#though i feel this way about most characters. everytime they do something in canon i shift my interpretation of them around
astaroth1357 · 1 year
Most to Least Likely to Cry After Sex
Okay so, this might be a personal thing on my end, but I have long kept a running list of characters that I believe would cry after having sex. It is a perfectly natural response and there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about if it happens ... though it is surprisingly entertaining to think about in terms of fictional characters. And of course, I have a list for OM as well.
Contents: Nsfw/suggestive, depending on your definition, but not explicit. Emotional vulnerability explored.
I think anyone could see this coming. Levi almost certainly has cried or would cry after sex. And depending on what you're doing, he may even cry during sex too.
Bless his little heart, it is 100% because he is always riding an emotional rollercoaster of the highest highs and lowest lows. The realization that somebody out there actually wants to be intimate with him would send his whole body into a meltdown. Have patience.
Also kind of a no-brainer. He's only a little less likely to cry than Levi because he's better at putting up a front when he really wants to.
Unlike others on the list, Mammon gets super embarrassed if he gets overwhelmed and cries after sex but he rarely tries to hide it. It's kind of his way of reaching out for more affection, he wants to be coddled and reassured that his partner accepts him no matter what. He thrives on unconditional love like that.
Hear me out. Satan is canonically a kinky little fucker, I don't think he would cry after an especially "playful" rendezvous. It would be the really soft and intimate moments that get him everytime.
We have to remember, he's still a little new to this whole "experiencing feelings" thing. An emotion as overpowering as love is going to flatten him like a steamroller. He won't even realize that he is crying until his tears start staining the sheets. Be gentle. Talk him through it. Again, it's perfectly natural if it happens.
I think Belphie will cry for bratty purposes more than anything else. I am wholly convinced that he will cry on demand if it gets him what he wants.
Lord forbid the MC tries to go anywhere before Belphie is ready because he may just grab onto them and start the waterworks. If you could withstand the full force of a pouty, teary-eyed Belphie begging just "5 more minutes" of cuddling, you're a stronger person than I am.
Only lower than the other guys by virtue of having quite the stranglehold on his inner emotions, but he will let them out if he's comfortable to do so.
Let me be clear, Simeon wants to cry everytime. He wants to lose himself completely in his partner and let it all wash over him. It's just the social and moral questions surrounding what's happening that keep him from doing so. (Poor thing #1)
Another person who can cry on demand or just get overwhelmed, but it won't happen often.
Put quite simply, Asmo's been around the block. He has a pretty good handle on himself even during his come downs. However, he knows how much it could mean to your partner if you're willing to show that side of yourself to them. So if MC says/does something that genuinely touches him, he will cry without shame.
Would almost certainly get misty-eyed if he was with someone he truly cared about. He may not cry, but he'll have to rub his eyes some.
Make. The. Prince. Feel. Loved. The realization that he has someone that he doesn't have order or trick into staying around would floor him. He's far, far too well-versed in maintaining a certain image to fully breakdown, but those feelings would all still be there regardless.
Also gets misty-eyed, particularly after make-up sex.
He would rather sheath his own nails into the skin of his palms than get caught crying, but if he really screwed something up (and was willing to admit it) then he would get a little vulnerable in the moment. It would be fleeting, though.
It can get to him a bit, he's a pretty lonely guy, but he's more likely to make a joke or say something out of the blue just to hide from his feelings.
I don't think Solomon quite lets himself ponder or self-reflect on things that genuinely upset him. He's very goal-driven and future-focused, so indulging in these softer moments would be foreign to him. If he ever feels like crying, he'll immediately try to distract from it rather than letting the feelings out. (Poor thing #2)
I just don't see him crying. He's very comfortable with himself, he doesn't really repress his emotions, and he knows he's well-liked and well-loved. Beel would be just fine.
It's not a Solomon situation, of course. Beel does self-refect and he genuinely engages with others. I just don't think this would be a shocking level of intimacy to him. He already loves others about this deeply to start with, so just expect a really smiley Beel!
To be clear, Barbatos can cry and he has cried before in his life. It just won't ever be after sex.
Similar to Solomon, I think Barbatos lives his life with a certain level of detachment from the world around him. He wouldn't get overwhlemed after sex because he can't. It's not that his mind is elsewhere, it's that he blocks himself from getting too emotionally invested in such things to begin with. (Poor thing #3)
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justtimings · 5 months
Jujutsu Kaisen - "The JJK Trio As Your Sibling"
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contents: tooth-rotting fluff, crack, them as your siblings
features: idatori yuuji, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi
a/n: this is my very first time doing something like this, so i hope i did well characterizing them.. also, can you tell i was struggling a little w/ megumi? i feel i'm similar to him (i'm also a younger sibling & my sister said i act exactly like him) but it was still challenging. nonetheless, i hope you enjoy!!
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Idatori Yuuji ➤
Sweetest older brother on the planet!! Loves to spend quality time with you: he's a family guy
He'a a genuine idiot to the core. Always saying stupid shit that has you cackling on the ground until your stomach burns
Definitely a dog person: convinced y'alls parents to get one, which eventually turned to two, then three
The type of person to make stupid songs out of anything, and you eventually started to join in without hesitation
He loves watching movies, especially horror, and has a tradition of watching them on his birthday
Though he is a great brother, he was a certified menace when you were a little kid: convincing you that you're from the jungle, or that you're an alien
You've designated him as your personal chef; he could pursue culinary if he really wanted to
If being annoying as hell was a job, he'd be a fucking billionaire. He always finds a way to tick you off, intentional or not
Likes to keep notebooks from school (whether it be algebra, biology, etc.) to pass down to you once you take that class
He's the older brother that everyone knows and loves ^_^
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Kugisaki Nobara ➤
Also surprisingly gives me older sibling vibes! I don't know what it is about her, but she just radiates cool older sister
Her favorite hobby's shopping, and she forces you to go with her on all her sprees
Loves spoiling you, getting you at least two things on every trip she takes you to
She adores searching for getaways, and she's always finding the perfect places for a family vacation
As much as she loves going out, she's not a fan of nature, and will definitely scream and cuss you out if you jokingly bring a bug near her
Very big on pictures!! She will capture it all, the mundane and the memorable
Super overprotective of you. She does not let anyone play with her little sibling, and she will go to hell and back to prove it
Uses the fact that she's older than you to send you to ask your parents for something she wants
Definitely obsessed with astrology. She knows all of her friends' charts, and full on rambles about what each of the placements mean everytime you forget
She's the iconic older sister that practically raised you, if we're being honest
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Fushiguro Megumi ➤
He's a younger sibling, for sure (yes ik he also canonically is, but it's also so obvious when he's with Yuuji & Nobara)
He'll sometimes randomly blurt something out just to see confusion wash over your face; thinks your expressions are the funniest thing in the world
Speaking of which, he also opens your door just to stare at you before closing it, stifling laughter as he walks away
He's secretly competitive. You always catch him huffing and giving you death stares after losing in a round of Uno
Gets second-hand embarrassment from anything you do in public. It would be over the most ordinary thing too, like accidentally dropping a fruit in the grocery store
His curt character paired with his insults can either have you wheezing until you physically can't, or it can be the biggest stab at your ego
Loves going on walks: he enjoys the scenery, and it helps to clear his mind of stress. He'll most likely be out for 30 minutes just aimlessly strolling through the neighborhood
Has a hobby of analyzing music & films and loves to explain it to you. He's very attentive when it comes to literature/symbolism
He's a typical younger sibling, but you wouldn't have it any other way
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please give me any feedback on my work! i'm extremely new to writing, so if you have any tips to help with that, i'd deeply appreciate it!
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bloom-ribbon22 · 5 months
Bloom's Dinotrux HUMAN AU infodump: D-Bros + Skrap-itt
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I know I already posted them but I still wanna put em here + front facing D-Structs(unrelated note: don't usually do front faces much, I have tried it probably two times and it either ends up looking weird or just not right but I do like how it turned out this time! hmm maybe I should do more characters front facing).
anyways, I've always wanted to infodump share some bits of lore, facts, info, and other stuff of my human AU version of the Dinotrux and I kind of started with the D-bros + Skrap-itt, why? ngl they're one of the most interesting characters to me. soooooo here you go :)
-when D-Structs was born, D-Stroy looked at his parents while pointing at his new baby sibling and asked "mom, dad.... why does he look so ugly?"
-a very mischievous kid back then. he was the ultimate pranker. he pranks a lotta people that he almost lost count of them but his favourite pranking victim is you guessed it! ya boi D-Structs! oh poor poor young, bratty, selfish D-Structs... always having silly stuff drawn on his face when he was asleep and almost getting scared to death everytime his brother just jumpscares him...I'd list more but this is getting way too long lol.
-hair is l o n g and messy af. you can probably store/hide items in there idk.
-has a high tolerance for spicy food and also enjoys eating it.
-even as a kid, he always gets into fights and still does which results to him always receiving new scars/injuries. almost never minds it because with all honesty he doesn't really give a shit what he looks like. even though he is incredibly strong, he knows his limits and also knows he isn't invincible or indestructible so he tries his best not to overestimate his strength and avoid battles if he knows he can't win it.
-was already a selfish guy when he was a bratty little kid and a bit of a snitch too. when he was five and D-Stroy would do something to him, even something that's completely harmless like slightly nudging his arm this left D-Structs no choice but to use a move that every older sibling fears "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
-heavily dislikes the taste of sweets. can't really handle it, the taste of sugar and the feeling of it melting into his tongue is just....sickening, maybe even irritating...in fact, it's unbearable....
-similarly to D-Stroy, he often gotten to a lotta fight even as a kid and still does which ends up getting himself new scars/injuries. most of these fights are pretty much his fault as most of the time he's the one that's starting/asking for it.
-"I'd rather live my life all alone until I die" that's what he thought to himself until Skrap-itt came to his life. story between them was kinda similar to the canon. it was so hard for him to tolerate this talkative and dumb lil pipsqueak but as time goes on he kind of started to get used to his company that it feels oddly weird whenever he's alone... sometimes...after all, Skrap-itt was the only one that gives a fuck about him...
-short king. you can kick him like he's a football or better yet, pick him up like he's some kind of cat and maybe even put him in a box, seal it shut, and deliver it to any random person. "your order is here"
-a cat person. he understands them, he knows they're not just annoying animals always whining for food 24/7, they are loving and caring too! they're not just, y'know, not that playful...at least..most of the time...he would adopt a cat but sadly D-Structs not really a big fan of pets in his home.
-was the weird lonely kid who often gets picked on a lot and many avoided him because, again, a weirdo and thus lived a pretty lonely life. Smash-itt, Break-itt and Lloyd are often the ones picking on him which would explain why Skrap-itt is so bitter to them when he meets them again, worse part is that D-Structs, though completely unaware of their history, """hired""" them.
that's all for now, there will be plenty more(and I may add more stuff) and of course I'll make some for Ty and the gang :) fun but not needed fact: I started to type all of this with 11 percent battery and now it's 7 percent....dang
anyways I'm coming back to school at January 3 and I'm scared af sidbdiebsisbisbsisjd-
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roccinan · 5 months
How do you feel when you watch the spin off? What do you think of it? And do you like it? For me, I sort of like eps 1-4, the rest are just meh, I couldn't bring myself to care for the other characters, I tried. And I was very confused, what year the spin off?. It started off good and... Idk. All I can say is that Andres truly belong in the asylum. That man creeps me out. If I were Camille, I ran away the second I saw that creep. Lol.
Hello anon! I couldn't answer you earlier because I didn't get to watch it. But now I've finished it and, hum, I certainly have a lot of thoughts that I'll probably post later LOL.
For now, here are the most fresh on my mind. I agree with you- eps 1-4 were surprisingly good, last one was pretty cool too, ralicia supremacy. I was mostly just surprised I didn't dislike it. Can't say I loved it, or that it's my ideal berlin spinoff, but for all the "factors" against it that Pina chose of his own free will asdfasdf, it turned out surprisingly OK.
Spinoff takes place around 2013, according to Pina. Which messes with the canon timeline so much we'll just have to see it as a parallel universe where time doesn't matter.
I now call spinoff!Andres my wife. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. So unfortunately, I cannot slander my bride like that.
But I liked that he was still a freak. The show didn't try to make him a better person thankfully, but I think a lot of the reviews were complaining about him being an asshole or complaining that he was ruined for not being enough of an asshole, missed the mark a bit. The main problem, if we have to pick one, about him, is that the context around him is too shallow to take seriously. His speeches about love have no substance (and they actually did in lcdp) because the circumstances have no substance. He's putting romance above the heist because well, why shouldn't he lmao? There's no personal stake here, and it's not like he'll get capital punishment for getting caught.
And that "problem" extends to everyone else. Their motives and actions are just very shallow and There for the sake of being there. Like Roi and Cameron could have had a moving romance, but instead Cameron made me cringe very badly with how much she felt like Alex Pina's idea of "hawt gurl with sad past!!" And said "sad" past was actually really fucked up but the story didn't seem to think so!? It wasn't a tragic romance--it was a 20-something musician sleeping with a 15yo fangirl, abducting her, and then traumatizing her so badly she entered the asylum and ended up hanging out with berlin. Like????
I'll say I misunderstood Keila though. Liked her a lot better in the show than the trailers. But everytime I went "oh, I like her uwu" she'd do something that makes me GAG like inhaling Bruce's sweat or licking his spoon asdfasdf Also the part where she confessed her love for him after the snake bite gave me secondhand embarrassment. None of the love stories felt lasting, believable, or touching to me. Probably because there were too many of them and it was even more convenient than lcdp proper!
Bruce was different than I expected. He's insensitive, but not "dumb" like the character descriptions made him out to be. Same as Keila. Everytime I thought "I like him uwu" he'd do something like talk about pubic hair or cover himself in oil/water, instantly making me die.
Damian is Sergio 2.0 and also Martin 2.0, but straight and old. No strong feelings for him either way. But it was funny that Andres got so mad about sharing a bed with him, when he was willingly hopping into bed with Martin LMAO. Also ngl, it stung my little berlermo heart to see Damian and Andres sing karaoke and go on a lover's bike ride together.
Roi was my favorite new member. He felt like a real original character, and his relationships with Cameron and Andres were nicely fleshed out even if they both confused me. Cameron because the romance was shallow to me. Andres because Roi never told us how they met or why Andres took him in. Andres giving Roi advice on temper control is also hilarious. We'll just have to assume that Andres is willing to raise everyone's kid except his own. He even took that one boy to the bathroom asdfasdf
But overall, I agree anon. I just didn't care for the new characters the same way I did the old gang or the cormorants. Maybe because the stakes were too low or because they were always beautiful and perfect (except Damian lol) no matter the situation. I personally think the producers were trying very hard to create new stars with this show, so they aggressively showed off Pina's flashy new blorbos (cameron, keila, bruce, and roi) but you can't force popularity. This is also my conspiracy theory for the lack of Sergio- they knew having the profesor here would take too much attention from the flashy new blorbos.
Not much to say about Camille. Was hoping she'd be cooler/smarter than this, but what kind of smart woman would not see the red flags in Andres LMAO. Wasn't surprised when Polignac turned out to be an asshole either- man just has the face of a jerk. Was disappointed that they didn't have a threesome with Andres. And the smartest person was Camille's friend.
Lastly, SAME ANON LOL Andres was an insane stalker, off the wall crazy and so annoying about it too. I wish Camille would have slapped him in the end, but oh well- at least their storyline didn't end as stupidly as it could have. She got her money at least XD Hopefully she's not dumb enough to reunite with him (and if she's wife no. 4 we know it didn't work out already).
Does the show deserve a season 2? No. Will I watch season 2? Yes LOL
Main takeaways:
Romance 1/10 Heist 7.5/10 Pedro's face 11/10 New characters 2/10 (not sharing all of their backstories or why/how they ended up in berlin's gang was a major weak point imo) Story 5/10
A solid 7/10 if we don't compare it to lcdp.
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tothepointofinsanity · 9 months
the new pmmm movie trailer has brought back my Brainrot for the show so ive been re-exploring the pmmm corner of tumblr and
oh my god???? oh my fucking god???? oh holy shit???? oh my goodness gracious your art is so pretty??????? hello???????????
the way you draw sayaka is just fhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfhf. yk? the english language does not have the words to articulate how much i love you art and the style of your art. i am going insane. i am losing my mind. every piece you've made featuring sayaka just captures her essence so well and it makes me feral.
sayaka's not my main favorite of the show (sorry sayaka, you rock but kyoko is just too cool with her Christian Guilt) she's a very close second and it makes me so happy to see an artist who just understands her character so well. she's a foolish girl blind to her own fate, desperate to do something special and be someone worthwhile but she's ultimately just a footnote in the grand plan of the universe, she wants to be just and righteous and kind so badly but she's too wrapped up in her own despair to truly be selfless, she can be selfish and callous but that's just because she's human, a human who realized her existence is ultimately an exercise in futility and that fact burns and it hurts so she does whatever she can to make the pain go away but it never does because she's just A Normal, Flawed Girl and that hurts so goddamn much-
i have so many Thoughts about sayaka. she makes me insane on a daily basis and your art just feels like it captures all the screeching in my brain and puts it in the form of some beautiful images. they're so great. you're doing great.
Ah, thank you for the kind words [♡] I appreciate the time you had taken out to write and send this long scroll of a compliment.
I have been told by others that the way I depict Sayaka is "so real" and that it captures her essence most of the time, even though I am not sure what particular elements about her that people in the audience like unless specified. I suppose, personally, whenever I am drawing her, I have to enter her shoes of not just "the frustration of a lovesick teenage girl", "my perceived sense of justice was flawed", but also to accept that resignation is a highlight of her character. A young girl who believes she is unloved despite her desire to do everything Right. A mermaid who cannot swim - futility and uselessness contribute to why Sayaka is a realistic and compelling person to a lot of people watching the show. Whenever I draw her, my brain paints a sketch of her sadness before anything else. The despair of "no matter what I do, this is the outcome" is true to the canon of Sayaka turning into a Witch in every timeline she tries to accomplish this Goodness by being a magical girl, reflecting the reality at large the helplessness girls in general experience on a daily basis.
It is why I find people who hate Sayaka to be...strange, since their prescribed reasons for dislike are mainly how "foolish" her wish and outlook in life was, and how she became irritating to those around her as though Sayaka isn't literally a paragon of not just deteriorating mental health, but to me, people with personality disorders as well, given that there is always a "sense" that the inevitable ending involves everyone actively avoiding you and you will eventually just...fade away into non-existence; a bad memory that no one wants to speak about. It makes me sad. Sayaka is sick, and everyone can smell the rot of magic off her.
Everytime I draw her, I want to capture, perhaps, this exact feeling of resigning to this disease. I don't want to always make the drawings beautiful since her struggles are ugly and difficult and tiresome, and shouldn't be trivialised as a result. She's always trying her best to regain control of her own life, thus being so unmatched in terms of how relatable she is to a lot of people.
I am glad that someone appreciates my works, even if they aren't always consistently quality. •́ ‿ ,•̀
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jinjinranran · 1 year
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Byeol x Yoosung 💚
Bi Yoosung is canon /j no but what else could I hc him as, with his big ass crush on Saeran 😭 and I believe it wasn't the only one - tho I think most of the times he'd be oblivious and confuse his boy crushes with simple admiration, because he likes girls after all! But boy. Sweetie. My dude. You're fruity and it shows.
With Byeol being nonbinary, Yoosung's a bit confused at first. He doesn't live under a rock, he heard about nonbinary genders, just hasn't really done any research about the topic. He has no problem with accepting them in any way regardless if he fully gets it or not. He just needs some explanations and learning to do so he could understand their identity better.
Other characters: 💛 💜 🧡 💗 ❤️ 💚 💙 🤍 🤎
Byeol's story under the cut:
💚 Eunbyeol Kim (Byeol) ♡ she/they/he ♡ 20 yo ♡ nonbinary, pansexual
Byeol likes both feminine and masculine clothes and interests, but has always been praised only for presenting feminine ("You're such a pretty lady!", "you look like a little princess in this dress" "you look much prettier with some makeup on") and it felt wrong so she started to resent these and dress as androgynously as possible, rejecting everything that was considered feminine.
Dislikes how feminine their face and body is, always admired androgynous people, and wishes breasts were an accessory you can put on and off depending on the outfit. Related those feelings to just wishing to look good in both male and female cosplays, only much later realized there is a deeper reason for that.
Bought her first binder for cosplay purposes and oh boy the happiness it brought!!
Generally wearing masculine outfits always brought that little, unexplainable spark of excitement.
Once when gaming someone referred to her as "he" and it felt cool so she never corrected them. Now goes by mostly he/they online and she/they irl (but honestly is fine with any).
As a teenager started to be more active online, and finding lgbt communities, she discovered the existence of nonbinary genders and started to put the pieces if her life together. Rotated between different identities (demigirl, demiboy, genderfluid, agender, etc.) but at the end decided to just stick to nonbinary as it felt the most comfortable.
Cut their hair at the end of high school, out of impulse and spite for her family pushing the idea that a woman must have long hair. It felt so freeing, even tho she ended up looking like a disaster lol
Their family is conservative and not very accepting to anything outside of the "norm" so they're not out to anyone except one of her older sisters who does everything to support them, even if she didn't fully understand at first.
While doesn't mind she/her pronouns, other gendered words (like miss, sister, girlfriend etc.) makes her uncomfortable so prefers to use gender-neutral alternatives when possible.
Definitely prefer to be referred using their shortened name - Byeol - since it's gender neutral, than the feminine full name - Eunbyeol.
Now - after learning that the way they're presenting nor interests do not invalidate their identity - embraces their feminine features (still thanks gods for the invention of a binder but doesn't always feel the need to wear), actually likes wearing makeup and dresses sometimes, loves to play with fashion and mix both feminine and masculine pieces of clothing, and is obsessed with accessories.
Regarding the romantic/sexual attraction, he has 0 experience, but never put much importance to it, "if I fall in love then I fall in love, the only thing that matters if we get along well".
Since they're going to the same college as Yoosung, they saw him in the halls, a few days into 1st semester, and immediately got a big ass crush on him. Felt way too shy to approach him though, and everytime they ran into each other, only managed to mumble something incomprehensible (and that was very new and out of character for her, and also very embarassing). Later, slowly they started bonding over the same interests, though Yoosung was very oblivious of Byeol's feelings towards him. Until many months later when she confessed to him - or in his route, when he realized that the party coordinator he fell in love with is actually his college and gaming friend. 💚
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
In the last hours of my birthday, I come here to make use of my birthday privilege(?)
I ask... For anything you can give me, Roach headcanons, Jackson headcanons, more bts, or something about Makarov, headcanons of past Simon, Gaz and Jackson, or past/present Soap, Laswell and Laswell's wife, or Price.... Anything you can give, seriously. I love so much SiTO I accept every crumb you can give me
But, a mandatory thing. Use this ask to ramble about Roach, game Roach or SiTO Roach.
I love so much your fic, is consuming my life. Everytime I see an update, I just scream. And how much you share about the fic here, makes me so happy. Keep writing please.
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Happy Birthday!!!! I would be honored to ramble for you!
He's my little skrunkly cryptid guy and I will always rant about him
I think that he learned his knife skills from Ghost
When he joined the 141 he was obviously extremely skilled with weapons and ranged fighting, but the team found out pretty quickly that he basically had no experience with hand-to-hand
So Soap/Captain MacTavish paired him with Ghost to have Ghost teach him because he had the most experience out of the team
This is how Past! Simon fell for Roach and how Roach fell for him
Essentially they spent hours together in training and Ghost just became attached to Roach and vice versa
Idk if anyone else kinda thought this/drew the comparison, but some of Roach's special takedowns in MW2 remind me of a takedown that Ghost would do (which is where this comes from)
Specifically the two in Cliffhanger, like they're both so violent that they make me thing of Simon "Stab a man 8 times before killing him" Riley
Speaking of which, you may remember that I mentioned that Past! Soap was in love with Roach. Well he doesn't know it, but essentially he's the reason that he and Roach aren't together.
Roach had a thing for Soap before Ghost in the first life, but his feelings faded and instead grew for Ghost because of their training together
Also I'm like 100% sure that the reason why they couldn't put Roach in the new MW2 is because they knew he'd be too powerful 😔
He would have killed Graves and all present Shadow Company members right as they started their betrayal and he would have looked good doing it
No but seriously I do think they've kinda backed themselves into a corner a bit with Roach because they've canonically made him:
A) hard to kill
B) insanely good with any weapon, like better than even Price and Ghost
So I think the only way it works to bring him back is to have him be the character that we play as again. So I can kind of understand why he wouldn't show up in MW2 if they'd set themselves on having Soap and Gaz be the playable characters
That being said, I better see him in MW3 or SO HELP ME GOD
I like to think that, in his first life especially, Roach liked to climb to high places
Soap and Ghost would go to the training room and look up and he's just chilling in the rafters because he finds it calming
This is one of the reasons I think he chooses to climb to the top of the armory when he's having his panic attack earlier in the story
Heights just relax him for some reason
Takes to wearing a mask in his first life because of Simon. When Ghost tells him why he wears it, he decides he's going to start wearing masks as well.
He can't do the full balaclava like Simon does, so he settles for a half mask
If the current life, he doesn't wear masks much on missions. He's just fallen out of the habit of it.
That being said, it is common for him to pull his scarf up to cover the bottom half of his face during missions
He does it off missions too though
I like to think that if he gets embarrassed or nervous he pulls it up to cover his face
Past! Simon and Current! Simon had very different rules about their masks
Past! Simon wore his all the time while on missions and would put it on while on base as well. However, when on base he was much more willing to pull it off. Typically he would take it off while training. Sometimes he just takes it off because he feels like it. This only happens if its just the 141 around. Never wears it while out in his civvy stuff.
To him, the mask is a work thing only. A way to allow himself separation and anonymity while at work so that nothing follows him home again. He would never wear any sort of mask while out with Roach because it's not really about his face or his scars.
For Current! Simon, the mask is an all the time thing. He's so worried about someone recognizing him and him losing the things important to him that he would just prefer if no one saw his face ever. This also, I think, comes from some insecurity on his part, though he'd never admit it.
So he wears the mask all the time. If he goes out with the team, its either a face mask, or the balaclava that he got from the ghost team mission. The only time he isn't wearing a mask is when he's alone with someone he really trusts. So typically only when he's with Soap and Roach.
Okay quick rant for a minute because I'm still not over it:
When I try to look it up, the only things I get are fandom websites saying he's British with no actual proof or sources to back them up
Everyone keeps saying he was SAS, but like as far as I can tell that was never confirmed and since the 141 is a multinational group its fully possible that he's American?
His model from COD Mobile has an American flag patch, which I know people have said its because they used the design from another character, but like you're telling me they couldn't, at the very least, change the flag?
I'm also fairly certain you can see him in the museum in MW2 and he has an American flag patch there as well (unless I'm mistaking someone else for Roach)
Literally any time you look up his character model and he has an American flag patch
I can't find a source confirming that he's British. As far as I know Soap doesn't mention his nationality in his journal (I need to get my hands on it still but surely someone would have mentioned if it did)
And I don't think its confirmed in any of the comics either?
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program
Some quick BTS stuff
I recently had to do some research into Makarov's backstory in the games (for an upcoming chapter 🤗) and let me tell you, I did not realize how old this man was during the events of the game
This is all to say that it made me think more about the ages of the characters. So I've decided that Roach was likely almost thirty when he died in his first life and he's nearing thirty again in the present
So, with all the time that has passed so far, Roach is actually currently about a week and a few days out from his birthday in the story
I will also point out, to anyone who has forgotten: when the team celebrate Roach's birthday in Chapter 9, they're actually celebrating his birthday about a month in advance.
I would also love to talk about the differences in Makarov calling Roach Insect and Ghost and Soap calling him Bug.
Bug is like an affectionate nickname. Its cute, its unassuming, you can tell that they mean it in a loving way
Makarov calling Roach "Insect" is almost degrading. Its like he's nothing more than a nuisance. Its said in an almost mockery of the way that Soap and Ghost call him "Bug"
However, I would like to point out, that Makarov probably doesn't see it this way. When he calls Roach "Insect" he means it in an affectionate way. To him, Insect isn't degrading or meant to make Roach feel small, its a nod to who he is.
He's not reducing Roach to something small and unassuming like the word "bug" implies, but is rather acknowledging that Roach is a capable person who can be deadly and dangerous.
Of course, this is how his mind see's it, but the reality is also that he certainly uses the name Insect to remind Roach that he is essentially nothing anymore. Nothing outside of the purpose that he gives him.
I would also like to say that I think Makarov is genuinely in love with Roach and, if Roach did actually give into him, I think his obsession would grow to a very very dangerous point
Like a "I need to keep him locked in this room for safety. No one can see him because they might try to kill him. I have to keep him alive. I have to keep him alive. He's all I have. He's mine." Kinda deal
Would essentially turn into Roach only being allowed out when he's with Makarov or not being allowed to leave a room/the compound at all
The real question is, would Roach ever actually give in to Makarov?
I think the only way he would is if all of the members of the 141 were dead. I genuinely think that if that happened, he would be so broken by it that Makarov would be able to easily come in as the "only thing you have left" person and fully manipulate him while he's at his worst
If even one member of the team is alive though? No chance. Roach would sooner kill himself then turn to Makarov.
Okay let's leave the worlds biggest creep (Makarov) and move to the worlds cutest throuple (ghostroachsoap)
They're favorite activity is cuddling
Will, very literally, spend all day in bed together if given the chance
I think Soap and Roach like to drag Simon out to watch movies with them
They like scary movies but only Simon is really able to handle them well so it usually turns into him with an arm around each of them as they hide their faces in his chest during the scary parts
Naturally, its one of Simon's favorite activities
Love to play wrestle
Particularly I think Soap and Roach like to gang up on Ghost and try to wrestle him down (they always fail)
However, Soap and Roach will wrestle between themselves playfully until Ghost has to pull them apart for getting "too rowdy"
This is typically when they turn on him
Soap has literally the coldest hands and feet imaginable and he thinks its hilarious to randomly walk up behind Roach (the human heater (if anyone makes a joke about his death here we will be fighting)) and put his hands on the back of his neck
Roach jumps every time and let's out the most undignified squeal at it
Ghost thinks the noise he makes is adorable to he never warns Roach ahead of time, even when he's literally watching Soap walk up to him
They swap who's in the middle of the cuddle pile, but usually its Roach because he's the smallest so Soap and Ghost can still touch/hold each other around him
Ghost likes it when Soap and Roach just lay across him with like their full body weight. Usually one of them is laying across his chest and the other has their head on his lap or laying across his legs
Soap and Ghosts morning voices literally drive Roach crazy. Like its gets to a point where if they have to be somewhere in the morning he has to forbid them to talk so they can actually leave without him either dragging them back to bed or having to take a very very cold shower
Roach is the biggest flirt without realizing it. Like he genuinely doesn't realize he's flirting most of the time, he just thinks they're having a normal conversation/joking
This causes numerous instances of Soap and Ghost dragging Roach back to their room desperately because of his flirting while he's just there like "???😃???"
They only really hate it when he ends up accidentally flirting with other people without realizing it. This happens a lot while the three are out in their civilian stuff.
Soap and Ghost are fairly jealous/possessive, but Roach is typically very chill/doesn't get bothered with people flirting/crushing on the two. He really just trusts them completely
Even when he was only in love with Ghost and Gjost was with Soap, he wasn't really jealous, so much as he was just sad and a little angry
That all being said, when he does get jealous? Oh boy, he gets jealous
Like worse than Soap and Ghost in terms of handling his feelings when it comes to jealousy
Actually throws a rock at someone at one point over his jealousy kinda beat (don't worry he missed them because he was so blinded by his jealousy)
However, Soap and Ghost think he's fucking adorable when he's angry/jealous, so sometimes they may or may not try on purpose to make him jealous
I should probably stop here, but I hope this was a good enough birthday gift!! 💙💙💙
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cerisia76 · 1 year
the character everyone gets wrong
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Okay a character everyone gets wrong in winx club would definitly be... well it's a group of people but I really think people don't really give Wizards of the black circle the credit and recognition they deserve. Maybe it's because they come from season 4 that today more people like to bash but they actually were so interesting as villains. Like to me what makes them stand out is how they don't give a f^ck about the Winx. in the episode where the girls get their believix (still one of my favs) there is a moment where they have total control over the girls and Ogron basically says "don't be afraid they won't do anything to you, all that we want is Roxy". And actually they already told the girls they had nothing against them and well it is actually true. Like Valtor told Bloom he just wanted her to stay out of the way two seconds before making Aisha/Layla blind. Wizards started being really dangerous to the girls when they became an obstacle for them. They don't care about the Winx because they don't care about the Magical Dimension. They have something to do, a mission to complete and it's their goal. They also have one of the most interesting dynamic as a group and I feel people should talk about it more instead of... fangirling over Duman for the part that cares about the wizards. Nothing against him it's just that I feel like he's the least interesting in the group sorry not sorry.
Also Riven and Roy. Really should explain more about Roy. But I think your other questions can help me.
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(tumblr had nothing better and as I'm on my computer I don't have my collection of gifs of them)
Which ship fans are the most annoying? Oh a though one because I don't really interact with fans of ships I don't like. However I will have to give the palm to some representative of the Rivusa fanbase and I'm sorry for you all Rivusa non-toxic fans who have to deal with such problematic people who think that defending a ship is insulting people. Also sorry to those who are good but I had many problems with some Bloom x put the name of the villain you prefer fans. Like sometimes I just want to talk but they take everything as an insult like when I ask "how did you come to ship Bloom with Valtor?" they see it has "lol how on earth can you be stupid enough to ship her with the guy responsible for her parents' fate". Once again not everyone but these fanbase were my worst experiences.
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Bloom is basically me dealing with toxic fans
A character that the fandom made me hate: This time I have to go with Mirta. I never was a fan of Mirta but the way the fandom praises her made me feel so out of it that everytime I rewatched season one, I was trying to understand why fans loved her so much and the more I was rewatching, the more I hated this poor Mirta. Today i won't say I hate her because I feel like she had a pretty decent arc and a character that is good for a supportive character (not for a permanent member PLEASE DON'T) and she's cute but for a time I really couldn't stand her face because I felt like she was so overrated by the fandom it made her dislikable.
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Worst part of canon: I would say the fact that instead of being very clear when they decided to do their soft reboot in season 5n they chose to do things without being clear enough. Plus they kept things from past seasons but with the new timeline it makes no sense and gives so many plot holes. Even if I kinda like season 5, this soft reboot is still the worst part of canon for me. Plus and this is unpopular as hell, Nabu and Layla's love story. I'm sorry to you fans of this ship who love to say it's the best love story of the franchise but I never was able to buy it. It came definitly out of nowhere, still is a part that annoys me in season 3 and was forced and way too fast. If they had introduced Nabu sooner in season 3 or made them meet the group sooner maybe that impression I had of being forced something in my throat wouldn't have been there but it's here.
Obviously I also have to give Rivusa a palm but I would say the worst part of their story is THE FACT THAT THEY GOT BACK TOGETHER IN SEASON 4. They both finally had grow up and were mature enough to realise that they weren't good for each other. But instead of accepting it... well they got back together.
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Look how babyboy is adorable here holding this thing (don't really know what it is supposed to be like it's a wall but not a wall) like it's his teddy bear... Adorable.
Worst part of fanon: The way some people can't stop fighting for their headcanons against other people. Like we all have the right to have our headcanons it doesn't mean we should fight. For example I have the headcanon that Timmy and Tecna are an asexual couple and it goes against many of my friends headcanon that Tecna is aroace. I will never fight with them about it because it's an headcanon. Just respect your neighbour and let him ship Driven without pissing him off for no reason.
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It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on Roy. This guy isn't bland and without a personality like some of his haters may say. He's a sweet guy who never liked a girl before and falls in love with his princess who is also dealing with grief and he's respectful enough to not want to piss her off or be too much. If he got along with the girls and the guys even if this season and season 6 criminally lack of Specialist's friendship moments, it's because he's a sunny guy with a great humor and a personality that goes along with people. He's an extrovert who loves to go and talk with people discovering what interests them and who loves to try new things. And this is absolutely not in my headcanons that are really numerous for him, all of this is shown in the show when he's here and people should stop hating on him just because he appeared after Nabu's death. Plus this reason to hate him is also unfair considering he has nothing to do with the writers decision to kill Nabu in season 4 (unpopular opinion: they were right to do this).
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He has so few gifs it hurts me.
Part of canon you think is overhyped: Season 3 and Enchantix. Don't get me wrong, the concept and execution of Enchantix was great and I loved it, it's definitly one of the best transformations in Winx Club. But it also has problematic parts that are for me the way Tecna, Stella, Musa and Layla have clothes that are way too over-sexualising them.And I say that with Stella's enchantix being my favourite transformation for her. An yes I know every transformation has this problem at least once but the thing is that here, it's on almost everyone and it's so obvious. People keep saying it's the most incredible transformation and the "only one where they look like fairies" as if weknew what fairies look like. My fairies are Tinkerbell and her friends and Enchantix doesn't look like them. But WHATEVER. It's a good transformation, definitly has the best way to be earned but is that a crime when someone says it's not their favourite? No and we shouldn't see so many comments saying "if his/her favourite transformation isn't Enchantix...." on youtube rankings of the transformations.
But it's also relevant for season 3. The thing is that season 3 is good but wants to do too much at the same time and loses its own timeline. The first part of the season varies from episodes were everything happens at the same time and others where the plot installs itself. Which leads to the second part of the season where everything goes downhill with many boring episodes and a rushed and deceiving ending. I don't get why people praise it so much because objectively it's not better than seasons 1 and 2 and subjectively not than season 4 in my opinion. It looks like the season was being written episode by episode and suddenly they realised they had ten episodes to conclude the season and started doing WTF and rushed endings of arcs. Plus I don't like the Water Stars scenaristic facility. Sorry not sorry.
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Let's be honest, if she had the choice, Tecna wouldn't wear it because it's absolutely not practical. And I also dislike how they decided her hair was too short. Magix Winx, Believix and later seasons transformations except Harmonix showed you could do a transformation with her hair not changing from the rest of the season.
Your favourite part of canon that everybody else ignores: For once I'm not gonna go with easy choices like season 4, Wizards of the Black circle or Roy. I'm gonna go with a plot point everybody keep forgetting and that is: Darcy is a fucking romantic girl. Did she chose power over her boyfriend? Yes but it doesn't mean she's not a romantic person. In season 1, the way she falls for Riven everytime she sees him shows how she wants to build something with him. In season 2 she mentions at the start of the first or second episode that she sometimes thinks of a simple life when she was watching that in love couple (it was a movie I think) and her sisters KNOW she is romantic because they keep laughing at her about it. I'm really sad they decided to forget about that later because it made her character more complete. She's kind of a bitch who dreams of power but she also has a soft heart beating for romantic comedies and who sometimes allows itself (the heart) to dream of a romance. With Riven of course.
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Ship you'v unwillingly come around to: There are many but I would still say that the one I wish I never saw is Faragonda x Bloom. How gross it is to imagine the influence this woman has on Bloom since she's sixteen turning into a gross love story? I want to forget it. I do ship Bloom with people and considering the only canon Winx pairings I like in the original group are Brandon/Stella and Tecna/Timmy (Flora/Helia is fine but I prefer her with someone who wakes her baddie and flirty side like Anagan for example or Layla). Bloom to me would fit SO WELL with Nabu. Like he is the soft guy who understands her but also the one who's not afraid to tell her she fucked up and who would treat her right and not let her insecurities win because that's what Sky does by NEVER putting a term to Diaspro's fantasy. But this is mostly linked to the writers loving to torture Bloom and Diaspro.
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And this is both Bloom after she finally found peace in a relationship and me after finishing to answer these questions by talking WAY too much!
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spilledsinnamontea · 4 months
Hey, Ann!! Happy Valentines!!! 💚💚💚
I was wondering here: which ships are in your Top OTPs? And why you love them so much (if you want to share!)
OMG HI MONDO!!!! Happy (belated) valentine to you as well 💘💘💘 How are you?? I hope you are well!!!
Of course I want to share, I love oversharing about my ships HAHA. So here you go, a (short) list of my SNK OTPs:
(pretends to be shocked). No, but I'm not even kidding when I said that they live in my head 24/7 🤣 Everytime I do or see something, I would automatically connect it to Levihan. I just can't help it lol, I love them so much (both as a character and as a ship). Their relationship is mature and pure but fun at the same time. I mean, they embody all of my favourite tropes, so no suprise here. But idk, there are no other ships (that came before them or after them) that could alter my brain in the same way as them. They changed me fr, like something shifted inside me the moment I became a Levihan shipper. Hell, I even chose my uni major because of a Levihan fanfiction 💀 Not only that, my writings and English has improved a lot, and all of that merely because I want to write their fanfic LOL.
I've been a Levihan shipper since 2013 and I will continue to be one until I die. So yeah, expect to see more Levihan fanfiction for more decades to come 😚✌️
They don't really live in my head 24/7 but I still think of them often. Also, they hold an important place in my heart since they are my first ship in SNK. Not only that, they are also special to me because they are THE ship that went from being considered as a crack ship to a canon one. LIKE IT WAS INSANE. I mean I've been an Aruani shipper since 2013 and so I knew how small the fandom were back then. Not only that, most of the SNK fandom saw AruAni as a crack shipper, but we were like, "No! They are not! (proceed to analyse the hell out of their interaction in the female titan arc)." 😀👍
So imagine how SHOCKED and ECSTATIC I WAS when all of these analysis and headcanons CAME TRUE. It took us almost a decade, but we finally got to say, "See guys? WE ARE NOT DELUSIONAL." I never been proud as a shipper HAHA. One of my biggest flex is to say that I've been an Aruani truther since 2013 😎
Okay now that I think about it, the only ships that I deeply care about are only the two above. I do like other ships, but only in a casual way (but I still gonna defend them though LOL), and those are:
I used to be neutral with them but when that episode of Historia holding the passed out Ymir on her lap and said, "My real name is Historia", then they stared at each other eyes with such love???? BEAUTIFUL I SAY. Their dynamic and the way their characters arc intertwined with each other? Love it! I wished Isayama gave them a proper closure though :(
Oh man, I actually have a lot of things to say about them but I'm gonna keep it brief🤐 I didn't ship them at the beginning, but as I grew up and as I tried to understand their characters, I found myself falling for JeanKasa and their potential. I feel they will have a healthy, mature, and loving relationship. I also like the way Jean showed his love to Mikasa (he's not selfish and he's not blinded by his love).
Well, that's all! But, before I end this ask, here are some honourable mentions: PokkoPiku, EreHisu, EreMin, and MikeNana.
Bonus: I actually like to play with the idea of Erwin and Marie, I even tried to explore them in my fic HAHA.
OK THAT'S ALL. SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO LONG MONDO 😝 Thank you for the ask!! You made my day!!!!! I love you 💖💖💖
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William's Nightguard (Headcanons/Scenario) William Afton X Nightguard Reader
 #YandereWilliamAfton #Yandere #YandereFNAF #FNAF #WilliamAfton #WilliamAftonXReader #Reader #NightguardReader #FemaleReader 
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, It is the new year. And I hope we all made it through 2022 and that 2023 is even better. Now in this, we are doing William Afton, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!]
(Disclaimer: William is a child unaliver in canon, but he is not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and fictional yanderes is fine. As long as you are not illegal or gross about it and you remember to separate fiction from reality! Yanderes and people that are like William Afton. They are not ideal to have as a partner in real life.)
(Please enjoy this chapter!)
-Yandere Headcanons William Afton X Nightguard Reader (Five Night At Freddy's)-
.William was pretending to be Dave, for he had the plan to get the remnant from the animatronics to put in the Funtime Animatronics suits.
.Though his plans had nothing to do with the security guard he had to train.
.That Security guard was you, an interesting person who once dave saw stole his heart, and made the already unstable man even more unstable.
.He is very unstable and obsessed with becoming immortal.
.He has lost his daughter, and one of his sons, and his eldest son did not want him in his life.
.He is a man that has nothing left to lose and everything to gain.
.So when he met you he was obsessed and that obsession for you was very risky.
.He isolates you from anyone who can take you away.
.Stalks you, and breaks your car down so you have to call him for a ride.
.He gets close to you so you depend on him.
.He would not be afraid to gaslight you, manipulate, or guilt you into being with him.
.He also has been stalking you and even broke into your home.
.Getting rid of anyone in his way.
.If you have a partner he will kill them and hide the body, you will think they are missing or that they left you.
.William of course will be there to comfort you manipulating you even more.
.He would confess to you when he knows he has manipulated you enough to win you over.
.If you say yes, he is never going to let you go, he is never going to let you leave him, you are his and his alone.
.He will make you into an animatronic if he has to, that way you and he will be immortal forever.
.Always together.
.With his nightguard side he most likely would kidnap you as well after drugging you and keep you locked away. In his home, in the woods, where he will NEVER let you go.
-Now here is the scenario, enjoy-
(No One's POV)
"So you are the new nightguard." William who is pretending to be Dave asks you, you are such a lovely woman, he could not help but stare a bit. At the very least desire in him.
"Yes I am." You him.
He stared at you for a long moment. His smile was wide, unnerving, like there was something wrong about it. It made heyour shudder a bit. He felt his heart race, the power he had over you and how innocent and soft you looked. He wanted to destroy you, but also treasure you at the same time.
"Follow me, little bunny." He says to you making you look at him oddly.
Why did he call you little bunny. You both make it to the office and began to work. William watches you as you presses the buttons. He knew that you are the one for him. Just watching you made him feel the most joy he has ever felt.
This is how it started William watching you like a hawk everytime you saw him. It only got worse as this continue. As you started to feel watched as you were out of work. To the point it feels like you always have someone's eyes on you. The feeling only went away when you were with William.
It made you at ease when you were around him. Feeling safe and sound. Though you were not safe, not one bit.
You had to check the suits tonight. So you walk up to them, the feeling of being watched back. You slowly shine your light on them. Something was leaking from the suits and it smelled of rot and death. You gag and leaned closer.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" You scream and step back dropping your light!
There was your boyfriend in the suit! You thought he just left! But no he was, he was..
You did not get to finish another thought as a hand clamps over your mouth and you hear William. "You were not supposed to find him, little bunny." He whispers in your ear. "To bad he had to be gotten rid of. Just breath my little bunny. Everything will be okay when you wake up."
You then feel a needle prick in your neck. You try to fight against him but for someone built like a twig he was very strong! You slowly began to feel tired and do your best to keep your eyes open but your body goes limp and you are lifted in the arms of the man you think is Dave.
He grins at you and then last thing you see is his insane smile and a look of pure obsession in his eyes.
"Dave..." You say and then everything went dark.
[WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You just got kidnapped! I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my sexy muffins, hope you all have a good new years welcome to 2023!]
[Side not in my youtube version of this I added a bit more just a heads up, anyways once more stay sexy all my muffins!]
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Okay no but you don’t understand, Luke and Lando have such a strangely affectionate relationship??? Luke trusts this man with his life, the same man who set a trap specifically for Luke so that Darth Vader could catch him.
Luke doesn’t even care though?? He’s like, “Lando hasn’t pointed a gun at my face yet, so I supposed we’re buddies :) “
But! You hardly ever see them on screen together! Despite the fact that they are apparently good friends?? They trust each other so much??? They have the most strangely adorable relationship, I don’t know how to put it into words.
Look, I just feel like Lando has spent the entirety of the five years before Heir to the Empire trying to win Luke over. Lando teaches him how to make hot chocolate. Lando invites him over to his mining operation on a “superhot” planet. Lando know that Han is there, then he sees an X-wing and is immediately like “Luke? Luke, is that you? The X-wing is Luke?” Like, why wouldn’t he assume that Luke is on the ship with Han?
I just think Lando has been suffering for five years because this novel really implies that they talk often. Often enough that when Luke finds a weird object in the evil sith cave and Artoo says he saw Lando with it, Luke is immediately like “Lando has been inviting me to visit his mining operation for a while…”
Anyway, here’s me scraping the crumbs of this ship off of the floor, begging for more because can you imAGINE???
Lando almost definitely makes fun of Han for marrying a princess, but then Lando falls for a farmboy turned pilot turned Jedi. One who sees an obvious trap and goes “ ��\ _(ツ)_/¯ Guess I’ll spring it.” And Lando caught Luke under Bespin, and I will be forever bitter that we didn’t get to see Lando catch Luke under Bespin because I honestly can’t picture the scene looking any way but gay and I wish we had it-
Lando is a canonically a criminal turned relatively okay dude. He is conniving and he is backstabbing and he has contingencies for his contingencies, and the image of him falling for Luke “What’s a Plan?” Skywalker is so funny to me. Luke’s plan on Tatooine was basically vague guidelines and winging it. Luke comes up with the dumbest plans and they somehow work, everytime??? (He got that from Anakin-)
And Luke is still such a strangely naive character? Because there’s a lot people don’t think to explain to you when you’re fighting in a war for sixish years. Luke is definitely the type of person to be like “Lando, do you remember when you said I could ask you anything?” And Lando is internally like “finally, Luke has noticed my flirting” and externally like, “Of course, do you have a question?” Only for Luke to ask something like: “Do you know what a duck is?”
Lando has definitely invited Luke places and winked at him and been as flirtatious as possible only for Luke to be like “You don’t have to treat me so politely, Lando. We’re friends. I want you to feel comfortable around me.”
Lando, internally: “I would be more comfortable if we were naked.”
Lando, externally: “Don’t worry about me, Luke, just been thinking about something.”
Luke: “If you need to talk, you can talk to me, Lando. I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
Lando, internally crying: “yeah luke okay-“
Lando has gone beyond wanting to get into Luke’s pants, he now wants to take Luke on sappy, cliche dates and do sappy, cliche couple things and he would even consider wearing white for the wedding and Luke is over there in the corner, being like: “Lando’s a nice guy :) “ while Han is like: “He sold me to Boba Fett!!!”
Luke: “The past is in the past, Han.”
I just want some skyrissian okay is that too much to ask for I just want Lando being ubearably fond of this dumbass who randomly decides to ghost everyone he knows for weeks or months at a time, only to come back and act like nothing happened. I want Lando to be smitten and I would like Luke to be equally smitten and just have no clue that he is. I want one of the smartest characters to fall for a Skywalker, it’s what they both deserve-
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Brief moment of me relating back to source shit once in a blue moon, but sometimes being a fictive is weird. I don't have much psuedo-memories or anything, but I just have these hanging false like... attachments and feelings like I knew certain characters when I look at them
And as a result I have my "Fan opinions" of Kingdom Hearts characters - and then I have my biased introject opinions of the characters.
Like most of my proper favorites I have honestly little introject-feels towards (one in particular is a favorite solely because of introject feels tho)
But one of the most complex dichotomies for me is that - as a fan - Kairi is an honestly huge disappointment of a character to the point of occasional annoyance with how she was never given much of any time to expand and grow but is shoehorned in like a main character despite arguably being the LEAST built character in the entire franchise
But as an introject I'm just like "no man shes good I couldn't dislike her" for no reason other than I'm like "man thats mean" in the way one would with a friend
And so as a result everytime I see the Kairi hate train / debate / discourse in the fandom (which I only ghost at best) my stance ends up being whiny disappointment XD
Cause I really want to like her character and have her role in the story play out more because I am biased and think she should have it, but I also think her role in the canon is absolute garbage and annoyance and I'm just like COME ON GUYS. I DONT KNOW WHAT BUT MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF THIS EMPTY SLAB SHE DESERVES BETTER EVEN THOUGH SHES SO EMPTY I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT OR WHY
REE *dies*
Do not be weird about introjects on this post. No I am not interested in source / cannon / any of that sort of mates / meet ups.
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How am i going to organize my Miraculous' remakes: Part 1/2 - Redesigning the heroes outfits
*Remember, these are just my personal thougths. It's up to you if you agree with them or not.*
First of all, I want to make it clear that I actually LOVE the canon heroes designs. It's not a sudden thing though; It takes me a while to get used and process all the information on the outfit, but after that, I start to appreciate it. It's just that sometimes I miss some few extra details in the costumes, or I think something else could replace the original idea they decided to go with. So, instead of waiting for some random artist to magically know how to make a hero design that satisfies me, I decided to do it myself.
And let me say that I always found it interesting when someone describes and explains each choice and meaning behind a character's design and how they came to the conclusion that it made sense to them, so I'll try to reproduce the same here.
Below I'm leaving a bunch of listed basic and concrete information (at least for me) that I plan to use with Miraculous characters so I can proceed with the outfit redesigns. Wanted to share cause this may help some of you that also want to start your own redrawings:
1. Every superhero will have a jumpsuit as the base piece of clothing
Just so I don't freak out trying to decide what to do. I know that Thomas probably based himself in the classical comic-books heroes. And when a pattern is set, I avoid deviating from it. Even for aerodynamic reasons the best thing would be that the clothes didn't have a lot of weight, although the other way around might be more fun.
By the way, speaking of this, I would like to thank @officialfanbug (who, ironically, is not a fan of the ideia of everyone using jumpsuits) for inspiring me to start this Miraculous blog based on redesigns and rewriting in general. Your criative mind and thinking, especially for someone who wants to work with animation/design (even though I ain't sure about the specific area right now) is one of the reasons for me to think about exposing my drawings publicly on a site that I like
2. I try to be consistent with the character's style, behavior and wills
That's why I don't want to change any of the characters looks, both as civilians or akumatized villains; I rely on some of their forms as akumatized villains or simply in their everyday style attribute (for colors tones, custom extra garment). Even things that were shown or said in just one episode have an effect when designing the outfit. I will specify each of these things separately per post when addressing a particular holder.
3. Following the Miraculouses', Kwamis' and the animals which the Kwamis were based appearence is important to me
So I just have this ideia that the official miraculous' holders should portray all of their respective kwamis aspects, as they represent the kwami, the animal and the miraculous itself most of the time (THEY NEED TO BE THE BEST OUT OF THE BEST BECAUSE OF THEIR SCREEN TIME!!!!! MY EYES MUST BE PLEASED EVERYTIME THEY APPEAR) and yes even the smallest of the details such as the position of a mark in the kwami's body. That being, I prefer to be coherent with these 3 things. It's like a mix, in short.
I feel like this whole post is a bit disorganized and that I would like to add so many other things with another words, but for now, I'll leave it like this. Also I didn't check my english spelling, so this text might have a BUNCH of errors. But anyways, just ignore it
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scaryspears · 10 months
Johnny: Opinions and Thoughs
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
[Warning: This post is very long. Slight mention of sexual oral practise.]
I think every single character in Mortal Kombat is prideful and egotistical, the best example would be Jade in my opinion. With that being said I think the way they treat Johnny is a bit unfair. A lot of these will fall in line with my Neurodivergent Johnny headcanons and theory post, I suggest checking that out for context. I know the intros aren't canon and are more what if scenarios, but they mean something.
I have a lot of things to say regarding his character, for starters he gets invited to a tournament and sees it as a chance to show people he isn't just some actor but is legit in his martial arts. Good for him, (I've seen posts that demonise this and say it's pretty selfish as if we shouldn't be allowed to be selfish when situations call for it. Bro didn't like that people were calling him a fake and wanted to prove that he wasn't, there's nothing wrong with that.). When he shows up at the tournament half of the contestants are wearing costumes, can't blame the guy for not thinking it was real at first. There's a lady dressed as a hot soldier (I understand that it gets retconned), a bunch of ninjas standing around, and his opponents are wearing alien makeup.
First of all Johnny doesn't know about the existence of other realms, second of all it's the 90s and he's a Hollywood actor meaning he's no stranger to makeup and practical effects not to mention stunts. He probably figured it was something comic con related (as I've said in another post) and while questioning it he went along with it. He had no reason to think that Reptile and Baraka were real creatures.
When Johnny is told to finish his opponent he responds with "Yeah, right.", and I gotta say, it took me years to find out there was a sexual innuendo to that. Dude straight up thought they were demanding him to perform 'you-know-what'. That was just an example of what's to come (I'll be using the word 'example' lot). (Hollywood must be a wild place even in fiction).
First I'll start with his interactions. He's not very good at bonding with people. In mk9 we see a lot of this. I get that Johnny has his problematic moments, but in comparison to the other characters he's an angel. I'm the sort of person to sweep them under the rug, but I have to address them.
"And I'm taking you down. I'm taking you down. I'm taking you out. I'm taking you out. And I'm taking you out... for dinner." I genuinely interpreted this as Johnny being playful. To be fair, I first saw this interaction when I was a child (say 7-9) so the fact that I could see myself doing that probably had to do with my immaturity. But everytime I rewatch it I only have fondness and not annoyance because I found it adorable just how proud he was of himself. I also appreciate how open he is about how he feels towards Sonya, I stan an honest man. However, it seems a lot of viewers saw this as him being stupid or something along those lines. If this was any other character they would be told to go to horny jail, but Johnny is met with hostility from most of the fandom.
"Nice hat :)." Johnny to Raiden in mk9. "You should be more respectful of Lord Raiden!" Liu Kang says to Johnny right away. SonicXD commented on this in his mk9 sucks video, I don't need to say anything. Johnny wasn't interested in saving Earthrealm at first, he straight up told Raiden and Liu Kang that they should call the military if Shao Kahn was that much of a threat (he was speaking facts tho). Also, I think he was still questioning what he got himself into, so Raiden and Liu Kang approaching him probably made him think he was surrounded by insane people. And then he finds out that it's all real and that he's not allowed to leave.
There's also when Johnny saved Sonya from Kano. How that went down was that Johnny was trying to escort her. By the way, this is minutes after he realised that he was in a death match and not some comic con related fighting tournament, everyone was waiting for him to kill Baraka and it dawned on him just how serious they were. So Johnny got worried for Sonya's safety by that alone. But it's also understandable on Sonya's end: here comes this guy trying to chat her up (get into her pants) and not getting the hint that she's not interested, and then tries to convince her that he needs to be by her side.
Cyrax got annoyed just by hearing him talk, you can see it on his face. I saw it as friendly banter on Johnny's side but Cyrax didn't. "Not everyone gets to rumble with a celebrity. Ready for a beat down, Sunshine? Here it comes." I think Cyrax was gonna kill him by that alone if it wasn't for Raiden's disapproving dad stares. Every single Lin Kuei is super serious so I think Cyrax didn't take it as banter.
Next is Jax. Johnny Green, Jax Purple: "So what's the deal with you and Sonya anyway? She is smocking hot." "It's not like that. I'm her CO." "Honey like that under my command-" "You'll wanna stop talking now." "...So if it's not like that- Then you won't mind if I-" "That's it!" And then Jax proceeds to beat him up.
Now I understand that Johnny was talking too much, and was a tad bit slimy about his hornyness, but he didn't want to get between her and Jax if they were a thing. He just has no filter. Now following my Neurodivergent headcanons for him this may have an occasion where he wasn't reading the social cues. Jax says "You'll wanna stop talking now." but Johnny has no intentions to stop talking nor does he want to stop talking. Johnny doesn't answer immediately, perhaps confused about the reply and ultimately deciding to ignore it. I too choose the wrong times to start talking to people, and most of the time I don't realise it unless it's pointed out. Happens way often than I'd like to admit.
I know that a lot of the characters call Johnny a clown or see him as a joke (Spawn, Kotal, Shang Tsung) due to how he operates, but I don't see that as the case. There's one specific quote in mk9's story mode that he says to Raiden: "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." This is why I think Johnny was very aware of what was going on. He's also very open about his ego, he doesn't hide it like everyone else, and yes they are hiding it.
Now don't get me wrong, he does randomly antagonise people, but he's in a tournament so he can do that. And it's not like he was getting personal for most of them. I think the only time he says something personal is when he feels like he's being personally attacked.
"We have something in common?" - Johnny
"I too was once young and foolish." - Nightwolf
"But I looked good doing it." - Johnny
What Nightwolf said sounded like a backhanded comment to me. Uncalled for. This is the same guy that intentionally risked the invasion of Earthrealm just to teach Scorpion a lesson or something. Johnny can tell that Nightwolf is like the others, very serious and tolerant, so he's surprised that Nightwolf can even manage to see himself in him.
Relationships: Even in the intros it's shown that he has a better chance at friendships with the villains than with the good guys. It's more like they (good guys) are tolerable of him, especially Jax. I think Sub Zero allowing Johnny to get away with calling him Grandmaster Blueberry Ice is out of respect rather than fondness. This section can extend to interactions, as I think a lot of people misinterpret him as a person, which extends to a lot of things he says such as statements and nicknames.
Johnny asks the other characters if he can make movies based on their stories, meaning he's (in a way) asking for permission. Johnny could've easily made a movie about their lives without asking them, make money, and get away with it because it's not like they would even watch his movies (they hate him), especially non-Earthrealm characters. But he's respectful. So I guess he understands boundaries to a certain degree.
"Heard you gave Cage a shiner." - Young Jax
"He pushes every damn one of my buttons." - Old Jax
"You, me and everyone else." - Young Jax
"Not surprised I have a kid, but you." - Jax
Why can't he have a kid, Jax? He's so condescending about it too.
"Actions speak louder than words." - Liu Kang
"Yeah, that's why I make action movies." - Johnny
"With fake fighting." - Liu Kang
"We come from different worlds, Johnny." - Liu Kang
"Aren't you from Earthrealm too?" - Johnny
"I mean I come from the real world." - Liu Kang
Liu Kang is such a bully.
"The answer remains no." - Scorpion
"But you'll be co-starring with yours truly." - Johnny
"Exactly." - Scorpion
I think a true friend would consider it.
"What kind of name is Kabal?" - Johnny
"Got a better suggestion, Cage?" - Kabal
"For now on you're Carlos." - Johnny
Never change, Johnny. Kabal clearly finds Johnny annoying, but was able to humour him enough to answer with a question of his own, perhaps encouraging Johnny's curiosity.
"Looking forward to a kindler, gentler Outworld." - Johnny
"Why? Because I'm a woman?" - Kitana
"Well that, and you're banging Liu Kang." - Johnny
I have a lot of opinions about this one. On Johnny's part I interpreted this as him giving her a thumbs up on becoming the new Kahn, and since Kitana is supposed to be on the good side she is expected to rule fairly. You know, like a good person. But then Kitana made it about feminism, so Johnny delivered a line to counter it. I honestly think Kitana was reaching at something that wasn't there and Johnny picked up on it. I'm probably making excuses for him, but that's my take. Her response annoyed me so much.
"So you were to defeat Shinnok." - Kitana
"What is with people? Is it so hard to believe?" - Johnny
"Yes." - Kitana
Kitana this is literally you:
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"If it's tail you want I can get that." - Kano
"Johnny Cage doesn't pay for it, Kano." - Johnny
"A scrubble? Note the date and time :D." - Kano
Kano is so pleased.
"You stole my face for Ninja Priest!" - Kano
"Art imitates life, Kano." - Johnny
"Taking my cut outta of your hide." - Kano
A call back to what I stated in the relationships, Johnny didn't ask for Kano's permission for inspiration on a character.
"Why a Russian fan club?" - Johnny
"Just going where the fans are." - Kano
"You have a showman's instincts there Kano. :D" - Johnny
"I won't play your lackey, Cage." - Baraka
"Really? 'Cause I'm feeling a BFF vibe here." - Johnny
So this one is pretty wishy washy, but thought it would be beneficial to this post. I would lowkey enjoy a storyline where Johnny is buddy buddy with Baraka, who is reluctant to accept friendship but slowly gets used to it. 
"Oh, dude! I love westerns!" - Johnny
"The bullets are real, Cage" - Erron Black
"So are my fists." - Johnny
I'm pretty sure Johnny was just admiring Erron for what he is, kind of like meeting a nun in real life after years of only hearing about them... something like that. But Erron interpreted it as Johnny not being in the real world and treating everything as a joke.
"Where is your fear?" - Noob Saibot
"Must've left it in my other pants." - Johnny
"We will find it." - Noob Saibot
Aww, Noob Saibot is so nice~ [Delusion] I love how Noob doesn't go out of his way to insult Johnny or belittle him, unlike some other characters.
"Hey there, Tall Dark and Gruesome." - Johnny
"An apt description." - Noob Saibot
"Do you not get I am mocking you?" - Johnny
I headcanoned that Noob/Bi Han would take things literal, but he's also very analytical. I'm sure he was able to pick up on Johnny mocking him but didn't mind it, meaning he might have interpreted it as a nickname, which Johnny gives everyone. Wishful thinking, there could've been a lot of banter between these two.
"You are more smug than usual." - Fujin
"I'm the new assistant thunder God." - Johnny
"Raiden should not have healed you." - Fujin
"You know the evil overlord bit's played out." - Johnny
"What would you suggest?" - Shao Kahn
"Right now it's all anti-heroes." - Johnny
Is that kindness, Shao Kahn?
I think they did Johnny dirty in MK11, not gonna lie. To be fair, his storyline also didn't make sense in mkx thanks to discovering his new powers even though he's shown using them in mk9. If he was playable in mk9 story mode and his powers were usable, then the mkx part where he mysteriously saves Sonya because of the green light doesn't make sense. I think he should've been able to always use his green glow, that way Hollywood critics thinking he's fake has another tone to it. His green glow can be spotted in his movies, which is why viewers think he uses special effects, which led him to try to prove himself in the tournament.
I think the problem should've been that he couldn't control it, also as a call back to his mk9 ending. I think it's even referenced in an intro with Raiden. "Seek out the Wu Shi for instruction."
It also would be funny if everyone else was aware of it, but only Johnny wasn't. Like they all assumed he could use the green glow out of choice, but he didn't know or notice that he would go green. The fact that it happened during fights means it would only ignite in stressful situations or on instinct. He was also wearing shades for the majority of mk9 (because he likes shades), in fact he always wears shades so I think he's the only one who didn't notice the glow.
Johnny says "Yeah, those things are real." when referring to Baraka's blades, meaning he didn't feel that they were real. I'm not sure what that means, but it gives insight to his power level. Johnny defeated Shinnok. I get that Johnny 'softens him up' but he still defeated Shinnok, so I think he should've been able to at least handle Sindel. The reason Shao Kahn was defeated in mk9 is because the Elder Gods possessed Raiden which is how Raiden defeated Shao Kahn. They nerfed Johnny's character and I am not happy about that.
Now, with his upbringing and history. I think Johnny had narcissistic parents, and depending on who he got his powers from it was an inherited narcissism (don't know which parent had the powers, someone will probably say his father but let's not assume).
I think there was taught narcissism on Johnny's behalf. The thing about growing up with narcissistic parents is that you grow up thinking that their behaviour is normal, so he must've not seen anything wrong with the behaviour he learned. We also need to take a good look at his personality. He's a bit childish in terms of maturity, and this is common in individuals who grew up with a narcissistic parent. Johnny talks as if he's a teenager rather than the average 25+ year old man. To his credit he doesn't throw tantrums or lash out when his odd behaviours are called out (unless I missed something), but dude is childish. Only lashes out when his face is even slightly ruined and even blindly attacked some Black Dragons for getting a scratch on his face. However he is also very independent, from what I know. And he's a bubbly man, even when he changed, that's a character I can appreciate. I think him and Joey from Friends would be friends, even though I haven't watched Friends to confirm this.
Morality wise Johnny doesn't have wicked intent. In his mk9 story mode he says he's not gonna kill anyone when told to kill Baraka, realising that it's not an everyday tournament. He's okay with fighting people for sport (let's establish that tournaments are basically a sport) but not killing people. The tournament is like a perverted form of kill or be killed, one Johnny was forced into participating in some form (I'm talking about the killing and fighting for Earthrealm part). I don't think Johnny likes killing people or anything dead related. In mkx story mode he rolls a head off the helicopter in a fit of heeby jeebies and disgust.
"Have you killed anyone?" - Terminator
"Yeah, but they were all bad." - Johnny
"Why make that distinction?" - Terminator
Like a rationale of what he's experiencing.
"Discard your jesters mask." - Kotal Kahn
"What you see is what you get, Feather Head." - Johnny
"I thought you merely played the fool." - Kotal Kahn
"You revel in childishness." - Kotal Kahn
"Gotta stay sane somehow." - Johnny
"How are you a warrior?" - Kotal Kahn
"He was insufferable. Just like you." says Fujin about Johnny's great-great grandfather. Dude might've been a mega narcissist. Narcissism is taught and learned. Another example would be old Johnny and young Johnny: 
Young Johnny - "Dad always said "Hungry people eat lunch, humble people serve it."
Older Johnny "Dad was an a**hole, Hollywood made us an even bigger one."
So based on those facts alone, Johnny comes from a long generation of egotistical people. Then we have Hollywood. I think Johnny got into Hollywood not just because of creative thinking, but I think there's also a sense of longing there. Narcissistic parents, ignore, abandon and degrade their children. Along with making movies being a hyper fixation, their abandonment played a part in his need for spotlight. Johnny divorcing Sonya for her neglect might be more personal because it was a reminder of his parents.
I heard that there's a lot of narcissists in Hollywood, so with Johnny surrounding himself with people like that...(yikes!) The thing with narcissists is that they are always out for themselves. An autistic person struggles with social interactions, while a narcissist will manipulate the social interaction. Johnny (and Kung Lao) doesn't do that. He very much cares about the people around him and doesn't see them as tools.
Now back to his family.
"Grandma Carlton told you my secret?" - Johnny
"(Snicker) Johnny pee pants?" - Cassie
"I had one accident! One!" - Johnny
Judging from how Johnny both asked the question and responded, I theorise it came from a place of trauma. For his mother to tell Cassie the story as if it's a funny story and give him a nickname is suspicious. I think I already mentioned this in another post but I would like to elaborate. Me personally, I don't think anyone pissing themselves is a laughing matter. People don't piss themselves for no reason, or at least most people don't. Humiliating their child is a narcissist's past time. While his mother may not have played a part in humiliating him, she still found it funny enough to tell Cassie, who also for some reason found it funny.
(I have mixed opinions on Cassie and I might get in on her in another post. I don't know how many of these I'll be making.)
Going back to the interactions between young and older Johnny, I think older Johnny hates his younger self. Movie making is something Johnny loved, cash grab or not creative thinkers like doing creative things. 
I think I mentioned in another post that it's something he learned, so I'll like to continue that theory. Johnny wasn't that much of a bad person, sure he has flaws, but he's not evil or anything. So older Johnny's reaction to his younger self eagerly trying to convince him to make movies and stuff was kind of unnerving. 
It should've been something he could smile fondly at, but instead he reacts as if his passion has been beaten out of him. He finds his younger self annoying, just like everyone else. Everyone else = Sonya, Jax, and pretty much everyone else. As a person who likes coming up with stories and wants those stories to be known, I feel crushed by this conclusion of analysis. Poor Johnny.
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Another fact about Neurodivergent people is that no matter what they will always be the same person no matter how much their opinions and belief change overtime, they will still have the same personality. Johnny still likes making his jokes and still gives people nicknames, but he lacks creativity in creating things. I guess applying his need for action into training the Kombat kids and working with the Special Forces counts as a slight change.
I'm coming close to an end so I'll sum it up by saying that Johnny shouldn't have got back together with Sonya. I don't ship them and I'm making it clear that I hate them together. Even before mk11 I thought the ship didn't make sense and it needs to be a character that doesn't tolerate him but actually enjoys his company from the beginning. It took me everything not to write that Johnny is a national treasure that should be protected.
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krysmiss · 11 months
My Gallavich Intro
Thanks for putting this together @callivich ! 😊 Name: Krystal
Age: 29
What made you fall in love with Gallavich?
I love how they continued to persevere and make their ways back to each other. Most people in their circumstance(s) would have given up on each other and the idea of ever being together and happy but they loved each other enough to never give up, despite the universe telling them that they should. They knew that they were each other's soulmates so they clawed their ways through the many (many) obstacles that came their way and fought to make it work. Now they're together, married and happy and that'll always make me happy. 🥹🥰
How long have you been a fan? Since May of 2023. Very newly obsessed.
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene? There's a lot of Gallavich moments that I absolutely love but I'll try to narrow it down to just 3, in no particular order:
In season 1 when Monica shows up for the first time. The first thing Ian did was run to the Milkovich house to see and talk to Mickey. Though Mickey was hesitant to talk to Ian at the moment (because Terry was there), Mickey showed that he cared about Ian by agreeing to meet Ian at the Kash and Grab to make sure he was okay. That moment, even though it is so early in the series, showed how much they cared for each other already. Mickey being the first person on Ian's mind in a moment of distress, and Mickey dropping everything to make sure Ian was alright is a moment that's so special to me. They were so young and had feelings for each other that neither of them probably couldn't really explain if they tried to at the time, but they both knew that there was something more there. Mickey also already knowing Ian's work schedule makes me smile like a giddy little idiot every time lol 🥰
The "sorry I'm late..." moment 🥹💞. Even though Mickey had his own shit to work though with Ian's diagnosis, him still showing up for Ian and letting him know that he wasn't going anywhere despite it all was so fucking sweet and I love it.
The prison reunion. Nothing says true love like getting yourself thrown into prison and giving up your freedom because you found out that the person you love is going to prison and you want to be with them, regardless of the circumstances.
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey? Kev and Sheila
Do you write or draw or make edits? I don't - I'm not talented enough for that lol. I do enjoy seeing, reading and supporting everyone else's art and fics though!
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? I usually go for one shot post canon or canon compliant fics, usually full of fluff and/or smut, though I'm not opposed to multi-chapter ones. I love reading post-canon fics about married Ian and Mickey being understanding and taking care of each other as they both continue to work though their shit. Mickey always knowing what his husband needs and taking care of him, even when Ian doesn't ask him to, or Ian always reassuring his husband and letting him work though his own trauma always tugs at my heart strings 😭. I also don't mind reading fics that include the rest of the family. I want to eventually venture out to reading maybe some AU fics at some point though.
Favourite Gallavich quote? Idk if I can choose just one so here's my top 3 - again in no particular order:
Their vows 🥰. Everytime I think about their vows, I think of a headcanon that someone wrote on here (don't remember exactly who at the moment, sorry!) talking about how they each emphasized a different word in their vows and how accurate and on brand it was for them. I get the warm fuzzies everytime.
"Ian, what you and I have makes me free. Not what these assholes know."
"I can take care of him, okay? Let me take care of him til he's better... We're taking care of him here. You, me, us. His fucking family."
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? I first started watching Shameless at the beginning of May of 2023 (after being told for years that I should watch it and continuously putting it off - kicking myself now) and as of mid July, I've watch it a total of 4 times. So when I post or reblog something saying that I'm obsessed, I truly mean obsessed. I have never loved or cared for individual characters or a couple from a TV series or movie as much as I do Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich.
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coeluvr · 1 year
okay, review timee~❤️
i really (3x) lovee you writing! it’s so easy ro understand wirhout sacrificing the eloquence of it!
I lovee the loree the story setting, the fact that the gods gave the people powers, and then dissappeared with only a promise to return when humanity needed them the most??
i love how you depicted all the characters, even when it’s only prologue + chpt 1, all the characters have the potential to have depths!
now, i know the story theme is about revenge, but, I DO NOT WANT TO SEE LUCERIS’S FACE OR PEOPLE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM😡 we are only in prologue + chpt 1 peeps, and im already invested in mc’s family like daamn.
like maybe my version of revenge is to just booked it from rosea and just live as a commoner while coming to terms that mc really has no one😔 while coming to terms with their family deaths and coming to terms that mc’s sister is kind of a traitor to rosea AND vesphire, maybe mc can, i dunno find something useful/productive while living in a kingdom or village FAR AWAY from luceris and rosea😀
but luceris’s nasty revenge plan wants me to be his nasty royal consort. i guess mc has to find a way to booked it later, before the toxicity of ROYAL COURT really gets to their mind. now i know that mc’s canonically tries to be nice to the roseans, but i headcanoned my mc to be bitter everytime, like haw could they not? they are in a territorry of the people that killed her family, and roseans ain’t nice to their enemies (i don’t need their holier than thou kindness, just leave mc be)
though, i guess being a royal consort is a blessing in disguise, to run away from a kingdom, we need a 300 iq strategy🤔
oh! and when we died in the dungeon, i thought that mc has time travelling powers, though i think im wrong as mc’s patron goddess is fire related(?)
aaah~ that’s all from me. im so sorry this is long author! im still reeling from the bitterness (which is very good that this story can make people feel what the mc is mostly feeling)
oh and quick question, can we be the aloof type? like my mc doesn’t care about anything but reaching their goals?
Hi, anon!
Thank you so much!! 🥹💗
I love long reviews, it makes me very happy to see people's thoughts on the game in such detail.
Your MC can be the aloof type! Who cares about people when they have goals to pursue? ✨️
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