#that piece of harry before he forgot everything
neproxrezi · 9 months
someone else could write it better than me but i love how the fucked up nasty shit you can make harry do/say/be in disco elysium isn't just like, random stuff caused simply by the player having free will and control over him but they're parts of who he is and who he has been
you're not a tabula rasa. you're a sudden shock of blank pages in a big, aged, damaged book and sometimes the paper you're trying to write a better man on is torn and you see something through the gaps nobody needed to see ever again. and it's just there now again, back to the surface
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adore-laur · 6 months
— former high school sweethearts reunite for a conversation about what went wrong 🌃
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"Don't turn around." 
The vague statement thrown your way sends speculations trickling through your brain. Those three words usually never mean anything good. What is it? Or who is it? Whatever the mystery, it makes you anxious based on your friend's wary expression.
"Just tell me," you say timidly, becoming tense in the diner booth with a forkful of red velvet cake halfway to your mouth. "Tell me so I don't have the urge to actually turn around." 
"Your ex," she mutters, never one to beat around the bush, much to your appreciation. "He just walked in. Don't kill me for saying this, but he looks really good." 
You kick her foot under the table and sink further into the leather seat. "Why is he here? He's supposed to be in another country." 
It's not an exaggeration or falsity. Harry is supposed to be in not only another country but also another continent entirely—the Netherlands, to be exact.
Your friend risks another glance at the front door. "Well, he's back, and it's like he never left. Look at them..." She shakes her head slowly. "Hyping him up like he's a goddamn hero." 
You assume she means the people you went to high school with. A hometown get-together with a small crowd of classmates from nearby colleges is being held at everyone's favorite local retro-style diner to celebrate the last week of summer break. It was going swell until Mr. Marine Biologist, who probably makes studying abroad his whole personality, waltzed through the door. 
You cradle your left cheek with your hand to create a shield for your face in case he happens to look over. "I'm almost done with my cake, and then we can leave." 
"Good luck," she sings. "The only booth open is the one right behind us." 
Of course. Sighing, you silently pray that Harry won't come near you. You doubt he'll try to talk to you anyway since it's been complete radio silence on both ends for over two years. You're really hoping the breakup doesn't get brought up. 
A sudden and forceful compulsion tells you to catch a quick glimpse to see how he looks, what he wears nowadays, and how he acts when you're not around. It's hard to resist. 
"He's coming this way," alerts your friend through a spoonful of vanilla ice cream. 
The universe must be listening, and you can't combat the urge anymore. Someone as beautiful as him begs to be looked at. You sure as hell didn't break up with him because he was unattractive. 
Subtly peeking to your left, you see Harry in person for the first time in what seems like forever. It's only a short window of time where you can take in his presence as he walks closer to sit with a group of people in the booth behind you. 
Black skinny jeans. Nothing has changed there. 
Chelsea boots. Since when does he wear those?        
A gray, tattered sweater, and a blue beanie. It's summer, for crying out loud.
Most surprising, however, is his hair, which now falls just a tad below his jaw. The same soft curls you would run your fingers through until he fell asleep. 
You continue picking at your dessert, your mind running a mile a minute at the sight of him. The fact that he's behind you—thankfully facing the other way—but still inches away nonetheless is nerve-wracking. If you move your head back even the tiniest bit, it'll touch his own. 
Did he notice you? Does he know his ex-girlfriend is in the same room and thinking about everything he could be thinking? Like how you never forgot about him as much as you tried to? 
He's speaking, but you can't piece together what he's saying because you're too distracted by how his voice has deepened over the years. The rasp and British drawl are still there, and the warmth and comfort of it still make your heart race.
Your friend keeps stealing glances and looking at you with apprehensive eyes that cause prickles of anxiety on your skin. "What?" you whisper.
Before she can reply, you feel something nudge the back of your neck. You strain your peripheral vision and see Harry's elbow resting on the top of your booth. 
"Oops, sorry," he says, twisting around in his seat. 
You automatically turn and look at him. It's impossible not to since he's like a human magnet for the eyes. His face is so close to you now. Have his eyes gotten greener? Why does he have such beautiful lashes? Does he have more freckles on his nose since you saw him last? 
Snap out of it! 
"It's fine," you mumble, shaking your head and quickly turning around. Your heart feels like it's in your throat. 
Finishing the rest of your dessert, you lean forward so he doesn't accidentally bump you again. Your friend raises her eyebrows at you and taps her foot against yours. 
"So, your brother is coming to visit soon?" you ask, ignoring her questioning look and attempting to make any sort of conversation to distract from Harry. 
"Yeah, tomorrow. My mom is going to weep happy tears."
"Aw. Remind me to visit her before the semester starts." 
The leather seat suddenly squeaks behind you, and your breathing goes uneven for the third time tonight. 
"You guys want anything to drink?" Harry asks his group of friends. 
They all tell him their desired orders, and shortly after, you see him walk past your booth. He heads toward the counter with long strides and hands he doesn't know what to do with. His back is turned, so you use your chance to shamelessly observe him. He looks different but familiar all the same. He has the same body, although he looks buff. Same friendly personality, although you've missed out on it lately. Same gentle presence, although it wasn't that way the night you separated. 
"Didn't you once tell me that he always ordered ginger ale at restaurants?" 
You look at your friend, processing her question. "Yes. He never mixed it with anything, either. Just drank it straight up like a freak." 
"Gross," she says with a wince. "I think he just ordered one." 
Once again, the counter is your focal point; this time, you notice the glass of creamy yellow liquid on it. You internally gag at how Harry could still drink that. Harry then walks back to his booth, skillfully carrying two glasses in each of his hands like he worked as a waiter in his past life. You don't even try to hide the fact that you're staring. 
Eventually, he catches your eye and abruptly stops in his tracks. You watch him blink a couple times before he continues to the table and sets down the drinks for everyone. 
"I'll grab some napkins," he murmurs, leaving again. 
You slide your empty plate toward the center of the table and watch him fumble while taking out napkins from the dispenser. Why is he so nervous all of a sudden? 
When he walks by for the second time, he jerks his chin up to the ceiling. You furrow your eyebrows in response. 
He nonchalantly repeats the gesture as he starts passing napkins around. You shake your head, nonverbally telling him that you have no clue what he's conveying. 
His jaw clenches before he mouths, "Come with me." 
"Absolutely not," you mouth back as you fiddle with the sugar packets. 
Harry huffs and sits in his seat. 
Everything used to be so easy with him. 
                                  Two Years Ago
It was graduation day, and you were inserting a silver hoop earring in the pierced hole of your earlobe when three thumps gently rattled your bedroom door. 
"Knock knock." 
In the reflection of your vanity mirror, you grinned giddily. "Come in! It's unlocked." 
Harry opened the door with a pout on his lips. "You're supposed to say who's there." 
"Wha—" you stammered confusedly, turning around in your chair. "I hate you." 
He shuffled inside and immediately bellyflopped onto your bed. "Wow. I missed you too." 
"Just kidding," you said, flashing him a winning smile. "You left your laptop charger here, by the way. I set it on the kitchen table." 
"Thank you, baby," he mumbled into your pillow. 
"Don't fall asleep."
"Mm, c'mere." He lazily patted the space next to him. "Let's cuddle before we have to sit far away from each other for the rest of the night." 
"It'll only be for a couple of hours at most," you replied, putting in your other earring. "Don't be so dramatic."
After tidying your vanity area, you stood and slinked into bed with Harry. The lavender-colored sunset filtered through your sheer curtains and created a serene ambiance. Harry's body rolled over on top of yours, his weight providing the perfect amount of warmth and comfort. The scent of his almond oil shampoo reduced your nerves. You reached for your phone and set an alarm for fifteen minutes from now so he would have enough time to get ready, then pulled the blanket over both of your heads, not caring if the hair you spent precious time on became tousled. It would mostly be hidden under the immensely unflattering graduation cap anyway. 
Harry's clean-shaven cheek rested on your chest, and he planted a chaste kiss on your collarbone. He had always been the affectionate type. Touch was his love language, and he never failed to fulfill it with you. 
Every touch strengthened your love for him. Every touch left you longing for more. Every touch felt purposeful. 
You swear he's doing it on purpose. You know he is. 
Harry keeps leaning his head back until it faintly touches yours. Nuzzling it, if you will. That, or he'll clasp his hands behind his head and loosely twirl a strand of your hair. 
This time, he pretends to yawn and stretch his arms before tickling behind your ear. He knows goddamn well it's the place where you're the most ticklish. You pretend to have an itch and bring your hands back to slap his burning touch away, but of course, he takes the opportunity to be a pest and capture your fingers. 
You yank them away and clear your throat. "I need to go to the bathroom," you tell your friend before getting up and making a beeline straight to the back of the diner. 
When you open the door, you sigh relievedly when you find all the stalls open, and no one is lingering. You pace toward the farthest wall and rub your hands down your face. Two years without Harry, and not a single call or text, only the occasional picture you'd see of him when you caved and scrolled through his social media during particularly lonely nights. Yet tonight, he acts like you're best buds who can tease each other and initiate playful touches like you didn't end on a terrible note that made both of your hearts shatter into smithereens. Maybe this is some bizarre dream you'll wake up from and laugh about later. 
You blow out a sharp breath and wash your hands before splashing cold water onto your heated cheeks. 
"Were my hands dirty or something?" 
Your whole body flinches. Now, he's just plain annoying. How long has he been standing there? 
"Why are you in here?" you ask monotonously. 
Footsteps come closer. You keep your back turned. 
He laughs softly and says, "How've you been?" 
Such a master at avoiding questions. "That wasn't what I asked." 
"That wasn't an answer," he replies smugly. You can practically hear the satisfied smile in his voice. 
"I've been fantastic, Harry," you say, your words laced with petty sarcasm. "What about you?" 
"You sound stressed." He's right next to you now. "Is it because of your job? I heard you're an assistant teacher at the middle school." 
Your hands grip the edge of the marble sink. "Who told you that?" 
"I knew you'd be here," he says, as if it were obvious. "I had to ask people what you've been up to since you clearly weren't going to tell me yourself." 
He asked about you? No, that can't be right. Turning to face him, you let your guard down just a little. "I'm helping with the summer school program." 
Harry smiles. If you analyze it enough, it almost looks like a proud one. "That's amazing. What grade do you want to teach in the future?" 
A conversation with your ex-boyfriend about career aspirations is entirely too casual for your liking. Doesn't he have friends to catch up with? Some ginger ale to drink? 
You shrug and truthfully say, "I haven't decided yet. It's a big decision." 
He nods, crossing his arms. "You've got time." 
Silence hangs except for the drip of the faucet. 
"So... I assume you're still studying marine biology?" you ask, already knowing the answer. 
He hums an affirmation. "I'm almost done with my bachelor's degree, and then I'll be on my way to becoming one with the ocean." 
You almost let a laugh slip out. "Well, I'm sure it's beautiful in Europe. I can't imagine the view every day." 
He nonchalantly plucks a stray strand of hair off your sleeve, making your blood rush. "It is, yeah. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but it's been nice to live somewhere so different from what I was used to." 
"You don't have a roommate?"
"Nope, just me. I don't really like sharing my space." 
Only if it was with you. He's told you that before. Not that it matters now.
"I know. Don't know why I even asked." 
It's a bold statement but a tenuous breakthrough in the barrier of the inevitable and awkward breakup conversation you're dreading. 
Harry inhales and takes a step closer. "Come up to the rooftop with me. I don't want our first conversation in two years to be in the women's restroom." 
You give him an apologetic look and say, "I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to head home soon and get up early for work tomorrow." 
He toys with the bottom of your shirt. "Please." 
It's a soft whisper that echos in the empty space, a begging tone chipping away at the walls built around your heart, paired with pleading eyes so clear and tender. Harmless.
"Okay." You'll kick yourself later for giving in so easily. "Okay, fine. Let's go." You pull out your phone and send a quick text message to your friend about where you'll be. She'll understand the weight of the situation. 
Harry walks out of the bathroom, with you following behind. He takes a sharp right toward the concealed metal stairs leading to the diner's roof. He leaves some room so the two of you can walk side by side, your clothes rustling against each other in the narrow space. The rusty door opens, and you step out onto the flat concrete. 
Little squares of light shine from the city buildings far away. They cause a strange feeling to wash over you. It can only be described as a powerful wave of hometown nostalgia, even though you never left. You wonder if it's hitting Harry as well. 
He stands by the edge and leans his forearms on the railing, glancing at you with an unreadable expression. Is it reminiscence? Yearning? Regret? All could be the reason for the melancholy shift in energy. 
"What did we do wrong?" 
                 Three Months After Graduation
The party turned sour out of the blue. Harry's friend hadn't just said what you think he said. It was loud, so you must have heard him wrong. Why didn't he tell you? Why did you have to find out from his drunk friend who's not even close to him? 
Harry definitely saw your face drop because he instantly pulled you into an unoccupied bedroom upstairs. You'd been arguing for the past half hour, neither one of you inebriated funny enough, but still throwing words that were more like weapons at each other—launching arrows at the heart, shooting daggers at the eyes, and slashing swords in the Achilles heel. 
Your weak spot was him, and you were his. 
You stood your ground as you spoke your closing statement with frustrated tears. "I'm never going to see you if you're abroad, so what's the difference if I just leave now and never see you again?" 
"Will that make you happy?" He was being stubborn; you were, too. "Because obviously, I don't make you happy enough for this to continue. For us to at least try." 
He did make you happy, but anger blindly leads people to say what they don't mean, especially in cases of love. 
"Obviously not." Lies, lies, lies. "It's useless when we know it'll end badly." 
Harry released a bitter laugh. "Fine. Have it your way." 
"Fine," you repeated. 
You should have fought for him, but what would have been the use if you had known it would only hurt you in the long run? 
He roughly swung the door open and then turned around one last time. "You can come pick up your stuff at my house this weekend. I won't be home." 
The door slammed shut, and reality sunk in. 
The open sign of the diner flickers below. 
"We did a lot wrong," you declare defeatedly, standing beside him. 
"True, but we were eighteen and didn't know anything about communication or how to balance adult shit." 
The conversation is heading toward a place you don't want it to go. "I really don't want to talk about our breakup, Harry. It's in the past. We've moved on." 
He shakes his head. "Why? There was no closure whatsoever. I think it'd be good to get some now that we're face-to-face." 
In the distance, you watch birds flock on the wire of a telephone pole. "Why didn't you just ignore me tonight? We've been doing fine without each other." 
He scoffs quietly and leans his body against the railing. "Really? I was homesick for months because of you. You felt like home to me, you know that. The feeling never disappeared no matter how much I pushed it down." 
You throw your arms out. "Then why didn't you call or text me? I would've replied, Harry. I'm not that cruel." 
"I thought you hated me," he says. "I wouldn't have blamed you. I just couldn't stand having you hate me, so I thought it'd be easier not to talk to you." 
It's the classic tale of a high school mindset. You think you're doing the right thing until it slaps you across the face with the hand of cluelessness. You wonder what would've happened if Harry had reached out. Maybe you could've figured it out. 
"I didn't hate you," you admit. How could anyone hate him? "I mean, I might've thought that I hated you, but if anything, I still loved you for way too many months after." 
Harry looks like he wants to say something, but you continue. "Like you said, we were young and didn't know how to balance a relationship and our lives outside of it. Two years can really mature a person, and we both needed to do that without each other." 
He nods while stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah." 
The conversation stops at a dead end. There's nothing else to say since it's a mutual understanding of what went wrong. 
The breeze picks up, and you shiver before asking, "How long are you here for?" 
He clears his throat. "I'm staying with my mum, then I have a flight back to the Netherlands in a few days. I have to go back for an ecology camp." 
"That's nice," you say. A couple of days. That knowledge causes an unwanted sinking feeling to take place in your stomach. 
"Do you…" He raises his thumb to his mouth, nervously biting his fingernail. "Can we maybe talk more before I leave?" 
It's an open opportunity, but what would it lead to? What would come of it? Would it be worth the pain? 
"What's there to talk about? You're leaving soon, and then we'll never speak again." 
You've taken logical truth more seriously over the years. You've learned that holding on to false hope is dangerous for the heart and mind.
"That won't happen," he replies with a pensive gaze. "We've grown and know how to communicate now. There's so much we've missed in each other's lives that we can talk about. I don't know where you live or the places you like to go anymore, who your friends are, or what new songs you like to listen to. It kills me." 
A shaky breath escapes you. "It doesn't matter. We're not right for each other. Call me selfish, but I don't want a relationship where we barely see each other. I'm sure that's not what you want either." 
"So, that's it?" he asks, staring at the sky. "Do you not want to give this another chance?" 
You can't imagine a more complicated question to answer, but it seems you've known the answer for a while. Gently grabbing Harry's chin and tilting his face down, you say, "Right person, wrong time. It would never work with the distance, and you know that. Deep down, we both know, as much as it hurts to admit."
"What now? We're back to being strangers?" 
"Harry, I don't think we'll ever be strangers. I know too much about you." 
You're trying to lighten the mood, but Harry's sad eyes aren't helping at all. Instead, you focus on the stars twinkling brightly across the black sky and the single car driving by on the otherwise empty street. Every second that ticks by, he seems to move closer to you. 
"If this is the last time I see you," Harry says apprehensively, "can I hold you for a little while? Give me that, and I won't ask you for anything else." 
It'd be foolish to say no, wouldn't it? You need to feel him just as much. He's too significant of a person to let go of without a proper goodbye.
"You can hold me." 
And so he does for the last time. 
Harry closes the distance and embraces you like he always used to — his cheek resting on your head and his arms completely winded around you, squeezing the sides of your body. Breathing you in like he's scared of losing you. It's just you and him standing on a rooftop and holding on to any last bit you can get of each other. 
You're tucked so far into his chest that the only thing you can hear is his heart pounding. He's warm and sentimental, and the nighttime chill makes you melt into him even more. He eases you — every laugh, every tear, every moment you share with him was brought about by the ease of being around him. 
"You still feel the same." A pang ripples in your heart because of your own words, and a sob desperately tries to crawl up your throat. 
Harry nuzzles his nose into your hair. "Yeah? You still smell the same." 
You laugh, but it's choked with sadness. "What, like shitty teen store perfume?" 
"No, you smell like home. Like when I used to go to your house for sleepovers, and you'd always light those vanilla candles." 
Another pang, this time from his vulnerable confession. "I should go," you say, deterring the conversation from any more agony. 
He doesn't argue. "Yeah, me too. I never really liked those people in there anyway." 
You smile, stepping away from his arms. "I'll walk you to your car." 
He nods, and the both of you retreat down the stairs, exiting the building through the back way to avoid any distractions. After reaching the front of the diner, you find his black Jeep sitting alone in a parking space. It's nice to know he still has it, considering it's a car with good memories, like Harry driving you to school every morning and picking up coffee. Or eating fast food outside the high school after a football game. Or nights of endless kissing and professions of love before he walked you to your doorstep.
Facing him under the moonlight tonight, it's time to officially move on. 
"Bye. It was really nice to see you." A tear unexpectedly falls from your eye. Maybe it's due to the chilly temperature, but you know better. 
Harry's face crumbles. Your composure shatters. 
"Please don't cry," he pleads, biting his lip to stop it from wobbling. However, it's too late, and both of you give in to the misery and drama of it all.
"Now we're both crying."
He rubs his eyes and leans against his car door. "God, this fuckin' sucks." 
"We'll be okay," you say weakly. "It's fine. We went two years without each other. You'll forget about me soon enough, and it'll be like this never happened." 
You're only trying to convince yourself at this point. 
"I never forgot about you. You were the first person I fell in love with. How do I move on from that?" 
His choice of words isn't something you gloss over. Is he insinuating that he hasn't moved on yet? Should you tell him you haven't either? 
Logical thinking, you mentally tell yourself. Don't say something that will make it harder to leave.
"I have to go home now." But isn't home standing right in front of you? 
"Okay," Harry says. "I guess… good luck with everything. I hope teaching goes well for you." 
You kick away a pebble on the pavement. "Thanks. I hope you become one with the ocean." 
He laughs breathily, his dimples popping out for the first time tonight. He then inhales and gazes somewhere far away as his smile dies. When he looks back at you, he nods once before getting in his car. 
He freezes. "Yeah?"
Don't make it harder.
Don't hurt yourself. 
Yet the way he looks at you is enough to ignore those logical thoughts. You lean forward and kiss his cold cheek, and it's like his entire body deflates under your hesitant touch. "Thank you for making me happy during the time we had together," you say against his tear-stained skin. "I never got to tell you that."
Harry sniffles and nods, then kisses your cheek a little longer and softer.
A lasting pang. A lingering sting. A sharp twinge. 
Because the words he whispers to you cause silent tears to fall down your face when he finally closes the door and drives away. 
You still mean so much to me. 
Opening the door to your bedroom, the silence echoes louder than usual. The small space is where memories with Harry can still be found. There's the blanket he used to lie on, the desk he would sit on to help you study, and the dresser you used to keep his shirts in to wear when you missed him. The most tragic thing is an empty photo book on the top shelf of your closet that was meant to be filled with future road trips that never got planned. Next to it are unused polaroids for dates that stopped happening. 
Piled at the bottom are a few that actually got used. A picture of Harry when the both of you went to a homecoming afterparty, and you didn't want to drink alcohol, so Harry drank orange Hi-C cartons with you to make you feel better. A picture of Harry on a floating water bouncer at the lake by your uncle's cabin when you went on summer vacation together after junior year. Your favorite picture of him is when he's turned around in the seat of the school auditorium, smiling widely. It was back in high school when nothing could separate you from him. 
The pictures remind you of a time when you were in love—not only with him but with life. They feel like home to you. 
That feeling of home seems impossible to catch now. It's like chasing a butterfly that keeps escaping from the loose grasp of your hands because you don't want to hurt it. 
Are you the hands, or are you the butterfly? 
The journal on top of Harry's suitcase mocks him. He shouldn't open it, but logical thinking has never been his strong suit. 
The first page has pressed and dried lavender taped onto it from the first date he took you on. The next has your drawings in the margin from when you would steal his journal while he studied. Yet most of the pages are filled with lovesick entries about you. 
- January 29th - 
Last night, I told her I was falling in love with her. She said no one had ever told her that before, and I couldn't believe it. How could someone not instantly fall in love from the moment she walks into a room? 
Then she told me that she loved me too. I swear I almost cried with happiness. She's the one for me. I see us being together for the long haul. 
I hope she sees the same thing. 
- June 6th - 
We graduated! We're finally done with high school!
When they called my name, my eyes went to hers first. She looked so proud of me. I wonder if I could convince her to rent an apartment with me instead of staying in different dorms. 
College will be strange, but we'll get through it together. I have no doubt we'll adapt and find time for each other. 
I always have time for her. 
- August 2nd - 
I think I'm going to tell her about the college I chose. She's not going to take it well. It's abroad, but it's the best school for marine biology. 
She wants to stay close to home, but I want to get out and travel. There's nothing hard about talking through some of our differences, right? Long-distance relationships can work if you put in the effort. We can do it. 
If this ends up biting me in the ass, you'll never hear from me again. 
Harry stopped writing in his journal after the breakup. It's almost funny, he supposes. He jinxed it in the last entry. He thought of the worst-case scenario, and it came to fruition right before him only days later. 
Blissful ignorance is what he'll call it. Two high school sweethearts who didn't know what would hit them. Foolishly in love and blinded by reality. But the thing is, it's not easy to just move on from it. Especially when he brought those damn vanilla candles from his dorm room to his mum's house so he could sleep better at night. 
So he can be reminded of home. 
It was never a place when he was with you. Home became a feeling that bloomed without warning. It took him by surprise when he found himself wanting to be around you all the time. His home was entirely, ultimately, and unconditionally you. 
Harry closes his journal and brings it with him as he heads out the door to search for a drop of that feeling in the places you used to go. 
The places he will write about until his hand aches as much as his heart. 
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jgracie · 26 days
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masterlist | rules
in which life after camp half-blood is everything you and leo could’ve wished for
pairing husband!leo valdez x wife!athena!reader
warnings none :)
on the radio . . . this is the life (amy macdonald), keep driving (harry styles)
an i read the bit w leo and calypsos repair shop in house of hades and knew what i had to do 👩🏼‍💻
Eventually, the scent of your lineage - half mortal, half Goddess - began to wear off. What once was the bane of your existence, singling you out as ‘different’ and putting you in danger from the moment you popped out of your mother’s brain, was now a faint odour, a mere memory of the life you once led and the people you knew.
Leo didn’t wear off, though. He could never. Your relationship had been unexpected by everyone who knew the two of you. Pristine, perfect Y/N, daughter of Athena, the girl who not only stayed within the lines but drew them herself, and Leo Valdez, a messy, wild son of Hephaestus. From the moment you laid eyes on him, you knew you wouldn’t stand him. He was persistent and annoying, never giving you a moment’s peace and tearing down the walls you so carefully built around yourself. 
In the end, he grew on you, and you realised you had a lot more in common than you thought. For example, your love of machinery. For as long as you could remember, you gravitated towards wires and nuts and bolts, only stopping when you got to camp as your life became filled with training and learning about the side of the family you didn’t even know you had. You used to longingly stare at the Hephaestus kids, itching to pick up a wrench and join them as they made all sorts of weaponry. Now, you own your very own garage: Leo and Y/N’s Garage: Auto-repair and Mechanical Monsters.
It started off as a silly joke between you and Leo. You were newly graduated and after spending so much time taking care of the Godly side of your family, you forgot what life as a mortal was like. Sure, you always wanted to be a mechanic, but what now? You didn’t want to work for someone else. You spent your whole life working for other people and watching as everyone you loved had shrouds burnt for them (if they were lucky), so you thought it was only fair if you did something for yourself. 
“We could always open our own garage,” Leo had said when you voiced your thoughts that day, “‘Leo and Y/N’s Garage: Auto-repair and Mechanical Monsters’ has a nice ring to it, right?” 
You laughed, saying something along the lines of “get real, Valdez,” before deciding to help him as he cooked dinner. Little did you know, Leo was being real. The next morning, he started looking for places he could rent for your garage. A few months after that, he began furnishing it and months after that, he started advertising. Once he was sure that everything was perfect, he decided to show you his little project, a velvet box with a certain piece of very valuable metal weighing down his coat pocket.
Today marks the six year anniversary of the opening of your garage (as well as the six year anniversary of your engagement), and to say business was booming would be an understatement. It started off as a place for mortals only, they’d drop off their cars and the nicer ones would stay for a little to make small talk, marvelling at your stories of how you sailed from the US to Europe together on a ship Leo built himself (you censored a lot of your experiences, of course), but after you expanded the garage, making it almost twice as big as it was before, you thought, ‘Why not let this be a place for demigods, too?’ 
Hidden from the eyes of mortals, the second half of your garage comes to life. There, you sell weaponry, armour and anything a demigod could possibly need, as well as providing a safe haven for those who needed recuperation after a long and tiring quest. You loved meeting them all, giving them advice and comfort as proof that things do get better and not all demigods die at the age of 16. 
“Leo, have you seen Espe?” You yelled, wiping the grime from your hands as you realised your daughter had gone missing. Your son was too young to be at the garage and usually you’d stay with him, but your hands were itching for a hammer and your dear sister and brother-in-law offered to babysit, so why not let them? Your daughter was another case. She seemed to have inherited her parents’ inability to sit still and love for making things, insisting on spending all her time at work with the two of you as soon as she could walk. 
On cue, Leo waltzed into the mortal side of the garage, your first born daughter, named Esperanza after his mother, in one arm and a toolbox in the other. “She decided to amuse herself with daddy’s magic toolbelt,” he said, sitting down on a nearby stool and placing her on his lap, “summoned about 50,000 gummy bears. I’m surprised she managed to override the cooldown on it, I’ve been trying to figure that out for years”
“Gummy bear?” She asked, looking up at Leo then at you, a grin - one she clearly got from her father - gracing her lips as she suddenly seemed interested in your conversation, making the two of you break into fits of laughter, which in turn made her laugh. Did she know what she was laughing about? No, but it didn’t matter anyway.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, you were being watched. Sydney and Aaron, the two demigods you were hosting as the former’s leg healed, were going to tell you that they were good to leave tomorrow when they stopped, noticing you were having a moment.
“It’s hard to remember they’re demigods too,” Aaron began, “they seem so… normal. No chaos, no monsters, nothing,” he stared longingly at you, then down at the girl next to him. Could they have that too?
As if she read his mind, Sydney took his hand in hers and smiled, “we’ll make it, trust me. They went through a lot before this, remember? They were part of the last great prophecy. If they can do it, so can we.”
If you had told your past self that you’d marry the one boy who managed to get under your skin, start a family with him and open not just a garage, but a place where demigods could feel a sliver of normalcy, you would’ve laughed in your own face.
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hamlets-ak · 10 months
loving someone doesn’t save them ༊*·˚
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༘♡ no person will ever be willing to forget their love
in which harry appears on your doorstep & asks questions about R.A.B.
It was a tragedy for everyone else, for everyone who only knew him by his last name; but for you, it was like ripping out a part of your heart and then leaving back shattered pieces collided with the weakest glue. No one prepared you for this - he didn’t prepare you. Even the night you last saw him; he gave you a kiss on the lips, a smile, and said: « Goodnight. »
If that sick feeling was a bottle you would've broken it, if it was a wall you would've torn it down, if it was a piece of paper you would've cast it into the fire. But no, your heart was sobbing for days, months, years, and you were doomed to spend the rest of your life with a hole inside your chest that couldn't be filled.
You hated him, mostly because he said he loved you and because you had plans and he gave you his ring as a promise with a kiss and a "don't worry everything's going to be fine." How could you love someone that didn’t prepare you for this? That didn’t tell you to hug him tighter that night or to say that you loved him one last time before he left once and for all. Maybe you didn't know him as much as you thought and for the rest of your life, you would always have an unanswered question; why didn't he give you a sign.
After eighteen years you were able to forgive him. But you never forgot about him.
You started a family away from London in the countryside, away from everything and everyone. Your husband - a muggle - didn't know about your past and you had never opened the door of that haunted house filled with screaming voices of friends and family. Your kids were your priority, two happy little girls that wanted to play in the garden all day under the sun.
However, the sun had abandoned you the last few months and the sky was always veiled, misty with storms and rains. No matter the attempts of the Daily Prophet to reassure you and quieten your concerns, you knew something terrible was about to happen. You had seen it happening before, spreading and destroying everything in its passage. Everyone you loved was dead because of this.
And all of your suspicions came true when on a rainy afternoon thunderous poundings were heard on your door.
Your husband was in town and you were working in your office as your girls were playing in front of the fireplace. It was only natural for you to feel a knot in your stomach and your body instantly freezing.
« Mom, someone’s on the door! »
You left your typewriter aside and got out of your office. The shape of a person was printed on the glass, a man. You weren't expecting any guests and your husband had car and keys with him.
« Girls, why don’t you go upstairs? », you smiled at them. They both looked at you unsurely with that childish expression of concern and the need to protect their mother.
« Is something wrong, mommy? »
« No, no, love, » your voice came out gently as you held their soft cheeks. « Just go upstairs. » They obeyed your words hesitantly, giving you second glances over the pile of toys gathered on their hugs, and turned to the upper floor.
Once they were out of sight, you ran to your office to get your wand and then back to the entrance. With a quick move, you raised your wand and the door opened wide, letting you point to the person that was standing there.
« Hi, » he said not really paying attention to your wand. It was a young man, a boy not even eighteen years old. « I’m looking for Y/N L/N. » For a moment you stayed there, your blood running cold in your veins, frozen, with your heart skipping beats. It couldn't be, it was some kind of sick joke.
Your lips separated studying each and every one of his features. Rain was pressing down short black curls, droplets dripping down his half-closed eyes, and trailing lines across his dark skin. He had glasses on, foggy and stained; the same kind of glasses your best friend wore years before he was lost - murdered. But it couldn’t be him. He took them off and wiped the water with his fingers before your gaze met a deep brown, honey set of eyes - Lily Evans’ eyes.
« Harry? », you let your wand drop. He stared at you.
« You know me? »
« Don’t just sit there, come in, » you opened the door wider for him to pass inside, letting the sound of it echo behind you. Your eyes examined him. You hadn't seen him since he was only a baby.
His stare roomed the house as he gave you his jacket, seeing pictures of your children, you, your husband.
« I’m Harry, Harry Potter, » he turned back tenting his arm forward.
« I know, » you smiled at him and shook his hand. You kissed both of his cheeks and gestured to the living room. « I’m Y/N. » Your eyes kept staring at him until you caught the uneasiness in the air, so you took a seat on the armchair. « Can I bring you anything, Harry? »
« No, no, thank you, » he shook his arms sitting on the couch across from you.
« I suppose everyone tells you, you are just like your dad. Except for the eyes, of course. Those are Lily’s. »
« You knew my parents? » You smiled.
« Oh, I didn’t just know them, we were friends - best friends. I have so many stories to tell you. »
« I’d love to hear them all, » Harry said.
« And I also have a photo album. » You haven’t seen that grin and that spark in a pair of eyes for years, and the truth was, you had missed them more than words could possibly describe. « But first, you have to tell me the reason of your visit, Harry Potter. »
His cheerful expression slowly faded, clouds passing by his features. Fingers fumbled in the pocket of his jeans and without losing any time he brought out a necklace, a locket - the locket.
Your eyes exchanged a look between the locket and Harry, fear marked on your face as he offered it to you and you just shook your head pulling back.
« Where did you get this? », you asked not being able to change your gaze away from that devilry.
« Do you recognize this? », Harry questioned. You raised your eyes slowly shaking your head.
« Harry, I don’t know where you found this or what you intend to do, but please stay away from it. »
« What do you mean? »
« Where did you even find it? Did you go to the cave? » Harry furrowed his brows. You realized at that moment, he probably didn’t expect you to know and maybe it was for the best to stop yourself. But you had questions and you were sure the same applied to him. « Is this the one? »
« No, this is the fake one, » Harry said opening it and bringing forward a small piece of parchment. He offered it to you which you took hesitantly. You read it. A slight smile twitched on your lips. The handwriting, the damn handwriting, and that R.A.B. that had always been his way of signing notes or letters. « R.A.B. », Harry spoke. « Regulus Ar- »
« Arcturus Black, » you interrupted him. His eyes looked up at yours that rested on that old parchment. Your fingers traced the surface of the last words he left in this world. You rubbed your sight, a hot sense lurking behind, ready to blur your vision, and pressed your lips together tightly. « Regulus Arcturus Black. » It had been years since the last time you spoke his name out loud. You had forgotten the sound of it. It was nothing more than words in your head, but when said those three words, magically, it took life again.
« The locket belonged to Sirius’ brother, » Harry spoke as you gave him back the note. A mischievous smile slowly appeared on your face that made the boy feel uncomfortable facing someone who knew the person he was trying for months to do an introspection to.
« Is that the reason of your visit? » Harry looked at you with the fullest and deepest stare. He spoke quietly but steadily sure of what he was saying.
« You knew Regulus Black. You knew what he was trying to do. You knew everything. »
« I didn’t know anything, » you replied.
« I don’t believe you, » Harry said. You furrowed your brows and allowed your looks to meet. It was interesting talking to him. He had Lily’s straightforwardness and sharpness, and James’ expressions.
« Why are you here? How did you find me? »
« I found letters of yours in R.A.B.’s room. » With these words the muscle of your jaw clenched. You never imagined that your personal writings would be read by someone other than him. The feeling of anger was boiling under your skin. The only thing that held you back, that didn’t erupt the volcano inside you, was that he was a kid. « Hard to find. They were very well-hidden. »
« And how did you find out my name? », you asked. You always signed with a pseudonym that only a few selected people knew about.
« Professor Lupin helped me with that. » That's when you let a small smile appear on your face again and sat better back on the armchair.
« Professor Lupin? », you chuckled. « The old bastard... »
« I need to know, » Harry said seriously which brought you back to the conversation. « You knew Regulus Black. You knew everything. »
« I’m afraid you are losing your time here. I knew Regulus, » you told him. « I didn't know everything. He didn’t let me know everything. »
« Why? »
« Because he loved me. » Harry didn't speak just watched your expression change. He watched the way your jaw muscle broke, that bitter smile on your mouth and your head lightly shaking. You bit your lower lip and shrugged. « Because he knew exactly what he was doing. And because he knew exactly how it was going to end. » None of you spoke after that. « I don't know anything else, Harry, truly. He never prepared me or anyone else for this. »
« I don’t understand why he did that, » his voice cut those few seconds of silence. He shook his head, eyes fixed to the ground, giving to your piercing stare glances every now and then. « I don’t understand him. »
« You know, » you breathed out. « At first I was mad at him - maybe I still am a little - but through the years, I realized that, that was his way. Regulus just followed his heart without giving any explanation to anyone. He acted with his senses and his emotions and did the things he considered right. Regulus didn’t care about the price. He could even pay with his life. »
« Sirius told me he was a stupid idiot whose only ambition was to join the Death Eaters. »
« Sirius loved him, Harry. But he didn’t know him at all. Nobody knew him really, I'm afraid. »
« What about you? »
« Barely, » you shrugged sadly. « He didn’t let me know him, he just let me love him. But does it matter now? Loving someone doesn’t save them. »
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reidslovely · 7 months
Love of Mine
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Heeeey @hollandweather remember that request you sent me forever ago?? ii went with the mob!peter version ii hope you're good with that :)
Pairing: Mob!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: Lots of fighting and yelling, happyish ending, angsty. Let me know if I missed anything cause I'm sure I did.
Kind of a sequel but not really to this
Pretty please read and reblog!! thanks friend
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Freshly painted black nails contrasted against the soft cream color of the armchair cushion as she dug her nails into the fabric. Standing in the dimly lit office waiting for him to notice her, she stood like a haunting figure in front of him, simply waiting for an acknowledgment. 
“Peter.” Her words came out soft, yet stern. Swallowing the angry lump in her throat as his eyebrows raised, and his chest fell.
“Yes baby?”
He spoke simply, not even lifting his head to acknowledge her. He was engrossed in whatever he was looking at some paper with a mugshot attached. Ever since the shootout that killed him Peter had been different. He came back different. Angerier, more cruel. Never to her, just others. She hadn’t been sure what happened, maybe it had given him time to reflect. Time to be angry at the cards he was dealt in life. 
“Do you not..?” She fumbled over her words in her upset. 
“It feels like you don’t care about..us anymore Peter.” There was a sad honesty in her voice. She wished she had been making it up, that it was all in her head. Peter threw himself into his work the moment he got better. He’d leave several times for days on end; not a single call to let her know he was okay or when he’d be home. It was unlike him. 
He furrowed his brows, looking at her finally. “Of course I care, baby.”
 Again, there's the distance in his voice. It feels rehearsed, almost like he’d been practicing this delivery for the months he’s been back. There were times where he didn’t seem himself, he was quick to anger and quick to jump. He and Harry having nearly had several physical altercations since being back. Felicia having gone ghost on them after she and Peter had it out over an action plan. His wife was feeling his anger, and it was nesting in her. She could try to nurse him back to his mentality before, she could settle his arguments with friends and colleagues. However, she could only handle him neglecting her for so long. 
“Do you know what today is?” She began to wander around the office. Their wedding picture is sitting snugly on the bookcase in a gold frame. Both are much younger in the photo having gotten married straight out of high school. 
“October 19th..wh- Oh, oh baby.” 
For a moment her Peter was there, the realization washed over the room. She knew he felt like an idiot rethinking the day. She’d made his favorite breakfast, they showered together, and she’d even gone shopping and excitedly showed him everything she had gotten. She was now dressed in a purple slip dress she’d bought today. 
 He forgot their anniversary. 
 Peter stood up from his desk rushing to her. She felt exposed under his touch, pulling her face away as he grabbed her jaw in his calloused hand. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry baby.” 
“It’s whatever Peter.” She backed away, tears pooling in her eyes. “I just wanted to know that you still cared and…well, I got my answer.” Angrily she stormed out of his office, slamming the door shut behind her. A photo of them falling off his decor table in the show of aggression, the frame bursting into dozens tiny pieces. 
Peter followed behind her, his feet slamming against the hardwood of the stairs. “I don’t care! Is that what you’re saying right now?” 
“That's what I said.” She yells back trying to slam their bedroom door in his face. Peter grabbed it, pushing it open. He stared at her in shock, standing there with his arms at his side. His wife glaring back at him, tears spilling down her cheeks. 
“You don’t care about me or us anymore. All you care about is killing those people who hurt you. All you care about is work, what’s being moved in and what's being taken out.” She started pointing a finger at him. “This is the last fucking straw Peter. I’m fucking tired. I can’t keep fixing the things you fuck up because you are so blinded by rage. You are so fucking selfish. You forgot my birthday, and our wedding anniversary. Harry doesn’t even want to see you any fucking more because you are not yourself. I want Peter back not whatever fucking stranger crawled into your body while you were dying. I want my husband because you are not him, he was a good husband.” 
Both her and Peter stared at one another. She knew she shouldn’t have said it.  
Her anger echoed in the room, she expected him to fight back. She wanted him to fight back, yell, scream, let her know that he in some way cared. Instead he turned and looked at himself in the mirror and then down at his socked feet. 
“So me proving I care about you, about Harry. About anything other than myself would mean I’d stop taking down the people who hurt me. I’d stop going after Li or Fisk’s guys who got together and planned to kill not only me but everything I cared about including you?”
 He stared at her like she had five heads. Not knowing how to respond she rubbed her hands down her face. He was putting words in her mouth. 
“Cool, cool  yeah. I’ll stop, fuck I’ll step down from being the head of this organization.  We can totally live a normal life not constantly looking over our shoulders.`` 
“You’re being mean, you’re putting words in my fucking mouth.” She warns. Peter takes a deep breath shaking his head as he looks down, something he did to keep himself from crying. 
“I went to that warehouse to protect all of you. Do you understand that? Because if I didn’t go to them, they were gonna come to us. Now, I am cleaning up a mess I made that has put you all at risk. I’m..” Peter’s hands shook at his side, before coming up to rub his face aggressively. He dropped down to the floor sitting his back against the wall. 
“I’m sorry I’m a bad husband, I haven’t been a good husband since that night and I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I left you here, I’m sorry I scared you. I’m sorry that I put you in any danger by coming back. But as a good husband and as a good friend or boss I have to kill them.” He whispered to her, as she joined him on the floor. 
“You have every right to be mad at me. I’m mad at myself. And this isn’t me guilt tripping you, this is me telling you that you’re right I haven’t been a good husband and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forgot your birthday and our anniversary and that I’ve been a total piece of shit.”
“I didn’t mean it. I just, I knew it would hurt your feelings and I wanted you to hurt like I did.” 
Peter kissed her head, his hand cradling her cheek bringing her to his chest. She let out a soft sigh burying her head in his neck. “I just got caught up in keeping everyone safe that I forgot what I was protecting. I am so sorry for hurting you and doing anything that made you feel like I didn’t love you” He whispered in her hair, rubbing small circles on her back. 
“I know. And I know I’ll forgive you for it, but can we start by at least having an anniversary night? It’s all I want, just you and me, no work or anything.”
“I’ll give you an anniversary week, how's that?” Peter bargains. “Make up for the missed birthday. We can go anywhere you want.” 
“Anywhere?” She smiles up at her husband, who gives her a loving look before kissing her cheek. 
“Anywhere.” He confirms holding her closer. “I love you.” He assures her, pulling her legs over his thigh rocking her. 
“I love you too.”
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mybutcheredtongue · 3 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER ELEVEN (see full series list here)
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You find yourself sitting in the Tower again. You dangle a string of wool in front of Dubh and she joyfully bats at it with her front paws. You smile lovingly at her, chuckling when she misses the wool and lands on your knee instead. The sky above you has darkened, and you look out over the grounds.
It's the best view in the castle, of course. You get to see the near-entirety of the grounds in all its glory. The Black Lake is still and calm; the tree' leaves are swaying lazily in the light evening breeze; the dark, scruffy dog is pattering across the grass...
You blink, and the dog is gone. You sigh, falling back to the floor and lying down, staring up at the sky above you.
Twinkling lights dot the sky above you, winking at you. Part of you likes to think that those stars have souls. That they can see you right now, and are wondering why you're admiring them so much. To them, they're just balls of gas. To you, they're the most beautiful thing in the world.
You think on the day, remembering your visit to Hagrid early this morning. The poor man was in bits, all torn up over Buckbeak. Hagrid doesn't deserve such stress and worry, and neither does Buckbeak.
A few clouds are scattered around, passing over the bright, full moon. Your mind turns to Remus: he is no doubt sitting in his office right now, all wolfish, probably having a hankering for red meat. You offered to stay with him on full moons, but he refused. Despite the Wolfsbane potion allowing him to keep his mind during the transformation, rendering him harmless, he stipulated that he wanted to be alone, just in case something went wrong.
You don't want him to be alone, but you respect his wishes anyway.
You've known Remus is a werewolf for a very long time. You weren't even meant to find out about Remus' lycanthropy, but you used to get so worried about him at school. He was always exhausted, always disappearing on full moons, not eating well...it had gotten to the point where you cornered him in the library and expressed your concerns for him. You asked him to tell you what was wrong because you couldn't watch any longer, worried that something bad was keeping him up at night.
And, well, you weren't wrong. But he confided in you, just like he had his other friends, and from then on you did everything you could to help him. While the boys spent full moons with him, you ensured he got enough rest during the remainder of the month, made him his favourite teas, helped with keeping his secret secure...he became like a brother to you.
Your school days are something you treasure immensely. Everything was just so right. When you and Sirius starting dating Christmas of your sixth year, everything clicked into place. It felt like you had another family at Hogwarts.
You and Sirius whispered to each other during late nights in the common room, and you would trace the outlines of his tattoos as you listened to him talk.
You, Lily, and Alice shared things together that you never could share with anyone else.
You and Remus played chess with each other and always forgot about using strategy, instead choosing to just try and annihilate as many of the other's pieces as possible.
You and James played Exploding Snap, which always ended with the ends of his hair singed and him sulking when he lost.
You helped Peter prepare himself for his first date, making sure he was mentally ready and feeling confident.
Life was much simpler.
The clouds part and the moon reveals itself, casting a glow around it. In the distance, you hear a wolf howling, and for a moment you think it's Remus, before you shake your head. He's in his office, probably sleeping it off right now.
Speaking of sleep, you feel extremely comfortable where you are right now. You let your eyelids drift shut and fall into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
You wake some time later, the cold air nipping at your arms. You sit up groggily, yawning. You nudge Dubh and she wakes, getting up to follow you out of the Tower. As you're opening the door to your room, you realise you left your wand up there and quickly run back up the stairs to grab it.
You locate the item on your desk, stuffing it into your pocket, momentarily getting distracted by a scuff mark on the desk, wondering how that got there.
There's a heavy thud from the other side of the room.
You look up.
Your heart stops.
There, at the railing, is Buckbeak, Hagrid's giant Hippogriff. And on his back is Harry, Hermione, and...Sirius. He hops down, facing you.
You lock eyes and your name rolls off his tongue softly, and never has it sounded so perfect.
He's wearing shabby Azkaban clothes, which are ripped and tattered everywhere. His skin is dirty and his face is sunken with dark bags under his eyes. He's grown a beard and his hair has gotten even longer, but has become matted.
"Sirius?" you choke, frozen in place. "Are you really there?"
He nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, my love. I'm here."
You take a tentative step forward, unsure really whether you are dreaming or not. The rational part of your brain is telling you to stop, to run in the other direction — this is a convict in front of you, after all!
But your heart makes all the decisions for you. It reaches out, desperately trying to get to its other half because truly, you were half a heart without him.
Your steps are slow and it feels like hours have passed before you finally stop in front of him. You hesitantly reach out, placing your hand against his chest.
"Please, tell me I'm not dreaming," you whisper.
Sirius brings his hand up to cover yours, moving it to press over where his heart is, where you can feel his racing heart beat. You can see a scar on his pinky finger, one he told you he got during a game of 'Pin the Tail on Kreacher' with Regulus when he was eight.
You feel tears prick your eyes, looking back into the face of the man you love more than anything in the world. You bring shaky hands up to his face, holding it delicately, like you're afraid he's going to break.
"I missed you," you say softly. "I missed you so much, Sirius."
"I missed you too," he replies. "How is it that you look just as beautiful today as you looked on our wedding day?"
You give a watery chuckle, sniffling. "Sirius Black, forever the flirt."
You lean forward and press your lips against his. This, this feeling. The overwhelming sense of feeling right where you belong, in the arms of the man you love. His lips are chapped but you don't care. His skin is rough but you don't care. His beard scratches against you but you don't care. You don't care about anything other than the fact that he's here with you. He's finally here.
"Please, darling..." he starts, taking a deep breath and gazing at you. "It wasn't me. I promise you with everything I have to give that I didn't kill those people, I was never a Death Eater — "
"I know."
" — I would never do that to James and Lily — "
"I know."
He pauses, looking at you in surprise. "You know?"
"I know, Siri," you say gently. "I believe you, I trust you. I know you. I've spent the last twelve years of my life believing you're innocent. I know you would never do that."
He opens his mouth to say something but can't seem to find the words. "You — you smart girl. My smart girl. My perfect, smart, beautiful girl..."
His eyes are brimming with tears as he keeps them fixed on you, before he pulls you into his chest and holds you tightly, burying his face in your hair.
"I love you. I love you. I love you so much," he says, kissing your cheek. "Going so long without you has been torture."
"It's been torture for me too," you reply. "I love you. I love you more than anything, Sirius." You smile at him before adding, "And you have seriously got to take a shower. Why don't you come down to my room and get all cleaned up?"
Sirius pulls away, giving you an uncertain look and you sigh. He glances back at Harry and Hermione, who you've pretty much forgotten are even there.
"We...don't have a lot of time left," Hermione says apologetically.
"I'm sorry, my love," Sirius says, pressing his forehead against yours. "I have to go."
You clutch onto his arms desperately, shaking your head. "No, no. You — you can't go. You can't leave me again, Sirius. No, please. Please. Please don't do this to me again. Why leave when I've just found you again?"
Tears stream down your face and Sirius reaches out to brush them away with his thumb. "I have to, darling. The Ministry'll be here any moment now, looking for me. I can't put you in danger like that."
"I'll come with you!" You try. "Please, we can go away together — we'll figure something out, just please, don't leave me again. I've been without you for too long, please — "
"I can't do that to you," he says weakly. "You have to stay."
"Sirius, please — "
"Stay," he says, kissing your forehead. "I'll find you again. I will always find my way back to you, no matter how far."
You let out a quiet sob and kiss him again, desperate for even the slightest bit of contact with him to remind you that you actually have him here with you.
"Please, darling. Stay here," he tells you firmly. "You'll be okay."
"I just — I've been waiting for this for too long," you say weakly. "I hoped I'd have you for longer."
He brings you hand to his lips, kissing your fingers lovingly. "I know, I know. We'll meet again and then — it'll be like I never left."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He lets go of you, and it takes all of your willpower not to grab ahold of him again and never let go. Harry and Hermione jump off of Buckbeak, looking at each other awkwardly.
Sirius pulls Harry in for a hug, smiling proudly at him. "You are — truly your father's son, Harry."
Hermione looks at her watch nervously. "Quick, quick, you don't have time!"
Sirius takes one last glance back at you as he climbs up onto Buckbeak's back. He sends a wink your way and you shake your head amusedly, sighing.
He squeezes Buckbeak's sides with his heels. The enormous wings of the Hippogriff rise and you step back slightly, watching as it takes off into the air. Sirius and Buckbeak steadily become smaller and smaller until a cloud drifts past and...they're gone.
You swallow hard, sniffling as you brush tears off your cheeks. Before they can leave, you grab Harry and Hermione and pull them both in for a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you both so much," you say. "You — you are the most wonderful children I have ever met — you brought him back to me, how did you ever do it? How can I ever thank you?"
"It's nothing, really — " Harry says sheepishly.
"Nothing? You have both just given me the best gift in the world," you say with a smile. Hermione is looking at her watch again and you let go. "Go, go on. You look like you have somewhere to be."
Hermione nods, grabbing Harry's arm and they turn to run down the stairs.
"Oh, and Harry!" You call after him. He stops for a second and you give him a smile. "Come find me when you have some free time. I'm sure you have a few questions to ask."
He nods affirmatively and they run off again.
"YOU!" Snape bursts into the Astronomy Tower, looking outraged. "You — what did you do?!"
You look up innocently from your desk, watching as Snape climbs to the top of the stairs, red-faced and angry. He's out of breath — you don't know if it's because he's angry or because walking up those stairs is about the most exercise he's gotten in a decade.
Behind him, comes Fudge and Dumbledore. Fudge is huffing and puffing, and when he reaches the top he lays a hand against the wall as he breathes in and out.
"You — you did something!" Snape snaps. "How else could he have escaped?"
"How else could who have escaped?"
"Well, I'd have a hard time getting him out of Azkaban, wouldn't I?"
Snape looks like he's about to burst. A vein is popping out in his neck and his eyes are bulging.
"HE — WAS — CAUGHT — AND — NOW — HE'S — GONE — "
"Wait, he was caught?" You ask, feigning oblivion.
Fudge nods. "Yes, we had caught him perfectly well...the Dementors were going to perform the Kiss — "
You slam your book down on the table, standing up from your chair, staring Fudge down. "Do you mean to say that the Dementors' Kiss was going to performed on my husband without my knowledge?"
Fudge visibly swallows, glancing at Dumbledore helplessly, who chooses to become fixated on one of the constellations on the wall.
"Well, er...we reviewed our options and seen that — um — we didn't have the time to inform you — "
"Bullshit," you spit. "You could have easily told me, you just weren't bothered, were you? Some Minister you are."
Fudge splutters, face going red.
Snape is still shaking with fury beside him. He jabs his finger in your direction. "YOU DID IT, I KNOW YOU DID — "
"That is enough, Severus. Why, the portrait of Eloria Floria in the corridor told us that she had not left the Tower since she first entered it three hours ago," Dumbledore says calmly.
Fudge glances at his watch. "Well, I suppose there is nothing more to it than that. I'd better go and notify the Ministry of this..."
Snape is seething. Absolutely seething. He gives one fuming look in your direction, before storming down the stairs once more. It's nearly comical because it's purely silent in the Tower but for the clunking of Snape's footfalls against the stairs, his anger evident in his heavy stomps.
It reminds you of a young child throwing a tantrum.
→ all kinds of interaction are appreciated ♡
->-> read chapter twelve here!
sorry for the shortish chapter but I just really wanted to get this one out. They've finally reunited!!!
+ a big thank you to my taglist loves for all their support and kindness:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @carpe000diem @hyperspeedo
117 notes · View notes
butdaddyilovehim-hs · 9 months
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The Wedding
Y/N is stressed planning for their wedding and Harry can’t seem to do anything right.
Warnings: angst, sad ending, explicit language
Word Count: 1.2k
Y/N gazed at the bling on her finger, the stone catching in the sunlight. It had been 6 months since she had said yes and wedding planning was in full swing. Of course with Harry being CEO of one of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world, their wedding was all any of the tabloids were talking about.
Harry and Y/N. London’s power couple. There were now less than 2 months before the big day and Y/N had everything under control. Well… she thought she did. Y/N sighed and rubbed her temples as she stared at the seating chart, a massive binder beside her. A steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of her as Harry kissed the top of her head before sitting down next to her.
“Y/N. You’ve been staring at those charts for the last two hours. Why don’t you take a break?” She raised an eyebrow before taking a deep breath.
“Take a break? Are you kidding me? Our wedding is in 2 months Harry. And the seating plan still isn’t finished. I still haven’t bought my dress, you haven’t been to get a tux and we haven’t booked the flowers. We haven’t booked the flowers Harry!” He chuckled before tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“It’s going to be fine Y/N. Ok let me help. We can have our parents seated together on table 2… wait. Your mom isn’t on this list?” Y/N sighed as Harry looked up at her quizzically.
“I don’t know if I want to invite her. We still haven’t worked out all of our issues and I don’t need her coming in and running the whole show.”
“Why don’t you invite her for a visit? You need to work things out and I’m sure she would love nothing more than to be there for you on our day.” Y/N took a large sip of her coffee, shaking her head violently.
“Nope. No way Harry. I can’t deal with her right now. I’m stressed enough as it is.”
“But maybe if you tried you could-”
“I said NO Harry. Stop pushing it.” She turned her attention back to the seating chart, shutting him out completely. Harry watched her for a few moments before shaking his head and walking to the study. She’s just overwhelmed, he told himself. We’re going to be fine.
3 weeks later Y/N felt like she was drowning. She had found her dress but it was the wrong size since she had lost so much weight for the wedding. Everyone was getting on her nerves. Even Harry. Well… especially Harry. She heard the front door open then close and tore her gaze away from her planner to see Harry come in through the front door. Noticeably, without a tux. He leant down to kiss her hello, before noticing her annoyed glare.
“Everything ok hun?”
“Harry… where’s your tux?” Y/N asked coolly. His expression turned to confusion.“Y/N, what are you talking about? You told me last week to pick it up on Wednesday. It’s- he checked the date on his phone- shit. I thought it was Tuesday. Doesn’t matter, I'll just go tomorrow.” Y/N slammed her book shut before glaring at him once more.
“You can’t just “go tomorrow.” They’re closed for the next 3 weeks Harry. You won’t have time to make any adjustments if it’s wrong. God why can’t you just listen for once?!” She bit out frustrated.
Harry laughed dryly.
“Why can’t I just listen for once? Jesus Y/N, I have been listening to you for the past 6 months complain about each tiny thing that has gone wrong. Big deal. I forgot to collect it. I’ll go and get it when I can. Calm down.” Y/N stood up from the couch seething.
“Calm down? Are you fucking serious? I am so busy Harry. I have a company to run and the wedding of the year to plan. Have you seen these tabloids? I am so sick of all of them asking whether or not I’m having a baby because I seem to have ‘gained a little weight’ lately. I’m asking you to do one thing and you can’t even do that. What have you done to help me Harry? I am so sick of you.”
“Oh my god Y/N what the hell is wrong with you? It’s our wedding, it’s not the hunger games. No one is dying if it isn’t perfect. I don’t understand why you-” The doorbell rang, silencing the both of them.
Y/N stalked over to the door and wrenched it open.
“My baby!” Y/N spat out a mouthful of blonde hair as she was brought into a bone-crushing hug.
“I’ve missed you so much! And a wedding? When Harry called me last week to invite me, I just couldn’t believe it!” Y/N tugged out of the hug shooting a death glare at her fiance.
“Harry did what?” Lauren Williams beamed at her daughter, oblivious to the tension in the room.
“He invited me to the wedding honey.” She repeated patiently. Lauren moved around to give Harry a hug.
“I can’t wait to help you with everything sweetie. Have you chosen a dress? Can I see? What about flowers? Because they can be hard to-”
“Mom,” Y/N said through gritted teeth. “I just need to have a quick chat with Harry ok?”
Y/N dragged Harry to the spare bedroom down the hall to make sure Lauren couldn’t hear them.
“Ok what the fuck Harry? I specifically told you I didn’t want her here!” Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“I thought it would be better for you guys to sort out your issues before the wedding but it seems like we have some stuff to work out ourselves.” Y/N huffed before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yeah? No kidding. This is another example of you not listening. You don’t make an effort Harry and it drives me insane since I’m here fighting for this wedding. For us.” Harry snapped.
“Well if it’s so difficult for you then maybe we should call off the wedding! This clearly isn't working for us anymore! He yelled.
Y/N’s mouth snapped shut, her anger replaced with sadness. Her eyes glistened with tears and her bottom lip trembled.
“Are you… serious?” She asked quietly. “You just want to give up on us?” Because of an argument?” Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, his frustration evident.
“One argument? All we do is argue! I haven’t had a single conversation with you that hasn’t ended with one of us screaming in the last 2 weeks. I don’t know what you want from me Y/N! I’m trying. I swear to god I’m fucking trying.”
“So is that what we’re doing then? Calling it off?”
“No Y/N I didn’t mean that. I just-”
“No, you made it pretty clear what you meant.” She let the tears fall freely now, dodging around him to get through the door, grabbing her purse off the table ignoring the confused look from her mother.
“Y/N, come back! We can work this out.”
“I have to get out of here Harry.” She rushes out onto the street, tears clouding her vision, her one goal being to get to her car. She doesn’t hear Harry screaming her name until it’s too late. The car hits her just as she looks up, but she’s unconscious before she can even feel the pain.
A/N: 🫠
@lukesaprince @intimacywithceline @styleslover-1994
193 notes · View notes
narrycherries · 1 year
living in a daydream (part1)
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Harry was willing to wait as long as necessary, but you always felt so guilty when you had to leave him.
word count: 6.3k
warnings/tags: harry x reader, implied smut, fluff, mature situations, cheating/affairs, short series
As he laid on top of you, his lips peppering kisses across your face, you felt weightless and relaxed. The intense bubbling you felt moments ago in your stomach was fizzing out. Your legs finally released their tension and you let them fall against the mattress. Your hands had stopped shaking, now they were resting on his shoulder blades. You felt complete with his release deep inside of you, filling you up.
“I love you.” He whispered softly in your ear, kissing your skin.
“I love you.” You slid a hand down to the small of his back, his skin covered in a thin layer of sweat.
“Mm, are you stayin’ tonight?”
“Yeah.. Gonna stay a few days.” You pressed your lips to his jaw as he moved his head.
“Good. I’ll be out of town next week.. so I wanna spend as much time with you as possible.”
You grabbed his face gently with one hand and guided his head so you could see his face. He gave you a faint smirk before dropping his forehead against yours.
“How long?”
He hummed for a moment. “Just three days.”
“Three.” You whined.
“It was going to be a whole week.. but I decided I couldn’t go that long without seeing you.” He moved his lips onto yours, just softly pecking your mouth.
“Don’t forget.. the week after next.. he’ll be gone all week.”
He licked his lips. “I haven’t forgot. You’re spending every second with me.”
You grinned. “I better.”
“You definitely better.”
Your hand fell down from his face and you let out a deep sigh. “Cuddle me.”
He knew exactly what you wanted, so he fell down on the mattress beside you and grabbed your waist. He pulled you over onto your side and draped his arm over your body, his other sliding under your neck so he could play with your hair. There was a small space between you, but he knew you needed just a little distance. You liked to be able to catch your breath and cool off before you curled up next to him to sleep.
The sheet was the only thing covering you both. It was pulled up to your hips, hardly shielding your body. He never looked away from your face. He always admired how blissful and perfect you looked after he filled you. He kept thinking about your body and your touch, your skin against his. He bit the inside of his cheek as he remembered just minutes ago how you sunk your nails into his back and pulled your hands all the way down to his butt - marking him as yours.
You didn’t realize your eyes were closed until he mumbled something.
“Don’t go to sleep on me, baby.”
You smiled, laughing softly. “M’not.”
“Hmm?” You looked into his eyes, noticing how soft his expression was. He just looked comfortable and content like you were.
“Does.. does he still make love to you?” His voice was deep as he muttered the words out, partially afraid to know the answer.
You gulped as the thought filled your mind. Harry usually didn’t ask you specific details about your husband, only because he knew everything he needed to know. Your husband was a piece of shit when it came to being a husband. All he does is work. He doesn’t take you out, doesn’t buy you nice things, doesn’t spend time with you, doesn’t acknowledge you half the time.. Harry knew your sex life was limited with your husband, but even after all these months, he’s not really brought it up before.
“You.. you mean like..” You paused, not certain on how to say it.
“Like we do.. Do you have that kind of sex with him?”
“No.. not at all.” You mumbled. “I’ve told you that before.”
He bit down on his lip for a second. “He just fucks you, yeah?”
You let a small laugh slip out. “He doesn’t even do that.”
When Harry’s brows furrowed, you figured you’d explain. All you had ever really told him was that you don’t get taken care of in bed.
“He.. doesn’t, like, do any kind of.. foreplay.. or.. really touch me with his hands.”
“Does he go down on you?”
You shook your head. “No.. he doesn’t even look at me.. makes me sit on my hands and knees.. He told me once that.. he doesn’t like looking at me while he gets rid of his hard on.”
Harry tensed up at your words. He knew who your husband was. He’s unfortunately had to speak to him at formal events because they worked in the same field. Your husband had money, but Harry had more. That wasn’t why you were with either of them. Harry spent time talking to you one night at an event and one thing led to another in a storage room.. You’ve been unable to cut ties with him since, and had no desire to let him go. He gave you everything you wanted and needed - everything your husband didn’t do.
“I’ve told you.. you’re the only person who’s ever.. done any of that stuff to me.. He doesn’t care about how I feel.. he just wants to get off. We haven’t even done anything in, like two months, so.”
“He’s fucking stupid.” Harry smacked his lips. “If you were mine, I’d never stop fuckin’ touchin’ you.”
You sat your hand on his elbow. “I am yours, baby.”
He sighed. “You know what I mean…” He looked down at your hand that just so happened to be the one with the ring on it. You usually take it off, but you must’ve forgot.
You huffed. “I only love you, you know that.”
“I never said you didn’t, baby.” He gave you a frown. “M’just saying that.. if I were him.. I’d never stop loving on you.”
“You’re not him.. you’re my bubby.” You mumbled, scooting closer to him to hide your face against his chest.
He chuckled, arms wrapping around you. “You’re my peach, yeah? My pretty little kitten.”
You blushed heavily, certain pet names always made you tingle. “M’yours.”
“I know, you’re my baby.”
It was your last morning with Harry and you felt extremely sad. The days you spend with him were always filled with so much happiness and fun and love. Real, pure love. You hated going back home. You hated the nights when you slept basically alone. Your husband didn’t hold you the way Harry did. He didn’t cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings until you fell asleep. He didn’t do anything Harry did.
Your chest was aching as you laid on the bed, the cool air in the room nipping at your bare skin. Harry went to make you some coffee. He had been gone about ten minutes, so you expected him to return soon.
You sat up on the big bed and stretched your arms high. When your feet hit the hardwood floor you shuddered. You yawned, feeling very tired after your morning session. You gently pressed your hand against the big window.
Harry had sold his former home and was currently looking at other places in the area. For now, he was staying at an extremely nice condo. You didn’t care where he stayed as long as you could be with him. It worked out better this way, though. Whenever you were with him you would tell your husband that you were with your sister. She lived near this area.
You could hear footsteps behind you, but you didn’t move away from the window. You were admiring the view and the morning sky. Harry sat the coffee down on the nightstand and walked over to you.
His big, warm hands slid onto your waist, one continuing until he splayed it across your tummy. You were always a little hesitant about your stomach, but unlike your husband, Harry never made you feel worthless or hideous.
“Come lay down with me.” He whispered, kissing behind your ear.
“I will.” You place your hand over his, the feeling of his skin against yours caused sparks in your heart. “I.. I don’t wanna leave.”
“You don’t have to.”
You sighed heavily. “You know I have to go to that stupid thing.”
“At least we get to see each other tonight.” He licked his lips, but refrained from latching his mouth onto your skin.
He had already marked you up plenty of times since you got here, and he knew he shouldn’t put anymore. You’ll have to cover them with makeup tonight since you know your husband will want you in a dress so other people can believe you’re being treated properly - which, by your husbands definition, would be by buying expensive clothes only to wear out.
“But we can’t.. actually talk.”
He grunted. “We can talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now.” You gently whined.
“Okay, m’sorry, baby.”
You pushed his hands down and walked away from him and the window. You were extremely upset, more now than before he came back, and you wanted to cry. But you held yourself together and decided to just avoid the conversation altogether.
As you got under the thick devut, Harry grabbed a pair of underwear out of his drawer. You both went to bed naked last night, for obvious reasons, and never got dressed this morning. When he laid down behind you, you didn’t reject him as he put both arms around you, guiding you back against him.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No.” You quickly answered.
A huff came out of you and Harry instantly regretted saying anything. “Harry.”
He didn’t say anything, just started pecking your shoulder to make up for it. You also didn’t say anything else. You wanted to appreciate every moment you had left with him. You would soon be going home to your husband and preparing for a banquet. Harry would be attending it as well, but you couldn’t engage with him at all. You knew that if any suspicions came about you would be screwed.
Harry wants you to leave your husband, and you want to leave him. But things are tricky. The legal battle would be extremely exhausting and you were unsure of what you would be able to leave with, if anything. You were afraid of upsetting your husband because he can be violent at times. It’s always just yelling and him throwing things but you fear that he would hurt you. Harry knew the dangers and risks of leaving your husband, so he’s understanding of why you’re being hesitant. You were going to eventually but it would take time. Harry already assured you he’d wait forever if he had to.
“What time do you have to go?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Around 12.” You mumbled. “He told me.. the nail tech will be there at 1. He wants to make sure I look.. rich.”
Harry grunted. “M’ready to get you a fuckin’ lawyer.. m’tired of him taking you away from me.”
You smiled gently at his words, knowing that he’d do it in a heartbeat if you approved. Harry was breathing hard behind you now, annoyed at just the mention of your husband’s existence.
“If only he’d cheat on me.. I could file with no problems.”
“You can file now… I told you money isn’t the issue, baby. I can have everything covered.”
You huffed again, Harry was pressing on your buttons. “Harry, if I do.. he’ll take everything.”
“You don’t need anything from him. I’ve already got you closets full of clothes here. I can replace anything he takes.”
“I don’t want to talk about this right now.” You felt tears brimming in your eyes, so you wanted to avoid breaking down.
“Okay, okay.” He started to massage your hip, just trying to comfort you instead of annoying you.
The conversation was over now. You both hated to argument with each other and you knew that if you kept on, a fight would break out. Fighting with Harry was your least favorite thing ever. You feared that a fight would result in you losing him forever. He could easily leave and never have a thing to do with you again. He would never do that, but the possibility scared the hell out of you.
The banquet was quite boring for you to be at. This sort of thing wasn’t your cup of tea. Your husband knew that, but you were forced to come along anyways. He couldn’t attend these things without his wife on his arm, even if you literally weren’t even holding his hand. He didn’t like public displays of affection, or even private ones. As long as people saw that his wife was there to support him, then that’s all he cared about.
You were standing with a small crowd, he was talking to some men about something business related. You were technically standing behind him, not really involved with the group of people or the conversation at all. Your eyes were roaming around the large ballroom, just curiously looking at all the people.
After a few minutes of being bored out of your mind, you decided to pull out your phone and send a certain someone a text. Your husband was not aware of the phone you were using. He assumed it was just the one he bought you, but in fact it isn’t. It’s the one Harry got you so that you could talk to him without your husband finding out. He can’t legally check any phone records since he doesn’t pay the bills for the phone, so you always made sure to use this one when you went out in case you wanted to talk to Harry.
To Harry: are you here? I haven’t seen you :(
Once you sent the text, you looked up from the screen and just set your eyes on your husband’s shoulder. He was still talking on and on about the stupid investment he wanted to go in on with his colleague.
You were distracted by the faint pattern on his blazer. You didn’t even realize that a few other people had come up to your husband’s small group. You cleared your throat casually and looked down at your phone, hoping to see something from Harry. Thankfully, you did.
From Harry: I’m here darling. I see you ;)
From Harry: you look absolutely stunning baby
Immediately a heavy blush rose to your cheeks. You bit the inside of your cheek, a tingling sensation began forming in your stomach. You had just spent three entire days with him, but you still missed him so, so much. It was extremely hard to control your emotions right now, but you kept yourself content in case your husband noticed.
“I wouldn’t advise going all in on that investment, David.”
Your head shot up as an all too familiar voice filled the space. There he was, standing across from your husband in the circle of people. You were staring at him now, waiting for him to look at you. He was focused on the man beside him now, listening to his reply in the conversation.
“I appreciate your advice, gentlemen, but i know what I’m doing.” The moment your husband began to talk, everyone looked his way - including Harry.
He glanced at you, but knew he couldn’t stare at you. It would be too obvious. He looked so good in his black blazer and trousers, a soft purple colored shirt, and his curls falling perfectly on his head. He looked perfect. Your husband began talking directly to the man beside him, allowing you the opportunity to fully stare at Harry. Nobody was paying you any mind. You carefully stepped over, revealing yourself entirely to his gaze.
Harry winked at you, then let his eyes fall down your body slowly, rising up in the same pace. You felt your face flushing again. You didn’t even care if anyone saw how red you were.
“Styles, what would you say? Is fifteen percent enough equity or should I shoot for more?” When your husband directly spoke to Harry your stomach fell and twisted into knots.
They knew each other, but they didn’t work together or spend any leisure time together. They just knew of each other and spoke whenever they were in public. There was no sort of friendship or anything like that. It made you weak in the knees to hear him talk to Harry so friendly, and then to hear Harry reply just as politely was making you dizzy.
You instinctively grabbed onto his elbow, just trying to keep your balance. He looked over at you and furrowed his brows, not actually concerned about your well being. When you didn’t say anything, he looked back to Harry and the other men. Harry was talking about whatever the conversation was about, but you ignored the actual words that he was saying and just watched his face.
Once he was finished, he pulled his phone out and stepped back to silently type on the screen. You gulped gently as you witnessed him typing up what seemed to be a paragraph. Within seconds, your phone began to vibrate in your hand. You clutched it tight and held your breath, knowing you needed to wait a few minutes before checking it just in case anyone was paying you any mind. Harry rejoined the conversation.
You let go of David’s arm and decided to slip away from the crowd. A waiter was standing close by with a tray of champagne so you gladly took one and guzzled half of the glass in one sip. You finished it off in a second drink and sat the empty cup back on the tray. Finally, you felt that it was a good time to check your phone.
From Harry: are you alright darling? You looked like you were going to faint.
From Harry: I want to be with you so bad right now. Just miss your little hands all over me.
From Harry: i know a damn good divorce lawyer, doll. ;)
A smile was planted on your lips as you began to type back to his texts. Part of you wanted to speak to him in person, but it would be too odd to do so. Harry only ever spoke to you in these settings if he knew your husband was no where to be found, or if he greeted you while speaking to your husband. But, those two options weren’t available right now.
To Harry: I didn’t see you walk up.. made me nervous when i heard you
To Harry: and I miss you more, trust me.. I’m so bored. I just want to disappear.
You saw an empty table and decided to take advantage of it. A sigh of relief came from you as you sat down, pressure finally taken off your feet. They were currently trapped in tight heels.
From Harry: we can disappear, baby doll. The second floor has plenty of storage closets.
From Harry: i hate that I’m leaving in a few days. I know i can’t see you before then.. I’m going to miss you so much xx
You were well aware that your husband didn’t care what you did while you were here, as long as you were here. So, you decided to stand up from the table and walk towards the elevator. You just wanted to get away for a little while. You were already on the second floor when you took your phone out again and decided to call Harry instead of texting him.
You walked down the familiar hallway. This place was somewhere you came to often for these sorts of gatherings. You also knew that Harry co-owned the building with some other wealthy investor. That meant that you didn’t have to worry about any security camera footage ever being used against you. Harry made sure to always get rid of any evidence that happened in this building.
“Where’d you run off to?”
You sighed. “You aren’t still by him.. are you?”
He chuckled into the phone. “Silly girl. I left as soon as you did.. I figured you needed me.”
“I do. I just.. want to see you.” You closed your eyes and leaned against the wall. Your eyes were staring down at the patterned rug over the hard wood floor. “Don’t even have to kiss me.. just wanna see you.”
“Oh, I’ll kiss you, baby doll.” He said, the smirk evident in his voice. “Where are you, baby?”
“I’m by the room.” You mumbled out, knowing he’d understand what that referred to.
“Hm, okay.” He breathed out. “I’m on my way.”
It only took about two minutes for Harry to finally get to you. He immediately opened the door to the usual room you always end up being with him in and pulled you inside. You grunted when he pushed you against the door and started kissing you like he’d been gone for months. Your hands got lost in his hair and you were scratching at his scalp, trying to keep him as close as you could.
His big hands slid around your body to grasp your thick ass. He groaned as his hands kneaded your flesh through the fabric of your dress. There wasn’t any previous talk of hooking up, but you realized soon that you couldn’t resist him if it went that far.
“Baby, slow down.” You breathed out as you broke away from his lips.
You were both breathing heavily, sweat beading on his forehead. His body always got so warm when he was horny, and he easily broke out in a sweat. You sat your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his not red, swollen bottom lip.
“Fuck, I just.. miss you.” He huffed, still trying to catch his breath.
Your finger slipped between his lips, gently skimming across his front teeth. “Calm down.. m’not going anywhere.”
“Yeah, not yet.”
“Shhh, relax.”
He shook his head. “No, I.. I can’t hold back anymore. I.. i almost snatched you away from him down there.”
You smiled as he furrowed his brows, his eyes still squeezed shut as if it would all vanish if he opened them. You didn’t want to stress him out or anything, you just wanted to relax him. You pressed both hands against his chest, letting one slip up to his neck. Having you touch him there was one of his favorite things. You curled your fingers around his nape.
“We can’t be too rough with each other.. I can’t wrinkle my dress or mess up my hair.”
He grunted at you. “Fuck.”
“Just relax with me, okay? Take a minute and just breathe.. m’right here, baby.”
“I know, baby. I.. I know you’re here. That’s how i want it.. always want you with me.” He was being very sweet and you knew that he was having one of his clingy moments. You dind’t mind. “Love you so much.”
“I’m all yours while we’re in this room, Harry. Don’t worry.”
A groan came from his mouth. “I want you to always be mine, babe.”
“Please, don’t ruin this for me.. don’t.. don’t talk about this right now.” You found yourself whining back, not wanting this night to be any worse than it already had been.
“I.. I want you to go with me.. when i look at houses next weekend.” His eyes opened and met yours instantly.
“Why?” You lifted a brow.
He licked his lips, his head falling forward so his face could get lost in your curls. He was careful not to mess them up, he just wanted to smell your shampoo and feel your warmth.
“Because.. I want you to like the place I get. I want you to.. to have your own space and.. and any accommodations that you desire. I want you to love it.. because you’re going to be there a lot, and you need to enjoy it.” He explained, both hands tightly squeezing your waist.
“You.. you do?” You gently laughed, sort of surprised about that.
He smiled. “Of course, babe.”
“Okay. I can go.. next weekend.. after you come back?”
“Mhm. Saturday.”
You could feel his skin getting hotter by the second, even through the fabric of his shirt. You let a sigh and gently grabbed the lapels of his blazer, silently insisting he take it off by sight by pulling them back.
“Take this off before you sweat through your shirt.” You furrowed your brows as you looked down at his chest.
He knew just as well as you did that he always got so hot when he was horny. He didn’t need to look soaking wet when he returned to the ballroom. He grunted, but let you go so he could shake the coat off. You watched as he draped it over a random box and walked back to you, hands held out to grab you again.
You slipped your hand up his waist and under his arm, feeling the slightly damp fabric. “Relax, okay, baby?”
“M’trying.” He grumbled out, rolling his lips in as he leaned further into you, one hand falling down to squeeze your butt.
“I just don’t want you to look absolutely wrecked.” The small giggle you let out didn’t make him smile, which concerned you.
“You just look.. so fuckin’ hot in this dress.. and I want it off of you.”
“We can’t.. not this soon.”
He huffed. “After dinner? Before you go?”
When his eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but notice how blown his pupils were. He was definitely horny. The bulge in his pants you could feel against your body further proved that.
“Yeah, we can do that.” You rubbed your hand down his chest, then back up to sooth him.
He shook his head. “I.. I can’t make it three days without you.”
You curled your lips. “Baby, we’ve been apart for longer before.”
“I know but.. it’s different now. We always spend so many days at a time together.” He let out a deep breath. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Your heart was aching as you heard the disappointment in his tone. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I’ll miss you so much, angel.”
You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’ll miss you more, pumpkin.”
“Don’t call me that.. makes me wanna kiss every inch of you.” He grunted. “You’re such a sweet thing.”
“Patience, Harry.” You mumbled back, pecking over his dimple. “Let’s just talk for now.”
He gulped loud enough for you to hear, but you didn’t think you should be worried about anything. “I.. okay. About what?”
“I love this color on you. Makes your eyes sparkle.” You said, touching his chest.
“No.. they jsut do that when I’m with you.” His lips turned to a smile.
“You’re cute, hm.” You giggled. “You do look handsome.”
“I don’t look as good as you do.” He leaned back just so he could look down your body. “Blue always looks so damn good on you.”
“I know you like it.. that’s why I wore this color.” You licked your lips when his eyes darted back to yours.
“Yeah? Tryna be a little tease, hm?”
A blush rose to your cheeks. “Maybe.”
“I can’t wait til we get that whole week together.” Harry sighed heavily, trying to keep his composure. “I swear to god I’m never taking my hands off you.”
“Baby, um.. I have a question.” You sucked on your cheek for a moment.
“What is it?”
You grabbed his wrist and moved his hand further up your waist. He decided to drag you closer by sliding his arm around your back, pushing your chest against him. His face dropped to your neck and he started kissing under your ear.
“I.. I have two..” You said hesitantly. “Um.. while he’s gone.. can we do more things like.. out?”
Harry hummed for a second. “You mean like.. eating out, shopping?”
“Mhm.. just wanna.. do normal things with you.” You let out a shaky breath, already nervous about the possibility of being in public with Harry. “I love every moment with you and everything we do.. but it would be nice to not.. hide for once.”
Harry’s hand was being very possessive with your butt, which wasn’t helping his horny mood. He was listening though, despite his distraction.
“Of course. We can do whatever you want.” He held his lips against your ear lobe for a long moment. “Anything at all.”
“Okay.. good.” You felt relieved on that part.
You loved Harry, truly did, and spending time with him was always a very special and important thing for you. The time you got was limited and he always made sure you both made the best of it. So, doing different things with like eating out for dinner or going on a shopping trip, or even a walk to a coffee shop.. those were going to be extremely special to you both. He knew it was hard for you to cope with the secretary because you simply wanted to love him and let everyone know he was yours. But, things were complicated.
“What’s the other question?”
Suddenly, almost as if you lost all courage you had while thinking of the question, you became silent. Harry was letting you take a few seconds to get your words ready, but he didn’t expect you to take that long. When a minute passed, he let his other hand fall to the small of your back where he pressed hard against your body, knowing that comforted you.
“Baby doll.” He whispered against your skin, still covering it with soft kisses. He didn’t want to leave any marks or obvious red skin, just in case your husband decided to pay attention to you.
You let out a little grunt. Part of you was ready to ask and just get it over with, while the other half was clamming up - not wanting to say a peep. It was definitely something you and Harry hadn’t discussed before. Or anything you’ve talked about with anyone before. It was regarding sex. You had only ever had basic, barely worthy of being called sex, sex with your husband. You had a few hookups before then, but nothing serious. Harry was the first and only person that had ever shown you how good sex could be, how intense and passionate and romantic it could be. You were afraid of jeparodizing that by asking your question. What if it offended him? What if he didn’t want to do what you wanted to, what if it turned him off? The only way you’d know was if you asked.
“Baby.. m’not trying to rush you.. but we don’t have forever in this room. We eventually have to return downstairs.” Harry kept his face buried in your hair, but his lips were just brushing your skin now as he waited.
“I.. It’s just.. awkward.” You finally spoke.
“Nothing is awkward between us, lovey. Just ask me whatever’s on your pretty mind.”
You knew Harry would be considerate of anything you had to ask him, but that didn’t help you become any less anxious. You feared being made fun of or being ridiculed for asking such a thing. It was sometimes hard for you to realize that Harry was absolutely nothing like your husband - he wouldn’t shame you, brush you off, or mock you for anything you said or wanted to do.
You trusted him more than any other human. There was no reason to be afraid, no reason to fear because you knew nothing would actually go wrong. If anything, he’d just disagree and you could move on from it as if it never happened. So, with courage finally bubbling in your stomach again, you spoke.
“I.. I was.. wondering if.. not all the time, but like.. maybe.. sometimes.. we can.. try.. different things.”
Your eyes immediately bolted shut and you felt Harry lean up, his eyes on your blush covered face. He was slightly unsure of what you meant exactly, but he didn’t say anything rude to you. He saw how tight you were squeezing your eyes, and he knew that you were nervous.
“What do you mean by that, angel?”
You swallowed harshly, your hands shaking against his chest and hip. “I.. like..”
He reached down to his own hip and gently picked up your hand. He gave it a squeeze and held onto it, hoping to calm you down some because you were obviously upset. He figured that if you were this nervous it had to be something serious, or something that made you slightly uncomfortable. So, he used his common sense and what he knew about you and how you felt about certain things.. and finally finished your sentence for you.
“In bed?”
A nervous breath slipped past your lips and you nodded extremely softly. You let your forehead fall against his shoulder, your eyes never opening. You were trying to hold back tears and if you looked at him, you would definitely get overwhelmed and cry.
“Hey, it’s alright, sugar.” He whispered, his hand still holding onto yours. “We can try whatever you want, whenever you want.”
“It’s.. not-not.. anything.. weird.. just.. just..”
“Don’t be nervous about anything. If you want to try something we can.” He assured you again, moving your hand back onto his hip so he could grip your waist again.
You snaked both arms around his torso, wishing you could just fade into him and disappear. “What if.. you think it’s weird?”
He licked his lips, refraining from pushing his hand into your hair. “I won’t think anything is weird, honey. If you’re genuinely curious about something.. then I’m not going to make fun of you or think it’s weird. And.. you can tell me, baby. Tell me what you wanna try.”
It was hard for you to keep calm, but as the seconds passed, you were starting to feel less embarrassed. Harry was always up for anything you wanted to do outside of the bedroom. He lets you paint his nails when you’re bored, he’ll read books to you when you’re too tired to do it yourself, he’ll try any weird foods you want to cook, anything. He’s the most considerate, understanding, and supportive person you’ve ever met.
“Just.. like.. maybe.. r-rougher sometimes.. Just.. not-“ You paused, unable to express what you wanted to say.
Harry thankfully took over for you. “So.. want me to go faster? Maybe.. harder sometimes?”
You nodded instantly, glad that he was speaking and you weren’t. He bit his cheek fo a moment, but decided he had to show you he was open to anything, so he kept throwing out ideas.
“We can do whatever. I can.. be a little more mean.. or.. talk dirtier. Is that what you’re wanting to do?”
“Mhm.. and.. maybe just.. maybe.. um.. not hurt me, but.. just put your hand on my throat.. and.. just.. like you said.. dirtier.”
He was slightly taken back by how absolutely nervous you were. Sometimes you stammer over your words, but never like this. He felt really bad for you, because it was evident someone had shamed you before - or made you feel like your desires weren’t valid or serious. He felt like he owed you everything everyone else never gave you - because he loved you.
“Darling, I don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t tell me something, especially like this. If you want to do new things, then we definitely can.” He wanted to be sure you knew he was okay with it.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” He hugged you tight, feeling like he could’ve said more to you, but he didn’t want to overwhelm you with the conversation. “How long do you think we can stay in here?”
You pulled back to reach into his pocket, knowing his phone was there. You checked the time and let out a deep sigh. He didn’t like the sound of that. When your eyes met his, you both frowned.
“We should probably go back.. they’re serving dinner in twenty minutes.”
He grunted. “Do you think he’ll stay after dinner, so we can.. come back?”
You nodded. “He already told me he’s staying ‘til nine. That gives us an hour.”
“Okay. I’ll wait a bit before I go back down.” He carefully pressed his hand on your jaw, not wanting to mess up your makeup. “I love you, baby.”
His lips feel against yours and they stayed in sync for a few moments. It felt so short, but yet so long. You whined when he tore his mouth away. His hands fell from your body and he stepped back to get his blazer.
“I love you.” You sighed out, grabbing the door knob. “Do I look okay?”
He looked you up and down yet again tonight. “You look perfect. Not a hair out of place.”
You smiled sweetly, deciding not to say anything back as you opened the door and stepped into the hall. It broke your heart to leave him in that room - to leave him at all. You knew it had to be this way until you could legally solve everything. Harry was willing to wait as long as necessary, but you always felt so guilty when you had to leave him.
He treated you like a queen, like you hung the moon and stars. He was everything anyone would want in a man, in a lover - in a soulmate. You adored him, loved him. It hurt you terribly to be away from him. It hurt even more to know he was in the same building as you, but you could hardly see him.
a/n: there wasn’t a good place to stop, so I basically included 2 parts. Anyways, let me know what you think! Sorry there’s no smut, there will be in future updates! (Also, I had a oc-name in this but I removed it, ignore it if I accidentally missed it!)
taglist: @theroosterswife24 @victoriasigaard @ariiscringe @harrystylesrealwifeong @harlowsgirl @lomllover @haniaaa04
-> Comment a pink heart 💗 to be added to the taglist for this series only. See my masterlist for more links to my taglists! (Any requests prior to 12:05CST 3/2/23 will be added to the list w/out having to recomment!)
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ririglow · 2 years
make up (m) | joe burrow
pairings : joe burrow x reader
word count: 6.6k
warnings: average smut
minors dni!
Synopsis: you and joe fight but then make up with sex, the end.
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"Hey babe, have you seen my jean jacket?" You shout out from your closet as you bend down rummaging through the piles of clothes you searched which consist of both your clothes and Joe's, hoping to find the favorite piece of clothing. It was close to 6:30, and you knew your friend would arrive any second pissed at you for not being ready.
Few seconds pass without you hearing a response, which makes you roll your eyes from annoyance knowing he had the TV on full blast in your bedroom.
"Babe!" You shouted much louder, still picking through the clothes. 
You could hear the TV being put on pause before footsteps made their way to the closet. 
"Yeah? Everything okay?" Joe asked, the annoyance you had previously immediately died down once you heard the concern in his voice.
"Everything's fine, don't worry. I was just asking, ``Have you seen my jean jacket?" You stood in full height turning around to him. You watched him as he leaned on the doorway scanning your body up and down.
He let out a hum. "I think you left it in the living room." 
You snapped your fingers in realization. Of course you had, always having a knack of doing that. "Oh! Right, I forgot thanks."
You walked up to him giving him a peck on the lips, his arms circling around your waist as you did so. As you went to pull away his grip tightened keeping you in his embrace.
"Woah, where are you going with all of this on display?" He finishes his question with a smack to your ass, before fully cuffing it giving it a generous squeeze.
"Harry Styles concert, remember? I told you that yesterday." You said to him, not even surprised at him not recalling, if it doesn't have anything to do with football he's not giving it much thought.
He stayed silent for a bit like he was conflicting with something. 
"Well, I wanna go." Another eye roll came from you at his request.
"No, absolutely not." You said pulling away from his arms and walking out to collect your jacket from downstairs.
Joe trailed after you with a determined look on his face. " And why can't I?"
"Because, it's girls only. I'm not going to be the girl who brings her boyfriend." You paused scanning your eyes around the living room before you spotted the denim jacket laying on the armchair. "Also you don't even listen to Harry Styles."
You heard him sigh and dramatically fall onto the couch laying on his back with one leg on the cushion while the other hangs off it lazily. "That doesn't mean I can't enjoy the show."
"True, but the matter remains. It's Girls only." You mentioned after slipping on the jacket, before walking over to him and bending down to kiss his forehead moving away just in time for him to reach out to you, to pull you down on him.
A notification bell rang out from your pocket, catching your attention.
"And that would be Charlotte" You said, glancing down at your phone. Joe perks up, watching you hurry towards the door, however before you could make it he clears his throat really loud capturing your attention.
"You're leaving without giving me a kiss goodbye?" His tone was cheeky.
"No I am not." You retreated backwards, and proceeded to step in front him,grasping his face with both of your hands peppering his face with kisses. "Is this what you want, you big baby?"
He held on to your waist as he laughed at your excessive affection. "Yes, and a little more."
You looked down at him amusingly while shaking your head, of course he would try to get you to give into him, out in public Joe usually remain stoic which wasn't a surprise he's never been the one to be big on PDA, however when it comes down at home he's like a koala bear everywhere you go.
Peeling his hands away from your waist you shook your head. "Nope you're not getting me this time."
He laughed following behind you as you made your way through the foyer and towards the door. An impatient honk blared outside, before you turned around to say your goodbyes.
"Have fun, and stay safe." Joe said from the doorway as you stepped outside. "Call me when the concert is done!"
"Okay! Love you." You shouted running towards the parked vehicle in front of your house, you didn't need to look back and see if he's still there watching you slide into the passenger seat.
"He's going to stand there until we drive off isn't he?" Your friend Charlotte laughs, seeing Joe still standing in the doorway.
"Yup, let's go before he attempts to get into the back seat." You both laugh before she drives off honking at Joe who waved his hand. 
When you arrived at the concert, it was jam- packed in the venue. The stage's decoration was lucrative and the lighting system was so bright upon everyone, your friend led you to your section in the front row as the crowd expanded more and more. 
The lights dim and scream as Harry emerges from the stage with the opening song "Golden" you and your friend shouted the lyrics out loud.
During the middle of the show you felt a tap on your shoulder, however you thought nothing of it. It was, after all , a heavy crowd. It was only then you felt it again, which made you turn around. 
Standing there with an excited smile was your ex, he stood there in all black. 
"Hey! I knew that was you!" He went to give you a side hug, which you swiftly returned. "I see you couldn't resist seeing Harry either."
You laughed in acknowledgement, the love for Harry Styles music was one of the very rare common interests you had. Your friend turned around to see who you were talking to, her brightens once she sees who it was. It was safe to say that you and your ex left on good terms, and although you're not actually close as you were before there was still mutual respect for each other. 
The reason for your break up being, was that neither of you weren't actually in love with one another. And instead of hurting each other by forcing the relationship, you two ended things respectfully. Before you two even had gotten together, you were mutual friends through Charlotte who had introduced you two.
By all means you were never bitter towards him, which is why you kept the greeting cordial. 
"Charlotte, long time no see." Michael leaned down, giving her a hug as well.
"I seen you two weeks ago at that stupid party." She replied, rolling her eyes, before glancing to the right side of him, noticing a guy who looked quite awkward standing next to Michael, who was his friend.
You followed her gaze and sent him a friendly smile, before turning your attention back to the show. Charlotte however proceeded to inquire about Michael's friend.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend Michael?" You hear her say, without even looking at her you could tell she was making googly eyes at him.
"Yeah, James this is Charlotte, Charlotte this is James." Michael said.
From that point on Charlotte seemed to have her attention glued to James, however that didn't deteriorate your enjoyment of the show. When the show went on a small break you took that time to check your phone sending a quick message to Joe which was a simple "❤" not long after he replied with "😘" just as you were about to give him a call, you felt a new presence to your left. With a quick glance you saw that it was Michael sending you a sheepish smile.
"Sorry, I was feeling like the third wheel back there." He said, looking behind him watching his two friends flirt with each other.
"It's okay, how have you been?" You asked, not wanting to sound rude even if you didn't care.
He beamed at your question." I've been great, you remember Marta, the manager at my job?"
It took you a while before it dawned on you. "The one that always made your life a living hell?"
"Yup, that's the one. She got fired for rigging the inventories and now I took her position." He said proudly. Your eyes lit up in satisfaction, you had met that wrench woman once and it wasn't pretty. Long story short, her snobbiness didn't match well with your humility. 
"You deserve a high five." You said holding up five five fingers which he gladly retaliated, with a laugh.
"So what about you?" He asked,"I see you in the media a lot with your NFL boyfriend now, that must be great huh?"
You instantly smile at the mention of Joe. "NFL aside, he's a really really, great guy on and off the field. I'm really happy."
"That's cool, you deserve to be happy." He smiled genuinely at him.
You forgot the duration of the concert, but you were pretty sure it was at least two and half hours. For the remainder of the show Charlotte and James stayed close together, while you and Michael entertained yourselves by singing along to the songs all while you kept it casual. Just because you guys were sociable didn't deter the fact you and Michael were still exes. 
It was certain for you to keep your distance and not to go over boundaries, but that doesn't seem like it would be an issue , you were more certain that Michael felt the same way.
After the concert ended it was one hour close to midnight and Charlotte announced to everyone that she was hungry, however you weren't trying to stay out too late, yet Charlotte convinced you to join them at a 24 hour diner up the street. You knew it was her excuse to be around James, which wasn't a surprise.
Now you and Charlotte sat across the two boys laughing at the embarrassing story Michael conjured up from elementary. You all had already eaten and now everyone was indulging in their milkshakes. During the meal you and Michael kept your conversation friendly,  while Charlotte and James got closer by the minute.
By the time you got home, it was one in the morning you crept slowly upstairs knowing that Joe was fast asleep you didn't want to wake him. When you entered the bedroom reruns of spongebob was playing on tv and Joe sleeping form lay slump against the headboard with his phone in hand. Clearly he tried to wait up , you mentally awed at the sight. Quietly as you could you shut off the TV and changed into something more comfortable which was just Joe's t-shirt before slipping into the bed beside him.
Your thoughts drifted off as you closed your eyes.
Morning soon came with you being the first one to wake up, with a pearly glow in the sky, you rubbed your bleary eyes as you threw the covers off you glancing at your sleeping boyfriend who was comfortably on his stomach, today was the day Joe throws the first pitch at the Cincinnati's Red ceremony. In a little celebratory fashion you decided you were going to fix him a big breakfast, you walked inside the bathroom and did your morning routine. By the time you were finished you noticed Joe was still asleep.
When Joe woke up it was the sounds of pots along with the smell of sausage. His mind went on alert briefly once he peeked, opened his eyes, and found himself in an empty bed. Wondering if you had made it home safely, however the smell of breakfast and the sight of your phone on the nightstand, assured him that you were here safe and sound.
He hurriedly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to do his daily duties, which he did quicker than usual. When he finished in the bathroom, and in the midst of walking out the bedroom your phone made a ding emphasizing you had a text message, he thought nothing of it, however when two more dings came through based on his assumptions whoever it was seemed pretty urgent. 
Thinking nothing of it he swiped it from the nightstand, his intentions were to give it to you when he got downstairs. However nothing could prepare for what his eyes read, three new text messages from an unknown number were propped up on the screen. But despite that it was the message that caught his attention.
unknown number
hey good morning, It was nice seeing you last night :)
I had tons of fun
btw you left your jacket back at the diner, not surprising you were always forgetful Iol
Joe's eyes glowered as he read the texts over and over again trying to make sense of it all. He tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it was Charlotte, but wouldn't her name show up as the contact? Clearly it was someone else.
His once cheerful mood soon turned into unfortunate thoughts about what the hell were you doing last night. Since Joe could remember most of his life, he would say he's lived unafraid and confident, not fearing if some guy were around the corner to pique your interest. He knew that you were right where you wanted to be. But there was that vulnerable side of him that sometimes wonders if one day you'll ever sneak off to be with another man. 
By the looks of it, yesterday was that day.
Placing your phone in his pocket, he stormed out the room every step, anger was boiling by the second. How could you betray him like this? Two years down the drain line just for your selfish needs.
Once he made it downstairs he stopped before the kitchen doorway taking a deep breath, trying to compose himself. If he wanted to confront you he didn't want to just barge in shouting at you, he needed to do this right.
When he entered the kitchen his eyes immediately went to your form which was standing in front of the opened fridge as you reached for the orange juice. A quiet humming tone was coming for your lips, and he wondered how you can be so content?
"Oh! Hey," You said in surprise after you spotted Joe leering by the doorway. "I made you breakfast, your favorite actually."
His eyes flickered over to kitchen island and there sat a large plate with a western omelet, crispy hash browns, along with a side of bacon. He wanted to immediately indulge in the delicious food, and give you praise. But the texts he just read made his stomach swirl and overall just made him lose his appetite.
He made sorta of a "hmph" sound before sitting down on one of the bar stools, your shoulders slumped down feeling disheartened at his lack of excitement. Right away you notice his peppery mood, which rarely happens in the morning. Being the early bird he is, he was always in good spirits. Especially when you cook for him.
You tried to not look hurt as he solemnly picked at his food, seemingly in deep thought. Something was definitely wrong, he didn't even give you a kiss like he usually does. 
As you walked over to pour some juice in his glass, he didn't give you a single glance. Feeling concerned you place a hand on his shoulder, in which you feel him tense up before subtly shrugging it off.
Okay something is definitely wrong, you thought.
"Are you okay?" You asked, deciding to break the ice.
He sighed, dropping his fork in his place, before looking up at you with a rather serious expression which caught you by surprise. The problem he had was clearly with you. But what for ? you had no clue. Your mind went to the endless possibilities.
"Did you lose your pants again? I swear I didn't hide them this time." You joked leaning down to peck his lips, again he leaned away from you. 
Now you were becoming a little annoyed at his far off behavior, and quite frankly offended. Here you were getting the full end of his crude behavior and you didn't even know what was wrong.
"Who were you with last night?" He spoke up for the first time. 
You stared down at him in bewilderment, while he stared at you with a cold-eye glare.
"What? I was with Charlotte, we went to the concert." You said, with furrowed eyebrows.
"Anyone else?" He asked.
You pause for a moment before remembering running into Michael, and ultimately going out to eat with him and his friend. It was completely harmless on your end, but you knew if you told him he'd think otherwise. Besides it wasn't like you and Michael were going to be keeping in touch, it would be better off if last night was left alone.
"No, just me and Charlotte." A rush of guilt surpassed through you, lying was something you despised but you knew that telling the truth would have him heated, he was already quite pissed at you for whatever reason. 
But little did you know you were adding fuel to the flames.
A humorless laugh escaped from his lips, before he abruptly stood up towering over you, never did before he looked so intimidating as he does now.
"Are you seriously lying to me right now?" His voice sounded deep, like subdued thunder.
In any other situation you would've found it to be hot, and you still do, but the redness started to flood his face as the vein in his neck became prominent. He was absolutely pissed, and you were the cause of it.
"I'm not," You sounded quiet and unconvincingly, but at this point you weren't even trying to go along with your lie. He obviously knew you were around your ex, how? You don't have a single clue.
"Oh really? Then who the fuck is texting you? It sure as shit isn't Charlotte." He pulled out your phone from his pocket and slammed it on the counter.
You winced at his loud voice, before picking up your phone which now has a small crack however that didn't capture your attention. What did was the three messages displayed who you assumed was Michael. After three years he remembers your number? And why the hell did he feel the need to text you? 
"I know what this looks like, but I promise you it isn't what it seems to be." You swore, looking at him pleasingly silently begging for him to let you explain. He stayed silent, eyebrows turning into a frown. You took that as a sign to continue, and you did. " Me and Charlotte was at the concert, and it just so happens that my ex Michael-" 
"What the fuck? you were hanging out with your ex?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" His voice booming throughout the kitchen, as he took a step closer to you which in return you took one step back hip bumping into the counter.
"It wasn't like that! I didn't intend on seeing him there!" You exclaimed, realizing how really bad this looks on your part. 
You stood in front of him watching every muscle tense up in his body, his jaw clenched and unbleached looking as if he were holding himself back from roughing you up. Though you were for sure he would never lay a finger on you, the sight of him looked terrifying. 
"Is that why you gave me that girls only bullshit? Just so you can sneak around with him?" The words felt like a slap in the face, he couldn't possibly think that it was true?
"No, I was completely unaware that he was there." You shook your head looking him in the eye.
"Okay let's just say you didn't know," He rolled his eyes, clearly not believing you. " That doesn't excuse the fact that you were hanging out at a diner with him and you were going to lie about it!"
That made you inwardly wince. He let out a long sigh while turning his back to you and making his way out of the kitchen.
"I'm sorry for lying. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea, It wasn't just me and him, I was really there for Charlotte so she can hang out with his friend." You said trailing after him as he went up the stairs. Joe ignored every word you said as your rambling continued. "I didn't even want to go,but she convinced me-"
You were so into explaining that you didn't notice him stopping until he abruptly stopped in front of the bedroom door, causing you to run into his back. 
"Enough! Get the hell away from me, I can't stand the sound of your voice right now! You fucking disgust me!" He turned to face you and shouted at you. He was so close that a few drops of spit landed on your cheek, you stared up at him tearfully. 
Giving you a final glare he turned to walk into your bedroom slamming the door so hard you were surprised the hinges stayed intact. Now it was just you and your thoughts in the hallway, tears flowing down your cheeks non stop. 
Walking back downstairs was the opposite of what you felt when you first woke up, in high spirits excited for your boyfriend, now you were a walking gloom cloud feeling dejected and shameful. Part of you knew it wasn't wrong on how Joe felt, and how it looks on your end. It was completely bogus, a partner getting a text from their ex about what a fun time they had wasn't something that could be taken lightly. However another part of you wished that he'll hear you out and know that nothing out of boundaries happen between you two non sexual or physical. You barely hugged the man for God's sake!
You sat down at the head of the table, alone,  forcing yourself to eat, and swallowing back tears. You hoped that he was upstairs calming himself instead of packing up your shit for you to get the hell out. A ping notification came from your phone, it was just a reminder for the unanswered text Michael had sent. 
You stared at the texts as if it were the devil himself, wondering why he still kept your number in his phone or did he even delete it at all since you broke up. The longer you read it, the more irritated you get. It was partially his fault you were in this predicament, him texting you was completely unnecessary and over something so small that could have easily been told to Charlotte who could grab it for you.
It was like he wanted an excuse to talk to you again.
Your fingers typed a response quickly before going to his contact and blocking him.
Okay, thanks for telling me
The entirety of the morning you spent roaming downstairs, fighting the urge to go upstairs and beg for your boyfriend to just hear you one time. Joe hasn't said a word to you since he shouted in your face to leave him alone, in fact he barely even came down from upstairs the only time he did was to grab a protein shake from the fridge. He didn't bother to spare you a single glance. 
That worried you very much because now you don't know where you two stand, was he going to break up with you? Or will he continue his silent treatment until eventually he'll give you a go to explain yourself. There were grounds of hope in you for the latter to be true. It'll be all right fucked up if he ended things with you, due to misinterpretation. 
It was around 1 p.m and the weather outside was like the mood in the house, pure gloominess, you were sitting in the living room sectional as some random TV show blared in the background. You didn't pay it any mind due to your fingers moving quickly across your cracked phone screen as you text Charlotte about the eventful morning. 
You were so busy engrossed in the conversation that you hadn't heard Joe coming downstairs, until he spoke up.
"Are you not going or you wanna stay here and text your ex all day?" He said coldly, 
You looked up to find him dressed in his Cincinnati Reds baseball custom made jersey with a backward red cap that made him look even more hot than he already was. Your eyes narrowed at the sly comment as you walked right past him. 
"He'll want to hear what I have to say." You mumbled, it was a low blow and it certainly didn't add any good in the current situation. You just didn't want him to get off the hook with that sly remark.
"What did you just say?" He grabbed your bicep, halting your movement.
"Nothing, you don't wanna hear my voice remember?" You said, before ripping your arm out his grip then proceeded to head up to the bedroom and get ready.
He mumbled something you couldn't make out before walking away.
You entered the closet and fished for an outfit, it took you longer than what you expected but eventually the decision was made. When you came downstairs, to tell Joe you were ready, he was nowhere to be seen. You frantically looked around thinking he left you behind, before you peeked out the curtain and saw that his all black Porsche sat in the driveway, due to the lack of tint you could make out Joe waiting in the driver's seat.
Rolling your eyes at his petty antics, you made your way out the house walking around the car to get in.
"You could've least told me you'd be waiting out here." You said sliding in the passenger seat.
Joe let out a scoff as he drove off barley giving you time to shut the door. " And you could've at least put on a classier shirt." 
You frowned at his comment looking down at your outfit, you were wearing a simple halter top with high waisted skinny jeans and a simple black sweater was tied around your waist in case you were to get cold. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Although you had a good idea, what he meant.
"Exactly what I said, are you expecting to see your ex there as well? Maybe you two can grab a bite to eat after." His tone sounded harsh and demeaning.
Your mouth opened briefly before closing as the feeling of your throat began to tightened, the effects of his words and demeanor were coming into play. Without saying another word you turned to face the window blinking rapidly clearing any tears that were making its way through. 
The rest of the car ride was tense and silence, in the corner of your eye you'd seen Joe take multiple glances at you throughout , however you kept your head turned away, pretty sure having an ache in your neck but you didn't care what he's doing is hurtful and instead of trying to hear your explanation he's punishing you for what assumptions he's made in his head , by being a complete dickhead. 
Upon the arrival at the Great American Ballpark everyone went awestruck as they saw Joe walk through the doors, a staff member came by to issue you both a visitor sticker before heading up to the scouts box. You and Joe haven't said a word to each other during the whole journey there, he hadn't bothered to even hold your hand like he would've, instead he kept his distance ahead of you not caring how his long legs fast walked to your destination.
You both were avoiding each other majority of the time you were in the scouts box, everyone could sense the tension between you two. Joe who would normally involve you in conversation, was now talking to everyone but you. It was completely obvious where you stood with each other. You felt like a complete outcast, even when Ja'marr and Tee tried to get you in the conversation, you would only respond half-heartedly because you just knew it was out of pity. 
Eventually one of the personnel told them it was time to go on the field, you walk closely behind the trio in your own world a couple of times you'd catch Joe looking back to see if you were still there. You were falling behind, their long strides weren't a match for your short ones, Joe stopped before making his way by your side grasping your hand squeezing it generously. The act was simple yet  felt so much, it was the most affectionate thing he's done all day. 
Joe held your hand until you made it way out of the tunnel's entrance, screams erupted in the stadium as they saw the Bengals star players. Joe was talking with Tee with a huge smile on his face as he practiced his throwing motion, you stood behind him along with Zac Taylor's family with a smile admiring his excitement. He's been talking about ever since he's been invited to throw the ceremonial pitch, you didn't know a single thing about baseball but when you saw Joe throw to Zac successfully, you cheered right along with the crowd which afterwards erupted with the 'who day' mantra.
By the time the game ended you still barely said two words to each other, and now you were in the car once again with tensed silence as you looked out the window with crossed arms.
Joe stared straight ahead, his left arm stretched out guiding the wheel while his right laid comfortably on the console. Once he stopped at a red light, Joe let out a deep sigh taking a glance at you, 
"I don't understand why you're mad, it's not like you caught me hanging out with my ex all night. And catching me lying about it" He scoffed, shaking his head.
You furrowed your eyebrows." I'm mad because my boyfriend doesn't trust me."
"How can I? When you were going to lie in my face? if that text didn't exist I'd have no idea you were with your ex last night doing whatever."  He said pressing on the gas once the light turned green. 
Okay he's got a point You thought biting the inside of your cheek.
"And I apologize for that, I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea, which backfired on me." You let out a humorless chuckle at the last part. "I only want you to know nothing happened between me and him, hell I don't even know why he still has my number."
He stayed silent for a bit, before saying."You told me that it was a "girls only night" what the fuck were you doing being on a double date with your ex?" 
You flinch at his words. "It wasn't like that, joe."
"Then you come back at one in the morning!" You turned your head in his direction, wondering how the hell he could know that. "Yeah don't give me that look, I checked the cameras outside to make sure you didn't catch a ride back from him."
" And I didn't!" You frowned, shocked that he would assume you would do something so low.
"I know, otherwise you wouldn't be in this car right now." He scoffs, narrowing his eyes.
When he first spoke up you thought it would've laid a foundation of you explaining yourself once more, and ultimately making up. However that clearly wasn't the case since he was still obviously pissed.
Letting out a distress sigh you lean your head back on the headrest, closing your eyes before saying. "So now what?"
Joe hadn't bothered to say anything, going back to his silent treatment even when you arrived home. 
"How long are you going to keep this up?" You questioned with a sigh, following him into the house.
He ignores you, heading straight for the bedroom. You trailed behind him, feeling like a lost puppy in desperate need for attention. 
"Stop following me y/n." He sat on the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes. 
"Joey please, I'm sorry." You practically whined, feeling frustrated with the whole situation. 
He looks at you momentarily, before letting out a deep huff. "C'mere."
Without any hesitation, you walk over to him standing in between his open legs. 
"Don't ever lie to me, okay? Now matter how you think I'm going to react, lying is not the route to go" He told you, placing his hands on your waist giving it a squeeze.
"I won't," You shook your head, looking down in his blue eyes. 
"I'm sorry as well for earlier, I'm taking my trust in you to know that you weren't doing anything with your ex." He tells you, circling both of his arms around your waist, looking up at you biting his bottom lip. "You look beautiful in that top, too."
He looked so damn good, as you continued to stare down at him, the backwards cap still intact, a familiar look in his eyes that made you almost weak in the knees. Lifting his chin you pulled him into a deep and loving kiss, his lips warm and slightly chapped. Your lips parted allowing his tongue to slip inside, while you two were drowning in each other Joe's hands moved from your waist to your ass holding it in a firm grip. 
Joe broke the kiss to advance his kisses along your jaw, tugging you closer as he travelled his hand to the button of your jeans undoing them quickly before tugging them down your legs, followed by your underwear. Without a second thought you stepped out, kicking them aside. You also grasp your top pulling it off, freeing your breasts which Joe quickly latched on to with his mouth.
His tongue swirling over your nipple before firmly sucking his eyes met yours as he does so, knowing how much it drives you crazy. Your hands that went to his shoulders were now trailing down to his biceps for some stability. 
A shriek left your lips in surprise when you felt fingers prodding up and down on your slit, creating figures eights getting a whimper out of you in return.
"More," You said breathlessly, 
He moves his fingers faster but never slips them inside much to your dismay, he was clearly teasing you. The feel of your soaking wet folds has him groaning and his dick throbbed beneath the confines of his jeans, in desperate need of attention. 
The sound of squelching noises can be heard, when he finally thrust his finger in and out. The pressure is already building up in your abdomen, and you find yourself trying to capture it. Moving your hips along his hand, shuddering at the feel of his thumb grazing over your clit pressing down.
Cries of his name repeatedly left your mouth, feeling yourself getting closer and closer, when suddenly he pulls away.
In that moment it felt like you could cry as you whined out in protest. 
Ignoring your frustrated whines, he maneuvers you around so that your back is to him, you were confused until you heard the sound of his zipper being brought down. A shiver ran down your spine in anticipation of what's to come.
You wanted nothing more than him being fully seated inside you. 
Joe reached an arm around you pushing you back on his lap, your legs dangling over his, calves against his muscular ones as he caressed your body starting from massaging your breasts giving them a quick pinch before trailing down your inner thighs. He sighs at the feel of your skin, warm and soft with a few imperfections that to him makes you so perfect in every way.
"I love you so much, you have no idea." He mumbled against your bare shoulder, 
"I love you too, Joey." You whimper out, as his fingers went back to your bundle of nerves. Gradually building up speed, you moan out so loud, 
Enraptured by the pleasure he's giving you, it wasn't long before you actually came. Juices slipping down, no doubt soaking his jeans. His palm pressed into your throbbed clit feeling your opening pulsing around nothing, begging to be fucked.
The aftermath of your orgasm drips between his fingers, soaking them completely. 
You were so into recovering from your orgasm that you didn't have time to process when Joe lifted your hips and suddenly slammed inside you fully. 
"O-oh! Fuck!" You screamed out, he's big—so big no matter how many times you have sex nothing could make you get used to his size. You leaned your head on his shoulder, while his hands gripped your waist moving up and down.
Joe grunts feeling the tip of his dick, brush against your cervix. His hands were gripping your hips so tight, you knew bruises were already forming. He spent no time pounding on you, going at a rapid pace pouring out all his anger and frustration from earlier. 
Helplessly your hand reached out for something to hold on to, there was nothing, so you placed both of your hands on each of your breasts that were bouncing at each thrust. 
"Ahh, shit." Joe mumbles watching you touch yourself desperately. His mind only focused on fucking you into oblivion,
Your eyes rolling in the back of your head, and your mouth opening in disbelief at the fullness you feel. His hips ruts into you mercilessly, the tip hitting your g spot making you sob out pathetically. 
"J-joe wait-i can't-fuck!" You babbled stuck in between wanting him to slow down and go harder—if that was even possible.
"I know, I know just take it baby." He whispered in your ear before placing his mouth on your shoulder, biting it gently, a vein prominent on his forehead from how hard he was going, as he held you firmly in place.
He watches and listen to how lost yourself in it, incompetent sentences spewing from your lips. He absolutely loved you like this. Completely fucked out without having a mind of your own, going wild for him. He lives for the sight of you moaning and shaking on his lap.
You reached behind you curling your arm around his neck, briefly making contact with his hat that still stayed upon his head. Mesmerized at how the way your body moves against his and how well you two are joined together. 
A heavy breath blew from your lips when he took one hand from your waist quickly finding you slippery clit rubbing furiously at the sensitive flesh. You felt your self flutter against him, in awe of the pleasure being brought on you.
"Joe I'm gonna to cum!" He rubs you faster and harder while his thrusts go deeper. Joe was a sputtering mess, lips in between his teeth, sweaty strands of hair dropping his forehead, his face contorted into pleasure whenever you slammed on him. He was so close, so close.
You release around while hot spurts of cum shoot up inside you, Joe moans out your name into your ear as he comes to his release. He presses his nose against the back of your neck as he rides out his high along with your own. 
Joe lifts you up gently pulling out, as soon as you stand up you immediately feel back against his chest, he lets out a small laugh helping you regain your balance. Timidly you walked towards the bathroom leaving Joe on the bed, with each step you could feel your thighs tremble.
"Where are you going?" He called out amusingly.
"To pee," You said.
"Don't be long, we're not done." You heard him say before you closed the bathroom door.
1K notes · View notes
karahofthedawn · 9 months
-sigh- I miss you’re writing, “You Owe Us One” is one of my favorite series! Lately I came up with this idea, I hope maybe you’ll be interested in using it, where Reader is still stressing over school and pressure from her parents (like what she’d been dealing with in Part 4) and Fred’s way to make her feel better would be to bully the Harry into giving him the password to the prefects bathroom and making it all romantic for her like a huge bubble bath. Because he’s not very good with words, like George and he doesn’t always know the right thing to say, but she can’t help feel overwhelmed with love and care and just cries and they have an intimate bath? idk idk could be fun? maybe it leads to some smut…who’s to say…😂🤷‍♀️
You Owe Us One - An Apology
Fred Weasley x Reader
Ask and you shall receive!! I hope this is what you were looking for.
I do miss writing the twins, so I may start back up again.
Thanks for giving me inspiration. 💜
Words: 3.5k
Contains: smut
There you are, letter in hand trudging down the corridor to the Hufflepuff common room. This isn’t the first time you’ve received a letter of the sorts, though it has been a month or so since the last. Your eyes burn from the tears threatening to burst out of you. You have to make it back to your dorm. Everyone else would still be in classes or having lunch. Just a minute or two to break down alone would be enough to get you through the rest of the day.
Why, is all you can think as you pass by a window. The sky seems to be reflecting how you feel internally, dark heavy clouds holding back everything they have as they pass over the castle. There was no forecast of rain today, but you knew even in just a glance that it would pour.
Why does she always have to see the worst in me? Your thoughts echo as you travel past the fruit painting that leads to the kitchen. You want to reflect on the good times you had with the Weasley brothers by sneaking into the cabinets late at night to get a quick snack, but it is almost impossible with the remembrance of the letter from your mother burning at the forefront of your brain.
She always knew just how to bring you down.
“Hey,” someone calls from the far end of the hall. You take a deep breath, centering yourself before turning to the familiar voice. It was who you expected - Fred, of course. You had completely forgotten to meet him in the garden after breakfast.
“Fred,” you say sweetly. “I’m so sorry, I just - “you pause and quickly tuck the letter in your black and gold coat.
“Completely forgot about me,” he says with a broad smile, pinching your cheek as he reaches you.
You tilt your head and roll your eyes. “Forget you? That would be impossible.”
“That right?” He crosses his arms and leans towards you. “Then I guess you must have gotten lost. Gardens are on the other side of the castle.”
As much as you love to banter with him, you just didn’t have it in you. “I know, I know.” You rub the bridge of your nose as another wave of anxiety races through your body. “This just isn’t a good time right now, okay?”
You turn to leave, but Fred steps in front of you. “What, are you going off to snog one of those Hufflepuff boys?” He challenges with a raise of an eyebrow.
He was kidding, you know this, but just the thought of trying to defend yourself against such a silly notion almost sends you over the edge. “Fred, please.”
“I’m just playing with-”
“I can’t right now,” you say sternly and push past him. You tap and open the Hufflepuff door and immediately slip in without a word.
Fred watches you with a puzzled expression as you disappear behind the barrels. Laying on the floor was a folded piece of parchment that fell from your coat as you rushed off. Fred kneels down and takes it delicately between his fingers.
“You must be the culprit,” he says to himself while eyeing your mother’s name.
—-------- Later that afternoon—----------
George slams the paper down on the table, causing the rest of the Gryffindors to jump and stare at the twins reproachfully. His face was as red as a phoenix as he recounted what he read in the letter. “And this is- this is her own mother?”
“Yeah, quite messed up, isn’t it?” Fred responds solemnly.
“To say the least,” he huffs and squints at the words in front of him again, still trying to take in how unbelievably cruel they were. “Useless? Pathetic? A disgrace to their lineage?”
Fred quickly snatches the page from his brother and tucks it in his back pocket. “I know what it says, you don’t have to tell the whole castle.”
“Sorry,” he sighs and leans back on the chair. “I can’t stand this woman. Our mother -”
“Our mother would never,” Fred finishes for him. “I know, and I made some stupid joke about her snogging someone else.”
George continues to stare down at the table where the letter used to be. “You didn’t know, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m sure Y/N will understand.”
“Right,” he says while pulling at the sleeves of his undershirt. “But I’ve been thinking that I should make it up to her.” Fred felt a ton of guilt, and the truth was that he wasn’t entirely sure if she even wanted him to read that letter in the first place. So what if him bringing it up just made her feel worse, to know that others know how her own mother treats her?
“How do you intend to do that?” George tilts his head back to look at his brother. “Another trip to the Room of Requirement?”
“No,” Fred says simply. “I was thinking something different.”
George lifts his brows and kicks his feet up on the table. “Well that’s a first from you.”
“You can’t possibly believe that’s all I want from Y/N,” he snaps back, which makes his brother drop his smug expression. “I have something in mind, I just need -” his words are cut off as he notices his younger brother Ron and his friends enter the common room. A smirk slowly stretches across his face and he beelines towards them.
“Ron, really, I can’t keep looking over all of your work,” a frustrated Hermione hisses at Ron who pretends to not hear her. She takes the roll of parchment and forces it into Harry’s hand.
“I don’t know anything about this,” Harry spouts and tries to hand it back to her.
“I don’t care, and frankly you two should have been doing your own work years ago!”
“Oh, come off it,” Ron snaps. “It’s only a few paragraphs and I’ve already written it. You know I’m terrible at grammar and all that.”
“Even more reason for you to do this yourself,” she says smugly. “As a prefect-”
Harry stands in the middle of the two as they continue to bicker. He did what he learned from the Dursley’s, completely dissociating until they wear themselves out.
“Just who I wanted to see,” Fred announces as he snakes his arm around his brother’s flaming red neck.
“Not right now,” Ron grunts and tries to push Fred off of him. It was no use though, as his grip just tightened even more around his neck.
“This is urgent, so yes, right now.” He tugs him forward, sending Ron off the hilt and into a chair.
“Urgent?” Hermione asks while scanning his hands for some kind of new invention. They had gone toe to toe over them not testing on first years enough times, that she always assumes it’s something to do with that now.
“Yes, for Y/N,” he admits, which makes her shoulders drop immediately.
Hermione perks up, “is she alright?”
“I mean physically, yes.” Fred scowls down at his younger brother and his messy copper hair. “I just need, well, a favor.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Ron scoffs and crosses his arms. “What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing much,” he says nonchalantly before dropping down to his level. “Just the password to the Prefect bathroom.”
“That’s it?” Harry asks as he finally starts to listen again.
“That’s it!” Fred exclaims. “I just need the password and then I can be on my way.”
“No,” Ron says bluntly. 
Fred’s smile drops. “No?”
“No,” Ron reiterates with an even harsher tone. “I don’t know what weird prank you have planned, but I actually like that bathroom thank you very much.”
Fred takes a breath to calm himself. “It’s not for a prank.”
Ron waves his hand dramatically. “Well whatever plan you have in your head, I want no part of it.”
Hermione steps in before Fred can reply. “You said it has something to do with Y/N?”
He nods as he runs his hand through his long red hair in frustration. “I really don’t want to say what it is. Why can’t you just trust me?”
Ron rolls his eyes. “What are you mental? I can answer that with a million different reasons-”
“I’ll give it to you,” Hermione pipes up and places hand on Ron’s shoulder. “If it’s something for her, then I trust your intentions.” She had seen how protective the Weasley brothers were over Y/N. Whatever he had planned, her gut knew that it was important to him.
Fred nods and lets out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t about to beg, but digging up blackmail on Ron would have taken up time he didn’t have.
“Thanks,” he says simply while looking at Hermione. “You always were my favorite of Ron’s friends.”
Harry’s mouth goes slack. Hermione beams.
------- Later that evening---------------
A screech wakes you up from a nap, making you sit up in bed at once. You rub at your eyes until the blurred circle at the edge of your bed comes into view. An owl - a small brown one with large golden eyes. Tied to its legs is a letter. Even at a distance you can see that it is addressed to you. Your heart drops, your mother never sent two letters in one day. Though, she wouldn’t use any other owl but her own.
You reach out and untie it quickly, hoping to solve the mystery of the sender before it sends another wave of anxiety. Your fingers trail over the letters, they didn’t look familiar to you at all. It was written sloppily with black ink and off center. You turn the back and slip your nail under the crease to open it.
I’m sorry for the stupid joke I made earlier. I know there’s no boy in Hufflepuff that can compete with me.
Your smile falters when you remember how cold you were with Fred. What he said was something he didn’t need to apologize for.
Meet me in the Prefect bathroom at 1am. The password is ‘Pine Fresh’.
You have no idea what to expect from Fred, but the idea of being alone with him sends your heart on a rocket to the moon. You just hope that your low mood doesn’t sway him off of whatever he has planned.
—------------- 1AM—---------------
The time moved so quickly that the next thing you knew, you were already at the Prefect bathroom. You stare at the door, not entirely sure how to open it. You clear your throat and softly whisper the password that was written on the letter. The large wooden doors slowly swing open and reveal the massive bathroom behind it.
The moon peeks through the large pane window and glides across the ripples of water from the giant bath in the middle. It must have just been freshly filled, as the steam was rolling off the top and into the dark. You step forward and the doors shut behind you. The soft lapping of water can be heard against the marble siding of the tub. Large sculptures and paintings line the room, giving it an ethereal feeling that you’ve never experienced before.
That’s when you spot a silhouette at the corner of the bath. The moon’s rays capture Fred’s copper hair laying delicately on his broad freckled shoulders as he turns his head to you. He snaps his fingers and small objects begin floating around the water, some hovering right over - others keeping still at the edges. He spoke softly and objects revealed themselves to be candles, just like the ones you once saw in the Room of Requirement. You gasp as you are able to finally see the rest of the scenery. Flower pedals are strewn across the floor and dancing across the top of the water. It smells of roses and lilies, your two favorite scents.
“You made it,” he says with a smile.
“Of course I did,” you laugh as your eyes wander around the marble walls. “What’s this all about?”
Fred lifts his feet from the water and walks towards you with his arms outstretched. “What, I can’t do something nice for my girlfriend?”
Your heart jumps hearing him say the word, ‘girlfriend’. You still haven’t gotten used to that yet. “No, that’s not it,” you say shyly while letting him envelope you. His bare chest is warm against your cheek as he runs his fingers through your hair.
Fred pulls back and kisses your forehead. “Come on,” he whispers. “Let’s get undressed and take a little dip.”
“Okay,” you say breathily as he turns and slips off his pants. You remove your clothes one by one, folding them as you go and laying them by the stairs that lead to the tub. Instinctively you hold your arms over your breasts as you get to the water’s edge. Fred holds out his hand to take yours then guides you into the tub.
The water was at a perfect temperature and the floral scents immediately greeted you at once. Your hair floats over the top as you get to the deeper part where Fred stands waiting. He pulls you in and brushes the wet strands from your forehead. There was something different about his expression that you just couldn’t place.
“What is it?” You ask as you reach up to stroke his face with the back of your hand.
“Nothing,” he says with a strained tone. His copper irises reflect a candle that passes behind you, and he furrows his brows. “I just, I wanted to tell you -” His pupils dart away as he perpetually begins shifting his body more. “I think that you’re amazing.”
“Oh,” you say with large eyes and a rose tint reaching your cheeks. “I think you are too, Fred.”
He licks his lips, his face moving closer to yours. He was concentrating on exactly what words he needed to use to express exactly how he felt. “And if anyone tells you otherwise, you should ignore them.”
You crease your brows together, as you’re trying to understand where this is coming from. Fred was never the type to give these types of speeches.
“Even if it’s a teacher, or a slytherin, or.. Even a parent,” he drifts off as he sees your expression change, this time to complete shock.
“The letter,” you mutter while backing up. “How did you know?”
“You dropped it,” he answers quickly. “It’s awful -”
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” you squeak out and fall back onto a step, and land with your head just above water. You were able to forget, even just for an hour, and here it was being shoved in your face yet again. It wasn’t just the old wounds reopening, but you are also deeply embarrassed.
“I know,” he admits and kneels in front of you. “Please, Y/N, I didn’t want to upset you. I read it and I just, I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“Well,” you rub at your face with your palms. “I’m not! Okay?” You feel yourself falling back into shambles as the memories of your mother’s words come back to you, engraving in your brain as they were on the paper.
“O-okay,” Fred stammers and sits to the side of you. He glances between the moon and your red face. He was never good at these things, but he was going to try his best. “I don’t think anyone would really be okay after that.”
You shake your head and collapse against him. “You don’t know what it’s like,” you sob out. The seal of control has been broken, and now there was no stopping the tears. “No matter what I do, I’m never enough.”
Fred’s warm fingers trail from the base of your neck and tangle in your wet hair. He pulls you against the crook of his neck as you slowly fall apart.
“I get good grades. I never get in trouble. I do everything right but I will always be the worst to her.” Your eyes well so many tears that the scene around you goes blurry. “What am I supposed to do?”
There is a lump in Fred’s throat as you speak. He can feel how raw and visceral your pain is. If there was one spell he knew that would lift the pain from inside your chest, he would have sold his soul right then and there to make that happen for you. “I think,” he says softly, pulling your face back so he can look you directly in the eyes. “You should start living for yourself and say fuck all to her.” He holds your chin gingerly with his fingers. “They are going to regret doubting you, Y/N. You are an amazing witch and a wonderful person.” His thumbs catch your tears on your cheek. “And if you ever forget how special you are, then I will be here to remind you.”
Just like that, the dam finally fully opens and you wrap your arms around his neck sobbing. Never in your life have you felt so emotionally vulnerable, and you thank Merlin that it is with Fred. You stay wrapped up in his arms for what felt like an eternity as you let out every emotion that you’ve held back for years. He remains silent and holds you tightly against his chest until your sobs slow, and your breathing goes from spastic to rhythmic.
The world finally comes back to you after the surge of intensity passes. You realize that not only is the room quiet, but so is your head. That nagging self hatred has lulled itself back into the deep recesses of your mind for now.
You sit up and look into Fred’s face. He grins at you as his eyes flick back and forth, trying to read your expression. “Thank you,” you say hoarsely. Then without any hesitation you add, “I love you, Fred.”
Fred’s mouth goes slack and he pulls you into a hug. You wrap your legs around his waist and perch yourself on his lap as he looks dumbstruck up at you. “I love you too, Y/N.” Those words leaving his mouth felt other worldly, but he knew there was nobody else on earth who deserved them more than you.
Hearing him say it back lit a fire inside of you. You meet his lips with yours, and he immediately grabs you by the hips and matches your energy. Just like that, the pain was gone and was replaced with passion. Your tongues dance as he guides the edge of your cunt onto his erection. You gasp and dig your nails into his shoulders as you press down on him.
He grabs a fist full of your hair and pulls your head back as your walls finally accept him fully. You moan his name as his cock pulsates deep inside of you, his hips staying pressed against yours. His fingers dig into your sides as you begin riding him slowly. 
The water didn’t help the lubrication as much as you would have thought. If anything, it made him feel bigger than ever. You do your best to relax your muscles as you continue to move up and down on his shaft, but that’s quickly made more challenging as his fingers find your clit. 
Fred licks his lips hungrily as he watches you with dinner plate pupils. “Keep going, you’re doing so fucking good,” he says in a low growling voice.
You do as you're told, even though your legs begin shaking violently as an orgasm approaches. “Fred,” you groan and roll your head back. “Please, I’m going - going to-”
He laughs through a moan and begins thrusting from underneath you. “Go ahead, darling. Cum for me.”
You cry out as another thrust sends you right over the edge. You crumble against him as he continues to use your body. The water splashes and spills over the marble walls of the bath as he increases his speed. He holds your neck tight, but not enough to cut off oxygen, so that he could watch your face as he cums. You feel his hips shudder and he pushes you down hard against his lap.
“Fuck!” He yells out and pulls you into a kiss by your neck.
You squirm against him as he fills you to the brim, leaving you shaking and helpless against his chest. He rolls his head back and releases the tension on your neck and side. “Merlin’s beard, how are you this good every time?”
You laugh and then whimper as he pulls himself out of you. “I swear, our bodies are made for each other.”
He kisses the top of your head and combs through your hair. “Georgie and I really have the best girlfriend out there,” he laughs. “Fuck.”
You never understood what they saw in you, but every day you’re starting to believe them more and more. Besides, he was right, you were going to start living for yourself. Who cares what your mom thinks anymore. You’re a legal adult and don’t have to follow any of those self esteem killing rules any longer.
You just hope, more than anything, that Fred and George will continue to stand by your side every day.
You wrap your arms around Fred’s chest and breathe out. “This is the best apology I’ve ever gotten.”
Fred smirks and stares up at the statues among the ceiling. “And it’s the best one I’ve ever given.”
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legally-lupin · 1 year
Collide-Prof! Remus Lupin X Student Fem! Reader
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Warnings: minor smut nothing too drastic.
Reader is of age!- Remus never left Hogwarts after the incident in 3rd year.
(I’m a slut for prof lupin )
You sat in the great hall next to Hermione for breakfast. You plonked snapes assignment that was due today onto the table and got to work with a piece of toast in your mouth.
“Why are you doing it now?” Ron asked with a mouthful of food. You scrunched your nose at him
“First of all don’t talk with your mouth open I can see everything you’ve eaten and second I forgot to do it last night. I had detention with Snape and completely forgot.” You huffed rushing through the paragraphs
“Oooh y/n you’ve got an admirer” Hermione giggled looking at her friend's confused face
“What do you mea… oh” you looked around till her eyes landed on the teacher's table to see professor lupin looking at you with a subtle smile on his face. Y/n blushed slightly but continued with her assignment
“He hasn’t stopped staring at you since that day at the burrow” Harry smirked at his friend who just shrugged her shoulders. Mind is too focused on not getting yet another detention with Snape.
That night at the burrow. You were staying with the Weasleys for a few days before school started again. You were all outside watching the boys play quidditch when someone apparated into the field. It was Remus lupin. He watched as George lifted you up in victory spinning you around whilst his twin looked gutted. He thought you two were dating as you were so touchy with each other.
“You did it!” He heard you giggle as he walked into the burrow to greet molly.
The crowd of teens unaware of Remus’s presence barged into the room George still carrying you with a big smile on his face.
“Mum, did you see me win? You should have seen Fred’s face-“ all eyes turned to Remus. He stood up from his tea and greeted everyone. His eyes stayed on yours a little longer eyeing you up and down. You blushed and buried your head into George’s neck. Remus looked at the way George carried you. a wave of jealousy crossed his mind before speaking up.
“Good evening all. Hope you’ve had a great summer so far” he received a bunch of positive responses from the group
“Remus is joining us for dinner so go get dressed and for god's sake shower boys!” she waved her children out. George placed you on the floor
“That’s the smell of VICTORY MOTHER!” He boomed before kissing your cheek and running upstairs to get dressed
Hermione looked at you smirking and you just smiled
“George is so into you. And you're definitely into him” you blushed before pushing the girl jokingly. At the dinner table, Remus kept staring at you. Hermione was the one who nudged your foot and gave you the look. Your eyes locked with his. Why was he smirking?
Flashback over:
You all had DADA that morning and you were nervous, to say the least as the four of you walked into the class. You sat with Hermione and got your books out. You rested your chin on your hand whilst you waited.
“Good morning class” Remus's voice boomed through the class making you jump. A hand landed on your shoulder
“Sorry for the freight miss l/n. Today's lesson is going to be a bit different. You are going to be catching up on some assignments. I understand professor Snape has one due today. Has anyone not finished it?” Remus looked around as many hands including your own went up
“Ah, I see. Get to it then. I will be here if you need help” he looked at you after that last sentence and sat at the front probably marking essays.
You sighed in your seat as you finished it off. You noticed lupin looking at your legs and you realised your skirt was a bit too short. You blushed and pushed it down making the professor clear his throat.
“Miss l/n a word please?” You shyly got up and followed your teacher to his office. Giving Hermione a help me look which got blanked.
“Sorry professor Did I do something-“ you were cut off by his lips on yours. You stood in shock before melting into his arms and kissing him back.
“Did you wear that to get my attention love?” He growled in your ear nibbling at your neck. Your hands weaved into his hair making him grunt in pleasure l.
“Cause you’ve surely got it.” He growled you felt your knees get weak at his words. Your lips connected and A warmth formed in between your legs as he lifted your leg over his waist
“Professor lupin?” A voice called out making you both quickly pull away
“Come to my office after hours” he gives you one more kiss before fixing himself up and walking out leaving you shocked. And also hot and bothered
A/n: I love lupin sm. sorry for not posting for a while
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Look what I found! CJ’s lost and everyone’s panicking! (and it’s a great excuse to shove Sea Three on the Isle of the Doomed a bit if I ever continue writing)
„Uma!“ the doors fly open as Harry barges into the Chipp Shoppe, his voice just at the verge of breaking, „Uma–“
She sets down whatever pitiful excuse for a meal she was carrying and snarls at the customer that would complain it was not his order, as if she ever cared. Especially now, can’t he see?
She takes barely two steps towards her first mate before he is standing in front of her, wringing his hook in his hands as his eyes shine in distress.
„I can’t find CJ–“ he has the good decency not to shout for all restaurant to hear, though gods know how long that’s gonna last, and she doesn’t need him causing a scene in the open. So she silences him with but a gesture – his jaw clicks audibly into place – and leads him outside, only pausing to ask Desiree to cover her shift for a bit. She doesn’t have anything better to do anyway.
Within moments, they stand in an alley behind the restaurant, dark and damp and entirely unpleasant, but with the Lost Revenge emblem shining brightly on one wall. It’s awful and even downright nasty in there, but it’s home.
And so Uma turns around to face her first mate once more, this time with less nosy audience at least.
„What’s wrong?“ she asks.
He answers just as before („I can’t find CJ…“) and squeezes his hook in all the wrong ways. Uma gently peels away his fingers from the sharp weapon and quickly checks if he didn’t manage to injure himself yet; then she squeezes his hand in her own and doesn’t let go. (No one is watching.)
„I can’t find her anywhere, I’ve looked everywhere, I swear, and it has been too long already and Harriet hasn’t seen her either and Freddie Facilier is also missing–“
Uma doesn’t know how to answer, though she knows CJ went missing, of course. So she only holds his hand and draws circles on his skin and hums so he’d tell her more.
„I’ve looked everywhere, Uma!“ His voice rises and when she looks up at him, she sees that his irises are bleeding red.
„I can’t stand it, what if something happened to her? What if something happened to her, Uma?“
„She is fine, your sister is crafty, Harry, I can’t imagine anything what could take her <i> and </i> Freddie. She is alright, she is just hiding somewhere because she feels like it. Maybe she just forgot how time works again, it wouldn’t be the first time…“
„No, Uma, no–“ he cries out, „What if she went to the Isle of the Doomed?“
„The what?“
„Isle of the Doomed!“
„I don’t know what that is, Harry,“ Uma must control her voice so she doesn’t yell at him impatiently, she wouldn’t help things at all.
„Tell me what that is.“
It takes her a moment to piece together what he is rambling about, even as he clearly tries to be as coherent as possible, which is not saying much right now. But it is enough: He just heard about the Isle from Dizzy Tremaine, of all people, and she heard from Celia Facilier – yeah, Uma lost the thread there a bit.
Nevertheless, Harry is convinced that his little sister heard of the forbidden island and immediately decided to go take a look, which, yes, it does sound like her. And it could be very plausible to get stuck on that horrible place with no way out, wouldn’t it now? And what if something happened to her?
„Hey,“ Uma interrupts him, „We’re gonna check, okay? We’re gonna check and find her, if she’s there.“
„What if she isn’t?“
Uma doesn’t know how to answer, and he doesn’t ask again; they stand in silence for a moment.
„We’re gonna check first,“ says Uma finally. If anything, searching is better than doing nothing, everything is better than uncertainty.
„We sail as soon as the crew is ready.“
He nods once and flickers his eyes around the alley, looking if they’re still alone, though who would dare interrupt them?
Finding it satisfactory, he leans in for a hug, which Uma is all too happy to reciprocate. His arms close around her and her fingers slip into his hair just for a moment. They just hold each other for several long breaths, until Uma leans away:
„Go get the crew ready, Harry,“ she tells him. His lips split in a parody of a smile as he says „aye,“ and cocks his head a bit; then he lets go of her and stalks away, fast and heavy steps, hook at the ready, clear purpose in mind. Good.
When she walks into the restaurant, Harry is already at the center, at the little podium. His hook in his hand, the red cloak flaring, and eyes burning with fire.
„Come on, you wharf rats, to the ship.“ 
He makes a rather fearsome image, doesn't he? Her first mate.
„We sail soon, on the Captain's orders-“ 
Uma nods at her crewmates who look at her for reassurance.
„-And I want the ship ready in thirty minutes, so move, move, everyone!“
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enthusiasticharry · 10 months
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: fifth chapter! again, this has taken so long but work (again) has been kicking my arse but i finally have finished it and it's ready for you. this chapter starts off so cute but ends a little less cute (i'm sorry in advance) and i would love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions so pls come and chat to me about it!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, talk of rehab, drug overdose and slight relapse, harry being a cutie and an annoying fucking journalist who messes everything up.
𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟒 here
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Los Angeles, Summer 1974
“We don’t need a bridge in every song, YN,” Harry sighs, his fingers coming to rest on the bridge of his nose.
“I know that Harry, but I’m just saying that this one could,” YN sighs, pacing up and down in the small studio room that had become their second home over the past few months.
The problem that YN and Harry encountered very quickly as they began writing was that they were both very good at their craft and very opinionated people when it came to writing songs. This, therefore, meant that every so there would be a tiff between them every so often about one thing or another. They were easily rectified though, an argument, a conversation and then makeup sex in a corner of the studio that they had found in a prior one of their tiffs.
“But why? We could easily do a third verse and then go straight back into the chorus,” Harry had his hand over his eyes at this point. He was tired, they both were, and they were both getting more and more stressed as the days went on.
YN sighed and walked over to him. Without even thinking she pulled his hands away from his eyes and dropped down on his lap, placing his hands on her waist so that she could see him. She ran her fingers down the side of his face, the man below her immediately relaxing into her touch.
“Hey,” YN dropped both of her palms down onto his cheeks, mainly to make him look at her but also because she likes the feeling of his stubble beneath her palms, “It’s okay, we can take a break.”
Harry sighed and shook his head, pouting slightly as he did so, “We both know we don’t have time for a break.”
YN shook her head with a roll of her eyes, “We can take a break if we want to take a break.”
“I just want to finish this song today,” He leans forward so that his head is resting on her chest, and so that he can wrap his arms tighter around her, “If we finish this today then we’ll be in front before the journalist comes tomorrow.”
YN sighs and drops her own head on top of Harry’s. She had completely forgotten that tomorrow would be the day that their safe space would be infiltrated by the press. They had been asked and warned about when the Rolling Stone journalist would be coming to do the piece on Harry tomorrow, but YN just forgot that it would be so soon – they were still in their bubble.
“Okay,” She clambers off Harry’s lap, starting to pace up and down the room, with her finger resting on her lip, “I’m thinking.”
Harry leaned back on the sofa, running his hand through his hair before placing his arm on the back of the sofa. Whilst YN paced, his eyes never left her. He was in complete awe of her. Just seeing her do her magic in her head, working on music with him. He wanted to see this every day for the rest of his life.
“How about we go back to the chorus, yeah?” YN says, arms open in front of her as she finally stops pacing, “So we’ve just finished lower and slower Give me all of your love give me something to dream about, how about we go back to Living in a Daydream/ Living in a daydream, but drums and bass kick in, and it’s louder.”
Harry closes his eyes and shakes his head before standing up, his face beaming a grin as he wraps his arms around her, hoisting her up so that her legs were around his waist.
“Baby you’re a fucking genius,” He leans forward to place kisses all over her face and lips, causing her to giggle, “I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”
YN’s lips parted in shock, and she tapped Harry on the chest lightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. It didn’t take long for YN to place her lips on Harry’s, her fingers tugging on the curls at the nape of his neck.
“You know,” YN mutters against his lips, pulling away slightly before they got too carried away, “We’re going to have to be on our best behaviour when the journalist arrives tomorrow.”
“Uh,” Harry pulls away, pursing his lips, “I don’t know what this ‘we’ is, I think it’s you that will have to be on your best behaviour.”
YN shakes her head, “Says the man that can’t keep his hands off me.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” He shakes his head, “I am perfectly able to keep my hands off you.”
YN wasn’t expecting to have a near-death experience today but when Harry let go of her, allowing her to fall down a little bit before he grabbed her again. She stared at him with wide eyes whilst he beamed with laughter looking down at her. Unwrapping her legs from him, she forced his hands off her so that she was standing on solid ground again.
“Not cool,” She blew out air from her lips, “So not cool, and after I’ve just helped you with your song as well.”
“No, baby, come on,” He stalks after her as she makes her way towards the sofa again, “Don’t be mad, baby.”
Without a single hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her, spinning her around so that she could fall on the sofa on her back, and he could hover above her.
“I’m not mad,” She shook her head, allowing her fingers to wrap around his curls again, “Because you have just proven my point exactly.”
“What can I say?” He shrugs, his eyes never leaving hers, “I’m obsessed with you, and I can’t be away from you.”
Without a single hesitation, YN leant forward and placed her lips on his. It had been a few months since that night in the camper when their relationship had really solidified into what it was today. Every time YN saw the camper sitting in Harry’s driveway her stomach twisted. Even though time had passed, and they had made an abundance more memories since that day, it was still one of her favourites.
There were other things that always felt too good to be true when she was with Harry, and how playful he had been with her a few moments ago was one of them. The fact that he used the word obsessed to talk about her, has her stomach twisting and her head up in the clouds.
“What do you say to one more secret rendezvous before we have to be professional musicians,” YN mumbles against his lips, her hands coming to rest on the collar of his shirt, fingers itching towards the button.
Harry beamed another grin at her, “I like the way you’re thinking, but we’ll have to be quick. Jeff’s coming by later.”
“We can be quick,” She shrugs, moving her hands down to where his shirt was tucked into his trousers, “Or Jeff can get an eyeful of your ass… again.”
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“YN, we have to find at least one song that I can get some horns in, or I just won’t speak to you ever again,” Harry shrugs as they walk through the door of the studio.
YN can’t help but roll her eyes at how dramatic Harry is. They were hand in hand, walking into the studio that they had booked for God knows how long, their perspective guitars in their free hands. It was currently nine in the morning, and the two of them had woken up at seven-thirty so by YN’s calculations that means that she had been listening to Harry go on and on for an hour and a half already about these fucking horns.
The door had just slammed behind them when YN stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Harry, “It’s nine in the morning, I haven’t had my coffee and cigarette yet and I can’t listen to one more word about these fucking horns. If you don’t mention them for the rest of the day, I will give you anything you want.”
“Anything?” Harry raises his eyebrow at that.
“Anything.” YN was at her wit's end.
Harry contemplates for a second before nodding and holding his hand out for her, “Deal.”
“Thank fuck.”
A clearing of a throat shook them out of the little conversation that they had going on. They both turned to see Jeff and a man that they didn’t recognise standing in the middle of the room, obviously in their own conversation before they were interrupted by their little squabble.
“Harry, YN, this is Christopher Thomas,” Jeff introduced the two of them to the stranger in the room. Both of them dropped each other’s hand to shake Christopher’s, “He’s the Stones’ writer that’s going to be spending the week with the two of you.”
“Oh,” Christopher speaks up, “We’re only writing the article about Harry.”
“I know that. We all know that” YN’s the first to speak up, “But I’m part of the furniture here now.”
“Oh, cool,” YN had a slight suspicion that he didn’t quite understand, but he would soon, “Well, just pretend that I’m not here, and I’ll just butt in if I have any questions.”
“Perfect,” and with that, YN immediately sprang into action.
Harry had many different versions of YN that he enjoyed – but studio and writing YN were always his favourites. It’s when Harry truly saw YN and everything that sparked joy in her. The way she was constantly bopping her head, tapping her finger when she had a melody in her head or even the way she chewed the end of her pencil when a lyric was trapped, and she needed that little bit of willpower to get it out.
The first item on the list today was to record the vocals for Daydreaming which was the song that they had finished last night and shown to Jeff. Luckily, they had finished their more X-rated activity before Jeff had arrived, meaning that he hadn’t had an eyeful of Harry’s ass again which was a plus in their book.
Whilst Harry was recording, YN usually sat in the recording booth with Keith, the producer, and usually scribbled down ideas for her own songs, and made comments here and there about something that Harry was doing that she thought he could change.
The band had recorded their parts last night when they had sorted it out, with Harry singing just to keep the timing but today was when they are properly recording. Every time they write and record a new song for Harry’s album, she says it's her favourite. That hadn’t changed for this one, but it was just so fun that YN truly did love it.
Harry was talking to Keith in between takes, and YN was scribbling some lyrics down in her book that had been circling in her head when she could feel some eyes boring into the side of her. She looked first through her peripheral vision to see Christopher sitting to the side of her and then looked at him to see that he was looking directly at her.
“Can I help you?” She asked, her eyes wide as she asked.
“So, you and Harry have written all of the songs together so far?” YN loved the press; YN loved the press.
“Pretty much,” She nods, with a small smile on her features, “He’d have an idea and I’d help flush it out, or vice versa. But every song we worked on together.”
“What about you? Have you both worked on songs for your album? That is assuming that you’re making one.” He asked. The pen and paper were making her uncomfortable now, especially with his scrawl that was the loudest thing she’d ever heard it seemed.
“A few,” She shrugged, tapping her own pen to her paper now, “But I don’t have a deadline, and Harry does.”
He seemed happy with that response and stopped the questions for now. Harry had started singing again and instead, she could smile, and watch as he sang his heart out and made her proud. There was just something about the two of them in a studio together, doing what they loved that just couldn’t be any better.
It was a place where they could grow as people, and as musicians and had also truly helped their relationship grow in the space that they had been there. Now it seemed as though the studio was also the place for a week and a week only, as well as any other events they may go to that week. It was one week.
It didn’t take long for Harry to finish recording Daydreaming, and once he had he was ready for his initial questioning about the album by Christopher. YN had taken this time to lounge on the sofa, with her guitar and start to strum out some of the melodies to the lyrics that she had written in her book. In all honesty, she didn’t want it to seem as though she was eavesdropping, but she totally was.
“Uh, YN,” YN perked up at the sound of Betty, the studio’s receptionist sticking her head through the door, “There’s a call on the line for you.”
“Thank you, Betty,” She smiled, placing the guitar on the sofa. She walked past Harry as she made her way towards the door, running her hand across his shoulders as she did.
Once YN was at the phone, she picked it up and placed it to her ear, “This is YN.”
“Babes,” Just by that first word she knew that it was Vivienne, “I know that you’re with the Stones’ journalist right now and I’m sorry for interrupting but –”
“Woah, slow down Viv,” YN laughed, slightly shocked by how quickly Vivienne was speaking, “Slow down, I can’t tell a single word you’re saying.”
“Sorry, babes,” Vivienne sighs, taking a deep breath before starting again, “You know the band that I photographed up in Malibu last week?”
“Yeah,” YN laughed, “You’ve only just stopped going on and on about how dreamy their bassist is.”
“Well,” Vivienne started, “I got a call from that same bassist today and they’re having a party in the Hills that they’ve invited us to.”
“What?” YN laughed, “They just phoned to invite both me and you to this party?”
“No, no,” YN would bet money that Vivienne was shaking her head right now, “They’ve invited me, and they’ve invited you and Harry by association because I can’t do it without you, and you and Harry are attached by the hip.”
“Well, currently I and Harry are attached by the hip also to a Stones’ journalist, but I’ll see if we can shake him off,” YN laughs, which Vivienne joins in, “Where is it?”
“In the Hills, tonight. I have the address but not on me,” Vivienne speaks over the receiver, and then there’s some crackling.
“Don’t worry about it babe, we’ll meet you at the apartment later,” YN speaks, fishing out her cigarettes from her pocket as she does so, “I’ll drive you since I won’t be drinking.”
“I love you so much, babe,” Vivienne beams through the receiver, “Thank you so much.”
“Don’t worry about it,” YN laughs, “Now I have to get back, I’ve left Harry with Christopher and I dread to think what they’re currently talking about.”
“Okay babe, see you later.”
Even though YN was slightly nervous by the fact that she had just agreed to go to a party in the Hills, her first one since she had gotten clean, she was doing this for Vivienne, and she just had to remember that. She wasn’t going to be on her own because Harry and Vivienne were going to be there for her.
YN lit her cigarette and sighed – it was time to go break the news to Harry and also save him from Christopher.
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“Do you think the denim dress or the floral one?”
YN and Harry were currently lounging on the sofa in YN and Vivienne’s apartment, with front-row tickets to their very own fashion show courtesy of Vivienne. So far, they had seen about five outfits, and they had finally whittled it down to two options. Harry was sitting nursing a beer as YN lounged on him, her legs extended across the sofa and her full attention on making sure that Vivienne felt her best, and also didn’t have a breakdown.
“Well, what look are you going for?” YN asked, a cigarette dangling from her finger as she pointed a Vivienne, “Sexy and mysterious, or cute and fun?”
“I don’t know,” Vivienne’s entire face dropped, “I don’t know what look I’m going for. Do I need to have a look that I’m going for?”
“Vivienne, you’re panicking,” YN jolts up, moving towards her friend, “Just breathe, okay? You don’t need a look. Just wear what you feel best in.”
“Okay,” Vivienne nods, picking up the denim dress, “The denim.”
“The denim, okay,” YN smiles and hands her friend a half-smoked cigarette, “Now, finish that and get your ass ready or we’re going to be late.”
Vivienne nodded, the cigarette now resting between her lips and made her way back into her room. YN sighed and dropped down next to Harry again, resting her head on his lap.
Harry laughed and shook his head, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Vivienne not cool, calm and collected.”
YN nodded, “It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does you just have to be firm and almost tell her what to do.”
“Noted,” Harry dropped his hand down so that he could lace his fingers through YN’s, “Is there any particular reason that she isn’t cool, calm and collected today?”
YN smiled, “The party whose band it is she photographed the other week.”
“The one in Malibu?” Harry asked and YN nodded, “Didn’t she go on and on about how nice their bassist was for this entire week.”
YN’s eyes widened as she looked at Harry, a cheeky grin on her face as she did. She had never seen Vivienne like this before in her life.
“She has a crush, baby,” YN laughs, placing a chaste kiss on his lips, “And we’re going to be playing wingman and wing-woman today.”
“Are we, baby?” He nudged her with his shoulder and YN rolled her eyes.
“Yes, we do,” She prodded him on the shoulder, causing him to pull away from her slightly, “I’ve never known Vivienne to have a crush on anyone, so this is a big deal.”
“I know it is baby, but we’ll just watch from the sidelines,” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, “We’ll make sure that he’s good enough for our Viv, and then leave them be. We’re not going to meddle.”
YN sighed with a pout on her lips, “That’s no fun, but okay I guess.”
YN’s little pout on her face but that quickly disappeared when he started to dance his finger along her cheekbone. It was so soft and so light that YN almost giggled, but she suppressed it with a bite of her lip.
“Are you sure you’re going to be, okay?” He asked, not breaking eye contact with her the entire time.
“Yes, Harry,” She beamed up at him, “I’m going to be all right because you’re going to be with me the entire night, right?”
“Right,” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, which YN smiled into, “And Christopher.”
“And Christopher,” She laughed with a roll of her eyes.
When YN had mentioned to Harry earlier in the day about the party, she had forgotten about the listening ears that were also there. Christopher thought that joining them at a party in the Hills would be the perfect opportunity to see Harry outside of the studio and see what he was like in his daily life – as though he wouldn’t be exactly the same.
“Come on, lovebirds,” They pulled apart from each other at the sound of Vivienne, all dressed to perfection standing in front of them and sounding a hundred times less stressed than she did earlier, “We’re already late and we’ll never make it if you two start fucking on the sofa.”
YN shot up and threw daggers at her friend, “That was one time, Vivienne!”
“One time too many,” Vivienne picked up the car keys from the table by the door and threw them at YN, “Now come on.”
As YN wouldn’t be drinking tonight, she was going to drive the three of them to the party. The last time that YN went to a party in the Hills she was so out of it that she couldn’t remember what she did when she got there, never mind how she got back. This time was going to be different. This time she was going to have so much fun, and she wouldn’t be having a drop of alcohol or hit of any drug.
Harry was sitting next to YN, his hand resting on her thigh as they drove through the Hills, singing along to whatever song was playing over the stereo. Vivienne was sat in the back, her eyes focused straight ahead. YN wanted to ask if she was okay, but she knew better when Vivienne was nervous about something. There were only a few times in the years that YN had known Vivienne that she had ever seen her in this mood, and the last time that she had spoken to her she ended up with her head being snapped off.
When they arrived at the house, the party was already in full swing. Music could be heard from all the way down the street, and people were lingering everywhere it seemed. Vivienne rushed out of the care before Harry and YN could ever call her back. YN shook her head at her friend’s antics and allowed her hand to slip into Harry’s as they made their way inside.
YN had slightly forgotten what parties in the Hills were like. The mass amounts of bodies enclosed in a house, drinking and dancing to the thumping music, as well as people doing God-only-knows-what in each corner of the room, as well as the garden. YN would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little bit nervous, but just the feeling of Harry’s hand in hers meant that she was okay.
“I’m going to get us a drink,” Harry spoke in her ear once they had made their way inside, “Go find Vivienne, and I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay,” YN nodded, holding onto Harry’s hand until the very last second.
Standing in the corner of the room where Harry had left her, she scanned the room for any sign of Vivienne. She wasn’t in the room, so she moved to the doors that gave her a view of the garden and that was when she saw Vivienne, standing talking to a girl with the biggest smile on her face that YN had ever seen.
It was all starting to make sense now. All of those times that YN saw Vivienne talking to men but then it would never go any further, the fact that Vivienne hardly ever had people around to the house at all. Just seeing Vivienne standing there, talking to that girl with a beaming smile on her face almost made YN tear up a little bit.
“Hey,” Harry was soon standing next to her again, passing her an open bottle of cola whilst he held a beer in his hand, “You found Vivienne?”
“Over there,” YN motioned in Vivienne’s direction with her glass, a sombre expression on her face.
Harry lifted his beer up to his lips, “Who’s that she’s with?”
“The bassist, I think,” YN tapped her manicured nail against the bottle she was holding, “I just want to know why she didn’t tell me.”
“Hey,” Harry wrapped his arm around YN, sensing the slight drop in her mood, “She probably didn’t know what it was herself. She was probably scared, scared at what she was feeling and scared of how you’d react.”
YN nodded, wrapping an arm around herself as she did, “I never wanted to make her feel as though she couldn’t tell me.”
“Hey,” Harry turned her slightly so that she was looking directly at him, “It probably wasn’t you, yeah? You didn’t do anything that made her feel as though she couldn’t tell you, it was probably that she had to come to terms with it herself before she told anyone.”
“Yeah,” YN nodded, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “You’re probably right.”
“I know I’m right,” He nudged her with his shoulder, and YN didn’t even hesitate to roll her eyes at his antics, “Now come on, we’re going to mingle, make sure Viv’s okay and then go home and do what I was promised earlier.”
YN’s features screwed up, “I don’t remember promising you anything earlier.”
“Uh, I remember very specifically that you did,” He nodded, his eyebrows furrowing as he did, “If I stopped talking about horns, which I did.”
YN rolled her eyes but still leaned into Harry, not hesitating to lean forward and place a kiss on his lips. Their idle chatter buzzed out until they were just watching the party unfold around them, that was until a man that YN had never seen before in her life stopped in front of Harry.
“Hey, man!” Harry seemed to know who he was though, and he pulled away from YN slightly to give him a very ‘dude’ handshake.
“I haven’t seen you in ages, man,” Harry smiled as he pulled away, “Is Eric here too?”
“Yeah, man, he’s in the kitchen. Wanna come say hi?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute,” The man walked off, but Harry turned to YN, “Do you wanna come?”
“No, go say hi to your friend,” She smiles, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek, “I’ll go find Vivienne.”
“Okay, baby,” He pressed another chaste kiss to her lips, “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
YN stood there, and she did think about going to see Vivienne, but she didn’t want to intrude. She was happy and stood watching her friend dance with a person whom she obviously cared about in some way. She was well and truly happy, and then she saw a familiar figure in her peripheral vision (once again) that YN had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at.
“Hi, YN,” Christopher smiled at her, at a party and yet still holding that stupid notebook and pen.
“Hi Christopher,” She beamed instead, “Harry’s inside if you’re looking for him.”
“I’m looking for you actually,” That caused YN’s eyebrows to raise in confusion.
“Okay,” She laughed, leaning one hand onto the table she was standing near, “Fire away.”
“I spoke to my editor today, about you being in the studio and we’ve decided that I’m also going to write a page piece on you as well,” Christopher explains, and YN has to widen her eyes just to make sure that she doesn’t show too much of an expression on it, “About your return to music, after your disappearance halfway through Harry’s tour two years ago, and how the two of you are now together.”
YN’s entire demeanour changed when he explained what he wanted to write about. The original excitement that Rolling Stones wanted to write a piece on her, to then hear it has to be about a time of her life that she wanted to forget more than anything.
“Are you sure you’re up to that?” She asked with a shrug, tapping her finger along the rim of the glass in her hand again, “I mean you must have your hands full with Harry’s.”
“No, it’s completely fine,” He shrugged, “So let’s hear it. Why did you cancel your opening for Harry halfway through the tour all those years ago?”
“Uh,” YN spoke, quickly followed by a nervous laugh, “I was ill. I had to cancel to get better.”
“So, it was nothing to do with the reports of you overdosing in a hotel in Cleveland?”
YN felt as though her entire body was on fire. YN didn’t even know that the press had access to that information. In all honesty, she thought that Kenneth had covered it up in a way that meant nobody knew about it. But then again, she hadn’t been around the press and journalists enough to know if anything had got out.
“That… it isn’t…” YN placed her glass bottle on the table and moved away from him slightly, “Excuse me.”
YN didn’t know what to do. All she knew is that she had to find Harry, or she might do something that she might forget.
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YN was standing in the kitchen of her and Vivienne’s flat, only dressed in one of Harry’s shirts and a pair of socks to shield her feet from the cold wooden floors. She had woken up this morning for the first time ever after a party from the night before with a completely clear head, and she was happy. The first thing she did, with her little radio playing a Carole King song, was make her and Harry a cup of coffee. He was currently in her bed, still asleep and she knew that when she woke him up a warm cup of coffee would be something to soften the blow a little bit.
Her hips were swaying to the melody of the song, a hum escaping her lips. She was in her own little world, in the best mood and ready for another day in the studio with Harry (minus the ever-lovely Christopher still being there) – if she could successfully rouse him from the bed.
“Fucking shit,” YN all but jumped out of her skin at the sound of an unfamiliar voice just behind her.
YN turned to see that it was a familiar person though, the girl that Vivienne had been talking to the entire night. The bassist from the band whose party it was, dressed in Vivienne’s dressing gown after what YN can only guess was a very eventful night.
YN and Harry had left the party shortly after YN’s conversation with Christopher (which she failed to mention to Harry). They did only leave when they had confirmation from Vivienne that she would be okay and manage to get a lift home. They knew she would be okay, and in all honesty, they knew so many people at that party that YN felt okay leaving Vivienne, and she also didn’t want to interrupt the good night that Vivienne was having – which is why she had this conversation when Vivienne was on her own and her guest had gone to replenish their drinks.
“Sorry for scaring ya’,” The accent was a shock to YN, especially the southern drawl, but everything was a shock to YN about this experience, “You must be YN, right?”
“Right,” YN nodded, placing the coffee that was in her hand down for fear of spillage again, “And you are…?”
“Pamela,” The girl outstretched her hand for YN to shake which she did, “I’ve heard a lot about you, from Vivienne.”
“You too,” YN answered honestly, “There was a time, about a week ago, when you were every other word that came out of Vivienne’s mouth.”
The girl laughed and there was a slight pause in the awkwardness that was spinning between them. YN didn’t really know the etiquette for something like this, as she wasn’t normally the first person up in the apartment and made a mental note to apologise to Vivienne for every time, she had done this to her.
“I hope it was all good things,” YN laughs with a nod, “Anyway, I was told I could find some coffee somewhere in here.”
YN nods and points to the pot, “I’ve just made some, help yourself. There are mugs in the cupboard above.”
“Thank you,” Pamela made her way into the kitchen to the coffee pot whilst YN picked up her two mugs.
“It was nice meeting you,” YN laughed, “I’m sure it’s not the last time we’ll see each other.”
Pamela nodded and YN took that as her opportunity to beeline straight back into her room. Her eyes were wide when she walked in, mainly from that entire interaction and also the fact that Harry was staring at her with furrowed eyebrows as she walked in.
“What’s that face for?” He laughed, accepting the cup of coffee from her as she made her way over to the bed, and crawled on, immediately resting her head on his shoulder.
“I just had a lovely conversation,” YN sighed, resting her cup of coffee against her chest, “With Pamela.”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at her, “And who is Pamela?”
“The bassist from the band,” YN smiled, “Viv obviously had a very eventful night last night.”
Harry laughed and rested his head upon hers, “Just like us then.”
YN laughed and whacked him on the shoulder. Even though Harry did annoy her, she wouldn’t dispute that with his constant teasing, it did make the constant butterflies in her stomach erupt. That was a feeling that she would never get over, and she never wanted it to end.
Even though they had never truly spoken about what they were, they didn’t need to. For the first time in YN’s life, she was so unbearably happy that nothing else mattered to her – not one thing. It was almost as though even though they hadn’t spoken about it, the two of them knew that this was it for them. They were each other’s person, and the mere thought of that made her so happy.
“I’m sure we’ll talk about it when she’s ready,” YN sighed, picking at a loose threat at the end of Harry’s shirt, “I don’t want to push her to do something she’s not ready for, but at the same time I want to know everything.”
“She’ll come to you when she’s ready,” Harry muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. He was right, once again but she didn’t want to admit it.
“I know, I know,” YN nods, her eyes focusing on her shirt rather than Harry, “I don’t want to push her into doing something she isn’t ready for, but bringing her home must mean something, Harry.”
“It is,” YN can feel him nod against her head, “If she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t have done that. That sort of thing is a big step.”
YN nodded, allowing his words to just resonate with her for a minute or two. Harry was right, as he had been throughout so much. YN knew that it wasn’t the case that Vivienne didn’t trust her, but it was more of the fact that Vivienne had been living with this secret, which no doubt wasn’t easy and didn’t think that YN would want to hear any of it. That was also when YN realised that she hadn’t helped with that, because even though YN had been present in person in those previous years – she wasn’t ever truly present.
“Sometimes,” YN started, mumbling slightly so that she and Harry were the only ones that could hear even though they were the only ones in the room, “I think back about what I was like before I went to rehab, and I wish that I could take the entire thing back.”
“I get that,” He sighs, wrapping an arm around her and bringing her closer, “But if that hadn’t happened to you, and you hadn’t pushed past that – you wouldn’t be the person you are today. The one that’s here with me, and the one that can now be here for Vivienne when she needs you.”
YN did start to cry, just silent tears that streamed down her cheeks. Maybe it was everything with Vivienne, or maybe it was everything that had been brought back to her last night due to that one conversation that she had with Christopher. Harry noticed immediately, placed his coffee cup down and grabbed hers to do the same, and just pulled her into his chest. He just let her cry.
YN hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Obviously, she had good days, and she had bad days when dealing with the guilt of what she had put her loved ones through but recently she had been having more good days than bad. One of the things that she appreciated more than anything was that she had Harry there with her, through the good and the bad.
“I’m sorry,” She pulled away from his chest, chuckling slightly at the sight, “I got your shirt a bit wet.”
Harry shrugged, “It’ll dry.”
He lifted his hands up and wiped under her eyes, ridding all of the tears that had collected there, “I’m probably really snotty.”
“You are,” Harry grimaced, reaching over a grabbing a tissue for her so she could wipe her nose, “I love you in all states, but snotty definitely isn’t my favourite.”
YN was in the middle of wiping her nose and she stopped dead in her tracks, the tissue hovering over her nose. Harry looked sheepish, like he had been caught and immediately retracted his eyes away from her face.
“You love me?”
Harry chuckled, leaning back against the headboard, and running a hand through his hair, “Isn’t that obvious?”
“But you love me enough to say it out loud?”
It was completely baffling to YN. The feeling of the person you love, loving you back is something of a dream. YN couldn’t pinpoint exactly when she fell in love with Harry, but it definitely consolidated when she saw him standing by that camper the day that he picked her up from rehab. There were many things that turned her feelings for him into love, but the fact that he not only bought her a fucking camper but drove it all the way to pick her up and take her back home was something she’ll never forget that he did.
“I’ve always loved you enough to say it out loud,” He shrugged, finally looking back up at her, “I was just looking for the perfect opportunity, and also the balls to say it.”
YN laughed, “And you chose that perfect opportunity and also had the balls when I was snotty?”
“You’re perfect to me,” He ran his finger along her cheek, “Even if the snot isn’t the sexiest.”
“I love you.”
Once she had muttered those words, it was as though all of the pieces just fit together and Harry’s face beamed, “You do?”
YN nodded, “I do, a lot actually.”
Without a single hesitation in his body, Harry leaned forward and placed his lips on hers. She had thankfully rid of the tissue before he lunged at her, even if she wasn’t ready for his attack. Every kiss that she and Harry shared meant everything to her, but this one had a fire and a passion behind it that YN had never felt before in her life. It was just filled with passion, lust, and acceptance and the biggest one of them all, love.
It didn’t take long before YN’s body was dropping back on the bed, Harry’s fitting perfectly between her legs on top of her. Her hands clawed against his back as if she was trying to somehow bring him even closer to her (it wasn’t humanly possible).
Harry pulled away, mainly to allow them to catch their breath and rested his forehead on hers, “I love you.”
YN beamed a smile at him, “I love you.”
Then his lips were back on hers, pulling her body upwards slightly so he had a better angle to unbutton her shirt (his shirt) that she was wearing. It didn’t take long, and by the end, he was so impatient that he just ripped it open. He started to push the shirt down her shoulders, pressing kisses along her cheek and down her neck until he reached her collarbone, gently nipping the skin with his teeth.
Harry pushed away from her body just as he pulled the material down her arms, her chest completely exposed to him. Before, YN was in such a rush that the idea of someone stopping just to look at her would have spiralled her completely out of control, but with Harry it only made her desire for him grow. It did also help that he looked like a kid in a candy store every time he saw her tits.
“So perfect,” He started his attack of kisses again, moving down her collarbone to her chest until he was in between her breasts. He placed kisses all around them, not missing an inch of skin before taking her left nipple in his mouth, nipping, and sucking with the perfect pressure that had her thighs clenching and her body withering. He didn’t leave the second one alone either and moved to the right and gave it all the same attention.
YN was growing impatient, and when he finally pulled away from her chest, she grabbed the shirt that he had on his body and pulled it over his head, leaving his own torso exposed to her. She ran her hands over his arms, and then his pecs and all the way down his stomach until it landed on the trail of hair that led into his boxers.
“Woah, woah,” He pulled away from her lips and grasped her face in his hands, “What’s the rush for? We have all the time in the world, baby.”
“I know,” She nodded, placing a chaste kiss on her lips, “But if I don’t feel you inside of me soon, I fear I may actually combust.”
Harry laughed at her words and allowed her to push his boxers down, freeing his already hard cock for her. In a quick movement, Harry was pushed down on the bed, and YN was pulling the boxers off his body and throwing them somewhere in the room. Placing a kiss on his hip as she moved her way back up to him, she pulled her own panties down and off her body so that she was completely exposed to him.
With a gentle hand, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, allowing her thumb to run over the tip which had him bucking his hips up to meet her hand. Harry’s head rolled back, but his eyes never left hers. YN couldn’t hide the grin that ran over her face, just from knowing the effect that she had on him.
“You ready, baby?” She grinned, moving so that her body was straddling his, her pussy perfectly aligned with his cock.
Harry nodded, dropping his head to his shoulder, “Always ready for you, baby.”
After running his cock up and down a few times, allowing the feeling of it on her clit to send a shudder down her body she finally sunk onto him, allowing herself to slowly work him in fully into her. Her face relaxed in pleasure as she finally took him all the way, his hands resting on her hips to help her with the movements.
YN rested her hands on the headboard behind Harry, using it as a way to keep herself steady as she started to rock her hips on his cock. YN’s head rested above Harry’s, her eyes clamped shut and her mouth open slightly as breathy moans escaped her lips. Harry’s grip moved from her hips to her ass, helping her with movement as it all started to get a little much for her.
“YN, baby, open your eyes,” Harry’s words drew her out of the slight daze that she was in, “Look at me.”
She opened her eyes and looked down at him, the beautiful man beaming up at her, “I love you.”
“I love you,” He only just managed to murmur the last word before her lips were on his.
Her body flushed against him, and she continued to rock her hips. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her even closer to him if it was possible but still helped by lifting his own hips up to meet hers.
In all of her life, YN had never felt such an emotional and yet physical closeness to anyone. There had never been any relationships in her life apart from this one, and whilst it was all so new there was no fear for her at all because Harry was with her, and he was experiencing all of these things with her at the exact same time.
“I’m close,” YN mumbled against Harry’s lips, her eyes closed, and lips parted as more moans left them.
Without a single hesitation, Harry moved one of his hands between them and started to circle her clit with the pad of his thumb. It was the one thing that YN needed to send her over the edge, her movements stilling, and her legs beginning to shake and quiver. Harry continued his movements, bringing her through her own climax until he himself went over the edge, spilling into her.
It was feeling; unlike anything YN had ever felt before because it was just laced with such love that she almost couldn’t handle it. She ended up dropping down on Harry, her body sweaty and spent, and her breathing erratic.
“Jesus Christ,” YN laughed into Harry’s neck, where she was comfortably resting her head, “You’re going to have to give me a few minutes after that.”
Harry laughed and pulled her tighter against his chest, “You do wonders for my ego, you know that?”
YN, even in her sleepy state, managed to roll her eyes at him, “Shut up. It takes two to tango.”
With a chuckle shared between them, and the softest kiss that YN had ever been given in her life – she knew this was it for her.
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“Harry,” YN mumbled, her pointer and middle finger resting on her lips as she watched him press some buttons with Keith, “I think this is the one.”
Harry stops pressing whatever buttons and turns to look at YN, “What?”
“This is the one.”
They had been working on this album for a few months now, and YN was ready to finish it in all honesty. It wasn’t that she didn’t love working with Harry because she loved it more than anything. But YN was ready to get her own album done, the second album that she and Harry had been doing bits of pieces of whilst writing his.
“You’ve got to give me something, YN,” Harry laughs, walking over to her and sitting on the table in front of her, “This is the one what?”
“The one where you can use your horns,” YN passed the notebook that she had in her hand to Harry, the one with his scribbles on it.
Harry takes the notebook from her and reads through the pages. YN could see he had no idea what she was talking about at first, but once he saw her vision it would all make sense.
“Just think, okay?” She leant forward and placed her hands on his knees, “It’s ‘cause I love you babe/ In every kind of way/ Just a little taste/ Know I love you babe/ horns start ba, ba, ba, ba, ba/ You know I love you babe/ more horns.”
YN was humming the rhythm, or what she knew of it and that’s when she saw it click in Harry’s head. His eyes widened, and he was bobbing his head along to her words. He lifted his head up from the paper, looked at her and beamed that boyish fucking smile that lit up her whole world.
“Baby,” He threw the notebook to the side, leaning forward so that she had to lean back, “You’re a fucking genius.”
YN squealed, laughing as Harry tipped her backwards so that she was lying on the sofa, and he was hovering above her. They both knew that there were other people in the room, but in all honesty, they had probably all seen them in worst states than this – minus Christopher.
“Harry, stop it,” YN laughed, whacking him on the shoulder as he started to peck kisses all down her neck and collarbone, “Harry, stop.”
“No, I’m so fucking happy right now,” He laughed, finally moving off her and sitting down on the sofa beside her, resting his arm on the back of it so she could slip comfortably into his arms, “You got me my fucking horns.”
“You got yourself your fucking horns,” She laughed, taking the hand that was rested on her shoulder in hers, threading their fingers, “I just figured out where you were going to put them.”
“I knew there was a reason that I kept you around,” He laughed, leaning over to light up a cigarette.
YN shook her head and tapped him on the chest lightly, but she happily accepted the lit cigarette to take a puff from him.
“You keep me around for more than just your fucking horns,” YN shook her head, passing him back the cigarette.
Harry laughed, “There’s more than one horn that you satisfy, baby.”
YN’s lips parted in shock and her cheeks flushed. She looked around the studio to see if the engineers, or Christopher, had heard what she said but they were all talking amongst themselves and doing their own thing, paying absolutely no attention to either of them on the sofa.
She tapped him lightly on the chest again, but she didn’t move. She just allowed herself to rest in his arms, cigarette smoke dancing between them. It was times like these, where they were basically sat in silence with each other that YN truly fell in love with him all over again.
“Okay, baby,” Harry lifted YN up lightly so that he could slip from under her, “I need to take a piss.”
“Don’t be too long,” YN pouted, accepting his half-smoked cigarette before watching him walk away. YN sat up and grabbed the notebook again, going through it again a few times in her head.
Everything was perfectly fine until she felt the sofa dip at the other end. It was Christopher, of course. YN smiled at him but focused more on the notebook.
“You two certainly seem as though you’re in love,” He muttered, lighting his own cigarette as he did so.
“We are,” YN nodded, messing with a loose thread on the end of her shorts, “We are very much in love.”
“You do know what it looks like though, right?” He continues to ask, YN’s eyes furrowing which was an indication that she didn’t know, “You, getting up on stage with him, doing a song with him, opening for him and now it comes out that you’re sleeping with him – people are going to talk.”
“People always fucking talk,” YN shrugs, “Whether or not they talk the truth is another fucking question.”
“But people are going to speculate,” Christopher shrugs, “That you’ve fucked your way all the way to the top, used everything that Harry has given to you in love to reap the benefits for your career.”
“So, this is how it is, yeah?” YN sits forward, resting her elbows on her knees, “You wanna know about Harry’s music, and when the next tour is, and what inspired every song and for me I get, are you a fucking addict and are you sleeping with Harry to use him? Are you fucking serious?”
“I’m only asking what everyone else will be thinking,” Christopher states, his face just as calm as it was before.
“Well fuck you for asking,” And with that she stands up, throwing the notebook on the table and storming out of the room.
As she leaves, she spots Harry talking to another one of the producers outside. His conversation immediately holts when he spots her, and he’s excusing himself to walk over to her.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong?” He asks, placing his hand on her cheek but she shakes him off.
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” She shakes her head, knowing that she cannot lie for shit but also that Harry can always tell when something isn’t right with her, “I’m, uh, going to go for a drive.”
“Want me to come with you?” He asks but she shakes her head, leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek.
“No, no,” She fakes a smile, “You go back in there, you’re so close to finishing.”
“Okay,” He nods, leaving his hand on her until the very last second.
All she knew is that she needed to get the fuck out of there – and she needed a drink.
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YN doesn’t know what possessed her to think it was a good idea to drive to the liquor store, or what possessed her to think it was a good idea to go inside and buy a bottle of whisky but here she was. It was then that she drove to the beach, parked up and made her way to the sand.
At this point, she hadn’t drunk any of it. It was just there, in front of her staring at her. This was the worst low that she has had since leaving rehab, and the main issue is that her main support system, Harry, wasn’t here. YN’s almost positive that if she told him what Christopher had been saying that he’d be supportive of her, and he wouldn’t believe all of the bullshit that he was saying.
There was just that one part of her, that one fucking part that believed that he would believe the prick, and that would be it. She would lose him over some fucking bullshit from a fucking journalist that didn’t know shit about her or him or their relationship.
When the temperature dropped, and YN realised that she had been sitting on the beach for a few hours she made her way back to the car, the bottle of whisky still clutched in her hand. In the car, she placed the bottle in the glove box beneath papers so that nobody could see it at first glance. She hadn’t had any though, that was for certain.
She drove home, and this time to her and Vivienne’s apartment and not to Harry’s house. She couldn’t see him right now. She just needed a break and a night with Vivienne if the girl was there. When she walked inside, she dropped her keys on the table and kicked her shoes off, smiling when she heard the sound of humming from the kitchen and the smell of something good.
“Viv!” She called, making her way towards the sound, “Is that you?”
“It is!” Vivienne called back, smiling when YN walked through the door, “And I have Ed’s.”
“Oooh,” YN exclaimed as she leaned against the counter, a big smile crossing her face, a true smile, for the first time in a few hours.
Ed’s diner was so close to their apartment that it was one of the places where they had really grown as friends. It was twenty-four hours, and that meant when they stumbled home from a night on the strip in the early hours of the morning, Ed’s was always there and waiting for them.
“Did you get me the chicken?” YN asks, walking over to the cupboard and grabbing two glasses – one that she filled with wine for Vivienne and sweet tea that she filled for herself.
Vivienne turns to look at YN, completely flabbergasted that the girl would even ask such a question, “Did I get you the chicken? I pray those words didn’t just come out of your mouth.”
YN looks at her deadpan and then raises one of her eyebrows, “Did you?”
“Of course, I fucking did! I know what your favourite is!”
YN laughs and carries the drinks towards the sofa, Vivienne bringing the food. It didn’t take long for both of them to start tucking in once they were seated, a comfortable silence washing between them apart from the sound of the stereo playing.
“So,” Vivienne starts, wiping some sauce from the corner of her mouth, “Harry phoned.”
“He did?” YN raises one of her eyebrows, her eyes not lifting to meet hers.
“He did,” Vivienne repeats, her own eyebrows raising, “Says you walked out of the studio today, and didn’t come back.”
“So, what if I did?” YN shrugs, “It’s not like I have to fucking be there.”
“YN,” Vivienne starts, placing her food down so that she could turn towards the girl without the fear of knocking it, “This isn’t like you, what happened? Was it Harry?”
“No, it wasn’t Harry he’s –” YN shook her head, not wanting to cry, “He’s fine, it’s nothing Vivienne I promise.”
“Okay,” She finally nods, “But when you’re ready to talk, you know I’m here.”
YN smiles at her friend, “Thank you.”
“Anyway, we need to be celebrating tonight anyway,” Vivienne starts, “Because I’ve landed myself a pretty fucking good gig.”
“And what’s that?”
“Pamela, and her band, have asked me to come on tour with them,” Vivienne beams, “As their photographer."
YN beams a smile at her friend, so happy for her, "And as her girlfriend I imagine.”
It was Vivienne’s turn to act sheepish. She was obviously completely enamoured by this new relationship, and YN was happy to just have a change of subject. She didn’t want to burden Vivienne whilst she was so happy, and that was why YN decided that she would just be there for her friend.
“That as well.”
“I’m so happy for you Viv,” YN reaches over and grabs her friend's hand, “I’ve never seen you so happy.”
“Yeah,” Vivienne smiled, gripping YN’s hand just as tight, “Fucking look at us babe, taking the world by storm.”
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“YN,” It was Jeff that called her attention from across the studio, “I have something for you.”
“What is it?” YN furrowed her eyebrows.
“It’s from Christopher, addressed to you,” Jeff passes her the envelope, and she thanks him.
It had been a week since that prick had left, and none of them had spoken anything about him since he’d gone. In fact, none of them had said anything about what had happened when YN had stormed out, not even Harry, and she was thankful for that. In all honesty, though, they had been busy. Today was their last day in the studio (hopefully) as Harry’s album was basically finished. It had been a long time coming but she was thankful because now she could move onto her album and truly get herself back into the thing she loved again.
YN dropped down on the sofa and opened the manila folder, a cigarette dangling from her lips as she did so. She took the sheet of paper out of it, and her head started to ring as she read it.
YN YLN: The Rise from Her Fall by Christopher Thomas
YN YLN rose to fame and in what seemed to be a snap of her fingers it was all gone – that is until now.
For those who don’t know, YN YLN found her fame after being brought onto the stage by Rock N’ Roll legend Harry Styles during one of his gigs on the strip, here in L.A. Back then she was just the daughter of a Senator and a Socialite in Los Angeles, in the public eye but not really.  From there, they recorded a song together and YLN even opened for him on his tour – that was until she cancelled halfway through.
When I asked YLN about this at a party in the Hills, she described the reason for her disappearance as an ‘illness,’, and yet when I asked again, recounting the knowledge of her apparent overdose – YLN stormed off without a word. Whilst we don’t know the true reason for her leaving, illness or overdose, fans have been waiting for her return and that time is upon them.
Walking into the studio for what I assumed to be my first day with interviewee Styles, I was greeted by YLN as well. They explained that not only were the two an item, but they had been writing their prospective records together for the past few months. A shock to me, but to everyone around they looked like a well-oiled machine.
Writing an album, as intimate as that is with anyone, must have been something to those two-singer songwriters with their budding romance. When Harry had an idea, YN would help flush it out and vice versa. For each song on each of their albums, just always have it in your mind that they wrote it together – it changes your entire perspective.
After what could only be described as a very romance-heavy conversation about horns, I questioned YLN about the public opinion surrounding her relationship with Harry. How, to the public eye, it looks as though this ‘romance’ that has blossomed might have all been an ingenious plan to help further her career.
I was on the receiving end of an outburst from YLN at this point that I can neither confirm nor deny these rumours, but with the information that YLN not only left the studio but didn’t return for the rest of the day – your own opinion can be forged from this information.
One thing I will say is that when Styles’ album comes out, and subsequently YLN’s – fans and not will be in for the ride of their lives.
YN couldn’t read any more of it. She wanted to scream and cry and laugh all at the same time. Instead, she screwed up the manila folder and the envelope and shoved it down on the sofa, her hands coming to thread through her hair.
YN didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know whether to talk to Harry and maybe he would talk to Jeff and get the article pulled, or maybe if she spoke to Kenneth then he’d be able to get it pulled. YN didn’t know what to do in all honesty.
She looked up at Harry, standing at the desk with the producer, bouncing along as they played the final mix for Music for a Sushi Restaurant which was the song that Harry finally got his horns on. He looked so happy. So, so fucking happy and YN couldn’t do this to him. He wrapped his arm around Keith, and whilst both of them were distracted she slipped out of the room.
YN didn’t cry, and she didn’t scream instead she just kept her eyes facing straight ahead and walked straight out of the studio doors. She walked over to her car, opened the glove box, and grabbed the bottle.
And this time, she did drink.
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hslllot · 1 year
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A Soft Place to Fall - Part II
Story List | Part I
Word count: 4.1k // Rated M // harry x reader
Part II
“Is that why you’re here?”
Conversation with Harry came surprisingly easy after you got over the awkwardness. 
At first, you were both quiet and Harry seemed shy. You watched him move delicately around the space as if not to disturb anything, like he was a guest in the home. There was, however, a strange sense of familiarity when he opened a red kitchen cupboard and pulled out a plate that you and your mother picked out at IKEA years ago. He quietly asked how you preferred your tea and you saw him cut up your favourite type of cheese and arrange it with meat and crackers on the plate. 
“Just plain, please.” You moved to stand, feeling helpless as he doted over you. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“No, you’re my guest.” He responded cheekily, gesturing to the sofa and urging you to sit down.
When he was finished preparing the snack, he placed your mug and a plate of charcuterie on the coffee table in front of you. 
“Thank you.” You chirped, looking up at him from your spot on the sofa. He wore a soft smile that had those dimples poking out again. He grabbed a slice of cheese and a cracker off the plate and shoved it in his mouth before making his way to the armchair by the fire. 
You both sat there for a moment in silence, sipping on your hot tea while the sound of wind and snow rattled against the windows of the log cabin. From where you were sitting you could see outside the window, an image of white snow swirling against the black of the night. You focused your attention on the wood burning stove, the orange glow creating shadows that flickered and danced along the walls. 
Taking a deep breath, your muscles melted into the sofa. The exhaustion from your travels was starting to catch up to you. 
The last three days felt like a whirlwind. Everything happened so quickly you almost forgot that three days ago you thought you’d be here in this cabin with Luke, your partner of two years. Instead, you were here sitting with a famous stranger, waiting for a storm to pass. 
“Where did you travel from?” Harry’s deep voice was the first to cut through the crackle and pop of the fire. 
You told him that you lived in Vancouver, and the only flight available landed in a city five hours away, having to drive the rest of the way. 
“What about you?” 
“I flew in from Los Angeles today, and arrived here this evening.” It was his turn to fix his eyes on the fire. You leaned over to pick at the plate in front of you.
“I don’t suppose you expected to spend your first night here in the company of a stranger.” You formed a tiny sandwich with the charcuterie. As you took a bite, pieces of cracker crumbled from your mouth into your lap. 
He turned to look at you then, chuckling and shaking his head, and you felt a bit of warmth creep up your neck. Gathering the crumbs from your lap, you mouthed a sorry, and placed them on the plate so as not to make a mess.
“No I didn't... But it's alright.” 
He wore an amused grin while he reached for another piece of cheese and you took a moment to study him. 
Harry was undeniably handsome, cozy in a pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized white crew neck. His hair was a bit damp from when he was outside talking with you, the falling snow melting and leaving a few stray curls hanging over his forehead. 
What was he doing here?
Harry interrupted your curious line of thinking, “I’m sorry if you were planning on staying here.” 
“Oh - no, don’t be. I was planning to stay with my parents.” You explained, “I just came here for the night because I got in late… I was going to surprise them in the morning.” 
You usually stayed with your parents when you came home. This time, it was Luke’s idea to reserve the cabin. He insisted that it would be nice to have some privacy away from your family, and of course you agreed. 
“How long are you here for?” 
“Just the week, what about you?” 
“Umm, about three months I think.” You nearly spit out your tea and he laughed at the way your eyes flew open wide in surprise. “What? What’s wrong with that?” 
“Three months? What are you going to do here for three months?” You sputtered, finding it hard to believe that someone like him would willfully stay in the middle of nowhere for more than a couple weeks.
“Hopefully write an album… Do some hiking… I welcome any recommendations you might have.” He shrugged, his large hands gesturing around the cabin. 
Frankly, it wasn’t that crazy of an idea. There was certainly an appeal to escaping to the mountains for somewhat of a writing retreat. It just never occurred to you that someone famous would find solace in your parents’ vacation rental. The thought of it made you smile. 
“Your parents said you canceled your trip…”  It was Harry’s turn to be curious, teasing at his bottom lip as he asked, “What changed your mind?”
“Hmm…” You contemplated how much you could tell this stranger about your life without oversharing. “I was supposed to come here with my boyfriend, but we broke up the day before our trip.” 
His gaze softened, and you looked away. 
“I’m sorry,” He said softly. You grabbed your tea and took another sip, focussing on the warmth of the mug in your grip. “If it helps any, I’ve just been through a break up too.” 
It was then that you decided to let your eyes meet his, and where you thought you might find pity, you found understanding. 
Harry was handsome, yes, but he was kind too. You knew it from the moment he invited a total stranger in the middle of the dark woods into his cabin. You could have been a murderer or a stalker for all he knew, but he let you inside anyways. 
Did he not know how dangerous it could be to open your home to a stranger?
You supposed you weren’t any better. Did you not know how dangerous it could be to accept such an invitation from a stranger?
Harry was disarmingly charming, to the extent that you felt rather safe here with him. In the short conversation you had up to this point you heard and felt the sincerity in his words. You knew who he was: an international pop star whose face was plastered all over your best friend’s bedroom when you were teenagers.
But tonight, he was just some guy. A kind, quiet guy on a vacation alone in the mountains. 
And it seemed you two had something in common.
“Is that why you’re here? To write about your break up?”
“It’s definitely a part of it.” He responded with a mouthful of cheese, using his fist to cover his mouth while he chewed and spoke at the same time. 
Before you could say anything else, he asked, “So, what do you do?”
You ignored the way he expertly changed the subject and redirected the attention to you. The conversation became easier from that point. You told him about your job as a legal proofreader at a law firm, which was where you met your ex-boyfriend. He asked loads of questions about it, from what it entailed, and how you got into it, to where you went to college, and whether or not that’s actually what you wanted to do with your life. For every question he asked, you had an honest answer, because why-the-hell-not. 
Eventually, you turned the job-talk around on him, noting that his career was much more exciting than yours. But he never made you feel that way. In fact, he gave you all of his attention, asking about the intricacies of your job as if he might be interested in taking it up himself. 
The conversation between you and Harry went on much longer than you expected. He was telling you a story about a road trip he took to Italy last summer for a Gucci campaign when you found yourself in a bit of a daze. You were trying your best to pay attention, and maybe it was how tired you were after the long day, but you kept getting distracted by details of him. 
You fixated on the deep honey-like drawl of his voice and the way his mouth moved around certain words... Your eyes scanned his long fingers and the way they wrapped around his mug... The delicate tattoo of a cross near his thumb was calling your name, begging to be touched… You wondered for a moment what it might feel like to run your own fingers through his chocolate curls...  
“You must be tired.” Harry startled you out of your reverie before you could run too far off with thoughts of him. He chuckled a bit to himself knowing that you’d stopped paying attention to what he was saying.
“Wha- Oh.” You cleared your throat. “Yea, sorry, it’s been a long day.” You hoped that the glow of the fire didn’t illuminate the blush tinting your cheeks. 
You looked out the window, prompting Harry to turn and look for himself as well. What you both saw was the same image you’d seen for the last two hours. In the short amount of time your car had been parked, it was covered by nearly half a foot of snow. 
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s going to stop.” You said defeatedly. “I should just warm up the car and get ready to head out…”
Rising from the sofa, you grabbed your keys from your jacket and pointed the remote starter toward the window.
“Could stay here for the night. If you’d like.”
His offer stopped you in your tracks. When you looked at him, he was standing too, scratching the back of his neck. His head was bowed, but his eyes met yours expectantly through his lashes. 
You figured with a face like that, no one has ever said no to this man in his life. 
“That’s very nice of you, Harry. But I think I’ve invaded your privacy enough as it is.”
“There’s an extra room. Really, love, I don’t mind.” He caught himself, raising his palms in defense. “Obviously it’s totally up to you, no pressure.”
“Are you sure though?”
“Yes, I’m sure. It’s dark and scary out there!” He exclaimed with an exaggerated British accent, gesturing toward the window.
It was embarrassing how little convincing it took for you to agree, but it was nearly two in the morning and you dreaded driving on the highway at night in the storm. 
“I’ll leave as soon as the sun comes up.” His face lit up and he let out a sigh of relief at your response. “I just need to grab my bag in the car.”
You went to put your jacket on, and that was when he stopped you, his hand reaching out to grab yours.  
“No, let me,” he said quietly, nearly a whisper. “It’s cold out, and dark.” Stood there still with his hand over yours, he was impossibly close. His fingers felt like they were burning right through you and the warmth of his body and his cologne invaded your space and your senses. All you could do was swallow and nod in response as you relinquished your keys into his grip.
What was only a split second felt like minutes before he took a step back, releasing your hand.
“Thank you,” you peeped out. “There’s a duffle bag in the back seat.”
He put on his jacket and shoes and you watched him through the window as he trudged through the snow to your car. He grabbed your bag from the backseat and tried to run back into the cabin, but it was difficult to move quickly with snow riding up past his ankles. 
When he made his way inside, you met him at the door. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered. “It’s cold”. 
He shook the snow out of his hair, leaving his brown locks a tousled mess. His nose and the tips of his ears were pink. He had snowflakes in his eyelashes, the tiny ice crystals embedded in the dark wisps of hair that framed his eyes. It was all so endearing. 
He handed you the bag and his fingers grazed yours as you reached for the handle. His fingers were cold from being outside but when your hands touched you felt a zip of warmth rush through you. 
After you let out a loud yawn, the two of you decided it was time for bed. Harry let you use the bathroom first to brush your teeth and go through your skin care routine. You removed your pajamas and your toiletries from the duffel bag, but decided to change in the bedroom. You were comfortable around Harry, but not necessarily comfortable enough for him to see you like that. 
You brushed your teeth and washed your face, removing the remnants of a long travel day from your skin. There were a million thoughts running through your mind but you tried to focus on the way your moisturizer soothed your skin as you rubbed it in.
When you finally came out of the bathroom feeling fresh, Harry rose to his feet.
“It’s all yours,” you told him. He moved to stand in front of you, blocking your way to the bedroom.
“Great.” He nodded, biting his bottom lip.
The two of you stood there waiting for the other to make their next move. Harry was close enough that you could feel the warmth radiating from him. Your pulse quickened under his gaze.
“It was really nice to meet you,” you blurted out, trying to ease the pressure of the moment. Uncertainty coursed through you, unsure if the tension building between the two of you was simply a figment of your imagination.
Letting out a breathy chuckle, his eyes found yours. “It was really nice to meet you too… I hope you sleep well.” 
He stepped to the side, clearing the way for you to move past him toward the empty bedroom. As you entered the room, you paused to look back at him. He stood in the same position with his back turned to you. Before he had a chance to catch you staring, you shut the door quietly.
You stood with your back against the wall for a moment, letting out a deep breath. Your heart hammered against your chest. Seconds later, you heard the bathroom door close.
Despite how tired you were, it felt impossible to fall asleep. Images and soundbites of your conversation with Harry played over and over again in your mind. 
There was a part of you that felt guilty. Less than a week ago you were in love and planning a mountain getaway with Luke. Yet tonight, you found yourself feeling wildly attracted to a man you’d just met. 
It wasn’t intentional and the conversation itself didn’t have any intonations of flirtation or romance. But the way you left the conversation had you feeling some type of way. 
You laid in bed thinking about how, under different circumstances, maybe if the timing was right, you might find your way to Harry’s bedroom. You thought about finding the courage to knock on his door. You wondered if he would let you into his room. Into his bed. Although you were certain it was probably a one-way thing, you couldn’t help but wonder if Harry was in bed thinking of you too.
Harry woke up that morning to find you had already left. He wasn’t entirely surprised given that you mentioned leaving as soon as the sun came up, but he hoped he might get to have a coffee with you before you left. 
He might have taken your early departure more personally if you hadn’t left a note for him on the counter. 
Thanks again for letting me crash! If you need anything while I’m here my number is 780-555-4321. 🙂
P.s. there’s a shovel and a snow brush for your car in the closet by the door.
He grabbed his phone and typed your number into it. Would it appear too eager if he contacted you right away? He didn’t allow himself to think about it too deeply before typing out his message:
Heyy, it’s Harry. I hope you got to your parents’ house safely. x 
After hitting send, he left his phone on the counter and walked over to the window to draw the curtain back. 
The view outside from the cabin window looked different in the light of day, especially now that the sun was shining and the snow and wind had ceased. An endless blanket of snow covered the ground, the sun reflecting off it like it were made of crystals - nearly untouched except for your footprints and fresh tire tracks left behind as evidence that you drove away this morning after the snow had finally stopped. 
Before putting on a pot of coffee and making breakfast, Harry decided to take a shower, something he was planning on doing last night before you arrived. 
As the hot water washed off the lingering Los Angeles air from his skin, Harry thought of you. Not in the sexual way that one might suggest while he was naked in the shower - although he did find you attractive - but in the sense that he really did enjoy your company last night. It was not lost on him that it was the first night in a while that wasn’t spent thinking about his ex. 
He just wanted to get to know you. 
There was a bit of tension between the two of you at the end of the night, and he figured it was a mixture of exhaustion and loneliness that had him practically begging you to stay. The pretty sound of your laughter and the softness of your skin when he grabbed your hand clouded his senses. Thoughts of asking you to join him in his bed came to mind, and he was glad he stopped himself before you tucked yourself away in the spare bedroom. He knew he wasn’t ready to be with someone new yet, and you deserved better than that anyways. 
Turning off the shower faucet, he grabbed his towel off the nearby hook and used it to quickly dry his hair before wrapping it around his waist. The steam from the shower seeped out of the bathroom and into the cold cabin air as he made his way back to the kitchen. 
He grabbed his phone off the counter and his lips curved into a smile when he noticed there were two unread messages from you.
Hey! I made it. Thanks again for letting me stay the night
The highway was very unpleasant this morning… glad I didn’t have to do it in the dark
He could hear the sound of your voice as he read the messages and he thought about how he’d like to hear it in person again… An idea came to mind.
Good to know… was thinking of driving into town today
Chewing at the corner of his lip, he waited for you to respond. He thought about following the message up with the invitation to join him, but he chickened out. After a minute or so, he put his phone down and opened the fridge to decide what he could make for breakfast. 
He grabbed at a carton of eggs when he heard his phone ping. 
I would avoid the highway today until the highway gets cleared! You wrote back. 
Before he could type his reply, another message came through.
If you want to leave the cabin though... me and some friends are watching the hockey game at the pub in town tomorrow, wanna come?
He couldn’t suppress the smile that crept on his face after reading your invitation. The entire purpose of his trip, to be alone, to focus solely on himself and on writing his album, left his memory. 
He was never really good at being alone, anyways.
Not a single thought of appearing overeager crossed his mind, when he quickly typed ‘I’m in’, and hit send. 
“You’re lying.”
“I know it sounds like I am but I swear I’m not.” 
Alyssa held a look of disbelief on her face as she sat across from you at Ed’s Pizza. The two of you were sat in your usual booth at the back of the restaurant, sharing a Meat Lover’s pizza. You took a sip of your diet coke while you watched the gears turn in her head.
“Harry Styles is staying at your parents’ cabin.”
“For three months.”
“Like, he’s there right now.”
“Yes, Alyssa, probably!” You said, exasperated yet amused by her line of questioning.
“Did you tell him about me?” That prompted you to laugh at your best friend of nearly twenty years. 
“Why would I tell him about you?”
“Well you know I’m a big fan of his!” She said, as if she were stating the obvious. “I had posters of him on my wall for goodness sake!” Of course you knew this, but you enjoyed egging her on. 
The first thing you did when you arrived at your parents’ house this morning, aside from greeting your parents, was text Alyssa to ask if she had lunch plans. You knew she would want to know about your parents’ latest house guest.
“Is that a detail you’d like him to know about?” You teased her. “Would you like me to tell him about your unhealthy obsession with his former band mate too?” 
“Ok, ok, you’ve made your point. Now fuck off.” The look of annoyance on her face was one you were all too familiar with. “So… what did you two talk about?”
You gave Alyssa a breakdown of yours and Harry’s conversation. From the awkward beginning, to the carefully cut cheese, the divulging of career aspirations and heartbreak, and the way you two parted ways at the end of the night. Decidedly, you withheld the details of how you barely slept, overwhelmed with thoughts of him.
“Wow. So you and Harry Styles, both single now by the way, spent the night together.” She raised her perfectly groomed eyebrows, suggesting that your encounter with Harry was more than it actually was. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t say it like that.” 
Alyssa ignored your denial and continued, “Do you think you’ll see him again?”
When you invited Harry to watch the hockey game with them tomorrow night, you didn’t think about how Alyssa would react, and now you were regretting it.
You woke up this morning feeling a bit silly about how you thought about Harry all night. You chalked it up to exhaustion, and maybe even a bit of loneliness now that your relationship was over. 
In the light of day, you realized that you were probably just reading too much into what you thought was some kind of sexual tension or attraction between the two of you. When that realization sunk in, you acknowledged that you actually enjoyed your night with Harry and saw a potential burgeoning friendship. 
So you left him your number and decided that if he ever texted you that you’d take the opportunity to invite him to meet some of your friends.
You had a first hand knowledge of the number of folks that came to your parents’ mountain getaway to unplug, clear their minds, or even “find themselves”, only to be bored out of their wits by the end of the week. 
Three months seemed like too long to be shut in. There were only so many hikes you could go on in the dead of winter. 
Harry might, at some point during this trip, need a friend. And you were willing to help him with that. 
“Yes, actually,” You responded to Alyssa. “I invited him to watch the hockey game with us at The Paw tomorrow night.”
She looked at you like she might kill you for not mentioning it sooner. 
“Are you for real right now?”
“I’m going to meet Harry Styles?” Her smile grew wide and she could barely contain her excitement as she started bouncing around in her seat. 
“Yes, but I’m begging you to please be normal about it.” You urged. “He’s here for three months so he could probably use a friend or two. I think he’d actually get on well with you and James, and my brother too.” 
She scoffed at your insinuation that she would be anything other than normal. 
“Babe, don’t worry about it.” She waved you off. “I’ll be cool.”
Taking a bite of your pizza, you side-eyed her. You weren’t so sure. 
But you were going to have to wait and see. 
note: I’m always nervous to post, but I am so grateful for all of my friends that have encouraged me. The lovely feedback I got on the first part motivated me to keep going, so please, let me know what you think of this one. enjoy :) 
talk to me 
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carica-ficus · 3 months
"Harrow the Ninth"
Reading progress: 100/507 (20%) Read through since last update: 100
*in the singing voice of Mariah Carey* It's tiiiimeeeee~!!!! I've got my hands on Harrow a few weeks ago and now I finally have the time to start reading it! I've been looking forward to this book ever since I read through Gideon and all my friends are already anxious for me to continue with the series! :D For those of you who stumble upon this little reading journal and have not seen me do it before, I just want to highlight that this is a public expression of my own thoughts while I read through the book. I like to speculate over the text. Since Muir loves to hide bits and pieces of information throughout her books, I like to try piecing them together on my own. It's fun and I feel like I'm conversing with her work in a way, like I'm a participant in the story. I know some people might find that annoying, but just let me do my thing. ^u^' (Just skip this post if you don't like it.)
----------------------------Spoiler warning!!!----------------------------
And now, without further ado, my thoughts and notes:
Who else needed an embarrassing amount of time to realize Ianthe was referring to Harrow when she said Harry? (Hate hate hate that nickname)
Yer a bone wizard, Harry.
The Noniad? Really? Really?
Well Harrow just took body dismorphia to another level. Painting a skull on her face with her own blood to feel some comfort? To regain just a little bit of control? Love her. Love love love her! She's such a mess. 🖤
Hold on. The Emperor says he hasn't resurrected anyone in 10 000 years. Didn't he... Become Emperor 10 000 years ago? Hm hm hm.
I'm managing to follow up on the time changes and the POV changes. As best as I can, of course. Obviously, I'm still a little confused at some times, but I'm glad some questions are slowly getting answered. Well... There's even more questions being asked, but I'm glad we get further insight to the lore.
I really missed Muir's writing. There's such a profound poetry in her style. I love it so much. 🖤
The way Muir writes about Harrow and her life, especially about her childhood, feels so gritty, so powerful, and so incredibly raw. There's no possible way to connect to Harrow's experience. She went through so much. But the grief, the responsibility, the connection she has to her culture, to her planet, to her family and to her duty is just so masterfully written, I can't help but feel so drawn to her character. And her story. Man, I missed this series and it's only been 3 months since I've read Gideon.
It's way to early on to know who's the person narrating behind Harrow in "the future", but after the scene with Ianthe and the letters, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Harrow herself. Just from the past. I can't remember whether or not Harrow wrote letters to herself and I just forgot about them... Maybe she did. I don't know. In any case, I'm just speculating, but the way the narrator talks and offers up part of their own personality and parts of their own knowledge, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out it's Harrow. (Well, she did write letters to herself as is revealed in some later chapter, but I think she did the same in Gt9.)
There's so much that is not said yet, but my go to reaction is to just accept it, not fight it. I am wondering where Gideon is, but at the same time I don't currently care about her whereabouts because it's obviously none of my concern. I am also a bit confused over why Ortus is being mentioned so much when he wasn't even involved at the whole Lyctor thing. Again, just speculating and throwing my 2 cents out there. I have full trust in Muir. Everything she writes is with a good reason. I'm presented with all of this information and tangled up timelines and conversations because I need to be. They'll add up to something more. I know it.
Speaking of weird timelines, I wonder where we're at this point in time. I feel like we're actually somewhere unspecified, that these chapters I went through were just a collection of memories, from the past and the future. So I'm wondering what is actually happening right now, but then again, as I already said, this doesn't matter yet and will be revealed later.
Excuse my philosophy. I might be entirely wrong. Don't take it personally, I just like to ramble in these little reading journals of mine, mostly because I like to look back at them and see how much I was wrong/right about my speculations. 😊 What I'll say is that I find Muir very clever as a writer. I like how she plays around with the narrative and makes the reader keep guessing. And I love to guess. I love to participate in her writing. It's very fun! It makes me feel like I'm a part of the story, not just an observer. If that makes any sense. 😅
OKAY! SCRAP EVERYTHING I SAID!!! The part about traveling through the River, the part where Mercy says that something can get inside the Lyctors body when their soul is separated from their physical form, that's the one!! I'm not saying anything more about my speculation, but I hope I have the right hunch about this.
(It will be SO fucking funny if I'm wrong about this, but I don't care.)
(Oh, on another note. That's such a super cool concept!!!! Love the idea. Love how much there's at stake!!!!!)
They're already in the River??? Nah, I'd die instantly. From stress alone.
Also, a little detail I liked is how The Emperor's eyes are described in detail. They're mostly black, but then there's a line where Harrow notices a little silver circle around them. I'm wouldn't outright say he's probably a Lyctor, but I'd say he might have also sacrificed/killed someone he cares about or his cavalier. I don't know, I just found it really interesting that his eyes are often mentioned as something strange.
BTW I love the heterochromia part. Such a beautiful way to portray the cavaliers have become a part of the Lyctors.
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arrivingonthescene · 10 months
most of dora's facts stemming from harry's dream version of her, or jean who's only ever heard harry shitting on her, makes it hard to figure out what she's like. i get that's the point but i'm so curious. would she really think he's a poverty-stricken fuck if they lived in that matchbox with fleeting electricity if she wrote that letter that's so full of infatuation? her parents paid for their life and harry's RCM training but for how long? was she still an arts academic? obviously at some point the last straw on the mountain of straws made it fizzle into nothingness but... idk i can't help but feel the letter & dream-dora stating she fell in love with harry at first sight from how Cool he was, being a form of worship on her part too, an innocent version. "I wanted you to be the rest of my life that day." and along the years that worship tipped over to a detrimental degree on harry's side. and even the dream version of her who spits back the things most likely said durimg arguments, goes from frustration to pity to wistfulness, but what made it sadder to me was how long the phone call can go on for. dream-dora says she moved on so bluntly and lists all the things she dislikes about him, but phone-dora's patience shined through even when harry's saying shitty stuff to her. she could have just hung up immediately and never pick up again the first time he rings her
so going off this, the following are personal headcanons
i imagine she dated harry in an act of rebellion, harry joined the RCM to increase his Cool Factor from high school gym teacher to badass superstar cop (i think the game says she pushed him towards it but i view this via harry-lens where she is a God who caused everything) and along the way as he deteriorated it brcame kind of sunk-cost. along the way she became pregnant, and maybe when the old harry shimmered through she thought they could make it work, but reality hit and she terminated it. i honestly feel like she'd do so alone. and now i wonder if she had any friends or if dating harry made her isolated. did anyone support her leaving him? i'd imagine her parents were thrilled to hear it.
from how open harry is about his thought processes, and how painful it is to him to hear dream-dora demean them, i felt that real-dora could have apreciated them during their good days. i imagine anyone harry knows that intimately who also supports all his voices and brain compartmentalization can easily become someone he worships because of how rare that'd be for him. because how else would he be with her for that long if she hated those parts of him right off the bat? like, all these acts of humanity made him raise her higher and higher until she reached a status she could never act out, she is not perfect, she's just a person, she is a person i'm suddenly so interested in. during harry's fledgeling RCM days i bet she asked tk hear how mr. law brought justice but it quickly became apparent that, not only were the tales depressing, he was throwing himself into work so hard. married to the job. dora having to sell her collected art pieces to get by. and one day harry asks to sell one that's extremely precious to her and that's when she put her foot down and asked her parents for assistance. maybe it was a figurine. time went on as RCM life consumed him, and harry forgot what made dora tick but he never forgets the fact that she loves figurines
more tame but, harry having art cop as one of his copotypes, what if he picked up that notion to impress her? i don't know if she'd teach him art critique herself but like. so much of harry's personality is bending himself every which way to impress someone. i mean i can kind of see how that'd be an addicting person to date knowing he and dora broke up and got back together before. tripping over himself a hundred million times to impress her or win her back. i know for a fact the 'i have a vast soul' thoughts harry can express are him internalizing things she said about him
it could have been easy for the writing to demonize her but it was so apparent that it's harry's twisted view. god the writing of this game. picking out parts of who dora is from inside harry's imprints in the world.
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