cxasandt · 4 years
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dannymay 15- fav au (based on this illustration by @sushi-rolled )
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starry-bi-sky · 5 years
Insult me if you want, but the moment you bring in my 50+ Crossover AU WIP is crossing the line
#personal post#shitpost#‘harry potter except ‘Harry’ is a girl who goes by the name Selene and its basically the plot of WKM wihout the murder and love affair’#Harry Potter except its a WBWL trope where Harry is a girl and gets set up for adoption and she gets adopted by two magical spanish witches#and Harry and her two other adopted sisters basically become the three protags of H20 Just Add Water and theyre mermaids’#‘Harry Potter except its another WBWL Trope where Harry is also a girl who is put into an orphanage and her name is Persephone and#its basically loosely following the atoryplot of Hades and Persehone where Tom is Hades and Persephone is 16 in this#and the WBWL is Harry’s age during B2’#‘Harry Potter execpt its ANOTHER WBWL Trope where Harry is also a girl who is set up for adoption again except shes adopted by a japanese#couple and its basically the plot of Sailor Moon except with Magic School and Exchange Student Trope’#‘Harry Potter except she becomes a the greatest fucking pirate the magical seven seas have ever seen all while shes still in school’#‘Harry Potter except its a WBWL trope and a reincarnation trope from BbC Merlin where Harry is Arthur and he meets young Merlin when hes 9’#‘Harry potter except Harry is still a girl but her name is Christine and its a time travel AND soulmate au thats also Tomarry’#heres an old one!#‘Harry Potter except he luna hermione and draco are the hogwarts founders reincarnated and surprise surprise Harry is salazar and Draco is#godric’#‘PJO and the time i made him Peter Pan during a Betrayed Percy Trope TM’#‘PJO and another Betrayed Percy Trope except Percy is a girl called Padme and i combined Star Wars with the Chaos Warriors Trope’#‘Harry Potter and that one time I made the Pevensie children the Hogwarts Founders bc why tf not i saw it in a pinterest tumblr post’#‘Danny Phantom and the Ghost King Field Trip Trope pt 1’#‘Danny Phantom and the Fied Trip to the GZ except Danny is a girl called Eliza and yes I turned it into a Hamilton AU’#‘PJO and the one time I made Percy Jack Frost bc why tf not yes its another betrayed percy trope’#‘Danny Phantom and the Ghost King Field Trip Trope pt 2. its back and gayer than ever. Sam’s a guy and Danny has lost all fucks’#i forgot to mention. the two spanish witches are lesbians#and in the ‘Harry is Persephone’ au train wreck. i mean that Harry is 16 in it#oh yes and lets not forget the salty civil war team iron man fanfics#‘Iron Man except Iron Man is Iron Woman and shes Hera reincarnated’#‘Iron Man except Iron Man is still a woman and i copy DBH and make Toni an Android Sent By Cyberlife’#‘Iron Man except Iron Man is STILL a woman but now Toni is the soul stone’#it was an experimental writing time during the summer. these’ll never see the light of day i tell you this now
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quirkless-accident · 3 years
Elle is the clone of Phantom so who knows she is clone ( for Danny as student and Danny as teacher) .
So in the au Danny as student, would Aizawa adopt both Fentons and Elle as his kids ?
And for au Danny as teacher will Shoto discover the truth and be like " I knew it! You are his clone!!"
"I'm gonna need you to repeat that," Shouta says slowly, looking up at a very nervous Danny. "Just for clarification sake."
"I have a clone and she needs a place to crash," Danny says again. The words in that order still are bizarre, but he looks down and sees Danny's earnestness, and he can't say no.
So that's how Shouta ended up with two very hyperactive half-ghosts annoying the hell out of him.
Since Danny lived in the dorms and Shouta ended up there more often then not, Nezu had made an exception and let Elle stay in the 1-A dorms with Danny. He had explained the whole clone thing as well as he could, and that seemed to intrigue Nezu. Shouta made a mental note to warn Elle.
The cover story was they were siblings. A lot of people knew Jazz my word of mouth, and knew that she wasn't particularly the dating type, let alone a have-a-magically-fourteen-year-old-daughter-right-out-of-high-school type. It worked out, because Danny and Elle looked almost exactly alike, save for the massive height difference. Danny had shot up in height over the past few months and now towered over the entire class. Even Shouta had to look up to talk to him now.
She fit in well enough when she was over. She was finishing up exploring the world, according to Danny. A two year long road trip by herself. Money wasn't a big issue since she could fly and steal food, but any allowance he had been giving Danny and Jazz had gone to Elle without him knowing. It was an disgustingly sweet gesture, and a nice way to give her her freedom while still checking in on her. Now that she was pretty much back, save for the small islands around the country, she had nowhere to stay. So Shouta, for better or for worse, now had three kids.
This, of course, was not mentioned to his class. Hell, they didn't even know Danny and Jazz had been adopted by him. He had wanted to keep it secret, for fear of them accusing him of special treatment. Aizawa hadn't necessarily blamed him for it.
However, her presence was the main cause of gossip around the classroom nowadays. Todoroki is swearing up and down that they look to alike to be just siblings, and Shouta was almost afraid his conspiracy theories would lead him to an actual answer. Danny however, just laughed them off, as if Todoroki wasn't straying to close to the actual truth.
But Elle, for better of for worse, fit seamlessly with his class. The girls adored her, and called her a cuter version of Danny. He knew at least three of them had a crush on his son, but he wasn't going to say anything. Plus it was nice just having another girl around, to help even out the class.
She didn't attend class with them, she wasn't quite old enough. Instead, she left U.A. to go to a middle school Shouta had enrolled her in. On weekends she would either go travel, updating them on her whereabouts, or she would spend the weekend at the dorm kicking Kaminari's ass in Smash Bros. Shouta had to hide his smile ever time he nearly short circuited himself out of frustration. Hell, even Bakugou got along with her, more or less. It was impressive, to say the lease.
Adopting her, it seemed, was rather effortless on his part. He was loving every second of it.
"No, Midoriya, I'm telling you," Todoroki said, exasperated. "They're more than just siblings."
"How do you figure?" Midoriya asked. The corners of his mouth twitched up in barely contained amusement.
"Because siblings don't look that close unless they're twins," Todoroki stated matter-of-factly. "Not even me and my own siblings look that close. And they act nearly the exact same way, too. And their powers are identical. I've only ever seen that with twins, and they're not twins."
"What do you think they are, then?" Uraraka asked.
"I don't see why this matters," Iida said as he pushed up his glasses. "His familial relationships are none of out business. We should respect their privacy."
"Iida, don't be a buzzkill," Uraraka rolled her eyes. She got support from Todoroki, and Midoriya couldn't hold his grin back any longer as he urged the boy to continue his wild conspiracy theories.
"Maybe one of them is a robot," Todoroki sad. "Or-I don't know. A clone maybe?"
"Do they even have that kind of technology?" Iida asked. If you can't beat them, join them.
"I'm sure the government does, or some mad scientist somewhere out there." Todoroki pressed his lips into a thin line, and Midoriya could practically see the gears turning. Any second now smoke would be coming out of his ears. "But if she is his clone, why is she here now? How come she hasn't been here the whole time? How come Danny doesn't talk about her?"
"Maybe they were separated at birth or something," Midoriya said. He knew he shouldn't encourage this, but it was too funny.
"Elle said she had been traveling, though. But if that's true then where are her parents? Was she traveling alone while they stayed back with Danny? Or was Danny alone with his other sister?"
These were all very good questions. And Todoroki was determined to get answers.
"Geez, how are you guys so alike?" Mina was asking as the Fenton siblings ate. They both looked at her with the same furrow in their brows, mouth open and food stopped halfway between there and the plate. Even their shoulders hunched the same as they put their silverware down.
"She's my clone," Danny said sarcastically. Elle snorted and elbowed him, earning her a grin in return. Mina just rolled her eyes, ignoring the way Todoroki perked up at the casual statement.
"I knew it," he said as he came over. Midoriya quickly followed, trying and failing to bring his friend back.
"What?" Elle asked, eyebrow raised.
"That's you're clones," Todoroki stated simply. Mina cackled as Danny swallowed his fork from surprise. He coughed and hacked until Elle stuck an intangible hand inside of him and pulled it out. He gave her a thankful nod.
"It was just a joke," Danny said, voice rough.
"No, it's not," Todoroki said. "You're a terrible liar, Danny."
"As your sibling I do agree. You are a terrible liar," Elle said.
"Who's side are you on?" Danny frowned.
"The funny side."
"If she is your sister why was she traveling instead of going to school? And why was she doing it alone? Do your parents know? Were they with her? And if they were, did that mean you were alone?"
He asked his questions, rapid fire, and Danny finally understood why Shouta got a headache from Class 1-A so often. He could feel the pressure building from behind his eye the more Todoroki talked.
"Yeah, he's actually got some good points," Mina said, a finger to her chin.
"She was traveling because she was studying abroad," Danny said smoothly, but as it had already been established, he was a terrible liar.
"Ugh, can we just tell them?" Elle asked, resting her head in her hand. "They're not gonna leave us alone. Besides, from the stories I've heard I know I'm not the weirdest thing you guys have seen."
"We shout probably ask Shouta first," Danny said. A slip of the tongue that nearly had him swallowing his fork again. Elle yanked it from his hand and sat it back down at the table as their three friends stared at him, mouths hanging open.
"Why would you need Sensei's permission?" Mina asked. Danny swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck-a nervous habit he had never been able to fully get rid of.
"Because he may or may not be our dad?"
"What?!" Mina said, jumping around excitedly. "This whole time and you didn't tell us?"
"I didn't want anybody to think I was getting special treatment. Besides, it's still kind of new. I only got adopted like two years ago."
"But Sensei would never let her travel by herself," Midoriya said.
"He didn't know about her until a few days before you guys met her. She-no lie-is my clone."
"So much for asking Shouta," Elle said with a roll of her eyes.
"Really?" Todoroki asked. His voice was quiet, but he was leaning forward, hanging onto Danny's every word. Danny nodded.
"My parents were scientists, and they were friends with this other guy who was obsessed with my mom. He wanted to kill my dad, marry her, and make me his son. It never worked out for him, so he made Elle. She's made from ectoplasm and some of my DNA."
Elle shot finger guns at the small group, not glorifying the story with a response. Vlad was still a touchy subject sometimes.
"Oh my god," Mina said. "You're not lying. He's not lying. You're not lying."
"I am not lying," Danny agreed. "But this stays between us. Please? We don't need more trouble on our backs. And please for the love of all that is holy don't breathe a word about Shouta adopting me. I don't want to be treated differently."
Mina nodded excitedly. "Cross my heart," she said, making the motion over her heart.
"God," Elle said with a fond shake of her head. "Yall are fucking crazy."
Guess what I made: Ko-fi.com/trianglegoddess77219
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AU idea
Fack, I can't stop making AU's can I- But I got another AU, an Eddsworld one specifically, a superhero one specifically
I just love superheros alright-
It's one where the neighbors (including Todd) and the main boys, (including Tord) would be super heros, they have side rivalry's but they all have one goal, take down the big main villain
Edd: We all know Poweredd, no need to introduce him, but he also has telekinesis in this AU because it's funny to think about, and because I said so, he's the leader of his crew as always to stop Numero Uno and his team
Tom: He's basically the same- But he now uses his monster form to save people I guess??? IDK He does not really NEED much change for a super hero AU
Tord: He would probably have a wrestler-like name that sounds like it belongs to a villain to "sound cool" or whatever, like "The red destroyer" or "Skull smasher" or somth, but he has no powers of his own, his "power" is his giant robot which also counts as his suit, his robot's now dressed like an anime-magical-girl magical-girl wand and everything, you can STILL recognize it as "Tordbot" it's just dressed like an anime magical girl- Like just picture the Tordbot wearing something like this:
Tumblr media
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/j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j
(The image is not mine I found it in the wiki's gallery)
Nah I have a proper concept for him for this AU,
So he'd be called "Mirror Man" or "Mirror Justice" or- something to do with mirrors-
He now lives in like a "mirror world", how it works is like picture a gigantic invisible bubble in the real world, and it follows Matt everywhere and he lives in it, Matt is the only one in the mirror world who can touch and interact with things in the real world, he can also be seen unlike everything/everyone else who enters the mirror world but he can chose not to, if your in the mirror world you cannot directly be seen, you can only be seen in reflective surfaces like an actual mirror or a puddle or a shiny object, etc. etc. this applys to objects too and Matt can chose if this applies to him or not as well at anytime he wishes, you also cannot touch anything unless it is in the mirror world, say there is a book, you can see it but you wont be able to touch it unless Matt brings it into the mirror world but once it's in the mirror world everyone in the real world cannot see it or touch it, unless your Matt
I hope that was not confusing- That's the best I can describe it-
For his suit I'm thinking like a purple full body suit with maybe dress like features and it's purple and teal and has these mirrors on it, not a shit ton but a few here and there like maybe 3-4 on the whole suit and they're small mirrors
Eduardo: Again, we already know Numero Uno, no need to introduce him but just like PowerEdd he also has Telekinesis because I said so
He's just Danny Phantom now/hj
So Jon died, not by Tord by some other cause and while dead he figured out how to turn human so now he's like part human part ghost somehow?
I'm not sure on his super name, maybe Jonny Phantom(/j) but I don't think he needs one cause he's a more "Help and fight from the shadows" hero
And I don't think he needs a suit since he's invisible to the naked eye in ghost form
You know the show Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts?
So in the series Kipo is like half mega mute well that's kind of my Todd in this AU
So like Kipo, Todd can turn his hands into these giant jaguar paws, he can gain the jaguar ears and listen with them he can just straight up turn into a fuggin godzilla sized jaguar with three tails and six legs and all that
So basically in a nutshell he steals her powers in this AU without "Stealing them" technically, like he has the same powers Kipo does
Todd just, does not use an alt identity, he wears his alt outfit he wears when adventuring (Literally the same outfit but he took his dress shirt off leaving only his tanktop under it-) but that's it- The others claim this is risky but Todd is like "Dude I can just crush the threat with my Jaguar paws it's fine"
His is a little wonky-
So Mark is one of those night heros that only appear at night, he's a werewolf and uses his wolf form as a super form leading to him to only show up at nights there is a full moon
his hero name could have something to do with wolfs or somth
And for his super suit/form just picture a buff ass blond wolf man in a ripped royal purple super suit :P
And thats it!
You REALLY thought I was done?
There's a little more!
Paul's a superhero too,
So he's like an angry fairy dude, he's human sized but a fairy, like just picture Paul in a ballerina outfit and with the fluffy fairy wings
Paul has a magic wand but it's not really magic, he just beats people with it instead lmao, and his preferred magic wand is a gun :)
He also has fairy powers but he mostly only just uses the wings while instead shooting bad guys and beating them with the wand
I'll also talk about the big main villain, I won't say who he is but I'll let y'all just assume since-
Just take one look at my current pfp-
So the main villain has powers of darkness and destruction, he can kill you with a simple spell and is heavily insane- He also has the ability to turn anyone into his little "Puppets" and pull the strings and make you do as he wishes easy he also hides in the shadows like a snake and plays this little "game" of his seeing the heros as his "puppets" on his quest for more power
I like this AU I just made :D
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thealtoduck · 3 years
Carlos De Vil
”He makes me laugh”
Being the son of Cher from ✨”Clueless”✨ and Carlos De Vil has a crush on you …
The Prince and the Dog… Boy
Being Elle Woods son and catching the eye of Ben…
Scooby Doo
Fred Jones
Being part of the Scooby gang and being in love with Fred Jones…
Sam Evans
Waiting for tonight
Valentine’s Day at Mckinley High (Part 1)
Valentine’s Day at Mckinley High (Part 2) (Smut)
Finn Hudson
No Pairing
Original Song
Dc comics
BatCat!Bro Masterlist
Tim Drake x Riddler Sidekick!Male Reader
Jason Todd x Male Reader / Y2K Movie-ish AU
Batfamily (platonic)
Being the son of Killer Moth and becoming the new Spoiler…
Easy On Me
Being the nephew of Kate Kane and becoming her sidekick…
Being the son of Superwoman and being moved to another Earth…
Being adopted by Bruce Wayne…
No pairing
Becoming Black Canary’s sidekick…
Dick Grayson
Being Mera’s son and helping the team while Dick Grayson falls head over heels for you…
Being the son of Lady Blackhawk and joining the Batfamily…
Jason Todd
After Patrol Cuddles
Being The Huntress son and dating Jason Todd…
Being the Son of Hera and dating Jason Todd… (Crossover with PJO)
Dirty Little Secret
Jason with a ”dumb slut™” boyfriend…
All That Jazz (Smut)
Tim Drake
Being Giganta’s son and falling in love with Tim Drake…
Being Supergirl’s sidekick and falling in love with Tim Drake…
Gloves Up! (Smut)
Being Black Canary’s sidekick and Tim Drake becomes your bf…
Wally West
Being Vixen’s nephew and joining the team…
Being the son of Fire and Wally West crushing on you…
Being Zatanna’s cousin and needing help from the team + Wally falls for you…
Kyle Rayner
Your Lois Lane’s son and you become a Star Sapphire because you have crush on Kyle Rayner…
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Fluff Alphabet (Part 1)
Fluff Alphabet (Part 2)
Being from District 1 and being in the 75th Hunger Games with Finnick…
Smut Alphabet
Finnick falling for a Capitol citizen…
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/HoO/ToA
No pairing
Being Hera’s demigod son and just being generally pissed off with everyone…
When Son of Hera met Percy Jackson…
Your a son of Aphrodite but Artemis pratically adopts you…
Percy Jackson
Being the son of Circe and sleeping with Percy Jackson…
Being Helen of Troy’s son and being ”rescued” by Percy Jackson…
Game of Thrones/Asoiaf
Robb Stark
My Love, My Life (Smut)
Being from House Mormont and being Robb Stark’s ✨lover✨…
Robb Stark!Band AU
Summer Renaissance (Smut)
Disco-Fever (Smut)
Peter Parker x Male Black Cat!Reader
No pairing
Being Valkyrie’s son and joining the Revengers… and saving Asgard… Sort off (Part 1)
Becoming Black Widow’s sidekick and just being generally cool…
You’re Tony Stark’s actual intern but you’re also a badass…
You’re Tony’s son with super hearing…
Peter Parker
Being a psychic and going to school with Peter Parker…
Your basically a male version of Mercy from Overwatch and dating Peter Parker…
Again you are a male version of Mercy from Overwatch and your dating Peter Parker but that’s not really the focus of this story…
Okay so you are a male version of Kim Possible and you save Peter Parker…
Meeting Peter and being the oldest child in the Addams Family…
I love you (Smut)
So your basically Danny Phantom but your also part of the Avengers… + Peter Parker becomes your boyfriend…
Just some small relationship and powers headcanons for basically being Danny Phantom and part of the Avengers… (A little smut)
You’re an alien but you also have a magic car and you hook up with Spider-Man… (Smut)
Having Sandman’s superpowers and being saved by Peter Parker…
Peter’s boyfriend with the powers of Invisible Woman… (A little smut)
Drivers License
Being Peter Parker’s boyfriend and living with the iconic legends the Golden Girls… (aka: I made an iconic crossover)
Being the Nova and being frienemies with Peter Parker…
You’re basically D.va from Overwatch and you meet Peter Parker…
Being the son of Emma Frost and being in the same class as Peter Parker…
Flash Thompson
One Time Thing (Smut)
Boy Meets World
Eric Matthews
HOLD UP!… Guys can kiss other guys?
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Being Ginny’s friend and Ron Weasley has a crush on you…
George Weasley
A love story with George Weasley but it was inspired by Bewitched…
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
Ricky Bowen
Just A Touch Of Your Love
Cheerleaders (+ EJ Caswell)
EJ Caswell
Secret Love Song
Cheerleaders (+ Ricky Bowen)
Star Wars
No pairing
Being a mirialan jedi youngling and getting your kyber crystal…
Escaping from Jabba the Hutt and joining the Ghost Crew…
Lab Rats
Chase Davenport
I watched disney shows from my childhood now you have to suffer for it…
Modern Family
Luke Dunphy
Being the Dunphy’s neighbour and being Luke’s bff and crush…
Being Luke’s future husband…
No pairing
Being the son of Lenora and starting in Pokémon school on Alola… + getting your first Pokémon…
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five-rivers · 3 years
How does Valerie fit into the eldritch abomination AU? How would the edge institute react to eldritch!Danny?
What about the rest of Amity Park? What are their opinions on the Others and Danny? Does Danny still have some kind of superhero thing going on or does he just have a bunch of cultists? Who knows that Danny is Not Human, and to what extent (do they just know that there’s something weird about him, do they know that he’s some kind of supernatural creature, or do they know he is an Other)?
Can they distinguish between Danny and the other eldritch horrors? Do they view Danny as a benevolent protector or is he just another monster to them? Do they even know what’s going on? Going off the assumption that there is several cults in Amity Park, which ones worship Danny and to what extent? Do they worship Danny Fenton or Other!Danny (Phantom? Idk)?
Ooh lots of interesting questions here.  I’ll try to answer them all.  
Much like in canon, Valerie is a rich, semi-popular girl at Casper High when everything first starts.  Then Damon suffers from a massive psychotic break at work and is admitted to the psych ward at North Mercy Hospital.  Luckily, Damon has good health insurance, since he hadn’t been fired, so there’s enough money to make sure he gets good care... or there would be, if, you know, it wasn’t North Mercy Hospital.  
Valerie is bounced around to various foster homes before a cousin crawls out of the woodwork to look after her (and Damon’s money, which has not been depleted by Axion Lab’s lawsuits re: Cujo).  However, her experiences at this point have given her evidence that the others the Fenton parents keep talking about exist and they’re to blame for Damon’s condition.  
As in canon, Vlad recruits her and supplies her with the best stolen Fentonwork’s tech.  Her suit is designed to shield her from the more negative effects of being in the presence of one of the others.  After all, Vlad knows the value of keeping his human agents sane.  Valerie does more investigation than actual fighting in this AU.  Danny is a frequent target.   
Valerie’s second suit, though...  her second suit is one of the others that associates with Technus.  It is very small and weak, even in comparison to Danny or Vlad, but it is not young.  It’s taken a liking to her, for now.  Does it Love her?  Who knows.  
As far as the Edge Institute goes... in this AU Danny’s exactly the kind of thing they expect from a level seven entity: prone to causing destruction and insanity on contact regardless of intent.  Danny’s actions during an encounter wouldn’t be terribly different than they were in Incursion, but the alarms and wards would put him more on edge, and Sam, Tucker, and possibly Mr. Lancer would be violently offended on his behalf.  
There are a lot of people in and around Amity Park who, due to the nature of Danny and the others, aren’t consciously aware that the others exist, despite occasionally winding up in the middle of playtime.  Most people are aware that something not normal is going on, but their theories range from gang violence to aliens to ghosts to magic.  The Fentons aren’t quiet about their theories, but... most people would prefer to think that there isn’t a plane of existence where horrific entities drift deep beneath the shared human subconscious and every now and then surface to toy with humans for unknowable reasons.  About a quarter of the people who know something is off about town quietly accept the Fentons’ theories as truth, but most refuse to talk about it.  
(At least, the ones that aren’t cultists for one or another of the others.)
Danny isn’t really a superhero in this AU- He’s trying his best, and he’s a good person overall, but...  He really is a baby eldritch abomination.  He has a much better understanding of humanity than the others, and he can emphasize with humans, one might even say that he’s almost human while definitely not being human, but that doesn’t always have good results.  Add to that, almost every fight he ‘wins’ is basically meaningless because many of the others wouldn’t even be there if he wasn’t.
There are a small but fair number of people who are aware of Danny as something that fights the rest of the others and tries to help people who are caught or targeted by the others.  They don’t know that it’s Danny of course, because of how their perception gets warped, but they are aware of him.  Most of these are sort of proto-cultists for Danny.  When Sam finally starts a cult for Danny, they’re the ones she first recruits from.  
I... think I got all the questions?  If I missed one, please let me know!
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queenofhearts7378 · 3 years
Love the secret quartet AU but I cant help but think of Marionette having her own secret crew who helps sometimes when Chat is away, and when I think of who they would be I come up short on Female protagonists who could fit in the AU
I got you:
Juniper Lee
From The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Okay gonna be honest I've never actually watched the show, but I've heard good things about it
From the wiki it says she's magical powers is tasked with keeping the balance between good and bad magic and the magical world secret, as well as balancing her hero life and normal life. Which is very Am Drag and it's always fun combining magical worlds and kwamis cause that's when you get to play with headcanons
Okay points off cause she's 11, but it's not much of a stretch to age her up a few years. I've always seen the miraculous cast as very young 14 and 15 year olds.
Kim Possible
From Kim Possible (duh)
!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Look me in the eyes and tell me these girls wouldn't get along I dare you
Someone needs to help Marinette with....everything at this point basically. Boy problems?? Kim has been there done that. Hero/school problems???? She has an organized binder that would totes sort things out. Mean girls who enjoy tormenting you??? So not the drama.
Points off cause she's the only one who doesn't actually have a secret identity, so kind of defeats the secret part huh
Okay this one is a little out there, with a bonus of being a three for one special: Sam, Clover, and Alex
From Totally Spies
I know that seems kind of out of left field but....it works?????
The could all be fashion buddies. These girls, while not designers, are all about fashion
Alex might actually die when presented with the kwamis, but she would be an absolute amazing kwami wrangler
The moves they could teach Mari????? Added with everything Kim could teach her and Ladybug is suddenly a terrifying fighter ohemgee
Also, while I initially decided not to use them, also consider: Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danielle (Danny's clone) from Danny Phantom (Which would be fun if you wanted a ghost character. She traveled the world in canon so its not a stretch for how they could meet), Star Butterfly from Star vs. FOE, Luz Noceda from The Owl House (absolutely nothing but me wanting to release that absolute terror of hyperactive sunshine upon the miraculous class and watching the fireworks), Claire from Trollhunters.
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mmprviolet · 3 years
danny phantom would've been 5000% better if my oc windy was canon:
The reason nobody knows fenton and phantom are one and the same is because she cast a glamour that makes it heard for normal people to exactly discern danny's features
Other creatures witches actually protect ghosts which makes them foil for ghost hunters as they believe dead spirits need to be left alone
Sam having a female friend + learning to accept said friend for girly traits = character arc
Her and Tucker are like Disaster Buddies yes she even allowed tucker to ride on her broom once
In Fairly Odd Parents genies and pixies exist and are somewhat rivals of the fairies so the existence of witches in the DP canon as counterparts to ghosts fits that theme
Also HALLOWEEN spooky ness
we saw good ghosts so we're going to see good witches
Also explain why certain humans like Freakshow have magical items
Freddi hexing the popular kids any chances she gets
Freddi being a total class pet to appease Mr Lancer when in reality she's a "double agent" so when some shit goes down she'll have evidence of favoritism in the school
Freddi being a clumsy ass witch yet her spells actually work
Freddi finding Danny's interest in astronomy to be very cute and teaching him astrology
Danny realizing that Freddi is loyal and very much not afraid to stand up for her friends
the ANGST potential with Adult!Freddi bitter that she wasn't able to save her friends (as she was out of town during the tests) & Dark Danny mocking her for her failures
Only for her to show up in the climax of TUE to help younger Danny stop him
Also ALSO phantom planet has a way better ending as instead of a disateroid it's dark danny's return and danny and freddi manage to take him down WITH THE POWAH OF LOVE
A scene where Freddi catches Danny sneaking into the girls locker room ans hexing him for it
Danny: ok i admit it i deserved that OW!
Freddi: dishonor on you dishonor on your cow!!
Freddi inviting Danielle to live with her family for a while until after s3 she's adopted by the Fentons (who gets told about her)
Valerie having SOMEONE sticking by her after she loses her wealth; this leads to more growth on her part
Moments where Phantom and Witch toilet paper Lancer's house
Honestly two kids who feel weird finding comfort in each other *chef's kiss*
AU where Adult!Freddi and Dark Danny have a much more amicable relationship
So much fanart of Freddi interacting with other toon witches like Sabrina, Chocolat, etc
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chanlixsbf · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 756 times in 2021
103 posts created (14%)
653 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.3 posts.
I added 72 tags in 2021
#ranboo - 15 posts
#tubbo - 11 posts
#dsmp - 8 posts
#dreamsmp - 7 posts
#dsmp au - 7 posts
#dream smp - 6 posts
#purpled - 5 posts
#dream - 5 posts
#danny phantom - 4 posts
#tommyinnt - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and then we have just bought groceries for the next month or 2 (my parents hoard food) we put most of it in the freezer so it keeps longer
My Top Posts in 2021
head canon and playlist dump
some of these are stolen from my wattpad and my old twitter. big tw for suicide, drugs, smoking, achol, and talk of bombs. feel free to use any of these for anything just please credit me!
fuck cannon, the dsmp is now a bunch of shops on a boardwalk by the beach. all the kids work at the arcade, i'm also considering fundys as kid and he's just like 19 (tommy is still phil's kid he just wanted to work with tubbo). og sbi+mumza has a family owned coffee shop. the badlands is a traditional tea shop. the manhunt family + sap & george all work at puffys little dinner (minus drista duh). las nevadas are a fast food restaurant. store names -the red egg -miss puffys -space trip arcade -sleepyhead cafe -las nevadas burgers -the boardwalk is called dreamland boardwalk. but they all have magic in them because i'm extra. -everyone from the badlands can make the vines grow (they are red lol) -tubbos can talk to animals -tommy's got wings lol (he can hide them) -technos a god -phil is an immortal, he's got the wings. -mumza is the goddess of death. -wilbur can float. -ranboo can teleport(and he's got a funky enderman mouth lol.) -purpled is an alien. -sap is a fire born. -george is a elf. -puffy is a ram hybrid as well as the rest of her family (yes also foolish). -•- story outline based off of the song Where's my love? because i think it would be cute to use for dnf. george is the prince of a very powerful kingdom and runs away due to the stress and there is a competition held for the knights of the kingdom to find the prince and are promised his hand in marriage. dream is a townsperson who instead of entering the competition decided to go and find the prince himself, not look to bring him back or for love but just to be his friend. he finds him very quickly and the become good friends. george is making his way to a very old forgotten place in a wood very far from his kingdom (i'm assuming like 3-10 chapters if its on the shorter side) and dream tags along and they end up falling in love and living out there happy little cottage life. -•- Hiraeth. it's one am and i'm crying over a home i never had. -us against the world -since i saw Vienna -roadtrip -Edge of the world -Disappear -Creature -gone away -home • kroh -freak show • Ingrid Michaelson -alpha -aria math -•- I'm sorry my dear i am leaving a very random mix of indie and (my) fall vibe that makes me want to go run away and live in the woods near a pumpkin patch and a river. -exuant -met me in the woods -castle on the hill -a-punk -father -two time -dance, baby -i can talk -greek tragedy -Where's my love -retrograde -thus always to tyrants -An ode to l'manburg -money -haunt me x3 -lavender -campus -undercover Martyn -internet ruined me -sour patch kids -•- phil's wings are to big for a bed so he instead sleeps in a nest by the fire that they made out of blankets and pillows. -•- i would like to remind you all that c!tommy (so they mc skin) wears a sweater with a t-shirt over it and baggy cargo pants. change the color scheme to black and he's an e-boy, change it to light blue and he's a soft boy. -•- Benchtrio troublemakers au that I don't want to put on tumblr. (lol that was a lie. this also just me expanding on it's ya girl vitas! world) The shit they’ve been thru and there There addiction. Ignore this is I'm self projecting. Ranboo: very suicidal, is bullied a lot witch has caused depression and anxiety. Mans does HARD drugs. Like all the shit. Tubbo: drinks, like I'm talking schlatt type bs. Shitty parents, divorced and both are alcoholics. Tommy: smokes and vapes. Orphan, abandoned for money. Lives with Phil and techno. Tubbo stays with them most of the time as well. Ranboo wants to die. Tubbo wants to kill people. Tommy wants to blow stuff up. -•- purpled had licorice in his spaceship and brought it with him to the smp and now everyone know about it cause he just always had it on him and everyone wanted to try it. -•- Wilbur and dream playlist - dead hearts -since I saw Vienna -Dream sweet in sea major -honeybee - Greek tragedy -edge of the world -overgrown garden -the villain I  appear to be -chirp -land of petals -your new boyfriend -true affection -fairytale -noble heart -leave me alone -light on -oh death -come
true -season 2 episode 3 -come out and play -ocean eyes -from eden -the other side -Theseus -bitter water -•- Dream has know about Michael for a while because of enderboo so if he ever escaped by himself (I say this because I still love me Dream and Wilbur being friends since they were little you can pry that away from my cold dead hands) he would have gone to meet Michael before he left. -•- Sally was around for the beginnings of lmanburg and was like a mother figure to tommy and tubbo and she never died she just ended up having to leave because of how dangerous it was at the moment. Same thing with mumza, she came around once a month to see her kids (tommy, tubbo, will & techno) and she would bring potions, pastries, and flowers for all of lmanburg and just stopped coming because of how dangerous it was at the time. She comes around every once in awhile to see Phil & techno as well as ranboo,tubbo & Michael, tommy and fundy. (Fundy and Michael really like her hugs btw) -•- Hannah is very good with a sword and can beat techno. -•- Dream and puffys chats love each other lots (I mean this in the family type way) and when Dream follows puffy around both chats get very excited and since puffys chat are little sheep and dreams chat are the little blobs they sit on them and follow dream and puffy around and when puffy has to let go if dreams hand and gather things he sit down and the little sheep and blobs boys will come and huddle around him and make kind of barrier around him so he is entertained whilst puffy is doing something, also this has been happening for along time like since Dream was like able to walk he's been following puffy around like a duckling, but in this specific situation with the chats 'n stuff he is his age that he is right now so he is 21 and is just following puffy around with chat following him. And puffys chat treats dreams chat like there kids and it very cute to watch. -•- Chats! Wilbur - mice Tommy - moths Dream - little dream blobs Puffy - baby sheep Sapnap - little flames Ranboo - ender/soot sprites Tubbo - bees Philza - crows Techno - the voices Fundy - little clay boyos Foolish - mini totems Nikki - her diary Karl - eyes/little swirls Sam - small creepers Eret - fairies Hannah - roses Charli - slime balls -•- Spy/mafia au Ranboo- ender Wilbur- symphony Tubbo- bumblebee Tommy- mellhoi Techno- anarchy Phil- hardcore Dream- hunter George- 404 Sapnap- fireball Bbh- empire Skeppy-diamond (these have nothing to do with my current spy au i was just bored on a car drive) (< that was a lie) -•- George is a little fea Sam found in the woods and decided to raise. -•- The hunted phonograph - 1920s singer type bs, beeduo -•- ghostbur playlist (more to be added) -September • sparky death cap -The other side of paradise • -This side of Paradise • -Escapism • - House of memories • - Since i saw vienna • -•- Puffy gave all of her kids nicknames Dreams is "my little duckling" Foolish is "golden boy" dristas is "sugar plum" XD's "my little god" and Michelle's is "my little Warrior"
- when ranboo finally learned about pronouns she wanted to use she/her because when she found out that people who look like usually niki use them she thought it would be fun. "but niki's pretty and tubbo says im pretty so i want to use the ones for pretty!" -my guess of what ranboo said.
GOD DAMN that was a lot. but thats all of the stuff i wanna put on here. i might do this with un finished fanfics or oneshots. if you could not tell i run on playlists and head canons.
31 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 12:02:48 GMT
Ryan and Shane may not be gay but ricky and thinsworth are.
33 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 20:44:59 GMT
witch mean that wilbur is a royal heir or i guess a prince.
34 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 05:03:30 GMT
Tubbo was really pushing it today like god damn, the second hand embarrassment-
35 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 02:31:53 GMT
Dono: were is your bedroom going to be in the manor?
Tubbo: Ranboos! *looks ded in the camera smiling*
me watching this unfold: what the fuck?
46 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 20:09:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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crossroadsdimension · 3 years
WIP Folder Tag Game
yoinks from @kianlon
I saw this and I thought I’d give it a go, since I’ve got a few of these kicking around....
Fellow writers out there! This is a game for each one of you who needs some love and support for stories in progress. How to play:
Open you WIP Folder.
Post the title for each wip story in there, with a little explanation/quote
Can your readers ask questions about your wips?
Tag as many fellow writers as you like
Have fun!
Links to my AO3 where applicable, although I do have an FF account under FourthWallBreaker if you want to see the One Piece AU that I mention in the last section, as I haven’t posted it to AO3 yet. Don’t be afraid to ask me questions about these ones if you’re curious!
Mental Bonds -- My current creative focus. A Final Fantasy VII AU, this story came from an idea that popped into my head last year -- what if the puppet-connection that Sephiroth had over Cloud was just a telepathic link, and they could communicate through it? Then throw Zack in there for some added shenanigans, and the original plot of the compilation goes sideways. :3 Mental Bonds is a sequel, as I wrote the Crisis Core plot as Mental Link last year. Currently working on chapter 28, posted chapter 9 yesterday. I like the steady progress that I’m making, and the buffer of chapters between me and my readers gives me plenty of room for breaks!
Fairytale -- A Pokemon fanfic, the third in a series following a half-Mew girl who was a runaway Rocket experiment. Crystal, after winning the Hoenn League, travels to Kalos for a much-needed vacation and ends up getting pulled into a series of events she wasn’t exactly planning for. I ran out of some steam on this one because Kalos as a whole is a region I haven’t spent that much time in, so I’m hoping to get this one back on its feet after taking a bit of a break. Granted, it’s been sitting for about a year, so...
Various Gravity Falls-related fics -- These are technically in multiple documents, but I’m lumping them together because for the most part they’re MEANT to be short. I’ve got a one-shot with my AU’s Ford meeting Macbeth from Gargoyles, a crossover idea with Steven Universe that I may never touch on (never watched the cartoon; not sure if it’s gonna be very high on my to-do list anytime soon), and some drabbles and short stories related to my AU (and not related!). Some of those short stories are supposed to be collabs with @howtotrainyournana, but because we’ve been so busy with the Thing Called Life, I’m not seeing them getting written anytime soon. We hope to get to them at some point, but no guarantees that it’ll be anytime soon, y’know?
Maria’s Adventures fics -- If anyone has been keeping up with me and my writing, you guys know I’ve got a soft spot for an OC of mine. A portal-making, dimensional-traveling character, to be precise. Most of these stories will be tied in with the Gravity Falls AU that I created, mostly because she travels with that AU’s Ford, years after his Cipher was removed from existence. I’ve got some one-shot ideas that would happen at any point across Maria’s timeline, a trip to Alola, potentially a FFVII fic (not the Mental Link series), and a return to one of my childhood fandoms with a Transformers fic idea that I’ve been playing around with. These are also within multiple documents.
Miscellaneous fics -- Again, multiple documents, but I’m lumping them together because otherwise this post is going to get long. I’ve got a few OCs that I created and wanted to mess with when I was in high school, but their stories have gone unwritten for years. I might go back to them someday, but I’m not sure. Maybe Erin, Morph, Rush, Shift, and Scribe/Kia will make an appearance someday, but no guarantees on that one yet. I’ve also got a Danny Phantom AU that I started in college (again, haven’t finished or posted) where Sam found a lamp and Danny was the genie inside it. Shenanigans would have gone off from there, obviously. And I’ve got a One Piece AU where Devil Fruit abilities were actually the result of magical accidents (ie, random spells firing off, Ace being crafted out of a giant bonfire, etc), and Zoro was an actual wind demon/former human who got bound into service to Luffy. I might go back and play with it a bit more, but it’d only be written as a series of one-shots if I’m entirely honest.
As for who to tag...hm. Well, you guys aren’t required to do these, obviously, but why not tag @impishnature and @azapofinspiration and leave it up-for-grabs for anyone else? :D
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astraea802 · 3 years
IFD2021 Recs Pt 2/2
More Hidden Gems, this time for smaller works in larger fandoms.
Static Starboy (Oneshot): Summer camp au with elemental powers! Shiro-centric and just so sweet and wholesome. Includes some nice fanart at the end too! Under 500 hits.
The Colour of Magic (Oneshot): AU where the paladins can see quintessence, even before Voltron. Includes some Shiro and Keith platonic bonding.
Also, Altean Pidge and Druid Shiro could use more love, I enjoy those plots quite a bit.
Big Hero 6
The Rubber Band Theory (12 chapters/32,624 words) (Complete, first in a series): Sort of a psychic/superpower AU where Hiro and Tadashi discover powers after Hiro saves Tadashi from the explosion. Compared to some similar fics of this type, I don't see as much hype for this one, and it's a lot of fun!
To the Fairies He Draws Near (8 chapters/ 34,097 words) (Complete): Fredashi modern with magic au where Fred discovers fairy Tadashi in the park. It's pretty fluffy and has some fun ideas for fantasy version of the characters. And Callahan doesn't go villain for once, which is always nice. Under 500 hits.
Bad Boys: Rockin' All Over the World (Doctor Who) (Multichapter, in progress): Graham and Ryan meet former companions of the Doctor and try to protect the earth in their own way. I just love the idea so much, especially Graham meeting our two other space grandpas (Wilfred Mott and Brian Williams), I want to see more fics in this vein!
just be friends on the way (Harry Potter) (Oneshot): Albus and Minerva friendship! Albus comforting Minerva after her childhood love got married! Albus talking about Grindelwald! Really highlights what good friends those two must have been, working together all those years.
Where There's Smoke (Sanders Sides)(Multichapter, in progress): I've been enjoying this Virgil/Logan modern with magic AU so far. They're very sweet and bushy with each other while respecting each others' boundaries, and Logan is hiding some secret magic dabbling, which I'm interested to learn the backstory for. Updates fairly regularly, which is always a plus. Only has under 1000 hits.
A Thousand Lifetimes (MCU/Captain America) (Oneshot): Steggy fantasy AU with some reincarnation and wingfic. Under 500 hits.
Faster Than a Telephone Booth (The Flash TV)(Oneshot): I actually found this fic through last year's IFD, and it's *still* underappreciated (under 500 hits). The dialogue is just so funny, and the original Team Flash friendship is so nice. My favorite bit: “You know what this means?” “You’re Danny Phantom,” Barry said. Cisco snapped his fingers and pointed at him. “I was gonna say a magical girl, but that’s even better.”
I also want to give a shoutout to poisonquiver, whose written some cool aus for a number of different fandoms, including Stranger Things and Avatar, that act as really interesting character studies, even in altered circumstances. Very nice prose, too!
Click for part 1: https://astraea802.tumblr.com/post/643170636388302848/ifd-2021-recs-pt-12
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jumpboy-rembrandt · 6 years
hey do yall wanna hear an au idea i’ve had abt the seven birds as a superhero team? the plot is constantly changing, but here’s what i’ve got (warning it’s a lot and bullet points are used gratuitously):
an alien object falls to the earth, breaking apart as it falls. it scatters around a small city, and the pieces seem to hone in on the nearest living human once they near the ground.
(psst – this is the light of creation)
these seven (mostly) unrelated people slowly realize that they now have…unusual abilities
another alien entity follows, and its agents begin wreaking havoc around this city searching for the missing pieces of the light
(psst – this is the hunger)
individually, each person touched by the light ventures out to fight off these beings, especially since they themselves tend to be targeted.
these agents can get a vague sense of where the shards are, but not who exactly has them. thus, there is some degree of investigation done to find the individuals.
said agents can either be sentient or monster-like
the light-holders are all disguised as they fight – some for anonymity, some so that these agents have more trouble seeking them out, and some just because it seems like the right thing to do.
none of them knew each other before now, but they cross paths often enough that they realize they should probably group up.
most of them want to keep their identities secret, so they agree to do that while also making a few other decisions:
they should all have each others’ numbers. they won’t seek each other out, but it is important to keep in contact.
they should get better costumes (a plea from taako, who subsequently makes them)
they should have a theme
so they decide upon uniform colors and the title of “seven birds” because…idk, maybe they all like how poetic it sounds?
anyway, here’s a breakdown of each member:
magnus was struck by the light while sparring with carey behind their apartment complex. he was knocked over and carey kinda panicked?? but then he got up and said “did you do that?” and she responded “how would i hurl something at you from the sky, you’re fucking huge” and they moved past it
carey and magnus are roommates, so she’s the first one to notice when he starts accidentally breaking things and can knock her down more easily.
the weirdest part was when he was carving a little figurine and she jumped up behind him – to be fair, she thought he was drawing plans for something at the carpentry shop. they both saw the knife go directly towards his fingers and…bounce off. being magnus, he immediately tried to stab his hand and nothing happened. carey, being carey, poked the edge to see if it was dull and, ow, no, it wasn’t.
so, magnus has super strength and armor-like skin. a downside to this is that the changes weren’t entirely magic (think commitment), so he has to eat a lot more than usual and that’s. not insignificant.
the superhero name he chooses is eagle, which he called out immediately bc he wanted the best bird. his color theme is orange. his uniform doesn’t have sleeves, and it was a struggle for taako to even make him wear a shirt.
merle was hiking through the woods, and when he got hit he actually blacked out for a little bit. he woke up in a bed of flowers and, huh, that’s really convenient how it broke my fall
he works part time as an EMT and spends the rest working in a plant nursery. i. think you can guess how he notices what’s going on.
merle’s power is accelerating and manipulating organic growth, which means that he can both control plants and heal wounds. this does take a physical toll, as it is his energy being transferred. he also needs to eat a lot.
his superhero name is dove bc ~peace~ and stuff. his color theme is, naturally, green.
taako and lup were. uh. not getting in trouble. they were just having a misunderstanding. fortunately, said misunderstanding was not as fast as they were bc the misunderstanding was missing their shoes. they stumbled and fell as the light split at the last second and hit them both, but they quickly jumped back to their feet, turned a corner, and were home free.
both of them are studying masters level chemistry, so their discoveries are in public and require a bit of covering up. taako was trying to work out the chemical structure of a fairly simple crystal when it moved. he jumped, then tried it again, and found out that he could even separate out certain parts without needing a reactant.
lup gets bored waiting for a solution to boil and suddenly it explodes
taako’s power is manipulating chemical structures and lup’s is causing combustion or explosions. both require a knowledge of chemistry; taako has to understand the structure of what he’s moving or separating, and lup needs to know about boiling/ignition points and pressure changes etc. again; the energy comes from them. you get the point by now, i think.
taako is starling and purple, and lup is phoenix and red.
they both have pockets containing little beads of easy-to-change materials if they can’t find anything else to use
barry is a phd student, and was in the basement bio lab of the local university when the light phased through the ceiling and hit him. he stumbled backwards and fortunately didn’t hurt himself, bc he basically lives in there and no one would check on him for a while.
the next time he’s forced into a university function, he’s shrinking against a wall wishing he wasn’t there, and then he…isn’t. he falls over into the next room bc he just went through the wall.
i’ll be honest – barry basically has danny phantom powers. the tricky bit is that if he’s exhausted, instead of losing his powers, he can’t keep a physical form very well. finally, a reason for this man to get some sleep already.
his codename is nightingale and his color is blue. thank goodness he can make his clothes and glasses ghost with him, or else he’d be recognizable and useless.
davenport was relaxing with a short flight just outside of town. he notices some strange lights, then realizes one is coming towards him, then barely manages to keep the plane from crashing when it hits him in the head. he quickly lands and checks the plane for damage, but there’s no trace of it.
his mind is wandering during a pretty boring meeting one day when everyone suddenly stops. davenport tunes in and notices that, um, there’s a small boat appearing to float across the table. this completely snaps him out of his thoughts, and it disappears. it’s a good thing the old people on the board like to brush over unexplainable things, bc after a few moments, the meeting picks back up.
he works at a nerd museum. he mostly enjoys it, but also wants to save up enough to move to the coast.
his power is creating illusions and, depending on his energy, materializing them. the illusions barely cost anything, but the materialization is really draining.
his hero name is canary and his color theme is gold.
i wanted it to be albatross at first, but that sounded a little…eh? i liked canary better, esp since it’s yellow
+ instead of having half the symbolism of a curse, it symbolizes freedom!! i think that’s an important dav trait.
finally, lucretia was riding home on her bike and, unlike dav, did crash. strangely, she and her bike were totally unharmed.
lucretia works part-time as a secretary to save up for college, while also working at a bookstore bc she is a Nerd. she got lost in the Deep Shelves and, when a pile of books fell and set off a domino effect, she stretched out her hands to stop them – and they actually did stop.
lucretia can create force fields of any shape, and move them around. that may seem simple, but she can ride them like a hover board, trap people, and, if she’s strong enough, slice things.
her superhero name is bluejay and her color is teal.
other characters include:
julia, magnus’s coworker/boss’s daughter, and they’ve been in love since forever. when the light stuff started though, magnus figured he should slow down.
…yeah, she figures it out pretty soon. magnus is bad at keeping secrets.
carey, magnus’s roommate and constant alibi/excuse-maker/back-up
killian, who works security at the business lucretia secretaries at, and keeps bringing her out to social stuff bc the girl needs it. they also talk abt girls a lot bc they’re both Gay™ – lucretia especially enjoys teasing killian about carey with the “really great calves” from the gym.
killian accidentally said weird shit when first gushing about her and, of course, lucretia will never forget it
noelle was saved by the team from whatever the hell lucas ends up doing in this au. carey offers to share her room, esp since magnus is uh. working a little more irregularly these days and they could use the split rent.
noelle and carey also talk about girls, including killian who could “probably throw me across a room” from the gym.
angus was looking into all this nonsense and figured it was easiest to track down twins who seem to know a lot about chemistry. it wasn’t too hard. taako and lup were appalled that his parents Just Let Him Do That and so there’s a 50/50 chance that angus is in their spare room at any given time.
listen they got a two-bedroom apartment, but apparently they’re still too clingy to sleep alone. nerds.
ren is taako’s coworker and best friend. she knows Something is up, but isn’t entirely sure What. she also knows better than to try and find out. taako will tell her when he tells her.
honestly i low low lowkey dig the idea of noelle/ren but you didn’t hear that from me. if it happens to show up though. oh well.
avi makes frequent deliveries for the hammer and tongs, and is pretty tight with magnus. he’s even tighter with magnus’s dogs, which stay at the h&t bc his apartment is run by ruthless monsters.
johann is the town’s dramatic and overtalented musician, who is almost always in the background. i’m not sure what his deal is, but he sure is good at music.
hurley is a cop who keeps trying to figure out what is going on, but isn’t having much luck
artemis sterling is the very frustrated mayor
certain people are given powers by the hunger, a la hawk moth. these include gundren, magic brian, jenkins, sloane, the hammerheads, cpt cpt bane, lucas, etc.
the major manifestation of the hunger is john, but only merle manages to see him.
unlike miraculous, the hunger is dangerous to its hosts if they become disagreeable. the birds can save the people possessed, but it’s not easy.
there are Mysterious Third Parties that can grant additional powers
one is known as the raven queen. she grants kravitz the power to possess non-organic materials, as well as a scythe that can temporarily dislocate souls and do mild portal shit.
kravitz was a coroner trying to get a gig in the orchestra, but then he almost died and the raven queen resurrected him and he’s got a really strong sense of duty so he’s doing this now, he guesses. at least he still gets to have a normal life when he isn’t busy.
i like to think that after sloane rejects the hunger, the raven queen scoops her up and also grants the ability to possess non-organic objects. she was a good mechanic before, and is super good now. she gets hurley to give up on the whole investigation thing and join her and they live happily ever after, and also kick the occasional ass.
at first, RQ’s orders are to retrieve the light so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, but taako persuades kravitz that the birds are able to use it to defeat the hunger once and for all.
after that, the mission is just to keep as many people out of danger as possible.
istus and pan can also grant powers, but i’m not sure how they’d fit in yet
more random facts:
taako, lup, and barry are actually at the same university even though they never see each other. the mascot is a mongoose.
at some point the bio and chem departments are doing a joint conference thing. taako and lup are wandering around while spamming the birds’ group chat with really awful memes with magnus. meanwhile, barry is trying his best to ignore his constantly-vibrating phone as he talks to a professor about something actually important.
do they find each other in this truly ridiculous way? You Decide.
lucas is in the same department as barry, and even though he’s kind of a genius, he is also. how you say. a dick.
ren and taako work as chefs at the davy lamp. ren is almost definitely going to own it one day, and taako is proud of her.
lucretia and magnus meet via carey and killian, and quickly become close friends. because magnus is incapable of keeping a secret from anyone he knows, she finds out that he’s eagle and so they now know each other’s secret identities.
anyway that’s all i’ve got for now, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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actualdannyfenton · 7 years
Hey do you have any favorite DP fics? I loved the series as a kid and recently I found some DP blogs and they reminded me of my love so I'm trying O get back into the fandom
Sure, I have lots of fics saved, both regular DP and crossovers.
DP fics 
Secrets Revealed by RedHeadsRock1010- A series of DP drabbles ranging in genre, all of which result in Danny’s secret getting out.
Dawning of a Sun bypearl84- Very very VERY long AU fic, probably my absolute favorite. Very worth the read.
Morality Recommended by frotesque- Future Gray Ghost fic, definitely one of my favorites.
Territory by toothbrushattack- Short one-shot about Danny making Amity his lair, ft. cute box-ghost content.
feel the outside turning in by anthrop- horror/supernatural genre fic where Danny leaves his body instead of his magical girl transformation
Ectoplasm on a School Night byBeachCat- Short Lancer-Danny bonding fic
Phantom’s Sketchbook byAkoyaMizuno- Pretty much everyone has read this I think, one of my favs. Lancer-centric.
Phantom of Truth and Shadow of a Doubt byHaiJu- Very very angsty Maddie-Danny-centric fic and it’s sequel, I highly recommend reading these at least once!! 
Deathday Revelations byAngel Baby1- Short humor reveal fic, also one of my favs.
You Should Be Dead bySaphireDragon11- Angsty fic in which Dash and Kwan think they’ve killed Danny and are shocked when he comes to school the next day
Estrelas byShimegami-chan- Amethyst Ocean AU where Danny is a ghost Sam meets in her grandmother’s attic
A Snapping Sound byRepresent- Horror AU fic, Amethyst Ocean. 
Roughing It byHaiJu- Maddie-Phantom bonding fic
Treading Water byThe Full Catastrophe- Mer!Danny AU fic
The Phantom by Hollow Mashiro- Crossover between DP and Code Geass 
Harry Potter and the Phantom King by SonicCrazyGal- Ghost king AU crossover with HP 
Danny Phantom x Marvel Drabbles by Triangle Goddess- Name is self explanatory, one of my personal favorite authors. DP and Marvel crossover drabbles.
Deeper, Darker by SilverMoonPhantom- Crossover between DP and Stranger Things, one of my personal favorite fics.
I Can Explain by scatterbrainz- DPxSupernatural crossover
Trigger Happy by Cabbit and the Weasel- One-shot DPxJustice League crossover 
Inspired by Vitaliciouscreations- A series of DPxSupernatural drabbles
Our Babysitter’s a Ghost by salvainterra- DPxGravity Falls crossover
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amandebw · 6 years
Stories Ideas
Akafuri - God akashi x priest furihata - Child akashi x babysitter furihata and when Akashi is older he meets Kouki again and decides that he'll be his. - Child furihata x fox demon Akashi Acelu - reincarnation au - they are soulmates and ace is a dragon - demons - gangs Kagehina - Hinata dresses up as Santa to lift Kageyama spirit and to show him what Christmas is about. Usuk - Werewolf America x vampire or warlock England - America times travels back to when England was a pirate due to one of Arthur's spells. Cue America being so confused because since when is Arthur this hot and rude? - Big brother America x child England Ereri - Possessive Levi x dense cutie named Eren - Host club snk Nalu - Demon/dragon Natsu x Lucy - Halloween demon Natsu x angel Lucy - Pirate Natsu x princess, mermaid, or peasant Lucy Russia x reincarnated Anastasia Hannigram - Will finds out - Alpha Hannibal x Omega Will - Wendigo Hannibal x Will - AU where Will's first meeting with Hannibal is when he is the Chesapeake Ripper and not Dr. Hannibal Lecter. - Demon Hannibal x Will - A/B/O dynamic where omega Will only loved one man, the Chesapeake Ripper - due to his empathy even though he's never met him- , until he meets Alpha Hannibal. They fall in love and at the end, during Will's heat, he figures out that Hannibal and the Chesapeake Ripper are the same person and finally succumbs to his own dark nature as he tells Hannibal his feelings for all of him and that he knows. - Hannibal as the Cheasapeake Ripper tries to court FBI Empath, Will Graham, by killing people that have offended him as gifts. What a delightful surprise he has when Will answers with his own murder. (Of course Will hasn't told anyone that all the dead corpses appearing are due to the Ripper and him courting and Jack thinks Will could never murder anyone due to the breakdown he fakes when he kills criminals on cases) - mafia Hannibal x Will - Will meets Hannibal for the first time without his encephalitis an it takes him about two second to realize the man in front of him is not only a killer but The Cheasapeake Ripper. Hannibal is charmed. Hartwin - Mafia boss Harry x Eggsy - Dark Harry x Eggsy - Soulmate tattoo AU where Eggsy sees Harry's tattoo when he's in a coma and is too scared to tell him they're Soulmates. When Harry gets shot by Valentine and is believed to be dead, Eggsy tells Merlin after V Day that he and Harry where Soulmates and showing him his tattoo as he cries. Cue Merlin awkwardly telling him that Harry is not dead and was on the computer watching the scene. Eggsy, remembering Harry's disappointment after their fight, runs only for Harry to run after him. - Alpha Harry who is the chief of a nomadic tribe rests at a village which he is allied to and meets Omega Eggsy. As he falls for the Omega he finds out about Eggsy's abusive step-dad and steps in (and by that we all know I mean that he viciously kills him because no one hurts his omega). Eggsy then leaves with Harry and they come back for holidays to see Daisy and Eggsy's mom. Gramander - mummy!Newt and daddy!Percy where Newt's creatures want their mummy to be happy and he seems to really like the nice man who let them stay in his house and they like him and want him to be their daddy too. Spideypool - Peter going to a convention dressed as Spider-Man and participates in a Spider-Man costume contest. Ironically, he looses to Wade who, at the end, goes to Peter to tell him his costume is pretty cool and Peter is like, "Shut up Wade, I can't believe I lost to Deadpool of all people." And Wade realizes that oh shit it's the real Spidey and he's so fuckin cute. Merthur - future au where both Merlin and Arthur are reincarnated with their memories and they meet again... While Arthur is the leader of the Round Table, the most feared mafia in England. Cue everyone with no memories of the past being so confused about why their big bad boss is so nice to this random guy who actually called him a prat. Tomarry - young Harry, after being beaten, gets teleported to the future in the middle of a battle with old Harry and Voldemort. Old Harry and Voldemort call a truce as old Harry heals young Harry as he knows exactly where all his wounds are- you don't forget the day the word Freak was engraved on you. Dumbledore tries to attack young Harry hence the truce since all magical children are precious, the only reason it was remotely acceptable for Voldemort to attack Harry was because of the prophecy. When young Harry wakes up, Voldemort finds out that this abused boy is Potter and when the child recognizes him as Tom it is revealed that Dumbledore obliviated him of his childhood memories and that he is a horcrux. - Tom and Harry love each other even if they won’t admit it and are, technically, enemies. But the thing is that Tom is really possessive of things he considers his so when another Dark Lord wannabe pops up and kidnaps Harry he finds the location and saves Harry using the excuse that Harry is his to kill, justifying his actions. Cue Harry thinking Tom is adorable for trying to excuse himself with a clearly fake lie and, before he 'escapes' Tom, he kisses him. A few months later, Tom takes over Wizarding Britain and claims Harry as his consort. - Hadrian Ciaràn Peverellus (Harry) is the son of the king of gryffindor and unknown to the Slytherin emperor becomes one of his ninjas as part of the squad the gryffindor kingdom gifts him. He goes by Ainon during that time. - Soulmates au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your other half too. Cue young abused Harry writing for help and Tom, who is either a mafia boss or a powerful politician/ceo, comes to the rescue. Then Tom dealing with the small boy who is his soulmate- and shit he doesn't know how to act with kids what is he supposed to do?- and raising Harry. - Makai Ouji Au where Harry/William (reincarnation of King ?/Solomon), Tom/Dantalion, Nagini/Mamon & Amon, Draco/Sitri, Bellatrix/Lamia, Dumbledore/Michael, Sirius/Uriel aka Kevin, Remus/S. Mathers, Luna/Isaac, Cedric/M. Swallow, - VR game, Harry has 2 avatars (one OP hero type, one crossdressing that specializes in the weirdest stuff) and meets Lord Voldemort the leader of a PK guild when he’s in his ‘girl’ avatar. - Time travel where Harry just tells everyone he s from the future and becomes the new loony love good since no one believes him... But Tom isn't quite sure that it s all lies and there's just something about Harry that draws him in. Danny Fenton x Danny Phantom - Danny was supposed to be an omega, but every ghosts are alphas. So, his human and ghost half came to an agreement and he becomes a beta. Cue Fenton and Phantom being separated and gaining their true classification and all they want is to be one again... But not necessarily to be the same person. Peter Pan - Abused Peter Pan who treats Hook like shit because he thinks that the pirate will be like all the adults he's ever known and by the time he realizes that Hook isn't like the others he's suceeded in making the pirate hate him. What happens when Hook finds out why Peter acted like an arrogant brat with him? Batman - Damian gets kidnapped and Bruce saying that he please doesn't kill him and when the kidnapper says he won't Bruce says he was talking to Damian. Random Prompt Ideas - Villains being protective of their hero. Ex: there's this new villain and he hurts the hero (The Flash, Harry Potter) and their villain (Len/Mick, Voldemort) get pissed and hurt the new villain saying that they're the only ones allowed to hurt the hero. - Villain finds out that the hero is a kid and suddenly becomes overprotective. Villain is like, "You're a kid, you should be doing homework. Go hang out with your friends." And just being a mother hen while the hero is like, "I'm a hero. Stop coddling me, I can take care of myself." - Villain is an abused teen whose parents are influential people, all his 'evil' plans were attempts to get rid of them. One day, the hero finds out when he attacks the villain and notices certain bruises and cuts that he most certainly didn't put on him. After all, what kind of hero would carve the word 'trash' into someone?
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jaeminlore · 7 years
All of Me // Moon Taeil
the prompt: can I request a soulmate!au Taeil? Like you and him can listen to each others’ minds and when he hums to some random melodies, you will harmonize with him and vice versa.
words: 1323
category: soulmate au + fluff
author note: taeil is lovely pls give him love. i’m doyoung lol
- destinee
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Taeil hated his soulmate link.
Every friend he had received a cool soulmate link. Tattoos, colors, writings…anything subtle and romantic.
Taeil’s soulmate link, however, allowed him to hear your thoughts whenever he wanted. Which meant you could hear his as well.
As horrible as it seemed, Taeil got used to it eventually, although his loathing for the link never faded.
He was afraid he would think something weird or inappropriate, and you would reject him. Luckily, nothing of that sort had happened. In fact, it seemed that no thought of yours came through to him unless it was in the form of song.
There were days when he didn’t care to listen to you. For instance, sometimes in the middle of the night you would wake him up with songs like the spongebob theme song. Most days however, you sang songs more his style in your head.
Some days were weird and you would start to rap in your head, startling Taeil during his work. Other days you would make random guitar noises to classic rock songs. Taeil definitely couldn’t say he was bored with you in his head.
He wished he knew your name, or where you lived. Each day he became more intrigued and his want to see you grew even more.
It occurred to him one day that he didn’t sing much in his head. If he sang, it was usually out loud.
Thinking about this one day, he decided to try and sing in his mind and make a connection with you.
The only song he could think of was John Legend’s All of Me, so that is what he began to sing.
As he reached the prechorus, he heard your voice coming through. “My head’s under water, but I’m breathing fine. You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind…“
You were harmonizing with him. He kept singing, struggling to keep it in his head. He was so happy to be singing with you he thought he might explode.
It was one step closer to you.
The two of you sang the song through, and Taeil longed to compliment your beautiful voice through his mind, but nothing seemed to go through to you.
You really could only communicate through song.
Your number one goal in life was to annoy your soulmate. Fortunately, you knew plenty of annoying songs to do it with.
Your favorite thing, as a night owl, was staying up well into the night and waiting for the perfect moment. That perfect moment being when you were sure your soulmate was sound asleep.
Than you you would sing My Shiny Teeth and Me by Chip Skylark in your mind as loudly as you could.
You did this every three nights, switching up the song to something else just as strange from your childhood.
He never sang back to you, so you wondered if he was boring, or if he even heard your songs. That would suck, since you went through so much time memorizing the Danny Phantom theme song.
Until when day, when your night of studying was interrupted by a smooth voice singing John Legend. You were too shocked to register that the beautiful voice was you soulmate. Once you got over your initial shock, you began to sing along in your mind, finding that your voice harmonized well with his.
Your heart filled with love to think that you and your soulmate where connecting through song.
Music had always been a big part of your life, and the fact that you could share it with your soulmate made you the happiest person in the world.
So every day you started a song and waited for his voice to mesh with yours. Your daily duets went on for days, and you began to feel curious as to who was behind the voice.
If you could only connect through song, you were going to cheat the system and make up your own song.
“Hello, I am Y/n,“you sang inwardly, hoping it would be enough of a song for him to hear.
Sure enough, you heard his tenor voice sing back, “My name is Taeil..”
With a shout of joy, you hastily sang back, “Meet me at the coffee shop on Eight Street.”
Without waiting for his answer, you shrugged on your coat and left your house, eager to meet the man behind the voice.
It was nighttime, so you only had the lamppost to guide you. The coffee shop you recommended was special, because it offered an open mic night.
Your plan was to sing All of Me and wait for him to show himself.
Hopefully he would come. Otherwise you would feel stupid.
You entered the dim shop, hearing the familiar tinkle of the chimes as the door pushed against them. You greeted the barista and asked for a black coffee.
He seemed distracted for some reason. He made your coffee so quickly that forgot to ask you to pay, so you had to bring it up yourself. This resulted in a hurried apology from the boy.
He was cute. He looked flustered as he kept surveying the room. You stared at his hair color, a dark auburn that somehow fit his face.
You went to look at his name tag, but it was hidden behind the jacket he probably wasn’t supposed to be wearing inside.
Forgetting the barista, you sipped your coffee and waited for them to announce open mic night. You wondered where Taeil was. You wondered if he was even there.
Your plan would look stupid if he didn’t come. Even worse, what if he lived farther away from you? You had just assumed he lived in your town.
However, he didn’t tell you that he couldn’t make it, so you were still holding out on hope.
You were the first to sign up for the open mic, and you felt intimidated staring at everyone in the shop as they turned their heads towards you in interest. You wondered if any of the boys you saw were Taeil.
Shaking your head to rid yourself of any thoughts, you signaled the piano player and began to sing. “What would I do without your smart mouth?“
Taeil nearly dropped the coffee pot he had been filling with water. That would’ve been a disaster.
Still, he couldn’t believe it was you, the cute customer who had seen him earlier. He couldn’t believe he didn’t put the pieces together straightaway.
It didn’t matter, though. You had found him, and he couldn’t be happier.
He avoided the cheesy cliche of starting a duet with you, and instead waited patiently for you to finish your song.
When you ended the song, you hurried off the stage. Taeil ran in your direction, hoping to catch up with you in case you were trying to leave.
Just as you were about to exit the building, Taeil panicked and shouted rather loudly, “Y/n, turn around.”
You stopped in your tracks and turned around slowly, making eye contact with the cute barista from earlier.
“Hello,” Taeil said. “I believe we’re soulmates.”
Your face turned red as you got closer to him. “Hi.”
Taeil smiled widely and crossed his arms over his chest. “So you’re the girl who wouldn’t stop waking me up in the middle of the night. Tell me, you did that on purpose didn’t you?”
You looked up at him with a playful glint in your eyes. “What about the night I rapped a soulmate diss track?”
Taeil rolled his eyes, “How could I forget the diss track stating how boring I am?”
You giggled. “Well, here’s your chance to prove to me that you aren’t boring.”
Taeil tapped his chin in thought. “There’s a pretty bridge a few blocks from here. It’s really magical at night.”
You grabbed his hand and began to drag him out of the store. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
~the end~
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scorpmal · 7 years
So lately I’ve been toying with @kikaiz ’s reverse trio au (based in Danny Phantom) and it sort of led me down the path of this concept in the Harry Potter world, specifically with the golden trio, to create what I called the flipped trio au.
Basically what I’ve done is take each character from the golden trio’s archetype and gave it to one of the other two, keeping their personality traits that are there because of their nature over the environment in which they were raised. In this, Harry would take on Ron’s position in the golden trio as the “comic relief” type character, Ron would assume Hermione’s “smart friend” character, and Hermione would take on the “chosen one” character previously connected to Harry. Basically what follows is a ton of various ideas that arise based on this concept.
Harry would definitely end up more like his father than he is in canon: confident in his abilities (bordering quite heavily on arrogance), prone to mischief, and always making jokes
His parents aren’t dead is this au so he would be actually been raised by people who love and respect him
Still very similar to the character we know today but WAY more laid back and relaxed because his life hasn’t been nearly as stressful as it was in canon
I wanted to also attach to him the poverty aspect connected to the Weasley’s but it doesn’t make sense to me (James is from an already wealthy family, Harry is an only child, more than one working parent, and even if James and Lily were as grossly underpaid as Arthur was I still don’t think they’d ever truly be poor)
He and his family (specifically James) would 100% be labeled as blood traitors though. Not only did James marry a muggle-born but it’s pretty obvious which side they’d fall on in this sort of race war
I think Harry might actually have a slightly better (maybe?) relationship with Draco in this? I’m really not sure how that dynamic would change with Hermione at the helm of the trio
Not only would he still be playing quidditch but I think he’d be even better at it since he would’ve been playing for much longer
Might have actually been a bit better with girls after some coaching from James (and then Lily telling him to disregard it all in favor of her advice which lets face it would be much better)
Still manages to be hella clueless which I really think rounds him out nicely as a mini James
Not not only does he looks just like his dad but he acts like him too (definitely less douchey though) which weirds people out to a whole new level
Ron is no longer the youngest boy of a family of purebloods, but instead the only magical child of a family of muggles
This probably would help a bit with his feelings of being overshadowed by his brothers
However! He still thinks they would have been better suited to the wizarding world and is considerably anxious about proving that fear right
This is what leads us to Ron being the smart friend He doesn’t want to be as lackluster as a wizard as he thinks he is as a muggle so he spends way more time actually studying and actively trying to do well because his grades are one of the few things he can control
Still quite lazy in other respects, and I don’t think he’d every reach Hermione levels of being extremely focused in school because he doesn’t have that same innate drive as she does
Just as cool under pressure as he has been shown to be, but not because he’s grown up around and is extremely familiar/comfortable with magic but because 1) he’s got a huge family and is used to the pressure and 2) he’s the type of person who makes themselves comfortable or at least can adapt to new and unfamiliar situations and 3) if he can be deposited in a world previously unknown to him and not freak out (too badly) he has a pretty good handle on most things
His family would be financially stable similar to Hermione’s family and because Arthur wouldn’t be working for the Ministry and thus couldn’t be grossly underpaid by them
Doesn’t mean that Molly stops knitting her sweaters because they’re awesome
Still hates spiders
Grows up an orphan with terrible foster/adopted parents (we know nothing about her family) who treat her similarly to the Dursley’s and Harry throughout the series
The only difference would be she would get out of the situation much more quickly than Harry did
I don’t care what anyone says, Lily and James Potter are not letting their son’s best friend go back to an abusive home especially since James’ parents took in Sirius to shield him from a similarly toxic environment
This could go one of two ways: either Hermione becomes an honorary Potter similarly to how Sirius did as a teenager, or it could open the door to Sirius taking Hermione in himself. Both ideas have merit to them in my opinion
Without trying to sound overly complimentary of Hermione I honestly think she’s the best suited of the three to be the chosen one
She’s got really strong morals still and is able to use her position as the “chosen one” to push for what she wants more forcefully (“I defeated Voldemort as a baby! Join SPEW!”)
Hermione would also still be the one to call Harry and Ron out on their bull and keep them in line, so to speak
Lily and James never die, which would set off a whole chain of events within their personal lives that I’m trying to keep as close to canon as I can
Peter would still end up on Voldemort’s side (can’t change canon too much) but he’d end up in Askaban and he would be the Prisoner of Askaban from the books who escapes I’m not 100% sure how it would play out but let’s ignore canon and go with it okay shhhh
Remus ends up teaching DADA like normal, but he’d be a better adjusted human
Snape would still out him as a werewolf to the entire wizarding world and I think he’d still end up going into hiding
Snape would also pretty openly hate Harry since Lily is still alive. Instead of him having Lily’s eyes being what protects Harry from Snape it would be a constant reminder that James and Lily got together and had the cute ass kid that is Harry
Harry would definitely mention it to one of his parents and it would culminate in Lily having some GODDAMN AGENCY in this “love triangle” and she could finally put to rest all of the Snily shippers the idea that it was ever a love triangle or that she was a prize to be won. She chose James and if Snape has an issue with that he can take it up with her fist (and he ends up getting punched because I made this au up and I need to see that)
That’s one of the many reasons he’s salty enough to out Remus
Besides maybe taking Hermione in as a surrogate daughter I really don’t think Sirius would work
The man is an eligible bachelor right up until the day he dies (unfortunately under similar circumstances)
Harry and Hermione still spend a lot of time at the Weasley’s house. That’s where Harry meets Ginny and they do their thing
I also like the idea of the Weasley’s sort of ushering in an era wherein muggles who know about magic (and squibs of course) are able to take an active part in the wizarding world. For example, Fred and George could still pretty easily found Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes — it doesn’t take magical ability to do potions and once they have a couple of wizards working for them they can collaborate to make charms and the like. Ron retiring from the Aurors to join at least George (unsure as to whether or not Fred should die) to help out makes a lot of sense in this. I don’t think it takes magical ability to ride a broomstick and play quidditch (lmk if I’m wrong) so for all we know Ginny could become the first muggle quidditch player. You hopefully get my point with this one
This is hella long but feel free to add your own ideas about this on this post or tagged under #flipped trio au
Don’t think too hard about canon and it’s a pretty interesting idea in my opinion
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