#and i want to answer them all because i don't want people to think i'm ignoring them??
to the anon asking about the large amount of sex-trafficking/rape prompts/stories/blurbs, im going to try and give you a real answer
one major factor, is shame
it's a largely subconscious thing, the fact people's sexual fantasies lean toward this aggressive often dehumanizing scenarios.
but its something that has been observed in people raised with very strict social expectations regarding sexuality often having rape fantasies, because it is a way to indulge in their sexual feelings without having to admit to them, in a way.
i, personally, am fat and queer. and while never stated outright to my face, the fact that small children have on several occasions began crying while looking at me in the supermarket line, I would also have to assume im not that much of a looker either
any show of desires for intimacy, physical or emotional, has been laughed at. people asked me out as a joke when i was in school, my father's side of the family openly lamented my appearance since I was a child because my only real value to them was continuing the family line, and that's not going to happen if I'm unattractive and fat
the fact is I have been told my entire life that me being wanted was impossible, if anybody desired me they would keep it a secret out of fear of ridicule, and anybody who would be open about it must have a specific fetish or be using me
I want to be wanted, hell there are times I'm desperate to get catcalled, because that proves somebody finds me attractive enough to express that. (even if the reality of it is objectifying and rude) the basis of these sorts of fantasies are often rooted in being seen as so desirable, so wanted, that any and all restraint goes out of the window. (you know that romance trope line that's like, "are you sure? because once we start i don't know if i can stop." same idea) the tendency towards trafficking and sexual slavery are also rooted in this, but with the added bit of "see, somebody wants me so bad they will spend money on me, to own me. they will fuck me in a crowded room without shame because their desire for me isn't something they're ashamed about, i am a prize, and the fact they get to fuck me is something they will gloat about."
one of the major appeal of monsters is that they wouldn't be bogged down by our social expectations, or they would have ones of their own. there is no fear regarding being wanted despite my looks, because the things about myself I have been told make me unattractive, are things that they openly and voraciously desire. Also, for the fat folks in the chat, wanting to be picked up and tossed around by your partner is largely something we can't have, (BMI is bullshit but mine is nearly double what it "should" be) you don't have to worry about that if your partner is an 8+ foot tall creature that can suplex a sedan
so while in reality, me being stocky and fat is seen as something that makes me unattractive, a werewolf would look at me and go "ah, yes, broad as a brick wall and twice as thicc, he can take it in a tumble."
can you see where the overlap occurs?
obviously there are some generalizations and assumptions based on my own biases here, and everybody's got their peculiarities, but these are themes I have seen throughout my many years too many online
I also just think monster fucker spaces are a little more open to taboo kinks. like wanting to fuck a werewolf who could kill you at any second is already weirder than most people want to go. thank you for sharing your perspective anon.
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longing-for-rain · 2 days
hey there!
please don't take this the wrong way, because i'm genuinely just asking. i've seen your criticism of aang and kataang appear on my dash from time to time, and it just got me wondering: how can you enjoy the show?
i understand that you feel passionate about katara, and i suppose about the entire story, but. aang is like on screen 90% of the time, and he gets his happy ending too (as happy as it can be, of course, with having his entire culture and people on the brink of non-existence). how do you reconcile your love for the show with your dislike for its main character and how the narrative rewards him?
and once again, please understand that i'm not attacking. i'm just curious to see at what point does someone stop being a fan and start being simply critical of a certain media, if you know what i mean.
thank you for answering if you do, and cheers!:)
I just don’t pay attention to him very much. Even in the finale, Zuko’s ending and story stands out more to me. Him standing before the crowd in his sparkling crown, announcing that he wants to bring in a new era of love and peace, that’s powerful to me. Watching Zuko go from an abused boy who thinks his only worth comes from accomplishing an impossible task in his desperation to appease his abuser, to a literal king taking back his power and using it for good, is a powerful story.
As for Katara, to me, her true ending is the Agni Kai. I wrote a whole post about it. That is the culmination of her arc, where she is able to display her power and use it to overthrow the regime that she’d grown up being terrorized by. And then after Zuko was nearly killed, Katara was able to save his life just like he saved hers. The way their stories intertwined was beautiful, and it was a beautiful conclusion to Katara’s story, watching her not have to feel helpless for once and bringing the change she’d always dreamed of.
As you can probably tell, these are my favorite characters so I was satisfied by their endings. To be honest on my rewatch, I usually kind of just skim the Aang vs. Ozai fight because it’s just an anime battle. The characters hadn’t even met prior to the fight, so the emotional depth is lacking compared to the Final Agni Kai.
As for the balcony scene? I don’t watch it. And I think it says a lot that by simply not watching it, nothing is lost. It adds nothing to either character and only serves to give Aang a reward. Before that moment, nothing about the finale suggested Katara wanted that at all. Neither character played a significant role in the other’s finale arc. There was absolutely no narrative significance between them.
But there was for Zuko and Katara.
To me, Katara ended the story as a heroine and warrior, not a love interest. With Zuko, that was her ending. So that’s the real ending to me, because that’s what her character means to me.
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writers-potion · 2 days
said is NOT DEAD. our brains have seen it so much that when reading dialogue, it just glosses over it. if you don't want to detract from the dialogue, USE SAID. other words might ground the reader a little too much and lose a bit of immersion.
--this comes from my old tutor who now has a phd in literature
Said Is Not Dead
Of course not! "Said" should still be your go-to speech tag, the benefit being that it flows best. I find it nice to have a larger working vocabulary when it comes to expressing speech, though, and I think many writers would agree! It's one thing to use "said" because you know it's the best word choice and another to keep using it because you can think of no alternative.
Having said that:
". . . Don't tell me your character 'excaimed,' 'stated,' or 'replied.' When in doubt, just use 'said.' That's all. Maybe they 'answered.' They certainly did not 'retort.' You can use 'said' more often than you think . . . it's one of those words that takes a while before it starts sounding repetitive." -- Ariel Gore, How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead
"The best form of dialogue attribution is 'said,' as in 'he said, she said, Bill said, Monica said." -- Stephen King, On Writing
"Mr. [Robert] Ludlum . . . hates the 'he said' locution and avoids it as much as possible. Characters in The Bourne Ultimatum seldom 'say' anything. Instead, they cry, interject, interrupt, muse, state, counter, conclude, mumble, whisper (Mr. Ludlum is great on whispers), intone, roar, exclaim, fume, explode, mutter. There is one especially unforgettable tautology: '"I repeat," repeated Alex.' The book may sell in the billions, but it's still junk." -- Newgate Callender, in The New York Times Book Review
"Editors and critics often refer to melodramatic dialogue tags as 'said bookisms.' They know that these phrases give our story an amateurish look. Your readers might not know what the darn things are called, but chances are that they'll notice them, too . . . In most cases, the word 'said' would work just fine, and using said bookisms detracts from the dialogue." -- Ann M. Marble, "'Stop Using Those Said Bookisms,' the Editor Shrieked."
"[Say is] just too simple and clear and straightforward for many people. Why say something when you can declare, assert, expostulate, whine, exclaim, groan, peal, breathe, cry, explain, or asseverate it? I'm all for variety and freshness of expression, but let's not go overboard." -- Patricia T. O'Conner, Woe Is I
"In journalism circles, said is a virtue--simple, precise, and unadorned--and alternatives to it are considered frilly and silly. You don't have to agree, but be aware that lots of editors hold this view. Choose your alternatives to said with great care." --June Casagrande, It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences
"We're all in favor of choosing exactly the right verb for the action, but when you're writing speaker attributions the right verb is nearly always 'said.' The reason those well-intentioned attempts at variety don't work is that verbs other than 'said' tend to draw attention away from the dialogue." --Renni Browne and Dave King, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Side Note: After a month-long hiatus while this uni writer struggled with exams, internships, interviews and multiple mental breakdowns, I am going to resume answering questions that have piled up in my inbox! Get ready to be bombarded with writing QnA!!!! :)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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dunmeshistash · 3 days
one way kui shows some colorism is in the orcs. the only lightskinned orcs are the baby and Leed - the two members of their race that are the "nicest"- the most open to outsiders, and willing to negotiate. this plays into the idea of people with lighter skin being more "pure" in some way. i know there are other characters with dark skin, but looking at the orcs, i think it's a bit of an issue. i dont think kui is a violent racist or anything, but i do think her choices when it comes to the orcs' skin colors reveal some biases she has.
I wasn't gonna answer this at first cause I didn't want to drag that subject further but I couldn't really stop thinking about it.
While is true that there's colorism in there, especially cause Leed is the cutest and most human looking orc and also the lightest one. I think this ask kinda reveals our own biases more than anything
Leed isn't nice at all, Zon is the nice and rational one between the two of them.
Which one of this characters let them go and gave his blessing so the other orcs left them alone, even tho they disrespected him to his face several times, and which one was gonna kill one of them herself cause that's a novelty and was gonna feed another as a toy to the dogs.
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I wouldn't say the light skinned orc is the nicer one. Just because she's cuter, a girl and the most human looking one between them doesn't mean she's the nicest. She only respected and helped them once she learned they had a deal with Zon, there's no sympathy for outsiders in this girl.
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Ignoring skincolor and thinking about the purpose of the character design I don't think its a coincidence the cute one is ruthless and the "uglier" (Zon is hot but you know) one is the actual one worried about a realistic solution.
And the baby orc I think only had an official color in the anime that was made by trigger? I don't remember Zon's son having a color in art by Ryoko Kui. Anyway I'm not defending Kui's choices I just don't think we should have biases "against" or "for" her when we don't actually know her and instead engage objectively with the good and the bad of her work.
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skunkox · 1 day
"Until he gets tired of me."
That's was Darlin's answer anytime someone questioned their relationship with Sam. A pircing but deep pain would shoot through their chest every time they said it. But it was always said in a joking tone and a movement to distract the other person from their face.
No one needed to see how that thought may have hurt them. They knew what they were getting into from jump. Darlin' felt safe. Safer than they had felt in a long time. They found that safety in Sam and were grateful for it. Nothing is promised, and to have had Sam in their life at all was a blessing and a mercy.
As much as they hated the thought of Sam ever leaving them, Darlin' could never blame him. They'd fucked up so many times in their life. People had gotten hurt. They were reckless. In being so, caused Sam to strain himself to care and worry for them.
There were day they wished Sam would just pack up and go. To rid himself the headache of their presence. But whenever they woke, he was always right there, holding them close and tightly.
He'd never do that, though. It was obvious to anyone who actually bothered to see them together. The tenderness in his eyes. The gentleness of his touch. The vampire was beyond sprung for the wolf. He was happy. Like he was finally healing.
Sam wouldn't be going anywhere. Sam learned that about himself very quickly after the first couple of meetings. Darlin' knew as well. A part of their brain screamed to believe otherwise. They hadn't done anything to deserve his grace. His patience. His love. Love that was promised to them until the end of their time.
"Do you think Count Yee-Haw will stay?"
The question had been asked once again. This time, by a young boy named Carlos. He had gotten attached to Darlin' as a toddler and was one of the few pack members that was genuinely happy to see them back.
Count Yee-Haw was the nickname the the pack kids had given Sam. Only they could call him that, though. It was a name bestowed upon him after the collective decided to put his vamp strength to the test. The poor man was literally dog piled and left to hold and stumble around with a minimum of 8 kids hanging off his frame like ornaments. It was a title he was growing fond of.
"Probably. At least until he gets tired of me." Darlin gave the boy a half-hearted smile and pulled forward the hood of his jacket.
"I heard some of the adults talking. They said that he wouldn't stay when you get older." Carlos admitted, frown all too clear on his face. "It's stupid. He obviously loves you. And you're happy now. Isn't that enough?"
The words spoken came from a place of care. Carlos had missed his favorite rebel and defender of Asher's antics. Truth be told, he was worried Darlin' would become uneasy around the pack again and got MIA again. They were more stable with the southern vamp at their side.
Darlin' was about ready to hug the kid in an attempt to soothe his nerves. But a single thought ran through their head. Carlos was a sweet kid. But what he said was just a little nice? Too nice to come from a tween.
"Besides. I don't think you'll ever stop being weird. A d he already talks like an old ma-." Darlin' cut him short with a smack to the back of his head.
"If you think that, why even ask?"
"Because I know you hear them too. And I don't want you guys to go anywhere."
If you read all that, I'm sorry.
Labeling this as part 1 cause I'm tired. Sorta been drained all week. Hoping to get actually rest this weekend and do a part 2. I have a habit of starting things and not finishing.
AO3 scares me, so small shit will remain here for the time being.
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soracities · 2 days
Hi, how do you manage to see children as good? I would like to, but I only see them as inconsiderate and terrifing in a way a military robot would be terrifing. Not evil, because they are wired that way and it's just who they are, but everyone would be better off avoiding them. I've been to therapy because I was bullied, but I didn't change my mind. I kinda feel like it's an elephant in the room and I am right. I'd like to hear the good stories as often as possible tho, maybe sth will change
I'm not coming for you, but with all due respect it's not "just who they are".
Children aren't military robots because they aren't lifeless hunks of machinery incapable of thought or feelings; they are human beings (like you were at that age) who are trying to make sense of the world around them (like you did at that age), and who want to be a part of that world and feel welcome in it (like you did at that age). They are not coded to do the same thing over and over with no input from anyone else, they are not machines singly wired for carnage: they watch, learn, adapt, respond and interact with things around them because these are smaller, younger versions of you and me learning what it means to exist on this planet in the first place with barely any filters, impulse control and absolutely no guidance on how to do this except what the environment around them (parents, friends, family, teachers) tell them is and isn't okay.
I don't believe this is a matter of inherent goodness or lack thereof--I don't believe anyone is inherently good or bad: what I believe is that we are all inherently social creatures who desperately want to be part of our communities and involved with other people. Children are no different. They want to learn, they want to help, they want to figure out where they belong in their little social units and they look to you to tell them where that is because they don't know yet. And if they are in an environment where bullying is okay (either because they were treated horribly and no one did anything or they see and hear others being treated horribly and no one did anything or they treated someone else horribly and no one did anything) than that is what they'll accept.
If you follow your logic that everyone is "better off "avoiding children--what then? How do you expect them to learn right from wrong if no one is volunteering to teach them? How do you expect bullying to stop if no one is taking the time to instill it in them that bullying is not okay? How do you expect them to ever learn to be kind and considerate when everyone around them makes it clear they're not wanted? How do you expect them to learn what any kind of care and responsibility looks like if everyone is avoiding them to begin with? How do you expect them to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions if you treat them all like a monolith? Every single adult is an ex-baby, an ex-child, an ex-teenager--how do you expect decent adults to come into this world if you avoid teaching all three of those?
I'm not saying any of this to dismiss what you went through or undermine the horror and the impact of it, and I genuinely am sorry you were put through so much. But the best way I can answer your question is with full honesty: and I think it is going to be difficult for you to find those "good stories" and be open to them if you are already convinced that you are right because of what happened to you, that children are automatically feral terrors and that everyone else is just pretending otherwise or ignoring the reality. I believe what I believe because I've spent years around kids and seen all sides of them. I know they can say horrible things. But I also know they learnt those horrible things from a careless adult, or another child exposed to a careless adult. Children can be terrifying--but they are terrifying to other children. And that terror is coming from a reactive and limited understanding of the world where so much of what happens to you often feels like it's coming from large, hidden, horrible forces you can't wrap your head around (because you can't, because your head is 8 years old). But the fact is adults are also terrifying to children. And which of those are you now?
I can't speculate on what you went through or how you processed it, but I think it's worth considering that you may still be looking at children through the eyes of the child you once were and the horrible experiences you had. Again, I'm not dismissing that pain--it's real and it happened to you, and I can absolutely understand your feelings and conclusions--but that doesn't mean they equate to objective conclusions or generalization about all children, especially since you were a child: would you look at yourself like something similar to a military robot? Would you want to have felt the adults around you thought it better to stay away from you? And what about the people in your life that you care about most? Can you imagine them when they were children, like you were? Would you think the same thing about them?
If you want to change your mind, you need to put yourself in situations where that opportunity arises without expecting that your belief is the default. If you can, ask teachers what their fondest memories are of teaching--what's the funniest thing they've heard, what's the kindest thing they've seen, what's surprised them most about kids? What have they learnt from kids (because you do learn--you learn all the time). Ask people who love children why they love children, or simply see if you can find discussions on forums where people share those stories. As I said, I've heard and seen kids do some awful things--but those are tiny compared to everything I've seen that is the opposite (boys giggling face to face on a hill, a tiny toddler waving at me on a bus, a child naming a slug that crept in through his window, a 9 year old boy trying to teach me morse code after having known me for 2 minutes despite how long it took me to understand). It might also help if you give yourself the opportunity to learn a little about child psychology--if people's experiences aren't enough for you, then maybe getting insights into how children's actual brains and minds work might. If you're curious, there's a documentary series from 2015 or so that follows 4, 5, and 6 years olds as they play and engage with each other here to try and understand what their world looks like.
Sincerely, I don't mean for any of this to sound harsh and I really hope it doesn't--but at the end of the day there isn't a secret, pure anecodte that will magically make you change your mind. Change isn't passive; it's something you decide to do and actively work on and that includes challenging your own beliefs by providing them with new and wider information. I'm not saying you have to become a kindergarten teacher to do this, or start spending all your time around children. But if we are going to survive in this world and forge any kind of lasting connections we have to be able to offer some amount of grace and understanding to each other and the people in our lives--and that goes doubly for the people who have barely even begun learning to be people at all.
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koolades-world · 2 days
Can I request headcannons of MC getting in a fight with Solomon and Simeon (separately) about something pretty big and how MC (or Solomon/Simeon depending on the reason for the fight) makes up for it/apologizes? I just need some good old angst to fluff man.
Thank you and your writing is amazing!
hi! of course :)
the solomon one was def a lot more serious that the simeon one just because i couldn't think of much that mc and him would get into a serious fight about haha (this only thing i could think of was mc confronting him about his choices that led to him becoming humans and that needs it's own piece for sure)
i kinda deviated from the prompt as a wrote, so sorry about that haha. that happens sometimes as i write. the solomon one is much more on prompt
enjoy <3
Mc gets into a fight w/ Simeon and Solomon (separately)
you get jealous that he's been spending so much time with the members of the school's art club
that in itself isn't the problem and you're glad he's getting out there more with something he doesn't normally do, it's just that you can tell that two other members in specific are very into him
they inserted themselves into your relationship and specifically tried to upset you, which cause you to blowup at them
"So, what time are you going to be home?" You pinched your D.D.D. between your shoulder and your ear as you got together the ingredients for dinner that night, since it was your turn to cook.
"In about an hour. Art club will take a little longer today. We're finishing our paintings. I hope you'll like it." The melodious voice of your boyfriend, Simeon, was piped into your ear.
"I'm sure it'll be amazing. If you're going to be late for dinner, let me know. I'll set aside a portion for you." You smiled at the nervousness you heard in his voice.
"Alright. I'll talk with you later then. Love you, Mc." Simeon said.
""Love you too. Stay safe." You put the phone down, and went back to preparing dinner. After you were done, you left it on the stove on keep warm and went off to get some homework done. Eventually, dinner time had rolled around, and still nothing from Simeon. You assumed everything was as normal, so you called your other housemates to dinner.
"Thank you Mc." Luke sat down at the table with his plate.
"Let me know what you think! I tried a modified recipe today." Before Solomon could speak up, the front door finally opened. You got up to greet who you presumed was just Simeon, but there were three people in the doorway.
"I'm home. Hope you don't mind I brought a few guests." Simeon stepped aside to fully reveal his two companions. You recognized them as two other members of the art club, an incubus and a succubus. They really liked Simeon, which wasn't wrong, but they liked him too much. They knew he was currently in a relationship, but that didn't seem to stop them.
The rest of what happened was somewhat of a blur. You vaguely remembered getting progressively more upset at the two newcomers, until eventually, you stood up from the dinner table and went upstairs to your room.
"Mc? I know you're in there." Simeon knocked on the locked door. you didn't answer him. "I'm sorry for bringing them home. I didn't know they'd say that to you. You can blame me all you want." Instantly, you felt bad for unconsciously pinning the blame on him. He had such an alluring personality, so it wasn't really his fault that everyone liked him.
"It's not your fault." You opened the door, and pulled him into the hug. "They were trying to get a rise out of me, and I took the bait. It was a result of pent up feelings I should've share before. I'm sorry."
Simeon sighed and patted your back. "No need to apologize. It's normal to be jealous. I could have done better and asked, but the past is in the past, isn't it?" He took a step back and picked something up that was leaning against the wall. "This is for you. I'd wanted to prepare some of your favorite cookies to go along with it, but I thought now might be a good time to give it to you." In his hands was a portrait of you.
"Simeon! This is beautiful. Thank you!" You hugged him again.
"I'm glad you like it." Simeon moved to set it down, but you stopped him.
"Let's hang it up right now. I have the perfect spot." Simeon was glad to have been graced with seeing your beautiful smile once more.
the two of you get into a fight about his tendency to hole up in his room for days at a time
he says he's doing important experiments but you just want to spend time with him
when he does leave his room, it's a weird hours and it's at one of these times that you happen to run into him
"Sol." You held up your D.D.D.'s flashlight. In front of you was your boyfriend, looking like he hadn't slept in at least a few days. The situation might had been funny if you weren't so upset with him. He froze in the beam, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Mc, my love, my joy, my sunshine. What are you doing up this late?" He chuckled nervously, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing." You stared at each other in silence. "Babe, it's been three days since I last saw you." He smiled at you sheepishly.
"I've been doing important work." The response he came up with was lackluster.
"What could be more important than your significant other?" You sighed, lowering the flashlight. Solomon didn't respond. "Our anniversary was yesterday. You promised to take me out to dinner. I waited and waited, and even knocked on your door, but you told me you'd be out soon. You never came out." Tears began to well up in your eyes despite promising yourself you wouldn't cry. As the realization hit him, Solomon began to move towards you to comfort you, but you took a few large steps backward.
"My work really is important, but let me make it up to you. We can go out tomorrow morning for brunch, or whatever you'd like." He kept trying to move towards you, but stopped once he realized you didn't want him to close the distance.
"Maybe. I don't know. My feelings are hurt is all. I got dressed up and even had a present ready. I left it outside your door, not that you noticed." You wiped the tears away with your sleeve.
"I made a real breakthrough in my research, if that helps." Solomon suddenly looked much more awake.
"It doesn't. At all. I only wanted one thing from you, but somehow you've managed to avoid it at every turn. I admire your passions, really, I do. But sometimes, I feel like that's the only thing you care about." You turned around, and ran out of the room, taking the only source of light with you.
"Wait! Mc, come back!" Solomon promptly ran headfirst into the door you'd just slammed shut, leaving him alone in the dark, and upset himself.
The next day, he showed up at the HoL, bouquet of flowers in hand. He hesitated for a moment, but knocked. Unfortunately, Satan greeted him. He looked mostly collected, but that didn't stop him from being nervous.
"Hello." Solomon smiled at him.
"I presume those flowers aren't for me." Satan raised an eyebrow.
"Haha, no. They're for..." Your name died on his tongue when he saw you in the background. Your eyes were rimmed red and you had messy hair, but you looked rested. When the two of you made eye contact, you froze.
"Mc, I'm sorry." He held out the flowers to you over Satan's shoulder. He rolled his eyes and stepped a little out of the way. Far enough to give him room, but close enough to force him back outside if needed. You burst into another round of tears, and before Belphie, who was next to you, could grab you, you ran towards him and hugged him tightly.
"That's all I wanted to hear yesterday." Solomon held you close with his free hand.
"I'm sorry for making you think my research was more important that you, I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary, and I'm sorry for not communicating better." He extended the flowers to you again once you stepped back.
"Thank you. You remembered my favorites." You took them, and gave them a quick whiff.
"Is it too forthcoming of me to ask if you're still up for brunch?" Solomon chuckled.
"No. I'd love that. Just let me get changed." You handed the flowers back to him temporarily to run back inside to get out of your pajamas. Satan had left at some point, but Asmo had found his way into his place.
"Sol. I love you, but if you ever try that again, I think I'll have to put your heart on a spike in the RAD courtyard." Asmo giggled. That was the second time he'd heard his usually endearing nickname spoken in such a threatening way in the past day.
"Noted." Just the reminder he needed never to piss off his s/o or Asmo ever again.
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queerprayers · 1 day
luther inspired hitler, following him is a step away from following hitler
Welcome, beloved. I don't want to dismiss your message, but I do want to make some things clear. I, like many, have horrors in my religion that I have to be able to address, and prejudices that I do not perpetuate consciously but know that I nonetheless have absorbed from culture, and am responsible for healing. Antisemitism within Christianity is a huge topic, with people devoting their lives to studying it. I would not fault any Jewish person for antagonism toward my communities--you would be right to be wary, and if I intend to continue participating in these communities, I must be able to understand and accept any justified anger or distrust coming my way.
I'd encourage everyone reading to learn more about this through the Wikipedia link, but a brief description/summary for those who don't want details/images: The mentioned article is about an antisemitic artistic trope from the Middle Ages. The church where Martin Luther preached included an image of this sort from 1305.
Martin Luther was antisemitic. This isn't up for debate. There is more to say, of course--we can look at how his attitudes changed over his life (for the worse, to be clear), we can talk about the extent to which he specifically influenced Nazism (this is a complicated conversation that I'm not qualified for)--but he was undeniably, horrifically, antisemitic. There's a Wikipedia page solely devoted to this topic.
That said, there's huge diversity within Lutheranism, seeing as it's a large religious tradition, and if you're interested in learning about Lutheranism and Hitler specifically, I'd encourage you to look into the split within the German Lutheran Church in 1933 and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian who was hanged at the Flossenbürg concentration camp. It's fascinating to look back at that while living through such religious division in America right now.
Luther was a complicated man, who did not set out to found a church, and opposed the term "Lutheran." He was attempting to reform the Catholic Church from the inside, because he himself was Catholic. Not a very good one, obviously, but he didn't consider himself anything else. He was a monk for a time, then an academic, and his beliefs got him excommunicated. I've read some of his writings, but not all. I find value in them, while disagreeing with a lot of it. Lutheranism is a space with which I have fellowship with God and humanity, not a set of rules or a devotion to every word of a man from the 16th century. I'm not interested in excusing or defending him, nor do I feel the need to honor him in any way. I hope I disappoint him completely.
I am a Lutheran Christian--and I would not fault anyone for thinking those words function similarly. So to explain: I'm a Christian as in I follow Christ, devote myself to his teachings, pray to him, and live for him every day. I'm a Lutheran as in I am a member of a church and culture that traces back to communities of German Protestants who identified with the theology of Martin Luther. I do not follow Martin Luther. I do not follow Lutheranism. I follow God, and participate in Christianity often within Lutheran communities--primarily because of my heritage and the music.
Protestants don't have Saints in the Catholic sense, nor do we have a pope. Martin Luther is not our Saint, or someone we pray through, or our leader. We don't read his writings in church, we don't look to him for answers. He's someone many people have found wisdom in, someone who has inspired countless reformers, but he is a man. A saint in the Lutheran sense, a lowercase-s saint, a member of Christ's community--a sinner from his mother's womb. He probably wrote more about his own sin then you ever will. He devolved into conspiracy, and said horrible things about Judaism and Catholicism and Islam, and we have seen the legacy of German antisemitism (which he did not create, but obviously contributed to), and it's a good thing I don't idolize him. I honestly don't think about him very much. Yes, I read his catechism in Bible classes, but we were free to disagree with it--we were using his most basic writings as a starting point. The words of his that are most present in my life are his hymns, which we do sing often. His teachings were intended to lead people to the Bible rather than leaders/traditions, which is why he translated the Bible into German, and why I go to the Bible, not to him. I learned about his antisemitism growing up, and prayed for repentance on behalf of my ancestors.
There are people who hold Luther in higher esteem than me, to be sure. Do I think they're basically following Hitler? I don't know. It depends why they value him, I would say. Idolizing anyone is dangerous, especially men in the 1500s. I can think of no historical male writer I value that was not at least slightly misogynist. The two authors I've read today, Virginia Woolf and Shakespeare, both have antisemitic writing. Countless people sainted by the Catholic Church, and countless popes, have been antisemitic. There is no innocent tradition. I'm not trying to excuse any of this, or say we shouldn't be critical, but this is why we don't base religions on people. They have to be founded and organized by people, which means there's going to be issues (and Christianity's are quite obvious), but Christians have to remind ourselves every day that the only human we worship is the one who was God.
I wish you well, beloved. I'm glad you see the evil in my religion, genuinely. Not enough people do. I hope you continue educating people and being active in your fight against antisemitism--if you're not Jewish yourself, hopefully this shows up more as supporting Jewish people and communities, and less like borderline accusing people online for following Hitler because they still use the word for their traditions that their Norwegian great-grandparents did, because it's the word that stuck from the beginning. We're named after Luther's excommunication, not his antisemitism--Catholics would have had to change their name to Lutheran too if that was the theological issue happening. There's a whole conversation to be had on whether we should call ourselves Lutheran, but regardless, the communities and heritage exist, and will continue to evolve.
May God have mercy on the crimes of my community members. May God lead me to walk in the way of justice. May our religion serve us, and may we serve God.
<3 Johanna
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carmenberzattosgf · 2 days
my hand is good! I have two scars now under my middle finger on my palm but all is well!
I'm also here to ask about birthday treatment from carmy? I dontnthink he does a lot for his birthday and I personally don't do a lot so I think its either a sup casual affair or he's celebrating the fuck out of it because he's like that's my s/o and I love them and this is the day they started existing and I love that.
it is simply my birthday and i want to be spending it with fiction people but alas!
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day my dear friend <3
To answer your question though, Carmy is 100% celebrating the fuck out of you. He’s going to wake you up with breakfast in bed with your favorite breakfast foods. He’ll even buy some silly little balloons to have in the kitchen and the living room. They’re not even displayed all cute they’re just, floating on the ceiling, but he made the effort!
The whole day is all about you. If you want your nails done? Okay, sold, he’s paying for them. Hair done? Yep, he’s tagging along and covering the bill. He’s going to watch all your favorite movies and shows with you cuddled up on the couch.
If you want to have a proper birthday dinner, he’s going to make a phone call and get a table for you and all of your friends ( and him of course) at the nicest restaurant in Chicago. Carmy’s also going to make sure they do a dessert with the candles in it as well.
Although, if you don’t want a proper birthday dinner, he cooks one for you at home, anyway. Carmy’s already come up with the perfect birthday dinner menu. Literally, he’s thought of an appetizer, main course, and he’s made your favorite flavor of birthday cake. Oh, and he sings you happy birthday while you blow out your candles. To be completely honest, he films you blowing out your candles just because he wants to keep the moment forever.
Now to talk about gifts, he probably asked Sugar or Syd for help a couple of days before your birthday. While Carmy is talented in so many things, gift selecting is not one of them. He’d much rather prefer to go ahead and buy you the things you’ve mentioned wanting. There’s so much going on in that head of his, he doesn’t want to forget about things you’ve said.
I like to think that after talking with Syd and Sugar, he decides to buy you a gold necklace with his initial on it. It’s not huge or flashy. The necklace is a simple gold chain with a small round pendant attached to it. He opts to have a “C” engraved on the pendant in a dainty, cursive font.
The gift is perfect. You can’t help the tears that well up in your eyes as you look over the pendant in the velvet box. Your eyes widen when you see the 18k gold certification in the box. “Carmen—this is so gorgeous—you really didn’t have to splurge like this. I would have been happy with nothing.” At this point the tears freely flow from your eyes as you look at Carmy, who’s just smiling happily.
“It’s your birthday, baby. I love you.” There’s a break in Carmy’s sentence as he cups your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “You’re worth every single penny and more,” he says before leaning in to give you a small kiss.
“I love you so much, Carm. Wanna help me put it on?” He’s eager to see the necklace on you, so he stands up fast to get the box from you. Carmy stands behind you and clasps the necklace at the back of your neck.
“There we go. How’s it look?” Carmen asks before walking back in front of you. Honestly, he has to catch his breath for a second. He didn’t realize how much of an effect seeing you wear his initial would have on him, but he is a man after all.
“It’s so gorgeous, Carm.” Your face beams you stand up to look at the necklace through the mirror on the wall of the living room. “What do you think?”
Carmen walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and setting his head on your shoulder. “I think you’re beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, my love.”
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gamerbunny1996 · 3 days
Jschlatt x Innocent reader
First off before we start I will be posting soon a request bored for anyone who wants me to write something. Next is I'm not very good at writing I have dyslexia so it's hard for me sometimes so sorry if something doesn't make sense but yeah.
“Hello guys welcome back. Today I'm going to be playing Minecraft. I'm hoping to finally finish my cherry blossom house. It's so close to being done.” You said to the camera. Chat talking about things to add to your house. Launching up the game you get a dono. Any new stuff animals you bought. “Yes actually” soon you're pulling up a new teddy bear that says My princess on it. “My friend sent me this isn't he cute I haven't decided what to call him yet” putting the bear down you continue on playing Minecraft.
Later on another dono came through. Which friend gave you the bear laughing at the message you look at the camera dead on. “It's a secret he would kill me if I told” you purposely said he so the chat could go wild. “I don't know why the bear says my princess though because I'm a queen but eh what can you do” you commented out on the chat still going crazy at the fact the bear says my princess. “Also I see you guys spamming bunny ears no not today guys I only wear them when you get the goal and you haven't done that yet.” Soon you see a call come in from discord. Rolling your eyes, you answered it. “What” you say. “Hello to you,” Schlatt responded. “Anyway what's up” you replied. “Well I seen you streaming and decided to come ruin it”
“Of course that's what you do best” rolling your eyes at the camera to show the annoyed expression you had towards schlatt. “You know it sweetheart” he winked at you. Blushing hard at that you try to play it off. “So your not a princess huh I couldn't find a queen one but I don't think it fits you anyway” schlatt points out that he was the one that got the bear for you” chat went crazy with different responses like omg schlatt and Y/n are together or ew gross would rather have schlatt single.
“Look what you did now, chat is going crazy” he laughed out loud amused at what he did. “Well I didn't care if people knew that I gave you a stuffed bear. What was wrong with that? Don't you like stuffed animals you always beg me to buy you one” he was right but you didn't want you fans or even his fans to know he buys you things. “Guys we're not dating, calm down” you said to chat. You could hear Schlatt laughing. “I just wanted a calm stream playing Minecraft'' you flip you screen to show just your face.
“I think I'm done with Tonight guys. I know it wasn't long but someone had to come and ruin it” you look at the screen where Schlatt's facecam was.”
“That's what I do best, toots. Well maybe now we can have alone time” Schlatt wiggled his eyebrows.
“We have alone time all the time. What makes this different?” you asked clueless to what he said. Chat going crazy trying not to have schlatt ruin your innocents.
“Oh sweetheart we do now? I don't ever remember us having a special time alone” he smiled an evil smile.
“I'm confused now” you said reading chat hoping they would tell you what he means. All your reading is most everyone saying nooo.
“Maybe I should show you but you'll have to turn off the live stream. I don't want anyone hearing or seeing” now at this point you're so confused. “Okay?” You go to turn off the live stream when you hear Schlatt start laughing so hard. “Someone please explain what's going on” once Schlatt catches his breath he replied to you. “I was messing around with you. Damn you're so innocent it drives me insane” you puff out your cheeks mad. “I'm not innocent”
“Okay prove it say something perverted”
“Ummmm….” You start to blush crazy. “No that's not appropriate” you try to defend. “You're so innocent” crossing your arms. “What ever I'm ending the live for real this time” you go and click end live and now it's just you and schlatt.
“So like can I come over”
“For what”
“To show you what I mean” you look at him confused. “I guess” he jumped up so fast off his chair it fell. “On my way” and soon the screen went off. You look at your husky who was laying on the floor by your desk. “That man will be the death of me” you turned off your whole set up and went to the living room waiting for schlatt.
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the friend zone
"Yeah, I—I dunno. I guess I'm curious what it feels like? But everybody sees it as romantic, or—or sexual, and I don't wanna like, like, I don't wanna kiss somebody who's, like, into me."
"I would kiss you," Adaine says.
Riz, who's curled so far in on himself she can barely see his face, looks up at her with wide eyes and cheeks flushed a dark green. "Really?" - Riz and Adaine share a first kiss.
"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Riz asks, spinning around in Adaine's desk chair to face her, on her bed in a sort of half-laying half-sitting position. Riz's fingers continue to run along the pages of the open textbook in his lap, but he's looking right at her.
"I mean, Kristen kissed all of us—"
"Aside from that," Riz says, and Adaine notices his tail anxiously flicking against the floorboards. "I don't know, I don't think that counts."
"No. Have you?"
"No," Riz says, scrunching up his face a little.
"Do you want to?" Adaine asks, though she's sure she knows the answer.
"No. Well, I—I've been thinking about it." Riz closes the textbook and puts it back on the desk. "'Cause I—I'm... romance isn't really my..."
"Yeah," Adaine says, sensing his anxiety.
"But, like, the idea of kissing doesn't have to be romantic, you know? Like—like kissing on the... on the lips," Riz says, drawing his knees to his chest and resting his chin on them.
"I never thought about that before," Adaine says, sitting up to face him properly.
"Yeah, I—I dunno. I guess I'm curious what it feels like? But everybody sees it as romantic, or—or sexual, and I don't wanna like, like, I don't wanna kiss somebody who's, like, into me."
"'Cause like, well, if they're interested in me, that'll make me feel, like, really bad, and like, even worse if I don't even like kissing. But I'm, like, curious, because online, aro—uh, some people who don't wanna date and stuff said they still like kissing and stuff, so I don't know. Sorry, I don't know what I'm saying."
"I would kiss you," Adaine says.
Riz, who's curled so far in on himself she can barely see his face, looks up at her with wide eyes and cheeks flushed a dark green. "Really?"
"Yeah, I'm honestly curious too. And I don't have a crush on you or anything. I think you know that."
"Yeah," Riz says, grabbing his crystal off the desk and walking over to join Adaine on the bed.
He flops onto the bed, lying on his stomach and opening up a search engine. Adaine sees him type in "how to kiss someone".
He clicks on an article, and Adaine sees him cringe at a picture of two people making out. And then reading another article and cringing at its instructions. And then cringing at another picture.
"I'm pretty sure we could ask like, any of our friends how to do this," Adaine says.
"I don't want to," Riz says, sitting up and facing her.
Riz puts his hands on Adaine's cheeks, and the intensity in his stare makes her giggle a little.
"Is that okay?" Riz asks, tilting his head in question.
"Yeah, where do I put my hands?" she asks, cupping his face the same way he cupped hers.
"That's good, I think," Riz says, blushing harder.
"Can I..." Riz trails off, his eyebrows knitted together and his gaze falling to her lips. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yeah," Adaine breaths out, watching him chew at his lower lip with his fangs before she closes her eyes.
Riz pulls her forward and he meets her in the middle, pressing his lips against hers.
It's funny, Adaine thinks, the way people talk about kissing like it's the best thing in the world. Right now it just feels like lips touching lips. No butterflies, no sparks. Somehow, exactly as she expected.
And it's kind of rough. His lips are excessively chapped.
And just as quick as it started, the kiss is over.
Adaine opens her eyes, and chuckles a bit at Riz immediately wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.
"Your lips are extremely chapped, dude."
"Somehow, that felt exactly like I expected it to feel," Riz says.
"Same. What did you think of it?"
He scrunches up his face. "Not my thing. You?"
"I didn't mind it," Adaine says with a shrug.
"I guess now I can definitively say to the others that I don't need to get my kisses in because I know I don't like it," Riz says, lying on his back beside Adaine. She lies down as well.
"I don't think that you should even need to justify it," Adaine says. She loves all of the Bad Kids, but sometimes they can be a little insensitive when it comes to this.
"It's not whatever."
"I'm the one who's weird and different. Not them."
Adaine turns to lay on her side, facing him. "Riz..."
"I haven't even told them, really. That I—that I'm... that I don't wanna..."
"You shouldn't have to. I don't think you owe that to anyone."
He turns to face her, fiddling with his rings. White on the middle finger of his left hand, black on the middle finger of his right.
Adaine has noticed that he doesn't wear them at school. Or around the other Bad Kids. Only when he's with her.
He's never come out to her, and he doesn't have to. It's his business. They almost have a sort of unspoken understanding about it. He knows that she knows even though he's never said it.
She looks him in the eyes, and he's on the verge of tears.
She reaches a hand and cups his cheek. "You know you're not broken, right?"
Riz shuts his eyes and sighs, letting the tears fall. "Let's not have this conversation right now."
"Okay," Adaine says, scooting closer to Riz and moving her hand from his cheek to wrap an arm around him, pulling him close. He buries his head in the crook of her neck and drapes an arm over her side, taking a deep breath and loosening up ever so slightly.
Maybe one day they'll finally get to that conversation, but for now, Adaine takes Riz's glasses off and puts them on her bedside table, and they take a much needed nap.
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xerxeswitch · 2 days
Unpopular Belief about "Deities"
Please take this with a grain of salt. I know there's going to be some hurt feelings about this. Just block me and save your time because I do not answer to hateful replies. They will be blocked immediately.
Ahead of time, I'm NOT telling you to NOT worship them. If you feel that intimacy with the "gods" you worship, then go on ahead. If you find fulfillment with them, please continue and move on.
I just want to state my mind on what I find is a sinister trend with pagan "gods." (I'm well aware that it's unintentional for the most part)
Not all "gods" love you.
Not all "gods" unconditionally love you.
Not all "gods" even know you exist.
Not all "gods" care about your wellbeing.
Not all "gods" are accepting when you worship someone else.
Not all "gods" act like animated characters that I've seen people make them out to be.
Not all "gods" will change your life for the better. (At least all the time)
Not all "gods" want to be a different gender as you idealistically depicted them as...as some strictly stayed where they were known for.
Some "gods" are misogynistic.
Some "gods" are misandrists.
Some "gods" are predatory.
Some "gods" are manipulative.
Some "gods" see you as replaceable pawn.
Some "gods" are toxic and controlling.
Some "gods" are genocidal.
Some "gods" will look at you and ruin your life if you don't know what you're dealing with. Some "gods" are not the paragons of morality.
These beings have different personalities, traits, stories, and capacities for certain things or for certain people.
JUST because they are deemed as "gods," that doesn't mean they all have this one dimensional, demanded expectation of what makes them "gods."
Someone claiming the stories/myths about these "deities" are not to be acknowledged or that these "gods" shouldn't be questioned and unquestionably revered because they're "gods" -- are people I don't trust at all.
That could be potentially dangerous to new people getting into this.
What is a legend without the stories to know what happened?
...Or how they came to be along with their personalities, capabilities, and how they react?
The myths are absolutely something worth reading up on. You can't just will it away because they ruin YOUR desired vision of who they are/who you want them to be.
It's disrespectful to even the culture surrounding their flaws.
A lot of pagans/ex-Christians here are evangelizing them.
It's ironically painting them as all one and the same kind of being, and it makes the "gods" lose some form of identity and uniqueness.
Good or bad.
The myths exists. Without them, the concept of these "gods" wouldn't logically exist to us. It's a part of the culture too, good or bad. It's like history -- you can't erase history but know it and learn from it.
It'll be like saying, "I worship wendigos but don't listen to Native Americans about the part where they are known to eat people. These beings love and care about you. Remember that! They understand the time you put into them."
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...I can't help but think this whole thing stinks of "I can fix him" intentions.
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madlori · 2 days
The Claw is our master.
I've had a few folks in DMs ask me how/why/when my shipping did such a completey 180. It's a fair question. I am, after all, someone who spent the last 2 years fervently Buddie shipping, writing fic for them, doing the same hoping/analyzing/searching etc that everyone else (well...not exactly the same, I've always been skeptical of most of the theories and such because I don't believe in a production's ability to be that sneaky, covert or mischievous).
And yet, here I am. I can't really even pretend I'm still a Buddie shipper anymore. Initially I said sure, I still hope for it. I...can't in all honesty say that now. I've firmly decamped for BuckTommy Land. Is this a recipe for heartbreak if they eventually breakup? Sure, but that's always a risk. No more than shipping a non-canon pairing, anyway.
And there's nothing wrong with shipping a non-canon pairing. People do it every day. Hell, it's practically the backbone of fandom. Obsessing about ships being canon is a one-way ticket to dissatisfaction and sometimes total unraveling. I've seen it happen more times than I can count over 30 years in online fandoms.
But if that's the case, why didn't I stay on Team Buddie? Why did I defect so thoroughly that I'm at the point now where not only do I not think Buddie will ever happen, I don't want it to, because I now want to see something different from those two characters, something I believe we will actually get from the writers.
The answer to that question is: I have no idea.
People ask this like I'm somehow in control of it. I'm not. The Fandom Brain is like The Claw in Toy Story. The Claw is our Master. The Claw decided who will go and who will stay.
Fandom Brain is my master. It decides what I'm going to ship, what I'm going to be fannish about and what I'm not, and when I'm going to stop feeling fannish about something. I have zero say in the matter, I'm just along for the ride. At some point in every fandom I have ever been in, my Fandom Brain has, usually with no provocation, decided "Ok we're done with this fandom now." And nothing I can do will make that not true. I can't force it. I can't cajole it. It just is.
Similarly, Fandom Brain has decided "Welp, we're done with this pairing now. We like THIS pairing now. Proceed." Are there reasons? I'm sure there are.
Is it just that it's a canon pairing? Possibly. There is something very seductive about a canon pairing after so long of looking for crumbs and tiny hints where there (mostly) none to find. But I've shipped plenty of non-canon pairings before.
Is it that I prefer Tommy/Lou to Eddie/Ryan? Absolutely not. I love Eddie, always have. I admit to being slightly more of a Buck girlie, but that doesn't mean Eddie means nothing to me.
Is it the immediate gratification? Maybe. Is it just how the relationship's being written? Possibly. Is it just a mental adjustment for my belief that Buddie will never happen, and Eddie will always be straight? Likely. But that doesn't change the outcome.
So here I sit, just...yep. Sometimes it just be like that. I didn't choose this, it's just what my brain decided was going to work for me going forward. If this goes up in smoke, my brain will choose something else, whether it's to run back to Buddie, or be done with 9-1-1 entirely, or who knows what else?
The good news for any of you who follow my writing is that I'm still working on the next Husbros installment. That universe is removed enough from the canon that it almost feels separate to me now, and I'm still feeling connected to it. Yes, I've written a few short BT fics, but so far I've not had any lengthy or involved plot bunnies for it.
So there you have it. I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me. I don't know if I'd have chosen this if I could, but tbh I'm having a pretty good time with it so far, so. That's probably a big part of the reason.
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HEY WHO WANTS AN UPDATE ON MY VACATION THAT NO ONE ASKED FOR? Lmao well sucks for you this is a monarchy and I am Prince and you're getting it anyway:
1. My friends and I went down to eat breakfast. The waiter asked them what language their native tongue is, Kannada or Tulu or anything else, and before they could answer he pointed at me and said (in Kannada), "I knew this one speaks English as soon as I looked at them. With people like this I just go full butler and restrict myself to yes or no."
2. Yes I fucking got called out as a whitewashed piece of shit by a random waiter who took one look at me. The worst part is he's right. English is my first language.
4. I made a lot of intense eye contact with dead babies to evade the Birds. To be fair, most of the babies had, um, closed eyes. Or no eyes. I promise I wouldn't have been making that much eye contact without the Birds. I'd have been looking at the kidneys instead. No i will not be elaborating for fear of freaking people out.
5. It was legal btw. Aside from the photo my friend took of me making the two fingered salute (like the dude smiling next to the grave meme) next to a foetus that was at least slightly demonic in origin.
6. Anyway so then I spoke to my other friend and told her how I felt (about being afraid that they didn't see me as a guy because they've known me since I was 11) and she said it wasn't that, she was just getting used to the new name and pronouns and that was all (since I only came out to her two days ago). And I hugged her.
7. My friends have all been using Asmi for me and correcting themselves with their pronouns. I love them and I want to cry.
8. I saw two men holding hands in front of me at the mall. A very careful holding of hands, delicately. But I think they saw me glance at them, because when they got on the escalator in front of me, they untangled their hands and when one reached for the other's hand again, he pulled it away, and they both carefully stayed on their phones. I don't know. Just something I'm thinking about.
9. Maybe I should take off the progress pride pin from my denim jacket and just wear it everywhere I go. Fuck blending in with the cishets I want the queers to know I exist and they're not alone.
And those were the highlights of my day <3 A totally normal vacation for real.
Have the loveliest of days my maggots I'll be back home in two days and then I'll have all my attention to annoy you with, my loves. And a social battery, which currently is dead by night because of irl interactions.
I'll sleep now. The Horrors will be occupied with me, I hope they leave you alone.
I love you 💕
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kimingyuslover · 2 days
money money money
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synopsis : You met Joshua's at a party. after hiding your relationship for 3 years long, your parents want to meet him. What would they say about your boyfriend?
word count : 1,614
pairing... : Joshua Hong x fem!reader
warnings : fluff, chaebol!reader, angst, tears, lawyer!Joshua, forbidden love(?), stangers tro lovers!au, gentleman!Joshua (i literally melted)
a.n : finally finishing this, the most long drabble i have ever made, wow (impressed by my brain tbh..)
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it was a sunday night, the first that you met him through a mutual friend you had in college, you met him at omega kappa beta party, he's playing beer pong with his friends— and a fwe of yours too.
mingyu spotted you on the crowd of people, and he smiled brightly. "y/n! come here!" he yells because of the music that blasts in everyone's ears.
first of all, you're not supposed to be at this party because your parents are not allowed you. they say it could ruin the family image or whatever they say.
secondly, you have an early class tomorrow, and having a hungover will not be a good reason for the headache that you'll have in the morning.
lastly, you don’t think you can handle Joshua's pretty face while talking, joking and drinking with his friends & yours.
after a moment of hesitation, you go there, and suddenly, you're having the best night of your life.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
when you met Joshua. after that party, he asked you to go out with him, which you gladly accept with a wide grin spread on your face.
"so, have you seen any boy that you take interest on?" asked your father while he's eating the dinner who was made by your private chef. your long time to answer makes your mother speak, "you know we can set up a date for you if you don't have one, right? you need to have a boyfriend, as soon as possible i might add" your mother said flatly.
you know, if you don't tell about your relationship with Joshua, you will most likely go on a never-ending blind date until you find what they call "the one".
"i have a boyfriend. we're in a relationship for over 3 years. we met at the party in college, that party is sending invite to all the people who have the same year as me" you said while looking at them. tour mother widened her eyes, and you could see the doubt in her eyes.
"oh, good then. tell that boyfriend of yours to come here for dinner tomorrow night" your father replied curtly, and now you're the one who's really wants to furrow your eyebrows.
"isn't it's to offhand? i also don't think he's free all the time" you said after a moment of hesitancy. your father only lightly chuckles, "well, if you really have a boyfriend who's been in a relationship with you for over 3 years, don't you think he should be ready to meet his girlfriend's parents?" you stopped eating, for a moment you thought about this and decided that you have to bring joshua home, so you nodded your head slowly, "i'll tell him" you finally said, and your parents only nodded in approval.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
tomorrow is coming faster than you think, which makes you wonder if this is because of your nervousness.
"baby! you're waiting for me?" the voice that sounds familiar makes you turn your head from where the voice came from, and there he is, Joshua. you run to you, give you a quick hug and a peck on your lips. "i actually wanted to tell you that you've been invited to my family dinner, and you need to come tonight, i'm sorry if this tossed you off, if you don't see them tonight they will set up an endless blind date for me and we'll have to break up" you burst out with your teary eyes, you feel bad for him. instead of panicking, Joshua held you closely to him and saying.
"no worries honey, i'll come to your house, okay?" you nodded your head. you don’t trust your voice when you're almost crying.
and soon the night fall, you're waiting for Joshua to come. It's nearly 8 pm, and your dinner will soon start. when you nearly get your hopes down, Joshua is ringing your home bell.
the dinner is already finished, and now your father is throwing so many questions to Joshua, made you eyed him in worry.
"so, what do your parents do and what major do you in?" your father asks straight forwardly, and now you really want to throw daggers at him.
Joshua is so calm when he answers the question, "my mom is a doctor, and my dad is an engineer. i major in law, and i currently go to the law school for my further education" he said while keeping that sweet smile on his face.
after so many questions, your father decided that Joshua could go home. you walked him to the front door, "sorry" you said. he furrowed his eyebrows, "why are you sorry? you've done nothing wrong" he says as he cupped your cheeks, "my father, he's really straightforwarded person"
"no need to be sorry, baby. i'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He hugged you close to him, and you reciprocated the hug, you hug him tightly as if this was the last time you'll see him.
when you came back from the front door. Your father is already in the living room, with a news paper on his hands.
"oh, y/n, come seat here." you have bad feelings about this.
"you need to break up with your boyfriend"
"you heard me the first time. you need to break up with your boyfriend, his status is not the same as ours, he's lower than us" your father said makes you stare at him in shock.
"so what if his status is lower than us? at least he loves me, and i love him too!" you yell at him. you shouldn't believe their kindness towards him. you should've seen this coming.
even if you're already giving your point of view of him and love, your parents still not approved of him.
"whatever, i'll leave tonight and never come back. even if you block my credit card, i can just throw it." you get up from your seat and walk to your bedroom. you closed the door with a loud thud, with tears slowly coming out from your eyes. you pack your things inside of your 2 rimowa suitcase.
once you're done, you take your bag and fill it with your charger, phone, and every necessary thing you think you'll need. when you get out of your room, you walk straight to the front door. your mother tried to stop you from doing so, but her effort wasted and she didn’t even get anything.
as soon as you pay for your taxi, you go to Joshua's penthouse building. you cry your heart out to him that night, and Joshua whispering sweet nothings to your ear. you really don't wanna sleep that night, alas, with Joshua holding you close, you start feeling sleepy, and finally, you close your eyes.
the next morning come, and to say you smile immediately when you see Joshua on the other side of the bed that you're sleeping was an understanding.
"good morning beautiful" he said with his raspy voice when he opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was you staring at his face.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
and that happened 2 years ago. now you're in a boutique store to make your dream wedding dress, and the designer is currently measuring the size of your waist.
you run away from your house, and as you can imagine, your father blocks your credit card, but there's nothing to worry about because you had started your business when you're still a freshman in college, so you have enough money for yourself.
Joshua decided that he would take a lawyer as his job, and lots of famous law firm asking for him to be one of their lawyer because he had a perfect score in the law school.
you guys decided that you will save some of your earnings for the marriage you both have dream of.
"okay, i'll let you know when you can see the preview of your final dress" the designer said after he measured your body and picked the fabric that you wanted for your dress.
"thank you, this is unbelievable that i can pour my story with my fiancé on this dress" your eyes beaming as if they made out of the stars in the sky.
"oh, darling, i'm so honored to be your dream wedding dress designer. You touched me with your story, and nothing beats true love" he said while gesturing to wipe tears from his right eye.
2 months later, Adrien Kwon— your designer, is calling you to his boutique for your dress try-on, and of course you take Joshua with you.
"so, how do we think?" Adrien said after two of his assistants opened the curtains to revealed you with your dress.
"i love it! what do you think, baby?"
Joshua was speechless for a moment or so, he can't believe his eyes. seeing you in your wedding dress make him thinking about how beats you'll look when it's your wedding.
"i am in love with you and your dress"
Adrien coos, "proper grammar, that man is one of the kind, lucky you" he said as he winks at you.
not long after that, Joshua asked to be left alone with you to Adrien. which, of course, he accepts it.
"baby, you look,"
"what? gorgeous? your style? pretty?" you teased.
"everything, you look so beautiful, my love" he said as he kissed your hands made heat goes up straight to your cheeks, "i love you, thank you for not giving up on our love"
"i love you too, Joshua." you felt your lips crashing with his own. he held your neck as he deepened the kiss, adding more passion to the kiss.
if you're sure they're the one, please don't let them go. It's hard to find anyone like them in this universe.
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fruit-sy · 1 day
My personal thoughts on the major themes of Penacony 2.2
I was gonna make an entire Penacony retrospective and try to really dig into the whole story, but 1. I'm not that smart and 2. It has hours of footage and I don't think I'm strong enough to parse through that and form my own conclusions
so, just the things that really jumped at me and made me pause to think. I may do surface level research to make sure if a character really said this or that, but other than that, these are my thoughts fresh after finishing the quest.
Ok, to start off: Sunday and the road to hell
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He's... god, he's such a complicated and interesting little man.
He is what I would call the embodiment of the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". On the surface, he is trying to make a universe which is authoritarian-like. If you peel it back a bit more, he intends to make the universe a better place. But at the heart of it, I think he's just someone who is scared of pain.
There are 3 sequences I want to break down:
The Robin-Sunday exchanges before they meet Gopher Wood
This exchange has a lot of Sunday misdirecting Robin's points, but she calls out most of it.
Robin starts off with observing the dreamscape and concludes that dreamchasers shouldn't use penacony as a means of escaping entirely from reality. Because they won't overcome their demons. She asks if this can really count as "living"
Sunday at first seems to agree that things are not the way it should be. But there's a bit of misdirection on his part. He responded to robin's question by connecting "people using penacony as an escape" with (his opinion on) the way people currently "live" (which is what he was agreeing to in "things are not the way it should be"). He will then frame the narrative to show that people completely escaping through dreams is a good thing, and then will swerve to say how the "strong" should determine the future of the "weak".
Robin understandably does not agree with Sunday's narrative, because she believes that by staying in the dream (or MAKING dreamchasers stay in the dream), it will lock dreamchasers in stasis forever, making them unable to choose how to go about their future and overcome their difficulties. She then criticizes that no one has the right to determine whether a human deserves to live for a future or not.
There's a clear difference in ideology here. Sunday's devotion to Order is so strong because the experiences in his life had led him to believe that forcing his will on other people is the way to go. His ideology is rigid, cold, impersonal and is applied to all uniformly.
Robin firmly believes in choice and refuses to let an authority govern the way people should live. She wishes to unite people through her singing, and to inspire people to live. Her ideology is more personal, uniquely applied, and is idealistic and romantic.
2. The quiz sequence
An interesting thing about this sequence is the first two questions have quite reasonable answers. At the start of it, at least.
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The first question is about nurturing and letting go. I think why most of the girls agreed to put the bird in a cage is because to do something great, you must first be equipped to survive. Maslow's bottom hierarchy, if you will. i think Sunday realizes this too, and puts it into some of his points to justify making decisions on behalf of other people.
"We must teach the weak how to live a happy life"
Though, the problem is that he twists this point so much and wants to force this on everyone. This is seen when he puts everyone on Penacony in Ena's dream. This disregard for other people's input kinda reflects how he sees the bird, in a way. The bird is something below Sunday, it cannot object his actions because it is merely just a weak, injured little thing.
It is here that he experienced pain of futility. The pain of putting in effort into something but have it crash and burn in the end no matter what. Afraid of that pain, he wonders if birds are meant for the sky if some fall before they can reach it. He has a very black and white mindset about this.
Either all birds fly and deserve the sky, or if even one bird falls then no birds deserve the sky.
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The second question is about a person who is being pursued by the bloodhounds. Sunday is in a position of power, and has the influence to pardon the man. As a result, the man got away, forgot about his children, and hurt the people working under him in penacony.
Though, it's worth to mention that I think it's also partly the fault of the Oak family, who didn't try to discourage dreamchasers trying to find answers or solve their personal problems in Penacony. But I believe that's intentional.
Anyways, the crux of the question, if Sunday had known the outcome of his decision from the start and he had the foresight to think that Penacony isn't a place to search for answers, I actually think upholding the law would be the best course of action here.
I think this is where he developped his fear of... consequence. Because humanity has free will, they may use his pardon from the law to do awful things. This might be why he values upholding the law so much.
Another thing to note, I think Sunday hasn't gone off too far into the deep end at this point of his life. In a previous sequence with the same scenario, he actually questions what devotion to the Order would be like, and his doubts on its way of life.
"Who can judge the strong when their power hides their crimes?"
"Who can vouch for the weak when they will pay any price to survive?"
"Who can comfort the purest souls when even they get led astray?"
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It's important to note that Sunday is in a position of power and emphasizes knowing the outcome of the first two questions.
The third question is the only question where he and the other party were of near equal standing. It's where he still hasn't made a decision, and which the outcome has not yet been decided.
Sunday cares about Robin's input and feelings. He cares so much he doesn't have it in him to force her to stay for the Order.
I think this is the crack in his belief of the Order. Because he cannot stop her from trying to fly. Because he cannot apply his law indiscriminately. Because it's Robin. His sister.
He has not made a choice, and Robin has not met her end yet like he's feared.
But he's so afraid of the pain of losing her. He's so afraid it haunts him in his nightmares.
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After presenting the quiz, he essentially asks the main question of penacony: "Why does life slumber?"
He answers, "Because we are afraid to awaken from our dreams."
Interestingly, this is identical to Firefly's conclusion in 2.0. The difference is, Sunday thinks his answer is universal and will force his solution on everyone, while Firefly's is just her own personal answer.
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Firefly asks what the price for Sunday's paradise is, and that made me stand up and point at the screen in agreement. Because what Sunday's aiming for is an authoritarian universe.
When an authority reigns supreme that it forces its will onto unwilling citizens, all in the name of the ideal society. That's a dystopia.
As Sunday said before, who will keep the authority in check? Who can ensure that the authority will not abuse their power?
That's what's so dangerous about an authoritarian government. You can't take the risk when it comes to this. You can't just give the power to one person, no matter how righteous or nice they seem. Because like the saying goes, give them an inch and they will take a mile. You cannot afford to cross the line, because when you do, who knows how far they'll take it.
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Sunday clearly sees Firefly as someone weak, kind of akin to the bird in his childhood who needs his "saving". But Firefly does not appreciate someone deciding on her behalf whether she's weak or needs saving.
3. Ode to Order
I think it's important to note Sunday really frames Ode to Order in this angelic and holy way. Hell, the music even reflects this with a more bright and heavenly choir.
"Requiem aeternam" is a prayer for souls to reach heaven, eternal rest.
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(A bit of a tangent, but when I saw this in the game I SHIVERED so hard. This is such creative story telling aughh- Like, using previously established game mechanics and twisting them to become something horrifying is SO COOL. What a delightfully terrifying way to illustrate what Sunday aims to achieve.)
This illustrates Sunday's paradise as a place where everyone is forcefully "tuned" to become a certain way forever. To be manipulated with Ena's strings without their consent like puppets into a picture perfect scene.
Though, I was confused why Sunday framed this ideal society as people abandoning the need for an authority, when it was something he was pushing so hard in previous sequences.
But my interpretation is that he will spread this message, of everyone being of equal standing, but leave himself as the true leader that will stay awake to ensure everyone else is blissfully asleep.
This really ties everything together for me. Sunday is someone so self righteous but self sacrificial that he's willing to put himself high in the sky, and be aware that he will be completely alone up there.
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He is afraid of pain, and will do everything to avoid experiencing it ever again.
After experiencing pain, we shouldn't be scared of it. Sure, we can escape a bit to get some reprieve, but we must tend to our wounds so that we may not only survive, but live.
That brings me to the second major theme of Penacony : Nihility, and the feeling of futility
I will be breaking down Acheron's character first.
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Self annihilators/Nihility emanators are so interesting, they are beings that slowly are losing themselves thanks to their own powers of Nihility. A predetermined end.
Living for so long + Nihility actively chipping away at her being is sure to make her memories blend in together. This is why Acheron values emotions so much, because it is one of the only anchors she can use to avoid succumbing to Nihility.
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Her flashbacks with Tiernan are beautifully melancholic. Their exchange starts with Acheron pondering if the task Tiernan is doing is pointless, and if he should even bother? And if the end is expected, then should they change it? It's a bit muddy, but I interpret that here, Acheron is still searching for the meaning of Nihility, and Tiernan is the person who guides the souls to the other side of the river at that time.
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In the next scene, Acheron states she's holding on to whatever she can to avoid succumbing to Nihility. She had journeyed with a Nameless girl once, who wanted to explore IX. But as expected, the girl ceased to be, but left with a smile. Acheron is scared of forgetting her memories with that girl.
The only other anchor she knows is of her promise to bring more warmth to other people, to a more hopeful future where she will cut off Nihility. She associates that promise and hope with the color of red.
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The next scene mirrors the first scene. I interpret it as Acheron having found the meaning of Nihility, sorta embracing it, and is now guiding others to advance towards and depart the Nihility, with Tiernan having forgotten himself.
When Tiernan asks if what Acheron does is pointless, she gave the same answer Tiernan gave her, because some things have to be done. And she's come this far without needing a point, so why should she search for one?
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"May death be the end of your boundless dream... guiding you back to the waking world."
I still cannot decipher the meaning of this statement completely. As far as I know, it's said 2 times. The first is after Firefly "died", and the second is in the above exchange with Tiernan.
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In Firefly's case, perhaps the "death" refers to waking up from Ena's dream at the beginning, "boundless dream" is Ena's dream, and "the waking world" is Dreamflux Reef/reality.
In Tiernan's case, I can assume the "boundless dream" is his eternal unrest, as he's still lingering in the dead sea, not yet ready to enter the abyss of Nihility. The "death" may be referring to him entering the abyss, while the "waking world" is existence, as he finds his way out of Nihility.
To bring this all together, I think Acheron in this case represents and goes against Nihility. She presents Nihility as something inevitable and predetermined (death), something that awaits everyone, and something that everyone will have to embrace at some point of their lifespan (boundless dream).
But she also believes that one shouldn't wholeheartedly embrace Nihility. in the face of Nihility, we must do everything to take in the world around us and remember what makes us exist. She believes there is a way out of Nihility, and that is existence. (waking world)
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In the face of futility, if everything really did have a predetermined end, I believe we should still try to make choices. Despite it being "pointless", I think that's what gives meaning to our existence. Otherwise, we risk succumbing to Nihility.
That's why when the trailblazer finally uttered their own choices, I felt shivers. One, because this shows the development of TB's character, and two because TB will do what they have to, they will never be content living in a dream, and they choose to continue in the face of "futility", despite the ending of their journey being predetermined.
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In the face of futility, Sunday chooses to eliminate pain and choice out of the equation, only choosing to create a universe that's stuck in a mindless, blissful stasis. Because he is anticipating pain.
But sometimes, the anticipation is worse than the actual pain itself. He is also eliminating the element of choice, with the assumption that people will not be able to survive when they are facing futility.
But, Acheron's words really struck me.
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In the face of futility, pain, and pressure humans may freeze in fear. But that innate survival instinct in humans might push them to fight and claw themselves out to save themselves. By removing the choice to fight for their lives, they won't have the choice to fight off Nihility.
To end this, I would like to go back to main question of Penacony
"Why does life slumber?"
And I think TB answers this beautifully.
"Because we will wake from our dreams."
Life slumbers to find reprieve from the harsh reality. But slumbering does not give us the solution to our problems, only recharging us to prepare for the waking world once more. And in the waking world, even if what we do is futile, we still have a choice in how we want to reach for the end.
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