#and just so we're clear all I said was 'everyone misses them so much and I wish that was me'
disastergay · 2 years
sometimes I'll be having a good day and then my brain will go "hey remember that time you fucked up and got your d&d character (temporarily) killed and then the dm made you sit through a funeral procession complete with mourning and eulogies without your consent or even just a heads up and then got mad at you for having a mental breakdown and accused you of using their campaign to act out your suicidal fantasies? yeah lmao you're a real piece of shit."
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luulapants · 1 year
Existential despair is so common in a person's twenties, I think, because up until that point, we've had a pretty clear road map for what's expected of us and we haven't had much reason to question that map. There are still a few milestones outlined for us (start a career, get married, make babies) but more and more young people are entering the post-school world and realizing:
A) that career thing just isn't happening like they said it would
B) I'm not ready to get married/I don't want to get married/marriage isn't the sort of life-altering event that it used to be
C) I'm not ready to make babies/I don't want a baby/I can't afford to raise children right now (see point A)
And in the absence of these milestones to shoot for (which one could argue weren't the promise of fulfillment they claimed to be in the first place), what we're left with is this aimless abyss of "the rest of our lives" sprawling out ahead of us with no indication of how it will go or what we should be doing to shape it. Young people start their first jobs, find they hate them, and think to themselves, "Is this it? Am I just supposed to do this job until I'm too old to do it or die first?"
Which is, yeah, really fucking depressing!! So here's my best attempt at an alternate roadmap for young people that don't vibe with the old model. Please feel free to add in your own suggestions!
Learn how you work and what you want out of a job. Unless you've been in a job-specific training program that gives you hands-on experience, your first jobs should be experiments. Learn how a full-time job feels for you, what elements are more or less difficult. Different workplaces have different cultures and expectations - what do you need out of a job environment? Do you need to find fulfillment in your job or is it enough for it to pay the bills and leave you time to find outside fulfillment? Do you want to climb a corporate ladder or are you content to hunker down as long as your bills get paid? This period of experimentation is exhausting and may feel like it's consuming your whole life.
Learn how to make time for things outside of work. Adapting to a full-time work environment often leaves you feeling so drained that you can't do anything but go home and collapse on the couch every day. That's fine - for a little while. But it can also become a habit. You need to learn how to do things after work or you'll go crazy. Go to a trivia night. Start an exercise schedule. Take a class in your community. Find volunteer work. Join a band. You will find that putting more things into your day makes you feel like you have more time, not less.
Find a community. Making friends as an adult can feel impossible. Where do you find these mysterious friends everyone seems to have?? This goes along with #2, though. As you start regularly attending the same activities, you will find that repeat interactions with the same people turn into friendships or at least friendly acquaintances. Say yes to invitations. Get involved in your local community. Strive to be connected enough to bump into people at the grocery store.
Unlearn bad lessons. We all internalize some messed up things when we're growing up. As you start off your adult life, that's the time to actively work at unpacking the things you've brought with you from childhood and deciding which things are helping you and which things are harming you. This might mean therapy or joining a spiritual group or reading new things or just making special time to be in your own head.
Learn the lessons you missed. In this, I mostly mean practical things. "Adulting." Areas of your day-to-day practical life that are causing you extreme stress are probably related to a knowledge or experience gap. Do you hate cooking and cleaning or were you not taught how to do it properly? Are you afraid of making medical appointments or is it just something new you're not used to? Does money make you queasy or do you need to learn how to make a budget?
Find something fulfilling. This can be your job. It can be volunteer work. It can be faith. It can be a hobby. It can be creating things. It can be challenging yourself physically. It can be activism. It can be going for walks in nature. Everyone finds fulfillment in different places. If you're not finding it where you are, look somewhere else.
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slytherinslut0 · 8 months
Fred & George Weasley- Ours
Word count: 5k
Info: your friends with benefits, Fred and George Weasley, see some guy getting a little too close to you at a party; and decide they need to show you exactly who you belong to.
Tags: 18+, PURE SMUT, Threesome, Praise Kink, Degredation Kink, Oral (f receiving), Double Penetration, Anal, Good Sex, Forced Orgasm, Begging, Teasing.
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"Who the hell was that guy?" Fred huffed, slamming the door shut to the quaint little study room he and George had just dragged you into not ten seconds prior. "I mean, he had his fucking hands all over you!"
George nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant against the desk. "All over you...in places only our hands should go..."
You rolled your eyes, adjusting your tight black dress against your thighs. You'd been sleeping with the twins for a few months now, mostly a fun, friends-with-benefits type of deal; but lately they'd become far more possessive, far more protective than usual. Sometimes it could be a little much, but you couldn't deny that their passion for your body made the sex other-fucking-worldly.
Sometimes it was fun to purposefully get them going, just to see how far they'd take it.
"What's the matter with you two?" You said, your innocent eyes darting back and fourth between the fiery haired twins, trying not to get distracted by the power of their strong, athletic builds; each of them towering over you as they waited your response. "Last time I checked, this wasn't a relationship. Not sure why you guys are getting so jealous."
Fred cocked an eyebrow. "Pretty sure we made it clear last time that you were ours...."
"...and only ours." George finished, the two of them drawing closer.
You swallowed, your heart racing with excitement at the direction you knew this little conversation was going in. You pulled your lip between your teeth, trying to hide your smirk as you backed up from them, attempting to keep space between your bodies as to not give in so quickly.
Pissing them off more only added to the fun.
"I don't belong to anyone," you whispered, voice a low murmur; cunt clenching as you watched a mischievous grin spread across Fred's lips; George's eyes narrowing in challenge. "And certainly not you two."
"Hm," Fred hummed, eyeing your body from head to toe, smirking as he snuck George a brief glance, the two of them circling around you now; like predators stalking their prey. "Sounds like she needs to be reminded of her place, doesn't she George?"
George smirked, wetting his lips. "She sure fucking does, Fred..."
Fred nodded. He'd had enough of the playing. "We're leaving."
Without hesitation, Fred and George each grabbed one of your wrists, George's warm breath washing over your ear as he whispered, "and don't try to fight it, princess..." his teeth grazed your earlobe. "You want us to make you feel good, don't you? You know we never fail to take care of you..."
Your head spun, oxygen missing you. Gods, of course you did. "Y-yes... you're right..."
"There's our good girl," Fred hummed, his lips ghosting over your other ear, lids fluttering shut at the collective sensations. "We're going to fucking worship you...make you feel things that no one else could ever, ever match."
Your breath hitched. "Oh..."
"That's it," George murmured, "you're ours, and tonight, we're going to make sure you know it."
Sensing that your defiance had now entirely crumbled, the twins shared a quick glance before they released your wrists, and moved toward the door without another word. Fred walked first, you in the middle with George trailing behind you, everyone in the corridors shooting you acknowledging glances as they eyed the three of you suspiciously, even though it was well over midnight and the party was coming to a close anyway.
As soon as Fred pushed open the door to his dorm room and ushered you inside, he locked it behind him--not wasting even a single fucking second before he looped his arm around your waist and tugged you against him; his back hitting the door as he held you snug to his frame, gripping your hips as he pressed your ass tight to his crotch. George stood in front of you, taking a moment to worship your body, taking a moment to watch your face as Fred's lips attacked your neck, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh with relentless urgency.
Unable to hold off any longer, George stepped forward, running his hands over your curves, eyes stark with lust. "You look so fucking beautiful tonight..." he murmured, softly pressing his lips to yours. "We couldn't wait to get you alone."
Fred hummed, nipping your earlobe. "And now that we have..."
"...we're going to make the most of it." George whispered, breaking the kiss.
Your lungs stalled as you watched him slowly drop to his knees before you, his hands gently urging your feet wider as he gazed up at you with an intense desire, watching you lose yourself as Fred tilted your chin to the side and crashed his lips to yours, inhaling a sharp breath through his nose as his tongue fought with yours to be the one in control.
George hummed, one hand exploring your thighs and hips, eyes intently watching the small ministrations of your face as he slipped his other hand under your dress and teased your clit through your panties; sending sharp bursts of ecstasy through your veins.
"You deserve to be worshipped, pretty girl...to have every inch of you adored..." George whispered as he slipped his fingers under your panties, teasing your throbbing core. "Look how fucking wet you are for us already..."
You gasped into the kiss, fighting to pull away and catch your breath but Fred's lips were relentless, working your mouth as though he wanted to map your taste into memory; to devour every single inch. Your eyes rolled as George slowly pushed a finger inside you, carefully stretching you open, his lips grazing and teasing the sensitive crevice of your inner thigh.
"Mmm, does that feel good, princess?" Fred purred, breaking the kiss, panting mouth falling to your jawline.
You nodded, unable to find words, head falling back onto his shoulder as he looped a hand under your thigh, pulling it up toward your chest and holding it there as to give George better access to your pussy--a smirk crawling across his lips as he watched you pant and squirm in pleasure from his ministrations, pausing only briefly to tug your panties down your thighs and toss them off to the side.
"So beautiful...so needy..." George murmured. "We're going to make you feel so good, love..."
Fred groaned, nodding in agreement. "Pleasure you until you can't take it anymore,"
Fred pressed his lips back to your neck, his free hand roaming up your stomach and groping your tits over the fabric of your dress--he groaned against your neck as you pulsed against him, feeling George's warm breath caress your folds as he brought his lips to the crease of your inner thigh again, teasing you.
"George..." you breathed, desperate for connection, your hands weaving through his hair in attempt to coax his lips to your pussy. "Please..."
With a mischievous smirk, he met your eyes, holding your stare as he pressed his lips to your swollen clit, his skilled tongue lapping at your juices and mixing them with his spit. You moaned, body lost in overwhelming pleasure, back arching and eyes rolling, but Fred held you firm against him; one hand still holding your leg up while the other held your chest--lips working your neck, teeth peppering it with purple possessions marks.
"Fuck, you taste so good, princess..." George purred, voice muffled against your pussy. "So fucking sweet."
You moaned, head falling back, and Fred's hand slithered up from your tits and tightened around your throat, ridding your oxygen supply and inflicting a delicious, intoxicating buzz on your lips. Your mouth fell wide in an open pant, George's lips sealing around your clit and driving you directly toward the brink of an explosive, earth shattering orgasm.
Fred groaned, lips grazing your ear. "That's it...we love hearing you make those pretty noises for us.."
George's tongue delved deep into your wetness, flicking, swirling, and teasing with calculated expertise. He offered no respite, driving you closer to the edge with each skillful lick--your legs shaking, one hand gripping his hair while the other was latched onto Fred's wrist for dear life, your body utterly at their mercy as the two of them inflicted their usual intoxicating dominance over you.
"Look at you, so helpless and eager to please..." Fred's voice was a mere breath in your ear, his hand leaving your throat and trailing down your body, slipping behind your back and down past your ass, bringing it to your dripping heat. You moaned before he'd even sunk in, but when he did, your entire body convulsed, the pleasure of their collective movements driving you dangerously close to exploding. "Fuck, you're so tight and wet..."
Fred curled his fingers inside you, their long length driving you utterly insane, scissoring and curling against your tight walls while George continued his oral assault on your clit, humming as your trembling grip on his hair tightened.
Your eyes squeezed shut. You were dangerously close. "Oh...Oh, Gods-"
Fred growled, low in his chest. "That's it, little slut...take it. Take it all. We want to hear you scream for us."
"Cum for us, princess." George murmured against your pussy, only seconds before he latched onto your clit again, swirling his tongue in a way that sent you tumbling straight over the edge.
"Oh, yes...fuck-fuck!"
"That's right. Give in to us, baby," Fred growled, his voice darker than the midnight sky "...surrender to the pleasure we're giving you."
Your sight blanked, ears ringing and head falling back as you came around Fred's fingers, George's skilled tongue working expertly to swallow your orgasm as best as he could, neither of them stopping until they were completely certain you were past your high. Your entire body was on fire, liquid magma coursing through your veins, heating every square inch of your bloodstream as you fought to catch your breath.
George hummed, placing soft kisses along your slit and up toward your mound. "Are you going to admit your ours now? Or do we need to show you more of what we do to you?"
You huffed, fighting through the sensations as he teasingly licked at your pussy, softly enough to make your head spin and your body squirm. "I-I'm not...I'm not yours..." you said, purposefully trying to escalate them. "I'll never be."
George halted his movements, cocking an eyebrow as he met Fred's eyes. "How about that, huh Fred?"
Fred huffed, amused, and you felt his hot breath wash over your neck. "Entirely humorous, I'd say."
George stood up to his full height, peering down at you with a dark, predatory glint in his eyes, one that made your stomach twist with arousal.
"If you're not ours...then you're just some slut for us to use then, yeah?" He whispered, smirking, sneaking another glance at Fred; the two of them basically communicating with their eyes.
You swallowed, and Fred's teeth grazed your ear. "So you wouldn't mind if we just took control, used your sexy little body for our own pleasure, right?"
Your lips parted, your pussy clenching with need. Gods, this is exactly what you fucking wanted--you were so excited you couldn't even hide it if you tried.
"I..." you couldn't find words as Fred released your thigh, pulling your hips against his throbbing bulge, George's hands roaming your curves--tugging on your dress and bunching it up your hips, up your stomach, gesturing for you to raise your hands as he tugged it up  and off your trembling body.
Your mouth was drier than cotton, and George smirked, wetting his lips as he eyed your newly exposed body, his pupils dilating when he realized your lacy, dark red bra was a matching piece to your panties that had previously been discarded to the floor at your feet.
"Look at you..." he murmured, running a hand up your hip and toward your breasts. "Such a filthy little thing...wearing this under your dress..." he grazed your nipple, twirling his thumb until he felt it harden under the fabric of your bra. "Who were you wearing this for, if not us? Hm?"
The arrogance in his tone drove you crazy, and as Fred trailed his hand along your other hip, moving toward your pussy again, your lungs stalled, breath hitching.
"You've been aching for this, haven't you love?" Fred purred, teasing your clit with a brief swirl. "Don't worry, we're going to show you exactly who you belong to..."
George grabbed your wrist, "that's right...you're nothing but our little fucktoy, and we're going to prove it."
Your lips parted, but you didn't even have time to think as George tugged you over toward the bed, Fred trailing behind you. You could hear him fumbling with his belt, and your stomach leapt up into your throat as George released your wrist to do the same. In practically no time at all, the twins had rid themselves of all their clothing--their hard, throbbing cocks making your mouth water and your pussy clench as you stared, unable to peel your eyes away. They were fucking hung. You always managed to forget just how big they were.
George smirked, and you moved toward him, wrapping your small hand around his thick length, his head falling back as you softly pumped him, reaching beside you to do the same to Fred. Each of them stood there for a moment, eyes squeezed shut and chests heaving as you stroked them; twisting your fist and smearing their pre-cum around the heads of their cocks--your entire body screaming with fucking need at the display.
After a moment, George gathered himself, and brought his lips toward your ear. "Are you going to be a good girl for us?"
Fred's lips found your other ear, your hands still slowly pumping their lengths. "Are you going to let us have our way with you? Hm? Give yourself over to us completely?"
As George smacked your ass, leaving your cheek burning and tingling, you yelped; mischievous smirks crawling across both of their lips. Gods, you wanted them inside you. You couldn't take even a second more of waiting.
"Yes..." you whispered, increasing your motions, head falling back as they each attacked a side of your neck. "Please...take me..."
"Mm." Fred hummed, smacking your other cheek now. "That's what we like to hear, princess..."
George moved toward the bed, laying down on his back on the edge, legs dangling off the side. He motioned for you to climb on top of him, and without hesitation, you did--his big hands finding your hips and holding you firm against his chest, your thighs straddling his waist as you rolled your slick cunt against his length, his jaw tensing and throat bobbing as he swallowed, lips finding your neck.
Fred came up behind you, his long fingers ghosting down your back, caressing the smooth curve of your ass. George brought his lips to your ear. "You want us? Hm?"
You didn't even need to think. "Yes!"
"Beg for it..." Fred cooed from behind you. "Beg for us to claim your perfect little body, to use every one of your delicious fucking holes..."
Your breath hitched, your stomach leapt with excitement. "Please-fuck-please, fuck me..."
"That's it," George groaned, angling the head of his dick so it was pressing at your dripping core, his voice a dangerously deep growl in your ear. "That's our good little toy...fuck-"
His words were cut short by his groan of pleasure as he sunk into your tight wet heat, thrusting up into you in one slow, sensual thrust; stretching your walls open slowly and cautiously--for as dominant as the twins were, they never took it too far. They were always careful with you, gentle when they needed to be, and it drove you fucking insane; in the best way possible.
"Oh...fuck-George..." as he sunk in to the hilt, he paused for a second before he slowly pulled out, Fred's hands running all over your body, adding to the already overwhelming sensations flowing through you.
You moaned, eyes rolling back as George began to increase his pace, fucking up into you as his arms held you tight to his chest, his breath growly and husky in your ear. You felt Fred's hands leave your body, only for a brief moment, until he returned one to your hip, followed by a warm liquid sensation dripping down your back and sliding over your ass.
Fred massaged the sensual liquid into your skin, moving down toward your ass, grazing the tight rim with one of his fingers, the sensations making you clench around George.
"Shit-you're so fucking tight..." George breathed, slowing his pace to an agonizingly slow speed. "You need to slop clenching around me like that, princess...or else..."
As Fred pushed his finger inside you, pressing against your inner walls, and you moaned, entire body overwhelmed by the fullness--you'd done anal before, but never at the same time as being fucked, and so far, it was an incomprehensible experience--entirely fucking mind-numbing.
"I-I can't help it-oh, Fred-fuck!" Fred snuck another finger inside your ass, and he continued to twist and scissor you open, your entire body tensing, an overwhelming fullness washing over you. George groaned as you clenched around him again.
"Shh, relax..." Fred cooed, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of your ass, matching the slow ministrations of George's cock. "Breathe...feel your tight little ass stretch open for me..."
As he pressed in a third finger, your vision blanked, and you were so encompassed by pleasure you couldn't even comprehend it--if three of his fingers felt this fucking intense, you couldn't even begin to imagine what his cock would feel like. His fingers curled inside you, stretching you wider, your face washed with crimson, body glistening with sweat--you'd never felt more defenceless and dominated, your entire body succumbed to their primal power.
George, however, was struggling. "Fred, any day now..." he groaned, hissing the words through barred teeth. "She's got me strung out on the gallows here.."
Fred huffed, slowly pulling his fingers out of you. "I think she's ready for me...aren't you, princess?"
As George paused his movements, you could finally take a second to think, to breathe. Admittedly, you were nervous, but you knew the twins would never hurt you, would never do something to cause you unwanted pain. You knew you could trust them to take care of you.
With a small whimper, you nodded. "Yes...I am."
"Good girl...we're going to claim every one of your pretty fucking holes..." Fred groaned, pressing the sticky head of his cock against your ass. "Our perfect little plaything..."
He squeezed more warm liquid over your ass, trapping a deep breath in his lungs as he worked in the head of his dick. With a deep breath, you allowed your body to surrender, allowed yourself to relax into the moment. The intensity of their touch was all-consuming, and as Fred finally worked his thick length inside your ass, all three of you groaned in pleasure, Fred and George hissing through their teeth as you squeezed and clenched around them, your tight walls pulling them deeper inside of you.
"Oh, fuck..." Fred groaned, "tight...so fucking tight..."
Fred clung to your hips, George's arms still wrapped tight around your shoulders, hugging you to his chest as he slowly resumed fucking up into you. When Fred had fully sheathed himself in your ass, he held himself there, grip rough enough to bruise, drawing in another hissing breath through his teeth. He was massive, reaching places in your body you didn't know were possible--and between him and George, you felt overwhelmed, overtaken, your head dizzy with pleasure.
George brought his lips to your ear, his pace quickening. "You like that, princess? You like taking us both like this?"
Fred smacked your ass, leaving it stinging. "She does...she loves being our toy...dirty little slut..."
Your breath hiccuped in your lungs. "Oh-"
Was the only thing you could even attempt to say, the intensity and the pressure building in your core with every thrust, their movements becoming more forceful and insistent--mercilessly dragging you dangerously fast toward the soaring heights of ecstasy.
"Shit-" Fred's voice was a breathless pant, smacking your ass again as he slammed his hips against you. "That's it, take it...our little slut can handle it, can't she?..."
Every word from their lips drove you further into the oblivion, and by this point, you were only halfway cognizant of the sounds and words leaving your mouth. You were gone, vanished, transported from this reality and floating off somewhere in another--the level of surrender and submission you were experiencing was like nothing you've ever felt before, being used solely for their pleasure; used as their fucktoy for their carnal desires was something that you only imagined happening in your fantasy. You were so encompassed by pleasure you were certain you were going to explode without needing any clit stimulation, which was something that almost never happened to you.
"Fuck-you feel so good..." George groaned, his fingers digging into your shoulders as though he was trying to shatter your bones. "So tight and wet and eager for us..."
"Shit-" Fred moaned, his hands bruising your hips. "You feel so good wrapped around us like this...you love it, don't you whore?"
Your body felt like it was being pushed to its limits, your ears ringing as the twins increased their paces even further, slamming into you with a primal force, the sounds of their strained grunts mixed in with your wanton moans and the sounds of smacking skin being the only thing filling the thick, steamy air.
"Yes-yes!" You practically screamed, voice shaking. "I-I love it.."
Fred groaned, slamming into you. "That's right...our little whore likes it rough...fuck-"
Pleasure coursed through every fiber of your being as they dominated you in the most primal and exhilarating way. With each thrust, you were pushed closer to the edge, the pleasure mingling with the degradation in a deliciously sinful cocktail. George let loose a low moan in your ear, a sound so deliciously satisfying it pushed you dangerously close to your edge--holy fucking shit you wanted to cum. You needed to cum.
"Shit-I feel you...I feel how bad you need to cum, isn't that right, princess?" George's voice was a mere breath in your ear, his pitch strained with desire. "Tell us how bad you want it..."
Fred's hands left your hips, exploring every inch of your body, one of them snaking around in between you and George and caressing the front of your thighs. You knew he was going to tease you, you knew they'd never let you get there that easily. Your clit was throbbing, screaming, wailing in need--and although you felt so fucking good you could probably get there without it, you knew it would feel so fucking good if you did.
"P-please..." it was a pathetic cry of desperation, hardly loud enough to hear over the sound of their skin slamming against yours.
George whimpered in your ear as you clenched around him, Fred groaning as you squeezed. You moaned, far too fucking loud, and George brought a hand to your lips, shoving two of his fingers past your teeth as he growled his words into your eardrum.
"You're so close baby...but you’ll have to do better than that if you want us to help you get there..."
Fred's hand inched closer to your clit, teasing over your mound. "Tell us that you're ours, tell us that no one else could make you feel like this...no one else could ever take all of you like this..."
The ache within your core was intensifying by the second, the desperate longing for release almost unbearable. George shoved his fingers deeper into your mouth, eliciting a gag from you and he smirked, growling through his teeth.
"Look at you, princess...we've taken everyone of your holes...every part of you has been claimed by us..." he breathed, jaw tensed as he spoke. "Show us who you belong to."
When he slipped his fingers from your mouth, Fred's own fingers found your clit, grazing it, and your entire body flinched; desperate for connection.
"Please! Please, I'm yours...I belong to you guys, please!" Words left your lips in nothing more than babbling desperation, you fucking needed this; so, so bad. "Gods, let me cum...let me cum for you..."
Fred's free hand smacked your ass again, his fingers continuing to tease your clit. "Looks like she's finally begging for it, George..."
George hummed, gripping the back of your neck and holding your eyes to his. "That's what you want princess? To cum on my cock, hm?"
You flinched as Fred swirled over your clit again, the two of them fucking you deep, filling you full, their pace relentless and their arrogance suffocating as they relished in the clear power they held over you in this moment. They got you right where they wanted you, and they weren't scared to hold you there; making you wait, holding you hostage over the edge of pure ecstasy until you utterly shattered in their hands.
"Yes!" You wailed, meeting his dark, primal eyes, sweat glistening his forehead; his reddened locks sticking to his skin. "I want to cum on your cock, please!"
Another smack on your ass, another deep thrust from Fred. "Music to my ears..." he purred, breathless. "Should we grant her wish, George?"
"I think so, now that she's admitted her place," George grinned, brushing his lips over yours, fingers squeezing the back of your neck with enough force to bruise as he fucked deep into you. "I'd say she's earned it, Fred..."
With a satisfied groan, Fred's fingers connected, twirling over your clit with a relentless pace, shutting down any brain power dedicated to speech. Instead, your body was vibrating with pleasure, liquid diamond coursing through your vessels, making you moan and drool and babble their names. You were at the fucking brink, ready to pour out, bones ready to break from your skin as they drove deep into your holes.
Your back arched and your fingers found George's hair, gripping the tendrils as though you were trying to rip them from his scalp. "Oh-yes! Fuck-yes!"
Fred's fingers swirled with insistence, George nipping your jaw as you were right there-so close- "go on whore, cum for your fucking owners."
Your body flatlined. "Oh! Fuck!"
The two of them tipped you into euphoria, pleasure overriding your self-control as you shook and convulsed on their cocks, every muscle between your legs pulsing and clamping down while your vision turned to a black sea of stars. Your ears rang and you were sure you fell unconscious as the most powerful orgasm you've ever experienced ripped through you, shredding every single shred of nerve you had inside you.
"Fuck-you're squeezing me so fucking hard..." George groaned, so loud it shook your ribcage as it reverberated through you. "You're going to make me fucking cum, princess..."
"Fuck," you muttered, head spinning as you came down from your high; not getting very far before the pleasure started to build again, their relentless pace utterly consuming your existence. "Fuck..."
When Fred's fingers didn't pull away from your clit, you wailed, trembling and shaking from overstimulation, but Georges hold around your waist held you firm in place against him, their cocks slamming you deep as you wailed, brain entirely unable to function.
"Oh-fuck-I can't...Fred..." you said, reaching back to try and pry his hand from your clit, but George caught your wrist, collecting them both and pinning them behind your back.
"Oh, yes you can," Fred breathed, slamming you deep. "We're so close...you can cum again, alongside us, little slut.."
Your eyes locked on George, his pupils so large they swallowed up well over half of his irises entirely; a dark, primal lust encompassing his gaze. You could tell he was close, his lips parted and brows furrowed in concentration, you could tell he was holding himself back for whatever fucking reason. He was lost in pleasure, lost in the heat of your tight pussy clenching around him as Fred worked you toward your third climax of the night, fucking deep in your ass and hissing through his teeth.
"Shit-" Fred hissed. He was close too.
George's lids fluttered, "cant...hold on...much..longer.."
Without much cognitive warning, your third orgasm built quick and fast, slamming into you like a hard shot to the gut, and you screamed--unable to silence yourself even if you fucking tried. Your high washed through you like a tidal wave, rippling through your body with uncontainable force, your entire corpse shaking violently against George's chest as wave after wave of ecstasy rolled over you, swears and sounds and drool pouring from your lips without consciousness.
"Fuck-fuck-" George groaned, head falling back against the mattress, grip tightening on your wrists. "I'm-gonna-fuck-"
Fred's fingers remained on your clit, working you through your high as the two of them collectively shattered against you, their bodies tensing and breath sputtering in their lungs as they spilled their hot cum inside of you, fucking you through the remnants of their highs until they were utterly spent.
For a moment, no one moved, everyone fighting to catch their breath, to return back to earth. When Fred pulled out, all that you could do was whimper, your body a collection of sweat and cum and fluids; every nerve ending in your system tingling with lingering pleasure.
"Look at you..." Fred whispered, slumping down onto the mattress beside you, helping you get yourself off of George. "Completely filled and claimed by us."
As you rolled off George and collapsed down onto the mattress between them, they each wrapped their arms around you, holding you tightly between them as you all laid there panting, bodies awash and glistening with sweat.
"All ours..." George murmured against your neck, lids fluttering. "Isn't that right, princess?"
You sighed in satisfaction, nodding softly as you melted into their collective grasp. "All yours, boys...all yours."
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
Any new ideas for congratulations! It's triplets? Love the idea of Jason just freaking out and trying to figure out how to build a relationship with his kids while being made fun of by his family and said kids. Especially if he goes overprotective mode because Danny has clown trauma too and gets snagged by the joker
Jason watches as Danny- his son.- impatiently taps his fingers against the table. His boy's gaze was looking at everything, taking in the big fancy Wayne Mannor with a sort of disinterest he was not expecting of a child so young.
His sister and Brother- both with alarmingly similar names- were also disinterested, but Dani was swinging her legs, and Dan was tapping his spoon and fork against the table in a fast-paced drumming.
It's strange to know he would fidget a lot as a kid but he always resorted to finger tapping. Was the tripples little habit from him? He wonders what else they inherited and what he missed out on seeing.
"I don't understand," Jasmine said, overlooking the contract Bruce's lawyers wrote up. " Why would you want custody now? It's been five years."
"I didn't know." Jason swallows past the lump in his throat as she gives him an unimpressed stare over the paper. He feels Bruce place a hand on his shoulder, and the silent support allows him to continue. "If I have, I wouldn't have ever let them grow up without me."
"Jason doesn't want full custody," Tim cuts in with a soft voice that has tricked lesser men into selling their shares. He and the rest of his family are all sitting across from Jassmin Fenton, as she is carefully lured back to the manor to discuss their next step. "He just wants to be part of his kid's lives and would happily share that with you."
"Not telling him about the kids sort of played into that," Steph mutters tactlessly. Unfortunately, her voice carries, and the woman across from them bristles.
There is a tense moment where he thinks Jassmin is about to curse them all out before she sighs and slumps in her seat. "Well, it wasn't like I had a means to contact you when I found out. You gave me a fake name."
Jason winces. "I sort of forgot I told you my name was Petter."
"Wasn't a total lie" Dani chirps "It is your middle name."
Jasmine rubs her eyes. "Look, Jason, I don't want to stop you from seeing the kids, but this is all too much right now. I'm dealing with a lot right now-"
"You are currently homeless," Damian cuts in, causing Jasmine to stop in genuine bewilderment.
"No, we're not." Dan scoffs. "You were waiting for us at our house. Waiting to ambush us."
"The house that was on the street that Poison Ivy just destroyed," The boy says, showing everyone his phone screen. There, clear as day is, their home is nothing but rumble. Jasmine's face spams, and she quickly checks her phone, paling at what she reads.
"Oh, Ancients. It's gone. It's all gone," She whispers, gripping the phone. The three kids immediately stiffen, watching their mother with strange intensity. Too aware of what this means.
They were mature for their age, and that is never a good thing.
Oh gods. Did his children live on the streets? Had Jason's carelessness hurt his children like his parents have hurt him?
"Mom?" Danny asks and that seems to snap Jasmine out of her spirl.
"Hotel!" She gasps, hands shaking as she quickly starts tapping on her phone. Jason catches a glimpse of her screen and realizes she is making a to-do list. "I have to book a hotel room. Call the insurance company, go and try to salvage whatever we can....what else?"
"You can stay here, Fenton," Damian surprisingly offers. "Until your home is rebuilt"
"We couldn't possibly-"
"Hotels are expensive, and you must focus on other more important needs. Father certainly has the space."
Jason jerks into action. "This will also give me a chance to connect with the kids!"
Jasmine bites her lip, turning to her children. Jason could appreciate that she was willing to include them in big decisions. The three nodded, so she eventually sighs.
"Alright. But only until I can get our housing settled. And I'll pay rent"
Jason would argue but he recognized the look in her eye. She would not be sway from making payments. So he agrees, tapping his fingers on the table in a specific rhythm to make sure his family agrees too.
He knows it pains Bruce- the old man already thinks of the triplets as his grandchildren and the idea of charging them to live with him will kill him.
Jason notices the way Dan's eyes zero in on his tapping and the glance around the family members. He fights a proud grin when realization bleeds into his boy's eyes. He's got a smart one, likely aware of that the tapping is a form of Morse code.
Tim did say- after pulling up all files of the four- that his children had developed insane intelligence. Maybe he should get them tested for certification geniuses.
"Hey Mr. Jason," Dani suddenly speaks up.
"Yes Darling?"
"I suggest you remove your eyes from my mom before I remove them from your face." The little girl even punches her palm in a poor intimidation attempt. His heart melts.
Then his face turns a dark red hue at Jasmine's raised brow. Unwillingly flashes of thier last time being face-to face rise in his mind. He coughs awkwardly as his sons face become as protective as their sister, Dan cracking his knuckles and Danny reaching for a knife.
"Oh yeah" Tim deadpans watching the kids reaction "No need for DNA test. Those are definitely Jason's kids"
He agrees, he just hopes he can show his children he plans on sticking around and being the father they deserve.
No one notices Cass and Steph slip away to deal with Posion Ivy. Jason kinda wants to send her a thank you gift for making it possible to have his family move into the manor.
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f1rodrigo · 3 months
the mclaren boy mystery | part two
l. norris / o. piastri
summary: in which your boyfriend is a formula one driver for team mclaren and when you finally decide it's time to start hinting to the world, the internet is confused on exactly which driver is your boyfriend. pairing: social media au || lando norris / oscar piastri x reader fc: jazmyn makenna a/n: sorry this took a little longer than i expected! it was so fun to make though. i didn't want to say who she's actually with because i feel like it's fun for the readers to have to figure that out too! so please share any guesses you have lol i'm interested to see what people think the outcome will be. hope you enjoy and thank you sm for reading<3
part one | sweet relief series | valentine's day drabble
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liked by yourbrother, maxverstappen1, and 101,225 others
yourusername happy birthday to my favorite brother, i love you and am so grateful to know i have someone in my life who looks after me like you do<3 here's my fav pics of us of course they're all racing related lol, our first love
view all 982 comments
yourbrother "my favorite brother"... As far as I know I am your only brother 😐
⤷ yourusername 🥱🥱🥱🥱 technicalities
yourbrother Thank you least favorite sister, miss those days. Have to get back out on the karting track, been too long since I've beaten you
⤷ yourusername been too long since you've been beaten, you mean?
⤷ yourbrother Yeah, yeah we'll let the track times speak for themselves
⤷ user1 ok but we have to admit the brother sister banter is kind of adorable
⤷ user2 no bc she seems so sweet 😭
user3 nah because what is max verstappen doing in this girls likes now????
⤷ user4 and the plot thickens 😯
user5 she saw everyone calling her a fake f1 fan and said take a look at this
user6 yn hater club how you guys feeling right about now
⤷ user7 🤡🤡🤡🤡
user8 honestly kind of hope she's dating one of them
⤷ user9 yall switch up so fast please 😭😭
user10 seriously..... you HAD to only post f1 related photos lmfao so totally pandering to the landoscar fans
user11 f1 school of wags next graduate
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liked by mclaren, yourusername, and 1,891,218 others
landonorris DOUBLE PODIUM!!!!!!!! couldn't have asked for a better race, congrats @/oscarpiastri and a huge thanks as always to @/mclaren 🧡
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user2 mclaren double podium... oh i used to pray for times like these
user3 oscar piastri you are insane omfg
user4 MY POOKIES LOOK AT THEM !!!!!!!!! 🫂
user5 save me landoscar SAVE ME
yourusername jumping up and down screaming and crying losing my mind
⤷ landonorris you should probably get that checked out....
⤷ user7 nah nah nah this is so giving gf of the bestie banter
⤷ user8 agreed hopping on the oscaryn train 💪🏻
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yourusername added to their story
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oscarpiastri added to their story
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liked by kellypiquet, oscarpiastri, and 789,012 others
yourusername qatar gp smiles <3 practice timeeee
📸 @/kellypiquet
view all 1,281 comments
kellypiquet so beautiful
⤷ yourusername all you
landonorris eye spy a mclaren car down there?
⤷ yourusername ? i just see a tractor
⤷ landonorris not funny. 😐
⤷ yourusername i certainly laughed
⤷ oscarpiastri same actually
⤷ user1 i dont know how much longer i can take this
⤷ user2 GUYSSSS i am telling you its so oscaryn
⤷ user3 WHAT literally look at the Proof its so landoyn 🥱
⤷ user4 i am giggling we're literally in a shipwar
user5 she's so pretty i'm sorry guys i love her 😵‍💫
⤷ user6 well yes!
user7 patiently waiting for one of the mcl boys to main feed post her then we know for sure ‼️
⤷ user8 at this rate it still won't clear anything up
lilymhe miss u beautiful
⤷ yourusername omg i miss u more ms lily
⤷ user9 she has The wag stamp of approval WE MOVE!
user10 theres four e's at the end of 'time'....... landos number is 4 i've got it guys 😃😃
⤷ user11 seek medical attention STAT
⤷ user12 bro thinks this is a taylor swift album release
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 789,012 others
yourusername oscar piastri sprint race winner AND mclaren double podium, better start calling me the good luck charm
view all 1,281 comments
user1 nah bc you're onto something.....
user2 she can't be serious 😐
⤷ user3 well no shit it's just an instagram caption
user4 i cannot be the only one who finds the caption extremely weird
⤷ user5 nah i'm with you i've never liked her 🙄
⤷ user6 its just so odd like forcing yourself into the mclaren narrative completely taking away from the boys achievements writing it off as your own doing...
⤷ user7 omfg yall are so dramatic just say you're jealous they're not dating you lmfao
⤷ user8 no fr because it is not that serious it's clearly a joke like she loves them cmon now
mclaren BRB getting your paddock passes for the duration of the season
⤷ yourusername i'm giggling, i love you guys 😙
⤷ user9 see mclaren is fine with it so yall should be too
⤷ user10 now i'm going to need all the haters to sit DOWN and shut the fuck UP
oscarpiastri wait can you send me that picture
⤷ yourusername i literally did already but okay
⤷ oscarpiastri ok could do with less attitude
⤷ yourusername you have not seen real attitude piastri
⤷ oscarpiastri 😧
⤷ user11 i think this just converted me to team oscar
⤷ user12 nah this is literally landoyn confirmation
landonorris 🍀
⤷ user13 i am picking up what he's putting down
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part one | sweet relief series | valentine's day drabble
@landoscar-f1 , @urfavnoirette , @imsiriuslyreal
809 notes · View notes
patscorner · 2 months
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Summary: Chris joins your family for dinner for the first time and it does not go as planned
Tw: Swearing, narcissistic dad, verbal arguing, panic attack mentions of alcohol use, mentions of ed(NO DETAIL), lmk if I missed something
"Baby, it'll be fine. I'm sure they're not so bad." Chris spoke. It was 6:45, and you and Chris were heading to a family dinner. After you and him had started dating, him, his brothers, and your family have been begging to meet one another.
But you knew better. You knew your dad couldn't hold his tongue, and you knew your mom couldn't hold back her comments about how you sat, how you spoke, how you looked. You knew your brothers and your sisters knew how to mess with you, not enough to make you cry, but just enough to piss you off.
"Chris, you have no idea." You say, leg bouncing nervously as you both sat in the back seat of the van. You only agreed to go if Matt and Nick came with, knowing that Chris wasn't going to be able to keep his temper in check.
"Don't worry, y/n, it'll be okay. It's not like any of us are gonna provoke them. They don't have any reason to hate us." Matt chimed in from the drivers seat. Chris squeezed your thigh reassuringly.
"It's not you guys that I'm worried about." You muttered, biting your nails. You just hoped your dad didn't have much to drink tonight.
"Plus, we're youtubers, a little back handed comment isn't gonna affect us." Nick smiled triumphantly.
Boy, were they in for a treat.
After what felt like 2 minutes, Matt parked the car in front of your childhood home. You've dreaded this moment ever since you and Chris started dating. You knew the time would come, but you just ignored it and pushed it back as far as you could. But eventually, everyone became impatient, and you were pushed out of your comfort zone.
Chris wasn't prepared. None of them were because nothing could prepare them for what they were getting into. Growing up with 2 older brothers, a younger brother, and 2 younger sisters, you knew just how quick it could turn hostile. You knew how it could be peaceful one moment, and the next, 2 people are driving off, 3 are crying, and one is smashing plates.
It could get ugly quick. Mostly, you were able to hide most of your family troubles from Chris, only occasionally giving him bits and pieces. This was completely different. This was a full view of what and where you grew up, and if anything was off or revealed, Chris would be there to see. That scared the shit out of you.
And Chris knew that, so he didn't push, no matter how eager he was. He never pushed you to do anything that made you uncomfortable. This, though, meant a lot to him, so he did voice his opinion.
So here you were, standing outside of the home you grew up in, with your boyfriend and his triplet brothers. You take a deep breath before knocking.
Here we go.
You lean back into Chris, who's hand found home around your waist, squeezing gently. He kissed the crown of your head, whispering, "Relax, baby, we got this."
You nod as you hear the lock turn and the door open. Your oldest brother, Peter, who was 26, stood in front of you. He looked much different from the last time you'd seen him, which was like 2 years ago.
Last time you two were together was at Christmas when your dad decided to get plastered the morning of Christmas and destroyed everyone's presents. Thousands of dollars down the drain. You swallowed at the memory.
"C'mere kid." Was all Peter said before engulfing you into a long needed hug.
You melted into your brothers touch. "It's been too long. Way too long." You mumble against his chest.
When you pull away, you see tears in Peter's eyes. You slap his chest playfully, "Oh, you big baby, don't cry."
He laughs, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes. You laugh and hold his hand.
Nick clears his throat, bringing your and Peter's attention to the three same face boys.
"Oh! Yeah, Peter, meet my boyfriend, Chris, and his older brothers, Matt and Nick." You say, moving out of the way for the men to exchange greetings and hand shakes.
"I'd like to apologize in advance, I'm definitely gonna have trouble telling you guys apart." Peter laughs.
"Oh, don't worry about it. It happens all the time." Matt reassures. Nick and Chris nod in agreement.
"Okay, well, Dad's at the store - thank God -" He interrupted himself, putting his hands together and looking up, earning a chuckle from you, "but everyone else, excluding Cam, is here."
Your heart drops at his sentence. Your second oldest brother, Cameron, hadn't been to a family gathering since he moved out. You can't say you blame him, knowing your family, you wish you'd had the heart to leave too. It was still disappointing, despite how much you understood. Cam and you had always been the closest growing up, and your heart ached, knowing the rest of your family ruined that bond for you two. You and him were only 2 years apart, him being 22, and you being 20.
You knew you shouldn't have expected him to magically appear, but you were hopeful.
"That's okay. Let's go inside, I want them to meet the rest of the dumbasses." You say, trying to hide the disappointment, and it mostly worked, but when you turned around, you knew Chris knew.
He always knew.
You smiled at him and grabbed his hand, leading him into your house, gesturing Matt and Nick to follow.
Peter leads everyone down the hallway, the sound of playful yelling sounding from the living room. Peter took a left, walking into the room, smiling widely.
"Guess who's here!" He says happily, turning around to you, who stands in the doorway, smiling widely.
James, Maya, and Julia, your younger siblings, looked up and smiled widely.
"Y/nnnn!" Maya yelled, getting up and hugging you tightly. "Woah! Hey, hi baby." You say, smiling into her head.
Maya was the youngest, at 11 years old. She was the peacemaker, no matter how demanding, she probably had the best communication skills out of everyone. Which is saying something, she's 11.
"Alright, alright, save some for us." You look up and see your youngest brother, James, standing next to Julia, waiting their turn for a hug.
You let go of Maya and walk over to the 15 year old twins and embrace them tightly. God, how you missed them. This hug was shorter, only because your mother spoke up.
"Well, finally! What took you guys so long?" She asked, rolling her eyes. You break the hug, sighing heavily.
"Hi, mom. I'm happy to see you, too. Uh, this is Chris and his triplet brothers, Matt and Nick." You say, lifting your hand, gesturing towards the three men.
You smile as your siblings exchange greetings with the triplets, just as Peter did, happy that they were in a good mood. You turn back to your mom, who has a strange look on her face.
"What?" You ask, confused, sitting down on the couch next to her. "I thought you were only bringing your boyfriend? Or are you dating all three?"
Your eyes shoot to hers, a look of disgust covering your face. "What-Mom, no! Matt's talking to someone and Nick..." You cut yourself off, debating whether or not telling you mom about Nick's sexuality. It's not that your mom was homophobic, she just wasn't exactly open to it. You knew that if you told her, she'd figure out a way to make an untimely and out of pocket comment about it.
"Nick...?" Your mom gestures you to continue speaking.
You open your mouth to speak, but you hear the front door open. Oh shit. The party has started.
"Dad's here!" Maya shouts, running to the door. Chris sat down on the couch next to you, Matt and Nick next to him.
You notice Nick talking to Julia about her favorite music artists, and it looks like their having a good time. Peter and Matt seem to be getting along, while Chris and James talk about the most recent Celtics game.
Despite all the calm conversations going on around you, you can't help but feel nervous. Your dad's here, which puts everyone, at least on your side, on high alert, making sure they tiptoe on their words.
Chris notices you tense up and place his hand on your thigh, which you reach and squeeze his hand, not for his sake, but for yours.
Your dad walks in and freezes for a moment. It was a long moment, long enough for everyone to notice his presence and get silent. You and him stare at each other, not breaking eye contact for a minute.
Finally, after the deafening silence, you decide to speak. "Hey, dad." You breathe.
His shocked face turns into a soft smile. "Hey, kiddo, c'mere." You smile softly, cherishing the peace while it lasts. You stand up and walk over to your dad and embrace him. You knew what he was capable of, but you also knew how much he loved you and your siblings.
You could be mad at him all you wanted, but he's still your dad. "I missed you, y/n." He mutters into your head. You smile into his chest because as much as you hated to admit it, you missed him too. When he wasn't drunk or being an ass, he was a pretty awesome person.
You pull away, and he kisses your cheek before gesturing to the audience behind you. "And who are these fine gentlemen?" He asked.
You smiled. "That one's Chris, my boyfriend, and those are his triplet brothers, Nick and Matt." You say, gesturing to the boys, who wave as their introduced.
"Nice to meet you all, especially you, Chris." He smiles sarcastically. Here we go.
Suddenly, his demeanor changed. His shoulders tensed, and his fist clenched. You look at him curiously and wonder what flipped the switch, what pissed him off this time.
Chris smiles kindly. "Nice to meet you, too, sir."
Your dad nods before glancing at you and looking up again. "Dinner should be ready. How's everyone feel about spaghetti?" He clapsed his hands together.
He earns a collective 'yes' from everyone before picking up Maya in his arms and carrying her to the kitchen. Everyone stands up and begins to follow, except for you and Chris. He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him.
"You okay, ma?" He asked. He must've noticed your demeanor change from happy and cheery to suspicious and confusion.
You nod your head hesitantly, still thinking about how quickly your father changed his mind about being kind. "Uh... yeah, yeah, I'm okay." You say softly.
He looks at you curiously. "Are you sure?" You nod again. "Yeah, let's go eat."
Quiet chatter amongst the families began at the dinner table, after everybody had gotten food. You noticed your anxiety seemingly grow stronger as the dinner continued. Nothing had happened yet, and that's what scared you.
Your leg bounced under the table, and despite Chris's attempts to soothe you by rubbing your thigh, nothing seemed to work. Even Chris's touch seemed to be too much, too overwhelming.
You feel your breathing catch in your throat, and suddenly, the gentle chatter becomes too overwhelming. The scraping of the forks echoed loudly in your ears as your hands started to sweat.
You stand up abruptly, catching the attention of all three triplets and James.
"Excuse me." You muttered before rushing to the bathroom and closing the door.
You curl into a ball, breathing heavily as tears fall from your eyes. You weren't having a panic attack yet, but if you didn't get your breathing in check, you'd get one soon.
You list off things in your head, things that make you happy. Sunshine, Chris, dogs in clothes, Chris, Sour Patch Kids, Chris
Speaking of which, you hear the door open, and you force yourself to look up, seeing your loving boyfriend. He got down on your level, taking your hand and putting it on his chest.
You catch on quickly, taking breaths that match his, well, kinda. Yours are shakier, but you're getting there. "It's okay, baby, you're okay. Shhh.." Chris whispers, his other hand rubbing your back.
You sigh as you finally take a deep breath of air, leaning your head against Chris's shoulder as he hands rub shapes on your back.
"It's okay, baby, you're stressing yourself out. It'll be okay." He whispers as he stands up and pulls you up with him.
He embraces you once again as you sniffle into his hoodie. You pull back and wipe your face aggressively, laughing quietly.
Chris cups your face, wiping your tears before pressing a kiss so soft, it was almost ghostlike, on your lips. You smile at him.
"Thank you, baby." You say rubbing his bicep in appreciation. He smiles down at you, kissing your forehead. "Of course, baby. I love you. Are you ready?"
You nod, and Chris opens the door, hand in yours as you all walk back into the dining room. Most conversations continued, but you noticed your dad and mom talking quietly amongst themselves, and it didn't look pleasant.
Your dad's eyes shoot to yours as he chuckles darkly.
Fuck. This can't end well.
"And what the fuck were you two doing?"
You smile, trying to swallow your fear. You notice Chris squeeze your hand, and you squeezed back in reassurance.
"Just had to take a breather. It's all good now, though, don't worry." You say as you and Chris sit down. You hope it's enough to satisfy your dad's curiosity, but unfortunately it's not.
"So you and him didn't just fuck in the bathroom." You freeze. Every conversation stops immediately at those words, as he wasn't quiet about it.
"What- dad, no. Why would you say that?" You sputter as a pink hue comes over your face. You glance at Chris, who's just as shocked as you.
"Sir, I'd never do that, especially here." Chris says calmly, but you can tell that one comment pissed him off completely.
Your dad stares at you both as a silence covers the room like a weighted blanket. Just when the tension seems to reach its peak, your dad speaks up.
"Good. Now, let's eat." He says, passing the food to you.
Jesus, this is gonna be a long night.
Part 2 is coming soon.
@sturnioloblogs @y0urm4m @sturniolosmind @thenickgirl @muwapsturniolo @matthewsmocktailss-deactivated2 @breeloveschris @worldlxvlys @freshloveforthefit @miloisdone1 @vanteguccir @annamcdonalds67 @freshsturns @rootbeerworshiper @matty-bear @orangelala
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arkhammaid · 3 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. it's pre-season testing time!
content warnings. smau & written parts, written in 3rd person & lowercase, not edited & proofread
word count. 1.1k
notes. we're dipping into the season, slowly but surely... this took me some time to finish, i literally didn't know what to write for testing ://
"we are here in bahrain, pre-season testing for all teams in 2025, welcome everyone!" croft greets the whole world, as live footage is shown across the devices. the camera spans over the whole track, to each individual paddock until stopping at the final one, in blinding white.
"the season is starting with a bang, for the first time in formula one, we will see a stark owned team on the track! in white and chrome they are, an iconic design and everyone is eager to see what the stark manufactured cars can do!"
"how right you are, david! welcome, i'm will buxton and i have someone of interest with me here. right here, in front of the stark racing garage- y/n stark, number 95, one of the drivers for stark racing. so, y/n, tell me, how are you feeling? are you ready for the first time in the car?"
"hello will, thank you for having me. well, it's not quite the first time in the car, we had a testing back in miami at the end of january, but it's something different to be officially here now. but i'm feeling confident- we have our data, the predicted numbers and we think we'll be able to achieve them."
"so, no major upgrades or changes planned?" y/n shakes her head with a grin.
"do you really think i'm going to answer that question? ask me again, when we're done." will laughs at that, nodding his head in understanding.
"understandable, but i will hold you onto that! gonna knock on the garage doors three days later." y/n laughs again, head thrown back. "but, y/n, how does it feel to be on the paddock? have you met the rest of the drivers yet? made any new friendships?"
"can you turn that off?", carlos gruffly asks his teammate, who just waves his hand at him as answer. with a groan, he stares at the tv, showing the first driver interview of the day, y/n stark. her voice washes over him, empty answers of being excited to properly meet everyone and maybe even bond with a few drivers.
"i don't know why you're so obsessed, perceval." charles immediatly splutters, waving his hands to deny the accusation.
"i'm not! but it's so interesting! tony stark is literally here, aren't you at least a bit excited? arthur said that y/n is like him!"
"what, arrogant? self-centered?"
"carlos! stop being so negative! i meant like- a genius! someone who raced with her back in f3 is friends with arthur, i forgot his name, but apparently y/n constantly does calculations while she drives. that's why she's so good overtaking." carlos just sighs and leaves charles to whatever he's doing right now. he has no interest in this circus.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
kevin watches the interviews from the sideline, completely satisfied with how everyone is hounding y/n and leaving him in peace. of course he had his fair amount of questions and interviews, but much less than his teammate.
it has been a whirlwind, ever since he joined the team. strange, for a while, everything seeming so futuristic, but now his glasses feel like a another part of his race suit he's putting on every day.
the team has been welcoming, open to his input, but it's very clear to him that y/n is their star driver and he's the support. and he's alright with it. of course, winning a championship would mean everything, but he knows he's not going to continue this forever. especially not when he has a kid, he's missing so much... something he dislikes, because family means everything to him.
this is why his contract is only for two years. if he wishes to continue and his results at the end of the season are steady, tony promised him a seat as long he wishes for. he is incredibly thankful for this offer, fully knowing that this kind of support doesn't exist in formula one.
"ready to go?", he asks, after y/n's press officer ushers her out of the mob called journalists.
"so ready to go", she grins. but they're not alone, the netflix camera's immediately surround them and capture their walk to the garage. people part from them, staring openly at the drivers. one of the most iconic footage later shown in the drive to survive documentary.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
"so, here he goes, kevin magnussen for stark racing, leaving his side of the garage. the car is looking incredible, i really like the color!", comments crofty and the other men immediately begin to chatter as well. throwing in rumors and hearsay about the team, they expertly fill the silence of kevin doing his first lap on the track.
"last to leave the garage and on the track, all eyes are on stark racing- oh and there he goes, picking up the speed!"
"his tyres seem to have warmed up- woah! look at the smoothness! kevin seems to be home in his car, his struggles from the last season are nowhere to be seen", adds jenson, while the cameras continue to follow the white car with the number 20.
"and there he goes! on medium tyres, setting the third fastest lap already, this looks definitely promising." will shares his own thoughts, reminding the viewers that there is definitely a possibility of stark racing going at least one or two seconds faster.
"by the looks of it, the stark racing team seems to be satisfied- honestly can't tell much, the glasses are hiding too much", jokes another man and all of them laugh. "bloody starks, am i right?"
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ 🏎️ ˖⁺‧₊˚—
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the testing days are filled with endless laps and data, followed by long hours of debrief. they've already proven that they're fast, slotting themselves on the upper half of the grid, sticking close to the more experienced teams.
speculations are thrown around, is stark racing sandbagging? of course they must be, while others think that this is the best they can do. neither of the drivers or the team principal lose a word on it, instead they repeat always the same statements.
"we delivered what we predicted."
"we tested our theories, confirmed or debunked them, so the past three days have been very productive."
"we're exactly there where we want to be and we know our next steps."
empty words and yet the journalists pounce on them as if they're the next headlines. the whole world watches with eagerness as stark racing finishes up their debut in formula one and they impatiently await the first race of the season.
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Nico Protection Squad
WARNING: Use of hateful slur
Nico, coming home from school with Percy: Hey, Reyna. Hey, Jason.
Reyna: Hey, Nico.
Jason: Hey, Buddy
Percy: Hey, guys. Uh, Nico, why don't you go to your room and rest. We need to talk.
Nico: Mkay. *leaves*
Percy: Make sure to do your homework, alright?
Nici: Uh huh!
Reyna: What happened?
Jason: Is he okay?
Percy: ...we need to call the team
At one of their rooms:
Percy: Good day, everyone. I know it's late and it's unusual for me to call a meeting at this time but this is an emergency
Annabeth: But first, an attendance check. Annabeth? Here. Bianca?
Hazel: Oh, she comes back next week
Annabeth: Ok. Jason? Here. Thalia? Here. Percy? Here. Hazel? Here. Piper? Here. Reyna? Here. Will? Here. Grover? Here. Leo? Here. Frank? Here. And Mr. D? Present! Ok, that should be everyone. Take it away Percy
Percy, clearing his throat: Okay, I need you guys to swear that you will not go berserk right after this and you will remain seated until we have a plan.
Percy: So, I was picking up Nico from class. On the drive back, he...
Hazel: He what?
Percy: He...asked me what a faggot was.
Thalia: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Will: Is he okay?!
Hazel: Where did he even learn that from?!
Jason: Did someone call him that?!?!?
Leo: Every single douchebag in school, of course!
Piper: You think they'd learn their lesson after the first time
Percy: *gavels* Order! Order!
Grover: I think we're all missing the point here. How's Nico doing?
Percy: He's fine. I asked him where he knew the word from. He said someone was calling him that, a couple of students a year above him apparently.
Frank: What happened then?
Percy: I asked him if he knew their names. He didn't and he asked me again what it meant.
Will: What did you say?
Percy: I didn't answer. There was a McDonalds right there and I went for it. He took the bait and has been quiet for the whole car ride.
Grover: So...what do we do?
Leo: OH! *raises his hand* WE'LL SET THEIR LOCKERS ON FIRE!
Thalia: I think what Grover meant was what do we do for now? We don't know these guys, and we don't know how much it's affecting Nico.
Reyna: Thalia's right. We need to have a plan to protect Nico and catch these bastards.
Annabeth: Percy and I already thought about it.
Percy: Introducing the Pick up/Drop off Nico Chart. We each get a schedule of when to pick him up, and when to drop him off
Annabeth: And to make sure we catch these guys, we think it would be best to see Nico off to his classrooms or at least the building.
Thalia, raising her hand: Uhm-
Percy: Don't worry. We adjusted it for times you guys are away. Which is why we used magnets to represent us. See? I'm the water droplet, Annabeth's the owl, Grover's the goat, Leo's the fire, you're the tree, Hazel's the-
Annabeth: They get it, Percy. All in favor of the chart say aye
Everyone, raises their hand: Aye!
Leo: So how are we gonna get back at these guys?
Jason: We could tell them off to the dean
Percy: You'd suggest that, wouldn't you, Mr. Goody Two Shoes?
Piper: I can charmspeak them to do embarassing stuff
Percy: Eh, we need something more
Annabeth: I'm writing that one down, it sounds funny
Mr D.: I am the God of Insanity. I can just drive them crazy.
Annabeth: Mr. D, no.
Percy: Not a bad idea though. I'm writing it down.
Will: Wait. I think I figured out another problem
Percy: What is it, Will?
Will: Who tells Bianca?
Percy: ...all in favor of keeping this a secret from Bianca, say aye?
Everyone, terrified: Aye!
Will: Whu- Percy, no. Remember that time you didn't tell her about how you accidentally destoryed Nico's mythomagic cards and made him sad for nearly a month?
Percy: *shivers* I still get nightmares from that.
Annabeth: Fine. Who tells her?
Everyone: *looks at Reyna and Thalia*
Reyna: No
Thalia: Absolutely not.
Mr. D: Hang on. If Bianca is so terrifying, why not just give the guys to her?
Percy: Mr. D, although that's a tempting plan, there is no telling what Bianca will do to those guys if we let her get near them.
Mr. D: She can't be THAT scary.
Everyone: Yes, she can.
Percy: With what she did to me? She might as well have sent me to Tartarus!
Frank: Gods, what did she do to him?
Annabeth: She took away all the blue in our apartment and replaced them with orange.
Percy: It took a month before she put them back! There was no blue food for a month!
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 6)
Royal AU! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Thanks to @pinkiemme for the amazing cover ✨
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Summary: You beat Miguel to take the first step.
A/N: Thanks for the patience 🥹❤️. Hope you enjoy ~
The heavy footsteps echoed through the dark alleys of the city, lost into the forever echo of Arachne's capital. Stony roads lead to different places, but the cloaked figure's path lead to a tavern. More to the underground facade of the place, to a secluded and exclusive area.
The oak door was knocked with a characteristical bang, A little slot within was slid open, just to reveal a pair of beady eyes. The cloaked figure smirked upon hearing the locks turn and pull until the hefty door was open, allowing them in.
"You're alone."
"Yeah" the cloaked man removed his disguise and downed a pint of beer before reuniting with the others, that like him, were awaiting for his presence to start their clandestine reunion. Dressed up to mingle with the shadows.
"The king has increased the security in the east prison."
"That's a problem if we want our mercenaries out."
"What about Fisk? Tell him to send some of his men undercover to scout the area."
Another man grunted in response.
"He also is a king with responsibilities. Getting an audience with him alone takes time."
"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?"
The other man scowled as he pulled a knife out of the many pockets his suit allowed him to carry. And that unleashed a domino effect as the rest either pulled guns or more knives.
The dark and makeshift reunion was made with five men and a young boy, that didn't pass his sixteens.
"Hey! If you wanna fight someone, save those energies for the king-"
"The king has been too busy to care. His new toy has him quite preoccupied."
A brow was quirked, "New toy?"
"A princess."
"Well, ain't that wonderful?"
"Great. Now we have to remake our plan."
"No, no. What are you talking about? If we don't attack now, our chance will be for naught."
"You truly want to go ahead with a plan when we're missing our most important associates? I'd love to see you try to take on the king yourself."
The jeering words flew constantly between some members of the little gathering.
"Seems like you forget why he is called The Red King."
A roll of eyes and a dismissive gesture made the man to keep interrogating.
"So what about the princess?"
"We need more information about her."
The youngest cleared his throat and spoke.
"She's a Thelerian."
There was a collective round of not so surprised and bored 'ahs' from the men.
"No wonder why there is Arachne's soldiers in the West Passage and the borders."
"Borders? Through the city. Even within the castle!."
"Guess the old trick of 'I sell my daughter to you for protection' always works."
"She wasn't sold. Their wedding is a month and a half away."
"This is bad."
There was another pregnant silence before the teen spoke again.
"She's a doctor."
"Of course she is. Damned Thelerians. Always meddling with our affairs one way or another."
"They're strangers."
The boy spoke as everyone's eyes settled on him.
"What do you mean strangers, boy?"
"They don't get that much along. King just talks to her when necessary."
The interest shone in the many pair of eyes. One face contorted into a smirk.
"Of course he does. I'd be surprised if he'd still get his cock functioning after being so inactive."
There was a combined titter and malicious giggles from them as the joke was told.
"There will be a meeting soon. With the council. I'll take my guess that he's introducing her to it."
"Told you this boy would be useful."
"Of course, it was my idea."
"Hey, you filthy rats... stop playing and listen. Is there anything else you can tell us about this princess?"
The boy shrugged.
"What do I get in return?"
"What did you just say, boy?"
The eldest man mumbled, clearly vexed by the plucky and defying attitude of the boy.
"I said, what do I get in return? All of you have something to win over this plan. And so far I've been used as a spy. I think it's fair if I get something back."
"And what would you possibly want?"
"I'll take it when I see it."
"Anyways, Let Fisk know we need him. We gotta get that big brawn twerp before The King gets to him first."
"Oh god, not Rhino."
"Shut up. As much as I hate him too, he's useful. We need him."
"Stay in the castle. Find out where he was last seen."
The man spoke to the boy, that only stared back with a piercing gaze.
"Even though the princess is a new addition to the plan, it only gives us a new advantage. Political marriages are a thing, so we gotta make the most out of it."
"She recently visited her parents. Apparently the king fell ill after his mistress tried to poison him."
Another laugh.
"See? This is why exactly I've been telling you that Theleria will fall by it's own king's hand. We don't even need to meddle with them."
"True that."
"What about Prince Gabriel?"
A solemn silence fell on the stony and secluded room.
"Keep that fool busy. If we can make he gets sent away even better. Less to worry about."
"And the princess?"
"Keep an eye on her."
Nervous and anxious was an underestimation on how you really felt. You were sure the insides of your cheeks were nearly chewed raw as you waited outside the grand wooden doors, just as Peter had instructed a few moments ago. Your knees trembled underneath the layers of your dress, palms became sweaty and your breaths a bit more shallow.
The day to finally meet the council, had arrived. The past two days were spent solely on your studies about Arachne and the current situations surrounding the kingdom. You tried to cram up as much info as possible, but what truly would be judged was your criterion on things and how well you could adapt to the situations.
Royalty expected so much, and hopefully you'd pass this evaluation. It was unavoidable to not feel curious as to why councils held almost the same amount of power as The king himself. Back in her kingdom, councils remained as an extra help, and as much as a mistress indulging your father, King Blanchard was, he took his ruling seriously.
Councils were summoned when your parents needed to keep updated in the things that needed to be done. But again, different kingdoms, different customs.
The doors slid open to reveal none other than Miguel himself, motioning for you to come in. The room was large and so was the war table, as people gathered around it. A total of six, you and Miguel made eight in total.
There had never been another chair at the top of the table, cause there was no need for another one. Until now. You sit next to Miguel. Eyes settled on you.
Some with hardened expressions you couldn't quite pinpoint as to why of their sudden and implicit hostility, others regarded you curiously.
Jessica, Ben and Peter joined not long after.
"Now, that we're all in, let us begin."
"Your majesty."
Everyone bowed to Miguel and soon an elder lady spoke.
"As you may know, the nether lands are asking for an audience with you ever since some months ago. They will not stop until you've listened to them, apparently."
Her tone was tired, a little annoyed but respectful nonetheless.
"What is it what they want anyways, May?"
"For you to lower their taxes on seasonal products."
"Can't do if they charge as twice for imports that are brought out of time. And recreating their things is proven to be even more expensive."
Miguel sighed while resting his cheek on his knuckles.
"Lower them a two percent."
"But, my lord! You lowered them already last month!"
Another man spoke, pointing at the outside lands out of Enethor. Your eyes frowned upon seeing the distance to travel and import. Miguel looked at you from the corner of his eyes.
"What do you think, Princesa?"
"W-Well, taxes are quite important for the kingdom, and so are the seasonal products the merchants offer, naturally, they'd ask to lower the taxes"
Some scoffed at the obvious information, but you kept talking.
"Why don't lower the taxes in the plot of lands they use?"
"Care to explain that?"
"Look at it this way, the cheaper the land, more opportunities they have to create more jobs"
"So basically making the rich, richer."
You frowned at the tempting words from another man.
"No. A mutual help, sir. By lowering the prices, there will be no need for them to travel such great distances, and subsequently they won't raise their prices on the market. Because they'll produce what they can here."
May seemed to consider your words as the rest discussed.
"Do you use this in your kingdom, your highness?"
Another man, Ben Parker spoke with genuine curiosity.
"We do. Since Theleria produces medicines, we cannot be picky when it comes to import the finest materials for it. We want to help others. Not monopolise health."
"How... benevolent of you. Though I'm quite surprised you allow such thing, when your kingdom is the tiniest among the continent."
Another man, Darko D'Angelo spoke.
"Yet, with all due respect, none has taken our place as the main supplier of medicines in the continent, sir."
Miguel smirked as you took a discreet deep inhale. It was unavoidable to feel angered when someone tried to belittle Theleria.
"Now, now, let's get our attention focused on what truly needs to be discussed."
The council expanded on various topics, even though the start was a bit rocky, there were times where you actually felt included and taken in consideration. May Parker seemed on a neutral line. And so was Ben Parker. Another amusing thing, was to know that there were so many Parkers and Ben's within the ranks.
They all seemed connected to the need to fight for what was good, and Miguel slead them all on. It made your heart to leap a bit in your chest as your eyes settled on him, discreetly.
For a dark king everyone assumed him to be, he had been one of the kindest, wisest and considerate man with a deep love for his kingdom you've ever met.
Jessica couldn't help but elbow Peter to witness the look you were giving him. An absolutely fascinated one. That turned into a blushing stare the more he spoke about the revamps he wanted to do into the esthetics ways of Arachne.
The council had discussed many things he had neglected, like arts and other needs revolving around them. You were so temped into taking his hand and ask him personally to let you handle it. That you would help him and not disappoint him.
But the same man from before changed the mood and the conversation's route so quickly fast it had cut you short to prepare yours and the rest's replies.
"I think your highness should focus in producing heirs, instead of feeding the needs of a little bunch that hold no productivity besides entertaining momentarily the rest."
"Ser Darko."
May warned but another man spoke.
"Baron D'Angelo is right. You see, we are at the verge of war-"
"Against who, my lord?"
You questioned and if the men could kill with their looks, you'd be a cold body by now. Their subtle and not so discreet disdain over your ideas an opinions hadn't go unnoticed, specially by Baron D'Angelo, who seemed fixated into getting any sort of negative reaction from you.
"Against who?! How preposterous of you to believe we are in times of peace, when outside the continent there is so many enemies that want to invade us, princess."
If it wasn't for the warning glare Miguel shot him, he could've kept rambling about how naive you were.
"My apologies, ser. Has anything been done to appease their intentions?"
"It's not something you can't just fix by talking to them, princess. That it has worked for you and your people means it will work for us."
"But have you tried dialogue? Know the cause of their-"
"Again, we've tried anything.-"
"Not to sound disrespectful, ser. It's clear I need to know more of Arachne,-"
Your brow quirked at what he had just said
"And I know that some kingdoms reject dialogue or any peaceful solution before it's has been offered," You took a breath, testing carefully your words., "But it does seems odd their stance of attacking, remains after the supposed peace offerings."
"We've known these realms for so long that a pacific solution has been discarded eons ago."
You blinked, but it was a good chance to put the spotlight on the both. It was clear that they loved to engage in war. Which concerned you.
"So, you're assuming they want war, and you're ready to engage without giving a chance for real words to be treated?"
"With all due respect, princess. Thelerian pacifist and foreign outlooks towards Arachne's belic conflicts are everything but helpful."
Miguel's jaw clenched, and so did Peter's. Tension in the room was heavier and denser than a black hole. He was set to make you angry, and it was hard to not bait into his game, but like your mother, you kept it calm and composed, even though you wanted to put a little datura into his drink.
"Quite ironic how roles invert here, ser D'Angelo."
"Beg your pardon?"
His voice came a bit louder and annoyed than he had intended to.
"Even though I do agree that I must know more about Arachne, I believe you must expand your knowledge in Theleria. Not the one you all now know. But the one before being The Fallen Kingdom."
Darko scowled but remained quiet, letting his haughty look to speak for him.
" What about it?"
"Theleria has been one of the most ancient lands of this continent, ser. And the one that has the most antique monarchy lines through Enethor."
"It happens that we turned into a fallen kingdom by being exactly as you voice your opinion."
"And how is that?"
"Closed to any other option that wasn't war. And look at us now, ser. May the creator above forbid this land to fall under the same curse we have."
"That's... That's not gonna happen."
"It might happen if you keep refusing what you have overlooked so far."
"Are you threatening Arachne, your majesty?"
"I am not. I have no power to stand against your armies, ser. But only a fool would take a fair epitome of what happens when acting recklessly, as a threat."
Baron Darko's mouth gaped as his eyes widened in disbelief. How dared you to play him like that? Even worst in his own game.
"Or so is what my mother always says."
The other man that had initially been with him had kept quiet in the whole exchange. Watching and listening to the verbal spar where you had gotten by a few inches the upper hand.
"I am not opposed to war, gentlemen. But, like I said to the king once, if I am able to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, I will."
There wasn't much said after that, little pleasantries and polite goodbyes from your end, made you exit your room. Head high, even if the whole meeting was a fiasco, you would've still held your head high. Your legs shook as Peter followed you. A subtle yet knowing smile plastered on his lips.
In the room, however things weren't done. Not when Baron D'Angelo and Lady May approached.
"You still refuse to give us an answer when it comes to have heirs, your majesty."
"They'll come when the time is right."
Miguel didn't want to dwell into the subject. Children sure were in his list, but responsibilities had taken so much away from him already, that he forgot about them. He was past his thirties, and he could die in battle, leaving no heirs to follow his legacy.
"I guess the time is approaching sooner than we think, your majesty. What if the future queen is unable to conceive?"
His eyes narrowed at Darko's words. Even though his yapping was irksome, he had a fair point.
"As much as I differ with Baron Darko, you know the rules of this game, your majesty."
Lady May spoke with the same tired tone in her voice from before.
"The princess will bear the future heir of Arachne."
Miguel's words made Darko to tense and frown.
"But she knows so little about us! We don't know if her kingdom will remain loyal to us in a future if trouble arises, my lord."
He rubbed his hands nervously as Miguel  sheathed his sword on his hip.
"Please, consider your other options, in case the princess is unable to-"
A hand dressed in the obsidian claw made the sharp fingertips to hold on Darko's chin, tips softly prickling at his skin.
"She will. Not your daughter. Am I clear?"
The Baron could only nod with a difficult gulp.
Miguel had taken a small break from all that just happened, Jessica had the most shit eating smile one could muster.
"She will, huh?"
"Aren't those the rules?"
"You seem a bit too enthusiastic about following those certain rules."
"I'm getting old, and they keep pestering me."
Miguel mumbled before removing his armor and plop on his ever trusting chair.
"You have to do something regarding Dana first."
"I know."
"Or else-"
"Jessica... I know."
His commander and right hand sighed, but preferred to change topics.
"Guess she has a temper after all."
A faint chuckle escaped Jessica's lips.
"Why did you assume she didn't?"
"She's not precisely someone that strikes me as vindictive, or demand her father's mistress death."
Miguel huffed an airy laugh while slicking his hair back, pensive.
"Peter explained why she... got so upset regarding that situation. Makes sense."
"So, you're knowing eachother more?"
Jessica rolled her eyes with an exasperated grunt.
"She seems a little too fascinated with you, you know?"
"What do you mean?"
"Back in the council. She was giving you these dreamy puppy eyes."
Miguel's lips twitched in a little smile.
"So you better make a move, before someone else fool but brave enough does."
Bushy eyebrows furrowed. And only deepened when Jessica tossed a little envelope, smelling like roses and other pleasant herbs before going away.
For my muse.
The scribbled words were almost as stylish and perfect as yours, definitely another Thelerian.
Who dared to be foolish enough to pursue something out of his reach? He gave a quick reading to the letter and scoffed at the maudlin words. Not that he blamed the man for feeling so intensely.
After what transpired today, it felt like a little switch was turned on in him. It wasn't an outcome he had expected, but the balance had been tipped in your favor. Not entirely, but had enough member's approval to reaffirm his choice.
And he had to thank you for leaving those harrying members that demanded from him a heir, behind with their mouth shut for long enough.
Darko however always seemed to favor Dana. At first, they all agreed that the main mistress should occupy the throne.  But Miguel never really regarded such things. Too busy fighting enemies in allied countries and waging political wars to actually have a pause and produce the next line of descendants.
He didn't know it if was coincidence or something greater than him that put that passageway in his path, and now not only had a true reason to get married, but someone that shared his convictions and dreams for his country.
And, he was sure his future heirs would be beautiful.
Just like you.
The letter had annoyed him, but also amused him. A man that had only saw you and spoke to you twice, put all his feelings in the letter that was turned into ashes by now.
But he had to give that fool some credit. Unlike him, he knew how to express and convey his feelings without any apparent issue, yet he wasn't able to talk about something else that wasn't work and duties related.
With a sigh, he changed into a more casual attire and picked his sword. Then, ventured in his palace, looking for you.
You were about to leave for the gardens to take the afternoon tea with Margo and Gwen when Miguel's shadow loomed over from your bedroom's doorframe. A little jolt buzzed through your body, startling you.
"My lord, not to be... disrespectful but, I think it's time for you to knock on my door."
Miguel chuckled and motioned for you to come closer.
"Come. Follow me."
With a quirk of your eyebrow, you obeyed and followed him. Long legs took him further as you tried your utter best to keep up with him. Miguel's ears perked at the sound of your steps hastily following him. A pleased smile was etched in his face to then suddenly stop before a room.
With a deep sigh and a bit of pantings, you also stopped.
"Close your eyes, Princesa."
"Close your eyes. Please."
The confused look in your face made his eyes soften and a smile to stretch wider as you obeyed him once more.
Quite compliant
And oh so pretty. His eyes stared at your face for what seemed forever, time had stopped specially when his deep ruby eyes stared at your lips, and then trailed themselves down to the collarbone. Before his eyes could rake you over, his throat was cleared and he opened the doors for you.
He then gave your lower back a gentle push for you to move forward. He took your hand and guided you inside. Warm fingers curling softly on his big and weathered hands.
He took you further into the room, the scent of the ever familiar herbs and flowers filled in your lungs, subduing your rising nervousness.
"Open them."
You did, and your heart beat with such strenght you had to clutch harder on his hand at the sight. It was a much more advanced laboratory from what you had back at Theleria.
In one side, you had the many and an endless looking supply of herbs and other medicinal things. And in the other side, you had the tools. Canisters filled in with strange liquids that boiled, glass containers, a oak table sturdy enough to bring and attend anyone in need of a surgery, and of course, many books related Arachne's medical story.
"Is yours."
His words and gentle smile had your eyes glossy while a shivering laugh escaped your lips.
"Mine? All Mine?"
"All yours."
He nodded while enveloping your hands with his.
"This is-... Oh by the heavens. My lord. This is... too much for me, I-"
Your eyes settled on his warm expression.
"I know you will make a good use of it."
"Your highness"
You mumbled while squeezing his hands a bit tighter.
"I... I don't even know what to say."
"A 'thank you, my king' would suffice"
A little laugh and his heart skipped a beat.
"You are part now of the medical staff. Their leader, you'll be a great mentor to them."
"Will you visit me, my lord?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Of course. Seeing you is always good. Though I must ask. Do... you fear me? Or feel something strongly negative towards me?"
"I'm afraid the question confuses me, Princesa."
"Let me rephrase that question. Do you feel averted towards me or repulsed?"
All the opposite.
"It is not personal if I don't approach, Princesa. I've been busy. I'm always busy-"
"I... I know that, ser. But, you're always seeming to avoid me until something that requires me appears."
Miguel's brow twitched at the lack of reply, instead you spoke again.
"Political or not... I wouldn't like to marry an acquaintance, much less a stranger."
A soft blush crept on your cheek and you inhaled deeply before mumbling.
"That's why... I... I'd like to know my future husband better. If its not too much to ask."
Going from acquaintances to be called future husband surely made his brain a puddle and his heart to accelerate in a way that for once didn't concerned him.
"Would you... join me tomorrow at a lunch in the meadows?"
You gulped, and casted your eyes down, a bit too embarrassed to meet his bewildered stare.
"Its alright if you can't go, we can know eachother-"
"I'll be there."
Words came so soft and like butter from his mouth that you stared at him with round eyes in surprise.
"We have a lot to discuss anyway. I think it's time for us to properly address our wedding, your highness."
"As you wish, my lord."
The sweet smile on your face made him want to forever have it tattooed in his mind.
The way he looked at you didn't sit right in the spying and vindictive blue eyes that followed you almost everywhere.
Her heart broke upon seeing the kind of look Miguel threw your way. All different from hers, full of annoyance and cold hearted, nearly in despise. But you, had managed to fulfil one of her dreams with such easiness it made his own heart to crash and burn in anger.
This wasn't over. It would be when Dana said it was. With a new target in mind, the main mistress disappeared in the shadows. Unable to widstand the momentarily defeat. She came first, she had the right to that crown, his heirs and him. Dana would have him, either the good or the bad way.
And Miguel always seemed to learn the bad way.
@obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @nxrdamp @a--dedicated--fangirl @rin0r1na @queenofroses22 @sofi786 @murnsondock @okayiamkassandra @kimmis-stuff @ceoofmiguel @meeom @handsomeprettytoes @ladymoztaza @chiikasevennn @mxtokko @gabrielarose29 @oooof-ifellforyou @minalovesyoubabes @kikisstrawberrie @know-that-its-delicate @aikoiya @st0r-fruit @ittybxttykxttytxtty @local-mr-frog @liidiaaag @berlinswifey @eepybunny0805 @vonev @cheerrioeoz @solesurvivorjen @zaunsin @ange-grayson @peachsteven @kdrosebme @geraskier-thots @rjasmin2021 @yehet-moi-ohorat @death-moth-art @smookycloyd @somehopeatlast @jadinwitch @bunnibitez
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whateversawesome · 25 days
Spy x Family Chapter 98: An Explosion
Let's start with the most important thing and we'll go from there. Ready? This panel:
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Blink and you'll miss that insignificant comment from someone we don't even know their name. Nevertheless, given the implications of Project Apple, this panel is huge! Because, even if back then it was just a rumor, there's a chance it could also be true. Project Apple could have started during the first conflict. This leads me to the following theory:
Anya's biological parents were prisoners of war.
The story about Twilight as a soldier, Martha and Henry, as well as Millie, Franky, and even the Lady Patriots Society tell us about the dehumanization of the enemy. So yeah, it's very possible that it was acceptable for either side to do anything they wanted with captured enemies, that includes experimentation.
And by prisoners of war, I'm not only referring to soldiers and medical personnel, but also spies. Wouldn't it be funny if Anya's birth parents were also spies? It's too soon to tell, but it's so much fun to speculate 😆
At the beginning, it's stated that Anya was created by accident:
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Maybe she was "an accident" between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war being experimented on and a scientist 🤔
So here's another crazy idea: Everyone thinks that Anya learned Classical Language because it was used in the lab by scientists, but what if it was her biological parents the ones who taught her that language in order to be able to communicate with each other?
At some point, I thought that even if we learned about Anya's past there was a possibility we would never know about her parents, now I think we will.
About the Chapter
Clearly, SXF is an anti-war story that wants to show us how terrible war is for EVERYONE. That's why big and small characters, side or main, have been affected greatly by war.
I'm sure plenty of people will talk about Martha and Henry's love story. After this chapter, I think it's clear that they probably were separated by war and that Henry had to marry to save himself, leaving Martha up in the air. (I know I am a fool, but I keep hoping she's the one he married, but I don't think so 😭)
Anyways, leaving the cautionary semi-tragic love story aside (Ahem, watch out Twilight and Yor)...I see what the author is trying to do: The story shows us very clearly what happens to every person when pushed to their limits, when they and their families are in danger. It's a story about loss, loss, and more loss.
The story is trying to make the readers root for peace and be very adamant against war. This is a masterclass on "Show, don't tell." So even if a lot of these stories seem insignificant because it's about side characters, they are meant to influence the readers' point of view about war, so when it reaches the main characters, we all know what could happen to them. These stories are meant to raise the stakes for the main characters.
Now, I've said it before: It's very possible that close to the climax of the story, Ostania and Westalis will be at the verge of a third conflict. By then, we'll know much more about the main characters' background as well as many other stories of side characters affected by war (don't be surprised if The Garden was created as a consequence of it). So when we're close to the end, when war is about to happen, we'll know exactly what could happen to the Forgers, because it has already happened to so many people: loss.
Something to Keep in Mind
The more the story moves forward, the more curious I am about the Desmonds. Since all of the characters were affected by war, I'm wondering how were the Desmond affected? Melinda certainly has issues (did this happen during and because of the war?) and Donovan Desmond is still a BIG question mark. It easy to relate to what normal characters feel. If any of us were going through something similar, we would be terrified too. However, how is it for someone in charge? How did Desmond see and suffer war? I really want to know.
One Last Thing
If in two chapters focusing on two side characters Endo has managed to create such a beautiful love story, can you image what he plans to do with Twiyor, which is the main couple of the story??
I know I say this a lot, but after seeing this my expectations are high and I am convinced it'll be worth the wait.
Food for thought.
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pumpkinbxtch · 15 days
heyy! I was wondering if you could do a hc for jason x daughter of Neptune like a beach date and it end with the Neptune girl having a full collection of shells and Jason taking care of her? If that makes sense?! 💗💗
beach day w my baby | headcanons
— jason grace x daughter of neptune!reader
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☆ radiostar is playing: sunburn by almost monday…!
warnings: language, as usual I think. a/n: hey beautiful person how you're doing? ofc makes sense so put your sunglasses on girl, we're having a beach day!
Jason couldn’t think of a better way to spend the day than taking you to the beach. Sure, it seemed a bit cliché for a daughter of Neptune, but you couldn’t deny that you missed being near the sea, especially when everyone at Camp Jupiter saw you as just a bad omen. Jason wished it could be like at Camp Half-Blood, where the kids of the Big Three were almost too respected.
You reached for his hand, and he put those thoughts aside. He wanted to focus on you today and have a good time.
For your day at the beach...
Jason carried the backpack with all the essentials, double-checking everything before you left:
- Sunscreen? Check. Maybe it didn’t bother you or him, but he had to protect both of your skin.
- Towels to dry off? Check.
- An inflatable donut? It wasn’t for you, it was for him. He’s a good swimmer, but he wanted to relax too (which clearly didn’t happen).
- And finally, a small net bag.
- water
- snacks
- a protector for his glasses
- a change of clothes for both.
You’d probably drag him through the sand and play with him in the water. Jason held you tightly by the waist, and you smiled in that special way you only did when you were near the water... and him.
He was sweating from the heat and also because you made him nervous. How long have you been his girlfriend? He lost count (okay, he knows exactly, but it’s been long enough for him to be used to it).
He’s a shrimp if he doesn’t protect himself, but even with sunscreen, his face had pink spots.
You took him to a deeper spot with the help of an air bubble, showing him places he could never have seen without you.
Kissing underwater.
Putting sunscreen on each other. Jason always shyly asked when he got near places that might bother you with his hands.
When you were taking a break in the shade on your towels, he would direct a breeze toward you. No heatwave would threaten you.
He kept both of you hydrated.
Then you smiled and reached into the bag for the one thing you begged him to bring: your net bag. “Be right back,” you giggled anxiously and ran off before your boyfriend could say anything. Jason tried to stay put but ended up going with you.
“Look at this!” you squealed, holding up a shell to Jason’s eye level. The comparison was clear because that shell was a shade of blue similar to his eyes. Jason framed the view with his hands.
“Are there shells that color?” You shrugged and tossed it into the net to keep searching until you had a big collection.
Tired, you sat at the edge of the shore, where the tide just touched your toes, and Jason mimicked you. He kissed your forehead and smiled warmly as the sun began to set.
You held the net up, admiring the diversity and beauty of something so simple, then hugged it to your chest, looking a bit sad.
“Something wrong?” your boyfriend asked, noticing your heaviness and thinking you might have hurt yourself.
“Nothing,” you said, standing up and shaking the sand off your legs. “I’m going to put them back where they belong.”
He found it strange. If you’d put so much effort into collecting them, why return them?
“I’m afraid my father will get mad at me for taking something so precious,” you explained, “or that guy Grover will chase me for damaging the ecosystem,” you added with a more genuine laugh.
So, Jason helped you spread out what you had collected. You didn’t feel bad about doing the right thing; quite the opposite.
“All set?” Jason called a few meters away, and you nodded. He noticed you were holding something in your hand and asked with his eyes.
You extended your hand, revealing the unusual shell with the same eye color as Jason. “I know my dad won’t be mad if I take just one,” you said, taking Jason’s hand. He smiled and carried you bridal-style to the showers to wash off the sand.
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
Hi, I just read your two Jason fics and I love them. Could you write a daughter of Poseidon x Jason and maybe Percy being a overprotective brother. Thanks. Love you
⛧° jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader hcs °⛧
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⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader, platonic!percy jackson x reader
a/n: guys, i reached 100 likes with just two posts omg you're amazing!!! so, i kinda got a few other requests waiting, but they’re TOO good to make just headcannons or to be poorly written, so they’ll take a little while longer to be posted. nothing much, tho (i hope). enjoy!
Protective is an understatement.
Percy is literally the most protective brother ever, even if you're just one year younger than him.
He feels as if he's job to protect you from everything and everyone that could possibly think about hurting you.
So when you started hanging out more with him and his friends, he couldn't have made it more clear to all of them that you were completely and totally off limits.
But did this silly little rule stop Jason to date you?
Of course it did!
My baby is just too obedient and such a rule follower... poor boy
Anyways, you had to make the first move.
Even with that, he was pretty hesitant to do anything such as holding hands in public.
In reality, he wasn't afraid of Percy, he just didn't want the other boy to get mad with him.
So, one day, you called both Percy and Jason to have a very serious conversation in the Poseidon cabin.
Percy was, as usual, completely clueless about anything, so he just babbled with Jason.
Who, by the way, was a complete mess of blushing and stuttering.
You obviously thought it as endearing, cause it really was.
"You're probably wondering why i called you here today." you said, a wicked smile on your face.
Percy was hugged with his plushie (you had matching shark plushies, Dory and Nemo) while Jason wanted to dig a hole in the floor and never come back from it.
"What's up, sis? If it's something to do with missing chocolate, i have nothing to do with it." The dark haired boy said, smiling.
Little did he knew that smile was gonna fade in three seconds.
"Me and Jason, we're dating." You said, quickly.
Percy's face fell.
"W-what?" He asked, his eyes darkening.
"We're dating. Like, boyfriend and girlfriend."
"So... you're dating Jason. Not Leo?" Percy asked.
"No, why would i date Leo-" You were cut off by a grateful sigh coming from your brother's mouth.
"Thanks the gods. As long as it's not Leo, i can handle it."
Jason turned to him for the first time, as if he wasn't even believing the words he just heard.
"Just... break her heart and i'll break your neck." Percy said with a threatening smile and patted Jason's back, leaving the cabin.
Alright, enough of the Jackson drama, back to Blond Superman.
He's the literal sweetest person alive.
He��🏼learnt👏🏼 how 👏🏼to 👏🏼swim👏🏼 for👏🏼 ya
Bro's whipped
And he took Percy's words as his life rules
He made his best to make you happy whenever you're with him
Like, literally anytime
Once you cried next to him cause a fish didn't talk to you (it was a plastic fish, but you were on ur period, okay?)
He literally took you to the beach so you could chat and gossip with the real fishes
And you were so happy he nearly melt at that sight
That's when he knew he had fell in love with you
Romantic dates EVERY WEEK
He bribes the Demeter kids to give him your favorite flowers every once in a while
He always keeps some sort of physical touch, doesn't matter if he's holding your waist, your hands, touching pinkies
You got the point
He's just too madly in love
For him, you're the most beatiful, unique, hot, perfect, powerful, hot, smart, hot, strong, HAVE I MENTIONED HOT, person in the whole world
Literally, he would kiss your feet if you asked him to
He's glad you don't, actually
He stopped eating anything that comes from the marine animals after you got together.
Like, absolutely anything
Oh, and i've mentioned this on a previous hc, but he literally pays for absolutely ✨everything✨
Like, honey, don't even come near your wallet
Oh, and he buys you lots of gifts constantly
From plushies to books to makeup to sketch books in case you like drawing
And he's totally a languages guy
And with your ADHD and dyslexia, he helps you a lot
And you help him with maths.
Of course, he always has a nickname for you.
"Hey, mermaid?"
"I love you."
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rogueddie · 1 year
part one
Eddie is sure that something big happened, something that he missed. Steves explanation sounded far too simple for the way the atmosphere seems to swell, thick and suffocating, whenever El or Steve enter the room.
Whatever it is that the two said, the tension has started causing him issues.
Dustin and Lucas keep leaning close to each other, whispering, making wild hand gestures during DnD- which would be fine, if he weren't giving a speech which involved very important plot details.
He waits until they finish for the night, everyone starting to gather their things, before speaking up.
"Henderson," Eddie says, loud enough that Dustin flinches, jerking up to look at him with wide eyes. "Stay here a moment."
"Uh, wh- why?"
"Because I said so." He raises an eyebrow at everyone else, who's stopped and just watching them. "What? Scram!"
"Give him hell," Gareth nudges him, grinning.
Jeff quickly shoves him towards the door, glancing at Eddie before following him. "Take it easy on him, ok?"
"Yeah, yeah," Eddie waves him off. It just makes Jeff snort, playfully shoving him, before jogging after Gareth.
Mike hesitates, but quickly scrams when he sees the look on Eddies face.
"What's up?" Dustin asks. He tries to shift, to look casual.
"What the hell is going on? You've all been weird about Steve and El for a whole week."
"Oh... we just... had a misunderstanding."
"Uh-huh," Eddie crosses his arms. "About what?"
"Alright! It's- we all make jokes about Steve being stupid and he told us to cut it out."
"Yeah, Steve told me that much. It was upsetting him or some shit. That's not everything that happened though, is it?"
"Maybe you should ask Steve, he's your-"
"Kid, so help me, I will murder your little Elf. Start talking."
"Alright, fine! Geez. It was... we joked about it, we knew he wasn't upset by any of that. And, yeah, we were right. It didn't upset Steve- it upset El."
"What the hell were you saying?" Eddie frowns. He hasn't spoken to El much but, even with such short interactions, he's sure that it would take something big to effect her. She's tough as nails.
"Nothing bad! It was the same shit we always say! But it's fine. She spoke to Steve for a bit and then she explained to us why it was upsetting her. She said something about how she knows we aren't bullies because we're not 'sad assholes' like you said."
Eddie snorts. That had been a fun day, despite El having to relive the shit she dealt with her bullies in California. He'd made her laugh and, after she went home, Steve had... well.
"So what's with the tension?"
"Mike doesn't think it's a big deal because they're just jokes." Dustin shrugs. "He's not wrong."
Eddies eyebrows shoot up, incredulous. "'He's not wrong?' You're fucking with me, right? You're not serious."
"They both know we don't mean it!"
"Do they?"
"Max asked; El knows we don't think she's dumb."
"What about Steve?"
That makes him falter.
"What about Steve?" Dustin clears his throat. "He's not upset by the jokes, he told us that."
"That's not what I was asking and you know that."
"Well, yeah, but... he'd be upset if he thought we meant it... right?"
"You're a fucking idiot, Henderson."
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mikwaa · 11 months
I'll always miss you, you will shine like gold in my memory.
Zhongli x Reader
Wc: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, hurt no comfort, reader dies. Toxic relationship, Morax is an idiot brute, this is set in the Archon war, reader is a warrior.
A/n: I had this draft written here a while ago, decided to post it because it's one I really like. As the old Morax is described as a more rough and ruthless person, I imagine that for him to change there had to be a major event. And so I ended up writing this, maybe I'll do another ending because I genuinely don't like sad endings, but it went together so well I decided to leave it like this.
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"Morax, please listen to me." And there you were, in one of those endless fights with your husband.
The reason this time was that you had found a group of people, begging for a place to stay, since they were wandering around. This group had been exiled from Sumeru, the reasons were not yet clear, nor did they know why. There were children, elders, even young pregnant women, you couldn't just ignore them and let them die.
And you had offered them a home in the Guili Plains, the place where the Liyue population was housed. But Morax did not accept, nor did he seem to want to change his mind.
"I've said what I think, and I'm not going to change it." And he didn't even look at you, on the contrary, he walked even faster to distance more from you.
"Can you stop being so irreverent?" You quicken your steps and stand in front of him, stopping him from moving forward.
He narrowed his eyes in your direction, his face turning into an angry frown, "I told you, don't make me repeat myself. If you choose to save those people, you can forget about coming back. I don't want you around." His words were sharp as blades, wounding as such.
And seeing his face without a drop of expression, without a single regret. How could he say such impactful things as if they were nothing?
"How can you talk like that? I'm your spouse, I'm just trying to help." You could already feel tears forming in your eyes, he always acted like a brute, but there were times you couldn't even handle it.
"You can help me by protecting my people, not by harboring strangers." The coldness with which he spoke to you was abysmal, it didn't even seem like you had any kind of relationship.
"They are people too, they have feelings too. They are afraid to die, they are simply out in the open."
"I care what's mine, we're in a war, we can't save everyone. And I chose to take care of what is mine, my territory together with my people". He states, with that usual stoic face. With that arrogance and selfishness that would drive anyone crazy with rage.
"So that's still a no?" Breathing heavily you ask him one last time, the hope you had of him giving in had simply vanished.
"It was always a no. If you're going to keep talking about it, you can save both your time and mine." Snide and sharp, he never seemed to change.
"Then you won't want me here anymore, I suppose." To his surprise, you wouldn't give up. You would keep your word no matter what.
"Go ahead." Nothing more, not a sentimentality, nothing. Just treating you like you were just another one of his pawns, like you were just another one in the crowd.
A hot tear ran down your face, your heart burning as if it had been recently scalded.
"Are you really going to treat me like this? Like I'm nothing to you, and this ring means nothing?" You removed the ring, holding it with trembling hands.
The engagement ring, which he had made for you himself, was so beautiful. With jade detailing all over the ring, and even more precious was the message it had, 'It will always be you'. According to him, it was to show how much you meant to him.
And now? Were those beautiful words just thrown to the wind?
He huffed, looking incredibly upset and tired of this situation, but he didn't show you anything, he wasn't sad, sorry, guilty, nothing. As if none of this mattered.
"Have it your way." Completely indifferent he mumbles.
"Okay." You threw the ring away, without even looking at where it went," If it meant nothing to you, it meant nothing to me."
Now he seemed to take some notice of you, but was clearly displeased.
But there was no time for him to talk or complain to you, you ran out of there. He wanted to go after you, but the pride he carried in his chest was stronger.
A feeling of guilt invaded his heart, but he still wouldn't let his feelings get the better of him, because he believed that you would go back on your decision.
You wouldn't exchange him for a group of people you barely know, but that was exactly the point he didn't understand. It wasn't that he wouldn't help you, it was the way he dealt with certain issues. He was so focused and objective, that should be good, but it wasn't the case with him.
He always complained that you think too much about others, just as you complain that his behavior is often harsh and hostile. He believed that you would come back, but he was wrong, very wrong.
it had been three weeks since you had even dared to look at each other. He couldn't swallow his pride, and neither could you. That arrogance and selfishness he possessed could get on anyone's nerves, and you were not immune to it.
No matter how many times you tried to make him understand that things were not practical as he claimed they were, he would never understand, he was a real brute.
And that was the last straw for you, people were not objects that he could control as and when he wanted, and he didn't seem to want to understand that.
You had left the village, and had no desire to return. You had tucked yourself away in a simpler hut and in a place you suspected Morax wouldn't go near. Even though you loved him so much, you doubted if he would ever change.
It was so many doubts mixed with the anger you felt about the things he said, you took it out on the monsters you met in front of you, without letting a single one escape.
With quick and precise blows, you used your blade with an unmistakable dexterity. But even this was not enough for what would happen next. A monster that you didn't even know what it was hit you, and ended up hurting you.
You didn't even know where it came from, you didn't even have time to react. Your body heaved and you fell to the grass abruptly, as you felt a sharp pain run through your entire body.
And when you managed to stabilize yourself and look at the monster, it was no longer there. It had already turned to dust.
"You with this stubbornness. You can't even take care of yourself." From the familiarity in his voice, it wasn't hard to guess that it was your husband.
"Shut up." You mustered the strength to speak, it seemed as if your strength was draining away second by second.
Even in such a state, the weakness and frailty you were in didn't seem to make any commotion in Morax.
"If you knew you wouldn't be like this." So cold, so distant. Every word of his hurt so much.
How could he be so indifferent? So cruel.
"You won't even see your spouse? You won't even try to take care of me?" Even though you tried to sound strong and imposing, all that came out was a shaky, tired voice.
"I'm no specialist in this. Go find help somewhere else, I told you I don't want you around." It wasn't just anger, it was a feeling of someone who had been defied, you hadn't followed his orders, and he was hating you for it.
You had traded him, that's what he had in mind, but you didn't leave because of that. You loved him like crazy, and you had helped him in many ways. But he still needed to think more about others, trust humans more.
To learn to understand that people were not just pawns that he moved when and how he wanted, it was far from that. And now he was experiencing the fact that someone might not follow his orders, and that someone was you.
He went to look over his shoulder one last time, as he began to notice a pool of blood starting to form around you, he hurried his steps over to you.
"I have to take you, the healers will help." Bending down close to you he whispers. The sudden change in behavior that soon showed his desperation.
"You know they won't, there's nothing else to do." You couldn't control the tear that welled up in your eye.
It had been a very deep wound, you didn't need any healer to tell you that you were hopeless, the village was far away, there would be no time to get there. Several other warriors had died like this, and it would be no different with you.
His stoic expression turned to one of terror, his pride gone in a matter of minutes.
"Don't talk foolishness." He nestles you in his arms, carrying you so gingerly that it seemed he was afraid of hurting you with the slightest touch.
"Leave me here," he opened his mouth to protest, and you continued, "Please."
He propped you up on his chest, wrapping you in the clothes of his own body, so that you were properly protected.
"Why are you so stubborn? I can't understand you." For the first time you heard him speak in a broken voice, he was trying not to cry.
"I just want to save time, you know you don't have much to do." You gently caress his face.
He wanted to tell you so much, but he couldn't put it into words, ever.
"I shouldn't have acted like that." Finally, he admitted it. But now it was too late for any regrets.
You intertwined your fingers with his, smiling faintly. He could feel your strength fading little by little, and he could do nothing.
You were too fragile, just like all humans. And he could do nothing.
He couldn't believe it, how could a being as powerful as him be so powerless like that? That shouldn't be right, but it was.
"Please stay." He pleads, but how could you fulfill that request? His voice was so shaken it sounded almost unrecognizable.
For the first time he was losing one of his partners, he had always protected them all as best he could, and none of them had gone so far. But the first was you, his first big loss was you. How would he be able to handle it? No, he couldn't.
"I will never forget your eyes, they are so beautiful." You say softly, almost inaudible.
And he let a tear escape, all the armor he had made in his heart had broken, and he couldn't control it. It was the love of his life leaving, all he could do was watch, how could he be so useless at a time like this?
"Stay, keep your eyes open, I'll get help, I'll…" Not even he himself believed his own words, much less believed that you could save yourself.
He felt so much guilt, how could he have been so negligent? He had never been very sentimental, but now he felt it all at once.
He could hardly describe his exact feeling, because he had no exact feeling. Now he understood all the human emotions you spoke of, a pity he could only understand now, on your deathbed.
The birds were singing, it was a beautiful day, the sun had the most beautiful glow. And yet Morax was there, on the grass with you in his arms, crying in despair like never before. The blood that stained the green of the vegetation, and the pain that remained impregnated in Morax's soul.
And then, like one of those tricks played by fate, everything fell silent. Morax sobbed softly, and made one last plea, "Don't leave me, I really care for you. I love you, stay here." He held your hand tightly, seeing how small it was compared to his.
It was the first time he had been that clear, he had never really opened his heart to you, a shame that the first time he said 'I love you', you were no longer there to hear it.
And as soon as he realized it, a faint cry was all that came out of Morax's mouth, followed by an audible sob. He realized that you died there, nestled in his arms, holding his hand, so angelic.
His beloved had left him, eternally.
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Millennia had passed since your death, 3.800 years to be exact. Yet this hurt Morax so much that he was never able to forget you.
Even though he left the Archon life aside, now going by another name, Zhongli, and leading a more modest life as a simple Liyue citizen, the memories he had with you were vivid, shining like gold in his memory.
He martyred himself every day, he blamed himself, a guilt that he would never be able to eliminate from his chest, he would give everything, even his life for you to come back.
And today this feeling was stronger than ever, because it was the day of your death, the day you left him alone in this world. Another year had passed, and even so it seemed like yesterday when you died, at least that's how Morax felt.
And as he did every year, he bought your favorite flowers, picked them carefully to make sure that you would like them. Plus he provided the wine of his choice, it was the only thing that made his mind clear on a day like this, even if he wasn't very used to all that drinking.
When he was ready, he went to your tomb, which was made in the Guili Plains, the place where everything began, and also where everything ended. He always kept your grave clean, after all he visited you every day, no matter how hectic his routine could be, he would always come to your grave daily.
"I missed you, my dear." He says these words to the wind, anyone passing by would think he was crazy, but he didn't care.
He always spent hours talking to you, talking about everything that had changed, and how he had changed. He always thought that no matter where you were, you could always hear him.
Gently he put the flowers on the grave, and sat down on the floor, while pouring himself some wine. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you, more than anything else."
On a day like today, he wouldn't even try to hold back the tears, or the pain in his chest. He caught himself thinking how proud you would be to see the progress Liyue had made, how beautiful the city looked now.
He wanted to show you that he understood what you said in the last minutes of your life, he wanted to show you that you had become a better person. This was due to a great influence of yours, who now was not here to accompany him on this journey.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I did, my beloved. You would think it magnificent the way everything has progressed, how humans could achieve so much." His voice choked, his face red as the tears came down without stopping.
'His beloved' , was so sweet when it came out of his lips, but so melancholy by the look in his eyes, those gentle golden eyes that expressed so much sorrow.
A love ended in such a way could hurt so much, and Morax knew it. He had experienced it so harshly, but he stood firm to keep the nation you two had fought so hard for standing, and he would keep fighting because he thought it was the way to repay you for all you had done for him.
Every time he remembered you crumbling in his arms, his heart squeezed in such a way. Your face paled along with your frail body, looking as if it would break at any moment. And with that he remembered how much he missed you in his arms, your laughter, the warmth of your body, your beautiful face.
He missed it all, and remembered these moments bitterly, but also joyfully, because he remembered when you were still with him.
He would protect the people at all costs, and keep everything safe as long as he was alive, he would watch over everything you believed in. He would gladly do this for the rest of his days.
Now all he could do was wait, wait for him to take his last breath. And then finally, finally he could meet you, and tell you everything that happened during those years.
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aleenuhs · 26 days
bear with me on this request!! Imagine being Arthur's wife and living with John, Abigail and Jack after his passing. Then, after a few days, while everyone is still healing physically and mentally, you discover you're pregnant with Arthur's child. What John and Abigail's reaction would be?
⋆A Time to Be So Small
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thank u!
warnings: mentions of death, lots of sadness and happiness, pregnancy mentioned heavily, grief
title is from one of my favorite songs by the band Interpol
not proofread😔
wc: 700
The past week had been one of the hardest you'd ever experienced, Arthur was gone. How lost you felt, how lost everyone felt, because he was just here a few days ago. Now he wasn't, and your mind couldn't comprehend that, that it was real and in fact not a figment of your imagination, or a dream.
So when you learned that you were pregnant, with his child, which you were sure that it was, you were even more broken. You were terrified, how could you introduce a baby into this world without its father?
You couldn't heal in any way when there was a child growing in your body, you couldn't heal knowing that its father wasn't here anymore.
How could you tell John and Abigail this news, how would they take it?
You sat in your room, holding yourself. You knew that the Marston family were good people, good company, they took care of you the way you did the same for them as long as you'd known them. You loved Jack like he was your little brother.
Seeing Abigail be a mother to him, it made you think, how? This baby would be another mouth to feed, clothe and bathe, and a whole lot of responsibility to you and the others. How could you be a mother? Something that you never thought of in your lifetime came so unexpectedly, so quickly.
You almost wanted to cry. The sun rays slipping through the curtains in your room, the sounds of the cattle and horses and other animals that they had. The smell of the flowers which Abigail had always put on the dining table. John wasn't home yet, it was just you Abigail and Jack, then Rufus who was laying right next to you as you sat on the bed.
You missed your husband, truly, and it was all you could think of. When John finally got home, you'd hesitated to walk out of your room. Slowly, your feet padded on the floor when you heard Abigail announce that dinner was ready.
You held yourself, it was all you could do. How you wished that Arthur was there. You wouldn't be so empty if he was. Rufus came out of your room and went outside.
You greeted John and Jack, then Abigail, you sat down at the dinner table and silently thought of everything that could happen at the mention of pregnancy in the middle of everything, how the world would seemingly stop for a moment when you said it.
You let everyone settle in and start eating.
Clearing your throat, you spoke, "I have something... to share." You stammered and immediately got nervous.
John looks up from his food and looks at you, and so do the others.
"Yes?" He speaks.
"Im..." You could hardly speak.
"You're?" Abigail continued, wondering what you were getting at. Jack looks at you, eyeing your terrified expression, which was painfully obvious to the rest sitting there.
"Im pregnant," you feel a certain weight lifted off your shoulders and your hand comes to your chest, looking around for something, anything in their faces.
John is the first to speak after the uneasy silence that filled the air.
"With Arthurs baby?" He asked and you nodded softly. He felt bad, but happy at the same time. Abigail instead gets up and walks around the table, bending down to hug you as you sat in the chair.
She hugged you tightly, she kissed your cheek and then said, "Im so glad, this is great -- this is just... the best news we've received all week." She spoke happily, yet softly.
It made you feel so much better, but without Arthur your emotion felt glued on, fake almost. But you were glad there was support for you, and that was your luck.
"We're happy for you, don't doubt that." John says as he lets on a smile.
"As much as we all wish Arthur was here, there will be a part of him with us." Abigail points to your stomach and rubs it.
"Right." John adds on.
You smile, how lucky you are.
In your head, you knew that this support wouldn't end anytime soon and Abigail would be there for you until this baby comes.
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scarletwinterxx · 5 months
start of something new - jaemin scenario
so.... i still can't believe he sent this on bbl😂 my whole tl was in chaos and now we're here
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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"Hey come look, do you think I should send this?" Jaemin taps his phone on your back, calling your attention.
You didn't even think twice before looking over at what he's showing, but it's Jaemin. You'd be a fool to expect anything normal from him.
"What the fuck, Jaem. Why would you show me that?"
"Why not?" he asks back
"I'd rather not know what you're sending to your latest conquests, thank you very much" you mumble, going back to what you were doing but failing to focus.
Only a fool would not notice the change in Jaemin's physique. He changed from being this lanky quiet guy to his sexy muscular mysterious dude.
Damn Na Jaemin and his sexiness.
But it's Na Jaemin, the very same Jaemin you've been friends with for forever. Sexy would be the last thing you'd call him.
"But I trust your opinion, of course I'd ask you. Isn't that what friends are for?"
You're seriously three seconds away from smacking him on the head, turning to look straight at him again. "Exactly, we're friends. Everyone already thinks we're sleeping together" you mumbled
He hears you though, turning his phone off to give his full attention to you. It's true he heard the rumors going around the two of you, even though he's seen in public with other girl or girls. A lot of your acquaintances still thinks something is going on between the two of you.
And he may or may have not also said you're the prettiest girl on campus. It happened during a party and Haechan asked the question to which he answered with your name loud and clear without even missing a beat. You didn't know about it until now, he'd probably never tell you because he's too scared to ruin what you have.
Does he think about kissing you? yes. Maybe once or twice, but that's still too many times to think about kissing your bestfriend than normal.
"Earth to Jaemin" you wave a hand infront of his face
"Does that make you uncomfortable?" he asks, crossing his arms. He didn't miss the way your eyes look at his arms for a quick second, smirking but quickly hiding it.
"That people think we're sleeping together"
You choked on air, hitting your chest a few times while trying to process what he said. The words sleeping and together is not something you envisioned ever talking to Jaemin about.
"I- uh- like- the fuck am I suppose to answer to that?"
"Yes or no, I can tell them to stop if it's making you uncomfortable" he tells you
"And if I say no, what would that even mean?
He raises a brow at you, chuckling at your flustered state. "Alright, I'll stop now" he laughs, earning a hit on the arm from you.
"I hate you" you grumbled, throwing the closest thing to you which was a cat plushie he gave you.
From that moment on something changed. At first you thought it was just Jaemin being Jaemin but he's been more touchy with you. Of course he's still very respectful, but he would always have a hand on your back when you're in crowded places. Like that time you attended an event on campus, he was standing right behind you the entire time. At some point you felt his hands rest on your waist, choosing not to say anything about it.
You also noticed he's on his phone less, and if he is he's just talking to Jeno or Renun or texting you really. You haven't heard any new news about his latest conquest.
"Okay, something's wrong and you're not telling me" you told him
Currently, the two of you are in his room hanging out.
"What do you mean?" he asks, "You, something's wrong. Are you sick?" you ask back, putting your hand on his forehead
"And why would you think that?"
"Because you're not being very Jaemin right now, I haven't heard you speak about any other girl for weeks. Just last Friday night during the party you said no to that girl who was offering you a drink. The Jaemin I know would've charmed her pants off but you just brushed her off" you told him,
He smiles, resting back on the headboard as he listens to you
"What? Why are you smiling like that?"
"I was with you during that party, I got you drinks remember"
"I do remember, you won't leave my side. Are you sure you're okay?" you ask again, this time leaning closer to look at him straight in the eyes. Jaemin gulps at the close proximity. Right now your hands are resting on each side of him on the bed, he's trying so hard to keep his focus on you but he can't help but glance at your lips.
"I'm ehem I'm good"
You take one look at him again before going back to sitting beside him, Jaemin releasing the breath he was holding.
"You'd tell me if something was wrong right?" you ask, this time your voice was softer. Jaemin takes your hand that was closest to him, holding it in his. "Of course, I promise"
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"I think he's in love with you"
"No he's not"
"Well either that or he's going celibate, because I have not seen that man with any other girl besides you. Like literally" your friend tells you, her statement making you even more confused.
If it really is the truth, you refuse to face it until he's literally screaming it at you. You'd rather live with the what ifs than make things awkward between you and Jaemin because of your wrong assumptions.
Just then you get a text from him, speaking of the devil. He's telling you to come over for dinner and to help him with some coursework.
"Is that him?"
"What? It's just Jaemin. He texted" you mumbled, gathering your things
"Yea exactly, you have this smile on whenever he texts you"
"No, I do not"
"Yes you do, but we can argue about it later after the two of you finally kissed then I can tell you I told you so" she says then bids you goodbye.
You then make your way to Jaemin's apartment, knocking a few times and when he didn't answer you punch the code in letting yourself in.
"Jaem?" You call out, when you didn't get an answer you walked to the kitchen to get yourself a bottle of water. After you closed the fridge door, your soul felt like it left your body
"What the fuck" you shouted, getting scared by Jaemin
"Sorry" he laughs, holding both hands up "I didn't hear you, I was in the shower"
You can tell, he's literally shirtless in front of you. Your eyes wander before snapping back to his eyes, "Shirt, is that not a thing now?" you ask him, passing by to sit on the living room couch. Jaemin laughs before walking back to his room to get a shirt.
"What are we doing again?" you ask when he takes the seat beside you
"I just need help revising my paper, then we can get dinner then maybe make out"
"Sure sounds good- wait what?!"
You look over at Jaemin, seeing the big smile on his face. You hit him with the pillow a few times while he laughs, "You're so dumb" you grumble, slumping further on the couch.
To be honest Jaemin didn't mean to say it outloud but he missed you today, you're wearing your usual casual clothes but you look so pretty in his eyes. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to kiss you is winning, disolving any remaining restraint he had.
Not like he was putting up a fight anyways. The moment he knew he liked you more than a friend, he surrendered. You had him wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know.
"How about a kiss on the cheek then?" he asks,
"Did you even need help or am I here so you can mess with me" you frown at him and Jaemin almost grabbed you by the face to kiss you.
But instead he just smiles, shaking his head "No, and a little kiss won't hurt anybody"
"Friends don't kiss, Jaemin"
"Then I don't want to be your friend"
"What?" you whisper
From the playful vibe, it's now more serious. Did you really hear him say that? Or was it the voices in your head
"I said maybe I don't want to be just your friend anymore"
"Let me rephrase that. Fuck being friends, I want to kiss you and hug you and hold you. I want to do all things friends aren't suppose to do" he says while looking straight at you
"But why??" was all you could reply
"What do you mean why? Because I like you, I've liked you for a while now but I didn't want to say anything because we're friends but I don't think I can keep telling myself that's all I'll ever be to you"
"But you can have any girl you want, any girl would kill to be in this place" you tell him, he shakes his head before answering you
"I don't want any girl, I want you"
There isn't really any manual or textbook that taught you what to say when your friend confess to you. Nothing really prepared you for this moment. Hell you never thought this moment would even come.
"Jaemin, do you even know what you're saying?"
"Yes, and I know it's hard to believe with my trackrecord and all that but I swear I haven't talked to any girl in like months. How could I even try when you're all I can think about. At first I though I was going crazy then I realized I wasn't, I was just falling inlove with my bestfriend. Maybe I am crazy" he mumbles the last part making you laugh lightly. This made Jaemin smile
"Do you hate me now?" he asks
"No, I just don't know what to say. I knew something was up with you I didn't know it was this"
"Just me being in my feels for you" he says, this made you laugh.
"So.. can we make out now?" he jokingly asks, "Ha you gotta take me out on a date first and I don't even know if I'm good at kissing you might not want to go out with me after"
When he didn't reply, you look at him again only to see him staring at you. "What?"
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I think I've told you before but I kissed a total of two guys, like one way back in high school then that dude from that party way back. Don't make me say the whole story again, it's embarrasing"
"So like technically I'll be your first kiss?" he asks
"I don't think that's how it works"
"We can make it that, I bet it's not because you don't know how to kiss they just didn't know how to kiss you"
You can feel your cheeks get red upon hearing his words
"Shut up"
"Kiss me then" he tells you, turning sideways to this time he's facing you
"Kiss me"
"Didn't you hear me, I don't know how. This is em-" you didn't finish your sentence because his lips are on yours. One hand on the back of your neck while the other holds you from behind, pulling you closer to him.
Jaemin waits for you to kiss him back, each second making his heart drum harder in his chest. Just when he's about to pull away, he feels your lips move against his and he swears you just sent him to his own heaven.
He lets you lead kiss, whatever you're comfortable with. When you pull away from him, he takes this chance to pull you on his lap. Your hands automatically going on his shoulders
"See, that wasn't so bad. They just didn't know how to kiss you" he whispers while staring at your lips, this time it's you who kisses him first. From the quick pecks, the kisses turn into something more. The two of you getting breathless but he can't bring himself to stop. It's like you're his air.
When you pull away to catch your breath, Jaemin takes this chance to kiss your jaw down your neck. Grasping your waist to hold you down, you tilt your head to the side to give him more access.
"Okay we need to pause for a sec or else I'm not going to stop" he tells you but he also still had his lips attached on your skin. Like it was torture to pull away. With one more kiss on your lips, he leans back to look at you.
"Go on a date with me?" he breathes out, you smile at him. Nudging your nose against his and giving his lips another peck, "Only if you say please"
"Pretty please"
You smile down at him then you kiss him again
"Since we're not friends anymore, I'm gonna kiss you again"
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