#seriously just don't make helmets have human faces is that so hard?????
kaiserouo · 1 month
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wow hunters sure have a lot of cool looking sets
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capricosalvation · 1 month
Young Cathleen Bate x Fem!Reader
After yesterday's poll, i Made this thinking about a Young Cathleen dressed in the uniform With a bike, heavily 80's inspired "Take my breath away" kinda thing. Both Of You Are +18 in this fic, but there is no smut.
Cathleen and you have something going on for a while... And no one noticed...Its a relief, both of you have religious parents, but at the same time, the thrill it's interesting to Say at least..
You were coming out of your university when you saw your girlfriend waiting for You, standing in her military outfit close to her motorbike, She looked badass!
Cathy seems to have some bandages in her face...
"Don't worry too much for it, babe... It was just a quirkless combat with Ethan" - she cooed, caressing your soft right cheek.
"Babe You look like a beaten up banana at this point, i'm worried" - Y/N pouted, altrought humoring Cathy, she was worried "i think you shouldn't go that hard, cant imagine how Ethan looks compared to You"
"Nahh, It was part of the exercise! He was holding back on Me, I insisted him going full Power" - She brushed it off with a smile, but when she tried to smile she ended up wincing in pain.
"I'm being serious, don't overwork yourself." - The worried girl crossed her arms, raising her head to look at her secret girlfriend seriously.
But Y/N didnt knew that Cathleen was having a bad day already, and was trying to not burst up at the minimun pressure "Listen, I might not be the Best cadet yet, but I'm not a child anymore, please don't treat me like one, I'm a full grown adult" - She was being hard headed again... Y/N could tell this was a sensitive matter for her, and She didnt wanted to make scene in the University entrance.
She huffed, not wasting saliva in what would be a public discussion, Cathleen sitted on the motorbike looking at Y/N without a word, just a cold face that if it spoke it would say "get on, no questions"
Y/N complied sitting and hugging Cathleen for security, but at the same time, that hig was showing her concern. Cathleen revved the bike, who roared back to life, soon they left University grounds and drive towards her parents house.
Cathleen's parents werent at Home, neither her Sister. They went to visit Cathleen's grandparents, Y/N knew that because of Cathleen's rants about wanting to go with them... But She couldnt. She had to sacrifice that in order to be the Best.
The women arrived to the cadet's Home, a large, fancy condo, she got off the bike, and took off her helmet, and then turned to look at you "They went to see our grandparents for the weekend , but don't worry, they know you, they told me you could come In whenever you wanted" - she said in a tired tone, she realized that Y/N didnt deserve her anger, so She took her secret lover's hand, guiding her to the cadet's house, lo later enter to her room.
Cathleen's room was filled With All Might pictures and posters of planes. A photo With little Cathy posing happily in All Might's arms was proudly showed in her nightstand. Y/N sat on the bed, downhearted about what happened before, the blonde hero aspirant closed the door. Taking off her jacket... Y/N gasped, Cathleen was beaten up, purple and red bruises collored her fair skin, she looked at You with a mix of seriousness, whim and... Sadness?
"This is what happens when You want to be the best" - She huffed, agitated "To be like him, i need to be strong" - she was being hard headed... Again
"All Might Isnt strong all the time!" - Y/N said, her voice trembling "Because he's a human! YOU don't have to be strong all the time, because YOU'RE human!!!"
"You don't understand, Y/N" - She said, gruff "How can You be the Best in a world of men, 'taking it easy'?" - She said the last Words in a mocking, sarcastic, yet jealous and hurtfull tone. Then She sighed, She was hurting her beloved. "I... I can't help it... W-when you're surrounded by men that are so strong... So powerful... I... I feel weak... I feel useless..." - Cathleen began to sob and tears of anger started to flow from her eyes, she was feeling pathetic... Weak... She wasn't the hero she wanted to be... Cathleen tought herself as a disgrace that didn't deserve that uniform...
Y/N had enough, jumping from the bed to cup her girlfriend's cheeks "You Are NOT weak! You're one Of the Best fucking students!" - She sighed, then kissed her cheek in comprehension "You're a student for Gods sake! A student can't be a Master if they compare themselves all the time!!! Stop pushing yourself!" - that was the last straw for Y/N to get on her tippy toes and kiss Cathleen on the lips.
The bigger woman gasped and hugged the more petite one as they both kissed softly. Cathleen muscly arms hugged her girlfriend's more smaller frame, it felt like it was thanking Y/N with her body languaje. When the sweet kiss ended, the now smiling cadet cupped her girlfriend' cheek, a gesture She always makes.
"I'm sorry doll.. i don't know what happened to me.. i'll make up to You, just wai-.. - she was interrumpted by Y/N kissing the bandage in Cathleen's cheek. "You Are so selfless, Cathy.. that makes You shine like a Star"
At the end of the day, they ended up cuddling on the couch, eating Cathleen favorite gummies. And She couldnt be happier of having Y/N in her life, her little Star...
Hi guys! I hope You liked it! Please do tell me if i made a typo or grammatical error, i'm always learning. Anyways, if You have a idea for a One Shot like this please write a comment, i appreciate the feedback.
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ladysomething · 3 months
Ooo! Let’s see, how about ‘Charles is part dragon and Max really is quite golden isn’t he?’ (Both are still drivers)
- Zoomimal
oh my GOD I love how vague and yet also specific this is. seriously resisting the temptation to write a quick thousand words about this, but resist I will because we all know it wouldn't be a thousand words.
I have two different ideas for this so here they are:
lighthearted, minimal angst, lots of fluff, lots of Charles admiring Max, porn, probably short
Charles has a metamorphic ability where he physically transforms into a dragon - some kind of genetic ability. In this world, I think these types of transformations would be fairly normal. Maybe not everybody has the ability, but it's common enough that people know it's possible and don't really blink an eye.
Charles, however, keeps it a secret, maybe because dragons are seen as destructive and he doesn't like people thinking that he must be like that.
but maybe because the dragon he transforms into is the size of a toy poodle and that embarrasses him.
anyway, nobody else on the grid knows (except maybe Pierre), and Charles tries very hard to suppress his urges and instincts but one of the things he can't suppress is how drawn he is to things that shine.
he used to just collects coins and paperclips and jewellery but lately he's struggling to satisfy his urge and he starts looking for bigger and bigger prizes. shiny helmets, pieces of carbon fibre. but eventually even that's not enough, so he has to branch out again: other drivers trophies, plaques and awards. but it's not quite what he needs, it doesn't quiet satisfy him.
and then he shares a podium with max, looks at him all flushed and sweaty and glowing under the bright lights of a night race, and realises that there is nothing more shiny and golden than Max Verstappen.
Charles would absolutely then transform into his cute poodle dragon form, lure max back to his hotel room (or Monaco apartment?) and force max is sit in the centre of his huge collection of Shiny Things, as his crown jewel, the pièce de résistance, and then he'd transform back into his human form and fuck max on top of his treasure.
you could definitely sub in Charles not being able to transform, just having dragon in his lineage somewhere, and all he's inherited is some of the tendencies.
2. angsty, long, exploring the themes of greed and facing the consequences of your actions
this would feature Charles being punished by being cursed to turn into a dragon every night. think some kind of cross over between brother bear and Shrek. he'd be cursed because he was too greedy, never satisfied with what he gets in life and always trying to have more, more, more.
max would know that he's been cursed and would help him try to find a solution. some kind of long adventure/journey/roadtrip where max is constantly annoyed by Charles complaining. maybe they're even exes and they broke up because of Charles' insatiability and his inability to appreciate what he has.
as the road trip progresses Charles would get more and more on edge, starting to wonder if they're ever going to fix him.
maybe Charles doesn't even know why max left him - maybe he thinks max couldn't handle Charles winning championships while max himself was being labelled as "washed up" and "old news".
the climax would definitely be them having a big fight and max finally telling Charles that, no, it wasn't because he was losing and Charles was winning, it was because winning had made Charles so unrecognisable that max had started to resent him. that he hopes Charles has to stay like this forever, because he deserves to have been punished/cursed for his greed.
max leaves, and Charles has to finish the rest of the journey alone, realising how lonely he is and how much he'd given up. he would in the end choose not to continue on his journey and instead go back to max to try and make things right.
doesn't necessarily have an ending about max being golden, but the imagery would be woven throughout as a motif ...
ok that was so fun and hard. send me an ask with a prompt idea and I'll plot it out!
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Compilation of Anon Asks (Part 1)
I have a BUNCH of sweet anons in my ask box frequently but I usually don't have the time to answer everyone so in this post I'm just going to be screenshotting the asks and putting my responses underneath. Not every ask is here since it'll get too long but yeah I'll make other parts soon. Kind of long, but may be worth it since I ramble a lot about cute Harbinger stuff and personal hcs so yea :)
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As someone who also headcanons Childe to be cuddly af as well, this hurts me to my core😭 Like I just know this man would not give you a break you'd be trying to do literally anything and his arms would be snug around your waist, and he would not let go for anything 💀
As such, you are very correct when you say he'd have a hard time with a nontouchy lover. Childe's pretty disheartened at first. But is there a specific reason you don't like being touched? Maybe he can get you to explain? Maybe you can at least link pinkies with him? He's starving over here. Of course, he would 100% respect your boundaries, but he'd be very sad :( Boy would have to get real creative with his love otherwise he might explode.
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♿️🛐 That's what I think. More seriously though, this idea has a lot of cute fluffy potential, thinking about how this would be nice in maybe an olden times AU (pls idk the names) 💓 I'm thinking that they hid their true identity from you for a long time - you looked so fragile and helpless, and lived all alone - perhaps they were eyeing you up because your blood seemed so sweet, more than the average person even.
But even though they have much opportunities to take you, they don't. It seems that they have fallen in love with you somehow, and they can't bear to reveal their true form to you now. Until you somehow stumble upon them dizzy, completely needy for your blood. No matter how much they feasted on others, their throats still burned for your blood. Some would be more resistant and tell you to get away from them now. But all of them in the end, are clinging desperately to your shoulders, begging you for your blood and love otherwise they may go mad. If you accept, well... you'll belong to them forever👀
(Would they turn you into a vampire?? Some of them definitely would I think, like Scaramouche and Dottore who want you to be with them for all eternity. Others would be conflicted over you keeping your precious humanity vs wanting to claim you as theirs.. :()
(I don't know much about vampires other than that I played Ikemen Vampire before so excuse me😭)
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PLEASE I love this! At first you have no idea whether Capitano is unamused or unaffected by you cuz all you can see is the pitch darkness of his helmet covering his face so you end up dying a little inside cuz you don't really know how to act now. But little do you know internally he's wondering how it's possible for one person to be so sweet and cute. Poor man doesn't know how to express his feelings in any other way besides unintentionally staring at you menacingly and then patting you awkwardly.
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This is fiction, anytime is possible 🛐🛐 He gets embarrassed when his kid makes fun of him for his first meeting with you 😭 (Would he let his kid meet Ei?😭 She would probably feed them sweets behind his back </3 Yae teaches his kid how to be mischievous)
Ngl, Scara as a dad is very interesting :( I feel as though he'd want to give his kid a lot of attention due to how much he suffered from feeling as though he was abandoned by his creator, but at the same time the only person who taught him how to love is reader so he isn't sure how to properly express his feelings to his kid and might end up staying away for a bit :( </3
Scara fic is on the backburner for now, I think I will wait until 3.2/3.3 to finish it, or when I have a long slot of free time💀 But I love my boy sm <33
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Your Capitano brainrot always amuses me, I love to see it 😭💓 I can't wait for solid info on him to come out, bc you deserve accurate fanfics with your man
You know, I always wonder how you and other Harbinger lovers survive with such little content on most of them😭 This includes me but are y'all doing ok?
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The way you are so right 🥝 anon... Maybe he'd been conditioned for years to keep a poker face and be trained for war and negotiation so he's always like😐😕, a sharp contrast from your wide variety of emotions.
Even with the mask on you can sense sometimes his emotions, it's not too bad when you get to know him because in the presence of others, you know it's just his usual face. But with you it can either be - a weird form of smiling, a downward mouth due to concern for you, or his usual face.
Seeing him watch you without his helmet on for the first time is such an experience😭 He be looking at you and you're a bit scared cuz his face is not very inviting and you question him and he's like ? in his head he thinks that he's looking at you affectionately and you're like THATS UR FACIAL EXPRESSION FOR AFFECTION??
Imagine taking your hands and pulling up his lips to form a smile and his mouth droops immediately lol
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kellofbones · 1 year
Null's WIP Writing Thingies 2:
○ Levi's in Another World?! ○
Leviathan, not really romance but definitely the makings of possibly something, ~CROSSOVER~ with my Destiny 2 characters
"Ugh…" Leviathan groaned as he sat up, rubbing his aching head. "Where.." He glanced around. 
All he saw was crumbling buildings all over, covered to the brim with overgrowth and nature.. like some kind of abandoned city.
Other than the soft whoosh of a breeze through the few trees, there was complete silence. It's as if not a soul besides he resided in this plane. 
The purple haired demon lifted himself to his feet, glancing down at his now torn up clothing and his headphones, snapped in two.
"Oh no..!" He cried. 
But then came the question.
Where is he?
Sighing softly, Leviathan began to walk in the direction of a taller building, hoping to come across something. Anything. 
He glanced down as falling leaves, rubble and gravel crunched beneath his feet, glancing up at some bugs crawling along a random piece of concrete. 
Levi stopped, hearing more crunching sounds than his feet would be making. 
Narrowing his eyes, Levi turned his head as he surveyed the area around him. 
The shuffling of a bush caused him to whip around. 
This was probably bad… 
Something rose from the bush.. a creature covered in some sort of black and white fire. The creature twitched and groaned as if it was in pain. Then, it lunged at Levi. 
He dodged pretty easily, but the shock of the creature dampened his ability some. The creature croaked, tackling Levi to the ground.
He yelled, trying to keep the thing off of him as it tried to scratch at him and tear his face off. 
The creature cried and yelled as it pushed as if desperate to completely destroy whatever was under it, indiscriminate of what that was as long as it moved like a living creature. 
Levi closed his eyes, trying to block out the creature's crying and groaning.
It worked.
Or.. did it stop?
As the demon opened his eyes, he tensed at the sight of a knife stuck through the creature's chest, as it stood there completely still and silent. 
Then, a leg kicked it off. 
Before Levi stood a tall male figure clad in white and gold armor, a long white cloak resting on his shoulders, a handgun in his left, and a knife in his right. 
On his face was a helmet that resembled a bird's face and beak, with glowing orange eyes.. Levi couldn't see the man's eyes, period. 
As the man kneeled down, he tugged the knife out of the creature's body, letting out a small 'ugh' as he wiped off the black substance on the blade.
He turned, looking at Levi. 
".. So, what's a human doing outside of the City?" 
".. huh..?" 
Oh, it makes sense nobody would realize.. but still..
"What city?" Levi asked, starting to pull himself up off the ground.
The man tilted his head. "What do you mean what city..?" He sighed. "Did that taken hit you too hard?" 
"Taken..?" Levi blinked, glancing down at the dead thing. 
Is he in a video game right now..? Is that what this is? But then, Levi didn't remember anything about starting a game, let alone one like this. 
He glanced at the cloaked man again. "So uh.. what's with the getup?"
The man's head went down before going back up. "Armor. For protection.. speaking of, come with me. We should get you back to the-"
"Wait." Levi said. "Go back for a second.. did you call me human?"
The man nodded.
"Why do you talk like you're not one?"
Another demon..?
"You really must have some kind of concussion.. no wonder a lightless human is wandering around outside the walls with nothing to protect themselves." 
"Lightless..? I seriously don't get what's going on."
The man turned as he slipped his handgun into it's holster on his hip. "Just come with me. It'll be easier to discuss this in the city."
"And how do I know you're trustworthy..?"
The man let out an audible sigh, pausing for a moment. 
".. My name is Tex, I'm a guardian.. though evidently you don't know what that means. I will explain but we have to get out of here." He turned to his left. "Now." 
Before Leviathan could respond, his wrist was grabbed and with an almost inhuman speed the man ran with Levi in tow as a group of humanoid figures with insect-like faces began to run after them. 
"What are those..?!" Levi exclaimed. 
"Fallen. They heard noise and those fuckers are looking for a fight. Best to ignore them and keep going!" 
Levi ran as fast as his legs could carry him, trying to keep up with the guy gripping him by the wrist so he didn’t completely fall over and end up being dragged.
“Waaait-!” Levi cried. “Please slow- down-” He huffed out, trying to catch his breath a little as he ran.
Tex didn’t stop, instead seeming to speed up more. “Okay, I suggest grabbing onto me!” He yelled out.
Levi glanced ahead, trying to stop only to be dragged along. “That’s a- are you crazy?!” 
“Yes, but that’s not the point. Hold on to me!”
“Are you trying to kill us?!”
Tex groaned and slid, flipping around to grab Levi bridal style. “Hold on.” The armored man said as he kicked himself off of the edge of a very steep cliff.
Levi let out a scream as he closed his eyes shut, grabbing onto the armored man’s neck tightly. 
How did Levi go from being comfortable in his own bed to an attempted murder by some crazy guy in armor..? 
With a gasp, Levi’s eyes popped open as he felt a bounce, looking down to see they were still in the air..?
But, all of a sudden, the momentum they’d built up had all but disappeared, and Tex landed on the ground without so much as a whine. 
He looked up, letting out a relieved sigh. “Okay… we’re safe.. For now.” 
Levi stared at the man and scrambled out of his arms, brushing himself off. He started to hyperventilate a little and tried to calm down his breathing as he gripped his arms.
“What.. the hell.. Was that..??” Levi asked. “How.. are we not..”
Tex’s head turned to Levi. “I’ll explain later. I wanna get us back to the city first.” 
Levi lifted his head, staring at Tex with a fire behind his eyes. “Tell me what just happened. Right now.”
With a sigh, Tex crossed his arms. “It seriously is not safe. At the very least get on my ship. Then we can talk.”
“Yes, ship.”
“We’re nowhere near water..”
Tex snapped his fingers. 
Within seconds, a large black and silver ship appeared from the sky, coming low enough for the two to board. It looked about big enough for two people. 
“Hop on.” 
With narrowed eyes, Levi sighed.
If this was his only way of getting information…
Setting into one of the two seats, Levi stared at the console, raising a brow. 
“.. uh.. Tex, was it?” 
“Yea?” The man said as he settled into another seat, tugging off his cloak hood. 
“Where are the controls..?”
“Oh, funny thing. This ship is paracausal. Which means it doesn’t follow the laws of physics.”
Levi blinked. “... what?”
Tex laughed. “Basically this thing runs on pure.. Thought I guess. The lady who works on most of the ships, Amanda, finds this thing confusing as hell. It’s kinda funny. I found it by accident almost. Well, sorta…” He shrugged. “Anyways.”
The ship started up. “To the last city.” Tex said with a smile.
Within seconds the ship lifted and was on its way.
“Should arrive in about.. Five minutes? We’re kinda far out to be honest.” Tex said as he finally pulled off the helmet wrapped around his head.
To Levi’s surprise, he saw a young looking man with navy blue medium length hair tied back into a ponytail. That wasn’t the weird bit.
His eyes were a silvery white, giving off a glow. And then there was his skin… His skin was a pale blue color. 
Looking to Levi, Tex leaned back in his seat. “So, uh.. How’d you end up in the middle of a pre-collapse city?”
Levi shrugged. “I’ll be honest I don’t… wait. What do you mean collapse?” 
“The collapse. Everyone knows this, it’s history.”
“.. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Tex raised a brow. “So.. you don’t know anything about guardians, or the collapse.. Lemme guess, you’ve no idea what the Traveler is either..”
“Not a clue.”
Tex sat there, his face totally still. “.. you.. You don’t..”
Levi shuffled, looking away with a frown. ".. am I supposed to?"
Tex looked out the front window of the ship. ".. I guess I'm just not used to finding someone who has no idea of anything. The closest I've gotten was that giant exo head.." His voice trailed off.
Of course Levi knew why he was confused. This was all not right in the slightest and he was away from his home. Yet, he still felt somewhat guilty for not understanding anything. 
".. you could.. explain it to-"
"Are you from the golden age? No, you'd know of the Traveler if you did.. before the golden age. You gotta be." 
"I really.. don't know.." Levi rubbed his arm, slouching into his seat with a frown.
Tex let out a small hmm. 
"Well, I guess I should catch you up to speed.. well, you can read about the past later. Basically there’s the Traveler.. It's kind of like a god I guess. Big ball in the sky, you’ll see it soon. It goes all around the universe choosing planets to bring prosperity to." He leaned back some. "But, shit happens, and the darkness is the mortal enemy and catches up with it and the collapse happens. But the Traveler sticks with Earth and creates Guardians to help protect the planet and humanity from all the shit that came for us and.. oh!" 
Tex lifted his hand and coming from a small bag in the corner of the ship, a little ball with a white 3d star shaped shell appeared.
"This," Tex said, as the floating object moved to rest in his hand. "Is a ghost." He grinned. "Ghosts are what keep guardians connected to the light. They find dead humans and choose them to fight for the traveler and give them the light. The light gives us special abilities and we are super soldiers basically." 
A blue eye looking thing moved around in the shell, taking a good look at Levi.
Levi tilted his head. "So you're a super human?"
"Well.." Tex tilted his head. "Sorta. I'm just not.. Entirely human. Anymore. I'm what we call an Awoken. I don't know the full story of the people but during the collapse, a bunch of humans hopped in a ship to escape Earth and the destruction. They got trapped in some kind of.. pocket universe I think? And came out as Awoken. I have to do more reading but it hasn't been a serious focus for me to figure all that out." 
"I mean, if it's your history shouldn't you know it?" Levi asked. 
".. that's the other thing. Guardians have no memories of their past lives." He said, sighing. "I have no idea who I was. All I know is I had a small notebook. Most of it was illegible, but I read a name. That's how I got mine." He stared out the window. "My ghost here is Katya. She doesn't talk much to strangers.." Tex said with a small laugh as the ball quietly nestled in the lowered hood of his cloak. Despite the limited expression a small ball with one eye could give, Levi felt a wave of suspicion coming from it… her. 
Levi shuffled, looking away. “Huh.. that’s, uhm.. A lot.” 
Tex laughed nervously. “Well, when you’re someone who… for whatever reason doesn’t know all this, yea I guess.” 
He glanced up, watching as a large wall came into view. 
“There it is. The Last City. It’s our stronghold, where humanity lives and thrives.” 
“What’s all that.. Purple stuff blanketing it? And.. speaking of, why is it so much darker here?”
A sigh left the man’s lips. “... long story.” 
Pulling into an area full of ships and people running around, Tex jumped off the ship and landed next to a blonde woman with a wrench and some grease on her face. 
“Welcome back. Patrol go fine?” She asked, standing up from the ship part she’d been tinkering with. She had a somewhat southern style accent.
“Kinda. I brought something back.”
“You what?”
Levi slowly climbed out. The echo of his feet hitting the metal floor almost made him jump, and he glanced up to see the large area. 
Tex, with a smile, wrapped an arm around Levi’s shoulder, holding his other arm out to show off the area. 
“Welcome to the hangar… uh..” He stopped.
“Levi.” The demon said, laughing softly.
“Levi! Okay, cool, so..” The man glanced around, fidgeting a bit as he put a hand to his chin. “Mmm.. where should we go first..”
“Probably to the commander. I think he’d like to know about a human wandering outside the city.” 
Tex put a hand on his hip. “.. you’re right. Okay, come on!” He said, grabbing Levi’s hand.
“Whoa- not again..!” Levi cried as he was dragged off.
The woman sighed with a hand on her hips. “Awfully friendly to the random guy ain’t he..” She looked down. “Strange-lookin, too.”
Tex dragged Levi up two flights of stairs, quite a lot for his otaku stamina to handle, and finally they came up to a more open area.
To Levi’s left, a robot and another woman with skin like Tex’s sat at neighboring counters. To his right, a man in a long robe next to some kind of…. Device. 
Before him, Levi could see the balcony leading down where he caught a glimpse of the city. And when he looked up…
A large ball, big enough to be some kind of planet, floated over, and it’s shadow almost seemed to encompass the entire city. However, Levi had a feeling that the thing's shadow isn’t what made it so dark. 
Tex stopped halfway down one of the walkways, turning to Levi. “uh.. Maybe stand here for a second. I don’t know if the commander would feel safe with you right up by him.”
“.. He’s iffy? No, not the word. He’s a great commander, cautious.. Which is a good thing.” He laughed, glancing down. “Just- Just stand here for a sec.”
Tex walked down the path, approaching a tall man with large shoulders.. Or, at least, his armor made them look quite large. As the man turned Levi could see the man’s appearance somewhat resembled Tex’s. Same blue skin and slightly glowing eyes, so he must be.. What was it..? An Awoken.
The two conversed for a minute, Tex seeming a bit on the nervous side judging by his constant shuffling and secretly playing around with the edge of his cape. He glanced Levi's way, and the broad shouldered man looked over. His eyes were narrow, his face stone cold as he looked back to Tex.
Levi gulped, looking down with a small sigh. Part of him just hoped he could find his way home.
"Teeex!" A female voice called up. Before Levi could react, a person in robes rushed past, bumping into him.
She turned and gave a quick sorry before running up to Tex, but stopping when she saw the other. 
… her face.. was made of metal. Levi sighed. 
"It can't get any weirder than this, can it..?" He muttered.
Another man with a metal face and glowing red eyes walked up with a hand on his hip. He had similarly broad shouldered armor but with a different style. He shook his head, glancing to Levi. 
".. you new?" He asked. He sounded practically human despite the clearly robotic appearance. 
"Uh.." Levi looked away. 
Finally, Tex and the girl walked back over.
"Well," Tex said with a small laugh. "You've got a uh.. meeting, with Commander Zavala." He said, rubbing his arm. "He's kind of worried you might be.. well, an enemy invading our walls." The man sighed. "Can't really blame him. There's a lot going on.."
The woman put a hand on Tex's shoulder. "This is a bad time, isn't it?"
"The Eliksni camp was attacked."
"Wha..!" Tex's eyes went wide. "What?!"
"Their ether supply. I saw Mithrax and Osiris arguing with Lakshmi.." 
Tex sighed, putting a hand over his eyes.
The taller one walked over, ruffling up Tex's dark hair. "Hey now." He said with a small laugh. "It'll be okay. They're alright, nothing too horribly damaged. Anyways.." The man looked to Levi. 
"Mind introducing us to your new friend?"
Tex nodded, walking over to Levi. "Avon, Poet, this is Levi. I found him wandering the EDZ being attacked by a taken acolyte." 
The taller man, Avon, shook his head in surprise. "What's a human doing outside the city..? Not to mention his fancy purple hair.."
The woman, Poet, bowed her head. "Good to meet you Levi. I'm Poet." 
A small ball with a very wide wooden shell appeared, staring Levi down. "Interesting." It mumbled. 
Poet laughed softly. "Chill Switch. He's fine I'm sure."
Avon shuffled, leaning back on the railing. "Well I guess if the Commander gives you the ok then I'll be okay with you."
Tex laughed softly. "Well.. until further notice I'm off most of my missions. Just to.. make sure he's.. settled. And help him figure out what's going on."
“Damn.. it’s gonna be boring as hell without you out in the Cosmo.” 
“It’s fine. I’m still here when you come back." 
Tex turned to Levi, smiling softly. "Ok, we should head down to the Commander's office. He wants to speak with you."
Even on the small elevator ride down, Levi could feel his stomach churning with every inch down.
This Commander no doubt would not trust him, that's for certain. Even if Levi had no understanding of where he was or why, he knew that his presence held a great deal of suspicion. 
After all, in the middle of a place literally called "The Last City," people are bound to be careful.
As Tex led Levi up to a large open doorway, a smaller, less humanoid robot stopped Tex from going in.
Levi glanced back, tugging at the edges of his shirt sleeve. 
"It's alright. I promise. Commander Zavala is a good man. He was one of the first to put down the brick they used to build these walls." 
Levi glanced down. He gulped. Then, he walked in. 
His eyes were drawn to the tall blue skinned man facing away, staring out a window overlooking the city. 
"So," The man said, his voice low and clear. "You're the one who was found wandering outside." 
He turned, looking to Levi with a stern, but not hostile expression. 
"What's your name?"
"L-Levi.. sir." The demon said, staring at the ground. His heart was about ready to explode out of his chest. 
"Levi." The man nodded. "I am Commander Zavala, head of the vanguard and leader of the guardians. As such, I am often in charge of many facets of safety for the city." He walked around the desk, standing tall before Levi. "So naturally, I am very curious as to how you found your way here, and where you are from." 
Levi glanced up, unable to meet Zavala's eyes. 
"I.." He mumbled, taking a breath. "I don't.. know how I ended up here. All I can remember was being alone in my room, playing my games and I must have dozed off. I woke up here, and, well.." Levi gulped. "You probably don't believe me, but I swear it's the truth."
Zavala let out a small hmm as he walked back to the desk. "Tex had mentioned you seem to not understand some of the basic knowledge we have."
"You mean like the uh.. what was it.. guardians?"
".. yes."
"I'll be honest I still don't get it.. so you're like superpowered humans? And you got them from those.. little guys?"
The blue skinned man almost chuckled. "I can't say I fully believe it, but you are very convincing." 
"I'll take it." Levi said with an awkward thumbs up. 
"As I told him already, you are to stay by Tex's side and he will watch over you for the duration of your stay. Don't leave his side." 
"Yes sir." Levi nodded.
"And.." Zavala looked to Levi. "I'd suggest anything you may be hiding should be explained clearly before it becomes a problem. I'm not a violent man nor do I wish to take a drastic measure.. however, if you come to be a threat to the safety of the people, I will not hesitate to take you down myself."
Levi gulped. "I wont. Promise." 
"Then," Zavala said with a small smile. "Welcome to the Last City."
With a long sigh Levi walked out, slumping down onto a bench.
Tex ran back in, kneeling to level with Levi.
"How'd it go?"
"He welcomed me to the city.. and told me if I posed any threat he'd personally take care of it."
Tex smiled. "So things went well!"
".. I guess?" Levi looked away, rubbing his arm nervously. 
Tex smiled, looking around. "Well, I guess let's get you settled. I have a place I usually hang in.. I guess it's my home." 
Levi's stomach rumbled.
".. you know what? Let's go eat first. I know this super great ramen place right around here, it's.." Tex stopped for a moment. "It's a city favorite." He added, though the excitement in his voice was clearly dampened.
Levi wanted to ask, but he couldn't bring himself to. He wasn't sure exactly why, but.. something about Tex's face told him to wait.
With a quick elevator ride back up the two walked off a bit to find a little hole in the wall restaurant, where many of the citizens were bunched up with their bowls of noodles and chicken with a special blend of spices, and whatever choice of extra vegetables they wanted. It was a simple dish, but it clearly held a special place in the city, and with the people.
“They go through so much of the soup base in just one day. That’s how much people like it.” Tex said with a laugh as he walked up to the counter.
“Hey there Tex!” The woman behind the counter said with a grin. “The usual?” 
Tex nodded. “And an extra. Got a new buddy here.”
“Oooh, a new light?”
Tex glanced to Levi for a moment. “Could say that, yea.” 
“I’ll make sure to get those ready for you two then.”
Tex led Levi over to a little table nestled under a floral canopy not too far off from the shop. 
Shuffling in his seat, Levi glanced around as he listened to some gossip from the people while Tex waited for the food.
“Did you see the newest Crucible match last night?”
~ End ~
Author Notes:
okay honestly reading this, I wanted to know more LMFAO
There are definitely several things I'd change here to make things work a little better and to properly characterize my people cus, well, the Titan exo guy is actually a warlock now LMAO
But I do have like another version in my wips that I found that is like short enough I can just easily pick up from it. Instead of Season of the Splicer I think it's supposed to be Season of the Haunted I think? It was definitely set on the moon with Levi encountering a nightmare that is for sure. Regardless, if I do get going with that new one I'm absolutely posting it. I'll have its own tag and maybe go on ao3 idk yet. We will see <3 anyways ty for reading!
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
I know you said you don't write much, but I just read your Mando fic and loved it. Can you do some kind of fix with Christmas? Maybe having Din try hot chocolate for the first time? Lots of fluff thank you xx
This is so sweet of you! Here's a a lil something for you.🎄 It gets a little christmasy? If thats a word lol. But soft!Din all the way.
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It's not surprising to Din, of course he doesn't expect you to stay inside the Razor Crest while he's away, would he like it that way? Yes, but even he understands how the walls seem as if they're slowly closing in, air gets thinner, things start to move in forms of shadows. Dark confines have a way of driving anyone crazy.
It's cold out though, heavy snow started to gather on his trip back to the crest even the bounty he shoved into carbonate complained of the cold the whole way. It made him nervous, you and the child, no where to be seen. He told himself to relax, that it's just a walk, you're smart enough to make it back but then again it was snowing heavily, have you ever even seen snow before? Din was worried.
With a click on a button on his right arm the hatch of the crest hisses open, footsteps heavy but abruptly stopped at the sight of your fingers touching your own, but instead it's attached to a string wrapped around your neck. It was given to you a while ago, been decided wrapped around your neck was a safe spot. Maybe he didn't have to go looking at all. "I'm glad you're back, Din."
It's a relief, even though snow has started to mat to your boots, clump in your hair, you're safe. Grogu is tucked into a bag that wraps around your shoulder, small green hand reaching out to touch the falling flakes. In your other hand a bag filled the brim but the dark brown makes it impossible to see what it is.
Din steps forward to the edge of the hatch, taking the bag from you as well as the baby, small whines as the baby descends deeper into the hull of the crest as he reaches out for the snow.
"It's beautiful out, don't you think?" The hatch closes behind, the crest already feels warmer.
"You like snow?" Din is curious, mostly because he's not the biggest fan. He doesn't like the cold much, actually he doesn't like any weather particularly, prefers a storm of stars through the Crest's windshield. The baby little fingers reach out to touch the basker of his helmet, small coos as his nose lifts toward your direction, large bars of chocolate catching his attention.
"Yes, it reminds me of my home. Actually of Christmas."
"Christmas?" You can't see it, but the question alone his filled with confusion. "What kind of word is that?"
You laugh, it's soft with small dimples that form on the corners of your lips. It's enough to make him smile under all the basker, but it's not like you can see it.
"I wish you were able to see it Din. There are beautiful lights everywhere, bright whites and colors, there's singing. You exchange presents, and even decorate trees."
"decorate trees?" It's his turn to laugh, holding the child back from reaching out to the chocolate on the small table tucked in the corner.
"I'm being serious. Me and my family would go to a farm every year, cut down our own tree and bring it inside and make our own decorations for it." Din notices the small frown on your face, his throat dries at the fact that he's the reason for it. The memory of your family was one you never wanted to share... It hurts too much.
"I-I, I didn't mean to laugh. I didn't mean to upset you cyare, I'm sorry." Din's feet carry him close to you, face inches away to show his own seriousness.
"No, you didn't upset me Din. It does sound kind of ridiculous." It's a sad smile but not his fault, "Anyways I have a Christmas tradition for you to try. It's called hot chocolate, I couldn't find marshmallows though but it's still good, promise."
The excitement comes with a big smile as you move to warm the small stove. The child slips from his grasp, pulling on your pant leg, reaching forward to try and dip his fingers into the hot mixture but you don't allow it.
The new aroma of sweet, melted chocolate takes over the crest, even the Mandalorin's mouth waters at the smell. Before he knows it a cup is being pushed into his hands. It doesn't look to appetizing, a thin, dark liquid that kind of looks like fuel?
Your hands stay a locked on his a little longer then they should, warming his entire body with slight embrassment. The proximity making his cheeks warm, he wasn't used to having women close to him. It's not even that, it's the fact that you were this close, big doe eyes urging him to try it.
"Oh, yeah, sorry." You realize that he can't drink it in front of you. Now he feels disappointed, heat flushing his chest, stomach dropping. He's about to get up, he doesn't want to make you move but is surprised as you turn around, bringing the child with you.
"I won't peak, I promise. I'll make sure Grogu doesn't either." He already knows that, eyes roam the small of your back with thought. A small gasp of surprise leaves your lips as the warmth of his back against your own. His helmet is released with a loud hiss, the child is too busy drinking his own chocolatey goodness to pay attention.
This feels personal, his stomach hot, a new level of intimacy for the pair. He stares at the cup between his hands, he already feels warm enough with your heat, he doesn't want to finish it, he doesn't want to leave you. "Well? How is it?"
Din presses the mug against his lips, taste buds exploding with the heat of it. It was delicious, and very, very sweet. "It's good. Very good, thank you."
His voice sounds different, less static, more like a human. "I used to chug this stuff as a kid, my mom used to always make it. But with marshmallows, we need marshmallows. Does space have marshmallows? Like anywhere?"
He finds the rambling cute as well as the small memory he offer him, he imagines a small version of you with a pile of whatever the hell marshmallows are on your hot chocolate.
"I don't miss earth at all." You admit, "it's not home anymore, it's not where my family is anymore. I rather spend Christmas with you and Grogu, you are my family now."
His heart thumps inside his chest, his breath stopping at the confession, chest still, he wants to say that you're not safe with him, you never will be but he decides against it, he talks with his heart instead of his fear. "I don't know what Christmas is but I'm happy to share something you love so much with you."
The hot chocolate is long forgotten as he slides his helmet back on. His bare fingers soak the touch of your face, running over the highest parts of your cheeks bones. The child looks between the two with a small coo.
"I can't replace them, but I will try to be your family."
You press into his hands, leaning against the tanned digits. "You already are Din, I love you."
The three words are put out, never to be taken back. While Din had always put up a hard front, tried to make it impossible to love him out of fear you managed to weasel your way through the tight cracks filling his heart completely.
"I love you Cyare, I'm sorry I made it so difficult for you to love me." He regrets all the times he decided not to ask if you were okay, hold you close at night. His heart feels like it's going to explode as your press your forehead against his.
"It was never hard to." Din stays there for a few more minutes, just enjoying the warmth of not only your skin but inside his body.
It confuses you as he stands quickly, opening the hatch and finding the sharpest object he can manage. "Are you coming?"
Your head turns, confused as you hear his amused tone. "Well who else is going to pick the tree to decorate?"
The smile that curls those lips are enough for Din to die a happy man.
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | iv
⋆ summary:  A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none
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"HAHA! I GOTCHU NOW LOSER!" Y/N smashed the buttons on her controller, basically on the edge of her bed. A grunt was heard through her headphones, then a loud bang with laughing in the background. Y/N felt her stomach turn at the sound of this, feeling a little left out, but smiled nonetheless.
"HOW'D YOU EVEN DO THAT?!! YOU’RE DOING SOME HACKING MY GUY!" Denki yelled through the laughing in the background, hands pulling at his hair. He seriously couldn't believe it!
"I'm not! I just wanted to show Sero I'm way better at this game than you are. And turns out I am!" Y/N let out a loud laugh, falling backwards onto her pillow. After finding out that 'Tape Dispenser' went to her cousin’s school by hearing his voice in the back of Denki's room, she got to learn more about this Sero dude. She already knew this after their last game a few nights ago, but he was so chill. It was still insane for her to find out that her cousin and online friend went to the same hero school. The coincidences in this world. Y/N thought as she grinned.
"It's okay Kaminari, you still lasted a long time! But you did get brutally beat by Y/N at the end though..." Sero said, trying to raise Denki's low spirits, but only succeeded in making him more miserable. Rustling was heard through Y/N's headphones, making it obvious that there was movement happening.
"You don't understand Sero! THIS IS THE ONLY GAME I COULD FULLY BEAT THIS GIRL IN!" Denki shook Sero by the shoulders, quickly doing the action. Cackling was heard through the speakers while the girl wiped a tear from her eye. Sero laughed along, as he was pushed to the ground by Denki. His arms were crossed as he looked away, upset that Y/N managed to finally beat him in every game they played.
"It's okay Denki, not everyone can be as good as me!" Y/N exclaimed, getting up from her bed to start taping specific parts of her room. Kaminari continued to complain about his defeat to Sero, who only chuckled in response. As she finished taping the bottom of the walls, Y/N sat back on her bed, sighing in content.
"So, how are you? I'm doing terribly after being utterly destroyed by you, by the way." Said Kaminari, opening his water bottle and taking large gulps from it. Y/N felt her face light up as she remembered to tell Kaminari of her future activity.
"Bro, you won't believe this! So, basically, they're actually letting me paint my room! All by myself! How fricking cool is that?!" The girl laughed out loud, jumping on her bed in excitement. Kaminari's eyes widen, in surprise and slight fear, sitting up and taking in the new information.
"Wait, really? But isn't that like extremely dangerous? Cuz of the chemicals and what not??" He tried his best to keep his voice leveled, not noticing Sero look at him weirdly. That guy had no idea what was happening.
"Well, they said that they were gonna do something to the paint so it won't hurt me or anything, I don't know what, but-" Y/N was cut off by an extremely confused Sero. "Wait wait wait, hold on. I don't understand what's happening. How can paint harm you? Besides like...eating it. And what do you mean by 'finally getting to paint your room?’ Silence was the only answer he got. Sero gulped in embarrassment, thinking he asked a really personal question.
"Um, it's nothing du-" A loud 'shhhhhhh' was heard from Y/N, who let out a shaky breath. She never really told anyone, it's not like she could either way, being confined in the hospital room for a long time. She pushed a loose strand of her away from her face, preparing herself to tell Sero.
"Well, the reason is because I basically live in a hospital. I can't go outside, or have 'unpurified' air, as the doctors like to say, meaning my interactions with people and the outside world are extremely limited. That means anything that's not cleared of dust and germs, I guess, can be extremely harmful for me? As pathetic as it sounds, it could actually kill me, haha." It was quiet as Sero took in the information, a large wave of emotions crashing on him. A person shouldn't have to be locked in a room for the rest of their life. Especially someone who is such a sweet person like Y/N.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear that Y/N. If you don't mind me asking, how...how long have you been in the hospital?" The young girl answered with a quick 'Two years', and that's when Sero felt his stomach twist uncomfortably. Kaminari abruptly got up and headed towards his door.
"I'm gonna get something to eat, you want something dude?" Kaminari's voice was low and trembling. It didn't take a genius to see that the blonde haired boy needed some time alone. "No thanks." Kaminari let out a hum, quickly exiting his room and closing the door shut. Sero heard the loud sniffs that slowly faded away, as he hung his head down.
"Hey, you good Sero? That was probably a lot to take in, sorry." Sero shook his head, letting a sad smile adorn his face. "It's fine, really. I actually feel honored that you're comfortable telling me. Feels like we're getting closer, to be honest." He smiled happily, meaning every word he said. And Y/N knew that. "Ha, we are though!" The air was tense, despite the two teenagers being in different rooms.
Y/N went to clear her throat, but was interrupted when a light knock echoed throughout her room. "Someone there?" Sero asked, noticing her silence and hearing the very faint knocking.
"Yeah, um Sero, I'll call you guys later, my doctor wants to talk." Y/N quickly replied, seeing Receen open the door and walk in with his thin suit on. Sero let out an ok and they hang up. Y/N finally took in how the doctor looked, noticeable eye bags under his blue-grey eyes, from lack of sleep. His dark hair slightly tousled, probably from putting on the protective helmet that came with the suit, and a small smile on his welcoming face. And a large container of paint in his left hand. Her eyes immediately lit up.
"What’s up doc? I see you have something in your hand, can I see it closer?" The small girl asked, getting up and making a grabbing motion with her hands. Receen chuckled, lifting up the paint for Y/N to see. Even if he were to hand her the container, she wouldn't be able to hold. She was just too weak. Said girl let out a high pitch 'OOOO ' in excitement.
"I'm not sure if you wanted more, but we managed to get you your favorite color! This should be enough to paint the room, you can even put a second layer if you want." Receen walked over to where Y/N put all the equipment, opening the container of paint. And with a low grunt from him, the lid was opened. Y/N watched with amazement as the doctor poured the soft looking paint into a tray. She picked up a roller near her, and drowned the roller in paint, the white fluff getting covered in color.
The two began painting, Y/N's hand shaking every now and then. After painting half the room, they sat in silence, resting for a while. Receen seemed to be tense, though Y/N didn't seem to notice since she was too happy to speak. Receen let out a breath, breaking the silence, causing Y/N to look towards him.
"I didn't get to ask you how you were, did I Y/N? How are you?" Said girl let a beaming smile spread on her face, causing Receen to slightly squint his eyes from the intensity of her smile. "Honestly, I haven't felt this happy in a very long time! I actually still can't believe you guys really let me do this! Thank you so much!"
Receen gave her a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not a problem, you could’ve asked sooner and gotten this done a long time ago. You've been here for two years, so please don't be afraid of asking for things!" At the mention of her time spent in the hospital, Y/N lowered her head, causing Receen to wince. Well, might as well tell her. The doctor cleared his throat and began to talk.
"Y/N, as you are aware, I, along with many other doctors and scientists, have been working hard for you to be able to go outside again. To see your family, hug them, be a normal kid again." There was a pause and that alone caught Y/N's attention. She looked up at him. "There is a way for you to finally do that, Y/N."
Shock evident on the girl's face, she abruptly stood up and faced the doctor. There was absolutely no way anyone could have found a cure for someone like her. Someone who had an incurable sickness. Someone who was too sick, to even have medicine. He's lying. Y/N narrowed her eyes at the grown man sitting in front of her.
"With all due respect Doctor, I highly doubt that ​​that's possible. Cuz, y'know? I basically have an incurable disease? I mean, like, even if you did manage to find a way for me to leave this place, how do you even know it's gonna work? I don't think you've tried this medicine since no one in recorded hospital documents in the past have had people like that checked in before-"
"How do you even know that?"
"-so how do you truly know it'll work?" Y/N quickly finished, completely ignoring his statement. Receen sighed, scratching his head. "We live in a world where quirks exist. Would you believe me if I told you centuries ago that the human race would evolve to have super powers? It's kind of like that, but not really." Y/N eyed him suspiciously. He's avoiding the question.
Receen looked straight at the girl standing in front of him. He felt slightly intimidated by her piercing gaze. He quickly looked away and got up, towering over Y/N's small frame. Then he smiled. "Y/N, you are a very sweet girl, no doubt about it. I know how much you want to get out of here, and I want to help you. My team has created this almost perfect pill, especially suited for your sickness. I know you're very cautious, just like your mother, but I can only reassure you, that these are your ticket out of here." He pulled out the bottle from his protective suit, shaking it in front of [Y/N].
Her eyes widened as she restrained herself from reaching out and snatching the bottle. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she pulled herself together. Crossing her arms and slightly tilting her upwards, she looked into the doctor's bright eyes. "There's always a catch when it comes to these kinds of things. What's the price if I take these? My lifespan shortens, I only have five hours to go outside, it drugs me or something?"
"I'm hurt you think I would just give you these without setting out the consequences." There was a slight glint in his eyes before it quickly disappeared. Y/N hummed, urging the doctor to continue.
"There are exactly 15 pills in here. And consuming just one of these bad boys right here, would allow you to go outside! Though, time is very important when taking these. You'd have 10 hours before the pills effects wear off. These would dull your hypersensitive senses, but not to a point where you can't feel, smell or do anything. No no, it'd just be like how you were before. You'd feel slightly dizzy and be a little itchy, but besides that, nothing too extreme. It just dulls all your body senses down." Receen gave Y/N a small smile. She looked a little weary, unsure if what he said was true. She looked at the bottle then back to Doctor Receen, fingers twitching every now and then. Breathing in and letting it out slowly, Y/N stared straight into the doctor's eyes.
If I take these, I can finally go out. I can hug mom and dad, I can be around Denki again. I can meet Sero face to face and feel the grass again! I can be... happy again. But if these don't actually work, I'd immediately die on the spot. I'd be able to go outside though. Aah, so much going outside, I can meet new people! I don't wanna spend the rest of my days slowly rotting away in here anyway.
"So Y/N, are you going to take them or let all our time go to waste?"
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Sero looked at his hands solemnly, thinking about what Y/N had told him. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, then lightly slapped his cheeks to stop the wave of emotions from spilling out.
"Yo, you good dude? It's not everyday I see someone willingly slapping themselves." Kaminari chuckled, walking in and closing the door with his foot as he carried a soda bottle and a bag of chips towards the boy sitting on his bed. Sero grinned, feeling the sadness of everything wash away.
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. But what about you though? After we had that conversation, you were, well, umm... kind of out of it." Kaminari froze, letting a dejected smile appear on his face. Dragging a hand down his face, he let out a sorrowful laugh.
"She's my best friend. My first real, true friend. She's basically my sister at this point. So when she collapsed that day, I felt my whole world crashing down. She is the sweetest, the most kindest, person I have ever met. She never let me degrade myself, alway cheered me up when people called me stupid." Kaminari rubbed his eyes, opening the bag of chips and plopping one of them into his mouth.
"It hasn't been the same ever since she left, her parents barely come over anymore, and they're always so sad whenever I see them. My own parents aren't the same either, they treated her like their own daughter. I can't even begin to imagine how Y/N feels about this all. She was the top in our grade, highest scores in our test. No one could compare to her. M-my heart breaks for her. She lost everything." Sero let that information sink in, thinking about how she was before. He smiled as he saw Kaminari's shoulders begin to shake. He cares so much for her.
He put his hand on his shoulder, watching Kaminari slowly lift his face towards him. "Come here you emotional ball of feelings." Being the friendly guy he is, Sero gave the sobbing boy a hug, cuz hugs fix everything.
"No homo though bro." And with that, they both laughed out loud, continuing their bro day.
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gayregis · 4 years
do you think the netflix series will stick to the books messages of anti war, family and friemdships? i hope not because those messages are what makes me like the books so much, also i hope the netflix fandom don't memefy the stories like they did with renfri, her story is supposed to be tragic and show how revenge corrupts people but the fandom just treats it like "uwu bisexual feral sword woman wants to kill big baddie wizard hehe"
correction: it's supposed to be “i hope so,” not “i hope not,” lol i can't spell
sadly, i don’t think that the netflix adaptation will stick to the themes of the books at all and here’s why.
first reason why: ciri
in the first season, they took out ciri and geralt meeting in brokilon. that is just the most unforgivable action they could have taken. that scene is literally what defines the entire series being about ciri, the child of destiny, geralt’s daughter who is the whole point of everything. they gave her more screentime, but less significance. she also is played by 18 yo freya allen who is acting as a 14 yo ciri, which blurs how she is supposed to symbolize childhood. instead, they went for a spunky sort of young teenage girl, which ciri becomes later (in the care of yennefer and during around the time of thanedd), but it is significant that she was a CHILD when cintra fell to nilfgaard, because it traumatized her for life and is the point of no return for her. because geralt thought that by fathering her, he would introduce her to death, but instead, the opposite occured - by deferring her, she was introduced to death. ciri loses her innocence, she loses the abilty to be a child. now she will continue to fixate on revenge for the entire saga, until she loses everything, absolutely everything. the witcher is a tragic story but it only manages to have this story because it is dominated by this theme of a lost childhood, surrounded by themes of family, vulnerability, revenge, destruction, violence... 
in the netflix series, we receive approximately none of this. ciri’s trauma is more treated as a “wake up call” because she’s such a “privileged princess” who doesn’t know about or care that her beloved grandmamma committed mass genocide (what???). this is treated like something ciri needs to overcome, thus it is actually a good thing that she is seeing people being murdered left and right in the name of imperialist conquest! 
second reason why: geralt
geralt in the books is a kind person. he is a pacifist. his profession is to kill, he ocassionally punches people so hard they die (he did this to save his best friend from being sliced open), and other acts of badassery, but inside, he does not want to kill and is opposed to it. this is the man that refused to slay a giant bug-like monster because he didn’t feel it was necessary (the witcher equivalent of trapping a house spider in a glass and slipping a piece of paper under it, then releasing it outside, instead of squashing it with your sandal). this is the man that felt himself unworthy to be yennefer’s lover, because he was afraid he couldn’t feel love in the same capacity she could. this is the man who pushed his best friend away on a dangerous quest because he was terrified that he’d be harmed and he’d suffer, and it would be his fault. and as mentioned, this is the man that deferred his daughter, his daughter who he genuinely loved and wanted to protect no matter what, his daughter who he legitimately raised a conflict with the queen of brokilon over, because he was terrified that he would bring violence and death into her life. this geralt is an introspective, pragmatic man. he cares deeply about the welfare of others, and the only way he can even do his job is to justify it though morality and codes of conduct which he makes up himself because he is so obsessed with not harming the innocent. he spares and befriends many “monsters” (post-conjunction creatures) and only slays the ones that genuinely pose a threat to the innocent and are usually are not creatures capable of rational thought. in the first book in the voice of reason 5, geralt literally states that he won’t kill innocent creatures.
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and he continues this philosophy throughout:
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he doesn’t kill dragons:
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he advocates for dudu’s innocence:
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he only was wary of regis because he was mistaken and thought he was going to harm dandelion in this moment:
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in the netflix adaptation of the witcher, what is the first thing that we see him do? kill a monster brutally and without remorse. he doesn’t talk about his motivations behind it or why he felt justified to kill it, or why the monster was a danger in the first place. he just kills it and this violence defines him. later in the show, we see him antagonize and mock torque (when in the books he asked dandelion NOT to do just that) and he also punches dandelion right in the stomach. even when geralt was the most mad at dandelion in the books, he never did physical harm to him. ever.
the netflix show is representating a very different man. some have argued that they will try to develop him later on, but that is too late. geralt in the books was a good person from the very beginning for a reason.
third reason why: cahir.
the anti-war and anti-imperialist themes of the books hinge upon the concept of universal humanity and understanding that violence has its own motivations and reasons. cahir i think is a very good example of how the witcher saga comments on the effects of nationalist sentiment / patriotism. 
cahir in the books is a teenager or very young adult during the massacre of cintra (since he was no older than 25 in baptism of fire). even though he was also young and doing this only because it what was expected of him and he was intending to bring honor to his family, that does not change the effect that he has on ciri as a child. he enters her nightmares as an exaggerated version of what he was, even though he was scared, too. this demonstrates how impressionable youth are misguided into the military and people are made unaware of just how much violence they ensue. 
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cahir is built up as this nightmarish figure, this horrifying man that ciri wants revenge upon more than anything else, and THEN he is revealed to also be a terrified youth. underneath the helmet, there was a terrified young man. that is an incredibly powerful image and metaphor.
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and what did the witcher netflix do? ... well...
cahir shows his face, he doesn’t have the symbolism of his imposing helmet anymore. he’s much older, eamon farren is 35 years old, 15 older than cahir canonically is, so he’s not someone who has had nationalist ideals imposed upon him unfairly by his parents and society, but rather a full adult who is established and making his own decisions fully in his own control. in the books, he stops pursuing ciri once she escapes, because he has a mental breakdown from the stress of his society and family’s expectations of success, and fear of harsh punishment he will receive. he goes to prison in the imperial capital for a year for failing. in the netflix series, he stops at nothing to get ciri, chasing her down constantly and enlisting the help of sorcerers, a doppler... it’s a whole evil entourage. cahir is not the vulnerable and noble-at-heart young man that he was in the books.
in the end, these are things that are too late to change now. these things can’t be developed upon to “fix” them. ciri cannot suddenly receive her character establishment as a child. geralt cannot suddenly become a caring father who has cared about protecting ciri since day one. cahir cannot suddenly become a young man influenced by his jingoistic society who was only in full plate armor because his parents told him to. these things are so essential to their characters that they are begun to be established immediately.
and yeah everything’s going to get memed on just like they did with renfri. no one discusses the elves’ situation in dol blathanna seriously, they just like laughing at how jaskier called them “pointy.” ciri isn’t discussed at all by the fandom except for being a token baby character. it’s dark times
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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Pink Dress 2 || Joshua Hong au
Pairing: bad boy!Joshua x female reader
Genre: lil angst, suggestive, spice,
Warnings: nothing really, just bad boy joshie wrecking y'all
A/N: reposting this cuz tumblr decided to be a b!tch and ate up my post. Anyway, enjoy the part 2 of Pink Dress. Thank you to those who waited patiently. And, yes, I've decided to make this a series so stay tuned for the next update! As always feedbacks are sincerely appreciated! 💖
Part 1
Joshua's fingers trace over your skin under your shirt and a sigh escapes your lips. "Joshua, stop," you chide the male and he smirks. "Stop what, sweetheart?"
You roll your eyes and speak, "We were supposed to study, you know. We didn't even start the research for the presentation."
"We still have a week left, babe. Take it easy," he replies. "Well, if you aren't gonna study then at least let me," you try to move away from him. "When you called me over I seriously thought we were gonna study but instead you -" you stop mid sentence, warmth in your cheeks.
"Instead I what baby?" His eyebrows dance.
"You know what, I'll go home now." You try to get up but his hands pull you back down, "Okay okay, I'm sorry. Let me bring some snacks and then I'll study with you, for real."
You watch his figure move to the kitchen and a sigh escapes you. You are spread out on Joshua's living room, your books and notes scattered atop his coffee table with the intention of researching for the humanities presentation you two were paired up for.
Instead of researching Joshua gave you a good amount of orgasms in the past couple hours, leaving you sore. You let out a frustrated sigh. This man will not only be the cause of your heartbreak but also the reason you may fail this semester. You were so fucked.
You and Joshua manage to get a few stuffs done before the evening rolls in. Joshua offers to drop you home but you refuse and leave his place in rather, a hurry.
Your feelings were only growing for Joshua and at this point you didn't know how to deal with them. Every time he touches you, you become a mess and your emotions threaten to escape. While Joshua made sure you knew that you were not just a random fling to him, he also pointed that he didn't pursue any feelings for you. He wasn't the type to do relationships, he had stated and that left you and your feelings in a friends with benefits zone.
Much to your surprise, you and Joshua get decent marks in your presentation. You were worried that you may fail since all Joshua did was mess around with you during your work but seeing the decent marks made you heave a sigh in relief. Joshua wanted to hang out with you and celebrate that day but you refused, saying you wanted to rest at home.
And to escape from him. Again.
Next day after finishing your classes you see Joshua in the common room surrounded by his friends - Jeonghan and Seungcheol and his female friends, admirers or whatever. You feel the sour feeling of jealousy when you see a girl pressed close to him, sneaking touches on his arm and chest.
You hate yourself for feeling jealous since you knew feelings weren't part of the deal when you got yourself involved with Joshua. Your initial plan was to hang out with him but seeing him like that made you turn around and head home.
But a hand on your shoulder stops you in your tracks and you already know who it is from the touch. You turn to meet Joshua, a slight frown etched on his face. His hair is a bit messier than usual making you want to run your fingers through them.
"Why are you running?"
"I'm-I'm not running," you protest.
"You saw me but then turned away, sweetheart." He points out.
"You seemed to be enjoying your time so I left," your words come out more edged than you wanted. A devilish smile crosses Joshua's lips and he pulls you into the gym room which happened to be beside where you were standing. "Is my baby jealous?" Joshua smirks pressing you against the wall.
"I d-don't know what you are taking a-about." You try not to meet his eyes as you feel your face warm up.
"You've been running away from since the last few days. What's wrong sweetheart?" he whispers, tracing his finger on your cheek and pressing soft kisses to your neck.
You swallow, your emotions becoming unstable. "Y-you know, the past couple weeks were hard so I w-was just tired, I-I guess."
Joshua meets your eyes and you feel like he can see through you. He presses his lips against your and you melt, you hands grabbing the lapels of his signature black leather jacket. He tilts your head for better access, his tongue meeting yours. You let him do whatever he wants, as usual,as you feeling yourself turn into mush. He pulls back to breathe and whispers, "You know I only have eyes for you."
You swallow and nod automatically, you body thrumming with need. A few days without his touch made you crave him more, your conscience leaving your body as you pull him in for another kiss. His hands slip under your shirt, soft moans escaping from your lips as he grabs onto any naked skin he finds.
"Come to my place. I've missed you." He whispers, his voice hoarse. You nod like an obedient puppy, desperate to please him. You know you're gonna under up under him in the sheets, your emotions scattered all over the place and your feelings only growing deeper.
Joshua comments as he pulls you out of the college building, "You wore pink again."
You look down on your shirt realizing that only now. It has become a habit of you to reach for the pink things in your closet.
"Pink is really your color, sweetheart. You should wear that more often," he says handing you a helmet before you get on the bike. He presses a kiss to your cheek and mutters, "I should take you to shopping sometime, what do you say?"
You can only nod, as your heart beats loudly in your chest. He smiles at you, one that makes your heart stop and reminds you that you'd probably never be able to escape from him.
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fics-n-stuff · 4 years
Empty Castle
Pairing: JJ x reader
Summary: Three weeks after John B and Sarah Cameron were lost at sea, Kildare is still reeling from the dramatic events surrounding the death of its sheriff. JJ in particular has been struggling to get back to normal, so Y/N goes to try and help him get back on his feet. Sequel to Holding Cell.
Warnings: tiny bit of swearing, v sad JJ
Word Count: 4.2k (about double what I originally intended)
A/N: This took way longer than expected and I didn't mean for this to be so sad but it got real sad, so there isn't really anything beyond platonic until towards the end. I would highly suggest that you read Holding Cell first (perhaps because I worked hard on it and I want people to read it) but if you really don't want to then all you really need to know is that JJ and Y/N were childhood friends but hadn't spoken for two years until they both got arrested on the same day and they decided to be friends again. Cool, enjoy! :)
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The bell for the end of school rang and the crowd of teenagers swarmed out, and you made your way to the bike rack along with your friends.
"So, my house for movie night?" Jess said, and the rest of your friends chorused in agreement.
"Actually, I have something else to do." You replied, fastening your helmet. "I'll come by after if I finish up in time."
"What are you doing?"
"I need to go see someone." You replied, quickly getting on your bike before any further questions could be asked. "Later guys."
You cycled out to the house that you knew was where John B lived - basically the entire island knew where he lived after everything that had happened - and left your bike on the porch. The front door was open.
"JJ?" You called tentatively. "Are you here?" You heard movement from one of the rooms and turned towards it, seeing JJ walk out a few moments later. He looked disheveled, shirtless and with messy hair.
"Y/N?" He asked, surprised. His voice was slightly gravelly, like he'd woken up not long ago. "Why are you here?"
"I came to find you, JJ. School started on Monday, you've missed the whole week."
"School started?" His question made you frown in worry. "Wait, how did know I'd be here?"
"Because you're not anywhere else." You answered, putting down your school bag. "Nobody's really seen you. I stopped by at your house and your dad said-"
"You did what?"
"Relax, JJ, it's not as if he has any idea who I am. And he told me that you haven't been home in two weeks."
"I'm surprised he's kept track." JJ muttered.
"Clearly you haven't." The comment made JJ pause. He ruffled his hair and let out a long sigh, looking down at his own appearance. "What have you been doing these past weeks?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's kinda blurred. I go to work, I go fishing, I smoke. I really didn't realise that school had started." He crossed the room to the sofa and grabbed a tank top off of the back of it, throwing it on before making his way to the kitchen.
"So I take it you've just been living here." You stated, looking around the mess that had accumulated in the house.
"Yeah. Pope and Lie have been staying away from the place ever since, uh..." He trailed off, pushing his tongue against his cheek and clearing his throat. "But me, I'm here basically all the time. They use Heyward's boat so I've got the HMS Pogue all to myself; they use Kie's car, I get that busted up van." He laughed, but there was a real sadness behind it.
You watched JJ as he made himself a sandwich, and even from a distance you could tell that there was barely any food in that kitchen. A few seconds passed and you spun on your heel, starting to collect empty food packages from around the room.
"What are you doing?"
"Cleaning." You answered matter-of-factly. "If you insist on staying here, I insist that you keep it clean."
"Why do you even care?"
When you turned around to face him JJ was leaning against the kitchen door frame. He wasn't looking at you, rather he was staring at the floor. His body language was relaxed but you knew that that wasn't how he was feeling.
"What happened to the 'giving to whole friendship thing another try' deal?" You replied. "I'm just trying to live up to my side of the agreement."
"Maybe that wasn't such a great idea."
"Okay." You muttered after a stretch of silence. "Let's try this again later. You go off back to your bedroom or whatever, I'll clean up here and we can reconvene at a later time." You pushed past him into the kitchen to look through the cabinets for trash bags, and when you found them you pushed past him back to the living room.
"I'm not leaving, JJ, so don't even try it." You interrupted, throwing empty bottles and cans into a trash bag. You heard him mutter something under his breath and disappear down the hall, slamming the door shut behind him. You scoffed and continued clearing the house.
You got rid of all of the trash from the living room and the kitchen before knocking on the door to the room JJ had shut himself in. By now he'd had about half an hour of preparation for a civil conversation.
When you opened the door he was lying on his back on the bed with a hat covering his face, but you knew he was awake because he kept fiddling with his fingers and tensing and untensing his jaw.
"You ready to talk about it?" You asked softly, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.
"No." He mumbled, his response muffled by the hat over his face.
"Want a hug?" He didn't answer, so you took his silence to mean 'yes but I don't want to say it out loud'. You kicked off your shoes and shuffled up the bed so that you were lying beside JJ, draping an arm over his body and resting your head on his chest. He let out a long sigh and slowly wrapped his arm around your body, pulling you in closer.
You stayed like that for a long time, just listening to yourselves breathe while you waited for JJ to be ready to talk to you.
"We really ran off a cliff, didn't we?" He finally broke the silence, his voice quiet and full of emotion as he removed the hat from over his face. "Pope lost his scholarship, I've become a complete pothead, John B and Sarah are missing. We don't even have the gold."
"Gold?" You questioned.
"We found the wreck of the Merchant, Y/N." He whispered, staring up at the ceiling. "And we found the gold, underneath the Craine house, and Ward Cameron took the whole lot out from under us while the town was on a manhunt for John B."
"Oh my god, JJ!" You exclaimed, sitting up. "You seriously found the Merchant gold?"
"Yep. To finish what Big John started. But it doesn't matter now, it's gone. Just like John B." His voice broke as he said his best friend's name, and you lay back down beside him.
"I'm sorry."
"They could still be out there, right?" JJ murmured. "I mean, they found the Phantom but they didn't find John B and Sarah. Maybe they got picked up by a ship."
"Yeah of course, that's totally possible." You nodded. The silence stretched out again, JJ sniffling every now and then as if holding back from crying.
After a while you sat up, getting JJ's attention and he turned his head to look at you.
"Let's go grocery shopping." You said. "There's barely any food in this house, you need some supplies."
"I haven't really got the money, Y/N."
"My parents just left town and I never spend all of the money that they leave so we can use that." You replied adamantly. "You need to get some human contact, okay? So let's go."
You climbed off of the bed and put your shoes back on before pulling JJ up as well. Reluctantly, he put on some shoes and grabbed the keys to John B's van.
The two of you were out for about an hour. You stopped off at your house to grab the cash before going to the grocery store, where you ended up leading the shopping trip because JJ apparently had basically no knowledge of nutrition. Being with another person seemed to bring JJ out of the haze that he had been presumably for the past few weeks; he even smiled at a joke you made while you were at the checkout.
"I didn't expect you to have enough money for a full grocery shop." JJ said as the two of you packed the food away in the kitchen.
"Well, because my parents don't talk to each other they also don't coordinate their trips out of town which most often results in them both leaving money for me." You explained. "I never tell them, I just keep the extra cash as compensation for the neglect." You smiled, closing the cabinet you had been packing things into and turning around to take a seat on the counter. JJ finished putting away the last of the groceries and leant against the wall opposite you, folding his arms over his chest.
"Why'd you really come find me?" He asked.
"Well, after John B and Sarah got lost in the storm it was obvious that you weren't going to be doing the best." You answered, watching him carefully to gauge how he was feeling. "And when you didn't show up for school all of this week, I figured that you might need a friend to bring you back to reality."
"I, uh, I appreciate that." He nodded, his lips turning upwards into a small smile.
"Happy to help." A silence settled between you again, as it had many times throughout the evening, but it felt a little different this time; slightly more tense, but not in a bad way.
"Do you wanna go out on the boat?" JJ suggested. "The sun's about to set."
"Sure. Sounds nice." You replied, hopping off of the counter. His smile grew and he kicked off the wall, adjusting his hat on his head as he headed back to the front door, you following after.
You took a seat on the bow of the boat while JJ got it going, and you stayed in silence as he drove you out into the marsh. The sky was orange and violet when he anchored the Pogue, and he came to take a seat beside you.
"It's nice, isn't it?" He said quietly, looking out at the sun setting over the water. "I come out here most nights if I'm not still at work."
"Yeah, it's beautiful." You nodded. "What's your job?"
"Busboy in a hotel restaurant. You got a job?"
"Nah, I've got my absent parent money." You looked over at JJ and you could see sympathy in his eyes. "Don't feel bad for me, it's really not so terrible." You chuckled. You didn't need sympathy; certainly not from JJ, who was in a far more difficult situation than you.
You talked idly as you watched the sunset and when the sky turned dark you had settled into silence and lay back on the boat to look up at the stars. The two of you were lying with your hands on your stomachs, your elbows touching with the proximity in the small boat.
"What if they're not out there?" JJ whispered, barely audible.
"Then... we learn to keep going." You answered, turning your head to look at him. "Look, JJ, I was never as close to John B as you were, and I have no idea how you guys became friends with Sarah Cameron, but whether they're out or not, and whether they cane back, you'll always have them with you."
He turned to look at you too, tears shining in his eyes, and you reached a hand out to grab his and interlocked your fingers.
"I know it's cliché, but it's true." You smiled reassuringly. "They left you a piece of themselves to keep in your heart, and nothing can ever take that from you." He held onto your hand tightly, a single tear escaping his eye as he tensed his jaw to try and hold back any more.
"I really miss him, Y/N." He sniffled. "He was my brother, you know." You quickly moved to hug JJ, your body half on top of his as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and buried his face in your shoulder as he started to break down.
You maneuvered the two of you into a sitting position so that you could wrap your arms around him properly, cradling his head in your hand. He held onto you tightly, his tears soaking through your t-shirt and his body shaking with his sobs.
Minutes passed before JJ calmed down, and you held onto his shoulders as you broke away from the hug.
"You'll be alright. Okay?" You said softly, and he nodded. "I'll drive us back." You wiped away the tears on his face with your thumbs with a smile, before getting up to bring up the anchor.
JJ stayed where he was sat while you drove the boat back to John B's house. You docked the boat and went inside, the atmosphere heavy. He took a seat on the sofa while you flicked on the lights.
"Can I tell you something, Y/N?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course."
"I used to have the biggest crush on you when we were kids." The confession left you a little shocked, but you didn't show it, and JJ continued. "John B used to tease me about it all the time. When we were thirteen, after, like, four years of pining after you, he told me that I just needed to man up and tell you... but I never did, and then our friendship kind of just fell apart."
"Why are you telling me this now?" You questioned, and JJ let out a sigh before shrugging.
"I don't know. With John B missing and you suddenly back in my life... it just feels weird." He answered. "But I'm glad that you're here. I think I really need it."
"I think you do too." You chuckled. "Now, I'm gonna make us something to eat."
"What, you don't want me to stay?"
"No!" He defended himself loudly, making you laugh. "No, that's not it at all. I just wasn't expecting you to."
"Well, I have nowhere else to be." You smiled before disappearing into the kitchen.
You busied yourself in cooking, cutting up some chicken and vegetables and throwing them into a stir fry. You were completely absorbed in what you were doing, humming to yourself while you pushed the food around the pan with a wooden spatula, so when you felt a hand on your shoulder it made you jump.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." JJ apologised quickly, taking a small step back. "I said your name but you didn't hear me."
"Oh, really? Sorry." You chuckled. "What did you want?"
"Just... You weren't weirded out that I used to have a crush on you?" He asked tentatively.
"No, of course not." You shrugged turning back to the pan. "I'll admit it was a little surprising, but we were kids and we were super close. Jess used to tease me about that all the time."
"About us being close?"
"Yeah. I remember one time she totally freaked out because you called me pretty. Can you get a couple of plates out for me please?" You heard JJ open a cupboard and take out a couple of plates.
"For what it's worth," He said, setting the plates down on the counter beside you and taking out some cutlery. "I still think you're pretty."
"Aw, thanks JJ." You smiled. "You're not too bad yourself."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He countered, feigning offense, and you laughed.
"Nothing. You're a good looking guy; not at all like the chubby cheeked little kid that I used to know."
You dished up your meals and you and JJ went back to the living room to eat. You kicked you legs up onto the sofa with your plate on your lap and tucked in. It was later in the evening than you would usually eat, so you were eager to get some food into your stomach. Even still, JJ practically vaccumed in the food and finished before you did. He took the plates back through to kitchen when you finished.
"You gonna head home any time soon?" He asked.
"I'm not in a rush." You shrugged. "I'll just be going back to an empty house." JJ hummed in acknowledgement. He lifted your legs up to sit on the couch beside you, putting them back down on his lap once he'd gotten himself situated. Maybe him being in such a vulnerable situation earlier had accelerated your connection, but it was like those two years that you didn't talk at all never even happened; you were just as close as ever, if not more somehow.
"You're gonna stick around, right?" He said, turning to look at you. You tilted your head slightly.
"Of course." You reassured, smiling. "I'm not gonna leave you now, of all times. Besides, I missed you and we were supposed to be trying the friendship thing again anyway."
"Yeah, the friendship thing." He muttered, downcatsing his gaze, and you frowned.
"What's wrong?"
"JJ, you can tell me." You took your legs off of his lap and crossed them under you, shuffling forwards towards JJ and lowering your head to try and catch his gaze.
"I..." He began but trailed off immediately. He let out a loud sigh, running a hand over his face and through his hair before taking a deep breath. "I know that I might just be saying this because I'm kinda fucked up in the head with my friends being lost at sea and all, but I think I still like you Y/N. As more than a friend." He rambled.
"JJ, we didn't speak to each other for two years." You replied, taken aback by what he was saying and trying to introduce some reason into the conversation.
"I know- I know that, Y/N, but... it doesn't feel like anything has changed for me." He explained, mirroring your body language and crossing his legs under himself to face you. "I get it, it's stupid, but I can't help that. I mean, I know that we were literally twelve years old but when we were friends before I think that there was something there. Maybe I'm biased because I liked you, but maybe..."
He looked at you, his eyes searching for any tell of what you were thinking, and there was a long pause while you thought.
"Even if there was something." You started slowly. "We were kids, JJ."
"We still are kids. We're sixteen." He argued. "When we were at the sheriff's station I felt something there, even though we hadn't spoken for two years. Tell me you didn't feel it too."
You looked away from him and took a deep breath. You would be lying if you said that you never had any feelings for JJ - he was probably the first real crush that you had - and it was probably your feelings for him that made you react so strongly when he would get himself into trouble. And you did think that being with JJ again felt much the same as it had done back then; plus, you hadn't been lying when you said that he'd grown up to be pretty handsome. Even still, he was going through an incredibly difficult time and you didn't think it would be a good idea to start any kind of relationship.
"Maybe... Maybe there might be something." You mumbled. "But right now really isn't the time to try it."
"Why not?"
"Because... well, you..." You struggled to articulate what you wanted to say.
"Y/N, I know it's a really messed up time, okay? Two of my best friends are lost at sea and I haven't spoken to the other two in weeks. I have lost all of the people closest to me and I feel completely alone, so maybe the fact that you're literally the only person that I have right now is making my feelings more extreme - I recognise that - but that doesn't mean that they're not real."
"JJ, I can't in good conscience agree to pursuing anything with you right now." You replied softly, shaking your head. It hurt you to have to say no.
"Don't you want to try?" He asked, voice a little weak as he looked into your eyes. "It doesn't need to be a huge commitment, we can just give it a try."
You looked over his face, the cogs turning in your mind as you thought through the situation. You really did want to give it a try, you were just worried that it might do JJ more harm than good. But the longer you ĺooked and him and the more you thought about the possibility, the more you wanted to pursue it.
"No promises, no big commitments... but I'll stick around." You smiled slightly, and you put a hand gently against JJ's cheek when he smiled back. "I just don't want you to get into something that's not good for you." He chuckled, taking your hand from his face and holding it in both of his.
"You've always been looking out for me." He mumbled, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. "Where would I be without you?"
"Somewhere messy I'm sure." You smiled.
You sat in silence for a minute. You were watching JJ's face while he fiddled with your fingers. He let out puffs of air every once in a while like he had just remembered something funny, and it made you smile. You yawned, suddenly realising that you were actually really tired.
"Since I'd be going home to an empty house anyway," you began, breaking the short silence. "Would you be alright with me maybe staying here for the night?" JJ looked up from your hands with an amused smile.
"Of course." He answered happily. "I could use the company."
He stood up from the sofa and gently pulled you up after him. Your hands remained connected as he walked you through to the same bedroom as earlier and flicked on the lights.
"This is where I've been crashing." He said, quickly scratching the back of his neck. "You can stay here with me if you want, or you can stay in the other bedroom if you'd rather do that." He became noticeably more tense at the mention of the other bedroom, and you just knew that it was because that was John B's room even though you'd never been there before.
"I'll stay here." You smiled, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "Can I borrow a t-shirt?"
"Yeah, sure." He let go of your hand and crossed the room to a duffel bag in the corner. "There's stuff in all the drawers so I've kinda just been living out of this thing." He pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to you.
"Thank you." You smiled as you took it. JJ nodded awkwardly and shuffled past you out of the room, pulling the door shut after himself.
You quickly rid yourself of your school clothes and put on the t-shirt that JJ gave you - which was long and baggy on your body - before hopping onto the bed and covering your legs with the covers. He came back in not long later carrying two glasses of water.
"I figured you might want a drink at some point." He mumbled, setting the glass down on the bedside table. You gave a grateful smile and quiet thanks as he turned on the bedside lamp and then went to turn off the main light.
"We used to have sleepovers sometimes when we were kids." You mumbled as he walked around the bed and climbed in beside you. "Do you remember?"
"Yeah, of course I do." He smiled, lying down. "We used to stay up until midnight thinking that it was a big deal."
"It was back then. Midnight is really late when you're ten years old."
"I miss when little things like that could be so exciting." He sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You looked down at him thoughtfully, absentmindedly reaching out to brush a piece of hair out of his face.
"Well, anything can be exciting with the right company." You said softly. His eyes shifted to connect with yours and he smiled ever so slightly. "We have the whole weekend ahead of us, maybe we could do something fun. Go surfing, like old times, maybe?"
"That sounds nice." He murmured.
You shuffled down the bed to rest your head on the pillows and reached over to flick off the table lamp. You lay on your side facing JJ as he remained looking up at the ceiling. With the moonlight coming through the window you could just see the silhouette of his face and a slight shine where the light reflected off his eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" You whispered after a while.
"Lots of stuff."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Maybe tomorrow." He answered with a sigh, turning his head to look at you. "But thanks."
"No problem." You smiled. "We'll talk tomorrow." You shuffled towards JJ and curled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around you. You felt him press a very light kiss to the top of your head and it made you smile. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He replied, holding you a little tighter, and you fell asleep in each other's arms. For the first time since John B and Sarah went missing, JJ had some comfort and you were happy to be the person to provide that for him.
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riotatthemovies · 3 years
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Oh my dear fuck..
Bigfoot vs the Illuminati (2020)
Ok where to fucking start? First off this is one of those limited motion animated films (see Halloween family and other pain filled reviews I've done) . Some detailed sprites animated to dance as someone dubs over a vague plot which sounds like they are making it up as they go along. Post apoc future where all humans dress like halo guys and never take helmets off (cause they cant animated faces) . While teaming up with the last Sasquatch they await an attack from lizard people from space. They wait and wait cause they can't animate action. Many pieces of animation are repeated scenes so you have to ignore the misplaced background. Cause sure why the fuck not. But here is where this gets sinister. This is written and "directed" by a guy called BC Fourteen who has made several of this dubbed over clip art cartoons and made several "documentaries" about Donald Trump. Before this movie he made Trump vs the Illuminati about Trumps future clone fighting the aliens. Sooo I worry that he is some Qanon conspiracy nut but its hard to tell. His docs make no opinions they are just mash up cuts of other news articles and the film makes no statement. The heros are stupid and everything is a dick joke that doesnt always seem to correspond to whats happening. Its like that animated asian news clips done really rude. It literally feels like BC Fourteen isnt real and this whole thing was made by a random A.I generator trying to make a scifi comedy. He names one lizard alien Rothchild which makes me fear its going to go into some antisemitic propaganda but it doesnt. The aliens all talk about blow jobs and so do the humans and hell so does Bigfoot. Slides on some racial issues but no character goes anywhere so I doubt they even know. Bigfoot does say mother fucker in some humorous ways. Honestly if this was just about the fairly offensive Sasquatch this might be fun. But instead it's like staring right into the sun for an hour and 20 minutes. You dont learn deep secrets of conspiracy ridden aliens but you just burn out your retina and start to cry cause it burns.
This movie even has the reincarnation of Alesiter Crowley as a lizard alien. And his evil gives him a boner. What the ??
BC Fourteen doesnt take any of this seriously so maybe he is not an evil insane right wing animator but just a lazy comedian whomis also insane. Wikipedia kniws his many alias but seems to think BC Fourteen is his reap name. I call bullshit on that. I debate if he is real at all. Maybe ypure BC Fourteen. MAYBE I am! Aaaahhhhhhh.....
PS As a rule I never say to someone "Don't watch this movie or this movie should never have been made" , I hate when people say that. But I will say Beware Be Fucking ware.
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shadedrose01 · 4 years
Young God
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Tags: idek how to tag this one, uhh, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, kind of?, more like, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies with benefits?, Rivalry, Rivals with benefits?, Its hard to explain aodjsk, Harley Keener as Iron Lad, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs a Break, Peter Parker Has a Bad Day, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Nothing shown tho, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, parkner week 2020, Day 2, Arguing
Prompts: “And i said ‘no,’ you know, like a liar” / identity shenanigans / iron lad
Notes: Day 2, everybody! Hope you enjoy! 💞💞
Read on ao3 Here!
He says "oo, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends,
I'm the king and you're the queen, and we will stumble through heaven,"
Peter sucks in a quick breath just before he crashes onto the rooftop, sliding across the sandpaper like tiles and feeling as it rips up his suit, the backs of his arms and legs, his hands as he claws and slows himself down until he finally stops, just at the edge of the house.
He stays still for a second, pants as he hears the mechanical whirrs and clicks of the robotic arms coming closer and closer to him, before he feels his hair stand up, and jumps backwards off of one rooftop to the other, just as Doc Ock crashes through the house below him, leaving only destruction in his wake. Peter listens sharply, for a scream or a cry but hears nothing, and feels a wave of relief knowing the family must not of been home, before its quickly wiped away as he instinctive jumps out of the way again, a claw crunching the stone he was stood on just moments before.
"Come on, Spider-Man," the man taunts, his bluish purple goggles gleaming in the setting sunlight. "Stop running away, and fight!"
Another claw, and another jump, except this time, Peter bounces off of the next rooftop he lands on, circling around and kicking the man right in the jawbone. "You asked for it!" He spits out as the kick throws him back, off kilter for a second, a moment that Peter tries to take to get out of distance again, out of range, but he's too slow, a third claw reaching for him, about to grab him-
Before its blasted to pieces by a bright purple light, and Peter cant help but to stifle the annoyed sigh that threatens to escape, the simmering anger that's been inside him all day starting to boil, to bubble up as he hears the familiar, way way too familiar Southern drawl call out, in all its mocking glory, "Hey squid boy, watch where you're throwing those things, someone could get hurt!"
Peter lands onto the brick wall, sticking into place and turns just to see Doc let out an irritated yell, and lunge for the bright red and gray suit, purple lights attached like lazor pointers to a cat, an easy target that never seems to faze the man no matter how many times Peter told him to tone them down. For once, Peter understands Docs anger, annoyance, as the suit weaves through his claws and shoots them apart with ease, laughing and mocking him the entire time. It makes his insides twist, and his blood boil, his heart racing and his teeth gritting together.
Peter throws himself off the wall just in time to kick Doc to the ground, all of his claws and weapons destroyed, and an affronted, almost insulted noise comes from the robotic suit flying beside him. "You can't just come in and steal the kill, that's not cool, dude!"
Peter doesn't even spare him a glance, webbing the villians hand, feet and then body to the ground. "What, like you did?"
"I did not," The robotizied voice cries out, like a child. "I was just helping you out, Spidey! You should be thanking me!"
Now, Peter can hear the smug grin on the man's face, and this time he can't help the bitter sigh that escapes, as he turns to send a heated glare. "Fuck off, Iron Lad."
He can practically see his eyebrows raise, even through the emotionless mask and the man laughs, loudly, his voice higher pitched with pure amusement as he says, "Oh ho ho, Man! What's got you in a piss poor mood, huh? Having a bad Spidey day, Spider-Man?"
Peter's nostrils flare, and he has to physically hold back the words that long to spill from his mouth, tasting bitter on his tongue, flames licking at his lungs. "Police?" He asks instead, glancing away to glare at the stones below him, his hands clenched hard into fists.
"On the way, eta maaybe two minutes?"
"Then let's go." Peter doesn't wait for an answer, shooting a web off into the distance and yanking himself away, huffing out a breath when he hears the very clear, "Sir, yes sir!" And the echo of replusors sound from behind him, following him like they always do.
"If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes,
I know you wanna go to heaven but you're human tonight,"
Peter swings for a while, trying to ignore, pretend that the metallic sounds of blasters aren't following him, hoping that eventually, the man, that Harley would get the hint and leave him the fuck alone today, but after a while, he realizes that won't happen and lands on the top of a building, crashing to the ground a little rougher than necessary, feeling his bubbling anger, annoyance rising higher and higher in his chest.
"Finally," The suit groans out, landing right beside Peter on the rooftop before flailing his arms out dramatically. "I thought you were never gonna stop, jeez."
"I'm on patrol." Peter growls out, going to the edge of the rooftop to look down and focus his hearing, to make sure he doesn't miss any moments, any crime that he needs to stop, almost wishing, itching that there was some so he could get away from the man encased in metal. He doesn't know why his presence is bugging him so much today- he's normally annoying, sure but not this much, never this bad- but it is and Peter just longs to get away (even as a part of him begs to get closer).
The man just huffs, his neon purple eyes seeming stare into Peter's soul incredulously. "Thats never stopped you before." When Peter just ignores him, the man takes a step forward and his helmet retracts, the face of the one and only Harley Stark- son to Tony Stark, heir to Stark industeies and the main pain in Peters ass for the last eight months- scrunched up with a weird mix of childish annoyance and worry that makes him look constipated. "Seriously, Spidey. What's going on? Are you okay?"
The real concern that slips into the mans tone makes Peter's insides twist, but he ignores it as he spits out, "Why do you care? Thought you only cared about yourself?"
Its intentionally rude, and he knows it hits its mark when a pang of hurt runs across Harley's features before it disappears back into a blank slate so similar to the one his father wears for the same reason, to hide the pain. "You know that's not true." Even his voice has gone back to painfully neutral, and any satisfaction Peter anticipated to feel is overwhelmed by a sickening guilt that poisons him from the inside out, twists his stomach and makes him feel nauseous.
He should apologize, he knows, but he's still- he still feels the burning, the fire under his skin, in his bloodstream, charring his lungs, molten lava in his veins, and he can't stop the sour words from slipping past his lips, with a faint mocking laugh. "Do I?"
"I thought you did." He mutters, his usually bright, summer day skies eyes darkening as a storm cloud passes by, rumbling with a thunder that makes Peter's heart thump heavily in his chest. "I know you do. I know you don't really like me, I get that, but you normally aren't this much of a dick about it. This isn't you."
Peter just laughs again, bitter and twisted and wrong sounding, even to himself. "You don't know me. You don't know anything about me."
He says, "oo baby girl, don't get caught on my edges,
I'm the king of everything, you know my tongue is a weapon,"
Harley's eyes just narrow more, his jaw clenching, and Peter can see his words are started to get to him, his fingers twitching and his shoulders raising. Good. "I think I know more about you than you think."
"Do you?" Peter snorts, shaking his head in exasperation as he glances over to the man, glaring, the fire burning brighter, flames licking at his throat. "Say, what do you know about me?"
"I know your kind," He starts, scowling, counting on his fingers as if Peter is a child that he's lecuring. "I know you're considerate. I know you put everyone else before yourself, because you think somehow, subconsciously that your life is worth less than others. I know you feel guilty for something that happened in the past, and try to better yourself because of it. I know you care, much more than you let on." Peter snorts, trying to ignore the emotions and raw feelings bubbling in his throat, and Harley just continues, ignoring it. "I may not know your name, or your face, or your- your identity but I know you, Spidey. And this," He makes a waving motion at Peter's body, "whatever this is, it isn't you. So Explain. What's going on?"
He's almost pleading, now, begging for Peter to tell him and the masked man almost longs to tell him, but honestly, he doesn't even know what's wrong. He's felt this burning, this itch for something since he woke up, and as the day went on, he grew more and more irritated, irate, a chemical reaction gone wrong, Harley acting as a catalyst and speeding up the reaction until now, its starting to explode, bubbling over the glass and creating a mess of emotions.
Peter can't tell him that, though, can't tell him that he's being a dick for nothing, so he just shrugs him off, looking away again and muttering a quick, "Nothing."
He can almost feel the tension in the air rise, turning thick as Harley bristles and flares, "Let me help you, for fucks sake!"
"Maybe I don't want you to help me!" Peter sparks back, whipping his head back around to glare at the man, the energy high, electric around them.
"There's a light in the crack, that separates your thighs,
And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight,"
"Oh, no. You do." Harley sneers, stepping forward, closer to Peter. "You do, you're just too much of a coward to admit it."
Peter rolls up his mask to his nose, and glares heavily at the man, taking a step towards him in retaliation. "Middle school insults, really?"
"Only telling the truth." Another step forward. "You're a coward who tries to hide his true feelings and pretend they don't even, even though you know they do."
"Oh yeah?" Another step, and suddenly, they're face to face, their noses millimeters apart, almost brushing in their proximity. "Say that again, I dare you."
Harley takes the bait, leaning in closer until Peter can feel his air on his lips, their breath mixing. "You're a coward, Spider-Man."
And Peter thinks he's going to punch him. His fists are clenched, his body is tense, he's bracing himself to do it. But instead, he finds himself grabbing his shoulders tightly and pushing their lips together, his mind whirling as the reaction bubbles over and the flame in his chest ignites into a wildfire, bright and untamable as Harley kisses back just as heavily, just as intensely, pressing him back back back until his back is pushed against a brick wall. Their lips don't disconnect, their heads turning and tongue swirling as Harley's hands roam up and down Peter's suit, over his arms, chest and abs, Peter's moan being swallowed into Harley's mouth, only to be reciprocated moments later.
The kiss breaks only to allow Peter to jump into Harleys arms, his legs wrapped around and sticking to the waist of the metal suit and his arms around his neck before theyre reconnected again, sucking face and groaning into each others mouths.
"My place?" The blond asks, voice muddled by lips and tongue and teeth, and Peter only nods instead of answering, pressing his face into his neck to leave marks, bites and bruises as the other man wraps his arms around his waist and under his ass, before the repulsors start back up and they fly away, towards the giant looming tower in the distance.
And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool, for a while now,
Drowning my thoughts out with the sounds,
Peter blinks awake slowly, hearing the faint whisper of a fan and a steady mechanical hum and feeling the satin, silk sheets beneath his fingertips. He turns his head slowly, his brain still groggy as he sees the other man, Harley beside him, his ryestalk hair askew and his face lax, more youthful than Peter's ever seen it, the sheet only covering to halfway up his chest, the rest out in the open, bare outside of the bright red marks still covering his skin. He flushes slightly as the memory's return from the night before, or, evening? He looks to the large, floor to ceiling windows beside the bed to see that it's still nighttime, the bright moonlight shining in through the clear glass, the pale blinds and illumating the room, casting shadows onto Harley's features and making him look... softer, ethereal, such a contrast to his sharp words and his even sharper personality. He finds he likes it, the softer, gentler look, and finds himself staring for a few moments, taking the moment in before he sits up slowly, making sure not to awaken the other man, and stands.
He finds a pair of pants on the floor, and a shirt he isn't sure is clean or dirty, throwing them both on before noticing a glass door, leading out into a balcony on the other side of the room. He had remembered landing somewhere early, hazily, though he obviously wasnt focused on it. It must've been there. He finds himself drawn to it, tiptoeing quietly over to the door and sliding it open before stepping outside, and taking a large inhale of the chilled air. He moves to the railing of the balcony, listening to the faint breeze of the late August winds, the car horns and honks in the distance, stares down at the still busseling, still alive city below them, not really focusing on anything, not really thinking, just breathing, feeling, living.
That must be why he doesn't hear the other man stirring, or hear him approch until the door behind him clicks open again. Peter doesn't turn around, doesn't have to, just continuing to watch the cars drive by until two arms wrap around his waist, gently, warily, until a, now clothed, chest is pressed against his back, and a chin rests on his shoulder. Peter just exhales, leaning back into the other mans grip, feeling more relaxed, more at ease than he has in a while, longer than he can remember.
Do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods,
"Do you ever..." Peter doesn't know when, or why, he starts to speak, doesn't think of what he says as he murmurs, hushed, low, a whisper, "feel like a young god? With these powers, the suits, the- the responsibility..." Harley just hums, faintly, and they start to sway, subtle, gentle back and forth motions, back and forth, like waves cascading onto a beach. "They all look up to me. The people, the city. They all-" Peter shakes his head, sighing lightly, airy. "And sometimes I just... sometimes I just don't know if I'm enough, you know? Sometimes I just..."
"Need a break." The other man finishes, murmurs, his lips brushing against Peter's cheek and sends tingles down his back.
"I-I guess so, yeah." There's a few moments, a few seconds where they just sit in the comfortable silence, where Peter glances up at the smog filled sky, seeing a few stars shining through, the almost full moon gleaming brightly down at them.
Before, "Let me help, baby." Harley whispers, pleads, and Peter goes to protest but the blond beats him to it. "You're burnt out, constantly saving the city, saving the world, constantly being the punching bag for everyone else, let me help. Please, Peter," And that was something new, too, Harley knowing his name, knowing his face, knowing him through and through, though he knows the other man won't tell, won't share, turning his head with easy fingers to look him in the eye, his ocean blues almost neon in the glow of the moon. "Let me help you."
They stare at each other, flickering from eye to eye for a few beats, a few thumps in Peter's chest, and he doesn't answer, not really, just lowers his head and places it onto Harley's chest, into the crook of his neck, but his lack of an answer is answer enough. The older man just presses a drawn out kiss onto the top of his head, and holds him closer, a non spoken thank you that sends Peter reeling, unused to the feeling of care, of concern, of love.
And yet, surrounded by strong arms and held closely to a firm chest, Peter feels at his strongest, feels comforted, known, feels safe. He closes his eyes, and just breathes, let's himself have this moment of calm and quiet in the arms of his love.
And we'll be flying through the streets, with the people underneath,
And they're running, running, running...
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