#but man she does still post some of those annoying strong woman posts and stuff like that
to the younger people on this Webbed Site (affectionate)™️, please don’t feel bad blocking people or feel bad when you lose a follower on sites like tumblr/tiktok/insta etc.
as someone whose basically grown up on social media (i’ve been on it since the the dying days of myspace in 2007/2008 and the switch to facebook being the dominant social media site in 2009/2010); i know the feeling of hating yourself or beating yourself up when people delete you or unfollow you. for example when i was in my early days on tumblr from 2011 to 2014…. when i lost a follower, i would beat myself up and wonder why the hell someone would unfollow me. what was i doing wrong??? what was the last stick to make them unfollow me??? please don’t hate me and i’ve got to rebuild the 10+ followers i’ve just lost. how long will it take???
back on facebook in my final years of high school in 2012 and 2013, i was setting multiple statuses a day, all in an “experiment” to see if i could get 50 likes in a day over several statuses; since i could never get 20-50 likes on statuses at once, like all the so called “popular kids” at school did all the time. hell i remember one of the popular girls from the catholic school i went to posting bikini pics back then and getting literally like 400+ likes and i was SUPER bitter.
i also heavily beat myself up when people deleted me. i got angry, so i would stalk and stalk and stalk and stay up until 4 am wondering why the fuck people were purging me out their friends list like wildfire….. when like…. literally 90% of my statuses over my last two years of high school were me giving off Major Depression Vibes™️….. which i now realise in my late 20s that it wasn’t healthy posting a bunch of “im such a failure and everyone knows it” and other statuses like that, super frequently. by deleting me, people were preserving their mental health. and you know what??? good for them. because, after all, your newsfeed is not your therapist (or your diary), and nor are your friends.
and yes i know that i was Edgy Girl As Hell On Main™️ back then, and using that as my excuse to post those posts and to avoid therapy (although the main reason i’m not in therapy right now is obvs the cost and every therapist around in my area closing their books bc of the pandemic etc). bc hell, now in my late 20s, and over the last few years, i have actually started deleting some of these said statuses. and especially when i was feeling low. because i realised reading them back years later in facebook memories just made my anxiety/depression exponentially worse than it needed to be. actively culling your own Edgy Emo Tumblr Sad Girl Posts™️ from years ago makes you healthier as well.
but y’all. there has to come a time when you stop fretting about whose deleted/unfollowed you and why. and there also comes a time when you have purge your own friends/follow list anyway, when you realise that there’s some people you cannot stand to have in your newsfeed. one particular case in point, for me, is my old friend from public school in 2012 & 2013, let’s call her taya (not her real name). taya was (can't say is really when i barely ever talk to her now) the type of friend who constantly belittles your problems and makes her problems seem super more pressing than yours- basically she pits her suffering etc in competition with yours. she makes out that her mental health is far more important than yours and posted about it all the time. she straight up laughs at your shit and tells you yours doesn’t matter. 99% of her statuses at the time were about her being the “black sheep” of her family etc etc etc. hell, she even laugh reacted to a status that you intended to be important and urgent (it when i was in hospital in 2020 and maybe i shouldn’t’ve posted this. but still.) while anyone and everyone else who reacted to the status reacted with the sad react/the care react/heart react, or just liked it. anyway. you know this type of friend.
there comes a time when YOU can’t (and quite frankly shouldn’t) tolerate this anymore, no matter how close you are or close they/you think you are with them. i ended up deleting taya for a few years, a while ago now, because her statuses and shared posts were actively making my mental health worse. and it always seemed when i was feeling at my worst, she would post stupid shit on my timeline like “we all have that friend who acts like their (when it should be they’re) dead” or some other rude/snarky internet shit and be all like “haha get up you sack of shit 🙄😂” as the caption…. as if i wasn’t already telling myself that on the daily at the time. whereas 90% of her profile was all those stupid “only real people who REALLY CARE about mental health will share this status! be the BRAVE 10 who care!!!” or whatever the fuck else posts. and depressing shit about being a “lone wolf” and “being a strong scorpio woman who’ll never find love bc no one can handle my insanity and constant empathy for everyone” and “being a brutally honest bitch is tough when it doesn’t win you friends. but at least my true friends stick with me!” etc etc. just overall toxic friend stuff.
and y’know what??? when i deleted her, i guilted myself. good god i guilted myself. “why would i do something so mean by deleting taya when i’ve known her for so long???” and “it shows just how disloyal i am as a friend by deleting her” i asked and told myself on a loop until i literally THREW UP out of guilt for deleting her. but girl. sometimes a bitch needs to really protect her mental health from people like taya over here who thinks she’s the centre of the universe and EVERYONE must care about HER PROBLEMS AND TRAUMA ONLY 24/7/365 bc apparently they’re the most urgent things in the world bc “why can’t you understand my empath mind???”. like yes taya, i care, to a point. but i am NOT your licensed motherfucking therapist. for fucks sake. and no taya. you are NOT an empath when you can’t read a room for goddamn fucking shit and can’t understand why people are constantly tired and worn down around you.
and girl (back to myself), you are NOT being selfish or disloyal by deleting and/or blocking this energy sucking friend. and no, if you paint yourself/other people paint you as a “nice person”, blocking these types of people from your feeds etc isn’t you being mean to THEM. it’s YOU being actively nice to Y O U R S E L F, which is a hard and almost alien thing to learn when you always put everyone else’s needs and perceptions of you before yours. (and trust me, it’s something i’ve just realised RIGHT NOW while coming back to constantly re-edit this post lmao 😂).
like yes don’t get me wrong. i did listen to taya’s rants and stuff, as a friend does. but my god. the way she ALWAYS belittled my shit and laughed in my face (or it felt like laughing in my face on fb messenger) at the lowest points of my mental health was fucking awful. her depression posts made it even worse. but my fucking god. i could only take so much. i had to delete her. she did eventually find me and add me again after a couple of years. when this happened, i immediately got rid of her from my feed. i just clicked “don’t show me taya’s posts” and that stopped her constant stream of negative posts on my feed. however, it didn’t stop some of her dumbass comments like “hahaha as IF you’d get weight loss ads on your feed when YOU aren’t fat like ME!” on my posts; which i learnt to ignore or vaguely respond to before her comments got out of hand. like taya everyone gets weight loss ads apparently; bc fb ad filters don’t discriminate when you don’t tell them to.
tbh most of her insensitive behaviour shit towards me was from her instant labelling of me as the “funny friend” and the “doesn’t take shit from anyone friend”. which then meant to her that i could never be sad or never feel anything negative and could always take whatever bullshit people chucked at me….. and especially when someone says something hurtful etc bc it’s apparently all meant to slide off me like…. - i can’t think of a good metaphor- but you know what i mean. it also meant to her that i was NEVER being serious about anything EVER bc funny people don’t have the capacity to be serious, ever. apparently.
but anyway. there comes a point when you have to care about yourself more than keeping people on your friend/followers list out of obligation because you’ve known them for so long. if you can’t tolerate what they post or can’t have a civilised convo with them about what they post (mostly bc i never bothered with this girl bc i knew she’d NEVER listen to me bc haha funny friend can’t be sad or angry or argumentative!!!! say something funny. for thee is mine own personal fool)… just delete them. or if you feel like you can’t delete them, just take them out of your feed so that you can no longer see their triggering posts. same with sites like twitter with following.
and this goes for other toxic people in your life too. because my high school stalker/creeper tried to re-add me again a while ago now…… and i instantly blocked him; bc i’d seen from going through his profile that he hadn’t changed at all…. and that i knew he’d start harassing me to fuck him (he’s a massive incel type guy) etc like he always does. i knew after all my time in hospital and stuff over the last couple of years, that i have NO TIME AND ENERGY to deal with his manipulative bullshit anymore (and i never really did in the first place anyway tbh). so before he could even start a convo with me, i just straight up blocked him. i’m never letting him in again to hijack my mental health and my self-esteem.
and even though, yes when you get older, it’s still fun to try to sniff out the person who has deleted you all of a sudden (bc tbh here, i still do this for funsies)… in reality, you know deep down that you’ve lost connection with them. or let’s be real, you never liked them in the first place in school or wherever else you met them (could be work etc)…. that yeah. you were just waiting for them to delete/unfollow you anyway and you don’t care that they finally have.
and the weird social obligation where you feel like you have to keep this person on social media because you’ve known them for X amount of years is fucked up and dumb. because if amanda or victor is constantly belittling you or constantly posting upsetting shit and they do nothing about fixing their feed after you’ve told them that it bothers you (if you’ve done this), maybe it’s time to just straight up delete/block them anyway so you can hopefully no longer see or engage with the upsetting stuff that they keep posting. and i’m obvs deflecting the fact that i actually did engage with posts that made my mental health worse (hello 2011-2015 tumblr era black & white depression blogs) on here back in the day, but i no longer do that.
moreover, follower counts and friend counts mean fuck all. they’re arbitrary. and the fact that social media makes you feel like an asshole for deleting/unfollowing/blocking people from your feed/dash etc….. it’s ultimately important if their posts are fucking with your mental health and/or you can’t have decent convos with this person about anything because they make it wholly about themselves; or have labelled you as a certain friend role which means you can never X, when they can….. it’s better to dump them out with the trash where they belong by deleting/blocking them. these stupid as fuck numbers have nothing to fucking do with loyalty and other traits for irl friends. the idea of loyalty in a follower only matters when it becomes your career. because without “loyal fans/followers”, you don’t make a mark (or y’know you don’t get brand deals/sponsors etc).
and also overall, this post is a big fuck you for growing up on social media. it really does especially hurt people with high anxiety etc. it’s utterly exhausting and it’s exactly why i haven’t made the supposedly necessary 1000+ different social media accounts: from insta to tiktok to twitter to whatever the fuck the next one is going to be. i just have no energy to invest in having to spread myself thin over several SM accounts to see the following stats and the for you page on TT for example, feeding me videos that could inevitably make me feel worse. i actually actively have to cull the videos on my facebook watch feed, which i talk about every so often.
i did all this shit 10+ years ago, beating up myself over losing followers when i was only at like 500 or something and it also hurt when i was in my obsessive tumblr cleaning out phase, at just how many of my old followers, and sometimes mutuals, On This Here Hellsite (affectionate)™️ had deactivated over the years. it really shooketh me to my core, if the kids are still saying that. i don’t want to do that on other social media platforms, though.
and as i’ve stated in the past on here, it’s also exactly one of the reasons why i dropped out of the comms and media studies (triple major in marketing comms/PR/advertising) degree that i originally started undergrad uni with in 2015. i had no energy to expend to “professional” social media account follower counts- which we were being marked on as part of the course. i had no desire for engagement and the study of social media engagement in a professional space like i thought i did from using tumblr, at that point in time, for 4 years. but systematically and critically studying it seemed like a nightmare because why should i give a shit that people on my course aren’t engaging with my tweets and wordpress posts??? (like i know why but still).
BUT ANYWAY. this post went in so many different directions…. and i hope that if i have any younger followers, that they know that the younger millennials/older gen z (idek what the fuck i am) know the struggle of growing up online and that blocking/deleting etc people on the internet is good. and also that losing followers/friends etc is okay esp when you get older. unless of course you made this shit your career…. on this front, i have no idea how to help you on that tbh
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spookfished · 10 months
media roundup june 2023
hey guys guess who just went "oh its the 4th of july. that means that its july" here im going to talk about things i read/watched/played last month! i didnt read as much but did finish a couple books that ive had checked out Forever. ok actually i read a lot woops
books/comics/written media:
fake dates and mooncakes by sher lee: fake dating (obv) premise between a cooking boy and a rich heir! book that made me realized im honestly just not that interested in ya romance anymore LMFAO. pretty sweet and a decent read, but landed more heavily on the expository end of uhh i guess diaspora fiction? than i really prefer. i think i picked this up bc the author got mega cancelled on tyk twitter lol??
bird by bird by anne lammott: book about how to write. i love to read about how people do stuff :3 some of the advice applies pretty universally to creative efforts i think.. made me want to write more too
john dies at the end by jason pargin: DNF. comic/horror about this loser guy who discovers stuff. sigh i tried so hard to like this book its supposed to be pretty 'mecore'...talked about this with alena a bunch but its like hm... i know the sort of casual offensiveness sort of goes in hand with being poor and white and in the midwest and i appreciate how its like that creates its own doomed narrative or whatever. but also i feel like the protagonist would call me slurs or something. also the lowgrade but pervasive orientalism is kinda offputting. probably fun for some other guy! i did enjoy the horror elements though
the goldfinch by donna tartt: literary coming of age about a boys relationship with a painting (the goldfinch). also he flops a lot and its sort of homoerotic i guess? a movie was made of it. so something to note is that ive had this book out on loan since literally december. neil kept on being like hey man just stop reading it LMFAO. thoughts cp'ed from discord:
why does the goldfinch feel like a 600 page leadup to the actual book which is 800 pages
idk at this point im kinda sick of pathetic lovelorn self obsessed semi literary men. like toku men are also sopping and pathetic but i think its more appealing when they are also kind and can be vulnerable. this guy is just annoying and kind of incel coded. like does a grand gesture to make up for the fact that he killed your dog while dogsitting
i actually did enjoy the parts post timeskip but i still think the first two thirds could have been cut or Greatly compressed or interspersed w the present or Something, yk? prose was nice though
the bodyguard by katherine center: romance novel about a woman bodyguard who lives for her job. fresh from a breakup, shes given a new undercover assignment with a handsome actor, recently withdrawn from society. will they be able to break each others' shells....? my mom recommended this to me LMFAO we kind of have different tastes in romance.. ive read a book by this author before i think her platonic scenes are very strong? i wish there had been a couple more of those. also i like how she always includes a life affirming section at the end about how important it is for us to open ourselves up to love etc etc cute but not especially memorable
kiss quotient by helen hoang: (reread) a shy, autistic econometrician decides that she needs to get better at sex, and so hires an escort. helen hoang is one of my faavorite romance authors i really enjoyed this reread although i kinda forgot that both leads say, think and do some pretty embarrassing things. but you know a little embarrassment is endearing and all that.. i still prefer her other book (the bride test) but this one is pretty good too. vivid characters 👍
sisters of dorley hall by alyson greaves: web fiction - a trans woman infiltrates a secret force-feminization program. ok im just cp'ing my thoughts from discord again but i enjoyed it a lot:
my thoughts are that the first like, third? is really really good. it like idk takes the very real trans fears of like discovery and passing and all that and fictionalizes them a bit. but like its still grounded and swag. sooo tense once The Reveal happens n things w steph are pretty normal it gets kinda meandering? which i dont really mind bc i love interpersonal drama even if i miss how tense and scary it was. but also theres only like two major plot threads going on rn and theyre both pretty slowburn. a timeskip would probably benefit tbh like the point rn is kinda like. the 7 year meteor? yeah sorry
like it used to be sort of psychological thriller? and now its sort of more character focus and also surprisingly fluffy.. im surprised that the author has said they have a complete outline bc it doesnt feel very focused atm? but also like i suppose things are snowballing a bit re: revealing the sisters to the outside world
an unauthorized fan treatise by lauren james: a fangirl trying to prove her rpf ship is real uncovers a greater conspiracy. to me if something is able to capture a specific age/vibe from the internet its automatically pretty good. however more and more people are learning how to do that so maybe i should change my standards... i was never involved in All That re: rpf or even fandoms of live action shows until kamen rider? but like i definitely knew people in hs that were sort of like this LMFAO so it felt very familiar. i appreciate the author trying to make that $$ but i dont know if it really needs an expansion/sequel.. the ending is better off with some ambiguity imo
impossible us by sarah lotz: literary romance? a man and a woman fall in love online, but encounter difficulties when they try to meet. ok im just pasting my thoughts here again (spoilers btw):
Tumblr media
ok that was a lot of stuff. onto movies/tv:
xo kitty: kitty goes to a school to connect with her online boyfriend, but all is not well. yall this was not good. i guess my standards shouldnt have been that high but to all the boys ive loved before was so cute!! (havent watched/read the others). but like.. the writing was bad and the main actress just wasnt very sympathetic or charming? characters waste time saying "i can explain" until time runs out for them to actually explain, additional (and nonsensical) romance plots are added for no reason, and the male lead isnt even that hot. sorry. also kitty deciding to move to korea to connect with her mom but not bothering to learn a speck of korean and insisting that everyone else speak to her in english really sucks honestly. not even my mom liked it so thats how you know its bad 👎
succession season 1: yesss succession. greg is my favorite cant wait to see him become evil. makes me stressed
shin kamen rider (hideaki anno): reboot of the first kamen rider by the guy who made evangelion. this guy kinda makes the same thing over and over but it looked sick as hell so i wasnt complaining. like stella obstinaterixatrix said, kinda more introspective or even insular to the point of kinda ignoring the usual kr theme of justice but it was still very fun :3 kinda want to watch the original now
ready player one (movie): my parents made me watch this movie. aggressively mediocre.
kamen rider revice and live and evil and demons: pretty fun if you have the disease that makes you think revice is good, but mostly made me miss revice. i think they should have gone more into the clone thing but i always think that so
kamen rider juuga vs kamen rider olteca: two-parter special for kr revice. i forgot what happened in this pretty much immediately after but karizaki was hot
roman holiday: a princess touring in rome escapes her duties for a day, and meets a dashing young reporter. classic romance!! i actually liked this so so much like it actually is very romantic and funny and like deserves the hype. didnt expect it to be in black and white even so audrey hepburn is really hot. (spoilers) more romances should have bittersweet endings though like it hit
kamen rider ryuki: a young man is inducted into a battle royale between those fighting for their deepest wishes, and decides to try and stop the rider battle once and for all. hey guys ryuki is so fucking good for those who have watched madoka magica a lot of it is very heavily based off of/inspired by ryuki! but ryuki does it better. pretty much The kamen rider has so much to say about justice and love and what it means to be a hero and sacrifice and *runs out of air and falls over* also it made me cry. if you ever try kamen rider try this one <3
EDIT OH i forgot about across the spiderverse 100/10 obviously groundbreaking in animation nice take on generational trauma and also like the nature of adaptation and being in a multimedia comics franchise and all that. really hope the sequel doesnt get crunched too bad. oh but copaganda not great 99/10
video games:
twisted wonderland: gacha game where random disney villains are bishie high schoolers instead. ill play chapter 3 sometime soon i swear. gameplay is terrible as with most gacha games but the characters are cute? i feel terrible guilt for being involved with a disney franchise. honestly pretty compelling character writing sometimes though sorry
apico: stardew-like about raising bees (in beta). sooooo cute and the devs obv care about bees a lot in real life. the gameplay loop + breeding systems are a little bit punishing right now though i really hope it gets adjusted. took over my life during finals (woops) and i got like half the bees and then burnt out. multiplayer is fun though!
legend of zelda tears of the kingdom: the next zelda game, now featuring building + vertical elements. yeah this took over my life for two months like it did for a bunch of other people i finished the main story a couple days ago! i might go back to do a couple more of the shrine puzzles, but other than that i think im done. LOVE the vertical elements and also all the little sidequests there are to do and how the world has changed since botw. dragons tears was really good and OMG PROVING GROUNDS. would be a 10/10 if zelda was the protag stop damseling her you guys cmon
paper mario origami king: newest paper mario game, which is a spinoff of the main series where theyre all paper (duh). im about halfway through this, i think? tried it out because of the dunkey video lol and also bc it was free at my library. very charming and inventive, has a really good soundtrack and really funny writing! i know the gameplay was controversial, but im enjoying it a lot (and theres a lot of room for error). might 100% it
it feels like this month i tried a lot of things that i didnt really like LMAO. also a lot of romance. im very happy about finally finishing the goldfinch! the only holdout on my libby is slaughterhouse 5 :P i did find some things that i really liked though! anyways this one feels a bit more scattered but if you got to the ending, congratulations! thanks for reading :3
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I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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saby-chan · 3 years
Why the ATLA comics fail when it comes to Zuko and his family
To whom ever took their time to actually stop and read this post, thank you in advance for not skipping my post and willing to stay and read my humble opinion! I hope I won’t disappoint you!
As a relatively newcomer to the ATLA fanbase since 2020, I’ve come across a lot of interesting debates, comments and rants about the show, characters and fandom in general, but nothing has captivated me as much as the dumpster-on-fire that are the ATLA comics, more specifically: The Promise and The Search. 
On one hand we have the hardcore fans who want them to be animated or serialized into the Netflix live action, praising the comics for the new views and subject matters they’ve brought into the show’s lore, while on the other hand we have the furious Azula fandom who is really angry for the fact that best girl didn’t get the redemption arc she rightfully deserved so much after the painful event that was the Last Agni Kai and the even more angry fans of the Urzai ship (yeah, the people who actually ship Zuko’s parents unironically) who hated the retconning of the show’s cannon since the comics basically took a huge fat dump on what was previously established as official cannon, when the Search entered the scene, but between these two sides, who has the more valid point? In the end, are the comics good cannon or bad written fanfiction?
Well... Here are my two cents on this matter since I myself happen to be an Azula and Zuko fan and had huge expectations from these comics (since I wanted more from my fave hot-headed fiery siblings duo) but ended up disappointed: the comics are indeed a huge mess and actually bad written fanfiction when it comes to Zuko and his family! Don’t click off yet, because I actually documented the reasons why exactly the comics fail in this area:
1. The author of these comics is not part of the BryKe duo
Yes, I would like to start with the fact that if you actually take a second to look up who in the heck took the time to write these two books, you won’t find Bryan, nor Mike, but a fellow man named Gene Yang. This is important because while the wiki of both The Promise and The Search state BryKe as the creators, that doesn’t mean that they were the actual minds behind these comics, but rather because ATLA is their “baby” and these comics involve their characters, over which they have copyright. Mr. Yang here is the actual brain behind the plot, as the main writer, which explains why we find huuuuge inconsistencies between the show lore and the comics, especially Zuko wise.
My main issue with Mr. Yang isn’t that he isn’t BryKe specifically, but because he did an unforgivable mistake in his writing process: He projected himself into Zuko’s character, based on the relationship Zuko had with his father. This is a documented fact from an interview in which he explains that he sees himself and his dad’s relationship into Zuko and Ozai and used that when writing their interactions and built Zuko’s character in the comics. And this is wrong because when you have an already very developed and complex character such as Zuko, you can’t just come in and be like “Oh, I was an angsty teen just like him in my teenage years, fighting with my dad and whatnot, so he must have the same thought process as me!”. NO! This is bad fanfiction writer behavior! Zuko has his own personality and philosophy, which he developed over the course of 3 seasons and is not defined by only 1 unfortunate aspect of his past, so you can’t just base his whole mindset and actions off of your own personal experience just because you had the same daddy issues he had!
2. The whole “Promise that you will kill me if I turn out like my dad!” nonsense in The Promise
Reason number 2 why these comics fail and go under the category of “bad fanfiction” is because they fail to convey the core essence of the source material. The whole point of Zuko’s redemption was that he realized the wrongdoings of his ancestors and his own mistakes. He outgrew his desire of gaining his father’s acknowledgement in favor of choosing his own destiny. Having him worry that he’ll turn into his father is utter nonsense and feels like poor angsty drama material for the sake of angst. At this point in time, Zuko has overcame that obstacle in his life a long time ago and should be at the level where he himself is the “Uncle Iroh” for other people and in no way someone concerned of becoming their own worst enemy!
Not only that, but the whole point of Aang’s journey and the story of the show as a whole was to teach us, the viewers, the importance of forgiveness, empathy and love in life. Aang didn’t spare Ozai, aka “the ultimate evil” just to flex in front of his pals or because he is a “ 12 y/o vegan pacifist monk kid”, but because he knew that killing someone, no matter of what they did or wanted to do, wouldn’t restore balance into the Universe, on the contrary, him killing the villain would have meant perpetuating the “endless cycle of hate” that plagued the world. So having Aang promise to kill his best friend in case “they turned into an evil maniac like their dad” contradicts Aang’s whole character and it’s a nonsense that throws into the trash what we’ve learnt throughout the entire TV series.
3. Azula deserved (and was supposed) to have a redemption ark
This might still be pure speculation, but I count it as a documented reason because I’ve heard quite a few people saying that there should’ve been a book 4 in the show, aka “Book 4: Air”, and no, it wasn’t The Search, but actually Zuko and Azula’s journey as Zuko helps his younger sister heal her broken mind by being her very own “Uncle Iroh”. Sure, they prolly were going to end up looking for Ursa, but the journey should’ve ended with them actually being happy and a family again and not the bs we got in The Search where a still very unstable Azula runs away and becomes the “Next Joker”! The only problem is that M. Night had to pop up and curse the world with his movie, which forced BryKe to delay the project (and eventually abandoned it in favor of Korra).
All in all, either if BryKe had this preplanned or not, it made sense for Azula to get a redemption ark, she deserved it because she was just a broken 14 y/o child! If Katara’s mom’s murderer deserved to be forgiven, so did this poor child who had no fault for what happened to her since she had a dysfunctional family! What Gene Yang did in his poorly written fanfiction was to just antagonize a broken child, turning her into a monster for the sake of friggin angst!
4. The Search is the worst of the two, being flat af character wise
And finally, getting to the point that I personally find the most annoying about these comics: The Search. This one... This one is a mess on a hella lot many levels, and just to list a few: characters are flat as fudge, being either black as vanta black (like Ozai and Azula) or pure white like Gene’s Gary Stue OC, Mr Ikem (or how I like to call him, IKEA man) and his ‘victim’ rendition of Ursa, Azula gets to suffer more for no reason (see reason number 3 to why I find this as a no no), Ursa’s whole character sucks ass (man, I could write a whole thesis on why Yang’s version of her is terrible and doesn’t match the strong woman we got in the show) and Zuko does morally wrong stuff (my man literally used his unstable sister to bribe their dad into spitting info about Ursa... Show Zuko would never do that!;-;)
Oh boy, as a person who’s seen a ton of anime and other media and read many books, I can’t begin on how much I despise this type of writing: flat characters are the worst!
 ATLA characters in the show are nothing close to being flat! What I mean by that is that none of them fall perfectly into pure white (aka goodest of good characters with no imperfections) or vanta black (aka lowest and darkest twisted monsters out there), each of them are various shades of grey (like Aang who is a very light grey because despite being a very kind and nice character, he still isn’t a “perfect hero” since he ran away from his duties, practiced tax fraud with Toph, had insecurities and even threatened to kill people on ocassions like with the sand benders who took Appa) and this is a good choice because that prevents them from becoming what’s globally known as Mary Sues and Gary Stues (aka those either “perfect” characters with no flaws and/or unlimited power, or the twisted monsters full of flaws).
And the other reason why many other people hate The Search: it literally negates previously established cannon. And here comes my short essay on why this comic fails Zuko’s family (since we’ve already talked enough about Zuko himself).
In cannon and even interviews with BryKe, it was clearly stated that Zuko’s family was “once happy”. Where is this “once happy” family in The Search? All I see is pain, deception, lies and betrayal, nothing close to anything that resembles happiness. Okay, some of you might come in and say that “It’s because it was never the case! It was only lies and Zuko trying to convince himself that he didn’t live in hell forever!” and here is WHERE YOU WERE ALL WRONG! And why? Because, my dear fella, where were depicted the flashbacks of Zuko’s “happy family” in The Beach? Ember Island. And what do we know and had been even quoted in the show?  "Like waves washing away the footprints on the sand, Ember Island gives everyone a clean slate. Ember Island reveals the true you." (direct quote from the show). Exactly, no matter who you are or how hard you try, you can’t hide your true self when you are on the Ember Island, best example being Azula, who’s impenetrable though shell cracked and revealed the true vulnerable child that was underneath. If Azula couldn’t resist the “spell of the island”, no one can. So this means that Zuko’s family was indeed happy once and yes, Ozai wasn’t always the douchebag we got to know in Season 3 (I have a whole nother essay on my theories regarding what could be his real past story and why he’s actually the “Zuko” of his generation, based on stuff I gathered from old wiki entries and character analyses I made, but that’s for another time, lemme know if ya’ll are interested).
And what I guess is the biggest proof why The Search did this family’s past trash is comics Ursa herself. My dude, if this woman were indeed the victim of years of endless abuse and never loved her husband, I guarantee you that she would’ve been closer to what we saw in Todoroki’s mom from BNHA and Zuko would’ve gotten that scar or even worse long before the Agni Kai, not from his “daddy dearest”, but from “mommy dearest” herself, because no sane woman would be soo affectionate and attached to a child that’s the perfect copy of their abuser, sepecially appearance wise (again see Todoroki’s mom’s case from BNHA because the stories are really similar) and in no way would’ve she been willing to sacrifice her life for said child’s sake. With this ocassion, I remind ya’ll folks that according to the ancient ATLA cannon wikis on Nick’s site, Ozai was designed with Zuko’s appearance in mind, being meant to be like a “grown up scarless version” of Zuko. So yeah, remember this with a grain of salt that whenever you simp over grown up Zuko, you involuntary simp for Ozai too.
So yeah, I guess this kinda concludes my “not so short” rant about why the comics fail and are bad fanfiction. Lemme hear your thoughts in the comments and if you agree, feel free to leave a like and even reblog.
Bye bye and remember that Momo is the true strongest character of the show!
 Saby out.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. tbh the fact rachel purposely didnt let persephone have any romantic relationships before hades gives the impression that had persephone had any other experience, she'd see right through him and not want him because she had better. not having any other point of reference isnt good. its setting up that hades can get away with whatever he wants because she doesnt know anything else. thats really not a healthy dynamic to have even while dating, much less eternal marriage.
2. You know what’s weird? How Hades is a 2000+ year old being and still has not gone through his trauma. We know that he was eaten by Kronos when he was around 8 and stayed there for like 13 years if i’m correct (in the LO version), so we can assume that when he got out he was in his early to mid twenties. And then he fought in the war which we don’t know how long it was in LO bc there’s no info on that at all but let’s assume that that lasted 100 years.. he’s still pretty young there. So how is it that he’s only now getting help for his traumas? Which we don’t even see actually, it’s just a sentence said by him when he adopts the little dog. We don’t even know how old he actually is bc it’s always assumed it’s 2000+ but 2000+ years old could mean 2030 years old or 2999 years old or even 3000 and more and he has just lost track of time. All of these years and he still has not processed or made any progress?? At all?! Unless therapists are a new thing in the Underworld but we have Chiron who says that she was a physician in the old world but got tired of it so she decided to study the human mind. And that must have been quite some time ago. So why exactly is Hades a 2000+ broken man who needs to be fixed by a 19 year old going through her own trauma? 
3. The underworld being an infertile world doesn’t make sense at all. If we compare the underworld with the underground it’s a fact that where there’s decay if is more fertile. Not to mention that in the myths the underworld is in fact considered a fertile land. We know that the underworld is full of souls, and souls are considered what give life to a body or place, so the underworld being a desert still doesn’t make sense at all. 
4.If I may also add, just because LO is a “retelling” doesn’t mean it doesn’t harm Greece or Greek people. They still exist, funnily enough, they didn’t all die once Alexander the Great stop conquering. They’re a country full of strong, passionate people who have gone and are still going through massive problems and hardships. They are also a country who are still, at best, ignored, or at worst, mocked for the suffering they must endure by nations that are far from economic instability and from actual war zones like Greece is. Despite all that, their mythos are seen with great reverence to this day, and they don’t “gatekeep” it, you can ask any Greek in here and they’ll tell you they enjoy stuff like the Disney version or PJO just fine, but you have to stop and wonder why LO is a Greek myth product that is almost universally despised to Greeks who know it exists.
It’s pretty obvious why, RS not only butchers the myths completely to where they don’t even resemble what they once were, but her constantly silencing and badmouthing actual Greeks who want to help her make it more accurate is not a great look. She’s acting as if she, a white woman from an island made of literal England reject descendants, somehow not only knows more about Greek myth than actual Greeks, but that she OWNS the mythology and she can do whatever she wants with it, and only those who agree to her biases know what they’re talking about while everyone else is wrong, so obviously Greeks don’t know Greek mythology! Even media products in the same, non-Greek realm as her get her ire. Case in point, we know she’s hostile to PJO, she badmouths the Disney movie all the time, she complained about Blood of Zeus (emphasize on ZEUS) didn’t revolve around HxP, and despite them being heavily promoted by her own employers, she never speaks of Punderworld or HxP ficlets, even when her fans harass them and in Ficlets case purposely got them kicked off Canvas for “copying” LO, meanwhile she will happily promote OSP because they confirm her biases and kissed her butt in their HxP video. What does this tell us? Because it doesn’t seem very nice.
Of course she’s allowed as a creator to play with the mythology as she wants, but even then there are still limits to adhere to, and she never does it because obviously her half-baked concept of the “mythology” is way better than the 3000+ years of texts and interpretations out there. Sure she has people flinging themselves at her to offer her help for free, especially Greeks and academics, but what would they know over her, the self proclaimed master of mythology itself? Obviously she created it all in 2016 when she decided to draw a sexy pink girl and that’s it. Greece and everyone else was just using a fake version this whole time! 
It seems from her POV, Greece ands its citizens are, in her own words “haters” who apparently know less about Greece and its own mythology than her, a white woman who uses a fanfic-writing white supremacist as a main source. The ego on this woman is astonishing.
5. May I also add to the age discourse, something like Edward and Bella can get away with it because Edward stopped aging physically, mentally, and emotionally at 17, and even in story there is a logic to them still going to HighSchool after all this time. He may be 117 age wise, but he’s at the same exact level as Bella in every other regard. That doesn’t excuse his creepy actions, of course, but there is in canon logic to it to justify it and make sense.
I’d say LO could use this too, but tbh it wouldn’t work. Either it’d involve making a CEO king as immature and childish as a 19 year old (not great) or it’d have a 19 year old suddenly be way wiser beyond her years which wouldn’t make much narrative sense, but also has some really creepy implications to it. Anyway RS dug herself into a stupid hole and doesn’t know how to get out of it. 
6. im in the same boat 😭 i was watching one of those LO critique videos you posted and they were showing panels from early on and i just thought "they photoshopped this, right? theres no way it looked this bad. they're just goofing around with this" and nope, that's exactly how they looked the video didnt change a thing. the bright colors really were distracting your eyes from seeing how bad it looked.
7. Correct me if i’m wrong but in one of the first few episodes wasn’t Hades annoyed with Persephone? Especially at the panel where she wanted to drive his car? Like nothing has really changed in her behaviour with him apart from her being more flirty, but the only change is that Hades started viewing her more sexually. Always thinking about her breasts and butt, and nothing else. Half the time he was thinking about her, he wouldn’t even think of her face. So how exactly is their relationship a romantic and lovely one? 
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gintokisimp · 3 years
Daydreaming about Silver isn’t good for your Health. Chapter 1: Do you really need a reason to celebrate?
My first fanfiction I wrote. Post Canon GinTsu story. Does ignore some original story parts. All characters involved are adults. Later chapters are full of smut. 
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Light Angst, PWP
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,010
"Oi old hag, give me more sake" Gintoki shouted, slamming his fist on the counter.
The ochoko in front of him rattled under the force. 
"Why should I? It's not like you're willing to pay for it. Stop drinking and get out!" Otose yelled back at him.
"What are you saying? I have my money right here!" He babbled back at her and waved his hands, but instead of pointing at his wallet, Gintoki pointed at his crotch region. 
Otose clicked her tongue in disgust.
"I even won something at the Pachinko today, that's why I need to celebrate - that's why everyone needs to celebrate with me. Excluding you cause you need to serve me more sake on this special occasion!" He continued.
"Forget it already! You're only here because you think you can invite everyone on the house. I'll kick you out of my apartment tomorrow!" Otose was getting impatient with him.
"Otose-san, please calm down." Shinpachi pleaded, but he couldn't hear Otoses answer. The bar was packed to the brim and the noises made his ears tingle.
"PATSUAN stop talking to that hag. She will rob you. No more talking, more drinking!" Gintoki leaned over to Shinpachi, the scent of the alcohol brushing over his nostrils and he basically screamed in his ear.
What money though? Shinpachi sighed and got up from his chair next to Gintoki. Let them fight, it’s never a serious matter anyways. He left him alone fighting with Otose-san. On the surface, nothing really changed in the last few years. But in reality, a lot has changed. Someone would notice it in the small details: Katsura celebrating alongside the Shinsengumi. Kaguras growth spurt. The slightly different flair of the bar, after it was destroyed a few years ago and the weird forming of couples. Even the gorilla had given up his stalking habbit.
Shinpachi still had no luck though. But he always appeased himself, that Gintoki did neither in his early thirties. So in conclusion, it wasn’t that bad to concentrate on more important things in life before finding the love of your life. There was the Dojo. And of course Otsu-chan. 
Shinpachi nodded with a smile, lost in his thoughts. 
Gintoki really invited everyone. Hasegawa was sitting next to him and enjoyed the "free" drinks while listening to Gintokis and Otoses fighting. It didn't even bother him that Gintoki started bragging about his Pachinko winning streak. He was just happy to be here. It wasn't that much but still more than he ever owned since he got homeless and after all these years, Gintoki started to feel bad for him. Everyone kind of got their lifes sorted, but he was still living on the streets. Usually Gintoki would not care to ask him to get a drink with him, but they are pachinko buddies, so he felt the obligation to invite him. 
Otae and Kyuubei sat at one of the tables and enjoyed their drinks together with Zura and Elisabeth. Toujou sat between them and nodded heavily at everything they said. It was a weird sight, but today was different. It's a celebration after all. What a stupid reason for a celebration. I could have come up with something better. Gintoki thought after the pointless debate with his landlady. He hoped no one would get behind the actual reason. His eyes wandered lazily through the room. 
Hijikata, Sougo and Kondo arrived at the bar a few minutes ago and were already in a heated discussion if they should kick out Hijikata for putting disgusting amounts of mayo in his beer. Gintoki didn’t remember inviting them, it was probably Kagura's doing. Even Gengai had found his way here for a small drink. But instead of enjoying himself, he eagerly worked on an update for Tama who was standing right next to him. 
She was also here.
He had noticed her arrival before she even stepped through the sliding door. He always feels her presence lingering through the back of his head. After all those years of knowing her, he had never felt nervous or anxious around her. In fact, her presence comforted him in a strange way. She was such a good friend. But the last few weeks have been different. It all started with an accidental meeting they had on the streets of Kabuki-chō.
a few weeks prior
It was a sunny day, not too warm, not too cold. Cicadas chirped, the streets were busy, lively conversations echoed through the streets. All in all, the perfect summer day.
After a job well done, Gintoki and Kagura were casually strolling through the alleys of Kabuki-cho, when they came across a Pop Up Shop that sold kinky stuff. Gintoki didn’t bat an eye on it, but Kagura stopped in front of the store windows, since she never saw this special kind of shop out in the open. They were advertising a lot of different things and displayed strap-ons in the store windows. A vast sign in the window read:
Can a man really size up to these?
Try them out now!
Kagura read the sign and glanced over to Gintoki.
"Gin-chan, why are they displaying them in public? Are they trying to make men insecure? Are they making you insecure?" she asked innocently.
Gintoki stopped in his tracks, a vein popped on his forehead. "HUH?" Why are you asking?” He snarled at her, impatient to get home. Why is she asking those kind of things? Stop annoying me.  
“Why are you so snappy, are ya scared that they are bigger than you, huh?” Kagura started to laugh and his face began to burn. 
“Tch, of course not” He mumbled back at her. “Why would I of all men be scared?” Nervously, he clenched his fists. 
“Maybe because you’re a liar.” She retorted. 
“Lying about what?”
She pointed at the sign. Gintoki had already read what was on it and he sighed. 
"Well, it's definitely not right to brag in front of you,but you leave me no choice." His eyes brushed over the selection and finally, he pointed at a model that was roughly 25 centimeters. "I definitely can."
"Nah you're lying. The screwdriver you once had was bigger than your actual thing!" she snickered.
"I'm not lying, shut up!" He was getting very uncomfortable while talking about those things with Kagura. But she was an adult now and it should be normal to talk about this as adults, right? Right?
"Liar!" She screamed.
"Oi, let's go, we need to be at home soon." Gintoki ignored her bickering. He wanted to get home quickly since Bleach had a rerun and he didn’t want to miss it. 
He turned around fast while he started to walk, so he didn’t notice the woman standing behind him. He slammed straight into Tsukuyo. She was just standing there, now close to him. A little too close. Gintoki guessed she just wanted to say hello and overheard their conversation. Oh..
"Tsukuyo.. why.. what are you doing here?" He asked in confusion to meet her here and she stumbled backwards. 
Tsukuyo didn't answer. She was visibly getting nervous and her ears started to glow a bright pink. Kagura turned around with a smile. 
"Tsukki! We were just talking about this weird shop there. I guess they just want to make men insecure!" She explained, happy to meet Tsukuyo again.
"..uh. yeah I guess so." She said with a lowered voice. "We have a lot of those shops in Yoshiwara though."
"But why are you making a face like that then?" Kagura asked.
"Uhm.. what?" The color from her ears slowly spread to her face. 
"Is it because of what Gin-chan said?" 
"Ka.. Kagura!" Gintoki was shocked how blatant she could be sometimes.
“Don’t worry, he’s lying!” 
“Kagura, stop!” Gintoki felt his face burning again. Kagura ignored him and her eyes flicked between his and Tsukuyos face, visibly enjoying their ashamed reactions. A grin plastered her face. 
"Excuse me, I.. I need ta go." Tsukuyo turned around and hurried away from them in a different direction.
"Tsukuyo, wait!" He weakly held out his hand, but she was already gone.
Since then, he always felt nervous thinking about her. And he did think a lot about her in the last days. He doesn't even understand why. It’s not like it was an unusual situation for him, things like that happened a lot in this district and she for sure was used to it as well. But something was... odd.
The truth was, he was just making up an excuse to invite everyone and have her invited as well. They hadn't met since that incident and he felt the strong urge to see her again. While planning this whole thing earlier, he casually asked Kagura if Tsukuyo would also come to the party. Kagura just grinned at him.
"Of course I already invited Tsukki. She's coming just for you!"
Her reaction kind of scared him. He still didn’t figure out why. But right now it didn't really matter, he could not concentrate on that anyways. His mind was a little blurry from the alcohol and drinking was the only solution he knew against his growing nervousness. Without turning around, he felt her walking past him. 
His ears prickled. 
"maa Gin-san, what's wrong? Did you drink too much?" Hasegawa noticed his weird behaviour.
"Urgh, shut up. It’s nothing" Gintoki snarled back.
Tsukuyo elegantly sat down at the end of the bar, as far away as possible. Gintoki noticed Kagura immediately spurting to the bar stool next to her and they started talking. Gintoki lowered his eyes and focused his empty ochoko in front of him. 
"Where is my drink? Didn't I tell you to give me more?" Gintoki shouted more aggressively than he intended to.
"Pay your rent and I'll give you more, that was the answer." 
While picking up their pointless fight again, Gintoki overheard Kagura snickering. Tsukuyo was quiet, but Kagura didn't stop her laughter. He just hoped Kagura wasn't making her uncomfortable.
Ultimately, it was his job to do that.
Shinpachi heard it as well and got worried about what Kagura was on about again. For a few weeks now, she tried to act mysterious. She was planning something, but Shinpachi couldn't figure it out yet. Still standing next to his seat, he decided to interfere and walked over to them. 
"Kagura, what are you doing?" He asked as soon as he reached the two women. 
"Oh Shinpachiiii I'm not doing anything!" She replied, still snickering.
"Sure.” Shinpachi adjusted his glasses thoughtfully. “But it doesn't look like Tsukuyo-san is enjoying your ‘nothing’!" Kagura stopped laughing, but continued to smile. 
"She was teasing me about liking that ass face Sougo over there, so I told her she should just admit that she wants to fuck Gin-chan - "
"Kagura!" Shinpachi yelled, his eyes widened in shock.  
"- and she didn't even deny it yet." Kagura finished her sentence.
"Kagura, you can't say that, that's rude!"
"But Shinpachi, it's the truth! I know it!" Kagura slammed her fist on the bar, emphasizing her words.
"Stop making assumptions about other people's lives, Kagura!" Again, Shinpachi adjusted his glasses, but this time it was rather shaky. 
Tsukuyos mind was blank. What did she say? Why would she bring that up? How could she know what was haunting her dreams for the last months? Or did she just try to make a joke.. yeah, yeah that's probably it.  
Tsukuyo came here with the expectation to have a nice and chill evening with Kagura and Otae. At least that's what Kagura told her on the phone earlier. She arrived at the bar and saw a lot more familiar faces than she anticipated.
And then she saw him.
His broad back facing her, he was fighting his usual arguments with Otose. She involuntarily tensed up, averted her eyes and hurried to get the opposite side of the establishment. She didn't want to meet him. Not after all those embarrassing dreams.
"I just know it, it is obvious! I'm sure everyone knows it!" Kagura's voice broke through her thoughts. 
"I don't understand what you're talking about Kagura, please just leave Tsukuyo alone!" Shinpachi replied desperately. Apparently, they had exchanged a few more words while Tsukuyo was caught in her thoughts. 
"Shinpachi, you can't be serious. You're such a virgin." Kagura snickered.
"Kagura!" Shinpachi's face turned red. Kagura continued to tease the poor boy and Tsukuyo was glad she wasn't the center of attention anymore. 
"He doesn't even know I'm here. Why should he care.." Tsukuyo mumbled to herself, nervously tapping her fingers against her thighs.  
"Tsukki, tell him!" Kagura exclaimed all of a sudden. Tsukuyo froze. 
"Tell him what?" Tsukuyo asked casually. 
She hadn’t listened to Shinpachis and Kagura's conversation anymore.
"Yea, tell him what?"
Asked the voice that makes her skin prickle in excitement. She turned her head around, knowing what, or rather who was behind her and looked directly into mischievous shining crimson eyes. Her heart stumbled.
"Uh.. I .. nothing. I don't even know what they're talkin’ about. Really, ya should mentor ya kids better." She tried to act cool, while choking on her kiseru with closed eyes, coughing in his face. 
"What do you want to tell me? " He continued, unbothered by the smoke.
His words were enough to make her knees weak and Tsukuyo was glad that she wasn't standing. She would be lying on the floor by now, struck by his intense stare. It sent a cold shiver down her spine, and as he slightly tilted his head in a silent question, she could feel her face heating up. 
"Who said we.. we are talking about ya?" She stammered. 
"We were!" Kagura yelled from behind her. 
Please Kagura, shut up, only this one time! She pleaded silently.
"You were? " Gintoki was teasing her, a light smile played around his lips.
Tsukuyo was sure he was drunk, but right now, he didn't even seem tipsy anymore. His eyes were clear as day. It almost seemed like he was prepared for this and he captured her quick glances at his face with his eyes. Was she imagining things or did she catch a glimpse of pure, primal lust in his eyes. She blinked and it was gone. Dead, bored fish eyes stared back at her, almost uninterested. 
He didn't hear what Kagura said, did he? No, that's impossible.  
Tsukuyo could not focus, not with him in front of him, not with him looking at her, waiting for an answer. She tried to look somewhere else and began to stare at his arms. His right arm, biceps flexed, was supporting his weight on the bar counter. Is he doing that on purpose? She didn't realize until recently how muscular he really was, or rather, she didn’t really care about it prior to their.. encounter.
Why would he need to flex his arms while he was just standing. Veins stretched over his muscles, hypnotizing her more and more the longer she stared. She could almost grasp his blood pumping through them, if he would just let her touch him. Tsukuyo imagined her nails scratching along them, his hands sliding up her spine, pulling her hair and bowing her back and -
He was still staring at her, waiting for an answer.
Gladly, Otose interfered before Tsukuyo had the time to make up an answer. 
"You know, Gintoki, I could forget about the rent if you just gave me some damn grandkids." She said thoughtfully, while puffing out the smoke from her cigarettes.
For a second, Tsukuyo really believed that Otose would distract Gintoki from the question. But actually, she made it even worse.
"HUH, what are you saying woman?" Gintoki snorted at Otose.
"I said you should give me grandkids!" Otose replied a little louder. 
"How does this affect me baba?!” Gintokis attention was now directed at the bar owner. However, his body was still facing Tsukuyo and now, while he was getting worked up again, he flexed his supporting arm even more and unwittingly leant closer to her. The closer he got, the more she felt like her head would explode. Tsukuyos ears were as hot as the midsummer weather outside and her heartbeat quickened, racing the blood through her own veins. 
"Tch, don't play stupid, you idiot." 
"Don't call me stupid, there's no one in this bar who could give you your damn grandkids!"
Tsukuyo flinched. Gintoki noticed that and he turned his head back to her. What's wrong with her, is she in pain? He was confused. His arm started to hurt and he shifted it around. He had placed it in an uncomfortable position in an attempt to cover up his nervousness. Of course, it didn’t work. 
Kagura noticed Tsukuyos reaction as well. "Gin-chan you idiot, shut up!" 
"What the hell did I do wrong? " Gintoki now yelled at Kagura.
"Ah whatever, I don’t have the nerves for this." Otose left them fighting and walked over to her paying customers.
"Everything, you're doing everything wrong!" Kagura exclaimed.
“I would be very happy if you could just explain me what the fuck I did do wrong!”
“You’re making her feel bad!”
“Men are stupid, men are really stupid!” Kagura threw her hands up. 
"Oh you think so? Go tell your loverboy Okita-kun, maybe he cares about your bullshit." Gintoki mocked her. 
"ew he's not my lover, I could never love a punchable face like that." Kagura's face was genuinely disgusted. Gintoki and Kagura turned their heads as they heard Sougo's sadistic laughter from the table. He was smirking with his eyes closed. Glancing over to Kagura.
"Oh I will make you love me." He whispered loud enough for them to hear it.
“You! Shut up or I’ll make you!” Kagura was visibly getting angry, cracked her knuckles and stomped over to their table in an attempt to beat him up.
"No Kagura, stop!" Shinpachi yelled franticaly and followed her.
And with that, facing each other, Gintoki and Tsukuyo were alone.
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walkwithheroes84 · 3 years
Saved By the Bell (2020) Thoughts
 When the original Saved by the Bell ended in 1992, I was still in elementary school and certainly hadn’t watched it’s first run. But over the years - via repeats - it has become something of a comfort show for me, that I turn to when I’m feeling down or just need something cheesy to chill out to. So, hen I heard about a reboot on the Peacock network, I was unsure. 
Now, having finished the ten episode season in just two days, I’m really hoping people give this show a chance. It knows what it is and what it is the child of and it lovingly pokes fun at and embraces it. All while actually showing real issues that people are facing today.
Here are my real-time after thoughts on each episode. Warning for spoilers. 
1.01: Pilot
Zack becoming Governor to get out of a parking ticket and then having no idea what to do is a very Saved by the Bell plot line. But, I love that he's not getting away with doing a bad job and the people of California actually seem to be upset with him. Also random, but - I wonder if Kelly is a doctor and why she hasn't kicked Zack to the curb if he's become such a skeevy person? I guess it is true love.
Jessie and Slater and still adorable, even as platonic friends. However, it's sad that she's kept her son so dependent on her and that it appears that Slater peeked in high school.
Lexi and Mac would be completely unlikeable if played by anyone other than Josie Totah and Mitchell Hoog. Right now, they are just unlikeable, but could grow as the series goes on.
Devante and Aisha are good and I look forward to their characters being explored more.
Daisy is fine, but I don't think she's a strong enough character to be the "lead". Many reviews have called her the "lead" and the "character viewers follow the most" and I'm not sure the character is strong enough for that. Haskiri Velazquez is capable in her role and is doing fine, but the character is a bit bland at the moment.
Principal Toddman: finally a principal that is trying to make a difference and isn't bumbling around and letting the students get away with anything.
The "running for school president" story felt straight out of the old series, with Lexi and Mac doing it for a parking space. But, I liked that in the end (it was 2 days show time and just 30-something minutes our time) they only let Daisy have the job because they didn't want to give up their spring break - not because they learned any sort of real lesson.
From previews I was a little worried that they might try and go with a Mac/Daisy pairing, and I really glad that it doesn't look that way. Yes, it feels like they might pair them down the road (if the show gets a season 2 and beyond), but for now Daisy seems more annoyed with him and Mac seems indifferent to her. It looks like the show might go with Jamie/Aisha, which could work.
1.02: Clubs and Cliques 
The theater clique is basically so cliché that its amusing. I love that they were all desperate to get Devante involved and keep him in the group chat, but he was just so disinterested. Lexi's line that she would fall for him if he kept ignoring her? Ha.
Jamie's inability to basically function as a normal fifteen/sixteen year old is alarming. The fact that he couldn't tell he is bad at football and that he makes raw food? Like, Jessie, who did you raise? That said, the football team having a "Feelings Helmet" was just amusing to me. The Bayside students are just so over the top insane.
There is a large part of me that wonders what the heck happened in the raising of Mac. Kelly had six siblings. She was raised in a working class family. I can't see her raising her son to be this entitled brat who apparently calls her stupid. And, I honestly can't see Zack allowing his son to end up an idiot who just floats through life.
But, I guess that's the point of the series: the Bayside students are all clichés and over the top archetypes of rich kids. None of them are really all that likeable and I find myself rooting for Devante, Daisy, and Aisha while wanting Mac, Lexi, and Jamie to grow up.
1.03: The Bayside Triangle
Knowing that Jamie and Lexi have been friends since they were little kids and she now has a crush on him and doesn't know how to handle it? Very relatable and makes me like her a bit more. She's right - for a lot of reasons, it can be weird to have an old friend like you.
Aisha trying so hard to fit in with the Bayside students is a bit sad, actually. It feels like she's giving up a part of herself to be who they think she should be.
Mac and Jamie's fight felt like it was straight out of the original series.
It's sad to know that Zack and Slater are no longer friends. I wonder why.
Devante is totally my favorite at this point. He just wants a fresh start and it's sad that Aisha and Daisy suspected him of wrongdoing because of his past.
Again, the fact that the students do all this weird stuff and no one at the school seems to notice or care . . .I feel that is purely making fun of the original show, but I love it.
1.04: The Fabulous Birchwood Boys
Lexi and Devante need to become best friends and stay best friends forever. Let's keep it platonic and fabulous. Also, his friends from his neighbor? I need to see more of those boys.
Jamie and Mac Freshmen year? Dorky as all get out. Lexi's fear that no one would like her. So heartbreakingly real.
Daisy having access to money for one day and becoming an entitled monster...that also felt very real. And, I'm really glad that she didn't take the easy way out and said she was sorry to the other members.
Since Mac never even asked Post Malone and since he got the other kids back - I'm starting to think the kid has more depth and empathy than I originally gave him credit for. That or Daisy is rubbing off on him. If they did Daisy/Mac down the road, I think it could work.
I felt so sorry when Lexi realized that Jamie had asked Aisha. I think they are headed for a Lexi/Jamie/Aisha love triangle, and I have to say that while I see Lexi/Jamie (because of her crush), I don't see Jamie/Aisha just yet.
Finally, Slater obsessing over the gym floors? He really did become a stereotype of a gym coach.
1.05: Rent-A-Mom
Jessie still having anxiety about caffeine and knocking what she thought was caffeine pills away from Mac was great.
Speaking of which - poor Jessie and her marriage. :( How did she end up with such a wishy-washy husband?
Slater and Aisha bonding while trying to making the team tougher was great. I cannot believe Jamie gives heartfelt speeches before games. What the hell, man? They really are pushing Jamie as the "sensitive man-child".
Jamie also mentioned that he was starting to like Aisha, but I still don't really see it. Am I alone in this? A start of a friendship, sure. But, a romance within the next few episodes - that would move too fast. Then again, it is a "teen show" and romance on those tend to move quickly.
Lexi and Mac trying to help Daisy was kind-of sweet in a weird sort of way. I like the looks into the home lives of the gang. It gives us a better understand of who they are as people.
1.06: Teen-Line
DeVante clearly facing racism and even classism at Bayside was really well done. I love that Lexi was ready to help him, because he has become such a great friend to her. Those two have really bonded and I love it.
Mac becoming a payphone, but not realizing it kind of made me smile. But what was even better was the way the school completely went into chaos after the students lost their phones. It couldn't have been more than three hours and the school already looked like a deleted scene from a post-apocalyptic film. Oh, and Mac using the rope to get in and out of the room, while the rest of the group used the door. . .loved it.
Aisha and Jamie. . .I feel like she's with him because he's attractive and sweet. There doesn't seem to be any real depth to their relationship. Though to be fair, there isn't much depth to Jamie's character - he's a satellite love interest to Aisha and Lexi.
1.07: House Party
Lexi finally seeing that she is a good (or at least better) person? I like that she is growing. Out of all the characters, I think she has gotten the most character growth (out of the kids) this season.
So. . .Mac does all his schemes because he's scared of being abandoned by the people he cares about and feels neglected by his parents? It's cliché, but. . .okay.
I'm still not really feeling Aisha/Jamie, but I'm not hating it. The relationship lacks depth, so I'm not terribly invested. But, I'm sure if I went back and watched any of the TNBC shows (without my nostalgic glasses on) those romances won't have much depth either.
Daisy trying to go wild, but instead having to be locked in a closet and making out with a coat? Eh, I get that they were poking fun at the darker and "edgy" teen soaps, but, eh.
Slater really grew during the episode and realized that it's time to leave high school behind and start acting like a real adult, and I'm proud of him.
1.08: The Todd Capsule 
Lark looked amazing. I'm so happy that she is doing so well these days.
So now we know where Screech is: on the Space Station with Kevin the Robot.
I was actually sad to learn that Kelly didn't follow her dream of becoming an actual doctor and is instead selling a fake wellness brand or some nonsense. Though, I will admit the Zack/Kelly scenes had me giggling a bit. They have become so shallow and weird, but I'm living for it. And when Zack said she was the only woman he's ever been with? That was a great jab, at least to me, at the way teen shows always do the "one true pairing" thing.
So glad Jessie now knows that Slater still has feelings for her. Can't believe her husband is having an emotional affair with one of his characters. This show can be so ridiculous.
The time capsule was a great addition to the episode, especially as they remembered all the plots that didn't make sense or were just weird: Jessie's caffeine addiction, putting on a ballet so Zack could graduate, saving a hotel in Hawaii.
How dare the gang (expect Lisa, who is a Queen) not remember Ron-Ron!
I hate - hate - that the PTA basically went behind everyone's back and is going to use the money to send the Douglas children back to their school. Yes, they can use the money to buy new things, but they will still have issues in that school. It's pure racism and classism.
Devante having a crush on Nadia (I think that's her name?) is super cute.
Loved Lexi and Daisy bonding and Lexi seeing that sometimes guilting people into things works just as well as being fake-nice. Though, you think she would have learned that by now.
So, Mac has always struck me as a character that is straight out of a 90s teen sitcom, and he still acts that way. But, I love that the show is trying to show some depth to him: he's acting out for attention from his dad. He has modeled his whole personality after his dad's high school personality in order to get attention. It's a storyline that has been done a million times (and will be done a million more times), but it fits his character.
1.09: All in the Hall
The Douglas principal saying that every few years people try and come in to "save" the school ,but than get bored and leave, because they've already gotten what they want - to feel good about themselves? Yeah, I felt that. It was so true to life, the way people rush into some new cause and than abandon it once they have gotten praise or its no longer trendy.
So happy to see Principal Toddman standing up Jade and sticking up for his students. He and Devante should have more scenes together. I like how they play off one another. I really just love Devante - he's probably my favorite.
Aisha finding a way to stay at the school via sports was very smart, but I can also see how Daisy would see it as selfish. Aisha does have a way of thinking about herself first and than others after. I think that has to do with her ultracompetitive nature - she wants to win, even if it mean leaving others behind.
Jamie got a bit more depth in this episode - finally. It was sweet that he wanted Aisha to stay, despite only having dated her for six weeks or so. He went about it completely wrong, but it was sweet. It's good that he sees that he's more emotionally intelligent than anything else.
The Aisha/Jamie stuff - eh. I never felt it to begin with, so it was no big. I'm glad that they sort of acknowledged that while he loves her, she just likes him and it was a relationship built more on physical attraction and sweet moments than anything else. I mean, they are fifteen.
Mac and Lexi feeling empathy and trying to help Daisy was nice. It's clear that they have both grown to care about Daisy (and Devante and to a lesser degree Aisha). I also enjoyed the small tease of Mac/Lexi with them both agreeing that they would totally hook up, because they are both so hot. Who doesn't love two shallow people admitting they are shallow? Though, I still think the writers are slowly - maybe - setting up something with Mac/Daisy. Maybe. Possibly.
I laughed out loud when Daisy ran into Jean (or is it Dave?) at city hall and he just kept denying that they had met before, but they clearly had.
Daisy's breakdown and her nearly doing drugs and the group hug - complete with Jamie discussing some random talent show we never saw (a jab at the original show airing episodes out of order?) - was just so classic teen sitcom. I loved that they pulled back from that by showing Mac reaching for the joint during the group hug.
1.10: Showdown
Overall the season was much better then I thought it would be and I'm really hoping that they are able to work in a season 2. I don't know if they could do several seasons, but I think they could probably do 2-3 more seasons of 8-10 episodes each. They still have a lot to focus on: relationships, class differences, the fall of the Morris family, Jessie's marriage breaking down and how that plays out with Jamie and even Slater, etc.
I really liked the two throw away lines of: Zack asking "Remember Tori?" and Kelly responding with a confused: "Huh?" and then Kelly quickly telling Mac that his father is not Jeff.
I wouldn't say Zack learned a valuable lesson, so much as he realized that he only wanted to stay Governor because he didn't want to be a loser. Which I guess is a lesson in a way, but he's still a bit of a slime ball.
I'm so glad that Slater told Jessie he was sorry for teasing her in high school because she protested and that he's happy today's teenagers are more willing to speak out about their beliefs. And, I'm even happier that Jessie stood up to her stupid and selfish husband.
Aisha and Daisy ganging up on Devante and than realizing that the clicks at school need a common enemy was great. What was better was Lexi, who has had the most character grown this season, willingly becoming the scapegoat.
Mac still needs to work on his daddy issues, but he's getting there. Hopefully he and his parents can really bond during quarantine.
Jamie telling Lexi that the only reason he wasn't sure if he wanted to date her was because she's been mean in the past was very sweet. Do I think the show is headed for Lexi/Jamie? Yes. Do I think it will last? No.
I still have a feeling that, at some point, they will do a Mac/Daisy pairing. Or at the very least have Mac develop a crush on Daisy, which will be interesting to see.
Other thoughts: I love that the show was able to poke fun at the clichés, corniness, and weirdness of all the late 80s-early 00s teen sitcoms/dramas that people my age grew up on; while at the same time exploring current day issues, without getting too preachy or pushy. They used pop culture well, without it feeling overly done. Someone else has mentioned in several threads that the show reminds them of the show Community, and I have to agree - it really does have an "early" Community vibe to it. I know a lot of shows are being cancelled or not renewed due to Covid, but I really do hope they give this one a second season. I really want to see where they go next.  
Cast List:
Main Haskiri Velazquez as Daisy Jiménez Mitchell Hoog as Mac Morris Josie Totah as Lexi Haddad-DeFabrizio Alycia Pascual-Peña as Aisha Garcia Belmont Cameli as Jamie Spano Dexter Darden as Devante Young John Michael Higgins as Principal Ronald Toddman Elizabeth Berkley Lauren as Jessie Spano Mario Lopez as A.C. Slater
Recurring Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Zack Morris Tiffani Thiessen as Kelly Morris Ed Alonzo as Max Cheyenne Jackson as René
Guest Lark Voorhies as Lisa Turtle
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caranfindel · 3 years
Recap/review 15.17: “Unity”
THEN: Chuck is destroying all his worlds. Dean tricked Amara into going along with their plan. Empty!Meg is on Billie's side because she just wants to go back to sleep. (Don't we all, dear.) Billie wants Dean to be ready. Dean finally told Sam the truth and Sam was MAD.
NOW: Amara is enjoying a hot pool and a glass of wine in Reykjavik, Iceland. (She's pretending to read but there's no way she can see that book. Although I guess she could have super vision. Why not? And I'm sure the book itself is significant and maybe I'll look that up later but let's face it, I probably won't.) Her glorious view of the Milky Way is punctuated by what seems to be a falling star. But there are more and more and more and she knows what it really is. "Welcome home, brother."
Title card!
Bunker. Sam is on the phone with Cas, who just found out a possible lead in the "Basilica of Guadalupe" was useless. I wonder if he means the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico? A 35-hour drive from Lebanon? "That's all right," Sam says. "We'll find a way." {Sidebar: Eternal optimism or simple bullheaded refusal to accept the inevitable truth? Discuss.} Dean enters and asks if that was Cas, but Sam doesn't answer.
So, this is how it's gonna be? You're gonna give me the silent treatment?
I'm not sure what you want me to say.
That you get it. Like I said, killing Amara, Jack, dying, that's the only way.
Sam huffs and imitates Dean: "The only way. Our one shot. Our last chance. You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?" The guys are interrupted by a noise, and I'm just going to stop here for a minute, because I need to talk about Sam's anger. Sam's delicious anger. Apparently some people thought it was inappropriate for Sam to be so mad at Dean last week. At least that's what I read on the Tumblr. I'm sure no one reading this post feels that way. I mean, anyone who found Sam's anger inappropriate would have stopped reading my crap a long time ago, right? I just don't get it. This isn't an "I can see both sides" situation. Dean withheld information from Sam - lied to Sam - and I know they've both lied to each other before, but this was something catastrophic involving someone he loves. And when confronted, Dean doubled down. He didn't say "sorry, I just couldn't bear to tell you" or "I was hoping Cas would find some other way" or "I was trying to think of a way to break it to you easy." He blamed Sam. He told Sam he wasn't qualified to have that information because he would have done something about it. And after Dean spent the entire episode whining about having no control over his life, being a hamster in a wheel, he sentenced Sam to the same fate - he told him that he didn't have the right to know about Jack because he refused to just accept that this is their destiny.
I mean, I'm not bitter or anything.
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Silver lining: Dean treating Sam so horribly at least means I got some tasty, tasty Angry Sam. (Mandatory disclaimer: I love Dean. I love that he is heroic and self-sacrificing but also deeply, deeply flawed.) Moving on.
Wait. I also love that Sam's justification for the silent treatment isn't I'm punishing you or even I'm mad at you, but is literally there is nothing I can say to you. Nothing I say will mean anything to you. All right, now we're moving on. Searching for the source of the noise, the guys find - Amara! Drinking their beer! Wearing pink again, but this time it's sparkly! "We should talk," she says.
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Or, you know, we could just look. Looking is good. We have a little time jump in order to gather Jack. Amara tells the boys that her brother is back, and Jack knows this means it's time. She asks how they're going to cage Chuck, and Dean lies that Jack will be able to do it. Amara hopes she and Jack can get to know each other afterward, and Jack lies that they will. He just has to complete one final ritual. Sam doesn't lie to anybody; he just stands there looking unhappy. Amara asks what she can do to help, and they cut away from any discussion of what she's going to do, but then we get this. When the time comes, we can count on you, right? Like I told you when we first met, you and I will always help each other. Awkward! The way Amara is looking at Dean, I'm pretty sure she knows he's lying, and is just waiting for him to break down. (Spoiler alert: why do I even try?) But Dean and his lying, lying eyes do not break down.
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But those eyes don't exactly hide any secrets either, do they? Meanwhile, Jack is concerned that Sam is angry at him. Or disappointed. Sam manages to express both support for Jack doing the thing and a strong desire for Jack to not do the thing. "Sacrificing your life for a cause takes a lot of courage," he says."I still think it's wrong, though." OH SAM. YOU WOULD KNOW. AND YOU WOULD DO IT ANYWAY. Apparently Jack's final ritual is taking place in Santa Fe. Dean's ready to go, and says they can be there by morning. (Oh, I hope she tells us if that's possible, they said sarcastically.) Hey, anyone who doesn't want a deep dive into the logistics of Winchester travel can write their own damn recap skip this part. I think the guys actually went to Santa Fe last season? Ouroboros? Anyway, it's 10.5 hours away. 11 hours if you avoid highways, which we know Dean likes to do, although that route would take you on some mountain roads that would probably be a little much for the Impala. So yeah, depending on what time it is now, "by morning" is doable. I know you're relieved. I think the bigger question is when will Cas get back from Mexico City? (Yes, I'm sure he drove - he was standing by his blue truck. Yes, I know no one else cares.) Dean is surprised to find that Sam's not going. He accuses Sam of "taking a knee," but Sam says that's not what he's doing. He's still looking for another way. Sam, you and me, we have to do this; it's in the book. Oh, Chuck's death book, right? Come on, man! Blindly following orders, sending Amara to her death; does any of this feel right to you? It doesn't matter how we feel! You know what? Stay. Stay. But somebody's got to be the grownup here. Yeah, well, someone has to keep fighting for Jack. He knows what he signed up for! Last I checked, we don't give up on family. Jack's not family! I know how you feel about the kid, okay? I feel for him too. I do. But he's not like you. He's not like Cas. He's just not. I have to confess, I maaaayyyybeee haven't been keeping up with the A plot as much as I should have, because I wasn't aware they were actually operating from a book. (Or I was and I forgot. Stranger things have happened.) I thought this was just Billie's plan. But if it's a book, that means it was fated to happen, right? Um, like the Ma'lak box? And why isn't Sam pointing that out? Why isn't Sam saying "we've already changed one of Billie's unchangeable endings, what makes you think we can't change this one?" But, you know. That's not important. What is important are two things: 1, the way Sam reacts when Dean says "Jack's not family," and B, the fact that Jack has entered the room at some point and heard some of that. Again, awkward! How many times has Jack come up behind someone and overheard something like that? Why don't they put a bell on that poor kid? Jack says he's ready, Sam gives him a sad, broken little smile and Jack and Dean hit the road. Boy, that's gonna be an uncomfortable 11 hours.
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Whatever you think about this scene, you have to admit Jared is acting the hell out of it. Bunker. Cas is back, so I guess it's been 35 hours since that phone call. "Stayed behind to find another way, huh? I would have done the same." They research together. Wooded park. Amara. Chuck shows up. A title card weirdly informs us this is Amara. Yeah, we know that. I don't really care that much about their convo. All you need to know is he wants to do a "hard reset" - another Big Bang? - and can't do it without her. But she cares about this world now and wants to protect it. He thinks humans are lame and boring, and she says "what about your first children?" and zaps him into Heaven. He's welcomed by a small, adoring group of angels, but Crystal (an angel named Crystal?) annoys him so much that he snaps them all away. Amara offers him balance, darkness and light, here on this Earth, but he's not interested. So she zaps him into the bunker, which she has made into a trap for him. Impala. Dean, says the title card, unnecessarily. (Now that I've figured out what they're doing, I'd say the odds are 50:50 that Sam will have a title card.) Dean starts to talk about what Jack heard - not necessarily to apologize, but Jack says he understands that he's not like Sam or Cas. Okay then. Morning. They show up at a jewelry store and are greeted enthusiastically by the man and woman inside. "I'm Adam," the man says. "You know. God's primo. First dude off the assembly line." The woman with him is not Eve, but a hippie angel named Seraphina. I guess that means she's a seraph? Get it? (Sorry, I have to amuse myself sometimes.) She proclaims Jack's aura is "like Skittles," and of course it is. What else would it be like, other than something sweet and rainbow-colored? {Sidebar: Or should it be like nougat? Discuss.} Adam and Seraphina are very into Jack and also very much into each other. They separate long enough for Adam to take Jack for a "pop quiz." Seraphina says she knows Jack will pass because she saw it in a dream, which annoys me because angels don't sleep, but it turns out she means a mushroom-induced hallucination. She tells Dean that so many things had to happen for Jack to end up here, it was obviously "meant to be." Which doesn't sit well with Dean. Meanwhile, Adam explains to Jack that because of what God did to him and his sons, he's been wanting to kill him for a very long time. Billie is working with him, and kept him alive so he could finish the job. They've just been waiting for Jack. Adam shows him a tray of crystals and tells him to pick the one that was touched by God. Jack points to one, and Adam is disappointed. That's your choice? Yes. And... the others. All of them. They're just rocks, but their existence makes them divine, because God is in everything. And that's the right answer! Jack and Adam return, triumphant, and Seraphina celebrates by plunging a knife into Adam's chest and prying out a rib. Ew. "Everything can contain the spark of the divine, but this puppy? Is packing enough punch to create life. Or in this case, destroy God." With the power of the rib, Jack will turn into a "metaphysical black hole for divine energy" that nothing can escape. Not Amara, not God. But once is starts, it can't be stopped, so Jack shouldn't use it until "game time."
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I'm pleased that Adam is a Middle Eastern guy. Back in the Impala, some hours later, Dean pulls over right before they get home. He apologizes to Jack for hearing what he heard. Not for saying it, but for Jack hearing it. He tells Jack that he hasn't been free his entire life. "But now, now me and Sam, we got a shot at living a life. Without all this crap on our backs. And that's because of you. So, I want to say, I need to say, thank you, Jack." Well, that's a nice emotional moment, but isn't Jack doing this to save the world? Not just to get Dean off the hamster wheel? Dean's phone buzzes. It's time. Jack takes the rib out of its baggie and absorbs it into his hand and oh, Jack, I don't think I'd have done that just yet. Bunker. Is this Sam's section? Yes, it is! \o/ Sam hurls a book to the floor in frustration and is comforted by Cas. Guys, Sam and Cas tend to do some crazy fucked-up shit when they're left together unsupervised, and I am here for it. Sam wishes he could talk to Billie about her plan, and Cas immediately assumes he's going to kill himself and puts his foot down. But Sam suddenly remembers what Sergei said about the key to Death's library. "Oh, is that why I invited Sergei here to the secret bunker," Cas says, "because now that makes sense." They start digging through old wooden chests and I'm fairly sure these are boxes full of cursed objects, although all they find are a large novelty chess piece, a gold leaf cross from Hobby Lobby, and the Holy Grail.
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Tell me you didn't think the same thing. But Cas eventually does find the box with the key. The box has an inscription in Latin, which Sam reads out loud. By the way, Sam Latinating is always hot, even though he looks like he doesn't understand what he's saying. As the guys watch in amazement, a portal and keyhole appear in the wall. Cas wants to go with, but Sam asks him to stay and buy him some time if Dean comes back before he gets out, even if that sounds crazy. "Sam, for what it's worth, I don't think you're crazy," Cas says. "I think your internal compass is functioning perfectly." And Sam's all, aw, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time.
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"Donde está la biblioteca?” He puts the key in the keyhole and opens the door into the W section of Billie's library. I want him to start pulling books off the shelves and reading versions of his death, but he's distracted by a dead reaper on the floor. And more dead reapers. And the sound of one begging for her life and then noisily dying. He finally sees Empty!Meg (\o/) sitting at the circulation desk, as another reaper pleads for his life. "Please," he cries, "she won't come!" He prays unsuccessfully for Billie to come, and gets his neck snapped for his trouble. Sam immediately tries to nope the hell out of there, but Empty!Meg snaps her fingers and he appears in front of her. Sam Winchester? Meg? Sorry, she's still dead. Just borrowing the queen's pretty face cause really? I'm empty. {Sidebar: Why would Meg's meatsuit go to the Empty with her? Discuss.} Empty!Meg is trying to get Billie's attention, and she drops a bombshell on Sam. Billie intends to become the new God. "Classic narcissist, right? So tingly for the rules, the good old days. Everyone back to where they belong. Realities, dimensions, graves. What should be dead dies, angels off Earth, demons back to Hell, and I go back to sleep!" Oh, wait. Graves? So anyone who was dead at some point, and was brought back to life, would go back to the grave? She tells Sam that he's in God's book - the ornate book in front of her that only Billie can read. "She always talked about how you should be so dead, except she needs you." Empty!Meg decides that hurting Sam might get Billie's attention, and well, y'all know I'm not opposed to that. (If you're new here, hi, my name is caranfindel and I have a problem.) She brings Sam to his knees, but he finally manages to say "Billie sent me." Oh, Sam. He claims Billie sent him to get the book, because she's trapped on Earth. Empty!Meg can't go to Earth unless she's summoned (hmmm, wonder if that will come up later), and Sam says he has a message for her, from Billie. "Billie will honor her promise. God, Amara, they die. And you, you can go back to sleep." Empty!Meg decides to believe Sam, even though he didn't even know who she was or why she was there when he got there, or that Billie had even made any promises, but I'd have a hard time saying no to that face too.
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I'll believe your lies. When Sam comes back through the door into the bunker, Cas greets him with "finally" as if he's been gone a long time, so time must flow differently in Billie's library. Cas tells him Chuck and Amara are here, and it's time. "We can't let that happen," says Sam. "We have to stop it." In the trap, Chuck narrates what's happening elsewhere in the bunker. "You hear that? Dean. Brought to the edge of doubt. His sense of duty, his rage, winning out in the end." As Dean drags Jack through the hall, Sam tells him about Billie's plan to take advantage of the power vacuum and become God. Dean doesn't care - he doesn't mind being duped as long as it's not by Chuck. "And poor Sam," says Chuck. "Always gotta know everything. Can't leave well enough alone." Poor Sam stands in front of Dean, trying to stop him. Dean yells that Jack already "lit the fuse" and they can't wait any longer. "This is my ending," Chuck says. "My real ending." And just as I'm wondering if he means his preferred ending, where one brother always kills another, Dean pulls his gun out and points it at Sam's heart. "Move, Sam. Move!" Sam's horrified. Cas and Jack are horrified. I'm horrified. And also, I'm ashamed to say, very entertained. I mean, I don't want the brothers fighting, and yet for Dean to lose the plot so badly that he'd actually shoot Sam in order to get off the hamster wheel? That's some gloriously messed up stuff, friends. Amara is shocked that Chuck orchestrated all of this. "What part of omniscient do you people not understand?" he says, and YES. THIS is something that has long needed to be said. He says that even though he can't read his death book, all he had to do was plant a few visions, mess with a few outcomes, bada bing bada boom! Nobody's killing him! Hallway. Sam pleads with Dean. "I don't want to do this," Dean says, "but this is everything!"
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THIS is everything. Trap. Amara tells Chuck they're going to cage him, not kill him. Hallway. Dean does that thing you do with a gun when you want someone to know you're serious. Clicks off the safety, or whatever. Sam makes a have we really come to this? face and yanks Dean's gun hand away. Dean punches him and he drops to the floor. Trap. Chuck tells Amara that TFW is planning to kill both of them. Hallway. Dean drags Jack toward the trap and Sam tackles him. Dean punches him again. Cas just watches all this. What the hell, Cas. Trap. Chuck says the Winchesters are using Jack to destroy them. Amara says that can't be, because Dean can't hurt her. "No, but he can lie to you. He can send you into the meat grinder with a wink and a smile." But isn't that hurting her? Hallway. Dean orders Cas and Jack to go. Sam yells for Jack not to do it. Cas asks why not, because... Cas has suddenly forgotten what side of this argument he's on? "Because if Billie takes over, then everyone goes back to where they belong!" Sam says. "That means everybody from Apocalypse World - Bobby, Charlie - they get sent back to a place that doesn't exist any more. And everyone we saved! Eileen, she just dies, again! And that's just the beginning!" Trap. Amara is devastated. Hallway. Dean yells that they don't have a choice, and Sam says "we always have a choice!" Trap. Chuck tells Amara "the only ones who ever really get us is us." Hallway. Dean says there's nothing they can do but get out of the way, and he doesn't care if Billie becomes God. I'd trade it all, I'd trade 'em all, for Chuck! In a heartbeat! What about me? Would you trade me? Okay, is this Sam pointing out that if Billie becomes God, he dies? Because it's awfully subtle, and I think he just needs to come right and say "that's fine, Dean, but when I told you everyone we saved would die again, I meant everyone, and that includes me!" And Dean would probably also want to know that angels will be banished to Heaven, don't you think, Sam? Anyway. I saw this on Tumblr, and I can't get to it now because Tumblr is being a little bitch, but basically: Sam Winchester may have low self-worth, but he absolutely knows what he means to his brother, and he does not hesitate to use it. Trap. Chuck offers Amara the balance she said she wanted. "Us, starting fresh, creating something new, something beautiful, peaceful, together. And we can finally forget about all this pain. No baggage. Only balance." He extends a hand. Amara takes it and dissolves into smoke, which is absorbed by Chuck, who now has one demon-black eye and one angel-blue eye. And a sadistic grin. Hallway. Chuck has to die. He has to! Otherwise he'll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can't live like that, man! I can't live like that; I won't! I know you feel like that right now, okay? I know you do. But you gotta trust me. My entire life, you've protected me. From Dad? From Lucifer? From everything. I didn't always like it, you know, but it's the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on. It's the only thing I've ever known that was true. So please, put the gun away. Just put it away. We'll figure it out, Dean; we'll find another way. You and me. We always do. Gotta admit, I'm torn about this scene. I mean, on the one hand, it's beautifully done, so much emotion and angst and anger and teary-eyed, shaky Sam. Once again, Jared is acting the hell out of it. (And Jensen too, but come on.) And yet, on the other hand... how bad is Sam's Stockholm Syndrome? "You protected me from Dad?" Have we seen any evidence of that? I'm sure Dean was forced to be the referee sometimes, but have we seen any evidence that Dean ever said "no Sam, you're not disowned just because you want to stop hunting and go to college" or "no Dad, I'm not even going to pretend I'll kill Sam," rather than consider it an option until he was actually faced with it? It seems like "protecting Sam from Dad" mostly meant "trying to get Sam to do what Dad wanted, so he'd stay out of trouble." And Lucifer? When Sam told him he was Lucifer's vessel, and the Devil was coming to him in his dreams, Dean basically said "sucks to be you, now pick a hemisphere." Now, I'm aware that Dean has actually protected Sam from many, many things. In good ways and in bad ways. And yet he's also hurt him in some pretty awful ways. I mean, he just now threatened to shoot him for refusing to accept his destiny is to help Dean escape the slavery of his destiny. So for Sam to say "you protect me" is one thing. Dean absolutely does that. But to say it's the only thing that's true, and to specifically mention John and Lucifer, well. Hmmm.
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Let's just concentrate on the pretty. Anyway. Dean puts the gun away, Sam sighs a tearful shaky sigh of relief, and then the door to Amara's trapped room explodes. Chuck walks out dramatically - not nearly as hot as Demon!Demon dramatically walking through his own destroyed door - and yells at them. "Are you kidding me? After everything, after all that, you did it again!" He tells them he absorbed Amara, mocks Castiel (which is kind of funny), and says they're all stupid, stubborn, and broken, and he's done with them. "You know what you do with broken toys? You throw them out. So, kill each other, don't kill each other, I don't care." Then he tells them to have fun watching Jack die, and zaps on out of there. Jack collapses, and bad things are clearly happening to him. Well, it's hard to get worked up over Jack dying again (what would this be, the third time?). After all, as Dean said, he's not Sam. I'm more interested in finding out if Dean understood he was sentencing Sam to death when he said he didn't care if Billie became God. {Sidebar: Would Dean die too? Or would everything that happened because Sam was brought back be erased? Discuss. And maybe fic.} And now Amara is gone. But, conveniently, destroying Chuck will also destroy her, so. Balance! Unity! Hugs and puppies all around! Oh, friends. The end is near, and I don't feel good about it. I'm anxious about a lot of things happening next week, and the third-to-last episode of Supernatural is one of them. How do you feel? 
Please help me stay unspoiled, including episode titles and casting info, thanks!
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 1 "Pilot" & Ep 2 "Hell Week"(Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
Something really bad happened.
Did you just get your period all over yourself?
This isn't my blood.
Who told you you could have a baby here tonight?
I'm sure I can walk if I can just get some Gatorade.
I don't care if you can walk.
How are we supposed to get you to the front door without everyone seeing you all gross and postpartum?
No one wants to see that at a party.
This is super embarrassing.
I didn't even know I was pregnant.
You guys, they're playing "Waterfalls."
Is that a baby? Amazing.
I am not missing "Waterfalls" for this. "Waterfalls" is my jam.
Give the baby some mojito to quiet it down.
How do you know she's dead?
These are my minions. I don't know their names. I don't want to know their names.
I have a colonic at 10
Life is a class system.
Oh, still a lot of puke to scrub.
Yeah, you have an amazing skill at telling people what they need to hear.
I'm sorry. Did I ask you to pull down my panties and blow a compliment up my butt?
I hate sororities, and I hate you.
First of all, I'm not a lesbian.
You see, out in the real world, people just don't talk that way to other people. It's not normal.
Well, that sure sounds suspicious.
No one forced that goat to get as drunk as it got.
Historically, short people are sneaky backstabbers, like Napoleon or Paul Shaffer.
I could actually handle that you're built like a Thai ladyboy, but what I can't stand is that you think you're my heir apparent.
Don't you want me to spray-tan you?
I would honestly rather not have you around.
The police still can't figure out who filled that tank with hydrochloric acid.
It's good enough for me, and the D.A., who, last I heard, considers the case closed.
What is that skirt?
Your organization might want to find a lawyer.
I'm a pretty smart cookie.
I would not get personal with me, sweetheart.
I don't fight fair.
I am sentimental.
Look, girls are vicious, okay?
I don't have any of my own memories.
Just like we planned. Three-second silent hug, and then you leave.
Ooh, somebody call CSI, because there was a murder scene in that bathroom.
Someone puked in the sink and I'm pretty sure I saw an actual ringworm climbing up the wall. I'm not afraid of anything, but that bathroom scared the crap out of me.
This is gonna be a year of infinite possibilities.
Hold this. It's too heavy.
You didn't knock!
Look at them. They're the dregs of society.
Each one of these gashes is worse than the next.
She smells like hot dog water, and probably sprained her neck giving blumpkins down at the local bowling alley.
Look, I'm not saying that all heterosexual sex is rape. I'm saying all heterosexual sex is gross, and that deep down, every woman knows this.
All that girl's after is a whole lot of bikini burger.
Hey, girl, can I just ask you, what's up with your outfit?
God knows what they're talking about, basic bitches.
What fresh hell is this?
I need you to stay popular, 'cause if you want to stay at the top of the list of the pieces of ass I'm getting, there's criteria. And the criteria is you got to be popular.
Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, because I'm getting really pissed off.
Stop fake crying.
Anyone you dated would be popular. I mean, they would be popular because they're dating you.
My ego, it's super strong, ok, but it's not strong enough that I can just go around dating garbage people.
Like, yes, I could find a random girl who wasn't popular, and, yes, if I started dating her she would then become popular.
But you said you loved me.
I do sort of love you.
I would love you a lot more if other people loved you, too.
Okay, I need you to leave because you're bumming me out
We're just trying to have a nice day hitting golf balls at hippies.
Pretty girls, like you and me.
That's why I'm gonna burn your face off.
Ugh! You burned the milk!
Next time, I get you fired, or worse.
Actually, I just want a regular coffee. Those white girl pumpkin spice lattes annoy me.
I like to think of myself, uh, as an investigative reporter.
I had to get a restraining order.
I tend to get a bit passionate about things.
Look, you intentionally led me on.
You kept acting like you liked me just so you could humiliate me.
Enter, ye who dare.
I love a creepy collage.
It's about kicking the living crap out of someone when they disrespect you.
I was just in your room, where I noticed you have a sizeable shrine with evil burning candles, photos of me with my face scratched out and pairs of my stolen panties.
How about I just drown you in it?
Well, of course she's dead! You just burned her face off!
You don't die from getting your face burned off.
There's a dead woman in your kitchen.
I'm going to the authorities.
That's not how I saw it. And my witnesses agree.
You're an awful person.
Who wants cocktails?
How did my life turn into this?
Have you seen the way girls dress on this campus?
I'm sitting in the same office I used to throw bricks into.
You're awful in bed. Are you aware?
I'm gonna take a pair of your panties.
I'm gonna barf on your face unless you get out of here.
Try to figure out who gave you such disgusting mommy issues.
You loaded a dead body into a freezer.
What are you proposing?
I want to help you with your exposé, secretly feed you info.
You need eyes on the inside.
I don't know what to do with the body.
Are you saying dead bodies don't turn you on?
You are so lame, you know that?
God, I love all that death stuff.
Show me the body.
Show me the dead body.
This blood oath will ensure solidarity among us. We are all related now.
I just Googled "blood oath" and this is what came up.
What does this oath even mean?
I just need you all to not say anything about what happened, and I figured a blood oath was cheaper than buying you all presents.
Wait, what about STDs?
Idiot, you don't get STDs from blood oaths.
You get STDs from dirty toilet seats and drinking the water in Mexico.
Um, "STD" stands for "sexually transmitted disease," which means that it's transmitted sexually.
When were you in Mexico?
You know what, forget the blood oath.
I can't stay silent!
I'm calling my mom, and I'm going home.
Okay, Pissy Spacek, you and I have a few differences we need to iron out.
I want you to be one of my minions.
It's the gateway to the top of the heap.
You put on a good front, but you're miserable.
Don't you think any of that has anything to do with the fact that you've created an atmosphere based solely on negativity and raw ambition?
Can we talk for real for a second, please?
I mean, you're so confident without being mean. What antidepressants are you on?
Don't you see that all that's happened isn't a crisis? It's an opportunity.
Yeah, no, I tried. See, I really tried. But all of this flowery, peace-on-Earth crap, it makes me want to puke.
You haven't even seen half of what I'm capable of!
Totally spit in your coffee, bitch.
I don't mean to be a contrarian, but I'm enjoying this.
Is that killer noises or am I hallucinating?
I'm gonna ask one more time, will you speak up?
What can you tell us about the murder?
There's an exodus right now.
The risks are real, but we need to close ranks.
I don't feel comfortable with a man protecting me. It's representative of the patriarchal, post-colonial culture that encourages violence against women.
We buy a pig and feed it the body. Pigs will eat anything.
Don't go skating on those poop lagoons, because if you fall in, you'll drown in the poop and come springtime, there'll be nothing left of your body.
Here's what you should do. Pulverize her teeth, burn off her fingerprints, and disfigure her face. Once her body is unrecognizable, we can create an incision on her inner thigh and drain out all of her bodily fluids. That'll give us more time to deconstruct the body.
Truly grinding down a body takes a lot of work. You need a really good food processor, and you run the risk of fouling the plumbing, which is why you should only do it if you know how to clear out meat and bones from a drain pipe.
I'm willing to help in any way possible.
You're obviously a psychopath and those ideas are insane!
Why are you trying to terrify us?
Can I call you Mom?
I feel so loved and protected by all of you.
Actually, it's a new pop culture trend where young women desperately in need of role models call other girls they look up to Mom.
I thought you'd be cool with it.
I mean, I did just give you several ways to dispose of a body.
Okay, fine. Just stop talking.
You are so friggin' creepy!
Someone just mowed off a deaf girl's head in our backyard.
I mean, as you can see, I'm not licensed to carry a sidearm.
Wait, so you don't have a gun?
I have pepper spray. And I have a walkie talkie that I can use to call the police, who do have guns.
What good are you?
Get the hell out of there. Run away, real fast.
Now, I would give you my number, but my cell phone is off right now.
If you want the place clean, maybe you shouldn't have burned the maid's face off.
Don't you wonder what's in there?
People have been whispering about that house for years, that it's haunted, that something really bad happened. I mean, there's no way there isn't some real-life story behind it, right?
I'm gonna have to break in.
I mean, I don't think anyone's gonna get killed in the 30 minutes we make out, right?
Can you stop talking?
You're kind of ruining whatever was good about it.
Please try to understand the situation I'm in.
I don't give a rat's ass about your job.
You know, I find good parenting incredibly attractive.
You're a snoopy little bugger.
Whose bloody clothes are those?
Supposedly, it was a super fun party.
We're all gonna pay for this.
I think it's all crap. Just a myth.
What happened to the baby?
Sometimes I picture myself like Derek Jeter, you know?
I'm gonna choke you out.
There's a serial killer on the loose.
Please don't say you want to choke me.
I'd love having sex with your corpse.
I'm sorry. This isn't working for me.
Well, I sort of am your boyfriend, and I'm protecting you by having sex with you.
No! I don't need a man to protect me.
How could I have wasted this much time?
Is my self-esteem really that low?
I'm sorry. I think we need to take a break.
I need you to leave right now!
You know, it would really help me feel better if I could just crawl into bed with you for a few minutes.
Are you gonna touch my wiener, or you gonna leave my wiener alone?
I'll leave your wiener alone.
Where are your hands?
He has a huge boner!
Why don't you go in there and ogle his big old boner?
Okay, uh, first of all, I'm not gonna go ogle his big old boner, because I'm not gay.
Look, I'm sorry everybody wants to have sex with me. Okay? I can't help that.
I'm hot. Everybody wants to get with this. Women, men, animals in the zoo, plants, probably.
You're gonna have to go right now, 'cause I am breaking up with you.
Excuse me, I broke up with you!
I regretted what I said, and I just wanted to come here and tell you that I am so sorry.
Well, I accept your apology. And now I'm breaking up with you.
Do you know why I'm breaking up with you?
You can't deal with how hot I am.
Sorry, I just broke up with you.
Can you please put some clothes on?
Um, they said, uh, I shouldn't be alone, you know, in case I fall asleep and die.
Can I just get you a robe or something though?
So you're saying I'm the killer?
Okay, this isn't about me thinking you're boyfriend material.
God, I was so gonna go to third base with you tonight, too.
What if we stapled their earlobes?
Private like the parts on a man you like putting in your mouth?
I want to publicly come out as gay on my own.
I mean, you guys have to accept everybody, right?
I actually think that's illegal.
I will come after you, do you understand that? I will destroy you.
I trust you'll consider my offer.
Name one bad thing that ever happened at a Best Buy parking lot.
You're just, like, super attractive.
Um, well, I was trying to be inconspicuous.
It's better than losing your life.
I have a thing for playlists.
Someone's got a poo belly.
Sweet Yeezus, I don't even know where to begin with you.
Bitch, I'm about to smack you so hard, your tampon's gonna pop out.
I heard screaming.
So you think the serial killer is still up there?
Upstairs to get the killer before he gets away!
You just said that you think the killer is up there, and that's where you want to go?
This is freakin' terrifying!
The killer is in the house! You hear me?
I need my damn inhaler.
What, am I supposed to be scared?
Don't even come out. We plan on getting drunk, and I don't want your bad attitude ruining it.
We're headed down to White Stallion to pick up some sluts, baby!
Yes, okay, I burned her slightly, but stop saying that I killed her.
That was a tragic accident.
I am a kind and devoted and loving friend to all.
I'm not some crazed psychopath.
Maybe you're the killer.
I will not be put on trial.
The truth is we don't know who the killer is, and, yes, I suppose it could be someone in this room.
You want to go first?
I banged, like, 50 chicks.
What took you so long?
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adenei · 3 years
Always A Bridesmaid, Never a Bride - Ch. 2
so much for only posting one chapter a week...oh well. You’re welcome for those of you who are into this!
AO3 || FFN
“Ron, hey! Have a good weekend?” Neville Longbottom approached me as I walked into my office at The Telegraph.
“Hey, Nev. Yeah, I guess. You?”
“It was great! You missed out on Saturday night. The film festival was spectacular!”
“Yeah, well, in case you’ve forgotten, I work Saturday nights. I call it the curse of the commitments.”
I knew Neville meant well and he was a good friend, but he seemed to forget that I’m stuck in this hell hole having to attend weddings and then portray them as these beautiful, fairy tale level events. This was not what I anticipated my writing career to look like, yet here I was.
“Right. Sorry. It must be a truly despicable life. Dining on free food and red velvet cake. Was it a good wedding, at least? Find anyone to shack up with?” Neville asked.
I almost snorted out the sip of coffee I’d just taken. Nevile knew that I wasn’t on the pull, right? Let alone looking for someone to move in with. “Hardly. How many times do I have to tell you, one night stands and weddings are not a good mix, no matter how many people say otherwise.”
“But there has to be single bridesmaids looking for a fun night with no commitments,” Neville pressed.
“Maybe there are, but I’m not going for it. It’s not worth it.” I waved Neville off as I set my stuff at my desk and made my way over to my boss’s office. 
I’d been waiting the rest of the weekend to unveil my brilliant story idea. I was convinced this would finally promote me out of the commitments section. Not bothering to knock, I strode in and dropped the overflowing Filofax on my editor’s desk.
“This better be important, Weasley,” Rita Skeeter said.
“Er, yeah. I’ve got a story idea I wanted to run by you,” I said. All the confidence I was feeling before somehow disappeared as soon as I stepped into her office.
Rita kept on working as she said, “We’ve been through this before. I hired you to write wedding announcements, not investigative pieces.” I could tell she was not in the mood, but I’d given this far too much thought to give up.
“All I'm asking for is a chance to prove to you that I can offer my writing skills to other sections of the paper—”
“If this is another story proposition about exposing some minute detail of how the wedding industry is ripping people off, you can walk right out of this office. I don’t have any interest in hearing it.”
“But those were meaningful stories! People deserve to know that bakeries are overcharging for cakes. You could ask for an elaborate birthday cake design and the price would be significantly less because it’s not for a wedding! They’re conning innocent people just because they’re in love!”
“Readers don’t want stories on the price gouging, Ron! They want happy, feel good stories that give them hope, and you do that quite well. Your articles make most of our money, and I’d be insane to switch you to a different section!” Rita said with a tone of finality.
“Just hear me out. Please? I promise this is a good one.” I opened the Filofax. “This girl’s been in seven weddings—”
“So?” Rita responded. She sounded unimpressed.
“—This year. She was in two this past weekend alone. On the same night! There’s a story here, and I can sense it. She’s like a perpetual bridesmaid. There has to be a reason for it. She doesn’t strike me as the type that has that many friends.”
Rita finally looked up at me. I couldn’t read what she was thinking, but I was mentally preparing to be shot down again. Not this time, though. I needed to fight back for this one. It might be the only way I can get close to Hermione again.
“Seriously, Rita I can make this—wait, what?”
“I said, ‘fine.’ I’m giving you a chance. Two weeks to find something out of this, and we’ll see what happens.”
“Four,” I said. Two was nowhere near enough time.
“Three, and that’s it.”
“Okay. And if you like it, I move out of commitments for good,” I said firmly.
“I’m serious. I’ll quit. I can’t spend the rest of my career finding creative ways to highlight baby’s breath and sugar roses.”
“Fine. But you won’t quit. I know you better than that.” Rita picked up the Filofax and handed it to me before ushering me out of her office. “Now, get that adorably cute face out of here before I change my mind.”
I flashed a grin at her. “You won’t be disappointed.”
If the indication from our conversation in the taxi told me anything, it was that I had my work cut out for me. I opened her Filofax and set to work. A plan was already formulating, and I was eager to set it in motion.
This was my chance. My ticket out. Now, I just had to get close to the woman who drove me insane two nights ago. The woman I was unable to get out of my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was just because of the bridesmaid thing, I kept telling myself. That was it. 
---- HERMIONE ----
Monday rolled around far too quickly, but I was okay with it. Harry was coming back from a conference after being out of the office last week. I made sure things ran smoothly while he was gone since that was my job. You could call me his assistant, but I was also second in command of the company he’d started from scratch: Second Chance Publishers. 
Harry Potter was the ultimate entrepreneur, and I was lucky to work for him. He was everything you could wish for in a boss. Kind and understanding, yet firm and determined in his vision. He was always one who wanted to help the underdog, hence the company’s name. We read author’s manuscripts that had been tossed aside from leading publishing agencies, and gave the promising ones a chance. It’d been eight years and the company was still going strong.
Harry had taken a chance when he hired me fresh out of university, and I like to think I’ve proved indispensable since then. I was incredibly lucky to work in a position where my opinion mattered and I felt needed, like I belonged. Not to mention my boss was unequivocally sexy, and somehow still single.
Single was a good thing. That meant I may still have a chance. He had to notice me eventually, right? Okay, yes, I’ll admit it; I fancy my boss, but it’s innocent! I swear.
I needed to stop thinking about him. The anticipatory butterflies were already fluttering in my stomach, and I needed to get them under control. Coffee in hand, I walked the remainder of the two blocks to the office, and met Lavender on her way in.
“Never made it home this weekend, I see,” I said with a smile as I handed her coffee over. I was totally judging her and she knew it. I was never one to engage in one night stands and she knew it.
Lavender gave me a smug smile and ignored my question. “Maybe. Not that I could find you to stop me. What happened to you the other night? You were hardly there and then you left with that guy. Did you get lucky?”
“What? No! Of course not.”
“Oh, yes, I forgot. You’re holding out for Mr. Right,” Lavender scoffed.
I ignored her comment as we meandered through the main doors into the office. Luna Lovegood, the receptionist, was sitting at the front desk. “Morning, Luna!”
“Hi!” she said brightly.
“Question for you: have you seen my Filofax around anywhere by chance?”
“No,” she answered simply.
“Oh, okay then. It’s probably in my office. No problem. I’ll keep looking. Did you happen to send out the order I left on your desk Friday afternoon for the manufacturer?”
She looked nonplussed. “No.”
“Alright. No big deal, I’ll take care of it,” I said as we continued on down the hall.
“Wow, Hermione, you really told her,” Lavender said.
I sighed. “It’s fine, Lav, I should have done it myself anyway..”
“But you’re the boss, you’re allowed to tell people what to do.”
“I’m not the boss, and you know that. I’m the boss’s assistant. There’s a difference.”
“Correction, there would be a difference if the boss didn’t rely on you so much as well.”
I rolled my eyes. “Maybe I just like my job.”
“Or maybe, it’s not the job you like, but the boss,” she raised her eyes knowingly at me.
 “Get to accounting, Lavender,” I told her, since I wasn’t willing to admit that she was right.
“Oh, sure, now you get bossy,” she said as she meandered off.
I chuckled to myself as I walked into my office and got settled for the day. My first point of business was to find my Filofax. That held my life. Every appointment and event was written in there. Not to mention all my cut outs of details I loved and wanted to incorporate for my own dream wedding. I searched high and low and it was absolutely nowhere to be found.
Giving up, I turned to my computer and attempted to get some work done. My productivity didn’t last very long, though. I looked up a half hour later to see a flower delivery at the front desk. Did Luna just point to me? My heart beat a little faster in my chest. I think she did. The man was walking towards me and stopped just outside my office. 
“Hermione Granger?” he asked.
“That’s me,” I said in a hushed voice.
“These are for you,” he said as he handed them to me and turned to leave.
I was dumbstruck. I never received flowers, let alone at work! Setting them on my desk, I began searching for the note card that should have accompanied the beautiful bouquet, but nothing was there to reveal the mystery sender.
“Oh, sure, I spend all weekend in bed with a guy and you’re the one who’s sent flowers!”* Lavender sounded annoyed as she strolled into my office. “Who are they from?”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t say.” My voice still sounded shocked.
When I turned to look at Lav, I watched as her face went from annoyed, to understanding, and then it finally settled on pity. “Hermione, no, you can’t possibly think it’s from him.”
“Well, who else could it be?” I asked indignantly.
“I don’t know, but you’ve got to stop this! You’re in love with a man who doesn’t even know you exist.”
“I am not in love with him,” I lied. “And he does too know I exist.”
“Yeah, in a ‘she’s my assistant’ kind of way, not in a ‘she’s so sexy I want to rip her clothes off and have mind blowing sex with her’ way.”*
“You don’t know that,” I said weakly.
“I do too know that! Honestly, at least get it under control, will you? The whole office knows,” Lavender argued.
“They do not!” I said incredulously.
Luna, who was passing by my door at that exact moment, must have heard Lavender and chimed in. “Yes, we do.” She smiled at both of us and kept right going before I could stop her.
“See?” Lavender pressed. “I’m telling you—” she was cut off by a dog barking, which could only mean one thing.
“Pads!” I cried as the large black dog darted towards me.
“Hey, Padfoot, easy there. Hermione doesn’t want a face full of slobber this morning,” came Harry’s sultry, baritone voice.
“No, no, it’s okay!” I said quickly as I stood back up. “Hi. How was the conference?”
“Brilliant! If things went as well as I hope they did, we may be expanding into the American and Canadian markets.”
“That’s wonderful!” I noticed Lavender pretend to gag from over Harry’s shoulder. 
“How are things here? Have we met our quota for the end of the month?” Harry immediately began business talk. I liked a boss who was no nonsense and wanted to make sure things stayed on track.
“Almost. There’s a few manuscripts to get through, and we’re waiting on approval from Hopkirk on the illustrations. If we can get that soon, the art department can move forward, and we should have the new publication out by the middle of next month.
“Great. I’ll make a point to call her personally to see if we can get the process moving more quickly.”
I nodded. “Just so you know, you’ve got an 11:00 meeting with marketing. Oh, and the Boys and Girls Club has an event coming up that they’d like you to speak at. Nothing too intensive, just a few words on the impact that reading has had on their kids, and how you’ve seen the program grow since you’ve become involved. But it will be a formal affair,” I added.
“Ah, so I suppose that means I’ll need to bring a date,” Harry acknowledged.
“Yes, probably,” I said with a small smile. I was trying to hide the hope that he might ask me. It was a work event. Sort of…
“Well, I guess that’s one aspect of my life that I shouldn’t need your help with, right?” he said with a chuckle.
“Er, yeah, right,” I said regretfully.  
I watched as he turned and left my office. Lavender looked like she wanted to say something. “Don’t even start.”
“Fine. Hey, what are you doing before Luna’s sten party tonight? I’m meeting some friends for pre-drinks. You could use the distraction!”
I laughed at her brazenness. “My neighbor is coming back into town. I promised I’d pick her up at the train station
 and we’d grab a bite before the party.” I lowered my voice for what I was about to say next. “Who schedules a sten party on a Monday anyways?”
“Are you just starting to question Luna’s decisions now? And is that the neighbor you’ve been friends with since you moved in, but know nothing about? The one who disappears for months on end?”
“Yeah, Jenny. But she’s really nice, and fun to hang out with when she’s in town. There’s only so much I can take of you,” I joked.
“You wouldn’t know what to do without me,” Lavender scoffed.
Just then, Harry popped his head back in my office. “Hey, Hermione, did you leave the coffee on my desk?”
“What? Oh, yes. It was nothing. I, er—I figured you might want it,” I said with a nonchalant shrug.
“Thanks! You were right, just like always,” he smiled and I thought my legs were turning to jelly. “That’s why I love ya,” he added as he disappeared from my doorway.*
I was awestruck. “I love you, too,” I said quietly under my breath as I watched him walk away*. 
Slap! Lavender smacked me hard across the face. “Get it together!” she snapped.
I shook my head as I cleared my head from the haze. “Y-yeah. Yup. Thanks. I needed that.”
Lavender had no words for me. I always appreciated her realistic view on things, even if it was a bit crass. The fact that she was speechless over what had just happened was like someone dumping ice water down my back, and the cold realization creeped through my veins. I had it bad for my boss, and I was stuck.
I was right on time when I arrived at the train station to pick up Jenny. She’d been away for six months, which was longer than normal, but I was excited that she was coming home for a while. I loved Lavender and her friendship, but sometimes she was a bit much. Jenny was way more relaxed, and didn’t press me as much about my personal life. Soon enough I saw her flaming red hair in the crowd. I waved and it didn’t take long for her to spot me. 
“Hermione!” I heard her cry as she made her way over to me. She wrapped me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you! I’m sorry you had to pick me up. My brother bailed on me last minute.”
“Ah, yes, this mysterious brother you insist exists, yet I’ve never met in our five years of sharing the same building,” I joked. “Come on, I’ve already called for takeaway.”
“Brilliant! I’m starved. Fish and chips, I hope? I can’t tell you the last time I’ve had a good English classic,” she said eagerly.
“Of course, would you expect anything less?”
Jenny threw her arm around my shoulder as I took one of her bags and we made our way to the taxis. The ride took a bit longer than usual since it was rush hour, but our takeaway was still warm by the time we got to the flat. Jenny dropped her bags off in her flat next door to mine, and then met me a few minutes later.
“Finally! I was drooling in the taxi,” she said. 
“So, how were your travels this time around?” I asked between bites.
“Eh, same old, same old. It’s a rough schedule being on the job for six months and then off, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“You’re an athletic trainer for one of the female football teams, right?” I attempted to verify. 
“Something like that, yeah. It’s hard to believe I’ve finished my sixth season already.”
I nodded, storing that information in the file I had in my brain for her. I’d learned a good deal about Jenny over the past few years, even if it was nothing terribly close to her personal life. I knew she wasn’t overly fond of animals, hated cleaning, and could drink anyone into the ground and be completely fine the next day. She was strikingly beautiful with chocolate brown eyes that possessed a hardness to them when she showed the world her ‘no nonsense’ attitude. I was sure she had no trouble finding men even with her crazy work schedule getting in the way.
“Soooo,” Jenny said, interrupting my thoughts. “What’s been going on with you? Have you met a man yet?”
Maybe I’d spoken too soon when I said I appreciated her friendship more than Lav’s. “No, still single, but I received flowers from some anonymous person at work today,” I mentioned with a chuckle.
“Oh? Tell me more!”
“It was nothing, really. Just a delivery with no note. I have an idea who may have sent them, but they never came forward.”
“Do you think it’s from your mysterious workplace crush? Have they finally noticed what they’ve been missing out on?”
“One can only hope,” I said as I shrugged. “What are your plans for tonight?”
“Probably dumping the contents of my luggage on the floor of my bedroom and crashing, if I’m being honest. Why? Do you have anything planned?”
“Luna, the receptionist at work is having her sten party at XOXO,” I told her. “You’re more than welcome to join if you’d like. Meet new people, reacquaint yourself with London’s nightlife…”
“At an Indie bar? We’ll see how I’m feeling after this food digests. I’m way too full to think about going anywhere,” she said. 
“Well, the offer stands if you decide you want to meet me there later on, though I don’t blame you for wanting to make a date with your sofa instead.”
We got up and took care of the containers. As Jenny was getting ready to leave, I saw her pause by the counter. “What are these?” she asked as she picked up several newspaper clippings.
“Nothing!” I said quickly, snatching them out of her hand.
“Do you really save wedding announcements?” Jenny asked me.
“Not all of them! Just the ones written by Billy Weston. He’s the best!” I insisted.
Jenny was looking at me quizzically before she headed for the door. “Well, you do you, I guess. Thanks for picking me up again! And for dinner. I owe you one.”
“No problem! It’s good to have you back.” Jenny flashed me a smile before she left. 
I hoped that maybe someday she’d trust me enough to let me in on the parts of her life she kept locked up tight. The least I could do in the meantime was be a good friend. For now, I needed to get ready for the sten party.
Lavender and I were walking away from the bar in the club when I heard someone say Harry’s name. He was here! I turned in time to see him making his way over to us. 
“You got them annual passes to the London Zoo and Aquarium,” I said, noticing the worried look on his face.
“Great! Thanks, Hermione. Any chance she’ll believe it’s from me?” Harry asked.
“Maybe. You do an okay job of getting to know your employees, so I’d say there’s a fifty-fifty shot,” I quipped.
He gave a look of approval. “Excellent. I’m going to head to the bar and get a drink. Do you guys need anything?”
I chuckled as I said, “No, thanks. I’m set.” I held up my own drink as Lavender also shook her head no.
Harry nodded and walked away as Lavender looked at me incredulously. “Are you kidding me?” she shot me a look.
“When a guy asks to buy you a drink, you always say yes! Even if you already have one. If you ask for a sex on the beach, it’s a subtle hint to indicate what you’re hoping for later.” 
I shook my head. “Honestly, Lav, do you ever not have sex on your mind?”
“What’s wrong with that? It might finally get you what you’re hoping for. He buys you a drink, you talk about something other than work, he sees you more than just his assistant and voila! Happily ever after!” She lifted her drink in a cheers motion.
I couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculous statement. “We already do talk about things other than work. I’m not going to rush him into anything.’
Lavender rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.”
“No, I’m responsible.”
“What guy wants responsible?” Lavender was clearly getting flustered now.
“Harry! He loves my responsibility and appreciates me for who I am,” I insisted.
“Well, yeah, but he might appreciate you more if he knew what you wanted,” Lavender said just before clamping her mouth down on her straw and taking a big swig of her drink.
I gave her a look as Harry made his way back over to us. “Hey, Hermione, I hope that thing I left on your desk this morning was okay…” he said quietly.
“That...thing?” I said breathlessly, immediately thinking of the flowers.
“Yeah. I mean, I know it’s kind of a new level for us and I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.”
‘Y-yeah! Yes! Totally fine with it! Definitely,” I said as a grin broke out on my face.
“Great. Er, thanks,” Harry said as he nodded to me and took off to mingle.
I turned to Lavender. “It was him. He sent me the flowers. Oh my God! Lavender, he sent me the flowers!”
“Holy shit, he really did!” I could tell by the shocked look on her face she couldn’t believe it either. “What are you waiting for?!” she asked.
“W-what?” I asked, confused.
“What are you waiting for? Go over there and tell him how you feel! He made the first move with the flowers! It’s now or never! Go declare your love! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s your fairy tale moment.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Go. Yes, I’ll go,” I said awkwardly.
Lavender pushed me in his direction and I began walking slowly his way. This was it. The moment I’d been waiting for years to come face to face with! My heart was beating faster with each step.
I was only a few paces away when I saw him notice something. I followed his gaze across the dance floor and saw Jenny looking around, probably for me. I was used to seeing her dressed down in a pair of jeans or sweats, but she was actually done up nicely. Her makeup was done, and her straight red hair fell over her shoulders. She was wearing a shimmery emerald green dress that showed off a bit more than I would have ever expected from her. 
I saw her notice Harry, giving him a small smile. I should have stopped and turned around when they were clearly making their way toward each other, but I couldn’t stop my feet. They just kept propelling me forward. Ironically, I met up with them just as they stopped in front of each other.
Jenny noticed me out of the corner of her eye and muttered, “Hermione.”
“Oh, er, right. Harry, this is my friend Jenny, Jenny this is my Harry—no! I mean, this is my boss, Harry,” I clarified. How humiliating!*
“Yeah, Hermione’s the best assistant anyone could possibly have. Half the time she knows what I need even before I do, and she’s always willing to help,” he said nervously. Since when did Harry get nervous? “Just this morning I left Padfoot’s groomer appointment slip on her desk. It was last minute and I had a meeting, so I asked Hermione to drop him off for me.”
I felt like I’d been sucker punched in the gut. The flowers weren’t from him after all. How stupid was I to get my hopes up? 
“Ah, Pads’ appointment. Right,” I tried to say as lightly as I could. 
“Well, a clean dog is rather important,” Jenny agreed in a sweet voice.
“Would you like to get a drink?” Harry asked. He only had eyes for her.
“Well, I came to get a drink with my friend, but I couldn’t possibly say no,” Jenny giggled. Since when was Jenny a giggler?
My worst nightmare was coming true. Harry was clearly smitten with my neighbor. This wouldn’t be happening if I’d never invited her to come along, and now I’m watching them get a drink together. 
Before I could turn and leave, there was a tap on my shoulder. It was Ron. “What are you doing here?” I asked. I was totally shocked to run into him again.
“Fancy meeting you here! Did you like the flowers?” he asked me.
“What? Those were from you?” I asked. My voice definitely sounded rude.
He nodded with the lopsided grin flashing across his face. “Er, yeah. Did you like them?”
“Oh great, the marriage hating cynic left me romantic mystery flowers this morning. How ironic!” Could this day get any worse?
“Yeah, I guess you could put it that way. Oh, also, I have something for you.” He paused, and I watched him dig around in his satchel. “Here you go!”
It was my Filofax. “Oh, thank God! You found it!”
“Yeah, it was in the back of the cab. You should be more careful where you leave stuff like this. It was either I meet you here tonight or Thursday at your dad’s birthday party.” He laughed like it was a joke, but I was deeply offended and creeped out.
“You read it?”
He shrugged. “I tried to. I didn’t know anyone could fill up every possible centimeter on the page,” he joked again. 
I didn’t find it funny, and what made matters worse was I now saw Harry leaning in and whispering into Jenny’s ear. She was smiling and flirting and it felt like my life was falling apart.
 “Hey, Ron, could you hold this for a sec?” I asked as I shoved my drink in his hand.
He never got a chance to respond as I made my way to the nearest exit to get some air. Luckily the club was loud enough so no one inside could hear the scream of fury that was escaping my lips. I wasn’t proud of the vulgar language I let out, but tonight called for it. I stopped abruptly when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and realized the door I’d left didn’t actually lead outside, but to another room where a child’s birthday party was taking place. 
“Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t—5 years old, wow. Congratulations!” 
I knew my face was red as I swiftly turned around and made my way back into the club. I reluctantly walked back over to Ron. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem,” he said, handing my drink back to me. “Do you want to get a drink?” he asked hopefully.
“I don’t know…” I said. I suddenly wasn’t in the mood. 
“Come on, it’s just one drink,” he said. “Let me prove to you I’m not some creep.”
“It’s not that. I just—I won’t be any fun tonight,” I admitted.
“Oh, er, alright then. Well, maybe I’ll see you around? Thursday?” he joked again. 
I glared at him. “Goodnight, Ron.”
He gave me an awkward wave as he turned to leave. Lavender had suddenly appeared behind me. “Ooooh, who was he and where can I get one?”*
“He’s no one, Lav,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood anymore, and I just wanted to go home.
“What happened?” She asked, concerned.
“It’s a long story. I’m going to call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.
I found myself walking over to the bar, approaching Harry and Jenny in a last ditch effort before giving up. “Hey,” I said to them. “Jenny, you must be tired from all that traveling today. Do you want to share a taxi?”
“What? Oh, no Hermione, I’m fine,” she said dismissively. “Harry, do you want to go somewhere more quiet?”
“Sure, I know a place a few blocks from here.”
“What? No—Jenny, it’s getting—” I tried to interject, but nothing could break their attention from each other.
“Brilliant! I hardly ever explore this side of town,” Jenny said to him.
“Do you want to join, Hermione?” Harry asked.
I looked between Harry and Jenny, and she was giving me a frown and a slight shake of her head, willing me to say no. Of course, I couldn’t let her down, so I said, “Oh, no. You two go. I need to get back.” That was it. My chance was officially blown.
“Maybe next time,” Jenny said convincingly. “Let’s get coffee in the morning, yeah? I’ll text you!”
I nodded weakly as I watched them get up and head for the door. Jenny turned around mouthed ‘Thank you! You’re the best,’ before taking the arm Harry held out for her. My heart felt like it was shattering to pieces.
I caught a taxi and made my way home, resisting the urge to cry. There was no way I was going to sleep tonight. I tried to do a few things to tire myself out, like clean the kitchen and doing a home workout, but I found myself obsessively checking the peep hole in my door, and listening intently to hear whether Jenny had come home and whether or not Harry had joined her. 
Just the mere thought sent needles through my heart. At around two in the morning, I gave up and forced myself to go to bed. It was everything I could do to avoid getting up. Eventually, after a lot of tossing and turning, I managed to fall asleep.
9 notes · View notes
bobbimorses · 4 years
I feel like Clint gets portrayed as a bad boyfriend a lot and I was wondering if that's a recent thing or if he's always been kind of bad at it
get ready for an extremely long answer
clint was previously consistently portrayed as almost immediately falling head-over-heels for whoever he dated and being extremely devoted, at times in ways unhealthy to him
hawkeye volume 3 established that young clint (18?) dated someone (eden) while he was a performer at tiboldt’s circus. tiboldt is, of course, ringmaster, and this circus becomes the circus of crime. basically every circus young clint worked at was crawling with villains who were betraying him, breaking his legs, shooting him with arrows, committing classic crimes, you know, the kind of stuff that helped make clint unable to trust any authority figures, overly self-reliant, put on a brash front, and thus be incredibly annoying to cap when he first joined the avengers. anyways. since those meant to be clint’s protectors totally dropped the ball by abusing/abandoning him as a child, it might be that he goes all-in on his romantic interests, and is eager to please
clint was dating eden, then figured out she was involved in art theft with tiboldt, and possibly the murder of the art dealer. he tried to give her an opportunity to confess her degree of involvement and didn’t want to turn her in, but he does. otherwise, a dedicated boyfriend?
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he fell for natasha in approximately .05 seconds and, despite having decided to become a superhero after seeing iron man like 1 hour before, went ahead and attacked iron man for her because she asked. (you might ask “then why was he comparatively quicker in turning eden in?” look man this is comics we’re lucky someone remembered to give clint a name 5 years after his appearance. you could also chalk it up to him being defeatist in his search for love after all his betrayals. or the lack of apparent murder?)
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pictured: clint drawing the line at treason until his girlfriend asked nicely
by hawkeye volume 1, he’d gained some self-confidence in himself with support from cap and subsequent success and found family in the avengers…but he still had a weak spot for love.
he was dating a woman named sheila for a few months, but it turned out she was just trying to distract him so that nefarious business could be done at the place he worked as a security guard
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as you can see from the dialogue, clint was so devoted that he started listing any other possible alternative to the woman he dated standing before him clearly betraying him. her description of him as a “cornball romeo,” and the love-dovey panels preceding this, indicate that clint is a bit of a hopeless romantic– to the point that he would rather get literally dumped on by toxic sludge than be dumped by a person (that he only knew for a few months!)
now because of this, he meets bobbi morse, and marries her 9 days later. they spend most of their time calling each other saccharine nicknames, making out, and discussing bedroom plans. he’s never a bad boyfriend (there’s literally NO time), but later does something that makes him a bad husband.
in what is some absolutely baffling writing, clint admonishes bobbi for letting the phantom rider, a villain that raped bobbi after drugging her, fall to his death and not tell clint about it. the line of reasoning as written was that she kept this from him and continually lied to him, and also “avengers don’t kill.” now, we can all agree that this was just about the worst thought-out character drama. (this was later attempted to be retconned as her not being drugged and cheating on him? but dude. dude.) other writers didn’t seem to enjoy the whole “wow clint is a terrible husband” storyline, so eventually, they reconcile, and go back to the nicknames and making out. but then, because comics, it turns out that he reconciled with a skrull impersonating bobbi (in a storyline almost 20 years later after bobbi supposedly died). they reconcile again, and go back to making out.
clint’s devotion to bobbi starts to pose a problem, however, when he tries to help her in her spy agency and starts to appear increasingly willing to cross lines he would never cross otherwise to defend her. she doesn’t like that he’s willing to shift his strong morals for her, so they break up, and i am sad.
while bobbi was supposedly dead (you know, comics), he dated karla sofen, aka moonstone. karla is an intelligent former-but-possibly-still-current supervillain, a master manipulator looking to manipulate him for her own motives, and clint knows this, but oops he’s in love again. because of aforementioned devotion to bobbi, karla was the first person he dated after bobbi’s supposed death a few years prior. his newfound devotion to karla causes him to trust her in many, many instances where the logical person would go “clint, what the honest fuck.” that’s a whole thing.
after karla, clint briefly dates janet van dyne. we have no idea if he would’ve been a good boyfriend (or qualified as a boyfriend?) because his dating her indirectly leads to wanda killing him like the next day. classic clint romance.
SO. when does clint start to be portrayed as a bad boyfriend?
after breaking up with bobbi, clint starts dating jessica drew, aka spider-woman. she tries to use love pheromones on him in a moment of “is he flirting with me?” panic. one might say “instant yikes” but clint thinks “nice.” they instantly start making out everywhere. the relationship is a little sudden (even by clint standards).
in hawkeye volume 4 (2012), aka fraction hawkeye, he has a one-night stand with a woman called “cherry” in issue 3. the way this volume described jess made it seem like they either weren’t still dating or weren’t exclusive, but let’s go ahead and say he cheated for simplicity’s sake because, c’mon. it was at this point that clint was portrayed as kind of a bad boyfriend. he’s now made less-than-stellar decisions hiding his renewed ronin identity with linda carter, so that’s bad boyfriend moves with 2 people, all post-breakup with bobbi.
so the short answer is: mostly recent. but he’s always had bad luck
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casualcatte · 4 years
RP Journal: 08/07/2020
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Ah, all it takes is a nice trip out to the Night Raid Bounty Call to set the world to rights and remind you that the thrill of the hunt is one of the best things in life. As I stood in line to turn in my reward token, I was surprised to see Loksia put in an appearance. I know I invited her out and all, but I hadn’t really expected anything. She offered for us to take up a bounty together, so I let her peruse the bounty board while I waited in line.
[ Courtesy cut for another LONG one, folks! ]
Not long after that, R’zunh and Yihmu’ra came stumbling in with a mylodon head between them. Oschon’s Compass, it was enormous!  I hadn’t realized they’d taken on something so formidable. The two of them looked downright thrashed.  Nan’to quickly took care of them, so I stayed in line to get my turn-in done.  There would be plenty of time to see them after they’d been tended to. 
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By the time I got back to Loksia, she’d picked out a coral-fetching assignment for us that seemed fairly easy. For my own part, I picked up the bounty for a mated pair of birds out in Yanxia that needed to be taken alive. That should be a good indicator of Edgard’s skill. After all, killing a hunt is an easy enough matter, but bringing one in alive is a whole new level of complexity, especially when these birds need to be harmed as little as possible. 
More waiting in line as we posted our bounties with the Bounty Officers, after which I decided to take a few minutes to check on Zunh and Mu’ra. For all that we may be new friends, I grew up around hunters in Tailfeather.  Hunters, near and far, are family by extension to me. I couldn’t /not/ check on them and make sure they were okay.  It would’ve gone against my entire upbringing. 
By the time I got there, Nan’to was done patching them up, so all they really needed was help getting to the common room. I helped with that and, once they were seated, I brought out the bottles of kumis.  Injured or not, I wasn’t about to let the two of them welch on a deal!  They promised, so they must perform!  Besides, maybe this alcohol was strong enough to make them forget their pain for a while.
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Each of us took turns drinking, including a new friend in Z’rhun Tia.  Yes, journal, that’s right.  There is now a Zuhn and a Rhun in my life.  Like I didn’t have enough trouble keeping Edmond and Edgard straight at the time, now I have these two. At least they don’t /look/ alike, for pity’s sake!  One last victi--hunter joined in our shenanigans, an elezen by name of Zanshin Kutabare. Somehow, Loksia convinced him to drink an /entire/ jug of kumis on his own and that elezen was tra-a-a-ashed. He literally threw himself over the balustrade and fell down the stairs to the bar room, simply because he had to pee. Man, kumis is some pretty strong stuff.  And nasty.  I’m never drinking it again. I saved the last bottle to give to Nan’to, since he apparently likes the stuff.  I considered ita thank you for all that he’d done for Zuhn and Mu’ra.
The night wore on and it was clear that Mu’ra had way too much to drink, so it fell to me and Rhun to get both of those silly cattes to bed. I even had to go so far as to take off Zunh’s boots and tuck him in.  I did tell him if he asked for a glass of water or a nightlight that I’d sock him in the nose. Immediately after those two, Rhun and I had to put the elezen /back/ to bed, only then were we able to call it quits. 
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We stopped over in the lobby for a bit and had the opportunity to talk to Tetsuyo Wulf and Nan’to for a bit. Tetsuyo seems really easy to talk to once you get him going. We chatted about common things for a bit and he told us of a big feast and festival they’ll be throwing next week, I think.  Of course I plan on being there. What crazy catte says no to free food? Rhun seemed to have the same idea.  But it was closing time, so it really wouldn’t have been polite to linger.
Rhun and I shared a boat back to Kugane and that’s where we parted ways.  I carried my batch of wool back to Bokairo, then took myself down to the Kogane Dori to see if I could haggle some decent prices to sell it.  I wasn’t about to mail twenty skeins of wool to Lorrendor in Ul’dah.
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Speaking of Lorrendor, he snuck up on me while I was in the market. He came all the way from Ul’dah simply to visit me, he said. We sat in the garden near the embassies again, since it’s one of my favorite places in the city. But all that seemed to concern Lorrendor was Edgard. Edgard, Edgard, Edgard.  Why was I taking Edgard hunting?  Why was I testing Edgard’s ability? Edgard was probably such a better hunting partner. For Twelve’s sake, what is it about Edgard that concerns him so?
He brought up the hunt again, how we “nearly died.” Gods be good and grant me patience, we didn’t almost die. Yes, I got hurt, but that was through my own stupidity and ill-preparation. The bara was critically wounded and bleeding out. It wouldn’t have had the strength to kill either one of us!  I’m a seasoned enough hunter to see that, so why couldn’t he?
It’s so INFURIATING how he treats me like a child and this isn’t for the first time. Why can’t he simply let me be who I am without trying to stifle me at every opportunity? I’m not his responsibility, I don’t want to be. Friend or not, caring or not, I am who I am. He either accepts this or he doesn’t. 
Then he had to mention Tristane. He had to /use/ Tristane against me, like his over-protectiveness was the same. It’s not.  It never could be. Tristane’s came from a place of love, a place of hope for our future together, of the dreams we hoped to weave. This is nothing close to the same. 
I struck him. I know that it was wrong.  My temper gets the better of me. I was just so angry, that he’d even try to put himself in the same league as Tris. Angry that he would try to use Tris as leverage for his overprotective nature. I couldn’t believe it. He went on to say I don’t want or need his manner of caring. I sure as /hell/ don’t if it means stifling me at every opportunity and trying to shelter me like I’m some defenseless waif.
Edgard. He kept mentioning Edgard. As if Edgard were as important to me as Tris. Surprise!  He’s not either.  Neither of them is Tris.  Neither of them could be. We’re all three of us broken.  And broken things can’t put one another back together.
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It was after all this that Lorrendor decided to tell me he has feelings for me as “more than a friend.”  /Gods./  WHY.  What could he possibly have feelings about?  He doesn’t know me, he’s barely known me a fortnight! I can’t imagine what I’ve done or said that’s so earth-shattering as to inspire these feelings. I’m strong-willed, independent, with all the manners of a cave coeurl. I don’t get it.  I don’t.
I don’t have feelings for him OR for Edgard beyond friendship. I like them both for my own reasons, but both of them have a lot of baggage that they need to deal with first before they’d be good relationship fodder for /anyone/, not just me. 
Lorrendor says that it’s simply the man he is, like I’m supposed to accept that and be fine with it. Yet, on the same token, he can’t accept that I am the way I am. If we can’t accept such major parts of each other, how on Eorzea can we be anything other than friends?  Even as friends I get annoyed when Lor smothers me. I don’t want it. I don’t want to be protected.  I don’t want to be left behind while he goes to fight the big bad alone in order to keep me out of harm’s way. He can’t seem to understand that.
He went on to say that he cares about me. If he cared about me, then he wouldn’t have brought up Tristane. Certainly not in the /way/ he brought him up. Why do men have to be so /stupid/ and muck up a perfectly good friendship?  I never should have taken him on that hunt.  That seemed to be where everything went sideways.  Or maybe it was his whole trip to Kugane, after that first night, something in him began to shift and by the end of it, I hardly knew him as the same Lorrendor I’d met in the Quicksand.
He finally gave it up as a lost cause and left, presumably to go back to Ul’dah. Gods be good, let him go find some other woman to swoon and sigh and want to be protected by him. It’s never going to be me. 
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Still, I was glad that he went. Bringing up Tristane hurt far more than I thought it would. I cried, for the first time in a long time. I cried so much because Tris deserved a better fate than he got. Tris loved me more than anything and we’d planned to have a Bonding Ceremony right there in Tailfeather where we met. We had our whole lives ahead of us and it was all burned to ash in one stupid moment when he decided to fight the Bandersnatch Alpha on his own, rather than follow the plan we’d made for weeks. All in order to protect me, to keep me out of harm’s way. Is it any wonder that I hate it?  It robbed me of the one person who ever thought the world of me, who believed I could do anything, except for that one hunt.  Idiot.
I never expect Edgard to show up at the times he does, it’s almost as if the hand of fate is determined to make my life a misery. Naturally, I was still crying from memories of Tris, which won a quip from the Ishgardian about how I actually had emotional reactions to things.  Idiot.  Of course I have feelings!  Just because I don’t show them to /him/ doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
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What happened next… I can’t even really explain what happened.  I vented, he listened, we traded our usual banter, though my heart wasn’t really in it until near the end.  He told me to visualize a target as Lorrendor and throw rocks at it.  I chose the bridge across the pond. Admittedly, I’m a pretty good shot with rocks.  Bridge-Lorrendor would’ve been rendered unconscious with a pretty serious concussion. Between the banter, the venting, and the rock-throwing, though, I actually felt better. Edgard really can be a good friend when he puts his mind to it.  It’s strange.
At the end of the night, he asked me if I was going to brood or if I’d need him there to hold his hand. There was something in the way he said it, something that made it seem like /not/ taking his hand yesterday had bothered him. So, I took it tonight. 
He had on those spiky, reticulated gauntlets that dragoons favor, I thought for sure I was about to cut myself on one, but I took his hands in both of mine anyway. I held him like that for a moment and -- maybe it was just my imagination -- he seemed /dumbfounded/ by it.  Edgard, the Perpetually Glib and Effervescent with his flirtations and witty rejoinders was rendered /speechless/ by me holding his hand. Gods, if I’d known that was all it took to shut him up, I’d have done it long ago. 
Still, I was grateful for the good turn he’d done in cheering me up, whatever small kindness I could give him in that moment… he deserved it.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH5
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,590
- Author Note: I suppose im late posting the new chapter because was too tired yesterday, therefore im changing my days of update. From now on i would do update every Saturday/Sunday weekly or biweekly. This is to avoid me forgetting hahah
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Chapter 5
“Who…the.. fuck… are.. you?” Yoongi lurched forwards trapping Seul between the kitchen counter. Every word came from his mouth were dangerously low and disturbing. He cursed something low beneath his breath, something that she couldn’t understand. It sounded like a thick accent from Busan or Daegu to her. Whatever it was, she felt small in front of him.
The breath caught in her throat and her heart twisted at the stunned tone of his voice.
“Stay away from me…” she clutched onto the counter trying to escape from his gaze.
Shit, am I getting caught? She mentally slapped herself for her stupidity.
The corner of his lips twitched into a smirk “Who the fuck are you?” he inquired again this time the tone of his voice was harsher than a minute ago.
Seul bit her lower lips trying to make up excuses, but what else could she say. Her mind went blank for a second and it was not good at all considering how Yoongi’s eyes piercing through her deepest soul. It paralyzed her body.
Getting annoyed, Yoongi leaned closer to her face minimizing the gap that they had earlier “Are you even listening? WHO. ARE. YOU?” he pressed.
She scowled at the proximity as she could literally feel the rate of his heartbeat increases against hers. Why would his heart react crazily like this? Plus, the smell from his hair is driving her crazy. Not that she wanted to creep the hell out of him, it is just he smelled too good. Way too manly, that a woman’s heart like her could melt instantly. Shrugging the thought off, her eyes darted to the guy in front of her. She mentally scanned Yoongi’s feature started with his small and thin lips which still appeared luscious to his nose and eyes. Crap, not this weird thought again.
His eyelashes batted perfectly matching that milky skin of his, how could a man be this flawless? It made sense since he’s an idol, yet heck he is still a man! Metrosexual guy like him really put all his heart into his appearance.
The hell, is she going to play dumb. Yoongi hissed frustrated of Seul’s silence.
“All right, since you are keeping your mouth shut. I am calling the cops” the corner of his lips was tugged into a meaningful smirk, causing Seul to flinch at the sudden threat. She let an unknowing gasp under her breath making the man slamming both hands on the marble counter trapping her body in between “Why? Are you scared?” his brows flinched together showing off the gaze that could kill million Armys.
“Because you are a sasaeng?”
“What did you do to ahjumma?”
“Did you make her give up her job today, so you can stalk me?” accusations after accusations were bombarded right on her face that triggered Seul’s anger in the end. She was still thinking of reasonable stories without uncovering the whole truth. Unsure of the consequences that her mother might receive in the future for bringing her in illegally made Seul became more cautious of everything surround him. First, she must deal with this grumpy monster in front of her.
Wait a minute, why should i? I am working here legally well technically illegally but still I have the staff identification card. Who is he to look down on me? Seul finally got back to her sense after spazzing over Yoongi’s visuals.
Her eyes landed on the bandage near his ears, as bad as this might sound but she found his weakest point. This guy in front of her was invading her personal space, didn’t he realize it was a serious offence. On top of all, none of Bangtan’s members should be around. Referring to their schedule today, they had an award show to attend as early as 6 in the morning.
Mustering up every ounce of her strength one of her hand reached out to his injured ears to give a small squish over there causing Yoongi to yelp in pain.  He cursed reflecting the pain that he experienced at the moment, as his body staggered backwards finally leaving a space for Seul to breathe.
“WHAT THE HELL WOMAN?” Yoongi touched his pulsing ears sending death glare at her way.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, bewildered of his presence at an odd hour like this. “NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT ANYONE BAILING ON THE AWARDS?” Seul continued before Yoongi could even give her the answers.
Yoongi let out a sarcastic chuckle a hint of annoyance and anger “Fuck this. You even know our schedule? ARE YOU INSANE.. THAT IS IT IM CALLING THE COPS NOW!” his face grimaced due to the pain he experienced. He left dumbfounded Seul behind making his way stealthily to his room. As she finally registered what was going to happen next, her eyes widened in pure horror.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!” she skipped as fast as lightning to reach the older guy realizing what he planned to do. A single phone call would ruin everything for her especially her mother. That need to be stopped.
Despite being in the same size as Yoongi except Seul is much shorter than him, she grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him with all her might putting his step at halt. Yoongi inhaled a deep breath, as his body stumbled backwards crashing the girl against the wall.
“WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU INSANE” the same thing came out from his mouth as if he was chanting a curse.
“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING? I am about to answer your questions!” she grumbled lowly, pushing Yoongi body off from touching her body. Lies was the last thing she wanted to do, or more like adding more lies to their existing lies. Yet, what choice did she has?
Yoongi clucked his tongue inside as he spun his body facing the worried Seul “Speak. If you don’t speak in 5 seconds, I swear to god I will make the phone call” he rolled his eyes scanning Seul from top to bottom.  Even though she looked pretty decent to be a sasaeng fan, but her face told him she was far from those title. Was he overreacting?
“Jeez, alright. I am your caretaker for now or at least until my mother got better” his brow ceased into a deep frown.
“What kind of bullshits you are trying to tell now?” Yoongi backfired with a nasty scoff.
“Not bullshits but truth” she heaved a deep sigh as her hand went to rummaged through her bags, finding her mother work ids. “Here..Mrs Hwang is my mother so digest it” she tossed the cards for Yoongi to catch it on time.
He was displeased with the way she acted but played along since this privacy invasion was severe than her attitude. Being in the condition whereby he wanted to believe or denying the fact that Seul was saying the right thing, Yoongi chose not to give in so easily.
“You don’t look like her, are you sure this is your mother? Anyone can claim to be Mrs Hwang’s daughter at this rate considering how crazy a fan like you can be!” Seul gritted her teeth feeling the anger built inside her slowly took over her mind.
Seul crossed her arms “That wont change the fact that I am her daughter you little piece of shit. For a record, I AM NOT YOUR FAN!” he was startled by her choice of foul words making him feel more irritable than before.
“Why would I trust a girl with foul mouth like you? That makes you make even suspicious. I demand the truth now”
“That is the truth. You are just too stupid to realize it”
“Excuse me? Do you think I would buy your ‘Mrs Hwang is my mother’ story? I am much better than that thank you”
“Gosh, as expected idols like you are nothing but pretty faces. A total asshole and dumb some more”
Yoongi shot her a bewildered glare “ First of all, thank you for stating the fact. Oh, secondly, we are bunch of genius. The only idiot in this room is you” he knew the banter was pointless and childish. However, Seul was driving him up the wall with all the nonsense coming from that pretty little lips of her.
“Whoever you are mister, I don’t think I need to explain everything to you. You are not even my employer” Seul grabbed her mother card from his hand harshly, shoving it inside her bags.
“I mean my mother’s employer” she corrected before grabbing the rest of her stuff getting ready to leave.
He took the chance to yank her hoodie with a strong tug, pulling Seul to face him again “Where do you think you are going?” for an odd reason he enjoyed seeing her flushed face. Seul was struggling like cute kitty wanting to escape from his owner’s grasp.
Feisty. He mentally laughed at her silliness.
“You are not allowed to leave. Let’s wait until my manager come back, we must deal with crazy girl like you. That is if you really are Mrs Hwang’s daughter” every word coming out from him was a total psycho. It irked Seul to the core.
“Oh really? How crazy does it sound, I AM INTRIGUED BY THAT MISS MRS HWANG’S DAUGHTER” he challenged with a playful smug.
Seul pressed both of her lips into a thin line. Her eyes aimed for his injured ear again, yet she put a stop of that devil thought upon seeing a small red stain on the bandage. Her tummy churned in sheer fear, he was bleeding.
Shit Seul, think of something. You must leave now. A lot of crazy ideas were attacking her at once but the after effect of her action would bring more harm than good. Whatever it was, she needed to leave now. The guy in front of her would not spare her life so easily.
Should I aim for his crotch..She was about to sway her knee to give a little kick on Yoongi’s private area and as expected he was quick to catch that obvious gaze of her. As if her eyes were telling him the plan inside her head. Interesting.
“Got you” he lifted his leg blocking Seul from kneeing that fragile area.
Seul snorted in annoyance which later turned into a devilish smirk “Oh really?” she was contemplating to do this one thing which would end this bicker between them, so she could flee with ease. Seul thought it was a horrible idea, but slowly let her anger took over her sane mind, Yes.. I will make this little piece of shit shut up.
Snapping her head up meeting his deep gaze, Yoongi raised his eyebrow in confusion “Lower your gaze wom-“ his eyes popped out upon feeling a wet and moist friction against his lips. Seul was kissing him on his lips not cheeks, but his lips. What on earth just happened?
She cupped his cheeks, tiptoeing a little ‘Screw this Ji Seul, just do it and go. You will have to quit from now on’ Seul tilted her head a little ignoring stiff Yoongi as she was now kissing him for real. No more hanky panky.
Seul did not even care if he wasn’t kissing her back even though she could feel his lips quivered beneath hers slowly giving in.Yoongi froze in his spot staring straight into her dark brown eyes. He had no idea how to react neither did he knew what to do. This was a total madness.
Seul cussed regretting her stupid action but she could feel his grip start to loosen up, which meant her plan worked in the end. Because after all, Yoongi was too noisy. Seul calmed her racing heart due to her rash actions but decided to ignore all the stupid butterflies inside her tummy.
It can’t be undone. Screw this.
After for good two minutes locking lips, Seul pulled away quickly with a deep taint blush visible on both of her cheeks leaving shocked Min Yoongi behind. Taking off her aprons, she tossed it away and decided to make a run before Yoongi came back to his sense.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Seul smacked her lips, scolding it like it could respond her back afterwards.
Yoongi watched Seul’s figure disappeared from his vicinity as he bellowed his frustration loudly “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” he raked fingers in his messy hair angrily. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to register earlier incident, she was kissing him on the lips. He was too taken aback that he stood there like a clown and a second later she flees leaving no trace behind.
“MIN YOONGI YOU IDIOT” he hissed pacing around the living room calming down his aching nerve. His heart beating furiously as if he would jump out from it by anytime soon. This was an invasion of privacy and sexual harassment. Would anyone even trust a guy being sexually harassed because after all the world is prejudiced when it came to man being sexually harassed.
Crazy. Clenching his fist, he was determined to find Seul again.
“Min Yoongi that sound insane” said Seokjin with a frown.
Yoongi had been convincing Jin about his encounter with Seul but to his dismay, the older guy would never trust him and assumed he was high with drugs. Heck, he wished he could turn back the time and changed that one scene which kept lingering in his mind.
The kiss was the stupidest thing that ever happened. How could he forget that?
“YAH ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME? SOMEONE TOOK OVER AHJUMMA’S JOB TODAY AND INVADED OUR DORM!” Yoongi facepalmed in frustration. He really wanted to punch Jin handsome face to let out all the frustration inside him now.
“As much as I want to trust you my friend, but I think that is impossible. The security here is pretty tight, how can she enter this building without an access card?  Can you take a chill pill. You must have seen it wrong” Jin sighed.
“The problem is I know what I saw. A girl around our age is here, in our kitchen! And for pete’s sake she is not even an ahjumma in fact.. far far away from being an ahjumma. YOU ARE FRUSTATING HYUNG” he rose from his feet, pacing back and forth with a grimace.
Jin shrugged while his hand massaging his tense muscle “Yoongi I am too tired to listen to your nonsense. Let’s talk about this tomorrow alright? And don’t talk about this to manager hyung. You will cause unnecessary worries” he mumbled. Yoongi watched the older boy lied down on the bed looking dead tired after their hectic schedule.
Sitting at the end of his bed, he ran his finger in his soft hair feeling a little glum after his failed attempt in convincing his own roommate. He decided to call it a day and talked it out with others tomorrow. Maybe, someone would trust him unlike traitor Kim Seokjin.
He threw his body heavy on the bed with a loud grunt. Reaching his finger to his lips, he found his heart felt giddy over the brief kiss that he shared with Seul few hours ago.
Groaning in his head, he buried his face in his pillow ‘DON’T YOU EVER DARE MIN SUGA..’ he huffed.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 years
Even More Ideas for a Story I Don’t Need Because I Have Too Many Ideas
So, I came up with this idea a little bit ago, and I’ve figured out even more info about the species and the plot and more characters and pictures of the avatars I created and I’ll need to put this under a Read More! Tagging: @ratracechronicler​, @whollyart​, @nightskywriter​, and @merigreenleaf​!
So, first, with the different species. I don’t know any names for these, so I’ll refer to them in different ways! First are the dream eaters. They have magic over dreams. And they eat those dreams. They eat the dreams people have when they sleep. But, if they’re really desperate or feeling really mean, they can make people experience their biggest dream and eat that. Which means that that person will not want to achieve that dream anymore. Most of the species refuse to do that, and sometimes they just let people experience their biggest dream just because. They have a washed out appearance, with no vivid colors. And their hair defies gravity and floats even when they’re standing still.
The second species has magic over time. When they touch a person, they can stop them in time, slow them, or make them go faster. There is a cool-down period for this magic (like for Skylar and Holt’s magic), and it saps their strength. They are a predator species, with eyes with slit pupils to help with night vision, pointed teeth, they can run very fast to catch up with their prey. They usually keep their prey on stopped time to have an easy meal for a few days. They have learned to eat other animals instead of the humanoid species of the world, but their magic can still affect them. 
The third species has magic that allows them to store one thing in an extradimensional space. They can only store one object or person, but a box filled with things does count as one object. Whatever is stored in the extradimensional space is safe because only the one who put the object or person in there can take them out. This is a prey species. They have eyes with slit pupils to help with night vision and they can change the color of their hair and skin that can blend in with their surroundings. 
The final species also has magic of the elements, like the other one I came up with in my previous post (I really need names for these species). However, this species are dragon-like. They have scales, dragon wings, and they breathe whatever element they are using at the time. The element they use at any one time is based on their emotions (like if they’re angry they use fire, if they’re sad they use water, etc.). And if they feel a very strong emotion, they start to look more dragon-like, with their face elongating and their fingers turning into claws and more.
Now, on to story and characters. The main villain is a dream eater. The people who are fighting against her who are actually the reason why Holt and Skylar have magic are also going to be the main focus of this story in the form of a new group of protagonists who are actually going to learn the secrets of this group fighting against the villains. And then this new protagonist group will fight against the people who are fighting against the villain (I really need names for all of this). 
So, this new group is led by POV protagonist: Kisi! She has a mother with the elemental magic not linked to dragons, and a human father. She has wind magic, but she’s struggling with it, and she will work hard and get really good at her magic! She’s fat, funny, quiet, and kind. She’s a pure, sweet person who will also stand up against injustice and people being sentenced to death for stupid reasons. 
She has a friend named Ryn. He’s part of the dragon elemental species, and he has really good control over his emotions, enough so that if he wanted to use a certain element, he could without a lot of trouble. He’s normally really chill, but if anyone even threatens to hurt his friends, he will immediately become more dragon-like because of the strong anger he feels. 
The next character in the group is named Kyria. She has the time magic. She’s calculating and snarky in a dry way and she’s practical. She does enjoy changing people’s time to mess with them, especially if that someone has annoyed her.
The next character is named Nezzi. She has the storage magic. She’s snarky in a more noticeable way, and she’s also calculating. Kyria and Nezzi have rubbed off on each other because they’ve known each other since they were toddlers. She will stuff people into the storage space to mess with them. 
The last character in the group is named Nyx. He joins later, though, because he is part of the villain’s group to begin with. He defects, however, and runs to the group that is fighting the villain. Instead of listening to him at all, they just want to kill him, so Kisi and her group has to rescue him. He’s serious, has low self-esteem, and he’s probably depressed. 
Lastly, I really want to share the avatars I made using this app called Missangest Avatar Creator! This will be 12 pictures, so I’m glad this is under a read more. Thank you for reading!
The first one is Holt!
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[Image Description: A man with dark brown skin, light brown eyes, and curly, darker brown hair that brushes the tops of his ears. He's staring straight ahead with a serious expression. He has gold studs in his ears, a light blue shirt, and a fuzzy, black jacket. The background is light green. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Skylar!
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[Image Description: A person with dark tan skin, pink eyes, and short, mint green hair. They are staring straight ahead with a smirk. There are sunglasses in front of their eyes, with dark green rims. There are freckles on their face, and two visible silver hoop earrings in each ear. They have a dark blue shirt on underneath a bright blue suit jacket. The background is light pink. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Trish!
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[Image Description: A woman with pale tan skin, teal eyes, and long, light blue hair with bright blue streaks. She is staring straight ahead with a smile that shows her teeth. She has two visible gold hoop earrings on her right ear, and she has a gold nose ring. She also has glasses, with dark pink rims. She is wearing a dark teal shirt whose sleeves fall off her shoulders, with spaghetti straps on her shoulders. She also has two necklaces with red chains, and one of those necklaces has a light blue circle attached to it. The background is dark pink. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Tory!
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[Image Description: A man with pale tan skin, bright red eyes, and almost shoulder-length light red hair with bright red streaks. His eyes are looking to his left, and he is frowning. He has black studs in his ears. He has glasses with dark blue rims with no rims on the bottom of the glasses. He is wearing a maroon shirt with a light red fluffy jacket on top of his shirt. He also has a dark blue choker with two light red beads to the right. The background is dark blue. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Akari!
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[Image Description: A woman with dark brown skin, light green eyes with slit pupils, and shoulder-length blond hair. She is staring straight ahead with her right eyebrow cocked and a smile. She is holding her right hand open and up around her collar bone, palm facing toward her. She is wearing a light green tank top with a light pink scarf. The background is light blue. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Zenith! The tattoos are more extensive in the story.
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[Image Description: A man with tan skin, eyes shaded by sunglasses, and dark blue hair in a partial mohawk. His eyes are looking off to his left, and he is frowning. He has a scar running through his right eye. He has some stubble on his chin. He has five gold earrings on each ear, two close to the top and three on the bottom. He has two black rose tattoos on his neck. He is holding up a sword with a gold hilt. He is wearing a torn, black shirt. The background is orange. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Tash! Their skin is more colorful, and their eyes are compound eyes in the story.
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[Image Description: A person with bright green skin, their right eye is blue and their left eye is dark red, and long, bright blue hair with light blue streaks. They are staring straight ahead and showing their pointy teeth in a smile. They have long pointed ears. They have a dark purple shirt, and a light blue cloak over it. They have light red insect wings. The background is white. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Kisi! There aren’t tons of options in this avatar creator, but I tried my best!
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[Image Description: A woman with tan skin, light pink eyes, and long, dark purple hair with light purple streaks. She is staring straight ahead with a slight smile. She has freckles. She is wearing a light blue tank top with a light green strap holding it up around her neck. The background is light blue. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Ryn! The only thing with him is that he should have scales.
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[Image Description: A man with light blue skin, eyes with slit pupils shaded by sunglasses with pink rims, and chin length, dark purple hair with light purple streaks. He is staring straight ahead with a smile that shows his teeth. He has pointed ears. He is wearing a white shirt with a black jacket over it. He has dark blue dragon wings. The background is dark teal. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Kyria!
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[Image Description: A woman with tan skin, dark blue eyes with slit pupils, and jaw length, brown hair. Her eyes are looking to her left, she is frowning, and she has her left hand up by her chin, curled slightly with her palm facing downward. She has three gold hoop earrings on each ear. She is wearing a cobweb necklace with gold beads on it at intersections of the chains. She is wearing a dark green shirt. The background is light green. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Next is Nezzi! She can change the color of her skin and her hair at any time, so when she isn’t hiding, she likes changing the colors to what she wants them to be.
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[Image Description: A woman with light pink skin, dark green eyes with slit pupils, light blue hair with dark pink streaks pulled into small pigtails. She is staring straight ahead with a smirk. She is wearing a black choker with gold adornment on it. She is wearing a light purple shirt with a dark purple jacket over it. The background is light orange. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
Last is Nyx!
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[Image Description: A man with pure white skin, light gray eyes, and jaw length, light gray hair. His eyes are staring to his left, and he is frowning. He has a scar running over his right eye. He has three black hoop earrings in each ear. He is wearing a maroon shirt with a black jacket over it. The background is dark purple. In the top right corner, there are words that read: Missangest Games Creators and dress up games. End Description]
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Montaigne - “Don’t break me”
🤡 KLOUN  🤡 🤡 KLOUN  🤡 🤡 I MOU KLOUN  🤡 
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HA HA HA HA -- Afrodyti Fryda -- Jessica Charro 
Normally I wouldn’t be ranking Montaigne this low, actually :o I do feel like there is *some* potential to be had from her entry and it could’ve been reached greatness in Rotterdam, but since ESC has been cancelled, we’re going to see none of it. So, all I have to go by is the live AD version I just posted, which... I lowkey dislike? Let’s dissect this sucker. 
Song Analysis
Every once in a while, we get that sort of avant garde-esque entry where I’m like “Okay, I get what you’re doing and I like the idea but the execution, babe. It just ain’t there.” I think “Don’t break me” might be the new textbook example of that archetype? I know some media love portraying “Don’t break me” as... what was the Wiwi headline again?
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The problem is, it don’t add up.
Like, what exactly is alternative about this entry? Not the music, despite the statements claiming otherwise. Montaigne wrote this song together with established “indie” songwriters DNA, hits of other ’indie’ miracles “Don’t come easy”, “Tonight again” and “#WeGotLove”. “Don’t break me” is equally indie, that is to say, not indie at all and blatantly mainstream. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, (DBM is hands down the best song DNA have produced for ESC) but don’t sling LIES at me. 
Secondly, the staging, we need to address the staging, hunties cuz boy it ain’t holdin’ up. (lol I’m merely channelling Wiwi Adams because that’s what the spirits whisper to me - that is to say, pink gin & tonic). There are some *conceptual* strong points to me, clearly spliced in to fabricate some perception of free artistry, but the execution of it is lacking. In lay man’s terms: IT’S SO FUCKING INCOMPETENT OMG I should stan... but don’t because, well.
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Et tu quoque, Sennek?
Montaigne herself said she styled her marionette-frock after mr Mime (Mimes aren’t marionettes? Am I missing something?), but it’s Not Very Effective when your style is more inline with Grundel Toad. YES, One Shot Camera Angle, yes super artsy and creative were it not for the fact that Trijnwreck Oosterhuis already pioneered this and it came off similarly feeble. 
I however am not *that* offended by “Don’t break me” or its act as many others appear to be though. Again, the song is decent and it’s mostly brought down by a lack of performing experience on Montaigne’s behalf. While not good, it’s salvageable at the very least. 
However, I’m more annoyed that this (decent) mainstream song is being sold as innovative and mold-breaking, neither of which it actually is. This is the root of the problem imo. The utter denial of "Don’t break me’s” own mainstreamness and the desperation to prove the opposite. 
And honestly, this even applies to Montaigne herself? Her appearance, creative decision making and hell, even her own social media posts read a bit too much “How To Be Different For Dummies.” to really make it believable. ”I AM ALTERNATIVE. HERE’S MY PORTFOLIO OF UNCONVENTIONAL HAIR COLOURS AND UNIBROW STYLES TO PROVE MY POINT SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO TALK TO ME. WANNA SEE MY ARMPIT HAIR? I JHERI-CURLED IT YESTERDAY.” Her brand of off-beatness feels shallow and uninspired because it is. She  being conformist with regards to her own nonconformity and that makes her a bigger slave to societal norm than you and I. 
NF Corner
Lol this was not a great Aus Decides. Sadly the standard wasn’t nearly as high as it had been last year. I cheered *FOR* Montaigne at the time, that’s how bad it was. There were several *atrocious, easily last in this ranking had they won”-entries she needed to slay (DIE JACK! DIE MITCH! DIE CASEY!) and she did. A pity my interest very quickly evaporated, but oh well, such is life. Fortunately there were a few... decent-ish entries that I’d like to share. Don’t hold you breath, though - this selection had no Electric Fieldses.
Vanessa Amorosi - “Lessons of Love”
“Lessons of love” almost completely passed me in studio -  I liked it mostly because “Absolutely everybody” was a BOP and I was edging for a good performance, which... Vanessa delivered honestly. CRAWLING OUT OF A CAR CRASH <3 The one-woman vocal bidding war she engages in once the first chorus hits. The rainy drizzle <3  The song’s merely adequate but Vanessa’s affect and the staging are enough for me. A ballad that in fact isn’t boring and provides a host of tiny little gems I can cling onto for three minutes, what a treat!
Now I’m mentioning ballads, (um, this is about Aus Decides 2020; of course ballads are being mentioned), this one was pretty good too. 
Didirri - “Raw Stuff”
“Raw stuff”, like Vanessa’s song, completely passed me by in studio version (except, I didn’t even bother simulating appreciation here - disheveled, homely men aren’t my thing, cf.: Salvador). “Oh a stripped down power ballad with personal meaning” well am I ever not interested?
And then the live disarmed me, lol. I have NO idea why but it just clicked for me. iDidirri managed to give it certain sincerity, a certain pathos that I could empathize with and the staging (which was highkey good - Non-boring piano ballads! The Concept!) provided me with enough sustenance. I also firmly believe that had “Raw stuff” made it to an actual ESC stage, it could’ve won the whole thing - it has that Salvadorian quality, minus the pretence. Alex Callier quaking in his boots rn. 
But anyway, the ONE song everybody and their dog loved was of course also a fave of mine. It is, of course,
Jaguar Jonze - “Rabbit hole”
From pretty much second one Jaguar IMMEDIATELY unleashed her inner psychotic weirdo self, flailed her body around on designer furniture (dislocating her shoulder!!! what a trooper), LITERALLY tore down the walls around her and snagged every wig in the audience. SHE’S A JAGUAR, A MARE, A GAZZELLE
*THIS* how you indie. Not Mundaigne’s safer-than-seclusion puppetfest. You inject genuine personality quirks into your song and performance, don’t give *a single* fuck about what other people think. And like any good indie song, you aren’t rewarded for your nonconformist attitude by “professional” juries. 😁
and now she has coronavirus! STAY STRONG GIRL :( (lol she streamed a jam sessions a few days back, I’m fairly certain she well) WLU!
Australia 2020 & Australia 2021
“Don’t break me” is one of those entries where qualification *entirely* depends on how good or bad the live was. Usually you can tell whether X will (not) qualify UNLESS their live is much worse than expected (or better if they’re a projected NQ). This does not apply to Montaigne; The “Don’t break me” we saw at Aus Decides definitely *would* have NQ’d, but who knows about the modified, improved version. It could’ve Katherine’d itself, it could’ve Sennek’d itself, it could’ve KMH’d itself. Who the f knows and I ain’t gonna spec on it. What I do know is that the subpar singing and dancing would not be present in the final product because, you know, rehearsals. The real hurdle for “Don’t break me” was something different: namely Montaigne herself and her compulsion to break the mold by not breaking it at all. All the decisions w/r/t the staging and styling can be traced down to her and these decisions suck because they are being made for the wrong reasons. Like, you don’t *NEED* tryhard symbolism when your (actually pretty goodish) song already possesses good and transparent lyrics. It’s okay to be MAINSTREAM, Montaigne, it is OKAY to be Mundaigne. Don’t let your ego get in your way. LOVE YOURSELF, sweet Jessica and BE YOU!!! For all our sakes...
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Australia deserves a few senheads, I think. Not many because, yep, a whole NF with self-composed songs and they STILL went for the ballad that had a DNA co-writing credit. SIGH. However, I do believe the *funk* of Montaigne’s ordinary uniqueness, and how it bled into mainstream indie song, is kind of a Freaky! thing (it’s similar to how Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic”, a song about irony, contains zero examples of actual irony - which ironically enough makes it one of the most ironic songs ever penned), if a severely diluted one. Oh well, beggars cannot be choosers, I guess. 
Score: 1 Senhits out of 5.
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stealinghero · 4 years
Any headcanons on the pasts of some of the characters? Like there is the historical stuff but like, there isn't a ton of information that I could find on certain characters like Magoichi (cuz woman lol) and Kasuga (cuz never existed) and Kojuro (since multiple people carried the name I guess?). Anyway, any headcanons on anyone would be fun if you want to add any additional people :)
Ohh, general headcanons are always great!! I’ll just write down what comes to mind! I tried to include their past if possible. (Edit: I won’t tag this post with very individual, because there are simply too many!)
It’s under a cut because this will be freaking HUGE!!
Akechi Mitsuhide:
- he opted for his scythes because his wrists aren’t strong enough for fighting with a sword. he usually uses long weapons and likes the aesthetic of a scythe, cutting down people like corn because they are just as “worthless”.
- his hair colour is an effect of an genetic dysfunction and has been white/grey from his early childhood on.
- he is allergic to peaches.
- his past is a mystery and he will rather die than tell anyone about it (he acutally had a great upbringing with lots of love, but when his mother was killed, he changed)
Chosokabe Motochika:
- has a pet parrot and loves it to bits. Actually it’s a family he cares for and raises on his own.
- his normally black hair is bleached and styled to make him look more like a demon, he once saw a sailor do this with a face paint of a skeleton. Young Motochika was so impressed (and afraid) that he copied the style. On special occasions he still paints his face like a skull.
- he can juggle but not stand on one leg.
- if he gets a partner, his crew has to approve them first before he considers dating
- he fled from home because of all the responsibilities and made his crew his family. That’s why he’s the big brother and not their father figure, he still detsts his own father.
Date Masamune:
- he is afraid of chicken. Nothing too serious but he will never hold one or be close to one if he can opt out. As a kid he got pecked bloody by a swarm of them and he never got over it
- he loves to prank Kojuro and will get hit and scolded for it. Still he does it, especially if Kojuro is stressed to make him laugh.
- he doesn’t like the most types of sweets and dislikes honey. But he can bite into a lemon and keep a straight face.
- he upholds traditions and visits the shrines of his province on a regular basis. The priests know not to bother him with bad omens as he might be traditional but not really religious.
- he has a knack for learning languages and can imitate most dialects of Japan.
Fuma Kotaro:
- he is the funniest guy alive!! This man can tell the best jokes and keep a straight face while doing so.
- he has a small family that he loves to bits. Whatever his parents want from him, he will do it.
- he was raised strict (outside) and very beloved (inside), making it easy for him to think outside of the box. He follows orders on his own terms and this is what makes him dangerous.
- his upbringing is his guideline for leading his men. He will acknowledge those who follow his orders and will punsh those who don’t. He’s always fair and tries to find the best result for all included
Honda Tadakatsu:
- he can speak if he wants. But often he thinks his opinion is too insignificant to make public so he remains silent.
- to be honest: he is the best singer. He has a nice deep voice and will often hum or sing melancholic songs.
- he trains up to 20 hours per day to keep his body and soul at its peak condition. His training consists of lifting weights, sparring with sword and bare hands, meditation, reflection of his past flaws.
- he is a bit vain and loves to hear even the mightiest warlords praise him, so he gives his all to maintain his status
- he isn’t too fond of Ieyasu’s way of thinking of friendship and peace as he is a man of war. But he would never defy Ieyasu.
Ishida Mitsunari:
- grew up as an orphan and was taken in by Toyotomi’s family. That’s the reason he’s loyal to Hideyoshi. He sees him as a brother (even if Mitsunari doesn’t think himself as a Toyotomi)
- he uses a tachi because his shoulders aren’t the strongest although he has a good core strength. He needs the length to deliver fast and heavy strikes using the momentum of his sword.
- he loves math and can calculate even huge sums in his head
- he has a stutter that gets worse when he’s aggravated and it takes a lot of willpower and concentration in order not to show it too much
- in order to live amogst men a woman has to be tough and Kasuga went through an even harsher training than her male colleagues, making her harder than she looks
- but inside she is a very girlish girl and wants to be a princess. Uesugi is the perfect prince for this daydream and that’s the main reason she stays with him even if she knows she has no chance.
- she is as deadly as any Shinobi and she hates if her colleagues make fun of her because she shows more skin/curves without realizing this is also a form of camouflage to lull the enemy into a relaxed and trusting state.
- she grew up without parents (as most Shinobi do) and has no desire to meet them. She hates them for abandoning her
- she sees Sasuke as an annoying little brother. Other than him she doesn’t have any ties.
Katakura Kojuro:
- at 5 years old he climbed a tree because of a dare and had to be saved by Masamune’s father because he was too afraid to come down. He still has fear of heights and a horse is the highest he can get without being anxious.
- in his youth he broke every bone in his body at least once. Often there were multiple fractures at once. He was lanky and clumsy until his early 20s and people loved to compare him to a newborn foal, some old people still call him like that, embarrassing him
- he has a good medical knowledge and might have become a doctor if not for his duty. he still is the number one in caring for Masamune and only if he deems it impossible, he will call for a real doctor. Without knowing this, people tend to think Masamune’s wounds heal by themselves and he only needs assistance when near death.
- he is an open book to read if there are strong emotions. Normally everyone at court knows how he feels by just looking at him. if needed he has a really good pokerface, but doesn’t use it very often. He simply doesn’t care.
- his nickname at court (behind his back) is Raba (translating to mule) because he is stubborn and a workaholic. Some even joke about other similarities between them, but these are the most common.
Maeda Keiji & Toshiie & Matsu: 
- Keiji found his little pet Yumekichi on a market in Kyoto where he was sold with his half-dead mother. Despite Keiji’s efforts to save the mother she died a few days later, but Yumekichi got better and sees Keiji as his family.
- Keiji is afraid of an angry Matsu and opts to run away from her rather than from Toshiie
- he might seem a bit carefree and stupid sometimes and he admits he’s not the brigthest. But he’s smart enough to survive with his lifestyle in this time and is pretty proud of it.
- Toshiie worries a lot about Keiji and wants him home because of this. He couldn’t bear to lose Keiji who he sees more as a brother than a nephew.
- he is alway asking for more food of Matsu because he’s afraid that one day he might not be able to eat her food anymore. It’s like he thinks he can “save” the taste of it in his brain forever.
- In her youth Matsu couldn’t cook. She learned it for Toshiie and is always on the search for new ideas and recipes to surprise him with.
- she has strong motherly feelings for Keiji with results in her scolding him more often than Toshiie despite Keiji being only a bit younger than she is
Matsunaga Hisahide:
- he grew up without his parents caring too much. But they were rich and he from early on learned that money IS power. People can be paid to like you, to kill for you, to die for you.
- there are many legends about his fight with Nobunaga and both of the most common are actually true. Nobunaga let him live, thinking he was “interesting” but only because Hisahide matched his strength and power, almost equalling the Demon King.
- he is stronger than he looks and is prepared for the day when money won’t hold his army down. he’s a skilled fighter with almost every weapon but he dislikes the guns Nobunaga’s so fond of. They have no style, he thinks.
- what is in his possession will remain there. he will defend his collection with everything he has. This man can go toe to toe with the biggest warlords of his time and he’s not afraid to demonstrate his power over a thing he had almost forgotten. It’s HIS and he will kill for it (or make someone do it)
- he is the most intelligent of them and often ruthless, making him an enemy nobody wants to have.
Mori Motonari:
- if he would live in modern times, he would be the bullied nerd with thick rimmed glasses and suspenders
- he grew up in a very protected house without too much care and love, making him self-sufficient. Paired with his intelligence that almost equals that of Matsunaga, he is a terrible foe if there wasn’t a huge mistake in his plans: emotions.
- he struggles to keep his army in check simply because he can’t lie like a Matsunaga or Oda. he will tell his soldiers bluntly that they are worthless to him when they are defeated. Strangely this statement makes him a good leader who will risk much to gain much. His men follow him because they most often are rewarded for their wounds or lost comrades.
- he has a problem with emotions and doesn’t understand sarcasm. That’s a reason why he hates Motochika so much. But this makes him honest to a fault, too. if someone asks his opinion he will answer truthfully, sometimes making this person change plans.
Oda Nobunaga & Oichi:
- those two are the most identical siblings after twins, even if it might seem different on the outside.
- Nobunaga cares for his sister and doesn’t want her hurt and Oichi is more of an evil mastermind than she appears to be.
- from early on those two spent lots of time together, playing pranks on the retainers and their own family. They grew up in an actually caring family making people wonder sometimes how they became like this when they had grown up.
- the motives are most often pride and an arrogance/belief everything should be theirs. Even the “little princess” Oichi defended her dolls with claws and teeth if she had to.
- while the Lady Oichi hides her true ambition she sometimes is jealous of her brother who shows them to everyone and succeeding with it. She hates him for being a man whereas she’s just a woman to be played as he wants.
- he had many options to marry his sister to but he chose not the best one but the one that would care the most for her. He would never admit that.
- they both have emotions and those are very strong but most of the times they are not controlled or even guided and most often end in bloodshed.
Otani Yoshitsugu:
- with his childhood a miserable time for him because of his disease (leprosy) he hid himself behind books, learning about the world, the history of it and other useful things
- he isn’t the smartest but one of the most versatile to use his resources, making him flexible in any given situation
- he is a great strategist with his vast knowledge and by being able to get in someone’s thinking, he is able to differ his strategy for any opponent. He has a great work of spies and often knows how a lord will act
- he loves being outside in the sun. His bandages are a hindrance to him but he doesn’t dare to take them off. He likes to sit in the sun for hours, reading.
Saika Magoichi:
- she grew up in the same village as Motochika, knowing him since childhood
- as an orphan living on the streets, she tried her best to find something close to a family. She reufed Motochika’s offer to join his crew, wanting to be independent
- she never trained enough to fight with a sword but can use a Tanto quite skillfully. When she heard about guns, she begged Motochika to get her two. Since then she was fascinated by those things.
- while she actually used one of the guns, she completely disassembled the other, learning all about the mechanics involved. by now she can not only build them but also has her own mixture of gunpowder thats’s a bit more explosive than the usual.
- she was officially invited to have a talk with Nobunaga and they remained friends until he died. They exchanged various types of guns and Nobunaga even invited her to join his army as an advisor because of her extensive knowledge of firearms.
Sanada Yukimura:
- his allround emotion is determination and happiness, often getting on the nerves of people around him with his seemingly undisturbed energy. This is only a facade he keeps up in order not to think too much about things he can’t change.
- he admires Kojuro as a man he can never be and often tries to talk to him about his views on the world, hoping to learn a lot from it that would allow him to grow not only as a soldier but as a man
- despite the differences of rank and class, he thinks of Sasuke as his brother and is closer to him than to his actual brother Nobuyuki
- he is not afraid to admit his faults and does his best to learn how to be better. But sometimes it frustrated him not being able to be a good person in his own eyes
Sarutobi Sasuke:
- contrary to his beloved legend of being raised by monkeys, he grew up as an orphan in a village of Shinobi until he was 10.
- he hasn’t many people he really trusts but is relieved if he can rely on Kasuga or Takeda (sometimes even Sanada)
- he loves to spend his free time fishing and is quite good at spearfishing.
- he wants to stay mysterious and doesn’t share much of his own history but his body is almost without a scar while his name is often whispered with fear, showing what kind of fighter he is
- he doesn’t talk much about himself mainl because ther is nothing to talk about. He sees himself as a bit boring and his life is filled with his duties. Sometimes he envies Kojuro but has to admit he would’ve strangled Masamune years ago.
Takeda Shingen:
- he resents his own father and wanted to be a better father to Yukimura, thus their strange relationship despite being Lord and General.
- he likes tigers and had at least one as pet throughout his life, spanning the same tiger family over generations.
- he’s very conflicted about his rivalry with Kenshin. He respects the man as a fellow warrior and even wants Yukimura to be a bit like him, but deep down he never got over the fact that Uesugi killed his younger brother. he doesn’t know what he should do and this is why he stays the same: fighting with him without too many emotions.
- he is fond of horses and is a skillful breeder. His horses are very renowned as the best warhorses. He wants to survive this in the future to remind the following generations of him being a gentle animal friend and not only the warlord (even if he is very proud of his victories)
Takenaka Hanbei:
- in his childhood and youth he was a normal kid, growing up in a normal family. He was never the best or the worst but he got bored of it as soon as he heard of the “adventures” of Nobunaga.
- he always was a quick thinker, not overly intelligent but flexible and in this way outwitted whole armies, gaining him a name and reputation to use for his rise to the top.
- he never wanted to be a warlord. He swore himself that he would be the best adviser/strategist because he thought he would be worth more like this in any fight for survival. Every warlord needs an advisor, right?
- his loyalty for Toyotomi is mostly an act. He hates brutes without brains as it is intelligence that wins a war and not strength alone. This is a reason he respects people like Motonari or Kojuro.
Tokugawa Ieyasu:
- as a kid he lived with dangerous surroundings. One wrong word could mean war and Ieyasu was right between the conflicted sides, making him yearn for bonds and friends he could trust.
- normally he is outgoing but he often still sees the world as black and white, making it hard to discuss things with him in a calm manner. Luckily he tends to flare up quickly and also come down as fast, being his old self
- behind his smiles there is a machine working day and night. he has his goals and will not rest before getting there, sometimes making it hard for people to follow him. He doesn’t understand that fact and tends to think they are against him, resulting in various consequences
- he wants friends he can trust but he will never trust somebody. he did it in the past and he was left down by these friends, making his walls harder and thicker to get through
- his personality would be somewhere between a tantrum throwing child in the sweets aisle and a ruthless dictator, solely depending on his mood.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi:
- with his past an open secret he has no remorse in being like he is, seeing no other option anyway.
- being a ruthless warlord doesn’t mean being without emotions and he still cares a lot for his army. He knows a few soldiers by name and will often wander around the camp, asking here and there if everything is alright or something is needed.
- he doesn’t have friends anymore and the friendliest he can get with someone is by calling them “advisor”, even if he’s not bound to listen to their words. he doesn’t trust anyone around him and this makes him successful in leading an army, not trusting the enemy will make the same mistake twice or behave “as always”.
- he doesn’t know if he should kill Matsunaga for changing him or be thankful. He normally tries to stay away from him as far as possible. He might even command his army to take a detour to avoid Hisahide’s territory.
Uesugi Kenshin:
- he loves to fuck with people’s thoughts to make them think they are smarter/more powerful/faster than him, only for him to strike them down as easy as he can. This is the truth behind his title and his favourite saying about it is: “I can be an generous god. Or a cruel one. It depends solely on you.”
- there are no feelings involved, not with Kasuga, not with Shingen. He simply enjoys his power over them, using them as he likes to amuse himself. At least this is when he’s not defending his territory. Then he will be ruthless and strike quick, not caring much about alliances or promises.
- despite being like that he truly stands up for what he believes, only because he thinks whatever he believes is the right thing. he doesn’t care much about any other viewpoints and can be called stubborn at it.
- yet he has a certain respect for every living thing, even if some humans are seen as cockroaches by him. he would never start a war without reason and even then he acknowledges every death and every wound, making him a beloved leader by his men.
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