#but oh my lord... this lady at my work's tasting room...
thedansemacabres · 7 months
Dionysus of white wine is far more dangerous than Dionysus of blood-red wine. It is so easy to get drunk on champagne. I've seen people become completely different after drinking a 14-17% white wine saying they'll be fine because they can handle a red. be wary of the fruity drink it fuck you up
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Does this tiktok do something to you?
If you listen to his voice and suddenly feel true sexual arousal, you may have a form of Auralism. Auralism is the sexual arousal to sound. It could be voices, music, an ASMR trigger, etc. The most common in females is arousal from voices, and that's what I will be working with today. So, whoever your dream man saying "Hello Feyre Darling," is, I need you to think about him as you are reading this.
Auralism is a way of practicing what sex experts call "mindful sensuality" or the practice of using certain skills to enhance emotional and mental erotica. This typically involves using more senses than just touch and vision. Auralism focuses on specifically the sound aspect and a bit of imagination.
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Rhysand x Reader
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Warnings - degradation, dirty talk, slight voyeurism, inferred poly!batboys
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Being High Lady of the Night Court held several responsibilities, but your least favorite was, and would always be, the Court of Nightmares. 
Rhys kissed you one more time as the doors to the throne room sat closed. “We'll finish what we started later, I promise. I will not leave you unsatisfied for long.”
Gods, that timber. The purr. You felt his voice setting heat through your body and did the best to push the feeling away. 
Rhys held the wine glass to your lips, watching you drink it as his hand ran the length of your inner thigh. His gaze went back to Keir, his eyes almost narrowing. “The High lady looks beautiful tonight, nephew.” 
You felt the predatory shift in Rhys, felt the mating bond grow tight. “My mate is always delicious, uncle. You'd be smart to remove your eyes from her.” His voice went straight to your cunt this time, a wave of heat landing there. Oh really? His high lord voice always turned you on, the command of it, the strict tone. 
Keir nodded, walking away, just as your thighs pushed together. His lips brushed your ear, that deep voice hitting you again. “I see I may have left you too desperate, my star.” His hand trailed the valley of your breasts, settling on your lower stomach. “I do wonder if I can get you off just from speaking. Is that possible, darling? To have you come on my lap with such little effort?”
You whimpered again. Head falling into his shoulder. Each letter off his tongue was dipped in honey, sending wave after wave of arousal through you. You kept your thighs together now, knowing in this dress spreading them would put your glistening core on display. 
As if he sensed your feelings, he pushed them apart slightly, a growl escaping him and his eyes growing dark as he looked. “Cauldron boil me, you will cum from this, won't you? Have you gotten too good at playing the role of my whore, y/n darling? Should I fuck on you on this throne and let everyone watch?”
“Rhys,” it was meant to be a warning to stop, but it came out as a soft moan. 
“You'll be saying my name over and over later, begging me to keep going as I fuck you so hard our bed breaks. You always feel so good, wrapped tight around my cock.”
Your core clenched, the coil starting to slowly build. “-and look at you now,” he continued. “Wearing an expensive dress, dripping onto my thigh. When this damned party is over, I will bend you over this throne.”
You moaned his name again. That purr was doing something to you that you've never had happen. “I bet if I spread your legs further, Azriel would be able to see how wet you are from his spot at the back of the room. Cassian can probably smell and taste you.” 
The general had a small smirk on his face as he kept his spot behind Rhysand and the throne. Azriel had his eyes locked in you two, a single brow kissing his hairline. 
“I might let them stay and watch if you wanted. Let them watch me claim you over and over until you're soaking me. Once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let them play too."
“Rhys-” You were so close, snuggling further into his lap, thighs pressed back together and rubbing. 
“Uh-uh,” his hand pushed them apart enough for his pleasure again. “Your High Lord wants to see how desperate his whore is. Gods, look at you. Look at you clenching at nothing, about to cum from my voice alone.”
His name left your throat in a quiet needing moan and Cassian looked down with a full smirk now. A voice cold as death came from the other side of him. A voice Rhys knew you found attractive. “Release my High Lady from her misery.”
“Cum for me,” Rhysand whispered into your ear, kissing the shell of it gently. “Cum for us.”
The coil snapped, your back arching against his chest as Cassian placed a hand over your mouth. “And now look at you, coming with no effort on my part, forcing our general to have to cover your mouth so I don't have to kill everyone here to getting to listen to the noises that are for me and me alone. Pathetic little thing, aren't you?"
Rhys switched to his High Lord voice again. “Cassian, take the High Lady somewhere to clean her up.” 
Cassian nodded, picking you up from Rhysand's lap as your high ended. “Come, my lady, let me take care of you.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
Rhys Taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
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Garden of Secrets [24] - Geraniums
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter!
Summary: Inspiration can strike at midnight.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions and descriptions of domestic violence, injuries and trauma. 
Word Count: 3400
Series Masterlist
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Playing the madly in love couple in public had never been challenging so far, so it was quite surprising that the mask was slipping.
You had a feeling that it was mostly because of you though.
For the past week, you had managed to keep your interaction with Benedict to a minimum even though it felt incredibly hard. Whenever you saw him in the hallway or you two went to your separate rooms, you were filled with this powerful urge to talk to him, but after that duel you weren’t so sure you could.
Though, there was no denying it. You missed him terribly.
Benedict on the other hand was respecting your wishes and giving you the space you wanted. Though you two pretended as if nothing was wrong in public, the usual displays of affection were not there, no doubt because he didn’t want to cross the line you drew between you two.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Felix asked you while he sketched beside you under the tree you were leaning your back against. Charlotte had asked both you and Benedict to join her on a picnic but Anthony had spent no time to whisk her away, and Benedict was busy talking with his artist friends so you had excused yourself to read a book in the shadow of a tree, Felix soon joining you to sketch the view in a peaceful corner.
“Absolutely,” you said. “Why do you ask?”
Felix shrugged before tilting his head. “Is that your brother-in-law?”
You turned your head, then raised a hand in the air so that Andrew could see you, a smile lighting up his face immediately.
“This is a lovely surprise,” he said as he threw himself next to you. “Clover. Felix.”
“Andrew,” Felix said with a smile and you held back a grin upon hearing the first name basis.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and he motioned at the entrance of the park.
“Oh I had this business with an incredibly boring lord about—it doesn’t matter,” he said. “How about you? Is Jo around as well?”
“Mm hm, she and Bess decided to take a walk around the park,” you said and he grinned.
“They do love their walks.”
You shot him a mischievous glance and he looked inside the picnic basket.
“No cookies this time?”
“My reaction exactly,” Felix said and Andrew tut-tutted.
“You play with our feelings, Y/N.”
“I’m just sitting here doing nothing,” you deadpanned, turning your gaze to Benedict at the moment he stole a glance at you, and you both looked elsewhere at the same time. Felix raised his brows and Andrew looked between you.
“Oh something happened.”
“That’s what I said!”
“Nothing happened, you both are being nonsense—” you started but got distracted the moment your looked at Benedict again who was just approached by Lady Margery. That bitter taste climbed up your throat as you gritted your teeth, but then forced yourself to turn back to your book.
“Oh it’s a jealousy issue,” Andrew pointed out and turned to Felix while your eyes widened. “That settles it.”
“It’s not a jealousy issue!”
“Of Lady Margery?” Felix asked Andrew who nodded solemnly.
“Seems like it, is that her name?”
“I’m sitting right here,” you grumbled, turning to glare at Andrew who rolled his eyes at you.
“You were a scrawny little thing when I first met you, that glare doesn’t work on me.”
“You might be the only person in the ton who doesn’t get intimidated by her.” Felix pointed out and Andrew chuckled.
“I built up an immunity.”
“Great, I’m still waiting for that day.”
“Oh you need to put in years before that happens.”
You shook your head slightly and kept your gaze on the book.
“Who is Lady Margery?” Andrew asked Felix who took a deep breath.
“She’s a very wealthy widow,” he said. “A lover of arts and the last I heard, she likes Benedict’s works.”
“Where did she see his works?” You couldn’t help but ask and Felix shrugged.
“At a party, I’m told,” he said. “Either that or Henry showed her.”
“Benedict is in love with you though, don’t feel threatened.”
“I do not feel threatened by her,” you deadpanned, still trying to ignore that burning in your throat. “A lot of people admire Benedict’s works.”
“Not all of them look like that though,” Andrew mused and you narrowed your eyes at him. “Not as pretty as you, obviously!”
You huffed out and closed your book as soon as you caught the sight of Josie and Bess. “I’ll get some fresh air.”
“We’re sitting outside, Y/N.”
“Fine, then I’ll go and join Bess and Josie,” you said. “They’re over there.”
“I’m fine,” you said as you stood up, painfully aware of Benedict’s gaze immediately turning to you. “Really. I just need to stretch my legs, I’ve been sitting here for way too long.”
You walked away from them, ignoring the way Benedict’s eyes were following you as you passed through the garden to make your way to Bess and Josie.
The dinner was quiet at first and you weren’t particularly hungry, so you kept playing with the food on your plate, pushing at it with your fork, trying your hardest not to look at Benedict even if you could feel him stealing looks at you.
He took a deep breath when you pushed at your plate, ready to retrieve to your bedroom but before you could stand up, he cleared his throat.
You looked up at him. “Hm?”
“I was going to tell you,” he said. “My mother invited us for dinner this weekend.”
“Oh?” you said. “Sure. What brought that on?”
He grimaced, making you bite back a smile.
“She wants the family to have dinner with Charlie’s family,” he muttered. “Which would have been fine if it were for any reason other than…you know.”
“Lottie and Anthony courting?”
He let out a noise of discontent and nodded his head. “That.”
“Will you be alright?” you asked. “During that dinner?”
He thought for a moment.
“…Uh huh.”
You raised your brows. “Very convincing.”
“It’s just—” he motioned with his hand. “Charlie and him?”
“It’s been almost a week since they started courting each other, how are you still so shocked about this?”
“Neither of them told me.”
“I wonder how that feels,” you pointed out and he scrunched up his nose, making you bite down on your lip.
“Walked right into that one.”
“Kind of like walking into a duel,” you mused and he nodded.
“Mm hm, kind of like that,” he said and his head shot up. “Which reminds me, I have something for you.”
You pulled your brows together in confusion.
“What?” you asked as he got up from his chair to come closer to you, then pulled the chair near you to sit down. He reached into the inner pocket of his waistcoat, then pulled out a tiny bag to put it on the table, making your frown deeper.  
“What is this?”
“It’s a gift,” he said, crossing his arms over the table so that you would see he wouldn’t pull the gift out of your reach. “Along with my heartfelt apologies and promise to not keep things from you.”
You stole a look at him, then slowly reached out to take the small bag. You untied it and turned it over, then blinked a couple of times when you saw the tiny seeds falling into your palm.
“Geranium seeds,” Benedict said. “I figured maybe you’d want to plant them.”
Your eyes found his, your heart skipping a beat.
“And I’ve been told geraniums represent foolishness,” he added with a small grin. “Considering my actions of late…”
A small giggle escaped from your lips and you ran your fingertip over the seeds.
“But I haven’t been gardening lately.”
“I know,” he said. “They can grow in a vase as well, did you know that?”
Your jaw dropped, a laughter climbing up your throat.
“Wow, really?”
“Mm hm,” he said, that proud smile playing on his lips before his gaze turned soft. “So until you want to put it in the garden, it can be in your room in a vase. If that’ll be more comfortable for you.”
He was giving you a way to garden and making sure you knew he couldn’t take it from you.
That familiar warmth spread through your chest as you put the seeds back into the small bag, and carefully tied it up before turning to look at him.
“Thank you,” you managed to say, “Really, Benedict. It means a lot.”
He shot you that lopsided grin and you held up your pinky.
He raised his brows, then hooked his pinky with yours.
“Truce,” he said, tugging at your finger with his before pulling his hand back. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Who told you where to get geranium seeds?”
“Lady Margery,” he said, making you raise your brows but he looked nearly oblivious to your reaction. “You two have a lot in common, she likes flowers as well. She was telling me about it today—she also has a garden, apparently. Invited us for dinner whenever we’re available.”
“Did she now?” you asked, trying to ignore that bitterness in your throat. “Interesting.”
“You would get along well with her I think.”
“I doubt that,” you murmured and he tilted his head.
“Just a feeling,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders, and cleared your throat. “Speaking of gardens, I think I want to take a walk in ours and get some fresh air before bed.”
“Oh,” he said. “Alright. Do you—?”
You shook your head and pushed your chair back to stand up. “No worries. I’ll just walk around, that’s all. It’ll help me sleep better.”
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll see you later then?”
“Mm hm, enjoy your meal!” you said and walked out of the dining room, still holding the small bag tight in your hand, a smile curling your lips once again.
The interesting thing about your nightmares was that they had changed quite a bit after you had found out that Benedict had gone on a duel. Contrary to before, now your night terrors were about his death, getting shot in the duel, bleeding out in that field—
A gasp got caught in your throat as your eyes snapped open into the dark room, and you blinked a couple of times before wiping up the cold sweat off your forehead, realizing just how freezing the room was. Contrary to the pleasant weather from earlier, the warmth was replaced by the cold as soon as the night fell, and not only you had told the maids they didn’t have to start a fire in the fireplace, you had also left the window open as you went to bed.
You pushed the covers off of you and got up from the bed, now realizing you had no idea where the matches were because you hadn’t had to do anything related to fireplace ever since you had moved into this house. The familiar ache in your wrist that came back whenever it was cold made you grimace and you closed the window, rubbing at your arms. You thought for a moment, then walked to the door to peek your head out, the faint light at the end of the hallway catching your attention immediately.
Benedict’s studio.
Well, that room had to be warm.
You lingered at your doorstep only for a moment before you left your room, then made your way down the hallway to reach the studio to find Benedict sketching by the fireplace. Your heart skipped a beat at how effortlessly handsome he looked, and you knocked on the doorframe, making his head shoot up.
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, come in,” he said, motioning at the other armchair across from the fireplace and you smiled at him, then sat down on the armchair.
“Nightmares again?”
You stole a look at him, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Just cold,” you said, holding out your wrist so that you could feel the warmth of the flames in the fireplace just so that the throbbing would ease a little. Benedict’s gaze fell on you as you turned your wrist, clenching and unclenching your hands. “What are you drawing?”
“Hm? Oh—” Benedict snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at the sketchbook before looking up at you. “Just some practice, that’s all.”
“Can I see it?”
He thought for a moment, then made a face. “You don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s you.”
You raised your brows, your stomach doing a happy flip.
“The sketch?”
He nodded his head and you arched a brow.
“I don’t want to see it or you don’t want me to want to see it?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m not sure it’s good.”
“Can I be the judge of that?”
“Will you spare my feelings?”
“Absolutely, because I walk around sparing people’s feelings,” you retorted, holding out your hand. “Come on.”
He heaved a sigh, then handed you the sketchbook, making you giggle before you turned your gaze to the page.
The sketch was so beautiful that for a moment you couldn’t help but stare at it, your mouth slightly open. It was a sketch of you from today, when you were sitting under the tree with a book in your lap, surrounded by beautiful flowers-
When you thought he was busy with Lady Margery.
Benedict’s voice pulled you out of your daze; “It’s that terrible huh?”
You looked up at him in disbelief, then shook your head.
“I was thinking the opposite actually,” you managed to say, turning your glances to the page again. “It’s just…”
“Tell me,” he said when you fell quiet and you licked your lips, then shook your head again.
“You drew me prettier than I actually am,” you mumbled, still admiring the sketch in front of you but you saw him tilt his head out of the corner of your eye.
You shot him a small smile, then handed him the sketchbook back.
“It’s beautiful,” you said. “Too beautiful.”
Benedict let out a small chuckle, his gaze soft on you.
“Nothing I draw or paint comes close to how beautiful you are, you do realize that?” he asked, a fire spreading on your face. “That’s why I keep thinking it’s not good enough. It’s nowhere near a reflection, merely a shadow.”
It felt as if your heart was trying to escape from your ribcage with how fast it was beating and you felt a smile warm your face, then shot him a look.
“Well then I’m afraid I have no criticism for you,” you said, making him clutch at his chest.
“Oh no.”
“Mm hm,” you said. “Just what every artist hates. No criticism, only admiration.”
“You have no idea,” he played along and you giggled, holding your wrist closer to the fireplace again to feel the warmth on your skin, even in your bones. He watched you in silence for a couple of seconds, then took a deep breath.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not normally but cold makes it ache,” you said. “It should go away soon.”
“How did you break it?”
Your stomach did a painful flip and you bit inside your cheek, pursing your lips.
“That’s not important information,” you said, your voice completely flat and he paused for a moment, then nodded.
“Still don’t trust me huh?” he said with a small smile as you pulled your gaze off the fire to steal a look at him.
“It’s alright,” he said. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
A silence fell upon you both and you could feel the nervousness filling your system, but you managed to ignore it as you cleared your throat.
“It wasn’t…” you trailed off. “Peaceful. Back home, before my uncle took me in.”
He pulled his brows together in confusion as if he couldn’t understand how it was relevant and you turned your wrist again, still holding it to the fireplace.
“My parents were very different than yours, or my uncle and aunt,” the words left your lips very easily. “We could never tell when it was going to get bad because most of the time there wasn’t even an actual reason behind it, my father was always angry and my mother wasn’t any better than him, they just had different ways of discipline and punishment.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him pulling back but you didn’t turn to look at him, keeping your eyes on the fireplace.
“Josie got the worst of it, mostly,” you muttered. “She always got in the way to protect me no matter what and like I said, they had different ways, my mother would mostly just slap us or push us around, but my father…” You let out a bitter laugh. “My father was the type of person who would only stop beating the hell out of you when he decided it was enough, regardless of how much you cried—not that Josie ever really cried. I used to, but I learned to stop myself after a while.”
The memory hit you and you shook your head slightly, trying to focus.
“Anyway, there was this one time he got really mad at Josie and he was drunk, and in all that pushing and pulling this bottle got broken, and he had this…this idea to cut her hand with it so that she would ‘learn some respect’,” you quoted him, the words giving you goosebumps even now. “But my mother stopped him, saying it would ruin Josie’s chances to get married if he left any actual scars that her potential suitors could see, making her—what was the term?” you asked more to yourself and scoffed. “Damaged goods, she said.”
Benedict could only stare at you in silence.
“I was very young when it happened, so in my mind I figured that if I had an actual scar, then no one would want to marry me and no one could put me through what my father put my mother through,” you said. “But the problem was that I didn’t have any, so that night after everyone went to bed, I went to the kitchen to give myself one.”
The crackles of the wood in the fireplace echoed through the room, making you heave a sigh.
“I couldn’t really do it though, because it hurt way worse than I thought it would,” you added. “I stopped before I could push the knife deeper or drag it down, but my mother walked in the kitchen and saw me doing that.”
You could feel the tears burning your eyes and you blinked a couple of times to push them back.
“I begged her not to tell my father but of course she did, and father was absolutely furious,” you said. “He yelled at me, then shoved me headfirst into the wall and I hit my head very hard. And the thing about hitting your head is that you can’t really find your balance when it happens, so I tripped backwards and fell right on my wrist.”
For a second, the only thing you could hear was the burning wood and you shrugged your shoulders, then retrieved your hand and turned to look at him.
“That’s how I broke it.”
He looked nearly frozen, staring at you in complete silence as he blinked a couple of times like he was trying to wrap his mind around what you had told him. He gritted his teeth, that fire coming to life in his eyes and he opened his mouth but you stopped him before he could say anything.
“Don’t say you’re sorry,” you said, shaking your head. “I don’t need anyone to do that, I hate that nonsense. I’m fine, that’s not why I…”
You trailed off for a moment before you took a deep breath, your eyes locking in his.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust you Ben,” you rasped out, then offered him a small smile and got up from the chair. “That’s the moral of this story.”
“Good luck with your sketches,” you said, nodding at the notebook in his lap. “Being immortalized sounds rather lovely now to think of it. Keep drawing me prettier than I am, will you?”
With that, you walked out of the room, your heart still beating in your ears. 
Chapter 25
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dootdootwriting · 1 year
HIHIHI IDK IF URE STILL TAKIJG REQUEST BUT IF U ARE, ATUSHI,DAZAI AND RANPO MAKING READER CRY? (gender neutral or fem is great if that’s okayyy) TAKE CARE 😘💞💓 make sure ure eating drinking sleeping and all that jazz 🫶🫶
featuring: atsushi; dazai; ranpo (separately tw: mild descriptions of violence/injury in atsushi's part, crying, dazai typical suicide jokes/discussion of them in his part, "angel" as a pet name, swearing (from me) type: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort pronouns used: none (no use of "belladonna") (dazai flirts with another woman but god dammit that man is BISEXUAL. reader is gn) a/n: YIPPEEE THREE OF MY BEST BOYS!! and tysm im actually coming down with some kindof sickness my dad has covid so i hope its. not that LMAO but thank you <333 i'm going to bed after i write this!
under the cut for length <3 i may have gotten a LITTLE carried away with dazai DHAGHDG
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is it even possible for this dude to make you cry, genuinely? he's such a caring boyfriend that he second guesses just about everything he says in case it could somehow offend you
it's partially adorable and partially annoying
so, him hurting you is pretty much out of the question. so how the hell does this sweetheart end up making you cry??
by getting hurt
he gets beaten within an inch of his life in yet another accidental run-in with akutagawa, and you have to drag him out of that situation as fast as you can, carrying him all the way to the ada
kunikida opens the door, notices your tear-stained face first and then atsushi's limp body flung over your shoulder, and calls for yosano immediately. she arrives in under three seconds, scooping him up and rushing him to her infirmary.
and now, all you can do is wait
hours after the incident, after yosano informs everyone that he'll most likely pull through, you try to get some work done. but with your boyfriend having just nearly been killed, it's pretty much impossible.
ranpo is so worried about how distressed you look that he offers you a pocky stick. you accept it and eat it, but it doesn't taste like anything.
your thanks is half-hearted.
you're sitting there in front of your google doc, eyes tired and red from sobbing earlier. there are three words written on what's supposed to be an incident report. kunikida sighs, pats you on the back, and takes your laptop away from you, telling you he'll take care of it.
that's when yosano gently re-enters the main room, calling you over
atsushi is sitting upright in bed, eyes misty. as soon as he sees you, he tries to sit up even more. yosano snaps at him.
the thing you want to do more than anything is jump into his arms and cry into his chest, but you don't want to risk hurting him even more. so, instead, you opt to gently sit on the edge of his bed and wrap your arms around him.
both of you start crying again, and atsushi promises he'll be more careful next time.
oh good lord . what did he do this time
jokingly flirting with yet another woman and asking if she'll do a double suicide with him again? yeah, that'll do it.
as always, his newest mark turns him down, skittering away as quickly as possible. you don't blame her.
"how come you keep asking people to commit suicide with you?"
"hm?" he doesn't seem to understand, flashing you that head-empty smile. he's completely enamored with you, you can tell, but then... why is he still up to his stupid habits?
"i mean, you're with me now. are you still really looking for someone to die with you?"
"well, you keep saying no, so what am i supposed to do~?"
it's a joke, you can tell. it's always a joke, except when it isn't, and with dazai, really, who can tell?
you don't want him to run off and end his life with some lady he met fifteen minutes ago. and they all reject him anyway, but what if, one day, one of them doesn't? would he be caught off guard and admit he was teasing? or would he not even miss a beat and actually go through with it?
the thought of him just leaving you without warning is so distressing, your eyes start to tear up. you thought you were done with this.
immediately, dazai notices. his eyebrows furrow and his expression immediately sobers.
"hey, angel, what's wrong?"
through tears, you have to explain everything to him. how much he means to you, and how little you feel that it seems that he could throw you and the rest of his life away at the drop of a hat. how you can never tell if he's joking, if he means it, if he's teasing. how much you just want him to stay with you and never leave.
he's taken aback. for a fraction of a second, dazai's eyes widen and he's left at a complete loss for words.
of course, as always, he regains his composure almost immediately, pulling you in as close as he can to his chest and rubbing circles into your back.
"i thought you knew you meant too much to me for me to do that," he murmurs, his voice as low and soothing as he can muster. "i'm so sorry, i didn't realize how much this was bothering you. i won't do it anymore, i promise. and you never have to worry about me leaving you like that. i can't just throw all this away! you're everything."
and he holds you like that for as long as you need before taking you back home.
this man and his fucking candy i swear to god
it's always a bargain with him. you want a kiss? okay, but you owe him a lollipop. hugs? while he's working? you'd better have a cookie ready.
honestly, it's almost as if he's doing it just for you. like he doesn't love the affection just as much as you do, if not even more
ranpo enters every request of him with the mindset of it being a trade. instead of both of you receiving a kiss, it's your request, so he deserves something in return.
it's stupid is what it is (in a complete contrast to ranpo himself)
"i'm not giving you a lollipop, ranpo. you either get a hug, or you don't."
"fine, i guess i don't then. suit yourself." he spins his chair back around and gets back to typing, making a point of only using his index fingers to go as slowly as possible
"this is stupid, ranpo."
he swivels back around, his eyes open and giving you one of the most piercing expressions you've seen from him thus far.
"stupid? it's not stupid, it's just the way i do things. if you want a hug so bad, go to kunikida for all i care. besides, you should know better. if my own way sounds stupid to you, that means you're the dumb one. i'm just taking advantage of an opportunity; nobody said you had to get all fussy about it. just get back to work and leave me alone."
it stings! i mean, this is your boyfriend, who, despite being selfish at times, is usually one of the sweetest and most caring people you've met. just because of a lollipop? and you're the stupid one?
you feel like crying.
oh. you are crying?
you hadn't even noticed, and you weren't even sure why - this type of thing was usually something you should be able to suck up and give ranpo the silent treatment about.
but you're crying?
ranpo notices from the corner of his eye, and immediately feels insanely guilty
so of course he makes a show out of it.
"wait! there's something wrong! something doesn't add up!"
he stands up on his chair, procuring his glasses from his pocket and flashily but delicately placing them on his face.
"my lovely partner is crying! which can only mean one thing. it seems... in this singular, incredibly improbable situation... i, the world's greatest detective.... am wrong!"
he drops back down to sit cross legged on his chair again, puting his glasses back into his pocket.
"i'm really sorry, i didn't think this would upset you so much. i'll give you as many hugs as you want from now on."
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captain039 · 10 months
Part 5 Lord and lady
Vampire lord Astarion x spawn!reader
Warnings: possessiveness, jealousy, gore, vampire things, eventual smut, swearing, hurt comfort
Previous part <-
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“I can’t wait to taste you” he whispered and your whole body went hot. He licked his lips eyes in that daze before someone cleared their throat. You quickly pushed off him, hands hands leaving you and his daze leaving him.
“My lord I have important news” The vampire said and Astarion frowned.
“Well?” He asked.
“We may have found him” he simply said and you frowned, found who?
“I’m afraid he’s been turning more and leaving them unsired” the vampire explained and it clicked, he was looking for your master.
“Bastard” Astarion hissed.
“Find and capture him now” Astarion ordered and the vampire left with a curt nod.
“You’re trying to find my master?” You asked.
“If I do I can ascend you” he said eyes shining.
“Ascend me?” You asked confused.
“As I did” he added.
“Ascend me how?” You pressed.
“A ritual, you’ll be stronger, you can rule by my side” he breathed out and you faltered. Rule at his side? Rule what? This court? The world?
“I don’t want to rule, I’m no leader” you said and he frowned.
“You are mine, you were made for me, made to be by my side and rule” he said sharply and you flinched slightly. Maybe it was his blood in your veins, maybe it was selfish thinking, but your body thrummed at the thought of being by his side as a queen almost.
“I see you want it” he whispered coming closer again and twirling your hair around his finger.
“You enjoy the power” he added eyes dark. You nodded hesitantly and he smirked with satisfaction.
Astarions spawns made quick work of finding whoever did this to you, and the ones he turned. They were brought in and tended too. You hadn’t seen him yet, you waited in the court standing by the throne, Astarion seated in it. Finally they brought him out and you frowned not recognising him or his smell.
“My lord” the vampire who dragged the unknown vampire nodded.
“Darling?” Astarion said and you glanced to him.
“It’s not him” you said and the lords jaw clenched.
“Kill him anyway” Astarion waved off, you tensed briefly before you glanced to the hall sensing someone there. A little girl peered out from behind it and your heart shattered. Red eyes staring fearfully as the vampires dragged the man off. You saw Molly usher her back down the hall and a new hatred spread in your chest.
After a few weeks, no one you caught matched your master, either he was dead or in serious hiding. Astarion had indulged your every need, sometimes at night you’d go to him begging for another taste. He’d smirk and simply lay back baring his neck or offering his wrist. You’d climb atop him and bite down, feel the power flooding your being and greedily taking more. You could always feel how riled up he’d get, the hand gripping your hip, nails piercing your skin, his cock aching under you. You’d never indulge ion him though, you’d simply leave and feel his frustration. He hasn’t fed on you yet though, you could feel his strength weakening and you realised how selfish you’d truly been.
It was night again and you tossed in your bed, gods you felt like a different person, you were a caring child at home, you helped cook, tend to the garden with your father, read with your mother on cold nights by the fire, you were kind, not this monster you’d become. You had tears down your face as you went to Molly’s room, hesitantly knocking, the door opened by itself and you saw Molly by her desk reading over a book.
“What are you doing up so late?” She chuckled as she turned before her smile fell.
“Oh dear” she said as she ushered you over and sat you down on her bed.
“What happened?” She asked arm around your shoulder as you cried.
“Did Astarion do something?” She whispered and you shook your head.
“Me” you cried and you frowned.
“You what?” She pressed worry in her voice.
“I’m a monster! I’m a selfish monster!” You said loudly and she hushed you cradling your head.
“Oh gorgeous what’s happening? What brought this on?” She hushed.
“I’ve been feeding off him, not thinking about him, ignoring his needs, his frustration, focusing on the feeling of power I get everytime, watching those he brings in get killed feeling hatred for them, I don’t even know them!” You sobbed as she gently rocked you.
“Oh sweety” she whispered kissing your head.
“I’m more of a monster than I was before” you whispered.
“My life before I was turned, I was kind and compassionate! I was human!” You leant into her comfort feeling your world come crashing down.
“Let me see” she said and you thought back to then. You felt a hum in your mind as she entered and went through your happy memory’s.
“Who am I” you whispered as she left.
“That is for you to decide” she said softly.
You stayed with her for the night, she let you sleep on her bed while she continued with her reading, she gave you pleasant dreams and a restful sleep before you awoke. You were exhausted still, she offered her blood again and you took it. It felt strange no flooding power, just the feel of magic and warmth. You drank little thanking her as she smiled and healed her wound instantly.
“Come, I think some time outside will do you good, I won’t tell Astarion” she winked and you smiled.
You both left unnoticed, thanks to some magic and disguises. It’d been a while since you felt the warmth of the sun, you went to the markets in the village, you smelt the spices and fruits wishing you could enjoy their tastes. Molly brought some things for you, some clothes you liked and a few hair accessories along with a bracelet that reminded you of your father. It was leather with a little blue flower charm on it, he loved blue flowers, said they were so unique like you compared to the reds and pinks. As you wandered the markets you felt your body tense, every hair on your body stood up and you felt him, your master.
“He’s here” you whispered and Molly frowned looking to you.
“Who?” She asked.
“My master” you muttered seeing red eyes staring at you. Molly followed your gaze and before he could do anything she caught him in a magic trap. Everyone gasped and she quickly teleported him a magic glowing wave going over everyone as they continued their day like nothing happened.
“We must return” she said and you nodded rushing back to the castle with her. You headed to the court seeing your master struggling in the air bound by red runes. Astarion sat on the throne anger in his eyes as he saw you and Molly.
“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t suck you dry” he said voice deadly low.
“She’s done nothing wrong, you won’t harm her” you fought and he growled, but didn’t argue back.
“What is this?” He asked pointing to your master.
“My master” you whispered and Astarion stood wide eyed. You watched him circle him like prey while your master struggled.
“I don’t even know you!” Your master yelled as he was brought down onto his knees.
“Don’t even know me?” You whispered standing in front of him.
“You ruined my life!” You yelled anger boiling and magic humming around you.
“I slaughtered my parents, I drank them dry and then I lived like a crazed animal in the woods!” You punched him in the face hearing him groan was satisfaction.
“You left me to fend for myself! What was I? Some sick experiment to see if you could sire a spawn? Do you have more like me? Or do you have good spawns in your little court!” You snarled and beat him. You felt tears sting your eyes as your fists began to hurt, you gave one last cry as you snapped his neck, his head facing Astarion who was behind him. Your old master fell to the floor and you felt like a chain snap off your neck, you groaned collapsing to the cold floor on your knees. You cried softly looking at your bloodied fists your wounds healing, but his blood not leaving.
“Do you want to ascend?” Astarion asked and you shook your head, he was gone. That was all the satisfaction that you needed.
Next part ->
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zhxngii · 1 year
— Thoma BR | genshin
꒰ঌ notes ໒꒱:: hornee thoughts, enjoy. 18+ only please. ꒰ঌ contents ໒꒱:: nsfw. Housekeeper Thoma + afab reader. usage of "my lady". oral ; r-receiving, etc.
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Thoma as your housekeeper always does such a good job at what he does. As expected he was very knowledgeable in this area just as he said, even teaching you a thing or two when you happened to be around watching him while he works.
Thoma appears to be very.. obedient, following any and every little order you may give him without question. He's also quite respectful as well, always addressing you by the title "My lady" or "My lord", which ever you may prefer more. Thoma almost never uses your actual name.. unless he's given special permission to, and that happens to be during you two's intimate moments.
Thoma's happy to please you in any way, shape or form. He'll do anything in his power to make sure you feel good and well, and that's how he ends up between your legs during certain nights. He's there whenever you just want to feel something, whenever you happen to want to take your mind off something.
Thoma never judges you, he may appear a bit shocked or shy but he secretly wants this as well. He's oh so happy when he gets to lap up at your sobbing cunt, a light blush appearing on his face as he spreads you further apart. His tongue makes little patterns against your sensitive little bud making you shiver in response, nearly shutting your legs but his hands kept you in place.
He loves when you pull his face closer to your heat, the little tug on his hair only encourages him to do more. One thing for sure.. he's messy! He simply loves the taste of you, the feeling of you clenching on his fingers as he thrusts them inside you. He moans onto your cunt as he latches his lips around your nub, giving it yet another suck.
He'll honestly eat you out for as long as he pleases. Yes, you did ask for it but now he won't stop even with you closing your thighs around his head.
Thoma is also not as innocent as you might think, oh he definitely checks you out. No one but him only knows the amount of times he's thought about taking you in such places outside the bedroom. Though yes the bedroom is more comfortable, but he can't seem to stop his desire of wanting to do this.
Thoma's favorite places other than the bedroom are one; over the counter and two; the laundry room. The counters' pretty obvious, he loves to bend you over those or place you on top of them but.. Laundry room, why? Well it's simple.
It started with that day.. that day you were looking for something in there (let's not worry about what it was cause it aint important.). All that was on his mind at the moment was the way you looked in his shirt, which you happened to borrow after a wild night you two shared. He thought you looked cute, adorable even!
Who would've thought that cute little you would end up bent over with your hands placed firmly on the dryer? Thoma for one, wasn't so gently as he was before, something about you in his shirt just flipped a switch in him.
His hands were on your hips, nails digging into your skin and he pounds into faster and harder by the second. He enjoys just how loud you are right now, the way you cried out his name and praised him for making you feel so good was just music to his ears.
Thoma isn't quiet in the slightest (argue with a wall), he's so whiny, just so so damn whiny when he feels you tighten around him. Your voice and your cunt both making his mind go haywire, it's almost as if he just can't get enough.
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itskindofidontknow · 10 months
What dreams know about love?
Dream of The Endless/Morpheus x Love!OFC
Summary: The Queen of Love has grown used to the absence of her husband, the Dream King. After banning her from the Dreaming, they only saw each other when Morpheus summoned her for social or marital duties. He would go decades without calling for her, enamorated by a variety of mistresses. It broke Love's heart. Not that her husband cared. However, after being imprisioned for a century, The Dream King wants to regain his Queen's love. She doesn't believe him, not after centuries of neglect. The question is: Can dreams repair a broken heart?
Tag: Established relationship, arranged marriage, regency romance, eventual happy ending, angst, morpheus is a dick prepare to hate, love is eoster from west germanic mythology, typos are to be expected
A/N: First time bringing my work here. I posted this on my A03 it has multiple chapters, that I'll probably post it here, if you guys like. I am heavily inspired in Pride and Prejudice, Bridgertons, Marriage Story, Scenes from a Marriage, and every primetime drama of rich white people that has a stepford smiler broken bird with an impecable taste in clothes. Comments, questions are all welcome!
"He is back" A shiver runs through the silk-like skin of the Queen of Love, as her ladies and lords in waiting stare at her. It's been years since her lord husband summoned her. But she could never forget his calling.
The sacred vow they shared make it impossible to ignore or forget. A mortal silence takes over the music room where a few seconds ago, you could hear young maidens from all the different realms , daughters from different gods, suns and stars in flower crowns laughing, while dancing to the elegant harp concerto, young lords trying to find words to finish sonnets, the older ones sitting in comfortable chairs around their Queen, keeping pleasant and polite conversations or moving lazily their handfans, more from habit than from heat. Since the climate is always perfect adequate at the Garden of Lovers. The light atmosphere changed the minute Lady Love mentioned her husband. The whole court felt the cold wind whoosing through the white curtains and the sudden change of the pink and orange skies to a blue grayish color. They knew it would rain later.
As it did, since their Queen got married to before the king of dreams vanished.
"I must make haste. Alone." She announces while her maidens got up. They exchange worried looks hesitating before bowing and staying still. She knows her husband well enough to know he is not going to be in his best mood. And her maidens do not deserve to deal with him. He never was in the best mood with Love. 'Oh no, only his lovers get to see that' The Queen bitterly thought exiting the music room, almost running through the salmon marble floors that decorate the whole palace.
"My Lady". She heard Elijah running to reach her. Elijah was her most trustworthy cupid, her husband once called him ‘The Queen's Lucienne’ "My Lady Eostre, if I may speak freely, you don't have to…" She raises a hand, stopping him before he could finish and most likely commit treason. Love knew exactly what he was going to say. How she had grounds to ignore his calling, to never come to his aid ever again. After the abuse and disrespect of over a milennium. She knew it. She thought of it for years. But no matter what she thought, they were still husband and wife, king and queen, and although marriage may not be of any importance to her husband, to Love it was the most sacred institution
" Yes, I have. I must. He is still my lord husband as I am his lady wife, we made a sacred vow" The Queen looked sternly to her cupid, warning him " My good cupid, be careful, Dream is still your king, and one could take your words for treason" It was well-known that it is not wise to commit treason against an Endless, and to even suggest that a Endless' wife shouldn't come to his request was a dangerous territory. He lowered his head in respect "Apologies my Queen. It is a joyful occasion if our King is back." A mechanic polite answer. She nods in agreement, even if his face was heavy with worry for Eostre and not at all showing any joy in Morpheus return.
The lovefolk was not fond of the Dream King. They saw how their Queen's spirit got crushed with a loveless marriage over the centuries. How careless, and neglectful her husband was. Everytime Love would come back from the Dreaming, the entire Garden flooded with rain, mirroring the Queen 's tears, as she would lock herself in the bedroom and cry for days. She could never tell which was worse: Her husband ignoring her, without even a single kind word or a glance or when he impatiently acknowledged her, treating her as she was a burden to bear, a constant annoyance he needed to deal with.
The Queen of Love, however, believed in love, she believed that if she just tried hard enough, Morpheus would see her devotion, and they could actually have a happy fulfilling marriage. Love, better than anyone else, knew that most arranged marriages were a disaster. However as anthropomorphic manifestations of love and dreams, they weren't so different.
Mortals either dreamed of love or loved to dream for as long as they were created. Their marriage made sense. They even inspired the same mortal in two different occasions. He inspired a play called Midsummer Night's Dream, and she inspired Romeo and Juliet. They could be happy. She strongly believed in it.
How naive she was.
Dream didn't agree with their union from the beginning. A trick from his dear sibling, Desire, that became a political marriage. When Dream realize his sibling’s trap, it was already too late. Lady Love was infatuated by the love letters she received from her fiance (who, she later discovered, never wrote her any letter. Desire did. Misleading Love to elope). A few mischievous squemes made their union impossible not to happen.
As a Queen, Eoster tried for years everything a good monarch could: She tried to learn everything about the Dreaming, followed Lucienne around, asking for help to understand the dreamfolk, the laws of the Dreaming. Everything in her power to best fulfill her duties and help her husband with the burdens of a realm. She learnt how to love the dreamfolk, to care for them, to even bring peace of mind to distressed nightmares, to explain and defend her husband's harsh ways, to ease heavy hearts. It was easy for the dreamfolk to adore and become devoted to The Queen of Love.
As a wife, Love was by Morpheus' side at every official event and Endless reunion. She wanted to be more than just a lady wife, she wanted to be his partner. So eager to be a part of his life, although he didn't seem interested to be a part of hers.
Never even bothering to visit the Garden of Lovers, his wife's realm. Even with the king neglect and coldness, the Queen kept loyal and faithful. Dream could scan her sleep and never find any sinnful thought about a secret lover. She never wished for anyone besides him. Even with plenty of opportunities and suitors, her doves bringing letters of poems and sonnets from devoted mortals to sun-gods, praising her beauty, eager for her kisses, suffering from her loyalty, even then, Love never took a lover or indulged in immoral activities.
Eoster was ever obedient and submissive. An Endless outranked her, so due to her status. and to tradition, she never spoke out of turn or raised her voice. She always abide by his commands and attended to his every need. Even in private, she was dutiful. Never denying her husband, opening her legs to welcome him, whenever and wherever he saw fit. She would let him rip off beautiful long nightgowns, designed especially for nuptials, gladly taking him for as long as he wanted. Most times, she didn't take great pleasure in it. and Morpheus always seemed to be performing a duty. He didn't whisper sweet nothings, was gentle or cared for her after.
That was the first piece of her heart to be broken by her husband. To realize she was nothing but a quick-release for him. Only useful to scratch an itch he happened to have. As a goddess of love, purity, marriage and fertility, she knew how intimacy between lovers could be of burning passion, beautiful, caring, a true lovers' dance. How cruel her husband was to deny her, of all entities, even this pleasure. But he did. And the worst part was that Love knew he didn't even know he was causing pain, he just didn't care enough.
Another thing she didn't expect was that they almost never shared his bed for the night. Most of the times, after fulfilling the Dream King's needs in bed. She would be dismissed to her private chambers. ‘Like a common whore’ she often thought. If Morpheus ever thought of her, embarrassed, half-naked, wrapped in sheets, tip toeing crossing the corridor to her room, he never said anything. Love would especially be ashamed when bumping into Lucienne. The librarian always offered a respectful bow, looking over her glasses. Professionalism wouldn't let her say a thing, but the Queen could see the pity in the librarian's eyes, as Lucienne could see the Queen’s cheeks wet of tears.
As she savoryly remembers the nights of being used and discarded, she squeezes Elijah hand in reassurance "My sweet love child, worry not. I'll be back before you know it".
And just like that, the Queen of Love returned to her husband.
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blueshistorysims · 3 months
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June 1923, London, England
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It seemed as if Wilhelmina and Jack’s party had awoken some sort of hedonist spirit within him. Any previous attempts he’d tried to make with his duties as a peer were forgotten—not that it mattered anyway, most people in the House of Lords disliked him regardless. The Ritz became his home base, splitting his time between the hotel and the house of various friends, both old and new. 
Within three months, he was sure that he’d nearly tripled the number of people he’d had sex with, which Giselle and Francesca had mercilessly teased him about, but it had many advantages, and it seemed like with every new person he shared a bed, he received two invitations to social events, whether it be parties, dinners, soirees, etc. Being around people with similar tastes and interests also allowed him to find suggestions and people read the work he’d done in person, not just via letters, and by the middle of June, he felt that his translation and commentary of The Epic of Gilgamesh was good enough to be sent to the publishers and editors.
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Giselle, on the other hand, after months of slaving day and night in her sewing room as Francesca handled sales and customers, it seemed that their little boutique was taking off, and most women living in Central London were seen wearing some of her designs. 
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Shortly after opening one morning, a woman dressed finely walked into the shop, inquiring for a party dress. Francesca, who still setting up their latest model, looked surprised. No one came this early in the morning.
“Good morning, ma’am, how can I help you?”
“Um, is Miss Walsh in?”
“Oh, yes, she’ll be down in a moment or so.” She chuckled. “She likes to sleep in.”
The other woman smirked as she looked around. “A friend of a friend recommended this place, and I can see why now. These are lovely.”
Francesca beamed with pride. 
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Giselle stepped out from her sewing studio, looking surprised that they already a had customer. “Oh, good morning, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“No, of course not. Miss Walsh?”
“That would be me.”
She sighed in relief. “Oh, thank you. I’m attending a party, and I was hoping to get a dress. I was told you do custom designs for customers.”
“Yes, um we can head back for measurements now if you wish, Ms…”
“Lady Lyton.”
Francesca’s eyes widened. The Countess of Lyton was their dress shop! Giselle looked less impressed, only giving Francesca a side glance. “Oh, I’m sorry, your ladyship, I wasn’t aware.” She turned to her partner. “There’s a countess in our dress shop.”
“We’ve had a duke.”
“Your brother doesn’t count.”
The Countess raised a brow. “Walsh… Your brother is the Duke of Feldsbury?”
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“Yes. Have you met him?”
“I first met him at a party two months ago—we are mutual friends with Mrs. Jack Porter. He’s a bit of a Casanova, but he's handsome, very intelligent, and makes delightful conversation.” She smirked. “My husband, on the other hand, finds him impertinent.” 
Francesca snickered. 
“That sounds like my brother. …He was forced to accept the title and its responsibilities when not even being aware of it until after the war, so he cares very little of what society thinks of him and will likely do everything in his power to dredge the name of the late duke.”
The Countess nodded. “Well, I never liked the late duke.”
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“Well, back to your request, your ladyship. When is the party?” Giselle asked, grabbing her notepad and pencil.
“Four days from now.”
Giselle frowned. “And you want a custom dress?”
“I’m sorry, but a custom design and pattern would at least take me two weeks, my lady.”
Lady Lyton sighed. “Oh. I see.”
“Well,” Francesca interrupted, gesturing to the dress she’d just set up, “I saw you admiring this, and Miss Walsh only finished it yesterday. There is no other dress like it, and tailoring at most only takes a few days if we do measurements now.”
Giselle nodded eagerly. “Yes, and if you wish, I could add some extra embellishments if desired, and it could be ready to be picked up the morning of your party.”
The Countess looked impressed. “You ladies know how to work a deal.” She glanced at the dress. “I will be telling everyone I know about the Duke of Feldbury’s sister and her delightfully modern dress shop.”
Giselle and Francesca couldn’t help but beam. 
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 11 months
She yearned for validation, a status to live by. Status was something she desired, and status was something he felt undesired for. Yet in the game of society status, two players are bounded to love, not by fate but by their status and their soul.
Duke Dazai x F! Reader
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↫𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃| 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁-𝟮 |𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁↬
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It’s been 6 months.
6 months since you joined the House of Dazai, one of the topmost Dukedom in the kingdom. It was a tiring job at least. When you applied for the position as the head-manager, you expected it took the skills of household chores, and managing the maids that seemed to be not very fond of you since the day you arrived.
You couldn’t blame them, after all who knew being the head-manager just meant to be an assistant to the duke himself and if you are hanging-out with one of the most handsome men, you are bound to get haters.
“I think that’s the work done for today,” Dazai says, as he relaxes himself on the wooden chair he had personality asked to be made, seeing that his old one broke during an assassination fight. (It was merely him throwing his own chair at the assassin).
“But Lord Dazai, we still have to look over the Merchant issues that have risen on your Port” You said, as you rose from your seat to hand him over the letters and documents he needed to sign.
“Oh that, leave it to Sir Kunikida, he would resolve the issue in no time,” Dazai said, his hands making a motion of ‘give it to him’ gesture before he rises from his chair walking towards the door.
“Huh!?”  Sir Kunikida said, “Shouldn’t Lady Y/N be taking care of this issue?”
“Are you defying my orders sir Kunikida?” Dazai said smirking, his figure leaning against the frame of the door. “No of course not but since I was already overlooking on the issue of Azu-”
Kunikida stops himself as Dazai gives a cold stare at him, indicating Kunikida to shut up. He shouldn’t be overburdened with work, but seeing Dazai giving a cold stare only made you realize to shut up, as you went towards Kunikida, sending an apologizing look before you went back to your own little table that resisted in the office room.
“Lady Y/N, I would like some assistance please follow me” Dazai says before exiting the room.
Whispering a little sorry to Sir Kunikida, you follow the duke to the place you assumed as one of the gardens the Mansion before halting behind the duke, waiting for his one of the many commands or so he calls them.
In these 6 months, you realized that Dazai, despite of his status outside the household as the Duke was never really treated as a Duke within his own household staff.
From his personal advisors to his acquaintances, not once did you hear them referring him as ‘Lord Dazai’. Maybe except Sir Kunikida, who was the financial Advisor and in charge appointed by the royalty itself.
“Say Y/n,” Dazai spoke breaking your train of thoughts “Do you think the Maiden I have eyes on will love these?” while he handed you a rose he plucked from the garden.
There it was again. The Maiden. You personally didn’t know who she was, nor Dazai seemed to tell you a lot about her but from his expressions, you were pretty sure he made the whole story up just to annoy you.
“And what kind of lover are you Dazai?” you spoke, taking the rose from him, “You don’t even know what her lady likes!”
“That’s true,” Dazai says as he sits down on the bench that was placed at the center of the garden, the purpose of it yet to be understood by you.
‘Is this how all noblemen-women act?’ You thought as stood near him observing his very face that women die for.
 “These flowers taste delicious” Dazai suddenly commented, as you sweat drop to see him eating of the petals of roses he had plucked earlier.
“You don’t eat them Dazai” You commented, as you took the bunch of petals from his hands before lightly hitting him on his head.
“Did you forget I am the Duke?”
Smirking, you responded, “No my lord, I am just a mere servant at your residence, I only ought to think the best for you.”
Oh how fun it is to know people of such status.
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A/n: No proofreading so eh. Hru ppl?
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mi-rae07 · 2 months
Park Seonghwa : His Sunshine (Part 2/?)
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Lee Byeol)
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The storm did not affect seonghwa's work, as he worked in the ministry of magic. Even in the storms there were battles to be fought against demons, and seonghwa still had duties as the head of defense. It had been a long day at work when seonghwa returned back to his manor two days after byeol had started living as guest there. The workers around bowed as seonghwa walked past them, deciding to skip dinner as he was too tired already.
Seonghwa paused on his tracks as he noticed a spot of color standing amongst the pale greens of his in-house courtyard garden, his eyes squinting. Roses, orchids, daisies, tulips, sunflowers, there were a row of each flowers decorated beautifully in the garden. This couldn't be his mother, there was only one person here who could have such exquisite taste even in flowers. The rows where exact, each flower perfectly distant from the other.
Seonghwa turned towards a worker that was standing a few feet away from him before asking
Seonghwa : who did this?
??? : the lady asked us to buy them specifically and planted them herself in the afternoon, my lord.
Seonghwa let out a breath as he walked towards byeol's room opposite his, knocking on it hard as byeol opened the door after a few seconds.
Byeol : come to wish the lady goodnight now, have you?
Seonghwa glared at her as he asked
Seonghwa : who gave you the permission to plant flowers in my garden?
Byeol : oh, so it's about that. You're welcome-
Seonghwa : did you think I came here at this time of the night to thank you, miss lee?
Byeol frowned as seonghwa said
Seonghwa : you are only a guest here, you hear me? So stop acting like the lady of this manor, as if you have the right to be planting flowers, touching me, pretending as if you own this house-
Byeol : planting some nice flowers doesn't necessarily mean I own this house, mr park.
Seonghwa : WELL STOP DOING IT! I do not require your services so stop, god damn it!
Byeol : mr park-
Seonghwa : your charms do not work on me, miss lee, I do not find any of your acts amusing so do not expect me to play along to your needs like some sort of a dog. I have no need to please you as I do not require anything from you like other men do. Your money, your properties, or your body, none of them are appealing to me. So don't expect me to thank you for doing things that I've asked you not to.
Byeol : you never asked me not to plant some flowers-
Seonghwa : I asked you to stop meddling in my business! And yet you still keep doing it like it’s some favour to me, to make me feel less lonely. But I’m not you.
Byeol stared at seonghwa as he leaned closer to her before saying
Seonghwa : I know what you are, a lonely, desperate orphan who would do anything to gain people's attention, and their affection because you never received that from your own parents. You would do anything to remain in the spotlight, and that's disgusting.
Byeol : what?
Seonghwa : you are only here until the storm ends, miss lee, after that you and I will have no connection. So stop planting flowers or doing whatever it is that you want to do while being here. I do not need to feel your presence around here, it is absolutely aggravating.
Seonghwa turned and walked into his room before banging the door shut behind him, leaving a confused byeol behind.
He was sweating when it was already so cold, his breaths were hot too. Was he running a fever?
Byeol had sat in her bed for an hour straight, contemplating on whether or not she should go and check up on seonghwa. She had expected this anger from seonghwa when she had planted those flowers itself, seri had told her. But she still did it anyway, she felt seonghwa needed some color and warmth in his life.
Sure, she would have to suffer his wrath right now but in the future some day he would look at it and feel some sort of a comfort. And that, byeol figured, would be worth his anger to her right now.
Byeol let out a sigh as she finally got up from her bed, walking towards seonghwa's room door as she knocked on it. Twice, and there was no response. Byeol finally twisted the handle half expecting it to not open but was taken by surprise when it did. Byeol frowned as she stepped inside, her eyes running along the huge, grand room that was draped in dark red, black and golden. Very different from what she liked, her room was in the colors white, light green and crème pink.
Her eyes finally landed on seonghwa who was lying on the bed, his shirt thrown away somewhere and the sweat glistening against his chest. His breathing looked labored and he was mumbling something under his breath.
Byeol was right, he was having a fever.
She walked towards seonghwa as she sat against the edge of the bed, asking in a low voice in order to not scare him
Byeol : mr park, can you hear me?
Seonghwa did not seem surprised, had he sensed her when she came in?
Seonghwa : why are you here?
Seonghwa's voice was weak, shaky and almost inaudible. He really was sick.
Seonghwa : I said those…those words to you to shut you off. So you don’t come in here and now…now you’ve done exactly that. Why-
Byeol : you exhausted all your energy shouting at me an hour ago. If you'd saved that up instead you could've at least gone and taken the medicine by yourself. Now I have to do it, very inconvenient.
Seonghwa let out a groan as byeol rummaged through his drawers to find a medicine for fever, finding it after some time as she uncapped it and slipped two tablets into her hand. She poured water magically into the glass before saying
Byeol : I'm not doing this because I think I'm the lady of this house, trust me. I just don't want you dying because, that again, would be inconvenient.
Seonghwa let out a hum as byeol held him up by his shoulder, making him sit up slightly as she slipped the tablets into his mouth and brought the glass of water towards his lips. Seonghwa slowly drank it as byeol turned slightly to put the glass back. She paused as she suddenly felt seonghwa's head fall against her shoulder, his hot breaths fanning her shoulder as he whispered
Seonghwa : no one…no one has ever done that.
Byeol turned to look at seonghwa, his eyes now closed as he whispered against her shoulder
Seonghwa : the flowers are beautiful, they're too beautiful for someone like me.
Byeol : mhmm, and is that why you never planted flowers here?
Seonghwa : no that…that was because no one was there to do it for me, or tell me to do it.
Byeol : but when someone does do it, you just get angry at them. How does that even work, mr park?
Seonghwa hummed as smiled against byeol, mumbling under his breath
Seonghwa : you feel so warm.
Byeol could see how the drug was making him turn into something else entirely. Something…cute.
Byeol : okay, the medicine is taking it’s effect and making you say things you’re going to regret in the morning. Just go to sleep.
Byeol laid seonghwa back against the pillows as she covered his chest with the velvet blankets. Byeol tried not to stare too much at how built seonghwa was, she supposed it was inappropriate.
Seonghwa : the flowers look beautiful, maybe even as beautiful as you.
Byeol laughed, looking at seonghwa as she said
Byeol : oh this is hilarious. You’re so going to regret this in the morning.
Seonghwa frowned as byeol turned the lights off, ruffling seonghwa’s hair one last time as she whispered
Byeol : goodnight, mr park.
A day later :
Seonghwa had been downright ignoring byeol, it was all he could manage after the utter idiocy he had told her yesterday night because of the fever. He had shouted at her and then gotten soft with her, it was the worst. He couldn't even look her in the eyes anymore without turning red from embarassment.
And so seonghwa had come back home later than usual at night, hoping everyone was alseep. But he paused on his tracks as his eyes landed on a figure that was dancing out in the rain all alone, that same smile on her face as she skipped around the garden happily. Byeol's laughs and giggles filled the manor, making seonghwa's heart do something weird. He didn't bother dwelling on it as he walked past the garden, his hand coming to loosen his tie.
God damn it, why was she always so…so captivating. He had to stop, immediately.
3 days later :
Seonghwa had not even met byeol in the eyes after that night, and she found it hilarious. Even cute, to a certain point. She was now sitting on the courtyard garden, a place she had come to love after all the gardening she had done the past few days. She would see seonghwa staring it at times before going to work, his eyes looking, at least byeol would like to think, happy and content.
Byeol was just humming at how good the second bottle of wine she had stolen from the wine cellar tasted when she felt a pop behind her, quickly turning back as she saw seonghwa staring right at her with his body suit covered in demon ichor.
Byeol : um.
Seonghwa had apparated directly from a demon fight, byeol could see that from the way he was still panting, his sword with fresh demon blood held in his left hand.
Byeol was just about to say something when seonghwa walked past her without saying anything. He was at it again.
Byeol quickly stood up from the ground as she rushed towards seonghwa before holding his shirt cuff, making him pause on his tracks as she said
Byeol : what, are you not going to even look at me for the rest of your life after what happened that one night?
Seonghwa : after what happened?
Byeol chuckled at seonghwa’s cold answer as she said
Byeol : good, let us pretend that did not happen.
Byeol stepped in front of seonghwa as she said
Byeol : now look at me.
Seonghwa : is there anything you have to say?
Byeol : my husband.
Seonghwa looked at byeol at that, making her smile as she said
Byeol : do you have any names yet?
Seonghwa : many. If you want a list-
Byeol : throw a party.
Seonghwa : what?
Byeol : the storm is said to end within a week from today, maximum. So throw a party right after it, invite all these men that you’re talking about and other people to make it seem not suspicious. I get to interact with all these men together within one night, and you get to get rid of me after that. And I’ll even give you a free pass to my wedding if I do end up finding my husband in one of these men!
Seonghwa frowned as he asked
Seonghwa : that’s what I get in return?
Byeol : you get rid of me.
Seonghwa stared at byeol for a second before saying
Seonghwa : I suppose that one thing is worth this entire party. Consider it done, miss lee. You’ll have your party at exactly a week from now.
Byeol smiled that victorious smile once again, almost making seonghwa forget about the pain in his body as she said
Byeol : great! And…
Seonghwa gasped as byeol suddenly used her magic to remove the ichor in seonghwa’s suit as well as magically heal the small wound in his collarbone area, his body losing strength for a split second as he fell against byeol. She held his shoulder protectively before saying
Byeol : as a…security deposit.
Seonghwa pulled back from byeol as she smiled and held his hand, dragging him forward as she said
Byeol : now come with me! I’ve made nice noodles for you today, since I was bored and happened to stumble upon the kitchen this evening.
Byeol sounded so excited, that smile on her face not wavering as she chatted on about how she had come to make the noodles. And seonghwa for the first time in a long time felt his heart flutter.
Bloody hell, seonghwa thought.
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callistoandbeans · 11 months
Corpse Groom A welcome home AU
Corpse Groom A welcome home AU Au by @sketchquill, a story written by Tim Burton, characters created by Partycoffion, rewritten by Callisto Author note: I make no claim to this au or the characters (besides the side ones I have made to fill in the background ). I grew up watching this movie, whenever it was my turn I would pop it in the DVD player and fall in love with the music that filled my ears. So why not put a spin on it and bring this au to life, plus it will give me practice in writing. Lord knows I need it XD. this will just be a little opening to it so you can get a taste for it- kinda like dipping your toes into the water to see if you like it. a prologue
I should be about to post chapter two today and it def be way longer xd I’ll be posting it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48532249/chapters/122419276    So I bring you                                                     The Corpse Groom The air was still this morning, the sun's glorious rays tightly snugged away within blankets of gray clouds, giving the land below an eerie gray overcoat. For a land filled with life and plenty it held a great depression among many. Times these days were tough, pockets that were once deep and bountiful now held only enough for a drink and a chunk of stale bread to fend off starvation for another day. Puppets were desperate for any chance to survive, some even turning to crime, others turning to stretch out their businesses in hopes that they could strike up deals with other towns to keep the flow of coin coming. The Fishsion family were one of these business but no many how far they had reached nor begged they just couldn’t sink their hooks into another's wallet. It was surprising just how many did not want fish part of their brands! Oh, Mrs. Fishsion thought that their spin on fishnet stockings would really make it in the fashion industry. She could only guess young ladies didn’t find it appealing to wear nets on their legs with fish and hooks attached to them. How was she supposed to know that some of the fish were still alive when the model tried them on? The girl let out the most horrified scream when a trout began flapping about against her leg. It took nearly twenty minutes to calm her down enough, let alone to get her to stop running around the room, to remove the gosh darn thing. After that, they were tossed out on their bottoms along with the fish nets and other fashionable fish designs. The future was looking ever so bad as their money was slowly draining away. They could not afford to go much longer without a way out of this! That's when their attention was brought to their son, y/n. Of course, how could they have not thought about this before! Their son was a fine man and any woman or lad would be lucky to have him as a husband! Yes. yes, that’s it, they could marry him into money. They would be set for life! Didn’t the Ludiggains have an unwedded daughter? That family was more loaded with gold and gems then than they had ever been! The family hadn’t shown any sign of struggle during the depression meaning they must be doing just fine. Yes, this was perfect, all they had to do was convince them to set up an arranged marriage between their children.
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the-sweet-madame · 6 months
"ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ..."(𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)
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(I've returned for a bit lol hi how are you all? I won't be writing much anymore, guys. I'm sorry :( )
Female reader! Happy reading <3
Thoma could handle any situation and anyone. He could deal with Lord Kamisato's weird food choice that he was pretty much forced to taste. He could deal with the bothersome complaints of commoners. He could deal with Treasure Hoarders causing havoc.
Anyone and anything but a certain woman.
[Y/N] Kamisato, the middle sibling. She was infuriating. Her flirtatious nature was something he couldn't handle, nor could he handle the way she teased him. It always ended with him with pink tinted cheeks.
If he were to tell anyone else about how flirtatious she was, they'd call him crazy. In public and to workers, she appeared as a humble and gentle soul. Much like her sister.
Oh, how incorrect they were. She was absolutely cunning, merciless and certainly not humble. But she was kind and considerate in her own way.
Though, he cannot deny the tingly feeling he gets whenever she passes a sly comment of how handsome he looked today or when she sends him a discreet wink while he works.
His ears perked at the sound of the familiar footsteps coming towards him, the clicking of her heels. The grip he had on his broom began to tense up as did his body. Perhaps he could use the fact that's he's not done cleaning as an excuse? The room was fairly clean, it only needed a few more sweeps here and there-
"Thoma~" [Y/N] called out, he could hear the teasing smirk on her face as she came closer.
Regaining his posture, he turned around to be met with [E/C] eyes that had a hint of mischief in them, the lower part of her face covered behind her fan.
"Good morning, my lady. Is there anything you're in need of?" He asked, resisting the urge to avert his gaze to the floor.
"I'd like to spend my leisure with you in the garden since it seems you are finished with your chore here." She stepped to the side to take a look at the room before looking back at him. "If that is alright with you, darling?"
The endearment gave him small jitters, but he still kept his posture. He knew that she knew full well he couldn't deny her request, especially when he had nothing to do at hand. Her eyes creased slightly, remnants of a smirk revealing themselves. Almost as if she were daring him to deny her request.
"Of course, my lady. Allow me to put away my broom first, I'll meet you there." He gave her a small smile, spinning on his heel to rush over to the cupboard.
She didn't leave.
She only flicked her wrist, closing her fan and patiently waited for him to come back.
It wasn't unusual for them for the pair to spend time together, it always involved Thoma getting flustered by the slightest action like their hands brushing against each other as they walked around the garden, or any compliment given from the female. He despised the fact that he had developed feelings for her, they grew stronger each and every day. How could he fall for someone so unattainable? He was a mere houseworker and she held a high place in society. How could he compare? So, he attempted to cast away his feelings but no matter how much he tried to push it under the surface, [Y/N] always caused them to rise with such ease.
And lately, she began to become more flirtier and more affectionate towards him. It didn't help his current situation but then at the same time, he very much longed for more. Although, she was only toying with him.
He tried to slow down his pace when he returned to her side, not wanting to seem excited in doing so.
But that didn't matter. Not when she had done something she has never done before.
She held out her hand to him, palm open and inviting. He was frozen, his heart beating out of his chest. She didn't even spare a glance at him, face faced forward while waiting for him to take up his offer. Oh, he jinxed it.
"What is the matter, darling? Are you not able to take up this simple task?" She teased, watching his cheeks glow pink.
"My lady, I don't believe it is part of my duties to do so." He laughed softly with a tinge of nervousness. Though, his actions betrayed his words. His palm slowly going over hers while intertwining their fingers.
"Oh?" She chuckled in return and began to walk with him by her side, both wearing matching grins.
Looking down at their joined hands, he couldn't miss how their hands fit so perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces snug against each other. But when he glanced at her, he saw beauty that was ever so close to the definition of perfection itself.
Her posture was strict as she walked, like any other noble, her back straight, chin up and confident strides with one of the prettiest smiles he had ever seen. She was the perfect prime example of a noble person.
There was it again, she was a noble. He wasn't. And that one fact made his smile disappear. He shouldn't have thought about it, he knew that. But he couldn't help but overthink it. Why must she be the one to send his heart into a string of frenzied beats?
"Hello? Tevyat to Thoma?" She waved her hand in front his face, her tone carrying hints of concern.
Ah, they already had arrived at the garden. He hummed in response to her call, gaze flickering from the florals to her eyes. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't already disheartened by his thoughts, struggling to give her a small reassuring smile. But there was no point, she already knew something was off.
"I know you well enough to know something's off." She shook her head slightly, as if she were disappointed that he even tried to mask it up. "Now, tell me why you are wearing this forlorn expression, hm?"
"Did someone say or do something? I can deal with it if you inform me of their name-"
"[Y/N], no."
He sighed; it was sort of endearing in a way but still.
"It's just me." He refused to look her in the eye, keeping his head bowed. "I just don't think that I am worthy enough to be the subject of your affection. I am a mere houseworker, you hold a high status. I am not oblivious to your attempts of making a move on me, I do adore you but-"
His emerald eyes were akin to plates, widening at the feel of her closed fan under his chin, lifting it upwards for him to meet her gaze as she stepped closer to him. Any words he was about to utter had gotten stuck in his throat, it felt illegal even to breathe within this close proximity. In that small moment, all his negative feelings melted into pure adoration for his lady.
"We both share the same feelings, that is all that is needed. Statuses are not needed for two to be in love, Thoma. You are worthy of me and all that I own, do not down talk yourself." Her tone was stern, a tad bit of affection slipping through her voice.
Before even a single syllable could have slipped out of him, she hushed him again by continuing in now a rather light-hearted matter.
"Degrade yourself once more and there will be consequences, darling." There it was again, her infuriating smirk. But he only smiled in response, quite fond of the familiar sight.
"Of course, my lady."
Satisfied with his response, she flicked her fan back to herself without breaking eye contact, allowing him to see the glint of mischief within her irises.
Thoma knew she was a breathtaking sight. But he wasn't prepared to see such great pulchritude up close. Her eyes were alluring with often mischief lingering within them. Her hair perfectly framing her face with elegance. She was so beautiful, especially when she smiled.
He was the first to avert his gaze away, pink painting his cheeks. The pounding of his heart rang in his ears. That was until her voice cleared out the noise.
"My dear, it would be a shame to let such an opportunity flee away from my grasp. Especially after all that wait. So, Thoma, would you allow me to have the honours of stealing a kiss from you?"
The corners of her lips quirked upwards into a small smile, a teasing one once he met her gaze again. As if she knew he would take up her offer already.
This time, he chuckled, managing a nod as they both leaned in. It felt magical, the touch of their lips against each other, the air engulfing them redolent with the fragrance of her perfume and the electric feeling when their skin met. His hand settled behind on the base of her neck and her arms were wounded around his neck.
They were in their own world where the time had stopped for the both of them, allowing them to indulge in each other.
Thoma could handle any situation and anyone. All but one person, the love of his life. The one whom makes his heart knock on his ribcage effortlessly.  
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sinnohsiblings · 9 months
There was a taste of Anxiety and Annoyance in the air as Galadriel stepped through the threshold door of her room and the rest of the palace. Why her father decided now of all times to throw one of his stupid snobby parties was beyond her. She turned to face Zephyr who walked out after her and adjusted his metal tie.
"Why did you decide shaping your sword into a tie was the best course of action? Wouldn't it be a bitch to get off if you needed it?" Galadriel smirked with a raised brow.
"Its a clip on. I may have to dress up for this event as your guest Gal, but even I'm not wearing an actual tie for you or Lord Abbadon," Zepher huffed "Besides it means if I needed its easily accessable incase things go to hell. And considering alcohol is involved, lets be honest, Lady Gloria and Lord Konai will be at eachothers throats."
"You are here as my guest not my body guard. Leave it to the rest of the legion who are acrually on duty today to handle them. Buuuuut......who do you think will take the first swing? Land or sea?"
"Why do you ask? Obviously Gloria. Gloria always swings first!"
The two chuckled as they made their way through the upper corridor past the Library where from the upper balcony they could see guests arriving. Galadriel eyeing her father from where he stood to greet his guests of honor.
"Presenting the Lord and Lady of the life cycle to the palace of Arkantus! Lord Xavier and Lady Yvette!" A meloetta's voice range through the entrance, and it continued to introduce guests as they arrived.
"Presenting the Lord and Lady of the dreamscape! Lord Casey and Lady Diva!"
"Galadriel you tooth pick bitch, how are ya?!" Diva called from the floor below as she ditched her brother to run up the stairs. Followed by Yvette who was not going to run in her heals or dress.
Galadriel noticed the eyeroll and pointed glare her father gave at the behavior, though he said nothing.
"Oh I'm marvelous outside of having to attend this stupid meet and greet. I plan to get so drunk they'll need a crane to move my ass back to my realm." Galadriel snickered.
Diva turned to look at Zephyr, "How bout you fairy man? How much you plan on drinking before we loose your lighweight ass to wine."
"Hmm well ive been properly hydrated and ate proper meals today so....i give it 3 glasses of wine before I'm tapped out."
"Thats more than the last party. You and Xavier could barely handle two!" Yvette chimed in.
"I've been working on my tolerance to drinks as a fairy type." He said with a slight wag of his tail while watching the guests arrive as the girls next to him gossiped.
"Presenting the Lords and Lady of the Earth, Sea and Sky! Lord Rayu, Lady Gloria, And Lord Konai!"
"Ooooo your father really did invite every god from our realm didnt he??" Diva sneered, "Better keep an aye on me guys cause Imma try and jump Gloria's bones!"
"You havent even had a drink yet and you're already acting like this?" Zephyr chuffed.
"I'm a simple woman Zephyr. I see a big muscular woman who could break me in half with her thighs and I cant help tell myself. Its called having taste not that you'd know, goodest boi!" Diva proclaimed rather loudly again earning Galadriel pointed eye contact from her father.
"Welp! I think we best get down to the party before father comes up here to strangle you, himself." Galadriel smiled and made her way down the stairs towards the event hall with her group in tow.
The group only paused when they heard the meloetta announce, "Presenting her Royal Elegance! The Guilded Moon, Mother of Creation, Lady Narcissia Arkansus!"
"Oh looks like your mother managed to get the night off and come over!" Yvette chimed as she saw Abbadon make his way over to his wife to kiss hello.
"Good she'll keep dad very busy which means we can have all the fun we want! He'll be two busy making up 300 years worth of built up affection to block the fun!" Galadriel exclaimed as they entered the dance hall where her brother and sister were both already convercing with guests.
"Lets just try and survive the night with no fights." Zephyr smirked.
Diva and Yvette are also open for asks!
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maboroshi-no · 2 years
Hamefura LN7 Extra Story Outline
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This is an outline of the extra story given with the special edition of volume 7 of the light novel. It is an hilarious version of Snow White XD!
The cast:
Snow White: Maria
The King: Geordo
The Queen (Stepmother): Katarina
The Mirror: Raphael
The Queen’s attendant: Mary
The Hunter: Keith
The Dwarves: Sophia, Nicol, Alan, Sora, Larna, Laura and Nathan
The Prince: Cyrus
The Prince’s Attendant: Dewey
I am writing this outline as I read, so I am skipping the details. The dialogues are not translation but a summary of what was said. Also, I haven’t finished reading the story yet, so I will edit this post later. I just wanted to post it as soon as possible, even if incomplete, since it was hilarious.
I have completed the outline of the extra story which somehiow became some kind of summary along the way!
Katarina is suddenly transported to another world.
A voice from above tells Katarina that everyone has been transported in this world, and that they were each assigned a role from the Snow White Story. They must play it out to return to their world. The voice has already explained everything to everyone.
Katarina is transported in her bedroom and she sees Magic Mirror Raphael.
Katarina: Mirror, Mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?.
Raphael: Ah sorry, I am busy with work at the moment. Give me 5 minutes.
Katarina: Okay, take your time, I’ll eat some cookies in the meanwhile.
...5 minutes later.
Raphael: Okay, I am finished. What did you want to ask me?’
Katarina: Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Raphael: Princess Snow White
Katarina: Yeah, I totally agree~~~ ! Maria is so charming!
Raphael: Lady Katarina, you got your lines wrong...
Katarina: Oops, that’s right........................ What?! I thought I was the most beautiful in the world! I can’t forgive Snow White for being more beautiful than me!
Snow White Maria knocks on the door. 
Maria: Your Majesty, I have baked some cookies for you!
Katarina: Oh, Snow White, come in!
Katarina eats Maria’s cookies and they are having tea together. Katarina notices that Maria’s cookies are a new kind and finds them delicious. Maria created these new cookies for her. They are having a wonderful time together.
King Geordo storms in the room.
Geordo: Maria Campbell. You are supposed to be my Queen’s rival, are you not? What do you think you’re doing enjoying yourself with her? Please get out of the castle already, you are in the way of my Queen and I flirting together. 
Raphael: And the Queen needs to ask for Snow White to be killed in the forest else we can’t advance the story. 
Queen Katarina sadly calls the hunter. Hunter Keith makes his entrance. 
Katarina (in the verge of tears): Please take Snow White to the forest and ensure that she safely reaches the dwarves’ home.
Keith: *sigh* Big Sister, you got your lines wrong...
Katarina: But even as a lie, I can’t bring myself to ask for my adorable Maria to be killed!
Keith: I understand, your Majesty. I will take Snow White to the forest, kill her and bring her liver back as proof. 
Katarina: Eeeek! Keith! How can you say something so terrifying! I don’t remember raising you like that!
Raphael: Please calm down, Lady Katarina... Your Majesty. These are just Lord Keith’s lines. He will actually help Snow White out and bring back a wild boar’s liver.
Katarina: Ah that’s right. And then I will eat the liver. I wonder what it tastes like.
Keith reminds Katarina and Maria that they need to advance the story. He holds his hand out towards Maria and invites her to go to the forest with him. Doing so, he looks like he is escorting her. Katarina excitedly watches the scene. 
Keith: Well then, Your Majesty, I will take Princess Snow White with me to the forest.
Geordo (looking happy): Sure, please take your time~~~ You can sleep out as many nights as you like~~ In the meanwhile, I will thoroughly take care of my Queen~~~ We are married after all.
Keith glares at Geordo .
Keith: I thought it would be difficult for you to look after the Queen alone, so I took the initiative of calling someone for help.
Keith: Come here, Queen’s attendant.
Hunter Keith has summoned Mary Hunt.
Mary: I am Mary, the Queen’s attendant. I take care of the Queen’s EVERY need so please go back to your official business, Your Majesty.
Geordo: I am the Queen’s husband, so I should be the one taking care of her. Besides, I have already finished all of my work, so there should be no problem. Go sweep the castle or something.
Mary: There still is some remaining business you need to attend to, Your Majesty. Some ladies from the neighborhood wish to have an audience with you, and they are all waiting.
Geordo: An audience? I haven’t heard anything about it.
Mary: Well it has been decided at the last minute. Gentlemen, please take our King to these ladies, will you? They are eagerly waiting for him after all.
After Mary said this, several people with black masks took Geordo away.
Hunter Keith and Snow White Maria have left, only Queen Katarina, Attendant Mary and Magic Mirror Raphael remain in the room. Mary suggests that Katarina and her take the tea together. When Raphael asks whether he can join them, Mary glares at him.
Hunter Keith and Snow White Maria walk in the forest, then Hunter Keith asks Snow White Maria to run straight ahead to the dwarves’ home. Maria thanks Keith and asks him to give Katarina the cookies on the table of her room. After she leaves, Keith lets out a sigh since Maria, like Katarina, doesn’t seem serious with following the scenario. Keith discreetly watches over Maria up until she enters the dwarves’ home. Then he hunts a wild board and brings back its liver to Queen Katarina. Queen Katarina gives it to the cook and eats it.
After entering the dwarves' home, Snow White Maria sees 7 chairs at the table and 7 beds lined up, but there is no one inside. She falls asleep on one of the beds. The dwarves come back.
Sophia: Oh? There seems to be someone sleeping on our beds.
Nicol: So it seems.
Sophia: Big Brother! Please act like a dwarf! You’re just like usual.
Nicol: Then what is a dwarf like?
Sophia: Well, you know, like a dwarf!
The two seem to be absorbed in their discussion. Sora stops them.
Sora: It’s enough you guys, let’s advance the story.
Sora: I wonder who is sleeping in our beds.
Snow White Maria wakes up and sees everyone in their dwarves’ forms.
Maria: Oh? Even though you’ve become dwarves, your heights didn’t change, huh?
Maria digressed from the scenario again
Sora: Ah, yes. But we have matching clothes.
Maria, Sophia, Nicol and Sora are all talking about how the dwarves’ costumes are cute and convenient.
Maria: Ah but, there should be 7 dwarves. Is there only the 3 of you?
Sophia: The 3 of us?
Sophia goes to the room next door and comes back dragging Alan. Alan is red from embarrassment. 
Maria: Oh, Prince Alan, you are also a dwarf.
Alan: I hate it! I hate being a dwarf! Why must I wear this ridiculous costume! Wearing this hat will give me a lifetime of embarrassment!
Sophia: Oh, come on, Prince Alan! The dwarf’s costume is cute and it looks good on you.
Alan keeps shaking his head.
Nicol: I think it is a fine costume. It might come into fashion in high society.
Nicol said it with a straight face.
Alan: ...........Do you think so?
Sora: Yeah, no, I don’t think so...
Sora: Umm, Prince Alan, I understand that you hate being a dwarf, but we can’t advance the story like this. Please endure it for now.  
Dwarf Sora, Dwarf Sophia, Dwarf Nicol and Dwarf Alan properly introduce themselves as dwarves. Maria wonders why there are only the 4 of them since  they are supposed to be 7. Sora explains that Larna went out to investigate things in the forest, Nathan also went out and got lost, and Laura is currently searching for him. The 3 of them haven’t come back yet and since the forest is wide, they probably won’t by the end of the story. So they should advance the story without them. Snow White Maria also introduces herself. Dwarf Sora asks her why she came to the forest. Snow White Maria tells him what happened with the hunter. 
Sora: That’s terrible. If you like, please live with us.
Maria: Is that alright?
Nicol: Yes, it won’t be a problem. Please stay here as long as you like.
Sophia: Of course, Snow White. If you don’t stay with us, then Lady Katarina... I mean the Queen won’t come into the forest. I can’t stand the thought of the King and the Hunter having the Queen to themselves. 
Sophia said something outside of the scenario.
Alan: What?! She will come here?! Then she will see me in this outfit!
Alan is white as a sheet.
Sora: It will be fine, Prince Alan. Lady Katarina likes cute things after all.
Maria: Oh, that’s right, Lady Katarina will come later. I must bake some sweets.
And then, Snow White came to live with the dwarves.
------------------  Part 2 ------------------------
Certain that Snow White is dead, Queen Katarina asks her magic mirror again who is the most beautiful in the world. But Magic Mirror Raphael answers that it still is Snow White, who now lives with the dwarves in the forest.
Following this, Katarina guesses that it is time for her to head to the forest. She remembers that she has to prepare some poisoned apples. Raphael reminds her that the Queen only uses the poisoned apples on the last time she goes to the forest. The first time, she tries to kill Snow White using a belt. Katarina is surprised that she must head to the forest several times, unlike the story she is familiar with. Raphael suggests that she checks the scenario.
Magic Mirror Raphael also summons Hunter Keith to guide Queen Katarina in the forest. Katarina is surprised that the Queen doesn't go to the forest alone. Keith explains that based on the scenario he isn't supposed to, but if they let her go alone, she won't reach the dwarves' home. Besides, she may decide to ignore the scenario and go wild, so he prefers to tag along. Katarina wants to tell him that it won't happen but it is true that she didn't bother checking the scenario since it was a well-known story. So she complies and lets Keith tag along. Queen Katarina and Hunter Keith are now heading to the dwarves’ home.
Once they arrive, Katarina is surprised that their house is normal sized. The dwarves are not home since Katarina must come when they are out. She is really disappointed that she won’t see everyone in their dwarf form. Katarina is digressing from the scenario again and Keith scolds her.
For now, they must follow the scenario. Queen Katarina must go sell a belt to Snow White Maria, tightly pull it around her waist and make her faint. Katarina says that it is too cruel and that she can't do that to Maria. Keith tells her that she and Maria only need to make it look like it is happening. Then he presses Katarina to start the scene.
Queen Katarina knocks on the door of the dwarves’ home and introduces herself as an old woman selling belts. Snow White Maria, who isn't aware that she is Queen Katarina,  asks for one. But when Snow White Maria opens the door, Katarina recognizes the smell of Maria's muffins and gets excited over them. She has completely blown her cover. Maria invites her to eat them since she has baked them for her. Queen Katarina and Snow White Maria end up having tea together in the dwarves' home.
Keith storms in the dwarves' home.
Katarina: Oh, Keith? What's up?
Keith: "What's up?" Are you kidding me?! You didn't come back no matter how much time passed, so I got worried and came in, and what do I see? Why is the Queen and Snow White having tea together?! The Queen has come to kill Snow White for crying out loud! You can't have tea together! And you too, Snow White! You can't give sweets to the Queen! Both of you, can you please follow the scenario?!
As Keith furiously said this , Katarina and Maria feel sorry  and begrudgingly plays the scene: Queen Katarina ties the belt around Snow White Maria's waist and she collapses like that.
Katarina: Well then, I must go but I'll come again! Thank you for the treats.
Maria: Please, I am sorry I couldn't welcome you better.
Keith: Your Majesty, you shouldn't tell her that you will come back, and Snow White please don't welcome her next time!
Queen Katarina and Hunter Keith return to the castle.
Once they return home, the dwarves see the fainted Maria with a tightened belt around her waist. Maria's acting is so realistic that Dwarf Alan is in panic, but thankfully, Dwarf Sora keeps his cool and, as written in the scenario,  cuts the belt out. Sophia regrets that they were out when Katarina came over. Nicol agrees. Hearing him, Alan notes that Nicol is a nice big brother, unlike "someone". Catching on the mood, Sora takes Nicol aside and asks him if Sophia is aware that she won't be able to see Katarina since she is supposed to come whenever they are out. Nicol says that she hasn't realized yet and that he can't bring himself to tell her. Sora thinks Nicol has it hard as a big brother.
Nicol (whispering in Sora's ear): Still, if necessary, I will change the scenario a bit to let Sophia see her.
Sora pretends that he didn't hear anything.
In the castle, certain that she has killed Snow White Maria this time, Queen Katarina asks her magic mirror again who is the most beautiful in the world. Magic Mirror Raphael replies that it is still Snow White Maria. Queen Katarina gets furious.
Katarina: OK, done. Now I'll eat Maria's cookies and lazy around. And then I'll make preparations for my next outing in the forest.
Raphael: No, first, you make preparations and then you'll rest. Your breaks tend to be very long.
Katarina: Whaaaat? But I will just disguise myself as an old woman again and bring something. The preparations will be over in no time. By the way, what will it be next time? Can I go with the poisoned apples?
Raphael: No, next time will be a comb. You will try to kill Snow White using a comb.
Katarina: A comb? How can you even kill someone with that? Oh, well, if it's a comb, I'll just need to ask a maid to bring me one, it will be quick.
Raphael: No, it won't be a normal comb, but a comb cursed with black magic. You will try to kill her by putting a deadly curse on her with the comb.
Katarina: Eh? A cursed comb? Scary... What the heck that? Where can I find one?
Raphael: It's a shame but I don't know either. The scenario only mentions that the Queen prepared one.
Katarina: Eeeeeh?! I have to prepare it?! I don't know where to find one! It's not like I can find a shop in the neighborhood which sells some!
Queen Katarina is troubled, so her attendant Mary knocks on the door.
Mary: Your Majesty, may I help you if there is something troubling you?
Katarina: Thank you Mary, but even if I ask you, I don't think you'll know. Do you know something about a comb cursed with black magic?
Mary: Yes, I know.
Katarina: Yeah, I guess you wouldn't kn... Wait, you know?!
Katarina gets up from her chair at once and opens the door wide. Mary is standing there, smiling.
Katarina: Mary, if I heard you correctly, you said you know something about a comb cursed with black magic?!
Mary: Yes, I know.
Katarina: And by any chance, do you also know where I can find it?
Mary: Yes, I have one.
Katarina: Ah, I see... So you have one. Wait, you have one?! Why?!
Mary: To be honest, I have been into collecting this kind of goods lately.
Katarina: Eh? When you say “this kind of goods”, do you mean “cursed goods”?! How can you get into this?! If you have to collect something, then collect some lovely items!
After Queen Katarina passionately says this, Attendant Mary puts her hand over her cheek with a troubled expression.
Mary: Well, no matter how much work I send his way, how busy I keep him or how many traps I set, there is this mouse who won't learn his lesson and keep trying to break into your room. So I have started collecting these items so that I can use them to eliminate him.
Katarina: Oh, so that's why! There is a mouse in my room! This is indeed troublesome. It would be terrible if it ate my stock of food. So you have been collecting them for me! Thank you Mary!
Mary: Oh, please, I am your attendant so this is only natural.
Mary is smiling, but after listening to her, Magic Mirror Raphael is sweating cold sweat.
Raphael (whispering to himself): And I was wondering why I didn't see him ever since the start of the story. So this is what she put the King through...
And then, Queen Katarina safely obtained a cursed comb.
Mary: If you put this on a person's head, then they will get cursed and temporarily lose consciousness. But if it is removed, they will wake up. If you don't leave it for days, then it won't cause any harm. I can't use it to eliminate the mouse, but this is the perfect tool for the scenario.
Several days later, Queen Katarina took the cursed comb that she got from her attendant Mary and headed (with Hunter Keith) to the dwarves' home in the forest, where Snow White Maria lived.
------------------ Part 3 ------------------------
On the way, Keith is making Katarina repeat several times what she can and can't do, to make sure everything will go well.
Keith: Repeat it again.
Katarina: I am going to the dwarves' home to kill Snow White. I am not going there to play. So I won't go in and have tea nor sweets. Once I put the comb on her head, I will go back right away. I won't make any detour.
Keith: Good. So please follow the scenario this time, OK?
Katarina: Yes, I'll play it perfectly this time. I think I am getting used to this malicious evil queen role. Please leave it to me.
Keith: Now I am getting worried...
They reach the dwarves' home.
Katarina (disguised): Hello, I am an old peddlar lady. Young Lady, would you like a cursed comb?
If he had been with her, Hunter Keith would have retorted : "Wait! You said *cursed* comb! You can't let her know that it is cursed!",  but unfortunately he wasn’t.
Maria: Oh, hello Lady Katarina... I mean, Old Lady.
Despite her disguise being exactly the same as before, she pretended she didn't recognize her.
Katarina: Hello, Young Lady. The item of the day is this cursed comb. Come on, try it.
The Queen disguised as an old woman (but Snow White already knew it was her) recommended her the cursed comb.
Maria: A cursed comb? How scary. What will happen once I put it on?
Since she knew the other person, Snow White Maria casually asked her this question.
Katarina: Ah, well you see, once you put this comb on, you will lose consciousness and collapse, but if it is removed right away, then you won't suffer any damage. This cursed comb really is safe. Since it is part of the scenario, I would like you to put it on.
The Queen honestly explained everything to her. If the hunter had been there, he would have probably made retorts.
Maria: I see. If this is part of the scenario, then it can't be helped. So please put it on my head Lady Katarina... I mean Old Lady.
Katarina: No. Even though you will instantly wake up when the dwarves get home, you might get hurt if you faint in the entrance hall. And if the dwarves are late, you might get cold and get sick. I’d rather you faint in a bed.
Maria: But if I faint in a bed, they might think that I am just sleeping and they may not wake me up.
Katarina: Yeah, you have a point. But I still think it would be dangerous for you to faint in the entrance hall...
The two of them were deeply pondering what to do. Keith arrives.
Keith: Geez, I told you to come back right away, didn't I? Even after I said this much, what are you doing here?
Katarina: Ah, perfect timing, Keith... no I mean Mr. Hunter. Can you give us your opinion on something?
Katarina tells Keith about their problem.
Keith: ...So you have been pondering whether to have her faint in the entrance hall or in a bed?
After listening to the story, Hunter Keith felt a slight headache and held his head in his hands.
Keith: Like Snow White said, if she faints comfortably set up in a bed then people will think that she is sleeping. She won't fulfill her role! And if things don't go well, she will stay like this with the comb on her head without being woken up! On the other hand, if she faints in the entrance hall, then people will find her right away! Having her faint in the entrance hall is good! Let's go with having her faint in the entrance hall!
Katarina: But she might hit her head the moment she faints...
Keith: Then we won’t let her fall over. I’ll catch her.
Katarina: And she may catch a cold...
Keith: The weather is quite warm so it should be fine. But if you're that worried about it, then let's put a light sheet over her.
Like this, Keith found a solution for each of Katarina's worries. They somehow decided to follow the scenario and have Snow White Maria faint in the entrance hall.
Katarina: OK, I'll put it on you now.
Maria: Yes, please.
Katarina: Here!
When Queen Katarina put the comb on Snow White Maria's head, she lost consciousness right away. Hunter Keith caught her, softly lied her down in the entrance hall, and then put a cloth over her.
Keith: Now we only need to wait for the dwarves to come home. Let's return to the castle Your Majesty.
Katarina: Hey, if she sleeps in a hard place like this, won't her body hurt when she wakes up?
After she said this, Keith held his head in his hands once again.
The dwarves come home and find Snow White Maria in the entrance. They are shocked and completely confused by the situation. Dwarf Nicol tries to calmly analyze the situation: Snow White Maria is lying on cushions lined up on the floor of the entrance hall. There is a cushion under her head and a sheet covering her body. From the look of it, she seems to be sleeping on the entrance hall’s floor. But why in the world would she sleep there? If she was sleepy, why didn't she sleep in her bed? Why did she take cushions? As Dwarf Nicol is pondering these, he notices a note put on the side of the face of the sleeping Snow White Maria. Everything is clear after reading the note. He shows it to everyone.
"Princess Snow White is unconscious because I put a cursed comb on her head. Once you are home, please remove it. She will wake up right after. There won't be any side effects so please be at ease. We caught her when she lost consciousness so she didn't hit her head. We borrowed and spread some cushions so that her body won't hurt from sleeping on the floor. Things should be fine but if there is any side effect or any problem, please contact the Queen at the castle."
Sophia: This writing... and this contact address...
Realizing something, Dwarf Sophia opened her mouth but Dwarf Nicol quietly shook his head.
The dwarves removed the cursed comb and Snow White Maria woke up. There was not any side effect.
At the castle, certain that Snow White was dead this time, The Queen asks her magic mirror who is the most beautiful in the world. The magic mirror replies again that it is Snow White. Hearing this the Queen gets extremely furious and decides to use poisoned apples this time.
Katarina is happy that she will finally use the poisoned apples, which means it will be her last attempt at killing Snow White. She is motivated to head to the dwarves' home right now with poisoned apples. Though, she wonders if she should prepare a glass coffin and leave it at the dwarves' home beforehand. Raphael says that it is the dwarves who should prepare the glass coffin, not her. But  Katarina wonders if the dwarves can afford buying a glass coffin since they don't seem rich. Raphael agrees with her, so he decides to confirm with headquarters who should prepare the glass coffin. Katarina is surprised to hear that there are headquarters and probably subdivisions. Raphael explains that he is in charge of the Snow White's stepmother's room subdivision. Then he asks her to wait a little while while he confirms things with headquarters. Katarina eats some sweets in the meanwhile. After a little while, Raphael tells Katarina the answer he got: the glass coffin is prepared at the dwarves's cabin and they don't need to worry about it.
------------------------- Part 4 --------------------------
Queen Katarina feels reassured that she can head right away to the dwarves’ place with poisoned apples. She calls her attendant. Mary answers right away.
Katarina: Mary, I have something to ask you.
Mary: Sure Your Majesty, what is it?
Since Attendant Mary has appeared instantly, Magic Mirror Raphael suspects that she is staying in front of the door at all times. But it doesn’t seem to bother the Queen.
Katarina: I will need some poisoned apples. Like that cursed comb from before, do you have some safe-to-use poisoned apples that would make someone faint when they eat them, while enabling people to wake them up?
Raphael: There is no way such a convenient thing exists...
Mary: Yes, I have some.
Raphael: You have?! / Katarina: Yaaaay~~ As expected of Mary!
Attendant Mary is only interested in Queen Katarina, so she ignores Magic mirror’s Raphael’s shocked reaction.
Mary: If someone eats the apple, it will get stuck in their throat and they will faint. But if someone raises their body afterwards and taps their back to expel the apple piece from their throat, then they will wake up right away. And like before, there won't be any side effects.
Katarina: I see~~ So it will be all good if someone raises her body and taps her back. I must write it on the next note. I thought she was supposed to be woken up by a prince’s kiss though...?
Mary (confused): Woken up by a prince's kiss? What fairytale is this?
Katarina: Well, we’re talking about the Snow White story, right? Isn't she supposed to be woken up by a prince's kiss?
Mary: No, I have never heard such thing.
Katarina: Hmmm... Then I guess some things differ...
Attendant Mary is about to get out of the room to prepare the poisoned apples, but she is stopped by Magic Mirror Raphael.
Raphael: In the scenario, the Queen is supposed to bite into the apple first to reassure Snow White. So could you reduce the amount of poison to half or something?
Katarina: What?! There is a part like that in the scenario?!
Queen Katarina is shocked because she still hasn't checked the scenario.
Mary: I understand. Then I will inject poison in only half of them.
Attendant Mary leaves.
Raphael (mutter): She really can do anything... She can't possibly be using poison on the King... No, she wouldn't.
Katarina: Should I really bite into the apple before giving it to Snow White? And on top of this I must give her an apple which I have already bitten into?
Raphael: Yes. Snow White keeps getting herself in dangerous situations, so the dwarves ask her to be careful. The apples that the old peddlar lady showed her looked delicous but she couldn’t eat them just like that. So the old lady bit into the apple first to show Snow White that it was safe. This is how it is in the scenario.
Katarina: Yeah I guess it would show that it is safe, but I wouldn't want to eat an apple which was already bitten by an old peddlar lady that I don't know.
Raphael: Yeah, I agree, but this is how it is in the scenario.
Mary comes back with the poisoned apples.
Mary: Here are the apples. The right one contains poison, the left one does not. I have left a little bruise on the poisoned one, so please don't mix them up.
Attendant Mary gives the apples to the Queen.
Katarina: So the right one contains poison, and the left one doesn’t. The poisoned one has a little bruise on it. I got it. Thanks as always, Mary.
Queen Katarina heads to the dwarves' home in the forest (with Hunter Keith).
In the meanwhile, at the dwarves’ home. The dwarves are making preparations before going to work.
Dwarf Sora asks Snow White Maria to be cautious, not to trust people so easily, nor eat or use things that she receives from strangers Snow White Maria cheerfully says she will be careful but she doesn’t seem to have any sense of danger. Sora isn’t reassured but the story won't advance if they don't leave work. Dwarf Sora notifies everyone that they will set off now, but Sophia asks to stay home this time, since Katarina will visit while they are at work. She says this while inflating her cheeks. She seems to have realized that she won't get to see Katarina if she follows the scenario. Sora explains that they all need to go out for the story to progress because the Queen won't come if they stay home. Sora actually thinks Katarina would rather ignore the scenario, but he keeps this thought to himself. Sophia says she really wants Katarina to see their cute costumes, and see Katarina's costume as well. She appeals to Nicol. Nicol can't resist his adorable sister's earnest plea and suggests they all go to work but return early. They will hide behind the brushwood and keeps and eye on Katarina's coming. Sora would rather follow the scenario to the letter, but Sophia is ecstatic over Nicol's suggestion. The dwarves finally decide to do as Nicol suggests. Alan suggests they also change clothes not to be found out too easily, but Sophia rejects it.
The dwarves all leave for work and only Snow White Maria remains in the house. Before long, she hears the familiar voice of the old peddlar lady.
Katarina: Hello, I am an humble old lady selling apples. Young Lady, would you like some?
When Snow White Maria opens the door, Queen Katarina is standing there, disguised as an old lady like always.
Maria: Hello old lady. So today you are selling apples?
Katarina: Yes, I am. They are delicious. How about one?
Hunter Keith has been coaching her, so Queen Katarina makes smooth replies. She has memorized various possible lines because of her previous failures.
Katarina: They are bright red, sweet and delicious.
Queen Katarina takes a poisoned apple from her basket and holds it towards Snow White Maria. Snow White Maria takes the apple.
Maria: Oh my, this apple looks delicious.
As Snow White Maria is about to bite into the apple, Queen Katarina panics.
Katarina: Hey, wait! Isn't Snow White supposed to be cautious and not bite into the apple first?!
Queen Katarina grabs the apple without thinking. Snow White Maria remembers the dwarves’ words of caution.
Maria: Ah, that's right! They asked me to be careful but I completely forgot about it.
Queen Katarina frowns.
Katarina: The world is dangerous nowadays so you must remain careful. It is unreasonable to eat an apple from someone who suddenly shows up at your door. Especially since you are cute, bad people are likely to approach you. Once something happens it is too late, so you should really be careful.
Maria: Yes, I will.
Seeing that Snow White Maria has reflected on it, Queen Katarina nods.
Katarina: In times like this, you should have the other person taste for poison. If they are fine after eating it, then you can eat it too.
Queen Katarina takes the apple back from Snow White Maria's hand.
Katarina: Well then, I'll eat it first. Ummm... If I remember correctly, the one without poison was... Huh?...Umm... Ah, the right one!
Because of the unexpected events, Queen Katarina has forgotten which apple is poisoned. She ends up taking a big bite of the poisoned one.
Katarina: *chomp*
Queen Katarina falls down after eating the poisoned apple.
Maria: La-Lady Katarina!
Snow White Maria's scream resounds in the area.
Keith: Wait, why is it the Queen who fainted? Could it be that she has eaten the poisoned one?!
Hunter Keith who has been watching the situation from nearby jumps out in panic.
Sophia: Why did Lady Katarina collapse? What happened?!
Back early, Dwarf Sophia also jumps out from behind the brushwoods. Dwarf Nicol, Sora and Alan also comes out.
Keith: Eh? Why are the dwarves here? They are supposed to be out at the moment!
Nicol: We have our reasons, but more importantly, what is the situation here?
Hearing Dwarf Nicol's calm reply, Hunter Keith decides to ignore the dwarves' issue for the moment.
Keith: I was also watching from nearby but I don't know the exact circumstances. I guess she ate the poisoned apple. Is that it, Princess Snow White?
Hunter Keith asks Snow White Maria since she probably knows the exact circumstances. She is shaken from witnessing Queen Katarina suddenly falling down in front of her eyes, but she is still able to answer.
Maria: I was about to eat the apple that she gave me, but then Lady Katarina told me that it was too dangerous and that she would poison taste it for me first...
Keith: So she really mixed them up and ate the poisoned one.
Hunter Keith makes a deep sigh.
Sophia: So Lady Katarina ate the poisoned apple. Will she be alright?
Dwarf Sophia has tearful eyes. Snow White Maria is already crying while covering her face.
Maria: Because of me, Lady Katarina...
Keith: No it will be fine. Even if it is a poisoned apple, she will wake up once we expel the apple from her mouth. There is no problem. You don't need to feel responsible for anything, she is paying for her own mistake.
Hunter Keith comforts Dwarf Sophia and Snow White Maria.
Nicol: You said we need to expel the poison but how can we do it? Should we make her vomit?
Keith: The apple is supposed to be stuck in her throat, so we need to tap her back to expel the apple piece.
Alan: Seriously, what's with these? There already was that suspicious comb the other day. Who the hell gives you these stuff?
Keith: Ah, well... There is this efficient attendant at the castle. She has been collecting a lots of these goods.
Alan: Is that so? She must be pretty weird to collect all these dubious things.
Keith: Yeah... Anyway, we must tap her back and expel the apple from her throat.
Sora: Well then, I'll raise her body so that she can expel it more easily.
Dwarf Sora extends his hand, but Hunter Keith blocks it right away.
Keith: No, I can't let an unrelated person hold the Queen. I will do it.
Maria: No it is because of me that Lady Katarina ingested the poison so I will do it.
Sophia: In that case, Big Brother will do it.
Everyone starts quarelling.
Maria: It should be me!
Keith: No, me!
Sophia: No, Big Brother!
Alan: Anyone will do, dammit!
Everyone suddenly see the apple piece flying away after getting expelled from Queen Katarina’s throat.
Katarina: Aaaah, I thought I would die!
Everyone turns their heads towards Queen Katarina who has woken up. She is held by Dwarf Sora.
All: Eeeeeeh?!
Everyone yells at Dwarf Sora.
Sora: Well, I am just holding her... You guys have pretty faces that would make dozens of women fall for you but you have no experience with women.
His words secretly gave a blow to Hunter Keith’s heart.
Katarina: Aaaah~ It seems like I mixed the apples up and ate the poisoned one~ Thank you for saving me!
The now-resuscitated Queen Katarina stands up from the inside of Dwarf Sora’s arms. Dwarf Sora is giving her a hand. Looking at them, Hunter Keith thinks “as expected of him” in his heart. Dwarf Sophia and Snow White Maria comes towards Queen Katarina.
Sophia: I am so glad that you are alright.
Maria: Thank goodness you woke up. When I saw you collapse right before my eyes, I really didn't know what to do.
Katarina (smile): I am sorry for worrying you.
Katarina: Come to think of it, based on the story, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you, but it seems like we could. Your dwarf costume looks cute, Sophia.
Dwarf Sophia looks incredibly happy and giggles.
Sophia: Big Brother looks cute too.
Dwarf Sophia pulls Dwarf Nicol.
Katarina (shocked): It looks good on you but how come you look so alluring in a dwarf’s costume?!
Nicol: Oh, really? Thank you.
Katarina: Ah but Alan and Sora also look good in their dwarf's costumes. I guess good-looking people look good no matter what they wear.
Queen Katarina spots Dwarf Alan despite his efforts not to be seen. He has been highly displeased about his costume, but....
Alan: Is-Is that so~~?
Dwarf Alan doesn’t look displeased at all. Dwarf Sora is speechless.
Katarina: Ah, but wasn't there 7 dwarves? Why is there only 4 of you?
Dwarf Sora explains the reason to Queen Katarina and Hunter Keith like he did to Snow White Maria days before. Katarina thinks it makes sense since Larna would follow whatever piques her interest and Nathan would get lost the moment people take their eyes off him.
Katarina's stomach grumbles, so Maria invites Katarina to eat the cake she baked. She also invites everyone else to join them. As a result, everyone has tea at the dwarves's home, while feeling like they are forgetting something important.
In the meanwhile, Prince Cyrus and his attendant Dewey are walking around the forest while searching for a glass coffin. They can’t find it, so they guess that something unexpected must have happened. Attendant Dewey splits with Prince Cyrus to check on the dwarves' home. Prince Cyrus is waiting alone in the middle of the forest.
Prince Cyrus feels nervous over having to ask Snow White Maria to marry him for the sake of the scenario. He hasn't been able to sleep ever since he got the role’ of the prince. And now that this day has come, the princess isn't where she is supposed to be. Actually, there is no one here.
Then he suddenly hears some rustling and sees a familiar face: Guy Anderson / Laura. He seems to have been lost for days in the forest and his clothes looks worn out. Looking at him, Prince Cyrus wonders if something happened to Snow White Maria. But Dwarf Laura replies that it isn't related because he hasn't met her yet. Prince Cyrus is confused. Dwarf Laura explains that he has been searching for Nathan ever since the start of the story and never returned home. He eventually found him, but now he can’t remember the way back. So after tying a rope around Nathan, they have been walking around the forest searching for the way back all this time. Prince Cyrus feels sorry for Dwarf Laura. He takes a look at the rope that Dwarf Laura is holding but Nathan is not at the end. The rope has been cut. Prince Cyrus awkwardly tells Dwarf Laura that Dwarf Nathan has gotten away. Dwarf Laura loses consciousness over the shock. Prince Cyrus holds him in panic and speaks to him, but he won't wake up. He is at a loss over what to do and wishes for his attendant to come back quick.
In the meanwhile, Attendant Dewey is on his way to check on the dwarves' home. He sees Dwarf Nathan. As he knows about his terrible sense of direction, he chases after him thinking he might be lost. He catches up to him and gets confirmation that he was right on. Dwarf Nathan thanks him for chasing after him and asks him for directions. But Attendant Dewey realizes that he has gotten lost too. So they both search for the way back together.
In the meanwhile in the castle, King Geordo has broken through the many traps set by Attendant Mary, and has finally reached the Queen's room.
Geordo: Now, my Queen, let's deepen our marriage!
But when he opens the door, the room is completely empty.
Geordo: Eh? Why is she not here?
Based on the scenario, the Queen is supposed to come back right after making Snow White eat the poisoned apple.
Geordo: Let's see... Mirror, mirror! Magic Mirror!
King Geordo decides to ask Magic Mirror Raphael, so he calls him. However, he doesn’t get any answer. When he looks closely, there is a paper stuck in the mirror: "I am currently absent. Please reiterate your request on another time.".
Geordo: ...
King Geordo freezes up and makes a very deep sigh.
Geordo: Even though we were assigned the role of a married couple, I couldn't even hold her hand...
King Geordo's sad muttering resounds in the completely empty room.
In the meanwhile, Queen Katarina is happily enjoying Snow White Maria' sweets.
And like this, Snow White, the Queen and the others lived happily ever after.
Katarina hears a chime and wakes up in Claes Manor, on the couch of her room. It seems like she has dozed off while eating sweets. "What a weird dream". Then Katarina resumes eating her sweets.
Accessories preparation / Scenario writing / General Manager: Anne Shelley
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pedgecalmdown · 8 months
baby got back - p.p.
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You and Plotterfilt are being saucy, but things go a little backward 😜😜
word count:
Funny business, back arch, broken back, stiff stature, milk soaked dinosaur plushie, booster seat, stuck in car trunk, walking while limping from side to side, smelly toots, skid mark, chiropractor cracking back, tongue sticking out because of back crack, insufferable female lead, thumb suckling, HUZZAH!!
You laid there, barely moving as your beloved boyfriend, Pecorino, jackhammered into you, back arched and letting out high pitched moans with each thrust. His toes were curling and shaking as he neared his release. You grabbed onto his back and gripped onto him with an iron fist, nails digging
Into his skin. “Oh, pedgeword!” You cry. “Oh my goodness, honey bunchkins.. I’m.. I’m… HUZZah..- AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!!!!” Your boufriend let out a pulverizing screech that made you jump. Just after he had spilled his watery seed into you, he let out his scream and clutched his arched back. “Pulsierenden, what happened? Are you okay?” You ask, frantically. “MY BAAAAACK!! AHH!” He pulls out and stands up, back frozen in the arched position. He starts to cry and hyperventilate when he looks In the mirror and sees his deformed back. You cover your mouth in shock as your mund races. “Pavlova, we need to get to the emergency room, stat!”
Both of you were in a rush to put on clothes, and you put on an oversized hoodie and sweatpants while you help Poltergeist put on his t shirt of a cat riding a dinosaur with rainbows in the background with his orange dinosaur trunks. What a silly guy! You rush to the car and since Partition is so deformed, you have to throw him in the trunk because he can’t fit in the front seat. You accidentally hit Plobfrogulous against the wall and he started to cry. “YEEEOWCHHH!!” “It’s ok my brave brave boy, do you want your dinosaur plushie?” “yes” he said quietly while suckling his thumb in despair. You threw him his dinosaur plush you always keeps in his booster seat and started to drive to the hospital.
You arrive at the hospital and pull in, you being one of 5 cars there. You hop out and open the trunk to see Pubic sucking his thumb, holding his dinosaur plushie that’s soaked with milk close to his side, and back still severely arched. You pull him out and he slinks onto the floor, holding his milk doused plushie. “Come on pharmaceuticals, let’s get you out. And stop pouring milk in your plushie, it’s gonna mold.” “But when I suck the milk out it tastes so yummy!” He replies. He somehow stands up and limps from side to side as he tries to walk with his altered stature. You open the door for him and he walks into the lobby of the emergency room.
“Oh good lord.” The nurse at the front desk says. “Hey lady, that’s my hubby. Now he needs help, as you can CLEARLY see, so why dont cha get him in that darn room so you can tell me what’s wrong, got it toots?” You look at her with a fiery stare. “Sure thing.. uhh.. so what happened?”
Without breaking eye contact, with your hand on your hip you reply, “We were up to some.. funny business.. and my munchkin here got hurt. How about instead of asking questions you get to work, huh? C’mon, chop chop honey!” The front desk calls a nurse that has to toss Plogfrotter on a rolling bed because he’s so stiff, but while he’s being thrown, he drops his milk soaked dinosaur plushie on the floor which makes a loud slap because of the wetness. Placket’s lips immediately start to quiver and he reaches out his arms while closing and opening his hands. You pick up the moist plush and give it back to him, and he immediately starts sucking out the milk in comfort as you follow him and the nurse to the chiropractor unit.
You enter the room and Porglesnort is laid down on a black, leather chiropractor bed. Because of his arched back, his whole back isn’t touching the bed, only his shoulders and rear end. It pains you to see your boo boo sausage like this, and you wince in pain for him. The nurse who rolled him in tells you the chiropractor will be in shortly before walking out. You start hearing giggling from pugliss. “What’s so funny, prugglewort?” You ask. You hear a toot slip out from between his pimpled, damp, wrinkly and soggy flaps. His smile grows wider as you realize what he’s doing. “Plargus, not in here! It’ll stink when the doctor comes in!” You giggle behind your hand as his farting continues. The doorknob turns as the doctor comes in. “You must be y/n and pedge. What’s going o- oh my god, what did you do?” You told him the story in detail, not missing one thing. His face contorts in disgust, but pegger can’t see. Puckler can’t see a thing. Because of his back, his face is pulled back to look behind him. The chiropractor cracks his knuckles before saying, “alright, let’s see what I can do here.”
The chiropractor had to cover his nose due to being so close to Portswoggle. With Plittlefert’s posterior facing upwards, the room reeked significantly, the culprits likely being simultaneously the toots and some skid mark leftovers. The chiropractor tried to feel Pewt’s spine, but he was wriggling and crying so much he had to call multiple nurses to hold him down. “It’s gonna be okay my little sweet potato, if you be a good boy then I might even be able to get you a mcflurry!!” This seemed to brighten Puke’s spirit, and you wiped off his snotty nose with your sleeve. The chiropractor got to work, starting with his lower back and working his way up. Every time he cracked Pimparino’s spine, he cried out for his soaked dinosaur plush, and you held it over his head and wrung out the milk so he could drink it. Because his head was stuck upwards, he had trouble swallowing the milk, often leading to him coughing it out or it streaming out his nose. After what felt like forever, the chiropractor was almost at the top of his back, and Probfrolulous was so tired that he had his tongue sticking out of his mouth halfway. You reassured him, “You got this baby, it’s just the final stretch now!”
The chiropractor positioned his hands at the final spot, and cracked the life out of his back. Packroller stuck his tongue out and made intelligible noises. “Alright. That’s it, should be good as new!” The chiropractor said. “Thank you so much, doctor. Pagina, what do you say?” “fank you.” Pungy mumbles quietly, head down. “My pleasure. Be careful next time you uh, move your back like that.” You walk out of the room, holding porky’s hand. “Come on penile, let’s go home and go neepy neeps, okay?” “Okeley dokeley!” He says. On the drive home, pundit falls asleep in the passenger seat. When you arrive home, you shake him to wake him up. He wakes up with a wet fart. You take him inside and change him into his Jammie’s. He lays down on the bed, holding his plushie and sucking his thumb. You looked at him with love and pet his head. This is true love.
Hey guys!! This one’s off the rails 😝😝 Hope you enjoy this cute poo poo sausage content!! Make sure to like 👍 subscribe, and hit that bell 🛎️🔔🚣
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septembersghost · 1 year
what songs from present day would you want to hear elvis cover?
ANON!!! 🥰💕 i love this message an enormous amount, and then it tormented me for two days because i read it and instantly forgot every modern day song i've ever listened to somehow lol. the actual problem was, i felt like i didn't have a solid enough handle on today's genres that he might lean more towards or that would do him justice? i was sitting here frantically thinking of songs by pop girlies™ and i could hear him softly laughing over my shoulder. so i was going to give you a short answer.
then i ended up looking at my actual music library and came out with a novel.
first, i sent this to both my loves @joons and @headfullofpresley in my initial dilemma, looking for suggestions. sidenote: if anyone would like to add to this, you're welcome to!
chelsea gave me three that i think are simply marvelous and i will weep forever that we cannot have them: million reasons by lady gaga (the taste this has, the vision this has. I bow down to pray, I try to make the worst seem better, Lord, show me the way to cut through all this worn out leather. I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away, but baby, I just need one good one to stay. hello?!), praying by kesha (well, you almost had me fooled, told me that I was nothing without you, but after everything you've done, I can thank you for how strong I have become, 'cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell, I had to learn how to fight for myself, and we both know all the truth I could tell, I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell." I hope you're somewhere prayin'...I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known, I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain, oh, when I'm finished, they won't even know your name...can you imagine how much i would cry?), and love on the brain by rihanna (baby, I'm fist fighting with fire just to get close to you, can we burn something, babe? and I run for miles just to get a taste. i NEED to hear how he would arrange this).
tam i know would say peace (there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west, I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best, but the rain is always gonna come, if you're standin' with me) by taylor. also slow dancing in a burning room (this is the deep and dying breath of this love that we've been working on. can't seem to hold you like I want to, so I can feel you in my arms, nobody's gonna come and save you, we pulled too many false alarms) and shadow days (did you know that you could be wrong, and swear you're right? some people been known to do it all their lives. but you find yourself alone, just like you found yourself before, like I found myself in pieces on the hotel floor. hard times help me see, I'm a good man with a good heart, had a tough time, got a rough start, but I finally learned to let it go...).
for my part, i feel like there is this endless list of songs i could mention from further back in time, but i wanted to pull from our modern era since you said present day, and i've been mulling some of my favorites in my mind. granted, elvis would play around with how these are crafted and produced, but in my head, i can hear these.
taylor is such an obvious go-to, and i wracked my brain trying to think of what would be right for him. something with her country flavor, or something with a bigger sound, a more rock-infused sound, like state of grace (PLEASE), like the story of us. but these jumped out - the original version of that's when. i love the duet with keith urban, but the original can be carried by one person. i can't explain, but it's very kentucky rain-coded to me. also just the story there, that idea that all these mistakes have been made, but the person you love is always welcome to come back. there's also an unreleased song of hers called just south of knowing why (drive all night) that is SO GOOD, and i hope it'll be on debut tv. for some reason i can connect it with him easily. "if I could drive all night, would I find my peace of mind? would it be a million miles of cold white lies and unfamiliar exit signs? I just drive on by, just south of knowing why. I don't have a plan, I don't have a map, I don't even know if I'm ever going back." lastly, and this is the biggest one, i toyed with a bunch of folklore choices (this is me trying...they told me all of my cages were mental...), but my brain just kept circling back to fearless, specifically to change. this is curious because i never used to like change, it's the re-recording that, well, changed it for me. the initial letdown of it (the final blow hits you, somebody else gets what you wanted again, and you know it's all the same, another time and place, repeating history and you're getting sick of it), and then the hopeful triumph overcoming it (but I believe in everything you do). the spirit of it - and we'll sing hallelujah! anyway i cried thinking about this so that tells you everything.
to the lady gaga connection, can i say that el would sound phenomenal singing any number of the songs from she and bradley's version of a star is born? always remember us this way. alibi. music to my eyes (i know it's a duet!). and especially maybe it's time.
harry's version of just a little bit of your heart where he made it rockier (I know I'm not your only, but at least I'm one, I heard a little love is better than none). canyon moon, you just have to trust me.
and it hit me, LITERALLY ANYTHING by lord huron?! there's an entire playlist of elvis-as-lord-huron songs that i could make, but if i can only choose one, i'm going to say the man who lives forever. (ends of the earth? time to run? love like ghosts? the night we met? louisa? wait by the river? love me like you used to?) also he'd make fool for love really fun.
miscellaneous choices i adore from my library that i know he'd transform amazingly: green eyes and a heart of gold by the lone bellow, in the light by the lumineers, let's be still by the head and the heart, morning comes by delta rae, ghost towns by radical face, the weight of love by snow patrol, all of me by john legend, river by josh groban, you and me by niall horan (time's never been on our side, so would you wait for me?). wait for it (death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep living anyway, we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes, and if there's a reason I'm still alive...). breathe by la'porsha renae (I swear I pray every day, but still nothing's changing, feels like my life might need rearranging. you say that you're here and right now is a test of faith. so open up my heart and have your way, I'm sinkin' in my thoughts, so pull me from the waves, my head's above the water, you're my sweet escape. I need you just so I can breathe).
songs that are absolutely bonkers to choose, but i know how they could be re-worked somehow, i can HEAR it i just can't psychically share it with you: miley's never be me, aly & aj's symptom of your touch, hallelujah by alicia keys, someone new by hozier, graveyard (acoustic) by halsey (they say I may be making a mistake, I would've followed all the way, no matter how far. I know when you go down all your darkest roads, I would've followed all the way to the graveyard), golden by fall out boy (and I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies, and all the lovers with no time for me...i like to cry idk), and simply because it tickles me as she is a huge fan, lana's get free. there are couple of lyrics in it that i question how he'd feel about, but this is modern elvis, i can open him up a little. here's why i couldn't help but choose this, in the end: there's no more chasing rainbows and hoping for an end to them, their arches are illusions, solid at first glance, but then you try to touch them, there's nothing to hold on to, the colors used to lure you in and put you in a trance. sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride, I never really noticed that I had to decide to play someone's game, or live my own life. and now I do, I wanna move, out of the black, into the blue.
i could honestly go on forever, but have one last song, and it's an oldie (probably a cliche, but i do not care!), and that is landslide by fleetwood mac. considering how i feel about e's cover of bridge over troubled water, i think if i could hear him sing landslide i might be fixed forever (or shattered, but still healed somehow). picture this with me: I took my love, I took it down, climbed a mountain and I turned around, and I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills 'til the landslide brought me down. oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? can the child within my heart rise above? can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? can I handle the seasons of my life? well, I've been 'fraid of changin' 'cause I've built my life around you, but time makes you bolder, even children get older, and I'm gettin' older, too. it would be beyond beautiful.
honestly, for anyone reading, if you don't understand what i'm talking about in regards to the way he transformed and brought the incandescent soul out of songs, i just...please listen to this. my entire heart forever.
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