#Cassandra's dad and little sister :)
bet-on-me-13 · 11 months
Symbiote Ellie Phantom AU
After she was saved from Destabilization, Ellie gained a nifty new power. She can Melt on command and move around freely, which is just a really fun power, even if she is a bit weaker when she uses it .
But one day, she gets really badly hurt. Like, Really Hurt. Let's say the GIW got a lucky shot and managed to capture her, and experimented on her for a week before she managed to escape.
She can't keep her Human Form stable anymore, but her Goop Form is good enough for now. All she needs to do is find an Ectoplasm Rich Environment and try to heal up the best she can. Hopefully Danny will find her after she misses her monthly Visit.
She ends up in Gotham while searching for a place to heal, but the GIW is hot on her tail.
She needs a place to hide, and the only way she can think of is to overshadow somebody and pretend to be them while the GIW passes her by.
So she jumps into the nearest person she can find, a girl close to her age jumping across Rooftops.
But since she was in her weaker Goop Form, she can't enter a person without their permission. So she slides up to the person in Goop Form, jumps on her Back, and telepathically asks her for help, begging for permission to hide in her for a bit.
The girl she tried to overshadow was Cassandra Cain.
After some begging, Cass agrees and Ellie sinks into her. Again, she can't fully Overshadow her, so she's basically a passenger until Cass decides to give her some control.
The GIW passes by them, and Ellie tries to leave Cass only to realize that she can't. Since Cass was exposed to the Lazarus Pits, she is has a weird Biology, and since Ellie already had a Wierd Biology being a Halfa Clone as a Pile of Goop, they somehow can't leave eachother.
Cass gets a new Roommate, but instead of sharing an apartment, its her body. It's honestly not that bad, Ellie can give her some of her old powers and she can still communicate by making a Goop Head come out of Cass's shoulder.
They get along really well too, Ellie can ways be there for Cass whenever she needs somebody to talk to, and Cass is the Supportive Older Sister who helps Ellie talk about her feelings.
The Bat Fam also doesn't know. They figure that this will probably be fixed soon enough, so there's no real reason to tell her Family. They do find out after a few weeks however.
Cass accidently uses Ellie's powers in front of one of her brothers, which causes them to tell Bat's which means the entire family knows by the end of the day.
Cass has to explain the situation and introduces her new little sister. "This is Ellie. She's a Meta who escapes a secret Government Organization and asked for my help to hide from them by hiding in my Body. Unfortunately, we can't split up because her powers reacted strangely to the Lazarus in my blood. She is now my sister. You are not going to make her leave, I will not let you."
It takes a while, but the Bat Fam ends up accepting her. They do end up looking into that "Secret Government Organization" though, and find that they have been experiencing Raids by an army of Ghosts for the last few weeks.
"Oh right, I missed my monthly visit to my brother." Says Ellie from Cass's shoulder. "He must be looking for me, no biggie."
It's definitely a Biggie.
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emolgabrine · 2 years
I gotta design Cain and Deirdre eventually
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tsuvvy · 4 months
Oh Sister of Mine - Chapter 1
Your Chance
The Batfamily is getting intel and weapons back from a dangerous villain. But he had a bodyguard. A child bodyguard who didn't really seem interested in their task of guarding the villain. You seemed more interested in killing Cassandra.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, talk of killing, talk of weapons, use of weapons, use of electricity in fighting, cussing, ik Jason and Damian are skilled and can adapt to many different types of fighters, but for the sake of this, they were caught extremely off guard..
Word Count: 3.1k
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You looked down at your palms, letting the volts of electricity flicker and surge around your hands. You let out a breath.
This was your one chance. Your one chance to prove to your dad that you weren't a failure. You could kill. You could kill more efficiently and quickly than Cassandra ever could. And you could do it in cold blood, unlike Cassandra who was left disgusted with her first kill.
And you would prove it by killing her.
The moon was bright in the sky, just as the bat symbol was. You stared at it through the window with a kind of hope most didn't have. The hope that you would kill someone that answers to the bat symbol in the sky.
You struggled with speech. You grew up sheltered, only being taught to kill from the moment you were put on the ground to crawl. You were a lot alike to Cassandra. But you were a quick learner. You could quickly pick up on the speech of others, and the body language to decipher a little bit of what the words might mean in different situations.
The words you knew were a small amount that you couldn't get out of your mouth without a bit of struggle.
“No, that Cain guy sent this kid,” you glanced over your shoulder to look at the desk behind you where a man in a nice suit sat. He was lazing around in his chair, his legs kicked up on the desk as he looked at you. You remember your dad calling him Kerrim. Kerrim didn't realize you were looking back, “one creepy ass kid,” he added the remark onto his statement from before. “He said they're one of the best, but I won't buy it till I see it.” He smirked in doubtful amusement.
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Orphan, Red Hood, and Robin worked diligently to avoid the cameras of the building and avoid guards that walked around.
Though it wasn't easy.
“I wasn't expecting the guard to be so high up..” Red Hood grumbled, peeking around the corner at a few guards that were speaking in the hallway.
“And what did you expect?” Robin grumbled back, looking up at the man, “That this guy was dumb? No. Someone can't make it this high up into the drug business by being dumb.” He sent a scowl at Red Hood from behind his domino mask.
“Aww, did you just call me smart?” Red Hood smirked from behind his helmet, looking down at Robin.
“Focus.” Orphan reminded the two, “We have to take the guards out, we can't get past them any other way..”
“On it.” Red Hood said.
“Wait-” Red Hood was already turning the corner, immediately alerting the guards to his presence.
“Huh.. Guess someone can get up the drug business by being dumb.” Robin remarked as he watched around the corner with Orphan.
“Intruder!” One of the guards had yelled into his walkie talkie clipped to the breast pocket of his vest. “Intruder in sector G!”
Red Hood was fighting with the other guard. Knocking him off of his feet by kicking under his legs and knocking him unconscious by kicking him in the head.
“Shit!” Red Hood yelled when alarms started going off and red lights started flashing everywhere.
Orphan and Robin looked to the camera above their head they had been in the blind spot of. It was now angled directly towards them.
‘What did you idiots do!?’ Tim yelled through the coms in their ears.
Red Hood had started fighting with the other guard, having a bit of trouble before Orphan rushed forward.
“‘You idiots?’ It was Red Hood!” Robin retorted back into the coms as he too moved around the corner.
Orphan had rushed past Red Hood and landed a flurry of well calculated hits and kicks to the guard. One of the kicks that sent him colliding into the wall knocked him out as well. He slid against the wall falling to the floor.
The three looked down the hall at the sounds of footsteps. Many of them.
“You are an imbecile. An imbecile!” Robin yelled at Red Hood before he turned around the corner again, already running down the hall before Red Hood and Orphan followed.
“Well sorry I was taking initiative!” Red Hood yelled at the kid in annoyance.
“In here!” Orphan called, beckoning the two into a room that looked to be for something like storage. It was big and barren enough to hear an echo.
“They went this way!” The three stopped in the middle of the room, turning to look at the door in anticipation when the guard had yelled that. They expected anyone to walk in at any moment. But they heard a group of bounding footsteps pass the door.
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Your head whipped around at the flashing red lights and the alarms sounding throughout the whole building.
“Shit!” Kerrim screamed, jumping out of his seat in an instant, his hands on the desk. “How the hell did they get in without getting noticed!?”
You were practically already at the door. “Hey!” He screamed at you, “Where the hell are you going!!?” But you didn’t respond. You didn’t even acknowledge you. “Get back here, you little rat!!” And you were out the door.
“Damnit!” Kerrim slammed his hands against the desk before whipping around and kicking his swivel chair, which went rolling. His kick barely did anything to the chair. “Cain said you were one of the best!” He yelled after you. Or.. More at the door you had just exited through. “But the best know how to follow orders!”
Kerrim started pacing around the room, grumbling and screaming frustrated curses that also held anxiety for the situation with intruders in the building.
All you could think about was the chance you had just gained. You knew it was her. Or at least someone from the accursed Batman vigilante group. But even if it wasn’t Cassandra. You could get her attention by killing another she cared for.
This is your chance
You have to take it while you have it.
You can't pass this up.
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Despite not expecting to meet the intruders almost right outside Kerrim’s office, just down the wide hall. Neither looked to be Cassandra to your disappointment. But you recognized them to be Robin and Red Hood. People affiliated with her.
The three had taken a moment to regroup and catch their breaths before they had slipped out of the storage room door and listened to Tim’s directions to get to Kerrim's office.
Red Hood and Robin froze at the sight of you, but you had already unsheathed your sword with the swiftness and speed equivalent to that of a bird's. They weren't expecting a kid to come out of Kerrim’s office. Especially not a kid that looked to be the same age or younger than Robin.
“What the hell!!?” He screamed, just barely dodging the slashes of your swords. Robin had unsheathed his own sword, raising it and bringing it down to attack you. But you ricocheted the attack, blocking it and throwing the direction of his sword in another before you raised your leg, kicking him in the side and sending him colliding with a wall.
“Who in the hell is this kid!?” Red Hood shrieked, dodging slice after slice of your attacks. For a little kid, you were extremely strong, agile, and obviously professionally trained in fighting. Well enough to be able to have a chance at winning a fight with a grown man twice your size and a boy trained to be an assassin since birth.
‘Their fighting style's familiar..’ Tim muttered into the com. ‘Wait, where did Orphan go?’
You let the electricity conduct into the grip of the sword. It didn’t take too long for it to travel up into the blade, starting to wrap around it. Red Hood raised his gun up, having the intention to use it to block the slice of your sword. But he hadn't expected it to cut through. He felt a shock in his arm, and soon it went numb and tingly for a moment. The half of his gun he still held fell from his hand and collided to the ground.
He jumped back, staring at you from behind his helmet in shock.
The electricity in your sword had traveled into his gun and then his hand to produce the effect that it did.
“Red Hood, are you okay!?” He heard through the coms in his ears.
“Cassandra..” You spoke in a somewhat shaky and strained voice, like you were struggling to speak. “Where.. Is she?” Your voice, apart from the struggle it took to find the words, was somewhat muffled due to the cloth of the mask you wore over your mouth.
“What..?” Red Hood asked, confused. The struggle you had with your speech took him aback.
“Where..” You swallowed, “where is Cassandra.”
Red Hood was at a loss for words. He was confused on how a kid like you that appeared out of nowhere was so skilled with a sword and a power as adept as electricity. He knew children could be good fighters, Cassandra and Robin being prime examples. But you? Something was different about you. Your fighting style was familiar, just like Tim had noticed. But the other thing was.
“How do you know Cassandra?” Robin spoke coldly behind you. Yeah.. That was what Red Hood had been getting to.
You didn't respond, which caused Robin’s brows to furrow and his eyes to narrow on you behind his domino mask.
“Fine, I'll say it again. How do you know who Cassandra is?” His voice was more stern, growing a venom in it that could kill like a Cobra’s.
“Where is she?” Your voice still held that shake and struggle in it.
Something about you reminded Robin of someone. But he couldn't place his finger on who.
Neither of the two watching you noticed the way you were charging up a surge of electricity within your hand. Neither noticed it before you were throwing your arm out towards Robin, shooting it at him.
Robin was caught off guard. He hadn't been expecting you to be able to charge up your ability so quickly. He couldn't move quick enough to dodge it.
Just before it touched his middle, he was being tackled from the side. He looked up in surprise at Orphan.
She was already standing up, directing her attention to you.
“I’m right here,” She told you.
Your eyes widened somewhat, and you turned to look at her better. You couldn’t believe it. There she is. And not in some old picture or low quality one your father had managed to get someone to take. It was her in front of you in the flesh.
You’re taking your chance.
Red Hood lurched forward, thinking your attention was fully on Orphan. Though it wasn’t. You had made sure to keep both Robin and Red Hood in your peripheral vision. A surge of electricity started to travel through your arm before getting to your hand. The surging light seemed to wrap around your arm and now your hand as it traveled. Your palm collided with his stomach. Your touch seemed more gentle, but the powerful shock that seemed equivalent to a defibrillator shocked Red Hood’s insides. He stumbled backward.
His limbs felt numb, the room was spinning, he couldn’t focus and his whole body was in pain.
“Red Hood!” Robin and Cassandra cried, so did Tim within the coms. Red Hood stumbled a bit more.
Your attention was already back on Cassandra. You held your sword in both hands, rushing forward and slicing at the black haired vigilante. She moved quickly, you couldn’t deny it. Quicker than the first two did. Though you could tell you had only caught Robin off guard, you knew he could fight better. But that didn’t matter. Now Cassandra is here. Now she is your priority.
Again, she was quick. She dodged your countless attacks you threw at her with your sword. Robin had gone to Red Hood’s side, checking his pulse.
You swung your sword, but Cassandra slipped under it and rushed forward. Your eyes widened as you saw her hand was going for a pressure point in your wrist, crap. No.. It’s okay. You’re fine. You were trained just like her, if not better. And you have an advantage.
You threw your sword to the side, it was the only option so you could keep control of your hands. If you held onto it, she would have paralyzed your wrists for as long as she felt necessary. Electricity surged and wrapped around your calf, traveling down to your foot. You pushed backwards with that foot, putting your weight on the leg you didn’t have electricity rushing through. You raised your foot, kicking Cassandra with a strength that could knock down one of the heavier training dummies at the Manor’s gym.
Cassandra couched, stumbling backwards for a moment while holding her side you had kicked. She had winced in pain, closing an eye tightly to somehow deal with it. Her side was throbbing, and she knew the electricity had traveled into her arms and legs because she could feel her fingertips throbbing, and her legs had felt weak for a second. But, she recovered quickly. The two of you looked at each other, in some sort of a stand off like you see in those western movies. But two of you were now fighting hand to hand.
“Orphan,” Robin called from the side, Red Hood had recovered some, being able to stand now. But he still looked a bit disoriented.
“Go,” Cassandra said, “I can handle this.”
Robin and Red Hood listened, heading towards the door behind them. You didn’t care. Again, Cassandra is your priority, not them.
“Right.” Robin said, going towards the door. You didn't care about protecting Kerrim. It's not like he meant anything to you. Plus, your father will be proud when you kill Cassandra. Far prouder than if you kept some random drug lord alive.
You lurched forward, immediately catching her attention again. You threw a kick at her which she had dogged and you ducked under the punch she sent at you. You winced when she kicked your side and you caught her leg. You pulled it forward roughly, also pulling Cassandra towards you and let go of her leg; you punched her in the face. Your fist collided with her jaw.
Cassandra ignored the slight pain radiating within her cheek and threw her arms out forward and around you. She wrapped her arms around your middle tightly. You tried to push against her, but she was strong. Stronger than you were really expecting. She pushed you forward until your back hit against the wall of the wide hallway roughly. It hurt and knocked the wind out of you, but you recovered quickly. You raised up your own leg and kicked the heel of the boot you wore into Cassandra’s abdomen. She stumbled backwards, holding her abdomen with one arm, and the other arm was at her side.
She looked at you with a wince on her face, her jaw clenched. You rushed forward and started sending electrified punches and kicks at her, but she dodged them all, some just barely. But she dodged them all.
You were growing more and more frustrated. And with that, your attacks just grew more and more aggressive.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked as she blocked a kick of your’s with her forearm. She couldn’t see your whole face because of the mask you were wearing to at least hide the bottom half of your face. But she could see your eyes. And she saw the way your brows furrowed. She recognized it. She recognized the dim look on your face. She realized it was the one she used to have when she was about your age.
She realized you couldn't understand what she was saying. She felt a pain of empathy fall through her body, landing in her stomach.
You had no idea what she was saying. It sounded like gibberish. But you could tell she was holding back. She wasn’t fighting as well as she could have. Your father made you watch videos of how Cassandra fought when she was your age. She was incredibly skilled, you knew that. And how she was fighting now was that you’ve seen from a novice from the League of Assassins.
Your father realized not long after you grew more of a consciousness for yourself that you had a short temper. You get frustrated easily. And he also realized your meta human ability might be tied with your emotions. You and your electricity got stronger, more relentless, and faster.
And Cassandra had noticed this too. She was amazed with you. You were so young, no older than 14 or maybe 13 and you were already so in control of your abilities. And you were quick. Very quick.
You were about to high kick her in the side of her head, but you made a mistake. You slipped. The foot you put all of your weight on slipped on the ground. Your eyes widened. Cassandra grabbed your wrists and decided on falling with you.
You winced when your back hit the ground roughly. You felt your head knock against the ground roughly as well. Her forearm was against your neck, and she had both of your wrists pinned to the ground above your head. You felt one of her knees pressing firmly against your abdomen, and her other foot was on the ground next to you both, holding her up.
You felt your head pounding, and your eyes grew heavy, no doubt because of it’s collision with the ground. You looked around. Your vision was mixed with spots of different sizes as you looked at the walls and dim lights on the cieling that seemed greatly bright now. Soon, your gaze landed on the woman above you.
Cassandra. Crap.. Cassandra had you pinned to the ground. You need to get up. You need to fight. You need to kill her. You can’t lose, not like this when you’re so close to your mission.
You tried to push against her grip on your wrists, and you tried to push your abdomen up to maybe push her knee off of you, but it wasn’t any use. You were too weak, and you were too tired.
The most you could was charge up a weak volt of electricity into your arms and send them up to your wrists. All Cassandra felt was a tiny shock like static shock from a door or clothing.
Then everything went black..
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Chapter Two ->
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Another request, hope it’s not bad.
But batbro!reader who was raised to be perfect. Who’s older than Damian bur younger than Tim. But I was thinking maybe Bruce and readers mum have split custody and his mum is very demanding, the reader doing things like music and ballet (I just love dancing bc I was a dancer) and their mum pushes them to be perfect, in that and schoolwork and belittles then if it’s not perfect.
Like they are worse than most of the family, not sleeping and always studying or pushing his body to the limits with practice.
The family is going to a dancing competition for Cassandra and the reader is performing but they don’t know, reader not getting first place and they see how his mother reacts badly, maybe belittling the reader, their reaction maybe.
Hope it makes sense, if you are uncomfortable with it dw🫶. I’ve seen so many assassin or killer ones.
Oh I hate those types of parents... Thankfully, my parents are not like this... Thanks mom and dad. Also, not a dancer so any inaccuracies are on me. Also, I don't know why this is so short???
Summary: (Y/N)'s mom is awful. Bruce finds out.
Warnings: the mom is awful, belittling, the fam is not having it and neither is the author, verbal abuse
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Standards are important in life. With the said standards you choose important things in life. Partners are one of the most important thing you need to choose by your standards, but there is no such thing as perfection. There is no such thing as being a perfect person in anything you can do.
Everyone makes mistakes.
But that's something that (Y/N)'s mother doesn't seem to understand. Both her and Bruce taught her that it's important to have standards. But they had different approaches.
(Y/N)'s mom wanted nothing more than perfection. Bruce only wanted (Y/N) to give him his best. And with sharing custody with his mother made things far more difficult for the teen. Bruce noticed how tired he was and how he looked like he was on the verge of sleeping every single time he sees (Y/N).
But the mom couldn't care less. She wanted her son to be perfect. And if he didn't achieve what she had in mind? Well, he would get grounded and shouted at.
(Y/N) didn't even want to remember all the insults she screamed at him over the years. He doesn't want to remember the fact that she was his mother. But he knew that the custody agreement wouldn't change.
They always favor the mothers rather than fathers.
The only thing where he could let go of those insults and thoughts was ballet. It was his biggest passion and it was supported by both his mother and Bruce. Bruce always tried to come on every single recital that (Y/N) had and he was always the loudest person in there.
However, (Y/N) was competing against his adopted sister Cassandra. (Y/N) didn't tell them, because his mom didn't want Bruce to know. She was often like that, trying to rob Bruce of a lot of things. (Y/N) didn't like that at all, but he couldn't go against her.
After Cassandra was finished, (Y/N) saw that he had a good competitor. He stretched behind in the wings, getting himself mentally ready.
He would really have to reach deep inside himself in order to win.
(Y/N) was happy with how he did and now they waited for the awards. Cassandra and (Y/N) knew that it would be a tight race for the first place.
One thing that he didn't expect to hear was that he got second place. He smiled, but his gut dropped. Oh no. No. Not happening. This can't be happening.
He accepted the award with a smile, but he could see him mom in the crowd. She was fuming. He looked to look at his father, who was smiling at him, showing him a thumbs up. That was a little bit comforting.
After they have finished, he changed into the normal clothes. He took a deep breath as he saw his mother.
" Second place? Do you know how you embarrassed I am? " She whispered harshly. Bruce congratulated Cassandra and then walked towards the duo.
" You are a failure. " She said and Bruce saw red. Not happening.
" (Y/N)? Please go to your brothers. " Bruce said, a tight smile on his face.
The said brothers were glaring at (Y/N)'s mother, ready to give her the piece of their mind. They welcomed (Y/N), saying that he did a good job. (Y/N) nodded, but he didn't really believe it.
Bruce was chewing his mom out and said that that he will have full custody of his son. No child of his will be berated.
" Hey (Y/N), you are going to stay with me from now on. " Bruce said, hugging his son.
" What about mom? " (Y/N) asked.
" Don't worry about her. I don't want you to go back to her. I don't want you to go through the abuse. And as soon as I can, I will file for full custody. Nobody deserves to be abused like that.
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cloakedsparrow · 3 months
Another one of those 'Tim joins the Batfamily early' Au's that's also a 'Cass joins the batfamily early' Au, wherein Bruce doesn't suddenly start respecting his children's privacy and boundaries when Jason meets his bio mom and actually hovers right outside the door, thus knowing the moment things turn south. He gets his boy out of there right away (the Joker still has diplomatic immunity for whatever reason and Sheila still dies). Jason is sad about how it all went down, but Bruce explains to him what he'd explained to Alfred before Jason learned about his mom. Between that and how Bruce behaved when he found Jason overseas, he knows his adopted dad loves him, so he's okay.
He does, however, think that they should probably look into the whole thing where Lady Shiva might have slept with his bio dad and then had a daughter around the time Jason was born. Just in case. So they track down feral fifteen year old Cassandra and are kinda thinking they should keep her no matter what when the DNA shows that she actually was Willis Todd's kid all along.
Bruce is definitely keeping Jason's half-sister, so she stays.
Dick comes back from space to learn about all of this and starts spending more time with his little brother and sister, which gets the Titans involved. Raven helps them translate some basic motions beside Cass' greeting punch to speed along communication with her.
While Jason and Cass are bonding and learning to communicate, she keeps bringing this kid to his attention or deliberately putting them in the boy's path. He's a few years younger than them and Jason's pretty sure he's seen him around, but he's never really paid any attention to Tim Drake before. Now that Cass has imprinted on him or whatever, he decides to try to get to know him.
What he eventually realizes is that Cass has been trying to tell him that Tim knows who they are. He's good at keeping a secret, but little clues in his body language when he sees them had clued her in. She can also tell he's studying martial arts and gymnastics, so she sees an easy in and just starts training the kid. That's when Jason figures it out.
Jason and Cass get Dick on board, and the three convince Bruce they need to keep Tim.
Alfred says nothing throughout all this but a room has been set up with a batman and robin bedspread, a bunch of Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and Artemis Fowl books, and the closet has been converted into a mini darkroom, so it's safe to say he saw the writings on the wall.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Hi Angelll
OBSESSED WITH COWBOY SEVIKA UNIVERSE. How about Sevika and reader meeting Caitlin’s parents. Sevika and Cassandra defo are side eyeing each other while Tobias and reader are giggling bout their daughters.
Thank you Angel!!!!!!!!
men and minors dni
violet and caitlyn have been going steady for about a year now.
caitlyn visits the inn about once a week, staying a night or two in vi's room before she continues on her trek up the river. sometimes, she takes violet with her.
the two of them are adorable together. they're clearly soulmates, and they're both fucking dorks, and even a year into their relationship, they're still so shy and awkward around each other that they can barely look each other in the eye without blushing.
and now that things between the girls are getting more serious, caitlyn's parents want to meet you all.
violet's never met them. after the jail break, you and sevika forbade the girls from ever returning to cait's town-- worried that they'd be recognized and arrested again. you're all incredibly nervous. well, all of you except jinx.
the kiramman family is insanely fucking wealthy, and they're coming to visit and stay in your dingy little inn. violet's spent the entire week deep cleaning the room they'll be staying in with your help.
sevika's worried that cassandra, caitlyn's mother, will recognize her as the weary woman of the west. apparently, the matriarch of the family is also incredibly invested in local politics and crimes, and she's been consulted by several police forces for investigations into crimes sevika committed.
jinx has been thriving in the anxious energy-- getting away with much more trouble than she's usually able to with the rest of you so preoccupied with worrying.
and now, the night before the family's arrival, you, sevika, and jinx are cuddled in bed as you watch violet pace back and forth in your room.
"come lay down vi, you're making me dizzy." sevika says.
violet continues to pace.
"she's freaking out." jinx says with a giggle. you flick her forehead.
"be nice to your sister." you say. "that'll be you someday."
jinx scoffs. "no way, i'm never falling in love."
sevika chuckles. "no?" she asks, raising her eyebrow. jinx shakes her head no. "so you and that neighbor boy don't have anything going on between the two of you?"
you giggle as you watch jinx blush. "i don't like ekko!" she exclaims. this gets violet to pause her pacing, shooting her sister a glance.
"bullshit, jinx, i saw the two of you riding teddybear yesterday." violet teases. jinx's shoulders shoot up to her ears.
"shut up!" she cries. you chuckle and wrap your arm around her shoulders.
violet grins, abandoning her pacing to squish into bed beside the rest of you. "'oh, ekko, you're a natural!'" violet imitates jinx.
"whatever. at least ekko won't dump me when his dad sees the dump we live in." jinx grumbles.
"hey! it's not a dump!" you cry. sevika snorts.
"it's a bit of a dump, babe." she says. the girls nod up at you. you roll your eyes.
"well i'm sorry if our home isn't perfect-- i've been busy raising the two little shits that tried to rob me--"
"do you really think she'll dump me once her parents meet us?" violet asks, interrupting your rant.
"no." sevika says. "cait's a sneaky shit, and she's obsessed with you. even if they ban her from you and us, she'll be back." she reassures violet. vi sighs.
"i guess."
"go to sleep. we gotta be up early tomorrow to make that fancy dinner you want." you say, turning off the oil lamp beside you. jinx settles in your arms, cuddling against you, and violet cuddles into sevika's.
twenty minutes later, when both girls are snoring, sevika reaches across their bodies to poke you. you smile at her.
"we need a bigger bed." she whispers. you chuckle.
"remember when we thought they'd outgrow their sleepover phase?" you ask. she grunts.
"we were so stupid." she says. you giggle.
"we were young, too." you say. she chuckles.
"we're still young!" she protests. "it's not our fault these shits imprinted on us when we were newlyweds."
"we're not shits, you're a shit, sevika." jinx mumbles, eyes still closed, turning in your arms. you laugh and press a kiss to your head.
"jinx." you say. she hums in your arms. "you're gonna be nice to cait and vi tomorrow, right?" you ask. she remains suspiciously quiet, a little smirk growing on her lips. sevika laughs at the silence.
"c'mon pow-pow, you know you like caitlyn." sevika says. jinx huffs.
"she's... alright."
"she taught you how to shoot!"
"yeah, but she's dating violet. there's gotta be something wrong with her." jinx responds. you snort and ruffle her hair.
"if you're on your best behavior tomorrow, i'll take you to grayson's on friday for shooting practice." sevika bribes. jinx considers this.
"that'll only work if mrs. kiramman doesn't arrest you tomorrow." she mumbles. sevika groans, and you giggle, flicking jinx's forehead again.
"you're such a shit." you say. jinx giggles.
"g'night." she says. you kiss her head again.
"goodnight jinxy."
the kiramman's are... an odd couple.
upon their arrival, violet and caitlyn immediately scooped each other up in a hug. you watched with a smile as caitlyn tried for a kiss, and violet turned her face away, far too nervous with the kiramman's watching to kiss her girlfriend.
caitlyn stiffly and awkwardly introduced you all to her parents, and you take over for her once she's done, guiding the family into the tavern.
you've got a few guests in the inn, but you've closed the bar for the night to keep the family dinner private. you don't want to overwhelm the kiramman's with too much on their first visit, and you're sure your patrons would find plenty of ways to embarrass violet.
tobias is a kind, quiet man, who seems genuinely interested in you and your business. he follows you behind the bar to help you make drinks, and you both watch in amusement as your wives awkwardly talk to one another.
since she's arrived, cassandra's been eyeing sevika suspiciously, a furrow in her brow as she tries to place her. sevika seems to have noticed, and each time she catches mrs. kiramman staring at her, she quickly flees to 'check in on jinx.'
jinx is the only one acting somewhat normal, doodling away at the table while she waits for dinner.
"you have a lovely business." tobias says to you. you smile at him.
"thank you, sir."
"oh please dear, no formalities necessary. with the way cait's been speaking about violet, i'm sure we'll be family in a few years." he says, smiling. you sigh, some of your anxiety melting away as you look up to admire caitlyn and violet where they're nervously whispering to one another at the table.
"you've raised an incredible young woman." you say to him. he smiles. "i'm surprised every day that violet managed to woo her-- she's incredibly poised and intelligent and kind and patient. she's lovely." you say. tobias chuckles.
"well, i'm glad she behaves well for you. at home, it's a bit of a different story-- but i'm sure you know all about that, with two daughters." he says. you laugh.
"they can be a handful, huh?" you ask. he nods.
"i'm just glad she's found somebody like violet. she's been so much happier since they met." he says, a sparkle in his eye. "she's always struggled to make friends. but, each time she comes home from her little trips up here, she's so full of life and excitement. all we ever hear about anymore is violet, and whatever trouble her and powder have gotten themselves into." he says. you grin.
"they're a good match, aren't they?" you ask. he smiles and nods.
"oh-- oh dear. i better go check on my missus. it's never good when she gets that look in her eye." he mumbles, rolling his eyes at you as he grabs a drink and leaves the bar.
you watch in amusement as tobias approaches cassandra, handing her a glass and gently guiding her away from where she was studying sevika with her chin pinched between her fingers.
sevika comes behind the bar to take over for tobias, helping you make drinks.
"how's it going?" you ask. she grunts.
"she's fucking onto me." she whispers. you chuckle.
"thank fuck for statute of limitations." you say. sevika groans. "it's fine, baby. what's she gonna do, accuse her daughter's girlfriend's guardian of being an infamous outlaw over a 'meet the family' dinner?" you ask.
"she could!" she says. you giggle.
"so, you'll deny it. she's got no proof-- you just look a bit like some wanted posters."
"and i've got enough gold buried beneath the garden to last us a hundred fuckin' years." she whispers. you snort.
"i doubt she'll be digging up the garden tonight, babe." you say. sevika groans.
"i'm gonna fuck this up for violet." she says. you smile. there it is.
sevika's never been this nervous to be potentially recognized before-- if anything, she kinda enjoys it when someone positively identifies her. but, when it comes to her girls' happiness, sevika worries endlessly.
you put down the bottle you're pouring from and reach out to grab sevika's hand, pulling her closer and closer toward you until you've got your arms wrapped around her.
"quit worrying." you whisper, kissing her cheek. "you're not gonna fuck anything up. an awkward dinner won't kill 'em, and i don't think there's anything we can do that'll break up those two." you say, nodding over to where caitlyn's whispering in a grinning violet's ear.
you both watch as your daughter laughs, then turns to whisper something back in her girlfriend's ear. caitlyn giggles, hiding her smile behind her hand, and violet quickly presses a kiss to her cheek. cait blushes.
sevika sighs, relaxing a bit in your grip. "i guess you're right." she says. you smile and kiss her lips.
"the only one we gotta worry about tonight is jinx." you say. sevika groans.
"fuck, i forgot about jinx." she says. you laugh.
"you forgot about me?" jinx asks, popping up on the other side of the bar. you both jump.
"fuck! we gotta put a bell on you or something, kid." sevika says. jinx chuckles.
"mr. kiramman challenged me to checkers after dinner-- i told him he better get ready to get his ass whooped." she says. you snort.
"what'd he say to that?" you ask. she shrugs.
"he laughed. i think he likes us." she says. you smile.
"he'd be stupid not to." you say. jinx smiles.
"mrs. kiramman is still on the fence though. i tried charming her with a game of hangman-- she said she's never heard of it." jinx says, rolling her eyes. you snort.
"she'll come around." you say.
"she better." sevika grunts.
dinner goes pretty smoothly. with a few drinks in her, cassandra lightens up significantly, and seemingly forgets all the apprehensions she had about sevika. the two of them spend the night swapping embarrassing stories about vi and cait, much to jinx's delight and their horror.
tobias shows jinx a few magic tricks, which she loves, and caitlyn cringes the entire time, burying her face in her hands.
the girls get more comfortable as the night goes on and the adults loosen up, and by the time dinner's over, violet's slung her arm around caitlyn's shoulders.
cassandra compliments your cooking, and when you tell her most of the ingredients came from your garden, she grins.
"well, that's just darling!" she says. "oh, i wish we had a garden on our property." she sighs.
"you say that dear, but you know you would kill anything you try to grow." tobias teases. cassandra huffs and elbows him.
"he gifted me a bonsai tree for our ten year anniversary and i killed it in a month. i'll never hear the end of it." she mumbles. you laugh.
"you're not alone mrs. k. they all call me jinx because i kill every plant i touch." jinx mumbles into her food. you snort.
"oh please, like you didn't beg us to start calling you jinx more." sevika says.
"well yeah! it's a great cowboy name!" she says.
"you want to be a cowboy, dear?" cassandra asks. jinx nods.
"yeah, just like sev." she says, smiling. beside you, sevika freezes. across the table, violet and caitlyn both cringe. you stomp on jinx's toes under the table. "ouch!" she whispers.
mrs. kiramman looks over at your wife, a suspicious look in her eye.
"you used to be a cowboy?" she asks. you grab your wife's hand under the table.
"uh..." she says.
"a rancher!" you fill in. "a few miles up outside of town." you say. cassandra hums, still eyeing sevika.
"you know, i used to help police forces investigate the outlaws that wander this desert." she says. you gulp.
"mom, nobody wants to hear about your boring side projects." caitlyn says nervously.
"and there was always one wanderer i could never forget." she continues, ignoring her daughter.
tobias' eyes are darting between sevika and his wife. he seems to catch on to the predicament pretty quickly, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. you bite your lip.
"who wants to see another magic trick?" he asks, trying to change the subject again.
"the weary woman of the west." cassandra says, ignoring her husband. sevika's grip on your hand goes shaky.
"w-well... that's interesting." you say.
"yes, very." cassandra says, looking over at you. "i always felt a certian... kinship towards her." she says. you blink, trying to process her words.
"wha?" sevika asks.
cassandra shrugs. "as one of the only women in the oil industry, i understand how much harder one has to work in a male dominated industry. the weary woman never let any of the expectations of womanhood stop her-- and she never let the expectations of her career define her either." she says. "never killed an innocent, never robbed anything that was locally run. never got caught either."
it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
cassandra's lips tick up at the side, and she picks up her glass, nodding at sevika.
"when she disappeared, most assumed she was killed. i always secretly hoped she took her earnings and made a life for herself." she says. sevika gulps. "i'm glad to see i was right." cassandra whispers.
you grin, and across the table, caitlyn sinks in to her chair, sighing in relief. tobias laughs, violet blinks in shock, and sevika's jaw drops. jinx bursts into laughter.
"oh, fuck yes! i like her!" jinx says. "cait, why didn't you tell me your mom was such a badass?" she asks.
the rest of you start to laugh with her, too.
after dinner, you show tobias and cassandra to their rooms. they're both 'charmed' by it, which you're pretty sure is rich person talk for not completely disgusted, so you take it.
violet finds you in the hallway after you tuck jinx in.
"hey kid." you say. she sighs, her shoulders slumping, and she melts into your arms. you giggle and wrap her up into a hug.
"oh my god, for a second there i thought there was gonna be a shootout over dinner." violet mumbles into your shoulder. you laugh.
"i did too." you say. "they're way cooler than i thought they'd be. who knew rich people could be so interesting?" you ask. violet giggles.
"i knew. cait's the coolest, richest person i know." she says. you smile and press a kiss to her head.
"you know, now that you've met the family, the next step's gonna be marriage." you say. violet scoffs.
"oh please, sevika would kill me if i tried to get married before i turned, like, twenty five." she says. you laugh.
"i'd kill you too." you say. violet laughs. "i'm just saying. me and sev know a pastor who can make it happen when the two of you are ready." violet hums.
"you really think she's gonna stick around for that long?" she asks. you smile.
"i do, kiddo. you guys are basically soulmates. your families like each other. caitlyn's constantly detouring on her treks to visit you and..." you trail off, tears welling up in your eyes as you pull away to hold violet's face in both of your hands. "and she has every fucking reason to, baby." you say. violet blinks up at you, tears welling in her own eyes as she listens. "you're incredible. you're hilarious, and kind, and you're such a good fucking sister it kills me a bit. you charm the pants off of everyone you meet, you've got a knack for getting yourself into and out of trouble, and you're like, the coolest kid i ever met. or second coolest, sorry. jinx's got you beat in that contest." you say.
violet smiles shakily up at you, then leans forward to bury her face against your shoulder again, wrapping her arms around you. you kiss her head.
"i love you." she mumbles. you smile.
"love you too, kid." you say.
"i'm so glad i tried to rob you." she says. you laugh.
"i am too." you say.
you hold her until she catches her breath, then you wipe up her snot and tears and press a kiss to her forehead, ruffling her hair.
"now, go be with your girl. i'm sure she's just as stressed out as you are after tonight." you say. vi laughs.
"i'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack." she says. you chuckle.
you find sevika in the stables, feeding teddybear and the kiramman's horses. you wrap your arms around her waist, resting your head against her solid back, sighing as you hold her. she hums, then turns around in your grip.
"that wasn't too bad." you say. sevika snorts, leaning down to kiss you.
"are you kidding? were we at the same dinner?" she asks. you laugh.
"okay, it was rocky for a bit there, but it's all good now." you say. sevika snorts. "i'd even go as far as saying that i think they like us."
"oh definitely. i think mrs. k's got a bit of a crush on the weary woman." she teases. you laugh.
"she fuckin' better not." you say, glaring at your wife. she grins.
"jealous?" she asks. you roll your eyes.
"no. i'm just worried about tobias. it would break his sweet heart if he found out his wife was leavin' him for an outlaw." you say. sevika bursts into laughter.
"well, i got good news for him, because that outlaw's off the market." she says. you smile.
"yeah. happily married, two kids, picket fence and all." she says. you snort.
"damn, what happened to her?" you ask. "she turned into a fuckin' softy. used to be so badass..." you tease.
"she fell in love." sevika says. you melt in her arms, leaning forward to press your ear to her chest, listening to her heartbeat. "with the most darling, wittiest, hottest bartender this side of the mississippi." she says. you snort.
"good for her." you say. sevika hums.
"yeah. it is." she says.
you look up at her, and she's smiling down at you, a sparkle in her eye. she gently reaches up, cupping your jaw in her hand, before swooping in to press her lips against yours.
"i love you baby." you mumble against her.
"and i love you darlin'." she replies.
"c'mon. let's get to bed." you say, dragging sevika back toward the inn. she stumbles after you, giggling as she goes.
when you're at the top of the stairs, sevika pins you to your bedroom door, leaning in to kiss you, swiping her tongue against yours. you hum against her lips and she smiles.
"think we can get a quick romp in before one of the kids needs us?" she asks. you smile, reaching behind you to open the door to your room.
"only one way to find out." you reply.
you both rush into your room, only to pause when you look at the bed.
sprawled out in the center lays jinx, an open book on her chest, her eyes closed as she drools onto your pillow. sevika chuckles.
"she's such a fuckin' shit." she laughs admiringly. you giggle.
"she really is." you say.
"'m not a shit." jinx mumbles, cracking her eye open to glare at the two of you. you burst into laughter and launch yourself onto the bed, crushing jinx as you land. she squeals.
sevika crawls in beside the two of you, wrapping you up in her arms, peppering kisses to you and jinx's heads.
"you're the biggest shit to ever shit, kid." sevika teases. jinx giggles, then yawns.
"everyone else had someone to cuddle tonight, it's no fair." she says as she settles back to sleep between you and sevika. you grin, wrapping your arms around her. where your hand lays on her stomach, sevika snakes her fingers between yours, squeezing your hand and winking at you. you smile at her.
"love you guys." jinx mumbles as she drifts off to sleep.
"we love you too, jinxy-poo." sevika replies. jinx snorts at the nickname, and thirty seconds later, she and sevika are both snoring.
you're able to drift off to sleep pretty quickly after that.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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starboyjun · 8 months
batboys as brothers in a isekai manhwa
my first post, please be nice lol.
i have given a lot of thought into bruce and the robins and what type of brother they would be in a isekai family manhwa.
you are the youngest daughter in the family and recently have trasmigrated into the body of the youngest princess of wayne. you had a reputation of being a "wicked" and "brat" in the family. you decided to make sure your family loves you to avoid being killed and having a cushion if something goes wrong in the future.
so... you change and here is how i think the bruce and the robins would treat you.
included in this post: bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, timothy drake, and damian wayne.
ft. a short snippet of alfred pennyworth, cassandra cain, & stephanie brown
bruce wayne - the overprotective father similar to: regis adri floyen (father i don't want to get married)
i think bruce would be suspicious of you at first. like all horrible manhwa dads, he neglected you a lot but he has his reasons. personally, i dont think he's one to hate you if you "killed" your mother during childbirth. i think he would just distance himself. he would give you money and all the support but never be there for you. which is why you think he hates you. there is a lot of misunderstandings, but after seeing that you're making an effort to change he'll be a tsundere and be very clingy and overprotective of you. especially when it comes to potential suitors.
richard "dick" grayson - the one who always supported you similar to: raymond millainare (the tyrant wants to be good)
dick has always been a kind brother, in both lives. though when he actually found proof of you being a horrible person he sort of distanced himself from you. he wants to think you're a good person but you find ways to prove him wrong. he tries to talk to you but you hated him. so when you changed, he had a optimistic view and tried to see if you really changed. you showed how you changed and now he's back to being the brother you once had. he's overall very supportive over you and loves to spend time with you. he's not as protective as some brothers but, he has that brotherly protection. he's the person that knows you best, even knows you more than you do.
jason todd - the one who hates you the most similar to: reynold eckhart (villains are destined to die)
jason hated you, he hates everyone in the family but thats besides the point. jason is known to hate you but he actually doesn't. he secretly just hates his father for how he treated you. he knows how it feels for bruce to treat his children like mere guests at the estate. up to a point, jason never truly hated you. he just wanted to make you into a better person but you proved him wrong. he was the last to believe that you are a brat until a incident happened. then jason just ignored you. he couldn't believe it, his little sister was a brat. when you changed, jason was suspicious, he didn't know what to believe. you showed him time after time that you weren't the person you were, this took jason a long time to believe. he would probably be the last one. jason now loves you dearly and is probably the most protective over you, nobody touches his sister. jason likes to teach you self defense (against bruce's will) to make sure you know how to "kick those evil suitors ass" and protect yourself from his enemies.
timothy "tim" drake - the one who didn't know you existed similar to: cassis pedelian (a way to protect the female lead's older brother)
tim is undoubtedly the most loyal to bruce (imo) so much so that he forgot you existed (he can't forget damian bc he actively causes trouble). you don't make a big scene other than inside the castle, i feel like he helps bruce so much that he forgets about what happens outside of the office. if he's not in the office, alfred is forcing him to eat, sleep, and bath so he has no time to think of you. once you changed, he caught a wind of it from the chattering of the servants and so he decided (be honored he went outside his office for you) to investigate. he watched you in secret and even joined mealtimes to see you and observe you. tim found that he enjoys your presence and often asks for you to hangout in the office (to bruces excitement) just for your company. tim is very loyal to you too now, and would do anything to keep you safe. that includes secretly burning marriage proposals.
damian wayne - the problem child who also thinks youre a problem similar to: ixion (lord baby runs a romance fantasy with cash)
damian views everyone (with the slight exeption of bruce) as a peasant. he has a hard exterior with a inside of just wanting to prove his worth in the family. when you were born damian pretended he didnt care for you but secretly escaped his room (he was under room arrest for his last incident) to go see you while you were sleeping. as you grew up, he noticed how similar you were to him (though he grew up with his mom for most of his life) he wanted to protect you and shield you but he was afraid his "dirty" hands would taint your innocence. so he watched you from afar, watched you grow into a person too much like him, too arrogant, too reckless, too much like a brat. damian was the only person to not hate you. he just pretended to hate you. so when you changed overnight, he was suspicious, who was this person? how did my sister change overnight? so he tested you, test after test. you passed all of them with flying colors. he wanted to know more about you, instead of just staying in your shadows (plus he was jealous of his other brothers spoiling you) so "insists that you go play with him" or "insists that you hug him." he's also a very overprotective one, he's the one that dick has to tie down when you get a marriage proposal. he steals the flowers and gifts you receive and burns them (or sells them to selina for a hefty price) bonus: alfred, cass, and steph
when cass and steph visited for the weekend, they were surprised about the change in the atmosphere, no maid was sobbing or bruised up. they knew of your reputation in the castle. so they decided to not avoid you but hangout since they heard of your change by alfred. alfred sung of your praises and that you stopped damian from cutting down the bushes in the garden. once they hung out with you (besides the annoying visits of the brothers) they decided to stay for the weekend to get to know you more. after all, you're a unique child, one who will be known for generations. part two: batfam as types of isekai romance tropes
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Our love is god (modern!Heathers JD type!Aemond Targaryen x Reader)
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synopsis: High school is hell. Truly. However, the one person you think will finally make it better, only makes it so much more worse.
warnings: angst, making out, death, murder, faked suicide, sexual abuse, physical violence, gun violence, afab reader
word count: 6.4k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall, @urmomsgirlfriend1
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom/series or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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King´s Landing high school. Your own personal hell as you liked to call it in your journal. You really thought joining forces with the devils that ran it would help you get through it, but all it did was make things harder. You left your real friends and unpopularity behind for a seat at the same table as the Baratheon sisters, only to help them bully the rest of the school and focus on your looks and parties more than anything else. You dreaded seeing them every day. Floris wasn´t as bad you had to admit, she was nice. A cheerleader, but in the end she still participated in her sisters doings. Cassandra was a more devout follower. The year book committee and the boob job that mommy paid for made her think she was more than she actually was, but even she couldn´t reach the tyranny of their sister Maris. She truly was a mythic bitch. Drowning in your thoughts, one makes its reoccurring return. College will be paradise if you´re not dead by graduation.
From the side you could feel an elbow get rammed into your ribs painfully.
“Ow. What´s your damage, Maris?” You spit out the words while rubbing the sore spot on your side.
“Stop whining. You are going to go to the big frat party with me this weekend. You should be thankful.” Just hearing her tone made you want to punch her in the boob or something. Gods, you couldn´t even think straight.
“Yay, great.” You can barely hide the sarcasm in your faked excitement.
However Maris doesn´t get the chance to say anything about it as right in that moment a commotion breaks out in the back of the cafeteria. With your old friends you would have been able to just ignore it, but with the Baratheons? No chance. The four of you turn around to see Cregan Stark and Qyle Martell harassing a student you think you have never seen before, which is highly unlikely as literally everyone here had been to kindergarten, elementary school and middle school together. Despite not recognizing him, you feel an immediate yet inexplainable attraction towards him. The whole ethereal beauty that he had going on was really working for him. So much so, that when the bickering stops and a gasp rolls through the cafeteria as the stranger pulls out a gun, you aren´t even that deterred. In fact you think it´s kinda funny how the two jocks pee their pants at being shot with blanks. They deserve some push back to their constant bullying.
But even that little moment can´t lift your mood long enough to get you over the party. When Maris picks you up in her dad´s way too expensive car you already feel like sending her away again. On the other hand you might as well end your own social life then. No.
“And don´t forget the corn nuts!” Maris yells after you as you walk towards the convenience store on your way to that stupid frat party.
“Plain or bbq?” You yell back.
“Bbq!” You get your answer in the middle of the door.
Rolling your eyes so she doesn´t see it you make your way through the store grabbing the snacks and looking around until you almost run into someone.
“Oh, sorry I didn´t look where I was going.” You take a step back feeling your cheeks heat in embarrassment as you recognize the stranger from school.
“It´s okay… You know, I´m not the biggest fan of your friend either.” He says as he grabs some snacks himself.
“What?” His statement catches you off guard quite a bit.
“I watched you… Today during lunch and how you rolled your eyes at her.” He explains as if it is nothing.
“You´ve been watching me?” You ask surprised, but with a smile on your face. “Should I be flattered or scared?”
"A little bit of both maybe?" He leans against one of the shelves. Putting on a half smile himself. A very handsome one at that. For the first time you really study him. The way his silver hair flows past his shoulders. The intense look of his right eye and the scar above his left one. The sharpness of his cheekbones, nose and chin. Until your eyes stick to his lips. Those perfect, pink lips with the sharp cupids bow.
"I can do that..." You whisper more to yourself than the lean person in front of you.
That's when the penetrating sound of a car horn and Maris screaming your name pulls the two of you back to reality.
"Better run quick. Your friend is waiting." He teases as you make your way to the Cash register. Your name rolling of his tongue in the most promising manner. Promising what? That is what you wanted to find out.
“I should.” You sigh. “But before I go… Since you know my name, it´s kind of only fair to tell me yours, don´t you think?”
“Aemond. Aemond Targaryen.” He finally introduces himself and upon hearing his last name you remember him distantly. You had talked to his sister Helaena once or twice a few years ago.
“Well, it was nice meeting you Aemond Targaryen, but I have to go appease the will of a high school tyrant now…” You shoot him a wink and get back to the car as quickly as possible.
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The party, much like you thought, is a total bust. The music is complete shit, the alcohol is cheap and Maris leaves you alone to do god knows what with some frat bro almost immediately. Leaving you alone to be harassed by his friend. It all together gives you a major headache and so you leave at the first chance. Walking home still is a better option than having to bear this any longer.
You arrive there late, but the fresh air helps the headache. To your further luck, your parents are already asleep so you can go to your room directly. Writing out all your frustrations in your journal.
While you do so there is a tap on the window. Jolting out of your seat, you see Aemond standing there.
“Greetings and salutations.” He says as you open up for him to come inside. An invitation he takes instantly. “So how was the party?”
“About as good as one would think…” You scoff, closing your journal as you turn towards him.
“Ah… I bet your presence was missed greatly.” He says, the words dripping with sarcasm and making you laugh. I was nice to really laugh for the first time in a while. The two of you talk some more and somehow end the night cuddled up naked under the blankets. Remnants of both of your juices sticking to your thighs as you talk about gods know what. You honestly can´t pay much attention. Yet even post nut clarity couldn´t give you the realization that he just found out where you lived and came in through your gods damn window. Probably because his kisses kept your mind far away enough from reality.
“Maris Baratheon is one bitch that deserves to die.” He sighs.
“Killing her won´t solve anything. I say we just grow up be adults and then die.” You reply in a quiet tone. Your faces so close to each other that there is barely even an inch between you. Perfect to pull him in once more. Locking your lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
The two of you fall asleep soon after. A tangle of limbs and your head tucked under his chin, on his chest. However when you open your eyes again you are alone. The only sign of Aemonds company the previous night being your own nakedness and a few marks he had left on you that would be easily covered up.
The real shock comes when you get back to school on monday. Meeting up with the Baratheon sisters as every morning, you are surprised to see only Cassandra and Floris. Who look tired. Well, Floris looks tired and quite sad. Cas looks as unbothered as ever, if not a bit happy.
“Where did you leave Maris?” You ask coming to a stop in front of them.
“Didn´t you hear? She killed herself two days ago…” Floris reveals with a quiet voice. Your heart sets out for a beat at the news.
“Yeah, where have you been all weekend?” Cas adds.
“I- I don´t know… I´m sorry for what happened with your sister. You put your sunglasses back on and leave them to find Aemond.
“Hey.” You great him with a small peck.
“What is going on? You look like someone just died.” He remarks, pulling you close to him and placing another peck to your cheek.
“My best friend just killed herself.” You murmur.
“Don´t you mean your worst enemy?” He replies with a small grin.
“Same difference.” Still bewildered by the happenings of this morning, you shake your head and then go to class with Aemond.
Only to learn then that you would all get a half day off. A half day seemed to be fairly less for a student just committing suicide in your opinion, especially one as influential as Maris, but then again she also enjoyed more fame than during her life. So at least she couldn´t complain. You felt a bit bad for entertaining that thought. Then again with how many lifes she had ruined...
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Going to school after that was even worse for weeks. Everyone was romanticizing Maris´ reign of terror, Cassandra silently took over what her sister had started, or at least tried to and you? Well, you only ever got away from it all when you spent time away from it with Aemond, who seemed surprisingly chill, if not smug about the bully being out of the way. The two of you get closer quick during that time. He is the most understanding boyfriend you could have ever wished for. Even his few quirks are cute. Yet he keeps his darker sides safely tucked away from you. At least for now, he vows himself. Who would have known it could get even worse.
When you enter the school building the next day, everyone is staring at you, talking to their friends in hushed whispers. At first you assume it was the usual whispers, but when Cas comes up to you, you quickly get taught better.
“You little bitch. I never knew you were that kind of person.” She says with a wide complacent grin firm on her face.
“What are you even talking about, Cas? What the hell is going on here? What is everyone talking about?” You hiss. Gripping Aemond´s hand slightly, who seemed just as confused as you were. Though he was more successful in concealing his feelings.
“Shouldn´t you know what you did? “ your supposed friend feigns innocence. It really makes you want to slap the holier than thou look off her face.
“Just. Tell. Me.” You make sure to put emphasis on every single word.
“Qyle and Cregan are going around telling everyone you blew them.” She holds her hand in front of her mouth to hide her giggle.
Without another word, you stomp past her. Running around the next corner, where Aemond stops you.
“Hey. Hey! Angel, where are you going?” He questions. Holding you by the shoulders.
“To those stupid… fucking…” You let out an undefinable sound of frustration. “They may get away with harassing the all the girls of this entire school, but not me.”
 “You have to take a breath and calm down.” He says in a low voice as to not attract any more attention.
“Don’t tell me to calm down.” You seethe, but at least you stop marching through the mass of other students.
“Calm down.” He reiterates. “I already have a plan.”
Right in that moment however the bell rings signaling the start of first period. And it is pure horror. The whispers all around you echo in your head even when it is entirely silent. Teachers drone on and on about topics that you couldn´t get less of a shit about. Cassandra and Floris arent´t any help with any of it either of course. With how nice Floris tended to be it was easy to forget who they were sometimes. Time stretches endlessly until you reach home. Sitting down on your bed, you wait for the telltale sign of Aemond coming over. By now the knocking on the window doesn´t even startle you anymore. The opposite is the case. Whenever you hear it, your heart instinctively skips a beat. Just like it does now.  You open the window and watch Aemond hop inside. Greeting him with one, two, three little pecks to the lips you pull him to the bed with you by the lapels of his leather jacket. Barely separating from him as you do so, you grin against his lips at the way his large hands grab your hips to pull your body close to his.
“I missed you so much.” He hums against your mouth between kisses.
“We haven´t seen each other for two hours.” You giggle. Running a gentle hand over his chest as the fingernails of the other massage his neck.
“I know and it felt like an eternity.” Aemond all but growls against your neck. Biting it lightly, before sucking a mark into the supple flesh.
You let out a trembling whine at the tingling feeling his lips chase down your spine. The needy sound followed by an amused chuckle from him.
“So, your still out for revenge?” He growls against your neck.
“Yes.” You answer just a bit more breathless than before.
“Good.” Aemond pulls away from you and throws two guns beside you on the bed. Startled by them, you jump back. Looking at the blond, who returns it with a smug expression.
“Aem, I want to pay them back not murder them!” You shriek, settling down a good bit away from the weapons. He on the other hand is eerily calm.
“Do you take german?” He asks as he sits down and takes your hands.
“French.” You answer still on edge.
“These are `Ich lüge´ bullets. My grandpa stole a shitload of them in WW2, they´re like tranquilizers. Only they break the surface of the skin enough to cause a little blood.” Aemond explains as he dumps a handful of bullets between the guns.
“So… It looks like the person has been shot, but really they are just unconscious and bleeding?” You ask just to be sure. The sight of the weapons made you feel all kinds of bad.
He nods. “We shoot Cregan and Kyle, it looks like they shot each other and by the time they regain consciousness, they´ll be the laughing stock of the whole school.”
“And what is that for?” You point to the folded paper that lies between the bullets.
“That is the cherry on top. A fake suicide note. Painting the whole thing as them killing themselves, because they knew they would never be accepted for being a gay couple.” Aemond snickers and you have to admit that the plan in all it´s simplicity sounds pretty good.
Taking your phone you send a text to Cregan. Luring him and Qyle into the woods behind the school under the guise of wanting to have a threesome with the two of them. Knowing full well it would get them where you wanted. Throwing your phone to the bed with a nervous giggle, you feel Aemond crawl on top of you. The weight of his taller frame pushing you into the mattress as his lips find yours again.
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When you enter the woods and Aemond kisses you one last time, before you hide your gun and he goes to hide in the trees, your whole body trembles with uncertainty.
“Hey, Dollface.” Cregan greets you.
The two guys come to a stand about five feet away from you. “So, how are we gonna start this?” Qyle adds to his friend. Wasting no time as always.
“I thought you two could start by undressing for me.” You flutter your lashes at them, voice like honey in their ears.
“Okay.” The two of them say in unison. Nodding before they all but tearing the clothes of their body, stripping down to their boxers. The three of you count to three and right as they want to rip off the last piece of fabric down too your plan sets in action. Aemond jumps out from behind a nearby tree, the pair of you whip out the guns and aim for the half naked and afraid boys. Aemond hits Qyle right in the chest and he drops to the ground right where he stood. You are less lucky, missing Cregan by only an inch. He turns to see his friend lie on the ground, in a growing puddle of his own blood and makes a run for it. Your heart starts pounding in your chest even harder than before, if that even is possible. Threatening to break out of your ribcage as you watch Aemond´s face contorts into a grimace of anger.
“Shit! You stay here, I´m getting him.” He barks, chasing after a screaming Cregan.
It´s silent where you remain alone. Making you wonder what is going on. In the same breath your eyes fall down to Qyle´s body. The blood still pools underneath his body, prompting your thoughts run off the rails with crazy theories.
It isn´t until Aemond chases Cregan back to you, where he finally shoots him as well. The burly body flopping to the ground like a sack of potatoes. With horror you see your worst theory come true. They are both dead. Aemond killed them. And you helped him. A scream leaves your lips and you throw the weapon in your hand away on instinct. Clasping your hands over your mouth as the shock seeps in.
“No. No, no, no, no.” You mumble more to yourself than anyone else really. You are frozen to the spot you are standing in and if it were up to you, you would fall to your knees then and there. But Aemond takes your hand and pulls you away from the crime scene.
You don´t come to until you are in his car, in front of your house. You feel empty, detached from reality. Your body functions on autopilot. Putting a cigarette into your mouth to even somehow try to cope with the stress of what you had just become witness to. However when you lift up the lighter, the flame licks at the skin of your palm instead. You let out an agonizing scream and tears immediately shoot into your eyes at the white, hot pain.
The funeral a week later is a rough one. Even rougher than Maris´. The way the Septon plays up the gay martyr part is unbelievable. Aemond´s presence by your side doesn´t give you any comfort any more either. You can barely look at him anymore. Over the course of the past days your mind had started to come back from what lead you there, but it also distanced itself from him. Only able to see that side of him that he had hidden so well. All you want to do is hide under your blanket for the rest of your life, instead you have to sit in that gods forsaken sept, feeling sorry for Floris and Sarah, Cregan´s half-sister and your ex best friend, who seem to be taking this the hardest. You knew that Floris and Cregan, despite him being a total goon, had been kind of on and off for a while. The two of them didn´t deserve this. Fuck, the bad conscience was eating away at you, making you nauseaus. Of course, Aemond is entirely calm. Not letting a single soul see behind the carefully strung up curtain. Even though you imagine to see the same small smug smirk in his face again that he had expressed while explaining his plan to you all those days back.
Repressing the urge to run out of the sept, you pick at the skin around your fingernails until they bleed.
Once the service is over, you get onto Aemond´s motorcycle and let him drive you home. No matter how hard it is to keep holding on to him and not dissociate the whole ride. Your mind makes up then and there, that this has to end. You have to end this.
That night when he comes over, you sit him down.
“We um… We need to talk.” You mumble. Still not meeting his eye. He had already noticed your inability to do so since that day, but until now he thought you would catch yourself again after an initial shock. A mistake he noted mentally to never do again.
“What do you want to talk about?” He feigns ignorance, though he full well has a perfect idea of what you want to talk about.
“I… We… I can´t do this anymore, Aemond.” You stammer out, your leg trembling under his hand that rests on your thigh.
“Cannot do what anymore, Angel?” His one seeing eye rests on you as intensely as ever.
“This. Us. I thought I could cope with what we have done, but I can´t. I can´t look at you like before anymore. The sight of their… bodies… still haunts me in my dreams.” You try to find the right words to express your feelings and still it feels like the severity of them doesn´t come out right.
“You can´t be serious about that.” He faltered. Despite having a feeling about what you were gonna say, he still feels floored by it. His heart hurting at your words.
“I am. I never wanted this. “ Your voice hardens as you get more confident about your decision.
“You wanted this too. You said you wanted revenge.” Aemond insists.
“Yes, I wanted revenge. I did not ask for this. Two people are dead!” You try to get through to him. To no avail.
“You didn´t seem to mind much when Maris died.” He blurts out. It´s entirely in the heat of the moment. And he regrets revealing it to you like that, but it is out nonetheless.
“What?” You shriek in response. “I thought Maris killed herse…”
The thought of the fakes suicide note for Cregan and Qyle enters your mind and you hide your face in your hands, fighting back the tears that sting in your eyes.
“Please just leave…” Your voice comes muffled from behind your hands. Opting to leave your face buried in them as you speak the defeated words.
“Angel, I am not just going to leave you. We can talk about this.” He takes your wrists in his hands and pulls them down to your lap.
“What is there to talk about? You killed three people!” You pulled your arms away from him, but his grip was too strong.
“Yes, but I did it for you.” He argues.
“How was any of that for me?” Your voice drips with disbelieve.
Aemond comes closer to you until he whispers against your lips. “They hurt you. I will never let anyone hurt you.”
Then he presses his lips to yours roughly. His tongue pushes into your mouth forcefully, stunning you into an overpowering inability to act, as he pushes you against the headboard. The way his lips move against yours is aggressive, making you cry out in search for help or to get him to stop. Just something, anything to make him stop. It takes several more moments for your brain to return to the situation, but once it does you start struggling with all your might. Biting his lip and kicking him away from you, finally sets you free from his assault.
“I want you to go. Now.” You say quietly but with as much certainty as you can put into your voice. He turns around and leaves. Surprisingly without another word. Yet your body stays on edge until long after he is gone.
Your arms wrapped tightly around your middle, you shiver from your nerves processing everything that had been revealed and happened. Unable to really cope with it yet. Despite not having really liked them your friends where dead and only the gods knew what Aemond would do next.
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That night you get haunted by him in your dreams.
You find yourself in the Baratheon´s dark kitchen. Aemond in front of you, looking for a knife. For some reason you know Cassandra is going to be his next victim. Yet, no matter how hard you try to speak and keep him from going through with his fucked up plan, you can´t. Not a single sound comes from your lungs. With panic you watch as he grabs a dirty knife from the dishwasher and goes into Cas´ room. In the complete dark you can´t see exactly what he does, you can only see the world go dark around you seconds later, feeling like you are falling into a bottomless pit, you wake up with a gasp. Sweat soaking your pillow and your chest heaving with short heavy bursts of breath while your heart threatens to break out if it. You know you have to stop him, before what the dream is foreboding becomes reality. He is incalculable, dangerous and whatever he does end up doing next, can´t happen under any circumstances. You spend the whole day trying to make out a plan, not paying attention to any of your teachers or Floris and Cassandra. Not a single idea your brain comes up with is good enough to work. Luckily it also makes you ignore the weird looks your friends are giving you over your unresponsiveness.
Saying goodbye to them when they drop you of in the afternoon, you plan to head to your room immediately. A plan that is thwarted by your parents, who await you in the living room, worried expressions on both of their faces.
“Darling! We need to talk to you for a moment.” Your mother speaks up first. Seemingly relieved to see you alive and well.
“Sure, what´s going on?” Your mind is still half busy with Aemond when you put down your bag in front of you.
“Aemond just dropped by. Saying all these things about how we should look out for you, that he was worried for you…” Your mom´s voice is shaky as she recalls on the memories of what had happened so shortly before you arrived.
“Did he say something else?” You say passively. Inside you are boiling already. Who does he think he is?
“He said you confessed some rather alarming urges to him. That you shouldn´t be left alone with sharp objects or… or that kind of stuff.” Your father holds your mother a little tighter to calm her down again. You truly feel sorry for them. How could they know that what they have been told was as wrong as it possibly could have been.
“I´m sorry… But I´m not… That´s not true. You know I´d talk to you if there was anything going on.” You assure them.
You try to spend more time with them, but once your parents start to believe you, you make your way back to your room. Your mind is finally made up on what to do. If talking to him wouldn´t help to get him to stop killing, maybe you could shock him into it. Hopefully. He did used say, that the extreme always makes an impression. Taking your bedsheets you tie them around your body in a way that allows you to make it look like you had hung yourself. For once it would come in handy that he had never stopped texting you. Hurrying to get done before you hear that accursed knock. Tipping over the chair you use in your preparations mere seconds before he lets himself in. No matter how much you want to move or even at least open your eyes, you force yourself to stay calm. No matter how unfamiliar the air under your forcefully relaxed feet feels and your lungs hurt from the flat breaths you can allow yourself at most to take. Blissfully unaware to the gun hidden in the back of his pants, with which he planned gods know what. While he doesn´t move or breath or speak for a short moment. Frozen in a shock not deep enough to hold him for long.
It seems you have underestimated his crazy. Mentally you curse yourself out aggressively so that you almost miss him beginning to speak to you.
I can´t believe you did it.” He says in a breathy tone and you can hear his hands slap against his thighs as if he had raised them in defeat beforehand. “I loved you. Sure I was coming in here ready to kill you, but… I at least would´ve wanted to tell you about this petition the whole school signed first. Of course they don´t know what they really signed up for, but that won´t be any of their concern anymore soon. Oh Angel, it´s a shame you don´t get to see this play out anymore. I have the perfect plan. During pep rally on Friday the whole school is gonna come down and everyone in there with it. Listen to this. We, the students of King´s Landing high, will die. Our bodies will be the ultimate protest against you. A society that churns out slaves and blanks. Fuck you all.”
He was even further gone than you would´ve thought or hoped. “It´s not very subtle, but a school blowing up, that´s big. The kind of big that infects a generation. The only place Baratheons and Snows can get along is in heaven. We could´ve united them together, you and I… you left me no choice. So I will do it alone if I must.”
By now he is breathless from the passion that is no doubt not only in his voice but also his heart. The clicking of a lighter registers over the ringing of sheer panic in your ears, followed by the faint footsteps and mumbling of your mother. Aemond is quick to sneak back out the window and you are just about to open your eyes back up and take a deep breath, when the door opens behind you and your poor mothers scream can be heard throughout the entire house.
Hurrying, you untie the bedsheets with shaky hands, hurting your knees in the process of falling to the ground, but you don´t care. All you care about is getting to your mom. Hugging her weak, sobbing form to your body as tightly as you can. Soothing her as best as possible, but the damage has been done you guess and you really can´t blame her. If you would have been in her place you wouldn´t have reacted or felt any other way.
“It´s okay, mom. I´m okay, I´m still here. It wasn´t real.” It´s safe to say, that after all of that you don´t sleep well. Or at all really. How could you after Aemond has told you what would happen next. You want to stop him, feel like you have to stop him, even more so now that your plan has failed so miserably. If anything you´re under the impression of having worsened the state his soul is in.
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For two whole days you have to watch school go by without anything out of the ordinary happening. Which just makes the bad feelings in your gut swirl even more intensely. Yet, at the same time, there is a strange calm inside your mind. There certainly, realistically, is very little you can do to keep Aemond from doing what he wants to do. But at least if, or rather when, you go down on Friday, you don´t go down by being by Aemond´s side, watching the smoke pour out the doors. Making s´mores over the burning remains of your dead school mates. This was sick. A whole parade of red flags. A perverted power fantasy, that you can´t believe you didn´t notice before. In those days you have more people than you are willing to count come after you, questioning how you are still alive. How did the stupid rumors always spread the fastest and furthest?
The poor guidance counselor is who almost suffers from you losing your nerves over it, on the day of. You are quick to apologize as well though.
“I am so sorry, I´d be glad to talk about this another day, now I really have something more important to do.” You let the man behind, that still opens and closes his mouth like a fish on land.
Marching through the masses of students on their way to the gym. Scared shitless, but still determined to put an end to this if you can. It was high time you pulled your shit together anyway. Finding Aemond in the boiler room, he is already busy setting up multiple explosives.
“Hey!” You pull his attention away from the dynamite.
“Greetings and salutations. Come to change your mind?” He inquired.
“No. Never! Gods, how delusional are you to think that anyone would join you in this madness! You are no better than your mother.” You take another step closer to him. The venom in your tone gets him to stay silent for once. However he still doesn´t stop fiddling with the bombs.
“Put that down, slowly and then put your hands behind your head.” You put your hand in the pocket of your cardigan to grab your fathers hunting knife in case you´d need it. Pulling it out you earn a genuinely amused chuckle, then everything goes too fast for you to react properly. Aemond kicks the weapon out of your hand, letting it slide out of your reach, and knocks you out with a few , for him very simple, movements. Sinking to the ground you barely stay conscious long enough to see him walk further into the basement of the building. Fuck. The already quiet sounds of the pep rally become even more quiet over the dull thudding in your head and then darkness claims you.
You don´t know how long you have been out once your eyes open again. Thankful for the low light of the rooms you are in, you tumble towards the direction you saw Aemond leave in. Holding on tightly to the wall or anything you can find to keep the dizziness from knocking you off your feet again. Too busy to hear your scuffling steps, you can grab the gun he had brought and laid down beside himself.
“I said put it down… and hands behind your head…” The sentence is broken up by your heavy breathing.
One of his hands shoots to the side to check for the missing gun. Raising them over his head almost immediately and turning around to you slowly.
“Angel, come on. You know you can´t shoot me so why don´t you just put down the gun and join me? I´m giving you one last chance.” His tone is still smug, but you can hear a hint of fear shine through the overconfidence.
Scoffing, you shake your head at his inability to even now be real with his feelings. “Just turn off the bombs.”
Behind his eye you can see his brain mulling over every possible outcome to this situation. Surprising you, by complying to with you have just said. Putting his hands behind his head, the feeling of the imminent danger of the situation subsides from your system and you finally hear the voices from upstairs again. Having had enough of talking you wave for him to go outside with the gun, which you hold safely in both hands. Due to everyone being still in the gym and none the wiser as to what was going on not too far away from them. In front of you Aemond pushes the big front doors open for both of you to step outside.
Standing still, he turns to you again. Eye half closed and so close to you that if either of you were to move, your lips would most definitely touch.
“You know what you need to do now.” He murmurs. The way his breath fans over your face so warm and for a moment you feel set back to the beginning of your relationship. When everything was still okay or at least as okay as it could be.
“I don´t want to have to do it.” You whisper back.
“There is no other way to end this anymore now. I am far too damaged, but you are not beyond repair. Please… Stand back now. You know it had to end this way. No matter how much you wished it didn´t.” Aemond takes a step back himself and stretches his arms out to the side.
You take a deep breath and as you take a step away from him remind yourself of everything he had done and wanted to do. Looking up at him you ask him in a voice void of emotion.
“Any last words?”
“I worship you. So much. I´ll trade my life for yours.”
With a heart heavier than it should be, you point the gun back at the man who you had thought was the only one to ever truly understand you. Then, before your brain can have the chance to think twice about it your actions, you pull the trigger.
The shot rings in your ears long after it is over. The sight of Aemond falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes, filling you with a great void of nothingness. Still you stay there for a few more minutes. Lighting yourself a cigarette and waiting for that atrocious ringing to stop. A part of you still hopes to wake up and have all of this be a nightmare, but you never wake up and the cigarette is entirely done. So you throw the damned thing away, drop the gun on Aemond´s lifeless body and get back inside where everyone is flooding the hallways.
Ignoring Cassandra´s comments and protest, you march past her, taking Floris by the hand and walk over to Sarah who is sitting alone on the stairs.
“Ladies, there is a new sheriff in town. And the way I see it, all three of us are still free tonight. So, I propose we buy snacks and watch movies at my place all night.” You say with a conciliatory smile.
The two girls look happy about the suggestion. About as happy as they can look under the given circumstances and together the three of you decide to cut the school day a bit shorter and go now.
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sleepymccoy · 2 months
It's strange to me that we have Christmas songs but not Easter songs. So I've put together an Easter playlist for the season! Here is a link to it on Spotify
And here's my thinking for each song, I hope it makes you chuckle. it's only slightly sacreligious
Breadline by Warumpi Band and Wine, Beer, Whiskey by Little Big Town are The Last Supper, where Jesus has his buddies eat his flesh and blood in what must've been a super normal meal for everyone
Then there's a bit of betrayal! Judas by Lady Gaga and Money by Lime Cordial are Judas selling Jesus out. Then we have No No No by TheFatRat is the denied thrice thing that I don't really remember.
We've got Kiss by Prince followed by Red Right Hand by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, as Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss then feels guilty and kills himself
Now we move onto the Pilate and Herod stuff with Good Morning Judge by 10cc, followed by Whip It by DEVO (thinking about Jesus getting whipped to DEVO is the most sacrilegious this gets imo lol) and Won't Go Down Easy by JAXSON GAMBLE cos Jesus doesn't let up despite the thrashing
Then we've got Camel Walk by Southern Culture on the Skids, which is Jesus carrying the cross through town. You know, carry shit like he's a camel! Sure! Aaand Hammer and Nails by The Bones of J.R. Jones as he's strung up on the cross.
We move into more straightforward religious music with The Lord's Prayer by Sister Janet Mead, and a cover of Chop Suey by Robyn Adele Anderson which ends with Jesus yelling at his dad (God, not Joseph. I hope Joseph visited Jesus on the cross).
And then we have Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen as Jesus calls out to his mum for help, followed by Sign of the Judgement by Cassandra Wilson cos no one comes to help him, and he dies up there to Gallows Pole by Led Zeppelin
Hey St. Peter by Flash and the Pan is a nod to Jesus being dead but being turned away from heaven or whatever admin happened to bring him back. By Myself by FIDLAR is kinda how I reckon he'd've felt just hanging out in a cave being left alone by everyone. It's a mess for Jesus right now, rock bottom. Then This Year by The Mountain Goats cos it's actually a hilarious resurrection song
Jailbreak by AC/DC for when he gets out of the cave. Boys in Town by Divinyls cos our main boy is in town again, but he is absolutely on the way out. Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum as he returns to heaven and There's A Light by Shirley Ann Lee to remind us there's some real religion going on, and I assume that Jesus and God start getting along again eventually
And then wrapping it all up with Chocolate Jesus by Tom Waits, because chocolate really is what it's all about now
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bumblebeehug · 3 months
I've watched season 1-3 of winx in less than 4 days, and I'm so glad I grew up on that instead of cocomelon. Even when the script seemed cringe and not as fleshed out as it could be, they never made the people watching the show seem stupid (they made Bloom seem stupid instead, lol (half-joke)). The dialogue could be simplefied and sometimes a bit naive, but at the same time they never made it feel very simple? Maybe I'm just blinded bc I'm a sucker for illustrated animations, but the fact that they could make a complicated storyline with a lot of character arcs, while keeping the dialogue simple enough for kids to follow, is just amazing. And as if that wasn't amazing enough, the show had good balance in the art - it was colourful, the characters were dynamic and unique with different siluettes (something i rarely see in kids shows today), while also appealing to the preteen audience: the winx girls are strong, stylish, girly girls, who can seek out love from men without needing them to save them. They show that you can be unique in your friend group, and you can still be loved and appreciated (thinking about Musa, Techna and later on Aisha/Layla, who all aren't the stereotypical sweet/soft/stylish girls, but who still find friends who love them for who they are). (More analysis beneath the read more thing - mainly a discussion on how family is represented in the show and how important it is for children to be able to look up to female figures that can represent them. + some other stuff.)
Winx also casts light on a lot of different family dynamics - something i've only really seen Bluey do well recently. Stella's parents are divorced, Bloom is adopted, Musa's relationship with her dad is strained ever since her mom died, Aisha/Layla is an only child who struggled with lonliness despite having both of her parents together (they were absent bc of their royal duties), Techna doesnt seem to have any mayor issues, nor does Flora. And the thing is - these struggles are shown in such natural ways in the show. All of these dynamics turn out to be part of their journeys - Bloom struggles as a fairy because of her unknown past, so she must resolve it and find out more to be able to become a fully fledged fairy. Stella has dealt with her divorced parents most of her life, but in season 3 the entire Valtor thing strains her relationship with her father, and she has to overcome it so she can save him from Cassandra or whatever that duchess was called (girlie practically gets banned from her home planet, don't you forget). Faragonda brings Musa's dad to her first concert, which once again strains their relationship, but then strengthens it when he sees how capable she is, both as a musician and as a fairy. Aisha/Layla displays how it is to have more traditional parents - as a child she had lots of expectations to be a proper princess, which she for a long time still had trauma from, plus that her parents wanted to pick her future husband for her (they were all lucky that the two of them matched well lol). And then we have Flora who showed off sisterhood in an amazing way - worrying over and scolding her little sister, but never doubting for a second that she'd risk her life to save her. To the point though - everyone faces difficulties that can be reflected in most people's lives, and the show makes these journeys meaningful and important. I personally never had a need to see myself represented in my family situation, but my friend had divorced parents, and she told me that Stella's viewpoint made it easier for little her to deal with it. If Stella could overcome it (reminder that she still allowed herself to feel sad about it) then so could my friend.
Now, while I'm at it, I might as well continue ranting:
Maybe I'm just not updated in modern shows, but isn't there an entire market of preteens who are missing these types of shows today? We're always talking about how clothing trends and social media is forcing younger people to grow up eariler, but let's not forget that these kids have nothing if they don't decide to grow up immediately. There's no shows, no "toys" (i'm mostly talking about merch that caters to young people - "H2O just add water" pillowcases and diaries etc) and no older teens in these shows setting appropriate clothing trends. Shows aren't cool enough nowadays for preteens to see the appeal of being young. Too many shows are changing their target audience to younger and younger children - and not only shows! Just look at the Nesquik bunny! He went from 100% drip and style, to 100% millenial.
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Ik this isn't anyone in particulars fault, but this is just my way of saying: go back to unique styles and outfits! Shows aren't cool anymore, and removing the illustrated style and exaggeration is absolutely part of that.
I also saw someone on TikTok critique the pace of the earlier seasons - they said everything was too slow-paced and boring, and honestly? I couldn't disagree more. Now, I don't have any difficulties concentrating, so maybe it's a bigger problem for people with ADHD or similar diagnosis, but the slower pace gave more time for me to immerse myself in the winx world. They added amazing vocals and soundtrack, that could either showcase heartbreak or joy, and these details made the show reach much higher quality, despite looking like it was made in the cheapest animation program ever.
I went off on a tangent, but I'm getting back to winx now - what I mean is that kids nowadays have no authentic way of finding shows like winx, mainly because there aren't any! Most shows are made for kids under the age of 8 or over the age of 13, and there's almost no inbetween. Shows don't do it like winx did anymore - they don't make the art appealing enough (bc the shows are never illustrated - fair enough i'll add, bc illustrated animation is too expensive to be profitable nowadays, but not even the animation is appealing anymore, they're all rapunzel-lookalikes/wannabes), they don't trust that the watchers have brains and critical thinking, so they make the stories too dumb, they don't have the guts to make scary storylines, and they try so hard to be inclusive without actually succeeding at it (making all the fairies even paler than what they were in the beginning of the show).
I'm sure everything I've said here has been said before a trillion times, but I wanted to get it off my chest. I won't blame anyone if they decide that they ain't reading allat bc i really ran with this. If u did read this though, thanks! And sorry if i spelled things wrong, I'm writing this on a Swedish computer that insists that every single word is spelled incorrectly, lol.
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Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Thirteen: First Date
Jason woke up early while everyone was sleeping, and despite the aches and pains he felt, he showered and dressed up. He let his hair down and stared in the mirror. Jason had a hard time recognizing himself in the mirror. It was hard to tell if he even liked what he saw. He didn't talk to his therapist about it because he feared it'd open up another can of worms in his already damaged mind. Barbara knocked on the bathroom door. "Going out?" asked Barbara.
Jason opened the bathroom door, and she grinned. "What? Do I look stupid?" Jason asked. Barbara shook her head.
"Jason, you look... Nice. I have to ask. Are you going somewhere special?" Barbara questioned.
Jason looked away from her. "I'm going to church," Jason answered honestly. He expected her to tease him for being so nervous, but she didn't.
"Buy her a single flower... Something special, unique to her," Barbara advised.
Jason nodded and thanked her quietly before leaving the clock tower. Jason went to the florist's and looked around before noticing a white flower with dark blue budding. He asked to buy one, and the florist wrapped it nicely in wax paper and a ribbon.
By the time he got to the church, Sister Irene was already sitting in the courtyard waiting for him. Jason met with her and gave her the single flower. "The uh—. I don't know what kind of flower it is, but—."
Sister Irene looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I can't be a nun if I don't believe, can I?" she asked.
Jason shook his head. "You can still help people, though... Besides, being a nun is a serious commitment," Jason whispered as he sat next to her.
"Can you give me two hours and come back?" she asked. Jason nodded. Sister Irene stood up and kissed his cheek. He looked up at her and smiled, but he could tell she was nervous.
Jason held her hand to his face, and she smiled. "One hour," Jason whispered.
"One hour," Sister Irene repeated, "Could I have my hand back, please?"
Jason laughed nervously and let go. "One hour," Jason whispered once more before watching Sister Irene walk away.
Jason's cheeks went rosy, and he rushed back to the car, driving around the city to clear his head. His phone vibrated, and he pulled over. "Dad?" Jason asked.
"Hi, I'm back in town, and Barbara said you were out. Are you busy?" Bruce questioned.
"A little bit," Jason replied, "I have plans with someone in an hour, but I'll be home later on today."
"Do you have a date? Is that a question I can ask?" Bruce questioned. Jason chuckled.
"I think it's a date. I'll let you know when I find out," Jason grinned. Bruce chuckled and hung up.
"Is it a date?" Jason asked himself.
He took the long road to the church, and a girl with bright yellow hair ran to the car with a suitcase. Jason almost didn't recognize her. She had baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. He stepped out of the car and came around to the passenger's side door. "Sister Irene?" Jason asked.
"Not really... No," she replied, "Indigo's my real name... My hair looks—."
"You look pretty," Jason whispered. She grinned and kissed his cheek. "You okay? You got somewhere to stay?"
"Jason, aren't you gonna take me out?" Indigo asked. Jason blushed and nodded. "What do you have planned?"
"I don't know... I—. My head gets so empty when I'm around you... Do you-. Do you want to go eat?" Jason questioned. "Dumb question... Of course, you wanna go eat... What do you wanna eat?"
"Doesn't matter," Indigo replied. Jason nodded and let her in the car. He walked around to the driver's side and took a deep breath.
Jason drove her to a hole-in-the-wall burger spot. She grinned. "It's good... I know it doesn't look like much, but they've got the best burgers in Gotham and the nachos—."
"Say no more. I'm starved," Indigo whispered.
Jason held the door for her and grabbed her seat. "Nachos?" Jason whispered. She nodded. He ordered for her and himself before grabbing their sodas and joining her at the table. "I got our food to go."
Indigo took a sip of her drink and looked at him. He glanced at her and then back down at the table. His cheeks went rosy, and he covered his smile. They didn't speak until after they received their food and left the restaurant. Jason handed Indigo her food before unwrapping his burger. He offered her the first bite without thinking, and she laughed as she took a bite. Jason held a hand under her chin and chuckled. "Don't take the whole thing with you," Jason teased. Their eyes met, and he snagged a few of her nachos to avoid the awkwardness of the silence.
Indigo took her thumb and wiped the corner of his lip. "I'm not running from anything," Indigo announced. Jason blinked at her. "I'm not... You were wondering why I haven't told you much about myself. Weren't you?"
"Well, yeah... But I didn't think it was my place—."
"It is. You can ask me whatever you want," Indigo reassured him.
Jason dug through the bag and ate his fries. "You're not from here. Why'd you move to Gotham?" Jason questioned.
"My ex-boyfriend moved me here after high school... Then we broke up two weeks later, and I tried to become a nun, and then a month later, there was you. I never stood a chance, though," Indigo whispered.
Jason didn't speak. He was far too nervous. When they finished eating, Jason took their garbage and threw it out. "Jason, walk with me? For a little while," Indigo requested. Jason nodded and hugged himself before she took his hand.
Jason's face grew hot, and he looked out toward the street. They did a few laps around the park. "I'm sorry-. I'm nervous. You make me nervous," Jason confessed.
"You don't have to be... Jason, what do you want with me, huh?" Indigo asked softly. Her voice was sweet, and Jason finally managed to look at her. She was just as beautiful as the day he met her.
He leaned down and lifted her chin with his knuckle. But he hesitated. "Jason, it's okay..."
He'd never kissed a girl before. He died young and spent every day since his resurrection recovering, so dating was uncharted territory for him. "I don't wanna mess this up," Jason whispered.
"We can always have a do-over... C'mere, okay?" Indigo replied as she pulled him in by his collar. Jason closed his eyes and clutched his chest with one hand. Their lips met, and he pulled back out of fear before parting his lips. Indigo kissed him, and she held the back of his head, her fingers entangled in his curls and brushing his scalp. He tensed up, hoping her hands wouldn't find his scars, but she did. And she was so gentle. Her lips were soft as they collided with his. It seemed to last forever, that is until his phone rang.
"I'm sorry—."
"Don't be," Indigo smiled as she raised her fingers to her lips.
Jason stood up straight and swallowed hard. "Hey," Jason answered. He was half out of breath, half-exasperated.
"You busy?" Bruce asked.
Jason glanced over at Indigo and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, a little bit. What do you need?" Jason questioned.
"Busy, huh? She must be cute—."
"Dad, please," Jason whispered, "I'll be home in a little bit... And yeah... She is." Jason turned around, and she was gone. "Where—? Dad, I'll call you right back..."
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Immortal Danny meets his Families Reincarnations after years
So, Immortal Danny had to suffer through the deaths of his friends and family. For some reason, they never became Ghosts in the Zone, but he has kept looking for them in the Zone for centuries.
Then, one day, Clockwork come to him and explains that his Friends have all been Reincarnated. Due to them having died peaceful deaths, there weren't enough emotions to be turned into Ghosts, instead their souls were Reincarnated due to the amount of Ectoplasm in their bodies.
Danny goes to the Universe where they were Reincarnated, and finds that they all ended up reincarnating in a similar time-frame and location, and all ended up meeting eachother again.
His family and friends Reincarnated as the Bat Family
Bruce is actually the reincarnation of Jack Fenton, and while he is still a much better driver than before, Alfred prefers life thank you very much. He uses his Tech Know-How to build all his Bat-Gear. Hall also freakishly strong, and he isn't a Meta, so he has always been a little confused about that. His lingering guilt at being a bad dad in his past life leads him to be as great a dad as he can in this one.
Maddie Fenton is now Selena Kyle, using her natural athletic expertise and genius level technical know-how to steal artifacts from museums better than her canon counterpart ever could. She has always felt a connection to Batman for some reason, and flirted constantly.
Jazz became Barbra Gordan, and she is just as much a psychologist in this life as the last, but she uses it for Crime solving instead. I'm just going to say that she was officially adopted without Comissioner Gordans knowledge. He is not happy when he finds out that his daughter is legally shared by him and bruce.
Sam became Cassandra Cain, who for some reason has new Plant Powers reminiscent of Poison Ivy. Her soul is still technically that of the "Daughter of Undergrowth", so she gets her plant powers even in death. She now considers Poison Ivy her new sister for some reason. She is also still a Vegan.
Tucker is now Duke Thomas, who is confused as to why he seemingly has Egyptian Magic alongside his own Meta Abilities all of a sudden. He also has a talent for Coding and Hacking that could rival every other member of their family.
Tim used to be Wes, who befriended Danny after a while in his old life. He uses his smarts to figure out Batman is Bruce Wayne, and becomes the second Robin.
Dick was Dash, who mellowed out and became a good friend to Danny a while after the end of the series. In his new life, he is much kinder to everybody around him, as a remnant of his guilt for being so mean in his past life. It's alsowwhy he became a Cop.
Jason is undecided. Maybe he is still a friend to Danny, but he met him when he died and Danny found him while wandering. He considered him a little brother before he was resurrected and lost his memories. Or maybe he was another of Danny's friends, idk.
Alfred used to be Mr Lancer, and he has always had a weird talent for dealing with chaotic and freakishly strong teenagers. He also has a Love for helping children down on their luck.
Steph could have been Star, who rekindled her friendship with Danny after a few years as well. I honestly just like the idea of Danny's bullies becoming his friends after getting their life together.
I don't know about many of the others
This could then go 2 ways
Option 1:
When Danny discovers that his Family has all Reincarnated, he decides to Reincarnate as well to be with them again. With the help of Clockwork, he becomes Damian Al Ghul, born only a little time after his other family and friends.
He makes it so that he will slowly regain his memories and powers over his lifetime until he hits the age of 14, the age he was when he died.
The other Batfamily Members are confused, because Damian all of a sudden called a Family Meeting, and began telling them a story about how they were all the reincarnations of the mortal friends and family of the Ghost King. And that he is the Ghost King as well.
And it makes sense for some reason, they have all had vivid dreams of past lives, or skills and abilities that they don't remember picking up.
They slowly accept his story and the story continues from there.
Option 2:
Danny just goes directly to them after figuring it out, and the Batclan is suddenly visited by the God King of the Afterlife shouting about how he finally found his family.
Danny is just happy to be there, while the others are looking at bruce like "Oh my god, his Adoption Addiction has gotten so strong that the souls of the dead are being adopted by him"
And Danny is meeting his new brother Damian.
Or, Bonus Option
Danny goes to meet with them, then Damian walks in and pulls him aside. Tells him to ask for Clockwork to Reincarnate him, and pushes him through a portal.
A combination where Danny meets them, and then after he meets them goes back in time and Reincarnates himself as Damian.
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block-swing-perry · 1 year
ok im unexpectedly sleepy but i keep seeing seperated aus for rottmnt and heres who i think should go to who based on the best possible outcomes for all children involved, the angst starts after they meet alright? anywho:
first up donnie, idk why we like to torture him with draxum WHEN HIS FATHER IS RIGHT THERE. yes i know science/alchemist combo hed be unstoppable but
a) his dad thinks hes the funniest
b) donnie really craves attention from splinter already in canon, you can play with splinter being more intentive with his son but not showing it in a way that donnie clocks
c) i think splinter was very overwhelmed with having four sons all the sudden on top of himself being mutated hed probably be able to handle the stress better and therefore provide in ways he was tried but ultimately failed in
d) i dont think the lair without donnie would exist the way it does in canon
e) friendship with april (since its implied or at least has been so fancanonized that those two were friends first)
raph, clearly cassandra or the foot clan. not much explanation other than hed be really fiercely trained, yet i can see him realistically retain all of his canon cuddlieness. theres an ongoing fight between him and the paper origami method, he respects it but stuffies for life man. also i think him and cassandra deserve to be besties <3
mikey i think obviously matches up with draxum.
a) as in canon and other shows, hes actually more skilled than everyone else so im gonna say its gonna be tough for him but hed see through draxum's training with ease
b) hes itty bitty and could and already has melted draxums heart+he was co-raised by the gargoles. he is a master of steering draxum down the right path. except maybe that path may be a cooler path, not a righteous path. mikey reminds me of my sister and i think my sister would be the one to end up on some kind of watch list
c) master of emotions, could see him getting his brothers back together. enough said
leo's a little harder. everyone puts him under big mama but i think hed honestly be really miserable underneath her. i dont think shed be a good mom at all, which is why i recommend señor hue-SIKE CAPITÁN PIEL
a) in canon leo is actually kinda sus in the morality department. he cut warren in half on instinct and then immediately claim it was because he was on his head, definitely aimed for the kill on draxum, etc. he would totally be fine being a pirate
b)connection to señor hueso thats not immediately direct, i think it better he makes the bone man warm up to him.
c) knows everything about everyone on a side of the yokai world that you wouldn't get from stationary big mama yet also keeps him outta sight of draxum.
d) leo in a pirate shirt honestly, i just really liked his outfit
e) would fit with his dramatics
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 7
Time for my toddlers to become children. I've already stretched the toddler lifespan and I'm still not emotionally prepared.
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If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Mercedes has a speech delay and may get words wrong, correct wording will be in brackets if that is the case Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
Before heading to bed Cassandra decides to peek in on Viola. Good thing she did as the little infant has a big stink cloud, probably one good stretch or bladder emptying away from a blowout.
Cassandra: Oh dear, wake up green bean
Cassandra strokes Viola’s belly until her eyes flutter open.
Viola: ge la doo (what mama)
Cassandra: Come on, we need to change that diaper
Cassandra gingerly carries Viola over to the changing table where she begins the delicate cleaning operation. Viola becomes aware of her diaper situation and begins to cry at the irritating squishy.
Viola: *cries* he na loo (I smell bad)
Cassandra: Just hold on Viola, we’ll have a nice clean one soon, mama promises
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All clean, Cassandra decides to try encouraging Viola to crawl again when her older sisters aren’t commenting. Viola manages to balance a few times on all fours but whenever it comes to moving her limbs forward she ends up collapsing. This of course leads to tears because being an infant is tough. Cassandra gives her a soothing cuddle and lets her nurse before settling her back in her crib for the night.
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Cluckton: *crows* Hear ye, hear ye! Important day! The waddlers have their birthday! We will have visitors so remain vigilant outside the coop, snakes could could from any direction
Squidge: *clucks disapprovingly* Come on dad, 5 more minutes
Inside Cassandra wakes up to discover her milk has leaked in the night. Sighing she decides that it’s best to pump before a shower, then she can get properly clean. Rahul let’s his boss know he’s working from home today for his toddlers. He has to submit a grant proposal but before that he mixes some batter to make two strawberry cakes for his eldest girls.
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Cluckton: *crows* Toxic situation! Toxic situation! Mama where are YOU? We need emergency mini goat cleaning
Turtle: *bleats* Do you think you could have crowed that any louder
Seven: *bleats in clean laughter*
Cassandra heads outside but before tending to the animals she collects the eggs and cleans the coop. Rahul wakes Viola up and after a feeding leaves her to play in the nursery. Viola knows that mama would be happy if she can crawl so she has solo tummy time. Alas, no big improvements.
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Mercedes: It our birth day. We… how old we
Savannah: Six years!
Mercedes: You think mama invite Uncle Milton
Savannah: He not so bad, he just grump face
The girls decide to spend the end of their toddlerhood playing in the yard with the animals. Mercedes decides she wants to try and hug Seven but Seven is not in the mood, angrily headbutting her and stomping her hooves.
Mercedes: MAMA! Seven mean
Cassandra: Oh dear. Try just petting her if she’s not wanting a hug ladybug. Not everyone likes hugs
Mercedes: Okay mama *deep breath* I try
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Mercedes: Nice Seven, I just want pet…
Seven obliges and bends her head to give the toddler access.
Mercedes: *giggles* Mama! Mama I did it!
Across the yard Savannah is seeking comfort from Mr Cluckton, pulling him into a hug.
Savannah: Mr Cluck, I had potty accident. I six now, it sad to have accident
Cluckton: *clucks comfortingly* It’s okay, Squidge pooped in the coop for years
Savannah: I go find Mercedes. Bye bye Cluck Cluck
Cluckton: *clucks* Bye little waddler
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Mercedes: Mama I try hug Mrs Fea… Fea…
Cassandra: If you want to call Mrs Feathers Mrs F or F I’m sure she won’t mind
Mercedes: Yay!
She gleefully gathers the chicken in her arms for a hug.
Mercedes: It okay Mrs F. I go to words class then I’ll say whole name
Mrs Feathers: *clucks* Don’t worry, I don’t have an ego like my husband, you call me whatever you want
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Inside Rahul submits his grant proposal. Looks like it’s a no this time, oh well, there’s always next time. Viola is busy playing with the blocks in the nursery and has learned how to pincer grasp! Outside Mercedes and Savannah share a last toddler hug as the party gets underway. Rahul tries to call everyone to the two cakes in the kitchen.
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Guests include Cassandra’s younger brothers Alexander and Milton. Alexander’s husband James is also here as well as Lavina, Rahul’s mother. To say she has a rocky relationship with her granddaughters would be putting it lightly. Raul carries eldest Savannah over to the cake and tells her to make a wish. Thinking hard Savannah blows on the candles. Back down on the ground she’s ready to turn into a child.
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Hold everything! Viola would like to interrupt this celebration by revealing she can clap now!
Viola: *clapping* he na roo da (I so clever)
Mercedes: *pouts* Mama I want it to be about me, not Viola
Cassandra: Oh I know ladybug, it is. It’s your birthday
Viola: Ge na lay (I am the best)
Mercedes: Can you help me blow
Cassandra: Of course. Remember to make a wish
Mercedes really wants to wish for Viola to disappear, but she knows mama wouldn’t approve, so she tries to think of something else.
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Cassandra: Alright Mercedes, make a wish and blow
Mercedes: Yes mama
Pulling as much air into her little lungs as she can Mercedes puffs out and with Cassandra’s help all the candles are blown out.
Mercedes: I did it mama! Thank mama
Cassandra: You’re welcome little ladybug
On the ground and Mercedes gets ready to spin just like her older twin.
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Here we are, Rahul and his clones daughters. Sorry folks but the twins have decided on matching looks to confuse their younger sister as much as possible. Mercedes is on the left and Savannah the right. Savannah has hair clips, Mercedes does not. While they have matching butterfly necklaces Savannah has a darker one than Mercedes. Savannah rolled the geek trait as well as the Social Butterfly aspiration, the like of bugs and purple as a third favourite colour. By sheer dumb luck clingy and aggressive Mercedes rolled the erratic trait as well as the Creative Genius aspiration, the like of cross stitch and grey as a third favourite colour.
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rist-ix · 2 months
Hiiiii Rist 😊 This will be long, but I promise I get to the point as soon as I can, just need to explain things. Also, you know how you replied to my last ask and said Soarked!Valtor would be use if Bloom got with someone “competent and worthy of her” like Stella?
Sooo, I have a head canon of Queen Marion being the younger sister of a Solarian king from 200 years in the show’s past and in this head canon, Stella’s dad King Radius met Bloom’s adoptive parents at Stella’s behest in Season 1 during a school break or something and he becomes quick friends with Mike.
Radius and Mike get drunk and decide that Radius will be Bloom’s godfather and when she’s in the magic dimension he’s her legal guardian and Mike will be the same with Stella when she’s on Earth.
Radius views this as advantageous since not only will Stella be happy to have Bloom as practically family, he’ll also be able to keep an eye on Bloom in case she decides to stake a claim on the Solarian throne, something she can do because of her “purer blood” aka half Domino royalty half Solarian Royalty.
Fast forward, we’re in season 3. Stella has been disinherited and can’t be queen. Cassandra is already practically queen, she just needs to marry Radius, so she’s over confident and starts poisoning him to weaken him and make him die quickly. Radius is somewhat aware of this and with what little spite and resistance he has against her, before falling into a coma that will eventually lead to death, he edits his will.
In that will previously, he said that in the event that something happens to him and Stella is unable to rule or take the throne and Domino was still gone (or if it was back and somehow Daphne was too, meaning Bloom wouldn’t be queen of Domino), Bloom was to become Solaria’s next queen. Radius edited this, now nearly dead, and says that Bloom WILL be queen, on the condition she marries Stella.
It’s like this because he’s already disinherited her and can’t resist Cassandra enough to change that, so he does this, knowing that Bloom would do it to make sure Stella becomes queen.
And she would. The moment Bloom finds out, she unceremoniously proposes to Stella.
Now here’s the actual ask, if Sparked!Valtor found out about this, what would he do? Cuz Bloom WILL marry Stella to help her keep her throne and keep Cassandra off of it. Would he turn his back on Cassandra or help/cure Radius?
So sorry for the REALLY long ask. Didn’t think it would turn out like this, but I’m really curious!
I’m not gonna pretend I know jack shit about how succession works/could work in the MD, but that sounds hilarious. I'm not sure in how far I trust Radius (who seems a bit too laissez-faire and whimsical for serious politics) would be able to plan this ahead, but I can SEE it in my head how the girls would be laboring over text books, rules-lawyering their way through 1500 year old succession law to find a loophole that will keep Stella in power. And then as soon as they take a closer look at their family trees they just go huh. Wouldn’t that be funny? Stella and Bloom rolling up to Cassandra’s party in two gorgeous revenge wedding dresses like TOO LATE FUCKERS we beat you to it. Guess who's also got a claim now, and no living parents to disinherit her.
Imagining what Valtor would do in this scenario is my favorite pastime now, because oh my god he literally can’t win. He'd probably be seething-sulking-whining in his current hideout because WHAT DO YOU MEAN BLOOM GOT MARRIED OFF-SCREEN?! To someone that is royal, powerful AND emotionally close with her?! And, stars beware, prettier than him?! (Bloom's words, not mine)
He didn’t even get the chance to crash their wedding because they probably eloped on the spot. He is inconsolable; he had an outfit for that exact occasion.
And now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, because either he continues backing Cassandra but has to watch Stella and Bloom be extra lovey-dovey on every news channel there is, or he withdraws Cassandra's powers in the hopes that that means Stella and Bloom have no more need for this marriage and divorce. Which, realistically, probably wouldn’t happen in time for his sanity to recover. They're having far too much fun with this, and Bloom really was only like one romantic sunset away from discovering bisexuality at any given moment.
On the plus side, I think he'd really enjoy being Queen Bloom's secret sidepiece if he gave it a chance. Ra-ra-Rasputin style: the secret evil magician lover lol
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caitlynmeow · 3 months
How is wife as a parent, as a daughter-in-law, as a sister-in-law ? I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HER !!! My brainrot is back 😅. Also have a good week-end
no worries anon!! i got you with some headcanons :D
i hope your weekend was a good one too!! <3
As a parent:
unlike Cassandra, she doesn’t come from a big close knitted family but she sees how close Cass is with her mom and sisters and she got used to it
Sure, when she proposed, she was fully expecting to have children because she’s also all about starting a family with the woman she loves.
She was absolutely sick with worry when Cass was pregnant because she couldn’t see her feeling so sick and tired all the time.
She did extensive research on every single week because while she wasn’t pregnant she wasn’t going to let Cass go through this on her own, she read about every single detail and was ready for everything and provided Cass with as much comfort as she could offer
She is very involved with her children although she has come to accept some things she wasn’t sure about at first.
She thought she’d take and watch her kids play soccer because this is what little kids do but by the age of ten Aurelia had done nothing related to sports and Adelina, being more adventurous tried to play some soccer with a coach and wife realized that her eight year old has never kicked a ball before this moment and she can tell because her daughter didn’t have a single clue how to kick the ball but she kept trying anyway
She loves taking her kids to other activities though, she loves watching them do other things (ballet, gymnastics, and figure skating) she scored herself points when her daughters showed interest in water and she totally used their giant pool to teach all three how to swim and dive.
She spoils her kids but also knows when a line needs to be drawn. She’s less prone to exploding like Cass does but even she has her limits that her children try to avoid pushing.
She is super involved in their lives and regularly attends school meetings with other parents (Cass thought she’d do it but she can’t control her mouth around other parents so it was decided that she is not suited for playing nice around others who piss her off)
She didn’t think she’d get like that, but wife knows the names of all of her daughters’ toys and who’s having beef with who
Tea parties? Sure, she’ll force her 6’3 body into folding in a toddler dining table set because her children went out of their way to make her a handwritten invite and there is no way she’s going to reject that.
She loves reading bedtime stories to the little tots and even when they got older they still loved listening to those stories
She isn’t above dad jokes which always gets her eye rolls and groans from her victims
Daughter in law:
she knew if she wanted to get anywhere with Cass she needed Alcina on her side because Cassandra adores her mom
Luckily, under all of the hard exterior, Alcina is a very loving mother and she’s very warm and affectionate with her daughters.
Also, Cass is very close with her mother so being on Alcina’s good side is a must if she wants to have this woman
It wasn’t very hard, actually. Alcina was doubtful of her, but wife is confident and assertive, she doesn’t care how it sounds, if Alcina wants to know her intentions, she will declare them loud and clear
Actually, she and Alcina see eye to eye in a lot of things and Cass often hates it and throws in “Are you on my side or her side?” But wife is there to remind her that her safety and well-being are of utmost importance and this is how it’s going to be
Thanks to her being part of House Dimitrescu, wife soon got accustomed to drinking wine (because Alcina would have disapproved of her if she didn’t drink the beverage)
She’s assertive and isn’t afraid of Cass at all which is why Alcina knows her daughter is in good hands because someone is there keeping an eye on her and not taking any of her complaints seriously (to a degree at least)
Cassandra knows it's very suspicious when her wife and mom are together talking because she’s seen this enough times to know it’s not always a good thing for her (because they're always plotting against her which is not fair)
Alcina actually likes wife; she believes she’s the right person for Cassandra and she can see how happy and content her daughter is with this woman.
When wife wanted to come to propose she told Alcina first. She told her where they were going and what she was doing and the entire thing seemed to be planned with Cassandra in mind because it was very private and intimate and that’s when Alcina knew this woman was the one for her daughter because she knew Cass so well (she didn’t show it tho because gotta keep wife on her toes)
All in all, Alcina loves her daughter-in-law because she can see the happiness on her daughter's face and she knows that she’s the right person for Cassandra and she is happy with that. Alcina might be dramatic but she can totally accept a lover who makes any of her daughters happy and wife is no exception
Another thing that Alcina noticed is that whenever wife is staying out of town, she always always drops Cass off at the castle because she doesn’t want her to be alone in their house (even after having kids this one thing never changed) because there is no way Cass is going to be left in her own in a big house nope nope nope she’s going to stay with her mama and sisters and when wife comes back she will pick her up and they go home together
Sister in law:
generally, she gets along well with Bela and Daniela.
She respects Bela and they get along surprisingly well
They also see eye to eye on some things so there is very little conflict
When she is unsure of something, she always runs it by Bela and takes her feedback into account (especially when it comes to Cassandra)
She views Daniela as the annoying little sibling who gets a kick out of being a pain in everyone’s ass
Daniela is actually a pain in the ass most of the time
However, Daniela is the one who schemes and plans for things.
During the few hiccups early on in their relationship and their near breakup twice? Daniela plotted on how to bring Cass and wife back together again.
Because Daniela is a hopeless romantic reading countless novels in the genre has given her IDEAS.
That’s why wife can’t really be too annoyed at her and lets her get away with A LOT.
Daniela LOVES being annoying, she really does get a kick out of it.
Wife is actually glad that Cassandra is close with her sisters because if Cassandra is happy, then wife is happy.
As with Alcina, wife is spending a lot of time in the castle being around everyone, and with time she gets used to it.
Because loving Cassandra and wanting to be with her forever means being around her family and they’re not bad at all.
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