#raya and the last dragon spoilers
After reading a lot of posts blaming Namaari for what happened to Sisu, I’ve decided to make my own post defending Namaari. Spoilers abound below.
Seriously... did we watch the same movie??? People act like Namaari murdered Sisu in cold blood, when actually she didn’t show any sign that she’d decided to kill Sisu. Her finger wasn’t even pulling on the trigger.
The truth is, Namaari was right when she told Raya that Raya was equally to blame for Sisu’s death. I couldn’t believe people were absolving Raya of any blame when Raya did the one thing you should never do when faced with an armed person aiming a weapon at an innocent person. You should never fucking attack the armed person, because it could lead to them accidentally shooting and injuring or killing the innocent person. And yet that’s what Raya did. Sure her intentions were good, but she still endangered Sisu’s life by doing what she did.
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nerdyenby · 11 months
I swear dead girl media (tm) is a thing but I was having a hard time thinking of examples so here’s a list
Marvel’s Runaways (Amy)
Ducktales 2017 (Della)
Big Hero 6 (Tadashi, it doesn’t have to be a girl)
Raya and the Last Dragon (Sisu isn’t properly dead but people thought she was)
Miraculous (Emilie)
Lightyear (Alisha)
Secret Invasion (Maria)
Into the Spiderverse (blond Peter)
Proxy (Marie)
Hawkeye (Natasha)
The Dragon Prince (Harrow)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (Jennifer Swan)
Timeless (Amy and Jessica)
Dead girl media (tm) is not my original terminology. It describes a piece of fiction in which the world, characters, conflict, and/or general premise are all shape by the (presumed) death of a supporting character — usually a woman — before or early on in the events of the story
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donuts4evry1 · 5 months
I watched somewhere that Raya's whole "Dragon Nerd" thing was kinda demeaning(?) towards the sanctity of Dragons in SEA culture and while I do agree with that to some degree... I personally think they also went too tame with Raya's whole "Dragon nerd" thing
Raya was only nerd enough to plot dump, but if someone was truly a "Dragon nerd" then they should have really went harder with it. Made her absolutely fanatical about it. To the point where she freaks out other characters about it. We were robbed of adorkable nerd fighter Raya and I'm a little sad about it
(Also, this post was inspired by Xiran's video where a group of SEA people assembled to talk about Raya... And also the character of Elrand from "Campfire Cooking in another world with my absurd skill". Just see what I mean here:
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THIS is what I'm looking for in a "nerd" character.
Granted, this is unholy levels of obsession from a single character, but I LIVE for this kind of character. It gives them life and animation!)
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lunadove · 8 months
For all the Raya x Namaari fans - in “Once Upon a Studio”, I think Namaari is riding Tuk Tuk with Raya at the end, when posing for the picture.
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Sneak peak... of the scene I drew!
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The guy with the very druuny cloak is my villain: Alon. Or as the story addresses him, The Dark Soul.
I think it's time to reveal something more about my book...
Things start looking on the bright side in Kumandra, it has just been a few months after the druun banishment...
Raya was relentlessly aiming to fulfil her new mission, her father's dream, Kumandra. Everyone has finally started to find mutual relations, and with the help of her Ba, and her best friends and her favourite princess, the impossible starts to feel less so. Even her heart warming to... well, the one for her heart was too exciting to be true. It was finally the start of something beautiful. Though she had a lot to figure out about herself and Namaari, she was very happy to even be friends. All was well.
Until... at a festival in Heart, the threat comes... a humaniod beast, looking as though it were a menacing dark tree with clacking arms, which bear sharp pointy talons. Its eyes... glowing green like the menacing lime shade oozing from the cracks in its body... a monster powered by new magic. It looks fierce enough to slash its victims in half with just one swipe of an arm... and a mere live looking dead tree, so formidable that it's hard as stone!
And they imbue the magic deep set in them to rehabilitate the fury of the druun... turning the victim to stone with one touch.
And Raya who has finally started to fit into her role as the princess but never lost her drive that got her through the past six years... finds herself cracking the mystery after a best friend was turned to stone. (Don't worry its not anybody from the gang, or Namaari...)
An one thing leads to another as she finds a man behind it all... a man with magic? How unheard of!!
After much toil, restless nights and more battles, Raya is put in Tail... at the farthest village of the northern barricade, home of Boun.
Raya was out alone, and got into a fight with said bad guy's terrible monsters, (the batu as they are called). Only to lose it, and got captured. By the mysterious dark soul himself. And now, in the grips of her foe, she wonders if he really is who she thought he was.... what will happen next?
Will she find out who he really is? Is he really human? Or is he something else...? Some other monster?
Story by: @rainwalker-dragonblade29.
(PS: Story is still untitled... :P but guys I'm done with 14 chapters out of 32 in draft one... ik its a long way to complete with editing and everything and it turns out it's gonna take longer than expected, writers are not good judges of the amount of time it takes don't @ me. I'm not stopping work on this... just other things are happening in the real world so must attend to that... But maybe until next year? I hope the ratld fandom loves it, adieu.)
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yamislittleangel55 · 2 years
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Wait a second…Those were the colors in my dream! The large wall of aura was those colours!!!
I definitely remember the Yellow was centered…I think the red was on the left…The orange was the second on the left I think…Then yellow, then green then blue. I’m sure that was the order I saw them in. This is getting creepy now!
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This version of Raya and the Last Dragon looks weird!
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Sword gays showdown, round 1 of bracket one
For Raya:
she travels her kingdom to find a way to save her father and people from shadow monsters and is very good with a sword. Technically not a *canon* lesbian but the subtext between her and Namaari is strong, Raya calls her a word that translates to 'beautiful' and her VA also believes she's gay.
For Izzy:
‼️SPOILERS FOR OFMD S2‼️Izzy is quite literally THE best swordfighter in the whole show and is renowned worldwide for being virtually unbeatable (except for that one time with Stede but that was a fluke and we don’t talk about it). In his debut scene, he slashed Stede’s shirt into scraps in the sluttiest way possible in less than a second, and he didn’t lay a single scratch on his chest. He was shown to be able to extinguish several candles with a swipe of his sword, without knocking a single one over, ON A FRESHLY AMPUTATED LEG! Not to mention that he’s the embodiment of an elderly shelter cat with a dozen different medical issues and a bitchy attitude, but that’s not the point of this tournament! Izzy Hands, this slutty, sad, sopping wet cat of a man, is the best sword gay among sword gays!
He cuts open a dude’s shirt by spelling out his own name in sword flicks. He later “trains” with the sword shirtlessly, surrounded by candles, in front of said dude. 
he's a wet cat 
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
If I were a cartoon review youtuber, some of my videos would definitely be:
Underrated Animated films you should see vol. 1 - ongoing
Complete look at Skunk Fu! and all it's episodes
What's ACTUALLY wrong with Illumination films (spoiler: it's not the designs). And that video would probably have a sequel ironically unironically accusing Chris Meladandri of being a White Walker who rips out movies' souls.
Disturbing Animated Film Iceberg.
A calming, sweet short retrospective on The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends.
Killing off the idea of "endgame". Tho, tbf, I'm definitely going to be writing that thesis statement down someday. I guess in video format it'd be a big "did this series REALLY fall off cuz the creator catered to fans?" breakdown of a few shows.
A video about 9. Because of course I'd make something about 9.
Politically heavy (but not horror) animated films.
An essay explaining the difference between what I want to see in a story vs what's actually good in a story; and likewise the difference between what I personally do/don't find offensive and what's objectively offensive as a viewer.
The dichotomy and standards between different talking animal films.
A review about Mary and Max and why I like it but it's okay if other autists don't. which would be a broader video about how to listen to the opinions of demographics and minorities and not to treat any one as a hivemind.
Movies that I dislike but aren't actually bad.
Movies I love that aren't really all that good.
A deeper dive on my take that Steven Universe was always deeply flawed but having an otherwise working ending; where Star vs was a well-written show that utterly biffed it on the ending.
The Swan Princess is secret conservative propaganda.
The 31 dumbest things in Oogies Revenge.
Zero's Journey is the only good TNBC continuation.
13 Horror animated Feature Films. For Halloween, of course...
My issue with Dreamworks' stans and why I dislike How to Train You Dragon 2.
My issues with Anti v Proshipping. Def would be a multi part series explaining why I think most of the problem is just people really aggresively bulling one another -AND THEN, getting into heinous fandom shit that no one talks about and the ethics of children online and freedom of expression.
Prolly then would make an exclusive (cuz it's dirty) review abt the rights of r34 and adult artists and what they had to/have to put up with both from peers and websites banning explicit material.
What absolutely doesn't work about Pocahontas and Anastasia.
I'd do a series called "Spitball Re-haul" wherein I go through a revisioned show's premise and then explain all the reasons for the changes. I'd make:
How I'd rewrite The Owl House season 3.
How I'd rewrite Star vs the Forces of Evil "Cleaved".
How I'd rewrite Strange Magic.
How I'd rewrite Raya and the Last Dragon.
How I'd rewrite Seasons 4-8 of Friendship is Magic.
My tinfoil hat video on Disney trying to profit so much off of fans is hurting their bases.
Mapping out and analyzing different types of crossover fiction, their merits and their issues with story-keeping.
Mythological and cultural animated films.
and finally, for when I'd muster up the strength:
an HBomberGuy-type callout/deepdive into MysteriousMrEnter and Lily Orchard and how they've made cartoon reviews worse.
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toodrasticallydumb · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Oh! Hello! I was tagged by @pinkytoothlesso11 ! Thanks for thinking of me pinky! I’m kinda new to the whole fanfic scene so i really appreciate it! This was already a long list of questions to begin with but i fear i may have made it worse…
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Unfortunately just 2, though I do plan to add a few more in the future as ideas flow. Might take me a minute ‘cause my schedule is just a little bit kinda sorta really swamped down with my main child which requires let me you, A LOT OF CARE DONT SIGN UP TO ADOPT KIDS PEOPLE IT’S NOT—
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Phew. ummmm it changes very rapidly (because i’m a girl w suspected adhd and can NEVER be told to shut up) with every chapter but as of this moment is 228,665! wow! i don’t really know how great of a number that is but i’m sure it’s a lot! I told you I can never shut up! (-whispers- Hey kid, u want some dRuGs? i mean- an update? That itty bitty word count is about to take another not regularly scheduled mini-skyrocket so get ready for it ehehe ;})
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For now, just Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia, mainly Trollhunters despite the fact that the first of the Tales of Arcadia shows that i watched and really enjoyed was actually 3-Below, but oh well my man is in Trollhunters sooooo oopsie but i DO have some random snippets of fics for Miraculous (rewrite), the Star Wars sequels (rewrite), Batman, some for the Dream SMP, and weirdly enough also Raya and the Last Dragon (rewrite). All of which i prolly wont ever post because i wrote them a while ago and yeaaaahhh not my best writing but if i get enough people other than my best friend wanting me to post them, i might…
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
uhhhh i dont actually HAVE five fics to my name, so i’ll just…put em in order (w their long-ahh title names):
Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen
'A MiStAkE' because I haven't updated in ages--A Stricklake month 2023 prompt collection
but i am so happy for the people who have left so many kudos on my work it really warms mah little heart ❤️
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. At first, I sorta struggled with it (who the heck am i kidding i STILL do) but since my fic USED to be two times a week updates i would feel like i couldn’t respond to a comment left after i posted a new chapter so i might’ve left some comments in the earlier days unanswered, super sorry. Nowadays i make it a point to reply back to everyone in the order that they commented in because (anxiety makes me think if i don’t respond they won’t comment anymore and know that i love reading their comments and that they’re so amazing for actually taking the time to write something back AND I DO LOVE IT I PROMISE IT JUST TAKES ME A WHILE TO RESPOND—) …because it’s pretty chill to geek out w em and see they liked stuff that i loved to write! I do have a backlog of comments to get to i just end up overthinking everything to match the person’s energy to be sure they know i love em.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Unfortunately, i haven’t actually finished a fully-fledged fic to say it has the angstiest ending bUt definitely a contender would be chapter 1 of my 2023 Stricklake prompt collection because i just leave it on the sad note and don’t do anything about it because angst and because spoilers for my actual story fic that will eventually make it to that point.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest ending, huh? I like to say that most of the things i will/have chosen to write end happy/hopeful because i hate when books/tv shows end bittersweetly it’s like i have enough with life itself being bittersweet most of the time let me be happy LET THEM BE HAPPY. But that doesn’t exclude me from providing the proper banquet of angst that ends in caretaking, my absolute favorite trope.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh heck no. I would be devastated honestly, but thankfully everyone who comments is always the sweetest and kindest people ever and really encourage me to keep going, for that i am only thankful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just no. I love romance but i am a minor, so i’ve never consumed smut nor intend to ever write it. Give me a soft romance and loving gestures, I can allude to greater happenings but not details.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t, sorry. I don’t know something in me just doesn’t sit well with crossovers, for the life of me I don’t know why. Like genuinely i wish i could get into them but maybe it’s like food on a plate? i don’t like the foods touching each other so maybe the same rules apply??? yeah i’m drasticallydumb
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so, and if someone did they’re in for a heck of a lot of work there…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’d like to sometime but i have no idea how one even goes about making a co-written fic, on top of which i am a very sporadic person in terms of motivation and random ideas produced by a song i’m listening to while writing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Stricklake obviously is a really big contender if not the winner, the ship that brought me to AO3, writing fanfics, and tumblr. But, if i had to pick other options i’d say Eugene and Repunzel from Tangled would be one of my ogs, another might be uhhh Chris and Aviva from Wild Kratts the og of the ogs.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Chapter 3 of my stricklake 2023 prompt collection, it just has a lot of moving parts and me and my best friend are chronic procrastinators and with the month pretty far gone it might just end up sittin’ there for the foreseeable future 😞 but who knows
16. What are your writing strengths?
Phew, that’s a dozy mainly because i’m not super sure. I’d like to think one of my main strengths is descriptions and really putting you in the mind of the character, i don’t really like spelling things out and i like a little investigating to get you where u end up, u know? I like to think my writing FEELS a little more like a show on a page rather than a true book, most to blame would be my maladaptive daydreaming taking up a lot of time in my planning for my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah. How the turn tables. I would say that my weaknesses in writing mostly consist of me going a little *too* far into detail on meaningless things or making it too convoluted for people to understand, sometimes spelling it out is better in certain scenarios and i just really need to get myself past that. Another one i would say is that i go REALLY into detail not only in a sentence/chapter sense but also a complete STORYLINE sense, i hate time skips and i shoot myself in the foot wanting to completely document every moment of everyday w a character and hence it seems like a lot of time in universe hasn’t gone by. Trying to improve and grow tho 💪
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Can’t wait to do more of it! Especially with Claire and her family (including NotEnrique) speaking spanglish w each other automatically mainly because i am hispanic and completely fluent in Spanish and live in a similar household so i just love to add a little ✨personalization✨ to my dialogue and interactions in that way. Other languages………….yeaaaahhh i’m not super good will prolly use google translate and hope.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters, my gateway into AO3. HOWEVER. if you promise not to tell, the very first fandom i read/wanted to write a fanfic for was actually, as far as i can tell, Wordgirl. don’t ask why. don’t ask me how. it just kinda happened. But, officially, it’s Trollhunters. (maybe with a side of Warrior Cats).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Not hard at all! My pride and joy, my youngest baby in the grand scheme of my writing journey, Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen! A surprise to absolutely NO ONE. It’s honestly so amazing to both write and see people read and enjoy as much as I do, he’s my little man ❤️ And doing so much rewriting and character growth and having so much written and planned for the future, it’s just my absolute fav
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
A dragon's Love - Dragon!yuu's past & description [Includes MASTERLIST] :
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Here are some basic rules of this series :
The reader is gender-neutral but most of the fic will be centered on both Malleus's POV and their POV.
Pronouns used for reader will be they/them but you can re-imagine it with your pronouns.
Yuu's dragon form appearance is based on your preference and how you want it to look like. If your dragon is one to have wings, it flies, but if it doesn't then the way it goes into the air is the same way as sisu from Raya and the last Dragon.
Many scenarios where the two are being two dragons in love are solely based on toothless and the light fury from How to train your dragon : the hidden world. (mostly because I'm lazy as hell to be creative)
Reader's true form will be (in this series) canonly bigger than malleus's because I said so.
if you have any suggestion or even just an ABSOLUTE NEED for a next part leak, just pop an ask in my ask box and you'll be offered a free spoiler !
Yuu's overall past & world :
The Mc's world is inspired by the world of the anime Kobayashi's dragon maid : There is the chaos faction that years for chaos and destruction, the harmony faction which values law & order as well as the spectating faction that doesn't work in either group or with each other.
As for Yuu, they will be found in the harmony faction that tries to find a way for humans and dragons to coexist with one another.
However, that doesn't mean that yuu hasn't been used and betrayed by humans. They lived through many atrocities caused by what they're protecting from the chaos faction.
Having to hide their magic and appearance in the form of a human for long periods of time. As I am saying this, yes they are an ancient creature.
[will soon be updated]
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Update about my Elden Ring playthrough ! (Spoilers !)
Thanks to the TVs at school I managed to continue Elden Ring a bit over the weekend !
First, I already have Godrick, Rennala & Radahn great runes.
I finished Nokron (& Nokstella) : beat the 2nd spirit but I can't beat the 2 gargoyles yet T_T (I didn't try again this last 2 days) sorry Fia I won't see you soon.
Blaidd why are you not at Nokron ?! Milicent you said you could help me in a fight if I needed. WHERE are you ?!
So this week-end I did the following (+others things I don't remember well... I know it's not a lot but I didn't have access to a tv 24h/24)
So, I advance greatly in Ranni quest ! I give her the knife and I realized to late that oh Seluvis and his quest are dead now. Good I guess ??? I went to Nokstella after that. Weird guys T-posing were more disturbing than the inhabitants of the underground riding ants... I also found mini Ranni ! my beloved , i beat the shadow and reach the lake of rot and I stopped here 💀 Instead I went to the Raya Lucaria tower (inversed it and damn !) I beat the noble and the bridge too... didn't except him here... I went at the top of the tower next and well... found half the rune of death, the key and... you know 😔
It got me thinking... did Ranni really wanted to killed Godwyn in the first place ?? What if it's just a collateral damage ?? Just Because the black knives decided "hey let's kill Godwyn too because screw Marika and the greater will" what if Ranni just wanted to kill herself and it half-worked because she didn't wanted to succeed Marika as an empyrean ?? (WHAt the hell is an empyrean anyway?!) I only know I am potentially missing a lot of stuff!!! I knew a few things about elden ring lore already but not all and it's the first time I play...I will just keep that in mind and see later T_T Ranni...
And I got the the ring ! Iji seems fine but I'm worried about Blaidd... and I hear things if you managed to finish Seluvis quest... I need to go see this it seems crazy
And then I finished Sellen quest...sorry Jerren but I din't know you well... I got the set of Azur & Lusat set after that. T_T
I almost beast the noble apostle too... I got lost in the volcano manor trying to get to him again... then I almost beat him.
Lantenna is a really useful summon at times, you just need to left her in a safe corner.
I beat the dragon at Raya Lucaria and Adula just teleport lol
I continue Varre quest too... I could go beat Mogh if I wanted. And I thought about Vyke... about the dead maiden in the church next to the frenzied flame village (Lanseex too I guess)... and our maiden who died before our adventure begin... what went wrong... I have feels about therolina too...
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yinyan1212 · 2 years
Rwby+ Raya And the last dragon
Cloqwork as Raya and Namaari
Spoiler if you did not watch RATLD
Qrow: Hey there wizard of oz.
Qrow: Fancy meeting you here.
Ozpin: You and the Dragon gems pieces are coming with me.
Qrow:Hmm *Pull out his sword* My sword said's here where not.
Ozpin raise his hand to his soldier and about to attack him
Qrow: Yeah... I knew you couldn't handle a little solo, your nothing without your band.
Ozpin: Stand down.
His soldier lower their weapons and Ozpin take out his cane
Ozpin: This shouldn't take long. *Gay smirk*
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sleepyselkiesiren · 2 years
All my Faves are Dead
I’m feeling suuuuper ill rn and thus have decided to reveal my curse to the world:
All my favorite characters die. Usually within the first act and/or within 15 minutes of me realising they’re my fave. My partner never lets me live this down.
I am compiling a list of them below the cut because A. spoilers for more stuff than I can possibly tag and B. it’s loooooong
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Sitka, Brother Bear
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Mr. Arrow, Treasure Planet
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Tadashi, Big Hero 6
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King Harrow, the Dragon Prince
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Tala, Moana
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Benja, Raya and the Last Dragon
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Ellie, Up
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Casita, Encanto
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Tarzan’s parents, Tarzan
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Koro-Sensei, Assassination Classroom
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Mel, Lost Song
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Yugiri, Zombieland Saga
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Ben, Umbrella Academy (many, many times, in fact)
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Bucky Barnes, MCU
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Fili, The Hobbit
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Matthew Cuthbert, Anne of Green Gables
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Leslie Burke, Bridge to Terebithia
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Morganna, Merlin
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Achaka, King’s Quest
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Connor, Detroit Become Human
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Beckendorf, Percy Jackson
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Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase
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Whiteout, Wings of Fire
(No Images)
Henry Clerval, Frankenstein
Morningtide, Starsight
Beth, Little Women
Tom Robinson, To Kill a Mockingbird
Aaaaaaand that’s where my braincell peters out because apparently I accidentally deleted my list XD Who knows, maybe I’ll add more later as they come to me
All drawings taken from the official Wikis
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erigold13261 · 3 months
I recently rewatched the JJK vs Mahito arc and I realized how Mahito wanted to see what would happen if Kento (a sorcerer) got transfigured. Ironically, in the Eriverse Mahito gets to see what happens if you transfigure a powered individual into two elementals. So yes Mahito does get his wish in the AU.
I think it was more of IF he could transfigure Kento instead of what would happen.
Because that is one thing I am so fucking mad about, is that (oh spoilers for the end of JJK season 2 btw) Mahito just fucking exploded Kento! He had the PERFECT chance to really fucking traumatize Yuji by making Yuji the one to kill Kento himself by turning him into a transfigured human.
He could have also done this with Nobara, but NOOOOOO! Mahito just had to blow Kento up and pop Nobara's face! For someone who is the most creative fucking curse out there, and wanting to break Yuji, he really fucking sucks at traumatizing!
It's like with Raya and the Last Dragon. I was so upset when Namaari didn't attack Raya with her own sword (which was her dads) because how fucking awful would it be if you died by the very sword that your dad owned? I KNOW Raya is for kids, but still! If I am remembering things correctly, Namaari just throws it back to Raya or throws it on the floor? NO! Fight her with her own sword!
Same thing with Mahito! That fucking idiot could have TRULY broken Yuji by making Yuji fight and kill Kento and Nobara! Yuji would not have the luxury of watching them slowly die on their own like with Junpei because Mahito has gotten significantly better at keeping transifigured humans alive for longer periods of times, so Yuji would HAVE to kill them to end their suffering as fast as possible!
Also, I just prefer how the manga has Kento looking AT Mahito instead of the anime where Kento is looking away. I don't know, I just like how the scene plays out with Kento looking at Mahito then at Yuji instead of looking at nothing then at Yuji, that one is just personal preference, but Mahito just killing Kento is dumb to me.
Okay, rant over, sorry! But yes! Mahito does get to see what happens! Also, I think that would have been the first time he made someone into TWO elements, or at least two opposing elements. Before he was always either adding one, taking away one, shifting elements around to make one more prominent than the other, but with Kento, he made 2 entirely new elements into Kento, as well as them being opposing elements.
This one really was to see if he could do it, but also what would happen if he could but they were also opposite elements. A normal person probably would have just fallen apart right then and there, but Kento was very strong both physically and with his soul, so he was able to stabilize himself enough to continue until Miku could fully stabilize him permanently (since it would have been too long to revert him back fully given her powers at the time).
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spideyskrunkly · 1 year
Wait, why do you hate Rayaari? No hate, just asking.
Oh boy, a RaTLD ask, how rare 😧
(Spoilers for Raya and The Last Dragon)
Honestly imo, they have no chemistry and Namaari just kinda a bitch to Raya. They're both cool in their own ways, but the ship's just lame as hell. If the story wasn't rushed tho and Namaari didn't gaslight Raya in the near end of the movie about Sisu's death (which made me angry at Namaari), I probably would've shipped them tbh 🤷
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kaztrolls · 1 year
Time to ramble about Raya and the Last Dragon because I need to get my thoughts out somewhere.
Tl;dr: Raya is attempting to be Avatar: The Last Airbender but fails in every respect. Just go watch that series instead.
Spoilers below for anyone who cares.
It's pretty bad. Starting from the technical aspects before going into the designs, art direction, characters and story.
The choreography, fight scenes, character animations all felt pretty lack luster. Nothing standoutish, just samey, play by the books, cookie cutter stuff. Nothing wowed, or awed, or had me wanting more. Serviceable but the fights themselves were just bland and uninteresting. The camera angles as well were very stock. Nothing particularly exciting.
As for the characters themselves. It's a mostly forgettable and bloated cast with nothing really interesting to say. They suffer most from the length of the movie and could have been a lot better had they room enough to breathe. Boun was my favourite out of all of them because the kid had the most going for him seeing as he was the longest standing side character out of the bunch.
The Baby (Noi) and the monkeys were forgettable and completely unnecessary. They just...bloated the whole story.
The barbarian dude was a diet coke version of the guys from Tangled's bar scene but so much worse. And the fact that Noi had parents was a bit of a disappointment. I kind of wish Raya had actual death in the story. Noi and the barbarian dude had some cute chemistry, a father daughter thing going on and would have been very wholesome and would have improved the whole story line had they come together.
Actually, if anything, it would have been a nice found-family story had each of the characters ACTUALLY LOST people to the Drunn. It would have made the story a lot better in so many ways.
Oh yeah, the antagonist? Had good shit going for them but they tried to pull a Zuko and it failed miserably. There just wasn't enough time to develop them in the story. Had this been a mini series instead of a movie, I think a lot of the issues would have been solved.
Sisu was obnoxious to a fault. The voice acting, the characterization, the cramming 'trust me' down the audience's throat every other line. I'm upset that they didn't stay dead.
The worst thing about the narrative, outside of the pacing, is the fact that there are no stakes. There is no loss. There's nothing profound to say at the end of the film because, guess what? No one dies. The damage is 100% reversible. There's no sense of people having to learn and grow and move on because there are no consequences for anything.
If I were to rewrite Raya and the Last Dragon, I would cut out all the side characters (except for Boun since he plays a pretty significant part in the story and is about the only side character who is interesting) and I'd rework Sisu.
But it'd be a lot about Sisu TEACHING Raya how to be the bigger person, to sit down and speak with the leaders of the other nations, to become a role model and leader that is working towards her father's dream of unification.
It'd have it so that Raya's antagonist was an unwitting pawn in her mother's political chess game who tries to rationalize her decision to believe her mother because she wants to ignore the guilt of doing something wrong. I want her to be that presence of ignorance in the film, chasing after Raya for the shards of the dragon gem at her mother's behest because she believes her mother knows best and her slowly come to realize that her mother is wrong. That her ideology of controlling the power of the solidified gem to assure their own safety is the wrong path to take. And to come to a turning point half way through when, say, Raya has united with one of the clans and they work together to drive out Fang's army. The culmination of failures causing an schism between her and her mother.
And I feel like I'm re-treading the same groundwork as Avatar at this point but, you can still have the antagonist kill (or seriously maim) Sisu. Because the antagonist fails to retrieve the dragon and dragon gem shards, and subsequently sends the world into chaos, her mother would reject her outright forcing the antagonist to work through her guilt.
Have her and Boun spend time together, Boun forgiving her and helping her to take the right path. Have her help the protagonist without asking for forgiveness but with acknowledging her wrongs and trying to do better. Have the protagonist embody the teachings of Sisu and work with the antagonist for the greater good. Let the antagonist kill her own mother who set her down this war path and take over as leader after she takes the dragon gem piece back and forges it anew with Raya (and possibly Boun).
It feels like itd be a more coherent narrative thoroughline because just...shoving a bunch of people onto a boat as 2D cutouts of their "nations" feels tasteless and boring (and let's face it, feels even more like a rip-off of Avatar the last airbender).
Also also also, I fucking hateeeee Sisu's design. It feels like it was created to be marketable plush toys for kids. It's uuuuugly.
0 notes