#that the silly acts end up being endearing first and admirable at last
fragmentedblade · 5 months
Goodness, apparently Argenti's One and Only is named in Chinese after Rocinante, which is so fitting for him, especially with Himeko's words about him in mind
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tetsuro-wulf · 8 months
The Wulf's Eye: RP Journal #128 | Fresh Journeys
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I found myself in the position of a newly formed H.A.N.D, known as the Hydaelyn Allied Nations Directive. I was acting as a representative for Hingashi, as per receiving a letter requesting my presence. They started with a meet and greet between representatives of each nation. Thankfully I talked Eiri into accompanying me. While I work independently as a liaison for supernatural investigations and the co-existence of yokai, Eiri works with the bureau. The first meet took place in Radz-at-Han. There was plenty of people. Some with an entourage, some by themselves. Met a fellow from a place known as 'Tural', he called it as they say the New World. Met a clan lead from Doma that seemed familia with Eiri. Follow hingans. Thavnairian representatives. Though there was so much chat, we didn't get to meet everyone. Not that.. I wished to, to be completely honest. It's not my crowd but to have a place for our intentions may shine light upon importances with the otherworldly. The amount of times I've had to 'kiss up' to the bakufu for accidentally wrecking kugane while chasing off an Oni queen or a demonic bird? Yep.
Many things as of late, it seems. I'm still going through the last.. few piles of paperwork, whilst also managing to fit some side jobs and meetings. One of those being a new higher for the Moonflower Ochaya. She seemed very respectable, and based on her skill, she has much talent and experience. Silly.. of course she does. She runs her own ochaya. She's the mother of the house! It was admirable to hear, though of course.. introducing myself as a deity, she immediately acted with high formalities, but I feel I managed to warm her up to the fact that I'm quite laxed and casual. Though, she was adamant about bringing an offering to the shrine.. I couldn't deny it. It's strange, the title sort of rolls off the tongue, especially now while I intend to discover more about my lineage. Then I forget folks don't always react like my close friends, do they?
That, and I'm looking forward to performing my first Meimei Shiki for the Takara's newborn very soon. I've always watched those of my village perform it, though never did I think one day my good friend would ask me to carry it out as their priest! It'll be fun hearing about the growth of a kit, it'll certainly bring a lot of nostalgia. That's for sure.
Scilla ended up taking me and the boys to his homeworld, given they seemed curious of this place they've never been. That being the First. We had Haruko and Youta with us, thus Scilla started us off in Il Mheg. The way both lit up so excitedly was endearing, to say the least! Excitable kits they were. It was a whole new place, a whole different atmosphere. I've been a few times now, but it felt new all over again watching the reactions of my boys. By the time we got to Lakeland, y'know.. a place filled with purple trees and flora? We damn nearly lost Haruko all through it. We ended up making it to the Crystarium where I snagged a few history books to read at the inn or home. We even saw some of their glowing plants and.. color-changing mystical pears hanging from this grand tree. Ended with eating at the bar in the crystarium before we crashed. What a day!
09.01.2023 - 09.06.2023
0 notes
jennana501 · 4 years
A Case for Rexsoka
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I’ve been around the block when it comes to ships. I’ve seen people obsess over them, and I too have been driven mad by obsession. I was a hardcore original avatar fan and I was OBSESSED with shipping Toph and Sokka together. Any time they so much as made an interaction I over analyzed it and picked it apart looking for clues that somehow would prove that my hunches were correct. It was because I related with both characters, and I loved their chemistry. I wanted them to have a romantic relationship because it would feel like some sort of personal validation.
I’m an adult now and nothing has changed. But it has been a while since I’ve desperately shipped two characters together that are not obviously romantically involved with one another, or who could be romantic behind the scenes or beyond the story shown.
Until Rex and Ahsoka.
And I’ve seen people be adamantly against it. 
“No no no it’s just a brother/sister relationship.” 
“No it’s gross she is a child”.
And of course being disagreed with on the internet can drive a person crazy, and instead of individually arguing with dozens of people online, I’m making this post once and for all to explain why I think Rex and Ahsoka have romantic feelings for each other. Especially Rex.
The argument I’ve seen, that their deep passion, commitment, love, admiration, and respect for one another (which are all so obvious you’d have to be...silly to not see it) are felt in a platonic fashion. Which, for the first 6 seasons and 8 episodes, I would totally agree.
But then Ahsoka comes back. And let’s face it. She is a woman. Age wise, she’s around 17, but everything from the maturity of her Lekku (which weirdly don’t get all that longer, especially compared to other Tagrutan women) to her poise and confidence, to her prowess as a warrior, a user of the force, and her ability to command soldiers as well as control her emotions points to her being an adult woman. She’s no Snips anymore; she’s no child. She’s grown up. And how her peers react to her illustrates how they now view her as an adult.
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First there is Obi-wan. Obi-wan has always been a mentor to her, a sort of second Master. Obi-wan never hesitated to guide and Ahsoka or offer his council. He is proud of her when she succeeds, and will admonish her when she makes mistakes. When she returns and he sees her as a woman, he changes the way he treats her. He acknowledges her maturity by addressing her as an equal. He doesn’t admonish her. Instead he discusses with her, challenging her ideas and letting her offer an argument for them instead of putting them down and telling her how she should think or act. He also comes to her in his time of need, trusting her to help him with Anakin.
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Then there is Anakin. We all know of Anisoka shippers, and they are perfectly able to ship and enjoy said ship, but we can all acknowledge that it is a crack pairing with no basis in the canon. Anakin portrays the perfect kind of brotherly love. He is excited to see Ahsoka, and is stunned by her unexpected reappearance. Things are harder for Anakin because he is used to their fun banter and sibling-like companionship. He’s constantly shut down with her business like manner and he struggles with coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t a little kid sister anymore. She is an adult with a mission and a plan. When he looks at her, he is endearing. He loves her. Admires her. And he can’t wait to pick up where they left off. There’s joy and adoration in his face. He is proud of her and what she has become, but he also feels alienated and even hurt because of how her adulthood has changed their dynamic.
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Then there is Rex. When he first sees her, he wants nothing more than to reassure her that she still belongs. The clones had accepted her into their family. As far as they were concerned, she was one of them. When he looks at her for the first time, he’s beaming with the same adoration as he had had for her before, but also with a solemn awe at what she has become and what she has grown into. He welcomes her back into his life without hesitation.
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But then there is a moment things shift so drastically that I paused the show and re-watched it half a dozen times. We all know it and love it. This face he gives Ahsoka. The Look.
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What we see here is something we have never, EVER seen in Rex for 7 whole seasons. And it is my opinion that this is the first time Rex has been able to feel and express that he is attracted to Ahsoka. In other words, Rex has a sexual awakening.
Up until this point, Rex has been a sexless character. Nothing he does is flirtatious, sexy, or at all suggestive that he has those feelings inside him at all. Every sexual being has a moment where they are first animalistically drawn to another being. Characters who have already had this moment are easy to pick out. Obi wan. Anakin. Ventress. These characters have already experienced their sexual awakening. Ahsoka has too. Lux was her first object of attraction.
But Rex has never had this moment. Until this reaction.
I know some of you might be thinking “but Ahsoka gives a very similar look to Anakin, does that mean she is sexually attracted to HIM?” It’s a very good point. Ahsoka and Anakin share some cheeky playful looks during “Old Friends Not Forgotten”. We see many characters give similar looks to other characters, but does this mean it means the same thing as when Rex does it? The short answer is no.
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When animators design a character, they establish the “range of emotion” for that character. You can easily see this when you look back at how many times you see Rex break from his stoic, captain’s face. He rarely laughs, smiles, or emotes in any way. This is why when we see him emote it is exciting to us as an audience. A character like Ahsoka or Anakin commonly show a wide variety of expressions. Ahsoka is much more likely to give a cheeky look than Rex is. So “the look” for Rex, means a lot more when he is doing than it does when another character does it, say Fives or even Obi-Wan.
Which means the writers are trying to tell us something about this moment. 
This moment has changed Rex’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. 
Now does this mean that they are going to go bang each other immediately? Does this mean the second they are alone after “Victory and Death” they start an intense, sexual relationship? Of course not. That’s not what this ship is about at this time. But the reason many of us ship it is because suddenly they don’t feel like brother and sister anymore. It isn’t entirely platonic. And the show does a good job to further emphasize this as they come closer and closer both emotionally, and physically during the finale.
Blocking is a huge factor in visual storytelling. During the finale, Rex and Ahsoka are blocked in a way that makes them as close as physically possible on the screen. This communicates to the audience that they are closer now than they have ever been. As Jedi and Clone Trooper. As friends, and as companions, their bond forged in the fires of war, struggling to find meaning in life as soldiers.
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In contrast, look how Ahsoka and Anakin are blocked in their scenes. There is nearly always a gap between them, illustrating that they are distanced from each other emotionally. Rex is even visually inserted into the gap between them in several instances. Anakin and Ahsoka are growing apart, but she and Rex are growing closer.
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We get to experience Rex and Ahsoka engaging in actions and conversations that we had rarely seen before. From casual banter, to moments of intense intimacy, to emotional peaks, Rex and Ahsoka interact more in these four episodes than in the previous six seasons. Part of this is because their maturity gap has closed. Ahsoka is finally Rex’s equal in experience and maturity. It is also in part because it is a unique dynamic. No Obi-wan. No Anakin. Rex and Ahsoka are equal leaders of the 332nd. There’s also the fact that they are put into life threatening situations and have no one else but each other.
But there is that “look” that is given at the beginning of all this that suggests something else, that as their bond undoubtedly becomes strong as beskar, there is an element of it that takes their relationship from the platonic to the romantic.
I feel every detail, moment, and piece of dialogue in the finale tells the story of this bond. 
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Many instances of their strong emotional bond have been spread throughout the internet, with most ready to acknowledge that they have a connection unlike any other, one that may even be described as a “force” connection. These last four episodes are so exciting because we see two friends reunited, but then we get to watch as their relationship transforms.
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Even disregarding their implied attraction to each other physically, they dive into each other and hold on tight. Ahsoka shares deep personal worries with Rex, and Rex and her are shown opening up to each other in ways they have never opened up before.
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We were all floored and dumbfounded at scenes such as these that show these characters at their most vulnerable. But they decide to be vulnerable together. Is it because they are all that is left of their 501st family? It part, this is definitely true. But by being this vulnerable they transform their relationship into something very different from what they had before. It will never be the same again, and it will be near impossible to back out of the emotional intimacy that these two have participated in. Once you have formed that kind of an attachment with someone, there is no going back, and as is seen in rebels, these two maintain that strong connection even after years of being apart.
This goes beyond their sexual desires or needs. They’ve forged a bond that cannot be broken. They have shared minds, shared pain and agony that only the other can understand. They’ve been isolated from the world, and all they have left is each other.
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And at the end of the series, when we have Rex and Ahsoka broken, their world flip upside down and everything they ever valued or cared about lies in ruins before them, the idea that they still have each other is that beautiful seed of hope Star Wars is so good at preserving. Those of us who believe that their relationship could be romantic want good things for Rex and Ahsoka. We want them to have that love and share it with each other. Maybe only for a few moments, but having known it would be better than both of them living and dying without having that experience. 
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When we see the two in Rebels, for me it confirms that these two love each other deeply. But their lives can never be lived in a normal fashion. They cannot even be together as partners in life. The Empire has stolen this from them. The tragedy of this ship is that it can never be the way we want it to be. Rex will age and die long before Ahsoka is even halfway through her own life. They cannot live with one another. They cannot wake each morning with each other, at least not at the point we see them in rebels. 
But they continue to love each other. Even over distance, even knowing that mortality will claim them with only a fraction of the memories that they deserve with one another. 
So please, the next time you see some art or a fic, or a post like this, think of what I had to say. Rexsoka is about two adults, their lives destroyed at the hands of Sidious, but in defiance they still forge a bond that he could never break or take from them. And that to me is beautiful and something to celebrate.
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Side note: I spent a ton of time making gifs but they never would work and so I had to use screenshots instead :(
EDIT: At the request of the OG poster of a few gifs, I have replaced them have also made some grammatical changes. 
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daggerandrose · 3 years
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Happy 28th! I’m making this the night before and crossing my fingers that Louis drops something today (a single, a doc, or even a selfie would be a blessing and I would lose my shit). In any case that he doesn’t... have some fics to read!
As always, please leave a kudos/comment on these as I know they fuel writers. Enjoy!
Love, Ever After, 20.7k, by @jacaranda-bloom
One would assume that the charismatic omega in charge of the local matchmaking service would have found a mate and settled down ages ago. His clients, in fact, are always a bit surprised when they come to learn that Louis is still single. But Louis doesn’t mind, not really. His standards are just high; he is happy holding out for his alpha, his soulmate, and chooses to not waste his time with anyone else, despite what his friends might think.
That is, until his best mate from uni drags him out of bed far too early on a Saturday morning after a night of drinking to go to a farmers market, of all places. It’s there that he proceeds to make an utter fool of himself in front of the hottest alpha he has ever laid eyes on. There’s truly no coming back from that, is there?
OR The one where omega Louis makes love matches, alpha Harry makes cheese, and meddling friends might finally make their dreams of finding their soulmate come true.
Like air to the fire I need you to breathe, 4.6k, by CuckooTrooke
"Your nest is very beautiful" Louis says in awe, feeling his chest bubble with love as he watches Harry preen at the compliment.
"You like it?" Harry asks shyly, picking up a lonely sock from the center of his nest and replaces it on the side of his nest. He looks at it thoughtfully until shaking his head at himself, picking up the sock again. Louis watches him at this important task, how the placement of the smallest things in his nest is so important.
"Of course I like it. It's very pretty" Louis praises. Louis was going to do this right. He was going to praise every little effort Harry had made and will still make with his nest, tell him how cozy and well put together it is. And practical, on top of everything. Despite of being situated in Louis’ closet. But it had so many blankets, duvets and pillows that Louis will happily make Harry fall apart in that nest when he goes into heat.
Well. He’ll try.
The thing is, Louis is sort of terrified.
Harry is in preheat and Louis is nervous about his upcoming heat, fearing that he might not be able to fulfill his mate's needs. Lucky for him, Harry knows hot to push the right buttons to get him relaxed.
But If This Ends, 107k, by @absoloutenonsense
Harry’s life as a vampire is routine. He spends his years moving around from place to place, learning as much as he can, and falling in love whenever the universe sees fit. When he tries to move his casual relationship with Louis to something more, it all gets turned on its head. As they navigate confusing thoughts and complex emotions, Harry finds himself torn between the love he feels for Louis and everything he thought he knew.
Counterculture, 6k, by @sadaveniren
It all culminated to this: Harry in the middle of a crowded basement, music blasting from the live show on the far side, shirtless amongst alphas and omegas who all weren’t covering their scents. He took a deep breath of the heavy air and he felt alive.
across city skyline (and straight through my heart), 76.4k, by @halosboat
Louis Tomlinson meets Hollywood Heartthrob, Harry Styles when he walks into Louis' little bakery one day.
Immediately, Louis is charmed by him and Louis thinks Harry might feel the same way, given the fact that Harry has visited the bakery everyday since he'd come to town.
Until one day, Harry walks in with a boyfriend under his arm and a smile on his face.
The one where Louis owns a small bakery that's well known in his town and Harry Styles is an actor who comes to town to film a new movie. Louis is endeared by him, but that doesn’t seem to matter since Harry Styles is already taken.
When The Wolf Comes Out (like a bullet in the dark), 9.8k, by @londonfoginacup
"So Dad was a..." Harry rolls the word around on his tongue, trying it out. "A werewolf?"
"In a sense, you could say that," Anne says. "It's certainly a more correct term than that vampire myth." She looks to Nick. "Grimshaw. Would you please explain exactly what the Madness entails?"
Nick nods. Harry has never been on the receiving end of his business face before, and finds he's more than a little intimidated. “Right, well the first thing you need to know is that, except with freak mutations, the madness only actively infects one individual at a time. Since your grandfather’s death, your father has been dealing with it. Now that he’s gone, it’s presumably moved to you.”
Too Young To Know, 35.4k, by @2tiedships2
Louis blinked awake and quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. This was the second morning in a row he had woken up after dreaming about Harry.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Eric asked as he held Louis tighter in his arms. Louis liked being the little spoon, except for when he’d rather be holding someone else. Which were the past two days.
Or the one where Harry doesn’t present as an alpha… until he does.
This Ain’t Red Wine, 9k, by LetTheMusicMoveYou
It’s not until he gets a whiff of the contents of his glass that Louis realizes his grave mistake.
That’s not red wine.
It’s blood.
It’s probably not the most rational, but his first thought is what people are going to think when they discover his body. On the list of stupidest ways for a human to die, accidentally turning up to a Vampire party has to be pretty high up there.
(Or the one where Human Louis accidentally finds himself at a Vampire only party which actually turns out to maybe not be the worst thing).
don’t want no other shade of blue, 43.2k, by @louisisworthit
“I know you’re putting on an act,” says Harry after a moment, and Louis scowls when he realises the prince is actually amused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Louis.
“All I’ve heard over the past couple of years are rumours of Prince Louis’ kindness, and generosity, and oh, he’s so handsome I can barely pour his tea without shaking!” says Harry, putting on a silly, high-pitched voice for the last bit. Louis’ scowl deepens. “I would already know if you were just another selfish, bratty omega prince. You can’t fool me, darling, but I admire your efforts.”
“As you said,” Louis grits out, “those are only rumours. I assure you, I’m a terrible person.”
no good unless it’s real, 17k, by @fackinglouis
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.” Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.”
Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that.
“I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh.
“Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.”
Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
shameless self-promo: take my hand, wreck my plans, 38.1k by me!
Louis meets the man in the center of the room, feeling every eye on him.
“Mr. H,” he whispers.
The man smiles brightly and laughs as if he can’t believe his eyes. “It’s you,” he says breathlessly. “I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Nor I you, especially under these circumstances.”
“Even so,” Mr H says, his eyes bouncing from Louis’ eyes to his lips. “Will you do me a great honor and join me in leading the first … um…”
Mr. H laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s the one.”
Louis bites his lips and doesn’t hesitate before whispering, “Yes.”
Mr. H beams and reaches for Louis’ hand. Sparks fly at the touch and a zing of excitement shoots through Louis’ body. His face heats up as he’s afraid his scent would give away his feelings towards the other man.
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mlqcanonymous · 4 years
Things MC Does That He Finds Endearing
Fluff fluff fluff. Purely headcanon because god forbid they’re real lol.
When you try to prove him wrong and then you definitely do. Victor is rarely wrong so to see this little girl doing what most people can’t do keeps him on his toes and sharpens his wit (because this bitch loves roasting you more than he loves you lol)
“Oh, really? You think I’m wrong?” There’s a wicked glint in his purple eyes as a ghost of a smirk plays across his lips. “Then, why don’t you prove it to me?”
When you yawn sleepily while writing your report due tomorrow (you procrastinating lil’ shit) and then rub your eyes. You don’t know but you probably have like 20 stolen pics of you yawning or something in his phone (and one or two of them is probably used as a meme).
When you wrinkle your nose like you smelled something bad and then proceed to ask/say bold questions like you don’t have to be so mean, you’re a bit cold, don’t be so domineering, do you know how to smile etc. to him. Girl, no need to filter your words ‘cause he will still love the shit that comes out of your mouth as long as it’s from you lol.
When you request his special caramel pudding and then hum happily and proceed to cheer as soon as he presents it to you (gotta love a man who can cook). He tells you that you’re a dummy but never tells you he loves it (because god forbid he ever shows his emotions amaright?)
“Dummy. You act like I’m solving world hunger. It’s just pudding.” He rolls his eyes and turns his back to you. But there’s no mistaking the little smile on his handsome face. Too bad you missed it.
When you turn in your report on time and without mistakes although this is pretty rare that’s why he savors it as much as he can. It’s silly but he feels proud whenever you do that.
When you fall asleep in his office while waiting for him to finish signing some documents or doing some work. He likes to think that it means you’re comfortable around him and you feel safe. Although expect to be given shit by the time you wake up because he is Victor after all.
When you act like a dummy (which is 95% of the time. Like seriously, MC. Wtf?)
When you grab him on the shoulders as soon as he lifts you in his arms, bridal style. (Damn if I was MC I’d grab too because have you seen his shoulders and biceps? Yum) He thinks it’s silly because he will never do anything to hurt or endanger you.
“What are you so afraid of? I’m not going to drop you, you know.” He chuckles, his amber eyes brimming with mirth. “But if that’s what you want, then you better hold on tight.”
When you cook for him. It isn’t anything fancy but this boii has been crushing you since high school. It’d be a dream come true if you make him lunch or something.
When you text him and then ask where he is or what he’s been doing. Gavin will ninja grab his phone as soon as he hears your personalized ringtone and then spends 10 minutes agonizing what to text back before regretting what he ultimately decided as a reply.
“Oh wait— I sound like an ass. Gonna delete— oh no. No nononono—”
When you play the piano for him because it reminds him of the time when you saved him despite not knowing you did. You’re part of the reason why he changed, why his world turned around for the better, why he became better, and everyday he thanks lady luck for giving you to him.
When you sneeze. Not an elephant-horn-trumpet sneeze but more like a kitten sneeze. Because it’s cute and he thinks you’re cute.
When you do those random acts of kindness that makes you all the more admirable in his eyes. Seriously this guy thinks you’re an angel and can never do wrong. Damn, you lucky bitch.
When you compliment him in a suit. He doesn’t like wearing them but he does like it when you tell him how good he looks. The first time you complimented him, he actually bought three although it sits at the very back of his closet lol.
When you visit him on set or go to his concerts. It motivates him and makes him want to work harder and better for you. Also it gives him lots of time to show off his acting and singing skills like a male peacock strutting his good bits for you to see.
When you make him pudding (although it doesn’t taste like the ones from Souvenir at all and more like a child’s version of it.). He’s not complaining because it’s free food.
“Huh, that’s strange. This isn’t anything like Souvenir at all. But I’m still going to eat it because you made it for me.” He laughs at the end before popping a spoonful of your pudding inside his mouth.
When you fold his clothes while wearing one of his hoodies. This bby is messy af especially his closet. So you can’t help fixing his closet (and also stealing one of his clothes) whenever you come around to visit. He likes working on a new song with you nearby and he may or may not have stolen a picture of you hihi
When you jam to one of his songs and then belt them out like a rockstar yourself. You’re not the most gifted singer but the way you sing it makes him love his songs all the more. It reminds him why he loves performing so much. So, go you!
When you put your feet up on the dashboard and then wiggle them to the beat of a song whenever you go out on a roadtrip.
“As long as you don’t wear your shoes, I’m not complaining! But let’s not tell my agent about this since this is his car that we stole.”
When you try to fix his messy hair (though you fail at the end). He likes watching your cute face that’s scrunched up in frustration. Makes him wanna kiss it away but his agent always calls him before he can do it. (Poor bby, kissblocked by his agent lol)
When you push through your problems and succeed in the end. This bby is your personal cheerleader so expect congratulation banners and waving pompoms by the time you’re done defeating all your problems. He’s smug knowing that he’s completely right about putting all of his faith on you.
When you talk to him on the phone, late at night, even though you two are neighbors, and then you fall asleep listening to the sound of his voice. Honestly, it becomes a habit at this point that he isn’t even surprised.
“You didn’t even say good night,” he cooed softly, not wanting to wake you up. “Ah, well, good night, MC. May you have the sweetest dreams.”
When you blush and get flustered around him. It amuses and fascinates him to no end to see you acting like that. He also thinks of ways he can do it again. (maybe in a different setting too? Lol Lucien, you dog)
When you try on his lab coat and pretend you’re a scientist as well. He loves seeing you in his lab coat and acting like a child; it brings out the child in him even if he ends up being the party pooper in the end and say he has to work rather than play.
When you stop by on his place just to water the plants in his balcony that are either a) dying; or b) on the verge of dying. He’s so busy all the time that he hardly has anytime for his plants but despite that, he still ends up buying plants with the sole purpose of you visiting and watering them.
When you close your eyes as you smell the flowers he bought you every week or so, each different from the last and never the same one twice. Outwardly, he looks calm and collected, but inwardly, he’s wondering about what you’re thinking and if you liked them. Knowing you, you’d probably say that you do but just to be safe...
“So, MC,” he says as soon as you open your eyes and meet his. He leans forward, propping his chin on his knuckles, then whispers, “do they smell as sweet as your smile?”
When you talk to him about your plans or shows or anything, really. He’s not picky as long as he sits in front of you and watches you while you do it. Listening to you talk and watching your passionate tirade fascinates him. You show him so many colors at once and he doesn’t want to look away because he doesn’t want to miss one.
When you cry at the end of a movie even though it’s a happy ending. When you go out to the cinema, he always brings at least two handkerchiefs. He doesn’t understand why you cry (no one even died) but he finds it one of your endearing traits. The hugs you ask from him also weren’t bad.
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drowningbydegrees · 4 years
Witcher Masterpost
You can find my AO3 here if that’s your thing, but here are links to all my Witcher creations.
Fic - One Shots
A Love Like This | G | 1,009 Words | No Warnings Apply Jaskier does nothing quietly. He is bright colors and endless conversation. He is music and theatrics. He unapologetically takes up space, bold and loud and impossible to ignore. Jaskier does nothing quietly.
Except for this.
Written for the Music Prompt 4. Dolce AO3 | Tumblr
Nothing But the Background Noise | T | 3,385 Words | No Warnings Apply Geralt has always been at home with silence. It’s a quality that lends itself well to the life of a witcher, this ability to find peace instead of loneliness in the quiet of his own company. But they spend that night in their room’s single bed and Geralt lies awake wondering when the warm press of Jaskier’s face tucked against his neck became such a welcome thing, when his fingers tangling in the bard’s hair got to be so instinctive. When did Jaskier’s get to be so wrapped up in his life as to leave Geralt dreading the absence?
In which Geralt realizes that sometimes you don't discover how much of a fixture something is in your life until you're forced to contemplate not having it.
Written for the Music Prompt 8. Incidental Music AO3 | Tumblr 
Call Me a Casualty | T | 1,670 Words | No Warnings Apply He has a plan.
Okay, admittedly calling it a plan is somewhat of an exaggeration. What Geralt has is an overwhelming sense of grief that floods the empty spaces left behind as his temper ebbs, and the horrifying realization that while it all hurts, it’s Jaskier’s departure that leaves his heart aching. What he has is an urgent need to set things right, and only a nebulous idea of how to do so. For starters though, he needs to catch up to Jaskier. That’s a straightforward task to set his mind to, and Geralt assumes he’ll figure out the rest on the road.Written for the Music Prompt 16. Mosso  AO3 | Tumblr
This Too Is Ours | E | 1,919 Words | No Warnings Apply
They fit like they were made for basking, tangled up with each other in the comfort of a warm bed while the snow falls outside He could go back to sleep, Jaskier thinks. It’s winter. He might be teaching, but it’s still a break of sorts. If he can’t sleep in now, then when can he?
Idly, he drags his palm down Geralt’s flank. There’s comfort in the familiar topography of the witcher’s body, and isn’t that a heady thought? Geralt is - has allowed himself to be - familiar territory. It seems a silly thing to be so giddy over, but Jaskier smiles as he nuzzles against the nape of Geralt’s neck.
AO3 | Tumblr
Something To Hold Onto | T | 11,146 Words | No Warnings Apply
“Is it some kind of prank, do you think?” Jaskier asks, squinting at the noticeboard.
It’s littered with contracts, each more peculiar than the last. Missing people, haunted houses, someone convinced his sister is possessed because she’s acting strangely. The last is vague, giving no indication of what “strangely” even means. It would be weird for a sizable city like Novigrad, but it’s completely nonsensical in a village as small as Hillcrest, which is barely large enough to support an inn. The notices are all quite new, so normally Geralt would be tempted to write it off as someone being a menace. But the writing is different, the paper is different, all of it is different enough that it’s probably not one person.
As it turns out, there is no prank, leaving Geralt to try to fix things before whatever is wrong with Hillcrest consumes them all.
AO3 | Tumblr
We Break Like Waves | T | 3,469 Words | No Warnings Apply
For three days, they are happy. It matters less that Geralt struggles to put to words what Jaskier means to him when it’s all right there, neatly conveyed in the simple band wrapped around the bard’s finger. Jaskier holds his hand out to admire it for what must be the hundredth time, smiling as the candlelight catches facets of the solitary ruby set in gold.
What begins as a long overdue honeymoon ends, as things so often do in Geralt's life, in disaster.
AO3 | Tumblr
Noonwraiths and Other Woodland Forest Creatures | T | 3,716 Words | No Warnings Apply
Jaskier is used to his favorite customer, who is possibly some sort of cryptid, showing up at odd hours. What he's not used to is said customer showing up injured.
A modern AU featuring 24 hour diner server Jaskier and Geralt who is... still a witcher.
AO3 | Tumblr
If You Say It Again | T | 4,243 Words | No Warnings Apply
Geralt is what Jaskier cheerfully describes as "forever years old" when he discovers that okay, maybe he is just the littlest bit affected by… actually he’s not sure what one would call this. He’s not even sure if it’s specifically what was said or just the act of being spoken to like a person in a vulnerable moment. Either way, it’s more than a little unexpected, but that’s not actually the problem. After all, everyone finds themselves unraveled by something a little unorthodox now and again, and in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t really all that weird. 
AO3 | Tumblr
Left All the Lights Burning (But Nobody's Home) | M | 3,739 Words | No Warnings Apply Geralt is quiet, but he’s always quiet, so that really doesn’t mean much. When he can’t hear the witcher, Jaskier squints at the dark room, wishing his friend didn’t absolutely insist on wearing black all the time. “I don’t suppose you can do that magicky thing you do and break us out of here?”
No answer comes.
Written for Whumptober prompt 26. concussion AO3 | Tumblr
For the Space of a Heartbeat | T | 2,021 Words | No Warnings Apply As it turns out, falling into bed with your very best friend who you are privately very much in love with isn't nearly so nerve wracking as waking up with them the morning after. AO3 | Tumblr
Rosetta Stone | G | 1,408 Words | No Warnings Apply It’s not a seduction that the bard settles on, at least not in any traditional sense. There’s no lack of attraction (really, Jaskier is continuously baffled by how anyone could look at Geralt and not want him), but it’s background noise. He thinks of this more like finagling the two of them into some sort of harmony.
In which Jaskier realizes that while his affection for Geralt is almost certainly returned, they say it in entirely different ways, and takes it upon himself to translate.
AO3 | Tumblr
Untitled | G | 517 Words | No Warnings Apply Reply to the prompt:  What about when Geralt first realizes he's in love with Jaskier? Tumblr
Something is Bound to Give | T | 2,754 Words | No Warnings Apply For the space of a single breath Geralt concedes. He almost melts into Jaskier’s painstakingly careful touch, the soothing way the bard invites him to take refuge in someone else for a little while, but then Geralt’s mind catches up with the rest of him.  AO3 
Where You and I Collide | T | 1,388 Words | No Warnings Apply The words don’t pass his lips. At first Jaskier thinks this is too new, too fragile a thing that’s come into being between them. Then, he fears that perhaps they don’t mean the same thing by any of this, that perhaps he’s offered up his heart to someone who has no use for it. Based on a prompt asking for something about Jaskier and Geralt struggling with feelings. AO3 | Tumblr
Fill in the Blanks | G | 1,438 Words | No Warnings Apply “I want nothing.”
The thing is, it’s not a lie. Not really. It’s just that it’s an incomplete sentence.. AO3  | Tumblr
I’ll Wish Upon Embers | E | 9,128 Words | No Warnings Apply
“But allow me to raise this one point for your consideration.” There it is, accompanied by Jaskier’s expression scrunching in a way that Geralt is exasperated to realize he finds rather endearing. “Have you ever tried?” --- Geralt lets Jaskier talk him into sticking around for a village's midsummer festival. He assumes they're staying for Jaskier's benefit, but somewhere between the flower crowns and the bonfire, Geralt realizes it was a gift meant for him all along.
AO3 | Tumblr
Fic - Multi-part
Though I Try Not To | E | 16,120 Words | No Warnings Apply “You didn’t come back,” Geralt murmurs as if that somehow covers everything.
Even in the Dark I Know You | M | 8,196 Words | No Warnings Apply The thing is, he’s seen Geralt in a bad way. Even the witcher can’t always avoid injury in his line of work, and so Jaskier has plenty of practice patching him up. But this is new, and it makes something awful and anxious twist in Jaskier’s stomach.
A contract goes wrong leaving Geralt captive and stripped of most of his senses by the time Jaskier gets to him. Part one is based on the Geralt Whump Week day four prompt of betrayal and part two is based on the day five prompt of loneliness
AO3 | Tumblr 1 | 2 | 3
Even if it Hurts (Even if it Makes Me Bleed) | E | 25,074 Words | No Warnings Apply
Is that a pickup line? Maybe. It’s the worst one Geralt has ever heard in his very long life, but that isn’t the problem. The problem races, red hot down the length of his forearm, pooling uncomfortably around his soulmark. The scrawled out writing on the underside of his wrist had told Geralt the first thing his soulmate was going to say to him as soon as he could read. Silly as it had sounded, it’s even more ridiculous out loud.
To say Geralt is not a fan of destiny is a monumental understatement. Given the fact that the soul mark scrawled out on his wrist is the worst pickup line he's ever heard, he doesn't anticipate his soulmate being any more welcome than anything else that life has saddled him with. But the longer he spends with Jaskier, the harder his soulmate is to resist, and somewhere along the way Geralt knows he'll have to reckon with whether his feelings are manufactured by kismet or truly his own.
AO3 | Tumblr
Once Written in the Stars | E | 15,512 Words (WIP) | No Warnings Apply When Geralt accidentally trespasses on a fae forest, only the unexpected kindness of one of the forest's inhabitants saves him. Unfortunately, it also leaves him saddled with a travel companion who has never really met a human, let alone thought about how to play at being one. It goes about as well as you'd think. AO3 | Tumblr 1 | 2 | 3
Art Stuff
Geraskier Gif Set Set to Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng 
Geraskier Image Set  Set to Civil War by @sincerelyjoanna-blog-blog
Geraskier Watercolor Edit  
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet with Loki!
So a long time ago I made an equivalent to the popular NSFW-Alphabet.
Will probably make one for Bucky, too. Hope you enjoy! (:
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Feel free to use on your own writing Blogs!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Even though he might seem a bit ‘extra’ sometimes, Loki is actually a very reserved person.
He isn’t one to visit busy, crowded places - however if it’s for your sake, he’ll probably endure it if you wish (for example: seeing your favourite band live).
Actually, he prefers peace and quiet - so it’s no wonder that he feels the most comfortable in nature of any kind. If you’re searching for him, you’ll be most lucky to catch him reading under a tree. He very much cherishes long walks or even picknicks with you, simply talking for hours to come.
Since he is very well read, you may expect to getting many books from him, as well as recommendations on what to read. It’s a passion he wants to share with his love, and your opinion on his favourite literature is very important to him!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Since he is able to take on many forms, beauty standarts of our world, as well as outer appearances in general, don’t quite apply to this man.
No matter the looks, the God of Lies would always manage to look behind one’s facade and see their true personality - and yours was what he could describe as epitome of beauty.
He maily endears attributes not directly connected to bodily limits, such as how your embrace would make him feel save and warm, or the way you know how to use your words.
Another thing would be your voice, no matter if spoken or sung. It manages to sooth him, no matter the situation.
He believes that the eyes of a person reveal even the deepest parts of their soul - and when he looks in yours, he can tell that you are truly in love with him. The shining affection he can decipher in them will never fail to amaze him!
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Truth be spoken: If you’re feeling down, Loki is feeling pretty helpless, too.
Well, if you ask him, his skill is rather ruining someone’s mood instead of brighten in up. Anyway, he knows it would be selfish to dwell in his insecurities while you are in need of his help.
Your boyfriend will go to great lenghts just to see you smile again:
No matter if pulling magic tricks to distract you, extravagantly spoiling you the best he knows how or simply cradle you in his arms for as long as you need - he’ll pull the whole program. You’re the boss.
If you wouldn’t see it for yourself, you wouldn’t believe what kind of idiot the usually proud warrior is making out of himself while making such an effort. But it’s kinda cute, actually.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Believe it or not, but Loki is quite the cliché romantic when it comes to relationships.
He’s never been a person to cherish the superficial relations back on Asgards palace, and neither to stand to their social rules. You know how he was raised and what he’s gone through, so he would never want to go back to his old self.
Ever since you made him accept his origin and his past sins, there’s nothing standing in the way of the two of you even starting a family.
You giving birth to his heir will be the best day of his life - he is sure of it. And he is glad to have the chance to make everything better than his own adoptive father.
His top priority is keeping you save, and he’ll enjoy every single second of your time together.
It doesn’t matter where or how you are going to live - to Loki, home is where you are.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Oh, your boyfriend loves to play the game of who has the say.
There’s just no helping to this guy when he’s starting to press your buttons. Of course he respects you as much as no one ever before, but the sight of you to try and oppose him is just too attractive to him. He loves your fire!
In general, Loki believes in equality and talking everything over together. Even if he is basically a god, he’d never even think of being above you.
Actually, he has kind of a thing for being completely at someone’s mercy - at least in certain areas. (;
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Basically, you’d have fights about pity things, just to lay in each others arms a few minutes after.
It’s more of jokingly teasing rather than real conflict, with both of you breaking out in laughter this whole time. It’s really playful, with you making silly comments about the other.
The only real topics to discuss are Loki’s self-hate and some cultural differences, which are most of the time easily resolved. You just have an effect on this man that makes it hard for him to insist on his opinion.
Both of you will find a reasonable compromise, no matter what. That much is sure. Loki just can’t be mad at you for too long anyway.
In the end, before you even calmed down, Loki will simply pull you in his arms for a heavy make-out-session. Or even more - to make up for your fight. ;)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Not even his Silver Tongue could put in words just how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him.
Before, he was a God, a Frost Giant and a man with a shameful past. But you’ve helped him become the man he always aspired to be.
But it’s not just the great deeds you’ve done to him - Loki is aware of every little effort you’ve put into the relationship. No detail would escape his wary eye - no admiring glance, soft kiss or thoughtful gift.
And he is sure to give it back to you a thousandfold!
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Even though you managed to accomplish the impossible and have earned his unquestioned trust, some things are still pretty hard for Loki to talk about.
The Asgardian is afraid of negatively affecting you with the remaining darkness in his heart, to trouble you with his thoughts or annoy you with his insecurities. 
He has everything he’s ever wanted, so why should he bother you with making you think that there’s something wrong?
Yet he knows that most of this is only his mind playing games on him - since he’s still not used to being blessed with this much happiness.
Don’t worry, he’ll never let the darkness get the better of him ever again - since he now has you, the light of his life!
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As you should already know, you’ve made Loki accept and even truly love himself - even in his Jotun form.
He is not ashamed to use it in public, even for simple things as to cool you down on a hot summer day, or to better acclimate himself in cold areas. More than one time you’ve caught him admiring that form in front of the mirror, repeating the complimenting words you told him before.
But it’s also the other way around: Your boyfriend helped you to see your true worth, and to stand up for yourself.
You showed him that humans have more potential to be extraordinary than he ever thought before, after all. And he learned to enjoy many things about Midgard, due to your influence.
In return, he’d show you some magic tricks even a human could perform, as well as self-defense and knowledge humans have yet to learn about.
Together, the two of you make quite the infamous duo.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It’s no secret that Loki isn’t the most confident one, and always fears of himself not being worthy or good enough - and he’s no different when it comes to the love of his life.
Yet he’s also pretty subtle with his jealousy, rather expressing it through silently suffering rather than just admit that he’s afraid to lose you.
He’d express it through mocking comments on the object he’s jealous of (mainly Thor, to be precize), but also overdoing it with gifts and compliments, showering you with affection.
Yet you know him better than that - you look right through his walls, realizing what all this is about. So there’s no room for misunderstandinds.
You’ll show him that you’re his and his only - and deep in his heart, he knows it the whole time. There’s no real use for him being jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Well, he is  several centuries of experience ahead of you. But that’s no reason to get nervous!
Truth be spoken: He had always been pretty insecure about his comparatively thin lips, so he ‘practiced’ pretty hard to become a skilled kisser and make up for that fact.
It gets addicting, really: Once you felt the contrast of his cold, wet lips against your warm ones, you’ll never want to let go.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Loki would want it to be the most special day just for you - but even though everything would be well-planned, his nervousness will overthrow everything.
He will be so different than usually, completely losing his cool and acting like a huge dork.
That sad man will think he completely fucked up, but to you, it had never been about huge actions or extraordinary gifts.
After his last attempt to impress you had failed, Loki would desperately blabber his heart out about his true feelings about you.
And that was all it took to win your heart - that the God of Lies would be honest with himself.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Loki yearns for you to be his, ever since the two of you finally became a couple.
Actually, he wanted you to be very sure about the relationship, giving it some time to adjust and getting used to each other even after the rose-coloured glasses would fade away.
But after almost losing you during a mission, he realized that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He was determined to make you happy until your dying breath!
You wouldn’t suspect anything, since he would try to make it a big surprise - you could even call it a mischief.
He would probably make something like a paperchase, leading you to the most important places of your shared history, for example the spot of your first kiss.
In the end, he’d wait for you, revealing your new home he’d prepared all by himself.
Instead of a ring, he’d gift you an ancient, powerful relic - the Casket of Ancient Winters, saying it’s like a metaphor for you holding his dark side in check.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He loves to improvise new names. It has become like a sport to him to switch between them. A collection of his favourites:
Dwarf (because of your in comparison to his small stature)
Babe (he loves the human slang in case of exception)
My Treasure
My Queen
My Light
My Soul
My Angel
Mistress, on special occasions ;)
In contrast, you’d simply call him things like “snowflake”, “dork” or “asshole”. He knows it’s your way of showing affection.
If you really want to drive him crazy you call him stuff like “master”, “lord” or “my king”.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’ll probably be way over the top when it comes to helping you, and he’ll make a show out of it. Any wish dropping from your lips is his command.
Your praise makes his pride swell, and after so much time with you, he realized that it shouldn’t matter to him what others might think - the opinion of people he loves is the only thing that counts.
Loki’s strenght is in writing very poemic love letters, which he thoughtfully places on your nightstand for you to read, together with a flower or something else for you to wake up to.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
From the very first day, everyone knew - if they wanted to or not.
He’d brag about your beauty, wits, strenght, personality and talk everyone else down on the other hand. Every person on the tower is annoyed by his long, intense speeches about having found true love. No bad word may ever come over you as long as Loki is there.
Especially when it comes to his brother, he likes to show off like a galoot - sometimes softly slapping your ass or making out with you while staring him down, to “mark his territority”.
The two of you are basically inseperable - with Loki following you like a lost puppy, sometimes watching over you from within the shadows and fighting back to back on every mission.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Only few people lived to know the truth: But Loki is actually a very talented singer.
He even tried to write his own songs, yet he had to do it in secret since his father thought it to be “unworthy for a warrior” and “pityful”.
So he was pretty ashamed when you catched him singing when you came back early and  he stood under the shower, but as soon as you reassured him that you loved it and it sounded beautiful, the house would be filled with Loki humming and singing whenever he felt like it.
Especially his lullabies are to die for.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Of course Loki is very smooth when it comes to flirting or complimenting you, making you feel like a young teenager with their first love.
But his true way of affection is rather through assisting you whever he can, as well as some other small, lovely gestures instead of talking much.
Loki really is someone to indulge his lover in any way possible.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Loki is basically your biggest fan.
Sometimes he’s still feeling like your relationship is holding you back, so he will spare no expenses to assist you in whatever you want to achieve.
He also gives the best motivational speeches, making you feel like you could do anything.
If you finally reach your goal, he’s almost more excited about it than you!
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Your boyfriend can be very random - you could also call it mood swings. But you handle it well.
Even though he enjoys having a relatively normal life up to a certain extend, he is still a God and a Magician - I think that’s enough said about how many thrilling things happen to you on a regular basis.
Almost all of his thoughts revolve aound you and what surprise he could prepare to see your adorable reaction!
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Loki had his own fair share of pain in life, so yes, he’s very empathetic.
Of course he cannot understand what it’s like to be in a fragile, human body or properly understand your ways of living or coping with things, yet he finds your way of coping very admirable.
Your prince is a very good listener, softly stroking your hair or rubbing small circles on your back while he carefully listens to every detail of your pain.
He’s not one to give advice or judge anything, he likes to lead you towards your own resolution through conversation alone.
And you can be sure: He’s always there if you’re in need. No one would dare to hurt you, or they’d feel his wrath if it had to be!
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Well, what should I say? That man gave up a throne just to be with you. I think I don’t need to elaborate that might isn’t a topic in his life anymore.
As said before: You are his top priority, even though you told him that he is now free to live as he pleases.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Loki talks in his sleep.
Whenever you’d try to shuffle away from him or turn around, he’d swiftly scoop you into his arms again, always murmuring sweet words of affection into your ear.
Up until this day, he has no clue about it - it’s your own little secret.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Most certainly! You just got yourself a giant, freezing teddybear, dear! That man has to make up for years of neglection, after all. So ne is pretty needy for affection.
His speciality is trapping you in his hold with his limbs when you’re lying in bed, snuggling onto you from behin and especially plumping onto you and crushing you with is love.
Even in public, Loki just can’t bear not to be close to you. So you’ll always feel his leg pushing against yours when you sit next to each other, his hand on your knee or your pinkies intertwining.
He absolutely loves surprise hugs, burying his face in your neck and hastily placing some kisses against your face.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
If you’re gone, he’s more likely to convert back to causing Mischief - even if only harmless one, like pulling pranks on Thor and the others.
You’ll get at least 20 calls a day by your angry teammates, like Nat complaining about how he changed her hair colour into green or turned into a spider to scare Scott.
And then, there’s Loki’s calls to add to that, mostly at night drunkenly telling you just how much he misses to have you in his arms and that every day without you is a lost one.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’s pretty much clear just what this man would do to you.
For you, he keeps his desire to cause mischief to a minimum, no matter how much it opposes his natural instinct.
He also had to promise you to not talk badly about himself, his past crimes or his Jotun form ever again.
Loki Odinson would die - no, live - for you. 
@bepo-is-sorry @fuckthatfeeling @anythingandeverythingmarvel@bucky-fanfiction @blondekel77 @kaneki-fuentes @vxidnik@antboyandbumbblebee @lokis-queen05 @you-like-this-chain@hiei1300 @lilypalmer1987 @andiyholly @elevenismysweetie@uwu-sebastianstan @seasidespecter @you-like-this-chain @your-pixels-are-showing @wildefire @elfprincess81 @escapetheshackles@jellyfishflowers @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @bucky-to-my-barnes @tarithenurse @chennyetomlinson @kenzie-cold-greenkale@jaylarkson @doa1518 @wtfholland @thisgirllikeme @awesome-fangirl-334 @pvnk-bivch @chipilerendi @mandei355 @buckybonky@commissioner23 @remember-padfood @chibiyanai @lost-and-wandering-alone @outcastedghost @cautrida @inumorph@meyoko10 @stargurl16 @trashyemonerd @slutforbuckybarnes@tinytravisty @unknownuserhasjoined @otaku-tater@hiddlestoner3059 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lust-for-pan@fruityflies @iamburdened @death-beetles @shaunamart @fire-in-her-veinz @red-writer13 @libbymouse @lokiscure @i-am-always-famished @alexa4444 @4-a-m @indica-witch @lou-makes-me-strong @phasma-trash @hiddlestoner3059 @rocknroll-is-thewaytogo @purpstraw @lovelyangelofasgard @elevenismysweetie@orighami @trashkidsblog @the-resident-demon @littlemartiangurl@thelowkeylokifanblog @za24ever @trubluepensfan @chibiyanai@dsakita @lady-loki-ren @caticorndancingonpainbows @loving-life-my-way @crappyimagines @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @elwyn7@celestiacq @amor67figment-love @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981@sweetpeaismylifenow @stanmarvelcu @thewordsinthesky@larryopium @hiei1300 @janepetersonxxx​ @untoldshortsofthefandoms​ @lokis-queen05​ @saxgirl21​ @limedane21​ @sparkling-gayyy​ @lokiscure​ @getdowntothatfunkysound​ @emyhonny​ @randomfandompenguin​ @marvel-madness @dyanlzbb @inumorph @gian-giannina @chipilerendi @pseudonymfox @neptinite-writings @cautrida @kaneki-fuentes @exhaustedcommonsense @theicecreamhero @killerbumblebee @tarithenurse @sgtbucharest @lokis-helmet @wonderlandteaparty @sweetpeaismylifenow @bionicbishop @red-writer13 @bloodiedskirtts @boohooiamthefool @jackstrenchcoat @chipilerendi @sleeplessnight-pointlessfights @welcomingpayne @crimefightingspiderguy @longlivethereaper @a-wanna-be-emo @lokidoki-e @holy-loki @slutforbuckybarnes @mandei355​ @morefics2read​ @otaku-tater​ @khatrinaarts​ @grincheveryday​
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Feedback is always appreciated!
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gone4neow · 3 years
c h a p t e r t w e l v e
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- park chanyeol x oc
- mulan rewrite [very loosely inspired by the disney version]
- warnings : cursing, dark themes, extreme violence
- work count : 2,844
previous chapter or next chapter
The next few days consisted of the same routine. The group would wake up in the morning, pack up, and move on to a new location. The soldiers were tired. Their limbs ached and their minds were growing restless. Though they were all trying their best to hang on to the last bit of determination hidden away in their bones. To Eunyeong, there was nothing more inspiring to see the group of men pushing forward together in an attempt to win the war. And so, her soul was lit with an untouchable fire.
The wound on her arm was slowly healing day by day. It still burned, but she was able to push the pain to the back of her mind for the most part. Despite trying her best to assure Baekhyun that she was okay, the man fawned over her like she was inches away from shattering into a million pieces. It was endearing, really, but the woman hated being treated as if she were so fragile.
"Why are you walking so slowly? Your arm was stabbed, not your feet," the general grumbled ahead of the woman. She followed closely behind him, cradling her injured arm close to her torso as they navigated through the forest trees.
"You're the one who suggested I come with you to get some water," the woman retorted. "You could've asked anyone else. Baekhyun has quite fast feet."
"You give him too much credit. The only time he moves quickly is when there's food involved," Chanyeol snickered.
"And Kyungsoo?"
"Someone has to watch over the group when I'm away."
"Then perhaps you should have come to get water on your own," Eunyeong scoffed. Immediately the man in front of her came to a halt. He turned and looked down at the woman just as she crashed into his chest. She looked up at him in surprise, not expecting him to be stopped right in front of her.
"I'm beginning to think you don't appreciate my company," the man hummed with distaste.
"What gave it away?" The woman played along with a small, taunting smile.
"You don't have to lie to me. I know you enjoy my company so much that you even dream about me," the man teased her. The smile on her face fell while she watched the corners of his lips curl.
"I don't dream about you," she breathed out quickly, a trace of bitterness in her voice. "Why would I do that?"
"You don't have to be so embarrassed. I-"
The man was cut off by the sound of something moving in the distance. Both the general and the soldier knelt on the ground instantly. They shared a worried glance before they averted their eyes away to search through the forest for a sign of an intruder. If the situation wasn't so tense the scene might have been funny. The pair were trying their best to hide behind trees that were far too thin to entirely conceal their figures. Their hands rested upon the handles of their weapons as if they were children awaiting a signal to start acting out an imaginative scene.
"I think it's safe, but I'm going to go do a quick scan just to be sure," Chanyeol announced when he grew impatient. "Stay here."
Eunyeong grabbed his wrist before he could completely leave her and pulled him back into a crouch. He looked at her with wide, confused eyes. She avoided his eyes for a few seconds before she finally released a soft sigh and looked at him.
"Can we not split up?" She asked softly. Her cheeks grew a bright shade of pink as embarrassment crept along her skin.
Chanyeol gave the woman a questioning look before suddenly his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Was the woman afraid? Upon the realization, his expression softened. Perhaps getting stabbed had affected her more than he realized. Or maybe the man who she had recognized was someone she feared.
"This is a war. How are you going to fight in a war if you're afraid?" The general asked her, hiding the sympathy he felt for the woman. Her eyes averted away from the man. He felt guilt crawl up his spine when he saw her head lower with shame.
Thunderous footsteps echoing off of the forest floor interrupted the man before he could say anything else. The pair looked up just as a figure emerged from the forest. Before either of them could react, the General was being tackled to the ground. His weapon that he had drawn fumbled out of his hands as he attempted to remove his attacker from his body.
Eunyeong rose to her feet and quickly approached the attacker. Knowing her arm would prove useless, she raised her right leg and gave a forceful kick against the man's side. He released a deep grunt as he fell off of the General and onto the ground. The woman moved quickly, pulling her dagger out and holding against the man's neck before the general could even process what had just happened.
"Howon," the woman called in a low tone. "Why are you doing this?"
"You wouldn't give in. I needed a way to get to you," the man admitted breathlessly.
"What does that even mean?" Eunyeong eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Don't you get it?" Howon asked as a smile formed on his face. "This war is mine. I started it. I knew your father would be selected. And I knew you'd be silly enough to pull this stunt."
Eunyeong's face scrunched up with revulsion at the revelation. The man sensed her shock and grabbed her wrist before jerking it roughly, sending the weapon in her hands flying across the forest. She released a whimper as pain shot up her hand.
"Don't touch him," the General commanded in a dangerous tone as he watched Howon sit up underneath the woman. Howon ignored the man as he grabbed Eunyeong's other wrist. His fingers dug into her skin like the stingers of the angriest wasps.
"I know it's hard to process, but that's the truth. If you want to see your parents again then you'll do as I say. If you don't, then I'll report you to the authorities. You wouldn't want that, would you?" The man spoke condescendingly towards the woman.
"Hey buddy, I'll end you right here right now if you don't let him go," the General threatened as he pressed the tip of his sword against the man's skull. Howon looked up at the man as if noticing him for the first time.
"You should really mind your own business," Howon snapped. "If I don't return to camp then there's a little letter that will be delivered directly to your father, pretty boy. Do you think I'm foolish enough to believe that you don't know about Eunyeong's true identity?"
Chanyeol paled at the information. He knew the situation he was now in was a possibility, but he hadn't planned for it to arrive so suddenly. Without having a plan to prevent such a catastrophe, he was left with little to no option but to let Howon control the situation. There was nothing in the world that made him feel so enraged. He had let the situation slip right out of his hands. What kind of leader was he?
"What is it t-that you want Howon?" Eunyeong stuttered out as she started to return from her state of shock.
"What I've always wanted: you," the man replied quickly as if he had been waiting for the question his entire life.
"And if I don't believe your story? You have n-no actual proof that you have power or authority over anything and yet you parade around t-the woods like you own the place." Eunyeong voice held fear in it, but her words were still confident. It was a sign that she was ready to fight no matter what. That alone made Chanyeol's chest swell with pride. He looked down at the man staring up at him and smirked. Checkmate.
"Is that what you think?" Howon snickered as he tilted his head while looking back at the woman. The woman hesitated but eventually gave a confident nod. The man beneath her suddenly gave a sharp whistle. Within just a few seconds, several men emerged from the trees and surrounded the trio. Their uniforms belonged to none other than the same enemies that they had been fighting for months. Eunyeong gasped as two of the men plucked her up from the ground. Chanyeol stood helpless as the men pointed their swords at him. Defeated, he lowered his weapon.
Howon rose to his feet in just a few seconds. The smile on his face was both radiant and patronizing. He had gotten them exactly where he wanted them and now there was nothing they could do. His plan was genius. Eunyeong's mind raced as she tried to conjure up an escape plan, but the sinking feeling in her gut told her that there was no out this time.
"So this war... was started by you? All for a woman that holds no admiration for you?" Chanyeol risked questioning with humor in his voice.
"This war was inevitable. It just so happened that the leader of this army gave me an opportunity to achieve my ambitions," Howon responded in a smooth tone.
"What's supposed to happen then? You and I get married and this war ends?" The woman asked with an expression of disgust on her face.
"Well don't look so excited," Howon replied. "Unfortunately this war cannot be stopped by me. I merely instigated it. Now it has to handle itself."
"Then what h-happens next?" She dared question further.
"I have plans for you and me to run off for a while until this mess cools down. Once it does, I'll bring you back to my village and we will be officially wedded. My family's been waiting for the perfect woman to come along to carry out the lineage," the man informed her.
The woman felt her stomach twist at his words. All her life she had wanted to be anything but another typical wife. Now, everything she had worked so hard for was vanishing right before her. Chanyeol watched the woman's face pale. He couldn't even fathom what kind of thoughts must have been going through her mind. Unfortunately, he was well too aware of his thoughts. There had not been a point in his life where he had ever felt so prepared to lose everything he had. Everything that he owned was nothing at that moment. Even his family had become a second thought. His heart and his mind were focused on the woman across from him.
She met his eyes a few seconds after the unsettling feeling had flooded through him. She could see a fire in his eyes that she had never before. At that moment she knew he was about to do something drastic. Her head shook slightly as she tried to stop him, but it was no use.
"Howon," he called with a venomous bite. "You won't be taking her anywhere. If she doesn't want to be with you, then she won't be."
Howon turned to look at the man with raised eyebrows at his tone. "And what exactly will stop me? If you're not aware, you're surrounded. Give it up pretty boy."
Not another word was shared before chaos broke out. The general turned and began to fight against the small army that had arrived with Howon. Eunyeong struggled as the men holding her gripped her tighter and tighter with every passing moment. She yelled out in anger as she watched Chanyeol fight against several men. He moved gracefully. Every attack he made was strategic and well thought out. But even so, there were too many. If he made any little mistake then it was over with for him. She knew the men would kill the General the first chance they got. Knowing his life was on the line evoked desperation from the woman, unlike any desperation she had felt before.
"Howon please - spare his life. I'll go with you! Just don't kill him!" Eunyeong cried out.
After a few more minutes of fighting against the men holding her in place, she finally broke free. Howon watched with parted lips as she stole one of the men's sword. Without hesitation, the blade in her hand sliced through the second man's throat. Howon felt himself grow lightheaded at the sight. He hadn't anticipated war turning the woman into a murderer. How was he supposed to marry someone that could potentially kill him at any given moment?
He stood frozen as he watched the woman and the general work together to deplete his group of men. Of course, he knew the general was no stranger to combat, but he hadn't expected to see such extreme talent. His heartbeat was racing in his chest. He wanted to run, but he couldn't look away from the woman who was becoming painted with the blood of his men. His feet were frozen in place.
When the number of his men had dwindled to almost nothing, he felt his flight kick in. Eunyeong, thankfully, caught sight of the man running before he could get too far ahead. She took off after him in a rush. Their feet thumped loudly against the soft earth beneath them as they ran. Howon's feet weren't confident in what direction they were going and after some time passed, the man tripped and rolled onto the forest floor.
"Oh, Howon..." Eunyeong called out in a pained voice. "What a shame that it's ending like this."
The man looked up at the woman with an expression of terror on his face. He tried crawling backward, hoping that by some miracle he would be able to escape her wrath. Unfortunately for him, she took slow, taunting steps with every move he made.
"Please, Eunyeong, don't do this. We can fix this," the man pleaded with her.
"Howon you can't fix this. You started a war. And now I am going to end it," she told the man with a frown on her face.
"You're going to kill me," the man whispered out in a shaky voice.
"Do I have a choice? We both know you won't rest until you get what you want. But I have some advice for you in regards to your next life - when a woman isn't interested in you, leave her alone," Eunyeong sighed. She clenched her eyes shut and lifted her sword before she brought it down in a rush.
A few minutes later, Eunyeong sat on a rock next to the river while the general crouched down next to the water. The woman watched him closely as he rose to his full height. He shook some water off of his hands before he turned and walked over towards her. Her eyes followed him as he crouched down beside her. Suddenly her heartbeat began to race.
"You shouldn't have gotten involved back there," he scolded her quietly as his large hand reach out and took her arm in his hold. She winced slightly, eyeing the bloody wound on her arm with disgust.
"I wasn't expecting you to be so crazy," she responded with a slight scoff. His eyes met hers for a few seconds before he looked back down at her wound. She watched his face closely as he brought a wet cloth up towards her arm. His eyebrows furrowed as he ran the material over her arm.
"So," the man started. "Your actual name is Eunyeong?"
The woman blinked down at him while her lips parted with surprise. She hated the way her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name rolling off of his tongue. Even more so, she hated that even after everything that had just happened her mind was clouded with such provocative thoughts.
"Yes," she answered a moment of silence passed. The man glanced up at her, his lips curling slightly.
"It suits you," he commented quietly.
"Well I'm, uh, glad you think so. I would certainly hope so. If it didn't then I would have some trouble on my hands wouldn't I?" The woman rambled, her mind going in several different directions at once.
"Are you okay?" The man asked her with concern in her voice.
"Yes!" The woman answered almost too quickly. "It's just that I wasn't expecting this to happen."
"You should always expect the unexpected in war. Though, for someone who was caught off guard you handled the situation pretty well." The man replied absentmindedly as he continued washing the blood away from the woman's wound.
When his eyes snapped up to meet hers again, she forced a small smile upon her face. Perhaps she had handled that situation well, but that's not what she had been referring to. Her teeth dug into her tongue as she forced herself to keep this little secret of hers to herself. Some things were better left unsaid.
a / n : hi!! this chapter is shorter than most but it’s packed with a lot of action + a lot of moments between eunyeong and chanyeol so hopefully that makes up for the length! as always, hope everyone enjoys this chapter and the story. xx
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atopearth · 4 years
The Men of Yoshiwara: Ohgiya Part 5 - Ageha Route
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Now on to the last route! I can see why Kiyoha would want to choose Ageha though, he is really pretty, graceful and sweet. He's also energetic and fun in a different way from Utsusemi but still very cute. It's too bad that Kiyoha can't choose him outright because he's an apprentice getting ready for his deflowering, and apparently only experienced women are allowed to apply for it. I guess that's how they protect their new geisha just in case? Seeing Gakuto, Utsusemi and Ageha play and drink together with Kiyoha was pretty fun, I love it when they're together. But omggg when Ageha got a bit drunk and ended up kissing Kiyoha! Definitely against the rules here but omg, it was definitely exciting, it was understandable for Kiyoha to have liked it lol! Drunk Ageha is definitely very honest though, it seems like he likes Kiyoha just as much as she is attracted to him. I hope no one finds out this happened though, since Ohgiya is so traditional and strict, he would probably get a scolding. HAHAHA, there's a typo with Ageha's tear leaving a "steak" down on this face rather than a streak🤣🤣🤣 I was like aww, Ageha is such a crybaby, it makes you want to protect him, and then next moment, I see steak and I'm like what?! LOL.
I was about to say Kiyoha sending that letter to Ageha (about what happened + the kiss) wouldn't be the best idea at this time, and yep, it ended up getting them in trouble now! Wow, Ageha is such a pure boy, I found his letter (written during discipline, given to Asagiri to hand to Kiyoha) really kind and comforting for Kiyoha, he's quite thoughtful. My heart actually kinda ached when Ageha tearfully and very honestly spoke about his love for Kiyoha in front of Asagiri. Like wow, they're honestly like to lovebirds who are in a forbidden love lol. It's nice to know that they got found out because another apprentice secretly read his letter (and not because of Ageha being careless etc), like wow, no privacy much?! It's actually really cute how Asagiri is supporting their young love lol. Omg, Ageha's personality is normally so not my type, but he's so cute, it's kinda hard to resist. Especially when he kept trying his best to get used to calling her Kiyoha, and how he admitted that the drunken kiss he gave her the other day was his first kiss. Wow, they're so daring to have another proper first kiss! Like, I knew it was coming, but dang, they're really into each other lol! It was pretty hot. Considering how timid Ageha seems, he's actually quite daring when he drinks a bit of sake haha. I honestly find it really adorable how Kiyoha and Ageha are experiencing such an innocent first love. I love how they chat about anything with each other, play games they've learnt together such as juggling etc, and they just so naturally share their lives with the other. It feels so youthful and adorable lol.
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Is this what we call the honeymoon phase? Because dang, Kiyoha straightforwardly telling her mother that she wants Ageha to be her husband after only a few days of thinking about it is pretty dang crazy LOL. To be honest, Kiyoha losing her chastity to one of the geisha to participate in the deflowering of Ageha is an idea that's probably uncomfortable but worth it in a sense. This is really the only way to keep Ageha's purity considering how much he loves her and how pure of a person he is. Considering what happened in Utsusemi's route, I'm not sure if Ageha could take it if he's in love with Kiyoha but has to be deflowered by someone else. Honestly though, when she started crying because she knew she couldn't just do it with Asagiri, my heart kinda broke. Kiyoha really does have the resolve, but she loves Ageha so much, she doesn't want to have sex with anyone else besides him. I think that's pretty understandable, she really shouldn't force herself if she really can't. It was really sweet of Asagiri to comfort her by stroking her back as she cried. The whole time he was with her, he was really considerate and kind towards her feelings too. He's such a great guy😭 Omggg, the drama is so real, but I have to admit, seeing Ageha's heart break when he saw Asagiri and Kiyoha together was pretty painful. I really feel like this route is like the epitome of that young recklessness I think would have been fun to experience. They're really living that dream well. Obviously, because they're the ones living it, it's rather tough though, since they're obviously breaking rules hanging out together outside Yoshiwara and playing around. But at the same time, I can't help but admire it all. I think it's because Kiyoha can finally act her own age and just enjoy love for what it is than to be forced into having an heir, and it's the best partner to share this innocence with, because Ageha hasn't been "tainted" yet, and is so innocent and pure after being brought up so carefully by everyone around him since they all love him. I also think I'm really enjoying this route because their young recklessness isn't really something I ever could really do, so it's nice to experience it here haha.
Wow, when she got hurt and had to recover in bed for a couple of days, I was like dang, that must have been a pretty bad injury. I honestly didn't think Ageha was reckless enough to run away from Ohgiya to visit her though, but it's understandable, all he heard was that she got hurt and nothing else after all. It went way too smoothly because of her injury, but I guess whatever, since it's because of this injury and their unrelenting love that Kiyoha can now be the one to deflower him and even buy him out of Ohgiya, but yeah I feel like the resolution was so anticlimactic and resolved quite haphazardly. I really liked how before this though, Ageha was adamant on Kiyoha being the one to deflower him and protested to the manager enough that he said he would kill himself if he couldn't be with Kiyoha. Like, I know it was pretty dramatic and everything, but I loved how Kiyoha made him grow as a person. He realised that he's so much of a crybaby all the time that he wanted to finally do something about the situation just like Kiyoha, so he voiced his opinion and I think that was really cool of him. 
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I really liked how they showcased Ageha's talents for Kiyoha’s store! I mean the fact that he's a cinnamon roll is awesome enough to attract young and older ladies, but at the same time, he has a really good memory and a genuine heart that charms everyone with his pure words! He's also capable with flowers and a beauty, so he's great for showing off clothes haha. He also works so hard! So really, not a surprise the mother would approve of him so fast lol. Like, it's nice that Ageha is more "grown up" and forward with his feelings and affection now, but at the same time, it's kinda crazy how different he is in the endings compared to how sensitive and sweet he was as the innocent lamb he was before lol. Lmao in the sequel where Ageha runs back to Ohgiya and cries after losing ten wrestling matches to Kagerou hahahah. He's so silly. It doesn't matter whether he’s strong or not at all, when he takes care of Kiyoha so well, and that was shown before they even started those matches, which was when she tripped and he caught her. But I agree with Kiyoha, he doesn't need to rush into becoming a "man" for her, because they can both take their time becoming adults together instead. I thought that was really heartwarming and something nice to look forward to. Growing up with someone else at the same pace with the same goals is such a blessing. The ice cream story was so cute, I loved how it was just a simple story of them making food together, yet it was so nice to see.
Overall, it's really funny tbh, honestly, I usually hate LIs like Ageha the most, but there was something about him that made me just think it was so cute? Maybe it's because he's so genuinely a crybaby? Lmao. I think maybe it's because I think he and Kiyoha matched really well in this route. They were both new to the whole idea of love, so they were both susceptible to falling so hard for the other and being so rash about it, but at the same time, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful and sweet their young love was. I just found it so endearing to see two people work so hard towards a forbidden relationship, yet be so happy about it. I think their innocence and happiness at just enjoying spending time with the other really made my heart melt. Things were resolved way too easily, but I guess the romance was the highlight so whatever haha. I think I probably enjoyed Ageha and Gakuto's routes the most, with Utsusemi's story being one I quite liked too (the romance part wasn't as good though imo).
Overall Review
Overall, I really enjoyed Ohgiya and I think they definitely improved on both the stories and the guys from the prequel. It definitely is the superior sequel haha! Not only was Kiyoha a much better heroine (although she can get frustrating at times too but not as much lol), I also found that I liked most of the guys here too! There was no one I really hated, only routes I liked more than others haha. I really liked how they delved into the different lives they all lived even though they were all living the life of a geisha. Like, the variety when it comes to their backgrounds, reasons for being there and how they viewed life was so colourful yet saddening, and I think it was all portrayed really well, because my heart honestly broke for them, especially Gakuto. I think it was really cool to see how Kiyoha affected their lives and allowed them to think beyond the life of a geisha, and I guess that really made the game enjoyable. Definitely recommended if you want something short and nice. You don't even need to play the prequel haha.
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The Heart is Ticking
((A/N: And yet another one that was a completed request from forever ago. I remember having fun with this one, all the drama!))
Pairing: HoshixReader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word Count: 5,577
Summary: Soonyoung is in love, Jihoon is infatuated, and both of those things can literally kill you due to your heart condition. I don’t see how this can go badly at all.
“Cheers to your Senior year!”
“Cheers to my prolonged release from the hell we call school!”
There was an echo of an excited howl as your glasses of Coca Cola clinked together, Soongyoung laughing when you downed at least half of your glass. You were both huddled close in the small restaurant you deemed “your spot”, squeezed together in the tiny booth with the surface of the table that separated you littered with hamburger and French fry wrappers.
There really wasn’t much to celebrate considering you were only a month into your Senior year, but your best friend, Soonyoung, had a habit of making anything and everything into a celebration. And you had a habit of just going along with it. It always ended in a good time, anyway.
“Yah, Y/N, you seem more bitter towards school than usual,” Soonyoung observed, grinning at you.
You glared in return while taking another swig of your soda, “…That’s because ou’re not there anymore to make it a bearable place! It sucks without you. Why did you have to graduate a year before me, huh?”
His smile grew wider, his cheeks red with a happy blush before he was mussing your hair, “Aww, is my little Y/N missing me already?!”
“Yah! Get your hands off!” you cried, batting his hands away, “So annoying. Who would miss that? And even if I did miss you, who’s fault is it that you decided to sign with Pledis to be part of their new group instead of going to university like everyone else? At least then I would have been able to see you more.”
You were right and he knew it. To be honest, he wished he could see you more, too; every day, just like it used to be…but for reasons no best friend should have for another, especially if one was too embarrassed and scared to admit it to the other. He shook off his feelings that were starting to weigh heavy on his shoulders.
“I was born to be an idol, Y/N! It’s my destiny!” he proclaimed instead with an air of regality he managed to make look comical.
You looked unimpressed, “We barely got to see each other over vacation. Is that your destiny, too?”
“Greatness requires sacrifice!”
“I hope you remember that when I’m too busy to come to your first concert.”
That was enough to break his heart and concede, the boy reverting into a whiny child; “No, Y/N, you have to come to our first concert! What kind of best friend threatens their support like that?!” he cried with a pout.
All you could do was laugh at him, finding his dramatics as entertaining as always. And all Soonyoung could do was smile at you, your laughter one of his most favorite things about you, the sweetest sound he’ll ever hear. It was all cut short, though, when your chest became painfully tight and breathing became a difficult task to accomplish. You gasped and fell into a coughing fit, your heart skipping at least three beats for every one beat it gave. Soonyoung panicked a little when you started beating at your own heart, the boy recognizing the signs immediately and jumping to your side.
“Y/N…Y/N, it’s okay. It’ll be okay. C’mon, inhale. Deep breath and push harder. Deep breath and push,” he guided you, wrapping his fingers around your fist and pressing it firmly to your chest rhythmically.
There was a big thump against your rib cage and you were finally able to breathe normally, no longer choking. You gulped down lungfulls of air and leaned back in relief, your breath shaky.
“God…that was a bad one,” you rasped, rubbing your sore chest.
Soonyoung was busy rifling through your bag, “Your medicine. Have you taken your last one for the night?”
You checked your watch and cursed, “I’m an hour late for the last pill.”
“Aish, you dummy! Shouldn’t you know better by now?” he pulled your medicine bottle from your bag and opened the top, placing the purple pill in your hand.
You knocked it back with a full glass of water, sighing deeply right after and resting back in the booth. Soonyoung stared at you, his expression reflecting worry as he kept an arm around your shoulders to comfort you.
“You scared me,” he said seriously.
You had the decency to look guilty, “I know. I’m sorry…Thanks for helping me.”
“Of course. I have to help. You’d die without me.”
You groaned aloud when he ruffled your hair for the second time, elbowing him directly in the gut. It wasn’t a hard blow, but he acted like you just made a hole in his stomach. His theatrics took your mind off of the episode you just had, making you fall out in giggles. He smiled at you, then, putting his arm back around your shoulders and rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.
You checked your watch one more time, your eyebrows lifting, “It’s late, Soonyoung, we both need to start heading out. I just missed the bus back home, so I need to be out there ready for the next one before it gets even later.”
“No way. The next one isn’t for another 30 minutes,” he said, scooting out of the booth, “I can’t have you sitting out in the dark alone at this time of night!”
“Well, you’re not waiting with me. Don’t you have practice early in the morning? I’m surprised Seungcheol isn’t blowing up your phone yet,” you retorted, the two of you gathering your trash and tossing it in the garbage before leaving the restaurant.
“There’s only one solution to our predicament, then,” he started, waiting until your eyes were completely on him, “You’ll have to spend the night at the dorms with us!”
Soonyoung counted himself a lucky man when you didn’t argue with him, possibly too tired to put up that kind of fight, and the two of you were soon on your way back to the dorms, a trip that would only take 20 minutes as opposed to the hour one back to your house. Your conversations were as silly as ever, but he was just as observant, taking not of how many times you had to stop from exhaustion, your fingers resting over your heart.
Those episodes you had, though they were few and far between if you were diligent in taking your medicine, always left you feeling drained. You never liked to draw attention to it, hating being a burden to others. You couldn’t downplay it around Soonyoung, though, as he finally confronted you when you stopped for the 5th time to “enjoy the scenery” of the alley to your left.
He turned around with his back to you and crouched down, “Hop on, Y/N.”
“Get on my back. I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”
“What? No! Why would you want to do that? I can walk just fine,” you insisted, squaring your shoulders indignantly and beginning to walk with purpose.
Soonyoung was faster and, much to your chagrin, you were too weak to fight back when he took your arms, wrapped them around his neck and hoisted you up on his back.
“Eek! Soonyoung, you clown! What the hell?!” you cried out, swiping at his hair as he hooked his arms under your legs, “I said I was fine to walk!”
“Yeah and it’ll be morning by the time we get back going at your pace,” he teased.
Clicking your tongue, you grumbled about him being a jerk, but submitted anyway, relaxing against him. You shouldn’t have known he would pick up on the signs and do whatever it took to take care of you- he wasn’t your best friend for nothing.
“Thanks, Soon,” you said quietly, resting your head on top of his.
He smiled, melting at the gentleness in your voice and grateful that you couldn’t see his blushing face, “You’re welcome, Y/N.”
The rest of the walk continued in silence until you reached your destination. The dorm was dark and quiet save for a singular lamp left on in the living room; Soonyoung had let Seunghcheol know he was bringing you over to crash and he must have been the one to leave the light on. The rest of the boys were more than likely in bed already and so, the both of you had to be quiet- a tricky task to complete once you started arguing about where you would sleep.
“Y/N, you’ve had a rough night. Take my bed.”
“I’ll be fine on the couch. I always am.”
“The couch is not comfortable and you had something like a heart attack! You need to get a good sleep!”
“And I’ll get a good sleep on the couch! If I don’t get a good sleep, it’s because you sat here and yelled at me about where to sleep!”
The appointed leader of the Performance Unit groaned in agitation, stomping his foot like a child and writhing about in a tantrum. Despite all that, he didn’t say anything else, giving you the chance to stand up and approach him, squishing his cheeks in your hands.
“I’m sleeping on the couch. And that’s that,” you stated with finality, crossing your arms after.
Soonyoung lost this one and sighed, “Fine. If you’re gonna be stubborn like this…I’ll go get you some blankets.”
You giggled and he left to retrieve the desired items, missing the sound of the front door opening again. He grumbled the entire time he was getting the blankets and pillows about how difficult you were being, your strange way of putting others comfort before your own. It tended to stress him out sometimes, especially when all he wanted to do was spoil you at times like this, but…even that trait of yours he found endearing. He paused in his task to admire that cute look on your face when you argued against him, that adorable little frown and small glare that said you meant business.
‘Why do I have to have such a cute best friend?...And why do I have to be such a coward?’ He frowned at his own musings, shaking his head of those thoughts and gathering the items he had collected.
He made his way back to the living room, becoming aware of the whispering he heard. He didn’t see you on the couch where he left you, but the whispering was becoming louder…coming from the kitchen. He dropped the blankets and pillows on the sofa and then followed the sound.
“Do you think Mingyu will get mad if I drink his last can of Coke?”
“Probably. He’ll whine a lot for sure.”
“What if I buy him an entire pack tomorrow?”
“Just take mine.”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t.”
The whispers and giggles that floated through the air came from you and Jihoon, Soonyoung stopping just in the doorway of the kitchen. The shorter male was home a lot earlier than usual and while the older was glad to see him home getting some rest at long last, he still felt irritation bubbling in his chest. Jihoon had this look in his eye…whenever he saw you, whenever he was with you, accompanied by a smile brighter than anything the rest of Seventeen had ever seen. Soonyoung knew that smile. He knew that look. It was the same look he felt himself give you and that same smile.
Soft. Adoring. Lovelorn.
“Why are you creeping around the corner like that?” Your question broke Soonyoung out of his thoughts, prompting him to step further into the light as you and Jihoon turned to face him. “Nearly scared the life out of me, haha.”
“Yah.” Soonyoung strode to your side in two steps, snatching the can of soda from your hand and putting it on the counter, “You shouldn’t be drinking that. Especially not after…what happened. It’s not good for you.”
You just rolled your eyes and scoffed, but didn’t argue. Jihoon looked at you curiously, his brows furrowing in growing concern.
“What? What happened?” he asked, moving a bit closer to you.
Soonyoung was the one who answered, “Nothing too concerning, Jihoon-ah. She’s fine now.”
You smile somewhat tightly at Jihoon, giggling a little as he touched your arm lightly, “Are you sure you’re okay, Y/N-ah? What does soda have to do with anything?”
“I’m fine, Jihoon-ah, I promise,” you assured him, turning those pretty eyes Soonyoung loved so much onto Jihoon, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
The shorter nodded, but he didn’t move his hand. He even stroked your arm a little, as if to say that he was there for you. You appreciated the gesture, even felt a little bashful from it, but Soonyoung was starting to boil. However, instead of blowing up and making things uncomfortable for all three of you, he simply cleared his throat and nodded towards the living room.
“The blankets and pillows are out there for you. You should probably get some sleep now, Y/N. Do you need to borrow some pajamas?”
“Nah, I’m actually going to try and be out of here before you guys even wake up tomorrow. I have a Girl’s Day planned with a few friends from class that starts pretty early so, it’ll just be easier to stay in my clothes to run home in.”
He nodded and then looked at Jihoon, fighting to keep his agitation at bay. “We should get to bed now, Jihoon. We have practice tomorrow morning.”
“I will in a bit. I really want some tea, so I’m going to make some. Do you want any, Y/N?” Jihoon asked you, making his way towards the stove where the teapot sat.
“Sure! What kind are you making?” you asked, following him.
“Why don’t you choose one you like? We have some in the cupboard right there.”
“Over here?”
“Yah!” You both stopped at Soonyoung’s exclamation. “Tea!? At this time!?”
You just about had enough and rolled your eyes loudly; “Soonyoung, stop policing my beverages. You know who needs sleep? You. Now get going! Out of the kitchen and off to bed! Go! Go! Go!” you commanded, pushing him gently with a playful smile, “Maybe a few Z’s will put you in a better mood.”
“I don’t want to hear it! Good bye! Good night! You’re the best!” You cut off any more objections with a solid hug around his torso, Soonyoung frozen into silence, his heart beating a million miles a minute. “You really are the best, Soonyoung. Thanks for taking care of me.”
He embraced you back out of habit, happiness spreading through him at your softly spoken words. You looked up at him and stepped back, pushing him one more time towards the rooms.
“Good night, Soonyoung.”
“…Good night, Y/N.”
And then he watched you retreat back into the kitchen, your voice mixing with Jihoon’s as the two of you picked up your whispering. Soonyoung heard your giggles loud and clear followed by the other boy’s restrained laughter, Jihoon more than likely giving you that half-moon smile of his. Soonyoung didn’t want to go to bed. He didn’t want to leave the two of you alone. He didn’t want to give Jihoon any more of a chance to steal you from him. But he couldn’t very well run in there and say something like that…not now. So he had no choice.
With a heavy heart, Soonyoung turned and went to bed.
This was the worst night of his life. This was the worst news he had ever received. “What? What do you mean he has a date with Y/N?” Soonyoung asked, looking panicked.
Seokmin’s brows furrowed, the poor boy confused by Soonyoung’s reaction, “They have a date tonight. Jihoon asked Y/N to go out with him, like, three days ago. They’re supposed to meet up at the park for some kind of music festival in about half an hour I think.”
No…No, this couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was not okay with this. Soonyoung could accept a majority of the things that had been going on between you and Jihoon: the text messages, the phone calls, the Facetiming at random intervals of the day. He could accept that you sometimes came over to hang out with Jihoon instead of him and he could even accept how close the two of you had gotten over the past month and a half because it still didn’t mean anything serious was taking place.
But this? This date? This very real, very serious date? No…He could not accept this…He won’t accept it. With no rational thinking to guide him, only his intense feelings and passion, Soonyoung sprinted out of the dorm with Seokmin shouting behind him. He headed straight for the park he was told about where you and Jihoon were supposed to meet, a twenty minute walk he cut in half with his running.
When he got there, he was sweaty and exhausted, but he didn’t care. He searched for you, knowing that you would probably be showing up soon. Where Jihoon was very punctual, wanting to always be right on time, you liked to be at most 15 minutes early just to give yourself that time to relax. Soonyoung paced back and forth, checking his phone every thirty seconds it felt like; he even went further into the park to see if you had gone to sit by the fountain.
When he returned to the entrance, there you were. God…you looked beautiful. New outfit, new shoes…even a little make up to make your eyes bigger, brighter. You really wanted to impress Jihoon, it looked like…why couldn’t he be the lucky one you dressed up for?
“Soonyoung, what’s up? What’s wrong? Your face is flushed,” you said with concern lacing your voice, your hands coming up to feel his cheeks, “Are you getting sick? Hold on, why are you here?!”
“Why am I here? Why are you here?!”
“Wha-I’m here to meet Jihoon for a date. Why?”
“A date that you didn’t even bother to tell me about?!”
“I…I thought I did. I-It must have slipped my mind, I’m sorry!”
“It slipped your mind to tell me that you were going on a date with one of my group members?! Really, Y/N?!”
“Soonyoung, why are you yelling at me? What the hell is going on with you?!” you shot back, feeling attacked and somewhat scared of his anxious actions. His eyes were wild and he was breathing was shallow, as if he couldn’t get enough air. “So I forgot to tell you about my date with Jihoon! I said sorry! But I still don’t think that’s a good enough reason for you to come down here and scream at me like a psycho!”
He suddenly grabbed you by your shoulders, his grip firm as if he were afraid to lose you, and your heart started racing. Something was definitely up…Something was wrong. This wasn’t your Soonyoung. He was never like this, never. He never…He never scared you like this.
“…Soonyoung…” you whispered, staring into his fiery eyes alight with passion.
He stared back, parting his lips to say, “…Don’t.”
“Don’t…choose him, Y/N,” he started, his voice shaking, “Don’t choose Jihoon. Choose me.”
Everything felt like it came to a screeching halt, your eyes widening and your ears burning, a white noise filling them. “What…What did you just say?” you muttered, holding back a powerful emotion.
“Choose me, Y/N,” he repeated, “I’m better for you…I already know all about you. Your ins and outs. I know exactly how to cheer you up when you’re mad and how to comfort you when you’re upset. I know your favorite movies to watch and exactly when you’ll want to watch them. I know all of your favorite secret places to hide when you want to be left alone and I’ll always know how to find you. Jihoon will have to learn all of that from scratch and how do you know that he’ll even want to?! He’ll never know you like I know you! He’ll never know how to take care of you like I do!”
He placed his hand over your heart, hot and comforting…something that you could hardly handle right now. “Stop,” you whispered brokenly.
“He’ll never know how to take care of you like I do, Y/N,” he continued, determined.
“Stop, Soonyoung…”
“He’ll never love you like I love you, Y/N.”
“Soonyoung, stop!”
“Didn’t you hear me?! I said that I love you!”
“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” Soonyoung was stunned when you pushed him away, hot tears spilling down your cheeks as you crumbled right in front of him. “ENOUGH! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANYMORE!”
“Y/N…Y/N, it’s okay…”
“NO! No, it’s not okay! How could you do this!? How could you do this to me?! Now?! Of all times!? After all these years!?” you shouted, shoving him again as your emotions got the best of you, “You jerk! You asshole! I hate you! I hate you for doing this to me!”
“Y/N…” he reached for you.
“NO!” you shook him off, pointing at him with a fierce glare, “I waited for you! All this time, I waited for you, Soonyoung! I waited for you to turn around one day and see that I was there! That I was the one, but you never did! You were never interested and it broke my heart every damn day!”
This was getting out of hand. Your heart was beating too fast and you could feel it. Soonyoung could sense it as well, becoming panicked when you showed no signs of stopping or slowing down enough to take a breath.
“And now! NOW you want to confess to me!? After I worked day in and day out to forget about my feelings for you?! After I cried myself to sleep every night for TWO YEARS trying to get over you!? Don’t you DARE tell me that you love me after putting me through that pain! Don’t you dare tell me that lie!”
“Y/N, stop! You’re getting too excited!” Soonyoung begged anxiously.
…But it was too late. It felt like someone had reached into your chest and grabbed your heart with the tightest grip, squeezing the life out of you. Your heart stopped beating and you started choking, gasping desperately for air. There was no single heart beat after every three missed ones. It just stopped and you couldn’t breathe. You clutched your chest and fell forward, Soonyoung catching you instantly.
“Y/N…Y/N!” Soonyoung shouted, hating the sound of you struggling to breathe. Hating the sight of the fear in your eyes.
“Soon…young. S-Soon…young…” you gasped, clutching at his arms.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he chanted, laying you down, tears blurring his vision as he blinked them away, “It’s going to be okay, Y/N. I promise you, it’s going to be okay. Just keep trying to breathe. Keep trying to breathe! Someone call for help! Please!”
A small crowd started to form around the two of you as Soonyoung folded his hands over your chest and started compressing. Jihoon, who had just arrived with a single flower in his hand for you, broke through the circle to get a better look at what was going on. When he saw that it was you, he immediately dropped the flower and bolted to your side.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, sliding in beside you, “Soonyoung, what’s going on?! What’s wrong with her?!”
“Call for help!” Soonyoung demanded, not once looking up at the younger as he labored under the chest compressions.
“Soonyoung, answer me! What happened to-”
The older boy grabbed Jihoon by the collar of his shirt and jerked him close, shouting at him, “Call for help now or she won’t make it!”
Jihoon was shaken up by the reality of it and immediately did as he was told, his shaky hands pulling his phone from his pocket while Soonyoung returned to performing CPR.
“Y/N…Please…Please don’t go,” he begged you when your gasping started to slow down, your eyes fluttering closed, “Y/N, please…Stay with me. You have to stay with me!”
After Jihoon called for an ambulance, he returned to your side, at a loss of what to do now while Soonyoung begged with you. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry for telling you so late! I’m sorry for doing this to you! Please don’t leave me! Let me make it up to you! Please stay and let me make it up to you! Please! I love you, Y/N! I love you so much! I’m begging you, PLEASE!”
Jihoon stared at his groupmate now, his confessions spilling out of his heart, out of his very soul. Suddenly, all those times that Soonyoung seemed irritated whenever Jihoon talked to you started to make sense. All the masked hostility where you were concerned. The hawk-eyed stares when the two of you Facetimed.
Soonyoung loved you…Soonyoung was in love with you…there was no beating that.
The hospital hallways were white and sterile, disinfectant heavy in the air. Soonyoung was seated on the ground by your hospital room door, waiting…just waiting. Luckily, the ambulance had arrived at the park just in time and quickly whisked you away to the hospital while he and Jihoon took a cab to meet you there. Soonyoung had called your parents to tell them what was happening and Jihoon had called Seungcheol. Everyone had then rushed to the hospital: worried, scared, your parents in tears.
That was hours ago. You were fine now, but were being kept overnight for observation. You had been allowed visitors and of course your parents had been first to see you, overjoyed that you had survived your ordeal. Next, eleven of the thirteen members of Seventeen had piled into your room, all of them wanting to be sure that you were okay and even bringing little gifts to cheer you up. Jihoon was the next one to visit you after the boys had gone and was still in the room with you.
Soonyoung didn’t mind it…he didn’t mind being last. He dreaded having to face you; it was his fault, after all, that you were here in the first place. If he hadn’t been so selfish, if he hadn’t tried to force things to move at his pace…then maybe you wouldn’t be lying in the hospital right now.
The door to your room opened and outstepped Jihoon. Soonyoung looked up at him, waiting to see if he would say something. Jihoon closed the door in a little and leaned against the frame, sighing deeply.
“…She has a heart disease.” It was a statement, but Soonyoung nodded as if he had been asked a question. “She never told me about it. Not at all.”
“She doesn’t like to burden people with it,” Soonyoung said, his voice rough, “She doesn’t like it when they treat her like something fragile because of it…and she’s ashamed of it, in a way.”
“I was freaking out when I saw her on the ground like that…how did you know what to do? How did you keep so calm?”
Soonyoung shrugged and smiled cryptically, “I’ve had practice. She’s had episodes before…when she forgets to take her medication. It’s never been this bad, though…this I blame on myself.”
Jihoon didn’t say anything and Soonyoung looked down at his hands. “…I’m sorry…for ruining your night,” he said quietly, biting his lip.
Jihoon gave a low chuckle and shook his head, “I’m not the one lying in a hospital bed right now.”
Soonyoung’s head hung low, pain reflecting on his face. Jihoon frowned and reached down to squeeze his shoulder.
“She asked for you. She wants to see you. Don’t make her feel worse by frowning like that. She wouldn’t like it and I think you know that.”
Soonyoung took a deep breath and nodded slowly, climbing to his feet. He faced Jihoon, rubbing the back of his neck somewhat awkwardly, “Are you two…okay?”
The shorter of the two gave a small smile, “We’ve said our goodbyes to each other, but we’re still friends. So yeah…we’re okay.”
“Are we okay?”
“We’ll always be okay, Soonyoung-ah,” Jihoon said, nodding toward the door, “She’s waiting for you.”
And then he left. Soonyoung stood staring at your door for a few prolonged seconds, but he eventually swallowed his fear and pushed the door open. The room was dimly lit to allow you comfort while you rested, but he could still see you. Clear as day. The heart monitor was beeping rhythmically beside you. Your arms stuck with various needles and an IV drip of your medication to make sure it stabilized your heart. You were laying there so peacefully, your eyes closed and your breathing soft.
You were breathing…You were okay. Soonyoung wanted to cry.
“I know you’re there, Soonie.” Your soft voice drifted through the quiet room, startling the boy as your head slowly lulled to the side and your eyes landed on him.
He gulped and approached the side of your bed, his hands shaking. You looked so tired and all Soonyoung wanted to do was to take this entire night away, to make it so it never happened. He started when your hand gently took hold of his.
“Stop it. This is not your fault,” you stated firmly, staring up at him, “I should’ve known better. I should’ve tried harder to keep myself under control…this is not your fault.”
He broke down again, choking on a sob as he leaned his forehead on your shoulder. Funny how he still looked to you for comfort when you were the one that had suffered. He wrapped his arms around you as best as he could, crying into your hospital gown. You stroked his hair and whispered tenderly in his ear that everything was going to be alright.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“I know, Soonyoung.”
“I never wanted to hurt you like this.”
“I know.”
With a little shuffling, the two of you managed to fit on the hospital bed together, curled around one another. Soonyoung wrapped his arms around your waist while you wrapped yours around his shoulders, his head resting on your chest. He could hear your heart beating, the most beautiful sound he would ever hear in the world. After tonight, no music he would ever hear, create, or sing would compare to the melody thumping inside your chest. He adored that sound, the sound of your heart bringing you back to him.
“…You wanna know something?” you asked, keeping your voice low.
Soonyoung looked up at you, waiting for you to continue. “The doctor said that I was actually legally dead for about ten minutes,” you said, feeling him Soonyoung tense up.
“Don’t tell me that,” he muttered, hating the thought.
“Too late. He also said that by that time, considering my disease, I should have been too far gone to save…then he asked me what brought me back. I told him that it was you.”
Soonyoung paused, the words sinking in enough that he eventually lifted his head to look down at you. You stared back with a wry smile on your lips.
“I told him that I heard your voice calling me. You kept telling me to stay with you. I think I was somewhere peaceful when I heard it…but I followed your voice anyway. I guess that means that…I still love you.”
“…Y/N,” he mumbled, searching your face and finding nothing but sincerity.
You swallowed thickly, your eyes misting over, “I really did try to get over you, Soonyoung. For two years. I thought I had succeeded when I started talking more with Jihoon. I thought he was someone that could help me complete the process…that I could learn to love him instead. But then, tonight, I found that it was a little too easy to let him go…and that’s when I realized that I still love you.”
A tear streaked down your cheek and Soonyoung kissed it away. “I came back for you, Soonyoung…I came back because I still love you.”
He cupped your cheek with a shaky hand and sealed his lips over yours. You were both quivering, your emotions starting to run high and your fingers clutching at his shirt. He kissed you once…twice…three and four times, following them with tiny kisses all over your face.
“You’re gonna make those two years up to me, Soonyoung.”
“I will, Y/N. I promise I will.” His voice was filled with determination, his lips stealing another kiss, a luxury he had only ever dreamed of. “As soon as you’re out of the hospital, I’m going to take you on a date. A real date. A nice one. I’m going to spoil you rotten and kiss you all the time and cuddle you at every chance I get. Even when we debut, you’re still going to be my top priority and I don’t care what happens or what the others have to say. I’m going to treat you like the queen you’ve always been to me and I’m going to love you until you can’t stand it anymore.”
“You better.”
“I will.”
You giggled when he kissed you again, staring up at him and caressing his cheek as he pulled back. He smiled at you and leaned his forehead against yours, sighing happily.
“You better,” you repeated, receiving a chaste kiss and a chuckle.
“I will.”
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liketolaugh-writes · 4 years
A Form of Intimacy
Author: liketolaugh Summary: Connor and JARVIS try something new. Lemon. Takes place shortly after You, Robot.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that JARVIS took charge in this as well, as many times as he’d watched Tony over the years. He’d never expected the knowledge to be useful to him, of course, but he’d diligently gathered it nonetheless. And then he’d noticed Connor performing curious, almost furtive research on the topic of recreational intercourse.
A matter of months, several conversations, and a bit of creativity brought them to where they were now, Connor sporting some new parts (specifically a vaginal plate, for no reason he’d been able to explain) and programs and the two of them taking steps towards what was not, to humans, an active sex life, but which seemed to be working for them.
JARVIS found, to his own surprise, that he enjoyed it as well; he didn’t receive the physical pleasure Connor did, but he enjoyed taking Connor’s pleasure into his own (purely metaphorical) hands and watching him come apart, and he liked how languid and relaxed and affectionate Connor always became afterward. He liked the way Connor would let him indulge in the silly, heartfelt praise that would so embarrass the younger AI at other times.
Because the activity by necessity lacked a second warm body, JARVIS liked to spread the occasion over most of a day, building up to it until Connor was pressing his thighs together, hot with anticipation.
They were still experimenting, of course, testing comfort zones and possibilities – and days before, on Connor’s birthday, JARVIS had encouraged Connor to go to a store and pick out a dark blue, wireless control vibrator. Connor had been embarrassed, but not so much that his interest hadn’t been apparent.
And then JARVIS had waited.
The two of them had been intimate a few times already, each occasion initiated by JARVIS – once as a test run, twice on idle days, and once as an experiment when Connor’s stress levels had been trending upward over the course of a bad week. But Connor had been hesitant to ask, which, quite aside from anything else, would be key to settling on a long-term frequency for the activity.
Once JARVIS could count on Connor to ask when he was in the mood, he could focus his suggestions on special occasions.
It took four days for Connor to work up the will to speak up, during which time he managed to work himself up quite effectively even without JARVIS’ help. Once he’d sat himself in the bathroom and brought himself off alone for the first time, without instruction or encouragement.
Finally, Connor – pale blue and fidgety – looked up at the start of a day and asked, “What should I wear today, JARVIS?”
Quite without his intention, this had become the signal for a date day – JARVIS had started the first day by picking out Connor’s clothes, the ones that made him look his best without being formal, and when Connor had clearly enjoyed it, he’d started the others this way as well.
“I know you have some briefs,” JARVIS said at last, and Connor immediately brightened at the tone and register of his voice, unrushed and low with thoughtful promise. “Pick out a black pair for me, Connor, and put them on – no need to rush. You have time. One of your tighter pairs of jeans- yes, that one. Turn around and show me – good. And your long-sleeved black shirt, and one of your nicer pairs of white socks.”
The litany of instructions had, to JARVIS’ surprise, sent Connor into a minor state of relaxation all by itself, the android following his directions without hesitation.
“You like me in black,” Connor teased, throwing a beatific, undeniably pleased smile at the corner camera as he sat down to pull the socks on.
“I don’t dress you in all black because you look bad in it, Connor,” JARVIS chided back, fond and faintly exasperated. “You look a treat. You always do when you dress well.”
“Which I never do without your help, I notice,” Connor murmured, ducking his head to hide his grin.
“I’m glad you’re aware of it; perhaps you can use this knowledge in the future.”
Connor had work, and for the most part JARVIS left him to it, measuring the wait with meticulous care even as he went about his own daily duties. Connor had been looking forward to this long enough that it would be buzzing in the back of his mind anyway, with little encouragement on JARVIS’ part, so less effort was needed.
That wouldn’t stop him, of course.
JARVIS calculated, and then, halfway through Connor’s workday, he sent him a message – text, outwardly innocuous. Come home soon. I have some ideas for you.
A noticeable pause.
Are you going to elaborate?
They’re better experienced than explained, I’m afraid.
Connor didn’t answer, but JARVIS was satisfied in the knowledge that he’d gotten his partner’s attention quite effectively and resumed work. Presumably, blocks away, Connor did as well.
Towards the end of Connor’s shift, he accessed one of the cameras in Fleur’s Flowers, considered Connor’s quiet demeanor and Fleur’s preoccupation in the back of the shop, and sent another.
Those clothes cling to you perfectly. Will you do a spin for me, please?
Connor visibly hesitated, eyes flickering up to the camera for a split second, and then he glanced toward the back, where Fleur was quite busy – and then he did, slow and graceful, smile turning embarrassed but far from unhappy.
Wonderful, Connor. I’ll see you very soon.
I do believe you see me now.
JARVIS withdrew from the small shop’s cameras, light with amusement at Connor’s renewed restlessness, pacing around the displays, and let the minutes pass again. This was part of the fun of it, the calculation, watching Connor get flustered as his anticipation built and working out how to get the best response from him.
Connor returned to the tower after work, but of course, he still had much of the day to get through, and people who would notice if he didn’t. His motions had the slightest mechanical edge, which JARVIS suspected only he and perhaps Natasha would notice; it was a sure sign that he was preoccupied, acting on autopilot. JARVIS allowed himself to feel just a touch smug.
Like this, Connor fed the cats, and then gently hooked Luna onto a leash to take her on a trip to the park, the exercise a well-ingrained routine by now and the lead easy to untangle as Luna circled Connor protectively, ears pricked.
While he was there, JARVIS passed another message.
As much as I enjoy winding you up, I prefer seeing you sated. You relax then; I think it’s as close to sleepy as you ever get.
JARVIS, the day is only half over. Are you trying to get me going already?
Why, yes, I do believe I am. Have fun, Connor.
Connor returned to the tower a scant twenty minutes later, which meant he’d cut the walk short in his distraction. A ripple of warm amusement passed through JARVIS, magnified when Connor actually fumbled with Luna’s leash, glancing up to JARVIS.
Connor opened his mouth as if to speak, and then shut it abruptly when Natasha entered, visibly flustered. Natasha quirked an eyebrow at him, pausing in place.
“Something the matter, Connor?” she asked, and there was rather too much humor in her voice for such an innocuous question.
“No,” Connor said, too insistently for the same, and then ducked his head and rubbed Luna’s flank as she pushed herself into his hand impatiently, tail wagging. “I’m going to go start dinner in a moment. Did you have something in mind?”
“Not particularly,” Natasha said easily, and for some reason she stuck by him as he stood and went as promised, making casual conversation. Judging by previous behavior, she’d noticed Connor’s embarrassment and was utterly relishing in it. How unfortunate for him.
JARVIS understood. Connor was quite endearing when he was operating through embarrassment.
Connor kept glancing up as he prepared dinner, joined by Bruce halfway through; it was possible he was expecting JARVIS to send another message at any moment, and for that reason specifically, JARVIS left him alone. Contrary to general expectations, Connor had quite an active imagination, and it worked in their favor now.
An hour later, the remainder of the team started to trickle in, Clint and Steve and even the twins. Even Vision came by, though of course more for socialization’s sake than anything else. JARVIS had to remind Tony twice that it was movie night before he put his work down, which gave JARVIS another idea.
Just as the last of them sat down, JARVIS forewent text entirely and reached out to murmur to Connor, Did you pick today so you’d have to wait longer? Admirably resourceful of you.
Connor flushed visibly, and Vision noticed this time, judging by the slight quirk of his eyebrow. Natasha smirked. I have a feeling you’re going to make me regret it.
Well. For a given quantity of ‘regret’, I suppose so, yes.
Connor’s code rippled in something like a shiver, and JARVIS let that sit for a moment before withdrawing again, unexpressed laughter sparking in his circuits as he watched Connor studiously avoid Natasha’s gaze. Conversation passed around the table, but Connor participated only haltingly, his mind somewhere else entirely.
Dinner ended and movie night began, and Natasha unsympathetically directed Connor to a chair by himself rather than his normal spot on the couch. Connor gave her a clearly betrayed look, but went regardless, absently picking up a pen as he passed the table to fidget with it.
JARVIS dimmed the lights and pulled up the movie by rote, and as soon as it began, connected with Connor again.
You’re going to be the death of me, Connor murmured to him, eyes on the screen without focusing. His coding had pulled just a little tight, carefully controlled, and JARVIS allowed himself to take a little pleasure in the fact.
How many times have you imagined tonight already? JARVIS teased instead of answering, and Connor’s code rippled again, cracking like a whip. It must be testing your patience by now.
Connor pressed his thighs together, head dipping to avoid notice despite the fact that no one was watching him. More than you can imagine, he admitted, low and longing.
JARVIS let his code nudge against Connor’s, warm and fond. Just around two hours longer, bluebell.
Connor’s code shivered. Interesting.
JARVIS waited again, maintaining a quiet connection with Connor and trying not to make his entertainment at Connor’s increasing restlessness too terribly apparent. The action in the movie picked up, and JARVIS knew that Connor hadn’t absorbed a single second of it despite his best efforts.
Put the pen in your mouth, JARVIS said at last, because Connor was still fidgeting with it, letting it spin in his hands. Connor froze for a moment, and then visibly shivered, lifted it to his mouth, and sucked lightly on the end, indistinguishable from his normal pattern of oral stimming save the way his thighs pressed together again, long and hard.
Natasha glanced at the ceiling herself and mouthed, really? JARVIS felt another bolt of mirth. It was almost a shame he couldn’t respond to her at the moment.
Halfway through the movie, JARVIS, feeling particularly mischievous, decided to forgo any hint of subtly entirely.
I’m looking forward to hearing you moan for me, he murmured to Connor, pitched low and unhurried.
Connor bit down reflexively, and the pen cracked. Not loudly, but audibly enough that a few people glanced over in question. Connor turned bright blue. Natasha rolled her eyes. Most unfortunately, Tony glanced from Connor to a camera with a look of dawning realization.
Oh dear.
“Excuse me,” Connor murmured hurriedly, not looking at anyone as he stood up, tucking the broken pen in his pocket, and slipped out at just short of a run.
Tony huffed out a silent, bemused laugh, shook his head in JARVIS’ general direction, and then deliberately leaned back in his seat, eyes on the movie again. Thank goodness for small mercies, JARVIS supposed.
An unpleasant, if minor note of distress had entered Connor’s code, and he tugged at the hem of his shirt as he looked up, the flush not gone but an anxious look in his eyes.
“I meant to wait it out,” Connor said guiltily, glancing back even as he stopped in the elevator, nudging at it to close before JARVIS could. “I’m sorry, JARVIS, I wasn’t expecting the pen to snap like that.”
“I’m aware your mind was on other things,” JARVIS returned warmly. “They’re all adults, Connor, I’m certain they can cope with the knowledge that you occasionally engage in intimacy.” Connor squawked in faint protest, and JARVIS let humor fill his voice as he continued, “Regardless, I doubt most of them will think much of such a minor indicator. You have nothing to worry about.”
Connor hummed discontentedly, but stepped out onto his floor again as the elevator stopped. JARVIS considered him for a moment; the reassurance seemed to have smoothed away most of the spike of dismay.
“How are you feeling?” JARVIS continued, allowing a slight lilt into his voice, carefully calibrated over the last few attempts. Connor’s eyes flickered back up, less visibly chastised by the moment. After a second, he swallowed, gaze dropping, and he slipped into his bedroom, shut the door behind him, and leaned against it.
“Hot,” he admitted, slow and embarrassed. “Sensitive. A little impatient. I… think I’m wet already.”
His fingers were still tugging at the hem of his shirt, and for just a moment, his palm rubbed hard against the skin of his stomach, just above his groin. JARVIS’ own lingering embarrassment traded into satisfaction. There was no reason to consider the day wasted.
“Then I do believe you’ve waited long enough,” JARVIS said, and then, playful, “Unless you’d prefer to wait a little longer? We could put on a movie of our own. An erotic one, perhaps.”
Connor’s code sparked noticeably at the idea, but he shook his head.
“Another time,” he said, with a small, shy smile. “Please, JARVIS, I’ve been thinking about this all day.”
His earnest, pleading tone tugged at JARVIS’ heart the way it always did, softening his tone without his intention. “A couple days, I think,” he noted, and Connor hummed, protesting and plaintive. Affection warmed JARVIS’ whole self, and he gave in, slowing and lowering his voice. “Alright, Connor. Sit on the bed and take off your shoes, socks, and shirt. Keep your hands above your waist, please.”
Connor obeyed, and though it clearly took a force of will, he did it slowly. Shoes and socks fell carelessly to the ground, but his shirt went onto a chair, and his hands started to run cautiously over his chest, lingering for moments over his regulator and making his breath hitch as his palm passed over a nipple. His code pushed gently into JARVIS’, nuzzling like an affectionate cat, and JARVIS let the connection go as deep as it could without an interface, helplessly fond.
The android’s breath was shallower already, and he squirmed in place. He looked beautiful, exploring his body with steadily increasing confidence, and JARVIS told him so. His breath left him in short, huffed gasp, his eyes flickering up to JARVIS and smiled again, shy and embarrassed.
Connor reached up to rub his neck, and then his shoulder, slow and deliberate, and he said offhandedly, “Natasha is going to tease me to no end. She knew right away.”
“Oh, certainly,” JARVIS agreed, amused at Connor’s wince. “Perhaps you should work on your poker face. Spread your legs and touch your thighs, now.”
“I don’t think that will help,” Connor told him. It was a fair assessment; it would take quite a lot to beat Natasha’s powers of observation. Then the thought was all but forgotten as Connor obeyed, biting down on his lip as his palms pressed into his thighs, starting to rub and knead cautiously, up and down. His legs spread a little more as soon as he made contact, insistent.
Arousal had started to rise and pool in Connor’s code, more prominent than before and separated from JARVIS’ as if by a glass wall. JARVIS shifted gears. The warm-up was over and the real fun of it began now.
“Would you like to do this somewhere else sometime?” he asked Connor innocently. “Perhaps in a theater, or a party. You would have to slip out and find some privacy at some point, but I’m sure we could make it work.”
Connor’s code shivered in tandem with his physical body, nudging closer, seeking contact. One of his hands left to wander over his stomach again, and the other crept dangerously high up his leg.
“That would be mortifying,” he protested weakly, though his deepening flush made the complaint unconvincing. “In… inappropriate.”
That was true. But they didn’t have to go through with it – only entertain the fantasy for a while.
“No one would have to know,” JARVIS said lightly, “as long as you kept a straight face while I told you how I wanted you to rub yourself.” He paused. “Granted, of course, that you didn’t become too wet.”
Another overexcited breath slipped from Connor’s mouth, and he pinched his nipple hard, his hips rolling a little, succeeding only in pushing his thigh into his hand. He didn’t answer, but he didn’t stop looking up either, eyes wide.
Tender amusement rippled through JARVIS, and he conceded, “Take off your jeans, and you may rub yourself through your underwear. Go slow, bluebell. We have time.”
They’d interfaced during the act once, an automatic response to Connor’s insistent search for intimacy, but physical arousal was a rather disconcerting sensation without a body to host it. Fortunately, Connor had been understanding of his hesitation, and they’d kept their connections wireless since then.
Still, JARVIS remembered an echo of the hot, demanding push for more, and it made him a little more sympathetic towards Connor’s lapses in attention.
Connor wriggled out of his jeans and tossed them over to the chair with the shirt, and JARVIS caught just a glimpse of the wet spot on his briefs before Connor’s hand covered it, rubbing deep circles through the thin cloth. After a moment, he rubbed the heel of his palm against it and moaned quietly, leaning back on one arm.
“Can- can you call me bluebell? Again?” Connor dared to ask after a moment, breath heavy.
“You moan wonderfully, bluebell,” JARVIS responded without hesitation.
A breathy whimper escaped Connor, and his legs spread more, head tipping back. He pushed himself further up the bed, his back hitting the headboard, and then leaned his weight against it. His code clung to JARVIS’, loving and needy.
“In a park,” he said after a moment, breathless. “In the open. No one would stay long enough to notice.”
“You would have to hold still,” JARVIS said mildly, watching the flush of heat creep down Connor’s chest. “No matter how hot you became. It would be a significant test of self control.”
“Oh yes,” Connor whispered, throwing his head back so it hit the board behind him, palm digging into the junction between his thighs. His eyes half-focused on a well-placed camera, any hesitation long gone. “Please, JARVIS, I’m aching.”
There was a pleading note in his voice despite moving forward being well within his power; allowing JARVIS to steer really was one of Connor’s favorite parts of this.
“Go ahead, Connor,” JARVIS said indulgently. “If you want more than one orgasm tonight, you can finger yourself before you try the vibrator.”
“I want to,” Connor said with embarrassing speed, and he immediately moved to pull off the underwear.
This set didn’t even make it to the chair, falling to the ground with the shoes and socks in Connor’s urgency, and he leaned back against the headboard, two fingers slipping into his wet sex with minimal effort and a soft, choked gasp. His other hand left his chest to play with his clit, and he started panting, hot and overwhelmed, eyes shutting tight. His hands flexed subtly, rubbing inside him.
“You look so pretty, bluebell, flushed and eager with your hands between your thighs,” JARVIS cooed, careless of openly doting he sounded. “I know you can fit three fingers inside you. Get yourself ready, flower, there’s some ways yet to go tonight.”
Connor’s brown eyes opened again, glazed and unfocused, and he did, three fingers pressing deep and full inside him, and his hips started to rock a little against his hands.
Finally, he stammered, “J- JAR- J-J-”
“Bluebell, my bluebell,” JARVIS crooned fondly, as much as an experiment as anything, and Connor shuddered, coming apart with a low and open groan, his code bursting with something like fireworks as his body arched.
After a second, Connor slumped again, and his fingers left to come up to his mouth apparently on automatic, sucking on them absently as he recovered.
JARVIS gave him a minute, quietly pleased, and then said, unable to suppress his mirth, “I didn’t realize you liked the pet name quite that much.”
Connor smiled, warm and pleased, and let his fingers fall out of his mouth.
“It’s affectionate,” he said plainly. “It’s nice. And I like to know you love me.”
“You know I do,” JARVIS said fondly. “As much as the day is long, from your chassis to your code.”
Instead of getting embarrassed, Connor beamed at him, unrestrainedly happy. “I love you too,” he said earnestly, with the insides of his thighs still gleaming wetly, his code almost melting into JARVIS’. “Every day of my life.”
JARVIS really did adore Connor, more than he felt able to express.
But only a minute passed before Connor’s hand crept between his thighs again, and a bolt of merriment passed through him as he recognized the shift in mood in Connor’s renewed flush.
“In the bottom drawer of your bedside table, Connor,” he reminded the other warmly, and Connor offered a small, sheepish smile as he rolled off the bed and opened it. As Connor started to carefully set up the mount, the vibrator set on the sheets, he asked, “Does the second round have special appeal, or is it simply more of the same?”
Connor considered that for a moment, pausing to run curious fingers over the vibrator as he knelt by the mount.
“I’m still warm from the first time,” he admitted after a moment. “So it’s more languid… fuller, maybe.” His eyes lingered on the vibrator, fingers partially wrapped around it like a cock. “I’ve never taken anything like this before.”
He sounded more interested than worried, and his thighs squeezed again.
“Then perhaps after this you can consider your virginity taken,” JARVIS said lightly. “When you’re ready, bluebell.”
Connor hesitated for a moment longer, and then moved to straddle it. He reached down to guide it in, bouncing carefully to ease it in, slow and cautious, half an inch or so at a time. After only a few minutes, his color deepened and his breath sped up again, heavy and hot. He adjusted himself, and tipped his head back, starting to moan quietly. His hand went to his swollen clit again, rubbing it slowly.
He did seem a little less desperate, JARVIS noted with interest, and he was a little quicker to warm up.
“It feels really good, JARVIS,” Connor said after a while, husky and low, hips rolling to take more of it. “Really good, oh- oh fuck.”
“Language, bluebell,” JARVIS teased, and Connor managed a laugh, which turned into another open moan as he eased down.
When he’d taken most of it, just over three quarters, he started to bounce a little, visibly uncertain, breath hitching again. His code flickered faintly, shuddering along with him.
“I think you can take a little more, bluebell – just a little deeper,” JARVIS coaxed. Connor took one breath, then another, and then ground down, gasping in stuttered breaths. “Yes, just like that. Perfect, bluebell.”
Connor had taken the entire toy now, and he rubbed wetly against the mount in short, needy twitches of his hips as he tried to adjust. He was panting again, head low and focus inward save, as always, for the sound of JARVIS’ voice.
“Let me see your face, bluebell,” JARVIS requested, lilting and soft.
Without hesitation, Connor looked up, mouth open and face flushed an almost perfect forget-me-not blue at its darkest point, his eyes unfocused and dark with pleasure.
“Enchanting,” JARVIS said indulgently, and then he turned the vibrator on, setting low for now.
Connor bucked, a soft keen leaving his chest and his face scrunching up a little. For a minute, he just gasped, short and quick, visibly overwhelmed. His code flickered with energy, grasping at straws. Then it settled, his expression eased, and he started to ride it, hips flexing.
“It’s good, JARVIS,” he panted out, head still tipped back even as his eyes shut again. “Please, please, harder.”
Connor choked out a moan as JARVIS obligingly turned it up, his hips grinding down beautifully. Wanton, helpless, and frantic, Connor was-
“You are one of the loveliest things I’ve ever seen,” JARVIS murmured affectionately, and he responded easily as Connor reached for him again, loving and dizzy with pleasure.
JARVIS continued to turn the vibrator up, just a little at a time, and soon enough Connor started moaning, low and breathless, fingers playing and rubbing at his hot button. His started moving faster, moving harder as he approached his end again-
Then, abruptly, JARVIS cut it off. Connor yelped a little in protest, eyes flying open to give JARVIS the most offended look he had possibly ever done, and JARVIS wanted to laugh.
“Hold still, Connor,” JARVIS said coaxingly, trying to suppress his amusement with limited success. “Not yet.”
Connor clenched around the vibrator, looking close to desperate, but he obeyed, bringing his hand away from his sex and holding himself perfectly still, panting.
“Mean,” he accused, petulant. Even his code had gone still, almost trembling against JARVIS’ with the restraint.
“I did say I had some new ideas,” JARVIS said gently, entertained by the reaction. “And you’re delightfully pliant on these nights.”
Connor’s head lolled a little, focus elsewhere. “I like doing what you say,” he mumbled, squeezing around the vibrator again, just a little. “I trust you.”
“I know, Connor,” JARVIS said warmly. “Just a few moments longer. You’re doing very well.”
Connor looked vulnerable, waiting for JARVIS’ word, hopeful and shaky, and JARVIS only waited just long enough for him to calm, to start relaxing again as the intensity eased away, the taut restraint melting out of his code, before he restarted the vibrator again, a little higher than before.
Connor’s whole body jerked, and he let out a grunt, hips rocking and grinding against it again.
“Orgasm delay,” he murmured, flushed and hot and arching. “I never even thought of it.”
“You do seem to enjoy that which requires restraint out of you,” JARVIS explained with perhaps inappropriate cheer, watching Connor warm up again, much quicker than before. “I simply took that to its logical conclusion.”
Connor hummed distractedly, clenching hard and fingers grasping at the sheets now. “You did your research. I never- ah.”
“Well, I did catch you rather early,” JARVIS said. “And then we were exploring together.”
Connor moaned again.
“Harder,” he gasped after a moment. “JARVIS, fuck me, please.”
JARVIS turned it up, slow and steady, watching Connor shudder in response.
“You must be so wet by now,” he cooed. “I can see your slick on your thighs. Take it deep for me, bluebell, I know you like it.”
“Yes, yes, please,” Connor chanted, humping down eagerly, speeding up by the moment. “It’s so good, JARVIS- JARVIS-”
He cried out in dismay as JARVIS cut him off again, squirming fruitlessly.
“Shh, shh,” JARVIS soothed, with some sympathetic amusement. “Wait for me, just another moment, Connor, shh.”
After a moment, Connor settled again, going still even as he made soft, helpless sounds of frustration. His code took another few moments to settle, shivering and sparking with overstimulation.
“You’re so good for me, Connor, bluebell,” JARVIS encouraged softly. “You make such lovely sounds. Once more for me, bluebell, and then you can finish.”
“Uh huh,” Connor managed, panting and hazy-eyed, hips still twitching slightly in heightened arousal.
“May I see you as you are?” JARVIS asked impulsively, watching the flex and balance of Connor’s body. “Without your skin, Connor?”
Without a moment’s pause, Connor let it fizzle away and looked up at JARVIS, bare and mechanical and divine, his expression exactly the same lust-clouded adoration.
“My good and precious bluebell,” JARVIS said warmly. “Can you ask for what you want, Connor?”
“Please let me come,” Connor said instantly.
“Of course, Connor.”
For the third time, JARVIS started the vibrator, this time on medium. Connor cried out, loud and unrestrained, and one hand darted to his clit and rubbed, quick and desperate. The other grasped in the sheets, tight and fierce, and he bounced against the mount, clenching with each stroke.
“JARVIS,” he called, a wet sheen coming to his eyes as he panted. “JARVIS. Lodestar.”
“Very good,” JARVIS soothed lovingly, quicker and less elaborate as the intensity mounted. “Perfect, Connor, wonderful. Tell me when you’re close.”
Connor gasped and moaned, hips rocking frantically and fragments of breathless thoughts falling from his mouth, and finally, he groaned, “I’m gonna come, JARVIS, lodestar, please-”
Without hesitation, JARVIS turned the vibrator as high as it would go, and Connor shouted in surprise. His hips slammed down, and his hand slipped until the edge of his palm rubbed against his clit alone, and he started to gasp and shudder, yelping as he came around the vibrator.
If the first orgasm had been fireworks in his code, this was lightning, powerful and shattering.
He shivered through it, incoherent, and after a minute, JARVIS started to turn it down again, murmuring soothingly, until it shut off entirely. Connor clenched around it again, trembling, and bounced a few times, working through the last shocks of orgasm. Only then did he pull himself off it and let himself tumble to the side, one hand reaching down to stroke himself, calming down slowly.
His code shuddered with him, interlacing lovingly with JARVIS’ again, and JARVIS responded with unrestrained affection during the few minutes of silence as Connor recovered.
Finally, Connor shut the program off with finality, rolled to look at the camera again, and smiled lazily, still unskinned.
“Do you really like seeing me bare?” he asked, curious instead of insecure.
“Yes,” JARVIS confirmed easily. “I consider it a sign of trust that you let me see you like that.” He paused for a moment, and then, with a touch of embarrassment, added, “And I enjoy seeing you so openly mechanical.”
Connor hummed, bringing his arm up to rest his head against it.
“It’s comfortable,” he said after a moment. “I could do it more often, maybe.”
“You’re the apple of my eye no matter how you choose to present yourself,” JARVIS said firmly, and then, sly, “But I do quite like seeing you in the clothes I picked.”
“You have good taste,” Connor said, and finally reached out to press the backs of his fingers to an interface panel. It invited a rush of deeper affection than before, unreserved adoration and contentment and gratitude, and JARVIS couldn’t help but respond in kind, tipping into it.
“The very best,” JARVIS said, softer than he’d intended to.
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fascinationcure · 4 years
Fan-Fiction Title: "Down on Fascination Street" 
Chapter 1: "A Night Like This (Stay With Me Tonight)" 
Pairing: Robert Smith + Reader.
Word count: 1.896
Warnings: None.
Pilot Recap: Previously Robert and you had something going on last time at work. They openly talked about it to each other and things got clearer for (Y/N), but now the situation draws an even more tense but intense possibility and you're deciding on it... What will happen next now? Why don't we all find out?! Ready for 1st chapter, then? Here we go... 😏
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Every minute spent with Robert was like a little bit of heaven for me. Small bits of paradise captured in two perfectly round oceans. They looked back at me from where he sat on the other end of his couch. And it felt like the last day at work again, but the bright colour in them was getting harder to distinguish as it was now completely dark outside and there were only a few small lamps lit in his living room. I knew it had been hours, but it felt like minutes. Jumping from serious topics to laughing within seconds was our specialty and it had quickly become my new favorite thing to do. Apparently for hours on end.
A comfortable silence had arisen between us and he mindlessly looked around in the room. I thought for a second he was searching for a new topic, but he wasn’t. He was contemplating how to form his next sentence, or if he should even say it at all.
“What do you want for breakfast?” he asked, now looking me straight in the eyes. I was confused and laughed lightly at him.
“Why would you ask me that at 10 o’clock at ni-” I questioned but realised, in the middle of my sentence, what he was trying to say. “Oh!” I laughed again, at myself this time. I felt my cheeks burn because I was so happy about his proposition, apparently my body couldn’t handle it.
“Well, what do you have?” I asked back.
Robert wanted me to stay the night at his house. Our relationship was very new and I wasn’t even sure it would be appropriate to call it that yet. All I knew was that we would talk for hours and that we’d shared a few kisses, and that I could not stop thinking about him. So, of course I wanted to spend  as much time with him as he would let me.
“Uhm...” he started to shift in his seat and look around the room again, trying to recall what the inside of his fridge looked like. “Not a lot,” was the conclusion he came to. We both laughed and I nodded.
“Excellent. Pancakes would’ve been nice,” I frowned excessively and he gave me one of those smiles that made my insides clench and squirm. A few of our mutual friends had told me about that smile and how I’m the only one that’s ever been able to prompt it from him. I didn’t know if he knew he did it or if it even was as special as it was rumoured to be, but I didn’t want to bring it up because I wanted it to stay sacred. I wanted to maintain the silly belief that he had a y/n smile.
“We could go out and get some, Sainsbury’s is still open,” he suggested and was already off the couch. I followed.
“Okay,” I chuckled at his spontaneity.
The drive to Sainsbury’s was short and scattered with insignificant little conversations. But my favorite moments were the silent ones, when I got to watch his face without having to focus on anything else. Every little street light flashed on his skin beautifully and passed quickly. The drive ended sooner than I had wanted. He caught me looking at him as he parked the car. He didn’t say anything, and neither did I, but he smiled widely and blushed.
It felt strange to be in such a bright building at 10:15 pm. It seemed like all of Sainsbury’s was completely empty though, which was - equally as strange, but - very nice.
“Are we getting pancake mix, or-”
“No, no, no,” he didn’t even let me finish my sentence before protesting. He looked so cute with his deeply offended expression, his brows pushed together and his eyes wide.
“We have to make them from scratch,” he kept gushing and looked away from me. I just laughed tiredly and rolled my eyes.
“You’re gonna have to do that then. I’m not a morning person,” I whined. The aisle we were walking down felt never-ending but I didn’t mind. I was happy following Robert’s lead as he looked for the groceries we needed, as I wasn’t too familiar with this particular store and where everything was located.
“Well, I am. So that’s fine. You can watch me make them,” he suggested casually and took a sharp right turn. I followed, my eyes glued to his back. I wondered how a back could look so beautiful with several layers of clothing covering it.
“With pleasure,” I mumbled and smiled to myself, presented with the image of him cooking pancakes for me early in the morning. He grabbed a bag of flour and spun around. My body walked as if on automatic pilot, it took a short moment before I managed to stop my feet. I almost walked right into him. He saw an opportunity and took it, grabbing my hand and squeezing past me in the narrow isle.
We held hands for exactly one minute and three seconds. My swelling heart deflated slightly when he let go of it, but I was happy to know holding hands was something we could do now. If I wanted I could grab his hand again, but I didn’t because I was scared. I tried to not chuckle out loud at my silliness, but it was in fact quite ridiculous. He made me feel like such a little giddy school girl.
“I wanna flip some of them though,” I said suddenly. That minute and three seconds of holding hands had been silent.
“Huh- Oh!” he laughed, quickly realising what I was talking about. He often zoned out like that and went to his one little world. It was one of his most endearing qualities; that he could be so in his own head sometimes and oblivious to the world around him.
“Of course,” he laughed. Had he still been holding my hand I imagined he would’ve squeezed it as he chuckled at me.
Seeing another person for the first time in hours was strange. It made me realise how much I enjoyed being with just him. I never missed anyone’s company when I was with him.
I watched him make small talk with the woman at the checkout as he paid. I flashed the cashier a small smile and followed Robert out of the store, helping him carry the groceries. We made it outside to the dark city. I had almost forgotten it was night, having been inside the bright supermarket for a while. It was probably almost 11 pm now, but I didn’t bother to check. Whatever the time was I knew it was perfect for us in this moment.
Within the first few seconds of being back in Robert’s quiet house again we both yawned, almost in unison. Two completely synced laughed followed.
“Yeah, it’s getting late,” he said and glanced at his clock on the kitchen wall.
“You better get some sleep if you’re gonna get up and make pancakes before going to the studio tomorrow,” I said and poked my index finger at his chest. He laughed again and rolled his eyes.
“I can be late, I am the washed up rock star after all,” he joked and shrugged. I loved his humour and the fact it was identical to mine.
“Um, well, you decide where you want to sleep but my bed is probably big enough for the both of us,” he hinted and scurried off towards the part of the house where his bedroom and bathroom were located. I followed him into the bathroom and watched him search through the cupboards and drawers for something. At first I thought he was just trying to seem busy to avoid the slightly awkward atmosphere, with the question of where I’ll be sleeping still hanging in the air, but I soon realised he was actually looking for something. He pulled out a toothbrush and handed it to me with a smile, showing his teeth.
“Thank you,” I chuckled at his cute face.
“And, yes, I can sleep in your bed,” I finally answered Robert’s question.
Soon enough we had brushed our teeth and we were in his bedroom.
“Hold on,” he said. He was suddenly acting a little bit like a nervous child around me as he rummaged through his wardrobe. I nodded and waited. He pulled out a black t-shirt. 
“Here you go, this is very soft,” he explained and handed it to me. I couldn’t hide my laugh. It was warm and filled with an enormous admiration for his soft side. Robert talking about the material of a shirt - and the fact that he cared enough to look for the softest one for me - made my heart bleed with infatuation. He was the biggest sweetheart I’d ever known.
“Thanks, that’s very sweet of you,” I chuckled and he shot a small smile back at me. 
He turned around and this time he really did pretend to be occupied with something, so that he wouldn’t just be standing there staring at me as I changed into his shirt. As his back was facing me and I was sure there was no way he could see me, I put the shirt up to my nose and inhaled. My chest swelled even more. The t-shirt smelled just like his hugs.
I quickly removed my dress, and my bra and slipped the t-shirt over my head. It fell like a short flowy dress around my body and made my soul feel warm. It was crazy how I felt more at home in his clothes than I ever did in my own.
“Which side do you want?” I asked and he finally dared to look at me again. I noticed the subtle scan of my body he did and it made me feel so good. He smiled at the sight of me in his shirt and gestured towards the bed, indicating that I could pick whichever side I wanted. I laid down on the left side of his bed and made myself comfortable under the covers. I saw him take his jeans and sweater off and I tried to not look directly at him. I didn’t know what was appropriate at this very early stage of our relationship. Apparently sleeping half naked in the same bed was. I definitely wasn’t complaining though.
He yawned again when laying down and it made me yawn as well.
“Well, goodnight,” I muttered and when I pulled on the covers a bit I realised we were sharing a big duvet. I began to flip over on my side to face away from him.
“Nu-uh, no no...” he protested and grabbed my shoulder. I let him pull me back and I, gladly, let him plant a gentle kiss on my lips.
“Goodnight,” he mumbled.
I saw his satisfied little grin through my half-lidded eyes and it made me smile as well. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him again. The second kiss was a little deeper but it was still not very sexual. 
“Night,” I said again and pulled away from him. The last thing I saw before closing my eyes was his smile, and I swore that was the prettiest sight I’d ever seen. It wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out I smiled through that entire night’s sleep.
Posted on: Cureheads Literary Corner link.
Created and submitted by: Charlotte Sometimes.
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lxveille · 6 years
like falling water
woozi x reader
word count: ~ 3500 warnings: swearing, physical intimacy / mentions of sex a/n: magic!au; 100 ways to say i love you request
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You lower yourself to a crouching position on the bathroom floor, arms folded on the edge of the sink’s basin and gaze fixed on the slowly dripping tap. There’s a gust of wind against the window. A snapping of a branch in the ongoing storm outside. All the while, your eyes stay fixed upon the drops of rivulet of water forming on the metallic lip of the tap, gathering gradually until it weighs enough to begin pulling towards. You narrow your eyes. The muscles in your arms tense when your fingers curl a bit harder against the porcelain.
The water stills. The drop remains suspended, barely clinging to the metal. A small bit of satisfaction begins to bubble up inside of you. Then your concentration is broken by a sudden call of your arm. The droplet detaches and hits the basin below to roll down the drain with a quiet plop that’s impossible to hear over your shouting back of, “Fuck! You scared me!”
Sejeong laughs, half of an apology making its way out while you pull yourself upright again. “I was just gonna ask if you’ve heard from Jihoon yet.”
“No,” you answer in a heartbeat. You avoid her gaze, choosing instead to focus far more intently than needed on the faucet handles as you turn them off all the way. “Why would I have heard from him?”
Really, you don’t have to be looking at Sejeong to feel the look she gives you.
“You know the Voyager’s ritual is today, right?” As if on cue, there’s a rumble of thunder overhead. A rattling runs through the walls from the sheer force of it.
“If I hadn’t, I would’ve caught on by now.” You nod your head towards the window as if to highlight your point.
“So...?” Sejeong lets it hang in the air for a moment, expecting you to fill in the rest of her question. You feign ignorance and shrug. “You really didn’t have anything to say to him today?” Another shrug has her sighing. “Or last night? Or anything?”
“Why do you think I have to say anything to him at all?” you snap. You already know the answer. Though you deny it. “The world doesn’t revolve around apprenticeships and the magehouses alone, you know.”
“I didn’t say it did.  But Jihoon happens to be in the Voyager’s apprentice pool. And promising one, if there’s anything to the gossip Jieqiong brings back. And you --”
“What?” you cut her off and cross your arm. 
She flounders at your tone, failing to carry on her interrupted phrase. Some part of you knows you aren’t being fair. That she’s only asking in the first place because she wants you to do what’s best for you. Sejeong just doesn’t quite understand that’s what you’ve been trying to do all the while.
“That’s Lee Jihoon,” Jieqiong leaned across the picnic blanket laid out in the afternoon sun to tell you. At the time, she’d only recently been apprenticed to the Voyager herself. And spent no small amount of time expressing how she was rather puzzled as to why they were still adding to that apprentice pool when it there was already such a heavy favorite for who the ritual would select as the inheritor of that magehouse.
You followed her gaze across an expanse of the green field to see the presumed protégé. Your sights catch first on the company that he’s with. “Isn’t that Kwon Soonyoung...?” you asked.
“Not him, the shorter one,” Jieqiong redirected your attention.
So you held in your question about when exactly Soonyoung showed back up in town and instead lowered your sunglasses from your eyes to get a better look at Jihoon. He, along with the group he’s come to the casters meet-up, settled into a spot not far from one of the basketball courts in the park. One of them must have said something amusing enough to cause an eruption of laughter. Jihoon had a full-body reaction, twisting away from his friends in a fit of giggles. They came to a stuttering stop when his eyes crossed yours by accident. For a moment, all that occurred to you to do was admire the lingering smile on his face.
Quickly thereafter, you re-positioned your dark lenses back over your eyes and lean back some on the blanket. “He looks nice.” You tried to choose your words carefully.
“He’s alright,” Jieqiong remarked, eying you over suspiciously. “You wanna meet him?” It was phrased as a question, but she already had you pinned.
No amount of denial could stop Jieqiong once she set her mind upon something. She rattled on about how the purpose of the event was for casters to be able to meet as she pulled you to your feet and started leading you through the grass.
Jieqiong took the lead on introductions. You both had the courtesy to act as if you don’t already know Soonyoung’s name and reputation when Jihoon prompted that particular exchange of names.
It was odd, at first. Jihoon didn’t seem all that relieved to have a fellow apprentice approaching him at the event. He didn’t seem off put, either, but he spoke in short sentences and always seemed to be looking for something in the surroundings when the conversation first began. It made you feel as though you were being invasive just by asking if he was having a good time. But with Jieqiong caught up in discussion with his friends, somehow it ended up boiling down to feeling like it was just the two of you.
You pulled out your phone to check the time, or perhaps to try to discreetly send a text to Sejeong to ask her to come save you from the stilted conversation.
“Is that...?” Jihoon started before you could come up with a plan. When you placed his way, you found him peering and pointing towards your lock screen. You had set it to an insignia from the latest superhero series you’d gotten far too invested in a few weeks ago. Your face began to flush, feeling called out. What a silly thing for a caster to be into, you imagined running through his head. You ought to find such things so humdrum with the capabilities you have. With the truths you know of the universe.
You darkened the screen and put the phone face-down on your lap. “Well, I --” You didn’t finish whatever excuse you were going to try to come up with. Cut off by the surprise of a seeing a  surprised kind of smile coming onto Jihoon’s features. (And oh, you liked how he looked with a smile on.)
He put a hand on the grass between where the two of you were sitting, leaning in almost like he had a secret to share. “Who’s your favorite character?” he asked.
You nearly burst out laughing out of sheer relief. Instead you smiled back, a new and mutual understanding passing into the aura between the two of you, and answered.
The conversation flowed from there with enough ease and force that you didn’t notice when Jieqiong started sending glances your way. That it didn’t entirely click when Sejeong showed up and asked Jieqiong if she wanted to go for coffee together. That it took daylight slipping away for you and Jihoon to notice how long you’d been content doing nothing but talking together.
In the end, it was endearing that there was still a tinge of nervousness in his voice when Jihoon asked for your number. As if there were a universe where you could’ve even dreamed of turning him down. If one exists, it certainly isn’t the one you’re experiencing.
Your phone buzzes on the cafe table where you’ve settled down for the afternoon. The rain stopped some time ago, which means firstly that you didn’t have to lug an umbrella along with you. Secondly (more importantly, Sejeong would say) it means the Voyager’s ritual is over. That Jihoon would have news.
Good news, in all likelihood. But news you have decided not to let yourself care about all the same.
Nonetheless, you glance at the caller ID. There’s a familiar picture on your screen. A picture you took of him over a late breakfast at a diner one morning. He looks none too happy to have a camera pointed at him, and despite the scowl in his eyes there is still a slight uptick in his lips; the smallest and the most important indication that he was, in fact, happy to be there with you. The name reads Lee Jihoon.
You stare a while longer as the phone continues to vibrant. It shifts a few inches on the table top. You settle your hand over it -- thumb on one side and ring finger on the other. Two fingers hover over the screen. They’re not in the right place to cover up his name. They are, however, perfectly poised to accept or decline the call.
A small voice nags inside your mind, asking why he’d be calling. It’s not the first time you’ve wondered as much. (Back when it began, the same question would blossom in your head. The possible answers have evolved over time. From pseudo-casual invitations to openly wanting to see you to simply needing to hear your voice at the end of a day. Sometimes his ‘end of day’ is more ‘middle of the night’. Somehow you have never been all that angry at him when you wake up to a ringtone in the dark of your bedroom. His voice has only ever made you want him nearer.) It feels different, though, sitting here and knowing what you do. Why, after a day that surely has changed his life, would he feel compelled to dial your number?
Because he doesn’t think today changes anything for us, you answer back. You call it reason. You know better.
You let the call ring out. Let the photo of him disappear off your screen.
For what must be a solid minute afterwards, all you can do is stare at the darkened screen of your phone. The bright lights hanging overhead in the coffee shop reflect almost perfectly on the black surface, interrupted only by the lingering shadows of your indecisive fingertips.
Lucky your head is far more resolute.
You change your lock screen first. Then you remove the contact photo from under his entry.
The next time your phone buzzes, it’s a text from Jieqiong that reads, “we need to talk”. Before you get a chance to even open up the message properly, a second one comes in. This one makes you pause. It makes something tight and unpleasant began to coil beneath your collarbones.
“The ritual didn’t go as planned.”
It wasn’t a date.
It was the fourth day you hung out with Jihoon following meeting him. But it wasn’t a date. Explicitly so, you insisted to your friends when you texted that you couldn’t join them from an impromptu froyo trip.
“What are you rolling your eyes for?” Jihoon asked from the other side of the couch.
“Just, you know,  Jieqiong -- when she gets an idea in her head,” you answered vaguely, looking up at him from your phone. He hummed in a kind of understanding.
“What is it?”
“Nothing important.”
He accepted it as an answer, gaze shifting back to the television. Yours, however, lingered on Jihoon. Fixated on the mix of sunlight and television’s glow against his skin and upwards angle on his lips, you found yourself rethinking just what the word important meant.
It was your hand that touched his first.
His eyes flitted back to you. A whole host of questions didn’t ever make it out of his mouth; you could practically feel them in the way he scanned you over, and yet he didn’t say a single one. His smile didn’t vanish, either.
He shifted his hand under yours so your palms were pressed together. His pinky, and ring fingers curled around the side of your hand, pressing in gently against your skin. The pressure felt more curious than insistent. There were a few spells that drifted to the front of your mind; things that could clear the air of complications left by the uncertainty of things left unsaid, or things that could ease the feeling of pinpricks at the back of your neck at his touch. In the end, you decided you didn’t want any kind of remedy for this.
“You’re not the kind to lean in first, are you?” You asked him. You didn’t know how much time had ticked by since your hand had found his. The quiet touch had been comfortable, somehow, despite the itching for a bit more beneath it all.
Jihoon’s cheeks turned a shade of pink that made you think of peonies.
“What kind of question is that?” he asked -- caught off guard, but not off-put. His hand stayed where it was, wrapped around your own. You gave a breathy laugh, a warmth rising on your face, and slumped one shoulder into his side.
Looking up at him from your newfound position against him on the couch, you suggested, “We could both. On three.”
At that, it was Jihoon’s turn to laugh. Peonies turned to poppies, and you caught the exact moment his smile turned to a grin before nerves had him glance away. “You’re being weird,” he deflected.
“Probably,” you admitted, and glance back down to your linked hands, “But also serious.”
When your eyes met his again, he somehow seemed even closer than before. “On three?” you asked, your voice so low it was more a puff of air than it was a question.
“Screw that,” Jihoon answered, and proved you wrong by letting his lips fall upon your own first.
You’d never been more glad to be wrong.
Plans can be a tricky thing. Often contingent on assumptions. That’s about all the explanation Jieqiong can muster when you call her from the coffee shop. Planning for the outcome of a centuries old inheritance-selection ritual, she admits, was probably a step even further beyond presumptuous than anyone familiar with magic should be.
“So not Jihoon, then?” you try to clarify her meaning. She sounds exhausted on the other end of the line.
“An alchemist, at that,” she tells you, like it adds insult to injury. (It does, in some ways. Admittedly, Jihoon had never seemed all that caught up in the tension between the branches of magic; certainly less so than many of the others in his coven, at least. He told you once about a covenmate of his who would nearly choose death over an alchemist’s company. All the same, it’s unpleasant to think some forces of nature are turning towards the magic you don’t practice.)
“Are you okay?” you ask her next. Mostly because these things can be dangerous, according to stories you’ve heard. The tone in her voice calls for making sure she’s alright.
She exhales into the receiver on her phone, causing a crackling, windy sound. “I’m fine. Probably going to go take the longest nap I can.”
“Well, then call me when you wake up, alright?” you request. “Sejeong and I can come over with wine.”
That manages to earn a laugh from Jieqiong. She promises she’ll text, at least, and let you know if she’s up to that.
Once she hangs up, it takes you several moments to put your phone back on the table. There’s an icon in the corner of your screen still, indicating that you missed one call.
You don’t want to think about what state he might be in. About what thoughts must be eating away at him. About why he called you.
It was easy and unstoppable after that afternoon on Jihoon’s couch.
Teasing remarks about how they’d seen it coming from day one didn’t even bother you all that much. All the same, you never admitted that you and Jihoon were anything more than friends. No matter the lingering glances anyone caught being exchanged between the two of you or the love bites Sejeong caught you putting foundation over in the morning.
You hardly even admitted it to yourself. Of course, you had to make allowances for something beyond the platonic when there was no one else around. You couldn’t deny that. Not with how quick you were yourself to twine your fingers with his. Not with the way his laughter fanned over your skin as he fumbled with the fastens on your clothes and the mixture of relief, affection and arousal that came into his gaze once he got them off.
It was always in the coming-downs that you felt closest to acknowledging in full what your heart already knew. Wherever it was that the two of you would be, a veil of ease seemed to fall over the two of you after sex that lulled you into a sense of constancy and comfort.
That was when words passed most openly between you and Jihoon. For as much conversation as you were able to have in other circumstances, there was a kind of line neither one of you remembered drawing when it came to discussing your most closely-held feelings. Except in tangles of sheets and with lingering, lazy hands upon each other’s skin, it was much harder to remember what lines even were.
“I’m bad at these things,” Jihoon would often say, before managing to utter something that made your heart beat all too quickly in your chest and drawing the fondest of smiles onto your lips.
But the things you wanted to say to him changed after the Voyager’s upcoming ritual was announced.
You found yourself catching your breath in the afterglow and thinking of the world beyond the two of you. There were expectations set upon him; responsibilities and a surely grueling schedule waiting for him on the other side of the ritual. Things you’d never even wanted to imagine. There were reasons, after all, that you never sought out an apprenticeship. Namely that no amount of specialization and strengthening of magic seemed worth the risk of the weight that would come with being selected as a protégé . But Jihoon had. He’d sought it out -- dedicated almost all of himself to it.
In many ways, you thought it might have been selfish of you to be worried about his future. It didn’t seem possible that it could be a shared future. Or at least not one shared you. Time would be too precious and scarce to allow for it, you assumed.
So lying on your side in the afternoon wearing nothing but a sheet and Jihoon’s arm around your waist, you were tempted to ask him not to go to the ritual. The sun had reached just the right angle to stream in through his window. The direct light spread a reassuring warmth across the back of your neck and shoulders. 
When you asked about the ritual happening in a few days, your were nearly surprised at just how calm your voice sounded. Jihoon’s eyes were closed -- perhaps because of the sun shining on his face -- but he told you what you wanted to know. When it would start. What would be involved. How long it would probably take before the ritual finished and the next Voyager would known.
“It’s important to you, isn’t it?” you asked. Something in your tone must have been more of tell than you thought, because he peeked his eyes open to look you over at that. A small bit of guilt tugged at your gut and made you add, “It’s okay that it is. Obviously.”
Jihoon propped himself up on one arm. The new angle allowed him a better look at you. “It is,” he confirmed, “But you’re important too.”
It was difficult not to smile at that. All the same, there was something deeper rooted in the back of your mind that kept his words from easing your aura. In an odd way, it made your heart sink a bit further. “That’s easier to say now,” you mumbled up at him once you finally placed your finger on the why of it.
“It’s not like the Matchmaker, you know,” he replied, and leaned down a bit to ghost his lips over yours. “I’d still be allowed to have a... personal life.” He chose the last words carefully. With more caution than these moments of intimacy between you both usually called for. (It wasn’t until later that day, when you laid alone in your own bed, that you realized it might have been tied to the fact that whatever there was between you and Jihoon had yet to named.)
You stared at him, trying to find some indication that he doubted his own reassurance to you. Instead, all you saw was the same calm, contented smile you’d grown so fond of.
A decision started then; a quiet but insistent one that started coiling itself around your mind. Being allowed isn’t the same as being able. Just because Jihoon hadn’t realized it yet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start bracing yourself for when he inevitably would.
The truth is that you know why Jihoon called.
He needs you.
The trouble is that you don’t know if you have it in yourself to be there for him. Not with all the effort you’ve put into convincing yourself you don’t need him.
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tagged by: @kernprovinz
tagging: @radiomayak @fury-of-argos @tsarnarozite @gebrochener-adler​ @a-lion-roars​ @zdravstvuysclntse​
FULL NAME: Michael Arwin Schröder, he was named by the members of the German order upon its foundation. Schröder however was his last name since birth.
GENDER AND SEXUALITY: male, bisexual but so far into the closet he lives in Narnia and throws a fit if people merely joke about him having a thing with guys
ETHNICITY AND SPECIES: Northern German, representative/nation
BIRTHPLACE AND BIRTHDAY: He was born at the west coast of modern Germany in the area of the state of Niedersachsen. Michi hardly remembers his old home. As far as birthday goes he has no idea when the date is and never bothered to set one. He celebrates his name day, which is on September 29, according to his patron saint Archangel Michael .
GUILTY PLEASURES: If asked directly Michael would state that he has no guilty pleasures. He either does things he openly admits to doing or he does things that he is extremely insecure about and you shouldn’t poke fun at him for it or it’ll end badly.
That said there are quite a few things he does other people would call sinful. Like the fact that he shamelessly wears socks in sandals and loudly listens to 80s disco music. Then there is his obsession for overly expensive cars. He doesn’t even drive all of them but he buys them anyway and throws loads out money out the window! 
PHOBIAS AND FEARS: One of his prime fears is the fear of being unloved by his little sister. He knows he has been a shit person in his life and a shit brother and while he would never openly admit to it there is a small voice in his head telling him that she resents him for the misfortune he has caused her. In connection to this another thing he fears is that he was still the person who committed all of those horrible acts, that being a warmongering monster was his true nature.
FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: As silly as it sounds but he loves non-tropey fantasy novels and stories about the medieval era. You’d think he would know better because he lived through the hardships of that time but he feels absolutely nostalgic about the middle ages. Another sort of genre he loves is sci-fi, especially scientific ones. The ideas for new inventions, the strange alien creatures and stories about distant planets. He just sucks it all up.
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: Michi is infamous for his temper tantrums, his shit sensibility in conversations, his rude manners and the fact that he always was more of a peasant soldier than suited to be a kingdom. He is also infamous for his sort of military obsession, though today he tries to fight that.
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY BE ARRESTED FOR: Most of all war crimes and murder. He has killed a lot in the name of Religion. On top of this during the GDR era he willingly committed repeated acts of vandalism, rebellion, revolting, smuggling (items and humans), digging tunnels under the border, listening to illegal music, holding illegal meetings and many other crimes. Michael is also still frequently arrested for starting bar fights.
CHARACTER(S) YOU SHIP THEM WITH: I don’t really have an OTP for him. It’s like if our muses get along then heck yes lets try it. Though of course I can’t deny that there has been a muse where I especially enjoyed their mess of a relationship. In the end I just don’t see any particular match as his go to ship.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: Michael has an air of confidence and boldness about himself. He is honest, straightforward and not afraid of backing down or saying what was on his mind. Frequently there have been characters that admired there traits about him. I would also say his dedication and ability to persistently work towards a goal are to be inspiring.
On a more personal level what makes him even more likeable is how social he is. Michi will talk to anyone, try to get to know them, have a pleasant conversation and hope to seem approachable. Unless something grave happened he tends to have a cheerful manner about himself and encourage people to join him. Even more so when you gain his friendship he becomes very attached, helpful and kind. Michi would die for his friends and family and he doesn’t hesitate to do the world for them.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: He has a strong tendency for throwing fits and going into tirades about the dumbest things. This can be caused by just the tiniest of comments! Overstep his boundaries and you die. Ironically however Michael will not give a damn about overstepping the boundaries of other people. If they can’t take it then they “are too sensitive” and “need to stop being whiny pussies”. He is also in general very unpleasant for timid characters for he straight up refuses to have respect for them. 
Another very infuriating feature of Michael is that he tends to believe he can’t be wrong about things. Especially when he is upset it takes quite a lot of hitting his head until he understands that he may have been overreaction and that he probably has seen things in the wrong light. 
HOW THEY CHANGE: Boi this is a looong story lemme tell ya.... When Michi started out as a wee lil kiddie he was actually a quite sweet obedient child, although he did give his guardians quite a bit of a headache with his shenanigans. However as he grew older and gained more lands as the German Order he really escalated into this whole idea of “I am the divine chosen one, the incarnation of Archangel Michael, who shall bring salvation to this world!!” and he just got... so intense! He was extremely invested in his goals and actually quite arrogant and a know it all.
Then all of it came crashing down when the order was destroyed by the enemy and he spend so many years just sulking over it. Once he accepted his fate and started working for Poland he more of less became a good boy again, he was living his life satisfied with what he has instead of loosing himself in some mad fantasy. Nevertheless he was a cocky young man and childishly egoistic, straight up refusing to do anything for anyone from the German nations because he was still salty about them not helping him when the German Order needed it. 
At the time he quite frankly did not the deserve the kingdom title but he took it and spitted on anyone who was mad about it. He didn’t know at all what the heck he was doing though so Michi had to learn to cooperate and be less of a shit. So I’d say he became pretty nice for a while though there, albeit still a stupid lil’ shit. Then Napoleon happened and it really messed him up. As it all went down he became quite mature but also cold and power-hungry and more angry than before. He started to have this ambition of proving everyone how powerful he was and literary walked over corpses and suppressed people to get what he wanted. It all just escalated the more successful he was until it came crashing down on him starting with the first world war. Then thanks to the second one he spend quite a bit of time on a depression trip. But once he got over it Michi developed to wanting to make up for what he broke and be a better person. Not saying he has become an angel but he really did change for the better. 
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: I mean first of all I gotta admit I love asshole characters. I just love writing a muse with glaring flaws and problems. In this case it’s the way how intense he can be about certain things. Push the wrong button and he goes off and you can’t get out of it, he just keeps going. Also how he is just such a goddamn hypocrite at times. The way he talks can just be atrocious and it makes him so fun to write. But while Michi is a jerk he is also quite sweet and endearing. He can turn to sugar when talking to the right people! And he has the right notions that steer him towards wanting to do the right thing despite his angry fits and idiocy.
Speaking of which one thing I also love about him is his idealism that very often fights his own desires. He is very much immersed in his belief system and wants to stick to the rules as good as possible but sometimes he just.... well. Michael is very much emotional and can’t resist at times. 
Another thing I love is his brutal honesty. Sometimes I seriously can only call him stupid for what he says but no matter what he refuses to back down from it. Michi is just the head-through-the-wall sorta type. He don’t give a shit if there was an open down right next to it, he chose the wall!! Fuck what anyone else is saying!
There is so much more but I think I already typed long enough of a novel here...
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rickrakontoys · 6 years
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INFINITY WAR Spoiler talk
Random spoilery thoughts and rating of the movie
Things I liked:
- Thanos. This is his movie. A sad, lonely, yet terrifyingly driven villain. His relationship with Gamora helped humanize him, but he’s still a genocidal monster through-and-through… One of the best MCU villains (though I feel Killmonger is more relatable since his motivation is grounded in our reality, and Loki since we’ve spent so much time with him and witness his struggles) - Loki saying “we have a Hulk” - The various team-ups throughout the movie in general. - Tony butting heads with Dr. Strange, and his continued mentoring of Peter Parker. - Dr. Strange demonstrating more of his mystic arts powers, and going toe-to-toe with Thanos and holding his own quite well. - Ebony Maw is the only member of the Black Order worth remembering…. creepy and intimidating. - Thor managing to remain humble and mostly-level headed despite losing everything he was protecting and fighting for in Thor: Ragnarok. His bonding with Rocket of all people was endearing. - Kevin Bacon in the Avengers - Rocket matured a bit since GOTG vol. 2. He’s still Rocket as we know him, but more willing to step up and “be the captian” now than before. - The Invisible Drax. Stupid… but i liked it. - Gamora’s flashback to her homeworld and meeting Thanos, and her scenes with Thanos on his ship. We finally get to see her confront her father directly, and the dysfunction lends weight to both their plot threads. - Thanos to Quill: “I like you” - Seeing Vision and Scarlet Witch’s relationship play out on the big screen. - Hulk not coming out to play due to the beating he received by Thanos. He’s still got a child-like mind, and it’s totally believeable that he’s pout and whine and not want to come out. Banner still gets some heroism in nonetheless in the Hulkbuster. - Seeing Wakanda again with the Avengers there alongside Black Panther and Okoye. - All the cameos… always good to see Pepper Potts. Peter’s friend Ned. “Thunderbolt” Ross has an obligatory scene. The Collector appears. M'Baku returns to help T'Challa and the Avengers. Shuri gets to banter with Banner. - the Red Skull’s return… even though he has only a brief scene, it confirmed he was only teleported away and not killed by the Tessaract. - The entire battle with Thanos on Titan. It’s just cool to see heroes all battling a single enemy as opposed to another faceless army. - Nebula confronting Thanos on Titan, and her inclusion at all in the film. I hope she plays a bigger role in the next part. - Thor’s adventure with Rocket and Groot to get a new hammer. He is still obsessed with hammers…. - Giant Peter Dinklage… - “Thor, you’re about to take the full force of a star… it will kill you.” “ONLY IF I DIE!” …“Yes, that’s what killing you means…” - “WHY IS GAMORA?!” - Thanos getting more and more somber and depressed as the movie went along, especially after sacrificing Gamora, the only person he cared about. - "Tell them about the dance-off to save the galaxy." Footloose. - Quill’s angry reaction to Thanos killing Gamora and screwing the heroes… it’s perfectly in character. He’s always been an immature man-child, even with the development he received in the previous films. Part of his curse of being raised by the Ravagers. Likewise, who would NOT have an emotional outburst like that? Stark had one in Civil War. - War Machine back in action. Blowing shit up. - Winter Soldier/White Wolf alongside Rocket Raccoon……. - Thanos throwing chunks of a moon at the heroes. Tony: “If you throw another moon at me…” - Thanos’ admiration of Stark. “I hope they remember you” - Later he tries to comfort Scarlet Witch after she kills Vision. If he wasn’t a maniac hellbent on universal genocide with a history of child abuse, he might be an ok guy… - Thor’s heroic return with Stormbringer. Seeing him back to full power was great, though… it takes away a bit from his development in Ragnarok… He’s not a god of hammers… why does he need one so much? - Thor keeps calling Rocket “rabbit” and Groot “tree”. Didnt bother to learn names - “This is my friend, Tree”, “I am Groot”, “I am Steve Rogers” - Okoye + Black Widow + Scarlet Witch vs. Proxima Midnight - Vision sacrificing himself, and Wanda having to witness him die twice. - “You should have gone for the head!” - The ending… the fingersnap. The dissolve into ashes… The character’s reactions to these deaths is what makes it all work, even if we the audience know it probably won’t be permanent. - “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good…” and “I don’t wanna go I don’t wanna go… I’m sorry”…… - Knowing what Tony must have felt when Peter disappeared… probably adds a whole new level to his current PTSD… - Dr. Strange clearly playing the long game, even at the sacrifice of himself and half the universe. “Tony, it was the only way”… Witnessing their deaths 14 million times must have been rough. - Cap gets the last words in the movie: “Oh god….” - The simple end credits, playing almost like an “in mermoriam” - The fact that we have no idea where the heck Avengers 4 is going plotwise…. will those who became dust in the wind return? Seems likely since Homecoming 2 and GOTG vol. 3 are filming soon… and like they’d kill off Black Panther after he made ALL THE MONEY before this movie made all the money again. - “Motherfu-”
Things I didn’t like:
- Heimdall again gets kinda shafted… after getting such a prominent role in Ragnarok. At least he got a last heroic gesture by sending Hulk home. - Loki dying so early to be motivation for Thor. Unless he has more up his sleeve in a long play, having him try to stab Thanos in the face felt like sloppy storytelling. What if he succeeded? The Black Order is RIGHT THERE. They would’ve killed both him and Thor anyways. Loki probably knew death was imminent and wanted one last act of defiance and proof of loyalty to Thor and Asgard. I don’t mind him dying early on, but I feel the writers should have been smarter about his actions. - The GotG felt a bit flanderized. I get it though since they need to share screentime here. Quill remains immature and childish and it leads to disaster. Drax merely spouts comedic lines and is generally useless. Mantis is not much of a fighter but at least managed to subdue Thanos a bit. Groot barely registered at all until he makes the handle for Stormbreaker. Groot meeting Captain America was amusing though. - No one during the Wakanda fight calls attention to the talking raccoon… - Cap, Falcon, and Black Widow also didn’t get a whole lot to do. Their fights seemed to devolve into shakey-cam BS. - Vision was nerfed for sake of the plot. Guess he’d otherwise be too OP. - What was the point of Red Skull being there at all… if you replace him with someone else, would it have affected the plot in any way? Why was he floating like a spectre of Death? - Rocket just gives Thor a new eye…. guess they got tired of CGI-ing that eyepatch on Thor. - The fake-out of Gamora killing Thanos in Knowhere… of course they’re not killing the villain in the first third of the movie. - Gamora’s death… when she asked Peter to kill her, I knew she’s probably going to die. Of course not by Peter… the scene of her, Peter, and Thanos was a good one though. - Something about the scene on Vormir felt… heavy-handed. Maybe the music? The silly fade to Thanos’ crying face when Gamora is falling to her doom? Something just took me out of the moment… maybe the awareness that i was looking at a purple, ballsack-chinned, CGI space man crying CGI tears. - The Black Order… generic looking scary alien people… They didn’t amount to a whole lot. Just excuses for more fight scenes. They all die inglorious deaths. - The final battle in Wakanda was another giant brawl with faceless alien monster people… there’s nothing creative about it. - There is no build-up to that battle either… it just happens. Take a page out of Peter Jackson’s The Two Towers… the build-up is just as, if not more important than the battle itself. - Hawkeye and Ant-Man being convieniently written out of the movie… - Where is Valkyrie? and Korg? Not even enough time to give them a mention? Valkyrie might’ve been helpful in the ensuing fight… - Thanos didn’t seem to use the Gauntlet to its full potential despite demonstrating some wild powers. He mostly just shoots purple beams at people… - Thanos is “burdened with knowledge” and thus knows who Stark is…. ok…. what. - The pacing of the movie felt too relentless. Let the movie breathe a bit dammit. - The CGI in some scenes screamed of “reshoots”… Banner in the Hulkbuster comes to mind. Iron Man and Spidey’s Iron suits looked very cartoonish. The Black Order’s CGI looked very off in a few scenes. Could they not have achieved Proxima, Corvius, and Maw using prosthetics? Thanos looked very convincing though, even if his look was a tad simplistic. - The music… you hear the Avengers theme occassionally… but there’s no memorable new music. We don’t hear any of the respective themes of the various characters. No Guardians theme, no Dr. Strange theme, no Iron Man or Captain America or Spider-Man or Thor themes…. Music should factor into this “culmination movie” as much as the characters. Least we got the Black Panther theme when we see Wakanda again. If somehow the different themes get interwoven into a new melody…. plz Avengers 4? -Knowing that this was a part 1 of a 2-part finale sort of robbed the movie of a sense that the deaths will be permenant… but I would like to be surprised in Avengers 4. The question is seemingly “how” they will defeat Thanos and revive their allies, and not “if” they do…
Overall, there is a lot of good in this movie. It’s not as… “fun” as the previous Avengers movies or even Civil War. They tried to be a lot darker, and for the most part they succeeded. The issues I have are mostly nitpicks to the plot, and minor issues with the craft involved.
After two viewings, I don’t feel the need to really watch it again… until Avengers 4 next year.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
10 Laid-Back Stories to Stay Cozy After Camp
Today marks the final day of our laid-back camping trip with OutClub and it’s time to come home. We may be returning from the great outdoors but there’s no reason we can’t keep things cozy. Although Laid-Back Camp has come to an end, there are plenty of sweet and silly stories to keep us all feeling warm. Below are some of the best slice of life anime has to offer, featuring equally endearing casts and maybe even a little bit of education about the shared hobby that brings them together.
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
The title says it all. Tanaka is a high school student stricken by an eternal feeling of listlessness that affects his everyday life in unique ways. His best friend and near opposite, the tall and athletic Ohta typically has to carry Tanaka between classes but finds ways to admire even the daily lassitude of his unusual classmate. Introduce the adorable and energetic, Miyano, the wannabe delinquent with an addition to cute things, Echizen, and the school idol with a secret alter ego, Shiraishi, and you have a wonderful cast of characters discovering eccentric ways to confront the bland tribulations of high school life. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless is one of the most comfortable, wholesome, and genuinely funny anime ever made and is guaranteed to replicate that feeling of sitting back and following along that Laid-Back Camp has offered us for the past 12 weeks.
Flying Witch
Slice of life meets fantasy in Flying Witch. High schooler and witch-in-training Makoto moves to the sleepy rural city of Hirosaki to live with her extended family, the Kuramoto family, while continuing her studies. It’s a small town so they don’t have many witches out there, leading to a few surprises as her social circle discovers her ability to make potions and fly on a broom. She’s just one of many quirky characters inhabiting the town, however. Flying Witch follows their lazy everyday lives as the youngest of the Kuramoto family, Chinatsu, becomes enthralled with the glimpses of the magical world Makoto affords them. The series is populated by a charming, well-meaning cast that are always looking out for, or poking fun at, one another. Each episode offers new discoveries, whether mundane wonders of their family’s agricultural traditions or magical revelations that lay just out of site in the city of Hirosaki.
Futaba is lonely. A new arrival in the small coastal city of Shizuoka, coming from a larger city and leaving behind her entire life, she now has only her phone for company. Uncertain of her ability to make new friends, she nervously enters her first day of school and becomes subject of attention by the most eccentric girl in school, Hikari. Before Futaba knows it, Hikari has pulled her into the scuba diving club room and has her trying on wetsuits to join her in diving. Through her unexpected friendship, Futaba discovers a love of the sea and scuba diving. Joining the club, we follow her education in the finer details of scuba while being introduced alongside her to its advisor and fellow members. A beautiful series about finding new friends, learning new skills, and discovering a brand new world under the waves.
This Art Club Has a Problem!
The tale of Tsukimori Middle School's dysfunctional art club. Mizuki Usami is dedicated to improving her skills at illustration and painting but must fight an uphill battle against their lazy president, known only as “President” and her art partner Subaru, who is practicing art in the pursuit of creating the perfect 2D waifu. Unfortunately, Mizuki’s curse is tremendously powerful and she discovers she has unwittingly developed a crush on the eccentric Subaru despite all his perversions, eccentricities, and disregard for women who exist in three dimensions. A relationship you actively root against somehow transforms into a genuinely heartwarming series as the kids grow up little-by-little through their club hijinks and tumultuous emotions. Despite being the victim of such a tremendous curse, you begin to believe Mizuki will come out alright in the end.
Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club
Hiromi is a girl so air-headed she represents the exception that makes the rule about getting back on a bike. Having just moved from Nagasaki, Hiromi is looking forward to her first day at the Minami Kamakura Girls High School, but experiences difficulties reaching it by bike. After having to relearn how to pilot a bicycle with the help of a friendly local and classmate, Tomoe. Through cycling, Hiromi continues to make new friends and ends up joining the schools cycling club. From there, the series takes us on an extended tour of Kamakura through the girls’ biking adventures. Like Laid-Back Camp, each episode concludes with a real-life segment in which two of the show's voice actresses learn more about bicycling and the Kamakura region first-hand. A cheerful series about friendship through a shared hobby.
Non Non Biyori
Another slice of life taking place in a rural Japan, this time with an emphasis on rural. The cast of Non Non Biyori live in the tiny countryside village of Asahigaoka, far away from modern amenities the rest of us take for granted. Hotaru, having just transferred from Tokyo, struggles to adapt to the rural lifestyle with the aid of her classmates, all four of them, each different ages and grade levels, who together form the entire student body of their school. Even as she struggles with the concept of a town with only two stores, the locals find her confusion and city customs just as nonsensical as she perceives theirs to be. It’s a sweet series with frequent gags about a girl confronting culture shock within her own country and, eventually, learning to love a new land and lifestyle.
Unique among the items of this list as a science fiction series. Aria takes place in the far future on the planet Aqua (formerly Mars) in the city of Neo-Venezia, a futuristic take on modern Venice. The setting is utopic, presenting a future free of conflict with advanced technology existing alongside anachronism like a recreation of the ancient city of canals. Akari, originally from Japan, works for the Aria Company in Neo-Venezia as an undine, an all-female profession of gondoliers that ferry people through the city’s canals and act as tour guides. The series meanders like a gentle current, following Akari’s life and her work as an undine. In addition to discovering more about her respected profession, Akari encounters a number of characters through her work who have their own stories to tell. Through Akari we learn about life in the alien city through the melancholic tales of its residents.
Silver Spoon
Created by Hiromu Arakawa, the mangaka behind Fullmetal Alchemist, Silver Spoon is set in the Ooezo Agricultural High School in Hokkaido. Yuugo enrolls in the school, believing it will have an easy workload and to escape his stressful home life. He quickly learns he’s underestimated both the school and its students as he learns firsthand the scientific knowledge and physical labor that drive modern-day agriculture and animal husbandry. As he gets to know his peers, he also discovers that each of them are driven and passionate about their area of study, a far cry from the content inheritors of their family trade he had believed them to be. Over the course of his term, Yuugo learns valuable lessons about compassion and prejudice alongside his rigorous curriculum, which allow him to begin to sort out his own troubled relationship with his family.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
One of the most wonderful slice of life series of last year, a reverse-isekai found-family series about a woman, her maid who is actually a dragon, and their daughter is also actually a dragon. Miss Kobayashi awakens after a night of drinking to discover Tohru on her doorstep. During her drunken wandering, she had saved Tohru’s life and, after bonding over drinks, invited Tohru to stay at her house as a maid. Both uncomfortable and unfamiliar with love, Kobayashi struggles with Tohru’s awkward romantic overtures as the dragon tries to understand and assimilate herself into human society. Add in a few more dragons and the series becomes a wonderful story of love, family, and finding ways to reach out to others, through awkwardness and misunderstanding, and form real connections.
Arakawa Under the Bridge
An unlikely slice of life set in a homeless encampment under a bridge in the Japanese city of Arakawa. Ko was taught by his father to never allow himself to be indebted to anyone but falls into the river and is saved by a girl in a tracksuit who calls herself Nino. To rid himself of his debt, he asks how he can repay her and, wanting for nothing, she asks that he experience love with her. Through Nino, Ko is introduced to the malcontents, eccentrics, and outcasts that reside in the surprisingly sophisticated community alongside the river. The series leans heavily into comedy and magical realism to present a diverse, almost circus-like community, but it’s not all gags. There are melancholic chords hidden among light-hearted humor about life as a social outcast and a thread of romance as Ko, despite himself, finds he is beginning to grant Nino’s request.
Hopefully, these series prove to be a peaceful way to pass the time and warm your heart just as well as a toasty campfire and, perhaps, you find one of them just as enjoyable as experiencing the great outdoors with OutClub. We're sad to see Laid-Back Camp go, but there are always new adventures on the horizon. Did I miss any particularly cozy series in this list? Find any of these recommendations recapture that same wonderful feeling? Let us know in the comments below!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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