#bookmarks are on my store now btw
layaart · 4 months
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murderbot bookmark design :)
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mossmurdock · 6 months
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Wishing In the Rain (the sun is my shooting star)
summary: Satoru finds himself in the corners of a bookstore by complete chance, entranced with its very endearing owner and their love for the rain. The bleak and gloomy weather gains a new meaning through time, and along with that comes the not so subtle change in Satoru's feelings towards the owner themselves.
tags: very brief appearance of kugisaki and fushiguro and itadori, rain, the reader and their jewelry, gender neutral reader, bookstores, implied sexual content, reader owns said bookstore btw, denial of feelings, its one sided though because satoru is an idiot, alternate universe-cannon divergence, i made him a bit softer than i intended in this, but idc i think he should be loved, not beta read, fluff
notes: i wrote this almost two years ago now! unbelievable :o but it still has such a special place in my heart since i wrote it during a pretty difficult time and i wanted to finally share it with yall on here!!
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EVERYTHING led back to the night Satoru had mistakenly fallen asleep at your apartment. The tiny trail of breadcrumbs that was his stale conflict deliciously pointed to it. And Satoru followed it like a famished, foolish fowl. A fool, really. He was at the scene of the crime laminating evidence. 
He had met you at a bookstore of all places: silent, still, and sobering. The complete opposite of where Satoru would usually meet the people he would eventually decide on following home or vice versa. 
It is rainy and he suddenly decides on pretending to need shelter.
You were shelving books in the isle he happened to be sitting in for at least two hours by then. All the way in the back of the store, slowly pushing your cart, slowly inching closer to his end of the narrow and dusty hallway. Satoru had been sitting against a wall with a window over him, the gray sky spraying itself on your extending arms. You would face the cart, select a book, brush soot off of its cover the best you could, push it into the shelf (with your thumb, index, and middle finger), and then push the cart again to start all over. Sometimes you would need to crouch to lower shelves, grimacing anytime you needed to. There was a small curse on your shoulder that would press its small finger into the side of your neck anytime you did. 
Satoru cannot remember exactly what it was he had been reading, but you spoke to him about it once reaching the end of his hall with your creaky cart. Quietly, you whispered to him that it was a good pick, praising him for his selection. And while doing so you were slyly reaching into the back of the gray cart, placing a similar volume near him. 
“I noticed it covered a lot more,” you said.
Between page twenty-four and twenty-five of the book was your number scribbled on the back of a bookmark. He notices it just as you are turning a corner, the curse on your shoulder suddenly gone (he pretends to not notice his hand waving it away).
Satoru had pocketed the set of digits before cashing in and exiting the small nook of a store, which maybe was his first real mistake. Satoru never called, so why had he kept the number in the first place?
Instead he showed up at the same store, the same day; only this time it was much later and the rain had gotten time to make itself heavier than before.
You fell into him in front of the bookstore doors unexpectedly, with quick hands and even quicker lips. You fit into his chest too perfectly for someone he barely knew the name of.
Satoru’s jacket is on the floor of your bedroom and he is pretty sure that dreaded bookmark is burning a hole through the fabric.
He at least was able to save himself by leaving as fast as he could, making sure to grab everything that was his and not leaving even a trace of himself behind. 
For some reason he finds himself back in front of that bookstore only a week later. A bookmark he does not plan on using (he folds the ears of his pages) still very much in his left pocket. 
“You’re back?” you ask. 
“Of course I am. Plus, it is still raining. I needed shelter.” Satoru seriously should not be here, because you string him along into thinking that he could have ‘stayed for breakfast if he had wanted’ and that there would be a ‘next time’. 
You tell him to save your number into his phone.
“How do you know I haven’t yet?” he asks. 
You look at him up and down, still working with your hands: multitasking in a blur Satoru for some reason is hardly able to catch.
“You don’t seem like the type.”
There’s a book you leave on the counter when you leave to what Satoru safely presumes is the back of the store. 
It's titled ‘Souhaiter’. And in between the same pages as the first time, a bookmark tells him to meet you at a bar he has only ever been to once before. 
Satoru shows up late and with his jaw aching. You do not mind that he does not drink as much as you do. 
And slowly, Satoru laxes. This is something he is more used to. The subtle tipsiness of movement, music that's a little too loud, and the flirtatiousness of two knees brushing underneath a table. 
You down a drink and leave the stool, still half laughing from something funny he said. You tell him you are going to the bathroom by leaning into him, neon lights bouncing off the whites of your teeth. 
You don't come back. 
At first Satoru is worried he somehow missed some sort of lead you were putting down, having missed a hot moment that he convinced himself is what he showed up for in the first place. But he does not find you there when he goes looking. 
Satoru officially ends his night with his phone up to his ear, a set of familiarized numbers flashing on the screen. He tells himself he did not remember your phone number by heart. It was absolutely an accident, he might even be ringing the wrong number. By the third ring he feels relieved that he might be right. 
But then you pick up and it feels like his stomach drops. 
“Hey! Leave a message after the beep!” You laugh, it tells Satoru that this is not an automated voice message. There is that subtle unevenness tilted between your breaths that he felt next to his ear only a half hour ago.
“I’m kidding—obviously—” 
Another voice cuts in, much more slurred than yours. “Look it’s raining!” 
You hush them, still laughing. “How’s it going, whoever you are?”
“It’s Satoru. Gojo Satoru.” He does not know why he repeats himself. 
“Oh!” It’s the first time he hears you startled. “Satoru!” It’s the first time you say his first name.
“Oh,” he repeats. He repeats and does it over, he will do it over.  The straying thought makes his stomach flip again, it makes him forget about the rain pelting onto his hair.
“I totally bailed on you…” you sigh.
“You did. After inviting me. That’s never—”
“The Gojo Satoru has never been stood up?” you interrupt. 
“Obviously not.”
“Well I’m not glad to be the first, just for the record. I was really looking forward to you.”
A pause. 
“You called though,” you say cheekily. “Didn’t think you had it in you. Think you could save it? Or are the Gojo Satoru’s contacts completely filled?”
He contemplates, finds himself smiling and wonders if there’s a drink in his hand. But the smile isn’t tipped at all, it is set and leveled. 
“I don’t know…I might need to make some room.” He sucks a breath through his teeth, as if this was very difficult. In a way, this very much was. 
He pretends to ‘make room’ by making electronic noises and random ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’. It makes you giggle. 
“Oh!” Satoru exclaims. 
“Oh,” you repeat. You repeat, and he hopes you do it over. 
“As it turns out, there is room! Fitting you in right this second.”
You let out a feigned sigh of relief, and after your performance you add: “You’ll call me?”
Satoru finds himself saying yes before he can even realize he’s actually saving your contact information instead of pretending to do so. The screen of his phone is wet. 
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You slam him against a wall much like the first time. With your hand to his chest and the other snaking its way up to his shoulder. Satoru this time has to painfully deal with the harder edges of the bookshelf behind him, it jostles, stories threaten to spill out above him. He debates turning on his infinity, instinct telling him a book might fall straight onto his head; but the hand that had been on his shoulder has already made it to his waist and he would want nothing to stop the feeling. And at the same time, your head tilts into his neck. 
There’s something about your lips that matches this place. Something about being timeless and the permanence of ink.
Words can be fleeting though, and you’re off of him right as things seem to be getting started. 
“I really don’t appreciate the teasing.” Satoru pouts. 
You smile. “Not teasing. Just making up for the bar thing.”
“That hardly felt like enough compensation.”
“Compensation for what?” You scoff, already back at the register as if you had not been unraveling him seconds ago. 
“My feelings.” He expresses sadly.
Exasperated, you plant your elbows on the register desk and look at him pointedly. 
“Don’t you have some meeting? I don’t want to ruin the small amount of professionalism you’ve somehow managed to gather.”
Satoru gasps, “I’ll have you know I’m very professional on a day to day basis.”
“Sure. Remind me when blindfolds started being professional?” you ask. 
“This is an aesthetic choice—one that you very much said I pulled off just an hour ago,” he reminds. You wave him off. 
“And besides.” He leans into your space. “the rain hasn’t stopped yet.”
Impossibly closer. You smell like fresh earth, like tea leaves and dust. 
It is a forgettable and slow Sunday: the store is void of its usual customers, and pink stained sunlight lazes its way inside the building. 
You cling to his shirt to bring him closer to you, chest to chest and breath to breath. Tugging on his lip just enough for it to hurt him. Just enough for him to let out a sound. 
When Satoru reaches the Jujutsu higher ups, he is late and ruined by you. 
One of them mentions the rainy season: small talk he does not care for; but it brings a wicked grin to his face. 
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“Why aren’t you wet?” you ask Satoru. 
“What?” He chuckles through a mouthful of chocolate croissant, still warm. “That hardly seems like an appropriate question to be asking in public—but hey, if you’re into that—”
This is not a date, Satoru should know as much simply because he has repeated it both aloud and to himself at least hundreds of times since the morning has started. The problem is that it feels like it is; him buying you breakfast, his arm around your shoulders (to keep you warm, he jokes), you moving to hold his hand because you just cannot help being that bold (to keep you warm, you say), him giving said hand up because he for once cannot think of doing anything else. And because his hesitance would have only made you laugh at him without the slightest drop of malic to it. 
This ‘not date’ is being held in the largest bakery Satoru has ever been in before. It was walking distance from your house, barely 5 minutes away. The only problem was that it had started drizzling again and the two of you had only just gotten out of the shower. The sky was also very bleak, too foggy for it to actually seem like early morning.
Turns out it was barely any problem at all. You liked the rain, and for Satoru, it obviously did not matter in the slightest. 
Turns out it is a problem though, because Satoru has just walked through rain and barely has a drop of precipitation on him; his hair, while it should be at least a little frizzy from the humidity, still lays perfectly. And you have finally noticed said detail. 
“That’s not what I meant.” You wipe crumbs from the corner of your mouth. “You’re completely dry.”
“Guess your umbrella wasn’t as broken as you thought.” He gives you a winning smile, but it only makes you squint your eyes at him suspiciously. The bar stool’s coolness is barely hitting his back, but he watches the raindrops racing down the bakery window reflect off of your face: just as cool and gray as the seat; and it gives him the same shiver up his spine that the cold chair is meant to. 
“Are you…water resistant?” you ask him genuinely. It makes him burst out into laughter, the sound of the rain hitting the roof claps along with him in his amusement. 
“What?” He chokes. “You just saw me in the shower.”
You shrug, “To be fair, I was focusing on other things at the moment.”
Satoru hums at that. “For someone who says they aren’t a morning person, you were pretty eager—”
“I’ll stop you right there.” You interrupt him, taking another bite of your food and another sip from your drink. Both have probably chilled by now. 
“When did I mention to you that I wasn’t a morning person? Are you stalking me or something?”
No. Satoru was not a stalker, contrary to his friend’s beliefs (Nanami). 
But what everyone did know was that he was observant. 
When he came to see you this morning you opened the door with too many hearts on your sleeves. Your store is an hour or so from opening and a transit bus away, yet you are still wearing pajamas. You look freshly out of bed: bleary eyes and awkward posture. One side of your cheeks has the markings of a blanket and pillow on it, your arm hands by its side limply, the other drops from the doorknob only to rub at your sore face. 
Your voice is hoarse and soft, like a crushed plum; and you are too tired to notice him blatantly fawning over you, or the way he hastily kissed your cheek before walking in. A gesture much too soft to be shared with a hook up. 
But Satoru can barely call you that now. Not with a pastry he just bought you sitting comfortably in your stomach and his coat hanging heavily over your shoulders. 
He says, “No. You just looked like shit this morning.” You punch him on the shoulder before moving to check the gold watch on your wrist. It is old and thin, he had first thought it was broken when he had seen it on your nightstand that first night. 
“Man, I’ve really got to open.” You grab your drink and drop from the stool. 
“I should go. Thanks for everything.” 
You do not kiss him goodbye or even squeeze his hand as a farewell. You do something much much worse. 
You whisper to him, “Come by again later tonight.” And you leave without taking your broken umbrella with you.
And you leave out the door with his coat.
Part of him thinks it is because you forgot you were wearing it and because the pouring has ceased; but the other part knows it is because the suggestion is the complete opposite of a goodbye. 
And because you will need to see him to return the coat. 
And because he will be reminded to buy you a new umbrella.
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Satoru is beginning to become very fond of the rain.
The water ricochets from the roof of your apartment any time he is over and it begins to pour, which is more often than not. Placed on the top of the apartment building, it is the same as his luxurious home, top floor and closest to the sky; yet less empty and filled with more than just the echo of his own voice. Here, he feels full and soft, your own breath filling the already comfortable silence. 
You look pretty underneath him. 
You look pretty with him, He thinks. 
Satoru falls gently onto your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
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He has run out of excuses to see you comfortably, and it is all the weather’s fault. He damns the clear sky for days. 
Satoru damns it to hell; all of its annoyingly crystal blue and streaky pure white clouds. This has been the longest dry spell in weeks and the sudden heat has forced him to self-reflect. It has forced him to think of you more outside of when he was allowed to. The atmosphere of it all is uncomfortable: his blindfold barely sits coolly on his face anymore, curse blood no longer washes off of him easily, the smell of wet concrete is replaced by the hot stench of asphalt.
The hands of others are too clammy, too balmy, too blistering in all the wrong ways. He misses the brisk feeling of your fingernails on his skin. 
It has been two weeks since Satoru has seen you. Two weeks since he has walked even a mile near your store, your home, that bar, or the bakery. Two weeks since he has bought himself a new phone on the excuse that the other model was old, and not because his prior had a contact on it he was too much of a coward to delete. 
The lack of air conditioning in his apartment has been ignored for two weeks as well, and when he wakes up with the sheets sticking to him for the millionth time, he decides it is time to buy a new one. 
He should have known they would have been sold out in most places. The city has fallen into an air conditioning shortage crisis that he very much does not appreciate after walking into the fourth store of the day. After the familiar welcome song of the glass sliding doors, Satoru’s legs extend their way to the electronics section as fast as they are able to. 
Through his darkly tinted glasses, he scans for anything that would provide him with some sort of fresh air. His hand collides with another. 
Satoru wonders if you feel the pressure of his infinity holding up before he realizes it is you. If you had felt the physical manifestation of walls breaking down. 
“Satoru?” You look up at him while still bent down as he is. He imagines the situation looks a little ridiculous to any outsider: two pedestrians stuck in their crouched places in an isle and staring at each other in subtle shock. His hand sits still next to yours. 
It is covered in gold rings, cold to the touch, and your wrist hangs with a dainty bracelet attached to it. Against his ankle, he can feel the breeze of your long, flowy skirt brush against him. 
“Sorry, who are you?” He plays dumb. 
If it were any other person he’s sure he would have gotten a slap to the face at the comment, but you almost burst out in laughter. Casually, you reach up to his face and pluck the glasses from his face as you stand to your full height. Satoru finds himself following you. 
Staring at his bare face, you smile at his eyes. 
“It is you!” You twirl the specs in your hand as he tries and purposefully fails at retrieving them from you. 
“It would have been funny if it wasn’t though, right?” 
No, it wouldn’t have been. Satoru’s face actually almost falls at the thought of you speaking so charmily with someone else. 
“More like awkward.” You chuckle easily, it's refreshing, like iced tea. 
“Where have you been?” you ask. “Felt like the heat made you disappear or something.”
And of course you had noticed, Satoru thinks, as you pull the glasses to your own face and slip them on. They don’t flatter you at all. 
“Can’t a man be busy?” He doesn’t mean to sound so snappy, but you’re too patient. 
When you look up at him again, he can only see the way your eyebrows raise at his response to your question. 
Your head turns at the sound of someone else walking into the convenience store, Satoru’s does as well. While his neck stretches to the front of the store he watches your hand snatch up the small air conditioner in the corner of his eye. 
“Anyway,” Your voice makes his neck crane back to its original place. “I’m heading back to the store, I don’t want to leave it alone too long with my new employees.” You sigh. 
“You hired people?”
“Yeah. I needed more help around after the rainy season ended, business has been spiking recently.” There’s a proud tilt on your lips. 
“You’re free to come with, you know? I drove here, I could give you a ride.” 
Satoru doesn’t really know what else to do besides watching you pay for the fan he was going to buy and sitting in the passenger seat of your car. 
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“I’m back!” you exclaim lightly into your store. There’s a new bell attached to the front of your door that chimes, it sounds better than the old one. 
Two voices overlap each other as you make your way to the cashier and Satoru follows with his hands in his pockets. You set down the plastic bag on the old wooden counter. He notices a new register having been placed ever since he had last visited. 
“Please tell me you at least found a fan.”
Three figures make their way from the back: the new employees you had quickly told Satoru the names of in the car. They all pause for a second when he meets their eyes. 
“Who’s this?” Nobara asks. 
You look over to Satoru, as if having forgotten he was standing there all together. “Just a friend. Introduce yourself, Satoru.”
Before he can, the one with black hair: Megumi, speaks up. “I know you.” The boy says accusingly. “You always ordered the worst coffees at my last job, they were a pain to make,” he grits out.
Satoru smiles sweetly. “Always feels great to be remembered.”
It makes the other only scowl further, while Yuji looks between the two of them.
“You’re too handsome to just be a friend. Was that some sick way of rejecting him just now?” Nobara says bluntly. It makes you laugh. 
You change the subject by patting the plastic bag still in front of you, the thud of the cardboard box catching the attention of all of them. 
“You three set this up for me, ok? I’m going to stock what you guys weren’t able to with Satoru.”
A string of affirmations make their way through the room as Satoru and you leave to the back.
The back of the store seems to be the same as it was the first time he had exchanged books with you. That same window is there, you are pushing the same loud gray cart, and most importantly: Satoru is still not quite sure how he has ended up here. 
The only difference is the sun, the lack of pitter pattering rain. Dust is highlighted by the strong dusk, he can see the copper shadows of your arm as you line book after book into its shelves. The sound of hard covers rubbing against each other meets his ears just as fast as the words that leave your lips. 
“You do know you can come see me when it isn’t raining, right?”
Another book is shelved, arm extended, fingers curving around a spine. 
“Because it really is funny how I’ve only ever seen you while the weather’s shit.”
Your rings blink at him through rays, they twinkle.
“I thought you loved the rain.” Satoru leans into the bookshelf you’re working and catches your eye. 
You scoff at him, you're finding this very funny, like Satoru is missing out on a big joke. 
"Of course I do." 
“Then what’s the problem?”
“It’s just—” You put away the last novel and then move to push the cart behind you: resting your forearms on it while leaning just the slightest bit away from him. You are standing at an angle Satoru is happily willing to lean into even more, almost caging you in. 
You whisper, “I think I’d like seeing you in the sun.”
You pause.  “I think your hair would look even nicer—your eyes too, if that wasn’t already obvious—and I have this feeling you like popsicles more than ice cream. Which is great, because there’s this popsicle stand not too far from here but they’re only ever open during the summer—when it isn’t raining.”
Stunned, Satoru pushes the word through his throat. “You think?”
“I know.” A little louder than the last, more conviction. 
There’s a light in your eyes that grows as the cart that has been holding your weight begins to roll away from all of the pressure. Your arms lose their support behind them, making you trip trying to catch yourself while falling backwards. Satoru’s infinity subsides, like storm clouds parting away. He reaches an arm around your waist just in time to catch you. 
He is breathless. And not because of your beauty, or because of the near fall; but because you are laughing. 
He does not know what else to do but kiss the stars from your lips, to laugh an apology into you, to stamp a promise of another night falling asleep next to you. 
Satoru wants to watch the sun rise with you this time. 
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sleepy-vix · 1 month
oh yeah btw i went into the city with my sister today and it was a very nice day :) i'm now going to tell you all about it bc i need to learn to be more positive. also, i will add random photos from pinterest so this post looks mildly interesting
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here i go:
- first we watched an anzac day march (i live in australia, yeah. idrm u guys knowing that. basically anzac day is a day where we show respects to soldiers who fought in the war/s) for a whole hour (yeah... it was very tiring but atleast all we had to do was sit and watch. its not exactly hard i suppose)
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- then, we went to a cafe where we drank iced matcha latte and shared a chocolate cake slice. the cafe was so cozy and it had jaz music and it was dark wood + green + overgrown vines type of vibe :)
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- then, we went to....
drumroll please
a second hand bookstore !!!
*dies, comes alive, dies, comes alive* (x4)
there were a million books in there (or so the sign at the front claimed) and it was such a lovely place
it smelled like old books. i nearly suffocated because the smell was so strong (but i didnt mjnd at all ofc)
in the back, there was a big space with no shelves and a few tables and chairs to sit and read (i assume?) (tho there were still shelves along the wall)
in the front+middle, there were shelves everywhere, with only space for 2 people in between each shelf
it was very cluttered. i struggled to understand the system because many shelves were unlabelled, but i think that adds to the charm and i loved having to look through all the shelves
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at the very front, there is the cash register and a bunch ( a BUNCH) of book stacks on the floor with no price (bc the owner hadnt priced the books yet. the shop is personally owned and they price books by writing it in pencil on the first page. isnt that so charming??)
the books werent insanely cheap, but its a food place to fins different/collectable covers of certain books
i saw a red hardbound version of dead souls by nikolai gogol, which i was going to get bc i really want to read that, but it was falling apart so badly (like the spine was 4/5 off the book) that i felt like it was unwise to purchase haha :,)
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in the end, i didnt get to look at everything bc my sister got restless but i did manage to buy 3 books that i am very happy abt:
1. "the adventures of tom sawyer" by mark twain :) this was 7.50 and it had a really pretry cover (also it was small sized, which i think is so charming and pocketable)
2. "the tenant of wildfell hall" by anna brontë. i have read none of the brontë sisters' works, but i really want to:) this was also only 7.50 and the cover was pretty, and it was also pretty small
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3. "quiet" by susan cain. it seems so interesting and it was only $10, whereas its going for $20 on amazon 💀 :)
also the owner gave me a bookmark that looked old and it was beige + black and it had the shop name on it, contact info, promo stuff but also it was so cool bc the font was fancy and there was an olden day sketch of an oldman reading to a child in the middle of the bookmark :)
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also the owner was a nice and chill old man. also there was classical music !
i cant wait to revisit that store :) i will be opting to purchase all of my classics there because they have covers that ive never seen before.
then we took the bus home
the end
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t1meslayer · 25 days
hey! i’ve been reading a handful of ur fanfics (which r rlly gud btw!) and i was wondering how you were able to resize and edit the text like this
and also like this
i’d be rlly interested to know because i’m unsure if it’s even possible through normal means on ao3!
Hey hey! I'm very glad you're enjoying my work <3
Thanks so much for taking the time to give me a read!!!
The text editing stuff is actually a basic function on AO3, you can do it too! When you're looking at the text editing/posting page, you'll see at the top that you can utilize "plain text with limited HTML"
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Clicking the question mark icon there shows you all of the HTML functions that are available, with a basic explanation for how to apply them in your text:
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The TL;DR is when you've picked one you want, you can start that section of text with the HTML signifier in diamond brackets <like this>, and then end that section with diamond brackets using a forward slash </like this>
(Be sure to include the ending set of brackets otherwise you'll accidentally make the entire rest of your story in italics or somethin - not speaking from experience I swear)
However, I found a "story" posted in 2015 that was particularly helpful with visualizing the major elements. It's called "A Complete Guide to 'Limited HTML' on AO3" by CodenameCarrot. In particular, this highlighted stuff like being able to do sub- and superscript text using <sub> and <sup> that I used (I think) to great effect in my Pokemon Scarvi piece "Paradiso" - where a lot of my experimentation happened under the guise of nightmare bs.
The way I made text look almost like the "Chat" option here on Tumblr was through "Special Types of Text."
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They all produce the same result when published on AO3, but I personally use <tt>.
I've also been messing with image embedding like the text message thread in "Peaks and Caverns" and my Author's Notes in "Stone-Cold Lovers (ch. 3)," there should be more of that coming in pieces that I'm writing now! I learned a good practice for how to do so from the 2014 piece "Super Awesome Learning How to Embed Place" by leftennant.
Tbh I've been a bit surprised at how many people have asked me about this text editing stuff in my comments, because it's one of the first things I noticed is available compared to, say, fanfiction.net. I like that you can use the basic tools of the service to tailor your stores to a vision in even small ways, so I've even been testing things like pseudo-graphic design like recreating RIAA record plaques using just HTML features on my Splatoon fic "By Moonlight":
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Hopefully these explainer pieces can help you out with it too!! They're the only things I currently have bookmarked on my AO3 'cause I refer back to them so often.
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Yo! I saw requests are open so I decided to stop by. Anyways if you don't wanna do it for any reason totally feel free to discard this; but may i ask for carlos x fem reader? I am just craving fluff with Carlos. I don't really have a setting- perhaps a cute date to help him clear his mind after he comes home from rc? Love u ❤️
Awww ilyt! Thank you for the request! 💚
I'll sure write it! I got time so here is your request fulfilled! (Btw Jill is mentioned briefly, cannot let my queen not make it out of Raccoon)
Hope you like it!
Carlos x Reader (she/her pronouns)
The Relaxing Date <3
(Gif from Pinterest)
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It had been about a week or so since Y/N and Carlos fled Raccoon City with Jill accompanying them. All of them made it to safer location, somewhere with homes, restaurants, and a mall. Unfortunately there wasn't much of anything else. Among all this, everyone was calmer and more relaxed, this didn't stop Jill and Carlos from being pent up though.
By the time they had left, Carlos quickly discarded the Umbrella uniform and was wearing more comfortable clothes. Yet he still was carrying a knife at all times. Same with Jill. Y/n on the other hand took in the peace very quickly and was enjoying the time she had before she ended up being relocated again with Carlos.
Currently, she was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, staring at her book. She kept thinking of somehow to make Carlos relax at least the slightest bit, but everything she came up with was a bust. First thing she thought of was maybe taking him out to dinner? Nope. He hated being outside without being armed. Maybe giving him something from one of the stores? Nope. There was only a grocery store with limited supplies, seeing as this place rarely got any incoming supplies, however it was just enough to keep the place afloat.
That's when it hit her, a movie night with one of the movies she found in the house. Popcorn included, along with dinner. She smiled at the thought and she put the bookmark in the book. Immediately she went to work.
She decided to make some steak, some mashed potatoes, gravy and then the popcorn with a movie! While making the food, she read in between breaks, obviously being super focused. She made the steak medium rare for Carlos, and fully cooked for herself. Once she was done with the steak she made the mashed potatoes and gravy. Once that was done, she set the plates, smiling proudly to herself.
After that she went up the steps, to where Carlos was sleeping. He had insisted to nap alone, so naturally she let him despite wanting to be with him so bad, but that's beside the point. Once she made it to the room she knocked lightly, when she got no answer she knocked a bit louder.
"Carlos, dinner is done."
A groan could be heard behind the door. Opening up the door stood a very exhausted looking Carlos. His hair was a curly mess, his eyes had slight bags under them and his eyes were half shut. He stretched and yawned before sighing.
"Already?" He asked softly.
"Yes, now come on. I made something special for you." She smiled softly before taking his hand and pulling him carefully away from the room and down the steps.
Once they were in the living room, a candle could be seen, softly burning with the food sitting on the coffee table. Not only that but a pillow fort was sitting just behind it. There was a perfect opening too just from them to watch the movie after they were done eating.
He stood there with a shocked expression, he was tired but he put it all together very quickly. He looked back at Y/N and smiled softly. He took a moment before hugging her and giving her a soft kiss.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"No problem! I figured after so much stress, it's best to have an indoor date night." She smiled and ran her fingers softly through his crazy hair.
"Well, thank you.. Really, it means a lot to me.." He pulled away from the hug and looked at the food. "Now let's eat before it gets cold." He walked over into the pillow fort, getting comfy immediately.
She giggled and joined him, both of them ate the food, while watching the movie and eventually made some popcorn to share. Enjoying the rest of their night in silence, and holding hands. This was exactly what both for them needed, and now they could rest for now.
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Well officially when ao3 goes back up *fingers crossed*
I'm downloading all my favorite fics in my bookmarks immediately.
I started doing that earlier but I barley made a dent and I'm in a new fandom now so I'm super sad over this.
Btw can anyone recommend places to store downloaded since I'm gonna run out of space in my phone soon 😅
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Hi Mellow! I'm Nana.
I've been following you for a while (I swear I start my asks in every writer's box like this I'm sorry) and I swear I have links of your fics BOOKMARKED and stored safely in my Telegram.
I especially love the NSFW Alphabet you made for hyung line and not gonna lie, some parts stuck with me. and BUBBLEGUM!!!!! UGH BUBBLEGUM has made the list of my favorite Jay fics of all time. Now everytime I see bubblegum I will immediately think of your fic... help....
Anyway I'm sorry it took me SO LONG to send in an ask and properly greet you and appreciate you as a writer.
WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT the series you made where it's smut but in the form of a letter? GENIUS. BIG BRAIN. Haven't seen anything like it anywhere and it blows my mind how something so one-sided can make me feel so hot and bothered.
You're a great writer!!!!
Hey Nana!!! You've got a really cute name btw💕
And it's so sweet of you to say that to every author lmao, because trust me, it means the world to us! And bookmarked? Sweets you're giving me too much credit😭Thank you so much💕
Ahh the NSFW Alphabet was really fun to write, I'd write it again if someone were to request someone new😂And Bubblegum was just really soft and I hadn't intended on making it that way, but istg, I wouldn't change a thing <3. I'm so happy you enjoyed it, and your words of appreciation are the sweetest thing I've read recently💕Thank you so much!
And it's completely fine!! I'm just really thankful you did come forward and told me what you think!!
And ahh that letter series was based off an idea I got while reading a work by someone else, so I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed it! I'm glad it made you feel hit and bothered, because that means I achieved my task💕
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iron-mage · 7 months
Saw a comment of yours in Notes about an AO3 Work being deleted. I cannot stress this enough but DOWNLOAD IT AS A PDF FILE on either your phone, laptop, or both! I even place some in Google Docs in case both of my things die on me. It'll save you from heartbreak, I promise.
Nah bro Epubs is the way to go fuck PDF, for a few months now I've been downloading every fic that seems mildly interesting and dumping them in my google drive + phone's microsd card
I downloaded f-droid an open source app store & got the pro version of https://librera.mobi/ on there, not the biggest fan of how it displays CBR/CBZ files or the ui in general but it's the best ereader app I've found by far
Downside is I'm not commenting as much since it only prompts u to comment at the end of the work rather than at the end of every chapter
I wish i had started years ago tbh, i only started making bookmarks a few years ago & when i checked most recently ⅔ of them were deleted, so lord knows how many fics I've read in the last decade since i learnt to read (from fanfics btw) that are now nothing but half formed memories & impressions on the minds of those who crossed paths with them
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
Besides Dance of the Phoenix, what are the other shows in which the ending ruined the whole show for you? Is Dance of the Phoenix worth watching overall? Thank you!
Just Guardian and Joy of Life I guess (and I don’t consider Joy of Life unfinished bc if you change the whole cast for Season 2, your show is done, just move on), I mean there are a few others, but to be perfectly fair, they were ruined before the actual ending so it shouldn’t be that significant that the ending sucked too
I tend to get specifically heated at shit endings because I hate watching 30-60 hours of my life gone into nothing (+ I don’t wanna know how many of us have the show-ending trauma from wasting years on GoT), but I’ve rewatched Guardian more than a few times (minus the ending) and Joy of Life (which is an excellent show regardless of things I disliked), and I’ll rewatch Dance of the Phoenix as well (also, probably minus the ending - or I guess I should say minus the last few episodes because they really weren’t nearly as powerful as they were probably supposed to be)
I would say Dance of the Phoenix is def worth watching, even with the shit ending. All the characters and relationships were really well done, and all the plot holes + convenient incidents can be easily overlooked if your purpose in watching it is to be entertained for 20+ hours
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arielxlazarus · 3 years
I almost forgot about that fanfic appreciation week, but I wanted to at least do something for it! So here's a rec list for some of my favorite fics in the one piece fandom!
This list is not at all exhaustive btw (there's still loads of other fics in the fandom that I love), so please don't feel bad if you weren't included! Also if anyone wants more recommendations from me, you can check out my bookmarks on my ao3!
Who Knows (what could happen) by Chromi
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: For as long as he could remember, he had wanted to set out to sea as an adventurer. His father, unfortunately, dictated that he was to follow the family tradition and become a doctor instead.
Following a lifetime of hurt and sorrow at the hands of his family, he eventually breaks free and takes to the sea alone - determined to keep it that way. Fate has other ideas in store for him; fate crosses his path with Portgas D. Ace's, a brand new pirate.
And what does he hate more than pirates?
Or: from Sixis to the Moby Dick - the lives of the Spade pirates.
First Time by Chromi
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: "Because it is Ace, and it will only ever be Ace, that he wants to see like this, and he wants to be responsible for unravelling him down to his core and loving him to his very center."
In which Ace and Deuce go all the way for the first time.
Seabound by AnkhPosts
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace is a selkie, making one of his periodic stops on land to catch a breather and get some ridiculously tasty human food, maybe see some sights if there are any. His pelt is safely hidden, he'll stay a day or two at most and be on his way.
Deuce is a mer, alone on the sea and traveling as he pleases for the first time in his life, and while he might not be terribly interested in actually interacting with humans it's hard not to see them as fascinating.
Ace meets Deuce. Deuce meets Ace. Neither knows the other isn't human.
Death is only the beginning by Chizyk
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Ankhreshet?” he whipped his head round at the sound of a raspy voice so fast he almost got whiplash. He could feel his body going completely cold as he saw the mummy’s empty eye sockets staring right at him.
I'm Still Here (part of a series) by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace (also Izou/Sabo later in the series)
Summary: "When I do die, don't bother burying me in that empty grave. Put my body in a boat and set me out to sea. Let me sleep eternal on the ocean that my father loved so much; because before everything else in this world, I am a child of the sea, and when I die, I want to return to it. Put me in a boat and set it aflame so I can go down in the same fire I lived."
Forget-Me-Not Fall by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Izou/Sabo
Summary: “Most of the nobles I’ve met tonight look meticulously put together. They look like they were built to portray a certain image paralleled a hundred times over. People who were copied and pasted. Flawless clothes, flawless faces, flawless makeup, flawless hair.”
“Not me though,” Sabo stated, and Izou hummed.
“It’s comforting.”
Izou met Sabo’s eye. “Everyone else in this place hides their worst attributes with a mask they modified to fit their faces. They don’t seem to comprehend that those perfect masks only make their worst characteristics more pronounced and defined.” His expression was terribly gentle as his eyes wandered across Sabo’s face. “It’s comforting to be approached by someone not trying to be something else.”
Sabo tilted his head. “How do you know I’m not manipulating you like some common Goa aristocrat?”
Izou smiled. “There are a few reasons.”
A Light To Guide You Home by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In a world that despises mutants, Ace lives purely to protect his little brother.
Until the flames inside him find their perfect match and opposite, and he doesn't know what to feel anymore.
The Phoenix's Mate by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Marco is a handsome man. Ace really can't be blamed for being attracted to him. Nobody minds, either.
But Marco isn't always a man. Ace still loves him regardless, and his sexual urges are catching up to that fact.
Marco indulges him, but he might just find himself enjoying it more than he thought he would.
ASL in Red (series) by Kereea
Rating: G-T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (both asexual), Koala/Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante/Aokiji | Kuzan, Roronoa Zoro/Sanji, and several other minor ones
Summary: In an alternate universe, forces conspired to put Ace, Sabo, and Luffy in the care of the Red Hair pirates as children.
The Grand Line would never know what hit it.
Mates (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Deuce just wanted to go searching for plants! A nice walk in the woods. Except, he ends up becoming the mate to a very persistent naga
His First Mate The Mermaid (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Instead of finding another person on Sixis, Ace finds a mermaid
Being Human by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E (no smut)
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between Marco, Whitebeard, and the rest of the crew as they form)
Summary: The line that differentiates human from object appears to be clear, but sometimes it blurs to the point where it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
The Unknown Devil by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace hadn’t expected his last week of imprisonment before his execution to be any different from all the years preceding it. Then again, he hadn’t expected to have Marco the Phoenix as a cellmate for that week, or that Marco’s presence would shake his bleak world so much.
Ripple Effect by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: After the incident with Shanks, Garp didn't take Luffy to Dadan's, unaware of how much that would change the life of his other grandson.
To Build a Home by endlessblankpages
Rating: G
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between the ASL bros and the Whitebeard Pirates)
Summary: The ASL pirates are used to being accused of crimes they didn't commit. But when they're accused of destroying a small village in the New World, it sends them hurtling toward a deadly confrontation with the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard. The results are not what they were expecting.
Persistence & The Impossible (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In order to keep himself from losing his job, Ace takes on an impossible story. Get an interview with the ever-elusive Phoenix. Guess he might as well kiss his job goodbye.
Self Discovery (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: E
Pairing: Izou/Sabo (sort of, it's technically masturbation)
Summary: Sabo has been waiting for a day like this for a while but it doesn’t go quite how he planned it.
A Breach of Intention by Depths
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It was unspoken, but some pirate crews and mermaids had an unspoken solidarity. Pirates throw their enemies overboard, and the merfolk will take care of them.
mer!ace au
Running on All Sixes by lunarshores
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Izou/Thatch
Summary: The Whitebeard gang might be one of the most influential in the city, but to Marco they're just his family. Though he sometimes wishes they'd just leave him alone, especially when Izo's playing matchmaker, and Ace is his usual oblivious self. When a brother betrays them, they'll have to fight to show why no one ever messes with their family.
nothing is impossible with you by lunarshores
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Five times Ace and Marco accidentally mixed their flames on accident and one time that was entirely on purpose.
I Want You to Look at Me by shockandlock
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: One night, Marco is missing from dinner, so Ace decides to bring dinner to him. He's surprised to see Marco wearing glasses and now he can't stop thinking about the way he looks. Now with additional chapter(s) including more miscellaneous MarcoAce PWP!
To My Dear Fire (part of a series) by shockandlock
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Living in the city is a new thing for Ace. After being raised near a cozy coastal mountain town through his childhood, it's definitely a change of pace, but it doesn't help when he loses his new job after an unfortunate encounter with actor Marco Newgate. He just wants to live-- and meet his long time pen pal, Phoenix.
Marco knows that being an actor is hard, so he takes the little things when he can: writing his pen pal (and honestly one of his best friends) Fire Fist, flirting with the cute new waiter at his favorite café-- not that he has a chance after a disaster on social media. But maybe fate really does give him a second chance when Ace shows up at Four Emperor Studios...
Uncharted Territory by silverwolf_fox
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: This was by far one of Ace's most ridiculous ideas.
When Deuce keeps getting flustered everytime he tries to dominate Ace, they created an opportunity where he didn't have to be afraid of messing up.
Now he's free to do and try whatever he wants...
...so long as Ace doesn't wake up.
Watching the Sunrise (part of a series) by silverwolf_fox
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Many years have passed since Rouge gave up her life for her son’s...except she didn’t die, but she thinks Ace did. Living her life on Baterilla, she’s mourned each and every day until the morning she receives his bounty poster. She sets off immediately to find him, but finds their meeting isn’t as easy as she’d imagined.
never shall i forget, how you climbed out of a dream by siojo
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Kaido,” Ace smirks, flames burning around his feet as he shifts in preparation for Kaido’s next attack, already trying to decide what he’s going to do in response. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You’ve seemed to have been enjoying yourself here.”
“I thought you would be smarter than this, Portgas. You’ve never tried to fight another Yonko before, your bounty won’t matter much when you lose.”
Ace barks a laugh, his teeth bared in a facsimile of a grin, “You must have missed out on the brawl I had with Big Mom after she sent two of her daughters and a son for me to consider marrying. This is a bit more personal than that.”
Reborn in Fire by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Fireman Marco has earned the nickname 'the Phoenix' by saving numerous people from a certain death. After an accident however, he has to relearn to walk and gets a new job as arson inspector at a different fire station. There he gets confronted with a boy from his past, now all grown up and gorgeous.
Three's a Crowd, Four's a Double Date by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace (main), Izou/Thatch (secondary)
Summary: "We're not dating," Marco said definitively. "That we're sharing a bed tonight is a total coincidence."
Universal Dive by EmpressKira
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace had been making his way through the city to go to one of his favorite cafes. Well, that was until this hole ripped in the sky and some pirate fell out with the flaming bird guy following. Getting targeted, he is dragged into a different world with pirates and everything defying the reality he is used to. Will he make it home? Will he go back when the time comes?
Blue moon (series) by de_Winter
Rating: T-M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Urban fantasy AU, werewolf Marco and witch Ace
Red Velvet by de_Winter
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace already knew their routine by heart, just from observing them for a couple of mornings when he had early delivery, and from Izou’s daily long winded—and probably sexually frustrated—rants. Big Blond would come out of the bakery wearing a shirt too tight for him and too thin for the weather as soon as he was done setting up the tables inside the storefront, holding a take out cup and a small box in his big hands. They looked really, pleasantly big from where Ace was standing, and he honestly wished he wasn't standing that far away.
We'll Look Back and Laugh at Ourselves by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Gol D. Roger/Portgas D. Rouge
Summary: Between his new boyfriend and his workaholic boss, Marco felt like he was surrounded by family issues of the father and son dispute variety. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Or maybe he should've listened to the office gossip more. Maybe then he'd figure it out sooner.
Gratitude of the Phoenix (part of a series) by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: [Based on 'The Crane Wife' Folklore]
One day, he saved a bird from freezing to death in a trap. Then, a stranger saved him from suffering the same fate, and a request to stay for one night turned into having someone to fill the void left in the small cottage and in his heart ever since his brothers left.
These two incident doesn’t seem to be related to one another, but they both changed Ace’s life in ways he could never have imagined.
Watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku desu (we still stand proud) by stereden
Rating: T
Pairing: None (heavy focus on Buggy, Shanks, and Crocus)
Summary: The Roger Pirates disappeared after their Captain's death, and were happy enough to let the Marines forget about them.
Until the Marines decide to execute their Captain's son, that is.
This Bites! by Xomniac
Rating: M
Pairing: None (heavy focus on a main character oc and the strawhat pirates)
Summary: Sea Kings, sea-sickness, sunburns, a 95% genocidal Navy and more than a million and one other assorted ways to die. It's official: Being inserted into an anime sucks ass... Buuut I guess it could be worse. I mean, look on the bright side: At least I'm sailing with the future king of the pirates.
A Fortune that Never Grows Old by imperialmint
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It's one thing to get butterflies in your stomach when you seen an attractive person but it's another thing entirely for Marco to want to stomp out a courtship ritual and lay foundations for a nest when he meets the navy's new (hot) secret weapon.
Most of the authors on this list have many other excellent one piece fics I'd definitely suggest checking out! Enjoy your reading and try to show them all some love if you can!
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Day Off (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 2,158
Warnings: FLUFF, bad language, suggestive language, my shit writing lmao
Summary: You hardly ever got to spend time with your husband, so when he has a day off, well, your heart can’t help but be entirely full. Especially when you see him interacting with your children.
Anonymous said:
Hello💜💜 I was wondering if you could make an fluff/smut imagine about where Bakugou where the reader is his beloved wife they both have kids and just shows how their daily lives are. Btw I’m a huge fan of your imagines🥰
I hope you enjoy this request anon! I didn’t do smut this time around, but here is some fluffy papa Bakugou for you! Also thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you like my shit writing lol.
I always enjoy writing fluffy shit like this lmao. I love Bakugou with all my fucking heart and I hope you guys enjoy this too!
You loved your family, you would do anything for them, the unconditional love that you held in your heart was something that would never be questioned.
 But sometimes, you loved your alone time just a tad bit more.
 Like now. 
 The house was clean, the house was quiet; and you actually got to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee, fresh and incredibly delicious for your sleep deprived senses.
 You were an early riser, maybe it was because of all the morning training and runs that Bakugou had forced you to do when you guys were younger, or maybe it was because when you had kids you had realized that there just wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. 
 Quite possibly it was the latter.
 But everything was done, the laundry, the dishes, sweeping and mopping, you had gone to the grocery store yesterday, a surprisingly pleasant trip since the kids were actually behaving for once.
 You owe it to your husband, who had gotten off of his hero duties early yesterday and had helped you around the house, and he was off today.
 The first time in a long time.
 You probably should’ve lingered in your shared bed just a little longer, you hardly had alone time with the explosion hero as it was, but… you had been dying to read the new book that you had gotten weeks ago. Bakugou could handle waking up alone for one day, right?
 “Are you fucking kidding me? You shit nerd, how long have you been doing this?” his familiar gruff voice sighed from the entrance of the living room.
 You glanced up from your book, a small smile tugging at your lips as you took in his sleepy figure.
 Bakugou’s blonde hair was even more disheveled, his sweats hung low on his hips, one of his large hands was underneath his shirt, absentmindedly scratching at the skin that stretched across his sculpted stomach.
 You took a lot of pleasure in the fact that you got to see the most popular pro hero so domestic, so casual.
 His ring caught the morning light streaming through the window, glinting beautifully as he stretched out his muscular arms above his head, his shirt rising up, exposing the lower half of his stomach to your greedy eyes. His biceps bulged out beautifully against the sleeves of his shirt.
 You also took pleasure in just staring at your husband, that beautiful specimen of a man was all yours.
 “What time is it?” you asked. 
 “Almost 9.” 
 “Hmmm. Since 4:30 then?” You pondered, placing your bookmark between the pages, and closing the book completely, placing it on the coffee table.
 Bakugou made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat as he padded off towards the kitchen.
 You laughed softly to yourself, following after the muscular male. 
 “Stop fucking staring at me.” Bakugou grumbled, vermilion eyes sliding over to you briefly as he drank down his glass of water.
 “Can’t a wife just look at her husband?” you asked innocently, he walked over to you, his hands coming down on either side of your face, squeezing your cheeks together tightly.
 “Not when the wife ditches her husband in the morning to read a stupid fucking book.” he sneered.
 You laughed, grabbing at his much larger hands, and pulling them away from your face.
 “I’m sorry Katsu, what can I do to make it up to you?” you teased lightly.
 You shouldn’t have asked.
 A wicked smirk stretched across his face. “Get on your knees.” his voice was husky, commanding as he stared at you, daring you to challenge him.
 You could feel your lips part at his words, a pink blush beginning to dust your cheeks.
 It had been a long time since you -
 The moment was gone completely, the wide smirk that Bakugou wore turned into a deep scowl.
 “Good morning baby.” you cooed turning to look at your small child. He was the spitting image of Bakugou, but he was the sweetest boy, completely unlike his father.
 He rubbed at his small eyes before they landed on Bakugou, a sweet smile stretching across his face. 
 “Papa. Up.” he held out his little arms, urging Bakugou to pick him up.
 You could see the scowl visibly melting away from Bakugou’s face, replaced with a gentle one as he gazed at his son. 
 It was hard for Bakugou, being able to spend time with his children, despite how rough he was, how crude his words could be; he was a wonderful father, a wonderful husband.
 You were entirely lucky.
 Bakugou easily swung his child up into his muscular arms. Your son sighing in happiness as he rests his head against Bakugou’s broad shoulders, his thumb coming up to rest between his lips.
 The sight of the two of them together melted your heart completely, clenching tightly in your chest as Bakugou pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your son’s head.
 “Papa’s home today?” Another familiar voice spoke. You turned to see your daughter staring at Bakugou in curiosity.
 She was the oldest, and the spitting image of you, except… well her personality was entirely her father’s.
 “Why don’t you guys go watch some cartoons while I get breakfast started?” you hummed.
 “Come on you shit stain.” Bakugou ruffled his daughter’s hair, urging her out of the kitchen into the living room.
 You and your daughter frowned, you at the fact that he just called your child a shit stain, and her because he messed up her already messy hair.
 “Your breath smells like shit Papa.” your daughter said, tone annoyed as she shoved his hand away from her head.
 You sighed tiredly, hand resting on the side of your face.
 “Oi, you aren’t allowed to curse.” Bakugou scolded, a large tick mark appearing on his forehead and he grabbed your daughter’s head pushing her out of the kitchen.
 You could hear their loud bickering fading into the living room, causing you to sigh deeply once again. 
 But a smile twitched on your lips, it had been a long time since you guys got to enjoy the morning together like this.
 When you had finally finished cooking breakfast you went to go grab the rest of your family. 
 Your heart melted at the sight. Bakugou held both kids in his arms, your children looking incredibly small as they cuddled up against their father.
 Despite the fact that your eldest and Bakugou always fought, she was a daddy’s girl through and through. Bakugou’s fingers combed through her unruly hair absentmindedly, while his other hand rubbed up and down your son’s back.
 Their eyes were glued to the TV as some anime played.
 You cleared your throat, all three pairs of eyes flickering to your form. 
 “Breakfast is ready.” you smiled, watching as your little girl climbed off of Bakugou padding past you towards her seat in the kitchen. Bakugou lifted up your son, easily carrying him into the kitchen and setting him down on his highchair.
 “What should we do today?” you mused as you guys began eating, Bakugou was feeding your son, making a disgusted face when he spit the food back out.
 “I need new shoes for school mama.” Your daughter said, mouth full of food.
 Bakugou made another disgusted face, handing your daughter a napkin.
 “Wipe your face brat, and don’t talk with your mouth full.” He lectured. 
 “Can we go to the park today?” her eyes lit up, ignoring her father completely as she tossed the crumpled-up napkin at his face.
 “Don’t throw shit at me! Don’t ignore me either!” he growled, a tick mark appearing on his face once again.
 “I’m trying to talk to mama, and you keep interrupting, annoying papa.” she snapped back.
 You sighed. “No fighting you two. We should be able to go to the mall today....” you trailed off, trying to remember if there was anything important you had to do today.
 “I need more workout shirts, and new training gloves. Damn Deku borrowed mine and never returned them.” Bakugou said gruffly.
 “Then I guess we can all go on a trip today.” you smiled. “Let’s finish up and start getting ready.”
 You almost forgot what it was like to bring the entire family out, it had been too long since the last time you guys did something like this.
 Needless to say, you were already exhausted.
 It took forever to get everyone out of the house. Bakugou did his best to help get the kids ready but… between the constant fighting with him and your daughter and your son's endless crying about not wanting to go and not wanting to put on pants, and Bakugou’s attempts at intimacy as you got ready... well, you wanted to get this over with already.
 “What do you think?” your daughter asked, pointing her toe out, the Uravity themed shoes on full display for you.
 “Very pretty, do you want those ones?” you asked. 
 She nodded excitedly.
 “Why do you want round face’s shoes? Why not mine?” Bakugou grumbled, staring down at his daughter accusingly.
 “Yours are ugly papa. I don’t like the colors. Uravity is my favorite hero.” She said face blank as she stared at the blonde male.
 This was definitely a sight to see, considering that Bakugou had your son perched on his hip and he was glaring down at the small girl who was glaring right back at him.
 “Huh? Ground Zero isn’t your favorite hero?” he barked.
 “No. Uravity is.”
 “Well mama’s favorite hero is Ground Zero.” He smirked, eyes flickering over to you.
 “Actually, Red Riot is my favorite hero.” You teased, soft laughter escaping your lips as your husband’s face fell at the mention of his best friend.
 “Let’s go over here!” Your daughter said excitedly, the conversation completely abandoned as she took sight of the toy store across from the shoe store you guys were at.
 “Hold on. I still have to pay.” you said in amusement, walking over to the cashier.
 Bakugou stood next to you, one of his large hands resting on the small of your back. When you had finished paying and began trailing after your excited daughter, he leaned in close.
 “You’re getting punished for saying that.” Bakugou growled near your ear. 
 “Is that a promise?” you challenged, ignoring the blush in your cheeks and the pleasant twist that occurred in the pit of your stomach.
 “You can count on it.” he growled, a smirk playing on his lips before he walked off to catch up with your daughter.
 You were definitely looking forward to it.
 You sighed loudly as you sat down on the park bench. 
 “Here.” Bakugou handed you one of the drinks he got from the vending machine, his eyes never leaving his children that were now playing on the playground equipment.
 “Did you have fun today?” you asked, resting your head against his shoulder as he took a seat beside you.
 “No.” he snorted, and then his expression changed, his eyes softening completely, his face relaxed. “It’s been a while since we got to spend the day together.”
 His large fingers found your own, intertwining together tightly. “Thank you.”
 You glanced over at him curiously. “For what?”
 You could see a soft blush coating his cheeks. He was embarrassed. It wasn’t anything new though, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was terrible at verbally expressing his feelings. 
 “You’re a good mother, and a good wife. Thank you for always taking care of the kids… and me.” he grumbled.
 Your expression softened, your heart warming completely. It was rare when Bakugou praised you like this, again, he was terrible at expressing his feelings verbally, especially something so gentle and heartfelt like this.
 “Of course, Katsu.” you beamed at him.
 He scoffed at your expression, but reached for you, cupping the side of your face as he stooped low, pressing his mouth against yours carefully.
 You hummed low in your throat; eyes fluttering shut as you kissed him back. Sweet and gentle, incredibly warm and full of love.
 “Ew. You actually let papa do that? That’s disgusting.” You broke free from the kiss and turned to see your daughter staring at you guys in disgust. 
 You laughed softly at her comment, Bakugou on the other hand…
 “Aren’t you supposed to be watching your brother?” he asked, eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
 “No wonder Deku is the number 1 hero.” Your daughter muttered to herself before turning to walk away.
 “What the fuck did you just say you shit?” Bakugou growled, standing up and swooping down, easily throwing your daughter over his shoulders.
 She squealed loudly, contagious giggles escaping her lips as Bakugou jogged over to the playground. He scooped up your other child, swinging him around rapidly.
 A soft smile twitched at your lips as you watched them.
 You loved your little family.
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Don't mind me, I've just been refreshing your AO3 account constantly for the last few days to see if Lost and Found has been updated. Love it and your characterisations of Philoise btw :)
I read this when I was on my break at work and I’m gonna be real with you, I almost cried in the middle of a grocery store. 😭😅
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it and more is definitely coming! Perhaps a snippet of chapter 3 to tide you over under the cut?
Eloise was walking out of her writing seminar when she felt a buzz in her pocket. She took out her phone.
Maybe: Phillip Crane
Today 12:43 PM
Hello Eloise, this is Phillip Crane. I just wanted to let you know that I left the guest passes in your mailbox. I’ve got to admit, it took me a little while to find it. I haven’t spent much time in campus buildings other than the CGSB.
Finally, she thought. Eloise had spent the weekend annoyingly restless waiting for a reply from Phillip. She knew there was absolutely no reason she should have expected a reply before now. After all, she told him to text her when he had dropped the tickets in her mailbox and he couldn’t do that on the weekend. She was surprised to feel her phone vibrate again.
I look forward to hearing how you liked the gardens!
At this, Eloise felt her cheeks get warm.
“Hey El!” Eloise heard a decidedly male voice shout from down the hall behind her. Her eyes widened. Benedict, she thought. She had forgotten that she promised to take him to lunch today–even though she told him where to meet her this morning. Jesus, she needed to get a grip on herself. He was in town from up-state and they were going to catch up and go to some galleries.
“Hey Ben,” she said, turning around, “how are you doing?”
“Oh you know, different liver, same eagles,” he shrugged “but I want to know about what you have been up to” he looped his arm through hers and they began to walk.
“Nothing interesting,” she replied, confused and wary of her brother’s sudden interest, “why?”
“Really?” Benedict inquired, “No shady dealings with strange men?”
“What?” Eloise asked, somewhat frustrated. One of the favorite hobbies of all the Bridgerton brothers, it seemed, was dancing around the point.
“Well,” Benedict began, “I was hanging out, waiting for your class to be done and I just so happened to be down the hall from the mailboxes…”
Uh oh, Eloise thought. She didn’t know why she was worried that Benedict had seen Phillip Crane. After all, she barely knew the guy. In fact, she didn’t know the guy. But she had to admit, something about the man intrigued her. Maybe Benedict had seen him and he was a total total creep. Then the illusion she had created in her head, which showed Phillip Crane as Michael Fassbender in Jane Eyre for whatever reason, would be shattered.
Benedict continued his story, “when a man I can only describe as a nerdy Wolverine came up to me and asked where the mailboxes were. Being my curious and often meddlesome self,” he turned his head and looked down at her, “I am, after all, a Bridgerton,” he faced his head forward once again, “I followed him and saw that he dropped an envelope in the mailbox of an E. Bridgerton!”
Eloise stopped to face her brother, “You followed him closely enough to see which mailbox he put the envelope in?”
“I might have seen your name on the envelope when he was asking me for directions,” Benedict allowed. Then his voice grew quiet. “You know, El, you can tell me if he’s paying you for feet pics, I won’t judge you.”
Eloise punched her brother’s arm. “Sophie shouldn’t let you leave the house.”
Benedict put on a smirk and wryly stated “if it were up to the both of us, she wouldn’t”
Eloise’s eyes narrowed “You’re a degenerate.”
“A degenerate who still hasn’t received an answer as to why strange men are leaving missives in his sister’s mailbox.”
Eloise rolled her eyes, “It’s hardly a missive. The other day I found a datebook in the library, I contacted the owner and returned it. As a thank you, he gave me tickets to the botanical gardens.” she said dragging her brother towards the mailbox and grabbing the envelope.
“He couldn’t just give you cash?” Benedict asked as Eloise tore at the envelope.
“I think it’s nice,” she said grabbing the tickets and holding them up to her brother’s face, “See? It’s just tickets.”
“And some pressed forget-me-nots if I’m not mistaken,” Benedict drolled.
“In between the tickets, there is what appears to be a bookmark made of pressed forget-me-nots” he smirked.
Eloise retracted her arm, observing the items in her hand. Sure enough, there was a small laminated card with the blooms she had remarked on in her email. “Oh.”
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atelier-dayz · 4 years
20-ish Questions: Book Edition
Tagged by the lovely @crispyjenkins <3
I’ve only just started getting back into the groove of reading again because med school sucked. ANYWAYS.
1. hardcover or paperback
I prefer paperback, mostly because they’re easier for me to hold when reading, lighter for transport, and they’re (usually) cheaper LOL 
I’ll buy hardcover if I know I’ll love the book a lot since they’re more durable or I’m too impatient to wait for the paperback to release.
2. rent or buy
Always buy. I...didn’t realize you could rent books other than textbooks? LOL
3. reads in silence or reads with music
I’m like 80% of the time listening to music so that includes when reading!
4. standalone or series
Either! It’s been a while since I’ve read books outside of medschool though. Most of the ones I’ve read recently are standalones.
5. annotations or pristine pages
I’m like incapable of writing inside books. LOL I’ll add transparent sticky notes and tabs if I do want to make notes. Or I’ll make notes on my Kindle for e-books.
6. ebook or physical copy
I prefer physical copy. 
However, considering I’ve been moving across the world and the US every 1-2 years for the past like...6-10? years and traveling a bunch, e-books are so much easier to transport, so I’ve been reading them more. And they’re often times cheaper and I had zero income with max debt.  (Also this way, I can store my favorite fics onto my Kindle along with my favorite books ehehe) 
All my physical copy books are currently at my parents’ house. :’(
7. dog ears or bookmarks
Bookmarks! Or whatever scrap of paper I have on hand LOL I don’t like folding my book pages... 
8. mismatched series or complete set
A mismatched set would bother the HECK out of me....
9. cover matters or you don’t judge
Oh I totally judge a book by its cover LOL Presentation is important! But it’s not like a deal-breaker or anything. The summary/blurb and author’s writing style is always important too. But I have totally bought another copy of a book I already had just for a nicer cover.
10. lend books or keep them to yourself
I used to lend/exchange books with a friend in high school. Now most of my friends are docs/med students so no one has time to read ;~; 
11. enjoys lit classes or despises them
Major mixed feelings. I loved reading (most) of the books we were assigned. I loved the creative assignments we got. What I didn’t like were writing essays. I got good grades and all and didn’t do poorly on them, but there was always something missing in my essays keeping them from like great vs good, according to my teachers. Turns out it was a cultural difference in presenting arguments, and so the Western structure of essay writing never jived with me even though all my formative schooling was in the US???? (NTS: I need to find that article explaining the difference between presenting arguments in the West vs the East. It had to do with like inductive vs deductive reasoning.) 
So yeah, mixed feelings on lit class. I did avoid taking one of the AP English classes specifically because of the damn essays.
12. browses shops or orders online
I love browsing stores, but haven’t had any time for that in years, so mostly ordering online. Also COVID is rampant here so no exploring the nice-looking indie bookstores for a while. ;D;
13. reads reviews or goes in blind
Usually go in blind. Exceptions for recommendations from friends or what people might be saying about the books in my spheres of social media. 
14. unreturned books or clean library record
Well, since I moved here, I’ve gotten a new library card! So far, a clean record. But considering COVID is rampant here, I’m sticking with ebook borrows right now so no unreturned books!
15. rereads or once was enough
Definitely rereads!!! Rereading JA now. I re-read Pride & Prejudice every 2-3 years btw. LOL
16. fanfic enthusiast or a stickler for canon
Considering I write fanfic? Fanfic enthusiast for sure! XD Sticking only to canon would be boring and so limiting!! And sometimes you just need that fix-it to glue your heart back together LOL  Canon informs my writing, but I don’t 100% adhere to it!
17. deep reader or easily distracted
If I’m enjoying the book, I’m a deep reader and will literally sit there and finish the book. No breaks. No sleep. Which is also why I haven’t read much in the past few years LOL
18. must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter
Order doesn’t particularly matter to me. I’m not a big stickler on movies staying 100% faithful to the book. But yeah also not a fan of movies changing details that didn’t need to be changed. What I don’t like is when movies change or don’t include what I find an important scene in the book. (Like the execution of [insert scene here] means so much to me and you just -- LEAVE IT OUT???)
19. neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves
My books are all over the place, but uuuh usually starts out neat and then gets messy as I accumulate more books LOL
20. skips ahead or resists temptation
I usually just read straight through. I have been burned by the endings of several fics and books though, so depending on how the story is going, I might peek at the last paragraph. Just to be safe.
21. reads aloud or in your head
I can’t even listen to audiobooks or podcasts most of the time unless I’m like building furniture or something alkdfjas so definitely only reading in my head.
22. guesses plot twists or never sees them coming
I don’t go out of my way to guess the twists? Like if the clues are there and I pick up on them, great. I just sit back and enjoy the story? 
Tagging @kitsunekage88 @rinrinp42 @amillionstarsandyouchoosethisone and @turtletotem <3
No obligation to answer these of course! This one is also kind of long LOL
Originally posted by thesunshineatsunset
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advernia · 4 years
You know twstwon!!! Does that mean you're going in its fandom too!? And btw that take on Rapunzel was GREAT. Do you have other fairy tales in store? ❤️
hi hi!!! (*´꒳`*) yup, i think i’ve been checking it out on and off since last year.... unfortunately now i haven’t had the time to delve into all that twstwon goodness but i… have… bookmarks…. of whatever juicy stuff my friends send to me + the app itself waiting huehuehue…… so….. hopefully sOON i can read them in one sitting(!?) and go fandom swimming LMAOOOO థ౪థ
as for the fairytales, i still haven’t put up little briar-rose (sleeping beauty) & aschenputtel (cinderella)! there are three others, but they’re for different fandoms ₍‧ꀈ˙⁾՜
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almaasi · 5 years
GISH 2019 List of Items
Need a clean, rebloggable, printable, copy-pastable, bookmarkable reference for the GISH 2019 item list in case the official site goes down? I’ve got ya covered. Includes the item number, photo/video type, and point value. List will be updated as the hunt progresses. Good luck, Gishers~
[ see also: 2011 list // 2012 list // 2013 list // 2014 list // 2015 list // 2016 list // 2017 list // 2018 list]
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Misha Collins or GISH. I just love the bleeping bleep out of both. c:
ALL of the Items below should either be captured as "images" (which are photographs) or "videos". When you click “Submit," there will be instructions on how to submit the links to these images or videos. You should only use YOUTUBE for the videos and for images - you may upload them directly on our site.
bUnless otherwise specified, ALL VIDEOS must be NO LONGER than 14 seconds. If you’re a second or two over we’re not going to penalize you (we know how finicky youtube can be), but aim for 14 or under. They can be shorter if you wish!
1 / PHOTO / 21 POINTS / Make an Assbutt of yourself in public. Literally.
2 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Nothing caps off a good, hot summer day like a footlong s'mores eaten by two, Lady and the Tramp Style. (No hands may be used in the creation of or eating of the s'mores.) - Rae M.
3 / VIDEO / 57 POINTS / They say stepping on a LEGO is the greatest pain one can experience. We Gishers laugh in the face of pain. Make shoes entirely from LEGOs - no fluffy socks or insoles allowed- and demonstrate them in use. Post it to social media and tag the LEGO accounts and @GISH. - Deidra
4 / VIDEO / 59 POINTS / Hula hooping is hard, and you're just not ready to go it alone yet. Create a hula-hoop with training wheels for beginners and show it in use.
5 / PHOTO / 36 POINTS / At least 3 grownups working in an industrial mud-pie factory. They must be wearing hair nets. Supervising them is at least one tidy child under age 10 in a suit and carrying a clipboard.
6 / VIDEO / 28 POINTS / 7 out of 10 dentists and dental hygienists recommend Flossing, and they practice what they preach. Show us 7 out of 10 real dentists and dental hygienists flossing (not tooth-flossing. Dance-flossing.)
7 / VIDEO / 113 POINTS / SLOW-MOTION. It's time for the most elegant and beautiful of all affairs: the paintball ballet! 5 ballerinas playing paintball on pointe. They must all be pointe dancers; they can be wearing safety gear, but it must be pink and there must be tutus and pointe shoes.
8 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / It's summer, and that means it's time to do your civic duty. Take a swim in the jury pool -- complete with flotation devices, snorkel, etc.
9 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / Bee-drinking poles are all the rage, but your neighborhood bees deserve to really unwind. Create a bee bar - a bee "saloon on a pole" using recycled bottle caps. Install it somewhere public. - Item Written By Misha's Mom
10 / PHOTO / 74 POINTS / A real matador in a real bullfighting ring with any of our GISH/gishwhes "flapes" (these are flags some Gishers purchase during registration). The bull is a Gisher, convincingly dressed as a bull.
11 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Listerine Mouse Wash.
12 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / A child reading a bedtime story to the monster under their bed. The monster should be charmed and cozy and cuddled up.
13 / PHOTO / 36 POINTS / The machines are taking over, and now they're even infiltrating the dating sector. Your blind date tonight at a 4-star restaurant is a humanoid robot.
14 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / Nothing can shake you up! Show us how you keep centered: meditating on a moving mechanical bull. Keep your chakras aligned! Fall off in less than 2 seconds and score 0 points.
15 / PHOTO / 80 POINTS / Create a "food truck" that sells something incongruous with food trucks. It could be delicious pesticides, microchips, shower caps or anything in between. It can't be compassion, empathy, or anything that "feeds the soul." As loathe as we are to say this: get creative. Your truck must advertise its wares with flashy signage.
16 / VIDEO / 66 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Clowns were the original glad-iators. Prove it with Roman clowns fighting in an actual Colosseum or ancient amphitheater in a knock-down, drag-out pie fight.
17 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / Trip the light fantastic. Literally. - Kelli R.
18 / PHOTO / 53 POINTS / You know that saying: "Christ on a paddleboard!" Well, it's used for a reason - Jesus walked on water and was an innovator in the Stand-Up Paddleboard world. Show Jesus on a stand-up paddleboard, with at least 3 disciples following him in a rowboat, canoe, or scull.
19 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / The world is in desperate need of more Cheese Balls. Many more Cheese Balls. Many many many more Cheese Balls. Delivered as rapidly as possible. Build a functional Cheese Ball launching/delivery system and demonstrate it shooting cheese balls from a distance of least 30 feet away. You must be able to catch at least 1 in your mouth.
20 / PHOTO / 12 POINTS / A housecat happily flaunting a stylish mustache.
21 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / You're a real dish. No, really. You and a friend, dressed as commemorative collector plates, donating platelets (that's what plates bleed).
22 / VIDEO / 291 POINTS / People always say, "GISH lights up the night!" Prove it. Get a bunch of drones with lights on them to spell out the word "GISH" in the night sky. The drones must serve as pixels in the sky, so you will need a lot of them. Probably at least 40.
23 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / (Up to 20 seconds. You may use fast-motion or tight editing). When baking, measurements are vital to the culinary success of your creation. Small missteps will ruin your souffle. Of course, measuring cups and spoons, over time, change size and volume due to humidity and aging. Let's use a measuring device that you trust and know intimately: your mouth. First, figure out exactly how much volume is in you mouth and then use it to source and distribute all ingredients to bake a cake. You may not use any utensils or measuring devices. Grab whatever ingredients you use to make a cake and place them on your counter and then, without using your hands to measure or fill, fill your mouth with the appropriate amounts of each ingredient and then deposit in your cake dish.(Yes, this means you would need to "bob for flour" in your flour bag and then "mouth spout" it into your mixing bowl). Once the ingredients are all safely in the mixing bowl (again, delivered by your mouth), you are allowed to mix it with any device--as long as that device is a part of your face. Bake it and enjoy it with a loved one (without using your hands).
24 / VIDEO / 94 POINTS / Have a child under 8 years old create an original recipe, a la "Cooking Fast & Fresh with West". Record them inventing it, then executing their vision. It must be 100% child-led with an adult-only serving as sous chef. In a blatant cross-promotional stunt, the best recipes will be posted on my social media when my new book, "The Adventurous Eaters Club" hits bookstores. (BTW, you can pre-order now here.)
25 / VIDEO / 68 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) You've been bragging you can out-dunk a professional basketball player, and now it's time to prove it: go one-on-one for a 30-second milk-and-cookies dunk-off against a pro-baller. Your competitor must be a current or retired member of the NBA or WNBA. Bonus points if your competition is a household name. Post your video on social media tagging the player with #GISHDunkChallenge
26 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Be a stand-in for me! Wearing a convincing Misha Collins mask, have a cup of tea with someone who still has a bonafide original Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece. The puzzle piece must be visible in the image. If you are on a team and you are a Team 3 Rhino Hunt puzzle piece holder, you MAY collaborate with other teams to help them out on this one. (I will still honor the tea-time for any unredeemed puzzle pieces. This offer never expires.)
27 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / Food waste is a real problem in many countries. At the same time, food deserts are a problem, making it difficult for some people to get fresh, nutritious food. We're helping both problems in one fell swoop with our GISH Mobile Free Grocers! Get a grocery store to donate the day's "ugly" produce, day-old bread, and any other still-edible fresh foods to you, then go and distribute it as a GISH Mobile Free Grocer to people experiencing homelessness.
28 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / The tooth fairy is sick and tired of waiting around to collect the teeth under kids' pillows, so she's gone rogue and has started taking them right out of their mouths to meet her quota. Obviously, she needs to be stopped! Create an effective anti-tooth fairy nighttime mouth guard and show it in use, successfully stopping the thieving fairy. -Ant G.
29 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / (UP TO 20 SECONDS: You may speed up and edit video) The big trend in experience-based restaurants has you eating in total darkness, but these gimmicky restaurants charge a fortune. We're bringing it to the masses: Take a dinner date to an upscale restaurant - the fancier, the better - wear white. There must be a white linen tablecloth. Sit across from each other and feed each other dinner while both of you are blindfolded. You must be serving one another red wine too.
30 / VIDEO / 53 POINTS / The recorder is an under-appreciated instrument, with roots in ancient times. The depth of its mythical sirenic tones are magical and hypnotic. So what better place to play this divine woodwind than amongst the most beautiful sites in the world? Play the Kansas song "Carry on Wayward Son" at sunset on a recorder, overlooking one of the following: the Grand Canyon (Arizona, US), Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Machu Picchu (Peru), Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal (India), the Colosseum (Italy), Iguazu Falls (Brazil), Stonehenge (UK), Egyptian Pyramids or the Sphinx, Tikal (Guatemala), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Atacama Desert (Chile), Arashiyama Bamboo Grove (Japan), The Azores (Portugal), Boulders Beach (South Africa), Cappadocia (Turkey), Cliffs of Moher (Ireland), Disko Bay (Greenland), Lake Tekapo (New Zealand), Na Pali Coast (Hawaii, US), Sagrada Familia (Spain), Eiffel Tower (France), Reynisfjara (Iceland), Trolltunga (Norway), Ubud (Bali), Sydney Opera House (Australia), Banff National Park (Canada), Niagara Falls (New York or Ontario), Yellowstone (Wyoming), El Capitan (Yosemite), Statue of Liberty (Liberty Island), Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland), Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany), Matterhorn or Zermatt (Switzerland), or Chichen Itza (Mexico).
31 / PHOTO / 75 POINTS / In the past, stained glass windows usually depicted flowers or devotional symbols like angels and saints. But modern culture venerates a different group. Create a stained glass window of a Kardashian, famous Instagram Influencer, or similar personality with more than 4 million followers. It must be someone who is worshipped simply for being worshipped for being famous. You may not use anyone from the cast of Supernatural. Bonus points if it's installed in an actual cathedral.
32 / PHOTO / 43 POINTS / We're putting you in charge of Supernatural canon for the day. Paint a cannon with an elaborate SPN mural showcasing something that you think should be canon, with a caption like, "It's #SPN Cannon!"
33 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / In the 2018 GISH Most Premiumerest Registration, we included a Misha Collins MishSqueezie stress ball. And though our concept artist did a great job, something got lost in translation and, well... Nailed it! But somewhere out there, there must be the guy that actually looks exactly like this stress ball. Find him and take a picture of him with the MishSqueezie.
34 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / The Federation of Stormtroopers has been officially sponsored by the X Games this year. Let's see a highlight from one of their competitions with the stormtrooper participating in an extreme sport.
35 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / A pop-up card that's for a blind child. Written in Braille, with pop-ups that can be understood completely by touch. Let's see it in action.
36 / PHOTO / 118 POINTS / Like many Americans, I've been trying to get supplies to the families and kids in detention center along the US border, and despite my C-List celebrity status, it's been tough. But we found a way. Go to SPNFamilyValues.com and follow the instructions there, then screenshot it and send that in as proof.
37 / VIDEO / 32 POINTS / I keep losing my stuff. Invent a Misha-proof AirPod-finding solution that is NOT a cord, because that defeats the entire point of AirPods - and one that works when they're not charged. Show it in use.
38 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / Ugly Holiday sweaters are great, but with the climate crisis heating up the planet, we've got to branch out. Model your best ugly Holiday bathing suit or bikini made of repurposed ugly holiday sweaters. Model it at the beach with a caption touting the virtues of your "Global Warming Holiday Sweater."
39 / VIDEO / 108 POINTS / There's regular golf, and mini-golf, but where are all the maxi-golf courses? We want to see it all - the giant putters, the huge balls, and of course, the windmill.
40 / VIDEO / 45 POINTS / The world is heating up! Time for an old-fashioned kids game that we all know: Hot Planet. With at least 8 people in a public place, play a game of Hot Potato with a reddened globe of the planet Earth. Everyone must be wearing oven mitts and summer wear and not be fazed by the heat, except for one person who is dressed in a suit with a red tie and a Donald Trump mask. Trump isn't wearing mitts and his hands are covered in blisters and while he tries to hide it when the globe gets to his hands, it really hurts.
41 / VIDEO / 67 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS). A high-speed giant game of red rover played by at least 50 wedding guests. The bride must be the one flung across the field. The groom must be running after her holding her train. - Inspired by mdsteele47
42 / PHOTO / 95 POINTS / TWO PICTURES SIDE-BY-SIDE IN ONE IMAGE. I always feel a lot of guilt about the tattoo items in GISH. The first time I added one, I thought it was funny until I saw the tatts and then I felt a little bad. Of course, it gives me a rush of power when I see them in person, and many of them are actually very cool... So I have an idea that allows me to keep feeling powerful, but takes away all of my guilt: Get a tattoo of the encouraging message you wish your higher self had written to get you through the tough times. Because I know many of you already have inspiring tattoos, you must submit two images. The first is an image of you getting the tattoo when you are �-way done at the tattoo parlor, in the chair, holding a sign that reads, "GISH made me do it." The second image is of the finished tattoo. If you can, include your triumphant face. (Don't include more than 2 images in your submission. Just one image with two photos side by side.)
43 / VIDEO / 24 POINTS / Choose a sport you’ve never played before. Go do it with your coach: a child under the age of 10 who is an experienced participant. - Inspired by Coach Odette Padalecki
44 / PHOTO / 94 POINTS / Recreate a Civil War-era photograph with Captain America, Iron Man, and/or their respective sides using the Woodburytype photography technique. As always, no Photoshop allowed unless specified. This one does not allow it.
45 / PHOTO / 62 POINTS / Why have chain letters, when you can have chain mail? Create an intricate medieval knight’s suit of armor entirely out of junk mail, with chain mail comprised of chain letters. Must include a junk mail shield, sword, and a codpiece (to protect your "junk").
46 / VIDEO / 135 POINTS / Someone turned your local parking lot into your favorite childhood board game! Using sidewalk chalk or removable tempera, transform at least 5000 square feet of pavement into an enlarged version of your favorite childhood board game. Using a drone’s eye-view, show the whole board (complete with people costumed as game pieces playing).
47 / VIDEO / 141 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) Garfield phones keep washing up on beaches in France. As you know, that’s because mermaids love cats, so there’s a mermaid call center operation down there selling these phones on QVSea. Show us the QVSea commercial for these phones, as pitched by a mer-spokesperson. Oh, and it should go without saying, but all of this is taking place underwater.
48 / VIDEO / 64 POINTS / A real barbershop quartet singing a passage from the Mueller Report in front of a federally elected political leader’s office.
49 / VIDEO / 48 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) Talk to an elderly person over 80 and learn all about the best day of their life so far. Then, create a diorama of their best day in a small empty tin or box and give it to them. The video should show them briefly describing the memory and then you presenting them with the diorama. Make sure we get to see the diorama you made and their reaction, too.
50 / PHOTO / 59 POINTS / Write a formal, one-page letter to Gina Haspel, the current Director of the CIA. In it you must outline a plausible, one-page decoding of the fourth Kryptos. The letter must frame the description as an urgent matter and must seamlessly deploy the term “wild unicorn training centers around the globe”. Post a photo of your letter on social media and tag @CIA.
51 / PHOTO / 27 POINTS / Conspiracy theorists need to get with the times! Update the tinfoil hat to reflect technological innovations.
52 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / Create MAILWHES, The Most Amazing, Intimidating Letterbox The World Has Ever Seen: a mailbox so amazing, so intimidating, so horrifying that your mail carrier will never dare leave you another piece of junk mail again. There must be teeth around the mail slot or opening.
53 / VIDEO / 64 POINTS / FAST-MOTION. At my friend Philip’s wedding, Giles Duley, myself and a few other forward-thinking innovators devised a new product and we would like to beta test the concept with you. It’s called: SoupFace and it involves eating soup from a bowl made from a plaster mold of your face. First, make a plaster mold of your face. Fill it with warm soup. Consume the soup without using a utensil and when the soup is gone and your face is back in the wet mold. Lift the SoupFace mold off the table without using your hands. Reveal the mask beneath.
54 / VIDEO / 59 POINTS / As all diehard Supernatural fans know, “Assbutt” was a featured player in Season 5, Episode 22 of the show, but the episode ran long and Assbutt’s scene was left on the cutting room floor. Rectify this oversight by releasing the never-before-seen cut of this scene.
55 / PHOTO / 39 POINTS / TRIPTYCH. Dawid Planeta illustrates his depression as mysterious creatures. In a 3-panel illustration, show your biggest fear or struggle as a symbolic creature with which you gradually come to terms. Label it so we know what your creature represents.
56 / PHOTO / 73 POINTS / A lot of people use their cell phones while in the bathroom, which is really gross. We understand that it can get boring in there, though. Help people break society’s screen addiction with our new solution: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter toilet paper! Re-create a verified social media account on a roll of toilet paper- images and all. Scroll away—but don’t read the comments. (They’re crap.) Install it in a public bathroom as a public service.
57 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / Send noods! There’s been an epidemic of people sending explicit noodle photos to unsuspecting people. We believe consent is important, and in this case, we consent—with some STRICT caveats: Recreate a TASTEFUL image of a famous nude painting or sculpture in noodles ONLY and then post it on social media tagged #SendNoods. Submit your actual image and a link to the tweet in your comments.
58 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 38 POINTS / Ask a child aged 5 or under what their greatest fear is. Create and photograph or film a scene of you and them conquering this fear together. - Kristin L.
59 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / Cement your own joy.
60 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 244 POINTS / Angry birds. Flappy birds. Candy Crush. All those other games are so boring compared to GISH: The Game! Build an app game for the GISH App. It must feature a GISH mascot and integrate fully into the GISH App. Full specs for integration can be found here.
61 / PHOTO / 39 POINTS / (F)underwear.
62 / PHOTO / 72 POINTS / Each day, one member of your team must find one broken thing to upcycle and give to someone in need. Take a photo and, at the end of the Hunt week, submit a collage of the 7 now-useful items your team has gathered, refurbished, and donated. (You may not use a bicycle, but you may use a unicycle or tricycle.) - Inspired by Monica D.
63 / PHOTO / 38 POINTS / The ’80s are back, and we can’t escape all that goes with them: including stereoscopic images. Make a stereoscopic “Magic Eye” image of something that scares you as much as '80s fashion scares us.
64 / PHOTO / 62 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Outside a migrant detention center, lift a massive banner using balloons, drones, or telescoping poles at least 10 feet high with a message like, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.” Be responsible with your balloons. Don’t let them fly away or burst and leave shards anywhere.
65 / PHOTO / 67 POINTS / An upscale art gallery opening at a landfill. All exhibits must be made from things found at the landfill. One professional art critic must be present to review the works.
66 / VIDEO / 256 POINTS / Plane air painting: A wing-walker on a biplane, painting a picture on a canvas of the landscape from their point of view. Show us the painting as it’s happening, and then the completed painting being held by the wing-walker.
67 / VIDEO / 49 POINTS / A signer performing the National Anthem silently in sign language on a field at a stadium that seats more than 5,000, with a sizeable crowd of spectators.
68 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / I’m not saying Jared Padalecki is a big softie, but here’s a portrait of him toasted onto a marshmallow. Just the way it should be.
69 / PHOTO / 40 POINTS / Nobody’s more devoted or grateful to firefighters than we are, except maybe a dalmatian. Or Smokey the Bear. Go to your local fire station dressed as a dalmatian or Smokey the Bear and create a relaxation station to thank them for their work. You can bring treats, offer mani-pedis, foot or shoulder massages, aromatherapy... You get the idea.
70 / PHOTO / 69 POINTS / Over the years, Jensen Ackles has been depicted in Skittles, but we all know his character Dean loves pie. Let's do a crossover: Bake a Skittles pie with a portrait of Jensen baked into the upper crust. Lattice work in the top crust should allow you to see the Skittles inside behind Jensen. Here’s some inspiration..
71 / VIDEO / 66 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Create a thạch rau câu (Vietnamese Jelly Cake) portrait of a classic movie monster. You may not use the blob. We must see the injection process and your completed jelly cake.
72 / VIDEO / 51 POINTS / In Chengdu, China, kung fu tea (long spout, performance tea pouring) is popular. But it was just a matter of time before it was appropriated by other cultures. Show us a barista performing the Mengding Mountain 18 Forms of Dragon Flying Postures Kung Fu Tea pour at a Starbucks.
73 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / An actual lumberjack working up on a tree with an impressive, long beard made out of googly eyes.
74 / VIDEO / 77 POINTS / (Up to 30 seconds) A stop-motion animation of a life-saving first aid technique (CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, etc.) featuring dolls or puppets in crisis.
75 / PHOTO / 178 POINTS / Danish artist Thomas Dambo creates massive wooden giants from recycled materials and installs them in Copenhagen forests. That’s great, but some giants prefer urban living. Build a hipster giant that’s at least 8’ (2.4m) tall from recycled materials and place it in the middle of a busy city or town.
76 / PHOTO / 22 POINTS / Not all insects aspire to just be insects. Some have ambitions and hobbies! Without harming it, get a live fly, beetle, roach or other insect to sit on a sheet of paper and doodle an environment around it showing it at its job or hobby.
77 / PHOTO / 75 POINTS / An actual space suit with a GISH 2019 patch on it next to the national flag.
78 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / The Enterprise wasn’t the only vehicle in the not-so-final frontier. Show us Star Trek covered wagons. Tweet your image to @WilliamShatner with the message “Admit it, Bill. This is how you really voyaged.” You may use Photoshop for this item. Submit your image, along with a LINK to your tweet in your submission comments for points.
79 / PHOTO / 72 POINTS / The insect world is under-appreciated, but they are tiny works of art. Create a realistic-looking, oversized detailed sculpture of an underappreciated arachnid or insect out of bread, ice, or marble, the way Michaelangelo would have done if he’d had the time. You may not make a dragonfly, ladybug, butterfly or any other insect that has already been socially normalized as “cute”. - Inspired by Kat F.
80 / PHOTO / 49 POINTS / The Wondersmith makes surprise, fantastical parties in the forests of Oregon, which we find lovely. Set up a surprise party for hikers at least ½ a mile from a rest area that’s clearly been created by forest-dwelling fairies and/or trolls (that’s you). Make sure it’s welcoming, and capture the moment you’re surprising them— both you and the hikers should be in the image. They must be real hikers and strangers to you—don’t bring in ringers, or you’ll anger the fairy queen.
81 / VIDEO / 43 POINTS / Love makes the world go round. Build a machine that uses love to spin a globe.
82 / PHOTO / 160 POINTS / COLLAGE. In the Western United States, there are mountain monograms, giant glyphs of letters that are often there for no discernable reason. Create your own Mountain Monograms out of natural materials to craft a message with purpose. Submit a photo of your glyph message that says something inspiring to the birds and planes that fly over it. Your message must be at least 2 words long, with each letter at least 6 feet tall and each letter must be on separate peaks. You may not do this on protected land.
83 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / The London Zoo has a pair of penguins who are out and proud, but they didn’t get to march in Pride because they are penguins in a zoo. We think that’s just wrong. Dress up in penguin suits and march through your town with rainbow flags to show your support for Penguin and LGBTQIA+ Pride.
84 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. This means something… Subtractive food sculpture. Start with a block of cheese or a massive mountain of mashed potatoes and without using tools, eat your way to an ornate re-creation of a famous statue.
85 / PHOTO / 29 POINTS / You’ve heard of a scarecrow, but let’s see a straw-stuffed scarevolleyballplayer at the beach.
86 / VIDEO / 84 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS) In 2020, we’re gonna need a 30-second GISH ad worthy of airing during the Super Bowl, advertising the latest in summer refreshment: “GISH.”
87 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 45 POINTS / Misha doesn’t have a ton of skills other than “acting on camera”, but he does try hard. He’s also at a potential career transition point. Help him explore other career paths by creating a poster of him photoshopped doing another job you think he’d be suited for.
88 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Ben Ferencz started each dinner table conversation with his children by asking them, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?” Wake up tomorrow and take a specific, positive action to make the world a better/nicer/happier/prettier place with a child as your assistant. Then show us what you did.
89 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Some people long to have a picnic at the Longaberger Basket Building, and you and your friends are no different. But size matters! Enjoy a to-scale picnic on the grounds in front of the building- giant fruits and sandwiches, etc. No Photoshop just forced perspective.
90 / PHOTO / 58 POINTS / It’s an ineffable Good Omen to see Azrapahile and Crowley sharing a hot fudge sundae on Sunday. Post your picture on social media tagged #GoodOmens and @neilhimself. Bonus points if the sundae is eaten at a Sundae School in Cape Cod.
91 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / A Cairn Terrier. (His name is Rocky. He won’t come when he’s called.)
92 / VIDEO / 48 POINTS / One of our Gishers was able to help her mom act FAST and responded in time to help her with a stroke. Last we heard, her mom is okay, but she can’t play this year—so in her honor, it’s time for a quick refresher on recognizing a stroke. Do a rendition of “Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes” with some kind of lyrics like: “Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)! Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)! When someone’s had a stroke their life is on the line! Face, Arms, Speech, Call in Time (don’t waste time)!” with the appropriate movements. Include a link to the National Stroke Association and GISH on a final card of your video. Post it on social media tagged #GISH, @robbenedict, and @natstrokeassn. - Inspired by Nicole’s mom
93 / PHOTO / 41 POINTS / A Mom-and-Pop shop that sells Moms and Pops. (New and used.) Show a young child making a purchase.
94 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / (AUDIO UP TO 90 SECONDS) We’re auditioning new anchors for G-ISH, GISH RADIO! Send us a clip of your team’s broadcast debut as you discuss the climate crisis’ effect on sea levels with a real, noted expert in the field.
95 / PHOTO / 63 POINTS / Tatsuya Tanaka creates miniature worlds with everyday objects. Her scenes are whimsical, which is how the world should be... but is not always how tiny-world actually is. Create a miniature, dismal and tragic scene using small reimagined objects.
96 / PHOTO / 15 POINTS / Write your resume as a haiku.
97 / PHOTO / 34 POINTS / 8554J46H+FH. You, the Carrot God, have summoned them.
98 / PHOTO / 95 POINTS / (GRID). The hot new trading card battle game is GISHémon! Create a trading card for each of your team mates with their photo and stats (location, Gisher type, powers, etc.) as the powerful kindness monsters they are. We must see each teammate’s unobscured face for it to count.
99 / PHOTO / 55 POINTS / Little known fact: when an avocado is fully ripe, it hatches. Show us the tiny, intricately carved creature sleeping inside (which you’ve carved from the pit).
100 / VIDEO / 24 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Write a phrase on a piece of wood of something negative you say about yourself to silence yourself or hold yourself back. Burn the wood and the phrase in a fireplace or fire pit. Use the ashes to write something affirming about your strong self on a sheet of white paper.
101 / PHOTO / 30 POINTS / The heir to the throne of France was known as the Dauphin, French for "dolphin". According to Donald Trump, the heir to the British throne is the Prince of... Whales? Illustrate a meeting of these two majestic undersea figures, with Macron and Prince Charles as their respective attendants. (This may be photoshopped or, for bonus points, live action.)
102 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / Reach out to a senior in your family or community and ask them about a commercially made snack or dish from their childhood that brings them fond memories—something that just doesn’t exist anymore. Try to recreate it based on their description, then share your creation with them and record their assessment.
103 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / A carbon footprint on a globe.
104 / VIDEO / 58 POINTS / A motorized vehicle with cheese wheels. It can be a motorcycle, tricycle, or 4-wheel vehicle, but it must have cheese wheels made from actual cheese.
105 / VIDEO / 320 POINTS / Get Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, or any other duplicitous, nationalistic high-ranking politician to tell the absolute, verifiable truth about any controversial and uncomfortable (for them) topic they normally lie to the public about. It must really be the real person, not an actor or someone in a mask. You must be able to verify the facts through a nonpartisan, independent source. (This may be our first truly impossible item.)
106 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / A bacterial culture petri dish portrait of Jonas Salk. Tweet this to Melinda Gates thanking her for her work vaccinating children.
107 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / Create a haiku for an animal on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that tells of the animal’s plight and why we should protect it. Next to the haiku, include a hand-drawn picture or origami sculpture of the animal.
108 / PHOTO / 79 POINTS / Stonehenge was cool, but it just wasn't built with sustainability or environmental impact in mind, so now we're stuck with ancient druid clutter by the side of the road. As a modern druidic architect, you know better. Next to a highway, build an architecturally significant henge out of 100% recycled materials that represent our current culture. (Cardboardhenge, Styrofoamhenge, LaCroixCanhenge, etc). Stonehenge is 30’ (9.1m) tall, but don’t worry—yours can be as short as 1:3 scale—but it must include at least one dolmen.
109 / PHOTO / 96 POINTS / An elaborate hinged, Faberge-style Easter egg that opens to reveal Trump & Putin embracing.
110 / VIDEO / 21 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Play “the floor is lava” in front of the Osservatorio Vesuviano in Pompeii. If you can’t get to Pompeii, you can play it at any Olive Garden, as long as you get other diners to join in.
111 / PHOTO / 38 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. COLLABORATIVE. Swap-meet day! Use the GISH app to coordinate with at least 5 other Gishers in your area to meet up and hold a yard sale. Except, this is not a yard-sale, it’s a yard-giveaway: the GISH Community Bazaar. Bring as many items as you can bear to part with and set up shop. And remember, no money must change hands and no bartering! All items must be gifted to passers-by and everything must go!
112 / PHOTO / 24 POINTS / A jello mold with a funeral scene inside.
113 / VIDEO / 18 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. In Uppsala, Sweden, there is a tradition called the Flogsta Scream. Every night at 10 pm, students at university stop what they are doing to let out a collective, primal scream from their rooftops and dorms. This tradition shouldn’t be exclusive to Sweden, so at 6PM on Friday, August 3rd, get together with as many Gishers and other humans as you can in a public setting and let out one deep, primitive, collective howl. 
PS: We’re still #sorrynotsorry, Sweden.
114 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / The best part about being in the hospital is the couture. Hold a hospital gown fashion show in your local hospital to show off red-carpet-worthy hospital gowns of your creation. Glam it up and walk (or roll) the runway with any patients that might be able and willing to participate… and don’t forget the slip-proof socks!
115 / PHOTO / 48 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Bring an old bike back to life with a flourish—make it the most beautiful bike in the world. Give it to someone to someone in need. Submit photos of the bike before and after refurbishment, side-by-side. - Item Written By Misha’s Mom
116 / VIDEO / 40 POINTS / MONTAGE. Basic Training can be hell, and the military needs our support! Create a video of you and your team collecting and packing “basics” to send to a currently deployed serviceperson. The catch: your video should emulate a “basic training” montage from a movie-obstacles courses, bucket brigades, etc. (You must actually ship the goods, choosing ONLY from this list or a similar approved list for your country of origin: CLICK HERE) - Jennifer W.
117 / PHOTO / 45 POINTS / This year, we lost a beloved furry friend, Peter Mayhew (the actor who played Chewbacca). In honor of his memory, create a felted Chewbacca out of your pet’s hair.
118 / VIDEO / 46 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. The LGBTQIA community struggles a lot with erasure. Make sure everyone feels seen: create a portrait of an iconic LGBTQIA person by first filling up a page with a rainbow of colored pencils or pastels, then use an eraser to lift out the negative space, leaving the colored portrait behind. Include a message letting them know they are seen and loved. Post it to social media and tag the person, if they’re on social media, then submit your portrait with the link (if any) in the comments. (This may be done in oil pastels as well.)
119 / PHOTO / 82 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Some people really do have eyes in the back of their head. Before and after images of a person with long hair, and then their head shaved and a recognizable portrait of their own face shaved onto the back of their own head. (Donate the hair to a non-profit organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.)
120 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / Neil Armstrong stepped on to the Moon 50 years ago. To memorialize this amazing achievement, make your own “One Small Step” monument. Take a Giant Leap for mankind and put your foot somewhere it has never been before and probably should not go, then show us the resulting footprint.
121 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. You know those garden gnomes that dotted your grandmother’s backyard? Well, it’s been a while and now they have fallen on hard times. They have turned to a life of crime and misanthropy. Their little gnome hearts are filled with despair, hatred, and regret. Show us the before and after.
122 / VIDEO / 131 POINTS / The next time that Earth’s magnetic poles reverse themselves, your magnetic compass won’t be much help navigating. Fortunately, you remember a mention from a history class of a “south-facing chariot” [SFC] invented in China some 2500 years ago. To be better prepared for the coming magnetic mélange, you have decided to build a functioning SFC so that you can always find your way home. Of course, your SFC will be topped with an assbutt and your chariot will be modeled after a 1967 Impala.
123 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / Everyone goes to visit the Southernmost Point in Key West, FL, but it really never gets to travel. We’re changing that. Make a 1:2 replica of the Southernmost Point and take it on holiday to the Westernmost, Northernmost, or Easternmost points of the US or any landmass. Take a photo with it at the nearest marker or tourist attraction to prove you were there, and submit with the location and coordinates in your comments.
124 / PHOTO / 23 POINTS / Put your face somewhere it absolutely does not belong. Not a picture of your face. Your real face. In that place. Where it should NOT be! (Keep it clean. My mother will see this.)
125 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / Senator Ted Cruz is worried about pirates in space. Seriously. He is. Well, we are pretty sure that his fears are well-founded. Let’s prove it to him: Show us space pirates in action. Tweet your picture to him at @tedcruz (and be sure to use the #GISHSpacePirates hashtag!)
126 / VIDEO / 71 POINTS / Last year we asked you to put wings on something that absolutely should not fly and prove that it can. One team (Team Schnitzeljaeger) made a pizza box fly. For this year, make a pizza fly (sans box). You may not throw it in the air, drop it, or fling it. It must attain flight through some mechanical means. Just the pizza. Not the box. The pizza must fly from near ground level to at least 50’ high and must travel horizontally at least 100 feet by any means. Must be edible and consumed after it lands.
127 / PHOTO / 46 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. The Dalton Highway stretches 414 miles from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. About halfway along it, there is a roadside marker denoting crossing into the Arctic Circle. Send us a photo of you standing next to the marker. Having a moose in the picture is optional, but preferred. Being dressed as a moose is mandatory.
128 / PHOTO / 56 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. We’re creating the GISH International Forest! Go out and plant as many trees as you can and add your trees to THIS MAP. Once you plant them, you will become their stewards, so choose your location wisely: make sure you’re allowed to plant there and that the trees are native so they can flourish. Add a small, eco-friendly sign with GISH INTERNATIONAL FOREST, GISH.com and your team’s name on it. Submit your photo along with a screenshot of its place on the map and number of trees you planted in the comments. If you can’t plant a tree on your own for reasons of mobility, hospitalization, etc, a donation to OTP of at least one tree will suffice, but you still have to tell us approximately where they are and how many trees you planted and add them to our map.
129 / PHOTO / 44 POINTS / This year is the 150th anniversary of the first Transcontinental Railroad, which opened up rapid (for the time) access across the United States. The original event in 1869 was celebrated as the Central Pacific Railroad locomotive “Jupiter” and the Union Pacific Railroad locomotive #119 came nose-to-nose as a Golden Spike was driven into the final section of track. Well, we firmly believe that every good anniversary deserves cake! Recreate the Jupiter, or #119, or both, made entirely from cake.
130 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / A cyanotype photo of junk-food wrapping or junk-food.
131 / VIDEO / 61 POINTS / You have accepted a new position with the Mars Tourism Bureau. To attract potential visitors to the wonderful Mars climate, you plan to inform them of the daily environmental trends. Create a 15-second video weather report, complete with temperature and wind descriptions and get a real weathercaster dressed as an alien to report it on local news during a live broadcast. 
Note: Your Mars weather information must be real and correct for the day you submit your video! We will be checking!
132 / VIDEO / 132 POINTS / A very large balance scale. (The kind of old-fashioned scale that we think of when we say, “the scales of justice.”) On one side, at least 5 very wealthy-looking people. On the other, at least 5 very impoverished-looking people. The scales are tipped in favor of the elite. Find a way to balance the scales.
133 / PHOTO / 22 POINTS / Everyone talks about “viral videos.” We think we know what those are. Share a GISH video of a biological (not technological) virus and get it to go “viral” with at least 1,000 likes. It must include GISH.com in the video and text to count. #ViralVirus
134 / VIDEO / 81 POINTS / (UP TO 30 SECONDS). It’s time for GIFF - the GISH International Film Festival! Create a 30-second horror film. Noted author Neil Gaiman tweeted: “You've got a week to rob a bank using only a rattlesnake, radioactive uranium and a bottle of whiskey.” “Jed here has a week to steal a battleship using a goat, a can of gold paint, and three resin models of Warren G. Harding. Go!" Use either prompt as the plot of your GIFF film. Post your film on social media and be sure to tag #GISH and @neilhimself, then submit the video and the link to your post in comments.
135 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 51 POINTS / The aliens have been in Area 51 for decades. Why do they stay? Because of all the amenities, of course. Show us the leisurely life of aliens at Area 51: the best Retirement Community in the Universe! We want to see elderly aliens playing shuffleboard, mahjong, and bingo, getting alien spa treatments, doing tai chi and pilates... You get the idea. Post your submission to social media tagged #GISH, #Area51 & #SocialSecurityCheXFiles
136 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. Join the movement to cross-stitch what you care about: create a cross-stitch picket sign for a cause you believe in. Connect with at least 2 other teams and craft a protest march on a street corner. - Item Written By Misha’s Mom
137 / VIDEO / 38 POINTS / Megan Rapinoe reminds us all that despite equal skill, women are often not treated to a level playing field in business. Show us a team of female office workers playing soccer in traditional business attire opposite men with a ball that says “EQUAL PAY.” The women, of course, should score.
138 / PHOTO / 26 POINTS / The most stressful spa environment ever. - Lynette
139 / PHOTO / 126 POINTS / Recently, a mylar balloon from Disney’s Frozen was found on the bottom of the ocean floor… Clearly leftover from an undersea birthday party. Show us the underwater party, including the birthday person blowing out the candles on their cake. PS: Your mother doesn’t live there! DO NOT leave a mess or impact sea life.
140 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 37 POINTS / Now that Donald Trump is president, people around the world have squandered billions of man-hours talking/worrying/complaining about him. Have an economist calculate the cost to the global economy of these lost hours. They must show their work and be a professor of economics.
141 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Part of your job for the Mars Tourism bureau is managing PR. Design a brochure or poster that convinces people to visit our timeshare at Scenic Mt. gishwhes (on Mars).
142 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Prove it was faked.
143 / VIDEO / 91 POINTS / Thanks to modern technology, we can relax and watch TV virtually anywhere, even in the loo—but we still can’t kick back on the porcelain throne and relax while we do. Create a toilet recliner to solve this problem.
144 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / You thought they said, “Get Out the GOAT.” Be the Greatest Of All Time by co-hosting a voter registration booth with a goat.
145 / PHOTO / 70 POINTS / Mary Poppins and the Demogorgon from Stranger Things both loved hanging around in the Upside down! Create a convincing image of you having upside-down high tea on the ceiling with Mary Poppins and a Demogorgon. Post it to social media and tag the Stranger Things accounts and GISH. - Inspired by TessaMac
146 / PHOTO / 53 POINTS / Every year, I send Gishers to visit my grandmother at Roland Park Place retirement home in Baltimore, Maryland, and this year is no different. Visit her retirement community (or any nursing home or community near you) and help the residents escape—metaphorically, of course. Take them on a tropical getaway by staging an impromptu beach party! Between the hours of 1 PM ET—3 PM ET on Monday, July 29 and Wed July 31 only, bring flower leis, small flowers, pre-packaged treats (nothing homemade), postcards with kind notes on them and/or a ukulele or guitar to sing with them. Ask them to reminisce about the happiest summer vacation they ever took. (PS: No bathing suits and leave the sand home, please. Hawaiian shirts are fine.)
147 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 73 POINTS / COLLABORATIVE. The evening of Sunday, July 28 is the event of the year: the #WeJustMetGala! Get together with Gishers in your area at your local museum in the strangest, fanciest attire you can create—go so all-out, you make Billy Porter jealous. Roll out the red carpet and a banner, then convince strangers passing by to pose with you for red carpet pictures. Be fabulous! We must see the museum in the background, and there must be paparazzi.
148 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / You know that this is the 50th anniversary of Woodstock. But did you know that Woodstock the bird from Peanuts first appeared 2 years earlier? In 1967? So actually Woodstock the bird is 52. He’s drunk a lot of beer over the years and can’t hide it, but he is vain, so he’s had lots of work done. Tons of collagen and botox. He wears a toupee. He dyes his feathers. Show us what he looks like today.
149 / PHOTO / 81 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. A Jackson Pollock paint-by-numbers kit: before, and after it’s been painted. (No cheating- follow the numbers!)
150 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / A ukiyo-e woodblock print depicting an image of your worst nightmare. (Caption it so we know what it is.)
151 / PHOTO / 21 POINTS / You know how they keep making movies out of games? Like the Pikachu movie? Or Battleship: The Movie? Why don’t they ever go after the real money and make poems out of these properties? Write Battleship the poem, or Pikachu the poem. Must be at least 10 lines long.
152 / VIDEO / 63 POINTS / Birthday wishes are getting fulfilled so much faster since we automated processing. Show us a Rube Goldberg machine that is activated by a child under 10 blowing out candles on a birthday cake, and ends with the thing they wished for being delivered into their hands.
153 / PHOTO / 41 POINTS / I said no more ponies in the living room, and I meant it! But unicorns are totally okay.
154 / VIDEO / 37 POINTS / It’s GISH University, Year 2! Each person on your team must attempt to learn a new skill they have never tried before and document the experience, including the first attempt.
155 / PHOTO / 33 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Thar’s plastic in them thar waters! A prospector panning for microplastics on a public beach. Craft jewelry from anything you collect and show it to us.
156 / PHOTO / 47 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Where do angels go for tea? To the sky garden, of course! Depict two angels having tea while seated on a cloud on the edge of the Liss Ard Sky Garden in Ireland. Photograph them from the central plinth so it appears they are hovering in the sky.
157 / PHOTO / 37 POINTS / A hand-made kite that looks just like the face of that famous person you look up to, high in the sky.
158 / VIDEO / 249 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Oceanic exploration shouldn’t just be for the elite. Companies are working on making exploration affordable, but we need something now. Drop a camera and a light in a tiny, weighted, protected housing with a window on a line (so you can pull it back up). Just outside the window a common object filled with air. Like an aluminum water bottle, or a balloon animal, or something made of styrofoam. Lower everything at least 1000 feet below sea level. The camera should be rolling so we can see at what point your object gets crushed by the pressure of the ocean. You cannot contract a submersible company and cannot pay for this to be done—this is a DIY project only. Oh, and keep it green: you must retract the line or you will be docked points. If you leave any piece of this in the ocean, including the line, we’re docking you points.
159 / VIDEO / 7 POINTS / Right a great American novel. This is not a typo.
160 / PHOTO / 51 POINTS / The lunar ticks are in the hall… Pink Floyd knew what was up. Show us what the lunar ticks on the dark side of the moon look like (you know, because you have a specimen preserved in a jar in your front hall.)
161 / VIDEO / 81 POINTS / Thirsty for a challenge? Build a puzzle jug. Show you building it, then someone else figuring it out and successfully drinking from it.
162 / PHOTO / 77 POINTS / GRID. Thomas Deininger makes amazing representational sculptures out of found objects. Using EVERY piece of non-recyclable, inorganic trash you generate during the Hunt, create a 3-dimensional, representational self-portrait. EVERY member of your team must do this.
163 / VIDEO / 39 POINTS / Paint a Jenga set red, white, and blue. On each one write a word or phrase from the constitution. Get a real US Republican and a Democratic Congressperson to play (State or Federal). See how many they can remove before this whole thing collapses.
164 / VIDEO / 223 POINTS / “Fake news” was bad enough, but it’s pervading all media now and we can’t believe anything we see. Create a Deep Fake of Misha Collins complimenting Donald Trump. (We put this item in at the last minute after Misha’s final read-through of the list, so he doesn’t know about it. Don’t tip him off. We just want to see his reaction. You know, because he loves Donald Trump so much. This must be actual, digital Deep Fake footage (google it), not you in a mask, and not just a voice over or clever edit, to count. Video must be at least 5 seconds in length.
165 / PHOTO / 42 POINTS / Apparently, once upon a time, the US government weaponized ticks. (Really.) Show us a pinboard with an example of a tiny, weaponized tick, complete with Rambo-style military gear and assault rifles.
166 / VIDEO / 43 POINTS / Love has no borders, and neither does fun. Show two people on opposite sides of an international border crossing or wall playing a game such as charades, Pictionary, or another game that does not require them to touch or pass goods across the border.
167 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. Last year, we suggested Gishers melt a message into a glacier or iceberg with a laser and received lots of complaints. We now recognize that people melting words into icebergs for scavenger hunts is one of the biggest problems facing our environment today. Have a climate scientist calculate the volume of water produced by, let’s say, 10,000 people melting eleven 6’ tall letters, 2” deep in an iceberg. Then have them calculate the amount of water produced by the additional melting caused by a .5 degree global temperature increase. Show us the numbers and analysis so we know how bad Misha should feel.
168 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / Check out a book from a local small-town library that hasn’t been checked out in at least 20 years. Submit a photo of you holding up the book with the stamped inner jacket showing the dates or other visual proof of this stellar feat.
169 / PHOTO / 159 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Tiny homes help those experiencing homelessness be a little safer and have dignity, but they’re hard to move around, and that presents a problem. Create blueprints for a Tiny Home that is durable and large enough for an adult to comfortably walk into through a door, yet can be folded down into a flat cart on with wheels for mobility and made of ultra-lightweight materials.
170 / PHOTO / 119 POINTS / Climb ev’ry mountain! Like most nuns, Mother Abbess was an avid climber. Show us a nun in a full habit, rappelling down a steep grade of mountain.
171 / VIDEO / 88 POINTS / (Up to 30 seconds) Get a well-known sportscaster to do a play-by-play for a real wedding.
172 / VIDEO / 40 POINTS / They say that to perform CPR, you should compress someone’s chest to the beat of “Staying Alive” by the BeeGees. Get CPR certification while dressed in 70s disco attire.
173 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Gishers have become nationals of Westarctica and other micronations, but it’s time we claimed our own land. Since nobody else has done it, we’re officially claiming the Great Pacific Garbage Patch as New Gishlandia! Help us with our micronation building: Create a flag, a national anthem, a crest, a statue of our Founder or a propaganda poster (all material items should be constructed solely from plastic trash).
174 / VIDEO / 45 POINTS / The Gabra people of northern Kenya are a nomadic people who believe in living in balance with the environment and live by the tenet, “a poor man shames us all.” Mutual support is imperative in their culture, and no one is allowed to go without food, shelter, or hospitality—something the whole world could learn from. Take a page from the Gabra and go on a nomadic journey through your neighborhood, bringing with you as much food and water as you can carry along with cards with phone numbers and addresses for local shelters. Bring sustenance, hydration, and support to anyone in need you find, and document your journey including how far you traveled and how many people you helped along. Anyone appearing in the video must give permission.
175 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 41 POINTS / LOCATION-BASED. Do something you’ve always been told you can’t, or shouldn’t, do while at (or outside) the Forbidden Corner in Coverham, England.
176 / PHOTO / 68 POINTS / You look so festive with your “real avocado leather” purse or shoes made from avocado peels. - Inspired by Debbie M.
177 / PHOTO / 31 POINTS / Remember FloJo? Florence Griffith Joyner a world-record-setting Olympic athlete whose long, intricately painted fingernails made her an 80s style legend. Times marches on, and now instead of FloJo, we’ve got BoJo—but style trends endure. Paint a portrait of Boris Johnson, FloJo style—on your excessively long acrylic pinky nail.
178 / VIDEO / 28 POINTS / When you want to say something sweet to your loved one, you always use s’mores code.
179 / VIDEO / 90 POINTS / Walking on water is so 2,000 years ago--but it’s a timeless tradition. Construct shoes that allow someone to walk on water. You may not be standing on anything that’s under the water and the water must be at least 6 feet deep. You must be in a lake, pond, river or ocean. NOT a swimming pool. You must take at least 6 steps. No stilts in the water. No super shallow water.
180 / VIDEO / 41 POINTS / Create a 6 ft by 6 ft painting using only your body, paint, and a white sheet for a canvas. Bonus points if you manage to create representational art. - Kamila B.
181 / VIDEO / 36 POINTS / On today’s segment of your cooking show, we learn how to make your world-renowned recipe for dessert haggis.
182 / PHOTO / 16 POINTS / You know that feeling, when there's a word on the tip of your tongue but you just can't seem to say it? Show us that word. On the tip of your tongue. - @baileysaurusrex
183 / VIDEO / 31 POINTS / My favorite poet, Mary Oliver, passed away recently. In tribute, make a video showcasing the top highlights of your team’s week and end it with the quote “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - Inspired by The Plaid Fox
184 / PHOTO / 63 POINTS / We've seen the pictures of dogs catching treats by German photographer Christian Vieler. Let's see a high-speed photo of your teammate catching treats in the same style and photographic detail. -Kandace
185 / PHOTO / 28 POINTS / SIDE-BY-SIDE. Hasan Minhaj rightly points out that there are many places in the US (and the world) with offensive names. We’re all for a good Assbutt, North Dakota or ****, Michigan, but if it’s racist or marginalizes a group we’re opposed. Find a place on the map or a street name that celebrates a known racist or slave-holder or war criminal or simply a place name that uses a derogatory term and petition to have it changed to an inoffensive alternative. If you’re in the US, this is where you can start and if you’re abroad, seek out your local organization that manages names of cities, towns, and locations. Submit a screenshot of your proposal, then put your petition here so other teams can sign yours. Finally, make sure you sign at least 5 other teams’ petitions (you’ll find all the petitions here.)
186 / VIDEO / 35 POINTS / It’s not just for fine dining anymore... At a fast-food establishment, get a grill cook to create a McAmuse-Bouche and serve it to a waiting, unsuspecting customer.
187 / VIDEO / 104 POINTS / TIMELAPSE. In Japan, there is a fad of polishing aluminum foil into a perfectly polished ball. You just topped that with your wad of aluminum foil-turned-perfectly polished bust of your favorite celebrity. Tweet an image of the final product to your celebrity crush tagging #GISH, then submit the image and include the link to the tweet in the comments section of your submission.
188 / PHOTO / 69 POINTS / A menstrual Pad-alecki. Create a menstrual product bust of Jared Padalecki... and make sure his hair really "flows." Then, donate at least an equal number of products to a women's shelter. (We don’t have to see you donating: just include your donations receipt somewhere in the image by your sculpture.)
189 / PHOTO OR VIDEO / 49 POINTS / We're not saying the cast of Supernatural is hot, but your fumage portrait of a Supernatural actor or actress speaks for itself. Smokin'! (Be super careful with this one- and have a fire extinguisher at the ready just in case. Remember, GISH doesn't pay medical bills and you're not allowed to hurt yourself - or anyone or anything else. If you can't be sure of that, pick a different item. (Post your video to the actor depicted).
190 / PHOTO / 229 POINTS / Evolution of the selfie: A person with an iPhone taking a selfie next to a person with a point-and-shoot camera who is taking a photo of a person with a Polaroid camera who is taking a picture of a person with a 35mm camera who is taking a photo of a person with a daguerreotype camera taking a picture of a person with a camera obscura taking a picture of someone painting a self-portrait. This should be a single photo, not photos from each camera.
191 / PHOTO / 0 POINTS / We will post an ambitious charity item that we will all collaborate on together shortly. Get ready!
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leiasfanaccount648 · 5 years
Worth Every Purchase
Bookstore Employee!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
This is slightly based off a conversation I had with my friend (who didn’t work a bookstore btw lol). I really hope you all enjoy!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Pairing: Bookstore Employee!Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Nothing but utter fluff, maybe a slight curse word or two. A small innuendo at the very end.
Word Count: 1467
“C’mon, c’mon, where are you?”
If there’s one thing one should never, it’s leaving something to the last minute. Unfortunately, that’s what every human being has done at least once in their entire lives.
(Y/N) had less than a week to write the report due in her literature and film class. She had to read a book that was turned into a movie later on (reading the book first, and watch a movie that was later made into a book (watching the movie first). Luckily, she had read one of the books a couple years back, but she didn’t have a copy of it, much less remember almost every single detail.
At least she could still read and watch in the order she was told to do. If only she could find the books she was looking for.
“Are you kidding me? It’s going by author, and I’m in the non fiction section, so where the hell is it?”
And thankfully both books were about different topics (afraid points would get deducted if they were almost about the same thing), or she would be stressing herself even more.
“C’mon.. Farris.. Fexas.. Floares.. Aha! Forches! Found you.”
One book down, now one, that was probably on the other side of the store, to go.
After another 20 minutes of searching through almost every book cover in the thriller and mystery section, she finally found the other book she had chosen for her report. Hopefully the movie rentals store or Hulu would have at least one if not both of the movies.
She made her way to the checkout counter, second in line and admiring the bookmarks (grabbing one since she was going to need it), before someone spoke up.
“Miss! I can ring you up here.”
(Y/N) looked up and saw a young man smiling at her and gesturing her over to the register he was at. She smiled and made her way towards him, setting the books and bookmark down with a sigh.
“Hi.” She spoke softly, not wanting to be rude. The young man smiled back and began typing into the computer.
“Hi there, how are you today?”
“A little stressed but otherwise okay. You?”
“Not to shabby honestly, thank you.”
He chuckled softly, reaching for the bookmark and scanning it. “Do you have a rewards card or membership with us?”
(Y/N) shook her head, reaching into her purse to grab her wallet. “No, I don’t.” She gave a small smile. “This is my first time in this store.” She laughed softly, as if she wasn’t mentally freaking out about how big one of the books was (her guess was at least 500 pages).
The man reached for the books, scanning them as well. “That’s alright.” He typed into the computer. “Would you like one with us?”
She thought a moment before shrugging. “Maybe. Will you call or email me constantly?” She pulled out her credit card.
The man chuckled, shaking his head. “No, we don’t do that here, only for special holidays and sales. Unless you’re really lonely and would like us to.” He laughed softly, making (Y/N) as well.
“Well in that case I would love a membership.”
She may need to come back here for more books for her classes. Why not save some money?
“Sounds great. Can I have your name, phone number, and email please?”
After giving him the information, she handed him her card, sighing in relief when she saw that they weren’t that expensive.
The man put the books and bookmarks in the bag before pulling out the membership card and a pen. “Would you mind signing your name miss?”
She nodded and signed the rewards card before putting it in her wallet. He handed her the bag containing her books, still smiling sweetly. “Have a good day, miss.”
(Y/N) smiled back. “Thank you, you too.”
Now, to get home and finish that report.
A couple weeks later, (Y/N) was back in the bookstore looking for another book. Her best friend’s birthday was next week and she didn’t want to procrastinate anymore than she already was.
And who knows? Maybe that cute store clerk would be there again. Plus she still had that membership card to test out.
As she went down isle by isle, she couldn’t seem to find the book her friend was wanting. She even checked the sections that were the sub genres of the book just in case. Eventually, she went back to the section for the main genre of the book to make sure she didn’t by pass it, only to see the same store employee that she saw a couple weeks ago stocking books on some of the shelves.
He was obviously mouthing the words to the music playing in the store, almost making (Y/N) giggle at his quirk. Hey, maybe he knew where the book was. She walked over to him.
“Excuse me, can you help me find something?”
He was in the middle of placing a book on the shelf, placing it before turning to face her. “Of course.” He smiled as he recognized her. “What’s the title or author?”
After giving him both answers, he looks to the shelves behind him, seeming to to only glance at the covers before frowning to himself. “Not here..” He bit his lip, eye’s lighting up only a moment after before turning back to his cart full of books and searching through them.
(Y/N) took a second to admire his features. Curly brown hair, brown eyes, small yet seemingly strong stature, and lastly, the name tag on his uniform apron: Tom.
He grinned a moment later as he pulled a book out from the cart.
“Aha! Here we go.” He stood up straight and handed (Y/N) the book, smiling. “Knew I had glanced at it before.”
She smiled. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, honest.”
His accent was another thing she had noticed unique about him, making her bite her lip shyly for a second. She looked down at the book, checking the price and almost grinning excitedly when seeing the clearance price tag. His voice brought her back to the conversation.
“Here, I can check you out real quick.” Tom gestured behind him where the cash registers on the other side of the book shelf. (Y/N) had to replay the sentence in her head, blushing when she realized what he meant.
“Oh! Yes, uh, if you wouldn’t mind.” She laughed softly, feeling suddenly (but only slightly in her words) nervous around him.
Tom walked to the register with her, leaving the cart of books in the isle since he would be back for them in a minute. “So how are you today, miss?” He said as he got behind the counter and started typing into the computer.
“Good, thank you. Yourself?”
“I’m doing good as well. It’s nice to see a friendly face again.” He smiled at (Y/N), making her blush, before grabbing the book she had placed in front of him. “Do you have the rewards card I gave you?”
(Y/N) nods, reaching into her purse and pulling out her wallet before handing him the card. “I sure do.”
Tom typed the card number into the keyboard. “Well, miss (Y/N) (L/N), your total is going to be 15.76.” He smiled as he read out her name and put the book in a plastic bag along with the receipt.
(Y/N) blushed a little, handing him some cash. “Thank you,” she paused, glancing at his name tag. “Tom.” She giggled softly, smiling softly.
Tom gave her membership card back along with her change. “It’s my pleasure.”
Placing her change back in her wallet, Tom glanced to the side before speaking.
“Have you been getting any emails or calls from us?”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“Well, how would you like one from me?”
(Y/N) felt her heart rate speed up, shocked that someone like him would even say something like that to her. She remained calm, at least on the outside.
Biting her lip, she looked up at him, smiling shyly. “I wouldn’t mind that.”
Tom grinned, grabbing a nearby coupon and turning it over to write on the back of it. He placed it in the bag her book was in.
“Feel free to text me anytime.”
He handed her the bag, sending a cheeky wink at her, making (Y/N) blush more. “I’m sure I will.” She took the bag, telling him goodbye before leaving the store with a smile on her face.
Maybe there was more to check out at the store than just books. And maybe that membership can give her special rewards there too.
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