#actually is that an autism take or an ocd take…
r0tt1ngv4mpyr · 2 days
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•is hispanic
•has vitiligo on his hands and a bit on his face and wears gloves and foundation to cover it up
•has autism/adhd
•used to sh that's why he started skating is to not think about stuff as much
•is trans (ftm)
• has a skinny hourglass body by the hates it because it makes him look less masculine
•listens to more rock and metal but in general listens to mostly all genres (except slow songs, jazz, classical, country)
•has snakebites, septum, stretched gauges on his ears , and industrial piercings and a bell button piercing 😻 (also has a wolf cut)
•bi (pref male
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•is half american half italian
•he has freckles
•has ocd/anger issues
•loves black coffee with a little milk
•finds max's piercings hot
•would never get a piercing himself (scared of needles, doesn't think they look good on him, and his dad would never let him)
•has fluffy middle parted hair that was cut short but grew out to a shorter mullet
•religious trauma and daddy issues
•gay (mlm)
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•when they make out bradley puts his hands on max's waist/hips and sometimes he puts one hand on his waist/hips and grabs max's hair
•bradley was max's first time
•max will pick up random creepy ass bugs and bradley will be like "put. that. down."
•bradley is like 6,1 and towers over the 5,5 max
•max is very touch starved but isn't very used to touch (said in a headcanon earlier) and will do anything to get any affection from bradley but is really nervous when he gets it then just kinda melts
•definitely have some sort of history but max forgot and bradley didn't (maybe like childhood friends or smth)
•both unironically love the song "romance is boring" by los campesinos
•max loves horror movies and bradley hates them (they still watch them together tho)
•max says the most out of pocket shit and bradley just stares at him with his head tilted like "wtf?-"
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OTHER PEOPLES HEADCANONS I LIKE (credits are included)
•bradley needs glasses bc he is nearsighted but doesn't wear them bc it takes away his cool - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•bradleys mother died making his coexistence with his father uncomfortable, he does not hate his father, in fact he loves him but he does not know how to be and live with him, he does not want to admit it - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•bradley's father is his weak point, he became conceited and rude as a way of defending his father's expectations - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•he likes Britney Spears' music and has records but hides them from the - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•Bradley is a law student, he was forced to go there because of his father but he still likes it a little - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•he has a masculine image but his hygiene care makes his friends tell him that he is feminine, he uses lip balm because he doesn't like having dry lips - @thecat_inthe_cherryhat on tiktok
•When Bradley was in Middle school he used to wear baggy overalls has messy hair and wearer braces - @h4z3l_quits on tiktok
•Bradley used to be a kind and loyal kid! But when he got adopted by a rich family he started getting rude bc he was “spoiled” and he was raised to be perfect that’s why he’s competitive - @h4z3l_quits on tiktok
•max actually likes Bradley genuinely and just pretends that he likes roxanne and like tries desperately to get Bradley’s attention so he gets jelly - @chrys_linn on tiktok
•max is left handed so bradley is on his left side when he gets the chance just to see if one day they'll hold hands - @somnusgallery on tiktok
•max likes to play with Bradley's hair and Bradley gets embarrassed and ends up blushing every single time - @cassie_m328 on tiktok
•Max is ALWAYS bruised and patched up due to trying extreme shit with his skate and Bradley being the meticulous guy he is always brings stuff to patch Max up - @crowking.jpg on tiktok
•Max and Rox broke up due to them being young and immature and Max is mostly over it but he does feel he's not relationship material or isn't fully on board with one afterwards but THEN HE MEETS BRAD - @crowking.jpg on tiktok
•Max may be shorter but the moment he rizzes Brad up Brad loses his MIND like man's weak AF for Max's smooth ahh attitude - @crowking.jpg on tiktok
•Brad loosens up around Max overtime and let's go of his fragile masculinity and embraces open queerness and things he limited himself away from - @crowking.jpg on tiktok
•Brad and Max bring out the best in each other due to their competitive nature and ambition for improvement - @crowking.jpg on tiktok
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dykeyuu · 6 months
i agree that your living essence is present in every cell. but i don't think we can say consciousness is only a series of electrical and biochemical signals. what we can say is that electrical and biochemical signals have a causal relationship with consciousness. but we don't yet know the exact shape of that causal relationship.
is your consciousness different from mine? of course, our bodies and cells are different. do we each produce two distinct separate consciousnesses? or is the same consciousness interacting in a causal relationship with both of our bodies?
electrical and biochemical signals happen at a scale that we can easily study. but what about the quantum scale? what's going on in our body at the quantum scale?
i think you may have misunderstood me, which is probably more my failure to communicate than yours, when i said i feel as though my consciousness is present in every cell. i feel that way because i don’t believe the consciousness is anything more than a network of signaling pathways being constantly stimulated and regulated. every cell in my body is “conscious” in that it’s constantly receiving input and making minute adjustments based on cellular/organismal context— i eat a cookie, which increases my blood sugar, which activates a transporter protein on the surface of β-cells in the pancreas and causes glucose to be taken into a cell (one cell, for the sake of simplicity), which stimulates glycolysis and therefore ATP production in the cell; the increase in ATP closes ATP-gated potassium channels, which traps potassium ions inside the cell, which causes the cell to depolarize, which opens calcium channels and lets calcium into the cell, which causes the exocytosis of insulin-containing vesicles and the release of insulin into the blood. my cells recognize a stimulus and, through a series of electrical and biochemical signals, produce a response. my blood sugar goes up, my pancreas senses this and secretes a hormone that’ll take my blood sugar back down. all five of your senses function on signaling pathways— the key signaling event that allows you to see, bizarrely enough, is the light-induced isomerization of retinal from cis to trans. the retinal is bound to an opsin protein, and in the trans configuration, retinal exposes a binding site that cis-retinal had been covering up. once that binding site is open, transducin binds and a whole series of chemical and electrical events ensue that eventually result in the nerve impulses that your brain uses to piece together an image based on the way the world around you is reflecting or emitting light (and it’s not actually eventually— this all happens in less than a second). your growth and development, from the moment of conception to the moment you cease to exist entirely, are facilitated by signaling pathways and if i started listing those off i’d never stop. your memories and personality and identity are stored in the connections between particular neurons in your brain— calcium is essential to learning and memory because it activates calmodulin, which activates CaM kinase II, which, in its active form, activates more of itself independent of calcium/calmodulin. through this mechanism, a transient calcium signal is turned into a constitutively active CaMKII signal. CaMKII is a structural protein, and more importantly a master regulator within the synapses, and it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that CaMKII is necessary for synaptic plasticity, learning and memory— even something as intangible as memory is rooted in biochemistry. the brain is ridiculously complex, and the body’s system of communication with itself is just as ridiculously complex, and what we know is barely a drop in the sea. given all that, is it really so hard to believe that our entire consciousnesses, everything people like to classify as the “soul”, could be products of our highly individual and specific cellular contexts— our genetics, our epigenetics, our environments, even our memories— interfacing with a cell signaling system that’s been evolving for billions of years?
i’d leave it there for the punchy ending but i do actually have somewhere i’m going with all this. in my mind, it makes far more sense to believe that every aspect of my being is rooted in material reality than to believe that there’s some ephemeral “life force” or “soul”, some essential piece of me that is somehow a separate entity residing within my body. the comfort i would gain from believing i have a soul that transcends my body would be overpowered by the discomfort i’d feel at not understanding the scientific basis of my belief. i find much more comfort in believing that i am a highly complex organism and that everything that makes me unique, everything that makes me a person, all of my love and curiosity and determination and thirst for knowledge, is rooted in material reality. it’s all tangible (or at the very least, theoretically detectable). that’s very powerful to me.
i’m not gonna speak on the quantum thing because all of my quantum physics knowledge comes from chemistry classes and i could barely pass general physics so i’m definitely not qualified for that discussion (unless we’re talking about orbitals i’m pretty decent with orbitals lmaoo). i’ve got no fucking clue what happens in the body on a quantum level. my academic disinclination towards physics tells me that it’s not my business what happens in the body on a quantum level, but truthfully i’m very interested in the answer because i like to understand the way things work on every possible level (hence the chemistry degree in progress).
one final note: i’m high as shit and i have just spent the last 5+ hours smoking, listening to the same song on loop, and alternating between answering this ask and reading the wikipedia for cauchy sequences (and several other related wikipedia pages— the devil is on my shoulder telling me to take real analysis even though i know i’d hate it). do with that information what you will.
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saturnsocoolioyep · 6 months
In the same vein as "I've been taking my medication for long enough that I haven't experienced any symptoms in a while, I must not need to take it anymore! (Spoiler alert: the meds are why you haven't had symptoms)" I present to you a similarly clownish thought process- "I haven't experienced that trigger in a long time, maybe I was just exaggerating how bad it was and it'll be fine to engage with this! (Spoiler alert: take a fucking guess babes)"
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hiero-green · 2 years
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*turns my autism beams on bruce*
*nothing changes*
*hes already autistic*
dedicated to @superbattrash thank u for the suggestion misha <3
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autism-culture-is · 1 month
Autism culture is getting chapped hands because you wash them SO MUCH
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badolmen · 4 months
Tips to keeping sane when staying informed about an active genocide
Share hope
Fact check sources; especially the ones that confirm your worst fears or darkest desires
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Bear witness to the horror, but let the despair pass through you. do not let it consume you
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Participate in organized activities offline: protests, art or book clubs, vigils, etc.
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Read and listen to stories of life Before, and imagine the peace and joy of life After
Share hope
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peapod20001 · 9 months
I’m the type that can and will cry if think too hard <3
#random post#me tag ∠( ᐛ 」 ) |/#I’m not an overly emotional person in the stereotypical way. but I do get in my feels when thinking about life and the experience of living#I’m like. constantly explaining things to myself cus there’s never really a time or place to talk about it#also my method of explaining things is very not coherent sometimes. so it takes me a bit to really get my point across in a comprehensible#way. I’m a big thinker. I have many thoughts and ideas a views. a daily thing of mine is noticing problems#and then fixing them in my head with thought out explanations and motives and outcomes#it’s like I’m talking to someone else. much like how I format my text posts. that’s how my inner monologue is#me talking to myself is actually me talking to someone else. someone that isn’t real#anyways it’s a daily occurrence. every day of my life is spent with thoughts similar to those breaking down a movie#lots of thoughts from adhd. compulsive thoughts from ocd. overwhelming thoughts from autism. distressing thoughts from bpd#ya. this isn’t a vent I just need to like. see the thoughts in writing so I can do smth else. like eat this muffin ive been staring at for#over an hour now <3 mmmbfbg yea muffins are hard to eat now cus I had some with mold and food mold especially is a big nono for me#spend like. five minutes examining the damn thing before I even consider taking a bite. I’m very hungry an thirsty </3#when your mouth is so dry you can taste your own mouth 👍 I’m experiencing#nothing in particular. just experiencing. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like having an experience and living#drank my tea and I had like. hallucinations of like an alcohol prep pad. I’ve been using those in my ear cus. tmi. had a pimple that’s#causing problems so mom suggested that. it burned! which means it worked so word. I’ve noticed lately that both me AND my family have been#using ‘word’ a lot. dad says we’ve been saying it but no we haven’t. if we had I’d have BEEN saying it. maybe we’ve used it before for a bit#but now it’s back. idk. I’ve said it in class on more than one occasion lmao I don’t look like the type to say smth like that but whatever#it’s like when I used to say bro after every sentence like 10 years ago lol. we’re a family of parrots we repeat eachother a lot#I started saying I love you out of no where and they started doing it too. we whistle at eachother from across the house. sing ear worms#together. quote funny things at every opportunity and drive the joke into the ground. everyone in this house is a different kind of mentally#I’ll and it’s the most beautiful clash of personalities because we’re all so annoying and we love eachother so much and also our#communication is shit because some ppl have hearing loss and another is a short fused child and some are quick to interrupt and some dont#get a word in and some just can’t explain and some can’t understand. we get there eventually at some point. we don’t get the full grasp of#how much we love eachother yet. but we’re gettin there. anyways this went into several different directions but they’re all good ones#I think. if you read all this good on you! this is my brain 24/7/365 haha ok love you
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ravenwolfie97 · 11 months
Piggy backing anon. How dare you diagnose me via rotating cow lmfao
First you make me realize I'm ADHD, then that I'm autistic, the longer I follow this blog the more ND I get
Came for TOME stayed for the ongoing self awakenings ig
i am a mirror for all my followers to reflect on ✌️
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thebewilderer · 1 year
Changed my mind actually, I'm against self diagnosis. There's a reason psychiatrists aren't allowed to diagnose themselves, and it's because they're biased. Any analysis of themselves will inherently lose any sense of objectivity.
These are *highly trained professionals* who cannot diagnose themselves; obviously the layman would do an infinitely worse job
You think you have Thing? Alright, well you should probably go get checked out for that. Lots of disorders have overlapping symptoms, and spotting the differences is incredibly hard without proper education and training (no, the three articles you read on MayoClinic and the seventeen tiktoks you watched don't count as education)
Using coping mechanisms usually associated with a disorder for your symptoms is fine ofc, but claiming to have something you're not diagnosed with is silly at best, and actively harmful towards said disabled and disordered people at worst.
I've seen countless versions of the scenario where people will start to diagnose themselves in such masses that professionals can't take anything seriously anymore (making it harder for actual disordered people to get diagnosed) or where they popularize the disorder until it loses all meaning (people now referring to dancing as "autistic stimming" very clearly causes the general populace to view autism as not-at-all serious), but one of the worst ones I've seen was someone claiming that PTSD shouldn't be in the DSM, because "everyone has a natural response to trauma and stress! It's not a disorder, it's just a natural response; it should be called 'Post Traumatic Stress Response'" and I cannot even begin to describe the level of anger that this instilled in me.
And the entire point of a diagnosis is to afford accommodations to those who need it. If you're going along just fine without the accommodations, you wouldn't benefit from a diagnosis. If you're having a lot of trouble without these accommodations, self-diagnosing will not give you anything, you should go see someone about it to get the accommodations you need.
Anyways this is just a long and rambling way for me to say "if you think you have Thing, go see a professional about it. If you're self-diagnosing, don't."
#fucking tired of the people who comment ''oh i think i have this'' under every ''autistic people walk on their toes!'' video#fucking tired of ''autistic'' and ''adhd'' and ''ocd'' being used as adjectives#fucking tired of the people who ''oughugh i had a panic attack!'' and then describe the emotion of being slightly nervous#fucking tired of all of this shit. you're taking credibility away from actual disabled and disordered people#i am not accepting criticism on this and i am hard blocking everyone who reblogs or comments with a shitty take#feel free to unfollow i do not fucking care#actually if you're a person whos claimed autism bc you like small spoons or#or ocd bc you keep you bookshelf organized or#or maladaptive daydreaming because you made up a fanfiction in your head once or#or did because you talk to yourself or#or adhd because you don't like math#<- all REAL fucking reasons I've seen people self-diagnose#then please *do* unfollow you'll save me a lot of fucking time#and no there is no ''well as long as you do enough research'' codicil just don't fucking do it. go see a professional. fuck.#ih#misc#me being problematic probably#self diagnosis#feel free to block me or screenshot and laugh at me or roll your eyes and move on idfc#but any interaction trying to convince me or disagreeing will get blocked mmkay#this is first and foremost a fuckin vent#and only secondly a sort of follower cleanout#''interaction of disagreeing'' includes the normal ''well some people can't get diagnosed uwu'' bullshit btw#it sucks you can't get diagnosed but it's more dangerous for literally everyone (yes including you) for you to start diagnosing yourself#treat your symptoms and look into affordable options but ffs stop this damn nonsense#im seconds away from flipping my fucking lid don't fucking clown
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wastingmytimehere · 2 days
Been feeling off due to forgetting my meds. Might have to take a little break until brain fixes itself and the manic anxiety subsides.
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Anyway here’s my dog
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tarredion · 10 months
if i find out at 40 i have ocd i will throw up actually
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lorax177 · 11 months
Fun fatphobia fact of the day:
CMS/HCC is a way for insurance companies to estimate how much money a patient will cost to insure, based on the major problems they have.
This is my list of diagnoses.
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I blacked out one of them because it is my intersex condition and has to do with my assigned gender, which I don't want to be associated with my online presence. Also, there are a few repeats because doctors will put in their own phrasing, so sometimes when I switch doctors, I get re-diagnosed with the same thing, with slightly different wording. It's also missing a few diagnoses i got as a kid, namely my autism and a comprehensive list of the specific learning disorders I have, because I didn't think they were relevant to a general practitioner and i didn't want them on my record for safety reasons. Anyways, you'll notice that there are several of them that have the aforementioned CMS/HCC label. Those are schizoaffective disorder, major depression (which is part of my sza,) and two counts of "morbid obesity". My adhd, which I need to take two different medications daily to treat sufficiently enough to function, is not labeled as a major disorder, but my size is. Twice!
You'll notice that nowhere on this list is any diagnosis that is supposedly related to my fatness. That is because, metabolically speaking, my health is perfect. My lipids, a1c, blood pressure, pulse, and o2 are all in the excellent range. I am not on any kind of medications for any of these, either. The fact that I have more body tissue than their ideal, which has no bearing on my actual health, is considered more important to address than my neurodevelopmental disorder that requires two expensive medications to treat. They think that I am more of a risk for them because of an imagined bogeyman of a diagnosis ("morbid obesity", aka being fat) than something which actually has real life functional and financial consequences (my severe combined type adhd). Or, for that matter, my ocd, which I needed intensive outpatient therapy for; my transgender identity, which has cost them thousands of dollars in hormones and surgery; my asthma, which requires two medications to treat; and my gerd, which requires one.
I'm not advocating for medical insurance companies to make it harder for people with these diagnoses to get treatment. I'm just pointing out that the medical system sees me as a drain on their resources specifically because of my weight rather than the diagnoses that actually cost them money (albeit with one exception). They think my adipose tissue, which is not causing me any health problems, is more important to note than most of my legitimate health problems.
That is medical fatphobia.
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Disabled people (both people with physical disabilities and people with psychological disabilities) should be able to get housing, food, medical needs, etc met without having to work or stay in school. ...Okay, really, everyone deserves access to free or affordable housing, food, and medical care, but disabled people ESPECIALLY deserve it because if I, a law student with "low support needs" autism, depression, GAD, OCD, and ADHD, cannot afford to take a break from school and take a semester off because I'd have to start repaying my loans because I had to drop down to three credits last fall and because I would have to get a job, so it wouldn't really be a break (which, I have had one job in my life, and I'm not fully convinced it wasn't a fluke, and also, trying to maintain a job when you have disabilities is difficult), I can only imagine that disabled people with higher support needs are even more fucked than me when it comes to being able to get housing and food and medical care without much, if any, funding.
Yes, Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, and housing programs exist in the US, but, uh, I hate to break it to y'all, but that doesn't fully fix the problem, at all. There are a lot of old apartment complexes that are straight up inaccessible if you use a wheelchair. I'm living in one now. Applying for Medicaid and other programs can be a pain in the ass, especially when you're disabled.
"Just live with your parents!" My parents were emotionally abusive and emotionally neglectful, transphobic, and they literally harassed me so much during my 1L year that I still have nightmares.
"Live with a roommate!" I tried to. It went fucking terribly.
"Are you really disabled if you're able to be in law school?" YES. YES I AM.
Actually, on that note, law schools and the law profession need to become more accommodating for disabled people ASAP. Buck v. Bell needs to be overturned. Courts should be wheelchair accessible. Having to get past seven plus different forms of ableism just to graduate and pass the bar is ridiculous. Seriously, can we get some resources for disabled people in law school and the law profession, please?
Disabled rights matter, and we have every right to be able to live in peace and get our needs met, regardless of our support needs, disabilities, or anything else.
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Chiron: where is our physical (and mental) wound?
I'm currently reading a book about Chiron (did you know it's actually half asteroid, half comet? me neither), which inspired me to make this post. I'm in no way an expert in medical astrology, just a curious owl that wants to learn more about every branch of astrology out there (my Sag Venus loves it!!🤭)
DISCLAIMER!!! I'm not a doctor. If you've been feeling any symptoms described here, TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR, NOT WITH ME
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Observation: Before we dive in, i'd like to mention that the position of Chiron in the houses is important. Not every house placement suggests having a poor physical condition. The most prominent Chiron placements when it comes to having a medical condition are: Chiron in 1st house (house of self, visible illnesses), Chiron in 5th house (illnesses since birth/early childhood), Chiron in 6th house (house of health, if Saturn is also sitting there it points to chronic illnesses), Chiron in 8th house (house of death, may point to severe diseases or poor reproductive health) and Chiron in 12th house (house of the unconscious, deals with mental illnesses)
Honorable mention to Chiron in 3rd house and Chiron in 9th house as they represent accidents while travelling. If Chiron is heavily afflicted in these houses (unless it's also conjuncting Jupiter), it may point to...let's just say you're gonna be in a hospital bed in a vegetative state, but remember, nothing has a 100% possibility of happening, you're just more susceptible to it happening. I suggest checking the position of Chiron in Solar Return charts for the possible timing of it happening (look for Chiron in 3rd house/Chiron in 9th house as it activates your natal Chiron)
Without further do, let's dive in⚕️
Chiron in Aries: frequent headaches, frequent nose bleeds, teeth problems (sensitive teeth, tooth decay), deafness, skull fractures, cerebral anemia, brain tumours, hemophilia, epilepsy, BPD
Chiron in Taurus: frequent colds, frequent voice loss, thyroid problems (goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidis, etc.), tonsilitis, OCD
Chiron in Gemini: lung problems (asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.), speech problems (stuttering, cluttering, mutism), alzheimer's disease, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Cancer: frequent stomach pain, prone to lactose intolerance, (for girls) breast lumps, breast cysts, breast infections, nipple discharge, depression, anxiety
Chiron in Leo: prone to insolation, frequent heart palpitations, chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, scoliosis, kyphosis
Chiron in Virgo: frequent bloating, prone to gluten intolerance, chronic allergies, diabetes, rabies, autism, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Libra: prone to acne, frequent lower back pain, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, chronic kidney disease, kidney stones
Chiron in Scorpio: frequent pain down there, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, depression
Chiron in Sagittarius: frequent pain in the hips, prone to hips dislocation, cirrhosis, sciatica
Chiron in Capricorn: prone to knees dislocation, osteoarthritis, bone problems (osteopenia, osteoporosis), gout, depression
Chiron in Aquarius: electrical injuries, shin splints, osteofibrous dysplasia, ankle sprain, ankle fractures, poor blood circulation, schizophrenia
Chiron in Pisces: prone to break toes, athlete's foot, bunions, addison's disease, hormonal deregulation, aphantasia, psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety
Yes, i'm aware of the fact that it's a generational planet and it moves very slowly through signs
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BONUS: It's important to take into consideration all planets that conjunct, square or opposite Chiron (regardless if they're personal or generational) + the Ascendant for additional info about our illnesses
Ex. Let's take me as an example. My Chiron is in my 10th house in Capricorn squaring Saturn in 4th house (so double Capricorn energy) and Aries Ascendant. Guess what? I've got TMJ (basically a jaw disorder affecting the joints) and i've got it from my fam -_- (Saturn rules tradition i love my fam)
I also believe that having a heavy afflicted Chiron in general makes someone prone to having a medical condition, even if it's not in the houses mentioned previously (like in my case). However, these people are more focused on the main meaning of the house, not their health problems. They tend to ignore their health problems or they just don't care
I hope you enjoyed my post and found it insightful :)
What's your wound? Lmk in the comments your placements and your illnesses
Kisses xoxo
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in unrelated news I’ve realized that I might have more than a little autism
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