#also my academy has so many rich kids ugh
weswam-archive · 5 years
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alesreadings · 3 years
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Supernatural Academy: Year One by Jaymin Eve.
✧ 3 stars. ✧ "Knowing I have you guys in my corner... it means everything. I would cut a bitch for you. Girl power, my friend. This is girl power."
I guess I'm out of my reading slump, or trying to. This book took me a while for that reason: my reading slump has last at least 3 months, and I'm slowly recovering, lol. I'm still debating so hard with this one. Maddison James lives a "normal life", moving on from city to city and changing her hair color every year on her birthday, january 1st... Until a tracker finds her and tells her that she isn't human and has to go to an Academy to learn how to control her power or she will be dangerous for the humans, yada, yada, yada. I like books with the academy / boarding school trope, because I missed my teen years due depression (that's a story for another day, lol) and so, I think they're pretty cool, entertained and a little bit refreshing. I like the idea of making new friends who will be with you fighting darkness and that kind of shit. This one, however, didn't feel as much as I expected (that's also why I don't make illusion with books in general). Maddison is recluted by Ilia and she goes to the Supernatural Academy. But there's something weird with Maddi: she doesn't know where does she fits, in which specie: demi-fae, magic users, vampires, shapeshifters, etc. Year One is basically a high school with people of 20+ years old. We have the girls who think they're superior than everyone else, the irrelevant people, the daughter of the princeps and the hot guys who don't mix with the other kids, and that also are so fucking powerful because why not? Maddi draws the attention to her in the moment she arrives to the Academy. Maddi falls into the arms of the super popular, hot, rich and powerful boy, Asher. The conection between them two is so goddamn fast. In matter of seconds, they know something is going on between them... The normal thing, right? The bad bitches mess up with Maddi and warn her to stay away from the hot kids. Another total normal thing. The pace is a little bit fast. Some characters are easy to love or to hate. Maddi is annoying, I still don't know if shelf this book as "badass female mc" or as "stupid female mc because Maddi was both sometimes. In the second half of the book, I get to dislike her. Asher was pretty good at the beginning of the book. It was towards the end when he became the asshole overprotective "hero" that believes he can decide over the girl and ugh, I wanted to kick him so bad. AXL IS MY FAVE NERDY HOT BOY, DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY BOY. Rone was being hostile with Maddi at first but suddenly he's like "I will protect you" and ?????? wHAT THE FUCK!! Jesse and Calen are sweethearts and I must protect them but still, they lack of personality and development. This is not a reverse harem (I don't like them tbh), even if it feels like that. While many people likes the bad boy with dark hair, edgy and rude and annoying, I like the hot nerd dude who's always with a book. Don't ask me why, I just know I love that type of guy, yES, AXL, I'M TALKING TO YOU! I wanted to kick Maddi for being an idiot the 99.99% of the time. She was feeling horny or rejecting the possible idea of being part of an ancient specie and was like "nO wAy I'm ThAt SpEsHuL, i JuSt CaN't", which is annoying as the fucking hell. Trust me, there's nothing that exasperates me the most than a girl trying to pretend that she isn't speshul, when she clearly is it, because hello, the book is of your pov. I'm not complaining, there were a couple of good moments, but some felt really dry, senseless and pointless. It's a 50/50 for me and I guess I will pick up the second one, but not yet because my currently reading list it still a little bit bigger for me, lol. bUT IF AXL DIES, I WILL RIOT AND BURN THIS WHOLE FUCKING WORLD FOR HIM.
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clementineofmine · 3 years
Here, I wrote a fluffy fic about our favorite kiddos ruining Veginald’s holiday party. (I’ll also put it on AO3)
"Typical," Five spat as he listened to Grace's announcement about the Christmas party. "Dad even knows how to take the fun out of holidays. I'm sure this soiree will be full of big shot politicians or whoever he's trying to schmooze these days."
He turned and started pacing around the room, hands pulling at his hair. "And what do we get to do? We get to perform tricks, like the trained monkeys that we are."
"Hey!" Luther responded. "Five, that's enough. Remember Dad's lecture? About how we need to show good manners at all times? This could be an opportunity for the Umbrella Academy."
Five scoffed and turned away. He was sick of Number One's blind obedience and repetition of Dad's rhetoric. 
Apparently, he wasn't the only one. "Opportunity, my ass," muttered Diego. "He just wants to humiliate us."
"Diego! Language." Grace interjected. Once delivering the announcement she had stood calmly, allowing the children the opportunity to speak, but foul language always triggered her circuits.
"You boys are just spoilsports," Allison decried even as her eyes lit up with excitement. "This is going to be so much fun!"
"Really?" Vanya asked with awe. "Are you going to sing a solo, Allison? Gosh, I would be scared to sing in front of so many people." 
In reality, Vanya was just praying that she wouldn't be excluded from this event. It's not like performing at a Christmas party required one to be special, right?
"Have you picked out a song, Allison?" Grace asked.
Allison took a breath, and set a smile on her face in contrast to her scowling brothers. "I'm going to sing…'All I Want for Christmas is -" and she pointed at Luther as she belted out the words "Youuuuuuuu'." 
Luther turned a shade of crimson and looked away as the other children rolled their eyes simultaneously.
Grace simply nodded. "That sounds lovely, dear." She turned to the cluster of boys slumped on the couch. "Klaus, Ben, do you know what you want to do?" Grace asked. Klaus nodded his head vigorously while Ben shook his side to side fearfully. "Remember children, we need to tell your father tomorrow what you will be performing, so if you don't have a song you want to sing, I suggest you use the rest of this library research period to find one."
"This is stupid," said Diego, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back against the couch cushions.
"We could sing a song together," Luther suggested, and the others immediately scowled. "As a team. How about the '12 Days of Christmas'?"
A collective groan chased its way around the room.
"Luther, if you think I'm singing five golden rings, you've got another thing coming" Five hissed. He knew he had hit the mark when he saw Luther scowl, his face turning even redder. 
Before he could reply, Five continued. "Besides, I'm not singing, with you or anybody else. Vanya can play the violin and I'll accompany her on the piano."
Vanya looked over at Five, her eyes wide and hopeful. "Really? You - you mean that?"
"Sure," Five shrugged. "Why not. It's the best shitty option. Pick out what you want - I don't really care. Just find me the sheet music today so I'll have enough time to practice." With that, sat down in one of the library's big oak chairs, pulled the notebook he always carried out of his pocket, and began ignoring his siblings.
"Oh!" Vanya exclaimed. "Oh, thank you, Five! I’ll go pick something right now. Mom?" she turned to Grace.  "Do we have sheet music in the library?"
Grace nodded.  "Yes dear, I believe we do. Does anyone else want to look at sheet music?"
"I don't need sheet music, I know the words already," Allison said. "And I don't want Five to accompany me, anyway."
"Good, cuz i didn't offer," Five muttered, not looking up.
"I'll accompany you, dear" said Grace. "What did you say you wanted to sing? All I Want for Christmas? Is that by Irving Berlin? He's your father's favorite, you know."
"No, it's by Mariah Carey!" Klaus rolled his eyes and swayed his hips, mimicking Allison's earlier movements lewdly. "All want for Christmas is yooooouuuuu!" Luther's ears turned an additional shade of red.
“Ok, come on, we have to pick something to sing,” Luther says through gritted teeth. “How about ‘White Christmas’?” Diego and Ben both shook their heads vehemently. Now that they knew it was Dad’s favorite, anything by Irving Berlin was off limits.
“Hey we should do something fun. Like, 'Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’?” Klaus looked around hopefully, but saw no takers. “Ok, what about ‘Frosty the Snowman’?” 
“Klaus, we’re almost eleven. Not six. Let’s quit it with the kids songs.”
Klaus huffed and scowled at his brother. “Well everybody likes ‘Jingle Bells’,” he muttered.
Diego looked up at that, an idea forming in his brain on how to make the best of a bad situation. “Hey! I want to do ‘Jingle Bells’. Ben, you in?"
"Ugh, fine I guess."
"Good. You can sing and I'll do the bells," Diego smirked.
"Damn it, that's not fair Diego!" Ben protested.
"This whole situation is not fair, Ben," Diego said with a shrug. It’s either that or you sing with these idiots." He gestured over to Numbers One and Four.
"Alright, great, ‘Jingle Bells’ it is.” Luther looks around at his team. “That just leaves me and...Klaus?”
Klaus’s eyes lit up and he gave Luther a wicked smile. "Hey, I know what we can do. How about we show off those new dance moves Mom taught us?" He stood up and mimicked waltzing around the room holding an invisible partner.
"I’m not dancing with you, Klaus." It was Luther’s turn to roll his eyes.
"Whyyyyy noooot" Klaus whined, pouting at Luther as he continued twirling.
"What about...Little Drummer Boy?"
"Oh, fucking Christ, no!" Klaus yelled. 
"Klaus! Language!" Grace’s smile transformed into the admonishment frown that Klaus was all too familiar with. 
"Sorry, Mom," Klaus grumbled. "But Luther has the...stupidest ideas."
"How about -” Luther searched his brain for an idea. “-Silent Night’?" 
Klaus rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine. I don’t even care anymore."
“Now that that’s decided, maybe we can get back to ‘Silent Reading Time’” Five muttered again from his chair. 
The show went off....well no one would say without a hitch. But it went off just the same.
Allison insisted on going first (of course) and while her exuberance embraced the spirit of the holidays, her propensity to barely miss the high notes while making up for the lacking pitch with excessive volume was more than enough to put a small crease between Reginald’s eyes. 
Sir Hargreeves seemed to relax slightly (as much as relax was a verb that could be used to describe the uptight host) as Five and Vanya went next, playing a passable rendition of ‘Greensleeves’. Reginald was pleased to see that Number Five managed to smile and look relatively charming (if one didn't look too closely at the sarcasm buried beneath the smile). He didn’t notice that Vanya was as red as a beet because he didn’t look at Number Seven at all. 
Numbers Two and Six (an odd pairing, thought Reginald absently) entered the stage area next. As Grace began playing the lively tune, Diego produced a set of sleighbells and began ringing them with forced enthusiasm. While his mouth moved at the appropriate times, it became quickly apparent that the only vocal sound was coming from Ben, a sound which grew quieter and quieter until it disappeared completely by the third verse, leaving Grace’s piano notes and Diego’s bell ringing to finish out the song. 
Sir Reginald’s frown had returned.
As his guests clapped coolly and politely, he was glad to see the least disappointing child stepped out in front of the piano. Number One’s uniform was crisp, his hair was neat, and he stood with correct posture. Sir Reginald breathed an inaudible sigh of relief.
“Where is Klaus?” Luther whispered out of the corner of his mouth at Diego and Ben as he passed, but they only shrugged. 
Well, the show must go on. Luther pasted on his best smile, and nodded to Grace solemnly. And, as rehearsed, he opened his mouth and took a breath just as the instrumental bars of the music led towards the start of the first verse. Luther had practiced those words with Grace relentlessly over the last week, until he could utter them in his sleep. He knew the words backwards and forwards, and even considered singing in the original German (which he spoke fluently).
Alas, Luther never got to utter a single syllable. Just as he opened his mouth, he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye.  Klaus stumbled into the ballroom, his disheveled uniform covered by a rich velvet cape that bore a surprising resemblance to a curtain from one of the third floor guest rooms. There was a crown of tinsel jammed on his head crookedly, and several long garlands wrapped around his shoulders and torso.
Luther blew his cue. And the next one. And the one after that, as Grace circled back smoothly for the third time. He was frozen in place in horror at the sight before him. 
Klaus appeared to be oblivious to the crowd, oblivious to the beat, but not quite oblivious to Luther as he shot his brother a dastardly wink as he spun past. Half a waltz, half ballet, and half a herb-induced trance, Klaus stumbled, bowed, and spun around for a good fifteen seconds before he finally crashed into one of the Christmas trees, causing it to topple over onto the piano with a tremendous crash.
That snapped Luther out of his trance. A quick look at their father showed barely restrained hostility. Luther was sure that it was only the presence of the many guests, some of which were chuckling politely, others who found a sudden interest in the buffet table, keeping Reginald's temper at bay. 
Luther knew he was expected to fix this situation, so he did the only thing he could think of: he walked over to his brother, extracted the flailing mess of limbs from the tree's branches, slung him over his shoulder, and walked as quickly as decorum would allow out of the room.
“And to alllllll, a good night!” Klaus cried out, his voice carrying over the sound of the piano and echoing in the high ceilings of the Academy ballroom.
The other children scrambled to make their exits, trying to be invisible to their father's enraged stare. Ever unflappable, Grace played on, the piano music soothing over the sounds of the disaster children's shoes shuffling over the polished floors.
The children were each made to do seven days of dishes as a punishment.
Luther and Diego both handled their tasks with the usual competitive stoicism of Numbers One and Two.
Allison and Ben grumbled incessantly during their punishment days about how it was all just so unfair.
Vanya offered to do Five’s share. She felt bad, knowing that he didn’t do anything to deserve the punishment. 
“Oh, no way.” Five responded with an absent wave. When Vanya made to protest, he continued. “Klaus is going to do them, aren’t you?”
Klaus gave a wide grin.“Oh sure, fine, whatever. It was totally worth it. I mean did you guys see Dad's face?  It was as red as Luther’s."
Unsurprisingly, the children were never again invited to Reginald’s annual holiday party. 
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Maggie Stiefvater~Rant YA edition pt.2
I know, I know that I had to make a part about world-building but I’m pissed, I failed my exam I am at my friend house and it’s Fourth of July so I must do this.
Joseph Kavinsky.
First of all I don’t condemn his actions and yes, you can like a character but don’t agree with their actions.
My journey with The Dream Thieves was rocky, like really rocky. It was worse than The Raven Boys, I felt psychical pain while reading this one but there was only one good thing that help get through it AND IT WAS KAVINSKY.
From the first scene I liked him, I was intrigued by him and I was curious why Gangsey hates him so much. I mean what M*ggie give us are just rumours, that's when I asked myself “Why such a hate? What did he do to them?”.
And then the yo mama jokes, priceless by the way. Okay, maybe my sense humour sucks but let me tell you in polish translation “twoja stara” is golden I laughed for several minutes.
But the thing went down pretty quickly, like my face went from a happy to grim in a second and stayed that way while reading this, just to cry at the end. After that it was just anger and to this day I’m angry at M*ggie for what she did.
Lets start from beginning.
1. Kavinsky-Description
The first time we see Kavinsky it’s in the chapter 3 where we got rumours about him:
“Of course it was Joseph Kavinsky, fellow Aglionby Academy student and Henrietta’s most notorious recreational forger. Kavinsky’s infamous Mitsubishi Evo was a thing of boyish beauty, moon-white with a voracious black mouth of a grille and an immense splattered graphic of a knife on either side of the body. The Mitsubishi had just been released from a month-long stint in the police impound. The judge had told him that if he was caught racing again, they’d crush the Mitsubishi and make him watch, like they did to the rich punks’ street racers out in California. Rumor had it Kavinsky had laughed and told the judge he’d never get pulled over again. He probably wouldn’t. Rumor had it Kavinsky’s father had bought off Henrietta’s sheriff. To celebrate the Mitsubishi’s release from impound, Kavinsky had just put three coats of anti-laser paint on the headlights and bought himself a new radar detector.“
Right from the bat, characters expressed disdain of him:
“I hate that prick,” Adam said.
Then we get the “description” of him: white sunglasses, golden chain, which already is kinda lacking but then we get the infamous “refugee face”
“He had a refugee’s face, hollow-eyed and innocent.“
Okay okay, so like it wasn't already offensive, we learn later that he’s Bulgarian and as a person also from Slavic group, this description just looks bad and leaves bad taste in my mouth, because I'm fed up with Americans view of Slavs like we are all simple people, still in communist era somewhere in the Europe, who came to America to steal low income jobs.
On the other hand, how does “refugee face” looks like? Yeah, we get the line “hollow-eyed and innocent“ but it still feels offensive to Slavic group.
Luckily, in my translation it was changed to “runaway’s face” which holds the same idea but it isn't offensive and fits Kavinsky’s character better.
“There was nothing about Kavinsky that wasn’t despicable”
Just... ugh why they hate him so much, I asked myself back then but I didn't know that from this point, all went down hill.
“He was unmistakable: the sort of raven boy who was clearly an import from elsewhere.“
Okay first of all, you can import things, not actual people Blue. Second of all, combining this with “refugee face” it made me so angry like M*ggie, why can’t you describe Kavinsky normally without possibly offending half of Europe. He is human, not your new brand German car.
After that we get the rest of description “Like many of the other raven boys, he sported massive sunglasses, spiked hair, a small earring, a chain around his neck, and a white tank top.“ and that’s it. It’s all we get. There might be some things missing, like hair colour but we can forgive that.
2. Backstory
In M*ggie’s now deleted tumblr, she once wrote:
"Kavinsky has a very logical backstory that leads him to this place.”
And what did we know about Kavinsky? Practically, nothing. He’s a son of a Bulgarian mobster from New Jersey, he’s rumoured to kill his father, he’s mother is a drug-addict, he’s rich, Prokopenko is his favourite forgery and he got away with replacing him and possibly his dad. It gives the idea to what shaped him as a person but it doesn’t explained everything, like if he killed his dad, why wasn’t it? How did it ended up with him replacing Prokopenko? Why he is his favourite forgery?
But okay M*ggie say what you want but I and my friend made better backstory for him in ten minutes (like it wasn’t hard really).
3. ”We matter”
“Closing his eyes, Gansey leaned his head back on his seat, chin tilted up, throat green in the dash lights. There was still an unsafe sort of smile about his mouth — what a torment the possibility in that smile was — and he said, “There was never a time when that could’ve been you and me. You know the difference between us and Kavinsky? We matter.“
That said Gansey, the character we are supposed to like, about the kid who is not only his age but also drug addicted and possibly abused. I was furious at him for saying that because who k*rwa he is to say things like that. Is he some frigging higher being to judge someone like that?
And he was smiling while saying that? What an.. and nobody called him out on that?! It only gives the reader the idea that people like Kavinsky don’t matter and to those who relate to him that they don’t matter.
And Blue, who again made me want to throw my phone, later in the book asked  literal a hitman, who offered to go to “talk” with him to “make him feel worthless” while doing it.
It’s the next example when I felt the main characters are lacking a basic human empathy, like again he is just a kid not “H*tler” like Ronan compare him to.
4. That scene
That f*king scene, we all know about.”R*pe of Ronan” as stans like to call it.
I heard the reaction of the fans to this scene even before reading this books. Of course, I was anticipating this scene and when it came:
“After a moment, he heard the hood groan as Kavinsky leaned over him. Then he felt the ridged callus of a finger drag slowly over the skin on his back. A slow arc between his shoulder blades, drawing the pattern of his tattoo. Then sliding down his spine, tensing every muscle it moved over.
But when his eyes slitted, battling sleep, Kavinsky was just doing another line of coke off the roof, body stretched over the windshield. He might have imagined it. What was real?“
I was baffled, because its bad but its nothing like fans making to be. All Kavinsky does is drag his finger on Ronan’s back tattoo, while he is falling asleep but afterwards Ronan said he doesn’t know, if it was even real, so the reader can’t tell if it was. Somebody would argue, that is a molestation but once again, we don’t know if it was real. Maybe if we got K’s PoV we could get information about this situation but now we are left in the dark what really happened that night.
And then, there is “Consent is overrated” scene
This is one of the main argument of stans preaching that K is a r*pist. Yes, that sounds horrible, we don’t have to argue about that but people missed the context of situation in which it was said.
“Ronan replied, “Not such a thief tonight.”
“Some nights,” Kavinsky said, all teeth, “you just take it. Consent is overrated.”“
Ronan and Kavinsky are referring to pulling things out of dreams and how Kavinsky is doing it aka not asking permission to take them out, unlike Ronan. But without this context, the world “consent” is mainly associated with one thing. You know what...
The bottom line is that, if we got K’s PoV, it would shine a light on his intentions and motivations to say and possibly do all of this. We can only thanks the author for that.
5. Relationship with Ronan Lynch
Maybe that will sound scandalous but I don’t think Kavinsky loved Ronan. All of their interaction seem more like obsession to me and after the dreaming of Camaro, it seem desperate.
At the beginning, after main characters expressed disdain of K, only Ronan thought something different:
“Ronan knew he ought to hate him, too.“
And I thought “Okay maybe Ronan know more about him than the rest” but as the chapters went, I wanted the end of it all.
It was toxic. I know, I know but I was hoping for a least little glimpses of possible friendship. Instead of that, I got throwing over cars, punching and exploitation between them. With Kavinsky saving Ronan from the night horror (which fans forget about in their rants how bad K is) and helping Ronan dreaming a new Camaro, I expect at least some decency? gratefulness?? at Ronan side, because nobody forced Kavinsky to do this but when Ronan got what he wanted he just peace out?! Like Kavinsky was doing all of this as a favour?
“He rolled down the window. “I’m going.” For a moment, Kavinsky’s face was perfectly blank, and then Kavinsky flickered back onto it. He said, “You’re shitting me.” “I’ll send flowers.” Ronan revved the engine. Exhaust and dust swirled in a wild torment behind the Camaro. It coughed at twenty-eight-hundred rpm. Just like the Pig. Everything was back the way it was. “Running back to your master?” “This was fun,” Ronan said. “Time for big-boy games now, though.”
““I never lie,” Ronan said. He frowned disbelievingly. This felt like a more bizarre scenario than anything that had happened to this point. “Wait. You thought — it was never gonna be you and me. Is that what you thought?”“
And what was Kavinsky’s reaction after he was “used” by Ronan without even a thank you?
“Kavinsky made a gun of his thumb and finger and put it to Ronan’s temple. “Bang,” he said softly, withdrawing the fake gun. “See you on the streets.”“
Not anger but disbelief about what just happened and then the “he said softly“ just seems sad to me. He got used by the man he, de facto, wanted to befriend. He for sure felt cheated and used but the next thing what he does seems just OOC for me. He kidnapped Matthew, Ronan’s younger brother, to force him to come to the Fourth of July party. Before it looked like he wanted Ronan just to have a fun but after the Camaro something broke in him. But once again, it only my interpretation, because K is the only TRC antagonist that doesn’t get PoV, so I can wonder, what was going on in his head.
I’m tired of this, because most of the things could be explained, if we got his PoV, because without it his actions seems random.
After the text “bring something fun to fourth of july or we’ll see which pill works the best on your brother“, Ronan called K demanding where is Matthew and K responded:
“Ronan demanded, “Where is he?” “You know, I asked nice the first few times. Are you coming to Fourth? Are you coming? Are you coming? Here, have a motherfucking car. Are you coming? You made it ugly. Bring something impressive tonight.”“
It doesn’t sounds that evil to me more like desperate (repetition of “are you coming”) and hurting (”you made it ugly”). It made me feel more curious about what was going in his head and what lead him to kidnapping more than being angry at him for kidnapping Matthew.
Kavinsky was looking someone like Ronan, to share problems and to destroy themselves together. And Ronan was the closest thing to it, dreamer and all. He was looking for connection but in the end, Ronan didn’t want anything to do with him and that ended in tragedy.
6. Fourth of July
Ah yes, the main reason why I’m writing this post. We know how this goes. Gangsey arrives at party. Ronan demands where is his brother. Ronan follow K into a dream.
"Kavinsky laughed the word. "Reality! Reality's what other people dream for you."
"Reality's where other people are," Ronan replied. He stretched out his arms. "What's here, K? Nothing! No one!"
"Just us."
There was a heavy understanding in that statement, amplified by the dream. I know what you are, Kavinsky had said. "That's not enough," Ronan replied."
One again K got rejected and it was told to him he "wasn't enough" Okay, Ronan doesn't own him anything but what happened next is more fucked up
Kavinsky dreams fire dragon, Ronan night horror. They fight. Gangsey search for Matthew.
Ronan demands K to tell him where is Matthew and K just said “He’s all yours! You missed my point, man. All I wanted was this —”“ while gesturing at their creations and ONCE AGAIN I REPEAT ONCE AGAIN we are not sure what K meant: dreaming together? fighting? One chapter from his PoV couldn’t hurt Maggie you know?
Matthew got rescued, Ronan shielded him from upcoming dragon then this:
"He shouted to Kavinsky, ”Get down!”
But Kavinsky didn’t look away from the creatures. He said,”The world’s a nightmare”.
Ronan once again shouted to him but Kavinsky didn’t answered and let the dragon to kill him.
“A second later, the fire dragon exploded into Kavinsky. It went straight through him, around him, flame around an object. Kavinsky fell. Not as if he was struck, though. Just like when he’d taken the green pill. He crumpled to his knees and then slumped gracelessly off the car.“
And we know K is dead, because both the dragon and Prokopenko fall asleep.
And that’s all and what was all for? Because they thought he was draining the ley lines (but Adam fixing the lines seems to do the trick) and because Ronan didn't want to come to Fourth of July. After that comes nothing. No reaction from the cast and the dream pack who supposedly were his friends (In later book Jiang talks to Ronan like nothing happened) there is no funeral of which we know and the town is silent. Like K never existed.
What kind of message this sends to a reader? That if you are like Kavinsky in any way nobody will mind if you are gone. You are not even worthless to remember. On one podcast M*ggie said she don’t want to be educational in her books and that’s f*cked up because she is writing YA, young people who are easily influenced and after reading how K is treated the majority will close the book with belief that people like K don’t deserve help and they are goners not worthy of redemption.
While in the same book Gray Man, adult hitman who killed people on pages, was hunting down Ronan, relieved to be murderer behind a Niall's death, beat up and threaten Declan with a gun to tell him where the Greywaren was not only forgiven by everyone (including Ronan) but got redemption arc and love interest. Let me repeat adult man, literal a hitman gets redemption arc but not mentally ill kid. Okay Margaret what the f*ck was that. Where is the logic, where is the lamb sauce?! Does she knows how her writing can influence young people? And it seems most of the fans agree with her.  
Joseph Kavinsky was handled terribly through the whole book. With main cast hating him from the get-go. Narration that tried to make him the great evil (with some fans of TRC calling him the worst villain) and after the book got published the fans and the author themself further demonised him, 17 year old boy with a drug addiction, mental illness and with possible history of abuse.
I can only shake my head every time, I see someone calling him the devil. What Kavisnky needed was rehab and therapy, not death! If she wanted to find solution to stop him from dreaming, why couldn't she just moved him outside of Henrietta or Virginia, not lead him to commit s*icide and public s*icide mind you. He was a bad person but nobody deserved to die like this.
To end this post (I wrote this post so long that in my country is no longer Fourth of July), I still to this day think about Kavinsky and what would happened, if the author didn't choose the easy way to "get rid of him". And do not tell me, it was impossible to end it differently, because it was possible. Ronan just grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him off the car. Sending him to a rehab or just talking with him, instead of assuming from the start, that he wouldn't listen. His only crimes were, he needed help and he wouldn't listen to Gangsey telling him what to do.
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So uhhhh lawyer au. Who's locked up and why? (like Prussia) Also are there any characters who have side jobs that come into play even if they're not regularly in the office or court? (like how N. Italy(?) was in charge of suits)
Yes....lawyer Au again... :D I’ve missed it
Inmate 44671-E-8: Alastair Kirkland is the eldest of the Kirkland brothers. As they grew up, he set a terrible example for his brothers. He still gets himself in trouble but is slowly trying to better himself. He’s in the middle of a four year sentence for an armed B&E, where he also injured three officers while resisting arrest. Prison isn’t very fun but he’s learning to mellow out and control his inner rage. He tries to keep in contact with Arthur but he usually refuses to see him. Ali also tried to hire Art to defend him in court but he refused then too. Ali was prosecuted by Natalya Braginsky two years ago. Arthur sat in the public viewing area with a coat and hat on so he wouldn’t be recognized. Alastair has a girlfriend who he met through a prisoner dating site but when he gets out, he plans on dumping her and moving far, far away.
Peter Kirkland: Peter’s a freshman in highschool who’s been to juvie twice, both for assault. He thinks Arthur is a kiss-ass and he thinks his delinquent brothers are awesome. He goes and sees Alastair in prison every other week and calls him from home if Ali’s alllwed to have phone time. Arthur rents a car to drive up to his family’s house every month or so just for peter, to check in on him. Peter’s an ass though. Last time Art went to see him, he hotboxed Art’s rental car and left burn marks in the car seats...on purpose. Deep down, Peter is afraid of being sent to prison for real but he craves attention. So he acts out. He’s gonna get a taste of reality soon enough...cause once he turns 16 he can be tried as an adult...Uh oh. Arthur is very worried but he doesn’t show it, instead he just yells at Peter or lectures him endlessly with his lawyer talk. Lammmeeeeee
Łukasiewicz, the magician: Feliks ‘Ken Ka-Dazzle’ Łukasiewicz is a traveling magician who won an American talent television show. He travels around Europe and the Americas to perform his act with various circuses or (occasionally) a cirque show. He had his own show in Las Vegas for a summer and performed in another casino for a few nights in the fall while another act fell ill. Feliks was suspected of robbing and killing another magician! He hired defense attorney Herdarvey(did not spell that right lmaoooo) to defend him!! His case was all over the news and people still believe he committed that murder despite the judge and jury ruling him ‘Not Guilty’ after a gruesome full three day trial. Because Eliza defended him so greatly, Feliks pays the rent for her law firm and the rent for her house! He also sends her flowers and cards often despite her husband hating it.
Firefighter Oxernstina: Tino is a firefighter! I talked about him a bit before! He was a firefighter in Finland before moving to LA with his parents! He went though the fire academy there (again) and was quickly hired by the Los Angeles fire department! He was welcomed in without a hitch!! His coworkers love working with him. Tino loves his job too, he works seven nights a month and gets paid very nicely. He loves saving people, it just!!! Makes him feel so good. He met Berwald at a city worker event and married him about a year and a half later. They’ve been married for a little over six years now and they’ve got an adopted son, Oscar, from Sweden! Tino’s side job is coaching the highschool hockey teams! He loves those kids! Berwald comes to every match he can to be supportive. He also brings Oscar to hopefully spark an interest in hockey for him
Eduardo Sousa-Carriedo: Eduardo is Antonio’s step brother. The two do NOT get along but when they’re forced to go to a family gathering, they act very friendly. Eduardo is a private investigator who works out of San Francisco. He lives there but he isn’t around much, he spends a lot of time in Brazil working for big businessmen there. It’s all under the table of course! He makes a pretty penny doing that but he doesn’t live like a rich guy. He has an average house, a nice car...he flaunts his wealth subtly. Diamond earrings, expensive watches, custom briefcases, sleeve tattoos, designer sunglasses. That kind of stuff. He has a handful of clients in Los Angeles so he’s forced to go sometimes and avoids his brother like the plague. And speaking of avoiding, he also has his ex-wife to worry about. She isn’t really tbag important though. After their bitter divorce, she’s been after him trying to get more and more money. Ugh. What a pest. Eduardo plans on moving to Brazil eventually, disappearing without a trace so she can’t find him. That’s how badly he wants her out of his life.
Angelique Dieudonne: Angelique is a casino chain owner! She has multiple locations, the biggest being in Monaco, Vegas, LA, Madrid and NYC. She’s never in one place for too long, she hops locations constantly. Many believe that she’s hosting a huge money laundering scheme but no one talks. She’s practically untouchable. She’s got a team of lawyers, social media managers and advisors on her side. She strikes down videos about her, she refuses on-the-spot interviews, makes employees sign contracts to keep them quiet. All kinds of stuff!!! She’s very powerful. She buys out casinos in popular areas and makes them her own. Her casinos are large and glamorous! Casino goers are usually too busy being drunk and feeling like royalty to realize how much money they’re REALLY spending on games. But that’s all a part of her plan. The prosecutors have a blast talking conspiracy, Ivan gets especially heated about it. He can’t wait for her downfall and claims that he’ll throw a party when she goes to prison
Gianni Vargas: Feli and Lovi’s younger brother. He’s a highschool student who works at the shop with Feli on weekends! He is not allowed to go to work with Lovi because he’s ‘hazardous’ and ‘inattentive’...which may be true. He has little interest in Lovino’s job cause he thinks working with dead people is gross. He looks up to Feliciano though! He wants to be stylish and suave like him! He plans on going into art school after he graduates. He wishes he could drop out of highschool to work in the clothing store with Feliciano but that would never be allowed!!! He goes with Feli to deliver suits so he’s a familiar face at the prosecutors office!! Francis is especially kind to him when he comes around “Awww! There’s my favorite style icon!!” It’s embarrassing but he thinks that Francis dresses cool so he puts up with it. When he turns 18, Gianni’s gonna get his own custom suit from Feli and their grandpa!! Only four more months!! He dreams of his soon to be suit every night!! The fitted pants...the padded shoulders....the fancy buttons...oh boy!!
((There are spelling errors but I am too lazy to fix them lmao sorry :) and there is more to add but I have fake nails on and it’s a muricle that ive managed to type this much haha
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btslols · 5 years
Ingenious | BTS PrivateSchool!au
Genre: romance, angst.
Warnings: Bad language, violence, mental health issues, sex, alcohol
Snowflakes all around, like glistening gems falling from the sky, it would be a cosy Christmas for the students at Silver Creek; or at least the very few who had not been able to go home for the holidays.
Christmas had rolled around quicker than ever, exams being the main black hole of focus for the students. It felt, for those still left at school that the festive bug had not yet caught them.
Y/N, unfortunately, was one of the teenagers having to brave the cold weather in the dorm rooms accompanied by her close friend Sophie, a girl with money rooted in her blood. Like most of the pupils at Silver Creek Academy Sophie had brought her way in and often soured when teachers mentioned Y/N’s scholarship for outstanding intelligence and understanding in the art of languages.
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24th December, Christmas Eve
“Ugh Sophie! Give me a break girl“
Ever since you arrived at Silver Creek a few years ago Sophie had made a point to wake the dormitory at the crack of dawn, regardless of the disapproving reactions she usually got.
“DID YOU KNOW THE BOYS FROM KNENNINGTON HOUSE ARE STILL HERE!?!? We’re not the only fifth years left!”
"Oh what Hobi’s friends?” You sat up straight to face the plump blonde girl sat on the end of my bed.
“yes those guys, but don’t touch they’re mine”
“So what’s the plan?” You asked, curious as to what ideas she had conjured up in true Sophie Sparks fashion and amused by her evident crushes on the boys.
She then explained how she had decided you would make your famous gingerbread cookies that you would then eat at dinner. Of course the lack of other students would make you visible to the Kennington boys who should come over for a delicious cookie. Ingenious really.
“and then she wanted to ...”
“and there they are” Sophie interrupted whilst pointing at the boys walking in, laughing and smiling. 
The Christmas spirit had clearly overtaken them in the form of ugly sweaters and cracker hats that fell as they moved. Sophie continued to stare at them as they sat down behind me. 
“damn. Start munching bitch” she handed me a cookie and we continued to gossip about a certain girl in our dorm. 
“HEY Y/N? Can I have one pretty please?” 
You refocused from Sophie to Jung Hoseok; a bold and energetic boy that You had many classes with a few years ago, the class clown if you will. Thankfully you had remained close friends with him and his group throughout the past few years, much to Sophie’s dismay.
“Oh sure” You grinned at him and held out the biscuit tin. 
“Hey! what about me?” Jimin, a dance major, appeared behind him.
“Be my guest” You say as they sat down.
It wasn’t long before the rest of their friends had sat down with us, chatting with us joyfully.
“Aren’t you the girl with the scholarship for languages and stuff?” Namjoon asked. Namjoon however, was the one not that I had never really spoken to before.
“Haha yes that’s me”
“oh wow, that’s really impressive. You’re in my English and Japanese class I think?”
“Thankyou, and mm yeah I think so, I’m usually too tired to take notice of the lesson let alone the people in there hahaha.” 
“Well...you always impress me with your skills” 
“awh thank..”
Sophie stood up sharply and stomped out of the dining room with a heavy sigh, mumbling rapidly under her breath.
“What’s going on with her?” Min Yoongi questioned.
“She always gets like that when someone mentions my scholarship.”
“oh what, because she’s rich and not intelligent like you?” 
“Y/N, are you the only fifth year girl left?” Kim Seokjin raised his eyebrow and motioned towards you with half a cookie.
“yeah, just me, Soph and a few hyper first years downstairs, who I’m refusing to babysit by the way, they can stay up all night for as much as I’m bothered, But I guess Sophie won’t be staying tonight if this situation goes down how it usually does” 
“oh right, well if you want some company I’m very happy to come and I’m sure the other boys will too. All the teachers have gone home now anyway, we won’t get caught”
“But what about the younger girls?”
“We’ll make sure they don’t say anything don’t worry ”
“Are you sure? You really don’t have to do this Jin”
“Oh shut up, I’m not letting any girl be alone on christmas eve”
“Oh ok then, thank you” You smiled and offered him another cookie which he gladly took.
“I’m going home” Sophie announced whilst picking up her designer suitcase and handbag.
“Ah so I gathered” You replied and sat on my bed.
“Y/N! Love Actually or Elf?” Hoseok burst through the wooden door with DVD cases in either hand.
“Bringing boys into the dormitory now are we?” Sophie tutted and push past Hoseok with her head held high. 
“Damn” he remarked with raised brows.
“haha Love Actually, OF COURSE” replied and ran to the common room to join the rest of them.
By 10pm Y/N had fallen into a deep slumber against the arm of the well-loved sofa in the common room. The fires heat blazing against her skin and the unconscious caress of Kim Taehyung around her ankle in his still lap.
Only the sixth year boys were still awake, having a meaningful heart-to-heart about the past year. It had been one with lows, but also unbelievable highs that made each other and their families proud. 
Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon have decided they would be going to university next year whilst Jung Hoseok had decided to go travelling and explore his roots in South Korea amongst other places.
They laughed and drank their eggnog in high spirits as their eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier and heavier.
25th December, Christmas Day
You woke up to the unpleasant yet somehow adorable squealing and screaming from the first years downstairs. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N” Taehyung whispered as he watched you wake up.
“Merry Christmas” You smiled and gave him a friendly hug. Although he returned a soft squeeze he did so with a mournful expression.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“The kids just remind me of how the parents stop caring when you get to our age. They just send you away and pretend you don’t exist for five years” 
“Yeah. None of us have been sent a Christmas gift from our families since we left Korea 5 or 6 years ago”
“Awh, nevermind, I haven’t got anything either haha”
He chuckled and sat up straight, moving my legs off his lap, walking over the other maroon sofa and waking up his friends.
“What do you call a man who claps at christmas?” Jin holds the small peice paper up.
“I don’t know?” 
“Santaapplause” he broke into hysterics making everyone else laugh with him.
Ring. Ring. Your phone sounded and everyone’s fun  to stare at you.
“Answer it then. None of us get Christmas calls” Namjoon said with an undertone if jealousy.
You flip over your mobile and see who’s calling. Sophie Sparks.
“Merry Christmas!” She says overly seeetly and obviously insencire.
“Merry Christmas?” You question.
“Yeah, so my parents are, of course, disgusted by your behaviour yesterday and have contacted Mrs Hail to request you expelled. So honey, enjoy your Christmas but don’t forget that with grades like yours you’re bound to be gone in the next month”
”ugh! You bitch”
She hung up.
She wasn’t wrong though; you had been falling behind in a couple of your classes due to your want of a better social life. It was worth it but now it was probably going to bite back. The only choice you had now was to succeed far beyond academic expectations so that the school had no choice but to keep you.
“Who was that?“ Jimin asked.
“No one don’t worry”
“Ah ok. I think the grinch is on TV, you guys wanna watch?”
The room echoed with sarcastic “woo”s and “hell yeah”s from the other boys, you watched as Jimin’s expression dropped and he turned to pout at you.
“I’ll watch it with you” you giggle and pat the seat next to you, preparing for his descent.
“Thankyou” he mumbled and put his arm around your shoulders.
“Ummm Y/N has boys in the common room!“ you heard a young voice say.
The first years had appeared by the stairwell sporting their new attire, including mainly onesies and deelyboppers.
“Oh my gosh, my mummy says boys only want one thing and that’s what’s in your pants” another fresh faced girl joins in.
“Girls either shut up or go back to your dorms” You say.
“Nuh-uh we’re going to tell Mrs Hail about this” The girl replies.
“Too bad she’s not here, now do as Y/N says and go back to your dorms before I inform someone more important than Mrs Hail about your non-compliance. You’d get in a lot of trouble believe me.“ Jin warned the group of girls. They scurried off without questioning the older boy.
“WoW they’ve really got it in for me today haven’t they, thanks Jin.“
He nodded politely and continued to make his coffee in the remarkably petite kitchen.
The rest of the day was full of merry banter for the teenagers at silver creek. Y/N had not once thought about Sophie’s threat as she had been much too occupied by the practical jokes and amusing conversations with the Kennington boys.
She had not even realised that snow had fallen and blessed her with a white Christmas until Jung Hoseok had taken her onto the balcony late that night after everyone had fallen asleep. It was no secret that Hoseok had a soft spot for Y/N; always chatting to her when she was sat alone and always succeeding in making her laugh or at least smile. She however never saw the other side to Jung Hoseok, always taking him as a cheerful and happy kind of man.
They sat there enclosed in the white fluffy blanket they found in the dormitory sipping their hot cocoas and discussing things like the future and the past, their friends and their wishes. She thinks that perhaps the last time they had spoken like this was years ago when they were barely 11 and 12. Of course, much had changed, he now wanted to be a professional dancer or performer, in the west end he said, and she wanted to be a writer or a teacher, she hadn’t decided yet. He reassured her that it’s only natural not to know at that age what you wanted to do for the rest of your life, always making sly jokes about the age gap of a year, painting himself as a much wiser man than he was.
“I must say it’s been a marvellous Christmas Y/N. I usually don’t enjoy it because it feels like I’m away from home, but this year I think I felt at home more with you and the guys than I used to with my own family”
No reply. Hoseok had been talking to himself for the past five minutes whilst Y/N had fallen asleep against him and the door behind them. Once again his half confession had been subsided by Y/N without her even realising. Christmas had drawn to a solemn close for Jung Hoseok.
 It felt for him as though he was on top of a skyscraper only to be pushed off by the force of loneliness.
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For the headcanons ask: Alya Cesaire, Mako from LoK, Mack from AoS, and then any character that you really want to answer for but haven't been asked, if you please! :)
Yayy, thanks for asking!! Here’s the original ask game if anyone’s curious. Haha, this got SOO long, but I had a lot of time to kill soo:
Alya Cesaire, my sweet child who might be the only one in the bunch with a brain cell: 
Headcanon A:  realistic:
Absolutely does the dumbest things for the scoop. Nora has every right to be worried because her lil sis is a dumbass,
Her website is so freaking legit (She gets interviewed by legit news sites, like come on!) She has bios, dates, damages, and ongoing information about akuma attacks. She’s building up profiles on Ladybug, Chat Noir, Hawkmoth, and the other superheroes. People are shocked to learn there’s not a whole team behind it but just one very dedicated teenager. She’s going for the Pulitzer Prize.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
So she’s a comic book fan right. She’s as nerdy as they come. She cosplays  (thank goodness for a genius designer friend) and goes to all the cons (thank goodness for a rich friend). She buys all the limited editions. She does fundraisers for kids. And anyone who is a jerk or gives her a hard time for being a girl/kid is gonna get  punched in the face (Thank goodness for a boyfriends who restrain her and then, upon failing, covers for her ass so that she doesn’t get kicked out or grounded).
She loves movies, she loves running outside and exercising, she loves pastries, she loves doing her nails and posting fun videos!
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
She misses Martinique so much. She loves Paris and her friends there but it’s just not the same. The warm weather, the friendliness, the dialect,  her extended family. They moved because of Nora and her dad and mom’s jobs, but ugh whenever she Skypes back home, it hurts so much.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
She and Trixx have a complicated relationship because she’s all about the truth and Trixx is all about the illusions. It takes her a while to get it right and a while to see how clever Trixx is with their words and manipulation. She wanted to ask Ladybug for another miraculous, but learned that she was able to see things in shades of gray rather than black and white because of Trixx and that makes her a smarter journalist
Mako (MAKO, MY BABY!!!) 
Headcanon A:  realistic: 
He’s a little nerd. He always wanted an education and could never get it growing up. So he’s patient, he reads, he studies, he’s a fast learner. Lin Beifong is very proud of him; Tenzin wishes he could switch him and Korra out sometimes.
He’s always going to be the dad friend, always looking out for everyone’s wellbeing  (no matter how bad he is at it), always providing and taking care of the others. He carries photos of his friends(+ferret) in his wallet and shows them to everyone whether they asked or not. He’s uptight and falls alseep in movies and makes bad jokes. He’s an Ultimate Dad
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Now that’s he’s a cop, he loves to treat his friends. Getting them into the secure events, joyriding, treating them to dinner.
He and Asami love to race each other. He’s usually super uptight and worried, but when he’s relaxed, he and Asami have so much fun testing out new Satomobiles. Bolin always referees. Korra used to race too but she’s been banned because she uses her Avatar powers to win. So she just gets to joyride when the others are taking a break.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
It took him a long time to get used to his firebending. He had started training with his mother but after their murders he became too terrified to firebend. It was only when he learned that he could be a probender that he began to learn his powers for real
Learning lightning was the hardest and scariest thing he’s ever had to do. He had to have so much peace and patience, and he just wasn’t there yet. Their probender mentor taught him the skills but he was still so full of rage and grief. It was only on one afternoon hanging out with Bolin and Pabu that he realized there was still  hope and happiness to look forward to. His parents wouldn’t want him to be stuck like this. Fire was ambition. And his ambition was fueled by his love for his brother. He would do anything for Bolin. He took Bolin outside and for the first time he bent lightning. Bolin and Pabu smothered him in hugs and they got his favorite noodles that night.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Make FireFerrets still a thing. I can’t believe we only got one season of the awesomeness that is probending (and all the complicated implications). I wanted Fire Ferrets to last at least for a few more tournaments and have them winning and them being able to use the money to set the brothers up comfortably and for Korra to be able to live a little more independently.
Mack (who literally deserves the world and I will fight you on this) 
Headcanon A:  realistic:
Learned his love of mechanics from his father. He continues to work as a mechanic on the side even as director, as relaxation and to remind him of his family
He also is the only one who is actively learning the traditional SHIELD training protocol for becoming a spy, i.e. learning languages and such. He’s slow at the languages (#Turtleman) but he’s much farther along than anyone else.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Hosts massive video game tournaments online and is a legend in the gaming community. Also, and absolutely is a gentlemen online. Harassment? Pedophilia? Foul or sexual talk? Mack is coming after you and he will destroy you. Only good people allowed.��Newcomers and minority groups worship him for this because he makes everyone feel safe and included 
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
He wishes he really did quit SHIELD and went back to just being a mechanic. Everyone likes to tease him about wanting to quit, but he is genuinely so heartbroken over seeing so many friends die or disappear. He has nightmares about the day SHIELD fell. He stayed because he was capable of doing something to help and it was the right thing to do. But selfishly, he wants peace in his life. He wants happiness and normalcy. He doesn’t want nightmares of losing his friends, his love, his daughter
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
He meets up with Bobbi and Hunter all the time. Facetimes them. Plays betting pools with them. Gets drunk. They’re friends for life and F anyone who gets in the way. Honestly he gets a hoot out of their shenanigans and they need him to keep them sane. Also they love Yoyo; half the time they call Mack its because they want to talk to her.
Simmons! Wow, apparently I had a lot headcanons for her. What a good murder child :)
Headcanon A:  realistic:
She doesn’t have a freaking MD, so she’s taken accelerated courses in her spare time in order to be able to pull off surgeries and cleanings and whatnot
She’s the leading expert in Inhuman biology. She’s constantly being consulted but also will sometimes make up crap to get the government  off of SHIELD’s back
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
After Daisy, she’s easily the most dangerous of the group. Not because she can fight (because she’s only moderate at fighting), but because she has no mercy. She will leave you for dead on the operating table. She will fire your ass. She will throw a bomb at you and syringe you full of poison. She might even shoot you, and she will sacrifice herself when necessary. Simmons believes she knows what’s right and wrong and she’s learned to take matters into her own hands, everything else be damned.  
She and Fitz finally get their cozy apartment with the breakfast nook. Everyone visits for brunch on the weekends (Daisy visits for breakfast everyday) and Fitz cooks while she studies because she’s a morning person and it’s a get-up-at-6-workout-study-breakfast routine. She has a study just for herself that’s just full of biochemistry and Inhuman biology stuff. It’s a cutesy English-Scottish apartment (she and Fitz had many rows about how to decorate, more Scottish or more English, and they finally decided on half and half). 
She plans all the movie nights and bakes cookies and family dinner. She has weekly late night talks with Daisy, sitting under the covers of Daisy’s bed. She has frequent date nights with Fitz which ends with lovingly bickering while one’s brushing teeth and the other’s showering for bed. She loves to ramble on about her science to anyone who will listen and Mack loves to listen the most because he just doesn’t like to talk much and it turns out they love the same punk rock music so they just hang out and she gets to talk. 
Coulson and May have definitely become her adoptive parents because her family doesn’t know half of the stuff that has happened to her (she could tell them but she doesn’t want them to worry about her.) Coulson gives great hugs and tells her take a break. May gives her a drink and lets her vent. And when Elena and Deke join, she’s does the same for them and passes on the love she received. 
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Even before she joined Coulson’s team, her family was disappointed in her. Ever since the Academy, they had no idea what she does or what she’s done since. She loves her parents and siblings but she feels so damn distant. She’s like a ghost who only comes for Christmas. Just one of her brothers knows what’s really going on with her and when he first found out, he didn’t speak to her for months.
She’s just been through so much that she’s terrifed of being alone. Going undercover, being stranded on an alien planet, being a servant, losing Fitz (she really needs therapy omg), that she’s just scared to be a alone. She’s English, so she doesn’t usually do visible signs of affection. But after everything she’s been through, she stands a little closer to people, she holds onto whosever arm is nearest, she plays with hair and cuddles and reaches for anyone’s hand just to know her SHIELD family, her true family, is still around. And when they’re not: She still carries around a shiv.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
How about she gets therapy? How about she calls out Fitz for some of his crap because they both know that its healthy to be honest with each other? How about she gets her own storylines where she continues to do science and learn inhuman biology and help others because that’s who she is and that doesn’t make her weak or uninteresting *microphone drop* 
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shockfemme · 5 years
Those Richard Linklater Before movies ruined me forever. All this unlikely romance tied up in a handsome Ethan Hawke bow. It led me to believe that all things are never finished. I hold onto so many people, holographic distorted totems of a past that was painful, yet somehow transformed to endearing and wonderful with the glow of nostalgia...
In real life, has anyone ever really objected at the “speak now or forever hold your peace” part of the wedding ceremony? I haven’t even been to a wedding where that sentence was said, maybe to save everyone from an expensive stupid disaster. I have to admit that I have often times wished something like that would happen at a wedding I attended because weddings can sometimes be really damn boring and too long. If you know me and you’re reading this, of course I’m not talking about YOUR wedding.
Ultimately I wish that my stubborn memories would only highlight the negative aspects of certain people so I wouldn’t constantly wonder what this one person I kind of dated in 2004 is doing and whether or not he still “can't stop thinking of me” like he said on the phone six years ago. Or if the guy who got married is now divorced and if he is, what happened? Why do I care? I can only point to one source, a brain that was molded from a very early age by movies and television. I’m not attempting to be the Tipper Gore of the motion picture industry and blame movies for anything. I enjoy believing in fairy tales, until I get reminded continuously that they’re not reality.
Honestly, who cares? I love my boyfriend and we are in a solid relationship, but I have never been in a solid relationship prior to this one. I’ve always fallen in love with musicians that suffer from “emotional problems”. I’ve waited years for overgrown teenagers to come to the conclusion we were meant to be together forever.
It took me a very long time to realize that three types of movies exist for one sole purpose. There could absolutely be more but mostly these three. The teen movie or TV show where everyone is extremely mature and witty and everyone gets together with the unlikely objects of their affections (Pretty in Pink, Gossip Girl, etc. forever). Then there’s the romantic comedy where “the one who got away” returns and it’s all happy ever after (There’s Something About Mary, Reality Bites <Damn it Ethan Hawke>, etc.), or the one where the protagonist falls in love with someone who’s with someone else, and it never fails that this “someone else” is HORRIBLE (Titanic, Wedding Crashers, etc.)  
The sole purpose is (except in rare cases where these people actually lived these fantastic lives, in which case they can go fuck themselves, because really, ugh) the writer of the script regrets the way they handled a situation in their actual life. Well, this is my theory, but I think it’s pretty legit. I had this idea the other day when I started watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I mean, there is a lot of fantasy involved in that show, but what I picked up on is how intelligent and well put together these kids in the show are. There is a part where they’re all seated at Dr. Cerberus’ Bookstore and they’re debating whether or not David Cronenberg’s The Fly is about body dysmorphia or STD’s. I 100% can’t imagine having that conversation at 16. I was too busy trying to be the punkest person on Earth at that time and all I talked about was boys and which musical guest was going to be on Late Night With Conan O’Brien.  Did I just lead a different life than these people, or am I onto something here?
Now, let’s talk about “the one who got away.” I’ve had plenty of ones that got away and it’s probably a damn good thing that they ended up leaving and staying gone, and yet I still harken back to basically any Ethan Hawke movie from the 90’s and think, well, I should see what ole so and so is up to just so I can fulfill my cat-like curiosity and then dwell on it for one-hundred-thousand hours.
When I was growing up, my parents got divorced twice. Well once for real, and then the second time it was a common-law divorce. Additionally, my mom would often take back men she had previously written off because she wanted to give them a second chance. At some point in my teen years, I vowed I would “never” do that because I saw how it never ended up working out for my mom and seemed to be a waste of time.
However, I gave many people who probably didn’t deserve it multiple chances, maybe because it’s true we all turn into our parents, or because I believed that just like in Reality Bites, some Troy Dyer would come stand at the foot of my driveway and tell me he loves me after doing some gloriously fucked up thing that drove me to do something that is the equivalent of running up a huge phone bill with a psychic hotline. I never had the advent of a seemingly perfect Ben Stiller as Michael in my life, until recently.
It’s weird when you go through a certain amount of hoops to get into a relationship with someone. The beginnings of any romantic entanglement are so cinematic and lyrical, but I was never told how to stay in a relationship once you get into one. I grew up where all relationships ended abruptly or seemed alien and weird grown-up things that I didn’t care about. I thought that living with someone and being in love was the end-all-be-all of existence but guess what, that’s dumb. I was over 30 when I figured out this was not the case…. arrested development is not just the name of a band and a TV show, y’all. Relationships take work, and they don’t make problems disappear. They make them easier to deal with, but it’s not all wine and roses. There are some movies that touch on this reality, but not enough.
Instead of telling us how to stay in a long-term relationship, movies often teach us that if our partner has some quality that doesn’t live up to our expectations, some perfect hero is going to appear out of nowhere to rescue us from the bad choice we made. Hello, Billy Zane in Titanic!
The thing is, that in reality, Rose would’ve concocted this entire fantasy of Jack in her head, while staying right by Cal Hockley’s side and trying to remember how awesome it is to have a rich, handsome fiancé, even though he’s an asshole. Jack would have lived because he would’ve found the floating door. Rose and Cal would’ve got on the first lifeboats and they all would’ve lived miserably ever after. This story doesn’t win Academy Awards however. Also to touch on Wedding Crashers, in what world except for the fictional one set before us in this film would Owen Wilson get the girl over Bradley Cooper? Anyway….
Basically, movies are not typically touchstones on how to live your life, which I wish I could’ve figured out before I had so many failed relationships. There are some that are incredibly inspiring and have great messages, but more often than not, they’re fantasy scenarios that people wrote because that’s what they wish they could’ve done. If my theory is correct, I guess I have plenty of my own extremely unrealistic screenplays to write, so I’m going to go ahead and get to it.
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katatty · 6 years
Recap: Veronaville Round 4 (Spring)
Just remembered I haven’t done an recap for the Veronaville round I recently completed yet, oops! Better late than never? For any new followers, this is a summary of everything important that went on during this spring rotation! I have a recap page HERE, if you want to read about what else has been going on in this neighbourhood. More general info here. Once I finish this round of my Hollyhead BACC I’ll be continuing with Pleasantview Plus - next up will be more college, followed by Downtown.
Yikes - this was an eventful round! Feels like it went on forever, haha! It’s actually only been 4 months though, which is a lot better than the 10 months Strangetown took... 
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Started the rotation with Chloe and Nina’s house. It’s Spring and Chloe was taking full advantage of the romantic season to finally try and nail down that 20 Woohoos LTW. She went on a bit of a romance rampage including numerous townies, Ripp Grunt, and even her brother’s girlfriend. 
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She and Nina also had some adventures as a couple, inviting the Summerdreams over for some redheaded bisexual action.
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Unfortunately all this lovin’ distracted her from work a bit and she ended up getting fired - leading to some insecurity in her relationship with Nina, who was racking up promotions in her job at the Monty restaurant. 
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They talked it out, though, and Nina was nothing but supportive. Communication wins! 
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After that, Chloe decided the time had come to propose - and Nina said yes!!
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There was some trouble brewing, however... 
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Next up was Antonio’s branch of the Monty family! 
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Beatrice kicked things off by asking Buck Grunt to go steady, which totally threw me for a loop.
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Benedick was still going steady with Bo Summerdream.
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All was going well between them, until his best friend Hal Capp revealed she’d been seeing him on the side. Ben was not happy!!!
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Antonio was exploring his options and starting to date a little, too. Nina Caliente took him on a few dates. 
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In the end, though, it was Florence Delarosa who captured his heart.
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He took her on a date to a pottery class, and proposed at the end of it!!
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Meanwhile her local business was booming, and she hired recent graduate Emily Lee to help out in the shop.
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Small bit of relevant college stuff - at Mercutio’s graduation party, Juliette caught Romeo cheating on her with Roxie Sharpe.
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However, after talking it through with her and Jonah he decided to put things with them to and end and try and patch things up with Juliette. 
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He proposed to her at their dorm and she accepted, on the condition that he took her name when they married. Juliette is savvy! 
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At the Monty Ranch, Mercutio returns home to help his grandmother with the llama rearing. He’s now the de-facto heir, as Isabella is NOT happy about the engagement. 
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He quickly discovered his Nonna hasn’t been too lonely without him and has befriended some other elder ladies. She, Dora Ottomas and Jenny Smith meet regularly for mahjong. Jenny flirts and little here and there...
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His fiancee, Goldie Hart, visits regularly. 
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Meanwhile Isabella gets bitten by the local leader of the pack, becomes and werewolf and turns Mercutio for good measure. That’ll keep things even with the Capps...
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Then it’s over to the other side of the river... The Capps have noticed the recent expansion of the Monty side and, not to be outdone, have invested in a new set of shops on their side! They hope to attract small business owners and will be approaching a few of their residents about going into business.
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The first of these is the Tinkers! Melody is exasperated as always with her parents and can’t BELIEVE they think now is a good time to open a toy shop. It’s not just that Melody hates toys… her little brother Timmy was born recently and she’s worried the new business won’t leave her parents with a lot of time to take care of him. Her parents act like a pair of big kids most of the time, and she often feels like the only responsible person in the house. It’s tough, sometimes! 
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Her fears aren’t entirely unfounded. She leaves her parents unsupervised for half an hour, and look what happens! This is the THIRD fire I’ve had with these guys. It’s worth mentioning I play them ISBI style when they’re not at work doing business stuff, haha. 
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Melody’s girlfriend Miranda is at college, but Melody misses her like crazy and rolls wants to see her almost every day. They’re in an open relationship for now, at least until they can close the distance gap...
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She hangs out with Bo Summerdream a little, who flirts with her a bit...
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Wanda and Stephen prove to be fantastic parents as always, ignoring their screaming infant in favor of cuddling for hours on end.
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They do an okay job running the shop, though. Mostly.
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They don’t seem too worried about the Montys spying on the enemy turf...
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At Capp manor, Contessa has a stern word with her daughter Cordelia, who just doesn’t seem interested in taking over the family business.
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However, the family witchcraft certainly piques her interest and she decides to start studying it! Good magic, of course. 
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Tybalt returns from college and moves home, immediately getting a job in the business. It’s not his passion, but he florishes nicely there, and gets along great with his aunt/boss Goneril.
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He also proposes to his boyfriend, Tiave Tricou, and takes him home to meet the family. 
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Juliette visits next for another word with dear old grandmother. They’re a little concerned about her engagement to Romeo, but agree to it as long as he takes on the Capp name and gives up his ties to his family.
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Later that night, Caliban and Contessa get into a nasty fight. It’s the latest of many, and this time Contessa isn’t feeling forgiving! 
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She casts a curse on him and has him killed by bees. 
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Cordelia is heart-broken and immediately suspects her mother, not believing for a moment any of this was an accident. She shares these suspicions with Tybalt and he privately vows revenge, although she’s terrified for his safety and hopes he flees town.
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In a complete change of tone, Denise decided to move to Veronaville with her son after their bakery in Bluewater Village went bust. They’re not sure why it flopped… maybe because Yves was the only one who could bake? Maybe because Gilbert was dating multiple employees at once, and they all quit when they found out? Veronaville was Denise’s pick for 3 reasons.
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Nobody knows who they are, so they can pretend to be from Champ Les Sims! That way customers are bound to trust Denise’s croissants…
The Capp family are offering excellent business loans, hoping to improve tourism in the area. 
Since there are so many multi-generational families here, women might not be put off my Gilbert living with his mother! Denise is sick and tired of Gilbert playing the “I live with my mother” card whenever the threat of long term commitment looms. 
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Their round is mostly all business, with Gilbert dating around a bit. 
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He even asks out recently widowed Bella Goth a few times. She keeps saying no initially but when they have a chance meeting on a community lot she initiates things!
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Denise, who I gave a romance secondary, also finds time for romance! She dates local criminal mastermind Rich Mann, partially in response to receiving threats from the Montys. 
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Denise and Gilbert both keep rolling wants to learn hairdressing and Crystal Vu keeps wandering by, leading to endless makeover disasters...
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Sorry, Crystal. They get it right eventually. 
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Monica Bratford (Puck’s fiancee) starts renting a place, although she won’t be played until next round...  she’s looking forward to opening her own boutique in town and starting up her new range of cruelty free makeup products.
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The house next to her is being rented by fellow graduates Brittany Upsnott & Ellen Frost! Britt wants to be a journalist and Ellen plans on going into law.
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At Goneril’s branch of the Capp family, Desdemona and Hal bond on their terrible decisions in love. Des has a crush on her straight BFF Beatrice Monty and Hal has a thing for Benedick, who he worries he’s completely messed things up with forever. 
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He needn’t worry, though. To my sheer amazement when Benedick came over they started joking and laughing like everything was totally fine and Hal never stole his girlfriend? I guess they just can’t stay mad at each other...
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Des gets a bit of a makeover! To her surprise, Goneril approves. She’s been trying to go easy on her kids, lately.
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Hal and Bo continue dating, but the differences between Capps and Summerdreams are starting to show. She’s not remotely impressed or interested in his new job...
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Academie Le Tour like what they see, though. Between perfect A+ grades, topping his career in a single day, mastering dance (ballet) and maxing the creativity skill he is moneyed up ready for college!!!  He’s got the “Become the Law” LTW and I’ve no doubt he’s going to be a huge success as the corrupt Capp family lawyer.
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So he was off to Académie Le Tour. Hal felt a little sad to be leaving town without fixing things with Ben properly, but maybe the distance would do them good. Bo was coming along to the same university as him, but we wasn’t sure what was going to happen with them. Things had been kind of rocky, understandably, the way they got together was all wrong and it just didn’t feel right without Ben in the picture… ugh.
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Perhaps at college he could have a more sensible, drama-free love life? Or, better yet, he could stop worrying about relationships and focus on his studies! Yeah, that sounded great. He’d work hard, graduate with honors, start his own law firm, and worry about marriage and kids later, maybe when the family found a good match for him.
Des does a lot of good big-sister-ing, single handedly raising Lysander and talking Ariel through gender identity questions.
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Goneril gets the promotion she’s been hoping for. It was her dream, she’d always thought. It was her dream.
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And yet she wasn’t completely satisfied. When she’d imagined running the company, it wasn’t as a co-partner to a reanimated zombie of her mother. And she’d envisaged herself as the owner of the company, not simply doing all the hard work while her niece reaped in the rewards.
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Albany, who aged up recently, talks Goneril through her insecurities, and assures her she’ll be on top (lol) some day. 
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Ariel and Lysander grow up! Though their party is a total shitshow.
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The Summerdreams are very same-old - Bo continues to slack off and the parents continue to make out all the time and neglect their kids.
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She and Benedick Monty make the break-up official.
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And so she spends a lot of time hanging out with BFF Lucy Burb instead. They dream of becoming criminal masterminds together someday... they do have pretty good chemistry and a slightly flirty dynamic, but neither of them has ever acted on it for fear of messing up the friendship. 
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She dates Melody Tinker instead, which goes better than I expected! They fell in love and everything. 
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Oberon and Titania got some “new” looks.  These two have centuries worth of clothing in their wardrobe…
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Titania has a brief date with Chloe Curious, and asks her about her pregnancy. Chloe is cage-y initially, but is relived when Titania proposes she and Oberon adopt the baby. She and Nina don’t want kids, so it’s a perfect solution! 
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Regan and Cornwall have a pretty decent marriage. It never used to be that passionate, sparks-flying-everywhere, can’t-get-enough-of-each-other love, but it’s grown a lot over the years. They’ve both supported each other through thick and thin, things in the bedroom have got gradually spicier, and become true partners in crime - at this point Regan doesn’t want to imagine life without him.
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Their son Lear is a very dutiful, studious kid. He’s very moral and justice-oriented, for a Capp, and takes everything very seriously. He’s aware neither of his parents are law-abiding and isn’t too thrilled with it, but he’s sure he can talk them around someday…
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It’s mostly quite an uneventful, homely round. 
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She does go out for tea with her sisters, though, which leads to a few fireworks. Regan is horrified that her genie-wish has lead to so much suffering, and regrets brining back Contessa. 
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Poor Goneril has a lot of pent up jealousy brewing, which she directs at Cordelia. 
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They make up eventually, though :)
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After a few more promotions and a particularly successful heist which lands Cornwall a hefty $20,000, the married couple decide to relocate Downtown. It’s a little closer to work, and a little further away from the family’s deadly drama...
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At the end of the round, Romeo graduates and visits the family restaurant to invite everyone to the wedding. They’re not thrilled, and a shouting match ensues.
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He’s very suborn and sticks up for Juliette, but the prospect of being disowned by his entire family rattles Romeo. Despite Mercutio and Bianca giving him their support, when the wedding day comes he’s hesitant.
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He ends up running away from her at the altar,
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Juliette chased after him, furious, and accidentally curses him. Romeo’s struck by lightning and dies. 
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She’s momentarily horrified, but when confronted by Mercutio she quickly doubles-down, reigniting the Capp-Monty feud.
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aesthetics-for-u · 6 years
Lightning Bug Festival: Ch 2
A/N: Xana is pronounced Hannah. Mara is 13 her spells are in Latin. Raina is 13 her spells are in Portuguese. (They are twins) Harley Sigma is 19. Razielle or Raz is 13. Spoiler I don't own the following shows, tech companies and etc. that are going to be mentioned. If I did this would be a book and maybe a movie or the tech would be real. Sparta is Not Greece two different places and Atlantis is real it's the future things are different know. Also Please Review. Disclaimer: Don’t own the following shows, tech companies and etc. that are going to be mentioned. If we did this would be a book and maybe a movie or the tech would be real. Ch1, Ch3, Ch4
Written by: @myrandomzshit (Sam) 
Edited by: @smilingspoiler (Demonspawn)
@belleknows @bilesbilinskix @cathobs @dumbass-stilinski@thelittlestkitsune @redstringlovers
Clothes & Funky Helicopters
November 12, 2039, 1330 ESTUS
Razielle and Raina Cosmic Tube back to the clubhouse form Razielle's house with Razielle's suitcases. Mara is out patrolling the city. Harley is in the kitchen over a bowl of rice with scrambled eggs and bacon. Professor Xana is in her workshop tweaking the pods. They go to their rooms and finish packing. Raina looks in her mission closet for the uniform to the new school. Mara arrives in the Cosmic Tube port. Mara takes off her hood and mask and sulks off towards her room, and Harley eats her food and Xana finishes on thing walks over to her and whispers in Harley's ear and then she groans and grabs her bowl to heads to her bedroom.
"Wait, what Xana you can't be serious, just a weapons case no cloths in there, then you can have just a medium size suitcase for clothes plus a duffle bag are you serious?”
"Yes am very serious we need to learn to pack less. Also you have a few options of vehicles waiting for you in the garage. And you are the only one who can drive since everyone else is too young and these are gas powered land vehicles not many people allow their kids to take the flying vehicles to school, except the rich ones. Now the vehicles are one clean, nice looking Jeep Wrangler Unlimited with doors on, you can remove them at the house if you chose it, there is also a Jeep Grand Cherokee, another vehicle is a Chevy Silverado Crew Cab Truck, and the last one is a Jeep Wrangler with doors off for going mudding and things like that. Just keep all vehicles in the garage when not in use, please."
"Okay Xana you got it. I'll look at them when I get there I'm going to finish my food in my room as I pack my gear."
Hmm…colors aren't bad. Definitely colors of the firefly. Cute, but I'm not sure I can find shoes to go with… She teleports to Razielle's door. She knocks, twice and then hears Razielle say come in. "Have you seen the uniforms yet for the academy?" Raina ask. "Yeah," Razielle says nonchalantly. "Their cute, but I'm not sure I can find shoes to go with…" Raina complains. "I'm sure you will," Razielle replied. Riana transports herself back to her room and finishes packing then goes to kitchen to get something to munch on.
Razielle's walks to her room and works on some of her conspiracy theories while she waits for her the others to finish packing after about 30 minutes she walks over to her mission book bag and grabs her school tablet to look over school work. When she is bored with that she walks over Riana's room and knocks on her door.
Ugh today was soo slow! No one to beat up, no one to bust! NOT EVEN A MUGGING! "Hey Mara, or should I say Curser? How was patrolling?" Raina asked. "Slow,” Mara said, she gets to her room and changes into civies, and finished packing. She grabs her Chrome Tablet 30.2 and looks up Lights Academy, and collapses onto her bed. So this school has uniforms, but let's see what they say about jewelry…She goes to their school page and looks at their dress code. So I can't wear my skull belt, that sucks! At least I can wear my choker... She turns on her holotv and puts on Young Justice while she looks through her the books for her classes.
They have a few hours until Stryder comes to get them to fly them to Texas. All the girls finish packing and just chill in their rooms and research the stuff about the school and stuff.
She zips her suitcase close and puts it by her door and then grabs her Zune 360 and starts blasting Sam Hunt. Soon she hears a knock on her door. "Who's there?" Raina asks. "It's me, Razie," Razielle calmly states. Raina turns down her music and says, "Come in." Razielle quickly questions, "You finish packing, yet?" "Just finished." Raina points to her suitcase near her door, then says to Razielle, "I have enough clothes to last about a week or two. You just finish?” "Yeah." Raina raises and eyebrow and questions her dear friend but asking, "So what brings you by my lovely room?" “What I can't hang out with my best friend?" Raina replies happily, "Of course you can! So I've been researching the Lightning Bug Festival and it seems that the committee gets rides and food and stuff like that. But what was weird about this year's festival is that, according to the local paper there, there has been electrical issues." Razielle lights up to further find out she asks, "Does it say what type of issues?" "Nope, and you think they would in the newspaper…Hmmm…." Razielle thinks out loud and says, "I wonder why it doesn't say what type of issues, I guess we'll figure that out when we get there, huh?" Raina just tries to figure out Razielle's train of thought by replying with a yep.
The girls finished they're research on Lights Academy and packing their suitcases, they each had two and Harley also was allowed to bring a duffel bag. They all go topside carrying they're stuff for the ride down to Aztec, Texas.
Departure Time
November 12, 2039, 1730 ESTUS
After a crazy helicopter ride with Stryder we made it to Aztec, Texas about 5.07 hour drive away from Dallas, Texas. It was a medium size town. The girls thought they were going to a small town, but it was actually bigger than they thought, but it was smaller than New York City. Then after hitting the town line the house Xana rented out for them was about an hour into town. The cover story everyone agreed to was there "mom" Xana was there looking for historical pieces for a museum she helps out and decided to bring her four daughters to stay with her for the year or so, except the twins, due to their famous mother, their cover story is that their mother sent them to this school, and since Xana and their mother are friends they live with her.  The house that was small compared to what everyone was used to but whatever. Everyone was sleepy after a long day and they have school in the morning early in the morning like 0800, so they all take their things and just pick a room and crashed upon a bed.
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cvenir · 6 years
imma try this again bc i said y’know fck it (heh) bc i need to introduce these characters before making proper bios ok here we go
so actually since i did do zella, felix, and gwenna’s bios, i’ll actually just leave them out of the intro bc like.... i have 8 more lmao so like here you can find their bios in the first three circles n also imma link all the pinterests aGAIN bc they probably do more than i can
these are gonna be crude n real cut n dry but let’s face it who has time to read everything abt all 11 ok this is for US
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CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ MILLER looks an awful lot like DONALD GLOVER. HE is THIRTY-TWO and while they’re MAGNETIC, they have a tendency to get pretty MERCENARY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DEGAS PARK by KEVIN ABSTRACT.
ok so kit is my son !! he is kinda a shitty person but it’s a result of his upbringing entirely like he was raised in a household of self-obsession and pre-occupation with the material things. aka he’s like filthy rich bc his parents are well-known in the entertainment business
his father is a rlly big time actor like he is thaT GUY ( my star wars lovin ass likes to pretend he’s billy dee williams bc lando unite but anyway unrelated ) and his mother is a super awesome film director so he grew up with that hanging over his shoulders. his dad was always really hard on him and pushed him to become an actor too but he isn’t abt that life (only to spite his dad lbr)
also his parents were lke actively trying not to have kids so his dad always kinda held that against kit and resented him from day one meanwhile his mother embraced it so :/
his mom is everything he ever dreamed of in a mother, and even tho she was always a bit too busy for him, she never let it affect their relationship and they’re still very close
so yeah kit is that fancy ass man like he bathes in the opulence. he doesn’t do much but gamble and parade his wealth around –– except he has invested in many businesses so like he can be p serious n focused on that sometimes bc like
also he loves his ladies. like a lot. pls someone allow him to be the suGAR DADDY WE ALL DESERVE!!! but fr no that’s his biggest downfall like in his song inspo he can get very caught up in his emotions and rlly lose his head bc like he is calm cool and calculating and distant for the most part but once he gets attached it’s like he craves the connection and he can get very lost
anyway also bring me a plot where they may have grown up together and he’s very defensive over them like he doesn’t always get close to people but this person means the world to him and maybe he’s been lowkey in love his whole life but like whatever who talks abt feelings n ruins something so special he could never
yeah so idk what more to say at this point so yeah hmu w questions bc i could probably go off again
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ROSALIND LEPAGE looks an awful lot like ADELAIDE KANE. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re RESILIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty QUIXOTIC You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MELTING by KALI UCHIS. 
okay now this is my baby. she is a sweet lil buttercup and only wants the best in life but it never comes to her ugh i’m wounded.
so she was born and raised in kola, v much small-town girl vibes. she absolutely loves it here but since growing up the town was really been stained by disappointment :/ when she was seventeen both of her parents like went missing just like completely disappeared leaving her and her six-year-old sister just completely alone which really fucked up her plans bc she was already accepted to a top-tier music school in new york for college for her passion for violin but she had to turn it down bc her sister was now her responsibility 
so she dropped out of highschool and got her ged and immediately entered the work force, leaving her dreams in the dust. she still plays every now and then, especially whenever there’s an open mic night at the coffee shop where she works like girl plugs in her amp n everything i love her
anyway like she doesn’t resent anyone or blame her sister bc she’s just so compassionate and selfless like she didn’t hesitate to change her life to support her sis but it does still kill her to know that her life just kinda never took off and probs never will. but now she just channels all that sadness into fighting to make sure her sister doesn’t end up stuck like she did
so yeah she’s just a huge sweetheart who loves doing things for others and she’s so so soft like someone hold my lil muffin :/ she can get way too caught up in dreams sometimes but y’know that’s life!!!
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DIEGO CABRERA looks an awful lot like XAVIER SERRANO. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re VIVACIOUS, they have a tendency to get pretty ERRATIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DO IT AGAIN by NO ROME.
so one of the messiest children ever, he is here. ngl i got a lot of inspo from adam sackler from girls for my son diego so if u feel me, word. 
basically pls meet the world’s biggest narcissist –– he’s just like appalling sometimes but he really is trying his best. my boi grew up in kola and always planned on moving to LA to pursue his dream of being an actor and wow is he perfect for that bc my guy is the most dramatic and expressive hot mess you’ll ever find
his mind is always moving 100 miles a minute and he just says the craziest things ??? like he doesn’t know where to stop. diego is super passionate abt his own life and what he wants to do and what he believes; he won’t let you forget it either. he’s always here to share a piece of his mind whether you want it for not and he’s not afraid to turn people away bc his opinions are valid !!
like he’s sooo selfish and doesn’t even hide his own agenda, but ngl once you get him attached there’s no going back like he really gives everything his all and will devote anything it takes to procure happiness for those he loves
like he’s rrlly terrible but he truly has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest n it’ll beat for u rll hard if u earn it (thru his means ofc)
like when i say god complex i mean it
but c’mon pls give me the plot where like this person pined after him for such a fuckin long time and he legit only used them for sex n didn’t even hide it (like fr seconds after rolling over he said ‘so are you gonna leave now ? bye) bUT y’know they’ve been hooking up for so long to where he actually got invested and wanted them to come to his rehearsals and share his passion w them and they just like ..... stopped caring all of a sudden. so now he’s sad boi and mad boi bc after basically begging for him to give a fuck they up and ran when his heart got invOLVED LIKE FUCK ME fr this is the song and i need this connection pLS LOVE ME
anyway he’s a mess but i love him
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PIPER KOVALSKY looks an awful lot like EMMY ROSSUM. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they’re NURTURING, they have a tendency to get pretty CALAMITOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to COFFEE & CIGARETTES by VIC MENSA.
awhh pipes.... my poor bb. she is also quite the mess!! 
but lbr it’s all her fucking fault lmao like her life literally never took off but she has no one to blame but herself. like she just really has a talent for ruining things whenever they get good and she doesn’t even try too my bb just does not think abt ramifications ever
piper was also born and raised in kola but she’s hopped around from area to area bc she can’t keep a lease going to save her life
or a job
she’s a big fan of cigareetes and alcohol and partying but whenever she indullges in anything they kinda have a perfect way of getting her in trouble. like she really wants to stop living like a vagrant but her cyncicsm really gets her down so she barely tries
she has a few siblings that she really wants to protect bc they’re headed down her path as well but she can’t even keep her life straight ugh :/
but ok so she’s truly the biggest softie on the inside like she cares soooo fucking much and she does a terrible job at pretending she doesn’t. but ya girl still tries!
ok so time for me to go off abt a wanted connect!!!! so her song is coffee & cigarettes and it’s a bop find it here pLS and i just really feel in my bones that this should be a connection ok. give me that high school lovers that were never lovers bc all piper could focus on was her own self-destruction n rlly living it up so she just completely shut this person out when it finally became real :/ so yeah it’s a fucking mess and she’s never truly moved on
anyway i should probably move onto the next muse lmao
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MALCOLM WEST looks an awful lot like REECE KING. HE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re JOCULAR, they have a tendency to get pretty CAVALIER. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to EPITAPH by HIPPO CAMPUS. –––––– may or may not be inspired by jake peralta
when i say he’s a goofster i mean he is a goofster and a gaffster ok
my tiny son who just wants to be a big bad detective and fight crime and just crack jokes along the way he is the meme king and he’ll let you know it
he grew up in atlanta where both of his parents were cops so he really just always dreamed of being just like them one day 
until his dad told him he’d never make it. that crushed his spirit entirely and ever since then he really kinda just figured out who his dad was ?? he caught him cheating on his mom and also just being a dirty cop and it just broke his heart bc that was his hero. and y’know malcolm gooddoer and fighter for justice so he went to his mom with this discovery and she just kind of admitted that she knew abt all of it but couldn’t do anything abt it so... he just kinda left and moved to kola to start over
he entered the police academy there as soon as he possibly could (18 i think maybe 19 if i’m dumb ) and just did not stop working his ass off and doing all kinds of paperwork and bust until he finally reached detective just a week ago
don’t get me wrong ya boi hates paperwork but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do !!
anyway he’s a clown but he loves life and and even tho he’s a child he can take some things seriously
aside from his true feeling heh who ?? i don’t know her n imma just tell a joke or do an impression or smth instead
alsO idk if anyone knows chew the comic series but he dEF IS GONNA HAVE THOSE POWERS FOR THE SUPERHERO/SUPERNATURAL THREAD stay tuned
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CAMBRIA SONG looks an awful lot like JENNIE KIM. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re IDEALISTIC, they have a tendency to get pretty WHIMSICAL. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MARCELINE by WILLOW.
ok first of all her pinterest is a whole ass aesthetic and u basically see everything she’s abt on there 10/10 would reccommend
now this is a smol bean that is also a bad bitch and we stan !! she’s your astrology loving, extra ass, witty lil witch and she loves adding in her two cents! she’s a sweet lil thing but her bite is bigger than her bark so watch out fr
mostly imma have her in the supernatural verse (witch heh heh), demi-god verse (u kno she’s hecate’s daughter), n maybe the horror verse bc i want my bb to be a medium like lorraine warren that’s my girl!! 
other than that catch her throwing out ur natal chart, charging n cleansing her cyrstals, n offering free tarot readings! really she has her mf shit together n loves helping ppl w spiritual awakenings ok
here is a pic of her two sides conversing ok big meme here
anyway i’m a big fan of her pinterest and i hope that gives everyone a good vibe for her bc tbh i’m tired lol
so imma do my other three muses in another post tomorrow bc !!! ya girl is feeling lazy now lmao sry this took so long geez
7 notes · View notes
rwbyremnants · 6 years
by: BangAYang and NaughtyButWeiss universe: modern day USA, pop star/bodyguard
GENERAL WARNINGS: Eventual trigger warnings for depression and a suicide attempt. Lots of smut spread out between plot points, including with characters outside the main ship (Freezerburn). Also... it's going to be REALLY long.
NOTES: Yes, I understand this is FAR from the canon version of Jacques Schnee. This fic was written before Volume 4 came out and we knew nothing about him other than seeing what he looked like. 
 Anyway, welcome to a new Freezerburn fic from me and BangAYang! This is probably the universe we worked on the longest out of all of them - since firstly, it's a fic that's close to as long as "She Wants The Dust", and also because there may or may not be a spinoff! (You won't see that until this fic is finished though, which will take... quite some time haha.) Anyway we hope you like it, and are ready for some slow burn lovin'!
=Chapter 1
The words echoed out at the exact same time as the doors to the spacious penthouse office slammed open, two men barely able to fling themselves to either side to avoid being bruised. The silver-haired girl decked out in more jewellery than her musculature should have been capable of supporting paid them no mind; she only had eyes for the desk at the far end of the room.
"Ah, Weiss. Making an entrance again, I see…" The man she was heading toward was her employer as well as her father, and as such, was in charge of many important decisions in Weiss's career. One of which was about to be argued against it would seem.
But he was not alone. Just across the desk from him was a tall, well-built blonde girl in a nondescript black suit, who had stepped to one side as soon as Weiss entered the building. It seemed as though whatever they were discussing would have to wait.
“This bodyguard thing is unacceptable!” she burst out, rushing right past the blonde and slamming her open palm down onto his glass-topped desk. Not quite hard enough to crack, but it certainly posed a danger of doing so. “You haven’t consulted me during the selection process - didn’t consult me at all in the decision to have one! Do you really expect me to just roll over and let whoever you’ve summoned from the sewers into my LIFE?!”
"If that means it stops perverts getting close to you, then yes. May I remind you of the events of last week?"
It was quite the scare for everyone involved. Someone, be they a jealous rival or an overbearing fan, had sent a specific set of photos to Weiss's fanmails. Photos taken from within her trailer, in the private space no one should have gained access to. Since then, he had insisted upon the next line of safety: a bodyguard. Not merely a usual member of the security team who stood outside the door, but one who would be with her every moment of the day. Whose sole focus it was to double- and triple-check the safety of everywhere Weiss went.
Holding his hands in one another, he frowned. "Besides, it looks good for you. Think about it; having your own bodyguard, or ‘squad’ as the kids say, looks professional."
Gritting her teeth, she leaned in and knocked over a meaningless paperweight. It was an oval of amethyst perched atop a white marble base; there was no sentimental or real monetary value. She’d always hated it.
“What girl wants some suit-wearing old man with bulging neck muscles skulking around in their trailer?! He’d probably be just as bad as the pervert with the camera!”
"Which is why I haven't hired a man. If you'd have read the bio in the letter properly, you'd already know that your new body guard is a woman. Are you going to keep throwing my things all day, or are you going to let me introduce you?"
That made both of Weiss’s eyebrows shoot up. Could she have heard him correctly? “A woman?! That’s even WORSE! What good can a woman do against an attacker that I couldn’t do myself?! If you haven’t noticed lately, Father, I am a woman!”
"I'm well aware. But trust me, this one can handle herself." For a moment, he looked toward the lithe, muscled blonde girl who was first speaking to him when they were interrupted. Weiss clearly hadn't put two and two together with the outfit, and after they nodded to one another, his gaze returned to his daughter again. He held a hand out to gesture for her to take a second look.
"This is Yang Xiao Long, your bodyguard."
"Yo." Yang finally allowed a small smile to form, as she held a hand up to slightly wave.
"Ohhhhhh," Weiss breathed out slowly, nodding to herself. Her expression hadn't really lost any of its previous ire, but her voice was doing a good mockery of a person who was completely mollified. "So because she's Asian, and probably knows some kind of kung fu, I'm supposed to believe that she'll be able to keep me safe over your other guards?"
"Um... I'm right here," Yang reminded her, placing a hand on her hip as she slightly glared at her. Even if she'd just started, casual comments like that weren't on her list of things to put up with.
Nor was Mr Schnee willing to put up with the conversation much longer. "I'm impressed enough at her résumé. And to be frank, you only need to look at her. I think she could be just as intimidating as any of my men."
"Oh? Could she really?" Weiss turned and stepped right up to Yang's personal space, looking up into her face. It was a lovely one, with deep violet eyes and a smile that could turn playful at any moment - and though she could tell Yang had some muscle to her, she wasn't exactly a hulking bodybuilder. Plus, no bodybuilder would spend that much time making their blond hair so luxurious. "You don't intimidate me in the slightest, Xiao Long."
That strength was far easier displayed than it was explained. And as soon as she quickly looked over to her new boss, who simply shrugged about the matter, she quickly bent down and placed her hands on her hips, pulling her straight up into the air and onto her shoulder. All without a single grunt or hesitation, in one fluid movement.
“What the- HEY!” This was actually said around the time she was already being deposited on Yang’s shoulder, so complete was her shock. Flailing her legs in the air, she had to focus one hand on slapping down on her skirt to keep from flashing all the men in the room, and the other one was punching into Yang’s back. “Y-you put me down this instant!”
The constant flailing was doing nothing to put Yang off. In fact, she simply turned to ask, "Is she always like this?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
And with that, she lifted her back up again, placing her back down just as easily as before, with a light smirk to add,
"So, you were saying about me defending you against an attacker?"
The spoiled girl was positively vibrating as she stared up at her new bodyguard's haughty expression of triumph. Former bodyguard, anyway. "Father, I absolutely refuse to spend another moment in this boorish woman's company! Not after that! So you can take your offer of a bodyguard and kindly shove it up your-"
"You've got the job." He didn't even let his daughter voice her concerns. Even if it was supposed to be Weiss's decision. Instead, he had just turned to face Yang, holding out a hand for her to shake in agreement. "Standard hours, but when you're on tour, you're expected to room with her in the bus. Be sure to bring your own bedding; I’ve heard the sofa-sleeper is comfortable, but does not come with sheets…"
"T-thank you, sir." She could barely believe the exchange herself as she shook her new employer's hand. Were they really going to get along okay after Weiss objected so much?
And she wasn’t through, it seemed. “You expect me… to just let this complete stranger into my life?! Without me having met her more than five minutes ago?! We don’t know anything about her! Has Winter even met with her yet? You know what a stickler she is for everything going through the proper channels!”
Clearly taking none of this, her father could only smirk as he held up the résumé of the girl in question, reading aloud some of the factors for her. "Let's see, graduated from Beacon Academy three years ago, worked as a bouncer for Junior’s Nightclub for two years. Took media studies in school and passed with flying colours."
"Or you could just, y'know, ask. But seeing as your tour's in a month, I think that'll be plenty of time for us to get to know one another." Seemed Yang was gaining more confidence now that she knew her father was on her side, shown by a rather smug smirk.
By now, Weiss had run out of things to say. The blonde bouncer really did seem to have enough experience to justify her coming aboard for Team Schnee. However, the man himself was still going to pay at some point for going completely over her head and cutting her out of this entire process.
“Fine,” she growled. “Then I expect for you to renegotiate that North American tour with Neptune Vasilias, as we previously mentioned. We both know you sabotaged that deal on purpose because you don’t like him!”
"Please. It's not my fault that insipid rich boy's agents couldn't see talent when it was clearly right in front of them. But I suppose, that's a fair exchange… I’ll work on it if…"
When the room was quiet for a few agonising seconds, Yang supplied, "If I come with?"
"Yes, exactly!" This truly was working in Mr Schnee's favour after all. Not only had he hired a bodyguard who was more than capable - and apparently not stupid - but it meant he could also keep an eye out for Weiss when he couldn't in person. Even when she was touring. Whether or not the good terms remained throughout was yet to be seen…
“This isn’t over,” Weiss hissed angrily, turning to leave. When Yang started keeping pace, she stopped to snap, “Don’t follow me!”
“No can do, Princess. This is my job now. You heard the man.”
“UGH!” Pointing at him, she snapped “You just wait! I’ll figure out a way around this! Just wait!”
The instant the two got back to Weiss’s room, she turned and stomped forward until she was right in Yang’s face once more. All the way there, she had been huffing and puffing, snapping at guards or at personal assistants, texting angrily on her phone. But not one word had been said between them. Now that was about to change.
“Are you going to throw me over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes again, or can I get some tiny shred of respect?”
The new hire was stunned. As it turned out, Weiss Schnee was grumpy, snappy, and overall not the kind of person to be around if you wanted a good outlook on life. And while up until that point she was looking forward to working with the great Weiss, a music artist she had started to appreciate over the past couple of years, now she was unsure. Especially after such a tantrum!
"Respect is a two-way street,” Yang said hesitantly. “And so far, all you've done is assume I know kung fu because of my race."
"Hey, you hire an Asian bodyguard, I think it goes without saying." Then she paced around her, inspecting every inch of her. The tidy suit that echoed those of her father's guards was obviously cut for her frame, flattering it slightly without being showy or making her look like a girl in menswear. To Weiss, it was readily apparent that she was beyond uncomfortable in such garb.
“We have to get you out of those clothes.”
Yang blinked, thrown off by the sudden change in topics. In fact, a very unexpected change, if she had heard her right. "Excuse me?!"
"You're not going to wear that while working for me," she scoffed. “Seriously, a girl in a suit?”
That made her breathe a sigh of relief. Still, how dare this brat make such judgments? Even if it wasn't what she would usually wear, and certainly not on her list of fashion choices, she wasn't just going to stand by and let her client bash her uniform! Still, at least she could twist this to her advantage, putting on a sarcastic voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I left my kimono at home; this was all I could throw together."
Totally missing the sarcasm of that clothing choice, Weiss sighed, "Not that I know how a kimono hangs on you, and I don't want to know." She paced back and forth for a few seconds, high heels clicking against the stone floors. "Tomorrow, you will wear something you would usually wear. Either as a bouncer, or on an average day when you're ready for clubbing – or whatever it is you do. You in that suit, you're so… stiff, starchy. It's not even a blank slate to work from!"
Now that Weiss's father was out the way, there was a very slight shift in her attitude. Even if the suit was just as Weiss described, stiff and frigid, she could at least make a decent comeback a lot quicker. "Whoa, I didn't expect you to swing that way. Y'know, wanting to see me in skimpy club gear…"
"Swing what way? Skimpy?" Then her eyes shot wide. "Oh my god, you're a lesbian. You're a freaking lesbian, aren't you?! This is just so typical - my father hires a woman bodyguard so she won't try to sell ‘exclusive Weiss upskirt pics’ to the highest bidder, and doesn't even bother to check if she'll be as bad as the men!"
"Yeah, sure, let's go with that then. I'm a big stupid lesbian who just wants to get you naked, you got me." But when Weiss didn't appear amused by the joke, or to catch her deadpan tone of voice, she groaned loudly in annoyance. "Don't flatter yourself; do you really think I'd risk a job like this on doing something so sleazy?"
Though the petite diva seemed to mull that over for a few seconds, in the end, she rolled her eyes and spat, "FINE. Just wear your usual clothing tomorrow; I'm not having a clunky suit lurking around in my dressing room all the time, and that is final. Maybe I can't convince my father I don't need a bodyguard, but I'll be damned if you're not under my orders now."
"A fashionable bodyguard, how scary," Yang commented, holding her hands in the air in a facetious display of fear to annoy her even further. For a first day, this was certainly not what she expected. She at least figured Weiss would be as upbeat as some of her songs, but perhaps not.
“You aren’t scary anyway,” she scoffed. However, then she took a quick step backward. “And don’t pick me up again, just to prove you can. That was weird!”
"I bet Neptune couldn't do that," she teased, waiting patiently outside Weiss's room while she gathered her things. She didn't dare enter until invited in. She really was as stiff as Weiss described, even if her sarcasm said otherwise.
“What?! How dare you say- Neptune and I aren’t even friends! Why should he pick me up, when he has people who could pick me up for him?! And why do I have to be picked up at all?!” Finally, after she had changed out a shirt for another shirt and put on a jacket, she turned back to see Yang loitering outside. “What are you doing?”
"Um, not invading your privacy until you say I can?" It was a subtle hint for Weiss to invite her inside, as well as demonstrating how she worked. Most others would have simply paid no heed and barged in regardless of if they were allowed or not.
“Hey, you don’t have to ask MY permission,” she flung at the bodyguard as she paced closer. “My father’s already given it to you, and apparently, my wishes are irrelevant! Right?”
"Hey, all I did was go to a job interview. I didn't subscribe to your family drama on the daily, alright?" They were getting nowhere. Barely even into the day and the majority of words spoken to one another were shouted rather than civil. Part of her wanted to throw the towel in there and then. "Look, I didn't know the job was without your consent, you didn't know you were getting a guard. So can you at least try and tolerate me and know I'm just doing my job?"
The words caught Weiss off guard, and it showed. She took a step back and blinked at Yang, not having expected the bodyguard to have a brain.
“Well... that’s just...” Sighing, she ran a hand through her bangs. “Okay, fine. You may - may have a point. We might as well try and make the best of this ludicrous situation we’ve been smashed into together.”
"God, what a crushing blow. It's as though you only had four limos instead of five. So sad…"
But Yang finally took up the offer and paced into the room. She was actually in the living space of Weiss! Fans would die to be in that positions, one of those even including her own sister, Ruby. Yet… it wasn't what she was expecting at all. The space was completely bland of colour, or even belongings in general. Even if Weiss was away for long periods of time, and if this wasn't even her main home, she expected a few personal quirks to at least talk about. But there were none whatsoever. Not even so much as a fluffy toy on the bed.
"Very… um… white."
"Don't you hate it?" she sighed, flopping on the white leather couch and crossing her legs immediately. The sparkling silver heels caught the light and made tiny patterns bounce off the walls. "So... pristine. Sterile, like a hospital. But I have an image to maintain." After a few more seconds, she gestured to a mostly uncomfortable-looking chair. "Have a seat. We should probably go over my schedule, protocols, other boring details."
All that space on the sofa, and Weiss pointed out the blander looking chair for her to sit. Typical. But just as asked, she sat immediately down, shuffling the chair to face her more so she could provide her full attention.
"Alright. First thing is, when do I get my badass shades?"
The question took her by surprise. “Your... what, I’m sorry?”
"Shades? Y'know, sunglasses?" But Weiss still didn't seem to understand the humour, making Yang just clear her throat and hunch her shoulders nervously. "Aaalright, back to serious, got it..."
“Oh. Well, bring in your favourite pair tomorrow; if they are inadequate, we’ll replace them along with the rest of your clothing.” As if that settled the matter, she straightened slightly. “My tours are often hectic; I have a large bus that takes us from city to city, and sometimes autograph sessions stretch on longer than planned and we’re forced to hurry to our next destination. Though I still don’t see the need for a bodyguard… you will be expected to keep our speed up, because I can’t let your desire to ‘play it safe’ interfere with my schedule.”
"Hey, since when did I say I like to take it safe and slow? I can go fast. I’ve got a rice rocket, which could even serve as a backup escort if needs be." Just what she needed: a big blonde brute who rode around on a two-wheeled death trap as her guard. That should put a little shock into the prissy girl.
However, Weiss’s reaction surprised the brute. Leaning forward an inch or two, she asked in a rush, “You have a motorcycle? What kind?”
Finally, something that could possibly talk about besides business. "It's a custom body, but it's built mainly from a Yamaha VFR Eight hundred. Managed to get it to two hundred at top speed."
“Two hundred?! That’s so-” And then she seemed to come back to herself, as if waking from a fever-dream. Sitting back slightly and attempting to regain her former detached aire, she said, “Yes, I approve. Yamaha makes great bikes. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
"Oh, will I now?" She raised an eyebrow, giving a small wink when Weiss's gaze met hers. But before she could dwell on the thought of her being a 'big stupid lesbian' again, she cleared her throat. "Yeah, fast is fine; schedule to keep. Anything else I should know? Your dad was worried about someone getting into the bus at one point?"
A shadow of worry passed over Weiss’s features. “That was… a one-time fluke. Security in general was lackluster in that particular venue, and I refuse to perform there again unless they can somehow prove to me that they have rectified that enormous oversight.”
"Still not so good it happened, but I'm guessing you want me to stand out guard if there's any particularly sketchy areas? Make sure no one gets in or can sneak a camera backstage?"
“That is in your job description, is it not?” Then she glanced toward the door, and back to Yang. “Hey… can you do something for me? As a sort of trial.”
"If you ask me to get you a lattè, I quit." Yet again no laughter from her joke, even if she thought it was funny. So she simply leaned forward to listen."Go on?"
Leaning in as well, she lowered her voice conspiratorially. “One of my father’s guards, the one with the knuckle tattoos and the insipid expression… I’ve caught him looking a few times.” When Yang didn’t reply, she added, “At me. In ways that are unprofessional.”
"You mean the biggest dude? Really?" The expression was more surprise than what Weiss would have expected. Anyone else would have looked at the largest guard and fled a mile, or even said they should take it up with her father.But not Yang; she looked disgusted and angry on her behalf. "And you want me to tell him to mind his own business if he does again?"
“No. I want you to show him.” She let it hang there; she was curious just how Yang would handle this without giving her any further instruction.
"Show him, huh?"Her first assignment was apparently to teach a perverted guard some manners. For some reason, that made her smirk a little more. "I can do that."
Returning the smirk, Weiss nipped her phone out of her Versace handbag and thumbed the screen a few times as she stood. “Yes, Father, it’s me again so soon. We are about to conduct an… unscheduled training session for the new hired help. Please be advised that there will be a disturbance.”
"Right now?!" That caught Yang by surprise. She was looking forward to it, sure; but didn't expect to be thrown in the deep end on her very first day! Still, she was in no position to argue, not when it seemed like Weiss was relying on her. Getting up from her chair, she looked back over to her client. "Lead the way."
And Weiss did. She walked down the hall until she reached a blind corner, where a couple of large, leafy plants made it hard to see around it. Once there, she took up a position within said plants and peered down toward her father’s door.
“Yes, he’s definitely on duty,” the pampered girl grunted. “Alright. Let’s see what you got.”
"You really want me to do this right now?"But the glare gave enough or an answer. Reluctantly sighing, she got up from their hiding place, making her way out from behind the leaves and walking straight toward the door to the main office, and to the doorman in question.
How should she start this? She was still new, she couldn't just punch him out of the blue. She at least needed to warn him.
"Hey, you with the tats. Can I talk to you for a second?"
The man glanced at her, then looked away. It seemed he couldn’t help but listen, but had no real inclination to give her any recognition.Peering down at the small name tag fastened to his jacket, she was beginning to doubt her plan already. And that was slightly obvious by the way she ran her hand through her hair, making a long wincing sound for a moment.
"Listen, Mr Coal, Ms Schnee seems to think you got a bad case of The Wandering Eyes… maybe even taking some pictures. Just wanted to ask if you could, you know, back off."
Coal finally snapped around to look at her, sneering. “Excuse me? You got any proof to back up that crazy theory of yours, blondie?”
"I got her word. And it's my job to take her word, so that's what I'll do. Take it as a friendly warning! Next one won’t be so friendly."
It was now a stare off between the smaller, yet just as intimidating blonde girl and the larger figure of the bodyguard, neither of which were about to step up to take things further than talking it seemed. “Then you ain’t got shit. Now get out of here, grown folks are trying to work.” Then he glanced down along her frame, allowing his gaze to linger on key aspects. “Unless you got another reason to stick around...?”
Oh, how that made her blood boil. This was the guy alright, it had to be. Especially if he was making comments like that to her alone. With a bitter sweet smile, she just began to turn. "No no, that will be all, thanks."
However, as she began to move away, he uttered the words “Your loss” and lightly patted her behind. It wasn’t a hard swat, and neither was there gripping.The instant she felt it was touched, she flinched, eyes snapping wide open. That was impossible for her to ignore, whether or not it was light or heavy, accidental or on purpose. Hands forming into tight fists, she let a chuckle out to herself.
"Ohhhh, you really shouldn't have done that," she growled – before turning as fast as she could, allowing said fist to contact with his face at full force. The man reeled, not having expected such a violent reaction. Verbal barbs or a death glare, yes, but not a mean right cross to his face! Staggering back, he clutched his nose tenderly as blood just began to run down from inside.
"What… do you have a deathwish, you bitch?!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, you didn't know? That's how I return an unwanted advance."Her hand was still curled into a fist, but her other pointed right at him. "That can be your new warning; don't touch me again, don't be a peeping Tom at Weiss again. Or next time, I’ll Yang you up worse than that little lovetap."
Rage pulsed in the man's temples. By now, the guard on the opposite side of the door had one hand inside his jacket, waiting for the worst to happen, but he'd been paying enough attention that he knew the reason behind the attack.
"You... you are gonna PAY for that!" Coal said as he took a step toward Yang.
But before he could make any further moves, the door to Mr Schnee's office door swung open, and he looked right toward them both in concern. It was very easy for him to have heard the entire encounter, considering they were standing just on the other side of the door.
"What on earth is going on here?!"
"Sorry, sir, I'm just doing my job," said a confident Yang, who right away turned to face him. Although she was terrified of the consequences, she knew telling him would be the better option, so she pointed straight to Mr Coal. "Apparently, your boy here's been taking long looks at my client. Probably even taking sneaky pics with a shoe-cam. She asked me to have a word and… well, I don't take to being spanked by strangers very well."
"HEY, I never did anything like that!" the guard burst out immediately, though his voice sounded quite ridiculous with a broken nose. "Yeah, maybe I got an eyeful when she walked away, but- but that's not a crime, and it was only once or twice! I haven’t been taking any pictures, I swear to god!"
"You there." Mr Schnee instead gestured to the opposite guard, deciding to ignore both Yang and Coal until he could get a completely unbiased answer. "Did you see it? Is this true?"
"Completely, sir. I was ready to intervene if it got serious, but in all honesty, I'm surprised she didn't punch him again."
"Is that so?" His gaze turned back to Coal again. This time it was full of anger toward him, an expression he may not have seen before, apart from when Mr Schnee gave the few warnings he had received in the past. "I suggest you clean yourself up, and accept your admission of guilt as your resignation. Even without any ‘worse’ conduct than groping Weiss’s bodyguard today, you've had warnings before. This seems too coincidental to be 'one of those things'. Not where my daughter is concerned."
Growling and swearing under his breath, he swung his gaze around toward Yang again - but did a double-take when he saw Weiss had silently walked up behind the bodyguard. She was now standing with hands on hips, piercing him with her icy gaze.
"This ain't over," he snapped. "She still physically assaulted me! Doesn't matter what I did in the first place, it didn't mean she had to bloody my damn nose!"
"Oh, so I'm supposed to just lay down and take sexual harassment, right?" Yang was just as smug in her responses, even showing it as she smirked to him when he gave yet another glare. “No thanks.”
Having heard enough, Mr Schnee clicked his fingers, gesturing for the other guard. "Escort him off premises, please; I don't want him here a second longer."
"Yes, sir," the other guard said, snagging Coal's elbow and dragging him down the hallway. He protested by way of a few shouts and thrashings, but by and large, it was an easy task. There wasn't much he could do if he broke free.
"Alright," Weiss sighed uneasily. "Glad we have that settled."
"Was that latter part true?" Mr Schnee asked before Yang could get a single word in on the matter, looking straight down toward his daughter. "About him spying on you?"
"That… may have been a slight elaboration," she admitted, though the expression that went along with her words made it seem as if she wasn't telling the truth. Based on that, she followed up with, "But honestly, he spent so much time staring at my ass while I was walking around, making growling noises to insinuate I was his next chew toy, it was only a matter of time before he pounced!"
There was a loud sigh from the Schnee CEO. She had just made her new bodyguard act clearly on assumptions. And although he did earn a firm punch to the face for being a creep, there was little reason for the event to start in the first place. He knew his daughter too well, and knew what she was attempting to do. Testing Yang’s loyalty.
So instead he played with the matter more, turning around to Yang, even letting a confident smirk slip."You're better than I thought. I figured you'd need to adjust to the differences between bouncer work and body-guarding, but in a day you've done just as any professional would. Well done."
Weiss blinked in mild surprise at the praise. Normally, if an employee took initiative like that, Mr. Schnee was best known for coming down hard on them for bothering to think. "But… but she cold-cocked him!"
"No ‘buts’; Yang's more than proven she's worthy of the role." And with that final word, he turned to head back into his office, leaving behind a gobsmacked Weiss, and a confidently smirking Yang in his wake.
Who just raised her eyebrows when she looked back at Weiss. "So. My own couch on the tour bus, huh?"
"You..." Blinking, the diva slowly seemed to come back to herself. "That was unnecessarily violent. It did get the job done, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't satisfying to watch… but in the future, you need to learn how to solve your problems without random bloodshed. You could have put him in a headlock or something."
"Hey, he slapped my ass, so I just punched his back. Oh wait, that was his face; sorry. It’s so hard to tell them apart." Weiss was unamused. So when the smug expression went back to the business again, she cleared her throat. "Sorry. I'll be sure to do that in the future."
"Good. Because the headline 'Weiss's Bodyguard Bloodies Paparazzi' might be decent publicity for my tour, but then I would have to fire you so I don't look like I tolerate that kind of behaviour on my staff… and then Father would force me to replace you, and I'd probably end up with another muscle-necked lout who will check out my boobs constantly."
"On you still have that; I'm a big, stupid lesbian, remember?"
She really wasn't going to let Weiss live those few judgements down. And if this was how she acted now in their first meeting, how much worse would it be on tour? For a long moment, Weiss glared up at this person she couldn't seem to pry loose from her life, who didn't bow down and take orders like any other employee. Against her will, she was beginning to feel the first twinklings of respect.
"Listen," she hissed up at her. "I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you, but it looks like we're stuck together. So do me a favour - stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours."
And with that, she began stomping off to her room, not caring whether or not Yang would follow. Though she did, it was at a leisurely pace, already lamenting that she had ever taken this job and dreading the months to come. How could any single, hundred-pound slip of a girl be so much of a headache?
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