#DEV Community
slime-crafters · 1 month
The best thing about the new stardew update is you can tell concerned ape got comfortable just being fucking weird. Which is understandable considering most indie devs have to be some level of insane
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suiheisen · 16 hours
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biglisbonnews · 8 months
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Fluid Typography Photo by Ross Findon in Unsplash You can access this article in Portuguese here Você pode acessar este artigo em português aqui A promise is a debt A few days ago, I wrote about some typography tips. We discussed the importance of using the REM unit and how to make our fonts responsive using Media Queries. With that, you can already create impeccable web projects in terms of font size. But I promised to talk about making fonts responsive without using Media Queries, and a promise is a debt. So, here we go! The limits of Media Queries When we adapt font sizes using media queries, our fonts remain the same size until they reach the breakpoint, and only then they change. Open the CodePen below and adjust the screen width to see the sudden change in font size. Open the CodePen in another tab. Using the fluid typography technique, our font will always adjust to the screen size. For every pixel the screen increases, there will be an increment in font size. "Caio, what kind of witchcraft is this? How is that possible?" It's not witchcraft, but a powerful CSS function: clamp(). Getting to know 'clamp()' With clamp(), we can define a minimum value, an ideal value, and a maximum value. Let's say we want our font to be 16px on a screen width of 320px and 32px on a screen width of 1920px. Our clamp() would look something like this: clamp(1rem, valor ideal, 2rem); /* You noticed that we're using REM, right? No PX for fonts, remember? */ What about the ideal value? Well, since we want our font to adapt to the screen size, we'll use one of the viewport units, VW. 100vw is the size of the screen, and 1vw is 1% of the screen width. On a 320px screen, 100vw is 320px, and 1vw equals 3.2px. Let's temporarily use the value of 5vw. clamp(1rem, 5vw, 2rem) With this, our font still has those minimum and maximum limits of 16px and 32px (based on the browser's default font), but with 5vw as the ideal value, it will always try to be 5vw in size. Let's see some examples: On a 300px screen: 5vw would be 15px. 15px is less than 16px - our minimum font size. In this case, the font would be 16px. On a 320px screen: 5vw would be 16px. The font used would be 16px. On a 500px screen: 5vw would be 25px. 25px is greater than 16px, and it's less than the maximum limit of 32px. So, the font used would be 25px. On a 1000px screen: 5vw would be 50px. Since this value is greater than our limit, the font used would be 32px. See this applied in the example below: Open the CodePen in another tab. Not everything is perfect We have two problems here: 1) Our font is growing too quickly in this example. It reached our limit at a screen width of 640px, but we wanted it to vary fluidly up to 1920px. It becomes static for 1280px! 2) Using a font based solely on viewport units poses an accessibility problem. Try going back to the previous CodePen and zoom in on the screen. Users cannot zoom in on the font, which remains frozen since it's based on the screen size. You'll notice that the text in the center of the screen doesn't change in size, while the screen and font size counter in the upper-left corner increases. Using VW + REM A technique that helps with these two problems is to define the ideal value, the one in the middle of the clamp(), not just in VW, but as a sum of VW and REM. Let's use the following values: clamp(1rem, .8rem + 1vw, 2rem) See in the example below that the font starts to grow exactly after 320px and stops just before 1920px! Open the CodePen in another tab. "Caio, you're a genius! How did you come up with that value?" I hate to disappoint you, dear reader, but I didn't do this calculation in my head! There is a formula to calculate this ideal value, and all the explanations for that will be in one of the articles I'll leave in the references. In this example and in my daily work, I use a tool that calculates it for me. You can access this tool here. The Fluid Type Calculator Here, we can define the minimum and maximum screen widths and the minimum and maximum font sizes — let's just ignore the Type Scale option for now. The tool provides the clamp() values for you. Then, just add them to your code, and you're good to go. Dealing with multiple font sizes simultaneously "Caio, I've never worked on a project with just one font size!" I know, I know. The example with only one font size was to make things simple. But there's no catch 22 here. Let's apply this logic to our first example, the one with fonts using Media Queries. There, we had the following font model: Level 1 -> 16px to 18px; Level 2 -> 20px to 24px; Level 3 -> 25px to 32px; Level 4 -> 31px to 42px; Now we just need to use our calculator for each of these ranges! Previously, we had: :root{ --fs-1: 1.125rem; --fs-2: 1.5rem; --fs-3: 2rem; --fs-4: 2.625rem } @media (max-width: 40em){ :root{ --fs-1: 1rem; --fs-2: 1.25rem; --fs-3: 1.5625rem; --fs-4: 1.9375rem } } Now we end up with this: :root{ --fs-1: clamp(1.00rem, calc(0.98rem + 0.13vw), 1.13rem);; --fs-2: clamp(1.25rem, calc(1.20rem + 0.25vw), 1.50rem); --fs-3: clamp(1.56rem, calc(1.48rem + 0.44vw), 2.00rem); --fs-4: clamp(1.95rem, calc(1.81rem + 0.71vw), 2.66rem) } See the example below: Open the CodePen in another tab. Ok, what about the Type Scale Thing? As developers, we often don't take part in the font size selection process. Designers usually lead that decision. "And how do they do that?", you might be wondering. That's a science of its own. There are different systems: the 4-point grid, the 8-point grid, Google's Material Design, and many others. None of these systems can do without the trained eyes of design professionals: systems are not magic and often require adaptations. One of these systems is modular scale typography. In this system, we start with a font size and increase or decrease it based on a multiplication factor. For example, let's say our smallest font is 10px, and the multiplication factor is 2. Our font system could have the following values: 10px, 20px, 40px, 80px, and so on. This example is exaggerated for didactic purposes, of course. This methodology adds objectivity to font size selection and helps make our typography hierarchy more consistent. The Type Scale field in our calculator helps generate fonts using this type of methodology. Let's say I have a project with 4 font levels (4 different sizes), and the smallest font should be 14px on mobile and 20px on monitors. Here, I'm applying a growth rate of 1.25 on 320px screens while applying a growth rate of 1.414 on 1900px screens. The result is as follows: Note that font sizes grow much faster on the 1900px screen because we used a higher rate. I invite you to read the excellent articles on modular typography scales that will be in the references of this article to better understand when to choose which rate for your scale. I also encourage you to generate and test different scales and compare the results. What happens when the scale rate is higher on larger screens than on smaller screens? What happens when the rate is the same? And when it's smaller? Conclusion We've learned how to apply the fluid typography technique using CSS. Fluid typography is an elegant solution that brings visual integrity to your project on various screens. Always remember that accessibility is a priority. To ensure your website is accessible, always test it with a 200% zoom. References Kevin Powell - Simple solutions to responsive typography https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wARbgs5Fmuw Modern Fluid Typography Using CSS Clamp https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/01/modern-fluid-typography-css-clamp/ Generating font-size CSS Rules and Creating a Fluid Type Scale https://moderncss.dev/generating-font-size-css-rules-and-creating-a-fluid-type-scale/ Responsive Type and Zoom https://adrianroselli.com/2019/12/responsive-type-and-zoom.html Resize text https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-scale.html Should I change the default HTML font-size to 62.5%? https://fedmentor.dev/posts/rem-html-font-size-hack/ 4-Point Grid System for more consistent interface design https://medium.com/@aratidube12lns/4-point-grid-system-for-more-consistent-interface-design-efea81dea3f3 More Meaningful Typography https://alistapart.com/article/more-meaningful-typography/ Um guia prático para criar um tipo de escala modular para suas interfaces https://www.ux-republic.com/pt/guia-pr%C3%A1tico-para-criar-um-tipo-de-escala-modular-para-suas-interfaces/ https://dev.to/marcelluscaio/fluid-typography-1mfl
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tak4hir0 · 2 years
JavaScript is cool (don't @ me), but how can a machine actually understand the code you've written? As JavaScript devs, we usually don't have to deal with compilers ourselves. However, it's definitely good to know the basics of the JavaScript engine and see how it handles our human-friendly JS code, and turns it into something machines understand! 🥳 | Note: This post is mainly based on the V8 engine used by Node.js and Chromium-based browsers. The HTML parser encounters a script tag with a source. Code from this source gets loaded from either the network, cache, or an installed service worker. The response is the requested script as a stream of bytes, which the byte stream decoder takes care of! The byte stream decoder decodes the stream of bytes as it’s being downloaded. The byte stream decoder creates tokens from the decoded stream of bytes. For example, 0066 decodes to f, 0075 to u, 006e to n, 0063 to c, 0074 to t, 0069 to i, 006f to o, and 006e to n followed by a white space. Seems like you wrote function! This is a reserved keyword in JavaScript, a token gets created, and sent to the parser (and pre-parser, which I didn't cover in the gifs but will explain later). The same happens for the rest of the byte stream. The engine uses two parsers: the pre-parser, and the parser. In order to reduce the time it takes to load up a website, the engine tries to avoid parsing code that's not necessary right away. The preparser handles code that may be used later on, while the parser handles the code that’s needed immediately! If a certain function will only get invoked after a user clicks a button, it's not necessary that this code is compiled immediately just to load up a website. If the user eventually ends up clicking the button and requiring that piece of code, it gets sent to the parser. The parser creates nodes based on the tokens it receives from the byte stream decoder. With these nodes, it creates an Abstract Syntax Tree, or AST. 🌳 Next, it's time for the interpreter! The interpreter which walks through the AST, and generates byte code based on the information that the AST contains. Once the byte code has been generated fully, the AST is deleted, clearing up memory space. Finally, we have something that a machine can work with! 🎉 Although byte code is fast, it can be faster. As this bytecode runs, information is being generated. It can detect whether certain behavior happens often, and the types of the data that’s been used. Maybe you've been invoking a function dozens of times: it's time to optimize this so it'll run even faster! 🏃🏽‍♀️ The byte code, together with the generated type feedback, is sent to an optimizing compiler. The optimizing compiler takes the byte code and type feedback, and generates highly optimized machine code from these. 🚀 JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning that the types of data can change constantly. It would be extremely slow if the JavaScript engine had to check each time which data type a certain value has. In order to reduce the time it takes to interpret the code, optimized machine code only handles the cases the engine has seen before while running the bytecode. If we repeatedly used a certain piece of code that returned the same data type over and over, the optimized machine code can simply be re-used in order to speed things up. However, since JavaScript is dynamically typed, it can happen that the same piece of code suddenly returns a different type of data. If that happens, the machine code gets de-optimized, and the engine falls back to interpreting the generated byte code. Say a certain function is invoked a 100 times and has always returned the same value so far. It will assume that it will also return this value the 101st time you invoke it. Let’s say that we have the following function sum, that’s (so far) always been called with numerical values as arguments each time: This returns the number 3! The next time we invoke it, it will assume that we’re invoking it again with two numerical values. If that’s true, no dynamic lookup is required, and it can just re-use the optimized machine code. Else, if the assumption was incorrect, it will revert back to the original byte code instead of the optimized machine code. For example, the next time we invoke it, we pass a string instead of a number. Since JavaScript is dynamically typed, we can do this without any errors! This means that the number 2 will get coerced into a string, and the function will return the string "12" instead. It goes back to executing the interpreted bytecode and updates the type feedback. I hope this post was useful to you! 😊 Of course, there are many parts to the engine that I haven't covered in this post (JS heap, call stack, etc.) which I might cover later! I definitely encourage you to start to doing some research yourself if you're interested in the internals of JavaScript, V8 is open source and has some great documentation on how it works under the hood! 🤖 V8 Docs || V8 Github || Chrome University 2018: Life Of A Script Feel free to reach out to me! Twitter || Instagram || GitHub || LinkedIn FAQ: I use Keynote to make the animations and screen record it lol. Feel free to translate this blog to your language, and thanks so much for doing so! Just keep a reference to the original article and let me know if you've translated it please! 😊
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variousqueerthings · 17 days
btw monkey man was a blast, but specifically there's a scene where mr dev patel is working out and a group of hijra women are watching him and i was thinking "no, they'd be cheering and hollering, this is unrealistic" and then he takes his shirt off and the cheering and hollering begins and i was satisfied
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rrcraft-and-lore · 20 days
In addition to my Monkey Man post from earlier, the always kind & sweet Aparna Verma (author of The Phoenix King, check it out) asked that I do a thread on Hijras, & more of the history around them, South Asia, mythology (because that's my thing), & the positive inclusion of them in Monkey Man which I brought up in my gushing review.
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Hijra: They are the transgender, eunuch, or intersex people in India who are officially recognized as the third sex throughout most countries in the Indian subcontinent. The trans community and history in India goes back a long way as being documented and officially recognized - far back as 12th century under the Delhi Sultanate in government records, and further back in our stories in Hinduism. The word itself is a Hindi word that's been roughly translated into English as "eunuch" commonly but it's not exactly accurate.
Hijras have been considered the third sex back in our ancient stories, and by 2014 got official recognition to identify as the third gender (neither male or female) legally. Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India have accepted: eunuch, trans, intersex people & granted them the proper identification options on passports and other government official documents.
But let's get into some of the history surrounding the Hijra community (which for the longest time has been nomadic, and a part of India's long, rich, and sometimes, sadly, troubled history of nomadic tribes/people who have suffered a lot over the ages. Hijras and intersex people are mentioned as far back as in the Kama Sutra, as well as in the early writings of Manu Smriti in the 1st century CE (Common Era), specifically said that a third sex can exist if possessing equal male and female seed.
This concept of balancing male/female energies, seed, and halves is seen in two places in South Asian mythos/culture and connected to the Hijra history.
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First, we have Aravan/Iravan (romanized) - who is also the patron deity of the transgender community. He is most commonly seen as a minor/village deity and is depicted in the Indian epic Mahabharata. Aravan is portrayed as having a heroic in the story and his self-sacrifice to the goddess Kali earns him a boon.
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He requests to be married before his death. But because he is doomed to die so shortly after marriage, no one wants to marry him.
No one except Krishna, who adopts his female form Mohini (one of the legendary temptresses in mythology I've written about before) and marries him. It is through this union of male, and male presenting as female in the female form of Mohini that the seed of the Hijras is said to begun, and why the transgender community often worships Aravan and, another name for the community is Aravani - of/from Aravan.
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But that's not the only place where a gender non conforming divine representation can be seen. Ardhanarishvara is the half female form of lord Shiva, the destroyer god.
Shiva combines with his consort Parvarti and creates a form that represents the balancing/union between male/female energies and physically as a perfectly split down the middle half-male half-female being. This duality in nature has long been part of South Asian culture, spiritual and philosophical beliefs, and it must be noted the sexuality/gender has often been displayed as fluid in South Asian epics and the stories. It's nothing new.
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Many celestial or cosmic level beings have expressed this, and defied modern western limiting beliefs on the ideas of these themes/possibilities/forms of existence.
Ardhanarishvara signifies "totality that lies beyond duality", "bi-unity of male and female in God" and "the bisexuality and therefore the non-duality" of the Supreme Being.
Back to the Hijra community.
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They have a complex and long history. Throughout time, and as commented on in the movie, Monkey Man, the Hijra community has faced ostracization, but also been incorporated into mainstream society there. During the time of the Dehli Sultanate and then later the Mughal Empire, Hijras actually served in the military and as military commanders in some records, they were also servants for wealthy households, manual laborers, political guardians, and it was seen as wise to put women under the protection of Hijras -- they often specifically served as the bodyguards and overseers of harems. A princess might be appointed a Hijra warrior to guard her.
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But by the time of British colonialism, anti-Hijra laws began to come in place folded into laws against the many nomadic tribes of India (also shown in part in Monkey Man with Kid (portrayed by Dev Patel) and his family, who are possibly
one of those nomadic tribes that participated in early theater - sadly by caste often treated horribly and relegated to only the performing arts to make money (this is a guess based on the village play they were performing as no other details were given about his family).
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Hijras were criminalized in 1861 by the Indian Penal Code enforced by the British and were labeled specifically as "The Hijra Problem" -- leading to an anti-Hijra campaign across the subcontinent with following laws being enacted: punishing the practices of the Hijra community, and outlawing castration (something many Hijra did to themselves). Though, it should be noted many of the laws were rarely enforced by local Indian officials/officers. But, the British made a point to further the laws against them by later adding the Criminal Tribes Act in 1871, which targeted the Hijra community along with the other nomadic Indian tribes - it subjected them to registration, tracking/monitoring, stripping them of children, and their ability to sequester themselves in their nomadic lifestyle away from the British Colonial Rule.
Today, things have changed and Hijras are being seen once again in a more positive light (though not always and this is something Monkey Man balances by what's happened to the community in a few scenes, and the heroic return/scene with Dev and his warriors). All-hijra communities exist and sort of mirror the western concept of "found families" where they are safe haven/welcoming place trans folks and those identifying as intersex.
These communities also have their own secret language known as Hijra Farsi, which is loosely based on Hindi, but consists of a unique vocabulary of at least 1,000 words.
As noted above, in 2014, the trans community received more legal rights.
Specifically: In April 2014, Justice K. S. Radhakrishnan declared transgender to be the third gender in Indian law in National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India.
Hijras, Eunuchs, apart from binary gender, be treated as "third gender" for the purpose of safeguarding their rights under Part III of our Constitution and the laws made by the Parliament and the State Legislature. Transgender persons' right to decide their self-identified gender is also upheld and the Centre and State Governments are directed to grant legal recognition of their gender identity such as male, female or as third gender.
I've included some screenshots of (some, not all, and certainly not the only/definitive reads) books people can check out about SOME of the history. Not all again. This goes back ages and even our celestial beings/creatures have/do display gender non conforming ways.
There are also films that touch on Hijra history and life. But in regards to Monkey Man, which is what started this thread particularly and being asked to comment - it is a film that positively portrayed India's third sex and normalized it in its depiction. Kid the protagonist encounters a found family of Hijras at one point in the story (no spoilers for plot) and his interactions/acceptance, living with them is just normal. There's no explaining, justifying, anything to/for the audience. It simply is. And, it's a beautiful arc of the story of Kid finding himself in their care/company.
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tfffclub · 6 days
Dev Patel centred Indian trans women in the storyline for his movie and include one of the coolest action scenes in which they're simply being badass monk warriors!
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Monkey Man (2024) dir. Dev Patel
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impernious · 1 month
At the Gates
If you've missed it until now, At the Gate is a high fantasy game inspired by media like final fantasy and books like the Ryiria Chronicles. We have an Ashcan of it live on DTRPG. Please use your dollars to check it out, which will help a girl get some eyeballs on her work! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/475586/At-The-Gates-Ashcan-Edition?affiliate_id=245791
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larkingame · 1 month
hi :) my video about how toxic the coding community can be online is up and ready to go! i worked really hard on it so I hope you give it a watch!
also, i've attached it i the description, but if you're looking to learn to code, or develop a text-based game, I've compiled this list of resources here!
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efangamez · 13 days
Only 10 days left to snag this AWESOME TTRPG bundle!! 💛💛
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Hey y'all! All of the help you've given me thus far has been truly amazing, and I really wanted to thank you for that 💛 I have used the money this far as a safety net for emergencies and to just enjoy life, whether that means going to the movies once a month or buying an Arizona each day with my walk as I build my strength back up.
We are, however, falling a bit short of our goal. I really want to be able to afford therapy more than anything right now, and visits cost about 100 per visit out of pocket with my insurance. So, if I'm looking to get expensive therapy and psychiatric appointments and official diagnosis, it will cost upward of 2,000+ dollars.
Also, I would really like to have some money to pay off my taxes I owe from 2022. I owe, still, about 3,500+ taxes, which I pay off each month. I pay the absolute minimum so I don't have to dig too deep in monthly costs. If I could pay off a chunk of it in one fell swoop, I could save nearly $500 a year and could nip interest accrued from my taxes in the bud.
Finally, and not as important, I need a new desktop computer. My current one is slowly dying, and the fans are giving out. My power supply is also a bit wonky, and my graphics card is and CPU is outdated, meaning I can't stream games well, nor can I play some games that give me solace. It's not imperative right now, but to have this as an option would be wonderful.
So please, if you would, could you purchase a game bundle? It's countless hours of entertainment with your friends for only $25, almost a FOURTH the cost of a AAA video game with HUNDREDS of hours of content. Not only are you snagging games, but you're also helping out a person in need. It's a win win!!!
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Snag the games below, and if you can't purchase anything right now, please kindly reblog!
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thefirstknife · 6 months
New article with more details (from Jason Schreier who first broke the story). If you can't see it, I'll copy the whole text under read more.
About 100 employees were laid off in total (8%) and one of the main reasons listed is "underperformance," "sharp drop in popularity" and "poor reception of Lightfall."
So you know when for the last year and a half content creators have been shitting and pissing on the game as a full-time job and the amount of negativity and ragebait content became the only thing to make content about for them? Well they certainly won't take the blame, but I will let it be known. These people either don't understand the influence they have or they do and they're doing it on purpose, and I don't know which of these two options is worse, but I am 100% confident that their campaign of rage and hate contributed to this.
You don't base your entire community around constantly hating everything about the only game you play (despite clearly not enjoying it anymore) and somehow avoid galvanising thousands and thousands of people into perceiving the game negatively. Imagine being employees who have barely worked there for 2 years and the only community reception they've seen is 24/7 hate train for their work and then they get fired because of "poor reception" and "drop in popularity." How can they not take that personally? I am absolutely devastated for these people who delievered a banger product and who were met with an unrelenting barrage of toxic gamer children which ended up having more sway over their boss than them.
Which brings me to the next bit and that's FUCK THE CEO. He is now my mortal enemy #1. I am projecting psychic blasts directly into his brain. What an absolute spineless coward who is more willing to bow down to fucking gamers than to protect his own employees. This is absolutely rage inducing because this has happened before. From the article from 2021 about the toxic culture at Bungie:
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Reading this shit from the new article absolutely fucking sent me into blind rage because I immediately remembered this. Another instance of employees suffering because of comments on reddit. And because of toxic players. And proof that leadership is not protecting employees and is instead siding with players.
Match made in heaven. Asshole gamer content creators and asshole CEOs, all of whom sit at home on piles of money made from someone else's labour. I hope they all explode. None of the people that worked on this game deserve this.
Another article with an infuriating comment from the CEO:
In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept “the right people” to continue work on Destiny 2.
"Kept the right people." Really. Veteran composers weren't the right people? Die!
Bloomberg article in full:
Bungie’s decision to cut an estimated 100 jobs from its staff of about 1,200 followed dire management warnings earlier this month of a sharp drop in the popularity of its flagship video game Destiny 2. Just two weeks ago, executives at the Sony-owned game developer told employees that revenue was running 45% below projections for the year, according to people who attended the meeting. Chief Executive Officer Pete Parsons pinned the big miss on weak player retention for Destiny 2, which has faced a poor reception since the release of its latest expansion, Lightfall. The next expansion, The Final Shape, was getting good — not great feedback — and management told those present that they planned to push back the release to June 2024 from February, according the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. The additional time would give developers a chance to improve the product. In the meantime, Parsons told staff Bungie would be cutting costs, such as for travel, as well as implementing salary and hiring freezes, the people said. Everyone would have to work together to weather the storm, he said, leaving employees feeling determined to do whatever was needed to get revenue back up. But on Monday morning the news got worse: Dozens of staffers woke up to mysterious 15-minute meetings that had been placed on their calendars, which they soon learned were part of a mass layoff. Bungie laid off around 8% of its employees, according to documentation reviewed by Bloomberg. Bungie didn’t respond to requests for comment. Employees who were let go will receive at least three months of severance and three months of Bungie-paid COBRA health insurance, although other benefits, such as expense reimbursements, ended Monday, sending some staff racing to submit their receipts. Laid-off staffers will also receive prorated bonuses, although those who were on a vesting schedule following Sony Group Corp.’s acquisition of Bungie in January 2022 will lose any shares that weren’t vested as of next month. The layoffs are part of a larger money-saving initiative at Sony’s PlayStation unit, which has also cut employees at studios such as Naughty Dog, Media Molecule and its San Mateo office. TD Cowen analyst Doug Creutz wrote in a report Monday that “events over the last few days lead us to believe that PlayStation is undergoing a restructuring.” PlayStation president Jim Ryan announced last month that he plans to resign. Many of the layoffs at Bungie affected the company’s support departments, such as community management and publishing. Remaining Bungie staff were informed that some of those areas will be outsourced moving forward.
#destiny 2#bungie#long post#and like i don't care what's anyone's opinion on lightfall. it doesn't matter#the expansion is fine. there's some bad shit in there as there is in every expansion#literally nothing on this earth was so bad to deserve the amount of vitriol that lightfall got#it was purely motivated by hate and rage from people who have clearly lost their interest in the game a long time ago#no one else normal enough would respond even to a weaker expansion this way. and lightfall wasn't even weaker#literally nothing ever released in destiny deserves to have comments bad enough to end up affecting employees#there's been some bad expansions/dlcs/seasons. whatever. none of them were like... gollum level. not even close#people genuinely treated lightfall like it personally killed their dog. it was insane. the reaction to it was insane.#it stemmed from people who should have stopped playing a long time ago and stopped being content creators for one game#i can't even properly explain just how long and tireless the ragebait content campaign for destiny has been#opening youtube and seeing 10 videos in a row of just complaining and bitching#opening twitter and seeing thousands upon thousands of posts and comments dedicated solely to hating the game#imagine being an employee trying to maintain some communication with the community#hippy was relentlessly bullied by people I've seen suddenly lamenting that she was fired. you caused this#they will never accept even a miniscule portion of the blame for this ofc. they will just keep claiming they don't have that influence#but they do. it's been proven years ago. in the same way#community comments DO reach devs and community comments DO influence what happens to them and the game#'the event is bad' 'meta is bad' 'pvp is bad' 'raid is bad' 'story is bad' stop playing. no longer asking.#it's a video game. if you hate it stop playing. you don't have to justify it to hundreds of thousands of people and take them with you#especially when it leads to employees taking the fall#so to all content creators who are appalled and baffled after spending 2 years hating the game: you did this.#and to the ceo even more: explode into dust and be forgotten
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botanybulbasaur · 4 months
Schneider is SICILIAN, not Italian. YOU ARE WRITING HER WRONG.
Yes, this post is directed towards YOU, fan fiction authors!! And— yes, I will admit, it sounds a little confusing, but I’ll elaborate.
Schneider is an immigrant from Sicily, which, in all due respects to everybody who writes her speaking standard Italian, HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE!! (Or dialect..? Aye aye aye, I am not awake enough to perpetuate one side or another of a centuries-old argument.)
For more information, you can go to a website somewhere on the interwebs (like this one!: https://mangolanguages.com/resources-articles/sicilian-and-italian-whats-the-difference/) or simply take a look at Schneider’s wiki page!
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So, sí, Reverse 1999 officially makes the distinguishment here: her mother tongue is Sicilian!
The next time you pick up your keyboard (or.. phone, if that’s your thing?) to write a fic, stay away from the Italian google translate screen— as tempting as it may be!— and go to a website like Glosbe instead to use the Sicilian translator there; given you’re trying to write a vulnerable moment where she expresses herself in the first language she’s ever learned to.
I apologize if anything in this post is overly fired-up or aggressive. My family (particularly my grandfather) have been looked at like they were insane when they spoke Neapolitan in the middle of Rome, so the distinguishment between Italian and its sister languages is very important to me— as well as other Italian fans of the game, I’m sure.
That’s all for this post! Happy writing :3
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hyruviandoctor · 18 days
Just a reminder that we all are carrying unseen burdens.
For example, Destiny 2 is my favorite game.
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biglisbonnews · 9 months
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Lessons learned from messaging strangers on the internet This post is based on a talk I gave at the Geek Sessions meet-up in Faro, Portugal 🇵🇹 on the 28th of June, 2023. The full title for this talk was "Lessons learned from messaging strangers on the internet in a language I did not speak" and the idea here is to draw some parallels between the idea of learning new (spoken) languages and learning new skills in technology. Back in June 2020 I was very bored and in lockdown, like most folks, and decided that I needed to learn something in order to keep sane. Being the language nerd that I am I decided I was going to learn Spanish. Since I couldn't just learn the basics and then take a two week holiday somewhere in Spain to practice I needed to decide how I was going to approach it before I could get started. The Plan As I am a native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese I thought this was going to be a quick and easy exercise. Just how I thought the pandemic and the lockdowns would be over before the end of summer or by halloween. Boy was I wrong... So my idea was simple: I'd exchange at least 50 messages a day with a number of people using language learning chatting apps Watch videos in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. Money Heist taught a great Italian song (and some Spanish too!) Start listening to music, and later podcasts, in Spanish Armed with a sound plan and a fool's confidence, I set my target language to Spanish in HelloTalk and got to work! How did it go? As it turns out, knowing Portuguese didn't help nearly as much as I thought it would. Brazilian Portuguese has a much simpler grammatical structure, which meant that whilst I could read messages and take a second to understand which grammar tense was being used, I couldn't really keep up with people's audio messages or Youtube videos and series. Added to that, whilst there's an overlap of about 90% of vocabulary between the two languages, this overlap doesn't help as much as you'd think. Some words have slightly different meanings, have fallen out of fashion in one language or the other, or just sound straight up embarrassing and you didn't even know it. I was always looking words up on either SpanishDict or using Google Translate, DeepL and the apps' builtin translation tools. After about 6 months I was already better at writing and didn't need to rely so much on SpanishDict for verb conjugations of regular verbs and the most common irregulars like ser, estar, ver and a few others. At about the 9 to 12-month mark I started being able to speak a few sentences without having to write them down first. My accent was horrible but at least I was able to alternate between audio and written messages during my practice. Then After about 18 months I started to recall things quicker, expressing myself and having more in-depth conversations with others become much easier. I no longer needed subtitles and became able to listen to audiobooks and podcasts, some even at 1.5 or 2 times the normal playback speed. Around this same time I also started to develop a kind of intuition for verb conjugations I didn't know, and was able to use some of the less common verb conjugations in speech without the need to look them up in a dictionary. Now About three years into this learning journey my language level has oscillated between a good B2 and an acceptable B1. I've had the opportunity to travel to Spain a few times and spend time there with friends speaking mostly Spanish for a number of days in a row each time. After being in a Spanish speaking environment for about a day I am very much back at my best. My accent is still inconsistent, I'll very quickly start mirroring whichever accent is spoken around me and then use expressions and vocabulary that may not be as common or native to where I am, e.g. using Mexican or South American words whilst speaking to a Spanish person. I don't mind this as much as I used to, I would like to have a more consistent accent but I've come a long way and I feel like I have achieved way more than what I had originally set out to achieve. Parallels between skilling up in technology and learning a spoken language Now that I've given some context of my learning journey, let's shift our attention to some of the things I've identified in my process that could also be used to improve our experience when learning new skills in tech. Learning can be a very personal experience and different people will have different ways in which they prefer to acquire new skills, for the purposes of my talk I chose to focus on a few more general points in order to try and make it as useful and relatable to as many people as possible. These are the five points I want to touch on: 1. Identify your goals Before you start you should identify your goals, this will help you with checking in on your progress along the way. These are a few of the questions you can ask yourself to try and understand: What do you want to do with this new skill? How will you know when you've achieved it? How strict are you about those answers? Will there be a next level after you're done with this one? These questions are not comprehensive but should be a great starting point. I find it specially useful to know how flexible I can be with the goal as I progress and how well documented my goal setting needs to be. For professional goals we're usually required to have a more detailed description and be more strict with our definition of done. Personal goals can go from a mental note to a full blown schedule, depending on what it is that you're aiming for. 2. Take small steps Now that you've determined what the end of the journey should look like, let's go back to the start. For almost any skill in technology it pays off to really understand the foundations of what you're learning—you should learn to walk before you try to run. If you're learning a programming language you should focus on the basics of its syntax and peculiarities first, e.g. understand the basics of Rust's ownership system, or Javascript's asynchronous nature. It's also a good idea to start with some tutorials or books that will walk you through these basics and then start to experiment with the simpler examples that you see, exploring things in your own way. If you're trying to learn a new skill that is more role specific, like DevOps, then perhaps you can start with understanding the basics of Docker, Kubernetes and what it takes to deploy a "hello world" style app using such technologies. The main goal at this point is to start small so you can find your pace. Learning shouldn't be overwhelming, nor boring. After the talk we had a small QA session and one of the questions was about how can we know whether we're doing too much or too little when trying to learn. A good analogy I came up with for the case of spoken languages was: if you're dreaming in your target language, you're good, if you start losing sleep over it then it is too much. I don't expect anyone to measure their learning effort of Rust or Haskell by how much they dream about these languages but this is still a good analogy in terms of the levels of exposure to the thing you're trying to learn and how much you should make it a part of your daily life. This takes us to the next point... 3. Practice regularly and immerse yourself in the technology In order to learn a new skill effectively you need to be able to incorporate as much practice as possible into your daily life. In the case of spoken languages this is obvious and easier to define. You should be listening to music, watching videos in the target language and speaking to natives or fluent speakers of that language as much as possible. For technology things can be a little bit trickier. It is unlikely that you'll be able to get a job utilising a skill that you've just started to learn when it comes to tech, in order to counter that you'll have to find other ways to immerse yourself into the tech area you're trying to learn. The most obvious way to get exposure to the thing you're learning is by practising it. Building low stakes projects will be the most effective way to achieve this as you can try different things out without running the risk of having a bigger impact on things around you. Then after that I would recommend listening to podcasts, reading blog posts, books, developer documentation, watching conference talks (online and in-person if possible), joining communities online around the topic that you're trying to learn (more on this later). These are all great options and you should try and mix and match them as and when you can, so long as you incorporate some kind of daily practice on your routine you will see the value in this effort in no time. 4. Embrace your mistakes Mistakes are a very natural part of learning. Regardless of whether we're just getting started or have been practising for a little while, it's obvious that we will make many mistakes along the way. You should learn to be comfortable with your mistakes early on, in order to avoid frustrations. As briefly alluded to in my previous point, having low stakes settings for your practice is one way to help you be more comfortable with making mistakes. Another point that is worth noting is that mistakes can also be used to give us more perspective on what we're learning. Whenever you make a mistake, be it one that makes it so your code doesn't compile or something that someone else is telling you shouldn't be done in that way you can ask yourself why is it that this is not how it should be: Did you break a hard rule by making a syntax error or referencing a variable or file that doesn't exist? Did you not follow best practice and are now running into unexpected behaviour? Did you rely on a feature of the language you're learning that you didn't fully understand and now don't know why it isn't doing what you hoped it would? Mistakes in programming and other aspects of technology can come in different shapes and forms but they're a great way to help us understand what it is that we're lacking in terms of knowledge so that we can work to fill that gap. Another great way to use our mistakes as a positive part of our growth is by having a mentor or community that can help you to keep moving when you're struggling to understand something or to get it to work as intended, this takes us to the last point I want to touch on... 5. The importance of focused communities There will always be other learning or using the same things you're trying to learn, if you can find a good group of people to learn with or at least exchange some of your experiences the synergy it creates can drastically improve your learning journey. Furthermore, by participating in communities you will likely start to meet people that could eventually help you on a professional level too, or that you may be able to help them. I strongly recommend trying to find local communities for this as well, for offline meet-ups and events. These will usually have an online side to them but being able to get together and meet people, join hackathons or other events where you also get to do things alongside others can really help the immersion part of learning. Another, possible less obvious, benefit of being part of more focused communities is that it helps with staying motivated. Very often in our lives things will happen that will force us to set things aside for a short period of time or deprioritise something in favour of a more pressing issue. When this happens, being part of a community and attempting to stay active will serve as a reminder of your learning journey and how you should continue to try and learn as much as your available time allows. Conclusion That's it! I understand that this is by far not a comprehensive list but I hope it helps you when you next try to learn something from scratch or even on your current learning journey. You can find the slides for my original talk in here and the source code for the slides on my Github. Share in the comments below what sort of techniques or tips you keep coming back to when learning and what you are trying to learn now. Me, I'm currently trying to learn more of the Rust programming language, as it's a compiled, lower level, language and I've never really done anything with compiled languages before. https://dev.to/leomeloxp/lessons-learned-from-messaging-strangers-on-the-internet-2m57
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ofswanlake · 3 months
do you think i’ve forgotten about you?
characters park nari (oc), jeon jungkook
words 651
warnings none, set in present time around the first week of January 2024.
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“Is it fun?”
Nari can see his smile when he says, “Yeah. Not as bad as I thought it’d be.” Similarly, she can see his smile fall when he thinks out loud, “I miss you, though. And I hate that it’s like this.”
She shakes her head, leaning back in her bed as Bam jumps up on the bed, laying his head in her lap. She smoothes a hand down his head softly, a contrast from her mood and words, “I wish I could say I can’t believe they’d go this low. I honestly should’ve expected it.”
“I wish I was there with you,” Jungkook’s voice is lower, like it’s just for them. “I don’t like that you’re dealing with this alone.”
“I’m not all alone,” she pouts slightly, “I have the girls with me. I was staying at Lisa’s for a bit and then we went to Paris, you already know this I don’t know why I’m telling you again.” His soft laugh makes her smile. “But really, I’m being taken care of. It’s honestly getting better between me and Rosie, so it’s more bearable.”
Her reassurances lighten the weight on his shoulders a little bit, but then he remembers, voice taking a solemn tone, “But isn’t Minwoo still sending letters to YG? I don’t know how they haven’t found him yet when he’s literally having mailing letters.” He sighs heavily, “I just wish I could …” He pauses, not allowing himself to speak it out loud when there are people nearby on his end. “They should let me have three minutes with him alone,” he jokes to make her laugh.
Nari finds herself grinning, small chuckles leaving her mouth as she rubs Bam’s ear in between two of her fingers. “Yeah, but I don’t think he’s found here yet, so,” she sighs. “Did you call your mom?”
“I did, but she kept yelling at me to call you instead so I just hung up,” his smile is evident in his voice. “Tell her I love her.”
“OK,” she giggles, getting more comfortable in her bed as a yawn leaves her mouth. “I miss you. Want you here next to me and Bam. He misses you, too.”
“I miss and love you guys,” Jungkook sighs loudly and dramatically, “More than I think I can take, actually. I think my heart genuinely started hurting when I was thinking of you.”
“I don’t know how other people do this,” she groans suddenly, “I am not God’s strongest soldier. I should have my boyfriend with me at all times!”
The slight tantrum makes Jungkook throw his head back, chest warming as he laughs. “Twenty four seven?”
“Even when you get sick and tired of me?” Jungkook chuckles.
“I could never,” Nari’s smiling so hard she thinks her smile will split her face. She feels like kicking her feet in the air, but Bam’s sleeping.
“You would say otherwise four years ago,” Jungkook scoffed and she shakes her head.
“That was different,” she hums, getting under the blankets and turning off her bedside table light. A lone nightlight and the city’s lights lit up her bedroom. Her eyes felt heavy suddenly, “I … I can handle this. Don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl, and I can handle famous world superstar Jungkook’s fans.”
Jungkook knows firsthand how people could be, but he decides to placate her and agree, immediately able to tell she was about to fall asleep. “I know,” he says softly. “Are you eating well?”
With the lack of response, he smiles solemnly, wishing he was right by her, holding her to sleep. “Goodnight, baby, I love you,” he says to no one in particular before hanging up the phone. He stares down at his shoes before running a hand over his shaved head.
The world was cruel, and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms.
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weirdmallow · 5 months
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The level up section from my new TTRPG 'Warped'! Since you play as a whole host of different alternate reality versions of your character in 'Warped', levelling up gives you more control over the chaotic energy of the Multiverse, allowing you to change forms more often, open rifts in space and time and summon variants from different dimensions to fight alongside you!
The game has been a joy to develop and the Kickstarter is currently live with only one week to go if you want to back and play your part in bringing this manic multiverse to life!
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