ineffablejaymee · 2 months
i am so normal about tmagp ep 8
*the camera focuses on my dog who i've woken up by screaming my lungs out upon hearing gerry
celia being the tma celia almost confirmed???? i mean come on she knows jons voice, talks about tape recorders, WORKS ON A PODCAST WITH GEORGIE and is looking into interdimentional travel
come on
also no matter how much i loved to hear gerry, LEAVE MY POOR BOY ALONE. the more he shows up in the show the more in danger he is let him live his artistAU fantasy with his unstable grandma who almost certainly was responsible for the fire in the magnus institute
but the tma references made the fandom overlook colins mental breakdown
the computer jmart made him lose his mind whats up with that
ok now time for some overanalysing the statement (im still calling them statements im lazy sue me)
corridors, backrooms, halucinations, oversaturated colors and a tall thin lady holding a dOOR OPEN
on the other hand, a room full of people but turns out they dont really talk, just make noise, and they arent really people, they are just a facade
and the canibaLISM
the entities are a bit lost in this universe arent they. they mustve gotten jumbled up on the way to this universe
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rfsnyder · 1 year
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meddwlyngymraeg · 1 year
Wnes i gychwyn y radio heddi ar gyfer hwyl, dim rheswm, ac am ddewis! Ar Radio Wales, mae Huw Stephens, yn chwarae artistau newydd o Gymru (ac allan), maen nhw’n artistau alternative yn aml, fy hoff o gerddoriaeth! Ac ar Radio Cymru, mae Rhys Mwyn! Wnes i bostio postiau hir yn Saesneg am y sîn roc Gymraeg o'r 80au a 90au, sy'n creu'r 'sîn miwsig' modern, sy'n creu'r sîn pop culture o'r presennol. Wnaeth Rhys Mwyn rhan bwysig o'r sîn alternative ma! Wnaeth e yn y band Yr Anrhefn, band pync Gymraeg yn yr 80au, a wnaeth e greu'r label Anrhefn Records, label DIY. Wnaeth lawer o fandiau o'r 80au a 90au yn rhyddhau caneuon, EPau ac albwms ar Anrhefn.
Beth bynnag. Mae fe ar BBC radio Cymru nawr, ma fe'n cyflwyno rhaglen cerddoriaeth rheoliadd, a heddi mae fe'n sgwrsio am gerddoriaeth 00au. Wnes i gychwyn y sianel a wnaethon nhw weud am y sîn roc 90au: bandiau fel Super Furry Animals, Catatonia, Big Leaves a Sibrydion, y band ar ôl wnaeth Big Leaves ddiwedd, a hefyd, am y gyrfaoedd solo o ein aelodau. Ac yna mae Rhys Mwyn yn chwarae Ymaelodi Â'r Ymylon o'r albwm Mwng gan SFA (albwm alt roc Gymraeg dylanwadol iawn!)
Fel wnes i ddweud: am ddewis!
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larryfanfiction · 3 years
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Something In The Distance (So Close You Can Almost Taste It) by magicalou @namelesslights
Length: 180k
Louis was good. He was about to become the most successful racer in Formula 1. He had a clear path: break some records, win most races, then repeat it all again the next year.
Of course, that’s when Harry bloody Styles comes in.
OR, Louis is a Formula 1 driver for Scuderia Ferrari and Harry is a painter and sculptor, one of the most beloved from our time, and Louis's biggest pain in the ass.
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed
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luci-on-the-moon · 4 years
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Cheeseburger this time!!
Remember, people, my commissions are OPEN WIDE
so, uh, toss a coin to your artist, o valley of plenty!
This grumpy Sebastian is from @plague-of-insomnia and mine’s new AU!!
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athalias · 4 years
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My new fic is up on AO3!
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eldiariodeariadna · 5 years
Artist AU
-Kino es un famoso DJ (no me lo imagino como artista de otro género la verdad) mientras que Ariadna es una cantante pop latina.
-Se conocieron durante una fiesta mientras Ariadna se encontraba de gira en Japón.
-Fue idea de sus managers que hicieran una pequeña colaboración
-Ariadna no conoce mucho de música electrónica, pero como iban a trabajar juntos decidió “estudiar” acerca de su compañero.
-Al principio no se llevaban muy bien: él era como uno de esos artistas mimados y caprichoso. Kino pensaba que ella era seria, distante y además no lo dejaba salirse con la suya.
-Si a Kino se le ocurría cancelar alguna sesión sin tiempo de anticipo, ella misma le marcaba al celular hasta que le contestaba. Tampoco lo dejaba estar en el celular durante las juntas.
-Eran como niños pequeños peleando por todo o haciendo en cierta forma berrinches.
-Sus managers los obligaron a llevarse bien y para ello los obligaron a pasar más tiempo juntos.
-Kino la llevó a varias fiestas y ahí descubrió que ella no era del tipo social. Ella en cambio le pedía que la llevará a conocer la ciudad a lo cual accedió a regañadientes.
-Ambos empezaron a ser blanco de la prensa: “Nueva futura pareja”
-A = “¡N-No! ¡No estamos saliendo!” *sonrojada*
K = “¿Creen que salimos~? (¿Lo están?) Es se-cre-to~”
-Cuando llegaron al final de la grabación Ariadna y Kino habían pasado tanto tiempo juntos que se enamoraron y decidieron empezar una relación. En secreto, porque querían ver qué pensaría la audiencia.
-Los fans estaban divididos: entre quienes los shipean y los que no. Las fans de él son más posesivas, pero los de ella consideran que él no la merece. En cambio los fans de ambos que los quieren juntos creen que se ven perfectos juntos.
-Durante el estreno del disco ambos revelaron que estaban en una relación: ¡fue la sensación! No solo el disco fue un éxito sino lo de su relación.
-Pero al acabar el disco Ariadna debía volver a México. ¡Los fans sufrieron tanto! No querían que ellos se separarán.
-Las relaciones a distancia son muy difícil, pero ambos hacen lo mejor posible.
-Tanto los fans los querían reunir que Ariadna empezó a recibir más ofertas de colaboración para que volviera a Japón y en el caso de Kino empezó a crecer su fama hasta extenderse al continente americano. A veces los invitaban a fiestas con tal de que se encontrarán.
-A Kino no le gusta que Ariadna tenga muchos fans masculinos y si alguno se atreve a comentar alguna vulgaridad él se encarga de que le cierren la cuenta (lo mismo con los haters). Lo mismo hace Ariadna sobre los haters de él que lo ofenden en español, ella se los pone pintos >:D
-Kino le prohíbe que colabore con artistas con fama de mujeriegos o en algún proyecto donde tenga que usar ropa provocativa, al menos que él esté presente.
- A = “S-Son muy amables al apoyar nuestra relación, pero...¿N-No creen que es muy pronto para eso?”
K = “No necesito boda para tener la luna de miel~”
A = “¡K-Kino! ¡N-No le hagan caso! ¡Y-Ya saben cómo es de bromista!” *sonrojada*
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teenwolfficrec · 6 years
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Artist at work
by Nival_Vixen (AO3)
Pairing: Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
Word count: 2.5k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Stiles is a professional artist, okay? He doesn’t do stupid shit like have a one-night stand with a critic and then spend the next three days painting like he’s possessed. Except for that one time three days ago where he did exactly that.
Read Here!
-> Follow me for more fic recs!
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trickstercrow · 7 years
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InkTober: Day 3 - Got some artist AU stuff with some KiriDeku. Tbh I believe that Izuku would be into yoga.
Got ideas for the BNHA inktober? tell me in the ask box and I’ll see what I can do.
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buckyisloved · 7 years
All it Takes is a Week
ship: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You decided to attend an art class thinking it would be a fun and simple experience... well it was far from that.
Warnings: None yet (Creds to the owners of the gifs)
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Alright, you have drawing class at 8:00 tonight! It's your first day.
You pace around your apartment getting ready and losing more patience by the minute.
"Keys. Keys. Keys?" You say searching around for your keys then find them on the counter and rush towards the door.
When you pulled into the parking lot you rushed out of your car, only to crash into a rough figure. "Jeez watch where you're going!" The tall man says, staring down at you.
"I'm so sorry!"
"You better be, you can't just run places without looking doll." The brunet says scoffing, rolling his eyes and walking into the building.
You wait a few seconds to go in so you wouldn't have to walk with the rude man and enter the building.
You finally find your art room door and open it slowly, examining the room.
Everyone was sitting at a two person desk, the kind you'd find in the science room at school.
All the seats seemed to be taken except one in the back, where the man from before is sitting.
You sigh and sit down, placing your bags to the side and turning to the man.
Just as you were about to introduce your self he speaks up, "Oh, it's you."
You lift your eyebrows at him and shake your head "Let's start over, my name is y/n." You say holding your hand out to him.
He looks at you then to your hand, hesitantly shaking it with a small smile on his face.
Your cheeks light up and you nod at him.
"Well James, it's great to meet you."
He smirks and scoffs, turning back to the teacher. "Ditto."
You sigh quietly to yourself and pull out your sketch book.
You open to the last piece you were working on and decided to keep going before class starts.
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You can see James glancing over to your work and watching you intently.
You continue working and laugh slightly, "take a picture it'll last longer."
He stiffens and scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry, I just like your art style." You turn your head slightly to him, your cheeks only tinted pink. "Uh thanks, I'm actually trying something new. I usually stick with cartoons but I thought I'd give realistic drawings a try."
He nods, just about to speak up when the teacher starts calling out names for roll call.
"Y/n y/l/n?"
"Here!" You say raising your hand slightly.
"James...Buckuhnon Barnes?"
You hear a deep sigh beside you as James lifts his arm. "It's Buchanan."
"That's nice.. Natasha?" The teacher continues calling names and you let out a soft chuckle, causing James to side glare at you.
"Somethin' funny doll?"
You stop and look at him with a shy smile, "no, nothing at all."
"I thought so."
You continue to smile and put your sketch book away and listen to the teacher drone on about the techniques of drawing.
You look over to see James sketching a small drawing of a star on a sticky note.
You roll your eyes and look back at the teacher.
"We are going to be doing personal drawing presentations for our first week. The rest of the year I'm going to give you guys actual work to do. This is just a crap first grade."
You silently cheer to yourself, you love getting to draw what you want but you have been looking for some challenges.
The teacher walks around and hands everyone a single piece of sketching paper. "This is due by the end of the week class! It can be anything you want!"
The teacher then stops in the front of the room and makes a sorry looks. "Also my name is Clint. That's something I should mention right? Please don't treat me like an elderly teacher. We can all be friends alright?"
A couple of 'yeahs' string throughout the room and Clint claps his hands together.
"Now get to work!"
You sit there and start brainstorming what you can draw when it clicks in your head that James doesn't have any idea either.
"Hey I have an idea!"
The blue eyed man looks over at you "good for you y/n."
"No you can do it too! If you want to."
He seems to be intrigued and turns his chair to you. "Alright, shoot."
You grin and sit up, "let me sketch you?"
He makes a confused look and goes to refuse, "I just want to get better at realistic work, and if you let me I can buy food for you after."
He opens and closes his mouth, trying to think of what to say.
"You'll do it?" You say squeezing your hands.
He puts his finger up and to your face "on one condition."
You slouch back down and look at him and nod "what condition?"
"You will let me draw you as well... but as a superhero?"
You automatically grin at the idea and hold your hand out. "Deal."
He shakes it strongly and bits his lip. "Deal."
The class zips by and it was time to leave. You and James walk out together and stand on the sidewalk together, exchanging phone numbers.
"Alright, you can come to my place after class if that's alright, I can text you the address."
James gives you a devious smile and you smack his arm. "I mean to draw you, you dope."
He laughs and stuff his hand in his pocket and pulls out the sticky note he was doodling on earlier and hands it to you.
You look at the card and see that under the star was his number. Above it read, "sorry for almost knocking you over outside, please text me."
You giggle and push a strand of hair behind your hair, and put the note in your pocket.
"No need to apologize James, I've got to "watch where I'm going"  you say mocking him.
You tilt your head to the side and look up at him. "Huh?"
"Call me Bucky." He says nervously sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Bucky? Hmm. It has a nice ring to it. I'll see you later Bucky."
You can hear Bucky catch his breath as you walk back to your car.
As you drive by you wave at the tall figure making his way to his car.
"This'll be fun." You say as you make your way home.
Thank you for reading! Please give feedback!
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fusemagazineonline · 3 years
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Model @sa.mia.swan Photographer: @m.haug.fotografie Location: @a8mietstudio . . #lingeriephotography #sensuallingerie #sensualportrait #sensual_portrature #sensual_shots_ #sensualphotography #boudoirphotography #boudoirinspiration #boudoirmodel #boudoirshoot #finelingerie #fineartphotography #sensual_guru #sensual_ladies #globe_portraits #idealportrait #picoftheday #portrait #earthportraits #artistaus #beautyportrait #justaportrait #discoverportrait #portraittalents #earth_portraits #ig_ports #portraits_galery #portraitmastrz #portraitvision_ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLe44eQl-rM/?igshid=9nun706p3yoe
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Models: A. Gillis & Ares Rebelrose
Become my supporter on Onlyfans or Patreon and help my Nude & Erotic photography
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cherikfics · 7 years
Summary:  When Lorna's powers manifest early, Charles Xavier's mutant picture books are the perfect teaching tool. Erik just hadn't expected the author to be so young. Or attractive. Or available.
Rating: General
Thoughts: This is adorable, Lorna is adorable. Everyone is cute together. and tbh I always enjoy Erik and Moira as friends.
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larryfanfiction · 3 years
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forever is in your eyes by we_are_the_same @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
Length: 126k
Harry looks fragile in the moonlight, and Louis stands there, pondering, not even sure what it is that he’s thinking of. It’s all just noise in his head, a mix of melancholy and desire, of longing for something that he doesn’t even have a name for.
He wants-
He wants love. He wants to be held and cherished and have a home. Not just a place to lay his head down at night. He wants to be loved the way that Louis had loved creating Harry. He wants his perfect man, but he wants him to be real. He wants Harry to be real-
His lips press against marble, against something cold and unforgiving, and it’s not until his hand comes up to rest against a sculpted neck that his eyes fly open and he stumbles backwards, nearly falling off the stepladder that he’d stood on.
“Jesus Christ.” He whispers, shaking his head and resisting the urge to brush the back of his hand against his lips, erase evidence that isn’t even visible to the naked eye. Harry stands there, as though nothing’s changed, and of course he does, because he’s a statue.
A statue that Louis has just kissed.
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed
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baeksooficrec · 7 years
gold room
Author: zannen 
Genre/Rating/Length/Wordcount: Fantasy, Romance, (Slight) Angst/ PG-13 / Oneshot / 3,5K
Additional Tags: soulmate!au, artist!au(illustrator!baek - writer!soo), strangers
Warnings/Kings: brief mention of minor character death
Summary:Fate: 1; Kyungsoo: 0.
read: [ AO3 ]
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I can't find this fic... Keith is an artist, Shiro likes his art, Keith moves in with Shiro (who doesn't know Keith is his fav. artist), Keith accepts comissons from Shiro and Shiro doesn't know it's Keith who's painting for him.
build a house around you - arahir @arahir
7k. (Teen).
Shiro pines, Keith paints, and of course—they were roommates.
He’s quiet. You’ll like him.
Keith is at least thirty things at first glance and none of them are quiet—but the worst part is that Shiro recognizes him, and evidently so does Keith. The boy from the art show.
“You…” Keith’s eyes—his blue, blue eyes—go wide and then slide to the space behind Shiro where the first painting he bought is hanging. Shiro wonders if he likes it any better now than he did the first time. “You…” he repeats, but trails off.
(previously found for an ask here as well)
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