#there are still a couple of interesting locations left
averseunhinged · 5 hours
it's that time again! wip wednesday, day of suffering and reluctant sharing.
this week's offering is from the soulmate au from ages ago, the middle of which is a total disaster. so, idk how much of this is going to end up in the finished product. or if there even will be a finished product. you know how it goes. i poked at it for a couple of days, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if you want to read the previous bits, it was this and then this.
“What did the Salvatores teach you about blood sharing with another vampire?”
“The only thing I ever learned from Damon was superhuman patience," she scoffed. "Stefan got really uncomfortable and gave me some speech about urges and experimentation and being careful. And saving myself for marriage, I think? Which I still don't really get, but he's grandpa-times-five old. Maybe that sort of thing lingers. So, I gave him a pass on the unexpected abstinence-only moment.”
Elijah allowed himself a fraction of a moment to shut his eyes in pain at the sheer incompetence. “That sounds stunningly inaccurate. Though, he was correct on one point. It is not to be taken lightly."
"I," she began and twitched forward, reaching out to brush nonexistent dust from the dash. "Yes. I got that much from it. The keep your fangs to yourself lesson, not the--"
Her blush was vivid. Obvious, even in the sedan's dim interior.
“My brother made an error of judgement," Elijah continued as gently as he could manage. "He did something he should not have without your permission, counting on your ignorance. It was wrong. I will not deny that. But I hope you understand there was little chance he could have known the repercussions of his actions, and he has suffered greatly for them. We all have.”
"Explain," she ordered. If the situation had been less serious, he might have allowed himself more amusement from the liberties she took.
"When blood is shared between two vampires, it creates a sort of," he paused for a moment of thought before continuing delicately, "closeness, limited and short-term, beyond the physical. In most cases, one does not court a stranger’s fangs.”
“Most cases?”
“My father fed primarily on other vampires, not merely because he hated them, but for the perversity of the act. The violation.”
“That's--” Caroline trailed off.
“Yes. When he was human, he was a man of his time, and not a singularly bad one, at that. He loved his wife and family in the way men did--with brutality. However, he ensured we went without as little as possible and taught us the same. You might not care for his methods, but he shaped us into the people we needed to be: competent, hard-laboring survivors.”
Her mouth opened and closed again as she fought her instinct to argue, perhaps understanding he had little interest in her perspective. They may have originated from the same location, but Caroline was a staggering number of generations on from his family's origins. Mikael was a monster, there was no question. Elijah didn't need her to explain that. Mikael was also wildly successful by tenth century standards.
“And then he turned?” she finally asked, having edited out the less relevant commentary on the matter.
“And then he turned,” Elijah agreed. “It amplified an ugliness within. The raider of his youth. A marauder and a conqueror.”
“I don't think I want to know this.”
“You must.”
“Why must I? Why are you doing this? He has a baby, and a bitchy werewolf baby mama, and a whole other life, while I'm here, cleaning up the mess he left behind. Why do I have to solve his problems, too? I don't have time for this.”
Elijah smiled, a scant tilt of the mouth he tipped his chin to hide. How they snapped and snarled, she and his brother, as they tried to escape traps only they could see. He had no doubt she drew blood with her sharp tongue, vicious as Klaus with his bite.
“Yes," he agreed. "We are all running out of time, but it is important you fully understand what has occurred.”
“Why? Why now?” she begged, staring down at her hands, now tightly clasped.
“As in many areas, intent does play a role. Niklaus backed himself into a corner, magically speaking, and has been driven half-mad adhering to it, along with the numerous demands placed upon him. He made you a promise--a vow, one you reinforced upon your parting--without knowledge of the repercussions. In the time since, his mental state has deteriorated. As has yours, by your own admission, to a lesser degree."
He glanced away from the road, wanting a better gauge than his peripheral vision could provide. Eyes wide, Caroline slowly shook her head in denial, but seemed to have lost any verbal argument she might have had.
"He is an original hybrid, the only of his kind. Even he does not know the finer points of the magic from whence he was formed. Perhaps, he should have known better than to take such a risk with you, with himself, but if I have correctly parsed his explanation, the exchange of blood is not an act in which he has partaken in many centuries. Even then, it was a brief period of experimentation, given that he found the results uncomfortable. Until he a found himself desperately unhappy in New Orleans. He wished to carry a piece of you, of the contentment your presence gifted him. It was meant to be temporary. It is temporary, when the act is between vampires."
"But he's a werewolf, too."
"He is both, and neither," Elijah clarified.
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clj-art-blog · 10 months
水云天•昊天塔 | Haotian [Vast Sky] Tower, Shuiyuntian
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水云天•神水厅 | Shenshui [Water of Gods/spirits] Hall, Shuiyuntian
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上古战场•玄虚之境 | The ancient battlefield, Xuanxu Realm [The realm of mystery]
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忘川 | Wang Chuan [Oblivion River]
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+BONUS A wonderful spectacle performed by an delightful trio on a magical and entrancing Oblivion River
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kooktrash · 10 months
make a wish | jeon jungkook [ birthday drabble ]
DRABBLE FOR: ROMANTIC DREAMS but you don’t have to read it, this drabble can stand alone
summary: hours before his birthday, his friends force him to come out for a night of drinks only for him to be mad the entire time that you’re ignoring him. he comes home early worried you might’ve left but what he saw instead made his birthday all the better when the clock strikes midnight.
warnings: smut. birthday sex. jk is at the club but misses oc lol. 3.8k words
The feeling he got anytime he came out for drinks with his friends never changed. It always felt suffocating to him from the crowds of drunk people all against each other to the overly loud music he couldn’t even pay attention to. It was overwhelming, to say the least.He hated the looks he got and the way people tried to talk to him. He hated how loud his friends were and how they felt the need to bring him up to complete strangers like any of it matter. It’s his birthday weekend, you wanted him to celebrate with all of his friends and yet he couldn’t care less about any of that. He was more interested in finding out why you weren’t here tonight and why you weren’t answering your phone.
“Come on man, just one drink and then you’re free to crawl back to Y/n,” Jin joked as he patted the guy on the back, “But we want to hang out with you for your birthday at least once.”
“Y/n’s not answering the phone,” Jungkook warned as he was led to the bar, “So I’m probably just gonna head out.”
“Dude, Y/n’s not a kid, you don’t have to watch her every five seconds,” Namjoon asked, “Don’t get me wrong, wanting to spend time with your girlfriend is the bare minimum but don’t you think you go overboard sometimes? It would not kill you to be away from her for one night.”
Jungkook didn’t say anything, his gaze hardened as he eyed his friend closely. Namjoon just shrugged despite how blunt he sounded and that only seemed to annoy Jungkook more. Who was he to say that?
Jungkook does not go overboard, alright?
He trusts you… of course he does… but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still think about you leaving him. Something in his gut tells him that if you ever try to break up with him you won’t tell him, you’ll just leave and he’ll have no clue where you went.
He thinks you’ve finally grown to love him almost as much as he loves you but he just can’t get over the amount of times you told him you were done. The amount of times he’s had to remind you you’re not going anywhere and neither is he.
He’s gotten better too, he no longer has cameras set up and maybe that’s why he always feels so anxious when you don’t answer. All he’s got is your location so he knows you’re at home, so why won’t you answer his texts?
“Kook?” Namjoon called out to him as he stood at the bar as if he hadn’t just yelled at him, “What do you want to drink?”
He yelled at his friend to get him anything, hearing the call of his name but not bothering to turn and acknowledge it. A small poke on his arm made him take a deep breath and turn to whoever was trying to catch his attention.
“It is you,” She said softly, “Oh my god, it’s been so long. W-y-you just stopped talking to me.”
“Do I know you?” Jungkook looked down unimportant. He actually did have a small recollection of her. They met over a year ago and hooked up a couple times but that was it. He was horny and she was easy.
She looked taken back, “Yeah. You do, asshole.”
He didn’t respond to her, simply glanced down at her angry expression and scoffed as he looked to his friends. They were all busy buying drinks and Jungkook did not care about any of that. He’s been with them since he got off work. They didn’t even let him go home to see you and tell you to go out for drinks. They showed up at the shop, hurried him to close and dragged him to the closest bar. He’s tired of it all. His birthday is tonight and the person he wants to spend it with isn’t answering their damn phone and he’s just starting to get pissed off.
“Okay, here’s yo—“
“I’m leaving,” Jungkook told Namjoon, handing him back the drink, “I’m tired and we’ve been out for hours already. I want to go home.”
Namjoon checked the time biting his lip, he was supposed to stall Jungkook from getting home per your orders and it’s been difficult all night to keep him from running to you. He’s never seen his friend so… in love [?], is that the right word for it? His need to know where you are, why you aren’t talking to him, who you’re with, was intense. Namjoon just knows Jungkook is at his limit with you ignoring him. All he could do was nod his head and give up, “Alright, can you drive?”
Jungkook only had one drink and even then he didn’t finish it before they tried getting him another so he felt fine. He was just bothered that you’ve yet to reach out to him.
He made an attempt to call you, one last time, as he got in his car but like before you didn’t answer and he can feel his patience running extremely thin. Why weren’t you answering him?
The first thing Jungkook noticed when he got back to your shared apartment was how dark it was. Usually [especially now that he’s made the place his own now], the apartment had a dark aura to it. It probably had to do with the mixed decor the two of you had up like his black sketches of skulls and serpents next to your framed photographs of Baby’s Breath and lavender. He’s used to it by now but right now… it’s too quiet…
“Y/n?” Jungkook called out and you could hear the growing annoyed panic in his voice. He dropped his things from work down to the ground without any care. He hasn’t seen you since before he went to the tattoo shop in the morning and now it’s almost midnight and you’re nowhere to be seen.
As Jungkook turned down the hallway, he seemed to freeze. Just below his feet where he hadn’t noticed them before, laid a trail of black rose petals. He followed them with his gaze seeing them disappear under the closed bedroom door where he could see a hue of red lighting inside. With a curious tilt of his head, he walked along the petals, twisting the knob on the door and immediately feeling his heart race.
Your bedroom which had become a concoction of gothic knickknacks and floral patterns, was a deep shade of red. His vinyl played one of his favorite Deftones songs, Mascara, and there you were.
He stopped at the door, eyes taking in the sight around him but all he could do was look down at you surrounded by candles littered across the room and music playing softly to set the mood and suddenly he wasn’t angry anymore. You had been ignoring him all night and that drew him insane but seeing you laying in bed wearing nothing but a black lace lingerie set made him forget all about that anger.
“So this is why you weren’t answering my calls?” Jungkook asked despite feeling giddy inside from all of this. Your lingerie was thin and fitted, it hugged you in all the right places and you looked so inviting with your legs slightly spread open for him, laying in a petal of black roses. You didn’t say anything, only lifted a single finger toward him and motioned for him to move closer.
Your boyfriend was never much for the theatrics, he liked doing it too much to wait, so you weren’t surprised at all when he reached for the back of his black shirt and yanked off over his head exposing his muscles, torso and nipple piercings. His tattooed hands unzipped the front of his black jeans and kicked them off immediately before walking toward the bed with a dark look in his eyes.
“I wanted to surprise you,” you said sitting up a little when he brought a hand to the back of your neck after crawling over your body to kiss you, “But you’re always so impatient.”
“You were ignoring me,” Jungkook whispered against your lips as he sighed softly into the kiss, “I don’t like when you ignore me.”
“So you’re not happy with the surprise?” You asked despite knowing the answer. Jungkook has only just now gotten undressed and you can already see the growing bulge in his Calvin Klein’s. Jungkook looked down at your pliant body laying pretty underneath him, unable to help himself from dragging his index finger over the tip of your nipples that peaked through the sheer fabric, “I love it, just dlike nt ignore my texts again, okay?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes even as he kissed along your neck lovingly, his teeth softly nipped at the skin until his tongue was running over the marks soothingly. He was already on top of you trying to control the situation and you put a hand on his chest to move him off. His brows furrowed as you began to say up forcing him to do the same, “Why don’t you lay down and let me take the lead for once, yeah?”
“Bab—“ his words died down when your finger tugged at one the bar piercing on his nipple. He looked down watching your finger circle around it teasingly scratching against him and he was folding. Now that Jungkook had relaxed a little, you took the chance to move him to lie on his back, straddling hips as his hands found your waist to hold you there. He set you down directly over his hardening length, letting you slide against it for a moment’s worth of friction. Jungkook always got so easily turned on when it came to you. He could be at work doing a tattoo on someone and suddenly he’ll remember what the two of you did the night before, how he fucked you on the kitchen counter or ate your pushy in the bathtub. Sometimes it didn’t even have to be about sex. He would think about seeing you fresh out the shower or wearing a shirt of his and nothing underneath.
“Y/n,” Jungkook sighed once he felt you lean down for a kiss. It was an open mouth kiss with your tongue pushing into his sloppily the way he liked it, your hands scratching down his ribbed sides feeling every muscle in their path. When you pulled your lips away from his, a line of drool connected your mouths and dribbled down to his chin when you kissed along his jaw. Jungkook’s hands couldn’t sit still, they needed to feel all of you. Your lingerie bottoms were nothing but a lacy thin thong that left little to the imagination but looked good nevertheless. He slid his hands over your butt, big hands pinching and helping any part of you that he could, occasionally making your covered cored grind against his dick. A low moan left his lips when you sucked on his neck leaving a trail of love bites in your wake, moving down to his collarbone and chest.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good,” you said teasingly as you lucked over his abused nipple that you had been tugging on. Jungkook’s breath hitched when you circled it with your tongue, sucking softly and nipping at the metal with your teeth.
“Always,” Jungkook sighed, squirming a bit as you kissed between his abs down toward his navel, fingers already sinking into the hem of his briefs, “You always make me feel good.”
“Mhm,” you hummed in content, sliding yourself off his lap until you sat perfectly between his spread, muscular thighs, “You always make me feel good too, baby.”
It’s true too. He’s your boyfriend for fucks sake, even if you used to resent him for being the way he was then; there’s no point in still feeling that way when you really do love him—whether it be healthy or not is still up for debate.
Jungkook tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, playing with his lip ring as you yanked his briefs down with a bit of force that had him groaning at the toughness. He’s not used to you taking the initiative, maybe you’ve done it once or twice but never dressed like this in a red and black room made for sex.
You looked down at his length, not surprised at all by the sight of it. Jungkook was hard, his dick was thick and flat against his navel, throbbing under your stare. It twitched like it wanted to point upward but he wasn’t there yet. He needed a little more attention still.
You placed your hands on his thighs for support as you leaned forward to be face to face with his cock, pursing your lips like you were gonna kiss it before blowing air. Jungkook had to rest on his elbows to be able to sit up enough to see what you were doing, just barely catching the sight of you reaching further down and flattening your tongue against his balls teasingly until you licked the underside of his cock too. Immediately his arms gave way and he was laying back down on the bed, eyes squeezed shut.
You wrapped a hand around his base, angling his cock to point upward before running your tongue along the side once more like he was a melting ice pop. You could see his lip pulled between his teeth and his eyes screwed shut in anticipation making you smirk. Jungkook always knew how to make you feel good and it was a boost to your ego to know that you too knew what made your boyfriend feel good. As his cock stood straight now, you licked along his tip, circling around the head and feeling him throb in your first when you sucked softly against his slit that produced precum.
“Fuck,” Jungkook groaned as he let his head fall back against rhe pillows with his hands tucked under his neck, hips raising with need to meet your mouth and make you take his cock down your throat. You grinned at the disheveled sight of your boyfriend that was caused by a little teasing and lowered your head starting back down over his balls where you knew he liked to feel your tongue first. Jungkook liked things sloppy, a bit rough and nasty. He loved having his balls played with, feeling your tongue swipe along them, sucking one into your mouth and tugging while fisting his cock. It’s exactly what you did tonight, you paid extra attention to his balls feeling his thighs tighten around you when you began to stroke his dick.
Jungkook was in ecstasy, his cock no longer needed your hand to make him stand straight, he was hard enough to do it on its own and you dug your nails into his thighs when you finally began to take him all into your mouth. A loud moan left his lips at the warm sensation of your spit coating his member, making it easier to slide him into your mouth. He could feel you try and relax your throat all around him and although the wanted to let you take your time, he was so fucking horny. He couldn’t help but buck his hips up, forcing you to take more and more of him at a quicker pace.
You shook your head no, cock in your mouth and a hand flat against his pelvis to hold him down, “Just relax, baby, I got this.”
He huffed impatiently, nodding his head as he tried to calm down, lips parting in surprise when you took him all in one go. If your mouth wasn’t full with his dick, you would’ve been smiling at the way he so easily turned to mush underneath you. You wasted no time in teasing him anymore, bobbing your head up and down while your fist strokes whatever didn’t fit in your mouth. Your other hand was fondling his balls avain, squeezing them, massaging them, rubbing them against each other as you made obscene noises with your throat as you fucked him into your mouth. Jungkook’s hands closed in tight fists over the bed sheets, body caving in with how good your mouth felt on him and he was so damn close, “Fucking hell, baby, fuck.”
You could tell he was close by the way he became restless, thighs clenching and unclenching, chest rising and lowering with jagged and fast paced breath, lips drawn apart with moan after moan and it only made you double your efforts. You got rougher, faster, sloppier.
It got to the point where Jungkook had a closed fist over his eyes trying not to overwhelm himself with how good you were making him feel but it had become too much. He couldn’t take it anymore, “Okay, Y/n, there, I’m gonna cum. Come on, need to feel you—oh fuck, baby.”
His head fall back with a loud moan, spurts of thick cum coating the inside of your mouth so suddenly even you were surprised by the amount. Jungkook’s body writhed on the bed, large muscular body twitching with pleasure as he came down your throat. You gagged at the intensity, pulling your mouth away and watching it coat his own dick in it, still softly jerking him off through his orgasm.
“You okay?” You asked lovingly, stroking him as you looked down at the mess you’ve made of him. Jungkook’s eyes were a deep red that made his gaze look darker under the LED lights. His lips looked swollen and cum was all over his pelvis but he was still rock hard.
“Y/n,” his voice grew hoarse, “Need you to sit on dick, right now.”
You smiled, laughing softly as you looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. 11:59pm.
“Birthday boy wants to cum in my pussy?” You asked surprisingly. The two of you rarely had sex without a condom but you were on birth control and it was his birthday… your boyfriend deserved this. As crazy as he was, he loved you and you… well, you loved him too or else why would you have stuck around? And right now, you were too turned on to care about the consequences.
Jungkook didn’t have to say anything to have you lining his cock work your wet pussy as you slid the lingerie to the side so it wasn’t in the way. As much as Jungkook loved the way it looked on you, he needed it completely off of you.
His rough fingers tugged at the seams, easily tearing it apart as you pressed his thick head between your folds. You gasped in surprise at how easily he tore threw the fabric, yanking roughly until it was in his hands and on the floor, “Baby… I’m trying to be sexy here.”
“You’re always sexy,” Jungkook said not caring about the lingerie as his hands found your hips, lowering you down his length himself, “But I like you better with nothing on.”
“Mm,” you hummed in acknowledgement, a small moan leaving your lips as this thick head finally made it past your broken hymen making the slide of the rest of his cock that much easier. Your hands fell flat against his chest for support as your feet pushed against the bed to help you raise your hips, his hands guiding you to bring them back down. It started off slowly, you began riding him teasingly only lifting yourself up a little, grinding your hips against his and doing it all over again.
Jungkook was fine with the pace as he took in the sight of your pretty tits in his face and he couldn’t help but move his hands to grope them, thumbs brushing over your nipples as his hips began to thrust up into yours making the slow ducking a little rougher.
“Jungkook,” you moaned softly as his thick length hit that special spot at the top, rubbing against your open folds and pleasuring you so well you almost forgot this was for him and not for you. He was at the point where he didn’t care about who was supposed to be making who feel good. Anything you did to him felt good and without a care in the world he pulled you down to lay on his chest, your face against his neck as he dug his feet into the mattress and began to fuck you from below. Your body bounced against his and with an arm tight around your lower waist and the other groping your ass, he was fully taking control to bring you to your first orgasm of the night.
“Feels good, baby?” He asked in a low whisper into your ear, cock working in and out of your tight pussy. You nodded your head, kissing his neck between moans as your cunt tightened around him, “So good.”
Jungkook took the lead with ease, grinding you against his aching member, so close to release once more. The clock had strikes midnight time ago and his phone was being flooded with birthday messages but he was too busy to care. All he had wanted for his birthday was to spend it with you and his patience had paid off.
He came home to you dressed so fucking sexy for him and with a promise that he could cum inside and that alone was bringing him closer and closer to his second orgasm, not worried about finishing too soon when he knew this wouldn’t be the last round.
Your teeth nipped are his neck, nails scratching along his nipples as you tightened around him once more, “Jun—babe, I can’t… fuck, please.”
“Cum for me, do it baby,” Jungkook urged you on, lifting a hand only to bring it back down hard on your ass hearing you squeal at the slight sting but your walls tightened all the same. His cock was reaching deep into your count every time you took him all in and all it took was one final spank, for your orgasm to hit. You released a loud moan into his ear, hearing him grunt as you clenched around and finally you felt the warmth of his release flood your insides for the first time ever.
He was left breathless, cock coated in both your arousals as you pulled yourself off of him and you both watch his release mixed with yours dribble down your legs, immediately turning him on once more. You looked up at him, smile on your face from how good your boyfriend looked after sex. You checked the time once more, hearing his phone buzz and you ran a soothing hand over his thigh and pulling some stray black petals off of him, “I’m gonna get a bath going, how does that sound, birthday boy?”
Jungkook smirked, “Sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll be back, why don’t you start responding to everyone,” you told him with a wink. When you left and he looked down at his phone, a small laugh left his lips.
joon:i hope whatever surprise y/n did for u was good bc u were a bitch to keep distracted
joon: happy birthday
joon: don’t have too much fun with your girl
ugh everytime I tell myself I’m tired of romantic dreams Jungkook I just come back 😭anyways little bday drabble on KooK’s bday 🥺HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY
permanent taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt t @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura a @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22 @Imeneghd @whoa-jo @evajeonsworld @marvelbun @sunnikthv @kochycooky @heyhowyoudoin3 @acielelyseen @giselleswifeee @jeonjk25 @ilikeitlikethatt @bangmechanpls @lvr2seok @badbyeyoongi @jaerisdiction @watermelonjuice15 @artmsmaid @xyahrinx @angeleen777 @jooniesxbby @brillantdarling
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allthelovehes · 9 months
Summary: You follow a course through your job and the teacher who's giving the course is everything you've ever dreamed of.
Pairing: teacher!harry x reader
Word count: 6.2K
Warnings: Pussy eating, protective sex, squirting, p in v.
A/N:  This is partially based on a true story. Nearly everything but the smut is what actually happened and I just had to write it.
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Ever since starting your new job, you must attend an internal program at headquarters for three-ish months, completely designed to train you for all the ins and outs of your position. It’s not like you have to go there every single week. But you have a perfect little schedule; you go to headquarters two weeks in a row, two days a week followed by a week where you practice all you’ve learned. Then two weeks of your training, two days a week and you repeat it over and over again for 11 weeks total. 
Since headquarters is an hour and fifteen-minute drive from your home, they offer you to stay the night at a hotel near them so you don’t have to keep on driving back and forth. They also pay for your dinner in the restaurant of the hotel and since you’re not the only student taking the course who lives relatively far away, you made some friends and all eat together. After dinner, you all hang out, down a few more glasses of chardonnay, and have a great night. 
The course itself is presented by two men, Chris and Harry. Chris is a couple of years older than you are and Harry is roughly the same age. Both of them are a treat to look at so whether you like the course or not, there’s always something interesting to occupy your brain with. Although if you’re truly honest, you do have a favorite and it gets worse when the end of the three months is in sight.
It’s the second to last week of your program. Normally you travel by train, read a book while you’re at it, and enjoy the peaceful start of your day. But today was different, you’re a bit in a hurry and decide to take your car and make the long ride yourself. Putting up some music and singing along at the top of your lungs.
Traffic isn’t as bad as you expected and instead of being stuck in your car for over two hours, it only took one and half hours. Normally the route is packed with traffic, causing a lot of slow-riding cars and traffic jams. But again, today was different.
Being 55 minutes early before the start of your training, you’re left with some more time to yourself. The book you normally would read on the train is in your bag anyway. So you grab a cup of coffee, pull the book out of your bag, and start reading to somehow still get a bit of the quiet morning you’re used to. 
You just finished reading your chapter when the door of the room swings open. You look up and your eyes meet the pretty green eyes you’ve grown to adore. You never imagined you’d still crush as hard at 26 as you did at 16. It’s like the teen inside you is awakened by Harry’s chocolate curls, green eyes, and puffy lips. 
“Good morning!” You greet him.
“Good morning. You’re early!” He chirps with a warm smile on his face. He always seems cheerful, just happy to be here. It makes you feel so welcome in this company. “How long have you been here for?” He adds.
“Not more than 15 minutes I think, honestly didn’t really track time.” You answer.
“Did the elevator work when you got here? I just had to climb the stairs.” He continues, there’s not even a shortness of breath even though he just climbed all 17 flights of stairs to reach the level on which the company is located. 
“You’re kidding! How are you still breathing?” You joke, but you’re actually not kidding. If you had to walk all those stairs, you’d be out of breath by the time you reach the 5th floor. Harry however just laughs at your statement before he puts down his backpack behind his desk. 
He made up this little routine of settling down for the day. First, he places down his backpack and takes out his laptop. Then he opens his laptop to boot it before he pulls his sweater over his head. This man doesn’t like to wear coats, he just puts a sweater on top of his outfit and uses that to keep himself warm. 
You thought you sort of removed him from your mind after not seeing him for a couple of weeks. Harry went on a well-deserved vacation and Chris took over during that time. So the last time you actually saw Harry was 5 weeks ago. But the second he pulled that sweater of his over his head, pulling his shirt a tiny bit upwards in the process had you melting right in front of him. The waistband of his boxers peeks out from his pants. You immediately recognize the brand he’s wearing by the colorful print on them. And let’s not even get started about his delicious happy trail. It’s a good thing his view is blocked by the fabric of his sweater because you for sure are struggling to keep your eyes to yourself.
“So, would you like some coffee?” He suggests as he folds his sweater over the back of his chair. You’re quick to agree on his offer. “Cappuccino right?” 
“Yes, please! I’m surprised you remember how I like my coffee.” You giggle, feeling a blush creep upon your cheeks. 
Throughout the entire day, you can’t help but notice how Harry’s eyes meet yours a lot more often than he does with your classmates. Whenever you look at him, his eyes are already on yours. He compliments you when you’re working on assignments and you just feel like there’s a mutual connection there. 
His distance to headquarters is even bigger than yours, so they offered him a similar deal as they did you. If he has to work multiple days in a row, he can stay the night in between in the same hotel as you all do. He gladly took upon the offer, for him it’s at least a two-hour ride home and that’s if he doesn’t include traffic. And since he works 5 days a week, it’ll save him a lot of time.
During the lunch break, you and your friends are making plans for the evening. Many of your nights in the hotel are spent drinking some wine and just catching up with each other. And today’s plans are like no other. Harry can’t help but overhear you guys talking about the hotel and starts bragging about the room they gave him. 
“I slept in room 405 last week. Apparently, all rooms on the fourth floor are deluxe rooms with a bathtub, double bed instead of a twin bed, and a filled mini fridge.” He joins your conversation, immediately planting the idea of asking for room 405 when you check into the hotel later today.
“I never had a bathtub during any of my stays. But all six times I slept in that hotel, I never slept on the fourth floor.” You reply.
“Don’t worry, you’re not missing out. The tubs are too small anyways.” He reassures.
“Your legs are just too long to properly fit into any tub.” You pointed out. 
All of you enjoy your dinner together. Harry is always left at work for a bit longer after you’re done with the class so he can prepare for the next day or finish up some other leftover work. And to the question of whether he will join you all at the dining table, his answer is always the same. “If I make it in time, I’ll happily join.” 
And today was one of the days he made it in time. He sits next to you in the only chair that’s unoccupied. Your friend shoots a glance at you, and that’s when you realize she made sure you sat next to the empty spot.
All of you welcome him to the table before starting small talk.
“Oh, by the way, Harry, I meant to thank you for your advice.” You start causing a confused look on the man’s face.
“My advice?” He asks. “What did I tell you?”
“When I was checking in I asked for room 405 and now I ended up in a deluxe room just like you told us about earlier today.” You giggle.
“Hold on, what room are you in??” He asks, clearly even more confused than he was at the beginning of this conversation.
“Ah, right! You got me confused for a second as I am booked in room 405 again.” He explains. “So, we’re practically neighbors!” 
Your brain spins a bit at how coincidentally it is of you asking for the exact room Harry is in. And on top of that, you are indeed practically neighbors. Suddenly you feel glad that you aren’t actual neighbors for the night, cause the rooms are very noisy and there’s a dividing door between every other room, allowing them to connect two rooms if needed. You’re not sure what your nighttime activities will turn into, once you’re left alone in your hotel room with just your unholy thoughts of the man next to you. 
Your food gets served, you and Harry both choose a different dish. He chose the tilapia filet and you went for a steak. Both are served with some veggies and fries. 
“That steak looks good.” He says as he puts a bit of fish into his mouth. 
“Would you like to try some?” You ask him to which he agrees. His fork is all covered in the sauce that comes with the fish. So, you cut off a piece of steak and hold your fork out for him to take it. He hums softly as the taste of the steak hits his tastebuds, sending vibrations through your fork. 
Harry insists on you trying some of his fish too. So he cuts a piece of, similar as to how you did it and holds his fork out for you to try it. 
You’re not much of a fish eater but you can see how people like this particular dish. It’s good as far as how good fish get. 
After hanging out with your friends on the terras, drinking some wine. All of you decide to call it a night. It’s nearly 11 p.m., and all of you need to be up bright and early the next day for your course. 
You hop into the elevator together, all of you pressing different buttons for different floors. Soon enough you’re the last one standing as you’re the only one whose hotel room is located on the top floor, and Harry’s of course.
Your pace slows down when you reach room 405. A deep voice is heard on the other side of the door. This confirms your suspicions, Harry is still up. It seems like he is currently on the phone with someone as a one-sided conversation is heard from his room. You decide not to snoop around, for all you know he’ll walk out the door any second and see you lingering around his door. That’d be weird.
Once you reach your door, you open it with the card and enter the room. You were smart enough to turn on the air conditioning before heading down for dinner so the room was cooled perfectly. 
You let yourself fall backward on your bed with a deep sigh. This massive crush on what essentially is your teacher was unexpected. And now you’re full of nerves, jitter, and a lot of unholy thoughts to think about.
You open up your book and try to set your mind in another direction. You have to face the man you’re thinking about tomorrow and above all you need to be able to concentrate. 
After 45 minutes of reading your mind is still on the one topic it was before. So the plan to distract yourself failed miserably. The only other option you can consider is taking a cold shower, cause there’s no way in hell you can masturbate to the thought of him and look him in the eye tomorrow.
You hop into the shower. You start at your regular temperature and decrease the temperature with small steps to end with a cold shower. Your hands travel over your body and you notice how sensitive your skin is. You take some soap and spread it all over your skin. Once your hands reach your breasts you give some extra attention to your achy nipples, pinching them between your fingers. You moan softly, god that feels good.
You realize what you’re doing and stop immediately, turning the water ever colder causing you to nearly squeal at the temperature. You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your body. 
As soon as you’re all dried up, you crawl back into your bed and grab your phone to scroll mindlessly through TikTok. First, you clear your notifications but you notice one particular Instagram notification that catches your eye.
harrystyles liked your story 8m ago
It’s fucking past midnight, what is this man liking your Instagram story for?? As if you weren’t thinking about him enough already. 
You decide to get out of bed and go outside for a little midnight stroll. The cool and fresh air will do you good. You take your AirPods out of your bag so you can listen to some music while you're at it. 
You’ve been walking for about 25 minutes when you step back into the elevator and press the button to the fourth floor. Harry has finally disappeared from your mind, I mean, he’s still there but just less present. You are tired and just need your sleep.
Room 407 is two-thirds down the hall, luckily the floor is covered with carpet so your feet don’t make as much sound. You don’t want to wake anyone up at this ungodly hour. Nerves kick back in the closer you get to room 405. What if he’s still awake, or what if you woke him up when your door fell closed on your way out?
The sound of a door opening is heard and you’re too afraid to take your eyes off the floor. It takes every bit of strength in you to lift your head up, but when you finally do, your eyes are met with the ones you’ve been thinking about all night. He’s changed out of his dress pants and blouse and into a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants.
“Oh, hi.” You mumble. Fuck, you think. You did wake him up on your way out. And now he’s here to complain about it.
“Hi.” He replies in a whisper. Harry heard you walk through the hallway, at least he was hoping it was you. But now that he’s standing eye to eye with you, he suddenly becomes nervous and doesn’t know what to say.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up when I left my room.” You apologize. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been struggling to fall asleep anyway.” “Yeah, me too. I’m gonna go give it another try though.” You point to your door, gesturing for you to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Wait!” Harry whisper-yells. “I- uhm. Do yo- uh.” He stumbles over his words. You turn your body back to him, looking at him with your big eyes.
“Do you wanna come with me to my room?” He finally asks and he holds out his hand for you to grab. You’re taken by surprise but after looking at him for a bit too long you grab his hand with a little nod and let him lead the way. 
He closes his fingers around yours and takes a couple of steps back to his room, opening the door with his room key. He steps inside the room, holds the door open, and pulls you in by your hand. The door is slammed closed right after you’re through the opening and Harry's strong arms push you against the door. 
“Hi.” He says giddy when looking at your lips, earning a smile from you.
“Oh fuck, just kiss me already.” You demand, and he is eager to please. 
His lips crash onto yours and his tongue slips inside your mouth. He’s gentle but demanding, it’s nothing like you ever thought it would be. This kiss makes you realize what people mean by melting when they’re being kissed. It’s like every inch of your body becomes one with his.
Your fingers graze his hair, pulling him closer as his hands find their place on your hips. He pushes his body flush against yours, earning a moan from your lips. The fingers of his right hand sneak under the hem of your shirt to dig into your skin. 
He pulls away after what feels like minutes of making out, panting slightly. His fingers play with the hem of your shirt and he looks down.
“Can I?” He asks to which you agree. Your shirt is pulled over your head in a swift motion, revealing your peach-coloured bra. Suddenly you feel glad you decided to put on a bra when you went for a walk because you nearly decided to not wear one.
“Fuck.” He moans at the sight of you. His hand comes up to cup your left breast through the padding of your bra. “You’re so beautiful.” He kisses your neck, up to your ear. You gain confidence from his words and let your hands travel over his chest, down his sides all the way to the hem of his own shirt. You look him in the eyes for permission. 
“Do it.” He whispers in your ear while he keeps on kissing every inch of your ear, neck, and jawline. You pull the shirt over his head revealing his perfect abs. You can’t help but put one hand flat on his stomach to feel his muscles and moan softly. Your eyes meet his and he has a beautiful smile plastered across his lips. 
His lips are back on yours and his fingers hook in the waistband of your jeans. He’s greedy to get you out of your clothes as soon as possible. He opens the button. His left hand grabs your face and he kisses you passionately on your lips as he puts his right hand in the back of your jeans to squeeze your bum. 
“Hmm, you feel so good.” He squeezes your flesh one more time before he pushes the fabric over your ass. You step out of your jeans and push him further into the room. Your lips reconnect. 
Harry leads you to the chair in the corner of the room and pushes you down in the chair. Your eyes fall down his body and stay glued to the tent starting to form in his sweatpants. His fingers wrap underneath your chin to pull your face up. 
“Eyes up here, baby.” He says. He spreads your legs to stand in between them and strokes his hand over your inner thighs, to your stomach, and up to your lips. He puts his thumb against your lips with his fingers resting on your cheek. You open your lips and softly suck on his thumb getting it slightly moist. 
He takes his finger back out of your mouth and his hands explore down to your chest. Both hands grab one boob each and massage your skin through your bra. He makes sure to flick his thumbs over your hardening nipples every now and then. 
You sink further down into the chair, practically laying on your back with your bum on the edge of the seat. Your feet are tucked around his waist and your legs are spread open to reveal your clothed crotch. Harry is standing right in front of the chair, causing his crotch to gaze over your most sensitive spot when he moves close enough. 
You moan at the pressure he’s applying to your chest. His big hands fit perfectly around your tits and it’s all you’ve been thinking about. Well, not all, but you get the point.
He pulls down the cups of your bra, to expose your breasts. Your nipples are hard and needy. His lips attach to your right nipple to suck on them before he lets go and gently strokes his fingers down your stomach, back towards your inner thighs. The soft touch of his fingertips tickles, sending a buzzing feeling straight to your clit.
He kneels in front of the chair you’re sitting on and wraps his hands around your waist. He places a couple of kisses on your thighs, right next to your core. But never touching where you need it most. He’s making you all needy, drawing moan after moan. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Harry asks. But the view in front of him already gives him the answer he is looking for. You’re dripping through your panties, completely ruining them and every touch is rewarded with another moan coming from your lips.
“Mhm, fuck yes.” You half moan.
Harry finally places a kiss on the wet spot forming on your panties. You immediately put your hand in his hair. After a few more open-mouthed kisses on top of the fabric, he finally pulls them to the side. He lets out a low moan at the sight and smell in front of him. 
He attaches his lips to your core, leaving another open-mouthed kiss on your labia before he sucks the juices into his mouth. Another loud moan escapes his lips, you’re sure anyone who’d walk by would be able to hear the both of you.
“You taste so fucking good, baby.” Harry moans. He pushes your panties further to the side and you help him hold them there, giving him full access to taste every single inch of you. He licks up from your bottom all the way to your clit and you can’t help but whine. He continues to gently lick around your clitoris, making sure not to apply too much pressure at once. It feels like pure ecstasy. 
His hands stroke the insides of your thighs again while they travel to your core. With two hands, he spreads you open to allow him to stick his tongue inside of you. He pushes in and out of you a few times before his tongue travels back to your clit. Licking and sucking softly, building up the pressure. He for sure is taking his time with you. His eyes are locked on yours to gauge what you like and don’t like. But so far you seem to have entered another world. With your left hand locked in his hair and your head thrown back.
Harry starts to put more pressure on your clit with his tongue making you all squirmish. Your soft moans go up in loudness. His lips leave your clit but his finger is quick to stroke circles around it before he inserts his finger into your pussy hitting you right on that spongy part. His finger pushes in and out of you and his tongue gently swipes from left to right. 
He applies even more pressure to your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud every now and then. His one finger inside of you pumps in and out, building up a faster pace. More juices start to spill from your pussy so he licks from down all the way up to your clit again to collect your wetness and slurp it all up. It’s a sign you’re coming close to your orgasm. Your legs start shaking around his shoulders and he continues his work, going faster and sucking harder.
Soon you can’t contain your moans and your orgasm hits you harder than it has ever done before. Harry’s fingers don’t seem to slow down though, and his tongue is still attached to your sensitive clit. Your moans turn into high-pitched whines mixed with curse words falling from your lips.
“Fucking hell, please” You moan, trying to push his face away from your cunt. His finger falls from your pussy and he softly caresses your mount with a flat hand, his lips are still attached to your clit but he stopped sucking as he moans loudly. The vibrations of the sounds he’s making shoot right through your body. He completely removes his face from you and wipes the wetness from his chin. 
“God, I wanna do that again. You sound so fucking pretty.” He tells you before he connects his lips to yours. The tangy taste of yourself is all you can focus on, making you feel dizzy. 
Harry looks you up and down. He gets up off his knees so he can finally drop his sweats to the floor. The erection in his loose-fit boxers makes you curious, but it gives you a good idea of how big he is. 
He holds out his hand for you to help you get up from the chair. His arms wrap around your body once you’re on your feet and he kisses you deeply. His hands take hold underneath your bum. 
“Jump.” He commands and you listen without a second thought. You wrap your arms around his middle and his erection softly presses into your core. You moan and nestle your face into his neck. Your hips try to grind down on him, although you’re not as successful as you’d hoped. Harry walks to the end of the bed to place you down. 
“Let’s get you out of these.” You say as you put your fingers into the waistband of his boxers. You pull them down so he can step out of them. He pushes you on your shoulders, tipping you over so you’re lying on your back and his hands hold your knees to spread them open again. With one hand he pumps his cock a few times and with the other, he pushes your panties back to the side before he pushes the tip of his cock through your folds. 
“Shit, a condom.” He curses. “I don’t know if I have one.” He says honestly. It’s not like he thought he was getting laid during his work trip so he didn’t pack any. He rushes to his wallet in hopes of finding one in there. He opens the coin section and is happy to be greeted by a silver foil. He takes it out before he returns to you and puts on the protection. 
He goes back to what he started. He rubs the tip of his now rubber-covered cock over your clit, stimulating the sensitive nub. You immediately are a moany-mess again before he slides his tip down and inters your cunt. He pushes in and out, going deeper with every thrust. His thrusts are gentle as he knows you’re close to being overstimulated. 
His hands hold your thighs down before he starts moving back and forth at a faster pace. He bends down to attack your right nipple with his mouth. He sucks sharply and licks over the hard bump. 
The bed starts squeaking loudly when he holds you down around your hips to be able to fuck up into you faster. His skin slaps against yours making the most erotic sounds audible in the hallway and possibly in the neighboring rooms. 
Harry wraps his hand around your neck, not really applying pressure but just holding you in place as he trusts into you slower but with more power. Smacking his pelvis against your clit with every trust. Your panties slipped back down covering half your labia again. 
“Let’s get these out of the way.” You laugh. Harry pulls out so you’re able to remove your underwear but he’s back inside of you as soon as possible. He’s bucking up, trying to hit your G-spot every time he pushes in. And he knows he’s doing a good job as your moans went up a pitch again. 
He grabs your hips and keeps fucking you hitting your G-spot hard every, single, time. The trusts change from hard and deep to soft and fast. Giving you a whole other sensation. He keeps switching between the two different paces until he finds you squirming underneath him again. He bucks his hips hard and deep into you and after a few more trusts you reach your second orgasm, screaming and squirting all over him. 
You were about to apologize but Harry has already attached his lips to your cunt to lick up all the leftover juices. He’s moaning loudly as he’s trying to clean you up. Your own moans become quieter and turn into soft hums as you nestle your hand into his hair, grabbing him tightly. 
He starts assaulting your clit like he used to when you were sitting in the chair. His tongue is doing wonders on your overstimulated clit and it only takes a couple of strokes of his wet muscle to get you to reach your height again. This time however it feels shorter and less intensive, but still your moans picked up again. It’s like music to Harry’s ears.
“Fuck, Y/N, you are so fucking perfect.” He moans, kissing you sloppily. His hips meet yours and both of you hum to the feeling. Harry takes a hold of his cock and guides it back inside of you. His hips grind over yours, giving you way too much stimulation but god does it feel good. 
He places his left foot on the bed next to your bum and starts pounding into you. He puts one of his hands on top of your mouth as you can’t contain any of the sounds you’re making. Harry knows it’s already too late when it comes to waking up the neighbors but he doesn’t wanna keep bothering them all night.
Never have you been fucked this hard, fast, and deep all at the same time. It’s starting to feel overwhelming and you can’t stop whining at how good you feel. Harry keeps miraculously pounding into you as he starts to moan loudly himself as well. 
His moans send shivers down your spine, he sounds otherworldly. The deeper his moans get, the sloppier his trusts become. He spills all of his cum inside of the condom before his moans quiet down and he pulls out. He’s panting loudly and he gently swats the back of your thigh twice. He rubs his cock up and down your pussy one more time before he kneels down again and licks your pussy clean. 
“Stay where you are.” He says and places a quick kiss on your lips. He walks to the bathroom to toss the condom and grab a damp towel to properly clean you up. He dabs the lukewarm towel to your overstimulated core and softly strokes the fabric down once or twice. He puts the towel down on the floor where all of your juices squirted in an attempt to minimize the mess.
“There, now let’s get comfy.” He says and gets into bed. “Do you want a shirt?” He asks to which you nod. He gets up to grab his white tee from before and hands it to you. It smells deliciously like his skin in the best way possible. You put it on and it reaches up to your upper thigh. 
Harry lays back down in bed and you crawl next to him. He naturally opens his arms for you to cuddle up to him. 
“I‘ve never been fucked that good.” You chuckle as you take a deep breath. The room smells and looks like sex but neither of you seems to care. 
“Hmm, you felt so good.” Harry’s ego boosts at your comment. And if he’s honest, he’s never been with someone he enjoyed so much and he simply can’t wait to do it again. “I hope you’re going to stay the rest of the night, right?” He asks. 
“I didn’t plan on getting up, I’m way too comfortable here.” You reply to which Harry only pulls you in closer. He places a soft kiss on your forehead with a soft hum. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He whispers to which you answer a simple goodnight. 
You wake up the next morning with Harry’s body wrapped around yours. The sound of your alarm was ringing from the nightstand. It’s a good thing you charged your phone last night when you were trying to sleep otherwise it would’ve been out of power and therefore not been awakened. 
“What time is it?” Harry asks, his voice low and sexy as he’d just woken up. 
“7:30.” You answer, to which he shoots up. 
“Shit, I forgot to set my alarm. I need to be at work in an hour.” He sighs, but actually, he doesn’t really care. He has the most beautiful girl lying in his bed, breakfast can wait for once and he can also head to work half an hour later, he already prepared everything for today anyway. 
He lays back down and rolls on his side to face you. 
“Hi.” He says. 
“Hi.” You reply, and both of you laugh softly. 
“So, I hope you have no regrets from last night. I didn’t mean to push you into anything you didn’t want.” Harry says, to which you take his face between your hands to pull him closer. You connect your lips to his. 
“Not one single bit.” You reply before Harry deepens the kiss. His cock is already hard, as most men wake up with an erect member. But the beautiful girl in his T-shirt next to him is making him lose his mind. 
His hands travel down her side and cup her pussy. One finger gently slides between her already damp lips and rubs circles around her clit. 
“Har, we don’t have time for this.” You whine and he knows you're right. He sighs before he takes his fingers back from your pussy and licks the tip of his finger clean. 
“I’m sorry. You’re just irresistible.” He flirts. 
“It’s gonna be a long day then.” You joke, neither of you had thought about having to go through today and act like nothing has happened. 
“We’ll see about that.” He argues as if he doesn’t think there’s going to be a lot of tension. “Let’s just get ready for breakfast.” He says and gets out of bed to get dressed. 
You sit up and think for a bit. All your stuff is two rooms down the hall and you don’t feel like getting into your nasty clothes from the day before, especially those panties which are ruined. 
“Can I borrow your sweatpants for a bit?” You ask Harry. “I need to go to my room to get ready.” You explain. He grabs his sweats off the floor and hands them to you. You’re now wearing the complete outfit Harry was wearing when he pulled you into his room. 
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” You say before kissing him once again and head out to your own room. 
You took a quick shower to rinse off the sweat of the night before, brushed your teeth, and got dressed in a fresh set of clothing. 
When you’re all set and ready, you grab your room key and exit your room. You walk the short distance down the hallway to Harry’s room and raise your hand to knock on his door but he already has it opened before your hand can hit the wood. 
“Let’s go get some fuel.” He says and grabs you by your hand. He leads you all the way to the elevator. He pressed the button to the ground floor where the breakfast buffet was. 
The elevator stops at the second floor. You quickly pull your hand back as you know there are classmates sleeping on that same floor. And since Harry and you haven’t discussed anything about how to move forward, you’d rather not get the confrontation in the middle of an elevator. However, luckily it wasn’t someone either of you knew. 
Once the both of you enter the restaurant, Harry a few steps ahead of you, you notice all your classmates who also slept in the same hotel already sitting at your designated table. 
“Wow Harry, we thought you had already left. You’ve never been this late before.” One of them recalls. 
“Yeah, you’re always the first to eat and the first to leave.” Someone else joins in. 
You don’t know where to look or what to say. It feels like getting caught as you are well aware of the reason why Harry hasn’t eaten yet. Both of you decide to go fill up a plate with a delicious breakfast and just try to ignore the comments. 
“I feel like we’re already getting caught.” You tell him as you stand next to him putting some eggs on your plate. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head over it, there’s no way for them to know.” He reassures. 
You sit back at the table before Harry does. He’s in line for the coffee machine. 
Your friend looks at you. “Spill. The. Tea.” She mouths so no one can hear, but you can see. You giggle to yourself and shake your head no. But she just knows something is up. 
Harry walks back to the table with two cups of coffee. He puts the black coffee in front of himself and the cappuccino next to your plate. 
“Thank you, ba-“ You quickly stopped saying what you wanted to say, hoping no one had noticed. You look around the table but there are no suspicious looks. Harry places his hand on your knee and squeezes softly. 
“You’re welcome.” He says. 
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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crimsntwlip · 4 months
seeker | theodore nott.
pairing: theodore nott x fem!slytherin!reader
warnings: short, readers status not mentioned, nothing really!!!
summary: based on this request <3
a/n: this is my first request so i hope this is what you wanted !! <3
| posted: 02/07/24 | masterlist |
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“merlin ‘enzo, can’t believe you dragged me to this game” theodore complained as he and lorenzo sat down in the benches of the slytherin stand.
“just because you aren’t on the team anymore doesn’t mean we can’t support mattheo, arse!” lorenzo slapped the back of theodore’s back.
“plus i heard they replaced you.” enzo snickered as theodore sent enzo a glare before turning his attention back down where the team was located.
the grandstands were bathed in a warm, golden warmth as the sun fell over the quidditch field. there was a nervous air of anticipation as the slytherin team prepared for their match versus ravenclaw.
as the teams shot into the air, y/n caught theodore's eye as the slytherin’s new seeker. he didn’t know much of her despite being in the same house. he had bumped into her here and there and maybe exchange a couple of words but merlin he didn’t even think she was into quidditch.
y/n darted through the air, agile and swift, eyes focused on the golden snitch. her quidditch robes billowed behind her as she flew, the green and silver colors of slytherin contrasting beautifully against the darkening sky. theodore couldn't tear his gaze away, mesmerized by the grace with which y/n maneuvered her broom.
as the game progressed, y/n's skill on the field was clear as the game went on. she soared through the air, dodging bludgers and racing after the snitch with a fierce determination that left theodore breathless. the way she moved, the way she commanded her broom with such confidence and precision - it was nothing short of captivating.
“y/n l/n has caught the snitch! slytherin wins!”
the crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating slytherin's victory. theodore's heart raced with adrenaline as he watched y/n land gracefully on the pitch, a triumphant smile on their face. it was then that y/n caught sight of theodore in the stands, her eyes meeting for a brief moment before y/n’s teammates swooped in to congratulate her.
after the match, theodore and lorenzo made their way down to the pitch, his heart still pounding with excitement. they made their way towards mattheo,
“bloody hell mate, good job out there!” enzo congratulated mattheo, pulling him into a bro hug as theodore stood next to them, except his attention was fixated towards the slytherin girl surrounded by her friends.
y/n and her friends noticed theodore’s staring. she gave him a small smile while her friends giggled, teasing y/n as they nudged her as he felt embarrassed as he was caught staring. he approached y/n, a hint of awe in his gaze as he spoke, "you were incredible out there. i’ve never seen anyone fly like that before."
y/n smiled, a blush creeping onto her cheeks at theodore's praise. "thank you," she said, a shy smile playing on her lips. "i'm glad you enjoyed the game."
as they talked, a new relationship started to blossom between theodore and y/n. theodore couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration for y/n- not just for her incredible quidditch skills, but for the passion and determination that radiated from her.
it was clear to him that y/n was someone truly special, someone who he wanted to get to know better and spend more time with. and as they continued to bond over shared interests and experiences, theodore found himself falling deeper and deeper for y/n, grateful for the unexpected connection that had brought them together.
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
hihi so i saw your bio and i have to say that i’m also currently obsessed w aventurine 🙈 can i ask smth abt him, one with the good ole jealousy trope + IPC reader, in which he ends up realizing his feelings that way.
Maybe it can be when the both of them were in penacony and reader gets close with the Express, or maybe one with the reader fawning over robin nd sunday🤭 maybe even people in general showing a bit too much interest in reader. However, any scenario you’ll think works best is completely fine, im happy with anything🩷 !! lots of love:)
hello my dear !! we are all obsessed with him, it seems :3 also of course !! I added a bit of everything you mentioned in the mix just for funsies :3 <3 I hope that you will enjoy it :) lots & lots of love for you, my dear !!! <3
this is a bit long...I hope you don't mind 😅 also, I kinda imagine Aventurine to shut down when he is jealous, especially if it's before a relationship. Either way, I hope this will satisfy you :)
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oblivious idiots in love who can't communicate, reader is kind <3 but a bit impatient and spiteful at a few moments, fan behavior towards robin from march and the reader, jealous aventurine, snappy aventurine, gender neutral reader, no usage of y/n, fluff ! :) perhaps a pinch of angst..?, but mostly lighthearted :3
dividers by @/saradika-graphics :)
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Being Aventurine's subordinate had its bad sides and good sides. Bad sides were his irresponsibility at times that left you overworked, but paid quite well. However, one of the benefits was an already paid trip to the Penacony!
You were very excited given that Penacony was a Dreamland filled with amazing ways to have fun and enjoy yourself. 
"I haven't seen you this happy in a while." Aventurine notes in a soft tone as you run up to him, dragging your, beyond huge, suitcase behind you.
"Of course I am happy! I finally get to have a paid vacation, it's been years!" you emphasize as Aventurine takes your suitcase, neatly packing in the back of a trunk of a rather fancy car he ordered.
"Thank you for indirectly telling me that I am a horrible boss." he chuckles as he closes the trunk, slightly readjusting his sleeves afterwards.
"You became my boss only a couple of months ago, so I am not calling you horrible. If anything, you are my favorite!" you say happily as you check if you packed everything in your bag.
Aventurine's gaze softens, there was something odd, yet warm around his heart anytime you'd make a comment like that.
"But I am mostly excited to personally witness Robin's concert! It's going to be incredible, I already got the tickets. She is sososo pretty, it's going to be amazing!" you speak in a happy tone as you show him the two tickets, a smile spreading across your face.
Something stings.
"Ah..well.., we are still going there to work, don't forget that. Job comes first, entertainment second." he states in a firmer tone, slightly crossing his arms.
"Am I hearing that right? Aventurine wants to take the job seriously? We will see how much of that attitude you keep once we hit the casinos." you chuckle as you close up your bag.
Aventurine scoffs, a soft smile appearing on his face as he opens the car door for you, gesturing you to go inside. You nod in silent gratitude as you move a bit so he can enter.
The car ride is more fun than you anticipated. You keep showing Aventurine all the locations you want to visit, all the cool attractions and read the reviews of the hotel. Aventurine seems to be in good spirits as well, listening to you intently and enjoying the ride himself.
Couple of hours pass and you finally arrive at Penacony. It's even bigger and more luxurious than you thought! Good thing that Aventurine is paying for this. 
You enter the hotel lobby, your expression adored in pure awe as you enjoy the beautiful details and huge space. There is some commotion at the reception which catches your attention. It catches Aventurine's attention as well it seems from the serious look he gives you. Both of you walk towards the reception, seeing a couple of people having a discussion with the lobby staff.
"So, because we couldn't arrange it months prior due to her not being on the Express, now she can't come with us?" a red-haired woman speaks, evidently annoyed. However, you notice softness, silkiness in her tone regardless.
"That's what it seems to have happened. We apologize for not notifying you in advance." a polite lady bows down, remaining still for a few moments.
"Now what?!" a pink-haired girl asks in a semi-pitchy tone, her disappointment making your heart soft. You hesitate whether to join the conversation or not, but you think about what if this happened with Aventurine and you. You would want someone to step in, so you try to subside your worries.
"Excuse me.." you say softly, making your way closer to the group. Aventurine gives you an odd look, following right behind you.
"Is sharing rooms not possible here?" you question in a gentle tone, trying not to cause more commotion.
"Not exactly. All of their rooms are for one person only, but it would also be rather troublesome trying to enter the Dreamscape from one bath." the polite staff replies, straightening herself as she looks at you.
You give Aventurine a worried look before you speak up again.
"Can she use my room by any chance?"
"That's kind, however what are you going to do then?" an older gentleman asks you with slight worry in his tone.
"My room is big enough for the two of us, so perhaps we can schedule it when it comes to entering the Dreamscape." you shrug, gazing at Aventurine. He sighs, slowly moving in front of you.
"That won't be necessary. You can be in my room, I just won't enter the Dreamscape. Not that I need it anyway." Aventurine shrugs, a slight boredom in his tone.
"Two people sharing a room that is meant for one is strictly-"
"Please." Aventurine deadpans, slowly urging the staff to move to the side with him. You can't hear their conversation, but it's not that it matters at the moment.
"I am March by the way! This is Himeko and this is Mr Welt Yang!" a pink-haired girl happily approaches you, extending her arm for a handshake. You take her hand, smiling softly.
"And this is Stelle, the one you wanted to give your room to. We are from the Astral Express!" 
Stelle nods, smiling at you and you nod back. You introduce yourself, slightly bowing while doing so.
"The Nameless? To think I'd run into you here. By the way, I am from the IPC and that's my boss, Aventurine. He is a bit much at the times, but he means well." you chuckle as you point at Aventurine, receiving soft smiles from your new friends.
"It's settled, you will be sharing the room with me while she gets your room." Aventurine states as he comes back, earning a big hug of yours. 
"Thank you so much!" you say in an upbeat tone before slowly pulling away from him.
Odd feeling again rushes through Aventurine's body.
"Ah, you are not the one who needs to express gratitude." he says in a semi-playful tone as he gazes at the Trailblazers.
"Thank you very much. We would like to express our gratitude by inviting you to go out with us!" March says enthusiastically and you nod.
"That would be lovely, right Aventurine?" you give him a soft expression and he sighs before he nods as well.
"I suppose we could. It's not every day that you get to indulge with the Nameless." he says in a lighthearted tone and you give him a sweet smile.
"It's settled then!"
Unfortunately, Himeko and Welt had some other plans, so only March, Stelle, Aventurine and you were able to go and explore the city. 
"Also, are you two a couple?" March tilts her head, earning an elbow hit from Stelle. She yelps loudly without a shame which makes you chuckle.
"No, we aren't." you shake your head.
Truthfully, you would never even try to pursue Aventurine given the differences in your positions. Plus, it's not like he had feelings for you or anything, but it was all a nice dream.
"Oh, makes sense." March nods as she thinks about it for a moment.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Aventurine interrupts, his tone holding an offended note to it.
"Oh, no! I mean, it makes sense that the two of you weren't sharing a room already. You know?" she asks shyly, nervousness washing over her.
"Ah, I thought you were implying something else." Aventurine relaxes, nodding slowly.
"See? It seems that you aren't way out of my league!" you laugh as you give him a small wink.
Weird feeling.
Your walk continues and you mostly indulge in a conversation with Stelle. She is a sweet girl, a bit weird, but overall nice. She keeps talking about her missions as a nameless, while also giving you compliments from time to time. 
"She is usually the silent one..what happened to your stoic behavior Stelle?" March teases her, giving her a playful smile.
Stelle's cheeks get a rose shade as her eyes widen at March.
"And you are usually the super talkative one! What...or rather who made you so shy?" she quickly teases back, earning a laugh from you while March lets out noises of nervousness...at least you think that's what it is. Aventurine was fairly silent the whole time, but now he finally speaks up.
"As much as this is fun, we need to head back. We have some business and meetings to attend to." he gestures to you to come closer to him and you do.
"Oh, okay. I will see you later?" you ask, softness in your tone. March opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly an excited scream escapes her throat as she looks somewhere behind you.
"Is that Robin?! The star Robin?!"
"Where?!" you exclaim loudly as you turn your head, quickly noticing her. You panic as March quickly comes up to you, holding your hands and squeezing them tightly.
"Are you also a fan of hers?!" she asks with an evident excitement and you nod, giving her equal excitement back.
"Oh aeons! Should we go and say hello?!" March almost jumps from excitement, her grip on your hands tightening.
Aventurine and Stelle just stare at the two of you with disinterested gazes, even awkwardly.
"I don't know! Wouldn't that be creepy? Plus, she seems busy!" you say a bit more loud than you anticipated, only to hear a silky tone behind your back.
"Never busy enough for my dear fans!" Robin chuckles softly as she puts her hand on your shoulder.
"Oh, especially not if they are this attractive." she gives you a soft smile, her eyes glistening with genuine glow.
"She is touching you..!" March whispers in a panicky manner and you freeze. 
"Can we.., uh.., take a picture with you?" you ask nervously and she nods, gently caressing your back. You quickly, yet clumsily take out your phone and the three of you pose for the picture. You take a couple, your hand a bit shaky from excitement.
"What is a grand star like you doing here alone anyways?" Aventurine asks in a firm tone as he crosses his arms and the three of you turn around. You give him a serious look, urging him to be polite.
"Oh, I am not alone. I am waiting for my brother, we have some special guests to welcome." she replies kindly which makes your heart calmer.
"I am so sorry for his behavior, miss Robin." you bow down a bit, your tone genuinely apologetic.
"Don't mention it! It's nothing. Oh-!" her voice switches from soft to a surprised one as a man, who seems to be her brother, approaches the crowd you made. 
"I told you not to go too far, people are starting to notice you." he sighs, putting a hand on his hip.
"It's okay! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my biggest fans. Aren't they cute, Sunday?" she giggles as she wraps her arms around his arm, smiling at March and you afterwards. 
"A sight for sore eyes, indeed. Excuse my behavior, but there are a lot of fans who are...overbearing at times. I have to keep my little sister safe, I hope you can forgive me." he talks calmly and you can't help but enjoy his elegance. 
"It's perfectly okay, we understand!" March exclaims happily and you nod.
"It's not a problem." you confirm, eyes fixated on the two of them. Both are so damn beautiful.
"Oh? You arrived too, Aventurine." Sunday notes in a calm tone.
"I have, but unfortunately I have to cut this meeting short as we have business to attend to." he emphasizes in a slightly annoyed tone, gazing at you firmly as he grips your biceps.
Your expression turns into a panicky one for a moment as you let go of March, making your way next to Aventurine rather quickly.
"I hope that I will see you around soon." Sunday smiles warmly at you and you smile back, while Aventurine keeps poker face, not really expressing anything anymore.
"Me too! Make sure to come to my concert, cuties! You will get VIP seats." Robin blows you and March a kiss, giving a soft wink. You swallow, slightly nervous from Robin's rather intense presence. 
"I already have the tickets." you reply shyly, taking the tickets out of your bag.
"So, I will see you there." Robin smiles, her tone relaxing you.
"So do I! Uh..uh.., where did I put them..?" March trails off as she clumsily searches her clothes.
"Stelle, did you take them? Because if you did, I swear-!"
"No, I didn't. Maybe you left them in the room?" she tilts her head, more calm than you would've been.
"No, I kept it in this pocket! Oh no..-, I lost my ticket." March sighs, her tone pitiful.
"I mean, that's what you get for keeping it in such a tiny pocket." Stelle shrugs, not giving her friend much empathy.
"You are so mean!" 
Aventurine grows impatient, lightly tapping his foot on the ground. You want to leave, but you hear your name being called.
"You have two tickets, right?" Sunday asks, slightly pointing at you.
"Uh...I do, but.."
The other one was for Aventurine. He didn't know that, it was supposed to be a surprise.
March gives you a pleading expression and you crumble on the spot, taking your ticket out of your bag. You give it to her and she jumps from excitement, hugging you tightly.
"You are the best! Thank you!" she exclaims in your ear and you notice Robin and Sunday smiling softly.
"Sure.., but we really have to go now. I will see you guys later." you slowly lean away from March, waving at all of them as Aventurine and you finally go your own way.
The walk is silent. Awfully silent. You walk behind Aventurine, hesitant to say anything. There is a lingering nervousness inside your tummy, even though you didn't do anything wrong. He didn't know the ticket was for him anyways. As your mind overflows in worries, Aventurine's voice brings you to reality.
"You wanted to give them a room, now you gave them your ticket, what's next?" he finally asks, not turning to look at you.
He doesn't understand his behavior or the reason behind his annoyance. You were always kind and helpful which is why he enjoyed your presence. He can't pinpoint the cause of this stinging feeling in his stomach. It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Nothing "is next". I tried to help them." you reply in a defensive tone, but still feeling guilty for no apparent reason. 
It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Whatever you say. We will have a meeting with Sunday this evening, try not to drool as hard as you did just now." he continues in a cold tone, still not looking at you. If anything, he walks faster and you try to keep up.
"I wasn't drooling! Plus, aren't you the one who mentioned that he is "the most handsome man on Penacony"? you imitate his tone from months ago. That was when he announced the trip to you and was walking you through the people you'll be meeting.
"I never said I didn't, but I wasn't the one who was unprofessionally drooling all over him and his sister." he shrugs as he keeps walking quickly, making it a bit harder for you to keep up.
"Well, excuse me for acting accordingly upon seeing the most beautiful man and woman I have ever seen!" you state loudly, for some reason your heart drops to your stomach. You felt as if you wanted to hurt Aventurine, to spite him due to your own feelings.
Ouch. Something in Aventurine snaps for a moment.
He quickly stops, turning to face you.
"And excuse me for not being a better wingman. Tonight I will go to the casino by myself and you can have some alone time with the most beautiful man you have ever seen." he states in a borderline angry tone, his expression difficult to read regardless.
"Of course if that's enough for you since the most beautiful woman you've seen will be busy, unfortunately." he continues in a petty tone before he turns to continue walking.
"What is your problem?!" you ask loudly, but he remains silent, still walking further away from you. You run up to him in order to catch up, however still not receiving a response. You continue walking alongside him, silently and with a very low mood for the rest of the day.
Business meetings go semi-okay as the two of you are unable to really communicate properly. There is a lot of tension which leads to unnecessary bickering, but somehow you finish up everything in a beneficial way for the IPC.
Aventurine is still cold, awfully distant which makes you even more nervous as you make your way to the last meeting. The Sunday meeting. 
He welcomes you in an elegant manner, but you can't shake off the jittery feeling out of your body. It's hard to concentrate, especially because Aventurine keeps up the passive-aggression towards the both of you. Sunday focuses more on talking to you and you welcome it kindly, earning dirty looks from Aventurine. 
Sunday is quite a pleasant man, but he could never be Aventurine.
As the meeting reaches its end, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, too much tension finally getting to you. You try to calm yourself down, not really understanding what's a big deal anymore. You were supposed to come here and have fun, but now you feel like everything you do is utterly wrong and judged by Aventurine. For no apparent reason at all.
The only thing that comes to mind is that, perhaps, he realized the other ticket was for him, so he got mad when you gave it to March. It would be too late and too impolite to ask for it back, so you just swallow the guilt, making a new choice. You go back to the two men waiting for you to wrap up the meeting, still feeling a bit nervous.
"I will be taking my leave now." Aventurine slightly nods, crossing his arms for a moment before he walks away, not saying anything further. You want to reach for him, but Sunday's voice takes your attention away.
"Your boss told me that you admire me quite a lot which makes me quite flattered." he bows down, soft smile on his face.
"Now, that the business is over, would you be interested in having dinner with me, by any chance?" he asks in a silky tone, extending his arm to you. 
That idiot.
You think about it for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip as you watch Aventurine leave. He turns around for a moment, giving you a gaze that you couldn't quite read before he exits the room.
"Thank you, Mr Sunday, I truly appreciate the offer.., but I have some other things to finish." you bow down in an apologetic manner.
"That's quite alright. If anything, I expected that." he nods with a soft smile on his face. You give him a puzzled expression and he just points at the direction where Aventurine took his leave. You widen your eyes at him, soft warmth spreading inside your tummy.
"I shall excuse myself then." you bow down again and Sunday nods, watching you leave the room. You are aware that Aventurine went to a casino, but you decide to go to your shared room. He should blow off some steam and you could use some alone time too. You finally reach the room, swiftly dropping on the sofa. A loud sigh escapes your lung as you quickly take out the ticket out of your purse, gazing over it for a moment. 
If that's really the issue, screw the concert. 
You think to yourself as you rip the ticket apart, leaving its pieces on the table in front of you. Now, all you have to do is wait to confront Aventurine. However, your nerves won't remain still as you keep checking your phone for any message of his.
To your misfortune, none arrive. You try to indulge yourself in reading and catching up to some IPC workers, specifically Topaz, in hopes for the time to fly faster.
Hours pass and you find yourself getting tired. 
Perhaps he won't even sleep here tonight. 
You slowly lean your head back in the chair, letting your eyes close for a few moments as the tiredness washes over you. You have no idea when, but you doze off, having some sweet dream.
The door opens rather abruptly which makes you jump out of the chair. You see Aventurine who gives you a puzzled expression.
"Already back from your date?" he asks in a semi-petty tone, closing the door behind him.
"I didn't go." you say sleepily, slowly straightening yourself in the chair.
"Oh? Why? Did Robin catch your eye more? I can get that done for you as-"
"Aventurine." you cut him off coldly as you stand up to face him. He gazes to the table, noticing the pieces of the ticket.
"I don't know what your exact issue is, but I am sorry." you say softly, barely looking at him.
"You're sorry? What for?" he almost chuckles as he stands in front of you.
"I don't know!" you exclaim in slight annoyance, mind racing with thoughts.
"Did I irritate you that much that you had to rip off the ticket?" he tilts his head, gazing at the pieces.
"No.., that…" you trail off, sighing.
"I ripped it off because I thought you were mad that I gave March your ticket!" you admit, your confusion about the whole situation and even your own logic growing more expressive and loud.
"My ticket?" he tilts his head again, evidently confused as well now.
"Well yeah. I got two tickets for the two of us. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I thought you figured it out when I showed it to you this morning." you shrug, slightly playing with your fingers to calm down your nerves.
"I didn't. I thought you got two in case you lost one." he replies in a regular tone.
You remain silent.
"So, you thought that ripping the ticket would do...what exactly?" he finally speaks, tone a bit softer as he realizes.
"Make you not be mad at me for whatever reason!" you finally look at him, eyes filled with distress and tiredness.
Aventurine's expression softens as he slowly comes closer to you. He cups your cheek, making your body freeze, yet grow insanely hot within seconds. He rubs gentle circles in your cheek using his thumb, eyes lovingly observing your features.
"You are an idiot." he states bluntly, earning an offended gaze from you.
"I am an idiot." he corrects, chuckling a bit at your reaction.
"I wasn't mad at you, I was selfish." he sighs, swallowing his pride.
"Huh?" you tilt your head, slightly leaning more into his touch.
"I was selfish because...I have feelings..-"
"We all have feelings, Aventurine. Spit it out already!" you exclaim as your nerves get better of you. He pauses for a moment, face a bit more serious.
"For you, in particular." he says slowly, letting his words linger between the two of you for a few moments. An intense warmth spreads through your body, your brain still not connecting all the dots.
"So, I was being selfish by expecting from you to only have eyes for me today and despised the fact that other people were getting your attention..and compliments." he finishes up, slowly leaning away from you.
"I will get you a new ticket for the concert-"
A sudden warmth rushes through you, as this you wished for this moment for quite some time; your hands cupping his cheeks as you press your lips onto his.
He doesn't miss a beat, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to him; his tongue finding yours as the kiss grows more needy and passionate. You slide your arms to his neck, tightly wrapping them as you suck his bottom lip between your lips, letting your tongue slide over it. He does the same to your upper lip, his arms tightening around you. The kiss becomes more desperate, soft whimpers escaping both of your throats and getting muffled by the kiss. Aventurine pulls away, slightly breathless.
"I am sorry for being an idiot.., but I just want you all for myself. If I realized sooner, you'd be mine a long time ago and none of this would've happened." he says with a pinch of desperation in his tone, slowly pulling you even closer.
"Don't worry, we all get jealous sometimes." you tease, soft chuckle following as you give him a soft kiss.
"I wasn't exactly jealous-" he tries to explain himself, but you shush him with another long, passionate kiss. Your body fills up with warmth as Aventurine deepens the kiss, his neediness breaking through each second. He pulls away for just a moment, breathing heavily as he speaks.
"Do you still think Sunday is the most handsome man on Penacony?" he asks breathlessly before he continues kissing you. You chuckle before you pull away for a moment, whispering softly.
"Let's not talk about that." you say playfully, pulling him closer to you.
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2cool4ghoul · 23 days
I can dream, can't I?
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Part 2 <3
AO3 link <3
This is my first time uploading anything like this, this dried up old cowboy got me feeling some kind of way! felt like joining the club! I was hoping for this to be multiple parts (featuring pre war Cooper and the ghoul) if anyone is interested in that, let me know!!!!!
word count: 4,349
Summary: You've spent the last few years after escaping your vault roaming the wastelands, doing whatever it is that you need to do to get by. Before the bombs dropped you were a model/singer, which is were you met western movie star Cooper Howard! You two spent the last few months before the bombs dropped falling in love but the bombs put a pin in that. But one day amongst the endless days spent walking, you come across a crazily familiar cowboy....
warnings: 18+, fingering, oral (fem receiving), swearing, minimal violence, if you want a part 2 there will be p in v, restraints, not yet edited.
Whilst the sun proved itself unbearable on most days, today had been particularly blistering. 
Traveling through the wasteland alone, on little to no water, with zero companionship had started to take its toll on you and you were sure you were becoming delirious. Your canteen had ran dry a couple miles back, the nearest town was unimaginably far, and you could’ve sworn you’d already passed that mound of dried yellowing grass. 
Refusing to admit you were lost, you dug your feet into the sand, one step at a time, panting and wiping the sweat from your brow. It was times like this that made you wish you’d never left your Pip-boy behind in the vault when you made your dramatic exit. What once served as a constant reminder of the vaults would’ve now been your best chance at survival. 
You shudder whenever memories of your vault come to mind. The experiments and test you had endured had left enough scars on your body to make you forget what your skin looked like before everything. 
Before the bombs had dropped you had been plastered on every other billboard, advertising whatever suspicious product had been shoved in your hands that day. You’d once had dreams of becoming a singer, but that had been stripped away from you in the midst of a messy divorce with none other than the head of RobCo himself. He’d sought to ruin what was left of your dreams in anyway that he could, even if that meant freezing you for god knows how many years and letting men play their cruel games with you in the name of science. These memories were often punctuated with plans of revenge and carefully thought out methods of torture that would yield the most excruciating pain. There was lots of time to think and to plan when wandering the wasteland, so you knew you’d be ready when the time came.
A sadistic grin was wiped from your lips when a distant scream snapped you from your planning. You paused for a moment, frowning whilst trying to figure out from what direction the commotion was coming from. Gunshots were fired, igniting excitement in your belly at the thought of a possible fight, something to break the monotony of walking all day and night long. Once you’d figured out the location of whatever was going on, you paced in its direction, a large dune of sand providing you with a height advantage. The grunts and growls of a creature grew louder, frantic shouts of panic coming from a women. 
You could immediately identify the creature by its ungodly noises, however when the scene came into view, you were still impressed with yourself for being correct. A deathclaw had chosen two wanderers as its victims. One appeared to be a vaultie, still in her nearly pristine blue and yellow suit, making you scoff a little. The other, a ghoul dressed in a cowboy get up, his hat having been knocked to the side as he tried his very best to fight of the beast which was barely flinching at the bullets being torn into its skin. The Vaultie had been holding up a tranquilliser gun, which was doing little to deter the deathclaw from sizing up its next meal, managing to swipe her back into the sand with a thud. It then set its eyes on the ghoul, slowly stalking up to them as they hastily reloaded their gun. 
After a few moments of deciding on the next course of action, whether to let the laws of nature take their course or to intervene, you decided on intervening. No matter how hard you’d try to forget it, you too had once been a vaultie trying to survive and would’ve begged on your knees for help. Or maybe you had just become soft. Swiftly, you pulled your shotgun from over your shoulder, lifting it and shutting one eye to aim correctly. You squeezed and pulled the trigger, right as it jumped to pounce on the ghoul. Your first bullet lodged itself into the side of the creatures face, and you shot another bullet right between the eyes, leaving it slumped on the floor beside the ghoul, who was now laying on his back, catching his breathe. It took a moment for the two strangers to locate who had saved them as you stood atop the dune, shotgun still in hand, blinking at them with an unreadable expression. Despite saving their lives, you didn’t trust that they wouldn’t turn on you, so you kept your gun in hand, breathing steadily.
“Thank you, stranger! I surely thought that was the end!” The Vaultie beamed up at you, wide eyes showing their relief, the grin plastered across her face, showing too much innocence. 
“My pleasure, sugar!” You called back down, your southern accent thicker than it used to be, surprising you even when you spoke. “You two best keep your wits about ya, not everyone out here is as willin’ to lend a helpin’ hand to those in need.” 
“We will certainly keep that in mind!” She glanced over at you and then over to the ghoul who was staring at you with wide eyes, his hat in hand, frozen in place. 
“Well,” You began making your way down the dune, walking carefully with the gun still in hand due to the Ghoul’s out of sorts reaction to your help, “You wouldn’t happen t’have any water you could share, in exchange fo’ saving your lives?” You tilted your head, diverting your attention to the Vaultie, flashing her one of your signature starlet grins, fluttering your lashes. 
“Of course!” She swung her back pack off her shoulder, also choosing to ignore the staring from the silent Ghoul, “I’m not too confident about how clean it is, but it is sure to quench your thirst!” She scrambled for her canteen before passing it in your hands eagerly. 
“Thank you, sweet girl.” You tipped your head to her before sipping, coolly, trying not to show how desperately you needed this. Whilst taking your last sip, your eyes got caught in the stare of the Ghoul, feeling him looking you up and down, examining your body and the tattered dress and cowboy boots, taking in every bit of you, eyes still as wide. “What’s tha matter with him?” You pressed as you passed the canteen back, “Looks like he’s seen a ghost.” Teasing, the Vaultie mirrored your confused expression.
“I think I have.” His voice was deep, the southern drawl faintly recognisable. He had finally gotten up to his feet, still standing a safe distance away from you. You took this as an opportunity to stare him down now. His face was marred and textured, his prominent bone structure told you before the effects of radiation took their toll, that he’d been rather handsome. Underneath the many layers of his clothes, a fade blue collar peeked out. You stood in silence, the pressure of his thick glare finally becoming all to much, your hand ghosting over your holster.
“Didn’t your mama teach you it was rude t’stare, old man?” Your tone was now threatening, “are we gonna have a problem?” Licking your lips, you readied yourself, the tension rising as you took a step closer. 
“Now, is that anyway to speak to your sherif?” He lowered his voice, so only you could hear him, also taking a step closer, the gap between you so small you could feel his breath fanning over your face. He stood much taller than you, intimidating in his stance, you had to tip your head back and look at him through your eyelashes, furrowing your brows.
“Cooper?...” You stuttered through your own confusion, your head leaning to the side slightly. At this close proximity you were able to properly look into his unchanged eyes. The glowing whiskey colour, twinkling in the hot sun. Immediately recognisable. “Oh, now you’ve got to be fucking kiddin’ me?” You laughed a sinister laugh, as a smug smirk played out over his lips. 
Catching him by surprise, you shoved him by both shoulders, sending him stumbling and falling back to the ground. You were quick to straddle his waist, pulling a knife from its holster attached to your thigh. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!” You threatened, he grabbed your wrists in protest, “You fucking knew, you told me I was crazy and you fucking knew all along!” 200 years of grief and longing and anger faltered at your lips, unable to form a full sentence as you both struggled on the floor. The Vaultie had chosen not to intervene, a couple ill attempts at deescalating the situation fell upon death ears. 
“Goddammit, darlin!” Cooper managed to hold both your wrist in one hand, pinning them behind your back. He flipped to two of you over, so he was firmly on top of you, the knife dropping from your hand as you fought back tears. You wriggled in his grip, eyes glassy, refusing to meet his own eyes. “You died, you had some awful crash, I went to your funeral.” He hissed at you, “What’re you doin’ here?” You stopped moving, stopping wriggling, the penny finally dropping. You sighed relaxing your body. He took note of this, his body falling next to you tired. You didn’t want to answer his question, sitting upright, deciding to leave the situation. 
“Not to intrude, but can someone tell me whats going on?” His companion waved awkwardly, finally taking a step closer to the two of you. You weren’t one to jump to conclusions but you looked back at Cooper and then at the girl, a sly chuckle leaving your lips.
“God, coop, you really are a dog, aren’t ya?” Raising an eyebrow at him, you shook your head, pushing yourself of the ground. “Well, you’ve certainly found yourself shacked up with a real man, miss…?” You spoke sarcastically, picking your knife from the floor, setting back into its sheath, gesturing for her name.
“Oh, my names Lucy-“ She put out her hand to shake yours before she was interrupted.
“Maclean.” It was spoken through gritted teeth, Cooper standing up, staring you down as you kissed your teeth.
“As in Henry Maclean?”
“Yeah, he’s my dad, I apologise in advance for what he did to you.” Lucy’s voice trailed off and she looked down, scuffing her feet. 
“We’re looking for him, haven’t seen him have ya?” Cooper was now standing by your side.
“No can’t say I have, I best be off,” His pointed glare looked at you unsure, untrusting of your decision to leave, “now you two have fun!” Turning you back to the both of them, you started walking in the opposite direction, ignoring any further protests, your name being called after you.
There was a slight scratch felt on your back, just below your shoulder. Stopping in your tracks, you reach round to pull out a small syringe. A scoff leaving your lips, the world around you deteriorating around you and melting into darkness. Your knees weakened and you fell directly to the ground, everything turning black just before your head made contact with the sand beneath you.
When you awoke, the room was dark and open, the warm glow of a fire illuminating one corner, casting a flickering orange shadow on the wall. Your head was throbbing, your body aching, you went to lift your arms to rub your eyes. However, you quickly came to realise you had been tied around the waist with rope, arms restrained behind your back, slumped in a chair which was close to falling apart. You writhed against your restraints, huffing before looking up and realising you were not alone in the room. 
Cooper was sat opposite the fire, the brim of his hat covering his eyes. “Sleeping’ beauty finally woken up?” You didn’t respond, simply staring him down looking at him past furrowed brows. “didn’t want to tranq ya, sweetheart, but you’re not gettin’ away that easy.” He smirked, leaving his position opposite the fire, slowly wandering over to you, the clatter of his spurs echoing in the empty room. “We got some catching up to do, do we not?” He now stood in front of you, the velvety drawl of his voice sounding better than you remember.
“M’not giving in that easy, Coop.” A smirk fluttered over you lips, blinking up at him through your lashes, sitting back in the chair to pretend at being comfortable.
“No? Of course you wouldn’t,” chuckling, he placed a gloved hand on your chin, forcing you to stare him in the eyes, “you wouldn’t be the lady I remembered so fondly if you did.” There was a chair that he dragged from out of you view, placing it in front of you, sitting down with his legs spread opposite you. “Now, you gonna tell me how you’re still here, lookin’ exactly how I left you, or am I gonna have to do this the hard way?” He spoke quietly, his elbows resting on his knees, leaning in closer to you. 
“I’m not telling you shit.” Your chest rose and deflated with every heavy breath you took, his gaze becoming almost as unbearable as the sun earlier that day. He tutted, leaning back, your eyes taking any chance they could to steal a glance between his thighs. He was pretending not to notice but you knew he did. This was the beginning of a sick game. One you definitely wanted to play. 
Licking his lips, he looked you up and down, tied up in your chair, squeezing your thighs together. For a moment there was silence, just the crackling of the fire. “What am I gonna do with you?” He muttered to himself as you sat firm in your silence 
“I can’t help you, Cooper, I don’t have the information you need.” You spoke matter of fact, and it was partly true. You knew nothing of Macleans whereabouts, you didn’t even know he was still kicking about.
“And what do you know about what information I need, huh?” He pondered, pulling a canteen of water from his coat pocket, your body stiffening at the sight of it. He raised it to his lips, slowly, eyes never leaving yours, even as drops littered down his chin, rolling down his neck. God, you could’ve jumped out of your chair and licked up those drops, drinking the water straight from his mouth. Your jaw fell slightly slack at the sight of it, the thoughts of sucking it up making your hips grind slightly in his direction, begging for any friction. This of course did not go unnoticed, for a sadistic chuckle left his chest, deep and inviting. “My oh my, you always were like a bitch in heat,” his tongue ran across his teeth, “you thirsty, lil’lady?” He gestured the canteen your way, “All you gotta do is ask for it.” 
You maintained your burning eye contact, pressing your lips together and nodding. “Gotta use your words,” getting up from his chair, he stalked his way over to you, making you crane your head up, basically panting for him, “go on, girl, ask for it.” He was enjoying this way too much.
“Give me some water.” You almost growled, the canteen so close to your lips, immediately pulled away.
“You need me to teach you some manners, girlie?” He was frowning, standing slightly behind you, just in view, “ask nicely.” 
“Can I have some water?” You were restless and if you squeezed your legs shut anymore your legs would be trembling, throbbing with your underwear damp with arousal. A light slap was planted against your cheek, not enough to hurt, but enough to send a shiver down your spine. “I’m not begging for it, Cooper.” Your tone was firm, but not firm enough to be truthful.
“Is that so?” His hand had moved down to your neck, grabbing firmly and tilting your head back so you could see him standing behind you, canteen in one hand. “Then you’re not gettin’ any.”
He kept a hold of you, like a wild animal, whilst he took another gulp of water, droplets dripping from his mouth pattering on your forehead and cheeks. Your mouth fell open, in the hopes of catching some, but you failed, only earning a throaty laugh from Cooper. “Christ, women, Look at you!” You’re cheeks flushed red with shame, humiliated with the mess you were. “You know what you gotta say-“
“Please Cooper Howard, I am begging you, Please!” You whined, close to tears as he raised where his eyebrows had been, watching you finally give in, pleased with himself. “Please.” You repeated breathing heavily. Your mouth dry, tongue running over your lips.
“Open wide, angel.” He mumbled, grip on your neck loosening ever so slightly. He tipped the contents into your mouth, water had never tasted so good, you let out relieved moans as you were replenished, not caring for the water that was spilling down your chest, falling between your breasts.
Whilst you took a moment to release a sigh of relief, the hand around your neck began traveling down, causing the tension to immediately rise back up. “That wa’nt so hard was it?” The depth of his voice and his accent leaving you quivering. His hand found its way to your breast, cupping and squeezing it, your back arching to his touch. He had been the last man to touch you like this, all those 200 years ago, and you’d dreamt of it ever since. You had never imagined you’d be lucky enough to experience it again. Yet, just as quick as his touch was on you, it left. You furrowed you brows, turning to try and meet his gaze with a pout, yet he was walking back out in front of you. Your bottom lip was tugged between your teeth as he had a sly grin on his lips. If your lips weren’t saying it, your big eyes were pleading with him to give you something else. Painfully slowly, he dropped to his knees in front of you, and your body involuntarily scooted to the edge of the seat, embarrassed by your own eagerness.
Despite him still being the man you’d once known somewhere in there, he’d been changed undoubtedly by his years of wandering. You shouldn’t be attracted to him anymore in the way you were. It was shameful of you to be this eager and will for him. Begging for any slight touch. Begging for a ghoul to give you something for your aching cunt to squeeze around.
“Why don’t you be a good girl and spread those legs of yours, show me what I been dreamin’ ‘bout?” Dripping with lust, he ordered whilst pushing your dress up around your waist. Doing as you were told, you opening your legs, being slightly shy. “No use being shy now, girl, open ‘em wide for this o’cowboy.” His annoyance only spurred you on, spreading them as wide as you could in the chair. “Goddamn,” He hissed, running his bare finger tips over your clothed arousal, the material slick and wet, “Your pretty lil’ pussy, practically dripping for me,” he groaned while pulling the fabric to one side, eyes taking in the sight of you panting, mouth wide, spreading your legs like a good girl, “all over a drop o’water?” He had a smirk on his new wet lips, that you just wanted to slap off. You thought for a moment of clenching your thighs around his head and neck and choking him out, yet you figured he’d enjoy that too much for it to be a form of punishment. 
When his mouth kissed against your inner thighs, you whispered a gasp, thighs finally trembling giving in to showing him how desperate you were for him. He was being cruel, teasing you and testing your limits. He refused to give into what you wanted without hearing you beg for it once more, taking immense pleasure in seeing you quivering and leaning into his slightest touch. His lips ghosted over where you needed him most, your eyes growing glassy, your stomach burning with desire, body aching from the tension you so needed releasing.
“Oh god, Cooper please, I need you so much, I’m achin’, it hurts, I need you.” Your words came out quickly, breathlessly, surprising the two of you, wiggling against the restraints, wishing to just grab his head and shove it into your grinding heat. He glanced up at you for moment, “please, I cant take this anymore.” You shook your head. “I’ll tell you anythin’ you want, please, just… just give me something.” A blanketed layer of sweat had ran over your body, glistening in the dimming glow of the unattended fire.
“You gon’ be a good girl f’me?” He looked at you sternly, his breath fanning over where you needed him most.
“I’ll be so damn good, I promise, I’ll do anything you want me to.” Swallowing down whatever was left of your pride, you scooted even closer to him and he hummed closing his eyes for a moment.
“I could listen to you beggin’ f’me all day.” He finally gave in.
His tongue lapped against you, a moan finally escaping you, He’d taken your thighs and rested them over his shoulders, full delving into you. His tongue dipped into you and you mewled. You so desperately wanted to touch him, pull him closer. The tension boiling within you was dangerously close to spilling over, embarrassingly fast. “God,” his voice vibrated against you, “You taste even sweeter than I remember, my sweet sweet girl.” He was in complete bliss, giving into a self indulgent spree of groans, sucking you in trying to taste as much as possible. Your thighs knock off his hat, yet neither go you seem to notice. He sucked at your clit, finding the sweet spot that he always knew so well, causing you to writhe and curse his name.
“Oh, Cooper, I’m gonna… oh please!” His hands dug into your thighs, leaving red marks that would definitely leave a bruise in their wake. He maintained his actions, until one hand reach round, finger tip tapping your clit whilst his tongue dug into you, readying himself to taste you as you came undone. 
“You gon’ cum for me, darlin?” He cooed.
This was enough to set you over the edge, “Oh my god, fuck!” You rocked forward, like a women possessed, as you clenched and squeezed shaking and shivering for him. Gulping for air, you were seeing stars, “There you go, attagirl.” He groaned, working you through you orgasm as the tension in your body released, your limbs relaxing. You were whimpering, expecting to feel his presence leaving you. However he remained, the pace of his fingers on your clit was fastening. Your back straightened, wishing you could relish in the release for longer before he started again. “I need a moment.” You panted and he looked up at you, pulling his face away, the sheen of his orgasm on his lips.
“No can do, sweetheart,” shaking his head, knelt in front of you, “I’m not finished with you yet.” Your eyes widened, gulping for air, mouth dry again. 
The finger was gone from your clit, pushing its way inside you as you threw your head back welcoming its entrance. “Besides, looks like youre takin’ it just fine to me.” His cocky voice was barely audible over the moans as he rutted his finger into you. He forced another digit in, slowly testing you with the feeling of pulling them all the way out and then all the way in again, knuckle deep in your cunt. You ground your hips against his fingers, eyes rolling back into your head, “God, look at you, fucking yourself on my fingers, you needy lil girl.” He tutted at you, dumbfounded by your willingness.
He curved his fingers, grazing against the spot which made you arch your back, “right there, sweetheart?” There was a gentleness in his voice, looking up at you as you clenched all your muscles against the rope, tied way to well for you to break free.
“Mmhmm, right there, cowboy.” You forced your words out, struggling to cope with the pleasure rushing through your body. Eyes squeezed shut, clenching around his fingers, fighting another orgasm with all your might, trying not to give in so easily this time. “I want you so bad.” You groaned and he went slightly rigid.
“Lets not move too fast now.” His jaw clenching, his own restrained demeanour threatening to break and snap. His quickened his pace with his fingers, trying to distract himself from the aching bulge of his own. “Don’t hold out on me, princess, I can feel how close you are, the way you squeezing round these fingers, come for me one more time.” He growled it, thrusting his hips into nothing, watching the way you were unraveling and moaning his name. He hadn’t expected you to be so eager, the rough exterior very different to the man you’d fallen in love with. 
The ever-growing tension was released once more, heart pounding in your chest, eyes rolling back until they’re were squeezed shut, cursing profanities and taking the lords name in vain, letting out unholy noises, rope beginning to rub the skin writhing beneath it raw. “Oh Cooper Howard, don’t stop.” You continued rolling against him, the use of his full name setting his heart alight. The waves of pleasure didn’t seem to stop, his fingers riding out the high for you, body shaking with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body was truly truly spent. You had nothing left to give except for a lazy half lidded gaze at coop who was still kneeling opposite you, proud of himself that after all this time he was still able to leave you a dripping mess, trembling for him, moaning his name. Silence filled the room, your body slumped in the chair, staring down at him. You forced a lazy smile.
“What do ya wanna know?"
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icequeenbae · 5 months
Boy Next Door (m) Ch.1 | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Neighbor AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Warnings [whole story]: Baek being the neighbor we’re all dreaming of, harassment (nothing graphic), a bit of body image/ insecurity, MC sucks at relationships, explicit content, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~18.5k (total), 4.5k (pt.1)
Summary: Your neighbor Baekhyun has been a pleasant acquaintance since you moved into your current apartment almost a year ago. Could he also be… a perfect match?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Chapter Masterlist: Pt. 1 > Pt. 2 > Pt. 3 > Pt. 4 (fin)
Author’s note: This has taken me so, SO long to write and edit that I cannot believe the time has come to post it lmao I just wanted to write something simple with the classic boy-next-door vibe but as usual, the story ended up being much longer than planned and I am going to post it as a mini-series. Please keep in mind that your feedback is what motivates me to write and post more <3 And biiig thanks to the lovely @beomcoups for taking on the beta duties on this whole story~
Network Tags: @bbh-net  @k-vanity  @ksmutsociety
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In the lobby or on your floor – those were the two locations where you’d been bumping into Baekhyun most often. Which wasn’t that strange, considering that you were neighbors. But it somehow always caught you off guard and left you flustered.
Just like the first time.
It happened almost a year ago when you were waiting for the elevator on the first floor of your building with your best friend Yuki, who came early to help you with preparations. A guy in a loose white dress shirt and jeans stepped into the elevator with you, politely greeting you before pressing his floor number.
‘Oh, you live on the 13th as well? So, you and our Y/N are neighbors!’ Yuki exclaimed.
‘Nice to meet you,’ you muttered and bowed, shy from the sudden introduction. He reciprocated, chocolate hair falling into his eyes charmingly.
‘You should come to her housewarming party! It’s in a couple hours,’ Yuki chimed in again. ‘You don’t need to bring anything, it’s just a small thing with a couple friends and neighbors. We’re making sure Y/N-ie settles in nicely here. So please come, we have tons of food!’
If anyone could ever say no to your friend… Well, you had never met such a person. You guessed that Baekhyun was simply too stunned by her enthusiasm, so he said he’d swing by for sure. In a way, you were thankful that she’d asked him – you’d have never had the guts to invite someone like that; especially not anyone as good-looking and cool as Baekhyun.
You regretted letting your bestie invite him the following evening when your party was in full swing for several hours. Most of the food was devoured, so now you were all drinking, crunching on snacks, and conversing; or trying to while jumping from one topic to another.
‘I wish we could gather more often. We all like to hang out with you, you know?’
As always, Yuki nagged at you for being too ‘stay-at-home’ of a friend.
‘I like to hang out too. But home is home. You know parties aren’t really my… favorite pastime.’
‘What is your favorite pastime, lying in bed cuddling your blanket?’ Chanyeol joked insensitively.
He should’ve known better since you were the most troubled in your group of friends regarding relationships. It was super tough for you to find a match, even when you made an effort to get out of the house and meet new people, mostly because of your history of failed relationships where your partners gained interest in someone else. It seemed like you were too plain to hold someone’s attention for long. So, you’d been ‘that single friend’ for several lonely years now. And at this time, you were actually in the very beginning of a new, promising relationship. You were still pretty insecure about it; thus, Yeol’s comment really did make you flinch. He was drunk, so that was understandable, but you still sulked at his words, mainly because they were true.
‘Hey, it doesn’t have to be a blanket.’ You frowned, pressing the straw to your lips in frustration.
‘I’m kinda sad that guy you’ve been talking to couldn’t come,’ Yuki interjected. ‘I wanted to find out what he’s like.’
‘Minho had work-related travel, so he’s resting up.’ You shrugged, sipping your drink timidly.
‘I’m sure the guy made this excuse just to avoid meeting your friends. How long have you known him for, like, two days?’ Chanyeol interjected.
‘It’s been a few weeks, actually,’ you corrected, and Hoseok, Yuki’s boyfriend, muttered a reproaching ‘hyung’ in his direction.
‘Gosh, you’re really this stupid while drunk,’ Yuki shook her head disapprovingly at your friend, who simply shrugged.
Baekhyun was pretty silent during the latest exchange, so when you briefly made eye contact, it reminded you that he could also hear all of that chatter. Which made you want to choke on your drink from humiliation. Thankfully, one of your friends still had some tact left that night, so they quickly changed the direction of the conversation. Still… you’d been mortified for weeks after the event, doing your best to avoid bumping into Baekhyun when leaving for work.
The next time you met, Baekhyun was also in the lobby of your apartment building. And once again, before a gathering at your place. Just days prior you had lost it and left your resignation letter at your boss's desk. Working such long hours under the constant pressure of absolutely unrealistic deadlines was taking its toll on you for sure. But when you found out they promoted a person, who was obviously less experienced and capable than you in working (but more capable in flirting with your manager), instead of you… It became the last straw.
Baekhyun appeared right on time as you struggled to push the elevator button with a whole case of beer in your hands.
‘Y/N,’ you heard his velvety voice call. ‘Nice to see you.’
‘Oh- Hi, Baekhyun.’ You greeted awkwardly, puffing from the weight you had to balance.
‘Let me help you with that?’ His suggestion sounded like a question, yet he instantly scooped the case from your hands.
‘You don’t need- thank you,’ you said, and he shook his head to indicate that it wasn’t a big deal.
‘So… having a party again?’ He asked as the elevator doors closed.
‘I wouldn’t call it a party,’ you hummed, looking at your feet. ‘I kinda had to quit my horrible job of 4 years, so my friends are making me celebrate it. Not that becoming unemployed calls for a celebration…’
You trailed off, not wanting to be a nuisance to your neighbor. He was just making small talk.
‘I’m sorry to hear that. Are you taking a break now or looking for something else?’
‘I’ll start looking next week. It’s Friday, my friends are coming… So I’ll try to just clear my mind and rest for one full weekend before I start stressing about a new job. Hopefully, my friends wouldn’t talk my ear off about it – that’s what the beer’s for. My little trick,’ you chuckled sheepishly.
‘Aren’t your friends supposed to treat you in this situation?’ Baekhyun huffed, shaking his head to rearrange his hair and better see you.
‘They should… bring more alcohol with them, I think. I couldn’t have them over for nothing, though.’
The doors opened after a robotic voice announced your floor.
‘Well, anyhow. Thanks a lot for your help!’ You tried taking the beer from Baekhyun, but he didn’t let you.
‘Open the door first; you can’t do it while holding this.’
‘Right. Thanks,’ you fussed, pressing your password in.
Baekhyun quickly placed the case on the floor of your hallway.
‘You should come!’ You blurted out, instantly getting flustered. ‘If you want.’
‘I might drop by if I’m free,’ he smiled softly. ‘My family wanted to have a video call later. That may take long.’
‘Of course. Have fun!’ You nodded, beating yourself up in your mind for being so weird suddenly.
‘You have fun,’ he chuckled, stepping towards his apartment. ‘Oh, and Y/N?’
Looking up at him as he called your name, you were met with his warm yet serious eyes.
‘If you need anything… You know where to find me.’
That made you strangely sentimental.
‘T-thank you.’
He sent you a message later on and let you know he couldn’t make it to your party. But in a way, he was there – on your mind.
It was about three weeks after you’d broken things off with Minho. If you could even consider it one, the relationship wasn’t long, only a couple months. At first, you thought it could be something, realizing later that it was only wishful thinking. There was no way the two of you could make it work; you were just not compatible with each other. The more you got to know him, the more you were reassured of that. Your life goals were different, your outlook on relationships was different… even your ideas of quality time with a significant other didn’t match. This time, the initial infatuation wore off rather quickly – probably because you didn’t go out of your way to appease him. You knew it was probably for the better. Pretty much all of your relationships ended the same way, with your boyfriends telling you they found someone else. Someone… more exciting.
This was the case for your first relationship halfway in your first year of university.
‘I’m sorry, Y/N. I just don’t feel the spark, you know? You’re so… domestic,’ your then-boyfriend said in his breakup speech. ‘I’m young, I want to experience stuff, be bold, and have fun. And there are people that I can do this with, who’ll also enjoy it.’
It repeated less than two years later when you’d barely worked up the courage to try and start something with another person. When it happened the third time, you decided you weren’t really made for relationships. It was ironic since you always wanted to be in one. You were very affectionate and were keen on taking care of people. Yes, you weren’t that into big gatherings and parties, and maybe it was a little too difficult to drag you anywhere when you were stressing about the upcoming tests and stuff… But you weren’t completely closed off! Even with those limitations, you were very sociable and had many friends. Was it so bad that you didn’t say yes to every suggestion? Did your inclination to stay at home and have cozy dates instead of outdoorsy stuff make you a non-relationship material? It seemed like every time someone else appeared, your boyfriends easily decided to move on.
And even though you weren’t in love with Minho, this breakup still made you sour. What made this particular day suck was that you’d found out that he was already in a new relationship; happily broadcasting it everywhere.
You weren’t jealous of him for being with someone else. You envied him for being able to find another partner in mere days after you parted ways, while for you, it felt like you’d never find or be able to retain anyone. Ever. Never ever.
‘Earth to Y/N!’ You jumped from someone’s voice ringing in your ears.
Looking up, you saw that the elevator doors were held open by your dashing neighbor, who was staring directly at you.
‘Sorry, I spaced out,’ you quickly entered. ‘Hi.’
‘Hey,’ Baekhyun smiled, pressing the button for your floor. ‘Is everything okay?’
‘Um, yeah. No. I mean-’ You sighed. ‘I’m just a bit out of sorts.’
‘Trouble at work?’
‘No, my new job is great. A huge improvement on the previous one. It’s just… everything else is not nearly as great?’
Yeah, because you pushed yourself to get back on the market to finally not be alone, and here you were. Back to square one.The sniffling you produced startled even your own self.
‘Oh god, I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay. There’s nothing to be sorry about,’ he replied, his voice gentle. ‘Do you want to talk?’
‘Oh no, I wouldn’t dream about boring you with my stupid problems.’
‘I’m sure they aren’t stupid,’ he said. ‘And I have ice cream. Almost any flavor you could think of.’
You looked at him silently, and he smiled again reassuringly.
‘It’s not mandatory for you to tell me anything. But I can treat my favorite neighbor with some ice cream, can I not?’
‘Am I your favorite just because you don’t know anyone else?’ You snickered gawkily.
‘No. Not just-’
He was interrupted by the usual announcement of your floor.
‘So, what do you think? You can change first and then come, no hurry. I’m free tonight.’
You puckered your lips, genuinely intrigued by his offer. Ice cream sounded perfect right about now. Although agreeing just because of the promised treats was pretty childish, you couldn’t help but be seduced by his suggestion. So, you gave him a shy nod.
‘Okay. Throw on something comfy and come over.’
You entered your respective apartments, and only after the door behind you locked… you realized that your heart was racing.
‘Damn you, Y/N, why did you agree to do this??’ You whined, catching a glimpse of your scrunched-up face in the mirror.
Fishing your phone out of your handbag quickly, you messaged Yuki.
You | I fucked up, Yu!!
You | Idk what to do now…. ㅠㅠ
Ki-yaah | What happened?? Did you like a pic on Minho’s new gf’s SNS??
Ki-yaah | I’m so dumb for telling you about this… I’m so sorry Y/N ㅠㅠ
You | No, not that
You | Who cares about Minho and his girlfriend??
You | I mean, I was a bit salty about this… But I met Baekhyun again!
Ki-yaah | Baekhyun? Your cute as fuck neighbor Baekhyun??
You | No
You | Yes?
You | My neighbor Baekhyun. I blurted out that I wasn’t in the greatest mood, and he invited me to his place for ice cream!
Ki-yaah | WHAT
Ki-yaah | YAH
Ki-yaah | I hope you’re texting me from his couch
Ki-yaah | Or kitchen counter
Ki-yaah | Or wherever you kids decide to do it
A bunch of obscene emojis appeared on your screen, making you blush on the spot.
You | Do it?? We’re not doing anything. I’m home!
Ki-yaah | So, you’ve already done it?? HOW WAS IT??
Ki-yaah | Waaah, you’re quick these days, Y/N-ah! Finally, you’re learning your lessons
Ki-yaah | I hope you wrapped it up though
Ki-yaah | I wouldn’t blame you if you skipped it, though, I can imagine how starved you are on good sex.. Still, safety first!
Ki-yaah | Wait, so was he?? Any good??
Ki-yaah | You’re silent!
She typed so fast that you didn’t even have a second to write back, mostly from shock – your friend wasn’t always this shameless, actually.
Then she started calling.
‘Yah, why aren’t you spilling the beans?? Too worn out to type, bestie?’ She smirked on the phone, making you cringe.
‘Because there’s nothing to spill! I haven’t even gone over yet.’
There was a second of silence.
‘… What?!’
‘I have to change; I just came from work, you know? My makeup needs fixing too…’
Your phone instantly started vibrating as a video call request came in, which you begrudgingly accepted.
‘Damn, you can’t go like this. It’s not seductive at all!’ She exclaimed.
‘I’m not going over to seduce anyone! And he told me to wear something comfy…’
‘What?? Hm, actually…’ She tapped her index finger on her chin, deep in thought. ‘He does look like the type to be into that.’
‘I-into what?’
‘Cute girls! I told you already, he was probably crushing on you since the time he came to your housewarming party!’
‘Pfft, that’s ridiculous. And don’t bring up him allegedly glaring at Yeol for his stupid comments again, I beg of you!’
‘Alright. But he’s always so nice to you! Oh-Em-Gee, you’d look so cute together,’ she squealed.
‘I don’t have time for this. I can’t have him waiting for much longer, and I need to shower…’
‘Yes! And remove your makeup while you’re at it.’
‘Huh?? If I redo my makeup… isn’t it gonna look strange? Like I’m trying too hard?’
‘You won’t have to redo it. You’ll have only very basic nude makeup on. Looking all natural and cute.’
‘I swear, if you say ‘cute’ one more time-’
‘Can’t a girl dream?? I can already imagine how cute your children would be…’ Your friend kept musing.
‘I’m hanging up.’
‘Yah, take this seriously. Clean up nicely, and let your hair down. Also, shave your-’
‘You never know!! One second, he’s licking ice cream off his spoon; the other, he’s l-’
Quickly tapping on your phone screen, you canceled this embarrassing call. The vivid images didn’t leave your mind as fast, though, so you shivered, shaking your head to get rid of the obscenities.
‘She’s a bad influence, for sure,’ you muttered, still ashamed of yourself for imagining your neighbor in such a context.
The time was ticking, so you decided that Yuki was somewhat right and needed to clean up. You also needed to hurry the heck up; you didn’t want to make Baekhyun wait too long. Thirty minutes later, you were in front of his door.
‘Come in, come in,’ he ushered you inside, having you change your footwear for the pink house slippers.
Why did he have those again?
‘Cute, right? I ordered them for my niece and got the size completely wrong, but they fit you perfectly. I guess I wasn’t wrong after all.’
He looked at your feet for another second before blinking and clearing his throat.
‘Let’s not waste any more time, everything’s ready. Come on!’
Everything? Did he prepare a whole reception?
You took a good look at the back of his head as he walked you to his kitchen, noticing that his hair was slightly wet. Did he also shower? You swallowed at the thought. He probably didn’t invest as much time into the preparations as you did, though. You blamed your best friend for the inappropriate thought she planted in your head!
‘Here, take a look.’
He opened his freezer, and you gasped.
There was an entire collection of ice cream. Cones, popsicles, buckets… All different flavors and manufacturers.
‘I see you’re impressed,’ he smirked. ‘I have a niece and a nephew, you know? Kids aren’t easy to please these days.’
‘Can’t deny that I am. How many do you have here?’
‘No idea… I just keep buying them. Which one’s to your liking? You can try different ones. I’m in the mood for mint choco and lemon.’
‘Those are my favorites!’ You jumped up like a kid.
‘Really? Both?’
‘Yeah! I haven’t seen a lemon ice cream anywhere, only sorbets! Where did you find it?’ You closed the freezer as he got the two buckets out.
Baekhyun suddenly seemed pleased with himself.
‘You think I give away trade secrets just like that…’ He replied mysteriously.
‘I wanna buy some too,’ you pouted, circling around him while he took the lids off. ‘If you don’t tell me… I’ll eat all of yours!’
‘Ha, go ahead. There’s more where that came from,’ he teased right back, hovering slightly over you.
Lowering your gaze to avoid staring directly at him, you noticed something.
‘What’s this?’
Baekhyun turned back to the counter.
‘Ah, this old thing? You know how ice cream scoops are sold in paper cups or cones? This thing,’ he picked it up. ‘Is to make those. Watch.’
He dipped the instrument in water and shook it slightly, then scooped the mint ice cream, creating a smooth green ball with tiny pieces of chocolate adding to its hue.
‘Cool,’ you muttered, genuinely finding that fascinating.
‘Right? It’s awesome!’
‘Let me guess: the kids don’t appreciate it enough?’ You asked.
‘Those little- Here, you try with lemon.’ He pressed on a small lever and dropped the green globe into a bowl.
You shook your head.
‘I’ll mess it up; you do it.’
‘Come on, Y/N. You can’t mess it up; it’s just ice cream.’
‘Just ice cream? You don’t deserve to know the secret selling spots for this!’
He snorted, moving to the side to give you more space to try and repeat his previous actions.
You dipped it in water like he did and shook it before moving the lemon ice cream bucket closer. Spending about twenty seconds taking aim, you huffed.
‘I can’t do it! Yours is so round and pretty; I am not that professional.’
‘I’ll help,’ he chuckled at your meltdown, holding your wrist and softly pressing down on your hand to guide it. ‘Scoop it this way to make it full and round.’
You did as you were told, yet your mind was far away from the scooping technique. The entire focus of your being was now set on the unprecedented proximity you were in. He held your hand, his chest so close to your shoulder that you could feel the heat radiating off him. When you dropped a yellow ball of lemon ice cream into the bowl, you could only pray that he didn’t notice the goosebumps littering your arms.
‘See? Yours is even better-shaped than mine,’ he hummed close to your ear.
As if sensing your perturbation, Baekhyun suddenly stepped back.
‘Trying just two flavors is a waste of an evening. Let’s get more.’
Ten minutes later, you were sitting in his living room at the small table in front of his couch. The bowl with at least a dozen different ice creams sat atop another one, which was filled with ice.
‘No one likes melted goo, right?’ Baekhyun chuckled while constructing this mobile freezer.
You tried all of them one by one, gushing about each flavor.
‘The grape one isn’t tickling my fancy,’ he said, nudging the oddly-colored glob away.
‘Really?’ You reached for it with your spoon.
‘Don’t even try it. That’s bad,’ he scrunched his nose. ‘I can taste every chemical they used to make this grape flavor.’
You laughed, trying it despite his protests.
‘It tastes like… very cheap jelly,’ you said.
‘Exactly! Such a strange texture. Hmm, I shall look for a better option then. My nephew Siwoo loves grapes.’
You smiled at his concern for his youngest family member’s preferences.
‘Your nephews must be the happiest kids in town with an uncle like that,’ you murmured, stealing a bite from the rest of the lemon ball that he subtly nudged your way earlier.
‘They’re pretty lucky, aren’t they?’ He agreed easily, earning a snicker from you.
As you savored the last of the lemon flavor on your tongue, he leaned in, eyes focused on your lips.
‘You eat just like Siwoo,’ he instinctively wiped your lower lip with his thumb.
Looking up at him, you caught the moment he realized what he was doing and retreated.
‘Sorry,’ he muttered awkwardly. ‘It’s a habit.’
Pressing your finger to your lower lip, which was now burning, you shook your head neutrally.
‘It’s okay. You must spend a lot of time with them,’ you scooped more in your spoon to somehow soothe the burn on your lips.
‘Not as much as I’d like. Most of the time, our schedules don’t match up, especially with them living in a different city. I try to have them over or visit them as much as possible.’
Baekhyun’s voice became warmer as he reminisced.
‘I get scolded by hyung a lot for spoiling them. But what can I do? At least they’ll have those pleasant memories and presents to remember me by while we’re apart.’
‘Are they close in age?’
‘About four years apart. Seoyul is pretty grown already; I can’t believe her little brother is going to school soon as well.’ He smiled, remembering something. ‘When she started her first grade, he was so upset. He cried every time she left the house.’
‘Aw, that’s so cute,’ you cooed. ‘So they’re getting along well?’
‘Yeah, apart from the occasional bickering. Siwoo is… a boy.’
‘A little daredevil?’
‘He’s driving his noona insane sometimes. To be honest, I was exactly the same at his age. We’re both lucky to have siblings several years older.’
‘Ah, so your hyung is much older than you?’
‘Seven years. He was almost like a father,’ Baekhyun chuckled. ‘But had he been even a couple of years younger… Pretty sure he would’ve given me a piece of his mind back then.’
‘I wouldn’t ever imagine that you were a maknae of your family.’
‘Why? I had so much aegyo as a child! Yes, my mom had to exercise lots of patience, but I was cute as hell.’
‘I’m sure that’s how it was,’ you hummed.
‘I’m still in the top-3 cutest of our family list. Might even be cuter than Seoyul at times; she’s way too serious these days.’
‘Wow, going over your nephews’ heads after the title… How mature of you.’
‘Hey, don’t blame me for being extremely cute.’
‘Show me some aegyo then,’ you challenged him with a smile.
‘Huh, you wish. You’re not ready for my aegyo, Y/N-ie.’ He responded sassily.
‘Is that so?’ You smirked, holding his gaze up until the chime of your phone provided an interruption.
Your bestie found a great time to pry into your business, which was evident from the message previews on the screen.
Ki-yaah | You’re not texting me back…
Ki-yaah | Which either means that you chickened out…
Ki-yaah | …or his stamina is REALLY freaking impressive
Ki-yaah | Which one is it??? I hope it’s the latter!
You inhaled sharply and started coughing, barely managing to swipe those messages off the screen before Baekhyun could see them.
‘Are you okay?’ He patted you on the back to help you overcome your coughing fit.
‘Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t realize it was so late… It was so rude of me to keep you up. Let me help you clean this up.’
‘Leave it,’ he shook his head, catching you by the wrist. ‘I’ll put this away later.’
‘I’ll… get going then,’ you stood so abruptly that your legs couldn’t keep up with you, completely numb from being in the same position for so long.
‘Y/N!’ Baekhyun rose to catch you by the arms. ‘Take a second, sit on the couch. Your legs must’ve fallen asleep.’
You swatted at your legs with your palms, urging the blood flow to restore quicker.
‘Why are you sorry? I’m not in a hurry to get rid of you.’ He stated simply.
‘It’s just so late… and… you must have stuff to do.’
‘Nope. I actually had fun. I rarely get to sit around at home munching on ice cream and enjoying another grownup’s company.’
You bit your lip shyly at his words, and he suddenly tsked.
‘Although I feel like we were mostly talking about me. That’s a shame. I want to hear about you as well,’ Baekhyun mused, walking you to the door. ‘Well, let’s save it for next time.’
Next time, he said.
Next time??
You turned your back on him to conceal the shade of your cheeks and pretended to fidget with the doorknob.
‘Let me,’ he reached over you, pressing his warm chest to your back for a second to unlock the door.
But before you could step outside, his fingers wrapped around your forearm in a lax hold.
‘And Y/N… If you ever find yourself craving some lemon ice cream… I’m ready to provide it.’
With that, he pushed the door open and allowed you to leave his apartment.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Another BBH mini-series started 💫 I hope you enjoyed part 1~ Pls let me know what you think via comments, asks and reblogs, my darlings 💜 Also, I am very curious if you are picturing anyone in particular as Hoseok hehe 🙃
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esamastation · 7 months
Part fifty-five of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four
"Good evening and welcome back to Channel Zero News, where we relay you top news from around the Planet on the hour, every hour. I am Jackie Sanine, here with you in Midgar.
"First, let's take a look at what's going on with the war.
"The Wutai War has been ongoing for almost eight years now and has been noticeably winding down in the past year and a half. With only one major holdout of Wutai forces left in Fort Tamblin, it's safe to say that the war is all but won for Shinra and her allies. With Fort Tamblin under ongoing siege by Shinra, it is unlikely that there will be any noticeable movements anytime soon.
"Still, there are new developments in the Shinra front. We take you live with our correspondent Maiser Rav, who's in the front with the latest news from the trenches."
"Thank you, Jackie. I'm here in the town of Sang Fe, which has been occupied by Shinra forces since the fall last year when the town was discovered abandoned by a scouting party of Shinra SOLDIERs. Acting now as a major connection point and the only airfield in the area, Sang Fe has become a major staging location in this final stretch of the war.
"As you can see behind me, the Shinra forces here are well established. With the fall rain season soon upon us, they're more interested in digging rain channels, rather than trenches.
"Here's Corporal Leynri from Shinra Infantry troops, sharing his experiences in the trenches."
"We haven't actually ever used any trenches?"
"Thank you, Corporal Leynri. The camp in Sang Fe is truly a beacon for Shinra Military, boasting high numbers of both infantry and war machinery - never mind the high number of SOLDIERs.
"SOLDIER Second Class, Davidson, has been a regular at Sang Fe for a long time."
"Yeah, I've been here for a few months with the SOLDIER company. It's been fine - the local monsters give us more work than the Wutai troops do, really."
"Have there been any interesting incidents of late?"
"Well, not as such? It's just a lot of hurry up and wait right now. I guess the most interesting thing is that Sephiroth came and went, and no one really knows where he is right now. Somewhere in Wutai, but, yeah, who knows where."
"Thank you, SOLDIER Second Class Davidson. As we all know the movements of SOLDIER First Class Sephiroth are of high interest to us all. Whenever Sephiroth is being deployed in the front, you can expect something big to follow. According to the various soldiers here, Sephiroth arrived a little over a week ago with a couple members of Shinra Investigation Sector of the Public Security Department, or Turks, as they're colloquially known. They were, by all appearances, on a high class secret mission, but no one knows where or what.
"Here's Colonel Havre, the camp commander, commenting on the rumours."
"I can't comment on the rumours."
"Thank you Colonel Havre. Aside from a few mysterious secret missions and the upcoming rain season, the life in Sang Fe is quite normal and calm, with the SOLDIERs and infantry members keeping in shape by using the local gym and taking part in team activities. It's important to keep your skills sharp even during your downtime. 
"Trooper Guy here knows what's the best way to keep in shape."
"Yeah, I practise parade forms sometimes. Our sergeant is really keen on us getting the forms right, you know, to look good on camera. Hey, watch me do this -"
"Thank you, Trooper Guy, for that wonderful display of skill. While we were out collecting these interviews, we got a chance to talk to one of the more recent arrivals - SOLDIER First Class, Angeal Hewley, who arrived at the same time as Sephiroth."
"I arrived with Sephiroth. I'm sorry, I can't comment on his whereabouts or what he's been up to. Yeah, we've encountered Wutai troops, but how it went down is classified. Sephiroth was in high spirits the last I saw him. I don't know what his hair routine is? I'm sorry - I have new mission orders, I have to go. No, I'm sorry, I can't really say whether he could give an interview. I really have to go -"
"Unfortunately Angeal Hewley couldn't prove or disprove the rumours about secret missions. I suppose we will have to stay in suspense for now. I know I will be eagerly waiting for any developments and will be reporting back as soon as there's anything new to be reported.
"This has been Maiser Rav, reporting from Sang Fe camp in Wutai. Back to you, Jackie."
"Thank you, Maiser. It's truly heartening to see that things are going well in Wutai. Do these news about Sephiroth's involvement in the war relate to the latest developments from Shinra Science Department concerning the updates to the SOLDIER program? Here's Gavin Lynch, with a glimpse into the mysterious world of Shinra's science research and development."
"Thank you Jackie. I'm here on the second floor of the Shinra Building, as the science floor has been evacuated due to an escaped specimen, which will no doubt soon be brought back under control. While we wait for contamination procedures to run their course, let's take a look at the history of the SOLDIER program through the eyes of the employees here. 
"Laboratory Technician Berk, a long time contributor to Shinra's most advanced science developments, about how he feels about the impact his work has had on the world."
"Oh god, oh god, please let me quit, I haven't seen my family in two weeks."
"Thank you Laboratory Technician Berk. Professor Hojo, the head of Shinra Science Department, is known for his… high standards and… work ethics. Many in this team are hardened veterans in their field, and have been involved in the SOLDIER program for many years. 
"Nurse Sinclair, what can you tell us about the rumours about new methods being introduced within the SOLDIER program by the Professor?"
"Nurse Sinclair? Ma'am, what can you tell us about the rumours concerning new procedures for creating SOLDIERs?"
"Nurse Sinclair?'
"... I need to call my mom. Excuse me…"
"... Thank you Nurse Sinclair! I think judging by that thousand yard stare, things are really happening and we can expect something new and exciting from the Shinra Science Department in the upcoming days! This has been Gavin Lynch reporting from Shinra Building! Back to you in the studio, Jackie."
"Thank you Gavin, for these enlightening insights. We will be looking for further developments in the near future!
"Next up, sports, as we go to the world of chocobo racing where a scandal is brewing - is chocobo inbreeding the secret to the ultimate racing bird? Joining us is..."
The only trustworthy news media
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redrose10 · 4 months
The next chapter of Cinnamon & Vanilla should be out mid-to the end of next week. We’re getting close to the end and I really appreciate all the support on that one. Here is a little sneak peak at the next story that I plan to release. As you can probably tell I’m very Yoongi biased. This one will probably just be one big story instead of a multi chapter thing, but that could change. Let me know if this is something you’d actually be interested in reading!
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Inn Keeper Yoongi x Female Author Reader
Summary: You have never experienced true love which is hilarious considering you write romance novels for a living. When you end up staying at The Interlude Inn located in Holly Falls you start to wonder if maybe the answer to your newest love story is sitting behind the welcome desk. Quickly, you find out that Min Yoongi hides a lot of pain and sorrow behind his shy smiles and quick glances.
Warnings: (may get updated) Swearing, character death, very very angsty for a while, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, bullying, a really mean letter, panic attacks, eventual light smut, it will get better
Teaser Below The Cut
Once you arrived at the airport you really wished you’d done a little more research about Holly Falls. After some digging and a conversation with a very outgoing Uber Driver you found out that eleven months out of the year the town is very low key and relaxed, but for one month it is a tourist hotspot thanks to the insane amount of blooming cherry blossom trees. According to your new Uber friend, people come to Holly Falls during this month to see the fields of trees blooming in all their glory. The normally quiet town embraces the crowds providing various festivals and parades and gimmicks to draw in the guests as well as their wallets. And of course you just happen to travel over there smack dab in the middle of it all.
The driver dropped you off in the middle of the fun so with your bag slung over your shoulder you started heading into different hotels trying to book a room. In the city you could walk into pretty much any hotel at any time and book a room. You had assumed it would be same in this small town so you had decided to wait to book a room until you could see them in person wanting to get the feel and make sure you chose the right fit. You imagine in any other month it would be much easier to obtain a place to stay here, but due to the large tourist presence every single hotel was completely booked for the entire month.
You were just about ready to give up and head to the airport to see about booking a flight home when an older gentleman came up to you carrying various handmade trinkets for sale.
“See anything you like miss? All of these are under $10.”, he asked.
Politely you smiled, “No thank you. Not right now.”
You thought he had left until you saw him dangling a hand painted sun catcher in front of you. The design a beautiful beautiful cherry blossom. Trying to bite your tongue and not snap at the elderly man you again shook your head.
“Here have it for free. You seem to need a little cheering up.”, he smiled.
Reaching up you grabbed the delicate glass from him, “Thank you. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry if I came off rude. I’m just really stressed out right now.”
“Didn’t know about the cherry blossom season and now you can’t find a place to stay?”, he asked.
“How did you know?”, you replied wide eyed.
The elderly man chuckled while taking a seat next to you, “There’s always at least one person that gets stuck here with nowhere to stay because they didn’t know how crazy things can get around here this time of the year.”
“Mmh yeah that would be me this year. I need somewhere to stay for a couple weeks or I’m going to have to head back home.”
“You know there might be somewhere that still has a room available. It’s just outside all of the hubbub. About ten miles just over that hill. If you get to Taehyung’s Strawberry Farm then you’ve gone too far.”, he said pointing in the opposite direction of the festivities.
“Really? You think they’d have a room? I wonder why they wouldn’t be booked like every other place.”
The gentleman stood up from the bench you were both on, “Its worth a shot. It’s a little farther away from all the action than people like to be. Plus the owners are a little on the unique side.”
You were concerned at this statement. The last thing you wanted to do was end up being the story line of a true crime documentary.
He continued, “They are very nice people. A young man and his grandmother. They just tend to be very secluded and to themselves. It’s called Interlude Inn. You can’t miss it.”
You thanked him for the information and watched as he walked into a large group of people trying to sell the rest of his merchandise. Placing the delicate sun catcher in your bag you ordered another Uber to take you over to the inn. A familiar vehicle quickly pulled up in front of you with the same talkative man from earlier. You wondered how there weren’t any other drivers available, but you smiled as you slid in the back seat anyways.
“Leaving so soon?”, he asked.
You chuckled, “No I just need to find somewhere else to stay. Can you please take me to The Interlude Inn?”
Suddenly the man stopped, turning to look back at you.
“Miss you don’t want to stay there. Surely there’s somewhere else around here you can stay.”
“Every hotel is completely booked. If this inn doesn’t have a room then I’ll have to just go home.”
He sighed, “Alright miss. If you insist.”
He began the drive to your location. His words about finding somewhere else stuck in your mind.
“Yes Miss”
“What you said earlier. What is so bad about this inn?”
“Well, the grandma, I think her name is Mae, is very sweet. She’s done the best she can with what she had. But that Min boy, he’s a little odd.”
“Ohhh…Like serial killer odd?”
The man chuckled, “No not that kind of odd. He’s just very quiet and keeps to himself, but he is polite. He’s never seemed to have any friends and I doubt he’s ever had any kind of relationship. He comes into town only a few times a year, mostly when his grandmother needs something. He doesn’t acknowledge anyone, even when they speak to him directly. People usually only stay at the inn as a last resort during this busy season.”
From what you’re hearing he seemed like just a quiet introverted person who loves his grandma. You weren’t sure why everyone seemed so leery of him.
The car pulled up infront of the inn. The large wooden sign out front verified you were indeed at The Interlude Inn. Thanking your driver you grabbed your bag and made your way up to the entrance.
The Inn looked cozy and welcoming. It was smaller than you had imagined. There couldn’t be more than three or four rooms. Off to the side you noticed a little garden with various plants starting to bloom.
On the door hung a welcome sign adorned with hand painted lady bugs and butterflies. Turning the handle you gently pushed in the door being greeted by a heavenly aroma making your stomach grumble. The entrance room which also doubled as a living room had two couches, one on either side of a coffee table. A television hung on the wall above a fireplace. In the corner was a small desk which you assume would be where you could request a room.
Walking over you noticed a younger man crouching down so he was eye level with one of the drawers. He appeared to be about your age, mid to late twenties. Black hair with a slight curl to it hung over his forehead. Beautiful cat like eyes and his soft lips formed into a deep pout. You wanted so badly to reach over and squeeze his chubby cheeks, but you knew that was a weirdness you didn’t want to invoke. He was fidgeting with a drawer that seemed to be stuck and you could here the argument he was having in soft whispers,
“Come on you stupid thing.”
“It shouldn’t be this difficult.”
“Please, I just need a pen and then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day.”
You chuckled hearing him begging the drawer to cooperate. Reaching into your bag you grabbed one of your spare pens and set it on the desk, “Here I have a pen you could use.”
The young man let out a sudden squeal after you startled him. He jumped backwards and landed on his behind with a loud thud.
“Oh no I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you had heard me come in.”, you apologized feeling terrible.
The poor guy sat on the ground trying to collect himself before bringing himself back to a standing position. That’s when you noticed his cheeks were a bright shade of red, making you want to squeeze them even more. The man didn’t say a word. His eyes were barely able to focus on you, instead they would move around the room before returning to you for just a second before he’d quickly look elsewhere.
“Ahh this must be the Min boy the driver was talking about?”, you thought to yourself.
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geemyfirstluvstory · 8 months
my angel…and my girl…
i am physically sick for this man…welcome to my first post i’m lottie and my whole acc will basically be a song fic of gee by snsd
kaiser marriage headcannons - fem pronouns reader, aged up characters,
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• he’s a total perfectionist so of course that reflects in his proposal
• he was 23 and proposed right after a career changing game
• the ring bro…it would put a real empress’ engagement ring to shame, but what can i say? you’re his empress after all, it was worth a couple hundred thousand dollars made with diamonds and platinum
• as for the wedding it was a total dream, he let you plan it since he couldn’t be bothered to with his work and practices
• you guys went to singapore for your honeymoon, michael would be constantly flustered because he was being recognised left and right with you
• now for the good stuff 🤭
• your married life was rather peaceful compared to the constant insult-compliment whiplash from your dating phase
• michael was still kind of cold and standoffish but for his mrs. kaiser, he’d pipe down on his attitude
• he’s the type to insist on being the man, yes to boss you around but also to spoil you rotten
• a year and a half into your marriage you welcomed a baby girl named clair
• he’s such a girl dad~ always playing with and spoiling his baby girl
• since you were dating he made a tradition of returning from away games with a mountain of gifts for you, now theres another mountain for his little girl
• he’s still mean as a snake to everyone else but he can melt with one look at you two
• back hugs all day everyday
• impulse vacations to the most interesting locations, the chinese countryside, budapest, wales, mexico, russia, morocco, etc
• he lets clair play with his hair
• michael hates getting up in the middle of the night to comfort your daughter so up until she was 5 she often walked into your shared bedroom in the middle of the night to sleep between you guys
• snorer
• he’ll listen in on your phone conversations with your friends, if he hears you want something…he’ll get it
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p-redux · 8 months
Waking up to a ton of DMs and Anons alerting me to Sam Heughan posting an OBVIOUS LATERGRAM of him having vacationed on the island of Nevis. Thanks, Team, really appreciate you! Let's dive right in!
Earlier today, Sam posted this to his Instagram stories. It gives his location away, so it is FOR SURE a latergram, and he is no longer there. He would never let anyone know exactly where he is in real time. 👇
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BUT, this pic didn't take itself and isn't a selfie from the back hahaha, and there is only ONE beach lounger next to him. Soooo, it's safe to say he wasn't alone and I can't imagine this wasn't a vacation with a lady friend. WHO is the question. 👇
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He was very tanned when he pretaped the Kelly Clarkson Show, so he had already gone to Nevis when he taped this. 👇
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Now remember when a couple of weeks ago I got this Anon saying they'd heard Sam was in the Bahamas and if "we see him with a nice tan," we'll know why? Look at the date of when I posted that--a couple of weeks ago. At the time, I thought the Anon was full of crap, but now I wonder if they did know something, but just got the wrong island. 👇
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Nevis isn't the Bahamas but it's still an island, so maybe Anon just got the location wrong, but she did foreshadow him making an appearance with a tan. 👇
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But Sam is no longer there because my longtime trusted source confirmed he was seen at JFK Airport on Oct. 22 headed to Edinburgh, like I posted a couple of days ago. 👇
And I added more info in this post. 👇
And then another Tumblr acct ALSO confirmed he'd been seen by an Instagram influencer at the airport lounge on the same date. The blogger left the comments in this post of mine. 👇
Here are the screencaps of the comments on someone other than my source ALSO stating Sam was at the airport on the same date--October 22, 2023. 👇
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Soooooo, Sam went to Nevis a couple of weeks ago, with WHOM is the question. These are latergram pics for sure. And I got the source scoop that he flew from NY to Edinburgh on Oct. 22. He may not be there anymore but he was CONFIRMED heading there by my source and backed up by the IG influencer.
I'm running late for work, so please accept this as a blanket thanks to everyone who DMed me and I'll answer you individually when I get a break.
Happy Hump Day, everyone!
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five-rivers · 10 months
Jack Fenton and Doc Saturday cross paths for the first time while shopping for XXL hazmat black and orange jumpsuits. Because there's only so many places they could possibly get those from.
There were many hazmat stores in North America. Sad as it may be, there were a great many dangerous materials in the world that required them. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat was smaller. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic was smaller still. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic in teal and orange was tiny. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic in teal and orange and both extra extra large and child sizes was exactly one.
Therefore, every couple of years Jack and Maddie would load up the kids (six and four, this year!) and take the long drive to Harold Hardy's Hazmat Hut (which was, in fact, a massive warehouse). It was worth it!
There were a great many hazmat suppliers in the world. Some were big, some were small, some were specialized, some were less so. In their globe-trotting career, the Saturdays hadn't cared much about location or brand, only quality and whether or not they could hold up against both the rigors of combat and the vast array of biological substances the cryptids they studied produced.
But Zak was two, now, and as he grew he grew more interested in what his parents were doing, and well…
Doc had never expected to be shopping for toddler-sized hazmat suits in a place called Harold Hardy's Hazmat Hut. The place radiated sketchiness in a way he generally only experienced after falling into a tourist trap.
Drew had found several suits she liked and gone to the children's section to look for something for Zak, which left Doc to sift through the upper end of the adult section to sift through XLs in search of an XXL. Stores like this never had his size…
Jack preferred shopping with Maddie to shopping solo, but he wasn't going to stop her from connecting with a fellow mom! There were just so few women in science, even in this day and age.
Anyway, he knew where the XXL suits were, so he took himself off in that direction.
On his way there, though, he saw a man who was almost as tall as he was glaring down at a rack of XLs. That wouldn't do!
"Heyo!" said Jack, cheerfully. "Looking for the XXLs?"
The man looked up, brow furrowed. "Yes, actually."
"I can show you where they are!"
The man nodded.
"My name's Jack, by the way! Jack Fenton!"
"Doc Saturday. Do you work here?"
"Nah! Repeat customer. Maddie and I have been coming here for years! The kids, too! We're a Harold Hardy family, we Fentons!"
"You have children?"
"Two of 'em! Six and four, a girl and a boy! You?"
"Just one boy, for now. Are the children's hazmat suits here any good?"
"Eh, we've got to modify them a bit for our work, but they stand up about as well as the adult ones, otherwise. What field are you in? Industrial chemicals? Pathogens? It's ectology and thanatology for me and Maddie!"
"Biology and zoology, mostly."
"Oooh, nice. You'll probably want this brand, then!" He plunged his hand into the shelf seemingly at random and pulled out an XXL packaged suit. "They do a lot of other sizes, too, so you can match with the whole family!"
Doc took the package. "I'll have to review the specifications myself, but… thank you."
"No problem, Doc! Anything to help out a fellow scientist! Say, how old is your kid? Maybe we can set up a playdate for them!"
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sloanesallow · 4 months
give you my wild
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Nearly a decade into their marriage, Sebastian and Sloane lead a peaceful, idyllic life in a coastal cottage with their toddler-aged son, Antony. As their anniversary approaches and they have the opportunity to spend some much-needed alone time together, Sebastian wonders if it is time for their family to grow. ✨Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Tags: NSFW! MDNI! Explicit sexual content, oral sex (f receiving), body worship, overstimulation, dirty talk, and Sebastian's fanon breeding kink. Also domestic bliss, sharing a bath, tooth-rotting fluff and Dad!Seb. [Read on Ao3] | [Read on Wattpad]
The Sallow homestead is a quaint, modest cottage on the English coast, surrounded by rolling hills and sprawling fields as far as the eye can see. It is paradise for Sebastian and his wife, their own little slice of heaven away from the hustle and bustle of the wizarding and muggle worlds.  
Wife—Sebastian’s lips turn up in a lopsided grin at the word as he thinks about how lucky he is to have Siobhan—Sloane—as his bride. Ten years now he’s known her, and for ten years they have been inseparable, blossoming from friends to lovers to soulmates to parents. Every day is a blessing, the peace hard-earned and well-deserved after the turmoil of their younger years.
The decision to settle down came only after the birth of their son, Antony. His arrival was not necessarily planned, but welcomed nonetheless, allowing the married couple to retire very early from their Ministry positions. Instead of traveling the world as a curse-breaking-healer duo, the two focus on research while raising their young tot. To Sebastian’s everlasting surprise, fatherhood comes naturally to him, and he thrives, wondering why he ever cared about notoriety when life’s greatest treasure is family—home.
Despite the isolation, their location is in close enough proximity to Nottingham, where Sloane’s father resides. A few hours by muggle means, Mr. Sloane—Grandpa Sloane—is always ready to lend a helping hand. He is the type of parental figure Sebastian always dreamed of after losing his parents, forever grateful for the older man’s patience and guidance. That, and Mr. Sloane’s willingness to care for his grandson.
Even though Antony is a quiet and well-behaved child, he gets into his fair share of messes if left alone for even a second. At nearly three, he is an avid explorer, constantly covered in dirt from the garden, running in and out of the house to show off whatever bug or amphibian he’d dug up. His interests would not be an issue if Antony wasn’t also obsessed with sticking anything and everything in his tiny mouth, as if to learn more by taste.
Maintaining intimacy while nurturing such a curious child is not an easy task, especially when Sebastian and Sloane are still so enamored with one another, even after all these years. The so-called honeymoon period has endured, a bliss neither seem interested in losing. More times than not they are interrupted by the pitter-patter of feet in the hallway, and even when they do manage to copulate, it is usually with hushed whispers and rushed movements to avoid waking their son.
There’s been even more of a dry spell as of late, between Sebastian’s research and Sloane’s travels to Hogwarts and Beauxbatons to lecture students on advancements in Herbology. Antony has been rather clingy too, insisting on sleeping between his mummy and duddy every evening.
Suffice it to say, Sebastian is eager to spend some time alone with his beloved wife. Very eager. With their wedding anniversary on the horizon, it is the perfect opportunity for Antony to stay with Grandpa Sloane in Nottingham for the weekend. His son barely mumbles a goodbye, too distracted by the barn cats and the promise of a sweet treat to notice his father apparating away.
The sun is setting by the time Sebastian returns to the seaside cottage, the chilly salt air tousling his dark hair as he makes his way up the stone pathway. Smoke billows from the chimney and he can smell the Shepard’s pie Sloane is cooking as he approaches the front door.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!”
Sloane doesn’t seem to register his return, continuing her idle humming in the kitchen. Sebastian quickly shucks his boots, hanging his cap and coat on the nearby rack before moving closer to where she’s standing in front of the largest counter, diligently kneading a large mass of dough. He watches her as he rolls up his sleeves, a content smile on his face as he wonders for the millionth time what luck or divine intervention led her to him, made her stay. There’s a nervous flutter in his gut when she peeks over her shoulder and greets him with a bright smile.
“Welcome home, dear.”
Is it possible to fall more in love every day? They’ve grown up together, matured from the fire of youthful love to the deep, abiding connection of a shared life. Well, mostly matured. That passion is still present, a burning flame ignited each time their eyes meet. Sebastian struggles to tamper it down as he closes the distance, resting his hands on her hips, leaning over her shoulder to kiss her cheek.
“How was the trip?” she asks. He can feel the muscles in her back and shoulders flexing as she continues working the dough. “Is Ant alright?”
“He’s fine,” Sebastian murmurs, already distracted by his racing thoughts and the anticipation of what the evening might bring. “I think Ant loves his Daideo more than us.”
“I think Ant loves ice cream,” Sloane suggests, plopping the rolled dough into a large baking dish and setting it aside. She dusts the countertop with more flour, white specks sticking to her fingers and apron. “That’s at the top of every toddler’s hierarchy.”
Sebastian hums in response, unable to resist the urge to kiss her exposed neck. He smirks when she sucks in a sharp breath, the subtle tilt of her head inviting him to continue. Still, she squirms when he wraps his arms snug around her waist, pressing himself close and trapping her between his body and the countertop.
“Seb!” she playfully scolds as he nips the soft skin, kissing a trail up to the shell of her ear. “You can’t wait a few more hours?” she asks. “Aren’t you hungry?”
He slides one of his hands up to fondle a clothed breast. “Starved.” 
“Can you blame me?” he softly chuckles, not-so-subtly rolling his hips so she can feel how impatient he really is. “How long has it been since we’ve had the house to ourselves, hmm?”
Sloane sighs, melting under his touch. Too easy. “At least let me wash up, first. I smell like…mashed potatoes, hardly an aphrodisiac.”
“You don’t know that,” he jokes, barely pausing in his lavishing of her neck. He undoes the first few buttons on the back of her blouse so he can kiss her shoulder, too. “Sweetheart, you could be covered in troll guts, and I’d still devour you.”
Sloane’s laugh melts into a delighted moan as Sebastian continues, bunching the fabric of her skirt up until he can snake an eager hand beneath. He strokes her thigh before squeezing the flesh of her bottom, grinning at the silky feel of her underwear.
“These are new,” he comments, appreciatively.
“From my last trip to Paris,” she explains with bated breath.
“Bénis soient les français.”
He slides his fingers between her clenched thighs and groans at the warm slick he finds, the thin fabric saturated with her arousal. Slipping past the barrier, he rubs two fingers through her folds and up to circle her clit with a featherlight touch, one that makes her buck against his palm. Sloane’s head lulls even more to the side as she whimpers and rocks her hips, seeking friction.
“That,” he whispers against her ear as he slowly sinks his fingers inside her heat. She clenches around him and moans as he drags his digits back before plunging back in.  “That is my favorite sound in the world, love. The sound of you falling apart under my touch.”
“I’ve been dreaming about tonight, Sloane, of having you all to myself,” Sebastian is reminded of just how long it’s been since they had the freedom to be loud, how long it’s been since she’s screamed his name in ecstasy. “Do you still want to wait?” he teases, darkly chuckling when she quickly shakes her head.  
He crooks his fingers, expertly finding the sweet spot that makes her gasp and knees tremble. Sloane grips the edge of the counter as if it is the only thing anchoring her to the earth, and Sebastian presses his weight against her to keep her upright.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he coaxes, lips trailing down the slope of her shoulder. “Be a good girl and come on my fingers. I want you drenched before I take you properly.”
Sloane’s core is a vice as she unravels, the back of her head resting against his shoulder as her mouth falls open in a silent scream. A surge of possessive pride courses through him—he is the only man who can gift her this pleasure, he is the only man with the honor of seeing such vulnerability. She is still shaking when he retracts his fingers, bringing them to his lips to taste her sweet nectar.
She slumps forward a little, breathless. “Jesus—”
Sebastian knows he’s done a good job when she gets sacrilegious. He doesn’t offer much of a respite before spinning her around, swallowing her surprised shriek of laughter with a hungry kiss that is all teeth and tongue. He effortlessly lifts her by the waist, perching her on the edge of the flour-dusted countertop. Sloane senses the urgency, humming against his lips as her hands drift from his messy hair down to the clasps of his trousers. He leans away for a gulp of air and to watch as she tugs at the fabric, bunching up his shirt and pushing his pants down just enough to expose his cock.
“Fuck,” he hisses as soon as her delicate fingers wrap around him, the softness of her palm threatening to make him come right then. He blinks hard—he won’t last, but they have all evening, all weekend, to be slow. Right now, he’s desperate, needy for the feel of her cunt around his throbbing shaft. Her name comes out as a deep grumble, “Sloane.”
When he snaps his eyes open, her stormy gaze is already locked with his, pupils blown and expression just as wild as his. Sebastian doesn’t mean to be so rough when he yanks her hips to the edge of the counter, but her breathy laughter and sound of approval as she falls back is enough encouragement to spur him on. He bunches her dress up again, scooping her legs up so her ankles rest on the width of his shoulders.
With one hand he grips himself, pumping his length with a few strokes as he presses against the crux of her thighs. He pulls the soiled band of her panties to the side and drags the swollen tip of his cock against her entrance. If it were any other time, Sebastian might tease her more, edge both of their pleasure until it is too much to bear. But he is already hanging by a thread, the friction of silk and the tight, velvet heat of her encompassing him, welcoming him home.
He grips her thighs tight, pulling her closer as he slides halfway before snapping his hips forward to fill her completely. Sloane’s sharp gasp morphs into a deep moan and he repeats the motion over and over again. The recoil of his frenzied pace rattles through her body and she grips the edge of the counter, knuckles white as the flour that dusts the air and their bodies.  
The kitchen is filled with the sounds of their labored breathing and slapping flesh, names murmured between pleading whimpers and desperate moans. Sebastian is unyielding, transfixed by the sight of his wife spread out beneath him, so beautifully undone as the pleasure he gives pushes her ever closer towards another release. As glorious as the image is, he can’t wait to shed their clothes and have his way with her more thoroughly, to worship every inch of her skin with his tongue and hands until she’s a writhing mess, begging for more.
He can feel the tight coil of his own release winding in his gut, his movements erratic as he pushes them both over the edge. With one hand braced on the countertop, he leans forward, almost folding her petite body in half as he loses the tempo and ruts against her like the uncaged animal he is. Sloane grips his forearm, nails biting into his flesh as her inner walls flutter and her body seizes. She cries out in blissful agony, and Sebastian echoes the mind-blowing sentiment, collapsing against her after spilling himself deep.
When there’s enough energy for their eyes to meet, they share a knowing grin—the night has only just begun.
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After taking some time to satisfy their more practical hunger, the two eventually make their way to the bath, leaving the kitchen a mess to be cleaned up in the morning…or perhaps the morning after that. If Sebastian has it his way, they aren’t going to be leaving the bedroom any time soon.
For now, however, the two lay comfortably in the large, claw-footed bathtub of their ensuite, the heated water relaxing their aching muscles and washing the day away. Sebastian rests his head back against the porcelain rim, eyes closed as the steam soothes his body and soul. Sloane is settled against him, her back flush with his chest, their arms resting across her waist beneath the bubbly surface.
Silence used to be unnerving until he met her, learning that two people could simply exist. Sloane is the only person who understands him without the need for words, interpreting his moods and emotions with a simple glance or touch. To think only ten years have passed when it already feels like a lifetime—he hopes the love between them lasts for an eternity.
She lets out a contented sigh, her pinned up hair tickling his chin as she adjusts. He peeks open an eye, letting out his own cozy hum. His words are heavy and mumbled against her temple, “dun wunna get out.”  
“Me either,” she whispers with a breathy chuckle. “Are we losing our youthful energy?”
“I certainly hope not,” Sebastian huffs, tightening his hold around her. He and Sloane have always had a very active sex life—fervent, wild passion, unable to keep their hands off one another. “The day I can’t pleasure you with my body is the day you take me to St. Mungos to be put out of my misery.”
“So, in ten years?”
Sebastian pinches her thigh in response to her tease, causing her to yelp and squirm with laughter. “At least we’ll have more privacy by then, to experience embarrassing sex injuries without traumatizing our son.”
“Ant will be off to Hogwarts, and we’ll have an empty house.”
He smiles at the shared assumption Antony will inherit magic. It’s not always a forgone conclusion with wizarding parents, but he doubts their inquisitive son is a squib. Another thought crosses his mind, and he shifts to sit up a little, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Would we really be on our own?” he asks.
“What do you mean?” Sloane is momentarily puzzled. “Oh, well…I suppose father will still visit, though as he gets older it’ll be best if we go to him—”
Sebastian traces his fingers across her abdomen until his palm is flush against her skin. “I’m not talking about Daideo.”
Judging by her soft inhale, she realizes her husband’s meaning. The thought of growing their little family has been tickling at the edges of his mind, the idea of Sloane growing round with another child and glowing with maternal beauty—it is a vision that makes his heart swell and his loins ache with excitement. 
“You know…” he drawls out his words, carefully pressing his lips against her damp skin. “I always thought we’d have more. A whole brood to envy the Weasley’s. Mornings filled with the patter of tiny footsteps and laughter…a house full of so much love.”
She doesn’t respond at first, her body somewhat tense beneath his touch. He glances up at her profile to see a hesitation in her expression he didn’t expect. As long as he knew Sloane, he thought she wanted the same—a large family to call their own. Had something changed?
“You don’t—”
“I do,” she quickly affirms, turning sideways in his embrace to look at him. “Perhaps I’ve been selfish in wanting to keep things the way they are. We’ve been so blessed with Ant…a part of me is…a little scared of changing that.”
Sebastian’s gaze softens and he dips his face closer to kiss her mouth. “There’s nothing wrong with that,” he whispers, smiling against her lips. “I’m scared too. What if…our baby is a dark wizard, or worse, a Gryffindor?”
“Be serious!” she chides through her snickering, playfully smacking his chest.
“I am!” Sebastian is equally amused, snatching her hand to lace their fingers together. She studies him, as if trying to determine how sincere he is about expanding their family. He brings her hand up to kiss her knuckles, the cold metal of her wedding band against his lips. “I want another child, Siobhan.”
The silver flecks in her storm-colored eyes shimmer as Sloane realizes immediately this isn’t some flippant suggestion, but a genuine choice, a heartfelt desire for their future. He studies her face, watching as she thickly swallows and slowly exhales, processing his words. The corner of her lip twitches as her cheeks flush with a brighter shade of pink, and not from the steam.
Sebastian takes that as a good sign.
“Even if I were to agree,” she eventually replies, not quite conceding to the idea, even as she bites back a smile. “It wouldn’t happen as soon as you say. I’d have to stop taking my contraceptives, not to mention the herbal tea you think smells like feet.”
“Because it does smell like feet,” he mutters, leaning forward to pick up the slow trail of kisses along her neck and collarbone. “Doesn’t mean we can’t…practice in the meantime.”
His grin widens into something wicked as he thinks to himself; “aren’t those the same precautionary potions you were taking when you fell pregnant with Antony?”
“That’s…beside the point.”
“Is it?” he hums. “That just means…well, I managed to beat the odds before, so who says I can’t do it again?”
Before Sloane can respond, Sebastian is lifting her from the tub as he stands, the soapy water splashing over the edge and onto the oakwood floor. She clings to him, a surprised shriek quickly turning into laughter as he carries her from the bathroom to their marital bed. He places her carefully across the fluffy duvet, her blonde hair spreading out across the pillows like a golden halo.
He covers her body with his own, hips slotted between her legs as he kisses her, their breaths hitching as his arousal presses against her belly. The levity fades as Sebastian’s hands smooth over her body, slow caresses pulling little sighs from her lips. It’s a struggle to hold back from ravishing her like he did before, his movements measured as he places kisses across her chest, balancing his weight on one arm so he can cup a breast in his hand.
Sloane arches into the sensation, her craned back as his lips wrap around a nipple, sucking it into a pebbled peak. He repeats the action with her other breast, spurred on by her labored breath and tiny moans. Her skin is still rosy from the heat of the bath, flecked with droplets of water that he laps up on his slow descent to the apex of her thighs. Sebastian spreads her a little wider, fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs as he settles before her bared sex.
“So beautiful,” he whispers, hot breath fanning across her sensitive skin. He glances up to lock onto her gaze. “The mother of our child—our children.”
Sloane’s only response is a strangled moan as he drags his tongue along the seam of her folds, licking up from her entrance to her clit. He wraps his lips around the bud, alternating between gentle sucks and flicks of his tongue. Her hips twitch up against Sebastian as he expertly coaxes out her pleasure, quickly bringing her to the edge of ecstasy.
Her breath hitches again as he moves one hand to assist, spreading her arousal with his tongue before plunging two fingers past her slick petals. Her core clenches and flutters around his invading fingers, a sharp whimper escaping her throat with each thrust and curl within her core.
“Right—right there,” she rasps, her words dissolving into another shaky moan as he strokes deep, fingertips rubbing against the spongy spot within her that sparks a tidal wave. Sloane trembles, hands snapping to clasp at Sebastian’s hair as her body tenses. “Ahh—Seb—Sebastian!”
He lets out an appreciative groan against her, lapping up her sweet release like a man starved. He’s consumed, rocking his hips against the sheets to give his aching cock some temporary relief. The exquisite sight of Sloane writing under his touch is something he’ll never tire of. Sebastian keeps his fingers wedged inside of her, gently coaxing her through the sensations as her walls flutter with the aftershocks of her climax.
“Mmm…” Sloane sighs as he gradually pulls away, giving her sensitive folds one last pass with his tongue before kissing her quivering thighs. He eventually pushes himself so he’s kneeling before her, one hand caressing her leg while he strokes his length with the other.
“Sloane,” her name comes out as a husky sound, a plea and a question all in one. He lowers himself, teasing the tip of cock against her, ready to plunge into her depths. “I need you to say it. Tell me you want—” he darts his tongue out to lick his lips, prodding against her entrance. “Tell me you want another child with me.”
“Yes,” she pants, eyes wide as she stares up at him. Sloane reaches for him and begins to loop her legs up around his waist, guiding him to her heat. She manages a reply between gulping gasps. “Sebastian, yes. I want—I need you to—” a moan interrupts her train of thought, and she presses her hips up, needy as ever for him to take her. “Mmm…please, please—f—fuck—a baby into me…”
Not expecting such filthy words from his wife’s mouth, something wild takes a hold of Sebastian’s mind. He lets out a gruff sound, something between a deep growl and rumbling moan.
“Roll over,” he grunts, not bothering to wait before leaning back on his knees to help flip her onto her stomach. Sloane lets out a surprised squeak as he yanks her up by the waist so she’s on her hands and knees.
He traces over each knob of her spine with his thumbs, squeezing the flesh of her arse as he widens his stance behind her, spreading her legs further apart with his own. She pushes back against him, seeking his touch where she needs it most.
“Please,” she whimpers, looking over her shoulder at him with a half-lidded gaze.
Sebastian struggles to maintain his composure, steadying himself as unfiltered desire spills from her lips. Her plea, laced with the promise of creating new life, stokes the fire within him into a blazing inferno. With a less than gentle grip on her hips, he positions himself once more, pushing the crown of him just past her entrance before pulling her back to fill her in one powerful stroke.
“Fucking hell,” he groans, the hot stretch of her around his girth wiping his brain of any coherent thought. All that is left is the primal need to claim what is already his, mark Sloane from the inside and plant his seed deep within her fertile ground. It’s an overwhelming feeling, all encompassing, and one that surges through him with every thrust.
At first his movements are slow and deliberate, eyes locked on the lewd sight of his cock pulling out of her before driving back in. But it doesn’t take long before Sebastian picks up the pace, his pelvis slapping against her thighs as she rocks back to meet him. Every sound that escapes Sloane’s mouth is pure sin—sweet, high-pitched cries intermixed with the most ragged moans he’s ever heard.
He can feel the tension of her body as it responds to his unrelenting force, his rhythm faltering as her core clenches tightly around him. Sloane’s orgasm shakes through her entire body, her limbs spasming as she cries out, her back a beautiful arch. Sebastian control frays at the edges and he spirals, falling over the edge after her with one last surge of his hips. With a loud, guttural roar, he comes, the intensity of his release blurring his vison.
Sloane’s arms wobble until her front half collapses onto the mattress. Sebastian keeps her propped up as he gasps for breath, clutching her waist and hips as his cock continues to twitch inside her. The overstimulation causes her to shiver, and she whines into the pillow as he lets out a litany of curses and incoherent praise.
When he finally, painstakingly pulls away, his eyes snap down to the pearlescent evidence of his release trickling out of her and staining her thighs. By some miracle, Sebastian is able to stay upright, swaying a little as he rests on his heels and tries to blink the haze from his vision. Sloane slumps and he catches her boneless form, easing her down against the sheets where she practically melts with a sated sigh.
As soon as she is splayed out on her back again, Sebastian collapses across her petite form, barely keeping his weight from suffocating her as he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling the aroma of her sweat-slick skin. Her arms lazily encircle his neck, and he grins as a raspy laugh falls from her lips.
“Oh my God,” she softly exclaims, her hands smoothing across his shoulders, one threading through the hair at the back of his neck. “What was that?”
“Dunno,” is all he can say with equally breathless amusement.
Perhaps of his own volition, or because he’s still burning with a longing to see her fat with his child, he lowers his groin down to drag against her mons. They both hiss at the contact, Sloane’s nails biting into his skin. Sebastian lifts himself up just enough so he can glance down between their bodies.
“Is it too much?” he whispers, wondering if he’d even be able to stop if she says it is.
But Sloane shakes her head and arches against him, silently pleading for more, as if she is also being driven by some unseen force. He shifts his balance, lifting one of her legs to slip around his waist before guiding himself back to her awaiting centre. It might be his imagination, but he can almost feel his cock pushing his come back into the depths of her channel. Sebastian bites down on his bottom lip until the taste of copper hits his tongue.
He stays close, their chests pressed against each other as he rolls his hips, keeping a languid pace for both their sakes. Sloane sighs, hitching her other leg up to ensure he strokes deep, and rests her head against his as he pants against her shoulder.
“I love you,” she declares, and it doesn’t matter that it’s the thousandth time she’s said it, the words encompass Sebastian in a warmth he never wants to leave.
He finds the strength to lift his head so their lips can crash together, matching the fervor below. He reaches to grab one of her arms, interlocking their fingers before pressing her hand into the mattress near her their heads. “I love you.”
Sebastian slips his other hand under her and lifts her hips, supporting her lower back as he grinds down, straining to keep himself balanced so he doesn’t crush her. It’s a gradual build this time, but the lingering sensitivity brings about their shared climax much sooner. Sloane’s breath hitches and her thighs tighten around his waist, her barely audible whimper preceding more whispered declarations of love. He spills again with a strained grunt and remains nestled against her as they gradually float down from a kind of bliss they write stories about.
Sebastian could drown in the storm of her eyes and the way she looks at him with all the affection in the world. He slides his hand across her waist to splay his fingers across her belly, the two sharing a quiet, knowing look. Realistically, he knew it was unlikely anything would come from their union—unions—this anniversary weekend. But that didn’t mean Sebastian couldn’t hope or pray that he and Sloane would be blessed with a child once again.
Little does he know.
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Five years later
Sebastian flicks his gaze from one child to the next, feeling a little more than frazzled as his twin boys argued, Cailean and Finlay debating as fiercely as any four-year-olds can. Their shouting turns into menacing glares, prompting Sebastian to glance at his eldest who was sitting at the table watching his siblings with an annoyed expression.
“What do you want, Ant?”
“To be excused,” the eight-year-old mumbles in reply.
Sebastian frowns, still unsure of how to deal with Antony’s sullen mood-swings. He looks at his youngest, Ewan, who was sitting in the highchair with a cheeky, toothless grin. At least he hasn't started talking in complete sentences—yet.
Cailean and Finlay start shouting again, this time chasing one another around the kitchen, prompting Ewan to erupt into a fit of giggles. Antony rolls his eyes and shakes his head, letting out an exasperated sigh that sounds well beyond his young years.
Sebastian never thought in a million years that at the age of thirty he would have four sons, his genetics wreaking havoc on his peaceful life and blessing him with nearly identical copies of himself. With the exception of the twin’s blonde locks and Ewan’s grey eyes, most days it feels like he is surrounded by children under the guise of Polyjuice. And they don't just look like him, either. They all have some aspect of his wild personality, making him mumble apologies to the afterlife—was he this much of a handful for his mother and father?
Maintaining his patience, Sebastian manages to stop the toddlers in their tracks, trying not to laugh at their scrunched-up faces when they attempt to protest.
“Hey now, remember we’re supposed to be quiet so mummy can sleep,” he explains in a gentle tone, thinking of his wife who has been plagued with a cold for the last few days. “Why don’t you all go outside and play—”
“NO!” the twins shout simultaneously, and Sebastian really considers he’s been cursed, the universe delivering him his karma in the form of two rambunctious offspring.
Cailean and Finlay wiggle out of their father’s grasp and attempt to run out of the kitchen, only to skid to a halt when they see their mother standing in the archway. She’s a little bleary from a restless sleep, but as beautiful as ever. The two flash sweet smiles, folding their hands behind their backs.  
“Now you’ve done it,” Antony mutters, scooting his chair up to stand. He plucks Ewan from the highchair, the babe reaching out to squish his older brother’s cheeks. They exit through the nearby door to the garden.
Sloane tilts her head as she observes the remaining two, who are trying their best to appear innocent. She tuts, shaking her head. “You heard your father.”
They are out of the house as if they’ve apparated, dashing through the kitchen door. “Yes, mother!”
With all four children outside, Sebastian sighs, welcoming Sloane’s embrace as she comes to stand next to him. He greets her with a soft peck, “sorry if we woke you.”
“It’s alright,” she says softly, plucking a stuck piece of parchment from his back that reads, dummy. Sloane stifles her laughter as Sebastian groans. “I’m saving this for later.”
He smirks, wrapping his arms around her waist as he rests his chin on her shoulder, the two glancing out the kitchen window to watch their children play. Antony is sitting in the grass with Ewan in his lap, chatting to his babbling baby brother about the plants and flowers that surround them as Cailean and Finlay run themselves ragged, screaming incoherent, toddler obscenities.
As hectic as the days are, Sebastian enjoys his life as a busy father and husband, finding comfort in the chaos. He kisses Sloane’s cheek, smiling against her skin. “I love you.”
She tilts her head back to look up at him and he raises a curious eyebrow at her devious expression. He nervously chuckles, “what is it?”
Sloane grins.
“I’m pregnant.”
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avocado-writing · 2 years
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I gave this one a little bit of a different set up but hopefully it still hits the spot!
Tagging: @sinfulrefugy​​ @venusthepirate @lunarpansexual @wanderedaway​​ 
​ thank you bullet-train-2022 for the gif!
Reblogs appreciated, Requests open - let me know if you want to be tagged for future works!
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Okay, really, you shouldn’t have gone on the date with him in the first place.
Hooking up with people in this business is a bad idea. Especially when you have the same handlers. Conflict of interest and all that. But he was charming, and your curiosity was piqued. 
So you’d let Tangerine take you out for dinner. And it was nice! Lovely, actually. He was a good conversationalist. He listened to you, asked you questions, grinned whenever he gently teased you. And maybe you’d kissed him goodnight. With tongues.
And then maybe you’d realised it was sort of a bad idea, and that you’d always be gunning for the same jobs, and letting someone in always meant weakness.
Maybe you hadn’t returned his texts or calls after that first night. 
You expected it to be over and done with. That he’d give up easily. After all, there was nothing that special about you. 
Why would he want to fight for you?
Then you’d found the book.
It was meant to be an easy job. Big house, minimal security. An MP who’d pissed off one too many people. Your gun was silenced, your steps were quiet.
And there he was. Already lying dead in his bedroom.
To say you were furious was an understatement. This was your job! You knew the mark of a professional assassin all too well. Clean shot to the back of the head.
And, sitting innocently next to the body was the book. The fucking book.
You’d been talking about your favourite novels on your date. You’d innocently mentioned that North and South had a special place in your heart. And there it was, plain as day, right next to your mark. Looked like a pretty old copy, too. The sort that could have gone for a couple of hundred from a proper collector.
Or maybe a quid from a charity shop, if they didn’t know what they had.
There was no way it wasn’t for you. So you picked it up and checked the cover.
Call me, sweetheart.
    - T
You fought the urge to throw the thing across the room. Instead, you shoved it into your bag and left.
It really was a nice version. But you pouted as you read every page, knowing who’d left it for you. You did pick up your phone, though. Look at his contact information. Hovered your thumbs over the keyboard ready to fire off something scathing to him. 
You sent no texts. You dialled no calls.
Rather, you went on your next job a week later and found the exact same thing.
Gang leader. Nasty piece of work. Lying in a pool of his own blood. A small pack of very expensive cigars resting nearby.
Bastard. He knew you were trying to quit.
You remember him offering you a cigarette on your date. You said no, but reached out and took a drag from his own, held between his fingers. He’d licked his lips like he wanted to devour you.
You found a woman cowering in a wardrobe. She let out a little squeak when you threw it open, clamping her hands over her mouth too late.
“Oi, love. Did you see who killed him? Was it a fucker with jewellery and a moustache out of a seventies’ porno?”
She managed to nod. You sighed, knocked her out, and went on your way. There was a note in the cigar box.
I know you’re getting these.
   - T
You chain smoke them over the next couple of days. Bit of a waste, really.
The third job is your last straw, though. When you find everyone that you’re meant to take out at the casino already dead. He can’t have been that far in front of you. There are still lit cigarettes burning in ash trays. 
On the craps table there’s a set of candles. Your eyebrows shoot up. Sandalwood.
The restaurant you’d gone to smelled of sandalwood. You’d said you liked it. He’d remembered.
Relenting, you leave the scene and head to a nearby alley. Quiet. Shadowy. You unlock your phone and airdrop him your location.
You see Tangerine silhouetted not five minutes later. The man fucking struts - struts! - towards you, cocky as anything. 
“What are you fucking playing at?” you snap, furious. 
“Oh, alright darling. Hello to you too.”
“Don’t ‘darling’ me!” you’re nearly snarling now, jabbing your finger into his chest. “Why do you keep nicking my jobs? They’re my jobs!”
“Didn’t see your name on the contract, love. Open to anyone in the company.”
You want to slap him. You flex your fingers, getting ready to square up.
But fuck. He is so handsome. In the low light of the alleyway every stupidly perfect angle of his face is lit like he’s a piece of art.
The two of you stare at each other for a long, long moment.
Then, in the blink of an eye, your mouths are on each other.
With a strength he didn’t quite expect you push him up against the brick wall opposite, hands grabbing his collar, lips working against his. His tongue presses against yours in a passionate movement and you eke a groan of pleasure from him. 
He’s so fucking frustrating.
And you fucking love it.
You go on the date he begs of you the next night. And this time, you do text him back. 
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cosmiles · 11 months
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➢ accidental injuries with boyfriend bakugo
note: i feel like i always do bakugo dirty with my angst :/ so here's some fluffy crack to make up for it!
characters: bakugo
content: domestic fluff, crack, talks of injuries and stitches
words: 0.4k
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‘Katsuki is going to be pissed,’ was the first thing on your mind as you mindlessly stared at the cut in your hand. It had to be no more than a half-inch, definitely needing stitches but nothing life threatening. Well, besides what your boyfriend would do to you once he found out. 
Despite always acting hard, Bakugo was the biggest softie when it came to you. He was always spoiling you and pampering you like royalty. And even though he didn’t always show it, Bakugo cared deeply about you and your safety. He was constantly reminding you to not try anything stupid that would land you in the hospital. 
And yet here you were, lying on the ground in pain and regretting your life choices. 
It started as a typical day too, you roaming around the house waiting for Bakugo to return. Only, this time, you were utterly and completely bored. There wasn’t anything interesting on YouTube and even the Fresh Prince of Bel Air re-runs were starting to get old. So here you were, mindlessly scrolling through your phone for the nth time hoping anything interesting would pop up. 
Thankfully, it seemed as if the world took pity on you as an ad for ‘Fast n’ Easy, No Mess Cookies!’ popped up on your feed. ‘Seems simple enough,’ you thought as you looked over the instructions. You hadn’t baked in forever but how hard could it be? 
As you grab all your ingredients and utensils, you realized you were missing one item: the mixing bowl. Unfortunately for you, that said bowl was located on the highest shelf, a place you wouldn't be able to reach on your own. 
“Thank goodness for the invention of chairs,” you said to yourself as you dragged a kitchen chair under the cabinet holding the mixing bowl. But even standing on the chair on the tippy tops of your tippy-toes still left you a couple of inches away. Putting all of your strength and concentration into your goal, you finally reached the mixing bowl. 
Yet the second your fingers wrapped around the rim of the bowl, your toes gave out leaving you to fall with the bowl and the surrounding dishes. Not only was there nothing to break your fall but your hand suffered the consequences. And to make matters worse, Bakugo walked through the door mere seconds later, fussing about something. Typical. 
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➢ thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed and don't forget that Jesus loves you, to drink water, eat some food, and get some rest :))
➢ taglist: 🫧
@megurulvr @pnkweb @mypimpademia @dojathascammer @strcnt @haksluvr
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