#really REALLY wanna stress that i am not saying that intrusive thoughts are a ‘good thing’
hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
But...you know what intrusive thoughts are, right? They aren't just something that happens, they're not just "dark creativity", they're a really distressing thing..? You know?
i am aware that they can be a very horrible thing, but unfortunately i dont have them myself and am incapable of understanding just how bad it can get. its a bit of a difficult thing to ask someone because dealing with intrusive thoughts is a very individual experience. i cant really “get it” the same way as a person who actually suffers from them do.
thomas and the crew did a good job of illustrating what sort of effect remus has on his mental health, and it does show that intrusive thoughts can indeed be harmful. im not saying that it isnt a problem at all! because it is, and it can be very damaging for a person. i just think that (again) that is not the only thing remus represents. i want to explicitly say that just because i like remus as a character, it does absolutely not mean that i think intrusive thoughts are a good thing. i am almost seperating the two in my mind.
again, im going to use virgil as an example of how i view remus. he represents anxiety, and at its core, anxiety is a problem. it is mental illness, and can be a major problem to one mental health. virgil as a character though is still more than just anxiety, even though that is literally his name. he’s thomas’s flight or fight, his sense of shame. he means so much more than just anxiety.
i still think of remus the same way. his function is intrusive thoughts, its his job. i dont believe that it is his only job, just the only one we’ve seen so far. and again, while intrusive thoughts can be a distressing thing, i dont believe that remus as a character is necessarily.
i personally still do not view remus only as intrusive thoughts, but i must stress that that is my opinion. that is how i view his character. i see him as someone who has both ups and downs just like any other side, and that’s because i think that viewing him that way gives him more depth and nuance. you absolutely do not have to view him the same way! if you think that intrusive thoughts is the only thing that remus represents, then that is up to you! the beauty of a show like sanders sides is that every person can have a completely different take on each character.
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aristotels · 3 months
Of course all problems and inequalities are direct consequence of modernity and in the past those who are now considered undesirable were considered divine and definitely weren't treated even worse and didn't have access to anything that resembles accomodations. Let's bring those times back!
In Ancient Rome specifically there was no hospitalisation, yes, but also people who were considered mad couldn't make financial and legal operations on their own at all and couldn't be citizens, and were considered pariahs by their communities. This is not to say that you are wrong because you picked the wrong time to see as "when things were better", it's that just because what causes problems now is capitalism doesn't mean that before it people were always kind and caring, everything is much older.
(Or that removing the money would fix everything on its own, for that matter)
are you literally so stupid to fail to see my point
the point isnt "LOOK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US" the point is that fears and delusions depend on the society youre brought up in; and also sorry that a 5 sentences tumblr post didnt go into history of medical malpractice, it was a lighthearted post made by someone with those very issues
yeah, if i lived then, then id have a different delusion more fit to those times - but it would not resemble my current paranoia or nightmares of being drugged or talked to the way ive had medical staff talk to me bc those things are specific to our society.
(Also you can still have your rights denied for being mentally ill today as well?????? what happened to free britney??? And like My family doctor once literally suggested to my dad to involountary check me into psych ward which was smth my psychiatrist at the time was very much trying to avoid because he KNEW how dehumanizing that is, he spent more than sn hour trying to figure out if my visions of suicide were actual suicide risk or intrusive thoughts; telling me later that he was willing to gamble such a huge risk and responsibility he would have to take in case i actually did smth to myself - just to keep me out of the hospital stay because he worked there and SAW how dehumanizing it is. because getting in the ward here doesnt mean youre done when youre out, this shit affects FUCKLOAD of things in your life!)
are you really trying to be like "LETS TAKE AWAY ACCOMODATIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO SUFFER WOOW GOOD JOB" in my inbox rn btw considering that i am literally schizophrenic w some other mental illnesses, and that i take fucking meds upon meds for it, including antipsychotics??????? and i am also very grateful for those aids, but even with meds my condition will never be resolved and its severity very much depends on the people/society around me. my delusions while living in croatia might differ from someone who lives in the usa.
i literally have no patience or attention or care or anything to argue with you rn, if you wanna discuss political or economical or marxist or whatever theory in my inbox go ahead, but i am NOT arguing about my own fucking lived experience and having you speak to me this way, in an incredibly entitled and dismissive way. its late and im going to bed. i genuinely dont care for your "ummmmm ekshually capitalism is noot thaaat bad-" shit while i keep having episodes on the daily in a big part due to fuckin capitalism. losing my other job is putting me through stress because i have no money, but it also eased up certain aspects of my illness because i dont have to hit hardcore fucking deadlines every week.
p.s. who the fuck is talking about money not existing. if you are gonna bring that up within communist theory and up for a serious discussion thats a whole other thing, but moneyless and stateless society doesnt just rest on tadaaah no money, like theres a reason marx wrote books n essays on that shit and why daddy engels sent him checks. and even in ideal communist world we would still have mental illnesses, but i am absolutely positive that my thoughts would differ than the current ones and that they would probably be less severe. and also why is this implying that communism wont have like the fuckin medication
i usually take care to carefully reply to asks and try to actually give a serious opinion but i gen dont care if i sound incoherent rn, this legit pissed me off
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eshbaal · 1 year
A Nice Little Moment
I know I usually just shut up and post drawings, and certainly do not have the follower count for anyone to care to read a wall of text from me, but I just wanna share a little nice moment I had recently, and one I think might be nice for those with patience to read. Things have not been going well for me lately. For a while, really. A lot of things are feeling stressful, frustrating and hopeless, and this last weekend was definitely a moment where I had no reason to be in a good mood. On top of many other stressors that I don't need to go into, my long-struggling laptop - the one computer I own, the device I need to do not only all of my hobbies, but to do the very-rare-not-very-well-paying bits of actual work my otherwise worthless, unemployable ass occasionally manages to scrounge up, finally decided to up and die and refuse to charge normally unless the cable is held at an extremely specific degree, lest it immediately lose all charge in like fifteen minutes. It decided to do this at 2 AM, the very day before I had to go to a Bachelor party that I could barely afford to attend, thanks to my economic situation. A bachelor party I ONLY had the money for, due to being given a small salary recently that, let's be honest, I would have liked to spend on something fun or cool for myself. My lack of financial stability met that I, at the age of 33, had to take my mother up on her offer to pay for a new one - using her inheritance money from my recently deceased grandfather. Not something I am proud of - it feels rather infantilizing to have mommy buy you a new computer, after all, and again - I felt as if that money should be hers to spend on herself. Naturally, as a mother, she says she is happy to do this, and I have little choice but to accept unless I want to pay it off for like eight years, but I am sitting there feeling like a burden. So there I am - sitting up at 3 AM, desperately wriggling a charger cable as I try to panick-backup all my files onto a drive that keeps digging to absolute snail shit pace. I get up in the morning to head off to this Bachelor party that I have to worry about being too poor for if we do just about anything more than planned. The weather is gray and windy, making things not look great for our plans to play various games at a park. Despite me leaving in good time, the ONE train on that entire day that decides to mess up is, naturally, the one I am on - ensuring that I will arrive just a minute later than intended, almost entirely ruining the surprise.
So you can imagine me being very annoyed as I got off at the station - cold, sleep deprived, hair all a mess from the wind, worried about finances and feeling knocked down, constantly internally ranting about how I am nothing but a leech to my own mother, incapable of caring for myself, rejected by a working world that constantly reminds me I have nothing to offer, not even doing well with my creative endeavors online. All of these thoughts are going through my head, while desperately trying to remind myself to be in a good mood after all, because in a moment I will be seeing friends and celebrating all the things that are going well for one of them. Right as I am gritting my teeth, right as I am about to have to push yet another intrusive thought about my own lack of worth in the world away, a kid runs right by me, almost bumping into me. I look at where he is headed, and I see him run straight into the arms of a smiling older lady (a grandmother, I assume). And I not even exaggerating when I say that this was like the stuff you see in movies. Arms outstretched like a plane. Her on one knee. Both smiling. Kid practically leaping into her arms before they both get up, hold hands and walk away. It'd have been hilariously corny if it wasn't so genuinely sweet. That made me smile all to myself for the first time in a solid two or so days. Oh, and the weather cleared up and I had a wonderful time. Not a less expesive time, but a fun and memorable day all the same. Things still generally aren't going great. This little moment definitely won't stave away the things that bring me down for good, and I will likely feel many of the same things again very soon and go right back into the pit. But it was a nice little reminder that on occasion, nice little things do happen. Maybe not to you, right now, maybe none that fix anything, but they do. And they're worth keeping an eye open for, cause they really can make things better, even if just for half a day.
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zoobiefish · 2 years
Shout out to people who are on a disability or cannot work because of their disability. But I wanna say a more specific shout out to people on a disability due to mental illness or conditions, as they often go unnoticed and/or face a lot of stigma.
I know a lot of people in society shame those who are receiving financial help or assistance and cannot enter the workforce because of mental conditions or neurodivergencies because they “aren’t disabled enough.” Well, I’m here to tell you you are, in fact, disabled enough. You do not have to have chronic pain or a severe physical disability in order for your condition to be valid or worthy of help.
Mental illness is almost if not just as exhausting, stressful, and painful as any other chronic condition. And it can even effect your physical health and well being as well. It takes a lot of work to learn how to cope and live with mental illness, again just like physical illness. It often requires regular visits with therapists, psychiatrists, and other medical practitioners and for you to take medications just like--you guessed it--physical illnesses.
Mental illness can have an impact on how you function in daily life and in environments such as school and the workplace. It takes so much effort to fend off intrusive thoughts, anxious thoughts, depression all while juggling academic studies and/or a career. I know, I’ve been there. It’s so hard to see everyone around you be able to focus and get things done without much effort while you’re having an internal war with your own brain. To those of you currently in this stage of life, I commend you and you are doing so amazing. I’m so proud of you for making it this far.
There will be people telling you that you’re a burden to society or that you’re worthless.  We have a special word for those people: Assholes. You are not worthless. You not a burden. You are intelligent, funny, creative, courageous, and beautiful. You do not have to make money in order to contribute to society. You contribute to the lives of those you love just by being you. You contribute by being kind and helpful. You contribute by setting an example for those who are struggling in the same boat as you.
You do not have to be productive every day. And when you want to be productive, it doesn’t have to be through making a salary. You can be productive by helping a loved one around the house, or by doing a creative activity like drawing or sculpting, or by bettering yourself through physical activity, or through volunteer positions, the sky is really the limit. You are being productive just by taking care of yourself, so be kind to yourself. You are worthy of love (as long as you want it, shout out to loveless aros) and all good things life has to offer.
Of course, this all applies to people with physical disabilities too, and I am not in any way trying to discredit or invalidate the struggles and experiences of physically disabled and chronically ill people. I just think it is so, so important that those unable to work due to mental illness hear this as they are often deafened by ignorant people shouting at them about how useless they are.
Whether you are mentally or physically ill, you deserve happiness, compassion, understanding and respect. You are a complete person as you are and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
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TW for mentions of suicide and intrusive thoughts
there are so many things I could say about having ocd to make people realize how truly awful it could be. honestly that's what really bothers me when people say they're "so ocd", its not cus its offending me cus of misuse, its just cus people don't really get the weight of it. intrusive thoughts are genuinely so disgusting and disturbing at times, and compulsions are so, SO time consuming and draining that (in some extreme cases) people sometimes kill themselves over it because that's the only way they know to find peace; and it's even worse if you don't know you have OCD so you just assume there's something seriously messed up about you and you think you're a horrible awful person. i joke a lot about my OCD to relieve the pressure and I try to talk about it to normalize it but good God I'm actually so tired of it.
imagine most, if not all, of your waking moments being about your intrusive thoughts and how tiring it is for your focus to be on it. but the worst part (and what triggered this whole rant) is that it's not just your every waking thought. you can't even find peace in your sleep, or at least that's my personal experience. you know how you think about something a lot or even briefly throughout the day, and then you have a dream about it? yeah, well, when a lot of your thoughts are intrusive, you're bound to have a dream about them every once in a while. and that's not even counting the fact that OCD affects sleep in other ways; it can keep you up at night and prevent you from going to sleep (just a fun little example; I have a reoccurring intrusive thought that i have a brain tumor and most nights my OCD convinces me that if I fall asleep, I'm not going to wake up, because my mind is sick and it's going to shut down. sometimes it just stresses me out and other times i break down over it.), and the stress and anxiety (because OCD is an anxiety disorder) wakes you up in the middle of the night, or wakes you up really early, because you can't really relax enough to peacefully sleep with all that anxiety coiled up in your body...
that's my absolute least favorite part. I am so tired. my mind never rests because my day is filled with stress, and then I can't even find rest in my sleep.
for those of yall with META OCD, I just wanna say that this is just my experience with OCD and some things I've briefly heard from others. This isn't universal. Not everyone with OCD deals with this stuff, and not everyone who deals with it has OCD. anxiety disorders can take form in many ways and i am in no means a professional. just a tired anxious teenager who's sick of dealing with it all 🫶🏼
anways. woke up from a bad dream triggered by one of my obsession themes/reoccurring intrusive thoughts and decided to rant about it on tumblr. that's all for now ✌🏼
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michaelasworlds-blog · 3 months
My Box
I have a box that I bring with me everywhere, it’s not a real box but it’s a box that I guess is in my head. This box doesn’t necessarily help, but it makes things easier, at least for me. The box is so I can mentally feel comfortable, but like I said, it doesn’t help, if I’m in the box for too long people realize that I’ve been in the box sometimes the box is different things. The box is a room or a bathroom stall like you know literal places that seem like boxes kind of sometimes boxes can be people depending on the person, but my box is mostly for me too, be by myself and my thoughts, no matter how intrusive they may be sometimes I let things out of the box when I shouldn’t, but sometimes the box gets too full. I like the box, sometimes to be alone in a dark place and sometimes I like the box to be full of people one max, however I’m not able to be alone as often in this box, because people come into the box without knocking whether it be starting a conversation or too many people being let into the box sometimes I don’t like the box when I’m alone, you can be hard to be alone sometimes when there are too many intrusive thoughts in the box being alone can be scary or dangerous or sad and sometimes frustrating my box sometimes gets cluttered with things that I see in reality, which is not good because my reality is cluttered. My box is supposed to be empty at least like once every day, I don’t like one people just come into my box, it’s very weird I’ll say, and the people that come into my box don’t care that they’re in there. They don’t know that I want them to leave even though I’ll let my feelings out of the box and have certain luxe on my face sometimes people can be mad that I want to be in this box by myself. Some people get mad that I wanna be alone because I guess that’s rude, however in my opinion, if you’re never alone, at least sometimes I feel like someone could go crazy I don’t like being in loud places because it’s hard to stay in my box people try to talk to me they try to engage in a very annoying way with me or loud music is playing that isn’t my vibe like I said the box isn’t helpful at times so being in this box, at least trying to be in this box while in an uncomfortable environment can be very annoying because I am thinking about. When am I going to be able to get him back in this box like why aren’t they letting me be in my box, I don’t know if everyone has a box however, I know I do I like my box because when I’m in my box, it’s a great way to call myself and it’s a great way to think but too many stressful thoughts can clutter my box like sometimes the thought of being alone forever in this box, makes me very sad or sometimes I thought that people will never leave me alone in my box leaves me stressed I’m a stressful person and I almost never get a moment in my box. I feel like every stressful person should have a box and like I said it can be anywhere it doesn’t even have to be a box or like a room or a bathroom stall it could be anything they want. That’s just my opinion you don’t have to have one but it’s nice to have one. I had one in high school, it wasn’t really anywhere enclosed it was in a book and it was easy, because if I wasn’t part of the conversation, it was easier to be in this box books aren’t really my boxes anymore. I honestly don’t know why maybe my phones my box but a lot of the time my phone reminds me of things that I need to do that I don’t have money for when I don’t have money it’s hard to be in my box even though sometimes things I need money for aren’t worth needing them for. I have to prepare to step outside my box most times. If I'm unprepared, I will be very uncomfortable ,sometimes being in the box for a long time can be bad. It makes you seem like there’s something wrong with you or like you have an attitude no one really asks to come in my box probably because they don’t know it exist, so what would they be asking? I like my box, my box can be helpful, it could be unhelpful, but it’s my box and that’s where I live.
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fushigoreu · 2 years
Hi friend 🥺
I was wondering if could request like a fluffy angst ( I don’t know how to describe it 🥴) but maybe the reader is on the phone with their best friend talking about their relationship with Nanami and say
“ I know he loves me but I don’t know if he loves me more than his job. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.”
But the gag is Nanami overheard the conversation, feels guilty and tries to make it up to the reader in a special way 😭
Sorry if this is too demanding 😭
ooohhhh :0 i love this scenario! hoping this was okay! ty for the request i don't really know how to write angst & comfort stuff tbh but i tried hehehe (〃゚3゚〃)
my beloved.
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was marriage always been scary? before this whole married life, you felt concerned, anxious and you don't even know the rest. it was scary, like you were in a dark room, those dark colours filled with overthinking words. will this marriage be okay? will he still love me after all of this? does he still love me? and many more intrusive thoughts filled your mind.
so one thing came to mind, call shoko. she was the only one who soothe your distressed face when it was your wedding day. you picked up your phone dialing shoko's number.
heyyyy, what's wrong?
uhh... hi can i say something?
“that's literally the reason why you called me, what's wrong?”
chuckling nervously before replying, “i'm scared...” saying in a quiet voice.
“whaa?! where are you what's wr-”
“nothing's wrong! it's just... i've been feeling uneasy lately... i don't know who to bring it up to...”
“ohhh, okay... you scared me for a sec. sooo what's about it now?”
you sighed, “well... i'm kind of scared and just really freaking scared honestly i don't freaking know what to do! i don't know what he thinks of me! does my cooking not that good?! am i fat or am i not that attractive anymore?! is he getting bored of me?! help me please shoko! i'm scared..”
she let you calm down for a second, hearing how you're so stress and agitated.
“you know y/n, kento isn't like that, he's a good man and a really serious one so if he wants to say something to you then he will...”
as you listen to her, you didn't hear the door opening revealing kento in his work suit and with a tired eyes. at that moment, he notice you in the couch listening on the phone with someone, he didn't trouble you since he saw you fiddling with your shirt. he just listened without bothering you.
eventually shoko explained it to you. “well, yes i know he loves me but i don’t know if he loves me more than his job. maybe I’m doing something wrong?! maybe he's bored of me??”
at that, he felt miserable. did he do something to make you feel like you weren't love at all?
“hey, i'm back.” he say, simultaneously straighten his posture.
“heyyy!” you say and got up to hug him and ended the phone call.
“you're early! sorry i did not make supper yet, i was calling shok-”
“yeah, i know i practically heard the whole conversation... is that how you feel about me?” he murmurs.
“of course no! i- i'm just scared is all...” you hold his hand. “but just so you know i love you and i'm sorry for being on work all day, the school has been in chaotic lately 'cause there was a student who ate sukuna's fingers so we've been really busy. not just me.” he explained and you nodded.
“it's okay hon.” you hold him tightly and listened to his heartbeat. “i love you. and if something happens to me you can ca-” you interuppted him by kissing him. it felt intimate and romantic even after many many times of loving him, he was still sweet and a loving person you met years ago.
“shut up. i don't wanna talk about that..” looking up to him with teary eyes, “i.... don't ever remind me that.” your voice trembles.
“sorry but i still love you and i would never get bore of you.” he confessed, whilst kissing your cheeks through the running tears.
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— fushigoreu.
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hqcult · 3 years
SWITCHING POSITIONS ## akaashi keiji
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doms and subs are overrated. it's hella fun being a switch and keiji couldn't agree more.
. tw smut, switch! akaashi, switch! reader, some baby girl and baby boy calling, mommy kink, sir kink, drunk sex, unprotected sex (dont try this at home), oral (m receiving), creampies, slight degradation . wc 3.8k
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the night is young. as young a night gets for two college students after finals week. while countless people from different frat houses have already invited you to come to their year-end parties, you never really enjoy that scene. it's too much of an effort to dress and doll yourself up when, after such a stressful week, you just want to wind down and get drunk here in your dorm with your best friend. 
plus, keiji tells way more compelling stories than boys you've encountered at parties and that's saying something, considering you had been drunk as a skunk but didn't find them funny at all. 
yeah. offense.
right from the get-go, you figure he's never one for small talk but there's a fondness in his eyes when he talks about his days as a volleyball player. he becomes more loose-lipped, sharing to you memories of his teammates and games. you really didn't care whatever topic he chose to talk about, you just know you'll listen to him anyway. it's great listening to him talk with that comforting voice of his. 
"you know," you lean your head back against the couch, cozying up in your hoodie. "maybe you should start a part-time job as a youtuber. you can be one of those people who do asmr videos or something." you chuckle, finding the random thought amusing. 
"but i'm already on a full-ride. i don't think i need to get a part-time job," he lies comfy on your couch. one arm hanging, hands over the can of beer. 
you sighed staring up at the ceiling. "lucky. it's hard maintaining grades when your professors are a bunch of snobby assholes who don't care about their students."
his knee nudges the back of your head lightly. "don't say that," he scolds. "that's bad. they're still your teachers."
always so polite.
just as you reach forward for another slice of pizza, akaashi speaks again, eyeing you thoughtfully. "well… maybe i can start an asmr channel and we can split the money i earn."
you laugh, torso turning around to face him. you bring the beer can up to offer a toast. 
"see, this is why i love you, keiji."
after clicking his can with yours, you turn around to have a bite of your pizza — completely missing the red flush on his cheeks, thrown off-guard by the strong proclamation you just made, albeit he knows you probably meant it in a platonic way. he didn't know what to say next so he took another swig of his drink. 
he doesn't know. really. what triggered him to look at you as something way more than a normal friend would. for someone so self-aware as him it's frustrating not knowing how and when his feelings for you even changed. because the only time he realized he was knee deep into liking you was when he was also at the brink of losing you. 
which reminds him… 
"what happened to that guy you were texting two weeks ago?" he asks. 
"ah, him? he's too… what's the word, assertive? intrusive? i don't know — it's like he wants to monopolize my time. like he wants my whole world to revolve around him and it's… kinda creepy actually."
akaashi scoffs, sitting up to get a slice of pizza. "you guys were only talking for two weeks."
"i know! that's what i'm saying!" you say, hands wildly gesturing to and fro. he's afraid you might spill the beer. "like — dude. maybe it's either he needs to chill the fuck out or i'm just not into doms. or maybe he's a walking red flag."
he hums thoughtfully, slumping next to you on the floor before dusting his hands off from pizza crumbs. "he's a red flag. obviously."
"okay but random thought: doms are overrated," you reach forward to open another can of beer, thinking out loud. "subs too. i feel like it's kinda tiring being a top as much as it is being a bottom. being a switch, on the other hand, is like getting the best of both worlds and who wouldn't like that? it's some good hannah montana shit."
now akaashi keiji can't help but laugh at that. "are you drunk? how did our conversation end up this way even."
you bump his shoulder, laughing with him before drinking your beer. "oh, come on. humor me a little, keiji. think about it. i'm right. aren't i?"
"and how do you know?" he turns his head towards you. "have you been a top? or bottom —"
"i have," the smile you gave him sent butterflies to his stomach. "both. back in my all-girls high school. being a bottom's not too bad but… eh, still. i'd rather just be a switch. it's exhausting to top all the time."
"don't i know it," akaashi mutters under his breath. flashbacks of all those awkward and embarrassing endeavors filling his mind. "guys are always expected to top. it's like a stereotype. can't i just sit back sometimes and follow orders, too?" 
he feels the heat crawling up his neck and it makes him shrug off his jacket, leaving him with the plain white shirt underneath. 
"i can give you orders."
akaashi almost chokes on his beer. 
"you literally just said it's exhausting to top."
you shrugged. "yeah, but — i mean, it is! it is but… you know."
he can see exactly how embarrassment is taking over your features and he wants to stop and move on from the conversation. he wants to. he should. but there's an inkling feeling inside him that doesn't because he wants to see how this unfolds. his heart is beating erratically and he can't take his eyes off you since that little comment you made. 
"i'm sorry," you chuckle, a dismissive tone in your voice. "nevermind. anyway…"
akaashi shouldn't entertain his thoughts. 
it's improper. you're his best friend. literally one of the few people who he's managed to befriend in college. he can't lose you. he can't risk being awkward with you. his not-so-platonic feelings for you should never get in the way of that. never. plus, you're both intoxicated right now and you were probably just kidding around. akaashi isn't that kind of guy. he respects you. he should dismiss the conversation but —
"then give me orders."
you froze. eyes widening as you stare at the forgotten netflix movie playing on your laptop, unable to look at the man sitting next to you. afraid of the weight of his stare. you didn't know why you blurted out whatever you did a few seconds ago but you never thought he'd entertain it. not that you mind, anyway. this is your best friend we're talking about. well-mannered akaashi keiji with the ocean eyes hiding behind those cute square glasses. 
the akaashi keiji you've been crushing hard on since you saw him at the freshman orientation two years ago. 
"would you… spread your legs for me?"
light rustling can be heard as the microfibers of his socks drag against the carpeted floor. just as you reach forward to push back the coffee table, akaashi beats you to it and does it for you. making sure to push it far so you won't accidentally hit your back on the edges. 
with one smooth swing of your leg, you're sitting snug on his lap. the rough fabric of his jeans grazing your thighs as your hands tremble whilst dragging down the planes of his torso. 
akaashi grabs your hands, stopping you. 
"you look hesitant. you don't need to do this if you don't want to." his tone is low, understanding as always. 
you look at him straight in the eye. leaning forward until your lips are all but grazing each other as you spoke. "i want to. i want you."
you dive down to start peppering kisses down his neck and you hear him let out a shaky sigh. you lick a stripe up the side of his neck before kissing the shell of his ear. "go on, keiji. you can touch me. don't you want to touch mommy?" 
you feel him shudder, his dexterous fingers mapping random lines underneath your hoodie, slowly raking higher and higher until he's saying "mommy, please take it off" in low hushed tones. the blush in his cheeks prominent as he can't seem to stare at you in the eye. so cute. so submissive. so stupid thinking you'll let him undress you so easily.
"did i say you can take it off?" you hiss, reaching down to cup him from over his jeans and shoving his hands off you. "don't tell me baby boy is being bad, are you being bad? i thought my baby keiji's a good boy for his mommy." 
"but… but i am a good —"
akaashi hisses, knees jolting when he feels you tracing circles on the insides of his thighs with the tip of your nails. for someone who just claimed they didn't like topping, you're doing an impeccable job at it and he doesn't know whether or not he loves it or hates it. when your sneaky little hands unbutton his jeans and teasingly pulls the zipper down, okay, no, he definitely loves it. the determined look in your eyes as you pin your gaze on his features, watching like a hawk at every furrow of his brow, of every sharp intake of breath, every time he throws his head back. 
"if you're such a good boy why don't you strip for mommy, hm? won't my baby boy give me a show?" he can't take his eyes off you as you smile, sultry, leaning over to lick at his bottom lip as your ass slowly grinds against his jeans. how merciless you are, when you gave him a peck and pulled away. "go on. strip and sit on the couch."
blindly reaching around the coffee table, you grabbed whatever beer you can hold before raising it up to your lips and staring at him over the rim of the can as he throws his shirt off. you suck in a breath when his abdominals come into view. his torso lean and smooth, siding a little more on the petite size with a tiny waist. and you shamelessly check him out even more when he leans over and hooks his thumbs under his jeans, pushing it down. 
you didn't speak until you saw the black waistband of his boxers.
"those, too."
he pauses, looking a little lost. "i'm sorry, what —"
"everything, baby boy. i want everything off… including those boxers. wanna see your dick throbbing. bet baby boy's already hard because mommy kissed his neck and gave him hickies, isn't he? bet you'll love it if mommy licks you all over, or when mommy rides her baby boy's cute thighs. would my baby keiji like that? would you? does my baby boy deserve it?"
damn were you good at this. the more you spoke the more it's making him ache and he wastes no time in shoving everything down. true to your words he was throbbing. the mushroom tip oozing precum and his dick standing tall. maybe it's the alcohol in his system or maybe it's the desire for you that he had kept locked away for so long, but akaashi can't bring it in himself to feel embarrassed. not when you're looking at him like you want to devour him whole. 
the same bright eyes of his adventurous best friend who's stuck by his side since being wide-eyed first years in this huge university — he'll probably never see you in that same halo ever again, already tainted by the image of you now. 
he sees you swallow, eyes never straying away from his girth and akaashi feels a little proud to have you looking star-struck. when you rise from your seat, his muscles tense in anticipation, staring at your hand as it slowly reaches forward — only to pause mid-air. 
akaashi looks up at you questionably and he sees the unspoken question in your eyes, asking for his consent. and your baby boy's answer was instantaneous.
 "please, mommy. touch me?"
the smile on your face was cocky. definitely cocky as your hand wraps around his girth, the other wrapping around his throat as you coo. "aw, how can i resist when you're asking so nicely? why don't you sit on the couch and i'll grant whatever my baby boy wants, hm?"
he mewls, leaning back on the couch and eyes you with lust. "like this, mommy?" he mutters, desperate. he even tilts his hips up a little to offer you a better view as you hum in approval, straddling his hips as you stroked his cock. 
"such a good boy for mommy, aren't you? how pretty." 
he hisses when he catches sight of you kneeling before him in between his legs, looking at him with the most captivating sultry gaze he's ever seen. "mommy's gonna give you a 'lil prep, yeah? so it won't hurt when i ride your dick, baby boy." 
"yes, momm — ugh." 
akaashi throws his head back when you finally wrap your lips around him. the image of your hollowed cheeks forever ingrained in his mind. his eyes fly close, focusing his attention on your swift tongue as it lies flat against the underside of his cock, taking him eagerly from the base to the tip. your tongue swirls around the head, sneakily poking around the hole where precum oozes out. 
"mommy," he whines when your tongue travels back to his girth, tracing one of the prominent veins in his dick before your hand comes up to play with his balls. "mommy — shit. so good… feels so good…"
it urges you on, hands retracting to wrap around whatever your mouth couldn't cover. his back is arching and you suck him with fervor, eager to push him to the edge, to make him believe you're going to lick and play and suckle until he's creaming around your mouth — only to pull away at the last minute. 
"no!" he moans, looking down at you desperately as you rise from your seat. "i was-i was gonna cum!"
you dismiss him easily with a wave of the hand, too busy shuffling out your clothes. maybe if you had the energy, you would've punished him a few rough spanks but you were far gone already. thoughts of that dick splitting you in half as you ride him consuming your mind like a plague.
akaashi groans when you hop onto the sofa and crash your lips on his. you never would've imagined kissing him this way. sloppy and wet and painfully induced with lust. the stretch is amazing, there was the lightest stinging sensation but was overridden by pleasure. he groans, pulling you close and peppering your shoulders with kisses. 
you grabbed his shoulders and started bouncing on his lap in a slow, stimulating manner that made you feel every vein and curve of his cock as it deliciously drags against your walls. you hear him wine. you hear him talk about how it hurts and how he can't take it anymore. how he needs his mommy to move faster. faster, mommy. please fuck me faster. but you ignored him, so caught up in domspace to see the growing irritation in your baby boy's eyes. to see the sudden shift from clinging onto you so desperately to gripping possessively against the soft flesh of your sides.
the air was knocked out of your lungs when he slams you down on the sofa.
"you dare ignore me?" his face is passive, eyes cold and steely as he pinned you with a dark stare. "time's up. i think you got a tad bit carried away there, don't you agree?" 
"want me to show you how it's done?" you shiver in excitement when he takes your wrists in one hand. his thighs flex as he gets on his knees before hooking your legs over his shoulder, thrusting his dick deeper into you. akaashi bends forward, a hand firmly gripping your face. "i want you to address me as 'sir' and nothing else, do i make myself clear?"
his low assertive tone so painfully attractive you clenched around him as he drills into you with vigor. akaashi chuckles, the low rumbles of his chest stimulating your perked nubs as it grazed against him with every thrust. "yeah, you like that? like it when i speak to you like this? ah, fuck you're so tight. you're pussy's practically choking my dick — look, fucking look, baby girl."
your head grazes his as you both watch his member disappear inside you, getting off at the lewd sight of the glistening sheen of your essence wrapped around his cock and the loud squelching noise it makes when he rams it into you again. you whimper, pulling akaashi down for a kiss as your ankles hook around his back, pulling him deeper as his pace quickens and his balls slap against your skin.
"see that? your pussy keeps sucking me back in. bet you're desperate for my cock, aren't you?" you never thought akaashi to be the type who's into talking dirty, you thought he was the gentle, vanilla type. but alcohol always brings around quite interesting things about a person after getting drunk. 
you cling onto him for dear life as his hand reaches down to draw figure eights against your puffy clit, eliciting the most feral of moans from you that could rival that of pornstars. "sir," you shudder. "please, sir. please."
"please what?" he grabs your lower back, pulling your torso up to hit an angle that makes you see stars. 
"please, let me cum! please."
akaashi clicks his tongue before raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "you didn't listen to me when i was the one begging, why should i listen to you?"
your hands wrap around his neck, sobbing against the crook of his neck by the sheer pleasure you felt. he can't understand your mindless babbling. all inside keiji's mind is the feel of your perked nipples grazing his chest and your plush walls wrapping around him so prettily. he never did it raw, having you as his first time doing it without a condom pushed him way over the edge than he wants to admit. 
"be-because — ah — i didn't —"
akaashi hauls you up into a sitting position, arms wrapped around you securely as you straddle him. he yanks you away from his neck, a tight grip wrapped around your throat as he stares straight into your eyes as he fucks up into you, feeling his balls slap against your skin. "what? cock's that good you can't even speak?"
he feels your hips stutter as you sob, tiny hands wrapped around his wrists. you didn't even try bouncing and meeting his thrusts anymore. "sir, please! s'too much! wanna cum —"
"then fucking work for it," he stils his hips. "fuck me back, baby girl. come on. you said you wanted to ride me, didn't you? bet this is what you've been thinking about for the whole night. that's the only thing my baby girl's capable of right? thinking 'bout my cock and nothing else? such a dumb little baby."
your legs quivered and shook as you obliged and pulled yourself half way up, before meeting him halfway and impaling yourself back down his cock. the first time you did it had both of you whining, akaashi quickly threading his hands through your hair to yank your face towards him. he wants to imprint this memory into his mind. to be able to merely shut his eyes and be transported back to the night you both were intoxicated and you let him use your cunt like a fleshlight. 
all sense of manners were thrown out the window as his ocean eyes memorized the way your eyes rolled back when he hits a sweet spot, the way your nose scrunches when the pleasure becomes overwhelming, the way the drool shamelessly trickles down the side of your lips as your tongue sticks out and he so badly wanted to spit but he didn't in fear of making you uncomfortable. everything. he wants to memorize everything. 
"just a little more, pretty girl. you can do it. together, okay? cum before me and you'll fucking regret it."
he grabs you closer, burying your face in his neck and planting his feet firm on the ground as he pistons his cock into you. it's not the heat of your body, or your pretty cries, or the lewd sound of skin slapping that made him cum. no. it was your sheer desperation and vulnerability as you bit his shoulders and yelled at the top of your lungs. 
he pulled out at record speed and had made a mess on his torso but he was hardly able to register any of these. so fucked out and sated and content to have you sitting on his lap as he stares at your plain ceiling. he doesn't even realize you've dropped down to your knees and started lapping up the essence splayed on his torso until he felt the hot muscle of your tongue. "(y/n) —"
"what happened to baby girl?" you tease, a playful smile on your lips as you meet his eyes. "you were so into it, 'kaashi. you should've seen your face — well, i was… kinda into it too, anyway."
it took akaashi around three seconds for everything to finally sink in, to fully sober up and let the gears work in his head. the realization of what had gone down on your sofa, of the things he told you, brings about an embarrassment greater than anything he's ever felt in his entire life. suddenly, he's shoving you away from him and draping the discarded blanket around your naked form whilst politely looking away. then he quickly covers his soft dick with one of your throw pillows.
"oh, my god. i'm so sorry. this is a mistake — shit — i'm sorry! you see, i've liked you ever since and not as a friend and i swear i'm not the type to just —"
"keiji" you snap him out of it. "i like you too, okay? now don't go around saying it's a mistake or i'm going to throw you off the roof. do you want me to throw you off the roof? right. i don't think so. now, come on! get your sexy ass dressed, we're going somewhere."
"where... are we going?"
"i'm craving ice cream. so for our first date, buying ice cream at 2am!"
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
(tw: breif talk of suicidal stuff/depression/self-harm, past sexual assault, venting) My life is so stressful right now and like- it's activating the [redacted bad thoughts that arise whenever I want an easy way out of heavy life events] my brother home and shit, and my grandparents are talking about redoing my whole house so that they can live in our basement so that they can avoid living in my aunt's house- who has a completely done basement just because my grandmother doesn't like how my uncle talks to her. That's literally the only reason.
and they don't have any money, and my mom and my brother only have a little bit and my grandfather has my brother believing some of this like- extravagant shit that they're going to do with our house which is basically tare it apart and redo it for nearly half a million dollars which is just- so untheasable and ridiculous and they just yell at anyone who calls them ridiculous and it's so fucking frustrating to deal with a bunch of men who really have no common sense.
and as much as I know my house is a piece of shit it is also my home that I've lived in for my entire life and my brother keeps saying that because I don't own it and I'm living with my mom I have no say in what happens to it and like the layout of the rooms and- fuck.
my sister and I were talking about it and I was getting overwhelmed this weekend and like- I literally had an intrusive thought that became an intrusive word out my mouth sort of situation and I just said like "yeah I need to die already" when I meant to say, "I need to move out already" and she looked really shocked but she didn't say anything and we just kinda glossed over the moment and moved on.
As much as I want to live on my own and be a fully-fledged human being, i know I couldn't cope with having no support system right now. and the only way i'd be able to move out is if i went to another country where like- the cost of living was cheaper, and while I do wanna go teach in South Korea, I really do, but the last time i lived there like- things weren't as good as I always make them out to be like
i know i romanticize the fuck out of the time i lived there- but literally the first week i bought a razor and was like internally "if i feel like i can't go home i won't make it home" and of course, alot of things changed and my life didn't suck as much by the time i actually left. I met my soulmate and i really became myself, But i still almost threw myself off a fucking bridge when i lived there and was raped and drugged by two separate men.
i really feel like now, especially with how things are in the world, i don't want to live away from my mom like She might be shitty to me sometimes but she really is the only person who loves me at all besides my one friend. and my brother is making me feel like I have no right to the home we've both lived in our whole lives. and I have no way to buy into the house even if I wanted too- which I'm not sure I do
i mean, i was raped and abused and sexually assaulted here too. i still shower in the same bathroom where I had to clean up my own blood after trying to kill myself. I want the house to be redone and I want things to change I just don't want it to happen this way, i don't want to feel pushed out of my own home before i can stand on my own two feet and like- what am i even trying to do with my life anyway.
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itsagrimm · 3 years
Darth Maul one shot.
This picture was an inspiration for it so pls leave some love there.
bury me 6 feet deep for the cheesy ending. I deserve it.
Darth Maul x Y/N gender neutral reader without description of appearance during his reign on Mandalore
Later: Savage Opress x Y/N
Summary: You and the snappy crime boss have been friends for a while. You enjoy each other’s company and spend your free time being good ol' meanies together. Savage joins you in a surprising twist.
CN: talk of bad dates and murder, talk of sex and relationship, alcohol consumption
1700 words
The office was empty except for a table in the middle, a few chairs, and a giant window across the large doors. It was a minimal arrangement, and the inattentive visitor would have considered it bare or tasteless. But the inattentive visitor would see the man behind the table as a threat, a monster, a murderer and not the most beautiful and powerful centre of the room.
He looked up from his work. Intelligent eyes met Y/N. Instead of an answer he raised an eyebrow and waited.
"Lord Maul."
He nodded. His power always had to be recognized first. Even by you.
"Y/N. What a surprise. I thought you were busy. Sit down."
You bowed to your lord before taking one of the chairs in front of the desk.
"Yeah... the date didn't go so well."
Maul leant back and casually put one leg on one of the armchairs.
"Oh really? Do tellwhat the man, who will likely have an unfortunate accident now, did?"
You smiled.
"Oh yeah, accidents can be so surprising. It's always so sad when someone dies. Especially when the concerning man had the audacity to only talk about himself during the date. He did not even ask my name. I don't even know why I went outside for that."
Maul grimaced.
"I don't think one accident to this"- he gesticulated into the air before spitting out-" boy will be enough."
"Yeah. But maybe he is not worth it. It takes a lot of work and effort before someone dies. And I actually have other things to do."
The dark sith lord, criminal master mind and successful general rolled his eyes.
"Your reluctance to make your enemies pay always surprises me. You need to put in the work sometimes. It can feel so satisfying to see your enemies bloody and begging before you."
"I know. You are so right. But right now, I just needed to vent. Do you wanna get out of here?"
He looked at the desk. It was full of holopads, data carts and actual paper.
"Yeah. I am done for now. Let's go."
“Why are you always so extra?”, you tried to compliment Maul who was striding through the palace gardens before you.
He did not even flinch before answering.
“You call this extra? I call this a casual. I have not even tried to impress yet.”
You chuckled.
Maul was wearing dark pants made from silken fabric, an equally dark thin coat with leather armoury shoulder pieces and no shirt therefore showing off his muscular chest and his dathomirian tattoos. He looked good and he walked like a man who knew he looked good.
“Alright. Next to you I feel like an ugly Bantha after my horrible date and little time to change.”
He turned around and checked your outfit.
“Yeah, I can see why you feel that way.”
You gasped.
“Maul! Don’t be mean!”
He smiled.
“Come on, that one was just low hanging fruit. And you know, no one can tease my beautiful and extraordinary friends except me. So this little bad date boy’s life is still hanging on a thin thread.”
“Ok. let’s plan his untimely death tomorrow. I need a drink today.”
“Works for me.”
The bar was busy. But the Lord of Mandalore and his company got a table at the more private back of the bar, giving you and Maul the chance to observe and gossip.
“Do you see that man over there?”, he pointed at an armoured warrior at a faraway table, “He looks cute. He would definitely be a better date than your last, at least in the looks department.”
You checked the man. He was chatting with a few other Mandalorians. His armour was of a clean blue colour and it was well kept.
“Meh, that armour is a bit too shiny for someone actually using it. And who goes into a bar while wearing a whole set of an antic armour anyway? No, this gives me show off vibes and I don’t like it.”
Maul shrugged before sipping at his martini.
“You will stay single forever, dear Y/N.”
“What is so bad about that? You are single and appear to be doing perfectly fine.”
“I am the Lord of this dominion. I can do what I want anyway and the words >single< or >in a relationship< cannot not really describe my love life.”
“That’s an awfully complicated way to say you get laid.”
He smirked.
“You can say that.”, he rolled the words of his tongue with particular enjoyment, “But unlike you I am not coming into other people’s offices to lament about bad dates.”
“Just drop the date already and pass me the bottle. I don’t want to talk about the mess that is my love life. How is your life going?”
“Embracing the mess can give you strength. Don’t try to detach yourself from the bad but learn to enjoy it.”
“Is that a Sith thing?”
“Partly. I would consider it a sentient thing. We all are constantly confused, emotional and graving for something. Instead of denying that try to give in and enjoy the chaos. Cheers.”
You clinked your glass filled with fine Mandalorian wine against Mauls martini.
“My life…” he continued, “is alright. I think I can enjoy this. It has been a long time since I felt like I belonged somewhere. And it feels nice to have purpose outside of my own calling. It is nice to know that someone might miss me should I choose to leave Mandalore. My brother likes it here, you are a good friend and reigning Mandalore … and others… is a welcome challenge.”
You smiled.
“I’m glad you feel that way.”
For a few moments both of you stayed silent. You did not know what else to say and Maul was lost in some memories he was not willing to share right now. You two had always worked like that, close and chatty yet respectful and discreet.
“My brother…”, Maul started to talk, “My brother would enjoy this. But I can never convince him to come along.”
“Maybe he does not like loud and busy places. He strikes me as the type who gets stressed out by bars instead of enjoying this.”
“No”, Maul looked into his glass searching for words, “I think Savage would enjoy spending time here with us, with you.”
You starred at Maul.
“What do you mean?”
“I think he likes you. And I think he is shy about it.”
You felt your skin getting hotter.
“You like him too!”, Maul called out his eyes nearly sparkling with excitement.
“No? I will tell him that!”
“You have manoeuvred yourself into a trap.“
“Why are you torturing me? I don’t even know your brother well. He seems nice and-”
“Oh darling, no night brother is niceunless we want or have to.”
Maul, lord of the sith, slayer of jedi, regent of mandalore and matchmaker of his brother’s fate looked at you with an evil delight. Seeing you here, squirming about your feelings and insecurities in regards of his tall and handsome brothers was most likely the after work entertainment he enjoyed the most.
You took a deep breath.
“Ok, my love life is in your hands. I give up. What now, Maul?”
“Your love life was always in my hands.”, He replied patronizingly while starting to type a his personal com.
“Are you sending a com to your brother?”
“No, just sharing a thought with the chancellor. YES of course I am contacting Savage.”
“He will hate it here. I told you. It is loud and busy.”
“Well then then you two better get out of here fast.”
You glared at him.
“You are unsufferable, Maul.”
“And you love me for that.”
You forced a smile.
He basically beamed with delight at your reaction.
“Well, give savage my regards. I got to go.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“I have ruler of mandalore things to do. Much less entertaining things than you and my brother might do tonight.”
“You can’t leave me here. I will die of embarrassment in front of your brother.”
“Then it was nice meeting you. Any wishes for your burial?”
“Maker, you really are-“
“trying to help you embrace the chaos? Yes, I do indeed.”
You were speechless.
The thought of staying and having a kind of forces surprise date with Savage was a good thought but at the same time you felt unprepared and intrusive towards Savage.
“Ah yes, there he is already. Faster than expected.”
Maul waved towards the entrance at the bar.
Savage was standing there.
He was tall and broad as ever. His ocker skin and horns sticking out of the Mandalorian crowd. And his face had the expression of a painfully reserved man.
When he saw Maul, he started moving through the bar.
When he noticed Y/N his expression hardened.
“Good to see you, dear brother. I was a bit careless with my time tonight, so I must leave early. But my dear friend here had a bad day, could use some company and maybe someone to escort them home later, only for safety of course. Would you mind?”
Mauls voice was nonchalant, as if he had no other motives.
But Savage knew his brother too well.
“Is that it, brother?”
“Ah yes, savage! What else do think there is?”
Savage studied Mauls face for a moment before gazing at you like a commander checking a serving soldier for injuries.
“Alright. I will stay.”, he finally said.
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MORE DEH INCORRECT QUOTES HAHA!!! (Mostly Kleinsen; Warning lol)
Jared: Hey, are you okay?
Evan: Yeah.
Jared: You don't look okay...
Evan: Then stop looking.
Evan: Why are you drinking?
Jared: I drink when I'm depressed.
Evan: But you're always drinking?
Jared: *smug grin*
Jared, trying to comfort Evan: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson? I've been there.
Miguel: I am in charge of this disaster!
Connor: I have a name, you know.
Jared: I have issues.
Evan: Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is to accept-
Jared: With you.
Jared: My only talent is being stress.
Alana: Don't you mean stressed?
Jared: No.
Evan: Are you ever going to listen to me?
Jared: Yes. Absolutely.
Evan: When?
Jared: When you're right.
Connor: You have your weirdly sincere humility.
Jared: I prefer the term "self-loathing", actually.
Jared: What? I'm not aggressive!
Evan: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Jared: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
Evan: Why are you on fire?
Jared: This is just how my day is going.
Evan: Dammit! You ruin everything!
Jared, finger-gunning: Your welcome.
Jared: *Seductively takes off glasses*
Jared: Wow...
Evan: *Blushes* Haha... what?
Jared: You're really fucking blurry.
Miguel: You remind me of the ocean.
Connor: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
Miguel: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Miguel: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Connor: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
Connor: I’m sad.
Miguel: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das.
Miguel: And das not good.
Jared: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat.
Evan: I don’t usually eat with losers.
Jared: Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
Jared: Remember what I told you.
Evan: 'Don't be a cunt.'
Jared: Hey, you wanna tarot card reading?
Evan: Those are Pokemon cards-
Jared: You got a magikarp.
Evan: ...
Jared: It means 'fuck you.'
Evan: Pardon the intrusion, but-
Jared: On this moment, or just my life in general?
Connor: I can never give Miguel shit because I’m jealous of him. He looks at his life and says, “Sweet! This is perfect!”
Connor: I look at my life and say, “Welp. Time to get drunk.”
Evan: How much did you spend on this date?
Jared: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
Jared: You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Evan: But don't you hate yourself.
Jared: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
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neo-culture-mafia · 4 years
NCT Dream Reaction First Kiss
Hey guys! It's admin j back with another reaction. Most are fluff and a some have a twist. News on Cleanse Week will be coming soon so be sure to look out for that. Some are longer than others for sake of the back story and...well...I might've gotten carried away haha.
Remember I love you guys and remember to smile. If no one has told you yet today, I love you and I'm proud of you.
[Not proofread - sorry]
[posted : 5.22.20]
Mark's first kiss with you would be a total accident. It had turned from the trainee mentor relationship into something more very quickly yet beautifully. It was still in the puppy stages of the relationship where you both were finding eachother's vibes.
You both would be in the hand-to-hand combat training room just running over some drills, one on one. "Right hook. Left sweep. Chin kick." His voice barked as you pushed your body to its limits. His hands were in mitts that protected himself against your assaults effortlessly.
"Finish off. Spin kick." He said and you turned around connecting your heel with the gear. "Good work." He cheered shaking the gloves off and handing you your water.
You took it and sat down on the ground where you previously had practiced. "My body hurts." You whined rolling around for a minute as he joined you on the floor. "You did great though." He took a sip from his own water.
Talking for a few minutes then you stood up. "Your turn now." You smiled and grabbed his gloves. His hearty laugh had you raise your eyebrows at his reaction. "Not a chance, baby." He got up and pinched your cheek. "Why do you say that?" You said putting your protected hands on your hips. "I just don't wanna hurt you is all." He shrugged and your mouth dropped.
"Am I not strong enough?!" You said with a shocked laugh. He shook his head no, walking over. "I didn't say that, cutie." His finger came up to boop your nose quickly.
"Then let's go." You kept nagging and he only looked at you for a moment. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He chuckled as you put your hands up strongly.
He got ready and took his beginning stance. "Right kick." You said and the force you were met with made you want to grab and cradle your own hand, yet, you carried on with the calls. "Left knee. Right knee. Roundhouse." You thought of all the kicks you knew in your own head.
Mark was getting lost in the calls and forgot about who he was training with for a moment. "Knee wrap-" his leg hooked around your knee and it had you shooting towards the ground.
After he felt your body falling he reached his hands out and grabbed your flailing arms quickly, picking you up mid-fall.
He had yanked you up and the next thing you knew...lips to lips. You both stood there for a moment in the kiss, not moving until you both had fully registered what was happening.
Both of your faces were blushed and rosey from the magical feeling kiss; both standing face to face still, turning away to try and hide the clear embarrassment. "Uh. I have to uh. I have to go write up some reports." You said as you picked up your bag with a smile.
"Of course." He nodded. "Thanks for the extra training session." Your smile only had his heart thumping faster.
"Always. You know where to find me." Both of you were so awkward as you said goodbye. Yet once you left him alone he was going crazy with excitement.
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It turns out that your guys' kiss was after the first argument. The kiss was cliché within itself but it was magical.
You both were in his apartment just talking as a thunderstorm raged on outside. The night took a dark turn when you both stated what you were looking for in a long relationship. You looked at Renjun and saw what you were looking for exactly. Renjun thought you could do better than him and his insecurity shone through that night.
"Someone amazingly smart." You smiled yet his smile dropped. "Oh?" "Mmmhmm. And wickedly handsome." The small giggle your body carried irked Renjun.
"Someone who has a tough exterior but is actually a softie." You were basically describing him trait for trait but the description wasn't lining up in his own head.
"So who are you looking for?" You asked as you situated yourself on the couch so you were facing him more. Just to spite innocent you, he started to list everything you thought you were, making yourself question your own worth and being.
"Loud and bright." Your smile only faltered a little at the hard to swallow statement. He didn't see like you that? "Someone who understands when to not talk about stuff. They stay quiet." Your gaze fell to your lap.
"Someone insanely beautiful." His playfully sounding yet vindictive words got your mood down and all you wanted to do was leave. "I think I should get going." Was all you said as you grabbed your bag and slipped on your shoes. He didn't stop and could only watch as you walked out of the door.
"Hey Jeno. Bye Jeno." You said as you opened the door and were met with the bulkier boy. Then you were gone.
Jeno rushed into the room and looked at Renjun with an upset face. "You idiot." Jeno stressed as he started beating Renjun with pillows. "She was talking about you, you doorknob." He said pointing to where you were once sitting.
"Huh?" Renjun was dumbfounded. "We bugged the room idiot. She was talking about you and you act that way towards her?!" Jeno asked and your words flashed through his mind again. The truth of the intrusion went directly over his head in the moment.
"Oh my God." He said starting to get up but freaking out. "What do I do?!" Renjun asked as his hands went through his hair, gripping at his brown locks. He started to pace the room in agitation.
"Go get her back!" Jeno dragged Renjun to the door and Renjun wasted no time as he pushed his shoes on and ran out the door and down the hall to the stairwell. He flew down the flights of stairs and into the apartment building's lobby. You were no where to be seen.
He felt guilty as he ran out the door into the pouring rain and saw you walking down the side walk in a hurry to get to shelter.
"Y/n!" He yelled but you couldn't hear him over the sharp drops of water. He groaned as he raced after you, passing some nightly joggers in the process.
He automatically flung his arms around your body and held onto you. "I don't deserve you. You were talking about me and I didn't realise. I am so sorry for trying to hurt your feelings, y/n. I'm still new to this whole relationship thing and still need to learn some things that you already know." you cut him off by turning around to face him.
"You're insanely pretty and super bright and bubbly at times. You're too friendly at times and so kind to random strangers. You're so respectful and I could never think of anyone better of a person than you. I'm so sorry that I was me-" you automatically connected your lips to his as you realized he wasn't going to shut up anytime soon if nothing stopped him.
He relaxed into the kiss and held your face perfectly in his hands. A moment of silence was between you both as you eased out of the kiss to look at one another. Raindrops fell down from your eyelashes and Renjun thought he was holding onto an angel.
"Oh my God you're perfect." His words were mumbled as he could only kiss you again in the rain.
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He knew that he was the boyfriend that you got to piss off your parents. You two had met at your work at the library when he was picking up se alchemy books.
He had really fallen for you though. He was absolutely enamored with you and your personality. You were his personal drug. You both were polar opposites yet found the most random things in common.
He would always try to set up the 4th date but something would always come up. He really believed you liked him and you knew for sure that he likes you but you both just had to wait for now. But waiting had been 3 and a half weeks since you guys have at least saw eachother in person. The boys were asking where you went to at this point for they had grown a liking to you too.
The second date was at his place where his friends dressed up in tuxes and served a fancy dinner. Yet...no kiss as he dropped you off that night. Just you scurrying away from his car with a bright smile on both of your faces.
"Did you guys smooch?" Jaemin asked as the door to the apartment opened to a smiley Jeno. "Nope." He cheered as he threw his keys in the bowl. The boys groaned as some popcorn was thrown at the ecstatic boy.
"I'm not just gonna rush her to kiss me. If she wants to then we can-" "wow you really have softened up." Hyuck gasped as his eyes became squinty at his friend. "Bad boys really do fall for good girls." Jisung gagged at the circumstances. "Yeah yeah yeah. Just don't want to scare her off is more like it." Jeno sighed slipping off his boots. "You just gotta go up and smooch. How hard is it? Have I taught you nothing?!" Jaemin asked as he punched his friend's shoulder. "Chill. It'll happen eventually." Jeno laughed as he twirled into his bedroom.
You had been out with your parents for a cute little lunch on a sunny Sunday afternoon. "You need to start going after boys who can take care of you." You mom sighed as she finished up her meal. "And not this imaginary gang member you're dating. Fantasy land is not reality."
Whatever you said always went in as stories to your parents' ears. It was getting insulting at this point. "Well I even offered to bring him to lunch today-" "and you probably would've picked up a hooligan off the street." You dad pointed his finger at you.
You huffed and fell into your seat. "I have a love interest. You just don't want to believe he's real." You sighed and they groaned. "Because the things you say don't make sense. What gang member goes to a library? For science books? Do you hear yourself, sweetie?" You mom grabbed your shoulder as she tried to be comforting.
"Can we just go home now? I don't want to shop anymore?" You pouted and you automatically got up to leave. Your parents followed and you all went to the front desk to pay.
Jeno had spotted you before you spotted him. He and the rest of the Junior Forces came to the outside mall to shop and chill for the day. That's when they sat by the fountain and just joked around for a little bit. There, he saw you standing with your two parents. You didn't look the happiest as you rocked back and forth on your feet.
Jeno whistled loudly and quickly drawing the attention of the boys but most importantly you. You turned your head and were met with the boys who were all staring at you along the smiley face paired with the usual done up head of hair that you loved oh so much. "Y/n!" Some of the boys waved which got the attention of your parents. "Who are they?" You mom asked quietly. "Make-believe." You sassed.
Your head turned towards your parent's confused faces and you knew what you were going to do. Jeno was expecting you to cheerfully skip over but you marched over with a purpose. Some of the boys were actually confused on why you looked so distraught. "Y/n! Get back here." Your father called loudly from the desk.
You approached and grabbed Jeno by the collar, pulling him up. "Don't ask why, just kiss me." It didn't take long for him to grab your waist and pull you up closer towards his face where he passionately kissed you. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders. His free hand traveled to the back of your neck to lead you. The kiss was filled with such passion and fierce feelings that if he wasn't holding you against him, you would've surely fallen to the ground as you legs turned to jelly.
"Oh my God she actually did it." Jaemin said with a shocked face while the boys cheered. "Finally!" Renjun raised his arms over his head. Yet, the rest of the boys noticed the approaching parents before you both did. The cheers died down. "Angry parents. 12 o'clock." Hyuck slapped Jeno's legs quickly.
Your parent's presence along with your dad clearing his throat, "y/n.", made you break away first. You stood on your own two feet and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand with a smirk.
"Mom. Dad. Meet Jeno. Not so imaginary now, is he?" You said with such an attitude towards your dad. You turned back to Jeno with a sweet smile. "Call you later." You winked. "Bye, boys." You sweetly smiled, "Bye. Y/n." Jisung was the only one who shly waved back. You walked past an awestruck Jeno with your angry parents in tow.
Once you all were out of hearing distance, the cheers from the boys made Jeno return to reality very quickly. "Oh. My." He whispered, hands coming up to feel his lips gently. "Ugh. Growing up so fast." Hyuck coo'd as he dabbed his eyes from his fake tears.
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Hyuck (longer)
You were an outside business women that had this poor boy following at your every step. You were a bad ass leader that ran her own fashion firm.
He was deployed to pose as your assistant because Taeyong was suspicious on how fast you came up and got known.
You both instantly clicked and Hyuck found out that you had no affiliated work with any type of syndicate or group of any sort. You just worked hard for what you wanted and you surely got it. Yet, once his main job was done, he still kept his position as you assistant. Tae didn't mind as long as he was where he needed to he when he needed to be.
As you two got closer he learned who you really were. You were a strong ass lady who never let anyone take your title or money from you. He fell in love with your strength and bad bitch personality.
"Coffee for the queen." He set your coffee on your big desk. He sat on the laquered wood next to you in your big office chair. His put one leg on top of the other and sipped his own coffee as you sketched in your designing pad. "Thank you, Hyuckie." You said as you concentrated. "Any thing on the schedule today?" You asked and he pulled up your agenda on his phone.
"Nothing but a meeting at 5." He bounced his leg. "Chelsea boots...again?" You asked as you caught sight of his foot wear.
He chuckled and took a good look at them. "What? Don't hate on the outfit of the day." He said and you finally looked at him up and down since he clocked in this morning. His distressed Nirvana tee was paired with jeans and the Chelsea boots. It was overall a nice outfit.
You said no more words, "clear my schedule. we're going shopping." And just like that you 2 were headed to the mall to shop the day away.
You linked your arm with his as you both walked into the bright shopping center. Both of you were super comfortable with each other and you would never be caught dead telling him that you had fallen for him.
He was so friendly but you were so sure that was just his nature and he didn't feel the same way.
"Oooooo. I'm getting you new shoes." You said as you tugged him into a random designer store that caught your eye. You pushed him down onto the velvet bench where he quickly regained his balance.
"What size shoe do you wear?" I asked and he only stared for a moment. "You don't need to. I have shoes already-" "But I want to." You smiled and was waiting for his answer. He wasn't used to people getting him stuff like this so he felt very out of place, but when he looked at you be felt safe. "270." And with that you were off down the aisles of shoes.
"Ew. They carry my brand." He heard your voice and he couldn't help but laughing lightly. You came back with your arms full of shoes. "Woah." He got up to try and help but you just dropped them on the ground.
"Start trying on, please. Get what you want. Don't be modest. I got some spending money. I'll be looking at watched and jewlery at the other side of the store." You handed him one of your credit cards. No information except your name was on the thick piece of black plastic that he now hesitantly held in his hand.
You were now bouncing off to the other side of the store with a smile on your face.
He began trying them on and he was blown away with the quality of each shoe. They were all amazing but he knew he couldn't get all. He narrowed it down to 3 shoes and headed to the cashier who was dressed very fancy like.
He set the shoes on the pristine white marble counter and waited to be serviced. The man just looked skeptical as he rung Donghyuck up. "How will you be paying?" The man's stares made Hyuck uneasy and feeling judged. He slid your card across the counter and returned to his position of his hands behind his back.
The man looked at the card and at the uneasy boy then back down to the card and had a throaty laugh. "You're playing a prank, aren't you?" He asked and now Hyuck just wanted to leave. "Your type shouldn't even be in here." The worker scoffed
"No. He belongs here as much as I do." You popped up beside Hyuck who automatically felt a rush of confidence that he usually had, but ever since he had entered this high-profile area- he lost. "And especially because I know for a fact that he makes more than all workers here...a week." Your voice was tough as the worker stood in shock with your card in his hands.
"Oh my God. You're...you're y/f/n." His smiles were now being dumbed down once he realized you were not happy in the slightest. "Now...I'm Pissed. That's who I am." You said pushing the shoes closer and setting some pieces of jewelry and a couple pairs of sun glasses down on the counter. He rang up all of the items with care and quickness. Hyuck stood there in shock that this was happening. Your hand came up to play with some of his hair that lost its place. "I apologise again sincerely. It's just that type-" "Can you please tell what TYPE you're talking about?" You asked as you grabbed the heavy bags from the counter and keeping them in your hands. All the workers now gathered around with their heads lowered.
"Well. Lower clas-" "I'm going to stop you there." Hyuck knew exactly where this was going. You had been lower class yourself before making it big and you never forgot where you came from. There has been times that your friends stopped talking to you because they walked into your office to see you sporting department store sweatpants and a distressed tee along with your all-time favorite pair of skating shoes. You get it. And you never treat anyone differently no matter how they look or what they sport in the daytime. What you did judge people on though, is how they interact others...and boy did you hate mean and rude people.
"-and I can promise that your ass won't work in any luxury store in the whole Asian continent after this week. That isn't a threat. It's a promise. Good day to you, sir." You said taking Hyuck's hand and dragging him out of the store.
You both walked down the tiled floor and you breathed out. "Almost lost my cool there." You said and Hyuck could only laugh. You had put him in a better mood.
"Are you okay though?" You asked and he nodded. "Never been better." He smiled and you touched his cheek lightly. "Now let's go for some shirts and pants." You said motioning to the next store that caught your eye.
"Hello Miss. y/n. Welcome back." A woman greeted and you greeted back equally as nice. "Oh thank you. How are you this week? Did your daughter perform well in her recital?" The bags were taken from yours and his hands automatically by workers while you started to look through racks.
"Do you like button ups?" You asked him and Hyuck could only shrug. "I like t-shirts." You laughed at his cute response but held a shirt up to his torso. "This would be handsome." You said and put it over your arm and continued looking.
"Go. Look around. Pick up whatever catches your interest." You winked and he took you up on your offer. He looked around and picked up some shirts that he would wear daily to have some elegant sense.
"Ready to try on?" A worker asked you and you nodded grabbing Hyuck and you were both guided to a big room with what felt like a million mirrors.
The door closed and it was just you two. There was a small circular rising in the middle of the room where you could model clothes once they were on.
"Alright. Shirt off. This shirt's been making so curious on how it would look on you." Hyuck froze. His gun's metal has never felt more cold on his hip. "Uh. Can't I try them on myself?" He laughed nervously. You looked at him and looked around. "Uh. You okay?" You laughed lightly and he shrugged after a moment.
Then a lightbulb went off in your mind. You took your hand bag off and opened the lid and put the opening towards him. "What?" He asked looking at you.
You sighed at his cluelessness and motioned a gun shape. His blood ran cold and a shiver went down his spine. He slowly lifted his shirt up to expose the dark metal laying on his waist.
He grabbed it and put it in your bag. You cheerily put it down and tugged at his shirt. "How did you know?" He was still in a frozen state and wanted to know answers now.
You pushed him back to the stage and he obediently stepped on. You started lifting his shirt but his hand grabbed your wrist. "How do you know?" He asked sternly and your eyes rolled. "I'm a girl that knows what she needs to." You said and continued to help him redress.
The scars on his torso intrigued you but need to be brought up at a later time. "How?" He asked once again as you buttoned his buttons. You spaced out for a moment before regaining all your thoughts.
"My father ran a smaller syndicate and my brother acted the same way as you before you started his own. I separated myself from that life and went to design school to run from that life." You rambled but he took in every word. "All of a sudden you become my assistant and I see your behavior, gun bulge on your waist, and tattoos. Next thing I know, my brother talks to me for the first time in 10 years to see what I've become." His mind was doing loops as he tried to put the missing puzzle piece in place.
"I'm guessing Taeyong doesn't talk about me much, huh?" You said and Hyuck thought he was gonna faint and puke at the same time. "You...you...sister?" He asked slowly. You sighed as you nodded your head. "It's old family affairs, I suppose. Saw I was head of my own company yet a big softie and retracted all offers he first gave me." Your hands ran down his torso to smoothen the fabric out.
"Oh my God." Was all he could say in the void of silence. Your laugh pulled him down to earth.
"It's okay. I'm not gonna judge you because I know what it's like. Training. Not have a clear thought for yourself. Following directions all day long. And you're a good guy. I don't judge from what you are. But how I feel about you. And I like you." You shook your head and everything seemed so much more clear.
He wasn't thinking clear when his lips found themselves on yours. He was more shocked you didn't pull away. Yet , he was so happy that you didn't pull away from him.
The kiss broke with the both of you regaining your breaths. "I promise we can talk about this...us...later." you smiled. Hyuck hadn't noticed how his arms wrapped around your body until you broke away and stepped off the platform. "But I want to get these clothes and go get a burger and a milkshake. I'm starving." You smiled and turned away.
Yet, the mirror couldn't hide your rosey cheeks and big smile that made his heart thump behind his scarred chest.
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You and him were polar opposites in personalities. His rough and jagged moods were always slowed down and capped by your soft nature. On the outside, both of you held the similar style, yet once each of you opened your mouthes, people would turn their head in confusion.
Both of you were close since you became a trainee in the Junior Forces. He had grown an unusual liking to you that had the other boys confused as to what he saw in you.
He saw something he could protect and stuck to it.
"Let's go get some coffee." He whined as he dragged you out of your bed by your ankles. You hit the ground with an 'oof' and were still dazed and confused by what happened.
"Y/n let's go." He pulled at your arms. "But I'm tired." "That's why we're going to get coffee." He said and threw a hoodie and jeans onto you.
"5 minutes then I'm going without you." He said walking out of your room. He would wait patiently for up to 20 minutes is what '5 minutes' meant.
You groggily got up and got changed into the oversized hoodie and jeans. You pulled random shoes on and walked out to Jaemin eating ice cream from your freezer. "Are you ready yet?" He asked and you nodded as you grabbed your phone and wallet.
He pushed you out of the door and all the way until you both hit the street. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day to just stroll around for a little bit.
"So what's new with you? How was the mission?" You asked as his hand slipped around your shoulders. "Tiring. Wanted to leave as soon as I got there." He smiled a little. "So...the usual." You giggled as you both turned the corner onto the main street.
"Now, you. What's been going through that brain of yours?" He asked, ready to hear you become talkative about what you've been up to. "I was watching this new show and the main characters are so cute-" "yeah?" "and they just won't fall in love already. They're perfect for one another but they just won't see it and it's so frustrating-" you talked to whole way to the cafe but he loved every word that fell from your lips.
"The usual?" He asked and you nodded but continuing where you left off. You shushed when he ordered but he became more engaged as you both waited.
"That's basically it." You suddenly said and he smiled. "Well the show sounds amazing." He complimented your explanation. "It really is. Ooo and there's this new movie we should see together. It's about zombies." You said playing with the straw container. "Really?" He mindlessly added on. "Mm-hmm. It's coming out next week." He thanked the worker as the two drinks were served.
He handed the cold coffee to you and put a straw in. You both were off on the streets again.
"What do you want to do?" You asked and he shrugged. "Park?" You suggested. He gave a small nod and you both began the new journey. "Mmm. Taste this." He held his dark black iced americano up to your lips but you just looked at him hesitantly. "No. It tastes icky." You shook your head but he continued to hold it up to you.
You sighed and decided one sip wouldn't be terrible. You took some of the liquid into your mouth. The bitterness made you reel back from the sour and bitter liquid.
His laugh shook through his body as your eyes sparked with pure caffeine. "It's awful." You said taking sips of your own drink. "Awfully good." He continued.
You both made it to the park and sat on a bench that looked out to the river. The cool breeze wrapped you both together. His arm found its way around your shoulders and your head ended up resting on his shoulder.
"I like you." His sudden confession had you frozen. No warning or anything. Not even a leading up statement. "What?" You said as you sat up a little to face him. "You like me?" You restated the confession and he could only nod.
"I like you too. I just never thought that you felt the same way. I was so scared that it was one sided and you would never talk to me again-" he rolled his eyes at your never-ending rambling.
He grabbed your face and shut you up by kissing you. The bitterness of his coffee was present in the kiss but it tasted more...sweet this time. It was intoxicating.
You both broke away from the kiss but your foreheads rested against one another. "You talk to much." He whispered with a smile.
"If that's what you're going to do to shut me up. I'll talk more often."
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The first kiss would be magical yet an unplanned way to distract you.
Both you and Chenle were deployed on an extraction mission. Jisung and Jeno messed up during their own mission and had been held captive for the past week. Jeno his his mic and wire and that was the only way you guys knew they were still alive.
Mark and Taeyong deployed both of you as soon as a plan was made by Chenle. Him being the escape artist on the team made him an amazing fit for the job. You were more for a backup and decoy.
You both entered the foreign feeling base and automatically got to work. "Guards just left." Jeno mic'ed from wherever he was in the building.
"Headed directly to you." Chenle whispered into the almost invisible wire. Your range of vision was wide as you looked out for any other people.
You bumped into Chenle as he stopped outside of a door. "This one." He said and you looked for any witnesses as he began to pick the locks.
The door was opened in no time and he pulled you into the dimly lit room. A bloody jeno and jisung sat in chairs. Yet, the happiness in their eyes made up for their bruises and scrapes. "Get us out of here. Now." Jisung begged moving around in his seat.
"There's a device on his chair. We think it's explosive." Jeno said lowly. Chenle checked his best friend's chair as his smile fell. "Pressure activated. Once you get up, it'll detonate." He said and you could see everything flash through his mind. "We just need to find something to transfer the pressure so we can leave." Everyone's eyes looked around the bare room until Jeno was the first one to lay his eyes on you.
One by one they all gained the same realization. "Oh. No." You shook your head. "No no no." You shook your head and you saw the bruised boys become more ancy. "Please, y/n." Jisung pleaded as tears came into his eyes.
"I'm the only one that knows the right way out. I promise we'll be right back to get you." Chenle said coming over and grabbing your shoulders strongly. "I swear." He said and all of a sudden you became ancy and distraught.
"The guards came back and they're not here? And I am? I'll be dead." You said becoming more erratic. Chenle slipped his own gun into your hands. "That would never happen. The exit is directly down the hall. As soon as we're out, I'll be 10 minutes tops." He said trying to stop your tears that were forming.
"Y/n. Please." Jeno called softly.
Your heart rate picked up and you felt a panic attack coming on very quickly. You grabbed your face to stop the heat rushing to your face. You started babbling and rambling, becoming more louder as your ears clogged naturally.
"Y/n you have to be quiet." Chenle tried shushing you as the two boys were still trapped in their seats. Chenle was looking for something to shush you but was left high and dry.
"They're going to come if she gets any louder." Jisung rocked back and forth in his seat. "Stop doing that." Chenle said holding his hand out to his friend who was about to breakdown himself.
The boys understood why you were getting so worked up. They were asking you to be a sitting duck for a while, not even being allowed to move out of the position for fear of death by explosion.
Your levels of loudness were consistently rising in the small concrete room. "I really thought this would happen another way." Chenle sighed but threw his lips on yours. It was dead silent as Jeno and Jisung sat stunned at the methods Chenle used.
When he backed off you were still silent. Silent tears were what you were diminished to. "10 minutes. I promise." He hugged you tightly and he felt your nods of approval against his shoulder. "Don't let me die here." You whispered and he could only hold you tighter if that was possible.
"We have to go." Chenle said and went back to finally untie Jeno and Jisung. Jeno got up smoothly but Jisung sat frozen. "Y/n. Start scooting onto the seat as he starts scooting off. The weight transfer will hold constant that way." Jeno said and Jisung began to slowly scoot off of the wooden chair. You slowly took his position and the next everyone knew, you were trapped in the seat.
Chenle put one of his guns in your lap and kissed you one last time. "I'll be back soon. I promise." He said. You watched as they walked out of the room, never looking back.
The door was left wide open and you sat there in plain sight. The only thing you heard was the shakiness in your breath. "Almost to the car." Was all you heard over your earpiece after what felt like forever.
You couldn't respond out of fear of being heard by someone fom the other side.
The silence became deafening. "Are you coming back?' you asked into the mic but it was met by silence. The tears began to fall faster as the same erratic heartbeat took place in your chest again.
Footsteps were heard coming back down the hall at a rapid yet quiet pace.
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(omg I could never imagine real chenle doing this but I had to do it for the angst)
Both of you lived out the puppy love stage for all of the relationship.
"Please just leave." Jisung groaned as he followed Jeno and Jaemin around the apartment. "Why? We've met her before. It's not like we'll be scaring her off." Jaemin said as he took a bite of his sandwich. "I know but I get out when your partners come over. Why can't you do the same for me?" Jisung asked as he sat down grumpily at the counter. "Because we're not ready to be uncles yet." Jeno reasoned and the two older boys laughed.
"You two are so gross." Jisung whined. "And we're not even..." The two boys stared intently at Jisung. "None of your business. Why can't you just leave for like a couple hours." Jisung spun around in the chair.
"Here. We'll make you a deal." Jaemin said as he threw his sandwich onto his plate. He took a moment of thinking and came up with a good negotiation. "You wash both of our cars. Inside and out." Jaemin said and Jisung was on the edge of his seat. "We'll leave for a couple hours and let you guys do...whatever you guys do." Jaemin finished with an eye roll. "Deal." Jisung said and automatically began to gather his hyungs stuff.
"New movies are showing. They look really cool. You should also get some dinner." Jisung said shoving each of their wallets in their hands. "Now leave." He said looking at both of them seriously.
The older boys groaned but obeyed the wishes of their younger brother. "If Mark calls and says he hears ONE moan-" "Yeah yeah yeah. Ew." Jisung said as he swatted them out of the door. "Oh, hi, y/n!" Jeno greeted cheerfully as he opened the front door. Jaemin gave a sincere smile. "Jisung is kicking us out for the night to have fun with you. Please do not do the diddly-do on any shared furni-" "YAH! LEAVE!" Jisung yelled once he saw your face fall and all color drain.
The two boys left with laughs as Jisung pulled you into the apartment.
"Please ignore them." He laughed and you waved him off. "It's fine. Really." You laughed.
The whole date was cuddling on the couch and just being with each other which was actually really cute.
Jisung went to lay on the floor and you followed suit to bug him. You lifted his legs and began to balance on them. "Airplane." You laughed as his own laughs made it hard for him to hold you up.
Next thing you know, you fell directly into your guys' first kiss. What went from a laughing moment turned into a serious one.
His arms wrapped around you comfortably.
The presence of a shocked Jeno and Jaemin went unnoticed.
"I mean at least they're not on the couch." Jaemin said causing his friend to laugh and the two of you to push off eachother in a blushy and heated mess.
"You could've knocked." Jisung said as you began to get up and straighten yourself out. "For our own apartment?" Jeno asked as Jae was in the kitchen once again.
"I should be going." You smiled sweetly and bowed to Jeno and smiled at Jisung who waved quickly from where he sat on the ground.
You put on your shoes and left quickly.
Jae came back with a sandwich in hand to join the silent tension. "First kiss?" He asked with a mouth full of bread.
Jisung shyly nodded and the two olders looked at eachother.
"Figures." Jeno said walking off.
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(ugh he'd be such a comfy boyfriend. prove me wrong)
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 11: he’s kind
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chapter 10
Dinner had ended and I was heading to Snape's classroom for my detention/private lessons. I was thinking about the whole Yule Ball thing, was I really gonna get up in front of tons of people that I didn't know? And then start singing? I mean what if nothing comes out, or they laugh and think I'm ridiculous. But like Hermione had said I didnt wanna disappoint my Godfather. Plus I didn't know how much longer he was gonna be around. I don't want to upset him, especially after how gracious and kind he's been to me this year. 
As I got closer into the dungeons and nearer to Snape's classroom I spotted Lockhart going the same direction as I. I stopped for a moment to see where he was gonna go. Sure enough he walked into Snape's classroom, when the door shut behind him I quickly ran over and pressed my ear to it. "Ahhh Professor Snape I have an inquiry regarding one of our students." I heard lockhart say in a cocky tone, the bastard better not be talking about me. "What is it Gilderoy?" Snape asked, annoyance dripping from his voice, what a power move, calling him by his measly little first name. What kind of a name is Gilderoy? It sounds like something you step in. "I wanted to say..how dare you remove Y/n from my detention like that! She did a punishable offense and should have gotten far worse than what I gave her, and she is to serve it with me!" he exasperated, gosh he sounds like a toddler! "Ms. L/n does indeed need to be punished and I see it more fitting she serves detention with me, since I am able to provide her with a punishment that will ensure she never does it again." Snape clapped back, look at him, sticking up for me, what a gentleman. I began to feel heat rise to my cheeks but ignored it to keep listening. "Look here Severus, I don't know where you get off telling me how to punish my students!" Lockhart said with more anger in his tone. This was getting out of hand. I wonder if I should go in. No, no Snape can take care of himself.
"Oh I know perfectly well how you punish your students" Snape said with venom in his tone. Wait. What did he mean by that? "I have no idea what you are talking about." Lockhart said clearly more afraid now. "So it would seem, now get out of my class I have a student who needs to serve detention soon!" Snape said, raising his voice more. I heard footsteps coming closer and hurried back down the hallway to pretend I wasn't eavesdropping. As I walked back towards the classroom, surely looking like a fool if anyone saw me, Lockhart left Snape's room clearly stressed. "Ah Y/n hello darling" vomit. "Professor Lockhart" I said, nodding and trying to walk past him. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Not so fast" he said, leaning over me, considering our height difference was almost a foot. "Is there something I can do for you, put a spell on you again maybe?" I said not wanting him to think he could intimidate me. "Look here, you may think you have gotten out of this one, but I assure you, I am not finished with you yet and you can bet! that I-" "Mr. Lockhart, Ms. L/n needs to get to her detention so if you could kindly step away from the girl and let her through we won't have any issues now will we?" Snape said, cutting him off as he came out of his classroom. I smiled and hurriedly walked past Lockhart over to Snape. He cleared his throat "No I was just leaving." he said scared and hurrying off down the hall.
We got into his room and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you professor, although I'm almost certain I can handle that joke of a man." I said looking up at him. "Yes, well i'm certain you can take him as well, but we do not need to give him any reason to assign you another detention." he said, almost smirking. There it is again the almost smile he's been doing around me. Dare I say I bring some joy to this man's life. We stood in silence for a few seconds and I chirped up "Professor, can I ask you something?" I inquired as he walked around over to his desk and sat down. "Depends what it is." He said, stacking some papers. "Do you ever smile?" I said with bright eyes, walking over to my seat, hoping he would understand it was a genuine question. "No" "No you don't smile, or No I can't ask you that?" he sighed, "Both" I laughed "Oh come on there's gotta be some stuff that makes you smile" I said staring at him writing whatever teachers write down. "Not even taking away house points? Or first years blowing up potions?" "Well I suppose seeing Lockhart lose his position would make me laugh" he responded, I giggled and he looked up at me "Was that a joke? Oh even if it wasnt, that was funny, I would smile, heck throw a party, if that happened!" I said laughing "You know what would also make me smile? Knowing I'm not wasting my time giving you these lessons and you pass the test tomorrow."
"Well do not worry Professor I will not let you down, let's crackin 'shall we?" I said smiling and opening my books. "Pull your chair up and we will make sure you succeed tomorrow, I don't need you bringing down my class average again" he said with a hint of a joking tone but a serious face. I pulled up my chair and we spent the next three hours studying. I didn't even realize it was so late it was already almost 10:00 and I was growing tired, but I was gonna do anything to pass this test, if not for me, than for Professor Snape. As we sat and studied I noticed more features of Snape I hadn't noticed before, his dark black eyes were actually very...nice... to look at and his face seemed soft, worn and distressed, like he'd seen some stuff, but smooth. And that hair it was pure black and long but it was beautiful, it looked silky, like my fingers would just glide through it. Wait what am I saying this is my Professor, oh merlin y/n stop these thoughts, shut it down right now. I blinked hard to erase the thoughts and yawned. "Mm yes it is actually very late, I think you have done a tremendous amount of studying for the test tomorrow and I think you will do well." he said as I snapped back into reality. "Yes thank you Sir I will get going now." We both stood and he walked over and opened the door for me. "Thank you for everything, not just the studying, but Lockhart and the whole detention thing too." I said looking up at him. I wanted to hug him as a kind gesture, but I wasn't sure that was entirely appropriate, especially after the intrusive thoughts I had minutes prior. "Of course anytime Ms. L/n" "you know you can just call me Y/n. I kinda feel we are friendly enough now for less formal titles." "Ok I will try Ms. L/n" "And I could call you Se-" he put his hand up, "Don't push it" he said. I smiled and looked down at my feet to hide the blush I felt rising to my cheeks, heavens what's gotten into me why does this keep happening? "Ok well Goodnight Sir." I said turning to leave. "Goodnight Y/n" he said quietly as I walked off down the hallway, smiling to myself that he called me Y/n.
As I got into my dormitory I tiptoed quietly, to not wake my roommates, over to my bed. Oh I need to tell Dumbledore I'm gonna do the Yule ball thing. I wrote a quick note accepting his offer and handed it to Hera, "Take this to Albus real quick please." I whispered to her and opened my window, she flew out and I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I exited the bathroom and Hera had returned with a response in beak. I opened it and it was Dumbledore saying he was glad I said yes and was very excited to see what I would sing. I gave my owl a treat and closed her cage door, and laid down in my bed. I looked up at the ceiling thinking about the test tomorrow, my mind wandered to the potions professor, he was being so kind to me, I thought of his voice, and his eyes. I felt a little nervous tingle in my chest that went as fast as it came, this time it was a good one. What was that? Why did that happen when I thought of him, I've never really had that weird spurt before. I rolled over and closed my eyes, ignoring the feeling and falling asleep.
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Could you write Pastel imitating BB? (Or Fairyman trying to handle two BB's and all his hair goes grey from the stress.)
CW: low self-esteem; caps; shouting; intrusive thoughts; pet whump; begging for punishment;
Farlan finds himself pressed against the wall, BB and Pastel inching closer.
“I wanna BB Blue BE BLUE BE BLUE!” Pastel chants, copying BB’s moves into a even more exaggerated mannerism. Farlan isn’t sure he is doing this to mock BB or if they both united to drive him insane. Either is working, because BB gets more agitated, and Pastel gets louder, and Farlan gets more and more overloaded.
“STOP!! I’m BB!”
“NO, I’m BB!”
“You can be BB I’m BB!”
“BOTH OF YOU” They freeze, turning to him. Pastel goes on his knees, BB just stands, pulling the bar of their hoodie down “Good. Now what is this fuss about?”
They start to gargle answers at the same time, and soon are shouting at each other again. Farlan sighs.
“STOP” Startled silence. Pastel takes their forehead to the floor “…One of you are a time. BB, you start”
“…Pastel is copying BB! That’s illegal! It’s annoying!”
“BB keeps saying they want to be Blue and don’t like being BB. I don’t like being Pastel so if they are Blue this means BB’s role is free and Pastel can take it. It’s only fair, they can’t be both BB and Blue”
To this, BB leans forwards and shows their tongue to Pastel, crossing their arms.
“Behave, BB”
…They pout.
“Alright. I still Don’t quite get what the fuck is with you and Blue… But BB, you don’t have to try and be like him. And Pastel, just because BB is doing that, it doesn’t mean you can go and try to be them instead. Both of you are… better at being yourselves than at being someone else”
“What?” BB whispers.
“You are very good at being BB, BB” Farlan says. His head hurts. This situation is stupid. It’s like saying that water is wet, still somehow they are shocked. He would message Orfeu if he even knew how to begin explaining this but he doesn’t “And Pastel, you are good at being Pastel”
“You are also good at being Farmland, Master” BB tries. They are more trying to appease Farlan than really trying to make amends, judging by the face Pastel and BB are making at each other.
“Hm, thanks. Now apologize to each other”
They stare at him, clearly unhappy.
“Come on. You both care about each other a lot, don’t you? Fighting will only make both of you feel worse”
“Sorry…” BB says, behind gritted teeth. Pastel takes their hand, squeezes it, catching BB of guard. BB shakes their head, and leaves Pastel alone with Farlan.
“…You didn’t really apologize there, Pastel” Farlan commends, pulling a chair on the counter.
“…Sorry, Master. I just… want them to be themselves” Pastel whispers, very nervous, as he fights the tears “They… They need to stop... Stop this… this Blue thing… Or… D-does Master wants them to be Blue?”
“…No, no. I agree. They should stop. But that won’t happen overnight”
…Pastel crawls closer, putting his head on Farlan’s knee. He feels uncomfortable at this, and struggles not to pull away. Pastel avoids contact, usually... It was Haru did this a lot.
“P-please g-give them time? P-please? I’ll help them be better for you. Please don’t send them away? Please?”
“I’m not going to. I said that before” but they need constant reassurance, don’t they? “This is your forever home”
“Thank you Master” He pulls away and bows his head slightly, seemed as relieved as Farlan was to cease the contact “I apologize for… For our behavior. Please, allow me to be punished. I started it, I’m… more at fault than BB is”
“I’m not punishing you” Hell. He hates when they ask him for it. Would be way to easy to just oblige. Get a belt, give them some bruises, and never have to worry about them doing something like this again.  “Neither of you. Just, you two should make amends”
Pastel nodded.
“Yes, Master. We will. Sorry again for bothering you. Am I allowed to… to return to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, sure. Always”
Pastel quickly got up and left.
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