#SO excited to see him in a role like this omg
gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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v i s u a l s
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
i think Miguel would get turned on by little things. like little details that someone would normally overlook or have no reaction to
so what made me think of this is specifically when girls say to guys that they’re gonna like— “fuck the life outta him” because technically it’s the guy doing the fucking but i think the tiny bit of role reversal would haunt his mind. he’s distracted for the rest of the day. his boner that he acquired when you said that never goes away
also if omg— i think this is just gonna turn into Miguel secretly wanting to be dominated (or just generally wanting to be treated how he treats others in a relationship) so hold on tight
if you’re passing him in the kitchen or something and— AHAHAAAA okay wait
so Miguel is chopping something in the kitchen but you need to get past him for the fridge or something. so he’s chop chop chopping and you scoot by, resting your hands on his hips to lean him forward a bit with a small “sorry, baby.” as you scooch by. you’d just hear his chopping stop and he’s getting hard already. you have about 30mins before he’s fed up and comes to u begging.
AND IF U DEFEND HIM??? omg he loses his shit. like falling into subspace no matter where u guys are— maybe not fully under but man is slipping.
let’s say you’re at a bar w Miguel and you go to the bathroom for two seconds. a girl approaches him all like “wanna buy me a drink, handsome?” and he’s like “oh! i’m flattered but i have a girlfriend!! so…” she’s like scoff scoff!! “she doesn’t need to know” wink wink and that irks him. it’s rude to his character and it’s rude to u. “i would never do that to her” he’s done w the convo so he turns back to the tv behind the bar, opting to watch whatever is happening there rather than the bitch beside him. but she’s still yapping! “what?? babe.. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for u!! u can’t bend your rules just a little? *batting her ugly lashes* for me..?”
he just straight up rolls his eyes at her. she looks nothing like you so— “you are far from what i’d consider beautiful” he doesn’t even turn to her as he says it— he’s done w the conversation! but this bitch starts throwing a fit. “you’re a piece of shit loser okay?? you don’t know shit about beauty!! have u looked in the mirror honey?? looking like a fucking meatball is not in style alright?? i was doing you a fucking—“ she’s going on and on. some of her comments are starting to actually hurt Miguel’s feelings a bit (w his body issues and all) he’s about to just get up and wait by the girls bathroom for you but he’s scared to be seen as a creep. he feels dread sleeping in. he doesn’t know how long he’ll have to endure this before you come back and you both can just leave. “you’re an ugly 👏🏻 mother 👏🏻 fuck👏🏻er okay sweetheart?? you—“
“i’m sorry. did you call my boyfriend sweetheart?” relief floods through him at the sound of your voice. his head whips to see you, you have a playful smile on your face— but he knows the anger hidden behind it. it sends a little shock of excitement through his body. the woman’s eyes are wide as she stares at you, like she didn’t believe him when he said he had a girlfriend. “i— sis, listen”
you cut her off “i’m definitely not your sister. go on.” she pauses for a bit— shocked at your coldness before continuing. “girl to girl. you can do so much better, okay? your man— although “loyal” he is—“ you cut her off with a genuine laugh at he way she put quotations around the word ‘loyal’. “baby? finish your drink, okay? we’re leaving soon.” you look right past the girl, barely acknowledging her presence. Miguel nods frantically and downs the rest of his beer as you turn back to the girl.
“look. he’s my boyfriend. my man. i don’t care what you have to say. i don’t care what you say he did but i bet you i can guess the entire scenario” you have a confident, almost smug look on your face that has a fire burning in Miguel’s stomach. “you.” you pause to look her up and down with a weakly suppressed laugh. “tried to get at him… and then threw a hissy fit when he rejected you.. right?” she’s obviously embarrassed, staring at her shoes with an angry look. “well he said that i was ugly.”
you’re grabbing your purse from the chair behind her as she whispers that last part. you can barely make out what it says but you’re not even surprised. “and?” is all you say before walking out with Miguel.
in the cab he’s silent, worried that you’re upset until you speak up. “sorry if i was a hit mean back there.” you laugh a bit embarrassed. you go on to say that you know you shouldn’t have been rude, that people should spread positivity and more but he has to cut you off
“that was so hot, baby.” you take in his obviously disheveled, incredibly aroused state and give him a smirk. “yeah?”
you end up jerking him off in the back of the uber 🤪
he’s super whiny, whimpering, and will not stop begging for more
when u guys get married he gets really into choking u cus it shows off his wedding band
omf you’d do something nice for him while he’s sick— like make him soup or something and he’ll get hard
“you- you made this.. for me?” you’re baffled. “yes..? Miguel you’re sick remember? oh god this is way worse than i thought… do you know where you are, baby?” he laughs. “i know where i am! i just— that’s so- that’s so sweet, baby.” you shake your head and give him a spoonful, feeding him like he’s a baby. you’re focused on his mouth, subconsciously making silly faces as you pour the soup into his mouth. he’s watching you the whole time.
after that spoonful you go for another but he takes the bowl and places it on the nightstand. “wha— you don’t like it?” he smiles and shakes his head at your immediate doubt. “i love it, baby” is all he says as he pulls you into his lap, pressing his dick into you and begging you to ride him for all he’s worth
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alyakthedorklord · 11 months
Omg literally it would be SO cool if you wrote the rest of the playboy bruce trying to kiss the justice league without them realizing it (I know you said figure it out but the way you wrote it was so good and funn I would love it if you gave maybe a couple of scenarios)
Lmao honestly executive dysfunction is kicking my ASS rn and it was intended as a prompt. I will try tho, definitely taking inspiration from the others who responded to the post because I love them.
If you haven’t, go check out the notes on the OG Post above! @britcision, @ivywing, and @help-i-need-a-cool-username all had amazing additions and @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego wrote a fic:
As did @scrapcheck, still in progress
And Devilhorn!
Anyways LONG post under the cut
Hal Jordan
Hal is first to prove a POINT, as @britcision decided. Also because the bastard made it waaaay too easy. Remember- Hal was Joking. He genuinely thinks Batman isn’t going to try, because he’s way too straight-laced boring.
So when he’s at a bar in Coast City, and he sees this absolutely ravishing man lounging casually against the wall, bar lighting making him practically glow (he CALCULATED that) subtle makeup making his bright blue eyes pop as he looks Hal up and down… Well. Hal makes the first move.
Hal: “All on your own, handsome?”
Bruce, with “Mastermind” by Taylor Swift playing in his head, smiling sweetly at Hal: “Care to change that?”
They start talking. Hal doesn’t recognize Bruce Wayne at ALL (canonically he does not know who Bruce Wayne is, a point brought up by @help-i-need-a-cool-username) so all he knows is Bruce is a single father who works at a company he inherited from his parents, which is just (brucie voice) “so much less interesting than a test pilot!”
Bruce, grimacing internally but wrapped around Hal’s arm with the awed and interested eyes in full effect: “you have such a nice voice, tell me more about planes…”
He KNOWS what a fuselage is, thank you, Jordan. Whatever. He gets to gush about his kids, when its his turn to talk, good enough tradeoff. He can survive Hal Jordan’s bad pick up lines and pretend he’s into them. At a certain point Bruce breaks and kisses him just to shut him up. One down.
Diana Prince
I looked it up- kissing in Ancient Greece wasn’t always considered romantic, but also a greeting between two similarly-ranked people. Therefore, I think Diana would be pretty chill with kissing and honestly an easy target at a gala if Bruce plays respectful/clumsy/earnest himbo starstruck with the tall pretty woman, just a peck would make him the happiest man alive. But I wanna go a little more in depth.
Now, I’ve seen Flash and Martian Manhunter save Bruce and/or his kids and Bruce lays one on them, but honestly I think it would work well with Diana too, because she loves kids. Dick and/or Jason (whichever you want to imagine, I want them to team up screw canon) are WAY to excited for this, they’ve got a little script and everything.
WonderWoman, a kid in each arm, delivering them back to their tearful guardian: “Here we are, Mr. Wayne. Whole and healthy.”
Dick, playing into his role eagerly: “Oh my gosh, Bruce! Bruce we got saved by a princess! It’s like a fairytale! Except, you know, the princess is the hero this time, which is so freaking cool!”
Bruce, tears of gratitude rolling down his face (and he knows how to still look perfect while crying, its a skill): “I’m just glad the two of you are safe, Chum.”
Jason, big baby blues in full effect, absolutely asked Wonder Woman to be his mom earlier (to set groundwork, no other reason): “You know, usually the princess and the hero gets a kiss at the end of a fairytale, Bruce. But this princess is both. So how will she get a reward?”
Still choked up with relieved tears and now laughter, Bruce looks up at Diana and smiles: “Well, if the Princess wants a reward… then I would be a fool to refuse.”
Bruce kisses her on the lips, Dick and Jason both kiss her cheeks, Diana leaves charmed and amused by the sweet family. Such a good father, humoring his children and thier little fascination with her, so very respectful…
Two down.
J’ohn Jones
Okay, martians are telepathic. So this goes one of two ways, at some sort of charity or something-
Option 1, Batman is a realist: the charity event is a masquerade, and he wanders over to where MM is while thinking “it would be so funny, give me this.” As loudly as he can. And Martian Manhunter, who appreciates the audacity, gives him a kiss. (I don’t like this one because it technically breaks the rules of the bet, bc MM knows it’s Batman, but eh)
Option 2, Batman is a different breed: he manages to up the ante with his Himbo Persona. Creating a “slippery void” mental facade that blocks of his real thoughts and makes him read as really just that stupid. This would require functioning with two trains of thought at once, and making sure that the Martian can only read the surface level, “oh, this one is pretty” “I really wouldn’t mind kissing him” and other such decoy thoughts, instead of “target is approaching, signs of interest present despite this not being his natural form-“
Bruce also researches and copies Martian courting styles and copies them “by chance,” catching MM’s attention. (He offers him Oreos)
Martian Manhunter: “this man… he is so empty headed and yet clearly kind and willing. I would not take him for a life partner, but for some simple fun as he seems to desire…”
(Edit: Maybe, if B is confident enough, he lets through his loneliness. Missing his parents, wanting affection, an ache so strong it’s like a physical wound. J’onn feels the same ache for his lost family, and decides to try this human’s strategy to fill that void. Either way…)
Batman 3, League 0
Barry Allen
I’m strangely blank when it comes to the Flash let me just spitball and let it snowball
As I said above, people have had him save Bruce, had Bruce seduce him at his workplace while taking a tour, I even saw @help-i-need-a-cool-username have Dick set up a petition for Bruce to kiss the Flash. (An idea that I personally think would also go really well with Superman lmao.)
Anyways, I think it would be funny for Bruce to take it slow with Barry. For the irony of it all. Because Batman is doing this to prove a POINT. So he’s in central city, spots Barry coming his way, and “accidentally” slips right into his arms. Ooh, or covered in coffee, like a wealth disparity drama base script, and Barry’s like “omg i am so sorry let me pay you back.” And bruce is all “this shirt costs (stupid amount of money)”
Barry: (fear)
Bruce, rolling with it rn: “yes, it is horrendous, isn’t it? Hows this- I’m in central city for a day. You can pay me back by showing me around?”
He then proceeds to string barry along on an honest to god DATE for shits and giggles. They go clothes shopping, they go to restaurants, Bruce pays for a big meal bc this is after a fight or something and Barry got hurt, his speedster comrade needs to EAT, damnit.
After all this, he gives a cheeky smile and lightly smooches Barry. “Thanks for the fun day, Mr. Allen.”
Barry, bright red and goo brained: “hah- mmhmm. Yeah…”
Batman 4, League 0
Oliver Queen
This one… Oliver is on guard. He’s twitchy and suspicious, turning down men flirting with him, people are starting to notice. But Bruce? Bruce just walks up at a party while “tipsy” and lays one on him. Straight up. He wants to show just how EASY it is. Because Oliver doesn't even register it. He just laughs and goes: “Hey Brucie! Miss me?”
Batman 5, League 0
Dinah Lance
Of course, immediately after above, he turns and pouts at canary.
Bruce: “Dinah darling, you are a saint, I don’t know how you put up with the mess he’s got on his face. He was so much nicer to kiss when we were in (fancy private school name drop) together and didn’t have all this nonsense.”
Dinah, laughing at Ollie’s offended noises: “Oh, I don’t mind it. He’s a good kisser.”
Bruce: “Of course he is, I taught him. Care to compare?”
Dinah: “Don’t mind if I do.”
Batman 6, league 0
Clark Kent
For Clark, Bruce is originally talking to Lois before he turns his eyes on a quiet Clark and croons: “So, Miss Lane, does this lovely specimen have his own questions, or is he arm candy? And if he’s the latter, can I either tempt him off you, or secure an invitation?”
Lois, an excellent friend who will absolutely set Clark up with the hottest bachelor in Gotham: “Well, Mister Wayne, I’ve got all I need. Clark, take a page from my book and honeytrap a good quote out of him, hm?”
With an obnoxious wink, she pats a spluttering Clark on the shoulder, and leaves him with a very smug Batman.
(Bonus Superbat- Clark and Bruce’s conversation is going REALLY WELL and to the point where both of them seem on board with more than a heavy makeout when Bruce puts a hand on Clarks chest.
Bruce: “Stop.”
Clark, freezing immediately: “I’m sorry, did I go too far-?”
Bruce: “No, no. I think I might be though. See, I have all of you now, and I’ve won the bet.”
Clark: “What are you- oh. Oh- HUH?”
Cue sudden and shocked revelation, Clark’s mind going a hundred miles an hour, and then skidding to a stop on- he only did this for the bet. He’s not really interested. He stopped because I went too far-
Bruce: “You only consented to a kiss without knowing my identity. Right now, I’d like to do more, if you’d let me.”
Clark has the dial-up tone ringing in his ears, he has no idea whats going on anymore, the hot billionaire and his reclusive teammate aren’t quite slotting into place, because he wants both but rhey’re so different but they’re the same but-
Lois doesn’t get Clark back that night and she is delighted.)
Anyways, final results:
Batman: 7
League: 0
Batman talking shit about their secret identities again, Green Lantern is scoffing about it again, says something along the lines of: “You still think you’re sooooo great, huh? Hows the bet going, spooky?” Fully expecting Batman to get huffy with him.
Instead, Batman smirks.
He leans in
And purrs: “So you didn’t notice?”
The League freezes. The implications are dangling over their head. Did he… did he really?
Green Lantern, absolutely terrified: “No. no, there’s no way…”
Batman: “Oh, there absolutely was a way. I’d say you were a good kisser, but honestly? I think it might have been the euphoria of getting you to shut up.”
He turns on the rest of the league, still smirking. “I have kissed every single person who consented at least once in the time since the bet was made. Two of you with tongue. And no one has called me out on it. Now that you know it’s happened, you should be able to figure me out, so whoever can tell me my real name first, wont get thier story used as an example in the brand new “how to avoid honeypots” seminar.”
(If bonus superbat, B shoots Superman a Look and goes “except for you, superman, because I told you my name.” Which just ends up distracting everyone else until they get THAT story)
Diana wins bc she matched up the boys to the robins. Everyone else gets their stories told in excruciating detail. Batman rates them by kissing ability and how obvious he was on his approach. Oliver gets docked points for “texture.” Dinah gets docked points because “i griped about the exact same thing in and out of costume, how did you not notice-“
(Different reveal below)
@chaos-n-kindness @she-went-that-way @geekonaleash @redh00dsbf @howabouticallyou
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wttcsms · 9 months
most noble ; kento nanami.
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pairing kento nanami x f!reader  word count 3.6k  synopsis your beloved knight nobly defends your honor by participating in a tourney to duel the man who insults you. he does not realize that the reward for his victory is your hand in marriage. content contains medieval royal au, knight!nanami & princess!reader, age gap (reader is 22/nanami is 29), longing!!! it's about the pining!!!, requited unrequited love, romantic tension, nanami being hopelessly in love but feeling undeserving :( author's notes omg can y'all just get ur acts together n marry each other holy shit (make me make a pt. 2, plssss)
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Kento Nanami knows that he’s made a mistake, perhaps one so major that not even taking another professional role within the castle will be able to cover it up. Then again, it’s not like him leaving his post the first time around has resulted in any change. Maybe him leaving only to return back to your side once more is precisely the reason why he’s making so many mistakes.
For example, earlier this week, his fingers brushed against yours while handing you your tiara. Or, just before that, he found himself remaining only two steps behind you rather than the traditional three. And maybe he’s just paranoid, afraid that he’s being obvious and overly obnoxious in his displays of affection for you, but he did not earn the title of Head Knight of the Royal Guard for no reason. The king — your father — would not have bestowed such a prestigious title to a man who is not always proceeding with constant caution. 
To any visitor of the court, Sir Nanami is just another highly skilled knight, dedicated to protecting the princess. To Nanami, he is a lovesick fool trailing after you, failing to mask his true affections. 
No one sees through him, except for the one person who he so wishes were blind to his feelings. 
Easily excitable and sweetly endearing, you are the heiress to the throne and future ruler to citizens who adore you. It’s hard not to fall for your charm or the kindness that you bestow upon anyone who comes across your path. You’re considered to be the sun that shines over the kingdom, and Nanami knows of no star that shines brighter than you. 
But behind your youthful exuberance and seemingly carefree attitude is a highly perceptive young lady of the court. With your cheery smiles and laughter that seems to flow so easily and rings through the halls of the castle, it is easy to forget that one day, you will be queen, and that you have been raised your whole life to fulfill your royal duty. 
It is easy to remember this fact when you’re sitting atop your throne, staring down at him as he kneels. 
“You regret it,” you say, absentmindedly tracing the intricate designs carved onto the handles of your seat. You still haven’t learned how to stop moving your hands every time you’re nervous. It’s your only tell; for as well as you can read Nanami, he can read you even better. Your anxiety only causes him to tighten his jaw, his eyes focused on the lower half of your face because this is all his role allows him to do. He should not dare to look Her Royal Highness in the eyes; not at his lowly level in comparison to you.
You frown at his silence, knowing that he’s doing it to raise the barrier between you two. Four years ago, he hadn’t tried to shut you out so firmly, and every day since then, you have spent all your free time wondering why he wants nothing to do with you. 
The it you’re referring to could be many different things. “It” could possibly be him leaving his station as your personal knight in order to become one of the king’s advisors. “It” could also be referring to him returning to be your knight. Or maybe you’re talking about the kiss the two of you shared a fortnight before he decided to stop being your royal guard. The kiss that lingers on his lips, even to this day. He doesn’t even have to think hard enough to remember the wonderful feeling of your soft lips pressed against his own, or that saccharine taste of yours that is yours alone; no fruit, no candy, nothing has ever been able to mimic your sweetness. The kiss that never should have been. The kiss, the kiss, the kiss.
Maybe “it” is none of that, or maybe it’s all of the above. He knows you, and you’re not going to clarify because you believe that Nanami is a mindreader, and for the most part, he is. He knows what gowns you favor, and when you’re sleepy during court meetings, and he knows what order you’re going to eat the food on your plate. He knows where you go when you want to be alone (to the horse stables, to be with your beloved mare), and what your favorite tiara looks like, and that you snort when you laugh (but only ever in the presence of those you are truly comfortable with; only ever in the presence of him). 
He does not, however, know about his place in your heart. 
You wonder if he’s forcing himself to be unaware of your feelings for him. Sometimes, in the corner of your eyes and in your shadow that he follows, you catch him staring at you longingly, hopefully. With a type of reverence that differs from the one grateful citizens show you. This one feels… intimate. A look meant to be shared only with lovers. 
You had toyed with the idea four years ago, when you were eighteen and bright-eyed and much too hopeful for your own good. You craved romance and passion, and whichever suitor you came across, you always found them to be lacking, none of them comparing to Sir Nanami. And you knew, with girlish glee, that it is Nanami that you want. And then came that fateful afternoon in the gardens where you kissed him, and you swore that flowers started blooming on the bushes as a result. The birds were singing, and the sun was shining much brighter than ever, and you felt weightless. As if the inevitability of having to rule a kingdom was no longer a point of stress, and the burdens of your royal duty slipped from your shoulders and melted into the dewy grass beneath you. All that existed, for that brief second of bliss, was you and Nanami.  
And then, two weeks later, he resigned and decided to work for your father. 
His return had come as a surprise to you. During the years he stopped being your knight, you saw him only once a week, if the fates decided to bless you. For the most part, you’ve grown accustomed to only seeing his broad back or a flash of blond hair passing you by in the corridor. You wonder if he knows that he’s your first kiss — your only kiss. Surely he must. He’s spent a good portion of his life ensuring that your virtue was to never be tainted. 
“I do not know what you speak of, My Lady.” He says. He speaks so little to you now that you savor the sound of his deep baritone, the smoothness of how words seem to glide off his tongue. Nanami takes something so mundane as talking and turns it into an art. 
“You regret the duel.” 
And here lies the grand mistake that Nanami cannot figure out how to fix. He believes that being cold to you will perhaps dissuade anyone from assuming how closely he holds you to his heart (his act of emotional indifference towards you is so convincing, even you sometimes believe it), but he’s only human. He is a slave to his emotions — the utterly irrational ones, the ones that make him act a fool — as all men are. 
Nanami hadn’t intended on participating in the tourney. He’s nearing twenty-nine, after all. He’s reached the highest status any knight could possibly aspire to, and he no longer is a squire from a commoner family with something to prove. Tourneys are a thing of the past, a memory from his boyhood. 
But there are visitors from all sorts of lands who came down for this royal celebration. A lowly lord from a kingdom ruled by Mahito is precisely the type of scum that does a disservice to all men. Crass, vulgar, and entirely immature, Lord Shigemo has a dastardly reputation for never keeping his disgusting comments or filthy hands to himself. And while it was not his touch that threatened your very virtue, it was the perverted proclamations he kept declaring that had Nanami seeing red. 
“She’s a bit old for my liking, but I still bet her maidenhood is ripe enough for the taking. I’d love to see her bleed all over my cock.” Lord Shigemo snickers as he loudly announces this, his beady eyes staring right at you. He’s smart enough to not say your name, lest his head end up on a stake outside your father’s castle, but he’s dumb enough to not heed the warnings he’s been told. 
The princess is protected by the bravest of all knights, and the most honorable of all gentlemen. 
For that comment alone, Nanami is ready to unsheathe his sword and behead Shigemo, but he knows he cannot. There has been no direct threat to you, and Nanami has just enough restraint to remember that his anger cannot get the best of him. He is not to harm visitors to the kingdom, no matter how deserving of punishment they are, because maintaining peace between the lands is of the utmost importance. 
But the way your body stiffens and the almost sickly pallor of your face that occur as a result of Lord Shigemo’s verbal transgression is enough to have Nanami pledge his participation in the dueling tourney. He signs his name in the same competition bracket as Shigemo’s, and you’re pleasantly surprised when Nanami kneels down, asking for your favor and a blessing as he goes to represent your family. 
“And what has made you so keen on dueling now, hmm? Why, King Gojo has spent the better half of today trying to goad you into jousting with his knight.” You’re teasing him, eyes sparkling, your gibe gentle and without malicious intent.
You’re not trying to convince Nanami to not partake in the tournament. In fact, you take secret pleasure in watching his swordsmanship, even going out of your way to sneak into the training grounds and watch as he practices moves you’re certain he’s already perfected. For a man with so much muscle mass, he moves swiftly and with a sharp, quick precision that does not befit his firm build. 
“It is to defend my lady’s honor.” He curses himself for being so forthright with his intentions. He could have told you that it was to honor your family, and it would not have been a lie, but it wouldn’t have been said with the same strong conviction he speaks with now. It is not the king or any of your cousins that he is fighting for; it is just you, only you. 
Removing the brooch from your gown, you attach it to the cloth of his shirt that is soon to be covered by armor. It’s a dark blue gem, matching the color your house favors. 
“My most noble of all protectors. You have my favor, then, and all my prayers.” As you always do is the real ending to your sentence, but you fear that if you reveal too much, then Nanami will not be able to focus and give this tourney his all. You wonder if you should reveal the prize for winning, but decide against it at the last minute when he dares to look at you, a glimmer of the same affection from four years ago shining in his dark eyes. It’s a similar look to the one he gave you before your lips met his. 
The urge to kiss him again rises, your heart thumping against your chest, but all you allow yourself to do is smile at him.
The tourney itself is a quick event. Usually, it lasts far longer than the hour it takes up, and the gambling a tense, exciting affair. With Nanami entering at the last minute, most gamblers changed their bets to go all in on him winning, and for a good reason. He makes quick work of every opponent unfortunate enough to be paired with him, and the only time Nanami truly takes his sweet time is when he comes face to face with an anxious Lord Shigemo. 
Even toying with him doesn’t give Nanami much pleasure. Shigemo is a weak opponent, a poorly trained fighter, and a pitiful excuse of a man. Tired of his time being wasted, Nanami has the man shaking underneath the sharp point of his sword within seconds after deciding he is done playing these games. Even after being declared the winner of the whole tourney, an outcome he isn’t surprised at, he doesn’t feel any satisfaction. Flowers and handkerchiefs are being thrown at him as a show of respect and celebration, but only when he looks up into the crowd, his eyes focusing on your smiling visage, does he feel an ounce of pure happiness.
Before he can climb the steps leading to the showbox that houses all the prominent royal families, one of the tourney competitors stops to congratulate Nanami. 
“Lucky bastard.” It’s Naoya Zenin, Crown Prince of the neighboring kingdom. Nanami is glad he was not competing in the same bracket as the prince; not because of a difference in skill, but because wounding a Zenin’s pride was considered treason to them. 
“It’s just flowers.” Nanami says. He doesn’t understand what Naoya’s fascination with them are, but perhaps it’s the glory of being a victor that he’s envious of.
“Don’t be a fool.” Naoya scoffs. “We all know the real prize that every damn man was trying to claim.” 
Nanami is still confused. Of course, Naoya talks incessantly and most of the time, Nanami does not care what the Zenin heir has to say, but he did notice that there were far more competitors signing up for the tourney than previous years. Is there a monetary reward no one told him about? 
“So, how much for you to forfeit?” Naoya asks, completely unaware of Nanami's ignorance. 
He rolls his eyes, as if Nanami is some type of undomesticated animal, untrained to following commands. Nanami wishes he had been placed in the same bracket as Naoya now, treason charges be damned. 
“Never mind, then. I’m sure the princess herself will just make an announcement rescinding the reward.” Naoya smirks at the thought of that, and Nanami struggles to fight the urge to demand the prince stop being so cryptic and to just explain what the hell he’s rambling on about. Rescind what reward? 
A familiar head of pink hair pops up by his side, and Nanami immediately recognizes his young student. Eager Yuuji Itadori is smiling widely, happy for his teacher, and for once, Nanami is grateful that young Itadori does not know how to beat around the bush.
“Wow, congratulations, Sir Nanami! I had no idea that you wanted to marry Princess [Name]! Will you still be able to train me as Prince Consort?” 
Nanami’s blood runs cold. Oblivious to his mentor’s sudden anguish, Yuuji continues on. 
“Her Royal Highness was so kind to open the competition for her hand to any class. Of course, some people dared to criticize her and claim it’s because she’s becoming too old to be a maiden so she had to cast a wide net, but I know plenty of ladies who are unwed in their twenties. Will you still be her knight as her husband, or will that role have to go to someone else? Say, Sir Nanami, are you feeling alright?” 
You’re beaming with pride at your beloved knight’s victory, yet nervousness at watching him interact with Prince Naoya started creeping in. You start to relax when the Zenin heir walks off, but your peace of mind shatters when you watch Sir Itadori engage in conversation with Nanami. You watch his facial expression tighten, his body tense up, and you realize that Nanami knows. He knows that he has a right to be betrothed to you, and it dawns on you, from his poor reaction, that this is not the outcome he wanted. 
Which leaves the two of you here, alone in your throne room. Your father had found your idea of a tournament for your hand in marriage to be a silly one, but he had indulged you because you promised to be betrothed to someone at the end of it. By standards of the court, you’re much too old at twenty-two to remain unwed. 
You’ve been plotting ways to get Nanami to participate, even daring to consider commanding him to do so, but never has being a victim to malicious comments ever been as beneficial as it has today. Nanami signed up for the tourney by his own will! His words ring in your ear, looping incessantly as you watch him fight.
It is to defend my lady’s honor.
He does not know the effect that title has on you, at least when it’s coming from him. My lady. His. 
“If the idea of marrying me causes you so much ire, I will call off the betrothal at once and relieve you from your knightly duties, as well.” You do not want to do such a thing, but… You love Nanami. You love him so much that if it is your presence that pains him, you will take your leave now.
The word comes from somewhere deep within himself, throaty and raw, like it hurts to say it, but it had to be spoken. The fates demand it. 
“No?” You repeat, slowly, almost as if the word is something foreign to your tongue.
“Forgive me, my lady. I did not mean to speak out of turn.” 
“You do not want to leave me?” You say it softly, but it’s just the two of you in this room. Every word exchanged seems to bounce around the walls, ricocheting, hitting the both of you in the face. 
“Princess, it is not a matter of my wants.” Why must you torture him so? While he knows he can never marry you, there was a second of elation that excited his soul at the prospect of being your betrothed. He’s lived a rough life, his calloused palms and hardened heart proof of it. He hasn’t allowed himself to indulge in fantasies for quite some time, but you inspire just enough hope that it stabs him in his heart. Daring to dream of the impossible is a fool’s game. 
“Ask me what I want.” You say it firmly. He obliges. 
“What is it that you want, my lady?”
“You, Kento.” 
No title, no boundaries. You have spoken his name, and that sting in his heart, the harmful side effect of his hope, grows. He dares to look up just a bit more, his eyes staring deep into your own. 
All the walls Nanami painstakingly built to separate you two threaten to crumble right before his very eyes. His battlefield tact is of no use here. Had this been any other battle, he would charge forward with his head and sword raised high. Retreat is not an option for a soldier such as himself. 
So why does he flirt with the idea of fleeing now? 
“I am not deserving.”
“It hurts me when you say that.” And you say it with such a wounded look on your soft features that Nanami knows it must be true. 
“I am not even a lord.” He’s fumbling for an excuse, anything to convince you that marrying him would be a mistake. He finds your stubbornness endearing, but he must get you to understand that you will regret marrying him.
“I have no need for a lord.” You retort, almost scoffing at the notion.
“I am seven years your senior.”
“Much better than the suitors decades older than I.” 
“You must understand that I am not the gentlest of men. I am not built for care.” The tips of his ears turn red, a giveaway to his shame and embarrassment at the fact. 
“I am not fragile.” 
Stubborn. You are much too stubborn for your own good.
“I have tainted you.” He chokes out, staring you directly in the eyes. Showing his sins to the broad daylight filtering through the stained glass windows of this room. “I have stolen a kiss meant for your husband.”
“I kissed you! You have tainted nothing, you have robbed no one!” You exclaim, shocked at his misery. 
“And now I have stolen your fate.” He continues. “You should not wish to marry a man like me, and you will only come to regret this impulsive decision of your youth if you force this betrothal.” 
“Am I forcing you, Sir?” The title seems almost like a mockery, especially after you exchanged it for his given name just minutes prior. 
There is nothing Nanami can say that will change your mind, and he realizes this. He realizes the pure selfishness of wanting you to not change your mind, but he is stubborn as well. The tension in this room wraps around the both of you, binding you two together. It’s a battle of wills, now. 
Perhaps it always has been. 
“You will regret this, my lady.” This is what he says. Inside, he begs of you, please do not regret me. 
Satisfied at seemingly having your way, you settle into your throne, leaning back. 
“So noble of you to want to save me from what you consider a dastardly fate, but I shall be the judge of that.” 
And thus, the engagement period begins.
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m-musings · 7 months
im actually so excited omg i dont wanna sound mean actually the opposite but you write for a couple of pretty dead fandoms and im just so happy to see new writers for them.
can i request hcs for rotg (either jack frost, or bunnymund, or pitch, whoever you like. maybe the three of them??? idk go nuts show nuts) with a grim reaper reader? thanks! :D
Headcanons: Jack Frost, Pitch Black and E. Aster Bunnymund with Grim Reaper! Reader
A/N: anon I'm dying at go nuts show nuts, that's the funniest shit i've read in a while but anyways yeah, all 3 sounds good to me lmao. also, I wasn't sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so i just kept it on the friendly side, i hope that's okay!
Word Count: 450 Warnings: mentions of death/ dead people
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Jack is a bit wary around you at first simply due to the nature of your job.
But once he sees just how gentle and kind you are with the souls you reap, he's back on board with getting to know you.
As he gets more comfortable with you, he'll definitely make fun of you like he does with the other guardians but he does it with love!
Jack will occasionally accompany you when you're reaping a younger soul. His presence seems to calm them down if they begin to panic, even if they sometimes can't see him.
If you ever get a break from reaping, he will invite you to participate in one of his famous snow day snowball fights as a way to forget about the sadness that sometimes comes with the responsibility of being a being of death.
He's still the excitable and reckless Jack Frost but when you're around, he's more mellowed out and - forgive the pun- chill to hang out with.
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Pitch is intrigued by you from the start.
While he may control people's fears, it is a rare occasion for him to actually interact with one, let alone one as important as the personification of death itself.
He knows just how powerful a reaper can be so he is always sure to treat you with the respect you deserve.
The one time Pitch tried to convince you to join him against the Guardians, it ended with a scythe pointed at his neck and a stern scolding from you, so he doesn't bring that subject up around you anymore.
Pitch actually enjoys spending time with you though, he feels that your presence is much more tranquil and calm than that of the other spirits he knows.
He can be maniacal and full of himself but deep down he has a strange admiration for you and the job you do.
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Bunny has known you for a long time and has come to highly regard you as an ally.
You two mesh well together, because without the deaths you take watch of, he wouldn't be able to help bring new bouts of life into the world.
He refuses to see any of the souls you may bring around The Warren though, it makes him kind of squeamish.
He will occasionally help you wrangle up a lost soul or two but it's very uncommon for him to be around during the actual reaping.
Bunnymund and you do spend the most time together just because your roles are so interconnected with one another (Guardians of Life and Death and all that).
All in all, You and Bunny are very close knit and have a great respect for one another.
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🪷Sacred Lotus Within You ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than what you are now.’
‘I don’t wanna be more! I like who I am.’
‘You don’t even know who you are.’
‘What do you— Of course I do; I’m the Dragon Warrior!’
‘And what exactly does that mean—Dragon Warrior?’
—  Po and Shifu’s conversation from Kung Fu Panda 3
SONG: Pure Imagination by Gene Wilder
MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
A hard Life is not always a divine punishment of sort⛈More often than not, the Universe’s most advanced Souls choose to be born—as Humans—into much sorrow and a perceived sense of limitation just for the joy of experiencing a personal breakthrough out of a cycle of—both—good and bad Karma🍄
Seen from a Soul’s perspective, all events in this mortal world are just drama. drama. drama~🎭It’s so exciting to co-Create massive stories with other Souls in this theatre of the Universe🎪This Play in itself, a spiritual evolution of sort for all beings of Love and Light🩰
This world is at best the dream of a Butterfly🦋Have fun; and have faith that in time all things bloom magnificently like a Sacred Lotus emerging from the mud🪷Ultimately, all of us, we bring with us only memories of our lifetimes when we are done playing our roles in this Grand Experiment of a Cosmic Drama💫
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Pile 1 – Peace Maker
VIBE: Master Shifu asking Po to teach him inner peace
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seeds of beauty in you – 10 of Pentacles Rx
Encoded in your DNA is the very gift of healing itself. You were born into this world of stupid carrying seeds of peace-making. Yup, you were the kid who was always able to tell when a grownup was lying. Like, OMG, so disrespectful…they think I can’t see through such obvious lies? In fact, too many things were obvious to you because you are gifted with a keen ability of observation. We’re talking superhuman-level observation, baby~
With that, the world around you was often terribly dull. You’re definitely the type that wants to travel and see the world for yourself. Wanting to see what other people of different nations and races, customs and cultures, even religions, have to share about what this Life is all about~ You had A LOT of questions!
Alas… You soon realised that most people’s perceptions, priorities, and overall ways of life are low-quality at best. Your interactions with people, your observations of them, gave you almost nothing but disdain. People…are not intelligent enough. But more disturbing still…people are not noble enough in their pursuits of a good Life.
In your eye, most of the time, people don’t have enough integrity, character, or personality🤷🏻‍♀️
blooming in spite of muddy water – 7 of Pentacles Rx
If you’re often distressed by the state of Humanity, it is because you possess this divine ability to pierce through bullshit and reveal the true essence of all things. You’re a deep diver. You truly are a scholar. You’re the type that seeks to bridge between differences and clashes, so that people find a common ground upon which they could build a harmonious society. You most likely have a significant placement in the 7th House or blessed with a strong Libra/Venus aenergy~⚖️
Essentially, you’ve come into this world with an almost specific purpose of bridging differences between generations. All because your Oversoul was sick of watching Humans being fools amongst themselves. So you plunged into this world of illusions in the hopes of elevating people’s spiritual intelligence. Your unique gift of observation is piercing and high-vibrational and the reason it can bridge generations is that the wisdom you will develop as a person is both universal and timeless💎
You are an Ascended Master, you know. Like Po returning to the mortal world after defeating Kai. Like Gandalf the Grey returning as Gandalf the White after defeating the Balrog. All because you’ve got shit to do in this world of stupid—your wisdom is gravely needed! I’m not teaching you to be conceited or anything, but by means of technicality, you’re not here to learn anymore; you’re here to…teach🤣
tulips of happiness – Knight of Cups
No matter your age or their age, you’re here to teach the infantile Humans about inner peace and true, everlasting, sustainable, manageable, actually reasonable sense of Harmony🌷You do that by setting an example; by first bridging confusions and calming down chaos within yourself; then you talk about the walk to anybody interested enough to listen to you🌾
In this lifetime, as an Ascended Master playing Human, there’s probably a lot of heartache you’ve needed to learn to forgive. If you’re in your early or mid-20s when reading this, you’re most likely just beginning to learn it. You don’t have to act perfectly though. Healing and forgiveness are not about being or doing perfect. It’s perfectly OK, too, not to forgive—certain cruelties in this world are simply beyond absolution, ya know?🤬
What does truly matter is that you forgive yourself. Just yourself. You can forgive the situation. You can forgive the fact you fucked your way into this or that mess. Where applicable, you can give thanks to the experience and then move on to the next thing. Be glad about the fact that you’re still alive after all of the fuckery, and that you’ve enough self-awareness, and how that self-awareness has grown you as a person. It is such a beautiful thing to have grown up in the mental and spiritual~🦉
the script you chose – Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 2 – Pink Radiance
VIBE: Master Oogway sending universe mail to Li Shan
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seeds of beauty in you – III The Empress Rx
Oooh~ You’re pretty~ That much I can tell🙊You probably are blessed with some significant Aries, Aquarius, or any Cardinal aenergy in your birth chart; could also have Venus/Moon in the 1st or 11th House~ And do you know why you’re bestowed with an outer appearance that’s easily considered attractive in this realm? Because you’re meant to have an audience🎙
You’re meant to be heard; to have a platform and be some sort of a leader. And since being pretty in this world brings a lot of privileges, your Soul chose to be born with this specific setting in your birth chart wHoA~ A pretty face gets attention more effortlessly and that’s just how it is with this world~🙈
So, you see that there’s meaning in having some forms of privilege whether it’s your face or your family/economic background, or even heritage or some special lineage thing going on in your Life🎰And yet, it seems you could’ve been blind to all this ‘upper hand’ and not see much value in your existence.
None of this has felt all that special…well, because you were born with it. It’s not special; it’s normal to you; and you definitely want to feel special…not really grasping others would kill to have what you were born with…🐞
blooming in spite of muddy water – XVI The Tower
In spite of all of the privileges that seem obvious and enviable to others, you yourself have not felt all that blessed most of your Life. There is this thing that people don’t understand about you: EXPECTAFUCKINTION. Expectation could kill, depending on situation, and depending on where you are in Life. In many ways, you haven’t really ever felt FREE in your beingness. You don’t really know how FREE truly would feel like. You can imagine it, but you don’t really know if that’s even real🤷🏻‍♀️
Whether it’s status, prestige, or simply beauty, sometimes you’ve felt victimised by the very things other people wish they had. They literally don’t know how suffocating it is to be wearing your crown~ You often feel like you don’t have autonomy over your own Life. In some instances, you may even have experienced your autonomy getting violated. And it’s so heartbreaking.
At some point in Life, you will suddenly and gradually lose access to all of these beauties and privileges, maybe even some of your talents, babe. All these things that came ever so naturally to you, once you’ve lost ‘em, you will die in spirit, and be reborn with a renewed sense of appreciation for the fact you have always, ALWAYS, been extraordinary👿
tulips of happiness – King of Swords
Whether you are a girl or a boy or straight or gay or whatever, you are an ally of the world’s Divine Feminine aenergy. Do not worry about losing your glory; it will aaalll come back stronger and sparklier once you’ve graduated the University of Hell a.k.a Saturn Return🪐
It is part of your Soul’s Blueprint to experience losing privileges, perhaps money, talents, friends, freedom, hair, weight, and everything else, momentarily. This period of your Life—whether it’s your first or second Saturn Return—can be likened to a pregnant woman who’s now restricted from drinking, eating, doing, or even being near certain things. She’s not so free, but for all the right reasons; she’s protecting her foetus.
This Saturn Return period of your Life where you’re experiencing losing yourself is like a pregnancy where you’re gestating a newer, stronger, clearer, more confident version of yourself. The restrictions put around you are meant to suffocate you further, enough for you to want a breakthrough. All so you can become a pure Pink Radiance of a miracle this miserable world needs, for that is your purpose for being born🌷
Shine on, Pink Diamond~
the script you chose – Green Historian (Herodotus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Prosperity
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Pile 3 – Magic Worker
VIBE: Po teaching the tribe to be THEMSELVES
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seeds of beauty in you – 9 of Cups Rx
Within you are seeds of a luxurious lifestyle that you ought to nurture slowly throughout the course of your Life. You may have come from a background of lack just to make this whole scenario more exciting (to us as Souls contrasts are exceedingly attractive when thinking of a spiritual breakthrough). With that, you could’ve grown up with lots of daydreaming about feeling fulfilled—emotionally fulfilled.
Though you may have daydreamed about luxurious environments and things and situations, at the core of everything, all you yearn for is a feeling of safety; stability; of having just enough…of being enough, in fact…all because you weren’t emotionally nurtured as a child. You were the kid who were neglected by everybody, both the adults and your peers.
You felt unseen most of your Life. But even those who acted like they saw you, somehow the view was inaccurate. You felt this way because you didn’t understand yourself either. Children learn about themselves through the feedback of their environment; so the ones who were mostly neglected…how could such children even begin to learn to comprehend their identity?
Because you didn’t really understand yourself, it was difficult to manifest properly. In your psyche, there are way too many threads of wishes that are tangled up, causing you to manifest clashing Realities…and then disappoint you…
blooming in spite of muddy water – XXI The World
The reason for this difficulty is that you needed to learn and discover for yourself the true Essence of being alive. You are essentially God’s messenger to help Humans overcome their addiction to material possessions. Omaigosh if you know how TikTok shopping culture is making people poorer and more miserable in the emotional, I’m sure this will ring a bell in your Soul Memory.
People who grew up poor are the main target of evil marketing because they crave that feeling of ‘having’. Sometimes, it’s a feeling of having things—trendy things; some other times, it’s a feeling of having friends—cool friends; and some tragical times, of having someone to love—which usually only translates to ONS or casual hookups without any real emotional connection.
Anyway, back to talking about material possessions though, there’s this:
‘Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.’ – George Carlin
This, is a concept, a Reality, you’ve needed to learn and fully comprehend, and then unravel by means of your personal spiritual transformation. That way you can be an example and a guide to others. Reminiscent of Uncle George himself, you’re somebody who holds an Elder Archetype aenergy about you. You’re ‘worldly’ in the sense that you’re based, well-thinking, and most of all, you can embrace perspectives that are UNIQUE. You’re able to hold a knowledge that encompasses the whole of the Universe itself.
tulips of happiness – 4 of Pentacles
In a sense, know that you are a born leader. Though I sense, you may be more interested in being a thought leader🧠You don’t seem that interested in leading an envoy or a movement of any sort hahaha You’re a loner; you like being in your own company. After all, people are stupid and it’s exhausting to have to interact with them. And that’s all fine~
In the future, when everything’s said and done, you’ll meet your Soul Tribe—people who are just as weird, misunderstood, deep, sombre (probably), wholesome, complex, and loyal such as yourself🫀Your Spirit Guides are really saying: it’s perfectly fine for you not to extend too much compassion for those who aren’t worth your while; hoping you’d calm down some clashing ideas about your personality.
It sounds cruel? No, really; not everybody is worth paying attention to or share affection with. If you do that you’re only going to be sucked dry of Life Force. It’s a similar principal with money spending. Just because you see a lot of items being displayed with attractive, persuasive DISCOUNT signs, doesn’t mean you have to give your attention, or money least of all, to ALL of that. Got it?🤪
‘Even if something is on discount, if you don’t need it, it’s too expensive.’ – Love Marie Escudero’s husband, Govt. Chiz
the script you chose – Green Physician (Paracelsus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Intuition
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
If. If you're comfortable with it maybe you can make it a lil spicy. if you catch my drift... *wink wink. TEEHEE. And maybe add a little wholesomeness too 🤔
Ooh, now that's an interesting scenario 😏
WARNING: Suggestive, Fluffy, Heavy flirting, kinda a Dom!reader, mentions of cannibalism, NSFW parts
This dude will be ALL OVER YOU. He loves dominant people. (Lmao)
He will be like a closeted simp, actually.
He's going to deny any attraction towards you. Like, no, he wasn't staring at your behind. The hell you mean?
He loves laying his hand on your hip/s. It's just so squishy and nice in his hand- it's like they were meant to be held by him!
He'd give up anything just to hear you sing.
You're pretty powerful, not gonna lie- you can literally command Nightmare anything and he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Won't admit it, but you've got him wrapped around your little finger-
He's probably gonna rub it in Dream's face once you two get together.
He likes looking at your cleavage a lot. He can't help but start to get a little lot excited every time you bend over to either grab something, or simply just to give him a tease. But he's too much of a "gentleman/asshole" to ever acknowledge it, or admit it. But the tent in his pants tell a different story...
He won't let it be known by anyone, but he THRIVES and DROOLS whenever you dominate him in bed.
Speaking of drooling, you will catch him looking at your ass while drooling a lot... He's so thirsty istg.
Please please PLEASE call him "boss" in bed.. he gets off from that.
"What do you see in that guy?" <- probably Dust. "He makes me laugh."
Killer will literally whistle anytime you walk by.
He's so swayed by you, it's really silly.
Loves your voice, and would do anything just to hear you say his name.
He's the one that whimpers, source; trust me bro.
You are, in his "charming" words: "So sexy that it should be criminal."
He gets REALLY creative once he realizes he has a thing for your voice ... Like- A NEW KINK SUDDENLY DEVELOPS.
Keeps asking you to call him all sorts of things, just so he could hear it in your sultry voice. "Daddy, master, an idiot.." whichever you'll like the best to call him, he'll like it! Just cause it's you who's saying it.
He likes roleplaying with you, and not only cause you look really gorgeous while playing your role! There's actually a specific roleplay he likes to do with you. You're a victim and he's the criminal/kidnapper.
You thought Nightmare was horny? Nah dude, this man's is THE DEFINITION OF DOWN BAD.
He begs, so so much.
He has a love-hate relationship with pleasure denying... Don't get it twisted now, he loves how much control you have over him, and it has him shaking knowing that he's so bend by your words, but he just HATES how he can't... finish. Oh he wants to so bad..
While Killer and Nightmare love dominant people, Dust is actually a switch. He likes himself some Dom mommy, but sometimes, he likes to be the daddy, if you know what I mean ;)
But Dust is probably more respectful towards you than Killer and Nightmare.. what can I say? He proudly respects woman!
Would avoid actually looking at your cleavage and your ass, just so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable in his presence. (Omg, the MURDERER?! More respectful than drunkards at the bars?? That's crazy dude..)
He loves to hear you sing your sweet little tunes. He's so in love with YOUR PERSONALITY.
I definitely think that Dust values personality over looks, so that's pretty much what's going on.
He loves your sassiness, as he's pretty sassy himself, so that's that.
If you really want an honest opinion on something, go to Dust. He's probably the most reliable one here.
Dust tries his hardest to not let his mind travel to the more suggestive ideas, whenever he sees you, but boy... after you give him the permission to be more bold with you- oh-ho... let's just say... That he's gonna get much- more suggestive. Unless you don't want him to, then he'll immediately stop and apologize.
Loves your thighs, if he could, he would suffocate in-between your thighs, and he'd die a happy man.
He loves when you moan out his name- makes him feel good that he's making you this vocal.
Overall, I feel like he would rather focus on your pleasure than his own, he loves to make you feel good.
Horror never really pays attention to how people look like, what he does pay attention to though, is how certain people smell.. listen, he's not a dog, he can just tell if the people are good to eat, or if he should eat them. It overall gives him a good idea of how the person could taste. Good smell=tasty meat, Bad smell=yucky.
So what do you think he does the first time he sees you? He sniffs you.. and you smell......... really delicious...but this smell actually really confuses Horror, because you don't smell like food to him, but rather as something much more...steamy.
While Dust, Killer and Nightmare are the one that falls first, it's actually the other way around with Horror. You fall first.
You're literally gushing about his strength while he's ripping someone's head off of their body, only with his hands.
Horror is the tallest out of all the Bad Sanses (and Star Sanses), so you look like a flea next to him. Which in turn makes you flustered.
Horror likes your voice too, he could fall asleep to it...oh, how much would he love to hear your screams...
Finds your sassiness cute.
Horror is actually so clueless when he does something suggestive to you... He's not innocent, he just never takes it into account.
You start to get really hot and bothered by Horror, so you start to get a little risky with him... Teasing him. You do all sorts of things, bend over, press your chest on his belly, suggestively suck a popsicle, and safe to say... It drives him crazy.
He loves biting, so he'll often pepper you with love bites all over you. (Ouch. His teeth are really sharp, so good luck with that.)
He's just so..big. Wait, no, that's an understatement, he's ginormous. You'll have to really prepare yourself if you want to get down in the sheets with him. He WILL break you. (Not on purpose though)
While Killer whimpers, Horror growls.
He loves tasting you. It basically became his favorite meal. (You can choose whether you'd like for him to continue this routine of eating you out, or if you'd like for him to stop. He will stop. Another one that drank the "woman respecting juice".)
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shadowdaddies · 7 months
Could I possibly request a smutty Rhys x reader with the “crawl to me” trope? I have been trying to remember for so long what I wanted to request and it FINALLY came back to me lol
omg I got so excited when I saw this request. If you want the roles reversed lmk and I can write that but I want Rhys to crawl to me like this was what immediately came to mind lol
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Crawl to Me
Rhys x Reader
Warnings: smut below the cut, oral f!receiving, sub!Rhys, p in v sex, minors dni, not proofread
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The moment Rhys closed the bedroom door behind you, the tight leash you had been holding on your emotions snapped. Whirling around to push your finger accusingly at his chest, your eyes lit with fury. “What the fuck was that, Rhys? You completely undermined me in front of all those people.” 
Rhys reached for your hand, his fingers softly brushing yours. Mischief danced in those violet eyes as he attempted to placate you. “Darling, you know that you play an equal role in this court-“ Yanking your hand out of his, you cut off his sentence. “Do not touch me right now, Rhysand. You cannot say that I am your equal when you do not allow me the opportunity to provide input in decision making. Did you see all of their faces when you agreed to the terms without consulting me? Those males were so smug to realize that High Lady is the decorative title they think it to be.” 
Rhys’s throat bobbed, his face flush with shame as he witnessed the full extent of your distress. Running a hand through his onyx waves, he paced over to the sitting area, leaning against the table as he faced where you stood at the edge of the bed. Violet eyes lined with silver looked up into yours. “Darling, I am so sorry. I did not mean to dismiss your role as High Lady... I’m just-“ he paused, an anxious sigh leaving his lips as his leg nervously bounced against the floor. “I’m not used to consulting with anyone when I make decisions like that. But I will. You tell me what you don’t like about the deal and I’ll let them know that their High Lady has new terms.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at your mate’s antics. “It’s not about the deal, Rhys. The deal is fine. I just want to be included in these matters. It’s important to me that we are recognized as partners.” Rhysand nodded, rubbing his chin. “From now on, I will look to you - not only for confirmation, but for you to voice your input.” With a smirk, he added, “but for now, we’ll find something you want to change in the deal. Just so they know who’s in charge.” With a wink and his usual charming smile, Rhys had shifted the air in the room entirely. 
His eyes roved over your body, the sleek black dress and heels that you had donned for the meeting leaving little to the imagination. Rhys’s eyes darkened, gaze turning hungry as his eyes flicked to yours. “Now, would you please let me show you exactly how much I admire you?”
You smirked back at him, standing tall as you slipped off the gown, leaving yourself bare except for the heels you wore. Rhys pushed against the table, fully standing as he moved to walk towards you. With a small shake of your head, the High Lord stopped dead in his tracks. Satisfaction filled you at his quick submission.
Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, you leaned back and spread your legs. Rhys’s nostrils flared, his eyes glued to you as the combined scent of your arousals filled the room. Looking down your nose at the male, you snapped your fingers, pointing towards the ground. You had already forgiven him - you both knew it - but the temptation to draw this out further was too great. “Crawl to me,” you purred, a vicious smile on your lips.
The High Lord kneeled where he stood, looking up at you through dark lashes as he shifted to his hands and knees. The scent of his fresh arousal was enough confirmation that he was enjoying this as much as you were, eliciting a soft laugh from you as Rhysand crawled to the edge of the bed, where he kneeled, readily awaiting your instruction. “Good boy,” you purred, tucking the stiletto of your heel under his chin so that his eyeline was level with your pussy. 
His tongue subconsciously flicked out, licking his lips as he itched for permission to touch you. “Mmm...” you cooed as you brought your foot back to rest so your legs were spread on the bed frame. “Do you think you deserve to touch your High Lady?” Rhys’s eyes moved to yours, his breathing heavy as he answered. “No, High Lady. But I would be honored to be allowed to pleasure you.” You hummed, pleased with that answer. “Good boy,” you cooed again, head tilting as you debated whether to tease him further.
As much as you enjoyed toying with your husband, you were just as eager for his touch as he was yours. “You may pleasure me, then,” you nodded. No sooner had the words left your mouth than Rhys lunged upwards, wrapping his strong arms around your thighs as he licked a broad stripe up your core. You collapsed against the bed, back arching as he continued his work on you.
Rhys suckled on your clit, alternating between long, gentle pulses and sharp sucks, tongue occasionally flicking out as he pushed his fingers into you. Talons scraped along the edge of your mind, and you opened without hesitation only to be bombarded with a mental image. You were sprawled out on the throne like this, Rhys’s own throne nowhere to be seen as he knelt before you, worshipping your body in front of the entire court. 
Rhys withdrew from your mind, the feeling of his fingers curling against your walls bringing you crashing back to reality and over the edge. You screamed his name as Rhys worked you through your high, legs shaking when he finally released you from his grip. 
You were heaving for breath, vision still hazy when Rhys crawled over you, licking his fingers clean as he watched you with a feline grin. His boastful expression was short-lived, as you pulled him in for a deep kiss, forcing your tongue between his lips as you tasted yourself in your mate. You rolled Rhys over, straddling his hips as you ground against him. “I need your clothes off, now,” you whispered, frantic with need to have your mate inside of you. 
With a dark chuckle, Rhys vanished his clothes, now as bare as you. Rubbing your slick up and down his shaft, Rhys groaned as he gripped your hips. Taking hold of his hard cock, you lined him up with your center and sank down onto him, both of you moaning at the feeling. You rolled your hips back and forth as you bounced up and down, Rhys filling you everywhere as you worked him at an agonizingly slow pace. 
Growing with impatience, Rhysand flipped you over, lifting one of your legs over his shoulder as he began pounding into you. Licking his thumb, Rhys brought it down to rub your clit, sending you over the edge again. Clumsily shoving his hand away, Rhys laughed as he continued thrusting into you. 
Determined to maintain some sense of dominance, you licked your own finger, dragging it down the thick vein of his left wing. Rhys crumbled at your touch, coming undone with a roar as he filled you. Collapsing next to you on the bed, Rhys gently tilted your head to face him as he stroked your cheek. “I love you, my High Lady.” You laughed, rolling your eyes at his cheesiness. “I love you too, High Lord.”
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jinxdancer08 · 5 months
Met on Set - Timothée Chalamet x F!Reader Social Media AU
Hey everyone! This idea has been trapped in my brain for several weeks now honestly, and I just wanted to get it out there. I definitely have ideas to continue it if people want/I feel like. Not super edited because I am tired, but I hope you enjoy!
P.S. not being able to edit drafts on my phone has significantly lowered the amount of time I have in my day to work on this 🤣
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liked by taylorswift, kamnsaunders, and 8,436 others
yourusername: shimmering✨
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yourfriend: omg slayyy queen 💅🏻👑
yourusername liked
yourusername: thank you bb 🥰
swiftie101: mother is mothering 😍
nat_b_peterson: best night ever! so excited for your new project coming out soon!
taylorswift: 💜
yourusername liked
yourusername: so proud of how it turned out!
taylorismother: they all look so good! can't wait to see it!
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liked by wonkamovie, yourusername, and 38,412 others
vanityfair: How did Timothée Chalamet get out of auditioning for Paul King's #Wonka, and how did his time performing growing up prepare him for the role? Find out in our exclusive interview with the chocolatier premiering this Friday! For now, enjoy this sneak peek at what the star had to say about his training on set.
Interviewer: So what was your training like on set for all of the musical numbers? Did your background help you at all with these performances? Timothée: Oh not at all! No, it was way more intense than anything I have ever done. Thankfully all of the singing was pre-recorded, so I didn't have to worry about that too much. The dancing was on a whole other level, though. I had my trainer who worked with me for months beforehand, and once everyone came together to film the bigger numbers, there was another choreographer who was so patient and sweet, and she really helped me feel like it wasn't quite so terrifying, so huge shoutout to her.
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calahlane: Can't wait for everyone to see it! 🍫
liltimmytim: Timothée is so hot wtf
chalametforlife: omg yes 😩 i would literally die for him
fail101: not another one of these dumb willy wonka movies why does everything have to be a remake
timmysbiggestfan: who is this choreographer and why is she trying to steal my man!!!
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liked by tchalamet, wonkamovie, and 12,734 others
yourusername: Now that people are finally talking about #Wonka, I can post these throwbacks from working with the ensemble cast! This experience was such a dream come true, and I can't thank everyone who was a part of it enough for trusting a baby choreographer's vision and bringing it to life in the best possible way. Can't wait to see it on the big screen!
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janravnik: So proud of you baby girl!
yourusername liked
yourusername: stop it or I'll cry
swiftieforlyfe: no way this is the project she was working on before tour??
paullyatreides: woah Timmy in the likes?
yourfriend: LETS GO BESTIE 🎉
yourusername liked
yourusername: watch party at my house??
timmyswife: is this the choreographer he mentioned in that one interview?
Taglist: @ashlynredonovitch @moonyromero
If you would like to be added to/removed from the tag list please lmk :)
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sundrop-writes · 4 months
How would Spencer, Emily and Elle react to getting proposed to?
(I love this so much omg.)
(The reader here is entirely gender neutral.)
Requests are currently - OPEN
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I feel like Elle would lowkey hate it? I think even if she was in a long-term relationship, she wouldn't be into traditional romance. She wouldn't be the PDA type of person, she would be the type of person to flirt with teasing insults and she wouldn't like things to get 'too sappy'.
I think Elle wouldn't even be too fond of the idea of marriage - she would be okay with just existing in a long term relationship (and would not want to open the door of 'I am terrified of someone leaving me so I don't want to get married because I don't want to get divorced'.) If she was with someone who did help her get over that, and she did want to get married, then she would want the marriage proposal to be simple, non-romantic, and predictable. (And most likely, Elle would want to be the one proposing, rather than the one getting proposed to.)
She would hate one of those very traditional, very romantic, public or semi-public proposals - especially if it was one that she didn't see coming. She would love the kind of proposal where you gave her a ring randomly while handing her the Sunday paper and when she asked what the ring was, you say "I think we should get married."
If that was the case, then she would smile and put the ring on, and tell you that it's a bother because she has to 'go to HR and get some BS paperwork about changing her marriage status' - but she says it with a fond smile, and you know that it's her way of saying she's looking forward to spending her life with you.
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Emily would be shocked. Even if the two of you discussed marriage in the past and the possibility of getting married, she would still be shocked if you set up a proposal for her. She thought that she would be the one to propose to you, but she never had much romantic flare, and she got so caught up in working that she never set aside too much time to plan a proposal - and you got ahead of her and planned one before she could think too much about it. (You were very romantic, and even though she never said it much, you knew that she loved being romanced and swept off her feet.)
She is still a private person, so she wouldn't want it to be a public or even semi-public proposal - she would be okay if her close friends were there (basically, her BAU family), but that's about it.
I think she would love something like this - you waiting at the office when the team gets back from a case. You have had the help of Garcia (who just lives for this kind of stuff, and practically squealed with glee when you told her that you needed her help setting up a proposal for Emily) (and she had the hardest time not blabbing the secret to everyone, but she managed to keep it under wraps, even if everyone knew she was acting weird for some reason) - you printed out pictures of your relationship with Emily and decorated the round table room with them, themeing the room with pictures of beauty and happiness instead of all the horrific crime-scene photos that Emily has had to see there before.
Derek insisted that he needed Emily's attention in the room (because of course, on the way back, Penelope had called him, and talked his ear off about how he could help, all to excited about the prospect of romance and love) - and Emily stood in loving awe at seeing you in the middle of the room, candles lit, as you got down on one knee - and everyone funnelled in to watch as you gave an epic speech, summarizing how much you loved her and how, even if the world could be filled with horrors, you wanted to be with her through it all.
Naturally, she said yes - and there wasn't a dry eye among the team.
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Spencer would absolutely love it.
Of course, because of traditional gender roles (and the heteronormative idea being planted in his head that he was likely going to end up in a straight relationship) - Spencer always pictured himself as the one who would perform the proposal, rather that the one being proposed to. Even when he first got into a relationship with you, it lingered in the back of his mind that he would probably be the one to plan the proposal and execute it - so when marriage was heavily discussed between the two of you, and it seemed like the true next logical step in your relationship, Spencer found himself delightfully surprised when you planned a marriage proposal for him.
He was the super romantic type. He loved doing hyper romantic things for you, but he was never prepared when you returned that romance for him. He wouldn't care if the proposal was public or not, but he would feel shy about things being centered around him for once and all the attention being on him - but he would love how much effort you put into it.
You made it perfect for him. You took him out on a date - going to his favourite restaurant, and then you took him to the planetarium. You proposed to him under a beautiful sky full of stars, with a simple ring that he could wear to show off the commitment - he tried to hide his tears of happiness in the darkness of the room, and he kissed you with the utmost passion after he said yes. He couldn't have been happier, knowing that this was the start of a long life that the two of you got to spend together.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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satellite-evans · 2 years
Chris Evans loving on his pregnant wife for 20 minutes straight
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: a fan made a video about your husband not being able to keep himself from talking about you and your unborn child at all times.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Fluff. Like y’all know you can’t expect anything else from me at this point
A/N: I would like to say before y'all come to me and say 'my omg you copied @astranva how could you' I didn't. Nova herself is cool with it and I'm just sick of you guys always putting us against each other. We are both fluff writers for the same white dude. Similarities are going to happen. So please, don't attack me, and don't full nova's inbox with bullshit. Thank you. <3
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, talks, vents, recommendations or just simple questions are always welcome.
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Chris Evans is a well-known name in Hollywood. Not only for his looks, his iconic role as Captain America, and his famous left boob grab, but the way he kept talking about you in all his interviews.
There was no denying that he was obsessed with you and even more since you carried his child. This obsession was even noticed by fans that they couldn't help but make a video about their favorite Marvel star.
Chris Evans loving on his pregnant wife for 20 minutes straight.
The trending internet video started with a clip of Chris in his famous white suit standing in front of the cameras at the knives out the premiere.
While everyone was screaming at him and trying to get his attention, his eyes were only locked on you, mesmerized by your beauty and making sure you were okay, that the baby was fine.
"Hey Chris, how are you? Good to see you." The voice of the extratv journalist was heard while she was shaking his hand.
"What was it like to be a part of it and work with the cast?" Her first question came immediately after the introduction and made Chris think for a few seconds.
" Uh, I-It was uh, very humbling, y'know a-a lot very talented people who've had uh very long career in this industry so, a lot to learn."
Just when the interviewer was going to shoot him with another question, Chris showed he was clearly not done with his answer.
"Also, also I would like to say that it meant a lot to my wife, Y/N, too." He pointed towards you, where you were standing next to his publicist, trying not to take his thunder away tonight with your very pregnant belly.
"Oh yeah, Y/N is also here tonight! Let's let her join in this interview too!"
Chris then waved the woman off "No, that's okay. She doesn't like this type of thing and I want to respect that. But yeah, she is the reason I accepted this-the job. She is, y'know- my wife is very into detective work and solving crimes so when the opportunity came I just-I had to take it to make her happy."
The next clip showed Chris yet with another interviewer, but this time he was sitting in front of her with Ana de Armas next to him.
"So first, I wanted to say congratulations to Chris. You and your wife are expecting a baby."
In an instant, a smile grew on his face, and he got excited since the conversation was his favorite topic.
"That's right, yeah." He said, with a smirk on his face and his pink in his mouth.
"So how does that feel, becoming a dad after waiting all those years?"
He answered the question with such ease, " It is exciting, but also intimidating, in a way." He started, "Just like you said the need- I wanted to have a family for so long, you think I would've mentally prepared myself, but it is nothing like that. You're scared, you're nervous, you-you constantly thinking if you're going to be a great dad, y'know? All these questions come up and make you more anxious than you already are but, thankfully I have Y/N, she-"
"Omg, she is amazing," Ana interrupted him.
Chris nodded immediately, agreeing with her statement.
"So amazing. I mean, honestly, without her, I think I would be lost. She is the best wife, the best friend, and I know she is going to be the best mother for our child. I-I don't know what I would do without her."
"That's so cute. I'm so happy for you, Chris."
The next clip was him in Massachusetts, on a set of Defending Jacob posing in front of the cameras with a bunch of fans.
"Man, when are you growing your hair back, we loved it in infinity war!" A man said while recording the encounters between Chris and his fans. He smiled and looked towards the guy who said: " I'm sorry but, the wife doesn't like it, so it's not gonna happen. Whatever she wants."
With that, he waved at the fans for the last time before going back to his trailer. He almost missed the guy's response:
"Never thought Captain America was gonna be pussy-whipped!"
Without turning back, Chris shouted back to him : "Why are you saying like it's a bad thing!"
Another video was added of him at the tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon.
"Did you-where you sad when you had to do the end-last scene?" Jimmy asked him after they started talking about the success of Avengers Endgame.
"Yeah, it was very emotional. I mean, it's emotional. These movies are a huge part of your life. And so, when they come to an end, it really it has an impact. But thankfully, I had my wife by my side who supported me throughout everything and, y'know, was there when I needed that extra emotional support."
"Speaking of your wife, Y/N, congratulations buddy she is pregnant!"
The whole crowd started cheering and clapping, Including Jimmy himself, and Chris could only smile and nod, showing how proud he was.
"Yeah, she is. We're expecting a child together, which sounds so odd when I say it because my dream I had for years finally became a reality."
The whole audience was awed, making Chris swoon.
"I am so happy for you pal, I truly am. So how far along is she?"
He looked in the air, thinking and making sure he was giving the right answers.
"She is- tomorrow she will be 7 months pregnant, yeah. Again, I couldn't be more excited about the whole thing. She is incredible. I mean literally, words don't even describe how much she means to me. I love her so much and can't wait to meet our baby."
"That's incredible news, buddy."
The final clip of the video was a self-recorded video Chris made to wish one of his fans a happy birthday.
"Hey Josh, it's me, Chris Evans. So your friends told me you turned 21, and I just wanted to say, have a happy birthday buddy. You're finally at the age that you can drink, at least legally, so go out and have a drink and enjoy it with your friends as much as you can. I would've joined you guys, but y'know, the missus is pregnant and we don't want her to scream at us like a street cat, do we?"
The video also caught you screaming from behind.
"Hey, I heard that!"
"I was just joking honey, all good here!" Chris screamed back. " She just proved my point," he whispered "anyway, happy birthday buddy, thank you for all the love, and enjoy your day. I've gotta show some love to my wife. Don't want her to get too mad at me. See you later, pal."
The video was so loved that it got 10 million in just one day and received many comments from fans:
user1: plsss the way he looks at her, he's down BAD
user2: when is someone going to talk about me the way Chris is talking about his pregnant wife?? WHEN???
user3: I love how he randomly brings up y/n during any conversation lmao
The video got so much love that it even caught the attention of the man himself, Chris Evans.
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distorted59 · 6 months
please elaborate on the dracula monster rp you mentioned in your kirk headcanons…PLEASE!!
this idea has been FEEDING my vampire kirk brain rot so well, esp those fanarts on insta👹👹 really check out @ fuzzsux on insta CAUSE THE ART IS SO GOOD!!!
anyways..... HERE'S MY IDEA FOR IT (any era works tbh)
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Bite me please
summary: Kirk wants to play dracula and he wants you to play his bride...
pairing: '93!kirk x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw/smut, biting, roleplay, use of safe words,
word count: 1158
A/N: i was debating wether to make this really kinky or nah.
you'd always known Kirk's favorite monster were vampires. especially Dracula and it's whole story arc. he's a hopeless romantic with a dark kinky side. which you don't mind at all, of course.
he loves the idea of him being a powerful, mind infiltrating, seductive, blood sucking creature. who would stalk you, love you, claim you, and mark you as his bride.
it would start with him biting your neck for fun, not real harshly or anything. just some playful bites. and you seem to like them. he would get all excited and wanted to ask you right away, because this has been on his mind for a while now.
but, he still sorta backs out. you see he wants to ask you something, so you do it first.
"baby? what's wrong?" you slide your hand over his back. "Something on your mind?"
"yeah, actually." he has a wide smile on his face, which slowly turns into a smirk. "would you be interested in... uhh... roleplay?"
your eyes widen a bit and your breath hitches. you have a puzzled look on your face and let out a short giggle.
"what'd you have in mind?" you grin back.
"what do you think?" he leans down and bites your neck again, harder this time.
"do you want to drain me from my blood, Count Dracula?" you say in a bad, sensual transylvanian accent.
"oh..." Kirk groans and lets out a breathy chuckle against your neck. "i'd like to drain you from something else too."
you moan softly as he places more sloppy kisses on your neck, going up to your jaw and eventually kisses your lips.
"i'll take that as a yes, hm?" his eyes show a dark gaze, you can see the passion and lust in them.
you're walking around the house, wearing some leathery outfit. which Kirk had picked out for you. along with a tight, blood red corset that is hugging your figure.
"so much for classic." you mumble to yourself. the house is dark and to be honest, you feel a little.... scared.
you don't know if it's the excitement bubbling in your lower belly or the actual thought of being haunted by your boyfriend...
"Kirk?" you call out faintly, looking around for him. "are you gonna jump out and attack me or something?" you say jokingly.
"that all depends, my love." Kirk's dark voice whispers to you, you can feel his breath against your neck.
you turn around and he immediately grabs you and slams you against the wall. he starts kissing your neck and leaving a few bites here and there. he moves down and starts biting on your collarbone, he looks up at you through his eyelashes.
he's wearing a ruffled blouse and a pair of black dress pants you've never seen him wear before. His chest glistens through the low cut shirt, a few faint love bites visible.
"color?" he whispers.
"green..." you breathe out.
"I'm going to drain you and make you mine." he growls. then, he drags you by your arm and pulls you into your shared bedroom. he pushes you on the bed and you scramble back against the headboard.
"w-what are you going to do to me?" you try to sound scared and get into your role as the 'victim'.
"look at you, scared little thing." he tuts and crawls over to you. "you're going to be my bride." his eyes shine with passion and power. you actually feel thrilled.
"are you going to hurt me?" you look into his eyes.
"just for a bit, darling." he tugs on the laces of your corset. "i'll make you think of something else."
Kirk nuzzles his face in your neck and drags his nose slowly down your collar bone and towards your breasts.
"you smell so fucking good." he groans.
you can only respond with a moan and your hands make way through his hair.
"hmm, are you ready, my love?" he kisses your jaw.
"please." you nod.
he pulls down your pants along with your panties and he's taking his sweet time with it too. he grins teasingly at you and slowly slides his hands up your legs and thighs.
"Kirk..." you whine.
"gonna mark you, my love"
he pulls down his pants and boxers and pumps his throbbing cock slowly, he slides it between your pussy lips and the both of you moan and shiver with pleasure.
"you're already wet enough for me, love." he decides to pull back and slide his fingers inside of your dripping cunt first. "and i didn't even really touch you yet..."
"k-kirk!" you moan as he stretches you out by adding a second finger. he curls them up and you gasp, letting your head fall back.
"there, all ready for me." he groans and lines himself up with your cunt.
he slides in and starts biting your neck harshly, you let out a moan that's mixed with pain and pleasure. you're positive you'll have a bruised neck with bite marks in the morning.
normally he's quite the one to talk, but he's too busy fucking and sinking his teeth into you. too pussy drunk to function.
Kirk's hips slam against yours, his moans muffled by your skin as yours are the only ones that fills the room. your whines drive him insane and he bites you harder.
"color?" he growls, his sweet intention gives you butterflies. but his cock pumping into you make them flutter away.
"nghh- gr-green!" the biting hurts but you like it. you swear if he keeps going, he might draw blood.
he bites different spots and sucks on them too, it drives you fucking insane and pushes you over the edge.
he keeps up a steady rhythm and feels you squeeze around him, he stops biting you and kisses you passionately.
"are you going to cum?" he grins, his lips red from marking you up.
you nod as tears stream down your face, the pleasure becoming too much for you.
"cum for me, my love."
you moan his name as your orgasm washes over you, Kirk keeps pumping into you like a wild dog in rut. he moans and grits his teeth, needing to bite on something.
"use me, bite me." you whine.
he bites down on the other side of your neck and cums inside of you, you can feel it shooting up inside you and he twitches like crazy.
he lets go of your neck and falls on top of you. he takes a few breaths and rolls over on his back, pulling you on top of him.
the two of you lay in each others arms and try to calm down.
"that was fucking amazing." he breathes out. "i love you so much, baby." he kisses your temple.
"was.. so good.." you murmur, feeling absolutely exhausted.
"it was." he grins.
he slides his fingers over the bite marks carefully, and smirks proudly.
you feel yourself drifting off, feeling safe in the arms of your monster-loving boyfriend.
"i want to really taste you next time."
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ovaryacted · 3 months
It’s easier for my to picture Leon being a sub than Chris. But ohhh boy. The idea of having such a beefy soldier boy underneath me, trying to hold back his moans paints a very pretty picture. Don’t you agree?
Omg yessss anon, absolutely! In my mind, Leon is easier to perceive as a sub just because he's pathetic and it seems more natural to his character. But with Chris, I think it would definitely be a process involving having to break down his walls and get him in the mentality to be submissive. Let me get into some character analysis to explain this a bit better.
In my mind, Chris is a man of action, of discipline, and routine. He has put himself into this leadership role for most of his life since he took care of Claire and went to the military. He's often depicted as a leader, someone who knows how to handle business with or without a team, and he just carries himself in a certain that matches well with his physique and appearance. However, he is not an aggressive guy, quite the opposite. I see him as a loving sweetheart and softie through and through, and I love that about him in particular.
That being said, this mentality he has of being a leader and someone who needs a semblance of control definitely translates in the bedroom. He has a preconceived idea of how the roles should be, that he should be the top, the one to initiate, the one to control what goes on (with enthusiastic consent of course). It's not necessarily that he can't be submissive, but that it feels taboo for him to be on the receiving end when he's so used to doing everything else. He's the provider in his relationship, he likes to tend to his partner's needs and make sure that they're all taken care of.
In a way, those same habits from taking care of Claire when they were younger and eventually taking care of Rose after Ethan dies (I headcanon him doing that idc), reflect how willing he is to make sure those he cares about don't have to worry about a thing. Likewise, he believes he has to provide pleasure, and that he needs to be commanding in the bedroom because that's what is often shown in mainstream porn or what he thinks people enjoy the most.
To break him out of that habit, he would need a partner who can show him how things can be different, and that it's okay to experiment and do things that are not considered the "norm" at least in his head.
Now his view is of you over him, your hips moving over his own and keeping him pinned with his back against the mattress. His eyes remain hazed over, having a hard time focusing on looking at your body or focusing on the way you felt. Wrapped tightly around him, clenching every time you harshly pulled your body back down onto him.
Chris was a bit nervous when you said you wanted to take control, not because he was against it but because he's not used to being in the position of taking what is given to him. But when you were so adamant about wanting to take care of him, he couldn't deny you. He certainly didn't regret it one bit.
His mind goes blank, groans slipping out of him with ease as his rough hands hold your hips and guide you over him. He couldn't help himself from thrusting up into you every time you came back down, matching your pace with his own movements. He's lost in you, practically drowning in your body and he can't stop the whimper that comes out of him.
It was a new sound, something exciting that only made you move harder against him. Your hands went towards his shoulders, nails digging into his thick skin with every moan Chris tried to hide. He bit his lip, cheeks flush as he realized just how noisy he was getting. You bent forward, kissing him on the mouth and shivering when he whined against your tongue.
"Don't hide from me, baby. I want to hear you, got it?", you purred against him, and he offered you a hazy smile, squeezing your hips just a bit harder and craving more.
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mariclerc · 2 months
More parts of An unexpected role! Lily meeting the grid and all drivers are wrapped around her finger, spoiling her and everything, plus lewis Hamilton being protective about y/ n and lily treating them as his honorary daughter and granddaughter, and lily having a little baby crush/ being fond of Oscar Piastri or Ollie bearman and not wanting to leave his side.Then the other leclerc brothers (Arthur and Lorenzo) and drivers are jealous because lily doesn't give them attention.
Thank you very much for this request!! It seemed very adorable and cute to me since I had imagined what Lily would be like attending to her first race... so here you go!!
An unexpected role (pt.5) | cl16
Summary: you revealed your little secret to your date, you didn't expect he would take it so well. Warning: none, just fluff + the drivers falling for Lily and spoiling her A LOT.
a/n: part five of “an unexpected role” I hope you like it!
follow the series!! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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liked by joris_trouche, itslolasss, pierregasly and others.
tagged charles_leclerc
ynusername guess where we are going this weekend 🫣🎀
see 1.738.653 comments
itslolasss nO EAY
ynusername hehe yup bestie 😋
itslolasss pls keep me updated this weekend babe, I need all the details
ynusername yup yup captain 🫡
liked by creator
logansargeant finally we will meet the popular Lilyyy
arthur_leclerc finallyyy
georgerussell63 the official mascot <3
lilymhe I'm happy to meet you both 💗💗💗
ynusername omg omg im waiting 🩷🩷
carlossainz55 lord perceval biggest fans
ynusername that's for sure
charles_leclerc I'm excited to have you both this weekend, my loves 🤍🤍🤍
ynusername and we are happy to accompany you my love 🤍🤍🤍
Charles iMessage
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You never thought you were going to end up in an F1 paddock with your boyfriend and your little Lily... But there you were both, accompanying Charles at the Belgian Grand Prix, -the last stop before the much anticipated summer break, It was the first time that you and Lily were going to witness the F1 action live, of course, you watch it on television in the comfort of your bed and support Charles at all times, but there is nothing compared to seeing it up close.
You and Lily walk through the paddock while Charles has his hand on your lower back, the three of you have a very noticeable smile on their faces and no wonder, he is over the moon that you and Lily are accompanying him this weekend, it's like having extra motivation to do well in front of the two of you.
“Are you excited Lilytunes?” Charles softly asks Lily, who is wearing a Ferrari shirt that says on the back: "Daddy's #1 fan", she nods at his words. She smiles with her eyes wide open, observing everything around her and he gives her a kiss on the cheek, you also do the same, it is much more impressive to see it in person than on television, the amount of people working to keep this show going is incredible. “And what about you love? Are you excited too?” He turns his head towards you to give you a small peck on the lips, you nod smiling.
“Pretty excited honey... I still can't believe that Lily and I are here!” You say with a dreamy face and he smiles showing his dimples. You don't care that there are 20 cameras around you trying to get a good angle of the wholesome family moment, you only care about him and Lily. “This is so amazing here!” You say excitedly as he lets out a small giggle.
The three of you walk towards the general hospitality, basically the joint place where the drivers and their families can relax and have a good time, to keep the harmonious atmosphere outside the track. You and Charles sit next to Lily on one of the comfortable sofas of the lounge area, just at that moment, most of the drivers get into a hurry... Maybe they are excited to meet the ferrari's golden boy little daughter.
You grab Lily in your arms and you bounce her softly. “Look Lily! I think you have a fan club now, isn't that cool?” You say as you stroke her hair and she smiles. “And of course, we're going to see dada race here!” You say, nuzzling your nose against hers.
Lily claps her hands excitedly. “Dada fast win! Vroom!” she giggled.
Many of the drivers come to see this weekend's star, and it is no wonder since Lily radiates charisma and tenderness in her wake. One of the first to speak was Hamilton.
“Hey there Charles, how's everything going?” He says greeting Charles with a pat on the back and then turns his attention to the two of you, giving you a kind smile. “And who's this little cutie? Is it perhaps the popular Lily and y/n?”
You blink for a moment. “Popular? How is that possibl...” You were going to continue talking but Lewis subtly interrupted you.
He nodded. “That's right! Charles won't stop talking about you two, he gets very excited when he talks about you, I swear his eyes had a special shine.” He finishes and you turn your gaze to see Charles, who is scratching the back of his neck embarrassingly and has red cheeks that match his Ferrari shirt.
Lily watches Lewis curiously. “Hi!” she says shyly as she hides in your chest.
Lewis smiles at Lily. “Hello Lily, it's so nice to meet you! Your daddy tells me you're his biggest fan!”
She smiles at the mention of Charles. “Dada fast!”
Lewis giggle and pulls out a little Mercedes cap for Lily. ”That's right! And you know what fast cars and daddy's need? Fast fans! Here you go.”
Lily's eyes light up, and she takes the cap with a giggle.
“Thank you Lewis, that's so sweet!” you smile shyly at the British.
“Don't worry y/n! I'll always look after my honorary daughter and granddaughter here.” he said with a smile.
Charles rolls his eyes playfully with a smile. “Thanks Lewis, you're spoiling Lily already.” he smiles softly.
The rest of the Thursday afternoon is a whirlwind of introductions, after the respective press duties, other drivers stop by, charmed by Lily's infectious smile, she gets a mini Red Bull helmet from Max Verstappen, a Ferrari cap signed by Carlos Sainz, a Williams blue hoodie from Logan Sargeant and a tiny McLaren t-shirt from Lando Norris. Lily becomes the star of the General Hospitality area, the drivers take turns stopping by to say hello, giving her gifts like miniature helmets and team t-shirts. Arthur and Lorenzo try to get in on the action, but Lily mostly ignores them, captivated by the older Ollie Bearman.
You giggle. “I think your plan to make it only have Ferrari merch is going very wrong amour.” You say while looking at Charles, who is watching Lily coexist with the other drivers.
He smiles. “Well, I can't blame them... Our little girl is a sweetheart, don't you think?”
You nod happily. “Of course she is, darling.”
Friday arrives and that's when the action really begins, all the drivers and teams prepare for the first practice sessions of the weekend, Lily is very happy and so are you, you two find yourself in the Ferrari garage using the headphones to listen to Charles's radio.
“My dear, look, it's dada! He's driving really fast, don't you think?” You whisper to Lily and she smiles and giggles as she sees Charles on the screens.
“Dada fast mama!” She says and you nod smiling. At one point she sees that on the other side of the garage is Ollie Bearman, Ferrari's reserve driver, she almost screams when she sees him and starts to smile a lot. “Ollie! Ollie!” She says between babbling, trying to get the attention of the young British man and he smiles when he hears her and approaches you both.
“But it's the little Leclerc! How are you cutie?” He says, greeting Lily sweetly, she gives him a thumbs up and he laughs. “Hi y/n, it's nice to finally meet you.” He said, extending his hand and you accepted it smiling.
You smile shyly. “The pleasure is mine” Lily starts to move in your arms and makes grabby hands towards Ollie, you let out a chuckle. “Looks like you have a little fan here, Mr. Bear.” You say and he smiles, Lily throws herself into his arms and starts pointing around.
“Are you sure it doesn't bother you?” He asks timidly and you deny.
“Slides! Slides!” Lily says pointing towards the exit. “Ollie, slides!” she says taking the collar of Ollie's shirt in her small hands.
“It's okay Lily, we'll go to the slide.” Ollie says with a shy smile as he takes off his and Lily's headphones. “I will bring her to you safe and sound.” He says and you smile and give Lily a kiss on the forehead.
You watch as Lily leaves in the British man's arms, what you didn't notice was the presence of Arthur and Lorenzo, probably looking at you in a state of shock.
“How does Lily prefer to be with bearman than with me?” he scoffs.
You smile innocently. “Let's say Lily has a little crush on Ollie.”
Lorenzo moves his head, denying several times. “Nah, nah, nah, she is too young to fall in love.”
You were so focused talking to the Leclerc brothers when you three didn't notice that practice had already ended and that now you had the presence of Charles, who made himself known by giving you a kiss on your cheek.
“What's happening gorgeous?” he asks you softly.
Arthur pulls his hair, frustrated. “Lily went with Ollie to the slides!” He says totally stressed while you and Charles just giggle. “She doesn't want to be with us anymore.”
“Oh god, Are you two seriously stressed about that?” He asked and Arthur and Lorenzo nodded, he laughs.
“I think Lily has a little crush on Ollie.” You whisper to Charles.
He grins. “I wouldn't be surprised, he's good with kids.”
After that meeting you accompany Charles to Ferrari's Hospitality, and after he changes his clothes, they go out in search of Lily. You manage to find her in a playground area for the little ones, she is smiling as she slides down the slide and Ollie watches her carefully.
Lily manages to spot you two and runs off the slide and then ends up in Charles's arms. “Dada!” she says happily.
Charles opens his arms to welcome Lily. “Hello there petit papillon! Did you see dada on the track?” He says while tickling her tummy. (little butterfly)
She nods and giggles. “Dada supa fast!” she says content.
“Oh but of course I was honey, pretty fast, don't you think?” he asks her and she nods.
“So fast!” she giggles again.
At this point almost everyone in the paddock adores and loves Lily, so much so that they spoil her with gifts and sweets, and she clearly loves that. You feel happy because you feel that it is where you two should always have been from the beginning, and the fact that Charles has talked non-stop about you two from the very beginning makes it so special, since you can see the love you radiate as a family.
ynusername posted a story
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itslolasss have fun today pretty girls, good luck to charlie from me 🩷🩷
ynusername Believe me, Lily has the most fun, everyone spoils her so much... I think I had to bring an extra suitcase for all the souvenirs.
itslolasss hahahah, she deserves it, you both deserve it actually!!
The weekend unfolds in a whirlwind of activity, Lily becomes a permanent fixture at Ollie Bearman's side, much to the amusement (and slight jealousy) of the other drivers. Arthur and Lorenzo try in vain to win her attention, showering her with toys and sweets. But Lily's heart belongs to Ollie and the shiny Ferrari little car he gave her.
Now it is Sunday, the most anticipated day, you and Lily meet again in the Ferrari garage, you both watch Charles prepare to leave for the starting grid, but not before approaching you.
You smile softly at him. “Hey bébé, are you okay?” you asked him softly. (baby)
He shrugs. “I think so... I want to do well for both of you.” He says and you give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. “To be honest with you, I'm a little bit nervous.” he whispers.
You just smile at him again, you more than anyone know how anxious he sometimes gets before the races. “You will do great my darling, but one thing is for sure... Lily and I will always be proud of you no matter what happens.” You whisper to him and give him a small but necessary hug. “Now go out there and attack them all, okay?”
Lily smiles at him and hug him too. “Papa win?” she asked him.
He smiles. “We will see it my love, we'll see.”
The atmosphere is electric as the grid forms up. Lily sits on your lap, bouncing with anticipation while you both look at the screens where they show the formation of the starting grid. You feel nervous inside, something that always happens to you when you watch the races at home with Lily, but this time it is much worse, you feel anxious and expectant of what could happen and what Charles can do on track.
The race starts, and Charles battles his way through the field, since he started from P5, Lily cheers him on with every overtake and you do the same, you two are probably the most enthusiastic fans in the Ferrari garage, Andrea, Charles's personal trainer, smiles when he sees you two so happy and bubbly with every action Charles does on the track, he knows how important it is to Charles that you two be there for him.
You smile at Lily as you watch Charles move into P2 mid-race. “Oh god, look at papa go lily, he's really going for that win.” you whisper at her.
Now it's the last lap and Charles is neck and neck with Max for the race win, Lily is on the edge of her seat.
“Come on, Charles... You can do this.” you say while holding your breath.
Charles makes a daring move and takes the lead. Lily erupts in cheers. “Dada win! Dada win!”
Charles crosses the finish line first and the crowd goes wild. Lily jumps up and down, clapping her hands. You have a smile from ear to ear and no wonder, the first race you attend as a family and he decides to win for you.
The mechanics congratulate you two and seeing that everyone is going to the podium, Lily also wants to go, you are a little hesitant to really go there until Andrea takes you and Lily to the podium.
When they arrive at the parc fermé area, they see everyone in a state of ecstasy and happiness. Charles gets out of the car raising his arms in celebration and goes out to hug his team. You smile when you see him so happy and proud of himself... When he takes off his helmet and balaclava, he looks at you two and smiles from ear to ear, he runs towards you to give you both a huge hug and he kiss you on the lips, not caring who is looking at that wholesome moment, you feel him smiling in the kiss and you smile too.
After the podium, you and Lily wait for the champion in his driver's room. Both of you can't stop feeling excited and happy about what you've just experienced. After a couple of minutes, Charles enters holding his winner trophy, you and Lily rush to congratulate him.
“Papa win!” she smiles as he hugs her back.
He hugs Lily tightly. “That's right, sweetheart! Papa won for his two biggest fans!” He winks at you.
You smile and kiss his cheek. “We're so proud of you baby! You did a great job out there!”
“A job that would be impossible without my greatest supporters.” He smiles again, like a little boy.
“I know sweetheart.” You say and notice how Lily starts to yawn against his shoulder. ”Looks like all the excitement is catching up with our little champion... Time to head back, I think.” You let out a giggle.
He giggles too. “Right, just let me take a shower, change and we'll go, it's that okay?” he asks and you smiled and nod.
“As you say captain Lec!” you say and he laughs, you take Lily back into your arms and she lays her head on your shoulder.
The door clicks shut behind you as you enter your hotel room. Charles carefully lays a sleeping Lily on the bed.
You carefully undress Lily to put her in a onesie pajama. “She must be exhausted. What a whirlwind of a weekend!”
“She's out like a light. All that cheering must have tired her out.” he giggles softly.
You finish putting her pajamas on and you pull the covers gently over her small frame. “But of course, she was very happy to see you in your element, love.” you smile again.
“The best kind of whirlwind, you know? Seeing her so happy... it makes everything worth it.” He walks over to you and wraps his arms around you.
You lean your head on his chest. “Seeing you win was so so special too. You were pretty amazing out there.”
He kisses your hair. “I couldn't do it without you two there.”
A comfortable silence settles between you for a moment. You listen to the soft sounds of Lily's breathing.
“I still can't believe how much attention she got from all the drivers. Lewis practically adopted us!” you say.
He chuckles. “He does have a soft spot for kids. And let's face it, Lily's pretty irresistible.” He says.
“Especially to Ollie. That boy is a natural with her.”
He raise an eyebrow playfully. “Don't worry, are you jealous love?”
You punch him lightly on the arm. “Maybe just a little... Don't you want her to be a daddy's girl?”
He nuzzles his nose against yours. “Of course I do babe. But seeing her happy makes me happy, no matter who she's playing with.”
You look out the window at the city lights twinkling below. A comfortable silence settles again.
“This has been the perfect weekend. Maybe we can bring her to another race, you know, after the summer break, what do you think?” you ask him softly.
He kisses your forehead. “I'd love that chérie. We can make it a family tradition.” he sighs contently and then he whispers. “Thank you for everything. This weekend wouldn't have been the same without you two.”
You place a kiss on his jaw. “It was nothing, thanks to you for letting us fully enter your world, love.” you whisper and he smiles.
He pulls you closer, and you lean into his embrace. The sound of Lily's gentle breaths fills the room, a peaceful melody after a whole weekend of a high-octane excitement... The hotel room, bathed in the warm glow of the bedside lamp, feels like a haven, a family haven. You close your eyes, picturing future races with you and Lily cheering her Papa on, a happy sigh escaping your lips.
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liked by antoinetruchet, oscarpiastri, susie_wolff and others.
tagged ynusername
charles_leclerc first P1 of the year!! 🏆 I can't stop thanking the team for the hard work that has been done in the last few months, it has been quite hard but it was all worth it 💪🏻 I also want to thank my biggest fans ynusername and little miss Lily, who accompanied me on their first gp weekend!! 💗💗 Thank you very much my loves, thank you for always supporting me and being there for me at all times 🤍 Thank you for making this weekend even more special for me, love you lots!! 💗💗 Now is the time to recharge and come back better than ever 💪🏻💪🏻 see you in zandvoort!! 🇳🇱
see 2.637.863 comments
user4 oh my, the kiss and hug on the podium was incredible to see, congratulations champ!!! 💪🏻🏆
georgerussell63 it was nice to finally meet Lily this weekend, the official f1 mascot 🫶🏻🫶🏻
landonorris she owned the paddock the weekend, she left me without candies :(
charles_leclerc stop‼️talking‼️about‼️my‼️ daughter‼️ please‼️
lorenzotl let's go little brooo!!
user1 the official f1 family 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
alex_albon little Lily was the star of this weekend <3
ynusername oh babeee 🥺🥺😭 don't thank us, we are more than happy to accompany you and support you every weekend if necessary! We love you so much champ!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍
charles_leclerc honey, I love you both so so much, thank you for coming with me, I really can't find how to thank you 🥹🥹💗
ynusername you don't have to do it, it's not necessary my love 💗💗 now let's focus on taking that well-deserved break, because I think we deserve it ☺️☺️
charles_leclerc I'm looking towards it amour 🥰🥰
user6 oh my heart... the last picture, Lily looks so adorable and cute with her Olaf backpack 🥺😭
logansargeant the most wholesome family on the grid 🤍 congrats dude!!
lewishamilton it was lovely to meet Lily and ynusername this weekend 🤍🤍 you have a beautiful family mate
charles_leclerc thank you lew 🤍
ynusername it was also lovely to meet you too Lewis <3 <3
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unnerving-presence · 7 months
Hi, i just read the coochie unhooking and im in love omg 🥲💕 could we have another part with the huntress, pyra and a third one of your choice? Thank you, you're the best 👀💕
ooc shit incoming this is literally abt them loving them thighs i do not gaf i tried to make them in character somewhat anyways hehe
could you tell i’m utterly obsessed w tarhos right now i wished i could’ve written more dear lord
i had already written this for huntress initially but i did want to revise it a bit to be more in character. still sort of experimenting with it all. enjoy though :)
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Straight confusion and a.. little bit of panic? She’s never had her prey attempt something like what you did. It catches her so off guard she practically thrashes around as much as you do to get you off of her. She doesn’t like feeling so vulnerable and very much does not appreciate it when you manage to escape the hook and her alike. She can’t shake that ghostly feeling of your thighs around her. It’s like you’re still there. She can’t discern whether she likes the feeling or not.
You’re interesting prey, prey that she enjoys hunting. She mostly does it for necessity and to please the Entity, but she likes you. She likes that. She especially likes your drive to survive. It amuses her, makes her curious about you. Anna would be angry about the ordeal thinking about it, but it simply makes her intrigued now. She simply can’t brush aside the concept of your thighs around her. It was like a warm embrace she hadn’t felt since she was a child. She likes it.
She decides she will observe you more. Watch as you speak in a language she doesn’t understand and interact with those she sees as nothing more than human animals. You’re afraid, but you’re also determined. It’s cute. Perhaps she’ll conveniently place herself near the hook she puts you on next time, just to feel you fight to survive, just to feel those thighs around her again.
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Pyramid Head:
Pyramid Head would have absolutely never expected this to happen.. ever? Considering his absolute fridge of a head he’s.. startled to say the least that you managed to both effectively wrap your thighs around him AND have enough leg strength to take him down AND unhook yourself. It doesn’t all come to mind at first but he’s definitely a bit aroused. Unfortunately, that is an emotion that fades quite quickly. He has a job to do, he would very much like to get back to that. If he could get back up from the ground from his big ass helmet holding him down 😭
Pyramid Head is simply indifferent about the situation. A tiny bit excited at the though, but would quickly move on. It would certainly stay in his mind if you had done it several times over though. Some part of him is glad he has this unbearable helmet over his head, he might have had a full system shutdown had your thighs gotten too close to his face, though your thighs being around him in the first place is more than enough to turn him on a bit, not that he acts on it of course. He prioritizes his role in this realm more than anything else.
Though he won’t pass up the opportunity to listen to your cries of pain if given the chance. They didn’t mean much to him before. But now he rather likes the sound. He’d even say he rather likes you more than anything else. Maybe he should stick extra close to you from now on. Perhaps you’ll try other suggestive methods of trying to escape him. Either way, it feeds into his desire to punish and his desire for you.
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Tarhos Kovács:
Tarhos is trained for moments like this, when the enemy has the upper hand. He cut through hundreds of swordsmen far more experienced than you could ever wish to be. He wields his imposing claymore and knows he strikes fear into those that dare cross him. He is anything but one to be so easily defeated. It should’ve been impossible for him to be taken down by someone in such a pathetic position as yourself. It has to be the Entity’s assistance. It has to be. He can barely get himself together again before you dash up the stairs and out of his reach. He grumbles and pushes himself up off the ground, more determined than ever to put you in your place.
You don’t survive the trial, but it’s very clear you did something to him. He’s angry, but there’s some other emotion, like a smoldering fire that was once not even worth a passing glance had suddenly burst into a wildfire. It could be confused with bloodlust. He can barely tell the difference between the two until he sees you again by the campfire next to those worthless maggots. He watches only for a moment and in that moment he wants more. He wants more of whatever you did to him.
He will never come to terms with these feelings. He believes it’s your fault. Your existence shouldn’t even be welcomed in this place. You can so easily disrupt the balance of death, sacrifice, bloodshed. He wants nothing to do with you if you think you can deter him from his rightful privilege of endlessly butchering such peasants as yourself. He hates you more than he hates Vittorio, he thinks. Vittorio was an imbecile who thought he had the answers to peace. But you? God, you actually do something to him and you don’t even have to try.
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lutawolf · 8 months
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 8
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It's the last episode. I'm excited and sad. For those that haven't read my other episode break-downs, they can be found here.
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The side eye that Yoh gives Segasaki is wonderful. So full of WTF.
First, let me explain that sub scared is not the same as scared scared. For some, that uncertainty and fear isn't something they want to escape from. Never once do you see Yoh truly fight. Let's be honest, homeboy is being sweet, pretending that a shirt could really keep him tied up.
Segasaki is laying down the guidelines. Ahh, and then he realizes that he doesn't want a slave. He's back tracking. This is good evolution for an organic D/s relationship. See how loose that shirt is when Yoh grabs Segasaki. That thing is threatening to come undone on its own.
Ohhh not only is Yoh agreeing to the guidelines, but they are communicating. Nice. Same Segasaki, same. That's exactly how I would describe myself. Aww, the shy cute baby making a move on his Dom. But damn does his Dom like it.
See! See! What did I say about subs? They like that feeling that is like, right before a roller rolls down. Damn, this is hot. Segasaki knows Yoh likes it. Yoh is being a little brat, giving that typical push back because he likes the no, but he's being careful to not push too much because he doesn't want Segasaki to actually stop.
See doesn't really want him to stop.
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Yoh trying to explain or understand, but Dom's protective instincts have been activated. His sub baby is sick.
OMG! Mickey and Minnie are the best! "Try to use more thought in forming your words." DEAD!
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Segasaki's smile! He is so happy to finally understand what Yoh needs from him. Bless it, though, his man is dense. 🤣🤣🤣 Welcome to my life Segasaki, welcome to my life. My man is so fucking smart but so fucking dense. But they are ours, right.
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He is cooking curry and it looks awful! 🤣🤣🤣
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Segasaki is setting up more guidelines! Even talking reward! This is so cute!
Oh!!! Okay, so this may be confusing to some. Segaski asking Yoh to wait for him at the door and greet him when he get home, but this is actually a big thing to many Doms. Let me explain. So, the Dom of the house returning home, it's a significant part of everyday life. When the Dom returns home and closes the door, the D/s couple, who are often not public, can truly be themselves. It’s an important moment to help activate the subservient role, reconnect with each other, and reinforce the dynamic. It's an intimate bond building moment for both parties.
You are seeing it in action. Both parties are getting their needs met and creating a stronger bond. A relationship if not nurtured becomes mundane but with this small thing, you remind each other of how important you are to one another. It's saying, I will put in the effort because I care, value, and respect you. Imagine receiving that message from your loved one every day.
Then the curry. Ahhh, Segasaki is so happy. These two worked a lot of things out. I loved watching it. And now we've come to the end. I'm gonna go re-watch because I love it! I hope you guys enjoyed this. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Hit me up if you have any questions. 💜💜💜
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