#loki xreader
sarahrogersevans · 9 months
Loki x reader where they reading a book together: Loki flipping the pages while the reader rests their head in loki's chest, holding the other side of the book.
A Night of Relaxation and Reading - Loki Laufeyson xreader fan fic Headcanon request
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Summary: Y/N and Loki cuddle in bed and read a book together after a long day
Warnings: mentions of anxiety a bit, comfort fluff, soft gentle Loki, angst, fluff
. Loki realizes Y/N is anxious and tired and he lights a few candles and clothes all the curtains in the house and has him and Y/N lay in bed together and read a book while they cuddle
. Y/N lays back against Loki with the back of her head against his chest and she helps Loki hold up one side of the book while Loki holds up the other and Loki softly reads a few pages and then Y/N takes a turn to read a few pages. Loki and Y/N love reading together every night and Loki is really happy that Y/N loves books just as much as he does
. “I love you so much Y/N you are everything to me you mean so much to me and I adore you and you are so breathtaking and wonderful to me, thank you for loving me darling.” He said softly to her and he kissed her softly and Y/N smiled at him and said “oh Loki I love you so much you mean so much to me as well I don’t know what I’d do without you my love.”
Loki wrapped his arms around her like he wanted to protect her and he kept reading with her
. Loki knows Y/N needs comfort tonight so he strokes her hair softly with his fingers and will kiss the top of her head gently every so often and she hums feeling relaxed and content and they keep reading for a while getting in a few chapters of their romance novel and Loki can’t help but smile at Y/N and admire her beauty as he read with her
. After a half hour of reading Loki notices Y/N gets sleepy and he gets up to blow out the candles and puts the book on the table close by and lays in bed close to Y/N and pulls her close to him and holds her while she sleeps “goodnight my beautiful dove sweet dreams I love you.” He whispered to her and he kisses her forehead and she smiles as her eyes are closed and she snuggles closer to Loki which he loves when she does that
. Loki looks after Y/N all night to make sure she doesn’t have any more anxiety and knows the nights are rough and he strokes her hair and her back softly to help her rest
Hi darling I hope this is close to what you wanted 💜🤗xx
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darkuselesssomebody · 2 months
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader but most are/can be read as gender neutral)
** this masterlist includes all fandoms i write for - if you have a suggestion with another fandom/character, you can still request it, and i can see if i know them/am willing to write for them ** this is a dark blog; all content comes with content warnings and is 18+ !!
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☁ dark marvel masterlist
☁ dark stranger things masterlist
☁ dark miscellaneous
☁ kinktober 2023
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I have you || Chapter 2 || 18+ ||
A/N: well, shall we just dive right in?
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, smut, romantic smut
Chapter One | Masterlist | Chapter Three |
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Days passed and slowly, Loki was settling into his place on the Hliðskjálf in Odin’s place. He had talked with the dwarves of Nidavellir and, though begrudgingly, they had agreed to assist Asgard in a war against Jötunheim if it came to that.
On a peaceful Friday morning, Loki was sitting on his balcony overlooking all of Asgard and when he looked down over the railing, he saw that many houses and grand buildings no longer held Odin’s sigil, they held his. The symbol of Loki. A farce. He was not an Odinson, not a legitimate King but they didn’t know that. They only knew him as Loki Odinson and that is how it shall stay until Thor returns and Loki can step down from the throne. 
Joining him at his side, you looked over the golden city with a happy smile on your face. You held Loki’s hand and rested your head on his shoulder. “We have news from Lady Eir,” you whispered, frowning when Loki tensed up with anticipation, “Odin seems to be slipping into a normal Odinsleep now. He should still remain asleep for at least a decade, but Frigga has every faith that you can hold the fort until the King does wake up.”
“And what of Thor?” Loki asked, “has Serenity spoken to you about anything different with my brother?” 
“He’s…managing.” you replied and Loki scowled, knowing how Thor could possibly be reacting to becoming a simple mortal now, “he has made a few allies, Erik Selvig, Darcy Lewis and Doctor Jane Foster. He seems to be taking a liking to the doctor, but she does not appreciate how ill-mannered he is.” 
Loki snorted and looked to the blue of the sky with a smirk, “no, Thor has never been one for politeness on Midgard. When we went down in the 18th Century, we barely made it out alive.”
“That is the problem with Thor, he doesn’t learn other world’s customs. He only assumes they are the same as Asgard’s and is really cocky when he is corrected, that is probably why Odin sent him down there, to teach him manners.” As you were speaking, Loki observed his soulmate’s face and grinned, he had never been agreed with before. You were the first one in millennia that saw him for him and that also agreed with how he saw Thor, it was overwhelming sometimes. 
Loki led you down to the private gardens reserved only for Queen Frigga and Loki; it had not been used in ages since Queen Frigga had been planning Thor’s coronation and then had been by Odin’s side after he fell into the Odinsleep. Sitting down in the long grass, Loki admired his soulmate and how beautiful you had become over the last century. You had grown into yourself, had become more powerful and much more knowledgeable about the world around you. You were a bright girl and challenged Loki in everything he knew from magic to simple tasks such as riding a horse. 
As you sat down, Loki helped you by gently holding your hand and smiling at you and when you were comfortable, he conjured up a picnic blanket and basket, snorting when you slapped him on the arm, “you couldn’t have conjured that blanket up before?!” 
With a shrug, Loki opened the picnic basket and started to eat a sandwich while watching you, “I wanted a reaction and I got it.” He finished his sandwich and barely swallowed it when you growled and pushed him down onto the blanket, holding his tunic in your hand.
“You really are a trickster, my King, why do I trust you so?” you whispered and Loki chuckled before leaning up and his hand found your cheek.
“Because you are mine as I am yours, I’d never lie to you, sweet girl,” Loki mumbled, staring deep into your eyes and he noted with a fond look that they seemed to glow with love and pride when he announced his love to you.
You hummed and quickly leaned down, kissing him deeply, feeling him groan and kiss back as you grinned into the kiss, cupping his cheek and pushing yourself against him. 
You gasped as he pulled back to nip at your ear, his hands tenderly brushing down your sides as he rolled his hips against yours, his soft pants blowing against your face as you took him in with a bright smile. He already looked so much better like this, so free from his duties as he kissed you and lifted your clothes from your body.
You moaned as your dress was thrown to some forgotten spot, his lips coming in contact with the softness of your breasts, kissing and suckling on your nipples, enjoying the sight of you writhing and moaning beneath him. The God bit your nipple gently, earning a desperate moan from your mouth as he smirked.
"You look so stunning, my love," he whispered, admiration clear in his tone as he stared down at your body on the picnic blanket, "the only snack I could possibly need."
You smirked and spread your legs, your arms reaching up and folding beneath your head as you displayed yourself for him, "so, explore me, my King."
"Oh, darling," he growled, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your skin with a grin on his face that set a fire roaring in your core, "I intend to."
You released a surprised cry when Loki's mouth descended on your aching cunt and you groaned as you held his slicked-back hair, your head pressing into the blanket as you moaned, your eyebrows scrunched in the perfect portrait of pleasure. Loki watched your reactions with a grin before focusing on your clit and bringing you pleasure. He flicked your clit with his tongue as two of his fingers slipped into your awaiting heat and he chuckled when you hissed and your back arched.
Your King knew his way around you, knew just how to make you cum with such grace.
Electric rose through your body and your eyes rolled as you hummed with pleasure, your fingers tightening in his hair as you rode his face through your orgasm. Smiling shyly at him, you rested against the mattress and sighed happily.
"I missed you," you whispered and Loki smiled as he pulled away from your sensitive cunt to press a kiss to your lips. You moaned at the taste of your cunt on his tongue as he kissed you and you pushed your hips against his with a whine.
Laughing, Loki knew what you wanted and he finally threw away his pants to show you his straining cock and your mouth watered at the sight. Meeting your eyes, the God raised an eyebrow with a small smile of concern, "are you sure that you want this? We could always stop, darling."
You shook your head quickly and reached up to cup his cheek, "no, Loki, I want you. I want you so bad. You ruined me for all men!"
Loki smirked at that and lined his cock up with your entrance before slowly pushing in and moaning at the feeling of your tight cunt gripping him tightly. "Oh Norns, you feel amazing," Loki whispered, his head dropping into the crook of your neck as he bottomed out and he bit into your neck as he started to thrust shallowly into you.
Keenly, you wrapped your legs around his hips and released a deep moan as you felt him sink deeper into you. Holding him close to you, you felt him start to thrust harder into you and you moaned as your fingers found his blonde curls again, "Loki! Oh, L-Loki!"
Smirking, Loki continued to make love to you and he pulled away from your neck to sit up on his knees. He pulled one of your legs up to wrap over his shoulder and you screamed with pleasure as he increased the pace of his thrusts. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you forever, no memory of the throne, no memory of his responsibility, just you and him forever combined in the dramatic throes of pleasure.
You moaned loudly, your hand rising up to cup your mouth but the God swatted it away before you could even think.
Loki leaned over you as he felt his release getting near, his brows rising as he chased his pleasure, his thrusts becoming harder and more calculated as he repeatedly struck the spot inside you that brought you to the stars and he watched as you screamed and fell apart on his cock, his orgasm hitting him only seconds later.
"Norns, pet," the God sighed, cupping your cheek and smiling at you, "I love you."
You smiled tiredly and kissed his cheek before whispering, "I love you too, Loki."
After a while, you sat back up and took out a bottle of wine, pouring it into two glasses, “it’s been matured for 10 years, the finest of Alfheim according to their Princess.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less of Alfheim, to be fair, they always come out with the best of everything and I always find myself so impressed,” Loki hummed, leaning into the blanket as you laid your head on his chest and used your seiðr to be able to drink on a side without the wine spilling. 
The two spent hours in the garden together before a guard came over to Loki and informed him of Thor’s imprisonment by S.H.I.E.L.D and Loki almost raged. How dare they lock away his brother! But then he stopped and realised that he could visit him, no one else could but him so he did. He stood in front of the Hliðskjálf and projected himself to the S.H.I.E.L.D base around Mjolnir and watched as the man left Thor alone and only then, did he become visible.
“Thor,” Loki spoke first, watching Thor’s head snap up immediately and he almost smiled at him before realising his mission.
“Loki,” Thor greeted, recognition gleaming in his eyes as he looked at his brother with slight relief, “what are you doing here? Is something happening on Asgard? Is mother alright” 
“Mother is well, brother, but father is not. He has fallen into the Odinsleep and mother fears he will ne’er wake again. Lady Eir is trying her best but he has been holding this off for so long that…” Loki trailed off, knowing that Thor got the memo. 
“And has mother taken his place?” Thor questioned even though he knew the answer already.
Loki sighed and walked closer to Thor, conjuring a wet cloth to wipe away the blood and grime from his elder brother’s face, “the burden of the throne has fallen on my shoulders, Thor, it was very last second and not many agree I deserve it but I am trying. I am trying to rule as father does, but Lady Sif and the Warriors do not trust.”
“That’s absurd, Loki, they are your friends, they trust you!” Thor shot back quickly, and Loki flinched, hoping Thor didn’t see but he knew that he did.
“They were never my friends, Thor, they only stayed around me because I was your brother. If you had gone away, they would’ve gone with you and not stayed with me. That’s how it’s been for millennia,” Loki replied quietly and observed his brother, finishing his task of cleaning the wounds and mud.
Thor gave pause and analysed every interaction between Loki and his friends, and he realised that they had really only tolerated him because of Thor. Thor shook his head and got on his knees before Loki and wrapped his arms around him, hiding his face in his neck and heaving out a sob, “forgive me, lillebroren min. I have been a terrible brother and I could never atone for it! For what it’s worth… you’d be a great King, Loki, better than me by far.” 
“Do not say such things, Thor, you are to be crowned and not me. You prepared all your life and I only learnt diplomacy through books,” Loki mumbled, still shocked from the contact of the hug and he fought back tears. 
Thor chuckled sadly and shook his head, embracing Loki tighter and sniffling, “no, Loki, I never listened in my lessons with father. The only lessons I listened to were the ways to use Mjolnir and how to use the Bifrost, anything else was lost to me. You would be a much better King, Loki.” 
“You cannot come home, Thor. No matter your sugar-coating, your banishment will keep the peace between Laufey and Asgard long enough for us to come to an agreement.” Loki mumbled, thinking that that is the only reason why Thor is now considering him as his little brother after three centuries of feeling detached from that connection. 
“Then please forgive me for my actions, brother, you have saved me from a dark spot more than once and I have disregarded you time after time,” Thor mumbled and Loki froze, not knowing how to process his words, “please do not self-destruct when I am here. I will come home, and you will be my equal, when I am worthy.”
Loki chuckled softly and kissed his forehead before getting up and heading to the other end of the interrogation room, “I shall send General Tyr to collect you if things should go south.” 
“Dear brother, I will always respect you. Sister, brother, neither, you are Loki, my sibling.” 
Loki nodded and waved goodbye to his brother before he disappeared and reappeared outside beside Mjolnir, it hummed and he reached out a hand to grasp the handle so when he did so and tugged, he wasn’t surprised to find that the hammer would not be lifted by him. Of course, Odin hated him with a passion. A Jötun could never wield Mjolnir, not even the false Prince of Asgard. 
Sighing, Loki reappeared in the throne room and you looked up from your book on Hliðskjálf, smiling at him before realising he was crying and you rushed over to him, “dear Prince, what happened on your visit to Thor? Did he threaten you? Must I go down to Earth and split his skull?” 
Loki laughed breathily and held his soulmate close to him, running his fingers through your hair, “’twas not my brother's fault I’m crying, he just made me so very happy. He still accepts me after all these years of him wanting me to know my place. ‘twas just an adjustment, that’s all.” 
You laughed softly and tenderly held his cheek, pulling his face down so you could see into his eyes, “even after all these years, you still fascinate me. With your magic, with your being, it’s incredible! You’re king and yet you took the time to visit your brother even if it meant facing Odin’s wrath!”
Loki chuckled and held his soulmate close to him as he gazed down into your eyes with such adoration that you were sure that he would drop dead before ever seeing them brimming with pain or heartbreak. You knew deep down that the person Loki seemed to be to everyone else was merely a shield so that none could see the sensitive boy underneath. 
“Odin has no claim of what I do, darling, he is in Odinsleep and I am King. Not only that but I am also not his son. Lest you forget that little fact,” Loki hummed as he swayed his beloved and enjoyed the ambiance of the fire crackling in the torches around the room. 
You sighed and looked up at Loki, holding his chin to bring him down so he can look at you properly rather than staring at your hair, “yes, your real father is King Laufey of Jötunheim but what of it? Jötunheim was once a contestant for beauty with Asgard. Come, I shall show you.” With that, you led Loki out of the doors to the throne room and through a quick trip with the Bifrost, guided him into your private study in your castle, “mother gave me access to all these documents after her death. All of the history is within these tombs.” 
Glancing around the room, Loki was thrilled to finally have new things to learn and when he walked over to a bookcase and opened one of the seemingly new tombs, he found the language inside to be written in Ancient Moonish. His mother had taught him the language with Thor but neither of the boys had truly listened to the old language, “the tales of Yvelda and Nine. What an absurd name for a book. What is it about, my darling?”
Giggling, you stepped up and pointed to a portrait of a woman dressed in a simple gown with an emerald ring on her finger staring them down from her place above the bookshelf, “that is our great-great-grandmother Yvelda. She was Queen of the Moon while Jötunheim was still a prospering society. She wrote this book to celebrate the life of the Nine after a threat to the Yggdrasil was vanquished. She wrote about all of the Nine in a lot of detail but her chapters on Jötunheim and Asgard are by far the longest. Her studies of the two realms consumed most of her time and once our great-grandmother Serina was born, she set about making her second journal. She adapted the Moonish language into that of a language similar to Alfheim.”
Loki listened attentively and nodded his understanding before chuckling, “you have a grand history, my love.”
“It is not the reason I brought you here, the history of Jötunheim is hidden in these books as well. Laufey’s father entrusted Serina with many of their tombs to keep them safe.” you explained and for once, Loki felt admiration for a Jötun. He had not once considered such a thing but now that he saw it, he felt compelled to read every single thing in this room.
Once safely back on Asgard, Loki sighed and sat back in his chambers and thought everything over. Had he been too quick to judge Laufey and his troops? Did Laufey miss his child? Would Laufey want him back when he realised who he was? Would Laufey call out treachery and have Loki executed for betraying Jötnar customs? Loki was terrified. Why couldn’t things be simple?
Another few days passed and after a rather trying talk with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three about rescuing Thor, Loki slumped down onto her bed and cuddled up to her lover. She was fed up with all this trouble, she didn’t want to be King anymore. It took too much time away from you and your perfection, your love, how could Loki live without it?  
She knew that the Warriors intended to betray her and honestly? She expected it. She just didn’t know if they would try to twist the truth so Thor would be on their side and not Loki’s. After her talk with Thor, Loki felt much more accepted and loved than she had felt since he became self-aware many centuries ago. She had once had a time where she was presenting as a female and Odin had cut off her long hair and burned it in her fireplace to keep her aware that she was always meant to be Loki prince of Asgard. Never Princess. Always Prince. Thor had accepted her, even then, changing his pronouns constantly by even looking at Loki for even a brief moment.
Thor’s banishment had changed a lot for the young princess, now that she thought of it. She had instantly taken his place as first in line for the throne and perhaps twenty minutes later, she found out that she was Jötun and after that, Odin had sunken into the deepest Odinsleep so now she was King. Queen Loki Odindottir. It sounded perfect, a name she had always told herself would happen one day. Either for her on Asgard or side by side with her beloved on the Moon. Still, one day she believed herself worthy to sit on a throne. Now, Princess Loki Laufeydottir? Out of the question. She would not accept such a horrendous name. She was not Jötnar, she was Aesir and she would be Queen. She had to be. 
“I said this once before, Loki, do not let those thoughts consume you,” Loki flinched in surprise and when she turned, she saw you standing at the foot of the bed with a frown on your face, “your thoughts are dangerous when left to fester.” 
Loki chuckled and rested her head on her arms, gazing up at her beloved from the angle on the bed, “hello to you too, beloved.” 
You sighed and sat on the bed beside Loki, taking one of her hands and kissing the black nails there, “tell me what you think so deeply of, my love, share your pain with me.” 
And so, Loki spoke. She spoke of her troubles, her fears, her insecurities and expressed her concern for Thor on Midgard. She told you everything that had happened on Jötunheim with such detail, you might as well have been there. 
The night consisted of tears, hugs and many reassuring hugs between the both of them as they reconnected after so long of Loki filling herself with her hatred and remorse. She did not know why she had bottled this all up, but you were there for her anyway. You did not mind. 
That night, Loki guided you into the bedroom and laid you down on the blankets, watching as your eyes flooded with love and understanding. You smiled as Loki cradled your cheek and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, her body pressing against your own as you both sighed happily at the contact.
"Let me show you just how well I can pleasure you," Loki whispered, nipping at your ear and pulling away with a satisfied smirk.
You nodded eagerly and in the next moment, her deft fingers slid into your awaiting heat and curled just right to hit that good spot inside you that her cock constantly found. You swore and rolled your head back in bliss, unable to fight against the demands of your body.
Loki mouthed at your nipple as her thumb connected to your clit and began circling it in calculated motions that brought you the utmost pleasure. As the Queen of Asgard continued to smother you, you felt as if you were floating, your legs wrapped around her hourglass waist and your eyes bravely attempting to keep contact with her own beautiful emerald eyes.
You reached forward and cupped Loki's breast, squeezing gently and smiling as she gasped. The woman had long since ceased producing milk after the loss of her son but you remembered the days when you would sit, fascinated by the art of breastfeeding though you loathed to admit it.
The electric pulse that shot through you took you by surprise and you stared at your Queen in shock, a loud moan escaping your mouth as you rolled your head back. "Loki," you sighed peacefully, rolling your hips so that her fingers would cause more friction inside you, "let me cum."
Loki hummed and leaned down to kiss you, the pace of her thrusting fingers increasing and her magic providing you with another electric pulse, bringing you closer to your orgasm. "Let me see you cum," she commanded, her lips ghosting against the skin of your cheek, "I need to see you fall apart for your Queen."
You moaned loudly as your orgasm hit. You swore to the Norns that you were ruined, that Loki could never be replaced. You never wanted anyone else but Loki, your sweet, handsome, protective Loki!
Panting heavily, you pulled Loki down into a gentle kiss and whined as her fingers pulled out of you. Loki shushed you gently, turning you onto your side and cuddling you as she whispered sweet nothings to you until the Realm of sleep took you back.
In the afternoon of the next day, Loki stood on the balcony and watched as the Bifrost was opened despite his clear demand to Heimdall and he turned on his heel and stormed down to the vaults, Gungnir tight in his grasp, his cloak billowing out behind him and he nodded at all those who stopped to bow and show appreciation. He was a force to be reckoned with when he was angry. Many knew that. 
Walking down the hall of the vault, Loki forced himself not to think of the horror that had occurred here between Odin and himself. He stood before the pedestal that once held the Casket and banged Gungnir on the floor. The sound echoed around the room and then, the barrier at the back opened up to reveal the Destroyer. When the monster stood forward, he glared up at it and smirked, “see to it that the Warriors Four do not make it back. Do not harm Prince Thor.” 
With a nod, the Destroyer disappeared, Loki felt weak. Although he had given the direct order, he was petrified that the destroyer would in some way harm Thor while doing its duty. 
Loki now shook his head and walked away from the chamber, heading up to the meeting floor. Marching inside, the participants instantly shut up and turned to face their King. Sitting at the head of the table, Loki allowed to give off an air of relaxation to keep peace between his council.
“How does Jötunheim fare?” Loki asked after moments of silence, irritation clear in his voice. He worried about Laufey, he was a calculating man, he might figure out his secret and then he would have no leverage.
“They are… how do you say? Calculating?” Vor replied and Loki nodded, pressing on the God of Wisdom. “My King, they seem to be arranging for the return of a lost Prince. They talk of Loptr, their infant heir that was supposed to die. Laufey is very stressed as he plans.” 
Loki nodded in understanding and looked over to General Tyr with a raised eyebrow, “how fares the army?”
Tyr looked over to Loki and placed his hand over his heart as he gazed down at the table beneath Loki’s painted fingers, “The armies are ready on your command, my King, should Laufey invade or make an attempt on your life, the Einherjar will be there to save you.”
Loki nodded and then turned to Lord Magni, God of Strength and for him, he produced a golden sword and held it out. Lord Magni took the blade effortlessly and looked at Loki in confusion and the young King only spoke, “you shall need it, leading the charge.” 
“And what of Prince Thor, King Loki?” A voice from down the table and when heads turned, Loki gazed down at Serenity. Her hair was pulled back into braids that broke away into a high ponytail, her dress was a simple gold with white stars expertly placed around the gown. She looked like the picture of a Goddess. 
“Goddess of Earth. We are glad that you visit our table this day,” Loki greeted and stood to bow to his friend. He had known Serenity as long as he had known you and he was glad to call her a friend. Again, he met her eyes and smiled, “Prince Thor is in your care still, my lady, he shall not be allowed back until the terms of his banishment have been met.”
Serenity nodded and out of her hands came an illusion of Thor with two women and an older-looking fellow, “the Prince has made friends, he settles quite quickly into Midgardian life. He is in pain, though, and he wishes to be home. He has not been away from you this long before, my King. He suffers.” 
Loki nodded in understanding and held back his tears as he looked at the illusion before wafting it away and looking at Serenity, “you are Queen and protector of Midgard and those that live there. I know you shall protect my brother for King Odin’s sake and his own. Please, he is still my brother.”
Serenity nodded and lent back in her seat, satisfied. Loki sighed in relief and returned to the meeting.
Hours later, the meeting ended on notes of War and moves against Laufey and his Jötnar. Loki was about to head up to bed when a gentle hand took his shoulder and when he turned, he saw Serenity smiling up at him, “To what do I owe the pleasure of this, my Queen?” 
“I wish to walk with the King of Asgard for a while, ‘tis all.” Serenity smiled and Loki nodded, offering her his arm before walking down the golden halls with her. They passed a portrait of Loki with her and you and when Serenity stopped, Loki did too. “Do you remember this?”
“I do,” Loki replied, looking up at your happy smile and he found himself smiling back, “it was the day that I came back from one of my trips to Vanaheim. Y/N had missed me so much and she demanded she had a memorial of me when I disappeared. We had this done in her honour. My dear girl.”
Serenity watched Loki with a careful glare, her brow raised curiously before she pointed a dagger at his throat and she smirked when Loki didn’t even gulp, “you hurt her and I kill you, Odinson. There won’t be a realm outside or on the Yggdrasil that you can hide. She is my everything. Hurt her and I kill you, I promise.”
“Please do. If I betray her, you may kill me.” Loki smiled at Serenity and shook his head fondly before kissing her forehead and stepping away from the dagger, "god natt, lillesøster.” 
Serenity watched him walk away and sighed deeply, she saw the tensions in his eyes just as you did. She saw just how much pain he was in even when trying to joke it off. She loved Loki as a brother, saw him go through the same things as you did. She protected his son for him, even though he had no idea. She would do it again and again. You were happy with him and Serenity wanted that happiness to last so she would keep protecting them. She just needed to make sure Odin didn’t interrupt this time.
That night was difficult for Loki; plagued with nightmares and knowing she couldn’t sleep any longer, she got up and changed into a nightdress, heading into her private library just down the corridor. When she walked in, she saw Frigga sat there with a book in her hand and Loki froze in place for a moment before speaking up, “mother?” 
“My daughter, you came.” Frigga mumbled, holding her hand out for Loki to take and when he did, she pulled her down into a hug and cherished this moment with her. 
“Mother, why are you here so late at night? Why are you away from Odin?” Loki asked, sitting beside her mother and frowning. 
Frigga heaved a sigh and held Loki’s hand tight in her grip, “I think you should visit Jötunheim.” 
Silence. Ringing silence. No one said anything for a long while. Loki stared at Frigga in surprise before schooling her features and glaring. “Why?”
“Because you are Laufey’s child…” Frigga mumbled and her thumb stroked over Loki’s silky hands gently, “because I know that deep down, Laufey misses his first born so much. You know it too.”
“I am King, mother. I cannot simply just up and leave to Jötunheim at full haste.” Loki snapped and Frigga nodded with understanding before Loki sighed, “when father wakes and is ready to take Hliðskjálf back, I shall take Y/N and we shall venture into Jötunheim.”  
Frigga nodded again and pulled Loki into a tight hug, kissing her hair and running her nails through the long ebony locks, “you’ve grown from this, Loki. You’re no longer the shadow. When people talk of you, they will talk of how you saved Asgard from war and how you helped many.”
Loki laughed blankly and shook her head, “I helped no one, mother. Why would a Jotun help anyone?”
Frigga shushed her and laid down in the sofa with Loki on top of her, stroking her hands down her back, “You are our son, Loki, you helped me live. Odin too. You saved Thor so many times. You aren’t the villain you say you are.” 
The comfort that Loki felt in those words only lasted a few hours for when he was sat atop Hliðskjálf early that morning, he connected with the Destroyer long enough to see a fight commence between the Warriors and it. Loki panicked and looked around for Thor but found that he wasn’t around and so he assisted the Destroyer in trying to take down the Warriors but in the process, he sent cars flying and indirectly revealed Thor’s hiding place. 
“LOKI!” called a voice from Midgard that Loki heard through the Destroyer, “Brother I know you can hear this. I do not know what I did to wrong you after our talk, but this has to stop. You must let us all come home. I’m truly sorry for what happened.” 
Loki listened to his brother and turned to walk the Destroyer away but in doing so, unwillingly gave up control and the Destroyer stopped and turned back, hitting Thor across the little town and the throne room rattled at Loki’s scream of horror when he saw Thor collide with the ground. 
Loki turned again, dragging his feet to sit upon Hliðskjálf. He’d hit Thor. Sent him flying. He was surely dead. He ordered the Destroyer to come back and that’s when it happened. Through the Destroyer, he felt rumbling and then a lightning flash. Thor was alive. He was restored. Loki cried with joy and cut the connection with the destroyer to walk down to Odin’s rooms.
Arriving there, Loki held his mother and smiled into her neck, “Thor is coming home, mother! He’s home!” 
As Loki and Frigga expressed their relief, they laughed and thanked the Gods for saving Thor. For getting him back. It was a miracle. 
Loki heard the doors to the chambers open and he turned to greet his brother but all he saw in the blue eyes were hatred and confusion. Did Thor think he did that purposefully?
“Loki tell mother. Tell mother how you tried to kill me just now.” Thor growled and Loki’s heart sank. 
He was alone in his mind now; Thor didn’t trust him. Who would?  Dark King, after all.
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65 @lonadane @silverfire475 @chantsdemarins
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Tall, Dark, and Morally Grey
Pairing: loki x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is, well, an avid reader and has a penchant for ~*spicy*~ books with tall, dark-haired morally grey romantic leads, much like your Avengers teammate Loki. Antics ensue one afternoon when you’re questioned about your choice of books.  
Tropes: pining, fluff, idiots in love, oblivious reader, pet names in another language, friends to lovers, smut
Warnings: embarrassment, bit of swearing, flirting, fluff, smut (kissing, biting, fingering [f receiving], penetration [f receiving], barrier-free sex), 18+ (Minors DNI)
W/C: 4900
A/N: This is my first fic in a long, long time. My first on this account. I couldn’t get this thought out of my head and I needed to put it to paper, so to speak. Hope you all enjoy!
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It was a slow day for the Avengers and you were glad for the break. It had been a long, hard month full of mission after mission, without much down time and you could feel it wearing on you. So, after the team got in late last night and you were informed that there wasn’t another mission on the docket, you were happy to find yourself with a day off. 
Having just woke up, you rolled over to check the time and found that you had slept in quite late, and had surely missed breakfast with the team. That’s alright, you thought. It just means that I can have a meal in peace. 
You got out of bed and padded across your quarters in the Avengers compound to have a relaxing shower and get dressed for the day in some of your casual wear. You opted for a loose pair of linen pants and a crop top, something light and breezy that you could lounge in while catching up on some reading. You grabbed the book you were currently working on, A Court of Mist and Fury, and headed to the kitchen to grab yourself something for breakfast. As you rounded the corner, you could hear that the team was nearby, carrying on. So much for that peaceful meal, you whined to yourself. 
“Ah, look who finally decided to join the land of the living!” Tony said as you came into view. “We were gonna send someone to make sure you were still breathing. Glad to see we don’t need to now.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You replied dismissively as you passed your teammates at the table, heading to the kitchen to grab some fruit and a coffee. “It’s not my fault that you’ve been running us into the ground. I needed to catch up on my sleep. Maybe if this wasn’t our first day off in over a month, I would have been able to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the crack of dawn.” 
“Hey, don’t blame me Y/N! That’s all Fury’s fault. I know that everyone thinks I call the shots around here, and for the most part I do.” At this, there were a few groans and snickers from your teammates. Ignoring everyone’s reactions, Tony pressed on, “But, there are a few decisions that go above me. So, if you want to blame someone for our month of hell, blame Fury.”
You rolled your eyes as you returned to the table with an apple, an orange, and a full cup of hot coffee, placing your book next to your meal. You sat between Natasha and Loki, the two people on your team who you were closest with. “Whatever, Tony.” You began peeling your orange. “So, what is everyone planning to get up to on this lovely day?”
As everyone started chatting about what they were planning on doing, you began eating your orange. You glanced at Natasha and saw her eyeing your book and you felt a blush begin to creep onto your cheeks. You weren’t embarrassed that your book was, in parts, just filthy smut, but you weren’t keen to talk about it in front of everyone. So, you casually slid the book off and under the table while sipping your coffee, and used your magic to vanish it back into your room. You felt Natasha’s eyes on you, but refused to meet her gaze. You turned to your other side and struck up a conversation with Loki. “I’m planning on spending most of the day reading, if you’d like to join me?”
It had become a comfortable tradition between you and the trickster to sit near one another while you both enjoyed some reading. Often in the library at the compound, but sometimes in the living room if people weren’t using it to watch TV or play games or chat. You were the first of the team to accept him and not treat him like a villain, and that began with the two of you reading near each other most evenings that you were at the compound. Even after everyone else had started to warm up to him, it was something that you both continued to do.
Loki’s greenish blue eyes met yours and you saw a smile appear on his face. “Yes, I think that would be a lovely way to spend our day off, elska.”
You smiled at the term of endearment. You weren’t sure what it meant exactly, and when you asked Loki he merely said that it was an Old Norse word for someone that you were close with. You chose to believe him and didn’t look up the meaning or go to Thor to ask for further information. A foundation of your friendship was that you took what he said at face value, trusting him long before anyone else on the team trusted him, and you weren’t going to change that now. 
“Great! I don’t think anyone else will be in the living room, did you want to curl up there to read, or would you prefer the library?” 
“The living room should do just fine. I believe Barton, Romanoff, Rogers, and Thor will be training today. Stark and Banner said they’d be spending the day in the lab, testing out some things they have been working on. Which means you and I should have the run of the place. Who knows what kind of trouble we’ll get up to?” Loki winked at you and you felt your face heat with blush. If he noticed your blushing, he didn’t indicate it, as he got out of his chair and excused himself to retire to the living room. 
Before you could get up to follow after him, Nat poked your ribs and asked “What was that about? I thought you said you two were just friends?” 
So someone else had noticed his wink. “We are just friends. He’s being friendly. Friends can wink at each other.” 
“I was talking about his comment about you two getting up to trouble. But now that you mention it, that combined with the wink makes it extra flirty.” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Nat. Our friendship is playful. It was nothing more than that.” 
Nat held her hands up. “Fine, fine. All I’m saying is, from an outside perspective, that looked an awful lot like flirting.”
“Well, it wasn’t.” You crossed your arms. You wished it was flirting. While you enjoyed and were grateful for the friendship you had with Loki, you would be lying if you said that you didn’t hold feelings for the mischievous god. Truthfully, from the first time you met him you thought he was possibly the most handsome man you had ever met. And while you were glad for his companionship, the more time you had spent with him the more your feelings for him had grown. For a long time now, you realised you were pining after the man who was probably your closest friend in the world. You spent many nights imagining how it would feel to have him next to you in your bed. You made yourself squirm and whimper almost every night at the thought of how he would touch you, kiss you, bury himself in you. You had truly fallen for Loki, but would never admit it to anyone. 
It didn’t help your imagination that your favourite flavour of books was romance, and your favourite type of book boyfriends were tall, dark-haired, morally grey men with “touch her and die” energy. Every flirting, kissing, or sex scene in the books you read were imagined in your mind’s eye with Loki as the romantic lead and you as the object of his affection. You were really great at torturing yourself, you had come to find out. 
You gave Nat a final scowl, which she returned with a mostly apologetic look, as you gathered your food scraps and empty coffee cup. After you cleaned up your food mess and wished everyone luck on their undertakings for the day, you walked into the living room to find Loki stretched out with a book on one of the couches. The couch he knew was your favourite. 
“You’re in my spot, Loki.”
He looked up at you with a look of false innocence. “Am I? I wasn’t aware there were assigned seating arrangements in here.” His innocent face gave way to a smirk that made your stomach flip. 
“Well, I mean, not officially. But I like that couch, and I think you know that.” 
“Really? Well, I would move for you, but I’ve gotten so comfortable. I see why you like this spot. Maybe we can share this couch today?” He sat up a bit, and patted the spot next to him. 
You hesitated. This was weirdly forward of him. While the two of you were incredibly close, you weren’t the kind of friends that cuddled together. You would sit next to each other while watching movies, but even then, you didn’t even lean on each other. “This better not be about that trouble you mentioned earlier,” you said as you sat down, trying to keep some distance between you. 
“Oh Y/N, when we get up to some trouble, you’ll know without question.”
You looked over at him and though his gaze had returned to his book, he was smirking wildly. Why is he acting so weird today? You couldn’t think of a good reason for why he was being so forward. And you didn’t want to admit that Natasha might have been right, but if you didn’t know any better, you’d even think Loki was flirting with you. It was impossible, of course, but it certainly felt like flirting. 
You gave your head a little shake to clear your thoughts and magically summoned your book from your room. You settled into the couch, leaning into the arm of the piece of furniture, while you dove into your book. 
The two of you sat in comfortable silence while you both read, and you lost track of time. You were getting to an especially juicy part of the book, where the characters were finally confessing their feelings for one another and you had a feeling that there was going to be some good spice in the coming chapter. You were so engrossed in your book, blushing all the while, that you didn’t notice the rest of the team come into the living room. It wasn’t until your book was being taken from your hands that you realised you weren’t alone with Loki anymore. 
“What are you reading that has you turning the same shade of red as my suit?” Tony asked as he took your book from your hands, turning it around so he could read some of the pages you had been reading just a moment before. 
“None of your business, Tinman!” You yelled as you got up and dove for the book, failing to collect it as Tony held it higher than you could reach. 
“Oh, someone sounds embarrassed! It must be juicy.” Tony continued to keep the book out of your grasp, while trying to read some of it so he could better tease you over it. 
“Cut it out, Tony. Give Y/N her book back.” Steve said. “You’re being mean.”
“If she didn’t want us to know what she’s reading, she shouldn’t be reading it in the shared spaces of the compound.” Tony had you there. You really should’ve just stayed in your room to read today. You were quickly coming to regret every decision you have made so far today. 
“I think I’ve heard of that series, Tony” Natasha chimed in from a chair across the room. You shot her a death stare, hoping to get her to stop before you burned up from embarrassment. 
“Oh? Well, please tell us what this book is about, since I can’t hold this still long enough to read any of it.” Tony tried to swing the book out of your range again, but you were faster this time and managed to grab it out of his hands. “It’s nothing. It’s just a fantasy series about fae. It’s silly. Nat doesn’t need to tell you about it.” You said quickly, hoping that everyone would drop the topic now. 
“That sounds very interesting, Lady Y/N. Please, Lady Natasha, tell us more about this series. I might wish to read it myself.” Thor spoke up. 
The others egged her on, Bruce asking if it was a high or dark fantasy, Clint asking if there were any good battle scenes. Even Steve was beginning to seem curious. 
Natasha made eye contact with you as you gave her a pleading look. She smirked back. “You know, I only know a bit about it. What Y/N said is true, it is a fantasy series about fae. But, isn’t there a romantic subplot that’s kind of a big deal to the main plot?” 
You were sure your face was on fire, which is weird since you felt frozen where you stood. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the romantic lead is important.” Natasha continued. “Rhysand is his name, right?” 
Shit. Natasha must have read the books before, or probably just looked up information about it earlier after she saw the book on the table this morning. Well, she hasn’t described what he looks like yet. Maybe she won’t. 
“Really? And what does this romantic lead look like?” Tony probed, smirking all the while, clearly trying to get under your skin. “Is he roguishly handsome like me?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at that. “Tony, not only is Rhysand not roguishly handsome, I wouldn’t call you that either.” You said as you found your voice again. 
Tony gripped his chest, pretending to be grievously injured. “You wound me, Y/N.” 
You rolled your eyes, heading back to your spot on the couch, book still in hand, hoping that this conversation was over with now that they’ve all had their fun. 
“Well, if he is not as handsome as a rogue, what does he look like elska?” You turned toward the trickster sitting next to you, who was smirking deviously at you now. 
You panicked internally. You couldn’t describe what the character you had just been blushing over looked like. He looked like him, and you couldn’t admit that. “You know, the author isn’t very descriptive. She doesn’t really describe what he looks like very clearly at all,” you tried to lie.
“Well that sounds like a load of bull,” Tony responded. “JARVIS, how is Rhysand described in this book?”
“Rhysand is the main romantic interest in the ACOTAR series and the mate of the main character Feyre. He is described as being tall, having black hair, and often described by fans as being morally grey. He is also known for being fiercely protective of Feyre and having a tragic familial history.” You heard the AI report in its chipper British accent. 
I’m going to kill that computer, you thought as your face heated back up with a blush stronger than you had felt before. 
“Huh. Kinda sounds like Loki.” Natasha said knowingly, smirk still plastered to her face. 
“The fanart I’ve found online of Rhysand does share a likeness with Loki, Agent Romanoff.” JARVIS rattled out. 
You saw in your periphery that Loki was staring at you with an expression you couldn’t quite place, but you didn’t think it could be good. Shit. I’ve ruined everything. “Well, this round of teasing me has been fun but I think I’m going to go to my room now and never leave,” you said as you got up with your book. You felt Loki’s hand grab for your wrist, but you shook him off, wanting to leave before the tears you felt pricking your eyes fall. You heard him getting off the couch and walking after you. You didn’t want him to see how affected you were, so you teleported to your room. You locked your door with a flick of your wrist and put up some magic barriers. 
In a fit of anger, you threw your book across the room and let yourself sob, feeling your embarrassment and frustration fully now. 
“Come now, elska, I don’t think your book deserved to be treated like that.”
Whipping around, you found Loki leaning against your still locked door. You tried to quickly and discreetly wipe your eyes dry. “How did you get in?”
“Darling, as talented as you are with your magic, don’t forget that I am the God of Mischief. My magic can take me almost anywhere.” 
Darling? That’s new. “You know, when someone locks their door and puts up a magical barrier, it’s generally not regarded as a welcome sign.”
Loki shrugged as he pushed off the door, and crossed the room to where your book landed. He bent and picked it up, casually leafing through the pages. “I’m sorry for what transpired out there, for what it’s worth. I didn’t mean to push you like that.” He seemed to purposefully keep his eyes on the book’s pages, avoiding your gaze. 
“It’s fine,” You lied. “I was just done with being made fun of and wanted some alone time.” 
“Again, darling, I am also the God of Lies. You can’t really lie to me and have me not know.”
You stood there, unsure of what to say. “I was… I felt embarrassed.” 
“Why is that?” He closed the book and looked up to meet your gaze. 
“I don’t want to say.” 
“Oh, but I think you do. I think you want to tell me that you felt embarrassed that you’re reading a romance book about a character that looks like me. I think that embarrasses you because you assume that I don’t care for you the same way you care for me.” He put the book down on your bedside table and began to slowly close the distance between you. 
Your mouth fell open a little. Am I really that obvious? Why would he continue to be my friend if he knew how deeply I cared for him? 
Loki was only a few strides away now. You began to back up a step for each step he took forward. 
“Y/N, do you remember what I told you elska means?”
“Yes, it’s a term of endearment for someone you’re close with.”
Loki smiled a little. “Well, that’s not quite what I told you. I told you it was a word saved for someone that you care about. But even that isn’t fully truthful.” Your back hit the wall behind you, and Loki continued to move forward toward you. There was nowhere to go to escape this embarrassment. Clearly it had been a derisive term this whole time.
Loki had reached you at last, and caged you in with his arms on either side of you. “You see, while I had my suspicions before today, I wasn’t fully certain that my feelings for you were reciprocated. So when the term escaped my mouth without meaning it to, all those months ago, I had to cover my tracks. Elska isn’t just meant for someone you care about. It is meant for someone you care for. Roughly translated, it means ‘my love’ or ‘my dear’. It isn’t just a term of endearment, it’s a pet name shared between lovers.”
You stared up into Loki’s eyes, feeling at a loss for words. This must be a dream. I fell asleep upset about what happened and this is the way my brain is helping me cope with it. 
A silence settled between you as Loki waited for you to say something. But you really didn’t know what to say. 
“Darling? Please, say something.”
More silence as you stared at him. 
“I really hope I didn’t misread the situation. If I am just a friend to you, that’s alright. As long as you’re in my life I know that the sun shines on me. But I would like you to say something. Any indication of what’s going on in your pretty head.” Loki had begun to look concerned at this point with how silent you had become. He cupped your face in his hands, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, and searched your eyes for any indication of what you might be thinking. 
“This is either a dream or a joke. I really hope it’s a dream, because I don’t think my heart could handle it if this is a joke.” You closed your eyes, in equal measure to avoid his gaze and to attempt to wake up. 
“Y/N, this is neither a dream nor jest. I promise you that this is real.”
You opened your eyes and connected with Loki’s gaze once more. “This is really happening?”
Loki nodded and brought his face closer to yours. “Yes. I fell for you the first week we knew each other. I have thought of you every day and every night since.”
You pushed forward and connected your lips with Loki’s in a kiss. He moved his hands to your back and you threw your arms around his neck, tangling your hands in his raven locks. You opened your mouth to him and he deepened the kiss, chasing your tongue with his. 
His hands moved to your hips with a bruising touch, and he pushed you against the wall, grinding his hips into you. You could feel his hardness pressing against his pants, against your stomach, and you gasped. Loki retreated a few inches and looked at you. “Is this what you want?”
You nodded. “Yes, I want you. I have wanted you for months. You have no idea the fantasies of you I’ve crafted during my nights alone.”
Loki smiled at you coyly. “I think you’ll find that the thoughts of you I have languished in are a match to your fantasies.” 
You grinned back at him and pulled him closer again into a searing kiss. He wrapped his arms around your back once more. You felt his hands trace the curve of your ass, and when he reached the top of your legs he lifted you and pressed you against the wall, opening your legs to him. You wrapped your legs around his middle and ground down on his clothed length. His groan vibrated through the kiss you still shared and tightened a coil within your centre. You could feel your wetness already beginning to gather and you were becoming desperate for him. All this time and you had both felt the same way. All this time and you could have been doing this all along. You had lost time to make up for. 
“Loki, please. I need more,” you begged, your voice sounding breathier and needier than it ever has. 
“What do you need, darling?” He asked in between the kisses he was laying against your neck, your earlobes, your shoulders. When he spoke, you could feel his breath against your skin and it sent shivers cascading down your back. “Tell me what you need from me.”
“I need you to fuck me. Please, Loki, fuck me.”
“Of course, my darling. All you ever had to do was ask.” You could feel him smile against your neck as he answered you. He nipped your earlobe and you let out a small groan. He carried you to the bed and laid you down on the bed. “How desperately do you want my cock?”
“Very desperately,” you practically whimpered. 
“Very well. Know that in the future, I will savour removing each piece of clothing you wear, and will lavish you with pleasure, but for the sake of our mutual desperation this day, this will suffice.” In a shimmer of green, both of your clothes were gone and you were suddenly laid bare before him. “Oh, darling. You are ravishing.” His eyes raked down your frame, lingering on your breasts, your nipples hardened in arousal. When his eyes drew down to your glistening folds he licked his lips and grinned wide. “My dear, you are utterly soaked for me. I see now just how desperate you are. I will have to remedy your need at once.”
Loki knelt between your legs and you took in his naked form. He was muscular in a way that made his body flow like liquid. Your eyes travelled down his front and you saw his cock there, standing hard for you. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you. 
He brought his hand to your core and teased your entrance, moving your wetness around. You sighed out a moan and pushed your hips up in an attempt to take in his fingers, but he removed his hand when you did. Bringing it up to his lips, he licked your juices off of him and he groaned as he did. “You taste so good, my love.” Seeing him enjoy your taste made you clench around nothing and you hated how empty you felt. 
“Loki, please. Don’t make me wait.” 
“Oh Y/N, I wouldn’t dream of it. But, I need to make sure you’re prepared for me first.” He brought his hand back down to where you needed him the most and he began to move his dampened fingers against your clit in slow, agonising circles. You moaned out his name as your pleasure began to build. He rubbed his thumb against your wetness and moved it to circle your clit, while his fingers ran up and down your entrance. “Where do you want my fingers, Y/N?”
“Inside me! Please, Loki, fuck me with your fingers,” you practically begged. He happily obliged your request and you felt his fingers enter you, slowly, so slowly. He pumped his fingers inside of you, while his thumb continued to circle your clit in increasingly fast circles. You moaned and cried out as you felt that coil in your centre tighten. “Yes, Loki, don’t stop. I’m going to come. Don’t stop!” You cried out as you came on Loki’s fingers. You tightened around his digits and you heard him growl in response. 
He slowly eased his fingers out of your pussy and brought his hand up for you both to see. It was completely drenched in your juices. “Fuck, Y/N, you are a vision.” He lowered the hand he had just been using on you and began pumping himself with it, spreading your wetness over his length. “Do you think you’re ready for me, my darling?”
You were still a bit dazed from your orgasm, but you were definitely ready to feel his cock inside you. “Yes. Fill me with your cock, Loki, please.” 
“It would be my pleasure, elska,” he breathed as he lined up his cock to your pussy. He began to slowly enter you and you stretched deliciously to accommodate him. When you were finally flush together, you relished the feeling of being full with him. 
He began to pump in and out of you, taking a slow, languid pace. You wrapped your legs around him once more, and he leaned down to kiss you deeply, groaning into your mouth as his pace began to increase. “Y/N, you are wrapped so tightly around my cock. You feel so good.” He groaned around the words, having difficulty speaking clearly in the moment. 
“You fill me up so well, Loki. I love how you feel inside me.” You leaned up and kissed him deeply, bringing your hands up to his shoulders. “Fuck me hard, Loki, please. I want to come around your hard cock.” 
With your words barely past your lips, Loki picked up his speed and thrust into you hard, gripping your hip with one hand, and moving the other to circle your clit. He massaged the small bundle of nerves like he did earlier, while keeping a hard pace with his cock inside you. “Come on my cock, Y/N. I want to feel you come undone while you’re wrapped around me so tightly.” 
With his words edging you closer to another orgasm, you gripped his arms and cried out as you came on his hard cock, tightening around him further. Loki swore and brought his forehead to rest on yours. He picked up speed and groaned loudly. “I’m going to come, Y/N. I’m going to cum in your tight pussy. Fuck!” His movements became sloppy and he bit down on your neck, while you felt him release inside you. 
His movements slowed and came to a stop, and he released your neck from his teeth. He kissed where he had bitten you and kissed a line up to your lips and ravished your mouth with a deep kiss. You kissed him back just as deeply, threading your fingers through his hair. 
You were filled with ecstasy and blissfully dazed. You played with Loki’s soft hair as he eased out of you. He laid down next to you, pulling you in to lay on his chest, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. He drew circles around your shoulder with his fingers and you hummed your satisfaction. 
“I have a question for you, elska.” Loki stated, with a smile in his voice.
“Hmm?” You murmured. “What is it?”
As a smirk crept in his voice and with a bit of laughter, he asked “How do I compare to your book boyfriend now?” 
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wyvernthekriger · 2 months
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Star-Crossed Lovers
Loki x Reader
A little angsty blurb about Loki and Reader being celestial entities/heroes.
Echoes of the Celestial Veil
In the cosmic tapestry, where stars wove their destinies, there existed two souls: Loki and Y/N. They were not the kind of heroes celebrated in epic ballads or adorned with laurels. No, their heroism was quieter, more clandestine—a dance of shadows and whispered secrets.
Loki, with eyes like fractured galaxies, was a trickster. His laughter echoed through black holes, and his fingers traced constellations into existence. He wore a cloak spun from comet tails, and his heart harbored secrets older than time. Loki’s mischief was not born of malice; it was a rebellion against cosmic order.
Y/N, on the other hand, was a weaver of forgotten spells. Her touch mended rifts in reality, and her tears birthed nebulae. Her hair held the fragrance of blooming supernovae, and her voice resonated with the hum of quasars. Y/N's magic was not showy; it was the quiet pulse that kept universes from unraveling.
They met at the edge of the Celestial Nexus, where dimensions brushed against each other. Loki, with his mischievous grin, offered her a stolen comet—a fragment of a dying star. Y/N, with her eyes like ancient manuscripts, whispered forgotten incantations. Their love bloomed like a cosmic flower, fragile yet eternal.
But the universe conspired against them.
The Cosmic Council, arbiters of balance, frowned upon their union. They saw Loki’s pranks as disruptions, and Y/N's magic as meddling. The Elders of Eternity warned them: “Heroes must not love. Their duty transcends personal desires.”
Yet Loki and Y/N defied fate. They met at the Event Horizon, where time slowed to a crawl. There, they kissed—a collision of light and shadow. Loki’s lips tasted of stardust, and Y/N's held the warmth of collapsing suns. They vowed to bridge their realms, to weave a love story across dimensions.
But the universe retaliated.
Orion, the cosmic hunter, aimed his bow. His arrow, tipped with quasar fire, pierced Loki’s heart. Y/n wept silver tears, her magic unraveling. She became a comet, trailing across galaxies, searching for her lost trickster. Loki, wounded but undeterred, transformed into a constellation—a winking star in the Serpent’s Tail.
Their paths intersected, but never aligned. Y/N's comet soared through the Celestial Veil, leaving trails of longing. Loki’s star blinked messages in Morse code—a love song across light-years. They glimpsed each other, separated by eons, their hearts pulsing in cosmic rhythm.
And so, on clear nights, when you gaze at the sky, look for Loki’s Wink and Y/N's Trail. They continue their dance, bridging realms, whispering love across the Abyss of Infinity. Their story lives on—a tale of misunderstood heroes, of love that defied galaxies.
Perhaps one day, when the cosmic winds shift, they’ll reunite. Until then, they remain echoes—two constellations, forever apart, yet forever entwined.
May their love ripple through spacetime, a celestial secret hidden in the folds of existence.
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 12: Mischief
~(Y/N) POV~
As I set my room key on the counter, I grab the bag of apples, pull my hood down and walk out with Thor.
I pulled out a red one and take a bite, the crisp, sweet tang of the insides making me sigh in happiness. 
I then remember my new companion. My heart drops as I realize I can't take her with me.
Thor seems to notice my downtrodden face and asks, "What is the matter, Ms. (L/N)?" 
I pick my head up slowly and look at Isolde, the beautiful appaloosa looking at me with a glint of confusion in her eyes. 
He follows my gaze and says, "You can bring your horse with you! It's not a problem at all!"
I look at him with joy in my eyes and show him a slightly wide smile. If only I noticed Thor's rosy cheeks and a racing heartbeat. I run up to Isolde and rub her long neck. 
I then whispered, "You can stay with me, Isolde! I don't have to leave you here!" 
I grab an apple from the bag and give it to Isolde. She eats it happily, making me smile wider.
I know it's been less than a day but I grow attached to animals very quickly. Reason why my gut is always right about people but I'm weak for animals.
I then hop onto my saddle and grip the reins. Thor looks up at me and smiles softly and walks down the dirt road. I clicked my tongue, signaling Isolde to walk. As we continue walking, I see a group of people, specifically one girl and three men. 
I look at Thor with uncertainty and he nods. I pull the reins to slow Isolde's strides.
"Everyone, this is our new teammate. Teammate, meet everyone." 
Thor does jazz hands in my direction and I smile softly at his silliness. Isolde shakes her mane and does a whinny. The rather large man walked up to Isolde, held his hand out, and scratched her muzzle.
"She's a beauty." He says, looking up at me with a toothy smile.
He looks warm and friendly.
I'm sure he can't see my eyes but he can see my lips so I smile.
"Thank you," I reply.
"I'm Volstagg, my lady."
He holds his hand out towards me and I set the reins in my left hand and shake his hand with my right.
"Call me (Y/N)." 
As I say that, I raise my head up slightly to show Volstagg my face with a mischievous smile. 
His eyes widen like the wet dough I made for bread at the bakery when I flattened them out. He seems to stumble over his words, unable to contain his excitement.
He then does something I have never, ever seen in my entire life.
He squeals.
It's high pitched and I wince slightly at the sound, as well as the others did. Volstagg hops around with a slightly feminine giggle.
I smile at his behavior, not expecting this kind of reaction but after Thor encountered me, Thor Odinson, the future king of Asgard, was a fan of mine, I may have gotten a teeny, tiny bit confident after...
"YOU'RE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE VAL-!!" Volstagg yells out and I move quickly to silence his voice. 
I look at the others with a nervous smile and they were in shock. The lady had her eyes wide and her lips parted, the blonde man had his jaw on the ground and the foreign man had slightly wide eyes.
Thor chuckles loudly as I look at my fanboy, signaling him to not scream. "Yes, this, my friends, is the well-known (Y/N) (L/N), the warrior angel, or the guardian angel of the Valkyrie." 
I move my hand away from the excited man and hop off Isolde. I held the reins in my left hand again and pull my hood down all the way.
May I remind the reader that you are still filthy, your face is covered in dirt, your hair is matted or in knots and you also have a few scars forming? Alright, enough reminding.
The foreign man winces slightly when I pulled my hood down as well as the blonde man. 
The lady just smirks and I felt butterflies in my stomach under her gaze.
Thor walks over to me and clasps his large hand on my left shoulder. "So, is the new teammate a yes or no?"
"Heck yeah!"
I smile at everyone's answers and wait for them to introduce themselves.
The lady says, "I'm Lady Sif, fair maiden." 
She grabs my right hand into hers and kisses the top while looking up at me with a quite flirtatious smile. 
My face immediately burst with red, not used to physical affection by someone else because Sif is a very attractive woman.
"Aw, come on, Sif! I was gonna do that!" says the blonde man. 
She lets go of my hand with a slight squeeze and steps back a few feet.
The blonde man walks up and says, "The name's Fandral, m'lady." 
I shake his hand while smiling. After I stop shaking his hand, he kept staring at my face and his thumb was slowly rubbing circles on the knuckle of my own thumb.
"Ow!" Fandral says, as he lets go of your hand to massage his head wound.
Volstagg looked away while whistling a tune. I giggled, knowing that he threw the tiny rock. Fandral huffs and walks to where Sif is. 
I look to see the foreign man with an expressionless face bowing towards me.
I show him a small smile and bow my head to him. If only I saw the smile on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Isolde along, I've grown too attached to her," I say with a slight blush of embarrassment.
Isolde then nudges her nose into my arm and huffs. I smile and pet her muzzle. Sif then walks towards me, nods, and starts to pet Isolde too. My blush grows at her close proximity. (that's right, you're a bottom.)
Thor bellows out, "Of course, you can! But before we leave for home, you must be on your horse so she can leave with us!" 
I nod in acknowledgment and hop on again. Volstagg sets his hand on Isolde's left shoulder, looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back. Thor calls out to the sky and everywhere around me glows a golden rainbow.
~Slight time skip~
I'm here. 
I'm finally here. 
I smile brightly, realizing the building is where the Bifrost is held but freeze in shock when the wielder of the Bifrost is in a fighting stance. Isolde whinnies in fear and Thor dashes in front of me and puts his hands up. 
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Heimdal! She's not a threat! Well, to others yes but not to us!"
Heimdal continues to glare so I panic and pull my hood off and spread my wings.
My wings stretch farther from my body and they're as long as Isolde. yeah, I am badass. Heimdal's eyes widen and he drops the Bifrost slightly, looking at me in awe. I smile slightly under his gaze but as I begin to actually look at him, I noticed his eyes first.
How they shined a beautiful yellow and amber. His dark skin makes his irises pop. His large helmet covered most of his head but he looks rather handsome. It shows maturity and elegance.
"You're (Y/N)...The guardian angel of the Valkyrie...But were you not lost in battle?" Heimdal asks with genuine confusion. 
He lowers the Bifrost and stands up straighter. I pull my wings back and reply. 
"I was not lost in battle, although I nearly died... But that is not an important matter. Thor Odinson, if you'll excuse me, I have to see someone before we talk about my place on the team." I kick Isolde in the side to make her gallop and it works. 
As Isolde runs on the Bifrost Bridge and into Asgard, my (H/L) hair flows with the wind. I smile as I feel the cool and sweet air caress my face. I kick her to go faster as I steer us in the direction of my childhood home. As we venture home, I see children playing with other children by their houses, mothers talking with other mothers, and also watching their own kids. 
I smile softly at the children playing. I hope that someday, I will have my own. I look forward only to find the bakery, my home, gone. Just...gone. I pull the reins back as Isolde goes from a gallop to walking. I look around, now fearful that Father was gone, only to see the actual bakery still standing but looking improved.
I throw my hand to my head in annoyance and steer Isolde to walk to the right. I shake my head but as I raise my head, I couldn't help but smile widely and feel tears rise. I pull Isolde to a stop and hop off, bringing her to a post. I tie the reins and pat her shoulder. 
"This may be a while, pretty girl." She just whinnies and I pull my hood over and laugh.
As I walk through the doorway of my home, I tuck my wings into my cape. There were two men in front of me so I sadly wait, shaking with nervousness to see my guardian. It didn't take long as the two men walk out, hand in hand. I smile softly at the couple and walk to the counter. There he is. Being my cashier.
I try my absolute hardest not to jump over and tackle Father into a rib-crushing hug and it pays off. I then say our code words that we made up together when I was 2,790 years old or 9 in Earth years. "May I get a (favorite animal) with (favorite season) and a (favorite color) on the side?" I finish my sentence while still looking down with a smile on my face.
I could tell that Father froze when I said that. He says, "No one says that...except." Before he could finish his sentence, I look up from under my hood, look at him, and smiled. His jaw drops and he's frozen still. 
"Hello, Father," I say with a single tear rolling down my cheek. 
He then starts to groan like a drunk and he falls back. I gasped and jumped over the counter to see what was wrong.
"Father?! FATHER!!" I check his pulse after shaking him a few times. He's alive so he must have fainted. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head while smiling.
I missed this weirdo.
I pick Father up at carry him to his room, of course, I already know where it is. It was slightly messy but I could walk. I gently set him on his bed and pulled his blanket onto his body. Now that he's asleep, I look at him fully.
He looks as if he hasn't aged at all but now, he must be 38,680 years. He has many eye lines, telling me that he hasn't slept much. 
I slightly frown at that, now making it my goal to let him sleep as much as possible. Talking can wait, I want him to be able to hold a conversation without sleeping. Hypocritical of me, yes but he deserves it.
I smile and kiss him on the forehead. I get up and turn all the torches off in the bakery portion of the building, signaling to people that it's closed. After doing so, I walk to my old room. 
As I open the door, I begin a coughing fit as my room was full of dust. Nothing was touched. It was left the way I had it when I left. I smile as I see my old doll sitting on my windowsill, also dusty but it held a stitched smile.
I walk over to my candles and light them, the yellow and orange lights illuminating my childhood room. I walk into the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan, now ready to clean my room like I was younger.
~3 hour time skip~
Before I started, I took off my hood and cape but it felt so hot like I had them on while cleaning. I walked over to my small vanity to see my face only slightly dirty so I smile and wash my face with a clean rag. I then hear groaning in the room next to mine. Father must be awake! I set the rag down and walk towards the doorway. I see him rise up, rubbing his head with a groan. 
I lean in the doorway with a smile and my arms crossed. Father looks at me and groans out, "Ah, (Y/N), can you bring me a glass of water, please? I don't feel so we-" His eyes widen and he freezes.
He slowly looks at me, gets up fast, runs towards me, and tackles me into a hug. He surprised me because I fell back from his force. I laugh and hug Father tightly when I feel wet drops on my clothes. I look down to see tears streaming down his wrinkled and exhausted face.
I let a few run down my cheeks, overjoyed to see the man that raised me as his own. I pat his back a couple of times, trying to soothe him and also remind him that I'm really here and not a mirage. 
He takes a few deep breaths and sobs again. I laugh softly and keep patting his back. "I'm here, Father. I'm home."
He lets out a loud cry but with a smile on his face.
"I've missed you so much, (Y/N)." He has red eyes, a red nose, and some snot slightly running. I smile contentedly and use my cape to wipe his face.
"I-I would hear tales about you and how you're the guardian angel of the Valkyrie. They spoke about how you fought with bravery and selflessness, which sounds about right. They described how beautiful and graceful you looked but that did not do you any justice." 
I smile at his compliment and get up while helping Father stand up too. He then looks up at me, smiles, and raises his wrinkly yet strong hand, and lies it on my right cheek. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady, and I could not have been more proud of you." 
I set my left hand on his hand and say, "I'm like this because of you, Father. You made me into the strong woman I am now." I look down at him with a small tear falling to my chin.
"Come, come. You must tell of your adventures while away." Father says as he walks into the kitchen at the same table I studied wing anatomy on. I smile and sit down, ready to tell him everything.
~Time skip~
"YOU ALMOST WHAT??!"Father screams at me with concern written all over his face. I scratch the back of my neck with a nervous smile. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALMOST DIED!!" 
I shake my head with a small smile and say, "Almost." 
He scoffs in annoyance but smiles after that. "Well, I'm glad you got back safe." I smile but then look down sadly.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Father asks me with concern in his voice. 
I look up, grab his hand gently and say, "I cannot stay home, Father. I am under Thor Odinson's team so I will leave for missions. He took me back here, back home. But I promise you, that I will visit you every day, either before or after my missions." 
He sighs and then smiles. "I'm just happy you're alive, dear."
I get up, lean down, and hug Father tightly. He hugs me back, sighing with contentment. "Be safe, dear. I'd rather see you be wed and have grandchildren." 
"Father!!" I say, embarrassed by his words. I am technically at the age when women bear children, so about 25 in Earth years. But still! Father laughs at my reaction and pats my back. 
"Go be a hero, (Y/N). I'll be here when you return." We exchange smiles and let go. "You better keep your promise, young lady!"
I walk towards the doors and laugh. I turn around and give a nod. Father smiles and I walk out to my trusty steed. "I'm sorry for taking forever, Isolde. I was speaking with Father after all of these years." I know she may not understand what I'm saying but I don't really care. But I do have a feeling she knows what I'm saying.
I hop on my saddle, pull my hood up, and head towards the castle gates. Of course, I am stopped by the guards and asked for my purpose. I pull my hood down with a smile and they too froze. One guard taps the door while the other shakes my hand. Both were silent when I walked through. I see Odin, Frigga, and Thor walk into the large room, talking about something probably important.
My hood is still off so Thor recognized me. He smiled widely and walked towards me. "Ah, (Y/N)!! Welcome to my home! Father, mother, this is my new friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She's the-" 
"Yes, yes, we know about (Y/N), Thor." Odin interrupts with a large smile. I hop off Isolde with the reins in one hand and kneel down but Odin pulls me up and shakes my free hand. 
I smile back and say, "It is the greatest honor to be in your presence, Odin."
"Nonsense! I should be honored to meet a warrior such as yourself!" Odin replies while pushing Frigga towards me to also shake my hand. 
I kneel down in front of her and say, "It is an honor to be in your presence as well, my lady Frigga." 
I hear her laugh softly and she pulls me up slowly. "I've heard many a tale about the guardian angel, (Y/N)."
I smile with a slight blush on my cheeks. Thor walks up to me and grabs my hand softly. "Now, since you are on my team, we can discuss and plan your very first mission!" I look up at him and smile a little wider.
I then look at Odin and his queen and say, "Please excuse me, your highnesses." They both nod with a smile and Thor guides me down a hall.
"Now, I must ask you a few questions if that is alright with you that is." I nod and he continues. "Do you know of my brother, Loki?" 
I reply, "Yes." 
He takes a deep breath in and out. "After my last mission, I lost my brother on a planet called Earth. I have been there before and I must retrieve him so he may be punished for his crimes." 
I then say, "Okay, do you know his exact location on Earth?" 
He replies, "Yes and we will be going together while the others sleep. If that is alright with you."
I think about it for a few seconds. Loki is known to be very, very mischievous and even more dangerous. I trust Thor knows what to do when we arrive. "That's alright with me. But I do require a few things." 
He shows me a small smile and says, "Oh, do tell. Anything at all."
I show him a smirk and say, "Well I would like a new set of armor, a sword, and a dagger."
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coopermorrow · 1 year
Marvel/Avengers Masterlist
This is my official masterlist for Marvel/Avengers characters. I will write for all the characters listed as well as others if it is requested. I will also write for their actors. For additional information, please refer to the post linked below.
This masterlist along with my others will be updated everytime a new story/fic is written or in the works of being written.
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queenofdragons12 · 8 months
Plasma and Green Fire [TEASER]
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PAIRING: Loki X Fem!Dragon! Reader
GENRE: fantasy, love, and romance
A/N: Here is a sneak peek of what I'll be working on soon. I hope you enjoy it.
You never thought that you would end up in the TVA, but here you are, captured by the Time Keepers. As a kind dragon, you never played with fire, but the Time Keepers saw things differently. It's strange that you are the only dragon in the TVA, as dragons are typically an Asgard thing. However, it's not so surprising when the TVA sends Loki to your cell for integration.
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Basking upon the sun-kissed shores, you reveled in the tranquil embrace of the beach. The morning had unfolded gently, the sun's golden rays slowly casting their illuminating spell over the horizon. Just as you had slipped into the blissful grasp of slumber, an unwelcome scent tainted the salty breeze, a scent you despised above all others - the scent of humans. An indignant rage welled within you, pondering the uninvited intrusion of these pesky creatures.
With a swift and indignant spring to your feet, you beheld the sight of five humans, marching purposefully toward you, strange contraptions in hand. Their presence irked you, and in a snarling fury, you lunged at them with a fiery plasma torrent erupting from your maw. One of the humans fell to the ground, life extinguished in an instant. "Attack!" cried one of them, his voice a squeaky, feeble echo in the coastal stillness.
In the face of a pointed weapon aiming for your heart, a maddening frenzy seized you. Claws tore at the air, your screeches pierced the heavens, and teeth snapped with a menacing intent. Your every instinct screamed for their demise, but to your vexation, none of your furious onslaught seemed to end their existence. They were relentless.
In a desperate turn of events, one of them managed to paralyze you momentarily, affording their accomplices the chance to bind your wings, talons, and maw together. Aghast, you raged against your restraints, your mind roaring with fury. No, no, no, you thought with incensed determination, Not again!
With merciless efficiency, they hauled you through a shimmering, orange gateway, and in that harrowing moment, you knew that the home you cherished would forever remain a distant memory.
"So even a dragon couldn't escape from the TVA's clutches, could you?" sneered a voice. Your eyes snapped open, pupils slitting in a mixture of fear and anger, and you let out a deafening roar, banging against the surrounding walls. "Owah, easy, you're going to hurt yourself," the same voice cautioned. You whirled around, teeth bared, wings spread wide, but the man standing before you was different from the others. He regarded you with amusement, and his green eyes held a spark of curiosity that set him apart.
"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you," the human said, crouching to reduce his intimidating stature. You were relatively small for a Fury, a mere few moon cycles old, perhaps eighteen, but the specifics eluded you; you'd never celebrated your hatching day.
"I'm Loki. Now, who are you?" he asked, extending a hand that you tentatively sniffed. Hissing, you drew back, your eyes flaring. "I'm Y/N," you snarled, your voice heavy with tension. Loki seemed momentarily taken aback that you could speak, but he dipped his head in acknowledgment. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Do you know where we are?"
You shook your head, and Loki sighed. "Figured as much. Well, we're in a time cell created by the TVA, and I'm your cellguard, for lack of a better term. I'm here for the same reason as you – caught by those stupid mortals." He settled down, leaning against the wall, which nearly caused you to crash. "They won't let us out until you've proven you're not a threat to them."
"I've killed thousands of humans in my time; I don't think I'll be considered a threat," you snarled, your initial aggression softening into a more contemplative tone. Then, with a shake of your head and a gradual relaxation of your tense shoulders, you seemed to catch Loki off guard. He watched with fascination as you sniffed around the cell, searching for a suitable spot to rest. The battle had undoubtedly left you weary, and it was time for some much-needed reprieve.
"Umm, what are you doing?" Loki inquired, his eyes never straying from your shimmering white form. You glanced back at him, your eyes gleaming with a touch of mischief. "Finding a place to sleep. If I don't do anything, they won't see me as a threat," you explained, your lips curling into a knowing smirk.
With sudden purpose, you swung your tail at a bulb nestled in the faraway wall. It shattered, revealing itself as a concealed camera, one of the duplicities you'd heard people mention from time to time. "Now, I'll sleep in peace," you purred, curling up on a patch of damp, squiggly moss. It wasn't your usual nest, but it would have to do. Soon, the weariness that clung to you like a heavy shroud overcame all else, and you drifted into a deep, needed slumber.
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Hi!! May you please do masc presenting Loki with a plus size reader? Just fluff and Loki admiring the reader's body 💕💕 thank you 🫶🏾
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Open Arms
Loki Laufeyson x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Fluff , Loki being touchy, He/They pronouns for Loki, They/Them pronouns for Reader,
Word Count: 402
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You walked threw the doors of your house, tired you felt dead on your feet. You didn't know if Loki would be home the god of mischief would lounge around your apartment close to when you would be home. You dragged your feet threw your apartment hoping to take a shower. You get to your room seeing it empty assuming your god of a partner must be doing god know what. you grab some sweats and a tee shirt. Throwing it on the bed for when you finally finish your shower. You felt the warm water soothe the aches and soreness from the day. The sweat from the warm heat outside washing away. You turn the shower off and grab the towel and head into the room drying yourself off when you hear the voice of the god you've been dating, Loki “Mm great sight to see, Love” the words rolled off his tongue before you had seen the god. “AHHHhh?!” holding the towel closer to your body “Oh my god Loki! you scared the shit out of me?” you said relaxing. “Apologies, I was unaware I needed an invitation to the room we both share every night,” Loki says raising their eyebrow. “No you just scared me I thought I was alone, “ you roll your eyes at Loki going to change into your clothes. “I still do not understand why you'd prefer to cover something so amazing every night” your partner hums from the bed. Your face starts to feel warm as you continue to struggle to get your pants up almost tripping over your legs. “It's cold in here,” you say simply refusing to face the raven as you felt his eyes on your body, a soft hum leaving his mouth again in amusement. you slip on the tee and climb into the bed and lean into Loki looking at the book in their hands, just as they close the book to put it on the side table they roll to face you, slipping his arms around you and under your shirt kissing your shoulder. The soft kisses left over the side of your neck and shoulder oozed love and adoration as his hands wandered up your shirt. The touch held a surprising amount of innocence from the god of mischief but the feeling of your own personal god loving on you a bit was welcomed with open arms.
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
You Are Worth It- Loki Laufeyson xreader fan fic
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Summary: Y/N is feeling depressed and bad about themselves & Loki comforts & reassures Y/N and helps cheer her up
Warnings: mentions of depression, mentions of not feeling good enough, mentions of crying, soft Loki, angst, fluff, let me know if I miss anything
~Y/N’s POV~
I’m not sure how it started but I felt really low about myself and didn’t really feel like doing anything today so I decided to lay down in bed and I scrolled through social media for a while to keep my myself from crying but that didn’t work as I had hoped, I started to cry really hard. Loki ran into the room looking panicked and said “darling what is it?? What’s the matter Y/N? Did you hurt yourself?” I shook my head after wiping my tears away and got myself to sit up and said “no I-I’m ok Loki.. just feeling really down and I just.. I don’t feel good enough Loki.”
~Loki’s POV~
I sat down in bed next to Y/N and pulled her into my lap and held her tight and moved her phone to the bedside table and said “Y/N my pet listen to me, I know exactly how you are feeling, I’ve gone through these feelings many times before but you know who helped me to help remind me that I was good enough?” Y/N sat up a bit and said “me?..” I smiled and said “that’s right darling , listen to me, you are more than enough alright? You are perfect, the most wonderful woman I have had the pleasure of knowing. You are perfect regardless of what your mind tells you my sweet, please promise that you will never give up on yourself and that you will love yourself because you are worth it. I love you so much darling.”
I kissed her head and held her while she cried everything out and she lifted her head up to look at me and said “you are amazing Loki thank you for taking care of me baby it means so much and I promise Loki I won’t give up I’m just having a hard day.” I kissed her forehead and said “I know darling but I promise it’ll get better, why don’t we go out and do something, anything you want my love, we can go get one of those sugary drinks you love or just go out for a walk what do you say?” She smiled and said “that sounds really good Loki, I love you so much.” Y/N leaned in to kiss me and I smiled at her and said “I love you more my sweet, why don’t you get dressed and we’ll go do something hmm?” She got up and said “ok, give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready.” I was so proud of Y/N for being so strong I couldn’t bare it if anything happened to her.
~Y/N’s POV~
I got dressed in my favorite hoodie and jeans and brushed my hair and met Loki by the front door and went to hug him and said “hey love, I’m ready to go.” Loki smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around me and said “I’m so proud of you darling, have you eaten today at all yet?” I felt guilty and shook my head feeling shy and he just smiled and leaned down kissing my head and said “no matter Y/N it’s alright, that’s what we’ll do first we need to get some food into your system you’ll feel better.” I never felt so loved and cared for in a long time, Loki changed all that and never made me feel bad or thought less of me and I always felt safe with him.
We went out to our favorite restaurant and Loki ordered me my favorite meal and made sure I ate everything and would tell me stories while we were out. I loved hearing his stories about Asgard and his adventures with his brother Thor. Loki saw I had finished eating and said “good job Y/N thank you for eating I’m proud of you, feel better?” I nodded and I did actually feel a little better, I looked at the menu and saw there was a desert section and I said “hey would it be ok if I ordered a piece of pie while we’re here?” Loki looked at what I wanted and said “oh absolutely darling you deserve it.” I smiled feeling excited and I waved someone over and ordered the pie. When the pie came loki said “ooh may I try a bite?” I handed him a fork and said “please! Help yourself honey! Take as much as you’d like.” Loki took a piece and said “yum, that is very tasty pet, what do you call it?” I ate another piece and said “it’s chocolate silk pie it’s very popular.” loki smiled and said “it is very good, how are you feeling now darling?” I finished the last piece and got the check for the meals and said “I’m doing a lot better Loki thank you for helping me get out today, this is just what I needed you are wonderful to me.” Loki took my hand in his kissing my hand and said “darling I would do anything for you, I hate seeing you sad, you deserve to be happy.” I blushed and said “Loki, I’m happy with you as long as I’m with you I have everything I need, wanna go for a walk?”
Loki nodded and we both got up and went for a walk along the river and I breathed in the fresh air feeling so relaxed and Loki had us stop at a spot for a moment and came closer to me lifting my chin up kissing me and said “darling you did great today, and if it’s possible I’ve fallen more in love with you and remember never give up and if you ever feel low again please tell me.” I pulled loki in for another kiss and said “I promise Loki thank you for an amazing day I love you so much.” He smiled and noticed I was sleepy and said “let’s go home Y/N you’ve done enough today.” He took my hand and we both went home and as soon as we got home I curled up in bed with loki and closed my eyes feeling relaxed on his chest while he held me close to him. Loki played with my hair and noticed I fell asleep and whispered “goodnight my dear Y/N I love you.”
Hey lovelies ♥️♥️ I wanted to write this Loki comfort fic bc I have been feeling low recently and writing this helped cheer me up a bit 🥹💚 I hope you enjoy this soft Loki fluff, love you all dears xx
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flaysthings · 2 years
When a new movie or show comes out I wait a few months, sometimes even a year to watch it. Why? Because I want to make sure that if I ship anyone, I can read lots of fanfics about them after I finish.
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 10: Acquaintances
~(Y/N) POV~
As I walk towards Isolde, a great wind picked up from above. The rain was still pouring but I could honestly care less. I pull my hood over my eyes and jump onto the saddle. I lean forward a little to wipe the water off of Isolde's eyes and grip the reins.
I clicked my heels into her sides and she trotted down the dirt trail, leading to the inn that Thea spoke of. As the rain fell harder, I slowed down the horse to walk so she would not slip. I decided to stretch my wings out and move them above my head and over Isolde. She let out a whinny as if she was saying 'thank you'.
I smiled and said, "You're welcome.." I then saw a black blur running to the left side of the trail. I pull back the reins and dig my heels in. I then saw another blur but it was the color brown. 
oh shit.
not now..
My eyes dart from the left and right frantically. My body freezes when my (E/C) eyes stare into a pair of glowing, yellow, primal eyes. I then flex my large wings out, making my (small/average/tall) figure look far more intimidating.
As I flexed my wings out, it seemed to have startled Isolde and she began galloping through the dark forest. I almost fell off but I held a firm grip on the reins. As the pack of wolves chased after us, I had to keep steering Isolde on the muddy trail. It was so much more difficult than with a pegasus since they could just fly away.
That's it.
I look up to grab a low-hanging branch and throw it behind me and it hits 4 out of the 9 wolves, causing the wolves to crash into the others. I smirk then pull Isolde to a quick stop. I quickly hop off and move under her. She looks down at me as if questioning what I'm doing. 
I breathe in and lift with not a lot of my strength. All that hard training at the camp really paid off after all those years! I smile triumphantly and began to fly up when my right foot is caught in the jaws of the black wolf. I tell out in pain and kick with my other foot with my heel. The wolf let out a pained yelp and let go.
I then go up about 30 feet from the ground, now above the tree line, and fly towards a smoke line along with other rooftops. As I drew closer, I flew down and gently set Isolde down. I let out a sigh of relief as the wolf pack didn't seem to run out of the forest. I turned to my horse and stifled a laugh.
She looked terrified, to say the least, her mane was everywhere as well as her tail and her fur disheveled. Her black eyes were wide and her breathing was fast. I smile and walk up to comfort her. I coo at her like a frightened baby and rub her back, shoulders and cheeks. She slowly calms her breathing and I look ahead at the town, well it was a big town. 
I inhale and exhale a few times to relax from the chase and hop onto Isolde once again. "You did an excellent job, Isolde~", I pat her right shoulder and make her walk. She lets out a soft and still scared whinny but continues. I shake my wings to (yeet) get the rain off my dirtied, white feathers.
After the little shakey shake, I hid my wings under my cape. Many men had stopped and stared at me while walking down the streets, the women sneak a glance with red cheeks, and the children abruptly stop their playing to stare in awe at my mysterious and dark presence.
I slightly smirk but continue on. After a few more steps, I took in my surroundings. Very cozy and welcoming. The smell of bread, tea, and old books brought my mind nostalgia. I feel my small smile fade as I remember Father. How I miss him. He's most likely perturbed about me. News about the battle with Hela must have spread quickly on Asgard.
I set two fingers on my right cheek and felt liquid. A tear. I inhaled, shaking with the sadness of the reality. I may never see him again. Oh, how I miss his jokes, his yelling at me to stop doing something stupid, and his hugs. His hugs I miss the most. Even with him being as tall as one of the stools, they always made me feel better after feeling negative. 
I wipe the tears away and tie Isolde's reins to a post. I rub her neck and then pat it twice. She nudges her nose into my hand, wanting more pats. I laughed softly and walked into the building. I continue walking to the bar but don't take a seat. Not yet, at least.
The bartender is a male with blonde hair and green streaks. One beautiful hazel eye with blue hints and one pure white. Many freckles adorned his cheeks and he has a small scar on his left eyebrow. Wonder what he went through to gain that. Hopefully something heroic.
His left hand held a white rag and the other held a cup. His smile was flirtatious, and his eye had a glint of happiness. "Why, hello there, pretty lady~ What brings you here?" He sets his elbow on the counter, rag still in hand.
I look at him with a 'serious' face, not wanting to waste my time. I pulled out a pouch of coins, courtesy of Judas, and dropped it on the counter. In a deep tone that showed slight annoyance, I spoke, "A single bedroom for 2 days." The bartender looked at me, expecting a more polite response. I sigh softly and say, "Please."
He smiled brightly and walked away. I stood there, waiting a few seconds, and heard footsteps behind me. I don't turn around as I don't care, I only care about getting some sleep without a crazy witch watching over me.
"Please excuse me, madam?" said a very masculine and deep voice from behind me. I internally sigh but slowly turn around, not looking up to look at the man's face. His boots were black with golden rims. His pants are also black, along with his knee armor with gold rims. Apparently, the man is wearing a red cape that draped a little above his ankles. 
"I couldn't help but notice you are wearing a bandit's attire, and it looks to have not fit you. Also, your cape was moving many a time, " says the mystery man, pointing at my outfit and cape from what I'm guessing by his body movements. I sigh and raise my head to see his face. My (E/C) eyes shimmered from the yellow-lit torches through my (H/L) (H/C) hair. My (L/C) lips closed shut, to show that I did not want to talk to him. 
But as I looked at his face, I first noticed his eyes. Those gorgeous blue and slight green pools seem to blend so well together. Then to his hair. Those golden and most likely, silky locks fell over his slightly tanned face. Then onto his smile. Those perfectly aligned pearls seem to have a slight twinkle. It was a very handsome smile, making my heart race and my cheeks heat up.
My eyes slightly widen but I push down those thoughts and asked in a dark tone, "Why do you wish to know?" Again, trying to sound as intimidating as I look but he didn't seem to falter. He shows his smile again and says, "You even have a lovely voice as well!"
I was so close to turning around and fully ignoring his existence, but I said, "That did not answer my question." He shifts nervously but replies slightly shyly, "You just caught my eye as I walked in. I would like to buy you a drink if you will let me, fair maiden."
I feel a slight blush appearing but say, "I'm not interested. I apologize." I then turn around and the bartender comes back with the key to my room. Finally. He smiles at me and then looks behind me in awe. He drops the key and whispers, "You're Thor Odinson!!"
Oh boy.
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agent-tempest · 1 year
My favorite fanfics!
Loki Friggason [Marvel]
Dancing in the dark (with you between my arms) by @holymultiplefandomsbatman [Fluff]
Paper rings by @cherryrogers [Pure fluff]
Back in your arms by @sarahscribbles [starts angsty but happiest fluffiest ending]
Remus Lupin [Marauders Era]
I don't want them. I want you by @theemporium [Fluff, Marriage, Drunk!Remus]
You are in love by @starstruckmoony [fluff]
Red by @jamespottersdaisy [Banter, fluff]
Gold Rush by @jamespottersdaisy [pure fluff]
Hiccups and hijinks by @dreaminginpastels [Plus-size!Reader, fluff, mutual pining, mentions of insecurity and self-doubt]
Jealous Prof!Reader by @turvi [Fluff, wife!Reader]
Let me help by @jamespottersdaisy [bad mental health, eating disorder?, angst]
Remus saying "I love you" to the for the first time by @theemporium [xReader, pure fluff]
Remus taking care of Drunk!Reader by @theemporium [Potter!Reader, Drunk!Reader, Soft Remus]
Remus being soft only with reader near fullmoons by @lizard-onawindowpane [Pure fluff]
Calm after the storm by @earthgirl616 [enemies to lovers, swearing, kissing, mention of blood and wounds]
Pinky Promise by @jamespottersdaisy [Pre and Post Moon!Remus, Remus and reader have a fight]
Our Band Part 1 Part 2 by @wzrd-wheezes [Marauders Band AU, Barista!Reader]
Kaz Brekker [Grishaverse]
Deadly fever by @webslinger-holland [mentions of severe illness, mentions of traumatic childhood, mentions of needles and bloodletting]
Book Club by @rainydaymiscellaneous [fluff, Kaz is in love]
There was this boy... by @mcntsee [Fluff]
Schon by @mcntsee [Kinda ooc Kaz, kaz is ok with y/n’s touch. Stabbing, blood, killing]
Peter Parker [TASM]
Worth Saving by @fettuccin-e [Hurt/Comfort]
Sirius Black [Marauders Era]
I think he knows by @theemporium [potter!reader, fluff, James being a Mood]
Words that slip through by @padfootagain [Fluff, tiny bit of Angst(?)]
For your family by @padfootagain [Fluff, Arrange marriage trope, Soulmate au]
Forced by @sirisuorionblack [Fluff, Arrange Marriage trope, toxic household]
Sirius wants a hug, but doesn't know how to ask by @gtgbabie0 [Fluff, touchstarved Sirius]
Everything has changed by @once-upon-an-imagine [Fluff, Lupin!Reader, Jilly Wedding]
Sirius being jealous of a cat by @theemporium [fluff, jealous!Sirius and *in steve's voice* Language]
A cozy rainy night with Sirius by @theemporium [pure fluff]
James Potter [Marauders era]
Stop flirting with the nurse, it's embarrassing by @perpetuallydaydreaming [Fluff, Siri & Pete being melodramatic]
First Impressions by @jackie5656 [Fluff, Descriptions of assault and attempted assault]
Just to Kiss by @chrryhrt [Frat!James x Reader, Idiots to lovers, friends to lovers, small mention of alcohol]
Regulus Black [Marauders era]
Coward by @sirisuorionblack [Hurt/comfort, Arrange marriage trope, acedemic rivals]
Moon Boys [Moon Knight, Marvel]
Jake Lockley- Cucumber face mask and fist of vengeance by @wysteria-clad [Fluff]
Jack Lockley- dlz by @ichorai [Angst, mild fluff, marriage au]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Clumsy by @marvelsswansong [fluff]
Marc, Steven and Jake- Secret Identities Part 1 Part 2 by @bensolosbluesaber [Fluff, reader is an Avenger]
Benedict Bridgerton [Bridgerton]
Matchmakers by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Not for him by @iwritefandomimagines [Platonic!Anthony playing matchmaker, Fluff, slight angst]
Second son by @fayes-fics
Druig [Eternals, Marvel]
Druig x Reader by @siempre-bucky [fluff]
Stephen Strange [Marvel]
July 19th by @frostandflamesfanfic [Fluff, Strange being a dad to America]
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queenofdragons12 · 7 months
Sanctuary of Scales and Stars — multi fandom
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In the dimly lit living room, the embers of a smoldering argument had set your heart ablaze. You'd needed to escape, to prove a point, to show your father that you were more than just an object in his world, a pawn to manipulate at his will. He couldn't understand your need for autonomy, couldn't grasp the depths of your despair. To him, it was all about maintaining appearances, shielding the family from any perceived weaknesses.
With a surge of emotions, an indignant fire raging within, you embraced the ancient power that was your birthright. It coursed through your veins, awakening the latent abilities passed down through generations. The transformation was both liberating and terrifying.
Your body convulsed, and in an eruption of pain and fury, you shifted. Scales emerged, shimmering with iridescent hues. Claws elongated, and a tail whipped out behind you. Your form altered, the raptor within taking control. With a primal roar, you fled from that suffocating home, tearing through the fragile walls of the house, heedless of the chaos you left in your wake.
The city streets sprawled out before you, a labyrinth of concrete and humanity, yet you were a creature of a different world. The wind whistled past, and your heart pounded with the thrill of newfound freedom. Your scales rippled with each stride, a reflection of the turmoil within. For the first time, you were truly yourself, a being of power and majesty, leaving behind the cage of expectations.
You were no longer bound by the mortal constraints, and as the moon cast its silvery glow upon the city, you reveled in the intoxicating sensation of flight. In the darkness, you were an enigma, a myth, a legend in the making, and the city would never forget the night when a raptor roamed its streets, a harbinger of change and defiance.
In the solitude of the night, when the city's chaos had begun to fade into a distant hum, you found a moment to pause. The phone, an incongruous accessory for a creature of your nature, dangled from your belt, its presence a curious reminder of the world you had left behind. Gingerly, you extended your sharp, clawed fingers, tapping the screen with deliberate care, not wishing to shatter the delicate device with your raptor strength.
With each touch of your claw against the screen, you composed a message, a lifeline to the one who had shared your secrets, your confidant in the extraordinary life you led. Loki, the god of mischief, your steadfast friend in the tangled web of existence. The words flowed as a whisper, a digital message amidst the night's silence, carrying the weight of your emotions.
"Hey Loki," you began, your ancient heart aching. "I've done it. I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to break free. I'm out in the city, and I need you more than ever. Meet me where the shadows play, where our worlds collide. I'm waiting."
The message sent, your heart heavy with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. In the enigmatic dance between mortal and myth, you knew that Loki would find a way to respond, that the connection you shared would bridge the divide between your worlds. And as you stood there, your raptor form shimmering in the moonlight, you awaited the arrival of your best friend, your confidant in this extraordinary life you led.
The exchange with Loki had kindled a spark of hope within you. The prospect of reuniting with Manuel and Kirk, your dearest friends, in the sanctuary of your shared existence, was a beacon of light in the otherwise dark night. You could only hope they'd understand, accept your new form, and embrace the choices you had made.
As the anticipation built, your world was shattered by the intrusion of a voice you had hoped to escape. Whirling around, the scales of your raptor form bristling with tension, you confronted the source of your torment. There, in the shadows, stood your father, his countenance twisted in a sneer that matched the sneer of your own discontent.
"I'm leaving," you declared, your words a venomous retort, "I can't stay in a place where I'm not allowed to be myself." Your claws flexed, a silent threat in the moonlight, your defiance radiating from every inch of your scaled form.
His voice softened, his words a twisted consolation. "You're always allowed to be yourself in my household," he murmured, but the hollowness of his promise only deepened the chasm between you.
"I don't want this," you retorted, a sweeping gesture encompassing everything you had grown to despise. The years of confinement, the stifling expectations, it was all too much. "You and this pathetic excuse for a household," you added, disdain dripping from your words.
The revelation came next, a declaration of intent that sent shockwaves through the night. "The others might follow me, but know this," you warned, your gaze a withering glare, "I won't be coming back. You'll have to take care of yourself."
With that final proclamation, you turned away, a primal force of nature, and in the rhythmic thudding of your claws on the unforgiving asphalt, you vanished into the cloak of the night. The city embraced you, a creature of rebellion, and the pursuit of your newfound destiny beckoned with irresistible allure.
In the embrace of your trusted friend Loki, you felt the warmth of camaraderie and a sense of belonging that had eluded you for too long. His chuckle, like a soothing balm, resonated with the comfort of acceptance. But the intrusion of a throat-clearing sound, a reminder of the world you had left behind, compelled you to release your hold on him.
As your friends, Manuel and Kiril, emerged from the shadows, their presence was a heartwarming surprise. The bonds of friendship had drawn them to your side, defying the constraints of the world you had departed. With their blankets and pillows clutched to shield themselves from the chilly night, they were a testament to the strength of your connection.
With a sense of finality, you declared, "Let's go home." The affirmation was met with nods of agreement, and with a wave of Loki's hand, a golden, sparkly portal materialized before you, like a gateway to a world where you could truly be yourselves.
A smile graced your raptor visage as you slithered gracefully through the portal, your friends following suit. As the last of them passed through, the portal closed behind them, and the world fell into a profound silence. In that moment, you knew you had chosen the path of authenticity and found solace in the unity of your chosen family, in a sanctuary where you were free to be the creatures you were meant to be.
Life in Asgard had been a revelation, a stark contrast to the stifling existence you had left behind in the mortal world. The benevolence of Odin and Frigga, the king and queen of the realm, had provided you and your friends with a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.
The golden, towering palace of Asgard had become your sanctuary, a place where you were not only accepted but celebrated for who you were. You had been given a place in their world, a testament to the acceptance and understanding that had eluded you for so long.
Loki, your ever-loyal friend, had chosen to stay by your side, sharing in the comforts of your newfound life. Though he occasionally ventured out on errands, his presence was a constant source of reassurance. In the halls of the palace, you all had forged a bond that transcended worlds, and you were finally free to be your true selves, unfettered by the constraints of the mortal realm. As the days turned into months, you had discovered a home in Asgard, a place where you could live as the extraordinary beings you were meant to be.
The call to the hunt was a siren song, a reminder of the primal instincts that still coursed through your veins. Manuel's invitation, bow in hand, drew a delighted smile from your raptor form, and with a graceful movement, you flexed your powerful gray tail in anticipation.
"Gladly," you purred, a ripple of excitement shimmering across your scales. With your friends by your side, you ventured out into the wilds of Asgard, your instincts guiding your every move.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the celestial canvas above revealed its starry tapestry, your hunt had been successful. You returned home, a rabbit dangling from your jaws, while Manuel and Kiril carried a grand deer buck on their shoulders. The taste of victory and the satisfaction of the hunt permeated the air.
This was your home now, a place where you could truly thrive. As the moon bathed the palace of Asgard in its silver glow, you knew that here, among friends and allies, you had found your sanctuary, a world where you could exist forever and ever as your authentic selves.
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Hey babes, I'm recovering from am awful breakup. Please share your most vile xReader smut of the following fandoms/characters:
Baldurs Gate
• Astarion
• Gale
• Halsin
• Rolan
• Damon
• Raphael
• Minthara
Hogwarts Legacy/ Wizarding World
• Aesop Sharp
• Sirius Black
• Mirabel Garlic
Skyrim/ The Elder Scrolls Series
• Brynnolf
• Ralof
• Ulfric (he's got a nice voice)
• Martin Septium
Star Wars
• Kylo Ren
• Obi wan Kenobi (Prequels)
• Luke Skywalker (OG trilogy)
• Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
• Loki (pre avengers. Like as a young man on Asgard)
• The phantom of The Opera (2005)
• Rosalie (Twilight Saga)
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Sending my idea from our chats 😊💜 Loki fic where he’s scared to attended a stark  gallery because he’s asking reader as his date and he’s afraid she’ll say no but ends up saying yes and they confess their feelings about each other.
Be My Date- Loki Laufeyson Avenger! xreader fan fic request
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Summary: it was time for another Stark party at the stark tower and Loki wants to ask Y/N to be his date and is nervous she will say no but things work out & during the party they admit their feelings for each other
Warnings: angst, fluff, soft Loki, let me know if I miss anything
~Loki’s POV~
I cannot believe my brother Thor convinced me to join him at one of Stark’s parties tonight though I heard agent Y/N would be there so I planned on asking her to attend the party as my date though I wasn’t sure how to. I went to go find Thor and said “brother I wanna ask agent Y/N to be my date for the gathering tonight but I’m worried she’ll say no.” Thor patted my shoulder and said “Loki I see the way miss Y/N looks at you everytime you talk to her, she won’t say no brother I guarantee it go ask her and bring her flowers women love it.” I smiled already feeling more confident to asking her and said “thank you my dear brother, you’ve been an immense help I will go ask her right now.” I went to go pick out a bouquet of flowers for Y/N before going to talk to her and once I found the right one I headed over to talk to Y/N hoping she’d be my date tonight.
~Y/N’s POV~
I was picking out a dress to wear for Tony’s party tonight and I kept hoping Loki was gonna be at the party though I knew parties were not his thing and if Loki wasn’t gonna be there I wasn’t too excited about going. Natasha came in the room and saw I hadn’t done my makeup yet and said “girl you’re dressed but you haven’t finished getting ready come on we only have a few hours come on we’ll have fun tonight I promise.” I got up to get my makeup kit knowing she was right I shouldn’t stay in my room and feel sorry for myself knowing the one person I really liked probably didn’t like me back. I started working on my makeup and said “you’re right Nat we’ll have fun.” but then I heard a knock on the door and got up to see who was there.
I opened the door and it was Loki holding a bouquet of flowers and he looked nervous, Loki looked at me with a smile and said “wow agent.. you look absolutely beautiful, oh and these are for you. I came to ask if you would do me the honor of being my date to Stark’s party tonight?” I felt so surprised he came to ask me to be his date or that he was even going to the party. I took the flowers from him and smelled them and looked back at Loki blushing feeling excited and said “I would love to Loki! I didn’t think you were gonna be coming tonight.” Loki shrugged and said “well darling I heard you were gonna be there tonight and I really wanted to take the opportunity to spend time with you agent, so if you are willing I’d love for you to be my date.” I walked over to hug him and said “I would love to Loki, I’m so glad you’re coming tonight.” Loki smiled at me and said “I’m looking forward to it miss Y/N, see you soon.” Loki left and I stood by the door feeling so hally he would come pick me up later and Natasha said “oh he definitly likes you honey.” I had doubts about that and got working on my makeup while looking at Nat through the mirror and said “Nat I don’t know, he’s probably just being nice.” I finished doing my make up and curled my hair a bit & Nat came over to help with the curling iron and said “Y/N he really likes you I could see it in his eyes when you hugged him honey, plus he brought you flowers I’m telling you there’s something between the two of you.” I was hoping she was right about that I really liked Loki and wanted to tell him how I felt during the party but I was scared I’d make things awkward. I saw Natasha with her outfit on and said “oh Nat wow! Bruce will love it!! You look beautiful.” Natasha hugged me and said “You look gorgeous too honey, I bet Loki will be here any minute for you.”
*knock knock*
I felt really nervous when I heard someone was at the door so I told myself “ok, relax Y/N he will love you just be yourself.” I opened the door and there he was in a really handsome suit and that adorable smile. Loki said “hello Y/N are you ready to go?” I smiled and walked out the door and said “ready as I’ll ever be, let’s go.” Loki took my hand in his and we walked out to where the party was and Thor saw us and came over and said “hello brother and agent Y/N it is good to see you.” I nodded and said “likewise Thor.” Loki leaned over to whisper in my ear and said “could we talk alone for a minute agent, I wanna talk to you about something.” I looked at him nervously nodding my head and we walked over to a more quiet area and we sat down on a couch and Loki said “Y/N, I’m not very good at expressing how I feel to someone but the reason I asked you to be my date for tonight for the party is because I wanted you to know how I truly feel about you, I have liked you for sometime now. When you are around and we talk I feel like I can truly be myself and I smile a lot more when you are around and I would do anything to make you happy Y/N I care about you dearly.”
I couldn’t believe Loki likes me, I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn’t help smiling at him and I took a chance and kissed him. Loki blushed and said “does this mean you feel the same way darling?” I nodded and said “yes Loki, I really like you I’ve had these feelings for you for a while, I was just nervous you didn’t feel the same way and that I’d make things weird if I said anyt-“ loki cut me off by cupping my face in his hands and kissed me and said “my love you could never make anything weird or uncomfortable. Nothing you’d ever do or say will scare me off I promise Y/N, I love you so much I’m not going anywhere.” Before anything else could happen we heard music started playing and Loki stood up and held his hand out and said “may I have this dance my lady?” I smiled taking his hand and got up and said “of course you may sir, I would love to dance.” Loki guided us to the dance floor and pulled me close to his body and swayed us back and forth while looking deep in my eyes and said “I am so glad you’re here with me tonight my love.” I leaned my head on his shoulder smiling and said “I am too Loki, I love you.” I’m so happy that Loki and I finally got our happy ending, going to Stark’s party was definitly worth it I never wanted the moment to end.
Hey bestie I hope you enjoy this fic and I hope it’s close to what you were thinking 😊💜xx
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