#(even though he genuinely doesn’t want to cage her in any way. every though she’s so unhappy with the choices she’s made.)
supjello · 4 months
I have to REALLY ration out my aubreyad audiobook listening sessions bc without fail I get like 5 minutes in and start pacing and feeling insane
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A New Perspective (Part 3)
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Yandere Platonic Sakamaki Brothers x Reader
Warnings- (Forced) Age Regression, Restraints, Panic Attack, Implied Drugging, Yui slander (sorta), Pacifier, Nicknames used (baby, sweetie, angel), eating (fruits), force feeding, Papa for Shu
Notes- So the next few chapters are going to go brother by brother in order of age. So the next two are focused on Shu the the next two will be focused on Reiji, so on and so on. This chapter is the first half of the day with him and the next chapter is going to be the other half of the day.
You felt so warm. The dark room comforting your tired eyes. Your stomach keeps you awake with its pangs for food. You go to get up from your position, head foggy. Surprise floods your system when your hands don’t comply with your body properly. Looking at them through the black room you notice something around your wrists. You pull your arm as much as you can only for nothing to happen. A cry falls from your mouth in panic. You push your feet against whatever hard surface you could. Panic flooding your body and tears flooding your eyes. You flail against your restraints. You felt like you were locked in a cage, tied down and trapped.
Suddenly, light floods the room. You pause your movement, but you couldn't stop yourself from crying.
Not a word leaves the blonde haired man's mouth as he comes up to you and undoes the restraints.  Easily, he lifts you into his arms and takes you to the chair in the corner. He pulls you into his chest. As much as he seems to relax, you’ve never seen him calmer than he is right now, despite you crying into his chest.
“I know,” Shu tells you with a soft smile. “You’re so scared right now. You’re little mind can’t understand what’s happening,” He condescends. “But that’s why we’re going to take care of you. You’ll never have to worry again. Isn’t that nice, baby?”
Though his words felt taunting to you, you could tell he was being genuine. Your tears wouldn’t stop even though you wanted them to. Your mind only felt a little less blurry than it did the night before.
“I- “ Your words die on your lips. A deep breath replacing your voice as another sob escapes your throat.
Your mind races through every rule and reason they gave you last night. Your mind also races to Yui. Are they doing this to her too? Is she alright? Of course, you didn’t want to deal with her, but you wouldn’t wish anything bad on her.
While you were thinking, your tears run out. You lay there on his lap staring at the fabric of his shirt. He seemed content with this situation, allowing you the chance to get your mind in the right place. You pick your head up with some struggle. Your torso sways and you have to place your hands on his chest to keep yourself up.
A stressed pout plays on your lips while you try to speak. “Y- Yu-” You gave up quickly to take a breath in again.
Shu smiles at your attempt. An odd mixture of a smirk and a genuine grin.
Quickly the tears return to your eyes. Frustration from your inability to talk, and anger from the tears that kept falling without permission. You open your mouth again, spitting out sounds and noises attempting to make any meaningful sentence. 
Shu finally decides to end your torment. “Are you trying to ask about Yui?” He asks teasingly.
You puff your cheeks out and huff at him before nodding.
“Such a sweetie… You don’t need to worry about that woman anymore.” He shakes his head, talking to you like a child.
His words struck you. Fear creeping up your throat for her. Did they kill her?
Shu notices your fear, the way your heart rate and breathing speeds up. He laughs at you. “She isn’t dead… It just simply isn’t your problem what happens to her. A baby doesn’t take care of others,” He explains. “A baby gets cared for.”
Saying this seemed to remind him of something. He stands up carrying you out of the room with ease. You noticed the emptiness of the halls and rooms you passed. You pull on Shu’s shirt and try to question him again.
He huffs out a smile. “They still have to go to school, angel. It’s just you and me today.” He answers and leaves a kiss on your temple.
He made his way through the maze of a mansion with you in his arms. You never realized how dizzying the mansion halls could be. You thought that he may have been taking a confusing route to mess with you, but at the rate you seemed to arrive at his destination made you doubt yourself.
You both entered the brightly lit kitchen. He placed you onto an odd looking seat. You felt a bit thankful when he strapped you in because you were still struggling to hold yourself up. He sets a tray in front of you and goes to the fridge. He pulls out a bowl and takes off its lid.
Shu pulls up a chair and sits in front of you, fork in hand. You look at him weirdly. Was he seriously going to feed you? The confused pout on your face seemed to amuse the blonde.
“You don’t think you’ll actually be able to do it yourself?” He smiles devilishly. “You can barely hold yourself up, baby…” He drawls.
He picks up some fruit and holds it out for you to eat. You huff at him and turn your face away. He can’t seriously think you’d let him degrade you like this right? You hear him sigh at your reaction.
Suddenly he pulls your chair incredibly closer to his. He takes advantage of your shock and grabs your face harshly. Shu squeezes your cheeks to force your lips open. Taking the fruit and shoving it into your mouth. Once the food is in he moves his hand and holds your mouth closed. 
Your frightful eyes meet his for a second. An understanding that this was happening whether you fought back or not. Tears gather in your eyes again.
The rest of the time he fed you, you cried. Tears falling softly and slowly while you ate.
“Aww, I know it’s so hard… I know papa’s so mean isn’t he.” Shu teases as he picks you up.
Once again Shu moves the two of you through the mansion. He takes you back to the childish room you had woken up in. He sits you on a colorful, soft rug. He sits nearby you leaning against the wall. You do your best to keep yourself up, but you struggled. Tears that dried on your way back started to fall again. Embarrassment and frustration clouding your mind.
You have to hold your arms in front of you on the ground. Unsure of what to do and hiccuping from all the crying. You try to pick yourself up only to collapse onto the floor. You cry harder in desperation. Words try to fumble out of your mouth but fail before they make it to your lips. You hear movement behind you, but you’re too focused on trying to pick yourself up.
“Poor little creature… Can’t do anything by yourself can you?” Shu teases as he picks you up. “Here we go just sit with Papa for a while, you can do that right sweetie?” He asks rhetorically.
He puts an earbud in your ear and lays you against himself. Classical music fills your head at a quiet decibel. Your tears continue to fall in anger, but don’t do much.
After a few minutes of your continued sniffles Shu reaches over and grabs something from a drawer. He lightly grabs your chin and faces it towards him. He pushes a binkie into your mouth.
In your shock you go to spit it back out. He is not going to make you suck on a pacifier, you think to yourself. Too bad for you Shu was losing patience. He grabbed a different one and held your face in a tight grip while he put it on.
This paci had straps that made it impossible to take off. Well at least for you because you still couldn’t do much with your body. What confused you most was the sour taste that faded after a few seconds of having the binkie on. Despite the taste going away it worried you. That and the fact you could no longer spit it out no matter how hard you tried. 
You were so upset. Tears poured down your face harder and you tried to push yourself away from Shu. He on the other hand held you close to his chest and rubbed your back. Hushing you in a tone only a tired father could have.
You don’t know when you started actually relaxing because within minutes you had fallen asleep in his arms.
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ghouljams · 7 months
I AN FERAL OVER THAT COWBOY GRAVES ASK. Gnawing on the bars of my enclosure, I am a rabid animal at this point. Imagining his darling is known as being very standoffish and cold. Doesn’t participate in any local celebrations, doesn’t even try to make any friends, and doesn’t even bother to make small talk or joke around with anyone she has to interact with, just grunts and moves on as quickly as possible. Doesn’t help that she has a resting bitch face. Oh, but she’s so sweet to the animals. Lingers on the edges of other people’s farms (maybe she can’t afford her own or something, idk), petting them and feeding them sugar cubes or other goodies. The softest look in her eyes when they nuzzle into her hands. ♥️♥️♥️
I actually see his darling as someone who is well known for being friendly, you just have to look past the resting bitch face. Maybe reader looks standoffish but people are drawn to them. It's a real problem! People just come up and share their worries with them, talk to them like they're old friends. Is always kind and courteous to folks, so they're well known in the rodeo circuit. I think they're a bronc rider like Goose, not well known for winning but well known for their kindness. I get very... silver and bronze buckle energy, which they're happy with.
But it's exactly because you're so used to people coming up and talking to you, to men hitting on you, that you're almost immune to Graves' charm. He finds you, desperate to try and flirt, try and win you over, and you're just... not interested. It drives him crazy. He's attractive, how are you not attracted to him? Ok so not interested in looks. He sidles up next to you at one of the food booths and pays for your food with crisp bills, even leaves a generous tip. You thank him, but not profusely. You don't seem even a little wooed, don't even spare him a genuine smile.
Yet you go to sit with your friends and you beam like sunshine on earth. You smile and laugh for them, take off your hat to fan your face with it in the summer heat. You're gorgeous and untouchable and he has to have you just- just to prove that he hasn't lost his touch. No other reason.
He corners you at the bar, cages you against the lacquered wood with a firm hand on either side of you. He leans heavily against his palms, flexing a little, showing off for you. Your eyes flick over him, you raise a brow, "Can I help you?" You ask like you're unimpressed. Graves leans a little closer, tips his head so he can drag his eyes over you.
"You wanna help me?" He asks, voice slick and flirty. You blink at him, some sweet mischief in your eyes that makes him want to purr for you. "I told you sweetheart, I'm gonna make you mine. Would go a lot faster with you helpin' out." He likes the way you nod, slow and purposeful before you hook a finger into one of his belt loops. You drag him close, turn your head to speak into his ear.
"Where's the fun in that," You tell him. You hate flirts like him, men that chase you just because you're a pretty feather in their cap. It's fun playing with them though. Worth it for the steely look in Graves' eye when you pull away and pat his chest, ducking under his arm to rejoin your friends.
You don't see the way his hands clench against the bar, the way he drops his head to laugh to himself, replacing his annoyance with mirth. Oh you are cute. Worth it, he thinks, worth every trouble he knows you're going to put him through. Worth a quick background check, and a dossier. No sense marrying someone he doesn't know, and that's where this is going. Soon as you figure out he's worth the trouble.
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madamekaji · 4 months
— Does Heiji Shindo hate Abijah Fowler?
Yappathon incoming… Fowdo posting, unsurprising, but mostly focusing on my view of Heiji’s character and “feelings.”
CW • Old man yaoi /j
Then why would he betray him? Why would he attempt to scheme behind his back, and plot his murder? Does this not scream hatred?
No. Rather, I believe it screams survival. I believe it was, in Heiji’s mind, the smartest move to play to ensure that he ended up on top. Though, let’s start from the beginning.
They live together in an oddly culturally blended home for 1600s Japan. And while Fowler has to remain in this castle, as it is- in his words, “his cage”- Heiji is by no means held to this same standard. He can come and go as he pleases, and yet he has his very own furnishings in the castle of the man he claims to despise.
When does this point of contempt get mentioned first, anyways? It is during the tea party with Mizu in 01x03. And why is it mentioned? Once again, survival. It is worth noting that rather than being upfront with such a proposition, he tries to manipulate Mizu out of hunting him- And Fowler- down with bribes of great wealth and a strong title. Though, when this offer does not work- as I am sure he had hoped it would- he is then forced to come up with another plan. And what better way than to play off of then someone’s feelings?
Mizu hates Fowler, this much is obvious. Heiji is trapped down in a canyon with two well trained and skilled fighters, and while he does have archers hidden in the cliff face around them, there is surely no way that they can fire their arrows without either him being killed before they even get the chance, or him being killed by the barrage of arrows from above. He realizes that he can’t influence this impending storm with commerce, so he instead chooses the next best thing, and attempts to align himself with Mizu, believing that this would earn him her favor.
Once inquired why he wants Fowler dead, his response is that it is personal. And once further inquired, he states that his reasons are his own. Then, there is a pause; and after the pause, he contradicts his original statement by saying “no.. no, they’re not.” Every one of his reasons for “hating” Abijah are vague in nature and enunciated with far too much drama, as if he is trying to convince Mizu that he was being truthful. While I would never expect someone such as Heiji to pour his heart and soul out to… Anyone, it is interesting to note that he can’t seem to come up with any real reason as to wishing him killed.
His promises are flimsy. He can’t commit to the idea of genuinely helping Mizu, and it’s apparent. Once questioned by Taigen about what would happen once Mizu kills Fowler, all Heiji can muster is that he can guarantee “her safety to a blades length of Fowler’s neck.” He wipes his hands together indicate that business is done, before walking away. It is notable, that from Taigen inquiring on, Heiji begins to become more agitated; indicating that he most likely never intended for Mizu to leave the castle. If he even would somehow slip Mizu through all 8 levels of security to get to where Fowler was, I do truly believe Heiji expected Fowler to kill her. However, he needs her to believe that he is on her side; because if she doesn’t, it very well could be his head.
Maybe if he had stuck with his original statement- “My reasons are my own”- it could have been believable. Maybe, if Mizu had not approached him and asked the question that essentially sealed his fate, things could have worked out for him. Maybe, if he didn’t continue to wear the flower Abijah had pinned oh so lovingly to his robe, his lie wouldn’t have been so obviously seen though.
If Heiji truly hated Abijah he wouldn’t be living in his castle, wearing his flowers, eating at his dining table and having any level of faith in his overarching plans. If Heiji hated Abijah, surely his lip would curl upon being so up close and personal with “That Stink.” If Heiji hated Abijah, surely some level of distaste for his explosive tantrums and overtly offensive.. Everything, would put him off. Heiji has not been shy to complain, to express agitation and distaste. Surely, if he truthfully hated Abijah, he wouldn’t have put himself on the line for something that- ultimately- had nothing to do with him. He didn’t hate Abijah, and it cost him his arm. It almost costed him his life.
So now we ask the question again. Why does Heiji betray Abijah?
Understandably, his faith in Abijah is flimsy. Nothing about a human trafficking murderous drug lord with a sick kick for sadomasochistic tendencies screams trustworthy. Though while he was not off put by the things he should have been- if anything, probably finding solidarity with it- he was rattled by the fact that his relationship with this man had nearly killed him. And while I definitely think the illusion of being untouchable shattering right in front of him was the final straw, It is worth looking at who Heiji is as a person.
He is self serving, weasly, charismatic, cunning and a complete and total control freak. And while he isn’t as obvious about it as Fowler is, it is displayed multiple times in the show. When he feels as if he is not being listened to, he responds explosively, and being foolish enough to grab the arm of an armed stranger while trying to force them into a barrel is a pretty good example of how reason is lost whenever he begins to panic.
Fowler is not ideal or trustworthy. And while he is.. Fond of him, so to speak, he doesn’t mean much more to him other than an avenue to success, with bonus perks like flattering attention.
Now this is where we start to get into speculation.
Heiji is dependent on Abijah for success, to attain his goal. Without his European asset smuggling in trump cards, there would be no way to overthrow the shogunate; at least nothing someone like Heiji could string together on his own. Abijah, for years, made him richer than imaginable and essentially promised him the world and more. And Heiji lived lavishly in luxury and comfort, anxiously anticipating his future role as the Shogun. Though why would he ever put all of his faith into a man who thinks just as he does?
I think Heiji believed that their relationship was only a transactional one (in a way he is most definitely right) and that Abijah saw him just as he saw Abijah: an Asset. Why would such a domineering and controlling man ever share such power? He’s a remorseless killer, Heiji has seen what he is capable of. He never truly knows if he’s safe with Fowler because he is incapable of trusting him, and that is safest. For him, it was kill or be killed. And the closer to their metaphorical D-Day, the more this realization dawns on Heiji. Their time together is running up.
But even if Fowler didn’t kill Heiji when his usefulness expired, surely someone would. To have a foreigner in such a position of power would be certain to cause revolts, and their siege of the shogunate would surely inspire many. Even if he didn’t die in some coup, his connection with such a controversial face would surely put a target on his back. So with the combination of (fair) paranoia and of being scorned, as well as a lack of any real emotional connection in the first place, it would be easy to turn on him so quickly.
Then why would he want to kill him? He specifies in his letter to Chiba that he would have the pleasure of killing Fowler himself.
Personally, I think it is because he believes that he is the only one who should be able to. Their relationship, however you wish to view it, runs deep and is as personal as someone with the emotional capacity of a grape can get. They have been up each other’s asses for AT LEAST ten years, possibly longer. Heiji is just as sadistic as Fowler is, and watching the life drain from those green eyes is probably something he has fantasized of for a long time. No one else deserves such a privilege other them him.
Does Heiji Love Abijah? No, he’s incapable. But does he hate him? No. Abijah is a means to an end. An interesting and attractive (to him) means to an end, an entertaining one, but at the end of it all he was just a chance that Heiji took to actually become something more then what he was, a pathetic salesman.
Unfortunately for him, he got to learn the hard way that he was never the one in control. Fortunately (?) for him, Abijah decided to give him another chance. And Heiji learned very quickly to not make a mistake like that again.
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au idea I had just before a nap (or maybe it’s an old one I just remembered it’s hard to tell I’ve been obsessed with c!prime for so long. or both maybe it’s an idea that mutated into like an au of an au)
c!dream is a witch in a steampunk sort of world, and like all witches in this world he has a familiar. familiars are spirits bound to an object or being that has importance to the witch, it’s not really something they can control, but the witch gets powers based off of their familiar and the familiar gains the ability to communicate and transform into a demi-human form (so a cat familiar might be a cat most of the time, but she can become a human with minor cat traits, like ears and a tail- enough it’s still obvious at a glance she is not human, but allowing her to do anything a human may do).
now normally a witch either develops a familiar naturally (usually at around their early 20s, though it’s been observed as young as five or six or as late as their eighties) or they can be trained to develop quicker. but c!dream wasn’t born a witch, so normally he wouldn’t have been able to develop one. but as a consummate mad scientist in any universe, c!dream did intense and painful experimentation on himself to make himself a witch, since those who aren’t witches are looked down upon and he was sick of being ignored and exploited.
this nearly kills him, not that he cares- he’d rather be dead than powerless. but after gruelling months of a slow and painful transformation, leaving him permanently weakened, he finally manages to succeed, and he's so full of joy he immediately forms a familiar. this, of course, is c!tommy.
now, c!dream owns very little and lacks any close bonds, cutting them off to focus monomaniacally on his research. but he's deliberately prepared. he knows what sort of power he wants, and he’s done enough research to know what will grant him the charisma to be beloved. alone in his creaky apartment, with nothing else, he was bound to grow attached to the stuffed doll that was all he had for comfort. and so, it becomes the vessel for c!tommy.
from him, c!dream gains an aura of comfort and trust around him. people want to rely on him and listen. it’s not the charisma of a leader, but the one of a trusted parent or older sibling. and that’s what he wanted- he wants power, yes, but more than that he wants to be loved. more sinisterly, though, his spells revolve primarily around emotional manipulation, leaving him an excellent manipulator if used subtly, along with a limited form of immortality with the ability to make himself more youthful (though this also effects his mind, so he’s careful with it).
but by this point, he's so destroyed by the experiments mentally and physically he cares more about having a friend. but like. obviously it’s c!dream so he’s shitty about it. he's intensely possessive over c!tommy, controlling every aspect of his life and responding with abuse to any minor provocation, before love bombing the shit out of him. now, this isn’t illegal- familiars are considered extensions of their witches. c!tommy has nowhere to go, and his existence on this plane depends on c!dream. so he’s stuck, and he’s heavily manipulated into viewing this as normal and a sign of how important he is, but he’s still c!tommy, so he resents it heavily, and rebels in what little ways he can, even though he still genuinely sees c!dream as almost an infallible figure because he genuinely doesn’t know any better.
as c!dream ascends the ranks, c!tommy's existence becomes a gilded cage- and c!dream's curiosity remains, so he's very frequently experimented on. as long as c!dream lives, he'll always come back, anyway, so even if it hurts c!tommy justifies it to himself. besides, if c!dream figures out how to come back like he does, then he'll never have to go back to the hell of nonexistence. c!dream does genuinely see him like a friend and family member, and enjoys spending time with c!tommy, so he still develops into a loud and brash, stubborn and deliberately obnoxious kid, but he's absolutely brainwashed still.
but then he meets c!wilbur for the first time. now, c!tommy meets other witches and familiars a lot, because c!dream will take any opportunity to show him off. but none notice any signs of anything wrong- if anything, they see c!tommy as spoiled, treated better than if he was c!Dream’s own child (they still have Victorian ideas on child rearing so like, actually being affectionate towards your creation is like honestly better than most parents). but c!wilbur notices how jumpy c!tommy is, how much he apologises, the way the seams across his skin are slightly patchwork. and c!wilbur is pissed.
see, c!wilbur is the kid of c!philza, and c!Philza is one of the leaders of a rebellion seeking to overthrow the corrupt power structures where witches rule above all. as a familiar himself, c!Philza and his wife/witch c!Kristen grew painfully aware of how abusable the system was, and so they set about subverting it the rest of their life.
c!wilbur disguises himself as a witch, but he’s something outside of that- half witch, half familiar, somehting that shouldn’t be possible and only exists bc of a magic ritual his parents invented. so, knowing c!dream's curiousity, he reveals that and works with him on experiments to gain his trust, waiting for an opportunity to rescue c!tommy (since c!dream always has him around, even when doing unethical experiments). but he soon realises that c!tommy genuinely is unaware of how wrong his treatment is, and that this won’t be as easy as an escape- he'll have to convince c!tommy of his own worth first.
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rokiibrok · 2 years
Scared of Losing You
Jae-hee x reader MM
Slight sadness (I wouldn’t say angst)
I stretched my arms in front of me letting a small yawn leave my mouth. I glanced over towards Jae-hee her eyes basically glued onto the tv. The reflection giving a slight glimmer to her usual brown shadowy eyes. I felt odd. I couldn’t figure out the perfect word for describing how I felt. How my heart seem to stretch and turn in painful ways as if it was trying to leap out of my throat. Zens singing ran through the speakers of my television and off the white walls of my room. His voice seem almost like an angels voice to Jae-hee. Perhaps the angel told her Jumin would no longer overwork her,giving her vacations. What else could have her smiling like she had discovered the worlds treasure. Slowly Zens voice faded as blackness swept across the screen.
“Woah,” Jae-hee voice came out heavy and breathy. “I almost forgot how beautiful his voice truly is. My imagination could never quite match the impressing vocal range he was able to reach. I won’t even go into too much detail about how pretty he was. How the lights basically shined off his skin like porcelain,quite,” Jae-hee paused a small smile on her lip. “Quite breath taking honestly,” She turned her head to look at me.
“Yea,” I couldn’t control how low I spoke. It honestly wasn’t on purpose. I felt horrible, my heart thumbing against my rib cage filled with guilt. I didn’t want her to stop loving Zen acting or even his looks. Cause it would be unfair and maybe a tad controlling. I would be lying though if I didn’t say part of me, an extremely small part of me disliked Zen. Of course Jae-hee adored his looks,everyone did. Which had me feeling…less then. I can’t be up to Zen standards. My hair doesn’t shine like silver pearls in any sort of light. My eyes aren’t the natural color of Argyle Everglow diamonds. My skin isn’t spotless at every little inch. My face doesn’t glow like glitter. My voice doesn’t sound like a one-man symphony. No matter how hard I could try. I almost didn’t notice the dent in Jae-hee forehead as he eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you okay,” Jae-hees voice came out slowly as if she was speaking to a scared kitten. I opened my mouth to speak only close it immediately. Unintentionally letting a huffing sound come from my nose.
“Yea,” I felt my face contort creating multiple micro expressions in less then a second. “Just…tired” I forced a smile. The tv began to unfade, revealing someone on a stage. “Oh-" I pointed towards the tv. “Act two is starting,” I repositioned my body to fully face the tv. My back was straight,barley touching the back of the couch. My arms starched so my hands can rest,clutching my kneecaps. I didn’t even see Jae-hee reach for the remote and turn the tv off. “What-why’d you do that” I turned my head. “We can’t rewind this. It’s the live show,”
“That’s okay,” Jae-hee smile was genuine. “I’m worried about you,” she scouted closer until our shoulders were touching. Her slender hands grabbed the side of my cheek. “Are you sick,” her opposite hand laid against my forehead. Her eyes twitching around my face, examining me.
“But-but” I stumbled on my words. My eyes glance at the tv then back at Jae-hee repeatedly. “We don’t know when we will be able to watch it. I know you’d be devastated if you missed it,” Jae-hee shook her head at my words.
“I’d be more then devastated if something was wrong with you and I ignored you,” regrettably, I could feel the brim of my eyes trickle with tears.
“Oh my god,” Jae-hee voice raised. “What happened, you didn’t get hurt without be noticing did you,” One of her hands left my face. The other one was used to turn my chin around.
“Sorry jae,” I grabbed her hand off my cheek. “I’m not hurt,” I wrapped my hands around hers. Holding her hand like a lifeline. “God,” I chuckled whipping a stray tear. “This is embarrassing,” I tried to joke. Jae-hee wondering,worried eyes seem to pry my heart open to force me to speak. “I’m sorry it’s just,” I looked down at my hands that were still cupping hers. “Sometimes I just-kinda feel” the words felt harder to say then they should’ve been. I watched my thumb crease her hand. “I feel like I’m not enough sometimes,” Finally I was able to look at her again “I’m not as pretty and talented as Zen- and-and Im not trying to-like” My hands squeezed over hers. Her free hand grabbing one of my hands. I was honestly lucky to have someone so patient as my girlfriend.
“I’m sorry I made you feel that way,” She spoke softly.
“No you didn’t make me-" Jae-hee cut me off.
“I did and I didn’t realize that. I made you feel like the person I loved was Zen or someone similar to Zen. But I’m not dating someone who looks or acts like him. If given the chance I wouldn’t date him” Her free hand went to my cheek. “He is beautiful but he’s not you. He doesn’t make my heart flutter just from a small glance like you,” Her thumb moved across my cheek. “He doesn’t make me smile and laugh like you. And yes he is beautiful but compared to you, you’re a goddess,” Jae-hee smile seem to grow,showing her teeth. “I could go on and on all night,” Her hands traveled down my cheek until it stopped on my nape. Her thin fingers resting on the back of my neck. “But honestly I don’t think words can explain how much I love you and how much you mean to me,” Jae-hee short hair fell,covering her eyes. She spoke to me as if she was reading a poem. Written by John Keats himself even beyond his grave. With a smile I leaned closer to Jae-hee, unable to express in words how she made me feel.
“Now I feel kinda silly,” I said in a low tone.
“It’s okay, we all have our moments,” Using her hand on the back of my neck she pulled me in closer until our lips were inches apart. “I love you no matter what,”
“I love you too Jae-hee” I filled the gap between us connecting our lips.
Side note: I recently got back into MM and wanted to show some Jae-hee appreciation underrated queen
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castielmacleod · 2 years
My personal take on spn angel pronouns if the cw had hired me:
They/them for virtually every single angel by default. Angels are agender by nature and so the gender binary is totally alien to them. Most will not even notice whether they are possessing a “man” or a “woman” and to those that can notice, it still doesn’t mean anything to them. Enochian doesn’t have gendered pronouns (at least my version doesn’t) and so angels typically don’t have any cause to gender themselves unless it’s for personal reasons.
She/her Anna always. Even after her grace is restored, she insists. She and Cas still have to correct some of the less human-savvy angels at times who let a “they” or “them” slip here and there because it’s a very foreign and bizarre concept to most of them and there’s no Enochian equivalent for gendered pronouns so they literally have to say the human words (which come out in a wide range of languages).
They/he/she Balthazar. They will variously refer to themself as a man or woman in a playful manner because they find the whole idea of gender hilarious. They might unironically say something like “Looks like I’m the man for this—and a woman such as myself should know.” They don’t actually see themself as a man or woman though, and won’t do this in situations that aren’t sufficiently lighthearted or casual.
They/them Uriel full stop. I think that when Dean called them “him” in 4x07 their trueform whirled around and stared at him like he was fucking insane. They kept their vessel staring out the window of course but their trueform bristled. Later to Cas they were like “what in the name of heaven did that thing call me” and Cas was like “it was a pronoun typically associated with their ‘male’ gender” and Uriel was like 🥴
They/he Cas. The Winchesters and Bobby are the only ones who call them “he” and Cas just kind of allows it. If anyone outright calls them a man though then they have Janet Goodplace energy and will readily correct the error.
She/they Hannah. Critically she only adopts gendered pronouns AFTER letting her old vessel go, as a tribute to her. But yeah she is specifically in her hot guy vessel when going by she/her. Still fine with they/them too though. 
They/them Naomi. Naomi exists very far beyond human gender, to the point where I think that even in all their millenniums of existence they genuinely don’t understand what a gender is, and at this point they’re afraid to ask. If they ever did ask it would be to Cas during one of their clandestine sessions that Cas won’t remember. Cas explains it as well as possible but Naomi still didn’t get it so they just move on.
They/he Zachariah. They didn’t go deliberately out of their way to start using he/him for some meaningful purpose, though—it’s just that they found it really funny when the Winchesters called them a “he” so they were just like. Sure I’ll integrate that into my belief system. They go around telling their siblings “by the way, you can also call me ‘he’ now” and then laughs like it’s a hysterical joke.
They/them Raphael. Like Naomi, they are so far beyond human gender it’s not even funny. Unlike Naomi, they do understand it—kind of—but it’s just a remarkably puny concept to them that it isn’t even a blip on their radar when someone uses one gendered pronoun or the other. I mean they will genuinely not notice if someone genders them because it all sounds the same to their ears. And if someone actually did ask them for their preferred pronouns they would just be like. Hi?
Any pronouns Michael. They were initially as far beyond gender as Raphael if not further until they got stuck with Adam in the cage, and Adam bothered them about it for enough years that they finally snapped and just said to call them whatever he wanted because they literally did not care anymore. For the rest of their time in the cage Adam cycled through every set of pronouns he could think of out of pure boredom and Michael wasn’t bothered by any of them. Still a very puny concept to them though.
He/she Gabriel. Gabriel goes by different pronouns depending on how he feels at any given moment, swinging mostly between he/him and she/her or a mix. She allows the other archangels some leeway when it comes to addressing him, though, since she’s sure the concept would go right over their heads if he tried explaining it.
He/him Lucifer. But in an unmistakably cisgender way.
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flownintothesun · 10 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───    [ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 ] 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 (𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥 @ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧)
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                          ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 & 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡. ( @batteredoptimist )
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       𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 that part of her still thinks that she’s dreaming of Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. But there are little details that draw her to reality — the little flecks of gold in his eyes, like treasure — the way his grin is a little lopsided and nevertheless roguishly handsome. Calloused fingers trace along her spine — and she can’t be certain whether he’s playing her like a well-beloved instrument, or reading her like a favorite book. Either way, he seems to genuinely love her in a way that goes beyond surface level. If she hadn’t been thoroughly disabused of the notion of God, she might think it’s a miracle. Like any other little girl, she’d been privy to the fundamental information that a prince’s job was to scale the tower and save the princess. Marin’s never been a princess — but with him, she can’t help but feel like one. It’s not because of all the flashing lights of cameras he’s warned her about — nor the glamour and glitz of who he is or what material things he can provide her. He could be just as insignificant as she is — and still, she’d feel like the luckiest girl in all of the world to be at his side. His girl.
      Seaglass eyes meet his and she offers a tentative smile back to him. Yes, she’s a bit nervous — but she has been every step of the way so far, and he hasn’t steered her wrong. It’s just that it’s hard to believe that after everything had gone so wrong for so long that all of a sudden — everything has turned around and is now going perfectly right. It’s better than perfect. This is real, tangible, something — no, someone — that she can hold, that she can pour her love into, and that will love her right back. She’s not naive enough to believe that things will always go right. But she’d like to think that maybe when they’re going wrong — that at least they won’t be alone. They’ll have each other. She never needed perfect — just wanted safety, just wanted home — for her and for her son. Marin’s seen firsthand the cruelties that the world has to offer — it’s only now that she gets to experience its joys. She wants so badly and desperately to believe in this that she hadn’t put up a fuss when he’d offered her a collar — a thin gold band that clasps with a butterfly and a small teardrop-shaped diamond. It doesn’t feel cumbersome or heavy — it doesn’t feel like a cage. Instead, it feels like stepping into a warm bath that smells of honey and sandalwood and musk — the scent that she gets with her nose buried against his neck. The scent that guides her back to him, back home, at every turn.
      She’d worried in the beginning that he would shape her into something that she isn’t. His life in the spotlight is not the life that she’s accustomed to. Everything she’s earned, she’s had to work her ass off for — and even still, it wouldn’t have been enough for she and Ronan to make it on their own without Mr. McCarthy’s kindness. Strangely, the new clothes that she’s wearing, the diamond around her neck and all of the other material things he’s gifted her don’t feel strange or foreign. She’d dressed up to the nines, of course, with Dominik — but the intention there had been clear. Here though — she finds that she wants to look nice for Muriel as well as for herself. And she wants to give him this — a good first impression. She knows the press will say they’ve moved too fast. She knows that they’ll come up with a million reasons a girl like her doesn’t deserve him. She’s ready. She can take on the world as long as she gets to keep him.
     Lacing her fingers through his much larger free hand, she brings it to her lips and kisses, careful not to smudge her lipstick, “I’m going to be all right,” she assures him. How strange to have so much change at once — him thrust into fatherhood, and her into a spotlight. In the back of her mind, there are still twinges of fear and what-ifs that are by no means insignificant. But with his hand in hers, she thinks she can do anything — she can be brave. “I’m ready now, love.” I’m going to make you so proud.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Surprise Interview
Pairing: Kenma x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Pseudo-Cest, Dub-Con/Non-Con, Verbal Humiliation, Manipulation
Summary: Kenma sees if you have what it takes to be Bouncing Ball’s newest employee.
A/N: This is for @sugawara-sweetheart ‘s Decadence Collab. So excited to be a part of this collab and to be able to indulge in such a delicious prompt and theme. Be sure to check out everyone else’s works! As always, thanks for beta-ing @sawamooora ~
There’s a familiar peace and a new nervousness about coming back home for the holidays. Mostly because home isn’t quite the same home it used to be. You can feel warmth blooming in your chest at the thought of seeing your mom, telling her about everything and everyone (as if your daily phone calls aren’t enough), and just lounging around while she fills you up with her cooking. But you can also feel a certain shyness as you approach the house, a building that still feels brand new and strange to you.
Your mother had gotten remarried during your earlier college years after your father’s passing and you were elated for her. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s her. You had met Mr. Kozume quite a few times and you have no qualms with the man. He treats your mother like a queen and even though you playfully gag as they sweet talk and kiss in front of you, you wholeheartedly approve of their relationship.
However, what you aren’t quite as prepared for is having a new step-sibling.
You don’t know much about Kenma Kozume. Well, not much more than the rest of the world does.
Professional gamer. Successful stock trader. Popular YouTuber. Founder of his own corporation.
You know exactly who your new brother is, but other than seeing him a few times in person at family gatherings and exchanging polite greetings, there’s no real connection. Which is why your heart races as you nervously ring his doorbell, anxiety already making your leg twitch as you wait for the door to open.
Your mother and step-father are on a couple’s vacation and won’t be returning for a few days.
(“We just want some romantic time together before we have a full house again for the holidays. Plus this is a great chance to get to know your older brother better!” You hadn’t even been able to get a word of protest in before she had laughed and hung up on you, leaving you speechless and on your own as you hesitantly texted Kenma, letting him know what day to expect you.)
Kenma is quiet as ever as he nods in greeting, silently leading you to your guest room before quietly telling you to make yourself at home and leaving to do his own thing. You let out a huge sigh of relief as the door closes behind him.
There’s nothing wrong with Kenma. He’s smart and successful. Maybe a bit on the quiet side, but that only adds to his down to earth charm. You know your mother and step-father adore him and you can’t blame them. Yet, you can’t help but feel scrutinized, seen so clearly in a way that terrifies you when his feline eyes gaze at you. It takes everything in you not to immediately scurry away whenever you’re in viewing distance of him, desperate to hide all the flaws you imagine he’s noticing and calculating. Your step-father had mentioned how Kenma used to be the strategist of his high school volleyball team, and has always been able to evaluate and accurately break down situations and people. And you believe it.
You’re just grateful the house is large enough to avoid each other and that Kenma tends to reside mostly in his home office and bedroom.
But even the founder of a company needs a break from time to time. Kenma shuffles towards the gaming room, only to blink in surprise when he sees you already inside of it, happily smiling as Animal Crossing visuals and sounds fill the space.
He had known you owned a Nintendo Switch, a piece of information your mom had shared to break the ice a bit. And it’s really no surprise that this is your go-to game. But knowing and seeing are two different things and he can’t help but let his own lips twitch upwards at how calm and relaxed you are tending to your garden, decorating your home, choosing your outfit.
Kenma’s never been good with people, has never been the one to initiate a friendship. He knows he should have made more of an effort to be friendly and welcoming to you as your new older brother. There’s a slight pang of regret in his chest when he sees how at ease you are while you’re unaware of his presence. His eyes are as sharp as ever and he locks in on the way your body slightly stiffens, fingers nervously fidgeting when you finally notice his figure in the doorway, words already stuttering an apology for using his game room without explicitly asking.
You look like a scared mouse about to flee from the claws of a cat. And it pisses him off.
He hasn’t made the best efforts to bridge the gap between you, but for you to fear him? That seems a tad unnecessary, and more than a tad insulting. It’s more than enough to make the sadistic streak in him want to give you something to be scared about.
But he’s never been impulsive and he just quietly sits beside you on the floor, reassuring you it’s fine to play, smirking when you sneak little side glances his way as you continue collecting fruits.
“Kozume, do you want to play-”
“Just call me Kenma.”
Entranced eyes watch as you grow flustered at his words, mouth silently testing the weight of his given name in your mouth. For once, Kenma could care less about playing video games when a shaky timid “Kenma” slips past your soft lips.
“Kenma, do you want to play something together?”
You have no idea how badly he really does want to play together, but it’s a game you’re not ready for. So he calls upon any restraint he has to pluck your device from your hands and change the game to Mario Kart.
It’s amusing how easily you soften besides him, brow furrowing in concentration, eyes intently and eagerly following the screen, any anxiousness quickly forgotten as you get into the game. He greedily watches as you pout when you make a mistake, as your eyes light up every time you pass someone.
If he had known how easy it would be to make you warm up to him, he’d have done this sooner and he genuinely laughs when you whine and fake glare at him as he wins yet another round.
He asks about school. You ask about work. He tells you about his childhood. You share your own stories.
It’s a comfortable rhythmic back and forth and he’s afraid of ruining it, but a certain question nags at his mind, a question he knows may ruin the entire flow of the conversation.
“You’ll be graduating soon. Have you decided what you want to do after college?”
“Kenma not you too!!!”
His shoulders relax at how well you react to the question, smiling at the way you flop onto your back and groan about how mom and dad are already on your case about future plans.
“I’ve been applying to places, but who knows. Maybe I’ll just work for you at Bouncing Ball.”
There’s a playful lilt in your voice when you say it, a giggle and teasing smile accompanying the words. But there’s nothing funny about it to Kenma and your smile falters a bit when you see how tightly Kenma’s gripping his controller, the way his eyes pin you down.
“Kenma? It’s just a joke. I would never take advantage of-”
You try to get up from your reclined position, only to whimper in confusion when Kenma’s hand on your shoulder forces you back down. And suddenly you’re pinned down by more than just his stare as he moves to straddle you, knees on either side of your body, hands next to your head, his whole body caging yours.
It’s a lighthearted joke in the family that if all else fails, you could always work at Bouncing Ball. A joke your step-father and mother always dish out when the arguments get too tense as the three of you talk about your future. But it’s become less in jest for Kenma, especially after Kuroo sent him a scandalous picture of his newest secretary kneeling between his long legs, lips wrapped around his cock.
It wasn’t the first picture, nor was it the last incriminating photo the older businessman had sent him. Kenma merely rolled his eyes before deleting the image from his phone, wondering when Kuroo would grow bored and find a new toy to play with. But he freezes when he sees the following text message from his long-time friend.
“You’re the CEO of a company, Kenma. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone convenient around? A pretty warm body? I bet that cute new step sister of yours would look really good under your desk. Doesn’t she graduate from college soon? If you don’t make a move, maybe I’ll snatch her up right from under your nose. I’m due for a change of secretary soon.”
There’s absolutely no reason for the hot anger that lances through him at Kuroo’s taunting words and he grimaces at playing right into his ex-captain’s hands, already hearing Kuroo’s braying laughter in his head if the older man saw just how much his words affected him.
But initial irritation aside, he lets himself really think, really imagine what a life with you at his beck and call would be like. And he likes what he sees. He doesn’t delete Kuroo’s photos as quickly as he used to, replacing the female faces with yours in his imagination as his hands slip under the hem of his boxers.
He knows it’s a longshot, knows there’s a high chance you’ll continue your lives as is, never destined to exchange more than a few polite greetings at family outings. But now...now hearing you voice the idea out loud yourself, hearing the way his first name sounds from your lips…
Maybe it’s not the silly pipe dream he had believed it to be.
“I’m in need of an assistant if you really do want to work at Bouncing Ball, but you’d need to prove why it would be worth hiring you.”
He almost laughs at how you perk up despite the precarious position you’re in, almost ready to launch into an elevator pitch of your qualifications flat on your back underneath him. You’re quite the multitasker already and he groans at the thought of having you cockwarm him while he tests out a new video game, making you answer all his calls stuffed full of him and desperately trying to hide the lustful tremble in your voice.
But he’s not here to listen to your carefully crafted speech. (Guess you really were practicing for job interviews like you said you were. What a good girl.) And he firmly presses his lips against yours to silence you, taking his time to immerse himself in the way your mouths mold against each other.
Your taste, your smell, your warmth. It’s all intoxicating and he slips his tongue inside your parted lips, subtly rutting his groin against your body. He can feel your body jostle as you lift your arms and he waits for the weight of your arms to lovingly wrap around his neck, only to be shocked when you weakly press against his shoulders until he finally relents and pulls back just enough to look down at you in irritated confusion.
“We- we shouldn’t be doing this.”
It’s not the words that have him clenching his fists, not even the way your palms still timidly press against him in a laughably weak show of defense.
It’s the fear in your eyes, the way you look at him like he’s some monster. It's the way he can almost palpably feel and hear your desire to be anywhere other than here, with anyone other than him, wishing to put as much space between the two of you as possible.
It’s your rejection.
It hurts to know that he isn’t enough just as he is, that he needs to resort to less...savory and straightforward ways to entrap you. But he’s not Hinata or Kuroo. He doesn’t have an electrifying personality or roguishly handsome features and charm to woo you. He only has his cunning and sharp tongue.
And he fully intends on maximizing his gifts.
“Of course, you don’t have to. You can just keep on applying and getting rejected by every company you speak to, if they even bother meeting with you after seeing your pathetic resume. Average college. Average grades. Average major. Tell me, how many interviews have you actually been reached out to for?”
He’s going out on a bit of a limb, but his suspicions are right and he cruelly smirks at the way tears bubble in your eyes at his words, no comeback or denial rolling off the tip of your tongue. He had a feeling you were struggling from the bits and pieces he’s picked up as your parents quietly talk and fret over you actually being able to find a job after graduation.
“Our parents are too nice to say anything about it, but you know they’re disappointed in you, right? Have you noticed how they always avoid talking about how school is going or asking you about how job hunting is going? How they only ask me how work is going? It’s because they know you’re just a loser whose life is going to amount to nothing.”
“That’s not true! They love me-”
“I’m not saying they don’t love you, but doesn’t that make it even worse? Making your loving and caring parents worry and stress over you when they should be preparing for retirement, an easy life? Instead of letting them finally enjoy a carefree life, you’ll be their freeloader daughter who uses up all their remaining funds. Is that what you want?”
You really are too easy and his lips curl in satisfaction at the way you frantically shake your head side to side, fat wet drops streaming down your face, adorable sniffles filling the air.
“If you become my assistant, I’ll compensate you well. You can live here with me, have your own room, a roof over your head, all the food and clothing you need and want. Think about how relieved and happy our parents will be seeing you provided for, seeing us getting along. Isn’t that what you want? For them to be happy?”
He knows how close you are to your mom, how important this idea of a perfect family is to you. He knows how insecurity and doubt about your own capabilities torment you. And he knows you’re hooked on his claws when your hands that are still pressed against his shoulders drop limply besides you, not even a hint of resistance left in you when he leans down once more to rest his forehead on yours, one hand cupping the side of your face.
“This is all you’re good for anyway. Working underneath me.”
If you notice his pun, you don’t acknowledge it, too busy wincing and squirming as he harshly nips and bites a trail from your lips to your neck as he pushes up the hem of your shirt until your chest is on full display for him. There’s something experimental, cold, meticulous about the way he gropes and fondles your breasts.Your face heats in humiliation at how he treats you like one of the many game consoles he’s reviewed for his audience.
But you don’t do anything about it, telling yourself that this is just his version of an interview as he pinches and prods at you, meanly twisting your nipples and chuckling at your yelp of pain. You obediently let him spread your legs apart, only letting out an agonized cry as he tests your flexibility, staring at him with a trembling lower lip as he sharply tells you to shut up while scrutinizing your panty-covered sex.
“You really are made for this, aren’t you?”
You whimper as he nudges the small wet spot on the thin fabric, clenching your eyes shut in denial at how hot and wound up your body feels from his touch, unable to hide your gasp as he pulls the layer aside and rubs your aroused clit.
There’s something so different about the way his fingers slowly sink into your wet pussy, almost lazily curling against your soft walls, his thumb never stopping its careful massage on the bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs. So different from your own fingers desperately thrusting in and out of you. So different from the drunk partners you’ve hooked up with at college and their sloppy, rapid, frantic movements.
You can feel something large, something intimidating slowly rising from deep inside of you, a volcano about to erupt compared to the bright and fast to fade shooting stars you’re used to. You’re scared. Scared of the intoxicating feeling, of how easy it is to grow accustomed to Kenma’s presence, of how his cat-like eyes are all you can see and think of.
How can something feel so wrong and so right at the same time?
That’s the last coherent thought you have before your world goes blank, pleasure rocking through you as you soak the carpet and your step-brother’s hand with your juices. You’re moaning as Kenma continues to rock his fingers in and out of you, fingertips insistently massaging your clit and g-spot as you ride out your orgasm, body trembling and convulsing.
But even when the tremors slow, when pleasure becomes something sharper, more overwhelming, he doesn’t stop. You wail, begging him to stop, to let you rest, slumping in relief when he finally drags his hands away from you, carelessly wiping the mess you’ve made of his hand on your skin, covering you in your own essence.
Your heavy eyelids threaten to flutter shut as you let exhaustion wash over you, already dreading having to get up and wash yourself. But you’re shocked back to reality as something hard begins to nudge at your still fluttering entrance.
“Kenma! No! Too much-”
You break off into a sob as surprisingly strong hands dig into your hips, holding you still as he pushes and pushes until he’s fully settled inside of you, balls resting against your ass.
You’re still so tight, your quivering walls clamping around the intrusion, and he groans at the thought of being able to sink into this hole every day, multiple times, whenever he wants. His cock is already aching from holding off for so long, from watching your body and face contorted in pleasure. Kenma can feel his end quickly approaching as you scream and wail underneath him, eyes rolling back in your head, drool trickling from the corner of your mouth. You look absolutely obscene and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get enough of this side of you.
But despite the way his balls are tightening, despite the stutter in his hips, he’s determined to watch you fall apart once more, to see you shatter to pieces yet again. He grits his teeth, fingers reaching down to furiously rub at your already oversensitized clit, reveling in how your back arches, thighs shaking in overstimulation, and then you snap.
He wonders what his parents would think of their dear dumb daughter now, looking nothing like their silly angel, looking like a wanton used whore, incoherent garbled noises slipping past your lips as you twitch uncontrollably, your pussy milking him dry as he cums inside of you.
There’s only silence mixed with your pitiful whimpers as he slides out of you, grimacing at the sticky mess you’ve made of yourself and him. But that’s what your other hole is for and he orders you to suck him clean, admiring what a quick learner you are, eager to please as you noisily slurp and lick him clean, moaning at the taste of your combined fluids...
Maybe too eager and he shoves you off of him when you become too enthusiastic, his cock beginning to twitch in interest once more.
You look so lost, still sprawled out on the ground, staring up at him with wide imploring eyes as he pulls up his pants. So vulnerable and in need of guidance.
Good thing you have such a great boss to manage you.
“Not bad. Consider these next few days your internship and if all goes well, I’ll be more than happy to hire you as Bouncing Ball’s newest employee this summer. Now clean up this room and show me that my future assistant can do more than just be a slut.”
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kpostedsum · 3 years
only you
draco malfoy x reader, harry potter x reader
summary: when harry asks you to get closer to a specific someone, what happens if you get too close?
based off this tiktok
song: dark red - steve lacy
a/n: there is infidelity in this fic whomppp and not edited
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Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
I don't know it but I feel it comin'
Might be so sad, might leave my nose running
the sky was gloomy on your way to hogwarts, everyone was on edge with the return of voldemort. you stayed with harry, ron and hermione all throughout the summer at the burrow preparing for your sixth year.
“he has to be a deatheater, his father is in azkaban so it makes sense if voldemort would have made him a deatheater in his fathers place” your boyfriend harry tried to explain to ron and hermione. you have to admit, he could have a point— however, no matter how bad draco is you didn’t want to think that of a sixteen year old boy. “well how do you suppose we find out?” asked ron as he awaited an answer from everyone.
“i have a plan but i don’t suppose harry would be too fond of it” hermione said with a waver in her voice. “since y/n comes from a respectable pureblood family, perhaps she can get closer to draco and confirm our suspicions for us—”
“absolutely not. i don’t want y/n any where near malfoy, who knows how dangerous he is” harry said defensively. you have to admit, hermiones plan is smart and is probably the most realistic one there is.
“it’s okay harry” you soothed him. “i’ll be fine, hermiones plan makes the most sense” you said.
“so what’s the plan?”
I just hope she don't wanna leave me
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby
“love, i still don’t think this is a good idea, what if you get hurt?” harry said as you two were cuddled on his bed together in the boys dorm, basking in each others warmth and security.
“he won’t hurt me harry, he’s a boy just like you— i’m sure if he is a deatheater he isn’t handling it as well as you think. i’ll be okay” you said. a soft silence stilled between the two of you as you enjoyed being wrapped up in your boyfriends arms, occasionally rubbing your nose against his just to hear his giggle that you love so much.
“i’ve just lost a lot of people, i don’t want you to be one of them. if something were to happen to you i’d light the world on fire and never let a flame touch you, just to keep you safe.” he said with a certain look of truth, loyalty and despair swimming in his eyes as he looked at you.
“i’m not going anywhere harry, i promise. i love you, only you” was the last thing you said before the both of you fell asleep, body parts tangled with eachother.
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
it’s been 3 days since that night with harry, and since then you’ve been trying to get closer to draco, but every time you tried he seemed to disappear. tonight you decided you’d wander outside of the slytherin common room in hopes of him showing up.
“what are you doing here, don’t you belong with the other gryffindors and saint potter?”
there he was. the voice you’ve been waiting to hear all week.
“i’ve grown quite bored of them right now, i figured i need a little excitement in my life. which is exactly why i am here, wandering outside the slytherin common room hoping there’s someone here to cure my boredom.” you said trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“get to the point y/n” he said walking closer to you. “what do you really want? is potter not fulfilling your needs anymore?” he smirked as he backed you against the wall, caging your frame beneath his.
“harry and i are fine, thank you very much” you rolled your eyes. “he’s just too busy right now”
“so you think i’m the cure to your boredom” draco said raising his brows, curious as to where this conversation is leading too.
“i know you’re the cure to my boredom.”
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
Why I feel this way I don't know maybe
I think of her so much it drives me crazy
I just don't want her to leave me
you and draco have been hanging out every night since that day. some days he’d be there and you’d both talk until the sun rise, and others he wouldn’t show.
you knew you had to ask him about it soon for harry’s sake but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so, atleast not tonight.
“what do you mean you haven’t found out yet? you’ve been spending almost every night with him— which you could be spending with me by the way, and you still found out nothing about him. what do you even do then?” harry exclaimed, clearly frustrated over the lack of information and the fact that his girlfriend has been hanging out with the enemy.
“i can’t just straight up ask him harry!” you say a bit louder than intended. “he has to trust me first, and how can i build that trust with him if we don’t hang out. all we do is talk, i promise.” you said, your voice softening as you weren’t in the mood to argue with your boyfriend right now.
“can we just go to sleep please, i miss you” you pleaded.
“yeah, yeah we can” he said pulling you towards him in his bed, allowing your head to rest in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent. a scent that used to be so familiar but you can feel being replaced.
“it’s only me right?” he asked staring towards his ceiling.
“yes harry, it’s only you. i love you.” you said reassuring him, but also reassuring yourself.
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong with you and only you, baby
“draco, can i ask you something” you asked looking towards him as he sat on the other side of you looking at the stars on from the astronomy tower.
“what is it?” he responded.
“how come sometimes you don’t show up, some days i’ll sit here waiting for you to show up and you never do. i miss you” you said softly, hoping you can get some information out of him.
“it’s cute that you miss me, i’d be lying if i said sometimes i didn’t miss your presence as well.” he said turning towards you and sending you a smirk. crawling over to him and resting your head on his shoulder, you relaxed against him.
“you know i don’t think you’re as bad as harry makes you out to be” you admitted. it’s true though, harry makes him out to be someone vain, however you find his presence comforting. you look forward to the nights you spend with him, more than you’d like to admit. “you’re quite nice when you want to be and are really good company” you explained.
“oh yeah?” he turned to you.
“yeah” you nodded. “i think harry is blinded by hate, he doesn’t know i’ve been hanging out with you and i’m sure if he were to find out he’d think you’re hurting me.” you partly lied.
“but i don’t think you could hurt me even if you tried” you said peering up at him with a soft smile and big genuine eyes. he adored the sight but he’d never admit it.
“i dont think your boyfriend would appreciate you talking about him like this to his enemy, now would he love?” draco said with a smirk. he knew over the past few weeks you’ve been hanging out your love for harry has been fading, even if you haven’t seen it yourself.
“draco” you said breaking the soft silence. “i have something to confess”
“well what is it?” he said, turning towards you giving you his full attention.
“do you think it’s wrong for someone to feel something for someone they’re not supposed to feel for” you asked, staring into his stormy grey eyes.
“i feel like i should feel guilty, but i don’t. if anything i feel safe.” you continued.
“what do you mean by that?” draco asked, taking his hand and slowly caressing your cheek encouraging you to continue.
when he touched you it felt as if the stars were dancing across your skin. you haven’t felt that way with harry in a while. it felt as if you could be anything in the world, and for some reason, you wanted to be his.
“is it wrong that when i’m with you, i get the same feeling i used to feel with him” you asked. “i mean, for some reason i can’t seem to stay away from you, and i don’t think i want too. i feel safe with you”. you said softly, hoping he understood what you meant.
“i used to think i was crazy meeting up with you every night, but i think it’s the best decision i’ve ever made.” he expressed. “you’ve become something i look forward too everyday, someone i seek out in crowds without even realizing it. i don’t think i want to stay away from you either” he finished.
the air stilled between you two, the only sounds heard were the soft winds of the night.
“draco… can i kiss you?” you asked.
“if you do, i don’t think i’d be able to stop” he confessed.
“and what if i don’t want you to stop” you said leaning closer and pressing your lips against his.
his lips were soft. slightly cold but it was addictive. kissing him felt so good, you might have even forgot how to breathe, but breathing wasn’t important in that moment.
“i’ve waited— i’ve waited so long for this, but i didn’t want to ruin what you and saint potter had” he said as he pulled you to straddle his lap and you pressed harsh kisses against his neck, craving to feel him.
“you didn’t ruin a thing” you said in between kisses. “i ruined it the day i decided to seek you out outside your common room” you continued breaking the kiss.
“i’m glad you did” he said resting his forehead against yours.
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
whatever you had going on with draco continues for months, hidden kisses between classes and tangled limbs in his bed at night.
the only problem was harry.
“as much as i’d love to brag about stealing potters girlfriend to everyone, i don’t think i can do that” draco said as you both laid in bed together in each others embrace.
“i know, but i can’t leave him yet. it’s just not the right time” you said turning to face him.
“i know” he said turning towards you. “if anything, i enjoy sneaking around with you” he says as he presses light kisses to your neck.
“what are you thinking about” he asks as he notices you’re not paying attention to him.
“harry’s probably wondering where i am, i should probably go to him” you said sadly.
“just be back tomorrow, alright?”
“i’ll always come back to you draco, i promise” you said pressing a kiss to his lips and heading to the gryffindor common room.
What if she's fine
It's my mind that's wrong
And I just let bad thoughts
Linger for far too long
“you’ve been out quite a bit haven’t you” ron said as you entered the common room. his eyes, hermione’s and harry’s eyes all on you.
“i’ve just been trying to get the information you wanted from him” you lied as you took a seat next to hermione.
“we’ll have you gotten anything?” she asked
“no, i haven’t. i don’t think hes a deatheater, i mean it’s been months since i’ve been hanging with him— he would have told me by now” you explained.
“what do you mean he doesn’t trust you, all you do is be with him and stare at each other in class. i wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bloody crush on you by now” harry said quite aggressively.
“we only talk, i’ve told you that already” you said sternly even though it was a lie.
“how about we all go to sleep and discuss this in the morning, it’s quite late” ron said trying to diffuse the tension.
“i agree, it’s too late and none of us are thinking straight” hermione added on to ron’s statement and going straight to the girls dorm, ron going to the boys dorm.
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong, with you, only you, baby
you and harry were left in the common room alone, the sound of fire crackling becoming more evident and loud as you tried to avoid his gaze.
“i’m sorry for lashing out like that” he said breaking the silence. “i know you and malfoy have nothing going on, i guess i’ve just missed you.”
“i missed you too harry” you said looking over to him.
“c’mere” he said tugging you towards him so you sit on his lap. “i love you, y’know. i don’t think i’d be able to do any of this without you” he continued looking into your eyes with a look of desperation of love.
a look you couldn’t return.
“i love you too harry, only you.” the lies came out your mouth before you could even stop them.
“only you, i promise.”
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
taglist: @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @ilygw @nic0lodean @s1ater @henqtic @justreadingficsdontmindme @i-love-scott-mccall @harmqnia @gwlvr @alishahpotter
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
House Trained
a collab with @reallyshey 💗
shigaraki x dabi x reader
CW: nsfw duh 🙄 piss 🥰 vaginal sex anal sex unprotected sex, cat hybrid Shigaraki, darker tags under the cut...beware
PSA: I was NOT a part of the shit or vomit, so do NOT request that pls 🥰 it's pretty obvious I didn't write it cause it's so good I could never write that well 🥲, blood, pain anal, spikey dick hehe 😼 punishment (locked in a cage) umm all done? slight dubcon…???Coercion...????
The concept of human and animal mixing themselves wasn’t something new but science made that too close to reality. Now a hybrid was the common pet for many- the perfect balance for those who wanted children but simply weren’t equipped with the time or the money. Those cute angelic human faces, with ears poking out from-
And Tomura had squatted and was pissing on the couch. Y/N couldn’t help but rub her eyebrow in frustration. It was like she had just cleaned that yesterday! At this rate, she may as well throw out the couch. And she loved her little kitty, of course! But it was getting ridiculous.
It was like taking care of a child who'd never been potty trained. She couldn't put him in diapers either. He’d be humiliated and pissed off at her for god knows how long. So she had to take him to the bathroom about once every two hours. Sometimes he’d make a fuss and pee on the bath mat on purpose, but other times, he was compliant. She found that pushing on his bladder a little helped when he was feeling stubborn.
It hadn’t always been so routine, though. At first, he was mortified at the prospects of Y/N watching him pee. It's gross! She wasn’t supposed to see him do that! In hindsight, maybe getting him so comfortable with that was a mistake. He was brave enough to go in front of her no matter where. She should have just locked Tomura in the bathroom and listened to him to make sure he went but no.
Of course, she had to baby him. He would rub up against her leg all day, purring. He’d lay beside her at night and beg for praise, and she couldn't deny him because he's just oh so cute. Things really took a turn when he started calling her mommy. That definitely flipped a switch for her. Y/N was so easily manipulated by him, and neither of them realized. Shigaraki thought he just had the perfect mommy, and Y/N just thought she had the perfect baby boy.
She loved her cute cat hybrid, but he even had some funny habits. For example, he was still a young cat- about twenty-two-ish in human years. But even so, she’d never bothered to get him spayed. It hurt her feelings to even think about it. She tried talking to him about it, but he only cried and cried and cried until she promised him she wouldn’t.
And even then, her little baby wasn’t aggressive. The worst-case scenario was this- his spaying and genuine accidents. He took out his sexual desires on her pillow, humping it, kneading it, and biting down on it. His tail twitched in a specific way Y/N had learned to recognize whenever it was obvious he was getting aroused, whether from her belly rubs or simply the passing of time.
He was strictly an indoor hybrid too- Y/N believed in keeping her hybrid safe from passing cars, especially when he didn’t know any better. I mean, how the fuck was he supposed to protect himself? He’s so codependent on her. Tomura crawls across the floor and clings to her leg more often than not. He tugs on Y/N’s clothes for food and has to have at least twelve good night kisses. He’s pampered and spoiled and so happy he found a good mommy.
Y/N would kill anyone or anything who would dare hurt her precious boy. He was so sweet and defenseless. Only a monster would hurt someone so sweet. But Y/N knew the world was full of monsters. She's not näive. Her parents were a good example. They had unprompted hate towards her boyfriend at the time and his family until it tore their relationship apart.
He was the one keeping her sane, keeping her grounded but their hatred got in the way. They had planned on adopting a hybrid before, they even decided to name him Tomura. Y/N wasn't hung up on him, she had her little kitty to love! But the name was still sentimental. If only he had kept talking to her, they could have had a life together, but he ghosted her completely and their last conversation was something mundane.
She’s brought back to reality by something soft rubbing her leg, she looks down to find Tomura smiling up at her.
“Mommy, you forgot to take me to the bathroom, meow,” he says calmly, as though peeing on the couch was a completely reasonable response to that.
She sighs, “Next time, just remind me, Tomu, just please stop peeing on the couch,”
He nods and rubs against her leg a bit more, “I’ll be a good boy, mommy,” he promises, knowing he’s going to break it, “Pet me please, meow.”
It’s not really a question, and more a demand: his tail swishes when she sits down on the floor with him. He nuzzled into her hand as she scratched behind his ears. Getting the couch cleaned all the time was expensive and embarrassing. What do the neighbors think every time they see it pull into their driveway?
Y/N finally caves, and, opening her phone, calls the first business with “Animal Trainer” next to it. It looked like a serious business and was rated five stars. It didn’t even look that expensive either! Even so, she had to get him to stop acting out like this.
“Hello?” She says once the phone stops ringing.
“Yes, this is Dabi speaking. How can I help you today?” A voice responds on the other side, thick and gruff. He sounded like he’d smoked for quite a few years (that or he had just gotten out of bed).
“Hi, this is Y/N. I’m calling because my cat hybrid is spaying and pissing everywhere. He’s not fixed, and I promised him I wouldn’t do that to him. I need to get him to stop. I can’t keep cleaning but I’m not going to give him up to the shelter either.”
There’s a moment of silence on the other line. “A bad kitty. I can fix that. You’ll need to chip in, of course.”
She hesitates and looks over at Tomura who is starting to rub against her legs, curious about what and who she’s talking to. “Of course. When’s the soonest you can come over?”
“How about right now?”
“Perfect. Here’s my address.”
Dabi walks through the door, and her mouth falls open.
“You,” She says in surprise and in shock.
He grins devilishly, “Me, it's nice to see you, sweetheart.”
She scoffs, “It’s nice to see me? You stopped talking to me after we dated for almost a year!”
“It’s not my fault you changed your number and didn’t tell me,” He snaps back at her, his irritation growing. He grew sick of the disconnected response from the phone too quickly for her to joke about this.
“I never changed my-” She stops, “Oh.”
His face softens too, “It was your parents, huh?”
“Yeah,” she says, looking up at him.
Y/N wraps her arms around Touya hesitantly, and he does the same. Meanwhile, Tomura sits there in shock. Who was this man cuddling with mommy? He’d have to drench the whole house to get this guy’s scent off, and what’s in the bag?
“And this is Tomura,” She introduces. He looks up at the mention of his name, letting out a confused meow.
He grins- Y/N really knows how to pick them. This was the name they promised they’d name their own little hybrid all those years ago when they made plans to marry. So even if she was angry...
“Hey, little guy,” Touya says, trying to be friendly.
That was pretty easy when a cute kitty is staring up at you. But not so easy when he hisses at you and mutters profanities. He frowns. This was gonna be a lot of work.
“Hey,” he says, turning away from the pissed-off kitten, “I’ll give you a discount, how's three hundred sound?”
Her eyes light up, “Three hundred sounds fantastic! Thank you, Touya!”
She hugs him again and Shigaraki wants to yell but...mommy seems so happy with this... this stranger. And he doesn't want to make her sad, so he crawls away and mopes in her room, curling up in her bed and burying his face in her blankets. Does she love him? Is he going to stay? He wouldn't blame Y/N; this Touya person is rather cute but still. She doesn't notice her missing kitty while she continues to work out the details with Touya.
“Y/N, down to business. Why is your hybrid causing you problems? You said something about spaying? Tell me about it.”
“So what happens is that he goes around peeing everywhere! I used to be able to help him go to the bathroom, but now he just goes wherever he wants, whenever he wants! I looked it up and it sounds like spaying, but it’s full-on piss sometimes too.”
Touya is quiet for a moment, thinking, “So he sees you as a mate and he’s trying to mark his territory to ward off another male. Have you invited anybody over recently?” He asks, trying to grasp the situation.
Y/N shakes her head. He saw her as a mate?! “No, I try not to. My house smells like piss thanks to Mister Whiskers.” She huffs.
“He probably sensed another hybrid then from the outside. Possibly a feral. The best way to get him to stop is to make him think he already owns you. I’ll call hybrid control too. It’s not a good place for hybrids on the streets.” He says, pulling out his own phone and sending a text.
“Okay then. How do we do that?”
“It’s quite easy,” he says, “Let's go find Tomura first.”
He heads upstairs to where he assumes Tomura’s hiding. The smell of pee intensifies as he gets closer to what he assumes is your room. He opens the door to see Tomura curled on the bed, frowning.
“See how territorial he is?” Touya points out, “He already sees me as a threat even though I've just walked in the door.”
Y/N nods, but she’s still in disbelief. Tomura sees her as his mate? That's ridiculous. Although, if what Touya’s saying is true, she really wouldn't mind. She’d always had a crush on Tomura, I mean just look at him! He’s cute and so cuddly. The adorable ears and fluffy hair really add onto the whole cute kitty image. He’s so smart too. And kind. Their relationship isn't one-sided at all, he takes care of Y/N and she takes care of him.
Touya nudges her towards the bed, and she sits next to him. They both look at each other for a while, and Touya doesn't interrupt. They need to go at their own paces, for now at least. Y/N finally reaches a hand out to scratch behind his ears, and Tomura starts to purr again. It feels like Y/N is the only one in the room. He doesn't even notice Touya until he sits on the other side of him.
He wants to hiss and scratch at him, but Y/N is scratching his head just the way he likes.
“Hey buddy,” Touya says, reaching out to rub soothing circles on his back, “You love Y/N a whole lot, huh?”
Tomura nods, still suspicious of the man sitting with them.
“She’s your mate, isn't she?” he says, fingers trailing across his neck to scratch the back of his head, “You've got a nice pretty mate Tomura. She’s all yours, sweetie,”
Mate?! How did Touya know how he felt about y/n? They barely said a word to each other.
“Mate,” he nods, grabbing onto Y/N’s thigh.
He worms his hands between the mattress and her soft thighs and squeezes it in his arms, laying his head on it.
“Mate,” he purrs, happy that he’s able to say it out loud, “Mommy’s such a pretty mate.”
Touya nods; this is good. They're making progress.
“Now Y/N, why don't you lie down on the bed,” Touya instructs.
She does as told and lies on her back, trying to relax. She tenses up again when his fingers tug down her pants. She tries to grab his hand and stop him but he bats it away.
“Do you want your house to smell like piss for the rest of your life, or are you gonna let me help you?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
She nods and lets him pull down her pants.
“Are you sure this is necessary?” she asks, not enjoying the cold air on her cunt nor the fact that she was nearly naked in front of both of them.
“Completely necessary,” he assures her.
Next to go is her shirt, then her bra until she’s lying completely naked in front of them. When he starts to strip Tomura down, she gets worried. Why is Tomura suddenly so compliant with Touya? He was ready to flip his shit just minutes ago. Touya guides Tomura to kneel between Y/N’s legs and wiggles his spiked cock out of its little pouch. Tomura mewls softly; he’s never felt someone else touch him there before.
“Now, why don’t you rub mommy’s pussy right,” he guides Tomura’s hand to her clit, “There.”
He looks confused but does as he’s told. Obviously, Tomura doesn't do it well enough. The nerves and inexperienced hands don’t do anything to get Y/N aroused. Too bad so sad, he’s here to fix a problem, not make it pleasurable. He lines up Tomura’s cock, and Y/N finally pieces together what's happening. Her breathing picks up and her eyes widen. Surely he wasn’t really going to have Tomura fuck her, right? That would hurt! Like really really hurt!
But the look of excitement in his eyes made her feel guilty. He wants this so badly and he loves her so much. If this was going to help him she’d just have to take it. So when Touya helps him poke the tip of his cock in, she’s already white-knuckled from gripping the sheets. She whimpers when more of it starts to go in; it felt like the branch of an English hawthorn was forcing itself inside of her. At the same time, the tiny, sharp thorns on his cock were tickling her G-spot.
She wasn't ready when he started to fuck into her, he was over the moon with joy whilst she was crying out in pain. Tomura can’t decide between yowling, meowing, or moaning so he chooses a mixture of all three. All of his little noises are adorable; the whines and whimpers of her name make her try to smile through all of the pain.
“Gotta...breed mommy,” he pants, “Breed mommy!”
Her eyes widened.
“No sweetie,” she says, squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to focus on the pain, “You can’t breed a mommy baby. Please don’t Tomura.”
“Hey,” Touya says, “do you want this to work or not?”
She whines in defeat and lets him keep fucking her.
“Breed, mommy,” he chants, happier than ever.
Everything's “fine” until he decides to bite her tit.
“Ow! Tomura, no!” she cries, trying to push his head away, but Touya holds her hands in place.
“You can’t deny him Y/N. It won't work if you do,” he tuts.
She tries to squirm away, but Touya keeps his grip on her firm, and the cold hands of death couldn't pry Tomura away from her. So she cries and moans and prays that he’ll cum and get this over with. Touya lets go of her hands and climbs behind Tomura. What was he doing back there?
Y/N doesn’t even have a moment to be confused as Touya unbuckles his pants, Tomura grinding at her pussy, his sharp barbs and accurate aims make the pain and the pleasure simply too much for her brain to work. He doesn’t even take off his shirt, or slide them down, just pulls out his cock from his jeans and shoves it into the cute tight, and unsuspecting hole in front of him.
“Meow! Mommy! It hurts! Meow!” Tomura cries, yowling in pain as his virgin hole is penetrated. Touya’s cock is massive- at least twelve inches in length. Despite Tomura’s small size, she can still feel Touya against her own stomach, the way his cock burrowed a hole into Tomura, in through one end and attempting to force its way out the other.
“Look at that cute little pussy. It’s all nice and red for Master''. Tomura was bleeding! He meowed, feeling the trickling down his thighs as Touya pushed himself into Tomura, again and again, forcing Tomura to keep fucking Y/N despite the pain that he was in. As she gets wetter it’s easier for her to talk and think. She cradles Tomura’s head in her arms and lets it fall into the crook of her neck.
“How is this helping?” she asks, still crying from the pain of Tomura’s cock in her.
“Um, it’s keeping him inside of you? Listen, I don't fucking know. I just wanted to fuck him, ” Touya laughs, before pausing, “Or even bitch him if it works.” Leaning down to trail kisses up Tomura’s neck, he coos “Who’s my pretty boy?”
“I am, ” he sobs, “Mommy, please, it hurts. But it feels so good just- just make it stop mommy please.”
“I can't, sweetie. I’m sorry,” she says, kissing the side of his head, “It’ll feel good soon, Tomura, I promise.”
He bites her tit again, not as hard as before, and tries to stifle the sounds of his crying. How could he be a good mate if he was so weak? He doesn't deserve her. He should give her up to Touya; he’s strong and smart, not weak like he is. But then Y/N pulls his face away from her chest and kisses him. It’s rough and passionate and the best thing he’s ever felt, besides her warm wet pussy, of course.
When he cums, he cums hard. His cock was made for breeding so it squirts out more cum than humanly possible. It takes mere seconds for it to start gushing out of her, seeping deep into her womb. There’s no doubt she’s pregnant; Y/N never planned to have sex at this point in her life, so she was on absolutely no form of birth control.
Even if she had used a condom, Tomura’s thorny cock would have poked right through it. His cum would’ve somehow breached her IUD, and it was sure to be one hundred times more potent than human cum and no chemical could’ve stopped it. They're both aching when Touya finally fills Tomura’s tight, no longer virgin, asshole. Thankfully it makes it easier for Touya to slide out of him without either ripping Tomura’s asshole or having Tomura’s asshole pull his cock right off.
Touya is surprisingly good with his aftercare. And it looks like he came prepared as well.
Touya takes his sweet time gently putting hybrid injury cream around his ass. There's nothing of course he could do about the inside besides giving Tomura some anti-inflammatory medicine and blood stoppers. All wrapped inside of a pill pocket, the brat.
And despite his so-called love for Y/N, Tomura still kept up the attitude. When Touya moved onto Y/N, slowly caressing her cunt and making sure she was okay, taking care of her and wiping her clean of cum, Tomura would throw a fit and say he wanted attention.
Don't get him wrong, he was worried for his mommy. He didn't know what the white stuff leaking out of her was or what the white stuff that'd been leaking out of him was- he just knew it felt good. But he recognized bruises from his own hands, his claws digging into her from when he orgasmed.
But he wanted attention too! What about him?! Why did mommy get all the attention? It was like he had completely forgotten the attention that had been on him for a while. He meowed over and over, tugging on Touya’s arm.
“Master,” he whines, “What about me?”
“Shh,” Touya says, “We need to take care of mommy too, Tomura.”
“But-” he starts.
“No buts unless you want me to spank yours,” Touya warns.
Tomura opens and closes his mouth, deciding he’d rather not have his ass beat red. He still whines, though, putting his head on Y/N’s chest, so he never left his master’s line of sight. When Touya pushes his head away, he mewls over and over, crying out for his master. Claiming that “You don’t care about me, Master!”
Touya silences him with a kiss on the forehead and the lips, and that satiates him...for a while until he’s pawing at Touya again, whining and whimpering. However, when Y/N is the one to try and silence him, he shuts up immediately. You never tell him to be quiet; you always tell him how much you love his voice.
So he curls into you and kisses your neck, telling you that you're the best mommy in the world. You can only smile and nod, letting Touya apply ointment to your wounds. Tomura has never felt like this before, not just from his orgasm but being cared for by two people. Of course, Y/N cared for him well, maybe too well. She spoiled him beyond belief. He got away with pissing on the couch for months. He got whatever food he wanted whenever he wanted. You even let him eat at the dinner table though he was NOT supposed to.
Touya fixed all of that. He disciplined Tomura, shoving him in a diaper until he begged and cried to be good, and he was...until Touya went home. Touya also put him on a diet that was healthier for his sensitive stomach. Lastly he made it very clear to her that Tomura will only be eating out of his bowls on the floor, much to Tomura’s disappointment.
Despite it all, they end up together. All of them. Mommy and Master and cute little Tomura at the center. Maybe he would’ve stopped acting up but he didn’t. He just wanted both of them more- and both of them together. So he makes mommy call Touya for no reason or forces her to, pissing and shitting wherever he could, even vomiting.
Even things that didn’t need to be fixed- they called Touya. And of course, Touya always sets Tomura straight. He’d shove Tomura in a kennel for hours, and force Y/N to watch, to discipline him for calling him over, sometimes even himself if he got ahold of the house phone, and Y/N to get her to stop spoiling Tomura.
And of course, Tomura would yowl and cry that nobody loved him, making painful noises that would cause suffering to any normal human’s heart (at least, Y/N would argue that). He would piss himself even more, and even shit on the blankets to try and get the smell to let him out. Touya however, only pissed on Tomura when he pissed in the kennel, and sprayed air freshener when he shit. Maybe it was something that he wanted himself.
Y/N, of course, would always let him out when he let out a particularly miserable noise. She washed the disgusting blankets at night when she was supposed to be asleep and cleaned him up through the bars of his cage. Whenever Touya caught her, he was furious. It took only minutes for her to be squished in the cage besides Tomura, praying he didn't decide to make any messes.
She comforted him, reminding Tomura that Touya would provide wonderful aftercare for the bruises and indents the cage gave them. When Touya fed them through the bars it was especially humiliating, making sure to spill or smear at least some of it on both Y/N and Tomura. But Tomura was happy to clean you up with his cute pink tongue, and that never failed to make her giggle.
Despite the punishments and the spoiling he loves his mommy and master equally! They were so good to him! Dogs can be a man’s best friend, but what best resembles a lover? The cute little kitty cat in the middle of mommy and master.
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ssplague · 3 years
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Chapter Two
A rough start we get off too
Series Masterlist
Katsuki B. X Reader
Rated M
⚠️Warnings: SMUT, improper use/depiction of certain kinks, abusive, manipulative, toxic behavior, unreal ideals of sex, use of daddy, ddlg themes, hard Dom, etc.
Let the SMUT commence
The way each pair of lips fit so perfectly together was absolutely enthralling: Passion was raw, ferocity was made so obviously evident from the growl he emitted at each attempt you made at sucking his tounge into your mouth. Only separating to take in a few large gulps of much needed oxygen, before diving back in to repeat the process over again.
“Please….P-Pleaseee…Kat..Suki…I-“ he presses a finger to your lips. That brief period of oxygen deprivation seemed to of induced a delirium of sorts. Assessing your thoughts has become similar to sifting through wet sand; Try as you might, you just can’t seem to comprehend what exactly you’d been attempting to beg him for in the first place. This look of empty headed confusion is also something Bakugou commits to memory, a first glimpse of his dumb little girl. He surveys you with bemused interest, looking as composed as ever.
“Down that bad for me hah? All I did was kiss ya a little and you’re already falling to pieces on me” the finger on your lips slides down to tilt your chin up, while he dips his head down to whisper in your ear. “Cant even imagine what kinda mess you’ll become once I finally split cha open with this big cock, such a stupid little girl”.
You suck in a deep shuddering breath as your legs suddenly give out beneath you, leaving you helplessly sliding down the wall. Bakugou laughs in such a condescending baritone as he effortlessly picks you up and deposits you on his bed. Picking his chair back up, he moves it beside the bed to take a seat in front of you.
“Listen real close to what I’m about to tell ya cause its important, open those fuckin’ ears princess cause if I end up havin’ to constantly keep repeatin’ myself…” he leaves the implicated threat hanging in the air between you two. Swallowing what remains of your now virtually non existent pride: You sit up straight and lean forward slightly, making sure to hold eye contact while he spoke. As the one sided conversation progresses and you inevitably begin to feel the need to either scoff or mouth off, you lightly bite your tounge. When the need to roll your eyes seems irresistible you make sure to blink a few times.
Bakugou and his ego always seem to have a way of destroying any sort of illusion that he is anything other than a self-righteous narcissist. Well, now he’s YOUR self-righteous narcissist…CORRECTION; You cant think like that anymore….from now on he’s….daddy.
The thought accompanies a brief pang in your metaphorical gut, is it regret? Maybe guilt? You aren’t sure.
“-Last ones, your still paying attention right princess?”.
Hearing his question has your eyes immediately snapping back into focus. You take in the handsome (but grumpy) face in front of you, nervously wondering when exactly he’d invaded your personal space.
“Y-Yes daddy, I’m listening to you” you stutter slightly, now noticing he’s actually kneeling on the mattress with you.
“So every day I expect you to do your absolute best” now with each statement he leans further into you, “You’re always going to remember how much daddy cares about you”. He presses a large hand against your chest, forcing your back down against the pillows behind you. “Realize that daddy always knows what’s best for you” both hands now rest on either side of you, effectively caging you in.
“You’ll always know that you can rely on daddy, and will trust him one hundred percent of the time”.
The intensity of his crimson stare has your face burning up, and heart rapidly pounding in your chest. It’s now taking a serious amount of conscious effort to keep your eyes locked with his. “Any questions? Comments?…..concerns?” he puts an emphasis on that last word, wolffish grin firmly in place.
Shaking your head apparently wasn’t a good enough answer because its followed with a stern; “Use your words princess, you either say: Yes daddy or No daddy….understood?”.
“I understand daddy….I’ll follow your rules daddy” you reply, embarrassment evident at having to repeat the unfamiliar word.
“You sure? It’s not like you to have absolutely nothing to say” he’s testing you, you’ll play into it this time.
“Well if you insist…..I do have a question, just one” at this his eyes instantly narrow and you could have sworn you’d seen a few stray sparks emit from his palms.
“Would it be too much to ask daddy if he wouldn’t mind kissing me again?”
Euphie checks her phone for the eigth time since she’d last texted you over forty-five minutes ago. Why weren’t you responding? Maybe she really had pushed you too far this time….A large hand comes to rest over her much smaller one, at this she finally sets her phone facedown on the table with a sigh.
“She wont stay angry with you forever, her and Bakubro might be having such a good time together that she’s forgotten all about her phone” Kirishima tries his best to reassure with his usual smile. The sudden wide eyed, dead pan stare he gets in return whipes that smile from his now reddening face. He’s realized far too late at what his words seem to of implied.
“I didn’t mean it like that! Really! I promise I didn’t! M’sorry”. Seeing the red head this flustered is so adorable, his companion cant help but giggle.
“I know Eji, dont worry about it”.
Entrusting your care to Bakugou was fine: He cares about you almost as much as she herself does. If she wasn’t certain how genuine the boy’s feelings toward you were, none of this would ever have happened.
Yeah, everything is going to be just fine….You’ll thank her one day.
Bakugou’s crimson gaze is way too intense while roaming over the female laying down on his bed. Having her completely bare, and spread out before him is an accomplishment he shamelessly contragulates himself for. She’s getting self conscious now: Delicate hands come up to cover her chest, and plush thighs press together in an attempt to hide the drooling mess kept between them. It’s all or naught though as her legs are suddenly wrenched apart, and each wrist is now pinned above her head, held in just a single one of his hands.
“Nu-uh princess, no hiding….keep those legs open…wanna see all of you” condescending words only seem to widen his feral grin.
Seeing his cock now freed from its previously strained confinements as its looms above you, standing tall, has your leaky little hole twitching. The smooth inner walls inside repeatedly clenching in anticipation. Bakugou trails a finger from clit to slit as he hums in approval.
“What’s this hah? Such a fuckin’ mess your makin’ down here”
“S-Sorry daddy…I cant help it…Just want you so bad…dont wanna wait any longer…Please dont make me wait more” a soft roll of your hips accompanies your pleading whines. Your continuous begging for his cock has that monster stirring in him again, he has to forcibly push the dark thoughts away before addressing you again.
“If I dont prep you then-“ you interrupt him.
“It’s fine! I can take it, please just take me…” he notices your moment of hesitation before you lock eyes with him while adding “make it hurt”.
You’re just so fucking bold!
Trying to make demands, disguised as requests! Its so cute he cant help but caress your cheek before bestowing upon you the last gentle kiss you’ll get until he’s throughly DESTROYED you for anyone else.
“Dont ever fucking tell me what to do again” he growls before slamming his hips forward.
He’s buried balls deep inside you: Your initial gasp at the sudden intrusion, now morphs into a silent scream that has a you arching up off the mattress.
“Got that you greedy little slut? See what happens?” He taunts through gritted teeth.
Your cunt squeezing and spasming around his cock feels incredible, to the point he has to busy himself with sucking harshly on your neck to keep from releasing desperate whimpers of his own.
“I can take it…please move….m’sorry daddy…please don’ be mad a’me….”
“M’not mad at you baby….s’okay” He manages to reassure you through his clenched jaw. He finally starts to move inside of you, desperately trying so hard to take it easy on you. All precedent falls apart when your legs wrap around his waist, now he’s digging you out.
“Y’okay?” He rasps while continuously ravaging your tight cunt.
“M-mm-more than okay” you stutter.
“Taking my cock so well baby girl….Fucking hell!” His lewd compliment causing your insides to involuntarily clench.
“Deeper! Deeper!” You plead.
Katsuki thought you’d preferred his shallow thrusts, but if you really wanted your guts rearranged he’d be pleased to make it happen. He grabs one of your legs, placing it up on his broad shoulder, while the other remains curled around his hip. Straightening up he smirks down at you, before delivering a harsh slap to your clit. Now beginning to rapidly piston his hips while taunting you: “What did I tell you earlier hah? Answer me dammit!”.
His hot hand comes down on your inner thigh and you cry out: “N-Not supposed t-to tell y-you what to d-do!”. It shouldn’t be possible for you to be squeezing him even tighter, but somehow you do. That can mean only one thing… “Gonna cum aren’t you princess? I can feel ya choking the life outta my cock”.
A pathetic whine accompanies your vigorous head nods and he growls in response: “You.better.fucking.not” a thrust accompanying each word, “Y’dont fuckin’ listen, shouldn’t let ya cum at all with how you keep misbehavin’, better start fuckin’ beggin”.
Horrified at the thought, you fight through the fog permeating your brain and force movement out of your lolling tounge.
“P-please daddy, I’ll b-be good from now on if y-you’ll just let me c-cum! Y-you’re just making me feel so good daddy, no one’s ever made me feel this i-incredible before” your panting breaths making it too difficult to continue speaking. Even if he doesn’t believe it, your words are entirely true, this is the first time you can ever recall feeling like this during sex. A foreign sensation is making its way into your gut, your limbs are moving of their own accord, you cant think straight when you manage to speak next: “Its too much! Too big, Too deep, Too intense! I c-cant take anymore please make it stop!”.
“Stop? Oh fuck no princess, after all this lip you’ve been giving me, you think I’m gonna let you tap out like a little bitch? Think again” his thumb begins to rub harsh circles against your clit. “We’re not stopping until you cream all over my cock like a nasty girl like you is supposed to, then you’re gonna do it again when I blow my load inside this tight fucking cunt and you’ll scream my name while I fucking do it because this pussy is all mine! Got all that you fucking whore?”.
“Yes daddy” you whimper, face screwed up in tight concentration as he finally pushes you over the edge. Your eyes fly open as you blindly search for his hand, gripping it tightly in attempts to anchor yourself in reality as a sudden rush of dopamine floods your brain. White hot pleasure seemingly overwhelming every single nerve in your body, making your legs shiver as you faintly hear yourself calling out his name repeatedly. Katsuki is the only thing you know in this strange foreign place: This comforting warmth suddenly invades your tummy, continuously being pumped inside you while you moan at the newfound sensation.
A pair of strong arms wind themselves around you, pulling you closer, making you feel safe, at ease, loved?
“Come…back…..come back to me” he’s calling for you. Your soul had to of vacated your body; You feel Weightless, you’re floating, “Daddy?”. Suddenly you start sinking, and without warning your body jolts, “Katsuki?!”.
“M’right here princess, daddy’s got you….Disappeared on me for a lil while” his familiar voice is grounding. His fingers card gently through your hair, and for the very first time you’re seeing a “Soft” side to this so easily angered man. Sighing contentedly you snuggle into his chest, letting his caramel scented sweat overwhelm your senses.
“I really like this”
“Hah?! That’s all you have to say?!”
Ah there he goes, moment ruined, illusion shattered.
“I’m sorry. But I’m not entirely coherent just yet…you uh…you kinda did a number on me there” you mutter sheepishly, making an attempt to escape his embrace. Its immediately thwarted, and your pulled right back against his chest. “Ah fuck…knew I shoulda just made you wait and prepped you properly….Sorry about that, guess I just got caught up in everything”. Surely hell has frozen over: Katsuki Bakugou just not only admitted a possible wrong doing, but APOLGIZED for it as well!
“Ive wanted to do this with you for so long: Fuck you, hold you, be with you, and I fucked it up! Just like I always seem to fucking do, I-“
“Daddy” your voice effectively silences his self-depreciating rant. His hand begins to gently run up and down your back as he mumbles a “Yes princess?”.
You lean back slightly, tilting your head up so those cute doe eyes can stare up into his, the smile your wearing makes his chest tighten.
“M’not hurt, sore but not damaged….I wasn’t referring to my body, I meant you did a number on my mind…Besides I asked for it remember? I’ve wanted this for a long time too, so I got impatient…Please dont berate yourself, lets just enjoy this moment as the first of many now…Kay?”.
That’s right, you’re his now; Along with the opportunity to care for and make sure to correct you…he’ll be able to do this with you again. You had given yourself to him after all, so he can have you as many times as he wants, whenever he wants! He’s far too occupied with his lewd thoughts to care about the foreboding darkness thats begun to emerge from its confines within his skull.
You don’t remember falling asleep but Katsuki gently prods you awake: “Baby…wake up, Its dinner time…I made food for us…c’mon princess you need to eat”.
You whine, attempting to burrow further beneath the blankets, “Not hungryyyy...wanna sleep more!”.
“Dont make daddy ask you again, you wont like what happens”.
Not interested in ruining such a wonderful night, you begrudgingly sit up. Noticing he’s seated at his desk, with a large steaming bowl set infront of him. You slide out of bed, standing up and realizing you’re naked, but strangely not embarrassed by it.
“Here” he tosses you a shirt, “Now c’mere, hurry up before it gets cold!”. Pulling his shirt over your head as you pad over to him and take a seat on his lap. Noticing the single spoon and bowl has you looking at him with genuine curiosity. “Since you like actin like a damn baby so much, figured I’d continue treatin’ you like one” his words make you grin sheepishly again, and you hold out your hand expectantly waiting for him to hand you the spoon….he doesn’t.
Taking an impressive spoonful of the steaming food he then proceeds to blow on it before bringing it up to your lips.
“Say ahh, brat”.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, he shoves the spoon into your open mouth. Of course it tastes amazing, but he doesn’t plan on keeping this up right? WRONG!
Repeating the pattern of giving you a bite and then taking one himself.
“I can feed myself y’know…” you mutter growing increasingly flustered at the insulting action but more so the fact that its making you feel….excited?
“I dont think you can princess….I always hear Euphie bitchin at ya for skipping breakfast or to hurry up and come eat dinner” pausing to feed himself, then repositioning the now loaded spoon back infront of you before continuing.
“That shit ends today, gonna teach ya how important it is to take care of yourself, and if you wont? Then I guess daddy will have to do it for ya”.
You’re squirming in his lap by the time you accept the last bite,swallowing thickly before making an attempt at vaulting off his lap. Large hands immediately snag you around the middle before your feet even touch the ground.
“No, No, thats not how we do things around here, where the fuck are your manners?” he slips a hand between your clenched thighs to move them apart, and then brings a slap down to the inside of each. You dont even know why he’d done that and the shock is evident on your face. “You like when I baby ya, dont lie to me LITTLE girl”.
“No I-“
“What’s this then?” he quickly interupts while holding up the palm he’d previously slapped you with. Glimmering in the low light is your sticky arousal coating his palm.
“Sorry” your voice is barely audible as you hang your head in shame.
“Mhm sure you are…Here I am being a good care taker to you and what did you do? Sat there thinking all kinds of nasty things while I spoon feed you, you really are a fuckin depraved slut aren’t you princess?”
You bite your lip as your eyes start to water,still refusing to look up and far too embarrassed to respond. A finger beneath your chin forces your head up and his breath hitches when he notices tears getting ready to fall. A malicious smile now turns his lips upward as he cups your cheek, “Look at that…shes about to start crying and all because of what? Cuz you just exposed yourself for being the depraved little slut you are?”.
“NO! No im not I-“.
“You are” his grip tightens painfully on your jaw, pulling your face forward so its now just an inch away from his own, “And I fuckin’ love it”. Then he’s surging forward pressing his lips against yours; Forcing his tongue into your mouth, hand coming around to grip the back of your head. Your lungs are on fire while his hand slips under your shirt to harshly grope at your chest. Clawing his forearms is finally enough to get his attention and he reluctantly pulls away. You’ve just barely began catching your breath when he suddenly stands up, keeping a firm grip on your ass to carry you, before dropping you onto the bed.
“Take that off and-“
*knock knock knock*
The sudden knocking followed abruptly by Kirishima’s muffled shouting, startles both you and Katsuki, and the rattling door knob has you immediately springing into action.
“Hey we brought back desert to share with you guys! So just meet us at my room whenever you feel like it, Euphie’s changing her clothes and then she’ll be there too, we’re gonna watch a movie if you two wanna join us!”.
He must have heard Bakugou’s standard non-committal grunt in response, because you hear his retreating footsteps trail off down the hall.
Grabbing your skirt out from underneath the bed, you stand back up.
Just as you’d gotten to your feet your immediately pushed face first onto the mattress. A sweaty hand takes hold of your hip in a bruising grip, while the other delivers a sharp pinch to your ass cheek. Yelping in response to the sudden harsh yank of your hair that proceeds a whisper of:
“You didn’t really think I would let you off that easy did you? Your fuckin’ cake can wait brat, we’re done when I fuckin say we are, got it?”.
A/N: I hope this chapter was to everyone’s liking, I’m actually kind of nervous to post it but 🤷🏼‍♀️ Chapter 3 has a fair amount of smut in it as well so look forward to that. I’m hoping to get another one shot up for “A man of his word” this week, if you like extreme Yandere Bakugou check that out. I have one penned but it needs to be typed up.
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jikookiekosmos · 3 years
Make Me || pjm
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➥Pairing: dom!jimin/sub!reader, ceo!jimin, boss!jimin/employee!reader
➥Summary: After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
➥Genre: smut, fluff, slight angst, mutual pining
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~15.3k
➥Content Warnings: mentions of cheating, making out, marking/biting, dirty talk, cursing, sub!reader, dom!jimin, some bdsm elements (reader’s hands are bound during parts of it), slight exhibitionism, hair pulling, safe word (jimin has a consent kink, we love to see it), oral (f. receiving), fingering, slight spanking, jimin has a sir kink, jimin calls the reader princess a lot, body worship (jimin really likes the reader’s thighs), multiple orgasms, slight handjob, slight oral (m. receiving), reader fawns over jimin’s tattoo (we all know the one), unprotected sex (reader is on the pill), rough sex, possessive!jimin, cumming inside, praise, aftercare, jimin is soft for the reader, they also banter and it’s cute, also let’s all have a moment of silence for jimin’s desk
A/N: ok so I had a little bit of a hard time finishing this one because I felt like I might be getting repetitive or boring, etc. and I was unhappy with how it was turning out for a while and thought I may not actually be able to complete it. BUT I finally finished it and I hope anyone who reads it enjoys it! Please let me know what you think, if you’d like~
As always, special thank you to @dntaewithluv​ for always supporting me and offering encouragement (being my biggest hype-person particularly for this work), and for also basically being my beta reader for everything. Especially helping me catch my typos, you are truly a blessing and I’m very grateful for you. ❤
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It was Thursday night. You typically didn’t go out except during the weekends, but you thought fuck it, you were heartbroken and needed some fun.
You had decided to go to the bar near where you worked, only a 10 minute or so drive away. Your old friend from college met you there, since you wanted to catch up with her.
Both of you were chatting and having a good time, and had been for about half an hour, before it happened. Across the room, you spotted the last person you wanted to see: your ex, as of very recently. And he wasn’t by himself; he had someone clinging to his arm, laughing obnoxiously loud at whatever he’d just said.
As he grinned down at the obviously drunken girl that was attached to him, you felt a dull pain in your chest. The two of you hadn’t even been broken up properly for a week and he was already off dating someone else. It didn’t surprise you, really, considering you broke up because he cheated on you in the first place, but still seeing it in person like this hurt.
You wasted almost a year of your life with this person only for him to go and betray you for more than half of your time together. He’d been mentally checked out of the relationship long before you ended it, and even though you saw it, you didn’t want to acknowledge it. You didn’t want to let go because you thought maybe he could change, maybe deep down he did love you like he said he did.
One person had tried to convince you otherwise, but you didn’t listen. Of all the people it could be, it was your boss who tried to talk some common sense into you.
Park Jimin, CEO of the Park & Jeon law firm. This man was your boss of 2 years now, and also the man you’d had the biggest crush on since you first laid eyes on him. It was, of course, an unrequited crush, and even if the feelings were mutual, dating someone you worked with – especially if that person is your boss – has always been a taboo sort of topic. So you never acted on it, you just kept it to yourself and swallowed down any feelings of hope whenever something might happen.
You briefly recalled something that had happened a few weeks ago at the office, one night when you decided to stay late after a fight with your – then – boyfriend.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
Jimin was about to leave to head home when he noticed you were still typing away at your desk, working your way through the mountain of files he had stacked there earlier in the afternoon. It was already 20 minutes past when you were supposed to leave, but the way you were situated at your desk gave him the impression you weren’t planning on going anywhere soon.
“Y/N,” he called to you, immediately making you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. You didn’t want him to know you’d been crying earlier.
But, of course, as with most things, Park Jimin could always tell.
You heard rather than saw him walk over to your desk, aware of his presence beside you when he stopped. When you didn’t answer him he sighed and gently swiveled your chair around so you would look at him.
“Why haven’t you gone home yet,” he asked, his tone level. His eyebrows were somewhat furrowed as he took in your countenance now that he was closer and could see you had definitely been crying earlier.
You sniffled. “I really need to get these files done.”
Jimin’s face told you he wasn’t buying it. He looked at the giant mass of paper on your desk. “These files? All of them?”
You nodded. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean, everything’s fine-”
“Don’t bullshit me,” Jimin cut you off. His sudden firmness caught you off guard so you didn’t say more and just waited for him to continue.
“Did something happen? Between you and him?”
You nodded again, although this time a bit more hesitantly. Jimin sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Honestly, Y/N, I don’t see why you put up with this guy. He’s not- look, you’re sad more often than not and it’s usually because of him.”
“But my work performance hasn’t suffered,” you said it quietly, almost expecting him to not hear it. But he did.
He leaned closer and rested both hands on the armrests of your chair, almost like he was caging you in.
“Do you actually think I only care about how well you perform at work,” he asked you, a frown very prominent on his face.
You weren’t sure how to respond so you didn’t. Jimin stared you down as you sat there waiting for him to say something else.
 “I care about you as a person, Y/N. You’re more than just an employee, you’re- look, I may be your boss but I’m still a human being. I don’t only see you as a machine that churns out work when I ask you to. Of course, I value all the hard work you do, but I also value you.”
Your eyes welled up with fresh tears as you listened to every word he said. It was something you’d needed to hear in some capacity and hadn’t for a while. Not from anyone, and certainly not from the person you needed it from the most, the person who was the cause of your current emotional state.
Before you could realize what you were doing, you hugged Jimin. Your sudden movement startled him and it took a few seconds for him to return the hug, even though it was just a light pat on the back.
“Thank you,” you wiped away your tears as you settled back into your chair, watching as Jimin moved back and straightened his posture. “It’s nice to hear I’m valued in some way.” You offered him a small smile, but he didn’t return it.
“Do you not…does he not tell you that he cares for you?” Jimin’s tone had dropped into a tone you didn’t recognize.
You shook your head. “It’s not that he doesn’t it’s just…well he says he loves me so I guess it’s implied, right?”
Jimin’s frown deepened. “Y/N-”
“It’s ok, we just had a little fight, I’m fine, I promise.” You tried to give him a bigger smile in hopes he’d take it as genuine.
You knew better than anyone else, though, that Jimin could see through you as if you were a delicate piece of glass.
Jimin searched your eyes for a moment more before sighing again and turning to the side, placing his hands in his pockets.
“I know it’s not really my place,” he said as he looked out the window behind your desk, “but you deserve better. Much better.”
His words made your heart start thumping faster, a feeling you hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“Go home. You can finish these tomorrow.” Without sparing you another glance, Jimin turned and walked back into his office that was connected to yours.
That night, as you drove home, all the feelings for Jimin that you’d worked so hard to bury started resurfacing. You made up with your boyfriend that night, thinking that maybe bringing your feelings for him to the forefront of your mind might fix that.
It didn’t.
⊱──────── ✬ ✬ ✬ ────────⊰
So, here you were now: back at work after hours, trying to get your mind off of everything in your life that was confusing the fuck out of you. Your recent break-up and your feelings for your boss who was way too attractive for his own good marked the top of that list.
You had excused yourself, telling your friend that you remembered you had really important work you needed to finish and that the two of you would have to take a raincheck for another time. She looked concerned but didn’t press the issue, and for that you were grateful.
Luckily for you, there was an important case that was due the end of the following week, and you’d been too distracted to make any real progress on it. You decided to try and knock as much of it out as you could tonight.
Which, unfortunately for you, proved to be more difficult than you thought, since you couldn’t find the files you needed. You searched every corner of your office, and even Jimin’s office, but to no avail. The files were nowhere to be seen.
You’d been back at the office for maybe 2 hours before you finally caved and called Jimin. You’d never called him outside of normal working hours, so you weren’t sure how this would go.
To your surprise, he picked up after the first ring.
“Y/N?” Jimin’s tone sounded surprised, something you didn’t hear often at all. You couldn’t blame him; you were calling him at 8:42 P.M. on a Thursday so he had to be wondering what you could possibly want.
“Hi yeah it’s me, sorry to bother you, sir,” you threw in the last bit without thinking as you shuffled through the papers on your desk a second time. 
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
His genuine concern made you pause for a second, grip on your phone tightening. You were way too emotional for this right now, but you cleared your throat and composed yourself.
“Yes I’m fine, I just had a work related question.”
You could almost picture him nodding on the other side of the phone, his face turning to stone again. “Ok, what is it?”
“You know that really important case due the end of next week?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Where are the rest of the case files? I don’t think you left them on my desk-“
“Hang on, where are you right now?” 
You groaned with frustration because you didn’t really have the time – nor the want – to play 20 questions with Jimin right now. You were in a shitty enough mood as it was after seeing your ex with that bitch on his arm.
“Jimin, please just tell me-”
“Answer me.”
The authority in his tone made a shiver run down your spine unconsciously. You had no choice but to obey.
“I’m at work.”
A few seconds of silence. “Why are you at work this late?”
You sighed. “I came in to try and get some more work done on the case.”
“But it’s late, you really don’t need to be at the office. We’ve talked about you working after hours-”
“I know but just-” you broke off to let out another frustrated sigh “Look I just really need to be here right now, ok?”
You usually never challenged his authority, so as you waited for him to respond, you imagined he was probably tonguing his cheek, like you’ve seen him do countless times before.
“Fine. The case files are in the safe in my office.” Without another word he hung up.
Happy to finally know where the stupid files were, you walked through Jimin’s office again and made your way over to his safe.
As you crouched down in front of it to enter the code, it dawned on you that this was a new safe. One that you’d never seen before.
In other words, you didn’t know the code.
You slumped down onto the floor in front of the safe and wrapped your arms around your knees. You felt like crying because there’s no way in hell you were calling Jimin back, but you were determined to not leave this office unless you’d done something you needed to do.
So you just sat there, hugging yourself as you tried to figure out all the possible solutions for this mess you were in. And not just your current situation, but your life situation too. With your ex, with everything.
You’d probably been sitting in Jimin’s office for 10 minutes before you heard a noise outside. You shot up quickly, not sure if it was just the wind outside or if someone was in the building. You grabbed onto the edge of Jimin’s desk when you heard footsteps approaching.
The sound of a key turning the lock to the office door is what finally brought you to your senses. Jimin opened the door and there he stood, still in his work attire just minus his suit jacket, with his sleeves now rolled up and his tie somewhat loosened around his neck.
He pushed a hand through his silver strands of hair when he saw you. Oh god.
Jimin sighed. “Y/N, why are you here?”
You blinked, not even thinking about what you were wearing until now, when you were looking down at the floor. Oh god (again).
You answered him. “Um...I’m looking for the files?”
You swear you saw him roll his eyes, even in the dim light of the office. He strolled over to his desk and turned on the lamp there, now just a few feet away from you.
“No, I mean why are you here. At work. Alone, at night.” 
You couldn’t think of a convincing enough lie, and you didn’t want to lie to him anyway, so you told him the first thing you could think of.
“I just had to get away for a bit. Bury myself in my work. You know how I get.” You were still looking at the ground, very aware of how much of your legs were showing thanks to the skirt you’d chosen to wear.
“Hm,” he hummed, crossing his arms as he looked you up and down. You felt a small blush rise on your cheeks. 
“Why did you need to get away?”
“That’s personal, first of all, secondly, why are you here?” You crossed your arms and took a step toward him then so now you were in front of the middle of the desk.
Jimin didn’t back down from your challenge. “Since when do you care about me knowing personal details about you?”
“I uh-,” well shit, he had you there. Up until now, Jimin had known pretty much everything about your personal life that you’re not even willing to share with most people.
Jimin strolled over to where he was standing in front of you, his arms still crossed. You gulped as you watched the clearly defined muscles in his forearms move as he repositioned his arms.
“What are you hiding from me,” he said it more as a statement than a question, in a low tone.
“N-Nothing,” you stammered, definitely giving away that there was something you were hiding. He arched an eyebrow as he looked you up and down again. You felt hot under his gaze.
“Hm, I don’t think I believe you,” he responded as he inched closer to you. 
“Well, you also never told me why you were here,” you challenged. “Don’t you think it’s fair to answer at least one of my questions?”
He chuckled then, giving you a sly smirk. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“Fine, I’ll tell you. I knew you didn’t have the password for the new safe, so I came to help you.”
Wait. Pause. Huh? Jimin came to help you? The thought surprised you, and it wasn’t like he was heartless or anything, but him coming to work after hours to help you with something not super important was...what?
“Why did you do that,” your voice was quiet as you were more-so asking yourself than him, but he heard it anyway. 
“You’d be here all hours of the night if I didn’t. So you’re right, I do know how you get.” His eyes were staring into yours and suddenly you felt very small.
Just how much did he really pay attention to...?
“So,” he uncrossed his arms, now placing his hands into his pockets. If you reached out just barely you could touch his chest – that’s how close he was. “Let’s get to work then, yeah?”
You blinked, taken aback. Was he serious about helping?
Apparently so because he turned on his heel and walked over to the safe, crouching down to unlock it. He came back holding some files and dropped them onto his desk.
“I’ll give you the code some other time but for now,” he pulled out a chair for you to sit beside him, “let’s get what we can done tonight.
You nodded and both got to work.
You’d been working for maybe 10 minutes before anyone spoke again.
“So, why the, uh, choice of attire?” You glanced over to see Jimin scanning you with his eyes, letting them linger on your legs that were currently crossed.
Fuck, you forgot you’d changed into something definitely not work appropriate. You were wearing a tight tank top and a miniskirt that just barely covered your ass.
“Well,” you started to say, turning away to hide the blush that you knew had to be there, “I was going to the bar with my friend, but then I-” you paused then, catching yourself before you told him what really happened.
Jimin’s eyebrow raised. “Y/N? You what?”
“I, um, remembered that I needed to work on this so I left.” You gave him what you hoped was a convincing smile.
He hummed and started flipping through the papers in front of you again so you had no way of knowing if he believed you or not.
“Did you only go with your friend?” He wasn’t looking at you, instead it looked like he was intensely concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah. It was just gonna be a girl’s night thing. Why do you ask?”
Jimin shuffled the papers, lining them up on the desk. “No reason, just curious. Thought maybe your boyfriend might go with you.”
You flinched and luckily (you hoped) Jimin didn’t catch it.
You hadn’t told Jimin about the break up yet, considering you’d been wallowing in your own sorrow about it too much. And you knew already how much Jimin...disliked your ex, for lack of a better word. So you didn’t feel it was important to mention, at least not yet, anyway.
And deep down some part of you thought maybe he wouldn’t care anyway, so why bother?
“Yeah, no, it was just her and me.”
“Hm, well then,” he stacked the papers and turned toward you ever so slightly. “Since you had to leave the bar, why don’t we drink some here?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “Sir, what-”
“I keep alcohol in a stash under my desk. I work late nights sometimes too, you know,” there was a tiny hint of a smile but it disappeared before you could really appreciate it. Damn.
“And I’m the owner so I can do whatever I want, which includes drinking at work if I’m off the clock.” He pulled out a glass of something, you weren’t sure what (rum? whiskey? you didn’t know but you wanted it) and two glasses, placing them on the desk.
“Wait...I’m allowed to drink, too?”
Jimin chuckled and you loved the sound. You never got to hear this man as anything other than professional so you were enjoying this a lot.
“Of course you can. You’re off the clock too, and you’re putting in overtime, I think you deserve a drink.”
Well what were you gonna do, say no?
“Thank you, sir,” you politely accepted the glass he handed you. You tasted the drink and it was rum, but it was one you liked. You knew you’d need to be careful though, because the last thing you want is to get drunk at work with your insanely hot boss.
...ok maybe you wanted it a little, but you know.
You both continued working, drinking and casually chatting while you did. The atmosphere overall was just really nice, and you got the work done a lot faster than you thought considering you originally figured it would just be you working alone.
When you were done, you walked to the front of Jimin’s desk and stacked the papers neatly on top, almost in the middle of it.
You turned and gave him a big smile, proud of the work you had done. Your brain was swimming with excitement from completing your task but also from being a little tipsy and also being in the presence of Jimin all at once.
To your surprise, he smiled back, but only for a moment.
“Now that we’ve finished what you came here for,” he raised his glass, “let’s get to the next important matter at hand, shall we?”
He was still raising his glass so you clinked yours with his, casually leaning on the desk, almost sitting on it but not quite.
Yeah you were definitely feeling the alcohol now, which meant you’d be more confident and daring which could potentially be bad but right now Tipsy You doesn’t give a shit. 
“And what would that important matter be, Mr. Park?” You sipped from your glass after your impromptu toast. He did the same, watching you the whole time. When he brought his arm back down, there was a bit of a smirk adorning his features.
Hm. Well. That was new.
“The matter, Ms. Y/L/N,” he stated as he sat the empty glass on the edge of his desk, also stepping closer to you in the process, “is that you still haven’t told me what you’re hiding.”
You sat your glass down next to his and crossed your arms. “With all due respect, I still don’t really think that’s any of your business.”
There was silence again, before Jimin let out a wry chuckle, still smirking. Apparently alcohol helped him loosen up as well.
“Tell me what it is you’re hiding from me.” The tone was authoritative and it almost made you give in.
You held your ground and gave him a sly smile of your own, which seemed to confuse him if his face was anything to go by. You opened your mouth and let the two words fall out as if it was nothing.
“Make me.”
In the dim light you saw something flash in Jimin’s eyes as they widened, and you suddenly felt a little scared. But the scared feeling was outweighed by the excitement you felt throughout your whole body.
“You wanna run that by me again?” His tone had changed into a register you’d never heard from him before and you realized that you may be veering into dangerous territory now and should probably stop-
“You heard me, sir,” you responded, clearly dragging out the word at the end. “If you want to know what I’m ‘hiding’ you’ll have to make me tell you.”
He stepped forward once more, to where you were basically chest to chest now. He stared down at you and you suddenly no longer felt the urge to talk back.
“Oh trust me, I can make you. I have my ways,” he let his gaze trail down to look at your lips then back up to your eyes. He ran his thumb along your bottom lip, the movement so quick you almost didn’t catch it.
One thing to know about you: you never back down from a challenge.
“Why don’t you stop talking big and just show me already? What are you gonna do, Mr. Park?” You could almost feel the heat radiating off of him now as you continued, “Tie me up?”
You heard what might’ve been a low growl come from him and then he was wrapping his arms around you before you could process it. Unlike what you thought, though, he wasn’t doing it to hold you. You heard as some papers shuffled behind you before he moved away and back into his original position.
“W-what are you doing,” you asked, looking at him now and his eyes were intense. You’d never seen a stare like that come from him and you’d seen a lot in your time of working here.
“Just making some room,” was his blunt answer.
“Making room for wha-”
You barely got the words out before you were being lifted off the ground, his hands holding you up by your thighs, just underneath your ass. You gasped and wound your arms around his neck, out of surprise but also because of instinct since you thought you might fall.
He sat you down on the desk then, now in a clean area where no papers were placed. He removed your arms from around his neck and put a hand on either side of you, watching you closely as you were starting to breathe more rapidly.
Oh you were so fucked.
“You see,” Jimin said as he stood in front of you, moving your legs apart so he could get closer. “I own this desk you’re sitting on right now.”
As if to emphasize his point, he slapped one of his hands against the surface of the desk, right beside your thigh. You gulped.
“By extension, I also own everything on it.” Jimin was staring at you through half lidded eyes. He got even closer still, close enough now where if you barely moved your lips you’d be kissing him.
What a dangerous thought that was.
“And right now, princess,” his voice had dropped into a more sultry tone and you were drinking him in more and more with each passing second. “That includes you.”
Before you could even react, he pushed you back to where you were laying on the desk, with your legs still hanging off as he was standing in between them. Your skirt had hiked up around your thighs during the interaction, and you didn’t notice it until you felt him brush his fingers across one. 
“You know,” Jimin went on as he loomed over you now, the long end of his tie landing on your chest. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”
“Am I?” You deliberately questioned him, even though you were at his mercy already. You had already pushed this far, so why not push further. You were tingling all over, from the alcohol you were sure, but also from the overwhelming presence that is Park Jimin.
You hadn’t felt this way in a long time, and you were determined to chase that feeling as long as you could.
You had been absentmindedly playing with the end of his tie that you could reach, but you opted instead to now try to wrap your legs around him to pull him closer, your body basically acting on its own accord. But it was if he knew what you might try and do, because he suddenly had a vise grip on both of your thighs, pulling them apart more.
You let out a small whine, feeling so exposed under him despite still being covered. 
“Let me explain something to you because I don’t think you understand,” Jimin spoke again, leaning over you even more now, his grip on your thighs tightening. “You’re not in control here. You gave up that control the second you questioned my authority.”
You gulped as he raised one of his hands to caress your cheek, the soft action briefly making you forget the position you were in - caged on top of your boss’ desk with him in between your thighs.
You didn’t forget for long though because that same hand travelled up further, burying itself into your hair and giving it a gentle tug, the surprise making you jolt forward.
You felt Jimin’s lips ghosting over your throat then, but you couldn’t look down at him due to the hold he had on your hair.
“I have you completely at my mercy.” He said, his voice low. He placed a single, soft kiss to your throat and you whined again. 
“And I have to say,” he practically growled out, his grip in your hair tightening, “you look quite lovely like this, submitting all control to me.”
You were already so wet and could feel yourself getting hotter everywhere and you knew this now had the potential to turn into something it probably shouldn’t. But also you were literally pinned underneath your hot boss on his desk under his control so like...what’s a person to do, yeah?
“Nothing to say, princess? You sure were eager to talk earlier.” He nosed along your jawline now, and all you wanted to do was reach out and touch him somewhere, it didn’t really matter where. And god the pet name, you felt like you could just die, but like in the best way possible.
You didn’t really have the chance to contemplate reaching out to touch him, though, because Jimin stood back up and captured both your wrists in one hand, placing them over your head.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, his other hand going to his tie, “and I actually would like to tie you up.”
You gasped as his grip on your wrists tightened experimentally, him looking over your face as he tried to gauge your reaction.
“Of course I won’t do anything without your consent,” he used his thumb to rub along the underside of one of your wrists he was holding, “so I need you to tell me.”
Your heart fluttered at the fact that despite him being in control and clearly being the dominant one in the situation, he still wouldn’t cross any boundary you weren’t comfortable with.
Were you comfortable with being tied up? You fucking bet.
“Do it,” you breathed out. His hand around his tie froze.
He started tsk, tsk, tsking at you. “Oh, Y/N. It seems you still don’t understand.”
His grip tightened again around your wrists, making you yelp more out of surprise than anything else. He leaned down to where his lips were just hovering above yours.
“If you want something,” Jimin said, his tone low, “then I need to hear you beg me for it.”
You understood then entirely what this dynamic was and had to think about if you actually were comfortable with this. It was unlike anything you’d ever dealt with before, so it was new and exciting.
And as it was with anything else, Tipsy You craved excitement.
“Please,” you said barely above a whisper. And that was all Jimin needed.
He leaned up and you watched as he swiftly took off his tie with only one hand as he looked down at you, the tie now hanging loosely from his palm.
“When I let go of your wrists, don’t move,” he commanded. Maybe on another day you’d challenge it to see what he’d do, but for now you did exactly as you were told. 
He wound the tie around your wrists, giving it a firm tug when he was done, checking to make sure that you couldn’t get out but that it wasn’t too tight either.
He leaned back to admire his handiwork, his eyes scanning over every inch of your body as you were now stretched out and bound at the wrists. You imagined you probably were a sight: hair splayed out, cheeks flushed, chest rapidly rising and falling with your excited breathing.
“You look so perfect like this,” he said, almost too quiet for you to hear. He stroked his fingers along the inside of your thigh. You shuddered at his touch.
“Perfect princess, all laid out for me.” His fingers kept traveling upwards, inching closer and closer to where you wanted them, playing with the hem of your skirt.
“Now, what should I do with you, hm?” Jimin switched gears then, his hands began traveling along your sides, his fingers dancing around your ribcage as they travelled upwards.
“Should I play with you like this?” He started rubbing his hands up and down your arms, trying to go over every place he could touch. Well, every place except places you wanted him to touch.
He looked up then, almost like he was trying to find something. An evil grin covered his features.
He placed an arm around you, his palm under your back as he lifted you up so you were sitting again. Your arms were now in front of you, still bound.
“Up,” he commanded, tugging on your binds. You got up, your legs a little wobbly. He walked you over to his window that overlooked the city, the blinds drawn as they usually were.
He wrapped an arm around your waist as he opened the blinds with his unoccupied hand. The city looked beautiful from up here, and as you were looking out at everything, you didn’t feel him move away.
You didn’t know until you felt him pressing against your back. 
“Arms up,” he told you, and you obeyed without hesitation. You were now pressed up against the window, your arms above your head, wrists tied, and Jimin behind you.
Oh fuck.
“Imagine if people below could see you right now. See you all pretty on display like this.” His chin was moving on your shoulder as he spoke, one hand curled around your waist. 
You didn’t know where his other hand was until he snaked it into your hair again, pulling tighter than he ever had. Your head fell backwards, exposing your neck to him.
“I’ve never told you,” he started as he placed a kiss on the side of your neck, “but I love when you wear your hair up. I can see your neck and it’s always so inviting, just asking to be marked.”
“But now,” he continued as he travelled lower, “I love that you have your hair down, because I can use it however I want.” He pulled again as if for emphasis, and you let out a quiet moan.
Jimin paused. You held your breath, not sure what to expect next.
He turned you around then, having your back pinned against the window now.
His hands were holding you against the window by your waist, grip tightening when you looked into his eyes. They held a look you’d never seen on anyone before, one that you couldn’t quite decipher. But if it did anything, it made you want to submit.
He moved one hand up to your hair again and pulled, eliciting another moan from you. At this point you didn’t bother holding back.
He groaned. “Fuck, you sound so pretty for me.”
He started kissing down your neck again then, still pressing you against the window by your waist, the glass cold on your shoulders.
“Jimin,” you pleaded. He paused and looked up at you.
“Hm? You want something?” His tone was normal, almost as if he was giving you a briefing on a case or something.
You nodded as best you could given your current position. “The window - it’s cold, please-”
You barely got the words out before he was pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you. Your bound hands ended up right in front of his crotch and-
Fuck, he was hard. And knowing that made you even more aroused.
You didn’t have time to react before he pulled away again to look at you. His gaze scanned over your face, and he looked like he was contemplating what to do to you next.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you look right now,” he rubbed one of his thumbs underneath your eye and along your cheek. “Makeup smeared, breathing stuttered, tied up and completely pliant, just waiting for me to do what I want to you. So fucked out and I’ve barely touched you yet.”
“When you look like this, Y/N,” he paused so he could lean in closer to where he was right by your ear.
He gently bit down on your earlobe before finishing his sentence in a hushed tone.
“It makes me want to ruin you”.
That sentence alone suddenly made you even more wet (and you’d been doing your damnedest to hold back but you were only so strong) and you wanted to kiss him with everything you had. You wanted to do something, it was driving you crazy. Your wrists squirmed as you tried to touch him.
Jimin noticed you struggling against your binds and moved away with a chuckle.
“Oh, princess,” he sounded, his tone almost scolding, “that’s not allowed.”
“Wha-” you broke off, not realizing how out of breath you were from just all of this, “what’s not allowed-”
He pulled one of your legs up to wrap it around him as best he could in the position you two were in, then moving that hand to hold onto you so you wouldn’t fall.
Without a warning, he used his other hand to push past your skirt since it was hiked up now, lightly brushing up against your inner thigh.
His touch was delicate, soft, but also intense and you wanted more. So, so much more.
“You’re not allowed to touch me,” Jimin finally answered, his fingers climbing higher until they were brushing lightly over your panties, against your core. You let out a small sound, something like a whimper, because holy fuck you were sensitive.
“Fuck, Jimin, please,” you threw your head back, no longer able to contain yourself and he’d barely done anything yet. You were truly at his mercy, just like he said.
He groaned again, his fingers now applying more pressure. “I love hearing you fucking beg for me.”
Since your leg was wrapped securely around him now, he used that hand that was holding you to pull you closer, cradling the back of your head. When you were barely an inch away, he finally closed the distance, allowing you what you wanted. 
His lips felt unlike anything you could have ever imagined. The kiss was rough but held all the gentleness you never would’ve associated with someone who had a presence as strong as Jimin. His hold around you tightened, and you felt like you could just melt then and there.
He bit down lightly, asking for access that you gladly gave him. The kiss lasted a while but not nearly long enough for your liking, because when he went to pull away you whined again.
When you opened your eyes, he was giving you that same cocky smirk from before. He brushed his thumb across your bottom lip again, pressing his forehead against yours while you both tried to control your breathing.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said. The words made you feel hot but also fluttery again like before.
“What else have you wanted to do with me,” you asked, simply because you were fucking curious and you were also still confident since not all the alcohol was out of your system yet. You were definitely sober enough to know what was happening, though, and to know that you absolutely wanted it to.
Jimin laughed, the sound so nice and so attractive at the same time. “Ah, that’s a dangerous question. Are you sure you want to know?”
You nodded as vigorously as possible. Jimin hummed at your enthusiasm.
“Well, for starters,” he said as he hovered over your lips again, “I’ve wanted to kiss you until you couldn’t breathe.”
He kissed you again, kissed you hard, but it was short-lived since he was pulling away to speak more.
“I’ve wanted to see you, all pretty and marked up for me,” he started trailing down your neck again, this time leaving a hickey on your shoulder.
“Fuck, Jimin,” you breathed out, your wrists squirming again in their binds. 
He continued, tugging on your binds, making you stop your movements.
“I’ve wanted to see you tied up, at my mercy,” he pulled again on the binds and your leg fell from around him as you wobbled forward. He steadied you then, not missing the opportunity to bury his hand in your hair once more when you were standing upright.
“I’ve wanted you to submit to me since I first laid my eyes on you,” he looked at you again through those half-lidded eyes and you felt like if you didn’t get some part of this man either in your mouth or inside of you then you were going to lose it.
“But then,” he added more softly, “You showed me how much of an independent and strong woman you are.” He kissed you and continued.
“You demonstrated how willing you are to work for what you want and how considerate you are in caring for others, even more than you care for yourself.” Jimin started backing you up, and you weren’t sure where you were going but you were along for the ride. Plus he had his hands around your waist as he guided you, so you trusted that you wouldn’t fall.
Jimin wouldn’t let you fall. Jimin wouldn’t hurt you.
These were things that if someone asked you about them an hour ago you wouldn’t know the answer, but now? With the way he was handling you, there was no way he’d ever willingly put you in danger and you knew it.
When the back of your knees hit something solid, Jimin paused and looked you in the eyes. You felt like there was a sudden shift in his behavior and it confused you.
“Jimin? What’s wrong?”
He closed his eyes and sighed before he started speaking again. “Sorry, it’s just- I can’t get over the fact that you somehow ended up with someone who doesn’t deserve you. Thinking about how he has you all to himself and doesn’t appreciate you,” his grip on your waist tightened and he was looking down at the floor.
“It drives me insane.” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours once more. You were sobering up and you realized he might be too, and it almost looked like he might be regretting what was happening.
You felt his grip loosen around your waist, and you panicked thinking he may move away. It clicked then: he thought you were still dating your ex, which was your own fault since you hadn’t told him about the breakup yet.
You didn’t want to let this moment go over a misunderstanding. Not when the man you’d been pining over for years now finally had you in his hold.
With your hands that were still bound, you desperately reached out to grab his shirt.
“Jimin, wait.”
Jimin froze but he had removed his hands from your waist. You knew you needed to act fast.
“We broke up,” you blurted out. The sudden flash in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you, that intense stare from before slowly coming back to life in his eyes.
“What? When?” His stare made you feel small but you needed to go through with this. You needed him to know that you wanted to be his and only his, no one else’s.
“Last week. I broke it off because…he cheated on me, but I also knew the relationship wouldn’t work. If I’d listened to you sooner, I could’ve been a lot happier.” A sad smile painted your face, one that made the expression on his soften.
“He cheated on you? What a fucking idiot,” Jimin scoffed, making you giggle. “I knew he was stupid but I mean for fuck’s sake, he had you,” Jimin wrapped his hands around yours still grasping his shirt, “and he was too fucking stupid to appreciate you the way you should be.”
Jimin removed your hands from his shirt and repositioned his own around your waist again, pushing you against the desk more. He leaned down to where his lips were a mere inch away from yours, causing yours to automatically part the faintest bit.
“I’ll make sure you never go unappreciated again,” he said against your lips before kissing you with so much passion that it nearly made you fall over. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, but since that was impossible, you settled for moving your body closer to his.
“Please,” you breathed out when he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. “Make me yours.”
That was all he needed to hear. You saw him smirk when he backed up, shifting back into that more dominant persona that had you tingling all over with arousal.
With no more hesitation, Jimin turned you around and you were facing the desk again. He bent you over, and your still-bound hands were almost reaching the opposite edge of the desk.
His hands were still gripping your waist as your felt him settle in behind you. You could feel him pressing against your ass and you instinctively moved back against him.
Suddenly you felt a slap on your ass that jerked you forward.
“What did I say earlier, princess?” He rubbed over the spot he’d just hit, trying to soothe what little pain it had caused. “You’re not allowed to touch me, it’s against the rules.”
“But Jimin,” you whined, earning another slap. You cried out because the pain felt nice and you weren’t exactly sure if you wanted him to stop.
“If you behave,” Jimin said in that low tone you were slowly getting used to, “I might let you have your way, how does that sound, hm?”
You nodded and that seemed to please him.
“Good,” you heard him say as something started shuffling behind you. You felt him lift your skirt up and soon your ass was exposed, still covered by your panties but not much else.
“Y/N,” came Jimin’s voice, and you suddenly could feel how close he was to you. Your felt like there was a fire slowly igniting inside you with each passing second of anticipation.
“A safe word. We need one.” His tone was gentle as he started running his hands up and down your thighs, making you squirm on top of the desk.
“Um...don’t people use a color system or something?” 
“We can if that’s what you want. Red for stop immediately, yellow for slow down, green means you’re good to go. That work for you?” He was trailing his fingers up again and suddenly playing with the hem of your panties. 
You nodded, your cheek pressed against the desk. “Yes, anything, just please do something, please-”
Jimin chuckled. “What’s your color?”
“Green, pleas-”
You barely got the words out before he shoved the panties to the side and you felt him plunge two fingers inside you. With how wet you were, there was little resistance. You gripped the edge of the desk as best you could with your hands as they were still tied, letting out a loud moan that you couldn’t even be bothered to be ashamed of.
“That’s it, be loud for me,” he sped up, holding you down on the desk with his unoccupied arm so you’d stop moving as much. 
You kept letting out sounds that were somewhere between a mixture of moans and his name, panting every time he would speed up.
“This is also something I’ve wanted to do to you for a long time,” Jimin’s tone was sultry again, but he seemed like he was having a bit of a harder time composing it. Suddenly it seemed like he was crouching down, but you couldn’t see. 
“I wanted to watch you come undone underneath me. Whether it be from my fingers-” he broke away to pull out and you whined at the loss of contact.
“-or on my tongue,” he continued as he flattened his tongue out and ran it over your clit. You moaned and gripped the desk harder, now laying your head down face first because it was too intense.
You’d never been eaten out from behind before but you guessed there’s a time for everything, right?
Jimin was moving his tongue in ways that you could only describe as ‘expertly,’ making sure to lap over every part of you that he could reach. His hands were gripping your thighs, pulling you apart so he had better access. You were shaking in his hold, and with how fast he was going you knew you would not last long at all at this rate.
You heard him moan around you, the vibrations from his mouth causing a new type of pleasure to wash over you, each one stimulating your clit more and more. He started fucking you with his tongue and you moaned even louder.
“Jimin, oh my god- fuck,” you called out, which made him groan in return.
“You taste so good,” he said as he added in a finger alongside his tongue, alternating between the two, one going in while the other was coming out. You wanted to scream but no sound would come out, you could barely think. 
He pulled away briefly to attach his lips to a spot on your thigh as he gripped the other one harder. 
“It always drives me crazy when you wear short dresses and I can see your thighs, just begging to be marked.” 
You felt him start to suck then, marking your flesh and making you gasp. He continued his assault on your clit with his thumb before his tongue was on you once more, the pleasure almost overwhelming. As much as you were enjoying this, you wanted to turn over so you could see him. 
“Please,” you begged, still squirming against your will. He let up but only slightly, replacing his tongue with his fingers again.
“Yes, princess?” He sounded slightly breathless and his voice was making you even more wet. 
“I want to see you. Please,” you pleaded again. His fingers slowed down to a more gentle, rhythmic pace, as if he was contemplating your plea and needed to slow down in order to focus.
You didn’t have to wait long before he was pulling you up from the desk, bringing your back flush up against his chest. 
“Since you’re being such a good girl for me, I think I can give you what you want,” he said in that same low tone that was driving you insane, mouthing at your neck as he did so.
He turned you around and pulled you to him by tugging on your binds to give you a quick kiss, but despite its quickness it still took your breath away. You could taste yourself on his tongue and it was a new feeling but you didn’t mind it right now.
You didn’t mind anything right now. All you could think about was Jimin. Head empty, no thoughts, only Jimin.
He made you lay back again, this time where you were facing forward and if you craned your neck just right you could see him.
You looked at him as he kneeled down in between your legs, pushing your skirt up again so he’d have access. This time, however, he pulled your panties down to your ankles instead of just moving them to the side.
There was just something about still being clothed while all this was happening that drove you crazy with arousal.
He stared up at you through those half-lidded eyes, his mouth hovering over you and you almost came then, that’s the power this man holds.
“Y/N,” Jimin breathed. “Color?”
It took you a second to realize what he was talking about before you nodded and said “Still green.”
He stuck out his tongue and licked a slow stripe up from your entrance to your clit, the motion making you moan and lay your head back on the desk.
You had barely just laid your head down before there was a quick slap to your thigh, making you jolt.
You looked up again at Jimin, who now had a hold on your thighs again to keep them spread apart.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He lapped again at your clit, slowly, making sure to take his time. Looking at him made every feeling more intense and you didn’t know how long you’d hold out.
But still, you looked. Because he told you to. Because you had to obey.
Because he was Park Jimin and had a power over you that no one else had before.
“You’re gonna watch as I ravage you,” he said in between movements of his tongue, applying more pressure to your clit as he went down again. 
You had to fight closing your eyes because the pleasure was too much but he wanted you to watch and you’d watch until you couldn’t.
“I’ve waited so long to make you mine, and I’m going to take my time,” he continued, and despite what his words suggested, he started going faster instead.
Your moans were increasing in pitch the more he sped up, his attention going from your clit to inside of you as he inserted two fingers again. You could feel your orgasm approaching and all you could do was lay there and take it.
Your wrists were moving on their own, trying to get out of your binds. It was no use, however, and you were stuck with nothing to hold on to as Jimin ate you like you were his last meal.
“Jimin, fuck, oh my god, please-” you kept saying the same things over and over but your brain couldn’t conjure up much more. He flicked his tongue faster against your clit and every part of your body felt like it was on fire.
“Can you do something for me,” he asked from between your legs. You nodded with no hesitation, despite not knowing what the fuck you were agreeing to.
“Call me sir,” was his simple command, and before you could respond he resumed his mission and you let out what sounded like a strangled whine.
“Yes sir, please, ruin me,” you just started saying things and apparently it was working because he was gripping your thighs hard enough now you thought they might be bruised tomorrow.
“Fuck, I love it when you call me that,” he groaned as he broke away to breathe, his fingers now picking up the pace where his tongue left off. You had looked away for a few moments to try and ground yourself a bit but as you looked at him now, you knew it’d be all over soon.
He was such a sight to behold. He was resting his cheek against one of your thighs as he caught his breath, lips so pretty and parted, eyes half-lidded with arousal. His damp, silver hair had started to fall into his eyes, so he pushed it back as he continued panting against your skin.
When he saw you staring, he smirked, and you clenched around him, making him laugh.
“Oh, I see. So that’s what gets you going, huh?” His fingers went faster, and he added his thumb now to rub your clit at the same time.
“You like seeing me enjoying myself as I taste you?” Knowing you were still staring, he removed his fingers and wrapped his lips around your clit, closing his eyes as he let out a moan that had you clenching around nothing. That was it, you couldn’t take it anymore.
You laid back and held your arms above your head so you could grip onto the edge of the desk behind you. You were crying out something that sounded a lot like his name but you weren’t sure at this point. 
“Sir, please, I’m so close, please-” you begged again, not sure if he’d stop or keep going like you wanted him to, since again, he was in control. 
To your very pleasant surprise, he kept going, this time only with his tongue and you were so close.
“Mr. Park,” you breathed out this time without thinking. You felt the vibrations against your clit as he let out a loud, guttural grunt, pulling your thighs even more apart and giving him better access. 
“Can never get enough of you saying my name,” he said now, but it was muffled. What he said next, however, was not.
“Fuck,” he said and it startled you at first. You then felt the loss of his tongue and you couldn’t help but whine. 
“No, sir, please, don’t stop, please-”
“Shh, no it’s ok,” he soothed you as he stood up, pulling you up to where you were sitting on the desk. He brought you forward some so you were hanging off it just enough for him to insert his fingers back where you needed them most. 
He wrapped an arm around your back to pull you into his chest, looking down at you. 
“I needed to be closer to you,” he said in a hushed tone, his voice now raspy. “Needed to feel all of you as you cum for me.”
“Fuck,” you clenched around him again and your head fell forward to rest on his shoulder.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck again, all the way back up to your ear, his fingers moving at exactly the right pace and you were already trembling. When he added another to tease your clit it took all of your willpower not to fall off of the desk.
“I want to wreck you in every way possible,” he said right by your ear, the words spurring you closer to your undoing. “I’ve wanted to fuck you on this desk for so long, wanted to have my way with you until it breaks.”
Well, there it went.
“Jimin, sir, I’m- I’m-” 
“I know, I can feel you, cum for me princess, be a good girl for me.” He sped up again and everything washed over you at once, your orgasm hitting you so violently that you almost did fall off of the desk, had Jimin not been there to catch you.
You could feel yourself still clenching around him as he slowed down, letting you ride out your orgasm on his fingers.
When you finally stopped spasming, you were breathing hard. Jimin carefully took his fingers out, and whether or not he cleaned off his hand you weren’t sure because your eyes were still closed as you tried to feel human again.
You felt a gentle pair of lips on top of yours then and began moving in sync with them. Jimin caressed your cheek to bring you in closer. The moment was so intimate, so sweet...
And you knew then that you were so very fucked.
When Jimin finally broke the kiss, you opened your eyes. He looked so beautiful, giving you a small, satisfied smile. He untied the tie from around your wrists now, placing it on the desk before rubbing your wrists to make sure they were ok. 
“That was...” you started to say but you were still breathless. Jimin chuckled.
“Yeah. I agree.” He smiled again and you looked down-
He was still very hard.
“Um, sir?” You got his attention while he was still rubbing small circles on your wrists.
“Hm? What is it?” He brought his eyes back up to look into yours and you swear you’d never seen them look so soft.
“You’re-” you nodded to where you’d been looking, his eyes following yours before he let out another chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess I am. Although I’d hardly expect I wouldn’t be turned on by that.” 
It was your turn to giggle now, your chest swelling with pride knowing that you’d managed to (inadvertently) turn him on so much.
You pulled him in for a kiss this time now that you had the use of your hands again. You felt him smile into the kiss, his arms wrapping around you.
“Will you let me take care of you now?” You whispered it against his lips and watched as his eyes opened, the surprised look on his face almost making you want to laugh.
“Y/N, I- are you sure? That wasn’t too much?” His concern made your heart constrict.
“I’m sure,” you nodded, trailing your hand downward so you could cup him over his pants. He let out a soft groan.
“I told you I wanted you to ruin me, Mr. Park,” you said right by his ear, applying more pressure as you cupped him. He let out such a beautiful sounding moan and you were dying to hear more. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted. You took advantage of this moment of distraction to turn him around so he was now in front of the desk as you dropped to your knees in front of him.
He opened his eyes and looked down at you, groaning at the sight. “Fuck, Y/N.”
Your hands worked to remove his slacks and he helped you, both of you eager. When you finally pulled his boxers down and his cock sprang free, you immediately wrapped your hand around it, and you were rewarded with another delicious sound from the man above you.
He looked like a dream; head tilted back, eyes screwed shut, small pants slipping past his pretty, plump lips. You watched as he swallowed before letting out a groan when you started pumping your hand faster.
“I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve thought about sucking you off underneath your desk,” you confessed as you moved your hand faster and applied more pressure, making him hiss.
“Just wanted you to sit back and relax while I did all the work. Maybe even fuck my mouth during one of your important business meetings.” You licked a stripe up the underside of his length then to accentuate your words.
Jimin sucked in a breath as he took in the sight of you, tilting his head back once more when he finally felt your mouth on him. You watched as his head lolled to the side, his neck muscles moving with the action. The view made you want to mark the pretty skin there. 
But right now, you had other matters to attend to. 
You opened your mouth wider, wrapping your lips around his tip before sucking gently, teasing him.
“Fuck-” you saw him bite his lip as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. He was holding onto the edge of the desk with both hands, fingers flexing as his hands opened and closed around the wood. You worked your hand faster, feeling him twitch in your grasp. You wanted to take all of him in, and you were determined to do just that.
Before you could continue, though, he pulled you off of him and up from your knees, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“As much as I would love for you to choke on my cock, I need you over this desk. Now,” he growled in between kisses before he pulled away, moving his hands to the hem of your shirt.
“May I,” he asked, and you knew he wasn’t teasing because he had that same concerned look in his eyes. His need to make sure you were comfortable with everything, while still also maintaining that sense of control was one of the hottest things you’d ever seen.
“If you don’t then I’ll be mad,” was your response as you jutted out your lower lip, playfully pouting. Jimin smirked and captured it with his own, biting gently as he started lifting your shirt up.
When your shirt was off you immediately unclasped your bra to let it fall to the floor, making Jimin smile this time.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered against your neck as he started fondling you, his touches soft but still intense. 
He turned you around this time, guiding you so that you were sitting on the desk once more.
His desk had been through so much already, the poor thing. 
“Jimin,” you whined as he loomed over you. He had one hand cradling your thigh, drawing smooth patterns over your skin.
“Hm,” came his response. He was looking down at you and into your eyes, making you briefly lose your train of thought.
“It’s not fair that I’m basically naked and you still have some of your clothes on.”
Jimin chuckled. “That’s wrong; you’re still wearing your skirt. And I also took off my tie earlier.”
You groaned and he laughed, the delightful sound echoing off the walls of the empty room.
“So eager, I love that,” Jimin said as he started taking off his shirt. As he shrugged out of it, also stepping out of his slacks and boxers, you gasped as you noticed the inked letters spanning across his ribcage.
He must’ve noticed your staring, since he tilted your chin up to look at him. “Princess? Mind telling me what’s got you so occupied?”
You gulped. “You- you have a tattoo.”
Jimin ran a hand through his hair and grinned, almost as if your interest in his body art increased his confidence.
“I have more than one. Maybe one day you can find them all.”
The thought excited you way more than you’d care to admit, and if Jimin wasn’t standing in between your legs, you might’ve even rubbed your thighs together.
He leaned down to rest an elbow on the desk, his other arm occupied since he was caressing your cheek. He bent down fully to give you another kiss, this one slow and full of unspoken words.
He pulled away to look you in the eyes once more, his stare serious. “Are you sure you want this, Y/N?”
You nodded so fast that you were afraid he might laugh at you. “Jimin, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone more.”
His small smile was enough to make your heart leap. That is, it was until he frowned.
“Shit,” he let out a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” You knitted your brows in confusion as you watched him drag a hand down his face.
“I don’t have any condoms on me. And I don’t keep any here, for obvious reasons. Fuck,” he ran a hand through his hair again, but this time you were sure it was from exasperation.
You reached out when he moved back. “Jimin, wait.”
He looked at you and his brows were knitted together in frustration.
“I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, and I’m clean. So, if you want…” you trailed off, your voice sounding small. You started thinking that maybe it was a stupid thing to imply, until you saw his eyes widen.
“But you- you were in a long-term relationship,” he cocked his head to the side, trying to make sense of it. He was trying to make sense of the thing you had been trying to piece together yourself for the last year.
You shrugged. “Yeah, well, when I figured he might be cheating I put an end to that.”
Jimin stepped closer until he was in front of you once again, his hands finding purchase on your hips. “Why didn’t you end everything back then?”
You sighed. “Because I didn’t know how. But,” you pulled him closer as you wrapped your arms around him, “it’s over now and I’m here with you. That’s what matters right?”
Jimin nodded slowly. “Right,” he sounded distracted, though, so you cupped his face.
“Jimin? Do you want this?” You needed to make sure before anything went further, and if he said no and put an end to it, you wouldn’t fight the decision no matter how bad you wanted it.
You both were looking out for each other’s comfort first and foremost above anything else.
“Of course I do, it just- it fucking frustrates me to no end that you were staying in such an awful relationship. It makes me angry,” he paused to look at you again, and you could see the fire in his eyes. “Not angry at you, of course, but angry at him for treating you any less than what you deserved.”
His grip on your waist tightened. You rolled your eyes before kissing him hard, a surprised sound leaving him upon the impact.
“Jimin. Are you clean?”
Your question took him off guard, if the confused look on his face was anything to go by. “Yes, but-“
“Then instead of using your energy being frustrated, why don’t you use it for something better,” you reached down to wrap your hand around his length again as best you could from your current angle, and he let out a hiss at the pressure.
Within an instant, he had you caged against the desk again, moving your thighs apart so he could get closer to you.
He started kissing down your neck as you wrapped your arms around his back, feeling the muscles flex beneath your fingers.
“Did you have an idea in mind, princess?” You could feel him speaking the words against your skin, and when he travelled back up to a spot right underneath your ear, you turned your head.
“Why don’t you fuck me on this desk like you’ve been wanting to,” you said this time by his ear, trailing your hands down his back all the way to his ass. “Let’s see if we can break it.”
He groaned at the same moment you pushed him closer. He placed one last kiss on your neck before leaning up. You were rewarded with the sight of him standing before you, defined muscles on display. The dark-lettered NEVERMIND tattoo sprawled across his ribs was a stark contrast to the rest of his skin, and it was so beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful.
And you still couldn’t quite believe you were here, finally, with him.
You watched as he started stroking himself leisurely as he looked at you. The sight made you more wet immediately, and you reached for him.
He smirked, that cocky smirk that drove you mad some days. “Patience, princess.”
He stepped closer and grabbed your hips, pulling you to where you were just hanging off of the edge of the desk slightly. He pushed his hands between the desk and your thighs just underneath your ass, confusing you. Before you could ask why, Jimin informed you of his plan.
He leaned closer, tugging your earlobe between his teeth, making you melt instantly. “You gonna let me fuck you the way I’ve been dreaming about, princess?”
The words mixed with his sultry tone had you gushing and you nodded vigorously, feeling him chuckle against your neck.
“Yes sir, please, have me however you want me,” you reassured him. When he pulled back to look at you, his eyes were filled with lust but also the ever-present concern. 
“Are you sure?”
You almost groaned. “Jimin, yes, please do something.”
You barely got the sentence out before he picked you up and flipped you around, making you lean over the desk as he settled in behind you. He tugged your skirt down to around your ankles where your panties still were, and he removed them both. Your arms were laying by your sides; you were planning to grab onto the desk but Jimin had another idea in mind.
He grabbed your wrists and pulled your arms behind your back, placing one wrist over the other. The motion didn’t hurt and it wasn’t uncomfortable. He was restraining you again, but he also gave you enough room to move if you needed to.
“What’s your color,” he asked as he rubbed your back with the hand that wasn’t holding your wrists.
“Green, please-” you looked over your shoulder at him, hoping he would heed your plea. He pushed a finger into you, making you gasp.
Jimin chuckled. “Just making sure you’re ready. You’re so wet for me. Even after cumming for me once already.” He was shaking his head and you knew he was messing with you but it was working. You squirmed in his hold, moving your ass against him to try and entice him.
“Jimin, I swear, if you don’t fuck me soon-“
Your words were cut off as Jimin entered you in one thrust, making you breathless. He quickly set a steady pace, one hand on your hip, the other holding your wrists in place, smirking down at you as it took everything in you to not to stop looking at him over your shoulder.
“Nothing else to say, Y/N? What’s the matter, can’t talk when you’re getting fucked this good?” He increased his pace and your mouth was just hanging open in a silent scream.
“Jimin, fuck, please,” you closed your eyes and let your head fall forward, clenching and unclenching your fists as each thrust rocked you forward.
“What was that,” Jimin asked you as he slowed down, his fingers pressing harder into your hip.
“Sir, please, don’t stop-“ you moaned and heard him curse under his breath above you. His grip around your wrists tightened, making you whine at the feeling.
He loosened it then, and you realized he may have mistaken your sound to be one of pain. You looked back at him as best you could, watching him as he studied you, his lips pulled between his teeth. You could feel him twitch inside you when your eyes met.
“It feels so good,” you told him in between your moans, your breaths coming out shallow as he continued to pound into you. 
As good as you were feeling, you still couldn’t help the question that popped into your head. 
“Sir,” you called out to Jimin. He slowed his movements inside of you, but didn’t still completely.
“What is it, princess?” He sounded somewhat breathless and for a moment you forgot what you wanted to ask.
“Isn’t there - shit - some kind of policy against this sort of thing?” 
Your question took him completely off guard and the look on his face made you giggle.
“Are you asking if there’s a rule against fucking my employees?” He smirked at you as he picked up his pace again, making your eyes roll back.
“Well not just that,” you broke off to let out another whine when he repositioned his hand around your wrists, “but against workplace dating in general.”
“Hm, well, now that you mention it,” he pondered, pausing to let out a grunt when he pushed into you deeper, “there isn’t anything against that.”
You smiled at that, resting your cheek against the desk as you closed your eyes.
“Perfect, so if I wanted to date the cute guy who works in accounting-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence because Jimin rocked you so hard it actually did knock the breath out of you. He pulled you up by the hold on your wrists until your back was flush against his chest, letting go of your arms then. He wrapped one arm around your midsection while his other hand cupped around your jaw.
He moved your face to the side so you could look into his eyes that held a fiery expression.
“You’re mine and no one else’s,” he growled before pulling you into a kiss that was searing with so much passion. He continued to pound into you, now moving the desk forward along with you.
“You got that, princess?” He kissed you again, all teeth and tongue as he explored the expanse of your mouth. He reached up to tweak one of your nipples, making you cry out into the kiss, him swallowing all the sounds you were making.  
You knew his possessiveness he was exhibiting now was due to the more dominant persona he had adopted during all this, and you really didn’t mind it at all. You knew he valued you as your own individual person, and he’d never want to have actual possession of you or your body. So things like this, that happened in the moment, you were comfortable with. You wanted to be his, and had wanted that for so long.
He continued ramming into you faster and when you still hadn’t answered him, he snaked a hand into your hair and tugged hard. Again, not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to bring your attention back to him.
“Yes, sir, I’m yours and only yours,” you answered breathlessly. Your answer seemed to please him as he groaned and mouthed at your neck. 
“Fuck, my good girl, taking me so well like this,” he released his grip on your hair to now hold onto your waist with both hands. Your head fell back against his shoulder, your eyes closed and mouth open as all sorts of sounds were tumbling out. 
“Green. But, Jimin,” you whined. 
“What is it, baby? Tell me what you need,” he spoke the words against your temple as he placed a kiss there. His pace had slowed somewhat, more sensual now than anything else, but the force of his movements were still enough to send you reeling forward, had he not had a tight hold on you.
“I wanna see you. Please,” you repeated a plea from earlier that night. You loved what was happening right now, but you loved watching him come undone above you even more.
“Of course, princess. I can’t deny you when you beg so sweetly for me.” His words made your heart constrict, a somewhat strange feeling when you were already overflowing with arousal. 
He turned you around and laid you back, only pulling out for a second to do so. He entered you again and resumed his pace he had been keeping up before. He gripped your thighs to pull them apart more, now hitting a different angle inside of you from this position. The change in angle had you both moaning, your sounds mingling together.
He sped up once you were positioned high enough on the desk so that he knew you wouldn’t fall. He removed his hands from your thighs, only to capture your hands in his own a moment later. He intertwined your fingers, giving you something else to brace yourself against as he pinned you there.
His pace was relentless, and with every movement that rocked you forward, you felt him hit that spot inside of you that had you begging for another release. You knew you wouldn’t be able to last very long, especially after reaching your high earlier, and certainly not with the way Jimin was sounding above you.
Every noise he let out was music to your ears, and with the way he was moaning now, you wondered if he was nearing his high, too. The idea of watching Jimin come completely undone as he pounded into you had you clenching around him, causing him to let out a strangled groan.
“Shit, you got me so worked up earlier that I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last now. Especially when you do tha- fuck.” Jimin cut himself off with another grunt as your walls clenched around him once more.
Both of you were so wrapped up in the moment of passion that you didn’t notice the lamp that was teetering dangerously on the edge of the desk, threatening to topple over any second. Jimin thrusted harshly then, making you scream out, the noise almost masking the sound of the lamp falling onto the ground.
“F-fuck,” you stammered, tilting your head to the side to try and find the source of the noise. Jimin wasn’t having it though, as he turned your face to look back at him.
“Focus on me, princess,” he said in a low tone, eyes nearly closed from his own pleasure. He squeezed your hand with the one that wasn’t currently cupping your face. When his eyes met yours, he let out a groan.
“Always so good for me. I wanna see that pretty face when I make you cum for me again. Wanna see you completely lose it when I’m deep inside you.”
His words sent another wave of arousal crashing through you and you started clenching harder around him now, making him twitch inside you in return.
“Please, sir,” you whined, not even sure what you were begging for at this rate.
“Please, what,” Jimin emphasized the last word as he squeezed your hand again, letting you know he wanted an answer from you. So you blurted out the first thing you could think of.
“Please let me cum again, sir. Please make me.”
Jimin moaned and you could see him smirking above you. “You want me to make you cum again? Well, princess,” he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, “I think I can grant that wish.”
Without a warning he let go of your face he’d been cupping so gently, reaching in between the two of you to rub your clit as he started moving inside you harder. The combined pleasure of everything drove you to your climax much faster, and you started crying out his name and other incomprehensible words.
Since Jimin wasn’t holding one of your hands down anymore, you started reaching out blindly with that one for something to hold onto.
“Jimin, I’m so close, please-“
He noticed your struggle and pulled you up to where you were just barely seated on the desk now, wrapping your legs around him. This new angle caused both of you to moan loudly, and you knew that at any second you’d be ready to burst.
“I’m right here, Y/N, I’ve got you,” Jimin said against your mouth as he tried to kiss you, failing only because his ministrations were moving you so rapidly that you couldn’t stay still. You grabbed onto his back, leaving scratches whenever a particularly hard thrust would shake you to the core.
You rested your forehead against Jimin’s shoulder, and he placed an uncoordinated kiss on your neck. His thrusts were becoming sloppier now.
You could hear him let out breathy moans by your ear, and if that didn’t spur you onward to your release, his next words definitely did.
“Cum for me, princess. I wanna feel you cum all over my cock,” he said softly beside your ear. His words triggered your release before you could call out a warning, so all you could do was scream out and hold onto his back for dear life.
"Fuck, fuck,” Jimin breathed out, and the way you were clenching around him had him reaching his own high not too long after you did. You saw his abs flexing with his release, and you could feel him painting the inside of your walls as he let out a muffled groan against your shoulder. 
He slowed his thrusts to a stop and the both of you were breathing heavily. You sat there for a little bit, both trying to catch your breath with you rubbing his back and him placing small kisses on your shoulder and neck.
Before Jimin pulled out of you, he reached behind you and grabbed some tissues from the opposite end of the desk. He gently pulled out and cleaned up whatever mess he could from the current position you both were in, and when he thought he did a sufficient enough job, he tossed them into the waste bin beside the desk.
You didn’t have a chance to ask what would happen next before Jimin was picking you up and walking over to his desk chair. He sat down and situated you so you were comfortable in his lap. It felt so nice and you let yourself enjoy the feeling, hoping to bask in it as long as you could.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a small heap of something on the floor that you knew wasn’t there before. It dawned on you then what it was, which also made sense as to why it was darker in the room now.
“We didn’t manage to break the desk, but that lamp has seen better days,” you noticed as you took in the sight of the lamp that had fallen to the ground. The light bulb didn’t shatter, thankfully, but the lamp had separated itself into 2 different parts upon its impact of hitting the floor.
Jimin observed the lamp as well before he shrugged, saying “It’ll be an easy fix, and that’s a problem for another time.”
You hummed your agreement as you made yourself more comfortable in his lap. A few moments of comfortable silence passed before anyone spoke again.
“I don’t have anything here for aftercare, seeing as I never expected it would be needed-” Jimin sounded worried, so you were quick to reassure him.
“Being here with you is enough. Plus getting to sit all cozy in your lap is a bonus.” You wrapped your arms tighter around Jimin and he chuckled.
“Even still, we did a lot tonight and I want to take care of you properly. So,” he broke off, waiting for you to look up at him. When you did, he continued.
“Stay with me for the night,” Jimin offered. “Let me take care of you.”
“I’d like that,” you answered with zero hesitation. You could feel Jimin’s smile against your forehead as he placed a kiss there.
An idea dawned on you then, making you frown.
“Wait, but I drove here, so my car-“
“Can stay here until the morning. Or whenever we decide to come back. Maybe we’ll take the day off tomorrow, who knows.” Jimin patted your head as he kissed your temple. You let out a soft sound of content, closing your eyes as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Then take me home. I’m all yours.”
He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations coming from his chest. “God, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
You looked up at him then, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to say it to you.”
“We really are just some clueless idiots, aren’t we?
You laughed, laying your head back on his shoulder. “It would appear so.” 
You could feel Jimin’s steady breathing from where you sat, the warmth of his skin pressed against yours soothing you. 
“You know,” you started to say, your mind still hazy, “if I’d have known there was any interest, we probably could have made this happen much sooner.”
Jimin pulled away then and nudged you with his nose so you’d look up at him.
“Y/N,” he said, a small frown covering his beautiful face. “You do realize that up until last week, you were in a relationship, right?”
You groaned and laid your forehead on his shoulder. “Trust me, no one knows that better than I do. But it was a miserable relationship.”
“Then, why did you stay?” 
You knew he was genuinely curious, and you pondered about it for a second, wondering how to answer it in the best way.
In the end, you decided to just be straight up honest with him, since transparency and honesty are always important in any kind of relationship, intimate or otherwise.
“Truthfully? It was the only way I could get my mind off of you.”
You felt him stiffen beneath you then, and you reached up to place a soft kiss on his lips. It took him a second to kiss you back, his arms pulling your closer.
“Fuck, if I’d known that- I swear I would’ve never stood idly by while you continued to stay in a relationship you were miserable in, you know that-”
“I do, don’t worry. I know you wouldn’t do that. But it also wasn’t up to you, either. Everything was up to me. And I finally had the courage to end things, and we’re here together now. That’s what matters, yeah?” 
Jimin didn’t seem completely convinced, so you caressed his cheek, making him bring his soft eyes down to look at you.
“I want to be with you, and you want to be with me. We can figure out the rest some other time, but isn’t that enough for right now?” You felt his smooth skin underneath your fingertips, the corners of his lips tugging upward as he finally sighed and nodded. 
“I think I can deal with that,” Jimin hummed, brushing some of your hair back out of your face. Your head found its place on his shoulder once more, relishing the comfort of his arms.
You yawned before you continued talking. “I’m tired so we may wanna get a move on, unless you plan to carry me all the way to your car.”
“Hmm, sounds like you’re doubting my ability to carry you.”
You snuggled closer, running your fingers along the lines of his beautifully drawn tattoo. “Not doubting, just thinking out loud.”
“Well,” you felt Jimin wrap his arms more securely around you, “let’s test that theory.”
He pulled the both of you up out of the chair with little effort, and instead of letting you down so you were on your feet again, he carried you over to the desk and set you down on it.
Before you could ask what he was doing, he handed you your discarded clothes so you could redress.
“It’s cold out, so clothes might be helpful,” he teased you as he redressed himself. You didn’t have the energy to tease him back, so you shrugged your clothes back on and waited on him to finish gathering his things in the office, swinging your legs back and forth.
When Jimin was done, he walked back over to you with his arms outstretched. He was offering to carry you again, and you felt your heart skip a beat.
Instead of taking him up on his offer, you got to your feet. “As much as I’d love to have you carry me the whole way, this way is faster.”
Jimin smiled and opted for putting an arm around you instead as the two of you left the office once you’d grabbed your things. “So eager to get home?”
Something about him calling his place ‘home’ made you feel warm all over, but you pushed it down for now. You had so much time to sort your feelings out later, and you wanted to enjoy these moments now without any overhanging thoughts. 
“Yeah, eager to get in the bed.” You stretched and yawned again, making him smile as he called the elevator down.
“So eager to sleep, huh?”
“Is that all we’re gonna do in your bed,” you pretended to be sad and he caught on immediately. He patted your head teasingly.
“Yes, tonight we sleep. But tomorrow,” he stepped into the elevator, pulling you in with him and hugging you against his chest, “who knows.”
You felt your face heat up at his proximity, which you found to be ironic considering everything you’d just been through. The remainder of the elevator ride was silent, as was the walk to the parking lot. You didn’t feel like any words needed to be exchanged when the feeling of his hand wrapped around yours was saying enough.
The car ride was also comfortably silent, and despite your best efforts, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. The next thing you knew, Jimin was softly shaking you awake as he helped you get out of the car. He helped you walk into the house and guided you to the bedroom since you were still half-asleep.
The two of you shared a nice shower, stealing kisses from each other underneath the comfort of the warm water. After you were both clean, Jimin made sure you had everything you needed to be comfortable, and he settled into bed behind you, pulling you close as he wrapped an arm around you.
“Hey, Jimin,” you said sleepily.
“Next time, maybe we should use my desk since it’s smaller.”
He let out a laugh and wound his arm around you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Maybe so,” he murmured against your skin, making you smile. It didn’t take long for you to start drifting off to sleep once more.
The last thing you remember hearing before you fell asleep was Jimin’s soft voice saying “Pleasant dreams, princess.”
And for the first time in a long time, you were able to sleep peacefully.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Rabid (JJK x Reader) 🐾☁️💜🔞
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🐺Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🐺Genre: A/B/O AU!, Werewolf AU!, Angst, romance, smut
🐺Warnings: alpha!kookers and his omega!reader, impreg kink, shifting, hybrid Au, werewolf Au, bangtan pack!, primal sex, biting, scratching, scenting, marking, knotting, size kink, strength kink, praise kink oh yes, protective boi kook, Jungkook asserting dominance smh, omega being the cute ball of soft cotton candy she is, fighting, blood, violence, injuries, best alpha doggo boi Jungkook, heart to heart convos, degrading names and not the kinky ones sadly, puppies, I repeat, puppies 🐶, omega!Jin, Omega!Taehyung, Beta Yoongi, Alpha Namjoon, alpha Hoseok, Beta Jimin, don’t worry Omega doesn’t automatically mean submissive oh boy Nop Nop, just read the damn thing it’ll make sense okay, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
🐺Summary: Jeon Jungkook and his Omega are a mates couple of Bangtan Pack. Recently, the sweet bubble they’ve created seems to grow weaker and weaker, as a feral pack attacks and kills wolfs left and right. Things take a dark turn, and for once, the big bad wolf is actually terrified. Terrified of loosing you.
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A pack's life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, or comfort and protection.
Bangtan pack had learned that the hard way months ago, when Namjoons ex Mate had been violently attacked and killed. He'd mourned quite a bit, even though she'd been unfaithful and had refused to accept her own pups, leaving them with him and his pack as she'd continued her unbound lifestyle. It had still hurt him deeply- yet it was a thing that happened.
He got over it.
And he was happy again these days, as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with his two pups, who still weren't old enough to shift into their human forms. They would stay like that for a while longer, and sometimes Namjoon caught himself wishing that they could just stay like that forever- without having to worry too much about their human sides like he and his pack had to. But it would happen eventually, and he hoped they would grow up to be just as respectful and caring as the rest of his pack was.
Taehyung and Jin were, together with Jungkooks Mate, the only omegas of the pack. While you were the only one who would bear her own pups in the future, Taehyung and Jin took on the roles of caring for his children. He was glad he had them with him- he was not fit to be an only-father due to his alpha side. "What're you thinking about?" Yoongi, the pack's Beta asked from the sidelines, coffee in hand as he watched Taehyung and Jin play with the youngest of the pack, letting the young pups claw and bite their fur without much resistance.
"I'm glad things are returning to normal." He explained, and Yoongi nodded, when Jungkook and you stepped in from your recent grocery shopping trip. Namjoon laughed as the two excited pups immediately yapped and stumbled towards you, making you kneel down to greet them properly. He caught Jungkooks soft gaze on you immediately, already knowing that he would turn out to be a great father and alpha for his own litter in the future. "Everything okay out there?" The Alpha asked Jungkook, who nodded, although not too confident.
"We caught some scents near the borders when we returned, but it wasn't too evident. They probably only want to provoke again." He sighed out as he took the other plastic bags you had discarded next to you, placing them on the kitchen counter and sitting on the couch, next to yoongi. "Do you want me to patrol again?" He asked his leader, as he'd turned quiet and a bit thoughtful at his comment.
"No." He said, and Yoongi furrowed his brows. "If they want to provoke, let them. I'm not biting the bait." He explained, and Jungkook nodded, before he turned his head, having heard you shift. Namjoons mind eased up a little as he watched you, Tae and Jin groom the pups, motherly instincts growing more and more these days. "She'll be a great mother." He hummed, and Jungkook grinned, as if the praise was sent towards him. In a sense it was, because even though Namjoon had talked about his mate, he could hear his alpha inside his head.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ. ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ.
You slowly detached yourself from them after a moment, walking over to Jungkook as you placed your head onto his thigh, careful not to interrupt the discussion he currently held with Yoongi. Almost as if on instinct his hand placed itself onto your head, large palm running over your soft fur, making your ears droop to the side a little to give him more room for his affection.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴜs.
Even though you sometimes disagreed with your omega, she was right on most occasions. You've had some small trust issues before you'd met Jungkook, being raised with the warning that Omegas were easily taken advantage of, you were wary of anyone around you. He'd slowly brought you out of your shell however, with promises you knew he'd keep and lots of understanding, communication, and affection. Nowadays, he could kick you around like he wanted, if he wanted to- you would still wag your tail and seek his praise straight after.
It should scare you, but you knew he would never let you down like that. He'd never betray your trust like that. Your whole pack would keep you safe.
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ᴋᴇᴇᴘs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘᴀᴄᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Your head slipped from his thigh for a second as you'd almost fallen asleep, making Jungkook chuckle and Namjoon snort. You shyly laid down at Jungkooks feet, before he patted the space next to him on the couch. "Come up baby, you don't have to lay on the ground." He said, and you jumped up on the couch, halfway laying on his lap as he continued his talk, his voice lulling you to sleep.
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"Hmm.. so sweet." He humms against your neck, as you slowly wake up. His hands are already running over your naked stomach, upwards to cup your chest in his palm, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin underneath his fingers. His eyes are still closed, and he only rumbles out something that almost sounds like a purr every now and then as his lips curl into a lazy but content smile, his nose burying itself into your neck where your scent is strongest. He opens his mouth to run his canines along the skin, before leaving an open mouthed kiss there, making you squirm around a bit in his hold. He moves his legs to cage yours in, as he chuckles when you whine against him. "So soft.. so warm.." He muses, still not quite awake yet you notice as your own body still fights the clouds of sleep as well.
sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
His alpha humms pleased inside his head, happy to have you close to him, satisfied to know you're in his arms. This is where he knows you're safe, where he knows nothing could happen to you.
He squeezes your breast a bit harder, before his thumb moves over your nipple, his deep brown eyes opening a crack to see your form next to him, relaxed and comfortable in his hold, and he feels proud. You're letting him see you so vulnerable, so bare of any form of guard up, you let him guide you however he feels fit for you, and his heart swells as your hands reach for his skin, desperate to feel him close, even though you already are. The times you felt self-conscious and shy at the mere fact you were naked were long gone by now. You felt comfortable around him, enough to know your bond is one without judgement. His eyes lock onto the bite mark still present on your neck, a prominent sign he carried as well, like a wedding band for humans, but way more final than that. It was as if he could see his future with you in the scar on your skin, and he loved every bit of it.
You suddenly playfully bite after his hand which tried to move some hair out of your face, and his eyes widen a bit at the gesture, making you open yours as well. The teasing glint awakes something inside him as you suddenly wiggle your legs around, trying to get on top of him as he grins, locking your legs with his as you whine, pushing at his chest as he chuckles. He grabs your wrist and tries to pin it down as you suddenly move your face to the side, nipping at his fingers without the intention to bite. "Hm, you wanna play?" He asks amused when you duck out of his grasp, only getting as far as laying your stomach over his side, legs still tightly interlocked with his. You claw at his back and he hisses for a moment, yet he doesnt seem mad about it at all as he moves his leg, giving you freedom. For a moment.
Before you can make it out of the bed he grabs your upper arm, pulling you against his chest as you hit his shoulder with the back of your head, now genuinely whining in frustration as he simply laughs. You struggle in his hold, uncaring of both of your nudeness and the way his prominent erection was poking against your lower back. You reach your arms over your head, trying to catch his skin with your fingers to claw at it, yet it only turns into your own demise as he simply raises his arm as well, palm easily catching your wrists and holding them above your head as his nose nuzzles against your neck teasingly.
You grin as he kisses and licks at your bonding mark, happily giving up your fight at this display of affection.
He finally moved around after throwing you backwards on the bed again, towering over your form as he roughly manhandles you around so you are placed on your stomach, before pulling your hips up, making you mewl as you instinctively present to him, making him groan as he leans down, his chest against your back as you could feel his erection between your legs. His hand reaches for your center, chest vibrating against your back as he humms approvingly when his fingers find you already wet and ready for him.
ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ғᴏʀ ᴜs. His alpha cooes. ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs sᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ.
Jungkook lets his hand move a bit over your lower lips until he deems you prepared enough. His hand pumps his waiting length for a second, before he enters you quite roughly, sighing at the feeling of your warm walls around him. You felt like home, like comfort, like a safe space that only belonged to him.
ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ. ʙɪᴛᴇ.
He leans down his head, takes the skin of your neck between his teeth as he bites, before letting go, and repeating that action over and over again until he huffs against your skin in hot breaths. His one arm is hooked underneath your lower belly to keep you snug against him and positioned properly, while his other grabs at your chest roughly, making you mewl as he grunts, every thrust of his hips shaking your body a bit. You try to get up on your arms in front of him, as he suddenly leaves your breasts alone, instead grabbing the back of your neck before he pushes you into the pillows below, careful to let you breathe as you move your face to the side, blissed out expression showing him to keep going. His alpha slowly takes over, moves more to the surface as his voice is rough, low. You're not scared of him, however. You know, just like Jungkook, his alpha would never hurt you. Your Omega bathes in the praise he gives you, making you whine and gasp out when he suddenly slows down his pace, instead thrusting with more force and deeper into you as the sound of skin against skin echoes in the room.
"So warm.. So sweet.. So submissive.." He rumbles out as he mouthes at your shoulder, hot breath making your skin tingle as you grasp the sheets below you, your high slowly reaching its peak as he cooes. "Are you gonna cum little omega? Cum for your alpha?" He asks, and you simply not, drowsy mind having a hard time answering as he suddenly yanks at your hair, stopping everything for a moment as he keeps your head up, his face close to yours as he growls out. "I asked you a question Omega." He grits out. "You wanna play more little one?" He asks amused as you simply rut against his hips, making him growl as he picks up where he left off, his pace relentless as he chases his end, noticing the way you start to clench around him, needing him, wanting him, craving him just as much as he does.
"A-Alpha!" You groan out as you cum, and he bites down hard where your bonding mark lays, grunting out as he still thrusts without much rhythm, until you feel his warmth flood your walls. He sighes out, slowly growing lip against your back as his knot swells up, making you whine while he hushes you, moving a bit, careful not to pull too much as he spoons you, mouthing, licking, and kissing your neck and shoulder as your breathing calms down slowly. This is how you know Jungkook is back, the way he carefully moves the covers back over your bodies since he knows you get cold easily after sex, and the way he just.. doesnt say anything. He doesn't need to.
"Hm.. I can't wait for you to be filled with my pups." He humms out dreamily, drowsy and close to sleep. "All round and glowing. M' gonna protect you so well baby, gonna keep you safe and sound." He muses, and you nod, happily humming as your omega inside you rolls around in satisfaction.
ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴜs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀʀʏ ʜɪs ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ᴜs.
He kisses the back of your neck one last time before he settles for another round of sleep.
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"I don't feel good." You said at dinner once, and Jungkook immediately perked up at that.
"What do you mean? Are you sick?" He stressed, his overprotective nature coming to the surface as you scratched your neck, sheepishly shaking your head.
"No no, its not that!" You reassured him, before looking at Namjoon. "I mean, the entire situation. I know it's calm these days, but I don't know.." You admitted, and Jin placed a reassuring hand on your back.
"I get it. I guess it is a little weird." He said, and looked at Namjoon, who seemed in thought about the entire situation. Things have calmed down over the last few days, however, that was no reason to breathe out in relief. Things just calmed down so sudden and without any cause, that it made you feel as if something was off. It wasn't just you who felt like that but the entire pack, you knew this.
"We'll keep you safe either way." Jungkook promised from across you, and you nodded, continuing your dinner.
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Things did not turn out well.
When you smelled the intruders, Jungkook had already gotten up from his spot in the front yard of your home in the woods, together with Namjoon and Hoseok already looking out for anyone getting close. It happened suddenly, when Yoongi shouted, shifting immediately as a wolf attacked from the sides.
The rest was utter chaos.
Everyone, you included, shifted into wolf forms, biting and clawing away at the strangers who seemed to snicker and laugh at everything going on. It was as if it was a game to them, as if they were playing- yet there was nothing playful in their nature, as they bit hard on Hoseoks leg, making him yelp as Taehyung jumped to help him. You were no fighter, so you did the only thing rational to you.
You immediately went inside, grabbing the first pup by his neck before you carried him underneath the stairs, rushing into the living room to get the other.
ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴘᴜᴘs sᴀғᴇ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴘs.
Your omega was just as shaken as you were as you curled up around them, trying to soothe them the best you could as something crashed in the living room, heavy paws making its way towards you. You immediately positioned yourself in front of the terrified kids, which have scrambled into the smallest corner of the storage space under the stairs. Growling menacingly you tried to appear fearless in front of the dark grey wolf in front of you, who simply snapped its jaws at you. You ducked away from him, before you snapped at his leg, biting down hard before he managed to get a grip on your neck. You yelped as his teeth broke skin, but couldn't utter a sound as he pulled and pulled on your scruff, loosing grip before he bit again, another wound forming as you tried to desperately get out of his hold.
Another wolf joined in through the broken window in the kitchen, yapping like an excited hyena at the view of your fighting as he joined in, nipping and pushing you around with amusement as you tried to get them off of you, or at least keep their attention on you for as long as possible, so they wouldn't hurt the youngest.
The first wolf simply threw you down as you again bit his leg, tasting iron on your tongue as the stranger clawed at your backleg, biting and bruising skin as his teeth pulled mouthsfull of fur away from your body. The tufts of softness flew around in the air around you like feathers in a mere pillowfight, yet there was nothing sweet and innocent about this. You yelped out again, loudly, as you felt the skin around your backleg rip between the jaws of the stranger, making you immobile as the strangers suddenly decided to let you be, loosing their fun in you. You took this chance to scramble back to the terrified puppies, hiding them as you weakly curled up around them, your back facing away from them as they shivered, hiding underneath your bloody fur in desperate need of warmth and comfort. You wished you could soothe them, but you couldn't lift your head, blood sticky underneath your body as you tried to stay awake.
They snarl something along the lines of 'leaving the alphas bitch' alone, as they snicker outside, making you feel even worse than you did before.
You knew that Jungkook saw you as more than a mere Omega meant to please him and raise his offspring. You knew that he wasn't blinded by his instincts, and even if he was, his alpha was such a sweet existence which fit your own omega so well that it sometimes made you cry. You fall into a slumber, a vision of your past consuming you whole, as if to comfort your broken body.
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"..y. Baby?" He asks you, as your head snaps up from where it rested on your palm. He smiles at you with slight worry, as he points at your pancakes in front of you. "Your food's getting cold baby." He says, and you blush as you look down at your plate, barely touched at all.
sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ғᴏᴏᴅ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀsᴛᴇ!
He sighed in front of you, moving the plate towards him as he cuts a piece, holding the fork towards you with an almost teasing grin. "Looks like I'm gonna have to feed you the old fashioned way." He says, and you take the bite as he grins his signature bunny smile. It makes him look so soft and happy, the way his eyes crinkle at the sides and his nose scrunches up. "Can't have my baby starve." He continues, as he cuts another piece. His alpha is weirdly happy about the situation.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ᴡᴇʟʟ ғᴇᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.
He hates to do it, but he knows its necessary. "Whats on your mind?" He asks, and he visibly sees your shoulders slump down, as if he'd just taken your favorite book away. "I can see something is troubling you. Please talk to me." He asks. I want to help you, he wants to say, but he keeps it at his words as you slowly take a deep breath.
"They're saying things about me." You start, as he frowns.
"What things?" He asks, voice now a bit more serious. He knows who 'they' are- he knows that you talk about your classmates. He hates to see you being bullied, yet it happens, and you had told him again and again that he can't interfere, not so close to your graduation. You just want things to be done with.
"You're not gonna like 'em." You start, and he nods.
"Probably not. I promise I'm not gonna set your school on fire. But you need to talk to someone about it, and if not me than maybe Jin or Tae-" He continues, until you cut him off.
"Whore." You start, as his eyes widen. It seems as if he's frozen in time for a moment, before his gaze is on you again. "They.. they say I'm.. that you only keep me around because-" You try not to get too riled up as you recall their words. "-because I'm an omega thats good to fuck. Because I'm brainless, and the brainless ones are the best because they don't talk back and just choke on-" Jungkook cuts you off as he holds your hand.
"Stop." He mutters, and you simply look at the wooden table of the small restaurant you both are sitting in, as he sighes. "You're so much more to me than your body." He explains, and you melt under his gaze. "You're my mate, my partner for life, you're the part of my soul I didn't even knew I was missing." He continues, as he holds out another piece of sweetness in front of your lips, as your teary eyes gaze at him. "Their words mean nothing, okay? I love you. And only you." He says, as you take the bite from him. "You could ban me from your vagina for the next years to come and I'd still love you." He mutters playfully, as your cheeks redden.
You really do feel loved.
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Jungkook had heard your first yelp loud and clear, and it threw him so off guard that he lost focus for a moment, giving a wolf opportunity to jump up on him. He fought him off with a bit of effort, trying to get inside the house as he became more and more desperate as your cries reached his sensitive ears, making him grown more and more feral in his state of mind.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴜʀᴛ! ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ɪɴ ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ! ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ!
His alpha is restless, pretty much yells into his ears and he swore he would, he swore he would get to you but he couldn't. There were too many.
After a moment of seemingly endless fighting, Namjoon snaps the neck of another alphawolf, successfully ending the attack as the rest of the rogue pack leaves with whines and tails between their legs. Jungkook breathes for a moment, before a certain smell reaches his nose. He locks eyes with Namjoon, who had seemingly noticed it as well, before the big black wolf dashed into the house, stopping dead in his tracks at the scene of the trashed living room and open kitchen, blood and fur scattered around as the irony smell gets almost too much for his sensitive nose.
He can't see you, however.
Your blood and fur show him that you didn't hide successfully, and his heart races as he walks through the mess that is the main space of the house, before his ears catch the whimpering of pups.
There, underneath the stairs in the corner you're laying down. Your back is facing him, blood and saliva staining your fur, as you barely breathe. The pups, smelling the familiar pack, scramble out from underneath your paws, crawling over your body as they rush towards their father, who eagerly inspects them immediately. Jungkook has absolute tunnel vision in that moment however, as he noticed your lack of movement.
He's moving on pure instinct at this point, delicately grabbing your scruff as he carefully pulls you out of your hiding space, but not fully out in the open. He whines and whimpers at your form, limply laying on the ground as you barely breathe, making him restless as he walks from one side to the other, unsure what to do. His mind is in a frenzy, alpha going crazy, as he nudges you every now and then with his snout, silently begging you to get up. He gets pulled away from this however, when he noticed Jin walking towards him. He knows he's no threat. He knows he's pack. But he's not himself in that moment.
ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ. ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ.
His alpha growls at him, and he does the same, as he scrambles to stand above your form, tail standing diagonal being him as his ears tall as he growls out low and dangerously, for the first time actually showing intention to attack his own brothers. Jin stays still as everyone watches from their spots, witnessing for the first time how their pack member turns against them.
'Jungkook-' Jin tries to communicate, but the younger alpha continues to growl, feet never standing still as he seems restless. As if he doesn't know what to do. He looks like a young wolf in that moment, scared, confused, and painfully upset. His smell is bitter and strong, sending of a warning to everyone in the room as his ears start to slowly droop.
'Protect. I have to protect. Don't- don't come here-!' he sends off, tail slowly moving downwards as he starts to feel the exhaustion in his bones. He slowly but surely moves around again on weak legs, laying down close to you as he leans his front legs over your body, licking your fur as if that would magically heal you.
'Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!' He chants over and over again, every word growing more and more high pitched and choked up as Taehyung lays down in sadness, feeling his brothers emotions full force, as well as everyone else who can't do anything but watch the young alpha fall apart. 'wake up..' he begs, burying his face into your bloody fur as he finally gives in. 'Please.. don't leave me.' are his last words, as his mind fades.
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Jin is quick to shift, as well as Namjoon and Yoongi, who immediately move the larger and heavier wolf off of you, before Taehyung can take you away with Hoseok. Jungkook slowly shifts back unconsciously as they lay him on the couch, no one having enough energy to bring him upstairs. Jin tends to his wounds as Taehyung and Hoseok bring you up the stairs into yours and Jungkooks room, as you slowly shift, making Taehyung gasp as he now sees the extend of your injuries.
There are cuts and puncture wounds all over your skin, scratches and bruises already blossoming. Your leg is the worst, open flesh gaping as he has to swallow, telling Hoseok what he needs in order to tend to your injuries.
Moments later, Jin steps into the room as well, helping his younger omega brother to care for you the best that they could before an actual doctor could take a look at you tomorrow.
"She'd told us something was off." Namjoon said with his head hanging low, arms scratched and bleeding as he watches from the doorway. "I should've listened to her." He continues, before Jin cuts in, not looking at his alpha as he continues to wash you gently.
"Self-pity won't help anyone in this situation now, Namjoon." He says, no real bite in his tone as he keeps his voice gentle, exhaustion evident however. Taehyung helps him wring out the wet cloth he's using to clean your skin, as he continues. "Things happened, and now we have to deal with the aftermath. We'll get through this, but only if we don't loose our heads over this." He explaines, the image of the youngest alpha not leaving his mind. "It's bad enough we have two of us down- her and Jungkook." He explains, as Taehyung voices his worries as well.
"Do you think he'll snap out of it?" He asks, as Namjoon chimes in.
"He has to." He says, and Jin turns around for the first time, lower lip bruised from a cut he'd received.
"Namjoon, don't be so harsh on the kid-" He starts, but gets cut off by his leader.
"He's not a kid anymore Jin. He's a full grown alpha that needs to get himself together." He argues, as Taehyung starts to defend his brother.
"No, he's a boy who almost lost his girl tonight, have some common sense!" He whines out, a low growl hinting in his tone that catches Namjoon off guard. Even Jin seems surprised. "We all accepted it when you grieved. So let him heal as well- you can't expect something like this to just go past him." He explains, as the alpha sighs.
"I'm a horrible leader, am I not?" He asks, and Jin smiles along with Tae as he answers.
"No." He answers, with a comforting gaze. "Because you listen to your pack. And the best leaders do exactly that. They listen to their pack, learn from their mistakes, and admit them if they happen." He humms, before opening his small kit to get out some cotton balls and desinfectant.
Namjoon simply nods, hoping that his oldest Omega is right.
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Jungkook awakes rudely from his dreamless sleep as he finds himself on the living room couch, dressed in comfortable clothes. For a moment he hopes everything had been a dream, but his aching bones and the mild smell in the air tell differently. He sits up, noticing the now cleaned living room, and the window that had been fixed with wooden planes for now. He can smell the rain outside as Jin steps down the stairs, locking eyes with Jungkook who immediately scrambles up, rushing towards him. "Where is she? Is she okay? She's okay right? She's fine right?" He rushes out, and watches past the eldest as Jimin thanks a stranger in a white coat and familiar hospital clothing. He doesnt listen to anybody as he moves past them upstairs, almost tripping as he opens the door to see you asleep underneath your covers, a butterfly stitch above your eyebrow. His eyes glaze over as his mind begins to fog, his feet moving him as if on autopilot as he walks towards you, unconsciously shifting.
Jimin wants to scold him to leave you alone, but the doctor shakes his head. Jungkook is so careful that even Yoongi who has joined the scene seems surprised. He moves as if you're made out of eggshells as thin as paper, carefully placing himself next to you above the covers Head resting on your stomach as he simply relishes in the mere fact that you're breathing. He barely fits on the bed made for two humans, but everyone lets him.
Jimin softly closes the door, before everyone walks downstairs.
"Is there anything we can do to help him?" He asks the doctor as he puts on his shoes. He sighes.
"Not much, I'd say, let him be close to her. It would only make them both more anxious if you keep them apart from one another." He explains, as Jimin and Yoongi bid the man goodbye and a safe trip home. Closing the door, Jin sighs, sitting down in the living room after folding the blanket Jungkook had slept under. Namjoon walks into the room, his arm still bandaged as he asks about the mated couple.
"Is he okay?" He asks, knowing about your condition already. "I've never seen him like that." He humms out, and Jimin shrugs.
"I don't think anyone ever has." He exclaims, and Namjoon nods, before taking the blanket from jin.
He carefully walks upstairs, opening the door of their room as Jungkooks ears perk up, the rest of him unmoving. The older alpha smiles sympathetically at his younger brother, closing the door behind him as he slowly walks towards them both. "Is that okay?" He asks carefully, as Jungkook simply closes his eyes again, a silent way of agreeing him this close. He drapes the blanket over the large black wolf, careful to tuck you underneath it as well as he sits down on the mattress, close to your hip. "She's gonna be okay." He said, as he looked at your sleeping form, Jungkooks head lifting itself to reposition. He sighed out a breath as the alpha chuckled. "Don't get huffy now pup. She's a strong one." Jungkooks eyes move to look at the elder one, and he sees something in it that Namjoon has not seen many times. Fear.
Namjoons eyes turn gentle as he looks at you for a moment, before he humms out. "You did well."
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When you walk downstairs, the entire kitchen grows silent, and you look up to see them all looking at you. Jungkook starts to choke on his food as he coughs, legs of the chair he is sitting on scraping on the tiles as he rushes towards you, carefully taking you into his arms as he holds you close. He breathes in your scent as he suddenly chokes up, violent sobs shaking his shoulders as he cries against your neck, tearfully kissing your bonding mark as you simply pet his head, smoothing out his hair as you try to calm him down. The rest of the pack has a similar expression on their faces, as Jin stands up to get another set of dishes and cutlery for you. Jungkook helps you down the last two steps as he leads you towards the kitchen table, uncaring of his still tear stained face. He sniffles, and Taehyung gives him a napkin with a teasing grin. He simply takes it, wiping his nose before he grabs at your hip, setting you onto his lap as you try to sit down on your chair.
He doesn't continue eating as he simple rests the side of his head against your shoulder, holding you close as he breathes in your scent. His alpha slowly calms down as you eat and move around, proving to him that you were actually there, that you were alive and well enough for now.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs sᴀғᴇ.
You thank jin as he pours you a cup of tea, when you turn towards Namjoon. "How are the pups?" You ask, wondering where they are as Namjoon smiles proudly.
"They're safe, and asleep upstairs." He says, and you nod, taking a sip of the warm beverage. "Thank you, by the way." He says, and you raise your eyebrows. "You did very well Omega. They're only safe thanks to you, and I owe you everything for it." He grows serious as you chuckle.
"It's my part of the pack Namjoon." You explain as you pick up your cutlery to stuff some rice into your mouth that Jungkook didn't finish. "I did what I had to." He humms in appreciation, as Jungkook silently rubs his cheek against the fabric of your sweater, the scent sending him into a mindset of pure comfort. He doesn't listen to anything being said, and you simply rest a hand on his arms that held you close to him. He noticed how cold they are, and immediately scrambles a bit to remove his zip hoodie, uncaring that he's only wearing a T-Shirt underneath as he placed the warm fabric over your shoulders.
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɪs ᴄᴏʟᴅ. ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ ɴᴇᴇᴅs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀʀᴍ. ᴡᴀʀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ sᴀғᴇ.
You chuckle a bit at the gesture, and Taehyung does the same. "He's gonna be like that for quite a while I guess." Yoongi comments, eyes holding a soft look as he watches the young alpha with you.
Jimin smiles as well as he places some meat onto yours- or more like Jungkooks abandoned- plate which you thank him for. "Let him be. I can't imagine what he must've felt like." He says, as you nod, before taking another bite.
"Let's see how long it takes for Y/N to grow tired of that man-pup." Hoseok comments, making everyone snort but Jungkook, who lowly growls, without much seriousness behind him. It sounds more like.. he's offended. He looks over your shoulder at his pack, as they all start to laugh, you included.
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The night is warm and cozy as Jungkook notices how you grow restless. You slowly gather pillows and sheets, blankets and clothing into the bed as he watches you tiredly. He wonders what you're doing for a moment, until he sniffs the air for a moment, eyes widening.
ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴡᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪᴛ.
His alpha is proud, and his soul swells as well as he helps you nest, holds you close as he can't stop his smile. His palm rests protectively over your stomach during this night, as his alpha howls in happiness.
ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ. ᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴜᴘs. ᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ.
And Jungkook couldn't agree more with his alpha in that moment. He couldn't wait to complete his family.
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Reveries of turmoil
Yandere!Childe x fatui!reader
[Previous chapter]
Just as you predicted that short and stifled conversation was a portent of future changes. Childe stopped trying to talk to you outside the business, he even avoided your eyes in those rare moments when you looked at him first. Normally obnoxious and persistent Harbinger seemed to deflate in your presence, as his swaggering and blustering attitude disappeared within mere moments.
You would be overjoyed for this turn of events, if you didn’t have any experience of dealing with and tolerating Tartaglia. Childe, as you already established, is a chaos personified, an erratic whirlwind that twists and ruins everything in its way wrapped in human skin and caged by human bones. It wouldn’t be a surprise if some nasty complications arose out of this faux armistice and sneaked upon your unsuspecting self.
Ajax wont do anything drastic, you reassure yourself - the Rite of Descension gets closer and closer with each passing day, he just can't afford to fail this, meaning that he will have to keep you on-field. It would be logical to do so, let you work, but logical sometimes means predictable and nothing about Ajax is predictable.
Fortunately he continued to keep this strange distance as days passed. Was your little episode and words you said to him enough to stop him in his pursuit? Maybe it truly hurt him, maybe it made him see how miserable he was making you, maybe his obsession with you ceased to exist, it’s flames fizzling and going out just as fast as they ignited. You doubt all of it, yet continue to hope for the better, despite the evidence of the opposite shoved in your face.
Ajax will never let go of you, not in the way you want. He killed and tortured people right before your eyes, sometimes had you assist him in doing so. Most of the time this was done in Tsaritsa’s name, for the future of Snezhnaya and her people, just another working assignment regardless of the blood curdling screams and alien agony.
However, in some rare cases the torment of others isn’t something that is totally impersonal to you, sometimes you’re the main cause. Childe is possessive, terribly so. He watches over you like a dragon guarding his gold, scaring away other possible admirers. And if his title and reputation wasn’t enough to keep away whatever poor sod who decided to tempt the dragon, well, other way more grim methods were used.
You never personally witnessed these kinds of torture, but you heard rumours and sometimes saw the bodies after, images that keep reappearing in your nightmares. Maybe this lull is nothing but a quiet before the storm, a short breather after he commits some unforgettable atrocity again.
He personally summons you the day before the Descension. You brace yourself for incoming nonsense, except nothing comes. “Agent [Last]”, he says, his voice tense and restrained.”I need you to attend the Rite of Descension with me. You will be disguised as a civilian", and then he dismisses you, no hint of mind games he likes to play in sight.
You want to hope that he changed, you succeed and fail at the same time - this new Ajax is pleasant, he’s cold and disinterested, just like any boss should be, yet you just can’t relax and focus wholly on doing the job - it’s a privilege only those who haven’t met Tartaglia can afford.
He’s a sea, treacherous and ever changing, calm and serene in one moment, yet violent and crushing in the other.
You spend the day torn between the anxious thoughts of Tartaglia and what he might do and the preparation for upcoming ceremony - it's a once in a lifetime event, it's Tsaritsa’s will and hope, it's Ajax’s eyes focused on you. You can’t afford to fail, you have no right to do so.
Wearing a simple Snezhnayan overcoat with nothing hiding your face is surely strange after years of donning a fatui uniform. Tourists and Liyuens alike pass by, not paying you any attention. Both vision and delusion glow under the thick fabric, asking you to use them.
You walk faster.
The top of the Yujing Terrace is lit with sunlight and full of human sounds, as merchants and other workers haste to finish their tasks and join the people at the top. You look around, quickly noticing the familiar ginger - he stays half-turned to you, his eyes focused on the figure of Tianquan. You quickly avert your gaze, as if not recognizing him, and shift it towards other people - you spot two vision holders among the crowd too - an electro and geo one, and a strange person cladded in the exotic clothes with some sort of flying fairy(?) floating around.
You walk to the altar placing Liyuen flowers nearby the multiple offerings of food, wine and gold, their simple white petals contrasting against the gaudy luxury of the rest.
"Qingxin flowers?", someone suddenly says, a speck of genuine surprise evident in the phrase. Their voice is too close for your comfort - you quickly turn on the heels, alarmed by a person somehow sneaking up on you only to be met with a pair of the golden eyes.
It’s a nicely dressed Liyuen gentleman, with the air of wisdom and elegance surrounding him, an inner dignity shining from beneath, and most importantly the one you saw wearing a vision at the back of the coat. You try to look as calm as possible, despite the senses telling you otherwise - after years of service any vision holder unadorned by the Fatui colors is perceived as a threat.
“Yes, it is”, you quip back, not wanting to look suspicious: “Is this improper? Qingxin as an offering?”, you mimic a light concern - something that would be appropriate for the foreign merchant who might have offended the god of commerce.
“No, not at all”, Liyuen laughs: “just in all of my years, I have never seen anyone offer these flowers”.
“Huh”, you smile, looking at the man before you. Is he a simple liyuen you thought of him at first? He has Geo vision - the symbol of Archaic Lord’s recognition - and the way he said “all of my years” carry more weight than usual, a mark of something hidden beneath the mundane phrase.
“Something tells me, you must have attended every rite of Descension”, you continue, the starter vague and innocent enough - a perfect way to fish out more information. For some reason, his golden eyes widen a bit, it’s subtle and quick enough to go unnoticed by most people, but you’re not the most people - all Fatui agents are trained to catch even the smallest changes and educated in multiple fields, physiognomy included.
What could have caused such a reaction and why did he react the way he did? The Rite of Descension is a prominent event in the life of every Liyuen, even if it’s annual, as thousands of thousands of people traverse great distances to see their god fly down from the heavens and grace his subjects with the wisdom of countless years. You remember seeing Liyuens living in Snezhnaya consistently take a leave every year for a week, when the prominent date showed on the horizon, missing working days and no doubt a lot of nerves, only to see the archon of their homeland.
So why did that man looks so surprised?
“You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you?”, he responds, voice calm and pleasant, despite the masterfully hidden surprise: “And yes, I have always tried my best to be at every Rite to this day. Rex Lapis shares his experience with his people, so it’s an incredibly important day. And what about you? What brings a foreigner here?”, he makes a gesture at your obviously snezhnayan clothes.
“Well, I am a travelling merchant as you can see”, you raise your hands, showing him more of the coat: “Having blessing from the God of Commerce won't hurt, right?". He, again, reacts in the way you haven't anticipated, a handsome face adopting a contemplating expression for a short second.
"Rex Lapis rewards diligent people, work hard and he shall bless you too", he says with an air of wisdom around him, like an old enlightened monk passing his knowledge to the disciples surrounding him: "And you shouldn't keep your vision beneath the layers of cloth. I feel its chill just standing here, who knows what it will do to your body?".
Then he simply turns away and goes to the exit of Yujing terrace, and it’s your turn to suppress the rising agitation - how did he know, where’s he heading now?
“Wait”, you say: “why are you leaving?”
“I dedicated my whole life to my job, which consists of a collection of small and incredibly repetitive tasks, they took up most of my attention and I slowly, but surely became a creature of habit, deaf and blind outside its limited field of experience and comfort zone. Time never stops, so I decided to leave the work I’ve been entrusted with, and I want to start it by breaking my strongest habit - religiously attending every Rite of Descension”.
“Ah”, you reply, equally impressed by his speech, and feeling that you are talking about two completely different and unrelated topics: “well, good luck on that”.
More and more people flood the terrace as one of the main threats to your plans finally arrives - stern and ambitious, Ningguang looks as elegant and intimidating as ever, geo vision and the tassel attached to it, shaking with every graceful step. She throws a short glance at Tartaglia - he stands surrounded by the rest of the agents - yet her face doesn’t change even a bit, whatever hostility she may hold for your faction masterfully suppressed.
You quickly look around - tourists and citizens arrive at the last minutes and milleliths come with them. Soon, all of the exits are heavily guarded by at least four soldiers, all carrying spears and clad in armour - surely a necessary precaution, given the presence of Fatui and their Harbinger.
There are no milleliths among the crowd though, not in the on-duty uniform at least. You study the group again, this time looking for anyone with weapons, as someone lightly pushes you away - it’s that foreigner again. “I am sorry, we need to go closer”, the pixie-like creature apologizes, as it flies after the stranger, and you conclude that there are no armed people, except you, Tartaglia, milleliths, Ningguang and that strange person.
“The hour is upon us”, Tianquan starts, after looking at the bright sun above, two women around her slightly bowing down, as she invokes the power of geo. The gold glow surrounds and illuminates her whole figure, before condensing into hard rocks of the same shade. They shine and fly around her for a bit, leaving the yellow trails behind before starting to spin around the shrine in the middle of the rock table.
Soon the golden inscriptions on the shrine start to glow too, before it sends a bright orange beam into the blue sky. The crowd "Oh!"s and "Ah!"s as the clouds deform around the pillar of light.
Tension, so thick it can be tasted, descends in the waves upon the Terrace as some - carefree and ignorant - hold their breaths in excitement and anticipation, whilst the rest focus in caution - Fatui and Qingxin alike. You shift, taking out both vision and delusion out of your coat, as your eyes frantically shift between Tianquan, Tartaglia and the spiraling clouds above, your whole being ready to aid Childe in his mission.
And then something unexpected happens: a majestic dragon does descend to his people. By falling straight to the ground. Serpentine body slumps around the crushed offerings, elongated tongue escaping the confines of the maw.
A long second of absolute silence passes before Ningguang collects herself, checks the body and orders milleliths to close off all the exits, as the crowd erupts into turmoil and chaos realizing what exactly has happened. You disguise amongst the panicking masses, hiding two glowing orbs in the deep pockets of your coat,before looking at Tartaglia again - he in turn intently stares at the blonde foreigner, who quite clumsily tries to sneak past the soldiers.
Milleliths catch onto that running after the stranger and you use this opportunity, turning invisible in the same second. People around you are too panicked to question your sudden disappearance or the unnaturally cold breeze swaying past them, as you make your way - Childe has already departed, chasing after the group of soldiers, and Ningguang is seen leaving too, giving the last orders, before turning to the Yuehai pavillion.
You contemplate for a second, unsure what to do - Tartaglia has ordered you to aid him in case of Qixing intervention, there was nothing about the death of your target and the glimpse into Tianquan’s actions might be a key to solving the mystery of said departure. The thing that you plan to do is opportunistic, reckless even - who would have known that Ajax will rub off onto you? You chase after Ningguang, careful to keep yourself invisible.
Who is Rex Lapis’ murderer?
She goes up to the aged man standing at the stairs of the pavilion, they exchange a couple of words before Ningguang steps up on the little floating island and it starts to levitate! You run after her, still unsure what to do - the platform is too small, Tianquan will no doubt feel the chill coming from you, but the opportunity to learn what Qixing are planning is too good to miss.
In the end, you come to compromise, jumping after the rising platform, as your hands clutch into its rough protrusions and you grit your teeth, enduring the pain and cold from the vision overuse. The little island rises higher and higher, as people and buildings underneath turn into small dots. Your fingers start to slide off a couple of times, yet you grab onto the island with a renewed strength everytime that happens, asking Tsaritsa to let fortune favour you.
The platform finally stops moving, and you pull up, once you hear her heels clicking away.
Jade chamber, as it turns out, exceeds all rumours, luxurious and opulent, shining above the prosperous city, it glows under the sunlight with a golden radiance. You would have stopped to admire it if it wasn’t for your goal. You sneak after Ningguang, following her to the office as she takes out papers and folders from the shelves. She focuses on them, as you carefully step near her, glancing at what she’s reading - it’s reports of fatui activity throughout the months, leading to this day, thankfully vague and very far from reality.
Does it mean that she also has no idea of what or who caused Rex Lapis’ death and tries to find his killer? Or does it mean that she looks for a way to deduct Fatui's next actions?
You don’t have time to contemplate, as the frost worsens and you feel cryo energy exhausting from the overuse - one more minute and you’ll become visible. You quickly walk away - you don’t have enough time to reach that platform, so you do the most logical thing - fling yourself out of the window, opening the wings of the glider halfway the jump.
You push the most of your invisibility, letting go of the cryo powers once you're only a couple of meters above the ground. In the end you find yourself tired and frozen to the very bones, slowly coming back to the Northland bank.
You approach the building as the Sun begins to set - its pink-orange rays dying everything in the warm glow. The bank looks glorious like that, sinking in the reddish tones, it looks like an illustration out of children’s books - a place of something miraculous, a place of something hopeful.
“Hi”, you throw to the tired Vlad and he nods, after suppressing an escaping yawn: “Is boss here?”
“Yeah”, he croaks, drowsiness evident in his speech: “came back like an hour or two ago. Can’t really remember”.
“Huh.. Well, thanks”, and with these words you enter the bank, pushing the doors and preparing yourself for the confrontation to come.
After chatting with Ekaterina and confirming that yes, he is in his office, you head for the staircase, all of the information you learned today buzzing inside your head.
Childe sits, hunched over the papers, as you enter, not paying you even the sliver of attention. For some reason he’s in a different clothes.
“Eleventh Harbinger”, you start the standard greeting, all formal and stiff: “this subordinate has finished the task”.
This finally prompts him to raise his head, cold blue eyes look at you, no hint of the usual obsessiveness in sight: "you may speak, agent" he succinctly says, putting the writing feather aside. You quickly report to him all you have seen today, without your own thoughts involved - they’re just baseless theories, after all.
“So you say, Tianquan was reading the reports about Fatui activity. Haven’t you destroyed those reports earlier?”
“Those papers contained nothing about the current situation, they were actually far from reality, I doubt that any of those reports survived the fire”.
“Seems, I’ll have to take your word for it”, a sigh, he leans closer in his seat, propping left cheek on the palm: “Why did Tianquan look at them? What was she trying to do? Pin her crime on us?”, he glances at you again, gesturing that you can speak your mind and you do.
“Highly unlikely, sir. From the short time I spent watching her and her reputation, I have an impression that Qixing Tianquan is a person who prefers to plan her every action. If she or any other Qixing higher up, were the one who murdered our target, then every needed preparation would be done months, if not even years in advance. She would somehow cast us as the killers right at the ceremony, in front of thousands of Liyuens, making us a scapegoat for public outrage and creating alibi for herself”.
“So, that’s how you think”, he hums, blue eyes deep in thought: “Your entire conclusion is based on the mere impression. With Tianquan’s ambition I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one behind this...”, a vague hand gesture: “catastrophic situation”.
“When I sneaked inside the Jade chamber, she looked very frantic, it didn’t show on her face, but her movements were harsh and quick, lacking any of her elegance. She looked like she tried to keep herself together”.
“Anyone would try to do that, especially after killing a god”, he looks somewhere to the left, no doubt imagining battling the dead archon: “Well, my conclusion isn’t based on anything solid either. We don’t know who killed Rex Lapis, but we still need to somehow obtain his gnosis”, the last part isn’t addressed directly to you, it seems that Ajax just decided to voice out his worries.
“You can go”, he says, standing up from the table. You are touching the door handle, when you hear him asking:”what’s with your hand?”. The tone is nothing like that time, yet shivers still go up your spine when you remember what happened that day.
"Frostbite, from my vision", he comes closer to you, hand outstretched to yours: “Can I?”, he asks and waits for your faint nod, before gently pulling it closer to his face.
“It’s a second degree”, he mumbles, inspecting the white-blue discolorations and small angry blisters - the skin throbs and aches at his touch, yet most of it remains numb, muffled, like sounds underwater: “You should get it treated”.
“I should”, you agree, eager to leave this room and situation: “I will ask medics for some..”
“I already discharged them”, his hand suddenly shifts, now resting atop of the door handle, his frame suddenly looming over you: “I have a medkit here, with the ointments and balms. Maybe you should stay here and let me patch you up?”
Why did you even think that Childe could change?
Ajax has you sitting on his chair, with sleeves rolled up to the very elbows, as he frets around you - checking the temperature, pulling the warm water closer to you and taking out needed medicine out of the kit. It’s mostly silent, except the tune he quietly hums - Childe looks peaceful and content like this, maybe he likes caring for you.
“Does it hurt?”, he takes a discolored finger, probing around the blister, as the warm hydro energy engulfs your damaged hand. The burst of sensation explodes at this action - pain, tingling, throbbing, even relief.
“Understood”, Childe gets back to his task, continuing to rewarm your hands, still humming that tune as he does so. He takes out the healing ointment, when the healthy color and warmth returns to your limbs and spreads it on the skin, bitter herbal scent filling the room in an instant.
“[First]”, he says, as he rubs the place between the index and middle fingers: “I think we need to talk. About that day and your reaction”.
“And what about it?”, you respond, too quickly and snappy for the calm-facade - the memories of that day, of what you thought he will do to you, of how he witnessed you falling apart - all of these are too much, a maelstrom of conflicted feelings rising every time your thoughts stray to this topic. He finishes applying the balm and now switches to the bandanges, wrapping treated hands in them.
“Don’t you think you treat me too harshly, [First]? I understand I may have been… unpleasant in the Past, but I thought we moved past that. What have I done to warrant such ire?”, he says it with his usual smile, but there's a tense, heavy tinge in his words. It’s subtle enough to miss, but you knew Ajax since you both were fourteen, so the strain doesn’t go unnoticed.
Everything, you want to coldly respond, but you stop yourself again - Ajax is still a Harbinger, even if he trailed your steps at the training camp like an overeager and highly murderous puppy not even a decade ago, no matter your own feelings or sentiments or even experiences he still holds that power over you, whether he realizes it or not.
“There were.. things”, broken bones, coppery scent of blood, someone else screams: “training with you wasn’t pleasant for sure”. Childe laughs at the last part, yet the tension clouding in the air doesn’t dissipate, turning more tangible instead.
“I see”, a long pause: “I want to prove you're wrong, I want to prove you that I will never do something against your will”.
You already did. You stay silent at that, anger and fury and frustration boiling underneath, burning and scorching your insides like a magma moments before the eruption. His hands finally wrap the last layer of bandage, tying the ends into a neat little bow, yet he doesn’t let your palm out of your hold, as his lips hover over it, breath burning the skin even through the fabric. And then he releases it, not doing anything.
“Good luck with that”, you finally suppress the inner storm, and stand up from the chair, quickly heading to the door. The place where he almost kissed your tingles and throbs with a renewed strength. Your cheeks burn for some reason.
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kodzumie-archived · 3 years
Komaeda eating out a shy fem reader for her first time? She’s nervous but really wants to do this 😔😔
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Synopsis; Going down on you had always been a fantasy of Nagito’s, and—if you were being honest—yours as well. But will your anxieties allow you to pursue your mutual desire?
Featuring; Nagito Komaeda x Fem! Reader
Warning(s); (N)SFW and cunnilingus (oral sex).
Kodzumie’s Note; Of course I will! I apologize for the delay of your request! Thank you so much for requesting and your support. Take care! Muah <3
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⤷ Truth be told, going down on you had always been a thought situated at the back of his mind when engaging in such erotic intimacy with you.
⤷ It’s a sexual fantasy of his; to swipe his tongue along your slit, collecting your dew and suffocating his senses in your clenching cunt. He dreams to taste you; to indulge in you.
⤷ Though despite how much he yearns to please you, and even follow your wishes of indulging in his own fantasies and pleasuring himself as well, he understood to respect your hesitancy to that particular act.
⤷ Nagito was one of many things, but he wasn’t going to force you into something he knew full well you weren’t comfortable with just yet.
⤷ He knew such a position was one that brought flourishes of vulnerability, and an uncomfortable exposure that you wished to ease into rather than dive in head-first.
⤷ You wanted time, and Nagito was more than willing to let you take as long as you need. Because honestly, he assumed you’d reject the idea without hesitancy, so he was more than willing to be patient.
⤷ At first, Nagito had assumed that you didn’t want him to go down on you. His mindset spiraling into the oh-so-familiar state of degradation that he put upon himself. He assumed that he was the problem, but thankfully, you relentlessly reassured him of otherwise.
⤷ Truthfully, you wanted to do it and, of all people, you’d prefer Nagito to be the one you’d allow to see you so vulnerable. You trusted him, you truly did. But there seemingly was always an inkling of fear; insecurity. What if you didn’t live up to the expectations of his fantasy? What if it didn’t feel as good as you assumed? What if something went wrong?
⤷ It was this seed of worry that lead you to avoid such ministrations. Guiding his head back up to press kissed against your neck rather than any lower.
⤷ Months after the first time he’d proposed the idea, and you’ve yet to engage. Postponing further and further as the urge grows suffocatingly tempting. You want to, you truly do, but...to this point, you begin to wonder; what’s holding you back?
⤷ You question this as you find yourself laid atop the blanketed mattress within your shared bedroom, bare and exposed to Nagito’s eyes as he looms above you with a tantalizing hunger in his eyes.
⤷ As his eyes interlock with yours, they soften for a moment before he buries his head in the crook of your neck, capturing a patch of skin between his lips as he licks and suckles. He marks your skin, staking his claim as he continues to travel farther down.
⤷ But once his lips reach between the valley of your breasts, peppering your chest in fleeting kisses before moving to take your right, hardened nipple within his mouth, he doesn’t dare travel further. Even as he loses himself in the curves of your body, he firmly ingrains your comfort with each fervent kiss.
⤷ You notice this. You’ve always noticed this; the way he puts your comfort and wishes as his priority, even when dazed by his craving to ravish you.
⤷ So that’s why, as you reluctantly swallowed back the anxious lump in your throat, you cup his cheeks and direct have a gaze back to you. Confusion sparks within his ghostly green hues as you refer to him with a shaky grin. “I think I’m ready.”
⤷ It took a moment or two before he managed to muster out some sort of reaction. His eyes widened as his mouth gaped open; his visage was composed of pure surprise. Yet there were tracings of ill-disguised happiness as the corners of his lips twitched into a smile.
⤷ “Are you sure?” He questions. His eyes fixated on your expression of bashfulness, attempting to decipher any traces of possible regret. But you nodded with a smile that seemed much less restless, putting forth faith in your decision; faith in your trust within Nagito.
⤷ At your confirmation, his lips begin to explore realms of your frame that he restrained himself from setting upon before. Kissing and sucking on the plush skin that his mouth had yet to discover. The sensation of his moist mouth clasping over your thighs was electrifying.
⤷ Yet even as his tongue drags over your thighs with such zeal, you couldn’t help the anxieties that bubbled within you, tearing your gaze away from him, muffling your whines.
⤷ And after a few moments of teasing bites and particularly harsh sucks, he noticed your lack of audible moans.
⤷ His first thought was that what he was doing wasn’t what you enjoyed, hence your silence. But as he lifted his quizzical gaze to meet yours, he discovered that your hand had been firmly placed over your mouth; stifling all your harmonious cries.
⤷ Not only that, but your eyes were cast to the side, avoiding his countenance. As much as the sight caused Nagito’s heart to flutter—having always been a sucker for your shy nature—he wanted you to gaze upon him as he devoured you; he wanted to hear you as he pushed you to unravel from the sole use of his mouth.
⤷ Thus, he pushes himself up from between your legs and gently wraps his fingers around your wrists. This causes you to momentarily meet his eyes before hurriedly clenching yours shut, attempting to hide your flustered face behind your hands.
⤷ But Nagito pries them away before you could; his grip gentle yet firm, to assure that you don’t try to hide your beloved face from him.
⤷ “Love,” He begins, waiting for you to open your eyes. But you don’t. Chewing on your bottom lip in nervousness as you try your utmost best to not look at him. Everything in that moment felt so overwhelming, and your poor little heart was struggling to handle it.
⤷ “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. You know I only want what you’d enjoy most, right?” He reassures you. His hands atop both of yours as he cradles them so gently. And there it is, again.
⤷ Once more, you wonder what you continuously allow to hold you back from fulfilling your mutual desires; you want this just as much as him.
⤷ And even so, he’s respected every denial and even the current temporary false hope you’d provided. He’s been so patient with you, he’s been so good to you. It’s truly ludicrous that someone as considerate as him even exists. Much less that he also degrades himself constantly; degrading the person you truly believed to be the most respectful significant other to ever exist.
⤷ “No, no. I want to, I promise! It’s just...I’m just—“ You stumble over your words in an attempt to piece together why you keep prolonging this. But you couldn’t formulate the words. Even as you stuttered and tries to come forth with a decent explanation, you couldn’t. Did you even know why?
⤷ Upon your silence, Nagito leaned forward to meet his lips with yours, drawing you in for a kiss. Finally, you open your eyes to meet his softened pair as he pulled away. Time seemed to still as you accepted that you didn’t truly have a reason other than the turmoil of emotions within you.
⤷ “I’m just nervous.” The words that fell from your lips were like mist, so subtle you almost assumed he didn’t hear you. But he did, and a breathy chuckle escaped him as he pecked your lips once more.
⤷ “Is that so?” He hums. You nod, tempted to break eye contact as embarrassment seeps into you. Your mind pacing with a flurry of anxieties. What kind of excuse is that? Nervous? Surely he sees you as pathetic now. What did you have to be nervous of? You trust him, don’t you?
⤷ Wallowing in remorse and self-pity as you suffocated within your shame, you tear your gaze away. But a sigh of relief forces your head to whirl back to gaze upon Nagito; the bearer of that sigh of relief.
⤷ “My hope, it’s okay to be nervous. Honestly, I’d be more alarmed if you weren’t nervous.” He admits. You’re thrown into a state of disbelief; confusion.
⤷ Over and over, he reassures you and promises that your feelings are valid and normal. He promises that it’s okay to be nervous, you’re trying something new, after all.
⤷ His delicate words and consideration cause your heart to swell as your worries have relatively eased up. The fears—the anxiety—that seemed to cage you were eased, almost as though they were never there. It’s almost terrifying how easily he could calm you.
⤷ Nagito allowed his words to hang in the air as you processed it all. He respectively awaited your answer, pleased, regardless of what it’d be. Because Nagito’s relief had stemmed from your ability to confide in him, and that means more than any form of sexual pleasure.
⤷ As you exhale, sighing out the last of your contemplation, you meet his eyes with a much more confident visage.
⤷ “I want to do this. I really do.” A voiced affirmation, and one that you felt assured of. You wanted this and, even through your nervousness, you genuinely wanted this.
⤷ Once again, he trails kisses along your body; from your jaw all the way to your thighs. Each kiss brushed over with a swipe of his tongue, teasingly stimulating you.
⤷ With each peck, he lowers. Closer and closer as you begin to anxiously squirm. It’s still so nervewracking, but you’ve culminated a determination to follow through. Despite your bashfulness causing you to tear your gaze away from Nagito.
⤷ This time, he’s not so forgiving as his teeth gently clamp down onto your thigh. You yelp, moaning out in slight pain and surprise as you turn your head back towards him; gazing as his head was tucked between your thighs, breath fanning over your pussy whilst his green orbs pierced into yours.
⤷ “Keep your eyes on me.” He ordered before tentatively rubbing his tongue over the bite mark as an unspoken apology. You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat as arousal overcomes you at his unnaturally assertive nature.
⤷ You oblige; keeping your eyes trained on his face as he returns to his ministrations. Heart thumping and ringing in your ears, you gasp as a Nagito dragged his tongue from your slit to your clit.
⤷ He hums, a serene chuckle resonating from the back of his throat before he circles his tongue around your clit. Soon enough, his lips curl around the bud, suckling gently as to avoid hurting you, yet stimulating you enough to release a small shriek.
⤷ After the initial slurp—the testing of new water—Nagito found himself encapsulated within a trance; his lips popping off of your bundle of nerves before plunging his tongue into your tight, drooling cunt repeatedly. Over and over, he continuously yearned for more of you; more of your flavor. You tasted heavenly.
⤷ Restlessly circling his tongue from within you, familiarizing himself with your walls as he douses himself in your juices; his senses engulfed with you in your entirety. And he adored every second of it.
⤷ Just like he adored the squeals of euphoria followed by your alluringly baritone moans that eagerly shot blood to his erection, straining against his pants with full intent to be sheathed within you. But he, too, wanted to savor your tastes.
⤷ With each slurp, you found yourself edging towards your release. Your toes curling, spurts of shock stunning your legs as you twitch and squirm, attempting to make some distance between the nearly unbearable waves of pleasure.
⤷ But Nagito kept a firm grip on your thighs, fingers digging into the plush skin. His mouth relentless upon his ravishing; he wanted to taste you as you reach your high, and he wants you to ride it out as his tongue swirls within you.
⤷ It only took a mere few seconds before you let out a particularly loud whine, tremors wracking through your body as your cunt squirts your juices; your cum drizzling down Nagito’s chin as he hungrily laps it up.
⤷ “Nagi—Ah!” You attempt to speak—voice hoarse and raspy—but the aftershock of your orgasm causing your pussy to be far more sensitive. Every kitten lick Nagito takes is intensified as you pant.
⤷ And soon enough, everything stills. Your chest rising and falling with ragged breaths as Nagito finally arises from between your thighs, his bottom lip and chin drizzled with your cum.
⤷ The sight flusters you as you gaped. His tongue dragged over your nectar, eagerly relishing in the remains of your orgasm as he grinned.
⤷ “So, how was it?” He asks, curious to your perspective; after all, you were very hesitant prior. It warms your heart how, even after everything, your well-being is the main thing on his mind.
⤷ With an exhausted sigh, you wrap your arms around your lover’s neck, tugging him down onto the bed with you. His clothed chest pressed against your bare one as you held him close, the delicate pulsating of your hearts sloppily synchronize. “It was amazing. Thank you, ”
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