#can you imagine if these two had actually had a chance to talk shit about dulcinea at canaan house
eskildit · 1 year
i know that a lot of harrow & camilla friendship content is centered on a sort of younger/older sibling type bond but i do feel like we are missing the real quality they have in common which is Bitches Who Will Hold A Grudge
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kausstar · 7 months
dave smut plsplspllslslsdss i’ll luv u forever
— forever?? 😌
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‧ 𝜗ϱ WAIT WAIT REALLY ? , dave lizewski . . .( smut )
big dick! dave who doesn’t know what to do with it.
drabble tags nsfw content. female reader. black reader in mind but anyone can read. he’s whiny n’ slutty. unprotected. creampiiiieee. kissing. swearing.
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dave believed he was average. i mean for what he’d seen on his almost daily porn scrolls, he was. he had never actually measured it like all the other boys his age as they were just curious. he never cared to, knowing a girl wouldn’t see it, ask about it or even think of seeing it. he always thought he would stay a little, invisible virgin all his life. but fortunately for him, that changed when he got a girlfriend— a pretty one too.
one with the nicest smile, lips, hair, ass and you treated him amazingly. you almost treated him too well. so much that he didn’t believe you actually liked him until you promised to prove to him after school at his house. you’d been over plenty of times before to study, listen to him ramble, have small make out sessions, watch movies, talk— he believed it was no different than any other time but he secretly hoped it would be more. he hoped every time you came over and he was almost always sadly disappointed.
but with every god on his side that afternoon, his little assumption was right. he watched you in fascination as you wrapped your hands around his cock. your eyes not even giving him a glance as you watch his cock leak pre-cum from his tip. the size of him not going unnoticed by you because of your struggle to wrap one hand around it. “didn’t know you were this big,” you mumble out with a chuckle off your tongue. “w-wait wait really?” he’d stumbled, eyebrows slightly pinched in worry that you wouldn’t like that.
i mean he’d heard woman whining and even crying about how big men are in most of the videos he’d watched. tears would run down their face as he fucked into them. hearing them whine about how they couldn’t take it but they didn’t tell him to stop oddly. maybe they liked the slightly pain he endured upon them, would you like that-his cock stretching you in euphoric pain? his head was so far up into the clouds he almost came when you wrapped your lips are his tip.
his head tasting of his salty pre-cum. you liked his salty taste— so much, that you bobbled your head onto his cock until he was squirting, whining and forgetting all about his question for you as he only thinks about wanting to cum into your warm mouth. his hand rested on your head, guiding you with only slight pressure. with the sweetest intentions, you ignore his guidance and you pull your mouth from around him. “f-fuck just a little- ah longer, baby.” his begging beginning quickly after you had stopped.
you find his lips and kiss him sweetly trying to shush him. “i’m gonna let you cum,” you mumble lightly against his lips. “i just want you to cum with me, don’t you wanna do that? cum with me.” you only hoped he’d say yes, cunt soaking through the panties you were wearing. that hadn’t been his exact thought when he said yes, it being: you riding his cock, feeling your warm cunt wrapped around him as he looks up at you in pure adoration.
“shit! shit! i- uh thought! oh my god!”
he hadn’t expected it to be this overwhelming—with your cunt squeezing, milking cock as the two of you kiss each other to keep the moans down. his hands touching your warm, soft skin around your hips, waist and ass—places he had only imagined touching. smelling how sweet you are when you lean down to kiss him on his already spit-covered lips. hearing you mumbling against them how good his cock feels in you and his cock is hitting all the right places, the sound of your wet cunt making your statement more and more believable. unfortunately, he hadn’t got to look at you much as he would shut his eyes and whine to stop from cumming too quickly.
when he did get the chance to look at you, which was rare, he would take you in like he hadn’t ever looked at you before. eyes going cloudy at the looks of you—especially when you mumble out you’re about cum. you’re cunt pulse around him as you burying your head into the crook of his neck, hips continuing to roll. he’s quick to cum along with you slurring and whining your name as he does.
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 2023 kausstar.
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luvjunie · 7 months
— Unforgettable ( 4 )
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part one • part two • part three • part four • part five
pairing: e-1610!miles x fem!reader
contains: angst/conflict (y’all knew it was comin), language, miles being a dunce, gwen and her awkwardness
summary: a bump in with a certain boy at the bodega threatens to ruin your previously perfect afternoon until he offers to fix it. you assumed things would end there, and then you ran into him again. wc: 3,284
a/n: i held onto this for so long my apologies i had to find time to actually sit down and edit it fr fr 😭 i read this a gazillion times to the point i can recite it from memory so if you see any typos or grammar errors no you don’t. recap of part three is in small italics
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He wanted this. He wanted you.
But any chance for another sensical thought was interrupted when the impossible happened. ‘Impossible’ being the multi-layered hexagonal portal that suddenly opened up on his ceiling, and the blonde-haired, gap-toothed girl he thought he'd never see again, appearing with it. Bright and beaming down at him with a heart-halting grin, Miles felt his stomach drop as soon as she spoke.
. . .
Love tears down your walls and leaves you vulnerable in all aspects. The skin you didn't know you wore as a shield to protect you from the unexpected is shed in one swift layer because you don’t care what the unexpected is anymore. All the space that was left for worrying about what’s to come has been stolen to make room for the one who makes your heart flutter faster than you can blink.
Love is waking up in the morning, and before you’ve even wiped the lingering dream from your eyes, you find yourself rolling over in hopes of discovering a text from your favorite person—a blur of letters you’re barely able to make out, but it causes a smile to stretch across your face nonetheless.
It’s what has your thoughts drifting from your conscious at least five times a day, chin tucked in hand, eyes dreamy with the image of him playing over and over again in your mind, face melted into the stupidest grin you’ve ever been able to manifest. It leaves you yearning for him in ways you never imagined before, wanting to see into the places of his soul he’s hidden from the world and even the ones he loves most.
So if that’s love, what’s this feeling that you have now?
What follows closely behind love is the ugly shadow that trails on its heels like a sinking suspicion you can’t shake; the one that’s never acknowledged because things are just too good for you to be worried about all the cons that come with the pros. That biting feeling that often goes undetected until it’s discovered at the most inconvenient of times.
That feeling, the one you couldn’t put a name to before?
Foolish is how you felt right about now.
As you stood in the middle of a lively party for Miles’ father, who was soon to be police captain. It was bustling with excitement, people laughing and chopping it up in every corner, like you should’ve been right about now.
You’d been greeted by almost all of them upon arrival and even managed to run into Miles’ parents, but for some reason, you still had yet to say hello to the one who actually invited you. And you’d been made aware of the reason why when you’d looked up to find him laughing with a girl you’d never seen before, and she definitely wasn’t a cousin. You knew that because you’d met all of them by now in the time you’d spent searching for him.
Miles’ hands were animatedly flying through the air as he explained something to the girl that you couldn’t make out from this far away, and his eyes were lit up in a way you’d never seen them before. Slowly but surely, even though your mind tried to stop the thought from breaking through, you started to wonder if last night meant as much as you thought it did.
The mini-pep talk you’d given yourself to instill courage was immediately deemed insignificant the moment your feet pushed you to start on your way over to them, but still, you tried to ignore the deepening pit in your stomach. You usually prided yourself on being someone who never jumped to conclusions without having an inkling to stand on, but Miles was great at making things you never even knew about yourself come to the surface. Was this one of them?
Your stomach was bubbling with nerves; a sensation of anxiety washing over you. She was the complete opposite of your image, and it made you feel self-conscious about everything, as if you hadn't fallen in love with your reflection in the mirror just before you'd left home. You began to think about how fuzzy your braids were, how you should’ve taken them down last week and redid them like you’d planned instead of ditching that very plan to hang out with Miles instead.
Was your outfit appropriate enough for a family gathering? Maybe you should’ve worn something simpler. Did he like that little snort you always did when you laughed, or did he find it annoying like the last guy did? Maybe you should fix that.
All these questions did a terrible job of hiding what you were truly worried about.
Miles was so involved in his conversation that he didn’t take notice of you walking over. It must’ve slipped his mind that he told you to meet him here and that he would introduce you to his family. Instead, you were left to fend for yourself until his parents caught sight of you being handed a baby even they didn’t know the name of.
And by the stupidly shocked look he sported as you popped up in front of the both of them, it seemed as if he’d forgotten that he invited you in the first place.
As a reflex, you dipped your hands into the pockets of his coat and forged the nicest smile you could muster as your eyes wandered over to the girl.
“Hey Miles, who's this?”
“Oh! Uh, Y/n, this is Gwen-“ the girl suddenly shot him a look you couldn’t decipher, eyes widened in warning, and Miles instantly froze.
The hell was that?
“Gw-Gwaaanda...” he continued shakily after correcting himself, brows raised toward her in silent question. He then motioned back and forth between the two of you. “Gwanda, this is Y/n. My, uh… My…” Miles trailed off, your lips parted in anticipation, and it looked as if he’d suddenly lost his train of thought.
"Your?" You cocked your head at him the slightest, expectant eyes urging him to continue.
“My friend.”
Gwen stared at him incredulously. His oversized jacket stuck out like a sore thumb on you, but a physical hint wasn’t needed. She was able to guess who you were to him the moment you stepped out onto the roof. Or who you were supposed to be.
“Your friend?” Your brows furrowed when you repeated what he’d said in disbelief. You couldn't even tell if the look he’d given you was one of pity, or remorse.
“Wow,” you breathed a lifeless laugh, lashes fluttering to keep the tears at bay with a small nod. You’d never felt so embarrassed. Your throat had that burning sensation that was all too familiar—the one that feels as if your chest is caving in on itself with the weight of disappointment. Heartbreak, you think, is what they call it. You’ve never experienced it before, but you assumed this is what it must feel like.
Gwen shifted from one foot to the other, her hand awkwardly clasped onto her opposing arm while her wide blue eyes darted between the two of you. The shift in energy was palpable, like there was a visible force pushing the both of you apart.
It was her, she realized.
She’s the force.
She suddenly cleared her throat.
“Is anyone else like, really cold right now?” Gwen's hand nervously gestured towards the air with a stale chuckle. “Cause, boy, it is definitely chilly today!”
“Here,” Your throat pushed down the godforsaken lump that was forming as you forcefully tugged Miles’ coat off your body as if it burned your skin.
“Have Miles’ jacket. I don’t need it anymore, anyway.” Thrusting the bundled green puffer into her loose hold, you ignored the graze of disbelieving eyes burning into the side of your head and adjusted your shirt as if you could somehow make it conduct more warmth. Fuck, it was chilly today.
Gwen, Gwanda, or whatever the hell her name just gaped at you.
Miles extended a hand to you in a meaningless attempt. “Y/n stop, it’s yours-“
“It’s not. Never was.”
You weren’t talking about the jacket.
You were gone faster than you came—faster than you’d even fallen for him, which was surprising, to say the least. Ducking your body under the railing and jumping down onto the deck, you pointedly ignored the stairs descending from it. If there had been a faster route than the one you took to haul ass out of there, you would’ve snatched it in seconds.
In just a minute, everything had crumbled right in front of him, and Miles stood there and let it happen.
Gwen recognized the look in your eyes; it’d been the same one Miles had given her last year when he confessed to her and she told him they couldn’t be together. Not because she didn’t want to, but because the circumstances just wouldn’t allow it.
As if things weren’t bad enough already, Gwen spoke cautiously, lips rolled inwards and Miles’ jacket loosely clutched in her hands.
“I don’t know if it’s just me, but I think she was expecting you to put another word in front of 'friend'."
His feet were moving before he even realized he was chasing after you. He narrowly dodged the sea of bodies blocking him from getting to you, his eyes scanning the roof in hopes of spotting the top of your head.
“Miles, wait!” His aunt called out to him. “Your mom is about to cut the cake! Where are you going?”
Miles hastily shouted a response to her with a hand cupped around his mouth, his feet moving backwards to keep up with his pace.
“Back in a sec!”
You pushed through the crowd with your head ducked, sincere apologies muffled to those you bumped into, and a few unwelcome tears rolling over the apple of your cheek as you did so.
“Sweetie, wait! You don’t want cake?”
Without making eye contact, you gave a rushed wave goodbye and a thank you to Rio and Jeff, whisking past the pair. That probably didn’t help your case, but what just happened between you and her son could probably be inferred, because you weren’t wearing his jacket like you were just a moment ago, and Miles’ previously giddy conversation looked as if it’d come to a screeching halt as she noticed that the painfully awkward girl she’d met earlier was standing by herself now.
Rio’s shoulders dropped with a knowing sigh as she watched you retreat.
“Ay, I told you that Gwanda girl was bad news, Jeff!” She grumbled with pursed lips, expression painted with disappointment to match her folded arms.
Your temporary wallowing had turned to rage in mere moments, made known in the way your hands shoved the door to the stairwell open with way more force than needed.
“Wait!” He slid his way through the doorway before it could close, managing to step in front of you before you could reach the stairs.
“Was yesterday and everything before then just a joke to you?” You stared daggers into his eyes after you’d whipped around, your gaze flitting between the both of them to find an answer faster than he could verbally give. “Because apparently, when you’re around whoever that is you forget about everything else.”
“What—No! Of course not." Miles quickly shook his head. Somehow, trouble always seemed to find him when Gwen was around. “She’s just a friend. I just, I haven’t seen her in a while—“
“Isn’t that what you called me back there? A friend?” You scoffed, arms crossing as if they could possibly shield your heart from taking any more damage. You knew you weren't giving him much of a chance to give an explanation, but right about now you felt as if he didn't deserve the chance. “Do you make out with all your friends on the roof or was I some sort of exception?”
“Y/n,” His shoulders dropped at that, and you almost found yourself feeling bad for saying such a thing. “I don’t know why I said that. I just—I froze up, and I’m sorry. But you’re more than that to me, I swear.”
“It sure doesn’t seem like it.” The saliva that was starting to pool in your mouth was aggravating you, but somehow at the same time your throat was incredibly dry. So dry that it had you struggling to make your voice into something more than whisper when he took a step forward, and when you took one back.
“Don’t.“ you said, shaking your head, and Miles grimaced slightly at the subtle crack in your voice. “Do you know how long I waited for you? How stupid I looked wandering around until I found you when I don’t know anyone but your parents? You invited me!”
You couldn’t wrap your head around it. Just last night, he’d made you feel as if you were the only girl in the entire world, but now it seemed like the world had gotten a whole lot bigger.
Whether you wanted to know the answer or not, you had to ask. So with a shaky inhale, you readied yourself for the worst, and so did he.
“Is she somebody to you?”
You watched as he swallowed, hard. Adam’s apple bobbing like his mind was for the truth. Gwen was just a friend. Now, at least. Telling you what you clearly already knew wouldn’t make you feel any better, but lying about it would only make things worse.
Miles bit at his cheek when his gaze drifted off to the side. You felt your heart sink at what came next.
“It… It was a long time ago. But I don’t feel that way anymore.”
Your eyes began to dampen again as they held contact with his for a pain-stricken moment, but a dejected once-over from head to toe and a repulsed frown was all you could spare him.
It felt as if the silence between you was much longer than a few seconds. With his chest rising and falling, Miles' throat was filled with words he knew you wouldn't believe. After what just happened, how would you? There was nothing he could say to rectify how badly he’d just embarrassed you and he knew that. And by the look of betrayal on your face and how your shoulder bumped his arm when you shoved past him, it seemed you wouldn’t even give him the chance.
Miles watched you descend down the stairs, his jaw clenched and his heart cramping with it.
What did he just do?
Maybe telling his parents what happened hadn’t been the best idea after all. But after calling you three times and leaving a voice message after each dreaded beep, just to find out at his third attempt that you’d disabled your voicemail box, he truly didn’t know what else to do.
And honestly, it’s not like he really had a choice when it came to telling them. After a couple awkward minutes of standing with a jacket that so obviously did not belong to her, Gwen cautiously returned it to his parents and hurriedly made her exit, which only left them with more questions than they had before.
They realized it was serious when Miles never came back in for a slice of cake.
Tres Leches! Miles never missed out on tres leches.
Rio was more than concerned when she knocked on his door and carefully cracked it open after no response to find her son face down in his pillow, curtains closed and his room in disarray.
She took a seat next to his curled-up form, face tinged with worry. “What happened, papa? Why’d she leave?”
Jeff settled for standing near the foot of his bed. “Yeah, son. She looked a little upset.”
Miles heaved out a sigh as he pulled his body into a seated position, hands running over his face as if they’d erase the memory from his mind. “I kinda… Like—When it came to introducing her to Gwanda, I… hesitated? I guess?” Miles mumbled, his voice raising a slight octave with the last word, as if he were just as confused as they were. Somehow, saying what happened out loud made him realize just how badly he’d messed up.
“Wooo, that’s bad.” Jeff sucked a breath in through his teeth and chuckled quietly, rocking from heel to toe at his son’s confession.
Rio rolled her eyes at her husband who wasn’t much of any help at all when it came to things like this. She lifted her chin attentively at Miles to let him know that she was genuinely listening.
“Well, you introduced her eventually…Right?“
“Yeah,” Miles confirmed, only to wince afterwards. “…As a friend.”
Rio’s mouth dropped. “Miles!”
“I know! I just— I froze! I don’t know why.” His head dropped into his hands in shame, elbows perched on bent knees.
“Alright, son. You gotta help me out here.” Jeff sighed. “So you’re telling me that the young lady who’s in our house almost every week, who we’ve been referring to as your girlfriend when she knocks on the door, isn’t your girlfriend?”
“I— She is, or… she was— isn’t? Anymore?” Something like an agitated groan mixed with a huff left Miles’ lips as he tried speaking again.
“She was going to be. I was gonna ask her up there which is why I invited her, but then Gwen just— showed up out of nowhere last night, and then I kinda sorta invited her too—“
“Last night? You had a girl in here?” Rio arched a brow.
“Who’s Gwen?” Jeff voiced his confusion quietly, eyes glancing to the side.
“Fuck, not Gwen, I meant Gwanda—“
Rio raised not one, but two disbelieving brows as Miles frantically shook his head.
“Damnit, I didn’t mean to say fuck—“ His eyes snapped up to see his parents’ faces painted with pure and utter shock at his choice of words. Again.
“Shit, wait! I—Oh God.” Miles let his head fall back into his hands as he groaned, tufts of hair clenched between his fingers. “Just help me, please.” He whined.
“Yup, that’s all you, honey.” Jeff nodded at Rio and patted his thighs with his hands that were starting to grow clammy, as if he’d actually done something useful before he discreetly slipped out the door.
Rio couldn’t stand to see her son so distraught, so she made the difficult decision to hear him out instead of addressing the string of curses he’d sent their way, or whatever happened ‘last night’. 
“Respira, mijo,” She barely had to pull him into her, his body fell into her embrace the moment her hand graced his shoulder. “I thought you really liked this girl... I even invited her for Thanksgiving!” Rio gently rubbed up and down his arm, comforting him in the way she knew how.
“I do!” he insisted. “A lot… I’m just an idiot who messed things up, and now she probably hates me.”
She pulled him away by his shoulders, looking into his eyes intently to make sure she got her point across.
“Listen to me. You are not an idiot, papa. A little slow to understand sometimes, yes—“ Miles rolled his head to the side in annoyance, but she gently brought his face back to her with a hand on his cheek.
“But—you always get there because you’re smart. And I know that, because your father and I raised you to be.” Miles almost managed a smile when Rio softly pinched his cheek. “That also means you’re smart enough to know that you’ve hurt someone you care about.”
“But… What if I can’t fix it?” Miles' voice was heavy with uncertainty. “Then what do I do?”
“Well, that’s life, papa. Not everything is something you can fix, but you won’t know unless you try.” Her hands fixed the crooked hemline of the cotton thermal beneath his jersey, gently smoothing out the wrinkles with flattened fingers.
“It’s a leap of faith, Miles. That’s all.”
. . .
a/n: tres leches was a total self insert that shit is fire
taglist: @burymeinside @secret-ssociety @whatamidoing89 @urmotherswhor3 @valovesyou @inlovewithfictionalppl @edgyficuselastica @motherwanda @mybfmiles @axeoverblade @miumiulicious @sukisprettyface @gwennesy @simpnotapimp @kanvis @cleo-dearts @retirement-home @lunaramune @silas-222 @citrusequalsfrogs @itsberrydreemurstuff @spritecranverry @mewhenimanangel @wisteriaflowersss @chadychadyy2k @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @junipurr101 @bakugouswaif @luvdenisposts @aleluvsuu @wonylxv @attractivepie @cry1ngmyey3sout @silas-222 @idkkk343
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pedroshotwifey · 2 months
Know Better
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Pairing: Daddy!Dave York x bratty!fem!reader
Word count: 1.2k
tags/warnings: heavy daddy kink, spanking, dom dave york, sub reader, vaginal fingering, orgasm denial, pussy spanking, brat tamer dave york, dirty talk, embarrassment
Summary: You disobey Dave and he has no choice but to punish you for it.
A/N: Here's a surprise Dave fic that nobody asked for because I got pissed off on vacation. Also, I saw this as a sugar daddy/brat kind of situation, but you can obviously imagine it any way you want!
You whine loudly from where you’re perched and on a pool float, watching him as he makes another business call. He shoots you a sharp look that should be warning enough for you to stop, but you’ve never been one to learn your lesson the easy way.
You know it’s an important call since he paused his lounging with you to answer it. The two of you have been sitting by the pool for a few hours now, not really talking, but just enjoying each other’s presence as he read a book in his chair, and you laid out on your long float. Still, you can’t help but try to get his attention solely on you again. 
“Daveeeee,” you moan again, stretching his way. 
He turns to look at you again, gaze fiery as he points to the phone and mouths at you to quit. You should probably stop while you’re ahead, but you don’t. With all the work he’s been doing lately, he promised he would be spending this weekend with you, and only you.
You put on a heavy pout and pull yourself out of the pool to walk over to him. You can’t hear what’s being said on the other side of the phone, but it’s not like you’re trying too hard as you walk up to him and throw your arms around his neck. You nuzzle a couple of kisses to his clean-shaven jaw and whisper in his unoccupied ear. 
“Come back, Daddy. I want you over here.” 
He moves his hand to your waist, and you think for a second that you’ve won him over—quicker than you thought you would as well. But then he squeezes. Hard. Hard enough for you to attempt to get out of his grasp.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Tell, but I’m going to have to give you a call back.”
Your eyes widen at the grip and the tone he speaks with. And that name…you know that name. You know they must be talking about…
Shit. That’s what you’re in. Deep fucking shit.
“Yes sir, thank you. Bye.”
He hangs up the phone and sets it slowly on the table next to him. His hand comes up to grip your forearm tightly and he leans down until his face is less than an inch from yours. 
“What the fuck did I tell you about interrupting my phone calls?” he demands in a cold tone. 
You shiver in his hold as shameful tears start to sting the backs of your eyes. You’ve never heard him talk to you in such a way. Sure, he’s been firm at times, maybe agitated with your bratty attitude, but never downright angry at you.
“Dave, I-I didn’t mea—“
“Inside,” he growls. “Now. And I don’t know who the fuck you’re calling ‘Dave’ right now.” 
He lets you go with a small but forceful push toward the door. You know what happens now. Again, he’s dabbled in the idea of punishment, but so far, he’s never actually had a good reason to act on it. 
You take a trembling step inside and head toward the bedroom, Dave hot on your heels. You don’t even have a chance to peel out of your bathing suit before he grabs your arm again and drags you over his lap as he takes a seat on the bed. You yelp as he pulls your bikini bottom down, exposing your lower half. 
“I take it you understand how important that call was.”
He waits for you to nod softly before continuing, one hand rubbing your ass in a careful motion. 
“So you understand why I’m doing this. ” 
You nod again, holding in a sniffle. 
He doesn’t wait any longer before lifting his hand and then bringing it down hard on your bare ass. You grasp the sheets in front of you and yelp in pain. Your skin is still damp from getting out of the pool, so the smack hurts even more than it would normally.
You bite your lip to hide any more sounds as he quickly does it again, your body jolting with the force of it.
“Little fucking brat. Think you can just have all of my time.”
You sniff, a rogue tear running down your cheek. 
“But, Daddy—“
Another smack, one that makes you practically scream comes down, and then another right after.
“Brats and attention whores don’t get to talk back to their daddies,” Dave barks back. He rubs your stinging ass again, and you flinch even at that contact. 
“You have three more.” He tells you, no gentleness in his tone. “Count.”
You nod and brace yourself for the next hit, but it doesn’t come. Instead, you feel him reach his hand lower to rub across your wet folds. A dark chuckle comes from above you as he runs his middle finger over your clit. 
“Fucking slut,” he breathes through a laugh. 
It’s only then, once you relax, that he spanks you again, this time with enough force to cause a welt. You scream out and squirm in his lap. 
“O-One,” you shake. 
He rubs your pussy again, roughly smearing your slick. He then brings that same hand up and delivers another swift slap.
“Two,” you say, tears running freely now. 
And again, his hand is back, one finger prodding your hole and making you moan despite yourself. 
But then he retracts it and winds up to send the last spank onto the sensitive flesh of your ass. 
“Three!” You scream as your body jolts.
Even though you can still feel his anger, Dave relaxes a bit at your pain and obvious regret. His hand goes down to your cunt again, letting a finger slide fully in this time. His thumb goes to your clit, rubbing tight circles as a coil starts to wind in your abdomen. 
“Mm, Daddy, please,” you beg. It feels so good. You never thought pain could contrast pleasure so nicely. 
“Yeah, you want Daddy to let your slut pussy come on his hand?” 
“Mm, yes please, Daddy.”
You keeps working you, letting you get closer and closer, your toes start curling as you grasp onto the sheets and then—
Then he pulls out. You whine sharply in protest.
“Daddy, no!”
You shut up as he spanks your pussy, a wet smacking sound coming from between your messy thighs, which tremble with the rest of your body at the feeling. The build up is gone, and you’re left feeling betrayed and embarrassed. Not to mention with a sore ass. 
“No. Bad girls don’t get treats.”
He helps you up, your bikini bottoms still around your knees as he stands up.
“Go get in the shower. Dinner will be ready when you get out.” He turns to leave, but then turns back to you after a couple of steps. “And don’t you fucking dare touch that little cunt. I’ll know if you do, and you won’t be coming for a long time if you choose to disobey me again.”
He leaves the room without another word, leaving you needy and fucking furious. But you get in the shower anyway, and you don’t risk touching yourself—even though you really fucking want to. You know better than to disobey Daddy, after all. 
Hi, babes! Sorry I've been a bit off the radar recently. I've been on vacation (as previously mentioned) but will be coming back tmw. TTF updates and requested fics will be posted regularly once I get back home!
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Student Becomes the Teacher
It was a familiar experience to me, getting in my car, going to class early, doing homework. Felt nice. Of course what was also familiar was the bullying. You see I had recently gotten fired and had a wake up call. I needed to do something better with my life. So what did I do? i, as someone so smart would do, joined a technical institute. I went into a more financial side though. This did not make me popular with my classmates who had been there longer, were usually older, and most of which were more hands on.
They would call me a nerd, a loser, and a geek. Of course I didn't care all too much about this. Harassment was just that, and quite frankly it was some annoying dumb ass adults who couldn't even think straight enough to get a job that was actually needed. This attitude also made me very unpopular. So unpopular a teacher complained. Why? Cause he had heard some of the stuff me and my field would say about the welders.
It was just stuff like how they're stupid, all have at least one DUI, won't amount to anything. Stuff like that. He went so far to complain to the head administrator of the school. Now he used to be an electrician so he knew how it was to be hands on. He loved hearing about all of this and hatched a plan. The workload for the welders had been pretty overwhelming for just one instructor...
It was only a few days before I heard murmurs of a new instructor coming on campus, of course it was some welder... not like my section could get anything. But that same week I was called into an office at campus. I expected nothing much, maybe an odd thing I lost, although what it was I could not imagine... what I didn't expect was the head administrator.
"Hello [Y/N], we just wanted to talk to you today." Oh god what was it about, he could see how nervous I was. It was humiliating but also I needed to try and keep cool. "We had received some complaints about your attitude towards the welders and electricians, I just wanted to go through a few questions with you, that ok?"
Without knowing what to do I nodded, "Y-yes sir." I gulped a bit.
"Good, so first... is it true you had said to Taylor that he was a... no good stoner with no future? Is that true?" I tried to shake my head no but it went the opposite way. "Ah, glad you were honest with me. Well... you know here we like to give second chances to anyone right?" I shook my head in agreement. "In that case, any felonies you have?"
What felonies? What kind of- "Yeah, actually I've had a dui or two, got arrested for a fight or two... or more." What was I saying?! What the hell?!
"I appreciate your honesty... Tom was it?" What kind of name was that? It wasn't my name at all? Wait why did I nod?! "Yeah, well that's gonna be tough but your students generally would relate. The head administrator smiled at me. "We can wave those away since your track record for your work is pretty good."
"Glad to hear that." I said again in that weird voice. What the hell was happening... why did I suddenly remember welding and shit... What the hell...
"Yeah... I think you'll fit right in, Tom." Why was he being so devilish right now?!
"Thanks man, really need this." I chuckled as I stood up and walked out of the room. "Startin next thursday right?"
"Yup! Just wear somethin like that when you come in! We'll get a shirt in your size soon!" He laughed as I walked out, the window in the door showing a new reflection.
My face was more dashing, a bit older as well. My hair was messy but in an almost purposeful way. My body had grown quite a bit of muscle now... hair as well. Tattoos had been put on my body frivolously! I looked like some typical douche bag!
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I walked through the halls, trying to see on my phone what had happened. My background was a picture of a motorcycle. Jessie... what? Who the hell was Jessie? My contacts had some girls in there and some guys I had no clue who they were. Going through the messages they were my drinking buddies and some hookups.
I continued until the electrician teacher stopped to talk. "Hey are you..." I wanted to say my actual name but that didn't pop out.
"Yeah, name's Thomas Wylder. You can just call me Tom though." I smiled at her... it was like my body moved on it's own. "New teacher here, welding." Wait...
We started to talk in the hall for a bit, just about staff in the school and how the welders were. She described them as younger than me and rowdy. I would make douchey comments or state shit about my life. Where I now lived, how many years I had been a welder and in the union. It was like I wasn't even me anymore. Eventually I cut it short, needing to go do some "tasks" at my home.
I went outside to find it... the same motorcycle from the picture. Jessie. I put on a leather jacket and no helmet... I could ride it with no issue though. I was still wondering how or why this happened. It was as if I was... no... the head administrator wouldn't do that would he?
I eventually got back to wherever my home was. Beaten up shithole kinda... not in a good neighborhood either. I waved to a neighbor and went in. Smelt like shit, I reached in my pocket and took out a cig and started smoking... no... I was the worst kind of person. The kind I hated. Dumb, arrogant, douchey, and toxic! It was awful!
I was now regularly teaching the class, about two weeks into this hellish experience I had started to regain full control of my life. While I tried to actually stop these worse traits, I couldn't. By that point they were ingrained into me. Now I acted like a douchey teacher, the kinds you hate. The ones that will just tease or make fun of nerdy kids. Of course I was well loved by the staff and my students.
I worked as a welder and taught the trade now. I hated it... but it gave me money to pay the lifestyle I never wanted. I don't think I deserved this but... I'm slowly coming around to it. I feel more confident and hey, I even hang out with some of the douchebags I had teach me when I went here... god I sound so old now... I hope someday I can reverse this before it's way too late.
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morerawerbreath · 1 year
Fictional Men Ranked Least to Most Likely to Eat Pussy
When I’m bored my powers turn to evil. Happy to announce that @earlymodernlesbian is not only is an enabler but wrote a gay companion piece which you can and should read here!!!! 
10. Mr. Rochester — Jane Eyre
No chance of oral here. Sorry, I don’t think he puts Jane first once in this book. She’s too busy being a ministering angel to ever consider anything above and beyond her wifely duty and I don’t think Rochester ever really stops being a narcissist long enough to consider her desires or even, you know, her life. I bet his french mistress asked him to do it once and he was like “ew, no”
9. Rhett Butler — Gone With the Wind
Rhett says shit like “you ought to be kissed and by someone who knows how,” and then I bet would go down on you one time just to show you what you were missing out on, and then he’d tease you about how much you liked it for months afterwards and refuse to do it again. Imagine how much more normal Scarlett might have been if she was getting regular oral.
8. Konstantin Levin — Anna Karenina
Definitely knows about eating pussy and can’t stop thinking about it. I think he might even shamefully obsess about it in conjunction with his dirty peasant laborer fantasies. However, he also has the ascetic monk thing going on so I bet he hardcore represses his desires to actually do it. That being said, I think if he ever got over himself he’d be way into it.
7. Mr Darcy — Pride and Prejudice
I’m not convinced Mr. Darcy even knows going down on girls is a thing, but once Bingley had filled him in I bet he would try it. Elizabeth I’m sure would not object but I can’t see this happening more than once or twice.
6. Oliver Mellors — Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Mellors has the distinct advantage and disadvantage of being the only character from a book that actually describes sex acts. If it was based solely on what he said (being turned on by getting women off, not shutting up about Connie’s ass, talking about how much he wants a “real” woman with a “real” body), I’d say absolutely he wants to get down there and would use the cringiest words possible to describe it. However, they textually do almost everything else so I feel like if he ate her out DH Lawrence would have told us 😔
EDIT: he goes down on her in the most recent movie!!! vindicated
5. Jonathan Harker — Dracula
Jonathan is obsessed with Mina (rightfully) and loves her to the end of the earth, so of course he’d do anything for her, including eat her out. However, there’s so much putting women on goddess pedestals in Dracula that he might just like, repeatedly kiss her between her legs and and be like, “am I doing this right?” and Mina would be like “I love you so much Jonathan” but she wouldn’t actually get off, you know? 
4. Heathcliff — Wuthering Heights
Someone who is willing to dig up your grave would definitely be down to lick your pussy. Cathy and Heathcliff are so rabid about each other I bet oral is like, one of the least weird things they would have done to each others bodies if they had the chance
3. Gabriel Oak — Far from the Madding Crowd
Not intimidated by Bathsheba’s independence and position of power. Could take care of her and spoil her if she ever let him and they both know it. Plus, not afraid to get down and dirty and do farm work for her. If a man cures your sheep and saves your hay before a storm, what else will he do for you? 👀
2. Mr. Knightley — Emma
Mr. Knightly is the definition of a service top. 100% confident in his masculinity and completely comfortable putting Emma’s needs and wants first, but not gonna let her get away with being high and mighty. Excellent combination of obsessed with her but still in charge. ;) She would get neurotic about it and he would tell her to chill out and he’d be right.
1. George Emerson — A Room with a View
George chugs his respect women juice and is so turned on by the idea of women as individuals with unique desires he can’t stand to see Lucy betray herself by marrying a robot. “I want you to have your own thoughts even when I hold you in my arms” ?!? “The desire to govern a woman lies very deep, and men and women must fight it together before they shall enter the Garden” !! What’s not to love about a pro-Eve humanist who enjoys swimming naked and is constantly telling everyone to be less embarrassed about desire and the body? No question George is going to be eating Lucy out every day of their lives and getting off on it himself.
Marius Pontmercy — Les Misérables
Shy, but also French. Not sure which one wins out here. 
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pigcowboys · 11 months
dating hcs !
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summary: how do the atsv characters act w/ their s/o?
genre: headcanons
characters featured: miles morales, gwen stacy, hobie brown & pavitr prabhakar
warning(s): kissing, swearing, mostly none, though!
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⋆·˚. . .miles morales
i can imagine miles running late for class on account of some random villain that was attempting to snatch another purse when he ran into you in the hallway.
he's obv like shook because wtf he just knocked someone over?? he's pleasantly surprised to find out you're not mad at him and that you've actually seen him around?
now he's very surprised.
you two clicked from that point on. afterwards, you were always around each other.
he trusted you with his whole heart and you trusted him as well.
miles is genuinely so smitten with you, it's adorable.
everyone who knows him also knows you. whether they'd like to or not.
i imagine him finding out about his feelings most likely happened when he was rambling to you one day about whatever crossed his mind that week. he's ranting and he just looks over at you and actually freezes.
you two are like cuddled up in his bed and your head is like rested on his shoulder as you drfit in and out of sleep.
yeah... he realizes his feelings real quick.
actually so scared by the fact he likes you.
he knows he likes you, a lot. the problem is, do you like him back? and if you don't, what would happen to your friendship?
he brings his troubles to his mother, taking her advice to just be honest with you. so, he does.
he invites you to your favorite spot in new york, offering you you a goodie bag filled with tons of things he knows you likes before then confessing to you.
"so, the reason i invited you out here is actually important."
"I like you, a lot."
heart basically STOPS when you say you like him too, a small smile decorating his face. he's overjoyed!!
after the initial awkwardness in the start of your relationship miles earns his title as the best boyfriend ever.
he's super caring and so sweet!!
calls you every single day just because he loves hearing your voice SO much
his sketchbook is literally littered with drawing of you that are extremely detailed.
he practically doodles you every chance he gets.
died the first time you caught him sketching you. you were chill about but he was super embarrassed regardless.
overall just a super sweet relationship, miles is not very experienced.
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⋆·˚. . .gwen stacy
the most awkward one on this list.
gwen has noticed you around the city all the time but never had any confidence to go up and talk to you at all.
literally just stares at you and your friends and hopes you'll notice her and come over to talk.
she accidentally stumbled into you when she went to her favorite coffee shop, turns out you worked there.
she pretty much visits that shop every other day from that day on and the one instance she does talk to you formerly is only a result of peter dragging her over to you. she stumbles over her words a lot but reluctantly is able to invite you to her band's concert.
so giddy when you agree to show up.
needless to say she spent way too much time practicing on the drums that week, much to her father's avail.
when the night of the concert comes she's trying her best to be better than she normally is, sneaking glances at your facial expressions in the crowd.
it eased her to see you were extremely invested in every part of the song, wonder in your eyes as you stared up at her on the drums.
you two become good friends from there and you even helped her work through her trauma with peter's death.
it takes MONTHS for the two of you to confess and even when it actually happens, gwen isn't the one to do so. you beat her to the punch, confessing that you were starting to really like her.
she was so surprised by the confession she lost her train of thought, causing you to panic slightly from her complete silence.
she's even more embarrassed by the fact she just shut down.
she admits to liking you too and you two started dating!
SUPERR protective of you.
she already lost someone dear to her -- she's not going to let it happen again.
she's also a very sweet girlfriend.
i feel like if you're the artistic type she'd ask you if you could draw her. when you do, she keeps the drawing forever, hanging it up in her room and telling everyone who didn't want to hear about the fact that you her s/o had drawn this for her!!
kind of nervous but all around a very good girlfriend.
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⋆·˚. . .hobie brown
this fucking guy.
he originally got introduced to you when he invited to join the spider society.
you stood out to him for some reason. he wasn't even sure why.
all he knew was that he couldn't stop himself from looking everywhere for you whenever he had free time. attempting to learn more about you.
you rejected his advances most of the time, shutting him down with a "maybe later" or "haha, keep dreaming, hobie."
that didn't discourage him, though.
he decided on inviting you out with him one night for a few drinks with his friends and the alcohol really allowed you to loosen up a bit.
he got to know a lot about you and it sadly only made him want you even more.
you two become good friends over the course of a few months.
you poured your heart out to him and he confided in you as well. the two of you were basically dating, despite it not being declared.
when hobie did confess his feelings to you, it was in the most surprising way ever. he was spending the night at your place and you two were cooking together.
well, he couldn't cook. you were teaching him how to.
music was playing in the background as you two chatted and jokes about random things that happened that week. it was nice.
so nice that hobie felt the need to confess to you more than ever.
you were on the couch, watching a movie together when hobie paused the tv and turned to you with a genuine smile. you looked back at him in confusion, an amused look painting your face as you mumbled out a small "what?"
hobie leaned in, planting a kiss on your cheek before saying "i'm crazy about you, you know that?"
yeah..... he's so unpredictable.
you two start going steady after that, finally.
despite already being in a relationship with you, he still feels the need to flirt with you like he was trying to pick you up at a bar.
in fact, he tested your limits every single day. especially due to the fact that he didn't have a single care for any onlookers who were witness to your dynamic.
he's super cheeky but sweet either way.
he has def wrote a song about you at some point. though, he'd never play it for you or even show you the lyrics. that's something only for himself to have.
tries to act chill about the relationship but he's genuinely just so soft for you.
would rebel against any and everything if you so much as made a small comment about not being the biggest fan of it.
vv caring boyfriend!!
he makes you go to every single one of his shows and swears it's because you're his "luck charm"
good god.
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⋆·˚. . .pavitr prabhakar
where do i start with this guy.
he was originally assigned to tutor you in math due to your dropping grades. you were embarrassed by the fact you needed a tutor but he reassured you anyways.
you weren't a very talkative person whenever you two did work together which only led him to be more interested in you.
he told himself the only reason you were crossing his mind was because he was gravely concerned about your math final, but, it wasn't true at all.
the truth? he had actually taken a liken to you.
you were smart, witty and extremely kind. how could he not??
at the end of your usual session, he'd chased after you, sputtering out something about a gas station nearby with good slushies as he hoped you just agree to go.
to his surprise, you did!
pavitr made it his mission to make sure you had maximum fun capable with him. he needed you to know how fun he could be, just so you'd at least reconsider hanging out with him again.
thankfully the plan works and the two of you begin to hang out regularly after every study session.
funnily enough, you two only got together because of his spidey duties.
he was watching you intently from a building to make sure you were getting home safely, texting you at the same time when you're approached by a couple of not-so friendly looking men.
they're grappling you and attempting to shake you down for money when pav springs into action, sweeping the floor with them with ease.
he consoles you on the attack, a bit too much. a relieved sigh leaving him when you confirm that you're okay. he just about to leave when you stop him, calling out a small "Spider-man?" that instantly catches his attention.
he turns to you with a confused expression, stiffening when you moved closer to him.
your hand rested against his chest as you angled your head up, inching his mask up.
he rested his hands on yours, mumbling out a "Wait." that fell on deaf ears as you pulled the mask up further, leaving it bunched up just above the start of his nose.
you analyzed his face silently and pav felt nervous under your analytical gaze.
he almost outwardly screamed when you inched closer to his face, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
he literally froze. does he do something? should he touch you somewhere? is appropriate for him to do that??
you broke the kiss, pulling back with a small smile on your face. and while pav was dazed and happy you'd kissed him, the reality that he was spider-man right now sank in.
did you like spider-man but not him?
his thoughts were cut short when you cleared your throat.
"i like you, pavitr." you paused. "and i know it's you under there."
oh shit. you didn't like spider-man, you liked..him?!
his mouth hung open as he processed what you said, his ears growing hot when it finally clicked.
he dejectedly pulled off the rest of the mask, a smile gracing his lips as he confessed you liked you as well.
when you two start dating, pav feels like he's on cloud 9.
opens doors for you and holds your hand whenever you two go out together.
he's also super patient with you too.
he's a bit more experienced than miles and gwen but is still nervous around you regardless.
use to say thank you after you kissed him during the first few months of you dating for no reason. you had to ask him to stop doing that because it was ruining the romantic moment.
listens to every single thing you say and actively defends you no matter what. even if you're wrong.
feel like he's def gave you a tour of mumbattan via web slinging.
secretly loves the way your arms are wrapped around him. it makes his heart flutter inside his chest. though, his face would grow hot if he ever had to say it to you.
he loves you so much it's overwhelming.
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a/n: woo!!! this is my first atsv fic, i hope you like it :)
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You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 19
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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liked by, trinity_fatu, yasmine_jones, and 200,000 others
AirielleJones: queen of self sabotage 💋🥂
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trinity_fatu: girl... call me
yasmine_jones: at least you know.
uceyjucey: 🤦🏽‍♂️... still pretty tho
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August 1st 2021
Airielle groaned and rolled off of the couch when there was a knock at her front door. “Why can’t ya’ll just leave me alone.” She grumbled. She rolled her eyes once she opened the door and saw Trinity and Yasmine standing there.  “What?” she asked, letting out a huff when Yas pushed her out of the way and marched into her apartment. 
“What is the matter with you Airielle Noelle? That man has done nothing but prove to you how much he loves you and you repay him by breaking his heart and kissing a co-worker in his face!” Yasmine ranted and Airielle sighed, walking back over to the couch and throwing her body down onto it, her face pressed into a pillow. 
“I know I fucked up okay. You didn’t have to come here just to say that” Airielle muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow. Yasmine was about to walk over and hit Airielle but Trinity stopped her. 
“Chill girl,” Trin said, helping a pregnant Yasmine over to the chair. “Don’t stress yourself out.” 
“She’s stressing me.” Yasmine said, glaring over at Airielle. “When I moved out, you said you would talk to Josh about moving in with him.” 
“I lied.” Airielle stated, moving her face from the pillow and looking over at Yasmine. “You know damn well I’m not comfortable living with anybody but you.”  
“Well Why didn’t you call me? I would have come back Airielle.”  Airielle scoffed and shook her head. “What?” 
“You’re starting your family, Yas? Why would I get in the way of that? I’m a big girl, I can handle my demons on my own.” 
Yasmine sighed. “It’s time to let them demons go. It’s been almost two years. I know Chris did some fucked up shit but, come-on. Josh has more than proven to you that he’s nothing like Chris.” Airielle rolled her eyes but nodded her head in agreement.
“I can’t get over it just like that.” Airielle snapped her fingers. Trinity looked between the cousins, lost as all hell. She knew that Christopher was Airielle’s ex but she didn’t know what he did to Airielle. 
“What did he do?” Trinity said softly, almost as if she was afraid of the answer. Airielle and Yasmine looked at one another. 
“You gotta start talking about it Airi. You can't keep it bottled up.” 
“Fine.” Airielle said shakily.  She kept her eyes on the floor the whole time she told Trinity the story. Airielle left out the most important part, the actual reason why she decided to leave Chris. 
“Airielle. Tell her.” Yasmine said lowly. 
“Yas..” Airielle trailed off as her voice started to crack, her bottom lip quivering as she tried to keep it together. Trinity sat next to Airielle and placed a comforting hand on her thigh.
Airielle sighed and nodded, clearing her throat, she continued. “I found out at the hospital I was three months pregnant.”  Airielle sniffled. “After the doctor told me I lost my baby, I knew I had to leave him. But honestly if it wasn’t for Yas or my dad, I wouldn't have left. I left all of my belongings with him and left for Pensacola as soon as I was released.”  All Trinity could do was pull Airielle into a tight hug, the both of them crying on each other's shoulders. 
Trinity couldn’t imagine going through that. She now understood why Airielle ran from Josh every chance she could, she was scared and Trinity did not blame her. At All. 
“Now you have to tell Josh.” Airielle lifted her head from Trinity’s shoulder and rolled her eyes at her older cousin. 
“It doesn’t matter what I tell Josh. He doesn't care. He’s been leaving me on read all week.” 
“That’s cause he’s hurt Airi.” Trin interjected. “He said you needed time to heal yourself and to be honest girl, going on two dates with Raymond is not healing yourself.” 
“The first one wasn’t a date.” She mumbled causing Trinity and Yasmine to let out loud groans. “And!” She yelled out over their groaning. “I only went out with Raymond yesterday because Josh was with Yara.”  
“And he was only with Yara because you were with Raymond.”  Trinity and Yasmine shared an eye roll. “Y’all need to get it together.”  Airielle sighed and threw her body back down on the couch, with her face in the pillow. 
“He doesn’t want to talk to me. Let it go.” 
“So go over there.” Yasmine shrugged. “Y’all live in the same city. Go getcho’ nigga back and stop playing."
“That has to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Airielle grumbled as Trinity pulled her off the couch and pushed her towards her bathroom. 
“Get yourself together and go.” 
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“Here goes nothing.” She mumbled, knocking softly on Josh’s apartment door. She couldn’t believe she actually let Yas and Trin talk her into this. She didn’t have to wait too long for Josh to open the door.
“Rih?” He asked, confused. “Whatchu doin here?” He asked, looking behind him into his apartment before stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind him, which made Airielle frown. 
“ Um, you were ignoring my texts.”  Josh sighed and ran his hand over his already disheveled hair. 
“Now is not a good time Rih.”  
“Okay how about I talk and you just listen.” She pleaded and Josh started shaking his head. 
“I’ll come over to your place later and we can talk. But not right -” 
“I’m sorry okay!,” She said, raising her voice. “ I fucked up, but would you please listen to me?” Airielle felt all of the air leave her lungs as Josh’s door opened and there stood… Yara, wearing one of Josh’s white t-shirts and nothing else… literally, the shirt was practically see through and Airielle could see everything. 
“Josh?” Yara asked, looking between Josh and Airielle. “Is everything okay?” 
“Oh.” Airielle said, her eyes bouncing between Yara and Josh. “Oh shit.” She said as she started to laugh but nothing was funny.  
“Airielle,” Josh started, reaching his hand out towards her but she backed away.
“My bad. Um- I’m just gonna go.”  She turned on her heels and walked back towards the elevator, beyond embarrassed. As she was making her way back to her Jeep, Josh finally texted her. 
J.Uso: its not what it looks like  J.Uso: just comeback and i can explain  To J.Uso: dont worry bout it. Sorry 4 interrupting. 
Now he wants to text me.She thought as she rolled her eyes and shut her phone off , throwing it into her bag. She should have never listened to Trinity & Yasmine, now look at her, crying in her car in front of her ex-boyfriends apartment building. 
Fuck it She thought as she climbed back out her car. Josh lived near the pier and she needed to clear her head, before going back to her apartment where Yasmine & Trinity were waiting for her.  
She closed her eyes and sighed as she leaned against the railing facing the water. She honestly had nobody to blame but herself. 
“I knew that if I just waited I would find you.” Airielle felt her blood run cold. There was no way in hell. Airielle opened her eyes and slowly turned around. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful,  zanj mwen an (my angel).” 
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“Chris..” Airielle trailed off, hands shaking as she reached into the back pocket of her shorts, trying to grab her phone. Her body now racked with fear as she remembered she left it in her car. 
“It’s crazy how God works huh?” He asked, his eyes not once leaving her face. “I’ve been to this city plenty of times and now look, after meeting with one of my biggest clients I run into the one who got away.” 
You should’ve went home. The voice in her head repeated, as Chris started advancing towards her. “You left me.” He sneered. “Gone, just like that.” He snapped his fingers, making Airielle jump. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, getting flashbacks from the night she decided to leave. He went to grab her but someone calling his name stopped him. 
“Hey Christopher!. I forgot to ask you something.” The older man said, smiling politely at Airielle who could only stare at Chris in shock/fear.  Chris nodded at the man then turned towards Airielle. 
“Mwen pral wè ou byento, Airielle” (I’ll see you soon). The second Chris walked away. Airielle ran to her car, scared out of her mind.
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There was alot of dialog in this chapter but I think it's important dialog...
Ngl.. i hurt my own feelings writing that Josh & Yara part.
Chris is back in Airielle's life and now he knows that she lives back in Pensacola... he's not going anywhere.
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @empressdede
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@theninthwonder @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @badbitchcentralinc @abadbitchblogs @bonni-98
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@thatone-girly @xmonetsworld @bebesobrielo @kill-the-artiste @wrestlingprincess80
If I forgot to tag you, let me know 🫶🏽
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 2 months
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six
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TW: violence, choking, mentions of bdsm, abuse of authority, cops, unfair power dynamics, harassment, body fluids and drug use mentions, mentions of harm/accidents
For California, it’s a bit chilly out this morning. The sun is getting a lazy late start, just beginning to yawn golden orange and fiery yellow over the horizon. Julian’s hair in that light is the high shine of fashion magazine model locs, and you’re, as usual, opening your mouth before you think. “What shampoo and conditioner do you use?”
He seems thoroughly amused. “Honestly? You’re going to be mad about it.” 
“Try me,” you prod, slipping inside his little sports car that smells like lemon air freshener and coffee. 
He seems a little cramped in the seat, knees bent up and head almost touching the ceiling, and you wonder if he actually even tried to get into this thing before buying it. 
“It’s a rental,” he explains.
“Did you get into an accident?”
“A truck hit mine while it was parked.” 
“How are you so calm about that? I’d punch someone.” 
He looks over at you with a sculpted, raised brow. “I just cannot imagine you hurting a fly, y/n.” 
“Flies are innocent, truck drivers are free game.” 
He gives you a big laugh that strokes the flame of your ego. “You’re hilarious. I use men’s body wash.” 
“What?” Okay, he’s right, you are a little mad. You use shampoo and conditioner that are specifically supposed to soften your hair, but the poof on your head absolutely pales in comparison to his soft, beautiful mane that gets the luxury of … what? Old spice? Axe body wash? 
“I told you,” he sings, turning on the engine. 
Genetics is a bitch. 
He takes you to a fancy little French inspired coffee shop cuddled into the center of an outlet mall with salt lamps and big ferns and comfy chairs. You settle into a nook closests to the sunned windows so Julian can keep an eye on his rental, which is understandable. No part of LA is good to have a Porsche in, but especially not the inner city. 
“This is delicious,” you tell him through a mouthful of warm croissant, covering your lips in embarrassment when you realize that your table manners are less than adequately prepared for a date with a doctor. 
“They have the best coffee,” he agrees, taking a sip of his steaming latte. 
You don’t have time to stop your brain from comparing Julian to a certain cop you know who prefers his coffee black and bitter, or at least that’s what he told you when he saw you drinking your vanilla cream cold foam at the nurse’s station. 
Julian is talking, you think, and you’re only half listening while you remember how Tom had snatched that drink right out of your hands and held it up in the air. 
“Give it back!” You hissed, reaching up on tiptoes while he laughed at the pathetic rescue attempt. 
“Careful, honey, don’t hurt yourself for this pathetic excuse of caffeine. What is it anyway? Is there even coffee in here?” 
After he walked away with his discharge paperwork, your coworkers were understandably curious about the tall, puckish cop who fucked with you any chance he got. 
Miguel watched his ass move the whole way down the hallway and out the glass exit doors while literally clutching the rosary under his scrub shirt as if a devil had just walked by, then looked over at you. “What a man.”
“Are you alright?” Julian asks, bringing you back to the present conversation with a hand over your forearm. He does seem concerned, and it makes you feel like a piece of shit. This guy is a gentleman and here you are on a date with him fantasizing about the brute that is Tom Ludlow. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You wave away his concern. “Tell me about you, Julian. What do you do for fun? Doctor-by-night, Violin-player-by-morning? 
He chuckles. “Nothing that cultured. I like riding motorcycles.”
“Really?” You ask, genuinely surprised and trying to imagine Julian in a gang of bikers with cracked leather skull and snake jackets. 
“I love them.” He nods. “I have three that I take for long rides along the coast. You get lost in it, the wind and salt and sand. The rumble of the engine under you.”
“I’ve never been on one,” you tell him, “and I’m honestly surprised you ride them after what we see in the ER. Don’t you remember that guy that had his calf hanging on by a tendon? Or that woman who had half her face missing?” 
“Yes, I do. But I go the speed limit and wear the proper gear. And I like the thrill.” 
It’s not just the casual t-shirt and worn jeans or the way the light halos his thick silk nest of hair or the roguish grin that makes you see Julian in an entirely new way, now. “You’re wild, Dr. Mercer.”
He licks spilled cream at the ridge of his coffee cup, rubs at the skin of your forearm with his fingers, and winks. You wonder what he would look like between your legs doing the same thing, except with your fingers gripping that luscious hair. 
“You should let me take you for a ride, sometime,” he suggests, and for a minute you forget you’re talking about motorcycles. 
“Oh, I don’t know, Julian.”
“C’mon.” He nudges your knee under the table and relaxes back into his seat, now reminding you too much of someone else you know. Same height, same hair color, same facial structure. 
Fuck. Really? 
“Good boyfriends take their girlfriends on long, romantic motorcycle rides.” 
“But you’re not my boyfriend.”
His smile droops a little bit and it makes you feel bad for being so illiterately ignorant. Well, you feel bad until he opens his mouth. “I am, though.”
He paints it playful, but it sounds a little bit pushy-bossy, even. “I don’t know about that, either, Julian.”
He tries a different angle. “You know, believe it or not, most women would consider me quite the catch.” 
You hope your face doesn’t betray the little bit of ick you get from him saying something so egotistical. “I don’t doubt it, and you deserve someone that can give you what you’re looking for.” 
“You think you can’t give me what I’m looking for?” He leans across the table in sudden intensity, and you balk at the notion. 
“No, I honestly don’t.”
You start to say something, but he cuts you off. “And, I really mean why? Why can’t you give me what I’m looking for? Enlighten me.” 
“I’m not-I have too much baggage.” You unconsciously lean away from his swelling intensity. 
“That’s a little vague.” He frowns. 
“I’m not normal, Julian. You seem like you would like normal women.” You cringe at the childish sentiment, but truly have no idea how to get the point across except for basically telling him that you’re a freak with a bad past and worse coping mechanisms. You eat slices of bread for dinner and drink out of the milk carton. Julian probably irons his shirts. This will not work. 
“You’re assuming I’m normal?”
“Yes. I guess I am.” You lean back and cross your arms over your chest. 
“Well, I’m not. In fact, I’ll prove it to you.” He takes out his wallet, pulls a laminated card from it, and slides it over the table to you. 
“What..” It’s a little red card framed in black with big bold letters on the front advertising a BDSM club in the heart of downtown Venice. “What is this?” 
“BDSM is bondage, domination-“
“I know what that is,” you interrupt. “I just meant.. You go here?”
“I do.” He nods and takes a drink. “I occasionally engage in scenes.”
You decide that you should coat your suddenly very dry mouth and drink a big gulp of your coffee. “Like with a dominatrix?”
He laughs at you, puts his head in his hand and shakes his head. “No. I prefer to be the dominant one.” 
You look at-really, really look at this man for the first time and honestly cannot imagine him taking that role. 
He must see the confusion on your face, because his laughter grows. “That’s the usual reaction I get.”
Curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the-you know what, fuck it. 
“So, what do you do at the club?” 
“A typical play scene, you mean?” How in the hell he can be so casual and relaxed about this you’re not sure. Because you can already feel the cold sweat breaking along your shoulders and neck. 
“I guess? Yeah.”
“Well, ideally the woman is tied up in some fashion, and of course there’s a safe word, negotiated limits. Perhaps a punishment scenario with pain play. Are you okay?” 
He looks at your table-clutching, white knuckled hands, searches your face, giving you a genuine concerned expression that makes you wonder what actually is going on with you right now. You feel like you're on a tightrope over a ravine of crocodiles and Julian’s on the other end lazily sawing at the rope with dull scissors.
“I’m fine,” you say breathily, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. “Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about all that.”
His gentle smile is nothing less than kind, though maybe also, a little disappointed. “I get that a lot too.”
“Is that…the only way you enjoy sex?” you ask quietly, leery of the blue-haired old lady just two tables away.
“No,” he seems happy to tell you. “Though it is…the way I enjoy sex most.”
You blink, digesting this with understandable trepidation. He’s basically telling you that it would be impossible to be in a relationship with him without dipping into this eventually. And you…? 
Are definitely intrigued, and you’re not really sure why.
“You said you have baggage,” Julien probes cautiously. You can feel him looking at you, but you’re not quite up to eye contact with him yet. You fix your gaze out the window. “Well, I do too. I haven’t had a perfect life. No one does, and I’m not interested in a perfect girlfriend. I like you, y/n.”
You feel your breath go out in an audible whoosh. It actually makes him smile-you feel it like rays of the sun. How can this man be so warm, and yet have such a dark side?
Well, maybe it’s not a dark side, you reason. Maybe it’s just…a thing he likes, and between consenting adults, what’s the harm?
“So…” You can’t help but think about how odd this is, discussing this in this coffee shop filled with mild-mannered caffeine addicts. What you really want to ask, is what happened to him that makes him like this kind of sexual play, but you know it would be too far, and you damn well don’t feel like talking about your own fucked up past. But there is something you do feel you have a right to know. “Is this something you want to do to me?” 
Again, he fixes you with that bad boy smirk that gives you chills and utterly ruins your panties. “Since the moment you stood up to me over that patient,” he admits. And maybe that should alarm you, that he wants to tie you up and hurt you for being defiant about something that deserved defiance. It does alarm you, but… It also… It sounds a little thrilling. “In fact-“
Julian and the rest of the world and even your own thoughts disappear when you meet a pair of familiar, sun tinted eyes out the window of the coffee shop. He’s grinning-when is he not grinning at you like he knows what it does to your helpless insides?-and licking his fingers, tearing off a yellow parking ticket to slap it under the windshield of Julian’s rental.
“Uh, Julian-“ 
“Just let me finish,” Julian insists. His bossy tone irritates you, but Tom brightens the mood by making a jerking off motion towards the doctor, and then winking at you. 
You can’t help but laugh. It’s honestly involuntary, the loud wheeze that tears from your chest and makes Julian look outside to see the yellow ticket shining under his wiper as Ludlow’s ass saunters away. 
You’re not sure what Julian’s plan is when he storms outside to catch Ludlow by the arm, but you’re definitely following ten strides behind to prevent his untimely death. 
“I’m parked legally.” His voice is a menacing growl instead of the smooth honey you’re used to, and yeah, maybe now you can see a little bit of that Dominant Persona he was talking about. 
“Not after 9AM,” Tom says, unbothered by Julian’s anger, still grinning like an idiot. 
“It’s eight-thirty,” Julian argues, tugging on Tom’s sleeve-that earns him a bent back arm and even the appearance of handcuffs. 
“Tom, stop it, fucking really?” 
“Sorry, honey, your boyfriend’s going to jail.” 
“For what?!” You and Julian both demand at once. 
“Putting his pristine fucking hands on what’s mine.” Tom tugs Julian up on his toes and clicks one handcuff into place. 
You hope he means his uniform, but you have a feeling he doesn’t. 
“That’s way too tight and you know it,” Julian grunts. 
“What, someone likes to dish it out but can’t take it? Don’t be a bitch,” Tom muses, grabbing Julian’s other arm and twisting it-not gently-behind his back. 
“Tom, you fucking dickhead.” 
He looks at you as he’s putting the other cuff on your date. “Oh, I’ll deal with you later.” His grin looks more like a snarl at this point, and you think that Julian could probably take some pretty good Dom pointers from Tom, because your heart is galloping and your clit is pulsing despite the absolute absurdity of the situation. Also-it's a miracle-your sassing mouth has snapped shut. 
After Officer Ludlow practically throws Dr. Mercer into the back of his Charger, slamming the door, he turns to you with a smirk and his thumb in his belt. Goddammit, if that fucking look doesn’t go straight to your lady parts.
“Tom…you cannot do this.” 
A tow truck has pulled up, and is in process of impounding the sweet little Porsche.
He steps up to you in those big black boots that make him a mile tall.
“You’d be surprised what I can and cannot do, sweetheart.”
“Please.” You hate how desperate you know you sound. 
He taps his chin. “Well, I do like the sound of that. But it would be a lot more convincing if you got on your knees and said it.”
“You asshole,” you seethe, even as you can feel the moisture pooling between your legs.
“That kinda language definitely isn’t going to get Doctor Bitch Boy out of my car.”
“What the fuck do you want then?” You know it was a stupid question the moment it flies from your mouth. He’s going to reply with something filthy, and demeaning, and-
“Have dinner with me.”
You’re going to need another tow truck just to get your jaw up off the ground. 
“You’re going to get in trouble for this,” you say. “This isn’t harassing a lowly broke-ass nurse. He is going to sue the shit out of you.”
Tom just snorts at that, unimpressed. “Did you know your friend likes to hang out at a BDSM club in Venice Beach? Whips and chains and shit? Bet this asshole has mommy issues from here to Pasadena. Come on, y/n, you don’t need that in your life.”
It almost sounds like he’s…worried about you?
Officer Ludlow has no idea how badly he’s misjudged you, now that he’s pissed you off. “Maybe I like it,” you snipe back, stretching up so you’re almost in his face. “Fact is, it’s none of your fucking business.”
Ludlow just narrows his eyes down at you, those dark orbs glinting like sharp obsidian. “Well, sorry, guess he’s not tying you up tonight, baby. He’s gotta cool down in the tank.”
He makes to go, but you reach out, not grabbing him, per se, but just touching his chest. He freezes, and you can practically feel him vibrating beneath your hand. With excitement, because he fucking lives for being an asshole, or…you hate to think you know the real answer.
His mitt of a hand covers yours, holding it just above his heart.
“Tom….” Caught up in this tension between you, you’re not even sure what you’re asking now. 
You expect him to say something dirty, or snide, but instead you swear that just for a moment, his gaze softens as he looks down at you. “Dinner?” he asks again, with a note of hope in his voice that is almost endearing, if he wasn’t being such a class A jerk.
“I can’t.”
His demeanor changes in less than a second, drawing up to his full height, his shoulders squared. He flicks down his sunglasses that were on his head, so you can no longer even see his eyes. His voice changes, drops an octave, something. The authority in it makes you shudder inside. “Wave to Dr. Bitch Boy, y/n, we’re going for a little ride.”
Before you can grab him, or do anything, really, Tom is behind the wheel, speeding off with a very pissed off Julian in the back seat.
Your heart drops to your feet as you are left standing there alone on the sidewalk without a ride, and completely at a loss as to what to do.
“I’m going to fucking sue you,” Julian grits, kicking the back of Tom’s seat for good measure. 
“Yeah, yeah, with your doctor money,” Tom grumbles, taking a big swig of coffee with one hand and steering recklessly with the other because it’s fun to watch that skinny fuck bounce around helplessly in the seat. 
“I’m not getting booked tonight, Officer Ludlow. I’m calling my fucking lawyer.”
“Sorry, Doctor Bitch, your Lawyer’s busy until tomorrow afternoon, didn’t you hear?”
“You son of a-“
Tom gasses the car over a big pothole and it sends Julian flying into the opposite door. It’s a sight he could almost get off to.
Julian, big goose egg swelling up on his temple, gets yanked out of the squad car and tossed on the shit smeared, needle peppered streets of South Central. “They probably need you here more than the hospital, Doctor. Have fun–”
“Wait! Fuck. I’m still cuffed for fuck’s sake!” Tom gives the little guy credit for being able to get up on his feet so fast with his hands behind his back and a probable minor concussion. “You can’t leave me here.”
Tom pauses with his hand on the lip of the hot car door, but only to memorize the sight of a sweat-stained, wild eyed, trembling distinguished doctor about to get his shit wrecked on the mean LA Streets. He’s guessing Julian’s never visited much outside of Hollywood, Venice, and Santa Monica, and the cute little horrified expression on his face is testament to that. 
Tom taps the hood of his car. “See ya, Doc.” 
“You know,” Julian says, “this isn’t going to stop me from seeing her, Tom.” 
Well, if he wants a fight. 
Tom slams the charger door, whips off his belt, backs Julian up until he falls on his ass into a steaming puddle of unknown origin, and loops the leather around his neck. 
He tugs him up by the belt, onto his toes, eliminating that fraction of height difference just so he can see the whites of this prick’s eyes. 
He doubles the wrap of the belt in his fist, and Julian sputters something unintelligible through a thick choke. 
“What’s wrong? Thought you liked this shit?” Tom pretends to wait for an answer that he prevents. “Oh, that’s right, you like being the one doing the choking. That gets your dick wet, huh? Beating on women?” 
He wants nothing more than to choke this fucker unconscious and leave him on the streets for the hepatitis rats to chew on his toes, and, fuck it, if he ends up passing out by the time Tom’s done saying his peace, then so be it. 
“You can see her all you want, asshole. Take her on as many dates as you like. But if I see one fuckin’ bruise on her-one red mark on that pretty skin-I’m gonna make the rest of your short life very fucking unpleasant. Comprende?” 
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mypoisonedvine · 5 months
32:"I wish they could all know about us." 48:"there's no way that was just a one-night thing." 54:"just one more kiss?" With Thomas Shelby, Raymond Leon or Ernst Schmidt
oh my gosh I've been wanting an excuse to write for ernst for ages!
warnings: smut (18+ only!!), secret relationship, semi-public sex, a bit of marking kink?, cocky lil shit ernst with a fluffy side
100 random prompts - send me a number and a character!
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You could feel his eyes on you as you worked-- it was distracting, even though you were pretending to ignore it, and you had to put all your energy into looking like you were actually being productive so he wouldn't interrupt you.
Which, a few minutes of silence later, he did anyways. "So, are we going to talk about it, or--?"
"No," you said firmly.
"O-okay," he agreed, looking back at his own work.
That silence only lasted for about ten seconds.
"I want to talk about it," he announced.
"I don't care," you frowned, turning to face him, "we said we wouldn't talk about it. There's nothing to talk about."
"Nothing?" he repeated with a scoff. "That's what it meant to you, nothing?!"
"No, I didn't say that, of course it meant something, I just--" you began, but stopped yourself when you realized what you were doing, and he smiled proudly.
"See? See what I did there? I made you talk about it," he explained smugly, "and now we're talking about it. Was that so hard?"
You wondered if he meant to say that-- to say exactly what he'd said to you two nights ago. Of course, he'd said it pretty differently then: he'd told you he was going to make you come a third time, and you swore up and down you couldn't do it again-- but then after a few minutes you were clawing helplessly at the sheets under you, sobbing his name, shaking all over. Was that so hard? he'd asked you, mocking how quickly you'd fallen apart for him.
So, yes, your heart sort of skipped a beat when he said that, and your thighs pressed against each other-- he noticed, clearly, since he glanced down at your legs and back up at you with a smile, but thankfully he didn't call you out.
"We can talk about it," you offered, making him perk up, "later."
He sighed again. "And how am I supposed to be productive when all I can think about is this conversation in the indefinite future?"
You rolled your eyes. "I don't know-- just figure it out, okay! We can't talk here, in case someone comes in..."
His eyebrow raised. "So that's what you're afraid of, then. Of anyone finding out."
"W-well, yeah, of course," you replied. "It would make everything so much more... complicated. And I'd never hear the end of it-- and think of how hard I work to be taken seriously around here. Can you imagine if some of those guys knew about it? They'd probably think I only became an engineer to sleep around-- or think they have a chance with me, too. I just can't handle that right now."
He nodded, stepping a bit closer to you. "You're right. I hate that you're right, but you're right."
"It's not that I'm... ashamed of it-- or of you," you offered, lowering your voice a bit. "You understand, right?"
He reached forward, a hand resting on your waist which made your heart skip again-- the way he'd held you that night, keeping you pressed up against him, touching you everywhere he could reach-- "Of course I understand," he said, breaking you out of the memory. "It's just a shame... I wish they could all know about us."
You looked up at him, smirking a bit. "Us?" you repeated. "Who said anything about us? We just hooked up one time, that's it."
His hand slid up from your waist to your back, pulling you into him. You knew you should push him away-- you had your hands on his chest, prepared to if you heard anyone coming by-- but you were too caught up in the warmth of him, the smell of his cologne, the way he was looking at you right then. "There's no way that was just a one-night thing," he said, almost a hint of anger in his voice-- of incredulousness, that you could even suggest that. "You were there, you know what it was like."
"What was it like?" you challenged.
"Perfect," he answered instantly, making your face heat up.
"Well, I don't know about that," you hummed, "there was that time where I accidentally kicked you. Or the part when you stopped for water and totally spilled it all over your bed."
"No, that was all perfect, too," he decided.
"You didn't mind sleeping on a wet patch?"
"Darling, you'd already made one."
You choked on your own throat, looking away to try to collect yourself. He smiled and used the opportunity to hook a finger into the neckline of your uniform, tugging it down a bit and humming proudly.
"My mark is still there," he noticed. "You're welcome, by the way-- for only leaving them where no one would see."
"No, there was one here," you corrected, placing your finger on a certain place on your neck, "I covered it with makeup."
"Oh! Impressive," he nodded, "I wouldn't have noticed-- right here, you said?"
His finger traced the place, and you nodded.
"Hmm, this spot right here?" he repeated, voice softer, moving closer.
Your eyes fell shut as he latched his lips onto it again, you mouth falling into a quiet sigh. "E-Ernst, I told you, we can't--"
You cut yourself off with a whine as he grabbed your hips, guiding you back to sit up on the console; your legs instinctively wrapped around him as his teeth grazed your pulse again, and he growled quietly.
"What if someone c-comes in, and sees us?" you panted, holding tight onto his shoulders.
"Let them," he purred. "They'd have to see it to believe it, anyways: how beautiful you look like this... how easily you give in to me..."
"Fuck," you whimpered, your back arching when his tongue traced a line up your neck.
"I still can't believe it," he continued, "everything you let me do to you, how perfect you feel inside. It's like you were made to take me."
"God damn it, Schmidt, don't talk like that," you hissed, using a commanding tone that he was much more familiar with from you.
"Are you getting bossy now?" he noticed with a grin, pulling back to look at your face. "I don't mind. You can tell me what to do."
Your heart pounded but your brain, finally, took control. "Fine, here's what you should do: stop. Before we do something really, really fucking stupid."
He smiled a bit, and nodded. "Okay-- you're right. We shouldn't."
You sighed with relief, and he pulled back slightly, though not enough to let you get off of the console.
"But before we stop, just one more kiss?" he pleaded, giving you those cute puppy eyes you couldn't resist.
"Sure," you agreed, smiling as he leaned in closer-- but he stopped, and his hands were suddenly opening your uniform's belt. "Wh-what are you--?"
"Sorry, darling," he winked, "but you didn't specify where to kiss you. So I chose myself."
Your head fell back with a sigh as he sunk to his knees in front of you. "F-fuck, Ernst, you can't be serious-- if someone saw us--"
"Don't worry," he purred as he started to tug your trousers down, "if this goes anything like last time, it shouldn't take me very long."
159 notes · View notes
parkersbliss · 2 years
hi! may i request a five imagine set in sissy's farm in s2 where he hates y/n (who is a sarcastic but goofy ver of him) bcs he actually can't grasp the concept of love properly? and when y/n took the bullet for him, it gets really angsty?
Ready | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x reader
wc; 2.5K
warnings: cursing, blood, violence
synopsis: once he realizes you’re gone, five confesses
a/n: no bc the first time I saw this scene?? i was on the floor I was in FEAR
requests: CLOSED
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list 
“Uh guys,” Klaus said. “We might have another problem!”
“Ah, shit,” Five said. You follow after him, peeking over his shoulder.
“Who are they?”
“One’s the Handler, and the other is Diego’s girlfriend.”
“Lila, my ex-girlfriend,” Diego corrects.
“You know what? Doesn’t matter. They both look angry,” Luther observed.
“Yeah, well, your brother has that effect on people,” You snort.
Five kicks you in the shin for that. You let out a yelp and glare at him. He grins to himself before walking forward, “All right, I’m gonna go find out what they want. You guys stay here with Vanya and the kid.”
“I’m coming with you, too. Come on,” Diego said, stepping out with Five.
“Me too,” You chimed in, offering Five a small smile. The boy just rolls his eyes at you.
“You just have to follow me everywhere, don’t you?”
The three of you stop in front of the Handler and Lila, nothing that they were both very unhappy. Except, Lila’s anger was directed more towards Five and not her ex.
“I love the smell of country air, don’t you, darling?” The Handler asked.
“Makes me wanna vomit,” Lilia deadpanned.
Five glances between the two. “What do you want?”
“To watch you suffer,” Lila replied.
You shrug. “Well, don’t we all.”
“What about me?” Diego asked.
“You’re not even worth my wrath.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Ouch, downgraded there, buddy.”
“Can you just shut up?” Five sneered, looking at you.
“Not with your dumbass around.”
“Easy, we’re here on official business,” The Handler broke in.
Five turns back to her. “And what business is that?”
“As the head of the commission, I’ve decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directions.”
“Yeah, right,” Diego scoffs. “We didn’t kill the board.”
“Well,” You said, dragging out the L.
“Uh, actually, Diego. That’s not entirely accurate,” Five mumbled, hands in his pockets.
The Handler tilts her head. “You didn’t tell them?”
“What the hell did you two do?” Diego demanded.
“What we had to go to get our family home,” Five said. “Until someone reneged on our deal.”
“Somebody wouldn’t have reneged on the deal if someone could’ve met a simple deadline. Alas.”
“You set us up to fail!”
“You set yourselves up to fail, friend — you and your brothers and sisters. Kind of the running theme of your little life, isn’t it?” The Handler chuckled.
Diego turns to Five with a shake of his head. “Dude, I can’t believe you killed the board of directions. You have no idea how messed up the commission is right now.”
“Messed up? Who’s saying that?”
“Everybody — Christ, even the janitors think it’s going to shit.”
“That’s not all he killed,” Lila suddenly spoke.
“What are you talking about?” Five snapped.
“Don’t play dumb, you prepubescent piece of shit.”
You scoff at her. “Okay, crazy lady, why don’t you shut your mouth? Only I get to talk to him like that.”
Five raises his eyebrows at you. He’s not sure if he should be offended or flattered by what you said. Though, he goes with offended because it came out of your mouth, and anything you say is stupid.
Like your stupid face. He hates it. That stupid smile that makes his heart skip a beat and your stupid little half-grin you always give him and only him.
It was disgusting.
For sure.
“Enough. The point is, all of you are going to die today. Hm?” The Handler cut you off.
“Oh,” Diego clicks his tongue. “Well, I don’t like your chances — seven of us, two of you.”
“You know, you’re right. Let’s change that.” The Handler snaps her fingers, and thousands of people blink into view. All of them carry briefcases and guns.
You let out a low breath. “Well, shit.”
“So, what do we do now?”
“Well, we got two choices: Fight and die now or run and die later. Either way, we’re food for worms,” Five said, rolling his shoulders.
“What’ll it be, boys?”
“Wouldn’t mind a few more minutes breathing air through the old windbags.”
“All right. Let’s get this over with, shall we?” The Handler grins, raising a red handkerchief.
“Run!” Five shouts, grabbing your arm and taking you with him.
Diego ducks, using his hands to cover his head. “We’re not gonna make it!”
Five huffs, grabbing Diego’s wrist and suddenly blinking you closer to the barn.
Diego groans. “Five, I think I’m gonna puke.”
“Diego, you puke, and I’ll puke,” You replied, flinching as bullets bounced off the tractor you’d hidden behind.
“What now?” Five questioned, peeking out from behind and ducking as bullets whiz past him.
“We blink into the house?” You suggested, gesturing towards the building with your hands.
Five narrows his eyes at you before grabbing you and Diego and trying to blink you away. His fists turn blue, but nothing happens, just warbling. “Shit, I’m out of fuel. I’m too tired.”
“Go! I’ll… I’ll cover for you two,” Diego said, standing up.
“What?” You shake your head. “Diego—”
But he’s already stepped out, stopping all the bullets and holding them there. “Go!”
Five doesn’t have to be told twice. He grabs your wrist and makes a dash for the building. Once inside, he shoves you under the table following after.
“A little harsh, don’t you think?”
“I just saved your life, dipshit.”
“Didn’t ask you to.”
Five just clicks his tongue. “Well, too bad. You’re welcome to step out and get shot.”
There’s silence, and you frown at Five. “Why do you hate me?”
Before Five can answer, a high-pitched ringing sound is heard, and he puts his arm around you.
“What are you doing?” You shout over the noise.
But in seconds, the house begins to shake, and debris falls from the roof as Five covers you with his body. Which was odd considering his earlier comments. A loud crash is heard, and Luther hits the ground with a thud.
Five lets go of you, scrambling from under the table and going towards his brother. “Luther, you all right?”
“Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue,” he moans, rolling over.
Five rolls his eyes. “Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn’t be talking, you big moron.”
“That and you’d be choking,” You added, standing beside Five.
He lends a hand to Luther, hauling him up to his feet. “Come on, on your feet.”
Luther groans with the effort but steadies himself. “Hey, what the hell happened? What was that?”
“She must’ve redirected Vanya’s energy wave.”
“Yeah, I know, but how?”
Something cracks above you, and you feel yourself harshly shoved to the side, knocking against the wall as the bricks from the fireplace crash down onto Five.
“Watch out!”
“Five!” You scream, but then Lila enters the room, and you decide to remain tucked in the corner. Five was fine, probably.
Not like you cared… at least, you tried not to.
“What are you?” Luther asked.
Lila cracks her neck. “Someone who wants to kill your brother.”
“Well, that’s understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle.”
“Yeah, I was talking about Five.”
You roll your eyes at their exchange. Who did this lady think she was?
“Him, too,” Luther pauses, “but unfortunately, they’re family, so you’re shit out of luck.”
He swings a punch at her, but she catches it, causing his eyes to go wide.
“How is this possible?”
“Gotta believe in yourself, big boy,” Lila taunts before throwing him out the opposite wall. She follows after him, and you take your chance to get towards Five.
You pull at the bricks, trying not to panic when there’s no sound. “C’mon, Five,” You mumble. Suddenly a hand springs out, grabbing yours, and you yank the boy hard.
He lands on top of you, blood dripping from his head, but otherwise, very much alive. You sigh in relief, blinking harshly.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly as he rolls off of you.
He nods, looking anywhere but you. “I’m fine.”
You frown at his curt reply, but that was Five. What more was there to expect? He made it very clear he didn’t like you.
Something shuffles behind you, and you turn your head to see Lila again.
Five stands up, bringing you with him. “Looking for me?” He asks.
“Five—,” You start. He just looks at you, eyes pleading, and for some reason, you listen. Lila’s eyes flicker towards you, but before anything else happens, Five blinks in front of her.
“Don’t look at her. Look at me,” He said. “You wanna fight? Let’s fight.”
Both disappear in a flash of blue, leaving you alone in the wrecked house. You step through the hole in the wall, looking for the other siblings to see if you can be of help. You rush over to the group of them, lifting a tractor off of Diego.
“Yeah, but she can only mirror one of our powers at a time,” Klaus said with a raised finger.
“Who, Lila?” You asked.
Allison nods. “You sure about that?”
“Okay, I’m not sure about that, but she can only mirror it if we use it first, right? That’s confirmed.”
Everyone mumbles in agreement.
“So we just need to… not use our powers?”
“Maybe, and if we catch her like that, we can question her about her powers and stuff. Maybe she knows more about this than us.”
“Yeah, but first, we need to find her,” Diego said.
“She disappeared with Five,” You said, pointing towards the barn. “And I’m gonna assume those flashes of blue light are them.”
“Cause you’re one of us,” Diego spoke, stepping into the barn first. You follow with all his siblings, catching Five’s eye and moving towards him.
“What happened to you?” You asked.
He just scoffs. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Really? Cause you sure look like you had your ass handed to you.”
Five rolls his eyes. “Did you just come here to insult me?”
You shrug. “Why else?”
To check that you’re okay, to make sure you’re alive because I love you.
You miss the slight frown on Five’s lips after you said that.
“You don’t know me, Diego,” Lila spat, knife touching his chest.
Diego just smiles. “Don’t I? I know that we can be your family if you just let us.”
Lila glances around the room, and you offer her a small smile despite her antics to kill Five. Five gives her a tight-lipped smile, stepping closer to you and unknowingly brushing your shoulders together.
It happens in a split second. You heard the first gunshot, and you saw Allison fly to the floor. And yet, in slow motion, you can see the bullet heading for Five, and out of instinct, you shove him harshly to the ground before shortly following.
Pain floods your entire system as warm blood soaks your clothes. You turn your head to meet Five’s eyes as he lays next to you.
“Hey,” You breathed out before coughing up blood.
“You fucking idiot,” Five whispered, crawling towards you.
“I’m dying, and that’s all you can say?” You scoff, trying to cover the hurt. You didn’t know what to expect after saving his life, but it wasn’t that. But knowing he was alive was enough for you. Five was a hero, after all. You just hoped he knew a way to fix this.
Five just shakes his head, a hand brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “No, I… there’s so much I want to tell you, but I can’t.”
You laugh. “You can’t, or you won’t?”
“I don’t know how.”
“You don’t know how to love?”
Five’s eyes turn glassy as he nods. “I’ve been alone for so long… I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m so sorry. I never hated you. I always—”
“It’s okay, Five,” You cut him off, coughing harshly again as more bullets are heard. Five doesn’t look up to see Lila crumble to the floor.
“You’re crying,” You mumbled, hand finding his. There’s comfort in it, knowing that as you’re dying, Five’s comforting you. He’s holding you. That’s all you really ever wanted.
“I know,” Five admits. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I love you, even if you’re not ready to love me back.”
More tears slip down Five’s face, and he brushes them off your paling cheeks. He doesn’t know what to do. Your breath keeps getting shallower, your eyes don’t stay open anymore, and you just sound like you’re in pain. He wants to tell you everything. He never hated you. He just didn’t know how to love you. Maybe he didn’t want to in case this happened.
He was used to solitude, and he was sure he liked it until he met you.
He needed you.
Five opens his mouth to tell you he’s ready when someone else speaks.
“Oh, good. You’re still alive. Lucky you, you get to see how this all played out.”
The Handler raises her gun at Five, but before anything happens, she’s shot down by Axel. She falls limp by Five’s side, and he turns back towards you.
“(Y/N),” he starts before he realizes you're gone.
He falls back in horror, realizing he never got to tell you he loves you too.
Memories flood his brain, clouding his visions, and he can hear you laughing in some of them, smiling at him, caring for him when he never did the same. You didn’t deserve that. He always knew he loved you, but showing it was so much harder than he expected. But in the thirty seconds, you’ve been gone, Five realizes he has to push that to the side. He misses you, his family, and his future.
“Start small. Seconds, not decades.”
Five offers one more look at you and realizes what he has to do. His hands turn blue as he begins to reverse the last minute.
It’s like déjà vu, but as predicted, the Handler walks in, and Five snatches the gun from her. He points it at her and she raises her hand in defeat.
“It’s true, isn’t it? What Five said,” Lila shouted. “Answer me, is it true?”
“Well,” The Handler starts before being shot down.
Your eyes widen at the sight of blood dripping from her mouth, looking towards Five dropping his gun.
Lila runs towards the briefcase, followed by Luther and Diego.
Five, however, speaks to the Swede. “Enough.”
The man echoes it back and leaves.
As soon as he’s gone, it’s like time starts again as the siblings begin to talk. Diego and Luther already arguing, but Five just rushes towards you.
You’re startled when he hugs you tightly, one arm around your waist and the other on the back of your head.
“Five?” You ask.
He shakes his head. “I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?” You ask with a chuckle.
Five swears he's never heard anything better than that. He takes a while with his response, eyes tracing your face and taking in all your beauty.
“Ready to love you.”
Your eyes widen at his statement, but he just cups your face tenderly and kisses you. You melt into his arms, falling into them easily. His thumb rubs small circles on your cheeks before pulling back and resting his forehead on yours.
“Why the sudden change? Thought you hated me.”
Five just smiles. “I never hated you.”
“I never hated you either.”
“I know,” Five said smugly. “You were pretty obvious about it.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Thin ice, Five.”
He just kisses you again. “Love you, sorry.”
— END —
🏷 five taglist: @ClearBasementVoid
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spence-whore · 6 days
Like I’ll See You Later
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N i apologize for getting this out so much later than what i said it would be posted! I got really down after losing the edit then lost motivation to write. I have spent all day trying to rewrite this because i wanted to actually be able to put out something i loved, like that edit, instead of half assing something then getting it posted. On another note though, two quick things before you read this. One, I did not set this up like I did the dress inspired imagine. I felt like the way the song is written, it wouldn’t make sense to try and tie the lyrics into the story. You will be able to tell that this is heavily inspired by the song though:) last thing, i went on the feminine route in this due to the dress lyric. I am still using they/them pronouns but yeah! I hope you guys are doing good and that you enjoy<3 reminder as well, I’m shit at editing this stuff lol so overlook it like usual
Trigger warning: mentions of men hitting on y/n and sexual tension big time
Spencer knew that something he was going to have to deal with whenever he started dating you was seeing people hit on you. He got to witness it all of the time while you two were just friends. Part of him doesn’t hate it though because he knows that he can trust you and knows that at the end of the night, you come home with him.
Tonight was going to be one of those nights.
Before you had even left the house, Spencer was practically drooling over you.
You were wearing a short, black dress. You had your hair done and were wearing makeup. The second you turned the corner to walk to the front door, Spencer’s mouth just dropped.
“Might wanna close your mouth there, bub. You might catch flies.” You said, winking at him, teasing him.
“Holy shhiiiiiiiitttttt.” Spencer said walking towards you and pulled you to him. He had a tight grip on your waist, just staring at you. He moved the hand that was on your waist, to your hand. He raised your arm and gently spun you, so he could look at you. “You wanna just stay here? I can send Courtney a quick text telling them you weren’t feeling well. I would rather just stay here honestly and maybe just spend some time in the bedroom.”
You laughed really loudly and shook your head at the man. “I promised Erin and Alex that we would come celebrate with the crew tonight. I might take you up on that offer though, once we come home.”
All of the crew had been working on a really big project for the last few months and finally finished it. Whenever the idea of celebrating got mentioned, both Erin and Alex had messaged you, inviting you along. You worked at a different office but whenever you had the chance, you were visiting the crew. Everyone at the office loved you, so they were begging you to come.
You were stood in front of Spencer once he finished spinning you, just giggling and shaking your head. “We don’t have to stay late, the second you’re ready to come home, you can come and let me know.” You suggested, looking at Spencer with raised eyebrows and a smile on your face.
“Absollllutely dude.” Spencer said getting a big goofy grin on his face.
The two of you headed out of your house and headed to the restaurant. Spencer was about to go crazy, just sitting in the car with you. Looking at you, he felt like he was staring at a beautiful statue you would see in a museum.
Whenever you finally arrived at the restaurant, you met some of the crew outside. Courtney and Shayne were stood off to the side talking till Courtney saw you. “Woooah, Spencer, I might have to steal your partner from you. You look hot, Y/N!”
You just giggled and shook your head, “Do you see yourself, dude? You look amazing like always.”
The entire group stood outside, talking for a few minutes before you all headed in. While walking in, Spencer caught multiple different guys looking you up and down. He walked up right behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist. Whenever he glanced back at the men, he wanted to laugh because they looked like their hearts had just broke.
“Whatcha doing love?” You asked Spencer, turning your head to look at the man behind you.
“Just making sure some people know that I’m yours.” Spencer whispered in your ear then kissed your cheek.
You just laughed and shook your head at Spencer.
All of you sat down at a big table and ordered your food. Everyone was in their own little conversations, rambling about random things like they were going to do during the weekend. A few minutes passed by and Angela said she was going to the restroom and asked if any of the women around her wanted to follow. You stood to follow her alongside Courtney and Kiana. While the four of you were walking away from the table, you had not even made it four steps before a guy stopped you. He almost ran into you and backed up very quickly, checking you out.
“I’m so sorry. Could I possibly buy you a drink as an apology?” The stranger asks, with hope written all over his face.
You just awkwardly laughed and shook your head no. “It’s all good! Accidents happen. I’m gonna pass on the drink though. I’m here with my partner and some friends.”
You quickly walked around the guy and kept walking towards the bathroom.
Back at the table, Spencer and Amanda were watching the situation go down. The guy eventually walked past their table and was mumbling about how you were rude.
Spencer just laughed and shook his head at the man. Amanda looked at Spencer in amusement.
“I love that you don’t let stuff like that bother you.” Spencer hears from Amanda. Spencer looked over at her and he just smiled and shook his head again.
“It doesn’t bother me because I’m confident in the fact they want me and only me at the end of the night.” Spencer says while picking around at his food.
“I can tell you one thing,” Amanda says taking a pause to swallow her drink. “Anyone that thinks they would be lucky enough to take Y/N is an idiot. They literally look at you like you have placed each individual star in the sky, just for them.”
“I would do absolutely anything and everything for them. I would give them the moon, if I could.” Spencer says in a soft voice, looking down because he doesn’t show that side of him very often to his coworkers.
Amanda got a big grin on her face because she realized Y/N had gotten back in time to hear him say that.
“And I would give you the sun if I could.” Spencer heard you say and felt you kiss his cheek.
Amanda went back to talking to Vida and Erin while you continued talking to Courtney and Kiana about the new show you had started watching.
You felt like holes were burning in the side of your head, so you turned your head to look at Spencer and he was just staring at you with a smile on his face.
“You’re just a smiley boy tonight.” You whisper and elbow his side softly.
Spencer giggled and grabbed your hand. “How could I not be whenever I have you beside me? Just seeing you turning other people down because you want me is hot.”
You laughed really loud and leaned back in your seat. “So, me being a loyal partner is hot?”
Spencer just looked at you annoyed. “How about you learn to take a compliment?”
You frowned then shook your head, trying to not laugh.
Spencer couldn’t really keep his eyes off of you though because he just wanted to go home and to spend some time with you. The way you looked in your dress was driving him absolutely inside. So, he thought, if you got to psychologically torture him, he’s going to do it right back. You scooted back up, to the table, to continue your conversation with others and to eat. He slid his hand under the table and rested it on your thigh. You shot a look over at him and he was acting like everything was normal, looking over at everyone else. He didn’t stop there though. He started lightly brushing his thumb on your thigh, hitting the bottom of your dress in your process. He kept this big smirk on his face the entire time.
You learned over towards him, “What’re you up to pretty boy?”
Spencer turned his head towards you and leaned towards your ear. “I don’t know why but something about the way others look at you really makes me want to just take you right here and right now.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, so you tried coughing to play it off.
The rest of the night, Spencer was driving you insane. Anytime anyone walked by and looked at you, he would take it one step further. He always made sure no one could see what he was doing though. At one point, he had your dress brushed up, showing off a little too much of your thigh under the table. You got lucky though because someone spoke up about being ready to go home. Everyone started to comment on leaving, so you set up quickly, pushing your dress down.
“Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired too. Spence, you ready to head out?” You asked, ready to just run out of the restaurant and back to Spencer’s car.
Spencer nodded his head and slowly pushed back from the table. The two of you said your goodbyes and made it out the door, slowly with others following.
“It was so good to see you! You need to stop by the office soon!” Alex said, pulling you into a quick hug with a big smile on his face.
“Of course, I would love to!” You said back and waved at Erin.
You and Spencer finally split from the group, walking back to his car. You were trying to act unphased but Spencer knew you wanted to break into a sprint back to his car.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” You hear Spencer ask softly.
“Nothing.” You comment back, shrugging your shoulders.
“That’s funny because I think we both know whenever we get home, I’ll be seeing that dress on the floor.”
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raz-writes-the-thing · 8 months
Crotch-Punching Distance
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Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Jim, short for James, James short for Gabriel- or was it James, long for Jim and short for Gabriel? Is really getting on your nerves
CW/AN: this is just a bit of a crack fic request
Requests are OPEN
Gomens tag list: @coffee-and-red-lipstick
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You are really fucking tired of Jim, Armageddon, Heaven, Hell and everything in between. Well, except for Zira and Crowley, of course. But you were tired of the sheer metric tonnage of bullshit that seems to follow them no matter where they go, what they do, or who they talk too.
Hell, even those they don’t talk to. For God's sake, Gabriel, or Jim, or James had just shown up at the bookshop doors one day unannounced. It was enough to drive a person to pack up and move half a continent away (or half a Universe away, if Crowley’s plan was to be taken into serious consideration) just to get some peace and quiet. 
Anyway, it was safe to say that Jim was annoying the shit out of you today. Every day, yes, but today specifically. It may have been a good question to ask as to when Jim did not annoy the shit out of you. The answer to that question was ‘not very often.’ Wow, you think to yourself. It’s a good thing Aziraphale can’t read your mind. He’d be absolutely mortified at the amount of poor language and blasphemy filling up your mind this morning. 
Speaking of your Angel… He and Crowley were doing their utmost to ignore Jim, short for James, James short for Gabriel. Or was it James, long for Jim and short for Gabriel? Whatever. Your two loves had left Jim/James/Gabriel to your mercy and were not entirely certain whether that was a good idea or not yet. Only time would tell. 
Currently, Jim was standing before you and continuing on with his ridiculous project of arranging the books by alphabetical order of the first sentence of the first chapter. It was driving you mad, but Aziraphale had just told you to leave him be. He’d fix it up later. 
“You know,” Jim says, stopping his work to turn to face you. He was looking at you with a glint in his eye that meant he had something that he thought just absolutely had to be said. “You are the smallest person I’ve ever seen!” 
You blink once, twice, and then pinch the bridge of your nose with a sigh. 
“No, really-” he says enthusiastically. “Like… hmm, what are those things? Oh! Yes, like children! But bigger.” 
You glare up at him. It was true you were on the rather small side, but that didn’t mean it needed to be pointed out like that. 
"You know, Jim,” you reply, giving him a very tight smile. “You’re talking mad shit for someone in crotch-punching distance."
Jim cocks his head and blinks in confusion. “Crotch-punching distance? What’s that?” 
Your smile grows tighter, if that’s possible and your fingers twitch, itching to just punch him.
“Would you like to find out, Gabe?”
Jim splits into a wide grin, echoing your question with an enthusiastic “oh, boy!” 
You wouldn’t actually punch him. It’s not his fault he doesn’t remember what an arse he is. But it doesn’t stop you from fantasising about it either. 
“Alright, love?” You hear a suave voice from over your shoulder. You sigh, and nod. 
“Peachy, Crowley, but I’m tapping out. Your turn for Jimsitting.” You give Crowley a peck on the cheek and escape before he has the chance to protest. You can hear his spluttering from the other side of the shop. 
“I’m going to make some tea, Zira, love. Would you like some?” 
Aziraphale looks up from over his glasses and smiles warmly, the thought of tea appealing indeed. 
“Oh, that would be wonderful, dear. Thank you.” He goes back to his papers, trying to decipher something terribly interesting, you imagine. You give Aziraphale a peck on the cheek too for good measure on your way past. 
That Jim, though. He better watch it, because you did not take bullshit lying down, that was for sure.
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dameronology · 7 months
couples therapy (frank castle)
summary: you go to couple's therapy with frank castle. it's just as terrible as you can imagine.
warnings: so much language. at least 10 f-bombs.
enjoy xx
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Couples therapy felt like a stupid fucking idea, to be honest.
There was only three feet between you and Frank; you wanted to be closer but at the same time, you wanted to drop kick his loud-talking, argumentative, defensive ass to the other side of the city. No, scratch that. The country, or maybe even world. Somewhere far enough so that you didn't have to look at his stupid face but somewhere close enough that you could still reach out for him in the night. Somewhere far enough so that you couldn't hear that gravelly voice that made your skin crawl, but somewhere close enough so that he could still whisper horny sweet nothings in your ear.
And it was thoughts like that that made you realise why you were here.
There had been a few weeks of tension; that had grown into two months of shit bubbling under the surface. You were mad at him. He was mad at you. You couldn't bring it up because he'd accuse you of overreacting and he couldn't bring it up because even before all the PTSD-causing-crap he'd lived through, Frank was shit at coming to terms with how he felt about things. Vocalising his emotions wasn't his strongpoint. Revenge and killing was. So, safe to say that this was his personal form of hell. Anyways. That shit had hit the fan eventually and now it was splattered all over the room and it was covering you both and no matter how many metaphorical showers you took, nothing would fix this except the clean slate that emotional catharsis would bring you.
Maybe you'd break up. Maybe you'd stay together. Maybe it was all up to the gaunt, old man in the chair opposite you who reminded you a little too much of John Kramer and was draining $50 an hour from your bank right now. Did they do Groupons for couples therapy?
"So," he began. His name was Doctor Richards. He was a little too quiet for your liking. "Tell me...why are you here?"
Frank let out a gruff laugh. "Isn't that what you're here to tell us, Doc?"
"No, actually," he shook his head. "You explain your problems to me and I'll give you reasonable solutions to try and fix those problems."
There was a moment of silence, and Doctor Richards glanced at you.
"Is he always this defensive?"
It was your turn to laugh now.
"Uhhh, not always," you replied. "Not with me, at least. More so with other people."
"So he's more open with you?" the doctor raised his eyebrows, but then glanced between you. "Emotional vulnerability is a good sign. A sign of life - of course, unless, this has changed over the course of your relationship."
"It hasn't," Frank firmly said. "I laid myself bare the day we met. That hasn't changed."
"He's right," you nodded. "I just...I think you have a hard time articulating your feelings, Frank. Sometimes when you do open up to me, it turns into an argument."
"That's bullshit," Frank muttered.
You cleared your throat and turned to look back at your relationship saviour. "We're here because we argue too fucking much, doc. If I say nothing, he gets mad. If I respond, I'm overreacting-"
"- because you do overreact!" he interrupted you.
"Maybe because you never let me fucking talking talk!" you snapped.
"Guys!" Richards cut you both off. "This is a safe space and I'm going to give you both a chance to talk. That's how you get to the bottom of things."
You glanced at Frank. "Can I go first?"
Shuffling uncomfortably in your seat, you glanced down at your hands and cleared your throat. There was so much on your mind but a complete disconnect between your brain and your mouth; translating your thoughts into feelings was hard at the best of times, but even harder under pressure. You didn't want to say something to upset Frank, even less to hurt him.
"I..." you trailed off. "I've always been someone who likes to talk about things, you know? I like to communicate, especially with the people I love, so I'm always open when something upsets me or doesn't feel right. Conversation is important to me but I think you're different, Frank. You like to think and not feel and when you refuse to talk to me about shit, it hurts. It's like you can open up to me about all your feelings except the ones about me and in my mind,. those are the most important ones."
Frank didn't respond; he just looked at you.
"For someone that chats so much shit, you sure seem to keep quiet on a lot of things," you continued, voice dropping to a murmur now. "I'm not overreacting when I respond the way I do. It's just fucking frustrating."
He looked away, brown eyes staring blankly at the wall behind Richards for a moment. That was the first time in the better part of three years that you's actually seen Frank quiet.
(Save for when he was sleeping, and the time he almost died in the middle of your living room).
"I like to keep certain things quiet," Frank finally spoke. His eyes flickered from the wall, down to your new therapist. "I work a night job, doc. It gets stressful. I deal with some heavy shit."
"It's an overused saying, but a problem halved is a problem shared," Richards replied. "You have a partner who is willing to listen. One who I assume knows their threshold, and would tell you if sharing it was too much."
"He's right," you said. "When you shut me out and bottle it up, it builds up, and then you get shitty with me and it manifests itself in every part of your life. Of our lives. Because we're intertwined as shit, Frank, and you can't pick and choose what parts you share with me."
Frank sniffed. "Well, hell. Look at us breaking ground."
"A lot of people come into couple therapy assuming it means their relationship is over," Richards said. "That's almost never the case. It shows you're both willing to work on it."
Your eyes fell to the floor for a moment. Frank had been strangely willing to come here; it wasn't something you'd thought about too much before now, but his willingness felt like hope to you. This time a few years ago, he would have walked away at the first sign of trouble. Now he wanted to take your hand and walk towards it.
"I can't tell you about all your problems based entirely on this conversation, but I can...I can share some introspection from a third party perspective," Richards said. "Frank, you have a partner whose willing to listen, but...maybe they go about saying it in the wrong way. Maybe it feels forced, or like they're not letting you do it on their own terms."
"I guess," Frank murmured. "What if I don't want to share? What if...what if I just want to protect them from all this dark shit?"
"You can choose what you share," he replied. "But if you choose not to share, you have to communicate that."
The apartment was tense when you and Frank got back. It had been a tense two hours; talks of communication and honesty, of sharing your lives and being partners. It had been okay for the first hour, but as soon as you hit the second you felt like you'd kind of gotten the point. You and Frank weren't the worst couple in the world, and couple therapy was fucking boring. That had been your main take away.
You threw your keys on the side, dumping your jacket as you entered the flat. Everything was as you left it; washing up from breakfast in the sink, pile of boots by the door, a letter pinned on your notice board about an increase in rent. All things that were headaches in themselves, but simply just contributing factors to a bigger, ongoing migraine. Frank was behind you, dragging his feet and huffing.
"Something you want to share, Frankie?" you asked, glancing over your shoulder.
"That felt like bullshit."
You snorted. "I felt like I was being listened to for the first time in months. Maybe that speaks volumes."
"Oh, come on," he rolled his eyes. "How are we leavin' couples therapy and you're already having a go at me?"
"Sorry," you murmured. "Honestly, Frank, I'm just fucking frustrated. I've said all I need to say but...whether or not you wanna listen and actually work on it is what counts."
"Are you dumb?" Frank asked, but quickly regretted his choice of words. "Shit. Baby, I'm sorry - I didn't mean it like that-"
"- how the fuck did you mean it then, Franklin?"
He paused, holding his hands out for a moment. "I just sat in a cramped room with some Jigsaw lookin' motherfucker for the better part of two hours, listening to you complain - rightfully so, don't get me wrong - and tryna take notes on how I can be a better partner to you. Maybe it's not obvious, and maybe it won't be for hot a fuckin' minute, not until I've got my ducks in a line, or just shot em all, but just...I will try, okay? I need you to be patient with me but..."
Frank took your hand, placing your palm on his chest. He covered it with his own large one, tangling your fingers together and pausing for a moment.
"I need patience...please?"
You nodded, letting him squeeze your hand. "Yeah. Shit, Frankie, I'm sorry. I love you."
He smiled. "I love you too."
"We'll be okay, won't we?"
"Of course we will."
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midnightechoes · 1 year
So this week is going to go down as maybe the most sapphic week in animation history. It’s going to have a great case, there are so many sapphic shows or shows with prominent sapphic couples airing this week.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s a quick rundown:
Yuri Is My Job!
Premiering on Crunchyroll on April 6th.
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Yuri is My Job! is based on a yuri manga of the same name. It follows high schooler Hime, who cares deeply about her image as sweet and helpful, even though she’s actually selfish. She accidentally injures the manager of a cafe, and agrees to work there to make up for it. But this is no ordinary cafe, it’s like a cafe dinner theater where all the waitresses play characters from a fictional high school and act out skits for the patrons. Hime’s character is supposed to be in love with one of the other waitresses’ character, but she starts actually falling for the girl. Only problem is, behind the scenes the other waitress seems to hate her.
Yeah, that sounds kind of bonkers! I can already see the story now, Hime starting out playing a role, and eventually having to legitimately earn the love of Mitsuki.
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Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Friday, April 7th
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Ah Birdie Wing. If you saw season one, you know just how delightful wacky this show is. It follows the stories of Eve, a golfer that plays in illegal underground golf matches for the mob, and Aoi, a golf prodigy and the new sensation of the golf world. Their lives crash into each other and the chemistry is overwhelming and immediate.
Technically Eve and Aoi aren’t canon as of the end of s1, but it’s hard to imagine that the show isn’t heading in that direction. It makes no effort to hide the fact that these two are into each other.
I’m so excited to see what season 2 has in store for these two. Birdie Wing is just a delightfully weird little show.
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Princess Principal: Crown Handler Chapter 3
Premieres in theaters in Japan on Friday, April 7th
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Alright, so this won’t be useful to a lot of people reading this, as this is only premiering in Japan this weekend. But I wanted to mention it because (a) it’ll come over to the US sometime this year, and (b) Princess Principal is awesome and I want to promote it when I can.
Princess Principal was a 12 episode series that aired in 2017, and Crown Handler is a six-part sequel OVA series.
In a nutshell, Princess Principal is a steampunk spy thriller set in an alternate universe European kingdom that has been divided by a wall, Berlin-style. It follows a team of spies, masquerading as high school girls, as they try to prevent the two sides from going to war.
I know, “why is this on a list of gay shit?” Well, because it is. Two of the main characters, Ange and Princess Charlotte, are big-time into each other and while the original series does the anime thing of “we’re only allowed to go so far with this”, the OG series has a lot of intimate scenes between the two and does end *SPOILERS* with the two of them sitting on the beach together while holding hands.
And perhaps Crown Handler, being made years later, can finally take their relationship farther.
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RWBY Volume 9
Volume 9 episode 8 airing on Crunchyroll on Saturday, April 8th
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RWBY has been ongoing, and the current volume has been airing since February, but there’ll be another episode this Saturday. Right now RWBY is in the middle of dealing with a lot of trauma, BUT, the bees are canon and dating so every episode of RWBY is now officially gay. So says me.
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The Owl House: Watching and Dreaming
 Series finale airing on the Disney Channel on Saturday, April 8th
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*ahem* The third and final season 3 special airs on Saturday, and promises to be mega emotional and super gay.
I’m grateful that this show had a chance to finish its story, something a lot of sapphic media doesn’t get to do. But I am still pissed about it getting cancelled in the first place simply because it didn’t fit their “brand” (read: this show is too gay for Disney).
But I just know that Dana and her team put together a sensational finale.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch From Mercury
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Sunday, April 9th.
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Affectionately called G-Witch, season 1 of this show was a revelation in the fall. It follows the story of Suletta Mercury, precious cinnamon roll and the most talented mobile suit pilot around, and Miorine Rembran, daughter of the president of the Benerit Group, a mega-corporation that has massive political power.
The show revolves around a school that’s mostly full of the children of powerful people. And then there’s Suletta, a nobody that just wants to be a normal girl and have a normal school life but through a series of events ends up in a mobile suit duel that she easily wins, earning her the title of Holder, which makes her Miroine’s groom.
At first, the two treat the arrangement as a business arrangement, both seeing practical value in this arranged engagement. But it’s obvious that Miorine is actually pretty into Suletta from the start, and we see Suletta slowly falling for Miorine too.
G-Witch is incredible. Part awesome mecha fights, part political intrigue, part romance between two useless girls who’d rather die that admit their actual feelings.
I am SO EXCITED for season 2!
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LGBTQ media hasn’t had it great as of late, with a ton of frustrating cancellations and it almost feeling like Hollywood is going backwards in terms of its commitment to giving us space to tell our stories.
But animation, both in the US and in Japan, seems to be making great strides, being our light in the dark.
All five of these shows are airing episodes this week, and Crown Handler will be in theaters this week and on streaming/blu-ray later this year. RWBY has been airing for weeks and its been the gayest volume yet. the Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady just finished airing and was wonderfully sapphic. I’m In Love With the Villainess is scheduled to air sometimes this year. And just maybe we might get Arcane season 2 before the end of the year.
I’m excited for how sapphic and yuri animation is progressing, I hope it keeps going forward.
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gamerwoo · 8 months
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part Eighteen)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, ex-porn star/neighbor!hyunjin, generally inexperienced and painfully shy virgin!reader, fluff, humor, mentions of porn and sex work, hyunjin is stupid in love and also has a thing for tall girls (it doesn't necessarily say reader is taller than him but he does beg her to wear heels so interpret that how you want), hyunjin is very much not straight, lots and lots of flirting and teasing, mentions of kinks and stuff but no smut happens sorry <;3 (minors dni!!!)
Word count: 6,074
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
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He knew you’d have questions. Hyunjin expected nothing less, but you made sure to tell him you were curious but would only ask questions if he was comfortable with it. Considering you found out everything about him when he’d ended things, you never really got a chance to ask him anything. But he was 100% okay with answering any question you had, and he planned on being fully open and honest.
That first night that Hyunjin apologized, he was fully prepared to go home alone, but you told him he could stay. Even if you were mad still, you missed him. And that was where your questioning started.
“So then how did you get into porn?” was your first question, and it was the one he expected to be first.
He had gone to his apartment to change into clothes to sleep in, and the two of you were laying in your bed, inhumanly close. You missed each other and he didn’t know how to tell you that he still didn’t feel close enough even with your entire body on top of his without sounding weird.
“Changbin,” he stated simply.
“So you both got into porn when he said he was gonna do it?” you assumed.
He nodded, “I also really needed money, aaaaand I was basically going nowhere. I really liked art and I wanted to be an artist, but getting into that industry is fucking hard, so I just…went for porn. It was pretty easy for anyone to get into, anyway – at least in that area of Vegas. There were so many sleazeballs looking for amateurs.”
“So how’d it go in the beginning?”
“Honestly, shockingly well,” he scoffed. “I don’t mean to, like, sound like I’m bragging, but I kind of took off almost instantly. Directors and producers and shit were saying I just had the perfect face and a good body, and everyone wanted to have me in their videos. It was actually really overwhelming, but I needed all the money I could get so I just ran with it.”
“That actually sounds kind of terrifying,” you nodded.
“Oh, I think you would’ve gone into shock and died,” he nodded along with you.
You narrowed your eyes at him and he just grinned.
“Anyway,” you stated.
“Anyway,” he laughed.
“What about Changbin?”
“He was only a little salty that I was getting more jobs than him, but he worked his way up there. Plus, I paid most of our rent so he couldn’t complain that much.”
You suddenly realized something, letting out a gasp, “Wait, were you the mutual friend that got him and Kit together?”
“What happened?!” you squealed.
“‘Kay, so as I said, I got popular fast. I caught the attention of bigger producers and directors who worked with bigger names. Big names like…”
“Kat Valentyne,” you finished, saying her name with pizazz and doing spirit fingers to really sell her porn name.
He laughed and rolled his eyes, his laugh making you shake as you laid face-down on top of him, “She’s been a big name almost since she started. Word got out to the people she went to school with that she got hot and was in porn, so it got spread around along with old photos of her, so it kinda made headlines online.
“But anyway, I got cast in a scene opposite her, and I knew–”
“Hang on a minute,” you interrupted him, and that was when he realized what he’d just given away. “So you mean to tell me that you fucked Kit?”
He was quick to point a finger at you and look you dead in the eyes, “I never had feelings for her and I still don’t. Never will.”
“No, Hyunjin–” you sighed and shook your head. “You’re telling me that you were mad that she only flirted with me and looked at me a certain way, but you already had sex with her?! That’s not even fair!”
All he did in response was roll his eyes before continuing, “Anyway, so I knew Changbin had a fat fucking crush on her since forever, so I figured I’d throw his name out there. I showed her a couple photos of him and she thought he was cute aaaaand yeah. Rest is history.”
“I still can’t believe you got mad when you had sex with Kit…” you mumbled.
“Are you even upset that I had sex with her or just that I got jealous over her?”
“I know it was your job,” you scoffed, waving away his concern. “I trust you. I mean, she’s also dating your best friend.”
“I also just don’t want to date her,” he added.
“But how come you get to fuck her, but god forbid she look at me the wrong way?” you huffed.
“I think it’s suddenly bedtime,” he told you before he pulled the covers up over your head, and then rolled over on top of you.
“Hwang Hyunjin!” you squealed between laughs.
“Can’t hear you, goodnight!”
Hyunjin wanted to do the proper thing: take you on a fancy date. And what better way to do that than using your ex-boss’ certificate to go to that fancy restaurant? It seemed like a very fitting way to celebrate the two of you making up.
Unfortunately, the only fancy thing you owned was your old prom dresses, so that meant shopping.
As far as you could tell, Hyunjin would be an expert at fancy. While you mostly ever saw him in t-shirts and sweatshirts – you had still seen him in other clothes like jeans, button-ups, and such – they were always expensive. So he must’ve owned fancy clothing, right? He must’ve known what rich people considered acceptable since clearly the dude was loaded.
You were pretty sure you’d never seen someone look so goddamn good in just some black jeans and a baggy button-up shirt with one half tucked in, but Hyunjin was just another level. You were wondering if he was even human, actually. Maybe he was actually an android or something.
“You’re staring,” he noted as you watched him brush through his dark hair before leaving the apartment.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
He just laughed, eyes turning into crescent moons.
You missed his smile.
While you were browsing through clothes at a store you felt far too out of place in, Hyunjin mentioned, “Pick out whatever you like. I’ll cover it.”
“Um, no?” you turned around to tell him. “You’re already paying for my apartment – which, by the way, still stop.”
“I can afford it, don’t worry about it,” he promised, waving the worry away.
Which then sparked more questions about him.
“Did you just make a ton of money back then?” you wondered.
He shrugged, “More than most. I did save most of it, but– …Actually, we’ll talk more in the car. I gotta take you somewhere for you to get it.”
“Get what?”
You made a face at him and rolled your eyes before going back to looking at dresses, “So, uh…what’s considered…fancy?”
“Do you want form fitting or more flowy?” he asked as he started perusing the racks as well.
“Do you also want to pay for my shapewear?” you asked sarcastically.
He shrugged, “If you think you need it, I’ll buy whatever you want.”
You frowned, obviously not happy with his answer. But again, he grinned back at you.
Dress and shoes acquired, you were back in Hyunjin’s car, driving to an unknown location. All he’d said was, “I’m gonna show you something.”
You didn’t plan on getting shoes, but Hyunjin was quick to ask after picking out a dress if you had any shoes for the occasion. You’d said something about wanting to find just a cute pair of flats, but Hyunjin turned to face you with wide eyes.
“Please wear heels,” he begged, clinging onto your arms for dear life.
“I never wear heels,” you told him. “I’ll be too tall.”
“No you won’t,” he stated very seriously. “Wear. Heels.”
You did end up getting a pair of heels that you were totally not persuaded to get due to the fact you were very positive that Hyunjin found it hot when you were taller. As if he wouldn’t have bought them for you anyway because he liked how you looked in them. If the way he eyed you up and down and almost drooled on the marbled floor was any indication.
“Soooo,” Hyunjin began, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on your thigh, “have you ever noticed anything in my apartment?”
“Are we talking about the mirrors?” you asked.
“You need to get past the mirrors, baby.”
“So that’s a no. What was I supposed to notice?”
He chuckled, “Maybe something on the walls…?”
“Art!” you gasped, recalling the times you’d been over and noticed that large canvases were always evenly spaced across the walls of the hallway, and a few were put in his living room and his kitchen.
He nodded, “Very good. What about the art?”
“It’s…there!” you pointed out, much less enthusiastically. “It’s on the walls!”
Thank god he was stopped at a stop sign because he looked at you with an unamused look for a painfully long time.
“Hyunjin, when have I ever had time to sit in your apartment and look at the art?” you asked him, trying to prove a point. “We were usually in your bedroom, and even when we were on the couch, we were cuddling and watching something or laying down and watching something, or we weren’t even watching anything because we were doing other things!”
He scoffed with a wide smile and asked, “You can’t even say making out? You have to say ‘other things’?”
“What about the art, Hyunjin?” you asked sharply, wanting him to move on from the route he was about to take.
After a bit of laughing, Hyunjin replied, “Most of the art has the same signature.”
“That’s so interesting,” you deadpanned, still not getting it.
You also weren’t paying attention to where he was driving, but he finally pulled into a lot outside of what looked like another apartment building. He put the car in park and pulled out the key before he looked at you again. Again, he was unamused.
He eyed you up and down before noting, “You’ve gotten more sassy, huh?”
“I’m not trying to be, I just don’t understand!”
“Come on, babydoll,” he patted your thigh before he got out of the car. “I’ll show you.”
He took you into the building and into an elevator. You noted that he stuck a silver key from his keyring into a keyhole in the elevator, turned it, and pressed the button for the top floor. You and Hyunjin waited side-by-side at the back of the elevator. He was on his phone while you were watching the numbers on the LED screen above the doors.
“Have you talked to Kit or Changbin?” you asked him.
“They know everything,” he nodded, still not looking up from his phone. He assumed you were asking because you wanted to know if they were caught up. “I told them after you fell asleep last night.”
“After I was suffocated,” you corrected.
“Don’t be dramatic,” he scoffed, finally looking at you to smirk.
“Oh, says you of all people.”
Finally, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. The top floor seemed to be a penthouse, but it was all open space with large windows all on the back wall. The rest of the walls were exposed brick and covered in half-finished and fully-finished paintings. Scattered around the space were easels that either held canvases, white stained drapes, or nothing at all. There were a handful of stools around the area, and lots of art supplies. There were two large desks on either side of the room, with more art supplies and sketchbooks and canvases.
“Since we’re being completely open and honest now,” Hyunjin smiled at you, gesturing with an arm to the space while he guided you in with the other around your waist, “welcome to my studio. This is how I’ve made so much money.”
You looked at him, eyes bugging out of your head, “What, you’re some huge artist?”
He pointed at a painting that seemed to be finished, leaning up against the wall as it stood on the floor.
“There’s the signature. On most of the ones at home.”
You walked over and bent down to get a closer look. It looked mostly like a bunch of scribbles, but you could make out a large S and a large H.
“No offense, but what does it say?” you ask. “There’s no S in your name.”
“Sam Hyun,” he replied. “When I lived in Vegas, I went by Sam Hwang, and my name is Hyunjin. I combined the two.”
You turned around to face him again, head tilting slightly to one side as you studied him, “You actually do look like a Sam…”
He shrugged, “Thanks, I think.”
“It’s a good thing. Sam’s not an ugly name, y’know? You could’ve been something ugly like…Frank. Or you could’ve been a Kyle.”
He gave you a strangle look as he chuckled, “What’s wrong with Kyle? It’s a common name, no?”
“Kyle itself is a red flag,” you stated knowingly.
“Would you still love me if my name was Bartholomew?” he asked suddenly with a giggle.
“Fuck no,” you replied immediately.
“Just take a fucking guess what Changbin almost made his stage name.”
You gasped, “You’re kidding.”
“He’s so fucking lucky we went back to Vegas for our first auditions because he met one of my old buddies names Xavior and thought his name sounded cool, so he used that as his stage name instead. But he was dead set on Batholomew.”
“Why?” you asked with a disgusted face.
“His mind works in mysterious ways,” he shrugged.
“So…Kat Valentyne and Xavior…something?” you asked.
“Xavior Chang,” he scoffed. “He couldn’t come up with a second name but he didn’t want to copy me and use just one – even though I told him I didn’t think he was copying me, but whatever. But honestly, after the movie with him and Kit, she kept slipping up and calling him Binnie so now that’s basically all he’s known as now.”
You nodded slowly as you started to look around the large space. Hyunjin just stood and watched you, hands in his pockets.
“So…how did you come up with Sam Hyun?” you wondered. “Why not just use your name?”
“Because I was in porn and I was afraid of ever being connected back to it,” he explained. “Anyone could google my stage name and find out my real one. With being an artist, I wanted absolutely everything to be separated from what I was doing during the day. Nobody had a face to the art, either. Sam Hyun is untraceable. As far as anyone knows, Sam Hyun is my real name. Separate from Hwang Hyunjin, and therefore, separate from Jin.”
“So…you’re like Banksy.”
“Yeah, like Banksy.”
“So how’d it happen, then? The switch between porn and art?”
“I was doing art at the same time, but more as a hobby. I kind of gave up when it never took off. But one day, out of nowhere, I got really lucky. Something I made got noticed at a show by some big name and they offered a lot more than it should’ve been worth, honestly,” he laughed like he still couldn’t believe it. “That just kinda…put my name on the map, I guess. And once I had that break, I left the industry and focused full-time on this.”
A small smile broke on your face as you looked at him, “That’s kinda sweet. You get to do the thing you actually love.”
He nodded, “I got very lucky. Still am very lucky.” he added the last part with a warm, happy half-smile at you, just looking at you with the most lovesick expression anyone had ever seen.
You started looking around again, wandering between easels and canvases, looking around at everything Hyunjin had made. You never knew he could draw, but fuck, was he talented. It was mostly people and a handful of scenery pieces thrown in there, but everything you saw was so insanely good. 
You hadn’t noticed Hyunjin had wandered over behind you as you studied a seemingly random couple he’d drawn, their bodies filled in with a watercolor sunset, until he softly asked, “Do you wanna see something?”
You looked at him to silently say you were paying attention to whatever he wanted to show you, and he guided you over to an easel that was covered by a white drape. It was obvious that there was a large canvas underneath, but you weren’t going to uncover anything that was covered. That would be rude.
Hyunjin reached up to gently pull the sheet off so as to not knock over the painting. Your mouth fell open as your eyes widened in awe, seeing the portrait of you and Hyunjin. It was done in the same exact style as the piece you were just looking at – just the messy-on-purpose black outline from the shoulders up, and being filled in with warm tones that blended together – but this was very clearly supposed to be you and Hyunjin staring deeply at each other. Your lips were only inches apart as one of his hands cupped your cheek, looking at you with his signature smirk, but even in a picture, he was able to capture the way he looked at you like you were the entire universe. And you looked back at him in a way that very much mimicked how you looked at the piece: in pure awe. Your eyes were wide and your lips were parted, your hand holding lightly onto his arm just a couple inches down from his wrist. The colors used to fill in your bodies were similar to the first painting but the reds, yellows, and oranges were put in different spots. It was somehow more pleasing, but maybe you were being biased.
“The one you were just looking at was based off of this,” Hyunjin explained to you softly. “I made this one a while ago, but when things got…really shitty between us, I tried to replicate it to sell it. As you could probably tell, I gave up. Wasn’t as good as the original.”
“Holy shit, Hyunjin,” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off of it.
“If you think this is insane, you should see my most recent sketchbook,” he chuckled. “You’d probably think I’m a psycho.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you realized what he’d said before, looking back at him, “Were you going to sell this?”
He scoffed, “Absolutely not. I was gonna keep it, but I like the style of it and thought it would sell well. But this is priceless – even if it’s half a self portrait.”
You frowned at him and lightly whacked him in the stomach, making him laugh, “You’re literally a God, you freak.”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed as he draped an arm casually around your shoulder, “you really are your own biggest critic. Drawing myself took the longest fucking time.”
“You definitely look at me like that,” you promised, pointing at him on the portrait. “And I definitely look lost all the time like that.”
“You’re not lost,” he scoffed again, rolling his eyes. “I’m literally right there.”
You started laughing, “That was stupid cheesy.”
“The cheese gets worse, don’t worry,” he promised with a smirk as he started to lead you over to one of the tables. He brought you to a closed sketchbook that looked much less beat-up than the other ones. “This is my newer sketchbook. I got it a little bit before I met you, actually.”
He gently pushed you forward to stand at the table and open it. You flipped it open and started going through it slowly, seeing him use different mediums to make different things. It was mostly people – people you’d never seen before, but a couple that you’d seen at The Brooke. But after about 5 pages, you flipped the next page to see you, holding a moving box. It was a charcoal sketch from your thighs up, and it was only somewhat shaded. But it was very clearly you, laughing as you carried the cardboard box.
The next page was you again, but from the side, and only from your shoulders up. Your expression was neutral and you seemed to be looking at something. The next page was, again, you, smiling with your eyes closed. The next page was you, and the next, and the next, and the next.
“I like to draw people that I see,” he explained. “Clearly, I saw you once and couldn’t get you out of my head. I’ve drawn you a lot since I’ve met you.”
You kept flipping, and every single page was you. But then you got to the last few sketches in the book, and you only looked sad. You looked disheveled or upset. There was even one of you with tears on your cheeks with your eyes casted down.
“I kinda never stopped drawing you,” he admitted quietly. “Even when I was mad at you, I still thought about you all the time.”
There were a couple drawings of you scattered in the sad ones where you looked happy again, and it tugged at your heart. Even when you were both upset, Hyunjin seemed to still think of you when you were happy, like he wanted to see it again.
The last 10 pages or so were still blank, so you closed the sketchbook again and turned to face Hyunjin, cheeks feeling hot from seeing how often he drew you. He could tell you were flustered and grinned widely at you.
“I’m pretty cute, huh?” he asked with a modest shrug.
“How come I never knew you could draw?” you asked him, poking his chest with your finger.
“Changbin and Kit have seen me doodle on stuff here and there, but they don’t know about all this,” he explained. “This is top secret. Nobody knows about it because I don’t want there being any possible ties between Sam Hyun and Jin, y’know? They’re both me, but nobody else knows they are. I want to make sure it stays that way. But since we’re working on honesty, I figured you’d be a good first person to tell.”
You nodded, “I won’t say a word.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t,” he promised with a mischievous grin before he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
You’d never seen Hyunjin dress up before, but boy did he dress up. There was a lot of black, but a lot of chains and silver and mesh. Everything just looked expensive and extravagant, and despite having Hyunjin help you pick out what to wear earlier that day, you somehow felt severely underdressed beside him.
Despite that, the way Hyunjin looked at you made you feel like the best looking person at the restaurant. When you first got dressed and you were doing your makeup in his bathroom, he was sitting on the counter by where your makeup was spread out, going between looking at his phone and glancing up at you with a soft smile.
But when you put on the heels, he was gone. His eyes only left you so he could drive, but he kept stealing glances. He looked at you probably the way you looked at him. Like you were God and had descended down in front of him. You weren’t even sure if you’d make it to the restaurant because you were almost positive there were a couple times he almost passed out.
“You’re oddly quiet now,” Hyunjin mused as he looked over the menu with you – he had to help you with some things because you’d never had a lot of the food they offered. It was all fancy stuff with big words.
You glanced away from the words that didn’t even seem like real words to look at him, “What do you mean?”
“You’ve rambled off so many questions today and now you’re dead silent,” he chuckled. “Feeling okay?”
You felt your cheeks warm a bit as you mumbled, “I’m not gonna ask those questions out in public, Hyunjin.”
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, “Oh, as if anyone is listening to us. They’re all talking about business and nannies and vacations and shit that’s important to rich people. Dates are meant for talking to get to know each other. You should feel comfortable asking me anything.”
You knew he was right about dates being made for getting to know each other, but you still felt nervous to ask questions about sex and porn where people might hear it. What if some rich person overheard and thought you were weird and got you kicked out?
It took a couple minutes of silent internal encouragement, but you finally asked in almost a whisper, “What…kind did you do…?”
His laugh was louder than your words but nobody seemed to notice, “Both. Gay and straight. Does that bother you?”
You shrugged like he told you it was a little cloudy outside, “Not really. I mean, unless you prefer guys, in which case, that would make me kinda insecure probably.”
“My preference is you, dummy,” he told you with a playful smile.
“I meant…sex-wise,” your voice got quieter on the last word, which made Hyunjin laugh again.
“No preference there.”
“Okay, maybe this is a dumb question–”
“No dumb questions.”
“Sure. How did you, like…not fall in love with every single person? I get it’s mostly acting and stuff but that’s some serious acting. I would be convinced everyone actually loved me and cared about me and would catch feelings everyday.”
“I learned how to separate my feelings from my work,” he explained. “To me, sex was just sex, and my feelings were basically shut off when I was doing it. But that was only when I was working. It’s different with you.”
“We’ve never…done that,” you reminded him.
“I mean with everything else. We’ve done other stuff. Unless you forgot about that when we were mad at each other,” he smirked.
“Trust me, Hyun, I remember,” you promised.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his smirk growing and making you feel things you did not want to feel in the middle of a restaurant full of a bunch of important and rich people. “Because I don’t mind jogging your memory.”
Despite the first conversation at the restaurant, the rest of the date was the most romantic experience you’d ever had. You were starting to learn that despite Hyunjin’s line of work and claiming he could turn off his feelings, he was a true hopeless romantic – not that you didn’t know before, but now it was painfully obvious. He ordered for you, held open doors for you, and asked a lot of questions about you. The two of you had already caught up on new happenings since you last spoke, but now Hyunjin was asking you questions about your future. What field were you going to look for a job in? Have you considered going to school for something? How did you get into nannying in the first place? Did that mean you wanted kids?
You learned more about him, other than just his previous job. You learned more about his friendship with Changbin, his life in Las Vegas, and everything outside and in between. How he got out of the industry and how he found himself living at The Brooke and befriending the two bellhops who worked the night shift. More about his early life pre-porn and even some stories from his life while he was in that industry, but about stuff that was separate from it.
You felt like the whole time, his eyes never left yours. You weren’t even sure if he ever looked down while eating his food to see what he was picking up with his utensils, but his plate was cleared by the end of the date. 
To be fair, you weren’t sure of many things because Hyunjin kept refilling your wine glass whenever it was empty. He got some fancy bottle brought to the table in an ice bucket and while it was meant to share, you weren’t sure if he had any of it or if you’d drank the whole thing. You saw him with a glass but then you were too lost in his eyes to notice much else. When his stare got too much and you felt nervous like you had to look away, you looked down at your own food instead of focusing on whatever he was doing.
Back in the car, Hyunjin drove with a hand on your thigh and the other on the wheel. Despite your tipsy state and him teasing you about forgetting the things you’d done together, he was being a complete gentleman. The most he’d done was just then as his warm palm rested on the exposed skin of your leg. 
“I have a follow-up question,” you announced suddenly between Hyunjin humming along with the music.
“Yes, angel?”
“Can you elaborate on the ‘sex without feelings’ thing?” you asked.
He chuckled and glanced at you, “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Just now. Just going over stuff in my head, y’know?”
“How much wine have you had, my love?” he continued to laugh.
“Whatever you didn’t drink, I did,” you stated surely.
After his laughter had died down, though, he replied, “The people I worked with, I never had romantic feelings for. When I was starting out, it happened a couple times until I learned. I had a couple…situationships, I suppose during my time in the industry, and I didn’t try to disassociate from my feelings because obviously they were supposed to be relationships. But with them, it always felt like they were trying so hard to make it like a scene that I just auto-blocked it all out anyway. It kinda sucked.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked over at Hyunjin, “That doesn’t happen now, right?”
“Absolutely not, angel,” he looked back at you with a soft smile before looking back at the road. “With you, everything is so much better than any sex I’ve ever had. Feelings really do make it. I actually get turned on and everything feels more intense. It just feels… I don’t know how to explain it other than everything is better because there’s feelings. I can’t not feel things for you, _____.”
“Awww,” you giggled as your cheeks began to warm. “Shut the fuck up, you’re too cute.”
“Not to say,” he quickly added, “if you did want to do anything a little…raunchier in the future, that I would hate it. I think in that case, it would be okay because the feelings are still there. It was just with those people, they made it seem like they only saw me as Jin and not Hyunjin, if that makes sense.”
You nodded, “No, I get that. That does make me feel better, though."
 The two of you fell into a comfortable silence for another moment until you thought of another question, shyly asking, "So, um…what’re you…into…?”
You could see the smirk growing on his face as the streetlamps flooded through the windshield as he drove, “I’ll do just about anything if that’s what you’re asking.”
“But what are you personally into?” you pressed curiously, though you were sure Hyunjin would be able to tell how flustered you were. “Like, if you didn’t have to worry about your partner.”
“Hair pulling,” was his immediate response. “I love having my hair pulled.”
You eyed his hair as it currently was. He kept it on the long-ish side and it was almost always half-up. Even in the one video of his you saw, his hair was at his shoulders.
“Yeah, that math adds up,” you nodded. “I think you like dirty talking, too.”
He let out a laugh as he glanced between you and the road, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You were smiling, too, because of his laugh as you replied, “You would always talk a lot to me. You’re just really vocal.”
“You react well when I do talk to you,” he pointed out before he leaned over toward you, his lips almost brushing your ear. “You like the dirty talk, _____.”
A shiver went down your spine as he pulled away, and you were pretty sure Hyunjin noticed from the way his smirk widened and his chest quickly rose and fell like he scoffed. But he didn’t say anything about it, and you were too shy to confirm or deny. So he went back to quietly humming along to his music.
Both Felix and Jeongin were behind the counter when you and Hyunjin returned back to The Brooke. When you left that evening, it was only Jeongin who was punching in for work and making a comment about how dolled up the two of you were. When you came strolling into the empty lobby with your hands intertwined, Felix’s jaw was just about on the floor as Jeongin started smirking.
“Nice to see the two of you still look presentable,” the younger boy noted. “I thought for sure Hyunjin was gonna pounce at some point.”
“I don’t blame him,” Felix choked out a laugh as he started to regain his composure. “Either of you. You both look incredible.”
Your face had already been warm from the wine and Hyunjin’s compliments, but Felix made it feel hotter, “Thanks.”
“What’s the occasion?” he wondered.
“Make up date,” Hyunjin stated, stopping at the front desk to chat with them. “We went somewhere nice for free, thanks to _____’s asshole ex-bosses.”
Jeongin nodded, “You love to see it.”
“Now,” Hyunjin released your hand to place his hands on your shoulders, “I need to get this one to bed since she drank almost an entire bottle of wine by herself.”
“You kept pouring!” you insisted.
“But you kept drinking,” he countered with a playful grin.
“You can’t start gaslighting her when you just got back together,” Jeongin told him with a sigh and a shake of his head.
“But it’s official now,” Hyunjin pointed out with a wide grin that made his eyes crinkle.
Felix nodded in understanding, “Oh, then it’s totally okay now.”
“See ya later, guys!” he chirped as he turned you and started leading you toward the elevators.
“Don’t be too loud, please!” Jeongin laughed after the two of you. “I don’t feel like getting a ton of noise complaints tonight!”
That’s where your mind was, actually. Hyunjin had done this big gesture for you. He made an entire day out of it, too. He brought you to his gallery and showed you all of the art he made, and half of it was of you. He brought you shopping and got you expensive clothes and accessories for the fancy date he brought you on. This all must’ve been leading up to him taking your virginity now, right? Hyunjin definitely seemed like the type of person who wanted to make that something big and romantic and special. You half expected to go into his apartment and see rose petals leading to his bed.
Even if it wasn’t that far, he’d probably want to do something, right?
But instead, he stopped with you outside your apartment. You looked up at him in confusion, “Are we staying at my place?”
“You are,” he chuckled.
“_____, it’s our first date,” he explained, still laughing softly at your confusion. “I’m doing things traditionally. It seems right. So you sleep here, I sleep over there, and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
You pouted but mumbled an, “Okay…”
Did you feel disappointed? Kind of. But did you also feel relieved? A little bit. You were pretty sure you were wearing some ugly cotton thong you’d gotten at the department store, anyway.
Hyunjin kissed your pouting lips, which brought a small smile to your face as he beamed back at you, “Goodnight, _____.”
“Goodnight, Hyunjin,” you replied before turning to unlock your door.
And once you were inside, you had to call your friends to tell them everything.
tag list (italics are unable to tag): @hyuneyeon @ack-aashi @rindomo @ihopeitrainstonight @castledy @broken-glowsticks @smollquokka @yeetfellx @fwess @zoe8stay @fleeingreality @might-be-a-rat @sluttysohn @eliserbt2001 @catskpop @diamondsvts @minaamhh @jaspriv @sankyg @straydhampir @hyunsungbased @7miroh @animefreak2112 @junsjuly @drrramaaaqweeen @accalus @bakedlilgoonie @So-Pe07 @drugerlime @shmooooo @hwangshoneycake @notmebutyouu @vampjin0 @stay-berry @kiribirien @beombeomlovesme @lockeansonder @jisungsbff01 @ppiri-bahng @hyunniethepooh @peachessandhoney @kpopssuregi @moondustmemories @artistic-rendition @lolli4me @s-u-n-z-e @levislifeline @certifiedmarkleetrash @simpxxstan @second0325 @linosjureumi @kyaa-q @hrtsforhyun @amaranthjimin [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
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