#starts tearing up
delusional-mishaps · 2 years
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chthonic-kids · 2 months
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i will shove that crusty old titan back into tartarus myself to keep her happy
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willowser · 28 days
once you and katsuki discover you're expecting, you agree to keep it to yourselves for a little while.
you can't hide forever, but you want the chance to bask in the excitement of what's to come, together, away from outside eyes prying in. and you do: there's an immediate difference in the way you touch each other, how often, with katsuki even shifting coverage for patrol just so he can cling to your side for an extra day or two. it's like a honeymoon, almost, and you take the time to enjoy it like one.
but of course he wants to tell his parents as soon as he can, though he doesn't outright admit it; as soon as you start pushing the boundary of your waistband, he finds time in his schedule to see his dad—and then mitsuki makes time for him to see her.
katsuki tells toshinori next, who becomes quite emotional at the sight of your ultrasound, which in turn makes katsuki surprisingly emotional, too. there's much that they say and even more that they don't, but it's all communicated, regardless.
and lastly—he has to tell his nerd-ass friends.
it happens on one of their bi-monthly outings—that katsuki has consecutively been skipping for a little while, for obvious reasons. and it's like the minute he sits down in his seat and orders his food and one beer, everything he'd planned to say dissolves in his head.
despite wanting to keep quiet, he's been trying to plot out his announcement to these exact shit heads since the moment you found out. it's just so personal, and even after everything, katsuki's still discovering how to share those parts of his life with others, still coming to terms with the fact that he wants to.
he'd considered doing it slowly, rather than all at once in front of all of them, but he very quickly realized how terrible of a plan that was; deku would not physically be able to contain such knowledge in his body for any period of time, kirishima is a notorious fucking gossip, and if shouto had given him some kind of shit ass, wrinkled-nose look, he would have had to howitzer him through a building.
so he just says it, because he's never really been one for subtlety.
right after everyone's received their food and started to take their first bites, denki makes a point to ask,
"how's things with your honeybun, kacchan?"
and normally he'd have a fit at the nickname, but instead he hears bun and feels his stomach flip like it does when he remembers, when silly little things remind him of what the two of you have made together, and into his food, he simply says,
"we're havin' a baby."
the expected silence falls over all of them, save for the scaping of utensils against katsuki's bowl. he's damn good at feigning nonchalance, but food is getting stuck in his throat and his heart is beating so hard that he can hear it deep in his eardrums. of course he knows, but it dawns on him again, how overrun he is with excitement.
across the table, denki takes his turn to speak again. "you're...what?"
and then the whole room is erupting into a mass of chaos, moving in pieces like a riot of unrefined children, and even though he's being hounded with a million questions and being shaken around by his shoulders and some of these assholes are crying—katsuki graces them all with a big, fat grin.
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beif0ngs · 10 months
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C'mon heart, beat loudly again! 💓
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ryllen · 2 months
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he still uses 'human' occasionally,
but it is deemed unacceptable on a few occasions
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Dick and Bruce never had their falling out and Robin passed peacefully from Dick to Jason upon his adoption.
It was harmonious. It was great. Jason didn’t only get a dad out of jacking the batmobile’s tires, he got Dick, too. Some weird cross between goofy older brother and protective mom. Dick and Bruce have an actual fight about which of them gets to legally adopt him.
So when Jason dies and comes back to life, his single minded focus isn’t only on returning to Bruce. It‘s also set on returning to Dick.
Meanwhile, Jason‘s death absolutely destroyed Dick.
And now there’s a madman with a red helmet running the streets of Blüdhaven and Gotham City who thinks it’s okay to call him “mom” and Dick hasn’t been this pissed since he found out about Joker‘s continued survival.
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jess-total-mess · 7 months
hadestown really does convince you that maybe it’ll turn out different this time. maybe eurydice wont go. maybe hades will let them go. maybe, just maybe, orpheus wont turn around early.
and then she does go. and hades makes them take a test. and doubt creeps in.
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jizzbian · 8 months
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recent chain saw man drawingns hehe heee he
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xjustakay · 1 month
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✨ put us on ice by xjustakay ✨
“When you think about it, the rink is kind of like our circus.”
in celebration of finally wrapping up put us on ice, i was very lucky to be able to commission the loveliest @cuckooboo to do this incredible cover art piece!! truly the biggest of thank you's to cuckooboo for doing such an amazing job with this art, and all of my love and appreciation to each of you who have shown so much love to this story! it's been so very, very special to me<33
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suntails · 1 year
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
looks like I can draw again!!
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Sebastian called him "orphan" for the rest of the week.
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rottengurlz · 1 month
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leona and her soon to be dead husband
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tanukiimo · 5 months
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assorted sulemio doodles :o
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raina-clipse423 · 6 months
Doki doodle bunch 2!!
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There's the Sayori one I really liked!! She's just the type to stim a lot to me when she gets really excited (which is lowkey all the time imo) zhaibwisw
Monika's colors giving seratonin, i dunno it just gives that vibe, and who wouldn't want to use her hair as a scarf at one point in your life even if just for shi's and giggles?
That baffled Yuri was actually the very first thing I drew in the sketch book too lol I like it as well
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tomatoart · 11 months
Transgwender 🎉
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butmog · 3 months
Please tell me i wasnt the only one who saw the mcr quotes post and was like
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