#He goes back and doesn't end up bringing it up
epiphainie · 2 days
why do you think bucktommy has been "hitting differently"? i love them don't get me wrong, but i don't think it's been written much differently than buck's previous love interests (yet)
Hi anon, 
I don't think I agree with you there. Well, first of all I think talking about all of Buck's previous romantic relationships as one thing is doing injustice to those different arcs and Buck's character journey. All served different purposes, all were written differently from each other. When I make the distinction that BuckTommy has been "hitting differently" what I mean is that it has what worked in those previous relationships as well as what was lacking. And I think the reason is twofold: the writers being intentional with their choices and how it's all been executed. 
Just to be clear, I don't mean anyone has had endgame BuckTommy intentions. Tim has been very clear about how he doesn't plan that far ahead and it's hard to talk endgames with a procedural format like this. But we know they wrote the bi Buck arc with more care, hence being more intentional with their choices than some of his previous relationships. We know that their first kiss had taken multiple shapes before it ended up being this gentle, surprising but still mutual kiss. We know that they wanted to create a story where Buck felt connected to this guy but also safe and light. We know that they wanted to make Tommy a character who can be understanding and lead Buck as he stumbles. We know that Tim thought Lou's buy was important because he didn't want to repeat the same mistake of creating a LI who didn't fit with the rest of the cast etc.
Now you can say some of these fit previous LIs one way or another but it brings me to execution:
Many people talked about this before me, obviously, but I think the execution of everything they planned with Tommy has been great. I mean before their first kiss, this guy goes out of his way and shows up at Buck's to "clean the air" with this virtual stranger because he believes he caused bad blood between him and his friend. Not just that, he reassures Buck about his place in his friend's life and apologizes for making him feel excluded. Now as the audience we know Buck is the kid who'd get hurt on purpose so his dad would pay him attention, he's the guy who sued the fire department because he felt pushed out and isolated, but Tommy doesn't. I think an LI addressing one of Buck's core insecurities in such a direct and reassuring manner before even knowing him is a great way to set up why Buck would feel safe with and understood by him.
Another is that Tommy immediately meets Buck at that vulnerable place when he admits to being jealous of the 118's bond and Buck reassures him back. This for example, is something Abby had done with Buck imo but Buck back then didn't know himself enough to embrace his own insecurities and at a maturity level to address Abby's despite his best intentions. With Taylor, their whole issue was that they couldn't be honest and vulnerable with each other. BuckTommy in this aspect feels different because from the get-go as they're being honest and are on the same frequency when it comes to this.
Episode five, we see them on their failing date, then we see Buck being nervous that he fucked it up in the coffee scene. We've seen this Buck before, when he got into that anxious mode to make sure Abby knew he wasn't cheating on her. Obviously, the context and the stage of the relationship are very different and they both reassure Buck about it not being his fault. Great on both Tommy and Abby.
But then, the immediate follow-up in Abby's case is that she's leaving for abroad. I don't think Abby is being evil or mean with this decision (where I have a problem with is when she starts ghosting him and doesn't just end it, but that's another topic) but again knowing what we know about Buck as the audience, we know this is a big deal. We know this - and later Ali leaving - adds on his issues of feeling like he's not worth it, we know it leads to him basically trapping Taylor because he's so afraid she'll leave. Again, Tommy doesn't. But Tommy gives him a second chance and then shows up at the wedding.
You can say showing up on one date is not proof that Tommy will always be there for Buck, but I think the execution is so good in painting Tommy as very reliable concerning this. Because Tommy doesn't just show up. If the writers' only concern was to write Tommy out of the A plot of episode 6, he could just come to the ceremony and be like "my shift just ended". No, Tommy says he'll try his damnest to make it to the wedding and then he enters the hospital all rushed, haphazard, covered in soot, hair a mess. The dramatique of that entrance immediately validates in the audiences' mind that yeah this is a guy who will do his damnest to be there for Buck. It, again, addresses a core insecurity of Buck's.
Back half of the season doesn't do anything different but we again see Tommy notice Buck's emotional state, meet him in that vulnerable place, and also match his flirty vibe. They're comfortable; it feels earned even in such a short span because of the well execution of their initial arc. This to me what Buck said about Natalia when they thought the show wasn't coming back (and before that relationship was recontextualized as being a dud), about how he feels seen and comfortable etc. Only this time, there's intention, effort, and execution.
One final note in execution - and this is very ymmv because I've seen even from some BuckTommys that they wished they did this differently - I genuinely love how little BuckTommy there is in 7x03. More specifically, I love that Tommy's reintroduction to the series is not through being Buck's potential love interest. He's there in that episode for Hen, Chim, and Bobby. In 10 mins screentime he's quickly established with motives and personality quirks, is involved in the main plot, bounces off of other characters. Again, great execution of a thing Tim intended to do: a love interest who can fill more roles than just the love interest. This basically makes him in his own category in how purposeful and functional he can be as a character in the greater narrative. So yeah I think both as a person in-story and a character, Tommy has been hitting different.
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ihni · 2 days
What if ...
... Hopper and Neil Hargrove had been in the army together?
I don't know anything about the army and all I know is that the war at least Hopper went to was the one in Vietnam, but let's play with the thought that the two of them were there together. And did NOT get along, like at ALL; Hopper thought Neil was deceitful and untrustworthy, too proud and manipulative. Overestimating his own importance and competence, and too happy to cause pain in others.
They both survived the war and went back to their own lives, only like 20 years later or so, the Hargroves show up in Hawkins and Hopper meets Neil Hargrove again.
Despite telling himself that they're older now; that they're adults who have had time to grow into themselves, Hopper STILL doesn't like Neil. Like, his skin is crawling when he sees the man, even after all these years. But it's not like he has a good reason to dislike him now; outwardly, Neil Hargrove seems to be just a normal family man, setting down in Hawkins with his family. No one else has had any complaints. And either way, Hopper can't explain it, it's just a feeling. He just doesn't LIKE him.
And the thing is, that the guy has KIDS now, too. Or - as Hopper learns, as soon as he gets the documents he pulled from California - a son, at least (the girl being Neil Hargrove's new wife's kid). And by the file that Hopper has to pull some strings to get his hands on, the kid is shaping up to be a bad seed, just like his dad. Reports on fights, trespassing, shoplifting, underage drinking, reckless driving.
Hopper doesn't want that kind of bad influence in his town. So what, if he wants to nip it in the bud? So what, if he pulls the kid over as soon as he gets the chance, just to get a feel of him? The kid is tense, obviously hiding something, and speaking so respectfully that it borders on sarcasm - strike that, it's definitely sarcasm.
So what, if Hopper feels the need to put the fear of god into the kid? He's here, and his father is not - Hopper can't touch Neil, who never officially puts a toe out of line, but a teenager with a bad attitude? It's basically Hopper's JOB to do something about that.
So he goes hard on the kid. Tells himself it's for the kid's own good; keeping him on the straight and narrow and teach him what's right and what's wrong. And hey, if he gets to bring the kid home to the Hargrove doorstep sometimes and look Neil Hargrove in the eye while he lets him know what his son has done now (Not so perfect now, are you Hargrove?), well, then that's just a bonus. Perks of being the Chief of Police.
It becomes personal, in the way that he will take any chance to gte on the kid's case for SOMETHING. But also the opposite of personal, because the kid - Billy - isn't really a person in his own right in Hopper's eyes. He's just an angry kid. Neil Junior. A chip of the Hargrove block. He is simply a means to an end. The best way to get to Neil in a way that doesn't seem unreasonable, or petty, in the eyes of everyone else.
And of course, I want the Moment of Realization. I don't know where or when; maybe Hopper stumbles over Billy's car parked out at the Quarry, or maybe he nabs him after a party, or maybe he sees him out walking by the side of the road late one night and pulls up next to him.
And maybe that's the time when Billy has had ENOUGH. When he either gets angry and starts yelling, 'What do you have against me, man?? What have I ever done to you?", or maybe he tries to run because he can't do this right now, or maybe it's a Bad Night and he's tired and terrified and he breaks down crying (but tries to hide it).
Maybe it's all three.
And, I don't know, but maybe Billy's hurt and wincing and Hopper notices, and maybe when Billy refuses Hopper (not very gently) demands to see, and -
Maybe there are bruises. Maybe there's a burn scar somewhere on Billy where he couldn't have put it himself (like between his shoulder blades), the one you get from a red-hot lighter. A mark that Hopper remembers from his time in the the army, from when a buddy of his made a bet with Neil and lost, and Neil let his lighter burn for a long time and then pressed the hot metal against the guy's back. That too scarred, and it looked just like this.
And maybe that's when Hopper lets his memories boil over, and his voice is rough when he asks what happened, who did that, and maybe that's when Billy mutters something about Hopper and Neil being army buddies and Hopper doesn't have to worry, Billy isn't a snitch, he can keep his mouth shut.
And that's when things slot into place in Hopper's brain, and he realizes that the kid is just a KID, that the anger comes from hopelessness, that the attitude is a mask to hide his fear. Because even now, he's cowering in Hopper's grip - but still keeping eye contact, back straight, hands to the side. Learned behaviour.
And that's when Hopper realizes he has Fucked Up.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 17 hours
i just saw your post about Ran, Rindou, Baji and Chifuyu and their partner who took a knife for them and i loved it. could you to this with Kazutora, Smiley, Angry and Hakkai as well?
Sure, here's how Kazutora, Smiley, Angry and Hakkai would react to their partner taking a knife for them!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
It's like time slows down for him, he's just staring at you in shock, watching you fall.
Struggles to breathe properly as he frantically hovers over you, pressing down on where he thinks most of the blood is coming from
He badly wants to beat the guy that dared to do this but concentrates on you instead and trying to stop the blood.
Mumbles "please" a lot and yells at the paramedics to hurry up when they finally arrive.
He can't sit still in the waiting room and walks around while waiting for news. He just feels so guilty, he should've been the one to get stabbed not you.
Cries when he sees you're ok, he tries to hold it in but ends up crying anyway as he hugs you and tells you to never scare him again.
Hunts the guy down later
He doesn't even think about punching the guy so hard he goes flying back, it's just his response to seeing you get hurt.
Kneels over you, trying to talk to you and crack jokes with you, he's trying to stay calm and although you're not replying he hopes you can still somehow hear him.
"If you die then I'll kill you so stay with me"
He sounds like he's on the verge of tears but doesn't cry.
Holds your hand, softly stroking it for as long as he can before you're taken away.
Sits with Angry in the waiting room, telling his brother how strong you are and how you obviously won't die. He's trying to convince himself as well as Angry of this.
Teases you a little once he sees you're ok, he's just glad to have you back.
Stares in shock, he really wasn't expecting this and hesitates, his emotions getting the better of him.
Smiley slapping his shoulder brings him back, stops him from crying and instead he rushes over to you as his brother takes care of the guy.
Tries to recall all former injuries he's dealt with, thinking of any info that could help him out here.
Calls the ambulance as he's applying pressure, begging them to get here quickly, they need to get here quickly.
Rides with you in the ambulance, telling you what's going on and how it's going to be okay. He doesn't want you to be scared if you can hear what's going on.
Asks Smiley if it's going to be ok while they sit in the waiting room for you. Smiley nods but Angry notices the way he hesitates before doing so.
Hugs you very tightly when he sees you're okay, asks you a lot about your condition too and how you're feeling
Rubs his eyes, thinking he might be seeing things for a moment before shouting your name as he watches you fall.
He's horrified, punches the guy twice making sure he won't be getting up anytime soon before checking on you.
"Hey, hey come on!" Shakes you lightly as if you were sleeping, trying to get a response from you.
He winces at all the blood and takes his jacket off to try and use it to stop the blood from pouring out of you.
His voice is very shakey as he calls the ambulance, he's so scared and it feels like they take forever to get to you.
Asks a lot of questions to the paramedics, wanting some reassurances from them. He's also very good at giving them your info, even remembering your blood type from the one time you mentioned it to him.
Calls Yuzuha for moral support while in the waiting room.
Buys you so many flowers too, bringing them all to you when you wake up
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rosetterer · 20 hours
such a perfect day (sequel to mornings are sweeter with you)
Summary: ”Hey,” Tommy tells him, ”Looks like you already ordered.” "I did," Buck says, smiling right back at him and rubbing his palms against the fabric of his pants once more. "I hope I got your order correct." Tommy sits down, still smiling brightly, and takes the cup in his hands, "Looks about right. I did order a cup with a rainbow on it. I even specified that I wanted it drawn on by a very, very cute man who looks fantastic in that blue shirt."
Read on AO3: such a perfect day - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Or continue reading here:
By the time Buck gets to work, his coffee is cold and he's forty minutes late. He can't exactly blame it all on traffic though. He's been sitting in his car for the past ten minutes, staring at the cup with Tommy's number on it.
He can’t bring himself to pick it up. He also doesn’t want to leave it in the car. He doesn’t know exactly what he’s worried about. That this morning’s little meeting with the hottest man he’s ever seen launched some kind of sexual awakening in him and now if he touches that cup it’ll all be real and not just some odd dream he’s having? That if he walks in there with his cup with a man’s phone number on it, they’ll all know?
”This is ridiculous,” he mumbles to himself and takes the to-go cup in his hand, and what a surprise, it doesn’t cause a rainbow to appear around him or Westboro Baptist Church members to surround him with signs that say: God Hates Fa-
He finally gets out of the car when it gets difficult to breathe. He takes in deep breaths, thinks about cute puppies and yes, maybe the cute wrinkles in the outer corners of Tommy’s eyes, to calm his mind again, and walks in as if nothing has changed.
Because nothing has changed… Right?
He sees the disapproving frown on Bobby's face when he steps in and beelines toward his locker but it doesn't really register. He sees that Chimney is too busy eating to even notice him, that Eddie is looking at him with a look that screams confusion and a hint of worry while Hen just seems outright worried.
He places the cup in his locker, staring at Tommy's number for a moment before turning the cup around so that it isn't visible to anyone who might walk past him. He changes his clothes fast, goes over to Bobby, and mumbles a genuine apology, which is met with a confused 'it's okay', which means that he's worried now too.
”You know, if you were going to be late because you just had to stop at Starbucks, you might as well have brought us coffee too,” Chimney, who apparently did notice him coming in and carrying a coffee cup, chimes in.
Buck tries to plaster on a smile, ”Y- Yeah, I should’ve. What’s for breakfast?”
Chimney eyes him up and down, ”Breakfast burritos. Bobby brought them in.”
”Great,” Buck mumbles simply and grabs one from the stack.
It’s only when Hen places a hand on his shoulder that he realizes about ten minutes later, that he’s done nothing to unwrap the burrito, let alone eat it. Chimney’s no longer next to him and Buck finds him standing with the rest of the team, who are now looking away from him as if they weren’t just staring at him.
”Buck, are you okay?” Hen asks, her voice low and her hand rubbing his shoulder. ”Did something happen on your way to work?”
Once again, Buck imagines an imaginary rainbow and some glitter for the dramatic effect circling his head as Hen looks at him, his mind screaming: she knows, she knows, she knows.
”N- Nothing,” he ends up mumbling out.
”Are you sure?” She asks, now sitting down next to him. ”Because it’s… Not like you to be this late.”
"I had to stop at Starbucks," he replies and thinks about the nightmares he had the previous night. He immediately decides to use them as an excuse. "I just… I haven't really slept well since the whole… lightning situation. I'll just take a nap when I can. I promise you that I'm fine."
Hen nods, seemingly accepting his little lie.
”You could talk to Bobby, you know that he would have no issue giving you a day off,” she continues, her hand now leaving his shoulder.
”It’s all good, I promise,” Buck tells her and tries to put on a smile that looks more authentic.
She obviously doesn’t buy it but leaves him alone, joining the rest of the team and whispering some kind of simple explanation to them.
Buck unwraps the burrito, which genuinely smells heavenly and his stomach rumbles at it, and just when he’s about to take a bite, the alarms go off.
The fire is spreading up the mountain and because they are firefighters, they are climbing up it as well. There are at least twenty hikers stuck at the top but Buck isn’t anywhere near them, so even though his mind is screaming at him to go and help, he has to try and remember that that isn’t his job right now.
They are digging a fireline on the other side of the mountain where the fire hasn’t spread yet and if they manage to do their job fast and well enough, it hopefully won’t spread from that point on. They are nearing the top of the lower slope of the mountain.
”Where do we go from here?!” Hen calls out, basically screaming because everything that is going on around them is filling the area with noise pollution.
Buck glances around and makes a quick decision, ”We have to go down the other side!”
”But the fire’s so much closer back there!” Hen replied, walking faster to make her way over to him.
”We have to, there are houses down there,” Buck tells her, nodding behind them. He leans forward, letting himself catch his breath for a couple of seconds, ”We have to keep going.”
”Damn Bobby for letting you take the lead,” Hen says, shaking her head but smiling, ”Yeah, let’s keep going.”
”I’m gonna go ahead! Hen, you come with me,” Buck says to her and then speaks into the radio, ”Hen and I are going ahead. We’re going to continue down the other side. Chim, Eddie, you keep digging from where we stopped.”
After getting a reply, they continue climbing the mountain even though Buck’s legs are screaming at him to stop. When they make it and Buck draws a quick line to where they are going to start digging, yet another loud sound takes over the top of the mountain.
He looks up at the sky, which now has a faint orange sheen to it, and notices two helicopters hovering around the mountain, one much lower than the other.
”They’re getting the people,” Hen tells him, sounding hopeful.
Buck only nods and keeps his eyes on the helicopters as he begins to dig. The helicopter that is near the ground takes its sweet time and eventually lands on it surprisingly smoothly. The other helicopter moves further away and just as Buck begins to wonder why it’s doing that, two people step out of the helicopter on the ground. One, who has a very, very familiar face.
”Shit,” he finds himself mumbling and hurries down the slope again, flopping down on his stomach.
Hen immediately rushes to him, ”Buck, you okay?”
”I’m fine,” he mumbles. ”Just… Just… Maybe we should’ve started digging down the slope first.”
Hen looks puzzled, ”What do you mean?
He has no freaking idea what he means. At this point he’s just throwing out words, hoping that something makes him sound like he knows what he’s doing. Which he does, but… Why does the universe hate him? Why did it have to make the guy, who awakened something within him that he didn't know was there, be some kind of a badass firefighter pilot? And why does he have to be here right now?
”Buck, get up,” Hen hisses at him then. ”What the hell is wrong with you?”
Instead of replying to her, Buck leans his head down before speaking into the radio, ”Eddie, switch places with me.”
Eddie is furthest down the mountain and he’s not one to really ask questions in a situation like this. He’s his only hope right now.
”Copy that. Coming up, Buckley,” comes a reply.
”I’m going down,” Buck announces to Hen as he gets up, making sure to stand so that if Tommy turns around to face them, he will only see his back.
”We’re talking about this later,” Hen tells him and continues to dig.
Great. Buck can’t wait.
It takes a good amount of time for Eddie to climb up but when he finally gets to them, he pats Buck on the shoulder, almost as if he’s asking if he’s okay and Buck replies with a simple nod before making his way down the mountain.
”Getting hot up there?” Chimney asks when Buck passes him.
"You have no idea," he grumbles.
By the time the fire is contained, they are exhausted. They all shower and change into clean clothes when they get back to the station and Buck takes a few extra minutes in the shower, letting the cool water soak his body. He scrubs all the dirt and smoke off of his skin and wishes that he could do the same thing to his brain.
He’s used to having thoughts constantly rolling around his mind like a storm that can’t be stopped but now all of his thoughts have to do with that man. That beautiful, muscular man with the cutest smile, who also happens to be a firefighter, who can fly helicopters… All that makes something inside of him spark in the same way that it did when he was a teenager and he kissed a girl for the first time. And that freaks him out just a little.
Just a little.
When he finally steps out of the shower and is dressed again, everyone else is already sitting around the table, eating, except him and Hen. She's standing far off to the side, far enough away from the others to make sure that they can't hear them and Buck decides to be a grown-up. He straightens his posture and makes his way over to Hen, who seems to have some kind of speech ready to go but Buck doesn't give her a chance to speak.
”Listen, I’m an ally,” he begins, keeping his voice hushed but sure-sounding. ”And sure, I’ve checked out hot guys’ asses before but… I’ve never felt like this.”
Hen blinks at him, slowly, as if her brain is struggling with the information it has been given. Buck doesn’t blame it. Doesn’t blame her.
”And what is… this exactly?” She asks.
Buck lets out a loud sigh, "A man asked me out today, and I… I kind of can't stop thinking about him."
A soft smile spreads on Hen’s face as she places a hand on his shoulder in a very similar way she did before. She gives it a little squeeze and leans closer.
”You’re coming over tonight. The kids are going to Maddie and Chim’s.”
By 1 A.M, they are drunk. And by them, Buck means him and Hen. Karen, who only had one drink with them (boo!) is making them grilled cheese because they asked for it (yay!). Buck focuses on pouring out two more shots as Hen keeps on rambling next to him.
”You have to call him. I’m telling this to you as a lesbian: What’s there not to like?” She says. ”According to you, he’s very handsome, muscular, tall, has pretty eyes and a smile-”
”And nice hands,” Karen adds.
"And nice hands. Thanks, babe," Hen says with a big grin. "And you said he's kind, funny, and very, very charming and- and-"
”And he’s a firefighter,” Buck mumbles and downs yet another shot. ”A pilot firefighter.”
”So he’s also very smart,” Hen says. ”What’s the problem here?”
"I didn't know I'm gay," he tells them for what seems like the hundredth time that night.
”You’re not gay!” Hen and Karen say at the same time.
"How do you know?" Buck whines and slams his forehead against the table a little harder than he meant to and whines even more. "Ow."
”Buck, Buckaroo,” Hen tells him, taking his face in her hands, ”Sweetie, do you think women are hot?”
Buck looks her deeply in the eyes and nods. Karen lets out a very agreeing, celebratory woop at his answer.
”If a hot, nice girl came up to you and asked you to go on a date with her, would you go?”
”Yeah,” he says immediately.
”Would you be able to fall in love with her? Marry her?” She asks.
”Getting kind of serious real fast,” he mumbles.
”Answer the question,” she says, pinching the skin at his jawline.
”Yeah, yeah, I could,” Buck tells her and shoves her away.
”Could you do all that with a guy?” Karen asks, turning to face them.
Buck sighs, ”I- I didn’t… I didn’t think I could.”
”But could you?” Hen asks.
”… I mean, yeah,” he says then and finds it to be true. He groans, ”God, I always thought I was just a really good ally.”
Hen laughs, downing her own shot, "Baby, I had a feeling there was something there. No straight guy posts a rainbow flag on Instagram every Pride Month. Or knows what Bears and Otters are. Outside of the animal kingdom anyway."
”God, I am so stupid,” he mumbles.
"Listen," Karen says as she makes her way over to the table and places plates in front of them. The grilled cheese looks like the most delicious thing Buck has ever seen in his life but that might just be the alcohol talking. "You are not stupid. This world isn't made for people like us. That can make it really difficult to understand who you are, especially if you are also attracted to the sex that everyone will assume you are going to be attracted to from the moment you are born. You're okay, Buck."
Buck lets out a shuddering breath and blames the tears burning in his eyes on the alcohol, "I always knew that there was something… Something missing."
”It feels great, doesn’t it?” Karen says, walking over and wrapping her arms around him. ”When it all just clicks into place.”
Buck nods, leaning into her for the comfort he desperately needs.
”I’m bisexual,” he whispers, mostly to himself.
Hen shrieks in excitement and pours them their last shots of the night. She gets up, almost falling over in the process, and comes to wrap her arm around them as well. She places a kiss on the top of Buck's head before handing him the shot.
”Welcome to the club, baby!”
A wide grin makes its way to his lips and there’s no fighting it. It feels like somebody has lifted all the weight from his shoulders.
”And Chim owes me twenty bucks,” Hen mumbles into his hair as she cuddles closer.
Buck turns around, wide-eyed, ”What?”
”Nothing, baby,” Hen whispers and begins to stroke his hair. ”Just enjoy this moment.”
Buck downs his shot, letting the liquid burn as it goes down his throat, and lets himself be held as he thinks about the to-go cup, waiting for him in his locker for the day that he goes back to work.
It's two days later and everyone knows. They are chanting 'Call him' as they surround Buck, who is sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand and the to-go cup in front of him on the coffee table. Part of him wishes that the alarm would go off.
But a way bigger part of him just wants to hear Tommy’s voice again.
”I’m not doing it if you’re all staring at me,” Buck tells them and it’s Hen who eventually manages to force them all into the kitchen to wait.
She gives his shoulder one last squeeze before joining the others.
He’s typed the number on his phone already and checked it at least five times to make sure that it’s correct. He counts to three in his mind and presses the green button on his screen. Then, with a loud gulp, he brings the phone to his ear.
The time he has to wait for Tommy to pick up seems like a very painful eternity but when his low voice says 'Tommy' on the other end of the line, it feels like time has never existed at all.
”It’s- It’s Evan,” he says, remembering that that is the only name he knows him by. ”From the… Starbucks?”
”Oh, Evan,” Tommy’s voice immediately turns brighter. ”I was worried you wouldn’t call.”
Buck chuckles, the tension in his chest easing up slightly, ”Sorry, I… I had quite a day at work the day that we met and well-”
”It’s okay, you don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Tommy tells him with a soft chuckle. ”I’m just really glad you called, Evan.”
The way he says his name feels just as good as it did the first time. It sends shivers down his spine in the most wonderful way and Buck has to fight back a visible shudder.
”So…” Tommy continues. ”How are you?”
”At work right now, actually,” Buck says, very quickly realizing that that doesn’t answer the question. ”A little tired but doing good. You?”
”I have a few days off,” Tommy replies. ”So I’m doing quite good. I’ve been watching movies all day.”
”What kind of movies?” Buck finds himself asking, going completely off the script he’d prepared for himself in his mind.
”Now don’t laugh at me, Evan,” Tommy says, chuckling himself.
”Promise I won’t.”
”Love Actually is kind of my favorite and I’ve had it on repeat for a while,” Tommy confesses.
”Oh,” Buck mumbles, finding his cheeks a little warm when he thinks about how freaking cute the man he’s talking to is. ”I’ve never seen it.”
”Well, we definitely have to fix that,” Tommy tells him, sounding both amused and serious. ”Speaking of future dates, I’m still interested in your offer for a coffee at that place you like. Are you free this Saturday?”
Buck gulps. Future dates.
”Y- Yeah, I- I am free,” Buck manages to stutter out and glances over at the others, only to find Hen giving him a thumbs up. ”I’m free.”
”Great,” Tommy says and Buck can hear the smile in his voice. ”What time does the place open?”
”I think around eight,” he replies. ”In the morning.”
”Would be surprised if it was in the evening,” Tommy chuckles and Buck is pretty sure he can hear him writing something down. ”What time works for you?”
”Uh,” Buck thinks about it for a moment. He’s going to want to sleep in on Saturday and then he’ll have to think of what to wear. Oh God, what does one wear to a date with a man? Do they find the same things attractive as women do? Do they-
”S- Sorry, I just,” Buck chuckles a little. ”I’m a little nervous.”
Tommy hums on the other end of the line, ”That’s adorable, Evan. How about around 1 P.M?”
”That- That works,” Buck tells him, a smile making its way onto his lips. ”I can’t wait to see you again.”
”I can’t wait to see you again either,” Tommy says right back. ”Remember that I was promised a rainbow on my cup. I’ll be very disappointed if I don’t get one.”
”I think I can make that happen,” Buck says, leaning against the back of the couch now. He really doesn’t want the phone call to end but can feel it in his bones that they are nearing that point in the conversation, ”I will try my best anyway. I’m not exactly an artist.”
”That’s more than enough for me,” Tommy says. Buck bets he’s grinning now. Or at least he likes to imagine that he is. ”I’ve got a thing I have to get to but… It was nice to hear your voice again. Is it okay if I save your number? Maybe even text you later?”
”That’s… Perfect,” Buck replies and feels blood rushing to his cheeks again. ”I mean, I’d really- really like that.”
”Great,” Tommy tells him, laughing once more. ”I’ll see you Saturday, Evan. Don’t forget the rainbow.”
”Saturday,” Buck whispers. ”I won’t forget.”
”Lovely,” Tommy says. ”Okay. Bye, Evan.”
The moment he sets his phone down on the couch next to him, the team rushes over to him, even Bobby, who is lazily walking behind them as if he doesn’t care but definitely cares just as much as the others.
”Well?” Hen asks.
”I’ve got a date on Saturday,” Buck tells them, smiling and it’s Bobby who comes up behind him and places his hands on his shoulders.
”Good job, kid. Now get back in the kitchen,” he says, smiling down at him proudly, ”I need some help with the soup.”
And Buck goes, and he feels light.
Two hours before the date, he facetimes Maddie.
”What do men like?” He asks.
”Hello to you too,” Maddie tells him, sitting on the couch with a sleeping Jee in her lap. ”I’m guessing you’re going on that date today?”
”Yeah. I thought Chimney told you that,” Buck mumbles, throwing more shirts onto his bed. ”Like he told you everything else.”
”He’s still very sorry about that,” Maddie tells him. ”You know how he is with secrets.”
”I know, I know,” Buck mumbles and points the camera to the pile of shirts. ”Whatever. Just help me.”
”I think you should wear something blue. Brings out your eyes,” Maddie says, squinting at all the clothes. ”What pants are you wearing?”
"Those high-waisted ones you like," he tells her.
”Ooh, good choice,” she praises him. ”Get rid of every other color but blue.”
He sets his phone down for a moment and pushes aside all the shirts that aren’t some shade of blue, as well as the dark blue ones because he already knows that Maddie is going to tell him to get rid of them as well.
”Okay, here we go,” he says.
”Get that hoodie out of there,” she says.
He throws it off to the side, agreeing that it’s not exactly date attire.
”Where are you guys going anyway?” She asks.
”There’s this coffee place I really like,” he explains. ”I promised I’d take him there. It’s a pretty… relaxed place.”
"Hmm," she hums as she eyes the pile of clothes again. "Let's get rid of all the long-sleeved ones because it's really warm outside and we don't want you sweating. I know you're going to sweat for other reas-"
”I meant because you’re so nervous to be on a date with the hot pilot,” she teases. ”Now do as I said.”
For the next ten minutes, they keep cutting down on the shirts that he owns. Eventually, they are left with two shirts. One, a very clean and very expensive T-shirt that probably shouldn't have been as expensive as it was and the other, a simple, striped polo shirt.
”Which one would you feel more comfortable in?”
”I have been wearing a lot of polos these days,” Buck tells her. ”And it does look a little more like I’ve actually put some thought into my outfit.”
”So go with the polo.”
Buck strips off the shirt he has on right now and throws it off to the side. He puts on the polo and looks at himself in the small rectangle in the corner of his phone screen.
”What do you think?” He asks.
”Looks great,” she tells him. ”Are you in a rush?”
Buck shrugs, ”I’ve still got some time.”
”Good. Sit down.”
Buck does, already hating himself for making his bedroom such a mess.
”Now,” she continues. ”Tell me more about the hot pilot.”
Buck laughs, the comfortable warmth in his chest spreading.
”Well,” he starts. ”He’s got the greatest smile-”
His heart is already pounding by the time he makes his way to the counter. The person standing on the other side of it looks a lot less stressed than the baristas at Starbucks had been and that alone makes Buck feel more at ease.
”Hello. What can I get you?” The woman asks, smiling at him politely.
He rambles out his own order first and includes two chocolate cupcakes in it because they just look too good on the shelf they are presented on.
”Okay. Anything else?”
”A flat white with two sugars,” he says, remembering Tommy’s order. ”Large, please.”
"Gotcha," she says. "Would you like them to go?"
”No, thank you, my- my date will be here soon,” Buck says, a smile appearing on his lips the moment the word ’date’ leaves his mouth.
”Wonderful,” she says and names the price.
Buck pays with his card and taps on the counter a couple of times, trying to ease his nerves.
”I’ll bring them over to you when they’re ready,” she says, still smiling but looking at Buck just slightly concerned.
”Thank you,” Buck replies and spots the cups she has taken from the shelf behind her. ”Uh, one more thing.”
”Could I get one of the drinks in a to-go cup?” He asks.
”I thought you said that you’d be having the coffee and cupcakes here?” She asks, now sounding confused.
”I- I did but it’s…” He doesn’t know how to explain it, so he decides not to. ”It’s a really long story and I doubt you care, so… Please?”
"Alright," she says, putting back one of the cups and grabbing a to-go cup instead. She shows it to Buck for approval and Buck nods, blushing a little from embarrassment. "Anything else?"
Buck notices a small table and chairs in the corner of the coffee shop that he swears weren’t there the last time he came here. Right next to the small table is a box with printed coloring pictures in it.
The barista follows his gaze.
”Do you have crayons or something?” He asks.
Her eyes brighten a little bit, ”We do. Do you have a kid with you?”
”No, no,” Buck replies.
The look on her face grows concerned.
”I just…” Buck lets out a small sigh. ”It’s a really, really long story.”
”… Okay,” she replies and begins to prepare the coffee.
Buck goes to sit in front of one of the big windows, showing the street outside in all its glory. He taps the table and tries to think of relaxing things until the barista comes back to him with two coffees, one in a to-go cup, two cupcakes, and a small box of crayons.
Buck’s not sure if he can ever come here again, ”Thank you.”
”No problem.”
And she leaves.
He has to google the order of the colors of a rainbow, which makes his brain remind him that he's a bad ally, while he has to remind his brain that he's more than an ally now. Then, he picks up each color crayon one at a time and draws a rainbow on the to-go cup, just as he promised he would.
But it looks a little boring and he’s bored, so he adds some hearts and sparkles until the whole cup is covered in his little sketches.
Not exactly keen to go back to the barista to return the crayons, he gets up and places them on the small kids’ table before making his way back to his table.
He rubs his palms against his thighs when he feels them getting a little sweaty. He just happens to look in the direction of the door when Tommy walks in. He’s wearing something a little similar to what he wore when they first met: a simple pair of jeans and a black shirt, and he has no right to look so good.
When Tommy spots him, he smiles so big that his nose crinkles and Buck is pretty sure that his heart skips a beat at the sight. He thinks about getting up when Tommy walks closer but eventually decides against it, mostly because it would be weird now. Too many seconds passed.
”Hey,” Tommy tells him, ”Looks like you already ordered.”
"I did," Buck says, smiling right back at him and rubbing his palms against the fabric of his pants once more. "I hope I got your order correct."
Tommy sits down, still smiling brightly, and takes the cup in his hands, "Looks about right. I did order a cup with a rainbow on it. I even specified that I wanted it drawn on by a very, very cute man who looks fantastic in that blue shirt."
His breath catches in his throat and he can’t help but look down in his lap to get himself under control.
”You,” Buck starts after clearing his throat. ”Look really good too.”
"Thank you," Tommy says, glancing down at the shirt he's wearing and only then Buck notices that one of the buttons right at the top is undone and showing just a slice of his chest. How did he not notice it until now?
He couldn’t look away.
”You really seem to like it,” Tommy tells him, making Buck look him in the eye.
”Sorry,” Buck mumbles immediately, feeling like an absolute idiot. ”I didn’t mean-”
”It’s good that you’re enjoying yourself,” Tommy interrupts him, smiling still. ”I appreciate it, Evan.”
Buck smiles a shaky smile at him and glances over at the cupcakes, ”Uh, I- I got us some chocolate cupcakes. They looked really good and I couldn’t help myself. I hope you like chocolate.”
"Who doesn't?" Tommy asks and brings one of the cupcakes closer to him. "I used to bake a lot when I was younger. When I had the time. Cupcakes were actually my favorite thing to make. I was kind of renowned for them."
”Really?” Buck asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
”Yeah,” Tommy chuckles. ”I know, I don’t exactly look like a guy who bakes for fun. I wish I had more time for it though.”
Buck knows exactly why he's busy. Being a firefighter means everything to him and he wouldn't have it any other way but sometimes the lack of free time does get to him. They obviously have days off but at least one of them is always spent sleeping or otherwise getting back the energy you lose during a 24-hour shift.
”Evan? Everything okay?” Tommy asks then, his voice softening in a way that does something to Buck’s heart.
”Sorry, I… I’m a little tired,” he explains. ”There’s uh… Something you should probably know.”
Tommy looks concerned and curious now and he tilts his head a little as he waits for Buck to continue.
”I know that you’re a firefighter. A pilot. Both,” he rambles. ”I was on that wildfire call too and I saw you land the helicopter and I’m sorry, I’m trying not to be weird or anything, I just thought that you should know before-”
”Evan,” Tommy’s voice interrupts him and his hand comes to rest on top of Buck’s.
His whole body freezes into place.
”Oh, I’m sorry-”
”No, no,” Buck says when Tommy begins to move his hand away. ”I- I don’t mind.”
Tommy’s hand settles back on top of his, heavy and warm.
”You’re a firefighter?” Tommy asks then.
”Yeah,” Buck replies and lets out a small chuckle. ”Turns out we uh… Have more in common than we thought. Not that we really know each other at all or anything, I just-”
Tommy shoots him an amused look.
”Well, you’re certainly learning something about me right now,” Buck tells him with an awkward laugh and takes a sip of his coffee. ”I talk a lot. Good luck.”
”I’d love to learn everything about you,” Tommy says.
Buck has to take a moment to just breathe. There’s a part of him that feels like he’s known Tommy forever. Despite his awkwardness and rambling, it feels so easy to open up to him. Then there’s another, very big part of him, that is telling him to quiet down. To not show the way that he really is because it will make Tommy run away.
”Are you sure?” The question slips out of his mouth before he can think through it.
Tommy chuckles a little, ”Evan… I wouldn’t have given you my number if I didn’t want to get to know you. Are you still feeling nervous?”
Buck gives him a small nod.
”That’s okay. I get it,” Tommy says with a nod. He takes his hand away from Buck’s, immediately leaving him feeling a little cold, ”Here. Why don’t you have some of the cupcake? Chocolate makes everything better.”
He takes the liner of the cupcake off for him before placing it in front of Buck.
Buck takes a small bite of it and lets the chocolate melt in his mouth. It certainly makes his brain very happy and he ends up grinning up at Tommy to show him that he's okay.
When Tommy reaches out to him and wipes some chocolate off of the corner of his mouth with his thumb, he can’t help but smile even brighter.
”Thanks,” he mumbles. ”I am uh… A little nervous because I’m not… Well, I am bisexual.”
Smooth, Buckley. Smooth.
Tommy smiles that mischievous, boyish smile again as he leans forward, ”And do bisexuals often feel nervous because of their sexuality?”
Buck lets out a breathy laugh, ”I wouldn’t know. I just… Came out.”
Tommy raises his eyebrows at him, ”Really?”
”Yeah.” Buck smiles. ”It took me a moment to figure myself out after I met you and-”
”Wait,” Tommy stops him. ”You weren’t out of the closet when I met you?”
Buck can’t help but chuckle, ”I didn’t even know I was in a closet.”
Tommy looks a little bewildered at his answer and for a moment, Buck thinks that he’s finally managed to screw it up. He did last, what? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes before doing that. It’s a world record!
”Now it makes sense why you’re so nervous,” Tommy says then and places his hand back on top of Buck’s. ”Evan, you could’ve told me this earlier and we could’ve picked a place that’s not so… public or-”
”No!” Buck says, a little too loud and the barista from before shoots him a look. ”I mean… I really wanted to bring you here. That’s what I promised you.”
Tommy nods, "… You are aware that you were full-on flirting with me at the Starbucks?"
”I- I am now,” Buck mumbles.
”Have you done that with a lot of guys without realizing or…?” Tommy asks, and then quickly adds, ”You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
”It’s okay,” Buck says. ”Um, I don’t think I have? Well…”
”Well?” Tommy asks.
”There was this one time I asked another firefighter to hang out if he was ever in LA and he told me that he already had a boyfriend so… Maybe I was flirting a little? Without knowing?” Buck says and can’t help but laugh at himself.
He really should give TK a call.
Tommy laughs as well and it sounds kind, ”Well, lucky for me, you didn’t end up on a date with him.”
Buck breathes out, ”Yeah… Lucky.”
Tommy's hand stays on top of his as they move from subject to subject over the hour that they sit there. They talk and listen, taking turns like it's the most natural thing to do in the world, and sometimes when Buck rambles, he sees the way that Tommy looks at him, not a hint of annoyance in his eyes.
Nothing but blue softness.
He thanks the barista when they leave and feels the way Tommy’s hand touches his waist when they step out of the coffee house.
”You don’t have to keep that,” Buck tells him then, nodding toward the cup still in Tommy’s hand.
”What am I gonna do, throw it away? This is art, Evan,” Tommy tells him, glancing down at his watch.
Buck’s eyes linger on it as well, ”D- Do you have somewhere to be?”
Tommy looks up at him, ”What? Oh, no, I was just checking. Why? Did you have something in mind?”
"Well, I was wondering if…" Buck starts. "I had to park my car in the parking lot behind that park. We could take a walk through it and- and you could walk me to my car when we're ready to go."
Tommy gives him a gentle nod, ”Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I parked my car there as well.”
”Really?” Buck asks.
”Yeah,” Tommy tells him as they begin making their way toward the park. ”The parking here is an absolute nightmare.”
”Tell me about it,” Buck says. ”It was pure luck that I got a parking spot that morning we met.”
”Luck seems to be on our side,” Tommy tells him, smiling.
They walk under a metal arch that leads into the park.
”It’s usually not on my side,” Buck chuckles. ”But maybe you’ll turn it around.”
”Maybe I will,” Tommy replies, a small smirk on his lips.
Buck notices that their knuckles are brushing against each other as they walk and he has to glench his hand into a fist to keep himself from lacing their fingers together.
Silence takes hold of the two of them as they keep strolling through the park and with every step, Buck wishes that the parking lot was further away. He doesn’t understand how just existing with another person can feel so easy when they’ve only known each other for hours. But it does.
It just does.
And still, no matter how comfortable he is feeling, Buck can’t let the silence just be.
”Did you know that I was struck by lightning?” He blurts out, causing Tommy to stop dead in his tracks.
He pauses as well.
”That was you?”
Buck smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck, feeling small beads of sweat there, ”One more thing to know about me, I guess?”
"Christ, kid," Tommy says, huffing out a chuckle. He makes his way over to him, wraps an arm around his shoulders, and gets them to start walking again, "Do I have to keep an eye on you? Are you one of those people who could just, I don't know, fall over a little bump on this path right now and break a bone?"
”I’m pretty good at getting hurt,” Buck tells him and lets out a small breath, ”So maybe you should k- keep holding onto me.”
A smile that is part smirk takes over Tommy’s lips and God, Buck wants to kiss them. The hold on his shoulders gets a little tighter as Tommy pulls him against his side and Buck’s brain fills up with all the happy hormones there are in a person just from the little bit of contact.
”You know, Evan,” Tommy speaks up when the parking lot starts getting awfully close. ”Now that I know that this is all… very new to you, I’d just like you to know that there’s no pressure.”
”W- What do you mean?” Buck asks.
”I know this was our first date and I would say it went well. Don’t you think?”
Buck nods. He definitely agrees with that. He can’t remember the last time he had a first date go so well.
"I mean," Tommy mumbles and this is the first time Buck's seen him struggle with his words, and damn it, it's just as cute and hot as his confidence is. "I remember what it was like to come out and start dating men for the first time. It was exciting but nervewracking and I just want you to know that we can go at your pace."
If they were going at his pace, they would be kissing against the tree to their left right about now.
Buck nods, "I- I appreciate that. I don't… I don't know what I'm ready for, but I am ready for something and I know that this is brand new and we still have so much to learn about one another but I- I like being with you, it- it feels good and right, and I can't wait for another date with you, Tommy, and-"
Tommy’s looking at him with such fondness that Buck stops speaking without even noticing.
"… And?" Tommy asks, his voice even lower now.
”And I want to see where this could go,” Buck finishes, his eyes flickering to Tommy’s lips again.
Tommy nods, smiling, ”I’d like that too, Evan.”
They look at each other for a moment, which seems to stretch on for an eternity and Buck doesn’t mind it. The way the sun flickers through the trees surrounding them makes parts of Tommy’s skin look like gold and he feels so happy that he could… Well, not die, but he feels like he’s truly living.
When they finally make it to the parking lot, where there is nothing but shadows, Tommy finishes his story about his grandma, who still lives in Italy and who he spent summers with when he was a child.
”I’ve always said that I’m going to go back,” he says as Buck leans against his jeep. ”With her being so old now, I better do it sooner than later but you know how it is with our line of work.”
”Yeah,” Buck replies. ”I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. It’s the one place I’ve never been.”
”Really?” Tommy asks.
”Really,” Buck replies.
They smile at each other in silence, the thought of going there together passing through their minds but neither of them says it.
Buck gathers all his courage as he reaches out and takes Tommy’s hand in his. Tommy shoots him a surprised but genuine smile and gives his hand a gentle squeeze.
”I know I’m new at this but I’m someone who knows what they want,” Buck tells him. ”I don’t draw rainbows on just anyone’s to-go cup.”
Tommy chuckles, "Oh, so that is a Tommy Kinard-only kind of luxury?"
”Maybe it is,” Buck replies, smirking and pulling Tommy a little closer. ”Kinard, huh?”
”Yes, that’s my last name.”
”Good to know,” Buck says. ”Now I know what name to look for during our calls, just in case you happen to be there.”
Tommy nods, stepping even closer and Buck’s back hits against the side of his jeep. Their faces are so close now and Buck feels his whole body tingle in a way he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
”And what name should I look out for?” Tommy asks.
”B- Buckley,” he says.
”Buckley,” Tommy echoes his name back to him and somehow, it sounds good coming from Tommy but at the same time, it feels wrong.
He only wants to be Evan to him.
”Evan,” Tommy says then as if he read his mind. His hand slips away from Buck’s and comes to gently rest against his cheek, his thumb barely brushing against the corner of his lips. ”Is this okay?”
Buck’s heart begins to beat faster. His breathing stills as he focuses on the blues of Tommy’s eyes, knowing that the color is reflected in his own, and he nods.
Tommy’s lips are soft as they press against his and Buck sighs into the kiss, relaxing his whole body against the other man. Tommy’s other hand comes to rest at his hip, squeezing ever so slightly, and Buck is pretty sure that nothing will ever beat this feeling.
He brings a hand to rest against Tommy's shoulder, rubs up and down, feeling the soft fabric there, and wishes that it wasn't there so that he could feel his skin. He deepens the kiss, tilting his head ever so slightly and he tries to make himself remember every detail of this moment. The way Tommy's hand feels on his cheek, big and warm. The way that his lips feel against his, sweet and sure. The way that he feels so free, truly and completely.
When Tommy pulls away, barely, Buck can’t even bring himself to be disappointed. He’s on a high that he can’t explain.
”You alright?” Tommy whispers, their noses gently touching.
”T- That,” Buck stammers, his voice barely above a whisper. ”That was better than iced coffee with oat milk.”
Tommy chuckles, resting their foreheads together for the shortest of moments, ”I think everything is better than iced coffee with oat milk.”
Buck lets out the smallest of laughs and leans closer. He places his chin on Tommy's shoulder and to his relief, feels Tommy wrap his arms around him. They stand there until Buck feels his heartbeat match Tommy's.
”You should text me when you get home,” Tommy whispers into his ear as he pulls away.
”I will,” Buck promises. ”Y- You should text me too. Whenever you want.”
Tommy smiles, ”I will, Evan.”
They share some more words, different ways of saying bye for now, before touching each other's hands one more time until they let go again. Buck watches Tommy walk away. Watches him get in his car and drive away.
And he breathes.
Tagging people here: @theotherbuckley @aringofsalt
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cherry-romper · 3 days
When They're Injured
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; • He either pretends to be fine or cries like a baby, there's no in-between. • Most of the time he doesn't even acknowledge your presence in the room. He thinks it's a waste of time watching over him. • Tells you to grow up if he sees you crying over him. • "I have the power of the titans, I'll be fine. Just stop your crying already, it's making me uncomfortable." • Still thanks you for caring though, in his own little way - probably by asking you to be his sparing partner instead of actually saying thank you.
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Mikasa; • Unfazed by her own injuries and cares more about you taking care of yourself. • Stays in bed for a day before she's back working out and doing chores, no matter how bad her injury is. You have to physically restrain her and put her back to bed (it never goes well). • Asks if you've eaten and slept well before you get the chance to ask her. • She's grateful for everything you do while she's recovering. • She picks you some flowers afterwards to say thank you. She even cooks you food.
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Armin; • Upset. You console and reassure him a lot because he keeps crying about being weak. • You read to him though, and even play chess while he recovers. • You promise to train him some more when he's able bodied so that he feels better prepared next time. • You bring him food but he refuses to eat it. You end up doing the "here comes the train" thing with him to force him to eat out of embarrassment. • You brought him flowers and he loved the gesture so much that he now uses one of the dried flowers as a book mark.
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Marco; • Grateful to be alive. • He sometimes panics and has nightmares that he's back on the field where he was injured and you have to calm him down. • He sometimes gets annoyed at you for always being beside him because he knows you're not looking after yourself properly. • Forces you to leave so you'll finally wash and eat. • Jean also visits often and you all share stories about your childhoods. The duo never fail to make you laugh.
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Jean; • Dramatic. Does the whole "don't look at me, I'm hideous" thing, and refuses to let you into the room. • You have to physically stop him from covering his face and reassure him that he's just as beautiful as before. • He switched up real fast after that and pretended he wasn't even injured to try and impress you. He went from being a cry baby to trying to work out with a broken arm. • You gave up trying to stop him because he wouldn't listen to anything. • Cries when he's alone because he doesn't think he's strong enough.
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Connie; • Doesn't change a thing. He's still just as idiotic as before. • Laughs it off. He keeps telling jokes so he won't think about it and if he's laughing then he's happy. • Wants you by his side always, and get upset when you need to leave. •"Y/N, I'm telling you, I'm immortal." • He doesn't really cry, he had a few tear when he was alone, but he's more focused on training when he's better so it doesn't happen again. • Secretly likes being injured because you're particularly nice to him.
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Sasha; • Dramatic. She thinks the worlds is going to end. Gathers you, Jean and Connie around as she says her "last goodbyes". • It only takes you waving some meat in her face for her to snap out of it and start acting normal again. • Sobs into your arm. She's more worried about if she'll be able to eat and hunt again than her actually injuries. • Food works better than medicine.
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Levi; • Sleeps it off. He'll be fine the next morning. • Hates when you baby him. Even if you're just being nice, like bringing him food, he'll think you're being condescending and gets pissed off. • It really doesn't take long for him to recover, but Erwin orders him to take time off to be sure - you're happy Levi will always have Erwin looking out for him. • You leave him little notes instead of actually staying with him. He smiles to himself when he sees them, he adore the little things.
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Hange; • Refuses to stay in bed. Levi knocks them out to force them into bed. • They get bored very easy. Erwin doesn't let them work while they recover, so most days they just sit and stare at the ceiling. • Gets a little dramatic and starts crying because they can't visit their titans. So you visit them yourself and draw them for Hange - even if you're bad at drawing, they are overjoyed. • Cries when you bring them flowers.
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Erwin; • He's appears fine externally, has a strong mentality and is sure he'll heal in no time. • No matter what he's still working, you have to physically pry the papers from his hands so he'll actually rest for once. • He gets kind of annoyed at the babying. He just wants you to see that he's okay to work, but you have none of it. • You buy him flowers and other little trinkets - like a little girl was selling knitted teddy bears, so you bought him one. He got emotional after that because he realised how much you meant to him.
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Reiner; • Goes through a crisis. He's used to being injured, but not this badly. • It takes him a lot of willpower to not just heal it in front of you. • Spends most night debating if it would be easier to just die. • Some days he doesn't know who he is and acts like a soldier and others Bertholdt has to remind him that there are bigger things out there and he has to pull through so they can go home. • On they days where he's a warrior, he pushes you away, only letting Bertholdt and Annie in the room with him.
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Bertholdt; • Pushes everyone away, aside from Reiner - not even Annie can see him like that. • Gets unnecessarily angry. Debates just turning and finishing the mission right then and there, and he was about to when you turned up. You made his whole world stop and he just stared at you. • He cried into your arms that night, and most nights after. He'd never felt so vulnerable. He thought you were the one who came to save him. • You knew he was feeling better when he went back to his "synchronised sleeping," as you called it, and you'd find him with his head nearly on the floor.
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Annie; • Stoic, as per usual. • Hates when you make a fuss. • "It will heal. Please, give me some space." • Doesn't push people away, just kind of distances herself. For example, she doesn't spar with people when she's feeling better, she uses a training dummy instead. • Only happy when you're with her. She wouldn't admit it though. • She wants you to stay, but would never go out of her way to ask you too.
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Porco; • He gets dismissive. Uses the word "whatever" like it's going out of fashion. • You try to reassure him but he just gets defensive. "Stop it. You're acting like I'm going to die. I'll just heal overnight. You're so dramatic." • Secretly enjoys the attention. He's not used to people willingly caring for him. He normally bullies people into following him around, but you do it out of the kindness of your heart. • You praise him for being so brave and it makes him blush.
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Pieck; • She loves that you stay with her. She thanks you everyday. • Holds your hand a lot. • You talk about whatever but most of the time there's just a comfortable silence. • For some reason, she thinks the best when she's injured. Meaning she still attends strategy meetings, but asks you to go with her for support.
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Zeke; • Refuses to stay in bed, no matter how bad the injury. • He sleeps for about 3 hours, and heals in that time. After that he just walks around like normal, still doing his work like he wasn't floored a few hours ago. • You barely get the time to worry about him. He appreciates the sentiment though. He likes when you worry about him, it makes him finally feel cared about. • He does spend more time with you after that. After seeing your reaction he realised how much he actually likes you, how much he cares for you.
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theillustraitor · 7 hours
Silly idea i had for a fake ep, i definitely want to draw a lot more for it(and i will), but ive been sidetracked by another idea for now :’)
A long ass explanation is below the cut for those who want it, but the basics are that it’s an Ember vs Vlad music competition with plenty of flashbacks to Skunk Punks because damn we need more backstory on the college trio *and* i just think itd be really funny
(Also Sam is only supporting Vlad because its "the first time he’s ever been cool" lmao)
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So a few notes to start:
- This is for my au(though this ep is fairly canon compliant)
- This is set well after AGIT so Vlad is (mostly)redeemed and willing to help out on occasion
- Vlad's secret is out to Jack and Maddie(the accident, ghost form, everything). Things are tense, but better than when everything first came out(generally they tolerate each other, and while none would admit it they do kinda want to be friends again)
With that out of the way, the episode itself goes like this:
(Cold Open) Danny, Sam, and Tucker decide to do ghost helping with Ember! She is not having it though and blasts them away everytime. They end up asking Vlad for help since he used to be in the Skunk Punks, and maybe a fellow musician could get her to listen?
(A Plot) It did not work. Ember hated Vlad too and called him "Gramps" amongst other things. In mutual anger they set up a competition. Vlad wins, Ember has to listen to the kids, and if Ember wins... she gets to beat up Danny! (surprisingly Vlad did *not* set that bit up). Competition happens, but in-between songs/rounds Vlad and Ember start talking about their lives. Ember actually ends up spilling about the bad parts of hers before their last round. She doesn't want to play anymore, but Vlad manages to cheer her up and they play her last song(her signature one) together. The main trio are happy Vlad was able to help her(and that Danny will not be beat up).
(B Plot) When preparing, Vlad goes to Fentonworks hoping that Jack kept his old instrument. Jack can't seem to find it so Vlad leaves. Jack is determined not to fail Vlad again though so he keeps looking(Maddie joins the search too). He finds various old things that bring up memories of the Skunk Punks. The flashbacks would show when they first started, practice, stuff like that.
(Finale) After everything Vlad is looking sadly down at an old Skunk Punk photo, and Jack is doing the same. Vlad then surprisingly is back at the Fenton's door. After some talking(and Jack giving Vlad his old keyboard guitar back), Vlad plays the last song he never played from the competition with Jack while Maddie watches and listens :)
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thewriterowl · 3 days
I love you fics so so much. You're appreciated a lot, and we understand that you have a life and needs a break.
Take your time, your health and life is more important.
So only if you want, I would love Modern setting Mafia Din, obvious luke. I unfortunately can't find a lot of fics like this.
Thank youuuuu and have a good day
omg thank you!! This really is appreciated. Truly, it means a lot that you took time to say that. It always helps me keep working on these updates! But I also appreciate the reminder for the break; I am very bad at that lol
Modern Setting Mafia Dinluke AU
So, I have made Luke a baker (still one of my favorites) and a librarian for this AU but maybe he can be something else. Maybe a really good mechanic who does a lot of work on cars but really shines with motorcycles. He wants his own but he's currently working in a garage maybe run by Djarin's clan but it is low on the chain and has become corrupt as Pong Krell is the manager of it and is not paying Luke well (so he needs a beat up car to maybe sleep in in the future) and pocketing a lot--basically stealing from Din (not good). Krell is very arrogant and thinks he is taking enough to not cause ripples to carry up to the head of the whole clan but he is very, very wrong.
Din runs things tightly and with intense respect and fear. They do quite a bit of illegal happenings but they are a bit more anti-hero/vigilante types.
The family runs escort houses but they are actually very healthy (a little capitalistic but nothing is perfect) and no one is forced to work there. Whoever is can stop at any time and they have great health care and housing. Not to mention incredibly protected and treated with a lot of respect. Even the strip clubs are more are less legitimate and probably the cleanest and best one can find (Lando runs a BDSM house under Din). They actually take down a lot of trafficking through their work with this. He has daycares that's basically free for all who work with him. Drugs are tricky but they mostly ensure nothing tainted passes by as there is not much they can do about stopping it but you better not have anything hard around his territory. He's a "family" business, after all.
He gets his money through a lot of laundering, the escort houses, hacking, blue collar crimes where they rob the billionaires/millionaires, underground fight rings...and, ahem, a few...hits here and there. But they're very selective over who they take out.
Of course, that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous. He and his family chooses to do things through a nicer lens but he had to bury a lot of bodies to get to where he was so that whoever takes over from him wouldn't have to get their hands nearly as dirty. He will do cruel, cold, selfish things if it means he can protect those he cares about. And he won't let some greedy slug try to take more than what he's earned and cause a dent in the network he's created.
He goes when Krell isn't around, bringing in his motorcycle, maybe not removing his helmet to be safe, and Luke is on him instantly. The blond is so EXCITED to see this model and has to chat Din up about it, offering to get it all fixed for him if he wants, he'll put it back together quickly.
Din is very charmed and let's Luke have all the fun he could want as he sneaks into the office and gets all the evidence needed (the little one was very oblivious; that's no good for his own safety) and decides to just chat with this puppy.
Din and Luke probably separate a little smitten at the end.
Luke really has no idea what he's done until the next time Din comes, with his men, dressed in a (sexy as sin) suit and gets Luke in one of the super expensive, sound-proof cars as he...settles things with Krell.
Din can't spend too much time making Krell understand his mistakes.
He has a reservation after where he'll talk to Luke over some nice Italian about him moving in.
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twstfanblog · 10 hours
Monster AU Lore Facts 2
Riddle is a doctor who works through science, the town still mainly goes to his mother for leechings and replacing their blood with milk so he's kinda struggling to make ends meet.
Floyd shows up to his clinic with a small child who looks nothing like him claiming his 'son' was sick (OC Larimar)
Riddle 100% thinks this unknown man with raggedy clothes just kidnapped this child and tries to get the boy to admit that he doesn't know Floyd so he can call the police in the area.
BUT, Larimar is Floyd's kid so he keeps quiet during the examination. Riddle does diagnose Larimar with the flu but instead of giving the bottle of medicine to Floyd claims that they need to come back every day to get a dose.
Riddle is fully convinced Larimar is just a kidnapped child until he finds out they're both monsters.
Leona was injured escaping his territory and hid in a cave to lick his wounds. Ruggie found him and was threatened to get him food.
Ruggie's village is poor as shit so he can only bring small scraps of meat and fruit for this monster to eat. Leona, seeing this, starts paying Ruggie at the start of each winter with one of the many golden beads he has around his neck.
Ruggie uses the money he gets from the bead to help his village, slowly improving their living condition each year. Ruggie and Leona start to have their unspoken romance once Leona is fully healed and tells Ruggie he won't be there next winter.
Rook and Vil have been having a back-and-forth, prey and predator dynamic for actual years. Vil is deeply flattered that Rook thinks his 'true face' is beautiful.
Vil is pregnant and he fully blames Rook like he's not also completely involved in how it fucking happened. Rook was of course overjoyed and quickly convinced Vil to move in with him for safety reasons.
Rook is now falsely convicting nobles of witchcraft so that Vil will have easy access to noblemen. (Aw, he's hunting for him)
Epel was placed in Rook's home after he was taken from his stepfather's home. Epel found Rook's maid nice enough but also he was deeply terrified because she would stare at him for long periods of time before acting as though nothing was wrong.
Vil was pissed finding out Epel wasn't of noble blood because he was PERFECT.
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ok I just need to get my thoughts down because I don't see anyone else talking about this. spoilers for the new episode of Helluva Boss.
In the new episode, "The Full Moon", in relation to the Stolitz dynamic, there is a huge correlation between melody and emotions.
The duet at the start has Stolas singing the entire time, while Blitz is rapping the whole thing. Not that rap isn't music, nor that he isn't singing with deliberate pitch, but his parts of the song feel closer to spoken prose then Stolas'. In the words themselves, Stolas spend the entire time commenting on his own worries about Blitz and their meeting, while Blitz spends the song avoid his own anxieties about his relationship with Stolas, and in fact out right says he's "getting in [his] own head" when he begins to acknowledge his relationship with Stolas as "complex" before swerving out of that topic entirely.
And this is also true for their meeting at the end of the episode. The music that plays at the start is reflective of Stolas' inner emotional state while Blitz talks about what he bought. Then when Stolas brings up the Asmodian Crystal, the music turns more hopeful. And again, when Stolas states that Blitz is no longer under any obligation to do anything to/with him, the music changes to play a singular long note. This whole time, the music has changed to reflect Stolas' mental state throughout this conversation.
Then it's Blitz's turn to react and it goes dead silent. And even though Blitz could very much go "k thanks bye" and ditch Stolas, his reaction is "Am I not working hard enough? I can do better". Blitz, unlike Stolas, is not addressing the underlying emotions of his care for the other, defaulting to trying to bring back their status quo rather than (work to) resolve the issues in their relationship to make them both happier.
The music come back when Stolas answers with how much he truly cares about Blitz and he doesn't want a relationship built on a power imbalance the way theirs currently is.
Blitz, once again, swerves from the conversation as the music, once again cuts out, defaulting to assuming that he's not being serious.
This, obviously, hurts Stolas, with the music following in tow, where it cuts out (with the exception of a sustained chord this time) at Blitz realising that Stolas was being serious about genuinely caring about him and ever so slightly touching on how that makes him feel.
Music revives briefly for Stolas to verbalise how Blitz's dismissal and inability to believe his care for him when it cuts out at Blitz screaming at him. Here again it's Blitz not directly addressing why or what hurt him, but rather him angry that Stolas is dismissing his attempts at trying to understand and deal with the situation (rightfully so), though doing so through screaming and generalising ("you royal fucks think you can do this every time") as a way to bring back a semblance of control.
The music rolls in with Stolas being upset and crying and fades out when Blitz is teleported away.
This entire episode where these two are on screen (so, like the first 3min and the last 5min) has the music emphasising not only what the characters feel, but also how in-tune with and aware they are of how and why they feel the way they do, with Stolas able to do so much more than Blitz.
I saved the best for last, as there are exactly two exceptions to the "Blitz has no music but Stolas does" observation.
The first (and the less interesting and implicative of the two) is right after Blitz dismisses Stolas' feelings. Here, though Stolas does talk, he is very much building walls and pushing Blitz away through both his generally dismissive tone and him actively trying to walk away from them conversation. Also a thing to note is how when Stolas thanks Blitz for making him as happy as he did, the music is there, but everything but the sustained chord leaves when Stolas blurts out "I wish you the best with your business" while walking away, and completely ignoring anything Blitz has to say at all about how he feels. It only comes back when he talks about his own hurt.
The second is after Blitz is teleported away. The "feelings" character is off-screen. We shouldn't be hearing any music at all. And we don't, initially. But as Blitz screams to the sky two note play. And these two notes are the only notes that start playing while Blitz speaks in these 5 minutes, and they are the only notes (I'm pretty sure) in this scene that play where we don't immediately see/hear what could be causing the emotions that the music implies. It is here where everything Blitz has been doing to maintain the status quo breaks down. It is here that Blitz has nothing to think of to not think about him and Stolas. It is here where Blitz grapples with his own feelings about Stolas and his relationship with him.
can you see why I've been going insane for the past few hours...?
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artiststarme · 1 year
Don't Call Me Stupid Part 2
Here is Part 2 of the "Don't Call Me Stupid" story. This fic wasn't originally going to have a second part, I literally wrote Part 1 in fifteen minutes. But everyone seemed really interested in one so here you go! Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve must’ve stayed in that position all night, curled up in his bed tangled with heartbreak and hurt. He woke up with a sore throat, dry eyes, and an emotional pain deep in his chest. He thought that Eddie was different from everyone else. Steve thought Eddie understood that he was smart in a different way. Less in book smarts and collecting clues, more in strategizing and connecting with people. For him to call him stupid just like all of the other people Steve had ever been disappointed by hurt him more than he had ever anticipated it could. 
Steve needed a break from Eddie, the Party, and Hawkins. He needed time to himself to enjoy being a kid without any judgment or childish name-calling that always hit a little too close to home for him. Maybe it would be a good idea to get out of town for a while. It had been a long time since he’d visited his aunt and uncle in Illinois anyway, he was sure they would let him stay for some time as a vacation of sorts. All he knew was that he couldn’t face Eddie right now and he couldn’t talk about his feelings without sounding like a blubbering idiot. 
With his door still locked, he pulled himself off the bed and started packing a travel bag. He didn’t expect to be gone for too long but he definitely needed a few changes of clothes and his hair care products. His mind may be swimming in hurt but there was no way he was going to take it out on his precious hair. He looked around his room one more time before nodding to himself and unlocking his bedroom door. He was good to go. 
When he opened his door though, there was an obstacle he hadn’t anticipated. Laying on the hardwood floor of the hallway was Eddie Munson. He too had tear tracks glistening on his cheeks and his hair was sticking up in all directions like he’d been running his hands through it all night. Steve just shook his head at the sight. Eddie had no reason to be crying, he was the one who called him stupid not the other way around. 
He tried to step over him as quietly as possible so as not to wake him up. All was fine until Eddie shifted in his sleep. Steve’s shoe got caught on the sleeve of Eddie’s jacket and he tripped which woke Eddie up immediately. He grabbed onto Steve’s legs like a fussy octopus and held on for dear life. 
“Steve, don’t go! Please, talk to me!” He pleaded with him desperately. 
“No, let go of me. I’m really not in the mood Eddie. I’m so stupid I probably won’t understand what you have to say anyways, right?”
“Steve, please. I’m sorry I called you stupid. It was a mistake, I don’t actually think you’re stupid. You’re the smartest person I know!” He said looking up at Steve with wide, pleading eyes. 
Steve whirled around to face him, an angered glare resting on his face. “Are you serious? You’re mocking me right now when you’re trying to apologize?!”
“No! I’m not kidding, Steve! Your mind is amazing. You’re always seeing details that the rest of us miss and you’re always the first to figure out my campaigns even though you refuse to play with us. I’m always in awe of how your mind works, I really did not mean to call you stupid or to hurt you.” His words sounded genuine but they did little to chip at the festering wound Steve had been developing for years. 
“Well you did. I’m so sick of everyone calling me stupid or dumb or saying I’m an idiot. I just want people to… be nice to me. The kids always make fun of me and I thought you wouldn’t but then you called me stupid yesterday when you knew it was a sore spot. It’s like you didn’t even care that you were hurting me,” Steve ranted. 
“Steve, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was saying and that’s absolutely 100% my fault. You’re not stupid babe and I shouldn’t have said that you were,” Eddie apologized again. He unwrapped his arms from around Steve’s legs and stood so they were eye level with one another. 
“Thank you for your apology but I don’t forgive you. You really hurt me last night and I’m done putting up with it. We’ll fix it later but I need some time to think about it on my own.” 
Eddie stilled and his eyes filled with tears. “Are you, are you breaking up with me?”
“No, I just need some time alone because what you said really hurt and I need time to deal with that. I’m leaving town but I’ll be back later and we can talk about it then.”
Eddie nodded and pulled him in for a tight hug, a hug which Steve returned. “I am so sorry. Take as much time as you need, Big Boy. I’ll be waiting and when you come back, I’ll fix this.” 
With that, Steve pulled away and made his way downstairs without a backwards glance. He could hear Eddie stifling his sobs and if he saw the tears dripping down his face, he knew he wouldn’t be able to leave. Steve grabbed his car keys and locked up his house before he disappeared like he had never been there at all. 
As he passed the town limits, he thought about his friends. He didn’t have much in the way of family, his parents never really liked him and his aunts and uncles had other nephews and nieces that would always be placed above him. Steve liked to think that the Party was his family. That Hopper was the caring dad he never had, Joyce was the standoffish step-mom who liked him just fine but had no idea how to parent him, and the kids were all his siblings. He didn’t have many positive influences in the way of family but he was almost certain that good family members didn’t put you down unnecessarily. He understood sibling rivalries and getting on your nerves but that’s not what this was. 
They knew he didn’t like being called stupid or having his intelligence (what little of it there was) questioned. He’d told them before, he tried to communicate his feelings like Robin told him to, but it hadn’t worked. Would family members continuously put him down like they did? It might be because Steve’s emotions were so raw but right then it felt like if the Party was a family then Steve was just an outsider doing anything to be a part of it but always falling too short. 
He’d go back home eventually, in a week or maybe two. Once he could compartmentalize the hurt and heartbreak, he would go back to Hawkins and talk to the Party about why words hurt. Why the comments about being dumb and stupid and retarded chipped at his heart little by little. But for now, he was going to do something selfish for once and have a short vacation away from it all.
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brittlebutch · 3 months
actually it's kind of funny how people will say Alex's fatal flaw is that he 'doesn't ask for help' and that it's his determination to handle things on his own that leads to his deterioration and eventual death when his whole introduction to the present-day timeline was a very literal cry for help that simply went ignored
#N posts stuff#like even if you think alex was lying throughout the entirety of season 2 and he was waiting from the Moment jay showed up#JUST to kill him (Which again i don't think makes much sense when he could have killed Tim & Jay immediately instead of#breaking Tim's leg. anyway) EVEN IF alex spent that whole time lying it doesn't actually change the fact that he would have at least#been Pretending to Ask For Help and if he wasn't lying then he was Literally Asking For Help and it doesn't Actually matter#what intention Alex had because the text is Ambiguous about Alex's honesty during season two; what isn't ambiguous is the way#other characters (specifically Jay) respond to him; like yeah - S2 Brian/Tim were never in one million years going to help Alex with shit#so sort of any argument that brings up Tim as someone who asks for/offers help is borderline meaningless in this era of the series#Jay had the 'opportunity' to help Alex (and i'll get back to that in a sec) but DIDN'T - Jay wasn't Interested in actually offering Alex#'help' bc Jay is ultimately curious about Answers and 'Offering Help' and 'Getting Answers' are two Wildly conflicting goals#Jay thinks Alex has answers and when Alex doesn't Offer these 'Answers' to Jay on a silver platter Jay gets pissed off and paranoid#and starts Stalking Alex bc he thinks it's 'Suspicious' that Alex won't give him the Answers (that Alex probably doesn't Actually have)#ANYWAY. ultimately this post is about how it's absurd when people argue#that individual character choices could have made a difference in the way this series played out - specifically wrt Alex#because EVERYONE in this WHOLE series are being affected by influences outside of their control ; including Brian Tim and Jay#so it's silly when people are like 'if ALEX had just made a different choice For Himself this could have all been avoided' WRONG.#bc Ultimately there's not really a way to 'help' someone else out of this situation - Tim tried and failed Repeatedly#the comics proved he even failed with Jessica - like MH isn't a horror situation where you can kill the big bad#'getting help' is a meaningless argument - what would successfully helping or getting help even look like? anyway.#the sub argument of this post is that Alex's biggest 'sin' is that he doesn't perform emotions the way other people want him to#like Alex is a character with a kind of flat affect - instead of LOOKING scared or grieved he LOOKS bored or angry#and everyone judges him based on that - so Alex is 'Suspicious' he's 'Lying' he's 'Guilty' but all of these deductions are predicated#on the belief that Alex isn't reacting to his circumstances the way a 'Normal' person would - so it MUST all be an act and so he's guilty#so everyone treats him like he's guilty until the end of season two when he's like 'Fuck it FINE i'll be guilty then' and so it goes#not a self-fulfilled prophecy but being Cornered Into a prophecy and then Blamed for it - SAD. anyway
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izartn · 10 months
My head canon for Ichigo: he's been dead since Urahara cut his soul chain, his body was prepared so it wouldn't decay/he could use it as a gigai and it would age. He should have been unable to go back to it at the end of the manga given his power levels, thus realising his dead from the start status.
But also what a reveal would that have been, to know you were dead and in bought time from the moment you decided to go to the afterlife to save your best friend (who's also been dead from the beginning). You chose her world (that's also yours) and you didn't now.
Also Urahara being a creep and doing Ichigo body as a gigai and not telling a soul.
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Big fan of the idea that marcia genuinely is completely unaware that she's autistic and just thinks everyone else is being weird on purpose. Like she knows abt autism and that it exists but that's kind of it. She's absolutely convinced she is the most normal person in the room at any given time
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yeonban · 3 months
Being in Tobias' mind is such an intriguing experience bc you'd typically expect him to only care about getting richer and richer for riches' sake like most other "villains" do, but all he wants is excitement, fun and the feeling of being alive. He couldn't care less if his life were to be put at stake, nor if his entire wealth were to vanish overnight. Sure, he's confident he could get it all back if it ever happened, but it also shows what money is to him. A means to an end, rather than the goal to strive for
#muse: tobias.#At the end of the day he's using that money to have FUN rather than for power or influence or what have you that maddens people#and it Shows bc I've glanced over some of his former threads and he fr just. offered to buy an entire clothing line for a blond woman#NOT because he wanted her favor; but simply bc he wanted to see what her REACTION to it would be. for funsies and whimsies#Does he do what will bring him most money? Sure. Does he do it FOR the money? Naww#If he had to do smth he disliked or didn't felt like doing; he would Not do it even if money was on the line. Exceptions: indebting people#If anything he'd think putting that money on a hook and dangling it in front of bosses (re: leaking that there's a chance to gain it)#while simultaneously getting in their way would be a x100 funnier experience. And usually it'd still end up bringing him $$$#I'm trying to remember what he's used his money for thus far and tbh it's been the usual (drinks-drugs-cigars-luxury) AND pampering others#except I??? realized a while back that he's Never gotten drunk. NEVER. so all that money goes moreso into subtly manipulating people#He's even willing to forgive their debts at his owned bars & clubs as long as he imagines that way's going to end up more exciting#I feel like he's one of those bosses people would prefer to have over the alternatives bc it feels Easier to deal w him than live in fear#which is fascinating bc it's true that Tobias isn't bloodthirsty and /can/ be counted on; but imo it's scarier to not know what tf he wants#Bro jumped out of a window and waited for Gevanni to catch him just to give that man an experience resembling a heart attack LIKE. 😭😭😭#It's good if you can manage to /befriend/ Tobias bc it means you're safe from him... but if you get in /other/ trouble then it's a 50/50#if he'll help you or find it more amusing to watch til the last second. Altho ig AT LEAST he'll intervene before things get Too bad for you#If you're not friends w him/he doesn't find you entertaining & it's too much effort to help you tho... sayonara.
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tonycries · 26 days
Hope They Catch Us - G.S.
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Synopsis. When you’re on-screen, it’s always a rivalry to see who’s best - you just never thought that it would be the same struggle in bed.
Pairing. Actor! Gojo Satoru x Co-Star! Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, rivals-to-lovers, co-stars to lovers, unprotected, oral (fem receiving) slight exhíbitionism (stuff with cameras), marking, praise, Satoru is actually down BAD, cúmplay, tabloids, lowkey fluffy at the end, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.5k
A/N. YA GIRL IS BACKKKK ;D Also happy belated three months to this blog hehehe.
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Lights, Camera, Drama: Gojo Satoru and Leading Lady’s Off-Screen Feud to SINK Box Office Darling?
“They’ll Kill Each Other!” Insider Source Spills All on the Royal Rivalry Between Hollywood’s Hottest Bachelor and Bachelorette.
Enemies of The Century or Publicity Stunt? Recent Cast Outings Sets Fans Speculating!
You hated him. Oh, how you hated him. All because of a red-hot rivalry that had sparked ever since the two of you took the industry by storm. And everyone from Hollywood’s bigshots to your adoring fans knew that no matter where Gojo Satoru goes, you were sure to never be within a ten-mile radius. 
Well, usually. 
“I…shit- I’m in love with you.” 
Because avoiding Gojo like a plague really isn’t saying much when said plague was currently sitting right next to you. Eyes boring into yours, signature smirk plastered on his face while he rattles off a disgustingly sweet confession - all on the set of your latest movie. 
Somehow, in a cruel twist of fate, your co-star. 
And to add insult to injury, this wasn’t just any movie - it was only set to be the biggest romance film of the summer. So not only did you hate to tolerate Gojo, you had to pretend to be in love with him. 
Perfect. Great. Wonderful. If only the check wasn’t as tempting as it was, you think he would’ve successfully driven you to an aneurysm already. Especially considering that the scene tomorrow was-
That snaps you out of your little reverie, bringing you back to the still very ongoing film shooting. You risk a glance at the disgruntled director, cheeks aching from the sappy fake smile you had to hold for this scene.
“Something wrong?” you bat your lashes deceivingly innocently. You knew exactly what was wrong. And one look at Gojo - dressed to the nines and huffing sulkily at being interrupted in the middle of his monologue - told you that he did as well.
“It just doesn’t feel real.” The director shuffles his script, voice dropping to a sigh at your confused gazes. “The spark, it doesn't feel real.”
“What?” you silently thank your years of acting for keeping your voice steady. You squirm in your seat the longer the silence stretches. This cozy little café they rented out too tight, Gojo’s fingers intertwined with yours too hot. Too soft. 
“C’mon. You are in the perfect romantic set-up.” the other man gestures wearily at the café, at the dim-lighting and the proximity of your seats. “So why do you two look like you want to just- strangle each other?”
“Ooo kinky~”
It’s the first time Gojo’s spoken up since the scene was ended early and honestly that was enough to have you fulfilling the director’s suspicions. 
“That.” you give him a pointed stare. “That is probably why.”
And that just draws out such an infuriatingly light chuckle from Gojo, as he sprawls all over his chair with the audacity of someone that owned this entire set. “Lighten up. You’ve told us, n’ in the next take I’ll fix it. Easy peasy.”
If only it was that “easy peasy”. The director was anything but satisfied, running a hand through his hair frustratedly. “It’s not just me, even the public is worried whether your ‘feud’ will get in the way of such intimate scenes. You-” he jabs a finger your way. “-better pretend like you want to kiss him senseless and you-” whirling now to Gojo. “-better act like you’ve wanted nothing more for years- Not to mention tomorrow’s sex scene-”
Ah, right. The sex scene. 
How could you forget? It might not be a walk in the park to giggle and make heart-eyes at Gojo, but to actually pretend to have sex with him? All on camera? Curse whoever wrote this damn script. You could’ve almost laughed at the universe’s absolutely awful sense of humor if it hadn’t been for your paycheck - and the next words that tumble out of Gojo’s pretty mouth. 
“We’ll ace it, you just watch.” 
You hurriedly snap your eyes to meet Gojo’s, sending him a look that says “behave”, in a way that very much makes him not want to. Twinkling with such dangerous mischief that makes your stomach flip as he hums, “Or- I’ll ace it.”
God, was it a battle to remain professional. The only thing stopping you from snapping back being the way he squeezes your hand mockingly reassuringly - to which you send him a death grip back, of course. 
“Oh? Care to elaborate, Mr. Gojo?” the director asks, eyes flitting between the two of you. And you can’t even laugh at the rest of the staff for almost toppling out of their seats in an attempt to hear his answer - because you are, too. Mind whirling as you lean closer, wondering just what nonsense would come out of Gojo’s mouth. 
“Well, you could say…” he trails off suspensefully, like the smug bastard he is. Looking right in your eyes as he flashes an unfairly pretty smile your way. “I’m irresistible like that.”
Exactly the type of nonsense that would come out of Gojo Satoru, of course. And one glance at the director told you he was thinking the same thing. He was going to be the death of you. You can’t help but breathe out shrilly, “You fucking-”
“My apologies, director, but our leads have a scheduled interview soon. Rest assured, we will be early on set for filming tomorrow.”
You were definitely giving Nanami a raise after this. 
Because if looks could kill then Gojo would be six feet under and you’d be dancing on his grace already - and you let him know. A little over twenty times, actually, as the both of you are hastily escorted away from the set for an “emergency interview”. 
It was a flimsy excuse, you both knew, but Nanami hadn’t exactly felt like cleaning up a crime scene today. Instead, settling for a swift escape, the director calling out after you two to “Look like you’re gonna rip the clothes off each other tomorrow.”
Rip the clothes off each other, huh?
With the way things were going, you couldn’t be surprised if you ripped him a new-
“C’mon, sweetheart~” Gojo gets out through giggles, that familiar cackle echoing in the narrow hallway leading to your trailer. “Y’know I was just having a little fun with that ol’ man.”
He saunters unhurriedly behind your brisk pace, easily blocking the way you swing the door shut in his face. Letting it shut with such infuriatingly smooth nonchalance. 
“Fun?” you scoff, jabbing an accusing finger right in the middle of his sculpted chest.“Do you even realize the mess you could’ve made?”
“Easy there, m’not insured for these pecs just yet.” Gojo clasps your hands together. Some strange little part of your skin burning at the touch in- anger? Something else? But you don’t think too hard about it, because he’s plowing on, “Besides, a little teasing never hurt anyone.”
Such a shame he was so pretty with the stupidest mouth.
“A little teasing? You practically declared to everyone in that room that we’re gonna fuck this up.” you move to pull him down by the collar instead, clearly unimpressed.
But oh you shouldn’t have done that - because he’s so close now. Too close. Hot breath fanning your face, looking so smug as he murmurs unrepentantly, “Do you?” Chuckling lightly at your little head tilt, “Do you think we’ll fuck it up?”
You clench your jaw, trying to keep it all together. “...No.”
“Exactly. We’re good then.” he winks. 
“No. We’re not fucking ‘good’.” you grit out. Wondering exactly how difficult it might be to bother the director into completely recasting the male lead for the movie. Looking up at that million dollar smile and- yeah, it would be very difficult. “You’re so insufferable. I don’t know why they cast you.” 
“My good looks? My charisma? The way I’m the-” he trails off with a sigh at your glare. “Well, you’re not exactly a ray of sunshine, sweetheart.”
“At least I can act and-.”
He whines dramatically, cutting off your rant. “Me too!” 
This conversation was so ridiculous - but, hey, the great Gojo Satoru always did bring out the worst parts of you. 
“Nuh uh.” 
“Yuh uh.” 
“Then why are you so stiff when acting like you’re in love with me?”
Somehow, that makes Gojo shut up. Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water - gasping out a strangled little, “B-because- well-” And if you didn’t know any better you’d say that was a light blush dusting his ears.
Only for a split-second, though, because he’s grabbing you gently by your shoulders, more seriously than you’d ever seen him. “Fine. Listen, we both want the same thing right? To have pretend-sex and ace this film to win like five Oscars?”
And maybe at the heat of his newfound proximity, maybe at the way he was looking at you so goddamn intensely - you feel something hot and prickly pooling in your stomach. Swallowing thickly, you manage to get out, “I’ll be the one winning the Oscars...but yes.”
Gojo’s gaze roams all over you - from the quirk of your eyebrow to the dress hugging you so sinfully tight. “Then we’ll do it. Ace the scene.”
Traitorously, a shiver runs down your spine. And because the universe loves to play jokes on you, Gojo notices - of course, he does. Eyes lighting up with amusement and something you really didn’t want to decipher as you blink up questioningly, “How?”
“Method acting, silly.” he rolls his eyes, as if he wasn’t implying something that wasn’t seen in even the cheesiest of romcoms. “Think of it as running lines.”
If there was ever a moment where your life flashed behind your eyes then this just might be it. 
“You-” you gulp, so hot all over. “You better shut the fuck up and pray your face is insured because-”
At this, Gojo throws his head back and laughs - loud and boisterous. And usually you’d have a thing or two to say about keeping his voice down so as not to let anyone outside hear, but shit you were mesmerized. Damn, a weird little part of you kind of understood why directors loved him onscreen. 
“Feisty,” he muses. “But how can I shut the fuck up when they’re second-guessing the two best actors in the game?” 
“The best? Me, maybe.” you lean in closer, mouth as bitchy as ever - even when you’re so obviously crumbling bit by bit under his gaze. And he knew that. “But not you.”
“Well, only way to find out is with tomorrow’s scene, right, sweetheart?” 
He drove you mad - everything from his heady cologne, to the way that overpriced button-up clung to him like second skin. But, don’t pull away - how could you? Not when he inches closer ever-so-slightly. Not when he lets those overpriced glasses slide down his nose, eyes locked so heavily on you.
Fighting to keep your words steady, “There’s nothing special about that scene, just fake moan in front of the camera, right? We don’t need any…‘method acting’.”
Gojo only raises a brow in amusement, lips curling into a grin that really makes you too aware of his little dimple by the corner. “Then why…” His eyes flicker down from his hands, searing on your shoulders, to yours - still grabbing his collar, just grazing the soft skin of his neck. Not pulling away. “...can’t you let go of me, sweetheart?”
And then you’re kissing him - or maybe he’s kissing you, you really don’t give a fuck. The only thing running through your mind being that shit this was Gojo bane-of-your-existence Satoru, and he tasted so…sweet. Like those cheap lollipops he often snuck on-set. Strawberry, you think.
But you don’t get to confirm, because suddenly he’s pulling away mere millimeters. Whispering hotly, absolutely dripping with something dangerous, “Sooo, is that a ‘yes’ to running lines?”
“Ugh, shut up.” your lips ghost his. “And just fucking kiss me.”
And, well, Gojo doesn’t have to be asked twice. Because it only takes a split second for his lips to find yours again. 
Yeah, definitely strawberry lollipops.
You hadn’t filmed any of the kissing scenes just yet, but damn you didn’t expect him to be so hot and messy - like he was drunk off of you. Licking at the seam of your candied lips, groaning softly like he wanted more more more-
“Sh-shit, Goj-” 
“Call me ‘Satoru’ when we’re fucking.” he cuts you off. “Or, my bad. When we’re ‘running lines’.” 
Shameless. Though, you guess you weren’t any better - not as you press yourself closer running your hands all over his sinfully thin shirt, feeling every bump and curve of his abs. “You talk too much, Toru.” you hiss, muffled against his lips. 
Oh that cute lil’ nickname had all the blood rushing to Satoru’s cock, you were so unfair. 
“You little minx.” Like a little punishment, he’s biting down on your bottom lip, tugging lightly at your surprised squeal. “You’re gonna regret that.”
“Hmm, I doubt it.”
And then your back is hitting the couch before you can react, bouncing lightly at the sheer force. And you’re so swept up in him - the way he hovers over you, arms looping around your waist, his knee wedging between your legs - that it almost hurts for you to pull away.
“Patience.” you huff out a laugh at Satoru’s disappointed whine, eyeing those pretty pink lips mere inches away from you. You just wanted them on yours. So badly. But no, there was something more important you had to do right now. “Jus’ thought we should record our little rehearsal, whaddaya think?”
“Record it?”
“Record it.”
“Record it, hmmm?” he’s whispering, more to himself than you. Fumbling with the zipper of your dress. “So you’re sayin’ we tape it, let the camera see how pretty you look all fallin’ apart f’me.” Kissing down your neck, letting the flimsy fabric fall down, “N’ then we improve for the pretend sex. Shut all those snobby directors up by giving them the best fucking sex scene they’ve ever seen.”
“Y-yes?” you mutter, as he starts tweaking your hardened nipples through your bra, clearly having way too much fun with this. “Unless-”
“Fine by me.”
The fabric hits the floor before you even realize what’s happening. Head spinning too much from the idea of being fucked on camera - by Satoru of all people, it takes you a second to realize that this bastard fucking ripped your dress off. 
“You probably broke-” 
“I’ll buy you a new one.” muffled, as he kisses down your navel, blindly fumbling with his phone. 
“It was expensive.”
With an impatient sigh, Satoru sets the camera up on the coffee table beside the couch. “Five new ones.” Angling it just right to perfectly capture you - in all your disheveled, horny glory, and Satoru, smugly seating himself between your thighs. 
“Ready?” he asks, finger hovering over that damn red button.
Well, it’s just for rehearsal, right? Right? 
“Do it.” you manage to get out, voice getting stuck in your throat at the faint ding! that rings throughout the heady room. “For my Oscars?”
“For my Oscars. N’the camera’s gonna know.”
And whatever retort on the tip of your tongue dies when he rocks his hip against yours, grinding his cock against your soaked panties. Rock-hard and so damp with precum already - so big that any and all rational thinking flies out the window.
Which is probably why you’re letting out such a pretty gasp, ‘S-Satoru, I want-“
“What?” And Satoru only flashes you a devilish grin, hands spreading your legs as far as they’d go on the couch. “This?”
He licks a long, long stripe up your inner thigh, all the way till he just meets the hem of your drenched panties. Teasing. So hot and depraved in the way he breathes in your scent. 
“Oh fuck, sweetheart.” Satoru grunts, looking down in awe at the damp fabric, so flimsy and see-through with your sweet juices. You slick beading through so sloppily, just a hint of the state you were in. “You don’t know how you drive me mad.”
He’s so fucking starved that he’s just tearing your poor panties clean off. Throwing them behind him to God-knows-where before spreading your swollen folds with his thumb, showing off just how wet you were for him. 
“You’re a tease.”
“And you’re fucking addictive. Look how fuckin’ wet you are. For who, huh?” he slurs, breath hot against your cunt. Circling your entrance just barely with his fingertip, teasing you like he was addicted to those frustrated moans coming out of your pretty lips. 
“S’for you-” you whine, “All for you, Satoru.”
“Exactly what I wanted to hear.”
And that’s all that needs to be said before he’s burying himself nose-deep. Drunk off your pussy as he licks long, languid movements. And it wasn’t enough - never might be, actually, because only one taste and Satoru was like a man possessed. 
Bullying his tongue between your folds, just dipping into your sloppy hole in a way that had your slick smearing all over his pretty face. Letting out such deep groans that had you clenching around his hot tongue. 
Shit, if you knew that this was the way to shut up the great Gojo Satoru then you would’ve done it a lot sooner. Because for one in his life, Satoru’s too entranced with something else to run his mouth, so fucking satisfied between your thighs. 
“Fuck- hah- think I like you better w-when hngh- you’re like this, Toru.” you purr, breath hitching as he bullies his tongue between your folds. 
Maybe you were an idiot - maybe you were a genius, because that only sets him off more. 
And suddenly Satoru’s pulling your body closer onto his hot mouth, like you were weighless. Pushing himself so impossibly closer while he makes out deeper with your wet cunt. 
“Ah! Hngh- Satoru-” you keen, tugging at his soft locks. As delirious as Satoru was pussydrunk. Drinking in all your cute lil’ whines of his name, angling your hips to lick all over like he couldn’t decide between fucking your sloppy hole or toying with your poor, ravaged clit. 
“Mhm?” he murmurs, the vibrations making you squeal.  Eyes rolling to the back of his head as lets your sweet juices slide down his throat. “Ya like this?” Stretching you out on his tongue, thrusting in and out of your sloppy hole. Over and over- “Like when I tonguefuck your pretty pussy?”
“Ngh- love it- s’good. Ah fillin’ me up s’good.” you squeal, bucking your hips desperately into his pretty face, broken little whimpers leaving you at each rough push of Satoru’s tongue. 
And oh Satoru thinks he wouldn’t mind being on his knees every day if it meant he got to taste you like this. “Tell the camera too, sweetheart. Practice how you’ll come around my tongue.”
Those words send a jolt up your spine - or maybe it was the way Satoru was sucking harshly on your clit. “F-fuck off.”
“Mhmmm, n’ this is why I’m the better actor..”
Ugh, this fucker. And with that you fight to turn your head - looking right in the camera. Feeling so fucking lewd as you let out such pornographic moans.
“Yeah- feel s’good.” you whimper, “Wanted this for so long, ever since I first saw- ngh- you-”
And shit were you so fucking evil - at least warn a guy! Because that has Satoru’s heart lurching, almost jumping up from between your legs before it hits him with a pang - ah, right, you were just quoting your character’s lines. Of course.
Well, two can play that game.
“Yeah?” he mutters into your folds. Two fingers plunging knuckle-deep in your pussy, massaging your plushy walls. Roaming around for that one spot he knows will have you falling apart so deliciously. “Can’t believe I waited s’fucking long. Y’know how hard it was to hold back? With you wearing all those slutty skirts f’me?”
Your body is jerking violently, both at his - practiced - words, and the way he was devouring you like you were his favorite meal. His favorite taste.
So eager and in-character with the way he was setting such a dizzying pace on your poor cunt. Slick trailing down from his fingers, all the way to his wrist. So sloppy and- Pressing down. Hard. “Found it.”
And you can only sit there and take it, such cute little whines of Satoru’s name leaving you as he leaves no mercy. Jaw grinding deeper and deeper, maddening. Aching as he rolls and swirls his tongue against your clit over and over. And you were so-
“Close?” Satoru’s grunting and smacking his lips against your own. Truthfully, he didn’t even have to ask - if the way you were trembling and squeezing so fucking tightly around him was anything to go by. “Go on darling. scream my name. Show off f’the camera like you do best.”
“Sh-shit. Toru- fuck yes-” you’ve got an iron-tight grip on his hair now, pulling and angling him as you pleased for more. Barely able to let out those strained lil’ moans, definitely not with the way he’s dragging your sloppy pussy all over his face. Fingers cramping up from how rough he was going - but still not stopping. 
“Go on. Cum f’me.”
And then you are. Letting out such a teary, strangled moan of Satoru’s name as you cum all over his face. 
And it’s not just for the camera either - because this orgasm is probably the best one you’ve had in a while. So hard that you don’t even realize you’re arching and rocking your hips into Satoru, white-hot pleasure behind your eyes, blood roaring in your ears. Using him. 
And he doesn’t stop you. Why would he? You were so pretty falling apart all because of him. He wishes he could see this more often…
“S-Satoru.” you mewl, overstimulated. Jolting with each flick of his tongue, trying to close your legs but you can’t - he won’t let you. Greedily lapping up all your sweet juices, everything that you give him. 
“Nope.” he drawls, finally pulling away, delicate strings of your slick snapping as he does. Looking so fucking drunk off of you that it makes your cunt quiver exhaustedly. “C’mon now, sweetheart, you were s’pposed to say my character’s name. S’how the scene goes.”
Oh. Shit, you got too caught up. But one look at Satoru - eyes half-lidded, hair disheveled, your juices glistening all over the bottom half of his face so prettily - tells you he was much the same. 
“Well…” you huff, voice shot. “According to the script you were supposed to stuff that-” pointedly eyeing the achingly hard cock straining his pants, “-in my mouth first before eating me out. So here we are.”
With a chuckle, he rises slowly. “Touché.” Looking you straight in the eyes - and probably into your very soul - as he pops his fingers into his mouth. One by one. Groaning at the taste of your sweet sweet juices while he sucks them clean. “But I don’t think I’d last one second with those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”
And it almost makes you want to tease him for it - one of Hollywood’s biggest It Boys but you can’t handle a lil’ blowjob? But all of that gets stuck in your throat as Satoru starts peeling off his shirt ever-so-slowly. 
Shit, you think. All mouthwatering curves and dips, all the way from his toned, milky shoulders down, down, down to those neat tufts of white peeking out from the hem of his underwear. Sculpted like he was handcrafted so meticulously - a fucking masterpiece, you had to admit. 
One that made you wish you took a longer look at all those shirtless magazine covers instead of throwing them out. One that had your thighs squeezing in such anticipation.
And Satoru seemed to be admiring you just the same, eyes locked on your pussy, the way it glistens and clenches around nothing - so ready for him. Distinctly aware of how pathetically needy you were being in front of the blinking camera, you crane your head to glance at it. Was it really capturing-
“Now now, first rule is to never look at the camera during this scene.” Only for Satoru to squish your cheeks together, forcing you into an embarrassing little pout as he turns you back to face him. “Look at me.”
And oh you can’t not look at him. 
Especially when he tugs his pants down, just enough that his throbbing cock springs out, so fucking long and pretty. Smearing glossy precum all over his abs, flushed your favorite shade of pink, rock-hard and so so angry. Shit, he was so hard it looked like it hurt. 
“Satoru…” you breathe, legs wrapping around his slutty waist to pull him closer. Only needier despite that little nagging voice wondering how the fuck you’d take his sheer size.
“I remember he didn’t do a lot of waiting in the script.”
And God were you right - but Satoru doesn’t think he could’ve kept this act of restraint up any longer even if you weren’t. Too impatient, too starved, his sanity dancing away from him with each second his fat cock wasn’t stuffed inside your pretty cunt. 
“Mhm.” he purrs, one hand reaching down to drag his fat head up and down your slit. Heavy balls squeezing painfully at the way your lip wobbles in frustration. Up and down up and up and- “You’re right.”
And then it’s like something snaps.
Because it only takes a split-second for Satoru to start splitting you apart on his massive cock. Big fat tears pricking at your eyes at the feeling that he was pushing all the way into your lungs. 
“Sh-shit, s’fuckin’ tight-” he lets out a low grunt at the slight resistance, taking everything in him to not just fuck into your snug pussy and use you like his little plaything. “You gotta hah- relax, pretty girl.”
You needed to relax more - to breathe maybe, just something. You weren’t even in the right state to wonder whether that little nickname was in the script - and God was Satoru thankful for that. Because all you can think of is how you never imagined what the bane of your existence would look with his cock stuffed in your dripping cunt - but now that you’ve seen it, you think you’ll imagine it for many lonely nights to come. 
“Hey, now. Don’t get camera-shy just yet.” Satoru gives your ass a playful smack. “After all, this is only the best- part-”
Each word is punctuated with shallow, mindless little thrust to fit himself inside your dripping pussy. Such cute lil’ whines leaving your swollen lips that he really can’t help but tease you a bit. Leering down at your fucked-out face with a smirk, “Or- my bad. Forgot such a scene would be hard for a rookie.”
Oh, did he know how to press your buttons just right. 
Because immediately, you’re blinking away the delirious haze in your eyes, voice so adorably shaky - but determined - as you grit out, “Bring it on, you B-list wonder.”
That’s all that has to be said before he’s finally bottoming out inside you, mercilessly. Inch by fucking inch. You gasp as his twitching balls smack your ass so lewdly, feeling his veins beat in such a slutty lil’ thump! thump! thump! against your heavenly walls. 
“T-Toru- big- ngh- too fuckin’ big. M’gonna break mpf-” his lips claim yours. Partially because it’s been way too long since he’s kissed your pretty lips, and partially because Satoru might just cum right then and there if he let you run your mouth. 
So he lets his hips do the talking instead. 
Cooing into your mouth at each little ah! ah! ah! every time he stuffed you full of his dick, quick, experimental thrusts to try and find that one spot he knows will have you falling apart so prettily.
“Sounds so beautiful, sweetheart.” rocking his hips faster into yours. So hard you were sure he’d leave marks. “No camera in the world can pick up how fuckin’ perfect ya are. Can’t ngh- pick up those cockdrunk lil’ heart eyes.” Angling your chin just so that your sinful expression is caught on camera, “Shit do ya even know you’re doing those? Might just make me lose it for real tomorrow. Might just make me sneak you off to the dressing rooms n’-” Manicured fingers digging into your hips while he fucks you in jagged, purposeful strokes. Hitting that one spot. Hard. “Fuck you all over again.”
You flinch as he uses you like some object. Dangerously liking it more and more as he smugly hits that magical spot over and over- 
And it was so sloppy - so filthy with the way Satoru still had remnants of your slick all over his lips, matching the way you were soaking his cock. Fingers moving down to draw erratic little patterns on your clit, making it even messier. 
Close - too close. 
So, so desperate and debauched.
“C’mon. Show the camera. Tell the camera how much you love it.” 
“Ngh- f-fuck you.”
“Oh? Who’s fucking who now?” he’s laughing at your absolutely wrecked state. You can feel Satoru twitch inside you as you mumble out such delirious little praises to the camera - were they coherent sentences? You’ll never know, because the next words that fall from his lips have your mind reeling. 
“God, m’addicted to you, my girl.”
“That’s not- ah- in the script, Toru.” you hiss. Close. 
“I know. And neither is that.” he leaves such uncharacteristically gentle kisses down your neck. Miles away from the relentless place on your poor, abused pussy, fucking you deeper and rougher every time despite already bottoming out. “Does it have to be?”
“Th-that doesn’t ngh- make sense.” you gasp into his open mouth. 
“Doesn’t have to.”
Maybe it’s the way Satoru’s panting those words against your lips. Or maybe it’s the way he’s looking right in your eyes while he says them - like it would kill him to pull away. Maybe even that fleeting little kiss he leaves against your lips. 
Because before you know it, you’re cumming and cumming so hard that you wonder whether you’d make it out alive. The only thing you can do is throw your head back and take it, thighs quivering, Satoru’s names spilling from your lips in such broken little whines while he thrusts so sloppy. Once. Twice. 
“Ah- this is gonna have me fallin’, huh?” And then he’s letting out such a low, muffled moan of your name, filling you up with rope after rope of his cum. 
It’s so messy - his cum overfilling your poor pussy, spilling out and coating his twitching balls. Shit, you can’t even worry about whether it would stain that overpriced couch below you. Not when Satoru’s whispering out sweet- lines from the script?
“Fuckin’ beautiful underneath me. Always was.” Hips still fucking into you - not even thinking at this point. “Always will be. Such a vision onscreen, sweetheart.” So thick and hot, and dribbling all the way down your legs with every movement.
And then Satoru’s lips are finding yours again, tasting so unfairly sweet while he drinks in all your cute breathless gasps. “Such a vision f’me.”
Those weren’t from the script either.
Something soft. Something scary. Something that has you looping your legs tighter around his waist, letting him collapse onto you. Pulling him closer, in fact, because now that you know the weight of his body on yours, it just felt so right.
It takes a moment of silence for you two to catch your breaths, the still rolling camera being the last thing on your minds. Neither willing to speak first, because shit Satoru might’ve gone to countless red carpets and film sets but this - you are what strips him away from all the glamor and fame. Until he was just, well, embarrassingly Satoru.
The Satoru that was now shifting shyly in your arms, trying to get up. “Uh- Hell of a way to run lines, huh? Better check the camera n’ see where to impro-”
He might be one of the biggest actors in modern Hollywood, but Satoru didn’t fool you - not one bit. So without a word, you’re tugging him back to rest against you. Heart lurching just a little bit as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Like a little hideaway - from the camera, from the world, hell, maybe even from you.
“Y’know,” he flinches ever-so-slightly at your teasing tone, giving you a playful bite. “I have one area of suggestion and it might just be that you’re too good at ‘running lines’.”
“...Good enough to win those five Oscars?”
“Then guess I better prove it to ya, huh? Is the camera still on, sweetheart?”
Just then, some weird little part of you thinks that, hell, maybe you don’t hate Gojo Satoru after all.
Not anymore, at least. 
The Enemies-To-Lovers Trope of The Century?! Hollywood’s Biggest Rivals Sport Matching Hickeys (And Smiles) On-Set of Upcoming Film.
Oops! Gojo Satoru's Phone Wallpaper Accidentally Exposed: Surprise, Surprise It’s His Leading Lady! More on Page 6.
“No Comment. Though, I Have Moved Trailers. Twice.” Anonymous Manager Speaks on Latest Movie Rumors.
Director Is All Smiles As He Raves About Upcoming Romance Movie. “Hell, If I Didn’t Know Any Better I’d Say They Were Really-”
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A/N. Plagiarism not authorized.
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kirain · 1 month
My favourite bit of BG3 lore is that Withers is legitimately responsible for the Dead Three, but he's probably too embarrassed to tell you, so every time you ask him to elaborate he just gives you a very stern, "Noooo."
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I also love that the reason he's responsible for their uprising is because he got bored. He literally got bored of his position as Lord of the Dead and wanted to retire, so when these three morally questionable humans came looking for godhood he was like, "Hmmm. Yes, okay. Here. Take my portfolios. Fight over them. I don't care. I quit."
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So after bowling with skulls in a friendly competition to decide who would get what portfolio, they took up his powers and wreaked havoc on the world. Only at that moment did Jergal, AKA Withers, AKA our precious Bone Daddy think, "I'm just now, internally, asking myself, in quite a worried way, whether I might've made an error."
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So he joins your merry band and watches your escapades, calmly twiddling his fingers while you clean up his mess. He's happy to lend his aid, even to the point that he'll bring Durge back to life if they reject Bhaal, even though he technically shouldn't. But he's Withers. The rules don't apply to him. If Ao doesn't like it, he can descend from the Heavens and say it to his rotting face.
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And the reason he saves Durge isn't necessarily because he likes them or because he's a morally good entity (though one certainly could make that argument), but because he wants to add insult to injury. He steals Bhaal's child with a big smile on his face, dubs them his Chosen, and praises them for rejecting all the power they were promised. But of course, he still doesn't tell them who he is—or rather who he was.
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Then, when all is said and done, he throws Tav and their companions a cute little party. No one knows it's probably half a thank you party and half a "Withers is bored again" party. And if anyone misbehaves, he'll get irritated and whisk them away. Because how dare they? He put a lot of work into that.
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And at the end of it all, he walks up to a mural of the Dead Three and basically goes, "Lmao. Thou didst fuck around, and thou didst find out." Just savagely roasting them.
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And then poof!
He waves them into non-existence.
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