#also don’t know if anyone noticed but that was why I’ve been barely using tumblr the last week or two
roylustang · 1 year
I always go to the grocery store on Friday bc I’m not as busy as I am on the weekend but inevitably by Sunday after doing more than half my weekly mileage in two days I am overcome by The Hunger and I must return
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 10 months
Why all for the game series got us all so hooked
An attempt at combining everything I’ve read on tumblr and recent (re)discovery I have from rereading the books for the fourth time:
We all know it’s the characters. But why? Yeah they are real and raw and resonant with us. Neil and Andrew and Kevin and foxes story captivated us. Let’s start with Neil:
Neil Josten. A runaway that stated so many times how alone and lonely he is. How he is a nobody. He insisted on all that and couldn’t care more or less for his teammates throughout the first book. But his character development is astounding. We can see him actually choosing to stay in the end of the first book. When he decided to strike a deal with Andrew who he didn’t trust at all to stay. He rationalised it at Andrew letting him stay because Andrew was the main antagonist throughout the first book even though we have been hinted throughout the book that the real threat to Neil’s life is his father. So he deal with the easier one first.
Then in the second book, we can see glimpse of how he is becoming “real” and how his teammates treat him as a friend but he didn’t even realise and in just less than half a year he managed to have friends and by the end of the second book he is literally willing to die for them. He cares for them. His teammates care for him. And most importantly andrew.
Yeah Andrew is the main focus and let’s just say all of us were as shocked as Neil at his confession in the third book (unless we all knew from the start but) even after reading the books multiple times. It is actually not that obvious that Andrew likes Neil. Because neil himself didn’t notice.
Here is a sidetracked paragraph about the narration. The narration is flawless. The pov is strictly neil and it is so neil that all he cares about is exy and survival and so that’s all we cared about in the first book. But as his priorities shift in the second book. We begin to care for the others too. He doesn’t waste his time describing the setting of places or cloths or people. There are barely any descriptions except for the court and during the exy games. Until the third book when neil begin describing Andrew when he realised his feelings. The narration got us hooked from the start when he didn’t even tell us his real name until riko said it. And the narration allow us to feel his fear and confusion and apathy and did it so seamlessly that we can’t help but fall in love with exy as neil did and slowly for Andrew and the foxes and of course neil himself.
People talked about the plot holes and ridiculous plot of yakuza and a fake sport and shit but is the plot really that ridiculous? There are books about faeries and vampires and romances where it literally would never happen in real life and people want to argue that a make up sport and yakuza is plot holes??? The fast pace plot itself is what got me hooked first and not the characters (but the characters are what made me stay) the pacing and narration is perfect and I don’t know why people cant see it. Everything make sense and it is all possible just because it’s not the usual thing that is written in books and do I have to remind you all this is an entirely fictional series??
Now onto Andrew. Andrew minyard is first presented as the antagonist and one of the threats and then into a teammate Neil valued and then suddenly boom he is the freaking love interest. We were as shock as Neil at first but rereading for the nth time it is so obvious from the way neil can understand Andrew whereas even his family and those closest to him couldn’t. Not for the lack of trying though (yes they all tried, just maybe not hard enough but I’ll say it is also because it’s impossible for them)
Andrew minyard is impossible. He didn’t let anyone in. He doesn’t explain himself at all or anything or his actions. Neil josten is just smart enough and on the same wave length as him. Nicky and Aaron and Kevin and the rest of the foxes couldn’t understand Andrew because they don’t think like him. Neil josten came to the conclusion that Andrew killed his mother for Aaron because he cared for him. Nicky cannot because he could never kill anyone so he cannot imagine why Andrew will do it for someone even though it’s his brother and to his mother of all people. Neil understand because he understand how Andrew works. Yes you can argue others can try harder and try to ask but will you still ask if you never get straight answers? Why is it only renee ever got close with Andrew? Because renee is the same as Andrew and she understands. No of course I’m not blaming Andrew for not explaining himself because god knows he doesn’t have to to people that he know won’t understand him. But I’m also not going to blame the people that doesn’t understand him. Yes we can say the foxes are wrong for always calling Andrew soulless and a monster but what else are they suppose to do? They see Andrew as violent and Andrew never bothered to correct them and Andrew is violent but they just cannot see the reasoning behind it.
Andrew minyard has been through so much and after the foxes realised just what he had been through (they don’t even know about his childhood only know about drake they don’t know it was since seven years old they don’t know it’s more than one person) they begin to understand his boundaries more and that’s when they get closer.
Andrew minyard is so strong for surviving all that. Imagine since a baby, since you are seven. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t killed more people or killed himself. It makes perfect sense why he is the way he is and yeah people get mad that why in the EC Nora was like Andrew will never heal and stuff but that’s just EC you can interpret and imagine after the books yourself. In just the last book you can see how much Andrew has opened up once someone truly truly understands him and see all of him without flinching away.
It can’t be anyone else. Of course it is Neil josten because Neil is the only other person that understands protecting yourself. Using whatever means. And Neil josten understands the possessive claim Andrew has because Andrew never had control over anything in his entire life (just like how Neil runs all the time) and Neil josten is just as possessive of his people as Andrew minyard are (Neil holds on so tightly too. He is willing to die for the foxes by book two already) yeah renee understands Andrew but she was saved whereas Andrew was dammed even more. Wymack has already been there and done that so it is different for him. Bee is still just a psychiatrist she can only understand so much. So of course it is Neil. Neil who can challenge and understand and push andrews buttons just right.
Now Aaron minyard. For as long as I remember the fandom has make Aaron minyard into someone that has always hated Neil josten. That isn’t the case. Aaron didn’t hate Neil josten. He just didn’t care for any of the foxes. He only hates Neil josten when he gets with his brother and justifiably so. He hates Neil josten becaude Aaron minyard tried so hard to get to know his brother and all he got in return is a dead mother and a brother that is not willing to speak to him. Imagine you are Aaron. You are desperate and then you found out you have a brother and you tried with him but he rejected you again and again and then last straw was when he seemingly killed your mother. The one thing you have always had. And then your brother doesn’t talk to you again. Aaron’s grief of course won’t allow him to see it how Neil as an outsider can see. And then this fucking outsider come in and wreck the team got one of the teammates killed even and he’s the fucking son of the butcher and he lies and lies and lies and he gets with your brother. Your brother who has been a sexually assaulted victim for who knows how long. And this liar and mafia kid comes in and get with your brother. Your brother and entire family and team love and trust this guy even though all he does is lie and make trouble for your team. (Yes Aaron understand neil is not really the bad guy and Aaron literally did not care about Neil even after everything until Baltimore and neil and Andrew is obviously a thing) so yeah Aaron justifiably hates Neil because his brother that apparently killed his mother for him and saved him from rapists but is more willing to trust someone he met less than a year ago than Aaron himself.
Now Kevin day. I’ll be honest and say I didn’t care for him at all in my first read. After rereading again and all the tumblr post I’m literally in love with the man. People say he is a coward but we all know he isnt. The way he manage to relearn an entire sport with his nondominant is not only impressive but also nearly impossible. He did it through sheer determination and spite and fear. Exy is all he has and he’s so goddamn good at it. His relationship with Andrew is so precious. He is the first one to see something in Andrew and actually try to give Andrew something. He is andrews first friend that isn’t related by blood that isn’t forced to be by Andrew’s side through any family obligation or whatever. And Andrew trusts Kevin enough with his medicine. Kevin trusts Andrew to protect him from his biggest fear and nightmare and abuser. Kevin is willing to teach Neil even when he knows Neil doesn’t have a future. He is willing to waste time and effort in neil because Neil cares about exy as much as he does. Neil chose to sign with the foxes because of kevin. Neil wants kevin to make it. When he realised kevin hasn’t escaped either he does his damn best to get kevin out of it through winning exy games and trying his best to get them to championship. The book doesn’t end with Neil beating his father. The book ends with the foxes beating the ravens. Ends with kevin winning against riko. All for the game. Neil played and survived all for exy and half of it is also for kevin. All for the game. These two are like twin flames that their lives are nothing compare to their love for exy and obsession for each other.
Nicky hemmick. The guy that doesn’t have to take care of his cousins and were under absolute no obligation to help them and provide them a home and drop his entire life in Germany and leave his boyfriend and get treated like shit by them and as a joke by everyone on his team. Yeah nicky assaulted neil and that’s no excuse and it’s not justified at all. Andrew minyard assaulted neil and drugged him too. All the monsters assaulted neil. Just because Nicky’s assaults are different from Andrew doesn’t make them more wrong. It’s all wrong. And if we are going to hold accountability to the characters every single one of the foxes including wymack are all wrong and should go to jail. So yes I don’t condone nicky on kissing Neil but I don’t think that’s what the fandom should always hold against nicky. If nicky had punched Neil instead yall wouldn’t have this big of a reaction. (And yes of course I understand why the fandom is more freaked out over Nicky’s sexual assault but I don’t think we should all hate nicky for it) nicky knows it’s wrong and yeah his commenst are too much but he toned it down and even stopped after Andrew said so and after he can see how Neil is genuinely not interested. If nicky is really the predator yall make him to be Andrew minyard will be the first one to kill him.
Also about exy. The way neil describes it oh my gods how can you NOT be obsess with exy as well? And the way Andrew Kevin and neil is so so good at exy that you just feel it like most of us aren’t sport fans but exy makes us into one. Imagine being the FASTEST STRIKER like you don’t get it the fastest fucking striker and then you earn 3 MILLION per year on average as a pro exy player like. And and. Andrew minyard shutting down the goal. Someone recently calculated that remember the 150 goals shot and he only let in 13??? The games are 90 minutes. That’s more than one goal per minute. No wonder Andrew couldn’t lift his arms afterwards. And they were playing against the “best” college team. Andrew minyard doesn’t even train. It’s all raw talent. And Kevin day. Already drafted to court before he even graduated university. Exy stadium seats (at least the foxhole court one) has 65k seats. It’s Taylor Swift concert seats. Imagine that many people watching and obsessing over exy. And remember Neil’s awe when he first practiced with the cousins and he’s like you guys are so good. Every single one of the foxes are so so good at exy. How can you not love them and they genuinely love and care for the sport and that makes you care for exy too.
And they are all so fucking smart. Everyone hates dumb characters. Not a single one of the characters are dumb. They are all smart as fuck. Aaron studies med alongside with fucking exy (and all the mafia and trauma and a gf). Andrew minyard has an eidetic memory. Neil josten survived on the run for eight years. He is fluent in three languages and know at least five. Kevin day is a history major.
And you know how good a series has to be one the author hasn’t given us any content since 2016? It’s 2023 right now it’s been seven years and this fandom is THRIVING. I have genuinely never seen a fandom where there’s no more content yet it is still this active. Yeah some people leave. But most don’t. And there’s always new people. New content. Yeah maybe this fandom can sometimes get toxic but most of it is so so amazing. We genuinely has amazing edits and fanarts and the fanfictions oh my gods and just you guys are amazing.
In conclusion if you have make it this far congratulations I just love aftg too much this is literally just a love letter to aftg. I’m so tempted to write an actual thesis on aftg with quotations and sources but I’m too lazy and yeah maybe I’m just repeating everything people had already said and pointed out before but I just want to remind everyone again why we love this series it’s because of the characters and how real they are and how they show us that there are second and third and fourth and fifth chances and that we all deserve it and that we will make it we can survive and if even the foxes can then why can’t we?
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cheesybadgers · 1 year
A not-so-gentle reminder that just because my fics are predominantly m/m ships rather than reader insert/OFC, that doesn’t mean they are fairer game when it comes to plagiarism.
I’ve kept in my own little corner for most of my time in this fandom, so I’m always surprised when way more popular reader insert/OFC writers, who I’ve never or barely ever interacted with, have not only (silently) found their way to my writing in the first place, but they’ve also felt the need to take stuff from it without credit, presumably thinking I wouldn’t notice from my little corner. And this has happened several times now.
If you’ve got as far as reading OHDH, you know I’ve put my heart and soul into every single chapter for the last two years. I’ve done hours upon hours of research (some of which I’ve been sharing here) and I know I didn’t have to do this. I know it’s above and beyond what is necessary to write fan fiction. But…I wanted to.
I’ve enjoyed learning about places, cultures and historical events I didn’t know much about before and I find it much easier to write authentically about stuff if I’ve done some background reading first. And if anyone wants to use any of the resources I’ve listed for their own research, have at it! You might surprise yourself and get sucked down many unexpected rabbit holes like I did.
But just because I’ve chosen to research my fic this way, it absolutely does not mean my writing is also a free for all. If you need to have another person’s fic up on your screen alongside your own so you can take very specific ideas, dialogue, scenes etc. even if you’re changing bits here and there, that is plagiarism. You are using someone else’s hard work and passing it off as your own without credit. And if someone did the same to your writing, you’d be livid and don’t pretend you wouldn’t.
Most of my writing is also very much from a LGBTQ+ POV. Character motivations/choices/actions, the small details, the research I’ve done, the dialogue etc. are all chosen with a queer reading of the characters in mind. None of it was meant to be ripped out of context and shoved into a story about a het m/f relationship. There are countless other fics of that nature to use as inspiration, why use one of the very few longfics that exists for this pairing (and I think the only one currently being posted on Tumblr), other than because you know it gets less readers and seems like an easier target?
It doesn’t take much to include a shoutout if someone else has inspired you. But if you can’t bring yourself to do that then you are not welcome to use anything from my fics.
I don’t know if popular writers feel under pressure to keep up with their posting schedule so they don’t disappoint their readers, but whatever the reason is for doing this, they’re taking advantage of other writers who a) have never done anything to hurt them other than dare to exist in the same fandom and b) don’t have the same reach in said fandom, thus making it less likely for others to notice (or so they think lol).
It’s also worth bearing in mind, because this seems to be a growing trend lately, if you intend on turning your fic into an original novel and there’s material in there from other fic writers, once that book is published, you as the book author could be opening yourself up to potential litigation if the fic writer thinks their work was stolen. Why do you think professional writers don’t read fan fic of their own characters/universes? Neil Gaiman has talked a lot about this on his Tumblr.
So please for goodness sake, stop creating bad feeling where there doesn’t need to be any. Stop taking your issues out on others who have done nothing wrong. Stop screwing over your peers for clout. Stop targeting minority fics because you think you can get away with it. Stop trying to drive away your perceived ‘competition’ when there’s room for everyone. Just stop it.
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eldorr1e · 1 year
I just did some searching here in tumblr abt the rise of the brave tangled dragons and I’ve come up with a few headcannons. Also don’t get mad at me if these headcannons aren’t close to cannon at all or don’t fit yours, this is MY headcannons and it’s up to you wether or not you like it. Take it or leave it. Also it’s been awhile since I’ve watched any of these movies so bare with me 😭
If they were in the modern au:
- Jack would be a prankster/trouble kid and always has something up his sleeve
- literally does not take anything seriously
- people are annoyed on how carefree he is
- his behavior makes it look like he actually doesn’t care about anything or anyone
- in truth he actually does but he doesn’t know how to show or expresses his feelings
- is the clown friend.
- has some very complicated feelings abt him not finding who he is and he feels so out of place at school. He’s desperate to know who he is and tries everything he can catch with his hands to see if that thing sparks joy or thrill inside him or not.
- he has tried every single club or extracurricular activities in school, but it seems he can’t find anything he enjoys and he fears that if he doesn’t find one he won’t be able to survive the real world. So he just keeps on trying and experimenting over and over again.
-he has so many hobbies he just doesn’t know what to do with it.
- but he does enjoy skateboarding so that’s that!
- okay I don’t know why but Rapunzel seems like she’d be a manic pixie girl for some reason to me 😭 like cmon bro was locked up her entire childhood and most likely mother gothel allowed her unrestricted access to the internet (probably? I’m not sure, maybe Rapunzel would find a way to use the family computer without her mom noticing 💀)
- she definitely has mode mental scar from the internet don’t even think that’s impossible
- you and I both know the internet… it’s a dangerous place 😁
- trauma from amino. I will not elaborate.
- and she would seem like a weird girl due to her being homeschooled and literally being so out of touch with the world so she wants to live up to every experience possible
- after she found out she was going to a real Highschool she was estactic
- has the touch of the tism (maybe all 4 of them too now that I’m thinking about it)
- I would love to see her in some outdated 2010-2014 outfits and her thinking she’s the most drippiest person on earth lmao
- she is in so many fandoms you have no idea.
- I would love to be friends with her because she’d likely know most of the fandoms I know and would indulge with me with each one 😭 (she’s an og for this✊)
- star butterfly kinnie probably
- okay it’s been awhile since I’ve last watched httyd (seven years *cough*) so my headcannons for hiccup will probably not be as accurate as it seems so don’t throw fire balls at me 😡
- most sane out of the entire three
- literally keeps everyone in line, is the mom too 😭
- responsible teen and is quite mature for his age
- well respected and has a great reputation, but him being friends with the three makes it falter just a little
- his dad owns some company or something and his dad keeps pressuring him to be the greatest yatta yatta yatta which makes him uncomfortable with the amount of expectations and pressure laid upon him on an early age.
- does not want to be apart of it bc he thinks he’ll fuck it up
- loves his friends so much you have no idea
- Merida would be THE sport kid in school don’t even test me
- she absolutely excels in archery and is literally apart of the school’s archery program. She’s very passionate abt it and is the fewest of things that makes her feel alive
- does fencing too but she likes archery more
- her mom doesn’t approve of this at all but her dad is very supportive and just wants her to be happy
- incredibly loud! Has an extremely extroverted personality and is friends with mostly everyone
- her family owns a big business too and she’s the next in line to managing it, except she knew at a young age that she really doesn’t want to do it and wants to be successful at her own thing.
- she’s both scared and angry at her mom for always restricting her with nearly everything and making sure she’s the ‘perfect girl/daughter’, always putting her in etiquette classes and stuff like that
- her mom keeps insisting she’s doing this for her own good and that it will come handy in the future but Merida ain’t having it.
- she’s scared at her mom because one time Merida was practicing archery for a little too long and was late for an important meeting her family was attending to. Her mom was so angry that she burned her archery equipment right infront of Merida which fucked up her brain chemistry 💀
- her mom feels bad but they haven’t really discussed or communicated about this yet, so their both on a tense situation everytime their near each other.
- mommy issues go her
- she loves her mom to the bottom of her heart, she really does. And deep down she is aware everything her mom is doing is for her sake and that she should listen to her atleast once. But she has been hurt beyond repair due to their past experiences with her mom and they both don’t seem to know how to fix it.
- therapy is the answer girl 😭
Okay so right now that’s all I can think of at the top of my head. There are probably some more that I left out either on purpose or I just forgot. But holy crap this is the first time I’ve ever made a headcannon list so I’m pretty impressed with myself rn
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justasopearchive · 1 year
uhmmmm.... 👉👈 im still curious about your thoughts on why you think sope has kind of drifted apart these past few years. ive been watching the two closely since 2017 and kind of went mia last 2020. only got back in the fandom late last yr so im curious about your perspective on why you think so... ive seen some sopies share the same sentiments and i wanted to get more context as to why yall arrived with almost the same idea. i already asked you this before but i noticed you still havent answered it yet. if you wont reply to this, i guess ill just take that as a hint to never ask about this topic again hehe sorry if these ever came off as delusional or anything but im honestly just curious about what happened 🥺
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Oh, of course; sorry about that, my entire Tumblr is on a queue, so I’m rarely actually ON Tumblr (except yesterday) and most asks I get are lowkey toxic shipping stuff, so I ignore it 😩
It’s not delusional at all; and if it is, I’m also delulu lol. In terms of Sope in particular, I always got the feeling that Suga had a thing for Hobi…a demonstrable thing, crush, feelings, confusion, call it whatever you want. Yes, BH feeds into the madness, but I don’t think they can fake every second on camera and he (Y) was just demonstrably happier, softer and overall more energetic with him (H).
But we stopped getting damn near any interactions a few years ago. Like. At all. Even the 2021 and 2022 memories were bare bones for us Sopies.
My theory? Sometime in 2019ish something happened and one or the other said something pretty bad to the other or feelings came to a head and someone, IDK WHO, put them on ice (I tend to think it was Hobi who wanted to chill out…idk, he just never seemed as into it). And they just haven’t been the same since then. We know they used to see each other outside of work in the past because both of them have said it and there’s photo/video evidence. Now, J-Hope says he sees Suga “in the office”; a far cry from two dudes who went to concerts together or sat around and drank at their new office.
Even Yoongi being the only one not at the JITB release party. That wasn’t sus to y’all? And, yes, I know they said he “felt sick.” But come on…he turned around and performed, in outstanding health, at the Psy concert right after that. That just looked…strange.
Anyway, I’m choosing to remain delulu and force myself to believe that they love each other and Sope is not divorced and they’ve kissed (don’t worry, I know this is all jokes and fantasy…I actually believe 5/7 of Bangtan are in or have recently been in, hetero romantic relationships).
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I’ve literally never “shipped” anyone else in my life and BTS is the only group of strangers I actively enjoy keeping up with (I don’t even watch reality TV 🥴)—so I’m just gonna hold on to this as my OTP for awhile lol
This is all just conjecture and gossiping on MY part.
Hope that answers your question 🙃
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
I know this happens a lot but I still get disappointed.
Step 1: excited to read a new series
Step 2: all the art, Moodboards headers for the reader fic have a tiny size zero white girl
I saved this fic and wanted to read it for a long time, but now I can’t. I just can’t ignore that anymore like I used to. One of the first images is of a man holding a very tiny white woman but it’s supposed to be a “reader” inclusive fic.
I’m just so done with all the things. In the last 4 weeks I’ve also blocked more minors and blank accounts than I have in years. I’m exhausted. More followed last night and I’ve honestly been too drained to comb through and delete today.
I have a queue set up through July and August of recent work, trying to get reblogs out. Build up visibility. Otherwise, I’ll be sticking to my wip schedule and working on the drabble series. Yes, the Drabbles will post here so the ppl who requested can see them.
Behind the scenes (since March) I’ve been very slowly fixing up my A03, deleting some things on tumblr and only having them there. If you notice a fic/drabble/one shot is gone, that’s why. Some stuff will have A03 links listed, others completely gone from free-to-read land and placed back into my private files. Just gonna keep on doing that bc I don’t know man - this place isn’t the same. I used to love it here, so I was holding out hope and sticking around.
The community vibe is gone, I barely recognize anyone anymore except like 3-5% of the people who show up in my notifs and on my dash. People don’t reblog anymore. The influx of blank blogs is exhausting…it’s a lot. The minors seems to be hell bent on following and engaging anyway. It’s a lot.
Anyway, that’s all.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I've Told You Now - Lee Bodecker smut
The one where Lee seduced his sister's babysitter.
Warnings: smut, dubcon, age gap, innocence kink, dirty talk, loss of virginity, blood
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: This one is a part of my kinktober celebrations. My original intention for this October was to work exclusively around prompts that my wonderful friend @darkficsyouneveraskedfor created for her challenge and dedicate each story to a different friend. My new plan became then 31 days of different kinks, which expanded on a poly relationship with Stucky, as you might know by now. However, some of the stories I started were already truly loved by me, and so I kept on writing them. It worked well because as it turns out, I am fortunate enough to have more than 31 friends on Tumblr, so here is the story I wrote for @slothspaghettiwrites! You were the biggest reason I fell for Lee and it was only appropriate I wrote you this! I only hope it doesn't disappoint! Special thanks to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog who helped me believe this was good enough to be posted! @sweeterthanthis also has a big hand at this!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
I was finishing packing up the toys in the living room when I heard the door slam, startling me into dropping the box of legos on the ground. Looking at the clock, I considered the time before looking back at the hall again. When no one appears from the hallway, I get confused. If the Hendersons hadn’t come home earlier than they intended, who else could it be?
“Waiting for me, bunny?” I immediately straightened out at the sight of Sheriff Bodecker, trying to resist the urge not to flush and keep eye contact, but ultimately failing to do so. I hadn’t seen him since the night he offered to give me a ride home and I ended up with his cock in my throat, his cum in my mouth.
“I-I didn’t even know you were coming.” Silence followed my confession as he slowly approached, eyes never leaving my body while I tried to keep myself up. He’d always had this effect on me. I remembered being a young girl and Sheriff Bodecker being the crush I knew was too old to be mine, the guy I’d never have even in a million years, but that didn’t stop me from daydreaming about him.
If I thought that maybe having him would help this infatuation disappear, it’d become clear by now that it wouldn’t be the case at all.
“And here I was, thinking you wanted me just as much as I wanted you.” The Sheriff tsked, and the sound went straight to my already dampened underwear. I couldn’t process his words very well, given how close he was and how loud my own heartbeat was ringing in my ears. Did he mean to say that he actually really wanted me?
“If that was really the case,” he taunted, circling me like I was some sort of prey. “You’d always be expecting me, wouldn’t you? But it’s alright, honey. You know why?” When I shook my head, he answered his own question, a single finger running down my jaw to guide me to look him in the eye. “Because I think you were expecting me. You’re always expecting me, looking for me wherever you go, just like I do. And there’s an easy way to prove my theory.”
Before I could question it, his arms embraced me from behind, hands slowly running down my stomach until they reached the edge of my skirt. I started sweating in anticipation. I knew what he would find.
“Let me check.” His fingers went over the fabric first, and he chuckled when he noticed how wet it was. “Would you look at that?” I was already trembling when he pulled my panties to the side and ran that same digit over my lower lips, just lightly grazing them. “Soaked already.”
Although I couldn’t see it, the humming sound he emitted after taking his fingers from under my dress didn’t leave me any doubt about what he did with the moisture he collected. Just the thought of him enjoying my taste that much had me weak in the knees, and I tried to keep myself up by reaching for a chair nearby.
Lee’s P.O.V.
I chuckled to myself at how sensitive she was, barely able to keep up with the little I’d done so far. Then again, it was clear I had a particularly strong effect on her. That had been obvious for a while, ever since she started working for my sister, probably - around the same age her womanly features began to stand out.
She seemed unable to look me directly in the eyes, always averting her gaze and biting her lower lip when I decided to stop around here for a coffee or check in on the little rugrat. I began doing this a lot more often after she was hired, but neither her nor my sister seemed to connect the dots.
Her innocence, her beauty just left me so fucking hard. I was hard right then, and I wanted her to know it. So I pressed my body against her back, lightly grinding my member against the curve of her ass.
“I suppose you’re finished for the day,” I speculated, knowing once the kid was out all she had to do was wait for my sister and her husband to arrive. “Guess I can help you unwind…”
She gasped when she felt my hardness, making me chuckle. “Your sister and her husband should be back soon…” She tried to reason, but I wasn’t having any of it.
“We’ll be quiet anyway. Can’t risk waking up the kid.” I gripped her wrist and pulled her on the direction of the guest bedroom, now fully unable to control myself. I was so close to having what I had wanted for so long.
She looked unsure of herself as I closed the door behind us, and I raised an eyebrow in a questioning look. “What’s wrong?” She shifted her weight from one foot to another, fingers playing with the hem of her skirt.
“I-I don’t know about this…” Chuckling, I approached her to cradle her face between my hands and deposit a kiss on those sweet lips.
“Don’t you trust me, pretty girl?” I had caught her now, we both knew it. She’d never risk disappointing or offending me, so when her mouth opened to explain herself and I raised an eyebrow in warning, it was only a matter of seconds until she closed it altogether and nodded, her eyes dropping to her feet.
“Yes, I do.” My smirk was full of victory, and I could taste it in my lips now. It was as sweet as the nectar between her legs I’d only had a taste of.
“There you go.” Approaching her once more, I settled my hands on her hips before leaning to kiss her shoulder. “Besides…” I continued, already bunching up her dress to get rid of it as quickly as possible. “You obviously need me to take care of you and this little wet hole.”
She bucked when my fingers rubbed her this time, dress already forgotten on the floor as I slowly shoved down the fabric of her underwear to join it. Once she was completely naked, I ran my digits over her cunt, verifying that her wetness was already so overwhelming that it was threatening to drip from her.
“So sweet.” I hummed once I wrapped my lips around those digits, tasting her on my tongue again. Yes, I was already obsessed. I think anyone who had the chance to try her nectar would understand my situation - but no one ever would.
She was mine now, and I would never let her go.
“C’mon, bunny.” Patting her ass, I directed her to the bed, chuckling at how embarrassed she seemed, being this exposed to my hungry gaze. “Be a good girl and spread your legs. Be my little angel, won’t you?”
I wished I could have done this somewhere more private - my own house, instead of my sister’s. But I just couldn’t wait anymore. My cock twitched inside my pants. I felt like I was drunk on this, drunk on her.
“C’mon, honey!” I repeated, lightly slapping the outside of her thigh. “I wanna fuck you. And I know you want to be mine, pretty girl. You can’t hide it from me.”
When she finally relented and slowly parted her beautiful legs for me, I nearly melted at the sight. Driven by my desire, I unbuckled my belt and worked to whip my cock out as quickly as possible, smirking at the wide, innocent eyes that settled on my member as I fisted it in preparation.
“Doesn’t it look good?” I teased, climbing on the bed to take my spot between her legs, rubbing the head of my dick against her slit. “I’m gonna have you taste it next time. But for now…”
Resting my forehead against hers, I slowly started to penetrate her tight pussy, slipping only the head at first, even though I was aching to fuck her throughly.
“This is gonna hurt a little,” I warned, not able to stop mid-way to let her adjust but keeping my invasion of her maidenhood slow until I had bottomed out inside of her. “Sh…” I tried to calm her, gently wiping away the few tears running down her soft cheeks. “I know it hurts, bunny. But you can take it, can’t you?”
She managed to nod despite her whimpers, and I brushed her tears away as I warned her, “I’m gonna make you feel so good, honey.”
It took a little while, but at last, she opened her eyes and I waited until she was able to focus them on me again. “You look so pretty, bunny…” I whispered, kissing her while I finally started to move inside of her, stopping only to moan out loud at her overwhelming tightness.
“I’m gonna train you until all you can think about is my cock,” I warned her, slowly pulling out until only the head of my cock was keeping her open.
“I can’t wait any longer.” Slamming my dick all the way in, I felt her nails running down my back, leaving trails of blood behind - trails I wouldn’t mind wearing under my shirt, sting as they might.
“I promise you, honey…” I panted, sweat already dripping from my forehead onto her pretty face. “You’re gonna miss me when I’m not inside of you.”
I kissed her cheek, rubbing my nose against it as she held me tightly against her. “I know you don’t want any of those boys you used to go to school with touching what I’ve already taken.”
She nodded quickly, my pretty little honey. Yes, she was mine already and she knew it. “It’s alright, pretty girl…” I soothed her as she started to whine, her cunt clenching deliciously around me. “It’s alright, cum with me…”
She closed her eyes when she met bliss, but I kept mine wide open so I wouldn’t miss her perfect expression of pleasure. It was almost enough to keep me hard, but I wasn’t as young as I once was.
I never pulled out of her tight heaven, keeping her body snuggled against me. I was happy that I decided to be patient, if it meant I now got to have her like this.
“I hope you know that you’re mine now, bunny.”
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sj-ficrecs · 3 years
1,000+ followers fic rec!
Recently noticed at some point a little while ago I passed 1,000 followers on this page! In honor of that here’s another fic rec of some good ones I’ve been reading lately. As usual, no specific order. 
(Hopefully this shows up in tags bc my last one didn’t & tumblr wouldn’t fix it) 
Thanks to @whimsicalrogers for this divider I’m using below :)
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Bucky x reader:
3B by @softlybarnes Bucky x reader
“Bucky is used to being alone, so is the girl living in apartment 3B. He keeps to his routine, to crossing off amends. But mutual loneliness forges an unlikely friendship. Alone and reclusive, sweet and incredibly strange, with deep secrets and regrets, 3B has more to reveal than meets the eye.”
(un)cool by @belowva rockstar!Bucky x reader
“in the summer of 1973, after covering the howling commandos’ concert for a night, you - a young and inexperienced music journalist - accidentally end up following the up and coming band from new york city across the country. between shows, parties, backstage nonsense, interviews and failed attempts at writing a cover story for rolling stone magazine, you end up developing a love/hate relationship with their brooding, but devilishly handsome, guitarist james “call me bucky” barnes. (based on “almost famous”)”
Your Song by @summergrls​  Rockstar!Bucky x reader
“it’s not summer without you. or, that’s what your favorite rockstar always says. it’s all happening.”
Last Love by @wicked-mind Modern!Bucky x reader
“Based on the quote “He may be your first love but I intend to be your last” by Klaus Mikaelson.”
Remember Me by @wicked-mind​ Modern!Bucky x reader
“Y/N and Bucky were the unlikely match when it came to love, but they were inseparable since they met. After a fight, Y/N left to be a trauma surgeon in the military and returns without her memories. How will Bucky remind Y/N how she is the fire in his bones?”
Cake by @tellmealovestory (Part of the Something More universe) Modern!Bucky x reader
“The wedding plans continue as you and Bucky try to decide on a cake flavor.”
My Eyes by @invisibleanonymousmonsters Bucky x reader, past Steve x reader
“Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.”
The Mess by @sanguineterrain​ Bucky x Avenger!reader
“A wild night in Vegas changes everything between you and Bucky. Suddenly, all eyes are on you and you’re left wondering just how much can change between you and a man whose guts you hate (and who also hates yours).”
The Devil Has Lilith by @write-orflight Bucky x reader, soulmate AU
“They say your soulmate is supposed to be the one person you love unconditionally. So why did they make yours so insufferable?”
College!Bucky series / Couldn’t Be Me by @drunken-imagines College!Bucky x reader
Bucky is a known fuck boy trying to win over reader
Best of Friends by @anna-phora Modern!Bucky x reader
“When your best friend steals marries Bucky’s best friend, the two of you are left with only one solution: to become best friends yourselves.”
Back to You by @celestialbarnes Modern!ex-Bucky x reader
“desperate to find a place to stay after your boyfriend cheated on you, you end up crashing at bucky’s apartment, the problem is he’s the ex that you never really got over and he’s got a new girl who doesn’t like you very much.”
It’s Been a Long, Long Time by @luminnara Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
“When HYDRA had their prized asset, the Winter Soldier, they did something no one ever thought was possible: they gave super soldier serum to an omega. With the sole purpose of tending to him during his ruts, she spends decades living in HYDRA facilities, denied her humanity and her life. Now, years later, Bucky Barnes has his mind and his own life back…and the last thing he ever expects is to see a familiar omega again. Bucky/OC, a little angsty but mostly smutty/fluffy/romantic!“
Friends Don’t by @watchtowerindistress Bucky x reader
“Reader is in a friends-with-benefits relationship with Bucky Barnes. Rule #1: no feelings - so don’t get attached (written by Bucky). Rule #2: don’t ever stay over (written by (Y/N)). After a fateful mission, one of them is going to break all the rules.”
Just a Touch by @buckychrist Bucky x reader
“Your powers? Controlling any feeling a human can have, from emotions to pain, with a simple brush of your fingertips. Your mission? The traumatized soldier with sad stricken eyes and scream filled nightmares.”
Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan Modern!Bucky x Artist!reader
“Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.”
A Long Ways Away by @ai-unknown Bucky x reader
“Connection, reconnection, and a small miscommunication. Bucky will travel however far, if it means making you smile.”
No Rest for the Wicked by @abovethesmokestacks Trucker!Bucky x reader
Based upon this ask: “i have the absolute weirdest urge today to get railed by trucker!bucky in a motel in like southern florida🤨 and it’s late too, maybe 3-4 am. the place is kinda seedy & it’s rlly humid and hot outside & the ac barely works so we’d both be sweating a lot but it makes it hotter”
Meanwhile in Louisiana by @multifandomwriter Bucky x reader
“You are Sam’s best friend and you meet Bucky when Sam organizes a party down at the docks.”
A Tender Heart by @river-soul Alpha!Bucky x Omega!reader
“You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpected fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit.”
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Steve x reader:
Jane Doe by @justkending Modern!Steve x reader
“They weren’t next door neighbors, but they did live in the same apartment complex. However, they were on completely different sides of the complex. Steve always sees her across the way doing her daily routines and way about life on her balcony from his own. Something about her has him checking in on her from across the way when he can… She’s intriguing and has a way about her life that he finds calming and captivating. He wants to know more about who she is, but there’s no non-creepy way of approaching a neighbor that doesn’t know you exist. Is there?”
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youn9racha · 3 years
I Know (Part I)
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Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader
Genre: suggestive
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: slight adult content, swearing, suggestive actions, elements of stalker behavior
Extra notes: characters mentioned are all above the age 21 years, a lot of hatred towards the male figure lol. Also this is my first time writing on tumblr, so please bare with me, it may not be the best, but I still hope you enjoy it :)
And baby, I know, I know whatever city you’re in, you’re still the boy that I’d pick…
part ii is up !!!
This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised
Truly the scums of the Earth, who do no good for no one, and are an absolute menace to society. But oh, do I enjoy the looks of their faces at times. The way they would look at me with full hope and infatuation, with full beliefs that I would step down and give them all they want from me.
Hmph. How cute… and pathetic. How pathetic to assume and lower my standards for them. They all are the same. All but one however.
All that men hating… and yet, only one I’d be willing to go down to his level.
Yes, its him… He whom a lot would have not sought to be with, not many would expect a bombshell like myself would be with. But I do not see that in him, not an ounce of what many insecure individuals would see. I see something striking that not many could see, an underrated dignified beauty that anyone could wish to admire. A fanciable and irresistible personality and face.
He was a man.. but a pleasant one.
It all started when I moved in into a new flat for myself. I previously left the old complex due to the cramped environment I had that left me feeling uneasy and stressed, as well as it wasn’t even my apartment, it was for my partner, well, ex-partner. It was simply wasn’t working out, due to our seeming never ending conflicts. But enough of the past, let us move on..
I found this flat that is comfortable and the rent pays well, its only downside is that my room’s window is faced to the next door’s flat, however it’s not a big detriment or big turn off for me so it was fine by me, and also it was prone to have random, yet rare, blackout, but then again what neighborhood doesn’t have that. Anyhow, I was set to take the complex, but before I did, I have noticed something about the neighbor’s window next to me. It was a man. A really good looking one too. Giving his side profile, he was laying on his bed, his black hair covered head bopping with earphones placed in ears, laptop placed in his revealing shorts adorned lap. My eyes began started to stare into his arms then onto his naked well built chest, which indicates that he likes to keep up with his health, as his ring adorned hands was tapping away in his keyboard. I quickly looked away when I saw him repositioned his laptop, and walked out of the soon-to-be my room.
Great… I’ve entered Hell.
But I didn’t let it affect my decisions and got the apartment nonetheless, here I am now, weeks after the incident, sitting in my car, outside of the building, still thinking about the man in his laptop. Has he noticed that I was staring at him? Does he know that there’s gonna be someone living next to him? I hope not. And if he has, I must apologize to him. But before that, let me unload my car. I have gradually put my stuff into the complex as the days go by, it seems dragging, but it felt like the time went by fast, so I’m glad I have done that. However, today was different, as I took stuff more than I usually did, as I desperately do not want to go back to my ex. Typically, I never had assistance, as usually my best friend would join in and help out, but at a time I needed them the most, they had to be really sick. They still were willing to help, but I insisted that they shouldn’t and should rest.
After thinking, I sighed and got out my car, ready to fight the battle that is putting my stuff into my complex. I opened the trunk, eyes meeting my stuff, and I begin to groan. ‘Dammit, (y/n), why do you have that many stuff?!’ I thought to myself. I really should’ve had at least one more visit to my ex, but alas I picked to just take all all together in one day. I picked up a box until..
“Need any help?” I heard someone behind me asking me. I turned around and looked at the source. ‘God damn, is it just me, or does this town just bring out more attractive people?’ I thought to myself, as I see a man that looked like he could be at a museum. He had a sandy brown curly hair, slightly tanned skin, really plump and a crazy jawline. He donned a tank top that barely covered his side torso, and basket ball shorts that complimented his really nice, thick… thighs… yeah… Needless to say he was really attractive.
It seems that I was ogling him, rather than responding, as he shyly smiled and waved his hand in front of my face, “hello,” he softly said as I shook my head and looked back at his face apologetically.
“I am so sorry, I am just really tired, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” I cringed at my pathetic way of justifying of me literally internally lusting over him. I really am turning into someone I dread to be. How can I forgive myself?
“That’s okay, I know how moving can get tiring, and I sense that you’re alone, so please let me and my friend help you out.” He said, sympathetically smiling a sweet smile, already grabbing a box out of my hand. God, if this man has a partner, then they’re the luckiest person ever, and if he’s single, I’ll gladly hand him a ring. What am I saying? (y/n), what the hell has gotten into you?!
“I’m Christopher, but you can call me Chris or Chan, whichever you prefer is fine, what’s your name?” The generous man’s voice interrupted my inner battle and I found myself looking at him again. “(y/n)” I smiled at him, which he nodded back.
“Nice to meet you,” Chan said, looking back and see that his friend showed up, meanwhile, I went back to my trunk and got out more stuff from my car “oh, there he is!” Chan enthusiastically announced.
“(y/n), meet my friend and roommate, Changbin.” Chris said, while I got out the box and looked at the other man, my face shifted from contentment to horrific.
Its the man with the laptop.
“Hello? Chan, are you sure she’s okay?” Changbin looked at Chris with worry. “Yeah, she’s just tired, just nudge her.”
It’s like Chris knew me too well, despite meeting for less than 10 minutes, as Chris slightly pushed me with the box, not enough to hurt me, but enough to put me out of a trance.
“huh? I did it again, did I?” I looked at Chan, worryingly, which he nodded. I looked back at Changbin and the pathetic act was brought up again.
“I am so sorry, I don’t know what has gotten into me.” I apologized once again, which Changbin only smirked. “Don’t worry about it,” He said, carrying a box. Something about that smirk and tone seems off. Not off in a menacing way, but off in a… coy way. Maybe not the best term to use, maybe I am just over analyzing, but I am for sure either winning the lottery tonight, or convinced that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow, since I have two very attractive men helping out, one of which is someone whom I may have an odd fascination for a while now.
The two have been nothing but a delight to interact with, their help with the stuff had done me even more than just a solid. However, I still in a way feel a bit unsettled by Changbin. It wasn’t that he was a creep, or did anything to make me uncomfortable, its just this feeling of guilt I carry with me. Meanwhile, I didn’t attempt anything, and I just simply just admired him from afar, it still felt wrong that I was just looking at him while he was barely wearing anything, let alone while not him paying attention. Despite this, it seems that he doesn’t know that I did what I did, which is why I chose to confront him about it when the time is right, which is probably when we start getting even more comfortable. I have exchanged numbers with both men, even though I could probably just go out my window and yell out their names, but I’d rather not disturb the peace.
Two good looking men are now my neighbors… Who would have thought? Whichever entity that is in existence have decided to play with me, because to them, my humiliation would be their laughing stock, because they definitely would have seen what is to become of me.
Its been a week in since I moved, and interacted with the two Chans, and I am glad that a curtain was installed onto my room, just so I wouldn’t carry even more guilt than I already do. But the thing is, I would lie that I still haven’t thought of Changbin. While I would have thought that Chris fitting into more of my ideal type, Changbin however held a mysterious power that Chan didn’t.
Ever since the time I first laid eyes on Changbin, he has never left my mind. He has started to creep up in my fantasies and dreams in every way shape of form. I couldn’t stop thinking of how his arms would look around my waist, how his lips would feel in my skin, or how his hands would wander around, exploring places that many men often fail to find to make me feel good, or how his voice would be like when talking as he puts his mouth by my ear— God, this is getting out of hand, I would think.
What if he had a girlfriend? What if he wasn’t attracted to women in general? What if he finds you a creep?
So many more endless questions would come in to ruin me, but its not like i have a choice, he just happened to settle into my dreams and thoughts, and went with it.
I decided to take a shower to try and distract myself from these thoughts, which didn’t help at all, as the hot water cascading my skin did nothing but accelerated my lustful thoughts. I decided to get out of the shower, as it didn’t help my case.
Damn you, Changbin.
I sighed, put on some underwear and a robe while having a towel wrapped around my hair. I got out of the bathroom and back to my room. It was dark out, and in my room, the only light came out of it were my night lamp, which barely lit up the whole room. I checked the window, making sure Changbin wasn’t there, or at least not facing the window, only to see his window being covered with curtains.
Great timing, could’ve used that when I first saw you, dipshit.
But nonetheless, I was really glad at least he wasn’t visible. I laid back on my bed, and decided to look through social media, as anyone should. While in the middle of a instagram scroll, I see a caller popping through at the top of the screen…
It was Changbin.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Tumblr Messed Up Fill #1
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So Tumblr did a BIG OLD OOPS and published a bunch of my unfinished drafts that I left in my queue at 1 PM... when I set it to 1 AM and intended to finish a couple and then change the time again.
LUCKILY I DIDN’T HAVE THE ENTIRE FILLS IN THE QUEUE AND JUST BITS I ADDED IN TO HOLD SPACE. So... I guess this is how we’re doing this! @winterpower98​ here’s some Mentor Swap AU Shadowpeach!
How did you get that scar?/That is not a good hiding spot.
It had been scheduled far in advance and Wukong should have remembered that this was going to happen. The Weather Station needed to let it rain sometimes! It was good for the environment! Good for nature! But Wukong was Wukong and when he trained with Xiaotian for as long as he did he had a tendency to forget the unimportant things like “scheduled downpours” and “when training is actually supposed to end”.
So by the time he managed to crash land a foot away from Mei’s front door after pogo sticking his way off of Mount Huaguo he looked like he’d been dropped into the ocean.
“Cold-cold, cold and wet!” He yelped, shoving the staff back into his ear and trying to hold his jacket over his head as best he could, which did just as much good as it did during the ride. Which was “barely anything”. “Ah shit, it’s cold why can’t they make the rain not COLD!?”
He continued into the building, shuddering as he felt rain water seeping through every bit of fabric he wore, even his shoes the traitors. He immediately started ripping off his shirt, at the very least wanting to get some of the drenched clothing off him, and he froze when he heard a yelp from the other side of what should have been a very empty entry way given Mei was supposed to be out of the house.
A very familiar yelp.
“Why aren’t you are your own house!?” The voice yelled, and as Wukong pulled his shirt over his head he found the voice’s own staring at him with wide eyes alight with a mix of confusion and horror.
“UH, I think I should ask you that, Macaque!” He accused, turning sideways and walking backwards into the building with a raised eyebrow. “Why are you in Mei’s house? Are you hiding in Mei's house!? That is not a good hiding spot!"
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Monkey Boy?” Macaque said snarkily with a smirk.
“Monkie KID, and yeah, that’s why I asked,” Wukong snarked right back, holding his shirt and jacket out in front of him with a frown. “Also, you’re a monkey so...”
“Oh shut up.”
"And you look like you nearly drowned," Wukong chuckled, ringing his shirt out and pointedly not mentioning the blush he saw forming on the other's face. Yet. "It's raining cats and dogs and I’m pretty bad to, but you shouldn't be that bad."
"... don't laugh," Macaque grumbled, doing much the same to his scarf. "I was trying to get here when the rain was getting really bad and I... fell. Off the docks."
Wukong immediately burst into cackles.
“I told you not to laugh you asshole!” Macaque snapped, baring his teeth and trying to puff up his fur in annoyance but failing miserably with the sheer amount of water weighing him down. If anything it probably just made him look... adorably sad. Like a puppy. But a human sized monkey.
“I-I’m sorry!” Wukong held his sides, trying his very best to stop laughing. He also failed miserably, if not even more so than Macaque. “It’s just imagining you, YOU, falling off the docks? Just! You’re practically an acrobat! You’re usually way cooler than that!”
As Wukong continued to fail Macaque’s face softened as he stopped barring his teeth in warning and stared at the other young man.
“... you think I’m cool?” He asked softly, attempting to smooth down his fur and brush the water out of it.
“Kinda?” Wukong said with a half snicker, finally having himself under control. “Cool enough I guess.”
Macaque hummed, giving up on his attempts to dry off with a sigh. It was pointless to try to dry off with his fur like this, not without some kind of towel or brush. And he would be damned if he let Wukong let himself shake dry! That was not going to happen.
So instead he turned to the other, watching as he laid out his tip layers on his arm and turned around.
And something caught his eye.
Multiple somethings.
“How did you get that scar?”
Wukong tensed, not enough for him to stop moving but more than enough for Macaque to notice that he was walking away much slower than he needed to.
"Depends on which one you mean," he answered eventually. He reached up to pull on his hair, frowning as it dripped more water on him.  "Hold that thought until I come back."
And so he did. Macaque watched the other leave and stood in the open room, awkward and dripping sea and rain water all over Mei's floor.
He debated leaving. Just walking out the door and avoiding the awkward conversation that was sure to be leveled in his direction when the human returned, but before he could even make the decision to decide on an option something brought and green was lobbed at his head and wrapped around his face.
“Towel off before Mei gets angry we both tracked in water,” Wukong said, mischievous chuckle resounding through the air before Macaque managed to unwrap the towel from his face. “I’ve got something else that’ll help out after.”
Macaque was going to ask what that something was before the words died in his throat, the sight before him making him pause in confusion and barely held back amusement.
“You have Monkey King themed PJs?” He asked, toweling off his head first. “At Mei’s?”
“Sometimes I stay over.” Was all Wukong said, shrugging as if it was nothing. “Considering you’re here and I don’t see signs of a break in I assume those plum PJs in the same closet are yours.”
“I DON’T HAVE PAJAMAS HERE I DON’T STAY THAT OFTEN!” Macaque snapped, and his face flushed a deep red in embarrassment before he saw Wukong’s victory smirk. “... you made that up to make me slip that I’ve been here before.”
“And you took it hook, line, and sinker,” Wukong said playfully, grabbing the monkey demon’s arm and using a second towel he had to dry it off. “I wasn’t kidding about the PJs though.”
“O-oh...” was all Macaque could reply with as the information slowly sunk in before he ripped his arm away. “I can do that myself!”
“Then do it and come inside!”
Macaque was... mostly dry after a couple minutes, enough for Wukong to drag him into the bathroom and instruct him to change and use the blow dryer he has shoved into his hands while he mopped the floor. And as much as Macaque disliked the noise... he couldn’t argue that the warm air of the device was a welcome change from the icy seawater against him.
He may have looked like an extra puffed up fur ball when he was done and refused to come out until he at least had the PJs (short sleeved and indeed covered in plums) on to hide the worst of it.
Didn’t stop Wukong from devolving into cackles at his expense once again.
“Hold on, let me do something,” Wukong offered, and guided him to sit down on the couch sideways, situating behind him with the other pulled against his chest and a comb in hand. “At least I can help with your hair... if it counts as hair.”
“... I don’t know if it does,” Macaque replied, finding himself at a loss for what to do and say in this situation.
They were enemies, right?
Shouldn’t Wukong... be chasing him out of the building?
Now sitting him down to- OH NO!
Macaque froze as Wukong’s fingers brushed against his scalp and the teeth of the comb brushed through his hair, far more gentle than Macaque could remember anyone touching his hair before, and he went limp in Wukong’s arms like putty.
“Knew that’d get ya,” he felt Wukong say as much as he heard him say it, and the hands and comb continued through his hair and fur and he couldn’t even muster up any coherent words to snark back at him. Just a frustrated grumble. “Xiaotian does this to me a lot. And to his monkeys. So I figured this would be... ya know, nice for you.”
They stayed like that for a good while, Wukong brushing his fingers and the comb through puffed up fur and pulling out tangles Macaque didn’t even know he had on the back of his neck. It felt... strange. To trust someone that you spent so much of your time fighting against, flirting with awkwardly in the midst of battle, never thinking that the two of you would just sit and do anything calmly together.
But here they were. On Mei’s couch. Macaque feeling a purr rumble up in his chest as Wukong groomed through his hair and fur in a gesture he clearly admitted he knew the implications of.
“They’re from before,” Wukong said after a while, after he rested his head on Macaque’s shoulder and started working through the fur on his arms. “Before Red took me in... back before I had the staff to fight with.”
And as much as Macaque wanted to ask, and if he really tried he knew he probably could, he chose not to push it when he heard the way Wukong’s tone changed. Something equally nostalgic and melancholy.
“I think they make you look cool too,” was what he said instead.
“... We’re both pretty cool.”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Artistic Intention
Artist!Steve x Reader
Summary: Steve's doing well in his life drawing class, but a new muse throws him for a loop in the back supply room.
W/C: 2,374
Warnings: NO MINORS, p in v smut, unprotected sex, public sex, breeding kink if you squint, swearing
A/N: Hey! I wrote this for @buckyownsmylife 1st anniversary challenge! I love me a good AU so I chose Artist AU+ exhibitionism. Happy tumblr-versary! I made Steve a shy boi in this lol. If you liked this fic pls reblog/comment!! Check out my other fics too! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
It’s 1:45pm and Steve is desperately trying to weave his way through the crowd of people before him. His art folio hits everyone and thing as he makes feeble attempts to apologize to everyone for the bulkiness of the case. He can’t be too apologetic though, he’s running late for his 2pm life drawing class and if he doesn’t make it the professor will close the door in his face.
This is the longest 15 minutes in Steve’s life, he figures. He finally makes it up the steps and jogs up the stairs. His folio hits his leg, he winces but doesn’t stop, he’s only got a few minutes to make it up to the second floor and get himself situated behind an easel. He’s nearly out of breath when he makes it to the second floor and he’s trying to check his watch while running for the door. Two minutes.
Steve bursts through the doors and exhales loudly, he’s not sure he’s ever felt so relieved. His feeling of relief is short lived and quickly replaced with embarrassment as he realizes every pair of eyes in the room is on him. Every pair except for one. The new model for class this week, you slowly turn your head to reveal sharp eyes and a coy smile. He feels himself blush under your gaze and mutters an apology before getting settled in an easel directly in front of you.
He tries his best to focus on getting his paper and charcoals set out in an effort to shrug off the mixture of humiliation and lingering anxiety he had about being late. He feels his heartbeat begin to steady and he lets himself relax a little bit.
“Good afternoon, everyone. We have a new model in class this week, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. She’ll be keeping her current pose for one hour and repositioning for the second half of class. Mr. Rogers, since you had no problem running late I assume you’ll have no problem staying late as well. You’ll clean up after class.” The professor concludes with a short nod.
Steve sighs but nods his head in acknowledgement. He catches you smirking in amusement again at him and he can’t help but to blush all over again. He feels just like he did in high school, embarrassing himself in front of pretty girls. He sighs and picks up a piece of charcoal.
Steve decides to get a proper look at you and almost regrets it when he chokes on his own breath. You’re gorgeous, you’re coy and charming, you’re a muse. He’s still blushing because you’re naked, and beautiful and the feeling of humiliation hits him even more. He’s been in this class before, he knows the models will be naked but none of them had ever caught his attention as more than a subject, none of them were you.
He takes his time admiring your natural curves and appreciates your figure. You are so full of natural beauty, your bare face is perfectly flawed and the sun shining through the window highlights your skin tone. He can see why you were chosen to model for class, you’re perfect. He has to discreetly adjust himself and shuffles his jacket into his lap as he feels his pants tighten. He’s flustered all over again and realizes everyone else is already ahead of him. He puts charcoal to paper and gets to work.
As class goes on Steve’s sketch is coming along nicely. He can’t bring himself to look at you for more than a few seconds at a time for fear of getting hard again. When he sends furtive glances your way he catches you looking back at him with that smile of yours. He swears at one point you raise an eyebrow at him like you’re amused by him. He brushes it off and keeps drawing.
Class comes and goes much faster than he anticipated. He wants to pack up and get out as quickly as he can when he remembers that he has to clean up the room. He lets out a groan and waits for everyone else to leave. Now it’s only you, him, and the professor who are left in the room.
“Mr. Rogers I’ve got to get out of here, I trust you can put easels away without incident?” The professor asks. Steve nods and the professor turns to you. “Thank you for your work today, you can collect your pay from the front office. I look forward to having you as a model for this class.”
You smile and nod, waving goodbye to him. By now you’ve slipped on a robe and are reaching for your bag but it feels like you’re lingering. It’s just now that Steve realizes the two of you are alone. He swallows thickly, trying not to pay attention to you out of the corner of his eye. He begins to pack away his own drawing but not before giving it one final assessment. He can’t help himself from his own critical eye, analyzing mistakes and appreciating triumphs.
“Is that supposed to be me?”
Steve jumps in surprise, you’re peering right over his shoulder. He’s caught off guard by your presence and also by your voice, do you always sound this sultry?
He swallows and nods before taking a deep breath. Wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans he turns to face you.
“Uh, yeah. Yes it is. I don’t think it’s very good but I’m trying” He anxiously starts making excuses, assuming you hate it.
But you don’t. You just smile thoughtfully at him and nod.
“It’s good. At least, I think it is.”
“Th-thanks, thank you.”
“Do you always cut it that close or were you just hoping to stay late with me?”
Steve sputters at your boldness. He has to remind himself that he’s not that scrawny, measly kid he used to be. But he can’t help but feel like he is with his sweaty palms and short breaths.
“I, I um, I didn’t realize there’d be a new model. Was kind of expecting the old one. Not- not that there’s anything wrong with you, of course! I, sorry I didn’t mean to imply that, you’re- you’re beautiful too, you’re perfect really, I just. Oh jesus.” He spews the words out faster than his brain can keep up and he’s making a complete fool of himself.
He can’t bear to look at you, so he starts closing up easels and stacking stools. He doesn’t notice you ogling his muscles through his tight t-shirt.
“You think I’m beautiful?” You ask innocently.
“I-, um, yes. I think you’re very beautiful, if you don’t mind me saying so.” Steve answers honestly.
He moves some stools to the large supply room in the back of the classroom and you follow him.
“I think you’re beautiful too. And cute. You’re practically falling all over yourself, it’s sweet”
Are you talking to him? He still sees himself as he was back then, having a hard time thinking that anyone would look at him and find him attractive. It’s why he’s so beside himself now. You’re so completely beautiful and self-assured, there’s no way you’re talking to him. He sets down the stack he’s carrying and realizes you’re much closer than he thought. You’re inches away.
“What do you like the most about me? Is it my body? Don’t think I didn’t notice you readjusting your pants at the beginning of class.” You move even closer and Steve thinks you must be able to hear his heart beat because it’s about to come right out of his chest.
Your hands are on his chest and you have to lean up on your tip-toes for your lips to meet his ear.
“What do you say? You and me in this supply room? There’s hardly anyone here. Come on”
Steve feels like he’s dreaming, he has to check if he is. But then your hand reaches for his dick through his pants and he nearly doubles over from the sensation. He’s never been with anyone so brash and confident, your touch leaves a burning trail on his body.
“But- but what if someone comes in and sees?” He says, using every last bit of coherent reasoning he has.
“Isn’t that what makes it so fun?”
Oh, God. You. You. Smiling that devilish smile at him. He was weak in the knees and you took the opportunity to push him backwards onto a spare desk. You pulled him by the shirt collar to meet your lips and he let out a noise of surprise. Steve pushes his tongue into your mouth and lets out an obscene moan. You feel so good. He knew you’d feel good but not this good.
Steve’s large hands come to your waist and venture lower until he has a handful of your ass and grabs. You let out a little moan and nudge your knee between his legs and he grinds against it. You pull back to catch your breath when your hands go to the ties of your robes.
“We’re a little overdressed, don’t you think?”
Steve doesn’t need to be asked twice as he pulls his shirt over his head. Jeans have never felt so uncomfortable and he’s frantically trying to get himself down to his boxers. He swears he goes slack jawed when he looks back up at you. He’s already seen you naked, he just stared at you naked for hours, but you’re just as gorgeous as before but it’s the way you’re looking at him. Like he’s desirable, almost like he’s a piece of meat. It makes him feel wanted and reassured and he feels himself grow harder.
Your hands slip beneath the elastic of his boxers and slowly slide them down his legs. He can’t help but flush when you let out a small gasp at the size of him. He doesn’t want to get too big of an ego with it but he’s always known he was… gifted.
Before he can let anything go to his head he lets out his own soft gasp as you stroke him languidly. He can’t control his hips as they cant up into your hand. You grab his hand and quickly lead his fingers to your dripping pussy. Steve nearly melts when he feels how wet you are and slides two fingers in easily. He’s pumping them in and out and you let out tiny mewls as you kiss his neck.
There’s no more time for preamble though, you two need to be quick if you don’t want to be caught by some unfortunate custodian. You remove your hand from his cock and he takes his fingers out of your pussy and swears you whine a little. Feeling brazen himself, he makes direct eye contact with you and sucks his fingers clean. You bite your lip and squirm while he revels in the taste.
Reluctantly he takes his fingers out of his mouth and gets up to situate you so you’re sitting on the desk. You spread your legs wide for him and he takes in the sight, committing to memory. Maybe he can draw you like this some time. For now he takes a step closer but falters, remembering one fatal flaw in this whole plan.
“I… don’t have a condom”
You don’t look let down at all, you look excited in fact. Shaking your head, you explain to him.
“Doesn’t matter, ‘m on the pill. I wanna feel you cum inside me”
Steve might pass out before he gets the chance, the way you keep talking with that mouth of yours. He wastes no more time and positions himself at your entrance. He has one hand on his dick and the other on the back of your neck when he looks you deep in the eye and impales you fully in one go.
The moan you let out is pornographic and Steve uses his newly freed hand to cover your mouth.
“We have to stay quiet. Can you do that?”
You nod silently and he removes his hand, opting to grab your hip instead.
He pulls back and begins to start pumping into you. He’s steady at first, trying to keep himself from cumming too quickly. Slowly he starts increasing his speed and the force that he uses is causing the legs of the old desk to scrape against the floor.
Your hand reaches and grabs his ass, pushing him deeper into your pussy. You feel so tight wrapped around him with no barrier and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold out. You’re trying to keep your moans quiet when he kisses you to silence them all together. He’s trying with all his might not to cum before you do.
His fingers find your clit and he starts rubbing it in tight circles. You have a harder time keeping quiet and you’re squeezing him like a vice. The friction on your clit and his dick hitting your G-spot perfectly is causing your eyes to roll in the back of your head.
“‘M gonna cum, please. Please don’t stop” You beg. Steve feels a wave of power surge over him now that you’re the needy one.
“Go on then, I’m not far behind ya. Wanna feel your pussy cum on my cock.”
With a few moments more he has you seeing stars and you claw at his back and pull him close to you. He continues on in his movements and starts pounding into you in earnest chasing his own release. All you can do is hold on for dear life.
Steve makes one final thrust before he’s cumming deep inside you. The rush of warmth is welcome to you and you kiss his jaw as he tries to catch his breath. The only sound being both of your heavy breathing. Hopefully no one heard you.
Steve can’t believe what just happened. He met a gorgeous girl and she propositioned him in a public place all in the span of two hours. He realizes just how far he’s come from who he used to be. He looks down at you, your noses touching.
“So, what’s your name?”
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filmmies-writing · 3 years
Just Another Night
pairing : Helmut Zemo x reader
word counts : 1.3k 
warning : slightly sexual tension
summary : you’re at Zemo’s house in Riga, you couldn’t sleep but keep thinking about those moments between you and him in Madripoor and unexpectedly, Zemo invited himself into your room in the middle of the night
a/n : omggg This is my first time writing imagine/fanfiction in English since it’s not my first language and also my first time publishing my work here. I’ve been reading imagines/fanfiction on tumblr for a very long time but always too shy to talk to anyone. I still don’t know much about how things work here but I’ll try my best! I hope you guys enjoy it and I'm sorry if there’s any mistakes. Feel free to talk to me and give me suggestion or idea for my future work :)
(pic from : here)
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You were scrolling through your phone to distract yourself since you couldn’t sleep but only kept thinking of the time you had to play a role as Zemo’s sugar baby in Madripoor.
The touch of his hand on your bare thigh. The sweet nothing he whispered into your ears as you sat on his lap. His beautiful brown eyes watching every move of yours like a lion eying on its bate. His eyes widen and followed by a little head-tilt that almost ruins the current characters you all were in when you called him “Daddy”, which leads to a much more plausible action to reassure the suspicions, a kiss that you’ll never forget. This incandescent kiss between you and Zemo happened in front of everyone including Sam and Bucky. Back in that time, your head almost exploded as millions of thoughts ran through your mind and of course the resistance you tried to feel but failed and ended up kissing him back and melting in his arms. The kiss lasted only for a while but it affects your feeling so much longer and it leaves you wanting more. To be fair, you both did put on quite a show back there. Well, he did put on quite a show. Cause maybe for you it’s not a show at all.
“How did you get in here?” you said, frightened as the Baron opened the door and simply walked in like it’s his own room.
He’s wearing a navy blue bathrobe with his hair a little messy from the water. He must have just finished his bath you presumed. And it just makes him look even hotter than ever. 
“It’s my house, darling” he said arrogantly like always but with a slight smile from his lips this time
“Why are you here then?” you started with a simple question, eyes sticking on the ground as you didn’t want him to read your mind. As if that’s going to help.
“I just finished my bath and I can’t help but notice the light in your room is still on, is everything alright, darling?”
“I just don’t wanna sleep yet, that’s all, thanks for your concern but you can go now” you said as you continued to avoid the eye contact and tried to play it cool.
“I have to make sure all my guests are comfortable on my watch, but since you’re already up, could you please help me dress this wound?” the Baron asked, opened the drawer and brought out the first aid kit then handed it to you, he  then allowed himself to sit on the other side of the bed.
The wound was from the fight in Madripoor. It was just a little scratch on his right cheek. You can confidently say that it’s not like him at all, asking for your help to dress such a small cut on his face.
Of course, he knows you’re trying to avoid him, which is why he is messing with you right now.
Plus for a man like Baron Helmut Zemo, it’s definitely not easy to love again, but after spending years after years in prison, he wants to have some fun manipulating you, you assumed.
“Fine” you exhale, annoyed by his actions but still not brave enough to look him in the eyes.
You set your phone down on the bed, standing up from where you seat and making your way to his side. 
You grab one clean gauze pad from the box and gently place it on his soft cheek. He tried to hold back his groans as you started to circle the pad around his wound. While you were focusing on cleaning his cut, his eyes fixed up on you but you kept pretending to continue cleaning his wound.
Your heart was pounding from the very first moment your skin touched his soft ones. It reminded you of many memories you both shared back in Madripoor. And the staring from his gaze only makes it worse for you. It keeps you feeling things that you shouldn’t feel.
You gather all the conscious and courage you had left in your body and asked 
“So tell me, what happened to the guy that tore the Avengers apart? He’s incapable of taking care of his own tiny cut now?”
A small chuckle left his mouth. He moved his hand up to grab yours, stopping you from cleaning the lesion.
“I’m capable of a lot of things, but this, I just prefer your assistance” 
“So what if I refused to help?” You asked, eyes focused on him for the first time. 
“The real question is, do you really think you can resist me, darling?” he said, continuing not to break eye contact.
“To do things against your desire” he finished his line, moving his face closer to yours, in order to have a better view on your face.
Little did you know he’s been observing you since he first saw you. The way you looked at him when you saw him standing right in front of you for the first time after breaking out of the prison, the way you keep looking at him on the plane but abruptly look away when he catches your eyes, the way you slowly fall for him but also begging yourself to stop having feeling for him at the same time. He found himself addicted to all those movements of yours.
The purpose of the observation was first to use you to bargain with the boys if something unexpected happens, but lately his plan has gone wrong and he’s not sure if the reason for his plan is still the same or he just can’t stop looking at you.
“...” Words fail to come out of your mouth but he still doesn’t stop 
“Tell me you didn’t crave to touch me and tell me you don’t crave my touch”
You take advantage of the second he loses his focus on grabbing your hand to shake his hand off then put the gauze pad down and start to open your mouth to fuss with him.
But he’s faster.
He wraps both of his arms around your back and pulls you down to him, so now you’re sitting on his lap, just like that time in Madripoor. He looks right in your eyes for a moment to find any rebellion sign from you and your body but only to see you want this to continue as much as he does. He starts to press his soft lips on yours. The kiss is different from the last time. It is full of passion and every move is so delicate. You close your eyes and take in the atmosphere. A peaceful night when you and the Baron seem to be sick and full of pride and finally give in to your true feelings through a kiss. 
You know you shouldn’t have done it but why does it feel so good to do something bad?
As you two catch your breath. One of his hands travels up to your neck and his lip starts making marks on your collarbone, another hand still holding your back. Your hand resting on his head, playing with his hair, a slight moan escapes your mouth as his hand starts to explore more parts of your body. Your legs make their way up to wrap around him tighter as he continues to work on his way around you.
“Hey, I think I figured out what Kali is --- Oh my god”  Bucky walks into your room, accidently witnessing the current situation and being shocked by it. You quickly hop out of Zemo’s lap and sit next to him. 
“Is knocking the door a hard thing to do?” you say as you array the hem of your dress while walking up to Bucky to see the information he’s got in his hand. 
“Do you people ever think about sleeping?” Zemo sighs and starts walking to your direction, quietly putting his hand around your waist.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 6
A/N: seeing y'all freak out over the last chapter when i have the outline and i know that things get worse... it feels me with evil glee. also vyeoh drew some amazing art of the last chapter, show them some love!! <3
Warnings: crying, hugging, arguing, threats of violence, heartbreak
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Jimmy still felt like he was in a daze when they made it back to his empire. Lizzie hadn’t let go of his hand once, and he was grateful for the grounding touch. She was still murmuring words of comfort and asking what happened, but Jimmy could only nod numbly. Every single thought and feeling he had of Scott felt tainted now. Was anything he had felt even real? Or did Jimmy just fall right for Scott’s plan (whatever it was) hook, line, and sinker. Just thinking about it made Jimmy feel nauseous.
Katherine and Joel landed beside Jimmy and Lizzie, and Katherine looking equally as distraught as Jimmy felt shook him out of his stupor slightly. Wordlessly he let go of Lizzie’s hand to pull Katherine into a hug. He held her tight as she hugged him back, crying into his shoulder.
“It’s gone. It’s all gone. There’s barely anything left of my castle,” she hiccuped. Jimmy didn’t know what to say as he held her, but gently rubbing her back seemed to help.
“Fwhip was plotting against the House Blossom Alliance the whole time, Sausage too. I think Gem, Pearl, and Scott were involved as well,” Joel explained. Jimmy just about shuddered at the mention of Scott, trying not to cry.
“Why would they do that?!” Lizzie gasped.
“Fwhip said something about how the alliance was too argumentative, and should be destroyed before anything worse could happen and bring down our empires,” Joel explained. Katherine let out another hiccupping sob at Joel’s words, and Jimmy murmured words of comfort to her. Then he looked up to the skies, and his heart froze. Three figures were flying towards them- one with elytra, one with bright yellow feathered wings, and one with white feathered wings tipped in gold. Joel noticed Gem, Pearl, and Scott in the air as well, and grit his teeth as he put a hand on the hilt of his sword. Lizzie rushed over and put a hand over Joel’s, shaking her head.
“Stay on guard, but let’s hear them out. We only know that Fwhip and Sausage were the masterminds behind this. But if they are here for trouble, we’ll make sure they regret it,” Lizzie said, tone going dark at the end of her statement. Joel hesitated for a moment or two, but dropped his hand from his sword with a frustrated sigh. He and Lizzie did, however, stand protectively in front of Jimmy and Katherine as Gem, Pearl, and Scott came to a landing in front of them. Jimmy let go of Katherine, but she didn’t go far, taking his hand and gripping it tightly.
“I know we’re not high on your list of people to see, but hear us out. We didn’t know that Fwhip was going to take such… drastic measures,” Pearl explained, hands up placatingly as her wings fluttered anxiously.
“But you did know Fwhip was up to something,” Joel countered.
“We knew he wasn’t super happy about the House Blossom Alliance, but we thought that he would just pull a harmless prank or pick a fight with Jimmy or something. Not destroy Katherine’s castle,” Gem continued, Pearl nodding along with her. Scott stayed suspiciously quiet, and Jimmy’s mouth settled into a firm line as he let go of Katherine’s hand.
“But Scott knew. Didn’t you,” he accused, glaring at Scott. His expression immediately turned guilty, and that was all the confirmation Jimmy needed.
“I wanted to tell you, really! But-”
“But you kissed me instead of telling me or ANYONE about Fwhip’s plan!” Jimmy shouted, stepping forward and gesturing angrily, that cold numb feeling from before now replaced with molten fury. Lizzie gasped, drawing her sword and fully intending to lunge at Scott, but Joel quickly scrambled over to hold her back.
“Joel, let go of me, I need to give Scott a piece of my mind for taking advantage of our sweet swamp boy’s heart!” Lizzie fumed, straining against Joel’s hold. Joel glared at Scott, but his grip on Lizzie didn’t let up.
“Scott, you better have an explanation for this, or I will let my wife loose on you,” Joel warned. Scott actually looked a little terrified, and part of Jimmy hated the fact that he was relieved at that.
“I should have warned people about the TNT, I know. I just- it was stupid of me to hope that Fwhip was going to change his mind. And I was going to tell Jimmy, but then I saw Fwhip in the distance, and he had his crossbow aimed at him. I- I figured that Fwhip wouldn’t take the shot if it meant hitting me too. So that’s why I kissed Jimmy, and by that point it was too late to warn anyone,” Scott explained, his expression pleading and apologetic. Joel and Lizzie seemed to accept his explanation, as Joel let go of Lizzie and she sheathed her sword- but they both still glared at him. And Jimmy wanted to believe him, wanted to say he forgave Scott and rush back into his arms again- but there was something else that bothered him.
“What did Fwhip mean, when he said something about ‘playing the part?’” Jimmy asked, absolutely terrified of the answer but needing to know the truth anyway. Scott swallowed nervously, expression overcome with guilt once more.
“Fwhip told me to keep an eye on you, make sure you wouldn’t be a problem. It wasn’t just Katherine goading me into being nice that kept me coming to your empire, at first. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t-”
“Leave,” Jimmy growled, having enough of Scott’s excuses. Scott flinched at Jimmy’s tone. Good, it was about time people stopped seeing him as the sweet swamp boy or the friendly Codfather. He was done being pushed around, done being used and tossed aside.
“Jimmy, please- believe me, I really do care-”
“I don’t wanna hear it! I’m sick of your lies and manipulation! I never want you to set foot in the Cod Empire again, if I ever even SEE you again I will make sure you regret it,” Jimmy shouted, the words fracturing his heart into a million pieces. But he couldn’t afford to trust Scott ever again.
“Jimmy…” Scott trailed off, any fight finally leaving him as his wings drooped. His gaze shifted between Jimmy’s angry glare, the tears on Katherine’s face, the glares from Lizzie and Joel, and the sympathetic and apologetic expressions on Gem and Pearl’s faces. He looked back at Jimmy one last time, eyes glassy- before taking off into the night sky. Jimmy couldn’t even watch him leave.
“We truly are sorry for everything that happened. We know it doesn’t make up for it… but we wish you the best, Codfather and allies,” Gem said softly, before taking off into the sky as well. Pearl gave them a weak smile before following Gem. Jimmy waited until he could no longer see either of them in the sky, and finally let himself cry, falling to his knees as ugly sobs wrenched their way out of his throat. Lizzie scrambled to his side, pulling him into a hug and letting Jimmy cry into her shoulder.
“It’s okay, let it out. I’ve got you,” she soothed.
“He tricked me. And like a fool I fell for it, I fell for him,” Jimmy said between sobs, desperately clutching at Lizzie. Joel came over to kneel at their side, pulling both of them into his arms and rubbing Jimmy’s back. Katherine joined the hug pile too, on the opposite side of Joel. Jimmy wasn’t sure how long the three of them all stayed there with him, but they all held him until he finally had no tears left to cry.
After Jimmy had finished crying, Lizzie gently prodded him into changing, insisting that he would feel better in his normal clothes. She was right, and a lot of the tension drained from his shoulders once his trusty cod head was back on his head. From there, Lizzie and Joel brought him and Katherine to Lizzie’s empire, saying that Katherine could stay in the embassy she built, and that neither of them wanted either one to be alone at the moment. Katherine and Jimmy didn’t argue, neither of them wanted to be alone either. So they ended up huddled together in Katherine’s embassy, a borrowed blanket from Lizzie over both of their shoulders. Lizzie stayed with them and made sure they were comfortable, while Joel flew to Pixandria to update Pixl on everything that had happened.
“This is all my fault,” Katherine said numbly, after a long silence. Jimmy and Lizzie looked at her in confusion.
“It’s really not, you didn’t blow up your own castle, after all,” Lizzie pointed out. Katherine smiled weakly, shaking her head.
“But none of this would have happened if I didn’t insist on making friends with everyone. Everyone would have been fine if I just stayed out of it and stopped trying to bring people together,” Katherine said, voice watery.
“Katherine, if you hadn’t tried to bring us all together, I’m sure much worse would have happened. Who knows how many empires would have been destroyed if it wasn’t for you,” Jimmy countered softly. Katherine let out a small sob, hand clasping over her mouth as she tried to collect herself.
“But if I hadn’t started those meetings, pushed you and Scott to be nice to each other- then you wouldn’t have to be feeling this way,” Katherine said, voice as fragile as glass when she dropped her hand from her mouth. Jimmy shifted to face her, gently gripping her shoulders and looking Katherine in the eyes.
“Katherine, listen to me. My- my heartbreak is not your fault. None of what is happening is your fault. If anyone’s to blame, it’s Fwhip. You hear me?” Jimmy asked, voice gentle but no less serious. Katherine’s eyes went wide.
“You’re heartbroken?” she asked in a shallow gasp. Jimmy gave her a sad smile, throat growing tight as he felt his eyes watering again- funny, he thought he had run out of tears.
“I learned what love was, only for it to get crushed barely a day or two after. So… yeah. I think I am. But that still doesn’t make it your fault,” Jimmy said, tone forlorn before it turned gentle and serious once more. Katherine let out a shaky sigh, nodding her head.
“Okay. Okay. I’m still sorry you’re feeling this way, though,” Katherine said softly. Jimmy just smiled, pulling Katherine into a hug.
“So what’s our next step? Plotting our revenge on Fwhip?” Lizzie asked, and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle at her casual ruthlessness.
“I think before we do anything revenge-related, we should help Katherine rebuild her castle,” Jimmy replied, frankly not wanting to think about getting revenge on Fwhip, because that would likely lead to getting revenge on Scott as well. And Jimmy definitely didn’t want to think about Scott at the moment.
“I don’t know if you’re the best person to help me build,” Katherine teased lightly. Jimmy gave her a weak smile in response.
“I think I’ll be able to manage if you’re guiding me,” he replied softly.
“I would definitely appreciate the help,” she said with a smile, and it was the first time Jimmy had seen her smile, truly smile since the ball.
“Then I’ll help, mediocre building skills or not,” Jimmy insisted, glad to have something to look forward to so he could think about anything other than Scott. He was done with him, no matter what his traitorous heart thought about his sunshine smile, his laugh of gold, or those icy blue eyes that contradicted them both. So much about Scott felt like a contradiction, now. He snarled and teased and jabbed, but there was a hidden fondness too, or at least it seemed like there was. Jimmy wasn’t sure if it was ever real to begin with. Then there was how he sided with Fwhip, even though Katherine was his true ally, a business partner too. Nothing made sense, and Jimmy wondered if he should have let Scott explain- no. Jimmy was never going to give Scott a chance to use that silver tongue on him again, paired with a smile that was only gold-plated. He wouldn’t be hurt again.
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MCYT General Fic Taglist: @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123 @vyeoh
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starsinmylatte · 3 years
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Pairing: Thrawn x afab reader
Rating: Explicit (Very 18+)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: established relationship, edging, praise k!nk, very slight dom/sub undertones, interspecies relationship
Summary: Reader has had a VERY long day, and Thrawn is away from the Chimaera. Or is he?
Author's note: Hi! I'm finally starting to post fics to Tumblr again. I've been away for a bit, but I am very excited to write more. All my stuff is also on AO3 here! Any comments or reblogs are always greatly appreciated (seriously y'all leave the sweetest comments and it makes my day). Have fun reading my first ever attempt at smut and lmk if you'd like to be added to my tags <3
Today had been hell.
Thrawn had departed the Chimaera days ago to handle some business on Coruscant, and, as usual, Konstantine was using his absence as an excuse to be a massive pain in the ass. The Grand Admiral relied on you to help keep order just as much as he relied on Eli Vanto, but he was currently as busy as you were. So, the ever-glamorous job of making sure the Seventh Fleet remained in orbit mainly fell to you.
It was the fifth day Thrawn had been gone, and you were already fantasizing about throwing Konstantine out of the airlock. It would undoubtedly save the remnants of your sanity. He usually wasn’t blatantly insubordinate, but today he seemed to make an exception.
“I simply don’t understand why the Grand Admiral is insisting on holding this formation,” he exclaimed. “We should be chasing the rebels back to their base by now!”
Another headache was definitely coming on. I swear on every star in this kriffing galaxy…..
Your reply was icy and tinged with frustration, “Konstantine, if you wish to question the Grand Admiral’s tactics, you are more than welcome to discuss it with him when he comes back. Until then, we will be following the orders he left us with.”
He momentarily met your piercing stare before realizing any further arguments would be futile.
“Fine. I do believe I’m needed elsewhere,” Konstantine huffed as he departed the bridge.
For the first time in hours, the bridge was blessedly silent. You sank into a chair, rubbing your temples. Kriff, I definitely feel that headache now….
A sudden hand on your shoulder made you jump. You were so distracted that Eli might as well have materialized out of thin air.
“Hard day?” The corners of his mouth twitched as he attempted to stifle his amusement. “I heard you gave Konstantine a well-deserved earful.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Next time, it’s your turn. This is my fourth headache in the past five days.”
“Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? You’ve been working harder than anyone else on the Chimaera for days.” He lowered his voice before adding, “He should be back soon.”
A wave of relief washed over you at the news. You and Thrawn had gone to great lengths to keep your relationship secret from the crew, but Eli was too good of a friend to be kept in the dark. Besides, he would’ve noticed eventually that his two best friends were slightly more than friends.
Eli must’ve noticed the change in your expression, “Oh, you definitely need a break.”
He shoved a datapad in your hands and started pulling you to your feet, ignoring the numerous protests you gave him. “Here, take this to Thrawn’s office, leave it on his desk, and then you’re taking the rest of the day off. No arguments.”
Thrawn’s office was its usual freezing temperature. Even though your uniform had layers of thick material, the chill was easily seeping through them. Shivering, you placed the datapad on the large desk in the back of the room.
You turned to leave, but a pang shot through your heart as you looked around the empty room. It was normal for you to barely see Thrawn on the days he was especially busy, but it was always different when you knew he wasn’t on the Chimaera at all. Stars, you missed him when he was gone. Just knowing he was nearby on days you couldn’t see him was so comforting. “Soon” wasn’t a good enough time frame for when he’d return.
A sudden thought crossed your mind; nothing was stopping you from spending the night in Thrawn’s quarters. It wasn’t exactly an unusual occurrence for you to sleep here, and it would be comforting. Besides, with your headache, you didn’t exactly feel like walking all the way back across the ship to your room, and his private quarters were conveniently connected to his office.
You began stripping off your uniform as you walked into the room and made your way over to the bed. It was still freezing, but every layer you removed took the worries of the day with it. Soon, everything except your bra and panties sat neatly folded on the bedside table. In this moment, you weren’t an Imperial officer; you were a woman climbing into her lover’s bed for comfort after a long day.
As soon as you slid between the soft, black sheets, you instantly received the comfort you were craving. They smelled exactly like Thrawn, crisp and clean, but with a unique depth cut by the citrusy scent of his favorite tea. You could almost imagine that he was actually there beside you. A contented smile crossed your lips as you drifted off to sleep.
You suddenly woke to a light caress on your cheek. In your groggy state, you didn’t fully realize what that touch meant until you leaned into it. You would have probably fallen back asleep were it not for the low, pleased murmur that followed your actions.
“Apologies, ch’eo bat in’a, I did not mean to wake you, but I was not expecting to find you here.”
Your eyes flew open in shock as you sat up and gasped, “Thrawn!”
The low light in the room illuminated the regal form sitting beside you on the edge of the bed. Thrawn’s usually unreadable expression was one of slight amusement mixed with another, softer expression. You couldn’t help but notice his beautiful azure-hued skin and luminous ruby eyes were only complemented by the dimmed light; you couldn’t help but think he was meant to be seen like this. He must’ve been tired from the constant travel, but nothing in his posture or expression gave it away.
You didn’t wait for him to speak again before reaching over to embrace him. Thrawn immediately wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly. Pressing your face into his chest, you quietly murmured, “I missed you.”
He said nothing, so you assumed he didn’t hear. You both sat contentedly for a few minutes and savored the intimacy before he moved one hand to stroke lazily down your back and the other to run through your hair. As you leaned further into his touch, he grabbed your chin and turned your head so he could press his lips to your ear.
“You are quite endearing when you’re half-asleep. It’s beautiful,” he whispered.
The praise combined with the sensation of his warm breath in your ear finally did you in; a flame began to spark to life in your core. You had missed him, and every single part of you was screaming for you to let him know just how much.
Before you could even move, Thrawn trailed his lips down to kiss your neck, and the flame in your core blossomed. You let out a quiet, breathy moan, and he immediately stopped.
Bringing his lips back to trace the shell of your ear, he rasped, “Oh? It seems you did miss me. How fortunate that I was able to return to you already in my bed.” He paused to lightly trace the outline of your bra before continuing. “And in something so pretty too. A shame that it will soon be discarded.”
You whimpered at his words as his lips renewed their brutal assault on your neck and upper chest. For what seemed like an eternity, Thrawn was content to lavish affection on the spots that provoked the greatest responses from you as his hands held you in place.
“Thrawn, please…. Touch me….” you begged, hoping desperately for him to comply.
He merely let out a dark chuckle as he chided, “Patience, ch’eo ch’itiseb, for every protest that leaves your pretty mouth, I will be sure to make you wait even longer.”
You bit back a moan at his sinful words; his eyes seemed to glow even brighter, and his smile turned feral. The look he gave you in return was simply predatory.
He continued to suck hickies into the sensitive skin at the base of your neck and around your collarbones. His tongue licked a long, torturous line up the column of your neck to kiss the area under your jaw. With every kiss, caress, and touch, the flame in your core spread throughout your entire body. He bit down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, and you melted even further into his arms.
“It seems you were able to learn an adequate lesson in patience, so now we may continue. Turn around for me,” he ordered.
You turned to face the wall as he returned to his previous position at the edge of the bed. He trailed his hands up your waist and around to cup your breasts. Thrawn may have decided that you could have more of his touch, but he still refused to dip his hand under the lacy fabric of your bra. Instead, he teasingly rubbed over the material to brush against your nipples. Your head fell back to rest on his shoulder as you pushed your chest out into his hands, still desperate for more.
“How very, very eager for my touch….” His tone was still infuriatingly collected for how quickly he’d reduced you into a moaning mess, but a slight accent began to mar his words. “Ch’itses’o euhn ei.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Thrawn unfastened and discarded your bra. Finally, he wrapped his hands entirely around your breasts. The sharp contrast between the warmth of his body and the room’s icy air only intensified the pleasure as he began to roll your nipples between his fingers.
You couldn’t help but moan his name again, loudly. Thrawn’s breath hitched before he let out a low, breathy moan, “Bun vn’inen’i. Let me hear you.”
His voice had always been profoundly attractive, but hearing him murmur filthy sentiments into your ear in his native tongue made you absolutely melt. You let out another gasp and rubbed your thighs together, seeking any friction you could find, keenly aware of the desire beginning to pool between them. In your desperate search for friction, you accidentally rubbed your ass back against him and felt his growing erection.
The contact made Thrawn hiss. In one fluid motion, he flipped you around, pushed your back flat against the mattress, and leaned over you.
It was moments like this when you remembered you were in the bed of one of the most powerful men in the galaxy. Thrawn’s ruby eyes glowed with lust as he gazed down at you. His feral smile returned as he studied his prize. “Allow me to show you just how much I missed you.”
He trailed kisses from your breasts down to your inner thighs, nipping at them slightly, then stopping to look up at you as he reached your panties. “These must go,” he murmured against your thigh. Thrawn took the band in his teeth and began to tug the panties off, using his hands to remove them fully.
Finally, you laid before him completely bare, and once again, he paused to appreciate your body. “Simply beautiful,” he cooed.
Thrawn returned to kiss your inner thighs before he spread your legs further. He moved to kneel on the floor at the side of the bed and pulled your hips to the edge. You knew exactly what was coming next. “Oh….”
You barely had time to moan before he swiped an experimental finger through your core. Under any other circumstances, you’d be embarrassed that you were already so wet, but Thrawn lit a fire in you that no one else could. Now it was his turn to let out a low groan at his discovery.
He didn’t waste any more time before moving one of his long fingers to lightly trace around your entrance. The torment of his delicate touch made you rock your hips upwards, desperately begging for more contact. Without warning, he pushed two fingers deep inside you, making your walls clench hard around them. You moaned and begged for more as he began to pump them in and out of your drenched core, causing your legs to shudder in pleasure.
“Look at you, I’ve only just started using my fingers, and you’re already shaking,” Thrawn groaned.
He brought you right up to the peak of pleasure before suddenly withdrawing. You sobbed in protest as he brought his fingers up to your mouth. “Clean them off,” he commanded. Hoping that he’d finish you off if you complied, you obediently took his fingers into your mouth and sucked all your juices off of them.
Thrawn was very pleased. He moved back down between your thighs and sucked another hickey on the delicate skin before returning his attention to your core. He slowly circled your sensitive clit with a finger before licking his way up to suck on it. Once again, he continued his attention until you were at the very edge before withdrawing. Being edged once was hard, but the second time left you an absolute mess.
When Thrawn looked down on you, covered in his marks, eyes glazed over in lust and absolutely begging for completion, he lost the remnants of his control. He leaned back up to murmur, “Ch’eo ch’itiseb, how would you like me?”
“Stars, Thrawn, I don’t care. I just want you inside me now,” you moaned back at him as you reached up to help tug off his remaining clothing. After a few moments, he was also completely bare and leaning over you on the bed again.
With how desperate you felt, any time at all was too long, but your pleas and cries finally turned into more gasps and moans of pleasure as he finally lined his thick cock up with your entrance. The feeling of being so gloriously stretched and filled as he pushed in made your walls clench around him. Thrawn moaned at the sensation and began fucking you at a leisurely pace.
He leaned in to capture your lips in a burning, passionate kiss as his thrusts grew faster and your hips rose to meet them. His hands roamed your body, finding their way to pinch and tug at your nipples. You moaned into his mouth as you grew closer and closer to the high you’d been chasing all night.
Pausing between kisses, Thrawn suddenly grabbed your chin and stared into your eyes with his burning red ones before returning to kiss you hungrily. The unspoken message was clear: you were his. This new intensity, combined with his thrusts that came faster and faster, finally sent you over the edge into a shattering climax. Thrawn’s thrusts grew more and more erratic until he finished soon after you, coating your walls with his seed as he came.
As you both lay there in the afterglow, Thrawn mused, “I may have to find an excuse to be gone more often.”
Tags: @pretty-with-andorian-shingles @mittheresabosen @handbaskethell
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Before you
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*not my gif*
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - this was requested by the lovely @whimsicalrogers thanks for all the icons, lock screen and dividers you made me! Thanks for the beta and all your advice @stargazingfangirl18. I hope I do you all proud🤭
Summary - Yours and Steve's relationship was perfect, until it wasn't. Will he be able to convince you to give him another chance?
Warnings - smut (m/f), jealousy, angst, dom/sub undertones.
Pairing - Steve Roger x reader
Word count - 4552
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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As someone who grew up watching an unhealthy amount of Disney movies and romcoms, you couldn’t help but dream, that someday your prince charming would come riding in on a white horse to whisk you away from your boring mundane life.
Someone you could love and hold forever, who’d do the same for you. Someone who’d always be there for you, to pick you up when you fall, to make you laugh when all you want to do is cry. Someone who’d be your everything and treat you as if you’re the most special person in the whole world.
But adulthood killed all those dreams all too easily. You learned the hard way that people didn’t really belong to each other. They barely even listened to when another person was talking.
You thought you came close a couple of times, but you never did find your special person. Everyone walks on their paths alone. And maybe it was better that way. You weren’t sure if you could ever completely open up and give yourself to someone else.
That was until Steve came along. He was someone as lost as you and even lonelier. Finding himself in a world he no longer recognised and among people he couldn’t really trust. It didn’t take that long for him to trust you.
You had put on Snow White which was Steve’s favorite from back in his day. You couldn’t help but insert yourself in the fairy-tale. After all Steve did always call you his princess.
“Steve?” You mumbled into his chest laying on top of him as the end credits played.
“Yes, sugar?” He replied running his hands through your hair before drawing small soothing patterns on your back.
He only had to move his nose an inch to smell your hair and get a whiff of your soft soothing scent. Who knew something so simple could be so blissful.
As much as he loved taking you out on the town and courting you to show you a good time and do all the things he never thought he could, he also loved spending these quiet evenings in with you. Where it was just him and you, the rest of the world just seemed to disappear. He wouldn’t trade them for anything.
“Never mind,” You shook your head. ‘It’s soon. You’ll scare him off.’ That incessant annoying voice in your head said.
“Hey,” He propped your chin up to make you look at him. His heart melted at your glossy eyes. So vulnerable and sensitive. Maybe it was what drew him to you. Your ability to be so sweet and wear your heart on your sleeve. Something he never could do. “What is it?” He asked lowly caressing your cheek. Not wanting to push you too much but he couldn’t really help himself when you looked so sad either.
“Do you think...” You whispered and licked your lips “We’ll be together forever. Like them.” You picked at the threads on his shirt too scared to look at him.
He smiled down at you. Getting up to sit straight and adjust you properly in his lap. “I know we will sweetheart.” He said confidently as if it was a fact.
You looked up at him still holding onto his shirt, as if he’d disappear if you let go for even a second “And do you think you’ll always love me?” You wanted to know.
“Yes, I’m sure of it. Where is this even coming from?” He frowned “I know... I don’t always do a good job of showing you I love you. This is new to me. I’ve never had a girlfriend.” And like the dork that he was he couldn’t help the goofy grin he made every time he referred to you as his girl “But I’ll do better,” He promised and pressed a long lingering kiss on your forehead to seal it. He cleared his throat to ask “What do you think I should do better?”
“No. You’re amazing, Steve, you don’t need to change.” You said giving his plump pink lips a quick peck “It’s just scary. How much I love you and how it can all go away if I’m not careful. People break up everyday and over the stupidest of things or over nothing. I don’t want that to be us.” You sighed unloading all your anxieties.
He nodded taking your words in “I understand. I’m scared of losing you too. More than you’ll ever know.” He paused looking for the best words “What we can do is maybe talk about such things?” He slowly suggested rocking you back and forth in his arms.
You happily tucked your head in the crook of his neck, hugging him close to you. Falling for his sweet words and him. Convinced that nothing would come between you both.
He got down on one knee not long after to pop the big question with an even bigger diamond to really show you how committed he was.
You were on cloud nine. You felt nothing could ever bring you down that you only had happier times to look forward to.
Until one fateful day, you didn’t realise it then but it was probably when everything started going to hell, Sharon Carter got back from her year long mission in Europe.
You were only an accountant working for the Avengers. Being so close to Steve did give you some influence, which you were ashamed of liking a bit too much, but no one was ever really scared of you. You heard chatter about her and your Steve. And how now he would surely ditch his ‘normal and plain fiancé'. They never tried that hard to hide it from you. They probably thought you weren’t here for the long haul.
“Hey Angie” You nervously called for your desk mate. “Why is everyone so obsessed with Steve and Agent Carter?”
“Oh you mean Staron?” She grinned before frowning, “Oh I’m sorry! That’s just what people call them. Not me though! You know how hard I ship you two.” She squeezed your shoulder in order to console you.
“Yeah but why? I mean did they use to date or something...” You trailed off knowing that it was something you should be asking your fiancé not your co-worker.
You had tried a couple of times but you were too afraid to come off as jealous or controlling. That was the last thing you wanted to be. You expected him to give you enough space to be your own person, so it’d only be fair for you to do the same.
“I don’t really know.” She stroked her chin as if in thought “You’ll just have to ask Captain Rogers. Nothing was ever confirmed they were just rumors. Even I’ll admit they would make gorgeous blonde babies. But girl! You don’t have anything to worry about! You’re the one who has the ring.” She tried her best to assure you but the seeds of doubt and fear had taken roots in your mind.
Steve assured you that there was never anything between them. They flirted with the idea of dating for a while before she went away, he doubted there’d ever be anything between them. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. Not when he’s so madly in love with you.
He was so convincing and charming.
The things that set him apart from everyone else, which you loved about him, were his honesty and loyalty. He blamed his Ma and 1920s raising but you didn’t care. He was perfect in your eyes. He didn’t need to fit in. Those things made him Steve Rogers. Your Steve.
You had never been more ashamed than when you went through Steve’s things to get some sort of clue. You went through his sketches to find if he was secretly harboring any kind of feelings about her. You only found sketches mostly consisting of you and the Avengers, some of Bucky and his mom.
You sighed in relief, but then, at the bottom of his drawer you found a sketch of Sharon drawn with charcoal pencil. You couldn’t help but cry tears of frustration and pain, tearing the sketch up and flushing it so he wouldn’t find out. You knew you made a grave mistake, even as you started snooping you knew nothing good would come out of it, yet you couldn’t help yourself. In the end you only upset yourself.
Steve got back from work shortly after with your favorite take out, he kissed you hello. He knew something was up but you simply lied and chalked it up to pms or something.
He was ever so understanding. Giving you a nice massage and drawing you a bath. You decided then, that you wouldn’t look for anything anymore. If Steve was being unfaithful you didn’t want to know. You’d rather live in this beautiful peaceful bubble of ignorance.
The next few months were tough. All your wedding planning had taken a backseat as Steve had started to look for his friend Bucky, who also happened to be the winter soldier, with Sam and Sharon.
You didn’t really have an answer when your mother pestered you about going wedding shopping. You didn’t know how to tell her that you doubted if there would be a wedding at all. It would break her heart. Especially after she had come to love Steve as much as you did.
You never complained. How could you? The whole world needed him much more than you ever could. And he didn’t seem to need you anymore.
He never had to have time for you anymore. Late nights at the offices, long missions with Sharon.
One rare night he was home for dinner, you were too busy sulking in your self pity to actually enjoy his company after he’d deprived you of it for so long.
You chose to give him the silent treatment, not speaking more than two words to him. He noticed. Of course he did, Captain America, always so perceptive and smart.
He tried to pry answers out of you for a while before his phone started ringing and he excused himself to go pick it up.
“Why do you always go into the other room to take your calls?” You asked when he got back placing his phone down on the table. Playing with your food not having the strength to look him in the eye and confront him.
He visibly stiffened at the underlying accusation in your question. He had grown annoyed of having the same discussion with you again and again. But he decided to bite his tongue. It was his job to make you feel secure in your relationship.
“It’s confidential information, doll. You know that.” He sighed.
You hummed “But you can tell me who you were speaking to right?” You finally looked up and you wished you hadn’t. He clearly wasn’t happy, his eyebrows furrowed in a frown and his jaw clenched, how you hated confrontation. Not that you ever thought you’d be confronting your Steve.
“It was Sharon.” He spit.
“Of course.” You scoffed going back to staring at your food as he rolled his eyes.
“What do you want me to say? I know you aren’t exactly fond of her but I’m not going to lie just to make you happy. Because that’s not who I am! I don’t lie.” He ranted holding up his phone “Why don’t you go through it? Maybe that will make you happy.”
You shook your head rejecting his offer. Even though you were tempted to, you knew Steve was smart. He was Captain America for gods sake. He’d know how to cover his tracks. If he didn’t want you to find something, you probably wouldn’t.
So you finished your dinner, angrily stuffing the food in your mouth while sneering at him and then left him to do the dishes.
You put yours and Steve's laundry in the washer. Even though you were salty with him you still did your half of the chores. Checking his pockets for any receipts or bills. But then you saw what looked like a shinning golden thread. You pulled at it to find that it was a long blonde hair. Which was clearly not yours.
You thought of going to Steve with it. But if you had to hear another one of his lame excuses you’d probably drown yourself.
So, for the first time, you simply went to bed angry with him. When he tried to talk to you, you retorted with a snarky or hurtful comment or didn’t speak at all. You knew just how crazy that would drive him.
You groaned for the fifteenth time in the past hour, your leg impatiently shaking under the table. He was an hour late. He was someone who took pride in always being punctual and sharp, clearly you weren’t important enough for him to consider your feelings. You decided to pick up your phone and call him.
“Where are you?!” You hissed as soon as he picked up. Too angry to even bother to say hello.
“I’m at work. I’m so sorry, doll, I won’t be able to make it. Something important came up.” He apologized. His voice laced with guilt. Which would’ve been enough to convince you maybe a month or so ago, but at this point he had missed far too many dinners and dates.
“Right. Of course. More important than me obviously.” You rolled your eyes.
“You know that’s not true – "
“You didn’t even bother calling me” You screamed into your phone.
“I did call.” He sighed “You didn’t pick up and I’m kinda busy right now.”
“Yeah I didn’t pick up! I was cooking a meal for our anniversary! You know what? I don’t care because you clearly don’t either.” You said hanging up without giving him a chance to speak.
You had packed some of the leftovers up for Steve but you decided to dump them all in the bin. He didn’t deserve your cooking.
You haphazardly threw the tupperware in the sink. Torn between punching a wall and hugging a pillow to cry out all your frustrations. You chose to rigorously scrub and wash the dishes.
Having spent some of your excess energy you sat in front of your dresser, putting some petroleum jelly on your palms to sooth the burn.
You sighed at the sight of your sparkly diamond. You couldn’t bear to look at it anymore. It reminded you of a happier and simpler time. The last thing you wanted was a complicated or dramatic relationship.
As you slid the ring off your finger placing it in your jewellery box, you couldn’t help but ponder on whether it was just as much of your fault as well.
You started packing your clothes into a small bag. Maybe you could spend a few nights at your mothers house until you can clear your head.
Steve hastily opened your apartment door with his keys. “Honey, I’m home.” He called out for you.
He rubbed his face, a nervous pit forming in his stomach. He knew he had been prioritising his work over you for weeks now, he didn’t know the extent of it until you told him off on the phone and then didn’t pick up any of his calls. He asked Sam to cover for him for the night as he made his way back home.
His enhanced hearing picked up on movements in the bedroom, he followed the sounds of your rustling, tossing his jacket on the couch.
His worst fears came true as he looked at you carelessly stuffing your clothes in a cabin bag. You spared him a glance before zipping the bag up.
He took a deep breath, he had to say the right words before he fucks up the situation more than he already has. “Sweetheart –“
“Steve, I’m leaving. I think we should take a break,” Your voice cracking a bit but you tried to be resilient and strong, you sighed as you saw the heartbroken look on his face as his jaw dropped “it’s hard for me too but it’s just not working anymore.”
“Is it hard for you?” He spit. “Everyone has problems, I just need one more chance.”
“I won’t let you break my heart again.” You swallowed as you felt tears stream down your cheeks, you wiped them with the back of your hand. “I’ll always love you but I’m tired of being disappointed and suspicious and jealous. It’s not who I am, it’s not who I want to be.”
“Wh – what do you mean suspicious?” He asked as his brows furrowed.
“I think you know what I mean. I know I’m not like a model or a kickass spy or unique. But I still want to be special to someone. I’m so...simple. I thought that was enough for you and us.”
“What are you even talking about?” He lost his composure and calm as his eyes watered, blurring his vision, he held onto your forearms, needing your touch the most right now, as if you won't leave if he held on tight enough. “I’m not special either.”
To which you scoffed. “That’s debatable.”
“It’s true. Captain America is special. He’s the superhero. I’m just Steve.”
“I know that’s what you think,” You said shaking his hands off of you and staring at the floor, not bearing to look at him “But it’s not the reality. Captain America is a part of you. And I think... maybe Captain America deserves someone extraordinary like Agent 13.” You let out a humorless chuckle.
“What the hell are you talking about?” He asked in his stern Captain voice, clenching his fists having had about enough of this.
You stiffened as a shiver ran down your spine at his tone. He had never spoken to you like that. He reserved that tone for his teammates and subordinates, and more often than not Tony. But not you. You were his precious baby.
You felt as if you were compelled to look up at him, he wasn’t crying anymore but his jaw had hardened, his face and neck flushed red. “Sharon. I mean,” You took a deep breath “I know there’s nothing between you two... probably.” you whispered as he raised a brow at you.
“But your work and duty will always come first and I know it is a good thing. But it’s not what I want. I thought I could handle it, the whole world needing you more than me and coming before me,” You spoke so lowly but you knew he could hear you, “but I can’t. I don’t think I ever will. A break will put things into perspective for both of us.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” He growled as you rolled your eyes. “How could you think those things? I need you more than anything else.” His anger was fuelled as you scoffed again, as if he was lying. “Don’t you dare hink that there’s anything past or present that I’d put before you. You’re the only thing that matters. I promise.”
“You may believe that, but your words only carry so much weight when they’re not followed up by actions. I know you’re not the cheating type,” You rambled pulling on your hair and sighing, it was all so overwhelming “I don’t know what to believe. When I go days without speaking to you – what else am I supposed to believe?”
He hesitantly snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, relieved that you didn’t stop him or push him away again, “Just give me one chance to prove myself. I know I’ll never be worthy of you but I don’t want us to give up so easily. Not without putting up a fight.” He gritted pulling your chin up as your hands played with the buttons on his shirt. “And you know how good I am at putting up a fight. I’ll always fight for you,” He smiled pulling your chin up to look at your pretty face.
“Okay,” You sniffled. “You’re always so good with words.” You smiled shaking your head.
He hummed at that. “I got you to go out with me, didn’t I?”
“What are you doing here anyway? Didn’t you have work?” you wanted to know.
He shushed you, pulling you into his chest and pressing his face in the crook of your neck. He craved your warmth and comfort especially after almost losing you. “I’ll never take you for granted again.” He nuzzled your neck before kissing it. “We can go venue hunting tomorrow. For the wedding.”
You smiled in his hold “Well I don’t know about that. Maybe the wedding planning can wait for a while.”
He hummed as he rested his chin on top of your head. He had his work cut out for him if he intended to keep you. He made a mental note of calling Tony first thing in the morning. “I hate it when we fight.” He said rocking you in his arms “But I like the making up part.”
You playfully smacked his chest. You just knew he was cheekily grinning. “I agree.” You giggled.
You hadn’t fought a whole lot throughout your relationship, but the make up sex was always amazing.
You gulped nervously as he captured your lips in a bruising and breath taking kiss. Letting you know just how much he loved you. You hummed as his hands caressed the soft skin of your ass, squeezing it lightly before he pulled you up.
You yelped as you wrapped your legs around his narrow waist. You trailed kisses down his jaw as he carried you to your bed. Giving him a nip or two here and there, smiling against his throat as you felt the vibrations of his moans.
He gently dropped you on your comfortable mattress, you giggled as you bounced.
Steve hovered above you, he was so large, he was the only thing you could look at. Your shaky hands worked on unbuttoning his shirt as he pulled your night shirt up, groaning at the sight of your soft nipples, hardening so easily at his touch. He pulled one in his mouth as he thoroughly sucked on it.
“Oh, Steve.” You moaned as his hand came up to pay some attention to your other breast, fondling it in his hand before tugging your stiff peak with his fingers. You gasped as he bit you. “Oh I’ll definitely feel that tomorrow,” You sighed pulling your shirt over your head as he made his way down your body, settling between your legs.
He looked at you as you bit your lip, your breasts laid flat as you chest heaved with anticipation. He let out a guttural sound as he saw and smelled just how aroused and wet you were for him. He licked a firm stripe up your warm folds before capturing your bundle of nerves in his mouth, harshly sucking on it as he worked you up with his fingers to get you ready for him.
The moans and mewls from your mouth and the squelching of his fingers were something akin to a symphony to his ears. He cooed as you thrashed wildly when he pulled away. “Steve!” You whined.
“Just a minute baby. You remember what we talked about? Patience.” He said as he quickly got rid of his clothes. His throbbing erection ached to be inside you. But he couldn’t help but tease his sweet girl a bit as he stroked himself above you, much to your displeasure.
He chuckled as you kicked your legs. “Patience,” He reminded you again as he bent to suck a bruise on your breast. He pulled away with a pop, pleased with the way your skin bruised under his assault, “So you’ll always remember how much I love you.” He murmured in your neck as he slowly entered your channel.
He stayed inside you just like that for a few minutes, it was comfortable like a warm hug, it felt like home because you were his home. No matter how many times he made love to you, he could never get used to how wet and tight you felt.
He sucked a few more love bites on your neck he knew you’d give him hell for later but in the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He rocked his hips, slowly and tortuously pulling out of you before pushing back in till he bottomed out, searching for your special spot, he knew he found it when you threw your head back and started blabbering nonsense.
Your hips matched his pace, trying their best to keep up with his super strength and agility. He propped himself up on his elbows, he needed to see you, see your face twist in pleasure as he did such sinful things to you. Except they rarely ever felt sinful to him. It felt as if he was expressing his love for you by pleasing you and worshipping you.
“How could you ever think I don’t care about you?” He asked not really expecting an answer, what with you being so preoccupied and your mind too far gone to listen to him, as he drove his hips up harshly.
You shook your head muttering apologises and chanting his name as he felt you clench around him. Your nails dug into his shoulders, holding onto him as your orgasm hit you in waves of pleasure.
“I need you to say it.” He demanded. His thrusts lost any sense of rhythm simply pounding into you with abandon as he chased his release. “Say that you know that I love you.” He rasped as his hips stuttered. “Say. It.” He punctuated with a few more thrusts before he emptied inside you, panting into the crook of your neck.
“I know you love me Steve.” You mumbled as you ran your fingers through his hair. “I love you more.”
You felt him shake his head as he pecked your lips. “That’s not possible.”
“Yes it is!” You huffed incredulously.
“Agree to disagree.” He stated not really in the mood to fight with you anymore as you smacked his bicep, scoffing at him before muttering a ‘whatever’ under your breath. He pulled you on top of him still connected to your heat as he felt his spend spill out of you. “Can we stay like this for a bit?” He asked somewhat shyly.
You hummed, “Yes of course.” You sleepily mumbled against his soft and warm chest.
He listened to your breathing and steady heartbeat as you slipped into a dreamless slumber.
He couldn’t sleep. He only ever slept a couple of hours every night and now after everything that perspired, he was scared he’d fall asleep and you’d be gone when he wakes up.
There was no way in hell he’d ever let you. He’d give up the shield if he had to. He was as stupidly stubborn as you if not more. He was sure he’d fix everything as he kissed the top of your head and covered the pair of you with the comforter. So you’d feel as warm and comfortable as him.
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Idk how Sharon comes off in this but no Sharon hate please! I don't have an opinion on her but I believe in girls supporting girls. Thank you😘😘
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For your bday prompt thing: stuckony, Tony has to take care of his partners after they get drunk for the first time in 70+ years.
Also, happy belated bday!!!
Thank you, nonnie! I hope you like this story! It was my first time writing something like this and I had a lot of fun working on it!
As always, everything that I write is on ao3 but I’m not providing the link because tumblr hates links
Tony would just like everyone to know that he said the Asgardian mead was a bad idea.
He said it, he did, and tomorrow morning, he’ll get to say I told you so.
Today, however, he has a very handsy Bucky and a very affectionate Steve to deal with, and he’s not sure which one is worse.
Bucky’s hand creeps towards his inner thigh for the fifth time in ten minutes and for the fifth time in ten minutes, Tony firmly removes it, placing it back in Bucky’s lap. “Nope,” he says, ignoring the laughter in Natasha’s eyes as she watches the three of them. “No, we’re not doing that.”
Bucky gives him a very pathetic pout that absolutely does not make Tony melt. “I just wanna touch it a little.”
“And I would like to not wake up with regrets tomorrow morning so hands to yourself.”
“I wouldn’t regret it,” Bucky grumbles, hands starting to wander again.
Tony sighs and firmly holds both of Bucky’s in his, keeping them right where he can see them. “I know you wouldn’t,” he says tiredly. How much mead had Thor given them? It’s been three hours, shouldn’t they be at least starting to sober up? “But I would.”
There’s a low whining sound from his left side. Tony groans and turns to Steve, who lays his head on his shoulder and blinks up at him with those big blue eyes. “You would regret us?” Steve asks sadly, mouth turned down at the corners.
Tony leans forward and drops a quick kiss on Steve’s forehead. “Yep. Drunken consent still isn’t consent even when we’re dating, and even if you both really, really want it, I like my partners to at least remember what we did.”
“I wouldn’t forget you,” Steve murmurs. “I love you.”
The words have been said before but not nearly frequently enough for Tony’s breath to keep from hitching. It still sends a thrill through his body every time he hears it. How could it not? There’d been a long time there when he’d thought he would never have anyone who would love him, and now he has two people.
“I—” he starts to say, but Steve puts a finger on his lips, shushing him.
“I especially love your eyes,” he says dreamily and reaches up to pet them, closing Tony’s eyes as he does.
“I know, babe.” And he does. Steve compliments him on his eyes all the time.
“They’re like dirt.”
Well, that’s a new one. Usually, Tony gets that they’re like whiskey, or when Steve’s in a particularly happy mood, like Bambi. Natasha nearly chokes on her laughter as Tony’s mouth twists.
“Great,” he says dryly. Bucky tugs his hands from Tony’s, who only barely notices. “Thanks, babe. A+ compliment there.”
“Dirt makes things grow,” Steve informs him solemnly.
“That they do,” he agrees, throwing Natasha a dirty look as she continues to snicker. Fuck, where’s the rest of the team when he needs them? How did he miss them all heading off to bed while he was trying to wrangle Steve and Bucky and stop them from drinking the entire contents of the barrel Thor brought back from Asgard?
“So it’s good that your eyes are like dirt.”
“Could be worse,” Natasha says. “He could have said your eyes are like manure.”
Steve’s eyes light up and Tony claps a hand over his mouth to keep him from saying that. He doesn’t think he could stand it. There are a lot of things he’s been compared to in his life, and many of them have been bad, but that would definitely be one of the worst.
“Don’t give him any ideas,” he grumbles and then yelps when Bucky’s hand lands squarely on his dick.
“James!” he hisses, scandalized. He twists in his seat, away from Bucky’s wandering hands, even if that means moving closer to Steve, who promptly latches onto him like a limpet. What is this world coming to that Tony, of all people, is horrified by some light exhibitionism? He thinks about burying his head in his hands and groaning but decides against it. There’s no telling what Bucky would do if Tony took his eyes off of him.
“Okay,” he says abruptly and stands up, dislodging Steve. “You know what? I had high hopes that we’d be able to sober up down here but that’s definitely not going to happen so we’re going to bed.”
“Together?” Bucky asks, waggling his eyebrows. It’s normally a very effective strategy, but tonight he’s too loose to look anything other than ridiculous. Tony bites back a laugh.
No encouragement.
Stand your ground, Stark.
…Even if it’s really tempting.
“Nope,” he says, popping the p. He rocks back on his heels. “You two are going to go to bed and I am going to sleep with Natasha.”
It’s the least she can do for laughing at his misfortune all evening. And besides, it’s not like they haven’t shared a bed before. Most of the team have shared a bed at one point or another. It’s a great way to deal with the nightmares they all have. And Nat’s scary enough that even Bucky won’t dare argue with her, especially once she nods and slides her hand through the crook of his elbow.
“I’d love to have you over tonight,” she says in that sly tone that means she’s rubbing this in Bucky’s face. He sighs. When did his life get so complicated? What did he do in a past life that was so bad he now has to deal with petty spies and assassins with roaming hands?
“Nat, stop teasing Bucky,” he orders. “Bucky, keep your hands to yourself. And Steve, just—” Steve gives him the biggest puppy dog eyes. Tony regrets every single time he’s ever told Steve how effective those are. “Never mind. Bed. You two are going and what you get up to once you’re there is none of my concern.”
“It could be,” Bucky says with another one of those eyebrow wiggles.
“Uh-huh,” Tony says, not impressed. “Darling, you’re so drunk you’re nearly falling over. I’d be surprised if you can even get it up.”
“Oh doll, I can always get it up for you.”
“Charming,” he says flatly.
Steve slides his hand into Tony’s free one, interlacing their fingers and swinging them, happy as a clam. Tony glances over at him and opens his mouth to say something, what he’s not sure. It’s not like this is nearly as much of a problem as Bucky’s leering is; it’s just a little awkward. Before he can say anything, Steve beams at him and lifts their joined hands up so he can press a soft kiss to the back of Tony’s. Tony shuts his mouth again and tries not to blush.
After a moment, he says, “Nat, can you take Bucky upstairs if I’ve got Steve?”
She nods. “Let’s go,  Джеймс.”
Bucky pouts but obediently follows her to the elevator. Once they’re gone, Tony turns to Steve, who promptly wraps him up in a hug. “Were we really that bad tonight?” Steve mumbles, voice muffled by Tony’s hair.
He wants to say yes, wants it to never happen again because tonight was awkward-with-a-capital-A, but he thinks of all the times Rhodey and Pepper have had to wrangle him when he had too much to drink. “Worse things have happened,” he tells him instead and nudges Steve’s jaw up so he can kiss him in that sensitive spot right under his chin.
“Good,” Steve says and finally—finally—he sounds sleepy. “I never want to cause you problems.”
Tony smiles fondly. He knows they don’t. That’s why he finds it impossible to stay mad at them when they do things like this. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you upstairs before you become deadweight.”
“You’d have to get the suit to move me,” Steve says drowsily, stumbling along with Tony as they head for the elevators.
“That’s very true.”
Natasha is already gone by the time he gets Steve into their bedroom, and fortunately, Bucky is already asleep, snoring softly as he lies facedown on the bed. “Small miracles,” Tony mutters, shoving Steve in the direction of the bathroom.
He helps Steve out of his clothes, decides against a shower—they’ve tried sleepy Steve in the shower before and it never turns out well—and eventually gets his teeth brushed. By that point, Steve is all but swaying on his feet so it’s no effort at all to get him tucked into bed beside Bucky, who must know on some subconscious level that it’s Steve next to him because he rolls over and wraps himself around Steve like he’s part octopus.
Tony smiles at the sight of them and pulls his phone out to take a quick picture before he grabs a couple things and then heads down to Nat’s floor. She’s also already in bed by the time he gets there, but she’s leaning up against the headboard, reading a book.
“Thanks,” he says wearily as he drags himself into her bathroom.
“You owe me,” she says simply. “Besides, it was easy once he realized you weren’t there. Just had to promise him you’d be coming up soon.”
“You’re a genius.” He stumbles back out of the bathroom and faceplants on the bed, burying his face into her hip. “Fuck, that was exhausting. Was I ever that bad when you were working for me? No, don’t answer that. I think we all remember that party.”
She laughs and cards her fingers through his hair. “You did well, котенок.” She pauses. “But I still took pictures.”
“…I hate you.”
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