#apols i will shut up about this
cicaklah · 2 years
Being an economist on main again, soz...
So my last post got reblogged by people but I wanted, in true economist fashion, to really, truly, highlight why the current UK bullshit is so upsetting as a very normie, mainstream, working economist.
Economics is broadly split into two disciplines, microeconomics, which is basically the way the economy and individuals interact, and macroeconomics, which is how the economy as a whole-ass beast works. The main problem between these two disciplines is that a lot of rules of micro don't 'hold' when you get to the macro level, and vice versa. You might remember how economists always say that treating debt at country level the way we think about individual credit card or mortgage debt is wrong, that is a prime example of how micro and macro rules don't hold. Things, generally, are so much more complicated at macro level.
Because of this, most economists specialise in one or the other. I am a microeconomist, specifically a health economist, and while there is some macro stuff, generally we treat health spending as a micro level problem, i.e. we're fairly sure that if we make decisions at an individual level, the macro will look after itself (the pennies will look after the pounds).
(Now, this is a simplification because you can rightly say, cicak, my friend, the NHS is falling apart, to which I will say: you is right, but it is because of 'externalities' rather than the conceptual decision making process inherent to microeconomics, to wit: over a decade of deliberate underfunding, a global pandemic, and Brexit have all led to NHS problems. The solution to all of these problems can be understood in micro terms: more money, applied where it is most needed, as part of a plan, with measurable goals and targets. Ultimately: politics.)
Anyway, tangents aside, microeconomics is pretty ideologically stable. Most mainstream economics is based around social welfare theory, which is that people do things for reasons that bring them the most benefit, and they broadly, mostly, in aggregate, do that to an acceptable level of efficiency. If you would like to argue about this: please proceed to your nearest economics masters course, you'll fit right in.
The main difference between the schools of macro is: do individual changes make differences at the macro level? Or do only governments really make a difference at macro?
This used to be a BIG ARGUMENT back in the 20th century, mostly around what should be done with the Great Depression in 1929. Basically, should you just let the economy burn to the ground, and see what comes out of it? Or should governments stop the economy from collapsing? The Austrian school thought burn it down, Keynes thought: government. Keynes, broadly, won. There was a 2nd world war, and Keynesianism was refined. Then, it went out of fashion. Then it came back into fashion. A lot of this depends on the concept of 'full employment', the 1980s, economic stability, boom and bust, but these days, most macro policy is described as Neo-Keynesian and is considered broadly settled on government finding a balance between price, inflation, employment, growth and stability. This is done through monetary policy and fiscal policy, stuff government does.
But then you've got your Austrians, your Hayekians, your Mises. They think that government should butt out of the market, and that individuals are far more important. Individuals, especially rich individuals, should be allowed to do what they want with their money, and everything will be better if government just stops taking their money and lets the free market solve it. This is why the first thing Truss & friends did was cut the top rate of tax. Less money for government (bad with money) but more money for the people that they believe are already good with money, because they have a lot of it, see?
Modern Austrians believe that individuals are the only thing that matter at macro level. There are no groups of people, only individuals. Credit is bad and the real cause of business failure. Stability can be gained by pegging currencies to gold reserves. Oh and as we can't model all 67 million people in the UK, theres no point even trying. It'd just be chaos. Even model nerds say 'all models are wrong'. So no point. Just do it and be a legend. It'll all work out in the end. Just trust us. OBR? Have a beer. The numbers don't real.
Instead, everyone fucking PANICKED. Because as I said, 99% of economists are in the business of predicting the future. The future suddenly got unpredictable. No one saw the top rate of tax being cut coming. There's no economic justification for it, no 'dont worry, it'll be funded by XYZ'. Just Austrian bullshit of 'here comes freedom lads.' No one is talking to each other. A man credited with keeping all the fiscal, monetary and political systems moving has been fired because it turns out the chancellor didn't like that he worked from South America. The Bank of England are furious. The markets are in peril, but Kwarteng's bezzie mates at his cocktail party bet that the pound would crash, and are rolling in it. Everyone loves a run on the pound, it seems.
So yeah there's some more of why the uks economy kind of exploded this week.
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sk2lton · 2 years
you banish your s/o to the couch.
part two
— warnings: semi-proofread
— characters: alhaitham, cyno, itto + thoma
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alhaitham always has to go saying something smart in the midst of a fight which leads to him sleeping on the couch for that night. the first time it happened, he was rather shocked. what do you mean he has to sleep on the sofa tonight? by now, he’s used to it. still, it would probably benefit both you and him if he just didn’t say something sarcastic in the first place.
“this is childish,” he grumbled as he hugged one of the couch pillows close to his chest.
overhearing his complaint from the other room, you reprimanded him once again, “your childish remarks are what got you there.”
with that, alhaitham shut up. if you were anyone but his significant other, he would’ve kept going but he wouldn’t want to upset you even more, consequently making his situation worse.
cyno knows he’s really messed up if you’ve exiled him to the small couch, in your cold living room, far away (or at least in his mind) from your shared bedroom. it’s worse than any other punishment, mainly since not only is he away from you, but he can never have a good sleep on that sofa. if he doesn’t apologize immediately, he’ll come in the middle of the night and wake you up to do so. just wanting to go back to sleep, you dismiss his expulsion and he swiftly joins you in bed.
“hey,” cyno mumbled, kneeling down at your bedside. he watched as you stirred awake with a confused expression on your face. he waits a moment for you to fully wake up. once you do, he wastes no time bringing up the matter that brought him to your bedroom, specifically after you had told him to sleep on the couch so he could be far away from you.
“cyno..?” you grumbled, pushing yourself up with your elbows from your sleeping position. however, you were quickly stopped by cyno who insisted that you stay laid down.
“i wanted to say that i’m sorry.” he stares at you with an expression resembling one of a lost dog. obviously, being told to sleep on the couch had done a number on him it seemed. “i wanted to say it earlier, but i thought you would be too upset to want to speak to me.”
after saying what he had to say, he stood up to leave. “cyno, wait,” you murmured, rolling over so your back was facing him. “get in” that’s all it takes for cyno to nudge at you to scoot over. 
itto is so confused whenever you banish him to the couch. the sight of you grabbing his pillows and throwing them into the living room always makes him furrow his brows in puzzlement. what did he do? whatever he did, he definitely did not mean it. he doesn’t care about sleeping on the sofa, he just cares if he upset you, and if sleeping on the couch will help make you feel better, then he gladly will.
“hey! what are you doin’?” he raised a brow with his arms crossed over his chest to show his displeasure as he watched you throw his pillow onto the sofa, along with a blanket (a small one even). “wait, what did i do?” 
“do you seriously not know what you did?” you groaned in frustration. 
“no,” he sighed out, looking around the room to see if something, anything, maybe an item would jog his memory. he didn’t know what he did to make you upset, but after some thinking he finally came to that conclusion. by then, you were already back in your shared room, locked in there. he curses himself for not realizing it earlier because he didn’t think it was a big deal. itto promises (to himself) to be more considerate of your feelings next time. 
thoma’s banishment always leaves him more upset than whatever happened to make you banish him in the first place. the fact that he’s done something so horribly wrong that you don’t even want to be near him tonight is unbearable for him. in hopes of reversing what he did, he goes to extreme lengths just for you to forgive him— or at least until you are no longer upset to the point where you don’t want to sleep beside him tonight.
“i’m sorry,” thoma’s apologize had cut you off the moment you told him to sleep on the sofa tonight. despite its swiftness, you could tell the apology was genuine. “let me do whatever to make it up to you, okay?”
you can’t argue with that. 
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Kinktober Day 29: Breath Play- Thranduil
Summary: Thranduil punishes you in an unexpected way
Word count: 1, 887
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The culture of the Woodland Realm held their royalty in high regard. If you were ever to meet the king and prince, let alone protect one of them, it would be a great honour.
You had strict orders to protect the prince while he went after some of the horrible spiders that infested the woods. King Thranduil doesn’t like his son doing such a thing but makes sure to assign his very best to go with him and keep him safe. Fellow elves had put in a good word about you and the king was convinced to let you go with him. Unfortunately for you, it seems you ruined that very lucky opportunity.
Though you were a skilled archer and fighter, you had failed to keep the prince safe. Returning to his home, he had to be raced to the healers, luckily he lived, but you were still in a lot of trouble. Your fellow elves didn’t want to tell on you, but they fear Thranduils wrath more than any positive feelings they had for you.
Standing in front of the very ornate doors of Thranduils private chambers, you knew you had definitely failed, and badly.
“Come in.” His deeply kingly voice called out.
Fear coursed through your veins as you stepped into his large and lavish chambers, the door slamming behind you didn’t help matters. Seeing him sit in his large armchair by the fire, you couldn’t help the lust that also began to course through your veins. His eyes slowly made their way to yours, a silent rage on his face as he scanned over you. Trying to slow your speeding heart was no use when he looked at you in that way, you weren’t sure if he wanted to kill you or fuck you. Both options running through your head made your heart race, your body heat and unfortunately your pussy begin to quake.
You had failed to protect his son, of course it was death that he had planned for you. Though you knew that would be your fate, your mind couldn’t help but to think of the other option.
He stood so abruptly that you couldn’t help but jump, though when he began long and dominant strides towards you, your body froze. There was nothing you could do but stand stare as he approached you with anger in his eyes. Standing above you and looking directly into your eyes, you couldn’t help but tremble as you stare up at him.
“My son, my only child, could have died today and it is all your fault.” He spat maliciously at you.
“Yes, your highness, and I can not apol-“
“I don’t want to hear weak apologies from you.” He cut you off, venom laced in his words.
Unexpectedly his face began to soften slightly as his eyes narrowed at you. Though he seemed calmer, it frightened you even more. You had to force yourself not to flinch as his hand softly touched the side of your cheek. Confusion was etched onto your face from his gentle touch, it felt so warm and caring that you couldn’t help but let your eyes flutter shut.
The surprisingly sweet moment was cut short however as his fingers dug into your hair and shoved your head back. Your eyes fly open from shock and suddenly he’s standing even closer to you, his face inches from your own as his eyes stared into yours.
Your furrowed brows now shoot up and your eyes fill with worry as his other hand grips strongly over your throat and squeezes. His strong hand squeezes so tightly around your throat, you can’t breathe and you still can’t move.
You try to choke out an apology but his hand previously in your hair now makes its way past your lips and down your throat. Panic begins to set in as you choke down his long fingers, your lack of air making your head feel light. In this moment you should be scared, should fear for your life, but with the intrigue on his face and the bulge you can feel rubbing against you, you can’t help but feel extremely aroused.
Once your eyes begin to flutter again, your head feeling dangerously light, Thranduil removes his hands from your throat and mouth. Air begins to fill your lungs again as you gasp and sputter before the king. Your relief is short-lived however as his strong hand returns its grip to your hair and the other now has a bruising grip on your hip.
“No apology you could even attempt to muster would make up for what you’ve let happen today. Once I let you go, you will kneel before me and show me just how sorry you really are. Maybe once you’ve taken your punishment, you will truly understand.”
Your head was whirling. Surely this was just a lust driven illusion and really you’ve passed out. Perhaps he wasn’t going to do what your dirty mind thought he was anyway, he did say ‘punishment’ so maybe he still was going to kill you.
Feeling his grip disappear from your hair and hip, you instinctively dropped to your knees in front of the king, your eyes never leaving his. Gently his hand comes down to sit on your jaw, his thumb lightly playing with your bottom lip.
“Open your mouth.” He orders dominantly, his steel stare not leaving your eyes.
Even though he’s ordered you to, you can’t seem to, your body frozen in shock as you stare back at him. Your confused state makes him smirk down at you. As he crouches down, his lips gently ghost by your ear, goosebumps raising on your skin and your pussy quakes.
“Come on now, y/n, I’ve seen the way you stare at me when you think I can’t see. I bet you’ve touched yourself thinking of me, haven’t you?”
Before you could reply he stood to his proud height again, smirking down at your shocked expression. His hand returns to your jaw, but this time with a harsher grip, his thumb pushing down on chin.
“Open.” He harshly orders once again.
Finally complying, your jaw opens wide for him. As your jaw widens, so does his smile. Staring up at him you wondered what he’d do next, though you’d not be left wondering long as his long fingers pushed into your mouth. Just like before, his fingers pushed into your throat, forcing you to gag and drool. Your body panicked again as you tried to breathe through your nose and you didn’t think Thranduil could be more cruel, until his thumb and forefinger pinched your nose, cutting off all air.
Your mind was whirling with both panic and arousal. The lack of air and the way Thranduil stares down at you makes your head feel light and airy. Mindlessly you begin to grind into the air, desperate for friction on your throbbing pussy.
Thranduils eyes darken as he sees the way your hips move. His fingers abruptly leave your throat, and before you could properly catch your breath, his hand grabs at your hair and was tugging your head back once again. His other hand comes around your throat, holding your head still and slightly cutting off your air.
“Don’t forget that this is a punishment, you little whore. I could smell your arousal the moment you came through the door. You almost get my son killed and this is the way you will pay your debt. Now be still and take your punish like a good little whore.” He growled down at you, accentuating his point by squeezing your throat pointedly.
Releasing both your hair and throat, you try to subtly catch your breath again. Never breaking eye contact with you, Thranduil makes quick work removing his robe and pulling down his trousers, revealing his very hard and very impressive cock.
“Now open wide and keep still for your king.” He commands confidently.
Not needing to be told twice you quickly open your mouth as wide as you can for his impressive cock. He gives you no time to prepare or adjust as he thrusts into your awaiting mouth and begins to thrust harshly. His hand returns to around your throat, relishing in being able to feel his cock inside you.
Tears and saliva fall down your cheeks and chin as you struggle to hold still and take what he is giving you so aggressively. He just smirks down at you viciously as his grip on your throat keeps you still.
Once again you thought your punishment couldn’t get any worse, until his fingers pinched your nose and again cut off all your air. You began to panic and started to move, but Thranduils grip on your throat strengthened.
“Be still.” He hissed down at you.
Not wanting to take anymore of his wrath, you did your best to stay still. As your head became light again, Thranduil appeared almost as a vision above you. His head was thrown back, eyes closed shut and mouth open in a state of bliss. Your punishment was to be used as a tool for him to masturbate and you tried not to enjoy it so much.
When your vision started to darken at the sides and you felt too weak, Thranduil was merciful enough to release his hands and his cock from your body. Finally being free, you choke and cough out, trying to get air back into your lungs. Thranduil simply chuckles as he takes your cheeks in one hand, staring at you as if you were a piece of art.
In your current state, Thranduil saw you as a vision. He once again took his cock in his hand and began to pump his length to the sight of you, if you weren’t so dazed and exhausted, you might feel complimented.
You were a sight to behold in your current state. Your face covered in saliva, sweat, tears and precum, with a dazed and obedient look on your face. You were a sweet face that he had corrupted, the look of your sweet face in his kingly hand making him pump himself faster.
“Open your mouth and hold your tongue out like the good little whore I know you are.” He panted out his order, obviously close to finishing.
Once again you obeyed, only slower this time in your dazed state. Your gaze continued to stare up at him as his cum landed all over your face and tongue, if you weren’t so out of it you might have relished at his taste. He pumps himself a few more times before he looks down at your gorgeous and sinful state. Smirking, he releases your face and gently pushes your chin up to close your mouth, with a nod he encourages you to swallow.
As you swallow his load, your eyes begin to droop and fall closed. Before they can fully close however, you feel Thranduil lifting you into his arms.
“You took your punishment well. Let’s get you a bath and you can stay here tonight, I’ll have the maids bring you fresh clothes. Perhaps I can give you private training so everyone is more safe in the future.” He smiles down at you with surprising warmth as he carry’s you to his private bathing room.
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ilovefanficbooks · 1 year
If You Dance I'll Dance (Apolo Hidalgo X Reader)
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Summary : A dance is coming up and Apolo wants to asked Y/n but she's already got a date, but Y/n wants to go with Apolo
Warning: jealous, kissing, fighting
Pronouns: she / her
Paring: Apolo Hidalgo and Y/N Y/L/N
Y/N Pov
Tonight is the day of the dance I don't really want to go to this stupid dance but my friend Dani instead I go to this. All I want to do is order pizza and watch movies til I fall asleep.
But other things is that I don't want to get my heart broken by a serton Hidalgo boy. He is too young for me to go out but I can't help but feel this feeling in my stomach.
"So you go a date tonight?" Dani asked as I close my locker to face Dani and Raquel my other best friend.
"Does it matter if I have a date?" I asked raising a brow. Dani looking at me with the look saying you-need-a-date-or-else.
"Tonight is the last night to be free!" Dani told me throwing her arms in the air.
I cross my arms and lean against the wall while my two friends stand in front of me.
"I don't even want to go with anyone" I told them which that was a lie as I want to go with Apolo but again I don't want too.
"What about Apolo? You too are quiet close why don't you asked him to the dance?" Raquel said. I shut my eyes for sec wishing Raquel never said that.
Since Raquel is with Ares she has made me and Dani hanging out with at he's house with Apol there.
"Raquel he's 16 and I'm 18!" I said throwing my arms in the air.
"So?" Raquel said with a brow raise.
"So! I can't go with a minor what would everyone say?" I said looking around in the hall.
"Fuck everyone" Raquel said while she tries to give me a gentle smile.
"No I can't " I said shaking my head. I look to the side to she my class mate Dylan walking with a smile on my face and the only way to get out of this Apolo situation us to go with someone else.
"Dylan!" I called out. He turn to me with the same smile he has on all the time.
"Yeah" He said. Raquel and Dani looked at me confuse what I am doing but I ignored them.
"Got a date tonight?" I asked but he shakes he's head no.
"Well you can be mine meet you at six in the gym" I said with a smile. Dylan chuckle and gave me a wink.
As he walked away I turn back to the girls that have a shock and scared dace on.
"What?" I asked them.
"You that was Dylan and you know what he is like with girls!?" Dani said pointed out. I rolled my eyes that they would believe those rumours.
"Those are just rumours" I said rolling my eyes.
"I still think you should of when with Apolo" Raquel said making me huff.
"Speak of the devil" Dani said.
I turn around to see Apolo walking down the hall with a pair of flowers in her hand with that stupid smile he has on.
Well shit.
Apolo Pov
I was walking down the halls with some flowers in my hand. I am going to asked Y/N to the dance and may be tonight to asked her to be my girlfriend.
I have been crushing on her for so long now, since I moved schools and Raquel invite her out I just can't stop this feeling inside me.
I see her standing against the wall with Raquel and Dani there talking. Her hair flow down her back makes me want to just touch it. Smell it.
She sees me coming as she rolled her eyes as I came to stop in front of her.
"Hey Y/N" I said scratching my neck and start to go red.
My hands start to go clammy from being nervous around her. I am always nervous around her.
"Apolo" She said but she sound annoyed.
"I was wondering-" I was cut of when Y/N pulled my arm and dragged me into the near toilet. Not the boys toilet. THE GIRLS!
Y/N check if anyone is in here but it's empty. I when red as I'm in the girls toilet, with the girl I like, alone, with her!
"I know what you are you g to say Apolo" She said crossing her arms.
I gave a smile and hope for answer would be yes.
"So will you?" I asked with the flowers out for her to take.
She looks at me in my brown eyes and gave a guilty and sorrow look.
"Apolo... You are only 16 I'm 18 people will think it's weird and I don't know what you want me to say" Y/N said as my smile vanish.
"I don't care about everyone only you I care about " I said trying to reason with her.
"Apolo you may believe in love. But I don't and I can't go with you because... I am going with someone else I'm sorry " Y/N said giving me a sad look.
I lost my chance with her. Someone had to come in and take her. And even my heart is been taken over this girl.
"I'm sorry Apolo" Dhe said yet again and then she ran out the door.
I let her slip away and I feel as I crumbled underground.
Y/N Pov
I was raised to not hurt anyone. I was raise better then this and yet I hurt a sweet innocent boy that just wants to go to the dance with me.
I don't even feel like dancing or do anything and here I stand in a pretty dress on, makeup and hair done with a bord face on while Dylan stand next to me with the both of us not saying anything.
I keep looking around in hope to see those chocolate innocent eyes show up. I wish I said yes but my gut told me know. Maybe I'm scared to get in a relationship. I never believe in love but why do I feel these feelings to Apolo?
"Do you want to dance?" Dylan asked me at that time I saw him. Taking with he's brother that jas he's arm around Raquel. All I hope I was standing next to him.
"Sure" I said forcing a smile on my face.
Dylan bring me to the dance floor and both of us dance to the slow song playing. But I feel weird being touch by a different guy I don't want is wrong.
All I can think about is all the things me and Apolo have spend together during the months at he's house. All the laughs we gas laugh, the talks we had not shut up.
I now look over at Apolo and he is looking back at me but those eyes look sad, I can almost see tears going to pour out he's eyes.
I can't take it no more. I want Apolo I don't care anymore if anyone don't like it I think I want Apolo as I know he wants me.
"Stop" I said pushing Dylan out of my arms.
"I'm sorry but my heart wants someone else and its not you" I told Dylan. He chuckle at what I said.
"You made a bad mistake " He said as I turn my back about to go and find Apolo.
"Come back here" Dylan said grabbing my arm way to tight. I want to scream for someone but I can't get it out.
"Let go!" i aaud loud enough but he won't listen. I try to fight but Dylan is too strong.
Dani and Raquel we're right oh why did I not listen to them.
"She said let go!" I heard the voice of Apolo say behind me. I look iced my shoulders and see Apolo standing there with Raquel and Ares with a look that could kill someone.
"Oh sorry didn't know this whore was uses" Dylan said as my lips wide open.
Before anyone can say anything Dylan was then punch in the face by Ares. My wrist was release as I came to stand next to Apolo who wrapped he's arm around my waist.
"Say that again to her and you won't just have me to deal with" Ares said standing up where Dylan lay on the floor.
"Or what you going to do Hidalgo?" Dylan spat out.
"You won't just have to deal with the Hidalgo's you will gave to deal with me dickhead" Dani said with one of her show in her hand.
Dani had a mean smile plant on her face that could kill you and a you-hurt-my-girl-your-dead look on her face.
"I suggest you run" I said.
And that time Dani start chasing Dylan with a shoe in her hand as Dylan scream like a girl begging for mercy.
And the end Dani throw her shoe at Dylan that hit him on her head as Dylan left the gym. We were all laughing when Dani came back over.
"You okay?" Dani asked me hugging me.
"I am now" I said with a smile on my face.
"Y/N" Apolo asked as I turn to look at him.
"Would you like to dance?" Apolo asked with a shy smile on.
"Yes" I said taking he's hand.
We both walked to the floor and my arms inmidly wrapped around he's neck and we both lean our forehead against each other.
I can feel my heart beating face and I'm sure Apolo can as well. And all of a sudden I just blur out what I have been keeping locked down me.
"I love you " I said. Apolo wet he's perfect red lips while looking me in the eyes.
"I love you too. Be mine" Apolo said.
And at that moment I nodded and kiss Apolo on the lips as he kiss back by this time I don't want to let go. I want to be close with Apolo.
He is mine. And that night we dance all night and kiss all night I was then Apolo girlfriend. And then I knew I believe in love because of Apolo Hidalgo.
He changed me.
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daisychains111 · 4 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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oceanlue · 1 year
if your requests are open can we PLEASE get some headcanons of making out with the YV boys?
Absolutely and sorry for the long wait it's been really hectic in life
Making out 💋 😘
💗Alphonse 🍭🧁
After a long day of work and dealing with people you just want to sit down and relax while you watch a movie with your little cinnamon roll
But I think he had other plans
After you guys came home from work you decide to sit down and watch a movie
And a few minutes after the movie was playing he started to get a little cuddly
Then a little handsy
And then he started to kiss you up your neck making you weak for him
And then it turned to soft kissing to a full make out Session
And while you guys were having your little session you finally pulled away and stared at each other
"Damn boo *huff* if I knew you were going to be like Dat I would have brought a little something extra but how about we take this from the couch to the bed"
Have dun with your mind of that
🧡Seth 🏕🍂
Both of you were having a fun time he took you for a drive on his Harley and you felt so free with the wind in your hair
Then you two decide to make camp in the woods looking up at the stars as Seth tells you lots of stories and apparently the Mothman
But we love him too much to tell him to shut up
After a little bit it was now a quiet night as you both stared up at the star sky and thinking about the future
And then Seth had a great idea he started to kiss your cheek your forehead your ear and then your lips soft kisses filled with passion of love and embrace but then it got a little heated
You guys were now in a full makeout session and there was no stopping
" well sugar if we're going to have this much fun I reckon we better head into a tent when want any stragglers to see what we're doing"
Hey you know what they say
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
💚Finn 🪴🌻
Now I know what you're thinking
He's too sweet to start something so naughty
So you're basically going to have to start instead
After been closed his flower shop you were upstairs with some fresh fruits from the garden and vegetables and starting to make dinner
He came up behind you hugged you with the warm from you and him it was a nice little moment
So you decide to ruin the moment
You turned around held his cheek in your hand and gave him a soft kiss as he blushed a fierce red across his face as he stutters with the cute little mumbles he does
Then a few more kisses on his face on his cheek forehead is cute nose and then passionate kiss on his lips
You two can stop and he was now cornered on the counter with your arms trapping him in as you continue to take his breath away
" dear......oh my well......orchid this was something but maybe we ....should have this session after dinner"
Have fun
It was work time and everyone was on the clock busy until lunch time
Has lunch time rolled around you are on your way to deliver some papers to your boss(sexy boss he is)
And as you were walking you got pulled into a Supply Closet ( he says this in the audio too look it up if you don't believe me)
You're about to turn around to the culprit and yell at him but he pinned you down to the wall
Turns out it was your boss and he was giving you that God damn sexy smirk that made your knees weak
You're going to question him but he looked deep into your eyes as both of you at the same desire he put his forehead to yours as if asking for permission
And you nod
He then starts to give you so much passion in the one kiss that you can hold yourself up so he had to carry you by your thighs
It was getting a little bit much more heated as he was going to take his tie off but stopped cuz you remembered your both at work
" Don't Worry My Little rookie we can finish this little session when we go to my place and I have new toys for us to try out and I think you might like that, isn't that right...pet"
I'm about to have fun ...
well I'll see you guys later
Hope you love this
I want to apologize if I haven't been on and writing stuff more frequently it's some situations in my life that must take action first before any writing or drawing I do with my mental health and my physical well-being I hope you all understand
But you guys can send in more ask if you want to I will get to them when I can
Thank you
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catladywriter · 2 months
Inotan Fanfic: Nosebleed - Chapter 4
Gompachirou's Fault
Synopsis: Inosuke's mundane task of cleaning the neighbour's storeroom took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon a hidden collection of erotic paintings. As his eyes roved over the provocative artwork, a nosebleed erupted, capturing Tanjirou's attention. As Tanjirou fussed over Inosuke's well-being, a flurry of unexpected and confusing emotions overwhelmed Inosuke, leaving him with a newfound awareness of his deeper feelings for Tanjirou.
Amidst the confusion, Zenitsu burst into the room, misinterpreting the situation entirely. Convinced that he had been excluded from a secret pornography viewing session, Zenitsu's outrage reached new heights, and all hell broke loose.
Pairing: Inotan (Inosuke x Tanjirou)
Setting: Canon AU, 1 year after the main story ends. Precursor to the Series: Where the Wisteria Always Bloom.
Wordcount: 9000+ words across 4 chapters
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Status: Complete
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At breakfast time, Inosuke stormed into the kitchen, ignoring Tanjirou’s worried questioning. He sat down on the dining chair, slammed his boar mask on the table and grabbed a bowl of rice. He lifted a spoonful to his mouth, but almost dropped it when Nezuko let out a squeal.
 “Your nose is bleeding!” she cried, pointing at him with wide eyes.
“Has it not stopped since just now?” Tanjirou exclaimed, his voice laced with alarm.
"Have you tried stopping it with Total Concentration Breathing?" Zenitsu chimed in.
"I’m fine!" Inosuke bellowed, wiping the blood away roughly with the back of his hand. "Let me eat my breakfast in peace!"
He resumed his eating, shoveling food into his mouth as fast as he could. He felt his friends’ eyes on him, watching him with unease. He could sense Tanjirou’s gaze the most, burning into him with concern. Tanjirou hadn’t even touched his own food because he was too busy looking at Inosuke with worry. It made Inosuke eat even faster, as if he could escape from Tanjirou’s attention by finishing his meal. Just as he swallowed his last bite, Tanjirou got up and walked towards him.
Inosuke tensed up, ready to fight or flee. “What do you want now?” he snapped, backing away as Tanjirou’s face came closer.
“I just want to look at your nose,” Tanjirou said softly.
“No! Go away!” Inosuke resisted.
Tanjirou’s expression faltered. “Is it something I did?”
“Of course not! What could you possibly do to me?”
Of course, it had nothing to do with stupid Monjirou. Absolutely nothing. Okay, fine, maybe he had imagined his stupid face a little while touching himself earlier in the bathroom, but that was just a ridiculous side effect of those stupid pictures. It was bad enough that Tanjirou made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Inosuke had learned to live with that. Now he had to deal with Tanjirou’s power to make him nosebleed from a distance.
“All right, if you won’t let me look at it, will you at least go to the doctor?” Tanjirou pleaded.
“Why should I? I’m fine!” Inosuke retorted.
“Listen, you really should get it checked out,” Zenitsu piped up. “Having a nosebleed from looking at or thinking about porn isn’t normal. If that were the case, I’d be bleeding to death by now.”
Nezuko furrowed her eyebrows, and Zenitsu hastily corrected himself. “Uh… I was exaggerating. Just trying to persuade him to see a doctor.”
“But I’m not sick!” Inosuke protested, sounding panicked.
“Don’t worry, it’s probably nothing,” Tanjirou soothed him, reaching out to put a gentle hand on his shoulder. Inosuke jumped away, and Tanjirou apologised. Turning to Zenitsu, he said, “Um… could it be that he’s reacting like this because it’s his first time seeing that kind of stuff? You know how sensitive he is…”
Inosuke felt his blood surge inside him. “Shut up, Gompachirou!” he screamed, waving his arms and stamping his feet. “This is all your fault! Don’t act like you know anything!”
Tanjirou swallowed, clearly stung by the accusation. He started to apologise, but Nezuko intervened.
"There, there, Inosuke," Nezuko said. "You can't blame Nii-chan for this. How was he supposed to know that our neighbours would have a collection of erotic art lying around?"
"Yeah, and let's not forget, you were the one who opened the box," Zenitsu quipped.
“No, it’s definitely my fault. I’m so sorry, Inosuke,” Tanjirou apologised again. “I should have thoroughly checked all the rooms before we started cleaning. I’m just relieved that it wasn’t Nezuko who stumbled upon the stash. Thank goodness for that. If we ever do house-cleaning for the neighbours again, I swear I’ll search every corner and crevice.”
Inosuke let out a frustrated snort. They were all off the mark, but he supposed it was still better than them knowing the truth.
“You don’t have to tell the doctor why you’re bleeding,” Tanjirou continued. “He’ll just check your nose, diagnose you and give you something to stop the symptoms.”
“Fine! I’ll go!” Inosuke snapped. He doubted that the doctor could help him if Tanjirou was the reason for his nosebleed. But it would at least stop Tanjirou from fussing and give him a chance to escape from him.
“But I don’t want you to come with me!” He told Tanjirou, his eyes avoiding his. “Anyone but you!”
“Not you too!” he protested when Nezuko offered. Nezuko had a knack for getting him to listen to her and subsequently do as she requested. He was afraid he’d blurt out his secret to her if she asked.
Which left...
“Tanjirooou! He almost broke my nose and didn’t even apologise, and now I have to take him to the doctor?” Zenitsu whined. Inosuke knew this was Zenitsu’s revenge for him threatening to expose his secret. Zenitsu was such a spiteful guy.
“I don’t need you to take me! I can go myself!”
“No, you can’t!!! You’ll freak out in the crowds and end up getting lost! And even if you do make it there, you’ll speak nonsense to the doctor and then punch him because he can’t understand you,” Zenitsu sobbed.
“Come on, Inosuke,” Nezuko coaxed. “Just apologise to Zenitsu and let him take you to the doctor, alright? Stop making us worry about you.”
Inosuke wavered for a moment, torn between his stubbornness and the sincere concern he saw in Nezuko’s eyes. A twinge of guilt settled upon him, as he realised that this wasn’t just about him. His best friends were worried about him too. As always, Nezuko had a way of reaching him, her words finding a path to his obstinate heart. Reluctantly, he gave in.
“Fine! Sorry, Monitsu!” Inosuke spat out. He quickly put his boar mask back over his head and ran toward the door.
“That’s not even my name,” Zenitsu sighed, but he got up and followed him.
At the doctor’s office, Zenitsu took the lead, describing when and where the nosebleeds began and how often they occurred, carefully leaving out any mention of the scrolls. The doctor asked Inosuke to take off his mask and prodded around his nostrils, making Inosuke wriggle uncomfortably. He almost punched the doctor, but Zenitsu held his arms, reminding him over and over that the King of Mountains should be brave and not mind a little prodding, much to the doctor’s bemusement. He felt an immense wave of relief when he could finally put his mask back on.
“You mentioned that the nosebleeds began while you were cleaning in the storeroom? Was there a lot of dust?” the doctor asked.
“Yeah, those damn books, they make me sneeze every time I flip a page,” Inosuke answered. He felt a nagging itch and unconsciously brought his hand to his nose, rubbing it slightly.
“And I suppose you rub your nose after you sneeze.”
“Obviously? It really itches.”
"Is it unusual for you to come into contact with dust?"
“Of course! I grew up among wild boars, and Tanjirou keeps our house really clean.” Inosuke said with a hint of pride.
The doctor gave him a weird look but returned to writing notes.
“Alright. Based on my examination and the information you gave, I can conclude that your nose was sensitive to the high amount of dust you were suddenly exposed to recently, and constantly rubbing it damaged the skin, making it prone to injury. I’ll prescribe an anti-allergen to stop the itch. If you avoid further exposure to dust and don’t rub your nose, you should be fine in a few days.”
“That’s it?” Inosuke couldn’t believe how simple the problem turned out to be. “So it’s not because I looked at pictures of people banging or because I dream about banging someone?!” He shouted so loudly that all the nurses and patients in the waiting area turned their heads to look at him.
“Technically, sexual arousal, as you described, can cause an increase in blood pressure, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels. It may result in flushing, or red face syndrome, and even erections. It’s normal and not harmful, and rarely does it cause bleeding. However, I would advise against frequent exposure to pornography as it can lead to intrusive thoughts and addiction that can negatively affect your daily life,” the doctor explained calmly.
Inosuke didn’t fully understand most of the jargon. The only thing that stood out to him was that he was normal. Pictures and stupid Gompachirou had no power over him.
“See, Zenitsu? I’m normal,” Inosuke exclaimed happily to his friend. “Pictures ain’t got nothing on me!”
“No, you’re not normal,” Zenitsu turned away, cringing in embarrassment. “Don’t talk to me or call my name. I don’t know you!”
On their way back home, Zenitsu couldn’t resist breaking the silence and pestering Inosuke.
“Who do you keep dreaming of banging?” Zenitsu asked.
“You told the doctor you were dreaming of banging someone.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.”
“You misheard me.”
“I never mishear anything,” Zenitsu reminded him.
Inosuke sighed in defeat. “Fine. But it’s my secret.”
“Okay, if you’re not telling, I’ll just have to guess. Let’s see, it must be someone you really like and are close to, which significantly narrows down the possibilities,” Zenitsu mused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Inosuke couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down his spine at Zenitsu’s emphasis on the word ‘significantly’.
“How would you know that?” Inosuke snapped.
“It’s natural to be sexually attracted to people you have romantic feelings for or find attractive,” Zenitsu explained.
“How do I get rid of this feeling?” Inosuke demanded.
“It usually fades away when you stop liking them,” Zenitsu said.
Inosuke let out a frustrated snort. “How do I do that?”
“You find something you dislike about them and focus on it until you stop liking them.”
Inosuke racked his brain. He liked everything about Tanjirou - from his wavy maroon locks that seemed to flicker like embers in the sunlight, to the softness of his eyes that held an unspoken understanding. It wasn’t just his looks, though; it was the way his voice carried a calming melody, the touch of his callused hands grounding Inosuke like a reassuring anchor. Even Tanjirou’s cooking skills, which somehow managed to tame his ravenous appetite, added to the list of endearing traits.
Sure, Tanjirou’s fussing could be a bit overwhelming at times, and the unusual sensations he stirred within Inosuke left him feeling both flustered and annoyed. But he had to admit to himself, Tanjirou made him feel special, which was important to him. And the weird feelings did feel nice, if he had to be honest.
“Can’t think of anything I dislike.” Inosuke eventually muttered, frustrated.
Zenitsu grinned wickedly. “Then you find someone else to like.”
“But I don’t like anyone else or want to like someone else!”
“Too bad then,” Zenitsu shrugged. “But you're making me really curious. Who is it? Tell me!”
“I already said. It’s my secret,” Inosuke repeated.
“Let me guess… Is it someone at the Butterfly Estate? Is it Aoi? Is it Kanao?” Zenitsu cunningly darted back and forth, appearing on Inosuke’s right side and then swiftly reappearing on his left, so that it felt impossible to avoid his annoying questioning.
Suddenly, Zenitsu came to an abrupt halt and his face froze in horror. "Oh my god, it’s not Nezuko-chan, is it?! I’ll kill you!!!”
“It’s not any of them, and it’s definitely not Nezuko. That’s gross!” Inosuke shouted.
“Eeyaaargh! How dare you call my Nezuko-chan gross!” Zenitsu erupted, and the chase began. They sprinted all the way home, with Zenitsu's screams echoing through the air.
Dealing with Zenitsu was utterly draining, Inosuke thought, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon him. The guy would get all riled up whenever someone showed an interest in Nezuko. But then, he'd get equally worked up if others failed to appreciate Nezuko's adorable nature. Inosuke, despite being older, saw Nezuko as a sort of maternal figure. The mere thought of wanting to be intimate with her made him cringe in disgust. After mustering up an explanation that Zenitsu begrudgingly accepted, the relentless pestering finally ceased.
Relief flooded over Inosuke as he entered the comforting embrace of home, welcomed by the mouthwatering scent of lunch and crispy tempura. Tanjirou had cooked Inosuke’s favourite tempura as a special treat for his visit to the doctor.
Inosuke sprinted towards Tanjirou, clutching his haori sleeve. He had been frazzled and anxious by his nosebleeds and Zenitsu’s endless screeching. But now, with Tanjirou’s reassuring presence, he felt comforted that his friend wasn’t the trigger for his nosebleeds. Inosuke dreaded the thought of losing his soothing touch.
“I’m totally fine! Those dumb pictures had nothing to do with it. It was just some dust, but I'm all good now, not even a sneeze!” Inosuke proclaimed loudly, his voice brimming with confidence.
“I’m so glad, Inosuke! So, it wasn’t my fault after all?” Tanjirou smiled brightly, his cheerful personality shining through; like he didn’t have a care in the world. As if he hadn’t given Inosuke countless restless nights. As if he wasn’t the reason for those weird and confusing feelings. As if he didn’t haunt Inosuke’s dreams, sparking urges that made him hot and flustered.
Inosuke had a sudden image of himself pinning Tanjirou beneath him, doing unspeakable acts to him and wiping that blissfully oblivious smile off his face.
No, no, no! Bad Inosuke, bad! That was a horrible thing to imagine. Stop it! Stop it right now!
Tanjirou looked at him with concern as Inosuke headbutted the wall repeatedly. “Uh… Inosuke?!”
“It’s definitely your damn fault, Gompachirou! I swear I’ll find your weakness and bring you down!!!”
The End.
Check out my pinned post for the rest of my works.
「 ✦ Please support your creators by reblogging ✦ 」
Author's Notes: Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my fic, it’d really make my day if you could drop a like, reblog, and/or comment to let me know! This story is also published on AO3 where you can comment anonymously! Although I mostly write for myself, your encouragement keeps me motivated to post and share my work.
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benjaminthewolf · 2 years
Monster Boyfriend Lol
Consider this a late Christmas gift if you will.
     “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, I’M STILL NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!” the exceedingly furious voice of Lemon Demon boomed across the large, open mansion as your tiny form desperately continued to sprint, searching about in utter terror for some way, ANY WAY, out of this horrific chase.
     Catching a glimpse of an open door from the corner of your eye, you practically swerve left in order to make it inside while keeping up your sprinting pace. Dashing inside and behind the wall right next to the door, you wished for nothing more in this moment than to be large enough to close it, since if, from Lemon Demon’s perspective, the door had always been closed, there would have been no way you could have made it inside.
     Nonetheless, having somewhat concealed yourself within the murky shadows of this room, your heart rate and deep breathing begin to subside but slightly. That was, until your ears were graced by the subtle echo of a small “Beep”.
     Instantly leaping back into a terrified state, your body prepares once more for you to take off deeper into the room, before the familiar, decidedly non-threatening form of Monster Boyfriend appears within view. Relaxing your being once more, you were only slightly annoyed at Monster Boyfriend for having forced your already exhausted body to kick itself into overdrive again. Unintentionally, yes, but still.
     You had absolutely no idea what Monster Boyfriend was doing here, but really, at this point, you had no strength or focus left in yourself to really care. Sensing your fatigue, Monster Boyfriend swiftly rushes up to you in order to gently and cautiously pick you up in his blackened hands. He then proceeds to quickly, yet quietly shut the door in front of him, thus showing you that Monster Boyfriend really was on your side here, cementing within you a sense of trust for him.
     As it turned out, Monster Boyfriend had closed the door just in time, for almost immediately after it shut, the two of you could begin to sense the pounding echoes left by Lemon Demon’s footsteps as he blindly continued his pursuit, completely unaware that he had just sprinted past his target.
     Your body instinctively shudders as he goes by, causing Monster Boyfriend to become significantly more worried about the situation at hand. His solution to this, as you would come to find out, came in the form of him slowly raising you up to his face, that which, at the moment, displayed no mouth. You were only slightly confused at what Monster Boyfriend was doing, before one inexplicably appeared, the top and bottom of which were seemingly attached to each other through some goopy, tendril-like formations.
     You were still trying to figure out what Monster Boyfriend was doing, before all of a sudden, the reverberating fury of Lemon Demon’s mad dash once more forced a shudder to maneuver its way down your spine.
     This, of course, caused Monster Boyfriend to immediately shove you into his mouth, which, in your freaked-out state, seemed to make at least some sense, as this area was a lot more enclosed from the outside world, and locked away within the form of Monster Boyfriend, further adding to its security. 
     It seemed to you that Monster Boyfriend’s maw hadn’t been used in a while, as there appeared to be a slight build up of saliva on the roof of the maw, that which begun to drip down onto your tiny form as it lay silently on the surface of the tongue, merley letting the muscle’s warmth and slick softness do what it can to calm you down, not really paying any mind to the drops from above.
     Eventually, Monster Boyfriend’s tongue began to shift, leaving you slightly confused for a second, before your tiny form began to slide down the slick surface of the tongue and down towards the entrance of the throat. Your head briefly bumps up against his uvie as you descend, causing you to give a slight pat to the surface of his tongue as an apology.
     Monster Boyfriend let out a soft “Beep”, presumably to let you know that it was all fine, before his epiglottis covered the entrance to his windpipe, and your tiny form was forced past his gullet with a great gulp.
     The muscles around his esophagus gently knead and massage your body, helping to get rid of the remaining stress you had accumulated during your despairing dash away from Lemon Demon. As you continued along your smooth descent, you began to pick up the sound of a heartbeat thumping away within Monster Boyfriend’s body. This naturally began to tell you that you were coming close to your destination, the stomach.
     At last, after a while, you were able to pick up the grumbling and groaning noises emulating from his guts as you realized you had made it to the lower esophageal sphincter. The subsequent squeeze through the LES left you plummeting for a second before you splashed down into the harmless liquids within Monster Boyfriend’s tummy.
     Shuffling your way through the shallow pool whilst on your knees from the plunge, you eventually make your way to the stomach wall, that which you proceeded to snuggle yourself against in order to get as comfortable as you could. Once you were in an ideal position, you proceed to give Monster Boyfriend some internal rubs to show your thanks.
     Though Monster Boyfriend couldn’t speak English, the small bout of stuttered beeps he proceeded to let out whilst you continued to rub was more than enough to tell you that he was enjoying it.
     On the outside, Monster Boyfriend sat down in front of the door he had previously closed, before placing a hand over his tummy as an added layer of protection from everything that had happened to you today. Keeping an ear out for Lemon Demon, whom you had no idea the current status of, Monster Boyfriend gives a slight nod as he senses your comfortable form beginning to drift off in his stomach, thus solidifying his current dedication to keeping you safe.
     On the inside, you can’t help but give a soft smile as the rest of the terror that had accumulated within your being from the chase began to melt away. You let out a pleased sigh as Monster Boyfriend’s tummy continued to gently shift and squeeze around your being, a soft rhythmic movement that helped ensure your comfort as you closed your eyes, allowing your extremely exhausted body to finally find rest and refuge within the warm-hearted and protective Monster Boyfriend’s stomach.
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fearlessinger · 2 years
So, a little less than a month year ago (this is all my fault, I take sole responsibility for this loooong delay), I got roped into reading The Trials Of Apollo by @flightfoot’s amazing meta. I loved it more than I could have ever anticipated, and I’ve been gushing about it non stop to her on discord. We had a lot of fun reviewing the series and taking it apart to overanalyze bit by bit, marveling at the way it keeps growing layers and dimensions the longer one looks at it. Finally, we took out a google doc. The following is result n.3 of our combined excited ramblings, and… well it sort of turned into a full on dissertation. Whoops.
“You must make your own choice.”
Reconstructing Apollo’s Journey within Riordan’s Narrative
Much too self aware to be egotistical
Not the kind of feelings that gods have
You have heard of imposter syndrome?
As if you could have immortality or meaning, but not both
The sun’s indifference
Art thou sure that is thy wish? (read on ao3)
Finally, Apollo stops lying to our faces every other paragraph about what he really thinks and feels. He stops wasting time and energy pretending that he doesn't mean, that he doesn't want to do the right thing. That he doesn’t care about everything and everybody. He's done being ashamed of it. He won’t hide from who he is anymore. 
It should be a liberating choice, but it doesn’t feel like it. Far from it. Now that he doesn’t let himself cower behind his lies any longer, now that he refuses to flinch away from reality and take refuge in the imaginary stage play he’d gotten so comfortable writing and acting out inside his own head, he can see with agonizingly perfect clarity how much he'd screwed up. How much time he's wasted. How much blood is on his hands. 
There was no climbing cage going to the second level – just bare metal rungs against the side of the girder, as if the builders had decided, Welp, if you made it this far, you must be crazy, so no more safety features! Now that the metal-ribbed chute was gone, I realized it had given me some psychological comfort. At least I could pretend I was inside a safe structure, not free-climbing a giant tower like a lunatic. (TTT 247) 
The guilt he felt before was nothing compared to the guilt he feels now without the buffer of pretense. As hollow as it was, he misses the comfort that his safety cage had given him. But the only way to make the climb was to leave it behind. 
Oh, Jason Grace … I promised you I would remember what it was to be human. But why did human shame have to hurt so much? Why wasn’t there an off button? (TTT 134)
Apollo did many bad things in his long life. Some of them, many of them, he did because he was backed into a corner. Because he had no choice, or because he’d been made to believe that he didn’t, and accepted that that was the truth. But he can’t, he won’t let himself acknowledge it, not even now that he’s finally allowing himself to put the right name to what he’s experienced at his father’s hands. 
He is not like Meg. He is not a child. He is responsible for his own choices. He should have known better. He should have tried harder. He will have to keep trying, somehow, whatever it takes, no matter how hopeless it seems, once he’s back with the rest of the gods, back within the fold of the little abusive cult that he calls family, high above the top of the Empire State Building, because unlike Meg, he’s never getting free.
He keeps insisting that human shame is different, because he needs to believe that when the time comes he won’t jump at the chance to turn it off, shut it down, bury it in the sand and never look back, just like he’d done with the godly one, which is exactly the same.
Have you ever had an experience so painful or embarrassing you literally forgot it happened? Your mind dissociates, scuttles away from the incident yelling Nope, nope, nope, and refuses to acknowledge the memory ever again? (TTT 43)
He’d done it to survive. But that’s no excuse. Deep down, Apollo has always believed this. He has to find a way to do better anyway. He has no guarantee that he will. He doesn’t have anything but his desperate, stubborn resolve to keep his promise to Jason, to himself, to everybody.
I will be Apollo. I will remember.
When had I last felt ‘whole’? I wanted to believe it was back when I was a god, but that wasn’t true. I hadn’t been completely myself for centuries. Maybe millennia. (TTT 316)
The problem with getting used to lying all the time is not that you end up forgetting what the truth is. You don’t. Not unless you want to. And Apollo could never truly bring himself to want to. No, the problem with getting used to lying all the time is that, after a while, the lies start to feel more real than the truth itself.
Apollo knows who he is, but he has not allowed himself to be that person in a really, really long time. So long, that he isn’t quite sure how to do it anymore.
But he can’t afford to wait to figure it out until after the crisis has passed. The hourglass is running out of sand. 
Lupa stood before the altar. Mist shrouded her fur as if she were off-gassing quicksilver. 
It is your time, she told me. 
‘My time,’ I said. ‘For what, exactly?’ 
She nipped the air in annoyance. To be Apollo. The pack needs you. 
I wanted to scream, I’ve been trying to be Apollo! It’s not that easy! (TTT 95)
“Continue to act strong,” Lupa tells him. Apollo understands. Her advice makes sense to him. “Half the trick to being a god,” he had told Meg their first morning together at Camp Half Blood, “is knowing how to bluff.” 
He can do that. He’s been doing it this whole time. So maybe he just needs to switch his old act for a new one. The vapid, selfish, privileged brat for the reformed ex villain seeking redemption. The latter feels more right. It definitely feels closer to the truth, and to the end goal, than his previous routine. 
The problem is, ultimately, it’s still an act.
‘Did you just use the term skedaddleth?’ 
‘I appreciate a good boon as much as the next person. But, if I’m going to contribute to this quest and not just cower in the corner, I need to know how –’ my voice cracked – ‘how to be me again.’ 
The vibration of the arrow felt almost like a cat purring, trying to soothe an ill human. ART THOU SURE THAT IS THY WISH? 
‘What do you mean?’ I demanded. ‘That’s the whole point! Everything I’m doing is so –’ (TTT 138) 
Apollo has spent so long trying to be someone other than himself, there’s almost no one left who truly knows him anymore. The characters he played are all that most of the people around him have ever known. 
And he doesn’t get to correct their assumptions. He doesn’t get to make his case to the arrow. How would that even go? You see, I’m not actually an asshole, I just pretended to be! I swear I didn’t mean it!
Nobody wants to hear that. To anyone who’s ever had the misfortune of having to put up with it, the two looked exactly the same. 
And, contrary to popular belief that he himself had carefully planted and cultivated, Apollo can read a room. 
I began to speak, the Latin ritual verses pouring out of me. I chanted from instinct, barely aware of the words’ meanings. I had already praised Jason with my song. That had been deeply personal. This was just a necessary formality. 
In some corner of my mind, I wondered if this was how mortals felt when they used to pray to me. Perhaps their devotions had been nothing but muscle memory, reciting by rote while their minds drifted elsewhere, uninterested in my glory. I found the idea strangely … understandable. Now that I was a mortal, why should I not practise non-violent resistance against the gods, too? (TTT 91-92)
The Romans still pray to the gods. They still prayed to Apollo too. And yet, none of them really has any idea who Apollo is. Most of them never cared to know either. Why would they? Gods aren’t people. Gods aren’t friends. They are beautiful golden idols to appease. They might grant someone a wish, sometimes, if that wish is something they already wanted to make happen anyway. They don’t actually care about anything but themselves.
And Apollo was just like the rest of them. 
It doesn’t matter that his indifference was always fake. From a distance, it looked real. From a distance, it looked the same as that of any of the other gods. And Apollo was oh so very careful, at all times, to keep his distance.
He still is. 
He calls Zeus his abuser, but he only does it in the privacy of his own head, and in the pages of these books that won’t be read by any of the people who could actually give him sympathy and support. 
Gods aren’t supposed to need sympathy. They aren’t supposed to need support. They aren’t supposed to be helpless. 
Apollo feels safe in telling us, because we can’t do anything, we can’t offer anything to him other than a listening ear. 
But even to us Apollo doesn’t explain, because the truth is Apollo doesn’t WANT to explain. It’s incredibly hard for him, still, to admit that he was never as in control of his own life and choices as he liked to think and pretend he was. 
This, too, is who Apollo is. He believes that he had no right to be a victim. 
So, even as he admits it, he won’t let himself acknowledge how that shaped every single one of his choices, of his thoughts, of his beliefs even. 
He will take all the responsibility, because he can’t admit that, even at his most powerful, he was always powerless.
He can’t let go of the illusion of control, not so much for the sake of his own pride and dignity – if there’s one thing that’s been made entirely clear by Apollo’s narration at this point, it’s that he really doesn’t care anymore about making himself look good – but because he’s still desperately grasping for some proof, any proof, that he truly can do better, and that he truly will be able, this time, to make a difference, that he will be able to avoid repeating his mistakes, even though the circumstances and the people that taught and helped and pushed him to make them will always be there. 
To admit that he was always powerless would mean admitting that at the end of these trials, even if he succeeds, especially if he succeeds, he will be powerless again. And that is unacceptable.
So no, It doesn’t feel good to be Apollo. It doesn’t feel liberating. It still feels like shit. 
‘I can’t believe I used to think –’ 
‘That I was your father? But we look so much alike.’ 
He laughed. ‘Just take care of yourself, okay? I don’t think I could handle a world with no Apollo in it.’ 
His tone was so genuine it made me tear up. I’d started to accept that no one wanted Apollo back – not my fellow gods, not the demigods, perhaps not even my talking arrow. Yet Frank Zhang still believed in me. 
Before I could do anything embarrassing – like hug him, or cry, or start believing I was a worthwhile individual – I spotted my three quest partners trudging towards us. (TTT 142) 
Apollo knows who he is. As much as he still pretends otherwise, he has no illusions about it. He’s exactly the sort of person that he strived so hard to become. He is someone nobody would miss, except maybe Frank Zhang, who, like Apollo’s children, like all of the people Apollo is ever so grateful, ever so surprised to be able to call friends, is too kind for his own good. 
He’s the worst of the gods, and a rather terrible human being too. Too vain and insecure to stop caring what people think of him. Too much of a selfish coward to make peace with the finality of death, and with it, the possibility that he won’t get another chance to remedy his failings. Entitled enough that he still, despite everything, thinks he has a right to hold into his hands the power to make a difference, and arrogant enough that he still, despite everything, wants to believe that he can.
Are you sure, the arrow asked him. But what other choice does he have?
No one else who has the power to do so will lift a finger to stop the emperors. No one else who has the power to do it will wrestle the future out of Python’s jaws. 
So it has to be Apollo, just like the first time. 
He will have to take responsibility for all of it, because someone has to, and no one else will. 
And when he succeeds, IF he succeeds, he’ll have to go back to his comfortable golden prison in the sky, and try to remember what it was like to be a person rather than a god, hold onto those memories even after everybody else who’s been witness to his struggle will be long gone. 
I dreamed of homes. Had I ever really had one? 
Delos was my birthplace, but only because my pregnant mother, Leto, took refuge there to escape Hera’s wrath. The island served as an emergency sanctuary for my sister and me, too, but it never felt like home any more than the back seat of a taxi would feel like home to a child born on the way to a hospital. 
Mount Olympus? I had a palace there. I visited for the holidays. But it always felt more like the place my dad lived with my stepmom. 
The Palace of the Sun? That was Helios’s old crib. I’d just redecorated. 
Even Delphi, home of my greatest Oracle, had originally been the lair of Python. Try as you might, you can never get the smell of old snakeskin out of a volcanic cavern. 
Sad to say, in my four-thousand-plus years, the times I’d felt most at home had all happened during the past few months: at Camp Half-Blood, sharing a cabin with my demigod children; at the Waystation with Emma, Jo, Georgina, Leo and Calypso, all of us sitting around the kitchen table chopping vegetables from the garden for dinner; at the Cistern in Palm Springs with Meg, Grover, Mellie, Coach Hedge and a prickly assortment of cactus dryads; and now at Camp Jupiter, where the anxious, grief-stricken Romans, despite their many problems, despite the fact that I brought misery and disaster wherever I went, had welcomed me with respect, a room above their coffee shop and some lovely bed linen to wear. 
These places were homes. Whether I deserved to be part of them or not – that was a different question. (TTT 171-172)
Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves to feel loved. Everyone deserves to be recognized. Everyone deserves a home. Everyone, Apollo keeps telling us, keeps confirming with his actions, with his choices, because he really does believe it. Everyone. Except him.
In his golden prison above the clouds, Apollo has been taught that gods shouldn’t want, that gods shouldn’t need any of these things. Gods aren’t people. Gods are not like the rest of us. When Apollo said this, back at the beginning of this journey, it just felt like hilariously misplaced haughtiness. It’s much easier now, 4 books later, with the curtain of lies finally out of the way, to recognize in the familiar rhetoric the common refrain of abuse victims. Good people deserve good things. Normal people deserve good things. Even bad people deserve a second chance. But not me. Never me. 
Apollo has a lot to feel guilty about. But he doesn’t stop at that. He feels guilty for things that he had no control over and objectively bears no blame for. He feels guilty for things that quite frankly aren’t a big enough deal to warrant any assignment of blame. He feels guilty for things that weren’t bad at all and he should maybe, actually, rather take pride in. 
In his golden prison above the clouds, he’s been taught to feel responsible for everything. 
And he does. He spends the first half of book 4 beating himself up for all that is wrong with the world, his guilt threatening to consume him both metaphorically and quite literally, taking the form of the poison inexorably spreading through his body that he, unlike every other mortal human in the city and at camp, in defiance of all of Pranjal’s medical experience, inexplicably can’t manage to fight off. 
Gods are powered by belief, and a god’s belief can quite literally shape reality. For a god, intent is action. For a god, wanting to do something might as well be the same as having already done it. Apollo doesn’t want to die. And he doesn’t. But now that he finally looks at himself again without the filter of pretense before his eyes, he finds it incredibly hard to still believe that he shouldn’t. 
“YOUR FAULT,” Zeus thunders in his memories, the only thing Apollo remembers of the six months that preceded his fall. “YOUR PUNISHMENT.” That’s why Apollo is here. To do penance for the sins of them all. And as much as he tried to protest it, it does make a perverse sort of sense to him. Deep down, there’s a part of him, still, that believes he deserves it.
It’s not your fault, Apollo tells Meg. The two of them are very much alike. He understands her. He has no trouble figuring out that she blames herself for his condition. 
He has a lot more trouble, still, 4 books in, to imagine that she might actually care for him enough to be afraid of losing him, even as the obvious truth is staring him in the face.
It’s because of all the time we spent together, he rationalizes, equating himself to the little peach demon who’s been the only other semi constant presence in Meg’s life as of late in seeming complete earnestness, by all measures sounding like he’s genuinely unable to grasp the absurdity of such a comparison.
Like many people who have grown up in abusive households, Apollo is starved for love, and like many of his fellow abuse victims, he sees love as a transactional affair. He doesn’t really believe he can have anyone’s love for free. He keeps being caught off guard, feeling ashamed every time someone shows him even just a modicum of compassion. He allows himself to pursue physical intimacy, but friendship? Companionship? Understanding? No, those are off limits. There’s no way he can pay the price of them. 
He was shocked that Will and Kayla and Austin would be so kind and welcoming to him when he was a powerless, puny mortal. He struggled to accept their acceptance, their eagerness to help him. Why would they waste their love on him when he clearly had nothing more to give them in exchange for it? “A father”, he’d thought, “should give more to his children than he takes”. 
He thinks about Artemis now, about the way he used to call her his baby sister, “to annoy her,” he says. His next words betray the real reason, though. Despite how much she clearly finds me annoying too, he says, I suppose that, unlike Artemis, Meg really needs me. 
That’s what the whole “baby sister” thing has always been about: giving himself the illusion that there’s something he can do for Artemis that will justify her wanting to hold onto him, because without it, without her actually needing him for anything, he can’t bring himself to believe that she’d care. 
And Apollo knows. When he chooses to, he never has trouble distinguishing the lies from the truth. He’s always known, deep down, that his twin has never needed him. “Artemis understood me,” he tells us. “Well, okay, she tolerated me,” he amends immediately after. “Most of the time,” he adds. “All right, some of the time.”
But “with Meg,” he says, “I felt as if it were actually true.” 
He can believe Meg’s love, unlike that of Artemis, unlike that of his children, of everybody else, because he has the means to buy it. He finds comfort in this thought, even as he realizes that he’s already behind on mortgage payments. 
“What a horribly insufficient friend I had been,” he thinks. 
As he offers her the hug he’d wanted and never dared to give her before, under the mistaken assumption that she wouldn’t accept it – let alone welcome it, he takes all the blame, once again, as he’s well accustomed to. 
It’s not your fault, he tells Meg any chance he gets. It’s not your fault. You deserve better. But he is not like her. 
In his heart of hearts, Apollo truly does believe he is the lone exception. 
Of course it’s all his fault. He is a god. That’s the very definition of being responsible for everything.
“I [will] tough it out until the moment I [keel] over,” he vows, pretending to be shocked at the thought as if that’s not exactly what we’ve seen him do for 4 books straight, as if the only difference isn’t that now he’s admitting to what he’s doing, committed to the new narrative of self improvement he’s chosen for himself just as resolutely as he was to the old fiction of selfish, uncaring entitlement that he’s finally discarded.
Apollo loved to whine, so long as there was no chance of being taken seriously. 
But as soon as he realizes that he is, in fact, truly at risk of being believed, he immediately shutters himself off. 
He doesn’t deserve his friends’ concern. He refuses to add to their worries. There’s nothing they can do to help him anyway. Apollo needs a miracle. They all do. And they are only mortals. At most, they can buy him some time. The rest is up to him, as it rightfully should be. 
What do mortals say – Suck it up? I sucked it way, way up. (TTT 60)
After 3 books of sifting through Apollo's lies to get at the increasingly hard to miss rising mountain of facts, we understand that Apollo is, in fact, observant, keenly perceptive, and incredibly self aware. 
Now that he's stopped lying to us every other paragraph about what he really thinks and feels, we are finally able to see where his real blind spots lie.
“I was tired of others keeping me safe,” he says. “The whole point of consulting the arrow had been to figure out how I could get back to the business of keeping others safe.” 
As is clearly apparent, by now, from the way he chooses to tell and frame this story, Apollo doesn’t really consider anything he does as a mortal as worth acknowledgement, let alone praise. He keeps noting how others help him, while paying no mind to all the times he has helped them in turn. He feels that everything he did up until this point counts for nothing. 
The entirety of his long term plan hinges on regaining his godhood, and his current short term plan is to jump through near impossible hoops in order to perform a ritual that will hopefully allow him to call for divine intervention in time. Not just any divine intervention either: the real deal, “actual grade-AA-quality” help, minor gods need not apply. 
His first reaction to discovering himself powerless, way back in book 1, was to swear those stupid oaths on the Styx because the mere idea of being anything less that superhumanly perfect at the things he’s supposed to be famous for horrified him. It didn’t matter to him at all that he was still good at them. More than good in fact! He was still a prodigy by human standards! 
But human standards are not the standards Apollo has ever been measuring himself with. 
I need to get back to the business of keeping others safe, he says. What he means is, he wants to get back to a place where he’ll have no use for other people’s help. He wants to get back to the place where he’ll have enough power to do everything himself. 
In his mind, there can be no give and take. There shouldn’t. Because he is not a person like any other. 
A father, he’d said, should give more to his children than he takes. And what are mortal creatures to divine immortal beings, if not frail, clueless children? 
This is, to Apollo, what it truly means to be a god. This is his responsibility. To be the solution to all problems. To be endlessly strong, and never in need. To be the father who always gives and never takes. 
For him, being able to do anything less than everything isn’t enough. 
He is in awe of his mortal friends’ bravery, of their resilience, of their hope. He is grateful for their kindness and generosity. He appreciates everything they’ve done for him. But he feels guilty every time he’s forced to take anything from them. He feels like he shouldn’t. Like it’s wrong of him to even just accept what’s freely offered. 
He admires their strength. He finds it genuinely commendable. But he has higher standards for himself. He is a god. They, in the end, are only mortals. There’s only so much they can do.
Now that he’s stopped role playing the asshole, Apollo would never say the latter bit out loud. And he doesn’t. But there’s a part of him, a small, secret one, deep down, that is actually thinking it. 
“If Will and Nico were here,” he says at one point, “they would just be two more people for me to worry about.” 
Apollo believes that he should be strong enough to carry all of this on his own shoulders. That’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s what gods, the ones that actually matter at least, are for. Apollo should be the only one worrying. 
The truth is, even with his newly instated policy of emotional honesty, there’s still so much he simply doesn’t tell anyone. Not even us. 
Better not add to our worries. Better for us not to know. 
And yet, Apollo’s too intelligent to be entirely stupid, and too decent to be entirely unfair. 
He does not make the mistake of keeping crucial intel to himself. He shares all of the knowledge he gains, even when he expects it will do more damage than good. He stands by his beliefs, and he believes in people’s right to make their own choice, even if that choice ends up being the choice to run away. 
“I can’t fall into line like a good soldier,” Lavinia tells him. “Me locking shields and marching off to die with everybody else? That’s not going to help anybody.” 
Apollo understands. He’s never liked mindless obedience and pointless sacrifices either. 
But despite how well he understands her, despite how much of himself he sees in her, even – or perhaps precisely because he sees himself in her, despite having witnessed her unwillingness to back down from a fight several times, he’s quick to assume the worst of her, and of her faun and dryad friends too. Of course they must be running away. They’re mortals. Powerless. What else could they possibly do? 
“How simple it would be to destroy their fragile confidence,” he thinks, looking at the people making lighthearted chatter in the mess hall. “Fragile” is the word he uses, also, to describe Meg’s state of mind, an assessment so shockingly patronizing, standing in such stark contrast to all the times he’s praised her strength and bravery all throughout the past 3 books, and in this book too, that it almost feels out of character for him. 
But it isn’t. This, too, is who Apollo is. 
Asclepius, god of medicine, used to chide me about helping those with disabilities. You can help them if they ask. But wait for them to ask. It’s their choice to make, not yours. 
For a god, this was a hard thing to understand, much like deadlines, but I left Lu to her meal. (TON 226)
This is a story about power and privilege. Apollo was born a one percenter not just by mortal standards, but by godly ones too. He was always eager to help, and able to give on a scale that dwarfed every possible attempt to give back on the part of anyone on the receiving end of his blessings. 
He doesn’t want to think less of them because of it. He refuses to. He took his human son’s advice to heart, so much so that he remembers and recites it reverently millennia after it was first given to him. 
Apollo really does believe in mortals’ right to self determination. He keeps telling them to make their own choices. He is determined to respect them. But deep down, there’s a part of him that wonders just how much of a difference their choices truly can make, when they are backed by so little power. There's a part of him, too, that wonders how informed those choices can be, when they are based on so little life experience, so little knowledge compared to his. 
He's so quick to dismiss people's good opinion of him. Their willingness to put their trust in him. Even their love. 
They don’t know better, a part of him thinks, still, even now. They will turn away the moment I disappoint them. 
Turns out, there’s some real condescension under all the fake one. Much subtler, much harder to spot, and entirely benevolent, but condescension all the same. 
Are you sure, the arrow said, unknowingly asking precisely the right question for the wrong reasons, that what you really want is to go back to being the same person you were before? 
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Weird (Request)
MCU Cast x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Hello ❤💓could i please request a x teen reader were she has a really quirky and bubbly personality and the cast loves it but she starts getting bullied at school for it and shes acting shy and doesnt talk anymore and there all concerned.⚘💓❤😘
Warnings: bullying, general sadness, insecurity
(A/N): decided to do this request with chris evans, anthony mackie, sebastian stan, scarlett johansson, and elizabeth olsen (as i have previously stated, fitting the entire cast into it is impossible, so i usually have to pick). i hope this doesnt affect the requesters enjoyment of it :)
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“I’m considering picking up some lye,” you said bluntly. Everyone that had attended Chris’ I’m-sorry-I-forgot-I-was-hosting-dinner dinner looked up from their Chinese takeout boxes. 
“Like, the chemical lye?” Anthony asked, picking at a piece of chicken with his chopsticks. You hummed and nodded, doing the same. 
“Why?” Sebastian asked.
“I’m considering getting into the soap making business,” you said, “there’s some real money in that market.” 
“Really?” Scarlett said, chuckling along with everyone else at the horrible, scrambling-to-even-be-called-a-dinner dinner. 
“Don’t laugh, guys. You might be seeing my custom soaps in The Body Shop soon,” you joked and once more everyone laughed, shaking their heads. 
“Good luck with that,” Elizabeth said.
“Thank you, I’ll need it, seeing as lye is apparently very fun to eat and also very toxic,” you sipped your coke, bubbles long gone, leaving the sticky and sweet juice behind. 
It was like that every time you were around. You always had something strange you had been pondering about, wether it was soap-making, a career in shipwreck exploration, or investing in a live action Thomas the Train movie. Every single time the cast was with you, they were waiting for the next weird thing to come from your mouth and they were never disappointed. 
You were a lovely, outgoing, yet casually blunt young person, and you were simply wonderful to be around. Like a breath of fresh air each time they were around you. Refreshingly happy. 
And you loved being weird. You loved being yourself, even if you were a bit of an outsider. Not in the sense that you were better than anyone else, you were just slightly different. You always felt there was nothing wrong with that. 
Well, you did. Then things changed. Your schedule working with the movie was lined up, so you had at least two days a week in regular school, often more. You were happy, because it meant you weren’t sacrificing your education to be in a movie. 
Then these girls started bothering you. You could always tell that they didn’t exactly like you, which you actually understood. You always knew that you could easily come off as pretentious and snobby when someone didn’t know you, especially seeing as you were a ‘quirky’ movie star.
But then they started talking to your friends. Which was fine. But then when you tried to speak to your friends, everything changed. Those girls were practically bristling at your presence, your friends included. 
But you didn’t let that bother you. You still had plenty of friends on set, as you considered all of your cast members to be your friends. And they considered you a friend as well. 
But then those girls at school decided that they weren’t done. First, they said things that were very obviously about you, but were disguised as something else. And they’d always make sure you’d hear. 
“I think I’d like to be an actor,” one of the girls had said. They had been sitting on a bench a little bit away from your locker, where you were cramming a physics book in. 
“Oh my god, Lacey, you’re so quirky and weird!” another one had said, and your mood had crumbled, realizing they were making fun of you. You had just closed your locker and left, but you had still heard their giggles at your obviously upset state.
Then they just started blatantly making fun of you, saying you were ugly and untalented, but what hurt you most was when they said you had an annoying, attention-seeking personality. 
You started questioning things about yourself that you never questioned. Were you attention-seeking? Was your personality annoying? Were you even a good actor? 
You would tell your friends, but they didn’t seem to like you anymore, and with your new insecurity about your personality, you even wondered if the cast really liked you, or if they just found you annoying like everyone else. 
So you told no one, and you decided, determined, that you would be less annoying and more quiet. 
“Hey, Y/n! You’re here!” Sebastian exclaimed, as you entered Elizabeth’s rented flat. He was holding a drink in one of his hands and ran to hug you at the door. You hugged back gently. 
“Are you ready for an actually prepared dinner this time?” Elizabeth said slyly, smirking at Chris, who had definitely heard enough about that one time he forgot to plan the dinner.
“Ha ha, very funny, Liz,” he said. You watched them in amusement, holding back multiple snarky comments. 
Sebastian, Elizabeth, and Chris had all turned to you, and it took you a moment to realize they were expecting you to say something. There was an awkward moment where just watched them, before they snapped out of it, coughing and shuffling uncomfortably. 
“Uh, anyway, table’s this way!” Elizabeth guided you all to the large table. Anthony and Scarlett were already there, mid-conversation and bobbing their heads to ‘Anaconda’ played from Elizabeth’s stereo. 
“Y/n’s here!” Scarlett said excitedly and you sat down sheepishly. 
You watched everyone around the table exchange glances, before all eyes landed back on you. 
“Are you okay?” Chris asked carefully. He was sitting next to you.
“Yeah,” you said quietly, fiddling with your napkin, “just a little stressed about school.” You forced a smile. 
“.. Alright,” Anthony said said reluctantly. There was a moment of silence, because if you weren’t happy, there had to be something seriously wrong with the world. 
“Uh, I think the chicken’s ready,” Elizabeth said, changing the subject. Everyone mumbled in relief. 
The night went on and everyone had conversations and small laughs as they ate, but it was very clear that something was off. Scarlett tried bringing you into the conversations several times, but you immediately clammed up.
It was becoming increasingly clear to the cast, that it was obviously not stress from school (which none of them bought anyway). You noticed the awkwardness too, contemplating if you were being too much of a downer. They would probably have a better time if you didn’t drag them down, you thought. 
“I should go,” you said suddenly, making their heads snap towards you. You forked your untouched chicken. 
“Why?” Sebastian asked, as you stood up and grabbed your jacket. You stilled.
You were conflicted in that moment, wondering wether to confess to them or suck it up and go home. You just didn’t know how to be less of a bother. 
“Don’t lie,” Scarlett said, noticing your conflicted state. You frowned. 
“Am I.. Annoying?” you whispered. There was a moment of silence.
“What?” Chris exclaimed, baffled. You looked up at them. 
“Am I- Am I weird? Because if so, I-I can just go home-” 
There came a choir of whats and nos, and outrage from the table. Everyone spoke over one another for a moment, desperately trying to let you know as clearly as possible.
“Hey!” Anthony’s booming voice shut the rest of the guests up. He looked you in the eyes, “None of us think or have ever thought that you were annoying. And for your information, you’re only weird in a good way. Now, would you mind telling us why you suddenly think this?”
He was calm in a way the public never saw him. Dropping the silliness and handling the situation. It was quiet then.
You felt horribly sad, as you thought about those girls at school. You sighed and blinked away tears. Your cast members’ faces grew even more worried at this. 
“Come on, N/n. Sit down again and let’s talk about this,” Elizabeth said gently, patting your chair. You nodded hesitantly, and sat down. You fiddled with your napkin self-consciously. They waited for you to speak.
“Well.. There are these girls at my school. I don’t know- They just.. Started making fun of me, I guess,” you mumbled, ashamed and avoiding their gazes.
“They said you were annoying?” Chris asked.
You nodded. Sighs could be heard around the table. If you had dared look up, you’d have seen several clenched jaws and fists, displeased faces, and frowns. 
“Have you told anyone?” Sebastian then asked.
You shook your head. You felt someone grasp your hand and looked up to see Sebastian, sitting across from you, holding your hand gently. He smiled sympathetically. 
“First of all, Y/n, you’re not at all annoying. You’re the type of person anyone can love, you’re so refreshing to be around, and you always have something funny to say,” Scarlett begun after a moment of silence. You smiled softly. 
“Secondly, this is something you need to tell the principle, and I don’t want to hear anything about how you don’t want to confront them or anything. You shouldn’t tolerate that,” her voice was tough and determined. You knew she was right, so you nodded. 
There was a moment of silence.
“So.. Have you discovered anything strange you want to share with us?” Anthony asked then. A large, toothy smile enveloped your face, as you remembered that there was, in fact, something you had been excited to share with them. 
“Yeah, so, uhm.. I’ve been playing this game..” 
And with that, everything was back to normal. You entertained them like you always did with your bright and bubbly personality, and you felt confident and happy again. 
It would take you a lot longer than just that night, to fully understand why you were amazing and exactly why you weren’t annoying, but the most important thing was that you were happy and confident right then and there. 
You called the principle, of course, and those girls were expelled. Your friends apologized for their behavior, but you decided not to be friends with them again, not with the way they treated you. You weren’t mean about it, just got some better, more sincere friends. 
Although, you were grateful for friends you had had in that time. Your cast mates started complimenting you more, just slightly here and there. And if any interviewer or fan commented on your personality, the cast would get incredibly protective very fast. 
They knew that your personality was an easy place for people to pick on you, and they just wanted to make sure, that you knew you were a lovely human being. And with how much they reminded you, it got hard to forget. But that’s only a good thing, because you really are a good person :)
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asktherexsquad · 2 years
Is everything really alright between RB and Rex now?
Rex was staring down at Rem, snuggled up to a bean bag and fast asleep. He had always been a lightweight... Hopefully he could sleep it off just fine. Sleep it all off and have everything be better in the morning...
Rocket glances up at him from where he had placed another couch cushion, frowning at the sight of his boyfriend's melancholy expression. ... What's the matter Rex?
"... A... Am I a bad person...?" he asks out of the blue, voice small.
Before Rocket can answer, RB looks up at Rex with a sad and shocked expression, and he instantly moves to give Rex a tight hug. You're a wonderful person Rex!! He exclaims defiantly.
Rex holds on tightly to RB, squeezing his eyes shut. "But... But I hurt you so bad...!!"
Rocket's eyes widen with understanding at Rex's tearful proclamation. So that was what this was about... Rex did tend to get overly emotional when he drank. He'd almost forgotten.
... He'd leave it to RB, as the one Rex has the conflict with, but if his less-than-lucid buddy needed him to step in he would. For now, he thinks as he looks back down, he'd focus on setting up the 'beds.'
RB shushes him gently, and nuzzles into his hair, squeezing him tighter in a reassuring way. Nah, ya didn... And besides, I hurt you too! But, ya don think I'm a bad person, do ya?? He asks, turning to look at Rex seriously.
Rex sniffles and shakes his head, unable to look RB in the eye. "Nnn... No... But... You didn't start it, I-I did, and... And I made it worse and... I... I made you do it...!" Rex's entire body tenses with the effort of holding back tears. "And now... you're leaving, and... and I never had the chance to mmmake it up to you...!!"
Yooou did though! We apol- apoloa... Said sorry! We made up! And we, we had some fun tonight yeah? You showed me a good time, let me have a home here, you've been wonderful! RB says, shaking his head as he starts rocking with Rex in his arms in a reassuring way.
Rex buries his face in RB's shoulder, fingers digging into his vest. "An 'I'm sorry' isn't enough... I... I really care about you! And I... I did such a bad thing, hhhurting you... where it hurts most....!! I o-owe you more than 'sorry'...!"
Not even Rocket can ignore the painful twinge in his heart at Rex's words. And Rocket can't deny he was at least partly right. RB and Rex hadn't spent much time together since the fight and before this going-away party. There has been a lot of uncertainty between them, only just now shaken free by alcohol.
RB shakes his head, eyes closed tight, nuzzling into Rex in an effort to try and calm him down. He didn't want him to be sad! This was supposed to be happy!
Rex! I forgive you! I already did but, I'm doing it again! Cuz yur my friend... And this goodbye isn't forever. I'm comin back, and we're gonna have even more good times, like we had to night, cuz... Yur my super special best friend!
Rex gives a laugh that might have been a sob, squeezing RB tightly.
... Really...? After all Rex had done, RB really wanted to call him that...??
"... You're my best friend too RB... The best, most special friend I ever... ever had." Rex relaxes slightly, his hold not as desperately tight anymore. "... I wanna be your friend... So don't you forget to come back..."
I could never forget! I won't forget... You're my best friend! I'll be back! I'll be back before you know it, I swear. He says sweetly, as he closes his eyes, humming affectionately at him.
Rex sighs, relaxing completely. "... Good. I got... a lot of making up to do. We got a lot of stuff to do together."
And you two can have fun dreaming about it. Rocket waves to get their attention, grinning as he gestures to the 'beds' on the floor, comprised of couch cushions and bean bags. Go on, get comfy!
Okay! RB says happily, standing up with Rex still in his arms, staggering over to the makeshift bed, and turning so he lands on his back, and giggling as Rex lands on to of him, their arms still tightly wrapped around each other in a hug.
Rex's flustered yell is cut off by a grunt as he falls onto RB, turning deep red and trying to push himself off. Even when drunk, it seemed like he still had his pride! "RB! H-heyy! What's the... big idea??"
Rocket can't help but laugh this time. Not 'what the fuck,' but 'what's the big idea', yeah, because that was Rex!!
Wot? I didn't want to let go! Yur warm, and yur sleepy, so you needed to get in bed quick! And I wanted you to really, really know that I do actually like you, cuz yur amazing Rex! he praises enthusiastically, grinning excitedly.
Rex stares at him for a moment. And then a look of horrified embarrassment crosses his face, and he faceplants into RB's chest. "B... Be quiet!!"
Rocket chuckles to himself, sitting down in one of the chairs at the card table. Go easy on him RB, you know he flusters easily.~
RB giggles excitedly, nuzzling into Rex's hair, finding the man's flustered embarrassment extremely entertaining. Oh don't worry, I will do!~
Rocket winks at RB, all too familiar with the feeling. A flustered Rex not only was cute, but was also very good for cuddling.~
He was sure they'd all sleep just fine.
And, once the raptors had quietly and carefully tucked them all in with blankets from the rec rooms-- one for Rem, one for the cuddling pair, and one for Rocket sprawled out on the table-- they certainly did.
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somewhatgoodatart · 2 years
How to get a platonic fake-date in six easy steps - Ch. 4
Ch. 1 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 5
Giving each other gifts that make you look like a couple.
She must have heard wrong. There was no way- her eyes fell on Darius, frozen in the spot. Raine reached out a hand towards his shaking fists but Darius brushed them off, readjusting his bag before turning away from them with an unreadable expression. “I’ll see you at my house at six, songbird. We’ll pick you up, ladies.” “Darius-“ He took off before Lilith could reach him, worry heavy in her chest.
Raine made their way up the path leading towards Vainglory Manor. It was a quiet evening and where others might describe the silence as calming, Raine couldn’t help but feel like it was the calm before a nerve-wrecking storm. They could almost hear the distress in the faint bird calls. As they reached the big carved entrance door Raine rightened their suit once more. They weren’t sure whether or not Darius was alone at home but just in case. They didn’t want to make a bad impression on anyone.
Raine thanked their intuition when they raised their hand to knock and the door swung open. Seeing nobody in the entrance hall Raine slowly stepped into the house, carefully looking around for anyone when they reached the main hall and spotted a woman waiting on one of the lounges. “You must be Raine Whispers”, she mused. “Yes, Mrs. Vainglory.” “Well, it’s nice to finally meet you”, she motioned towards another couch, “take a seat. It looks like Darius will keep us waiting once again, you know how he his.” She let out a laugh that was just a tad too short but Raine simply nodded while they tried not to stare too obviously.
There was gold décor everywhere, paired with beautifully arranged flowers and ornate fabrics. There were no pictures, save for an enormous painting above the fireplace, picturing a slightly younger Darius in formal clothing, sitting with two older women, clearly his mothers, by the look of it. Raine couldn’t help but notice how none of their smiles looked real. It was the same smile that Mrs. Vainglory was wearing now, absent eyes wandering through the room while her fingers tapped out an impatient beat, long fingernails clinking against her tea cup. It was only when a door on the upper floor fell shut that her eyes snapped back towards the big staircase. “Darius, finally. You look wonderful.” The words sounded practiced, repeated already a hundred times but Raine didn’t want to disagree.
Darius made an impressive picture as he descended down the stairs: polished white shoes and matching short cloves that barely glided over the railing, deep purple suit vest fitted perfectly to match his ascot and the shoulder cape brushing around his ankles. He looked every bit the man that he wanted to portrait, and Raine couldn’t help but congratulate Lilith in their mind (not that Eda wasn’t absolutely amazing but wow). “You look good.” “I know”, Darius smirked, “You don’t look half-bad yourself.” Raine grinned as Darius lightly nudged his side. “You should get going”, his mother’s eyes weren’t even on them anymore, “It would look rather bad if the Grom King came too late.” Darius’ jaw clenched almost unnoticeably and this time Raine managed to slip their fingers over his fist, tapping along his knuckles while Darius lead them outside. “You’ll do fine”, they tried to reassure while Darius called down Apoll. “I know, sometimes I just wish she-“, he interrupted himself with the shake of his head and simply waited for Raine to climb onto the staff behind him.
Raine was glad that they were somewhat shielded from the sharp wind as Darius raced through the sky. “I’m pretty sure we will still be on time.” Darius didn’t answer but Raine could feel them slowing down a bit. “I know you’re worried about the evening. Defeating Grom is…not an easy feat.” “It’s not the fight that I’m worried about”, Darius grumbled, “I am being trained in combat by one of the most powerful witches on the Boiling Isles. It’s Grom’s defense that I’m worried about. It shows you your greatest fear and…I’m not looking forwards to whatever that will be. Because I’m pretty sure that I shoved mine so far into my subconscious that I don’t even know what it is. There is no way for me to prepare.” That, Raine could understand. They always liked to have a full picture of the situation before rushing into it. Especially when performing in front of a crowd…
“I can’t look into your mind”, they broke the heavy silence, “but I could help with at least one of your fears. Vulnerability is a big part of this ordeal, is it not? That’s why Grom always comes out in a crowd, because no-one wants their deepest insecurities and fears laid open in front of their peers. But I might be able to help.” Darius didn’t answer but his ears twitched, telling Raine that he was still listening. “I could create a sort of sound barrier to muffle anything said. I’m fairly sure that most students are more interested in the fight anyway. But it could be another layer of protection, if you want.” They slowly started to lose height. “I don’t want you to strain yourself”, Darius’ voice was dark, he was considering the relief but Raine could hear the shame at the admittance at the same time. “You’re saving our school from an ancient evil. I can do this for a friend.” They just managed to nudge his shoulder with a soft smile before they landed and Darius slipped off his staff.
Nervously approaching the Clawthorne estate Raine pulled out their bouquet for Eda out of a protected pocket. Darius joined them quickly, Apoll on his shoulders and his own flower arrangement in hand.
Lilith hadn’t comprehended the last two pages of the story she was trying to read. She had hoped that a book might distract her but evidently, she had been wrong. Her sight wandered over to Eda, nestled in the other side of the bed and constantly smoothing over her dress. Her sister looked wonderful but even she had had a hard time dropping the nervous expression. Lilith got up with a sigh. “They should be here any minute now. Might as well get down already.” Eda threw her an uplifting smile that did little to calm Lilith’s nerves but she took her hand and followed her down the stairs after one last look in the mirror.
“Oh girls, you look so beautiful! And Lilith, you look so mature and regal!” Their mother was already close to tears, picture apparition at the ready. Lilith couldn’t help but smile a bit, arm swinging to flare out the mid-length cape attached to her shoulder. “Your dates must be so lucky to see you!” Eda grinned at the thought of impressing Raine and it would be sickeningly adorable if Lilith’s thoughts didn’t immediately drift to Darius. She doubted that he considered himself particularly lucky right now. But it would be fine, she told herself, he was more talented than she liked to admit sometimes. He would get through the fight and then they could all enjoy a completely relaxed and normal Grom night. Like usual.
A knocking at the door snapped her out of her thoughts. “That must be them!”, their mother rushed to open the door and there they were. Raine looked especially pretty, all decked out in a red-toned tuxedo-dress to fit Eda’s dress who immediately rushed forward to greet her partner while Lilith’s eyes were locked onto Darius. “I wasn’t aware you would be matching me”, he joked, his own cape swirling playfully. “Neither did I”, Lilith admitted, but their blue and purple did look quite beautiful together. “I was right”, Lilith looked up at the words, in her heels she could almost look him in the eyes without trouble, “the necklace does suit you.” Lilith blushed again- seriously? – and her hand subconsciously came up to stroke over the fine metal again. “Yes, thank you again”, Darius looked like he wanted to recline the thanks again but Lilith didn’t give him a change as she pulled an oval sphere out of her pants pocket, “I got you something as well.”
She uncurled her fingers carefully, displaying the glowing liquid swirling inside the ornament. “Artificial abomination. I know most Abomination wielders carry it as a basis for their advanced abomination shaping and as power enhancer. I figured tonight might be as good as any to start.” She watched in quiet joy as Darius carefully took the sphere, quickly fasting it to the knot of his ascot. “That’s the most common way to carry it, I think”, she kept explaining, “but in theory you can shape it however you want to suit your needs without constantly straining your own resources.” “It fits just fine”, Darius smiled down at her, “you have a good eye for these things, darling.” Lilith shoved him back, laughing softly, “Don’t you start with these nicknames again. My mom already thinks we’re dating.” Even though currently her eyes seemed to be glued to Eda and Raine, who were busy being blushing messes in the middle of their living room. “So these won’t do?” Darius held up a beautiful arrangement of abomination-colored flowers, yet when Lilith looked closer, they didn’t seem goopy but almost crystalline. “No, they’re perfect”, Lilith breathed out, once again realizing just how much care they had put into this evening. It couldn’t go wrong now.
An awful lot of almost-tears and pictures later the four of them found themselves on their way to Hexside, Raine sharing a staff with Eda now (not that they minded). “Did Raine talk to you?”, Lilith leaned over, once again grateful for the comfortable suit while Eda was left to figure out her dress-situation. “They did. Absolutely stupid of them…but then maybe I am too for agreeing.” “You’re not”, Lilith argued, “and neither are they. We would have all done it…Raine just happened to have the right techniques at hand. I hate to admit that my illusion magic is not as good as I would like it too be, otherwise I would have helped too. I can understand wanting to keep your privacy but of course I don’t want to accidentally give you an illusion. If you got hurt-“ “Hey”, Darius chimed in, “you said it yourself: We could all hold our ground against Grom. And I’m not about to disappoint that expectation.” Lilith felt her smile growing from his words and just for a moment she could almost think that he believed them too.
Raine and Eda seemed to be doing well enough behind them and Lilith tried to hold their joy and- relative- carelessness in her heart even when they landed in front of Hexside and made their way through the decorated halls and masses of waiting students. It didn’t help her much when they entered the dance hall and the pit opened below them, weapons lining the wall. This was not at all fine.
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floralguccistyles · 3 years
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nine: aliens, bigfoot, and nerds, oh my!
“Have you been eating, sweetheart? You’ve lost at least ten pounds since the last time I’ve seen you.”
My father rolled his eyes from over my mother’s shoulder as she pulled me into a big hug. Every time I saw my mother, she mentioned how skinny I was getting even though I was sure I had gained about five pounds since the last time I’d seen her. It was usually an excuse to come into my flat and make us a giant dinner, which I would never complain about. Her arms squeezed my shoulders as she released me, pulling back so she could look at my face.
“Pretty as ever, sweetheart.” 
“Eva, can I please hug our daughter hello now?”
I laughed as my mother made a big deal of moving out of the way so my father could hug me. His embrace was familiar, his arms the ones I ran to when the bullying in secondary school got too bad to handle on my own. He had wiped my tears away and said “you’re one of a kind, mija, and they’re jealous of that.” 
“Was the drive okay?” I asked them, pulling away from my father after he planted a quick kiss on my hairline. Their suitcases (the ones they had owned when they came to England) were decorated with vibrant stickers from Cuba. They were worn now, scratched at the corners, but their color had miraculously remained. 
“It was wonderful. It’s been so long since we’ve been to London, and now look at us! We’re here to celebrate our daughter’s book!”
Inviting them to the book release party had been a last minute decision, but I found myself happy that I had. Though I knew they were proud of me, I also knew that they didn’t really understand a lot of the fandom stuff I had discussed in several chapters. They would read it to support me, of that I was sure, but I was uncertain about if they’d actually enjoy it. 
“You probably won’t understand a lot of it, Mum.”
“You don’t know that. Your father and I have been watching that Doctor show...what’s it called, Roberto?”
“I don’t know, Eva. I fall asleep when it’s on.”
“It’s called Doctor Who, Mum,” I snorted out, biting back a bigger laugh. 
“Whatever it’s called, we’ve been watching it. And we were alive when Star Wars came out, you know. I was there for the Darth Vader reveal and everything. Mamá took me to the theater and got me an extra large popcorn.”
I liked hearing little stories like that. It was almost too easy to picture my mum, sitting there in a little theater in Cuba when the true identity of Darth Vader was revealed. My grandmother had probably grasped her chest with her hand and shouted “¡Dios mío!” at the top of her lungs. If I eventually travelled to Cuba, if the movie theater was still there, I decided I would visit it.
The three of us piled into the Uber I had called for us, which wasn’t hard because their suitcases were so small. On the way to my flat, my parents regaled stories about their drive to London and how she was upset my dad wouldn’t let her listen to Dua Lipa on the radio because “that Dua Lipa girl was very talented, Petra.” We made it back to my flat with only three arguments broken out between them.
“You guys are staying in my room and I’m camping out on the couch,” I informed them, helping my mum to carry her suitcase in. “Sorry it’s so cramped. It’s perfect for me, but unfortunately having guests is a little difficult.”
“We could have stayed in a hotel, baby,” My father commented.
“I’m not going to make my parents pay for a hotel room. I can sleep on the couch for one night and survive, Dad.” They had been to my flat before, but I still showed them where the extra towels and soap was in the bathroom. “The party’s at seven tonight, and dinner will be served. I’ve got to go a little earlier, but I’m just a text away if you need anything.”
“My baby,” my mum said, her eyes glistening, “we are so proud of you!”
I found myself enveloped in another tight hug, this time joined by my father. The lump in my throat grew when I thought of their praise. Too often, I had taken their support for granted. “I love you both.”
“We love you, mija.”
A sudden knock on my door had us pulling apart. “Were you expecting anyone, baby?” my mum asked, going to the front foyer and looking out the foggy windows. “It’s a boy, Roberto!”
I moved around my frozen parents to answer the door, swinging it open and greeting Harry Styles’s smiling face with a blank look. I had no idea what Harry was doing here, but he really had very impeccable timing. 
And by impeccable, I meant shit. 
“Morning! I was thinking about grabbing something to eat at a little bistro around here and thought I’d come by and see what you were up to today. Wanna join?”
Speech wouldn’t come. I felt the stares of my parents behind me, still hidden from Harry’s view, and how they would squeal and gush when they found out I was on somewhat good terms with Harry Styles, something they’d been trying to get me to do for years. “Harry—”
“Harry?” My mum’s voice asked loudly from where she was standing. She marched up behind me and swung the door open a little wider so he could clearly see her. “Oh my goodness! Harry Styles! Petra, it’s Harry Styles!”
“I know who he is, Mum,” I whispered in an embarrassed voice.
“Last time I saw you, you were about four feet tall,” My mother cooed, stepping forward. Before Harry could react, she had him in a tight hug, wrapping her arms around his body. “Petra didn’t tell me you were friends again!”
I bit down the urge to argue that we were never friends, but my mother wouldn’t listen. She never had when it had come to my bullies at school. “Just give them a chance to change, Petra,” she had told me when I would bury my face in her shoulder and cry that I didn’t want to go to school.
“Hi, Mrs. Gallego. I didn’t know you guys were coming to town. Sorry for intruding on family day. I was just coming down to this part of town to grab some lunch and wanted to see if Petra could come. No worries, though. I don’t want to take away—”
“Nonsense!” My father cut in, reaching out his hand for Harry to shake. “Nice to see you again, Harry. Feel free to take Petra to lunch. We’re probably going to nap a little before her release party tonight. The drive was long.”
“Release party?” Harry asked, glancing back and forth between my parents and me.
I awkwardly scratched the side of my head. “My, er, book is being released tonight.” 
“What? Petra, that’s amazing!” His smile seemed genuine enough, but all I wanted was to shut the door and rewind the last five minutes. I never would have answered the door in front of my parents if I had known it was going to be Harry on the other side. “If you, um, want to go...it can be a celebratory lunch. And obviously you all are invited, Mr. and Mrs. Gallego.”
“Oh, Harry, we’d love to come, wouldn’t we, Petra?”
My eyes moved between Harry’s cautiously hopeful face and my parents, who were already grabbing my mum’s purse and getting ready to leave. In their eyes, I had already agreed. “Sure,” I said uncomfortably. “That’s fine. Let me just call an Uber for us and we’ll follow behind you.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, Petra. We can call an Uber and you can go with Harry.”
There was no arguing with Eva Gallego when she set her mind to something, so I just nodded. “Okay. Er...I guess that settles that.”
We awkwardly stood around in my foyer until my mum cleared her throat. “Petra, darling, aren’t you going to invite Harry in while we wait for our ride?”
“Right. Come on in, Harry.”
His gaze locked on mine, expression questioning. I knew he felt the tension that was creeping up inside me with having him in the same room as my parents, but I didn’t want to get into it. Not when I knew it would ruin my night. The morning had already started off with self-destructive behavior as I looked back at some of the tweets about my day out with Harry from February. I had never been as aware of my appearance as I was in that moment, scrolling through absolute strangers saying the worst things. I had an extra appointment with Doctor Thorne this week to make up for it.
“How long have you and Petra been hanging out again?” My mum asked as we all sat in my living room. 
“A couple of months. She contacted me in January about being on the show. It was an amazing experience.”
“I just love listening to Petra’s podcast,” my father said happily, reaching over and patting my knee. “I have no clue what she’s talking about half the time, but she sounds damn smart saying it.”
“She’s incredibly smart,” Harry agreed, and I ignored the urge to bang my head on the coffee table. I didn’t want him agreeing with my parents about my intelligence. We weren’t really that good of friends, if I even considered us friends yet. I had admitted to myself that Harry had definitely changed for the better, but that didn’t mean the past hurt went away.
“I almost forgot, mija! Your grandma sent you Materva. She said you wrote her an email about it.”
Normally, I would be jumping for joy. The first and only time my grandmother had visited from Cuba, she had brought Materva with her and it had become my favorite drink. With Harry here, however, I felt uncomfortable and self-conscious. I squirmed a little in my seat.
“That was nice of her. I’ll email her and tell her thank you. Want me to put it in the fridge?”
My father went off to my room to grab the Materva and Harry raised a quizzical eyebrow. “What is Moterva?”
“Materva,” my mum corrected with a smile. “It’s a soda.”
“And it’s delicious. Remind Petra to let you try some later,” my father said, returning with a set of six cans. “She sent us more, but we’re selfish and kept the rest of it at home for us.”
He stocked them in my fridge and pulled out his phone when he heard the small chime. “Our Uber is here. We’ll see you two at the restaurant.”
I made sure they made it into their car okay before I hesitantly pulled open the door of Harry’s. We both got ourselves situated, clicking our seatbelts into place. 
He didn’t start the car.
“I didn’t know your parents would be here,” he said, offering me an apologetic smile. “I could tell it...it made you uncomfortable.”
“I’m just not used to this.” I gestured back and forth between us with my hand. “And my parents...they mean well, but when I was in secondary school and coming home to them crying, they told me to try and make friends with you guys. They didn’t really understand how hard that would have been. They think I should let bygones be bygones and I want to...but I don’t know if I can just yet.”
“I completely understand.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. “Can I ask you something a little personal?”
“I don’t know if I’ll answer.” Honesty seemed to be the best approach with Harry.
“Why do you seem so embarrassed when your Cuban heritage is mentioned around me? When your dad brought out the soda, it looks like you were going to stab yourself with a fork.”
Go back to where you came from, Gallego. Nathan Penrose’s voice filtered through my thoughts. To them, I wasn’t English enough for England. But it was almost worse to feel that I wasn’t Cuban enough for Cuba.
“It’s about what that prick Nathan said when we were younger, right?” he asked softly, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel remembering it. “I so wish I would have punched him in the face.”
“It’s not just Nathan. That’s a big part of it, but it’s not just you I feel uncomfortable talking about it with.”
“Okay. You don’t have to talk about it, but...just know you can, if you ever want to. I’m serious about trying to be friends, Petra.”
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, with some pop song playing lowly over the speakers. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, per se, but it made me wriggle around in my seat and wish I was sitting at the restaurant already. I wasn’t used to silences with Harry not trying to fill the space with his random thoughts. I appreciated that he was letting me just sit and absorb the moments, but it was also unnerving.
We pulled up to the little bistro right after my parents, who had already decided to get a table for us. Harry walked around to the other side of his car and opened the door for me, holding out his hand to help me out. My parents waved us over from their table outside, pulling out our chairs. I was seated between Harry and my mum, across from my father. It meant that I caught the sly looks they gave me whenever Harry was engrossed with his menu.
“What’s good here, Harry?” My mum asked after a couple moments of looking.
“I like their vegan buffalo wings and macaroni.”
“You’re vegan?” I asked in surprise, raising a brow at him.
“No, but I eat plant based meat when I can. And most places make their vegan wings with cauliflower, which hurts my stomach. This place makes them with mushrooms.”
“Petra loves mushrooms. You should try them, sweetheart.”
I set my menu down without really looking at it. “I’m getting a bagel and their cucumber and edamame salad.” Since both of my parents loved cucumbers, I knew I would be sharing at least a few bites with them. It was normal for us to sample each other’s meals. “What are you getting, Mum?”
“Maybe the chicken breast and mashed potato lunch special. Your father, predictable as ever, is getting a burger.”
My dad shrugged. “Don’t fix what isn’t broken.”
The waitress eyed Harry a little longer than necessary when she came to take our orders, but eventually left. I could tell he would be getting asked to take a picture before he left, despite how unprofessional that was. Then I thought about if it had been Hayden Christensen if I had been the waitress and understood what the fuss was about. 
“So, Harry,” my mum said after a long sip of her lemonade, which I knew meant she was going to ask a lot of questions, “what have you been doing now that you’re solo? I ran into your Mum when she was visiting home for a couple of weeks and she showed me one of your music videos. You’re very talented!”
I’d never seen Harry Styles blush, but I noticed a faint twinge of pink on his cheeks. “Thank you, Mrs. Gallego. I’m writing some more music right now, but I’m not sure when the next album will be out.”
“We just love listening to your first album. We listen to your group stuff too,” Mum commented, tapping her nails on her wrist. “Petra has a wonderful singing voice, did you know?”
Before Harry could question the statement, my father and I both snorted. “No, she doesn’t, Eva. No offense, mija.”
“None taken. I sound like a dying animal. Mum, I hate to tell you this, but the last time I sang, you were very intoxicated and would have thought our next door neighbor’s cat was Shakira.”
“Petra’s good at other things, though. She’s awesome on Alien Crossing. And I’m sure her book is going to be fantastic,” Harry supplied helpfully. 
“Has she invited you to the party tonight? I know her other friends are coming. Jeremiah, Veronica, and Melody?”
I shifted in my seat. Harry looked pained, like he didn’t want to say anything that would hurt my mum’s feelings. I hadn’t invited him to the book release party because this book was mine, something untainted by the memories of secondary school. Talking about my nerd stuff on AC was one thing, but publishing them on paper was another. “Mum…” I trailed off.
“He could come with us! Are you going to buy a copy of the book, Harry?” 
“Mum, he’s not going to buy—”
“Yeah, actually. I preordered it on my phone. And I was going to buy a hard copy, as well.”
Harry’s words had my mouth closing in surprise. I blinked over at him, at his secretive little smile when he raised his soda up to his lips and took a sip. “You preordered it?” I whispered, my throat thick with some emotion I couldn’t identify. “You’re not gonna understand it all.”
“Well, I’ll understand the Lord of the Rings bits now. And anything unfamiliar I come across, I’ll just make a note to watch or read it.”
This action felt more significant than anything that had happened in our hesitant friendship thus far. Even though he had introduced me to John Williams and had brought me a plant, this was the thing that felt essential. I felt like the Grinch in that moment, my heart growing a size bigger and allowing room for hesitant optimism to sink in. Maybe Harry Styles and I actually could be friends. 
Which was why when my mum suggested him coming another time, I shyly looked over at him and said, “Of course you can come if you’d like. I’ll text you the details.”
My publisher had rented out the Aldgate Library at my college for the release.
It felt weird stepping back into the library, stumbling a little in my black heels when I accidentally grazed a rock on the sidewalk right outside. The last time I had been here, I had my hair in a messy ponytail and was in tears at midnight trying to study for my last finals of my university career. Now, I was publishing a book. It felt surreal.
I smoothed down the skirt of my red dress, trying my best not to chew on my lip. Veronica had meticulously spread some kind of red lip stain on it that was supposed to be long lasting, but I didn’t trust it’s longevity against my teeth nervously biting at it. Plus, I knew pictures would be taken tonight and the last thing I needed was to have lipstick on my teeth. 
“Petra!” My publisher said, walking out of Aldgate in a tailored suit. She was also wearing a little badge that had “Aimee Metcalfe, Dorrance Publishing” printed right underneath a fantastic photo of her. I found myself jealous. My ID photos never came out that great. “What’re you doing standing outside? Come in, you numpty!”
I gave Aimee a quick salute and followed her inside, trying to keep up with her. As familiar as she was walking in heels, it was a new skill set to me entirely. She led me through the front of Aldgate and back into one of the large common area study rooms, which had been transformed for the launch. There was a giant banner hung up on the far left side, with #Aliens #Bigfoot #Nerds printed over it in sparkling letters. In front of the banner was a table decorated with cupcakes and cake pops, each the same color blue as my book cover, which featured a picture of myself that I hated but Aimee had insisted the readers would love. Jeremiah and Zach were shoving their faces with one of the cake pops, while Veronica looked on in disgust. Bailey was chatting with Melody by the photo booth that Aimee had suggested, which when printed, would frame the pictures in the same hashtags the banner provided.
My parents were crying in the corner of the room.
I went to them first, holding out my arms. My mum immediately let out a wail, pulling me into an embrace. “This is supposed to be a happy day, Mum.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for you, sweetheart. You have worked so hard. And you look beautiful.” She pulled back to examine my dress and makeup, pressing her hand to her mouth when she did. “Such a beautiful young woman, inside and out. Oh, how did we get so lucky, Roberto?”
My dad smiled at me. “Proud doesn’t even cover it, mija. Your mum has demanded she be first in the book signing line.”
“Oh, I did not, Roberto!”
“Petra,” Aimee said, interrupting our conversation. She introduced herself to my parents and then led me over to the podium. “You’re going to do the reading, and then Terri and I put together a fun little trivia game about some of the fandoms in the book. Whoever wins that will get a free signed copy. Afterwards, you’re on book signing duty. We’ve got about twelve hundred Sharpies lined up for you. Questions?”
My head was spinning with all the information, but I found myself growing excited. This was something I had put blood, sweat, and tears into. And I was finally getting to share it with the people who meant the most to me. “None so far. I’ll flag you down if any come up.”
“Good. Oh,” she said, reaching into her bag, “keep this close. This is your best friend when you’re up there reading and when you’re signing books.”
She handed me a water bottle with room temperature water, which was apparently better for the vocal cords. Then she was pushing me towards the podium and I hid the water bottle on the hidden shelf on my side. My book was sitting there, my own face staring back at me.
When I looked into the sea of people, I saw my friends giving me encouraging looks and my parents crying happily, my mother now with a tissue from the dessert bar that she pressed underneath her eyes every five seconds. The rest of the people in the room were people who were avid listeners of AC, the ones who sent in messages for me to read. I noticed Daisy Callahan sitting at one of the tables, shooting looks over to Jeremiah and smiling like a smitten school girl. I made a mental note to ask Jeremiah if they were officially together after the reading.
And then, there was Harry Styles.
It looked like he had just come in, dressed in a nice suit in a dark red color. I was so used to seeing him in bright neons when he was dressed up that the muted burgundy almost faded into the background. However, he was still Harry Styles and it was hard for Harry to do anything but stand out. He was fidgeting with his suit jacket, messing around with the collar of it before he looked up and caught my eye.
I wondered what he saw, looking at me standing up on the podium. I knew what my friends and family saw; they saw me finally getting one of my big wishes to come true. But what did Harry Styles, who already got his dream, see? 
I didn’t have time to think about it, because Aimee was gesturing for me to start the reading. She was helping usher people to their seats, and I felt the weight of more than just Harry’s eyes on me.
“Good evening everyone,” I said into the small microphone attached in front of me. “Thank you all for coming. This is the culmination of blood, sweat, tears, and other bodily substances I won’t mention. I can’t wait to share it with you. This reading comes from chapter seven, in which I discuss why Game of Thrones actually became so popular and how I think the last season is going to go, amongst other things.”
Jeremiah let out an embarrassing whooping sound and I rolled my eyes. 
Then, I read.
If I had expected to be embarrassed standing there in front of a crowd, reading the words I had written, I was wrong. Instead of feeling down, like I had so many times before when I discussed the things I loved, I felt powerful. Because yeah, Nathan Penrose could be a racist asshole all he wanted, and his friends could drop all my books in the puddle. But I had done it. I had written my book, I had a kickass podcast that introduced me to my best friends, and I was filled with an uncharacteristic pride.
So I went along with it. It’s what Doctor Thorne would have wanted. But more importantly, it was what I wanted.
Aimee had been a lifesaver with the water, as I found myself finishing up my excerpt and drinking nearly all of it during the applause. “Thank you,” I said after I had capped the bottle and set it back where I had it hidden. “Thank you to Aimee Metcalfe, my knight in shining armor through this process. Thank you to Terri Patterson, who spent night and day editing. Thank you to everyone at Dorrance Publishing who put up with trying to get copyright issues taken care of because I wrote about some of the biggest money shark companies in here,” I paused for the light laughter that trickled through the room. “But most importantly, thank you to my friends and family and everyone who supported me through this. It means the world. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.”
There was a small table with stacks and stacks of my book. I didn’t think I’d ever seen that many pictures of me in one place before, including my parents’ house. Aimee started up the trivia game, and I heard the first question asked about what the aliens that destroyed New York in the first Avengers movie was called while I took my seat at the table.
“The book is awesome.” I heard from my left. I turned, seeing Harry standing beside the table, leaning against a pillar. “I could tell you love it when you were reading.”
“It’s a little overwhelming to see it all finished,” I said, awkwardly gesturing to the pile of books in front of me. 
“Would you ever want to write fiction?”
I shrugged. “I’m not sure. For now, no. I might change my mind later.” He nodded, fixing his suit jacket again like he had been earlier. “I didn’t expect you to come,” I said after a few moments.
His eyes crinkled and his head tilted to the side, like he was confused. “Why? You invited me and this is important to you. I wouldn’t miss it.”
“It wasn’t hard...with the paps or anything?”
His jaw set and told me everything I needed to know. “I’ve got someone on security here tonight, just in case. I’m not gonna let anything ruin your big night, including paps. There was someone who recognized my car, but I don’t think anyone else is coming.” He unclenched his jaw and looked down at me. A softer look took over his face. “You look gorgeous. That color reminds me of the dress you wore to prom.”
I blinked. “You didn’t talk to me at prom.”
In fact, I had spent most of prom standing in the corner, nursing the lemonade I had gotten myself. Nathan Penrose had spiked it, but not before I had gotten myself a cup. I had saved up all my money for the pretty red spaghetti strap dress, but looking back it was a useless purchase. I didn’t have fun and was home drinking tea and watching Legally Blonde by midnight.
Harry gave me a small smile. “No, but I saw you. I remembered thinking you looked so beautiful and how I was an idiot for how I’d treated you.”
“You did not,” I argued, rolling my eyes at his statement. “You were thinking of your audition and what song you were going to sing. I wasn’t even a blip on your radar.”
He shrugged, bringing his own water up to his lips. “Think what you think. Doesn’t change the fact you looked gorgeous— then and now.”
I fiddled with one of the books in front of me. I didn’t know how to take his compliment. It was something I’d always been bad at, but especially when it came to Harry. Part of me wanted so badly to believe he was telling the truth; he had seen me at prom and thought I looked pretty and was looking at me now and seeing the same thing. The other part of me was hardened and cold, telling myself not to fall for it.
In the end I just decided to ignore his comment. If I didn’t acknowledge it, then I didn’t have to dissect my feelings on it.
“I’ve got to take off. I’m sorry I can’t stay long. I’m flying out to Los Angeles tonight for some meetings. But I wanted to be here.” He held up one of my books and set it in front of me. “Last time I asked, you said you wouldn’t sign it.”
“Wipe that cheeky grin off your face. Of course I’ll sign it.” He slipped a fifty pound note onto the table (more than double what he actually had to pay for the book) and opened up the title page.
The blank page stared at me. There were so many things I could write. Aimee advised me just to sign my name, but that felt too impersonal for Harry. Uncapping the pen, I held down the page with my other hand to keep it steady.
Live long and prosper, my young padawan.
Petra Gallego
He grinned when I handed it back to him. “I’m reading this on my flight to LA.”
“Might put you to sleep.”
“I don’t think it could,” he argued, tucking it under his arm. “Think I could...um...text you while I’m there?”
“I can’t control what you do or don’t do, Harry.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to give you the choice.”
The choice to talk to him. It was something I didn’t have in secondary school, but I realized a small part of me acknowledged that it was something I didn’t have now, either. There was something in me that wanted to see where this friendship with Harry went and if we could make it work.
“Yeah, Harry. You can text me when you’re in LA.”
Which was how I woke up the next morning, with a message reading: Made it to LA. Didn’t stop reading once. And despite what you may think, I didn’t fall asleep either.
A/N: Here is the next installment of AC! I hope you guys liked reading as much as I loved writing. I’m just so happy for Petra!
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charlieiscoping · 3 years
bakugou x reader (non-binary) // bakugou or midoriya?
you’re midoriya’s best friend. that is why you absolutely hate that you’ve had the biggest crush on his bully, bakugou. fucking katsuki bakugou. while you can take his usual comments and advances towards midoriya, today was different. you learn a secret that leads to your biggest decision yet.
content warning: arguing
you sit in class in your usual spot behind midoriya. you two are just chatting and skimming through his notebooks filled with details upon details of every hero and villain that you can name. 
you glance at the door, expecting aizawa to walk through to start class. your heart stops for a second as you meet those red eyes. the usual angry look is plastered on bakugou’s face. hands in pockets, shirt slightly untucked, he walks into class. there’s one chair left available, and of course it is the one right next to you. bakugou starts walking towards you; three rows away, two, one, and finally he turns to walk down yours. 
you poke midoriya to get his attention before the teasing begins. midoriya looks up at you, then looks at bakugou, and sighs. 
“what are you looking at nerd?” you hear him ask. as bakugou reaches midoriya’s desk, he slams one hand on the open notebook. “you taking more notes nerd? if you can’t be strong like me, then you have to have the brains like me huh?” he leans down till he’s inches away from midoriya. you start to lean forward to try and stop bakugou from making it worse but a gentle hand stops you.
bakugou laughs, “it doesn’t matter anyways, if you and i went one on one, i would still win.” bakugou’s eyes turn towards you and meet yours. your face begins to flush and you shift in your seat.
“oh shut up bakugou” you say, “there’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are are about to go up against. besides, you’re just jealous that he didn’t need to just make a big explosion to get into this school.” you instantly regret saying that the minute bakugou stands up and takes a step towards you.
“kacchan leave them alone!” midoriya stands up and faces bakugou, making him stop where he stands.
“oh calm down love bird” this comment makes you blush again, “i’m not going to hurt them” bakugou places one hand on your desk and faces you once more, “but you if you ever think that you can make comments like that again, i might just change my mind on hurting you. we all know that i am one of the top preforming students in this room. besides, didn’t you rank 15/21 on the last written test?”
now you really are blushing. what he said was true, and it hurt. 
“back off kacchan.” states midoriya.
kirishima gets up and places a hand on bakugou’s shoulder, “come on bakugou, sit down before aizawa comes in.”
bakugou stares at you for a few more seconds. his hand on your desk relaxes and his pointer finger starts to tap. he get’s up and turns to face kirishima. while doing so, his hand grazes your shoulder sending shivers down your back. 
at that moment, aizawa steps into the room. his sunken eyes scan the room, “take your seats everyone, today we are going over interview etiquette.” bakugou sits down next you and you finally exhale. you cannot understand how midoriya is able to handle bakugou’s comments. then again, they seem to hurt more now than they did before. i guess that is what having a crush does to someone.
during class, you can’t help but feel as is bakugou’s eyes are on you often. you brush it off as a form of intimidation and focus on what aizawa says.
“okay class, go to lunch. once you come back, you will be paired up with the person sitting next to you to practice giving and taking interviews. please don’t be late.” and with that, aizawa grabs his sleeping bag and gets bundled up.
everyone is standing up and rushing out the door, yet you can’t seem to move. the person sitting next to you? you turn and meet bakugou’s gaze. neither of you say anything as he stands up and walks out with kirishima and denki.
“hey [y/n], are you coming?” you turn your head to face midoriya standing by your desk. you snap back into to reality and stand up.
“yes, sorry, just lost in thought.” you say. grabbing your stuff, you start to head towards the door. 
once you’re in the hallway, midoriya says, “i’m sorry you have to be paired with bakugou. tell me if he does anything stupid and i will talk to him!”
you chuckle, “it’s okay. i can handle myself.”
and with that, you two go eat lunch without touching the subject again.
once you are back in the classroom, you two sit down laughing and chatting about what you two did over the weekend.
bakugou is the last person in the classroom again. your smile fades as he enters the room and takes his seat.
“okay class, as i said, you are paired with the person sitting next to you. and before you ask, yes kirishima you can join denki and sero as the only group of three.” all three of them burst out laughing in excitement. 
“i trust you guys to go find a quiet spot on campus to run these mock interviews. you have the notes, you have the questions, now go.” aizawa says before once again slipping into his sleeping bag.
everyone gets up with their pairs and start heading towards the door. midoriya gives you a sympathetic smile before leaving with uraraka.
“come on already. i want to get this over with.” bakugou says as he stands up and starts walking away without you. you sigh, and follow suite. 
you guys find an empty classroom and enter. your heart is pacing now as your thoughts swirl with possibilities of what could happen during this interview. bakugou sits on top of a desk facing towards you. you are unable to move as the thought of being close to him scares you.
“listen, before we begin,” he starts saying, “i want to apologize for my comment on your ranking on the last test.” is he apologizing?
“what? are you- did you just apol-” you start to stutter and a chuckle leaves your lips. it’s quickly cut off by the glare he shoots you.
“yes i am apologizing. can you just accept it? there’s a reason i don’t usually apologize.” he crosses his arms against his chest and you feel a ping of guilt. 
you nod, “i accept it.” you two sit in silence for a couple of seconds longer. “will you ever apologize to midoriya?” you ask.
bakugou scoffs, “of course not.”
“and why not?” you start to get irritated. 
“he doesn’t deserve one! he has to do so much to be where he is, and he suddenly gets this overly strong quirk, so people just love him? what about those of us who are just naturally smart and strong? i’m better than him!” he starts to become angry and you regret bringing midoriya up. 
“but like you said, you’re one of the best preforming in our class. what does he have that you aren’t already better at?” you gain the courage to take a step closer to him. you have always been protective of midoriya, especially with bakugou.
bakugou looks at you without saying anything. he then shakes his head and turns away, “none of your business. can we just start on this stupid interview?” you can hear a slight defensive tone in his voice. 
“no. tell me what he has that you don’t already have. you have your whole squad, you always rank in the top 3 on tests, you are physically one of the strongest in the class-”
“he has you!” he yells, slamming both hands on the desk. you stop moving, you stop talking, you stop breathing. 
“yeah, you heard me. what are you? deaf? do you need me to say it again?” but before you truly know what you’re doing, you walk over to him, grab his face, and kiss him. you are currently up against the desk, your body is in between his legs with your arms raised up to hold him. you feel an initial pull of him backing away but not even a second later he leans in and wraps his arms around the small of your back. he scoots to the edge of the desk so your chest is pressed against his torso and he kisses you harder.
one of your hands finds its way up to his blonde locks and the other finds its way down to his chest. you both sit/stand there kissing for a couple more seconds. finally he pulls away.
“[y/n], we really need to-” at that moment the door opens behind you. midoriya is now standing in the doorway looking at his childhood bully and best friend pressed against each other.
“[y/n].. kacchan.. what are you-” he starts to run towards you two, “get off of them kachhan! you bastard!” before he reaches you, you are shoved away by bakugou who is now standing.
“bastard?! deku you’re the bastard!” bakugou raises his fist, sparks start to come off of his hands.
“bakugou! stop!” you rush in between the two and face midoriya. “stop! let’s talk this out!”
midoriya stops in front of you, his face twisted in anger and confusion. bakugou steps behind you so you two are only an inch away from each other.
“what are you doing here midoriya?” you ask.
“uraraka had to leave suddenly so i came to join you two. clearly you guys are a little preoccupied. how long has this been happening, huh?” he looks at you, tears swelling in his eyes, “i have been trying for years... YEARS... to get that idiot” he points at bakugou, “to like me. what do i get in return? insults and bullying and a- a- a brick wall!” you wince, “and i always went to you on the rough nights. you have always been there to tell me to not let it get to me! and why? so you could.. could screw him behind my back?!” you feel a tear slip down. 
“i-we- this-”
“this was the first time anything has happened you idiot” bakugou says, stepping beside you, “i haven’t done anything sooner for your stupid ass.” anger starts to raise in his voice. you step back, your emotions starting to overcome you.
“for me?! so you’re telling me that you have liked them and you held back for me?! oh how wonderful! it’s not like you could have been nice to me and then you two can do all kissing you want!” 
“guys.. please... stop. i’m sorry midoriya. i don’t know what came over me, bakugou just apologized and admitted his feelings-”
“so you threw yourself onto him, huh?”
“hey! don’t you dare say anything bad towards them.” bakugou takes another step towards midoriya.
“they’re my best friend! not yours! you can’t take the one thing i have!” midoriya stares straight back into bakugou’s eyes. things start to get tense.
“do i not get a say in this?” you spit out.
they both turn towards you, one pair eyes stare at you with hurt, the other anger. 
“fine.” they both say, backing off.
“listen, midoriya, i promise this is the first time him and i have even really touched. i’ve liked him for months but did nothing because he hurts you.” bakugou winces at this, “and bakugou, i like you, but this was a one time thing if you can’t be nice to midoriya.” tears are slipping down your cheeks.
bakugou loosens up and faces midoriya, “fine. i’ll follow that as long as you let me take them on a date, idiot.” you scoff, but midoriya just turns to face him.
“so, mr. king explosion murder, how does it feel to know that you have done the ultimate injury to your childhood friend?” both bakugou and you stand there in confusion.
“what are you saying?” you ask.
“i’ll get to you next, but first, i’m interviewing mr. king explosion murder over here.” midoriya says, a small smirk creeps in the corner of his mouth as a tear slips down his cheek.
bakugou lets out a sigh, “you have got to be kidding me.”
“now that’s isn’t an answer, or proper interview etiquette.” midoriya says. you can’t help but let a chuckle out. 
you take a step closer to the two. first you give midoriya a hug before turning to bakugou. your heart beats quickens for better reasons. 
“well, sir, are you going to answer the question?” a smile spreads across your face. both you and midoriya let out a laugh.
bakugou raises an eyebrow and gives you an annoyed look. you playfully push his shoulder, receiving an eye roll in return. before your hand reaches your side, it is met by bakugou’s hand. you don’t pull away, and your fingers intertwine. you can feel midoriya looking at you, but he says nothing. you know he’s hurt, but he’s always put your feelings into consideration. there will be a lot of talking to do after this, but for now, it’s okay. you face bakugou as he starts to speak.
“well, it actually feels....”
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12tardis · 4 years
Love Language.  (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: brief mentions of bullying Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader 
Summary: Newt notices your love for sunflowers during your early years at Hogwarts and he’ll do anything to see you smile. Tooth-rotting fluff and some jealous, pining and protective Newt. 
Authors note: This random idea popped into my head when I should have been doing my uni readings. I hope you like it! Please send me any ideas/requests that you have. I NEED inspo. 
Words: 5,272
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 Newt had been hopelessly in love with you since second year and one of his favourite things that never failed to set his heart aflutter was watching you in Herbology lessons. You were always so excited and happy when you would listen to Professor Robson talk about all the different magical plants. This lesson was no different in that respect, you were still eagerly hanging off the Professors words, but Newt kept catching you glancing at the sunflowers that had recently been planted by the Greenhouse.
He’d seen you admiring the flowers from afar for the last couple of weeks actually, since the very day they’d bloomed and he savoured the look of awe on your face and the small imperceptible smile you would wear every time you saw them. You were walking across the grounds together, headed for Potions class and Newt saw the way your eyes drifted back to the flowers as he told you about the most recent shenanigans in the Scamander household.
Of course, you would be most enthralled by a simple muggle flower instead of all the stunning magical flowers the castle had to offer. He was pretty certain they had only planted said flowers for the nurses to use in the medical ward.
The flowers didn’t cross his mind again until he walked into the Hufflepuff common room several weeks later. He smiled when he saw you sat in your favourite spot, curled up underneath a canopy of hanging plants. “Hey! I didn’t see you at lunch. Have you been hiding?”, he grinned at you, flopping down beside you and nudging you. Newt knew something was bothering you immediately when he noticed the way you flinched slightly at his presence and glanced at him, barely meeting his eye before you quickly looked back at your book. “Oh hey, Newt. How was your day?” you murmured quietly, and Newt then noticed the dark circles under your eyes.
The way you had shied away from him must have been what he looked like to everyone else, including you when you had first met. He had initially been skittish around you but you had quickly broken down his barriers and were now the only person, other than his family that he could maintain eye contact with without becoming a nervous wreck. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”, Newt asked as he gently touched your arm, looking at you in concern. You tensed in response and considered lying to him briefly, but Newt knew you too well and there was no real reason for you to lie to your best friend.
Newt saw you hesitating, so he sunk down in the chair beside you a bit awkwardly, in an attempt to get you to meet his eye. “It’s...it’s nothing. It’s stupid,” you muttered, looking back at him and letting out a sigh when you saw he was looking at you with nothing but patience and concern in his eyes. Newt was the kindest person you’d ever met and you knew he would never judge you or ridicule you for your feelings. “I just couldn’t sleep last night because...because-I-kept-having-nightmares-about-the-night-my-mother-died”, you said in a rush but you knew Newt had heard you clear as day judging from the breath he let out in response.
You stared down at your lap blankly and let out noise of surprise when Newt suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him after a minute or two. And if he noticed a few tears spill from your eyes he didn’t say a thing. “Anything that upsets you isn’t stupid, Y/N. Your feelings matter. You taught me that. You don’t ever have to suffer alone because you have me and I’m always here for you.” Newt said firmly as he focused all his energy on making you feel safe and cared for.
He stayed by your side all evening, only leaving momentarily to fetch you both some dinner before he returned to your side, keeping you company. His side was pressed against yours when you were both curled up by the fire and he would be lying if he said he didn’t cherish the contact. You perked up a little as the hours wore on, but he could see you were still a little crestfallen and scared to sleep when you headed off to bed that evening.
Newt watched on with a small smile of pride the next day when he saw the way your eyes lit up at the sight of the single sunflower that was sat against the tree where the two of you had decided to sit and study. You clutched the flower in your hands and smiled back at Newt and he merely raised his eyebrows with a hum. “What an odd thing to leave behind,” he murmured as he sat down, leaning against the tree and thinking the scolding he’d received from Professor Robson that morning when she’d caught him cutting the flower was well worth it just to see you smile again.
 -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     
 Almost exactly three years later when you were both sixth years Newt was feeling rather bitter and sorry for himself as he watched the one and only Gryffindor seeker Zachary Lindensbaum bragging to his friends about the hot date he had upcoming that weekend with none other than you, the love of his life.
Newt had been sat right beside you the day before at breakfast as you opened the letter from Zachary of his hideous hasty scrawl asking you if you would accompany him on a date to Hogsmead. Newt had nearly scoffed when he saw the handwriting, rolling his eyes because he would never write you something so careless but his thoughts were interrupted when he saw the deep blush that suddenly covered your cheeks and Newt could have sworn he felt his heart give out.
He watched you as you flipped your hair over your shoulder and glanced back at the Gryffindor boy in question, smiling bashfully at him with a small wave and he honestly thought he was going to throw up his half-eaten breakfast.
She can’t possibly like a guy like that
She is so far out of his league it’s ridiculous
Newt balled his hands into fists and all he could hear was his heart pounding in his ears when Zachary was suddenly at your side, shoving himself between yourself and Newt, already trying to charm your pants off. Newt excused himself from the hall quickly, not looking back at you as he fled the room, knowing he needed to remove himself from the situation before he did something to upset you.
Is this what heart break feels like?
He avoided you the next few days because it made his chest physically hurt to see you. Avoiding you was easy enough since Zachary seemed to be plastered at your side now, even at break times which had always traditionally been your time together.
Newt had never considered himself a jealous person before. Protective yes, he’d learnt about that particular characteristic the first time he’d seen you cry but the hot coil of jealousy that grew in the pit of his stomach at seeing Zachary push a strand of your hair back from your face was a foreign feeling to him. He suddenly found himself thinking violent thoughts for the first time in his life and oh what he would give to punch Zachary in the mouth right now.
His jaw was hurting from how hard he’d been grinding his teeth in the great hall that morning when he saw Zachary gift you with a single red rose. Newt couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the cocky smirk the boy wore as he presented you the flower and he felt the briefest sense of glee when he saw your fake smile in response. What an idiot. You hated roses. They didn’t suit your vibrant and warm personality at all. Newt turned away and got to his feet after he saw a more genuine smile pass over your face and he suddenly felt that sickening ugly sensation return to his stomach.
And if Newt hadn’t been so focused on fleeing from you like a shy first year all over again he would have noticed the uncomfortable expression you wore each time Zachary cornered you or the way your eyes immediately flew to him when he came into the room. He would have seen the hurt expression you wore every time Newt turned away from you. You didn’t like Zachary’s touch. It felt wrong and it felt invasive and not at all like Newt’s comforting touch.
It was the day you were due to go on the dreaded date and Newt was sulking in the library, hissing back at Pickett who was lecturing him for not being honest with you about his feelings. He hadn’t spoken to you in 5 days now and it was making him truly miserable. He knew he was being melodramatic, but he swore he would never be warm again if he didn’t hear your laughter again soon.
You were so beautiful and carefree when you were laughing at one of his terrible jokes. He could hardly breathe when you would look at him with that twinkle in your eyes and you would grip him close like he was the only person in the world that mattered. What he would give to go back in time and tell you just ho-
Newt was broken out of his daydreaming with a yelp when Pickett scratched him lightly behind his ear to grab his attention and it only took him a few seconds to pick up on the whispered conversation occurring between some girls from your Potions class.
“Did you hear about Zachary and Lindsay getting back together?”
“But I thought he was going out with Y/N today? He hasn’t shut up about it all week”
“No, he went right up to Y/N this morning and told her it was all a prank. In front of EVERYONE. Apparently, his friends set him up to it.”
Newt had heard enough and quickly slammed his text book shut, practically sprinting from the library as he headed towards the one place he knew you would be at this time of day but he was momentarily distracted when the sunflowers by the greenhouses caught his eye and he saw Professor Robson crouched down , re-potting a bunch of her plants.
“Professor Robson!”, he half shouted, cringing in apology when the teacher dropped one of the plants in response and turned around to glare at Newt accusingly. “Sorry I...Can I trouble you for one of the sunflowers? In a pot maybe? You see my friend is having a bad day and I would really like to cheer her up”.
The Professor stood up as she looked at Newt curiously and dusted her hands off on her apron, grabbing one of the terracotta pots. “This friend doesn’t happen to be Miss Y/N does it?”, she hummed, grabbing a small shovel and passing it to Newt who gaped are her in response to which she only laughed.
“You think I haven’t noticed her fondness for my sunflowers or your fondness for her?”, she teased. Newt blushed darkly in response and Professor Robson only laughed again before she set to work, instructing Newt on how to dig up the flower and the root ball, helping him quickly pot it up but having him do most of the work. “Very well then. You best hurry, Mr Scamander. I don’t want my best student being miserable before her exam.”
Newt quickly thanked her before he ran off in the direction of where he knew you were, leaping up the steps to your hiding place and carefully setting the potted flower down behind you when he saw you hugging your knees to your chest and sniffling quietly as you rocked back and forth slightly. He thought to himself for a moment before he settled down behind you.
“Y/N,” he called out quietly so as not to startle you as he gently wrapped his arms around you from behind. He let out a breath of relief when you relaxed back against him, a fresh flood of tears coming on as you sniffled loudly “N-Newt!”
Newt hummed as he slipped his arms around your middle, hugging you close and gradually adjusting to the feel of you against him, having not held you in his arms like this since 4th year when some girls had been bullying you (read here). “Shhh shhh, I’ve got you. He’s an absolute idiot for ruining his chances with someone as incredible as you”, he murmured as he hooked his chin over your shoulder.
You sniffled as you shook your head in response, wiping your eyes “I don’t give a rats about him, I’ve just never been so humiliated before!” you said only crying more at the memory, closing your eyes tightly. “Everyone was watching and so many people were laughing at me. I wasn’t even going to go out with the idiot, but he wouldn’t let me get a word in all week and now he has the audacity to humiliate me in front of the entire school! I can never show my face again! Everyone thinks I’m a joke. Just the weirdo girl that nobody wants to date.”
Newt listened to you carefully, his mouth dropping open when you said you didn’t want to date Zachary after all, but you were still rambling on before he could respond. “And you keep avoiding me I was scared you didn’t want to be my friend anymore! What did I do, Newt? You’re my best friend I can’t bear you hating me. I’m s-sorry for whatever I did”.
Newt noticed you were starting to tremble a bit against him as you were growing hysterical. “Y/N, Y/N,” he murmured quickly, gently stroking your hair back in an attempt to get you to look at him and grimacing when you only seemed to be escalating “Y/N stop! You did nothing wrong. I was being selfish. I was upset that you might want to date someone as awful as Zachary and I was selfish and I’m sorry. I could never ever hate you” he said, brushing your tears away softly and then taking your hands from where you had them bunched up in your robes. “And while you may have felt embarrassed I’m certain everyone else must have been sitting there thinking about what an ass Zachary made of himself and anyone who did laugh is not worth your time anyway.” He said slowly and clearly, making sure you were listening to him properly.
“He is an absolutely vile numbskull”, he continued “and you are incredible and stunning, and any guy will be lucky to date you. More than lucky to date you because no one will be truly worthy of someone as clever, kind-hearted, loyal and... beautiful as you.” Newt trailed off, setting his own nerves aside in favour of calming you down.
He hummed and squeezed your hands when you had settled down a while later, gently uncurling one of his arms from around you and then awkwardly reaching back behind himself until he could grab the sunflower, carefully reaching around you again and setting it in front of you “I dug this up for you to cheer you up.”
You gasped in response and let go of Newt’s hands, quickly snatching the pot plant up and holding it to your chest with a wide smile. Newt immediately missed your warmth against him, but he could only smile when he saw your reaction and watched the way you stared at the flower with pure unbridled happiness, your hurt seemingly washed away as simply as that.
“Newt this is my favourite flower how did you know? How did you get this?”, you asked, turning around to face him still clutching the flowerpot tightly against yourself. Good god you were adorable.
Newt smiled and scratched the back of his neck, willing himself not to blush and give away his feelings “I-well I noticed you always stare at them in Herbology classes and Professor Robson helped me. Well I did the work, but she told me how to dig it up.” He murmured and you then spotted the soil that covered his hands.
You set the pot down again beside you before you quickly flung your arms around Newt’s neck, settling in his lap without a thought and pressing a firm kiss to his cheek “thank you so much!” You breathed, oblivious to the deep blush that filled his cheeks at the kiss and the way you had settled in his lap. “Newton Scamander you are too good for this world,” you murmured into his shoulder.
Newt smiled as he slowly wrapped his arms around you in response, carefully settling back against the wall as he held you close not quite believing that you were really there sitting in his lap, snuggled with your face pressed into his shoulder. He was too shy to respond and tell you that you were his world.
Newt watched on with a smug smile a week later when Zachary Lindensbaum walked into the great hall sporting a bright purple head of hair, staring down at his feet in humiliation as the students started to laugh at him. You looked over at Zachary with your jaw agape and then stared at Newt in shock when you noticed his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Did you do that?”, you whispered leaning into him as you watched Zachary grab some food before storming out of the hall.
Newt shrugged and smiled innocently at you before he reached over and squeezed your hand “no one upsets you and gets away with it...plus I quite like the purple don’t you?”, he smiled, pulling his hand back when you only continued to stare at him. “Oh come on it will only last a week. Maybe two at most” he murmured, pouting at you.
A couple more moments passed before you let out a sudden loud peel of laughter, leaning into Newts shoulder as you snorted, slapping your hand against his knee and he could have sworn he’d fallen for you all over again.
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 Several years later you and Newt had only been dating for a few months when he found you a little downhearted in your apartment one evening because of a failed job interview. Newt smiled when he spotted you curled up on the couch, hugging one of the cushions to your chest with a slight pout on your lips.
“Oh love, you don’t even know how it went yet, don’t look so down.” Newt said softly as he walked over to you and crouched down beside the couch, stroking your hair back. You sighed, closing your eyes as you leant into his touch slightly still not tired of his loving touches. “It went terribly though. I couldn’t remember a single useful point. He thinks I’m a fool.” you muttered, still not opening your eyes.
You sat up quickly a second later, feeling guilty for moping around when you had both agreed to put work matters aside for the evening and just enjoy each other’s company. You pressed a gentle kiss to Newt’s temple when he too got to his feet, smiling apologetically up at him. “Let me just go and shower and freshen up and then I’ll get started on dinner”, you said, squeezing his arm before you disappeared into the bathroom in your shared apartment.
Newt smiled after you and shook his head as he suddenly realised how to cheer you up. He grabbed his coat and slipped it on before he walked out of the apartment and apparated to the nearby markets where he quickly grabbed some supplies to make your favourite meal, stopping in at your favourite florist before he apparated back to the apartment all before you finished in the shower.
He set to work preparing dinner after he had carefully set the dozen sunflowers into the finest vase he had and set it in the middle of the dining table in the other room. You frowned at him when you entered the kitchen a short while later “Oh Newt you shouldn’t have. I promised I’d cook tonight”, you murmured though you were incredibly touched when you recognised him plating up all your favourite foods.
You went to go and set the table, already feeling much better from Newts thoughtfulness and you paused when you saw the sunflowers adorning the table. Your face instantly broke out into wide smile as you walked over to the flowers, lightly touching them as you admired them. Reminiscing over all the other times Newt had surprised you with the same flowers.
You startled slightly when you felt Newt’s arms wrapping around you from behind, his hands settling over your waist as he pressed a series of feather light kisses to your jaw. “You always know how to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world”, you breathed, tipping your head back against his shoulder and sucking in a breath when he began pressing kisses to the sensitive skin of your neck instead.
“I will always do everything in my power to make you smile,” Newt whispered into your ear, kissing down from your ear and stopping at your collar bone “because you are my everything and seeing you smile does things to my heart.”
You twirled around in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck lazily and gazing into his eyes with a soft smile before you leant up on your toes and kissed him deeply. You slowly pulled back from the kiss as you gently toyed with his hair at the base of his neck, smiling teasingly as you pressed your body flush against his “dinner can wait don’t you think?”
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 About a year after your wedding you were waddling through the apartment heavily pregnant with your first child, searching for your husband which lead you towards his case.
You were surprised when you were actually able to open the case since Newt had put a locking charm on it months ago when you first began showing. You had had many arguments since then over the fact that Newt would no longer let you into his case to see your creatures but he just never seemed to budge. This was very out of character for him since Newt had always previously crumbled at your pleading. Usually all it would take was one look and a carefully timed bat of your eyelashes and Newt would cave like putty in your hands.
“Newt, I’m pregnant I’m NOT fatally wounded!”
“Y/N, I know that and that is precisely why I can’t let you back into the case until after the little one is born!”
“The creatures would never hurt me or the baby! They never have before. You’re being ridiculous! I just want to see my babies.”
“Y/N,I am not discussing this further, it’s a no and that’s final. No! Don’t you dare make the puppy dog eyes at me they won’t work this time!” He said firmly, crossing his arms as he squared his shoulders and stared back at you with an expression you’d never seen directed at you before.
You huffed and stormed away from Newt, sitting down on your bed and sighing loudly. Your love and adoration for your husband had never wavered, even after years of being with him but his stubbornness was doing your head in right now! You understood he was protective of you and the baby, but you weren’t used to seeing him so firm with you and in your very hormonal state it was all the more frustrating.
Now months later he still hadn’t shown any inkling of relenting in his over-protective ways, in fact he seemed to be hovering around you even more lately like you were going to break any given moment. He’d been basically following you around like a lost dog all morning, stepping in to do things for you that he decided were too taxing on your body and as much as you liked to pretend that it irritated you, you secretly found it rather adorable.
So now when you were able to open the case you couldn’t help but do a little victory dance before you went to step inside the case. You rolled your eyes in annoyance when Newt suddenly appeared from inside the case. “Uh uh uh”, he reprimanded as he waggled his finger at you and you frowned at him ready to put up a fight, raising your eyebrows when he held his hand out to you.
“I’m not just going to let my very pregnant wife try to navigate the staircase she has slipped on more times than I can remember on her own now am I?” he said before he smiled lovingly at you and lead you down into the case, taking the utmost care while you just stared at him like he had grown two heads.
“The creatures aren’t really the reason why I wouldn’t let you come down here. They love you far too much and they’ve always been exceptionally careful with you because they know there’d be hell to pay if they ever did harm you”, he explained, squeezing your hand as the creatures all rushed over to greet you.
The Niffler climbed up onto you and nuzzled at you happily while the rest of the creatures followed suit, nuzzling into you too. You blinked back tears as you pet all the creatures happily, having not realised just how much you had missed them all. You looked back at Newt with a frown “then why?”
Newt took a moment to admire you, standing there with one hand cradling your stomach and the other petting the creatures who were loving on you. It was a vision he never wanted to forget as he was reminded of all the years he’d spent pining over you and now here you were, your stomach round with his baby as you embraced his creatures.
Newt was shaken out of his musings when you repeated your question and he smiled again, making his way through the crowd of creatures and taking your hand “patience my love, I’m getting to it.” He teased, looping his arm with your own and guiding you through the case at a leisurely pace, taking his time because it amused him to see the mixture of impatience and confusion on your face.
You tipped your head aside curiously when you recognised that he was leading you towards the greenhouse and field he’d made for you the previous year, choking oh your own breath when you saw the new field he’d obviously planted, filled with rows upon rows of flourishing sunflowers “Newt”, you gasped, lifting your hand to your mouth.
You had tried several times to grow your own flowers over the years but none of your attempts had ever taken much to your dismay because magic simply wouldn’t work. So the first time Newt had seen you cry because of your pregnancy hormones he had made up his mind that he would grow you a whole field of them himself.
He’d had to read up on many muggle gardening books in preparation and had spent the last several months toiling away at the soil, checking on the seedlings every day between tending to your greenhouse of plants as well since he hadn’t allowed you into the case to care for them yourself. There had been many times he’d nearly given up in frustration but he persevered imagining how happy you would be when the flowers finally did grow.
Of course, the surprise was a big factor in keeping you away from his case but he also just wanted to keep you from over exerting yourself which he knew you would, wanting to help him out as much you could. Now you were so far along into the pregnancy and allowing yourself plenty of rest Newt figured he could let you back into the case and you would take it easy.
“This must have taken you months, Newt”, you breathed out, leaning into him as you looked around you in awe. “Well, I know you’ve been feeling a little emotional with all the changes happening to your body and I knew this would make you happy.” Newt murmured, smiling down at you “I’m quite proud of myself really. This is all by hand.” he said before he lead you over to the small stone bench he’d build, sat under a Rowan tree that was almost identical to Pickett’s home tree that you both used to sit under back at Hogwarts.
“And I thought this would be the perfect spot for you to sit and relax with the little one when he or she finally comes,” Newt explained, pulling you to sit down next to him. “Oh, Sweetheart”, he murmured, wrapping his arms around you when he noticed you had begun to cry, gently brushing your tears away and chuckling lightly. “And to think you were about ready to slap me just a few minutes ago,” he teased, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You sniffled and lay your head on his shoulder, holding his hands tightly in your own. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. This is...I can’t believe you’ve done all of this. It’s perfect Newt, I couldn’t have even dreamt this in my wildest imaginations,” you murmured, your emotions eventually settling down again, allowing you to enjoy the moment properly.
“I can’t believe you’ve put up with all of my tantrums these past few weeks just to keep this a surprise”, you murmured, shaking your head at him and Newt chuckled again, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “Oh they’re hardly tantrums. Plus, I find you especially adorable when you’re mad”, he said, grinning widely when you frowned in response.
“See! You get this cute little pout and you think you’re so tough. It’s quite entertaining really.” Newt teased you more, his fingers lightly tickling your sides and you grabbed his hands, the retort dying on your lips when you felt a sudden kick in your stomach. Your eyes widened and you quickly pulled Newt’s hands to rest over your stomach “do you feel that?”
Newt’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open into a little ‘o’ when you both felt the baby kicking again and he smiled widely, lowering his face to your stomach and pressing a kiss there. “Oh, hello little one, are you feeling a little restless in there?”, he murmured, keeping his hands on your stomach as he lay his ear against you and listened intently, unshed tears shining in his own eyes.
You smiled down at your husband and reached down to gently card your fingers through his curls, shifting a bit when the baby kicked again but keeping your eyes trained on Newt. “I can’t wait to meet you. I bet you’re going to be just as beautiful as your mother,” Newt murmured lowly, looking up at you through his lashes and smiling lovingly at you.
You smiled and sat like that with Newt sat at your feet, leaning against your thighs with his head propped carefully against your stomach and your hands thread together. You both watched the sunset in the new garden sanctuary Newt had built for you and you knew you would always be happy and loved so long as Newt was beside you.
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schnoogles · 4 years
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pterolycus: the winged wolf written for the @jonsa-halloween event! Day 4: Monsters/Quotes Read on Ao3
“The Northern girl. Winterfell’s daughter. We heard she killed the king with a spell, and afterward changed into a wolf with big leathery wings like a bat, and flew out a tower window.” What if Sansa did have the magic to change into a wolf with big bat-like leathery wings? But set in a modern au! In this modern with magic au, there’s a secret coven of teenage witches that Sansa and Margaery are a part of, and they get into all kinds of fun ;) After knowing him for so long and dating him, Sansa has told Jon everything about her being a witch. It’s just a good time folks 😂
Present time, Monday, 8am
Sansa was gathering her books from her locker. It was a Monday morning and she was tired and exhausted but school doesn’t care about that. She had a long weekend. Did she regret it though? Absolutely not. Once she had everything she needed, she closed her locker door and flinched back in surprise. Leaning up against the other side was none other than Jon Snow.
Sansa held a hand to her heart. She was a little jumpy this morning. “Seven Hells, Jon!” 
The boy in question just smirked at her. “Hi, honey.” 
She rolled her eyes and walked past him. Jon, not ready to go to class yet, followed.
“You know, I heard the most interesting rumor earlier,” he said, casually throwing an arm over her shoulders, “Have you heard it? It was about a certain ex boyfriend of yours. Joffrey Baratheon.” Ah yes. Joffrey Baratheon. The boy and his family had moved up North just last year and Sansa was immediately smitten by his pretty words. Unfortunately for her, she found out the hard way what a complete ass he was. “Ring any bells?”
If Jon wasn’t looking so intently at her, he wouldn’t have seen the corner of Sansa’s mouth twitch. “Can’t say that I have. What rumors would that be?” 
“Apparently, after the party Saturday night, he showed up at his house at nearly five in the morning the next day and was completely incoherent. And practically naked. Started screaming like a banshee and saying things like ‘It was a flying wolf-bat!’ and ‘She turned into a monster!’ It caused such the commotion that the whole block woke up. He was spazzing so hard that-”
Sansa tsked at Jon. “You know how I feel about that word Jon.”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry, that was ableist of me.”
“Thank you.”
“Anyways, so he was… acting really paranoid, right? Kept looking around as if something would pop up and eat him.” Jon smiled as he continued, “and he wouldn’t let Cersei bring him inside the house, insisting that they take him to the police. ‘Hello yes I would like to make a report: a monster attacked me and took my clothes!’ Can you imagine how that would go?” At this point, Jon couldn’t stop chuckling. If asked, Sansa would say that his laughter was contagious and that’s why she smiled. It’s not like she was there to see the half-naked Joffrey running off.
The night before, Sunday, 2am
Jon gave his girlfriend one more long lasting kiss. “Do you have to do it tonight?” he mumbled into her mouth. Sansa giggled.
“Yes, Jon. And it’s already the hour of the wolf, I should’ve gone back ages ago.” As she made to move out from under him, he grabbed at her waist and snuggled closer.
“Yes yes, your witching hour approaches,” Jon sighed. Then he looked at her mischievously. “One more time? Aren’t orgasms supposed to enhance your powers or something?”
At that, Sansa couldn’t help but laugh. “Stranger take me, I’m not going to be performing sex magic!”
“Oh, no?” Jon began trailing kisses down her neck, each one slower and softer than the last. “That’s too bad.”
Sansa sighed at his ministrations. “Yup. Just your standard shifting spell. And… I should… really… I should really go soon. Margie will be waiting.” Despite her words, she made no move to stop Jon’s attentions on her. In fact, she seemed to hold on to him tighter. When Jon’s mouth continued moving lower and lower, she gave in. “Maybe one more won’t hurt.”
“One more. For the road.” He started kissing and sucking in all the right places. 
Sansa huffed a laugh. “Yeah. For the road.” She started to moan, her body was being filled with a different kind of magic just then.
Three days ago, Friday, 1pm
“Sansa, Margaery is here!” Sansa opened an eye. She was hoping she just imagined her mother calling her, but she heard another shout for her name. With a groan, she blew out the candles and went to see what Margaery Tyrell wanted. Sansa had a very strange friendship with the girl. When Joffrey broke up with her last year, Sansa was secretly happy. That didn’t stop the sting that she felt when she found out Margaery started dating him a few weeks later though. But that was neither here nor there. She broke up with him for his younger, kinder brother, Tommen.
“Hey Marge,” she greeted her friend. She took one good look at the brunette’s appearance and frowned. Something was wrong. 
Margaery gave her a small smile and asked, “Hey Sans, can we talk?” Sansa nodded and gestured for her to follow up the stairs. When they walked in her bedroom, Sansa swore. She forgot to clean up. 
“Oh! Did I interrupt?” Margaery smirked at her.
 “Just some new incantations I was trying out. You know. So what’s up buttercup?”
Margaery hesitated. She wouldn’t look Sansa in the eye and kept wringing her hands, like she just realized being here was a bad idea. Despite their history, Sansa still cared for her friend. “Margie? What happened?”
“I’m sorry,” Margaery sniffled, “I’m sorry I dated Joff. I know it was a shitty thing to do and I don’t think I ever properly apol-”
“Whoa, Margaery,” Sansa raised her hands, as if she were presenting herself as non threatening to the other girl. “That was ages ago. Thought we were passed that.” Sansa smiled then. “And honestly it was kind of the best thing that happened to me.”
“Yeah,” Margaery nodded, “You and Jon are so lucky to have each other.” 
Sansa tilted her head, “So are you and Tommen. Unless…?”
“No! No, we’re still very much happy. It’s just…” she trailed off, not sure how to explain. But Sansa knew what she was trying to say.
“It’s just hard when your current boyfriend is brothers with your ex?”
Margaery laughed in a self-deprecated manner, “I sure know how to pick them, right?”
“Hey. Tommen’s good for you.” With that reassurance out of the way, Sansa asked, “So that can’t be why you came here though. What happened?”
“Right. Well I ran into Joff when I was over at Tommen’s. Surprised it took so long really, it was bound to happen.”
“Damn. Did he say something?”
“He said lots of somethings,” her jaw clenched at the memory of what happened. “I believe the words ‘slut’ and ‘easy’ were in the mix.”
“Fucking hell.”
“Yeah.” Margaery scoffed, “Then he asked if I was going for Renly next seeing as Loras and I always share everything.” She looked up at Sansa. “You told me he was a monster and I didn’t listen. You’re really the only one who would understand and I needed someone to talk about this with.”
“I’ll do you one better,” Sansa raised her hand and a book came flying to it. “How bout we teach the little shit a thing or two about what real monsters look like?”
The night before, Sunday 4am
Sansa climbed through the window to Jon’s room. The one he conveniently left open for her. She thought he’d be asleep, but he wasn’t. “Oh? Back so soon already? How’d it go?” She undressed and got under the blankets and snuggled with him. 
“It went rather well if I do say so myself.” Sansa was smug. “You know how I’ve been practicing my shapeshifting?”
Jon lifted a brow in interest. “Yeah. Did you finally nail it down?”
“Nope! But it was a blessing in disguise. I couldn’t manage to concentrate properly so I ended up as a wolf with bat wings,” she laughed, “It was utterly terrifying if I’m being honest.” 
She went on to explain to Jon how they had managed to trick Joffrey into thinking he would be meeting Marge for a secret rendezvous. How Margaery had been manipulating the plants in her garden to snag at his clothes. How, because of Joff’s fear of wolves, the original plan was for her to change into one and scare him senseless. She told him how Joffrey started to get impatient and called for “the slut to come out” and how Sansa saw red. Her lack of focus caused her to briefly shift back and she panicked and tried to turn back into a wolf, only her concentration was off and she sprouted bat wings. The confusion of what she did made her freak out just a bit and so she spread her wings out and let out a ferocious growl, all the while facing Joffrey, who then wet his pants. By the end of her recap, Jon was in tears.
“Mother have mercy he peed his pants? How fucking embarrassing.”
Present time, Monday, 8am
“Hey guys,” Margaery greeted, “Wild rumors today, right?”
The three of them shared knowing looks.
“You know Sansa, I was thinking, and I’m pretty sure I figured out why you-” she leaned in and lowered her voice, “-shifted back and to a monster so fast.” Margaery straightened her back and smirked at them. When Sansa gave her a questioning look, she continued, “Did you know orgasms don’t just enhance the magic for sex rituals? They’re very good for all sorts of magics. The release of chemicals and hormones in a female, you know?” With one last knowing look, she left the two of them and continued on her way. 
“A monster, hmm?” Jon teased.
“Oh shut up. Go to class Jon.”
Before he left though, Jon leaned in and he whispered in her ear, “I think I like that idea. My girl’s a monster in the streets and I’ll be the monster in the sheets.” With a final wink, he walked away, leaving a very breathless Sansa standing in the halls. 
Oh, she’ll show him a monster in the sheets.
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