#shawmila breakup
shawncrediblemendes · 2 years
What do you think of shawn and camilas breakup? 🤔 Do you think Shawn is happier
Welp lemma start…
I think Shawn has loved her probably for a really really long time without it being returned. That usually makes you put someone on a pedestal. And I guess when they started dating and then quarantined together they kinda didn’t have a lot of other things going on other than the relationship. It probably made the experience very intense.
I think he was just consumed with the idea of Camila being the one for very long and now kinda has to re-wire his brain if that makes sense?
I have no idea if he is happier but I personally am really happy that he gave up the extreme hippie look 😅😂
Also I just want him to date someone simple. Idk maybe someone his friends in Toronto introduced him to. Or maybe someone in the industry who has just started out or something. But nothing this high profile…
I just really want the best for him. But idk what that is haha
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shawmilo · 1 year
Shawmila UpDate:👀🤔🧐Early Valentine('s)🤨🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
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😟THAT WOULD Mean😬,😣😖History Reapeatin'😕:😒she🤬Did IT🤬AGAIN🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️
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didn't you start around the time of Shawmila round one ,or am I mistaken here ?
and you did like and support Shawn (and Camila) back then ,at that time.
so ,I'm wondering ,as why you clearly seem to have a problem with Shawmila round two ,atm ?
also wanted to give my feedback on your latest story ,I think that didn't do as well as you're used to ,is coz it doesn't have the same flow to it ,your reglar readers are used to seeing coming from you (btw: I read a story -actually think it's part of a book ,if I remember correctly- with a very similar style and theme to it ,prior on wattpad ,being completely honest ,it reminds me more of that ,than of your previous works) .
that's my opinion ,anyways ...
closing off with a question ,are you planning on doing smth Shawmila (I mean ,that book of yours ,that was already on hiatus ,and now with Shawmila ,appearing as if the breakup was all just a dream ,and time stood still ,or smth ,you're definitely not going to continue with an oc ,or am I thinking (perfectly) wrong (on this topic ,as well) ) ?
(ps :didn't expect your comeback so soon ,the way you were sounding so negatively ...)
I’ve been a fan of Shawn’s for just over four years, but I didn’t start my Shawn tumblr till early April 2021. (Happy belated two-year tumblrversary to me?)
No, I’ve never been a fan of Camila’s, nor have I ever liked them together. I don’t believe you’ll find anything about her in my archives. I tried never to disrespect her (publicly) because of my respect for Shawn, that’s all. So, having never liked them together, and seeing the state he was in for so long following their split, and how he seemed to be doing SO well without her recently, his choice to begin again with her is disheartening. I love him and only want the best for him, and in my personal opinion, she’s not it. I don’t want to see him hurt again.
Thank you for your honest opinion on my last story, and I agree with you about the flow. It’s definitely not one of my better stories and I have moments where I wish I hadn’t posted it. (I even apologized to my friend, who was the requester, that it wasn’t better, but bless her heart, she still said she loved it.) Idk if you follow me, and if you do, for how long you have been, but in previous posts of mine, and for awhile now, I’ve spoken about my struggles with my writing. I haven’t opened any of my documents/started requests/WIPs since then. I’m not currently in the right headspace. I don’t feel like I can give my best right now, and I don’t want to post anything (else) subpar.
I’m not a regular reader on Wattpad, - I can probably count on maybe two hands how many stories I’ve read over there, - so any similarities to any story over there was completely unintentional. I won’t hesitate to remove FF if ever necessary. The only person I’ve ever intentionally plagiarized is myself (taking pieces of earlier, incomplete stories and fitting them better into new ones).
I’d still like to complete my OC story, with my OC character. I really don’t want “Some Girl” to be just another abandoned story. I’m just not sure how long that’s going to take. And no, Camila won’t be returning in any capacity. Why would I write him back with Camila in any way when Charlotte is perfect for him?
I haven’t fully returned to tumblr (or any social media), - three reblogs/posts and a few asks after ten days is hardly a “comeback”. I just don’t want people to think I’ve given up on Shawn, because I haven’t. 💕
Thank you for the ask, anon. 🫶🏻
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lehrennetwork · 4 years
Shawn Mendes Admits His 'Big Ego' Was 'Hurting' His Relationship With Camila Cabello
Shawn Mendes Admits His ‘Big Ego’ Was ‘Hurting’ His Relationship With Camila Cabello
Singer Shawn Mendes addresses the breakup reason with Camila Cabello.
‘The In My Blood’ singer confessed what went wrong from his side in his relationship in a recent interview.
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Shawn Mendes (Source: Splash News)
Shawn Mendes opened up about this relationship while appeared for an interview with RADIO.COM for the promotion of his new single ‘Wonder.’
The Stitches singer revealed in…
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shawnmendesbuddy · 3 years
Warnings: Talk of suicide/depression, swearing
Summary: Y/N thinks their relationship is “stale.“
Part 2
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She loved him more than she had loved anyone or anything else in her life. He was her sun, her moon, and her stars.
He was happier than he had ever been. She was the love of his life, and he knew they were meant to be together forever.
The first time they met, he had saved her life. Having been in an abusive relationship, and falling into a depression, she had sat on the edge of a bridge, staring down at the twenty foot drop into the freezing depths below. She was ready to end her life. She had nothing else to live for; her parents had died in a car accident a year earlier and the abuse was getting to be too much. She felt worthless and unworthy of love. She was a little curvier than other girls, and her skin always had at least one zit on it. She felt ugly and unwanted.
He had been taking his dog for a walk in the rural parts of Toronto when he found the girl crying atop the railing of the bridge. He quietly walked towards her and threw his legs over the balcony, sitting next to her.
“Hey, my name is Shawn. What’s yours?”
She stared at him with puffy red eyes and chuckled slightly at the humor of the situation. He was an attractive man, and not only that, he was a famous celebrity. What a time to end her life? Right as she was meeting someone famous.
“It’s not important. You should get on with your day. I’m just enjoying the view from up here.”
Deeply concerned for the beautiful woman sitting next to him, he let out a little laugh, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You can enjoy the view from behind the railing.”
“It’s more fun like this though. Not knowing if I’ll accidentally fall into the abyss below or not.”
Shawn furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m guessing if you ‘fall’,” he did air quotes,”it won’t be an accident. Listen, come back with me to my condo and we can talk about this.”
“What if I’m done talking? What if I just want the aching inside of me to go away and this is the only way I know how to get rid of it? It’s not like anybody would miss me if I fell.”
Shawn could just cry for the girl sitting next to him. She was in such a dark place in her life, and his heart hurt for her.
“I’m sure your parents would. And your friends. But most importantly, the world would miss the beautiful aspects you bring to it that no one else can.”
She frowned at him. “My parents are dead, I have no friends, and no one would come to my funeral because no one knows who I am.”
Shawn’s heart broke for her and he wrapped her in his arms. Her skin was soft and she smelt like flowers.
“I would come to your funeral. And I would tell the world about who you are. But that’s not what you need. You don’t need the world to know you, you just need one person. Trust me, I’ve been where you are.”
The girl found it hard to believe that a man like Shawn Mendes—singer, songwriter, and overall amazing human being—could have been suicidal. But she felt so safe wrapped in his arms that she didn’t argue with him. And for the first time in a while, she was able to take a deep breath. And then the gut wrenching sobs came.
Shawn rubbed her back and soothed her, relieved that he had possibly talked her out of commiting suicide. “Come with me back to my house. I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate—it’s cold out here—and we can talk.”
He felt her nod her head against his shoulder and he let out another breath of relief. He slowly pulled away from her, throwing his legs over the ledge before grabbing onto her waist and hoisting her onto the road next to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, called Tarzan after him, and escorted her back to his condo.
They talked and she cried a lot. But finally, she agreed to go into counseling and he vowed to help her get out of her abusive relationship.
After knowing each other for a few months—and with meeting in the circumstances that they did—they became best friends quickly. He brought out the best in her and made her feel less depressed. She was able to get out of her abusive relationship (more on that later) and the weight of her parents’ death didn’t feel as heavy.
Shawn was inspired by her to write new music, curing his writer’s block that he had had for months. He requested Y/N to make an appearance on his Instagram to speak about her depression and her toxic relationship which she gladly obliged to.
The fans loved that Shawn was spreading mental awareness to others and that was what made him decide to open up about his anxiety.
Y/N noticed his anxiety within the first week of knowing him. She had been staying with Shawn since the bridge incident (it was determined by the police that it wasn’t safe for her to live with her boyfriend anymore) so Shawn was allowing her to stay with him.
She had just gotten done from a session with her counselor and an interview with the police. She was emotionally drained and just wanted to sit down at Shawn’s piano and play a song.
She had learned piano at a very young age and was extremely good at it. Shawn was impressed with how well she could play the piano given that she hadn’t played it in a few years.
But when when she opened the condo door, she heard no noise. The dishes from Shawn’s breakfast were piled in the sink, music sheets lay out across the countertops, his guitar was sitting on the couch, and his manifestation journal was lying facedown, halfway opened as if he had thrown it.
“Shawn?” She had tentatively called. She felt bad about staying with him since she barely knew him and vice versa, but he had insisted. Now she felt bad about intruding in his private life. She didn’t think she was supposed to see his life a mess like this.
She walked down the hallway to his room and gently knocked on the door. No answer. She was worried what she would find on the other side.
She gently pushed the door open and still no Shawn. She saw the light on in his bathroom and heard shallow breathing on the other side.
She pushed the door open, worried that something might’ve happened to him. He lay there on his bathroom staring at the ceiling. His phone rested in his hands and his eyes were swollen and red.
She knelt down next to him and shook him. “Shawn! Are you alright?!”
“Y/N, I feel so numb.” And it was then that it hit her why he stressed so much about making a song perfect. Why he read and reread any post he made to Instagram at least a hundred times before posting it. He had anxiety. Bad anxiety too.
And that is how the song In My Blood came to be.
So you see, Y/N and Shawn both saved each other from their mental health issues. That is perhaps the reason why their friendship grew so quickly. They would rant to each other about how they felt and then if it was bad enough, they would encourage them to talk to their therapist about it.
After a month of trying to get back on her feet, Y/N had found herself a steady job and was well on her way to moving out of Shawn’s apartment. She ate healthier and worked out and felt better about herself.
The people around her were appalled at the quick recovery she had made. She blamed it on Shawn and how he had been an amazing friend to her. Not to say that she was completely cured of depression, but she was the fastest moving case.
One day, about 3 months after the incident, she received a text from Shawn while she was at work.
Shawn: Hey! Umm…this song is really personal to me and it’s going on my new album. I want you to tell me what you think.
Y/N clicked on the audio link he had sent her and his melodic voice filled her ears.
“Why do we put each other through hell? Why can’t we just go over ourselves?”
The song came to a close and Y/N was in awe over the beautiful sound of the song.
Y/N: that! was! beautiful! Please publish it to the world.
Shawn: ;)I’m glad you liked it. It was about a special someone.
And later that night, while she was lying on his chest during their annual movie nights once a month, he confessed that the song was about her. She was hesitant at first, not feeling the same way about him. She asked for space which he gladly gave to her, but after three weeks, she came around and confessed that she felt the same.
After being his girlfriend for 3 months, Shawn was leaving for tour. Y/N had quit her job to travel with him and to say he was ecstatic was an understatement! He couldn’t wait to show Y/N the world.
When Shawn and Y/N finally became public, the fans weren’t too fond of her. They body shamed her for being anorexic and being too fake. They accused her of using Shawn for money. They told her she was ugly. They told her she didn’t deserve Shawn.
Y/N handled the fans in a good way, ignoring what they said about her. But there were some nights when they got the best of her and she would cry onto Shawn’s shoulder. He would wipe away her tears telling her she was beautiful.
One day, pictures surfaced of Y/N wearing a sports bra and leggings while out for a smoothie with Shawn. The pictures were heartfelt and cute. One even showed Shawn wiping off some of Tarzan’s fur from off her butt. And then there were the pictures that came after that, showing Shawn wiping away Y/N’s tears after a fan had harassed her. Shawn had never been more pissed off in his life.
He wrote a huge letter to his fan explaining that they should respect his girlfriend and if they liked him then they would respect his choice to be with her. Most fans backed off or apologized about what they had done.
After 1 year of dating, Shawn and Y/N couldn’t have been more in love.
So when Shawn came home from the studio one night and Y/N said the four most dreaded words in the English language to him, his heart plummeted to his stomach.
“Hey, Shawn, we need to talk.”
He slowly walked towards her, sitting down next to her on the couch. “What’s up?” He asked tentatively, grabbing her hands in his.
She felt herself choke up. She was about to break this man’s heart. But she had been thinking about it for the past month and it was a thought that wasn’t going away.
“I…lately I feel like we haven’t really…I don’t know, been in a relationship.”
Shawn’s face dropped. He was shocked. “What do you mean? I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that.”
Y/N took a deep breath. “I feel like we’re just best friends that kiss. I don’t know if that makes any sense but-“
“Wait, I’m sorry, I still don’t understand. You…you feel like we’re not in love anymore?” His voice fluctuated at the end as his beautiful honey eyes glazed over with tears.
“I…,” Y/N didn’t look at him. She couldn’t. “Yes. Yes, I think that. We started this relationship off as best friends and I think that maybe we are better as just that. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love you. Just not in that way.
“I…I used to feel in love with you, but now I feel like our relationship isn’t progressing, you know? It’s gone kinda stale.”
A tear fell from Shawn’s eye as he listened patiently to her. “Stale? What the hell does that even mean?! I…this is a lot to take in. Holy shit! We’re both at completely different phases in this relationship. Just give me a second to process this.” So he sat there—head in his hands—for what seemed like hours can, but was really only five minutes. And when he looked up at her, she knew she had completely and utterly destroyed his heart.
She turned her head away and slowly got up off the couch, making her way to their kitchen. She grabbed a kettle and made some hot chocolate for Shawn, slipping a little bit of his anxiety powder into it. Just because she had broken him, didn’t mean she didn’t care for him.
She walked back over to the couch and passed him the hot coco. Then she wrapped the throw blanket form the back of the couch over him.
His eyes were bloodshot and he was staring off into the distance. “So, you’re saying you want to break up? You don’t want me anymore because you’re bored?! That still doesn’t make any sense! All good relationships go through a ‘stale’ period. That doesn’t mean you should give up on them. On us,” he whispered in a melancholy voice.
Y/N of course knew this, but it wasn’t about their relationship being boring. It never was. She just though the relationship was at the point where Shawn and her either a) got engaged or b) broke up. She couldn’t see the former happening anytime soon so she decided it was time to end the relationship. They couldn’t progress any further until they were engaged/married.
And another big thing was that she was ready for kids. But she made two vows to herself when she was little:1) no sex before marriage and 2) definitely no kids before marriage (although that was a given because of her first rule).
Shawn knew these things and respected them, but Y/N was ready for marriage. She was ready to start a family, and if Shawn wasn’t at that point, she couldn’t force him into it.
Although they had talked about these things before, they had never for sure said they would get married and have kids. Which scared Y/N shitless to make the first move and ask him about getting engaged. And so she decided to end it.
She gripped his hands in hers and he pulled them away. “I…just please don’t. This is already hard enough.” And with that he stood from the couch, throwing the blanket down, and walking toward the front door.
She heard the jingle of the keys and the turning of the door, but she didn’t dare look up at him, not wanting to see him leave. “I’ll be at my parent’s house if you need anything. Sleep well.”
And then the door closed and Y/N was left with nothing, but the scent he left behind and the cold hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table.
A/N: If you didn’t notice, this was based loosely on the Shawmila break up. Do you maybe want a part two? Like and comment to let me know. Thanks, love you all!
Part 2
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sssanelyinsane · 2 years
You said you hated the ocean, but you're surfing now I said I'd love you for life, but I just sold our house We were kids at the start, I guess we're grown ups now Couldn't ever imagine even having doubts But not everything works out, no  Now I'm out dancing with strangers You could be casually dating Damn, it's all changing so fast Así es la vida, sí
Bam Bam, Camila Cabello
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peasunflower · 3 years
You know it's a good song when you're crying about about a breakup you never went through
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opinionoverloaded · 3 years
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This part of the pandemic is over. Dunzo. Outta there. We won’t miss you.
It’s giving… SAYONARA!
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Camila’s instagram stories (Nov 17)
Truly heartbroken 💔
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thatbitchmarge · 3 years
At least Shawn's gonna start writing good and relatable songs again
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glamorousguilt · 2 years
Why do i look at my balcony in hope , knowingly no one will there with me now? Why I question your absence when I already know the answers? Why I see old me and you in these young lovers on street knowingly that past is never coming back?
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1989xtaylorsversion · 3 years
i love shawn mendes’ music, but him releasing it’ll be okay so soon after the breakup was publicly announced and then promoting it took whatever little faith i had in shawmila being a real couple and threw it out the window❤️
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girlwithnojob-blog · 3 years
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First, Zayn and Gigi💔 And now Shawn and Camilla what's happening?😭💔
I feel so helpless rn, we can't do anything for them to make them feel better. they must be suffering so much now and the worst part is these gloomy days will last for long. idk when we will see them smiling genuinely. i really feel so bad for them. I'll miss them smiling and doing the goofy stuffs. Mila & Shawn be strong, take your time, we will be waiting for your comeback❤️
credits: human bean (You Tube)
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lady-dramatica · 3 years
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RIP Shawmila...
Happy (almost) 2022, everyone! 2021 will be remembered for many things, one of which is when Shawmila FINALLY broke up after 2.5 interminable years of forced pap walks, fish kisses, foot kisses, etc. I’ve had this post written for a while now, but decided to publish it on the last day of 2021 so we can all (hopefully) leave this dark time in our lives behind for good. Oh, and do not- I repeat, do NOT- read this if you’re a fan of Shawn. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
I. Introduction
As the sun went down on Wednesday, November 17th at 4:30 PM, I felt the yearly wave of seasonal depression creeping in. Naturally, I gave in to my masochistic, self-destructive tendencies and decided to play Scattered by Lauren Jauregui to feel these depressing emotions on a significantly more visceral level. However, this was a big mistake, as just a few hours later, I got some news that sent me into an even deeper downward spiral. I am, of course, referring to Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s breakup. I was devastated. How could they do this to me? Love isn’t real. I’ll never believe in anything ever again. To mourn the loss of my one true pairing, I made a list of my top ten favorite Shawmila moments in honor of the greatest love story that’s never been told.
II. Top Ten Cutest Shawmila Moments
10. the zombie walks
Aww, how cute that Shawn and Camila quarantined together at her house in Miami! But how dare the paparazzi invade their privacy?! The house is in a secure, gated neighborhood, but it’s not like the paps were allowed in because they were specifically called or anything. Anyway, I’m so glad they got to spend quality time together! Camila looked disgusted every time she was with him, but I’m sure all couples are sick of each other when first moving in together. I loved the way they looked on their romantic strolls, with their dead eyes, unwashed appearances, and suuuper slow paces. They’re so iconic that they even inspired Halloween costumes based on the look! Your faves could never.
9. the foot kiss
Shawn and Camila constantly splattering their PDA all over social media was the gift that kept on giving! In a super romantic Valentine’s Day post, Shawn shoved Camila’s toes in his mouth and captioned the picture, “I kiss your foot cuz I love you.” Totally not a cringe and embarrassing thing to do- nope, not one bit!
8. the fish kiss
Everyone was insisting that Shawmila was a PR stunt, but Shawn and Camila sure showed them up! By posting the video, their goal was to troll these people who clearly couldn’t see how deeply in love they were. Again, such a non-cringe, normal thing that normal couples do!!!
7. Camila constantly singing about Shawn’s “green” eyes
Okay, so I know his eyes are technically brown, but they look kind of green in certain lighting! I mean, none of her other boyfriends have had green eyes, and I refuse to acknowledge Camila introducing a certain someone by proudly declaring, “She has the most BEAUTIFUL emerald eyes in all the world!” These lyrics are about Shawn because I want them to be. So there.
6. ordering bananas in sushi restaurants
Aww, my sweet baby boy (going to call him that even though he’s literally a grown man) gets nervous sometimes! I mean, who wouldn’t “shake in stress and fear” when their girlfriend orders a banana at a sushi restaurant? But she helped him overcome his anxiety, and now he orders them too! Don’t you just love how they challenged each other to grow as people?
5. “it’s giving… it’s giving Cher”
Shawn was so supportive of Camila here, as always. Except when his fans targeted her with all the hate you can possibly think of, but they were a boy and a girl who looked good together and that’s all that mattered to me. I loved their Met Gala looks, but isn’t it strange how Shawn always goes with a girl to the Met Gala and then they break up not long after? Same for Camila going with her man on a trip abroad. Probably a coincidence, and not a prewritten clause of an established PR contract.
4. when Camila didn’t pick up the yogurt
How dare Camila leave yogurt on the counter in her OWN HOUSE??? Who does she think she is; Shawn’s the king! I totally understand why he felt the need to yell at her about it instead of just picking it up himself, since he has to show off his “masculinity” somehow, after all. We stan a guy who knows how to express his emotions in a perfectly healthy manner!
3. when they were so in love they couldn’t keep their narratives “straight”
Wasn’t it so cute how they could never agree on literally any aspect of their relationship? For example, Shawn said that he had the idea to do Señorita, but then Charli XCX said she was the one who wrote the song and gave it to Camila. Even though the song, with its deliberate placement right between My Oh My and Liar, fits perfectly into the storytelling of Romance, I know Camila definitely didn’t write it herself because she obviously can’t do anything without Shawn. 
Also, Shawn previously said that he and Camila never talked to each other, but then admitted in his documentary, “You were the only one in Fifth Harmony who really talked to me!” I’m going to ignore the fact that there’s plenty of photo and video evidence of him hanging out with Ally and Lauren, because that ruins my perfect Shawmila fantasy. 
And I love how these two could never agree on how they confessed their love for each other! Camila said that she liked him since they worked together on I Know What You Did Last Summer (2015), but they were just friends who had a mutual crush and didn’t act on it until Señorita (2019). However, in Should’ve Said It, she sings, “I knew it was you from the very first night, and it took you two years to make up your mind.” “The very first night” would be when they first met on Austin Mahone’s tour in 2014. Two years later would be 2016, not 2019. Even if she meant “the very first night” as in when they started writing IKWYDLS in 2015, that still only takes us up to 2017. Plus, she sings in Used To This, “seventeen when I started to fall,” but she was with Austin Mahone at the time (2014), and she didn’t write IKWYDLS until a year later at age 18. Ugh, she’s so adorably scatterbrained!
As for Shawn, he said they’d been secretly crushing for five years. But five years from 2015 would be 2020, not 2019. Even if he meant 2014, he had a girlfriend then, Lauren (not Jauregui), who he took to prom in 2015 and previously said he wrote songs for. But in the documentary, he said that every song he ever wrote was for Camila, even the ones that make no sense with the already-fucked narrative or timeline! Isn’t that just romantic, how their love story transcends any and all logical thinking? 
If the story wasn’t already contradictory enough, Shawn also said he’d been “bugging [Camila] for a long time how I felt about her,” until “finally, she caved!” He was generous enough to impart his advice onto his young impressionable fanbase, when a fan asked, “Have you ever loved someone who doesn’t love you and what would you do?” Shawn wisely replied, “If I told you the whole story of Camila, it would take a long time. I would say that you have to fight for someone you really love. And if you really truly love them, you’ll get them.” If anyone else said that, I’d think they were absolutely psychotic and unhinged, but I’ll let it slide since my adorable clueless babies Shawn and Camila finally got together!!!
2. when they were the epitome of a healthy relationship
If I wasn’t clear enough already, Shawn and Camila were just couple GOALS!!! Don’t you love how they were all over each other for the cameras, but then ignored each other’s existence when they thought they were no longer being filmed? I mean, Shawn simply could not walk away from Camila fast enough. I also thought it was SO cute when Camila said that she had to get drunk to be comfortable filming Señorita, shared that being in love with Shawn was “exhausting,” and fondly looked back on their first meeting as, “that’s when the fucking saga began.” And remember how Shawn constantly harassed Camila to date him when she was in a long-term relationship with someone else? And when he wrote a song with the lyrics, “I get reckless, I’m obsessive, I’m pathetic and possessive?” Now THAT’S a man who knows what he wants. And most romantic of all, can we talk about the way Shawn never defended Camila when she was absolutely SLAMMED with torrents of abuse, body-shaming, and slut-shaming by his own fans, despite their public narrative surely allowing him to do so? If my man isn’t JUST like Shawn, I don’t want him.
And finally, my all-time favorite Shawmila moment is...
1. when their team tried and failed to turn them into the heterosexual version of Camren 
Oh thank God, I can FINALLY drop the act for this one. As this fucking obnoxious PR stunt dragged on and on and on, it became increasingly clear that Shawmila’s team was essentially trying to turn Shawn into the male version of Lauren. With the release of Romance, I thought the team would just stick to the whole “Camila fell in love with her best friend” story, but unfortunately, that was only the beginning. Shawn also referred to Miami as “his home” when he’s literally from Ontario, Canada. No one was buying his B.S., not even his own fans. Lauren, however, is a true-blue born-and-raised Miami girl who, fun fact, just so happened to live 15 minutes from Camila before they even auditioned for The X Factor and got put into the girl group that would go on to achieve world domination. 
And then there’s the whole thing where they tried to get Shawn to look like he was interested in Latin culture (the real definition, not Lauren’s). However, it came across as an obvious career move to use Camila, his Latin girlfriend, to crack the Latin music market, like when Shawn was featured on the remix of Kesí by Camilo this past July. In August, he released his song Summer of Flop Love that was produced by Taíny, who has previously worked with Lauren on Lento (2020) and Camila on Oh Na Na (2021). If I were Latina, I know I’d be thinking, “You guys can keep your boring mediocre white man, I don’t want him associating with my culture at all.”
But the most obvious Camren copy-paste happened in September of this year, when Camila and Shawn performed at Global Citizen Live in New York City. One of the songs they just so happened to sing was Yellow by Coldplay. To the general public, this doesn’t mean anything whatsoever. However, any former Harmonizer worth their salt, regardless of whether they read fanfiction or not, could tell you that the Yellow trilogy was one of the “Big 5” Camren fanfics which eventually got published as a real-life book series (with the characters’ names changed, of course). I strongly suspect that the girls have read it, Lauren because of her face when Ally said the word “yellow” in a completely unrelated context, and Camila because, well, she was never shy about openly sharing that she was an avid fanfic reader. Plus, Lauren, who constantly tells her fans that there is nothing she does without intention, just so happened to post an Instagram story of herself singing Yellow on March 3rd, 2020- Camila’s 23rd birthday. 
My question to Shawmila’s team is, if you want to convince us that Camren was never real, why did you so blatantly model Shawn and Camila after Lauren and Camila? Well, the joke’s on you, because right now, more people than ever are open to the possibility that Camila isn’t straight. Plus, Shawn will never be as compassionate, funny, creative, talented, or attractive (looks and personality-wise) as Lauren. You tried your hardest to copy the real thing, but it honestly just came across like a four-year-old’s attempt at a Van Gogh. The only thing is, I’m sure even the four-year-old could do better.
III. Conclusion
If I were still 16 years old, I’d be arguing with Shawmila stans on Twitter, but instead I’ll end with this. How do you feel now, after six continuous years of calling Camren stans delusional conspiracy theorists? The general public didn’t buy Shawmila as a romantic relationship because of the oh-so-convenient timing, utterly nonsensical narratives, and all their sexual chemistry of soggy toast. Are you really going to argue that they hate Shawmila because they’re ALL CS, when a lot of people couldn’t even tell you who Lauren is? Going back to my original point, conspiracy theorists manipulate, cherry-pick, and downright ignore any facts and logic that goes against what they believe. By that definition, aren’t the real conspiracy theorists… you? This was true in 2015, and it’s true now: you hate us ‘cause you ain’t us.
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