#aimee writes drabbles
Meeting the Twins
Pairing: Wanda/Reader Summary: Your relationship with Wanda is progressing and she wants you to meet her kids Warnings: None Word Count: 662 A/N: This is a request from @xxxtwilightaxelxxx I did just realize that I didn’t actually use the dialog prompt the request came with but the concept is there so I hope you enjoy it anyway!!
You always told yourself that dating someone with kids was off the table. You weren’t someone who particularly liked kids, and you definitely wouldn’t say you were good with kids but when you met Wanda you immediately knew she’d be the exception. You fell head over heels for her almost instantly when you met her.
You were so much in love with her that you were standing in the toy aisles of Target trying to decide what would be something that would get two boys to not hate you immediately. You know how much her kids meant to Wanda and if they told her you had to go, you would be gone before you had time to blink.  
You had found two small lego sets, remembering Wanda saying they had recently been really getting into them. While you had considered getting them one of the giant sets, you didn’t want to make it look like you were trying too hard, so instead you picked two different small Star Wars ship sets figuring those would go over well while not being too over the top.
You were sitting in your car trying to talk yourself up to going to the front door. You knew it was a little ridiculous to be this nervous about meeting someone’s kids but you just really wanted this night to go over well. You felt like you were a teenager again having to meet someone's mom and the panic that came along with that. You finally decided you had to go in when you noticed one of the boys peeking at you through the blinds.
Before you could even knock, he was ripping open the door. “Do you always sit in your car for 10 minutes before coming into someone’s house?” He asked you with a laugh.
“Sometimes, I tend to drive too fast and am always too early” You chuckle awkwardly, looking past him to see if you could spot Wanda.
“Dear, it’s not nice to tease our guest” Wanda scolded her son, turning to you she smiled. “I think it’s cute that you do that.”
“This is Billy,” Wanda gestured to the boy who had just been making fun of you. “Tommy!”
Suddenly the other twin appeared beside her, sliding on the hardwood floor in his socks.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” You smiled at them both.
“What’s in the Target bag?” Tommy asked
“Oh! Well I was doing a little shopping for myself and I saw these two lego sets and I thought you two might like them, so I picked them up!” You quickly started to pull them out of the bag to show them what you had picked out. The boys both cheered immediately in excitement, each rushing to grab one out of your hands. You were relieved that they didn’t immediately start fighting over who got which ones.
“You really didn’t have to get them anything,” Wanda said softly, a loving look in her eyes and her gaze shifted from you to the boys.
“Now boys, what do you say?”
“Thank you!” They both chimed in unison. You chucked at that.
“You’re very welcome.” You smiled, “Oh and don’t think I didn’t get anything for you,” You turned to Wanda and pulled out a bottle of wine.
“Oh wow, you know how to be a good house guest don’t you.” She smiled, taking the bottle from you and leading you to the kitchen.
“Well I want to make sure you keep me around.” You joked.
“Oh I have a feeling we won’t be getting rid of you any time soon,” Wanda smiled before pouring you both a glass of wine. You headed back into the living room to help the boys with their new lego sets that they were both already working on getting put together.
Your night was full of laughter, and while kids were always your thing, you could absolutely see this family growing on you very quickly.
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jensengirl83 · 3 months
A come back, maybe
Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease that is quite painful. With that, being in pain almost every day has a way of killing your mental health, too. I"m really wanting to finish You'll Accompany Me, but where I've been out of the writing game for a while, I'm hoping to drabble to get back into it. That's where y'all come in. I'd love for y'all to send me an ask with some drabble ideas, as my brain just isn't wanting to do it for me. I really hope to get some interaction with this! So, send those asks if you're interested in what I can come up with. Tagging a few people in hopes of this getting out there.
@hintsofhoney @wayward-dreamer @flamencodiva @foxyjwls007 @lyarr24 @akshi8278 @hobby27 @squirrelnotsam @coffeebooksandfandom @aimee-ginge @donnaintx @itsdesiree86 @kyjey @roxytheimmortal @aubageddon91 @stoneyggirl2 @kitkatd7 @brilovesdeanwinchesterr @allonsy-yesiwill @krazykelly @rebelemilu @sarahbaker2010 @tyferbebe @metalfangirl @redbarn1995 @thoughts-and-funnies @izzathequeen @waynes-multiverse @pink-sparkly-witch @thelastpyle @nancymcl @samsgirl93​​​ @maliburenee @marvelouslyme96 @senjoritanana @roseblue373
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givereadersahug · 1 year
Scarlet!! For fic writer questions: 1, 17, 26, & 41!
(Since you're avoiding fests I figure I'd make it worth your while with multiple questions! :D)
Danni! Yes, I totally need a distraction. This fest fic is going nowhere fast. 😂
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) Hmmm. I...don't know? I'm not much of a plot-heavy writer, or a long-fic writer, tbh. I go for the vibes and I love drabbles! And I lean toward the tropes/emotions I'm writing/going for. For example - Gold (Harry Potter, Snarry for enrapture and smitten), Sectumsempra (Harry Potter, Snarry for power play & dark Harry Potter), and Devotion (SK8 the Infinity, Matchablossom for found family.) It all depends on the prompt I was given and the mood I'm in. My style can radically change from fic to fic or stay the same. It must be frustrating for any who follow me. 🤣
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
This is HIGHLY specific and I'm sure I'm the only one who will even read this fic but one day...ONE DAY...I'll write a Harry Potter/SK8 the Infinity/Thor mash-up fic. Will it make sense? Hell no! Will all my ships make an appearance? Hell yes! Will I laugh and be joyful at the monster I created and unleashed onto the world? You bet!
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
I have written fics with no dialogue! Many, in fact! They are mostly drabbles, though. [Same Old, Same Old (Harry Potter, Snily), The Mirror of Erised (Harry Potter, Gen), Beach Date (SK8 the Infinity, Matchablossom)]
I did come close to writing one only dialogue fic [Satisfaction (Harry Potter, Snarry)], but alas. The last paragraph was needed to explain something. I think I would try again one day! But, man. Was that hard. 😂
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
There are many fics that made me go, 'Wow, I want to write like that,' including yours, Danni! ❤️❤️❤️ However, the first fic that made me go YES, EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS GREAT and had me go re-reading it and re-reading it some more to examine the structure, the prose, the mood, the themes....it got to be The Price by Ark (Thor, Thorki). My all time, favorite fic across all fandoms. Hands downnnn. There are writers, who imo are god-tier in how they write and their fics are something I can never replicate, even if I tried. But The Price is the first that had me go --- Yes, I can do this. It's simple, yet majestic. The ebb and flow of the prose, the plot, the structure is like watching someone paint a masterpiece in front of my eyes. There were so, so, so many great post-IW Thorki fics with great plot, great characterizations, great writing, but The Price? It literally took my breath away. I'm a simple gal. Some of my favorite books and fics has no ornate writing style. (A style which I love! Don't get me wrong.) But I like lyrical sentences that doesn't draw too much attention to the prose till you close the book/turn off your phone and it hits you straight in the chest on how the writer crafted such a dense, emotional story through simple story-telling that has you thinking about the it for days and weeks afterwards. I don't know how to describe it. I can only point to books by Yoko Ogawa, Aimee Bender, and Jhumpa Lahiri as examples. They are some of my favorites writers and their style is something I aspired to. I found that in The Price, but yet The Price is more. More grand, more adventurous, more lyrical. I just love it to bits, if you can't tell. 🤣
Thanks for asking! <3
questions for fic writers
answered - 1, 17, 26, 41
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mastcrmarksman · 2 months
prompt: Kindness
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 4-5 sentence drabble about it
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❝ Clint, do you have a minute? ❞ Oh, Clint pauses as he hears Aimee speak up. There's a heavy box of old materials for former suits, items not the in the Avengers archives. His arms are sore, and he doesn't even think to put the boxes down. ❝ I have a presentation for class, can you hear how it sounds? ❞ The boxes remain in his arms even as he follows Aimee, even as he listens to her whole presentation and his arms go numb.
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reddriot · 3 years
Fireside Cuddles ✧ Diluc
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Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader ✧ 0.6k words
Synopsis ✧ You’ve had a long, hard day of work, and Diluc is there to encourage you and make you feel better.
Tags and Warnings ✧ Pure fluff!
Note ✧ Just a little encouragement drabble dedicated to @ererokii​ for completing day one of her finals! And really, for anyone finishing the school year and taking those tough tests. You got this! Thanks to @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ for betaing and for making sure Diluc is in character.
“I’m home.” The low rumble warms you more than the fire you’re sitting beside, and keeps you from slipping into sleep. You let out a content sigh, happy that Diluc is home.
“Welcome home,” you reply, rolling your head back to try and ease the ache in your neck.
Diluc’s keen eyes take in your movements as he slips off his coat and hangs it by the door. “You’ve had a long day, haven’t you, my dear?”
“Mhm. The longest. But so have you, Diluc.”
“Yes, but this is usual for me. Today put a lot more pressure on you than most days would. I wish I could have come home sooner to help you.”
“You’re here now, and that’s what matters to me.”
The smile you give him is brighter than the flames he could ever conjure up. Diluc’s returning smile is small and soft, full of affection as he pours your favorite drink into a cup, and places two cookies onto a small plate. He carries the snack over to you and sets them down on the table before the couch.
“Drink. You have to stay hydrated when you’re working hard. And eat, too. All your efforts will not be worth it if you neglect your body.”
You sit up to do as he says, humming in delight as you take a sip from your cup and bite into a cookie. The cushions dip as Diluc joins you on the couch. One of his arms stretches out behind you, resting on the back of the sofa, so you can lean into his side as you cradle your cup in your hands. He tilts his head, resting his cheek to the top of your head.
It’s so warm, and so safe.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence as you finish your snack. After you put your cup down, you burrow yourself more closely to Diluc’s side. He huffs a quiet laugh, chest shaking, before wrapping both arms around you to pull you even closer. His hands slide up your back to knead at your shoulders, and to rub warm circles into the base of your neck. You almost melt in his arms, and the blissful turn of your lips makes his eyes soften.
“I’m proud of you,” he murmurs.
“For what?” you ask, looking at him curiously.
He thinks the colors of your eyes are the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, made even more beautiful with the warm light of the fireplace.
“For getting yourself through this day. You’ve been doing so much to prepare, and all of it comes down to a few important hours. No matter how it turns out, I’m proud of you for trying your best. And regardless of what the results are, I will never love you any less.”
Your heart swells with warmth and love for this beautiful man that you get to call yours. “Thank you, Diluc.” Reaching up to cup his face in your hands, your thumbs stroke gently across his cheeks. “Kiss me?” you ask sweetly.
“Of course, my dear.”
He leans in toward you to press his lips to your own, warm and soft and gentle. With each kiss that heats you from the inside out, you can feel your aches disappear and your stress melt away. You are happy in the arms of the man you love.
And you feel so, so warm.
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bobfloydssunnies · 3 years
oh can i request a blurb about bucky/reader adopting a pet?
sorry it took me a bit we have new puppies at my house and I was on puppy duty for a while but here it is:
It had been months since the blip and after much annoyance, Bucky was still attending his weekly therapy sessions. His therapist had brought up Bucky getting an emotional support animal a few times now, and Bucky had mentioned it offhandedly not wanting to make a big deal out of it. The idea was just to take Bucky to a few shelters and let him spend time with some of the rescues and see if it would help. This began the monthly trips to different shelters around town. At first, he was hesitant and always complained about going saying he was worried he’d scare them all or hurt them. But it seemed to get better each time you went. Today was another day to visit a new shelter which meant Bucky was cautious as ever with his arm. You and Bucky spent a few hours just sitting in different rooms with some of the dogs and cats in the shelter. Bucky was hesitant to touch any of them with his vibranium arm but one cat seemed to only want to be near that arm no matter how hard he tried. “you know buck we can always take one of them home” you mentioned “you know we can’t with how I was” he replied, “All I’m saying is that cat seems to be attached to you already and if you wanted to take them home I’m okay with it” you tell him pointing to the white cat nearby. Bucky smiled a little “she’s sweet”. It was a few days later when Bucky mentioned the day at the shelter asking if you thought they still had the white cat, you knew they would you had called them the day after your visit saying you’d probably be back in a few days to get her knowing Bucky would change his mind and realize that maybe she was a good fit for him. When you had gone to pick her up Bucky learned her name was alpine which made him smile and joked she fit would have fit with his other half. You knew she was perfect for him and was definitely going to help him more than he realized. 
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ererokii · 3 years
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todorokiaimee · 5 years
Writing Masterlist
BLUES IN THE NIGHT Todoroki x Faurie OC (Completed)
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1. Everything Happens To Me
2. I’ll Be Seeing You
3. Cocktails For Two
4. Ain’t Misbehavin’
5. I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm
6. Bright Lights, Big City
7. Honeysuckle Rose
8. All The Things That You Are
9. Cheek to Cheek (mild spice)
10. All of You
11. The Way You Look Tonight (mild spice)
12. Fever (Spicy)
13. Straighten Up and Fly Right (mild spice)
14. So This Is Love
15. My Heart Belongs to Daddy (Spicy)
16. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
17. Easy Living (Spicy)
18. Edith and The Kingpin
19. Stormy Weather
20. House of the Rising Sun
Epilogue: Summertime
DOPAMINE Bakugou x Jackson OC (Ongoing)
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Jada Jackson (Black OC) Character Description
Chapter 1 (Spicy)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Spicy)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Spicy)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Spanking- Todoroki x Faurie OC (Spicy)
Excuse Me? -Bakugou x Black Reader (mild spice)
Freaky Friday Body Swap HC -Todoroki x Faurie OC (mild spice)
Aimee’s Birthday Headcanons
AimeeTodo Halloween Headcanons
An Interview with The Todoroki’s (BITN After Story)
Valentine’s Day | Proposal (BITN After Story)
Maybe This Time (BITN After Story | Spicy)
Shoto x Aimee Pregnancy Headcanons (BITN)
Excuse me, Miss? (Iida x reader)
Sweet as Sugar (Jada x Todoroki Enji)
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savage-rhi · 4 years
Person A secretly waiting outside the door to listen to Person B sing in the shower w/ gene & higgs
Coming right the fuck up :D!
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During their journey to the East Coast to deliver the BT Plague sample, it wasn’t common for Gene and Higgs to use any established safe houses for camp and rest. Mostly, it was due to the fact Higgs was an ex-terrorist and Gene suggested they don’t bother possibly tipping off the systems especially if she couldn’t hack the private quarter's security system to allow them both to enter. There were those few exceptions where the two caved and needed to shower and have someplace proper to shield them from the elements, this situation being one of them. 
The subterranean safe house Gene and Higgs took refuge in belonged to a porter industry called Hermes Flight. They were a relatively new porter business that started to pop up in the midwest but hadn’t fully gotten their feet off the ground. Gene had proven that when she was able to scramble the codes, making it so her Brisk HARPY pass allowed her entry and shut down the security cameras so Higgs wouldn’t be picked up.  
While Gene was in the small living room area, reading her mail and news reports on her cuff link, she could hear the shower in the other room being used. Gene paid no mind to it, knowing Higgs had been complaining about taking a shower for days. It wasn’t until she heard his voice break through the air a few times did she pay attention. 
Higgs hadn’t been feeling well the last couple of days. Gene chalked it up to him catching a cold regardless of Higgs’s protests. Concern overtook Gene as she got up, turning her cufflink off, and followed the sound of Higgs’s voice. As Gene got closer to the bedroom area where the shower was located, she realized Higgs wasn’t in distress. No, far from it. His voice carried a soothing melody, a richness to his vocals that was seldom shown. Higgs was singing, and like a sailor being pulled in by the cryptic Sirens, Gene found herself slowly inching further into the room to get a better listen. 
“So better pack your bags and run. Send it to oblivion, where you don't look like anyone that anyone would care about. And do what you do till it buries you.”
Gene felt a twinge of guilt creep up in her stomach, feeling like she was being a peeping tom regardless of the fact she merely wanted to hear Higgs finish the song. She swallowed nervously as she approached the shower, Higgs’s body shielded for the most part. He was like a blurred piece of glass as Gene watched his shape move about through the water. Her ears were hooked onto his voice. Gene swallowed nervously, keeping her movement still as the words fell from his lips and the steaming water continued to run over his skin. 
“And isn't it enough for you. Isn't it enough? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't it enough? For you.” 
It didn’t matter how many times Higgs had been dismissive of himself, Gene knew he was a great singer. If life had been more kind to him, she had a strong feeling he could have done something with that talent. It wasn’t meant to be, but Gene very much wanted to be a part of the audience. Her mind drifted into a daydream of sorts, the lyrics Higgs was pouring from his chest painting a picture of something morose and euphoric at the same time, like leaving a broken place and being free of it. 
Gene was so caught up in imagining the story behind the words that she didn’t notice Higgs poking his head out of the shower, staring at her as the water continued to collapse against his body. 
“You need something darlin’? It’s not polite to stare. Next time pay me if you want a show.” Higgs said, his voice sounding stern as Gene blinked a few times and shook her head. Gene was quick to get out of there, cursing under her breath. As much as Higgs wanted to make a much harsh retort, even call Gene out on checking him out, he refrained from doing so. 
Higgs watched Gene leave before he closed the door to the shower and sighed deeply, his head bowing underneath the warm water as the droplets soothed his scalp. He didn’t know how long she had been standing there, but Higgs couldn’t help but smile despite feeling embarrassed when he realized Gene had been enraptured by his voice. He could tell by the look in her eyes, and deep down he yearned to see that again. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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onthepageoftears · 5 years
Worth It (Maeve Wiley x Reader)//Sex Education
A/N: Leave it to Maeve Wiley to get you out of your writer’s block…this took a bit longer than I would’ve liked but I hope you guys like it!
Requests:“loveeee your account btw :D imma request a Maeve x reader where the reader’s parents are super strict on her and don’t let her go out or drink or anything, and they say she isn’t allowed to go to the prom. So, Maeve and r make a plan to sneak r out, and they get drunk/high together..but r’s parents find out and are furious. maybe like a few part series?”
“hiii, Request for Mave x reader where they both get drunk and are super sweet to eahciher and reader goes on about maeve’s smile etc! maybe it’s at Aimee’s party n everyone is shocked to see maeve being all soft!”
Warnings: underage drinking, partying, language, flufff
Words: 1,172
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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“We’re going to get caught.” You said, eyes lingering on the house behind you, your house, the one you just snuck out of.
A grin played on Maeve’s lips, the twinkle in her eye shining brighter in the night. “You’ve never done anything bad, have you?”
You shrugged, trying to ignore the smugness laced in Maeve’s words. She was right. You never did anything to go against your parents, and this was a clear break of their rules. You snuck out of the house. To go to a party. On a school night.
You were screwed.
“It’s this way,” Maeve said, grabbing your arm to tug you down a small path that lead to Aimee’s house. You nearly forgot that your parents would probably have your grave ready by the time you got back, instead focusing on the way Maeve’s fingers wrapped around your skin, on the way your cheeks flamed and your stomach churned.
By the time you made it to the house, people were already smoking and drinking outside, slurring their words as you and Maeve passed. You two walked through the door, greeted by the familiar top artists blasting from the speakers, making your way to Aimee’s impressive kitchen. In there it was quiet, but not by much. You watched Maeve grab you two some drinks, anxiously tapping your foot on the ground.
“Here.” Maeve pushed a cup towards you, her eyes soft. “You need to relax.” You nearly rolled your eyes at the cup. Wasn’t this so cliche? But with the way Maeve looked at you, you didn’t care. You grabbed the cup, taking a tentative sip, before scrunching up your face in disgust.
“This is awful.” Maeve shrugged, letting the corner of her mouth lift as you took another sip.
Ever since you met Maeve, life seemed a little brighter. Okay, much brighter. She made something spark in you, something that felt dangerous. She felt dangerous. And you loved it.
But your parents didn’t. They thought she was trouble, thought she would hurt you. They told you you should know better, that you would ruin your life by hanging out with her. But in your eyes, you would ruin your life by staying in your house every night studying things that didn’t matter to you.
And soon, you felt even lighter than before, the alcohol finally buzzing through your veins. Your body felt warm as you leaned into Maeve’s side, giggling about something dumb you just said. The room was smaller, somehow, and you felt like the two of you were so, so close. You looked at Maeve, who was smiling at you, and you couldn’t believe how pretty she was. You loved her smile, and how warm it felt.
“You love my smile?” Maeve watched you with an amused smirk. You just laughed, not realizing you had said it aloud. “You must be really drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” you snorted, lolling your head onto Maeve’s shoulder with a smile. Instead of moving it, you kept it there, snuggling into the warmth of her body without a care in the world. You closed your eyes, focusing on the soft heart beat that echoed in your ears. Your face was flushed; your whole body was, to be honest, and even more so when Maeve trailed her finger along the side of you cheek to get some hair out of your face. You probably blushed, too, but your thoughts were too busy to be embarrassed. It was only when you felt yourself fading into a slumber that Maeve decided it was time to take you home.
She slipped her hand around your waist and pushed you gently, smiling at the way you frowned at the sudden movement. “Come on, love.” She whispered, tugging you by her side towards the front door of Aimee’s house.
“Leaving so soon?” It was Aimee, and her eyes flicked between the two of you, a knowing smile forming on her lips.
“Curfew.” Maeve answered shortly, hoping that her clenched jaw would make up for the blush that inevitably formed on her cheeks. Unlike you, she couldn’t blame her flushed face on the alcohol: she hadn’t been drinking that much, because she wanted to make sure she got you home at a reasonable time. Your parents hated her enough already, and sneaking you out was a bad idea in itself; but this way, if they caught you, they couldn’t be angry about the time. Maybe.
“Where are we going?” You slurred, eyes slowly taking in the surroundings as you leaned on Maeve for support.
“I’m taking you home.”
“Ew.” She laughed, at both your words and the way you scrunched your face up in utter disgust. You were drunk, but not really drunk, because she had only given you a small amount of alcohol. But with the amount of drinking experience you had, it was no doubt that what you had was enough to give you a hangover tomorrow.
Maeve suddenly felt guilty. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She already knew your parents hated her, but they would be even more mad at you for going through with this. Before she could think any further, you were tripping over your own feet, nearly falling face first in the dirt. “I’ve got you,” Maeve chuckled, keeping her arm firmly around your waist for the rest of the way back.
When you two got back to the house, your drunken haze came to a halt. Your parents. How were you going to get in the house past them?
“I feel sick.” You held a hand to your stomach, silently wishing you would vomit, but nothing came. You cursed to yourself, turning to Maeve with wide eyes. “What do I do?”
She bit her lip, shifting her eyes to the house and back to you. “Walk through the front door?”
You laughed abruptly, surprising yourself by how loud it was. But you didn’t care. “They are literally going to kill me.”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“I’m not.”
Maeve glanced at you, and suddenly, you two were in hysterics. You were laughing for what seemed like hours, pushing each other in an attempt to stop the breaths that escaped your mouths. But once you start laughing with someone, it’s almost like you couldn’t stop.
You wiped the tears from your eyes and looked at Maeve, whose smile turned to a look of concern.
“I’m sorry if I get you in trouble.”
You didn’t know if it was from the alcohol or just a surge of energy, but you walked over to Maeve, placing your hands on her face and lay your lips softly on hers. She grabbed your hips, pulling you closer, and you hummed lightly at your closeness. After a few moments, you pulled back, smiling wide at the girl in front of you.
“It was worth it.”
And it was. Even though your parents had a near stroke when you returned, and you were grounded for three weeks, you couldn’t have asked for a better night.
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marvelouslytrekking · 3 years
Pairing: Din/Reader 
Summery: Din comes home to find you and the child sleeping peacefully and he longs to join in
Word Count: 455
Warnings: soft fluff, written quickly and not edited
A/N: Did this idea stem from the fact I cuddle my baby Yoda build a bear every night? Maybe... but it’s cute either way
It wasn’t every bounty that managed to tire out the mandalorian, but this last one had been a challenge to catch. They had really put up a fight but still in the end, he managed to get them back to the razor crest.
Din was a bit confused when he didn’t see you or hear the child upon his return. You usually popped by to make sure he was okay and the child was never truly quiet. The silence on the ship was for that reason uncomfortable.
He called out your name, with no response, he found himself growing concerned. Surely no one made it into his ship while he was gone, he was very careful to make sure you two were protected while he was away.
Before he could start to truly freak out, he found you, laying in his cot, curled up with the child cuddled into your chest. Din found his heart tighten at the sight before him. He wanted nothing more than to join the cuddle session that you were currently having but not only was the cot a little too small, but he wasn’t sure how you would feel about cuddling with him.
His heart seemed to grow even more, which he didn't think was possible when he saw the child’s small hand gripping tightly at your shirt.
This was a sight that he could certainly get used to, especially when you smiled groggily.
“You’re back!” You muttered, sleep still heavy on your voice, but happiness laced in your voice. “Are you going to stand there or join us?”
He hesitated for a moment, not sure if you were really offering him to join, or if you were just talking while half asleep. Eventually he caved, and decided to start to peel off his armor. He was left awkwardly standing with only his helmet on trying to decide how he was meant to fit on the bed with him.
“Uh-” He went to ask, but you had started to scoot closer to the wall without him even saying anything. You gently patted the bed trying to coax him to join.
He carefully laid down, it wasn’t long after he settled into the cot, you moved back closer to him, the child between you, but your head rested on his chest. He was convinced his heartbeat was going to wake you with how rapid it was beating.
Instead, it seemed to have the opposite effect, you were back in a deep sleep not long after he had settled in. He wasn’t sure if he was going to fall asleep, not one to let his guard down around others, but he found his eyes growing heavy and he soon was also sleeping.
Tags: @ace-diaz @startrekkingaroundasgard @wokeupinawalnut @thatfanficstuff @lamburrito @bunnygeneral @schatzi-89 @ladyideal @empyreanwritings @mournthewicked  @lighthouseinthemiddleofnowhere
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
February 2022 Author Spotlight - kaoruhana
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga, and Tumblr
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: I guess I would say it's either short, cute, and sweet OR super-long slow burn. I have a tendency to write fluff and romance, and of all my stories I can literally count only 2 that aren't endgame romance. My writing has changed from the beginning of my writing Sesskag when it was more free-flowing and dialogue heavy to now being less dialogue and having longer, stretched out plot lines. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: My portrayal of Sesshomaru is a little different from other authors. I tend to focus on the quieter side of the warrior: the grace, respect, and authority he seems to exude. I focus on the man, er youkai, he is underneath that aloof, cold exterior because I think he has a very refined, but noble? style to him underneath.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: All kinds of things! Lately, it's been fanart and drabble prompts, or ideas thrown out  by friends in the fandom which I end up picking up and writing. 😆
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: I think it'd have to be their first meeting in the tomb. It's such a fateful meeting, isn't it? For Sesshomaru, he sees this *human* female take something that he'd been searching years for and give it to his brother; and he's  intrigued, hurt, and angry at her. And then there's Kagome, who, even in the face of danger is fierce and determined. It's such an interesting meeting, and it definitely shaped their future encounters I think. I sometimes think it would have been interesting to be in the heads of those two at that particular moment in time and see what they thought of each other.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I think its longevity and how that translates into the fandom never really dying out. We've had disagreements and people go in and out of the fandom all the time, but I think it's really neat and amazing that this fandom is still going strong over a decade since I first joined it. I mean Dokuga was a game changer when I started writing fanfiction: a site dedicated to our fandom with great stories and a community interested in building up the fandom and interacting with each other, inspiring each other, and so on. And the fact that I've seen this happen for so many years and can see the fandom continue for years more makes me so happy to be part of this fandom. 
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Come to Shore
You’ve Always Belonged in the Home in my Heart
Dark Nights of Kyoto
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Happily Ever After by Miss Teak
Dancing with Scissors by piratequeen0405
Maid with Care by Aimee Blue
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A Relaxing Night
for @marvelouslytrekking ‘s 1.6k Celebration!!
Prompt: “If you won’t do it, I will.”
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
prompt: “If you won’t do it, I will”
a/n: FLUFFY drabble but probably OOC bc this is my first (published and finished) fic and enjoy the vagueness ,,, ok so like not what I was expecting but you can thank my brain that starts and stops like an old car for starting like 6 different ideas and then moving on to the next idea. but here it is! enjoy! feedback is welcome
Happy milestone Aimee!! <3 go follow her!! she writes amazing stuff for mostly Marvel and Star Trek!! ( @marvelouslytrekking​ )
word count: 503 
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“Hey sweetheart.”
“My love!” You exclaimed, stretching your arms up to hug your girlfriend.  
“I’m all dirty,” she laughed, having just returned from a mission, but she hugged you back and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Mmm, ‘ve missed you.” You inhaled her scent, sweaty (and maybe bloody) but still your Natasha.
“I’ve missed you, too, lyubov moya, but I need to shower.”
“I’ll get some food ready, you can pick the movie later?” It was your routine whenever Natasha returned from a mission and needed to wind down. Food, movie, snuggles if needed. The relaxing routine she needed. And you never missed an opportunity to  
“I’d like that.” She gave you a soft smile and your heart melted. She reserved those smiles for you and you fell a little more in love every time.
You went to the kitchen and started making dinner for the two of you, putting on some music. You got so lost in making the food that you jumped when arms wrapped around you.  
You giggled at your scare and put a hand over hers. “You scared me.” Natasha hugged you tighter.
“You got your head stuck in the clouds again.”
“I guess I did. Now we gotta move, I have to finish making dinner.” You tugged her around the kitchen to finish getting dinner ready.  A thought struck you and you spun in your girlfriend’s arms to face her. “You need to pick a movie.”
“I’m busy.” 
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop your cheeks from lifting. “If you won’t do it, I will.”
“You have horrible taste.”
“Rude. And what’s wrong with the movies I pick?” you demanded, carefully (and awkwardly) serving the food onto your plates.
“They’re sappy.”
“You mean adorable and sometimes unrealistic!” She laughed against you. “Food’s ready, you have like, five seconds to pick a movie or I will.”
Knowing how serious you took movie watching, she rushed over to the TV to choose while you moved the plates to the coffee table and then your drinks. Natasha set up the movie and you settled into the couch together to watch.  
Later, as the credits were rolling, you looked at Natasha who, after a few moments, noticed your staring and gazed back at you.  
“You’re pretty.”  
Natasha rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. “You need to go to bed.”
“Only if you come with me,” you bargained.
“Well, of course.”  
You stood up, but before you went to your bedroom you called out to your girlfriend. She turned back to you. “You forgot something.” You saw her eyebrows furrow and smiled. “You forgot to kiss me.”
“Then come here.”  
You stepped towards her and she brought your head towards hers to press her lips against yours. You broke the kiss when you couldn’t hold back your smile. Natasha looked fondly back at you.  
Natasha wasn’t one to outright say ‘I love you’, but you knew it when she said it. “Yes.”
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Tag Game
Tagged by: @cowboyshit and @definitelydivergent (thank you both so much 🖤🖤🖤)
Tagging: (i have been off Tumblr most of the past few days so if you already did this, I am sorry!) @brittsdmd @mrsmatt @dreambig63 @simoneinside @thatgirlforever5 @alyhull @thenerdybaker523 @dancingwithsilhouettes (i know most of your answers, Aimee, but like everyone should love you as much as I do) @from-wherever, @lancearchers/@schreiberpablo
favorite color: Gold
currently reading: Killing The Business by Matt and Nick Jackson. Dark Disciple by Christie Golden, Butts in Seats by Tony Schiavone, and a few volumes of Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples are all on my nightstand or Audible queue. I also reread a few autobiographies every February and am on the Autobiography of Malcolm X.
last song: “Texas Man” by The Chicks. I was belting out the whole album on my drive back.
sweet, savory, or spicy? It depends for sure, but more often than not savory. I can’t have a lot of sweet and usually would reserve it for when I baked for my coworkers. But I have been remote for two years now and so my standing mixer is bereft and I have not made a lot of treats or indulged much (though I do keep chocolate on hand for hard days™️). So I am much more a cook and more savory and trying different flavor profiles when cooking or dining out. Spicy if I am feeling spicyyy~
currently working on: I have two requests — a Lance Archer/OFC story with like 8000 words written and like 2-5k more to go (hi, I am Amanda. If you pointed a gun at me and said “write a drabble” I would be dead), and an Ethan Page one I now have inspo for because he was INCREDIBLE to meet today. Also, I need to write chapter 5 of my Nick Jackson story but he made my OFC so mad at him in chapter 4 that I an residually mad at him 😂. In non-writing, I have been teaching myself to make gifs over on @hikuleo and it is going marginally bad to decent. And I am crocheting more wrestling dolls like the ones I gave Ethan today (Orange, Brandon Cutler, Matt and Nick Jackson, Hanger, Kenny, Nyla, Britt, and Hikaru are all on my list).
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pixxiesdust · 4 years
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Hello everyone! I think the banner kind of explains everything that’s going to happen in the post, so let’s get right to it!
I've been talking about this for a couple of weeks, but it’s finally time to make the move and switch over to a new blog. Over the past couple of years that I’ve been on tumblr with my Narnia blog (alwaysinnarnia, which became highqueen), and the months I’ve had pixxiesdust, I was always supported by so many followers and friends, who liked, reblogged, and commented on my creations. Through these two blogs, I became friends with people halfway across the world, people I’m attending college with, people who have as much skill as published writers and professional artists. People who make me laugh, people who I recognize from their url constantly popping up in my notifactions because of their continuous support, people who have comforted me when I’m not feeling my best. 
If you’re reading this, you’re one of those people who helped to shape my experience on Tumblr, and I thank you so much for that.
There are some in particular that I’ve become wonderful friends with, so I’d like to thank them. I’m sure that some urls have slipped my mind, and I’m not able to get to everyone, but please know that I love you and appreciate you so, so much!!
below the cut, find: thank yous to wonderful friends, a goodbyes to all my lovely followers, and a link to my new blog—a new beginning. i hope to see you there >u<
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✧ narnia (highqueen) ✧
@lucypcvensie​​​ ✧ Eysha, you’ve been with me basically since the beginning, and you are one of the closest friends I’ve made on here. I love talking to you about basically everything, even beyond Narnia and other fandoms. Love you lots! 
@hauntedthief​​​ ✧ Moh, you’re also someone that I’ve had the pleasure of being friends with for a while now. I love being in all these different networks with you, even as we branch off into anime and manga. You’re always so supportive and friendly, especially on gifs and edits!
@ohboywonder​​​ ✧ Liv, I’m so glad that we started talking. We may not be in contact that often, but I enjoy every conversation that we have. You always lift my mood and are so kind and encouraging.
@bilbos​​​ @stormbreaker​​​ @calormen​​​ @quecksilvereyes​​​ @radiantsusan​​​ and the other wonderful members of narnianetwork ✧ I love you all so much! You build up the network and the fandom, and every one of you are so inspiring and creative. You all are amazing, and I’m really happy to have gotten to know you all!
✧ multifandom (pixxiesdust) ✧
@ererokii​​ ✧ Aimee, ily so much!!! You’re such a fun person to talk to, and I love all the chats that we have. You’re so creative and come up with amazing stories, and I’m honored that you let me beta for them. I’m so glad you invited me to work on AoA with you!
@taiyaaki​​ ✧ Mio, you’re such a sweet person who I’ve had the pleasure of becoming good friends with. Your drabbles and fics are always enjoyable to read, and I love that you write for such a wide variety of characters. 
@jojosmilktea​​ ✧ Jojo, you bless my dash every time I see a post from you on there. Your writing is spectacular (even the a-angst, which is saying a lot), and I know you put a lot of hard work into them. You’re always so kind and friendly, and 我很愛跟你聊天。
@cellotonin​​ and @sipsteainanxiety​​ ✧ I am so, so glad to have met you both! I never expected for things to turn out the way they did, but!!! I’m still so surprised and happy. I love you both so much, and I hope that we’ll continue being friends for a long time to come.
@lirinstaalem​​ ✧ Life, you are such a wonderful friend and I love talking with you in asks and in discord servers, even though 20% of the time is me telling you not to drink a packet of hot sauce. Your writing is getting better and better all the time, and I love the ideas you bring to life! (hehe) 
@kingtamakimurder​​ ✧ Shan, you’re such a wonderful, caring, cute, talented person and I’m so grateful to have you as a friend. Thank you for getting me to watch some new anime! I love all the movie nights we’ve had together, and I hope we’ll have more in the future!
@etegomanere​​ @tspice283​​ @byougen​​ @jaegerbomb20​​ @dokidokielle​​ @pat-writes-stuff​​ and the other wonderful members of attack on academia ✧You all make the server so lively and fun. Thanks for accompanying me on sprints—I do so much more writing with you. I love talking to everyone so, so much!
@shinsotired​​ @tamcitrus​​ @writeiolite​​ and the other wonderful members of haikyuucreations ✧ From watching SAO together, to chatting about Haikyuu and other anime, to sprinting, I love all the conversations we’ve had together. And I’m really happy to have met so many new people in the Haikyuu fandom!
@tamasoft​​ @spike-this-ass​​​ @chocoboba​​ @ramelanin​​​ and the other wonderful members of pocuties ✧ You all make this such a safe space, and I love you all for it. Thanks for shouting Sasageyo in the voice chats, for always greeting everyone good morning, for making jokes about characters that we like. You all are amazing, love you!
@hawks-senseis​​ @prismatales​​​ @teaspoon-hey​​ @shoutogepi​​ @simplybakugou​​ @wakaoujisenhime​​ @knifeewifee​​ @todoscript​​ @fanfic-me-up​​ @leviskokoro​​ @savagetrickster​​ @shoutodoki​​ @vixen-scribbles​​ @soniatera​​ @zuura​​ @meximorrita​​ @birinboom​​ @unbreakableeiji​​ @hanniejji​​ ✧ There are so many things I could say for all you talented, kind, amazing individuals, and I honestly could turn this into an essay. I’m so happy to be friends with you, and I really hope that we’ll continue to chat and get to know each other more in the future. Love you all so much!
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✧ now, travel to reddriot and explore the galaxy! ✧
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tettatonin · 3 years
A first impression of your close mutuals?
i got this ask like a couple days ago n forgot abt it bUT here we are ✨✨
@41mee — my first ever mutual and also the one i bother on discord the most jbdskjgvsa AIMEE WAS SUPER INTIMIDATING TO ME BEFORE UNTIL I SUCKED IT UP N SENT HER AN ASK and then from then on we just clicked now we're kisaki fuckers n discord besties
@mqtsuno — one of the funniest mfs i know. when i first followed her i thought it was a crime if we weren't friends so i kept bothering her in her asks and saying good morning n now she loves me <33 u need to stop talking abt poop on the server tho
@takeomis — AT FIRST SHE'S SO NICE BUT ONCE U GET TO KNOW HER SHE'S SO FERAL ESP W CHIKA but i love her she goes along w my pranks
@harusick — my first impression of lea was just.. she's very horny. so i kept writing drabbles in her asks n that's how we became friends
@8kh — same as aimee w intimidating a bit cuz she's one of tr tumblrs ogs and was also a big blog even back then but once u get to actually talk to hunter she's so sweet n cute
@zvchinni — my first impression of rae was that she's one of the soft, in control haru stans and when i see her talking abt someone that isn't haruchiyo i assume she's sick or smthn
@lila-skies — MEI IS SO CUTE LIKE IDK like she has cute person energy whenever i see her on my dash unless she's screaming abt mitsuya in my asks then u got mitsuya's pillow princess right here
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