#also that doesn't include household chores
tardis--dreams · 2 years
One thing about me is that for each hour of work i need to rest for 3 hours and that's just not compatible with what's expected of me and it's runining my life
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Brandi and Bruce’s S/o looking after the bakers dozen on their own, what shenanigans occur?
Anon this is?? Literally so cute what the hell??? Also referring to them as the "bakers dozen" is so genuis sfhjjfdadfggh—
Reader & the Bakers Dozen: babysitting solo
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Includes: GN! Reader, mentions of polyamory, mentions of Vacay Lovers, slightly Parental! Reader, the Bakers Dozen
CW: Bruce Jr.
🍪 POV: your partners go off to some fancy convention to promote their business, leaving you to watch after all 13 of their kids. Chaos ensues
🍪 These little shits are already a lot to handle, so when you suddenly find yourself being the only adult in the house responsible for them? Yeah, babes, you've definitely got your hands full
🍪 Luckily, you've spent enught time at the Vacay Lovers household that things are at least a little easier for you lol
🍪 They definitely behave much better for you compared to other babysitters. Partly because you're smoochin their parents (and don't wanna get in trouble), and partly because they genuinely like you :3
🍪 But they're still little shits thru and thru, don't forget that
🍪 If they happen to have school? Chances are Bruce and Brandi already took care of their lunches and stuff before they left, so it'll be up to you to pick them up (WARNING: THE KIDS WILL TRY TO CONVINCE YOU TO GO ORDER AT THE NEAREST FAST FOOD PLACE! Unless you've got money for 13 happy meals, prepare to hit em with a firm refusal). Definitely helps if you blast some music in the van! They've kinda lost interest in Velvet & Veneer after learning the two literally tortured their dad and uncles...
🍪 Play Brozone. They'll go crazy and shout-sing along with Bruce's parts lol
🍪 Later in the day you can expect a few to come up to you for homework help. They might also wanna help with dinner, but fyi there WILL be a mess. Pasta sauce on the floor, flour all over the counters, stains on your clothes— the whole shebang
🍪 Want the least amount of casualties? Just let them set the table (no worries, all the plates and stuff are made of plastic ajdjakkala)
🍪 A few of them have some dietary restrictions tho so keep that in mind!! Luckily, you can always find a list of reminders/examples up on the fridge courtesy of lovely muppet wife Brandi <33
🍪 If the kids don't have school that day, then be prepared. You're gonna have very little time to yourself ://
🍪 Like they've each got their own interests and hobbies to keep them occupied, but sometimes they'll need you to reach somewhere up high, or for you to play tiebreaker/settle an argument, or they honestly just want you to join them for a game of hide and seek which???
🍪 "Aw, you sure you guys don't mind me joining in?"
"Yeah! Just cuz you're old doesn't mean you can't have fun, too!"
"...Gee, thanks :D"
🍪 They're merciless
🍪 They've all got their own set of chores they need to do. Each and everyone will try to worm their way out of them. All of them. Everytime
🍪 Sure, they can be a little hyper sometimes, but they're like 6-8 years old so that's expected. For the most part, they're all pretty chill
🍪 It's Bruce Jr. who you've gotta watch out for
🍪 He is a shit- stirer and I WILL FOREVER STAND BY THAT
🍪 This guy won't hesitate to rally his siblings into whatever plan he's been cookin in that feral little head of his. Prepare yourself because you're MOST DEFINITELY getting pranked. It's like a requirement or something
🍪 One nice thing i have to say about Bruce Jr. is that he's actually pretty resourceful. Like this little dude is using everyday household items like he's staring in his own Home Alone movie AKSJSJAKA—
🍪 Rest assured, tho, none of his pranks are seriously harmful or anything but like... at the end of the day, expect:
1) to be covered in craft supplies
2) your clothes/skin/hair a mess
3) to have one limb stuck in a bucket
4) all of the above
🍪 Honestly I feel like Bruce and Brandi would be surprised if they came back and DIDN'T find you sporting paint-stained clothes or with glitter in your hair. Maybe a few stickers slapped on your forehead??
🍪 The trick to dealing with this little agent of chaos is to either keep him separated from his siblings long enough so he doesn't manage to rope anyone into his schemes, or strike some kinda deal with him. Considering he's got 12 siblings, all of whom you need to be watching over at the same time, chances are the second option is your safest bet
🍪 Chances are he'll ask for something semi-illegal, or at the very least something that DEFINITELY requires adult supervision
🍪 DO NOT LET THIS BOY TALK YOU INTO BUYING ANYTHING RELATED TO FIRE. Seems like an easy task, I know. Unfortunately this little shit enherited his dad's charm so watch out o_o
🍪 He'll settle for a happy meal tho. Hopefully you didn't already cave and take him and his siblings out to eat earlier, otherwise you're spending even more money ajsjakkala
🍪 If any errands need to be run during your time there, you BETTER BELIEVE they're all coming with. You'll need to be incredibly vigilant during this time cuz these kids are even more rowdy in public than they are at home. If you're smart about it, you can turn the whole thing into a game! If everyone manages to grab everything off the grocery list in a certain amount of time or if they're able to find the best quality (but relatively cheap) brand of laundry detergent, then you'll buy each of them candy or something uwu
🍪 You can count on them to be cooperative, but like... bring the family child leash just in case
🍪 Cough cough (Bruce Jr.) cough cough
🍪 MOVIES BEFORE BED! It's a bit of a family tradition in the Vacay Lovers household. Yknow, just some way for the kids to spend time together before the day ends
🍪 You're most definitely gonna be playing tiebreaker when the time comes. All 13 of them have wildly different tastes
🍪 Absolutely no scary movies tho. They'll try to argue that theyre able to handle it, but at the end of the night expect to find yourself under a pile of frightened children who've ctawled into bed with you
🍪 Their collective nightly routine is literally?? So chaotic??? Like all of them are simultaneously trying to squeeze into the same bathroom just to brush their teeth... running in and out of their respective rooms... trying to sneak some extra dessert before bed
🍪 Literally never a quite moment in this household jshskakakam
🍪 You might have to read a few bedtime stories or sing a lullaby—
"Dad does it better"
"Just go to bed, Benji"
—but once they've settled in under the covers? Out like a light. They are unconscious the moment their heads hit their pillows
🍪 You'll probably have a mess (or two... or three) to clean up afterwards, but once they're taken care of? Dishes washed? Counters clean? You're more than welcome to crash on Bruce and Brandi's bed <33
🍪 Said couple returns home the next morning...
🍪 Just to find their kids drawing on your face with marker. Cross your fingers that none of its permanent 💀💀
Hope this was good! I know I call them all little shits BUT I MEAN IT AFFECTIONATELY OKAY AJSJAKA
Ngl I feel like this could have been like... more colorful? Like I was very general about the kids and their behavior as a whole, but now I'm super tempted to make a post describing each of them and all their little quirks! Just something fun to do that'll help me write them better in the future ;3
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randomhealer · 4 months
->♡ᴛʏᴘᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇꜱᴏᴍᴇꜱ♡
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tw: not shipp, gender neutral reader, mention of kidnapping in Kisaki's part if you squint, there was supposed to be a Baji/reader/chifuyu but it was discarded Peke-J was included sorri :(, There was going to be a banner but I couldn't find a good image of Kisaki...he fucked up everything. take this as a test work (i hate kisaki pls I just used the left part of it)
Congratulations, you have a great green flag and a great striker with you, it's a great combination, isn't it?
while Rindou takes care of you so no one touches you or something happens to you while Ran does the dirty work... but sometimes it can be the other way around too...
basically = Rindou closes your eyes while Ran breaks the bones of some idiot who looked at you too much
well...but if they protect you then who protects you from them?
In moments at home, Rindou tends to be more careful and romantic with you, preferring to hug you on the sofa or do small household chores together while kissing here and there.
Ran prefers to play with you, in the most provocative yet romantic way... as if he started something and wouldn't finish, leaving you in pieces... or making your face look confused and flushed with that cute little pout you make when you're upset... well he lives for this
Of course, most of the time it would be Ran entering Rindou's moments with you, as if you and Rindou were in an intimate moment Ran would just come in out of nowhere and make up excuses to pull you away and take you with him or if you were just feeding Rindou and Ran simply pushes Rindou out so it's his turn
(Rindou also does this if you feel like his brother has a lot of time with you)
Sometimes there's always a little silly dispute between you, like which side would you sleep on today? or which sweatshirt of theirs would you wear... in the end, it always ends up with both trying to make you accept both at the same time (and that applies in bed too).
a threesome broken between a Mindmaster, an innocent and a crazy dude (both manipulators)...you'll probably spend more time with Hanma than with Kisaki, and probably always with a jacket on either Hanma's own or the valhalla, Well, take this as a marking of territory, while Hanma calls you doll, honey, baby or anything forcibly sweet Kisaki doesn't call you anything other than a short nickname of your name, not because he doesn't want to or don't like it but he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable.
while Hanma takes you to fight with other gangsters to show off his strength to you and show you off, Kisaki takes you for small, calm walks because he knows that if something happens he won't be able to protect you (and he'll probably run away and left you there)
If you are not with Hamna then you will be with Kisaki, if you are not with Kisaki then you will be with Hamna because this guy will not leave you alone, he will ask you to be by his side whenever he wants and you have no right to appeal, Neither Hanma nor Kisaki mind sharing you, if Kisaki loves you then he will realize that Hanma is a good asset to keep you protected from anything until he comes up with a plan to take you to a safe place even if you don't want to.
now Hanma can say that he likes you and Kisaki, Kisaki keeps him entertained and you are good submissive company that also keeps him entertained when he is bored and Kisaki is not around.
unreviewed, I'm finishing this in the bathroom because I felt sick and now I'm taking a shit while there's a giant worm on the other side watching me while I poop...this isn't coquettish at all but I'll accept it :( my blood pressure dropped while I was shitting...again
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strawb3rrystar · 2 months
can you do Blitzø x reader relationship headcannons or Moxxie x reader headcannons
The dumbass twins.
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Pairing: Blitzø, Moxxie x GN! Reader
Warnings: Light mentions of their traumas, Blitz being emotionally distant (?)
Word count: 524
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✰Blitzø's love languages are definitely quality time and physical touch
✰He doesn't care what the activity is, he wants to spend the most time possible with you
✰Often, he'll curl into your side, or lay his head on your lap if your sitting on the couch or in bed
✰If your not, he'll float close by or stand next to you
✰It may come off as creepy at first, but he just wants to be around you, make sure you're okay
✰Also leaning into the physical touch aspect, he'll purr if you scratch under his chin
✰Kiss his scars and he'll kiss yours
✰Random compliments and flirtatious comments
✰Hugs you from behind and tucks his face into your neck. This will usually be when he's tired or upset
✰Speaking of upset, please let this poor imp vent to you. He desperately needs to let out all the repressed trauma
✰I can see Blitzø being a biter. He'll never NEVER break the skin. Just like a small love bite
✰He'll share his love of horses with you, and tells you all the different facts he knows
✰So NEVER make fun of him for it, even as a joke
✰He will cry
✰Blitzø might be emotionally distant at times, but it's nothing a little therapy can't help
✰I can see him being a good listener however
✰He might struggle with it at times, but he tries his best
✰But even if he's not the best partner at times, you still know he loves you
✰I mean, you wouldn't hang framed pictures of a person and have them as your lock screen and wallpaper if you didn't love them, right?
✰Moxxie's love languages would be words of affirmation and acts of service
✰Sometimes, he need you words of encouragement to remind him you do truly love him
✰He'll have a habit of thinking he not good enough for you, so reassure him that he is
✰Like Blitzø, Moxxie loves to spend as much time with you as possible
✰This includes household chores
✰Moxxie loves to make you breakfast in bed
✰He'll let you pick the movie you watch or where you go out to eat
✰But he also likes to plan special evenings just for you
✰Moxxie also likes doing stuff to make your day easier
✰Like doing boring paperwork, or picking up the tasks that Blitzø gives you
✰Of course I have to also mention the gift giving
✰Moxxie isn't a big fan of expensive gifts
✰He like handmade ones instead, like a song or a ceramic bowl he made at a free pottery class
✰Another imp that desperately needs to vent, because again, repressed trauma
✰Moxxie is the best listener you could ask for
✰He can listen to you for hours on end without getting bored
✰And not just listening, he'll actively engage to keep the conversation going
✰But Moxxie also likes to go on rants himself, riddling off every fact he knows about the topic (mostly weapons)
✰He needs a partner who gives back as much love as he gives out
✰Because, this sweetheart has so much love to give it's insane
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Star's notes -> I accidentally deleted Moxxie's part the first time I wrote it and it made me want to tear my hair out
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @samohxt2-0 @sunshines-bright | Join the taglist
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lmskitty · 1 month
I think one of the things I love most about family AU satosugu ATM is just because of the way the canon went we never got to see characters have normal happy lives and I love thinking about that. I adore @ziyuanyuan1113 art for this reason (among many). All those perfect little normal family moments that never got to be.
So here's my fave headcanons atm ( @thequeenofsarcaasm and @uotuok might notice a few we discussed today 😅)
Geto and Nanako have dad daughter time where they watch reality TV. Geto is the cattiest bitch known to man and is always horrifically brutal about the show and Nanako loves it. Megumi always says reality TV is garbage and he would never watch it but he always somehow ends up making his coffee in the kitchen the exact moment it's on and stands there making comments. If they mention how he seems to be rather invested he will leave without a word so now they make no comment on him.
When the kids are quite young Gojo comes home to find Tsumiki, Nanako and Mimiko in princess dresses and Geto wearing a crown with his hair being braided. Megumi hands Gojo a crown and explains that they're two films deep into a princess party and have just watched Tangled and he wants to kill them all, he has also been forced into a princess dress. Gojo instantly puts on the crown. Days later they catch Megumi singing "I've got a dream" to himself as he plays with his toys despite having described the princess party as traumatising.
Shoko is a big part of the kids lives, she takes them out when Geto has his therapy appointments and Gojo is on a mission, she spends long weekends with them when she can and her and their group chat is filled with pictures of the kids being adorable or memes.
Geto and Gojo get into routines and home life after years of arguing about household chores. Gojo has to be taught how to tidy properly and constantly forgets. It is always somehow the dishwasher that is the main culprit as he always forgets to check if something is dishwasher safe and he has unfortunately destroyed so many of their kitchen items.
Geto and Gojo do skin care routines together and love relaxing and listening to murder podcasts while they give each other manicures/pedicures, Gojo used to get it all done professionally but much prefers the time with his husband though they keep figuring out the murders are definitely just local curses in their podcasts so that ruins it a bit. Megumi caught Geto sorting out Gojo's ingrown toenail in the front room once and told them to get a room, a disgusted look on his face as Gojo yelled that they did, they'd paid for the whole house actually???
The satosugu house has a family dinner night once a month which everyone attends including Megumi who moved out to be at Jujutsu high. This is usually done by Tsumiki and Gojo as they love doing recipes together from Pinterest and cooking together. The twins are not great at cooking. Nanako cannot make toast without burning it, Mimiko finds it stressful and doesn't like to try. Megumi on the other hand is amazing at cooking but finds his family too loud as there is always music and Geto and Gojo dancing together and embarrassing him.
Later down the line Megumi finds his favourite method of cooking is he and Yuji in their kitchen in their flat with lofi on in the background, enjoying each others company. He finds he doesn't mind the noise or even dancing so long as it's just him and Yuji, and sometimes Nobara if she's staying over. (Nobara is not allowed to cook. She causes fires)
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abeeratmb · 1 year
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all my mans hcs
@leleouwu for you
Baki:  He likes it when you play with his hair because he feels comfortable.
Or sometimes he makes himself sick just to take care of him, feed him, do laundry and cook because he doesn't know how to cook at all.
He loves when you suggest going out for a picnic, especially in quiet places, or going to a restaurant to eat
And his best part is when you exercise with him and he tries to help you exercise or go for a little run. He loves when you play with a dog, but do not give too much time for his dog because he feels jealous and lonely.
Yujiro  :He hates it when you don't take his word for it and when you go out with people he hasn't seen before and call them friends don't ever do that (if you want to be punished then do it).
Loves it when you try to impress your him with your cooking
When you met his children for the first time, it was embarrassing, and it was all because of him, and after you went home and tried to tell him what he did was wrong, he will put you in your place and tell if  you didn't want to be embarrassed in front of others next time, you had to cover your boobs
He doesn't like when you waste his time with silly things.
Jack : it is better for him to die than cheating you
And if you want to sleep comfortably, he is the best bed, and if you sleep on it, you can never get away
And if you want to shop for clothes with him, you will take the whole day and do not be afraid, you don’t  have to carry anything (even when you want to pay)
And it's good that you two train in a private gym because this guy is so jealous
He does not like when you wear revealing clothes in front of others in the beach
Retsu : He is the best person on earth
Here things turn around, let's be clear, he is better to do household chores like cooking, washing, cleaning at home, and you have to work outside the house
And when you come home from work tired, he will make you some tea
And you hate when he starts to meditate because it takes forever to finish and don't try to seduce him because it won't work.
Hanayama : he is a very dangerous guy and he doesn't want something to happen to you because of him because he loves you so much
He is very romantic only with you
he always gives you expensive things but you always tell him it's not necessary but he just doesn't listen to you and you can't change his mind
And he's very jealous, but he likes to take you to his workplace but he does not like the looks of others
Olivar : Oliver loves to surprise you with expensive things
He is VERY jealous and when you meet baki or jun in prison he literally threatened them If you want something, just kiss him and you'll get ten times as much
If you have one child, prepare yourself for lots of children, because this man will not stop You will never be alone because this guy will stick with you
He is proud because he has someone like you in front of others
Doyle : He is a death row inmate therefore he also includes the other death row inmates but not everything went well when the rest see you
he's... INCREDIBLY jealous He's not like he dont trusting you, but he don’t trust others
He steals a lot of cosmetics and accessories just to try on with you
Yanagi : my man is so short that to give you a kiss
Some people give you strange looks when you are walking in the street, in the markets, or in the restaurant, but this does not concern you because you are having a good time
And you were in your school one day, you were walking with your friends, he was there for baki, and you didn't know that he was there, but now you are the most important thing
He is very jealous, and this is because of his old age, but you must assure him that you love him
Spek : He is scary on the outside but soft on the inside
And it becomes more scary if you wake up in the night with the lights off and he is standing for no reason and when you ask what is wrong with him he says he was in the bathroom
If you tired while you are walking, just ask him to carry you up, he will never refuse
If you trying to surprise him with some kind of food while you are on your way, some people trying to harass you on the way home, don’t worry, he will appear directly behind you, but from the other side, he ruin your surprise for him .
Dorian : he always brags that he has the best girlfriend in the world
When Dorian introduced you to those sentenced to death, you felt very uncomfortable
he would give you very, very expensive lingerie, elegant clothes, dresses too and everything you want including food he is the bast sugar daddy
  and if you get sick he would be almost like a yandere, he wouldn't let you go out he would be very overprotective and would make you eat hot things like: soup, rice pudding, tea etc .
Sikorsky : He enters your house without any permission, as if it is normal
He will help with the housework and the shopping if he wants to stay and if he doesn't he have to get out immediately
He dont like it if you go out without any excuse, especially if you are very late. He will go out to look for you and find you in the club with your friends. First, he will be angry because you did not tell him to come with you. Secondly, he has never liked your friends before.
You just have to please him by cooking some Russian meals, and as they say, a man's happiness is always in his stomach.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out 👀
What if, instead of fem! Proxy, we got a fem! Human maid 👀👀👀
Like the Slenderman chose her to take care of the mansions needs such as: cleanliness, general functioning (like electrical management, house repair, etc...), food management, etc...
But she isn't a demon nor proxy, but a human dragged into this life (The Operator is a cruel silly guy)
The Proxies have to watch over her so other residents don't mess with her, and also so she doesn't run away.
YOU'RE BACK<3 this prompt is interesting ngl👀👀 I included more characters for the spice
Creepypasta x Maid!Reader
Characters Included: Proxy focused
Warnings: suggestive/NSFW themes,non-con/dub-con mentions,violence,misogyny,drugs and mental illness references
The difference between the power dynamics between you and the other residents are catastrophically huge
Once Slenderman took you in,he made sure that you understand what your role is from the start.It was a cruel time for him to make the decision to bring an innocent human in a manor full of deranged people,but in his mind he took the right decision
The first sick people who viewed you as a fuck toy would be Masky and Jeff
Since you're in the care of proxies,you are somwhat lucky,the others would mostly keep their hands to themselves
Maybe except Ben who has no restrictions by being a literal ghost,so I can totally see him messing with you for a while
The fact that you are a maid might give the others the opportunity to discover a new kink btw
Masky would slap your ass as you clean the windows "good job,get that body moving"
He's a whiny little bitch.He would scream at you if you missed a spot,if you were late to cook dinner by a minute or if he simply needs your assistance with whatever bullshit he makes up
He even called you to prepare him a bath and harassed you in the bathroom,even threating to drown you for his sick entertainment
The way you look up to him makes his dick hard,he doesn't care if the others find gross that he gets off on the power imbalance,he feels good about it
The only good thing he does is not letting the others fuck with you it doesn't apply to Hoodie
Sure,he might threaten to punish you by letting Jeff has his way with you,but we all know his pride won't let him to let you get fucked by another man yeah,once more,it doesn't apply to Hoodie
Right after a bloody mission he would bring you to his room and make you suck him off "How's it feel to have the dirty work done?Right where you belong"
Washing the blood off of their clothes it's a nightmare.Sometimes,the white masked man would try to scare you by saying all the messed up things he did to get them this red
Toby was happy he can look after a girl ngl.After seeing how scared and lost you are,he decided to make himself your safe space
But even then,he saw you as an opportunity to break himself into,it was a selfish tought,but he really craved to be your "knight in shining armor"
He actually started to stand his ground whenever Masky would start to harass him in front of you,and even if he would get beat up and would shame retreat in his shell for a few days,this boy doesn't give up
I can see him letting you escape in the forest if you pull the right strings,but the fear of what Slenderman would do to both yourself and him made Toby to get you back crying
INSTEAD,he goes on walks with you in the forest whenever you are free,just to give you that false sense of freedom
Even if it's just your job to clean,cook and do household chores,he views them as more intimate and might get romantic feelings towards you he has no self respect
Hoodie would play a lot of mind games with you,sometimes he would make you think he's your ally,sometimes he would give the impression that he's just another wolf from the hungry pack
He actually let you run free in the forest for a few minutes and waited for you to get your hopes up until he would show up from behind and get you back
"Gothca" he said,tackling you to the ground as one of his hands rested on your waist and the other one on the back of your head "let's get you back,shall we?awwwh,don't cry now,you know I wouldn't hurt you!Now I can't say the same about the others if they knew you got this far..so let's keep this between the two of us,what do ya' say?"
The son of a bitch would also blackmail you into having sex with him so that he can "protect you" or so that "he wouldn't snitch about your plans of running away"
Even if your plans would be top tier,he would know about them and would make sure to tear them down as slow as the light in your eyes fade away
If you're feisty he wouldn't feel the need to fight with you,but would rather keep him interested into bringing you down
But if you're on the docile side he would still take it as a challenge to himself,to see in how much time he can make you his loyal puppy
The manor is huge,four floors with large windows where a lot of dust piles up,especially on the inhibited last floor where The Operator works
I can see Masky making you work naked at a busy hour of the day, just for his fucked up entertainment,throwing some nasty comments while burning cigarette buts on your soft skin
EJ would watch from a distance,mercy and guilt piling up in his chest.Altough he doesn't see you as prey,he would certainly think of you as a safe resort to call when his heats/bloodlust appears
Jane would nod her head and advert her eyes,often even asking you if you're okay,just trying to make you feel..a little cared for
Natalie would argue a lot about you with Masky,but after all she's just a resident and Tim is still a proxy at the end of the day.She can't do anything about it.
All in all,your life in the mansion would be assured to be a long one,and depending on your behaviour you can make it a less traumatizing pressuring experience
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Anon: Can I please headcanons with Agni/reader/Soma triangle, where both fell in love with a maid of Phantomhive who is older than Soma, but younger than Agni (about 23-26 years old)?
For your information, Soma is 17 years old and Agni is 31 and I just decided that the darling is 24 in this headcannon. Also as an additional information, there is a passage of time in those Hc’s so Soma is at the beginning of those Hc’s 17 but turns 18 as the story progresses.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, stalking, overprotective behavior, manipulation, guilt-tripping
Taglist: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Falling in love with the same s/o
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🍛​🤜​You are bound to get acquainted with both Soma and Agni, considering that Soma likes to spend time with the young Earl which would be the fastest way for you to meet the duo as well as the case where you would see those two the most. Soma in that case would be the one who would fall for you first without a single doubt, absolutely enamored with you and everything you do. Really, it isn't hard to notice that he is head over heels for you as he is talking about you nonstop and likes to follow you around. He is distracting you from the work you are supposed to do and this is where Agni decides to hold his prince back to give you time and space to finish your chores. He understands that you need to do your duties and that Soma is for the better or worse just hindering you from working as efficient as you normally could. Agni is also just as aware that all of Ciel's servants are extremely skilled and dangerous even if they may not look like it on first glance. You are no exception.
🍛​🤜​Whilst Agni has yet to fall and has sympathy with you, Soma is far more entitled than that. He is angry and frustrated whenever Agni has to pull him away from you and he is almost acting like a bratty child at times, awfully spoiled. Yes, he knows that you are technically the servant of Ciel and not his own but he still wants to spend time with you and your chores seem to be constantly in the way. Can't you just let someone else do them for you or just drop them and spend some time with him instead? Soma is very distracting and it only because of your patience that you seem to be able to skillfully blend him out whenever you are focused on your tasks, much to his dismay. The young prince hates to be ignored, especially since he has even been neglected by his biological family since he had so many siblings. He is whining, complaining and even forcing himself in front of you just so that you have to look at him with a frustrated pout on his face, upset that you ignore him as often as you do.
🍛​🤜​You receive presents, flowers and much more from Soma as the young prince seems to already have the wedding planned for you two. Being delusional truly can be a blessing and a curse at the same time as he even informs Ciel about this spontanously. The young lord is in his office working on some documentaries when Soma suddenly slams the door open and a flustered and apologetic Agni follows him and urges him to think it over again. Yet nothing can stop Soma who slams his palms on the desk and blurts out in Ciel's face that he plans to marry you and that Ciel will have to let you go because Soma doesn't want his wife to work for someone as a wedded couple should spend all of their time together. So bold and confident is he that Ciel chokes on his own saliva for a couple of seconds before he gives the prince a flabbergasted look. The entire household finds out about it within the same day as Soma walks around and declares to all of them that he's going to marry you. Agni is the one who is left apologising to everyone, including you.
🍛​🤜​You get quite close to Agni due to all of the commotion that Soma causes as he is the one defending you against his own prince. He is loyal to the young prince of course but he knows that you work for the Earl of Phantomhive and respects your own wishes. He promises you that Soma is a good person but just very easily caught up in his own daydreams and you can truly see that every single day where Soma follows you around like a lost puppy and tells you about what clothes he wants you to wear, considering which color would suit you best and even brings you jewelry he wants you to wear on your wedding. So ecstatic is he about it all that he even wants to marry you two times considering that you grew up in London and he grew up in India. You can plan the second marriage in England if you want to. Agni can only silently thank the heaven that you are as patient and considerate as you are as you could have easily broken Soma's heart multiple times by now, although somehow Agni doubts Soma would stop even then.
🍛​🤜​Agni's obsession is honestly a slowburn and barely noticeable to the point where he himself doesn't even notice. You spend time with Soma because you like him in a way you would like a friend, you reject his proposals and Agni can only tell his prince exasperated that he should respect your feelings yet Soma doesn't believe you when you tell him that you don't see him in a romantic way. You're just hiding your feelings because if you wouldn't feel the same way he does, why do you still spend time with him? As Agni is busy holding Soma somewhat back from his delusional love, he himself barely realises that he starts growing feelings for you too as both of you also spend a lot of time together and even do chores together when Agni offers his help. Soma offers to help too because he doesn't want to feel left out and doesn't want Agni to just hog your attention but he most of the time only ends up giving you two more work. Soma never learns though so the cycle repeats itself again and again.
🍛​🤜​Agni is much more subtle than Soma, which is admittedly not that hard, but still. His creeping obsession is expressed in his growing protective feelings over you despite knowing that you are very capable of protecting yourself and by the time he comes to realise what has happened, it is already far too late to stop himself. He feels guilty though as he knows that Soma is already a bit overbearing for you and the last thing that you would want is him acting the same. Agni is much more practiced in his own self-control though which is why he holds himself back and that becomes even more apparent as soon as he is aware of his own emotions. He almost grows more distant to not make another burden from you and instead likes to observe from a few steps away but at the same time he also feels bad when you approach him and ask him if something has happened as you have noticed his change in behavior. He doesn't want to give you the impression that it is your fault after all.
🍛​🤜​Soma and Agni are pretty capable of sharing but Agni just doesn't have the courage to tell you nor Soma about his feelings. He feels guilty for admitting that he has fallen the same way for you as Soma has and at the same time he doesn't want to take your time away from Soma as he knows how much Soma adores and loves you yet he also feels guilty for keeping this from the both of you. It is a quite complicated situation Agni finds himself in and he spends days and nights pondering how he could tell the both of you. he actually decides to tell it to you first as he is worried that Soma would react too dramatically. He knows that you will react to it in a calmer way than his prince would and he actually apologises to you for his own feelings. Soma, as expected, is reacting very dramatically. Above all though he is disappointed that Agni hasn't told him about it before and has instead kept it a secret from him. Whilst Agni reassures his prince that he won't try to steal you from Soma, it is actually Soma who makes the decision that Agni should still spend time with you.
🍛​🤜​Agni has been nothing but loyal to him after all. At least Agni balances out Soma's clinginess and delusional thinking as he can hold the young prince back from being too overwhelming with you. The age difference will also have some influence as you tend to treat Soma like a young boy due to him being younger than you and whilst Soma is definitely spoiled and acts like a child at times, he still insists that you see him as a man and stop thinking of him as a boy. Agni on the other hand at times feels more inclined to protect you because he is older than you. Soma is very open with his adoration as he literally worships everything you do but it is worth mentioning that for Agni you are also something more than just his love. You have given him a new meaning to a new life that was given to him by his prince and whilst he isn't as physically touching or as verbal as Soma is, he does a lot of quiet gestures to show you his eternal love.
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caffeinetheif · 1 year
Ultimate simp moments OR the type or simps the bros/dateables are? Like, who's blatant, who's pathetic, who's proud, etc
thank u :3c
We love the type of simps the bros/datables are in this household. This will have just the brothers, but I do plan on making a seperate post that will include diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, and Barbatos!
The Demon Brothers and the Type of Simp They are GN! MC/Reader pt. 2 Warnings: A bit of possessive descriptors in Asmo's and Belphie's but not to the point of being a red flag
He's more of an aloof type of simp if that makes sense. He knows that you know he's a simp for you, but he doesn't want others (i.e. lower level demons) to know.
HOWEVER... if there's an event such as a ball hosted by Diavolo, he will insist that you be his plus one so he can brag about you
Would definitly make your chores less intense than his brothers'. If his brothers confront him about it he just brushes it off and says, "MC is a human. We're demons, so you can handle it." but we all know its because he favors you
He is the definition of worshiping the ground you walk on
Our first 'pathetic/whipped' demon on the list. Ask him to grab you something? He's already running to get it. Mention a draft? He's practically shoving his jacket onto your shoulders.
We all know he's easily flustered, but he wears it with a sense of pride.
Another one for the 'pathetic simp' list. Much like Mammon, he is super easy to fluster.
Will pause his game for you/drop the controler in the middle of multiplayer. Just say the words and he's there. "Sorry my lover is calling. BRB"
I like to think he'd have a photo of you and him as the lock screen of his DDD so every time he opens it he gets to see you.
He would also be very proud of having you as his lover.
If you mention something that you enjoy, he would pull out stacks of books to read about it so he can talk more about the topic with you.
He would also learn/teach himself something if you even slightly mention wanting to learn it. Want to learn how to make origami? Give him one night and he's mastered like fifty different shapes so he can teach you
Asmo is by far the most likely to flaunt around the fact that he's in a relationship with you
"Look at my lover! Aren't they amazing?" Definitely would pull some strings to have you model for a photoshoot with him.
Needs 100% of your attention on dates. I think he'd also be somewhat possessive if anyone else tries to talk to you when you two are spending time together
Beel is not one to brag or flaunt his relationship with you. How he shows his love is by sharing waht he loves with you.
Despite his sin, he will absolutely offer to share his food with you or set aside some of his snacks to share with you later. It takes all of his willpower to not eat it, but will push through it to see you happy.
Will absolutely go out of his (very large) comfort zone to make you happy.
He would be the least noticable simp. He would act like his normal self and not much would change.
The only thing that may change is his level of clingyness when he is around you. His desire to seek you out for comfort would increase.
He would also become a bit more possessive like Asmo when it comes to your interactions with other demons. A common scene would be him hugging you from behind with his head on your shoulder as he glares daggers at the demon talking with you.
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lieutenantfloyd · 11 months
heyyy so i just read the rooster sfw alphabet and i was wondering if u could do one for mr hangman? if not it’s totally ok! have a great day or night :)))
SFW Alphabet — Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, jealousy, etc
a/n: A year later, and I'm finally in my Hangman era.
Also If you haven't yet, please check out the general Hangman headcanons I posted a while ago, as it gives a bit more context to my characterization of him!
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a- asking (Who's the first person to confess and how does it happen?)
Jake will ask you out (or offer to take you home) first but when it comes to actual confessions of feelings, you'll need to initiate it. I truly believe that once Jake begins to fall for someone, he panics. He has no idea what to do with these feelings and will need you to take the reigns.
B - Butterflies (How they act when they're nervous.)
Do you think Hangman is cocky with a strong streak of narcissism now? A nervous Jake is an infinite amount worse, as he uses his already contentious traits as the ultimate defense mechanism.
c- cuddles (What is their favorite cuddling position? Do they like physical touch?)
Given the correct circumstances, I fully see Hangman as being very cuddly. Particularly when he's sleepy, drunk, or just returning from deployment. Once Jake is in a relationship where he feels safe and secure, he becomes more than a bit clingy as well.
d- domesticity (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?)
Contrary to popular belief, Jake is 100% the type to settle down. Furthermore, he's the type to have the full American dream. Several kids and a nice white picket fence included. As far as domestic chores go, he was raised in a very traditional household where the men did none of the housework. Once he settles down though, he wants to help out but doesn't know where to start. Instead, he throws himself into more "masculine" chores, like mowing the lawn and paying the bills.  While it'll take a bit of time (and patience on your part) for him to break the habit, soon he'll be cooking, cleaning, and caretaking better than you could've ever dreamed of.
e- encouragement (Do they encourage you to achieve your goals? If so, how do they support you?)
If there's one thing Jake can do, it's hyping someone up. Once you're in a relationship, all bets are off and he instantly becomes your personal hype man. There's even been a few times he nearly got himself kicked out of an event for being too rowdy. Whether it's celebrating a major life goal or completing your weekly shopping, Jake will be by your side cheering you on.
f- favorite thing(s) about you (What are their favorite personality traits/physical features about you?)
He loves how you challenge him and push him to be a better man.
g- goofiness (Do they like to make you laugh? How often do they joke around with you?)
He's the type of man to make a complete fool of himself just to make you crack a smile. Ego be damned.
h- honesty (Would they lie to you? How much do they share with you?)
While I don't think he's a liar, he does have a tendency to spin things in his favor to avoid conflict. This is especially true early on in your relationship before he feels fully comfortable. Once you two start building a life together, this habit disappears completely.
i- i love you (how fast do they say the L-Word?) 
I can see this being a pretty big point of contention in your relationship. It's not that Jake doesn't love you (he's actually head or heels boots for you) it's just that those same insecurities keep bubbling up. His heart all but begs him you say those three words to you, but his head keeps winning out. What If you don't feel the same? What if he scares you off? What if you laugh in his face? Vulnerability is far from his strong suit, so this can only end up one of two ways. If you say it first: He'll give you the biggest, widest smile and pull you into the tightest hug. It's not lost to him how a few tears spill as he echoes those three words. If it turns into a big blowout fight: Only to end up spilling his guts while dodging your eyes, silently praying to whatever is out there that he made the right choice.
j- jealousy (Are they the type of person to get jealous? If so, how do they react to being jealous?)
Hangman, for better or worse, is jealous as the day is long. It all stems from several poorly hidden insecurities. A major one is that deep down he's always waiting on the other shoe to drop, as he believes that he doesn't deserve you. Jealous Jake is explosive, flippant, and often downright mean. This is especially true if he's at the hard deck and has had a drink or two. On a good day, he'll stomp around the bar and give you the silent treatment. On a bad day, he'll be going toe to toe with whoever gives you more than a passing glance.
k- kissing (Where do they like to kiss you? How frequently do they like to kiss?)
In public, he's an old school, arm around your shoulder, kisses in your hair kinda guy. In private he's a big fan of sneaking up behind you and giving you a few kisses on your neck.
l- love language (What's their love language?)
Words of affirmation. His less-than-stellar childhood paired with his career in the armed forces has left him craving the particular type of love only words of affection can give. Just a mere "Have fun!" Text, when he goes out with Javy, is enough to make his heart pound happily in his chest.
m- marriage (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?)
As mentioned in letter D, he's the all-American type, and marriage is just another aspect of that. I don't see him doing a big planned proposal though. Instead, he'll end up asking for your hand while you're like, washing the dishes (or something equally as mundane). He's actually been thinking about it for like two years but he's too nervous to say anything, but this time the thought of his wife washing the dishes in his house was too much to bear
n- nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
He calls you: Sugar, Doll, cupcake, or anything else sickeningly sweet You call him: Honey, Darling, Jakey, Jay... Cowboy and/or Tex when you want to get on his nerves
o- openness (How much do they tell you about themselves? Do they reveal everything at once or gradually throughout the relationship?)
You wouldn't be a fool to think Jake has told you everything. Lord knows that man loves to talk about himself. Yet if you look hard enough, you'll see inklings of a deeper, darker story lying beneath. Despite this, you won't press him about it. It stays in the back of your mind until one day, when the sun shines just right, he'll choose to reveal every part of his backstory to you.
p- PDA (Are they affectionate in public or do they prefer to keep your kisses behind closed doors? Are they the type to brag about their SO?)
One thing that surprises you when you first start going out with him is that he's shockingly shy when it comes to PDA, especially around those that know him best. As your relationship grows he'll be a bit more lenient when it comes to ODA, but he'll still always prefer to keep the larger displays of affection behind closed doors.
q- quality time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Paintball, hiking, axe throwing... He likes to try new activities or do something physical. Really, anything that allows him to be a show off.
r- romance (Are they the romantic type? If so, how do they express their feelings?)
Hangman is the most accidentally romantic man you'll ever meet. On any random Thursday, he'll cook dinner, string up fairy lights in the backyard, and hire a string quartet. Not to be romantic, just because he thinks you'll find it cool.
s- security (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?)
Hangman would quite literally both kill and die for the people he loves. Luckily, in everyday life, he takes a more chill approach to things and is instead very trustworthy and dependable.
t- turn-offs (What traits do they find unattractive?)
Jake is a son of Texas through and through, and is immediately turned off by anyone who is disrespectful and lacks manners. Oh, and anyone who supports Aggie football.
u- understanding (Are they good at sympathizing with your problems? Do they listen to you when you need to rant?)
He's decently understanding. If you're prone to more emotional responses, he may struggle a bit with that. Nonetheless, he will always sympathize and/or let you rant to him if need be.
v- value (What do they value most about your relationship?)
Having someone in his corner. With his choice of career, he understands better than most the importance of having someone you can depend on no matter what.
w- wild card (A random headcanon about your relationship)
Hat. Rule. If you're going out with Jake, his nice white cowboy hat will inevitably become a staple of your wardrobe.
x- x-ray (How well are they able to read you?)
When it comes to emotional labor, he is more than a bit oblivious. He'll even admit that it is a foreign concept to him. Like other areas of your relationship, give him some grace and a few pointers and he'll figure it out soon enough.
y- yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn't with them?)
It takes a while for your absence to sink in. After it does, his ego won't let him admit he's in shambles without you. Unfortunately, anyone who has the (dis)pleasure of being in his presence during this time Is well aware. Javy has even taken it upon himself to alert the rest of the squad when you leave town, etc so they can prepare.
z- zappy (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?)
A relationship with Jake will start off as an achingly slow burn. But give him time and your unwavering love, and before you know it, you'll have a full-on forest fire.
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Are requests open? If they are then can there be jamil x male reader bromance? Like they are most definitely in love but they're both in denial. They act like they're already married but they swear that they're just friends. Thankyou.
" Nothing more than friends. " Everyone around you thinks you and Jamil are dating, yet you keep convincing them you aren't and avoiding your true feelings.
Includes: Jamil Viper
Warnings: Male reader,
|| Fem aligned dni
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Jamil Viper ♡
You and Jamil are likely in the same class, and probably come from a similar background. (Similar in a way that you probably live in somebody's shadow, I'd assume)
I think that you'd meet him through a group project, or maybe even if you were to join the basketball club. It doesn't really matter, because as soon as you two started interacting you were like two peas in a pod.
Jamil likes to cook with you, and of you're no good at cooking then theres no need to fret! He'll teach you!
You guys like to do household chores together-- saying that it helps 'pass the time', when really you just enjoy each others presence. This makes people question your guys' relationship.
You're both in the basketball club together, and a lot of the time he asks you to practice one-on-one. (I don't know anything about basketball)
As your relationship grows, the more confusing it gets. People don't understand how you're not married yet-- because you act like you are! Especially when you both bring food you made specifically for the other, and saying that "I want you to taste test it, I trust your judgement," or whatever.
You've also started to spoon-feed each other sometimes. It's very cute, but everytime you do it someone always says; "Awww, you two are so cute together!" To which you'd both frantically respond with a "We're just friends!" But why does it sting each time you say that..?
But something feels different to you, because everytime you see him you feel all fuzzy and warm inside, and you just want to be around him all the time. You feel rather somber when he's not around, too.
You've also noticed that he's been acting rather strange lately, too. Everytime you look at him, he quickly averts your eyes- as if he'd been staring at you. You'd also see a bit of red dusted on his cheek, but maybe you were just seeing things? I mean, you were just friends. But do friends look at each other the way Jamil looks at you?
You and Jamil are working on something in the kitchen. He had asked you to help him, since Kalim wanted to throw a banquet again. Of course, you agreed, you couldn't allow your best friend to suffer.
As Jamil worked, you looked at him. '...would he like me?' before realizing that the water is boiling over. Thankfully, he didn't notice you staring at him. But you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what it would be like to date him. You nearly smack yourself in the head for thinking such things. Not only are you best friends, but you're also both guys! I mean, what if he's straight? Of course there's no way of knowing unless you ask.
But for now, you'll bask in the platonic friendship you have, but maybe- someday, someday soon, you'll be something more than a friend to Jamil. You can only wonder when that day will come, where he'll be yours.
So sorry! This is messy and a tiny bit rushed! But I love this concept!
Read my rules before requesting, please .
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solcorvidae · 6 months
Modern Witcher AU: My Headcanons (part 2 of ?)
Jaskier was put in a ton of winter sports as a kid. He knows how to ski and ice skate very well. He can snowboard but prefers skiing.
Geralt, on the other hand, never learned to skate. He and Eskel have not been able to find skates that fit their boot size since they were teenagers.
Geralt likes yard work more than other household chores. He likes maintaining the garden and arranging a nice living space to hangout in and Jaskier is very appreciative.
Jaskier is usually super busy in the winter months. He attends get togethers, dinners, parties, etc. Geralt does the opposite. He and his family head home for some time to relax and catch up with one another after being on the road. They don’t often do big activities or social events, mostly staying in the house with each other for the duration of their stay.
Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert shared a room until Geralt started to get into his teen years. Their childhood room had a bunk bed for the two oldest boys and a single bed for Lambert. Lambert eventually took over Vesemir’s office and it was converted to his new room. Now, they each have normal bed frames that sit on the floor.
Geralt wears a dark brown, felt, pinch front cowboy hat. He is very attuned to the etiquette and superstitious beliefs around wearing one.
Eskel and Jaskier are the same height (6’0)
Geralt is 6’3 but often people assume he’s shorter. He slouches when he sits and tries to take up as little metaphorical space in the room as he can. When he stands up, his posture is straight as a board and this adds to the surprise many people feel when they see how tall he really is.
Eskel is the opposite. He has a large but warm and inviting presence when he enters a room. He makes himself known and takes up a lot of space with his big personality. People often assume he must be taller than he really is and are often surprised when they stand next to him and see eye to eye.
Lambert is 5’11 and bitter about it.
Eskel has textured, somewhat oily skin but shockingly left his acne struggles in his teen years.
Geralt was blessed with little to no acne most of his life—including as a teenager.
Lambert hasn’t quite grown out of it and still gets the occasional (relatively mild) blemish. They usually appear when his disposable razor starts to get dull and begins to irritate the skin--Geralt tries to get him to invest in a safety razor, to no avail.
All three boys share a bathroom at Vesemir's house and Vesemir has his own tiny ensuite bathroom. He doesn't care if they trash their own space as long as it doesn't start growing mysterious molds…
Everyone having different hair colours (especially Geralt) meant that it was difficult to blame each other for hair left in the bottom of the tub/sink. But oh did Lambert try.
They are banned from using Vesemir's bathroom unless they absolutely have to. The shower however, is non negotiable. It is off limits altogether.
The only exception to this rule is when any of the boys are sick. When one of them is ill, Vesemir sets them up on the floor with blankets and a pillow so they don't have to keep running to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It also helps that he can keep an eye on them and monitor if they start getting worse or need to go to urgent care—Eskel was particularly bad for lying about not being sick for a long time.
As a child Geralt would wake up every night in the middle of the night from the dead of sleep and be afraid to fall back asleep on his own. He always climbed to the top bunk where Eskel slept and he felt safe. If Eskel wasn't there or he didn't want to wake him, Geralt would walk to Vesemir's room to fall asleep in his dads bed where he felt just as safe. It took him a long time to grow out of this habit.
Even though his boys are all grown up, Vesemir would never turn them away from any sort of "childish" comfort, especially when they're going through a particularly hard time. If they ever needed a hug or wanted to fall asleep in his room, all they had to do was ask.
[Modern AU Headcanon Masterpost]
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apocalyptic-chaos · 19 days
Some Kunikida hcs for the price of "I'm too lazy to count":
I've seen some people say he'd be a toxic partner because of how long his list of traits his ideal partner has to have is, but tbh the list he'd have for himself on how to be the ideal partner is probably *three times* as long. It includes basic stuff like "always listen to your partner", "never raise your voice at them" but also some odd stuff like "cook their favourite food at least once a month."
He's the type of person to make notes on his friends/coworkers/aquantainces/etc. Think Mha's Deku, just less obsessive. Kunikida writes down important things like birthdays (he'd never forget your birthday EVER), allergies, stuff to keep in mind,... The longer the list, the more important you are to him (the list for his closest friends/potential partners are massive.)
Kunikida mealpreps. He knows his work can get stressful quick and that staying hydrated & fed is important, so on the weekends he makes both a plan for the week and preps as much as possible. Saves him stress. Also Kunikida sometimes plans meals for Dazai too, knowing that he usually doesn't bother and goes hungry on more than one occasion.
Speaking of Dazai, Kunikida used to colour code his schedules until one time Dazai switched out the ink cartridges in his markers to prank him... Ever since then only the schedules he keeps at home (the meal plan for example) are colour coded.
He definitely took cooking & household classes in college. Bro not only wants to be able to do most (if not all) of the household chores himself, but also there is *no way* he's going to turn into "one of those guys" where his partner does everything.
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bruxairacunda · 11 months
So here I bring some Persona 5 Royal headcanons I have because I kinda need to let them out of my system.
Would love to listen about your headcanons as well. Also if you're particularly interested in any of them I'd love to elaborate more or even write a short fic or whatever, just ask! <3 Many of them are post-game soooooo this gonna have spoilers. Also I'm gonna refer to the protagonist as Akiren because I can't decide on which name I prefer. I'm not gonna include here HC about ships for many reasons, one of them being that I want to keep these as neutral as possible. Other is that I'm against the idea of having a partner as a "goal". However I love shipping so probably I'll post headcanons about some ships sooner or later
This is already WAY TOO LONG so for the moment I'm not including more characters. Definitely there's gonna be an update sooner or later.
Phantom Thieves
Each of them have a big PT flag like the one you can see at Akiren's room during Shido's Palace.
After the events at Maruki's Palace they built a small shrine for Akechi, as they don't know where his grave might be or even if he has one. Of course they also left a PT flag for him there.
After Akiren's departure back to his hometown, the rest of the group kept being regulars at Leblanc. At the beginning they only went individually as customers, then they started going as a group, and some time later Sojiro just let them use the attic as they wanted. To compensate, some of them help Sojiro at the store, the most invested in lending a hand is Haru
Once, thanks to Morgana's help, the PT managed to go pay a surprise visit to Akiren at his hometown. He was so genuinely happy he started crying. That opened the floodgates and everyone started ugly crying for a long time. None of them wants to talk about this.
It gets really hard for the Phantom Thieves to make new friends or have a partner for a while. The bonds they formed are so strong and deep that for most of them it's really difficult to have that kind of connection again with anyone, and anything less than that seems like a waste of time. This is particularly hard for Yusuke, Futaba and Makoto, whose social skills aren't that good to begin with, and for a really long time they don't feel like they belong anywhere else but the PT
The whole group tries to meet at least once a year, but it gets difficult as time passes as Akiren is back in his hometown and Ann lives abroad most of the time. If one of them couldn't make it to a meeting, they try to at least videocall while they are still together
He dyes his hair himself and despite being quite used to it he has indeed fried it a couple of times. The first time it happened his mom told him he was gonna get bald if he kept damaging his hair like that. He pretends he's not worried about it at all, but getting bald is now a recurrent nightmare of his
He was utterly convinced he was dumb and a lost cause until Makoto offered to help him study for real and showed him that he just learns different, and traditional school doesn't accomodate to his needs.
He's pretty good at doing household chores. He started doing them to compensate the terrible son he thinks he is (he's clearly not but our boy has self steem issues). Later he realizes it's just the normal thing to do so he and his mom share domestic chores
His bigger fear is to be in any way similar to his father. That's one of the reasons why he dies his hair (his father has it black). Also that's why he's very against drinking alcohol. He doesn't intend to even drink it himself and he's very wary around people who drinks. Drunk people trigger him real bad.
It takes him a lot of time to move out from his mom's place. He feels like he's abandoning her, just like his father did, and doesn't feel comfotable leaving her living alone. Once he finally leaves to his own place, he keeps visiting her frequently and calls her several times a week
I know it's a very common headcanon but I don't care. He ends up being a teacher/trainer/instructor in anything sports related. Kids and teenagers adore him and he loves his job. But it's also is very hard for him because he mades his students problems his own and suffers with them
When Ryuji starts job-hunting he stops dieying his hair and goes back to his original black. He once went into Leblanc just after a job interview with black hair and wearing a suit and Futaba almost kicked him out because she though he was a random guy getting too friendly. The first time Morgana saw Ryuji with black hair, he hissed at him because he didn't recognized him. He gets back to blonde once he has a job that allows it
With his first decent salary, Ryuji got her mom a one night spa break so she could relax for once.
She finally admits to herself that despite her initial reticence she likes her PT outfit. As she grows older and she's able to separate herself from that projection of perfection she kept as a teenager, she starts wearing more "punkish" clothes (always under that classy aura of hers, of course)
She does the same with her enviroment, so once she gets her own place even if it's still organized and practical, she adds stuff that makes it more "Queen" and less "little miss perfect" than her room at Sae's . For example, she requests Yusuke a big painting of Johanna, so she won't forget her rebel spirit. She also has TONS of Buchimaru stuff she got at second hand stores that Futaba recommended her. And of course she has a boxing bag at the living room.
Everyone in the PT refers to her as the "mom friend", in fact they call her Momkoto...all behind her back of course, they are not brave enough to face the consequences. Ryuji slipped his tongue once and called her "mom" in front of the others out of habit. It's hard to know which of them both was most embarrased by it.
Whenever she rents a place to live she always tries for it to have some extra space she won't use that much so in case a friend needs somewhere to stay for a while she could offer them her place.
Her relationship with Sae improves drastically when she moves out. Funny enough, they start doing more stuff together than when they were both living under the same roof
Makoto wants to be a cop to try and change the system from the inside, that's why she wants to become a commissioner. Once she realizes it's almost impossible she has an existential crisis and doesn't know what to do with her life.
She gets into videogames due to her passion for Yakuza movies. Both Futaba and Ryuji convinced her to give a try to Yakuza games and she becomes obsessed. From them she jumps to more genres and her competitive nature did the rest. She once snatched in half a controller with her bare hands playing Mario Kart
After getting a motorcycle license she realizes she really enjoys the feeling of driving, so from there she went for a heavy vehicle license, then a special vehicles one...She kept it to herself (didn't see the need to say anything since nobody asked) and one day Haru told something about how it would be a lot easier to go to a certain place flying and Makoto offered to fly them there as she has a Private pilot license
Yusuke carries a sketchbook everywhere, even if he's not planning to draw anything or goes to a place in which he won't be able to draw. He just can't leave home without one
Of all the Phantom Thieves he is , by far, the one who spends more time at Leblanc
He and Sojiro get along pretty well, to the point that he becomes a father figure for Yusuke. Sojiro, far from being disgusted with this idea, embraces it and kinda adopts him. He even went to Yusuke's graduation at Kosei.
Despite his talent and dedication working as an artist becomes a struggle for Yusuke. Not only because how hard it is, but because the art he loves so much is many times used as a tool to get money and that clashes head-on with his idea of purity.
From time to time he disappears and it becomes really difficult to contact him in any way. He calls those moments "a journey of artistic and existential dread ", Futaba calls them "autistic burnout" (she's right)
It's really hard for him to keep a job. The moment something doesn't align with his moral compass he won't hesitate to speak out and most companies do not like employees who remind them the huge pieces of shit they are
At a certain point he gets into digital art as he has to admit it's easier to get by with commisions than just art contests. However traditional art keeps being his absolute fave and he always favours it. (I feel you, my boy, traditional artist speaking here)
Futaba (and Sojiro)
They both miss Morgana so much they end up adopting a cat. Sojiro allows it on one condition, he has the right to name it (it's terrible)
Every year at Wakaba's birthday Sojiro and Futaba celebrate it doing something she would have loved. There's always a lot of crying but for them is a very special day, even more than their own birthdays
Futaba gets a very VERY lucrative job in cyber security. She tries to give back everything Sojiro spent on her but he obviously refuses and won't accept a single yen. To compensate Futaba gets him really expensive presents from time to time
She doesn't want to leave Sojiro living by himself so instead of moving out, she gets a better place at Yongen-Jaya for both of them to live together.
Haru has little to none attachment to the money her father hoarded by exploiting others. That results in her not wasting it mindlessly, but using as much as she can to make other people happy (mainly her friends)
She always offers to lend her friends money if any of them needs it. They always refused until she told them "if you ask a bank for a credit you gotta pay interests, if you ask me for a credit my only interests would be company and coffee dates"
Haru commissions Yusuke whenever she realizes he's struggling financially. She asks for huge expensive art pieces, giving him complete freedom on what to do. It's her way to help him whitout making him feel that he owes her.
She later uses said pieces to decorate her coffee shop.
In her crusade to learn as much as she can about coffee, tea and coffee shops she makes a list of all the places in Tokyo (and other places in Japan) she wants to visit. Knowing that Yusuke would never decline anything food related she invites him to go with her, also wanting to know his opinion on the different places as she knows he would be brutally honest. That way coffee dates (in a completely platonic way) end up being a routine for both of them
On the menu of her coffee shop she has drinks inspired on each one of the Phantom thieves, fitting their preferences and named after their codenames at the Metaverse.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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Starting from the first episode, Rick and Morty's sixth season mirrors, references and counters season three. Season six references other seasons, especially the second, but the writers really want you to focus on season three and how much has changed.
Season three starts with The Rickshank Rickdemption, which I think is the best episode in the series, but it also shows Rick at his worst: a horrifying monster who destroys everything in his path on a rampage that culminates in a full-on mental break as he yells incoherently at a terrified Morty in the garage.
The Rickshank Rickdemption shows Rick's "fake" backstory, features a return to Morty's original dimension and involves the whole family in a zany adventure. Unfortunately, this also kickstarts Rick's spiral into nearly irredeemable madness.
Solaricks goes to similar places: Rick's backstory, Morty's original dimension, the family's complicated dynamic. By now, season five has revealed that Rick's "fake" backstory wasn't fake after all. Instead of mocking the audience with a "Fuck you, you can't have what you want!" sneer, the episode shows us Rick's quiet sadness.
Meanwhile, Morty ends up in his original dimension yet again. But he doesn't find the goofy Mad Max-esque characters from season three. His father, who's become a more realistic deception of an apocalypse survivor, tears into him and tells him--and the audience--that he, Beth and Summer were real people, not plot devices.
The episode abandons the cold and mocking earlier version of the Cronenberg Smiths. Jerry abandons Morty, too, leaving Morty to wander away crying. No brutal destruction and bloody corpses on the citadel. Just a sad, lonely teenager in an empty landscape.
Rick comes back for him without claiming that he doesn't care about Morty. He doesn't yell at him, insult him, subject him to horrifying violence or bait him into trying to kill him. Morty's not angry at him, either. After everything that's happened, after all the fucked-up shit that Rick's pulled, after all the screaming and fighting and abuse, Morty runs to him with a smile on his face and his arms outstretched like a young child.
Nothing could make Rick abandon his revenge-fueled atrocities in The Rickshank Rickdemption. In Solaricks, he abandons his chance to kill Prime when Morty calls him "Grandpa."
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Likewise, Final DeSmithation is the second Rick and Jerry episode that we've been hoping for since The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy. The first episode battered viewers with Rick and Jerry's hatred for each other. Rick unleashes rage-fueled tirades while Jerry focuses on his desire to get back at Rick, to hurt him and even kill him.
In Final DeSmithation, Rick isn't the one terrorizing Jerry. In fact, he actually gets annoyed at the Smiths for making fun of him (while doing household chores, which is another first for Rick.)
He has no reason to help Jerry. If anything, he has a chance to endlessly mock him. But he gives Jerry a half-assed explanation that he "just didn't want to see someone get bullied into going to a zoo," which would still be nice if it were true. Rick doesn't even bother making up a mean one, such as "I'm only doing this so that my daughter doesn't kick me out of the house for not saving your stupid ass."
Final DeSmithation also had a fandom staple: Rick in a suit and tie. The series full of fakeouts suddenly pivoted to giving fans what they want.
Rick's mean to Jerry throughout the episode, but you can tell that he's getting tired of the act. He's a little more patient, and his remarks are less incisive. At the end, Rick tries to take it back by slapping Jerry, but the episode doesn't end there. He immediately looks guilty and accepts Jerry's offer of friendship afterward.
I also loved when Rick said that he's "dead center on the alignment chart." Earlier seasons, including season three, glorified the idea of Rick being close to evil.
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Analyze Piss is the most direct callback: a sequel to Pickle Rick. However, Rick's not concocting ridiculous plots to get out of therapy. He willingly attends therapy. He paces around and fights against it, but ultimately, he seeks help.
He respects Dr. Wong, who knows how to talk to him on his level. He puts her ideas into practice even when the family pushes back because Rick's not doing what they want him to do. Rick still struggles and falls apart, but he tried this time.
He has chances to manipulate the Smiths, but he doesn't take them. Instead, he looks at them sadly. His ego is slowly eroding.
Finally, Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation mirrors The Rickchurian Mortydate. Both episodes are season finales, and both involve Rick and the President bickering with Morty caught in the middle and getting increasingly sick of Rick's bullshit.
Still, this episode is a little nicer. Rick relapses, but he doesn't entirely backslide and turn into the murderous lunatic that he was in The Rickchurian Mortydate. He's just crabby.
The episode ends with an exciting cliffhanger instead of a dark moment when the Smiths (rightfully) get tired of Rick's bullshit. Rick even says in his usual crazy rant that he'll try to be healthier in season seven as he hunts Prime Rick.
We finally get a fakeout, but this one is gentler than the others. It's disappointing that Rickbot wasn't the real Rick, but the writers don't want us to leave thinking that Rickbot existed only to fool us. Rickbot tells Morty that Rick technically committed those kind, loving acts. It's a surprise twist that doesn't negate the entire season.
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Season six countered infamous scenes from other seasons, but the season three parallels stood out to me because they contrast Rick at his worst with Rick at (maybe) his best. He can't change the past, but when he ends up in the same situation again, he can make different choices.
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pockyteau · 1 year
✩ chishiya x reader where home is where the heart is, but also where apples are too
✩ a/n - finally using tumblr so i thought i'd post some of my oneshots here!
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You and Chishiya have shared an apartment for a little over a month now, the unit itself cosy and convenient for the both of you to commute to your respective destinations. The two of you have fallen into a comfortable routine since, alternating between household chores each week for fairness' sake. 
These chores, aside from the actual purchasing of groceries, include the task of either you or Chishiya writing up a grocery list of the items your pantry is missing - and this week, the task has fallen upon you. 
The two of you now stand by the grocery store's fruit stall, while Chishiya glances over your shoulder to see the notepaper you had scribbled a list out onto the night before. You hear the teasing hum reverberate in his throat before he speaks. 
"I see we need apples." 
"Shut up," you grumble. When Chishiya begins to laugh, you jab his shoulder in protest. "At least apples are good for you. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, you know."
"Oh, so you want me to stay away?" Chishiya smirks, easing the grocery list out of your hands. He scans over the rest of the items scribbled onto the notepaper, his smirk growing wider as he reads the word 'apples' written three times over at various stages of the grocery list. To be honest, you can barely recall writing the thing - you had been dozing off writing your final papers, and in a state of lucidity had recalled your empty fridge. 
And apparently, your lack of apples. 
Chishiya shrugs and begins to place a week's worth of apples into your cart, chuckling when you lightly shove him and tell him that he couldn't possibly stay away for that many apples-worth. You sigh and begin returning the fruit to the stand; your blonde 'doctor' simply tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, reminding you to sleep earlier tonight as he reaches for a pear. You can't help but smile at the indifference in his tone, for the way his touch lingers against the side of your cheek tells you just the opposite. It doesn't bother you that Chishiya's affection for you is quiet - you had come to find comfort in the small pieces of his heart, hidden between warm gazes and the gentle reminders to take care of yourself.
He starts to help you put the apples back, taking the fruit cupped in your hands from you and placing it carefully on top of the apple pile. As he does this he muses that yes, he wouldn't be able to stay away that long; no doubt you would eventually appear in his hospital, wasting away from sleep deprivation and malnutrition, and quite frankly he didn't need another patient on his hands.   
"I take back what I said earlier. Stay away as long as you'd like," you declare, and he snorts when you begin to scoop the apples back into your cart.
Chishiya is there when you are up late again, squinting at your computer screen as your curtains begin to soak up moonlight. 
"It's late," he says. He leans around the doorway to your room, one hand on the doorframe. He looks tired, clearly weary from his shift at the hospital. You feel a stab of guilt for making him have to remind you to sleep instead of resting himself, and resolve to make it up to him somehow tomorrow. 
"I'll finish up in an hour or so," you promise. He eyes you skeptically. He knows this is a lie - you will most likely be up until the sun rises. Many a time you have found blankets draped over your shoulders, your computer shut with a note reminding you to eat a proper breakfast pasted over it. Chishiya pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about when asked about it, but you know for sure that the notepaper is from the campus notebook he keeps on the coffee table.
You smile, hoping to reassure him. "Go get some rest, Shuntaro. You must be tired." 
"That would make two of us," he points out dryly, but disappears from your doorway nevertheless. You hear his footsteps softly moving about the apartment as you return to your papers, suppressing a yawn. You wonder if it's too late for caffeine, briefly recalling the new coffee machine you'd bought on a whim. It had taken a while to convince Chishiya, who is anti-coffee, that the purchase had been a good one. 
"You can make matcha tea with it too," you'd pointed out, and his complaints turned to curiosity when you'd presented him with the machine catalogue.   
The blonde returns a few moments later, waving away your protests as he places a round apple on your desk. 
"Here," he says, looking at you pointedly as he pushes the apple forward with his index finger. "Since I know you're not going to sleep anyway, you may as well eat."
You blink at him, bemused, but he offers no further explanation besides a raised brow and a smug: "It's too late to drink coffee."
You swat at him, his lips curling into a wider smirk. As always, he is able to predict your thought process down to a T. "You're despicable," you laugh, but you press a kiss to his cheek before he leaves your room, thanking him in a whisper (which he dismisses, saying the proper way to thank him would be to not die). 
His footsteps eventually recede, and you are now left with the apple. 
You pick up the apple and turn it over in your hands, watching the way the soft light of your lamp shifts across its red skin. It's a sweet gesture, unusual for someone with Chishiya's nature. A smile finds its way to your lips as you recall what you'd said to Chishiya at the fruit stall, insisting he stay away from you as you'd piled apples into your cart. 
You suppose he really won't stay away, then.
Apples begin to appear all over your apartment.
You find the little red fruit waiting on the breakfast table after Chishiya has left for the hospital on the day of yet another final exam, or sitting on your nightstand when you are up late again. The apples, crisp and sweet, earn themselves a special place in your heart; the fruit becomes almost precious to you, a wordless but sweet means for Chishiya to reach out to you in his own way. They make your apartment feel like a real home.
So you happily accept the increase in apples around your shared apartment, occasionally teasing Chishiya about his sudden love for the red fruit. Chishiya pretends he's paving his way to a discount on apples; you suppose the owner of the fruit stall is getting used to the two of you too, by the way he greets you and Chishiya as you enter the store. Instead of calling his bluff you kiss the blonde gently on his cheek, the warm fondness for him in your heart almost overwhelming. 
While Chishiya brings home an abundance of apples, you begin to return the gesture in a different way. You start frequenting the bakery across from your apartment complex, the air in the store as warm and sugary as the employee who works the register (who, by now, also knows you by name). You pick out desserts and pastries baked with apple to give to Chishiya, playing to the blonde's secret sweet tooth; golden chiffon cakes topped with apple slices, apple danishes sticky with honey. You felt that this exchange, with your sugary twists of golden pastry and fruit and Chishiya's plain apples, seemed to suit the two of you perfectly. Plus, it was a great way to trick Chishiya into developing a liking for the same desserts you did - you wouldn't mind an increase in apple tarts around the apartment, either.
"If I have to eat all these apples, you do too." You would insist, pressing a paper bakery bag into his hands, then grin when he sighs and reluctantly takes the pastry from you.
And aside from the fruit stalls and bakeries, you couldn't forget the grocery list, either - the square of paper was now always headed, without fail, with the word 'apple' written three times over in Chishiya's terrible doctor's scrawl. 
"Shuntaro, it's super late." 
Chishiya pushes hair back from his forehead, dark rings visible for once beneath his eyes. It surprises you to see the blonde look so tired, when he's normally so composed. You recall the night shifts he's been taking the past few days at the hospital, wondering exactly how much sleep he's had this week. "Maybe you should to go to bed."
"I should be telling you the same thing," he says. His voice is slightly rough from fatigue, although his words still manage to mantain an amused quality. He is disinterested in your concern; even though the two of you have been living together for some time now, you know that in some ways, Chishiya is still used to being alone.
"I'm not sleeping until you do," you say adamantly. The blonde sighs and turns to you wearily, his computer screen flickering before him and an array of papers spread over his desk. Medical reports, you presume, although you admittedly know shocking little about Chishiya's occupation. 
"It's going to be a while." He sifts through the documents with one hand, raising the other to pinch the bridge of his nose. "You shouldn't have stayed up as long as you already have. There's no point in compromising both of our sleep."
You fall silent, pressing your lips together. Chishiya turns back at you knowingly through half-lidded eyes, head tilted despite his weariness. Choosing to disregard his words, you step carefully into his room and gently kiss his forehead, resting your hands on his shoulders. "I'm not sleeping, Shuntaro," you repeat, slightly softer than the first time. "The burden of one is the burden of all, right?" 
Chishiya snorts, automatically leaning back into your touch. "That's ridiculous." 
"It's righteous, that's what it is." You grin. "Look, I'm going to make some hot chocolate. Do you want some?" 
He shakes his head, but you make up your mind to prepare two cups anyway, pattering into the kitchen to find the blue and white ceramic mugs you had bought when you'd moved in. All the mugs you'd brought from home were terribly chipped, but while you'd protested that it gave them character, Chishiya had silently added 'new mugs' to the shopping list. 
The steam from the drinks create soft clouds in the air, the warmth settling over your hands as you take both mugs by the handles. You briefly note to yourself to add cinnamon to the shopping list, having not found any in the pantry to add to the hot chocolate. 
On your way out of the kitchen, your gaze lands on the fruit bowl.  
Chishiya doesn't look up as you slide the white mug onto his desk, careful to avoid the various documents scattered over it. The other mug, the faded blue, remains in your hand as you place a shiny red apple beside the blonde's computer. Chishiya blinks, finally glancing curiously over from his computer screen.
"I know you're not supposed to eat before sleeping," you gesture to the apple with your free hand, "but just in case, okay?"
Chishiya raises his brows and you see his tense expression ease slightly, amusement evident in the smirk that plays across his lips. He closes his eyes for a moment, before reaching for the mug of hot chocolate. 
"Aren't you thoughtful," he hums, leaning back in his chair to take a sip. His eyes drift to the apple, and he taps the fruit with his other hand teasingly. "Well. While I am a stickler for rules about apples at night, I think I can make an allowance just this once." 
You laugh, lifting your own mug of hot chocolate to your lips. "Shut it. I'm never bringing you apples again."
He chuckles, taking another sip of his hot chocolate. "I'm devastated. Traitorous, that's what you are." He then pauses, tilting his mug thoughtfully. "Shall I add cinnamon to the grocery list?"
"Mhm. I think we might need more cocoa powder too."
You wake up the next morning to the sound of the apartment door opening and closing, followed by the quiet click of the lock. You find you are swaddled in a warm blanket, your two mugs of hot chocolate lined up neatly on Chishiya's desk. His chair is empty and last night's mess of documents is gone. You yawn, remnants of sleep still blurring your vision. Where is he, anyway? You recall the shuffling downstairs - ah, right - and realise the door just now must have been him leaving for the hospital. 
You sleepily make your way downstairs, collecting the mugs and placing them carefully into the sink. Your coffee machine calls out to you enticingly; you search for another mug to make your morning beverage, blearily taking the milk from the fridge after locating a glass and setting both items onto the counter.
But then you register, with surprise, the little red fruit positioned right beside your coffee machine.  
Something folded and crinkling sits beneath it, a hint of grey letters peering through the paper. You utter a soft laugh as you slide the piece of campus notepaper from under the apple, taking in Chishiya's penciled note.
Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, it reads. It's bad for you. 
You fold the note back up, tucking it into the space between the counter and your coffee machine. There's no harm in doing what he says for once, you suppose. 
The apple glints in the morning sunlight before you pick it up and take a bite, munching thoughtfully on it as you make a note to visit the bakery in the afternoon. The last time you'd been there they'd advertised apple crumble, and you'd been hoping to buy some for you and Chishiya to share.    
The apples mean you're not staying away, either. 
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