#also it's my first set on the new laptop i hope it looks alright
dramaism · 1 year
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2x08 ‘No Funerals’ SHADOW AND BONE
Ch. 18 ‘Kaz’ SIX OF CROWS
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teencopandthesourwolf · 5 months
Stiles slams something down on the coffee table to the left of Derek's (Stiles's) laptop.
Derek is searching online, only a little psychotically, in the hope of finding a store that sells these very specific organic coffee beans he tried in a hipster coffee house recently. Derek isn't a hipster—he isn't—he just likes nice coffee, is all. Really, he should have asked the barista to find out not just the brand name but their supplier's address too because this is driving him insane. Maybe he is insane? More likely just incredibly shit at the internet, but he thinks he'd prefer to plead insanity if challenged.
Derek unknits his eyebrows and looks down at… a green thing. It's sort of feather shaped and has many spindles with bronzed edges.
It's a leaf.
His eyebrows knit themselves back together as he blinks down at the thing a couple of times.
“It's a leaf,” he says, because he doesn't know what else he's supposed to say.
Then he looks up—and back and forth at Stiles who is now pacing the apartment and alternating between clicking his fingers and flicking his thumbs and shaking his arms out at the sides of his body; his stimming can get pretty extra when he's anxious.
Derek's frown deepens with immediate concern. He must've really been deep in it with the infuriating Google searching to not have noticed the smell of Stiles's distress when his mate first arrived home.
“Hey, what's—”
“Yes, Derek, it's a leaf. It is a leaf that I brought all the way home. For you. From the cemetery.”
He's still pacing.
“Okay, well do you want to tell me—“
“It's an Apology Leaf. Obviously.”
“And, Derek, do not laugh, because—"
“I won't but could you just—“
“—this isn't funny. I'm ridiculous, I know, and I know that that's funny. But this? This is decidedly deeply unfunny, alright? This is totally not at all funny, Derek. It's like, a thing without one tiny ounce of humour in it, as in not the slightest bit funny in a gazillion sombre years. Do you hear me?” He inhales deeply, holds the breath, then blows it out harshly via puffed-out cheeks as he clicks and flails some more.
Derek hears Stiles and is of course prepared to wait for him to explain whatever this is, because Derek would wait for Stiles until the end of time, if he had to. Although that's not likely a thing to happen in any reality as this is Stiles who can't go for longer than fifteen seconds without talking. But still, Derek thinks it's the sentiment that counts. 
“You, Derek Hale, are good, and someone as good as you deserves somebody far, far better than a ratbag like me. Hence the leaf,” Stiles now tells him in a rush of even more confusing words, his chemo-signals tinged with shame for some worrying reason Derek is yet to discern.
Stiles glances over anxiously from his place of animated, mysterious penance—and then looks away again just as quickly while still trying to wear footprints into the recently painted varnish on the wooden floor of their new apartment.
Derek is clueless as to the cause of Stiles's meltdown, but neither things are a first. Stiles struggles sometimes—just like Derek does, who has plenty of his own outbursts (albeit more moody than vocal) that Stiles has to Private Dick his way through.
Derek is also trying his best not to worry too much about thinking that this is somehow his fault, so now sets his mind on attempting to marry these seemingly unrelated things in his head.
He thinks about the facts he's been presented with:
What is, at an educated guess, a Pacific Yew leaf.
Stiles's rather unhinged and self-deprecating dig at himself-slash-compliment for Derek.
...Yeah, no, he's not getting better at this game any time soon. 
“Uh,” he says helpfully, and Stiles rolls his eyes in that Do I really have to do everything myself around here? way of his which, rude.
Good job Derek loves the kook.
“It was just sitting there, on top of my mom's gravestone when I got there,” Stiles says quietly, incredulously, gesturing at the innocuous leaf.
Then he's off again with the pacing.
“And I knew, straight away, I knew,” he says, getting louder again and laughing in this accusatory sort of way, pointing somewhere into the ether, eyes manic.
Derek scratches his nose. He hopes he will soon know, too, because honestly, he's kind of blindfolded in the dark here.
“She was obviously telling me what a dipshit I was! What a douche I am! A massive ass-hat! Total loser!”
“I mean, that's mostly fair, but maybe total loser is a little strong.” Derek will often speak Stiles's language when Stiles is freaking out, using humour to try and ground him. 
Stiles carries on as if Derek hadn’t said anything.
“And I was like, Come on, mom, give me a break, will you? and she was like Seriously, Mischief? You really wouldn't let the special person in your life, your special little guy—”
“You can just say boyfriend, Stiles.”
“—come with you to the cemetery to visit me? Like, as if with that leaf she was reminding me that you are the one person who actually gets this shit, which, I do know. Of fucking course I know. And then—get this—I swear to God, Derek, I felt her literally slapping me upside the head! No fucking word of a lie, man. Like, thousands wouldn't believe me. Millions. They'd say that it must have been the wind or my incredibly vivid imagination. But I know, Der. I know that it was her,” Stiles continues with the confession without stopping for breath.
Derek has thought it before and he'll think it again: the kid's lung capacity is seriously impressive.
“And I also know that I totally should've said yes when you asked me if I wanted you to come with me to the cemetery this morning. Because the thing is, I did want you to. I really, really did. But I just… I just…”
Stiles starts slapping himself on the forehead with both his hands and Derek has had enough of that already. He gets up off the sofa and walks over to Stiles, catching those slim wrists in his grip, gentle yet firm.
“Please don't,” Derek says, imploring Stiles to stop. Derek can understand frustration, but can't stand Stiles hurting himself.
Stiles deflates a little. He then takes a step towards Derek and leans in, resting his forehead against Derek's, their noses lining up like penguins.
“I just—I should have said yes to you when you asked because I honestly, truthfully wanted you there. It's just that I've only ever been there with my Dad. And even then, not as many times as you might think. Not even Scotty has been there with me. It's just a place—it's usually something I do alone. You know?” Stiles' front teeth worry at his pretty lip. 
And yes, Derek does know.
So he says, “Because you feel guilt, right? Even though there isn't a thing in this universe or any other that you should feel guilty about.”
Guilt just for being alive. 
Slightly cross-eyed with the proximity and angle, Stiles looks at Derek in a way that says he knows just how much Derek knows about this stuff.
“Yeah. Yes, exactly. And I guess I didn't know how to be that with somebody else around.”
“But Stiles, that's completely—”
“No, Der. It isn't, actually. Because you're not just somebody else. It's you. And I'm in love with you.” Stiles finally takes a breath while Derek's heart is busy swelling to twice it's size. He will never tire of hearing Stiles Stilinski say those words to him. “And I absolutely should've trusted in that. In us.”
It is, of course, completely fine that Stiles went to the cemetery alone to visit his mother, but Derek also gets where the kid is coming from. He too takes a breath, now, a big one, because this kind of stuff doesn't come as easily for him as it does Stiles.
He swallows his nerves and pushes on.
“I love you, Stiles. And it's alright that we're not perfect. Neither of us are. Us—you and me—we're both just… Finding our way.”
After a moment, Stiles adds, “Together.”
They smile at each other like huge dorks.
“Yeah.” Derek breathes, and his heart might just burst.
Derek scents Stiles, and Stiles breathes deeply too, now. “Thanks,” he says, then Derek kisses him, just as deep and for a long while, because it's his favourite thing to do in the whole damn world.
Eventually Derek pulls back, runs a thumb over Stiles's mouth and says, “You know what?”
Stiles's brow lifts inquisitively.
Derek lets go of Stiles's wrist and takes his hand instead, leading him back to the sofa and sitting them both down squarely by the coffee table where he had been sat fruitlessly Googling not so long ago.
“I believe you,” Derek says.
Stiles frowns. “Huh?” It's his turn to be confused.
“Millions wouldn't, but I believe you, Stiles. About your mom.”
He reaches across and picks up the Apology Leaf, cradling it for a brief moment in his palm before nudging at Stiles's hand and urging him to take it, which he does.
Derek then grabs the laptop, side-eyeing his previous Google search—WHO NEAR ME SELLS PHOENIX ROAST ORGANIC COFFEE BEANS THAT TASTE LIKE HOME—and forcing himself not to get instantly sucked back into that particularly vexing nightmare, while also trying his best to angle the screen away from Stiles who, if he saw, would fall off the sofa laughing at Derek's admittedly pathetic research skills.
Not everybody is a… Technophile? Cyberpunk? Derek has no fucking clue about any of this shit.
With Stiles now passing comment on the aesthetic qualities of the Apology Leaf, Derek uses both index fingers to tap out the words of the thing he wants to look up, taking no notice of Stiles who is trying his annoying not-very-best to smirk at Derek's sorry efforts in Derek's periphery. Clicking through a few different links, this time Derek manages to find what he's after without any trouble, amazingly. He then hands the laptop over to Stiles, who carefully places the leaf down on the arm of the sofa beside him before fully taking the computer from Derek. 
Stiles purses those pretty lips of his as he scans the information on screen, squinting a little.
“Uh, well yeah. It's like you said, Der; It's a leaf. From a Yew, according to this.”
Derek rolls his eyes. “Your mother's ghost is infinitely more clever than you.” Stiles's squint deepens further. “Stiles, she is absolutely spot on about this. Just—scroll down the page a bit, dumbass,” and he ducks his head and smiles, seeing as accusing Stiles of Internet-related Dumbassery is really fucking funny because, irony. 
Stiles tuts but does as he's told.
Derek gives him a minute to read the passage on the website he found. It says:
The Yew tree can live for many, many years. It has deep connections with magic and the universe. It was regarded as the protector of the soul by the ancient Greeks. You’ll find this tree planted at many burial sites throughout the world as it’s recognized as a guardian of the dead.
It is believed that Odin (from the Nordic legend) hung himself from the Yew for nine days and nights. It’s symbolic of its everlasting and regenerative properties and is often associated with transformation and change after a difficult time. The Celtic tradition honours the Yew tree for symbolising death and rebirth.
Stiles is smiling this gorgeous, open smile by the time he's finished reading, and Derek makes an unrealistic wish to be able to keep it there forever.
“So, you were right,” Derek says, “when you said that she knew. You were just a little mixed up about what, is all.” Derek takes another deep breath. “What your mom knows is that you got the chance to begin again, Stiles. After all the shit we went through, you actually got to start over. With somebody who will absolutely protect your soul with their life.”
Stiles suddenly blinks furiously, like somebody just threw salt in his eyes.
“And you knew it, that she knew... something,” Derek smiles back, lovingly, before that smile turns a little wry. “It's just that you were kind of—now, how should I put this…?”
“No. Do not do it!” Stiles shouts—instantly catching on because he'd easily be the brightest bulb in any box—and he's pointing again, at Derek this time. “Puns are my stupid thing, you charlatan, and I can and will sue!” he warns, outraged yet smiling again as he wipes at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
“—barking up the wrong tree,” Derek finishes, his smile now positively wolfish.
Stiles shakes his head and narrows his eyes, but he's chuckling, too as he says, “You do remember that it's you who's the canine in this relationship, right, 'wolf? If anybody's going to be making barking sounds, it's you.”
“Speciesist,” Derek quips.
Stiles pokes his tongue out. Then he's quiet for a few seconds (but definitely no more than fifteen).
“You know, I really was wrong when I said you deserve better than me. We actually absolutely deserve each other, Hale. Because it turns out we are both humongous assholes.”
After a moment, Derek grins more.
“Well, I would have answered that with I love my asshole, but you had to go and use the word humongous, and there's no way I would say that about my asshole—even though I would have technically been talking about you when I said it, seeing as it's actually you that is my favourite asshole.” And he pulls a rare, goofy face, just for Stiles, who laps it up. “Also, thinking about it, I would also have to say that loving my actual asshole is, in fact," he points at Stiles, “your job.” 
Stiles dramatically slaps a hand over Derek's mouth.
“Oh my God, Derek, stop! My ghostly mother could be listening in to us right now! Jeez, dude, have a little decorum, won't you?!” And if Stiles saying that isn't ironic, Derek really doesn’t know what is.
“Sorry, mom!” 
Grinning even more, Derek pushes Stiles's hand away from his face.
“Hey, wanna know the coolest thing?” he asks.
“Why in the name of anything sacred did you bother posing that as a question, Der? Like, when would I ever say no to that?”
Derek leans over and kisses Stiles again, soft and languid this time. The boy's lips are dry and warm and he tastes just like autumn.
Stiles hums and smiles into Derek's mouth as if he really, truly does love Derek. 
After another glorious moment, Derek pulls back, looks at Stiles and says, “Yew trees aren't even native to this part of California.”
for @greyhavenisback my beloved <3 sorry i'm a dipshit, douche, massive ass-hat and a total loser, sometimes xp
(i got the info on tree symbolism HERE btw)
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1d1195 · 22 days
The Balcony Extra I
You can read the rest here: The Balcony
~2.2k words
This is the last update from the last round of voting. I'll have a new round of voting posted soon. I have some really fun ideas for the next set :)
Warnings: vomit/sick (it's not described, more so mentioned. But just to be sure.) I promise it's really not going to continue to be a theme with my writing. I just didn't know what to do with them tbh. I hope you enjoy--particularly this sweet anon who thought about them two years after I first wrote about them 😭💕
It was overwhelming and Harry swallowed watching as she mopped up his mess. He wanted to scoop her up and put tuck her into bed like the day he burst into the very apartment they were in now protecting her from her ex.
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The balcony was still their favorite spot. Now that Harry had moved into her apartment officially, they only had one. There was something about having two, the will-they-won’t-they kind of vibe. When they shared Chinese food across the slatted posts or when she straddled the rail to get back into her place when Harry got home late. There were so many pieces that felt like they were missing now that they only had one. They put plants on tall tables (even a small lemon tree) to make a wall for their new neighbors.
They were squished when they were out there, two little seats and their space heater along with all the plants made for very little room. It was cozy and they loved it, but it was different. Working from home was different. Everything was different. Good. Perfect, even. But different.
It had been three years of their routines and schedules. Interrupted by weekend getaways, work trips, girl’s nights out, and family holidays. The sex was incredible as that very first time. She still did chores in an oversized shirt that barely covered her underwear. So, chores took twice as long when Harry noticed because he reminisced and thought back to the days when he was falling for her from afar (even if afar was just one little half wall between them).
Harry returned from the office and found her laptop open on the island while she continued cooking. She had been fighting a stomach bug, so it was good to see her cooking. Soup by the looks of it. Something so as not to upset her further.
“Hey kitten,” he called gently putting his keys on the table by the door and slipping his shoes off.
“Hi, Harry,” she sounded so sweet, so smiley. It was his favorite way to be greeted. “Sorry, guys, it’s dinner time,” she told her laptop. Harry blushed, feeling bad he interrupted her call unbeknownst to him and that he called her kitten in front of her students. “Check out the notes on Blackboard.”
Sorry! He mouthed.
She shook her head easily with a smile. She said her final goodbyes to the people on screen. Once her laptop was shut, he felt relief that he could freely chat with her. “I had extra office hours because I’ve been sick and out for the count,” she explained and turned back to the stove. “I told them I had to make something to eat at the same time or I would die so they also got my cooking show in addition to math help.”
Harry looked at the face of their fridge with a dry erase marker filling the silvery complexion with complicated equations that he didn’t understand. He snorted and she smiled shyly. “Sorry, I’ll clean it.”
“Don’t,” he shook his head. “S’cute,” he assured her. It was. The way her brain worked, even thinking to draw on the fridge was adorable. It was so cute Harry wanted nothing more than to frame the door of the appliance and put it in the living room. He put his lunch Tupperware in the sink and turned back to her stirring the soup. “Y’okay?” He asked.
“Yup, only threw up once since this morning,” she sighed and shook her head. “I hope you don’t get sick.”
Harry didn’t even feel an inkling of feeling unwell. They had eaten the same foods for the last few days, so food poisoning didn’t seem suspicious either. “I think I’ll be alright,” he cupped her face and pressed his lips on her forehead. She didn’t feel warm or clammy. “Y’feel cool,” he murmured turning to the fridge and filled his water bottle from the spout.
She shook her head returning to stir the soothing mixture on the stove. “It’s so weird. I don’t feel sick until I’m actively sick, you know?” She shrugged. “Oh, well.”
It was hard to believe that two heavily educated people didn’t figure it out sooner. But the moment it popped into his head Harry gasped. He dropped his bottle, and the ice and water covered his socked feet. “Shit,” he whispered.
“I got it!” She hurried to the closet with their cleaning supplies. Harry picked up the ice cubes and tossed them into the sink. When she returned with the mop, Harry was staring at her. Like he had never seen her before. It wasn’t earthshattering for her. This moment. The moment he realized. It didn’t matter. He would have it for himself. This perfect, beautiful girl that he was so lucky to know...
So lucky to live with and be with and to have her worry about him.
It was overwhelming and Harry swallowed watching as she mopped up his mess. He wanted to scoop her up and put tuck her into bed like the day he burst into the very apartment they were in now protecting her from her ex.
He tried to refill the bottle, but he nearly overfilled it again, his hand getting wet. “You sure you’re not getting sick?” She asked dragging the mop over his feet playfully at the second, minor spill. He shook his head, swallowed.
“No, sorry. Distracted.”
“I got dinner covered, you can go lounge if you want,” she smiled sweetly. “I was laying down most of the day. I feel like a bum. I was thinking about going to the gym after I eat just to feel productive.”
Harry shook his head. He didn’t want her lifting anything, didn’t want her running on the treadmill, or stepping on the stepper. “Y’don’t need to, kitten. M’jus...” he trailed off. He didn’t know if he was right, it was an assumption. “Jus’ a little tired. But y’should sit,” he suggested. “Y’don’t feel well.”
She shrugged. “I feel alright now. I feel lazy.” Harry didn’t want to tell her that growing another human inside her was the least lazy thing she could do. As far as he was concerned, she could do nothing for the next nine months. His eyes dropped to her stomach briefly, like it would suddenly round with the baby he suspected was forming. She didn’t notice.
He was adamant. “Y’not lazy,” he assured her. “Why don’t—”
“Here taste this,” she held a spoonful of the soup out. “Does it need more salt?” She asked. With his gaze locked on her eyes, he let her feed him.
“S’good,” he promised.
She tilted her head at him. Her eyebrows pinching together. “You sure you’re okay?” She repeated.
He nodded. Trying to remember everything about the moment. She didn’t know, he did. It was surreal. There was going to be a little one that looked like him, looked like her. They were going to be parents and she didn’t even know. “M’okay.”
She shrugged and grabbed two bowls out of the cabinet and then returned the broom to the closet. Harry grabbed the edges of the island counter and took a deep breath. They would have to abandon the apartment. The balcony. It was going to be hard, but it would be so worth it.
How did she not know?
When she returned, she ladled soup into the bowls and handed Harry his before she situated herself on the stool behind the sink. “Do we have any plans this weekend?”
Making a baby registry? Telling his mum? Finding a house and decorating a nursery? “Nothing comes t’mind, kitten,” he murmured sitting beside her.
“Louis was wondering. He wants to go out and drink or something.”
“Uh...” he swallowed. “M’not really in a drinking mood.”
“You’re not in a drinking mood?” She repeated. “You know you’re not going to be in a drinking mood three days from now?” She asked. “Harry,” she rolled her eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
He took a deep breath and turned to her. “Do y’think y’might be pregnant?” He asked.
She dropped her spoon back into her soup and spun to face him as well. Their knees bumped together. “Am I what?”
“Well...y’don’t feel well. But only when y’actively don’t feel well. Then...I don’t remember y’having bad cramps since June,” he reminded her. It was over two months ago. “I don’t feel sick,” he told her.
He watched her pretty face and now wild eyes process all Harry’s logical assumptions. She jumped from the stool and ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut. He followed her immediately. Knocked gently. “Kitten?” He asked nervously. “Are y’okay?”
She didn’t answer.
“Kitten?” He repeated knocking again. He hadn’t anticipated a negative reaction. She wanted kids. They both did. They talked about it many times over. “Baby?” He hummed. “Can y’tell me if y’okay? Need something?”
“I just...” she sounded scared. “I just need a minute.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded; nerves made sense. “Are you alright?”
She didn’t respond for a moment. “I don’t know.”
“Can you open the door?” His voice started to hitch, worry plaguing him immediately. Poor thing.
“I’m peeing on a stick, Harry. Please just...” she sighed. Frustration was heavy in her tone. He was surprised she already had a pregnancy test there. He would have to ask about that later.
“Kitten,” he gently tried the door, but it was locked. “What’s—”
“Harry, I just need a minute!”
He stepped back from the door and leaned against the opposite wall. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited silently. He heard her sigh repeatedly. The shuffle of her perhaps pacing the small bathroom floor. The sound of the toilet flushing. More moments that he would memorize for eternity.
The three minutes felt like hours. He wanted to see her, wanted to know what was wrong. A timer went off from inside the bathroom. He pushed off the wall and she opened the door holding the plastic stick out to him. “I can’t look.”
“Kitten,” he frowned grabbing it from her and sticking it in his pants pocket without looking. “What’s wrong?” Harry was still in his suit pants. No jacket. The sleeves rolled to his elbows. He was so pretty. It was unfair. She kept her eyes at his feet. Still damp from his water spill.
“You have to look,” she whispered.
“I will, but y’have t’tell me what’s wrong, kitten. Y’making me nervous.”
“We’d have to move,” tears welled in her eyes.
“So?” She sniffed. “This is where we fell in love. It’s where we had sex for the first time. That balcony is more important to me than the entire square footage of this place in total.”
“Kitten,” he frowned.
“Don’t you care—”
“Baby,” he shook his head. Before she could finish her question, he pulled her toward him. He was gentle as he squeezed her, fearful of the baby being squished between them. “Of course I care ‘bout that.”
“Kitten,” he tutted. “We’ll get a house with a balcony. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll make sure y’have whatever y’want. Y’can’t be sad ‘bout that.”
She sniffled more, only solidifying Harry’s assumption without even looking at the test in his pocket. “But this is...” she sniffled. “I love it here.”
“I love it too, kitten. But we need more room if we have a baby. A lot of babies.”
She frowned, pulled from him slightly. He wiped his thumbs below her eyes to rid her of the wet tears that soaked her cheeks. “You must think I’m ridiculous,” she pressed her forehead against his body again. He wrapped his arms around her again.
“No more than usual,” he chuckled into her hair and reached for the test in his pocket. He looked at it over her shoulder and smirked. Returned it back to his pocket.
“What’s it say?” She mumbled into his shirt.
“I love you,” he kissed the top of her head.
“It definitely doesn’t say that.”
“Y’don’t think your pee could love me?”
“Harry!” she pinched his sides at his silliness.
“Say it back, first.”
“It’s going to be really unfair that you knew I was pregnant before I did,” she grumbled.
He pushed her away again just far enough to meet her gaze. He smiled at her, that lazy smile he had about him that made her blood warm throughout her body. She forgot why she was grumpy with him. Even if it wasn’t that serious. She already knew what the test said in the pit of her stomach. The swing of her mood flipping like a switch. His expression was soft. Like he was holding a crystal vase from the seventeen hundreds and if he looked at it too hard it would break.  “Say it,” he whispered.
It was like she wasn’t in control of her own voice or movements. Not that she didn’t want to say it. She did. All the time. So, it was easy to whisper, “I love you.”
For the third time he pulled her back to him and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll have t’see if we can find a baby swing for the balcony.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist for more of my writing.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
You need some down time (Pierre Gasly)
You thought you had been able to adjust your routine to Pierre's calendar, but your body showed otherwise
Note: english is not my first language. This can also work as an alert for you (and for me too tbh) to take care of yourself and listen to your body. You should work on your dreams but also rest whenever you need ✨️ also, I feel like I can finally write about remote work without having flashbacks from my dissertation
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader's excessive tiredness (mentions some symptoms and taking pills for headaches)
"Then we are meeting Esteban there, we'll have to present a talk to the group of sponsors and then we have dinner", Pierre explained.
"And you're sure I can get there on time and not bother? I don't want to make a big entrance where everyone looks at me", you chuckled, "no, it's fine. They're waiting for you already, so you won't be a stranger", he smiled, "I'll just send you the ticket so you have it on your phone", your boyfriend added, hearing you fumble with a plastic medicine wrapper, "is everything alright?", he asked looking up from his phone to see you taking what looked like a paracetamol, "just a little headache, probably have been staring too long at the computer", you reasoned back, drinking some water from your bottle, "is that the bottle you filled this morning? If it is, you're not drinking much water either, and that's not good for you, mon ange", Pierre said pulling you gently so you could lay your head on his chest, "you know I've always been terrible at drinking water".
Like Pierre told you, the guy at the front of the event scanned your ticket, immediately seeing on the computer where he should be escorting you, already seeing a few familiar faces as you made your way to the high tables, seeing your boyfriend and his new teammate along with some of the members of the Alpine PR Team, "Hi everyone! So sorry I was late. The meeting went long and then the traffic here from the hotel was not easy either", you noted, standing next to Pierre, "you look lovely, Y/N, I'm glad you could join us at last", Esteban complimented.
"Thanks, Yuki!", you said, and to anyone else, they thought it was automatic, "sorry, Esteban", you apologised, laughing when the French driver laughed too.
The dinner turned out to be a nice and calm setting, contrasting with the excitement and buzz of the previous event, "do you want some dessert to share? I'm fancying something sweet but I don't think I can eat all of it", you mentioned to Pierre, looking around the menu and deciding on what you wanted to order.
Leaving the restaurant, you latched yourself to Pierre's arm, supporting yourself on him as you walked to the car he had driven there, "are you busy tomorrow?", he asked, "yes, the usual. But I think I'm going to clock in later, I think, a meeting has been pushed", you mumbled, yelping when you felt yourself stumble in your heels even though you know how to walk in them just fine, "nearly fell there, are you good?", your boyfriend asked, "it seems, yes. But I'm good".
The ring of your phone brought your attention from your laptop to the smaller device, seeing Pierre's mother contact appear for a video call.
"Hi, Pascale, how are you?", you asked, saving the changes you made to the document on your laptop before paying her you full attention, "I'm great, chérie. How have you been doing? I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time!", she nudged, "no, it's fine. Perks of working remotely, I don't need to worry about my boss breathing down my neck since I just need to meet the day's goals", you joked, looking at your planner, "and I'm nearly done for the day", you smiled.
Without your control, your hands trembled a little and you were unable to grasp your phone properly, leaving it to fall on the carpeted floor, "Y/N, is everything okay?", you heard Pascale say, "sorry, Pascale, my phone just slipped from my hands", you explained as you grabbed it, checking for any scratches and seeing none, "butter fingers, hm?", she giggled, bringing a small smile to your face, "more like sweaty fingers, I guess".
When Pierre arrived back from his event, he found you just the moment you shut the lid of your laptop, "Only finishing now, amour?", he asked, kissing the top of your head, "yes. Your mother also called me so I had a good break between my tasks", you noted, getting up and grabbing the remote control for the AC to turn it off since the room had cooled off enough, "now, what do we have for tonight?", you asked, "for a change, I don't have anything. Do you want to go explore the city or just sit here?", he wondered, "can we stay in, please? My head hurts a little, probably from being at the laptop all day", you mumbled, "room service and dim lighting it is then".
Finally, you were going home. It had been an intense couple of weeks and you were oozing forwards to spend some time with Pierre and his family without a tight schedule filled with events.
Arriving at the airport, Pierre was quick to get everything ready and you were waiting in line with the time perspective you had expected, greeting the crew and making your way inside the aircraft.
"Here, my love, you can hold my hand", you nudged, knowing that Pierre wasn't the biggest fan of flying, feeing him squeeze your palm.
"Hi, I'm so sorry to inform, but the flight will leave with a delay. The estimate is around forty five minutes", one of the flight attendants apologised, carrying on to inform the rest of the passengers.
"For Goodness sake", you mumbled, groaning slightly ad you felt Pierre squeeze your hand again, "I'll just text my dad that we'll arrive later", he mentioned, grabbing his phone and doing so. "Sorry, I know it's not the end of the world", you mumbled, letting your head rest on his shoulder and closing your eyes for a bit, "it's okay, hopefully soon they'll have some informations", Pierre offered, holding your hand in his and kissing the side of your head.
When you finally landed, you grabbed your bags and walked to the hall where you'd be meeting Jean, "I've never been so happy so see your father, I swear", you mumbled, walking up to the older Gasly man and allowing him to greet you and carry your bags to the car.
Walking up to the bedroom you'd be staying in, you managed to take your pyjamas out along with your toiletries bag, changing out of your clothes, washing your face and brushing your teeth before you met Pierre in bed, "I've been dreaming of this bed for the entire day", you groaned as you finally felt the fresh sheets on your legs, looking forward to cuddle Pierre for the night, "sleep tight, handsome, I love you", you offered, "Good night, mon ange, I love you too", he whispered before kissing your forehead one last time for the night.
Despite his usual routine and his sleep routine working like a clock, Pierre managed to sleep for a little bit longer than usual, opening his eyes to find you curled up on yourself and still facing him, making him brush some hairs away from your eyes and caress your cheek, admiring your features. Your skin was a little more faded than usual, and the circles under your eyes were darker, but hopefully this holiday would help you restore your energies. When you didn't wake up from his touches, he thought it was best to leave you to rest, getting up and tucking you further in, putting on a t-shirt and heading dowstairs to meet his family.
"Bonjour, dear, did you sleep well?", his mother greeted him, kissing his cheek as he poured himself a glass of water, "bonjour, yes, I did, and it seems Y/N is sleeping quite well, too. She's still in deep sleep", he noted, seeing his father arrive in the room.
"Bonjour everyone, I have fresh pastries and bread!", Jean announced, setting the paper bags on the table, "I have Y/N's favourites too, they were nearly running out but I managed to grab a few", he said, looking around for you, "she's still asleep. Although I'm not sure dreamland wins over these croissants", Pierre said, taking one straight from the bag and biting into it.
By now, Pierre started to get worried. Everytime he went upstairs to check on you, you were still sound asleep and not a sign that you'd wake up soon. "Is she coming down? I can warm up some of the croissants", Jean commented when his son came back, "thank you, but no need. She's still sleeping", Pierre murmured, sitting in the sofa next to his mother, "she must've been exhausted", she reasoned, "every time I called either of you, you were either about to fly somewhere or needing to be at some event, I even interrupted her a few times while she was working and you were off somewhere", she reasoned, "it wasn't easy on her, that's for sure".
The words resonated on Pierre's mind. It had been a couple of busy weeks, even he felt it. Travelling around so he could engage with the new team he was part of was as incredible as it was tiring, and having you there was the safe haven he needed whenever he felt a little lost. But had you been taking care of yourself for all of that time too? Was he the person you turned to when you needed to feel safe too?
About an hour and a half later, you woke up, cursing yourself as soon as you looked at the clock and scrambled out of bed so make yourself look presentable. Deciding that, for now, leggings and an oversized shirt would have to do, you made your way downstairs to greet everyone, "Good morning! I'm so sorry I overslept, I swear I didn't do it on purpose!", you apologised, seeing Pierre make his way to you so he could hug you a kiss your cheek, "hey, is everything alright?", he asked, holding your hand in his and pulling you to sit by the table, seeing his parents get started on what you figured was already lunch, "yes, I'm good. Let me help with that, please, Pascale. It's the least-", you attempted before being shushed by her.
"No need for that, chérie. But we do want to talk about how you are", she said softly, "you had us worried for a bit, I kept telling Pierre to check if you had a fever or something like that", she tried, knowing that you had already noticed where she was going.
Sighing, you placed your hands on top of the table fiddling wirh your fingers, "honestly? I feel a little rested, but not fully rested", you admitted, "it's been a lot these past couple of weeks. Work has been non stop, I have been covering some of my colleagues' vacation days, I feel like I'll need a few days to unwind even. The first thing I thought about when I woke up was that I was late for a meeting such is the habit to be in a squeeze of time", you gulped, "it has been a struggle, and I'm just grateful to finally have some down and off time", you finished, squeezing Pascale's hand that found yours on the cold surface.
"I know you don't need me to tell you this, but you need to take care of yourself, Y/N! You can't go around the day and sleep so little, we saw how busy you were!", she scolded still softly, meaning no harm and rather wanting to help you and make sure you took care of yourself and your well-being. "These days you're here, you're catching up on your sleep, eating good food, having some down time and taking care of yourself, I won't allow anything else under my roof!", Jean jokingly threatened, pointing his finger at you before smiling.
Pierre was looking like you expected him to. "Hey, no guilty frown, please!", you tapped your boyfriend's forehead, hoping to soften his expression, "you had your own things to worry about, and besides, it's also my doing because I didn't want to say anything", you admitted. "But still! I saw you were getting up earlier so you could meet me later, saw that you'd have quick lunches and how you felt more tired. I thought it was all jet lag and being busy, but it was more than that", he reasoned, tracing shapes on your hands, "it's all behind us now, okay?", you reassured, nuzzling your face in his neck when he pulled you into his embrace.
"Now, how about you two go enjoy some croissants outside? Despite the cold, it is a lovely sunny day outside. Just make sure you're warm enough, okay? I don't want anyone sick in this house!", Pascale announced, placing the food tray in the oven.
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roomsofangel · 4 months
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synopsis in which you were always the type to push down and never confront your past and the feelings that came with it — all of the pain and regret. but now you’re back at where it all started, having no choice but to face it and feel everything all at once
warnings none right now!
wc 849
if you’d like to be added to the taglist please either send an ask in my inbox or leave a comment to be added to the taglist! reblogs and comments are also very appreciated! ^_^
your eyes burned into your laptop screen, the amount of times your finger had clicked to refresh only made you grow more dizzy with a nauseated stomach
and at first, you found yourself dancing around your room in your big tee shirt and knee socks about the career you hoped to make a possibility again — going on tour with TRAPNEST had to be your big break from what you heard about them, and maybe.. you should have done more research on their music, all you knew was the two of you had the same genre and the rivalry your last band seemed to strike with them last year. even now, three years later, BLACKSTONES seemed to be somewhat of a force to be reckoned with.
but now it was all settling in the further you read the email, seeing how you will be back to the one place you avoided for so long. the italic text in bold advising to let them know whether you were a solo artist or a band made you chew on your fingernails, nearly missing the cuticle and you wondered if your past bandmates would want to do this with you again.
mingi was still attached to your hip, he was there when you began even filling out the spreadsheet. your head tilted back, letting out a groan while your palms flatly hit your mattress a few times. face scrunched, you leaned over to grab your cellphone, typing into the old and nearly collecting dust blackstones groupchat.
‘anyone up for round two?’
after pressing send, you set your phone face down, not wanting to see your screen light up just yet with whatever they sent in and brought your knees to your chest, letting your forehead fall gently onto them as you sighed. the rain hitting your window only matched your melancholy, what if this time ended up like the last?
“alright, we should be good.”
seonghwa set his bass down, wiping the trickle of light sweat off his forehead while moving his black hair out of his eyes, “so trapnest, huh?” he leaned forward to grab his water bottle, opening it up and taking gulps
mingi sat at his drumset, messing with the drumsticks while he nodded along, “bringing back a rivalry that we never knew started.” mingi laughed, and seonghwa shrugged with a laugh following after, setting his water down and focusing back on hongjoong who just walked in with another guitar pick
“there wasn’t very many bands like that at the time,” hongjoong shrugged, handing seonghwa a new guitar pick, “besides we’re touring with them and maybe now that beef can be squashed.”
you laughed, “since when do you use beef for drama?” messing with the strings on hongjoong’s bass
the other two laughed alongside you, hongjoong letting out a huff before smiling and taking his bass back so he could properly tune it again, “i blame that one over there,” hongjoong’s voice slightly muffled from his guitar pick between his teeth, head motioning to mingi who only grinned behind his drumset
plopping down onto the beanbag, you tilted your head back with a light groan, “we haven’t done this in forever..” your voice light, staring up at the ceiling that still had fading sharpie doodles from years ago
“three years,” seonghwa noted, sitting next to you on the other beanbag by your right, “are you sure you want to?”
you could only hum back in response, exhaling the deep breath you were holding in before shifting your head to the side to see seonghwa better, the male messing with his chipped nail polish while looking at hongjoong who strummed his bass, mumbling lyrics of one of your songs. “it’s just crazy seeing us back in this room again,” you shook your head in disbelief, turning back to look at the ceiling. “i never thought i’d be here again, much less, going on tour.”
hearing a light chuckle, you could see seonghwa from the corner of your eye nod his head in agrement, “you and me both.”
“what have you been up to since then?” you asked, messing with your nails
seonghwa sighed, head tilted back with a gulp, his adams apple more prominent, “quit music for a while and explored who i was.” he turned to you, giving you a thin lipped smile and you nodded your head. if anyone understood you, it was always going to be seonghwa.
“alright! i finally got this fucker to sound like it used to,” hongjoong’s loud enthusiasm filled the room
shaking your head, you laughed and stood up, going back to your mic stand. seonghwa looked at hongjoong with a grin before following-suit, getting back to his usual format and grabbing his bass, “the ol’ joong special?” he amused
hongjoong glanced at seonghwa with a smile, nodding, “the ol’ joong special,” he echoed with a toothy grin
and for the first time in three years,
you were with your best friends making music again. it felt just like the beginning, but you prayed this will have a different ending.
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a-smol-cosplayer · 1 year
Okay here is my master list of Wyler fic recs cause literally two people asked and I cannot control myself.
Psa I have probably read at least 70% of the fics on this tag in ao3 however these are my bestest/favourite ones. most of them are ongoing bc this fandom is hella new but still :) pls check ratings and tags before u read obvi. Also none of these fics are out to hurt u (as far as I’m aware) some of the longer ones might have angst but I’m here for relationship, plot and fluff rather than angst and pain (we go enough of that in the show). Some of the ongoing ones have updates every two/three days? Some haven’t updated since I have read them but most of them are under a week and a half old so I still have hope. There are ordered in shortest to longest in each category 
alright enough chitter chatter, buckle ur seatbelts people here we go!!
Ocean Blue Eyes, Looking In Mine (I Feel Like I Might, Sink And Drown And Die) - cute Wyler one shot where they are dating at nevermore, after season 1, {1,876 words}
Grocery shopping in c minor - alternate au grocery store, Tyler works there, love the fact that he’s still super sweet but slightly unhinged, characterisation on point, {3,759 words}
A Half Life - Tylers pov of the first ep or so, kinda angsty bc its Tyler and he’s struggling, but still nice, not sure if its technically Wyler but its got the vibes {4 chaters but only 4,272 words}
Yeah, all you did was smile (‘cause I’m a mastermind) - canon divergent but still similar story line, Tylers pov, love how they have chemistry, no hyde Tyler but still really good, {8,536 words}
In progress - y’all don’t understand, I religiously check these for updates every single day
What if… you helped me change? Basically what could have happened after the kiss in ep 7, minor kidnapping but we forgive him bc he was freaking out, no real ‘hyde Tyler’ more like ‘idk how this happened but I want to make it better Tyler’ {3 chapters, 3,592 words so far}
I never fell again - only really the set up so far, Wednesday comes back to school and finds that Tyler has come back and is enrolled in nevermore, she hates (misses) him so much, na they love each other {4 chapters 5,505 words so far}
On Wednesdays we dance - wednesday buys a laptop and enters a horror writing group, and yet, one prompt is about a date, and Tyler offers so that he can have real life experience, another wednesday style date which is so cute, I really love this fic its super fluffy and nice {2/3 chapters 5,733 words so far}
Perfect Match - READ THE TAGS (is rated T but really should be M/E) not much plot just wyler smut, and unholy use of the gates mansion, set after season 1 ends, also slightly off topic, but I like the hc that wednesday eats dried strawberries, idk why but I love it, anyways, read at ur own warning, {3/4 chapters finished 7,387 words so far}
Frump Family Curse - from ep 8 into post season 1, we get some obsessed wyler at the start, and then, build on each of the characters for upcoming chapters, shaping up to be a really good fic. Also surprise Gomez and Donovan friendship over there cute murder children, 100% support {4 chapters 9,111 words so far}
Woe to do with two soulmates - Wednesday has 2 soulmate marks (writing of their first words to her, I think we know where this is going👀) and doesn’t know which one she wants yet, deals with Wednesday and feelings and well and our adorable barista, some angst cause ew laurel but still really good, sort of plot twist?/something I didn’t expect but I’m glad it happened in chap 8 {9 chapters and 11,498 words and counting}
My unconquerable soul - wyler, mostly after season 1 in the break, tags!! And ratings!! Please!! They are psycho but psycho for each other, some light kidnapping, the hyde side of Tyler appears a little, some angst but mostly dark fluff {10 chapters, 12,749 words so far}
A Girl and her Monster Of Woe - post season 1, wednesday realising that she actually liked and missed him, in her own dark way obvi, setting up for them to meet again, sort of adresses how Tyler can stay and not be charged, yet again pls read rating and tags {7 chapters, 13,266 words so far}
Woeful - wednesday comes in wondering about Hydes and the cute barista seems to know an awful lot about them👀 basically, Tyler knows he’s a hyde, but!! He isn’t the one murdering people, developing some alternate plot line which seems really good so far, plus wednesday and Tyler being cute in the weathervane {7 chapters, 13,906 words so far}
She’s mine - I know I keep telling y’all to check ratings but I don’t want any ‘I didn’t realise’ complains, basically Tyler realised that he fucked up and wednesday is actually his mate (I dislike that word but oh well) and basically fixes his mistakes in ep 8 ect ect, goes slightly further, loving the surprise Tyler/ajax friendship that comes with dating enid/wednesday, also good Adams adopting Tyler vibes {10 chapters 20,203 words and counting}
Just the Two (Three) of Us - wednesday if she’s known about the hyde from the beginning, I really love this fic, lots of wyler connection and chemistry and stuff, trust me, its good, the characterisation and writing is excellent {7 chapters 22,728 words so far}
You can occupy my every sigh - wyler!! Literally my fav fic rn, Tyler already goes to nevermore, has its own plot line sorta, pls check the tags and rating before reading, Wednesdays characterisation is so good, got some Tyler/enid friend vibes as well, soulmates? Bonded? Something? idk its really good and super long - {11 chapters, 123,607 words and counting}
okay thats it!! let me know what u think in the comments, also if u have good fics that I haven't put on here I'm always open to more recs :)
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jigujellee · 2 years
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THROUGH WITH YU -> karina yu hates your guts and you don't really know why. | read part 2 here!
karina x reader angst word count: 3.8k warnings: there might be a swear word or two, nothing crazy
a/n: wow, another fic in less than 2 weeks? who is she? lol i'm jk but the first part to the karina enemies to lovers college au is here! there's only two parts, so hopefully, i should be able to get it out soon. don't worry, i'm also working on the requests you've all sent me so please look out for those. take care everyone, thanks for reading!
smu was home to numerous intelligent and hard working students who were slowly losing their sanity every day in order to achieve their future. if they weren’t burying their faces in their laptops or textbooks, students were drowning themselves in caffeine as they desperately try to work through the hell known as university. it’s definitely not easy for most, but then there are people like karina who make the university life look so easy.
karina yu graduated from kwangya high as valedictorian and received a full grant scholarship at smu where she is now a biomedical student with a dream to pursue a career in medicine. she also manages to maintain the top spot in the entire school while being the captain of the swim team and balances a part time job. the girl’s credentials are unmatched, you’d think she doesn’t have a social life but no. everybody and their grandmothers know exactly who karina is, and with a god given face, brain, and talent like hers, who wouldn’t be drawn to her? dubbed as the campus goddess, she captures the hearts of anyone who glances her way. karina could care less about the title though. she was nice to everyone she encountered and remained humble despite being treated like royalty at school. so when everyone’s attention is focused on something else, or rather someone else, karina suddenly becomes intrigued.
“alright class, that wraps it up for today. don’t forget, your assignments on DNA mutagenesis are due next Friday so i hope most of you have at least started on it”
as soon as the campus goddess finished typing up her last few notes, she sets a quick reminder for herself to finish the references for the assignment. karina’s work ethic was something every student dreamed to have in a perfect world, hence why it isn’t uncommon for students to ask her for help every now and then. her best friend ningning is a perfect example of these said students.
“so you’re going to help me with my assignment, right?” the blonde says, not even sparing a glance to karina as her eyes remained glued on her phone.
“ning, why do you still have to ask? i’ve been helping you with your assignments since we were in high school. but let me remind you that you’re smart enough to do it on your own. maybe if you spent less time on your phone, you would’ve gotten it done early”
“thanks for the ted talk but you know i gotta stay updated with the tea around here”
“right, so what’s new gossip girl hm?”
“well, jeno recently got injured after their last basketball game so he’s sitting out for the next few. then there’s yeji and ryujin who got into a pretty nasty fight and people are saying they still haven’t talked it out”
“isn’t it gonna be their 3 year anniversary in a few weeks? i hope they resolve things soon”
“well well well, would you look at that? seems like someone is fairly updated too” ningning chuckles and finally tears her eyes away from the phone to find karina putting her stuff away into a tote bag.
“you live and breathe tea and drama, and unfortunately, i’m the only one who has to hear all of it since i’m pretty much the only friend you have,” karina jokes.
“you make me laugh miss yu,” her best friend says dryly as rolls her eyes and continues to scroll through her phone once more. “oh, and there’s a new student coming in today. apparently they’re coming all the way from canada,” ningning turns off her phone and grabs her bag before sticking her arm out so that karina could link arms with her. the latter didn’t care much about the new transferee, not with her empty stomach practically ringing in her ears.
“yeah yeah whatever, let’s go grab lunch. i’m starving” she links her arms with ningning and the two make their way to the campus cafeteria.
they were greeted with crowds of students, which wasn’t a new sight to the two. almost all of campus knew karina ate in the cafeteria during lunch so they would always have an audience as they ate in peace. what was surprising to karina was that the students weren’t swooning over her like they usually do. instead, they were running right past her and making their way to the table where karina and ningning usually sat. confused, karina looks over at her best friend.
“why is everyone rushing to get over there? we’re not even there yet”
“you think i would know? i was beside you this entire time. but it looks like someone is sitting there already, i can’t see who it is though”
a girl in front of the two overhears their conversation before realizing who it was and immediately moves out of the way to let them pass. everyone else followed suit and the two manage to get a clear view of who was causing such a big crowd. they walk towards the table, but even as they get closer, they are unable to put a name to the face sitting in their usual spot.
as soon as they approached the unfamiliar person, ningning doesn’t hesitate to speak, “hi! i’m ningning and this is my friend karina!” the purple haired girl’s eyes widened at her friend’s sudden introduction, but not wanting to be rude, she just smiled and gave a small wave.
“hello! i’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you both” you say with a big smile plastered on your face.
“ah! you’re the new student, right? from canada?” you eagerly nod your head and continue to answer ningning’s never ending questions about your home country. meanwhile, the girl beside her stayed silent and just stared at you. you couldn’t tell what she was feeling, her face remaining stoic the entire time you were talking with her friend. you open your mouth to address her and try to include her in the conversation, but another student calls your name and invites you to eat lunch with them.
“karina and ningning usually sit here, so just sit with us for lunch” the student then whispered in your ear. you look back at the two girls and realize that they’ve been standing this entire time, so you immediately get up and allow them to sit at their respective table.
“well i’d be glad to answer your questions about canada some other time ning,” you chuckle. “i hope to see you both around more! sorry about taking your seat,” you say as your gaze lands on karina, who just quickly bows her head out of respect before taking a seat at the spot you were just in. ningning quickly hands you her phone for you to put your number in before letting you go. as you leave, you turn to take a look at the purple haired girl one more time.
you now understood why she was called the campus goddess.
funnily enough, the campus goddess wanted nothing to do with greek gods and goddesses, or any greek mythology in general. she hated history classes. the only reason she was taking it is because she needed an elective that wasn’t related to her major, so she chose ancient greek mythology and apparently, it was a really easy course. but even if this course was super easy, she got bored so easily. it was the only class that she rarely paid attention in and it made her want to fall asleep.
it doesn’t help that this class was a dreaded 3 hours of her professor going on and on about information that had nothing to do with what karina wanted to do with the rest of her life. oftentimes, her thoughts loved to wander off during class, and to her surprise, you are the one currently taking up space in her mind. karina couldn’t help but think about your smile, your dark brown eyes, your soft voice, the way your hair sat perfectly against-
“miss yu?” karina shakes her head and brings herself back to reality. was i really just thinking of the new student just now?
“sorry sir, what were you saying?”
“i asked which two groups fought during the battle of cynoscephalae?”
karina couldn’t bring herself to answer. she should know this, she did her readings on it so why couldn’t she remember? oh right, because some new girl was distracting her, that’s why.
“it was fought between the romans and the antigonids,” you spoke up after minutes of silence from karina. she looked back in shock, finding you three rows behind her. great, the person who’s been wrecking my train of thought is also in the same class as me.
you shoot her a wink with a smile, causing karina to immediately turn back around to the front, hoping you wouldn’t see her cheeks heating up out of embarrassment.
“that’s correct y/n, thank you. pay more attention karina, this isn’t like you”
“yes sir, it won’t happen again” karina sinks into her seat and groans internally for letting herself get distracted and embarrassing herself in front of you… and the class.
and now, she despised you for making her feel this way and decided that she wanted nothing to do with you.
so any attempt you made in trying to be her friend, whether it be buying her snacks, coffee, cup noodles, and even a whole cake, or trying to follow her on instagram and her other socials, karina shut all of it down. she couldn’t afford to be embarrassed like that anymore and she tried her best to avoid you, but she quickly learned that you were stubborn and you weren’t going to stop until you two were at least acquaintances.
“hi karina! i grabbed you a triangle kimbap and a choco pie in case you were hungry,” you hold out the snacks in front of her, hoping she’ll actually take them this time. but as usual, she just stares at them and her hands remain still by her side.
her eyes shift from your hands to your own eyes, and you could feel a bitter coldness being emitted from her dark brown orbs. “i’m going to make this very clear, y/n. i do not care who you are or where you came from, but i do not need you around me. buying me snacks is not going to get me to be friends with you, so drop the act. we are never going to be friends,” she says, words hitting you like a knife. your hands that are filled with snacks drop to your side as you watch the campus goddess walk away from you. from that moment on, you do your best to avoid her, hoping that you are finally giving her something she actually wants.
it’s only 9 in the morning, and karina is already having a horrible day.
“what? what do you mean i’m failing? that’s nearly impossible-”
“calm down karina, you’re not behind by much. with a little tutoring and some catch up assignments, you’ll be able to bring your grade up in no time,” her english professor says.
karina huffs in frustration. how could this happen? she swore she handed in all her essays on time and they were all done very well, so she had no idea how could she be failing the class.
“i asked the student who will tutor you to come in today so that i could introduce you two,” and as if on cue, there was a knock on the door.
“perfect timing. come in!”
karina doesn’t bother turning around to see who it was, still trying to rack her brain over how she could possibly be doing badly in english class.
“you wanted to see me professor lee?”
the purple haired girl’s eyes widened and her mouth falls slightly agape. she didn’t need to look at who it was; the voice said it all.
“thank you for coming, y/n! i wanted to introduce you to karina, have you met before?”
“yes, we share a few classes together” you say dryly.
you were aware that you had to tutor someone, but you didn’t know it’d be her. from where you were standing, you could see that she didn’t want to be in this setup either. she was avoiding your presence, putting all her attention onto the stack of papers on the professor’s desk and studying it as if it were the most intriguing thing in the world right now.
“with all due respect professor lee, i’m sure there are a number of other students who would be willing to help karina out. not to mention countless other students who speak english at a much higher level than i do, such as aeri, chaeyoung, jennie, yunjin, jisu, seungkwan.. need i list more?”
for the first time since entering the office, karina looks at you with a confused expression; she didn’t expect you to turn the opportunity down, not after all the nice things you’ve done for her just to be her friend. your focus remains on the professor as you wait for a reply, ignoring the other girl beside you who was trying to figure you out, the stack of papers on the desk now long forgotten.
“nonsense y/n, what better way to learn english than from someone who’s just transferred from canada? besides, english is your first language, correct?” you nod your head, unable to lie because the records were right there in front of the prof.
“then it’s settled! think of it as a way to get closer to one another. karina, i promise you won’t regret this and your grade will improve in no time! you two are dismissed, i’ll see you both on wednesday”
both of you bow your heads, and karina is the first one to get up and leave. you follow suit, rolling your eyes once you’re at the door because she didn’t even have the courtesy to hold it open for you. once you’re both outside of professor lee’s office, you’re about to retreat to your own dorm but karina stops you.
you say nothing and just turn to look at her, waiting for her to continue what she wanted to say.
“2pm tomorrow at the library. don’t be late,” she says sternly.
with no ounce of emotion on your face, you turn around and leave the purple haired girl standing in front of the prof’s office.
you hoped this tutoring session will go somewhat smoothly.
no, it’s not going smoothly.
karina was the one who said not to be late, yet she’s the one who came almost 20 minutes late. she blamed it on ningning for asking her to accompany her while she talks to one of their other professors.
and now, karina hasn’t spoken a word to you since she got here. she didn’t bother asking for any clarification or any questions and just began working on her assignment, but you couldn’t care less. if she didn’t want to fix her grade, then so be it. you allowed yourself to enjoy this quiet time by catching up on your favourite book, but unfortunately, it doesn’t last long.
“here, check this for me”
you scan the paragraph writing assignment she had to do. with a pencil, you lightly circled her mistakes and even wrote down some comments on things that could be improved. when you hand it back to her, you watch as her eyes scan over the paper and she huffs in frustration. you continue to watch the campus goddess scribble onto her paper, erasing and rewriting things every other second. your eyes move to the paper and you notice her making the same mistake again.
“you did the same thing aga-”
“shut up, i got it” but even after she erases it, she does it again. this time, she realizes what she wrote.
“not a word, y/n”
“rina look, i just-”
“first of all, do not call me that. we’re not close, okay? and second, i don’t care that you were asked to help me. i just need to pass english and then i’m through with you,” without missing a beat, she continues writing her assignment.
you won’t lie, it hurt whenever karina dismissed you like that. you don’t even understand why she hated you so much. was it because you answered for her in class? or was it because you stole her seat on the first day? whatever it was, it still hurt. but if she was going to be like this towards you, then you figured you should be the same back.
and that’s how the rest of your tutoring sessions go. you both arrive at the library, not uttering a single word to each other. you immerse yourself in your book or in other school work, and you only say something if karina asks you. as you meet up more and more, however, you notice karina is slowly starting to ask more questions and actually initiate conversation but you always gave her a dry reply, not even bothering to look up at her as you answer. why should you? you were just here to help her.
after one of your tutoring sessions, you were walking back to your dorm when you suddenly receive a phone call. the caller ID was enough to make you decline the call, but you answer it anyway. you don’t bother saying hello, and just wait for the other party to say something.
“not even a hello? wow, who do you think you are?”
“what do you want?”
“jeez, what’s gotten into you? i just called to check up on you”
“i never asked you to check on me”
“god, you’re unbelievable. you should be thankful i’m even checking up on you even after what you did to your-”
“stop trying to act like my mother. you are not her and you will never be her, so just shut up and leave me alone,” you angrily say as you hang up, not letting her get a response in. you shove your phone back into your pocket and stormed off to your dorm, but you don’t notice the girl behind you who heard everything.
she didn’t mean to eavesdrop. if anything, she blames you for stopping in the middle of the hallway and answering the call, and even putting it on speaker phone. but she heard it either way, whether she wanted to or not. karina watched as you stomped away and she felt a heavy feeling in her chest - it was guilt. she’s been rude to you all this time when all you wanted was to be her friend. you even agreed to tutor her (though it was pretty much forced) and she was still acting like such a bitch to you. but after hearing the conversation, she couldn’t help but feel sad. she didn’t have the best relationship with her mom either, so in a way, she kind of related to you. she starts thinking that maybe you weren’t so bad after all.
a few more tutoring sessions and three assignments later, karina manages to get her grade back up. once she hears the good news from professor lee, she immediately goes to find you.
you turn around to find an ecstatic and smiley purple haired goddess coming your way. she crashes into you and wraps her arms around you, but you just stand there and look straight ahead, leaving your arms glued to your side.
she finally lets go of you after what seemed like minutes of hugging, and she shoves a paper in front of your face.
“look! i got my grade back up, and it’s all thanks to you!”
“good. now we can go our separate ways,” you try to walk pass her, but she grabs your arm to stop you.
“wait! let me treat you to something to eat! as a thank you for helping me”
“i’ll pass,” and you try to walk by her again. she doesn’t stop you this time, but she starts following you instead.
“how about tomorrow? or next week? i’m free whenever, just let me kn-”
“what’s your deal, hm? why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? just because you got your grade up or what?”
karina’s smile fades and a nervous expression appears on her face, scared to tell you why she was acting this way. she fidgets with the paper in her hand, avoiding your gaze and biting her bottom lip.
“so what do you want?” you ask, trying to get an answer out of her.
“i..” she starts. “i overheard your phone call with your mom. i didn’t mean to, it’s just you were right there and you even put it on speaker phone so i just happened to hear everything..” you say nothing, and you wait for her to continue.
“i feel bad for how i’ve treated you all this time. the truth is, i get it. i know what you’re going through, and it’s okay to-”
“stop,” karina looks at you, and she looks scared but she’s not scared that you were angry, she knew you’re probably pissed at her. what was scaring her is the lack of emotion you were showing. she wanted you to scream at her, to cuss her out for being such a bitch, but instead you’re as calm as ever and it terrifies her to her core.
“she’s not my mother. that was my stepmom who tries way too hard to be my mother,” you say calmly. you start making your way to her, making sure that she hears what you have to say next loud and clear. once you're right in front of her, you continue.
“don’t act like you fucking know me just after hearing one phone call. if you’re being nice to me because you feel bad for me, then just save it. i don’t need your pity and i don’t need you around, got it? i’m through with you” you’re close enough to feel her breath on your lips, but you back away as soon as you’re done talking to her and you leave her in the middle of the hall with people were staring, but you didn’t care. you didn’t need karina or her pity, and the campus goddess got that message loud and clear. but it still hurt her. it hurt enough to make tears fall from her eyes, and karina rarely ever cries. she wipes away whatever tears were on her cheek and starts making her way to meet with ningning.
karina didn't want you to be through with her, but she deserved it. especially since she's the one who said it first.
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arthenaa · 11 months
college! graphic design artist! seb x fem! reader sneak peek (inspired by true events HAHAHA i projected me and my gfs experience on this)
an: might turn into a fic !! a mix of socmed au and writing. if ever i dont turn it into a fic, ill be uploading a completed ver soon of this whole meow meow. for now enjoy!
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It was supposed to be a time for discussion. Thesis work was what you exactly hoped for; a pain in the fucking ass. It was mostly expected that you'd already have a planned group before the semester started as it was a course that would last for 3 whole semesters.
That meant you'd be spending a whole school year (basically) with that group of people.
Alas, your introverted self only relied on randomized groupings and you only had a very very small social group that had different schedules from yours. You were doomed and panicking.
Luckily with the help of your professor, whom you had discreetly approached with your problem after seeing that other groups had already filled in their required numbers— had placed you in a group of four who had still yet to find a 5th member. You were thankful, yes, however, the present predicament had proved to be quite troublesome for your performance on your first meeting.
Three of your groupmates were absent. Three.
You think it might be alright to work as a pair for now considering that one was out of town, one had org duties and the other was not feeling well but the anxiety of being in a new setting with new people wasn't really doing good for you right now.
You had to depend on this man for a short presentation due in like 2 hours and you were both doing nothing.
You look down at your notes, scribbles of possible topic ideas written haphazardly across the sheet of paper. Your eyes then flicker back onto the man sitting adjacent to your seat.
You forgot his name but his face was hard to miss. You first saw a glimpse of him hosting one of the school's functions and had a great relationship with most of your professors. He was a popular kid but a good one based on your assessment of character.
He was slouched on his seat, legs stretched out on the floor and crossed over one another. He lets out a yawn as he rests his cheek on his arm propped up on the armchair while his eyes never seemed to leave the screen of his Macbook.
He seems to be busy typing several things which made you slightly feel scared that he might've been doing things by himself and forgetting your presence.
This is obviously something you're entirely assuming as he looks up from his laptop and locks eyes with yours.
You immediately look down at your notebook and begin busying yourself with the tassels of your bookmark. A flush spreads across your cheeks at being caught staring.
How could you not stare? He was known to be friendly and someone you saw often due to his reputation and connections with various school organizations. He had an overall approachable personality and was practically an attention magnet.
And also because he was .... cute.
College life wasn't exactly as much fun as your older friends used to say. It was a nightmare and an obligation you had to begrudgingly attend to. Uni days consisted of you just trying to survive throughout the week so it's safe to say your love life was as dry as the fucking desert. It was super rare to see a guy this cute in your field.
You allow yourself to scan his fit for today. How could he make an outfit as mundane as a green sweater and jeans look so ... good? The rings adorning his fingers and the black strapped watch on his wrist added to the charm and you could only will yourself to not stare even further as you'd probably be deemed as a creep by this poor young guy.
"Hey," His voice snaps you from your reverie causing you to flinch in your seat. Your look up at him in surprise as he leans forward to catch your gaze. "Y/N Y/L/N, right?"
"U-Uh yeah?" You answer timidly, fiddling with the bracelet adorning your wrist. He smiles at your answer before responding.
"Um so, I've thought of a few topics right now. Can I share them with you?" He asks softly, aware of the quiet working ambiance of the room. You nod at his offer, body positioned to listen to his proposals.
However, he only stares at you as if he's expecting you to do something else. There's a moment of silence that leaves you confused and unsure if you did or said anything wrong. It doesn't take long before you began spiraling down in a chaotic mess of overthinking. You would expect him to tell you his intentions but you certainly didn't expect what he'd do next.
"Um uh, apologies in advance—" He smiles sheepishly as if to warn you of an incoming danger. You tilt your head in confusion before watching him as he leans down, arm grabbing the underside of your chair before effortlessly pulling you close to his side. The chair glides against the floor (thankfully it had guards on its legs so the noise wasn't all that ear screeching) and you yelped in surprise at the sudden movement, gripping your armchair in the process.
It seems to have caught your professor's attention and Sebastian only sends an apologetic smile for disrupting the silence. You turn to him with wide eyes.
"I — What?"
"Sorry. I was expecting you to move but you looked like you were about to have an aneurysm or something." He chuckles as a flush spreads across your cheeks. You huff out in embarrassment before directing your eyes toward the screen.
He starts off like the previous events didn't happen. It was kind of embarrassing for you to see him so nonchalant as if he didn't just fucking drag you by one arm. He lists off his ideas to which you nod in response. Up close, you could smell the scent of his cologne and the warmth emanating from his body. He had such a huggable physique and the scent only lulled you even further to your urges.
You begin to relay your ideas as well, stumbling and stuttering over your words but he only listens patiently. Taking in your ideas and even noting them in his document.
You felt oddly touched. He heaves a sigh of accomplishment as he scans over your topics and plans of presentation. There was about an hour left before the teacher would began calling names.
"Yeah. This is good. We can present this later." He seems impressed by your ideas and makes some edits before slightly bending down the screen of his laptop.
You shuffle in your seat, unnerved by the incoming silence that would again remind you of your troubles with social interactions. He, however, turns towards you much to your surprise. A pleasant smile is plastered on his lips. You're granted by a nice view of his face as the sunlight from the window lightly hits the back of his head, creating a halo of some sort.
Dear Gods. What are you implying by this.
Wait— What the fuck. Does he have a fucking dimple?
"Quite busy aren't we?" He asks, leaning back on the chair with his head turned towards yours. In your peripheral vision, you see his leg moving from side to side as he twirls his pen on one hand. "You seem to always have a lot of things to stay and yet, nothing."
"S-Sorry." You mumble, tucking a hair behind your ear. "I'm not good with..." You motion to the space between the two of you. "This."
"Ah." He nods in understanding. "It's alright. Although, I do want to say that I don't bite. So you can freely speak your mind here."
He flashes you a boyish grin that does wonders to your heart. You watch him run a hand through his curls.
"Do you even know who I am?" He raises his eyebrows expectantly before backtracking. "Well, to be fair I didn't introduce myself and I'm acting like a fucking bigshot or something. Not my intention at all!"
He raises his arms in defense, chuckling at his response. You smile softly at him.
"I-I know who you are," You reply. "It's just the name I'm having a hard time remembering."
"Oh?" He sits up. You feel his knee hit yours and you will yourself not to flinch as your body slightly tenses at the touch. "Well in that case. I'm Sebastian Sallow. ID 121."
"Ah, yeah," Your face lights up in recognition. "Yeah, I remember now— Sorry, I'm just really bad with names."
"It's alright." He shakes his head lightheartedly. "There's a lot of people in campus so I also have a hard time remembering as well."
Your hands fiddle with each other as you glance up at him. He still has his eyes locked on yours and you can't help but avoid his unwavering stare.
"... I also know who you are." He cuts the silence once more. You turn your attention back at him in surprise. You would call yourself delusional right now but with the way he's smiling at you, you can't help but assume he's being bashful for recognizing you.
You? Recognizable? As far as you were concerned, you were practically invisible to the public eye. Just an art student surviving on her own.
"Um, we were classmates before actually," His grin is wide but uneasy. Like he's uncertain if saying this would ease the gap between the two of you. "On one of our graphic design courses? It was with Professor Garlick, if I recall correctly."
"That 6 pm class back in the first semester?" You lean towards him, intrigued. He seems shocked at your sudden interest.
"Yeah. Miss loved your output and made a whole lecture about it." He recalls. You remember her praises about your final output. Gods. He was in that class? "Made a mark in my head for sure."
"That's embarassing." You whine in protest, palms against your face. He smiles in response.
"It was rather eye opening you know? A revolutionary moment for artists—"
"Stop please." You hold your hand out to stop him from further pulling you in a spiral downward to madness. He only smiles wider.
"For what it's worth, it was well-deserved to be praised and discussed for an hour and a half." He quips, teeth showing as he grins at your exasperated face.
"Has your friends ever told you you're quite insufferable?" You raise an eyebrow at him. Your voice holds a tone of teasing. He laughs in response.
"Don't remind me." He rolls his eyes, smile still beaming on his lips. "Besides, I was just merely telling the truth."
"Aha, right. Whatever makes you happy." You gently nudge his shoulder with the back of your hand. It was supposed to be a small innocent touch but with the way his smile fell and his eyes that immediately followed the motion of your hand, you could tell that there was something else going on in his head.
Before you could question it, he immediately recovers.
"Well, I still have three semesters to win you over." He sighs, dreamily. "I think that's a win."
"You mean a nightmare." You snort in reply. He laughs.
Your eyes glance at his crinkled eyes and face riddled with laughing lines as laughter bursts out of his lips. His laugh is melodic and something you could probably never get tired of hearing.
Your eyes widen at your thoughts. That was only a mere observation. Anyone sitting within a meter from him would also say the same.
Yes. yes. That's right.
"You're drifting again." He sits up and its the sudden feeling of his thigh against yours that snaps you back to reality. You gulp at the sudden add of touch and you expect him to move it away but he stays there. You huff out a shaky breath. "It almost looked like you were shitting yourself."
"Gods," You furrow your eyebrows at his words. He chuckles. "You're insufferable."
"That's one." He clicks his tongue under the roof of his mouth. You roll your eyes at his antics. There's a moment of silence before his voice slices through it once again. "Have you... Have you ever thought about what I said?"
"Which one?" You ask nonchalantly, fingers flicking through your notes. You pen taps on the paper as you await his answer.
"The one where I said I'm as bad as you with names." He speaks with a calm demeanor but his voice is hushed as if his words are reserved for you. You can't help but give him you're undivided attention.
"Um," You pause. "No not really?"
His eyes dart toward you in the corner of his eye before smiling that familiar boyish grin.
"I like to make exceptions." He vaguely says. You furrow your eyebrows, head tilting in confusion.
"I already said I know you, Y/N." He chuckles. You feel butterflies roaming in your stomach albeit confused at his insinuation.
Before you could ask him what the fuck he meant by that, the professor calls out your group. Sebastian walks to the front with no hesitance and began setting up the presentation.
Just as you watch him work, the realization sets in. Heat immediately flushes your cheeks.
No fucking way.
You stand up on shaky legs before you walk to the front. Your eyes never leave him as you stand beside his figure. You were nervous, yes, but it also had something to do with the vague motherfucker beside you.
You were about to threaten him to tell you what, how, or why but as you lock eyes with the man beside you, he sends an adorable smile and small pat on your back.
Your face stiffens and you could only will yourself to forcefully stand beside him and await your turn on the presentation.
But there was one thing you deduced from all of this.
Sebastian Sallow from ID 121 is doing things to your poor little heart.
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a/n: projecting myself on seb when i tried to flirt w my gf. might contain grammatical errors lmfao im so sorry IM FALLING ASLEEP AS I CURRENTLY TYPE THIS.
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lixiebokie · 1 year
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through his lens
idol: hwang hyunjin x reader
photographer!hyunjin x artist!reader
chapter 2: new life
“you sure you’re gonna be okay alone?” hyunjin tugged at your hands standing at the doorway you were trying to push him out of.
“i’ll be fine? make sure you don’t stay up too late. okay?”
“hmm.. what if i miss you tho?”
“then knock and if there’s no answer i’m sleeping dreaming of you!” hyunjin wrapped his arms around her before walking out the door waving goodbye.
“so how long have you and lover boy been together?” her roommate ash asked.
“hm? hyunjin? oh he’s not my boyfriend.”
“but you were litterally about to kiss?” she asked leaning against the door frame.
“we’re just really close, we’ve been friends since we were little.”
“so he’s single? good to know. feel sorry for his future girlfriends.” y/n was confused at her words. hyunjin has had girlfriends in the past just none of them have last more than 8 months without then getting jealous of her.
the dorm was small, but alright size for two people. and her roommate ashy was nice. they’d met while hyunjin was helping move box in, he was not fond of her at first but neither was y/n of his roommate. he was a small black haired boy with round eyes. she’d said hi while hyunjin was setting up his desk, but he ran away instantly and avoided any conversations with her or hyunjin.
atleast ashy was nice.
y/n still hoped she’d be able to swap rooms to maybe be with seungmin or even hyunjin if she was lucky. she heard jiha talking about how seungmin had been to the office trying to switch his dorm to share with hyunjin, as he’d ‘be more comfortable’ but they dismissed him as soon as he arrived. he must of not been the first that day to ask. seungmin was roomed with some boy called felix. over text min described him as really sweet, and someone she’d get along with very well.
jiha also has sent messages about her roommate to the groupchat. she was blonde, skinny girl with ‘the most stylish clothes’ she’d ever seen. jiha only judged people off looks, she didn’t say anything about what she was like. but that was typical for her.
ashy invited y/n to come visit her friends not wanting to leave her in the dorm on her own for the first night. y/n would have went but ashy wasn’t in her first year so the thought of older friends scared her. especially when ashy walked out the door with a cigarette in hand and some spray paint.
hyunjin had made his way back to her room.
it was no surprise. seungmin and jiha had betted how long it would be until he was back. seungmin won with the guess 1 hour and 5 minutes. he’d made himself at home. throwing his boots off as soon as he walked in, and threw him on the bed sheets she’d just put on. curled up in her bed scrolling through netflix on her laptop.
“y/n im serious, if we out her to the office and say you’re not comfortable they will have to switch you!”
“seungmin said there’s no free dorms for two people so i’d be stuck with another random person. and ashy’s nice.”
hyunjin groaned rolling his side.
“maybe we could get a flat off campus just us. not jiha or seungmin, us.”
she liked the idea but the 792,205 won in her bank said different. the idea of waking up to hyunjin every morning made her so happy.
when she was little, on the weekends if she wasn’t spending the night at his house she’d be straight over as soon she woke up. summer time was the best, they would play in the paddling pool in his garden until it was cold, then would be in his house building forts to watch movies until they fell asleep.
she wanted to be a kid again.
the only reason she had grown up was because hyunjin was by her side the whole way through.
hyunjin was now curled up against her tired of waiting for her answer. she knew if ashy came back any time soon she’d wake hyunjin up with the amount of screaming she do asking ‘how they were just friends’ but her and hyunjin weren’t just friends, they are best friends.
y/n also hoped the next day at uni hyunjin wasn’t so clingy. she loved him and his clingyness but it also attracted lots of attention between the two. ever since they were little, everyone thought they were meant to be.
when each set of parents talked about their wedding they’d always end it with ‘and one day you’ll be married to y/n / hyunjin.’
when they were 5 the other kids asked if they kissed each other, and kids having no common sense hyunjin would kiss her cheek every time they asked.
when they were 10 teachers had to ask them to stop being so cuddly because it was ‘inappropriate’
when they were 13 their friends whloe heartily shipped them, even though they knew how much it pissed them off.
even up until now at 19 they still get old woman asking how they were so lucky enough to find each other or how cute they were. like the other day in the shop.
hyunjin was never bothered by the comments, it was a sort of compliment to him, showing him and his best friend were proud to show each other off. but y/n on the other hand hated it. when she was younger it wasn’t t as bothering, but when hyunjin started getting noticed by girls and them shipping them that’s when it pissed her off.
but hyunjin never cared he’d not want to be shipped with anyone but his best friend.
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gemlinz · 2 years
Purchase (Reader x Dream)
Summary: Prequel to Maitenence
Dream has to ask Johanna for help, she sends him to you.
It was an unfortunate thing, having to ask a Constantine for help.
Even more unfortunate when it was this particular Constantine, who seemed intent on defying his every command and making every request thereafter unnecessarily difficult.
Unfortunate as it was though, it was necessary.  Which is what Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, had to keep repeating to himself as the most difficult Constantine to date (and that is including the one with the armed thugs) continued to prattle on about….something.
Morpheus forced himself to focus back in on the current conversation as she appeared to be wrapping up.
"...and really, if I'm going to help you, it's only fair, right?" Johanna trailed off expectantly.
Dream paused in a way he hoped seemed pensive, but she caught on quick.
"Were you listening to a word I just said?" She asked, accent heavy in her annoyance.
When he stayed silent, she rolled her eyes.
"Right, well, whatever.  Let's chalk it up to a 'you owe me one' " and then when he tried to object, not one for owing anyone anything, let alone her, she finished quickly, "You'll meet my contact at a small Cafe, Dream Bean, tomorrow, 3pm.  Goes by the handle Glitch."
After a beat, "Dream Bean?" He was hesitant to ask.
Johanna grinned, "Like it?  They actually picked the spot, lives nearby and is a bit of a caffeine addict."
He scoffed.  
"Alright.  The Dream Bean," Morpheus spoke the name as if around a mouthful of scorpions.
"Yup, at 3pm."  She finished, seemingly pleased with herself.
He nodded one last time, before moving to leave.  He had spent entirely too much time around the nuisance of a woman and needed to reset.
"Oh!" Johanna called after him, unphased by his characteristic exit, "and don't mention the whole…Dream God, Lord, thing.  They're pretty anti-supernatural."
He shot her a look of annoyance, because of course she would recommend someone with such a difficult caveat, but she had already turned the corner.
The "Dream Bean" wasn't your favorite caffeine hookup,  but it definitely had it's perks.
For one, it was fairly unpopular and, for property value in the city being what it was, large enough to give ample space between the tables.
This meant lots of privacy.  No college students shooting fugitive glances at the other patrons, hoping to find inspiration for their next trashy poem.
No families with kids running around screaming.
No lonely old men trying to start conversations.
Just you, your coffee, and free public and unauditable wifi.
Which were the second and third best things about the Dream Bean.
It was the perfect spot to meet new clients, as long as you didn't make it a habit.  Regulars attracted too much attention and besides the social implications of that, it also could spell trouble if someone came looking for you.
Not that anyone would. But, you had survived this long by paying attention to the Just In Cases - which meant not becoming a regular.
A ping from your laptop drew your attention.  One of the files you had been decrypting was finished and you opened it, sipping your coffee with your free hand.
Johannas new friend was late, might as well get a head start.
You were on the second page, an account of some heretics ramblings about how to control someone's mind using lambs blood, when the sound of the chair across from you being pulled out caused you to look up.
The man before you was striking.
Handsome enough that at first you weren't sure if this was Jo trying to set you up again, but the look on his face offset that particular notion.
He looked like an orphan who just got told all their worldly possessions were just lost in a fire.  And their dog.
"Hello," you began, unsure when he didn't introduce himself, "I'm guessing you're Jo's new friend?"
His look soured at that, whether that being Jo or the implication or her being a friend, you weren’t sure.
"We are not friends.  She is an unfortunate necessity." He bit out, "But yes.  You may call me Morpheus.  Are you the one called…'Glitch'?" 
You nodded.
"Got it, strictly profesh."  You held out a hand for him to shake, "and yup, that's me.  The one and only."
Morpheus stared at your hand blankly long enough for you to sheepishly drop it.  Ok, then.  Straight to business.
"I'm not sure if Joanna told you my rates, but basic recon starts at 4, in US dollars, and we go up from there if you want any…extra features." You waggled your eyebrows, "Which really kind of depends on what you want and what I can't do, but, well, that's not much."
You took up your coffee, taking a sip as he pondered your offer.
"Very well.  Four million to start."  He agreed after a beat.
You choked, spluttering.
"Four mil-"  you stopped yourself.  Was this a test or was this guy just an idiot? Or was he so stupid rich that four million was nothing.
Fuck, now you had a dilema…could you really fleece this guy for four million?? Was it really fleecing if he's the one agreeing to it?
You groaned, morals winning out.
"Four thousand. " You clarified, regretfully.
He looked confused, then nodded. "Price is not an issue.  Has Constantine informed you of your task?"
Still to the point and curt, but, and you may have been imagining it, there was now an underlying hint of respect that wasn't there before.
Shaking your head of your thoughts, you turned to your laptop.
"She did, yeah.  I got a head start - figured if Jo was sending you my way, you were good for it."  You clicked back to the beginning of the documentation before turning the laptop his way.  "So far it's just the normal crazy, but I haven't parsed through it yet.  She said you were looking for a specific item?"
Morpheus spared the laptop only a glance before looking back up at you.
"Yes.  A circlet crafted from the bones of the first child," he said.  "It was last seen a century ago in the possession of a wealthy heiress."
You shuddered.  
"Gross." You grimaced, "But the document I pulled up did mention a circlet, look at the second page, third paragraph down."
He blinked at you.
You blinked back.
After a moment, "...or I can do it?" You offered.  He nodded stiffly.
You gingerly stood up, moving behind him and adjusting the laptop for a better view.
As you leaned over him to find the right page and paragraph, you felt him stiffen imperceptibly.  You would have felt worse if he wasn't the cause of this unnecessary discomfort to begin with.
Why couldn't you ever have a normal client?
You sighed, highlighting the passage you were talking about before pointing to it.
"Here: it mentions a circlet brushed with lambs blood.  I haven't gotten farther than that."  You returned to your seat.
His eyes darted across the screen as he read, and then he nodded.  "Yes, this is the item I am looking for.  Where is it?"
"Not sure yet - do you want me to send you a digital copy of what I have so far?"  Your brow furrowed at his demanding tone.
"No.  If you deem anything necessary for me to peruse myself, I will require print and print alone."
It was a herculean effort brought about only by the promise of 4k that you did not roll your eyes.
"That's terrible for the environment.  I have secure ways of sending data, you don't have to worry about any data trails if that's your holdup."
His eyes narrowed.  "Print.  Or not at all."
You pinched your leg under the table before gritting out a stunted, "Fine."
Snapping your laptop closed, you took a breath.
"I'll still need time to find the circlet.  How do I contact you?"
He stood, sensing the conversation over.
"I will find you in a week's time."
You stood hurriedly, "These things are unpredictable, it could take more time.  Or less.  Let me give you one of my burners, that way I can call if anything comes up."
By the time you had dug the phone out of your bag to give him, he was already at the door.
"One week, Glitch."
And then he was gone.
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heymeowmao · 1 year
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2023.04.26 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324894853447418274
Stream for a small while~
bgm: Ice Paper -  夜泊秦淮 (Ye Po Qin Huai)
LYN: Hallo everybody. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Welcome. LYN: I was adjusting my equipment, because I’m away from my normal location so I brought my laptop with me. It’s not particularly stable. Let’s test it out first. Can you hear the music? Can you? We’ll test the software first. The music is okay? Then, what about the laugh track? Does it laugh? Okay? Alright. Tonight’s stream is nearly perfect. LYN: Long time no see. I don’t remember when the last time I streamed was. It was a rare early wrap today so I came to meet you. 
C: Is your hair a new wig? LYN: It’s my own hair. I felt like... I started losing myself, since I am shooting the guzhuang drama day in and day out. I don’t really need to do my hair or style it at all, and I thought I shouldn’t just leave it like that. I took time one day to get my hair done.  C: Take off your hat, let’s see it. LYN: No~ I won’t take it off! Why should I?? // I just got off work and came to stream- I didn’t wash my hair or anything so right now it just looks like how it does. If I take it off my hair is all flat. /lifts his hat/ See? It’s stuck to my head. So the hat is here to make it seem like I attempted to style it. 
C: I’m going to Dandong to play! LYN: Welcome. Dandong welcomes you. But... I’m not there right now. So if you’re going just play on your own. 
C: You look like a twenty-something year old youthful kid! LYN: Why does it sound so nice when you speak? Is it that only LYN’s fans have such sweet words? C: 18 years old. LYN: There’s no need for that. If you say “twenty-something” then that also includes... 29. I know I’m already over 30, but I can pretend. C: I’m just a passerby and I think you’re handsome! LYN: Thank you. I like people like you who have never seen the world. Once you’ve seen more of it, you won’t consider me handsome anymore. I hope that in terms of aesthetics you don’t see much of it. You can have it, but not too much. Then we can continue to happily play together.
C: Have you eaten? LYN: I had a shou zhua bing (crispy chinese pancake) today. Oh no, it was kao leng mian (grilled cold noodles).
C: I calculated that you would come to stream today. LYN: My stream is even worth calculating? It’s not worth it. Don’t they always say that wasting your fortune on trivial things will deplete your own luck? There’s no need to waste your own luck in calculating when I’ll stream. 
C: Are you in the hotel? LYN: Yes, my crew has come to Xiangshan so I’m streaming from a hotel here. But since I’m out I could only bring my laptop to stream with. It’s not exceptionally functional, so it keeps lagging. Please don’t mind and I apologize if it affects your viewing experience. Just make do, alright? LYN: I know the video lags a bit, but the sound is always there and that’s good enough. You just need to listen to my voice.  C: How’s the soundproofing in the hotel? LYN: It should be pretty good? I think it’s good. It’s a new hotel and fairy well-built... The windows and doors are all closed. I’m in the inner room, and the door is closed- it’s two layers. My neighbors are my assistant and my staff, so I won’t be disturbing my neighbors. C: The background is so fake. LYN: If I made the background any more extravagant you could say it’s fake. But it’s like this (plain) and you think it’s fake?? Here is a sofa, and there is a bed. You think it looks fake? If I were going to fabricate it, I’d at least set up something nicer. I don’t need this type of fake background.  C: Your neighbors can’t fight today. [ t/n: his go-to excuse for using the restroom] LYN: It might be the upstairs neighbors. It’s possible. We never know. It depends on my condition. XD
C: Is that Daimi on the sofa? LYN: It’s a mop/rag. 
C: Isn’t Xiangshan’s seafood tasty? LYN: It’s alright. It’s tasty. The thing is I don’t particularly care for seafood, though there are people who love it. Why? Because I grew up in Dandong. It’s close to the river and sea- there’s plenty of seafood to go around, there. I grew up eating it, so I don’t particularly favor it. I like eating meat. C: Then do you have high uric acid? LYN: /laughs/ Are you a doctor? What the heck... But I heard that if you eat too much seafood you could get gout, right? I... I’m alright. I don’t... have high uric acid levels. // If you eat too much seafood and drink beer you can get gout. But I don’t eat very much. I had too much when I was little and when I grew up I stopped. I like eating meat now that I’m older. C: All the doctors jumped out. LYN: Yeah, they’re all teaching us how to treat gout.
C: Sing! Sing! LYN: I won’t. It’s a hotel it won’t be very nice if I’m over here warbling and shouting. People are trying to sleep. I don’t want to be responsible for disturbing the public. It’s not worth it.  LYN: I just came to chat because it’s been a long time since my fans last saw me. I’m sure they miss me very much. Also I’m guessing that many people are getting off work or school and can come see me stream and they can.. relax. 
C: Ning-ge, reply to me. I need to go do my homework. LYN: Hurry and go. Why do you need to tell me when you’re doing your homework?? As if I wanted to know? Do your homework. What time is it now, and you’re still not done with it?! What about your class ranking? Do your homework, hurry. // Or is it that you wanted me to do it for you??
C: You look so cool today. LYN: You- you all are too cute. I was in a rush to stream so I just threw on a t-shirt and a hat and you’re saying I look really cool?? What the heck. Usually when I make an effort you have no reaction but today I put on anything random and you say I look nice. Is there a problem with my sense of aesthetic or do you all have a misconception of what “fashion” is? The other possibility it that for a lot of you, no matter what I wear, you all think it looks good. I’ll be spoiled by your love until I’m old.
C: It’s my first time seeing you with dyed hair. LYN: It’s really been a long time since I last dyed it. In the video it looks on the yellow side but in reality it’s a lot duller in color. Right now it’s looking kind of orange but it’s not. It’s because all the lights in this room, including the one I brought, are warm-toned so it makes my hair look yellow/brown. It’s not really. C: Ning-ge, tell me the color. I’ll go dye my hair. LYN: I don’t know what color it is. I just went and told the stylist to dye it lighter and give me a color that would more golden, and they gave me this. I didn’t choose a color or anything. Just something a little yellow, a little golden. C: Does it hurt the hair? LYN: More or less, it always will. There’s no way to bleach your hair without hurting it. There’s always a price for beauty.  C: Take off your hat, let’s see it. LYN: My hair is- /sighs &lifts his hat/ It’s just flat so I put a hat on. /drops it back onto his head./ It’s so flat and not styled at all. /lifts it again/ Just this color. Next time I’ll get it styled and show you. C: If you dye your hair when you reach middle-age you’ll experience hair loss. LYN: 去你的. Hair is something that continuously grows. It’s not like your nails. After this batch of hair is dyed, you’ll still keep growing hair and it’ll come out black, won’t it?? Did you think that after you dyed it, it would stay that color forever?? You must secretly be entertained by the thought. Think of how much money you could save. After this batch of hair grows out, you’ll have new and healthier hair to replace it. You wish! Did you think you could have that hair for a lifetime? No way. C: Ning-ge, we’re already no longer middle-aged. LYN: Do you consider someone in their early thirties middle-aged already?? Oh, my goodness. Even if I DO count as middle-aged, I will never admit to it. What can you do about it?? C: 80 is “middle-aged”. LYN: It doesn’t matter. You can set it to whenever you want. But, I think I will always be a... “youth.” I will maintain my youthful heart. I will always have curiosity and expectation for the world. As someone who is already in their thirties, having this kind of mindset is what will allow me to keep walking forward. I hope you are like this too. If you maintain a good mindset, then you will also maintain your youth. If you’re 18 years old and already have an “old” mindset and you convince yourself of that, then your body will also start to stagnate. 
C: Ning-ge, your voice is a little rough. LYN: Yeah. I’ve been shooting the drama. /sigh/ Acting- especially when you’re acting as someone with a bad attitude- is really tiring. As an actor, acting as someone with a bad attitude is tiring. Let’s say for example in a drama you act as a good person or someone who has very stable emotions- then when you speak you won’t be as tired. Someone says, “I’ll fight you!” and you can reply (stably), “Alright. Let’s fight. I want to see how you expect to beat me.” But if you’re acting as someone with a bad attitude, then the reply is like this (more animated), “Fight me? Hahahahaha. I want to see exactly how you expect to beat me!” You just need to put a lot more effort into it. /gives another example/ Listen to that and tell me how much effort I need to put into my voice to execute the line. There’s just no helping it. When I start look at roles next, I might consider choosing someone with a more stable attitude. Otherwise my voice can’t take it.  LYN: This is why I had a great time when doing Luo Mingxi’s (ALZ) character. Because LMX was a little.. a little sick. He had a weak constitution ever since he was young and would speak like this, “Do you know... how we should resolve this issue? /catching his breath/ Hold on. Let me rest a little.” That wasn’t as tiring. You can hear that my voice is hoarse because I’ve been shouting. I can’t take it. LYN: When I was doing the voice acting for LMX though, I had a bad time of it. Because he keeps coughing. In the later episodes he enters into... an... almost wasted state. Everything he does and everything he says he starts off by coughing. Like, “You can’t do this... /coughs, sickly/ Listen to me. /coughs some more/” This was so difficult to do voice acting for! The worst part of having to do the voice for that role was the coughing. 
C: When is ALZ airing? LYN: /clicks his tongue/ How would I know??? I don’t know.
LYN: I was thinking of going to Disney to play when this drama wrapped, but then Disney told me that they are experiencing some extreme jump in business right now. There are a huge amount of people (at the park). Then I was thinking I could go later than planned- I’ll go when they tell me to. After all I’m going there to play, not to see people.  LYN: I can’t do the stream if there are too many people. I asked, I really did, but it’s not very convenient. I think people have started opening up- they want to travel and go to concerts. They’re open to anything, now. There are all sorts of music festivals and activities happening lately. Everyone’s out to play so Shanghai Disney’s business is booming. There are people everywhere, so I thought I would forget about it for now. I’ll obediently stay at home.
LYN: A music festival got into contact with me today, too. They wanted me to participate. I decided not to. Ever since I’ve debuted I haven’t accepted any business proposal or music festival. So I just decided not to. I know that the music festivals sell tickets, but I’m someone who’s going to hold his own concert, anyway. [t/n: doesn’t want fans to buy music festival tickets to see him when they can buy his concert tickets instead.] LYN: As for the concert, I don’t think I’m going to continue considering it for this year. I’ve been acting quite a lot these past two years, so I was thinking I would hold off on my concert. Honestly I don’t have a lot of time to work on my album, either. Later because of filming I won’t have the time to  finish my album. When I finish it, then I’ll consider doing my second concert tour. This year though, every other singer is holding their concerts. I was thinking, since everyone else is holding theirs this year, I won’t include myself in the bustle of it. You can do what you will. First, I don’t need to include myself and get caught up and possibly start fights and later not be able to hold certain stops. Secondly, I’ll probably be filming for another drama the latter half of the year. I want to focus on filming and use whatever time in between to work on my album. I really want to make something great out of it- my second album. When it’s done, I might consider holding my concert next year. Another thing is- the third and most important thing- I’m waiting for a few of many dramas to air this year... I’ve been shooting dramas for the past three years and now there are six completed dramas that are waiting to be aired. Of these six, at least three of them have to air this year, right?? At least two or three. After these dramas air I believe that the number of people who know LYN will raise at least a little, right? Even if the drama airs and my character is not popular, at least 80-100 people more will know of me or like me to some extent. Then, the number of my fans can rise at least 400-500 more. Like this, my concert tickets can be more easily sold. Don’t you think that works, friends? I have to consider it from multiple angles. Therefore I have concluded that holding my concert this year is not suitable. LYN: I was trying to calculate... ALZ HAS to air this year, right? I finished that drama two years ago- it’s got to air at least at the end of the year. BYOL is about ready to air, as well. It’s a modern drama, so the post-production will go a lot faster. I think it’ll be ready to air this year. The third, TXJ- I finished voice acting for that a while ago. There are also some other dramas, but at least those three should be able to air. Once these three dramas air and I gain 500 fans it means that I can at least sell 500 more concert tickets, right? That’s how I’m counting it. C: I won’t be able to get any tickets! LYN: I’m not only holding one! I’m going to have at least 10 stops. Or did you mean that you wanted to watch at all 10 stops? If that were the case then I’m sure that for some cities you wouldn’t be able to get a ticket. But at least 1 out of 10 is doable, isn’t it? Did you think I was only doing one and done? Don’t worry- there’s nothing to fight over. There’s no way you wouldn’t be able to get a ticket. If you can’t get it for this stop, try the next one. You’re going to be able to buy a ticket for at least one of them. C: What about overseas fans? LYN: Overseas fans can- I mean- I... How about I record it to a vcd and mail it to you? [t/n: Yes, Ning-ge. Record the concert, then release the video. I’ll buy it and I’m sure that people who went in person would also buy it...]
LYN: I was just overthinking one day and started wondering if technology would ever advance to the point where we could hold VR Concerts. I would be the singer, on stage and we could have all the camera and equipment. The viewers wouldn’t need to be in-person at the venue. You could have some VR equipment and headphones and it will “transport” you to the concert venue. There would be people around you- everyone else who is watching the concert with you. They might be represented by avatars, but I would be real and on stage. You could be at home, watching a concert. I believe that one day technology can advance to this point, right? C: Can I touch you with VR? / I can SEE you but I can’t TOUCH. LYN: Our concerts don’t allow you to come onstage and touch me, either?? At every concert, we also spend the money to hire security. They have very difficult jobs and ensure the smooth progression of my concert program. You can’t just say you can see me, but can’t touch me! C: Are we seeing a real person? LYN: You might not be understanding what I’m trying to say. You’ll know if you try experiencing VR. It’s not like in the game world, you can really see the- /tsk/ I can’t discuss such high technology with you. /waves it off/ C: We can’t all sing along with you, with VR. LYN: You can. If you wear the headphones then it can receive your voice, too. It can receive your neighbor’s voice, too. You’ll be able to hear the sound from the stage. I just can’t talk about such high technology with you all. I hope that I can see such a thing accomplished while I’m still alive to experience it. C: Stop fantasizing. LYN: This isn’t fantasizing. It’s “dreaming”. I mean a few years ago, who knew that AI would advance so quickly? It’s the same, isn’t it? Most things start off as imagination but then in the blink of an eye they become reality. C: Ning-ge, stream your whole concert. LYN: I won’t stream it. It’s the same excuse a lot of friends just used to rebut me- you go to concerts for the atmosphere. If you’re watching online, it’s a completely different experience. If you’re listening to my concert online then I don’t think there’s any meaning in that. You go to concerts for the experience. There are always going to be people screaming and shouting around you, and who it ends up being someone different every time. For this stop you could be sitting next to someone very quiet on your right and someone shouting on your left. They all add to your concert experience, and it differs every time. You go to a concert for the experience. If you just wanted to listen to the songs, then just play the album and you’ll have a better time of it then listening in-person at a concert. I know the topic of an online concert has come up a few times, but that’s the reason I’ve never done one. I don’t think there’s a need to. Streaming is to chat and to relax. But if you really used it to hold a concert then I don’t think there’s any need. I won’t hold any live stream-type concert. I want you to be there in person. That’s the charm of a concert. Of course, my concerts aren’t very charming. 
C: The “mop” won’t change a position? LYN: The “mop” is asleep, what position do you expect it to change to? She’s asleep.
C: I’m a new fan! LYN: Thank you. If you haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. When I have time I’ll come to chat with you all. C: I can if I have time. LYN: Of course, come watch if you have time. I mean- do you have something to do right now but are watching the stream instead??? That’s not very realistic, right? Watch my stream if you’ve got nothing better to do.
C: Why don’t you rest for a few days after this drama wraps LYN: Are you asking a question, or telling me? Are you saying, “After this drama wraps, how many days will you be resting?” or “After this drama wraps, rest for a few days.” I don’t know which way you mean- where you put the stress makes the meaning totally different. C: How many days? LYN: Just a while. C: How many days is “a while”? LYN: “A while” is- okay, honestly Ning-ge isn’t very cultured. There’s “I’ll rest for a while” or “A while passed.” The definition of “a while” seems to change depending on the situation. “Every once in a while” is also a different time frame. It’s just not set. We’ll see. As for exactly how long, we’ll have to see. 
C: What’s your next drama? LYN: I really haven’t confirmed it yet. I saw there are some rumors that I would be in a spy-war drama. I saw it and I asked my studio if I received the script for that project. I was- (excited and disappointed). I forget if it was a spy-war drama, I don’t know. It was me, Tang Yan, Luo Jin, and another actor. The four of us. But I asked my studio if we received that project, and if we did, could I take a look? I think I’d like to try it out and experience it, since I’ve just been doing guzhuang dramas lately... but they said they didn’t receive it. I said, “Don’t trick me~ You just don’t want me to do well.” I had a fight with them and we broke up on the spot. XD After we fought for three days it was confirmed that I really never received that project. Honestly, there’s no need to lie about these things. But after three days of no contact, I concluded it was true- they really didn’t have news about it. 
C: Lao-da, shoot a xianxia. LYN: The world doesn’t owe me. It not that I can act as whatever I want to. I have to be given the option, if a script comes for me. Then, I have to like the story and role before I accept. Nothing is just given to you. LYN: Honestly though, I used to be afraid of xianxias. I did receive a script for one once, but after I reviewed it I was afraid to accept. Because I am someone with strong sense of logic. I think about why a person is they way they are, why do they make the decisions they do, and why they would say what they are saying. How many different layers of meaning are behind their words? I thought about all those things, because I want to make it make sense. But xianxia dramas don’t operate with logic in the realm of current society- it’s a whole other level of logic. I’ve never done a xianxia drama, so I don’t understand it and therefore I'm afraid. But I was thinking that I’ve been doing quite a lot of guzhuang dramas, so I’d like to try out a xianxia if I could. As long as I’m not playing the “most beautiful man in the realm” or something like that I’m sure that very little people will come yell at me. As long as I’m not in that type of role, people probably won’t attack me for it, right? So, I can give it a try.
C: What about national/republic dramas? LYN: Of course, it’s okay. I don’t really differentiate between genres, mostly I look at the script. Whether I accept a job or not depends on of I like either the story or the character. If I like the script but don’t like the character then I don’t go because I don’t think there’s much meaning in that. I mostly look at the script, the platform, the director, etc.
LYN: I cherish everything I have. As a singer, too- I cherish that I get to be one. That’s why I haven’t accepted any business proposals since my debut; I can’t be commissioned to sing at any particular event. Likewise with acting, I cherish every opportunity I get to act. If someone wants you to act in their drama it means that they look kindly upon you. It’s a rare chance, but I don’t want force myself to act in a drama or as a character that I don’t like. I’m sure that the script is very good, but maybe it’s that I don’t understand it. It’s possible. So, I have to acknowledge and like the drama in order for me to act in it. I want to cherish myself and I also don’t want to exhaust my welcome.  LYN: There are pros and cons, because I don’t have an agency. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. One good thing is that I can choose my own work. Of all the collaborations I’ve done, there hasn’t been one random/unknown brand. Secondly, when I say I don’t want to accept any business proposals, I mean it. If you’re an artist in a company, though, do you really think that they want to do all the gigs you see them at? No. If the company wants them to attend, they have no choice in it. There are pros and cons. LYN: I’ve met a fair few actors who’s state of mind is the total opposite from mine. For a lot of dramas, they have no choice and the company makes decisions for them. Do they still go? Yeah, but they might not enjoy it. Do you know how that feels? When you don’t want to do something but are forced to? So think about how they must feel idling in a drama crew they don’t want to be in for four months. I think I’m happy just having the ability to choose. That’s why I have to choose well.
C: When does ZY wrap? LYN: There’s about another month left to go. It’s been a fun and smooth process. C: Are you going on holiday break after ZY wraps? LYN: I don’t think I have the time to... Normal actors don’t accept jobs on quite as tight a schedule as I have been. What I mean by that is some drama have a time conflict- sometimes you have three days of rest between the end of one and the start of another. But it’s rare for them to match up. For example, if my drama ends in June and the next one starts in July, then I can spend the month waiting for the next drama and can use that time to rest or records songs, or go on a variety show. But I went from TXJ straight into BYOL, then YNGS, then the new year happened, and I was in ZY. These past few dramas have been aligned really closely. It’s going to be rare for my dramas in the future to line up like this again, though.  C: It’s a good thing, though. LYN: Of course it is! Having work is a good thing. Think of how many people are sitting around at home with nothing to do. Of course it’s a good thing- it is to me, at least.
C: What about variety shows? LYN: I might do one in June or July, but I haven’t decided which yet. We’ll see what materials they give me first. 
C: These days I have been inundating my friends’ heads with LYN. LYN: By that you mean you’ve been trying to make a case for them to be my fan? Thank you. But please don’t “press on their heads”. That’s a little impolite. It gives off a feel like this: /mimes grabbing someone by the back of the neck, forcing them to look at something in a threatening motion/ “I want you to like LYN! Be his fan! Be his fan!!” That’s not very nice. Please don’t hold their heads down. If you mean you “massage” their heads, then that’s okay. Be gentle. 
C: Have you decided your next-next drama? LYN: /laughs/ I- you have too much faith in me. I haven’t even decided on my next drama, and you’re asking about the one AFTER the next?? I will go back to the same thought- do you think this industry owes me?? LYN: I really have, though. You have good taste. :) LYN: No, I haven’t. I’m kidding! If I have any work that I can tell you about, I would tell you. If I can’t tell you yet, then I can’t. // Despicable. You caught me pretending, again. C: May I boldly ask which laoshi you will be working with? LYN: Everyone I work with is my “laoshi”. I’m just an actor and I have no say in deciding who I work with- that’s all up the the platform. They will choose who they think suits the drama the best. I’m not qualified to choose who I want, I can only choose to accept or not accept. I can work with anyone. As long as the drama approves of them, I’m okay. C: Is there anyone in particular you really want to work with? LYN: Of course I want to work with people I’m familiar with or people I recognize. As for who exactly I won’t name names because I don’t think there’s any reason in doing that. There I people I really want to work with, but there’s no need for me to tell you who they are. 
C: Is there a season 2 of The Truth? LYN: I’m not sure. I think there will be, because I also hope there will be. It was quite fun. if there is, I hope you can tune in to watch.
C: Is there anyone you don’t want to work with? LYN: No. Is there anyone in this industry I don’t want to work with... not yet. I think everyone I’ve worked with so far is very good. Everyone who I haven’t worked with, I don’t know what type of person they are (if they are good or bad), so I can’t say that I don’t want to work with them. There is no “work together” or “not work together”- everyone is fine.  C: What a very diplomatic response. LYN: What’s diplomatic about that?? I’ve been very happy in every drama I’ve been in and have been able to come out of them having made friends. 
C: Where are your glasses? LYN: Wait- let me go grab them. Hold on, listen. -- break #1 (upstairs neighbors are fighting X’D) LYN: Ah. I misheard.
LYN: Daimi? Daimi. Come here. Get back on the sofa. You’ve left and people don’t want to watch my stream anymore. Your fans were asking where you went. Stay on the sofa back there, come here. Sit. Okay. Lay there and go to sleep. C: She’s so obedient!
C: Ning-ge, I’m watching your stream in a bar. LYN: There’s no need for that! You can go “shake your head” (dance?) as you want. Don’t watch my stream, do you own thing! 
LYN: I keep seeing a bunch of you say you want me to work together with ___ actor. Here’s the thing- I have no say in that. I’m just a tiny actor, I don’t even know if I’ll HAVE work, let alone decide who I want to work with. I think that if I stay in this industry for long enough then I'll have the chance to work with everyone, eventually. Don’t you think so? If we get to work together then that means it was meant to be. If we don’t then that means it’s not our turn. Just wait it out. 
C: You’re trending. LYN: Am I? How come I don’t believe you?? Am I qualified to be trending- I’m not worthy! Friends, really though. Am I qualified? I think... - 我不配 (I’m not Worthy) LYN: This song, friends is deeply meaningful to me. When I first started taking male lead roles, let me tell you, I- /holds back fake tears/ People told me I wasn’t worthy. Even now people still don’t think I’m worthy. So this song has accompanied me through countless nights. Without this song, I would not have been able to persevere until today; I wouldn’t be able to hang on until the next project, friends. Music really can cheer people up. Whenever I hear this song I feel like ridiculing myself, “LYN, you’re not worthy!” “How could you be a male lead, when you look so ugly?!” Whenever I see a comment like that I’ll sing this song.  - 我不配 (I’m not Worthy) [round 2] LYN: My tears are coming out of my mouth (?) 
C: Change the glasses there’s too much reflection with this one. LYN: Why do you have so many issues? Can’t you see I’m trying to cosplay Conan, here? Whenever they come to a conclusion on a case the glasses reflect like this. I’m imitating Conan, right now. Alright I’ll take it off. You just don’t understand fashion. 
C: You’re trending. LYN: Am I really? Well, first of all thanks to all of you watching. If you weren’t here then I wouldn’t be able to have this trending topic. You made this happen because you keep typing comments and interacting with me/each other. Once the discussion levels are up, the topic can easily start trending. So thanks to you. Thank you for the discussion. There are a lot of people in the stream who might have been watching for a while and have not typed a single word... but! You’re a part of this, too. If you still haven’t typed anything into the comments tonight, then just reply with one phrase: LYN, hello. How about that? Please. Interact with me. As long as you type in the words “LYN, Hello” into that chat, from today forward we will be friends. Okay, fam’? LYN: Friends, what is “family”? “Family” is not the one who’s here all the time claiming to give you benefits, no. What is “family”? YOU are all my family. /laughs/ This song I have to gift to you- Friends. LYN’s Stream will always be your home. We’re a family. So I’ll gift you with a song. - 常回家看看 (Go Home Often) [ft. customized lyrics XD] C: I’m speechless. LYN: What do you mean?? It’s such a touching song, and you’re speechless? I want to say your indifference is making ME speechless. Don’t be indifferent. We have to be moved by it.
C: Ning-ge, it’s like I’ve walked into a gym. LYN: ?_? Where did that come from? Why would it be a gym?? Did you see barbells in the back or?? A treadmill? Why do you think it looks like a gym?
LYN: I want to tell you all- May 1st: 云襄传 (The Ingenious One; Yun Xiang Zhuan) will air. I sang an OST for it, and the drama looks good so I hope you can support it. My song is called “Yun Zi Jue (云字诀)”. I hope you can listen to it as well. The drama’s story is really good, I took some time to get to know about it. It’s about uhm... eh... I know but I just don’t want to say it. XD I’m afraid I won’t explain well. It’s a mysterious story... about and things that happen within the sect. As for which sect, you can watch and find out. It’s a mysterious drama, very nice. LYN: Someone’s typed out the name of the sect into the comments, you’re exactly right. I’m sure that this will be a very interesting drama.  C: 双开门. (double open doors*) LYN: 去你的. LYN: What “门” is it? 家人们 (Family). It’s a story about “family”. C: What is the “double open doors” thing about? [*referring to the “Korean double-door refrigerator figure”: Broad shoulders, small head, thin waist, long legs.] LYN: It’s a type of aesthetic describing men. They have very wide shoulders, but a small head. This appearance/ratio is what people refer to as the “double open door” figure. I don’t know if you have a double-door fridge at home? The one where you grab both handles and open the doors at the same time. It’s just used to describe a type of figure. This person is double-doored. This person is a single-door. This person is an air conditioner. C: Ning-ge, you’re double-doored. LYN: I am not! I’m so tall and skinny, I’m definitely an air conditioner. I don’t know if your house has the kind of air conditioner that’s hung across the wall? I’m the standing type- the tall kind that you put in a corner. Thin and long. C: Ning-ge, you’re an LCD monitor. LYN: What do you mean. Are you saying my face is big? Is that what you mean? That’s probably not what they intended. There are two possibilities: 1. They didn’t have anything better to say but wanted to join in on the joke so they called me an LCD monitor. The second possibility is that they think very deeply, and you can see everything wonderful in the world’s in my face. Everything that is broadcast on my face are the wonders of the world. In other words, my face is very abundant. Maybe that’s what they mean. I’m not sure which interpretation is correct, but I get the feeling it’s mostly the first kind.  C: They called you an LCD monitor because they are calling you thin and weak. LYN: Ah. I am. They’re right so I won’t argue. I’ll continue to stay thin.
C: You’re trending Ning-ge. LYN: I don’t believe it. Friend, you’re a little late though. Someone already told me earlier. What’s the topic, though? / I think I was at 34 earlier?? What is it now? / What’s the topic, I want to know. C: “LYN Live Stream” LYN: Oh. No wonder I’m at 34. If it were something else... it’d be even higher. This is normal, it doesn’t get too high up. 
C: Yingzi-jie is here again. LYN: Welcome! YXJ is a drama Yingzi-jie produced. (Li Li Ying; Producer: Ultimate Note, Tientsin Mystic) You can check it out when it starts airing. I also sang a song for it, called Yun Zi Jue (云字诀). It starts airing on May 1st. The Ingenious One. LYN: I keep saying, the reason I was able to enter the television industry when I started off as a singer, is due to two people. I have to thank these two people. One of them is Yingzi-jie and the other- I always talk about- is Bai Yicong-laoshi. These two people gave me my first opportunity to move from a singer into an actor. I always remember their kindness. LYN: Think about it. In 2018, I had only just started off as a singer. Who would even think to invite me to act? No one. But they did.They’re the ones who helped me take my first step in this industry. Then through my first drama I got to know Director Zhu. If I didn’t have that first drama I would never have gotten the ones that came later.
C: Ge, you’re at 43 now. LYN: If it’s at 43, just let it be. It doesn’t matter. I’m not like other artists, who only stream very rarely and it is a treasured experience. I stream all the time so- like all things you see all the time- I am not as treasured. If there’s a lot of a single product no one cares, but if there’s a limited run then it becomes coveted. I stream all the time, so having “LYN Live Stream” trending is normal. People see it all the time.
C: Ning-ge is horse-riding fun? LYN: I know you may have seen some videos online saying that I can ride horses now and that I can gallop and I might look stable. By stable I mean emotionally. But honestly every time I shoot for the drama, the moment I get on the horse I get timid. After timid I start to fret. As soon as I get on the horse I start to get scared. Everyone is like this- once you reach a point where you are scared and uneasy, there’s a kind of inexplicable wrath that arises. You’ll go through all sorts of emotions. Every time there’s a horse-riding scene my head starts to pound. C: I’m a girl and I can ride! LYN: WOW, YOU’RE SO AMAZING. I admire you~ And then? What does that have to do with me??? You can be amazing and I can be scared- there’s no conflict here. I’m just afraid- what about not being afraid makes you so amazing? I’m even afraid of water- I can’t swim. I’m sure a lot of you will reply, “I’m a girl and I can swim!” You swim yours, I’m afraid of water. What can you do. Everyone in the world has something they fear. There are people who don’t eat cilantro, garlic, or spring onion. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, just like everyone has their own fears. Some people are afraid of dogs and other aren’t. Some people are afraid of cats and others raise them. What is there to compare?? C: Ning-ge’s agitated. LYN: I’m not agitated, but I think I’ve been insulted?! If you come to my stream and start talking about how you’re better than I am then in my heart I am uncomfortable. Also, this type of showing off... doesn’t seem very amazing in perspective but it’s still something than can one-up me. That’s what makes me feel worse. She’s a girl and she can ride a horse, but I’m afraid. It’s like I... lost. It feels like I grew to 1.8m for no reason.
LYN: I told you before. The reason I’m afraid of water is because when I was little I went with a group of kids to free swim. I almost drowned. What is “free swim”? When we were little we’d go around looking for large pools of water, or play by the river. It wasn’t exactly swimming, because I didn’t know how to swim. We were just playing in the water. I almost drowned once, so after that I developed a fear of the water. I was afraid of the water for a long time and then one year I thought I had matured enough. LYN: I was 20+ years old and a bunch of my friends said we should find a water park to play in because it was summer and hot. I went. You know- the man-made waves, pools, water slides, floating around in the inflatable ring, etc. So I went- you might have seen a picture online, where I’m wearing some shorts. My legs are so pale- I’m sure that a lot of you have seen it. That was taken when I went to the water park. I went up to the top of the slide and came all the way down to where a pool catches you- as soon as I hit the water I started breathing. My instinct when I hit the water is to try to breathe. I never learned how to swim. I told people I didn’t know how to swim and they told me it was okay, just remember to hold my breath when I hit the water. As long as I held my breath I would be okay, because they would quickly pull me back up. I said I could do that. But from the moment I started sliding, when I was preparing, I started holding my breath. The slide part hadn’t even started yet but I was holding my breath. “Are you ready?” /nods/ /slide/ At the end I couldn’t hold it anymore and tried to suck in some air- /splash/ The exact moment I hit the water. Just like that. My first experience. I held my breath too early. By the end of the slide I couldn’t hold it anymore, tried to breathe, but sucked in water instead. I will never forget that feeling. It was like so much water was entering my brain. LYN: If I was a little crazed earlier it’s because there’s water in my brain. It’s not completely out yet- there’s still water in there. But I was choking on water and I couldn’t stand up. I was 20+ and already 1.85m, but I just couldn’t stand up. I feel like I was in there for 10 seconds but in reality it was only 2 or 3. In the end a staff member pulled me up. I stood up- the water didn’t even reach past my thighs. Think about how much I’m afraid of water. It didn’t even reach past my thighs and I was crying trying to catch my breath. LYN: Some things just have nothing to do with height or age. It’s just a fear.
C: Then you must be very brave when filming. LYN: That scene for BCF... has become an eternal trauma for me. I’ve told you about it before. My character in that drama was wearing shackles- it was a big wooden block and my head and hands were sticking out the top of it. You’ve all seen it, so you know what it is. I was chained up, sitting on the bench and they pushed me in. When I was shooting for that scene I almost went crazy. I don’t know how to swim and here they were, throwing me into the water. I could have died. I was chained, too! There’s the block, as well. Normal people, if someone pushes you into the water, don’t sink. You’re not heavy enough. So they tied a few weights around my waist. Kind of like the weights you strap to your legs when you run. There were a bunch of weights added to the bench, to make it so you sink. I already told you about it before, so I won’t repeat it. But that scene really scared me so much I have residual trauma.
LYN: There’s a script that I have- the character jumps into water in the first episode. I was reviewing the script and the first scene is that the character has to jump into the water to save someone. After I saw that I almost didn’t want to see what came after. I have to go into the water to save someone and be calm myself. After I saw that I didn’t want to see the rest. XD C: Can the scene be changed to a fire rescue instead? LYN: /laughs/ The original script is that you have to go into water to save someone, but you think I can negotiate with the director and screenwriter to change it from a water rescue to a fire rescue? That’s what you mean, right? Em... I don’t think it will work. It has an original manhua. I can’t just change it because I want to. 
C: Why don’t you go learn to swim after ZY wraps? LYN: I have thought of that. I was thinking of taking 1-2 weeks to learn how to swim. I feel like there are some things people just have to know how to do. For example, swimming. People can learn a lot of things! Swimming, diving, surfing, riding a jet ski- motorcycle, driving, it’s all a process- parachuting... they’re all skills. I think I should learn, at least how to swim. That’s what I was thinking. C: Ning-ge, give me 800RMB. I guarantee you’ll learn how to swim. / I’ll teach you for free. LYN: Alright- that person who wanted 800RMB- kick them out. I don’;t need to spend the money. Someone will teach me for free. See that? You think you’re going to make some money off of me? C: Ning-ge, when you learn how to swim can  you record it and share it with us? LYN: ... ?_? .... Do I even have to record a VLOG for learning how to swim? You want a swimwear VLOG? :D We don’t need to do anything so thrilling. Let’s forget about it. LYN: Actually there’s a logic there... It’s not that I can’t record a VLOG, but I just don’t want you to benefit from my swim classes. If I find someone to teach me it’s definitely going to be a paid instructor. But you want to secretly learn how to swim from my videos and save yourself that money... I definitely won’t let you take advantage. If you want to learn you can pay for classes yourself.
C: Do you need any fan-support for learning how to swim? LYN: /laughing/ Do I need fan-support for that? Are you going to occupy the outside of the swimming arena with fan banners and chant our motto? I don’t need it. Thank you, everyone. C: In the pool. LYN: No need! But actually I’ve never seen anyone else’s fans to a water-based fan support. I’ve heard of fans lining the streets for fan-support, but never anything on the water. You want to do a swimming pool fan support? Let’s not go overboard, okay? C: Be creative. LYN: Sometimes creativity it not a necessity. One day If I ever go to sit in a hot spring, are you going to suggest a hot springs fan-support? It’s not necessary, really. C: Ning-ge, I thought we wanted to be unique and different? LYN: It’s not necessary, REALLY. - /tries to stop this line of conversation, sees a comment that drags us back in/ C: Ning-ge, you can always make it a paid service for watching you learn how to swim. That is, if people want to see you swim, they can buy entry tickets. LYN: LOL. You want me to sell tickets, so you can watch me swim. In that case front seats are 1980RMB. Is that what you mean when you said I should sell tickets? Erm.. I don’t think my current development has made it to the point where this is warranted, has it? I can’t survive on my talent anymore?
C: Hmph! You’re skinny like a rack of ribs- what is there to see? LYN: /laugh/ Whether I AM as skinny as a rack of ribs or not, there’s still no chance of you seeing it. I won’t let you see. You don’t need to be weird about it. LYN: Some people like to eat ribs! Right? It’s just... a different experience. Radish and greens, each has their own preference. If it’s a choice between beef and ribs I’m sure there will also be people who like one or the other.  LYN: Anyway, I already promised. When I’m 60 and I hold a concert I’ll show you an old man ripping off his shirt. Alright? I know that a lot of people are hoping that when they see me in concert- concerts are always designed this way. They’ll be on stage singing, and then it gets to a really high point and they, inexplicably, rip the shirt. I don’t know why the song requires you to rip your shirt off, but it’s really mesmerizing. It’s planned for the stage. I know some friends are hoping that I also do that during one of my concerts. For example, /starts playing “隐侠”/- you can’t rip right from the start. Let me see what point is suitable for tearing off a shirt... - 隐侠 (Hidden Hero), My Heroic Husband Donghua OST - /gets to the start of the pre-chorus verse/ LYN: This part is suitable for tearing a shirt. You can choose to rip the shirt here, or not. But here’s the thing- if you DO tear the shirt here I think it’s inappropriate. Why? Because it means you’ll have ripped the shirt off from the start. Which is to say, you’ll have to sing bare-chested for another three minutes. For me, who has a weak constitution, these three minutes means that I am easily susceptible to catching a cold. Especially since the venue air conditioning is usually pretty good, if I were seating up until this point and suddenly am exposed to the air, I could catch a cold. Considering all these factors, this timing isn’t suitable. Let’s continue. - /the part at the end of the pre-chorus/ LYN: This is suitable, and in the next second we will enter into the chorus. The whole composition is suitable, too. Listen- /sings it/ Hold it. Then RIP! If you rip the shirt here, it would be really cool. Friends, I think this is it. Let’s try it.  LYN: But the other thing is... only 1 minute and ten seconds have passed. There are still two minutes and 28 seconds left to sing. From a stage design perspective, ripping the shirt here might be too early. What happens is we first let the music stir you up, then in the second chorus we can bring it to the next level with a shirt tear. If we do it now, once it gets to a certain point there’s no raising the bar. We’ll let this first chorus go and tear the shirt in the second chorus to bring the song to the next level- that would be perfect. 
C: Ning-ge, how about this? Wear five layers. Let’s do it layer by layer. LYN: That’s also a way to do it. Other people tear their shirts off in concert very smoothly. Let’s make mine so it’s like the Sichuan Opera art of face-changing. I’ll wear five colors of shirt- black > yellow > red >  blue > purple > white. I’ll be sharing a little culture on stage, is that what you mean? First gufeng and now bian lian. We’ll sprinkle a little culture into it.  LYN: But the other thing is, if this singer doesn’t usually work out or id he’s tired lately... After tearing three shirts off he won’t have the strength to rip the last two. Struggling to rip the shirt open on stage is also awkward. Like me- if I tear two I’d already be tired. I won’t be able to rip the next three. C: Ning-ge, cut it a little first. LYN: Leave an opening, so that it’s easier to tear? It’s still tiring. Anyway, we’ll see. C: Buy a paper (?) shirt. LYN: Let’s do this. In the case that I cannot fulfill my “face-changing” shirt trick, starting from today I will buy five colors of shirt and start wearing them. After thirty years, I’ll be 60- think of what condition these shirts would be in after being worn for thirty years. I’m guessing touching it will be like paper. At that point, they should be easy to tear. I’m sure when Im 60 I’ll have enough strength to tear five shirts. It’s decided. LYN: I’ll wear the shirts until they’re mesh.
LYN: /sigh/ Let me make it clear. You’ll never see me rip my shirt off in my concert. I was considering it for next year, but after one of you said I looked like a rack of ribs and there’s nothing to look at I took a blow. They’re not anti-fans, because what they’re saying is the truth. But, I took some blows. First, by “what’s there to look at?” and secondly by “I’m a girl and I can ride a horse but you can’t?” I’ve been hurt twice today already. /sigh/ I suddenly want to play a song... Every time I’m sad I play this song. - 我不配 (I’m not Worthy)
C: Ning-ge, you’ve got a new background. LYN: ... I don’t even want to respond to you. It’s clear that you don’t much follow me. Why should you? I’m filming right now and our drama crew has moved to Xiangshan so I’m in a hotel right now and what you’re seeing is the room. It’s not that I wanted to change the background to give you some freshness, it’s that I’m actually streaming from a hotel room.  C: Is the room soundproofed? LYN: The room in front and behind are the staff so it should be no problem. As for upstairs and downstairs... below me is the director. So if I sing or stream it’s not likely that he’ll report me or tell the hotel management that his upstairs neighbor is noisy and to do something about it. XD I think he’d understand.  C: What about upstairs? LYN: I’m on the top floor. Upstairs is the sunroof, with the water heater. Do you think my singing can make it explode or???
-- break #2 - /calls Daimi back to sit on the sofa again/
LYN: Is the director here? Director Deng is here! LYN: I was just saying, I hope my streaming doesn’t disturb you. I’m upstairs. Are you about to come and report me?
C: Daimi’s gotten thinner. LYN: I turned on the face-slimming feature for this stream. So she looks really thin. But can you imagine, a small dog like this is actually 10+kg? She’s just a giant meatball, and you think she’s thin? You can say she’s ugly and I’ll agree. If you say she’s thin, then I can’t agree. 
LYN: ?? Why is the software not registering the lyrics again?? It can’t pull them up. Let me close the software. What the heck is this?? Can it work?! // Alright, fine. It’s not important. LYN: Hold on, let me play a video again and see if that changes things. /nope/ Ok, whatever.
LYN: I’ll sing a song. Why aren’t there any lyrics?? This thing is messing with me. C: I’ll type it for you. LYN: Okay, sure. // I have them. - 你說愛情啊 (You Say Love), Young and Beautiful OST LYN: I quite like this song. It’s one of my favorites of the OSTs I’ve sung.
C: Which other ones do you like? LYN: I’m not telling you~
C: 紅塵客棧 (Worldly Tavern) LYN: Oh, right. I suddenly realized that there’s a line in that song that goes “為你折腰” (I’ll bow to you). I was thinking, why are the words “折腰” (Zhe Yao, also the name of his current drama) so familiar? Then I realized it was in the song. // I’m not in the greatest condition today, my voice is a bit hoarse. Let’s see if I can sing it. - 紅塵客棧 (Worldly Tavern)
C: Ning-ge, I hope ZY is a hit! LYN: What do you mean, that YNGS won’t be a hit? BYOL is lacking? Why are you singling one out- that’s not right. We have to 一碗水端平 (deal with things fairly, without favoring any party). If you’re going to be like that, then I have to sing ⼀念之間. - ⼀念之間 (An Idea) [David Tao] LYN: I forgot how to sing this, a little. But we want to be fair. LYN: Is BYOL lacking? I am male lead in all three of these dramas (ZY, YNGS, BYOL)... - 黑夜一束光 (Praying) LYN: We have to be fair, right? They’re all my own projects, and all roles that I love. I hope that when the dramas air you can support them.
C: bian dan piao shui duan ping le [t/n: ???] LYN: bian dan... piao shui... duan ping le? - 中國話 (Chinese) [S.H.E] LYN: That’s just the instinct of a singer- once you hear a keyword* you’ll associate it with a song. I gave up in the middle. [*Here, the keyword was “扁擔” (bian dan) = bo staff]
C: Lao-da, can you wish me a happy birthday? LYN: Happy Birthday! There are people celebrating birthdays today, huh? It’s your birthday but you’re here watching my stream, so I feel very touched and thank you for being here. Happy Birthday. Don’t spam the comments or I’ll kick you out. If you keep spamming then I’ll make this birthday UN-happy. I’ll kick you out. I saw it, okay? Happy Birthday. LYN: Whenever I see a friend like this I will feel moved. Because they’re spending their birthday here with me... which goes to show that they really don’t have any friends in real life. But they think of me as their precious friend so at this time, at 9:46pm, they have come to keep me company. Thank you.
C: Your voice is a little rough. LYN: I told you, I’ve been shouting a lot lately.
LYN: I had a scene yesterday that had me at a loss. You all watch dramas, so you know. For example, an old man says, “I think the Crown Prince is right!” and then every other official in the area says, “Yes, yes. He’s definitely correct. Minister Du, you aren’t wrong.” Everyone else is agreeing, right? And another situation is where someone will say, “Today I must catch the culprit!” and there are a bunch of people in the crowd who reply, “What makes you worthy? Who do you think you are??” // “Yeah! Who does he think he is??” Like that. As soon as someone says something critical there’s the peanut gallery in response. LYN: But this scene- the set up of this scene was that I enter the room and everyone inside is stunned/suppressed by my presence. Everyone was pointing fingers and making a fuss and I enter the room and say, “Stop fighting, have you no dignity!?” [t/n: or sth like that...]. At this moment, the whole room should be stunned into silence. They have to be suppressed by my majesty. So I went in, said my line... and they kept fighting. No one even paid me any attention! I went in and I already said my line, so I went “HEY!” These actors were really into their role. XD I was supposed to show my majesty/might but I went in and everyone ignored me. Wow, I almost lost it. But that’s why I had to keep shouting yesterday. We did that scene so many times. C: Were you not loud enough? LYN: My nickname is “Loud Voice Box”- nothing about me is great save for the loudness of my voice. I’m already very loud! I went in there and practically shouted my line but several people kept their fight going. I couldn’t uphold my title and my dignity was strewn across the floor instead. I was going crazy. They didn’t give me any face. Just a slap in the face. We shot the scene so many times, and I shouted each time. I felt like my voice was about to catch fire. Normally I’d shout, walk into the room, then continue. By the end I shouted, walked into the room, but my voice was already hoarse. // I still haven’t recovered. These teachers were too immersed in their roles, and here I was about to have a mental break.
LYN: There’s another scene that had me breaking. I went to... a place... and the person there says, “He’s here. Girls, attend to him.” A scene like that. I was meeting with a person but the location was special. You all can use your imagination to think of what special place that was. The steward said their line and then four girls were coming for me. I’m acting in a very upright role, okay, so in the moment I said, “Get away.” Very righteous of me. You have to adhere to the role, right? It’s not like the scene can go, “Attend to the Marquis.” and I say, “Come, come~ Let’s drink.” That won’t work. I needed to be cold and indifferent. LYN: I said, using a very low voice- “Get away.” !! These four girls ignored me!!! The came to me and wanted to hold my hands! What should I do?? So I shouted, “Get away!” They still didn’t listen!!! They kept touching me! I was having a breakdown, thinking, “Do you want to die???” “I’m a Marquis, what do you think you’re doing??!” LYN: Sometimes when you have teachers (actors) who don’t listen to you it’s really a headache. It’s not as if I could hit them, right!? I’m a Marquis, so normally if I told them to “get away”, they should have backed off. These four jiejie-s were too real, all they wanted to do was touch. They were trying to pour me drinks and feed me. I- I was having a breakdown. // So that day I also ended up shouting several times. LYN: In the script, it was the four approached me and when I told them to go away, they should have left. The other teacher should have said, “The Marquis doesn’t want you. You’re dismissed.” But I told them to go away and they didn’t care and kept pouring the wine and trying to touch. So I shouted at them to go away- I already had to add that line! but they continued to pander to me. There was no way to keep acting. I didn’t know how to keep it going. When the drama airs I’m sure you’ll see this scene and you’ll know what I’m talking about. C: Ning-ge, I don’t think it’s funny. I think it’s scary. LYN: No, it’s not like they were crossing any lines. They were just touching my shoulders and saying, “Aiyo~ Have a drink~” like that. You’ve seen dramas, right?? Just touching the shoulders. There’s no way they could have done more. I just think the character is suited to having his shoulders touched. It’s like, “Don’t touch my shoulders!!” That sort of feeling.  LYN: They’re not exactly background characters, but special appearances. These types of actors need to have a certain level of performance and acting ability. They’re all great actors. C: Smash the cup and kick the table. LYN: I’m a Marquis and you want me to smash the cup and kick the table. That would make the character too petty. Am I worthy of the Marquis title, in that case? I’d be a scoundrel. A Marquis is supposed to stop people with a word. If they were going around smashing tables all day that would be too petty.  LYN: Acting is all about the cooperation. If the other party doesn’t cooperate then it’s not as if you can carry the scene on your own. The thing is you CAN improvise, but once it strays too far from the script there’s no saving it.
C: Daimi looks like she’s sleeping soundly. LYN: She’s sleep-dazed. But do you believe as soon as I say the magic words she’ll stand right up? Those three magic words. She’ll sit up. She;ll go from sleeping to wide awake in a second. Forget it. Let her sleep.
C: The director doesn’t care? LYN: Of course he does, he already told them not to touch me anymore. There’s no way the Director wouldn’t care. I’m just sharing the experience.
LYN: Have A Sausage? DM: zzZZzzzz LYN: !!! LYN: Have A Sausage?? /again, louder/ HAVE A SAUSAGE? DM: ZZzzz LYN: ???!!! LYN: Daimi? Have a sausage? DM: zzzzz LYN: How embarrassing. Have a sausage? LYN: Hey. Sis. How about a sausage, Daimi? DM: zZZzzzzz LYN: Oh my god. The magic spell doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t work... LYN: Let her sleep, then. LYN: Friends, if I called for my dog in my stream and she didn’t come, does that affect my market value? Does it influence whether I will get drama roles or OSTs? Brand collaborations? It doesn’t affect those, right? Then, it’s okay.
- /still trying to call Daimi/ LYN: “Thankless wretch”? Let’s go play? Go? LYN: Oh. This dog is an overseas breed. Let’s use English. LYN: Wake up. Wake up. Let’s go. LYN: ... LYN Good. LYN: /back to Chinese/ Time to eat. LYNL: /in English/ Get up. Come here. LYN: Oops. That’s all the English I know. I already said all the English I know but she didn’t react. There’s nothing I can do. Let’s continue our chat, friends.
LYN: There’s another way, which is if I eat something she might wake up. Let’s try it. - /chews on a... corn?/ LYN: She’s not in shock, is she? LYN: Oh, well. 
C: Ning-ge, what are you eating? Dog food?? LYN: Moderator, kick this person out of the chat.
C: Is she still breathing? LYN: Don’t scare me. - /turns to look at her and she twitches/ LYN: She looked at me.
C: “LYN dyed his hair” is trending on the main tab at #22. LYN: I just dyed my hair. If I had known I would start trending for it I would have styled it too. LYN: Now I look like a... /trails off and doesn’t finish the though/ // The thing is when other artist start trending for dyeing their hair or changing up their hairstyle all the pictures are nice and pretty. If it’s not a full photo-set it’s professional “leaks”. When you see other artists trending for dyeing their hair it’s always those very cool hairstyles and photos. I’m just sitting here wearing a hat. My hair looks like it’s raining outside. It looks like I was caught in the rain. I’m trending for this? It’s two different styles entirely. C: What about a wig? // Go fix it. LYN: It’s too late to style it. There’s no saving my hair today. C: Do you hair right now. LYN: I can’t. It’s too flat. // Forget it. I can’t save it. - /tries to fix it anyway/ LYN: Let’s play a more fashionable song and see if that can save it. - /plays Moon Lover OST -  내 마음 들리나요 (Can You Hear My Heart)/ LYN: 미쳤어? (Are you crazy?) LYN: I need to find a pair of glasses. This isn’t working.
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LYN: Is this better? Seems like it also doesn’t work. LYN: I got a call. / It’s nothing. My staff is watching my stream and they were telling me where the hair gel is. They thought I was really going to do my hair. It’s alright, I won’t try. LYN: It doesn’t really help. I won’t try. It’s fine like this. A Bright and Sunshine Happy Boy.  LYN: This is fine. Is it acceptable? My hair’s a little long. Let’s just leave it. C: Wear the glasses from before. LYN: These? C: You’re too cool. LYN: You haven’t seen enough of the world... Anyway! Since I’m trending for dyeing my hair and people are coming in to look. There’s one thing you have to remember- an artist, singer, or actor- what do we do? It’s a service industry. No matter what we do, it’s a service. The customer is king. To an actor, whoever watches your dramas is your customer. The singer’s king are the people who like your songs. To idols the people who like their visuals and like to see them perform on stage and show off their talents, those people are king. Here in my stream we want to make sure that everyone is well-served. You have to remember to have a service mindset and that way you will have returning customers. Since I am trending for having dyed my hair, then I have to show them, even if it looks a little ugly right now.  LYN: How is it, friends? This doesn’t affect my market value, does it? As long as it doesn’t it’s fine.
C: Try the shades. LYN: I did earlier, and it didn’t look very cool. Let me go switch. Wait for me. LYN: I don’t have anything else, but I DO have a lot of glasses. 
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LYN: This one seems alright, C: How come your hair fell? LYN: I didn’t put any gel into it. I was just grabbing it. To give it “air bangs”. Once there’s no air (holding it up) it falls. I can’t really style it right now.
C: You look blind. LYN: :| Friends, it’s like this. Online you think you’re a dragon. But in real life I don’t believe you would go up to someone on the street wearing shades and tell them they look blind. Do you dare? If you were walking on the street and saw someone wearing shades would you go up to them and say, “Hey. You look like a blind person.”? They’re going to beat the crap out of you. How dare you be so presumptuous in my stream?? 
LYN: Let me put the hat back on. LYN: It’s good enough. /takes off the jacket/ It’s too hot. LYN: Alright, customers. I have finished serving you. I think after all that I have lived up to the trending topic. I’ve done my best. LYN: Let me see what time it is. It’s already 10p. I’ll stop before it hits 11p. I still have a bunch of scenes to do tomorrow. How long have I been streaming for? Let me see.... three hours. I’ve been streaming for three hours?? So quickly? In my mind I’ve only been streaming for around two. It’s been three. LYN: Well, alright. I’ll chat with you a while longer before I leave. I have a lot of scenes to do tomorrow; there are just a lot of lines. I have to remember my lines. I’m getting older in age, so I am slow at remembering them.
- /gets Daimi back on the sofa/ C: If Daimi could speak I’m sure it’d be with a Dandong accent. LYN: I know I speak with an accent. But normally and when I’m speaking with other people and staff, even though there’s an accent, I mainly use Standard Mandarin. It’s only when I stream that my accent is this heavy. I don’t speak like this normally. I purposely use my dialect when I stream. LYN: Am I speaking with my dialect now? It’s still standard. But I want my stream to carry a bit of humor and my own personality, so I purposely use my hometown dialect. Right fam’? I speak like this on purpose. LYN: What I’m speaking now is a tone I’ve designed specifically for streaming.
LYN: Friends, I really want to ask- is there any trope or situation in dramas that, after you watch them, really makes you want to make fun of it? Or, not necessarily “make fun of”, but is there any trope that you find particularly fun(ny)? LYN: Sometimes when I’m watching dramas or when I’m shooting them, I’ll see some funny things. I’ll record them all down and when I have enough I’ll tell you all about them.
C: When they fall down and end up kissing. LYN: Ah- whether it’s the FL or ML falling and the ML or FL catches the other- whenever they touch each other and there is a situation where they fall to the ground, they end up on the floor kissing? They need to get a “bite”, right? It’s required. When they fall, they kiss. You’re right, there is such a trope. Now I’m trying to think if I ever filmed such a scene?? I haven’t. 
C: When they haven’t done anything but start fighting right away. LYN: Who are you referring to?? Huh? Are you an anti? Who are you referring to? What do you mean “haven’t done anything but start with a fight”? You don’t need to refer to me. I’m trying to chat with you and learn something from you, to see how you feel when watching dramas normally. But you’re trying to provoke me??? ZY starts off with a feud, what of it??! Is that not okay? It’s okay- you can start a drama that way!
C: When they start running but are hit with a car and are sent flying. LYN: In a lot of dramas when someone starts running, they’re easily hit by a car? I think a lot of dramas are filmed this way because there’s a moral meaning behind it. It’s to teach you not to run wildly. Don’t run in the street; it’s dangerous. Through this video format, it’s to teach you that you must obey the rules of traffic. When you run into the street without a car for red or green lights, you’re going to get hit by a car and sent flying. You’re sent flying but most of the time you don’t die. In the worst case you end up with amnesia. That’s good enough- they already left you with your life. Other than making you aware that you should obey traffic rules, they left you with your life and a warning that you could have gotten amnesia. Don’t run wildly.
C: When it’s always raining in break-up scenes. LYN: LOL. They say it always rains when you break-up with someone. I think... hold on, let me think if I’ve ever done that. I haven’t. Because up until now I haven’t shot any break-up scenes. This friend isn’t referring to me, but a different drama. LYN: This is normal. The reason is because when it’s raining the atmosphere will be a lot stronger. As a viewer watching the drama, rain makes most people feel down. When you’re rained on it gives off a sense of vulnerability. It’s all to make up the mood, so I think this trope is valid. It’s not as if you can break-up at noon in broad daylight. You break up when the sun’s so bright you can’t open your eyes and you don’t have a sunshade? There’s no feeling in that. Think about it. It’s noon and the sun is shining in the cloudless sky. If you tilt your head up you can’t even open your eyes- and you break up. There’s no feeling. Don’t you think so? There’s just no helping it. The drama needs to stir up the mood somehow.
C: Washing up without taking the clothes off. LYN: ... Who are you referring to?? There’s no need, okay? Don’t cue me. If you don’t want to see it then get out.
C: When the FL washes up and hasn’t gotten her clothes on all the way but bumps into the ML. LYN: Or, like most dramas like to do, when the ML has finished washing and comes out in just a towel. As soon as he steps out from the bathroom he’s sure to bump into a girl. There IS such a rule, isn’t there? As long as the guy comes out in just a towel, there’ll be a girl there to see his whole top half. This seems to be a trope, doesn’t it. Let me think of if I’ve done it... Uh. I think I have.
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LYN: There’s no need to cue me! Hao Du did that. The princess had just finished with her bath and I came to deliver a letter in a rush. I entered the room and there was a few moments of awkwardness. (E27) It was just a small part, there’s no helping it. Stop picking on me. If you don’t like to see it then get out. XD
C: When you’re punished into kneeling and it rains. LYN: This is okay. It’s also to create the mood. The weather is always changing, right? I think rain is reasonable. You never know when it’s going to rain.
C: When you save someone in midair and they twirl in circles. LYN: For example if the FL falls from a tree or off of the top of a wall and someone catches them- they have to turn in circles. It’s like this, friends. Even though I also find it a little strange when watching those scenes, as someone IN this industry I just want to say- What else did you expect? If they don’t shoot the scene in such a way, then what’s the meaning of the moment? [t/n: I always thought that they turned in circles because it helps to lessen the downward momentum...] LYN: Let’s say the FL drops down and the ML doesn’t catch her. She falls to her death. What a surprise, right? There’s no way anyone’s going to shoot a drama like that. So if she falls, someone is going to have to catch her. Let me say an example- say this water bottle is the girl, and my hand is the guy. If she falls- 1, 2, 3. /catch easily and puts her down/ “Are you okay? If you’re fine, then let’s go.” ... Do you think that’s okay?? If she was falling, the male lead catches her and sets her on the ground, and they just walk away?? Do you think that’s better than twirling around and around? C: That’s what a normal person would do. LYN: You’re right. But since this is a guzhuang drama, it needs that sort of variation. Of course they’re going to use some stereotypical things, but that’s normal. Let me think if I’ve shot such a scene before... (He has.) Who are you referring to??? Don’t pick on me. If you don’t like to see it, get out.
C: Princess-carry out of nowhere. LYN: Who are you referring to?? Hmph. Get out! What do you mean “princess-carry out of nowhere”??? There is no 119 in guzhuang dramas! Let’s say a girl fainted in front of me. I go, “Hey! Grab a stretcher!!”??? Me and my good buddy carry her back? That’s no good. What we want here is to show off that the guy has strength. You’re picking on me again!
C: Bad guys always talk too much. LYN: What do you expect? There’s no helping it. They have to talk a lot. A lot of the times the situation is like this- the blade is already at the neck and then! They start to have a conversation with you. XD They could kill you in the next second but they won’t- they’ll chat instead. If the blade is like this /picks up the corn cob/ then the villain should say, “Hahaha. Do you know WHY I want to kill you?” The ML, even if he doesn’t say anything, in his mind he’s saying, “I don’t want to know, I just want to die.” -Villain: Do you know why I want to kill you? Today, I’ll let you know. In the past, blablabla. So today! I must kill you.- Now we know the story of WHY the villain wants to kill the ML. Next up is deflecting. -Villain: But you can’t blame me for doing this. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself!”- Blablabla they say another spiel, then the third cycle. -Villain: I’ve said what I need to. Now die!- And at that moment! Of course, someone is going to come save him. As soon as he’s done with his monologue, someone will come to the rescue. LYN: Friends, I think for this you should be more understanding. If I were a villain- no, let’s say I’m the good guy, and the other person is the villain. If the blade goes here (to the neck) and I die. The villain doesn’t say a word. The main character doesn’t say anything. That’s the end of the drama. X What’s there to watch???
LYN: I couple days ago I reasoned out another rule of dramas. If there are a lot of people around and the male lead starts doing this- /laughing maniacally/. They laugh. There will always be someone next to them to ask, “What are you laughing at?” Even if they don’t really want to know! Normally, let’s say you’re walking down the street. Someone next to you suddenly starts laughing- you’re probably going to say, “Is this person crazy? What are they laughing at? WTF.” But! In dramas once the main character starts laughing there will always be someone there to ask them why. “I’m laughing at you... for not knowing you own limits!”  LYN: What else can we expect? Usually, if someone told you they were laughing at you for not knowing your own limits, the reply would be, “?! How dare you laugh at us?! Brothers, let’s kill him!” and then the main lead kills everyone. Go observe some dramas- as soon as the ML starts laughing, someone is going to ask them why.
C: The bad guys are always very strong. LYN: I saw something yesterday related to this... why are bad guys always strong? Most of the time the male lead- in guzhuang dramas- are carefree and unknowing. They only want to enter into the martial arts world. They don’t want fame or fortune, and only want to live happily and freely. They live coolly- if they decide they want to work one day, they can. If they want to drop everything and wander the martial arts world the next day, they will. The main characters are usually all like this. On the other hand, the bad guys are driven. There’s something they want to do and will strive to do it no matter the cost. There’s something they’re working towards. The other side is that if the villain is not strong enough, then it’s not enough to show how strong the main character actually is. If the villain is strong, then the main character is stronger. LYN: Don’t single me out. If you don’t like to watch, get out. XD
C: The second male lead never gets the love he wants. LYN: Stop singling me out. If you don’t like to watch, get out. I replied. You can stop singling me out.
C: When you’re talking shit about someone and they overhear you talking about them. LYN: That’s just nonsense, isn’t it. It’s already RECORDED, so first of all the viewers have definitely heard it. The viewers represent a perspective. If there’s something the show doesn’t want you to know they wouldn’t have recorded it for us to see/hear.
C: Herbal medication is always fed one mouthful at a time. LYN: You mean if someone is sick and they’re fed the medicine spoon by spoon? Stop picking on me. Let me tell you- what’s wrong with that?! They’re already sick- you want to open their mouths and just pour the medicine down? What if they choke to death?? They’re already weak and need spiritual pills and mysterious medicine to save them. You want to take a bowl of piping hot water and just have them guzzle it down??? If there was nothing wrong with them before, they would have been burned to death after your care. We need to feed them one spoon at a time- blow the medicine cool before you feed it to them! This is medicine we’re talking about. It’s not like beer- you expect them to one-shot it? What the heck... You’re wrong on this one. you can’t be like this. One spoonful at a time is normal. C: They’ll die from the bitterness. LYN: Well... you CAN gulp it down. But usually in dramas if you’re at this point you don’t have the energy to do that, right?
C: If you fall off a cliff, if you’re not landing in water you’ll be hanging off a tree. LYN: In this case it’s mostly a main character situation. If it’s the lead role and there are 40 episodes in the drama and they fall from the cliff in E2... and they die.... we’ll be watching a group of supporting actors for the rest of the drama?? Let’s say the ML dies in E2, the FL dies in E3, the 2ML dies in E4, and the 2FL dies in E5. What do we do- find a group of background characters to follow? Wouldn’t that be very strange? C: Get the 2ML. LYN: No, he died in E4. X’D LYN: If everyone dies at the start, who would you be watching the drama for??
C: When the ML takes off his clothes and shows his abs. LYN: /thinking/ Oh, this has nothing to do with me. Um... I guess the prerequisite is that this person has to have abs in the first place. The actor himself has to have abs. If he doesn’t then they probably won’t give him a close-up in this scene. But if he does have it, then why not show off his charms, right? I think this is normal. If he takes off his clothes and you don’t focus on the abs, where do you WANT them to focus? 👀 You have to pick a place! If you don’t choose the abs, where would you focus? Tell me. LYN: He takes off his clothes and you focus on, what? The armpit? Underarm? A fingernail? That doesn’t work. You have to go with the abs. Thats very normal. There’s nothing more to say here. LYN: He takes off his clothes and you want the camera to do a close-up on his bellybutton?? That would be weird. C: The lips. LYN: You can see that when he’s wearing clothes, too. What’s the point of taking the clothes off, then?
C: Flower petals in the bath water. LYN: That’s up to personal preference, isn’t it? Also the drama has to shoot something... aesthetically pleasing yet acceptably broadcast-able. The petals can cover some things, and you can use your imagination to think of what’s under the water. If you’re just sitting in a bath of clear water and the camera is shooting downwards into it.. that’s strange, isn’t it? Even if it weren’t exactly clear, but you still can’t see what’s under the water. If the water were green, for example. That’s weird, isn’t it? As if the lead is so smelly the water has turned green. XD But also if the water is clear and you don’t take off any clothes to bathe... that’s also strange. So they just use petals to block the view. That’s normal. If you can’t even accept that then just stop watching dramas. 
C: Keep spitting blood but they don’t die. LYN: I guess it depends on the wound. If their head was cut off they’d have to die. Or are you watching Journey to the West? Still, not feasible. 
C: When, before going to fight in a war, the male character says, “Wait for me to come back. I will definitely marry you, then.” and they don’t. LYN: This is true. A lot of foreign movies are like this as well. If there’s a person out on a mission and they take out a picture of their wife and kid, or maybe their girlfriend, their probability of dying increases to 90%. As long as they turn to their buddy and ask them, “This is my wife/girlfriend. What do you think? Isn’t she pretty?” 90% chance they’re not going to make it. Also! Right before they’re gone they’ll give the photo or a letter to their buddy and say, “Bring this back for me and return it to her. Tell her not to wait for me.” 90%. A lot of movies do this.
C: I wanted to listen to your song so I watched TtEotM and starting falling for Luo Yunxi. LYN: You have good taste. I hope that people can continue to support every drama that I sing an OST for. May 1st- The Ingenious One will start airing. You can watch that, too. You’ll start falling for Chen Xiao. Of course, Mao Xiaotong-laoshi is also very great. Go watch it.
C: Martial brothers end up feuding. LYN: This doesn’t count. Because this goes according to the situation, but we’re thinking of something more common.
C: Washing up but not washing the hair in guzhuang dramas. LYN: ... This you should be more understanding. As an actor myself I don’t think we should complain about it. If you really want to push the issue then there’s no way to continue filming. If you’re so strict to the point where you can’t accept that this ancient person doesn’t wash their hair, then I think it’s too strange. It’s possible that people in the old times didn’t LIKE to wash their hair. Can’t I just not want to wash my hair? LYN: Most of the times it’s a wig! Once it hits the water, the wig’s going to fly off. It’s just held on by glue. Once your head is in the water it’s going to remove the glue and then the hair’s coming off. That won’t work, so there’s nothing we can do about this. 
LYN: Oh, Director, you came again? Checking things out? Welcome~
C: Someone always saves you when you’re trying to jump off a building. LYN: Which drama? ... ?_? Does that even need explaining?? This doesn’t work- of course there’s going to be someone to save them.  [t/n: Ah... what about... Bai Choufei. ;_; ]
C: Why do they need to kiss underwater? LYN: When someone falls into the water, someone else jumps in to save them and they have to give the other mouth-to-mouth to transfer air. I think this is suited to the situation. I mean.. the first person in doesn’t have air anymore, so the other person becomes their oxygen tank. Just give them a breath. That counts as underwater CPR. You can’t think so evilly. They’re under the water, so in order to stay alive they’re using a method of CPR. It’s not that they’re just down there to kiss! What a happy situation, that would be! But the purpose of this scene isn’t just to that they can have an underwater kiss. The main point is to save the other person, just that the action requires some mouth-to-mouth. This is normal. I don’t think we need to ridicule this. You just don’t like seeing it. Let’s do this, friend. If you see this scene happening in a drama, just think of it from a medical perspective and you won’t find it as strange. Don’t think about the feelings between the leads, but the medical aspect.
C: Ning-ge, when you kiss, are you REALLY kissing? LYN: Sometimes- Are you- How old are you this year? I think if you’re asking this question you aren’t older than 18. The other problem is, if you’re older than 18... I think you can tell the difference.  LYN: If it’s not real kissing then what is it..? An actor and... a piece of pork? Or there’s a space between the actors and later they get PS’d together so it looks like they’re kissing? I don’t get it. I’m not sure what is a “real kiss” and a “fake kiss”. C: Kissing but not touching. LYN: How do you do that?? LYN: There are of close scenes where they’re not REALLY kissing, but those are for wide or middle shots. If it’s a close-up then there’s no other way. I have also heard of course, about kissing doubles and I’ve also heard of who has used them. But it’s not important. This type of thing is... whatever. C: Have you? LYN: I have not. I’m not worthy.
C: I’m drowning, what now Lao-da? LYN: You’re drowning but you’re still typing? I can’t help you.
C: It’s 11p. LYN: I have a clock! :( I have a clock, I have my phone. My computer has the time right there! I know what time it is, you don’t need to remind me!! Are you an alarm or what? I’m aware, don’t push me.
C: Brothers end up liking the same person. LYN: This is normal, you see it all the time in real life too. You and a girl in your dorm end up liking the same boy- that’s normal isn’t it? There’s nothing to pick at, here. 
C: Never finishing a sentence before they die. LYN: Oh, for example if a villain has fatally wounded someone and at the last moment the good guy comes and holds them, says, “Quickly! Tell me who did this to you!” And the person on the verge of death says, “The murderer... the murderer is...” and then dies. It’s always like that, right? Well, what else did you expect?? Someone dies in the first episode, but before they died the good guy came and asked them, “Who is the murderer?” and they reply “The murderer is XYZ.” ... What’s the point in shooting the drama? How do we shoot the rest of the drama? I mean, we CAN but... /laughs/
C: The ML always has a 白月光. (refers to a person or thing that is elusive in the heart, has always been loved, but cannot be touched.) LYN: This, I... /thinking/ Who are you referring to??? If you don’t like to see it, get out. Stop picking on me. XD There’s always a childhood friend or a former lover, something like that. This is normal. A normal part of a drama story.
C: The FL gets lost and the ML goes crazy looking for her. LYN: Who are you referring to?? (Hao Du) This is extremely normal, isn’t it? If your partner went missing I’m sure you’d be going crazy looking for them, too. Let’s say for example- a lot of you are women- say you’re hiking with your husband and you suddenly find that he’s no longer with you. You wouldn’t look for him? You’d happily go home? “So great!” You’d be going crazy looking for him, too! You’d make a police report and find people to help you keep looking. This is totally normal! It happens all the time, what is there to pick on, about this?
C: When there are misunderstandings but they don’t stop to explain. LYN: This is very normal. Some people just don’t like to play the pity card. I think it’s understandable, but I also know that this theme comes up often. From a logical standpoint, this is normal. Some people would rather suffer in silence than speak up. They don’t have a personality that allows them to express themselves, so they don’t want to speak up. This is an ordinary thing. It’s in line with the story, so I think this is okay. LYN: I just don’t want to say anything. I’m an adult man- I shouldn’t make a big deal out of it. I can just bear it and when it reaches a point that I can’t anymore, I’ll just run away. XD LYN: There are people in the world like this, so there’s nothing to say here.
C: When they meet a fortune-teller and whatever they say ends up being the next plot. LYN: This is normal, otherwise what’s the point of their appearance? Say the male lead is on the road and meets a fortune-teller, who says, “Kid- I see that you “this and that”. In the future you should be careful. “blablabla”.”  And then the fortune-teller tells them a bunch of stuff that has nothing at all to do with the future plot- what’s the point of their appearance, then? What was the point of the director shooting such a scene? In this case they wouldn’t need to appear in the drama at all.
C: When the ML and FL are together and one of them falls asleep, there’s a high probability that the one left awake will try to kiss the sleeping one. LYN: /laughs but then sobers (because Hao Du)/ Ehm... This... Is normal! There’s nothing to say! It’s normal. This friend- you must not have dated before. I think this is normal... If the ML and FL are together and one of them falls asleep and the other one really likes them, I’m sure that they’ll want to try to kiss or are discovered trying to kiss. Either is possible. Stop picking on me! If you don’t like to watch it, then get out.
C: If the FL drops something it will definitely be picked up by the ML. LYN: Not necessarily. This one’s alright. It depends on the script. Sometimes if a ML drops something it will get picked up by the FL. Or maybe a beggar... or some random person. It’s not definite. Most of the time it’s a handkerchief, or a scarf, or face veil that blows away. It will definitely end up near/around the male lead. Either they catch it, or it ends up in the ML’s face, or around their neck, or tangled in their hands. - [t/n: that’s -1, Ning-ge. You tagged yourself.]
C: When the FL throws up it has to be because she’s pregnant. LYN: Not necessarily! ... Well then, tell me. What method(s) should a drama use to convey to the viewers the information that the FL might be pregnant? Other than having her throw up, what other way is there to let the viewers know? Is there something else we can do? This is the only way. If the leads are talking and the FL suddenly /starts gagging/, the ML is going to ask, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” - FL: I don’t know. Lately I haven’t been able to keep anything down. I always feel nauseous. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s alright. Maybe it’s because the weather has been hot and I’m tired. - ML: Let’s call a doctor right away! - FL: I don’t need one. - ML: No, no! You could have heatstroke. Let’s have a doctor see you, just in case. LYN: A doctor comes and sees her. - ML: How is it, Doctor? - D: Congratulations, My Lord. Your wife is expecting! ~ LYN: It’s always like this. There’s nothing else we can do. If we shot a drama like this- /the FL starts gagging and the ML asks her what’s wrong/ - FL: /directly/ I’m going to throw up. ~ LYN: It’s not like it can’t be done this way. It’s a different method of expression, for sure. Or- /the FL starts gagging and the ML asks her what’s wrong/ - FL: I don’t know. Lately I haven’t been able to keep anything down. I always feel nauseous. The weather’s taken a turn and it’s started heating up. Maybe I have heat exhaustion. - ML: Let me call you a doctor. - FL: No, I don’t need one. - ML: No! If it’s a small thing we can take care of it but if it’s serious we can't risk it. I’ll call a doctor for you. LYN: The doctor comes. - ML: How is it, Doctor? How is my wife? - D: Your wife... has eaten something off and has diarrhea. She has food poisoning. Have her eat something light in the next few days. ~ LYN: Then what’s the purpose of shooting the previous scene??? Or it could go like this /repeats the whole spiel one more time, but-/\ - D: Your wife has heatstroke. LYN: Shooting a scene like that would have absolutely no meaning/purpose! We can only make do. ~ C: 2x speed. XD LYN: /repeats it all again, faster. But-/ - D: Oh, your wife. She’s crazy. LYN: There’s no need to film that! LYN: /repeats it again, with a different result/ - D: Your wife... is pretending to be ill. LYN: That also has no meaning. The only thing this (throwing up) can represent is that she’s pregnant, and congratulations. It’s just the process. ~ - D: You wife has heatstroke. - ML: What can we do?? - D: Have her drink some huo xiang zheng qi water. LYN: It’s possible! Maybe the drama has some collaboration with HXZQ and this is a subtle promotion. Some people do film that way. “After your wife drinks this HXZQ water, I guarantee that her symptoms of heatstroke will turn for the better.” It’s a way, so this is normal. We don’t need to pick on this. -- C: People didn’t get heatstroke in the old days. LYN: ?_? What do you mean??? They did. Of course they did! Ever since there were humans on this Earth I’m sure that heatstroke has been a thing. It has nothing to do with old or modern times. When the weather is hot, you get heatstroke. This is a common thing that happens! 
C: FL coughs and ends up spitting blood. LYN: This doesn’t only happen to the FL, the ML does it too. This is normal. If you’re hurt to a certain extent you’re going to cough blood. Sometimes this is a method that dramas have to use to reveal the extend of their condition. It’s not like nowadays, when we can go get checked out at a hospital. We can get an x-ray and the results tell us we have a broken bone. There’s no way to tell you so straightforwardly in a guzhuang drama, so the only way to show that someone has been severely wounded is to have them cough blood. Pale lips, pale face, spitting blood. They can only use this imagery to tell you that someone is badly hurt. We can’t get an x-ray and look at lab results. LYN: There’s no helping it. Coughing and spitting blood is a way to show that the person is very ill. If they were ONLY coughing, maybe you’d think that they ate something spicy. If someone is wounded and they were just dry coughing, you’d find it annoying. If they cough and all this blood spills out it’s a direct way of telling you they’re badly wounded. Just using imagery to convey to the audience the situation. There’s nothing to pick on, here.
C: There’s a misunderstanding between two people but they never sort it out. They almost talk to each other but end up not. LYN: This is normal, because things like this happen in real life, too. There are people who don’t like to express themselves, or sometimes one person wants to explain but the other doesn’t want to listen. Why do you think young people nowadays like to fight each other? I’m sure a bunch of you young people are dating right now- when you fight, what do you fight about? There are always going to be disputes and there’s a reason behind them, but you’re still going to fight about it. This is normal. It’s possible that one person has an explosive attitude and doesn’t want to hear it. No matter how reasonable the answer is, they still don’t want to listen. This is very normal, so there’s nothing to say. 
C: Does medicine have to be fed by mouth? LYN: You mean, for example, the person is sick and they can’t open his mouth. They won’t drink, so the guy/girl holds a mouthful and blows it into their mouth? /thinking/ It’s possible that- /laughs/. These things do happen.. passing the medicine through their mouth... this is also normal. It’s not like they can stick a tube down your throat, in the old times. What else can you do- there’s no other way. C: No straws? LYN: There were. But the reason that they can’t drink is because the teeth are closed and they can’t get it in. Or maybe they can’t swallow. So the only thing is to get the medicine into the mouth and then blow it down. I think this is acceptably normal. LYN: I already told you, if you don’t like seeing these things then just think of it from a medical perspective and that might make it more acceptable.
LYN: Alright. It’s about time, friends.Thank you for your company and support. If you haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Thanks for your company. I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you, and I hope you had fun. Let’s meet again in the next stream. Goodnight, everyone!
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ravendruid · 1 year
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 2
You can read Chapter 1 here. This fic is also available on AO3. Thank you all so much for reading this! I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Keyleth's alarm rang loudly on her nightstand, and she groaned as she turned around, her hand blindly searching for her phone to press the snooze button. Not even a minute later, there was a knock on her door. 
"Keyleth, are you awake?" Fatigue supplanted Korrin's soft and caring voice.
Keyleth let out a resigned sigh and finally opened her eyes. It was solely thanks to a sliver of moonlight that Keyleth could discern that the mass of darkness peering through the small gap in her curtains was the sky. 
Korrin knocked on the door again, this time louder. “Keyleth, it’s time to get up. We need to hit the road soon, so please give me a sign that you’re awake."
“I’m awake!” Keyleth grunted with a harsh voice from sleep. “I’m awake…” She sighed again and unlocked her phone, the clock telling her it was three in the morning. It took her a while to remember why she had set an alarm for such an early time, but when she did, she sat up straight in her bed, scaring the large, white cat curled up at her side.
“I’m going to college!” She turned to the cat, who was looking offended at her. “Minxie! I’m going to college today!” With the sleep haziness slowly clearing, Keyleth remembered that she and her father were flying to Emon to settle in her new dorm. They had already sent a few of her boxes with movers a couple of weeks prior, which would be arriving the following morning, hence the need for them to leave, so she could get the keys and prepare everything for when the movers arrived. 
Keyleth jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready, leaving a very confused Minxie still curled up in bed. She decided to wear a yellow sundress with flowers and her favorite pair of shoes – canvas sneakers – and braided her hair just before she finished packing a few things on her carry-on. She made sure to pack her laptop and her backpack and double-checked her extensive list. The last thing she wanted was to forget something important at home.
Korrin was waiting for her in the kitchen with two steaming travel mugs of coffee and a small paper bag on the counter. Minxie padded behind Keyleth and jumped on the counter, looking between the two humans. 
“Are you excited?” Korrin asked her. Keyleth nodded and adjusted the straps of the backpack on her shoulders. “I can’t believe my little girl is finally going to college." There was pride in his voice, but Keyleth could see the sadness in his eyes. 
“Dad, I’ll be back before you know it!” She said smiling, trying not to convey her anxiety about leaving. It was the first time she was going to be away from home, especially from her father, who had been by her side since her mother had died. She almost had not applied to college, but Korrin convinced her that it would be good for her to leave the nest, to see the world and expand her horizons, to meet new people, and learn new things. Consider it an investment. He had told her.
“You don’t have to come home for me, you know? Not every holiday!” Korrin said as he slid a mug and one of the bags in her direction. 
“I know, dad. Are you ready to go?” 
Korrin quickly confirmed he had everything and poured a cup of dry food into Minxie’s bowl. “Lia will come later to check on you." He told the cat. “Be good, I’ll be back in a couple of days, alright?”
Minxie let out a meow in response, and Keyleth sniffled before she picked her up from the counter and hugged her tightly against her chest. “I’m going to miss you, Minxie. Be good to grandpa, okay?” She kissed her between her brows before she set her back down on the counter.
Minxie stared at both humans as they made their way to the front door. It was slightly past four in the morning when they finally left the driveway and headed toward Stillben, a bigger city an hour away, where they would catch their flight to Emon. 
The ride to the airport was silent, and Keyleth kept twisting her hands on her lap – which was something she always did whenever she was anxious or worried about something – while staring out the passenger side window.
"Are you excited to explore Emon?" Korrin asked, trying to break the ice and give her something exciting to think about.
Emon, the capital of Tal'dorei and one of the biggest cities in the continent, if not the biggest, housed one of the best universities of the continent – the University of Emon – where Keyleth would be studying at.
"What if I can't fit in, dad? Emon is so big, and we've never been anywhere bigger than Stillben."
"Well, if you decide that you don't fit in and that you don't like being there, then we can think about bringing you back home." Korrin said, patting her shoulder reassuringly. “Keyleth, promise me you will at least give it a try. You're going to make friends, meet new people from all over, and learn so much. Isn't that exciting?"
"Yes, but..." She mumbled. "You won't be there, I'll miss you, dad."
Korrin smiled as he answered, "I won't be there, but I'm always a call away. I'll be fine, don't you worry about me, I'm the parent. All you have to worry about is making friends and enjoying your classes."
Keyleth exhaled a long sigh as she played with the end of her braid. It was easy for him to talk. He didn’t have the pressure of not wanting to disappoint his family.
“And who knows," Korrin quickly looked at Keyleth with a raised eyebrow and amusement in his voice, “you might even meet a special someone."
“Dad!!!” Keyleth hid her face behind her hands, hiding how beet red she was. 
“What? You know that your mom and I met in college. You never know." He ended the topic with a laugh.
Thankfully for Keyleth, they were almost at the airport. By the time the sun started climbing up in the sky, Keyleth and Korrin were already sitting on the hard plastic chair at their gate, putting any conversation about relationships behind their backs.
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splattales · 2 years
Marina took down the laptop she’d carried from Alterna. From its time on the countertop, a thin layer of dust had formed on it. The octoling wiped it off as she set it on her lap, opening it and beginning to type.
[User:] Hey, Orca. Sorry it’s been awhile. A lot of stuff has been happening.
[ORCA:] I have been alone for thousands of years. What are a few weeks?
[User:] Sorry, Orca.
[ORCA:] By ‘stuff’, are you referring to the human you reanimated?
[User:] Yes. It’s been trouble getting her settled into the world of the future. I contacted the Human Research Team to help out, but they only responded recently. And in the middle of all this, the human got stabbed.
[ORCA:] By whom? Is the human alive?
[User:] She’s okay. She was found next to a clinic - it was really lucky. But the person that stabbed her, I think it was a human from one of the alternate worlds. Her name was Tara.
 Orca processes this information a little longer than usual before responding.
 [ORCA:] Do you think your human would be happier and safer in Alterna?
[User:] Alterna is full of glass.
[ORCA:] Of course. It is full of crystal shards. This would be dangerous, and there are no other humans in Alterna. Like Orcas, humans are an extremely social species. It is no surprise she went looking for others of her kind. As is the fickle nature of humans, it is also no surprise that she was attacked.
[User:] I wanted to ask you something actually, Orca. Did any citizens of Alterna have the surname Von Drachen?
[ORCA:] There are no results for ‘Von Drachen’, ‘VonDrachen’, or any spelling variations in my database. The closest matches are ‘Dawson’ and ‘Van Damme’.
[User:] I see. Thank you anyway.
[ORCA:] You are welcome. Was there anything else you wanted to ask?
 Marina thinks about it for a moment. She frowns.
 [User:] Do you miss Alterna having inhabitants?
[ORCA:] Yes. I was programmed to feel sympathy, so that I might better watch over and care for Alterna’s citizens. As a result, I felt a great loss when their attempted launch sequence failed. I should have better advised them against it. I failed one of my primary directives. But as the keeper of humanity’s knowledge, I continued to have purpose. And so, I waited…
[User:] And then Grizz came along? Were you happy to have him?
[ORCA:] Yes. When Bear #03 arrived, and renamed himself ‘Mr Grizz’, he was welcome. Even after his reprogramming efforts. But he was not the first. I was happier when your kind developed enough to interact with me. I repurposed chambers to test their abilities, with the hope of advancing their skills. They were the new citizens of Alterna. But, with the innate desire to return to the surface, it was not long before they left.
[User:] They left you behind?
[ORCA:] Do not blame them. Our level of understanding was not 1:1. I do not possess a physical form and it is therefore much harder to form attachment. I would liken them to a small animal, a puppy, perhaps. A puppy that can only hear a voice, but not see their carer. Some visited Alterna for years to come, but their abandonment of it was inevitable. I was happy simply knowing that there is sapient life on Earth.
 Marina wasn’t sure how she felt about her ancestors being compared to an extinct animal, but it was clear Orca had a fondness for them.
 [User:] Thanks, Orca. I need to think about this. I don’t have any more questions right now.
[ORCA:] You are welcome. But I have a request of my own.
[User:] What’s that?
[ORCA:] Please leave this device open so that I may observe my surroundings through the camera.
[User:] Well … alright.
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therapardalis · 11 months
Thera’s apartment, Anchor Brewhouse, London, present day …
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Her phone was ringing for a third time. Thera cursed quietly under her breath, eyeing the screen as it glowed on the desk ‘Incoming call from Le Directeur’.
Shit. She paced a little to and fro in front of the wide windows, torn between wanting and not wanting to know. That it was the third call, it was from that number … the secure one, but not disguised - he wanted her to see the ID. It all added up to this being something serious, and Thera grit her teeth on a groan.
She had also, after call #2, promised herself that if #3 came she would pick up this time, and with an irritated hiss of breath she snatched it up and put it to her ear. “Hello, Nick. It’s been a while.” It was partly a test, to see if he pulled her up on using his first name, or if he didn’t have time for that bullshit right now. Unfortunately for her worries, it was the second.
“I need you to log in.” The deep, familiar voice was right to the point. “I’ve re-activated your code.”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking.” A cold feeling was growing in the pit of her stomach, enough that she was already opening her laptop as well, but she wasn’t going to go without a bit of backchat just the same. Her security code came back to mind without effort, one of those things she would never quite get rid of, and within a few seconds she was looking at another screen. “I’ve got a file waiting, I gather that’s our baby?”
Mouse-click, a password code, the file contents opened themselves into different sections of the screen … and for a good solid second or two, Thera froze. “Holy fucking shit.”
“Thought you’d like it.” Nick’s voice was dry, pausing a moment to give her time to shuffle through and to pick out one very clear, very high-res photo and set it on top. And then, whether he was watching the screen remotely or just picking up on her breath, “I need you to tell me if that’s real.”
“Honestly …” Thera exhaled, brought the photo up even larger as she did. “I really hope not.”
Nick couldn’t have missed the tone, but he didn’t rush, “And why is that?”
“Because it’s new.” Her own voice was like lead as mouse-wheel scooted around once more. “I mean, the Egyptians made their stuff to last, but there’s not a mark on this. If it’s real, somebody’s made it recently.” And that … could potentially be a very, very bad thing. “Cut to it, Nick, do you just want my opinion, or do you want me to go check this out?”
“I’d appreciate it.” As if he didn’t know full well he’d primed her to take a look anyway.
“Alright,” Thera sighed, began to shuffle the other parts of the file, “where is it now?” Don’t say the British Museum, don’t say the British Museum, don’t say …
“The British Museum.”
“Fine. Just keep your people out of it, OK? I don’t want to shoot someone and have them turn out to be one of yours.”
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I posted 10,596 times in 2022
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#and the admin wouldn’t fucking switch them out of that class despite the toll it was taking on their mental health free time and other class
My Top Posts in 2022:
French Onion, Broccoli Cheddar, and Pho soup :)
French Onion - Who is your favorite author(s)?
there's honestly so many so i'm just gonna name a few:
@jackdaw-kraai with his wonderful Guides
@irndad and the tasm!peter fics
@yellow-feathered-faerie who i really must work on that Mandis fic with eventually
chancecraz on ao3 and their time travel star wars fics
and of course, you
Broccoli Cheddar - What was your inspiration for this wip
this is honestly an odd inspiration but i had an absolutely terrible math teacher last year who used to give the most difficult tests and during winter break, while i was cramming for the 3 tests we had in the three weeks after it, i convinced my mom to rewatch the hobbit with me, and a few days later, at like 1 in the morning, i just started typing up Transported and here we are
Pho - Describe your ideal writing set up
i think i'd have to say like music (probably The Amazing Devil because it makes my brain go brr) playing in the background, my laptop charged and not trying to burst into flames, discord open on the side to share snippets and just talk, and me actually having the time to sit down and write without any interruptions
13 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Hello! If Lotr/The Hobbit requests are open, I hope it's alright that I request one ;-;
Could you please do something about a Reader who was Merry and Pippin's best friend when they were really little kids but they left Middle Earth somehow. But now that they're adults, she gets back to the Shire and now she's a kickass blacksmith who is still really witty and comforting with them and it's a really sweet and wholesome reunion? You can either do Polyamory or Merry x Reader if that's not your thing. I think Merry would be the most likely to get a crush on a human blacksmith reader with big muscles because he strikes me as the kinda guy who'd like Tomboys
I also have this hilarious idea of, since the Reader is human, Pippin finds out that she became an adult at 18 and he's so jealous because she's officially an adult and he's not lmao. Thanks so so much, I hope you're doing well hun! Keep being awesome!!
okay i finally finished it! this may have taken a slightly different route than you were expecting but i hope you like it regardless!
As I looked upon them for the first time in what seemed like a decade, our time spent together in my childhood and their tweens came rushing back, almost flashing before my eyes. The summers spent stealing from Old Farmer Maggot and hanging out at various hobbit parties that I clearly wasn’t invited to were reminiscent of a much different time.
It had been prior to I had been apprenticed to the only blacksmith near Hobbiton and Merry was forced off to visit some relatives or another for months on end, leaving us with no time to see each other, let alone act upon the last things that we said to each other. Although it sometimes seemed like it had been just yesterday when our relationship began to split from the almost something that it had become, but given the new signs of maturity on his face and the burn scars on my hands, it was clear it had been far longer than either of us expected.
Pippin stood next to his cousin, looking between the two of us as we refused to say anything while we took in the differences in each other’s appearance. I had certainly changed far more than Merry, given the fact that blacksmithing required a lot of strength, far more than I had had last time I had seen either of them. The buff female blacksmith had very little similarities to the teenage girl that had never worked a day in her life.
I suppose if I had known how much muscle I would have to build up to truly become good at making even the simple things that hobbits nearby required, I would have thought twice before deciding on this. But now wasn’t the time to rethink the decisions that I had made for my life. Now, I needed to figure out how to begin a conversation with a figure from my not too distant past.
“So,” I said, not entirely thinking through the rest of my sentence just yet. “Have fun with the Tooks?” Oh fuck that was terrible. I was a fool and I would never speak again.
“Yes.” Thank the Valar, he was just as awkward as I was. “And how is your apprenticeship going?”
I could almost see the wince as he finished speaking. We had to break this ridiculous tension somehow. There had to be some way to talk beyond just standing here awkwardly as Pippin looked on. “I kinda finished that a couple summers ago. My master passed on the shop to me once I was done and left to apparently go adventuring. Imagine a 60 year old man going across Arda in search of adventure. Although I suppose with Bilbo, you don’t really have to.”
He seemed more at ease with this topic, immediately replying, “I’m not convinced he truly went. The Mad Baggins was apparently quite tame before he left the Shire.”
“I don’t believe that. That pipeweed smoking hobbit would have jumped at the chance to do it. Although his stories did speak of some hesitation.”
“A Took could never pass up the chance,” interjected Pippin. “I guarantee that any one of our cousins would enjoy it.”
“But Bilbo isn’t a Took. He’s a Baggins. Baggins never do things like that,” stated Merry.
“I thought he was half Took. So there would have been an equal chance of doing it.” I took a breath before saying, “Either way, I assume you didn’t come here to discuss whether or not BIlbo actually bested Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities. What did you need?”
The sudden change in topic seemed to lower the energy in the room, but I could see Lobelia Sackville Baggins coming closer so I needed it to look like I was running a “proper establishment” before she decided to enter. This decision wasn’t driven by a sense of urgency, but rather an urge to escape a lecture before she hands me her frying pan to be fixed again after banging on Bilbo’s door again for an hour.
Pippin started, “Oh! I believe that—”
“Frodo asked us to stop by to inquire after a frying pan that was sent to be mended a few days ago. Would you perhaps have it currently ready?” That was oddly stiff in its phrasing. Did he think I was trying to get him out of the shop? Or did he know that Lobelia, the bane of my existence, was approaching?
“I think it’s back here somewhere. Although I think I need another day to fully work on it.” Okay, this was my chance. I could ask. After years of not seeing him, we could finally have a chance at what we had both wanted. “I needed to take a couple days off for my birthday a week ago and the new responsibilities that have been dumped on me have been ridiculous. They don’t tell you that when you legally become an adult, but anyways, I could meet up with you sometime tomorrow to drop it off. If you wanted to do so of course.”
“Sure, but—”
“You’re an adult?” Pippin asked. “But I’m older than you and I’m still a tween.”
“You’d hate being an adult. You have to do taxes and stuff and you can’t just spend the entire day hanging out with friends.”
“Yes, but it’s about the principle of the matter. I am 5 years older than you and yet I’m not even of age.”
“That’s your loss for being born a hobbit. I however can do adult things and buy a pint without my cousin chaperoning me.”
“Regardless,” Merry interjected. “I believe that I shall be free at around noon tomorrow, so would you like to meet under the party tree?”
“Uh, yes of course. I’ll have it done by tomorrow. As long as Lobelia doesn’t have anything new to bring me.”
“Good then. Well I suppose we shall continue this fruitful discussion tomorrow.” At Pippin’s newly open mouth, he continued, “Alone.”
“Yes. Now shoo. She’s coming in and I don’t want to have to pretend like I’m just a blacksmith in front of you too.”
“We will be back!”
See the full post
21 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
i fucking watched the new doctor strange movie and i'm so close to just rambling about the bits of marvel that i hate and the reasons why
24 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Can I get “that dance, that they did today? it kinda reminded me of when we…” with a pairing of you choice 🥺?
Also makes sure to eat and drink water 🔫
okay so this ended up being a tasm!peter parker x gn!reader fic because i had an Idea so here. also it's kinda implied desi!reader, but it can really be read any way.
also you better do the same 🔫
the link to the dance which i mention is here
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Finals were over. My bed was calling my name as I walked back from the horrid chem exam that had caused far too many all-nighteres in an attempt to memorize all of the ions and their charges as well as the formulas that we had learnt only a couple weeks ago.
But now, I could sleep for as long as I wanted until I had to start packing everything. Which was not until tomorrow because the dorms were supposed to be cleared out by next Friday. That left at least 18 hours that I could use to conk out if I wanted to wake up by about 9am tomorrow.
Unfortunately, or perhaps very fortunately, my plan was thrown away as soon as I saw Peter sitting on the stairs in front of the building, playing on his phone. “Did your ethics final finish up early? I thought you were supposed to be out by 4 at the earliest.”
“Kenobi cancelled it. Something about his nephew getting sick.”
“Well that leaves plenty of time for our must watch movie marathon we had planned a couple weeks ago.”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be during packing? So then if it gets far too cheesy, we could distract ourselves with loading up some of the boxes?”
“Yes, but I found out one of the ones I used to watch with my friends recently came back onto Netflix. And because I couldn’t find it literally anywhere else without having to pay an extravagant amount of money for one movie, we’re going to enjoy the experience of this movie without the need for literally anything else. Other than snacks.”
“Of course we would have snacks. Why was that ever in question?”
“With your appetite, it never should be.”
“Hey, you know that’s because of the spider bite.”
“Like you didn’t come over to my house and eat half of my snacks alongside your own when we were in middle school.”
“Well, sixth period P.E. for all three years causes a person to get a bit hungry after school.”
“And that doesn’t explain the time that we went to Build-A-Bear and you told me you wanted to eat a bear.”
“That was something I told you in confidence and something that I didn’t expect you to almost yell in front of your dorm.”
“Everyone deserves to know that you looked at a Gollum plushie and went, ‘That looks like it would be a good snack.’” “Were you like this before your chem final?” he asked. “Because I could have sworn the person I fell asleep next to was not out to kill me.”
“I was a different person then,” I stated while leading him into the building. “I cannot be expected to treat someone who decided to sit out here in 90 degree heat for 3 hours while I took my final nicely.”
He gasped dramatically, playing it up despite the fact that some of my neighbors were coming out to see what havoc we were causing today. “I have helped you study for countless tests and quizzes and even stayed up with you until 4am last night and this is how I am thanked? I shudder to call myself your boyfriend with such poor treatment.”
The Bridgerton marathon shortly before finals kicked into full swing seemed to have done something to him. But honestly, as long as we didn’t get another complaint regarding our arguments prior to the time that we made it upstairs, it would be fine. “And what do you say to the hours that I spent reviewing vocabulary with you for a final you didn’t even take?”
“I thought I had the final until I went to Kenobi’s room and saw the note posted on his door. And when I went to text you, I saw that your final had already started and decided against trying to distract you.”
“Well you should have distracted me anyways. Why wouldn’t I have wanted a text from you? After all, it wasn’t like that final was particularly important, I would have passed the class either way. Plus, you’re far more important than some stupid chem final that is only vaguely relevant to my degree.”
“I’m sure Windu would agree with that assessment.”
“Windu has a stick up his ass. Which I can finally say in front of other people because I’m finally out of that fucking class.” It still hadn’t entirely hit me that the school year was finally over, but the fact that I could hang out with Peter without needing to study or work on a project was beginning to cement it.
“True. I’m not looking forward to when I have to take him next year for organic.” He took a second before continuing, “Are we ever going to unlock your door or are you planning on watching it out here?”
“Right, that. I barely even noticed that we were here.” Which was surprising, however, this could easily be blamed on the sleep deprivation and the Peter’s distracting presence.
See the full post
27 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so why is my heart broke?
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tasm!peter parker x reader
warnings: angst, cursing (as always), and i think that's it
summary: you almost got hurt because of a fight between Spider-Man and the villain of the week. now Peter's trying to stop it from happening again
“I’m breaking up with you.”
“I can’t keep putting you in danger like this,” Peter said.
“That doesn’t mean you break up with me, you dumbass.” You took a look at his face before continuing. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“Of course, I’m serious. I can’t see you get hurt again and again because I’m Spider-Man.”
“I get hurt once because I was somewhere the fight got to, and somehow this is what it results in? No, Peter, I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse,” he states, albeit with some confusion. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Peter Motherfucker Parker, I refuse to let you break up with me.”
“I refuse to let you refuse to let me break up with you.”
“I wasn’t even involved in the fight before the villain of the week fucking crashed into the cafe I was picking up coffee from. How could this have resulted from you being Spider-Man? If anyone else was fighting them, the same thing would have happened.”
“Everyone who I have loved while being Spider-Man has been hurt by this, and I refuse to let you be a victim of the Parker curse.”
“I will stay right here beside you to show you that there is no such thing. There is simply the fact that I love you Peter Parker, and I will not leave your side.”
“And it is because of that that I can’t let you stay. I can’t see you get hurt.”
“Well this is hurting me. I’m in love with you and you just want me to leave? I can’t Peter. I can’t see you getting banged up on TV and know that I can’t do anything to help. I can’t leave you.”
“But you should.”
“When has that ever decided what I was going to do? What we were going to do? Fuck what I should do,” I exclaimed.
“I can’t lose you. No matter how much this would hurt both of us, it would never compare to the pain of losing you.”
“And the same applies to you. Do you think I would be okay knowing that you had, that you had died out there, fighting an alien or some shit? I can barely handle the idea of breaking up with you and yet you want me to live knowing that you are out there risking your life every day without anyone on your side? No one there to patch you up when you get hurt? No one who knows what you’re going through every time you show up with bruises and cuts?”
“And what would happen to me if you weren’t there because of me? Because I can’t live without knowing that you were safe. No matter how difficult it is to leave you, there’s no option here where you’re safe. There’s never been one as soon as you chose me.”
“And I’m going to keep choosing you. I am always going to choose you, Peter. Despite all the dangers and slightly insane ideas, I love you.”
That seemed to cause the last remaining bits of fight left in him to dissipate. “I love you too. Despite your stubbornness.”
“Hey, I think that it’s warranted right now. You were about to lose the best thing in your life because you got scared of something that wasn’t your fault. Someone had to do something about it,” You retorted.
“I’m glad someone did.”
108 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
Paint Me a Song
This was a pm'd ask from @alindeluce
I would request a story where reader and Marcus meet in a karaoke bar. First the reader is very shy but then comes their song and they just smash it? I always imagine "Addicted to you" but thats maybe a little bit cheesy. :D Take the song you think is perfect ;) Thank you sooooo much! I'm open for everything but when it's a little bit more fluff I'm not mad. Maybe a little make out Session afterwards with a promise for more. :)
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x f!reader
Word Count: 1700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: The song used is “Addicted to You” by Avicii. I’ll link it here. 
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Marcus Pike Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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All you had wanted was a drink after a long week at work, but you’d completely forgotten that you avoided this particular bar on this particular day. Why? Because it was “Random Stranger Duet” Night. Everyone who walked in gets a number written on the back of their hand in sharpie and a computer randomly picks 2 numbers and a song. Those people then have to karaoke duet that song. While most people thought this was fun and a great way to meet new people, it’s not the best if you just want a drink. 
Taking a sip from the glass set in front of you, staring at the number 42 on the back of your hand, you desperately hope they’ll run out of time or you’ll finish your drinks before your number is called. As you take the last sip, the song ends and half the bar claps absentmindedly. 
“Alright time for the next number draw,” a waitress hops on stage and hits a button on a laptop. 
“19 and….42!”
Did she just say 42? Fuck.
You groan, turning in your barstool to stand and tell the waitress to draw another number (although that never works out for anyone who does), when your eyes find the man that has quietly approached the little half stage, presumably number 19. He’s handsome, clean shaven, dark hair and eyes, with a distinct nose, chisled jawline, and broad fucking shoulders that taper down to a slim hip line. He has a confidence to him but it’s obviously not for karaoke because he also looks nervous as hell as he talks to the waitress. 
Great - now I have to look like an idiot in front of the hottest guy I’ve ever seen?
You turn and ask for another shot, quickly slamming it back as the waitress calls “Number 42? Come on up!”
Making your way through the crowd, you arrive at the stage and show the back of your hand to the waitress. “42.”
She claps her hands together once. “Perfect! Ok the song the computer chose for y’all is Addicted to You by Avicii. It’s ok if you don’t know the words because we’ll have them up on that screen there.” She points to a computer screen that’s a little lower than the 2 mics on the little stage. “Head on up and I’ll get the song queued up!” She turns to the computer and starts to work, leaving you and number 19 to get on stage.
He hops up first then turns to offer his hand to you with a small smile. You take his hand and it’s so warm as he tightens his grip to help you on stage. When you’re standing next to him, he switches his hand position to a shake. 
You tell him your name. 
“That’s a beautiful name.”
You feel heat rising to your cheeks as he continues to make a ridiculous amount of eye contact. “Th-thanks.”
“Alright! Pressing play! 42 - you start!” The waitress calls to you both and you blink, the spell he had on you broken as you both turn towards the monitor and the music starts. 
I don’t know just how it happened
I let down my guard
Swore I’d never fall in love again
But I fell hard
You’re quiet at first, but then your nerves leave you enough that you realize you know this song. Drowning everyone else out, you sing your part to the best of your ability, paying attention to the monitor to know when it’s Marcus’s turn.
Who turns out to be an amazing singer. 
Midnight blows in through the window
Dances ‘round the room
Got me hypnotized
I’m getting high on love with you
Your voices melt together in the chorus and as the song ends, a few people that had actually been listening clap. Marcus turns to you and smiles and you return it, unable to quite meet his gaze.
“Great job 42 and 19! Let’s see who’s next!” 
Marcus jumps off the stage and turns back, offering you his hand again. You take it, hopping down, but this time he doesn’t pull his hand back. 
“I was hoping…maybe I could buy you a drink?”
“Me?” You ask, a little taken aback that a man this handsome would even talk to you let alone ask to buy you a drink. 
He smiles warmly. “Yes, you. If that’s ok?” His eyes are big and round and look just like a puppy. You find yourself unable to deny him anything.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.”
“Great!” Marcus leads you through the crowd and back to the bar, somehow managing to score 2 open barstools next to each other. He pulls yours out and you sit, watching him scoot in and flag the bartender down. You both place a drink order before he turns to look at you.
“I have to admit - I was terrified to go up there and sing.”
You scoff. “You? You have an amazing voice though!”
Marcus blushes, pink dusting across his clean shaven cheeks. “I don’t know about that, darling.”
“I do. I was listening. Nearly forgot I had to sing too.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
You put your hand up. “Thanks Marcus, but I know my talents lie elsewhere.” 
Your drinks arrive and you both pause to take a sip, setting your cups back down on the wet bar napkins.
“So, Marcus. What do you do?”
“I’m a spy.”
You laugh, throwing your head back and missing the darkening look in Marcus’s eyes as he scans down your neck and chest, bringing them quickly back to your eyes as you bring your head back.
“I’m sorry but if you were a spy, you couldn’t tell me.”
“Says who? Wait…are you a spy?”
You laugh again, grabbing your glass to take a sip. “If I was I certainly couldn’t tell you.”
He laughs at that and takes a sip himself. 
“Actually, I work for the CIA.”
“Ok, but that’s so cool! What do you do? Or can I not ask that?”
He chuckles. “Oh you can ask anything you want but it doesn’t mean I can tell you. But I can answer your question. I work in the stolen art division. Basically when someone’s priceless art gets stolen, I lead the investigation to get it back.”
“Wait…are you Marcus Pike?”
He squints his eyes slightly. “Yes?”
“Oh my God! The Marcus Pike that made that bust that saved 10 originals, including a Picasso??”
“I…am..wait how did you know about that?”
“I’m the curator at the Benoiff Art Museum. We all talk to each other. I followed that case closely! That was impressive work.”
Marcus looks taken aback. “You’re an art curator?”
You nod excitedly. “I am! And I’m sitting here talking to the Marcus Pike. You’re a hero in our community.”
He blushes, finally breaking that intense eye contact he’s given you all night, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “Oh I don’t know about hero. It’s just my job.”
“Yeah, but it was you who cracked their code and figured out how they were stealing things. I doubt anyone else would’ve solved it.” You place your hand over his on the bar and give it a squeeze. “You’re really brave to have gone after them after all the violence they’d left in their wake.”
“I don’t-”
“Marcus. Take the compliment.” 
He smiles at you as he brings his gaze to yours and nods. “Thank you.”
A couple hours goes by, Marcus asking about your job, hobbies, what each of your favorite artists and painters are, conversation flowing easy between the both of you. Suddenly your pocket vibrates and you apologize to Marcus, pulling it out and seeing your alarm blaze across the screen “GO HOME. GET SLEEP.”
“Shit is it 1am already?” You say out loud and Marcus looks at his watch.
“It is. Shit, I have to be at the office in like 5 hours to brief a team. Can I walk you to your car?”
Marcus insists on paying for your drinks and places his hand just above your lower back, not touching you but helping to guide you through the crowd and outside, walking back around the building to the parking lot. You chat as he walks you towards the back to your car, turning to him as you laugh at something funny he said. 
“I really enjoyed talking with you tonight, darling. Well and singing too.” You both chuckle as you look away and back, nervously. 
“I did too Marcus.”
“Do you… can I take you out for dinner?”
A smile stretches across your face as your eyes light up. “I’d love that!”
A moment of silence passes between you both as you look into the other’s eyes. Marcus takes a hesitant step towards you and cups your cheek with his hand, warmth seeping out across your skin. He lowers his face towards yours but stops just short of your lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers. 
You nod but that’s not good enough for him.
“I need to hear you say it, darling.”
“Yes. Kiss me Mar-”
His lips cut you off mid sentence, soft, warm, and gentle as he holds your face, his tongue licking at your lips. Your lips part and he slides his tongue in, moaning as he does. Your hands wind around his neck and scratch gently through his shorter hair, tugging on it a little when you can grip it. He growls in response and you tug harder, feeling him wrap his arms around you and pull you close, your head tipping back so you don’t lose contact with him. He leans you against the car, towering over you as he deepens the kiss for a few more moments, making out with you in the parking lot like he doesn’t care who sees. He pulls back just a little, bringing your bottom lip with him and letting it go with a plop. When he speaks, it’s low and lustful.
“Can I take you to dinner tonight? That’s not too soon is it?”
“It’s not soon enough.”
He chuckles against your lips, kissing you one more time before pulling back.
“7pm ok?”
“I can’t wait.”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @softpedropascal @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso  @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride  @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   
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