#Self Assessment
howifeltabouthim · 2 months
. . . she thought of all the things she didn't deserve and all the things she did.
Lisa Taddeo, from Ghost Lover
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palaeoplushies · 9 months
Would you ever consider talking about how you set up your online store and how you do taxes?
I would!! My online store is through Squarespace, they're actually pretty decent and do everything I need. I like that they only take one flat payment a month and don't charge per transaction like some shop website hosts. As for taxes... To break it down I keep a record of all my sales and all my business spendings (or take a day per year to trawl through my website sales records, bank records, paypal records and ebay purchases etc. to figure it all out because I'm awful at keeping on top if it). I am in the UK so I file my returns with the HMRC myself because they've made it as easy as possible for individuals to do their own self-employed tax returns. I basically have to answer a bunch of questions and then tell them how much I earned and how much business expenses and then they tell me how much I owe them and I have to pay it by January and that's all. Honestly the HMRC has some good resources out there that explain the process better than I can: https://www.gov.uk/self-assessment-tax-returns If anyone has any specific questions shoot them my way!
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autisticsunmasked · 1 year
Have you been questioning if you might be autistic? Or maybe you know but you need help navigating the clinical assessment process. Our awesome research team has put together this great e-guide to help you out. It’s 100% free & you can grab your copy now!
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passion-alliance · 4 months
So I've seen it's becoming a big thing of questioning or otherwise newly discovered systems coming to system accounts and asking for validation or a diagnosis and that is NOT something most of us can do.
We are not professionals just because we have it.
Instead let me direct you to a Document we made a year ago for SELF ASSESSMENT and RESEARCH
Please get off people's accounts asking if you have it or not, only professionals or yourself can say for sure.
Do your research, keep files and notes, listen to your guts and heart and if it makes you feel better, then it works.
If you end up finding out you are not a system after all, that's ok too
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mito1998 · 21 days
Why don't people know the meaning of love?
Love is faith, trust, chemistry between two people. Love is magic, but at the same time a very earthly and human thing. Love is attachment to another person and responsible attention. Love is noticing details and caring for even the smallest details. Love is touch, It's gentle hand holding and big and small kisses, It's a gentle touch reserved for only one person, it's small tears flowing down your cheeks. These are big smiles on both of their faces. Love is words, These are conversations about nothing and everything. It's a conversation with feelings and emotions, It is "good morning" on an autumn morning and „I adore you"in the cold night. Love is time, It's small things and big secret. It's stupid fun in a warm house and walking quietly in a cold. These are little smiles and glances that only two people understand,So loud and yet so quiet that the rest of the world can't hear it. Love is gifts. It's a small flower that you picked while walking and when you thought about it, you thought of this one person.It's a gift you've been planning to give for a long time, a gold necklace or a silver bracelet who knows?
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serenityquest · 23 days
Tumblr media
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jjmichie · 3 months
I read an article about Imposter Syndrome yesterday and it's been gnawing at me. I suffer from it, as do many people. And the only advice I ever hear is that I basically need to "change my attitude" and "start believing in myself." But this morning I concluded that's bullshit. Because no matter how many times I try to do that I still conclude that I have imposter syndrome because I AM AN IMPOSTER, I'm GOING TO BE found out. And anyone who compliments me is just doing it out of pity.
But then I realized maybe I need a whole different approach.  Maybe, instead of just sitting there in the vacuum of my bedroom trying to convince myself I’m wonderful as I am and force away any negative thought that seeps in, instead, maybe I should do an honest assessment of myself. Analyze when and why I have these doubts. Take a hard and REAL look at my skills, education, experience, soft skills, performance, and determine if there actually ARE areas where I’m lacking.  
And then do something about it.  
(This is long so if you don't want to read my whole self assessment, skip down to the conclusion at the bottom).
So in doing that, I realized there are areas where I actually AM lacking. No wonder I'm feeling like an imposter . . .
I work in IT but I don't have a degree in technology (mine is in earth science). So yes, I really don't know as much about it as my co-workers. There is a good reason why I feel insecure here
Solution: take some classes! learn more! while I'm probably not going to actually go get a degree, there's no reason I can't read up and learn what I need to know to do my job better. Or, set up some time to talk to knowledgeable people I work with and learn from them.
2. I sometimes miss opportunities to be pro-active. I tend to procrastinate when I don't know what to do or if I have to have a difficult conversation with someone. I know I do this -- I'm not just being hard on myself.  I think it stems from being naturally very shy, and having been in an environment with people who screamed at me for unpredictable and irrational reasons.
Solution:  there is no way to get better at this without some pain.  I need to recognize when I’m procrastinating and if I truly don’t know what to do, then I need to find someone I can ask, or write down a script of what I need to say for the difficult conversation and practice it ahead of time. Work is needed here.  Therapy?
3.  I always feel like I suck at the core skills and responsibilities that I’m supposed to be doing for my job.  And looking back over some examples of when I felt this way, the reality is . . . yes, I often do just wing it and hope for the best, instead of actually taking the time to develop a plan or create reusable templates that will save me time in the long run. 
Solution:  take a day or weekend to get organized.  Put together an arsenal of templates for slide decks, process diagrams, meeting agendas, playbooks, etc. that I can pull out whenever I need them.  Invest in taking a class if I need to. There are other people who grapple with this too, so there are resources out there to help.  
Conclusion: Okay.  I know that was a long post, but going through it made me realize that action is more important than attitude.  It felt good to realize that my Imposter Syndrome wasn’t just me being negative. In my case, there actually ARE reasons that I’m feeling like an imposter, and by acknowledging that, I can take steps to make improvements. Actually do something real and concrete that I can then be proud of and point to and say hey look, I did that.  As opposed to just magically trying to ‘think positive’ without actually doing anything to feel positive about. To me that is a house of cards, it’s totally phony, and history has shown that I can’t fool myself that way.  I want to try actually taking ACTION. Give myself some PROOF that I’m not an imposter. Positive feelings will follow.  Wish me luck.
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bibliophilliqueee · 1 year
I want to see myself from outside of me. Who am I to others? Am I as kind, as annoying, as warm, as rude, as loving, as bad, as good as i think myself to be?
I want to be my friend, to be my lover and know what it is to be with me. Is it of value to be around me?
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confetti-casual · 1 month
This self assessment is asking a bunch of soul crushing questions and then there is just “I take a plane trip from New York to Chicago at least twice a week” and at least it slows the straight up sobbing from the others
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darkwolf76 · 1 year
Tumblr is rife with people struggling with mental health issues, physical health issues, struggles that make us all just a little different so we come here to gain acceptance from others who might understand us where a lot people irl don't.
But remember this: show compassion to yourself, be kind to yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself, take care of yourself. To truly appreciate those things from others or give them to the deepest extant to others, you need to do that for yourself first. And that often is the hardest part, as I've learned the hard way.
Do unto yourself as you'd have others others do unto you. Treat yourself when you're hurting, the way you would treat someone else with your struggles. The world is preaching we need to be more tolerant, more accepting, more understanding of other people different than us now a days. We need to understand rather than punish. But not enough tell you, you need to do that for yourself first.
Just be kind to yourself, friends. Accept yourself, warts and all, and forgive yourself your own short comings and mistakes, to be seen as room to grow rather than failures.
Thank you Tumblr for coming to my TED talk.
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apriqott · 1 year
I need to bag one of those visually blind bitches so they'll be luled into a false sense of security by not being able to see my face and then before they have the chance to get glasses I'll hit em with the ol personality until they're forced to stay
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creatingnikki · 1 year
A date with the truth
Hi. I did not want to come. I mean I want to come if you know what I mean ;)  Sorry, lately my humour has been quite juvenile and I don’t have a handle on it. I do not know if it’s because I am finally letting myself not be so serious all the time or because I am horny all the time. I think, it might just be a 70:30.  But, yes, I did not want to show up, I was going to stand you up. Yet again. But you don’t waver, do you? Even though I blew you off at least 360 out of 365 days last year. You stand your ground and you do not care for validation or visitors or me. 
I am trying  — but saying this is not enough anymore. I know. So, what else do I do? I am spending $$ on therapy and signing up for what is going to be a long and difficult process of working on understanding myself and my behaviour and my thought patterns. I thought writing would have helped with that  — with self awareness but it seems like the only thing writing has helped with is solidifying my delusional narratives and making me seem attractive to people but mostly men. 
Okay, fine. I’ll stop being a shit and blaming writing. Writing has been good for me. Writing has been the only thing that lets me be. Not going to romanticize it further. But I know this too. Without writing, I am a volcano that dies of unreleased pressure. Is that a thing? Can volcanoes have an internal, unreleased explosion and just die? I should have paid more attention in Geography classes in middle school  — maybe I would have known what to tell my friend when an earthquake tremor is felt instead of being so absolutely useless. Why am I so useless when it comes to functional, real life, logistical things?
Ugh, okay. No, that’s not true, either. I am the one who is essentially my family’s accountant and assistant and tech person  — taking care of all banking work, booking flights, and fixing phone issues. So, I am good at logistics, actually. In the areas I have been exposed to. But if you ask me for directions or to change a tire or to tell you how the name of the tree in the lane in my home I will be clueless. Is that okay?
The truth. The truth. The truth.  How do I give it to you? How do I give it to myself? 
The truth is...I don’t know. can we do a second date? give me some time? there are so many things on my mind. I’ll pay for the coffee both times. Will you see me again? In a civil way? I do not want you to slap me in the most tragic of ways at the most unexpected of times. can you be a little patient with me? Just a little more? Yes? Thank you! 
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financelizard · 7 months
Chasing Your Dream Job: A Guide to High-Paying Careers for All
In today's dynamic job market, the pursuit of a high-paying career can be a reality for individuals from diverse professional backgrounds. Whether you come from a teaching or sales background, or any other field, the path to securing a high-paying job in 2023 shares common principles of strategic planning, skill acquisition, networking, and adaptability. This guide outlines a step-by-step approach that can empower anyone with the determination and ambition to make a successful career transition, unlocking opportunities that align with their skills and aspirations.
Self-Assessment: Reflect on your strengths, skills, and interests to identify areas where you excel or have a passion. This will guide your career direction.
Skill Development: Identify the skills needed in your desired high-paying field. These might include technical, analytical, or managerial skills. Consider taking online courses, certifications, or attending workshops to acquire these skills. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses.
Networking: Start networking within the industry you wish to enter. Attend conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with individuals in your desired field on LinkedIn. Leverage your existing network, including former colleagues and friends, for job referrals and insights.
Resume and LinkedIn Profile: Revise your resume and LinkedIn profile to emphasize transferable skills, achievements, and relevant coursework or certifications. Highlight your teaching and sales experience in a way that demonstrates how these skills can be applied in your new field.
Job Search Strategy: Use job search platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to search for positions in your target industry. Apply for entry-level positions that align with your newly acquired skills and interests. Tailor your cover letter and resume for each application, showcasing your relevant skills and enthusiasm for the industry.
Interview Preparation: Prepare for interviews by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and formulating compelling answers that tie your past experiences to the new role. Consider seeking interview coaching or mock interviews for feedback and improvement.
Showcase Value: During interviews, focus on how your teaching and sales experience translates into valuable assets for the prospective employer. Highlight your ability to communicate effectively, handle clients, and adapt to new challenges.
Stay Informed: Keep up with industry trends and developments by reading relevant news articles, books, and following industry influencers. Attend webinars and conferences related to your desired field to stay informed and expand your knowledge.
Persistence and Patience: Job transitions can take time, especially when changing industries. Stay persistent and patient throughout the process.
Consider Further Education: Depending on your desired field, you may benefit from additional education, such as a master's degree or an MBA. Evaluate if further education is necessary for your goals.
Salary Negotiation: When you receive a job offer, don't hesitate to negotiate your salary and benefits. Research industry standards and be prepared to make a strong case for your value.
Continuous Learning: After securing your new job, continue to learn and adapt. Seek opportunities for professional growth, and consider pursuing further certifications or degrees as your career progresses.
Remember that a career transition may take time and effort, but with determination, skill development, networking, and a well-thought-out strategy, you can increase your chances of landing a high-paying job in 2023 despite your background in teaching and sales.
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petercizmadia · 1 year
Well damn
Still not sure I know how best to use this site, especially considering the heat death of Twitter, the oxygen deprivation of Instagram, and the lack of personal direction I have with art and design. I'm trying to do to many things at once, like always, but I'm hoping I can figure it out soon.
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mito1998 · 2 months
I can finally see my collarbones a bit (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I want them to be as visible as possible, I have the impression that my hands have also lost weight!!! I love that skinny feeling!
If anyone wants to Message please let me know ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
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howlingday · 2 years
Damn. I just took a self-assessment, and I can't tell if this emotional ride I went on doing it says more about me or about our society.
First, it had me list out from specific skills they present that I believe I have. I had fun, and I was enjoying myself.
Second, of the list I made, I had to choose what skills made me proud of, made me smile. I was almost in tears as I was telling myself, "I love that I'm loyal and kind and responsible!"
Then came the hard stop. "What skills do you think your employer would value? What would they pay for?" And bro, going through that whole list again killed me. You have sense of humor? Oh, no, I can't pay you for that. Oh, but you're adaptable! Yes, we can use someone like you on our team!"
And the last part was the slow crawl to death. I had to choose the ones I think I can explain in my interviews and networking, that I liked of the bunch.
So here's my list:
Follows Through
Complete Assignments
Physically Strong
Willing To Learn
Sense Of Direction
Takes Initiative
The website is
if you are interested in sharing my pain.
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