#the art of storytelling
todayinhiphophistory · 11 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Slick Rick released his fourth album The Art of Storytelling May 25, 1999
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vmures · 9 months
Saw the Barbie movie and loved it. Sadly I can already imagine the studio execs hashing out why it's doing so well and inevitably coming to entirely the wrong conclusions. Because they always try to break popular media down into little boxes that they can try to replicate. They will look at it and go "Oh, people really love Barbie, pink, and Girl Power(tm)" and completely miss the actual points of connection that people had with the film. Yes, it had some fun Barbie easter eggs that were hilarious and awesome if you'd ever played with Barbies. But more importantly, it had a story that made so many people feel seen.
Hollywood execs forget that it's the stories we connect with, not the IP trappings. Those are just the story vessels. They're fun, and I love fandom and various franchises, but because of the stories they allow me to tell and the stories that I connect with that are told within them. Sometimes those stories are brain candy, and sometimes they are a full-on meal. And because I love transformative works, sometimes those brain candy pieces get transmuted into feasts for the mind, heart, and soul, and sometimes the feasts get transmuted into a light fully cotton-candy snack or a nice cup of soothing hot chocolate.
But the thing that brings me back to certain pieces of media (pro work or fan work) more than anything is that the stories are genuine. You can often feel the creator's passion for the topic. The Lord of the Rings movies were so amazing to me because they were a love letter to a beloved franchise. I started falling out of love with the MCU the moment it became clear that the creators didn't love comics and superhero tropes as much as I did and often seemed to actively dislike the characters they were portraying.
So Hollywood execs and marketing gurus are going to analyze the Barbie phenomenon and will almost certainly miss that the reason it's resonating isn't that it's Barbie, but that it's a complex love letter to humanity neatly disguised as a love letter to Barbie. The part that should be replicated is not the framework of the story itself, but encouraging and supporting media that tells heartfelt and genuine stories. They don't have to be happy, they just have to be sincere.
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pretty-toastie · 8 months
I know nobody really reads these but it's fun to shout into the void.
Anyway I'm obsessed with myth. I'm obsessed with the tragedy of "this is how it was always going to end." I'm obsessed with Hadestown and singing the song again and again as though it might turn out differently, despite knowing deep down that it never will. I'm obsessed with the concept of myth as silhouette, where even if you change the names, change the circumstances, it always ends the same way. I'm obsessed with tragic flaws.
Also, completely unrelated, I'm obsessed with wolves?? Like,,, what is a wolf. In literature, I mean. Because sometimes it's just an animal, with no meaning behind it. But that's boring.
And sometimes a "wolf" is a man---a metaphor for the uniquely human concept of cruelty for cruelty's sake. In many versions of Little Red Riding Hood, for example, the wolf is a man. In some, it's explicit---the moral is about the dangers of little girls talking to strange men. But I think that's tired, and it's also kind of missing the point? Like, no, cruelty isn't of animals. It's of men. You lose something when you call an evil man a wolf.
So then there's the third kind of wolf (are there more than three kinds? no shut up. i make the rules) which is Just An Animal, and the difference between that and the first kind is. stark.
So wolves that are just an animal (lowercase) are like. real wolves. They can be friendly, they can have families, they can be tamed, they're the ancestors of dogs. These are the wolves we mean when we say "raised by wolves" and mean like Mowgli (for lack of a better example)---when we mean kind and understanding of family and empathy, and just... lacking manners.
And wolves that are Just An Animal (uppercase) are like. The epitome of animalistic tendency. They are Hungry. They are a manifestation of starvation and cold. They are the loss of rational thought in the face of hunger and the fallback to pure instinct. They are the wolves of Will in Scarlet, the wolves of The Werewolf (Angela Carter), the wolves of any story where the reason you don't go out at night is because of "The Wolves". They are always thin, always cold, always hungry, always starving. And I think that this version of wolves in literature gets so much right. Like. They're not bad. And that's extremely important. It's not bad to be hungry. They aren't cruel. They're just animals. Animals must eat. They are more a force of nature than anything else---blameless in their drive to devour, relatable, the reduction of sentience to desperation in the face of the cold.
And I think the other really cool thing about this kind of wolf is the way they connect to the Cold. Like. Idk if whoever is reading this has seen the Jacob Geller essay about cold (if you haven't go watch it smh) but. Cold doesn't care. It's unemotional in it's destruction. It harms good and evil alike. And it is the mechanism for the creation of Wolves. Wolves aren't starving when food is plentiful. It's only when the frost creeps in and the deer cannot eat and begin to die that the wolves get hungry.
And like there's a warning there. A warning about the cold. It says, "Look. Look what happened to them, what they've been reduced to. The Cold will do that to you as well. The Cold will make you nothing but an Animal." And isn't that just so much more interesting than wolves being a shitty metaphor for cruel men?
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If a story touches you, it will stay with you, haunting the paces in your mind that you rarely ever visit.
Neil Gaiman, MasterClass
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lelithamoon · 8 months
Chapter 1: Truth in Fiction
Alright. After what I've just announced, I'm going to share my first writing practice. The first chapter of Neil Gaiman's Masterclass was about "Truth in Fiction" 
"If you're going to write… you have to be willing to do the equivalent of walking down a street naked. You have to be able to show too much of yourself. You have to be just a little more honest than you're comfortable with… "
[by Neil Gaiman]
This quote is a wonderful metaphor of what I experienced while writing. To be honest: I was afraid. I feared the judgment and even more that I would expose certain people and they would get a whiff of it. Confronting and cornering. I feared, and still do, bringing myself into a vulnerable position. Nevertheless I wrote it and will even confront me with posting this personal text. I'm still wondering, because that topic had to be the very first one. Not because I don't really understand it, more because I felt this uncomfortable and I had a really tough time to start. Let's say it was quite an experience. 
As announced, I'm going to upload my original version first. Underneath that you will find my version of the translation. 
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Original Version:
Ein ohrenbetäubendes Dröhnen legte sich wie ein schwerer Umhang um meinen Körper. Raubte mir die Sinne und schlug wie gewaltige Wassermassen auf mich ein, nahm mir die Luft zum Atmen. Ich fühlte mich ausgeliefert, hilflos. Wie gerne wäre ich geflohen, doch mein Körper gehorchte mir nicht. 
Vor mir bäumte sich die Fratze des Mannes auf, der mich in diese schreckliche Situation gebracht hatte. Verzerrt vor Wut redete sie auf mich ein. Versuchte zu mir durch zu dringen, mich zu irgendwas zu bringen, doch hatte mein Geist den Raum längst verlassen. Starre Abwesenheit empfing die Worte des Anderen. Er hatte seine Brust aufgebläht und versuchte so mächtig wie nur möglich zu wirken. Eigentlich traurig, dass er dieses Bedürfnis hatte, immerhin stand er vor einem 14-Jährigen Kind. 
"...Ich habe dir das Ganze erst ermöglicht!" Polterte er, seine stechenden Augen auf mich gerichtet. 
"Du solltest mir Dankbarkeit zeigen, indem du sechs Stunden täglich dafür arbeitest!"
Träge drangen diese Wortfetzen zu mir durch, ehe ich mich abermals aus der Realität zurückzog. Wo war meine Mutter? Sollte sie nicht in dieser Situation für mich da sein? Ich sehnte mich nach ihrer wohltuenden Wärme. Ich hatte solche Angst. Sie zerfraß mich förmlich und breitete sich eiskalt in mir aus. Ich sehnte mich nach der Frau, die mich immer beschützte, doch ich war allein. Mir war zum Weinen zumute. 
"...Du weißt, dass ich die Macht über deine Mutter habe, dass sie tut, was ich ihr sage!"
Ich fiel. Der Boden wurde mir entrissen und die Wassermassen zerrten mich mit sich. Meine Hoffnung auf Hilfe zersplitterte vor meinen Augen, als ich realisierte, dass er Recht hatte. Die Worte des Mannes sorgten dafür, dass mir meine Mutter auf einmal so fern wirkte. Ich begriff, dass ich von ihr keine Hilfe mehr erwarten durfte. Das warme, sichere Gefühl, das ich immer mit ihr verbunden hatte, verschwand. Sie lief davon, ohne sich noch einmal umzudrehen, und ließ mich alleine in einer Wüste aus Ungewissheit zurück. 
English Version:
A deafening roar wrapped around me like a suffocating cloak. Ravishing my senses and drowning me in its floods. I felt lost and helpless. I would have liked to flee but my body refused to obey. The grimace of the man, which had brought me into this frightful situation, reared up. Talked to me, contorted in anger. Trying to come through, persuade me, but my mind had already left this place. Numbness greeted the words of the other one. His chest was swollen, as he tried to appear as mighty as possible. Pitiful indeed, that he had this need, as he stood just in front of a 14 years old child.
"...I just made all of this possible!" He screamed, his eyes piercing right through me.
"You must express your gratitude by working six hours a day!"
Sluggish those scraps of words reached me, before I withdrew reality once again. Where was my mother? Shouldn't she be with me? I craved her comforting warmth. I was so scared. It consumed me, as it unfolds inside. I craved the woman, which always had shielded me, but I was alone. I wanted to cry.
"... You know that I have the power to make your mother behave as I wish!"
I fell. The ground vanished underneath my feet, as the floods swept me away. The hope for help shattered in front of my eyes, as I recognized the truth behind his words. Dragging my mother far away, as I realized that my hope for support undoubtedly was lost forever. The warm, comforting feeling vanished as well, as she left without turning back. Leaving me in a dessert of uncertainty.
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sad-introvert · 1 year
Information about this blog
Hi, I’m sad introvert. I’m an INFJ, and I like writing, drawing and playing the piano. I will try to post some of this content on this blog.
Together with my friends @valak4lifeuwu and @emogirk111 I’m currently writing a story on my second blog @draught-of-desire make sure to follow this account, and read our story (you can even become a character in the story).
I’m also working on some projects of my own. I’ll post the progress here.
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mastersindigitalmedia · 11 months
Discover the power of storytelling in marketing. Learn how to create a compelling brand story that engages your audience and drives conversions.
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prokopetz · 8 months
Environmental storytelling is when an artist's commission rate sheet has a "per additional character" surcharge, and also a completely separate "per additional penis" surcharge.
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yeehawpim · 5 months
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When I read "once upon a time" as the first sentence in The Book Of Lost Things by John Connolly it blew my mind tbh 😄
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Slick Rick released his fourth album The Art of Storytelling May 25, 1999
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jakubrozalski · 6 months
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'Caledonian Forest'
" Written by Titus Ursus, Primus pilus of Legiō IX Hispana, in the third year of Hadrian's reign (* 120 AD). This will probably be the last entry in my diary. Our legion was ambushed in the wild realm called Caledonian Forest and was almost completely annihilated. Half of my first cohort is all that was left of the IX legiō. We were pushed into the marsh and we will probably die here, fighting bravely to the end in the name of Rome and the Emperor. We were attacked by a demonic pack of the barbaric Picts. They looked more like wild beasts than humans. Some of them were dressed in animal furs, painted with strange runic signs... others seemed to be two-legged wild beasts. They tore us apart as if we were made of paper! I saw our legatus and my brothers in arms being eaten alive, I will never forget their screams. The barbarians attacked us unnoticed, quickly and with wild fury, then disappeared in the fog. Mainly at night. Our shields, swords and armor were no use here. The enemy we face seems to be the ancient wrath of some dark gods we have awakened. We should never invade these lands. I hear demonic howls, they're coming! They're coming! "
Scrap of the papyrus written by Centurion Titus Ursus. Found in October 120AD in the Caledonian Forest. Taken to Rome, where it was presented to the emperor and then burned. Two years later, Emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of a wall on the border of the land called Caledonia, in north Britannia. Coincidence? I don't think so :)) work process: https://jrozalski.com/projects/Ke94zG
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000good · 1 year
BOOK recommendations - from an AQUARIUS:
You can actually help the collective, just by focusing on your own personal growth, but you should already know that.
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Writing Tip #281
Give your character something that makes them different from every other character to help your reader differentiate between your characters. If you have five middle aged men in your story, people are going to get them confused. So, give one an old fashion top hat that he always wears, and give another a large mustache, have one talk in very short sentences, and another that talks as if he’s always reciting Shakespeare. Work these quirks in with their character so your audience has some clue as to who is talking other than their names.
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lelithamoon · 8 months
I just wanted to let you know that I am planing some changes. Don't worry, I just will explain it to you.
When I was still in elementary school I loved writing stories and poems and my teachers always pointed out how much they enjoyed what I had written. Especially considering my age back then. 
In tenth grade my scholastic seminar paper was about writing a book. I picked this subject myself and was so thrilled working on it for almost four months. I still remember how I used the first weeks to research different matters, planning the plot, characters, all this stuff just to write about 18 pages in just two days in the last week I had for the project. After my teacher read what I had written so far, she often used to ask me if I continued writing. If there was a new chapter for her to read. She told me that she had the urge to continue after every single page and really enjoyed my style of writing. 
I used to be in a writing club and participated in one or another poetry slam. Back then my friends pointed out I would have the gift to create pictures in others minds, just by using words. 
Also I spend a huge amount of time writing RPGs and stories together with others.
As far as I can remember I always had written and drawn things. 
However, somehow I didn't believe in the words and compliments of all these people and even friends. I denied the skills I had, as my self criticism was and had always been stronger than anything others assured me. I wasn't able to believe them, or perhaps I didn't want to because I was afraid. I was afraid certain people would use that against me to put me under pressure. They always used to take a hobby of mine and the most important thing became "how can we make money out of it". They didn't even realized how they destroyed the fun I had in these hobbies, so back then I used to protect myself by denying my talents and simply stating I wouldn't own them. I hated that they tried to make me into a money bringing machine. Always wanting me to pay for rent and food since I turned 14. So it was the only way I was able to see, to protect something which was dear to me. I already had lost fun in so many things I used to enjoy, I couldn't bear to lose the happiness I felt while writing and drawing. I couldn't loose the last two things, which I was able to process my emotions through.
Sadly denying became a habit I'm still struggling with. 
This is the reason I decided to change my habit now. Decided to work on my abilities and perhaps even write out some ideas I had. Turning them into a book, by chance.
However I want to practice first and use this account for exactly this matter. De facto I recently started to watch Neil Gaiman's Masterclass (On The Art Of Storytelling), in matter to improve. He is an ideal regarding writing to me. This man is a genius and I would love to have a glimpse into his way of thinking one day. I'm still salty how some of his books got translated into my native language. I feel like it doesn't do him justice and I refuse to ever read one of his books in another language than english again!
Back to what I also wanted to state: I intend to dive into an exercise for every single chapter of Neil's Masterclass, uploading one or another to let you be a part of my journey. 
Besides, since english is not my native language, I will upload the original version in german but I might translate them into english as well and add them below the original version.
Regarding fan fictions: I might write one or another once in a while. After all hyping for a fiction here and there seems to be a certain character trait of mine. Nevertheless it won't be my main focus. You might find fanarts more often, regarding this matter. 
Alright, that was everything I wanted to say. I wish you a pleasant day, enjoy yourself! <3
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sonnynewts · 1 month
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it’s Gimli��s turn to tell the nightly tale
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novelconcepts · 2 years
The defintion of hell is knowing a show is incredibly well-received in its first season, but if people don’t become machines churning out tweets, content, and rewatching 24/7, there’s no likelihood it’ll get a chance to tell its whole story. This shit is madness. Shows in different genres shouldn’t have to pit-battle for dominance. First seasons are MEANT to be baselines establishing worlds and characters, not complete storylines. The idea that this golden age of television has turned into “get it done in one or get out” is revolting.
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