#I don't even have a problem w green hair I love green hair
trans-xianxian · 21 days
tried to dye my hair dark blue with orange roots and the blue turned out GREEN 😭
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♡︎𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚♡︎
Day 9 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: Eijirou's never been this vulnerable with you before, but you find yourself loving it.
920 words.
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'What the fuck?'
These are your first thoughts as you're smacked right in the cheek with Eijirou's dick.
You had been getting awefully heated during what was only supposed to be a quick makeout session between you and your boyfriend of one year. That was, until you started to focus your attention a little more south.
Kirishima always wears loose pants. That's one thing you know about him. He can't stand tight pants. You've also never seen him wear the infamous grey sweats either, regrettably. That would be some real eye-candy right there, you muse.
There was one other thing, too. He always got nervous when you mentioned taking off his pants. Any and all attempts at getting frisky with your boyfriend were shot down with a strained "maybe later" or "I don't think I'm ready...".
Really, you had never had any problems with it. Sure, it was a little frustrating when it would leave you pretty much high and dry, but you never, ever thought to take it out on him. He's ready when he's ready, and that's all there is to it. Until now.
If you knew this was what he was hiding under here, you probably would've said something a little sooner.
All this time, your boyfriend has been hiding an absolute monster away from you, not even letting you have a taste.
A flushed face as red as his hair hides behind large, nearly kept hands as Kirishima avoids any and all eye contact with you. You thought he may have gained confidence when he finally told you that you could get his pants off, but apparently not, since he now refuses to show his face.
"I-is it too much?... I knew you'd hate it- I just don't want to hurt you! God- w-what if you break!?"
What on God's green Earth is this man talking about?
"Huh? Hate it? Eijirou, after all this fuss I was starting to think maybe you had genital warts or something- or maybe a dick roughly the size of a cornflake- n-not this!"
Wide eyes only blink at you in surprise and confusion, but then melts into pleasure the second your warm, wet tongue licks a fat stripe down the underside of his length.
Fuck. He could literally cum right now from just seeing that lewd display, but he has to hold himself together. Though, with every passing second, and each kitten lick to his aching girth, he finds himself unraveling. Each little kiss and stroke chips away at his control and he soon finds himself struggling not to throw you onto the bed and fuck you so hard that the walls shake.
Meanwhile, you continue to press tentative licks and kisses to Eijirou's cock, heavy and throbbing in your hand. The slit weeps a slow por of precum, the head all red and neglected until you fit just the tip in your mouth, sending involuntary shivers up and down your boyfriend's spine. Tonight, you're going to show your boyfriend just how blessed he truly is.
As you stand back up again, leaving him needy and panting for you, his eyes follow your form, lingering on your breasts and hips, and he finds his fingers twitching with the sudden urge to hold you there.
Red eyes zone in on your figure like a hawk, thick, strong hands embracing you and dragging you down to rest atop his built, rock hard chest, and immediately Eijirou's last defences are down when he sees just how irresistible your tits look squished against his pecs.
Eijirou is usually such a gentle lover, layering your skin with butterfly kisses and affectionate nips that always look so delightful come morning, but neither of you have ever gone this far with eachother, and when he's got three fingers working their way into your tight cunt it almost seems that he's gone completely feral.
"Fuck-! Eiji! Give it to me-..."
Who is he to keep you waiting?
Barely an inkling of colour flashes in his eyes, overtaken by pupils blown out with lust, and the sight is met with another wave of liquid heat pooling beneath your legs, coating his fingers in your slick.
Once he finally deems you ready, his fingers are pulled from you without remorse, leaving you empty and needy until his lubed up head pressed up against you, slowly pushing inside of you and stretching out velvety walls.
The stretch is painful at first, causing your face to scrunch in a way that has his heart fluttering for you, little tears blossoming in your eyes and shining like gemstones.
A rough but comforting thumb wipes your tears away before they can properly fall, and your boyfriend graciously gives you a few seconds to get accustomed to the sting of his girth before he's bottoming out.
He pants and furrows his eyebrows, concentrating on not cumming the second he's fully engulfed by your hot cunt, and loose red strands fall past his shoulders as he bucks into you, chasing the same pleasure he got when you squeezed around him earlier.
With time, his cock is easier to take, and it's at this point where you begin to doubt that anything or anyone would ever be enough for you after this. Could you really go back to tiny vibrators after finally getting a taste of this?
"T-tell me if- Ah-! -if I'm hurting you-..."
It's a little late for that, you think, but he's just so adorable that you can't bear to hold it against him.
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© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan
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kagamesayu · 10 days
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shidou who hates leaving bimbo!reader's side.
c/w . implied female reader, implied smut, fluff, angst ??, possessive shidou wc: 1 k a/n . ngl this took forever and it's cause it ESCAPED me oh my... it might get messy at some point and i am SO SORRY . also im slowly becoming a shidou x bimbo!reader blog this is crazy, they're just so fun to write ugh reblogs and comments appreciated ✧*.
from my shidou x bimbo!reader pt 2
it's already a problem when you have to leave to go grocery shopping or anything of the like. he tries to find every excuse under the sun to go with you, even if he doesn't have to and you live right beside a convenience store.
"ryu baby i just need to go out and get that tiktok hair mask! you don't have to come-"
"yeah yeah shut yer trap doll i'm comin'. what if my baby needs a big strong guy to help her take her things?" he flexes his muscles, smirking as you gulp.
and you're too sweet and dumb to remember that you only need to get one thing, lowkey wanting shidou to be with you cause you always forget what you wanted to buy.
"mm...but i don't wanna waste your time ryu..."
"what if ya chip a nail-"
"omg you're so right! thank you baby, you're the best!"
he'll insist on going with you and it's all fun and games until he thinks someone's looking at your cute sequence miniskirt or your tight Barbie tanktop too long.
seems like some people can't take the hint - even with his arm snaked around your waist. one thing leads to another and he's in a fight for your honour, grinning madly and thoroughly fucking up the person staring you down.
because of his reactions you tend to sneak out and get the things really quickly - this doesn't usually work out though cause shidou always has tabs on you. he's obsessed after all!
this always ens with you getting a 'punishment' which can range from having to sit on his lap and feed him grapes to letting him have all the fun he wants with you.
if you get what i'm saying ;)
it's even worse when he has to leave you for a whole different country. he regularly goes overseas for matches and you almost always go with him.
but your scatter brained self will forget the dates and there are times you can't go with him because you forgot to take the days off.
and when he finds out he's so, so sad - never mad because he never gets mad at you. loves you too much.
"doll~ oh my cute, dumb baby doll~!" he squishes your face till your lips pucker, making you look at him as he pouts at you. "why'd ya gotta hurt me like this baby~?"
"didn't mean to ryu!" your speech is muffled, fingers wrapping around the wrist of the hand holding you hostage. "forgot..."
he sighs exaggeratedly before pecking your pouted lips, pulling away with a grin. "it's okay baby. it's ok," he sounds like he's saying that for himself. "just spend all yer time with me now, kay?"
as the days creep by, he becomes much more clingy. he becomes more quick to anger on the field, scoring much more and becoming so much more aggressive in his plays.
he never brings that energy home though, he treats his baby doll with so much care, he wouldn't dare make them cry.
he only brings that drive with him into the bedroom 🥵
you've been trying to make up for your mistake by pampering him more. leaving more lipstick kisses on his face and neck and making more beaded bracelets. you'd even made him an altoid wallet with polaroid pics of you two!
not gonna say he cried when he saw this but....
you pack some pink bandaids and hair clips in his luggage, and even let him take your favourite stuffed rabbit.
"please look after mr hannah montana! he can't have gluten and seafood and he hates the colour green so please don't put him in green clothes."
"okay baby-"
"and he also needs his fluff brushed in the morning!"
"and he hates being in a luggage so you have to hold him in your arms!"
"anythin' for you doll~"
and when that fated day arrives he gets so, so obnoxiously clingy. singing 'i love you's and 'i'll miss you's as he hangs off your shoulders, arms snaked around you. it was like he was trying to be a part of you.
he was :) he always wants to be inside you, sexually or not
he holds you like you're his lifeline. kisses you like it's your last.
you're both in the airport, a hand holding his duffle bag, the other holding yours, mr hannah montana in your arm as you try your darn hardest not to cry. your nails are digging into shidou's hands but he doesn't say anything.
he needs to feel you clinging to him. needs to feel you need him. cause he won't be able to have you for a week and he thinks he might die thinking about it.
who's gonna kiss his 'boo boo's when he gets into fights? who's gonna paint his nails and blow dry his hair while talking about what happened at work?
who's he gonna kiss and hug and fuck?
fuck, he's going to die.
"ryu..." your whiny tearful voice breaks him from his thoughts, his grip tightening around your hand. "gonna miss you so much-!"
your mascara falls with your tears, jaw quivering as the time for his flight comes closer and closer.
"oh doll." his coo makes you pause, his hand let's go of yours only to come up to your cheek. "'m gonna call ya everyday and yer gonna send me pictures everyday, right?"
"and ya got that pile of clothes in case ya get lonely?"
"good. i'll be back so fuckin' fast baby you won't even have time to miss me~" his handsome smirk is splayed on his face, "and don't forget," he leans in close and kisses you passionately, tongue sneaking in your mouth as his hand moves to hold your throat.
when you pull away, you're breathless, panting and gasping air greedily, a string of spit connecting your lips. you don't even think about the fact that you're in an airport with his teamates staring at the two of you. you can't think about anything other than shidou ryusei.
"'m yours and yer mine, no matter where i go."
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vanilladove · 8 months
This request is a bit long and specific but I hope that's not a problem efvevefvrgb I'm sorry
So if that's not a problem I would want headcanons for gn reader who is Atsushi's sibling (a year older), has the same ability and also is in ADA and is in love with Akutagawa and he hates them at first but then fall in love. Also reader has very similar personality to Atsushi. (I know, readers description is almost Atsushi, I kin him okay tgbrbrgbrbg 😭)
So fluffy sibling headcanons with Atsushi, romantic (and suggestive/nsfw if thats okay (I'm 19)) headcanons with Akutagawa and also headcanons about dynamics between reader, Akutagawa and Atsushi.
I'm sorry that it's so specific rtgefbefbefg And thank you in advance if you'll write this erfefvvejad ♡
hihi tysm for being my first request, anon! this is actually so cute ahhhhh :,) i felt like keeping this pretty fluffy. engagement is always appreciated (from anyone & everyone:D)! thank you guys for all the support + requests so far ♡
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pic creds luvpngs
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: akutagawa x nakajima!gn!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluff + a lil suggestive (hickeys)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none!
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₊˚⊹♡ being siblings with atsushi...
Since you're a year older, you've always been quite protective over your younger brother. Despite having very similar personalities, you're a bit more rational and street-smart than Atsushi.
You made him his first ever ochazuke (green tea over rice) at the orphanage one day to celebrate his birthday, and since then it's been his favorite food ♡
You cheer him up a lot and are kind of like his strength:,) After the kids at the orphanage cut his hair, you convinced him it looked cute and yelled at them to never mess with him again.
You always keep extra tissues on you for him bc he’s a lil crybaby sometimes :(
Both of you train together since you have the same ability. Luckily, neither of you are super competitive, so you both are at the same skill level.
You both share one brain cell...
₊˚⊹♡ being akutagawa's lover...
You fell first, but he fell harder :D
The first time you saw Akutagawa, you were enamoured by his beauty. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn't reciprocated since he held a grudge against you and Atsushi (*cough* bc of Dazai bragging*cough*).
Dazai sent you to negotiate with the Port Mafia on behalf of the ADA once, and you saw him again in a meeting. Higuchi was gone, so naturally you sat next to Akutagawa--much to his dismay.
He was side-eyeing you harshly the entire meeting until his lung decided to act up and send him into a coughing fit...
You gave him your untouched cup of tea and fished some cough drops out of your pocket (always prepared bc you're the older sibling lol). This surprised him (along with the other Mafia members).
He didn't have the luxury of declining, so he took them without thanking you and stubbornly looked away (you swore you saw a faint blush on his cheeks though...)
After the meeting, he pulled you aside and demanded to know your favorite café, so he could take you there, warning you, "don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want to owe you". (he's awkward ik :,) )
Somehow your little 'dates' went back and forth as you kept bringing him more things to ease his condition (handkerchiefs, tea w/ honey, medicine, etc.)
Akutagawa fell for your bubbly personality and giving nature (which he would've regarded as weak before). As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was nice to have someone take care of and genuinely look out for him. It's the reason why he secretly hopes he'll never stop 'owing' you.
His love language is quality time and writing you poems/love letters. Anytime he isn't working or with Gin, he spends with you. His go-to is a romantic moonlight walk by the ocean (he def hates water tho and refuses to even dip his feet in--black cat energy hehe)♡
Expect a lot of subtle affirmations from Akutagawa. Not many “i love you”s but a lot of “the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn’t it?”
Also lots of affectionate head bonks hehe.
SUPER POSSESSIVE!!! Will constantly hold you/your hand when you're alone together or out in public and leaves hickeys to show you're his.
One time Atsushi saw one on your neck and asked about it...you told him it was "from Akutagawa", and he immediately got defensive thinking he'd hurt you. You awkardly laughed and told him it was a "hickey". Poor, innocent Atsu asked Dazai what that was and obviously Dazai's evil ass explained it in the worst, most suggestive way possible :p Afterwards, Atsushi wouldn't look at either of you for a week...
₊˚⊹♡ dynamics between the three of you...
Although at first Akutagawa refused to hang out with Atsushi, he began to tag along more after you expressed that it made you sad to leave him out. When they did fight, you were the middleman breaking it up.
Akutagawa has been nicer to Atsushi lately--scoffing at his jokes instead of clapping back, claiming "it's for your sake and definitely not by choice".
Nicknames! You call Akutagawa "Ryu" when you're alone together. Aku calls you by your name but still refers to Atsushi as 人虎 "Jinko". Tried to call Atsushi by his name once, but it felt wrong, so he never did it again lol.
Dazai likes to tease that you guys are "Triple Black". You're a powerful trio, and you often strategize and provide support to the other two.
Since you guys are so similar, you once asked Akutagawa why he liked you so much but couldn't stand Atsushi...
Mans was absolutely dumbfounded. The question made him realize it was because he loved you, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it flat out. The thought of that made his face red like a tomato. He was so flustered, he couldn't even think of a cute, poetic thing to say.
He brought you close to him in a hug to try and hide his crimson face, burying himself into your neck.
"Your haircut isn't stupid like his, that's all".
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To the people who say that we have no media literacy because we hoped til the very end that Ted and Rebecca would end up together: you can FUCK RIGHT OFF.
Recently, Hannah W. declared: "Is there chemistry beyond friendship? Yes, I think they do have that as well."
But beyond that, there were A MILLION OTHER WAYS they could have done the last season (and arguably season 2) differently than what they did to avoid any ambiguity as to Ted and Rebecca's relationship. They could have had them hang out all the bloody time and be the rock solid best friends in the world. Ted and Rebecca were never more than friendly co-workers since season 1 ended. That BFF, platonic bullshit was never a thing. If that was true, Ted would have had NO PROBLEM hugging the shit out of her in the stands in the last episode when she begged him to stay. Or again in the airport. They would have gushed over how they made each other's life better and it would have been beautiful and moving and perfectly reasonable. Instead it was loaded with unsaid stuff between two people who never dared to get too close to one another. Keeley was Rebecca's rock. Beard was Ted's. Ted and Rebecca were something else. They were connected in unfathomable, cosmic ways. A perfect set up for a romcom, even if you dislike the idea.
But okay, playing the devil's advocate here, if the platonic soulmates shtick was always the intent (and I don't care what people think, I'm not sure it was), why not have them fall in love with other people early on but keep them as a tightly-knit tandem? Why keep them apart so much throughout the show and both single for most of it???? Why even establish they were born to meet then they never see each other again at the end?? Romance aside, what was the fucking point of that??
Let's address your fucking condescension, shall we? I'll tell you what media literacy fucking taught me:
That Rebecca immediately sensing Ted was having a panic attack, following him, and missing him by a hair, is a classic trick for lovers in a "right place, wrong time" kinda way. If they didn't want to leave any space for ambiguity, she would have found him, comforted him and took him to Dr Fieldstone's office herself without this need to overdramatise and make us long for said comfort that she was unable but clearly desperate to provide.
That Ted texting her for the first time on screen (15 times!!!) because he wanted to hang out at night in a foreign city JUST WHEN SHE LOSES HER PHONE IN A CANAL is a classic SEE ABOVE!! Fuck all of you, honestly.
That one half of the equation carrying a matchbook in his pocket the other half had been obsessing over for months means he is the answer to her romantic quest. And before you go and say that everyone got a matchbook that night, THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT. They chose to show that Ted, of aaaaaaall the people in the restaurant that night, had been carrying Rebecca's hopes and dreams in his pocket THE ENTIRE BLOODY TIME. It was an intentional, purposeful decision. They decided to drop that hot potato later on but you can't blame us for thinking it would lead somewhere!
That one half of the equation carried a trinket in her bag the other half gave her YEARS BEFORE, means he is the one for her. Why? Because this was something he gave her to make her feel safe! Letting someone wonderful love her without fear of being safe was the thing she canonically admitted she was afraid of in a ROMANTIC relationship! The fact that the army man happened to be stuck in the green matchbook was frankly TAKING THE PISS.
That Ted's official love interest having admitted she disliked his puns and having Rebecca laugh at one of his puns IN THE SAME EPISODE is meant to convey she's the one and right under his nose!
That her love interest for the night unloading his marital struggles on her unprompted just like Ted did, loving the same songs as Ted and making her tea that had the same impact on her as Ted's first biscuits means that what she looks for in a partner is right under her nose!
That having her bump into Ted in a corridor and both sensing each other in a choreographed dance MOMENTS after Higgins gave her a whole ass speech about how psychics could help her see in herself what she's missing means IT WAS ALWAYS TED. Don't even get me started on the fact that during said speech, the pink biscuit box was very conveniently placed just behind the green matchbook! A speech about her not seeing something about herself?? Uh??? FUCK OFF.
That Rebecca being told she will have a family and have her instigate Ted getting closer to his son and gushing over his mother is a clear indicator that she would fit in the Lasso household like a glove!
That having Ted canonically never ask for help and Rebecca being the one who doesn't need him to because she always knows when he is unwell means she's framed as being the right person for him. She also uses a trick his EX-WIFE used in the past for that exact purpose.
That their baggage matching right up meant they would have been perfect for each other. His biggest fear is being abandoned and hers is ending up alone. Ted and Rebecca were the logical option for a couple. Ted even had to begrudgingly admit it worked for Jane and Beard. The only canonically happy couple at the end (and ain't that fucking mental...).
That having the line "Remember to let her into your heart" from the Hey Jude song coincide with Ted looking down at his phone and seeing Rebecca's name means that she's the woman he should allow himself to end up with.
Why keep them both single and desperate for love until the very last episode? Why not have Michelle beg Ted to come back and Dutch Guy find Rebecca thanks to newspaper clips about football in Holland 10 episodes ago and be done with it?? Why even not have Rebecca pine for him on screen ever since they parted ways??
Everything in this show was intentional. You can't marvel over this fact for everything BUT Ted and Rebecca and suddenly claim we read too much into things! We were played. Multiple times. At various degrees. And it doesn't take being a fan of the show to see it:
An LA Times journalist made an article about the hints and clues in the show after she interviewed TedBecca fans. And she BELIEVED IT. She got convinced. She told Hannah W. in an interview.
Another journalist on CBR.com (male, so you can shove your "desperate women wanting the straight couple to be together at the end" where the sun ain't shining) lamented the way the TedBecca shippers were treated.
Keep your passive-aggressive posts to yourselves. We've been dangled a carrot since day one and just because we never got to eat it doesn't mean it was never there.
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teddypickerry · 2 years
hii could I pls request Rachel x fem r, maybe they fight about something and up making out ? Thank u in advance
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pairing: rachel green x fem! reader
warnings: none. kind of enemies to lovers but nothing bad 🫶
a/n: changed this request up a little bit, but either way we love a rachel fic!!! we need more. i love my gf <33 this is my worse piece ever guys IM SORRY.
keep it up w the requests!!!
word count: 1.3k
THE MOMENT rachel green strutted through central perk in her wedding gown you vowed to hate her for the rest of your life. her vigorous whining and confusion of common things you learned when you were seven years old were your new normal. it amazed you how the show stopping girl was so out of touch with the world. which is probably why she got so much on your nerves.
it started exactly two weeks ago when you were discussing your best friend chandler's dream, it seemed like moments later the woman bursted through the door begging for monica, your other best friend. you had heard little to nothing about the messy haired woman from your friends. just some comments made when you found monica's old yearbook in your own apartment years ago, and a few compliments on ross's behalf. but the moment the girl walked in the coffee shop she acted like she owned monica. and you didn't like sharing.
despite the moving in without talking to monica, your dark haired friend seemed to not mind one bit as she cleaned out the spare bedroom for the preppy woman. there was multiple times you asked monica (once rachel left the room of course) if she was one hundred percent sure it was okay for her friend to barge in like that. "she has no one, y/n. she doesn't even have two dollars to her name. she was my best friend for years. i'm sure." monica had responded as she made the guest bed. you opened your mouth to reply only to be interrupted before you could even speak. "monica, the mail man gave me his number!" rachel had announced as she entered the room, noticing the pink pillow covers. "do you have any satin covers? it works best for my hair." all you could do was roll your eyes as you went to bug chandler to make you a sandwhich.
the next day, you arrived at monica's in the mid afternoon after work. it was a long and stressful day as per usual. your typical day. the moment you opened the purple door you noticed the girl sat at the table, a hand through her hair as the other balanced a pen. "oh, hey y/n. where have you been all day?"
"um, work. like every other person who doesn't rely on 'daddy's credit card'." you spoke as you made your way to the fridge, pulling out a drink. you heard a dramatic huff as she dropped the pen to the table and turned to you. "and what is that supposed to mean?"
"for your information, y/n, i am not blonde. i have dirty blonde hair. completely different things, practically a brunette." she scoffed as you ignored her words and made your way over towards the couch. you plopped down as you heard her follow you and stand in front of you. "and, i don't rely on my daddy's money. look at me now."
"wow, you've been without your credit card for seventeen hours you should win an award." you spoke sourly as you crossed your arms. rachel shook her head as she put her hands on her hips. "what's your problem?"
you stayed silent as she huffed dramatically once more. your eyes looked up into hers for the first time since she walked through the coffee shop. blue eyes, bright blue eyes. ones that could make one swoon. you understood now why she was the popular high school girl like ross had told you years ago. she was easily one of the prettiest girls you'd ever seen. "i'm waiting."
your words settled in her mind for a moment. the silence of the room killing the both of you. you tried to stand your confident ground but there was something unsettling about calling out the woman who's smile vanished like that. "you think i have a smile that could make everyone fall on their knees?"
you genuinely couldn't believe how self-centered she had to be to say that to you. especially to respond to that part, out of your whole speech. but then she did that smile. that smile that made you want to fall to your knees. her lips curved ever so slightly, the brown lipgloss you were sure she took from monica glossing her lips. her teeth showing so slightly but they were perfectly white. so pretty. her cheeks lightly blushed with makeup she had in her purse. she looked down on you with a sparkle in her eye.
"you like me," rachel smiled simply as she walked away. you pressed your lips together as your eyebrows furrowed and you turned to watch her sit back down at the kitchen table. "what? did you hear nothing i said?"
"yeah, i heard a girl just begging for another girl. i'm flattered really," the blonde girl hummed as she picked up the newspaper and looked through the job section. her silence only infuriated you as you stood up and made your way over to the table. "rachel."
"hm?" the girl hummed as she glanced up at you. you felt the urge to gulp at her eyes on you. there was something nerve wrecking about the way she was looking at you. "i-" you huffed, causing air to come out of your nose. "i hate you."
"yeah?" rachel replied innocently as she stood up and made her to you. which was only a foot away from herself. there was barely any space between the two of you as she got closer and closer. becoming prettier and prettier the closer she had become. her nose nearly brushed yours as you felt her breath on your neck. "do you hate me enough to... not kiss me?"
and that was enough to envelope her in a life threatening kiss. wrapping your arms around her as she cupped your face with one hand and held your pant belt hole with the other. your lips moved in perfect union. the taste of rachel's lip gloss was cozy in your own mouth, it reminded you of hot chocolate on a chilly winter evening. if only rachel were there wrapped in you with a warm blanket, now that would be a perfect winter evening.
"OH MY GOD. MY DREAM CAME TRUE, CHANDLER!" you heard a familiar scream making you yank away from the girl, seeing your group of five standing their in awe. because yeah, you were making out with rachel green.
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edsloveydove · 2 years
I don't know if your requests are still open, but could you do something w eddie munson and a plus size really girly/cheerleader reader? it's hard to find plus size reader blurbs w that kind of reader ^^
absolutely, i would LOVE to write this!! barely proofread! (requests are open <3)
"how was practice?" nancy asks you at your locker, having stayed late for her journalism club.
"oh you know, same old," you say, slightly dejected.
"hm, that good, huh?" nancy knows all about your problems when it comes to the cheerleading team. it's something you love, really you do, but sometimes the other girls are just so mean it made it hard to remember that.
"stacy just can't seem to leave me alone for two seconds. i mean, honestly, it's like she's obsessed with me. which, fair enough, i am rather amazing, but c'mon. you're supposed to support your team, not tear them down."
stacy durham had been on your back since you joined the team. you decided to try out for it on a whim sophmore year and ended up loving it and it seems stacy has had it out for you since that moment. now that she's cheer captain, no one goes against her.
you, of course, never let her get to you though. so she thought your splits weren't good enough and your cartwheels were too messy, well who gave a shit.
the world didn't revolve around her and what she thought.
besides, you always had your number one personal cheerleader to be there for you.
eddie munson, freak of the town and local metalhead, the love of your life.
"well, i gotta go nance, i'll call you tomorrow?" you exchange your goodbyes and head out to the parking lot, where eddie waits for you.
“eddie!” you squeal with glee, running up to him with your arms open.
he throws his arms around your squishy waist, lifting and spinning you around, because yes, even though eddie’s entire torso is roughly the size of one of your thighs, he’s damn strong. much stronger than anyone realizes.
he presses a light kiss to your temple, “hey, lovey dove. how was cheerleading?”
“it was really good for the most part. but i’m ready to hang out with you now! how was the campaign?” you ask, standing on your toes to kiss his forehead.
"it was awesome, baby. dustin had a blast with this one. even gareth and jeff thought it was one of my best ones yet. can you believe it? i don't know how i'm gonna outdo myself, really," he says, opening the car door for you before running to the other side, ready to head home.
eddie's beat up van pulls up outside his trailer, loud music flowing out of his windows. once again, he rushes to the other side to open your door for you.
eddie offers a hand to you, twirling you around a couple times so he can watch the way your pretty green cheerleading skirt flares out, white sneakers making tiny circles.
"eddie," you giggle. "stop making me dance and let's get our movie night started!"
"alright, alright, let's go sweetheart."
soft whispers cause your eyelids to flutter open gently.
"yep, that's it love, it's time to get you into bed."
you're positioned with your head in eddie's lap, still in your cheer uniform, shoes and all, while his hands run over your hair delicately, you realize you must have fallen asleep during the movie.
"c'mon, let's get you up."
dreary grumbles meet his ears and the next thing you know you're in his bed while he gently pulls off your shoes and socks, dressing you in the pajamas you keep at his place.
he sets the covers over you both, settling in for bed with you, planting gentle kisses on top of your head.
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little-cereal-draws · 9 months
So here's a little hc i thought of, fueling my need for Nimona-found-family-including-blitzmeyer fluff.
Every three months or so is "hair dye day." Ballister has helped Ambrosius dye his hair a few times so somehow, he got delegated to be the official hairdresser. He tried to protest and say he only helped a few times with the roots but no one was listening.
It's an all day activity. Everyone puts on their ratty t-shirts and prepares. He usually starts with Ambrosius and they chat (read: flirt). He takes his time touching his roots up because he likes playing with Ambrosius' hair and will usually throw in a super secret head massage too. (Don't tell the others, they'll get jealous.)
He does Blitzmeyer next. He doesn't rush hers but he doesn't take his sweet time either. They joke and gossip and debate things only nerds would care about like weather balloons or deep sea worms or whatever. It always ends on friendly terms but it can get pretty heated in the middle lol There have been a few times where Nimona and Ambrosius will run in thinking there's a serious fight/problem/attack because they hear yelling but when they get there it's just "BIRDS ARE NOT REPITILES! THEY'RE A DIFFERENT PARAOHYLETIC CLADE!" "YES, BUT SCIENTISTS ARE TRYING TO GET RID OF PARAPHYLETIC TAXA BECAUSE IT'S OUTDATED AND MISLEADING!" "WELL, 'REPTILE' IS A TERM THAT'S NOT BASED IN TAXONOMICAL BASIS AND IS USED TO GENERALLY DESCRIBE COLD BLOODED SCALY THINGS." "THE TERM 'REPTILE' IS LITERALLY TAXONOMY but giving you the benefit of the doubt, WHAT ABOUT FEATHERED DINOSAURS AND MAMMILIAN REPTILES, HUH? ARE WE EXCLUDING THEM?? " "I REFUSE TO TALK TO YOU ANY MORE ABOUT THIS. FACE FORWARD BEFORE I POUR THE BOTTLE OF DYE DOWN THE BACK OF YOUR SHIRT!" Ambrosius and Nimona silently leave and let them figure it out on their own lol Bal and Blitzmeyer usually forget about it a few hours later so it's all good.
Nimona goes last because she usually takes the longest. Sometimes she just wants her roots redone, sometimes she wants to recolor her whole head. Ballister has asked her if she could just shift it to the color she wants and she said she could but that isn't as much fun, and she wanted to be included. So he'll dye her whole head. And it takes hours. They have to strip off the existing dye, let it sit, and then put the new dye on. She's done pink, of course, purple, green, and blue. It can be hard for her to sit still the last few hours and Bal has been doing this all day so he's tired and prone to falling for any fights she tries to pick to entertain herself. Ambrosius and Blitzmeyer will have to come and sit with them and they'll have a group discussion.
For the most part though Ballister doesn't actually mind dying their hair. It's a good bonding experience and being able to play with their hair relaxes him. It's the waiting for it to set part that stresses him. Ofc everyone is walking around w bags/plastic on their heads in ratty tshirsts and towels but Ambrosius and Blitzmeyer are both very excitable and spacey and Nimona is a troublemaker so just because they're taking precautions doesn't mean his couch won't get dyed. And then there's the mad scramble for the shower that takes three hours and leaves the tub looking like it got tie-dyed lol Even though they're all spaced out so they can take showers comfortably, Ambroisius and Blitzmeyer forget until Nimona tries to get in. And then it's "Wait, it's my turn! I've been done for four hours." "Well, I've been done for seven hours!" "Yeah, but I'm the one already in the bathroom so..."
At the end of the day, everyone, but especially Ballister, are exhausted. They'll turn on a movie and flop on the couch until bed. It might not be Ballister's favorite day but in the end, he loves to be able to help them and will do it every time.
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lunagojo · 2 years
Is I possible for me to request again I love the last story so much
Imagine tengen uzui (and his wives if you want ) with a female nagito Komaeda how whoud they react to her self-esteem problem but praising everyone. And there lucky
Like him in the hashiras meeting because of their luck somehow they found muzans hideout by flaing of a cliff that's how they meet tengen his 4th wife
Uzui Tengen, Hinatsuru, Makio, & Suma w/ an Ultimate Lucky!S/O
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a/n: Sorry for the wait on this one! Been so busy at work T^T Hope you enjoy! (also lookit this gif of Tengen omfg he's so beautiful I can't deal)
Also I'm sorry if I didn't quite understand your ask, I did the best that I could ;w;
You never really considered yourself the luckiest person, despite being known as that. Your luck was always a double-edged sword, and with the good always came the bad, or vice versa
One such occurrence was when you were out one evening foraging for greens, you went out onto a rocky cliff for one particular herb
Unfortunately the rocks beneath your feet gave way and you went tumbling down the cliff, smashing through the roof of a house (one that was once thought of as abandoned)
Fortunately though, something broke your fall and you weren't too badly hurt, but several sets of cursed-looking eyes terrified you
"...Well...what do we have here?" One particular voice sent chills running up your spine, the owner of said voice peering at you with sharp blood red eyes
"Feh, I don't have time for this...you deal with it," the dark haired man said, waving a hand. Several of the others started encroaching upon you, causing you to scramble to your feet and start running for your life. You made it outside and continued to run, until you smashed headfirst into something -- or rather, someone
"Whoa, going somewhere?" The tall, handsome man in front of you asked, a small smirk forming on his lips. You stared up at him, dumbfounded, taking in his rather unique appearance, the mark over his left eye, the jewels adorning his clothing, and the two heavy looking swords on his back
His smirk quickly disappeared when he saw the demons that had been chasing you, and, gently pushing you behind him, he drew his swords and made quick work of them
Annnnd that was basically how you met Uzui Tengen. Afterwards he brought you to Ubuyashiki's estate to be taken care of, but also to get information about the hideout you crashed into
When they found out you had come face to face with Muzan, and survived, they knew they needed to keep you around
Tengen never left your side the entire time, and you grew to admire him tremendously, admiration soon turning into affection
He felt the same about you, but he noticed that you had a tendency to talk down about yourself and compare yourself to others constantly
It was something that, quite honestly, broke his heart
How could someone as flashy, as amazing as you, ever think such things about yourself?!
When you met his wives, they felt the exact same as Tengen, wondering why on earth you put yourself down so much. When they found out about your good/bad luck, they understood a bit better, but still did their best to reassure you
Makio at first was a bit impatient with you but she would do anything to keep you safe, if anyone said anything about you she'd punch them, no doubt
Suma is constantly at your side. She cries whenever you talk badly of yourself, which is something you can't bear to see, so you try your best not to do that in front of her
Hinatsuru sits you down and talks to you, makes sure you're doing okay, reassures you and attempts to instill you with a bit more confidence
You were still stunned when Tengen eventually proposed to you
How could I ever compare to his three beautiful, lovely wives?! Was a thought that did pass your mind, but you had known Tengen long enough that you knew he would never lie to you or insult you or pull pranks on you
So you accepted <3
Maybe you were actually lucky after all <3
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himiribashira · 10 months
*•Miya Osamu•*
Summary: Y/N which is YOU! is on a date with your boyfriend miya osamu,apparently you haven't reached your destination yet, which is where the date will take place and lets just say your 3rd annyversary, while you were walking in the dark alley you both heard the scream of the woman on the side of the dark building. seeking for help. so of course you who have a big heart and brave nerves immediately rush in letting go of your boyfriends hand.
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when you were taken to the hospital, Osamu being the green flag boyfriend immediately called your family. Letting them know that it is an emergency so they immediately go to the hospital where u were.
there is osamu just sitting outside the operating room, he was depressed, he was so stressed, anxiety is starting to take him.osamu was staring at his arms and palms that covered in blood-your blood.his pupils where shaking,eyes threatening to fall in his cheeks,his body feels so weak he can’t even focus on his surroundings all he was thinking is that there’s a blood in his body,his girlfriend’s blood is cold.he was thinking about things if the woman he loves will survive? the woman who is important to him, the only woman who makes his heart beat crazy when you're standing in front of him,the woman who can understand him,the woman who can make him smile, the woman who doesn't know how or when to give up on things even when it's getting more and more difficult, the woman with just one smile you can't tell if she's hurt or happy,the woman who will find a way to fix their or her family's problems. He wonders if the person he loves will still be able to get married?
of course, for osamu yes, you can still do that. all the promises you made to each other will happen, you just have to hold on a little longer...no, your anniversary today,his plan is not just a normal date to be honest. You both will not only eat outside and wander around but his best plan is to propose....yes...propose..to the girl he loves the most,to the girl who deserves everything in the world (but for him you deserve him more than anything 😉).at your favorite place every time he goes on a date he wants everything to happen there. so whatever his brain thinks that bad events, what his heart says is different.
After almost half an hour, his twin brother Miya Atsumu and your family arrived. Atsumu immediately ran to Osamu to comfort him, hug him and let him know that he was right there by his side. ..that you will not leave him, that you will not let all your plans with him be ruined. that you are a strong woman, if you are stubborn to follow what Osamu wants for you, for sure you are also stubborn to give up on your current situation right now.
~3 days later~
everyone has been visiting you for the past 3 days, not even waking up on those days, your family visited on the 2nd day, even atsumu and their friends also visited that day, while your friends visited on the first day .
How about osamu?
don't worry, he was by your side the whole 3 days, atsumu also told him to go home to rest but he refused. he stayed by your side, waiting for you to wake up. he couldn't propose to you on the anniversary you see that's why he just kept waiting and waiting.
Osamu was sleeping next to you, his arms resting on your bed making it his own pillow for his head.
“W-where am I?”you whispered, you looked around and your eyes landed on the man lying next to you. you moved your hand close to him and caressed his hair so he woke up immediately.”hey baby, im glad your up, do you need anything? are you hungry? do you want me to buy you food? what do you want? tell me, please.”you smile because of his questions, his voice that you find it calming, sweet, and addictive makes you feel butterflies inside your tummy. it makes you feel safer more than anything, his touch on you, his kiss everything about him. make you feel better. you shook your head indicating its a no, you don't need anything but him by your side, you touch his cheek so his eyes widened for a second but also became soft and he grabbed your hand that was holding his cheek.”I’m so sorry Y/N, I-I couldn't even save you, I couldn't even stop the person who shot you, I couldn't even save the person who is important to me from danger. please babe forgive me, im really sorry I let you end up like this....if only I could have stopped you, if I had held your hand so tightly you wouldn't have been able to leave so quickly, this wouldn't have happe-“ you stop him from finishing his sentence when you said.
“it's not your fault ‘sumu, you're not at fault and don't think you're a bad boyfriend. don't blame yourself for something you know you can't prevent from happening. we both didn't know the person had a gun, and I know if you were in the same position you will not hesitate to help someone in need.”you smile at him.”and one more thing, I'm just glad that you weren't hurt either, I'm also happy that I was able to stop that person from hurting the girl....osamu.”you called his name in a low soft voice.”What is it Y/N?”he said tightening his grip on your hand.
“happy anniversary. I'm sorry if I didn't congratulate you, I'm very lucky to have you as my boyfriend, you're the person who changed me, the person who can never be equaled by another man. I know sometimes you get jealous when i have a close man, especially your brother, but trust me. everything about me is all yours, you know that ,thank you..thank you so much for being here by my side for 3 years...I know everything I say is not enough, i really wanted to do more than just this baby. i really do.”while you were staring into Osamu's eyes, suddenly your voice cracked at the last part you said, tears threatening your eyes to fall in your cheeks, and thats when you started swallowing hard hoping that your voice wouldn't crack... Osamu's eyes widened, his mind was confused as he looked at your teary eyes, he was hurt...damn, that's what he doesn't want to see you the most, he doesn't want to see you hurt, he wants to change the topic but he knows He can't do that right now, he wants to speak but he couldn't get the courage to say something. While his thoughts were deep about you, he snapped back when he realized everything you said.
you were confused when osamu suddenly stood up from his chair, he leaned forward to you and kissed you on the lips. you were shocked, your eyes widened but you just let him go. you wrapped your arms around osamu's neck while kissing him , tears began to fall in your eyes same with osamu,all your memories together, your promises that you will build a happy family, start your own business, get married in a simple place where your families and friends are together. your children will be well taken care of and you both will love them as much as you love each other. You will never forget all the laughs, teasing, and fighting,holding hands and the warmth of his hug.
after Osamu kissed you until you ran out of breath, he immediately broke your kiss and pressed his forehead to yours. “baby, I need to ask you something.” he said in a low voice, your tears and his tears still hasn't stopped drooling so you nodded to him,then he stood up properly and looked at you. Your eyes widened as he knelt on the floor and took out the small box.he cleared his throat and said.”L/N Y/N,will you marry me?”you smiled at him weakly and of course you answered yes. suddenly Osamu's heart beat faster, of course he was happy because you agreed to marry him... but... his heart beat faster because of his fear and nervousness, he stood up he immediately put the ring on your finger. osamu hugged you tighter kissing your lips, you both said to each other the words 'i love you' and 'i love you more'.
and with that, osamu didn't let go of you. when he felt your hug loosen up, sobs came out of his mouth, tears that he knew he couldn't stop began to fall again. he loves you, he loves you so much. he will do anything he's for you, he doesn't want to lose you but if he needs to let you go? he'll do it, it's painful for him especially your family and people important to you. but no, he really needs to let you go and let you rest.
•without you...Osamu Miya is nothing but a broken hearted man. A man who wouldn’t be able to smile and feel the word in love.
“I’ll love you forever,Y/N…”
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ozzies-420-world · 1 year
Late Night Talks
Izuku Midoriya x gn reader
Y/n gets scared with how quiet the house is, and with the storm outside not helping, Izuku comforts his lover and reminds them they're never a burden. Even if things like this happen a lot.
The room was dark and silent other than the rain hitting the window from the storm outside, y/n couldn't sleep, even with Izuku's arms around their waist. To them, the room seemed a little too quiet with any little noise in the house sending them closer and closer to a panic attack. Y/n's eyes darted around the room, the darkness making it hard to see anything past their hand. A loud bang of thunder shook the house, sending Y/n into a panicked frenzy, quickly crawling out of Izuku's arms, causing a tired and confused groan to leave the green haired man's lips "Y/n??" He asked, voice raspy with sleep. When Izuku didn't receive an answer he opened his eyes and scanned the room, only to see no sign of his significant other.
Izuku crawled out of the warm bed, making his way into the hallway to find their kitchen light on, an obvious sign where y/n was. Making his way to the kitchen he found y/n sat at the island counter, their face in their hands "Hey, are you okay?" Izuku asked quietly, not wanting to upset y/n any further "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Y/n said, their voice shaking. Izuku only sighed and walked up behind his lover, wrapping his arms around their waist "You're obviously not, you know you don't have to lie to me right." Izuku said, rubbing his thumb over the fabric of their shirt in a way to comfort y/n "I know, I just-" they began, only to have Izuku turn the chair they were sitting in towards him, and rested his hands on y/n's shoulders "You don't have to explain yourself, how about instead you go sit on the couch and I'll make us some hot chocolate. That sound like a good plan?" Izuku asked, a warm smile present on his face. Y/n only nodded, too lost in Izuku's soft eyes and warm smile which caused Izuku to let out soft chuckle, leaning forward to press and gentle kiss on y/n's lips causing them to let out a happy hum. Izuku pulled back, resting his hand on their cheek "Now go sit on the couch, I'll be over there in a second." he said, turning to grab two coffee mugs and the hot cocoa mix as y/n got up and walked over to the couch, grabbing the remote and putting netflix on.
Izuku came out of the kitchen about five minutes later with two coffee mugs in his hands, handing one to y/n before sitting down next to them, blowing on the liquid in the cup before taking a sip, a satisfied smile formed on his lips. Looking over at y/n, he watched as they set their mug on the coffee table in front of them before leaning against Izuku, resting their head against his shoulder. Putting his own mug on the table he leaned back, allowing y/n to lean against his chest as he wrapped an arm around their waist "What's on your mind love?" Izuku asked, kissing the top of their head. Y/n only hummed, burying their head into his neck causing Izuku to laugh as his cheeks turned a light shade of red "Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." y/n muttered into his neck which only caused Izuku's blush to worsen. "W-where did that come from?" Izuku stuttered, using his free hand to guide y/n's face out of his neck only to see their cheeks just as red, if not redder than his own blush "I don't know, just popped into my mind.." they muttered, trying to look anywhere but at Izuku "You just put up with a lot of my problems and issues, and sometimes it makes me feel like a burden to you since it always seems you're the one comforting me and- mphm!" y/n started to ramble only to be cut off by Izuku kissing them. Finally pulling away Izuku looked directly into y/n's eyes "Don't you ever feel like a burden to me, I love taking care of you because I love you. I love your problems, and I especially love it when you come to me for comfort." he said, his voice strict but also soft, pulling y/n back into another kiss he rests his hands on their waist, pulling away Izuku rested his forehead against theirs "I love you, please, don't ever forget that." He whispered.
Oh me gosh my first story!! It is currently 2:16 am while I write this so I am very tired😭😭. Forgive me for any errors, but I also guess this is an example of how I write and stuff.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 7 months
it did tickle me but...would've been a lot better if it woke me up at like...9am and not in the wee hours of the morning 😔😔
you make me laugh ALL THE TIME brie pls remember that!!
DARK HAIR GREEN EYES IS HE A TREE? completely unrelated question...would you climb him like a tree.
ohhh thats so sad :( maybe one day they'll come to your city ??? if you do get to go to a con you should SO post a pic because i'd love to see more of you tbh (NOT IN A CREEPY WAY IDK IM SORRY IF IT CAME OFF LIKE THAT)
I SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO APPRECIATE MY GUY FRIEND YES. but like.....last week he called me ma'am......LIKE THAT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING GOOD RIGHT??? WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I ALMOST THREW MY PHONE WHEN I SAW THAT NOTIF POP UP. he's kinda flirty and ig he's playing dumb?? i have no clue cuz he's SO hard to read but there were times when we totally could've left each other on seen but we didn't so i assume that's also a good sign..
STAY SAFE W THIS FRIEND GROUP OKAY??? you are probably NOT the problem....people that are 'in tune' with their emotions are usually still VERY unhinged and NOT in control (they're just good at acting like they are) and besides!! it seems like you have a lot more personality than them HAHAHAH
HMM ALRIGHT?? I GUESS SCHOOL IS THE PROBLEM THEN AHHAHAHA.....(it's never really that funny is it 😔😔) best of wishes to you!! you got this <3333333
If nothing else my favorite think to do is analyze mr. lee jihoon it’s a great self-study, my new senior thesis
He is a tree…. But he’s the mc’s so i will refrain from climbing him 🫠
ILL SHOW YOU A PIC FROM ANIME CON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST!! I hope that spn comes close to me sometime though! I’d love to see them irl someday
Hmmm uh I don’t know how good him calling you ma’am is tbh… is he a sub IT WOULD BE GOOD IF HE’S A SUB… kinda flirty and dumb huh…. I don’t know if he’s flirty and dumb maybe he’s just a himbo… but i don’t know that last thing DOES seem like a green flag
YOU ARE ACTUALLY SO FUNNY it’s never really that funny…. 😂😂😂
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jodiie-leighanne · 2 years
Warnings mostly angst
Draco's POV
"They will never last"
"She is too free"
"He is too controlling"
"It's purely for sex"
The not so hushed whispers echoed the halls as I walked by in direction of the potion classrooms knowing her schedule like the back of my hand. Always making sure I was the perfect gentleman, escorting her around to keep her safe maybe partly for my own peace of mind.
"Have you not heard what she.."
Two petite hands cover my eyes from behind, her floral perfume with hints of honey fill my senses. Instantly melting at her touch.
"Guess who?" She whispers delicately in my ear.
"Hmm, I don't know but my girlfriend could be here any minute"
"is that so?" She giggles going along with the game. "it is"
"Well she is one lucky girl" Chuckling to myself I peel her fingers away to regain my vision, spinning on my heels to face her. Watching the blush creep up her cheeks, there she is my Astoria.
Her moss green hues sparkle, seeing my reflection perfectly displayed in them. The earthy tones in her wavy locks make her majestic to stare at. A coy smile spreads on my lips as my two large palms reach to cup her porcelain face, rubbing my nose up the bridge of hers. I capture her lips in a gentle kiss. Gaining reactions from the people around us we didn't care. Public displays of affection was part of us we wanted everyone to know the feelings we held. Pecking her nose lightly after we separated, holding eye contact "No, he is the lucky one. The most fortunate man in the whole world" Her cheeks are now fully crimson.
Fuck she is adorable.
Our relationship started a little over six months ago, it was nothing more than sex here and there. It blossomed into what we have now.
Being in our last year of Hogwarts now, couples are forming more serious partnerships as apposed to our younger years - I solemnly swear to make her my wife one day.
Two weeks later.
Something is different, I can't put my finger on it. As I make my way to the common room seeking her out, it's been days since we properly spent time together. She said it's the constant revision for OWLS, it could well be. This pit in my stomach tells me different. Shoving those thoughts deep down I continue my stride to the dungeons, whispering the password as I enter. Immediately searching for her.
Spotting her at a table nursing a cup of tea, her side profile is even flawless. Smiling like a love struck teenager which I am by the way, I almost skip to her. Taking a seat beside her that was empty "Hey baby, I've been looking for you.." throwing an arm over her shoulder I kiss the crown of her hair, confusion hits me as she wiggles away. "Draco, There's people"
Brows furrowed in annoyance at her words, since when was that an issue. "That's never been a problem before Astoria" I spit shifting back slightly.
"Yeah? Well it is now, your just so.." Not once did she look at me, not once. She is stone cold.
"So what Astoria, hmm so what?"
"Clingy, in my space you-you don't let me breath" She retorts, gathering her belongings still not fully acknowledging my existence.
"Fuck, well I'm sorry for loving you" I stand as well ready to catch her before she flees.
Her gaze catches mine, it's an expression I can't read. Yet it makes me uneasy. Running a palm down her face, she parts her lips to speak "Look, meet me at the library midnight, w-we need to talk" with that she scurries away leaving me.
Leaving me perplexed, bruised and now fully convinced I was right all along. My girl is no longer just mine, she was never mine.
More a rental that I'd have to give back.
Mumbling a fuck under my breath, I head to my room. Mind swarmed in thought and dread for tonight.
Technically it's way past curfew, as I sit in a dark corner of the library with just the moon shining through the floor to ceiling windows. Dusty drapes framing it, a dusky purple. Whoever chose those is seriously outdated. Truth is I don't know why I'm sat here at almost midnight.
Perhaps it's the exams looming, or the crippling insomnia either way here I am, knees pulled up to my chest, tucked inside my oversized Hufflepuff sweater, as I only wore cycle shorts forgetting the chill this end of the castle has.
Metal rimmed glasses framed my face, two Y/H/C strands hang down the sides of my cheeks the rest it pulled back into a high ponytail. A flask of black coffee charmed to stay hot and refill when it's running low sat on the oak table infront of my chair. Whilst I read a book on Science which I guess it close to potions or charms maybe. I'm not sure it's muggle related I know that.
Letting my mind get sucked into the words, it's definitely interesting that's for su..
Creaking of the library doors bring me out of my thoughts, not wanting to speak out I stayed hidden in the alcove, following slowly along the row of shelves, book still in clutched to my chest in case I need a weapon. Its pretty hefty, over thirty chapters long. Whispered shouts get louder the closer I get to the end. Peaking round I see two figures, ones sobbing words almost inaudible the other is furious yet broken, shoulder sunken down. Defeated.
My hearts aches for him.
"Just tell me why tori?" the male speaks, I recognise him. His hair is noticeable from miles, Draco Malfoy. The pretty brunette must be Astoria Greengrass the infamous royalty of Syltherin House. Self proclaimed of course, I never saw the fascination they are just regular people. Models in their own right, but still the same as you and I.
"Draco, I don't know why ok? It-it just happened we-we never meant for it but it did" She pauses choking on a cry as he stands numb "I don't regret it, I'm sorry Draco it's over"
Silence. I clutch my heart, almost as if I can feel the cracks in his forming.
"Just go, I don't need your pity"
"Draco, ple-.." Astoria reaches for him, just to have her hand shoved away. "I said get out, are you deaf. Get out, get out.." Draco bellows his voice cracking, the fight to hide those emotions he refuses to share is becoming harder.
Shaking the young Syltherin girl sprints for the door away from the hurting male.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck her" He screams, rage flowing through his veins pacing as clenched fists bunch at the sides of him. He abruptly kicks a chair causing it to land with a thud on the wooden flooring. The action makes me jump, the blue leather once in my grips flies through the air slamming to the ground.
Draco freezes glancing around the room, looking for signs of life. Backing away, I dart for the safety of darkness. "Is anyone there?" He calls out.
Brain fuzzy I keep moving, reaching my armchair I begin shoving items in my backpack not one hundred percent sure if its all mine or if I'm stealing right now. All I know is a badger is no match for an angry snake.
Satisfied I had everything, I pivot only to slam into a hard chest.
Merlin's sake.
A low growl rumbles out of the figure, I know exactly who it is and curse myself for being caught.
"Well, what do we have here? Little Hufflepuff lost her way?" Taunting tones leave his mouth, he is butt hurt and I'm just in the firing line.
"N-No I'm just leaving" pushing to get past him he places a rough palm on my shoulder keeping me still.
"Seems you may have overheard a private conversation, I suggest that mouth of yours stays quiet" Nodding profusely, just want to get back to my dorm "Pathetic whore" He steps to the side letting me past. Feet carrying me fast as his words replay in my head.
He doesn't mean it. He doesn't know you.
Draco's POV
Halls are bustling with the news of mine and Greengrass sudden break up, shocker. Its not even been 12 hours. Girls are shooting flirty smirks, Boys are smugly smiling in an 'I told you so' kind of way.
Blaise and Theo, patted my back telling me there's plenty of fish in the sea. Scoffing I shook them off. This girl won't break me.
If that's the case then why are tears stinging my eyes? Why does it feel like someone punched through my rib cage tearing my beating muscle out.
No, I will not cry here.
Deciding to seek solitude I head to the black lake, vast stretches of trees, water and fields. The only sounds around are those of nature.
Hands shoved deep in my pockets, I drag myself further to the shore line. Until out the corner of my eye a person catches my attention.
She is sat on the third rock into the water, what looks like a sketch book in her hand. Shifting her hues between the view and the pages.
Closing in, I remember her. The Hufflepuff from the library, the way I spoke to her was uncalled for. A branch breaks beneath my shoes causing her eyes to snap up to mine. Panic lacing her features, she scrambles to get off the stones.
"Hey, don't go. It's alright" Puzzled she just blinks "I owe you an apology for last night, I wasn't in my right.."
"It's ok, Draco" Her silky voice barely above a breeze, winds blow louder than her.
In the depths of the library I never got to take her in, she is quite beautiful. Kind, gentle features. Vocals soft. Typical Hufflepuff.
"Its not, how can I make it up to you?"
She sighs, appearing deep in thought.
"Let me help you heal, let me distract you.." She coos, as I'm toe to toe with her now. My eyes darken as a knowing smirk rises.
"Eww not like that you big pervert" She hisses smacking my arm, repulsion evident in her.
Bit rude.
This caused us both to burst into laughter, before I snatched the pad out her grasp. Causing her to shout 'oi', turning each page I cannot get over the sheer talent. She drew all of these, they are wonderful.
"You drew these?" I questioned, running a finger over the one of the thestrals, she captured them beautifully. They look other worldly drawn by her hand.
"I-I did.." She goes to grab the drawings back. "Their nothing special, can I have them. Please?" Scoffing, I hand it back to the shy Y/H/C artist.
"Your really talented, don't down play it.." I paused realising I hadn't asked her name.
"Y/N" She extends a small hand to me, taking it I turn it knuckles up, placing an gentleman's kiss in the centre. "Draco Malfoy"
"Oh I know who you are"
"Who doesn't?" a genuine grin is exchanged. The rest of the afternoon both forgetting our classes. We sat in that spot, talking.
Nothing more. I learnt about her, not from what she told me. Just from observing her. She made me calm, I wanted to open up to her.
Y/N is a simple singular ray of sunshine that pokes through the clouded skies, a promise of hope.
Three months, that's how long its been since Draco and I have built an unlikely friendship. Gaining stares along with rumours about the merge of green and yellow.
We found them amusing, learning things about the apparent 'us'
"Did you hear we got caught canoodling by flitch?" Draco chuckled, tossing a grape in his mouth.
"I see your rumour and raise you, we get married in October because I'm impregnated with a bastard child" the blondes brows shoot up to his hair line as he leant back on his palms in our favourite spot.
"Very nice" He nods, causing us both to snicker.
It's been difficult a journey for sure, trying to get him to open up. He is melting slowly yet surely no longer a solid glacier.
In the midst of our time together, I've found a spot in my life I didn't realise was missing. A roughly six foot two, stubborn Jack ass size gap. It's filled, I never want it empty again.
Daily, I feel it that tether welding him to my heart. He is close yet so far. I want him, but I don't.
Confused is what I am.
Third person POV.
Sun setting on a Thursday afternoon behind the timeless castle, filled with magic, hope and expectance. School to all, home to many. Casting shadows on the grounds surrounding, in the centre of tall grass are two lost souls brought together. Caught in a world of their own, stepping into brinks of territory unknown.
Months passed of childish fooling around, innocent moments. Teaching each other new skills, life lessons.
There they lay camouflaged in the over grown sprouts, dandelion fairies floating around from the summery gusts.
Softening Syltherins arms propped under his head as he takes in the turning of earth. Next to him on her side is Y/N bathed in a yellow dress cut down to thigh length, reading poetry.
Draco notices her humming with a smile to herself, he mirrors this rolling to his left to face her "What's going on in that beautiful mind?"
Y/N blushes timidly, lashes fluttering up from her lines.
"Just reading a poem"
"Can-can you read it to me?" He stutters remembering how soothed he was a child when his mother read aloud.
Startled, she stutters stammering on her sentence "Oh, sure. I mean yeah if you want me to"
"I'd like that" He nods, throwing a warm smile.
He nestle on his side closer to me now, no part of this feels uncomfortable I just wish he saw what I did.
Clearing my throat I begin, feeling how his eyes watch me. "Moments wrapped and romance that end with bitter sunrises and goodbyes. Moments so fragile and rare that I wonder.." Pausing for a second seeing him intently listening mindlessly running fingers through the ends of my hair, licking my lips I continue with a shiver gracing my spine. "If they would have the same taste not such a delicacy, but I'd still devour you" Hues meeting again he plucks the book out of my hand sitting up straighter dragging my top half down to rest my head in his lap, our bodies diagonal to each other. A pinch in his expression his sights scan the page.
"As I lay here I recall years of wavering emotions. Suppressed desires and volcanic explosions, that retreat into dormancy. I wonder could we ever flow" He sighs drifting his eyes back to hold mine, "or are we two twin flames, finding each other in the wrong life time?" That moment I break, shooting up to capture his lips, feeling him stiffen causing me to remove my touch completely. Sitting up on my knees completely embarrassed.
"Draco I-I.." He moves quickly towards me holding my arms tight. Shaking his head at me trying to stop me speaking but I carry on. "I shouldn't have, I didn't even ask how your doing recently after the break up - I just god I'm stupid"
Again, his head shakes face dropping slightly.
"No, no your not. It-it was painful you know, but someone was there for me pulling me out of the cracks. Do you know who that was?"
I shrug, thinking he means Theo or Blaise.
Chuckling he lifts my chin up to meet his soft grey eyes "You, silly it was you"
My neck and cheeks heat up instantly I just want to kiss him again, he leans nudging my face to the side placing a peck on my jaw.
"I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I can't let myself get fooled again a-and I'm not saying you would Y/N just give me time ok?"
Nodding I mumble an OK, bad feeling dissolving as he reaches around to hold me tightly. Feeling his warm breath edge towards my ear
"Do you know the funny thing about twin flames Y/N?" my head shakes as I nuzzle into his neck "They never burn out, their paths always align"
Silent tears rolled down my cheek as he swayed us I wanted to protest, tell him I was nothing like Astoria, I didn't. I waited patiently.
In the end, he was right. We never burnt out.
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Currently listening to: 100 years by Five For Fighting
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Thinking about this poem I wrote in 2016. It's very timely. I really always had the answers, didn't I? I like the line where I say, "Come back to the world, stop loving her and love yourself."
And the line where I say, "When you see her fire burning your heart away, shoo it. Pour water on it and tell it to go." The hurricane references a girl I really loved when I was younger. We used to quote John Green to each other, "If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane." I was always the drizzle.
I wish I could say I wish I'd have listened to my own advice sooner, but I think that's a naive thing to say.
I think knowing is different from accepting.
I always knew I needed to love myself more. But I couldn't accept it because I had never learned how. I wasn't in an environment fit for growth and self love.
Now, I think I'm getting closer to an era of self love. I saw a TikTok earlier that was talking about how healing and growth aren't about becoming the perfect versions of ourselves. It's about loving every version of ourselves, even the ones that we think are hard to handle or love.
It made me think about my best friend. We both refer to me as a swamp monster because I live in absolute filth either when I'm in a very creative season or a several weeks long depressive episode. Some of my other friends call me a goblin.
I try really hard to appear as if I know what is going on, but I'm generally confused as hell and distracted halfway through any given moment. I am never as put together as I appear. I'll say I'm the happiest I've ever been and just straight up forget about the massive crying panic attack I had like two hours before that over a hypothetical problem I created in my head. I forget that I am simultaneously unmedicated and mentally ill and doing better often.
My room is never, and I do mean never, in a state of organization unless I am trying very hard to Be Normal About Things or I'm Turning Over A New Leaf (that will last about a week at best). I'm actually really gross, and I'm very insecure about it. I'll never be one of those girls who has a skincare regimen that they stick to every night or who wake up, smell like magic and pixie dust and then get everything done before 9 am.
But even more than that, I'm generally just really freaking anxious and depressed. Most people who meet me are surprised to learn this. They see me as sunny and put together and sure of what I plan to do next.
And I'm never any of those things without all of the fear and doubt and tears behind it. I am constantly dealing with crippling self doubt and hatred. Knowing all of this about myself, I genuinely never thought anyone could possibly love me if they knew the real me. My parents always told me so: For example, "You'd have such pretty lips if you didn't pick them. Nobody will ever want to kiss you with those crackhead lips." (That's an OCD trait, and it goes hand in hand with my trichotillomania. I pull my hair out often, and it's another thing I'm insecure about.)
I tend to lie about who I really am. I don't tell people that I peel the skin off of my lips until they bleed all over my fingers until they see it. I don't tell people that the reason I don't wear makeup is not just because I'm allergic to most of it, but because I don't want people to be disappointed when they see how I really look. I don't tell people that sometimes I sleep with dozens of half finished bottles of sprite and candy wrappers in my bed because I'll go weeks forgetting that I'm living in a space and that mess does accumulate into a mountain if you don't take care of it. Hello, ADHD.
I'll always tell people about all the things I can do and carefully arrange myself to seem a lot less confused than I am. Sometimes, rather than admit that I fucked up, I'll lie and blame things that did not happen because I'm terrified of getting into trouble with others for disappointing them. I hate lying. But damn, I do it a lot when it comes to making sure no one ever knows these things about me.
I never thought anyone could possibly love me if they knew the real me. And then I met my best friend and she taught me otherwise. She's seen every side of me, and has never once made me feel bad about it. She's heard my scariest, most traumatic intrusive thoughts and loved me regardless. She's seen my room at my worst (poor girl has been a bit shaken, but she's good now I promise 😂) and me in the depths of some of the worst depressive episodes of my life and she's held me through them.
And I knew she meant that she loved me no matter what when after I started taking antidepressants, my family didn't care at all that I was happier. But she hugged me and cried a little because she had not seen me smile in months.
She told me that she missed me while I was gone. She knew I was still there behind those depressive episodes, but she missed the me that belts out songs off key and serenades her with old Justin Bieber songs. And that was when I realized that through all my depressive episodes, she had been there. To comfort me. To love me. To make art with me. To pull me back from letting it consume me entirely.
She literally taught me what it means to be unconditionally loved outside of familial obligation. And she's part of the bigger reasons why I believe that I am capable of not only healing, but learning to love myself unconditionally.
I think meeting her was a step toward teaching my higher self. I really think almost everyone since her has been.
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berryfeilds · 5 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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Summary- Remus is a morning person, and you are a night owl, somehow it works for the both of you.
Warnings- Reader is described with female attributes, no use of y/n
W/C- 3.6k
A/N: i headcanon peter being a sassy mf, also im worried remus is a little ooc so if you have any suggestions for future fics im sat. Also my fancast for remus is young david thewlis but for the life of me i could not find a gif of him, its truly heart breaking.
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Remus Lupin, contrary to his popular nickname, is a morning person. He likes rising with the sun and sleeping with the moon. He used to stay up during humid summer days just to watch the orange sun come up and bless the wet green grass and illuminate against the windows. His house had a little porch outstretched giving him the perfect view of seeing the world being awoken. The night birds crawling into bed and the morning birds starting their chirping routine, and he always thought he was so lucky to be in this moment right there right now, with a cup of tea sitting on his porch watching and listening intently. After his unfortunate condition, his opinion further solidified how much he enjoyed the day. Once the moon rises, so does his fear; The dark, the nagging feeling of itchiness on his neck, the insomnia –he hates it. He cried and cried until the tears ran out. Counting sheep didn’t work, hot milk, taking a warm bath, tiring himself out during the day, all if it didn’t work. 
Once back in Hogwarts he enjoys basking in the comfort that he slept with his best mates beside him, their snoring, funnily enough, executed like white noise to his sleepless ears. He never shared these thoughts with them though, worried they would poke fun of him. (Even though, when he confided in them about his furry problem, they physically changed into animals.) 
He loved the ascending sun slipping through the curtains in the mornings. He would make his bed while packing his colossal book bag. He takes his time while his fellow Marauders snore away their dreams. Peter curled up in a ball, James sprawled across his bed, his blanket barely covering his body, while Sirius reenacts Dracula's slumber attitude. 
He chuckles softly as he adjusts his tie, before he slumps into his desk chair pulling a borrowed copy of a famous muggle book from Lily. He has a full hour to himself and his book –and James’ thunderous snores– He’s basking in the time and the apricot glaze and the fact that he gets to see his sun; You.
Speaking of, you, however, are not a morning person. You wake up grumbling incoherent words with eyes half open. You are the definition of the stereotypical, Don't Talk To Me Before My Morning Coffee™. People who know you well have an unspoken rule that advises them that they shouldn't talk to you for at least thirty minutes after you wake up. Your unruly hair and disheveled state is truly a sight to see and whoever utters even a breath of a snicker, beholds your forenoon fury. Well, everyone except Remus.
Ever since you both started dating he shared his love of the soft early mornings and your fondness of the navy starry night. On numerous occasions he would sneak to the girl dormitories to gently wake you up to watch the sunrise. And on nights when the sky is glittering with humble stars you get to steal him away after dinner to stargaze and name the fortunate constellations that get to sight your pleasant love.
Remus stands when James’ alarm clock starts ringing horrible sounds of the Mandrake. He bought it at a secret student run auction in the Three Broomsticks and thought it was hilarious, the rest of the crowd doesn't share the same sentiment though.
“Ughh James!” Sirius groans as pushes the sides of his pillow to his ears, smushing his wild hair. Peter shoots off his bed and knocks his head on his bedside table. “Oww..” Peter rubs his temple with closed eyes. Remus laughs at the recurring commotion. 
He walks over to James’ screeching clock and bangs it to shut up before grabbing a kicked out pillow on the floor and smacking him with it. James finally stirs awake and Remus takes that as a win and time to pick you up.
“Peter, make sure thing one and thing two get their pants on, I’m going to-” Peter cuts him off, while Remus shrugs his backpack over his shoulder. “Pick up your girlfriend and smooch while running away in the sun, yeah yeah.” Peter stands and gathers his blanket with a torpid scowl. Remus gives a tight-lipped smile a silent “Good luck,” and walks out the door to collect you for your little morning ritual. 
You start to rouse when your alarm clock sounds off and begrudgingly stretch out your arms, pushing off your extremely fluffy warm heavenly feeling blanket. Looking around your room with half lidded eyes you realize that your roommates are all gone. You revel in this new found information and ponder if you can sneak in an extra fifteen minutes of blissful sleep, maybe you can even convince Remus to sleep with you. 
Before you can muster an evil plan to trap your sweet, loving boyfriend, a faint rhythm of knocks sound on the door. A steady smile makes way to your face at the confidential super secret knocks; it's your Moony.
“Hi mouser,” Remus opens the door and shuffles in, grinning cutely. He closes the door and slumps his bag by the foot of your bed. “Rem, don’t make me get up,” You groan and shove yourself under your God woven blanket. He sits down beside your hidden figure.
He snickers before gently pulling your blanket from your hidden face, “Ohh, I know my love, but classes start in approximately an hour, and I want to shove our faces with breakfast and fill you up to the brim, with copious amounts of coffee,” He brushes away your rowdy hair before giving you a cute kiss on your temple. You exhale a deep breath and brace yourself up and look at Remus with tired-glazed eyes.
“I’m afraid you're gonna have to haul me out of bed, Remmy,” You pout amusingly. Remus takes you in affectionately before replying to you with a smile, “I could do that or I could do this..” He leans in slowly and kindly presses his warm lips on your awaiting ones. You inhale a short breath from your nose at the sweet surprise. He draws away to your dismay and eyes you, pleased with his choice. 
“Hmm, I like your approach a lot better,” you open your eyes and peer at him, delighted. “Good, now let's get you ready.” He concludes as he pats your quilt-covered thigh. You groan as you flip the blanket off with a heavy, dramatic and loud sigh.
As promised, Remus pigs you out with all the numerous flavoursome food and practically  infuses coffee into your veins. Your group talks over each other comically; someones asking for homework answers, others discussing Binn’s test, and the rest talking about the upcoming concert you all want to try and sneak into. For the remainder of the mismatched chats, your boyfriend has his hand glued around you the whole time as you both converse between yourself like a couple of love sick third years. 
Remus extends his arm and inspects his watch. One that you gave him on his birthday in your fifth year. He admires it with nostalgia every time he has the chance; he hasn't removed it since the evening you timidly gave him his present bag—that is, before Dorcas dragged you away— 
The arm of the clock hits your agreed time and Remus physically perks up.
Quickly gathering your hand and your bags, Remus offers the unaware group a flimsy excuse before dashing out of the dining hall. “Rem slow down, the sun can wait, my legs however have not received their daily dose of coffee!”
“The sun can’t wait, don’t be silly!”
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The courtyard is pleasantly silent. Leisure winds flow through the trees while the birds chirp in reply. The two of you are cuddled together, bundled up with fuzzy coats and gloves, holding coffee for you and tea for him. The star of the show finally graces up the stairs to gaze down at your happy faces and warms you up after the unrelenting, biting wind. There was a silent fleeting thought between the two of you: how happy you were to spend every morning together, how it would be so wonderful to spend every morning this peaceful and loving. You slot your head in the crook of his neck, giving him a kiss on his shoulder, a quiet way of saying how much you love him and appreciate being there with him. However, you don't think the action is enough.
“Remus..” You whisper. Remus keeps his sight on the vision ahead of him, “Yeah dove?” You nuzzle your head adoringly, “Thank you for waking me up every morning to experience this with you, I’m the luckiest girl in the world to be here with you, right here, right now,”
 Remus rips his stare on the land to look at you, his eyes misty with devotion. “There is no other person who I would rather spend the rest of my life with watching the sunrise everyday.” You both stare at each other, nothing less than love swirling in your orbs. 
The feeling gives in to the incessant need to plant your delicate coffee-tasting lips on his tea ones. You gently lean in, allowing him to wander the remaining distance to you like a bear drawn to honey. The kiss was a mixture of shyness, newly discovered passion, and admiration. It seemed as though nothing else mattered but the two of you and your exciting, glue-stick love.
That's when you understood there would be no one like Remus—smart, adoring, as he made you feel like the only girl in the world—that he would ever meet. 
You pull back to look at him again, and beam brightly at him. Remus laughs heartily as he draws you in closer. The both of you resembled two cats, embraced in a cocoon of fabric, as the sun bewitched the two of you. Remus has only ever experienced warmth from the sun in the mornings or the fireplace in the winter, but he believes he finally has found his eternal sun.
Remus maintains his attention on your tender form as you shift your focus to the orange beauty appearing before you. He found it unfathomable that you, of all people, who hate waking up once forced even if someone coaxed you with coffee, would wake up willingly, just to sit in silence in the morning with him. His heart clenches. No one has ever done this for him, even the early rises in the friend group, but you, sweet, stoic, you, who would rather throw yourself in front of a killing curse than wake up before 7 am, would do this for him, and feel lucky. He finds the plain thought ridiculous, he should be the lucky one.
Remus rises for the sun; You rise for him, to see him shine in the fierce light, happy and refreshed.
You would give up your starry nights to feel his sunny love.
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Classes were cruel and gory and to your chagrin the clock's hand isn't moving quickly enough to your satisfaction. You were dreaming about your cozy bed and a satisfying hot supper. But before you can turn in for the night, there's just one more thing you need to do.
It was your turn to share your astral love with your moon.
Classes shortly ended after ten minutes and you sluggishly packed away your papers and bag. You walked out of class making weary conversation with Dorcas, walking your way to your house to change into anything other than your scratch-tight uniform. No matter what the day is, special occasion, or holiday, you're always spent by the end of the day. Your friends think it's the most hilarious thing that you're tired after classes but go to bed at two ante meridiem, four the latest, no more than that you argue.
However, even after your eyes beg for sweet closure, your legs still embark on the journey to the Astronomy Tower. Every night a surprise, every night sharing the company of the stars, every night sharing it with Remus. It’s funny, you met Remus on one of your lazy walks back to bed after your meet with the moon. 
He was running away from a teacher late at night after helping his fellow Marauders with a prank. He bumped into you while turning a corner and spilled over with hurried apologies, soon after he grabbed your arm and sprinted to a safe closet to hide. 
There he asked you in hushed whispers why you were out after curfew. Embarrassed and reluctant to tell him your best-kept secret, you proposed a deal: You’ll only talk if he told you what he was doing and whose the unfortunate soul that gets the special treatment from The Marauders.
You both ended the classified night with a promise not to tattle on each other. However even though you parted ways, your heart didn’t.
Stolen glances at each other, secret smiles from across the room, whispered hi’s in the hallways. It was truly pathetic, even your friends were growing tired of it, but you couldn’t help it. You ushered in information about him over the course of those weeks and you came to the conclusion that Remus John Lupin is briskly witty, quiet, respectful, and so, so sweet. 
He plagued you just like you did him. 
Not long after, he finally got over your silly charades and asked you shyly if he could take you and show you his favorite leisure. And as a form of repayment, you invited him on your many stargazing rendezvous. The rest of your time just piles up like stacked broken cassests in your head, locked away only to be opened to stash more sparky meetups, and stellar visionaries.
You promptly change into more cozy clothes, grab your needed homework, and everything you need to go to the dining hall. Hearing your loud friend group, a smile runs a way to your face and you strut over with your bag. A holler of cheers mixed with your name and whistles as you sit down next to Peter and Lily. You parallel with a lazy wave, although your eyes only seem to close in on one specific werewolf. Bashful, adorable smiles pinch at your guys’ lips. Remus whisks an inaudible “Hi you.” 
You rip your orbs away from your handsome boyfriend to sit down. Hauling out your homework to start working on your due papers as Lily fixes you up a plate of food. You fall into gossip as your two friends add in their input to your paper and banter for dialogue. 
Finished dinner plates and papers done and packed, the characters around you eagerly discuss the concert this upcoming weekend, well, mostly Sirius, James, Marlene and Dorcas coming up with plans and spells so you guys can catch it on time while Mary drags you and Lily about possible outfits and hairstyles. 
Unbeknownst to you, Remus has a love-sick expression as he ogles your laughing form, observing his watch tick tock tick tocking away until you both can escape the mighty jungle that you call your friend group. He can’t wait to hear you point out the constellations that own the sky, blaring at you, asking to be seen. And who are you to not give them your undivided attention.
And who is Remus not to give you his ears and eyes. 
Peter goes on about whatever happened in the class they didn’t share together, until he recognizes Remus is paying absolutely no attention to him. He scoffs offendly before giving him a soft upright slap to the head. “Is it the case with all of you to get ruder when you start dating?” He gruffs with an eye roll.
 “Oh shove it Peter, as if you don’t act the same way with Sybill,” He elbows with equal force.
The clock hits you and the stars o’clock and he stands up abruptly, snatching his bag in the process. “This isn’t over Lupin!” Peter exclaims jokingly. Remus gives him a dull finger as he rounds the table to whisk you away. “Ohh, Romeo coming to steal his Juliette,” Marlene smirks at you, looking to her right. Your shoulders visibly cheer up and you excitedly turn to the side. As promised, the lycanthropus crossed towards you just as jubilant. 
You quickly gather the papers you brought in your hands and stand as you announce your departure to your rather childish friends. “Alright, we’re gonna-” You start before Sirius cuts you off loudly, “Get some, hell yeah Moony!” He laughs as James raises his hand to receive a high five.
“I wonder where they’re gonna choose this time, hopefully not the broom closet, don’t wanna follow in Pads’ footsteps!” James jokes, as Sirius lets out an insulted “Hey!” Remus intends to shame the two fools next to you with his infamous sailor mouth, but fortunately Lily beats him to it.
“Better go before they start moaning,” She shoos the two of you off hurriedly with an empathetic smile. You nod blithely with a sheepish face, determined to get away from the juveniles. 
You grab Remus’ scarred hands as the two of you all but sprint out before your simpleton friends embarrass you any further. You both giggle as you cross over the courtyard sneakily to climb up the stairs to the Astronomy tower. Your interlocked fingers stay fixed the whole way to the top. 
You both take deep huffs upon reaching the top, “Never gets easier,” You finally let go of him as you place both hands on your knees, catching your breath. Remus laughs breathily as he replies, “All that sleeping takin’ a toll on ya, isn’t it darling?” He ridicules you. 
You narrow your eyes as he strolls to the rails, “Aren’t you a funny one huh?” You add a frown on your face for good measure.
“I’m just sayin’, all that sleeping can’t be good for your posture,” He shrugs as he looks at you with a teasing smile.
“At least it’s making me pretty,” You scoff at his argument. You cross the floor to stand by him on the balcony. He fondly peers at you before responding, “I don’t think you need sleep for that dove,” He replies cooly.
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere mister,” You scrunch your face up at him, using your index finger to accusingly point at him.
“Hardly flattery when it’s the truth though?” He amuses, tentatively approaching you, reaching up to lure you in, effectively imprisoning you in his claw arms. You wrap your arms around his torso and blush up at him. It doesn’t matter how long the two of you dated, these simple but charming actions still seem to make you shiver with nervousness. 
Remus starts to sway you both as you gaze up at the stars, and him at you. You smile knowingly before verbalizing your thoughts, “Stars are in the sky Rem, not on my face,” Your fingers lightly grazing the back of his spine, you keep your eyes on the stars as he replies
“Hard to see a difference when you glow like one,” He pets your hair lovingly. Remus begins to back you two up against a wall. His chest to yours, his back to the cobblestone. He bucked up his knees, indicating that you were going down with him as he was going to sit. 
You grow warm with his honey words, if someone said the exact same thing you would think that they were making fun of you and probably sour your face while throwing a foul remark. But the look on Remus’ face resembled nothing but severity. His words hold a certain weight that makes you believe anything he says. You could be looking at a triangle but still trust his opinion if he were to say it was a square. 
His hands fall to the plumpness of your cheeks as he caresses you. “My pretty sun” He rubs your cheekbones with his thumb. You bring your hands up to hold his marred face, your dominant thumb stroking his winning lips.
“Sun?” You question. He nods at you with a striking smile, “Yeah, it makes sense that way; I’m your moon, and you're my pretty sun,” He speaks softly, whispering like you were his best kept secret.
That sentence alone has you speechless. How can someone be so shy but saccharine with his tongue? Your mouth is slightly agape with eyes sparkling at him. This has Remus giggling as he holds your face in his large calloused hands, bringing you closer to his beautiful, hardened face.
“My only galaxy,” He whispers before leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. He continues, “My starry night,” A kiss on your nose, “My glowing star,” Another on your left cheek, “The only constellation,” And your right cheek. He gently lifts your face to delve in your loving stupor. 
“My pretty sun,” He finishes breathily pulling your awaiting lips to his.
That's when Remus realized, that maybe nights aren’t so bad. Maybe seeing your sparkling features swallow in the nebula, as he holds you, is worth all the pain. He'll have the best sleep of his life in your arms, so the pain, insomnia, and fear won't matter anymore. He's secure and cherished in your arms. He'll drift his gaze to the stars above you in your arms, instead of worrying about the next full moon.
He settles it then, that he would give up his golden, tango days, to see you delighted in the presence of the moon. To keep you happy, just for a moment longer with him.
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© berryfeilds 2024
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naquey · 5 months
Eddie Baby
Inspired by a song but it's not actually a song fic. You can listen to the song while reading, or don't. It doesn't really affect anything.
Dear old Eds pays a visit to the woman who's loved him for so long, whom was thrown in Arkham to rot away for eternity. And maybe he breaks her out.
t/w: guns, gun violence, blood, mentions of death
(divider: cafekitsune)
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The Riddler wasn't a sentimental man.
At least, he never wanted Penguin to know that. Oswald had a penchant for taking the things closest to him and kidnapping them, or killing them. So, he kept a little secret from his feathered friend. Wearing a nice plaid jacket, and some khakis instead of his green velvet suit he adjusted his tie. The fake I.D. tucked into his old wallet, the one he carried around back when he was a civilian and worked for the GCPD.
The security at Arkham always made him nervous, but the staff here seemed to have already forgotten his face. He remembered the last time he had stayed at the asylum, it made him twitch and squirm as he walked the halls side by side with a guard. Ed couldn't forget what he had to go through, what he had seen.
He could only imagine it had gotten worse.
Jim Gordon was the new commissioner, there was no doubt in his mind it most certainly had gotten worse. That Professor Strange didn't work here anymore, but he still felt his skin crawl. He was older and his face had changed a lot since then, wrinkles and sun damage, and all the things in similarity. Even a few grey hairs strewn in with black strands.
His heart skipped a beat when he saw that familiar red tone. She was sitting behind glass, chin in one hand, tapping her nails idly on the counter. Her eyes lit up seeing Ed in the doorway and a grin stretched across her face.
"You're here!"
She sprung up from her seat and put her hands to the glass, pressing her face as close as possible. Ed wanted to be closer than the glass allowed him.
"You asked me here, I couldn't keep you waiting."
"That was years ago." Her smile faltered.
"I know, I know. I'm later than expected, but, how about a riddle to make up for it?"
"A riddle?!
Her grin settled back onto her face and she clapped her hands together. Pressing herself up against the glass she giggled, no, laughed like a hyena. Ed hadn't heard such a cute sound in a long time.
"What stares with a stone face, listens without answering, and hovers by like a vulture?"
A grin of his own crawled across his face.
Realization crossed her features and he saw her gaze shift from him to what was behind him. The guard was standing in front of the doorway. Listening in to their conversation.
"Guard!" She called.
He stepped away as the police officer stepped up to the glass. She started asking him for things and Ed noticed the camera up in the corner. Rolling his eyes he looked over at her, shaking his head.
Then the red light on the camera went out.
Okay, maybe he did ask for at least some help from Penguin's henchmen. Penguin would hear of this later, but it wouldn't matter then. Ed had grabbed the handcuffs and had cuffed the guard then held chloroform to his mouth and nose. His body had slumped like a ragdoll after a moment and Ed let him hit the floor.
"Correct, you still have your wits."
"Oh, come on, just let me out already."
"Darling, I need you to be quiet."
He bent down and took the keyring from the officer's belt. There were only a few keys so he didn't have too many too look through, it really is a security problem if they only ever have a few. There was a door separating the visitors and the asylum patients, he crouched by the lock and tried each key, the third one fit.
Rose squealed and ran into Ed, hugging her arms around his neck. She nearly sent him off balance with the force of her hug but he was quick to catch himself before he fell over.
"I can't believe you did it! You actually did it!"
"Not without some help from a couple of bird brains." Ed brushed some of her hair out of her face. "When we get home, I have a plan I'd like to propose to you."
"Oh! Backup, such a nice ring to it."
"Shall we go before they find out the cameras were cut or do you need your things?"
"You know I have nothing here, let's go!"
He grabbed the officer's gun, taking her hand in his free hand. Breaking out of Arkham thanks to the Penguin was such a rush, but breaking out someone he loves was even more thrilling. They ran down the hallway, Rose laughing with glee.
"Hey! Stop!" An officer called when she'd seen them.
"Wait, wait. No! Don't shoot!"
"You wouldn't be free of this place if a few people's lives weren't lost, my love." His voice was so soft and kind, something she had missed so much. She nodded slowly.
Looking away when he shot at the officer, when the blood spattered and pooled on the floor beneath the body. She hid her face in his arm. More cops had closed in on their location and they ran again. The exit was so close, he could just feel it. Ed was so sure that this would finally work.
Then something exploded.
Rose scrunched up her hair in the towel Oswald was so generous to give her. Fresh from her shower she felt clean and happy. Ed was sitting in a big arm chair, eyes glued to the television. The news was talking about her asylum escape. A shiver ran down her spine as the names and pictures of officer's showed up on the screen. She wasn't the one who killed people, but seeing so many die bothered her. She was free, but it was like something was weighing on her soul.
She was older now, left alone with her mind for so long. The floor boards creaked under her barefoot and Ed turned around, startled. Switching off the television he stood up and turned to her in one swift motion.
"As breathtaking as the first moment I saw you."
"Eddie..." Her hands were trembling, the towel was shaking.
"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" He pulled her in a hug, her head tucked under his chin.
"You didn't have to kill them..." Her voice was small.
"They would have caught us."
"I know that, but they were people."
"Everyone I ever killed before them was a person, it doesn't matter though! You're here!" She stepped back and he cupped her face in his hands. "You're safe."
He was so gentle and kind. The doctors at Arkham had told her over and over that Riddler was a cruel, vile man who would do horrible things to her. They didn't believe that she was in love with the man who was Riddler. It was seen as a delusion, which was why she was admitted. She couldn't help it when he heart melted. It had been so long. Arkham had been so horrible.
She was startled when Ed wiped away her tears. Pulled in for another hug she finally let go and began to cry, her shoulders shaking and her body crumbling into him. He petted her hair and pressed kisses to her head, slowly swaying the both of them as she sobbed into his arms.
For now, he wouldn't tell her what he had been waiting to propose, but eventually he would tell her.
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