iinduratize · 3 years
Don’t ask yourself “why?”, ask yourself “why not?” -me
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sheisapoem · 3 years
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apocalypsecupcake · 3 years
I was summer, you were winter.
I was sunshine, you were rainfall.
I was coffee, you were tea.
I was day, you were night.
I was in love, you were not.
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orchidcasket · 3 years
So I slid deeper into my blanket
Hoping the woolen fur to kill my sobs.
For, all I am, is just a carcass.
Little by little that withers.
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all-that-iwant · 4 years
"Depois de um longo dia achando que ia perecer,
foi naquele banho que ela pôde perceber
quanta sujeira ela carregava.
E ao se despir, viu o quanto pesada estava.
Ao deixar cair a água pelo seu corpo,
rezou que a mesma levasse consigo as suas incertezas.
Que o sabão tirasse todo seu medo.
E que seu shampoo trouxesse à cabeça clareza.
Na tentativa de secar de vez as suas lágrimas,
pouco a pouco se enxugava, analisando centímetro por centímetro
aquele corpo que tão forçosamente a sustentava.
E vestiu-se.
Com suas roupas, também tentou vestir um pouco de coragem.
O mundo atual não permitia mais banhos demorados.
Junto as roupas, inevitavelmente ela carrega sua bagagem.
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focuriarzand · 3 years
• am căutat ca să cădem din cer
știind că jos n-o să ne prindă nimeni
noi am riscat. suntem nebuni de fel
nebuni cu patimă. nebuni pân’ la orbire.
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lucky-wolf · 3 years
Je regrette tout.
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fercancholablog · 4 years
Como flor artificial me querían vender,
A mi no me cultivaron, a mi me regó la lluvia,
El sol me tuvo seca y floreciendo a la vez,
Ellos quieren flor para adornar, yo soy una flor natural.
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bepresentt · 3 years
We met by chance they said, I could have swiped on anyone. I could have given any one the chance but he was different. He was ready for my love and what I had to offer. He just knew. He made me believe that maybe just this once if I let my guard down it will be worth it. We will both knew its meant to be and we will have each other no matter what.
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anseiosdefelicidade · 3 years
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margojacksonpotter · 3 years
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leparolecheamo · 3 years
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Il nostro tempo,
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apocalypsecupcake · 3 years
falling in love
and breaking apart
are feeling just the same.
So honey,
maybe they are.
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orchidcasket · 3 years
If you promise to embrace my grave
I am ready to die a thousand times over
But often I wonder in the mattress of nights
Would you ever, would you ever????
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theseasonsofrose · 4 years
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~ Butterfly 🦋 ~ 
Like butterflies, we all have an unique pattern. Let's wear it loud, let's wear it loud 💛 (reference to my previous post 😉) 
 Happy Friday! So glad it's finally the weekend. 
· image credit © unsplash 📷 by Fleur  *edited by @theseasonsofrose
 . . . . . 
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focuriarzand · 3 years
suntem păsări cu aripi tăiate de mici.
ne-au spus: “să visăm - e prostesc.”
dar cu frici și tăceri am ajuns până aici.
sunt om. am un vis. e firesc să greșesc.
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