#someone better
silent-insanities · 6 months
I think you’ve changed me into a better person.
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illmissthecrowning · 4 months
it’s a real bad time to be a recovering perfectionist, golden child, eldest daughter who wanted to be in Athena’s cabin growing up because “I’m the smart one, where else would I be”
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hauxicrook · 1 year
There's always someone better...........
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hiddcnsclf-a · 8 months
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Who wants Ace uwu
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
woke up with the need to listen to one of my favorite albums & there are a few lines in ' i know what it's like to not care if i feel better but i don't feel like that anymore ' that make me think of percy
' well i've been getting much better at being myself & I've been taking better care of my mental health'
'now i still have days, if im being honest, spent alone in my room where i'm not quite on it'
' i get a faint feeling of the same old dread but it no longer stops me getting out of bed '
bcs all the feelings don't go away, man's been through a lot. man has died twice, been possessed by a demon, among many many other things. there will be lingering effects of that! but when it's all said & done he doesn't want that effect to dictate his life. he knows what it's like to let his life be dictated by trauma, by grief, by rage & it's not worth it. he spends so long rebuilding himself after choosing forgiveness that he cannot afford to lose any more of who he is & doesn't want to be in that place anymore. there's always going to be stuff on his plate bcs of his role in whitestone & some days will be harder than others but it's not worth getting stuck there in that place when there is so much life to live
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heartsleevemag · 1 year
Alexa Cappelli looks to the future on "Someone Better"
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Described by MTV as the “voice of a generation,” singer-songwriter Alexa Cappelli unveiled her new single today, titled “Someone Better.” Cappelli’s single is honest yet soft, raw without being overbearing. It’s an open, candid track, with heartfelt lyrics that perfectly convey how it feels to let go of someone you’ve outgrown.
The track opens with a despondent piano melody and Cappelli’s voice, full of emotion as she invites us into the story of a relationship she can’t, in good conscience, choose to be in anymore. Both her vocals and the lyrics are beautifully conflicted, Cappelli stating, “I wish I could be mad,” because then she would have a clear cut reason for leaving. But love isn’t always black and white – “I’ll keep the memories close,” she says. “But I’m letting you go.”
Keeping the acoustic guitar prevalent throughout the song is a choice that makes “Someone Better” feel more personal, like she’s telling the audience exactly how she feels. The chorus is flowing, building up to the second verse where Alexa delves even further into their relationship conflict. “I know I’m so hard to read, is that a crime though? / ‘Cause you’re looking at me with both your eyes closed,” she says, explaining to her lover how she doesn’t feel they’re on the same page.
When discussing the song, Cappelli commented, “Choosing yourself is way more difficult when you aren’t mad at this person who has only ever treated you right. But moving forward, there will be a day when you meet someone somewhere who does the same and is also growing in the same direction.” And, as the song closes with a focus on Cappelli’s soft vocals, she says, “It was good while it lasted,” proving that while this chapter is over, it doesn’t have to mean that she can’t hold those experiences dear.
You can listen to “Someone Better” wherever you stream music, and get to know Alexa on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.
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bongwateriero · 2 years
someone better eat franks ass tonight. since i can’t
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saulwexler · 5 months
how to explain to non-americans that the better call saul ads aren’t exaggerated for comedic effect they are super normie
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nooling · 29 days
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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bananonbinary · 5 months
also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.
there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.
you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.
but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.
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how to live with a monster thats not out to get you (your friend's long term depression) and how to remain a person in their life while the monster whispers theres nothing you can do or offer or provide that will ever be enough, that you can never stop hurting your friend, it'll make sure of that (or maybe they do not need to make sure of it: maybe you know quite well you have never been a good friend/person in the first place), how to shut a door between you and your friend while the monster is grinning at you, telling you it will eat your friend (your friend tells you they have panic attacks after your conversations, you watch the monster licking its lips, you are scared of finding their dead body on their floor), how to open a door when you do not know what you will find, when you dream of bloodsoaked shirtsleeves, when you know full well there is nothing you can say or offer or provide or ask or give or do that will ever be enough, that will constitute a reason for them to continue living. how to tell someone you are scared of a monster that's not even after you, how to tell someone you're the one crying and it's not your sadness
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mspi · 2 months
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There's always going to be something or someone bigger than you. Don't believe you want to go against a plane unless it's Alaska Airlines. Sorry for the hit Alaska, but could you imagine the flex that the bird would be spitting if the door came off right around the time they said they were going to have a word with you?
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The video of the starlings gathering together always creeps me out.. Could be my being in San Francisco, but if a bunch of crows pulled that poop -- I'd run for shelter. Think of Children of the Corn, in a smart bird version.
Normally I'm cray kick back with birds and chatting with them by waterfalls and ponds or piers. Think I might hit pause if a seagull next to me is chomping down on a sewer rat. Feel free to YouTube the video. At least we know they can fight against large rodents on top of their pooping on everyone's cars.
-- dnagirl
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sundarinura · 3 months
Pada akhirnya pertemuan (lagi) itu tidak ada, ya. Apakah ini berarti selesai? Wah, ternyata benar-benar menyesakkan. Aku menulis ini dengan tangan gemetar untuk selalu mendoakanmu yang terbaik. Yang terbaik.
Aku selalu merasa tidak pantas dan tidak layak bersanding denganmu hingga yang kulakukan selalu mendorongmu menjauh. Sebab aku terlalu banyak lukanya. Namun, itu adalah langkah aku menyakiti diriku sendiri. Melepaskan orang yang mencintaiku. Melepaskan orang yang aku cintai agar tidak terluka. Padahal tetap saja menimbulkan luka.
Aku tidak tahu harus mendoakan dari mana. Sebab kau sudah pasti terluka hebat karenaku. Tapi, akhirnya kau menemukannya ya. Di prosesmu menuju lebih baik kau menemukan yang terbaik.
Kau tahu, kau adalah seseorang yang selalu ingin aku ajak dalam segala hal. Namun, aku tidak pandai mengutarakan perasaanku. Aku hidup di lingkungan yang tidak terlalu menunjukkan rasa cinta, sehingga hal itu sangatlah asing bagiku. Kamu menjadi orang pertama yang selalu bisa mengetuk hatiku.
Jika ada kesempatan sekali lagi aku ingin bertemu menjelaskan apa-apa yang tak tersampaikan. Loh, untuk apa? Iya, ya untuk apa. Kau tak membutuhkan penjelasan yang sudah lalu.
Maaf proses sembuhku memakan banyak waktu. Aku melewatkan banyak momen. Aku kehilangan banyak kesempatan. Aku kehilangan orang yang mencintaiku.
Salam hangat,
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peculiary · 3 months
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Avengers #15 July 3, 2013
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bbbbbbbbatman · 5 months
Bruce gets accosted by reporters and one of them asks "Is it true that you're in competition with Superman to win Batman's affections?" and he is so taken aback bc what the fuck are they even talking about? There are a million questions going through his head such as, since when was superman into batman? since when was this public knowledge? wtf did bruce say to imply that he was into batman as well? And he doesn't have an answer to any of these questions so he just smiles and says, "No, I'm not. The word competition implies that Superman has a chance, which he does not."
why did he say that? Bruce doesn't know, it just felt like that's how Bruce Wayne would've responded bc what's more Brucie than fighting with Superman for Batman's heart? anyway, upon reflection, this was maybe not the best response in terms of long term consequences, but he's committed to the bit now.
a week after all this goes down, news reporter Clark Kent is caught saying that Batman deserves better than Bruce Wayne, so is a third suitor putting his hat in the ring to win over batman?
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clown-owo · 11 months
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been replaying the Portal series I think this is where its heading
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