#And i want an AU where she reconnects with him post-series
the-arkhamwolf · 7 months
Current lay out for my random reverse robins Au
-Damian getting dropped off at Bruces's step and forcing Bruce to take him on as a sidekick; Wing (yeah that's the best I got)
-Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake. After all the kid's been through.
-Wally and Damian meet and eventually become friends (They most likely will have a friendship similar to my Falling in Reverse AU)
-Bruce and Damian grow pretty close until a bad fight over the Joker, which causes Damian to move out
-One day he walking home he sees a woman being attacked. He saves her but ends up getting shot by the Joker (All this happens while he's a civilian)
-Bruce finds his son lying unconscious in the middle of the street bleeding heavily
-Damian wakes up in the hospital unable to move his legs
-Damian becomes bitter toward Bruce and the two have an even bigger falling out (he blames Bruce for not killing Joker)
-Bruce becomes a harsher Batman
-Tim appears on Bruce's doorstep with his Batman needs a Robin propaganda
-Tim comes in to stop Bruce and somehow gets pushed into taking Damian's mantel
-For a good while, he spends most of his time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other
-Damian treats Tim harshly believing he hates Tim for taking his place
-Damian really hates himself because he thinks he's broken and see what he could have been in Tim
-Tim eventually does break through to him and Damian comes back taking up an oracle-type role
-Damians starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around
-Tim meets Stephine one night on patrol and through a series of events gets her to join the bats
-Tim works on a secret project called Titan that only Steph and Damian know about
-he plans to leave Gotham to work on Titan so He trains steph to take his place
-Angst coming up
-Tim gets shot in a scene similar to Batman Beyond; he goes to save a woman only for the woman to shoot him in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily.
-Damian's on the comms trying to help him
-Everyone is to far away
-Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole
-Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his brother dies
-Steph and Bruce fight/She leaves
-Jason steals tires and Bruce adopts him because no one said he couldn't
-Jason trains
-Damian disapproves but comes around for Jason's sake not Bruce
-Steph hates Jason but they become friends later
-Ra's brings Tim back and Tim Scares the heck out of him then destroys his league (This is going to be a what the heck moment as it is revealed Tim was playing Ra's the whole time and I am so excited for it)
-Tim saves Cass from her father and then trains her
-Tim has trouble sleeping due to nightmares. He also has the episode called freeze outs (Yeah I suck at names) where the pit takes over making him very cold and withdrawn (and dangerous to everyone)
-Barbra becomes Cassandra's little shadow and Cass has no idea how to deal with a child (Which just leads to a lot of adorable Cass moments)
-Tim's living room is always cluttered with projects he and Roy are working on
-Rose is like Casse's big sister
-Damian gets conned into taking Jason to the fair and ends up coming home with an extra kid
-another pairing Wally and Jinx not really a big part of the story but may be of use
-Dick is a little monster who will disappear every chance he gets
I know this makes no sense but I love it
So either Wally will be there for Daian when Tim dies or Damian will push him away for two years (around when Tim comes back) then the two will reconnect and Damian will be shocked because Wally has a kid.
Reason I want the second one
1- I love the angst of Damian feeling guilty as he relises his best friend has a Daughter and he never knew about it
2-I love the fluff of Damian getting to be like an uncle and interacting with a baby
but also I don't want Damian to push away everyone because that is a lot of angst since steph leaves for a while Idk
Original Post
any thoughts? also what should I name this Au?
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The End of Something—Chapter 2
Notes: I mean no disrespect by writing or posting this, and in no way do I take the themes and topics discussed in this series lightly. So if you’re triggered by any of this, I suggest not reading it.
This is an AU of THE WALKING DEAD. So the apocalypse never happened, and everyone’s alive and well. If for any reason I’m getting characters wrong, please let me know and I’ll fix it to the best of my abilities. Also, there will be moments where I’ll come back to do some editing where it’s needed.
Message me or leave an ask if you want to be tagged!
Pairing: Rick Grimes x Reader (she/her pronouns)
Chapter Description: Seeing Lottie’s home for the first time. Emotions and tensions rise, leaving the sisters struggling to reconnect and understand each other.
Warnings: Anxiety; jealousy; brief fighting; low self-esteem; language probably; possible mentions of past toxic relationship; strained relationship between siblings; non-descriptive mentions of abuse; spelling/grammatical errors; bad writing; whatever else I missed
Additional Info: Y/N = your name | Y/N/N = your nickname | Y/L/N = your last name | Y/E/C = your eye color | Y/H/C = your hair color
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(image from Pinterest)
Reader POV
The drive continued in a semi-comfortable silence. You still struggled with the feelings of uncertainty—feelings that seemingly increased the closer you got to Lottie’s home. Questions swirled in your head. Why did Lottie take you in so quickly? Would Max and Moose really like you? What if they didn’t? What if you made a mistake? What if he was right, that you couldn’t survive without him?
Doubt began filling you, and you started chewing on the inside of your cheek. Maybe it wasn’t too late to go back home. Maybe he’d take you back, and wouldn’t be as brutal if you begged…
You shook the thought out of your head. You couldn’t go back. Not after the fit he had. You’d been scared of him for years at that point, but that moment had you frozen in absolute dread. Your flight or fight had kicked in, and instead of running for your own safety, you chose to stand impossibly still while he raged around you. You could vaguely hear the sound of shattering glass, the feeling of glass shards landing on your head. Everything around you seemed to move in slow motion. He was yelling, but it sounded distant and distorted.
To make matters worse, you were the one who initiated the break up. Not him. He was the one breaking it off constantly, going after other girls before he got bored and drew you back in. Each break up left you devastated. You’d go home, crying and blabbering about him to your parents. They hated him from day one, and the turmoil he kept putting you through only solidified that. Except that’s all they really knew about him—his emotional toying with you. They never saw the bruises; he always hit you in places no one would notice. Places that could be covered. You didn’t want them to know. But the straw that broke the camel’s back was…
You felt your blood run cold. A chill ran up your spine as you clenched your hands into fists. Your nails dug into your palms, stinging the soft skin, but pulling you out of those horrendous memories. Grounding you in your surroundings.
You’re fine, you thought, digging your nails further into your palms. You’ll be fine. You’re safe now. He’s not worth it, don’t think about him.
“We’re here,” Lottie exclaimed.
Blinking a few times, you looked around for a moment before realizing the car had stopped. In front of you was a home, at least two stories. It looked like the picture-perfect family home. A moderately sized front yard with green grass and vibrant shrubbery. A beautifully modest home in the middle of a Georgian suburban neighborhood. A white picket-fence, apple pie kind of place.
And your sister and her husband were living there.
A twinge of something ached in your chest. She could afford a place like that. With him, you weren’t allowed to work. By that point, your friendships had fizzled out because of him. If you had a job, you’d be financially independent. You could have work relationships. You wouldn’t be under his control. You’d be able to leave him.
But this home, this neighborhood, your sister’s fucking suburban mom car—something about it pissed you off. Why was she allowed to have all that? Why’d she end up with Max and you settled for the first guy who showed you attention? Why, after years of little to no contact, did Lottie decide to help you? For as long as you remembered, Lottie showed very little interest in you. She was absent for most of your childhood and adolescence. As an adult, you could count the times she reached out to you on one hand. Why was she acting like she cared?
“You coming?” Lottie turned to look at you. She was partially out of her car, looking at you questioningly. On top of the damned worry still lingering in her eyes.
You opted to nod in response. Your emotions were becoming too much, too overwhelming. You didn’t know if you wanted to scream or cry, but you knew you didn’t trust your voice.
Opening the car door, you hop out before slamming it shut. You were trying—and probably failing—to hide the scowl that was beginning to form on your face. Neighboring houses were just as modest and nice as Lottie’s. Their yards similar in size, albeit decorated differently. You saw cars parked in driveways, heard the occasional bark of a dog or chirp of a bird overhead. The neighborhood seemed idyllic. It seemed like something out of a magazine.
“How do you afford a place like this?” you grumbled, going to the back to grab your luggage. Your sister had already opened the back of the car, pulling out your duffel bag.
“Max and I get pretty good pay at our jobs,” Lottie responded. “On top of not having kids, I think we’ve been able to save a lot.” Your scowl deepened. You heard a heavy sigh before Lottie responded, “what is going on with you? You’ve been acting…”
“What?” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “I’ve been acting what? Weird?Like a bitch?”
“That’s not what I—”
“You didn’t have to! I don’t need your pity and I don’t need you pretending to care after a lifetime of you ignoring me.” You ran a hand through your hair, scoffing. “I mean seriously, why did I even call you? You never cared about me, and now you want to help you bitchy, screwed up little sister?”
There was a long pause. You were breathing heavily. You were flushed, both embarrassed and still angry.
“I get I haven’t been the best sister,” Lottie started, her voice low and her eyes watery, pointing at you with a trembling hand, “but I’m trying to make things right. I don’t pity you, okay? And you’re not screwed up or a bitch. You are the strongest person I know, do you understand me?” She quickly wiped her eyes. “I’m helping you because you called me,” she finished. “You came to me for help. I agreed because I’m your sister and it’s the right thing to do. I want you safe, and it wasn’t back home with mom and dad.”
You let out a huff, turning away from your sister. You could almost hear his voice, reminding you how emotional were. That condescending, almost sarcastic lilt in his voice. You were too irrational, and he was the only one who could make intelligent and logical points on anything. Brushing off your concerns and opinions, basically claiming your emotions and period invalidated everything you said. He was always good at invalidating you.
A little voice in the back of your mind seemed to agree with him. Your whirlwind of anger and jealousy was making you irrational. You didn’t feel happy that he was thousands of miles away. You were upset that Lottie had a nice life. You weren’t upset that he couldn’t hurt you anymore. You were jealous of Lottie’s seemingly perfect life. Why weren’t you happy? Why weren’t you relieved?
“Let’s just get inside,” Lottie said, her voice plain. You flinched at that. Great, now she was upset with you. Walking to the front door, your sister unlocked it and pushed it open. The inside was well decorated, just as modest and comfortable as the house’s outside. You grabbed your duffel bag and headed inside.
* * *
It was a long couple of minutes. A silent, tense few minutes. Your luggage had been brought in, taken to a guest room where you’d be staying for the time being. Once everything was inside, Lottie left without a word and you let her. What could you say? Part of you was still upset and jealous, but another part was exhausted.
Sitting at the foot of the bed, you take in the room. It’s cream colored, with a decently sized closet and a wooden dresser. The bed was comfortable, and the sheets and blankets seemed soft. A smaller wooden table was beside the bed, with a lamp and a clock on top. There was a window, slightly ajar and letting the cool air pool in.
With a slight frown, you laid back on the bed, your legs hanging off. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath before letting it out. You’re alone, left with your thoughts and emotions. You could spend that moment to think over the drive, your outburst, Lottie’s words even in the driveway, but you didn’t want to. Not yet. You wanted to just exist, without being sucked back into what happened.
Your thoughts drifted into unpacking and getting that mess over with. You hadn’t brought a whole lot with you, just whatever you could grab from his apartment during his fit. Once you finally broke out of your trance. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, looking at your duffel bag with mild disinterest. Might as well get it over with.
Pushing yourself off the bed, you shuffled toward your duffel bag and unzipped it. You’d managed to stuff in as many clothes as you could grab, plus your phone charger and your wallet. You didn’t have time to think of anything else. Pulling out the clothes, you started organizing and putting them away.
* * *
After unpacking, your forced yourself out of the room. You wanted to get accustomed to the house’s layout. You’d given a brief glance here and there, but didn’t take the time to really look. You were on the second story, and you took your time as you observed. There were framed pictures of Lottie and Max, Lottie and friends, and a few scattered pictures of family along the hallway. The carpeted floor felt scruffy on your feet.
There were a few other rooms on the second floor, too. A couple more guest rooms, a bathroom and Lottie’s and Max’s room at the very end. The staircase was in the middle of the second floor, the steps and railing made of wood. Going down the steps, you shivered a little at the wood’s cold feel. The closer you got to the first floor, however, the more you started to hear and smell something. There was music and humming, mingling with something being cooked.
You found yourself wandering into the kitchen. Lottie was standing by the stove, her hair pulled back as she stirred something on a pan.
“You cook?” you asked.
Lottie turned and looked at you, her expression cautious and uncertain as she paused her music. “Yeah,” she responded. “I taught myself. Figured you’d be hungry from the long trip.”
At that comment, your stomach started rumbling. It was almost as comedic as it was embarrassing. You blushed furiously.
Lottie gave a soft chuckle. “I’m making spaghetti,” she said, glancing back at the food in front of her. “The first meal I ever made. Took a long time for me to get it right, but I’d say I’m a pasta master now.”
“Shouldn’t you wait until Max gets home?” You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “In case he wants any?”
Lottie shrugged, not taking her eyes off the food. “He doesn’t mind,” she said. “Besides, if we don’t eat it now he’ll eat it all when he gets home. His stomach is like a black hole.”
You chuckled. “I’m sure,” you murmured. “Where’s Moose?” You looked around; you hadn’t seen head nor tail of the dog.
“He’s in the backyard,” Lottie hummed. “If Max and I aren’t home, we keep him outside, just so he can have someplace to go potty and get his exercise in.”
“Aren’t you afraid he’ll run away?”
“Not really.” Lottie turned to look at you. “He’s never tried running away before, so I trust he’ll still be here when we get back.”
“I always wanted a dog,” you stated, after a brief pause, fingers unconsciously fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Mom and dad never let me have one.”
“Yeah, they didn’t want the extra responsibility.” Your sister nodded.
“He never let me have one either.” Your voice was soft, uncertain in its mention of your ex. You could see Lottie’s face harden. “He didn’t want me to care for or love anyone that wasn’t him.”
“Well he’s an asshole,” your sister glowered. “Probably for the best he never got a dog. He’d probably do something to it.”
Deep down you agreed with Lottie. Given how your ex treated you, any animal in the apartment would’ve received similar treatment, if not worse.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you,” Lottie said. She sounded guilty, remorseful even. “If I’d tried harder…if I’d been a better sister, then…”
“It’s not your fault,” you interrupted. “It’s mine. I didn’t notice anything until it was too late. My friends tried telling me. Mom and dad tried telling me. I didn’t listen. I didn’t want to listen. Just like I didn’t want to notice what he was doing in the beginning.” You gave a half hearted shrug. “It’s my fault.”
Lottie turned the stove off, pushing the food away from the hot surface before coming forward, putting her hands on your shoulders. You tensed.
“It’s not your fault,” she insisted. “What he did is entirely his fault, not yours. Okay?” You nodded, though not entirely convinced. “I’m serious, Y/N. Everything he did to you, was wrong. And that’s on him. Not you, him.”
Gently shrugging Lottie’s hands from your shoulders, you took a step back. It had been drilled into your head that everything that happened to you was your fault. The beatings, the isolation, the manipulations and gaslighting—it was because of you. You said the wrong thing, you didn’t do what you were told. You were being a bad girlfriend. He never took responsibility. He never accepted his own faults. Everything wrong in the relationship was because of you and you had to accept it to keep the peace.
Now that you’re out, you’re being bombarded with all kinds of emotions. None of them good. You feel like shit for leaving. You feel guilty for how things ended, but it also scared the shit out of you. You’re anxious and fearful, waiting for Lottie—and Max, eventually—to realize just how bad you are. You’re the root of everyone’s problems, and they’ll come to see it. And they’ll throw you out, toss you aside like garbage. God only knows how tired your parents are if picking up the pieces of you, only for your ex to come back and destroy their progress. Now your sister and her husband will have to deal with you and your baggage. Lottie’s talking big now, but she’ll see how useless it all is.
“Hey.” You look at your sister. She’s watching you, brows furrowed and a concerned frown on her face. “What’s going on? You spaced out for a second.”
“Nothing,” you mumbled, avoiding her gaze.
“Y/N, can I ask you something?” That question itself had your heart jump. Your body tensed and your head went blank. “Can we not have any secrets between us?” she asked.
Confused, you looked at her.
“I know there are things you won’t be comfortable sharing just yet,” Lottie said, her voice soft, “but I’d like to know how I can help you. So…I was hoping maybe as we get more comfortable, we can open up more and…y’know…see where it goes.”
You thought it over before nodding. It was a hesitant nod, but that seemed to be good enough for Lottie, who smiled and nodded in return.
“I’ll finish cooking,” she said. “Why don’t you set the table? Then after we eat I can give you an official tour.”
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Evening Etiquette - Part I
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Nessian Week Prompt: AU Day!
When asked on a date, Nesta agrees in the hopes that a certain someone will finally get the message. It would probably would have worked better if that someone hadn't shown up too.
Warnings: Minor Language, Mentions of Past Experiences
Word Count: 3,739 | Read on AO3
All Velaris State Chronicles | Costume Changes | Dinner Dances
a/n: Finally did it! Partially...here's the first part to the next short story in the Velaris State Chronicles.
For AU Day, I just had to use Velaris State. It's been too long since I've posted for this series. It's definitely going to be a slow build of chronicles, but I don't plan on making any one wait too long for updates for each short story. Just that there will be time between each story.
The stories are all companions, and many do end on cliffhangers, but I try to write them in a way so that you don't have to have read the earlier ones to be able to understand each individual story. Just that you'll have a lot more background/detail if you read them all. XD
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Mixed Messages
A flash of bright red hair had Mor pausing her movements, fork stilled in midair as she turned to Nesta.
"Incoming," she warned, her eyes flicking back to where the man was, walking toward them with determination.
She watched as Nesta's head snapped toward where Mor was looking, any excitement draining from her face the second she met those amber eyes. Mor couldn't help but smirk slightly at the thought of who Nesta might have been hoping she meant.
"Nesta Archeron," Eris purred, stopping in front of their table. "You're a hard woman to track down."
"That is the goal in life," she replied, a cold smile on her lips. Mor snickered softly. She absolutely loved the ice queen - when she was directing it at someone Mor also disliked, at least. She hoped to one day introduce Nesta to her father for that exact purpose.
It didn't deter Eris, though. He just smirked and rested a hand on their table. Objectively, Mor could agree he was an attractive man - externally. With a frame similar to Rhys's, shaggy, water-polo-bro auburn hair, and sparkling amber eyes, she was sure many girls enjoyed admiring him from afar. It was just his damn personality that was an issue. She didn't know why Nesta seemed to be appeasing him.
"I was sorry we couldn't reconnect at the party the other week," Eris started, his focus entirely on Nesta.
"I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry," Nesta countered. "It was after two AM when I left. And I was beat."
"Well, since we didn't get a chance to continue, how about we do so tonight? Over dinner?" Eris's request was smooth and silky, and it made Mor's skin crawl. She'd told Nesta about her own experience with Eris, being forced out on a date with him when she was sixteen, only to be stranded in the middle of town, over a mile away from home, at eleven at night because she didn't want to do anything physical with him.
Admittedly, Eris had apologized about a year later, but Mor wasn't one to forgive easily.
She watched Nesta, seeing the gears turning in her mind, the spark of something sinister in her eyes. Mor could sense it coming. A stunning rejection that would likely send Eris waddling off, tail between his legs. But then something shifted.
Her gaze flicked upward, beyond Eris, and widened before narrowing in a way Mor had seen many times before. Nesta felt challenged, and following her eyes, Mor could see why. Cassian was standing at a table, chatting with some guys who looked like they were on the hockey team with him, but his eyes were on Nesta, a half-smile resting on his lips.
Mor saw it all happen as if in slow motion. Nesta's mind flipping a switch, her smile adjusting into something cold and calculating, all while her eyes seemed to grey, a clear sign of that wall Nesta had built becoming thicker in the moment.
"Why not?" Nesta answered, leaning back in her chair. "I could do with a good meal."
"Shall I pick you up?"
Nesta stiffened in her seat. "No. Let's meet at the restaurant."
Eris's brows furrowed slightly, but he nodded in agreement. "Okay, then. The Cabin. Seven work for you?"
"Can we make it eight? I've got a late lecture and some things I need to get sorted."
Lie. Nesta's classes already ended for the day. She was pushing the time back for some other reason.
Eris agreed quickly and then sauntered off, looking as if he owned the entire campus.
"What the hell, Nesta?" Mor asked, her voice low to avoid others overhearing them. She'd seen it all happen. She knew why her friend had agreed to the date despite clearly having a thing for someone else - or, more likely, because she had a thing for someone else. Still, she could hardly believe Nesta would go out with Eris. "Why would you agree to that?"
Nesta shrugged. "He asked politely and he wasn't the worst person at Helion's party…to me."
"Yeah, but you know what he's like. Why would you ask me to tell you what happened if you weren't going to care?"
Mor couldn't deny she felt slightly hurt by this. It wasn't exactly a betrayal, she wasn't being forced to spend time with Eris, and she had learn to be more comfortable in Eris's presence, but she still hated the man.
"I do care, Mor!" Nesta argued.
"So, then, what? Is it all just to play with Cassian? He doesn't deserve that," Mor sighed.
Nesta's face hardened, and Mor wondered if she'd taken a step too far. But, no…Nesta just agreed to go out with Eris. In front of her. She could say what she bloody well wanted to say.
"I'm not playing with him." Nesta brushed a hand through her golden brown hair, pushing stray strands out of her angled face. "I'm merely using Eris to send a message. I have no plans on fully dating him. One dinner - the message gets sent, and Eris is an unaware tool. I figured you wouldn't have a problem with me using Eris like this."
Mor huffed. "I mean, if you're going to use someone, then yeah, Eris is a good choice. He deserves it. But…why send that message to Cassian? I thought you liked him."
Nesta pivoted in her seat, dropping her head to look at her lunch as she shrugged. "I'm not looking to get seriously involved with anyone. Ever. Better to send him away now."
She couldn't help the massive eye roll at her friend's obvious denial. Mor wasn't an idiot. She knew something had happened at the dinner the previous week. Nesta wasn't known for her impulse control. It's probably why Cassian wasn't 'getting the message'. Her words and actions didn't align.
"And the later meal time? You're free for the rest of the afternoon."
A wicked smile spread on Nesta's lips. "By the time the date ends the bar should be full of people," she explained. "Plenty of options, assuming the date doesn't go well. If it does…maybe I'll throw Eris a bone."
Mor's mouth dropped in shock. She knew Nesta enjoyed casual one night stands, but to plan it out so thoroughly. And to consider allowing Eris to be that man. Mor knew what she'd be doing that night.
"Okay, I should go," Nesta said suddenly, standing and packing up the remainder of her lunch. "I want to do some work, gotta make that rent." She winked at Mor and then walked off, purposefully taking a slightly longer route to avoid walking by Cassian.
Sitting there for an extra minute, Mor considered all that just happened, and then lunged into action. She put her own lunch away and walked over to the table of very large guys who were all laughing at something Cassian just said.
"Hey," Mor offered him, not paying any mind to the three guys that were all now staring at her. "Quick side bar?"
Cassian nodded and then threw a nod to his friends, as if signaling he'd be back, before following Mor a few steps away.
"You gonna tell me what Eris was talking to Nesta about?" Cassian asked, an amused look on his face. "Because I think I know."
"Do you know that Nesta said yes?" Mor shot back, crossing her arms over her chest, annoyed by the cocky attitude Cassian was displaying.
She still ended up feeling a bit bad for being the reason his face suddenly dropped.
"What?" His voice was low and raw, his eyes now narrowed into a far more serious look.
"He asked her to have dinner tonight, and she agreed," Mor explained. "Figured you'd want to know."
She knew Cassian's glare wasn't for her, but it didn't stop her from wanting to shrink before it. But then his eyes lightened again as he let out a breathy laugh. "When and where?"
"The Cabin, at eight. Why?"
Cassian just gave her an easy smile. "Gotta know what locations to avoid tonight."
She couldn't explain it, but for some reason Mor didn't believe him. "Look, Cass, I know you like her but, maybe…I don't know…try looking for someone else? I love Nesta, but…she's guarded."
"I know what Nesta is, Mor. I'm not going to stop until she definitively tells me to…and even then…" He let out a large exhale. Cassian would never harass someone, but Mor wondered if he might wait forever for the right girl.
"Why, Cassian? Why bother if she keeps pushing?"
Cassian sighed, his eyes flicking up to look at the campus beyond Mor.
"Because I can't stay away."
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Cassian had really hoped Mor was wrong.
That she'd misheard. Or that Nesta had changed her mind. Or maybe was just appeasing Eris until she could get away and text him.
Not that Nesta seemed to have a problem with in-person confrontation. At all.
But Cassian could dream, couldn't he?
So dream he did. All afternoon, until she actually walked into The Cabin, red-headed prick in tow.
Suddenly, Cassian was extremely glad he was out with some other hockey team buddies instead of Rhys and Az. Because he was going to get rip roaring drunk and he sure as hell didn't want to talk about why. And if they'd been here, they'd already be asking how he was doing. The dicks.
And fuck him. Because Nesta looked like a fantasy in her black top, russet corduroy skirt, and leather jacket with her golden-brown hair half braided around falling, loose curls.
He all but groaned when he saw her legs were completely bare save for the little black booties she wore. Mother above, she must be cold in that.
Which would mean she was making herself uncomfortable for her date…with Eris.
If Cassian had been holding his drink, he likely would have shattered the glass with a squeeze based on how tight his hands were clenching. He wanted Nesta to make herself uncomfortable for him.
Well, no, not exactly. Gods, that sounded bad. Thank the Mother he hadn't said it out loud.
He very much wanted Nesta to be comfortable at all times, especially with him. But, he did want to be someone Nesta thought was worth dressing up for. Someone she might want to don a little skirt for, even in the middle of November. And then he'd make sure she stayed warm.
Disgust flooded through him at the thought of Eris trying to do just that. Even the sight of Eris's hand resting on the small of her back as he led her to their table was enough to make Cassian cringe. And then wait for her to look over, to tell him she was as aware of his presence as he seemed to be of hers.
She never did.
It was actually rather impressive, considering the amount of times Cassian saw her almost look at him. It was those little head movements, the flicking of her eyes starting toward the area he was in, that told Cassian this wasn't one sided.
Well, that along with the fact that she had been the one to climb into his shower the previous week. There was nothing about that night Cassian would be forgetting any time soon. Or ever. He'll probably be pleasuring himself to that memory when he's eighty years old, unless Nesta decides to bless him with more memories between now and then.
Cassian was so wrapped up in watching Nesta, her back stiff and face indifferent as she chatted with Eris, that he'd practically forgotten he wasn't alone at the bar.
"Dude, that girl has been staring at you for the past fifteen minutes," one of his teammates, Balthazar, said, finally pulling Cassian's eyes away from Nesta.
"What girl?" he grunted, entirely uninterested. It wasn't Nesta, so he didn't particularly care.
Balthazar motioned toward one of the standing tables along the windows of the bar where a small group of girls was chatting. A dark haired, slightly tanned woman was standing with her back to the street, her light brown eyes trailing over his body.
She was attractive, generally speaking. Typically, Cassian would be all over that opportunity, she definitely made it seem like it wouldn't be difficult. But, the truth was, he just wasn't interested. Apparently he'd rather sit here, watch Nesta, and brood before going home with his hand.
"Good for her," he sighed, turning his gaze away almost as soon as it found her.
Kallon rolled his eyes. "He doesn't even have to try and he's got a girl ready to fall all over him," he scoffed. "Some things in life truly aren't fair."
"Oh, they're fair," Cassian chuckled, taking another sip of his beer. "Put in the time to look like this, and you might find better success."
"No one can look like that, Cass," Balthazar teased, his own stare focused on a brown haired man at the end of the bar. "Most that try either miss the mark or end up…too big."
"If you're going to hit on me, Bal, you should try doing so when you're not eye fucking some other guy," Cassian taunted, winking at his friend.
Bal chuckled, downing the rest of his drink and placing the glass back on the counter. "You wish, Cass. But I'm not interested in guys mooning after taken girls."
"She's not taken," he snapped back, flinching at his own tone. Taking a deep breath, he looked over at Bal. "Sorry."
He simply shrugged and patted Cassian on the shoulder. "Good luck, cap." He then walked around Cassian, heading straight toward the guy he'd been eyeing.
"If it helps, I'm rooting for you," Kallon offered, scratching his head and ruffling his black hair.
"Sucking up?" Cassian asked, a playful smile on his lips as his eyes landed on Nesta again. She was currently taking a sip of some red wine, looking completely bored and unenthused by her partner or her drink. Or, that's how Cassian chose to read the near-flat face.
"More like attempting to ease the competition," he teased. "But, hey, if it makes you less of a prickly captain, I wouldn't be complaining."
"I wouldn't hope too hard for that."
Cassian felt his teeth grind as he watched Nesta say something that had Eris bark out a laugh, her own lips twitching up at the corners for a brief moment. She seemed to be loosening up, a bit, and suddenly the last decent pieces of Cassian's mood started to disappear.
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It really wasn't that funny.
Nesta had offered the barest of smiles at her own quip, but was now sitting there, slightly exasperated at the reaction Eris was providing. Especially seeing as she hadn't entirely meant it as a joke.
Men didn't typically laugh at being asked what they were compensating for…it almost made her feel bad for Eris. He was trying so hard. It really wasn't working.
It probably didn't help that Cassian was there, at the restaurant, sitting at the bar with friends and looking like the physical embodiment of her wettest dream - which, unsurprisingly, had included him. He was just lounging there, sitting with his back against the bar, leather jacket draped over a forest green shirt that was just tight enough to remind Nesta what was beneath it.
She'd been thinking about that chest non-stop for over a week. The way it felt to be pressed against it. How it looked in the shower, water cascading down his body.
Nesta felt her arousal growing at the memory and needed to cross her legs for a small amount of friction.
This was why she refused to look at him after noticing him when she walked in with Eris. Why she scolded herself each time she felt her eyes or head instinctively turn toward him. If just the mental picture, the memory of him, could heat her up, she didn't even want to think about what might happen if she were actually looking at him. Drowning in those hazel eyes. Admiring the shoulder-length black hair, or how auburn hues shone through in the light.
No, the point of this date was to send a message that Nesta wasn't his. That she wouldn't be his and he should just give up. Because Cassian…Cassian was dangerous. He was a risk Nesta wasn't willing to take. Not emotionally, and she wasn't sure if they could be just physical.
But damn it, with him sitting there, Nesta might be willing to test that out further.
"You know, I really am glad we're able to do this," Eris offered, pulling Nesta out of her reverie. She hadn't realized she'd been blankly staring at her wine until his voice snapped her eyes to his. Her stupid, bitter wine.
Nesta preferred white. She'd even mentioned that at the start of the date. But, oh no, you have to try this cabernet. So now she was stuck with red wine that she was drinking - slowly - just to be polite. Etiquette and all that.
"It's nice," she sighed, thinking specifically about the bruschetta appetizer she'd just had, to make it feel like less of a lie. She did love a good bruschetta, and The Cabin's was stellar.
"I was starting to think I wouldn't get the chance," he added, offering her a smile. It seemed gentle, but there was an arrogance beneath it that wasn't at all the attractive kind. "I'd been trying to find you since Halloween."
"Glad to know I made such a lasting impression." And not just on him.
Helion's Halloween party really had been something. Not that she cared to remember much about her interactions with Eris, but that was the night she and Cassian first kissed…before she ran out on him without so much as a goodbye.
"I'm sure you're well aware of the impression you make, Nesta," he shot back, and amused glint in his amber eyes.
Nesta contemplated for a moment. "Not the one I make on a daily basis, but apparently when dressed as a faerie I'm quite unforgettable," she taunted.
"Oh, I'm fairly certain you would have left the same impression on me had we met in class or at some bar. Though, I was a fan of the costume."
"You're not alone."
"I know," Eris grunted through tight lips, his face falling slightly. "I'm not blind to the man who's been staring at you all evening."
Nesta felt one side of her lip turn upward at that comment. "I haven't noticed." And she hadn't, really. Because she'd purposefully not been looking. But she'd be lying if she said she hadn't felt his eyes on her.
"I'd hope not. A brute like that doesn't deserve you."
Nesta had to grip her seat to help her maintain a neutral expression as her entire body seemed to light on fire at the comment. She focused on keeping her eyes from widening in anger, her teeth grinding together so that she wouldn't blurt out the real truth - that she didn't deserve Cassian.
"I'm not saying he's a bad person, exactly," Eris went on. "But you can be so much more than he ever will be. Don't let him drag you down."
Her heart was racing, her nails digging into the wood of her chair as she fought every instinct that told her to slap Eris directly across the face. She'd question those instincts later. For now, she schooled her features as best she could, offering Eris a cold, wicked smile.
"You could say the same thing about every guy at this school," she replied, her voice cool and even.
Eris didn't seem to miss the hint, his own features darkening for a second before he managed to steel himself and offer her a small smirk back. "But some far less than others."
"I doubt it's enough."
Just then their entrees came, and Nesta thanked the Mother for the break, a reason to stop talking for a moment.
Once they'd each had a few bites the conversation started again, lighter and easier as they discussed their majors, what they did outside of class, and other shallower topics. It didn't stop Nesta from mentally imagining what Eris would look like if she did hit him. Or if he saw her kissing Cassian.
And, now she at least knew how she'd be spending the rest of the night.
It was perfect. Spite. What a brilliant reason. Even if Eris never found out, it wouldn't matter. She could be fueled by spite; that worked for her. Way better than being fueled by actual feelings.
Declining dessert, the date ended fairly quickly, Eris paying and then the two walking out the restaurant as he offered her a ride home.
"No, I'm fine, thanks," she answered, stopping a few feet away from the door. "I live just down the street, way too close for it to be worth driving up and around to get to my place." Not to mention it would mean even more time with Eris, the damn one-way streets could really be an inconvenience at times.
Or, at least, they would've been - if Nesta had been telling the truth.
"Sounds good," he sighed, fiddling with his keys in his hand. "We should do this again sometime." Nesta didn't respond as he bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, his touch only deepening her resolve as she held back a flinch.
She watched as he went to some black sports car - nice, clearly expensive, but still understated - and then she waited until the car rounded the corner and was out of sight.
Once it was, Nesta strutted back into the restaurant, finding Cassian exactly where he'd been sitting right away, his two friends flanking him again. She walked over to him, determined and certain that this was what she wanted to do that night. A huge, albeit private, 'ha-ha' to Eris.
It was the only reason she was going for it, of course. There definitely wasn't anything else driving her…
Cassian's eyes were on her by the time she was halfway to him, and when she was only a foot away he opened his mouth, his eyes wide with shock as he muttered a, "Nes-"
He never finished speaking her name. Not as Nesta took his face in her hands and crashed her lips against his.
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a/n: There are not enough good/nice Illyrian characters, hence Kallon. They're not best friends, but he's not going to be a dickwad here...I just needed more characters that seemed like feasible members of a college hockey team. lol
Pretty sure there will be just one more part. I haven't finished the story yet this time, because I need to post it for today's prompt, but based on this, I think it'll only end up being two parts long.
@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @nehemikkele @nestaisgod @julemmaes @live-the-fangirl-life @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @bo0kmaster69 @angelic-voice-1997 @moodymelanist @nessianweek
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lambourngb · 3 years
Day 2: AU get me out of here - places to go when canon is complicated
It’s Day 2 for @roswellnewmexicocreate, time to celebrate those stories that I turn to when I can’t deal with canon, or when I don’t have the emotional energy to untangle all the emotions I have for what’s going on in canon. Alternative universes, the safe harbor for us. Below are a mix of rewrites of canon, remixes of canon, or out right not even set in Roswell- to fill every type distance you want from canon- from near to far.
and the howl of the desert carries me home by @christchex​/ @michaels-blackhat​ (4,334) Alex runs into the desert to escape from his father with his guitar clutched to his chest. He plans to spend one last night playing before his father destroys it. Instead, he meets a cute boy with flowers in his curly hair and a lizard on his shoulder. He exchanges a song for a smile.
why i like it: I love everything about this story. Michael is totally a disney princess, and what a lovely way to save him from foster homes, but have him run away to the desert and use his alien powers to build his own little protective world. Looping in Nora’s plant powers like that, giving Michael a little animal friend, I love it all, but the show stealer is Alex Manes, playing music to coax the mystery boy out. It’s just incredibly soft.
Heartbeat series by @adiwriting ​ (133,000 - in progress) During the lost decade, Alex gets Michael pregnant and Michael doesn't see or hear from him again for the next four and a half years. When Alex comes back to town, he discovers he has a daughter with Michael and they all have to figure out how to be a family.
why i like it: it has it all, installments with angst, installments with fluff, I can find whatever mood I am in by just pouring over this incredible series. I really don’t even like mpreg, but in RNM, with aliens it seems a little more probable to me and bless Britt, she goes light on the details but heavy on the kid aspect of it. I absolutely love Alex in this story, he’s richly characterized as a man who is trying hard while wandering unfamiliar territory like aliens, like being a dad, like being Michael’s boyfriend, and he doesn’t always get it right, but he’s loved regardless.
tonight we are young @skinsharpenedteeth (8,137) Alex and Michael ditch the Evans' New Years Eve party to find their own fun and Alex gets his New Years kiss...(the underage tag is because they're both 17 in this.)
why i like it: I’m a sucker for teen!Malex, especially stories that take place before the shed. I love this little AU where Alex is thinking about making a move, but hasn’t yet. They are both adorable nervous babies, this feels very much how a softer teen!Malex first time would go. Perfectly characterized here, you can just feel the hopeful vibes they have at 17. I like to believe nothing bad ever happens to them again.
you shift on a gear (it’s been a long year) by @backinmybodymp3 (28, 362) “Good morning,” Michael says. “What the hell did you do?” Alex asks, exasperated. (or: There were times, in some of the lower moments of the past however-many-days it’s been, where Michael had thought about what it might’ve been like to share this time loop with someone. He never imagined— well, he never imagined it’d be Alex.)
why i like it: I love time-loop stories! And this is just superb. The friendship dynamics of everyone involved, the Liz/Max wedding, Michael being a good brother, Michael trying so hard to keep this bullshit from dragging Alex in and then Alex being his usual reckless self when it comes to Michael, I absolutely dig this canon-divergent au. you can feel how much the author cares about everyone on the show in this story, and they really nail the Malex dynamic. This story came along just as season 3 did and it’s a true antidote to the malex drought on screen.
the library by @arielana (9,657)  Alex had stopped too far away to hear exactly what they were saying, but their voices did carry over to where he was standing. The guy’s drawl had a melody to it that was vaguely familiar, but much deeper than the voice it reminded Alex of. God, that and the hair really brought some memories back.  Just as Alex told himself to stop secretly staring like a creep and walk over there, he turned slightly so that Alex got a glimpse of the side of his face.  Fuck!  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Twelve years ago Alex left Roswell to join the Air Force, nursing a broken heart and promising to never return. When work brings him back to New Mexico he runs into someone he’d been sure he’d never see again.
why i like it: the first kiss in the UFO emporium was groundbreaking, but I have to admit, I love stories that explore the almost-happened, where Malex reconnect as adults without the shadow of Jesse’s attack. I love how sharp Alex is in this story, he has all these walls as an adult built from that first rejection, but then he’s so completely unprepared to reconnect with Michael again. The clownery in this story by both of them is perfect! I also totally love Forrest as a gay best friend for Alex, trying to wingman Alex, that cracked me up.
stellar light based life by @jocarthage (30,651) It’s not a memory if it’s something you see every day. It’s a trigger and it’s not one Alex wants to ever let go of.Alex saw Michael disappear into a blinding blue light, soft 17-year-old body pulled back into some kind of impossible vortex -- one hand, outstretched.
why i like it: another submission from 2020 RNM Big Bang, this story just wrecked me. I can’t even really put into words about how it hooked me and basically lives in my head now to the point I often mumble the first line to myself. Anyway, this AU takes a right turn at the shed attack, and goes full force scifi and tragic separation, I love it. In so many ways it reshapes Alex’s life but the core of who he is never changes, there’s so many great science geekery details about Michael’s planet and the astronaut journey that Alex takes, plus SANDERS... anyway, this is a fandom classic for me.
Crossed Wires by @beautifulcheat, @ladynox (15,351) Michael's been kicked off more than one Starfleet posting. So when he learned he was reassigned to the USS Roswell, he decided that he would keep his head down and behave. This decision is immediately thwarted when he meets her hot Vulcan captain.This might be the first time Michael got kicked off a posting for flirting with a captain.
why i like it: Star Trek AU? I’m pretty easy. Seeing elements of Kirk and Spock’s tragic backstory blended into genius mechanic Michael Guerin and ice prince Alex Manes was amazing. I love how it’s serving with his family that brings Michael to the Enterprise, his bond with Max and Isobel was chef’s kiss good. The blend of Michael’s powers and Alex’s biology - I loved the balance even if it came with its own misunderstandings, but hey, this time it was cultural! lol
I’m still here by @vague-shadows @pippsmcgee  (35,928) Treasure Planet AU in which Michael is the gifted young delinquent who found a treasure map, and Alex is a space pirate pawn in his Father's obsession with riches and legacy.
why i like it: I’ve never seen Treasure Planet, but I didn’t need to thoroughly enjoy this AU. This was the perfect mix of angst and sci-fi adventure, where the authors managed to make the shed even more horrifying. Jesse Manes is the absolute worst in this story, the levels of obsession he goes to find a treasure, and then Michael on his own collision course - the ability to write tense action is a gift, and it’s on display in this story. Cyborg!Alex took up a place in my heart and still lives there, where he only gets the nicest things.
If you like any of these recs, please leave a comment on the story or a kudo- a  ‘this was awesome’ is enough to propel an author into the stratosphere with happiness, so don’t worry about coming up with a unique, never before shared insight- sometimes a keyboard smash and emoji makes all  the difference!
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yoifanficrecs · 3 years
march recs
here are the fics i read this month that i recommend :)
The Nature of Things by Zombubble - G - 463k (complete) - cw: violence, blood, guns, minor character death, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, drugging, alcohol, animal death mention (vicchan), mild sexual harassment, blackmail
summary: victor decides to stay in detroit after living there for a few months in between competitions. yuuri is a barista. "when the pressure of victor’s career threatens to strain his burgeoning relationship, and long-held secrets come into the light, he finds his love tested in ways he'd never anticipated, with life-changing results.”
there are SPOILERS in the tags on ao3 - DO NOT READ unless absolutely necessary (i tried to state all of the content warnings that are in the tags)
At a Time Like This by suninwinter37 - T - 87k (ongoing) - cw: injury, blood
summary: as bad things keep happening to yuuri at competitions, he and victor grow closer. this takes place in a canon divergent world where sochi didn’t happen in the same way, so victor never left to coach yuuri.
All That There Is by ahhelga - E - 14k (ongoing) - cw: depression, alcohol
summary: time loop/groundhog day au. victor relives the same day during the Sochi GPF over and over again
A Second Life by Multiple_Universes - G - 28k (complete) - cw: animal death mention (vicchan), anxiety
summary: reverse au! yuuri is the world champion and victor is a fanboy. mostly follows canon
she’s electric (she’s got a family full of eccentrics) by peachy-chulanont - T - 45k (complete) - cw: none
summary: mila x sara, real world au. sara and michele move to a small town. “she's not prepared for the world she finds there, or the old friends she reconnects with.”
Undiscovered Country by shysweetthing - E - 114k (complete) - cw: anxiety, depression, disordered eating, panic attacks, animal death mention (vicchan)
summary: “Yuuri wakes up in Victor’s room the night after the Sochi Grand Prix Final banquet. Did they sleep together? No. Instead, last night, Drunk Yuuri taunted Victor that he hadn’t earned the right to get in his pants…and spelled out exactly what Victor would have to do to get there. Now, Victor intends to do everything on that list…”
Geneviève Nikiforova's Easy Guide on How to Get a Son-in-law by crossroadswrite - T - 6k (complete) - cw: mentions of yuuri’s anxiety, alcohol
summary: “Local Dramatic Mom Makes Grindr Account to Find Her Son a Husband, What Happens Next Will Warm Your Heart.” canon universe, set before canon (but not canon compliant)
this is one of my favorites and i recommend everything in this series of “Victor Nikiforov’s Extremely Good Gay Moms” 
tonight, together with the stars by AnimeTrashFire - G - 21k - cw: animal death mention (vicchan), anxiety mention, depression mention
summary: what if victor left his hair product in the detroit airport and asked yuuri to go pick it up? what if yuuri didn’t know who was texting him? canon divergence, post sochi
please let me know if i left any content warnings out or if you want me to start adding new ones :)
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ashenpages · 3 years
Current Projects & Emoji Voting Key
Quick disclaimer: I’m a romance writer in all aspects of the term, so most of my works will contain mature content. Engage at your own risk, you know the rules, you’re responsible for curating your own experience of the internet, blah blah blah.
This post serves as a current mock up of fic ideas I’m either actively working on or considering working on next. You can drop me an ask about any of them, or just vote via the emoji combo I’ve assigned them.
Voting lets me know you’re excited about an idea and makes it more likely I’ll actually work on it. You can vote anytime, there’re no deadlines or winner announcements, just me gauging your interest by what I see in my ask box most often.
You can also ask me about the original stuff I’m working on currently. The current WIPs are Medusa centric and the emoji for them is: 🐍
Support my original work on Ko-fi and Patreon.
- Lupin: 🤑🤠💍  These are all oneshot ideas, between 5-15K each. If you want to vote for a specific idea, send me the emojis and the number of the idea.
Born from the idea that Goemon and Zenigata probably couldn’t be an item, my brain decided to come up with how I could write for them. Goemon’s teaching an ikebana class as part of his training, and Zenigata shows up as a student on forced recreational leave for his health from the ICPO. Zenigata wins the samurai’s heart through flowers. But what happens when Lupin and Jigen find out? (Only good sexy things, I promise. These beans are in a healthy polycule--be gay, do crimes) (WIP)
Jigen/Lupin, but it's Jigen deciding to seduce Lupin while wearing his own Lupin disguise. The thief is waaaaay too into it, and some artistry is taken with the sex so that they don't mess up the disguise too much during their encoutner.
Jigen/Zenigata/Lupin where Jigen has some fantasices about Zenigata, but is pretty sure they'll never happen. Tells Lupin about them. Suddenly the fantasies are coming true, in the middle of a heist, and Jigen doesn't what to do except get swept up in the moment and enjoy. Plot twist, it's Lupin dressed up as Zenigata granting all his gunman's dreams. Plot twist again, Zenigata catches them at it.
Zenigata/Lupin, where Lupin keeps doing good things in illegal ways and Pops has to find a way to punish him for it. Good thing for Pops Lupin's a masochist?
Trans!Lupin and Trans!Jigen premise: Jigen cares for Lupin after the master thief has top surgery, since Jigen has Been There and Done That. Caring, sweet, and a little sexy. Lupin is a much better patient than Jigen.
The one time Zenigata caught Lupin in an alley and kissed him and it was Jigen in disguise. Things get sexy anyway, and Zenigata has crushes on two thieves now. Lupin and Jigen "kidnap" him later for an evening of taking care of their inspector.
The background plot of Jigen's Gravestone where we see Jigen think he's done for and try to leave Lupin. Our thief has none of it, and we get to relish in the inherent eroticism of Lupin sitting in sniper fire, knowing Jigen's got his back. This is the moment I think Jigen finally believes he can be with Lupin forever.
I love the idea of something longer and more plot driven like a Lupin special where Lupin ends up in hot water and Jigen and Fujiko have to work together to save him. Jigen and Fujiko have such an interesting relationship. They're both partners of Lupin, they don't really like each other, they constantly screw the other over, but when it really matters they take care of each other. I'd like to see that highlighted a little more and also give them space to call each other out and bicker. Nothing sexy between them, but maybe a really interesting threesome with Lupin and Fujiko in a strap on once they save their boy.
- Sonic Vampire Novelist Coffee Shop AU: 📚☕💐
Shadow is an immortal vampire who has seen the world change for the worse too many times. These days it feels like he only lives for his coffee dates with Rouge, another immortal who loves each new era they encounter, warts and all. He has to admit that the book series she got him into speaks to him, at least. If someone in this era can understand him without meeting him, it can’t all be bad. But he hardly expected the goofy blue barista at the new coffee place to understand him the way those books do.
This is a novel length romcom romp with some big feelings about what it means to watch as things change, grow, and die. Expect lots of Big gothic feelings from this one, emotionally charged kissing, and overly-adoring sex. But also expect shenanigans from everyone in the coffee shop, which include Rouge, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, and more.
- Sonic Blazamy, "Like the Sun": 💖🌸💎
Amy Rose has been in love with Sonic for a while.
Or has she?
When the Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver are trapped as the fuel sources for Doctor Eggman’s newest evil scheme, Amy teams up with Blaze, Rouge, and Cream to save them. With Sonic out of the picture and Amy fulfilling his role, was she ever really in love with him? Or did she just want to be like him?
This is a novel length epic romance with lots of competent women and lots of romantic Blazamy content. Expect flowery hopes and dreams, badass self-actualization, and glancing hand touches that give way to cuddly and sweet sex.
- Persona 5: 🗡🍛☕
After bringing down the Metaverse twice, Ryuji didn’t think graduating high school and figuring out what to do with his life would be so hard. Akira’s back in town, and the gang’s more-or-less all in Tokyo, but everyone else seems to have a plan while Ryuji just floats. How’s he supposed to change the world when he’s not a phantom thief anymore?
This is a novel length fic that addresses how powerless one can feel being just one person in the face of all the corrupted systems and bigotry the world has to offer. It’s about holding on to what you believe in, working through the doubt, and fighting your way to a better tomorrow with the power you do have. The whole gang is queer, featured relationships being Mako x Ann, Ryuji x Akira, Futaba & Yusuke as platonic life partners. Akira is polyamorous and omnisexual, Futaba’s asexual and aromantic while Yusuke is demisexual and very romantic, Makoto’s a lesbian, Ann and Ryuji are bi, and Haru’s pansexual, demisexual, and aromantic. They’re one giant band of queer Phantom Thieves, and even if they’re not really doing the Metaverse thing anymore, they’re still gonna save the world!
Also, I’m gonna make Makoto not a cop. That super didn’t age well. Zenkichi and his boss can work on making them better/abolishing them for other better organizations.
- Hades Game: ❤️‍🔥💀
Oneshot. I just really need to elaborate on the threesome you can have with them in-game, okay? Healthy and canon poly relationships are so few and far between, so often I have to do a ton of groundwork to explain why it’s working in the fic, but NOT WITH THESE KIDS!
Get ready for Meg helping Zag and Than be better at expressing their feelings, lots of kissing, and probably pegging.
- Castlevania Animation Trevor/Sypha/Alucard: 🧛🏰🛌
Castlevania gave Alucard a threesome last season, and I just really need S4 to give me him being taken care of by his partners. They’re probably not going to give it to me, so I’ll need to do it myself. This is just an everybody loves Alucard oneshot, with the gang’s signature banter (to an extent), Sypha being sexy, and Trever being remarkably sincere. This fic is gonna feel like that Ann Hathaway picture with Trevor kissing Alucard and Sypha holding the end of Trevor’s whip while she leans her head on Alucard’s shoulder adoringly.
- Devil May Cry Nico/Lady/Trish: 💋✨😈
Nico’s gay, okay? Like really, really gay. And Lady’s bi and not into men who make her pay bills, but very into women who make amazing guns for her and demonesses with hearts who fight by her side. Trish is ace, but loves people and is pretty attached to Lady at this point. Plus it’s cute when Lady blushes and says nice things like they’re insults. I don’t have super solid ideas for them yet, and I envision these more like a polycule where Lady’s with Nico and with Trish but they’re not with each other more than seeing it as a threesome, but who knows what might happen. This is probably 1-2 oneshots depending on ideas, but might turn into a series of oneshots if people are interested (or I can’t control myself and inspiration strikes).
- Post FMA:B Blind Roy & No Alchemy Ed: 👀👑🙏
This is actually an old novel-length fic I wrote ages ago and didn’t post that didn’t turn out well because I was new to writing sex when I first wrote it. The plot is good, and is all about Roy learning to work with his blindness to reclaim his ambition of being Fuhrer and changing the system to something that actually cares for its people. He and Ed reconnect, fall into bed, and both set about working through their respective traumas about being “useless” having lost their sight/alchemy. They go to Xing as an ambassadorial party to offer Amestris’s collaboration on Al and May’s Alkahestry experiments--and uncover a plot that might threaten both kingdoms.
- Age of Calamity continuity Mipha x Revali: 🦚🐟💘
The first time Revali noticed Mipha, it was in the heat of battle. She stole his mark, taking them down with a flurry of quick blows from her spear. Violence rained from her like water--and then she healed him on her way to her next battle. No questions, no conditions, just pure kindness. The usual need to measure himself against those around him was quiet in her wake. And Revali couldn’t understand it. But how to get to know more about her? A fish and bird may fall in love, but where would they live?
This fic could be a oneshot or novel length depending on how far down the hole I fall. I need it to cover time, but it could be done in linked vignettes or with actually covering events in detail. I may elect to do a oneshot just to get it done and out of my system faster. So much fic to write, so little time.
Expect trans!Revali, polyamorous Zoras, scary competent Mipha, songbird Revali, love confessions that are made up entirely of berating Link for not loving Mipha the way she wants him to, and breaking these characters a little outside of their assigned roles in BotW and Age of Calamity. Background Link x Zelda, and Urbosa x Zelda’s Mom.
- Epic desert romance about Urbosa and Zelda’s mom: 🏜🏝⚡
I just think Urbosa should kiss women and Zelda’s mom should get more development and maybe a name or something. Also, lightning imagery/metaphors/play.
It also went way over my head that Riju wasn’t Urbosa’s daughter the first time I played BotW, so now I want to write about the Gerudo queen who refused to produce an heir. The Gerudo are fascinating and have a very interesting cutlure, but I think it could be examined from a nonbinary perspective that rejected pregnancy and wanting to find a husband. Not in like a hateful way, but in a way that examines if that’s really right for everyone. There’s that shop in town that sells Voe armor, after all. Maybe finding a husband and having children isn’t something you have to do if you don’t want to. And Urbosa really doesn’t want to.
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Index for all my comics sense a lot of them ARE connected, but I don’t link them together. Here!
[Main Series]
This is the main series of comics following my timeline. Much of it includes the Extended Family AU, which is an AU where Girlfriend is related to Cassandra and Alucard, who are her two older siblings. These comics also frequently reference my cat mod where Boyfriend has cat ears.
[The School] These comics take place back when Pico was a kid. Right now, most of the comics surrounding those are flashbacks so there’s only one. Drop-Off - A very safe school drop off that resulted in no animals being ran over Bathrooms - Pico’s school was always poorly managed. Goes before everything because it’s not a flashback. Missing Comic - Cassandra���s plotting and trying to train Alucard’s magic to be useful to her
[Early On] These comics are about Pico and Boyfriends early relationship! This will get more detailed at some point. Missing Comic - Boyfriend and Pico meeting Be Gay Do Crime - BF admires Pico’s lifestyle Spell It Out - Pico admits his feelings to Boyfriend. Missing Comic - Early Pico x Boyfriend relationship stuff Missing Comic - Something bad happens, and it affects Pico poorly. :( - Pico’s never happy Scared of Me - Pico and Boyfriend’s breakup. Nothing - Pico doesn’t take the breakup well Cry - Boyfriend didn’t take the breakup well either. Listen to Yourself - After breaking up with Boyfriend Pico decides to take his younger self’s advice and take up singing. Drown - Pico tries to practice singing to drown his demons.
[New Start] These comics take place when FnF starts, from BF meeting GF to before Week 3. Missing Comic - Boyfriend and Girlfriend meeting (talked about in Meet but never pictured) KITTY CAT - Girlfriend finds out Boyfriend has cat ears. Dot - Does Boyfriend chase lasers Furry - Girlfriend is more of a cat then Boyfriend is
[Reunite] After their year long break, Boyfriend and Pico try to patch things up. Missing Comic - BF and Pico meeting up again Not Important - Shortly after meeting up with Pico again, Boyfriend tries to contemplate if Pico is a safe person now or not Both - Girlfriend explains polyamory is an option to Boyfriend YAY - Pico and Boyfriend get back together! Bonding - Boyfriend introduced Girlfriend and Pico and tries to make them be friends with each other. Bonding 2 - Boyfriend furthers his attempts to make them be friends with each other
[Full-Time-Trio] Boyfriend Pico and Girlfriend become a gang!! There’s a lot of stuff that takes place here. Silbings - Boyfriend finds out Girlfriend has siblings. Mommy and Daddy Dearest would rather ignore it. Avacado - Daddy dearest acknowledges Boyfriend and Pico as his sons before he acknowledges Alucard Stop it - We’re in a mall Worse than Heartbreak - What’s worse than heartbreak? Oh Ok - Girlfriend likes Pico Plllleeeeeaaasseee - Girlfriend asks Pico out Carry - GF x Pico cute man sigh - Pico fantasizes about getting a haircut MAID NEKO - Pico looses a bet Carry?? - Boyfriend can now CARRY GF WOW They are very Poly - What happens after Week 7 Respawn - Week 7, Pico didn’t actually murder 400 people. Hot - Girlfriend and Pico are chill with each other now Hair Stylist - Girlfriend convinces Pico that her mom is actually an amazing hairstylist even though her own hair looks like a rats nest. WOW what - Not really a comic, but this is where Pico changes his hair style. Meet - Pico and Girlfriend discuss how they each met Boyfriend!
[The Past] Pico stops feeling comfortable keeping secrets from Boyfriend, and this ends up marking a turning point for the relationship. Past Dust - Pico finally opens up about the school shooting he went through as a kid to Boyfriend Extra - Optional Past Dust panel lol If You Were Alive - Pico wonders where one of his old friends and Cassandra would be if they were alive today. Hair - Girlfriend wants to try out a new hairstyle, and Pico nearly has a panic attack about it. Tail - Does boyfriend have a tail WHO - Nene is alive and a stalker lol Cards - Literally my best comic I am so glad it’s also the most popular
[Somebody New] Alucard gets out of prison. Most of the comics here are about him, his family, and how his presence affects the Trio’s relationship. Cape - Alucard gets out of jail and Girlfriend gives him a cape that she thinks he would like. Unfortunate Reunion - Girlfriend is excited to introduce her brother to her boyfriends! Excuses - More Silly retconned out unfortunate reunion Room - Girlfriend shows Alucard what room he’ll be staying in HouseMates - Daddy and Mommy argue about Alucard being in the house Glasses - Boyfriend teases Alucard’s glasses.
[Never Forgive] Alucard feels incredibly guilty despite him being seven when the incident happen. Boyfriend tries to cheer him but but he’s really at his lowest here. Missing comic, a more in depth version of Past Harm Loathing - Boyfriend tries to cheer Alucard up, and Alucard doesn’t like it. Heroes - Pico vents about the shooting to BF GF and Alucard. Past Harm - More of a text post than a comic. Alucard laments about when Cassandra was alive. Glasses - Boyfriend wants Alucard to wear the heavy dimmed glasses. Expressionless - Cassandra likes Alucard’s heavy dimmed glasses because he can’t be read with them on. Cheer - Boyfriend keeps attempting to become Alucard’s friend. Hanging - Pico expresses his concern that he has about Boyfriend trying to befriend Alucard
[Fixing] Alucard is slowly forgiven, and things improve. Missing comic - Mentioned in Mom, but not actually pictured Alucard and Pico making up Missing Comic - Mom seeing the four of them outside being friends Mom - Mommy Dearest tries reconnecting with her son after realizing he’s not as bad as she thought. Hair Stylist 2 - Alucard gets a new haircut!! Gossip - Pico and Alucard are chill now Missing Comic - Father Dearest is much more reluctant to forgive him Tree - AFTER ALL THIS TIME, Boyfriend is still a cat Never shut up - Mall follow up
[NEWER Normal] They are no longer a trio......... they’re a trio with a fourth wheel! Missing Fanfic - Family Reunion is an in progress fic where the Dearest Family has a family reunion and nothing goes well.
[Future] All of these comics take place years after the game. Married - several years later THE TRIO GET MARRIED WOOOO
Have fun :D
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP FESTS: Dramione RomCom Fest (Part 1)
Dramione RomCom Fest 2020:
12 Years and 3 Months by pixiedustandbluebutterflies - T, one-shot - As news of their engagement takes Wizarding England by storm, elusive power couple Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are finally sharing their love story in this Witch Weekly interview!
50 (First) Dates with Hermione Granger by HufflepuffMommy - G, WIP - Draco Malfoy sets his heart on romancing Hermione Granger, but she has short-term memory loss; she can't remember anything that happened the day before. So every morning, Draco has to woo her again. Her friends are very protective, and Draco must convince them that he's in it for love. Plot (andsummary) taken from the movie "50 First Dates" for the Dramione RomCom fest!
About Time by WordsmithMusings - E, WIP - When Draco's Father reveals to him that the men in their family have the ability to travel back in time, he uses his newfound gift to do many things - save a life, be a better friend, reconnect with a witch, and fall in love.
All's well that ends well (to end up with you) by weestarmeggie - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger is all set to be the maid of honor at her best friends wedding. She is taken back when she finds out that the best man is none other than her ex-fiance.
Away by In_Dreams - E, WIP - Desperate for a change of pace, Hermione unknowingly commits to a home exchange with Pansy Parkinson and finds herself swept up in the chaos of New York City and into the arms of Draco Malfoy. Dramione/Hansy. Loosely inspired by The Holiday.
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19 - T, WIP - Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn't fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer.
Chasing the Future by Rdlentz8 - T, WIP - An unusual and anonymous Patronus finds a frustrated Hermione alone in the library and talks to her about being lonely. Could this be the push she's needed to change her fate? Inspired by A Cinderella Story. There are direct quotes from A Cinderella Story.
Domino Effect by KoraKwidditch - M, WIP - Resolved to live her life in Muggle London, Hermione Granger finally felt free. Free from the Ministry, free from her celebrity status and everything that entailed. But who knew that one cataclysmal incident would lead her straight into the Malfoy's den and down a series of unfortunate events? At least they think she's a Muggle.**A Dramione retelling of While You Were Sleeping**
Fairytales and Wishes by Charlie9646 - T, one-shot - All Scorpius wants is for Hermione to be a nice step mother, but somehow that sort of gets lost in translation with his accidental magic.
Flipping Through the Pages by DarkAngelOfSorrowReturns - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy had a fascination with a popular book series and its writer. His life changes when he meets her.
The Hate List by bethelson - T, WIP - While chaperoning the post graduation trip, Hermione and Draco find themselves wandering the streets of Paris in the middle of the night, fruitlessly searching for the seventh years they were supposed to be in charge of. What Hermione doesn’t know, is that those seventh years struck a bargain with Draco to keep her occupied so they could sneak out for a last hurrah before they all head back to London. So in his efforts to derail her search, he convinces her to join him in their own night of frivolity. As they paint the city red, they slowly learn to let their guards down, and find that putting the past behind them allows them to finally focus on the present. ___ My contribution to the Dramione RomCom Fest!
Hollywood & Vine by dreamsofdramione (Bugggghead), msmerlin - M, WIP - As the manager of an occult bookstore currently renting a room from an old friend and living paycheck to paycheck, Hermione wasn’t exactly living the Hollywood dream. But her life is turned upside down when a chance encounter with Tinseltown’s current heartthrob, Draco Malfoy, leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about life and love. or the one in which Hermione unintentionally falls in love with a movie star.
Home is Where the Heart Is by lrs002 - T, one-shot - A rewrite and Draco/Hermione look at basically the last scenes of the movie Sweet Home AlabamaOr in the other words: The Wedding and the Kiss
How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days by GracefulLioness - E, WIP - Hermione will do anything to prove to her boss at Witch Weekly that she's ready to take on more serious topics, including dating a man just to drive him away for the sake of her next column, How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days. But pushing Draco Malfoy away proves to be a challenging task, perhaps because he's got ten days to make her fall in love with him. Inspired by How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
It Happened One Knight by Klawdee - T, WIP - “A spoiled heir running away from his family is helped by an old classmate, who is actually a journalist in need of a story.” Based off of the 1934 film, It Happened One Night
It's All In The Malfoy Family by TwilightToMidnight - M, one-shot - Over a decade of longing and desire comes to fruition one night. Not quite the way Hermione expected but definitely with a bang. Everyone and their dog seem to be working against her. For the 2020 Dramione RomCom Fest. Loosely based off Sabrina (1954 - with Audrey Hepburn).
Love, Actually in Dramione by Blessedindeed - G, one-shot - I absolutely love the movie "Love, Actually" and was so excited to make some art pieces from a few of the more memorable scenes! Many thanks and kudos to QuinTalon & NuclearNik for hosting and being such amazing encouragers to everyone! I cannot wait to dive into all these fun pieces!!
Love, Hermione by pandora_rose_xo - G, WIP - When Hermione leaves some personal letters lying around in a sleepy haze, Dobby comes across them, and trying to be helpful delivers them to their recipients. Who were never supposed to see them.
Metamorphosis by persephone_stone - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy is king of Hogwarts High—student body president, captain of both the water polo and basketball teams, and boyfriend of Astoria Greengrass, the hottest girl in school. That is, until said girlfriend returns from Spring Break with some unexpected news: she’s dumping him for a college boy. Now, Draco is on a mission to win her back. And who better to help him turn into a more intellectual, cultured version of himself than Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in school? As he and Hermione spend time together, will Draco learn how to be the right type of boyfriend for Astoria? Or will he instead learn that maybe Astoria is not the right type of girl for him? Written for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on the 90’s teen romcom She’s All That.
Midnight in Paris by Aneiria - E, one-shot - ‘Granger,’ Draco replied, casting a quick wandless charm to clean his own clothes. ‘Want to watch the magic you’re casting next time? Whatever spell that was, it nearly took both of us out.’ Hermione’s face settled into a frown of confusion. ‘I thought that was you,’ she said, hesitantly. ‘I wasn’t using magic.’ They both looked away at the same time, taking in their surroundings. ‘Where are we?’ Hermione wondered out loud, as she spun on the spot and took in the sights. It was the wrong question, really.
My Big Fat Muggle Wedding by BiscuitsForPotter - G, one-shot - Draco's gotten more used to having Muggles as future-in-laws, but what about his parents?
No More Waiting by anchoredto717 - T, one-shot - The end of Hogwarts, an impending Mastery, and confirmation that Hermione is well and truly over Ronald Weasley: three factors that push Draco into a place he never imagined. Is he really going to Harry Potter’s house party? A one shot heavily inspired by the 90s teen classic, Can’t Hardly Wait.
Off the Rails by RoseHarperMaxwell - E, WIP - For the Dramione RomCom Fest 💚 My adaptation of the movie Trainwreck (Amy Schumer/Bill Hader), featuring Draco in Amy's role. “Pans.” Draco’s head falls back petulantly. “I can't interview Granger, especially not about how she's healing Potter. Neither of them are going to want to talk to me. Make Creevey do it.” “No, you'll do it. And don't sulk at me, Draco.” Pansy shuts him down immediately, not that he expected to talk her out of it. She gives assignments, not suggestions. “Old Quidditch rivalries. Gryffindor Princess confiding in the Prince of Slytherin, with a side of The Boy Who Lived. You’re the only one for it.” She drops her pen on her notepad with finality. “She’s also fit as hell now. I’d even fuck her, so our readers will be drooling over her. This is easy, Draco. Don’t fuck it up.”
One Thing We've Got by IrisCalasse - M, WIP - Over a decade after the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy is a broke socialite straddling the Muggle and magical worlds. One day a new neighbour moves in his residential complex. What has happened to Hermione Granger to make her hide from Ronald Weasley? If Cormac McLaggen is gay, why is he hanging around Granger so much? And why does her cat seem to know way too much about everything? Based on the plot of Breakfast at Tiffany's, but set in 2012 London with a magical twist. Updates every 16th of the month.
Pin down your heart by hiyas - G, one-shot - Hermione Granger contemplates a door when Destiny comes knocking.
Playing Cupid by tygermine - T, one-shot - Set It Up AU.
Pretty Witch by TakingFlight48 - E, WIP - When confronted with the opportunity to take on an alter ego - Hermione Granger, Potion's Mistress and the Wizarding World's Golden Girl became Vivian Roberts - London's weekend escort. For three years she lived in this duality until Draco Malfoy, lost in Soho and driving a precious DB6, wound up uncovering her secret. This is the tale of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy finding a balance between work and love through the guise of fake dating, unacknowledged feelings, and Hermione not wanting to let go of a part of herself that is no longer serving her.
Promises, Promises by Musyc - T, one-shot - Lawyer and social work advocate Hermione Granger is one signature away from fulfilling her dream to have a house-elf education program. All she needs is to seal the deal, and Draco Malfoy has promised the full support of Malfoy and Son Developments. But the owner of the property is balking, there's a new buyer in the mix, and a promise isn't a contract.
The Proposal by FaeOrabel - M, WIP - When Head of Creatures Division of the DMLE, Hermione Granger, is pushed into a corner regarding a new marriage law she doesn't want to comply with, she gets the brilliant idea to stage an engagement with her long time, loyal assistant, Draco Malfoy. Draco goes along with the charade on the condition she gets him promoted to a new position. A deal set, they prepare to fool not only the Minister of Magic, but Hermione's best friend, and Draco's entire family. What could go wrong? Just the threat of Azkaban should they fail.
PS I love you by emotionalsupporthufflepuff - M, WIP - After a tragic accident, Hermione must reintroduce Draco to a life they've built far away from home. She recieves unexpected help in a series of letter written by Draco himself before the accident...
Regrets Only by nztina - T, WIP - Draco and Hermione are the best of friends - until Hermione goes off to teach at Hogwarts and Draco realises that he doesn’t just miss her. Upon her return to London, he intends to reveal his feelings, but she has a surprise of her own, one that will definitely put a damper on Draco’s plans. Draco. Hermione. And...Hermione’s fiancé?
Restless in Ripon by QuinTalon - T, WIP - Scorpius Malfoy wants his father to be happy again and as his grandfather often told him, a Malfoy always gets what he wants. A nosy radio host, well-meaning friends, and fate will help bring two lonely souls together. Well, that and one tenacious eight-year-old.
Rushing Back by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy is thirty, surviving, and very much not thriving. He's near the utter end of himself when he experiences the worst of all possible bad days--a double betrayal that rocks him to his core. Unmoored, untethered, he winds up in a strange place, where he begins an adventure through time that will change the course of his life. A time travel fic with a twist on the movie "13 Going on 30."
Say Anything by MidnightValkyrie - G, 9 Chapters - To know Draco Malfoy is to love him. Hermione Granger is about to know Draco Malfoy. Written and created for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on Say Anything.
She's the Snake by monsterleadmehome - E, WIP - In a universe where Voldemort never came back, Harry lives with Sirius, and Dumbledore isn't dying, the worst thing the Golden Trio has to contend with is their grades and Quidditch matches... oh, and the recent magical attacks on Muggles and Muggle-borns. Harry is sure Malfoy had something to do with it, and though Hermione doesn't agree, her sarcastic offer somehow turns into her latest nightmare: to go undercover as a boy in the Slytherin dorms and find out what's really going on. And maybe throw a Quidditch game or two. But there's one thing she hasn't prepared for: falling in love with the boy she's supposed to be spying on.
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle - M, WIP - She owns a children's bookstore. He runs a corporation buying significant shares of small businesses. Never in their lives have Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy gotten along — or so they think.
Timing is Everything by anne_ammons - M, 7 Chapters - Draco Malfoy is your average bachelor living an average bachelor's life, until he crosses paths with his former classmate, Hermione Granger. Strike that - when has Draco Malfoy ever been average? A retelling of the 1994 movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Dramione-style.
A Trip to Kouloura Beach by rennaissance_woman - one-shot - A day at the beach, what could happen?
The Truth About Kneazles and Crups by samkablam7 - T, WIP - When Draco Malfoy started hosting his wizarding radio show The Truth About Kneazles and Crups, he had no idea that it would bring Hermione Granger back into his life. He also didn't know that they would both be interested in each other. The only problem? She thinks that the radio host she's interested in is his best friend and Pro-Quidditch-player-wannabe, Blaise Zabini.
Untitled Marital Crisis Comedy by Darlingheart - G, one-shot - Draco is rich, handsome, and most importantly, excellent with the ladies. Harry Potter is not. Which is where Draco comes in. With Draco’s help Harry will learn there’s more to life than being a one-woman man. But what happens when Draco meets someone who changes his mind? And what does Hermione Granger have to do with it...
A Woman of Some Dignity by mcal - G, one-shot - That seemed to get his attention. “What are you—of course I respect you, you daft witch!”
“Your actions today show the opposite!” I answered. “And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a woman of some dignity and I’d like to shower in peace. You’ll kindly wait half an hour before Apparating back to my flat.”  Hermione's not one for diaries, but it's been a week to say the least. It all started off with a confusing meeting with Draco Malfoy in her office, and... well, Hermione thought maybe recording her thoughts on the events would help her process. She isn't wrong.
You lost and lonely, You just like heaven by Wake_The_Dragon - T, WIP - Dramione Romcom Fest. Hermione Granger had needed something new and a change of scenery was a good start. What she hadn't counted on was renting a flat with an annoying (if handsome) ghost, who claims he isn't dead. Somehow, helping out a ghost and falling in love were two things she hadn't bargained for.
You Wish by Talonwillow (Ehollis303) - T, WIP - What makes a bad case of "Black Cat Flu" more tolerable? Young Perseus is learning that hearing about dueling, torture, revenge, giants, dementors, chases, true love, and miracles from his Grandfather Scorpius certainly makes things easier- If the man would finish the story that is. A story about love, where not even death can keep the beautiful feisty stable-girl and her sometimes irritating one true love apart. Together they must battle the evil Lord Voldemort through an adventure crossing the magical and fairy tale realm.
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lululawrence · 4 years
Can you recomend any kidfic’s? Particularly where one of them already has a child! Thank you!
hello my dear nonnie! you know what’s funny about kid fic like this? i don’t usually seek them out, but i’m not against them either, and i’m so glad because i’ve read some really amazing ones. since you didn’t specify pairing, i hope you don’t mind but i’m including other pairings here too (mostly because some of my very favorite kid fics ever were actually tomlinshaw hehe).
so here we go! these are some fics i’ve loved where one of the protagonists has a kid :D hopefully there’s some on here you’ve not read before and you find some new fics to love! 
as always, please show your thanks to the authors with kudos and nice comments!
come on over, we've got something to share by @jaerie - A/B/O fic featuring omega harry and alpha louis. they’re neighbors and both have kids, and it’s so hot but it’s also got such a lovely deeper layer to it as well. i love this fic very much a lot!
Down From the North by @chelsea-frew - this is SUCH a lovely christmas fic! harry and louis have been dating for long enough that louis is ready to introduce harry to his daughter, but when they’re introduced it turns out his daughter has already met harry. it’s just SOOOO cute the way it all unrolls. hehe
try to not remember (rather than forget) by @hereforlou - ANGST TRAIN! established relationship fic where harry has been in a coma for YEARS. ACTUAL. YEARS. so when he wakes up there’s a lot of catching up to do.............. including meeting their child. TEARS MY FRIENDS. this fic was incredible. so anyway. get ready for pain, but you’ll like it ;)
He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy - i just really love crying over kid fics, okay? lollllll this one is one of those where they knew each other when they were younger, lost touch, and then reconnect when they’re older, right? but add in marcel and single father louis and oh gosh. so many tears. like when i reread my comment i kinda laughed, because apparently i ran out of tissues and made my poor husband get me a new box so i could keep reading and crying lollllll so anyway. a great fic, highly recommend, once again get ready for pain. lol
Eye of the Zebra by @sadaveniren - lmaoooo listen, this fic was written for @wordplayfics and the prompt was zebra, and then sada went and found a hilarious tumblr post to base the fic off of and i about died. this fic is actually from the pov of the child, and it’s GREAT. 100% recommend. lol
Liminal by @thousandbelow - okay listen. if you have never read anything by kodi, you’re missing out. she has such a way of creating a very specific feel and atmosphere to her fics. truly, it’s a gift, and this fic throws you entirely into louis’ world. it’s incredible and the story is amazing and hard to read in some ways and it’s just. wonderful.
Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren - SINGLE FATHER AND SECRET OMEGA HARRY!!! during his very first heat he was mated by an alpha who wasn’t there when he came to and he had twins. THE WORLD BUILDING! THE LIFE HE BUILT FOR HIMSELF! THE WAY HE MEETS LOUIS AND THINGS COME TOGETHER!!!!!! gahhhhhhhh and listen, these kids are SO REAL. i love it.
happiness hits like a train on a track by leighbot - tomlinshaw fic! tbh i went to scan the fic to be sure i was thinking of the right fic and then accidentally spent 20 minutes reading and had to cut myself off so i could finish this lmaooooo SO ANYWAY single father louis moves in next door to liam and harry, who do as many happy couples do and try setting louis up on dates so he can find his happily ever after like they have lmaooooo it clearyl doesn’t work, but then one night his daughter gets sick and duh duh duhhh! doctor nick to the rescue! the humor, the banter, the rhythm of this fic is all incredible and obvs sucks you in lol i love it 
Come and Get Your Love by @rsadelle​ - another tomlinshaw! this is a five times fic and both nick and louis are fathers and it’s so wonderful. the fic revolves around them taking their kids to each other’s houses for play dates and such, but there’s also little interludes and there’s history you want to learn and you slowly put things together and i just... oh gosh i loved the feel of this fic so much. every single character in this made me wanna be part of their friend group lol
i've a feeling it's time to try (love it if we made it) by serenityandtea - I LOOOOOVE THIS FIC SO VERY MUCH SO SO SO MUCH SO VERY INCREDIBLY MUUUUUCH. i just... deep breaths. yeah. okay. tomlinshaw! yoga instructor and single parent louis! nick basically stumbles into a class of louis’ and of course has to go back. lol it’s famous/non-famous, there’s so much DEPTH to SO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS. i just. fuck. i love it in a lot of different ways and it is truly one of my very favorite kid fics EVER.
Things There Might Be Pictures Of series by @andyouknowitis - established relationship, featuring george shelley as harry and louis’ kid! listen, lj has the most amazing writing, they build these incredible worlds for us and the detail, the intricacies involved in this series! it’s just mindblowing. gorgeous. wonderful. there’s such truth in the snippets we are able to have here, and i love them.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene by @allwaswell16​ - i STILL giggle when i think of this fic and i read it almost three years ago now, okay? this one sticks with you. it is short and sweet and just a total nightmare for a parent, but also such fun lololol you just really have to read it if you haven’t cause it’s a gem
Home for Christmas by @haloeverlasting​ - HALLMARK CHRISTMAS AU KID FIC! truly it’s amazing. harry didn’t think he wanted kids but then he wakes up! and he’s got a husband and kids! hahaha oh gosh this fic has such feeling and i legit have built it up so much in my mind that i truly thought it had so many more hits than it does?? how?? does it not have more love? anyway. i love this fic very much, it is so soft and lovely and i adore.
Packed Lunches, Sticky Fingers and Accidental Levitation by @londonfoginacup - this fic made me cry... but not because it’s sad? lollll okay so it’s witch harry who has an entire house full of kids and all the chaos that brings. he does it all himself and is not doing a great job at staying on top of everything. he really needs help, and fae zayn finally makes a decision for him and sends louis. and listen. louis does so much for harry that i as a parent who have felt very much the same way that harry did, i cried. lollll but anyway, it is such a lovely and soft and beautiful fic AND THE SEQUEL!!!! IS SO GOOD!!!! so anyway. an absolute fav of mine, right here, and that’s saying something cause emmu is one of my fav writers.
Took Me by Surprise by @becomeawendybird - listen. famous/famous, secret relationship kid fic? you hear what i’m saying?? louis was making a name for himself in the world of MLS when he got injured so he’s now a big name commentator and he has this sassy daughter who is in love with singer harry styles, so naturally things happen, right? gosh I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. i’m just sitting here remembering everything i love about it, and i can’t name it all, so please read it.
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daydreamreality · 3 years
Thinking about actor availability, and how that affects my perception of Jess and how strongly I feel about shipping Literati.
Really thought this would only be a few paragraphs going over the points where Jess could have disappeared never to be seen again, but it turned into a freaking essay so LONG POST warning if you decide to click ahead. 
If the last we saw of Jess was hanging up the phone in the season 3 finale: "Well, it was fun ride while it lasted. That's about how I thought this would end." Still have a lot empathy for this kid and wish him well, but you screwed with Rory's heart like I knew would happen. Was that intentional? No. But he was so immature, out of control with his emotions, zero communication skills, not trusting in others...the list of reasons why he wasn't ready for a serious relationship, even if the feelings were serious, goes on. There was no way Rory wasn't going to end up as collateral damage in his personal breakdown that I could feel was going to happen. And this is the thought I had as a teenager with no dating experience watching this show for the first time. Did I want to date him? Hell no! I could see that trainwreck from a mile away. Rory was naïve to put her heart in his trust but that's part of her good qualities - she's sees the best in people and champions for them. I could go on a tangent about why exactly Jess was such an important character to me when I first watched the show (and probably why he stuck around unconsciously until I decided on a whim to rewatch GG in lockdown) but...I don't know, maybe some other time.
In the context of the entire show, I would look back at the relationship as my favorite one to watch of Rory's in the series (The build-up! The connection! Their deep belief in and respect for each other! The angst!) and Jess being a really fun character to root for (and yell at) but endgame? It was a short lived but important relationship. It’s fun to think about what ifs and how circumstances could have changed to make it work, but we can move on.
The ill-fated spin-off: I have no idea what this show would have been about except focusing on Jess and Jimmy and I’m not about to theorize. I still like Jess at this point so it would probably make me like him more since we’re getting a deeper dive into his character, but in regard to shipping him with Rory, this opinion would not change unless he all of sudden showed some great maturity. But I doubt this show would have even gotten a whole season so that probably wouldn’t happen. And then he’s living in California…this is too much, moving on.
If the last we see of Jess is in season 4: About the same feeling as above. Life, as expected, has not been treating Jess well. At all. His jadedness and hostility is at an all-time high when he shows up to get his car. Do I see the reasons informing his behavior and have empathy (once again, for a KID)? Yes, but he's also being a jerk. "The years don't seem to have hardened you." Well this year sure has!
I love the "I love you" scene but too little too late, buddy. That's probably why I love it, it's all a bit hopeless. Just keep shoveling the angst at me. I do like fics where this scene is reimagined with Rory running after him to give him a piece of her mind or Jess finding some other words to say (I really feel like he had more to say there but got overwhelmed), and coming to a tentative reconciliation: exchanging numbers, "don't fall off the face of the earth," but getting back together? No. You hurt her and you're feeling the consequences. Rory is not obligated or responsible to reciprocate those feelings, nor is she in a place to do that right now. 
But season 4 does cement that Luke and Jess's relationship is one of my favorites in the entire show. There's probably a whole other post in me regarding that so I'll keep it brief. Because of his respect for Luke, Jess makes tentative steps towards maturing in interpersonal relationships. He shows some vulnerability and honesty with a veil of sarcasm and awkwardness because, well, it's JESS.
But then of course this all goes to hell when applied to Rory. Sometimes I like to think how this dorm scene would have gone down if Rory stepped back for a second and went, "Hold on. You're not making any sense, chill out," and they could have talked a bit and had a similar reconciliation like I said above because I really think that’s all he was going for - to talk to her, apologize, and make an attempt at reciprocation like he did with Luke. But getting back together here? Canonically, he hasn't made enough progress. He set aside his personal feelings to be in his mother's wedding and used the knowledge from the self-help book to apologize to Luke, but I don't think the book's message has sunk in all the way yet and he’s still got a massive chip on his shoulder preventing him from making a good life for himself. Getting rejected by Rory here is an important moment and I really like it. It's fun to think about the AU if Rory had said yes (hello road trip!), but it's very in-character for her to not be able to handle Jess's crisis and just shouting "NO, make it stop." This is one of my proudest of Rory moments: Protect your heart girl, he ain't ready. The seeds have been planted that Jess will continue to grow and I wish him well on his journey. Endgame material? Nah. Goodbye forever, take care my friend...
Even though this scene doesn't feel like closure at all, I really thought this was the end of Jess Mariano. So imagine my surprise when -
SEASON 6: HE'S BACK. Coming out of the shadows, [literally] it's Jess Marianoooo *air horns* *confetti* *jazz hands* *Jess rolls his eyes at the fanfare*
Alright, that's out of my system. But for real that's what my mind did at this point. For context, the way I watched this show for the first time was getting the DVDs from the library while a couple of seasons were still on the air; when a new season was available to borrow, I would rewatch all the seasons up to the current point so my memories and favorite parts of the show are seasons 1-4. Because I was not bingeing the show all the way through, seeing Jess here seemingly so different didn’t feel out of place. A shock, yes! A happy surprise. But nothing about him seemed OOC. A year had gone by, we’d seen some signs of maturity in him, and getting rejected by Rory was a big kick in the ass for him to start making bigger changes in his life. I really cannot emphasize how satisfying and sensical his positive character development felt to me. 
The slight maturity we see in season 4 in its full potential. Jess is still Jess: guarded, self-deprecating, and a bit prickly but he shows a sense of calm and feeling more comfortable in his skin. This is really satisfying to see as someone who always "knew" there was a kind and capable heart underneath the exterior just like Rory did, and that tough guy, must protect myself at all costs posturing has melted away. But that side of him isn't gone, it's not like the writing did a complete 180 on his character. I love this. He's just...more at peace with himself but he's not a different person, and he's found something to direct his focus and intellect on. He's made his peace with Luke, and now he has something of worth to show Rory to try to mend that hurt as well.
Yes, it would have been nice to see how and why he decided to write a book and work in publishing but this course of events is not out of left field, nor is Jess enough of a main character at this point for scenes like this to be necessary to the show unless they were tied to Luke and showing another side of him. Jess has shown in the past that he has a good work ethic if he feels it is worth it. The problem wasn't him being lazy, just poor decision making and focusing on RIGHT NOW, "I need to get out of Stars Hollow and live my life," and not considering the consequences of his actions. Which as an immature kid whose life had told him he can only depend on himself...not out of the ordinary. The dude’s life passion is literature and has probably read every book he can get his hands on, it’s not crazy that he had his own story in him. 
Here is where Literati becomes endgame material for me. Prior to the revival it was always my feeling that post-series they would reconnect while Rory was on the campaign or afterwards. It would be low drama (except for Lorelai criticism), slowly gaining trust in each other again, and eventually starting a committed relationship within a year or two of being friends with sexual tension (lol). They made their adolescent mistakes, hurt each other, but learned from it and started over on infinitely better footing.
The match just makes sense to me at this point for many reasons; I don't feel like I need to list them all out because you can go to any pro-Literati post and I'll probably agree with the majority of the points. The biggest issue they had was timing: “Right heart, wrong time.” I like especially how they even out each other's more extreme personality traits. For example, Rory learning from Jess to consider her own feelings instead of sacrificing herself for others, and Jess considering others before himself all the time. Or professionally, I can see Jess encouraging her to step away from her ultra-organized, “everything has to be just so” ways when it benefits her to seize an opportunity right now, don’t worry about the details, you got this. Maybe Jess has another book in him, but his self-deprecation and disorganization prevent him from getting it done but Rory helps him be more objective and focused. There’s this…synergistic energy I feel with the two of them: they’re great by themselves, but form something better together.
Judging from Rory's reactions towards him in this season, I don't think it's OOC for her to have romantic feelings for him again. She's extremely proud of his accomplishments and not unhappy to see him (not holding a grudge). They fall back into their comfortable dynamic even if it makes them both a bit nervous. Now some could argue that this means that Rory only wants to be friends with him but...when have Jess and Rory ever been just friends? If "Another Year in the Life" comes out (I've got serious doubts but would love to be proved wrong) and Rory rejects him or he's not even a part of it, fine! But I just don't see anything in canon that says explicitly she'll never feel romantic towards him again.
Now the kiss...there's a lot of ways to read that scene. Do I think Jess was in the right to assume "everything is fixed" as a go ahead? No. But that's part of why he is such an engaging character: he's impulsive and acts in accordance to his feelings, and yes, this gets himself and others in trouble. 
Do I think Rory purposefully went to the open house to "use" Jess to get back at Logan? No. I think she genuinely wanted to support him, and Logan being out of town meant she wouldn't have to explain why it was important for her to go. I see the kiss paralleling the one in 2x22 but instead of Rory not being able to hold her feelings in any longer, Jess initiates. The way I see it is she was unaware she still had lingering feelings towards him (not out of nowhere, I mean their relationship has "unfinished business" written all over it) and that scared the crap out of her, just like at the end of season 2. So she runs away to the "safe space" that is being with Logan. Because she's in love with Logan, she has a sense of obligation towards him, and Rory has shown many times that she does not react well to change and highly emotional situations.
Is this scene a deal breaker for a future relationship between them? I don't think so. Jess says that he isn't sorry she came, which I take as "I'll never be sorry to see you no matter the context." Yes, this hurt him and made him pretty mad, but I don't think he's holding a grudge against her for this; even in the moment he's more concerned that someone cheated on her and her safety getting to her car. He sets a boundary that he doesn't deserve his feelings to be pushed around like this and Rory agrees. Not that I condone this sort of tit-for-tat hurting of each other (which I don't think Rory was going for in the first place) but it's almost like...that cycle is now broken. The whole scene is so open ended, it doesn't feel like a "good bye forever" to Jess.
"But Rory is so in love with Logan!" I don't know about you, but that "I'm in love with him despite all the bad he's done..." sounds so defeated and sad. It's almost like she's resigned herself to being in love with Logan. The first time I watched this, I thought this was foreshadowing that the relationship was on its last legs. To keep them together, Logan almost dies so Rory will bury her hurt out of guilt for holding a grudge against him. She is completely entitled to feeling hurt by Logan's actions, and I hate that she feels like she has to do this. But it happened, moving on.
"But Rory is a cheater!" When I think about Rory's characteristics, "cheater" doesn't make the list. She feels entitled to the men that she's loved and this isn’t super great behavior, but I don't view her as inherently unfaithful or okay with cheating. I give her leeway on the season 2 Jess kiss because she was a teenager with a lot of conflicting emotions and everything around her was pushing her to stay with Dean. The season 4 Dean debacle...she was still very young and naïve. I put most of the blame on Dean for manipulating her; I say most because if Rory really wanted to be with him, she should have been more sure of the status of his marriage, but I repeat: he manipulated her and she was very young and naïve. I dare to say she has been conditioned to view Dean as nothing but safe and trustworthy so why wouldn't she believe him... Season 4 was all about her being out of sorts when away from the Stars Hollow bubble and trying to reclaim some normalcy. Narratively, I see why this makes sense and I don't think the intention was to say “Rory is okay with cheating,” but to show very explicitly that Rory isn't perfect. This show goes to extremes, at this point I kind of just accept it and don't jump to "this person/character is terrible!" Certain characteristics and behaviors I have less patience for (mild) or will make me lose all respect for a character (extreme - honestly very few GG characters fall into this category for me); you may feel differently and that's fine. When other plot points in this series are much more bizarre and OOC, while this turn of events makes me uncomfortable and angry, at least it makes sense to me.
The 6x18 kiss I've already said that I don't think Rory had premeditated intent to cheat on Logan judging from the fact that Jess initiated it; yes, she went with it nor was it a complete surprise, I get this. The "I couldn't even cheat on him..." line I think is an outburst of guilt and regret, not her saying she had a plan in mind. Maybe I'm being too soft on her, I don't know...she did stay there late but maybe she just got lost in the book while waiting to say bye. We've seen her not know how to deal with conflicting emotions and change to her status quo, and attempt to distract herself when life isn't panning out the way she wants and not think about the consequences in the moment, so I don't find this scene OOC or intentionally cruel. The revival...I don’t think I can even go there right now because it would just be me screaming incoherently about how much I hate "full circle" and how bizarre the entire thing was. Maybe something of value would eventually come out with a lot of editing. XD
This isn’t to say I’m 100% on Rory’s side all the time. Pretty much every character in this show has at some point made me smile, made me laugh (generally with them, but some characters it’s more like at), made me want to give them a hug, made me roll my eyes, and made me want to throw something at them. That’s why I love it so much! Even if the drama is turned up to 1000, I still get the sense that these characters are human. My favs end up on my “will protect at all costs” and “shit” lists throughout the series, no one is immune. Except Lane. She really is the best person in this entire show. #JusticeForLaneKim
If ASP had written season 7: (Remember there being some sort of theme to this post? Only two episodes in s6, but Jess sure does make an impact.) I bet Jess would show up at some point. MV is loyal to the creators and not the show, if it was important for Jess to be there I’m sure his shooting schedule would have been accounted for. Storyline would have been similar to the revival because AYITL is ASPs season she didn’t get to do without considering how time passing affects the characters (I’M STILL SALTY) except Rory is at Yale and I think the book was a new idea. Shipping as endgame doesn’t change, and I bet there wouldn’t be a nice little Literati ending because we’ve got to end it the same way, right? I don't even need them to be together at the end because Rory has greater plans to focus on, but just a moment! One moment is all I asked for... I don’t know if this makes me mad because I felt like the narrative had been pushing us along this path for so long even if actual "endgame" was going to be offscreen or if I kind of like just having it in my imagination. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B. In any case, it could have been cool to see Jess present for the birth of his half-sister and giving Luke some support. 
Like I said, I'm not touching AYITL right now. The whole starting point of this was, "huh, if MV never came back to the show, how would I feel about Jess and Literati?" And he was in it so it doesn't really fit into this even though we've gone on a meandering journey as pieces of discourse that have never sat right with me but didn't quite know how to express that disagreement until now popped in my mind. So there you go. If you’ve made it to end, claps to you, what a champ.
At the end of the day, Literati is the ship that makes me feel the most things, it's kind of just a gut thing. This really isn't any sort of argument just an outpouring of love for the show and these characters. I don't know how well that's communicated, but hey, I try. I’ve got a lot of nostalgia for the pairing and I always viewed Jess as being Rory’s, and only Rory’s, choice.
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Fic Recs/Mandatory Reading for Reddie fans
Here is an incomplete list of some of my favorite Reddie fics on ao3, because i cannot get over the sheer talent of this fandom’s wonderful writers! A lot of these are the Greatest Hits that you’ll find on almost every fic list, but that’s why I consider them mandatory reading. like if you haven’t read some of these, what are you doing?
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg, rated M
the 27 years in between, but better because richie and eddie stay together. every time i think of this fic, i think of that lady gaga meme where she’s like “brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, etc” and maybe it’s bc this is one of the first reddie fics i ever read, but this one is always gonna be my favorite
broken record by spunknbite, rated E
the mother of all time loop fics. every reddie veteran gets chills at the phrase “the house on Neibolt was still standing”
literally everything by stitchy
like seriously just clear a few days bc you’re not gonna want to stop reading this author once you start. no other author has made me literally fucking cackle in one paragraph and sob in the next like this one, pls do yourself a favor and devour all their works like i did 
the night we met (take me back) by camerasparring, rated E
ch2 fix-it where eddie shows up at richie’s door alive and with no memory. great slow burn with a wonderfully conflicted richie, 10/10
let’s hear it for my baby! series by cloudings, rated E
OOOOOOOHHH boy! a modern teen!reddie grindr AU that’s both steamy AND sweet?? more like a fucking blessing amen hallelujah
a heart that laughter has made sweet by marjaani, rated E
another lovely teen!reddie fic that’s got it all! sweet, stupid boys, humor, a teeny bit of angst, and some 5-alarm fire smut with some top eddie, as a treat
keep talking. i’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice. by theappleppielifestyle, rated T
angst with a happy ending is my favorite, and this one is just fantastic. so sweet, so sad! and stan is featured as eddie’s afterlife buddy and idk about y’all but i cannot get enough of stanley uris in my reddie fics. read this, then read all this author’s reddie fics, they’re all amazing
collateral by loosecannon, sheepknitssweater, rated E
a post-ch2 fic that i guess could be classified as fix-it, BUT with some very interesting twists. they beat the clown, everyone lives, but no one really gets the tropey happy ending. the WIP sequel is also incredible and i live for the updates.
the greater fool  series by mischiefmanager, mostly rated T with some E
this is a series i’ll reread a lot bc it’s so fucking good. follows young reddie into early adulthood, mostly a bunch of cute shit where they figure out themselves and their relationship. also contains the single best teen reddie fic in existence, he came in through the window, but reading the whole series is a must
brokeback derry and everything else by Amuly, rated E
27 years in between, richie and eddie reconnect in their 20s and meet back up in derry twice a year to remember and love each other before going back to their lives and forgetting. so much pain. there’s a lot of sweet stuff in there, but you can see shit’s gonna get complicated from miles away and the anticipation almost gave me stomach ulcers (in a good way). ultimate angst with a happy ending.
let me name the stars for you by playedwright, rated M
speaking of angst with a happy ending...Martian AU!!!!! this one fucked me up in the best way, i literally called my roommate at 2am to vent to her about my emotions after reading it. i go back and reread chapter 8 just to be overwhelmed by it, and it makes me cry every time. plus, there are awesome sequels/companion pieces in the series! read this, i beg you!
walk through fire for you by hyruling, rated T
unwind after all that angst with some cute, drunk, confused eddie being very upset when he finds out richie is engaged. richie only teases him a little before pointing out the matching ring on eddie’s finger. 
in the heat of the summer (you're so different from the rest) by kaboomslang, rated E
post-ch2 slow burn with tags that really say it all, including but not limited to: eddie moves to california and richie is a mess, Eddie Kaspbrak’s Hot Girl Summer, and cute middle aged man dates
pivotal moments by danfanciesphil, polypocket, rated E
high school reddie has a sort of fwb thing goin on, but emotions get in the way. featuring wonderful bevchie friendship, hella miscommunication, cute double dates, high eddie, and a happy ending
like a bullet in the back by jerry_duty, rated M
adult idiots in love! a personal favorite trope of mine! slow burn with a fair helping of angst but a really great ending. richie stays with eddie in new york while he’s there on business, and it takes these losers SO LONG to figure it out but the way they dance around it is very cute
no sense of living without aim [WIP] by liesmyth, rated E
richie and eddie meet on grindr in the 27 years between and hey, whadda ya know, they fall in love! i really love this fic but i’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. i’ve had it open on my phone browser for like 3 months with no update but i still check it regularly bc i’m pathetic and this fic is just so good i’m DYING to know what happens next so read at ur own risk
a strange sense of familiarity [WIP] by Katranga, rated E
another “they meet and fall in love without remembering” fic, and even though it’s not complete yet, it gets regular updates. oh, also, i’m obsessed with it. they’re long distance fuck buddies who can’t admit they’re in love, and then they get hit with the childhood memories! and everyone lives! what’s not to love!  also PLEASE read kisses take like mint and every other reddie work by this author, they are all fantastic
adult friends by sudowoodo, rated T
AU where adult reddie meet at a first aid seminar for work (immediately fall in love), become friends, become best friends, and finally get to be happy. has some super repressed eddie and intensely pining richie, which is always fun, and genuinely made me laugh out loud. also please check out this author’s other reddie fics, there’s some super sweet kid reddie in there that really warms the heart
the mind's a funny fruit by joldiego, rated T
eddie wakes up barely alive in derry, has 0 memory, calls himself richie, and moves in with some lesbians. an absolute must read that ought to be on every reddie fic rec compilation. i read this a long time ago and just thinking about it makes me want to read it again.
now what i'm gonna say may sound indelicate [WIP] by IfItHollers, rated E
it took me entirely too long to find this fic since i joined the fandom, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. it’s almost at 200k now and still unfinished, and the slow burn is excruciating, but this is a legendary fic for a reason. eddie spends the first chunk of this fic in the hospital recovering from the massive chest wound, and then he and richie move the recovery to ben’s cabin in the woods. the author’s notes for each chapter are a story in themselves
signs of a new lifetime by swordfishtrombones, rated T
one of the sweetest, most romantic reddie fics i’ve ever read. a fresh take on a classic concept: post-ch2, they’re in love, they haven’t said/done anything about it yet, BUT!!! it’s not angsty! they are all cute and giggly like “you say it first!” “no, you say it first!” and it makes me fucking MELT
broadcasting tower by swordfishtrombones, rated E
back-to-back recs from the same author! bc i love these fics so much! sort of similar to the last one in that they both know what’s up and just haven’t said it, but this one’s got the angst! i didn’t know when i read it that it was the same author as the other fic, and i thought how funny, i found another reddie author that perfectly captures this pair in such a wonderfully romantic way! i also just noticed there’s a follow up to this so now i have to go read that immediately
eurydice; the original comeback kid by Vulcanodon, rated M
for the love of god please read this and the other work in this series. it’s a ch-2 fix-it with some intense action sequences and major pining, and it has haunted me since i first read it
love on the telephone by tempestbreak, rated E
okay this one is really just 30k of pure smut but it’s also so sweet and features a mini sexual awakening for eddie and some insecure richie with an emphasis on how much they love and trust each other. also it doesn’t hurt that the smut is fire, like does anyone else want that twink obliterated, or is it just me?
the boy who loves you by candlejill, rated E
eddie lives, richie confesses, things are chill and then they’re not. richie’s career flourishes, which is always nice to read and is what ultimately catalyzes eddie’s gay awakening and realization of his love for richie. it’s got some sad angsty parts and a very sweet ending, and it up there as one of my favorite reddie fics of all time
richie and eddie break up [WIP] by skeilig, rated M
a refreshing and realistic take on life ch-2 for the losers, because being in love at thirteen doesn’t mean you can fall into a perfect relationship at 40. i’ll admit, i’m hoping this will ultimately be a “richie and eddie get back together” fic, but it’s still a very good read (and often very funny in the second chapter) at the moment in the midst of their break up
september 1989 and everything else by pineapplecrushface, rated T
cute kid reddie figuring it out and making me smile. the follow up to this and the after derry series by this author are also personal favorites
go west by ssstrychnine, rated T
road trip fic! an absolute work of art slow burn with teen reddie in the 90s. it’s so beautifully written i just wish i could go back and read it for the first time again
the edification of eddie kaspbrak by tozier, rated M
character study with some incredible fucking prose, my lord it gorgeous. explores how eddie learns about love as he grows up, and it’s super fucking sad sometimes bc the poor boy doesn’t know how to have the things he wants and i just want to give him a hug, but it’s really a spectacular fic
circular motion by sinchronicity, rated M
soulmate!AU that follows book canon and even though it’s been a long time since i’ve read it and the details are fuzzy, i remember absolutely loving it and thinking it was incredible
tell me you know by RichiesToesHurt, rated E
college losers with some severely pining and jealous richie with a lovely ending 
predicament bondage [WIP] by dgalerab, rated E
i resisted reading this fic for so long, recently broke and binged all of it, and now i’m like frothing at the mouth for updates. richie’s a closeted actor/comedian who meets eddie, a professional Dom, when he needs help researching a role. they become friends, they develop crushes, richie realizes he’s a sub, and it’s just so much fun to read
there’s a lot more fics to rec so i might add on to this in the future, but in the meantime my biggest tip for for reading fanfiction that took me embarrassingly long to figure out: focus on the authors! if you read something you like, check out the rest of the work by that author bc odds are you’ll like that too. i mentioned it in a few specific works above, but check out the authors catalogues for these fics. if i included every work by these authors that i loved, this list would be miles long
feel free to add on any great stuff i missed, there’s sure to be tons of it!
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hiya! do you have any quentin/elliot fic recs for people whose only exposure to the magicians so far has been through tumblr? i'm still on the fence about watching the show but their dynamic is my JAM! thank you!!
ok so disclaimer that i am very poorly read in this fandom bc (1) i am a slow fic reader generally especially (2) during pandemic times and especially ESPECIALLY (3) when i am using a lot of brainpower on writing fic, like, i have not read much in general and nothing at all now since idk like november? maybe longer it’s been a WHILE. also i have deeply idiosyncratic taste and highly specific personal dealbreakers that are not always to do with, like, “quality” lmao. so probably others would be better able to answer this and are MORE THAN WELCOME TO CHIME IN ON THIS POST! that said here’s some things that come to mind from what i have read:
pretty good year, hth/ @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier - this is i think the only total AU i’ve read? and while it is extremely specifically rewarding to magicians fans i also think it totally stands on its own as simply a beautiful and aching and sweet novel about falling in love and growing up. the tags call it a romantic comedy about depression, which immediately piqued my interest; you could also say it’s a story about love and pain. it’s funny and sexy and wise and raw and radiates love from every single sentence, i wanted to live in it forever.
moving into some season 1 AUs where all you need to know about the show is really Magic School, But It Fucks, be kind by longnationalnightmare is one of the few definitive Fandom Classics out there, and that’s because it is both insanely hot and exquisitely well-characterized, a fic about sex that’s secretly, if you’re paying attention, a fic about doing things right
i feel it in my body, i know it in my mind, @ameliajessica - this is a very sweet first date story that really sparkles with chemistry & care
beautiful something, @portraitofemmy - this is a really special story to me, i think because its mission is so in keeping with the key queliot concept of The Beauty Of All Life. it’s a story about what happens when the worst thing that’s ever happened to you and the best thing that’s ever happened to you are happening at the exact same time, and it’s about deciding to be brave enough to keep your hard open when it’s scary and when it hurts.
my lonely heart calls, @hmgfanfic - so i am obseeeeeeeeessed with this fic. like. OBSESSED. i love it so much it causes me physical pain. unbelievably clever conceit + astonishingly delightful dialogue + agonizingly good character work for both eliot and quentin, like, they’re just so well understood and conveyed and loved by this fic, and just so.... them. they’re just so them!!! also it’s screamingly funny and like the most thrillingly romantic thing i’ve read in my life.
ok and now some post-s4 stuff that i feel like you can just Vibe with! my crown is called content, cartographies/ @honeybabydichotomy - this is another fic that’s like, yeah all that “happens” in it is “people have sex,” but it’s so well-characterized and chock-full of teeny little bombs of delights that it’s a really rich and vibrant story. also the sex is great and incredibly romantic, so. also recommend living room, ny, in which quentin and eliot have emotional conversations, which we all know is what true romance is
bury the iron in the backroads, @propinquitous​ - this is a love story that is also about hating your dad, and, therefore, the most perfect work of fiction of all time. a beautiful tale of love and trauma that also has a dialogue exchange in a sex scene that will haunt me forever until i die. also extremely recommend the us sorry animals series, which is a gorgeous set of musings on what happens when you are in love but also your brain is still a nuclear accident zone, because of the trauma
unwish, waveleafcloud - ok so this one is like probably the most canon-dependent of the ones i’ve listed.... but it’s also cleverly plotted in its own right in a way that feels like it stands on its own, and also insaaaaanely romantic, so i am putting it here anyway. actually you might also wanna read their story reconnect, which is like an 18k series retell from q’s perspective + queliot happy ending, and so therefore might like, catch you up on the most important bits as you continue your adventures
everyone everywhere should read the stories hetrez wrote for this fandom, which are all completely perfect. from a quentin/eliot perspective, yes and yes and maybe yes and get loud are two stories about sex that are also stories about finding ways to come back together after life has torn you so thoroughly apart, and are sweet and smart and sexy; get loud in particular is also hilarious. the author’s note for get loud says “It's also kind of a sex farce and kind of a serious look at the way PTSD manifests in the body? I don't know, The Magicians has broken me.” which i think about every single day because nothing else has so succinctly yet completely captured what the magicians has done to me. the dreamers is established-relationship future fic in which quentin and eliot have a fight that is SOOOO PERFECTLY ARTICULATED i’m mad someone came up with it who wasn’t me. a partial age of miracles is like plottier and broader in scope than just A Queliot Story (although it is, also, UNBELIEVABLY ROMANTIC), and another one that is more canon-dependent than others on this list, but you should read it anyway because it is the best story in the world. you’re smart you can use context clues. your reward is getting to read things like this:
Alice said, "I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should," she rolled over onto her stomach, somehow keeping the vodka bottle upright, and muttered into the comforter. "It should be this beautiful pink-tinged softcore baby deer lovemaking, like in a Swedish porno or something."
Eliot turned his head and stared at her. "Excuse me?"
She tilted her head up at what looked like an excruciating angle, and frowned at him. "Because he's dead," she said. Then her expression crumpled, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Eliot felt a jolt of sadness, and pressed against his wound until he gasped. "I should be talking about the good things. What I loved about him. Not thinking that I wish he'd been, you know. Rougher. In bed."
Eliot took a second to gather his thoughts. Then he said, "You don't need to talk about the good things."
Alice rolled onto her back again, and she gave this horrible angry laugh that he felt under his ribs. "Don't tell me you're going to complain about, I don't know, that sound he used to make right before he — every time. He made it every time."
"I loved that sound," Eliot said.
"Every time!" Alice said. "See? You're doing the good grieving widow thing and I'm over here like a bitch saying he should have been better at fucking."
And Eliot — felt like he'd been ripped open. He hadn't been expecting it, and the surprise of it hurt almost more than the grief. "I'm not a widow," he said, and tried to sit up.
"He was good at fucking!" Alice said. "Mostly. And yes you are."
ok that’s what i’ve got. further tips for a queliot-curious anon welcome in the notes!!!!!
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lordmomohismomoness · 4 years
Here are my top Zutara fanfiction recs.
The biggest factor in my ranking and why I recommend them is because I had a hard time putting them down. Other than that, they are pretty all over the place in terms of content and setting.
  His Majesty Prefers Blue by Shamelessliar
Rated M  212K+ words  Completed 2012
A year after the war's end, the gaang returns to the Fire Nation for a week of diplomatic meetings. There, they hear rumors about a vigilante who wears a blue mask and Katara finds herself digging deeper into his identity and motives. Blue/Zutara Lemons
Trigger warnings: rape, torture (1 scene)
This is my absolute favorite fic. It has a little bit of everything: romance, humor, drama, suspense. There is an actual plot too! It is also one of few fics which show Zuko and Katara being a great team.
  When The Mask Comes Off by Jamie Hasaku
Rated K  73K+ words  Completed 2006
After freeing her and her friends from capture, Zuko has no choice but to care for a gravely injured Katara, who was left behind by accident. The trick? Keeping his face hidden so she doesn’t hurt herself even more by trying to fight him. Zutara Blutara
This is not your average capture fic. Katara is still pretty badass. The scene where she finds out who is behind the mask made my heart melt. Hanae is one of my favorite OCs ever! It does have a sequel which has been abandoned, but that doesn't change the fact that this story is wonderful by itself.
  The Dragon and the Siren (AO3) The Dragon and the Siren (ff.net) by CultofStrawberry
Rated M/T  147K+ words  Completed 2012
Zutara, Hades x Persephone inspired. In a land of gods and spirits, Katara is the daughter of the Sea, and Zuko is the powerful and reclusive God of the Fire Realms. Zuko has been pining for her for too long... so he finally takes action.
Being a huge fan of Greek mythology and A:TLA, I did not think I would enjoy this fic. I was pleasantly surprised as the author combined the two seamlessly. The worldbuilding is amazing and the tale is not an exact replica of the myth. The AO3 link contains smut, but is incomplete. The fanfiction link has the completed story.
  Subterfuge by Smylealong
Rated M  113K+ words  WIP last updated Oct 2020
Thirty years ago, the Fire Nation attacked, throwing the world off balance. Katara entered the Fire Nation war camp at Ba Sing Se as a healer, prepared to do whatever it takes to play her part in stopping the war. Getting kidnapped with the Fire Prince and falling in love with him were not parts of the plan. AU. Zutara.
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault, Incest, Graphic Depiction of Violence
This fic is VERY dark. However, the writing is amazing which more than makes up for it.
  Dancing in the Dark by DamageCtrl
Rated T  61K+ words Complete 2006
Post-Season 2 AU: While in Ba Sing Se, Katara and Toph hear a rumor about two tea servers in the lower tiers of Ba Sing Se and sneak away go to investigate only to have their suspicions confirmed. On her personal time, Katara tries to teach herself to dance and fails so badly, a masked man takes pity on her to try to help.
In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the Blue Spirit. This fic is full of fluff, and awkward Zuko is my favorite Zuko. It does start slow, but once you get into it, it is a pretty cute story. Zuko is the one with multiple suitors for once.
  Twist Me to the Left by Grapefruittwostep
Rated T  91K+ words  Complete 2017
So here Zuko is, with no family, no band, and no more record contract. Just another punker with a guitar who thinks he's got what it takes. Then he meets Avatar, the band breaking all the rules. They've got everything going for them, the rising star, and they're everything Zuko isn't. But maybe, just maybe, they want a new guitarist. As long as the pretty keyboardist with the blue eyes doesn't murder Zuko first.
Warnings: References to Drugs
This is a college age AU with an angsty emo/punk Zuko. A fluffy enemies to lovers trope, but fun nonetheless.
  Don't Stand So Close To Me by Cinemascope08
Rated M  76K+ words  Abandoned 2013
Katara and the Gaang are in full swing at Ba Sing Se University when interactions with a new professor start affecting Katara's life in increasingly complicated ways. Rated M for scenes of a graphic nature.
Trigger Warning: Torture, Murder, BDSM, Incest
Another really dark fic, but it takes a bit to get there. Once it does, you are hooked by the suspense. It is abandoned, but still a good read.
  So let us melt and make no noise by LittleLostStar
Rated M 69K+ words  WIP last updated Jan 2021
When a mission to the South Pole goes awry, Prince Zuko awakens in the home of a healer named Katara and finds his heart is damaged and his bending has vanished. His quest to find the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe is his destiny-- the one chance to regain his honour and return home. But as time passes and Zuko's heart heals, it becomes clear that Katara is protecting an ancient secret of her own, and that both of their destinies are entwined in ways never before thought possible.
We get to see Zuko at the mercy of Katara here. And this fic has an actual plot to it, which is an easy way to get into my good graces. There is a lot of mystery and suspense. It has slow updates, but the author has commented that she intends to complete it.
  Butterflies and Hurricanes by Rerbirth of the Phoenix
Rated T  103K+ words  Complete 2012
"You may find yourself capturing hearts that you are forbidden to keep." She is a servant. He is a Prince. Together they are about to go against everything that keeps the world at peace. Zutara
This one took me a bit to get into, as I was bothered by the ages at the start. Fortunately, it takes place over several years so we see the relationship develop. No spoilers, but wow the ending really got me.
  The Penance Series by delectate
Rated M  39K+ words  Complete 2010
The road to forgiveness is long and arduous...just ask Zuko. Season 3 Zutara, following the episodes past 312. Rated M for Mature.
Warnings: BDSM
Zuko is taken prisoner at the western air temple. As it turns out, Zuko is a masochist and Katara lets her freak flag fly. I like this one because it does such a different take on the characters, and it actually makes sense that Zuko would be a masochist since he has such a messed up family.
  Lotus Lake by Rebirth of the Phoenix
Rated T 65K+ words  Complete 2006
Zutara AU. An orphaned Katara and her brother find themselves at boarding school. Katara's first thoughts are that her life will now be filled with boredom. How wrong she was!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse
This is a bonus rec. While not super high on my list, it is still an enjoyable story. Plus, I really like the boarding school premise since I love shows like Rebelde and Het Huis Anubis. I would have liked to see more drama with Jet though. Still a good one if you are looking for fluff.
  I added some more to my top recs!
  Indigo Summer by Serendipitea
Rated T  21K words  Complete 2020
Zuko takes up a life guarding job the summer before going off to university. What he doesn't expect is to be completely distracted by the surfer girl with bright blue eyes.
This one is just so darn cute
  And expectations she won't meet by Gxldentrio
Rated  T  8K words  Completed 2020
Katara’s organic chemistry TA is an asshole ----- or is he?
A texting/social media fic that I reread all the time because it is just that GOOD! I love the way the author uses all the character's interactions to tell a cohesive story.
  (if my wishes came true) it would have been you by TheDecension
Rated  T  34K words  WIP Last updated Mar 2021
Katara overshares on the internet. Zuko makes it a point to only lurk. Good thing there's nothing tying their online adventures to their real lives — right?
Or, Katara and Zuko have something of a history, and when they reconnect after months of silence, there could be more going on behind the scenes than they realize.
If you haven't heard of this one, you should! It is though social media posts and text, and it is just wonderful!
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eunique · 3 years
Developing the Jade Vipers AU #3
First two posts: #1, #2
Part 3, going into Eun's character and personality.
Will contain Genshin Impact spoilers for reference
Eun's personality is very different from the canon I wrote for her. Her personality is similar to the Tsaritsa's/Cryo Archon (Genshin Impact) personality.
While Eun's personality is similar to the Cryo Archon's personality, it isn't to the extreme of the Cryo Archon's. To quote the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail, the narrator describes the Cryo Archon as "the Archon who lost all love for her people". This insinuates that the Cryo Archon once was a kind and gentle Archon but due to some series of events, she had to harden up and close herself off emotionally. Even Venti states that after the Archon war that the Cryo Archon changed drastically, leading to the end of Venti's friendship with the Cryo Archon.
So drawing from those aspects of the trailer and Venti's dialogue, Eun is far more emotionally closed off from everyone after working with the Jade Vipers for so many years. Refuses to open up and talk about her feelings throughout bf1 until late Ishgria arc, going into arc 3 is where she hints at her emotions more and is a little more open with herself but only to select people who she trusts. Tilith and Karl being those people while it takes more for Eun to warm up to the rest of the asshole brigade. However, she does very deeply care for her friends and her found family with the Jade Vipers but isn't vocal about it. She shows it more through small, subtle actions.
Eun doesn't meet her father at all. Even after she has been told that he is alive and back in Elgaia, she just doesn't have the heart to face him so she sends a letter to him telling him how she is, explaining what had happened over the years and wishing him well. It isn't until after bf1 that she sees him in person.
The friendship between Karl and Eun? Is more complicated. On the one hand, Eun does want to reconnect with Karl but is really holding herself back due to the fact she doesn't want to drag him down. Karl, on the other hand, wants to also reconnect with Eun and wants to help her but his offer is constantly turned down because again, Eun doesn't want to drag him down or get him involved which makes it very difficult for both sides to reconnect during the Ishgria arc.
By the end of bf1, Karl does convince Eun to seek professional help for her trauma and mental health issues and they do reconnect and rekindle the friendship. It just was awkward to start off to say the very least. By bf2, Eun is more comfortable expressing herself a little more but only with people she is comfortable with and still puts up a facade whenever she's in public.
Also doesn't help that they romantically like each other and they're both too scared to tell each other for each of their own personal reasons so they end up pining for years.
Do they do something about it? No. They do be mutually pining.
In general, Eun is very much depressed. Quite pessimistic, self-sabotaging towards herself and has the mindset of she has no chance of finding some sort of happiness so she'll help others find theirs instead. It also gets to the point where her secretary as well as the OG Viper members are trying to convince Eun to go find her own happiness. She doesn't express herself as much (also finds it hard to after having to remain stoic and appear unemotional for so long) and puts up a facade. While canon Eun does put up a facade sometimes, those who know her well enough are able to pick up subtle quirks to really tell how canon Eun is really feeling. However with Jade Viper Eun, she really puts up a facade and makes it incredibly hard for anyone to read her emotions.
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hi, do you have some Johnlock shower sex fics (maybe bottomlock) ? thank you,love your blogs
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: Καλημέρα (or good afternoon depending where your from😁) Would you by any chance have any fics of john and sherlock like showering together? It could be smut or not, I just think that showering with your s/o is kinda cute and they would be adorable 🥺 Thank You 🥰
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: Hey, I was wondering if you have any fluffy bath-sharing fics?
Hi Nonny!
Aww, thanks, I’m glad you enjoy my blog!
AHHHH Okay so I know I have a tonne of fics with Shower Sex, but I haven’t started retagging fics until recently with this because someone asked me AGES ago with them, LOL
Through A Glass by Mildredandbobbin (M, 2,012 w., 1 Ch. || Voyeurism, Masturbation, First Kiss) – There is an adjoining door in the bathroom at 221B that leads into Sherlock’s bedroom. The door, from the bathroom to Sherlock’s bedroom, is made of three glass, semi-opaque panels. It has suddenly come to Sherlock’s attention that if he stands in exactly the right spot in his bedroom he can see through said panels, and more to the point, can see John.
Bathroom Accessories by Evenlodes_Friend (E, 3,324 w., 1 Ch. || Sex Toys, Butt Plug, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Horny Sherlock, John’s Patience Wears Thin, Humour, Bottomlock) – John discovers that Sherlock has been playing with some very adult toys in the bath.
Uninhibited by 221b_hound (M, 4,293 w., 1 Ch. || Bathing/Washing, Naked Cuddling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Big Brother Mycroft, Relationship Negotiation, Massage, Sherlock Has a Low Libido, Pet Names) – Sherlock and John have been apart for the first time since Sherlock returned from the dead. Neither of them has had a good day. John's gets worse when Mycroft comes to Baker Street in Sherlock's absence to warn John Watson against disappointing his brother by expecting things to change. Mycroft has misjudged things rather badly. But finally he sods off and leaves John and Sherlock to reconnect, to give and receive comfort, and show each other that they are, indeed, perfectly matched. Part 15 of Unkissed
Linger by queenoftrivia (E, 4,879 w., 1 Ch. || Lingerie, Fluff and Smut, BJ / HJ, Switchlock, Sherlock in Lingerie, Come Play, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal/Oral, Implied Shower Sex, Neck Kissing) – Sherlock decides to surprise John after a somewhat stressful day at work.
What Happens in Vegas (is legally binding in the United Kingdom) by  moonblossom (E, 5,051 w., 1 Ch. || Accidental Marriage, Friends to Husbands to Lovers, CSI Crossover, Fluff & Porn, Bathtub Sex, Hand Jobs, First Time) – When a case sends the boys to Vegas, John comes out of it with a bit more than he bargained for. Part 19 of Prompt Fills, Remixes, Works inspired by others
The Bathing Habits of Dr. John H. Watson by scullyseviltwin (T, 5,077 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Happy Endings, Domestics, Baths, Slice of Life Snippets) – The knocks come crisply—three raps and then a long span of quiet. Slumping down further, John makes every effort to ignore the intrusion and relaxes as best he can in the less-than-ideal space available. If he doesn’t move, maybe he’ll be left in peace. There’s a brief respite of silence and then, again, three more raps on the door, in faster succession this time, followed by, “John, it’s been an hour, how can you possibly—” “We agreed two, two hours.” There’s no room for argument; John’s tone makes that very clear.It sounds as though Sherlock’s mouth is pressed right to the door when he next speaks. “What if I need the toilet!?”
Just Like That by sussexbound (E, 8,442 w., 1 Ch. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Virgin Sherlock, French Kissing, Anal, Emotional Lovemaking, Enthusiastic Consent, Tenderness, Crying John, Bathing/Washing, Insecure John, Toplock) – John doesn’t want to talk anymore. He wants. Oh dear god, how he wants. For the first time in what feels like years he WANTS.
Johnlock Ficlet Collection by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 11,505+ w., 16/? Ch. [WiP] | Random Ficlets, Pining, Angst, Fluff & Smut, Parentlock, AU’s, First Kiss, Character POV’s) - Just a collection of Johnlock ficlets, originally posted on my Tumblr page.
I'll Meet You in Hong Kong by alexxphoenix42 (E, 12,767 w., 5 Ch. || Freebatch RPF || Phone / Shower Sex, Infidelity, Polyamory, Bit of Angst, Cuddles) – Benedict and Martin's busy, busy schedules have them grabbing a few nights together in Hong Kong during Ben's Doctor Strange junket. They both have news to share. While this does pick up after the story "Forever 1895," you don't absolutely have to read that one to dive on in here. Part 2 of Forever Freebatch
A Hundred Thousand Ways to Say the Name John by Jberry (E, 16,825 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Fake Marriage, POV John, Pining John, Cruise Ship, Angst & Fluff, Case Fic) –  John Watson and Sherlock Holmes must solve a case on a cruise ship. To get close to the crew and passengers, they must get married for the case on the Baetica. However, their relationship hits rocky seas both due to the case and internal conflicts. Part 1 of Baetica
John Watson doesn't have a Boyfriend by naughtyspirit (E, 18,932 w., 7 Ch. || UST / URT, Fluff & Smut, Voyeurism, Masturbation) – John's date has gone very well. Sherlock requires tea. John wishes he hadn't resolved that their relationship was strictly hands off and isn't about to address it. Unless he has to. Smut, fluff and shower time for a naked John Watson.
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (E, 20,004 w., 6 Ch. || Retirement, Sussex, Bees, Home Improvement, First Time, Romance) – Sherlock takes a remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a change of pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the South Downs, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quiet contemplation, bee studies, and book writing. They might go completely insane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you're living to find the life you want. Part 1 of Through The Clouds
The Whore of Babylon Was a Perfectly Nice Girl by out_there (E, 32,897 w., 1 Ch. || Past Drug Use, Blowjobs, Toplock, Mentions of Switching, Rough Sex, Background Cases, Sherlock’s Past, Sherlock’s Sexual History, Experienced Sherlock, Past One Night Stands, Fingering, Cuddling, Possessive Sherlock, Paris Holiday, Bed Sharing, Naked Lie-Ins, Bathing Together, Confessions, Worried Sherlock, Laying in Bed All Day, Meddling Mycroft, Naked Lazy Day) – Sherlock walks into a room and takes all the space right out of it. He does the same inside John's head.
Right Hand Man by SilentAuror (E, 42,031 w., 4 Ch. ||  H/C, Injury, Slow Burn) – When John's left arm becomes paralysed after a car accident, Mary asks Sherlock to take him back to Baker Street to recuperate, as she's about to give birth. Despite the fact that the search for Moriarty is ongoing, Sherlock takes John in and takes responsibility for overseeing his rehabilitation as he adjusts to the loss of his arm.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
The Real Great Perfumers by shelleysprometheus (E, 45,355 w., 68 Ch. || Case Fic, Alternating POV, Gay Sherlock / Bi John, Canon Compliant with Divergence at TRF, Friends to Lovers, Oral / Anal, Pining, First Kiss / Time, Dev. Rel., Drugging, Body Worship, Bathing, Love Confessions, Travelling, Bottomlock, Cranky Sherlock, BJ’s, Alternating POV, Jealous John) – The case, this case. This extraordinary, fascinating, scintillating case. A house. Designed entirely by its eccentric owner, built by no less than five hundred expert tradesmen in the heart of Marrakesh. A house that had, seemingly not only driven its owner out, but also to his quite unpleasant death. And a perfumer, a chemist no less, the very thought of the secrets that house could reveal, would reveal was irresistible. Sherlock had to have this case ... and it seems, he also had to have John! Part 1 of the Forethought and Fire series
Guilty Secrets by Ellipsical (E, 55,086 w., 16 Ch. || Drumsticks, First Kiss/Time, Love Confession, Self-Sexual-Discovery, Anal, Rimming, Orgasim Denial, Butt Plugs, Cooking, Furniture Sex, Bath Sex, Rimming, Double Penetration, Prostate Massage, Anal Beads, Dancing, Romance, Tantric Edging, Internalized Homophobia, Case as Foreplay) – John has a prostate exam and discovers something surprising about himself. Experimentation follows. Sherlock wants to help. They're in love. You know the drill.
The Moonlight and the Frost by CaitlinFairchild (E, 77,289 w., 10 Ch. || Case Fic, Post-HLV, Self Harm, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Oral/Anal/Rimming, Romance, Angst, Mary is Not Nice) – John has to somehow rebuild his life in the wake of Mary's betrayal and Sherlock's deceptions.
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
Northwest Passage by Kryptaria (E, 95,157 w., 27 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Canadian AU ||  BAMF!John, Canadian John, PTSD, Anal / Oral Sex, Rimming, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Drug Rehab, Falling in Love, Pining Sherlock, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Panic Attacks, Switching, Anxious / Protective Sherlock, Hugs for Comfort, Suicide Mentions, Healing Each Other) – Seven years ago, Captain John Watson of the Canadian Forces Medical Service withdrew from society, seeking a simple, isolated life in the distant northern wilderness of Canada. Though he survives from one day to the next, he doesn't truly live until someone from his dark past calls in a favor and turns his world upside-down with the introduction of Sherlock Holmes." Part 1 of Tales from the Northwest
The Wedding Garments by cwb (E, 105,390 w., 36 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Alternate Future AU || Alternate First Meeting, Dating / Arranged Marriages, Romance, First Kiss/Time, Heavy Petting, Cuddles, POV Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn / Falling in Love / Dev. Rel., Nervous/Anxious Sherlock, Jealous/Cranky, Hiking, Vacation Homes / Honeymoon, Sherlock’s Family, Horny John/Sherlock, Patient John, Massages, Hand Jobs, Assassination Plots, Hand Jobs / Oral Sex, Case Fic, Emotional Love Making, Bath Time Fun) – This is the story of a young consulting detective who wants nothing to do with marriage and an army doctor who wants to find true love. It's 2020 post-Brexit England and the British government is encouraging arranged marriages. Candidates meet through state-run agencies and date in hopes of finding love (and tax benefits). Sherlock doesn't need or want a spouse, at least not until John Watson shows up. Hesitant to give in to his more carnal urges because of the way they derail his mind, how will Sherlock progress toward the more intimate aspects of a relationship? The answer lies in a very special wedding gift.
Two Two One Bravo Baker by abundantlyqueer (E, 114,574 w., 27 Ch. || Military AU || Afghanistan, War Story, Thriller, Switchlock, Rimming, Emotional Lovemaking, Lots of Sex, HJ/BJ’s) – Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John? Part 1 of Two Two One Bravo Baker Universe
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
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nny11writes · 3 years
17, 33, 59 and 107 (you said you can always talk about your WIPs and I really wanna know more about a lot of them lol) *-*
17.   Post Order 66
This is part of the unpublished series “Ahsoka was Obi-Wan’s padawan” (look it’s pending an /actual/ name lol), and while I think I actually posted most of what’s written there were additional scenes afterwards that I’m still working on. This is the fic where Ahsoka, who was trained by OBW not Anakin, goes to Tatooine specifically to find him. She’s got mixed up feelings about her master and feels abandoned by him but still loves him and wants to reconnect, and accidentally meets Luke as a consequence.
Ultimately Ahsoka will become something of a cousin for Luke, and she starts to understand more how Rex maybe felt about her with the complexity of their familial relationship. Ultimately Luke would grow up getting some training because unlike her master, Ahsoka has no problems teaching him. This will prevent the death of Owen and Beru and change the canon but not too terribly much.
33.   Missing Limbs
Ahsoka loses her arm on Onderon when she gets shot by the tank canon. This is more from Rex’s point of view because clone’s with that sort of injury don’t normally just carry on. Anakin builds her a new one and life goes on.
Until Ahsoka loses both legs from the “mad bomber” trying to clear her name.
The loss of so many limbs means a reduction in midichlorians and Ahsoka has a small crisis about what it means to be a Jedi when her connection has been dampened so much.
59.   SAU universe jumps post Malachor Ahsoka is not happy
Ahsoka from my Twilight series gets yanked into canon after Malachor, pulled there by Morai. She makes a dramatic exit from her escape pod (Skywalkers) and learns bout the change when she asks for Barriss. She tries to kill Morai for pulling her away from her own universe when she TRUSTED her and fails.  Rex is the one who meets her on arrival and knows it isn’t her from looks alone, but then she starts being so cruel and callous towards him that he calls her out on it in front of Sato.
She claims no name (as she does in Twilight canon), and begins to fuck up the Empire and shake up the rebellion. This fic is such self indulgent fare that it’s never had a planned release (I have so many different AUs based on my Twilight AU that it’s ridiculous lol).
107.Rex and Ahsoka Kadavo
Rex goes to comfort Ahsoka who is VERY torn up over Kiros (before they go to find the people), and Ahsoka reveals part of why she was so desperate to help was because these are literally her people. Many of them are blood family but her whole tribe left Shili using the funding the Order provides when crechlings arrive with them, and joined a few other hopeful groups on Kiros. They did this because they were dying in a wasteland on Shili, and this was a way that they could survive. Ahsoka had always been very proud that she was able to save her people, and now they’re gone because she didn’t get here quick enough. And she thinks they were targeted because of their connection to her.
I wanted to talk a little about how outsiders misconstrue the Order helping those communities or families as them “paying for children” adding into the bantha fodder narrative that they steal children. But this was more a fic for Rex and Ahsoka to define what family means to them.
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