#and to think we had a nice couple of months with no incidents and we were having a great time
legendaryskyscale · 2 years
To @/bound-by-ipos @/binded-by-ipos (thanks Bee for the heads up) aka BubblyOrca
I’m just gonna assume you still stalk this blog. If I’m wrong, great, cus I don’t want you seeing my posts. It’s the reason why I blocked you, and you should've had me blocked ages ago, too
However, if by chance you’re still stalking my blog (which I strongly believe you are), I just want to say, I honestly thought you were past the petty drama bullshit. It’s clear you’re not. And worse yet, you get your new friends involved when they have nothing to do with it.
So I’m making this post now.
Orca, you’ve hurt a lot of people who would rather let this all go silently than to bring attention to it. But you don’t want that. You want other people who had nothing to do with the drama to get involved to take your side. You will give half-truths with no context and even make up scenarios that didn’t happen to get people to believe you did nothing wrong.
I had faith in you for the longest time. I believed you would move on and better yourself. What a fuckin’ idiot I was to think you’d change.
Two years, Orca. It’s been TWO YEARS, and you’re still on your petty vindictive and jealous high road over one person. It’s obvious you’re still obsessing over an ex-friend of yours and you harass them while also harassing me and other folks who are in the know. Worse yet, you get your new friends to harass mine. But I guess if you're good at manipulating others with your sob stories, it's no surprise your new friends will act like childish assholes on your behalf without knowing the whole story from the other side involved.
You constantly tell people you lost your previous friends due to one person, as if you had nothing to do with instigating the whole thing yourself. You believe yourself to be this great friend who keeps everyone together, but the moment things don't go your way, you start testing everyone's "loyalty" to you. It's apparent you don't want friends, you want fans. You want people to pat your ass and tell you you're special and can do no wrong.
Anyone who strays from that formula or questions you, you cry to others and claim these people hate you cus of your anxiety and depression (which I can assure you that’s not the case, it never was. And for you to use that as an excuse for your petty behavior is such a slap to the face for people like me who also suffer from anxiety and severe depression). You pulled this same shit on us when we were friends and directed your misguided anger on specific friends in our group through DMs.
The other times you've harassed my friends in the past, I let it slide. I thought maybe you'd back off after having your little fit. But now I can see you won't stop unless someone speaks up. I can only assume you think you're invincible and smugly continue to harass us, thinking there will be no consequences to your actions.
Stop interacting with us. We're not your friends anymore, so stop trying to be familiar with us. Enough is enough, let this shit go already and move on like the rest of us.
I feel I need to add this
Please DO NOT go to @/bound-by-ipos @/binded-by-ipos to harass. In fact, don’t interact with her in any negative/malicious way
This is not a call to mob this individual. If you’re friends with her already, this post isn’t a means to get you to unfriend her. If you enjoy her company, by all means continue being her friend. I only hope she’s not treating you like shit like she did with my friends.
Please don’t inject yourself into this drama. I only want to address this publicly to her and let it die off with this (hopefully) final post.
21SEP22 update
Orca has changed her url to @/binded-by-ipos
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iinsertblognamee · 9 months
Buzzfeed; The 10 Times Sam Kerr and Y/N Arnold Made Us Believe in Love
any pictures are just for illustrative purposes, no face claim
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10. They've Known Each Other for Years Before They (Finally) Started to Date
As many Matildas fans may be aware, the couple had met on the field back in 2011 when Y/N made her debut for the national team. It was Caitlin Foord (Matildas team member) who spilled the beans years later, claiming that from the moment they met, that was it. Although the pair weren't hiding their attraction to each other - when Y/N scored the second goal against Norway sending them into the next stage of the World Cup, Sam had been seen kissing Y/N during the celebration.
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Picture Left; Westfield Matildas FIFA Women's World Cup 2011 squad Picture Right; Y/N Arnold scoring the second goal for Australia against Norway
In later years, Arnold was asked about the attraction between her and teammate Kerr, and she answered "We were both young when we met, she (Kerr) had taken me under her wing and a great friendship bloomed because of it. I think it was very much puppy love, rushed and a little naive - the rush of sneaking around and all that was thrilling and we liked each other enough to fall into it I guess. Feelings got hurt in the process and we removed ourselves (from the fling) before it could get too serious. She's always been my friend first and I think that really stood true during the following years and when we were both older and more mature we decided to go for it again - and here we are."
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Clip; '21 Questions with Chelsea's Sam Kerr' The Women's Football.
Bonus; While being interviewed Sam Kerr admitted that she had a crush on Y/N Arnold from the moment she met her, although she didn't think the feeling was mutual. "It was our first training session together (Y/N and Sam), and we had been paired up and I was just so distracted by her that I kicked the ball too strong and hit her right in the face." she continued to explain, "I thought well that's my chance gone, though Y/N was so nice about it and even joked that she'd be able to tell our kids all about it later. Always nice to hear your crush talk about your non-existent kids." The interviewer adds, "Did she end up telling your daughter?" Sam nods her head as she laughs "It's one of Delilah's (Sam and Y/N's Daughter) favourite bedtime stories"
Turns out not even Sam Kerr can escape having a crush on Y/N Arnold. Do we blame her?
9. They Rekindled Their Romance in 2015 when both were signed on by Sky Blue FC
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Picture Left; Y/N Arnold and Sam Kerr Picture Right; Y/N Arnold, Caitlin Foord and Sam Kerr
Both girls were signed on in 2015, joining Matildas team member and friend, Caitlin Foord. It's not certain what exactly happened during the off-season between the pair but by the time they were both on the field the attraction to each other was obvious.
One incident included when Y/N had been involved in a rough tackle, Kerr running to aid where fans spotted Sam planting kisses on her forehead as she was looked over by the team medic. At the end of the game when asked about the incident Sam simply said " I went to check on my teammate".
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Clip; Interview with Sam Kerr regarding the game
Although we don't know what was said between the pair or if kisses were shared, we can't deny the chemistry the two have.
Dating rumours started after that match, with a 'source close to the couple' claiming that 'the pair had been living together for months and were very happy. Although the hit Y/N had taken a few days before had put everything in perspective for the pair. The two of them are ready to take that next step and come out to the public'.
These claims sent fans into a spin, asking both Kerr and Arnold as well as the other Sky Blue team members about the pair. The answer simply was that they were just 'close friends'.
8. Their love language is physical touch
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'Close Friends' is one way of putting it. The pair when seen together can't seem to keep their hands off each other - and we're not mad. The public displays of affection are one we're living for.
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so cute
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7. They post about each other
It's no secret that these two scream 'couple goals' and continue to prove it with their Instagram posts. From birthday posts to game-day celebrations these two are each other's biggest fans. (And so are we!).
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and of course with the post that started it all.
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Instagram post; samanthakerr20 'Guess we should make it Instagram official'.
It was Y/N Arnold's big sister who gave us the confirmation we needed, with her comment 'Been dealing with this for years, it was bad enough in person and now I have to see it on social media too?'
6. Their Families
It's not gone unnoticed that Y/N Arnold's big sister is another Matilda star, Miss Mackenzie Arnold. Who also holds the place as one of Sam's Best Friends.
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Although Sam wasn't sure that was quite the case when asked in an Interview what was one of the scariest things she's ever had to do. Her answer "Telling my girlfriend's sister (Mackenzie Arnold) that we were dating." she went on to explain that the pair had been keeping their relationship private in the first few months before Mackenzie had walked in on the two of them in a comprising position. "I just remember throwing the blanket over us and trying to explain what was happening but nothing would come out, I mean was in bed with my best friend's little sister. Y/N thankfully managed to break both me and Mac out of our shock and within seconds Macca was out the door. We ended talking later that night and I was so sure that she was going to kick my ass, but instead admitted that she had known for weeks and was seeing how long it would take for us to confess."
Thank god the two besties made it through. It seems that Sam and Mackenzie aren't the only two best friends. Y/N and Sam's sister seem to be close too, with Y/N being a part of her bridal party and the Godmother to one of her children (Along with Sam).
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Picture Left; Y/N Arnold, Sam Kerr, Unknown and (Bride) Maddi Picture Right; Maddi, Sam Kerr and Maddi son (Y/N and Sam's Godson)
The Aussie girls have been seen having shared Christmas with both families and Y/N mentioned in an interview that both her mum and Sam's mum would catch up with each other - as far as sharing a hotel room when the pair would come over to London to see the girls.
Seems the Arnold-Kerr families are as tight as can be.
5. Tattoos
It's not a secret that Sam loves her tattoos, showing them off whenever given the chance. But we recently learnt that Miss Y/N Arnold had given Sam her very own tattoo tribute.
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Take about permanent love.
4. A wedding
Yep. That's right, the pair got married back in 2020 with family and friends to witness just before the pandemic took over. Although we still have no pictures from the ceremony itself the honeymoon photos are just as cute.
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When asked about the wedding, Sam gushed about how beautiful Y/N looked in her dress (we can imagine) and said it was the best day of her life. Although we're sad we didn't get an invite in the mail - we are very happy for the couple. And of course, at the confirmation from Y/N herself that she was now Mrs Kerr (the back of her jersey is now Arnold-Kerr)
3. A Scare
Any soccer fan knows what happened on the 11th of March 2022. The collision between Y/N Arnold and a West Ham team member had the soccer world at a still.
After the game, a statement was released explaining that Y/N was at the hospital getting medical care and would be out until further notice. It was also noted that Sam would be out for the next two games.
As scary as the situation was, Sam had been by Y/N's side the whole time, when Sam scored the next goal after Y/N had been taken off she kissed her ring finger. It didn't take long after the final whistle for both Sam and Mackenize to be off the field and making their way to Y/N.
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A week later Sam posted a picture of Y/N, with a thank you for all the kind wishes.
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We are just glad that Y/N was okay.
2. A baby
The pair certainly know how to surprise us - on Boxing Day in Australia (2022), Sam posted a snapshot of Y/N and a bump.
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Instagram post; samanthakerr20 'hey baby & baby'
Fans (and us) went wild, the comments flowing with congratulations and support from fans, friends and family members. Although we were unsure when the baby was due, we didn't have to wait too long.
The next month (January 2023) Sam posted once again.
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Instagram post; samanthakerr20 'Delilah Arnold-Kerr, 21/01/2023'
And from that the newest member of the Arnold-Kerr clan was born.
In separate interviews for the Matildas, Y/N and Sam were asked about parenthood. Y/N stating 'It's definitely crazy, I mean she's been here for three months and she's already grown so fast".
Sam commenting 'Our family and friends have been really supportive and helpful y'know. Both Y/N and I training for the World Cup so the time management with a baby and training is hectic. And of course, Y/N is just superwoman, D and I are very lucky to have her in our lives."
My favourite part was when at the end the interviewer asked how parenting looked on Sam and Y/N responded 'Well she's definitely my favourite milf'.
We 100% agree with you Y/N.
1.The World Cup
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Although Sam was called out of the game due to a calf injury that didn't stop her (and baby Delilah) from cheering on the girls during the match. Every time Y/N would get the ball, a cheer could be heard from Sam. Talk about a supportive wife!
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And when Sam was let back on the field the next game you best believe that Y/N cheered the loudest on the field.
But it was at the end of the game when Sam ran towards the crowd, grabbing Delilah and bringing her over to Y/N - the two of them sharing a kiss as the crowds around them cheered. Their little family is forever in our hearts.
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not-neverland06 · 5 months
Alone And Forsaken pt. 2
Joel Miller x fem!reader
A/N: clearly I don’t do one shots, I tried, I failed. I can’t help it he’s just so fine (@woodland-mist you asked so, here you go)
WC: 5.6K
Part one
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You weaved through the throng of people in the town square, hoping to get by unnoticed. Maria had told you where to find Tommy, you should have known it wouldn’t be easy, nothing with him ever really was. 
“Y/N! Hey!” 
You had one goal and it was not to meet and greet with all your neighbors. You ducked your head down, hiding yourself in the passing throng of people and evading them. It was a new couple that had just moved to Jackson a few days ago. 
You, of course, had protested anyone new coming in after the incident with Abby and her people. But because you and the brothers had been less than forthcoming with what happened and no one had any reason to listen to your doubts. 
They’d been moved into the big house across from you and Joel, because they needed the space. 
Because she was pregnant. 
In three months your life was going to get very loud and very miserable. 
The couple was too nice for your taste. You’d just barely gotten used to staying in Jackson for longer than two weeks, then Maria went ahead and shoved the two friendliest people you’d even met down your throat. 
Maybe you were too bitter. Maybe everyone was right, you should try and socialize, give people the benefit of the doubt before you write them off. 
“Do you see where she went, honey?”
Then again, maybe not. 
You rushed into the Tipsy Bison before they could spot you. You were sure they would tell Joel about this when they spotted him on the porch with his morning coffee. And you were sure he would give you hell for it, but you already have to deal with Tommy this morning. They can go bother someone else. 
You glanced around the bar, spotting some blonde hair in the back. When you rounded the tables you could see Tommy was busy haggling with Sam, trying to trade a shirt for some of his roast beef sandwiches. 
“I think I’m offering more than enough for some sandwiches, Sam.” Tommy, being the de facto leader after Maria, was trying to maintain a semblance of diplomacy. 
Sam was a stubborn jackass and you knew if you didn’t do something this would take all day. You walked up and nodded a greeting to Tommy before glaring at Sam. “Give him the sandwiches.”
Sam glared at you, trying his damndest to look down his nose at you. “Mind your fucking business.”
Tommy straightened up, a frown on his face. Neither he nor his brother had ever been good at losing the whole Texan chivalry thing. They didn’t do well when someone disrespected a ‘lady’ in front of them. “I think you need to watch your tone, Sam.”
You held up a hand towards Tommy, stopping him from getting too riled up. You already had a less than respectable reputation in Jackson, didn’t need to drag him down with you. “Give him the sandwiches, and we won’t need to get Joel involved.”
Sam opened and closed his mouth, he glanced between you and Tommy, like he was trying to call your bluff. You couldn’t really help yourself as your hand drifted down to land on your holster, your fingers idly drumming against the leather. Finally he huffed, mumbled something prickish under his breath and shoved the sandwiches into Tommy’s hands, snatching the shirt. You watched until he retreated into the kitchen to address Tommy. 
“You probably coulda kept the shirt.”
Tommy shrugged, tucking the food in his pack. “Yeah, but we do things a certain way here. Can’t just go flashing your pistol at people.”
You scoffed, “Didn’t flash my pistol, I used your brother.”
Tommy chuckled and nodded his head towards the bar’s exit. You followed him outside, looking around to make sure the coast was clear of your neighbors. When you turned back to face him he was giving you an odd look. “What’re you so jumpy for?”
You sighed, “Your wife decided to move Mr. and Mrs. Rogers next to me and Joel.”
Tommy smiled and laughed, most definitely at your expense. “You mean Ann and James,” you nodded, ushering him along the sidewalk in case they popped up again. “They’re nice people, I think she’s just trying to get you to branch out.”
“Don’t need to,” you grunted out. Though, hunching over, hiding from anyone who wants to talk to you, you weren’t sure you were making a great case for yourself. You straightened up and glared at him, “‘Sides, I didn’t come out to chat about my new neighbors. I want to talk about the Harvest Festival and my ‘date.’” You couldn’t keep the disdain out of your voice if you tried, which you weren’t.
“Bob,” Tommy offered. You rolled your eyes and nodded. “What about it?”
“I’m not going.”
Tommy crossed his arms and smirked. “Says who?”
“Me,” you weren’t sure what he wanted from you. 
“And why not?”
Oh. Oh. That stupid smug little look was back on his face. How in the hell does he know? “I think you know why.”
He shook his head, “Nope, don’t think I do.”
He was really making you do this? “I can’t go because of Joel.”
“What’s my brother got to do with this?”
You opened your mouth, some argument at the tip of your tongue, but it was lost to you the second you tried to speak it into existence. Why couldn’t you go?
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You broke apart from Joel slowly, neither of you in any sort of rush to end this. Idly, and without much thought behind it, your fingers traced the shape of his lips. You didn’t realize you were smiling until you saw the same soft expression mirrored on his face. 
“Been wanting to do that for a while,” his voice was quiet, as if he spoke any louder the trance would be broken. 
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that for a while,” your smile grew when the hands around your waist squeezed you tighter. He pulled you closer and you got comfortable in his lap, your hands moving down to play with the fabric of his shirt. 
He didn’t seem to mind the subtle exploration, his own hands mimicking yours. Now that you finally had the chance, neither of you seemed able to stop touching each other. You weren’t sure where to go from here. 
You hadn’t realized how desperately you had wanted this, wanted him, until you had him. You didn’t want to ruin the moment by overthinking or complicating something simple. Still, is everything going to change now?
Did that kiss mean as much to him as it meant to you? 
What did this mean-
“Hey,” you startled slightly, jolted out of your thoughts by the heavy weight of Joel’s hand on your cheek. “I can see that brain going. I can practically hear the rust flaking off the gears in your head.”
You scoffed and smacked at his chest, “Shut up.” But he was right, it was far too easy for you to get lost in your own head. Especially concerning him. You were grateful for the way he could anchor you in the present, drag you back out of a trap of your own making. 
Joel stood, his arms wrapping around you and dragging you along with him. You could hear his bones popping, you wanted to protest, tell him to just let you walk, but you knew he wouldn’t listen. He had that determined look on his face, the one that meant he was ignoring how old and worn out his back and knees were. 
Besides, you liked how strong he was. Relished in these little displays of strength, even if it was something as simple as carrying you to bed. You knew you needed to talk, you needed some sort of verbal confirmation that this was more than just two lonely souls looking for company.
But Joel just dropped you on the mattress, grumbled about getting your stuff from the guest room, and left. You changed out of your clothes, brushed your teeth, and waited for him to come back. When he did, he had changed too, he dumped a pile of blankets on the bed and got in beside you. 
He laid down and wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging you into his side. You looked down at where he was holding you, lacing your fingers together, and let yourself fall asleep. You two didn’t say anything else, you just reveled in each other's warmth, let the comfort you provided lull you both into an easy sleep. And when you woke up in the morning, he had breakfast ready for you, but he didn’t say anything about the night before. 
In fact, for the next week, there was no mention of you two kissing or what his vague, half-confession meant. Sure, now he greeted you with a kiss each morning and night, but other than that nothing had changed about how you two operated. 
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You didn’t have anything to appease Tommy with as he looked at you expectantly. No, nothing had majorly changed between you and Joel and you hadn’t had a real discussion about anything. But, you didn’t really need one, you knew what you meant to each other. And you knew how hard it is for people like you and Joel to have those discussions. 
Emotions, romance, love were all such distant concepts, it felt so foreign to you. If you tried to date, or speak into existence how much weight he held in your life you know inevitably it would just end up complicating and ruining things. 
You were together, alive and not some mindless fungi outside Jackson, the rest was inconsequential. 
You just said, “Cancel it, I’m going with Joel,” and walked off before you had to be subjected to more of his smug face. 
You made your way back through town, the morning rush having calmed down now that everyone had gotten their supplies or found their assignments for the week. You were thankful not to spot any nosy neighbors as you made your way back, that was the last thing you needed after having to deal with Tommy’s questions. 
Neither you or Joel were really big fans of talking about your emotions, hell you’d have punched someone out back in the QZ just for telling you to look for the light. Gooey stuff was practically a foreign language to you now. 
You could function based on actions; setting out his coffee in the morning or a new book appearing on your nightstand when he’d gotten back from patrolling. It was all you needed to understand what you were to each other.  
You trudged up the stairs to the porch, Joel was sitting in his favorite rocking chair, a mug resting on his knee. His supply was running low, you were gonna have to find someone to trade with again. You had been keeping an eye out on your patrols, trying to see if you could find any beans. 
You weren’t really sure how coffee plants worked, if you planted the beans whether they would even grow or not. But it was worth a shot. 
“How’d it go?”
You let out a long sigh and threw yourself down on the chair next to him. It creaked under your weight but held up against the strain of its old age. You rocked back and forth, plucking at a string on your jeans. “Fine.”
He snorted slightly as he took another sip of his coffee. “Looks like it. Oh, Jason and Anna stopped by.”
It was your turn to laugh, you smirked at him, propping your head in your hand. “You mean Ann and James?”
He rolled his eyes and nodded, “Yeah, them.”
“You’re losing it, old man.”
He shrugged, “I don’t know, they were concerned about your hearing. Said they must’ve called your name ten times and you didn’t hear them.” There was a shit eating grin on his face as he stared at you, like he knew it was complete bullshit. 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “Please.” You sat up and leaned forward, irritation forcing you upright, “If I have to listen to her complain about how tender her breasts are again, I’ll shoot myself.”
Joel grimaced, giving you a disgusted look as he put his mug down. “These people know what T-M-I is?” He put too much emphasis on each letter and you couldn’t help yourself as you laughed. It was always funny to hear him get an attitude with that gruff Texan accent, he ended up sounding like a poor attempt at valley girl. He swatted your knee, trying to get you to stop making fun of him. 
“Tommy, come on, what’d he say?”
You shrugged, looking down and away from him, going back to playing with the loose thread of your jeans. “I don’t know, he was asking all these questions.”
Joel was quick to ask, “What questions?”
You rested your head on the back of the rocking chair, “Why I didn't want to go on the date.”
“What’d you say?”
Jesus, he was barely taking a breath. “I said,” you paused and looked at him, not really surprised to already find him looking at you. His gaze wasn’t as intense as you were expecting, more eager? You weren’t sure Joel got eager. “I said I couldn’t go with what’s-his-face to the festival because of you.”
“Yeah?” He smirked, leaning back in his rocking chair, a strange sort of male pride clear on his face. “How come?”
You scoffed, glaring at him from where you sat. The hell was he getting at? “Why do you think, genius? Why would I go out with someone when I’ve got you?”
“You got me?”
You paused, irritation draining from your body as you stared at him. His face wasn’t giving anything away, he wasn’t closed off, just staring at you expectantly. “Don’t I?” You hated the way your voice went quiet, you wished it had been more confident, teasing, like you knew the answer and were screwing with him. You sounded too vulnerable. 
Joel let you squirm for a minute, you’re pretty sure he thought it was funny. Finally he sighed and leaned forward, his hand landing on your thigh and you could feel the warmth of it through your jeans. You hadn’t realized how cold you’d gotten until he was this close, walking furnace that he was. 
“Yeah, you do.”  You tried not to let the relief show, though you’re sure it did if his little smirk was anything to go by. He squeezed your thigh once before he stood up to go back inside. 
“Oh,” you suddenly remembered the last bit of your conversation with Tommy. “And I told him you were taking me to the harvest,” you called over your shoulder. It was your turn to screw with him, and if the way his shoulders tensed up as he paused in the doorway was anything to go by, he was just as excited as you about that ridiculous festival. 
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“When’s your next patrol?”
Joel had found you an old mystery book on his last run, the same one you were reading now. You marked the page and put it down on the nightstand as he got into bed next to you. “Not sure, I think thursday. Why?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the pillows and gazing at you. “I was thinking I could go with you. We could go exploring that old art museum Maria told me was a couple miles out.” He reached out, tucking some hair behind your ear and you tried not to lean too much into him.
You smiled, almost accepting when you realized what he was doing and the smile dropped. You huffed out a breath and rolled your eyes. “Nice try, Joel, we’re going to the harvest festival.”
He held up his hands in mock surrender, “Got no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Really?” He shook his head, oh-so-innocent. You scoffed, “You’re so full of it. If I went with you, we’d miss the harvest festival. And who would have to listen to Tommy’s bitching? Me.”
“He’s my brother.”
“Then you deal with him!” You picked your book back up, deciding on ignoring him for the rest of the night. You should have known he would try and weasel his way out of this.
Honestly, once you’d decided you were going with Joel, the festival didn’t seem that awful or daunting. You’re a little hurt he wants to get out of it so badly. You weren’t that bad of company. 
“You ignorin’ me now?”
You shrugged, flipping through the book, not really absorbing anything. You’d have to reread this chapter tomorrow. 
A big hand found itself in front of your face, blocking you from reading anything more. Joel dog-eared the page, something you loudly protested to, and threw the book on his nightstand. “Joel, you know I hate when you do that.”
“Yeah, I know,” you rolled your eyes at his little smirk. “But you’re talkin’ to me.”
“Child. You’re a child.”
He leaned over you and shut your lamp off, ignoring your snippy still usin’ that. He settled down in bed and patted the spot next to him. You hesitated, only for a moment, debating whether you wanted to give him more of a hard time or just give in. 
It wasn’t a hard choice. 
You settled down beside him, your head falling on his chest and his arm naturally wound itself around your back. You tried to ignore the way your legs fit together, how you felt like a complete puzzle when you laid down beside him, the two of you fitting together perfectly. You tried even harder to ignore the way the thought made your heart race, but it was nearly impossible. 
Sometimes you resented Joel a little bit. Resented him for the way you lost control of yourself and your emotions when you were around him. Resented all the power he held over you and how unaware of it he seemed to be. 
“I really don’t want to go.”
You scoffed, your fingers tracing the design on the worn out t-shirt he was wearing. “You think I do?”
“Then let’s just skip it.”
“Joel, I already said-”
“We used to be able to just do whatever we wanted.” You paused as he interrupted you, closing your mouth and tilting your head up so you could look at him. “We went where we wanted, when we wanted. There weren't all these bullshit obligations like patrol, or making sure our shifts match up.”
You were silent, taking in what he was saying. It wasn’t hard to miss the resent lingering in his tone, or the way he spoke fondly of your past. Before you had responsibilities. But you must have been quiet for too long because he reached over and turned his lamp off, closing his eyes with a sigh. 
You stayed awake a while longer, just thinking about what he said. He was starting to sound like you, the same frustration and anger at being expected to provide for others. You were at everyone’s beck and call here. People viewed you as do-ers. Someone needed something done, you were the one to do it, and there was no arguing either, because everyone worked together here. 
The thought left a bitter taste on your tongue as you went to sleep.
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“Come on, hurry up!”
Ellie was sitting on the couch, she ran the towel in her hand over her hair roughly. You stood behind the chair, scissors in your hand as Joel trudged down the stairs. You wrapped a towel around his shoulders to keep his wet hair from dripping on his shirt. 
Years ago, a time that feels nearly as distant as 2003, it was Tess who would cut yours and Joel’s hair. You’d sit down in the crappy apartment you had in the QZ and she’d use some blunted ass scissors to saw off your hair. 
Neither you nor Joel should have been trusted with any scissors, but when Tess was gone and you were on the road for too long Ellie and Joel would start bitching about their hair. Neither of them liked how it would touch their neck. 
Luckily while you were still learning there were no mirrors. They couldn’t see how horribly you had done. They would always run their hands through their hair and frown, like they knew something was wrong, but they just couldn’t prove it. 
The only thing you had to worry about for a while was just not busting out laughing every time you saw the bangs you accidentally gave them. 
Thankfully, by the time you reached Jackson you’d gotten good enough at it that they would still come and badger you for a haircut. They’d never had a chance to see just how horribly you had done in the beginning. 
“Oh, Jesse wanted me to ask you if you’d do his hair soon?”
You gave Ellie a noncommittal hum, running your fingers through Joel’s hair. “I like it long.”
“Cut it.” He didn’t exactly leave any room for arguments, he even crossed his arms, like you were actually going to pester him about it. You weren’t, but you were leaving some length, it’s not like he could cut it himself. 
He tilted his head slightly towards Ellie, “What’s Jesse want with her?”
You pushed his head back in place and started snipping. “What do you think he wants?” Ellie snorted, she got off the couch, probably already bored of sitting there. She went over to the mirror on the wall, running her hands through her hair and grinning. 
“Isn’t he with Dina?” You weren’t proud of it, but you might have picked up some information about people around town. Would you say gossiping? No. Would others? Probably. 
“Not anymore, they broke up a while ago.” Ellie turned around, hands on her hips as she stared at you. 
You momentarily paused in cutting Joel’s hair, ignoring his disgruntled complaint. “Am I missing something?”
Joel turned to face her as well, matching confused expressions on both your faces. “Yeah,” Ellie paused, like she was waiting for the two of you to connect the dots. You glanced down at Joel but he just shrugged. 
He tried, “I thought Jesse and Ellie were dating.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved Joel’s head forward, going back to the haircut. 
“God! You guys, me and Dina are dating, we’ve been dating for like three months.”
”I thought you were friends,” Joel offered unhelpfully. 
“Clearly not,” Ellie sniped back. “You guys seriously didn’t know?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know what you kids get up to.” Ellie sighed and sat back down on the couch seemingly disheartened by your underwhelming reaction. “At least you can’t get her pregnant.”
Ellie sucked in a breath, “Right.”
Joel swatted your hands away from his hair, he better pray that doesn’t screw you up. “Ellie, what was that?”
“That noise you just made.”
“Joel,” you interrupted, forcing his head back in place, “stop moving, dammit.”
“Dina’s pregnant,” Ellie rushed the sentence out in one, jumbled breath. 
You watched as Joel’s shoulders tensed and then slumped in front of you. “How’d you even get her pregnant?”
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“What’re you doing?”
Joel closed the patrol log and shook his head, “Nothing, come on.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in suspicion as you watched him walk off. He had spent way too long by the log book for him to have just been writing - Couple runners, took ‘em out -J
You wanted to open it up and look but he was watching you from the entrance of the garage. You shoved aside your curiosity and followed him out to the horses. He grabbed the reins of his horse, “Come on, Sunny.” He shook his head and scoffed as he mounted her, “Still think their names are ridiculous.”
“Sunny and Cher,” you pet the black mane of your own mare and huffed out a laugh. “How’s Ellie even know who they are?”
“I don’t know, must’ve heard it from someone ‘cause she don’t even spell Sunny’s name right.”
“And she’s a girl.”
He laughed, “And she’s a girl.” 
He led you both outside into the sunny woods. Snow’s completely melted now, you weren’t sure how Maria and Tommy managed to time their ‘Harvest Festival’ so perfectly but it was a good time to celebrate the incoming warm weather. 
“So,” you nudged Cher forward to walk alongside him. “Where are we going?” Joel shrugged but didn’t provide you any answers. “Clearly not Jackson,” you were going the opposite direction of the town. 
You glanced at the back of Sunny, the bags he had tied to her saddle, each of them far too stuffed for a simple patrol. “You kidnapping me?”
You sighed, rolling your head back and taking in the greenery of the woods. You were definitely eager for winter to be over. Something about the cold weather makes the infected go fucking insane. They're faster, meaner, and just over all bigger pains in the ass. Not to mention the fact that they travel in huge fucking hordes. 
Tommy always tries to pretend he knows about them, something about the barometric pressure making them migrate but you know he’s just full of it. You watched a pair of hare’s dart in front of you and Joel and took in a deep breath. 
God, you’d forgotten how nice it was to be outside without the sound of people around you. There was the sound of the horses' hooves squishing lightly over wet grass, the wind moving the leaves above you, and the distant sound of birds singing. But no voices, or kids, or people demanding favors.
You’d missed this, with Joel specifically. It’d been a while since you had this type of quiet with him. So, you didn’t push him too much about where he was taking you, just followed him down the path. 
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You were fine not bugging him while you were on a lovely jaunt through a pretty forest. But it’s been an hour and you can’t feel extremities that really need blood flow. “Joel,” you tried to remain friendly but your tone was strained as you shifted on your saddle for the nth time. 
“Yeah?” He grunted out. 
“How much longer?”
“Not much longer.” He turned around and frowned at you, “Have some patience.”
You tugged on Cher’s reins, forcing her to stop while you glared at Joel’s back. “Patience? Joel, we’ve been out here since six. I’ve had a lot of fucking patience. But that ran out about three miles ago, right when I stopped being able to feel my a-”
“We’re here.”
Of course you were. 
Joel got off Sunny and offered you a hand down. You took it eagerly, more than happy to finally stretch your legs out. You were a bit surprised when he kept your hands locked together, he wasn’t normally one for touchy shows of affection. 
Not that you were complaining, you were more than happy to revel in the comforting feeling of his hands in yours. Though, his were definitely rougher than your own, you weren’t without your own callouses, but he’d had years of carpentry and being a contractor under his belt before the apocalypse. 
He’d paused in a field, the grass here was up to your waist which made it difficult to see where you were stepping and what you were stepping on. You kept close to Joel, the horses trailing behind you both as he led you through the field. 
It took a moment for you to realize you’d never been out here. You’d only been vaguely paying attention to the direction you went while you were on the horses, trusting Joel to know the way. But this was definitely unrecognizable, which was strange, you thought you’d found everything when you went exploring on your own. 
Out in the distance you could see a vague shape forming, some brown structure that you couldn’t really make out as the grass was getting taller. It only took a few feet to finally figure out what was looming over you. 
A fence. 
You said as much to Joel, probably in the most sarcastic tone you could muster. He rolled his eyes and kneeled down. You couldn’t help but admire his arms as he dug his fingers into a rotten plank of wood and pulled. He managed to make a hole large enough for you to crawl through and motioned towards it. 
“Well, go on, smartass.”
You huffed, getting down on your hands and knees and squeezing your way through. You didn’t bother seeing what was in front of you, turning around so you could keep the way through open for him. The wood dug into your palm, splinters burying themselves in your skin. 
God, this better be worth it. 
He groaned as he straightened up, pulling you to your feet and stretching his back out. “Alright. Ready?”
”Yep,” you rolled your eyes as he walked in front of you. What could have been so amazing he had dragged you out here?
A house. 
Well, it was a nice house, better taken care of than you’d seen out here. Looked like an old farmhouse, two stories, and a wraparound porch. Something you would have loved a long time ago. Surrounding it was a tall fence, it went out pretty far, there was room enough for a large garden and then some. There were bits where the wood had rotted or had holes in it that looked like someone had broken through. But the grass was trimmed, a normal height instead of tickling the ends of your hair. 
Overall, nice, but you had no clue what Joel was doing out here. 
“What do you think?”
“It’s nice.”
Joel scoffed, he crossed his arms and stared at you, “Just nice?”
You laughed and walked up the stairs of the porch. It was cleaner than you thought it would be, no signs of aging on the wooden boards. “It’s a nice house, Joel. I just don’t get why we’re here.”
He sighed and walked up to you, you took in a deep, centering, breath when he placed one hand on your waist. He moved you slightly out of the way as he leaned in, opening the door up behind you. “We’re here ‘cause this is ours,” admittedly your eyes were on his lips and your focus was how close he was to you. 
It took you a second to actually process what he had said. You blinked and your eyes shot back up to his, “What?”
He nudged you inside and you stumbled over your feet as you went. The interior was even nicer than the outside. There wasn’t a spec of dust or decay, it was like time hadn’t had a chance to touch it. There was a couch, bookshelves, even an old record player. 
“Joel, what the hell are you talking about?”
He sighed and threw his backpack down on the ground. He walked over and took yours off your shoulders, nudging you to take a seat on the couch. “Been working on this for months.” He smiled a little, the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes crinkling with the movement.
You were still a little confused, eyes darting around the living room as you sat there with a dumb look on your face. “Look, Jackson was nice for a while.”
You tuned in enough to grunt in opposition. Joel chuckled, “Alright, fine, it was never my favorite. I was out here one day, looking for you,” he added with a light nudge to your knee. “Found this place.”
“And… What? Decided to test out Jesus’s favorite pastime?”
“I was a contractor before the world went to shit. Like riding a bike, it just comes back to you.”
“I just don’t understand. Why? Why put in the time and effort and materials?”
He scoffed, “Why do you think?” When you didn’t answer he rolled his eyes. “We always talk about disappearin’ and I thought this would be a nice place to do it. There’s already a perimeter up, just have to make some more repairs. Worked something out with Tommy, it’s close enough to Jackson that we got some power from the dam,” he stood up now pacing around the living room a little as he talked to you. 
You slowly became aware of the stupid grin growing on your face. The warmth that was spreading through your cheeks and stomach as you realized he’d done this, fixed up this old house for months in secret for you. 
That explained why he’d been complaining about his back so much lately. 
You stood up, cutting him off from his tangent about how you were still close enough to Jackson for supplies and to see Tommy and Elllie. You fisted your hands in the flannel he was wearing and tugged him down. “Joel.”
He smiled at you as his hands landed on your waist, squeezing a little. “Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Have I ever told you I love you?”
He pulled you in and grinned, “Not once.”
This kiss felt different than all the rest. Felt like something more final, like you both knew you’d reached the end and there was nowhere left to go. You’d explored all you could, fought your way here, and now you stood in this old house. The one he had fixed up and you knew you didn’t need to fight anymore. 
You just needed this, him in this moment. 
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Ellie turned around at the sound of Dina’s voice. “Yeah?”
She nodded her head towards the patrol logbook, there was a strange smile on her face. “Might want to take a look at this.”
Ellie walked over, shooting Dina a confused glance before she took a look and let out a laugh.
We aren’t gone, but we’re disappearing for a while. You won’t find us, don’t come looking (I mean it Tommy) - J
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game The Last Of Us, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
TAGLIST: @chrysanthemum-00 @marimarvelfan
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
“God, you’re crazy.”
In collaboration with: @livil589!
Janis 'Imi'ike x protective! fem reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut. Oral, fingering(Janis receiving), coarse language
 In which, a typically reserved reader lets her protective side shine and Janis secretly loves it, becoming a cute, flustered mess.
The moment you got together with Janis, the whole school found out immediately. You see, after the whole shit show with Regina’s Burn Book got resolved, and the fact that Regina got the unbelievable punishment of getting hit by a bus, Janis and Regina who once couldn’t stand being in the company of the other, started being civil to each other so much so that they were now almost friends again. But you, well…you couldn’t stand it- the way she hurt Janis. Especially the fact that Regina had been getting people to make fun of her for months before she realized…the sissy lis incident. Every time you think of it, it makes your blood boil. Janis knew it made you angry, it still made you angry and she was honestly impressed. You were the good kid– but not the teacher’s pet. The student who just existed in the environment, under the radar. Regina didn’t even know you existed till you walked into the school with Janis’ arm around your waist. That was what caused the beloved queen bee of North Shore to notice your existence.
“Hey, Janis.” Regina shut her locker and approached Janis, “Who’s this?” 
At first, you were pretty certain she meant no malice- because Janis greeted her without seeming like she wanted to punch the blonde in the face. “My girlfriend,” Janis answered simply as she went about her current task of picking out the necessary textbooks from her locker– which was surprisingly neater than your own (She makes fun of you for it sometimes, but she means no harm). The artist was a big softie and you knew it- only you knew it. Damian too, maybe, but it was never truly that obvious. 
“I know.” Regina responded in her usual tone, “But who is she? Never seen her before.”
“Now you have.” Janis shrugged. But that tone made you want to claw at her- that condescending tone. Intentional or not, it was driving you nuts and fast. 
“Strange…” You finally opened your mouth, and her eyes searched for your voice a little before her gaze lands on you, “I know who you are...and I know what you did. I’ve been in your classes since middle school and I cannot believe you.”
Your body was tense as you felt the warmth of Janis’ hands touch your shoulder, to calm you down. Regina tries to look unfazed, nonchalant…but there was a moment where you caught the shock in her eyes- they faltered. 
“You’re right Janis, now I do know who she is. Impressive, like a secret weapon, hm? She looks so…sweet and innocent, but once that cute little mouth of hers opens up, it surprises you.” Regina continues. Seriously? Your nostrils flared as Janis shot her a disgusted look, “Are you done, Regina?” Janis was slowly but surely losing her patience, being nice. “What are you trying to do here? Tormenting me wasn’t enough? You want to intimidate my girlfriend too?” At this moment, Cady has arrived at school with Aaron and Damian.
“Lighten up, Janis. It’s a compliment.” Regina chuckles, “Pity, we would’ve made a pretty hot couple. But you two are cute as shit together.”
“Well- you snooze, you lose, Regina.” You snapped, “Maybe fumbling Janis was the worst punishment for you.”
“Baby.” Janis said into your ear, “Damn, it’s all good. She’s been trying to change, really. But this is her odd way of being nice and complimenting something.”
“Don’t you think she sounds so very condescending?” You looked at Janis directly now.
“This is a hell of a change from how she used to treat anyone. Don’t take it to heart.” Janis told you, right as Regina turned on her heel and left.
“Okay, spill. What’d we miss?” Damian hurried over.
“Oh. Nothing, just y/n being protective…”
“You?” Damian asked you with wide eyes.
“Yeah,” Janis confirms, shutting her locker and zipping up her bag. 
“Damn, I did not expect this from you girl- always seems to be the other way around.”
“What’d Regina want?” Cady asks
“Uh…I think she wants my girl.” Janis told the redhead.
“Janis, I am begging you- I need context.” Damian squealed, Cady laughed. “Now I really gotta know what happened.” 
“Me too. Now I just wished we were all here to see it.
You were still tense, even after Regina had disappeared from view. Janis could tell you were upset by Regina so she took your hand, squeezing it as she walked to class with you. 
Classes dragged on, it felt like the day would never end. The interaction with the school's queen bee had stuck with you and you couldn't shake it and all you wanted to do was spend time with your girlfriend.
It was finally time for lunch, so you headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Cady and Damian since Janis had texted you saying she was gonna be late because she was finishing an art project. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine Cady.” “I don’t buy it.” Damian disagrees. “If you don’t wanna say anything, I’ll just ask Janis when she gets here.” You sighed, and Cady told him that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. “Well, I’m worried, our friend looks like something’s after her.” You choked on your drink hearing that. “Mkay, who’s after you?” He pressed.
“Fine, Regina came up to me and Janis, and she was being…I dunno weird? Flirting with me, maybe?”
“Well, that’s what the whole interaction felt like. First, she asked who I was, Janis told her. Then she proceeded to say that she and Janis would’ve made a hot couple, but me and Janis were really cute together?” You started to explain, “She never knew I existed until Janis and I started to date. And it’s been what, six months now almost? Janis always tries to play nice but Regina is just…something else. I finally had enough and just sorta lashed out, I said that maybe her fumbling Janis was her biggest punishment.” “Damn! And we missed that?” Damian had a hand clutching his chest, “You go girl.”
“That’s what happened? Oh, my God. Regina didn’t hurt you did she?” “No, it was more like I scared her.” You snorted, laughing, “She tried to play it cool but there was that split second of a ‘oh, shit. Okay’ in her eyes.” 
“Looks like Janis has rubbed off on you, sweetie.” Damian shrugged, satisfied.
“We don’t need another Janis.” Cady says.
“Of course, that girl’s a handful.” Damian laughs, “That’s why this girl is extra important because she mellows Janis out a little bit. Only she has successfully stopped Janis from punching the heck outta a student. Remember that?”
As Cady and Damian continued yapping, you got a text from Janis- telling you to meet her in the janitor’s closet. “I have to go.”
“Where are you going?” Cady asks, confused. 
“Uh…Janis texted?”
“Okay, spare us the details- just go.” Damian shooed you away. 
You quickly gathered yourself, rushing out of the cafeteria as Damian burst into laughter, earning a light slap on the arm from Cady. As you made your way to the janitor’s closet, a pair of pink Louboutin heels stepped in front of you, effectively making you stop in your tracks. “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” Regina practically purrs, her voice dripping with false sweetness. The blonde's tone only made you roll your eyes, doing your best to hold your tongue. 
“Piss off, Regina,” you bit out, shouldering past her as you continue on your way.
“Going to see your girlfriend?” she asks, her tone betraying her seemingly innocent words and you whirl around, furious.
“Leave Janis the fuck alone, you were awful to her and you didn’t fucking deserve her friendship,” you growled, spinning on your heel and stalking towards the closet. 
There was only so much of Regina you could handle before you ran out of patience. You hated the Plastic for what she’d put Janis through but since she was attempting to make amends (or at least made it seem that way) with your girlfriend you usually held back when it came to showing your anger, not wanting to upset the new balance of their civility towards each other. Today, however, Regina had lit a fuse in you, causing your outbursts. All you could focus on now though was what Janis called you to the janitor’s closet for, but your bubbling anger caught up, slowly taking over your arousal and making you more sober. No fucking way you would let that happen completely. As you moved, the blonde moved with you, blocking your way at every move. You bit back a scowl, and your fists clenched, feeling your frustration skyrocket.
“Aw, someone’s getting a little frustrated, hm?” Regina teased. Without a second thought, your fist slams into a locker to get the anger and frustration out a tad. “Get out of the way, Regina.” You spat. She doesn’t, but instead tilts your chin up with her finger to get you to look her in the eye. How could she be so smug? 
“Let go of my face.” You growled.
“Regina!” It was Gretchen, “What are you doing? Stop being so rude and mean to her.”
“Lucky you, sweet Gretchen saves the day.” Regina’s finger left your chin, “She’s just rushing off to see her girlfriend, no big deal.”
“But you didn’t hit her, right?” Gretchen looked at you worriedly before you scurried to your destination.
���Uh, no. Just talking…” Right, talking or threatening you for no damn reason?
Standing in front of the closet, you knocked. “Yeah?” It was Janis’ voice. Shrugging, you opened the door and stepped inside. “Hold on.” She started, “Something happened.”
“Yes, yes. Whatever.” You responded dismissively, looping your arms around her and placing your hands on her lower back. “Did Regina bother you again?” Asked Janis, backing away from your face so she could meet your gaze. “Of course she did. A leopard never changes its spots, Janis. She was born to terrorize the entire student body and staff population.”
“I swear, if she laid her hands on you, I’m gonna-”
You shook your head vigorously, “I don’t care what the fuck she does, but if she lays her hand on you, I won’t hesitate to beat her up. She made me so angry I nearly swung at her face. If it weren’t for Gretchen coming up to ask her to stop, trust me…I would’ve.”
“God, that’s so hot…” Janis chuckles lowly, her breath tickling your face as she leans closer to kiss you. Her lips meet yours and she lets out a moan - for a second there, you thought you were hearing things. That was…Janis? Already? No complaints though, hearing her like this made you happy, honestly. And as your tongue invaded her mouth, the action drew out another moan that you almost too quickly swallowed with a kiss. 
Lucky for you, she was wearing a cropped t-shirt, so you easily slid your hand under there and started fondling her breasts. “Oh, fuck.” She mutters breathlessly, “God, you’re crazy.” “Am I, now?” You bit back a smirk, unbuckling her belt together with her and finally getting to pull that down. “You haven’t seen it all yet, babe.” With her breath heavy, her eyes stayed watching you to mentally prepare herself for your next move. When your fingers looped themselves through the hem of her boyshorts, your eyes searched for her approval. Janis takes a deep breath and nods, and so you pull them down and leave them by her ankles. Your hands roamed her ass, giving them a squeeze that drove her feral, whimpering right into your ears as your hands got closer to where she needed you the most. 
“You wanna sit down or do you wanna stand?” You ask while your hands continue caressing her ass and squeezing. Janis chuckles, “I don’t care. Just- take me.” That look in her eyes…damn she really needed you, bad. Your hands trail downwards when you get down onto your knees, coming face to face with her apex. You grinned. “You’re so ready, aren’t you?” You tease, the back of your hand ghosts the mound. Janis squirms. “Tell me, baby, use your words.” You looked up. She wasn’t looking at you- or anywhere for that matter. She couldn’t go much longer without stimulation and that was her tell. When your hands squeezed her thighs, her head snapped downward and her eyes met yours. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” You were thoroughly enjoying your rare moment of dominance over her- she was usually the one in control. But whenever you got protective over her, she got turned on and became a flustered mess. “Janis, honey…it doesn’t feel very nice, does it? The aching, hm?” Your breath was fanning against her most sensitive region now, and by the way that she was biting onto her lower lip, she wouldn’t be able to stay silent much longer. 
She shakes her head, managing to say a ‘no’. You started by pressing a kiss to her inner thigh, on one side then the other. “y/n, I need you- please.” A whine follows her request. You gently kiss her clit and a yelp falls from her mouth. And as you rubbed circles with your thumb, you trailed a finger along her entrance slowly pushing it into her. “Oh, my God.” She cursed, “Fuck.” 
“Mm-mm, no noise, baby. Not yet.”
The smirk on your face grew as you watched the girl squirm. You could feel her wetness drip onto your hand as you pumped your finger inside of her, curling it to hit her sweet spot driving Janis insane. Janis’s head fell back, her hips rolling in tandem with your movements. Her mind was emptied and filled with growing arousal as the seconds went by, biting down on her lip to keep herself from getting into trouble with you by making noise so soon. The more she squirmed under your touch, the harder it was for you to keep at your task- purely because she was already so wet, the friction just wasn’t there anymore. “Fuck, can I kiss you?” Janis asks, not garnering a response from you, “Please?” 
You removed your fingers from her completely. And a whine fully just escapes from her lips, “Please, y/n. I need you, please.” God, her begging sounded like music to your ears. You gave in, starting to kiss her again, every noise she made swallowed by the movement of both your lips. Next, your hand returns to its previous position, plunging back inside her. She whimpers shakily, knees feeling like they might buckle. You kept a hand on her hip as your fingers carried on with their tasks. She’s made it so easy for you to go in and out that you didn’t even have to think about doing anything else to push her over the edge. 
“You sure you want people to hear you, babe?” You caressed her cheek, looking right into her eyes. Janis swallowed thickly feeling the ache in between her legs worsen rapidly, she shook her head. 
“Then what do you want, baby? Tell me.” 
Her eyes started to avoid yours, but you held her chin and made her keep eye contact. Janis huffs frustratedly, licking her lips. “You gotta tell me, babe. Hm?”
“I need to come and I don’t care how you do it, just make me come.” Her usual attitude showed up briefly. You shot her a bewildered look in reply, shrugging then sucking your fingers clean as she watched painfully. “You know not to get like that with me, Janis.” You say, your hand massaging her thigh while you lower yourself to come face to face with the area where she needs you the most. You were on your knees, hands gripping onto her thighs as your eyes flicked upward to look at Janis. 
“So you’re okay if I use my mouth?”
“What?” Janis exhales harshly, “Of course, I’m okay with that, baby. I fucking love it when you do. Holy shit, please.” 
You trailed open-mouthed kisses along the inside of her thighs, smirking when she squirmed. Her hips bucked into the air when you got closer and closer to her heat. You were thoroughly enjoying her being so submissive- you wanted to make it harder for her, just for the heck of it. You pulled away from her thighs, staring into her eyes while you were face to face with the area where she needed you the most. She looked at you in sheer disbelief and scoffed, practically grabbing you by your head and putting you on back onto her- only this time, your mouth was met with her dripping cunt. You laughed, “So impatient.” You licked upwards, circling her clit with your tongue then pressing the flat of your tongue against it, “But ask and you shall receive, honey. We don’t have a whole lot of time right now.” 
Her noises…they became so very frustrated, sounding like she was about to throw a full-blown tantrum if you denied her release any longer. But also, very needy and so high-pitched that it began to reflexively make you sound the same. “Baby, please- please y/n. Make me come. Now.” She asks.
You grinned, “Okay. You got it.” Speedily, you carry on lapping up her juices while your fingers fucked her rhythmically all while it begins to tighten around you. Janis gasps, tangling her hands in your hair for support as well as the wall behind her. You hoisted her legs up over your shoulders for more friction to aid her incoming climax. “Oh, God…” She panted, breathing ragged, “Fuck, y/n. Fuck, fuck, fuck!~” 
She came undone into your mouth, soaking your fingers with herself. “Felt good, didn’t it, baby?”
“So fucking good.” Janis nodded with the biggest grin on her face, “Do that to me more often from now on. It’s so damn hot when you get all protective.” 
You guffawed, wiping your mouth and chin off, “Oh, I will, Jan. Trust me. This is just the beginning. But you’re gonna have to wait till after school because we gotta go.” 
“That’s fine.” She bit her lower lip, “I’m gonna need some time to recover from this anyway.” Janis pulls you in, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, “Thank you, baby. You’re amazing.”
Caressing her cheek, you replied, “Aw, thank you- I try.” 
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honkytonk-hangman · 1 year
Line of Sight [2]
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake had offered you his services the next time some guy made you uncomfortable at a bar. He just hadn't thought that guy would be your shitty ex-boyfriend.
Warnings: shitty exes. i dont know how pool works. jakes internal monologue mostly.
Notes: Part two, as requested folks!!!
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Jake hadn’t even realised you were out tonight.
After the incident at the club several weeks back, you’d seemingly made yourself scarce when it came to nights out at the Hard Deck. Apparently you’d had some big work project lined up this month and were too tired to make it, but Jake can’t help but think that excuse sounded a little too convenient. You’d been distant before the club anyway, and in a halfway desperate attempt to reel you back in, he’d stepped out of his well established routine with you that night and offered his service when it came to creeps in bars.
He didn’t think you’d really take him up on it, not that he wouldn’t be happy if you did, but he did think it might lend you a little more confidence to hang out, even if Phoenix and Rooster weren’t going to be there.
The weeks went by agonisingly slow for him when you weren’t there, which was a ridiculous way for him to feel considering he barely even spoke to you when you were there. But Jake liked you. He liked listening to you talk and laugh, and if he’s perfectly honest, he didn’t want to end up being the reason that talking or laughing stopped. In his mind, the best way to avoid that was to interact with you as little as possible. He was nice to you, sure, but outside of simple politeness, he didn't know how not to be himself, so naturally, he kept his distance and bit his tongue.
He was content with just being in the radius of you. It was better that way, or so he had thought until you’d started keeping a distance, which had resulted in you being bothered by some douche in a club who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Jake had let himself get closer than he’d ever allowed before, and it was almost enough to sustain him during the weeks you weren’t around.
Jake lets fly his last dart, and whistles as it lands predictably, directly in the centre of the board. Why any of his fellow aviators still played with him, he had no clue, but honestly he’s glad they still do. Fanboy scoffs and rolls his eyes, and Jake manages to dodge the elbow Javy tries to send into his ribs.
“How about this; the winner gets the next round.” Coyote announces, flinging his last dart wildly to the left, earning him little points. Jake simply shrugs, his grin still fixed in place as the others all call out their agreement.
The remainder of the game is played in record time, and the blond bites back a remark about all of their purposeful botched-shots only being slightly worse than usual, and lets himself be dismissed toward the busy bar with a self-satisfied smirk he knows is still infuriating.
When Jake returns, he notices his group has grown larger, an unfamiliar couple laughing and joking with the others. He also notices that you’ve shown up, which immediately saps the rest of his interest.
“Well, if I’d known we were having company I would’ve bought more drinks…” Jake announces as he steps up from behind you, handing off three of the drinks in his hand, and then ignoring Bob and passing you a fresh beer instead. He should have been tipped off that something was wrong when you turn to face him quickly, eyes slightly widened like you’ve been looking specifically for him.
“Jake! There you are!” you exclaim, and Jake blinks down at you dumbly.
“Here I am,” he confirms, unable to stop his frown as you seem to glance briefly back at the unfamiliar couple, and then back at him. You move closer to him, and he watches you hesitate before reaching out and wrapping your hand around his arm. Jake blinks at you again, but finds himself distracted by the feel of your hands as you tuck yourself into his side.
“Ah, so is this him, huh?” the unfamiliar male seems to step toward you, and gestures at Jake, who quickly starts to put together at least some of what the hell is going on. He looks down at you, and you look back, eyes pleading.
Jake falls into character just a little too well. He grins wide, smirking with full force as he gently pulls his arm out of your grasp to wrap securely around your back, his hand resting at your waist in a way that’s incredibly nice.
“Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Call me Hangman.” Jake leans forward and offers out a hand. The other man takes it, and Jake makes sure to squeeze just a little too hard as they shake.
“I’m David. We used to date,” the man, David, says, gesturing between him and you. Jake smiles brighter and cocks his head.
“I figured.” Jake says dismissively, before quickly looking away from your ex and focusing on you.
You’re staring up at him the same way you had that night, like you’d asked him for help but had expected him to refuse. Expected him to hang you out to dry. He supposes he hadn’t given you much else to expect of him.
“Pool?” you ask, jerking your head off in the direction of the nearby pool table, and Jake nods, separating from you for only a moment to place his own beer into the still floundering Bob’s hands, before following you off a small step away.
Standing slightly separated from the rest of your group, and more importantly, your ex, Jake feels you pull back from him a little as you go about racking up a game, seemingly refusing to look him in the eye. It’s only when you’re taking your first shot that you finally talk again.
“Thank you… I didn’t know what else to do…” you mumble, eyes shooting back and forth between him and the table in front of you. Jake purses his lips, but gives you another nod as he leans down to make his own play, before standing to his full height and staring you down.
“What’s he doing here?” he asks, hoping not to sound too stern, but he can see by the way you quickly flick your eyes away from him and down at your feet that he’s failed.
“Said he’s back in town for a convention or something… brought his new girlfriend.” If you're trying to sound casual about it all, you fail spectacularly, punctuated by the way you briefly glance over to glare daggers at the back of David’s head.
“You haven’t forgotten how much he sucks right?” Jake says sourly, before quickly straightening up and clearing his throat, nodding over at your group again. “I mean, I’ve never seen Rooster look so unfriendly before…” he adds, making you both look at where Bradshaw stands looking somewhat uncomfortable, but not not glaring either.
The sight causes you to chortle softly into your hand, though you do try to hide it as you move around the table, closer to Jake to take your shot. He doesn’t pretend to not be watching you as you do.
“I really am grateful for all of you that night,” you say sweetly, and it makes Jake sneak a glare back in David’s direction, where he finds the other man has positioned himself to where he can watch the two of you playing.
“Here, like this,” Jake says suddenly, quickly placing his own cue down and stepping up behind you. You startle a little, shooting a questioning glance over your shoulder at him, though it falters when he glides his hands over your hips, and then up to your hands. It falls even more when you seem to also catch sight of David. You turn your head back to the pool table as Jake does his very best to keep things appropriate while still bending you over.
“Sorry ‘bout this, gotta make sure David sees you're better off, don’t we?” he hears himself whisper in your ear as he helps you position your hands better. He can’t get enough of the feeling of you beneath him like this, and even though he knows he should quickly help you with your shot and then disengage, but the most selfish part of him outright refuses, instead drawing it out for as long as he can get away with.
“It’s okay,” you all but squeak back, and Jake can’t help but smirk.
“Is it just?” he almost regrets flirting for a moment, until he spies your sweet little smile, and hears the sound of your laugh.
“You’re so weird.” is the next thing you say, and it takes him somewhat off-guard.
“Weird? I’m trying to be sexy…” he tells you flatly, earning another laugh that rings sweetly in his ears.
You finally take your shot, mostly with the help of Jake, and it quickly sinks four of your balls at once, automatically winning you the game. You both stand straight, though when you turn to face him, Jake makes no move back or to give you space, his frame caging you in against the pool table.
“It is sexy… that's the problem.” You tell him almost shyly and with a small frown. At that statement, he immediately takes a small step back, cursing himself out for clearly making you uncomfortable. He knew keeping his distance was the best option.
“You’re always so hot and cold with me, I can’t figure it out.” Your voice sounds a little sad almost, and his own emotions give him whiplash as he suddenly berates the distance he’s always kept between you, wishing he’d just be hot from the start, and kept it hot the whole way through.
“I still can’t even tell if you like me… like, as a friend… I don’t even have your phone number, I have everyone else’s phone numbers, I–”
“–I like you.” Jake cuts you off, blinking rapidly and taking a step forward again. “Why would you think I don’t like you?” He knows its a dumb question, but he feels like he deserves to hear it, torture himself a little.
“You never talk to me, you don’t– you know– you just treat me different. It’s not like I can’t see that, you know!” you get a little indignant at that, and almost look like you're about to cross your arms over your chest when your eyes suddenly skip to something over Jake’s shoulder.
He could almost deck David when his voice sounds from just behind him, but he manages to at least hold back from that.
For now.
“That was a pretty good shot, Jake–”
“–Call me Hangman,” Jake grits out, half turning back to face the other man as he steps into view, his girlfriend tucked under his arm. Without even thinking, Jake lets one of his hands come to rest at your waist, and he gently pulls you closer to him.
“It was all her,” He tells your ex, who inches closer to getting punched when he laughs.
“You must have improved since we dated, then!” David says to you, and the ever so slight downward turn of your lips makes Jake squeeze you softly.
“How about another game, huh?” David asks, already racking the balls and handing his beer off to his girlfriend, who he still hadn’t bothered to introduce. Jake grins, but turns to look at you, his eyes sparkling as he leans in a little closer to you.
“You want me to destroy this guy, for you sweetheart?” He asks quietly, before moving even closer, so close he hears the tiny little gasp you let out, feels it against his lips.
“Wouldn’t do that for just anyone,” he continues, as if tempting you. You blink up at him and he sees that same awestruckness he had that night at the club, relishes in it being directed toward him. He gives your waist a little tap with his fingers when you don’t reply, and it seems to jolt you back. You nod, seemingly trying to tame your own grin, which only feeds into his own.
“Nothing left to bury,” you reply at last, making Jake genuinely have to throw his head back as he laughs. Giving your waist a last squeeze, he kisses your cheek, before stepping away and grabbing his cue again.
“I’d love to play, David.”
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naturesapphic · 3 months
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Knight in shining armor part 2
Knight!Natasha romanoff x princess!fem!reader
Warnings: angst, and a little bit of fluff
It’s been a few months since the incident and life between you and Natasha has been great. Of course Natasha still had to be careful with her feelings towards you but she can’t deny it any longer that she was in fact in love with you. She still loved her job and wanted to be your number one protector so that’s why she’s been secret with her feelings towards you. If this gets out, she may be banish and lose her heroic ship forever. That’s why y’all aren’t a couple yet and that is why you went off to go see your parents. You had to tell them your feelings and that you want to be with Natasha. A few hours went by and you were overjoyed at the outcome of the long talk you had with your parents. You come out of the main hall and start searching for Natasha.
“Natasha?” You called out for her and decided to head to your room and try to call for her again. Natasha who had settled into her quarters for the night, hears the princess calling out to her and quickly makes her way to the princess's room. "Is everything alright, your highness?" she asks, concern etched on her features. You go over towards her and you look up at her with happiness in your eyes “Guess what! My family said that I can marry whoever I want! They said they don’t care what class they are in, as long as I am happy.” You exclaimed looking at you with hopeful eyes. Natasha’s eyes widen in surprise and joy upon hearing this news, even as she tries to control her emotions. "That is wonderful news, your highness! I am so happy for you." Natasha said oblivious to the fact that you chose her. Natasha smiles reassuringly at the princess. "But remember, it's important to choose someone who will treat you with the respect and love you deserve. Someone who will stand by you through thick and thin, and support you in all your endeavors." Natasha exclaimed and you had to hold back from rolling your eyes.
“I choose you Natasha…we of course don’t have to get married right away but…may I take you out on a nice picnic?” You say with glee and hopefulness in your voice. Natasha's cheeks flush at the princess's words, emotions swirling within her. While she had entertained feelings for the princess herself, she had never imagined that those feelings could work out. She takes a deep breath to steady herself before responding. "I...I am honored by your offer, your highness," she says softly. "But I must remind you that I am your knight and it is my duty to protect and serve you. We cannot engage in such activities without proper clearance and approval from the king." She pauses for a moment, considering her options. "But...if you would like to discuss this further, I am happy to do so. Perhaps we can talk about it over tea or go on that picnic you wanted.” Natasha responded. You give her a understanding nod, hoping that she gets that I can be with whoever I want, which means her “let me put on a comfortable dress, I’ll be right back.” You say as you go into the closet and puts on a cute white flower dress and comes back out.
Natasha nods in approval at the princess's attire, admiring the simplicity and elegance of her dress. She leads the princess to a private sitting area outside, near the garden, offering her a comfortable seat. "If I may be so bold, your highness," she says with a small smile. "what made you think of me as a potential partner?" She takes a deep breath, bracing herself for whatever the princess's response may be. You sigh happily as you look at Natasha with love and admiration in your eyes. “because ever since you’ve became my personal knight, I’ve fallen in love with you…plus you are a woman and not a man.” You let out a giggle. “and because you are so brave and loyal…everytime I see you my heart flutters and it feels like it’s just you and me together in this earth…I told my parents about my feelings for you and at first they were against it but came to realize that they know that you will protect me and love me right and now they accept it and want us to marry one day.” You explained to her. Natasha's heart swells with emotion at the princess's words, feeling a rush of warmth suffuse her body as she takes in the princess's confession.
"I see," Natasha says, her voice soft and gentle. "I am honored that you would think so highly of me, your highness. And while I confess that the thought of being with you has crossed my mind more than once, as your knight it is my duty to remain professional and focused on ensuring your safety and well-being." Natasha stated. "Is there anything else I can do for you today?" Natasha asked you. You smile at her with love in your eyes. “hmmmm…can I have a kiss?” Natasha's heart races at the princess's request, her senses going into overdrive as she tries to maintain her composure. She takes a deep breath to steady herself before responding. "Your highness," she says firmly "As your knight, it is not appropriate for me to engage in such behavior with you. We must maintain a professional relationship at all times." She fidgets slightly, feeling a pang of regret at the princess's request. "Is there anything else I can assist you with?" A flash of hurt pangs on your face and you feel your heart breaking “did you not here what I just told you? we can be together. my family is supportive about it and you won’t lose your place as a knight…don’t you want to be with me..?” You whisper at the last part as tears fill your eyes.
Natasha's heart feels like it might break as she sees the hurt and tears in the princesses' eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself and gather her thoughts. "Your highness," she says softly, Her tone softens as she continues, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "But know that my feelings for you are real and genuine. If ever there comes a time when we can be together without compromising my duties, I would be honored to be with you." She reaches out to gently wipe tears from the princess as she doesn’t want to risk anything happening to her job as your knight. Natasha's heart feels like it might break as she sees the hurt and tears in the princesses' eyes. "Princess," *she says softly, "I never said I didn't want to be with you, but my duty as a knight comes first. It is not appropriate for us to engage in any type of intimate relationship while I am sworn to protect and serve." Her tone softens as she continues, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "But know that my feelings for you are real and genuine.” She reaches out to gently wipe tears from the princess eyes. “You still don’t understand do you…what can I do that will make us be together.” I look up at you pleadingly. "I'm sorry, your highness," Natasha says softly, her heart heavy with sorrow. "But no amount of pleading or convincing can sway me from my duty as a knight."
She takes a deep breath before continuing, her voice laden with sadness. "I know this must be hard to hear, but we must learn to accept the reality of our situation. Our relationship must remain professional in order to protect the well-being of the kingdom and its people." She looks at the princess kindly, her eyes searching hers for any sign of understanding and acceptance. "I will always be here for you, your highness. As your faithful knight, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy." Natasha says to you kindly. You feel your heart break and your face turns a bit cold. You stand up and walk away, heading to the castle. Natasha watches with a heavy heart as the princess walks away, feeling a deep pain in her chest. She takes a deep breath and steels herself, determined to continue her duty in protecting the princess at all costs. "Your highness," she calls after you. "Please, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I am always here for you." She watches until the Princess is out of sight before turning back to her guard duties, trying to push aside her own emotions for the sake of her mission.
A/n: 1485 words. part three will be posted soon :) check out my Rhea ripley imagine that I posted and Requests for her are opened. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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Aita for bothering my parents to get me therapy and when they don't i just vent about them online
It already sounds bad i know
To give context, i have diagnosed autism and undiagnosed (with research) ADHD.
Ever since I was young i've always had problems with social situations, going back to elementary school. Now that I (16 FTM) am close to finishing highschool and graduate, I still have problems socializing and managing emotions.
I've multiple times self harmed (not with cutting but through other physical means) in the school bathrooms, and multiple times have been found and sent to the school's highschool psychologist. I trust her, and have been vocal with her about my suspicions of having adhd, in return she emailed me a yt video later that day called "tips for dealing with adhd" which i accidentally forgot to watch and i haven't seen it yet after months.
Anyway, one of those mental breakdowns made me stay in the psychologist's office up until it was time to go home, and when my dad waited too long to pick me up he walked into the school looking for me, that's when he found me in the psychologist's office crying (like straight up sobbing, snot coming out ugly cry).
He promised to the psychologist to get me outside therapy because what was happening to me was just outside the school's area of expertise. That happened in early October, now it's January.
We're not poor, so we can perfectly afford therapy, and we have been able to for a couple times before moving cities when i was younger.
Back in February i used to talk with this nice lady who was supposed to be my psychologist, i was nervous since at the time i didn't have any therapy for months. We only had 2 meetings before my parents ditched the whole thing, now it's been over 2 years since a proper meeting.
The main conflict is: After that incident at my school i was determined to talk directly about going back to therapy, but my parents say that they view it as a 'waste of money' since 1) it's complicated to schedule a meeting, and 2) they straight up say "do you REALLY need it? you have us, we support you".
Now I don't bring it up to them, i just talk shit about them online because i know they'll never see it.
So here's why i may be an asshole: They're not lying. I like to think they truly support me and aren't out there looking to hurt me on purpose, so i'd basically be ignoring their effort in favor of some outside source i guess. I would be basically bothering them for something they see as useless and when it doesn't happen i get (not vocally) mad. It makes me feel like a spoiled brat, so there's that.
Here's why i may not be the asshole: I think i really need therapy
What are these acronyms?
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specialagentartemis · 4 months
Public Domain Black History Books
For the day Frederick Douglass celebrated as his birthday (February 14, Douglass Day, and the reason February is Black History Month), here's a selection of historical books by Black authors covering various aspects of Black history (mostly in the US) that you can download For Free, Legally And Easily!
Slave Narratives
This comprised a hugely influential genre of Black writing throughout the 1800s - memoirs of people born (or kidnapped) into slavery, their experiences, and their escapes. These were often published to fuel the abolitionist movement against slavery in the 1820s-1860s and are graphic and uncompromising about the horrors of slavery, the redemptive power of literacy, and the importance of abolitionist support.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - 1845 - one of the most iconic autobiographies of the 1800s, covering his early life when he was enslaved in Maryland, and his escape to Massachusetts where he became a leading figure in the abolition movement.
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by William and Ellen Craft - 1860 - the memoir of a married couple's escape from slavery in Georgia, to Philadelphia and eventually to England. Ellen Craft was half-white, the child of her enslaver, but she could pass as white, and she posed as her husband William's owner to get them both out of the slave states. Harrowing, tense, and eminently readable - I honestly think Part 1 should be assigned reading in every American high school in the antebellum unit.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs writing under the name Linda Brent - 1861 - writing specifically to reach white women and arguing for the need for sisterhood and solidarity between white and Black women, Jacobs writes of her childhood in slavery and how terrible it was for women and mothers even under supposedly "nice" masters including supposedly "nice" white women.
Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup - 1853 - Born a free Black man in New York, Northup was kidnapped into slavery as an adult and sold south to Louisiana. This memoir of the brutality he endured was the basis of the 2013 Oscar-winning movie.
Early 1900s Black Life and Philosophy
Slavery is of course not the only aspect of Black history, and writers in the late 1800s and early 1900s had their own concerns, experiences, and perspectives on what it meant to be Black.
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington - 1901 - an autobiography of one of the most prominent African-American leaders and educators in the late 1800s/early 1900s, about his experiences both learning and teaching, and the power and importance of equal education. Race relations in the Reconstruction era Southern US are a major concern, and his hope that education and equal dignity could lead to mutual respect has... a long way to go still.
The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois - 1903 - an iconic work of sociology and advocacy about the African-American experience as a people, class, and community. We read selections from this in Anthropology Theory but I think it should be more widely read than just assigned in college classes.
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil by W.E.B. Du Bois - 1920 - collected essays and poems on race, religion, gender, politics, and society.
A Negro Explorer at the North Pole by Matthew Henson - 1908 - Black history doesn't have to be about racism. Matthew Henson was a sailor and explorer and was the longtime companion and expedition partner of Robert Peary. This is his adventure-memoir of the expedition that reached the North Pole. (Though his descriptions of the Indigenous Greenlandic Inuit people are... really paternalistic in uncomfortable ways even when he's trying to be supportive.)
Standard Ebooks also compiles poetry collections, and here are some by Black authors.
Langston Hughes - 1920s - probably the most famous poet of the Harlem Renaissance.
James Weldon Johnson - early 1900s through 1920s - tends to be in a more traditionalist style than Hughes, and he preferred the term for the 1920s proliferation of African-American art "the flowering of Negro literature."
Sarah Louisa Forten Purvis - 1830s - a Black abolitionist poet, this is more of a chapbook of her work that was published in newspapers than a full book collection. There are very common early-1800s poetry themes of love, family, religion, and nostalgia, but overwhelmingly her topic was abolition and anti-slavery, appealing to a shared womanhood.
Science Fiction
This is Black history to me - Samuel Delany's first published novel, The Jewels of Aptor, a sci-fi adventure from the early 60s that encapsulates a lot of early 60s thoughts and anxieties. New agey religion, forgotten technology mistaken for magic, psychic powers, nuclear war, post-nuclear society that feels more like a fantasy kingdom than a sci-fi world until they sail for the island that still has all the high tech that no one really knows how to use... it's a quick and entertaining read.
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hyperref-lex-ia · 16 days
lost of common reactions i get as a mute person
all the following are peoples reaction when they assume i am deaf, the most common assumption
- flustered and lifts hands to try and sign and then lowers them when they realize they dont know ASL
- flustered and starts to sputter and talk before settling on mouthing things at me
- mouths “can you lip read”
- talks really loud at me (which wouldnt do much if i was deaf so idk)
- goes to find something to write on
- sometimes if i type on my phone in my notes when i need to say something other than yes or no people will go to literally take my phone from me to type back instead of literally anything else
- signs some of the more common sign, i get thank you a lot (especially in customer service situations, which is where most of these happen)
- if it is someone on the street saying something and they assume im deaf when i sign at them they usually just disregard me which is actually really nice
these next ones are when people dont assume im deaf, which is rarer
- talks to me normal
- talks to me like im dumb
heres a few nice incidents
- guy asked me if i was mute in spanish and i nodded and he asked if i knew spanish and i was like not really lol (live in a heavily hispanic area so i picked up on enough to understand) and he switches to english and shares about a talk he had gone to recently about mutism
- girl working at sonic assumed i was deaf and ran inside just to grab her phone to help me which i thought was really sweet so i just didnt correct her
- just today i was using the self checkout at a gas station and the guy behind the register sees me getting frustrated with the card reader and slides over a piece of receipt paper that says “tap works better” and i am like “i dont have tap” and o decide to just cancel the self checkout and move to him cause hes got good vibes and he holds the bag up and raises an eyebrow allowing me to have a choice in it which i dont often get. when i am leaving he signs “have a good day” super slow and obviously practiced a lot, and i thought the fact that he obviously learned that just in case this happened made me really happy
- every time someone has happened to know ASL in public, its always surprising how many hearing/verbal people know ASL, almost always because they are CODA
- the enthusiastic gay man at my eye doctor who got so excited when he saw i signed even thiugh he doesnt know it, because he thought it was so cool
- every person who goes “oh you speak ASL” and then immediately thinks about thay sentence and kind of 404 errors out as they realize you cant speak ASL
- the tiny middle aged mexican woman who has worked the store at my school the entire time ive been going there who knows me because i always go there for caffeine and snacks, and manages to always communicate with me despite a couple language barriers and will often berate me if i dont get water with my caffeine or if i dont get food, and who also wishes me happy holiday for every holiday that comes around, and was also very visibly worried when i had to rely on a cane for a few months
- my painting professor who always takes so much pressure off because hes so blunt, when i came in with a cane everyone danced around asking about it and he walks in and goes “what the hell happened to you??”, the most recent thing that made me laugh is we were talking and i was using TTS and as we are walking into the studios he goes “im gonna go talk with Ronnie, give your thumbs a break” and then we both started laughing
the worst interaction ive had
- had one of my professors numbers which happens sometimes because it makes life easier and she texted me out of the blue saying she “had a dream she was at my wedding and i spoke my vows” with heart emojis and i did not know this woman at all and i was like…what the fuck…not only is that unprofessional but also ableist
lastly shout out to my friends who translate for me purely off lip reading who dont know ASL
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hsangel64 · 11 months
✧.* munch ✧.*
pairings: college!ellie x reader
summary: this is a part two to whipped!
warnings: slight smut but not fully, dirty talk and some kissing ! y/n is used but not much
a/n: i hope you guys like this one i had fun writing it ! bandmates part 4 should be out by tomorrow morning !
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not only is ellie whipped but she is a fuckin munch. she will eat you out wherever and whenever, you ask her out in public she will find a secluded area and eat you out. she will worship you whether it was sexual or just lovey dovey.
there has been many incidents where ellie will make you late for class or meeting up with a friend, like the time you and dina were going to go out to this cafe just outside of campus that had just opened up. dina asked if you wanted to study together and grab a coffee so you of course said yes. you had did your hair and makeup and chose to wear a skirt…that was your mistake.
“okay ellie i’m leaving!!” you yelled to her as you grabbed your bag as you heard ellie get up from the bed to bid you goodbye. you’re checking if you have everything when you hear a small gasp. you whip your head around concerned.
“is everything okay? do i need to change? is this too much i-“ she pulled you up and over her shoulder.
“ELLIE WHAT THE FUCK.” you squealed and then let out an ‘oof’ feeling ellie throw you on the bed.
“ellie what is wrong with you-“
“baby…you look so fuckin good please.”
“is that what this is about?” you giggled at her actions letting out a small moan feeling her start to kiss down your neck.
“els i have to go.”
“please please please let me eat you out baby you just look so good i don’t think i’ll be able to wait.”
“but dina is waiting!!” she shook her head and kept kissing your neck.
“ellie i gotta go.” she grabbed your face and kissed you hard. you were shocked but went with it and kissed her back. you couldn’t resist her kissing you it was one of your favorite things to do. ellie started to trail her up and down your body grabbing at your chest and then started to trail down to your skirt…let’s just say you had to MAJORLY apologize to dina after.
ellie literally gets off of your pleasure. she will cum while she’s eating you out. and whenever wherever really means whenever wherever. you guys were at a really nice dinner with joel, dina, jesse, tommy and maria like a little family dinner we did every month.
today out of all days ellie was exceptionally horny…so she did everything to tease you in front of everyone. of course this wasn’t the first time she’s done this. she does it quite often actually, but today was different. ellie was extra touchy and she didn’t even care.
you were just eating your dinner and all of a sudden her hand is on your clothed pussy. you nearly choked on your food feeling her touch you like this with with all your friends and family at the the table. you tried to give her a couple of looks to stop but of course she didn’t.
“so how have you been y/n?” you tried to pull yourself together to answer joel but your voice cracked.
“o-oh everything is great i’ve been good-“
“you okay?”
“oh yeah i just need to use the restroom excuse me-“ you got up and ran straight to the restroom. you looked in the mirror and rubbed your hands through your hair and just took some deep breaths. ellie was going to be the death of you.
the door had opened and you didn’t even notice until you felt someone turn you around. that someone being ellie.
“jesus els you scared me.”
“sorry baby you doing okay?” she smirked at you knowing damn well you went to the bathroom.
“don’t smirk at me like that.”
“why baby?” she lifted your chin to look up at her.
“you know what you did out there you can’t just touch me like that in front of everyone especially your family.” you grumbled and ellie laughed and pushed your hair out of your face.
“oh baby was i teasing too much?”
“yes now im really wet because of you.” you pouted. ellie then pulled you in for a small kiss which turned into a small makeout session. you guys had came to the conclusion you couldn’t be there anymore so you made an excuse that you were throwing up and not feeling good, so you guys left.
on the drive home ellie couldn’t wait and let’s just say you guys didn’t want till you got home and hopped into the backseat of the car.
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renn-phrs · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ(s) : Haitani Rindou, Haitani Ran, Imaushi Wakasa
previous | next | aftermath
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≣ Haitani Rindou
“Rindou-san, when we grow up, let’s get married.” 
That’s what you say or at least was. The incident a few months ago greatly impacts you and your surroundings. Everyone thought you were dead when the doctor informed them that you will be in a coma for a long time. But suddenly on a cold day, your mother saw you sitting on the bed looking at the falling snow from the window which almost make her faint as she quickly hugged you and called your other family member. That’s where your fiance was informed with your consciousness. Running as fast as he can to the hospital, leaving abruptly after the crucial meeting he had with his boss. 
The tears formed in his eyes as he rushed to the ER when he gets a glimpse of the memories you shared together before and the thoughts of it will be continued. The sound of his heavy footsteps from the hallway gets closer before stopping infront of the room. His heart-hate dropped when he sees your mother and the rest of your family members crying on their knees from the small window on the door. His hand trembled and his eyes watched in horror as his biggest fear comes to life eating every inch of his sanity he had. Rindou’s trembling hand tried to reach out for the handle before pushing it down to open it. The people in the room looked at him before looking away feeling guilt run down their bodies. Rindou’s eyes scanned across the room as he tried to keep calm from the odd behavior they gave him. He slowly makes his way to your bed before smiling at you, 
“Sweetheart?” He speaks, hoping what he was thinking wasn’t real as he reaches out his hand to caress your cheeks. But every inch of his body froze when you suddenly dodge his hand and looked at him as if he was a stranger to you that threatened your presence. A sharp pain followed by unsteady heartbeat tearing his heart as a realization hits him when you say the word he never wanted to hear coming from your lips, 
“Who are you?”
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≣ Haitani Ran
The weather was bad. It’s been raining for the past two days non-stop in the area. No one in Tokyo would go outside, unless for one man who could be seen squatting down as he put the flower bouquet nicely infront of him,
“Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t visited you for a while, got a lot of stuff going on right now.” He smiled before caressing the large polished stone where your name was engraved there. His grip on the stone becomes tighter as he felt a sharp pain and waves of tears start to blur his vision. The glimpse of him and you being the happiest couple passes through his memories.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you need me the most. I don’t know how you must feel handling all the pain for yourself," He bites his lips, his heaving breathing, and the cold weather makes him shivers, “I- I, f-fuck I can’t turn back time can I?” Ran sniffles, whipping his tears and snots with his drenched dress suit, trying to hold back from screaming desperately under the rain. But it’s to no avail, he is just a normal human with no sort of power or ability to endure the feeling of pain and agony for the past years. 'It wasn’t his fault' that’s what people said to him. Yet, he keeps taking all the blame for it. 
He promises your father to bring happiness to you. Making you the happiest individual you would ever be. But the story of both of you isn’t like the fairy tale your mother once read you before going to sleep. A tragedy, that’s what people say. Nobody could help him after that day. Even his brother, the only family member left that always be beside him couldn’t do anything to make his dearest brother back to his old self. As they say, when a parakeet loses their partner or mate, they will be in great pain for almost their lives. Like a swan that is loyal to their others, never seeks a new partner, until death comes to take their life away as they will be reunited in the other life where they will live for eternity. Ran will keep on living until he found himself on his death bed seeing you reaching out for him to bring him in your arms once again in the realm of eternity.
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≣ Imaushi Wakasa
The sounds of beeping coming from the machine accompanied the silence from one of the rooms as a sound of footstep getting closer each second before stopping infront of the room with ER written on it. The door opened revealing the tall skinny boy who is draping his long white coat full of written stuff on it paired with a black set. His hair was messier than usual, His eyes tired eyes scanned the room before dragging the chair beside you,
“Good evening, (Name)-san.” He smiled knowing there will no answer from his dearest one. His eyes trailed to the person infront of him sleeping peacefully as if there wasn’t any soul left in there, only an empty vessel displayed infront of him every single day he visited you in hoping someday things would be different, 
“Me and Benkei got in a fight again. I’m sorry,” He softly speaks as he looked down at the bag filled with your favorite food, “I know you said friends shouldn’t fight each other. But, Benkei did it first.” He said nonchalantly before scoffing as he crossed his arms, replying to the event a few hours ago where he was arguing with his ‘friend’ over some ice cream left over in Sano’s place. 
“How was your day? I hope everything is good,” He started to speak, trying to break out from the silence that only the beeping from the machine accompany him, “I met the nurses that are taking care of you. They said you are doing good keeping up with everything.”
He fiddled his finger as his feet keep bouncing due to the anxiety risen he felt each second he tried to stop overthinking. He moved his chair closer to you before taking your hand to caress it,
“I don’t know if you will be ever to respond to me but I promise you that I will be always here beside you, waiting for you to wake up after a long time,” He said kissing your hand as he move forward to kiss your forehead, caressing it before putting his head down the side rail as his grips tighter when the feeling of his throat closing up followed by tears streamed down his face. A sound of soft sobbing fills in the room within the sound of the EKG machine making a sorrowful melody as the night become darker each second, leaving the other lovers in great pain as he waited for his other heart to wake up from what he felt like the eternity. 
“Please come back to me, please.”
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RETURN — ©Reblogs are highly appreciated.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 month
TMAGP 13 Thoughts: Phone Bug
A big episodes for small reasons. Not much world-shaking happened but just enough was said about just the right things. A lot to get into in this one around the incident. We're starting to have the curtain pulled back. Just a crack right now, but that's just more reason to be cracked.
Spoilers for episode 13, and all of TMA, below the cut.
Not a huge amount to touch on in the date portion of the episode other than a couple of sentences. Yeah, Sam is a gifted burn out that's sad about not getting experimented on. Same old same old. But Celia has a baby. Jack being Celia's kid I wasn't expecting mostly because of how that figures into her timeline. She's very heavily implied to be TMA's Celia but based on what she said if she is then she's been in TMP's universe for at least 4 years. A "couple of wild years" and Jack's "just over a year old". Plus 9 months and it's a lot longer than it might've appeared. None of that stuff tripped Freddy's possible lie detector either that I heard.
If you work under the assumption that the voices are who most people think, and they started roughly when they arrived, then that's a fairly major time discrepancy. The voices are about a year old but Celia has been around for 4.
However, it doesn't strictly rule that out either. Firstly, we know that moving between universes isn't actually one-to-one time-wise. Anya Villette went backwards 2 weeks when she crossed over. So them arriving at different times could support the idea that she's TMA's Celia further. Her general explanation of events could also be explained by this too. If she's not there willingly, or is there willingly but it didn't quite go to plan, a couple of wild years while you get your footing in a world you don't belong to isn't far fetched. If she was there looking for the voices then her showing up so relatively late could be explained by her baby too. So it's certainly not a dead and buried theory yet.
While Jack isn't Jack Barnabas he and the voices are about the same age. If people want to go rabid over that.
Gwen and Lena's little chat has a similar amount to really dig into. It's nice to see Gwen dealing with it all, and it's annoying we still don't know who died, but Lena does have a lot to say in a few words.
The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.
This probably the most information we've had on the OIAR to this point from the show itself. I think most of this was safely assumed before this point. They've been doing a lot of monitoring, categorisation, and the only responses we have seen have been tamping major spikes down. A world of opposing forces is also a given. We are being led to believe that these are analogous to the 14+1 but there being benevolent ones if that's true is a big mix up. If you take the above timeline idea a step further and say the 14+1 arrived much earlier (or it doesn't matter because of how they're temporally weird) the benevolent ones could be native to TMP. They could be all TMP had.
Her assertion that the OIAR is a balance on these forces is interesting. Beyond the obvious stuff it also leans into an idea I've been throwing about regarding Starkwall. In the perception of Starwall might not really be the whole picture. The San Pedro Square massacre could've been an easy scapegoat to pin on them for the OIAR to split with them. A split caused by a disagreement in ethics. Starkwall thus far hasn't been shown to have an incredible disregard for human life based on Ep 7. The OIAR definitely has been. It could just be a PR move because the massacre was too big to contain but that feels like the least interesting way to handle this. A faction that's all in on monster hit men splitting with a faction who is against it has more room for interesting drama and worldbuilding IMO.
Balance was also a very large aspect of TMA in the end. The OIAR working towards that balance isn't as noble a goal as it might sound. Or it at least has the potential to be an incredibly misguided goal.
Okay, with all that mostly out of the way onto the incident itself. I enjoy this one a fair bit. Very different to what's come before it but with another recurring theme. We're starting to see a couple of patterns emerge now although it's too early to start naming things. I don't think there is a lot to really get into but this one was written by Alex, had a new VA, and was a recurring idea. Which does all point to this being quite important as these things go. All the episodes will likely tie up quite nicely in the end but this one seems quite relevant currently. In any case this was a fun one and I'm kinda curious how some of the elements within it will tie together. Mainly the gambling and insects.
Also, super weird they went with Zorrotrade for this. Because that's a real thing. Or was a real thing? It might be dead now, but still.
Post-incident chat has nothing I really want to comment on. More Alice and Sam is always good, even if Alice is trying really hard to not seem very upset.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4622 doesn't seem particularly noteworthy. It's interesting from a thematic angle how this differs from Rolling With It. Both obviously very linked to gambling but this one lacks the compulsion elements. Which is a good indicator that H is linked to that sort of thing. Not that I need to convince myself of that further.
CAT# Theory: 3. Insert screams et cetera, et cetera. More seriously there still isn't a convincing pattern to this. Although I might be swinging back to my original tria prima and/or triple deity interpretation.
R# Theory: B is where I was thinking it'd end up while listening. So that's nice. Not much to add to this. Much like with DPHW the more information that lines up with the theory the less there is to talk about it because I've already done the hard bit.
Header talk: Gambling (Application) -/- Murder. Other than Application being a pretty weird Subsection I'm not sure there is much to dig into here. Although it does likely confirm he's dead. Which does make it a little strange that his statement wasn't read by one of the Freddy lot.
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queenofmistresses · 1 month
If you have time:
Zekina - timeless
A/n hope you like it!! This took me so long and it was so worth it!!
It was in 6th grade the Zeke fell in love with Tina. He was new, and scared out of his goddamn mind about a new school (again) and just wanted to fit in. Being a hall monitor (as she proudly told him) she gave him a tour around wagstaff, looking after him the whole day, she was very attentive the entire day. She introduced him to Jimmy Junior and both her siblings, and spent the whole day being sweet and kind in a way he didn’t experience before. Other schools never bothered showing him around with any kind of dedication, knowing that he could be moving again any time soon, but even when Zeke tried to insist it was necessary because of this, Tina just brushed him off, telling him how much she enjoyed her hall monitor duties and proceeded to what he still refers to as the best tour ever.
In 8th grade things got increasingly complicated and he squashed his feelings down deep. After her birthday party, he got an excited call from Jimmy Junior about his first ever kiss. With Tina Belcher. He could tell how happy J-Ju was about it, and he was never the type to go after his best mate’s girl, so he tried to forget it. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy.
The mad pooper incident? He didn’t like to talk about it, but everyone remembers that. Then there was the day of his Grandmother’s surgery. He swears he’s never loved her more than that moment. So much so he practically confessed it, by telling her how determined he is for them to be married. Then the science fair incident. Not his first kiss (to his disappointment) but definitely the best kiss he had had so far in his life. He spent many years thinking about that kiss. Asking himself so many questions. Why had she kissed him? Him of all people? Yes she’d kissed J-Ju as well, but she hadn’t kissed anyone else. Did it mean something?
It wasn’t until a couple years into high school that Tina saw Zeke differently. She had decided she finally has enough of the on and off again relationship with Jimmy Junior and broke up with him for the last time, making that point very clear to him. After that she lost some friends, realising they only hung out with her because of Jimmy Junior. Some of them she was glad to be gone, the likes of Tammy and Jocelyn, but others she missed. And honestly? She missed being friends with Jimmy Junior. It was weird.
But one day her science teacher paired her up with Zeke, and she felt awful. Her mind was riddled with thoughts of regret and humiliation. Knowing he was friends with Jimmy Junior and hating that he was put into this position. But she played nice and invited him to her house to do the work.
They sat down on her bedroom floor with various pieces of paper and stationary surrounding them, an awkward silence filling the air.
“Okay look I’m just gonna say it now so it’s out there otherwise I’m not going to be able to think about anything else. I’m so sorry that you got paired with me, I know I’m the last person you want to work with. I-if we separate the work out to things we have to do then we don’t even really have to work together and I can just put it all together at the last minute and you’ll never have to speak to me again! And then you won’t have to deal with me.” She blurts out in one breath, desperately avoiding eye contact with him.
He’s just confused. “You- what? Why wouldn’t I want to be around you?!” He looks at her in shock, having spent the last few months missing her like hell.
“Because Jimmy Junior’s your best friend. And I broke up with him. And I’m… horrible?” She whispers the last part out, not entirely sure she’s getting her point across.
He sighs and brings a hand to his face, trying to rub the worry out of his features. “T-bird, you’re not horrible. And yeah J-Ju’s my best friend, but he wasn’t good to you. I don’t know why, he doesn’t like to talk about it, but the point is that’s not your fault. You deserve better, I don’t blame you for breaking up with him.” He admits, desperate to show her that he wants to be friends again.
But that just confuses Tina more, “Then why did you stop talking to me?”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me! I mean come on girl I let it happen! I watched him treat you like garbage and I didn’t do anything!” He looks away from her. “I couldn’t blame you for not wanting to hang around me anymore.”
Tina blinks. And blinks again. And just for good measure, to make sure she had really processed what he’s just said to her, she blinks once more. “So we both blamed ourselves but wanted to keep hanging out?” She asks slowly, still wrapping her head around the new information herself. He looks up at her and she can’t read his face for a moment. But then he laughs. And it’s the most beautiful, kind, relieved laugh she has ever heard. She starts laughing too, just as relieved.
When they calm down they look at each other just smiling for a small moment before Zeke finally speaks again, “So… friends again? I’ve missed you T-bird. It’s not the same without you.” He says and she blushes, feeling incredibly embarrassed and confused as to why she does, but she nods, and sees as even more relief fills his eyes and watches how his entire body relaxes.
Eventually they manage to start some work, after a long overdue catch up on each other’s lives. It’s one of Tina’s favourite days to think back to.
Much to both of their strain, they don’t do anything about their obvious-to-everyone-but-themselves crushes on each other for another year. Tina’s affections for Zeke grow stronger and stronger every day and she finds herself quickly falling harder than she ever did for any of her other boy obsessions in the past. Certainly more than Jimmy Junior.
And Zeke, well he’s as whipped as day 1. He spends every moment he can with her, helping her with school work, taking her to the movies any time she mentions a film she wants to watch, taking her to the aquarium after school at least once a week, driving her to and from school.
Jimmy Junior can’t even find himself to be upset at the fact that Zeke spent so much time with her than him, not once he’d finally seen them interact in person, and watched how much genuine love and affection was in his best friends eyes when looking at her. And seeing how much more love was in Tina’s eyes than he had ever seen, it stung a little but he couldn’t help but smile and tell Tammy to shut up when she tried to make a comment.
Thanks to this Tina and Jimmy Junior even managed to find a way to feel comfortable around each other again, even feeling like friends for the first time in a long time.
They finally made it official when Zeke got offered a scholarship at one of the best culinary schools in the state. He had made it! He was able to go to his dream school and he finally had a chance to make his dreams come true.
To absolutely no-one’s surprise, the first thing he did when he found it was race to Tina’s house. She opened the door and tackled him into the tightest hug she could, the moment he told her the news. “I’m so proud of you Zeke. You did it!!” She breathed out, squeezing him impossibly tighter.
He pulls back slightly to look her in her eyes, his big grin fading into something softer when he could see how happy she was for him. “T, I-” He begins but she cuts him off, a surge of bravery coursing through her as she presses her lips against his in a searing kiss. She desperately tried to pour every emotion, every word she had tried to say so many times, into this one act of affection. Zeke felt it all and took everything she was giving him with no hesitation. They both felt as though they were drowning. Forgetting everything else in the world around them but each other.
When they finally come up for air they just look at each other, their breaths mixing with each other in an almost suffocating but enticing way. “I love you Zeke.” She whispers, watching his face grow into an even happier grin than when he first arrived, before he whispers back the same thing, softer and more heartfelt than anything she imagined in her dreams.
They kiss again, with even more passion and if Jimmy Junior feels himself tearing up a little from his position in his restaurant, he certainly won’t tell them that.
When they both go off to college they’re sad to not be as close, but they call every day, text basically 24/7 and they visit each other as often as they can. Neither of them have a moment of doubt through it all. They talk about the future a lot, their from their greatest ambitions to the small moments they’re looking forward to.
Tina starts looking at houses and dreaming of sharing it with him every day. Her writing improves tenfold thanks to how head over heels in love she is, and she takes inspiration from her devoted boyfriend to stream it into every piece of work she does.
The next big moment in their lives is when they both graduate. Zeke graduates with an offer to work at an extremely high end restaurant- thanks to many glowing reviews from professors, and Tina graduates with an offer to publish a book of hers, they couldn’t be more happy with their lives. Especially once they find an apartment for them to live in together. They truly make the place their own and they’re favourite parts of the day are waking up in each others arms, and when Zeke comes home from work and they can see each other again.
After a year of living together, Zeke proposes. He prepares Tina’s favourite meal, lights her favourite scented candles, wears a suit, buys her a new dress, and plays her favourite songs. Just them. In their first home. Years after Tina fell in love with him, and even longer after Zeke fell in love with him. He tries to do a whole speech, but he splutters as tears fill his eyes and his voice breaks. Tina cries too. At first she can’t get the words out, nodding furiously, until she’s finally able to squeak out a small, “yes”, and Zeke slides the ring onto her finger.
10 months later they both cry again as they desperately try to get their wedding vows out. There isn’t a single dry in the house then either. Even louise doesn’t bother hiding it.
2 years later, Tina gives birth to 2 beautiful girls. Zeke says she has never looked as beautiful as when she held those girls in her arms for the first time. There are tears in everyone’s eyes then as well.
Zeke is the best girl dad ever. His entire life is devoted to his girls, and he is not afraid for everyone to know it. He makes sure that all of his girls always feel how strongly and ferociously he loves them all, and how much he would sacrifice for them all if it would just make them smile.
At 89 years old Zeke goes to bed, lying next to his adoring wife, and passes away in his sleep. When Tina calls the ambulance, almost hysterically, they tell her that she died with no pain and in peace. She cries more then, than she ever has before. Their children cry when they hear the news, and so do their grandchildren. Their great-grandchildren don’t quite understand but they cry as well.
His funeral is filled with nothing but loving stories from everyone who ever knew him.
6 months later and it’s Tina’s turn. She swears she can feel it coming that day, and wonders if he knew too. Thinking back to that day. She’s convinced he hugged her just that little bit tighter, loved her that little bit louder. And maybe he didn’t but spending her last day thinking about every beautiful moment spent with her love is exactly what she wants to be doing.
Her death is peaceful and painless. There’s even a small smile on her face as she closes her eyes and lets sleep consume her one last time
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Let's talk about flying to pick up a puppy by yourself
And some ways to make it easier on you.
Your prep starts honestly, about a week before baby actually comes home. Maybe 2 weeks.
For my pre-flight prep, I first picked out a flight carrier. I went with the one my breeder recommended.
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It has expandable sides, and a little storage pocket. And it's resistant to chewing. I'm really glad I didn't buy a cheaper one, and I can't stress enough that it's cheaper to buy a quality one the first time than have a zipper break or a tear in the middle of your trip. My trip in total was 4 flights and 4 hours in the car, with him being with me for half of it and having the longest layover of my day. I could only really let him out a couple times, so this next part was incredibly helpful.
I mailed the carrier to my breeder,
at her behest. This was *huge* because the siblings got their scent on it and he was acclimated to being in it before I got to him. It acted as a secure place for him to ride in the car and for his first few nights here, he slept in there through the night.
And now that he's in his crate, the removable pad with scents on it has been instrumental in establishing the crate as a safe place for him.
Video of why I'm really glad I got the durable carrier.
Please consider what you're wearing that day.
Wear clothes you don't need to fuss with *at all* that's normal airport protocol- but I can't stress this enough, you're carrying the puppy in your arms through the TSA checkpoint and other people will be fussing over him. Make sure your appearance and personal bag is no fuss.
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See: jeans, hoodie, puppy treat and potty bag that can be shoved into my personal Item, and a no fuss backpack.
In my personal travel bag I kept:
Pee pads, his food from the breeder, a change of clothes in case of incidents, a portable battery to charge my phone, collapsible food and water bowls, collar and leash incase one wasn't provided, and SEVERAL toys in there.
The toys were great for waiting in the terminal. I'd expand the sides of the crate and introduce a new toy to him to help him run a bit of energy out before we had to board.
Peepads: Even though airports have animal relief areas, chances are they're either kind of gross or your dog may be a little too young for it to be safe. I was traveling through one of the busiest airports in the world, and nobody was checking jack shit so I opted for potty breaks to occur in bathrooms with pee pads. He didn't end up going but it's better to be prepared.
I flew Delta and used Skymiles accumulated from our credit card with them that we pay off monthly, so the only thing I paid for out of pocket was 95.00 to bring Argos on board. My flight only costed 20k miles total, and that was only a small portion of what we'd accumulated over the 6 months we've been using the card. I think it's worth considering if you're planning to fly to a breeder. It enabled me to go anywhere in the country that Delta flies and not worry about costs.
Day of hack: double check your flights on the airlines app and switch your seat if possible. I swapped one of my return flight seats to an empty row for 15.00, which meant I could have my carryon and him with me at the same time and that was very nice for readjusting where my stuff was and taking a damn nap. Because at this point, I'd been up for about 18 hours and still had 7 hours of traveling before I'd get home.
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I think my last thing is that if you're like me and you do have an invisible disability- ask if you can preboard. Dont be afraid to say "hey, i have this problem and standing in the heat while carrying a bunch of stuff is potentially going to cause an episode. " The employees were extremely nice, and willing to work with me. Ultimately, I went through all of this because he's a service dog prospect and will hopefully help.
Small things for me specifically prior: ate in the morning and right before I picked him up, he was able to chill in his carrier while I ate dinner at a restaurant in the airport- didn't make any sounds. He slept the whole time. I don't think I couldve eaten in the food court, too much to carry between him and my main bag.
I think that's it. I may add to this if I remember anything I forgot.
Edited to add: for my besties with miscellaneous illnesses-
A baggie with your medicines is IMPORTANT. Do not forget some dramamine, advil, Tylenol, whatever, pack it if there's a small chance you'll need it!
I ended up getting migraine symptoms like 5 hours into travel, and that was not a day I could afford to have blurred vision. <3 remember to take care of YOU on the journey.
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tsukii0002 · 1 year
I absolutely enjoyed the pagen mc, but that got me thinking..
If you ever gotten to read a percy jackson book, or one of the hero's of Olympis books then you know of the wide array of demi gods
Now I kinda wanna know what if mc was a demi god/goddess. Luke, not only will it unlesh a whole nother truck load of chaos but it would be kinda sorta absolutely hilarious to see the brothers and dateables react to a mc who is sometimes hunter down by greek and or roman monsters.
Mc  turned out to be a demi-god
I haven't read the books, although I've had them on my to-do list for a long time. But a demi-good Mc... I like it 👀. So here we go.
Levi was furious, how was it possible that any normie had that ace up his sleeve about TSL? His blood boiled, his demonic form had appeared and without hesitation he pounced on Mc with murderous intentions.
Everything happened very fast, he had heard the voices of Mammon and Lucifer yelling at him to stop. But now... He was on his back against the ground immobilized by his hands and feet with the human on him, their eyes shone like molten iron, full of fire and that's when he knew something was wrong. Mc smiled, the wide eyes of all the demons were looking at them.
"Think better before taking up arms against a child of Ares, god of war"
Everyone sitting quietly, watching MC, Levi still surprised.
Diavolo: so... You are a demi-god...
Mc: yep
Diavolo: ... Did you know Lucifer?
Lucifer: I don't, that information was not anywhere.
Mc: Well, I love my father, but let's be honest, I'm not very proud of what he's done throughout his life... And I don't think he looks good in society neither... He is a little bitch.
Diavolo: ha ha, same.
Everybody: ...
Satan: *about to explode with anger*
Mc approaches and carries him while hugging him tightly.
Mc: shhh, calm down, count to 100 buddy.
Satan: *slowly calming down as he revels in the embrace*
Mammon: what has just happened?
Asmo: Well, since Satan got angry because MC didn't want to make a pact with him and discovered that physically he can't hurt them... MC has become his personal security line.
Mammon: wow, unexpected.
Lucifer: why are you so happy Beel?
Beel: *smiling* mc has promised me that they will join the team
Lucifer:  but that is dangerous for a human.
Beel:  Well, didn't they sweep the floor with you in the incident with the grimoire?
Lucifer: *getting red* right... I have forgotten the demi-God topic....
Beel: it's nice to have a work out partner, I mean if they could defeat you it's impossible for them to tire easily.
Lucifer: stop with that Beel...
Solomon: If you are the child of Ares, you should know Hercules, right?
Mc: Well, about that, he prefers to be called Heracles, and yes, technically he is my uncle.
Solomon: oh, that’s nice, I met him a long time ago.
Mc: I know, he talks about you sometimes.
Solomon: oh, and what did he say about me?
Mc: that you are a nuisance and a pest of sorcerer
Mc: You don't have a good reputation among the Olympians, to be honest... or among anyone in general.
Solomon: I can't refute that.
Belphie: *pinned to the attic floor* humans destroyed my life !!!
Mc: well, welcome to the club, humans destroy everything including our own lives!!!
Belphie: let me go, you human!!!
Mc: you just tried to kill me bitch!!!
With a quick movement Mc carried the demon on their shoulders.
Mc: it's over, you and your brothers are going to fucking therapy.
Belphie: what??!!!
Mc: Trust me, I'm part of the most dramatic family ever, and I know you can figure this out.!!!!
Belphie: the what the fuck human??!!!
Mc locks the brothers in the catacombs so they can talk, without a therapist, Mc was afraid for his life, so another time. They are in the living room when a familiar voice takes him out of his thoughts.
Ares: So I don't see you for a couple of months and you end up in hell? And not in your great-uncle's domain but in another hell?
Mc: dad... What are you doing here?
Ares: I've been looking for you child, you had me worried.
The god sits next to his child.
Ares: How have you been? are you still fighting?
Mc: yeah I suposse, but no one dares to stand up to me after knowing who my father is .
Ares: well that's good... you've had fun, you've explored... i think it's time you come home
Mc: no, I'm going to stay here and I'm going to finish the exchange year.
Ares: Mc...
Mc: I thought it was strange that nobody knew about gods here, but the truth is that I'm glad, here I'm Mc, not Ares' child... So please I want to stay
Ares: Okey, chicks have to leave the nest sometime... So it's okay, but I have one condition...
Mc: what is it?
Ares: *screaming dramatically* I will not accept that none of those demons put a finger on you!!!
Mc: dad!!!!
Ares: No, I know what you are capable of but they have tried to hurt you!!! *summoning his spear* there won't be one left standing
Mc: dad stop!!!
At that moment Diavolo enters randomly
Diavolo: Don't worry Mr. Ares, here we are not interested in harming MC, actually... Have you thought about a possible union between Devildom and Olympus? You know through marriage.
Ares: ...
Mc: ...
Ares: MUCH LESS AM I GOING TO ALLOW MY BABY TO MARRY ANY OF YOU *summoning his biggest spear* I will not tolerate any biblical creature as a couple for my Mc!!!!!
Mc: And that's how my father almost declared war to the Devildom
Mammon: well... Lord Diavolo had a point...
Mc: what?
Mammon: nothing!  but what matters is that we have fixed our sibling problems and ya have fixed the problems with your father, everything has been solved !!
Belphie: except now all the demons look at MC with much more respect than any of us .
Asmo: it's normal, it was impressive how you stopped your father.
Beel: Your father loves you so much Mc.
Satan: Well, considering that we found out that in addition to being a Demi God, you have angel blood... I'm not surprised.
Levi: you are like the protagonist of an anime lol.
Lucifer: *sighs* and I thought that this was going to be a quiet year.
What did I just write??? 😂 😂 I wanted it to be similar to the format of the pagan Mc post, but it has gone more to the AU branch in my opinion... I have chosen Ares because of a myth in which this god defends his daughter after being abused , so I think he would be a good father (for what the Greek gods are)
I hope you liked it even a little, because it is a very good suggestion and it has been fun, thanks @shota-catziwa for your patience, for your suggestion and for reading this far.
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ceylon-writes · 1 year
I’ve been thinking of after the 2 year period after the July incident after everyone separated the gang finally get back together (meaning, Meryl,vash,wolfwood, and new member milly) but they missing one more, y/n, and they hear thru the grapevine of some little nobody town they stopped in for the night that a woman of that same name worked at the bar for a while before mysteriously quitting, but she heard that the abandoned little house on the edge of town off yonder she resides in. So they like “well shoot let’s go pick up our friend!” So they go about a good mile or something off in one direction till the houses get sparse and look at that! There’s a isolated house off the edge of town a good distance away and the lights on inside! Let’s knock and see if our gal y/n there! But instead of their friend that answered the door, some 10 yr old boy answers. And vash about to ask him if y/n there but interrupted by a voice yelling at the boy, Kai, they learn is the kid’s name, asking whose at the door!
“Some weird guy in a red coat and his friends!”
Which of course they hear some clanking before a disheveled but slightly older y/n appears, wearing her hair in a messy bun and has a apron with food stains on. There’s a bit of tense silence between 6 people before wolfwood pops up with a “well shit! When you had a kid!? Never told us!” And he’s kinda pissed cause this kid looks to be about 10 and she’s never mentioned about a kid, did she find the kid? Is it somebody else’s kid? But kiddo called her mom so it has to be her kid! Did she just left her kid to go on some adventure?!
“Hey! Long time guys! Hey come in come in! It’s a bit cramped but I’m sure we can all fit! Hey who’s the new girl? My name y/n nice to meet you!” And in her rambling she gets interrupted by myrel,
“you never told us you had a kid.” And there’s the big question everyone wanted to know, whose kid was he? And if it’s hers, did she always had him? And there’s silence a bit before y/n gently shoved the boy, mumbling something about go take care of the thomases out back, boy retorts he wants to stay but a sharp look from his mother shuts him up and he goes towards the back of the house before they hear a door shut.
Wolfwood repeats Meryl’s question, a stern look on his face. Y/n looks at her hands wringing them “yes he’s mine, i never told y’all because two years ago I didn’t have him” and vash is intrigued, “oh so you adopted him?” And this is where the air gets a bit heavier.
“Uh no, I had him about a year and couple months back, he was a suprise”
Wolfwood scoffs “yeah a big suprise! You never told us you had a kid the whole-wait what you mean you had him a year ago? He looks to be about 10!”
“Yeah, he grew fast, was only a baby for a month before he started to walk, and next thing I knew he was at my hip, running around and screaming like any other kid. He grows fast.” Y/n glances at vash, but can’t see the expression he has on his face cause of his glasses, a tense expression on his face, like he knew what she was talking about.
Milly, the newest member, pipe up “do you know who the father is miss y/n?”
Y/n shakes her head “yeah I do, but his father doesn’t know he existed, or didn’t until now I guess.”
Wolfwood catches on. “Wait you saying it’s one of ours? Well I know it’s not mine! He doesn’t look-oh shit, needle noggin.”
It clicks, the brief moments they saw the kid, he had blond hair, and the one in the group with blond is vash.
“It’s yours vash, I didn’t realize I was pregnant until months after the July incident, and I had no idea how to contact you or find you but I couldn’t cause of the kid. I was gonna find some way of telling you as soon as I had a possible hint of where you could be but, instead you showed up here.” Vash is shocked, his mind confused how it could be possible, but if what y/n says is true about the kid growing fast in under two years then it’s possible. “Are you sure it’s mine?”
“Vash your the only one I fucked before the July incident! I fucked no one else the entire time! I mean he has your hair and eyes! And your the only person that’s a plant that would explain why the kid grew up so fast!” Y/n seems irritated at the question vash asked, vash steps back a bit at the volume raised and throws his hands up in a defensive you win pose.
Meryl pops up with more questions, many in her mind but her mouth can only go so fast. “But how? Is it possible for plants and humans to procreate?!”
“Idk! I don’t know if it’s possible but it seems possible since Kai obviously exists in front of us! I mean I never seen no other kid grow as fast as he can! And he’s not even done! I bet in another year he be the size of a teenager!” Y/n throws her hands us defensively, confusion in her voice.
Wolfwood puts a hand on Meryl shoulder “come on, we gotta let needle noggin and y/n talk it out” he gently pushes meryl out the door, milly following them both. Silence floods the room. Vash has been silent since y/n outburst, still trying to reel in the fact that he has a child now, he’s a father.
“I have a son?” He finally speaks up, tears gathered in his eyes, he can’t believe it, in his chaotic lifestyle he never thought he have a kid.
“Yes, his name is Kai, at first I didn’t have a name for him after he was born, still was shocked when after 6 months of nothing showing being pregnant until I kept throwing up and when I went to the doctor and he tells me I’m 7 months along. I didn’t show a bump until the last 2 months and he was so tiny, he was only 3 pounds when he was born, but he grew so fast afterwards, for the first 2 months after his birth I just called him kid, then it turned into Kai and it just stuck” vash moved forward during y/n rambling and gently takes her hands in his, this stops her rambling and she looks in vash eyes and is shocked to see tears going down his cheeks, a wobbly smile on his face, “I’m a father, I-we have a kid!” And it’s now y/n turn to smile.
“yeah, your a father vash”
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