very first image is of this creepy eye on fire opening and staring into our souls.
This eye reminded me of something, so I went back and checked, and I’m like 87% sure this eye is supposed to be the eye on the portal door that brought Luz to the boiling Isles. tHe one she destroyed with a fire glyph. Hence, why it’s now on fire.
This opening actually has a lot of parallels to the first one that I will continue to talk about.
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In a rapid series of shots we see our main characters. We see Luz conjuring several light orbs, we see Eda pop in from a portal swinging her staff, and then King popping out from behind her back. We see Willow controlling a mass of vines, we see Gus manifesting two copies of himself and we see Amity summoning some of that abomination goop.
Some interesting details:
•Luz is wearing the cape Eda made for her in Season 1. She is also summoning a bunch of light orbs very quickly, showing how proficient she has become with her glyphs.
•Eda’s eye is grey and that gemstone thing on her chest is dark because of the curse.
•King is King.
•Willow, Gus & Amity are wearing their regular clothes and not their school uniforms. In Season 1’s opening, they wore their uniforms.
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Another very obvious parallel to Season 1’s opening, we have three characters displayed in a similar way to how Willow, Gus & Amity were displayed in that. Right out of the gate, the first thing I notice is that these three are/were close to Emperor Belos.
On the left we have Lilith, looking  a lot more evil than she did at the end of Season 1. In the previous season she was introduced as an antagonist who stood on the wrong side, but did so for what could be considered good reasons; she wanted to heal her sister’s curse. Of course, matters were complicated when it turned out that Lilith was the one who cursed Eda in the first place. At the end of Season 1, she abandoned Emperor Belos cause to save her sister and lifted part of Eda’s curse, weakening herself in the process.
Then we have the guy in the middle, whom Emperor Belos dispatched to keep an eye on The Owl House crew. I know nothing of this person. I have not been spoiled at all regarding this person in any way. I don’t even know their name. As such, we’re gonna need one of my Very Funny nicknames. Let’s see… a shiny, almost Golden mask… they’re sent to Guard the Owl House… A-ha, got it! I’ll call you… The Brass Watchman!
Also, The Brass Watchman’s staff looks a lot like Belos’ staff, hinting at a deep connection between the two of them. Perhaps The Brass Watchman is an apprentice of the Emperor?
Finally, to the right, we have Kikimora. She(?) appears to be Belos’ right hand (wait, is that why her hair looks like a hand??) working very close with the enigmatic tyrant. She even has authority over Lilith, who is the head of the Emperor’s Coven.
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On the flip side (heh), we get to see another aspect to these characters.
Lilith now looks defeated and remorseful, like she is begging for mercy or forgiveness from her sister. She has a grey streak in her hair from absorbing part of Eda’s curse. She is dressed in old, patched-up clothes, showing just how far she has fallen. Her power, her status, even her magic is now gone.
The Brass Watchman is sneaking a peek out from behind the mask, possibly hinting that this person is more than just another faceless goon of the empire.
Finally, we have Kikimora and uh… are you doing alright Kiki? You seem a bit… upset. She looks absolutely mad here, indicating that beneath the calm and collected surface she displayed in Season 1, there lies a crazy streak to Kiki.
Oh, and I didnät notice until I took this screenshot, but that looks like the heads of the nine big Covens at the top there. In order from left to right we have the Abomination Coven, the Potion Coven, the Illusion Coven, the  Construction Coven, the Plant Coven, the Magical Beasts Coven, the Music Coven, the Healing Coven and the Divination Coven.
(oh, oh, I also noticed there are little suns above Lilith, Brass Watchman & Kikimora’s heads. Wasn’t there some sun imagery with Belos in Season 1? On a mural or something?)
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Speaking of the man, here he is! The Big Bad Belos! The Titan’s chosen prophet, the Emperor of the Boiling Isles and wrecker of your shit!
In Season 1’s Opening, the images of Willow, Gus & Amity were burned away and replaced with King standing on a pile of stuffed animals. In Season 2, Emperor Belos sweeps in and poses dramatically in front of his castles before a massive lightning bolt blinds us. The point goes to the Emperor. 
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Next comes an almost exact recreation of the last part of Season 1’s opening, except even more beautiful somehow? I’m not sure how to describe it, but the colors in this new version feel so much warmer, deeper, and more alive to me. It’s gorgeous.
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One little thing I appreciate is how the night sky looks in the new version. It’s so beautiful.
Overall, this new opening was fantastic, and absolutely beautifully animated. The song remained unchanged (I think), but the visuals blew me away. So good. Big Kudos to the animation team.
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icedmochasi · 2 years
I am not sure whether there would have been a whole flashbback about the previous Golden Guard, but i like the theory/headcanon that the hideout in Latissa was initially his - there are lots of weapons there, but none of the CATTs seem to be the type to collect them - and it would have been a good opportunity to mention something about him if the season wasnt cut. (although i also have a headcanon that the previous Construction Coven Head might have been with the rebels)
The hideout in Latissa being the previous GG's is now one of my forever headcanons. Could also explain why Darius thought it would be a safe location for the most part.
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marztheincredible · 2 years
About Construction magic.
So like, magic seems to be tied at least in part to a witch’s…soul? Maybe more akin to essence…anyway it’s something intrinsically THEM. A part of them. So much that maybe it can be said that a witch’s magic is a reflection of them.
You see it in illusions, where they can act semi independently apart from their witches, Plants where they react to a witch’s emotions. Maybe a bit with Abominations where they literally follow a witch like a shadow puppet but I’m unsure if that counts.
So my question is this.
Would a powerful construction witch be able to impart a bit of self into a building? Like a comforting presence that is just felt throughout the structure, reassuring those within that it is a safe space? Or perhaps even the opposite, where there is a layer of dread and foreboding. Warning those that this is not somewhere they are suppose to be?
Perhaps it is even go further than that. Like maybe The room of shortcuts literally protecting/guiding the witches who find it. Taking them where they want to go without them realizing it? Or moving slightly to prevent teachers or others from finding it.
I don’t know, haha construction magic seems to be more manipulating material and maybe density (see Construction head’s hammer being Very Very dangerous) but magic overlaps. And I can see Belos gutting Construction or the previous pre coven equivalent to prevent semi sentient houses from I don’t know sensing evil intention or protecting wild witches or something.
Whew a big one! Let’s answer shall we?
You are correct on the front of magic being inartistically woven into the methodology of the ‘soul’. We could even use medical terms here and say each Witch’s individual magic is a part of their DNA, their signature.
So! Moving onto your Construction Magic question. Yes! In fact I would apply it to as why house demons may latch on to the home as well. They sense powerful magic within the foundation and feed upon it, becoming a symbiotic relationship. Hooty is a perfect example of this probable theory.
Construction magic is very interesting to write about. It’s base form can stem from geomancy (which mixes Plant magic ironically) among other things (No spoilers for u!) of course as we’ve seen with modern Witches and canon lore, they’ve been watered down to the laborers doing nothing more that building and fixing things with some power boosters to lift heavy things. Which honestly, can be done by anyone with a tool box. Hel, get an abomination witch to summon a multitude of helpers and you got Construction Witches out of a job.
But let’s not forget in TB the Contruction Coven I write that they’re more mathematically inclined. They have to be, if they’re the architects of this world, they must know the exact angles, bearings, and design of what their building. And to do that with magic takes a precise control that is not seen often with the other types of magic we see. The Smiths of the Isles could tell you more, that is if you can find any left…
I assume that this question maybe came from my recent prompt for Raeda week where I alluded to Hexside being somewhat sentient 👀. Your ability to to pick out and think what Contruction magic was before it was gutted let’s me know I’m doing a good job as an author! Love seeing people start to realize the more powerful and potential aspects of the base 9 magicks.
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pinkchaosstories · 1 year
Blood and Thorns - Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part One): Indictments and Informants (Read Chapter 1 (part one) here) - (See here for a complete list of chapters)
(Author’s Note: uploading this a bit later as I wanted to revise the first half of this chapter before it went up. This is one of my two favourite chapters and y’all deserve Perfection. Despite my failure to provide perfection, here’s the closest I can come to it, please enjoy and let me know your thoughts, comments, opinions, theories, or even anon hate is fine.😆) **Updated May 2, 2023 - Title change
   The coven’s meeting room had been set up with a broad table with enough chairs for the nine Head of Households and their heirs. The room usually was vacant, but for today’s impromptu trial it had been set up special. The walls and floors were dark, star constellations twinkling on the ceiling reflecting their real-time positions, a project by two of the coven’s heirs from the year before. The walls were constructed of dark wood paneling, save for one which was lined with large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the forest to the south.   In addition to the coven members, Sapphire Thorneheart had invited key township leaders, namely the mayor and head of the guard. It was unusual they would be in attendance, but this last-minute meeting was not a normal coven gathering.   At the head of the table on rather grand seats sat Sapphire and Frigga, denoting their esteemed position as the First Family. The previous week had left Frigga in a fragile state, nightly nightmares plagued her nights and stress her days, so she was thankful her part to play in this meeting was small. It was a small comfort against the pit of dread that had settled in her gut. Frigga was dressed as simply as her aunt would allow, though not nearly as comfortably as she would have liked. Her ritual dress wasn’t bad, but the earrings and bracelets were heavy. She’d been able to negotiate her way out of the choker, thank the gods. 
  In contrast, Lady Sapphire wore her most extravagant coven meet ensemble to date; an intricate dark navy dress inlaid with gold thread and beading, her arms thick with gold bracelets. On her brow was strung a delicate circlet from which a single tear drop sapphire reflected brilliantly. The woman was the very picture of the authority she would exercise today.   All the heads of the families, as well as their heirs, were in attendance as per standard coven meeting procedure. They sat around the large table in no particular order except for the Rynaulds, the history keepers, at Frigga’s left-hand side, the Magnus-Monroes at Sapphire's right-hand side, and the second family sat exactly opposite to the Thornehearts. Victoria sat straight and proud while Rosalind leaned on their armrest, staring out the windows with no detectable expression.   As everyone took their seats, Lady Sapphire rose from her place, her hands held open in a welcoming gesture. “Welcome friends, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this unscheduled meeting.” She raised her chalice, and everyone followed suit. They all took a sip from their chalices and placed them back on the table. A hush fell upon the room, and the meeting began.   Sapphire sat back down and Stephan, her personal manservant, brought over a towering stack of documents and placed them in front of her. “As everyone is aware,” she began, “Last week there was a break-in in my home and we believed it was an attempt to steal information. During this invasion, my nephew was assaulted and would have died if not for a servant who happened to be nearby when the attack took place. An investigation was launched, lead by the honourable Blackwoods, and we’ve determined the attack’s origin.”   A tense mood settled over the room as Morgan Blackwood, the Head of the Blackwood family, rose to speak. He was an older man, deeply respected in the coven, and was always sharply dressed in his suit and his famous divination pocket watch peeked out of his jacket’s breast pocket where a pocket square might sit. “Thank you Lady Sapphire,” he acknowledged before taking breath, as if to gird himself for the difficult speech ahead. “Our findings indicated the information the bandits were after was very specific. The books they were interested in involved our coven’s history and founding.   “As everyone here knows, there has been some debate regarding leadership over the years. We all have our opinions on the matter, but the fact is the Thornehearts are wonderful leaders and have led our coven successfully for nearly a hundred and thirty years. Today is not a day to debate the role of leadership, but a day to hold someone responsible for harming a child of the coven, for trespassing, and for attempting to take what was not lawfully theirs.”   A murmur of agreement was heard throughout the room. Frigga glanced around, and her tired, reddened eyes met Rosalind’s. They were clearly not thrilled to be here and visibly uneasy; this specific topic always involved their mother. They maintained eye contact for a meaningful instant before purposefully glancing at their mother, then back to Frigga. She did not reply beyond the barest of nods. Rosalind returned their eyes to the windows, their posture wilting with a slight sigh.   Moira Blackwood, a sturdy middle-aged woman, picked up where her father left off. “The authorities detained one of the thieves to extract more information. This stack of documents we’ve presented to you, Lady Sapphire, is a summary of all the compiled evidence, and we’ve drawn an incontestable conclusion.”   Morgan bade Moira sit and turned towards the opposite end of the table. “Victoria Bloodswell, you’re accused of treason and conspiracy.”   Nobody was shocked.   She jumped up out of her seat, her dark eyes narrowed. “How dare you?” she seethed. “What kind of evidence? This is nonsense, malicious, incompetent nonsense!”   Morgan held up a copy of some of the evidence. “Lady Bloodswell, these notes were written in your hand. These detail plans to steal information, and they were taken from your desk.”   Victoria snarled, her rage manifesting as a soft red glow at her hands. “Excuse me? I don’t recall allowing you or anyone else near my home, Morgan, so how was this so-called evidence retrieved? I have been nothing but loyal and have been an invaluable member of this coven for years, and this is how I am thanked? Being senselessly accused of-“   “Mother, shut up and sit down,” Rosalind interrupted, their sharp voice cutting through her protests. Everyone’s eyes shot to them and Victoria fell silent in her surprise. Rosalind did not historically speak during a meeting unless there was a specific need for necromantic knowledge, and when they did speak it was always polite, measured, and succinct. Frigga couldn’t remember them ever demonstrating anything but respect, and she was sure they had never publicly contradicted their mother.   Rosalind looked to Victoria and stood to their feet. “I assisted them. Sit down.” Victoria spluttered, wordless in her shock, but yielded and sank into her seat. Rosalind took a deep breath and looked around the table like they were trying to escape a trap. But their voice was as calm as it ever was, “Friends, when the honourable Blackwoods arrived at our doorstep yesterday, I received them and reviewed the evidence presented to me. There was very little, but the pages they retrieved from the thief’s fireplace undeniably had my mother’s writing, and so I allowed Sir Blackwood to search her office and he was able to fortify the existing evidence with documents from the desk.”   Everyone stared in shock. Rosalind’s face had cleared of their momentary discomfort and was now void of emotion, but their tone of voice suggested absolute distain for their mother’s actions. Frigga locked eyes with them once again, shocked that a person known for shunning the spotlight at all costs would volunteer to testify against their own mother and willingly turn her over to be punished. Unthinkable.   They bowed in respect, hands at their side, and continued, “I apologize on behalf of my family. Needless to say, course nothing can make it right, and I express my deep regret that young Leland was so badly injured. I ask only, on my mother’s behalf, this esteemed company show mercy despite it being wholly undeserved.” They returned to their seat, their mother’s anger radiating from her. Rosalind seemed immune to it, however, and reassumed their previous position of apparent disinterest.   The evidence was shared to the rest of the coven and it was as clear as day. Written correspondence regarding the break-in, documents going back months planning a fully-fledged coup, a few pieces of evidence collected from the scene of the crime, and a full confession from the thief naming Victoria as his employer. The scheme was laid bare, months in the making, interrupted by Razi the night the plan had begun.   With every page she read, Frigga became more and more upset, her frail hands shaking while passing documents around the table. She had been privy to some of the evidence before the trial but most of this was new to her. How dare she? How much nerve did Victoria have, feeling so entitled to what was not hers and so entitled as to risk harming someone else? How could she have gathered up such courage when she knew how fearsome Sapphire could be? Was Victoria really that powerful herself, or was she just stupid?   Frigga skimmed a page and her heart sank when she received her answer. It was a copy of a letter written by Lady Bloodswell:
As the Thorneheart heir-apparent is soft-hearted, I anticipate convincing the coven she is unfit for such a demanding task will be simple. She certainly doesn’t believe in herself, this is the opportunity we’ve been looking for.
  Another page read:
We must hasten our plan. Before it seemed the Thorneheart heir-apparent would complete my task for me, but these thieves have another option. Now is the time.
  A shadow settled over Frigga’s mind and guilt into her stomach. “Soft-hearted”? “She certainly doesn’t believe in herself”? Victoria had been emboldened by her doubts, had hope to overthrow the First Family because Frigga was hesitant. Had Frigga not been doing a good enough job? She’d been doing her best, but was her best not good enough? Was this all her fault?   After everyone reviewed the documents, Sapphire rose to her feet. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and esteemed guests, I now give Victoria a chance to defend herself, and then the floor will be open for deliberation. What do you have to say for yourself, Lady Bloodswell?”   With everyone’s eyes on her, defeated by the crushing weight of the indisputable evidence, Victoria stood to her feet. She had nothing to defend herself with, and her heir had abandoned her. With her posture penitent and her voice weak, she spoke, “My… my intentions were never for Leland to be wounded. Of that I can only apologize from my soul. As everyone saw, I expressly ordered nobody be injured, but that does not change the fact a child was almost killed on my behalf. I’m so sorry, and I will accept the guilt on that charge.” She then straightened her posture and held her head up with pride once more. “I do not, however, apologize for my effort to uncover the truth of our coven’s history! Our family possesses records claiming the leadership should have fallen to us, and I believe the Thornehearts have documents affirming it and are withholding them. I’ve submitted multiple times for an investigation to look into the account of my great grandfather, and both requests were denied without any consideration. I then inquired through legitimate channels to access the Thorneheart’s private library to conduct the investigation myself, but was denied entry. With all legitimate options exhausted, I did what was necessary for my family’s sake.”   After pleading her case, she reclaimed her seat, maintaining her prideful posture. Rosalind rolled their eyes, and everyone else whispered to their neighbour. The floor was open for others to defend her, but the minute passed in silence; nobody came to her aid. After the minute expired, Frigga stood to perform her role and conduct the vote. “All those who find Lady Bloodswell guilty, raise your hand.” And slowly hands rose all around the room. A lot of them. Notably, Rosalind did not raise a hand. Frigga looked to Ophelia Rynauld, the keeper of the minutes, who scribbled down the votes from each family. When given the go-ahead from her, Frigga continued. “All those who find Lady Bloodswell not guilty, raise your hand.” Not a single hand rose for this vote, so Frigga continued. “All who abstain, please raise your hand.” And a few hands did rise, including Rosalind’s; it was their usual vote regardless of the topic.   Once Ophelia’s record was complete, Frigga thanked her and sat back down. Sapphire rose to officially pronounce the decision. “Victoria, you’ve been found guilty. For your transgressions, the coven’s tradition dictates excommunication. Due to the nature of the bodily harm committed against my nephew, this case will be handed over to the local authorities. They will try you, find you guilty, and deal with you further.”   There were a few “hear, hear!”s in response, and Victoria remained expressionless in her prideful posture. She was escorted out of the room by the guard’s captain, and her name was struck from the coven’s member registry. While it was, Frigga looked at Rosalind who was no longer feigning inattention but was heavy with the weight of what was happening. They were usually a fair individual but they’d lost what little colour they had; Rosalind would be head of the Bloodswell family. They had assisted in handing over their own mother for judgement, and had immediately and dramatically altered the course of the next twenty years of their life by doing so.   Once the paperwork was completed, Sapphire handed the records to Ophelia for safekeeping. She stood again and faced the rest of her coven. “I would like to thank you, Mx Rosalind Bloodswell, for your aid.” Everyone looked to them, who shifted in their seat and fixed their eyes to the stack of documents they were being given by Stephan. “Without you, the evidence would not have been so concrete, and more harm may have come to others. It must have been distressing for you, and I recognize your honesty.”   The witches raised their chalices in Rosalind’s direction, who started scratching at the back of their neck while avoiding everyone’s eyes. Frigga didn’t know Rosalind well, but in this moment she was proud to be part of their coven. She raised her glass and drank with the rest in gratitude.   The coven’s leader concluded the meeting, stating arrangements for Rosalind’s official succession ceremony would start immediately and their assembly at the next full moon would be cancelled to prepare for it. The table was dismissed and most left in short order. After a few moments, the only people remaining were Sapphire, Frigga, the Magnus-Monroes, and Rosalind, who Lady Sapphire had asked to stay behind. Business first with her as always, Frigga supposed, and once her brief discussion with them was completed, Rosalind turned to leave. Frigga held them back to talk.   “Thank you,” she said placing a hand briefly on their shoulder.   Rosalind recoiled at the touch and frowned. “I understand how this looks,” they said, their guard up, eyes staring Frigga down. “I didn’t have anything to do with what happened.”   Frigga frowned. “No of course not. I believe you, Rosalind.”   Nodding reluctantly, their affect softened, and their gaze fell from her face. “I’m… I’m sorry about your brother. I hope he recovers soon.”   “You…did you notice your mother acting strange at all? Like she was planning something?” Frigga asked meekly.   Rosalind frowned with obvious offence. “No. You might not appreciate this, but her energy since… for the last year and a half has been unstable, so if she was more unhinged lately, I did not think it unusual.” They looked her over and settled after seeing Frigga’s sorry expression. “Believe me, if I had found out her plans sooner, I would have acted sooner. Do not think of my mother’s failings as mine.”   Before Frigga could answer, Marcus walked over to the two of them having finished his discussion with Sapphire and Theodore. “Shame that!” He exclaimed, earning an exasperated look from Rosalind and a weary smile from Frigga. “I fell asleep halfway through. Kind of boring when you know the ending.”   Theodore bade Marcus leave with him. Before he followed after his father, Marcus took Frigga’s hand and placed a gentlemanly kiss on it while flashing his charming smile up at her. “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?” Frigga merely nodded in response. Marcus then turned to Rosalind. “Will you be coming up to the library today? I guess not, huh?” The two of them left together, which Frigga thought was weird, especially when she spied a smile on the witch’s face.   But she diverted her thoughts back to the afternoon’s meeting, still disturbed by what she’d read and heard. It wasn’t surprising Victoria tried to overthrow Sapphire, she had always been the vengeful type. Rosalind’s behaviour, however, was shocking. Frigga didn’t think poorly of them, but they always seemed indifferent. Not heartless, per se, but certainly emotionally distant from coven matters. That they’d stepped in, to the detriment of their mother and to their own desires, was unexpected to say the least.
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kinglyisms · 4 months
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origin: Abarith gender: Male age: 200 height: 5′9 Birthday: October 20th Sexuality: he really doesn't careEye color: Blue & Red when angry/hungry Hair color: Blonde Gift: Vampire - Ice Magic
Luka can be cold, distant and closed off to everyone new. He doesn't enjoy meeting new people, especially if they're another Vampire, and struggles with holding casual conversations. Due to being manipulated and controlled by his father, he has a great desire to have personal independence. He doesn't take kindly to other people attempting to control him. This includes Hiroki, even though they're childhood friends.
As someone whose constantly on the move and oversees the other Vampires in Abarith, he tends to rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details. He htes change but enjoys adventure, and exploration. Luka is dynamic, visionary and versatile, able to make constructive use of freedom. He hates being restricted by rules and conventions and tends to be pessimistic, intelligent, and tends to have a hard time making friends. He is also restless, tidy, and rebellious, especially against other vampires.
Luka was born to the Pureblood Vampires John Reid and Lacina Reid. John was a Pureblood that had been around since the dawn of Abarith’s new age, born under his own father who found himself hunted and staked by the humans who came searching for the supernatural creatures. John was always a rather kind man at first, someone who truly adored his wife and his son Luka. Who held his place in society within Abarith with a grace and elegance, the same one that he instilled upon his son.
Pureblooded Vampires age a lot slower than humans, they spend more of their time younger until a certain point where their bodies stop growing entirely. By his hundredth year on Earth, Luka would appear no more than ten, and at two hundred he looks around twenty and will no longer age.
His mother, Lacina, was the previous head of the Coven in Abarith, serving on the previous King’s Court as keeper of the Vampires. She instilled a desire for love and cooperation within the Vampires and was highly loved. She also was the best friend to the Head Witch, Evelynn Cross. Luka had spent a lot of time with her at the Castle, learning along with Hiroki, Amir and Wyatt how to act like the nobility that the boys were.
Luka never liked rules, or learning what they all had dubbed rather pointless things. But his mother had been teaching for a long time how proper ediate was important for people of their standing, especially Purebloods. So though he never cared much for it he put the same amount of determination and effort into his studies as he did everything else his mother taught him.
After the death of Evelynn Cross the Vampires found themselves the subject of hatred and resentment, being blamed for the woman’s death as the crime scene painted it like a Vampire attack. Tensions before that had been rather high, Abarith becoming tired of the cruel reign of their King. One night the Reid family home found itself set on fire, with both Lacina and Luka inside. Luka, still only a child, had done his best to attempt to save his mother but the woman being the target of the fire was far lost to the hellish blazes. His father, having returned home, saved his son but lost his wife.
John was never the same after that.
Luka spent his remaining years watching his father deteriorate in sanity, create the perfect blood tables ( Reid Pharmaceuticals ) to substitute Vampires thirst but at a price that no one realizes. His father even kidnapped a child, experimented on him, and then turned him to become the perfect sired vampire that would follow his word without hesitation. Luka keeps his mouth shut, keeps his distance from his father and focuses on attempting to keep the Vampires in check and clean up their messes.
Tension between the Witch Coven and the Vampire’s is still high, even after all these years, and the two districts avoid each other like a plague. The Vampire’s can be petty, will start fights, and Luka doesn’t hesitate to put them in their place.
He doesn’t like being Court Head Vampire however.
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